#and 2 major assignments tomorrow plus prepping for my exams
percabeth4life · 2 years
Re your update news. Plz sleep and hydrate and take care of yourself. Just feel better soon! Your story can wait and health comes first.
I hope you're able to relax and just like sleep.
Ah, doing my best to sleep and hydrate a bit today. Unfortunately this is midterms week and I really wanna avoid having to reschedule all of them like I did last semester, that was a pain.
And I really really wanna post the next chapters :( but I'm only halfway through ch. 2 and ch. 3 deserves so much love and attention to really give it the impact I'm aiming for- ah, it's unfortunate.
But thank you anon <3
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aplusabby · 8 years
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Less than a month until all this is over...kinda 19.03.2017
Today it was beautiful and sunny, and I went for brunch, and was not hungover because I stayed in last night. So overall it was a good day. Starbucks got their spring cups in and I got so comfortable there I stayed for 6 hours working on a legal memo. This week includes the end of my midterms (finally!) and 2 fairly major papers. I’m at the point where I have a handle on the assignments but neither are finished. As for the midterm it’s Tuesday and I’m just planning to study for it tomorrow. 
I think my overall stress level for school isn’t bad, but it’s been mixing with other things which is quite unpleasant. My sleep schedule is so beyond fucked right now it’s terrible. Plus I need to find a job here for while I’m doing my spring courses and I regularly have panics about not doing enough to put on a law school application. None of which is good for staying calm during the last weeks of term. Speaking of, in less than a month I will be halfway done my undergrad which is crazy. 
Now it is time to breakout the to-do lists in terms of law school prep, summer prep, exam prep, and also just life stuff I want to figure out. Wish me luck?
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