#ancient world mysteries
aetours · 5 months
Website: https://www.aetours.net
Address: Melbourne, Australia
Ancient Enigma Tours offers unique, paradigm-shifting tours to South America and Egypt, led by experienced guides with deep knowledge in archaeology and ancient cultures. Explore the mysteries of ancient civilizations, from the precision of their technology to the enigmas of their artifacts. Our tours promise a transformative experience, delving into the unexplained and unlocking hidden knowledge.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sanya.korlaet
Keywords: mysteries of the ancient tour amazon rainforest excursions inca trail trekking inca trail hiking cultural heritage tourism sphinx mysteries guided tours in egypt ancient world mysteries south american historical sites amazon jungle expeditions amazon rainforest adventures machu picchu adventures keywords for egypt egypt historical tours exploring ancient ruins journey through the ages transformative travel experiences ancient civilization tours historical travel experiences enigmatic destination trips archaeological adventure travel cultural heritage excursions ancient technology exploration mysterious artifacts discovery immersive archaeological tours cultural exploration journeys guided historical expeditions ancient ruins exploration historical site guided tours ancient culture discovery trips enigmatic world tours mystical historical destinations time traveling adventures uncover ancient secrets discovering archaeological wonders journey to ancient civilizations delving into historical mysteries heritage travel experiences ancient civilizations discovery unraveling historical enigmas adventures in ancient cultures immersing in history ancient wonders exploration discover the past with guided tours historical odysseys unlocking ancient stories journey through time and history ancient marvels expeditions history rich travel experiences cultural tapestry exploration exciting historical discoveries heritage rich adventure travel tracing ancient civilizations explore the footsteps of history unearth hidden historical gems cultural and archaeological journeys timeless travel adventures ancient mysteries unfolding historical wonders exploration guided quests through the past experience the echoes of history heritage exploration journeys step back in time adventures embark on historical quests ancient wonders revealed cultural time travel experiences guided steps into history archaeological wonders exploration journey through ancient civilizations enchanting historical destinations time traveling cultural expeditions historical secrets unveiled guided pathways to the past explore the roots of civilizations timeless adventures in history uncover the ancient worlds treasures guided tours through historical wonders immersive cultural and archaeological experiences discover the secrets of ancient cultures embark on a journey through history unveiling the mysteries of the past guided exploration of ancient wonders cultural heritage adventures journey into the heart of history guided tours revealing ancient civilizations unearth the secrets of historical treasures time traveling cultural discoveries experience the allure of ancient history guided odysseys through historical wonders unravel the tales of ancient civilizations embark on a historical exploration journey guided quests to ancient wonders explore the wonders of ancient cultures cultural and archaeological immersions guided discoveries of historical mysteries uncover the secrets of ancient civilizations explore the richness of historical heritage guided ventures into the worlds ancient wonders peru archaeological tours bolivian historical sites andean cultural experiences inca civilization exploration sacred valley guided tours lake titicaca historical sites nazca lines mysteries cusco ancient culture discovery la paz historical landmarks potos silver mine tours uyuni salt flat adventures andean heritage exploration quechuan cultural experiences peruvian archaeological wonders bolivian cultural heritage tours andean civilization discoveries lima historical landmarks arequipa archaeological wonders bolivian highland adventures andean mountain treks inca civilization immersions amazon rainforest explorations lake titicaca cultural experiences nazca lines archaeological marvel uyuni salt flat excursions quechuan cultural discoveries amazon jungle discoveries peruvian archaeological expeditions bolivian heritage exploration andean civilization journeys lima historical adventures
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Podcast Transcript - S3EP026 - Mysteries Once the Possession of the Elite
Podcast Transcript – S3EP26 – Mysteries Once the Possession of the Elite Audio and Show Notes Welcome back to the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast where I work to unlock the mysteries of the Beatific Vision. I wanted to provide one more reason, one more why, why the mysteries? What are they . . . I have been trying to answer. But another of the why should I even bother with this? What is the…
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 121
There have been tales throughout time of it, in many forms and in many places. Some would even argue that it’s about different things, mere coincidence lest legends be really true. Of beasts and guardians and creatures of great destruction all wrapped in one. 
Some tales have long since been forgotten, left to dreams and dust  until they were merely stories. Insatiable monsters trapped in legends told at night, and guardian spirits lost to the sounds of day. The being whose body formed the land they stood upon, whose blood powered everything around them as they turned their prayer to false gods that would not save them. 
They abandoned their dead and ways of old, turning towards false light and fear of shadows growing. They pray to false idols while damning those who warn them in the same breath, denial dancing on their tongues while they know the truth all the same. 
Their pride and hubris dances amidst their veins, fear an alien feeling as they ignored the warning signs, so certain in their own power and creations. 
And yet, the rocks still shift, something great, something Ancient awakening. Metal collapses with dying screams, great swaths of earth crumbling as it shifts, scales that had not seen sun for uncountable eons revealed as the land devoured itself. 
The ground opens in wounds of green, revealing what had once been sleeping, as large as the world itself. Death giving way to life in a cocoon, an egg, the lives of many given to give birth to one entity, a being caught between, given life amidst the stars. 
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nemainofthewater · 4 months
Best character surnamed: Bai
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgot anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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moghedien · 3 months
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It is never not hilarious to me that Moghedien just started providing what was potentially the biggest info dump on the Age of Legends and the exact technological heights they reached that we could have gotten in the books but we didn’t get it because Nynaeve refused to listen to what she was saying
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blood-orange-juice · 9 months
Orphic hero this, corruption arc that.
You know what would be funny? If Childe lives through it all but is none the wiser after the experience.
Still that weird dude who just wants to fight things.
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illustratus · 1 year
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Stargate by David Munoz Velazquez
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father-of-the-void · 7 months
There are ancient oral traditions, still repeated by the elders of some of the more remote islands, which provide an explanation for the Maldives' atmosphere of lost prehistoric grandeur and for its strange ruins. These traditions speak of a mysterious people called the Redin, said to have built the hawittas, who were described to me by Naseema Mohamed, a scholar at the Maldives National Institute for Linguistic and Historical Research, as:
"Very tall. They were fair-skinned, and they had brown hair, blue eyes sometimes. And they were very, very good at sailing. So this story has been around in Maldives for many, many years, and there are certain places where they say the Redin camped here, and certain places which they say here the Redin were buried. But we don't really know how old or how long ago it happened."
During his series of research visits to the Maldives, Thor Heyerdahl collected and compiled Redin legends from all parts of the archipelago. He concludes that in the memory of the islanders the Redin were 'a former people with more than ordinary human capacities':
"The Redin came long before any other Maldivians. Between them and the present population other people had also come, but none were as potent as the Redin, and there were many of them. They not only used sail but also oars, and therefore moved with great speed at sea ..."
Such notions of humans with supernatural or even god-like powers flying swiftly across the sea in their boats with sails and oars is strangely reminiscent of the imagery of the Rig Veda ... concerning the Asvins - who are several times praised for having conducted a daring rescue in the depths of the Indian Ocean:
"Yea Asvins, as a dead man leaves his riches, Tugra left Bhujyu in the cloud of waters ... Ye brought him back in animated vessels ... Bhujyu ye bore ... to the sea's farther shore, the strand of ocean ... Ye wrought that hero exploit in the ocean which giveth no support, or hold, or station, what time ye carried Bhujyu to his dwelling borne in a ship with hundred oars, O Asvins."
Thor Heyerdahl makes a case that there is real history behind the Redin myth, that it is older than the date now confirmed by radiocarbon for the construction of the hawittas - which tradition nevertheless attributes to the Redin - and that the people it refers to probably originated in north-west India, the primary setting of the Rig Veda ... [at] the great marine dockyard of the Indus-Sarasvati civilization at Lothal [north-west India] ... cowrie shells from the Maldives (Cyprea Moneta) have been excavated amongst the ruins and are to be seen in the site museum ...
— Graham Hancock, Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization, ch. 13, section The Secret of the Redin
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dreadmothrosemary71 · 3 months
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"So my idea was a success but yet not what I'd had hope. Different bodies, Different Eras, yet the Same Mind at lest one point many thousand of Cycles past. Unable to Ascend, to Escape like the others had thought so highly of. Perhaps our ambition and desire to live is what is keeping us here... Go on little Stranger, for I'm afraid our reflections is far to distorted..."
Echo Encounter: 'Mysteries Unsold, Nine Questions' to 'The Stranger'
When first Starting out The Stranger is at 3 karma for his max and gets more karma the more echoes they encounter with the final Echo they meet being none other then Mysteries but The Stranger is un able to get full max karma as they stop at 9 Karma with the final echo, thus makes them unable to ascend no matter what and for good reason with The Stranger being Mysteries way of trying to get out of the mass ascension of the Ancients. It's also why Mysteries failed to properly ascend as well.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
I’m thinking about the new Layton game, and while it would be fun to see old characters again like Flora, Emmy, or Descole, I feel like realistically the story’s going to be more standalone, with the only returning characters being Layton, Luke and maybe Inspector Chelmey and Barton
It’s been a long time since we’ve had a proper Layton game, and now with it coming to Switch, meaning it’ll reach a much larger audience than it likely ever did on the 3DS, meaning a lot of people who have never played the other games, so I feel like chances are they’ll want to play it safe, at least for this game, so that they can test the waters and see how receptive people are to a new Layton game. Also it’s likely meant to give us a return to formula
If they make more games afterwards, then bringing back old characters from the franchise might be more likely, but here I don’t think so
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smm-service · 5 months
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yotd2009 · 8 months
my naming scheme for the resurrectionists causes me undue stress a lot of the time but when it works it Works
#edgar mortis is obv edgar allen poe + latin word for death. and his surname plays off the fact that there are four other resurrection men#only identified by their surnames which are pallor livor rigor and algor. rigor mortis should be easy to clock but the rest are all stages#of death as well when you attach -mortis to the end of them. which cements edgar's identity as a resurrection man even when he's farrr too#consumed by morana's world of magic and mystery to be actively working.#morana faust is a slavic death goddess + faust. the most famous necromancer in all of fiction. once again her surname cements her identity#as a necromancer specifically even when she gets swept away by unrelated magical happenings#nine and shi aren't their real names but their identification numbers are 9444999 and 4999444. 9 and 4 are both associated with death and#each of their numbers are the other's but reversed. also nine was a classical composer in life and there's a superstition that classical#composers will not live to write their 9th symphony (he sure as hell didn't lol) so it's fitting that he's the one who ended up with the#nickname. abberline isn't his real name either so he doesn't count. valdís has ancient norse for 'death' (val) + 'dis' (goddess) despite th#name not actually being used for any actual death goddess and her surname toth is likely derived from a medieval german word for death#her name isn't glaringly out of place with the rest of the cast but doesn't immediately let you catch on to her whole deal#which is good bc valdís is meant to sort of blend into the backround of reader's minds until The Reveal.#mara is a minor hindu goddess of death and her surname grave is. well. self explanatory. i tried to give the more non-magical side of londo#more straightforward names to contrast with some of the others and obv her dad was created before her and dr grave seemed like a good name#for someone who only popped up in the story while he was hiring professional grave robbers (now he pawns that task off on mara lol)#ereshkigal kore is just queen of the underworld + queen of the underworld but def has a very grandiose feel which is good bc that's#absolutely the vibes she should be giving off. all her servants' names boil down to figures associated with the greek + mesopotamian#underworlds. mainly attendants of aforementioned goddesses. which fits bc they all serve her#but i'd like to give special consideration to the maid trio here bc they're a set of triplets. and their last name is cerberus.#which famously had 3 heads. and the older two feature a similar naming scheme as persephone + eurydice (they even both end in the same e#sound) but the youngest's name is aisha which means 'living' or 'alive'. and obv her departure from the naming scheme makes her more easily#differentiated from her sisters + more memorable in the long run which is good bc she's the most important maid but it also gives me room t#have a 'my name means alive but she's named for the queen of the underworld so i'm willing to not live up to my name if it means being#closer to her' moment w a shitton of lilies in frame in case it isn't clear to anyone what's going on ('her' means eresh not persephone btw#and then there's dysmas. the patron saint of undertakers. which fits bc catholic. and sanson. as in the executioner. for a character heavil#inspired by the nasuverse's church executioners like kirei and ciel#rosette comes from the rosette nebula which looks like a skull. hayden is from one of my kids at work who said that next time i wrote a#murderer into something i had to name them after her so. here you go hayden. you get to be the cannibalistic child. (the topic came up when#i had to make a murder mystery for class so i stole the names from my kids and i told the ones whose names i used abt it later and she was
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Episode 25 - What Does Unlocking the Mysteries Mean?
Unlocking the Mysteries Unlocks the Mind The Ancient Mysteries aimed to give people an experience that validated the Mysteries for them. In today’s language, this would mean unlocking or liberating the mind from any constraints that it may have, whether they are aware of them or not. This is following the narrow path that leads one to Logos, to Christ. Timestamps: The Mysteries are meant to…
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vasiliaaandreeva · 11 months
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🏞️🏜️🌍choose your aesthetics
how long it took to do this, but the result was interesting
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wild-battlebond · 1 year
like you’re clearly supposed to play light then dark (because of the difficulty) but I’m fairly certain that the box does not convey this information
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