#and 'maybe Harringtons are also made to love a Wheeler' (Steve's failed relationship with Nancy and him getting feelings for Eddie ^^)
twpsyn-who · 2 years
I did a little something and I lowkey hate myself for it
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I present to you : Eddie is a Wheeler AU.
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thxliaaa · 2 years
bleeding | steve harrington
synopsis - in which steve harrington picks up the broken pieces of your heart just to crush it all over again
pairing/s - steve harrington x reader // steve harrington x nancy wheeler 
genre - angst 
warning/s - mentions of abusive relationships in the past, steve being unfaithful 
author’s note - i am a slut for angst, hence why almost all of my fanfics are angst. also spot all of the taylor swift references ;)
this is quite lengthy. happy reading loves xx
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When it comes to love, it seems as if the Universe is always against you. From abusive relationships to failed ones, you seem to have lost hope over it all. That was until Steve. 
Steve didn’t take things fast, he seemed to take it with the pace that you were going. He never made you feel pressured to do stuff that you didn’t want to, and that was what you loved about him. Whenever you would have flashbacks from your past, he was always there to comfort you, wherever and whenever you needed him. Your relationship was perfect. 
That was until Vecna, you were forced to go on against him along with Steve’s ex, Nancy. Even though she was Steve’s ex, you could never bring yourself to hate her. She was always kind towards you and would talk to you if you needed someone to talk to. 
It started with the small stolen glances they shared, then it turned to discrete touches, and then subtly flirting with each other. You were fine with it at first thinking that they were just doing what friends would do. However, a number of things happened. 
“So you trust Nancy, but not me?” you scoffed as you rolled your eyes. Steve’s gaze towards you softened. He cupped your face with his hands as you made eye contact with him. 
“So you trust Nancy, but not me?” you scoffed as you rolled your eyes. Steve’s gaze towards you softened. He cupped your face with his hands as you made eye contact with him. 
“So you trust Nancy, but not me?” you scoffed as you rolled your eyes. Steve’s gaze towards you softened. He cupped your face with his hands as you made eye contact with him. 
“Of course I trust you, baby” he said softly. “It’s just that Nancy has been in this situation before so she knows what to do more than you.” he explained furthermore. 
He pulled you in for a tight embrace as he kissed the top of your head. “You know I’d pick you over Nancy anyday” he muttered against your head. 
You nodded your head indicating that you understand. You had nothing to worry about, Steve will always pick you over her, he even reassured you about that. “You’re just being irrational, (Y/N)” he stated. 
Letting out a soft chuckle, you replied “Yeah, I’m just being irrational” 
“I’m just being irrational”
You repeated over and over again trying to convince yourself.
After that small fight, you convinced yourself that it was just nothing. That was until another incident happened. 
You saw Steve and Nancy sharing a tight hug with each other. “Maybe it’s just a friendly hug” you thought. However, this hug lasted a few minutes longer than the average. It was getting a bit out of hand. As you were about to walk in on them, you decided not to. 
After witnessing the moment that they shared, you couldn’t get it out of your head. You had tried so hard not to tell Steve about this. Until one night. 
All of you were having dinner at Steve’s house as a celebration that Vecna was now defeated and everything went back to normal. Since you were a very shy person, you didn’t talk a lot during the meal. Steve on the other hand, he talked a lot of times. You could often see him stealing glances at Nancy. 
You tried to hold his hand so you could at least comfort yourself, however, Steve let go of your hand. 
Steve let go of your hand. 
He has never acted this way towards you before. What was this behavior he was showing? Again, putting on a happy facade, you tried to stay happy for the rest of the night. 
Once everybody else went home, you stayed behind to help Steve with the dishes. He tried to hug you but you pulled away from him. His eyebrows crinkled in confusion. Why were you being like this? “Hey what’s wrong?” he asked. 
“Nothing” you muttered as you ignored him and put your focus back to the plates. “(Y/N), tell me what's wrong? You know I hate it when we fight” 
“I told you, it’s nothing” 
“What’s going on with you? This attitude you’re giving tonight isn’t nice” He stated with a hint of anger in his voice. You turned to face him as you pressed your lips together. 
“Do you wanna know what’s wrong? You dropped my hand tonight. You’ve never done that before” You stated as you face the plates once again trying to ignore him. 
“So that’s what this is about?” He asked, clearly pissed at you. 
“Yes, Steve”
“Oh my God, (Y/N). You are being so childish right now! I was occupied by us celebrating. I probably didn’t notice it, okay?” He explained. “Me? Childish? I think I have a reason to be childish when I saw you sharing a long “friendly” hug with Nancy Wheeler!” you fought back. 
“She’s my friend! Friend! Do you need me to spell it out for you? F-R-I-E-N-D. Friend!” He exclaimed, putting his hands up in the air. “You are so paranoid, (Y/N)” he added. 
“You know what? I’m done! Let’s just go back to cleaning” you stated as you went back to cleaning the dishes. Tears started to roll down your face as you had a flashback of how your ex-boyfriend used to treat you. 
Steve noticed and he hugged you from behind. “Hey, hey” He cooed. 
“I’m so sorry, baby. I probably just didn’t notice it, okay?” He explained as you nodded. He made you turn towards him as you let out a soft chuckle “God, I feel so embarrassed right now” 
“Don’t be, it’s okay to cry.” He whispered as he wiped the tears off of your face. Steve pulled you in for a tight hug and the two of you stayed like that for a while. 
A few months after that, yours and Steve’s relationship went back to normal. However, you were accepted to Harvard which was all the way in Massachusetts, so you spent your whole summer packing for university. 
You already bid your farewells to the group the day before. They gave you lots of letters and stuff that you might need for your dorm. The day was spend with a lot of tears being shed but also full of laughter. 
Putting the last of your items in your trunk, you took a deep breath. Closing the door of your trunk, you found Steve looking at you from behind. 
A smile spread across your face “Hey stranger” you chuckled and he did as well. “Why do you have to go?” he asked as he grabbed your chin and pulled you in for a kiss. Pulling away from him, you answered his question “ ‘Cause I need to study to become a doctor silly” You smiled as you pulled him in for another kiss. 
“I know, and then you’re gonna take good care of our kids” He said with a smile on his face, “Kids?” you smiled. “Yep, six of them. Our six little nuggets” He replied. 
You chuckled, “Six? I’m not sure I can handle that” 
“Eh, we’ll see” He laughed as he buried his face onto your neck. The two of you stayed like that until it was time for you to go. You pulled away from the hug and made eye contact with him. 
The brown-eyed boy stared at you with sadness in his eyes. “I need to go, Steve,” you told him as he sighed. “We’ll call everyday when your class ends, okay? Tell me about your day. We’ll send letters all the time” He stated as he cupped your face with his hands. You nodded as you pulled him in for one last kiss. 
After you pulled away, you pressed your foreheads together. Once you were done, you went to your car to drive away. 
To get away from the person who built your heart again. 
And so, the two of you did call each other everyday, often telling each other about things that happened while each other was gone. Sure, you two would see each other during semester breaks, but it wasn’t frequent. The number of days you were together would still be less than the days you two would be apart. 
Your parents luckily agreed to pay for your college tuition, so whenever you worked as a barista, your salary would be yours to keep and spend. Finally, you had enough money saved to rent an apartment. 
After putting everything in place in your apartment, you bought a plane ticket back to Indiana to surprise Steve and to ask him to move in with you in your apartment.
Laying on your bed, you thought about what his reaction would be. You were so nervous and excited you could barely sleep. You tried to calm your mind and not long after, you fell into a state of darkness. 
You had arrived in Indiana and your parents picked you up from the airport. The three of you shared a tight embrace before going to Hawkins. Hawkins was quite far away from the airport, so you slept while on the way there. 
Once you arrived at your house, you quickly went to your room and looked at everything. It was left untouched. You smiled as you remembered all the memories that happened here. 
Going back downstairs, you bid your parents goodbye and went to Steve’s house. You were just so ecstatic that you couldn’t wait to see him.
Arriving at his house, you knocked on the door. After a few seconds, Steve came out with a shocked look on his face. “Hey stranger” you smiled as he pulled you in for a hug. 
As the two of you pulled away you invited him to take a walk with you to Lover’s Lake saying that you needed to tell him something, he nodded and got ready as the two of you headed out. 
Once you got there, you decided to tell him the news. 
“Steve, I have to tell you something” You excitedly said as he looked at you with a guilty look on his face. “Me too,” he said. 
“Oh, then you can go first” You smiled as he took a deep breath trying to prepare himself for what he was about to say. 
“I slept with Nancy” 
Those four words. The four words you were scared to hear. In fact, you never even expected him to say that, after everything that has happened between the two of you. How can he do this? 
You closed your eyes as tears started rolling down your face. “When?” You asked. 
“We were at a party and we got drunk and one thing led to another” He explained. 
You looked at him as you punched his chest repeatedly, his head hung low as he just accepted you hurting him. “How can you do this to me? So all the time you consoled me and reassured me that there was nothing going on between you and Nancy was fake?” You sobbed 
“I trusted you, Steve! I thought you weren’t like the others!”
“It was just a mistake please, baby. It won’t happen again. It doesn’t mean anything to me” He tried to explain but you knew better. 
“Really? Then look at me in the eye and tell me she means nothing to you.” You stared at him as his eyes were glued on the floor. “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t have feelings for Nancy” Nothing. His head still hung low. 
You scoffed. “I knew it. So whatever we had meant nothing?” You asked as he shook his head. “No, it was just a moment of weakness. Please, (Y/N). It won’t happen again.” He tried to bargain with you. But you knew, he will never get over her, and you will never be her. 
“You know what, Steve? Whatever this is, whatever we had, it’s over. I never want to see your face again.” You looked at him with a fiery gaze in your eyes. 
“Please, just give me one more chance” 
“No, I’m through with giving you second chances. I hope you have a good life with her” You spat as you walked back home. He was calling out to you but you ignored his protests. 
You started crying harder, he picked up the broken pieces of your heart and built you up, and for what? Just to crush you again? Steve was just like the others. Once again, the scars that were left by your failed relationships were opened again. The scars became open wounds again, and you were bleeding. 
He drew stars around your scars, but now you’re bleeding. 
And it was all because of him. 
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Beautiful Trauma 2- Love Me Again- [Billy Hargrove x OC]
Summary: Billy and Valerie talk but it doesn’t go well. Billy lashes out after school. 
Characters: Billy Hargrove x OC, Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan Byers, Max Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Will Byers, Eleven, Joyce Byers, Jim Hopper 
Warnings: Child abuse, underage sex, underage drinking, implied cheating, step-sibling incest, step-sibling relationship, violence, language 
Word Count: 3394
Ch. 1
“Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to.”
~ E. Lockhart
There were not enough words in the English Language to describe the kind of week that Valerie had had. First, they moved to some podunk town in the middle of nowhere. Then, she’s rudely ignored by the one person that she thought she could count on. Lastly, she had yet to make a genuine friend in Hawkins.
She thought she had something with Nancy but the girl had been hard to keep track of. They had three classes together and Nancy seemed to make an effort before class started but anytime they were in the hallway, Nancy seemed distracted. Either by her boyfriend or something else, Valerie wasn’t sure. 
Billy had made it a point to pretty much ignore her outside of going to and from school and familial interaction around the house. Max was really her only saving grace and she was so damn angry. She was angry at their mom for marrying Neil, angry at Neil for moving them out there, angry at Billy for being a jackass. Just angry. It was hard to be around all that anger constantly.
Valerie looked up when she heard Billy’s music crank on. It was Thursday night and she wouldn’t be surprised if he already had plans. 
Billy was attractive and she wasn’t blind. She knew how girls looked at him. Hell, that was how she first looked at him the first time she saw him in California. He truly was a specimen shaped by the clever hands of whatever deity pulled the strings of life. It was as if he’d been carefully crafted with the very thought in mind to draw the eye up his frame from bottom to top and back again. He was beautiful and she didn’t blame any girl, or guy, who thought so.
It would be easy for him to make friends and find a date, regardless of how she felt about it. 
She released a long-suffering sigh and heaved herself off her bed and down the hall. His door was open and dense with smoke. She wrinkled her nose and waved her hand in front of her face, leaning against the door. 
He saw her but didn’t say anything, turning to his mirror and fingering his curls. He met her eyes in the mirror and Valerie almost cried at the brief glimpse of sadness she saw before his mask fell back into place. 
“What?” He snapped. She shrugged and shook her head. “Nothing. I heard your music and thought I’d come see what you were up to.” He flicked his eyes to hers and she could tell that he didn’t believe her. “You always were a bad liar, Val.” She stiffened at the familiar nickname but didn’t say anything. 
“Yeah, well, we all have our weaknesses.” He snorted and straightened, turning his cologne bottle over onto his wrists.
She watched him work and knew, in the back of her mind, that this was what he did when he got ready for a date. The scent of his cologne was familiar and Billy was just pretty enough to know it and care. 
She told herself to leave it alone, to not worry about it but, in the end, she just couldn’t help herself. 
“Hot date?” It sounded weak to her own ears and she grimaced. Billy stopped and stood up slowly. She couldn’t look at him. Couldn’t bear to see the pity or anger, whatever it was, that was in his eyes. 
She did it anyway.
His face was blank but his eyes were expressive. They always were. His poker face could make the pros jealous but his eyes gave him away. They were pools of emotion, whirling around like stormclouds over an ocean. Waves crashing violently against each other, fighting one over the other, higher and higher until the surface broke and chaos exploded against the horizon.
She closed her eyes against the raging storm and turned her face away.
“Don’t.” His whisper was harsh between them.
She swallowed the lump in her throat and straightened her spine.
She was Valerie fucking Mayfield. She knew Billy better than anyone and she knew how to deal with his moods. 
She was the one who broke through the surface of his anger in California. She was the one who pushed back when he lashed out at her attempts to get closer to him. She was the one who made the first move. She was the one who patched him up when his dad got rough. She made the first move. She was the girl he loved, no matter how much he tried to ignore it. She would not be cowed by his insecurities and anger. 
“What? All I asked was if you had a date.” She retorted. Her voice was just as sharp as Billy’s and he caught it. 
He narrowed his eyes at her and jerked his closet open. “You know what, Mayfield. We discussed this months ago.” He tugged on his leather jacket and adjusted the collar. She felt a fire well up in her chest when he used her last name. They hadn’t done that since before they were dating. 
“I know exactly what we discussed, Hargrove. All I asked was if you had a date. No where in there did I say anything about us having been an us nor did I make some snide remark about how hard up the girls in this town must be for some new dick if you already have a date after being in this backwater town for,” She looked mockingly down at her bare wrist as if she was checking the time. “Five fucking days. You sure do work fast, Hargrove.”
If steam could come out of his ears, it would. 
She wasn’t wrong about his eyes displaying his emotions so easily. He was enraged. His eyes were ablaze with an anger she hadn’t seen since Neil had announced their move. Billy had gotten a bloody lip for his troubles that night. 
“You know what, Mayfield.” He took slow measured steps towards her. “I do have a hot date. Her name’s Kimberly. She’s got dark hair, brown eyes and a tight little ass that you could bounce a quarter off.” He mimed flipping a coin, standing a hairsbreadth away from Valerie. 
She could feel the heat rising up in her face and hot tears of frustration and anger and pain welling up in her eyes. Her hands were shaking and her chest was heaving as she took in great lungfuls of air. 
“You’re a son of a bitch.” She couldn’t bring herself to speak any louder than a whisper but Billy heard her. She could by the tightening around his eyes and the clenching of his jaw.
She knew that he was trying to hurt her and she told herself not to let it get to her but she loved him. It was hard to not take what he said personally. It was hard to let it roll off her back. Everything he was doing, everything he was saying, was coming from a place of pain and sorrow but that didn’t give him the right to hurt her like he was.
“That may be, but you and I both know that I haven’t gotten laid in months so I’ve hit a bit of a dry spell.” 
She always told herself she would never hit him. He got enough from his dad and he didn’t need it from her but now he was just being cruel. 
She didn’t even think about it before it happened. It was over in less than a second and her hand tingled after.
Billy twisted his head back to the front, his cheek pink. He swiveled his jaw around and clicked his tongue. He glared at her from under his brow and sneered. “Get out.”
She couldn’t move fast enough.
She heard the door slam behind her as she fell onto her bed face first. She willed the tears back into her eyes and her throat was tight with the effort. She sniffed loudly and turned when she felt a body sit on the edge of the bed. It was Max.
Her little sister looked pensive and Valerie was sure she’d heard them arguing.
She sat up and tried to discreetly wipe underneath her eyes but she didn’t think she’d done a very good job. 
She gave her sister a smile that felt forced and settled her hands in her lap. “What’s up, kid?” Max tried to smile but failed and instead turned to fully face Valerie.
“Are you okay?” Valerie shrugged in what she hoped was a nonchalant way. “I’m fine. Why wouldn't I be?” Her voice held a false sense of happiness that sounded hollow to her own ears.
She let Max scan her face for several seconds. “I heard you and Billy arguing. He sounded mad.” Valerie rolled her eyes and leaned back against her pillows.
Max was not aware of the inner workings of their family. She didn’t know the extent of Valerie and Billy’s relationship. She knew that the two of them knew each other before their parents got married but she was not aware of how deep their relationship went. 
Max was also unaware that Neil liked to use Billy as a punching bag from time to time. 
Valerie had known since they got together in California and she was fairly certain that she was the only person who knew. She took it upon herself early in their relationship to fix him up. She would clean up the blood on his face and hands and she would bandage the deeper cuts on his face. She iced his bruises and wrapped his knuckles. 
After their parents got married, Valerie suspected that her mother knew about the abuse as well. She didn’t have proof but the way that Susan would eye the bruises on Billy’s face with equal looks of shame and pity made Valerie suspect that she knew that Neil hit his son. Once Valerie knew that her mother knew Billy was in pain, she developed a deep resentment towards her mother that really only got worse.
Not only did Susan know about the violence but she married the man. It was one thing to find out that your boyfriend abuses his son but then to accept his marriage proposal after the fact was a whole new level of desperation. Or maybe Susan was just lonely. Either way, Valerie lost all respect for her mother the moment she realized that Susan knew Billy was being abused. 
Billy and Valerie had an unspoken agreement that Max would never know. She was too young and knowing about the abuse would shatter her perception of the world so they had made it a point after the wedding to keep Max away from the knowledge of Neil’s violence. 
“He’s fine. I’m fine. Tell me about school today.” Max continued to look unsure but Valerie sat up and gently prodded her sister in speaking. Max finally relented and rolled her eyes. 
“Fine. Science class was stupid. I guess we’re learning about the brain but we covered that first quarter in California so,” She shrugged and picked absently at the bedspread. 
Valerie glanced up when she heard the front door slam. Max continued. “I don’t think this town gets new kids very often because there were four boys who spent all of recess spying on me.” Valerie smiled and nudged her little sister with her toes. “Maybe they think you’re cute.” She wiggled her eyebrows and Max laughed.
It always made Valerie feel good when she could make her sister laugh. “Ew! They don’t think I’m cute. I’m just interesting to figure out. I’m from California. They’ve probably never met anyone who’s not from this stupid town.” Max looked down at the ground between her feet, swinging her legs side to side. 
Valerie sighed softly and pushed her sister's hair back behind her ear. “Hey,” Max looked up. “Do you want to get some ice cream and see what’s on TV? Maybe there’s a monster movie we can find.”
Max’s smile was hesitant but she nodded and hopped off the bed, leading Valerie out of the room and to the kitchen.
Valerie released a long breath and pressed her forehead against her locker. The final bell had just rung, releasing them for the weekend. Tina’s Halloween party was tonight and Valerie wasn’t sure if she was going to go. She knew Billy would be there and didn’t know if she wanted to deal with him.
He had come home late from his date last night and spent nearly an hour in the shower. Valerie had leaned against her door frame as soon as she heard the shower shut off. When he came out the pain that Valerie felt nearly bent her in half.
There were scratches all down his back and a decent sized hickey on his collarbone. 
He turned to look at her and the emptiness she saw in his eyes had her tears spilling down her cheeks. He didn’t look sorry or angry or happy. He looked broken.
She had to close the door on him or else she’d collapse. She did just that as soon he was out of sight. She’d pressed her back against the door and slid down its surface, her hand held tight over her mouth to stifle her sobs. She heard his door close and lock and only then did she get up off the floor and bury herself beneath her blankets. 
She cried herself to sleep and woke up with sore eyes and a headache. 
School had been difficult but she’d made it through and now it was the weekend. She turned and pressed back against the locker, watching the nameless people pass her by, some looking at her with interest and most ignoring her. She saw Billy pass her with Tommy and Carol and their entourage. He trailed his eyes over her but didn’t say anything. She could see the turmoil and conflict raging in his eyes before he was pulled away by something Tommy said.
Valerie perked up when she saw Nancy walking dejectedly down the hall, Steve nowhere in sight. She stepped up beside her and tried to smile. Nancy didn’t seem to notice. Valerie tried anyway. 
“Hey, Nancy, are you excited for Tina’s party tonight?” That seemed to break Nancy out of whatever state she was in and the other girl looked up at her. “Oh, hey, Valerie. Yeah, I guess.” Nancy turned away quickly and Valerie drew her eyebrows together.
Something was bothering Nancy or at least distracting her. “What are you going to dress up as?” Valerie tried again. Nancy didn’t take the bait this time. “Look, I’m sorry, Valerie, but can we talk later? I’m supposed to get ready at Steve’s.” Nancy dashed away through the crowd and Valerie felt disheartened. 
She made her way to the parking lot and saw Billy leaning against the back of his car smoking a cigarette and watching her. She glared at him as she passed and missed the way his eyes followed her. He sighed and turned back to the front, tossing his cigarette. There was a tightness starting in his chest and a lump rose up in his throat. He sniffed loudly and turned his head when he heard Max’s skateboard. 
He narrowed his eyes suddenly angry. “You’re late again.” He said. Max glanced up at Valerie standing by the front of the car but she didn’t look at her. “Yeah,” She looked over at Billy. “I had to get catch-up homework.” Max opened the door and pushed the passenger seat forward. Valerie turned to follow her in. Billy scoffed and pushed off the car. “Jesus, I don’t care. You’re late again and you’re skating home, do you hear me?” 
Valerie glared at the side of Billy’s head as she nudged Max into the car. She pushed the seat back and buckled herself in, ignoring Billy’s poignant gaze across the center console. He gave a sharp huff before jerked the transmission and backing out. 
He sped down the side street, his music blaring through the speakers. Max sat hunched in the back seat, her bag beside her and her skateboard at her feet. Valerie kept her gaze out the window and ignored Billy’s petty attempts to get her to look at him.
“God, this place is such a shithole.” He wasn’t very loud but Valerie heard him. She turned her head. “It’s not that bad.” Max piped from the back seat. Billy looked at her in the rearview mirror and his eyes narrowed. Valerie glanced back at her and felt the storm brewing.
“Yeah, Billy, it’s not that bad.” Valerie quipped. The smile on her face was sardonic and Billy could tell. “No.” He nodded and rolled down the window. Valerie jerked back as the wind caught her hair. “You smell that, Val.” Billy was mocking her, holding his nose closed as he hummed. “That’s actually shit. Cow shit.” He looked over at her and she rolled the window up.
“I don’t see any cows.” She replied. Billy snorted. “You’ve met the high school girls. Hell, I saw you talking to Nancy Wheeler today.” Billy’s voice was dripping with acid and Valerie forced herself to bite her tongue. He wanted a reaction from her and she wasn’t going to give him one. 
Billy glared at her. “So what? You like it here now?” Valerie scoffed and shook her head but didn’t answer him. “So why are you defending it?” Billy was looking at her, expecting an answer. 
Valerie wanted to be the bigger person. She didn’t want to give Billy a reason to release his anger. 
She knew he was angry. She hadn’t talked to him all day and he hadn’t had time to expel his pent up emotions that had been raging inside him since last night. 
“I’m not.” She said with scorn. Billy shrugged. “Sure sounds like it.” 
Valerie turned to look at him. “Are the girls really such cows, Billy? I mean, they must not all suck after the night you had.” 
So much for being the bigger person.
Billy snapped his eyes over to her. She saw his lip curl up in contempt and a low growl from deep in his chest.
He shifted gears with a sharp jerk and the car flew down the street. Valerie’s heart leaped in her chest and she gripped the dashboard.
They came over a hill and Valerie could see three boys riding their bikes down the street. “Billy, slow down,” Max called from the backseat. She was leaning forward with her head between the two of them. “Are these your new hick friends?” He asked maliciously. 
Max shook her head, her red hair flying around them. “No, I don’t know them.” Billy cocked his head, staring straight at Valerie. “I guess you won’t care if I hit ‘em then, huh?” He asked. 
He sped up again and the car grew closer to the boys.
She didn’t know what to do. Billy was doing it on purpose, trying to get a rise out of her. He wanted her to be anything but angry at him. 
Well, he succeeded. 
She was scared of him. 
“I get bonus points if I get ‘em all in one go?” Billy adjusted his grip on the steering wheel, careening down the street. “No, Billy, stop. It’s not funny.” Valerie said. Billy looked at her, his eyes were dark and resentful. His face was blank as he pushed the car to go faster. 
The boys turned and began to pedal faster. “Billy, come on! Stop it! It’s not funny!” Max screamed. Valerie snapped her eyes from the boys to Billy and back again. Billy smacked his hand against the steering wheel, his foot pressed to the floorboard of the car. 
“Stop it!” Max screamed one last time. Valerie reached over and jerked the steering wheel to the left, swerving into the other lane and around the boys as they tumbled into the grassy shoulder. Max twisted around to watch the boys as they got to their feet. 
Valerie pressed back against the door as Billy cackled, the car speeding down the road, music shaking the windows.
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Lycanthrope [2] // Steve Harrington
Summary: Quiet about the knowledge of the dimension your boyfriend kept secret from you for a variety of reasons. One being that you were a werewolf hiding out from a determined hunter in your home town. When a fight ensues with Steve it forces a chain of events that may break your relationship permanently.
Characters: Steve Harrington x werewolf!Reader, Mike Wheeler, Chief Jim Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Byers family, Max Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler and Billy Hargrove.
Words: 2016
Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things or the characters involved. I only own the Reader and her plot. I also do not own any gifs or images that may appear in this either. The desktop theme provides the owner of the gifs.
Warnings: Swearing, verbal fighting, violence, death and angst.
Author: Caitsy
A/N: A request from an anon that is split into two parts. Left you on a cliffhanger than I may or may not resolve.
Part One
Master List
Prompt List
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“Take Denfield, then you’ll see a large oak tree.” Hopper began swiftly taking Will’s prone body to the car, “You’re gonna swing a right. That road is gonna dead-end. And it’s about a five minute walk from there.”
“Okay. Denfield to oak tree. Swing a right. That’s it. But it’s channel ten, right?” Jonathan asked while you watched it from the couch where Dustin was asking questions. Soon the group split into what they had planned out.
“Can you change at any moment?”

“Yes.” You blandly stated staring at your boyfriend.
“Do you only change into a full wolf?”
You sighed closing your eyes to look down before looking up at the curly haired boy with glowing yellow eyes and your face deformed with fur. He jumped along with the others in the room seeing your change while Nancy and Steve left to scavenge for materials.
“I inherited the ability to fully shift into a wolf.” You explained watching the exchange between Jane and Mike. Steve had returned still cold to you for understandable reasons.
“That is so cool.” Dustin exclaimed shaking his head. You shook your head in modest agreement while Steve peeked at you from the corner of his eye.
“Sometimes.” You sighed, “Other times it’s a pain to struggle every month and being bound by pack rules to follow your Alpha.”
Steve shook his head again as he followed the urging of Dustin to collect the dead demodog in a sheet before attempting to put it in the fridge.  You played with your fingers as Lucas went into more detail about the situation with Max while cleaning up the glass.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled when Steve turned away from the fridge and his honorary little brother. You refused to pay attention to other things when your anchor was angry at you, “You have every reason to hate me and want to break up.”
“Are you serious? I’m very in love with you! We’ve made plans for our future together! While I am pissed you didn’t tell me about your entire life that doesn’t mean I want to break up!” Steve exclaimed gripping your hands in his, “I love you goddamn it!”
“Real touching guys but we have bigger problems.” Max spoke quietly. You only zoned into Lucas and Mike’s conversation when Dustin called out to correct them. he had some kind of attachment to the name he had given the monsters that connected with the Mind Flayer.
“The chief will take care of her.” Lucas firmly spoke while Max shook her head in shock. It was still sinking in that there was more to the world than she had grown up knowing.
“Like she needs protection.”
“Listen dude. A coach calls a play in a game, bottom line you execute it. All right?” Steve said drying his hands on the towel while everyone stared in disbelief.
“Okay, first of all this isn’t some stupid sports game. And second we’re not even in the game. We’re on the bench.”
“Rig…so my point is…” Steve trailed off grasping for nothing, “Right. Yeah, we’re on the bench so uh…there’s nothing we can do.”
“That’s not entirely true.” Dustin began glancing at Steve, “I mean, these demodogs. They have a hive mind, when they ran away from the bus they were called away.”
“Bus?” You slowly questioned looking at your sheepish boyfriend.
“So if we get their attention.” Lucas spoke up while Max finished his sentence.
“Maybe we can draw them from the lab.”
“Clear a path to the gate.” Mike finished thinking solely for the sake of Jane and Will.
“Yeah and then we all die!” Steve raised his voice incredulous at the thoughts of the kids he was ordered to protect.
“That’s one point of view.” Dustin said.
“A very stupid one.” You muttered, “It’s not a point of view.”
“Exactly.” Steve said snapping his fingers in your direction, “No that’s not a point of view man. That’s a fact.”
“I got it!” Mike exclaimed shoving his way passed Dustin and Steve to a wall covered in drawings that you hadn’t noticed until now, “This is where the chief dug his hole. This is our way into the tunnel. So…here right here. This is the hub.”
You all followed the young Wheeler through the room to each different way as he rushed to explain his theory. You didn’t fully pay attention when Steve’s hand gently maneuvered into your hand and eased your racing heart and mind.
“Oh. Yeah? That’s a no.” Steve quickly shot the idea down.
“Mike in order to burn it we would have to be down there near the flames. It’s too dangerous, I heal fast but you guys don’t.”
“The mind flayer would call away his army.” Dustin spoke up.
“They’d all come to stop us.” Lucas inserted.
“We circle back to the exit.” Mike chimed in.
“Guys.” Steve failed to gain their attention again.
“By the time they realize we’re gone.”
“El would be at the gate.” Max joined in again providing with the conversation.
“No.” You shook your head while Steve got louder.
“Hey! Hey! HEY! This is not happening.” Steve shot down the idea with more force than before, “No, no, no, no. No buts! I promise I’d keep you shitheads safe and that’s exactly what I plan on. We’re staying here. On the bench and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand?”
“This isn’t a stupid sports game!”
“We said! Does everybody understand that!” You screamed feeling your canines creep out from your gums and into visibility.
“I need a yes.” Steve slowly down but before anyone could speak again the unmistakable sound of a revving engine caught your attention.
“It’s my brother. He can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us.” Max gasped leaning against the couch to watch the car speeding up the driveway. You grunted wondering if things could get any worse than they already were at this point.
The familiar egotistical jackass that stepped out sent a slight shiver down your spine, he had a disgusting mullet and a penchant for shirts only buttoned up twice. A girl by his side and cigarette permanently between his lips was all you saw. You stayed with the kids inside close to the windows while Steve stepped out to deal with him.
All was well until you saw Billy shove Steve onto the ground and kick him in the ribs. The growl fell from your lips as you watched your anchor in pain. You didn’t know how many hands kept you from jumping through the window and killing the fugly fucker.
The door slammed open and Billy stood in the entry wall for a minute before that sadistic smirk planted itself on his face.
“Well well well.” Billy coldly spoke slamming the door behind me, “Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise. I thought I told you to stay away from him Max.”
Everyone tensed up as he stepped way to close to a flinching Max and terrified Lucas.
“Billy, go away.” Max spoke keeping her eyes trained on her stepbrother. You didn’t step in knowing she needed to stand up for herself.
“You disobeyed me and you know what happens when you disobey me.”
“I break things.” Billy said before fluidly gripping the front of Lucas’ shirt and slamming him against the cabinet against the wall. All the while the kids and you screamed at him.
“Get off me!” Lucas weakly exclaimed struggling in the tight grip.
“Since Maxine won’t listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her.” Billy evenly spoke before he got more aggressive, “STAY AWAY FROM HER. You hear me?”
A moment of quiet before Lucas screamed, “I said get off me!”
Billy grunted leaning over when Lucas planted his knee hard up between Billy’s legs and you knew shit was about to hit the fan.
“You are SO dead Sinclair!” Billy yelled with eyes more wild than before, “You’re dead.”
Billy wasn’t able to make a move before he was violently pulled to face a newly appeared Steve  with one purpose in mind.
“No. You are.” Steve stated as he wound his arm back and landed a solid strong punch. It became a mess of kids yelling and Billy’s ugly laughter.
“Looks like you got some fire in you after all huh.” Billy excitedly spoke, “I’m been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody’s been telling me so much about.”
“Get out.” Steve slowly but firmly spoke giving Billy a glance over. Billy just watched him before swinging his fist at Steve who ducked in time before moving back up planting his fist in Billy’s face and sending him crashing into the table.
Billy stood there before he was knocked into another counter by another punch and into the sink with another one. Things were looking up until Billy’s hand found an object on the counter. Specifically a plate and slamming it on Steve’s head. Billy gained the upper hand with a solid punch and stalked into the living room with Steve.
“No one tells me what to do.” Billy growled had butting the other male teen with enough force to send him to the ground. A deep growl reverberated through the chest before your canines grew and your eyes bled yellow in the iris.
When Billy started throwing punches at your boyfriend your humanity completely disappeared, you charged the boy after the third punch to throw him into the wall. Billy tried to kick you but you gripped his leg and twisted until he fell on his face. He managed to kick your knee out and shove your elbow until a loud painful crack settled in the air.

“You really shouldn’t have done that.” You thickly spoke looking at the bone before raising your eyes to meet his.
“What the fuck is wrong with your face.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you asking the wrong questions?” You retorted, “Don’t worry by the time I’m done I’ll have beat your fucking name out of your mind for the rest of your life.”
“You and what army?” Billy spat.
“My fangs, my claws and my anger.” You laughed as he went on to sprout words that was too terrible to repeat. Pulling his up you grasped his neck squeezing as he choked, you heard the kids screaming at you.
You didn’t know the kids had a clear view of the ice blue colour leaking and taking over the yellow of your eyes. You only stopped when Max had plunged the syringe in Billy’s neck and the others dragged you away. The blue beginning to leave your eyes.
“It’s okay.” Dustin soothed as Lucas grabbed the bandaids and handed them to Dustin to place on Steve’s face.
“I’m so fucked.” You grunted leaning against the wall. A barely conscious Billy shared words with Max before he passed out with the markings of nails in the woods near his balls.
Life began to look up when the gate was closed and your relationship was reconciled with a better bond. Now your parents were more open with your supernatural life and Steve brought you along to drop off Dustin at the dance.
“Hey we’re here.” Steve whispered gently while Dustin slammed the door jarring you from your sleep.
“Hey.” You tiredly said leaning into his body while soft music played on the radio.
“I’ve been meaning to ask.” Steve hesitated looking down at you.
“Dustin said when you were choking Billy your eyes started to turn blue. What does that mean?” Steve questioned.
“For werewolves there are three colours of eyes. Red for Alpha, yellow for beta and omega while blue is more…disappointing and tragic.”
“What do you mean.”
“My eyes started to change colour because I was killing an innocent.” You admitted looking up at him. Steve was quiet as he pushed himself closer to you.
“Marry me.” Steve lovingly asked knowing there was no better time.
“What?” You breathed not sure how to answer.

“Marry me.”
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