#and 'If something goes awry
siena-sevenwits · 2 months
I am so excited for the 10 PM vigil tonight, you don't even understand.
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1am-yan · 1 month
little guys... sitting together...
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on the left is val (short for valerian/valerie depending on their mood...), any pronouns! very social and likes looking cute :)
on the right is dima, he/him! frequent graverobber and asylum visitee :)
i might post more about them here, i might not. we'll see!
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eerna · 1 year
sorry I have to point out that over those few days after the duel in the snow Madoc sent Cardan a very rude letter saying “FUCK YOU MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU” even though he doesn’t even know Cardan was there that night. he truly hates this dude with all of his fatherly heart
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mikkouille · 4 months
wait actually connecting the dots was the guy telling us the fight would go well when we were half a party of first timers also the one who forgot to lb3 us like bro was a tank one of em. jffjjssn he forgor.
#the one guy who does know the fight gjdjsjsbsbsbd#no one doing trial roulette at midnight we were all here to discover it#actually the coach review im doing in my head is critical again i realised i once more forgot to hit SSS like i have to figure out a spot on#the hotbar for me to remember#ok authors notes and definitions ¹LB for Limit Break: staple of FF big ability that you get to use after certain conditions#in this case for the time spent in the fight (+other little things but mostly its about the time spent). in the context of this tale#a protective one was needed to supershield us from death. hence 'tank lb' speaking of ²Tank: one of the three key roles in a fight#alongside Healer (self explanatory) and dps (damage-per-second– hence damage dealers) the tank is solid and takes hits#so that the others dont have to. its sturdy and healthy and looks particularly yummy tovthe enemies to make tjem want to hit Just this guy#in this specific story there were Two tanks#one of them seemingly having knowledge of the specific fight we embarked on#the other likely not. neither of them activated the special limited use bug spell we needed to survive though (only they can)#and for ur curiousity dear scientual i play as damage dealer. so that i cant be the bearer of thus sort of mistake ever 👍#though granted dps also could do LB fumbles in this specific fight apparently. twas the fight disclaimers on the guides jdjfjfd#'do NOT cast dps LB UNLESS the boss himself os casting something or else he'll activate invulnerability and make it all useless'#+8second of invulnerability??? bro i just elected to not even try it even before the fight went. awry.#even tho technically my position is good for damage lb its ok given how it went i doubt anyone would mind that no one hit the lb gjdjsjsjsks#to be fair its one of these situations where its better left to the healer in case all goes wrong again#(author note damage lb does big damage. healer lb does big heal and if maxed out on its capacity can even ressurect anyone dead)#(hence. given the struggle. it was better off being theirs even outside of the odd conditions of the boss turning invulnerable)#dont think anyone used it tho#its ok.
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
Alisaie: Now that Y'shtola's here, we should all sit down and catch up, I'll pour tea!
Me: Aww, I love when they give you quests just to talk to people, this game could really do with more quiet moments of character building to bond with your-
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johnmeowston · 7 months
guy who only has two thoughts in his head ever
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ahagisborn · 2 years
there’s an ig influencer that I find deeply annoying and she always talks about how sensitive she is to weed and how she hates it. fine, valid, whatever. HOWEVER recently she’s been in a full meltdown because she got gifted cbd:DELTA 9 gummies and she took them “WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THEY WERE” and basically sent herself into space. GIRL. hello????????
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v-thinks-on · 1 year
There was a sudden uproar at my friend’s remarkable pronouncement.
Holmes quieted them all with a gesture. “If you will excuse me, Captain Bond, I fear our game will have to come second after all,” he said and stood without waiting for an answer.
Bond followed suit. “Mr. Holmes, there’s no reason for such dramatics.”
“There is but a simple test, and then all will be clear. It only requires a few common household ingredients.” Holmes turned to our host. “If you would send for the maid.”
The man obliged and Holmes’s ingredients were swiftly brought as all the assembled, myself among them, watched on in open curiosity. Holmes gave me a mischievous smile that did not reassure so much as encourage my keen interest in what was to come. Even after so many years, Holmes never ceased to astound me.
He laid out a few powders on the table before him and delicately measured out the proper proportions, before calling over Mr. Marcus—the only man who was not eagerly looming over Holmes’s work. The rest of the party ensured the suspect made no attempt to escape.
“Press your fingers here,” Holmes instructed. “Yes, that will do nicely.”
When Mr. Marcus had done as he was bid and stepped away—though he could not go too far—Holmes spread the dark powder he had concocted over the paper and then gently dusted it away. The rest of us craned our necks to see the result as it became apparent.
But there was nothing to be seen.
Holmes let out a sharp laugh. “I fear all evidence has been done away with very neatly indeed. Captain Bond, if I might have a word before Mr. Marcus so eagerly departs?”
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keeps-ache · 2 years
sun is coming up,
~ . * + bad vibes + * . ~
#just me hi#i vote that we all collectively hiss at the sun!#i'm sure we'd all gain something from that#morale? power? a grand show of how loud you can hiss? we could have it all#the word 'grand' is very nice actually#'had a grand time' 'why it was rather grand' 'now this is one of my grander ideas'#like wow i can just make things So Grand :D#grand grander and grandest#and of sort grindset but that's not so grand#grand grand a grain of sand; hold it in your hand; what it is is what it had; foil grander plans; over a grain of sand?; your meaning#greater than beforehand; is it truly so mad?; to steal bits from time and cradle them in your hand?; grains of sand#[cough]#anywho :)#i just started wondering the other day when in tarnation i started to say 'toodles'#cuz i didn't do that before i don't know how that started#holy harolds you know what would be funny#is every time something goes a little awry i say 'Hark!' and then name the exact problem#what does this fix? probably nothing#would it make me feel better? yes#would it also be really funny for that to be a habit at some point and accidentally do that around my parents? heck yeah it would#hmn#i need a different writing program#(i'm not using word again- i'll never go back!!!!)#wattpad is smacking me with a stick repeatedly just to be annoying while i misspell 'snowglobe' for the 400th time [<- an example]#i don't post anything i just use it for countless drafts and for keeping notes#like yeah i DO have an app literally called Keep Notes but it takes forever to load#like there are times i just opt to throw stuff into drafts and never touch it again because oh my goodness where is that sLIME COM#ING FROM AKHBVAKHSBCAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#yeah so anyway i'm shipping off! find me in the tiny lake under the cupboards :)#toodles for now :D
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spxcemuses · 1 year
@droppingdonkeys from HERE.
Gimini notices Luisa open her hand to him, and he quickly hops on it, watching curiously as she walks to...wherever she was planning to go. Maybe she was going to pick up those donkeys she mentioned. He wondered why she needed to do that, but he didn't want to pry too much.
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" Donkeys? Well I'll be, that's impressive! You d-don't need to worry about me being on your shoulder in the literal sense though. I sit metaphorically too... I-I'm your conscience! "
He declares proudly, beaming up at her in excitement. The cricket can sense that she already has good character, but he might need to judge for a while. He can never be too trusting, not after what happened last the last time he trusted too easily.
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" Indeed I do! I'm Gimini... It's a pleasure to meet you, Luisa. But I am curious. You said your cousin can talk to animals? How does he do that? "
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roughentumble · 1 year
i still think about the idea of alien scientist geralt who came to earth to study the wildlife before any true first contact. he's not doing it for any nefarious purpose but he is collecting earth leaves to send as samples back to his homeworld. he has strong feelings about species that are going extinct because he just got here, and there hasnt been time to learn about them or catalogue them yet
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fitzonomy · 1 year
Me trying to learn more advanced knitting techniques from YouTube University: hmm I'm not sure I know how to knit or purl properly
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How did Always Sunny in Philidelphia NOT do an episode about the HitchBot? The idea is too fetch to just leave it there. Like, a hitch hiking robot shows up in Philadelphia, traveling on the good will of strangers, mysteriously gets fucked up, and the Gang has nothing to do with it? DOUBT.
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musclegoth · 1 year
why is it so hard tho to like. know it'll be okay. and you will find what u are lookin for. because you have before, right? you remember what it felt like. you found it again after that. and after that once more. why wouldn't it keep coming? why does the last time always feel final? is it the way we are taught to always feel like the clock is running away from us? that life might end tomorrow? this was the last time? the final time? you're getting old, so it only makes sense? you're only allowed a limited amount of good things in one life?
sry to wax poetic on the dash when i have not slept at all but for real why is it so difficult to grasp that good things will come again, just like they did the last time, just like they always will?
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waytoomuchanalysis · 22 days
My stomach feels like it's digesting itself and I feel like I deserve it
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I think if indiana jones' adoring students ever went on an Adventure(tm) with him it would be really funny if that was the turn off. like, a routine dig he was leading for the school goes awry and he has to get all cocky gunslinger ladies man hero mode and the students are like. hey what the fuck. his shirt gets ripped up revealing he's jacked and that one girl is immediately wiping the 'I love you' make up off her eyes. an entire room filled with artifacts gets destroyed while they make an escape and the kids are all horrified. "professor jones. how many people have you killed" "well, do you count the damn nazis as people-" "UNFORTUNATELY YES. LEGALLY YES. ARE ALL ARCHEOLOGISTS MURDERERS." he's flirting with some random woman on the dig and all the students are like what the hell. you can't talk like that. where did the droning and stutter go. why are you not flustered. she inevitably swoons into his arms or something and they're like "oh my God eww he's so sweaty. ma'am literally what's wrong with you. blink twice if you need help". they're so betrayed to find out he never even NEEDED glasses, he was wearing nonprescription lenses in class. Indy's lowkey hurt he's like I thought you guys thought I was cool :( and they're like 'yeah when you're in a bowtie and telling us about sumarian gardening techniques. WHY do you have a whip right now you freak'
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