#and 'ah shit of course this got way risky again'
Man i always forget just how much Liam's entire way of thinking and making decisions is centered around Bethany in Act 1
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studio-of-woof · 5 months
Ruh roh I’m having a funny idea again.
So a friend and I were talking last night about the Roger Rabbit universe and I had Digital Circus fresh on my mind. So I kept thinking about a Digital Circus actor AU.
Glitch Productions being this big recording studio with the sets of like, Murder Drones, Digital Circus and Gaslight District (that one still being under construction).
The Digital Circus cast would be rather different off-camera, like for example maybe Caine is actually kinda socially awkward yet still a loud boi. And this is his first big major role in a project.
Caine Interview:
“How did you end up with the role, Caine?”
“Well… Goose has heard my voiceover performances before and was like “I gotta get this guy on for something!” And so when I auditioned I kinda just got hired on the spot!”
Pomni would still be a bit reserved but she has a lot of confidence for acting. My friend also mentioned how she would probably have a lot of experience under her belt and so she’d kinda help mentor some of the more newer actors, like Caine and Ragatha.
Speaking of Ragatha… my friend said this about her
“Yes, and Ragatha played her character while doing collage and did not expect the show to blow up. She got to finish her last year before filming it full time.”
So the idea of Ragatha’s role also being a first big major role came to mind. So Pomni tries to mentor her, which is kind of a funny image.
Ragatha would still be the mom friend of the group for sure, she would make sure someone’s okay after doing a risky or scary scene.
Ragatha and Pomni interview:
“Pomni’s been kinda helping me with my role, like just—“
“Slowly kind of directing you?”
“That, yeah. [laughing]”
“Of course not disregarding the actual director!”
“Yeah no the director’s great, you’re great. [laughing]”
“But like, with that scene in the hallway? Where I had to act all frazzled? That took a few takes but eventually I got it down pat. I think it would’ve taken longer if Pomni wasn’t there to kinda help me with finding the right… uh… tone I guess?”
“Yeah, tone. You did amazing by the way!”
“No you did amazing!”
Now Jax is a fun one. He’s not a complete douche off camera but he still likes play harmless pranks on set. You know those pixar bloopers? Kind of like that.
Like being in scenes where he’s not supposed to be.
[Filming the scene where Pomni tries to find Caine]
“And… action!”
[Pomni opens up one of the doors. Only to see Jax standing there.]
“[Laughing] HOW DID YOU GET THERE??”
I’d also picture whenever he has to be a douche in a scene he’d apologise immediately after when the cameras cut off.
“Ladies first! … No wait why would I say that?”
[Jax pushes Gangle over]
“… and cut! That was good!”
[Jax helping Gangle up]
“I am so sorry-“
“Did I push too hard?”
“Yeah nah you’re good.”
“Alright cool. [giggling]”
Also this it was mentioned during the more recent Hunicast that everyone gets caught off-guard whenever Michael plays Jax since Michael isn’t like Jax at all, I reckon it’d be the same in this universe.
Jax interview:
“Everyone on set has said to me at least once that I don’t act like my character at all and it catches them off guard completely. I just think that’s really funny.”
The idea of Gangle being a really good actor so much so that she puts on a voice for the character has crossed my mind. Much like her VA she’d have a more deeper voice. Yet when acting she puts on the high pitched and nasally voice. Also my friend mentioned how she would say “bro” off-set so that’s a funny thought.
“Bro my comedy mask!”
“Ah my bad.”
Not much to really say about Kinger, but I did have the idea of him accidentally pulling a hip or something when he did the scene where he spazzes out.
“They’re the two most mentally stable and capable characters to be pai—“
“OWWW! OUH! OUUHH! I think I pulled something!”
“Oh shit you alright?”
“Ye-Yeah yeah I think- I think I should go sit down can we take 5?”
Zooble is just a very chill person off-set. They still maintain that “idgaf” attitude, but they’re less rude about it. Though they would still have a foul-mouth. There also was probably a few times where they got caught smoking weed or having an edible behind the studio after filming.
Zooble Interview:
“Did the Gloink Queen actually eat you on set?”
“Ha. Nah. The one you saw get swallowed was a prop replica of my head. They got it pretty accurately for the budget we had at the time.”
Zooble and Gangle are besties in character and off camera for sure, but there would also be times where Zooble hangs around Ragatha a lot, kind of just unknowingly adopting her as their on-set mother lol (I blame you @/mod-bee)
More interviews:
“Are you scared of centipedes, like actually?”
“Out of character? Oh yeah. Definitely. Too many legs. No thanks. [laughing]”
“Is it sometimes frustrating having to put yourself back together a lot?”
“Eh, sometimes. It is what it is, y’know? Plus as much as I have issues with his bod, it’s helped me gotten the role so… I can at least thank it for that.”
“What’s the worst prank Jax has pulled on set?”
“He hasn’t done anything remotely harmful, he’s too nice for that. But I’d say the time he made Zooble think they actually choked him out. He was a little too good at the bit I’d say. Zooble had words for him after that stunt. [slight chuckle]”
“The one time I regret nothing.”
“Did you end up getting hurt by that bowling ball Jax hurled at you?”
“Oh that? That was a stunt double! Thank god for stunt doubles. We actually go get drinks every now and again. It freaks out the local drunks every time.”
“A lot of people online have said you look like you suffer from scoliosis, is that true?”
“How can I suffer from scoliosis if I don’t even have a spine to begin with? [laughing]”
“Are all your more… cartoony movements CGI? Any special effects involved?”
“Well…. Don’t spread this around.. but… that’s all me. It’s a special talent I have.”
“Huh. Interesting. Does that mean you can actually fly?”
“I dunno! You tell me!”
[Caine slowly floats above his seat]
Whenever they’re not acting on the set of Murder Drones, Uzi, N and V help out with the more technical side of filming. Cameras, lights, and whatnot. Since they can fly they help out with filming bird’s eye view shots.
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baileys-writing-desk · 9 months
Wild’s paraglider
Hyrule finally gets to do what he wanted for so long: to glide through the air like a bird.
Hyrule has never had this much fun in his life.
It is something he’d always wanted to try, since joining the chain, and something none of the other Links would ever let him do.
Only Lanayru would let him.
And the group is here. In Sky’s era. With Lanayru.
He thinks of the mischievous grin on the dragon’s face as he departs from camp, the Champion’s glider in hand. Although he may have gotten permission to borrow the item, he never specified exactly what he would use it for. There are cliffs in this area, sure, but not much higher than ten feet. Wild trusted him to use it for those heights only.
Creeping through the trees like a cat, he notices the yellow and brown in the distance and chuckles. This was his idea, he reminds himself, but Lanayru had approved of it last night. If anyone else finds out, he can blame the dragon.
The sun is high in the sky now, the brilliant blue filtering through the towering tree branches. Birds chirp in the distance, and small animals rustle in the bushes, nearly distracting Rulie as he resists the urge to stop and investigate. But the other Links might come to him…there is no time to dawdle. He is reminded of that as he finally reaches the Thunder Dragon’s clearing, walking up to a mischievous smile and outstretched claw.
“Ho- Rulie, you got it?” Lanayru asks, keeping his voice as quiet as possible. “Here, climb onto my hand.”
Running up to the dragon, and readying the glider on his back, Hyrule obeys. The adrenaline courses through him, heart racing in his chest at his upcoming feat. I can’t believe he’s willing to do this!
“What if it doesn’t work?” he asks suddenly, having not quite thought about it before…
“Then I’ll catch you. I’m not letting you fall a bajillion feet through the air, you silly!”
Oh, right. He might not have considered that, but of course Lanayru did. Surely, the dragon has let him do risky things, but not that risky.
Hyrule takes a deep breath, attempting to calm his excitement, as Lanayru slowly lifts his hand, bringing him all the way up to meet the dragon’s eye level. He then lies down, face-up on the palm so Lanayru can wrap his fingers around his body in a tight grip.
I’m doing it! Hylia, it’s really happening! I’m gonna fly!!
He’s been this high before, in fact much higher, but he doesn’t dare look down. This, after all, isn’t a cuddle session in Lanayru’s beard or a ride on his back. This is much different.
“Alright, you ready?” the Thunder Dragon asks.
Lanayru chuckles, and a whoosh of air meets Hyrule as the dragon gears his arm back, ready to throw the traveler across the sky, and soon he will be-
Oh shit!
Hyrule gasps. Lanayru follows suit, nearly jumping in surprise, but thankfully still manages to keep his grip on the traveler. Who the hell was tha-
“Ah, Link! Wasn’t expectin’ you here!”
“What the fuck are you two doing!?” the Skyloftian shouts, loud enough for Hyrule to hear clearly from this height. “Lanayru, put him down-“
The Thunder Dragon lowers his hand slightly, nearly making the traveler’s head spin. “I promise, this is harmless. Just watch.”
“Uh-huh, yeah- like I’m gonna be fine with you chucking Rulie through the air like- one of Groose’s eggs to my face!”
That was…a weird comparison.
“I’m fine, Sky!” Hyrule yells. “Trust me!”
“Lanayru. I swear to Hylia if you-“
The Thunder Dragon simply cackles. Turning his head away from Sky, he rears his arm back once again, Hyrule in his grip.
Ah, yes, it seems like he’ll still get to fly after all!
“No, don’t, Lan-“ That is all Hyrule makes out, as he is suddenly hurled forward, out of the dragon’s grip and sailing through the sky. He screams with delight as the wind rushes into his ears, blowing his hair every which way.
This is AWESOME!!!!
Of course, this moment is short-lasted, as he quickly begins his hurtling descent. In one swift motion, he opens the glider above his head, holding onto the straps tightly with both hands. He stalls midair, the speed of his fall having dramatically decreased.
“It worked!!” he shrieks, giggling. “Look, I’m doing it! HAHA!!”
The view of the forest below, of the green pointy trees and luscious grass stretching out for ages, almost takes his breath away. He may have seen it all while riding Lanayru, but nothing will ever match this feeling, of floating through the breeze on his own as if he has wings. Letting the glider slowly carry him towards the ground safely. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought he would experience this unique sensation.
…And judging by how Sky reacted, this will likely be the only time.
“Great job, Rulie!” he hears Lanayru’s voice call out from behind. “See, Link, I told you it would be alright!”
Whatever the Skyloftian says in response, Hyrule doesn’t hear. He has drifted far into the forest now, approaching the tops of the trees…and now he must focus his landing so he doesn’t faceplant right into one. Carefully he tilts the glider strings just slightly, barely missing the top branches of a large oak. Lanayru would not be pleased if he crashed, and most certainly not Sky.
At last, he slows to a stop and his feet touch the ground. Closing the glider up, he makes a mad dash back to Lanayru. The yellow of the dragon’s robe flashes in the distance. Holy shit, I flew far!
“Over here, thunder man!” he shouts, nearly out of breath. “Look, I made it! I totally stuck the landing—phew!” His cheeks become hot and sweaty as he steps back into the clearing. Lanayru is beaming with delight, but Sky…Sky still does not look content. Whatever the dragon said to him earlier apparently hadn’t mattered.
“Okay, whose idea was this?” The Skyloftian glares at the two, arms folded across his chest.
Unwilling to admit it was his own, Hyrule immediately points at Lanayru. Of course, the dragon does the same to him…We must look so stupid right now-
“Rulie, don’t lie like that,” Lanayru teases. “Take the blame.”
Hyrule simply scoffs, lowering his hand. “Liar liar, pants on fire!”
“Sweet Hylia, am I gonna have to separate you two?!” Sky exclaims, throwing his hands up in frustration. “It’s like I’m dealing with five-year-olds!”
“Oh, come on, boy!” The Thunder Dragon chuckles. “We were just gettin’ the fun started. I was gonna have him try it from up in the clouds next!” He pauses at the horrified look on Sky’s face. “Ah, don’t worry, I’ll bring Eldin to catch him if something goes wrong.”
Wait what-
He isn’t quite sure if that’s something he would like to try…Lanayru’s ambition is strong, but the traveler has his limits.
“Lanayru!” Sky shouts the dragon’s name for what seems like the fiftieth time today. “I swear to the Golden Three, if you do that—“
“Okay, okay, I won’t! You caught me, Link.”
“Well, good.” The Skyloftian sighs, appearing a bit more content. “Man, you two are just- I love you both to bits, but ugh!!” He giggles slightly, and Hyrule figures he isn’t truly mad at them. And separating the dragon and hero, when their time together is extremely limited, would be incredibly mean and unlike Sky at all.
“That’s our goal!” Hyrule exclaims. “Right, thunder man?”
He hears the dragon’s booming laughter in response. They only mean to annoy Sky lightheartedly; it’s what siblings do. At least it must be, or else the chain wouldn’t be teasing each other on the daily.
Sky approaches him, hands outstretched. “Here, I’ll give this back to the Champion.”
Oh, right. The glider.
He slowly hands it over, wondering what else he could have done if Sky hadn’t caught them. Definitely not Lanayru’s idea, though…I’ll bring Eldin to catch him? He hasn’t even met Eldin, let alone ridden him!
“I should probably head to camp…” Sky briefly glances behind him at the openings through the dense forest. “But you better not do more crazy stuff while I’m gone.”
“Can’t guarantee that, boy,” Lanayru replies, earning a teasing stare from the Skyloftian.
As Sky begins to turn away, Hyrule glances up at the Thunder Dragon, and they both give each other a cheeky smile.
It had gone reasonably well.
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latenightsearlymorns · 4 months
Idiots, every single one of them.
Idiots, every single one of them.
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter. 
They could all have what they want, if they only knew. Just how close they are.
Just a few more steps, to the right. To the riiight…
“Hmmmmnph” I groan. The attendee notices and walks over towards me. 
No, the other way stupid! I flutter my eyes, trying to show him the way. I even gesture with my hand. What more does he want me to do?
“What’s up, Jace? Wanted me to come say hi?” The attendee smiles. ‘Shit. Maybe I got too excited.’ He should have kept walking to grab his coffee. Then he would have passed by the waiting room on the way to the break room, and he would have seen the local game playing on tv, which would have reminded him to place his bet on time. There, he could have won $200, easily, and I know he was low on his rent. ‘It was a sure thing.’
“They feed you yet buddy?” The attendee smooths my hair. “You look a little moody.” Concern spreads across his face. 
I smile, put my hand on his shoulder and give him my blessing. Dwayne, the attendee, loves it.
“Big smiles! I thought you were mad there for a sec’, buddy. Did they forget to give you your sauce? Hey, Charyl?”
“What’s up?” Charyl has an attitude today. I love it.
“Have we not given him his sauce yet?” Dwayne asks.
“It’s not time for his applesauce.”
Those fools. 
“It’s past 10:30.”
“He usually doesn’t have his sauce until lunchtime.“
My applesauce time is at a quarter ‘till 3, with my afternoon meds.
“His applesauce time is at a quarter ‘till 3, with his afternoon meds,” says Katie.
Ah. There is still hope. It’s a shame. They just don't know.
They don’t know I can see them; spare moments imposed over reality. The choices brooding over a person, and the possible consequences that come with that decision. Most of them really don’t affect your day, hardly, but how many decisions do you make in a minute? A second? I can see all of them. 
Flittering, like frames in a movie. 
Trouble is, I can’t tell ya. You wouldn’t understand. The words are lost in the process, like most of my motor function. Also, my attention.
You all mean very little to me, truly. You never listen anyways. Having said that, I’ve taken a liking to some of these nice people. 
I tried, for instance, to tell Gary not to go snorkeling. I already knew it was a bad idea, and then I saw him walk in with neon green goggles and the vision hit me. I tried getting his attention, but he thought I just really liked his goggles. Dead within 48 hours. What a shame too, I did like his goggles.
No, I can’t read your mind… I think? But I have plenty of time to study you. What you say, who you’re involved with. It’s surprising what you talk about when you think no one else is listening. Again, I don’t really care. Just please, put my show back on. Arthur’s not paying attention, he’s playing with his tablet. He’s gonna lose that game… He’s gonna be grumpy the rest of the day. Until dinner, of course. 
I don’t have time to feel bad because you can’t take a hint. It doesn’t mean I’m not invested though.
I just about made the orderly shit her pants after she debated sending that risky text. I had already seen the wedding gown she was gonna wear, all she had to do was go for it. ‘Yeah, I love Korean BBQ. What time?’  I saw it on her screen. Wedding confirmed. I yelled so hard she dropped her phone, spiderweb cracks forming across the screen, shattering it; along with any chance of a June wedding anytime soon. What a night. Good. Guy was a scrub anyway.
I’m conflicted though. I don’t understand why, but there is a future that hasn’t been made clear yet. It’s slowly coming into focus, which is odd. Most of my visions are fierce. No one knows I’m having them. I can’t share them, so they are only mine. 
I can’t get past Thursday the 17th.
It’s taken a while to notice. At first, it was just… cloudy. I’m telling you, I can see things MONTHS ahead. With ‘wedding gown orderly,’ she was set to tie the knot almost a year to the text. It was supposed to be “romantic”, or whatever. I saved your life, girl.
No… no it’s too… I know I’m sick. Being the way I am, I never expected myself to grow old. I can hear your conversations. I was lucky to be born when I was. Even being born the way I was, I lived my life. I am grateful, even as I drool on myself and mumble. YOU can’t understand me. I just wanted to tell you I’ve lived a full life, thanks to you.
The 17th is on the horizon. I know it’s the 17th, because your son has his game that day. You keep talking about it. I’ve seen you in his games, in my visions… He has talent. He can move his legs. I’m not jealous. I just know he’s lucky to have you. I do care, it turns out, just a little bit.
Even as you clean me up every night, I wonder if you can understand that my time is close too. I see you getting more and more worried every night, concerning me at least. I can’t see into my own future. It’s never been important anyways, to me at least. I can see you’re expecting something. You check on me more frequently, I can tell. I can hear you enter my door more and more each night. Seeing how well I’m sleeping. I sleep just fine, thank you for worrying.
It’s two hours into the 17th day of November. My breathing has always been an issue, but tonight I cannot sleep properly. I feel something in my lungs. I can’t tell you, but something tells me you already know. I’m not used to being the one guessing. It actually can be quite scary when you’re not sure what comes next. My chest feels tight. I think I’m going to take a nap early, my eyes are growing heavy. I don’t know how or when I’m going to die today, but at least I can choose to fall asleep, on my own terms.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 258
Mamma Mia/Face the Raven
“Mamma Mia”
Plot Description: a reluctant Dean brings Mary along on a mission to rescue Sam. Crowley receives word that Lucifer has possessed the body of an aging rock star
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: this has to be some kind of mind trickery…there’s no way Sam’s fucking the lady from London…unless. Unless? That’s what he meant by telling her “screw you” over and over last episode. Oh. No one died
Omgggg Dean opening up to Cas about how weird it is to have Mary back, I’m losing my mind ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ohhhh, Dean gets his guilt complex from his mom
I KNEW it! I knew this wasn’t real. I knew Sam was hallucinating that whole thing
Can she STOP seemingly killing Sam FOR FIVE MINUTES??
Love Rowena scamming this guy, making up a backstory about being a prima ballerina. She can do whatever she wants forever. Stop getting in the way of her getting that man���s bread, Crowley!!
I was gonna say I can’t believe Lucifer came all the way to Cleveland but…actually I can. That seems like a thing that would happen here. Of course he showed up as this rock star’s dead girlfriend to get him to say yes to possession
Dammit Crowley, let her have this. At the same time, Rowena, I’m sure you can find another old rich guy with limited time left in earth to scam. You are hot af, girl, let this one go. Don’t get wrapped up in Crowley’s schemes
Ah damn, she got Dean…
Oh, Ro Ro, I can’t believe you let your son drag you into this again
Oooo, just a smidge of body horror on my lunch break? Getting very um…end of chapter 349 vibes, and it’s concerning to me
Not to say spn should kill off another woman, but they’re spending a whole lot of time not shooting London lady
Aw, Mary’s adjusting. She’s figuring out modern life ❤️ and her boys are helping her
Noooooo, dammit, Lucifer’s keeping Rowena prisoner now. She spends so much time fighting for her freedom…I’m so mad this is happening to her
Legitimately crying at this scene between Sam and Mary.
God…as much as Dean tries to be like his father in many ways, he’s also JUST like his mom. I wish they’d just come together to talk it out instead of going through photos and John’s journal separately
“Face the Raven”
Plot Description: The Doctor and Clara find themselves in an alien world, hidden on a street in London
At least today I know if there’s no picture, there’s something wrong (oh good, there’s picture)
Oh shit! Is this one of the kids she’d nanny for before?? He seems too old to be, but what do I know? I’m just sayin I can’t imagine her giving any student but the girl she took to the moon the TARDIS’s phone number
Oh!! Oh wait! This is the guy from when there was an alien turning people 2D!! Ok ok that…it’s been a while since he’s been here
They only have like 6.5 hours to save Rigsy??
When you’ve read enough John Green to immediately get what Clara’s saying when she starts talking about trap streets on maps
Ooooo, is that like a maroon velvet blazer the Doctor is wearing?? Maybe not
Not Arya is back! And she’s the one who sentenced Rigsy to death
Ok, so…the budget for this episode is very weird. First, there’s a whole huge set that is very reminiscent of a certain hidden street from [fandom redacted] where many different alien species have gathered as refugees…HOWEVER, the street lamps cause everyone to be undercover in a facade of the viewer’s own normal experiences. Sometimes there’s a glitch, and you can bypass the illusion (so we briefly see an Ood giving medical-ish attention to a cyberman), but it mostly feels like how spn makes all its monsters look like people
Clara don’t you dare. Don’t you dare try to take the death sentence from him. I mean, it’s…your plan isn’t necessarily the WORST, but it’s hella risky
Is that just subtle bi Clara confirmation? Talking about her relationship to Jane Austen and saying “god, I love her. Take that how you like”
Oof. She has GOT to stop making deals with random aliens. She nearly ripped reality apart last time she did. She opened a portal to a different dimension. Now, she’s making deals to keep this street safe in exchange for the Doctor??
I’m not okay with this goodbye between Clara and the Doctor. I’m very distraught. I’m gonna miss them together.
There’s something extra cruel about making the Doctor watch his best friend die right in front of his eyes
Oh of COURSE it’s a “to be continued…” ending. You know…at least I SORT OF got what I wanted. One self contained episode, and now not a two parter. This seems to be a THREE parter
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dr4cking · 3 years
Hello lovely - Could plz you do draco smut on the hogwarts express with breeding kink? but they keep going after he finishes 😶‍🌫️🤪
Hogwarts Express.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : hii bby thank you for requesting, this one is wild i admit and was kinda hard to write but i like it nonetheless 😩💞
the 9 3/4 platform are full of wizards and witches coming back from their home, hagrid already waiting and calling them to come inside the train, but he still waited as he saw the blonde haired guy still standing outside.
“malfoy, you gonna miss the train if you keep standing there!” hagrid shouted at him getting impatient by the time.
“a minute hagrid. i’m waiting for my girlfriend!” hagrid rolled his eyes at him taking a seat on the nearest bench while the train already honking at them.
finally, draco spotted his girlfriend running to him with her belongings, he quickly wrapped the girl in his arms.
“hey my love, how’s your summer?” draco asked taking her stuff in his hand helping her as both of them now entering the train.
“it was good i had so much fun with my parents! what about you?”
“it was nice i guess but it would be better if you were there with me..” y/n chuckles at her boyfriend.
“next time i promise, pinky promise!” he laughs as he opened the empty cabin and motioning y/n to go inside.
“why dont we sit with our friends, dray?” y/n asked him in confusion while draco placing her stuff in the trunk.
“i miss you too much to sit with them today, love” draco sits beside her, cupping her face in his hands as he finally gets the taste of her after being separated from summer break, y/n kissed him right back until they broke the kiss.
draco and y/n talked about how their break, random things for hours as the train still on its way to hogwarts, y/n is currently eating her snacks that she bought from the trolley lady but she stops when she watched draco swished his wand and the window covered instantly. she widen her eyes as one of draco’s hands squeezed her thigh under her skirt and rubbing small circles on it, she looks up at him who now held a lustful gaze in his eyes.
“draco.. not here.” y/n warned him but its only made his hand trailed higher, draco gives her a cheeky smirk.
“cant blame me.. you’re too hot to resist and i cant wait until we get to hogwarts i miss you too much..” draco leans into her face biting and licking her earlobe then kissing her jaw making the girl letting out soft whimpers.
“b-but what if someone comes in, draco? its too risky.”
“and thats what it made this more fun, right?” draco chuckles lowly as he took out his wand from his pocket and casted a locking and silencing spell at the door.
“you’re unbelievable” y/n laughs, her hand removing his blazer and unbuttoning his black shirt and draco does the same to her.
“i can tell you that you wanted this too. i bet you’re thinking of me while touching yourself in your room, wishing it was my fingers instead, hmm?” y/n moaned at his dirty words she hated to admit but it was true.
“use your words and answer me.” draco slapped her thighs making her gasped.
“y-yes” she stutters as he starts to rubbing her from her panties.
“yes what?”
“yes draco.. p-please touch me” y/n begged desperately at him getting more aroused at his touch.
“i’m touching you.”
“no.. you know what i mean, dray..” y/n leaned back to her seat and widen her legs for draco making him chuckles deeply.
“you’re just a needy slut, aren’t you?” y/n nodded eagerly at him, running her hands around his bare chest and abs causing him to rolled his eyes back at her simple touch.
“yes i am, please i need you” draco pulled down her panties throwing it to her side, y/n’s breath got stuck in her throat as his thumb made a contact with her clit.
a moan left her lips as he thrusted his fingers into her, she quickly put her hand over her mouth to muffle her moans making draco stop.
“dumb slut, be as loud as you can i’ve casted a muffliato.” draco put her hand off of her mouth and replacing it with his lips instead, he kissed her roughly, their tongue dances together fighting for dominance. draco won of course as y/n moan into the kisses when he inserts his fingers back into her and starts to pumping faster.
y/n’s hand going down to his clothed boner rubbing it causing draco to let out a hiss but he quickly slap her hand away.
“you dont get to touch me. dont be a bad girl or you wont get to cum” draco curls his fingers inside her and thrusting faster hitting her spot making y/n squirmed in her seat.
“draco please i’m so close..” and with that draco pulled out his fingers making y/n whining in frustration.
“not yet little slut” he pulled y/n from her seat and stood her up against the window.
draco quickly unbuckled his belt and and letting his trousers falls onto the floor, he pushed her skirt up to her waist and hooking one of her legs to his waist as he lining his cock up and down her slit.
“beg for it, slut.”
“please dray please please fuck me fill me up with y- ah- yes- oh my god!” y/n screaming out loud instantly as draco gave her no warning and pushed his cock all the way inside of her, he gives her no time to adjust as he starts to rocking his hips against her.
“fuck you’re so tight- wrapping my cock so tight.. such a good girl-” draco pounding into her harder and faster making both of them feeling heavenly. one of his hands squeezing her breast, twirling and pinching her hard nipple making y/n dug her nails deeper on his back.
draco’s thrust getting sloppier as he feels the knot tighten in his stomach, he forced his cock deeper inside her nearly brushing her cervix making y/n screaming louder.
“i’m gonna cum.. please let me cum!” y/n pleaded at him cant hold her high anymore as draco doubled up her pleasure by rubbing her clit with his fingers.
“shit- cum baby, now.” y/n came instantly with loud moan left her lips after he said that, her legs began to shake, her walls clenching and pulsing around him making his cock throbbing inside her.
“thats it- ‘m gonna fill you up baby, stuffing you full with all my hot cum, fucking hell-” draco came to a full stop as he shoots all of his cum into her, spraying his cum inside her filling her up like he promised, he ride out their high.
fuck, he was still hard.
draco made no move to pull out, he captured y/n’s lips back on his as he still rocked in and out of her snapping his hips against her making the girl moaned again.
“im not done yet with you baby, now bend over the seat” y/n obeyed getting into the position, getting all fours, draco gives her a few spanks on her ass making them printed with his hand print.
“safeword?” draco said as he lining his cock back on her cunt, their juices making it slippery and made his tip slipped into her causing y/n to winced.
“no need draco, please just fuck me again.” and with that draco slammed his entire length into her, granting her wishes, profanities left their lips.
“such a greedy girl, only for me”
“yes yes only for you, harder please” draco was surprised that y/n hasnt sensitive yet, he thrusted harder and sped up his pace at inhumanly pace, clapping sounds and moans filling the cabin.
“fuck draco!” y/n couldnt contain her scream anymore she only wanted to screaming his name while she came undone around his cock.
“holyshit- y/n!” draco grabbed her neck pulling her up to his chest as he shoots his cum for the second time inside her, y/n moaned feeling so full. draco lazily ride out their highs and pulling out as he softening. their mixed cums dripped out of her and he quickly pushed it back inside. he reached for her panties and pulling it up.
“keep it there, wanna see you walking around with my cum inside you” y/n blushes madly at his order.
they quickly redressing themselves, their bodies feels so sticky. and to their luck the train has stopped at the same time. they quickly bring their stuff before opening the door.
“merlin it smells like sex in here” theodore nott said as he passed through their cabin.
“thats because we just had sex” draco replied without hesitation making the poor guy scrunched his face in disgust.
“you guys are so gross i dont ever wanna sit there again!”
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @malfoysbiitch @f4iryluvy @arzfia @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : ryōmen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors, swearing and mentions of injuries, blood and death.
| form : imagine
| word count : 1574
| published : 18 november
| request : Aaaa,, I really love your Sukuna imagines! Can I request an Imagine where it’s related to ‘kind hearted’, the reader gets hurt and sukuna gets upset? Thank you so much! Keep up with the great work!! 💞🦦
| barista’s notes : let me admit this, i’m not confident with this imagine ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ i tried changing it a few times but i was really doubting myself every time and this was the result of it, so i’m so sorry if you don’t like it ʕ; •`ᴥ•´ʔ also i’m not really good with fight scenes so if there are any advices that can be given to me, thank you so much ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ i hope you love your classic cup of black coffee and come again soon!
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To say that you were screwed was more than an understatement. 
Right now wasn’t the ideal situation to be in for any jujutsu sorcerer that wasn’t Gojo’s level.
At this moment and time, standing in front of you was a special grade curse.
What made the situation worse was that Kugisaki was separated from the whole group making the mission more complicated than it needed to be.
“Itadori! Fushiguro! Go find Kugisaki and find the exit to the building, I’ll keep the curse in place!” you demanded, as you knew you didn’t have much time to explain the risky plan you came up with.
“Are you crazy? It’s a special grade there is no way you could defeat it right now!” Fushiguro shouted, trying to know what was going on in your head, thinking that you were utterly crazy for what you just stated to him and his classmate.
“I don’t care! Look, it’s having fun and underestimating us meaning it will use weaker attacks on me, buying time shouldn’t be too hard, just give me a signal when you and Itadori are safe, okay?”
Looking at you with widen eyes, Fushiguro continued to look at you like you had gone completely insane before closing them to clear his mind. What you were saying had much sense in it. Compared to the remaining people in the room, you were the one that had the most potential to defeat the special grade curse if you could, even when you and him were both grade two sorcerers. 
“Okay,” Fushiguro muttered quietly - still reluctant to leave you - before turning around and grabbing Itadori to go along with your plan, leaving you completely alone to defend yourself.
Turning back around to look at your opponent, you reached to the side of your hip to grip on the halt of your katana before slowly pulling the sword out from its sheath. From what you could observe, this special grade wasn’t a normal special grade, there was no way it could be deemed one yet it was. From what was going on around you, the curse hadn’t been able to construct a complete Domain Expansion, more of an Innate Domain at best making you come to the conclusion that it must have eaten a cursed object at best to become as powerful as it is - most likely Sukuna’s finger for one example.
Lifting your sword in front of you, you aimed the pointed tip at your opponent before tilting your head to the side to see what else you could observe from your distance.
“Would cutting your head off look best or would cutting both of your arms first be more sufficient?”
Of course, the curse couldn’t reply to you leaving it to only physically answered you with an immense amount of curse energy forming within the palm of its hand, ready to throw it at you.
“Looks like your arms are the first thing I gotta get rid of,” you answered yourself, as you quickly dodging the attack, only to suddenly appear in front of your opponent, leaving yourself enough space to swing your sword down to fully slash its left arm off as you then went ahead and spun behind its body to slice off the other off before pulling yourself back to gain some distance away from the curse.
However, what you had completely forgotten was that special grade curses were able their curse energy to heal themselves, as the curse’s arms suddenly regenerated as if you didn’t cut them off seconds before.
“Damn, I should have gotten your head first ha?” you rhetorically questioned, before using your free hand to pull a long black chain out of your pocket and attaching one end to the hilt of your katana. “Let’s see how fast you can catch,” you commented, as you then threw your katana while aiming for it’s head, using your curse energy to increase the speed it was going at. However, much to your dismay the curse unexpectantly grabbed onto the metal blade, leaving you no choice but to let your curse energy slowly flow through the chain all the way up to the blade causing a large red orb form at the end, quickly exploding before the curse could even react to stop it.
Swiftly, you pulled the chain back so you could retrieve your sword only to then suddenly see the smoke clearing and a large wave of curse energy coming towards your direction.
In sheer panic, you use your feet to push yourself to the right to move away from the blast before your whole vision was concealed by the rubble and dust. 
Pain. That was all you felt. Pure pain. 
Were you going to die? Wasn’t you expecting that once you told both your classmates to find Kugisaki and run? You couldn’t lie to yourself, it was too painful to think about death right now. You couldn’t think straight at all.
Once the smoked cleared, all that the special curse could see was your standing figure panting heavily with your left sleeve completely gone due to the blast as blood gushed down your left arm. You had barely managed to get yourself out of the hands of instant death and luckily nothing of your body was disintegrated, just some burns and cuts here and there - to say it was surprising to see you standing was an understatement.
“From our battle so far, you lack the form of curse technique, but you still can pack a punch, ah it hurts,”
The blood loss was getting to you. Yes, having no limbs was not the better option but you could still live with that. What humans couldn’t do was stay alive with no blood and here you were quickly losing your live source the flowed in your body. You couldn’t even cover the wound as there was nothing you could cover it with and even if you did, the wound was too large to be covered. 
You were losing the strength to stand.
You were losing your balance.
You were losing consciousness.
Suddenly, you heard a loud sound of a howl from a distance. Instantly, you knew that Fushiguro and Itadori were able to find Kugisaki and get out. It was his signal. 
However, you weren’t so lucky in that factor, from the state that you were in, there was no way in hell you were able to escape now - but you were okay with that. If the other’s were safe, that was better than not knowing if they made it out alive. Slowly, you were starting to lose the feeling in your legs, causing you to completely losing your balance.
‘Damn,’ you thought, as you felt your whole body suddenly dropping leaving you no strength left to even brace for the impact, leaving you to close your eyes and admitting defeat.
However, just as you were able to fall to the ground, you suddenly felt a pair of arms catching you before you were quickly lifted up bridal style and pulled into a warm embrace surprising you completely from the sudden comfort of what you thought was your lonely end. Who was still in the building? You thought everyone got out, so who was carrying you right now?
From your limited sight, you could slowly make out someone in a dark uniform similar to the colour you wore, meaning it had to be someone from the team. However, the extreme pressure of curse energy that was somewhat suffocating you determined otherwise - no one within the area right now had this much power, no one at all. Unless…..
“Were you the one that caused this?”
All you could hear right now a shaking tone as well as the couple droplets of water that was within the Innate Domain that surrounded you.
“For a grade two sorcerer, she really blew half of your body up with that little curse technique she used on you, I’m quite proud of my little one,” Sukuna uncharacteristically complimented you, as he gently pressed a little kiss on top of your head before gently smiling at you - knowing you won’t be able to see this rare expression on his face.
“You see, I’ve grown fond of this little human in my arms right now, and for you to do this much damage to her body, really weirdly angers me,” Sukuna stated before he turned around and began to walk away. “Wait there for a quick second would you? I need to take care of this one right now,” Sukuna commented, before gently placing you down at a safe spot to which he then started to use his curse energy to quickly heal your wound once he sat you up straight. 
Brushing away some of the hairs that were in your face, Sukuna placed one last light lingering kiss on your forehead before saying, “I’m proud of you, just wait a little longer, I’ll be back,”.
What was going on?
This had to be a hallucination. There was no question about that. There was no way Sukuna could have saved you let alone kissed you in any way. This was all a hallucination. Wasn’t it?
However, you didn’t have the power to stay awake any longer, resulting you to surrender to the tiredness that was taking over you, letting the darkness invade your whole surroundings, but not before letting out a little mutter under your breath.
‘Proud ha?’
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golden-pickaxe · 3 years
Coffee (Part 6)
Fandom: Vikings
Paring: Ivar x Reader
Type: Modern AU, Office AU
Wordcount: 4160
Warnings: some smut ;)
[Coffee - All Parts Here]
A/N: Part 6 is here :D once again, thank all of you for the feedback, and the comments, likes and reblogs! This is very motivating to keep up writing
Tagged: @youbloodymadgenius​ @punkrocknpearls @mootiemoose​ @istorkyou @dini73​ @heavenly1927​ @hashimily​ @peakywitch​
Summary: You are a graduate student at the University of Oslo, and have applied for a job as a personal assistant at the Lothbrok Corporation, without really knowing much of the position advertised. When it turns out you are going to work for the (in)famous Ivar Lothbrok, your whole life is turned up-side-down.
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A sigh escaped you, as you pressed your lips against Ivar’s, reciprocating the kiss, while your hands almost automatically moved into his neck and stroked over his warm, firm skin.
 It was impossible to think, but realisation slowly dripped into your brain that Ivar was kissing you, that Ivar, about whom you had fantasised for months now, really held you in his arms. You managed to push back the memory of Solveig talking about ‘steamy office affairs’, focusing on the here and now, focusing on the soft lips moving against yours.
Gods, you had wanted this man since you first laid eyes on him, sitting in that conference room, who were you kidding.
As if Ivar was surprised by you responding to his kiss, he suddenly pulled back, his blue eyes staring into yours with shock, looking from one eye to the other as you were so close. His mouth was slightly ajar, his breath coming out shaking.
Your frowned at him, not quite understanding his reaction, when he blinked a few times, the expression on his face turning from shocked to confused.
 “You.. want this?” he asked, unbelievingly.
 Now it was your turn to be confused.
This gorgeous, incredible man, who always seemed so insanely self-assured, strong, and confident, and who never did anything risky if he had not precisely calculated every possible outcome, was honestly sitting here, questioning your reaction.
 “Ah, yeah.” You answered, not knowing what else to say.
 “Really?” Ivar’s brows furrowed, the confusion and disbelief on his face only intensifying.
 Despite his strong arms around you, you managed to sit up a bit straighter in his lap, bringing a bit of distance between the two of you. You looked down at his face, now spotting next to all that confusion, also a tad of fear.
 “What is this Ivar? Are you testing me? Or what in Hel are you on about?” you had to admit, you got a bit angry. Was this all just a way to test your reaction? To test if you were interested in him or not? Had he noticed you staring at him, had he noticed your crush, and now wanted to see if it was true?
 Ivar inhaled, but did not speak, just continued to stare at you as if he was ringing for words. Taking his silence, and his lack of an immediate denial as confirmation, you were shocked and appalled.
This man was apparently really as unpredictable as the gossip magazines had made him out to be, not only at work, but also when it came to private matters and the feelings of other people. You had thought you knew him, knew him to not be like that, but apparently you had been wrong.
 Kissing you as a test, and then backing away as if you had overrun him, then not even being able to straight up answer a, in your opinion, very simple question was really not what you had expected from him.
 “Ok, alright. Fine.” With a groan you pushed yourself away from Ivar, shaking off his grip and standing up. You shook your head, before you turned your back on him, leaving the kitchen with large steps, walking towards the door to get your things.
 You had endured a lot of shit from him over the last year, had often had to tiptoe around his moods, had worked late hours and had to use your weekends for uni stuff, because your week was filled with assignments from him, but this? This took the cake.
You were not his plaything to test how far he could go, nor were you here for him to make fun of your feelings, in the way he always made fun of Hvitserk, when he had once again fallen head over heels for a random girl, he had met like two days ago.
 “Y/N, wait! Please!” you heard Ivar’s voice behind you, when you were just pulling on your left shoe. His tone was so soft again, and you could not but turn around to face him. He had followed you out of the kitchen, a pleading expression on his face.
 “I.. I’m sorry.” He brought out, causing you to freeze.
 Never ever, not in the year you had worked for him, had you heard Ivar ever apologise to anyone for anything. Admitting that he had been mean or wrong, sure, but this man never apologised for his actions or behaviours. But now, here he was, telling you that he was sorry, with the most vulnerable expression on his face that you had ever seen. For some reason he looked so much younger than this, and far less intimidating.
 “What is it, Ivar? Tell me. Please.” You heard yourself say, your voice almost breaking away now. There were too many emotions caught up in this. “What is it with you?”
 Ivar’s eyes dropped to his lap, where he was kneading his hand. He chewed his lower lip, and you could see in his face that this was hard for him, although you were not sure what exactly ‘this’ was. This situation? Talking about feelings and not having the upper hand in this conversation?
 Finally, he took a shaking breath, looking up at your once more. His eyes were wide and unsure.
“I.. I like you. A lot. I really do, I just..” he pressed his lips together, exhaling through his nose. “I’m a dick.” He finally said.
 “Yes, you are.” You agreed, quicker than you could think, quicker than you could even really comprehend what he just said. If he liked you, and still kissed you to test your boundaries, ‘dick’ was a good description for him.
 Your quick responds seemed to surprise him, as he gaped at you for a moment, before he collected himself again. Pursing his lips, he raised his eyebrows.
“Well, to be frank, I did not expect you to agree with me so easily on that.”
 You would have laughed, if the situation had not been so tense. So you just rolled your eyes, turning away from him again, your hand massaging the bridge of your nose. This man, by the gods..
 “How could I not agree, when it is completely true, Ivar?” you started. “You are a dick, and you are rude and angry and to be honest, sometimes I really wonder why I keep working for you, when you ignore me, bark at me, or command me around like a dog sometimes.” You sighed. Even if you liked the work, Ivar was not an easy boss, even if you knew how to navigate his moods.
 “Then why are you still working for me?” his voice was low, and you heard a mixture of wonder and interest in it.
 “Because..” you closed your eyes, shaking your head slightly.
 You could just lie, of course, saying that the pay was just too good, and that this job would do so well in your resume. But whatever had happened tonight had already certainly destroyed your work relationship with the youngest Lothbrok, everything from the kiss to your rude words. Telling him the truth now and looking for something else in the morning would probably be the best option.
 “Because you are cunning and smart and witty and funny and kind, and you were so lenient with me when I was stressed out because of uni. Working for you is maybe the most exciting and most interesting thing I have ever done in my life. I have never met anyone like you, and I am just so.. so fascinated, I-“ but you were stopped in your ramblings, when you felt a strong arm wrap itself around your waist, pulling you down into Ivar’s lap once more.
 Your breath hitched in your throat when he pulled you against his firm chest, feeling his warm breath against your neck.
 “You really mean that?” it was almost a whisper against your skin, as you felt Ivar’s soft lips at your ear, not kissing, just slowly moving along it.
 “Yes.” You managed to say, although your voice was odd. “Yes.. I mean that. And yes, I want you. And if that gets me fired now, so be it.”
 Ivar did not answer, and before you could say anything else, you felt a hand on your cheek, turning your face over to him. His lips were on yours a moment later, kissing you again, though this time not shy and slow, no. This time the kiss was passionate, almost forceful and desperate. You gasped out of surprise, what Ivar took as an invitation to deepen the kiss even more with his tongue, one of his hands on your hips to try and turn you to your side, while the other one wandered into your neck, pulling you even closer to him.
 A shiver ran down your spine at his touch, want rising inside of you and making your feel dizzy. You were glad to be sitting in this moment, as you would not trust your weak knees to hold you up right now. Absently you toed off the shoe you had put on minutes before, letting it fall to the floor with a soft thud.
 Your hands went back into Ivar’s neck, pulling him closer as you moved to be in a bit more comfortable position, the shifting of your body in his lap causing the man to groan into your mouth.
 You had completely lost track of what was going on, and frankly with his strong hands around you, his firm body beneath you and his skilled lips pressed against yours, you also did not really care anymore. Who cared if you still had your job after this? Who cared what was going to happen? All that was important now was right there in front of you.
 Ivar broke the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours while he was breathing hard against your lips. His hand was absently stroking over your hip, the other one caressing your cheek, as he licked his red lips, his beautiful eyes still closed.
 Outside the window the sun was slowly setting, the warm orange light creating deep shadows in the apartment.
 “Do you.. do you want to move somewhere.. more comfortable?” Ivar asked breathlessly and a bit hesitantly and shy. Still, his voice was much firmer than just a few minutes earlier.
 As much as you enjoyed being this impossibly close to Ivar, you sadly had to admit that balancing on his wheelchair, so close to his front door, was not the most romantic position you could imagine.
 You just nodded slowly, holding onto his neck a bit tighter when he carefully let go of your body, lowering his hands to grab the wheels of his chair. He rolled backwards and away from the door, before turning around.
 Ivar placed a quick, but firm kiss onto your lips, almost feeling like a promise to you, before he leaned back a bit to see where he was going, starting to move again. It was a bit awkward for you like that, as you did not really know what to do with yourself, unsure if you should get up, or if that would ruin the moment. Instead, you just held on, lowering your head slightly out of the way, and placing small kisses on Ivar’s strong neck. You heard his breath hitch slightly in his throat.
 A few moments later you felt the wheelchair stop, but before you even had the chance to look up from Ivar’s neck, you felt his hands around your waist, pushing you off his lap and causing you to fall off. But instead of hitting the hard, marble floor of his apartment, you landed straight on the soft furs covering the mattress of his bed.
The bed itself was quite low, maybe only thirty or so centimetres of the ground, surrounded by many furs and carpets and covered in soft beige and white woollen blankets. Truly a very Scandinavian aesthetic.
 Still shocked you looked up at Ivar, who had a very amused smirk on his face. The shyness seemed to be entirely gone now, and a shiver ran down your spine and straight in between your legs, as he just sat there, mustering you lying on his bed.
 “What a view.” He said, tilting his head.
 Your breath was shaking as you exhaled slowly, watching him as he moved his chair away from the bed and off the many furs surrounding it. He heaved himself off, lowering himself to the floor, before pulling his body across the ground back towards you, and crawling over the furs and onto the bed like a snake. He towered over you with a grin, like a predator who had just managed to catch his prey, that he had watched for so long.
 How something so intimidating could be this sexy and attractive, you did not know. The expression of the man above you made you freeze like a deer in the headlights, unable to move, while your body wanted nothing more than for him to touch you.
 His blue eyes were locked with yours, as he started to slowly, very slowly lower his body onto yours, his strong arms on either side of your head. He didn’t break eye contact for even a second, and you had to bite your lower lip, staring back at him. He smirked, noticing your expression, this devilish, intense smirk that made your head spin.
 A moment later his lips were on yours, which suddenly seemed to break the spell he had cast over you. Your hands shot up and moved into the back of his neck, before they started to wander over his strong, muscular shoulders, down his chest and sides. Your fingers slipped under the hem of his grey shirt, finally able to touch the hot, smooth skin of his upper body. At your touch, you felt Ivar’s muscles flex, before he relaxed again. You smiled into the kiss.
 “Your hands are cold..” Ivar murmured against your lips, before he broke the kiss, only to move his mouth along your jaw and neck, kissing and biting the soft skin there. One of his hands started to travel down the side of your body, resting at your waist.
 His fingers left a burning trail on your skin, his touch enticing you even more, making a ball of ‘want’ grow inside of you. You felt hot, wanting nothing more than to get out of your clothes, wanting to feel Ivar’s hot skin against yours.
 Ivar sighed, as he kissed up your neck again, lightly nipping at your earlobe, before his hand started to move again, traveling down further, before pulling your thigh up, putting your leg around his hips. You gasped loudly, when he pressed down his hips, and you felt him harden against you. Grinning against your skin, Ivar repeated the movement, again and again, causing you to throw your head back into the soft furs underneath you, your fingers digging themselves into his heated skin.
 A second later Ivar was kissing you again, deeply and passionately, and you lost every sense of time, every sense of where you were. All that was important now was Ivar, his lips, his body. Nothing else.
 “Move up the bed.” Ivar positively growled into your ear, after he had broken the kiss again, sending another shiver down your spine that pooled right between your legs. His voice was low, and his teeth once again scratched over your earlobe.
 You quickly nodded, opening your eyes and looking up at Ivar, who had not lost the intense expression in is far too blue eyes. He propped himself up a bit more, so you could slip out from underneath his body, scurrying up the bed until your head reached one of the man’s many pillows.
 Ivar watched you like a hawk through hooded eyelids, licking over his lips absent minded. Then, however, he pulled out his phone, the sudden illumination causing you to notice how far the sun had already set. It was not dark yet, not entirely, but it had gotten harder to see.
Ivar’s brows were furrowed as his thumb moved over the screen, when suddenly a dozen small, almost orange lights went on all over the apartment, like small candles, tinting the loft in a soft, comfortable light, easy on the eyes.
 Ivar looked back at you again with a smirk.
“Thought that would be a bit more..” he started, but stopped himself.
 “Romantic?” you raised an eyebrow, and he chuckled.
 “Something like that.” Ivar pressed the power button on his phone, the screen turning dark, before he carelessly tossed the device to the side, where it came to stop on some fur lying on the floor.
 His full attention was on you again, and just like before, he started to move his body, crawling up the bed like a snake. He was over you in a second, his lips immediately finding yours, pulling you in yet another deep kiss that made your head spin.
 Suddenly, Ivar turned the two of you, pulling you up, so that you were above him now, straddling his thighs. You gaped at him for a moment, full of surprise, but he just grinned, now using both of his hands to wander along your body. Slowly he started to undress you, freeing your torso from your top, his eyes studying every centimetre of uncovered skin like a piece of art. Demanding equality, you also moved your hands underneath his shirt, pushing it up his body until Ivar sat up with a smirk, grabbing his t-shirt at the back of his neck, and pulling it off in one swift move. Once the garment had been thrown onto the floor, you were provided by an amazing view of his muscular upper body, with large tattoos covering his back, shoulders and chest. Intricate knot work, medieval motives, which just fitted him and his character so well.
 Your lips found his, and this time the kiss was a bit softer, although just as passionate as the ones before. You broke apart again, and Ivar’s hungry eyes ran over your body, before he grabbed you by your thighs, pulling you even closer towards him, his hot mouth connecting to your neck. He kissed and bit his way downwards, along your collarbone, finally reaching your breasts.  
 One of Ivar’s hands reached around you, unclasping your bra, while the other one pulled down the straps, quickly removing the disruptive piece of fabric from your body.
 You dropped your head into your neck, when you felt his lips on your heated skin, kissing over your now exposed breasts, your hands caressing his shoulders, your nails lightly digging into his firm muscles. You were lost in the sensation, and it was hard to form even one coherent thought.
 His mouth finally found your nipple, his lips wrapping around it and kissing your sensitive skin, causing you to moan lowly, while his other hand moved up your side, stroking over your torso until it cupped your other breasts, massaging is lightly.
Hearing the sound that escaped your throat, Ivar tensed, his hip bucking up into you as his free hand, still around your waist, pulled you down, now making you moan even louder, as you felt his hard member against your centre once again.
 Ivar groaned against your skin, teeth slightly scratching over your nipple, making your head spin.
“Gods, I want you..” You heard him murmur, his breath fast and ragged.
 Before you could really react to his words, Ivar had both hands on your waist again, rolling the two of you over to he was hovering above you, his lips crashing into yours forcefully in the most intense kiss you probably ever had. It was all lips, teeth and tongue, taking your breath away as Ivar positively ravished your mouth, his hands moving all over you, until finally they moved to open the fastening of your trousers.
 You got impatient, not able to wait to get the rest of the clothes off your body, and off Ivar’s body for that matter, everything inside of you just yearning for this man, the tight coil of want forming in your midst riving you insane.
 Your hands wandered along Ivar’s torso, your fingers mapping out the shape of his muscles, until you reached the hem of his black jeans. With one hand you stroke along his skin, while the other one simply slipped beneath the waistband at the front of his body, shamelessly grabbing his hard member and causing Ivar to loudly moan into your mouth.
 For a short moment it seemed as if Ivar was not sure if she wanted to intensify the kiss, or break it, but as your hand slowly started to move, he pulled away from you ever so slightly, breathing hastily against your mouth while trying to press small kisses against your swollen lips.
 His eyes were pressed shut, lost in the sensation, and his hands had stopped their movement trying to open your trousers for a moment. Your actions distracted him, and he seemed to lose himself in the movement of your hand.
A smile formed on your lips, enjoying far too much what an effect you seemed to have on him.
 The strong, powerful and intimidating Ivar Lothbrok, a ruthless businessman, with his face printed on the front of magazines, melting away right there under your quick fingers. What a sight, indeed.
 You gave him one last, firm stroke, before you pulled your hand out of Ivar’s trousers again, starting to open the button at the front of his jeans. This seemed to pull him back into reality, his lips pressing against yours again, as he kissed you with a growl. He positively ripped your trousers open, starting to pull them off your hips.
 Ivar kissed down your body, his strong arms pushing himself along while he undressed you, leaving you in nothing more than your underwear, lying on the blankets and furs in front of him. As if you were the most precious thing, he had ever laid his eyes upon, Ivar ran his hands carefully along your legs, a sigh leaving his parted lips.
 “You are so very beautiful..” he looked up at you through his eyelashes, which cast shadows onto his face in the dim light of the room, simply taking your breath away. Seeing him down there, caressing your skin, between the furs on his bed in what looked like candlelight, was probably one of the most attractive things you had ever seen.
 “You are the one to talk.” You said, sitting up and reaching out your hand, wanting to pull him closer to you once more.
 A wicked smile formed on Ivar’s lips, when he simply evaded your hands, before pushing you back down, and sliding himself in between your legs, his hands pulling away your last bit of clothing, carelessly discarding it next to the bed. You could only watch him, when his arms found their way around your hips, pulling you towards him with one, strong tug, your thighs now on either side of his head. You gasped.
 “So, so beautiful..” he repeated, before he lowered his head, pressing a soft kiss onto your centre, that was already wet with want for him.
 You arched your back off the bed, when you felt his tongue pressing against your most sensitive spot, kissing, sucking and licking, as if you were the most delicious thing he had ever tasted.
His hands were still on your hips, holding you in place for a moment, but soon started to roam over your body, stroking over your stomach and sides, wandering up and kneading your breasts.
 You could only moan, moan his name, while your hands found themselves in his long hair, stroking over his shaved sides, your nails scratching his scalp. He hummed at the feeling, his lips moving a bit more intensely.
This felt so good, you felt so good, feeling as if you had reached the gates of Valhalla, your legs trembling as your breath got faster and faster.
 “Oh, Ivar..” you moaned, throwing your head to the side, not knowing what to do with yourself.
 “What is it, dove?” you felt the vibrations of his voice against your core, before his tongue moved against you once again, making you moan even louder. “What do you need?”
 “You..” You managed to open your eyes, looking down at him.
 Ok, you had been lying when you had said seeing him in this dim light was the most attractive thing you had ever seen. Him lying between your legs, hands on your body and lips attached to your most sensitive spot, while his far too blue eyes looked up at you with such an innocent expression that you almost believed it: that was the most attractive thing you had ever seen.
 A shaking breath escaped your lips.
“I need you.”
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
the glow up | kth (2)
pairing: taehyung x reader
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: smut, fluff, childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 2.1k
warnings: carrrrr sexxxx, public sex, dry-ish humping, exhibitionist, horny!reader, praise kink, taehyung calls you princess, softdom!taehyung, slightly awkward, unprotected sex, creampie, daddy kink for like 2 seconds, light spanking, body image issues, taehyung DRIVING with ONE HAND fffff
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7                                              masterlist
The events from Jimin’s party still weighed on you. After Taehyung had left you couldn’t look Jimin in the eye. This is not what you wanted. You just wanted to have fun. You did love Jimin, but Taehyung was right. What Jimin had said…the way he had derogated you all because you willingly had sex with someone you wanted to have sex with...was not okay. 
Before you had been to overwhelmed to recall how exactly the whole thing started. But after sleeping on it, you found yourself back in the car, wind flowing through your hair.
“So” You said nervously, “What’s new? Any new girlfriends?”
Taehyung grinned, “Nah. What about you? Any princes for our little princess?”
You licked your lips, looking at how delectable his long neck was, how much  you just wanted to wrap your arms around it.
“Ah…no. I actually…I wanna start hooking up with people”
“Oh?” Taehyung raised his eyebrows but kept his eyes on the road.
“I’ve had sex before…but it really sucked. I was just worried about crushing him, or if he thought I was…well…I don’t look like a porn star so. I just…wanna enjoy it, you know?”
Taehyung nodded. “Of course, you should enjoy it. Whoever you’re with should make you feel amazing. And stop worrying so much, people don’t care nearly as much as you think they do”
“I guess I just…” You turned to look at the world passing you by, “Don’t know where to start. I don’t know what I like” You had no idea why you were telling Taehyung this. His hand gently massaged the nape of your neck as the other one steadied the steering wheel.
“That’s valid. Just pick a fantasy and start exploring. What do you think about when you masturbate?”
You were grateful at how chill Taehyung was being about having this conversation with you. You realized you really took him for granted at times. He had always been really nice to you, and you really enjoyed his company. You never felt like you had to…try that hard around him. But you knew that was because you didn’t have a shot with someone like Taehyung. Not even now. He was one of the hottest guys from your hometown no question. You assumed he had two or three fuckbuddies in his back pocket at all times.
Taehyung was also openly bisexual. And that made you feel at ease in a way. It was as though because you knew about his sexuality you felt more comfortable to talk about your own.
“Well…” Your face was red, but Taehyung couldn’t see that luckily. “I wanna ride someone’s cock.”
Taehyung bit back a smirk, nodding in understanding. “And?”
“And…I want it to be risky. Like…in a movie theater…or a parking lot…somewhere I could get caught.” You inhaled sharply, thoughts putting you on edge. You rubbed your thighs together feeling the damp squelch of your arousal. You hoped Taehyung hadn’t noticed.
“Ooh. That sounds fun” He glanced your way quickly, noting your blushed state.
“Taehyung” You exhaled, gripping onto the car door tightly, spreading your legs so that the rough wind could ease your yearning a little bit.
“What’s up?”
“I…I…” What the heck were you supposed to say? How did guys initiate things anyway? You couldn’t exactly kiss him while he was driving. “Can I suck your dick?”
Taehyung almost jumped at your query, car jolting slightly before he recovered. He inhaled sharply. “Yeah, um…right now?”
“If that’s okay”
“Yeah…no yeah…um” He glanced down at his lap then back up at the road. “I don’t really know how to do this if I’m being honest y/n.”
“Uh…don’t worry I got it” You reached over to unzip his pants. Taehyung raised himself up just enough for you to tug them down to his knees, giving you access to his cock. It was big. You shivered in anticipation. You stroked him slowly, getting him to harden. You could hear his breathing get shaky. “Does that feel good?”
“fuck y/n of course it does” You couldn’t see his eyes because of his sunglasses but the way his jaw was clenched gave you evidence supporting his words. You look around. There’s a decent number of cars on the highway, but no one directly next to you guys. You decide it’s safe and crouch down into the vehicle, leaning over the console so your tongue could kitten lick his throbbing tip. Your chest pressed against his hand which was clenching the gear shift as you bent over. It was not comfortable.
You licked your lips and covered his tip, sucking slightly as your tongue flicked the opening. Taehyung groaned, pressing his foot down slightly causing the car to speed up.
“This isn’t comfortable”
He glanced down at you quickly and smiled, “Doesn’t look it.”
“Can I sit in your lap?”
Taehyung coughed. He glanced your way again, lowering his glasses to really look at your expression to see if you were kidding. You weren’t. “Go for it princess”
Careful not to block Taehyung’s line of sight, you somehow crawl into his lap so that you can straddle him. You make direct eye contact with the cars behind, whose driver’s look shocked and confused. This turns you on even more.
“I just want to make sure you know how illegal this is” Taehyung said.
“I don’t care” You exhaled, loving the way his raw cock head was pressed against your clit. You rolled your hips slowly. “Does that feel good Tae?”
Taehyung put one hand on your ass to help steady you and squeezed it affectionately. “Feels so good y/n. Shit. Is this really happening?” 
You couldn’t help but smile at the almost childlike excitement in his voice. You began to roll your hips faster, humping him like you were in heat. Arousal shot through your veins. The feeling was addictive, and you didn’t ever want it to stop. You grinded your hips faster and faster, his cock roughly gliding against your barely clothed core, at times pushing the fabric and directly pressing against your soaking folds. You were a moaning mess. You let out streams of curses as you rode him like you couldn’t believe. You tugged his hair roughly, ignoring his whines of pain.
“T…taehyung” You stammered, slowing down. You felt his hand smack your ass making you cry out in pleasure.
“Don’t you dare stop” His tone was gruff, and it sent shivers down your spine. “I want you to cum for me. Can you do that? Can you cream my cock princess?” He smacked you again. You picked up your pace, feeling the sweet friction guiding you closer to your high. You wished you could have his cock inside you, but you also did not want to get in a car crash.
“Want your cock Tae…” You screamed into the wind, “I wanna feel your cock inside me. So bad. God Tae…baby…fuck…I’m…” You squealed as your orgasm hit you like a truck. Taehyung could feel your wetness soak onto him through your swimsuit.
“That’s right princess…cum for me…you sound so sweet I could listen to you all day” He coos at you, lightly slapping your ass because that’s all he really could do without bringing you both near death. You wrap your arms around him and fall against his body.
“That was amazing” You exhaled.
Taehyung was still painfully hard.
“I’m gonna pull over” He announced. You nodded your head. “and then” He inhaled sharply “I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you”
And that’s exactly what he did. He got off the highway at the next exit. You had no idea where you were, but Taehyung found an abandoned parking lot at some hardware store. He parked as far away from the main street as he could. The second the car stopped, he brought his hands to your face and kissed you. Your eyes widened, not expecting that from him.
“Y/n…I…Wow” He chuckled, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth. “What did I do to deserve this? This is like, everything I’ve ever wanted”
“Let me help you now” You whispered seductively, grabbing his cock tightly and pushing the fabric aside to allow yourself to sink down onto his cock.
“Holy shit” Taehyung groaned, gripping your hips tightly as you bottomed out. His hands moved to latch under your knees and he lifted you effortlessly, cock buried in your cunt, out of the car, laying you back down on the head of the white convertible. His strength, the ease with which he could just manhandle you, it drove you crazy. You had never felt this good in your life. Taehyung practically tore your clothes off, not caring that they landed on the ground. He grunted as he rolled his hips, thrusting up into you at a perfect angle. “You’re so tight…so fucking tight princess. How have I waited this long for this…” He steadily piston his cock in and out of you.
“You love this don’t you?” He teased, “Spread out naked all for me. Anyone can come see how much you need my big cock”
“I love your cock Tae. I love it” You whined in agreement, wrapping your legs around him.
“Yeah I bet” He said gruffly “You’re so perfect for me princess, all wet…dripping all for me. You want daddy to cum inside you?”
You nodded dumbly, like you no longer could form words. Your brain had completely shut off, and all you could feel was sheer bliss from Taehyung thrusting into you perfectly.
“My perfect little princess. So good to me…so sweet riding daddy’s cock like that…mmm” He kissed your lips, then traveling down to your jaw, nipping at you harshly, then down to your tits, kissing every inch he possibly could.
“I can’t believe how good you feel” He groaned, “This is even better than in my dreams”
You took off his sunglasses so you could see his fucked out eyes. His pupils were completely dilated, and you could see the rampant pleasure on his gorgeous face. Sweat coated the roots of his pink hair. He clenched his eyes shut, savoring the way your pussy drank him up.
“Where can I cum y/n?”
You didn’t even hear him. You were too caught up in the amazing feeling.
“Y/n…quick…where can I cum? I can’t last much longer”
“I…I have an IUD…” You managed to mutter. Taehyung exhaled in relief.
“Good fucking girl. Ready for my cum hm? You want me to cum in you princess? Make you mine?”
“Yes…yes oh my GOD yes” Your eyes rolled back as you felt the hot liquid seep inside you. He cried out.
“my god princess, just like that, take my fucking cum” He sucked your tit harshly “I’m gonna fuck you up so good. You’re mine. My princess. My sweet sweet princess”
After he finished he quickly slipped out of you, then went to his trunk to grab a towel. You groaned at his absence, but he was back instantly wiping you up as you flinched with oversensitivity.
He took off his button down shirt and wrapped it around you as he picked up your clothes from the ground. You smiled at how tenderly he cared for you. He grabbed some water and handed it to you, taking another bottle for himself.
“Drink up” He tapped the bottle against yours and gulped the whole thing down. You watched the way his throat moved, feeling yourself heat up yet again. He put the bottles back in the car, then helped you into the back seat. He let you lay down comfortably, stroking your face as he lowered himself onto you, careful not to crush you beneath him. His smile reached his eyes and it made you feel elated. He left a soft kiss on your forehead. “I missed you so much y/n” Then another on your nose. “You have no idea” Another on each cheek, “how happy I am right now” another next to your mouth “because you’re back home”. Another at your jaw, pecking all over your face in the most loving way he could. “You’re so beautiful y/n…” He inhaled you deeply “fuck…am I dreaming?”
“No” You giggled.
He sighed, a goofy smile returning to his blissed out face. “Mmm we better get going…” He kissed you once more, lingering as long as he could, before helping you back into the passenger seat. “Did you have fun?”
You nodded. “Yeah…wow…that was”
You dressed yourself quickly, giving Taehyung his shirt back. He stared at you a while longer, blinking almost as though he were in disbelief. You couldn’t blame him. It all happened so fast it seemed unreal. Before you knew it, you two were back on the road, only minutes from arriving at Jimin’s house.  
<-----previous                                                                                 next----->
A/N: WOO okay, there it is. dw dw...i promise jimin will get his chance to shine. 
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Ecstasy [07]
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ー The scene starts inside the bedroom of the unknown manor
Yui: ( Kou-kun’s hands and voice are so very gentle...It’s making me feel complete. )
Kou: ...Such lovely noises. Let me hear them even more?
Yui ( If only we could stay like this forever... )
Kou: ...!? 
ー He suddenly moves away
Yui: ...Kou-kun? What’s wrong?
Kou: Sh...Somebody entered the castle.
Yui: ( Eh...!? )
Kou: ...This presence.
It might not be smart to stay here. I discovered the basement earlier, so let’s move there.
Yui: Y-Yeah.
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Kou: Over here. Down these stairsーー
???: ーー So, what happened with those riots by the group of Purists, Nii-san? 
Yui: ( This voice...! )
Carla: I have yet to receive a full report.
Shin: Hmー...
Yui: ( I knew it...! It’s Shin-kun and Carla-san! )
Kou: Keep still. Don’t worry. We can get through this.
Yui: ( ...Kou-kun’s embrace is reassuring. I’m sure it’ll be okay if we both lay low. )
Carla: We have made it back to our castle in the Demon World for the first time in a while. Let us sit back and patiently await the report.
Yui: ( ‘Our castle’...? So this was the Founders’ castle all along!? )
( Oh no...If they find us, I’m sure they’ll do horrible things to us again... )
Shin: We’ve been in the human world the whole time after all. 
Carla: However, it seems like the air became quite polluted while we were gone.
Shin: Who knows...Some rats might have snuck inside.
Yui: ( ...! )
Shin: I’ll open up the windows after we’ve rested a bit, Nii-san.
Carla: Please.
ー The two of them walk away
Yui: ( They left... )
Kou: Let’s head to the basement while we can.
Yui: Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to the storage room of Banmaden
Yui: Haah...
( That gave me a scare...Who could have guessed this is their castle. )
Kou: Turns out this is Banmaden...The Founders’ castle after all.
Yui: ‘After all’? So you knew?
Kou: I got a faint suspicion along the way. ...However, I didn’t think they’d return so soon
They were talking about turmoil caused by a group of Purists or something...I wonder what is happening over in the Demon World? 
Aren’t they the ones who attacked the Demon Lord’s cas...
Yui: ( This growl (1)...A Wolf!? )
Kou: Hide behind the cupboards in the back! 
Yui: ( Together with the sound of footsteps, they’re slowly approaching...! )
( Please don’t let us be found...! )
ー Shin enters the room
Shin: Ahー ...God. We made it back here for the first time since forever but the whole castle smells like shit.
Yui: ( I knew it...It’s Shin-kun! )
*Sniff sniff*
Shin: Where is that stench coming from...? Over here? 
Yui: ( ...! )
Shin: ...I mean, I guess if it was coming from here, you wouldn’t smell it all the way upstairs. 
Still, I didn’t think we’d come back here...That being said, the end is near.
If we slaughter Karlheinz, the whole Demon World will be in our grasp...Haha.
I can’t wait. 
ー Shin leaves again
Yui: ( ...Kill Karlheinz-san...? )
( What did Shin-kun say just now...? )
Kou: Just now...He said they will murder that man. 
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: Everyone will be in danger!
→ Don’t go (♡)
Yui: Don’t go.
Kou: ...Don’t worry. I won’t run off while leaving you behind. 
Yui: ( Ah...The words slipped out... )
Kou: ...Sorry for making you worry. 
Yui: ...Oh no. I should say sorry for being so paranoid. 
Kou: I might be even more greedy than I thought I was. 
I don’t want to give up on you...nor Ruki-kun and the others. I want to keep fighting until the bitter end. 
...I guess I can just give it my best shot.
Yui: Of course. I’ll have your back, no matter what happens.
Kou: Thank you...Yui.
→ Let’s get through this together
Yui: Let’s get through this together.
Kou: Haha, you were one step ahead of me this time. I guess you could tell that I was going to do something risky...
Yui: You treasure the people around you a lot so...I figured you would want to rush to their side right away. 
I won’t stop you if that is what you truly want to do. However, I want to help in some way. 
Kou: I see. ...Yeah. Thanks.
Yui: ( However, if we go outside, I’m sure that Father...that a Vampire Hunter will be there waiting for us. )
( Besides, if he finds out that we’re here, Shin-kun will attack us. )
( What should we do...? )
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Mertz: Fuck...Where are they? Those darn Founders. 
I can’t believe they pretended to trust me...only to try and kill me in cold blood after...Guh. 
Mertz: Haah...Haah...! Those bastards...I will never forgive them.
I swear I will kill them...With my very own hands!
Darkness seeps in through the cracks (綻び).
Ripping our blissful dream (幸せな夢) apart, as the threatening grip of the night,
reaches out to grab hold of us. 
ーー That is how it feels. 
We have to close the cracks somehow.
Before everything is dyed pitch black. 
Before we drop down to the depths of Hell. 
Translation notes
(1) 息遣い or ‘ikidukai’ literally means the sound of breathing, but the sound effect in-game is obviously growing so I adjusted my translation as well. 
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fiveisnumber1 · 3 years
Timeless - Five Hargreeves x Reader
Main story parts:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
Pt 30 - Countdown to Chaos
After Five had vanished to go make a deal with the devil, you stood in the emptiness of the night staring at the spot where he had been. You weren't sure how you thought the night was supposed to go but it definitely didn't go the way it should've. It was a mess, an absolute clusterfuck, and yet, you weren't surprised. Of course, the Hargreeves were going to have a hard time confronting their father. They hadn't seen the man in years, especially Five, who had seen him last when he ran away from home and got stuck. You knew their trauma was long-lasting but they could've worked together rather than working against each other. And now here you all were, separated again and having to go down even more risky channels to get out of this god-forsaken timeline. You shook your head and let out a sigh as there was nothing left to do tonight but go home. Slowly you turned away from the building and walked the block slowly to where Charlie said he'd be parked. As you approached you made your way over to the passenger side and opened the door. Charlie looks over towards you and immediately notices the look on your face.
"Oh it was BAD bad, wasn't it?" He asks
As you got in the passenger seat you slumped down in it and replied,
"Immensely so."
"I called it. I knew having them get together with their dad was going to be worse than yesterday." Charlie comments as he starts to drive away
You knew he was right and he did call it but this was not the place to be doing so. The world was on a collision course and you were right in the path of destruction. You turn your head to look at him as you state,
"This is no time for bragging Charlie, things got really messed up."
"Well, it's not like you revealed your powers," Charlie says nonchalantly
You place your face in your hands as you slump further into your seat. Charlie takes a glance over to you as he drives and questions,
"You didn't reveal your powers, right?"
Taking your face out of your hands you look towards him with an awkward grimaced expression but don't say any words. Charlie glances back over and you and when he realizes you're not saying anything he slams on the breaks stopping the car. His eyes go wide as he quickly states,
"(Y/N), this is bad."
"I know!" you exclaim
"(Y/N) this is really bad. How did this happen?" He replies, a hint of panic in his voice
"I didn't really plan on doing it but then Reggie was going on a tirade at Diego and Diego was getting so sad and so I got mad and I threw a knife at Reggie and became visible and then I had to explain myself and then I got angrier and started showing off my powers and now he knows I have powers and I really fucked up." You rant frantically
"Oh no, this is bad...this is bad."
"That's not even the worst part." You complain
"What could be worse than showing your powers to Reginald?!"
"Oh god, that IS worse!" Charlie exclaims back "Oh this is so bad. This is really really bad (Y/N)."
"I know and like...I love all the Hargreeves dearly, even Luther who is being a dick to me right now, but holy shit when everyone gets together everything falls apart and so fast. Like surprisingly fast."
"What do we do? Do you have a plan? You have a plan right?" Charlie asks distressed
"Well, I don't think I can get Allison to rumor him into forgetting I have powers because that would require getting her to see him in person again and having the two of them talk long enough that she can rumor him which seems unlikely. So in terms of a plan...we have no plan."
"No there has to be a plan." Charlie remarks "Okay okay. What if we all go to Europe? You, me, your boyfriend, and all of his family just up and leave for Europe right now. We'll change our names and start new lives."
"No that wouldn't work."
"Why not?"
"Those people can not effectively gather together even if their life depended on it and I'm pretty sure only you and I have passports at this time so we would be the only ones allowed outside of the country."
"Damn, you're right. "
"Also, on a lesser note, the world is ending in a few days so even if we did all manage to go to Europe it probably would be all for naught."
Charlie sucks in his breath before letting it out defeated. Plopping back into his seat, he looks at the roof of the car before asking,
"So what do we do now then?"
"We go home." You reply quietly
Charlie continues to look up at the ceiling for a bit before letting out a huff. Tilting his head back down to look at the road, he places his hands back on the wheels and slowly starts to drive back to your house. You shook your head disappointment across your face as you thought about the predicament you were in. The predicament you all were in. As you continued to lean back in your seat as you looked at the passing flashes of street lights above. Everything was moving so fast. You knew you would get home at some point no matter how slow Charlie drove or how long the path he drove took and you were worried about what lied at the end of that drive.
Five was not happy with what lied at the end of his journey either. His siblings couldn't keep it together for one evening. Not even an hour. It was ridiculous how unreliable they were. And yet, here he was making his way to the second to last person on earth he'd ask for help to try and get them all back to 2019 where they belonged. He needed to get all of his siblings out of this time but he especially wanted to get you out of here. If he could get everyone back to 2019 then things would be okay and the two of you could have the life together that you deserved.
Five's mind was filled with the thoughts of you. He needed to get you out of this timeline, especially now that this version of his father knew you had powers. He didn't think that his father would hurt you, especially since he had called himself your father, but Reginald was still Reginald and Five was worried about what would come next. You were probably on your way back to the house you shared with that man and any number of things could happen between now and the time he saw you next. He needed to get this contingency plan over with and fast. Arriving at the hotel the handler was staying at he made his way up to the second floor to room 217. As he approached the double-doored room he felt a sense of deja vu. It was only five days for him since he had last met up with her at a different semi-formal hotel room. Five paused in front of the door and took a breath. Raising his hand up he knocked on the door and within seconds the double doors opened to reveal the handler standing behind them. it was as if she knew he was coming. The handler had her signature smile on her face, one that looked happy but hid a sinister nature behind it.
"Ah! Just in time for a nightcap." She commented before heading into the room
Five hesitated for a second before cautiously stepping into the room. He took a look around and the place and once he felt he had scoped it out enough turned around and shut the doors behind him. A critical look was on his face as he approached where the handler stood. With two drinks in her hand and a cigarette between her teeth, the handler turned to look at Five.
"To be clear, I take out the board you get me and my family home. No more doomsday, no more apocalypse. Is that correct?" Five questioned
With a drink in hand, the handler walked over to a nightstand by the bed and picks up a piece of paper before proceeding to slowly lay on her side across the bed. She looks up at Five and replies,
"That's the deal."
Five bites the inside of his cheek as he looks around the room. He really didn't want to do this. He knew that working with her was never going to end well and yet the desire to save you and his family was worth the risk that might come with this deal. Looking back at the handler, Five states,
"Then I'm in."
The handler twiddles a piece of paper in between her fingers before extending it out for Five to take. Five doesn't move from his spot trying not to get any closer to her but leans in slightly so he can grab the paper. Once he takes it from her he unfolds it and reads what it says.
The Lonely Lodger Inn.
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1982.
"So how do I get there and back?" Five questioned
"I have a briefcase for you. Specifically, programmed for two trips. One to take you to the exact time and place listed on that note where the board is and one to take you right back to Dallas, on the morning of November 22nd, 1963."
Clever. Of course, she wouldn't just hand him a regular briefcase, then he would be able to bring everyone back without having to go kill the board. Five hated how she was one step ahead of him.
"Where is it?" Five asked
"Oh, the briefcase is in the corner over there." The handler replied taking another puff of her cigarette
Five looked towards his right to the corner of the room she had gestured to and saw a briefcase sitting there. Carefully, he made his way over and grabbed it. As he did so he could feel the handler's laser-like gaze on him, boring into his back. It sent an odd feeling down his spine that he didn't appreciate. Picking up the briefcase, he pocketed the note she gave him before turning around and heading towards the door. As Five reaches out for the door handle, the handler comments,
"Y'know Five, I'm getting pretty tired of not getting to meet your sweet little girlfriend in person. I'm sure you're doing this for her, aren't you?"
Five turns on his heel and with vile in his voice retorts,
"My reasons for doing this are none of your business and you will never meet her."
"Aw, don't be so harsh. I just want to see her up close and take a look at that pretty face you happen to love so much." The handler teases
"If you so much as lay a hand on her I will personally make sure that when you are killed you stay dead this time." Five rebukes
He was done with the handler's games. He hated the way that she talked about you, it made his blood boil, and if the handler wasn't the person he needed to help get everyone out of Dallas he probably would've killed her on the spot. He just hoped that you'd never have to see her in person. Turning back around Five opens the door and starts to walk out. From behind her Five can hear the handler call out,
"We'll see Five. I have my ways."
Not looking back Five stated,
"And I have mine."
And just like that, he was gone and on his way to get back to you as soon as possible.
Soon was not soon enough though because with each minute you got closer and closer to arriving back home at the mansion in Dallas. You and Charlie drove down the road towards the house quietly, nervous tension in the air. Both of you worried about what might occur next. As you passed the estate in which Klaus lived with his cult you knew the drive was almost over. Mentally you tried to prepare yourself as the car rolled up into the driveway of the house. Slowly the car came to a stop in front of the main door. You and Charlie both looked towards the door but didn't move from the car. You weren't nervous per se but this was uncharted territory having someone other than Charlie know about your powers, especially since it was Reggie. After a moment the two of you carefully opened the doors to the car and step out. Closing the car door you stare up at the house that only a few days ago you'd comfortably enter and exit with ease. Charlie makes his way around the car and stands next to you. The two of you continue to look up at the towering building as Charlie states,
"We can dip if you want."
A small smile came to your face and you felt a bit better hearing your friend correctly use one of your future words.
"Good usage." you complimented
"Thank you, but I'm serious. We can go. I'll speed us back to town we can find your boyfriend and just...I don't know do something."
You paused for a second. You could run but it wouldn't be like you. You had been in worse situations in life. You had jumped through time and started over when you were 13, you had fought criminals on multiple occasions, you had almost died, and then jumped through time and started over again. A fire built within you as you remembered the fact that you had lived with since you first met Reginald. You were stronger than this man, he had no hold over you.
"No, Charlie. I've been in worse situations. Whatever lies for me on the other side of that door I can deal with it."
Charlie looked towards and saw the determined look in your eyes as you stared at the building. A smirk came to his face as he could see the fire of courage radiating off of you, but Charlie's smirk faltered though. From the start, your strength had always impressed him, and yet even with your evident bravery he couldn't help but worry for you, his only friend. Charlie let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in before saying,
"Okay, let's go."
You gave him a small nod and the two of you walked into the house. As you arrived in the foyer Marie approached you with a smile on her face. With her hands clasped together in front of her, she greeted,
"Welcome home, (Y/N) and hello, Charlie. Sir Hargreeves has requested to speak with you in his office at your earliest convenience."
"Oh, thank you. We'll head there straight away." You formally replied
You and Charlie started to walk in the direction of his office but Marie stepped in front of the two of you blocking the path. A smile still on her face as she added,
"Alone, miss (Y/N)."
You turned to look at Charlie and you could see the concern in his eyes even if the rest of his face looked blank. Turning to your friend you looked up at him and calmly say,
"Go to my room, Charlie."
Charlie looks at you and his mouth opens a little bit as if he was about to say something but you place a hand on his shoulder squeezing it tightly as you look him in the eyes. In a steady tone you direct,
"Go to my room, Charlie."
Charlie lets out a sigh before giving you a small nod and turning away. You watch as he walks up the foyer stairs to head to your room before turning away and walking towards the office. When you arrive at where the office was you see the door is already open and Reginald is sitting behind his desk vigorously writing in his notebook. Stepping into the doorway you speak in a flat tone,
"You requested my presence?"
"Yes. Take a seat." Reginald replies not looking up from his writing "And get the door will you."
You let out a small huff before walking into the room and closing the door behind you. Approaching him you sit in a chair on the opposite side of the desk, displeasure on your face. You watch as he continues to write not saying anything or even looking up at you. Rolling your eyes you start the conversation,
"Why am I here Reggie?"
Placing his pen down, he stops writing in his notebook and looks up to focus on you. Clasping his hands together he places them on his desk as he responds formally,
"I have questions."
"About what?" you question unenthused
"You, for one" He states, "But also my apparently seven adopted children, and this awful future you all seem to mention."
Your head tilts to the side curiously as a wry smile appears on your face. Crossing your arms you lean back into your chair and look at him. A Latin phrase you had heard many times came to your mind.
"Saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futuram sit," You spoke
The phrase meaning, often it is not advantageous to know what will be. There was an irony to the words as the person who had said them to you so many times was the man sitting before you. Granted, he had said this to you during the years you lived with him in the future, but it was ironic nonetheless. Reginald's eyebrows raised at your words, looking almost impressed with your response. Leaning forward slightly Reginald replies,
"Sapiens autem semper ad futurum parari."
Knowing Reginald, he would figure out the answers to his questions by whatever means he had to. You were not a fan of the idea of talking about the future with him but if you answered his questions you could at least shape the narrative. Letting out a small breath you uncrossed your arms and sat upright. Reluctantly you nodded towards him, agreeing to whatever line of questioning he had in mind, but added,
"I'll answer questions but I get to decide on how much information is given."
"Fair enough." He responds, reopening his notebook "You were born on the same day as my alleged children?"
"They are your children." You state "and yes, I was on October 1st, 1989 at 12 p.m. sharp like all the others that day."
"But you mentioned you had a father back at dinner." Reginald comments
You paused for a moment. It had been so long since you fully stopped and thought about your dad. It was so long since you last saw him, almost a decade at this point, but you did have a father, and he was the best one you could've asked for. Speaking up again you said,
"I did. He was not biologically related to me but he raised me as if I was. All the children born that day were spontaneous. The women were not pregnant when the day started but by noon all of them had given birth."
"Curious." Reginald remarks
He takes down some notes before looking up at you again and inquiring,
"So if you had your own family, how did you come about mine?"
"Accidentally." You answer curtly
"Elaborate." Reginald requests
You paused again to think about how to word the information he was asking for. You and the Hargreeves had already left an impact on this timeline which made you concerned about the impacts on the future. Although there was a chance everything would be normal upon your return to 2019, you still wondered what could happen given your involvement in the 1960s. You had to be careful with how much you spoke because if the timeline was changed you suspected he might try to find and adopt you. It's not like your mother would even consider giving you up, nor did she ever report the details of your spontaneous birth to anyone other than your father, so you were not one of the 43 he would know about but still...it was risky. You needed to express enough information to quell his curiosity but not enough to implicate yourself and your family.
"My family was around the mansion up north, close enough that the rumors of an eccentric billionaire adopting seven mysterious children, born the same day and time as me, who never left the house, made their way to my parents' ears. They outright told me not to go near the house but curiosity got the best of me and I went anyway." You explain "I used my powers to get through the gates and became invisible to sneak into the courtyard. I just went to have a look around but instead, I was accidentally pushed over a bench and that's when I first came in contact with your family. Specifically, your son Five."
"The one you're partnered with." Reginald certifies
"Correct." You affirm
Reginald turns back down to look at his notebook and writes more in it. You couldn't really see what he was writing but the number of lines of words appearing down on the paper made you both curious and concerned.
"A peculiar first meeting, but I've probably heard worse," Reginald utters as he continues to write
"Oh, thanks." You remarked sarcastically, rolling your eyes
No matter the situation or person he always seemed to find a way to criticize things.
"And the rest of them?"
"I had been using my powers to spend time with Five without being noticed but at some point, we were found out. We came clean and soon after I was introduced to the rest of the children." You say, recalling that first meeting with his siblings
Oh, how simple times were when you were all small and young and the biggest problem you faced was getting enough time to hang out between you going to school and them fighting crime. Things were better back then. Easier. And once again you wondered what life would've been like if Five hadn't jumped all those years ago. You were pulled out of your nostalgic thoughts when you heard Reginald go,
Placing his pen down Reginald turns back to you.
"I'm assuming the children were under my instruction with their powers, so why are you more powerful and less problematic than them?"
It took a second to register his words but when you did you tilted your head and furrowed your eyebrows at him. Did he really just ask that? How dare he speak about them like that. You knew that he had only met them in passing so it was infuriating to you that he'd to even be making such statements. Now, was he technically correct? Yes. But it didn't give him the right to do so because he didn't know them so he had no basis to talk about such matters. You let out a huff as you started to explain,
"Why am I more powerful? Well, for one I kind of won the power lottery. The power to manipulate molecules, the things that make up our existence, generally can cast a wider net of potential abilities than super strength or rumoring people to do things. Their powers are valid and useful but it's hard to diversify those assets."
As you thought about how you needed to explain this to Reginald you could feel a fire build within you. You sat upright in your chair, with your shoulder back and your arms firmly seated on the armrests, hands forming into fists. You stared him down as he waited for more of a response and when you had formed your thoughts you chastised,
"On top of that, I chose to develop my powers naturally. My parents helped build a foundation so I wouldn't blow the house up or get stuck in a wall but after that, I dictated if I wanted to learn or not. There was no forcing, coercion, or expectations. I learned because I wanted to and my parents supported my efforts with love. It might sound cliche but love truly is the most powerful force in this world, and I'm less 'problematic' as you put it because you didn't raise me. I was raised with that love."
Reginald looked at you quietly, readjusting himself in his seat before saying,
"Are you insinuating that the reason that group was an uncouth disgrace to my legacy was due to my parentage?"
"Insinuating? No. Stating? Yes." you retorted
"Oh really now?" He questioned
"Your children have their issues, but it was of no fault of their own. It was you who instilled these deep-rooted traumas and conflicts in them and provided them with no parental guidance on how to deal with these issues. They had no support system. They were child soldiers rather than children. You gave them numbers one through seven and reduced them to a ranking scale." You berated
You stared at Reginald intensely and he could see the fire in your eyes. Literal fire in your eyes that were red and flickered like glowing embers. Your emotions boiling over to the point where you were starting to physically express them with your power. Reginald's eyes widened as he saw the power you held. Picking up his pen he began to take more notes, but you felt as if you were going to explode if you continued to sit in the chair across from him. Getting up quickly you walked away from the seat and across the room to look out the window. Facing away from him you continued to say,
"And when they were all gone you gave me the number zero because you thought I was better than them. I rejected that number because I am a person and I am not better than them. But the reason you like me so much, the reason you've always liked me better, placed me higher, whether you explicitly showed it or not, is because I'm everything you wanted them to be that they never became. And why is that? Because I was raised as a human not an object of violence."
"So I'm the problem," Reginald replied
"Yes, and the problems only got worse after the incident." You stated
"Where Five ran away into the future and brought you with him?" Reginald suggested
Your eyes went wide as you whipped around to face him, the angry fire within you building as you demanded,
"How do you know about that?"
Reginald looked at you calmly and said,
"He told me when I pulled him away to chat."
You stopped for a second as you processed his words. You didn't expect Five to tell him about that but perhaps he felt open enough to do so. You thought about that day, the one where everything changed, and everyone was put into a more difficult situation than before. Your anger started to fade as you thought about your darker days post jump and the horrors Five had dealt with. Letting out a breath you started to calm down and looking towards the ground you quietly explained,
"Well, yes that was the incident. He got stuck in a wasteland, I was dropped into 2013 where everything that I knew was gone, and the rest of your children had to deal with the fallout of Five's rash decision."
"Unfortunate." Reginald curtly commented
You looked up towards him and looked back towards you. You could see some type of shift in his demeanor before he continued,
"He also mentioned that he spent 45 years in said apocalypse and is most likely older than I am now. Was that in jest? Because it didn't come off that way. And if so I don't know how comfortable I am with you dating someone almost 3 times your age even if he is both my son and the most competent boy I've met so far."
Oh god, not this again. He was acting as a parent. As your father. Disgusting. Your anger and sadness completely faded away and your witty and sarcastic demeanor returned in full swing.
"That's too bad buckaroo." You responded "He looks my age and that's what people are going to notice. Also, he's my best friend, you don't get a say in my dating life, I do what I want."
"Ugh, insolent child. Whatever will I do with you?" Reginald asked rhetorically as he shook his head in disappointment
"Not sure, but something is comforting about you sounding just like the Reggie from the future Umbrella Academy. But let me be honest here, Umbrella Academy is kind of a stupid name. I mean it's on-point branding given your business but it doesn't inspire anything." You explained in a joking yet critical tone
Reginald sat back in his chair as he listened to you rant and criticize the academy he had created. Picking up his pen he began to jot down notes about the criticisms you were giving.
"And don't get me started on that dumb motto. Ut Malum Pluvia." you rant "When evil reigns? I mean I appreciate a good play on words and I can commend you for that but it's so...depressing. You expected your children to save the world with such a hope-crushing motto sewn on their uniform?"
"Well then what would you do?" Reginald asked looking up from his writing
"If I was the parent of seven super-powered children and created an academy with the purpose of saving the world I'd probably take some influence from my mom because she was so bright and hopeful for me before the incident happened and that hope she instilled in me kept me going after."
"So what would you call your academy then?"
You thought for a moment about your mother. The one who unexpectedly gave birth to you and yet called you her own the minute you were born. The one who gave everything to make sure you had the best life. The one who raised you to be the best you could be. The same one who loved and protected you, and whose memory helped to keep you going after you had both disappeared in your own ways. You faded into your thoughts as you recalled the many experiences you shared with her and settled on the one that stood out most.
"The Sparrow Academy." you answered genuinely "My mother used to take me out on summer nights and early mornings before the sun came up to hear the sparrows sing. They were her favorite bird and she always told me that a sparrow's song in the dark leads to a brighter future."
"Canticum in Tenebris." Reginald spoke
"Yes, a song in the dark. Every little bit would all be influenced by her. I have loved many people in my life but if I had to be a part of some academy of children, I'd do it if it was in memory of her."
Reginald finished penning down all that you had said to him and looked up towards you once more. Looking back you broke the silence and asked,
"Do you have any more questions?"
"Well if we're done here I will be heading to my room because, in all honesty, you terrify Charlie and the longer I stay here the more he'll probably assume I'm dead."
Walking towards the door of the office you hear Reginald's voice from behind you,
"Goodnight, (Y/N)."
"Goodbye, Reginald."
As you walk out and close the door to the office you make your way back to the foyer so that you could head upstairs to your room. As you do so you see Grace standing in the foyer looking at some piece of paper. When she looks up and sees you she folds the paper up and places it in the pocket of her cardigan.
"Hey, sweetie," She greets
"Oh hey, mom," you respond
"I saw you came from the direction of Reggie's office. Is everything alright?" She asks
"Oh yeah, we were just discussing my new car." You lied
Your mom didn't seem to pick up on your lie though. Instead, she looked around the foyer before taking a step closer to you.
"Well, that's nice." She said "You know what I was thinking? How about you and I pack up all our stuff and take a long trip?"
You were confused as to why she was speaking in a lower tone of voice. It was as if she was trying to hide something or keep others from listening. You lowered your voice a bit as well but tried to act as if everything was normal.
"That sounds fun. Is Reggie coming?" You inquired
"I have to talk with him about his work and then we'll see if he comes along." She answers
"Oh. Alright." You said
Your mom took another step towards you and leaned in closer, cupping your face in her hands. There was a smile on her face as she held you but the emotion in her eyes was less so of happiness and more so of concern. Looking you directly in the eyes your mom quietly states,
"Great, now you go pack everything. Okay?"
Her tone of voice was less like a suggestion and more like a command. And the way she emphasized the word everything took you back a little bit and sent a small chill down your spine. You looked at your mom for answers but she said nothing more.
"Uh." you paused before hesitantly continuing "Okay mom."
Your mom let go of your face and pulled you into a tight hug. Without another word, she walked off towards the living room and you headed up to your room. Opening the door you see Charlie sitting on your bed vigorously bouncing his leg, his hands clasped together so tightly that his knuckles were turning extremely white. When he heard the door open his head shot up to look at you and he sprang off the bed. You entered the room and closed the door behind you before turning back to your friend.
"Are you okay?" He questioned concerned
"I'm fine. Although I did just have a very odd conversation with my mom."
"What happened?"
"I'm honestly not sure. She seemed slightly paranoid and told me to pack up all my stuff. It's not like her." You explained as you paced about your room
"Is she trying to make a run for it with you?" Charlie asked
"Maybe? I don't know." you answered "Although I don't even know what would have her so worried that she wants us to run away, especially since she was completely fine this morning."
"That's very odd." Charlie comments "So what happened with Sir Reginald?"
"Quite a bit. Why don't you take a seat." You suggested
Charlie sat down on the foot of your bed as you paced in front of him recounting as best as you could what had happened in your meeting with Reginald. As you started to detail the events, Five had finally finished his journey to get to you. It took a bit given the fact that where you were and where the handler was were practically on the opposite side of town. The hotel the handler was staying in was nice enough but it still was on the lesser side of Dallas, while you were living in the more affluent area. Five had to navigate his way across town but at least he knew exactly where you were. When he had found the invitation to the Mexican Consulate the address listed on the envelope was not that of 82 Olive Street where the D.S. Umbrella Manufacturing Company was located so he assumed it was sent to the house in which you lived. Carefully, he made his way up the driveway making sure to not be seen by anyone. As he did so he saw Charlie's convertible parked out front confirming that you were here. Making his way around the back he stood in the cover of the trees as he looked through the windows to see if he could find you. On the backside of the house, he could see you in what he assumed to be your room pacing about the place. He needed to get your attention but didn't want to accidentally startle you and alert his presence to the whole mansion and he didn't even know if you were alone in the room as well. Looking around for something he saw some pebbles on the ground. Picking one up he threw it at your balcony door.
From inside, you and Charlie stopped talking and both turned your heads toward the balcony as you heard a small sound of something outside.
"What was that?" You asked
"I don't know." He responded
The two of you stayed quiet as you waited for anything else to happen. After a few moments, the sound of a small ping on the glass of your balcony door could be heard. Charlie stood up from the bed and two of you looked at each other for a second. Slowly, you both approach the balcony doors and as you did another ding could be heard. Looking down onto the balcony you saw a few small rocks scattered.
"Someone is throwing rocks at your window," Charlie said
"Well, as long as it's not Hoyt's son Halvor outside I think it'll be okay." You commented
"I now hope it's Halvor." Charlie replies "I want a Romeo and Juliet scenario but you outright insult him instead."
You rolled your eyes at Charlie as you carefully opened the doors to the balcony and stepped onto it to look down at the ground below. Fortunately, it was not Halvor and instead was your beloved Five. Turning to look back at Charlie you stated,
"It's Five, Charlie."
"Aw man," Charlie says disappointed "It's just regular Romeo and Juliet for me I guess..."
"You're a dork." You replied
"Hey!" He exclaimed
You ignored him though and turned to look back at Five who looked up at you with a smile on his face.
"What are you doing here?" You asked in a hushed tone
"I have a plan to get us out of here." He replies mimicking your tone as he holds up a briefcase
You take a look around outside to check that no one is around before waving your boyfriend up to you and whispering,
"Come up here."
Five nods his head and spatial jumps up to the balcony and steps into your room. You close the door to the balcony behind him and close the drapes so no one can see into your room from the outside anymore. Looking at Charlie you command,
"Lock the door."
Charlie gives a quick nod and heads over to the door as you turn your attention back to Five.
"You got a briefcase to bring us back to 2019?" You question
"Well, it's a bit more complicated than that..." Five replies "Like I said I went and made a plan with the devil and I got this briefcase but it's programmed to bring me to a certain time and place and then back to Dallas."
"Why is it programmed like that?" Charlie questions as he approaches the two of you
"I have to go and kill the board of directors for the commission and she said she'll give me a briefcase to take us back to 2019 with everything as it should be and no apocalypses in any timeline." Five explains
"I have no clue what any of that means," Charlie replies
"It's alright, Charlie." You comfort before turning back to Five "Are you sure you can trust her on this?"
"I'm not sure but it's the only option we have to get out of here."
"Alright. I'm coming with you then."
"What do you mean?" Five questions
"I don't trust this woman one bit so there's no way I'm letting you do this alone." You explain before turning to Charlie "Charlie, I never knew when this would happen but it's time."
"Oh shit," Charlie exclaims
"Time for what?" Five questions
"THE plan." You say as you head over to your closet
Crouching down you push some boxes to the side before using one of your knives to unscrew the vent in the back. Reaching in you pull out a box before resetting everything to look normal. Grabbing the box you stand up and bring it over to your vanity table. Five and Charlie both make their way over to you and you start to explain the plan.
"Charlie and I came up with this plan a while ago in case I ever needed to sneak out unexpectedly. I knew you would come back so we set this all up in advance if I ever needed to leave to do something like this with you." You detail as you start to take stuff out of the box "I have a note that I'm going to put on the door that says I went to bed early and not to disturb me. The door will stay locked so no one can come in and if someone tries Charlie has time to prepare a story."
As you unpack some more items you quiz Charlie a bit about the plan. It had been about a year and a half since you came up with this thing so you wanted to make sure he still knew what to do.
"Typically the latest I get out of bed is 11 am so if I'm not back by then what should you do?"
"Take the note out of the box that says you left early to on a walk down the road and take my car saying I'm heading to find you. Then I'll drive off to town for the day and wait near a central location for you to come back." Charlie replies
"Correct." you state before adding "If anything else happens you have all the contingency plan materials in the box."
You take the note about going to bed early along with a piece of tape and unlock your door, hanging it up on the outside. Closing the door again you lock it and turn back to the boys. Five looks on with pride at you. You were so smart and always so prepared, but more so you were so sure of yourself that he would return for you that you had put plans in place to be able to leave on a moment's notice. You amazed him more each and every day and reminded him why he had done all the things he did and all the things he was doing now. Finished up with the box you turn to Charlie and state,
"Charlie I believe in you."
Charlie nods his head before wrapping you in a hug and replying,
"Come back soon."
"I will."
Stepping out of the hug, you turn to Five and extend your hand out towards him.
"Ready to follow me?" Five questions
"Always," you answer
With that Five takes your hand and in a flash of blue energy, the two of you travel away out of your room and through time to where you needed to go. When the energy flashed again you were in a completely different place. Steadying yourself you took a few deep breaths. Compared to the last time you time traveled the molecular disturbance didn't hurt as much. Maybe you were getting better at redistributing them. Even though you felt alright Five looked at you with concern. He held your hand a bit tighter and you could see the worried look in his eyes.
"Are you okay?" He questioned
"I'm alright darling. I'm getting better at managing molecular disturbances...I think." you explain
"That response does not fully fill me with confidence."
"That's too bad, we have a job to do." you remind
Five rolled his eyes at you. He didn't understand how could you just wave off the disturbance you felt like it was nothing, but you made a good point. You had a job to do and the quicker it was over with the better. Five pulled the note out of his pocket that had the place of where the board meeting was happening listed. Looking up at the building in front of the two of you, he confirmed that it was the place. Putting the note back in his pocket he took the briefcase and stashed it behind a large shrub on the backside of the building. With all of that done the two of you made your way to the front of the building. You looked around and saw many people in traditional clothing and the sound of polka music echoed from the building. Five grabbed the door and held it open for you to walk in with him following after. The two of you looked around the place checking to see if anyone out of the ordinary, commission-looking types, were around. You didn't see anything odd, except for the overwhelming amount of polka dancers inside the lodge. You follow Five as he walks over to a woman and says,
"Excuse me."
The woman turns to look at him and replies,
"Uff da. You snuck up on me there. If you're looking for the cookies, we don't put 'em out till 3:00."
"Ooh cookies," you exclaim
No. Wait. You had to focus on the task at hand. No cookies.
"We can hardly wait." Five comments "Uh, do you happen to know where the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting?
"Sure do. Muskellunge Banquet Room. You looking for your parents? They in for the convention?" The woman responds politely
Instead of answering her questions, Five looks off in the distance. You couldn't quite tell what he was looking at but the woman looked at the two of you for a response.
"Yes, our parents are prominent members of the society." you confidently lied
Five looked back towards the woman and held out a dollar before asking curiously,
"Hey, could I get some change?"
"Oh, sure, I'll just look in my purse." She says as she opens a fanny pack "Only a nickel and a couple of dimes. Oh! You... are...in... luck, mister."
The woman hands a few quarters to Five and he takes them in his hand. He looks off to the side as if he was deep in thought and says,
"You know some say the best luck is to die at the right time."
Five then walks off towards where the banquet room was as you and the woman both look on confused. The woman looks back to you and you shoot an apologetic look.
"Um...my boyfriend recently started taking a philosophy course at school. I'm trying to work with him on when it's appropriate to bring up philosophical statements."
The woman silently looks back at you confused and you walk away from her and follow your boyfriend. You can tell there's a shift in his body language as he walks towards the vending machine. He stood up straighter and his movements were stiff. He looked around before starting to place to coins he received in the vending machine. As he did so you approached him and stood by his side. You could see an angry and frustrated look on his face. You watched as he typed in the letter and number combo necessary to get a fudge Nutter Bar.
He loved those immensely. You were the one who introduced those to him when you got a bunch trick-or-treating on Halloween years ago. You knew he and his siblings wouldn't be able to go so you stole a bunch of candy to give to them and jumped over to their house later at night to distribute the sweets. You had given Five a Fudge Nutter bar to try first from the bag of candy and he became obsessed. He took the rest of them before his siblings even got a chance to try but you thought it was cute.
Coming out of your thoughts you notice your boyfriend getting frustrated at the machine. His eyebrows start to furrow and he tenses up more as he aggressively presses the buttons. He then tries to reach his hand through the vending machine door to try and get the bar he paid for out.
"Five what if I-" You start to say
You wanted to suggest using your powers but before you could fully get your words out your Five started to vigorously shake the machine.
"Come on!" He angrily exclaimed
"Uh- Five?" You try again
It is to no avail though as he steps back and starts to bang into the machine with his shoulder in his attempt to free his bar before shaking the machine again but harder. You knew your boyfriend was under an immense amount of stress given back-to-back apocalypses in about a two-week time frame and this stubborn Fudge Nutter was probably his breaking point. Now you knew you could step in and probably ease his tension with some love and compassion but you also had a weird curiosity to see what would happen. As he continued to shake the vending machine Five yelled,
"Stupid mother Fudge Nutter! Fuckin' Fudge Nutter!"
And taking a step back he kicked in the glass on the machine. Realizing what he did Five stopped and scratched the back of his neck. Taking a deep breath he turned towards the doorway which led to the banquet hall the board of directors was meeting in. Walking that way he dragged a finger across the side of a cake resting on a nearby table picking up some icing. You followed behind pulling out a knife and holding it in your hand preparing to fight. Five licked the icing off his finger before looking around and seeing an ax on the wall he grabs it and readjusts it in his hands. You could tell from the everything that he was displaying a high amount of frustration and although given the context it was an understandable expression of his feelings you knew it could lead to are more arduous killing process. You noticed as he started to prep himself to walk in the doorway that lead towards the hall but before he could step through you teleported yourself in front of him. Before he could react you grabbed his face tightly with your free hand pulled him into a forceful kiss. Pulling back and letting go of his face you watched as he blinked a few times in surprise.
"Oh- wow." He commented, "I was not against that in the slightest but um is there a reason?"
You twiddle with your knife as you reply,
"I thought that would be the best way to steady you. From my own experience kills are quicker and more effective if you have a steady balance between your erraticism and logic."
Although he kept a calm exterior, Five was screaming on the inside. His heart racing as if he had just run a marathon. Everything in his logic screamed that this was not the time to be feeling like this. The board that needed to be killed was just around the corner and the time was counting down to another apocalypse. And yet, every other part of said this was the time and screamed for more. Five collected himself and removed one of his hands from the ax to readjust his tie and jacket. Although alarm bells were still going off in his head a smirk appeared on his face as he suggested,
"Well, then I'll have to come to you for steadiness more often then."
Catching his drift, you take a step closer to him and use your free hand to grab him by his tie and pull him closer to you. A playful smirk resembling his own appears on your face as you whisper to him,
"Well how about this, the sooner we get this done and return to 2019 the sooner I'll provide you with some more...steadiness."
Everything screamed louder as a fire built within him. He was going to kill this board as if his life depended on it.
"I like that plan."
You let go of his tie and take a step out of the way of him. He raises his ax back up and prepares himself as you state,
"After you then mon chéri."
A wide smile appears on Five's face and there's a determination in his eyes as he walks through the doors and marches down towards the room that held the board of directors. You turned yourself invisible and followed after him. As Five steps through the door to the room, he can see AJ turn to look at him. There was something about seeing the people whom he both had worked with as a murderous pawn but also was left alone in the apocalypse for decades by that sent him into a rage.
"You!" AJ exclaims "Call security!"
A woman pushes her chair away from the table and towards a phone on a nearby desk. Five quickly takes a swing at her cutting her arm off. While still invisible you decided to turn her brain matter into liquid better her die quickly than slowly bleed out with a chance of survival. From the opposite side of the table, you see a man start to stand up to head towards Five but before he does so you throw your knives at him and land one through his eye socket into his brain and the other in his heart. Transporting yourself over to him you twist both knives in a circular motion ensuring lasting damage and no chance of survival. Revealing yourself you pull both knives out causing blood to splatter on your face and clothing. The board looks at you in shock and you turn to Five with a sadistic smile on your face and ask,
"What? You thought you could have all the fun without me?"
"Never, darling." Five replies, a twisted smile appearing on his own face
The two of you turn to look at the living members of the board for a moment but within seconds start jumping around the room taking board members out. Blood and carnage covered yourselves and the room as corpses were littered around the place. With the rest of the members taken out, you went to stand behind AJ while Five stood on the table in front of him. As you looked up at Five, ax in hand, and covered in blood, with a chaotic fire in his eyes you could not help how attracted you were to him at this moment. As Five towered over him, AJ questioned,
"She sent you, didn't she?"
"Does it really matter now?" Five replied
"Whatever she offered you, I will double it, triple it," AJ begged
"I'm not doing this for money." Five exclaimed as he lifted the ax to swing at AJ
Before the ax could connect with the fish tank of a head AJ had the lady from earlier tackled Five to the ground.
"Get off me!" Five yelled
"You're gonna pay for that vending machine, little mister." The lady said as she grappled with him
With the sudden action, you were pulled out of your thoughts and say AJ start to run away but also Five on the ground. As much as you wanted to help your boyfriend you knew getting AJ was better and ran after him. Having him in your sights you used your powers to make his legs denser, slowing him down followed by throwing knives into his thigh and shoulder.
Back on the board room Five continued to grapple with the lady.
"I don't wanna hurt you, all right?" Five tried to explain
The lady punches him in the face before angrily replying,
"Hurt me? Oh, I ain't afraid of you, you little pus ball."
Five was tired of dealing with the woman though and punched her back knocking her out cold. Getting up he takes a look around the room and sees that neither you nor AJ was in the room.
"Shit." He says aloud
Grabbing a rugby-looking paddle off the wall he flashed out of the room and flashes in front of AJ. As he does, he notices how slowly AJ is moving, as if his legs were made of concrete. Looking up he sees you leaning against a nearby wall nonchalantly eating a piece of cake. Looking over to him you say,
"Oh, hey babe. I saved him for ya."
You had never called him babe before and it was not helping him deal with the intense feeling of screaming going on within him and yet it also did. With that one word, he could feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He felt...powerful. Cocking his head to the side he looked at AJ maniacally as he held the paddle in his hand.
"Surely we can come to some form of agreement that benefits both parties. Quid pro quo? What do you say?" AJ suggested
"Why not? Here's your quid." Five says hitting him in the side
"Here's your pro." Five adds catching him with the paddle in the knee
"No! No! Please don't!" 
"Here's your quo." Five stated firmly
Swinging hard he smashes the glass head that contained AJ in it leaving water and glass everywhere. Five takes a few deep breaths as he stares at the flopping fish on the floor. As he does so you see two girls in polka dresses walk out and see the scene before turning back into the dance hall. Placing your slice of cake down you summon all your knives back before heading over to Five and placing a hand on his arm grabbing his attention.
"We need to get out of here."
Five looks around at the scene and grabs a nearby plastic bag before picking AJ up off the ground and placing him in it. Five looks back to you and states,
"We need water."
You look at the air within the bag Five was holding and in a matter of seconds, you converted a portion of it into water. Five knew that was something you could do and it was something you had been able to do for a long time nevertheless, it still amazed him. Holding the bag with AJ in one hand he took yours in the other and held it tightly. Five spatial jumped the two of you out of the building and towards the shrub he had stashed the pre-programmed briefcase in. Handing AJ to you, he grabbed the briefcase and set it up so that you could get back to 1963 Dallas. Taking your hand once more you could feel the briefcase start to disturb the energy around you and with one more flash the two of you were back in the alleyway in Dallas covered in blood. The two of you looked around and everything seemed to be the right time and place. As you stood there in the alleyway the briefcase started to make noise and you could feel its molecules moving faster signifying that it was heating up. Grabbing it out of Five's hand you threw it on the other side of the alley and watch as seconds later it blew up. 
"What the fuck." You exclaimed
"Programmed to self-destruct after its purpose was done...clever." Five commented
You turn towards your boyfriend who seemed to be utterly unphased by the whole thing and say,
"I hate your former employer. I hope I never have to interact with them."
"Well, I don't want you to and because of that, I need you to go inside. She could be here any minute and I don't know what she could pull nor do I want you around her." Five explains "Also, it would make me feel better if you were inside. Okay?"
You nod your head at him and quickly make your way inside the back door to the building but don't head up the stairs to Elliott's apartment. Instead, you stay close to the door to be able to get to Five quickly incase he needed you.  Five crossed his arms as he turned away from the door and soon enough he heard the recognizable sound of heels clicking towards him.
"Well?" The voice asked
Five held to bag for her to take from him without looking back at her.
"AJ!" The handler exclaimed taking the bag
Five turned around and looked at her with an emotionless expression. 
"You know, you're really starting to fill out those tight little shorts of yours." The handler commented, "I'm sure your girlfriend is happy."
Five was always so disgusted when she talked about you. He could deal with comments made towards him, they meant nothing to him, but comments about you filled him with repulsion and rage. He kept quiet as he narrowed his eyes at her.
"Why so quiet? Thought you'd be buzzing after this morning's slaughter." She questions
Five looked off for a second. This killing, he didn't do it just because, he did it because he wanted to protect his family, you, and the world you all existed in.
"All this killing..." Five pauses "I'm done with it."
"What?" The handler questions "Am I supposed to take that seriously?"
"What I did today, I did for the people I love. I did it to save the world." Five elaborates emotionally
"Please. Spare me your little assassin with the heart of gold routine, will you?" The handler replies before picking up a briefcase from the ground "Here. Per our agreement, this will get you and your siblings back to 2019."
Five takes the briefcase from her and as he does she adds,
"You have 90 minutes."
Panic rushes through Five and as the handler starts to walk away he yells,
"You said nothing about a time limit."
"Actually, you have 89 minutes and 30 seconds. Better hurry."
"This is impossible, okay? My siblings are scattered across the city." Five exclaims as he approaches her
"Nothing's impossible. You proved that this morning when you killed the board."
"I need more time."
"Any more time, and people will start asking questions. The sooner you get home and out of this time period, the better off we'll both be, so, ticktock, ticktock." The handler finishes
Angrily, Five spatial jumps away from the handler and into the back staircase where you were. You look at him and see something is wrong but before you can say anything he grabs your wrist and spatial jumps the two of you up to the apartment. As the two of you arrive you see from the balcony three words written on the floor in blood. Öga För Öga. Eye for an eye? Before you can process that whole mess you hear Diego threaten from the kitchen,
"You killed one of ours, Olga, now we're coming after you. You will be dead by nightfall."
Five and you head towards the kitchen and see Diego on the phone with Luther nearby. As Five takes off his jacket and vest he explains,
"Hey. It's Öga För Öga, idiots. Swedish for an eye for an eye. It means the Swedes killed Elliott."
"Wrong number. Have a lovely day." Diego says in a chipper tone before hanging up the phone
Your eyes go wide as the situation before you triggers a strong feeling of deja vu within you, almost instantaneously followed by a strong visceral memory of your friends comes to mind. Quietly you whispered to yourself,
"Du sang pour du sang."
Five turns to look at you and asks,
"Why did you say blood for blood in french?"
"I'd love to explain but we do NOT have the time for it right now," you state
"Uh, you guys have some blood on you. A lot of blood, actually. What did you do?" Luther questions
Instead of looking to Five for answers, Diego comes over to you and starts looking you over for injuries.
"Are you okay? This is a lot of blood." He asks concerned
"I've said this many times before in my life but it's not my blood and that's all that matters." You respond to him
He looks at you confused as you walk away towards Five in the bathroom. Using your powers you specifically remove the molecules of blood on both of your clothes and skin before placing them all in the sink and washing them down. As both of you fix yourself up in the bathroom Five starts to explain, 
"So I found a way home."
"What? How?" Luther questions
"All the details are irrelevant, but...I made a deal to get back to our timeline."
"What about doomsday?" Diego asks
"Won't happen."
"And the 2019 apocalypse?" Luther inquires
Five was getting frustrated with his siblings. Their questions pestered him, especially because he killed a bunch of people for the opportunity to get everyone home safely and their time was running out fast.
"Everything will be back to normal. All right? Now, no more questions. We gotta go. We have to find the others, alright?"
Five walks out of the bathroom with you following behind him. 
"Yeah," Luther says
"Luther, you get Allison. Diego, Klaus. (Y/N) and I will get Vanya. Now, we meet back in the arrival alley in 77 minutes." Five details before heading over to a table and saying "Here. I've synchronized these watches."
Picking the watches up from the table he pockets one before handing the other two to each of his brothers.
"Okay, let's do this." Luther states
With Luther's confirmation, Five turns away from them and grabs your hand about to flash the two of you away but is halted when Diego questions,
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. You show up with my sister completely drenched in blood and expect us to believe everything's gonna go back to normal if we go home now?"
You nodded your head a little bit at Diego's statement. If the handler had already tricked Five with a briefcase that has a 20-minute timer how could you know that this wasn't a trick again.
"Elliott just got killed because of us." Five exclaims gesturing to the body hidden underneath a sheet
You nodded your head once more because that was also a good point but you still did agree with what Diego had said.
"What about Dad? What about JFK?" Diego questions
"Diego, we have a chance to go home and make things right. We are taking it." Five demands
This was wasting time, precious time that could be used to get back to their lives but also save the world.
"I have to say goodbye to Lila." Diego states
"Lila doesn't give a shit about you, Diego! She never did. She's one of them. She's a member of the Commission!" Five yells
"No way. Not possible."
Now you were starting to get frustrated with Diego. How could Diego be so stupid, so blinded by her? If she worked for the commission then she did not matter. She was bad from the start and deserved no sympathy for using your brother in the way she did. 
"She was just using you to get to me. You're the Oswald of this story, my friend. The goddamned patsy." Five frustratedly explains
"You don't know what you're talk-"  Diego to starts to retort
Five spatial jumps over to right in front of Diego and firmly states to him,
"If you don't do this, I'll kill you myself. Got it?"
"No. I don't take orders from you." Diego states back
That was it. You were done with the back and forth of bullshit as it was taking away time from the opportunity to get home. Pulling one of your knives out you quickly approached Diego and held it at him accusingly.
"Diego Hargreeves, this might be our only chance to get out of this god damn timeline and back home. And as your little sister if you care for my well-being as much as you say you do then you will not seek out this walking bag of lies and will go and get Klaus so we can all go home." You demand before exclaiming angrily "If you don't...I swear on our mother that I will take every one of your knives and will use them to dissect you limb by limb and organ by organ before using my powers to blow EACH ONE UP INDIVIDUALLY!"
The three boys looked on at you in horror. 
"Holy shit..." Luther quietly commented
"Do I make myself clear?" You ask
Diego quickly nodded his head and you pulled the knife away from them and back in its holding place on you. Turning around you walk away from him and extend your hand out to Five. Five takes it and the two of you flash away to outside the building. Looking around you and Five find a car that had the keys just placed on the driver's seat. Sharing a knowing look the two of you use your powers to get into the car before putting the keys in and speeding off to get Vanya. As you travel on the dirt roads leading to the farm Vanya was living on you started to head around a curve. As you did so you and Five looked over and saw Vanya in the car passing by. Vanya stopped her car as Five stopped yours. You both quickly rush out of the car and over towards Vanya who had gotten out of hers.
"What are you doing here?" Vanya questioned confused
"Looking for you. We're going back to 2019." Five states quickly
"What are you talking about?" Vanya asks 
Five pulls the watch out of his pocket and looks at the seconds counting down before replying,
"Look, I don't really have time to explain right now, but I found a way home. All right? We have 30 minutes to leave."
Five starts to walk away thinking Vanya would follow but instead she exclaims,
"What about my friends? I can't just leave them here."
"Vanya, you don't have a choice in this, all right? Doomsday will happen if you don't come with me." Five explains turning around to face her again
"Okay, then I'm bringing them with me." Vanya states
"They belong in this timeline." Five replies
"Says who? Sissy deserves a life where she doesn't have to pretend to be someone she's not. And Harlan There's a name for what he has. We can get him the help he needs." Vanya yells angrily
"Vanya." You called softly, trying to ease the tension
For a second, your calmness seems to work as Vanya adds,
"Look, a mom and her eight-year-old son are not gonna screw up the timeline, Five. They're insignificant."
Five looks on at Vanya and you can see behind the frustration and panic there was sadness in his eyes. He doesn't want to argue with his sibling and he never would purposely try to hurt his sibling in the way Vanya might be feeling, but they were running out of time to get home and if they didn't the whole world could end. Even in his panic, Five attempted to speak more calmly,
"No one is insignificant. I'm sorry, all right? But we can't take that risk. They have to stay. Come on."
"Why do you get to decide? You're the reason we're stuck here in the first place." Vanya rebukes, her anger returning
"If I did nothing, we would all be dead right now, thanks to you!" Five yells back
"They're coming with me." Vanya demands
Five could not deal with this stubbornness anymore. It was the same stubbornness that caused the last apocalypse because Vanya refused to see other people's perspectives and played the victim card time and time again. He loved his sister, that much was true, but he was not going to deal with another apocalypse just because Vanya wanted to bring some people she had known for a month along. Taking a step forward towards her Five stands his ground and firmly commands,
"Vanya, do not test me right now."
Vanya takes a step towards him in the same manner and in a low voice replies back,
"That's funny. 'Cause I was just about to say the same thing."
You can see the anger build between them but you can feel their power build as well. The disturbance they created crashed over you like a powerful wave during a storm. You tried to do what you always did to help ease the disturbance by breathing it in and then pushing it out. But this was different. Some time travel or explosions didn't do as much harm as they used to but Vanya's powers were like Kryptonite. And with the addition of Five revving up his powers, it was a bit more than you had been exposed to in a while. For a second you were able to manage pretty well but as they grew stronger it got harder to breathe. It was as if your throat was closing up on you and without being able to breathe the feeling of the disturbance got worse. You dropped to your knees as you gasped for air and when Five heard you struggling he immediately stopped his battle with Vanya to rush over to you. Helping you to stand, you took in deep breaths of air, and as Vanya powered down you started to feel better.
"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Five apologized as he pulled you into a hug
"I'm fine," you reply between breaths and you hold him back
From behind the two of you, you can hear Vanya say,
"Fine, what?" Five asks
Five pulls out of the hug to look at Vanya but keeps one of his arms tightly around you worried that if he lets go you'll collapse again.
"I'll be there, but I need to say goodbye first." Vanya answers
"Oh, Vanya, we don't have the time." Five explains
"Well, it's either that, or I'm not coming." Vanya states
Five looks towards you. There was no use fighting with Vanya on this and honestly, if he was in her place he'd want to say goodbye too. He never got the chance to say goodbye when he left. Looking back towards Vanya he nods his head and commands,
"The alley. 27 minutes. Don't be late."
With that Vanya goes and gets in her car while you and Five get in yours. Not letting go of you, Five walks you. to the car and helps you in it even as you protested saying you were feeling better. Turning the car back on Five whips it around and heads back towards the alley. When the two of you arrive you park the car and immediately jump out rushing towards the alley. As you arrive Five quickly opens up a dumpster and pulls out the briefcase he stashed there. Running from out of the apartment you see Luther approach you two and questions upset,
"Hey. Where is everyone?"
"You're the first." Five replies to him
"What?" Luther exclaims
"Yeah." You reply
As the three of you stare down the alleyway you can see Klaus approaching, which was surprising in and of itself but what was more surprising to you was that Ben was standing within him. As Klaus' body approached it exclaims,
"Hey! Hey! We made it!"
"What do you mean, we?" Five asks
The three of you then watch as Klaus contorts his body in odd ways and while Five and Luther were generally confined you were trying to process all that you were seeing. What looked like odd contortions to the other two was really Klaus trying to push Ben out of his body. Was Klaus possessed? You then watched as Klaus projectile vomited an extreme amount on the ground and along with it was Ben, who was now also covered in vomit. How did that work being a ghost? You didn't know and it wasn't important enough to ask at this moment. Klaus collapses to the ground and you look directly at Ben to say,
"I don't know what you did to cause that to happen, but it was gross as hell."
Luther, unknowing of Ben being there looks at Klaus. How is it that out of all his siblings Klaus was the one to arrive on time. An anger wells in him as he shouts,
"I can't believe it. I mean, you're here."
"We've got eight minutes left." Five states panicked as he looks at the watch
"I just had the strangest dream," Klaus mumbles from the ground 
"Where are the others!" Five exclaims as he continues to look down the alley
You continue to wait there and minute after minute the time ticks down until there were only sixty seconds left.
"We've got a minute left!" Luther yells angrily as he slams his hand down on the dumpster denting it
"What's going on, guys? Are we going somewhere?" Klaus asks from the ground
You watch as your boyfriend paces back and forth angrily ranting,
"It was a simple task. It was a simple task! All we had to do was be here. Didn't have to fight a giant sea monster, no. An army of mutants? Nein."
"I can't believe this." Luther comments
"It was handed to us on a silver platter." Five continues
This was bad. Allison, Diego, and Vanya had yet to show up and you couldn't leave with only five of you here. You shook your head as disappointment and anger flooded over you. This family would be the death of you.
"Could you just moan a little softer? My head is killing me." Klaus complains as he starts to sit up
"Listen to me, you useless puke bag, we just blew our chance to save the world!" Five yells
As he finishes saying that you can hear a sound coming from the briefcase but can also feel it as well. Five's head whips over to it and sees that the briefcase was about to go. 
"God damn it." Five states
"Shit," Luther adds
Five had no choice but to get rid of the briefcase. Picking it up off the ground he throws it into the air and far from any of you. You all watch as it disappears in a flash of blue and your chance of getting home had been lost to time. Five shakes his head and turns away from the group heading back towards Elliott's apartment.
"We were that close. That close." He states
You stared up at the spot where the briefcase had flashed and as the residual feeling of the disturbance, it caused disappeared faded you wondered if your chances of ever getting home had too.
Taglist: @xplrreylo @joebob15274 @insatiable-ivy @fruitsaladtree @angelpeachamber @academy-umbrella @lizziel1410 @ir3neeee @faith-quake @aliens-with-colas @sunsetcurve-1995 @lady-celeste25 @im-dead-and-hurting @nerdypinupcrystal @cherry-ki-d @anapocalypseinmymind @vicassa @2cuteforyourlies @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @shadowycreationcupcake @emily-hargreeves @metor-showers1994 @fivehargreevesforthewin @rinko-san @supernovavision @cicilisthebest @flickbix @hi-v-juice @magykal-777 @zosiaduda @thethirdwheelfriend @mysticracoon @isnt-it-loverly @officiallydarkgeek @lady1505 @always-the-very-worst @tinypandagirl @libidinexx @lemongrabbuns @itwasallred @deadandoverit @shlokage @keksi249 @theoriginalkat @we-stan-fiction @bi-idiot-fanfics @annnagennnie @izzyjojo4 @megasimpleplan4ever @flowertoty @grabthemoneyandletsgo @itsametaphorbriansblog @vanillacaramelhoney @satvaldiva @disaster-magician @margotsfandoms @emily-b-m @bluechildrenlickmytoes @soft-slytherin-sweetie @oceanspray5 @im-here-for-fanfics @thebloodrobin @freestarlight @starcurrent @lilacs-lavender @moatsnow @give-the-boy-a-hug @narikyuwu @whenyouregrungeaff
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
Revenge - Matthew Tkachuk
Words: 3.1k+
Type: Smut
Warnings: Female!Reader. 18+. Cursing. Fingering. Oral sex (mentions of male receiving, but it’s mainly female receiving). Online classes. Semi-public sex (while in zoom class). 
If you’re a minor, please, for the love of God, do not read this!!
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Studying and working from home hasn’t been all that stressful for you. 
At least for now. 
All your professors of your college have, honestly, been the only pain in the ass, since they care so much about participation during classes or with doing essays, ‘so it compensates your lack of physical presence in classes’. In other words, always having your camera on, unless you want to be kicked from the zoom call. Oh and yeah, have to hear their whining (if they’re that type of professors) if they see you talking to someone off screen and looking down at your phone.
As annoying as that sounds, the fact that your boyfriend and you get to have and spend more time together - over not having to stay in campus to study or in the rink to work - it, honestly, makes you feel better.
And you being you and Matthew being Matthew, teasing is in the nature of your relationship. And just the fact that you both get to have the possibility to tease each other during inconvenient times just to get under each other’s skin, it’s fucking gold.
Yes, whenever you are in classes, Matthew is in zoom meetings, but there are days where he has longer meetings than you. And god, you do use those times to your advantage.
Your type of teasing can go one of two ways. It can be to just annoy the shit out of each other until someone laughs or just tackles the other off screen - yes, it has happened - or the sexual type of teasing.
The second one is more rare, and of course, more risky. You two obviously only do anything in days that, for an example, Matthew isn’t in meetings with his coach or you aren’t in online tests, or with certain teachers. But, of course, there’re exceptions.
One of the most important problem of living with each other is that both you and Matthew have grown to be extremely comfortable with each other. I repeat, extremely comfortable. 
Just imagine how your first day of online classes went when your very naked boyfriend walked right across your background while your professor presented himself. 
You thankfully saw it before anyone could and your shoulders hid everything except for his chest, but it was still a very close call.
Nothing a pen thrown at his head couldn’t fix.
It never happened again but the lack of clothing is still very real under your roof. Matthew puts on boxers and, in meetings, a shirt, and you... well, you only wear a t-shirt.
Yesterday was your day off and let’s just say that boredom got the best of you. Matthew was stuck in a delayed zoom meeting with just his teammates, which meant that whatever you two had planned had just been delayed as well. Resulting, of course, in your boredom.
You leaned against the doorway while looking at him for the first minutes, then against walls and only after the first 20 minutes, you sat next to him on the extra chair, hoping that maybe your glare would be enough to speed up whatever they were talking about.
Didn’t work. 
Whenever Matthew would look at you, he would just laugh at the small pout, and, later, the scowl that grew on your face. 
The meeting continued for another 40 minutes and you were pissed. You whispered many times to Matthew just to ask if you could at least go to the bedroom, but he always answered ‘I’m almost done, babe, just a few more minutes’.
A few minutes your ass. As it reached the whole hour and a half, you were furious. Matthew was sitting on the normal desk chair, legs under the desk, leaning back as if nothing in the world could bother him. Ah, he was more than wrong.
You knew for a fact that the conversation between the guys is not even work related anymore. You couldn’t hear anything over Matthew having headphones but from all the laughing from his part and his friends on his screen, you had a good idea of the truth. So... 
You did it.
You didn’t think twice or even hesitate, you just did it. 
You went under the table, while gaining a look from your boyfriend, who didn’t say anything at first, and just pulled down his boxers. He was in shock, to say the least, for the first minute or so, but he didn’t stop you.
He hissed super loud as soon as your hand held his cock in your hands and he swears that he never moved so fast to mute himself on the call. 
His friends were too distracted to notice anything about him on his camera, or even hear him over the other guys’ voices, so everything came unnoticed.
The boys lost him as soon as you pulled him into your mouth. He didn’t hear a thing nor did he say a word. He was completely lost in the total bliss of the warmth and smoothness of your mouth. He threw his head back on the chair and brought his hands to your face, helplessly grabbing it as you took him inch by inch into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down as your eyes stayed on his.
Did it work? Sure did. He never left a meeting so quick in his life. And as soon as his laptop was closed, he snatched you from under the desk and took you right there on the ground, on top of the carpet.
Twenty four hours later and you think you’re still sore, but you don’t regret it one bit.
Matthew, today, has nothing to do for work, while you’re in your last class of the evening. He’s sitting next to you by the desk, back turned to your computer as he faces the tv and plays some video game.
As you continue to take notes silently of what your professor is explaining, your phone vibrates with a random notification and your eyes drift over to it. You eye it quickly and slide to the side to delete it, leaving you to stare at the photo on your background.
Matthew hates that picture with everything in him, while you love it with your whole heart.
It’s a picture of him a year ago. A night that he was just bat shit drunk, smiling widely to the camera with his eyes closed because of the flash of your phone. He looked adorable, and that is exactly why he hates it.
“Y/N Y/L/N, please pay attention to class”
You lift your head to look at the screen and the teacher already moved on with class. 
How in the hell does he notice you every time?
Matthew looks over at you as you sigh loudly and looks at your screen. You look slightly stressed, maybe also frustrated, with whatever just happened, but with just his eyes, he can’t tell what that was.
As a student’s face appears in your screen when making a question, Matthew rests his hand over your naked thigh, grabbing your attention.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, and you lean back on your chair.
“Caught me looking at my phone” You whisper and he smiles.
You look back at the screen as your teacher starts to talk again and try your best to go into your robot mode. No emotions, just take notes.
Matthew looks away, back to his TV, but lets his hand rest on your leg as he quietly changes games. He had grown bored after dying so many times at online servers. Nothing a calmer game can’t fix.
You write down whatever your teacher says, not really caring if it makes sense or not when written down, and your phone vibrates against the table again.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just go grab that book right now” Your teacher excuses himself and you swear that you see everyone sigh in relief at his announcement of everyone’s seconds of peace.
Matt leans his head on his chair as he’s stuck on a loading screen and you look over your shoulder curious to see what game he’s playing. You turn in your chair, pen still in your hand, and sit over one of your legs to stare at the TV.
You stare at the black screen, waiting for the lobby of the game to reappear, and out of nowhere, you feel Matt’s hand squeeze the inside of your thigh, high up your thigh.
“Stop” You warn him.
“Didn’t do anything” He answers back.
You shake your head at him and him, being the little shit that he is, decides to move his hand more up. Tingles run down your body at how close he really is to notice your usual lack of underwear, but you just send him a glare in return.
“Aren’t you in class?” He asks, acting as if he’s still not moving his hand up excruciatingly slow.
“Yeah, but my-”
Right as you’re about to explain, the sound of your teacher’s mic moving around makes you look back at the screen.
“Here it is.” Your professor says as he holds his book up at the camera.
“Never mind” You tell Matt, turning back for your class, sitting straight in front of your camera.
Your teacher starts talking about the book, also about the author, and quickly you’re back to your emotionless self, paying attention to everything he is saying, making sure to know if you actually need to read that book or if it’s just optional.
Everyone nods at the teacher to make him know that everyone is listening and you’re rudely pulled away from your moment of concentration as Matthew’s hand finally reaches you.
“Matthew, I’m in class” You say through your teeth, not wanting your teacher to call you out again. This time, for talking to someone.
You grab his wrist and as you’re about to pull him away, his middle finger traces your slit, easily sliding in between your lips.
He smiles as your hold on his wrist loosens and as you lean slightly back on your chair. He steals a glance from your screen and finds your teacher talking, still holding the book up to the camera.
You gasp as his finger touches your clit and look over at him with an annoyed look as soon as it starts circling it.
“My class ends in 15. Can’t this wait?... Please?” You ask, trying to fight the urge to close your eyes.
His slow circles around your little bud speed up slightly and you sigh.
“My meeting from yesterday was almost ending as well. That didn’t stop you, did it?” He asks in a low tone.
You let out a small whimper as he presses his finger more onto you as he continues his circles and you lay your head back, trying to make it seem for the camera that you are just leaning back.
“I only need you all to read from page...” Your teacher continues and you curse out loud, hand grasping your pen tightly.
You hold your head back up, leaning forward on the chair, and try your best to ignore Matt’s hand. You stare at yourself in the camera for a little as you hear the numbers of the pages, but your brain seems to have stopped functioning completely.
Please just write that down, please just write that- hold on.
Matt takes his finger off your clit and soon you feel it reach your entrance, gathering some of your juices onto his fingertips. You lean forward on your chair and he takes that moment to push his finger in.
You bring one of your hands to your forehead as you lower your head down and you let out a small moan as Matt’s ring finger slides in as well, working at the perfect rhythm.
“Does anyone have any questions?” The teacher asks.
You sigh as Matt starts working his thumb around your clit, and the voice of a girl fills your ears as she starts making her question. Matt’s fingers are not even going at a fast pace, but you’re sensitive enough to already let small moans escape your mouth. All because of yesterday.
Matthew bites his bottom lip as you let moans softly escape your mouth, completely hiding your face from the camera. God, he hopes your class is ending early.
He speeds up the movements of his fingers, letting them start to quicken as they slide up and down from your slick walls, wetting his fingers with your juices up to his knuckles, and he smiles as you respond instantly by closing your eyes and covering your mouth with your other hand.
“Ah yes, those pages are quite difficult to understand at first...”
Matthew, completely ignoring the fact that you’re still trying to listen to your teacher, speeds up his movements even more in the same minute, scissoring his fingers, and the sound you let out is just purely pornographic. 
As he feels you lean in closer to his hand, an idea flashes in his mind, making him smile evilly, even though you’re not looking at him at all.
Matthew pulls his hand away and you whine as he does it.
You open your eyes to look over his way and he swears that in his years of being a very annoying player in the NHL, nobody has ever looked at him with so much anger.
You continue to glare at him as he brings his hand to his lips, and you bite down a gasp as he starts licking his fingers clean. You’re breathing hard, almost panting, heart beating against your chest almost as if you were hitting a wave of complete adrenaline.
He smiles as he looks down at you and you don’t smile back, absolutely pissed off at him.
You, being angry as all hell, take your eyes off him and lean back on your chair, arms crossing over your chest as you stare at your teacher on your screen.
Matthew, pleased with himself, brings his hands to the chair you’re sitting on and pulls it away from the desk. You, even though confused, let him do whatever the hell he wants.
He stands from his chair beside you and, in a quick movement, crouches, and away from the camera of your laptop, moves to under the desk.
The look you give him as you look down is as unbothered as you wanted it to be.
As you bring your eyes back to laptop screen, you take notes of some of the number the pages that you missed over being ‘occupied’, and at the same time, Matthew grabs your legs by the back of your knees, pulling you closer the end of the chair, closer to him.
You breathe in deeply as you feel his breath against your inner thigh.
Matt spreads your legs even more and leans in, making you feel his head rest against your stomach.
Carefully, you adjust your laptop, just so nobody sees anything down your shoulders, like Matthew’s head, and bring your hands back down to your sides.
Matt’s hands spread both of your lips apart and you almost let out a cry as you feel his wet and hot tongue against you. You bite your bottom lip to contain your sounds as he licks down to your entrance and you take your hand to rest it on top of his curls.
“I almost forgot,” Your teacher says, “I have another book with some pages that could help you understand that chapter better...”
He disappears again from the screen and right on the same minute, Matt’s lips wrap around your clit.
“Shit” You curse under your breath.
He sucks it and you grip onto his hair. You bite down on your bottom lip to hold back any possible expressions that could give you away to your classmates and as your teacher takes a bit more to come back, you do the same as some people do, and turn off your camera.
Your name appears on your small grey rectangle and you sigh in relief.
You throw your head back in the bliss of the moment and Matt moves his mouth away from your clit. His tongue moves down and teases your entrance as you look down at him.
He smiles against you and you move your oversized t-shirt up to your waist, letting you take a better look at everything. He pushes his tongue inside of you and you moan out loud.
His nose grazes your clit and you’re a complete mess right there and then. His hands hold you by the hips so you don’t move away but that honestly is the least of his worries.
“Fuck, Matty” You sob in pleasure.
You drag your eyes to your screen and the message of your mic being muted appears, something you’re very grateful that exists.
Matt moves his mouth back to your clit as your teacher reappears and you take a look at the clock, still 5 minutes left.
“Here we are,” He says with another, larger, book on his hands.
He takes a look at the screen and a message appears on your screen. This god damn man is trying to turn everyone’s cameras back on.
You refuse the request at first and as you’re about to turn it on, scared of being kicked of the class, you feel Matt’s teeth touching your clit.
You cry out loud and he sucks your clit harder, moving his head from side to side as you cling to his hair for your dear life.
“Y/N Y/L/N, ... and... Please turn your cameras back on” Your teacher requests.
You sigh and try to do as told but the pleasure is starting to take every ounce of strength from your body. The familiar bubbling of pleasure sets at the end of your tummy and you moan loudly at Matthew’s tongue and lips.
“Don’t stop, please” You plead your boyfriend.
Matthew, taking your words to heart, does exactly what you ask him to. When releasing your clit from his lips, he starts working his tongue on it. Moving from side to side at the perfect speed, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
You throw your head back, again, not controlling anything that you’re saying anymore. Pleasure consumes your brain entirely, almost driving you to, what seems like, complete insanity.
Your fingers tug on Matthew’s hair more and he leans more into you, resting his forehead against your stomach, nose against your pelvic bone, hands gripping the sides of your thighs, pulling them close to his shoulders to get a better angle on you.
You continue to let all types of sounds escape your lips, from moans to little whimpers that are not doing anything else but blessing Matthew’s ears. 
One last quick movement of his tongue and you reach your high. You bring your hand up to your mouth, unconsciously, covering it to not let your final screams bounce off the walls of the large apartment.
Matt carries you down your high and you are completely lost in the world for a minute or two.
You’re breathing heavily and your heart is jumping out of your chest, and only when you feel it calm down, your eyes fall back on the screen of your laptop.
Your teacher had carried on, surprisingly letting you and another girl have the cameras off, probably thinking that you’re not even behind them. 
You let go of Matthew’s hair as he starts laying kisses on your inner legs and you look down at him. A cheeky smile appears on his face and he pulls your chair back.
As he stands on his knees, you lean in quickly and kiss him right on the lips as your way to thank him. He smiles against your lips in the kiss and rests his hands on the top of your thighs, caressing them back and forth with his palms.
Your tongues touch each other into the kiss and he leans in closer, roughing up the kiss as you taste yourself on his tongue and on his soft lips.
“So, I guess we can end our class here” Your teacher says and you pull your lips away from Matthew. “Does anyone have any more questions?”
“Alright, so, I guess I’ll see you next week.”
Right in the same minute, everyone turns on their mics to say a quick goodbye, a thank you or a quick wish of a good weekend and you, on the other hand, just lean in to click on the red button to leave the meeting.
You close the app as Matthew stands back on his feet. As you’re taking your air pods out and closing the laptop, he picks you right up from the chair, making you squeak in surprise, and throws you over his shoulder.
He’s definitely not done with you, but who are you to complain?
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Again, I wrote this in between classes and I’m still very new to writing smut. If you have any tips, please, send them!
*Happy Valentine’s Weekend*
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serasvictoria · 3 years
So this entire thing basically came about because of a silly discussion and that gave me a small idea, but then this morning I got another one so I had to do something with it I guess.
@alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom, @vikingstrash, and @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie, this one’s for you.
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You weren’t entirely sure when this entire thing had started, but you found it difficult to stop now. You kept coming up with the most ridiculous reasons to go up to Hvitserk and Ivar’s apartment and borrowing stuff from them was as good a reason as any. It had all started with the oldest trick in the book.
“Yeah. I ran out.” Hvitserk was having a hard time not laughing out loud at your, quite frankly ridiculous, request. “Do you guys have any?”
“Probably? I’m in charge of the snacks, I don’t buy any of other stuff. That’s Ivar’s job.” He jerked his head in the direction of the kitchen and you followed him. “This may take a while.”
You stood in the doorway as Hvitserk started pulling open all the cabinets and drawers. The way that he kept bending over made it feel like he was giving you a show of kinds and you really didn’t mind that one bit, because Hvitserk always wore the skinniest jeans known to man and they emphasized his long legs and his ass perfectly. You made small mental notes of the things that he pulled out of cabinets so you’d know what to ask for at a later time. Rice, pasta, honey, tea bags… you could keep this ridiculous thing going for ages.
“What the fuck are you doing!” All your attention had been so incredibly focused on Hvitserk’s ass, that you nearly jumped a foot in the air when Ivar suddenly materialised next to you. “Look at this mess!”
“I’ll put it back,” Hvitserk waved a hand in Ivar’s direction and didn’t even bother to look up. “She needs some sugar.”
“What!” Ivar looked at you and then back at Hvitserk again. “And why the hell would we keep the sugar down there?”
“I don’t know, man.” Hvitserk sat down on the floor and smiled at you apologetically. “Do we even have any?”
“Of course we do. We’re not fucking heathens.”
“What’s that got to do with it?”
“Someone might want sugar in their tea.”
“Who?” They’d probably never even had anyone over that drank tea. Beer seemed to be the usual beverage of choice. “So where is it?” Ivar moved into the kitchen, opened the door of one of the top cabinets and pulled out a bag of sugar. “Ah. I was going to look there next.”
“Yeah, sure you were.” Ivar hit Hvitserk’s leg with his crutch and then handed you the bag of sugar. “Bring that back when you’re done.”
“Sure thing. In case anyone wants sugar in their tea.”
Hvitserk snorted with laughter and before Ivar could deliver a scathing reply, you muttered a quick goodbye and got out of there as fast as you could.
“Sugar? What the hell kind of excuse was that?” Hvitserk shrugged and started putting everything that he’d taken out back in again. “You’re doing it wrong, moron!”
You had no idea how many things you had borrowed by now, but after going through almost the entire contents of their kitchen you decided that you needed a new approach.
“DIY?” Hvitserk scratched at his chin as he regarded you curiously. “I know how to use a hammer if that’s what you mean.”
“Good enough for me,” you replied with a smile. “I need to hang a mirror and I’m not allowed to go near hammers anymore.”
“Not allowed?,” he said with a laugh. “You got told off by the DIY police?”
“Something like that. Trust me, you don’t want to know.” He didn’t have to know that you always fixed everything in your apartment yourself. This was just a little white lie to get him into your apartment. “Could you do it for me?”
“Sure. You need me to do it right now?”
“Tomorrow?” You needed time to set your little plan in motion. It would be ruined if he came with you now. “Say, two in the afternoon?”
“I’ll be there.”
He shook his head when you walked away, headed back into the living room and dropped down on the couch.
“What did she want now?”
“What the hell.” Ivar sighed deeply. ���This has been going on for ages. Why don’t you just ask her out already?”
“What? I think it’s cute.” Hvitserk threw a handful of popcorn in Ivar’s direction. “Are you jealous?”
“Why the hell would I be jealous?”
“You know what, why don’t you go round tomorrow and hang that mirror for her.” Ivar was ready to launch into a tirade about how their downstairs neighbour obviously had the hots for Hvitserk, but then his brother used the same line that he’d been using for many years. “Or are you chicken?”
“Fuck off.” Hvitserk started making chicken noises from his sofa until Ivar threw the remote at his head. “Fine! I’ll go! Fucking asshole.”
The idea that you’d had was absolutely fucking genius. It was foolproof.
You’d leave the front door ajar (that was the only part that was slightly risky), Hvitserk would come in, call your name and you’d tell him that you were in the bathroom. He’d walk in, find you completely naked because guess what? You’d run completely out of towels. You would ask for his shirt to dry yourself off with and voila, he’d finally end up in your bed. Surely a guy like Hvitserk would appreciate the effort that you’d put in, right?
You knew he liked you, because he’d started flirting with you from the moment that you’d moved in. His brother, Ivar, was also hot as hell, but he was more difficult to gauge. Hvitserk was easygoing whereas Ivar was standoffish. It hardly mattered now anyway. You’d finally get Hvitserk where you had wanted him for a while, that was the most important thing.
He’d be here at around two. You knew that punctuality wasn’t exactly his thing, so you had taken it into account that he might show up a bit later. Again, it didn’t matter. You’d stuffed all your towels into various clothes drawers to really make it seem like you had just magically run out at the exact moment that he’d shown up. You got out of the shower a little bit before two, just in case Hvitserk was going to be on time, but left the tap on to make it seem like you’d forgotten at what time he was going to show.
A voice called out your name and your heart started beating furiously inside your chest. This was really happening. “I’m in here!” You turned the shower off and swore just loud enough for him to hear. “I’m so sorry! I forgot the time. Just thought I’d have a quick shower.” You pulled the door open, water running down your skin in little rivulets and you put your hand on your forehead to feign stupidity at your current situation. “Can you believe that there aren’t any…” Ivar was standing on the other side of the door, eyes wide and looking you up and down. “...towels left…” For a few seconds, you thought about attempting to cover yourself up with your hands, but it was probably a little bit too late for that now. “Oh fuck.”
“No towels?” He squeaked and then cleared his throat. “How does that even happen?”
“That’s not clumsy, that’s just plain stupid.” You saw his lip curl up as his eyes roamed up and down your body again. “You want me to go back upstairs to get you a towel?”
“What I want is your shirt.” Ivar looked at you with raised eyebrows, not entirely sure what you meant with that. You had somewhat expected that Hvitserk was going to be the one to come to your aid, but Ivar hadn’t exactly run out on you just yet so you just rolled with it. “To dry myself off with.”
Ivar didn’t respond immediately, briefly making you think that this absolutely genius plan had failed completely, but then he took off his shirt in one fluid movement and handed it to you. You had to work really hard to stop your jaw from dislocating when you finally caught sight of his toned chest and used his shirt to cover your face for a few seconds so you could regain your cool. Then you held it in front of your body and gave him a look that you hoped was seductive.
Instead, Ivar took his mobile out of his pocket, aimed the camera at you and took a picture. He tapped on the screen and then you could hear a noise that told you that he had just sent a message. You wanted to ask him what he had just done, but he simply held his finger up to you to silently indicate that you had to wait. About a minute later, you heard a great big crash coming from upstairs followed by loud swearing. You could hear Hvitserk stumbling around in the back of their apartment where his bedroom was which was promptly followed by more swearing.
Ivar turned the screen in your direction with a smirk to show you that he’d just sent a picture of you to his brother and that Hvitserk had sent him back a message that simply read “HOLY SHIT”.
“He’s typing again.”
You moved in close to Ivar so you could look at the screen together and then another message popped onto the screen.
“I am coming downstairs. NOW.”
Ivar put the phone back in his pocket and reached out so he could squeeze your ass. “He was still in bed when I went downstairs so what do you say about us getting started already, hm? To give him something to walk in on?” You giggled and then nodded quickly. “Good girl…”
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 4 years
Unhealthy Obsession
Pairing - Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax x Reader
Warnings - Violence, yandere undertones, stalking, gore (this seems to be a running theme in my works huh). The reader is scawwy ><
Other Comments - I’ve seen so many of these types of fic but it was always Childe being yandere, so why not yandere reader??? I put this in a time line slightly more recently so there is actual like technology like phones and stuff in this. Oh and the reader had a bow for a weapon in this hehe.
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      Childe was infamous for his charm, having the ability to have the entirety of Liyue under his thumb if he so pleased. Of course, he was able to use this to his advantage when collecting debts and manipulating the people he needed to. Childe’s newest person of interest was the daughter of a shop owner who was indebted to the Fatui. 
      You had also found yourself enthralled by Childe’s charm, but unlike the many others he used it on he had actually considered you a genuine friend. One close enough to him for him to reveal his hidden agendas and dirty work plans. Now of course you unfortunately found yourself with the semblance of a crush on the copper haired man; which at first wasn’t the worst until you began witnessing the actions of the girl.
      Much to Childe’s ignorance, you had been watching his movements for a while now, which also means watching the touchy feely actions of the girl. She loved to give him hugs was they took their separate ways, or would lean on him any chance she got really. It was starting to piss you off but you also found it quite humorous. This girl was so stupid, thinking Childe was actually interested in her; of course you couldn’t really blame her since Childe was so good at his job.
      Things were beginning to get out of hand though, as now not only did you feel the need to keep some tabs on Childe’s antics; you know had to keep track of the girls actions. And tonight was an eventful one to say the least. After quietly watching Childe from the shadows for quite some time, you could say you were quite skilled in stealth so it was incredibly easy to follow around the girl without looking suspicious, as you watched her walking along the shops of Liyue Harbor.
      Tonight you could see her heading towards the Scent of Spring perfume shop, so you decided to follow a little ways behind and then find yourself a good spot within earshot. You decided to lean against a wall and look to be occupying yourself on your phone so as to not look odd.
       “Well hello, you're looking rather fetching today. Care to take a look inside Scent of Spring? I'm sure you'll find something unforgettable~!” Ying’er was a lovely woman, as well as being incredibly skilled in the art of creating perfumes.
      “Ah hello! Uh I was looking for something that could get a guy to fall for me?” The girl spoke hurriedly, almost as if she was embarrassed for making such a request. You grit your teeth, silently groaning, as Ying’er giggled before responding.
      “Oh young love, how cute! Of course you look to be the lady who would enjoy Valley Weaver? Or maybe Golden House Maiden if you’re looking for something a bit sweeter and more candy like? Would you care for a sampling?” The girl nodded enthusiastically and Ying’er brought out the two previously mentioned scents, handing both over to the girl.
      “They both smell so amazing! But I think Valley Weaver is a little bit more endearing.” Ying’er hummed in response as she stored away the other perfume. While she was doing this the young girl brought out a small bag of mora. You rolled your eyes shaking your head. Your phone quickly took you out of the interaction as it buzzed in your hand. Your mood immediately brightened as you saw you had received a text from the one and only Childe.
      “Hey babe! Where are you? I let myself into your apartment, hope you don’t mind too much :)” You giggled to yourself before rolling your eyes and shooting back a text.
      “Of course you did. Well I just went on a little walk around Liyue, I’m heading back now; of course make yourself at home but I’m sure you already have.” You shook your head, still smiling to yourself. You had to say, this was great timing as it gave you an excuse to leave. Leaving the same time as the girl would’ve been far too suspicious so this was convenient.
      You made sure to take all of the shortcuts to your apartment and tried your best to walk as briskly as possible. You didn’t want to keep the man you were doing all of this for in the first place waiting after all.You didn’t even have to announce your arrival since the loud squeak of your door did it for you, allowing Childe’s familiar cologne to fill your nose.
       “Hey babe! How was your walk? It’s awfully late for a walk isn’t it?” You smiled, as Childe’s comforting voice filled the room, the only other noise being the muddled voices leaving your old tv in the living room.
      “Well it was a nice night out tonight, plus I enjoy looking at the shops; they always have such nice stuff.” You quickly took your place next to Childe on the couch, not too close to consider it borderline cuddling but close enough to feel his warmth. Childe placed his arm behind you, almost allowing it to fall onto your shoulders.
      “That being said, you have yet to reveal to me what the motive is behind gracing me with your presence, unannounced might I add.” You heard Childe chuckle next to you, as you found yourself absentmindedly watching whatever the hell he had playing on the TV.
       “Well, I’ve been pretty busy for the time being, and I guess I found myself missing your company.” You screamed mentally, the butterflies in your stomach dancing around excitedly.
      “You have been quite busy, unfortunately for you though, the same cannot be said.” Childe let out a boisterous laugh, playfully nudging you with his side. You giggled as well, shaking your head before looking up at the taller man. Both of you stared at each other for what felt like ages, before you felt Childe’s arm wrap itself around your side pulling you closer to him. Suddenly your lips were pressed against his, as he pressed you against him. You allowed yourself to tangle your fingers into his copper hair.
      This sparked a make out, bordering on heavy petting as both of you were pressed as close together as humanly possible. Childe’s hands had found themselves comfortably resting against your ass, as he would occasionally squeeze. All too soon though, he pulled away; a shit eating grin plastered onto his face. You blushed bright red before lightly smacking him in the chest with the back of your hand. You watched him snicker before pulling out his phone and looking at the time.
      “Well it’s getting really late, and as much as I would like to stay here and keep you up, I should probably head out.” Childe ended his statement with a wink causing you to become an even more flustered mess. He was the first to get up, help you up as well before pulling you into his chest. Neither of you usually participated in hugging as a farewell, but it’s not as if you were complaining about being pressed against his firm chest.
      With at, Childe was gone; casing your apartment to feel far too empty. Though, this gave you the opportunity to excitedly jump around and quietly scream as you relived the actions that had just transpired between the two of you. He was right though, it was incredibly late and you had just now realized how tired you were. At least this would send you off with some interesting dreams.
      And here you were again, in the familiar situation of carefully watching this annoying girl. You had overheard her on the phone with presumably no one other than Childe. She had asked him to meet her around the pound by the shops in Liyue tonight, which after hanging up she excitedly clapped for; confirming that Childe had said yes. You knew it was going to be too risky to go there in your normal attire, as you couldn’t be recognized by Childe under any circumstance so you decided you would go home and get changed.
      You felt like a genius for changing into black clothes, as you had found yourself a pitch black alleyway to hide in that gave you a clear shot of what was happening. Sure you couldn’t hear what they were saying but that was the least of your worries for the time being. You watched as the girl flaunted herself and flipped her hair around, clearly trying to get her money's worth out of that perfume she had bought the night before. It all made you feel sick. She was nowhere near Childe’s league.
       For the most part, everything was fine; just them having a boring conversation until the girl did something unexpected. She reached for Childe’s arm, and pulled him down into a kiss. You had never been so enraged before, seeing red and acting without thought. Before you could think twice you bow was drawn and pointed directly at her.
      It all happened in a flash, an arrow flying out of nowhere, the puncture into the girls head, her falling back as Childe stumbled back as well, all of the guards rushing towards them. Childe’s eyes were blown out wide looking around wildly for the source of the arrow. Right as you were beginning to turn back your eyes met his. Fuck.
      You began sprinting back to your apartment, hopefully if he came by your apartment you could be changed into something different so you could try and persuade him into thinking he saw someone else. And thank the gods time was on your side; you had managed to finish getting dressed into your sleepwear right as you hear a knock on your door. Your heart was racing but you knew if you took too much time answering the door, it would be even more suspicious so you needed to act as normal as you could manage. You cracked the door open like usual and were greeted by a familiar face.
      “Oh my god (y/n) you will never guess what just happened.” You stepped aside as you opened the door for Childe.
       “What happened?” You tried your best to not sound very interested hoping that would throw him off.
      “So you remember that girl I had been telling you about? The daughter of that one shop owner?” You nodded in confirmation as you headed to your small kitchen to put on some tea for the both of you. Childe stood on the other side of the counter.
      “Well she had called me earlier today and asked if I could meet with her tonight. Of course I accepted and we were in the middle of a conversation when she had pulled me down to kiss her! That's not even the worst part though, she was shot immediately after!” You feigned surprise as you gasped looking up at him.
      “Oh my god what?! That’s awful! I imagine the pond was quite a mess with all the guards?” You hadn’t even realized what came out of your mouth until he began to speak again.
      “Huh… That's strange, I never told you where it happened.” Your eyes widened as you quickly looked back down to the teapot that was now whistling at you.
      “You know what else is strange? I think the arrow looked really familiar; and that’s not even the weirdest part. I could’ve sworn I saw someone who looked identical to you who was in the same place the arrow came from. Your blood ran cold. He knew and there was no way you could persuade him otherwise.
      “You know I don’t like when people lie to me (y/n) so I am only going to ask this once. Were you the one that fired the arrow?” You had just finished pouring the water over the tea leaves when he asked you. Your clenched fists were now resting next to the two cups, as you struggled to hold back the tidal wave of anguish. But in the end you couldn’t.
      “She fucking kissed you! How could I sit there and do nothing about it! I have been putting up with her touchy feely bullshit for weeks now! I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing as she kissed what was supposed to be MINE!!!” You were breathing heavily, your face red and chest tight. Childe was silent and you refused to look up to meet his gaze. After what felt like hours, you heard his heavy footsteps move towards you. You screwed your eyes shut too scared of what his reaction was going to be. Only when he gently put his hand under your chin and tilted your head up did you open your eyes.
       “I am yours (y/n). You didn’t even give me the chance to push her away. You’re a really good shot though.” Your eyes were blown out wide as he smiled down at you.
       “You’re not… Disgusted with me? Or enraged?” Childe chuckled.
      “(Y/n) I’ve done much worse things than this, it would be hypocritical of me to be mad at you. But if that situation ever happens again, at least give me some time to push them away before taking it into your hands alright? I might admit I do find it endearing that you would kill someone for me; but let me be the one to have blood on my hands alright?” You smiled and nodded before he pulled you into a hug.
      “Now, shall we have that tea?”
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colossal-fallout · 4 years
Historia x fem!reader where historia has a secret sex dungeon and when the reader comes back from a risky expedition with the scouts, historia takes her there and fucks the reader silly (bonus historia like to be called mommy😏)
I love anons minds. Truly, I do.
Service to your Queen 👑
Warnings: 18+ NSFW. Dom Historia X Fem reader. Mommy kink.
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"Your majesty. The survey corps have returned."
Queen Historia stood gazing out of the window, longingly. She belonged here in the palace; to keep the law and order of the land.
But god's, did her heart belong out there...
Out there fighting for freedom. Out there where returning home is not a guarantee but glory awaits you either way. Out there where you were, opposing the immense oppression of not only the titans, but of the fellow human beings across the ocean. The ocean that was almost mythical to her at this point - she still hadn't witnessed the wonder of the edge of her world.
"Is that so?" She replies, turning her head slightly; her rose tinted lips parting.
The meeting went well.
Historia had all of her old comrades around a huge polished table, one in which the strong scent of varnish would sting your nostrils. Whenever her old team would come to the palace to report and strategize their next move it warmed her heart. She kept them under her roof in the luxurious rooms and made sure they were fed well and pampered. After all, they weren't only fighting for the future of her Kingdom, but they were her friends.
Then there was you.
"Y/N." She pulls you aside after dinner, the room relaxed, satisfied and grateful; chatting in sporadic areas of the large dining hall leasuirely.
"Yes, your majesty?" You bow your head slightly, hiding the lustful glint in your eye.
Your lover didn't have to be queen for you to see her as royalty.
"Come with me." She orders simply.
You nod and you both slip out of the room, your shoes padding on the soft velvet carpet that centres the marble floor as you follow her down the hallway.
"I hear that you've just returned from a particularly dangerous expedition."
"Yes." You nod, keeping formalities - for now.
"I see."
She turns down a more narrow hallway one that looked slightly misplaced in the lavish royal palace.
"... Historia?" You ask, dropping the act now there was no chance of anyone hearing you. "Where are we going?"
"My new playroom."
You imagined her, this grown woman sitting with her crown on her head playing with dolls and combing their hair. You sure hoped she wasn't going to make you have a fucking tea party.
You reach a door when she stops and pulls out a key, unlocking it and heading inside. When you follow her into what looks like an abandoned library, she locks the door behind you.
Oh? Does she mean a playroom where she's renovating?
Her heels that are hidden by her flowing gown click across the floorboards, when she stops in a seemingly random area near the back wall.
"Did you miss me?" She asks, her large eyes gazing at you.
"Of course..."
Without replying she stomps her foot down and a trapdoor swings open seemingly out of nowhere.
"Uh..." You begin.
"Shut up. Follow me."
Grabbing a torch off the wall she begins to decend the stone stairs beneath the floor, you following meekly behind.
"You're... Not going to kill me, are you?" You frown as you sink into the inky darkeness.
A soft laugh escapes her throat. "No."
As you walk, you wonder if the royal treatment has gone to her head and she was about to show you some secret torture chamber with some Marleyan's inside. Your mind wanders into weird territory as it usually did, musing how it would feel if she had somehow got Reiner down there or Annie.
You weren't too far off with the torture chamber.
When she opened the door at the bottom there was a table in the centre of a well lit room and the wall was lined with strap ons, dildos, chains, whips... You name it.
Your eyes widen at the sight.
Oh. A playroom.
"Remove your clothes " she orders, casually undoing her royal cape and hanging it on a shabby looking coat rack.
"Um -"
You happily oblige, your fingers not being able to move quick enough as she stands in front of you and removes her dress, her gorgeous body in all of its glory bare before you.
"Fuck..." You sigh, walking over, ready to devour her.
"No. You can't touch me." She steps back. "Lie on the table."
Your hands hesitate, wanting nothing more than to grope those beautiful tits and slide your fingers down her slit.
But she pushes you over anyway laying you down harshly before tying your hands above your head.
"Historia?" You frown but you're excited, dying to feel her soft skin against yours.
"Address me properly." She replies as she's fastening your bonds, not even looking at you.
"Your majesty?"
"My queen?"
She grabs your face and straddles you her warm pussy on your lower stomach.
"Try again."
She bites her bottom lip devishly before rewarding you by sliding her tongue into your mouth, slowly and deeply swirling it around your cave.
"Good girl." She breathes as she pulls away, leaving you yearning for more.
She leans up and raises her arms above her head, fiddling with the grips that held in her elegant plaited bun. The shape of her body this way drove you wild; her hips snaking into her slim waist up to her breasts... You wanted nothing more but to touch her. And when that clip came out and her blonde hair spilled down around her...
"Holy shit, you're gorgeous..." You breathe, having missed her far too much.
She looks down and smirks, those small yet puffy lips being ran over by her tongue. "Theres so much I want you to do to me, y/n..." She begins, slowly moving herself up your body on her knees. "But there's a lot more that I want to do to you."
You hum with arousal as she lowers her small pink pussy onto your face, her legs by your head and her fingers gripping at your hair as she slowly rocks her hips back and forth on your tongue.
"Ah~" she makes a sound like she'd just sank into a warm bath, her eyes closing in bliss having missed your warm tongue lapping at her clit. Her hips gyrate and rock, her sweet scent filling your nose and her even sweeter taste soaking into your mouth. Her fingers flex in your strands, humming and sighing like she'd just returned home from a hard days work.
She begins to rock faster, her body been empty from you for too long, her climax already quickly approaching. Her thighs squeeze against your head, her skin muffling the sounds of her gasps which are getting more desperate.
"Y-you're not going any- ah, anywhere." She breathes, her face begining to turn pink. "Y- you're staying in here forever. Haa~ ah ~!"
Her legs squeeze you tighter as her cum begins to dribble out of her tight hole, splashing around your lips, your vibrating moan only making her feel even more in the arms of bliss. Her back straightens the view from beneath her something only a god could carve.
With a satisfied hum, she climbs off you; your face flushed and wet, your body aching for her. She stalks around to between your legs, your pussy quivering with arousal and dripping - as if crying for her to ruin you.
Her tongue laps up the bead of wetness and up your folds to your clit, circling it while caressing you thighs with her soft hands, grazing her nails softly on the insides of your legs, teasingly.
"Oh, Historia..." You pur, eyes rolling at the touch of her warm muscle.
She pulls her mouth away. "What did I tell you, gorgeous?" Her own asphyxiating lust clouding her sky blues.
"Mommy..." You moan as her slender, feminine finger circles your bundle of nerves.
"You're such a good girl." She grins before returning her mouth to your cunt, sliding her delicate fingers inside your clenching tunnel.
"Yes..." You sigh. "God I missed you. You make me feel so... Ah! So fucking good."
Curling her fingers she relishes in how good you taste, better than any meal the grand palace could ever provide.
"Yes! Mommy... Please. Let me touch you!"
Hearing that word on your own accord made something inside of her snap, a tightness in her lower stomach that had to be addressed immediately.
Removing herself she straddles you again, this time on your pubic bone, leaning forward and freeing your hands that instantly glue themself to her hips as she begins to rock and grind between your legs; the warm thick slick reducing friction but intensifying pleasure.
"y/n... Ah, yes! My brave soldier... Oh... God!" She calls out riding you, her hips rolling again and again, her tits jiggling as she pulls your nipples with her fingers.
"Yes! Fuck! Mommy! Fuck me!" You cry, your orgasm threatening the boundaries of your reality.
Hearing you say that again makes her cum instantly, her clenching cunt pushing you over your edge, rocking her harder by her waist as you leave your body and ascend into the heavens.
Your eyes flicker open once you calm down, your legs shivering, lower stomach covered in the queen's cum.
She runs her tongue up your entire body, collecting your mixture of arousal and sliding it into your mouth with a groan.
"You serve your queen well."
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More Then a Woman | Frank Woods x Fem!Reader | Chapter 2
The line of business brings Woods back to the CIA offices, only this time with his long time friend Alex Mason in tow. It's been quite some time since he's seen you, and in his mind, it's all for the better. But, when yet more errand work sends you on a mission to seek the Sargent out, and with a little help from Alex's social input, Woods is forced to brush against some rather confusing emotions.
Tags: Slow burn
Chpt 1 | Warnings: None except Frank and now also Alex's language
Woods and Mason walk leisurely through the halls of the CIA offices, making their way to the nearest exit after a status report with Hudson. Frank, who zoned out within roughly five minutes, is getting the abridged details from Alex. Something about a task force and the cold war, not much to go on yet, but Woods will take anything that isn’t pretending to be an average citizen all day.
Alex wraps up quickly and the two slip into friendly chatter. Most of which is snarky remarks at Hudson’s expense. As they go back and forth, Mason tells a good one that has Frank doing that hacking, bark of a laugh. He looks away to wipe a tear, committing the joke to memory so he can taunt Hudson with it later, but as Mason’s laughter begins to fade, a new sound fills Frank’s ear.
A pair thud quietly from down the hall in a half step pattern that could only indicate a pair of heels. Ever the ladies man, Frank’s gaze lingers a little longer to scout out who the approaching individual could be, only to see, to his terror, that it’s you.
“Who are you looking a-?”
“Fuck! Move”, Woods cuts Mason off with an urgent, but hushed voice before gruffly shoving him into a darkened side office.
He closes the door sharply, then whips around to peek through the blinds to see if they were spotted as Mason tries to steady himself. Alex dusts off his shoulders as Frank retreats further into the room beside him, “Alright, I don’t think anybody sa-”
“Woah woah woah, stop. The fuck is wrong with you, huh? What was that all about?”, Alex motions to the doorway, greatly and understandably annoyed.
Frank thinks for a moment. How can he explain this?
It’s been a few weeks now since he last saw you, which… was actually the first time he saw you… But, that’s all to his master plan of avoiding you, of course. It’s just, he really needs to find a way to patch things over with you. Ever since those parting few words he left you with, he's honestly surprised you didn’t sign his ass up for a psyc eval list. Damn, that’s the last thing he’d need. They’ll never let him hold a gun again if they got those shit show results back.
“So there, see? I just need to make sure she doesn't think I’ve lost my shit, and this whole thing can blow over. I’m just… not fucking sure what to say!”
Alex squints his eyes, trying to make sense of the bullshit he's just heard. The bad news is, his good old pal is one fucked up son of a bitch, but the even worse news is he doesn't have the time nor the patience to try and come up with something placating to say to the old Sargent. Instead, Mason settles for some reasoning and hopes it sticks.
“Look, if she hasn’t said anything yet, then I’m sure you have nothing to worry about. Now can we get out of this place?”, he takes a few strides towards the door and reaches for the handle, before being jerked back by Frank.
“Were you not fucking listening? It's too risky! Let’s at least let her get out of ear shot first, huh?”
“Did you fucking hit your head or some shit? I’m not waiting in here all day damn it! How about this, the faster we get out of here, the less chance you’ll have of running into her, ok? So we should leave. Now.”
Woods seems as though he’s about to protest, but Mason is already halfway out the door. The Sargent swears under his breath, but follows swiftly after his long time friend. For Frank’s sake, Alex sets the pace to a hustle as he power walks through the halls. So far, so good, as they weave around corners and hurry through the labyrinth of offices and meeting rooms, until…
“Sargent? Sargent Woods, wait a minute please!”
His heart flutters quickly at the sound of you calling his name, a sensation he hasn't experienced in... decades, at least. He thinks he’s never been so nervous for that to happen in his entire life. So, wh-?
“Ah, there you are”, you take a quick huff of air, a slight bit winded from the sprint you did to catch up, “Agent Hudson sent some papers down the line and I’ve been told to give them to you, he said you should still be in the building”
Hudson… Of fucking course.
Miraculously, Frank manages to bite back a few choice words he has in mind and accepts the document with a muttered thanks. He flips through it quickly while you and Mason strike up a quick conversation. It appears to be a transcript of the meeting the three of them just have, most likely kept on record for security purposes, but released to him ‘just in case’ he missed anything. His jaw twitches in agitation at the passive reprimand. Funny.
“-hat’s a nice dress you’ve got there… The color really brings out your eyes, you know”
A snippet of Mason’s conversation with you makes its way to Wood’s attention. You laugh politely and then with amusement as Alex bends down to get a good look at your irises, “In fact, they almost look… Yep! Wow... that is one beautiful shade of-”
Woods snaps the folder shut, shattering the mood, even as you shyly twirl a bit of your hair at the attention. “Alright, well thanks, but we gotta get going”, he makes a pointed look at Mason, before half leading, half dragging the man out after him.
Alex wrenches his arm free and shoots one more comment over his shoulder as he walks along, “Maybe some other time!”, he laughs. And as you giggle back and affirm that yes, that would be wonderful, Frank truly becomes concerned he might have a stroke from all the blood roaring in his ears.
At last, the pair finds their way outside and Frank starts to relax.
“Damn. You know, I’m not that type of guy or anything… But if I wasn’t married? ...Woof”
Woods stops dead in his tracks, and suddenly, he finds himself going from 1 to 1000 again. He whips around on his friend, “Hey, what the fuck Mason? ‘If I wasn’t married’, if you weren’t married what, huh? What's that shit supposed to mean?”, Frank gives Alex's shoulder a little shove, hard enough to stagger him, but gentle enough that it could be interpreted as playful.
Thankfully, Alex takes it as the latter. He rubs his shoulder in mock hurt, “Geez, calm the fuck down Frank, I’m just joking. And anyway, why do you care? Did you claim dibs when no one was looking?”
Alex walks on, thinking nothing of the comment as he does, instead a little bewildered at what’s come over his friend. It isn’t like him to get so defensive over just some woman. Not even if he was getting her in bed.
“Yeah… Well, maybe I just don’t think you should be saying shit like that, alright? Besides, you don’t even know her”, he jerks a thumb back towards the looming CIA offices.
Alex digs out his car keys, “Pft, know her? Like that’s ever stopped you before”, he scoffs. The two climb into Mason’s car as he starts the engine and buckles up. He sets one hand on the wheel and the other on the gear shift, before pausing briefly. Alex turns to Frank and takes a long look, “...Are you sure you’re feeling alright? You’re not acting like yourself Frank…”
The Sargent snorts, “Aw come on, the fuck are you talking about? I’m fine! Let’s just… Let’s get out of here, huh? Hanging around Hudson always fucks me up, you know?”
Mason sits back in his seat slowly, trying to decide if he buys the story. Maybe he doesn’t entirely, but he’s willing to let it go for now. “Heh, I hear that. How’s some beers sound?”
“You know what? Sure. Hey... but only if you’re buying!”, more barks of laughter escape him as they drive off. Honestly? He’ll take anything to not have to think about why he’s so fucked up over you right now.
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