#plus I STILL need to work on the next chapter of pray to the king like I promised
percabeth4life · 2 years
Re your update news. Plz sleep and hydrate and take care of yourself. Just feel better soon! Your story can wait and health comes first.
I hope you're able to relax and just like sleep.
Ah, doing my best to sleep and hydrate a bit today. Unfortunately this is midterms week and I really wanna avoid having to reschedule all of them like I did last semester, that was a pain.
And I really really wanna post the next chapters :( but I'm only halfway through ch. 2 and ch. 3 deserves so much love and attention to really give it the impact I'm aiming for- ah, it's unfortunate.
But thank you anon <3
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razrbladekiss · 3 years
Tyrants | Chapter Five - Consolation
WARNINGS: Mentions of murder, grief, the aftermath of that death...all that Jazz! Plus a lil moment I’ve been fucking itching to include.
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Chibs's breath was stuck in the middle of his throat, jutting thickly the more he thought about Opie cradling Donna's sallow cheeks as she bled out onto the gravel.
It'd cut deep, this one.
So many bodies he had bared witness to over the years. So many lives lost and souls snatched and whatever else right before his undaunted eyes--but nothing really hurt as much as that.
Because he knew what it was like. How it maimed a man. How it felt like his world was hurtling toward the chasms of hell during the moments after arriving at the scene and seeing his wife there. Dead.
Cold and dead and lonely. And completely gone.
Guilt resided, too. It was true tangible remorse for the simple proficiency of; that should've been me.
It happened with Diane--it happened to Chibs's wife, the mother of his kid, and the one true light in his life right after Isla. And it should've been him.
It was brutal, the way it happened tonight. It was fierce and heartless and Chibs knew in a flash that those bullets struck the wrong skull.
He couldn't bear the reverberation anymore, the gutturals from Piney's son who'd just lost his wife for no good reason during a drive-by in their quaint little town. The town that'd swelled wickedly with corruption these last few weeks.
Stahl was at the scene before he left. Looking pensive, actually. She looked guilty.
Chibs's basic instinct had landed the blame at her door--put the blood on her hands--but he kept his mouth shut for fear of what'd happen next. He didn't think that SAMCRO could handle this.
Because this wasn't a product of Mayan or Niner rivalry. He wasn't stupid--he knew that his President had something to do with this.
This was cultivated from the seeds sown by June Stahl, the pips planted so very deeply into the mind of Clay Morrow which forced him to believe that Opie Winston was a rat.
And he wasn't. He'd never sell his club out--no matter the damage, the pain inflicted upon him--and he'd never dream of pinning the fault on his brothers.
But he had to look a little bit closer to home if he wanted those answers. If he wanted to know just who sniped Donna--a completely innocent woman caught in the most ferocious of crossfires--he had to turn to someone that he knew was culpable of such activity.
Chibs's heart ached. It impaired him so very deeply that the only thing he could visualize on the ride back to Jax's house was her face.
Her face that dripped blood. Saturated crimson plagued his thoughts and forced his stomach to churn vociferously. He felt sick now.
He felt sick because Opie had lost his wife, Piney had lost a crucial member of his small family, and her kids had lost their mother. The woman that had worked so tirelessly to provide a life for them, to love and care for them unconditionally no matter what.
Opie was strong, he knew that--but he didn't know if he was strong enough to handle this. This crippling weight, this hurt and the idea of what could've been done differently.
Because so much could've happened to prevent this.
His tongue had become inoculated with bile, acrimonious ire for whoever the fuck was to blame for such unnecessary brutality--and, really, Chibs knew that he didn't have to look much further than Isla's favorite blue-eyed heathen this time.
And that broke his heart because of the pedestal she held that man upon. The pedestal she'd always held him atop, so fucking highly, too.
She knew that he was bad--an inherently bad human being--but he was just Tig. Her buddy. Clay's right hand that, really, he'd always count on. No matter what. And he'd always deliver the king's request, too.
Tig was the one that Isla called when her car broke down on the freeway and she needed to get home in time for Gemma's dinner.
The one she turned to for cheering up because he always knew how to crack a smile and get through to her.
The one that she strangely respected the most. Nobody really recognized what it was about that man that had Isla overjoyed when in his presence, she just was. And that was part of his charm.
But her father was anxious, now. Worried that she would take this news--if it came to light--badly. Because it was going to break her heart, regardless.
It was how she would handle it, which was the true hardship.
"Christ." Chibs's voice struggled to materialize, gesturing to his daughter passed out on Jax's couch. "How long's she been sleepin'?"
Mascara and eyeliner and whatever the fuck else she'd painted onto her face had started to melt away, trails of black and grey faintly running her cheeks.
"'Bout an hour." Gemma responded, sniffling back the putrid emotion she'd so obviously let flood the moments leading up to their arrival.
Jax's stomach was doing backflips at the thought of Isla crying herself to sleep in his living room--after everything that he'd put her through, too.
He feared that this was going to be the tip of the iceberg. That this was going to pulverize her sanity and compromise everything she had sought to fight off these last few days.
And he couldn't help but harbor those same suspicions as her father, either. Jax wanted to keep his mouth shut until he was certain that this was an inside job, but he was teetering toward that conclusion regardless.
It was the only viable explanation.
He, too, worried about what this would do to her. That finding out Tig was the potential culprit and reason why Opie's children were officially motherless.
"How's Ope?" She continued, already knowing the answer but asking anyway. Jax's head shook. "Oh."
"Not good, ma. But he's home now."
"And you're sure of that?"
"Yeah--I followed him back to make sure he got there in one piece. He wanted to leave the second the fuckin' ATF stormed in."
"Oh." Gem repeated herself, running her fingers through Isla's hair as she rested in her lap. "What about Clay? Where'd he get to?"
Chibs took a seat at one of the wooden chairs that'd been positioned around the coffee table, and Jax sank into the couch opposite the girls.
It was pitiful. Darkness enveloped them as Isla slept, innocently resting as the world shattered around her.
She wasn't oblivious to the happenings. She hadn't slept through it all, but she was done. Isla had been distant for days, had been fretting over the unimaginable and Gemma was worried that she was going to make herself sick if she continued the way that she was.
So she twisted her fingers and nails through the flowing waves of golden blonde, and soothed her the same way that she always did.
The same way that she found comfort as a kid.
He sighed. Exhausted. "Dunno. Last I saw he was with Tig."
"Aye." The Scot agreed with a nod, too. Hating the thought of Trager being responsible for something like this.
But it was merely a suspicion that Chibs hoped and prayed would get debunked sooner or later.
"Did he say anything?"
"Nah. He talked a little to Unser--seems to think it was a hit on Ope gone wrong--so, I guess they're gonna be lookin' into the Niners."
"Aye." Chibs spoke again, gesturing to Isla. "Did she say much when we left?"
"Not really--she just busied herself and cleaned up with Wendy. Seems like they're getting along now."
Jax smiled a bit, happy that his best friend and the mother of his child were starting to accept the presence of one another in Abel's life.
Truly, that's all he really wanted. That and his mother finally being able to turn the other cheek, and quit castigating his kid's mom.
"Did Clay leave before you?" Gemma asked, antsy. She was itching to get home, itching to see and comfort her husband because she knew that he was going to be fretting over this.
"I told you, the last I saw, he was with Tig. Dunno if he left after us, or if he's still there."
She looked away, smoothing her thumb over Isla's cheek.
"He'll be home soon--I should take off."
"Not on your own." Jax upheld, simply terrified of what could've happened to his mother had she left alone.
As far as Jax wanted her to know, this was bad blood between clubs. This was a hit put out on an innocent bystander because they knew it'd jolt SAMCRO--and it did.
It shook them to the very fucking core, jutting them repeatedly--mere moments away from crumbling and completely disintegrating into Harley Davidson dust.
And he really didn't want to admit that this was the work of his step-father and Alexander Trager. But he feared that was the only viable explanation.
"I'll--eh--I'll take her back." Chibs offered, getting up to ghost a hand over Isla's blushed cheek. "I was gonna take her home with me tonight, but I think she's better off stayin' put."
Jax agreed with a nod, smiling weakly at his mother. Though, she knew it was a coverup. A not-so-brilliant facade and attempt at showing that he was okay during this barbarous time.
"I don't wanna wake her." She mused, pushing strands of hair from her face. "She looks so damn peaceful."
Gemma hadn't a cozy moment with Isla for a while--not since she was recovering from a broken heart four summers ago.
The last time that she turned to Gemma--the same way she would as a child--for that motherly comfort.
"I know." The older man crouched to the ground, tracing faintly along her arm. Isla grumbled, slowly rousing. "C'mon petal, it's gettin' late."
He kept a hand against her, running this thumb over the freckled skin softly. Diane's crucifix caught his eye as she shifted, impairing him that little bit more tonight.
"What time is it?" She asked roughly, feeling a sting in her throat. Isla lifted herself off of Gemma's lap, rubbing at her eyes. "Is it late?"
"It's about one o'clock."
"Shit." Her hiss was sharp, galled that she'd been allowed to rest for so long whilst there was a literal wildfire sweeping its way through the club. "Ope--oh my god--Opie. Is he okay?"
Isla knew the answer. She knew what Jax was about to say before he even opened his mouth, and so tears ensued. Crystalline hues weeped and watered, and he was unsettled.
Unsettled because she was so strong in the face of such tragedy, rarely shedding any tears before an audience.
Unsettled because, up until the Kohn incident, Jax hadn't seen her cry since she was shot in the knee after three Mayans decidedly stormed the T M lot and strived to gun down each and every person on the premises.
He never forgave himself for that, actually. Because those bullets--though completely un-fatal and leaving a simple mark that, really, Isla referred to as her battle scars--should've been for him.
"He went home. To be with the kids." Jax cleared his throat, kneeling in front of her when Chibs got to his feet and gestured for Gemma. "He's--uh--he's in a bad way."
"Understandably." She mumbled. "Any ideas on who did this?"
Your favorite son.
"No. Clay thinks it might've been the Niners--shits been off since they decided to pull their fucking guns on us after the warehouse was raided."
"That was their rationale?"
"I guess so." He added. "It'd make sense. We lost their guns, so we lost a life--"
"But Donna." Isla argued, sitting upright. "Donna was innocent."
"We know that, love, but Laroy was probably under the impression that Ope was the one behind the wheel." Her father spoke over Jax, heeding his uncertainty. "It wasn't meant to be her."
Chibs had to blow his theory out of the water, firstly.
"A life is a life. To them, so long as they've got one of ours--someone close to us--they've succeeded with somethin'--"
"All they've succeeded with is leaving two kids without a fucking mother." Isla spat, throwing away the small blanket that Gemma had draped over her as she stood up. "And you've gotta stop being so fucking insensitive."
Jax stumbled backwards, watching her storm out of the room in her pretty little summer dress. He couldn't surmise whether following behind or leaving the woman to simmer alone, was the best idea.
It was a touchy subject, the loss of a parent. It was prickly and raw and it never ceased to strike Isla's heart. Because she understood.
She understood how much it hurt. The uncertainty of it all. Not knowing what to do next. How life changes more than what anyone ever prepares you for and, really, how nothing is ever the same again.
Isla knew it all too well. She'd been there, done that, and refused to go back. But with Chibs's life, his line of work, she was never granted that security.
And it wasn't particularly the security that she wanted, more so the knowledge of what--god forbid anything--would happen to her father. Because that's what bothered her the most about Diane.
She never knew anything about her mother's passing.
Jax got a pretty tight grip on the concept, too. But it was different with Isla--it was something she never quite grasped.
"A life is a life," Gemma mocked the insensitivity from the baffled Scotsman, shaking her head. "That wasn't just any life, Chibs. That was Opie's woman, the mother of his children, and one of Isla's oldest friends--she was family. She wasn't just a life."
His lips twitched before he exhaled sharply, knowing that she was right.
Knowing that his response was much too unsympathetic and heartless and, really, he was an idiot to forget how upset she got whenever something that pertained to the death of her mother was brought up.
"Your kid is grieving. She's grieving for Ope, for Piney, for Kenny and Ellie--for herself because this--" she gestured to nothing in particular, but he understood, "--is something she knows all too well, ain't it? Diane?"
"I know." Tersely, he responded. He pulled a hand through his hair. "I fuckin' know how she feels, but I didn't think she'd storm out when I said it!"
"Well, she's always been unpredictable."
"I know." His riposte was braided with anger, pure fury.
"Then why'd you say it?" Gemma jabbed. "Isla has been about six thousand miles away from us these last few days, and you thought that saying such a stupid thing wouldn't tip her over the edge?"
She was defensive of the blonde--always had been.
And Jax was sick of it.
Sick of the back-and-forth between the two. Sick of that holier than thou bullshit from Gemma--pretending that she wasn't thinking the same fucking thing--and sick of the way Chibs cared more to argue than to go after his daughter.
"Make sure Wendy stays if you two leave--I'm going."
"Where?" Chibs demanded.
But Jax just glared at him, stuffed his hands in both pockets, and walked straight out of the house.
It was cooler, now. The breeze had hit him square in the face the second he stepped over the threshold, and it was nice. To feel a little breeze that'd inevitably take the edge off of the lament sizzling away inside of him, was nice.
It was short lived, though. The second he realized that he couldn't see Isla--that she was completely out of sight--dragged him straight back down to earth, and the panic had set in.
He trusted her, of course he knew that she wasn't going to do anything stupid because she valued her life too much, and she wanted to do great things. So many great things.
But Jax also knew her too well. Well enough to know that the first place she would've thought about storming toward was the Clubhouse--the place that she'd find Tig.
And under any other circumstances, he wouldn't have rushed to get to her before she had a chance to get to T M. But the possibility of walking in and discerning Trager's inconsolable fury--his resentment and self-loathing--was much too great a risk for Jax to take.
He had to intercept.
He had to save her before she got the chance to set foot onto the property.
But, realistically, Jax was more than aware that Isla was probably already halfway there by now, and weaving through the unusual bustle of traffic in his small town just wasn't worth it.
"Shit." He growled, hopping onto his bike regardless. Saving a sliver of hope that he'd find her tonight.
He wasn't exactly optimistic, though. Because she'd already stormed four blocks.
Isla wrapped her cardigan tightly around her body--feeling the cold a bit more than what Jax had earlier--and hastily made her way downtown.
Surprisingly enough, she didn't fear the short walk toward the garage, but it was chilling. The thought of Donna's killer roaming freely, parading around that neighborhood, was daunting.
But she wasn't scared.
Or, at least, Isla wasn't scared until she heeded the red and blue flashing lights right in the middle of the intersection. The apparent murder scene.
Her heart sank, actually. The organ dropped to her stomach, pulsating slowly--barely--at the sight of Charming PD, CSI, and her. The group scattered, conversing, and speculating.
It was horrible. Sick.
She'd seen this before. She'd seen deaths and murders, and whatever came during the moments following. But she hasn't felt this way before.
The incapacitating throb. The discomfort and grief for such a horrendous--albeit freak--accident. And she wasn't stupid. She was as cognizant as her father and as empathetic as Jax, and she knew just as well as those two that this was not a purposeful attack.
Whether it was a consequence of Mayan or Niner misconduct, it was a wrongful onslaught that was about to cull an entire family. An entire charter.
If it hadn't already, that was.
She choked around the swell in her throat, padding along the sidewalk. She took her time, but she wasn't slow by any means. She had a place to be, and a specific person that she had to see--to talk to because she didn't know how to cope with this.
And it wasn't exactly her place to mourn for Donna. She hadn't been involved with her for some five years and she felt bad about the pair unable to rekindle their friendship. She felt bad about grieving the loss of Opie's wife--about taking the focus away from him.
But it hurt. It hurt so much--it sliced deeply, through flesh and tendon and bone--and she knew that Tig wouldn't judge her for this inveterate sorrow. He wouldn't see her as selfish or stupid for wanting to project her sincerities, her emotions.
Her heels clicked across the yard and she smiled a little bit when she passed Juice and Tig's bikes beside one another, letting her know that she wasn't going to be alone in there.
She was scared now, though. Because she hadn't talked about this yet. Hadn't talked about how she felt and how she was going to approach Opie the next time she saw him.
"Juice?" Isla squeaked from the doorway, waiting for him to turn around and run to her, or something. But he didn't move, didn't lift his head.
It was dreary inside. The lights had been dimmed, the men surrounding the tables and bar were downtrodden, and Isla felt as though she'd just walked through the gates of hell.
The vibrancy and boisterous nature of SAMCRO had come to a complete standstill, and she was actually yearning for the sleaze that usually enveloped the space.
Her sigh was defeated, forlorn. She sniffed as her nose ran, making her way to the bathroom to go and clean herself up--because she knew that she looked dreadful, and didn't want anybody to really see her that way.
"Is anyone in here?" She asked softly against the locked door, knowing that the answer was yes and that Tig was the occupant--but she persisted, anyway.
The mellifluous rhythm bled through the oak, jolting him still as blood poured from the gash in his head, and shattered glass surrounded his frame and the sink.
He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, glaring monotonously at himself in front of the mirror. Glaring at the fucking monster that was about to welcome Isla into open arms, comforting her because he knew that she'd need it.
"Yeah," He opened up, smiling down at her. "But I'm done, if you wanna--"
"What happened to you?" She put a hand against his chest, pushing him back into the room. Her brow furrowed when he didn't respond. "Tiggy?"
His entire body winced at Isla's soft touch. At the way her pink nails traced over the patch of skin on his chest, uncovered by his shirt--the shirt he was going to burn after tonight.
She gently gripped at his chin, turning his face to the right to get a better look at the incision on his left. Her eyes filled again, lips turned downward.
"Let me clean you up."
"You don't gotta--"
"I do." Isla cut him off, blinking away her tears. "If it doesn't get treated, it might get infected."
Like father, like daughter--always the first person to tend to an injury. She was so loving, so benevolent. Nothing like him, he thought.
Tig watched her maneuver around the tiny bathroom, admiring her desire to patch him up. To care for him and help make him feel better.
Not much would've helped at that moment, but she was trying her best.
"How'd you get over here?" He asked, leaning against the sink.
"I walked--"
"You walked?" Pissed, Tig spat. "Jesus fuck, Isla, you can't walk these parts alone, anymore."
She looked up at him from the spot she was crouched at, sifting through a small first-aid kit in the cabinet. "Who said I was alone?"
"Were you?" His eyes narrowed. She got to her feet, putting the small plastic box beside him, looking his face over a few times.
Her head shook. "Nope. Never alone with these thoughts."
Tig couldn't not chuckle at her response, but he was still worried about her. He didn't worry often--he was too selfish for that--but anything to do with his favorite blonde saw him panic like a madman.
"And the voices, too." She mused, breaking out into a genuine smile the first time all evening. "They always keep me real good company."
"Yeah?" Isla's head bobbed, cupping his chin again. "Me too--me 'n you don't seem to be too different after all, baby."
"Never said that we weren't." She poked her tongue out a little bit, surveying the damage. "Never said that we were the same, either."
"We're not the same." He confirmed, curling his hand around her wrist as she held an alcohol pad above his cut. "We are not the same, Isla."
Her head tilted, trying to discern what he meant. But she couldn't, and it caused an uncomfortable shiver to flicker down her spine.
"This might hurt." She whispered in an attempt to dissipate the small tension, gently running her thumb over his chin.
The other was--alongside her pointer finger--tapping the small antiseptic against the wound. She frowned the more he winced, though Tig's smile and hold on her wrist was still present.
"I like the pain."
"I know you do, Tiger." Isla joked. But she couldn't help wondering how the fuck he managed to do this to himself tonight.
Why he would do this to himself tonight.
"I don't wanna have to stitch your pretty face up," she pursed her lips and got him to hold the cotton in place.
"You think I got a pretty face?"
"The prettiest." Her retort was instantaneous, missing that usual glint of something resembling a joke.
She was serious--she wasn't engaging in that usual banter with him today. She was too run down for it, actually.
"Gonna have to give you a couple of butterfly stitches, if that's okay?" Isla looked up at him, holding out the small bandages with a smile. "It won't hurt. And they'll probably dissolve in, like, a week or so."
"Go for it. I love when you play nurse."
She lightly whacked at his chest, laughing as she got him to sit on the closed toilet lid to get a better reach. He wasn't tall, but neither was she. Isla needed him to lower his height if she wanted to successfully repair him.
The comfort, the aid and assistance had him forgetting about tonight--had her forgetting the real reason for her impromptu arrival to the clubhouse--but not forgetting about the newfound misery that encircled SAMCRO.
"You alright?" He asked when she hadn't made a movement, when her eyes seemed to focus on the shelves above the tank of the toilet. "I can do it myself, if you don't wanna--"
"I wanna." The smile she produced was fake--uncomfortable as tears rolled down perfectly blushed cheeks.
It broke his heart. Everything she was doing and saying--and even feeling because her pain was palpable--was breaking his heart and Tig felt like hell for doing this.
"I'm sorry," she stuck the first stitch to his forehead carefully, getting him to rip off the back of the second because her fingers were too shaky to get a solid grip.
"Don't be." He handed it to her. "It's been a tough night."
Her laugh was humorless, dull. "You can say that again, Tiggy."
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Not really." She sent him an apologetic look, but he got it.
Isla trusted him with her life--for some reason--but she found it hard to open up sometimes. In regards to something this serious, she struggled to get a solid handle on her emotions and how to express them.
He understood her, though. Understood her well enough, her mannerisms and thought processes, and he just wondered if she felt like divulging her pain tonight.
She didn't, though. And Tig didn't particularly mind that. He didn't want to feel that twisted pang of regret, the vehement churn of his stomach whenever she said Donna's name--which she was yet to do, and she probably wouldn't at this point, either.
"I just wanna cry." She stated plainly, not even reluctantly anymore.
Like Gemma, he hadn't seen her cry for a long time. And it wasn't a nice visual, actually.
But he was supportive, and just wanted her to do anything that'd make her feel somewhat better--so he encouraged it.
Isla put everything down, gave his face the once over for the last time, and set herself on the tile with her back to the door.
"You wanna cry? Do it, baby. If it'll help, just do it." He assured, getting to the ground beside her. "I know you don't like doin' it in front of me, but I won't tell anyone, if that's what you want."
"You make me seem like a battle ax." Isla quipped, sniffling. "I don't care if anyone sees me cry--everyone knows that I do. It's just..."
"Showing vulnerability ain't a nice thought. I know."
God. She hated how well he understood her. How he knew what she was going to fucking say. All the time.
Tig wound an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Instinctively, she rested her head against his shoulder.
"I get it." He stated mindlessly, pushing tousled blonde strands from her forehead. "But y'know you can always trust me, kid. I'll never tell anyone that you feel emotions--"
"I'm literally the most emotional person you all know." Isla protested weakly, hoping he didn't mind the feeling of her tears bleeding through his shirt.
He didn't.
"I just don't really like crying. It's not a true testament to my character--I'm supposed to be the happy one around these parts. The sickeningly optimistic Irish girl--"
"You can still be a crier, too."
"I know." She finally wrapped her arms around his middle as they sat together. "But people just don't take girls seriously when they cry. And I don't want my position here to be compromised, I guess. I don't want my dad, or Gemma, or Clay to think I can't handle being around the club anymore--because I can. And I always will."
"They wouldn't think different of you for that." He promised, rubbing circles over her shoulder the more he felt the navy cotton dampen. "This is a real tough thing, Isla, nobody is gonna chastise you for shedding a tear. They'd probably think different of you if you didn't cry."
"You think?"
He nodded.
"Crying shows that you got empathy and a heart. We all know your heart is bigger than..." Thick eyebrows crumpled together before he let out a little chuckle. "Bigger than Clay's ego. It's huge, your heart."
"Well, it's gotta be. If I wanna love all of you--warts 'n all--my heart has gotta be huge."
"Exactly," he drew out his response, earning a laugh and something reminiscent of an optimistic smile from her.
Trager never saw himself as the kind of man to make a girl smile or laugh after a little pep talk--after or before incredible sex, perhaps, but never as a result of his unusually comforting nature.
But he just had that effect on Isla--something she wasn't able to extrapolate verbally. Something she wasn't sure she'd ever be able to comprehend, either.
"You've just gotta try not to make yourself too vulnerable, that's all, 'cuz people will get used to coddling you. And I know that's now what you want."
"That's what I mean." She frowned, pulling herself away a bit. "I don't wanna be seen as inferior for being able to cry about the things that you, or Gem, or dad, are able to keep a poker face over. I'm just...I'm just thin-skinned sometimes, and I'm yet to be desensitized to this stuff, I guess."
"You're not thin-skinned for crying tonight." He scolded, knowing that she didn't want to elucidate her thoughts about the happening, but he just couldn't help himself.
"Desensitization don't mean shit when you've lost someone you care about--it's always gonna hurt, sweetheart. Always. And there ain't nothing you can do to stop that."
He was the one with misty eyes, now. He was the one trying to bite back tears, trying to conceal the spread of his sadness--the uncomfortable soreness in his chest. In his heart that wasn't anywhere near as big and full as hers.
"You're never gonna grow immune to grief--I promise you'll always feel that. Whether you show it--how you show it--is another thing, though."
"You feel it?"
"In general."
She couldn't seem to recall the last time that she saw him cry--if she'd ever seen it, actually. Aside from this moment, of course.
Tears fell to the apples of his cheeks and she, without any reluctance, used the pad of her thumb to brush them away.
And he got it, now. The idea of showing vulnerability being a fucking liability. Because the pity washing over her soft, beautiful features made him feel fragile.
"All the time. All the fuckin' time."
"It really never goes away?"
"No." Tig sniffed harshly, forcing a smile. "But you learn to cope. You learn that it ain't the end of the world and that life just goes on after death."
"Profound." She chuckled once again. "That's some deep, deep shit, Tigger. Almost made me forget about how much I wanna hysterically break down."
"Do it. That'll make me feel better about my injury."
"Your self-inflicted injury." Isla stated knowingly, but she didn't clarify just what she meant.
Because it could've been an array of things, but he liked to think that she was just referring to his little forehead aperture.
"I like it. It makes you look badass." Isla held a hand out to Tig when he pulled himself upward, and she wanted to follow suit.
"Does it make me look hot, too?"
"Absolutely." Again, it wasn't laced in a tease. It was honest, and the small smile she produced was sincere. "Be careful with it, though. Try not to get it wet or anything, because it'll dissolve too soon--"
"I've had them before, y'know?"
"Why is that so hard to believe?" Isla rolled her eyes. "You're a super scary, malicious, calculating guy when you've gotta be. But I know that you're accident prone."
He curled his eyebrow upward. "Scary?"
"Totally. I've seen you hold a gun to a guy's head." A chill impaired her, frightening her. "Shits terrifying, Tig. Remind me to never get on your bad side."
"You couldn't even if you tried."
"You think?" Her qualm was unexpected, almost challenging him as she unlocked the bathroom door and stepped into the hallway. "I think I could."
What's she playing at? She was sobbing two minutes ago.
Oh, I get it. This is her facade--actin' all care free, and shit.
Tig followed behind--every step--as she clicked along the wooden floor of the clubhouse.
"You couldn't. Trust me." He stated lowly, reaching for her hand when she stuttered a little.
Isla noticed her father next time Juice, drinking at the bar with their backs to the duo. She didn't want to see him, right now.
Talking to Chibs would've ignited whatever fucking fire inside of her that'd started to blaze out of control earlier tonight, and she'd worked hard to contain this inferno.
"What you can do, though, is turn your pretty little ass back around, and go get some rest in the dorm. It's been a long night."
She didn't refute, she didn't try to get out of it because she didn't want to. Isla couldn't bear the thought of waltzing past her father, talking to him about her tiny outburst, and resuming as normal.
Because she couldn't do that. Not tonight, anyway.
"Uh huh." He responded, his eyes glued to the back of Juice's cut as he slammed yet another shot back.
Probably wondering what the fuck had gone down tonight.
"Can you stay with me?" Her retort forced his focus to land on her, and the defenselessness--sheer exposure--in her attitude.
It wasn't the simple fact of wanting to be alone.
She couldn't be alone. Not anymore.
Ringed fingers squeezed her hand reassuringly, guiding her into the back room, holding her close. Because that's what she really, truly wanted.
"'Course I can. Anything for you, Isla."
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 28
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A/N: Thanks for all the love this past week ❤️ It meant a lot to me.  Here’s 4600 words of subpar writing 😝 And FYI, we’re not getting too sad around here.  This is the only chapter they’ll be apart.  That means reunification next week!
April 12th, 2020
Aberdeen Bloom was with her family.  
It was Easter, and they were celebrating together, thankfully.  She was more grateful for it now more than ever, considering the state of the world.  She had stayed camped out at her apartment for the last two weeks with Kasha, who had come back from Evan’s place and was none the wiser about William being there for the fourteen days prior.  It made the most sense to Aberdeen because she still had to pay rent, and because she didn’t want to put Minerva through a stressful move again.  So, she stayed put.  Plus, now that she was living on her own, she’d know she’d go crazy if she lived with her family again.  Especially with Siena back from Ottawa because of classes in some weird state of limbo.  The sisters were thankful that Camden was independent enough to be able to learn on his own and not be constantly watched – and so was Orla.  She had enough to tackle, having her grade one class turned into online learning until further notice.  Everything was messy, and unprecedented, and weird, and not understandable, and weird, and chaotic, and confused.  
But Aberdeen had her family.  And Aberdeen had Willy.  
They’d kept their promise about calling each other every night.  Aberdeen would lay in bed and put in her headphones (so Kasha wouldn’t hear) and they’d FaceTime each other for a majority of the night, alone in their rooms, talking about anything and everything.  Sometimes they’d fall asleep talking, and their phones wouldn’t shut off, and Aberdeen would wake up an hour later and see the brightness of her phone screen still lit up, and she’d see William sleeping on the other end, his face so peaceful yet so burdened with responsibility of caring for his siblings while his parents and other siblings were eight hours and an entire continent and ocean away, and she wouldn’t have the heart to end the call.  
Things were fine in Tampa, from what he told her.  Jacquie had calmed down considerably.  Alex was…Alex – always trying to make jokes and make light of the situation.  They barely left their house, but because there were three of them there, it wasn’t too bad.  There were a lot of board games played, a lot of Netflix series watched.  From across the countries, Aberdeen and William were watching Tiger King together.  She didn’t think she’d watched anything as horrifyingly crazy.  William would crack jokes about her putting him in a meat grinder and feeding him to tigers.  She could only giggle.  
She knew that today the siblings were going to go for their first “outing”, just to get some sunshine, along the Courtney Campbell Bridge.  She hoped the weather would cooperate for them.  And once they were all home, and once Aberdeen was back at her place, the routine would begin, and she’d crawl into bed, and she’d FaceTime Willy to hear all about it.
Good Friday meant they had fish.  Easter Monday meant Orla’s roasted lamb and much of the same sides that were prepared on Christmas.  They’d still video chat with their grandparents, Camden would still play hockey in the driveway, and Aberdeen and Siena would go down into the basement and watch episodes of Brooklyn 9-9 or another show.  Routines, in a time of a global pandemic that brought so much uncertainty, were accepted with warmth.  Even for just a day, life was going to feel normal.  Orla and Mirza had even gone so far as to get their kids chocolate eggs.  It didn’t matter that the youngest didn’t believe in the Easter Bunny anymore or that the girls were in their early twenties – the gesture went farther than that.  They were all together again, even if it was just for the day.  
When Orla placed the roasted lamb at the centre of the table, asking Mirza for his plate first, Aberdeen took a giant whiff of the smell and immediately felt more relaxed.  She filled her plate with carrots and asparagus and Yorkshire pudding before her mom piled on the lamb and sauce.  
“So where’s our good friend William these days?” Orla asked as she finished serving everybody and sat down in her seat.  She immediately grabbed her knife and fork to dig in.  “He didn’t want to come for Easter?”
“I’m sure he wanted to come and have your lamb, darling,” Mirza said.
“He’s in Tampa,” Aberdeen answered, smiling slightly at her parents’ interaction.  “His brother and his sister went there at the start of lockdown, and so when he was good to go too, he went.”
“William quarantined for fourteen days too?” Mirza asked.  “Why?”
“He spoke to one of his Swedish friends on the Predators so he had to.  I bet the whole team did,” she explained.  
“Did you guys quarantine together?” Siena asked.
Aberdeen rolled her eyes.  “Hah.  Good one.”
“William has sisters?” Camden asked.
“He has three,” Aberdeen smiled.  “All of them are younger than him.”
“I can’t imagine three of you and Siena.”
Everybody at the table snorted.  “We can’t imagine three of you either, buddy,” Siena quipped back.
Camden smiled, then focused his attention back to Aberdeen.  “So what’s he doing in Tampa?”
“I don’t know.  Hanging out with his brother and sister.”
“Why don’t you call him and ask?”
“Camden,” Aberdeen said, “I can’t just call William Nylander and ask him what he’s doing so my little brother can know,” her tone made it seem like it was the most out-of-this-world idea.  But it was a total lie.  William would be at her beck and call – he always was.  If she called him right now, he’d answer.  If she called him and asked him what he was doing because Camden wanted to know, he’d answer her and tell Camden what he was doing.  He was just like that.
“I think the most important question we should be asking about William, considering the circumstances in our world right now, is whether or not he’s safe in Tampa,” Mirza interjected.  He stuffed a roasted potato into his mouth.  “Is he safe?”
Aberdeen nodded.  “He’s safe.  And he’s with his family, just like we are.”
Aberdeen could hear the video game sounds coming out of Camden’s Nintendo Switch as she lay in his bed, cuddled up to him while browsing through her phone.  It was later – later than she thought – but she wanted to stay at home for a little while longer, at least until Camden went to bed, because, well…it was a global pandemic and she wanted to see her family.  Her dad would drive her home eventually – she knew that.  But she wanted to spend some time with her younger brother, even if it was just cuddling with him while he played video games and she browsed Instagram.  Sometimes physical contact was the best contact; sometimes nothing needed to be said.  
“Hey Aberdeen?” he whispered.
Apparently something needed to be said.
She looked over at him and saw that he’d placed the Switch face-down on his chest.  He was looking up at her.  “Yeah bud?”
“Are you scared about the pandemic?”
Aberdeen softened immediately.  God, she wished he could stay this age forever.  She didn’t want him to grow up and turn into a moody teenager.  She wanted him like this forever: young and innocent and the little boy who cries over meeting Kyle Lowry.  “Of course I’m scared,” she admitted.  “Are you scared?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he nodded.  “Mom’s home so it’s okay but I’m scared about dad.  What if the virus is on one of the envelopes or packages he has to deliver?  Or, like, on a mailbox?”
Aberdeen cuddled closer to her brother, if only to provide physical assurance.  There were so many unknowns about the virus.  It didn’t help that there was wall-to-wall coverage of it on the TV all the time.  “I don’t think the virus works that way, Cam.  I think—”
“But did you see how fast it spread in New York City?  Mom and dad were watching the news one night and the number of people who have it is so high,” he was so concerned.  
“I think dad’s work put a lot of, like, safety rules in place so nobody will catch it,” she tried to calm his nerves.  “Dad wouldn’t be working if it wasn’t safe.  Look at my work.  They’re not letting me work because it’s not safe.”
Camden considered his sister’s words.  She could practically see the gears shifting in his mind.  “I guess so,” he acquiesced.  “But I still think about dad a lot when he’s working.  Mom’s even praying a lot more now.”
“I figured she would be,” Aberdeen nodded.  “Listen Cam, I’m scared about everything too, but the reason why I’m not worried about dad is because dad’s a really smart guy, and we’re a family that listens to doctors and public health experts who are trying to make everything better,” she explained.  
“And don’t forget the epado…epid…”
“Epidemiologists,” she smiled, saying the word for him.  “Them too.  I’m listening to them.”
“Mom thinks I won’t go back to school this year at all.  She told me I’m gonna help her teacher her first graders,” he giggled.  “Imagine that!  At least I don’t have to take EQAO this year.”
“Lucky you,” Aberdeen wiggled her eyebrows at him.  “Hey, if I order some masks, what designs do you want on them?”
“Raptors and Leafs, obviously,” he smiled.  “Do you even need to ask?”
“Well excuuuuuuse me—”
Their conversation was interrupted by Aberdeen’s phone ringing from its place on her chest.  When she flipped it over to see who would be calling her at this hour, she should have known better than to wonder.  It was William.  It would only be William.  But he was requesting to FaceTime her.  Just as she was about to reject the call, she heard Cam gasp.  “Is that William Nylander?  He’s calling you?!”
She gulped.  “Cam—”
“Answer it!  Answer it!”
She swiped her screen.  She prayed to every saint that he wasn’t already topless.  When he finally appeared on the screen, he was wearing an oversized t-shirt.  She’d have to pray the rosary tonight.  “Hi William,” she greeted formally – no “Hi baby” or “Heeeeeyyyyy” like she usually did, hoping he’d get the hint.  
“Hello…” he answered back awkwardly, not realizing immediately why she was being so formal.  When she tilted the camera and he saw Camden lying beside her smiling from ear-to-ear, waving frantically at him, he understood.  “Heeeyyy Camden,” he greeted, waving back.  
“Hi William!” Camden said.  “How are you?”
“I’m good, buddy, how are you?”
“I’m okay,” he shrugged.  “Aberdeen told me you’re in Tampa Bay with your brother and sisters.”
“I am,” William nodded, shooting the quickest of looks to Aberdeen.  “She texted me to let me know you guys were apparently missing me today at lunch.  I already know my lunch wasn’t as great as the one your mom made.”
Camden giggled slightly.  “It definitely wasn’t.  Mom made lamb today.  Hey William?”
“Yeah bud?”
“Aberdeen told me you have three younger sisters.  I have two older ones.  How do you do it?!”
William burst out laughing, as did Aberdeen.  “Ooooooh Camden.  If I knew, I’d tell you.”
“How are you, minskatt?” William asked as he watched Aberdeen get into her bed.  He’d called her again when he knew it was safe – when she was back at her apartment after her dad drove her home.  He hadn’t expected Camden to be on his earlier phone call, of course, but they’d spoken for about ten minutes until Camden was satisfied.
Aberdeen took a deep breath.  She was going for it.  “Jag mår bra hur mår du?” she replied in near-perfect Swedish.
She watched as William’s eyes bulged out dramatically and smiled mischievously.  “Minskatt?!” he gasped dramatically, even going so far as to sit up in bed.  She could only giggle.  “Minskatt where did that come from?  Are you…”
“Mhm,” she nodded before he could finish his thought.  “I ordered a bunch of Swedish language books and I’ve been learning since you left.  I wanted to surprise you.”
“Minskaaaaatt,” he repeated, except this time in a more playful accusatory tone.  “What have you taught yourself?”
“Just the most basic stuff,” she said.  “Hello, how are you, where is the washroom, that kind of stuff.  Verb conjugations are going to come later.  And…” she trailed off.
She smiled again.  “Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker,” she whispered.  
It was the most amazing thing William had ever heard.  It didn’t matter that the pronunciation was a bit off – it was incredible.  Incredible.  So incredible that he couldn’t handle it.  He smiled from ear to ear and buried his face in his pillow as he giggled.  “Minskatt…you have no idea how beautiful that sounds,” he said.  “Like…you honestly have no idea.”
“Do you like the surprise?” she asked.
“I fucking love it,” he said.  “Minskatt, you’re too good to me.”
“I want to learn more.  I want…I want to like, become as fluent as I can so that I can speak to your family in Swedish.  You know, when we’re in Sweden.  Whenever that is.”
William’s heart practically burst in his chest.  If it was possible, he would have spontaneously self-combusted right then and there at her words and their sweetness.  “If I could take you to Sweden tomorrow, I would.  God minskatt, I miss you so much.  I’m dying over here.”
“Me too.”
“I want to touch you so bad,” he admitted.  “I was dreaming about it the other night but then I woke up, and I couldn’t fall back asleep again.”
Her heart fluttered.  She’d dreamt about the same thing too last night and woke up sweating.  She’d never been this sexually frustrated before, even in her single days.  To think of the time they spent together during quarantine, only to have him leave and be unable to do those same thing…it was a lot to miss.  A lot to look forward too, as well, once they reunited.  But for now, she could only miss it.  “How were you touching me?” she asked, biting her bottom lip.
She could see his Adam’s apple bob in his throat.  “You know how,” he whispered.
“Tell me,” she said, slipping her hand underneath the covers.  She snaked it down her body and underneath her pajama pants and underwear.  “Tell me how you were touching me.”
William watched as he watched her one arm move and her hand disappear.  He gulped at the sight of it.  “I was touching your pussy,” he huffed, slipping his own hand under the covers.  
“Was it wet for you?”
“Of course,” he said, grabbing hold of his cock, stroking it almost immediately.  “Is…is it wet right now?”
“Getting there,” she nodded.  
“Are you touching yourself?”
“Mhm,” she said, her eyes drooping slightly.  She waited a few moments as she continued to touch herself before she finally continued.  “Tell me how you were touching me.  What were you doing?”
“I was fingering you.  And my thumb was rubbing your clit…how you like it,” his voice was low.
“Mmmmm,” Aberdeen hummed, mimicking what he was saying and doing it to herself as best she could.  She’d done it for so long as a single woman that she’d practically mastered it, but ever since she’d been with William, he’d mastered it in the short amount of time too.  There was nothing he did that didn’t turn her on.  “I had your cock down my throat in my dream last night.”
“Oh fuck,” William huffed, not expecting that at all.  He thought, as always, this was gonna be about pleasuring her by some good old-fashioned phone sex.  He didn’t think she’d go so far as to include him too, considering how new the experience was.  But they were doing this.  “Was it deep in your throat?” he asked.
Aberdeen nodded.  “It hit the back.”
“Fuuuuuck Aberdeen,” he huffed.  He imagined the feeling and it sent shivers down his spine.  He got hard almost immediately at the thought as he kept stroking himself, but ever since he’d been with Aberdeen, his own hand didn’t fucking cut it anymore.  She gave him the best handjobs, the best blowjobs…everything she did was the best to him.  
“Remember when I sucked you off in the backseat of your car?” she asked, her voice sugary sweet.  William nodded his head quickly.  “Remember how you came in my mouth?  You tasted sooooo good, Willy.”
“Ab—Aberdeen—fuck, don’t—”
“I can’t wait to taste it again.”
William’s eyes rolled back.  “I can’t wait to taste your pussy again.”
“When you come back home, I want you to fuck me like you did during quarantine,” she continued.  “Fuck me hard how I like it, Willy.”
“Ab—are you—look at me when you cum, Aberdeen,” William demanded.  He could tell by just a quick look that she was almost there.  “Look at me when you cum.”
“Are you close?”
“Cum with me, Willy.  Think of my tight pussy when you cum.”
She could see his face contort slightly as he closed his eyes.  She bit her bottom lip and tried to suppress a loud moan, writhing in her bed and squeezing her legs together as her orgasm took over her body.  She heard William moan too, low and guttural, and when she saw his chest heaving just as much as hers was, she knew he came too.  
As her breathing steadied out, Aberdeen couldn’t help but giggle slightly.  “I can’t believe we just did that,” she admitted.  “That was—”
“That was really hot,” William finished her sentence, albeit more bluntly than her tone.  “That was—we did that quick but God it was hot.”
“Yeah,” Aberdeen nodded.  “Nothing compares to the real thing though.”
“No, it doesn’t,” William agreed.  “The second I land in Toronto – finish quarantine – whatever, I’m taking you to my place and I’m fucking you senseless.”
Aberdeen couldn’t help but giggle and smirk at his words.  “Promise?”
April 14th, 2020
“What did you and your brother do that day?” Aberdeen practically screamed into the phone as the video played on what seemed like an infinite loop on her laptop.  “Seriously.  What made you think to film that?”
“We practiced for a long time!”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure the Toosie Slide dance took a lot of practice.”
“It does!”
“Your poor sister.”
“She lived.”
Aberdeen snorted.  “And what are those shorts, William?!”
“Um, excuse me?  Are you making fun of my shorts?” he giggled.  “I thought you’d like them, seeing as they show off my thighs.  We both know how much you like my thighs…”
“Stop it.”
April 20th, 2020
“Did you get some sun today?” Aberdeen asked sarcastically, seeing William on FaceTime looking redder than a tomato.  
“You’re funny.”
“Have you heard of sunscreen?”
“I wore sunscreen,” he grumbled.
“Sure you did.”
April 25th, 2020
“Have you been writing a lot, minskatt?” William asked as he watched Aberdeen concentrating on her screen, hearing her furious typing through the microphone.  They were on the type of call where the participants just went about their business, connected through the screen, watching the other do their work while also doing their own.  William was just being dumb and scrolling through golfing websites, but Aberdeen was actually being productive.
“Mhm,” she nodded.  “I just…well, you saw how much I wrote when we were together too.  In between the sex,” she chuckled slightly.  “But after you left, there was just this huge burst of inspiration and energy.”
“I think it was the sex,” William deadpanned, causing Aberdeen to laugh.  “The sex inspired you.”
“Well you definitely gave me the energy,” she smiled.  “Too bad what I’m writing isn’t a sex diary or something.”
“What are you writing, minskatt?” he asked, genuinely interested.
“Um…” Aberdeen began, trying to formulate what she was writing into words.  “It’s about a girl.  Well, a group of girls.”
“You mean like that TV show Girls?”
“Better,” Aberdeen huffed.  “Lena Dunham is awful.”
William smiled.  “So a group of girls?”
“A group of girls and their relationships with each other.  And the expectations they have for each other that sometimes may not work in their favour.”
“So is it semi-autobiographical?”
Aberdeen side-eyed him.  Everything in writing was at least somewhat autobiographical.  But he didn’t need to know that.  “Maybe.”
April 27th, 2020
“I miss you so much,” William mumbled, his voice sleepy.
“I miss you too,” Aberdeen said, equally as tired.  “I can’t wait for you to hold me.  I can’t wait to just cuddle.”
“Me too.”
April 30th, 2020
For the first time in weeks, Aberdeen wasn’t doomscrolling about COVID-19.  She was doomscrolling about William.  
It started innocently enough, by Aberdeen reminiscing on the first time he drove her home from the airport and he spoke about his contract negotiations and how they turned a lot of people sour on him.  She believed him right then and there, but she didn’t go looking.  Now, with nothing to do and a curious mind, she went looking.
And she hated what she found.
Entire articles, practically one written every week, about his trade value.  Those same articles devalkuing him as a player and downplaying his role on the team as a top-six forward.  Panels of analysts and experts demanding that the Leafs trade him.  Entire Twitter accounts dedicated to blasting every single little thing he did on the ice.  Men with nothing better to do than to obsess over him and call him every name in the book.  
And then there was the video from Tim & Sid, the popular sports radio duo in Toronto that Aberdeen listened to for fifteen minutes once, but couldn’t get past Sid Seixeiro’s dumbass opinions.  In the video she watched, he took a less than 10-second clip of something William had said in a post-game interview during a loss against the Panthers and asked, indignantly, “What the hell is wrong with him?”  He then proceeded to go on a five-minute rant about the entire locker room having an attitude problem, how Willy had an attitude problem, how he didn’t care about the team…and people believed it.  She knew it.  People gobbled it up.  It was their serotonin while they hated him and called him a pussy on the internet and threw glasses at him in bars while drunk.  She felt sick to her stomach that these people felt this way about him.  
She’d been crying for a while before she picked up her phone to call him.  Her hands were shaking as she dialled his number, waiting for him to answer.  “Hi minskatt,” he cooed after the fourth ring.
“Willy,” she greeted, her voice shaky.
The last time she’d called him in such a state, she was being followed from her apartment.  William’s mind immediately went into overdrive.  “Minskatt?  What’s wrong?”
“Willy you know I love you, right?”
He softened slightly.  “Of course I do.  Why would you—”
“—I love you every way you are—"
“—And I know you’re a good person and I love you so much, more than anything—”
“—Aberdeen—Aberdeen—stop.  What is this about?”
She took a quick breath.  “What everyone says about you, Willy.  They’re horrible.  Horrible.  I was reading and I was watching these videos and they’re just awful to you and—”
“Aberdeen, I told you not to watch those videos,” he said.
“Willy, please,” she begged.  “How could they say those things about you and not even know you?  How can they still be so bitter after your contract negotiations?!”
“I love you, Willy.  I love you every way you are,” she repeated.  “I don’t care what anybody has to say about you.  I love you.  I love you.”
“I love you too, Aberdeen,” he said calmly but fiercely.  “Aberdeen, you can’t listen to them.  I learned how to tune them out a long time ago.  Even if I did…I don’t care what they say about me.  I know who I am, Aberdeen.  I know the truth, and they don’t.  And you do too.”
“I do, but I just…they’re so awful, Willy.  I don’t know how you can stand it.”
“Like I said…I know my truth.  My family knows.  And you do.  The most important people in my life know the truth and that’s all that matters.  I don’t give a fuck about what they think of me,” he said.  
Aberdeen stayed silent.  She knew she was overreacting, but damnit, she needed to overreact.  She’d been a part of the hockey world now for what felt like a century, and if what she had with William was going to last, it would be a major part of her life for years to come.  She needed to learn to roll with the punches.  But at the same time, she felt like if those punches were unjustified, then she was justified in being upset about them and wanting to speak out.  “I just love you so much,” she whispered, her voice much calmer now but still a bit shaky.  “God, I’m such a horrible girlfriend.  I’m calling you crying about the stupid Toronto media on the night before your birthday—”
“It’s okay, minskatt,” he interrupted.  “I would rather you call me then cry alone.  Besides, my birthday isn’t going to be special because you won’t be here.”
“Willy, don’t say that.”
“I mean it,” he replied.  “I wish I could spend it with you.  Fuck, I wish I could fly you down to Florida on a private fucking plane just so I could spend time with you.  I’d kill someone just to hold your hand right now.”
Her heart fluttered.  “I wish you’d come back to Toronto,” she whispered.  “When you get back, Willy…I’m gonna let you hold my hand so hard.”
They both snorted.  “I’ll be eagerly awaiting my gift, by the way,” he said, knowing that whatever she had in store for him for his birthday would be waiting for him when he got back to Toronto.  She made it that way – she promised, and he’d accepted.  He was dying in anticipation, but he’d accepted. 
“Want a little piece of it now?” she asked.
He smiled.  “You know I do.”
May 1st, 2020
Happy birthday I know you’re spending the day with your brother so it’s okay if you don’t text back I just want you to know how much I love you.  I’m sorry that I waited so long.  I’m sorry I denied it for so long.  You have been so good to me Willy.  I hope I’m half as good to you as you are to me.  I’ve never felt the love that you give me every single day from another person and I think that’s because the universe was saving it for ~you, for  ~you to show me, because I can’t picture it being from anyone else.  I love you so much and I miss you.  Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker.
i love u more than anything minskatt Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker always i will always love u i wish u were here with me nothing is the same without u
nothing is the same without you either I love you so much Willy
i love u aberdeen
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topazy · 4 years
Silent bloom
Pairing:Finn Collins/reader
Chapter: 1.02
The guilt was eating you up inside. You should have gone. Anybody with working brain cells knew that letting Monty and Jasper wander off on earth was a death wish waiting to happen. Octavia was almost killed by some kind of sea creature, and grounders had speared Jasper.
Monty was traumatised. Finn was now shuffling around you. He seemed nervous. Clarke and Bellamy were wasting time arguing about taking their wristbands off, and what was going to take place with the people on the ark. You didn’t want people to die, but you also didn’t care at that moment in time. Eventually, it all becomes too much for you.
"Cut it out!" You snapped standing up, earning a few surprised looks. "The only thing that matters right now is finding Jasper! Bellamy, stop moaning. You’re coming with us and that’s the end of it."
"Excuse me?" He asked, in a tone you imagine he thought was intimidating.
You walked closer to him. "You want to lead? Then they lead. You’re the only person here with a gun, and those kids out there won’t follow you unless you give them a reason to."
"She’s right." Clarke chimed in. "Because you want them to follow you and right now they're thinking only one of us is scared."
"Fine." He huffed.
"Good. Now let’s go." You walked towards the gate when you felt a familiar presence by your side. "Not now, Finn. I need to find Jasper. We can talk when I get back."
‘Y/N’, not Daisy or Daze.
You turned to face him, surprised at how close he was standing behind you. "Yes?"
"Be safe."
You just nodded before walking towards the gates again. You just prayed it wasn’t too late for Jasper.
"So how did you earn the nickname angel eyes?"
You rolled your eyes at the ridiculous question. "The only person who calls me that is you, Murphy."
You have decided to split off into groups to search for more ground faster. Finn went off with Clarke, while Bellamy trailed behind with Wells, leaving you with Murphy. You didn’t mind Murphy on a personal level. Sure, he was a little annoying at times, but the problem was he was absolutely useless at helping.
He grinned, "How did you get the scar?"
"Fist fight in a bar. You should have seen the other guy." He laughed at your terribly sarcastic answer. "I fell and cut it."
"Can you see clearly out of it?" He asked, standing closer to you.
"Yes, and I know what you are doing!" You snatched your wrist back laughing. Murphy just shrugged. He was trying to distract you so he could get close enough to take your wristband off. "I’m not giving it to you, so you and your little king can stop trying."
You jumped at the grunting noise coming from behind you. You turned to see Bellamy glaring at you. He didn’t look impressed with your comment.
"Did you hear that?" Wells asked. The four of you stopped walking and stood in silence until you heard it again. "It sounds like a moaning pain."
"Jasper!" You gasped before running in the direction of the noise. "He’s over here!"
"Y/N wait!"
You didn’t listen to what Wells was shouting and stepped forward, launching into a pit. You grabbed onto the long grass and vines to stop yourself from landing on the spears below. Bellamy was the first one to arrive. "Help me up!" You screamed as he looked at you with no emotion.
"Y/N? Bellamy pull her up!" Finn yelled as he grabbed hold of your arm, before Clarke and Murphy helped him drag you up.
You landed on top of Finn before quickly rolling off him. You lay panting on the ground while glaring at Bellamy. "What the fuck was that about?! You almost got me killed!"
Clarke shook her head and stepped forward before Bellamy could reply. "This isn’t going to help. The grounders are setting traps to catch us. We all need to be more careful."
"Whatever." You huffed, standing up, brushing the grass off your body. "I’m going to get him down. Who’s helping?"
Murphy and Finn both helped you cut Jasper down, while Bellamy stood by and did nothing, again.
"What was that?" You heard Clarke ask, as a growling noise got closer. A large animal appeared and leaped towards them. "Shot it!"
You watched Bellamy fumble at his sides, looking for his gun before you heard the shots. Wells shot the creature right before it reached them.
Bellamy looked at him in disbelief. "Now she sees you."
When you arrived back at the camp, you, Finn, and Wells rushed Jasper into the drop-ship so Clarke could start treating him. While Bellamy and Murphy brought the large cat in with them, earning cheers and praise from the other delinquents.
"Are you okay?" Clarke asked, pointing towards your wrist. You hadn’t realized it was bleeding.
"I’m fine, thanks. I can clean it while you focus on Jasper." You smiled softly. The blonde wasn’t your favorite person, but at least she was trying.
Later that night, the camp celebrated being ‘liberated’ by the fire. You didn’t eat meat, so you didn’t feel the need to participate.
"Aren’t you hungry?" You turned to see a young girl sitting down next to you.
"I’m not hungry. Did you get plenty to eat though?" She nodded. "What is your name?"
"Charlotte, is your name Daze?" She asked curiously.
You let out a chuckle. "My name is Y/N, but you can call me Daze or Daisy. It’s what I usually go by."
Charlotte smiled at you, and the two of you began chatting about how beautiful the earth was, until you heard a commotion on the other side of the fire. You looked across to see Finn taking meat for him and Clarke. Obviously, he got one for her. She hadn’t seen Finn this smitten with someone apart from Raven.
Thinking about you had nobody on the ark, you didn’t care if they thought you were alive or dead. The only people you cared about were already on the ground. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the young girl's stomach rumbling. You turned to Charlotte, "stay here, I’ll be back shortly."
You could feel multiple sets of eyes on you as you walked to the other side of the fire pit. Bellamy was glaring at you, while Finn and Clarke watched you with confused expressions.
"Hey, John?" You said, stepping towards Murphy, who frowned at being called his first name.
You held your wrist up, "fancy freeing me?"
You both shared a smirk as Murphy twiddled his knife as he walked towards you, amused. "Anything for angel eyes."
You felt the smooth coldness of the blade between your skin and the bracelet. It nipped for a second before holding it in front of you proudly. Taking it from him, you tossed it into the fire before accepting a stick of meat.
"What did you just do?" Clarke asked, walking up behind you. "You know that the ark..."
You sighed, stopping in your place. "Clarke, no offence, but I don’t want to hear about how defenseless the ark is right now."
As you tried to walk away, Finn stepped in front of you, "You’re vegetarian."
"Yes, I am aware of that. Now if you don’t mind, can you move out of my way?" You said calmly, trying not to show how irritated you had become.
"Then tell me, why did you take it off?" Finn demanded, ignoring what you had said previously.
"Some of us don’t want to get punched in the face," you answered, glancing at Bellamy, who was watching the interaction between you, Finn, and Clarke. "Plus, it was hurting my cut wrist."
Finn still didn’t move. You walked around him and back towards Charlotte. You gave the stick of food to the young girl who reluctantly accepted it.
Season one
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Chapter 1 is out! Already working on chapter 2 but it may be a while. If you wish to reupload my work then please contact me first for my consent.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32206135/chapters/79807672
Chapter below the cut for readers who don’t use Ao3:
The days ticked by, at a rate humans can't understand, all they know is that it's slow. But compared to the time other days tick by as, it is short, which no one can seem to get a grasp on. As the sun was ticking down, a group of four individuals, all connected by a large, officially interspatial, crime group, slowly walked up the large mountain, praying the days had ticked at a satisfactory rate, for them to reach the location of their desire. 
"So I was thinking...to spice things up a bit-" the oddly bobbing ghost started, before being cut off by their white-haired companion.
"For the last time, I'm happy with how everything is going. Now shut up!"
"Henry, you don't need to be so rude, I was just asking if you wanted to set up camp since sleeping beauty can't walk by himself anymore" Ellie chimed in.
"Uh, shucks, sorry Elles, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to...a figment of my imagination, camp sounds great, we could use some rest!" Henry said apologetically, glancing at the air next to him when he said 'imagination'. Ellie chuckled and nodded as she spun around, somehow still walking, to speak up.
"Hear that boss? Someone actually agrees saying that we should rest!" She mocked as Right Hand Man's expression went from his usual scowl to a sour and bitter frown.
"I'm jus' saying! We're already close! It's not 'at further!" He barked back, still dragging his feet behind as he carried a half asleep Reginald on his back.
"Tell that to princess sleepy head!" The red-headed woman laughed in return. Roughly 18 minutes ago, Reginald was in a state of nearly passing out from exhaustion so his right hand man logically thought to carry him until reaching the cave they were meant to go to was impossible in that day's time frame. The unfortunate part was that their two underlings kept teasing Right's actions as though they are similar to what prince charming would do in fairy tales. But Right was not taking any of that bullshit, what he was doing was completely normal between two friends. 
“Right...we’re all tired, just put me down and let’s set up camp” Reginald tiredly chimed in. Right sighed and gave a low "fine…" before setting down the brunette. After taking a moment to regain his footing, Reginald stretched his arms before promptly asking, "So where shall we set up?"
"I think we should look for some sort of open area and just lay down some….." Henry began before cutting himself off.
"What? What's wrong?" Ellie asked before Henry stopped her from going any further. 
"Do you hear that?" Everyone froze, listening closely to what sounded like talking. It seemed like it was coming from just a bit further up the mountain, where the group was aiming to get to. 
"Permission to look ahead and potentially dispose of threats?" The ghost chimed in with a non-existent grin.
"Let's all go ahead together, stay close, and stay alert" Henry quietly told the others, ignoring the ghost's request. The group moved forward slowly, careful to not alert the people ahead.
The surface was great, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and on days like these, kids aged around 10 would be playing outside in the garden or at a friend's house, but frisk was not like other kids, while other kids were playing cops and robbers, frisk was saving monster society. It hadn't even been 20 minutes when the ambassador came across their first issue, 
Where would the monsters stay before they could join the humans in towns and cities?
 The idea that first came to mind was that until a place was established to be available for monsters, they would remain underground. It wasn't the best idea, but it was better than just letting them fend for themselves on the surface, plus, it would only be worse when other humans got involved. For now, the main issue was dealing with lodging for their friends that came with them in the first place.
And that is what they were doing. Right now the young child was sitting in front of the underground's exit, talking with Asgore, the king of the underground, and Dr. Alphys, the head royal scientist. They were mainly discussing how to proceed with getting the monsters a way to live with humans, with alphys there to bring in human facts that she knew (mainly from anime) on how they would react to such sudden actions. It seemed to be going…. neutral, no good ideas, and no bad truths. But logically, the lovely sunset ahead was rushing the discussion into being about setting up some sort of camp, which they neither had the materials for, nor the means to get some. It would be difficult to go back down to get supplies while having a logical enough excuse for others on why going to the surface is going to take longer. Regardless, those of Frisk’s new friends who had seen the surface would probably be against the idea of going underground again for a presumably long while, since it was at this point obvious that getting the monsters their own place on the surface would take months and months.
“Dang, only a miracle could be able to fix this, and what’s worse is the town of ebott is known for being a super anti-monster.” Chara stated while hovering next to Frisk. Frisk thought for a moment, a miracle could happen. Frisk knew it, something would happen. They were DETERMINED.
File Saved.
“Y’know, that’s not always gonna work Frisk, it was cute the first time, but now it’s-” Chara started, but as if on queue, there was the sound of something slipping on rock, a yelp, and a few loose rocks dropping down the mountain. Frisk, Chara, Asgore and Alphys immediately turned around to see 4 people, all with shocked and scared expressions on their faces.
“N-no way...it can’t be” Ellie said, staring in awe at the group. “I thought it was just legends, stories to scare kids who don’t behave…..”
“Ellie? What do you mean? Do you know something?” Henry asked, pulling his gaze away and towards his friend. She sighed and lowered her head.
“It’s long to explain but… I used to live in this town and there was a legend about monsters living under the mountain, I never knew it was real.” She explained.
“Well, it seems you all don’t mind that much.” Asgore chuckled.
“Don’t get used to it Mr. Asgore, not all humans act friendly at first.” Frisk chimed in.
“Eh, you all don’t seem like a threat, I don’t mind bein’ hospitable” Right Hand Man casually mentioned. This statement led to Henry and Ellie sarcastically gasping and giggling as they knew that Right was never the ‘hospitable’ type.
“Neither do I, I am Asgore the king of the monsters, and this is our ambassador, Frisk” Asgore said, gesturing to the young child. “And this is our royal scientist, Alphys.” Alphys gave a nervous wave.
“Pleasure to meet you, your highness. I am Reginald Copperbottom, leader of the Toppat clan. These are my employees, my Right Hand Man, Ellie Rose and Henry Stickmin.” Reginald introduced while bowing slightly (As a way of respect? Henry was puzzled by this, but the chief always had a tendency to be dramatic, so he shrugged it off). 
“Please Mr. Copperbottom, no need to be so formal, I understand the title is grand but it doesn’t suit me.” Asgore said with a soft voice.
“Of course, apologies, I normally default to being proper with new people.” Reginald corrected himself. 
“It’s no issue, it’s very welcoming to see such wonderful humans, even after my past opinions.” 
While the two leaders were busy discussing formality, Henry took it upon himself to chat with the ambassador. He walked over and sat down next to Frisk giving a calm smile before seeing a red glow behind the child. He looked and saw a ghost, a child whose appearance was similar to Frisk’s, with a few changes.
“Who’s that?” He asked, directing his gaze at the idling bobbing ghost, who was only paying attention once Henry pointed them out.
“You...can see them?” Frisk asked, shocked as no one else had been able to hear or see them.
“Yeah? Wait...did they die and through strong determination they’re now stuck to you?” Henry asked.
“Yeah! I was dead until I met Frisk!” Chara responded. Frisk nodded frantically, showing off their red soul. “How did you know this?!”
“I’m in a similar boat myself” Henry responded, slowing his words. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his own ghostly companion fluttering about like mad, shouting silently with their non-existent mouth. Henry stood up and walked to where the ghost was dramatically pointing at, only to be greeted by three familiar figures, dressed in their military best. They hadn’t noticed him, thank god, but this was still bad. His throat grew tight as it normally did under stress, he figured it was best in multiple cases to just sign. He picked up a rock and threw it at Reginald which hit the brunette with slight force. The chief turned around to see Henry frantically signing and gesturing around the curve that the group had originally taken. It took a minute but, after a few loops of the same signs he recognised, they were in danger.
“Ellie, Right, Henry is calling a code green, get your weapons drawn and stay quiet. Henry, I’m trusting you to keep the king, ambassador and doctor safe. Got it?” Reginald commanded in a whisper shout, pulling out the revolver he kept under his hats. The three nodded in response, each pulling out their own weapon, with Henry also rushing their new friends into the cave for cover. With a few skids of rocks from the government soldiers rounding the corner, it had begun, the fight that would set where the ending would start. The government may have had strong JUSTICE, KINDNESS and BRAVERY. The toppats would fight their hardest with the PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE and DETERMINATION they had.
Mr. Williams sat there, staring at his mirror. He brushed his soft hand over the blue gems, chipped and shattered, yet still retaining their natural beauty. He smiled softly as he pulled his dark chocolate hair back into its usual ponytail before placing the mirror back on its wall. Walking over to the door, he smiled, he could tell from the graying clouds crossing past the mountain it was going to rain. He liked the rain, always so peaceful for a nice book and a cup of tea. He was in an earl grey mood, but he was also tempted to have some coffee.
It seemed easy enough, the toppats had been practising soul magic for a while at this point, and they had the advantage in numbers. But, the government came prepared with better weapons, especially made with intent on doing damage to souls. That fight had been going on for about 15 minutes at this point with neither side taking major damage. At this point something in the fight needed to change or it would be a will of who gave up first. The government’s side had a secret advantage that was making things easier for them, and that was Charles Calvin, a  KINDNESS soul who has rather low level healing magic, but healing magic non the same. That was what was making things so difficult, until Ellie used her own magic and COORDINATED a plan.
“Aim for Calvin, right on the top of his headphones, that’ll distract Galeforce and the other one and I’ll get a clean shot” She whispered to Reginald, as both were ducked behind a rock that had fallen during the chaos. Her boss nodded and sat up aiming for the center of Charles’s headphone, perched exactly above his blonde hair. It felt like time was slowed, as he pulled the trigger, sending a bullet speeding ahead, grazing the red artificial leather on top. As the bullet raced by it grabbed the attention of the three soldiers, as well as Right Hand Man, distracting them long enough so Ellie could make her move. She pulled out her own gun and shot at Rupert, managing to hit him just below the liver a few times. He let out a loud yelp as he fell over and clutched his side. With a sorrowful expression the general declared,
“You won’t get away with it next time!” He shouted as he picked up his subordinate. Ellie and Reginald rose from their spots and walked forward, watching in a sort of victory as the pilot helped the general pick up their wounded comrade. 
“Hell yeah we will! You’re just lucky you chose to run!” Ellie cheerfully yelled out in response to the general’s statement. 
“Still don’ see why we have to spare ‘em. Would’ve been more beneficial to just end ‘em.” Right Hand Man mentioned to Reginald. “Seriously, we’re jus’ gettin ourselves into a bigger mess, an them bastards aren’t worth pissin on to put out fire on ‘em.” 
“Righty, it’s only fair that we spare them, none of us got hurt.” Reginald spoke in response. Rupert turned his head to stare at the criminal brunette, who dared to pity them after nearly shooting one of their best pilots. With what little strength he could, he gripped his pistol, and raised his arm.
“That’s…..what you thought...asshole,”
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cerezsis · 4 years
A Growing Family
Chapter Three: The Empire
Summary: Kuvira is still hiding her pregnancy when she and Korra agree to an allyship to dismantle what remains of the Earth Empire.
Note: If you haven’t read Ruins of the Empire, this will contain MAJOR spoilers.
WARNING: This chapter contains descriptions of nausea and mentions of miscarriage. Tread cautiously if you are triggered by either.
           “By executive order of President Zhu Li Moon, this special tribunal is now in session,” the head judge said to the crowded courtroom.
           Standing before the five judges, and with the sea of glaring eyes staring at her, Kuvira listened as she read off the charges: crimes against peace, refusing to turn over emergency powers, inhumane prison camps, invading the United Republic, and use of weapons of mass destruction. Any one of these was grounds enough for life imprisonment, Kuvira knew this. She’d agreed when she surrendered to stand trial for her crimes, but things were different now. Now there was another life to think about; the life that was still growing inside her.
           For the first week or two after she made the realization, she honestly prayed for a miscarriage – perhaps never existing at all would be better than whatever future lies ahead for her child. But now, now she knew she had to fight. She owed the child that much; a chance to show she loved it enough to fight for it.
           “How do you plead?” the judge finally asked.
           Kuvira looked the judge in the eye. No one yet knew of her precious secret, and she was determined to keep it that way for as long as possible. Now wasn’t the time for the world to know.
           “I am sorry for the harm I caused to the people of the Earth Kingdom and this city, I truly am,” Kuvira began, “But this tribunal seems all too eager to list my offenses without giving any consideration to my achievements.”
           The judge raised an eyebrow, already unconvinced. “Please, enlighten us.”
           “After the fall of the Earth Queen, the kingdom fell into chaos. When no one was willing to step up, I brought back order. I dragged an ancient culture out of the dark ages and modernized it. Everything I did, I did for the greater good of the Earth Kingdom and its citizens.”
           “How do you plead?” the judge asked again.
           Kuvira looked to her with determination. “Not guilty.”
           “Not guilty?” an all too familiar voice said as the White Lotus guards lead Kuvira down the hall, “The whole world knows what you did, Kuvira!”
           Kuvira didn’t reply, or even look back. She didn’t need a lecture from Su, but the metalbender wasn’t about to take her silence for an answer.
           “What are you trying to prove?” Suyin demanded as she darted in front of Kuvira and the guards, stopping them in their tracks.
           Again, Kuvira didn’t answer, opting instead to turn her head away from the older woman.
           “Don’t turn your back on me!”
           Hearing that, Kuvira found herself unable to hold her tongue. “I know I hurt you and your family, but you all turned your backs on me long before the Earth Empire even existed.”
           Just like I know you’ll turn your backs on my child, she thought quietly to herself.
           “That’s a lie!” Su insisted, “I gave you a home! I provided for you!”
           “But I was never truly part of your family, was I?”
           Korra sat down on the couch next to Asami, resting her head against the non-bender’s shoulder. It was only the beginning of the week, and it was already so hectic. First there was King Wu’s return to Republic City, then Kuvira’s trial, and now she just learned she and the others needed to report to city hall in the morning for a meeting with Zhu Li and the king. On top of all that, she was still in the process of moving her things into Asami’s place. As if just being pregnant wasn’t tiring enough.
           Without really thinking about it, Korra glanced down at the book Asami was reading. Seeing the now familiar words and pictures, she looked up at her girlfriend with an amused smirk.
           “That’s, what, the eighth parenting book you’ve bought?”
           Asami tore her eyes away from the book, a slight blush creeping across her face as she met Korra’s eyes. “Well, we are about to be parents,” she coly tried to justify.
           “Yeah, but you’re acting like there’s a test you have to pass, or something. Mako hasn’t even bought this many baby books.”
           Blushing harder, Asami’s eyes fell back to the book, though she certainly wasn’t reading the words. “It’s easy for you to say. You’re so great with kids. We all know you’re gonna be an amazing mom, but I… You’ve seen me with kids. I’ve never even held a baby before.”
           Korra’s smile softened, and she gently wrapped her arms around Asami. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re gonna be a great mom, too.”
           Asami glanced back up at her. “What makes you so sure about that?”
           “Because this baby –” She took one of Asami’s hands and placed it on her belly. “– is your baby. It’s different when it’s your baby. Plus, you’re the most caring, generous person I’ve ever met. I know you’re going to love this baby, just like I know you’re going to be an amazing mom.”
           Asami smiled, feeling some of the weight being lifted from her shoulders. “Thanks, Korra.” She leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss of the forehead.
           Korra rode up to the prison on Naga. She had only just learned of a yet to be disbanded group of Earth Empire soldiers, right outside of the city-state of Gaoling. Since Gaoling was about to hold its first election, this would likely lead to trouble. A plan had been made between her, King Wu, and the others, but before that could be put in motion, there was one piece of business she needed to take care of.
           “I’m here to see Kuvira,” she said to the guards as she hopped off Naga.
           “Of course, Avatar Korra.”
           They opened the doors, and the Avatar stepped inside. She immediately saw Kuvira, sitting on her knees, chained to a platinum platform.
           “Hello, Kuvira.”
           The prisoner looked up at her. “I had a feeling you were going to be my first visitor.” She glanced the Avatar up and down. “I heard the guards talking. I suppose a congratulations is in order.”
           “I’m not here about that. I need you to tell me about Commander Guan.”
           Korra said she didn’t need Kuvira’s help, that she could handle Guan on her own. Kuvira said she would need her, and that she’d be waiting for when she changed her mind.
           And she did. Still chained and surrounded by guards, Kuvira watched as the airship began its decent on the prison grounds. Avatar Korra quickly stepped out, handing some documents over to the guards.
           “Here’s President Moon’s release order. I’ll take the prisoner from here.”
           Kuvira could’ve laughed as Korra lead her inside the airship. “The prisoner? No need to be so formal, we’re partners now.”
           Korra stopped and sharply turned towards Kuvira. “We might be working together, but we are not teammates. If you step out of line, or do anything to harm my friends, I won’t hesitate to take you down. Do we have an understanding?”
           Kuvira grinned. “Of course. You’re in charge.”
           The flight to Gaoling was to take three days. It hadn’t even been eight hours since Kuvira boarded the airship, and the tension given off by her so-called companions was thick enough to cut with a knife. The group spoke only to each other, barely sparing her a glance, which is how no one noticed how quiet and pale she grew. Her daily bout of nausea had arrived right on cue.
           She leaned back against the couch, trying to do her usual deep breathing. The motion of the airship certainly wasn’t helping things.
           Finally, she stood up. “Is there a restroom I could use?” she asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
           Korra looked over at her, surprised as she finally noticed her paleness and the small beads of sweat on her forehead.
           “I’ll show you where it is,” she offered.
           Kuvira nodded in thanks and followed Korra up the nearby steps. They soon stopped in front of a well decorated doorframe.
           “I’ll be waiting right outside, so don’t think of trying anything,” the Avatar warned.
           “Wouldn’t dream of it.” She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Immediately, she hurried to the toilet. She wasn’t yet sure if she would vomit, but she was just glad to be given the dignity of being sick in a bathroom.
           She had no idea how long she’d been in there. She dry-heaved plenty, but eventually she accepted that nothing was coming up tonight. Trying to calm herself, she turned on the sink and splashed cold water onto her face.
           How long are you gonna make me sick, kid? She quietly thought.
           Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
           “You alright, Kuvira?” Korra asked, genuine concern in her voice, “You’ve been in there a while.”
           Turning the water off, Kuvira grabbed a nearby towel and dried her face. She took a few breaths to center herself before opening the door.
           “I’m fine,” she said, hoping she at least appeared put together, “It seems my time in prison has made my body forget how to handle an airship ride.”
           Korra raised an eyebrow. She wasn’t sure how true that was, Kuvira could see this, but she also couldn’t find any reason to doubt her.
           “Come on, we better get back to the others.”
           “I can’t tell you how good it feels to be out of those shackles,” Kuvira said as she pinned her hair back.
           They had finally arrived at Gaoling. Korra and Wu went to meet with the mayor, while Asami, Mako, and Bolin stayed behind to keep an eye on Kuvira. Asami had been kind enough to lend her some clothes – she needed to look presentable in case the commander showed up – and stood guard in the bathroom while she changed, while the two men waited outside.
           “Don’t get too comfortable,” Asami coldly replied, “You’ll be back in them soon enough.”
           Ignoring that, Kuvira glanced at her from the mirror.
           “It must be challenging being the Avatar’s girlfriend,” she said.
           “Excuse me?”
           “Well, you could be back in Republic City running your business or inventing another awesome piece of machinery. Instead, you’re stuck here in a bathroom, guarding me.” She paused as she finished with her hair. “You’re even committed to raising a child that’s not yours. Not many people would even take on that much.”
           Asami’s eyes narrowed. “It is my child,” she said, making sure Kuvira could see her electric glove, “And I’m exactly where I want to be – protecting Korra and our baby from you.”
           Kuvira looked at her, but only half listened to the rest of her words. That child is very lucky, she thought to herself.
           As it turned out, Guan’s plan wasn’t to stop the Gaoling election. No, instead he was planning to take part in it. Kuvira had been wrong about being able to talk him down, and after narrowly stopping her from choking him to death, Korra and the others had her locked in a platinum pod, and decided to stow her to Zaofu for the time being.
           With that decided, Korra and Wu set off on their own to the Foggy Bottom Swamp. If they wanted to stop Guan from stealing the election, they needed to find a candidate that was sure to beat him, and Korra knew just the person. All they had to do now was convince her to do it.
           “What do you want, Korra?” Toph asked, her back turned to her as she bent hot coals into the fire.
           “Can’t an old friend pop by to say hello?”
           “Cut the crap. I know you didn’t drag the Earth King and your pregnant ass all the way out here to experience my delightful company. Spill it.”
           Korra blinked as she watched Toph plop herself down on a log by the fire.
           “How did you –”
           “Oh, come on! That baby of yours is more than big enough for me to see. Hell, I could tell you the gender if you wanted.”
           “I’m not here for a gender reveal,” Korra said as she sat down next to her, “I assume you heard that Kuvira and her army surrendered in Republic City?”
           The day had gone wrong almost as soon and Korra and Wu left. Guan’s army attacked the ship. Asami, Mako, Bolin, and Wu’s guardsmen were captured and brainwashed before Kuvira’s very eyes. Having narrowly escaped the same fate, Kuvira sat alone in the mountains, constantly checking that no one was coming, and contemplating her options.
           The chance to run was tempting; find a remote location where no one would recognize her and raise her child in peace. Somehow, though, she found herself unable to do it. The situation in Gaoling was her mess to clean up, and if Guan’s plan worked – if the Earth Empire rose again – then her child would never be truly safe.
           “You were there for me once,” Kuvira quietly said, eyeing the radio sitting on the car’s passenger seat, “I only hope you’ll be there for me again.”
           Taking a deep breath, she stood up and walked to the car. Turning the radio’s dials, it took a moment before she finally got the signal to the Beifong estate.
           “This is Suyin speaking,” the woman’s voice said, having answered the call.
           “Su, it’s Kuvira.”
           “Kuvira?” Su paused, before coming back with suspicion and anger in her voice. “What’s going on? Asami said she was bringing you to Zaofu. Where are you?”
           “Still in Gaoling. We never left.”
           “What did you do to Asami and the others?” Su demanded.
           “Nothing!” Kuvira paused and took a breath. “Commander Guan and his rebels attacked the airship before we got off the ground and took a bunch of us captive. Asami, Bolin, and Mako have been brainwashed! I managed to escape, but –”
           She was cut off by an outraged Su. “Brainwashed? You expect me to believe that?”
           “I’m telling the truth!” Kuvira insisted, “Korra and King Wu are off trying to find your mother, and I’m out here all alone. I know you have every reason to hate me, but I didn’t know who else to turn to. Please, I need your help.”
           She paused, a lump suddenly in her throat. This was it. The time had come to reveal her secret. “If not for me, then please… do it for your grandchild.”
           Su didn’t respond right away.
           “… What?” she asked, more confused than anything.
           Kuvira took another breath. “… I’m pregnant.”
           Korra, Wu, and Toph rode Naga out of Goaling. Toph was on the ballot, but they weren’t out of the woods yet. The streets were lined with Guan supporters. They needed to get to the airfield to talk to the others about their next move.
           As they ventured further outside the city, they were greeted not by an airship, but a frantic fire ferret.
           “Pabu?” Korra wondered aloud as the critter scurried onto her lap, “Why aren’t you with Bolin?”
           Hearing something off in the distance, Korra looked up. An Earth Empire vehicle was headed right towards them.
           “Uh oh. We’ve got trouble.”
           She and Toph got off Naga, walking a few steps closer to the vehicle in preparation for confrontation.
           The car stopped in its tracks, and the woman driving it spoke. “You need to follow me.”
           Korra’s eyes narrowed at the masked driver. “I’m not going anywhere with one of Guan’s lackies.”
           “I’m no lacky.” She took her helmet off, revealing her face.
           “Kuvira?!” Korra’s stomach dropped as a dreaded realization hit. “Where are Asami, Mako, and Bolin!?”
           “I’ll explain everything, but we need to get off the road before someone spots us,” Kuvira pleaded as she got out of the car, “Guan’s at the airfield waiting to ambush you, and –”
           Korra didn’t wait for her to finish. Hot furry running through her veins, she surrounded Kuvira with a ring of fire.
           “I warned you that if you hurt my friends, I would take you down!”
           “I didn’t harm them, I swear!”
           “So, where are they? And why are you in that uniform?”
           “Guan and his soldiers waited until you left and attacked the airship,” Kuvira explained, “He took us back to some makeshift lab, then brainwashed your friends. I tried to stop him, but–”
           “Don’t lie to me!” Korra snapped.
           “I’m not!” She looked to the old, blind woman in the Avatar’s company. “Toph, tell her!”
           Without saying a word, Toph stepped forward. Not even a minute passed before she turned towards Korra.
           “Yup, she’s telling the truth.”
           “She is?” Korra asked, extinguishing her fire in shock.
           “How do you know for sure?” Wu asked as he climbed off Naga.
           “She’s a truth seer,” Kuvira explained.
           Toph nodded in confirmation, before turning back towards Kuvira. “The truth isn’t all I see.”
           The younger metalbender’s stomached dropped. She knew. Of course she knew…
           They had just narrowly escaped Gaoling. Su and the metal clan showed up just in the nick of time, but Guan’s troops captured Wu. Korra managed to grab Asami, but was unable to save Mako and Bolin. It broke her heart to have to leave them behind, just as it broke her heart to lock her brainwashed girlfriend into one of the platinum suits.
           “I’m sorry I have to do this, Asami,” she said, the airship well on its way out of Gaoling, “And I’m sorry about what Guan did to you.”
           “Don’t pretend to care about me,” Asami spat, “You’re the enemy.”
           Korra’s heart sank further. “You don’t know what you’re saying, Asami. You don’t mean it.” She turned away and walked towards Kuvira and the others. “Those are Guan’s words, not yours.”
           While Korra dealt with Asami, Wing and Wei had a word with their mother.
           “You want us to restrain Kuvira too?” Wing asked.
           “No, leave her be,” Su insisted, “She’s not a flight risk.”
           “I hope you’re right, mom,” Wei said.
           Kuvira sat quietly, wondering if they remembered she was only a few feet away from them. As she pondered this, the elderly earthbending master approached her.
           “So, do you know?” Toph asked.
           Kuvira straightened up as she turned to look at her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
           “Yes you do.”
           Kuvira didn’t respond right away, just lowered her head. “… Yeah.”
           The rest of the airship turned to them in intrigue. Only Su seemed to be aware of what they were talking about.
           “Who else here knows?” Toph asked.
           Kuvira still didn’t look up at her. “Just Su.”
           “Hm. Well, take it from someone who’s had two children; you only have about a month, month and a half before your bump starts to pop out. After that, you won’t have to tell anyone.”
           Time seemed to freeze. Su looked out the window, not meeting anyone’s gaze. The twins and Opal stood, eyes wide as they stared at Kuvira. Korra’s heart sank as she looked to her, her expression a mix of sorrow and understanding.
           “Kuvira…” the Avatar trailed off.
           Finally, Kuvira lifted her head, just barely meeting Korra in the eye.
           “You heard correct, Korra. We’re both about to be mothers.”
           It was several, painfully awkward hours before they landed in Zaofu. Su was the first to speak as they exited the airship.
           “Boys, take your sister to her room and call the medic,” she said to her sons, still worried about the injury her daughter sustained back in Gaoling.
           “I’ll be fine, mom,” Opal insisted.
           Su stopped and turned to Kuvira, who herself had stopped and was staring up at the estate.
           “I want you to see a doctor too, Kuvira. You haven’t had any prenatal care, and we need to make sure the baby’s healthy.”
           Kuvira looked to her. She wondered why that hadn’t crossed her mind before, but nodded none the less.
           Kuvira sat in her assigned room, her encounter with Baatar Jr replaying in her head.
           “I loved you, Kuvira. When mother told me you were coming, she mentioned you were trying to change. I didn’t believe her. I had to see for myself. But you’re exactly the same.”
           A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see Su walk in, an older gentleman coming in behind her, wheeling some kind of monitor.
           “Kuvira, this is Dr. Zan,” Su introduced, “He’s the best obstetrician in Zaofu. He delivered every one of my children.”
           Kuvira nodded in greeting. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Zan.”
           Dr. Zan nodded in return. Su closed the door behind him, standing in the corner as the doctor wheeled his monitor over to Kuvira.
           “Let’s start with some basics,” Dr. Zan said, “Do you know how far along you are?”
           Kuvira thought for a moment. “Between three and four months.”
           “Do you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications that might effect your pregnancy?”
           “Have you recently been exposed to any environmental hazards that might effect your pregnancy?”
           Kuvira was about to give the same answer, until she thought of something. “I was zapped with an electrode belt the first day we were in Gaoling. It knocked me out for a while.”
           The doctor’s eyes widened, and out of the corner of her eye, Kuvira could see Su’s expression change from neutral to one of great concern.
           “…Okay,” the doctor said, clearly making an effort not to panic anyone, “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. This machine I brought with me uses ultrasonic waves to allow us to see the baby in your womb. Normally, I’d wait until the end of the visit to use it, but I believe we need to check on this baby now. Please lie on your back and lift your shirt.”
           Kuvira’s postured stiffened, but she nodded and did what he said. As he squeezed some kind of gel onto her lower abdomen, Kuvira couldn’t help but think of her wish from the previous month. It might have come as a relief then, but now Kuvira’s heart was pounding. What if she inadvertently put her child in danger? What if it was too late to save it?
           The doctor began pressing the scanning probe to her abdomen, slowly moving it around as an image appeared on the screen. It was so grainy; she couldn’t make out what she was seeing. Dr. Zan seemed calm, but she couldn’t tell if he was still trying to avoid either her or Su panicking.
           Finally, Dr. Zan stilled the probe, finally seeing what he was looking for. There was a large, black blob on the screen, distinct from the sea of gray. Inside the blob, Kuvira could see another gray shape, which quickly settled into a form that almost looked like a baby. She was already holding her breath, when suddenly the almost-baby twitched.
           “Alright, so there’s a heartbeat and it’s moving,” the doctor confirmed, “Looks like baby’s in the clear.”
           Kuvira breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn’t noticed Su walk over to her, but she now saw her out of the corner of her eye. Her eyes were also locked onto the screen, her hands clasped over her heart.
           “My first grandchild…” she quietly grinned.
           Dr. Zan moved the probe slightly downward, the shift in pressure seeming to make the baby twitch again. Kuvira glanced over to the doctor.  
           “Am I supposed to feel that?” she asked.
           “No, most first-time mothers don’t feel movement at this stage,” he explained, “Based on it’s size, I’d say you’ll start to feel movement in about two to five weeks.”
           Kuvira nodded, then quickly turned her head away. It seemed to hit her all at once just how little she knew, both about pregnancy and what she and the baby needed. All this time she thought she knew best, but it seemed every decision she made came at a great detriment. Her reckless decision to attack Guan could’ve cost her the baby. And who knows what future consequences could come from delaying prenatal care? While she thought at the time her actions were for the benefit of her child, she realized now what they truly were; selfish.
           I’m sorry, she thought, her eyes locked on the image of her child, I promise I’ll do better.
           “Baatar Jr and Kuvira have been working all day,” Korra said to Asami. It was so strange. Here she sat across from the woman she loved, and yet that woman was so far away. “This nightmare will be over soon.”
           She reached out to touch Asami’s hand, but the non-bender pulled away.
           “Don’t touch me!” she demanded.
           Korra pulled her hand back, a look of heartbreak on her face.
           “I’m sorry…” she looked to the side, “I know this isn’t you. And I’m sorry this had to happen. If it weren’t for Guan, we’d be back in Republic City, moving me into your mansion, preparing for our baby –”
           Asami cut her off. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I don’t exactly have a magic penis laying around.” She glared at the woman in front of her. “That baby isn’t mine. It never will be.”
           Korra just stared at her. Before she could properly react, there was a knock at the door, and Suyin came in.
           “Baatar’s ready for her.”
           After many hours and even more failed attempts, they finally found the right calibration. Asami’s mind was back. She and Korra embraced in their reunion, but the celebration was short lived. Guan won the election. After informing President Moon of the situation, she ordered for Kuvira to be returned to Republic City. It was time for her to return to her cell.
           As Korra and Asami walked out of the room, Kuvira approached Baatar Jr.
           “I guess you’re getting your wish. You’ll never have to see me again.”
           Baatar glanced at her from over his shoulder.
           “Have a safe trip back.”
           Kuvira reached out and touched his arm. “It broke my heart when I had to choose the Earth Empire over a life with you. I realize I can never repair our relationship or make up for all the pain I caused you. But I want you to know… I truly did love you too.” She paused. “And I hope you can find it in you to love our child, in spite of me.”
           For a moment, Baatar just stared at her. He didn’t want to believe it when his mother first broke the news to him. He still didn’t want to believe it.
           “… And you’re certain it’s truly my child?”
           Kuvira’s eyes widened, and she removed her hand from his arm. “Of course it’s yours! You’re the only man I ever…”
           The room grew silent again. Baatar tore his gaze away from her.
           “It was nice working with you again, Kuvira,” he said before walking away, leaving her alone.
           “I can’t get over what happened,” Asami said as she stared out the window, “It’s so strange not being able to remember whole days of my life.” She turned to Korra, who was already sitting in bed. “Did I say or do anything I might have regretted?”
           Korra’s face fell. She didn’t have to say a word. Asami’s gaze fell to the floor.
           “I’m sorry…”
           Korra got up and walked over to her. “Whatever you might have said, it doesn’t matter now. I know it wasn’t you talking.”
           Korra wrapped her arms around Asami. Asami smiled at her, returning the hug and letting one hand linger on her belly.
           “Let’s just put all that behind us, ok?” Korra told her.
           Kuvira had escaped. She convinced Guan she wanted to rejoin the Earth Empire under his control, as long as it meant she’d get to raise her child with a “guilt-free conscious.” At least, that’s what she thought. Guan planned for her to double cross him, and had Mako and Bolin ready to attack.
           Thankfully, Korra, Su, and the others were already on her trail. They fought Guan. He surrendered. They won.
           Once Mako, Bolin, and Wu’s minds were restored, they set about doing the same for all of Gaoling. Korra lost track of how many times Mako asked her if she was sure she and the baby were ok.
           “So, I’m guessing you’re heading back to the swamp?” Korra asked Toph, them and the others overseeing the undoing of the brainwashing.
           “Yep. And don’t think I’m still gonna run for governor once Gaoling gets its crap together. I prefer the swamp. At least there, the predators are honest about wanting to eat you.” She started to walk away, but paused. “You know, I was serious when I said I could tell you the baby’s gender. I suppose I could still tell you before I fuck off back to the swamp.”
           Korra’s eyes widened. She’d honestly forgotten about that. She thought for a moment, before grinning.
           “I don’t care about the gender. All that matters to me is that the baby’s healthy.”
           Toph nodded, then turned to the other pregnant woman in the group.
           “What about you?”
           Kuvira’s eyes widened as well. She didn’t expect to get the same offer. “Yes… Yes, I want to know.”
           Toph smirked. “Well then, congratulations on your baby girl.”
           Kuvira’s heart about skipped a beat. She couldn’t help but smile. “A girl...”
           Toph pat her arm as she walked off. “Take care of yourself. That is my great-granddaughter in there.”
           The tribunal resumed a few weeks later. By then, Kuvira’s prison attire wasn’t fitting as well, and Korra was also starting to shop for maternity clothes. It seemed their babies also wanted to be present for this.
           Kuvira changed her plea; guilty. It was a hard decision, but one she needed to make. She couldn’t let self-preservation cloud her judgement any longer. She had to take responsibility.
           “I owe you an apology, Kuvira,” Su said when they met in the hallway.
           “What are you talking about?” Kuvira asked.
           “I can’t help but think that if I had been a better mentor – a better mother – I could have guided you on a more appropriate path.”
           “You took me in when I was a wild, arrogant little girl and cared for me when no one else did. There were so many times over the years when you could have abandoned me, but you never did, not even when I was at my worst. So, you have nothing to apologize for. I’m the one who is sorry I never fully appreciated what an amazing, selfless mother you are.”
           Suyin smiled and hugged Kuvira. Had it not been for her chains, Kuvira would’ve hugged back.
           “All I can ask is for you to raise my daughter with the same love you showed me,” Kuvira said, after pulling away.
           “I won’t need to,” Su grinned, “I spoke with President Moon and the tribunal. Thanks to your show of remorse, and because of your help in ending the Earth Empire and stopping Guan, they have all agreed to release you into my custody. You’ll be allowed to raise your daughter at the estate.”
           Kuvira was silent. Had she heard right?
           “I’m going… home?”
           “Yes. You will be under house arrest, the same as Baatar Jr. But if you even think about trying to escape again, you’ll be thrown right into the maximum-security prison.”
           Kuvira grinned. She couldn’t believe it. She wouldn’t have to spend the rest of her life in a cell. She wouldn’t have to give birth in chains and say a painful goodbye to her daughter. She would get to raise her. She would get to be a mother.
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drop-of-infinity · 4 years
I have continued my weird destiel fic thing! This part is canon compliant with season 6.
Chapter one is here
Chapter two is here
Chapter 3: season 6
The Third Man
{“I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here-“ and then suddenly Cas was there in all his trenchcoated glory. He hadn’t come when Sam had prayed all those times, but Dean had called once and here was Cas. Well, no time to think about that now.
{“Dean and I do share a more profound bond..” he’d been very careful with his wording, yet the that was too honest feeling had returned. Cas sighed inwardly. He was not built for emotions. He was not built for choosing his words.
{“You’re gonna torture a kid?”
“I can’t care about that Dean! I don’t have the luxury.” Cas’s voice cracked as he said it, and Dean knew he did care about it. After all, if there was one thing he knew about Cas, it was that he cared more then he should.
{“I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but I do want to help.” Couldn’t that be enough for Dean? Cas had a war to worry about, he didn’t have time for this. Yet he was helping Dean anyway, because- no. Shut it down. Yet he was helping Dean anyway. Wasn’t that enough? Aren’t I enough?
{“Of course. Your problems always come first.” Coming from anyone else, Dean would think that was sarcasm, but this was Cas. Plus, the look the angel gave him... well, he was pretty sure Cas was being honest. The guy had a war to fight, and he was still helping them. Dean felt a twinge of guilt, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it, because Cas was already gone. Fricking angels.
Caged Heat
{“I learned that from the pizza man.” Dean couldn’t help but stare at Cas and the demon he had just been making out with. Since when has he been interested in that stuff? He watches Cas smooth a hand over swollen lips. An odd burning sensation roots itself in Dean’s stomach. Suddenly, he wants to strangle Meg. Because she’s a demon, probably, he tells himself. It’s just instinct.
My Heart Will Go On
{“You have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who’s in love with you?” Dean’s brain wisely decided to shut down at that. When Balthazar left, the only thing he let himself think was Cas’s coat isn’t dirty. The other thoughts-well they weren’t so much thoughts as half formed screams and fast heartbeats-he pushed to the back of his mind to be taken out and examined never.
{“You need new friends Cas.”
“I’m trying to save the ones I have, Dean.” It’s always strange to call Dean his friend. The word friend encompasses so much to humans, everything from ‘this person makes me happy’ to ‘I don’t want to live without you.’ Humanity is still fascinating. Cas will keep Dean safe. It is his priority, always. This person makes me happy.
{“50000 new souls for your war machine.” As fate talks, Cas can only be grateful that the Winchesters can’t hear her. If they knew... well, it wouldn’t be pretty. Dean takes trust so seriously. Cas has the odd feeling that he is digging himself into a hole. This is the only way, he thinks. Lie, beat Raphael, keep them in your life. Simple enough. He stops Balthazar from stabbing fate, because her sisters would come after the Winchesters, and he can’t have that. As time unfreezes, and Cas watches Dean startle awake back into his own timeline, green eyes flying open, he realizes something terrifying. He is an entity, an eldritch being millions of years old. He has known Dean for less then a fraction of his immortal life and yet... I don’t want to live without you.
{“I think you call him when you need something.” Rachel’s words cut deeper then they should. Dean considers Cas the best friend he’s ever had, but their life means friendship is built in the middle of life threatening situations. There was another thought too, buried deep. At least needing something gives me an excuse. At least if he doesn’t show up I can pretend he doesn’t want to help, not he doesn’t want to see me. It’s strange to need an excuse to talk to someone, but Dean can’t help it. Instead of studying either of these revelations, he denies what this angel has said, and resumes arguing with her.
{“There are millions of lives at stake here not just two!” Even as Cas says it, he feels the weight of his words on his own actions. How many people had he sacrificed to save two recently? Cas doesn’t stop Dean from leaving with the children. He could have, but he knows how hypocritical it would be. The greater good doesn’t always mean everything, he reasons.
{When Cas gets his powers back, the first thing he does (well, after smiting all the monsters in the diner) is heal Dean. The bite on his neck vanishes as Cas places a hand on Dean’s shoulder. He tells himself it is for grounding purposes, but he knows he doesn’t need to touch someone to heal them. He also knows he doesn’t usually want to. He also knows that he’s had to use the word usually instead of always a lot more since he met Dean.
The Man Who Would Be King
{“But Cas, you’ll call right? If you get into real trouble?” There is more Dean wants to say, but he can’t. Usually they would be hunting Crowley together, but Sam and Bobby think Cas-their Cas, who has saved their lives more times then he can count-might be working with the king of Hell. It’s ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. And yet... his instincts are telling him they’re right. He always goes with his gut, but with Cas... there’s something in his heart straining against it. Innocent until proven guilty, he thinks stubbornly. As Cas teleports away, Dean wishes he could believe the angel will call if he has to, but he has a feeling those words will be ignored.
{“I still considered myself the Winchester’s guardian. After all, they taught me how to stand up, what to stand for.” As he goes over the story in his head, Cas thinks about what else he’s learned from them. From Dean. How to smile, how to cry. How to feel so much and then repress it like your life depends on it. How to love.
{“This is Cas guys!” Dean knows it’s a weak argument, but they don’t know the guy like he does. He thinks of Cas saying “profound bond” and realizes it’s true. Sam and Bobby weren’t there in Hell. They weren’t there sitting on that park bench, or in that bar. They didn’t sit in the Impala afterwards, actually laughing for the first time in years. Dean blinks a few times. There is an emotion hovering at the surface of his mind that he does not want to look at too closely right now.
{“Where were you when I needed to hear it?”
“I was there. Where were you?” There are tears in Dean’s eyes as he looks at Cas over the fire. I hurt him again, he thinks numbly. Sam and Dean don’t understand the stakes of the war in heaven is all. They don’t understand that this betrayal was necessary. But as Cas looks at Dean, his certainty wavers. It feels like the moment before he chose to stop Lucifer, except this time he is already in the wrong, and it is too late, and he hurt Dean.
{“I’m doing this for you Dean. I’m doing this because of you.” Dean stares at the angel in front of him. Cas is always saying shit like this, but this time it’s a lie and they both know it. Has it always been a lie? What were his real motives? Of course he wasn’t always doing this stuff for me. I was stupid to believe it. His father’s words ring in his head. Useless. Pathetic. Cas betrayed them. Cas betrayed him, and it hurts like hell.
{“Next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest things I have to family.” It feels like a knife, sliding below Cas’s layers of self righteousness and belief and inserting itself into his chest. He stops breathing. Dean did legitimately care about him, and now he’s gone and burned it all down. What choice did I have? He thinks desperately. It is too late now.
Let It Bleed
{“I do everything that you ask, I always come when you call, and I am your friend.” Dean wishes he could accept that. All he wants is to hug Cas and tell him it’s okay, and have everything go back to normal. But Cas betrayed them, and now Lisa and Ben are in danger, and Dean feels like he’s falling through the floor.
{“I wish this changed anything.”
“I know. Me too.” He ruined it. Castiel, the broken angel, the fallen angel. Whatever he might have had with Dean he ruined it like he ruined everything else. It feels like a black hole opening up inside him. He feels something on his face, and lifts a shaky hand to touch his cheeks. They are wet. Just keep going. All you can do now is defeat Raphael. Now you have no reason not to. Now you will do what you must. Dean clearly doesn’t care anymore, so there is nothing holding Cas back.
The Man Who Knew Too Much
{“we were family once. I’d have died for you. I almost did a few times. I’ve lost Lisa, I’ve lost Ben, I’ve lost Sam. Don’t make me lose you too.” It was the closest Dean could come to saying what he meant, which was please, I need you here. He thought he saw Cas’s expression waver for a moment, but then the angel steeled himself and Dean felt a sinking sensation. He knew it-whatever it was or had been-was over before Cas opened his mouth.
{“You’re not my family Dean. I have no family.” He almost choked on the words as he said them. It was true, he told himself. Dean wasn’t family, he never would be. He was just a human. He is more than family, whispers the traitorous part of himself that had made him betray Heaven for this one human. But Cas sees his words hit Dean like a javelin, and he knows there is no going back. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
{All the souls from purgatory are in Cas, and he remembers why he wasn’t supposed to fall. This is his destiny.
{As Castiel tells them to kneel or die, Dean remembers why he’s been scared to fly since forever. There’s always a crash.
Then all hell-well, all Purgatory breaks loose, and neither of them have time to get lost in memories.
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iamjhosel · 3 years
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BAGONG YUGTO. New Chapter. This is Hope SG Filipino's 24th Anniversary theme. And while I just marked my 7th year with Hope this January, and now I am on my journey to 8 years, which is also the number for "new beginnings", I have been asking myself, what does this mean to me personally? What is my Bagong Yugto? "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." ~Isaiah 43:19 BAGONG YUGTO: A NEW FIRE Early this year, my core team member lost her job and had to go back to the Philippines. And so all the more I had to stretch myself, empower the life group and lean more on His leading - not mine but by His Spirit. This is still a work in progress but I claim new wineskin, new core team members, who would be on fire for God, and then eventually as we enlarge ourselves, fruitfulness will follow.
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I pray that God continue to work in us, individually and as a life group, so that all the more we can experience how good, how loving and how faithful our God is! In the same way, the Lord has been stretching us in the ministry for the past year amidst this pandemic. He has done great things in the ministry and in how He is using social media as His platform. Day by day, we are learning and exploring new things on how we can make Him known all over the globe with this ministry He has blessed us with. I am just blessed and humbled to serve Him with all my heart, mind and soul, both in the ministry and in the life group. He is my fire! And all these is by Him and for Him! BAGONG YUGTO: A NEW PERSPECTIVE The past few weeks before the conference, I've been thinking a lot. I've been asking God what's His plan for my life. What's next for me? Should I move to the States too, when one by one my ward friends are leaving for US and a family friend's actually offering to help me should I decide to move. Besides, US was the original plan. Singapore was supposed to be just a detour. Almost 10 years after, I am still here. Plus that infamous question: Will I ever have my own family too? So, I was really praying that in the conference, I will receive a word from God or a clear direction where He wants me to go. The answer came fast. On the first day during worship, I heard it loud and clear:
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And all throughout the conference, I was just reminded over and over again. God is faithful, so be faithful. Keep sowing. Keep planting. Keep reaching out. Keep loving. And He will take care of the rest. Besides, He never told me to move. It was just me. You see, comparison triggers jealousy and so never compare your life to others because God has His own story for you and me. Look unto Jesus. Fix your gaze and thoughts upon Him. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~Matthew 6:25-34 BAGONG YUGTO: A NEW HEART The first half of the year has been very painful for our family. I praise God that He has blessed me with a very loving and closely knitted family, and so the sudden loss of two of my Uncles in Papa's side, both I am close with, has left us bewildered, broken and very hurt. Early in April, Tito Erick, Papa's youngest brother, was hospitalized for COVID. In just a few days, he was transferred to the ICU because his oxygen level wasn't picking up and his biomarkers were all deranged. His wife, Tita Mitch, was then quarantined on another facility. Everyday we would all do video calls to check on Tita Mitch and get updates on Tito Erick. We would always encourage everyone in the family to keep on pressing on in prayer and keep believing that these too shall pass. That we've been through so much in the family before and we would be able to withstand all of these. I knew that God is a good God and He will never forsake us. I was anticipating that this will be our family's testimony of healing. But then one night, as if in a movie, there was a plot twist. Uncle Ahwee, Tita Shei's husband had a heart attack. He was pronounced dead on arrival. We were dumbfounded. I couldn't understand why all of these is happening, all together, at the same time. It felt like a dejavu. It felt like we were in 2014 all over again when Papa had an accident and he needed to go for a surgery and the next day Lolo Ama, Papa's father, passed away because of cancer. I questioned God why do our family had to experience all these pain again. Did I not pray enough for Him to hear my prayers? There were so many thoughts running on my head but we had to press on for Tito Erick. To still believe and keep praying that he will be healed. We kept Uncle Awhee's passing from Tito Erick. We even blocked him on Facebook so he won't see any post on Uncle Awhee's sudden death. During Uncle Awhee's wake, we were just amazed on how God poured out His love and provision through the help of the many people who loved Uncle Ahwee. Tito Erick's condition then was getting better. He regained some strength, enough to reply to us in our family's group chat. Every morning he would send some selfies to us to let us know that he is getting better. He found out about Uncle Awhee's passing when he saw a post from his high school batch mate but thank God during that time he was already able to take all the news in.
He then had a reswab and we were hoping that if it turned out to be negative, he will be transferred to a regular room. But the next day before dawn, on Lolo Ama's birthday, Tito Erick's oxygen levels dropped which then required him to be intubated. After two hours of being in critical condition, his heart stopped beating. The doctors tried to revive him but to no avail. It was so painful seeing his body lifeless through a video call. The whole day we were on iyak-tulala-iyak-tulala mode. We were so devastated. It felt like the enemy knew exactly where to attack me, that it found my Achilles heel, and it is succeeding. I already had thoughts of giving up and turning away from serving Him. He must have been punishing me for not being bold enough to do more for Him. But then I never heard my family questioned God. Yes, they couldn't understand why all these are happening, but they never once turned away from God. I thought I have the strongest faith, but theirs were stronger. God is still good, because despite of all what happened, He has made everyone in the family stronger in faith. He has reminded us how He has blessed us with a family that is so full of love, and that we are loved not just by Him but by the people that He has surrounded us with. I praise God for my spiritual family, ministry and friends who have helped me to stand when I couldn't, reminded me that I am not alone, and that God sees our pain and He is the only one who can turn it to joy. This wasn't the testimony I was hoping to share but God's thoughts are higher than mine. He has a different healing testimony He wanted me to share, not just for me, but for the whole family. Healing does not come in an instant. And until now, we are all still healing, slowly, taking it day by day. There are days that I still find myself dazed as if everything was just a dream. And same goes for them in the Philippines, in and out of loneliness and what ifs. But praise God we have each other to constantly remind ourselves that God is a good God and in Him, our broken hearts can be made whole again. As God promised in Revelations 21:5, "Behold, I make all things new," He is giving us a new heart. He is renewing our spirits day by day. He is making us lean more on Him, trust Him that all these are for our good, and draw closer and closer unto Him. He is our refuge and strength. At the end of day, He is a sovereign God. I may not have control on everything but He has. And He has me and my family on the palm of His hands. Here's a spontaneous song when I was pouring and crying myself out to God. It is only in His presence that we can find healing.
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THERE IS MORE. Every year, I would always have a bible verse declaration for myself and just before 2021 entered, instead of a verse, He gave me a whole chapter, Ezekiel 47. And it dawned on me, how it is unfolding before my eyes, that all these things that has happened on the first half of the year is teaching me and molding me to lean more and more on Him so I could go deeper and deeper into my relationship with Him. I look forward that after everything, I will receive my inheritance! That all these is for my good and a preparation for what is ahead. This is a beginning of a new chapter of my life and my walk with Him! What a great and loving God He is and I will forever praise Him with my life! Oh praise and glory be upon Him, the King of kings, Lord of lords, Lover of my Soul, my Lord and Saviour, Jesus! "As the man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand, he measured off a thousand cubits and then led me through water that was ankle-deep. He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was knee-deep. He measured off another thousand and led me through water that was up to the waist. He measured off another thousand, but now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in—a river that no one could cross. He asked me, “Son of man, do you see this?” "Then He led me back to the bank of the river. When I arrived there, I saw a great number of trees on each side of the river. He said to me, “This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah, where it enters the Dead Sea. When it empties into the sea, the salty water there becomes fresh. Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live. Fishermen will stand along the shore; from En Gedi to En Eglaim there will be places for spreading nets. The fish will be of many kinds—like the fish of the Mediterranean Sea. But the swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they will be left for salt. Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” ~Ezekiel 47:3-12
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imlovethomassanders · 5 years
Destined - Chapter 5 (FINAL)
You can also read on ao3
Thanks so much to everyone who has stuck around for the whole thing! I hope you enjoy this last chapter!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Summary: Damien never wanted soulmates. When his fifteenth birthday came, he prayed he wouldn’t receive a “hint” - a way soulmates are connected to help find each other. And to Damien’s horror, the universe gives him multiple soulmates. He’s determined to not let them find out about them. He wants to let them live in ignorant bliss and not force them to deal with him. As Damien grows older, he moves away and goes to college - He even manages to find a boyfriend that he chose himself, and Damien tells himself that he’s happy. But on Damien’s twentieth birthday, the universe gives him and his soulmates another hint - and this one is not one Damien can avoid.
Pairing: DLAMP
Warnings:Abusive romantic relationship (physically, sexually, and verbally), past physical parental abuse, sex and alcohol mentions,  general angst (but happy ending)
Words: 3030
Damien pushed an actor out of the makeup room and huffed as he closed the door. Finally, it was the last scene of the last performance. He allowed himself to lean against the door and take a breath. He was the one person in charge of makeup and the director decided to cast a musical with thirty actors. He was exhausted. But he knew he couldn't relax just yet.
He heard the final number begin to play and he went to pack up all this things before the actors rushed in. As soon as he packed his bag and hit it under the bench so no one would mess with it, the door swung open and the room was filled with actors, all buzzing with excitement.
"Damien, can you wash the gray out of my hair?" "Damien, I can't get my eyeliner off." "Damien, is there any makeup still on my face?" "Damien, do you have a hairbrush I could borrow?" "Damien, I need more makeup wipes."
"Brush it out with this first and then I'll come back to you to get the last of it out." "Here, use this instead. It's specifically for eye makeup." "There's a little under your jawline." "There's one on the end of the counter." "Here, I have plenty more."
When things finally relaxed, he found where Roman was sitting and collapsed on the bench next to him.
Damien was not particularly pleased with how much time he's had to spend lately with the eccentric Thespian. With dress rehearsals and performances the last week, Roman and him have had to see a lot of each other, which was the opposite of what Damien wanted. But the theatre came first, so Damien sucked it up and did his job.
"Thanks for all the help these last few nights," Roman said as he wiped makeup from his forehead. Damien grunted.
"Thanks for actually knowing what you're doing and not requiring my assistance every damn second."
Roman laughed.
"Seriously. I swear, you were the only person who paid attention at my base makeup demonstration. Everyone else was bothering me to help them."
"You're incredible."
Damien prayed that he wasn't blushing.
"...You still have makeup on your neck and side of your face," Damien noticed and he reached for another makeup wipe. He placed his other hand on Roman's face and started removing his makeup, which wasn't unusual. He helped plenty of other actors remove their makeup, especially the men who weren't used to wearing it. But then he noticed the sly way Roman was looking at him. Roman gently took Damien's hand that was holding his cheek and kissed his palm. Damien scowled at him and hit him in the face with the makeup wipe before finishing.
Roman waited for Damien to finish helping the other actors to get them to leave and helped him clean up the makeup room, and the two were finally able to leave. Once the two made it to the lobby, the other three rushed to them to congratulate them. When Damien was complimented on the special effects makeup he did, he brushed them off. He still didn't know how to respond to compliments.
"Damien, we usually go out after Roman's performances," Patton explained. "But if you really don't want to, we can just head back home."
Damien could tell Patton was just making the offer to be polite. He knew the four of them really wanted to go out. Damien really didn't want to, but he knew he should since they were letting him stay in their apartment, and he didn't want to become such a burden on them.
"I don't care."
And that's how Damien found himself at iHop, squished in a booth between a window and Roman. Apparently, iHop was a theatre kid tradition, since they saw plenty of other actors there.
Patton sat on the other side of Roman while Logan and Virgil sat across.
Damien spent most of the time just staring out the window, ignoring the conversation and the food Patton had ordered for him. That was until Roman said his name.
"Hm?" Damien hummed as he turned towards them.
"I asked how you got into theatre. Did your parents take you to a show when you were young? That's how I got into it."
Damien grimaced.
"Um... no. I just discovered some cast recordings in middle school and watched a lot of bootlegs."
"Oh. Well, what was your first show? Mine was The Sound of Music."
"I haven't had the chance to see a musical live outside of school performances."
Roman's eyes widened.
"Well, I can't allow that! I am always a seasonal ticket holder at the regional Orpheum, and starting today, you will always be my plus one. The Lion King is coming next week."
Damien's heart leaped. That sounded so incredible. But...
"That's a very nice offer, Roman," Damien said as he turned his attention back out the window. "But I'm afraid that won't be necessary. I'll be gone soon."
Roman's smile disappeared and he looked at the others, but they didn't know what to say.
"Come on, Dee. At least let him take you to The Lion King," Virgil said.
"But don't feel pressured to!" Patton quickly added.
"...We'll see."
That wasn't a definite no, so the they relaxed a bit as they continued their conversation.
But they didn't let Damien go again. They kept asking him questions to keep him engaged, and somehow, Damien found himself not hating it. He tried his best not to show it, though.
Once Patton finally got Damien to laugh at one of his jokes, he gave Damien a soft smile that he hoped let him know that he belonged here. He fit with them, they wanted him.
Damien glanced away from Patton as his throat tightened.
Damien tried to keep a balance of distancing himself while also not being terribly rude to his helpers, but he was failing miserable. Whether it was Roman sweeping him into a dance mirroring the one playing on the current Disney movie, or Logan reading to him to calm him down, or Patton dotting cookie dough on his nose when he helped in the kitchen, or Virgil lounging beside him and showing him just, just like they used to - whatever it was, Damien found himself entranced.
Besides, what's the harm of indulging himself a bit before they inevitably get sick of him?
Damien had just been watching a movie, when the next thing he knew there was a pillow fort being built around him by Roman and Patton. And now he was lying on the floor between the others.
His phone dinged, and when he checked it he saw it was a confirmation email from an apartment complex saying his background check was cleared and that he could come down and try to work out paperwork.
"Are you okay, dear?" Roman asked from his direct left.
"I'm leaving soon," Damien said as he  put his phone back in his pocket.
They all froze, and Damien couldn't stand the tense silence that fell over them.
"Why, sweetie?" Patton asked, pain evident in his voice.
"It will be better that way."
He didn't expect them to understand yet, but once he's gone they'll realize how much better it is when they don't have to deal wit him.
Virgil placed a hand on Damien's right arm and Damien went to move his arm out of Virgil's grasp, but when he saw Virgil's hurt eyes gazing up at him, he let Virgil wrap an arm around his.
"I just got you back," Virgil whispered as tears welled in his eyes. He quickly ducked his head onto Damien's shoulder to hide his face. "You can't just leave again."
"Talk to us, Damien," Logan said as he sat up from his spot on the other side of Roman. "Tell us what we can do to help."
"There's nothing you can do," Damien said, trying to ignore the wet spots forming on his shoulder.
"Please, what's troubling you, darling?" Roman asked.
"Nothing you can fix."
"Let us try."
"I can't let you do that."
"Damien, please," Patton cried. "Let us help you-"
"Stop." Damien snapped. "Just stop. If I stay, you're just going to get sick of me. You're going to find out how awful I am to have around, and I don't want to be here when you finally realize how unlovable I am."
"Damien," Virgil said with a shaky breath. "You were an asshole when I first met you, and yet you still managed to make me fall in love with you..."
Damien's eyes widened.
"Who did this to you?" Roman whispered. "Who was so evil that they tricked you into believing such lies?"
"No one tricked me," Damien muttered. "It's just the truth no one has ever loved me before. Not even my own mother. Not until Jackson, at least. But you four are adamant he never really loved me."
"You don't hurt the people you love," Roman said defensively. "We can't let you think that's how love is supposed to be."
"Well, there you go," Damien snapped. "Everyone I've ever loved never loved me back."
"Oh, sweetie, I'm sure someone-"
"No, Patton," Damien interrupted. "My mother literally tried to kill me. All my foster parents abandoned me. None of my classmates liked me, my teachers hated me, my counselors gave up on me. No one has ever loved me."
"You're mother did what?" Patton whispered as he sat up, all four of them staring at him in horror. Virgil tightened his grip on Damien's arm.
Damien groaned as he ran his hands down his face.
"Look, it'll just hurt all of us if I stay. You'll understand in time."
"No, no, sweetie, wait," Patton said as tears welled in his eyes. "Please don't leave, we-"
"I love you," Virgil whispered into Damien's shoulder. "I don't expect you to say it back, but I want you to know I love you. Every part of you."
"A troubled past does not diminish one's self worth," Logan said.
"I know we haven't known you as long as Virgil has," Patton said through tears. "But we care about you so so so much."
"Damien beloved, darling, dearest," Roman said gently as he raised a hand to cup Damien's cheek. "More than anything, we want you to be happy. But know that we want you here, with us, in our relationship and our lives. We know it won't always be easy, but we want to work it out with you. For you, dear, anything."
"...No," Damien whispered as he gently moved Virgil off of him. "No, no, no. This can't happen."
"Damien, what-"
"I didn't know how much I had fooled you already," Damien interrupted Virgil as he sat up. "I can't let myself deceive you into thinking I'm good for you."
"No, Damien, wait!" Virgil cried as Damien stood up. Virgil reached for his wrist but caught himself, and Damien locked himself in the bedroom.
Damien didn't let himself see the others at all over the next few days. He responded to the email to set up an appointment time. Everything would be resolved soon.
As Damien quickly walked out of the campus building, he checked his phone for the time. If he hurried, he could get back to the apartment before the others do.
He cut through a student parking lot when he heard a familiar voice.
Damien didn't even look behind him before he started running, but it wasn't long until there was a hand around his wrist and he was being pinned against a van.
"Where have you been, Damien?" Jackson asked. "I've missed you."
His grip grew tighter.
"You have to come home, Damien. I-"
Damien kneed Jackson's stomach, used that brief moment that Jackson let go of him to try to run, but Jackson quickly grabbed Damien's wrist again and slammed Damien back against the van, slapping his face before grabbing Damien's hair.
"You're really trying to run away from me again Damien? You really want to get in trouble, huh?"
Damien felt tingling on his arm.
"What's going on here?"
Damien looked over to see Patton and his face paled as fear shot through him. He couldn't let Patton get hurt. Oh, god, Patton was going to get hurt and it was all his fault-
"Who are you?"
"A friend. Now I'm going to have to ask you to let go of him."
"Look, you really need to mind your own business and leave before I-"
"Patton!" someone yelled. They heard heavy footsteps running towards them before Roman came into view. "I saw your message," he said, holding up his right arm.
It was very unnerving to see the usually very happy and excited Roman now look very intimidating and very, very angry.
"Let go of Damien. Now."
"So these are your soulmates?" Jackson laughed as he pressed his arm against Damien's throat. "What happened to not wanting anything to do with them?"
"I said let. Him. Go." Roman said as he walked towards Jackson. Jackson threw Damien behind him and Damien hissed in pain as his hands made contact with the concrete. In his peripheral, he saw Patton duck behind a car. Jackson shoved Roman away from him, but Damien's view of the fighting was soon blocked by Patton kneeling in front of him.
"You're okay. It's okay," Patton assured him. "Deep breaths. There you go. You're doing great."
Patton gently but quickly got Damien to stand up to lead lead him away.
"Where do you think you're going?" Jackson called out. Damien whirled around and quickly blocked the punch that was heading towards Patton's face. Patton yelled out as he caught Damien who staggered back. Roman quickly kicked the back of Jackson's knees and pinned his arms back once he fell.
And that's when Logan and Virgil ran over with campus police.
Damien collapsed onto the couch once they got home. Explaining what happened to the officers took longer than he liked. Of course Jackson tried to defend himself, but once they checked the parking lot cameras, he didn't have much of a case. Roman's attack on Jackson was ruled as self defense, and Jackson would be charged accordingly. It was then agreed that Damien would get a restraining order.
Virgil came to sit beside him as the others whispered in the kitchen.
"I'm so glad you're okay," Virgil said. "...I'm so sorry."
"What for?"
"That you had to deal with that monster for so long."
Damien didn't say anything. But when Virgil opened his arms, Damien hesitated only for a second before falling into them.
"They put themselves in harms way for me," Damien whispered as he looked at Roman and Patton. Roman was being dote on by Patton over his acquired scrapes and bruises, and Damien was sure that Patton would do the same to him, too.
"Of course they did," Virgil said softly. "...Are you still thinking of leaving?"
Damien sat up from Virgil's arms, and worry flashed over Virgil's face.
"Because you know we won't stop you from leaving, but we're worried that you don't realize how much we care about-"
"No," Damien whispered.
"I'm not leaving. I don't think I could even if I wanted to."
A large grin grew on Virgil's face and he opened his mouth to say something but paused when Damien placed a hand on his cheek.
The two gazed at each other for a moment, and then Damien kissed Virgil.
Kissing Virgil was so much softer than Damien ever imagined kissing someone could be. Virgil's arms wrapped securely around Damien's waist, and Damien felt safe.
They parted and gazed at each other, but only for a moment before they both leaned forward to reconnect their lips. Virgil made Damien feel cared for, adored, loved. Tears fell down Damien's cheeks as he placed his other hand on Virgil's other cheek and pulled Virgil closer, desperate for as much contact he could get. He couldn't think of a time before when he was handled so lovingly.
The next time they parted, Virgil gingerly wiped the tears from Damien's cheeks.
"I love you," Damien whispered. Virgil's eyes widened but a soft smile graced his face.
"I love you, too."
He leaned in for one more gentle kiss that made Damien's cheeks grow even more red.
When they separated for the last time, Virgil looked behind them and smirked to see a beaming Patton and a blushing Logan and Roman.
"Come here," Damien pleaded, and they quickly came and joined them on the couch, Roman sitting on his right side with Logan by Virgil and Patton by Roman.
Damien pressed a kiss on Roman's jaw where a bruise was forming.
"Thank you," Damien whispered. "All of you."
"Of course, my angel," Roman murmured as he kissed the top of Damien's head.
"Does this mean you're staying?" Patton asked, trying and failing to hide the hope in his voice.
"Yes," Damien said as he curled into Virgil's side. "If you'll have me. You all make me want to try."
"Of course, sweetie," Patton cooed as he reached over Roman for Damien's hand.
Damien soon moved onto the couch, insistent that he's been hogging the bedroom for far too long. But it wouldn't be that much longer before he moved into the bedroom with them.
First kisses would soon be shared between Damien and Patton, then Roman, then Logan, and later then the first "I love you"s. But it wasn't always easy. On the road to recovery, Damien sometimes found himself take a few steps back. He'd get angry and lash out, or say something he'd regret. Sometimes the others argued back, and sometimes they'd accidentally make Damien flinch. But they always ensured that things ended okay. None of them liked to fight, and any disagreements would quickly bubble down and end with what Patton called the "cuddle puddle."
Damien was happy, he was safe, and he was loved - things he used to never imagine for himself. And for the first time, he was certain he was where he needed to be.
Thanks so much to everyone who hung around for this whole thing! And thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot!
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flappypineapples · 4 years
Escapism Ch. 4
Anna cleared a path hastily through the main room of the Hell Ruelle while Matthew trailed behind her carrying a limp Cordelia in his arms. The looks they were shot ranged from concern to mirth but Anna didn't have time to dwell on that now.
She quickly climbed into the carriage barking orders to take them to the Institute as quickly as possible.
Matthew clambered into the carriage after her handing up Cordelia to Anna for support. Once inside the carriage without thinking he hastily gathered her back into his arms, holding her across his lap and propping her head up on his left shoulder.
He robotically reached up and placed his fingers under the crook of her jaw feeling her pulse. Weak but holding on. Her lovely skin was turning a sickly beige color now.
He fumbled around in his jacket pockets looking for his stele and only finding his flask.
"Damn it!", He cursed at the flask and tossed it unceremoniously to the floor.
When he looked back up he found Anna leaning forward to place an iratzi on Cordelia's arm. Matthew cursed himself for not having the foresight or responsibility to remember to take it out of his green jacket from earlier. All he remembered was the stupid flask.
"Matthew." He looked down and watched what must've been her second or third iratzi sink into Cordelia's skin like a name written in water.
Matthew cursed again, it seemed it was all he was good for. He couldn't protect her or James or his family or himself all he could do was curse and drink and pray.
Anna urgently rapped on the roof of the carriage, "We need to go faster!" She leveled her eyes with Matthew, "Cordelia is strong, stronger than the lot of us."
The carriage lurched forward picking up speed.
"And we are not giving up on her now."
Matthew nodded but barely heard her over the pounding of his own heart. He leaned forward to press his face once again into her hair, taking in the scent of patchouli and lavender.
He let out a small whimper.
"God not again. Cordelia please breathe. Please forgive me. I only wanted to bring you into my world to share my love of it. You love things like I like them I know you do, I see it in your eyes when we walk together. I may be poison but I never meant for it to touch your lips."
Matthew mumbled whispers unintelligibly into her hair for a few antagonizing minutes before it seemed he himself couldn't even stand his own voice anymore and he resided to listening to her shaky breath against the hard sound of wheels on brick.
The carriage stopped short in the courtyard of the institute. Matthew, however did not wait for this full stop to swing the doors open and start shouting for help. Luckily a servant had been in the entrance tending to the witchlights when they'd arrived. He ran out and quickly gauging the situation rushed to help Matthew transport Cordelia to the infirmary.
Hearing the rucuss Tessa came rushing down in her dressing gown followed by a hastilly clothed Will clutched a half doused witchlight.
"By the angel what is all this rucess. Anna what is happening?" Will shot a confused look at her and then a look of horror as he watched Cordelia be carried hastily away.
Anna quickly approached them.
Will looked tired, a thick layer of concern painted on his face, his wife Tessa was concerned but controlled, forever poised in the face of danger.
"Matthew Cordelia and I were out tonight when she collapsed. I suspect some kind of poison. Iratzis don't seem to work. We must call the silent brothers she's fighting now but by the angel even the fiercest warriors tire."
Tessa quickly nodded to her husband. She went after the men to the infirmary while Will went to signal the brothers.
Lucie came running like a thunderstorm down the hallway; stricken concern sunk into her face. She looked as if she had been deep in a chapter or dream, her hair a mess and a quickly drawn dressing gown tied around her. Her feet were bare but Matthew could still hear her pounding his way.
She had stopped short seeing Matthew there in the hallway and the closed door that served as a clear sign neither of them were welcome in there with the brothers. Without thinking twice she threw herself toward his grabbing him by the shoulders, her eyes barring into him.
"Daisy, my Daisy", she choked out "What's wrong, is she going to be okay". Clearly she had appeared in such a hurry no one had explained the full situation to her.
Matthew must have betrayed some of his own fear in the face of her question for she pushed him away and started head surely for the door.
"She needs me there Math! I'm her parabatai, I can make her stronger, make her better!" He quickly caught at her arm keeping her from yanking the door nob off the already locked door.
"Lucie the Silent Brothers are in there with her now you know there's nothing you can do. Everything you try to do will only get in there way." Matthew cringed at the harshness of his words and amended them quickly. "She's strong, she's going to get through this okay." Matthew sounded as sure as he could muster.
Lucie turned toward him quickly brushing off his hand like it burned her. "And exactly what is this." She said gesturing to the door. Her anger was obvious and glaring but Matthew doubted it had anything do with him specifically.
He ran his hand over his face lazily, suddenly very tired. "Anna suspects she may have been poisoned, some sort of demon sourced poison so thats why iratzis didn't seem to work." He leaned against the wall and slid down it crouching there and letting his head fall into his hands.
Lucie felt her anger towards him start to melt away. She had to admit she hadn't seen many things touch Matthew so much since he had started drinking and building stone castles between the world and his heart but this was touching him now. Cordelia had touched his heart someway like she had touched Lucie.
Lucie walked over and sat down next to him reaching up an arm to sling around his back as she leaned into his side.
"You're right Matthew, she's been through much worse than this. Plus she's my Cordelia, strong and resilient. Some poison won't be the thing to take her down." Now it was Lucie's turn to muster up assuredness.
Matthew ran his hands through his hair for the thousandth time this hour. He let out a frustrated groan and dug his head between his knees. He reached yet another time for a flask that wasn't their, forgotten on the carpet of the Lightwood carriage.
He was crouched now outside the infirmary door next to Lucie. Lucie, dear and loyal Lucie who had comforted him in time of her own distress and now was trying to convince him that none of this was his fault and that she would be alright. It all fell on to numb ears though.
He had poisoned his mother, murdered his sister and now had led yet another person he loved to the same sickness. She had trusted him, put her night in his hands and he had played the wrong move.
Checkmate. It seemed no matter what move he made he could never escape his past.
Alastair had gotten the news about Cordelia promptly after she was delivered to the Institute. Will had sent a servant to ride over and alert the family to the situation best they could. Alastair had regrettably not been sleeping that night. He had been staring blanking at what seemed like his hundredth letter. Well no not letter, almost letter. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't find the right words to right Thomas.
His desk was littered with failed attempts and hastily crinkled up wads containing apology after apology. Sometimes he let his apologies drone on further to hopes or words of endearment, but he smudged the ink quickly before his words left a mark truly. But they just left behind another failed attempt at redemption.
He felt as if he was caught in a huge game of chess and Matthew had wiped out his king. Matthew was staring down a checkmate while Alastair had done nothing more than cry.
The pounding at the door jolted him out of his trance though. He took once final look at his most recent attempt and quickly bunched it up, tossing it heavily to the floor. Looking out the window he had seen the cress of the Institute and knew then and there something way wrong. The Layla was in trouble.
He threw on a waistcoat that had been slung over the edge of his bed and quickly made his way downstairs.
He flung open the door as the servant was walking up the walkway. Before they could open their mouths to speak Alastair blurted out, "What's wrong?" He had come so fast down the stairs he was out of breath and it came out as a fast and breathy order.
The servant hesitated breifly before telling him that Cordelia had fallen ill and they suspected some kind of cultivated demon poison to be behind it.
He tore out of the house not bothering to wake up his mother. Any moment longer spent away from his sister's side may be a moment too late. She would find out in the morning one way or another. He hopped into the back of the Herondale carriage as it quickly took of towards the Institute. He bathed in the irony of a Herondale carriage and Herondale servant aiding him of all people in his time of need be he didn't let himself dwell on it long. He simply didn't have the emotional strength.
To say Matthew Fairchild was tired would be an understatement. He wished for nothing more than to thunk his head back on the wall and fall blissfully into the escape of sleep like Lucie. Lucie sat with her legs out infront of her and her head propped up against Matthew's shoulders. Matthew on the other hand was wide awake and itching to know what was going on in there. He was also itching to find out where James was. Mrs. Herondale had left moments ago to hastily fetch him from the townhouse he and Cordelia had been residing in the past couple months just a few moments earlier. She had first stopped in to check on Matthew and Lucie shooting Matthew a right and sympathetic smile and Lucie a look of pure motherly worry.
Finally given time to think about it he wondered why on Earth James had been with Grace tonight. Matthew was under the impression that James intended to stay faithful to Cordelia during their arrangement. James was nothing if not loyal and the thought of him betraying Cordelia's trust filled him with a sudden flush of anger. James was the unknowing catalyst to this whole situation yet it was Lucie and him sitting outside fretting over his wife. Though the marriage itself was fake James obviously cared for Cordelia as a close friend. None of it made any sense. But then again, Matthew amended, not much James had done in a long time has made much sense.
His train of thought was interupted by heavy and swift footsteps on the carpet. Expecting it to be James's dad he simply let his head hang again. Not wanting Mr. Herondale to see all the plain emotions of anger and worry he knew were clearly plastered on his face. The hasty iratzes he'd applied earlier had done their job and now Matthew had no safe guard of inebriation to cushion the blow of everything around him.
No alcohol to shield his emotions.
The footsteps stopped abruptly infront of him in a very un-Will Herondale like manor. Matthew raised his eyes and was met by an extremely disheveled and angry Alastair Carstairs. His chest rose and fell quickly as he looked from the closed door to Lucie asleep next to Matthew to Matthew himself, dressed in evening clothes. His necktie was now untied and stuffed half heartedly in his best pocket. His shirt was untuck and his waist coat draped open revealing a wrinkled dress shirt. His hair was rumpled and flattened down and his eyes were clear as glass.
"Are they with her?", Alastair blurted out suddenly. "The brothers I mean." For being someone who seemed to have a very urgent and angry demeiner about them Alastair had no trace of blame or disgust in his voice when he spoke to Matthew. Only a thick drawl of concern.
"When they brought Layla- Cordelia in did they say how long they'd be? Did they say anything about her condition? What happened? Who was she with?" His words spilled out of him in a very not Alastair way. Matthew hesitated to meet his eyes, scared that one look from Alastair and he'd know exactly how Matthew felt for his sister.
But he did, he mustered up the bravery and met his eyes.
"She was with me and Anna. They suspect someone slipped something in one of her drinks and that it might have some sort of demonic origin and that's why runes wouldn't work for her."
Alastair looked halfway between confused and raging as he asked, "You were with her? Where were you?".
Matthew took a deep breath, fixed his eyes warily on the wall across from him and explained Cordelia's odd entrance into Anna's flat and how she had wanted them to take her to the Hell Ruelle again to lift her spirits. He of course left out the part about James being unfaithful and he and Cordelia themselves being unfaithful to James in turn.
When he finished his tale he shifted his eyes back to Alastair. For once he didn't look angry, just incredibly tired. He didn't quip back or accuse Matthew for being a careless drunk that had let his sister be hurt. Matthew had been ready, been expecting it, and now for it to not come it almost felt even more concerning.
No what Alastair did instead was walk to Matthew's side and sit himself next to him against the wall. Neither of them said anything they just stared ahead. Waiting.
Matthew saw Alastair shift slightly at his side and glanced toward the man. He saw that Alastair had began to tear up. He watched him hastily wipe them away and bury his face in his hands. For the first time Matthew didn't feel anger toward Alastair. What he felt instead was much more uncomfortable. It was a sort of pity verging on the feeling of recognizing how gray of a person Alastair truly was.
Alastair raised his head and turn it towards Matthew meeting his gaze. They both pretended like he had not seen Alastair cry and that Alastair in turn did not see how completly vulnerable Matthew was right now worrying over his sister.
"When we were little she used to go up to the case where father would keep Cortana and talk to the sword for hours." Alastair smiled, "She'd drone on about her most recent letter from Lucie or the new weapon she'd learned about in lessons. But most frequently she talked about how one day when Cortana was free and in her hands she'd be a hero like father."
Alastair hissed out a harsh breath before continuing. "My father is a drunk, Fairchild. Cordelia never knew that though. I spent my whole childhood hiding bottles and feigning that father was just ill when he was stuck in bed the morning after dragging in from a bar at 3 am. I spent my childhood making sure she had one, one where she could love her father like I never could."
"When I came to the academy there were question I couldn't answer. People asked me what was wrong with my family that we moved around so much and why my father was constantly sick and of course the unspoken but clearly intended why was I darker than the other boys, different."
He flicked his gaze from The door to wall again and continued. "I learned very quickly that the only way to keep myself from being bullied and the rumors about my family to stop was to start and stress rumors about others. To fake interest in all the devious gossip of young boys at the academy. If I could diverge attention away from my mother and Cordelia, our family maybe I could survive."
He turned his head fully to Matthew again and locked eyes with him, "I was miserable out of my mind. And then you came along and you didn't have to do anything to get them to like you or leave you alone. All you did was smile and everyone would eat it up. I was so jealous of you and Thomas and hell even Herondale."
He emphasized the last name with a flick of his wrist as he with drew himself back and continued his staring match at the wall.
"He had a charming and present father who loved him all of you do. All I wanted was to look like you. And have people love me like you. I was jealous."
"I did horrible things because of that jealousy. Jealousy makes fools of us all. Those actions haunt me every single day of my life. They're things that I am trying my best to make up for. And that's why I'm telling you this." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
"I'm ashamed of my father. I've done everything in my power to distance myself from him and bury his true nature under layers and layers of smiles and charm. But I am absolute rubbish with my words."
He opened his eyes and winced. 
"I'm ashamed of myself."
Alastair ran his hand through his hair and pulled at it anxiously. "The hundred smeared and crumpled up letters to Thomas that litter my desk and floor only seem to prove how much of a coward I still am. I don't expect immediate forgiveness from you Fairchild I simply wish for you to understand."
He turned toward Matthew.
"I was a scared and foolish child then but I am no longer that boy and I am trying my very best to be a man to be proud of. A man that would make Thomas forgive me." He seemed to choke a but in his words towards the end but he covered it up by suddenly clearing his voice. Matthew thought it odd that he and James were Herondale and Fairchild and yet Thomas to Alastair was just Thomas. 
He looked tired but most of all he looked like a man deprived of joy. Like someone had knocked the bite out of him completly.
Matthew was at a complete loss for words. He let his mouth open and close multiple times trying to come up with the proper thing to say in this situation but failed.
Luckily Matthew was saved from his reply by the infirmary door swinging open and brother Enoch stepping out.
Alastair shot up from the ground and let his face be taken over by pure worry as he waited to here was Brother Enoch had to say. The only thing that kept Matthew too from shooting up was the still very sleeping Lucie on his shoulder whom he didn't wish to disturb at the moment no matter how famous of a heavy sleeper she was.
She is doing much better. We were able to extract the poison with little long term damage. She is very lucky, any longer and perhaps we would not have been so successful. 
Matthew paled and thanked the angel silently that Anna had been such a pill to the carriage driver.
But she is tired. She asked for you however. He turned his robed head toward Alastair and nodded. She is ready for you when you are available.
With that Brother Enoch walked silently down the hallway as another brother silently slipped through the door and followed him.
Without another word Alastair entered the room, quietly closing the door behind him.
Matthew was left reeling in the hallway. Had that really just happened? He felt as if he hallucinated the whole encounter and if not for the distinct lack of alcohol in his body he'd blame it on being pissed out of his mind.
But no, Alastair had beared his soul to Matthew, trusting him with extremely private information and for what? Forgiveness? He couldn't understand it. How this man's truth seemed to save him when Matthew's truth would only damn him further. They all had albatrosses and perhaps he thought, speaking on his would free his neck of the bird's heavy pull like it had seemed to do to Alastair.
And it did Matthew realized. Alastair sharing his mariner tale had helped Matthew realize this bit who was the catalyst for his damnation was not a malicious devil but complicated and sad. He was far from forgiving the situation as a whole but understanding Alastairs perspective had atleast laid the groundwork.
Perhaps everything was a little less black and white than Matthew had allowed himself to believe.
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cg29 · 5 years
40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers.
Thank you to @soniabigcheese @gumnut-logic @onereyofstarlight and Anon for the ASKS you sent my way. Since I wanted to answer in detail, I’ve had more than 1 question, and I’ve not had a lot of spare time today I thought I’d answer all in this one post…
So first up @soniabigcheese sent me: ‘How about ... 9 ... 15 and 19? Please.’
9: Which fic has been the hardest to write?
All have been challenging in their own individual ways. Yet, really thinking about it I’d have to say GONE. For various reasons – It was my first Thunderbirds Fanfic, the longest story I had ever written, at this point the one I’ve had to do the most planning and research, and finally because of the emotions that needed portraying. However, the elation at finally finishing the story was amazing and has certainly inspired me to continue.
15: If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Oh my God, that would be amazing! I would definitely have to go for Bad Day (Virgil’s day keeps repeating. What will it take for it to end and a new one to begin?) I had so much fun writing this, it’s one that I’ve reread a few times since competing, and it still makes me giggle. I’m sure I’d be in stitches if I got to watch it on the big screen. Although due to some of the contents towards the final chapters it would definitely need a UK PG or 12A rating.
19:  Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
For Thunderbirds fanfiction my muse is definitely Virgil, The-Virg, It’s definitely his creativity and those eyes, plus that mouth, also those eyebrows, and his muscles… Sorry getting distracted – Actually, thinking about it, Virgil’s more of a distraction than a muse. Especially with my new mobile screensaver which I keep staring at.
Okay, back to the question. I don’t think I’ve got a muse – just a little voice in my head that won’t shut up when I have a story idea until I’ve written it down.
Next we have @gumnut-logic who asked: ‘Writer meme question thingy - 1 & 12.’
1: Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
I always seem to revert to the family dynamics rather than a full-on rescue story (which is probably why I’m struggling with two of my fics which need to  have rescue bits written in) Basically, I love to go deeper into the descriptions of the physical/emotional whump, and how the family deal with the situation (hidden feelings, tempers, how they bond) during and afterwards.
12: Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Yes, for both TOS and TAG.
The original series: There’s a few – Terror In New York City (Yep, the beginning in particular) The Perils of Penelope, Sun Probe, The Uninvited, Edge Of Impact. After thinking long and hard to narrow it down I’d have to say that while Terror In New York’s my favourite. The Perils of Penelope inspired my naughty fic The Night of Anderbad (Penelope & Virgil pairing) plus the idea of Virgil having a secret crush on her in later chapters of The Tracy Family and a few other one of fics.
TAG: There are a few earlier ones which have inspired fics – Grandma Tourismo, Flame Out, Hyperspeed, SOS pt. 2, Signals pt. 1, Upside Down. There are probably others and these last few episodes have been really inspiring. However, I think I would definitely have to go for the more recent SOS Pt 1 & 2 and Signals Pt 1 & 2. (I’m sure the finale of Season 3 may change this answer)
Third we have @onereyofstarlight who asked: ‘2 and 37 for the ask meme.’
2: Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Yes, I would like to have a go at Were Virgil at some point. Also, would like to try doing the boys ages differently to see how the dynamics changed – Alan as the eldest, next in line is Gordon, then Scott in the middle with John then Virgil as the youngest.
37: Talk about your current wips.
Lol, I have a few so this could take a while :D
I will start with ones that I’ve posted on FF.Net & A03 (Probably also shared them here at some point.
1. Avalanche: TAG.
This story began as a prompt that suggested a story that begins and ends with the same line but the meaning/feeling of the line changes. I started it with the intention of writing just 1 chapter …hahaha… of course I ended the story on a cliff-hanger and couldn’t leave it there, so it’s been continued and I’m so glad I did because I personally feel it is nearing the top of my best written list. The story itself is set when the boys are just children and focuses on the tragedy of the Avalanche and the emotional repercussions. I’ve just reached chapter 14, and probably have another 2-4 chapters left.
2. Lucille: TAG
Synopsis - A story about the unseen woman who watches over International Rescue."I am a wife, I am a mother, and I am the one who watches over International Rescue, making sure I am there to catch them whenever they fall. My name is Lucille Tracy and this, well this is my story!"
A story told through the eyes of the boy’s mother. This is one that I keep stopping and starting, most likely because I hadn’t planned it out. It’s currently on-hold until I finish some others, but I will complete it.
3. The Games: AU - Thunderbirds Are Go mixed with the concept of the Hunger Games. (Although, only Thunderbirds characters will make an appearance)
Here’s my synopsis - Climate change, famine, war. In the end another major war lead to the richest creating the Global Defence Force and 'order' was restored. To celebrate and keep control the Hunger Games were created. This was the 100th games.
The fic started from the Whumptober Prompts and I decided to continue it, wrote half of the 2nd chapter then promptly forgot about it. I’ve recently been looking at this again and have started to reread The Hunger Games for inspiration. However, like Lucille this fic is currently on hold.
4. Virgil Drabbles: TAG.
Started out as a challenge to see how much I could get across in just 100 words. All chapters are based around the lovely Virgil - TAG (but with him being the middle child – started before the Grandma Tourismo episode and apart from a few fics where I write it the other way around I prefer it this way)
The story starts from Virgil’s birth and I’ve now got him attending Denver. I still have a fair few chapters to write but the rest is now all planned out.
5. Reflections: TOS.
Set after Virgil's crash during the Season 1 episode 4 of 'Terror in New York City.' Short reflections from each of the family on nearly losing a brother and son. (Previously Titled, Fallen Brother)
I had always wanted to write something based on my favourite TOS episode. Then Shane Rimmer passed away and this was inspired. Slow updates on this one but I’ve finished telling myself the story just need to edit/rewrite that into something coherent.
And now we’re onto the ones that I may have posted snippets for or just 1 section for on here, but nothing officially posted as yet.
1. Two Untitled Prompts: TAG.
Both prompts were given to me at the end of November and I actually wrote out both (Plotting, thoughts, and telling myself bits of the story) Then December knocked me sideways and my writing suffered. Back to working on these 2 again now and really enjoying them. Without giving to much away, the one features a heart-broken Alan and the other (which with Avalanche is at the top of my pile) features Virgil having a day from hell with added whump.
2. Two Whumptober Fics: TAG.
Posted 1 or 2 chapters for each of these back in October and decided that they could possibly be extended/completed before posting. (All short fics)
The first one is titled Coffee Shot: Virgil gets shot in a café and emotions will run high. Fully planned out but decided to finish some others before I continue working on this.
The second is currently titled Ransom and is set when the guys are children. Scott and Virgil get kidnapped – Only done some basic plotting for this and it’s currently towards the bottom of my WIP pile.
The third is untitled and at the moment my word file is saved under the imaginative title of ‘Virgil Whump’ (Posted 1 snippet that I wrote in 15 mins at the beginning of October then left it because of other projects) In this one the guys are all extremely busy with call-outs and Virgil needs to go to a rescue on his own that involves Fischler. Unfortunately he ends up getting trapped, injured, and because its Fischler left on his own. Fully planned out.
3. Working Title – Shattered Hope. TAG
A story idea that came to me over a year ago, written some short bits, planned out most of the story but because of one small element I need to wait until TAG Season 3 finishes.
Here’s a bit from it that did get shared to Tumblr…
‘How had it come to this?’
Just a short time ago they’d been happy, enjoying some rare downtime in the sun, five brothers together. It shouldn’t be like this… With him cradling one brother who was bleeding from a bullet wound after saving the youngest from certain death. The other two close-by. One with a dislocated shoulder, the other with a broken leg, he himself had a stab wound to his arm... All of them with numerous other injuries… Beaten, bloodied, bruised… And praying that someone would rescue them!
Fourth we have anonymous who asked for ’35, 38 and 39.’
35: Would you ever kill off a canon character?
I’ve killed poor Scott off a few times HERE ... HERE and another time as an old man where Virgil also got killed off. (The fic scarred me – But, at the same time I think it’s the best short I’ve written - It’s called White Light if you want to give it a read)
I’ve not killed any of the others yet, and I keep telling myself that I won’t do it again, but it will probably happen again at some point…
39: Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them? 
I’ve had a couple, but they are usually anonymous ones. I normally just delete them and move on because people like that have nothing better to do and are not worth any upset. But if it does affect my confidence then I’ll reread a couple of nicer comments, then when I’m ready I’ll continue writing. I think there was only one that really knocked me for six and that was an anonymous rant on my Bad Day fic because I’d dared to pair up Virgil and Brains. (I’m sure you can imagine the content)
38: Talk about a review that made your day.
Even though 38 comes before 39 I wanted to save this one for last.
Every single comment I’ve ever got. No matter how short or detailed has brought a smile to my face and helped inspire me to continue writing – If I had to single out one then it would actually be a private message that was sent to my Fanfiction.Net inbox. It was over 2 years ago and unfortunately I can’t find the message now but whoever sent it to me said that they’d loved my Fics, in particular Gone which they had read several times and that I was their favourite writer. I was beaming for weeks afterwards.
So, whoever you were thank you - and to all who comment, re-blog, like or kudos my stories. Thank you from the bottom of my heart… Seriously you all make this fandom such a lovely place to be!
All my current posted fics and their status can be found via my: Thunderbirds Fanfiction Masterlist 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Mother dragon (10); Winchesters x reader
*Author’s note*
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Hey all! Well it took awhile after some procrastination and minor requests being done, but it’s finally here. Okay now I’ve been thinking cause I know someone asked me how many parts there would be to this series. Well I’ve kinda imagined a number and unfortunately it’s not a lot. I guarantee it won’t be in the 20′s range, heck we may not even make it to 15 (we may idk) but right now from what I’m imagining I kinda see about 4 more parts after this chapter. But again we’ll see how this all goes out and see where it ends up being like.
Anyway as I promised all of you, here we get more of Warren’s character for this series and we finally get to hear his backstory. Plus more interaction with Warren cause let’s face it, after all I’ve written for, he needed some attention from Mama Dragon, especially after ya’ll read the first half of the story. OH AND HEY CONTEST!!! Whoever can comment the special reference I’ve made in the story (it’s a song) FIRST, will get a free cookie (and possible request) from yours truly he-he-he. Okay so I’ll stop typing and let you all read this part, WHICH I’M REALLY EXCITED ABOUT!!
In the healing wings, Kisara now in human form sat there with Apophis, the two of them praying to the heavens above that their eggs were still safe.  Thanks to Castiel who volunteered to heal her, he had assured them that their eggs were safe and unharmed.
Although had Warren gone an inch or two deeper with his cut, then the eggs would’ve been destroyed resorting in a miscarriage. Apophis thanked Castiel for all that he had done and allowed the two dragons to be alone.
“Why didn’t you call me to help you break up the fight?” Apophis asked his mate.
“I thought I could handle it myself. After all with our future boys you never know if they’ll be too rough with each other when it comes to dominance.” She stated.  “I’m sorry Apophis I thought I could—”
“Shh. Shhh. I know darling, I know. It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. You all are okay.” He emphasized his last point as he placed his hand on her pregnant belly and the two nuzzled each other lovingly.
*My POV*
I was frantically pacing around when Sam spoke up.
“(Y/n) you keep pacing like that and you’ll wear a hole on the floor.”
“I just need to know that Kisara’s gonna be alright. I mean I’m basically the midwife to her. If anything happens to those unborn eggs I—” I stopped as Cas finally came out from the medical wing. “Is she gonna be okay Cas?” I frantically asked.
“She’ll be alright. Both her and the eggs are fine. An inch or two deeper then there would be some problems, but she’s gonna be fine.” He assured me.  I breathed a sigh of relief and hugged him.
“Thank you Cas.” He hugged me back gently patting my back before I separated.
“Think it’s still a good idea to believe that he should stay?” Dean mocked.
“Dean…..” Sam started.
“No, now I may not agree with this whole thing but what that guy did. And I don’t even care of Kisara is a dragon or not. No man should ever do that to a woman. Should’ve exiled the bastard when you had the chance. You made the call (y/n) but now look what’s happened!”
“You get off my back Dean! You think I wanted this!? I DIDN’T KNOW HE’D DO THIS!!! You don’t think I don’t blame myself for what happened to Kisara? I—”
“It wasn’t your fault (y/n).” I turned to see Stephen now coming in, his arm and leg wrapped up while Deacy was helping him walk.
“Oh god Stephen—”
“I’m alright. This is just temporary. With a bit of potion work and dragon saliva I’ll be right as rain.” He assured me.
“Mum, none of this is your fault. I know that face you make whenever you think it is.” I sighed solemnly and said as I leaned up against the wall.
“Then why do I feel so lousy? It seems like I’m breaking this nest apart.”
“Warren’s had his problems. It’s nothing against you (y/n).” Stephen said.
“Uhh no offense Stephen but we’ve all got our problems. But it’s no reason to flip out, nearly kill you and attack and give a woman an emergency C-section.” Dean spoke up.
“As much as I would love to stop Dean from talking, I’ll have to agree with what he just said. How come you guys still keep him around if he’s always this violent?” asked Sam.
“It’s not his fault he’s like this. It was how he was raised to be.” Deacon explained.
“Look we get it. His parents were killed in front of him, sold to a bunch of fighters and made to be their circus monkey. Sammy and I were raised to be hunters ever since we were kids. Our own father acted more like a drill sergeant than a father. He was hardly ever there for us.” Dean sneered.
“That’s only part of Warren’s story.” Deacy spoke up. We all looked to him.
“What do you mean part?” Deacon sighed heavily and helped Stephen sit down and he walked over to the other side of the room.
“They say time heals all wounds. Whomever spoke that up was full of bullshit. You four each have known some ounce of pain that can never be forgotten, right?” we all nodded. “Well to us dragons that pain is eternal. What Warren went through was—” he sighed once again before lowering his head.
“Deacy, tell us. I know you’ve wanted to tell us for some time now. So come on out with it.” I told him softly but still using my mom voice.
“Four years ago; when we first heard about Warren in Germany. The three of us, Apophis, Stephen and I tried to convince him we could give him a home. A home away from all of this, Warren being blinded by arrogance, pride and bloodshed refused our offer, by telling us there was no way out for him. The next day we watched his latest fight. And he was born to be a fighter. The Germans called him to be the ‘greatest supernatural fighter’ there ever was. But of course all kings get dethroned. It was a fight with a demon that finally brought him down. Not just any demon, a knight from Hell to be exact.”
“After his loss, the owners of the fight then decided that they would be willing to give Warren a second chance since he had bought them so much profit.” Stephen continued.
“You see in those fight rings. It was survival. You don’t fight, you die. You lose, you die. But to Warren; being as rare a creature as he was, they decided to give him the ultimate punishment. So on the coldest, rainiest night of the year they took Warren to the edge of the river and left him there at the base. They told him that they would take him back, if he could break free of the chains he was bound in. Warren tried to break free of the chains, but they wouldn’t budge. Of course they weren’t dumb, they knew that iron chains forged in dragon fire were the only thing to keep dragon’s wings pinned. It was freezing cold and the river kept rising. Warren pleaded for his life, but the owners just watched him, right through the night. By morning; the river was flooded. And when Stephen and I found Warren, he was barely alive.”
Oh my god.  I—I had no words.  As Deacy explained this story I even saw the brothers and Cas just stare at my son in shock.
“Two weeks of rest thanks to Kisara and myself and we saw him back on his feet. But his hearing was never the same again. He never wants anyone to know but—he’s almost totally deaf.” Stephen explained solemnly.
That was the ultimate bombshell.  But it explained everything.  That explains why Warren didn’t stop trying to kill me when Deacy shot that fire blast.  It explained why he didn’t hear that acid spitting dragon yesterday sneaking up on him. A dragon without hearing is—hardly a dragon at all.
“So, is that why he’s so—you know? Volatile?” asked Sam cautiously.
“That’s not the half of it.” Stephen immediately piped in.  “All of this was barely a month before our first encounter with some dragon trappers. It was on a scouting mission and he didn’t hear any of the machines operating as they took out each of our scouts one by one.”
“The cold truth is, is that for the selfishness and greed of humanity. Warren is now the last of his kind.” Deacy hissed out.
God. Poor Warren, he has been through worse than hell.  I mean hating humans for forcing you to be in a fight ring is one thing, but when they’re the reason for losing a part of yourself, and just watching you suffer, that’s just…..unforgiving.
“Jesus.” I heard Dean mutter.
“So you see why we tried to protect him. Most of the other dragons even here from day one thought he was too much of a fighter, a bad influence on the younger dragons. But we know that he’d never be accepted anywhere else, and with his recklessness and bloodlust, he could fall like every other dragon and end up getting himself killed or caught by hunters.” Stephen stated.
“It’s also because of his disability, isn’t it?” asked Cas.
“Yes. We thought that at least here he wouldn’t be sympathized and could at least have a chance of living a normal, peaceful life after such a rough upbringing.”
“Okay, it’s been a long night, you all should get some sleep.”
“Hang on, there’s something else we need to discuss.” Stated Dean. “That dragon from earlier today, what was that dragon and I thought all dragons had to obey the Alpha?”
“Good questions for another time, right now there are more pressing issues that need to be discussed. For now all four of you back to your chambers.” Deacy stated.
“Hold on Deacy—”
“He’s right Sam. What Warren did—it’s unforgiving and mustn’t be put on hold.” Said Stephen.  As much as the brothers wanted to disagree and protest, Cas managed to just give them a look and it made them stop talking.
While I was back in Deacy’s room I couldn’t help but think about Warren.  His entire story, his upbringing, and all that had happened today.  My brain was so full of things buzzing around that all I could do was toss around in Deacy’s bed.  That was until I heard the sound of dragon wings flapping.
I looked out the entrance and saw the familiar black and reddish wings of Warren flying out of the den.  Quickly grabbing my suit and putting it on, I did the one thing my instincts were telling me to do.
Follow him.
I silently stalked out of the den as I could hear the dragons all gathered around by the stream all discussing the matter of Warren’s exile or whatever they chose to do to him.  
Once I reached the outside of the den, I proceeded to climb up to side entrance till I got me a good altitude to take off.  Of course I had to dodge and hide from the flying scouts that were circling the den and make sure to be as quiet and still as possible since they would immediately see or hear me if I even made a squeak.
When they finally flew on ahead, I opened my wings and jumped off and thankfully there was a nice current to send me flying and I just flew on ahead, hoping to find Warren before he got too far away.
It must’ve been about an hour or so till the currents decided to force me to land. I landed by a tall cliffside and I could hear just ahead of me the sound of a waterfall.  I walked on ahead figuring that if Warren would’ve stopped, he’d come for water cause who knows how long till you find fresh water that’s not near a civilized population.
I crouched down and slowly stalked towards the edge and soon saw the stream and low and behold Warren was there in dragon form drinking from it.  His deep rumbles could be heard all the way from up here.
I just watched him silently as he drank his fill before lifting his head up and I could hear him sniffing the air.  Oh shit! I quickly ducked beside the cliff to quickly hide from him.
*3rd Person POV*
As Warren drank his fill, he couldn’t help but smell something familiar.  It smelled like his Alpha but at the same time had other scents mixed in.  Cologne, gunpowder and…..dead dragon skin.  Warren quickly turned around only to see no one there. He growled thunderously low before reverting to his human state.
When (y/n) slowly peeked out, she was surprised to see Warren was gone.  Slowly and carefully she scaled down the cliff’s side and arrived at the lake. She went over to the very spot where Warren once stood and couldn’t help herself as she placed her hand right where his mighty dragon paw was.  And compared to the imprint on the ground, her hand was about the size of an ant. However she was unaware that behind the waterfall, Warren stood there ready to defend himself by any means necessary.
His wings lowered and his hand glowing red hot ready to burn whomever it was that was following him, though he had a pretty good idea who it was based on the scent.  He waited and waited before finally springing out letting out and heading straight for (y/n).
*My POV*
I heard something break through the waterfall and as quick as I could I rolled out of the way and Warren slid across the ground, his wings extended and his hand burning red hot.  Once he saw it was me, he stood down but his hard blue eyes glared daggers right into my soul.
“Why did you follow me?”
“I just wanted to make sure you didn’t get hurt.” I simply answered.  He chuckled icily and said.
“For what? Just to gloat some more on how you were better than me? To flaunt your killing before me? Just because you killed the acid spitter and probably the first being to ever kill those bastards?!”
“Warren you got me all wrong.”
“Oh do I?” he snapped.
“Yes. You may think I’ve been trying to steal your spot of being the Beta, or abusing my power being Deacy’s mom.”
“Then why would you face that dragon alone so irresponsibly? Only a rotter would face those dragons on their own without knowing what to do.”
“You wanna know why I stepped in? The truth. It’s because I know how important you are to my son!” He just looked at me before turning away shamefully and he said.
“Not anymore. After what I did to Kisara, he’ll banish me. Just like everyone’s wanted of me.”
“Okay I admit Stephen did admit that you do come off as—” he glared right at me daring me to finish that sentence. “Complicated. But listen, I get what you’re going through—” he snorted out coldly as he placed his hand over his face as his laughter got colder and colder. Suddenly he came right up into my face and said.
“You don’t know a thing about me. I’ll commend your bravery for coming after me but now I’m giving you one last chance to turn back and go to your friends and son. If you don’t I’ll be sure to finish what I started when I first brought you here.” He then took off flying.
But of course if there’s one thing about you haven’t figured out about me and if there’s anything I’ve learned from the Winchester brothers, it’s how to be stubborn.
I tried my best to not be seen by him as I continued to trail behind him even as the sun started to rise and morning finally came.  Of course Warren tried to throw or blowout as many fire balls as he could trying to get me to go away but I was persistent.  Plus I even got to check off that the suit was dragon fireproof thanks to the scales Deacy had added.
I don’t know how far I walked just to keep up with him but I knew that we were as far away from the den as possible as we were now out in the open meadow.  As I continued to follow behind him, finally he landed before me and he demanded.
“Why must you keep following me?!”
“Persistence. And I promised myself that I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
“Since when? All I ever did was threaten you why would you make a promise to protect me!?”
“Because you and I aren’t so different Warren.” He scoffed but I continued, “Look, I know what you’ve been through, survival or die. Trust me I had to fend for myself when I was just 10 years old. And yeah that may not mean much to a dragon, but to us humans I didn’t even know what having a credit card was at that age. I lost both my parents, I had to watch them die at the hands of Vampires, and unlike Stephen I never found the nest that killed them. I had to live with the guilt of losing them every day because I didn’t do anything to fight back. The same way you couldn’t have prevented your scouts, your brothers of the same species from being killed because of you losing your hearing.”
“Damn it Stephen.” He muttered angrily.
“Deacy also told me the truth. But don’t go blaming them. It’s because of them you at least were given a home. No one else would’ve taken you in, right? Or you’d be dead because you’re practically deaf. You wouldn’t hear any trapper or hunter coming your way right? They saved your ass Warren, and I’ll be damned if I just let you fly away and get your dumbass killed!”
If I was going to get through to Warren, I would have to resort to using my mom voice that I had to use with Deacy or the boys whenever they got out of hand.  And Deacy sure did give me practice especially once he got to his teenage phase. Plus if Warren wants to have a verbal battle, I’ll give him one.
With my eyes almost going as cold and strong as his eyes, his eyes softened slowly and he seemed to back down and lower his guard but only slightly.  At least with those signs I knew I was getting somewhere with him.  I took a step forward but little did I know that that would be the biggest mistake of my life.
Suddenly the ground opened up from underneath us and the two of us fell into a 10 feet deep hole.  From above I heard the sound of steel bars closing up at the top.  Soil and dirt poured down on top of us.  Both Warren and I groaned and he looked up and growled.
“Damnit! Dragon trap.” He slowly got up while I groaned trying to turn myself on my back. For some reason I kept hearing this beeping sound.
“What is that?” I saw Warren stand up and he flew up about halfway up the hold before hissing out.
“Shit! Sensory tracker. Now Percy’s gonna know exactly where we are and send his dragons to collect us.”
“Wait….a dragon hunter has dragons?”
“I know you wouldn’t expect it, but yeah. And you had the privilege of killing one of them yesterday.”
“Wait, you mean those acid spitters? They belong to him?” I asked.  He flew back down towards me and said.
“But how? I mean how does he control them? I thought all dragons could turn into a human state to hide themselves from people like us.” Warren sighed heavily
“All of us can, but those dragons are in a class of their own. If used the right way, their poison can be used as a mind control serum. And Percy—he’s cracked the formula. He’s built himself an army of not only trappers and hunters, but at around 14 of those dragons. Throughout our years encountering them, we’ve only managed to kill 4. They’re not easy, and they’re relentless. And thanks to their own poison they’re slaves to Percy’s will.”
“Jesus.” I slowly pulled myself up and leaned myself against the wall of the hole. “Is there any way of melting those bars?” Warren flew up and tried to melt the bars with his hands but they didn’t melt.
“It’s no use, iron-forged in dragon fire metal. We’re pretty much sitting ducks until those dragons come to collect us.”
“But they won’t be able to melt the bars right?”
“Not even close. Their acid can melt practically anything, including that type of steel forged metal. That’s why we never try to fight them off with our own fire.”
“What do you mean?”
“Their acid is practically flammable, when combined with any type of fire…..”
“It causes a chemical reaction. In other words ka-boom.”
“Bingo.” Warren bluntly stated as he slide himself down on the ground.
“Well we can’t melt the bars, can’t cut through them nor unlock them. So our best bet is to dig ourselves out.”
“Yeah that’s crazy in itself. We’re exactly 10 feet under, even if you could dig out, you’d suffocate less than a minute once the amount of dirt closes in on you.”
“I once had to dive 12 feet underwater just to save a kid from a ghost. I was in that water for 6 minutes before I finally took hold of the kid and swam him back up to the surface. Plus we can’t just sit here and wait. We’d be giving Percy what he wants, and I’m not gonna go down like that.” I began feeling around the walls trying to find a soft and easy diggable spot.
Once I met with soft soil, I began to use my bare hands to dig through the thick wall of soil and rock.  Grunting and sweating from the intense heat that was coming down into the hole.  It was then I saw Warren kneel down beside me and he began digging alongside me.  I looked at him in awe, never did I think that he’d actually help me out with something.  I thought that he would’ve just sat there and watched me dig, but there he was, helping me try to dig a way out.
I don’t know how long it took, but judging by the lighting and coloring of the sky, it looked like it was the start of the afternoon, maybe late morning.
When we finally managed at least a slightly big enough hole for me to dig the rest of the way out, I said.
“Okay, I’m gonna try to continue digging up at an angle. Hopefully no rockslide happens, and…..” suddenly I was dragged away from the hole by Warren.  “Whoa what the hell was…..” He placed his hand over my mouth and directed his eyes over to the hole.
Suddenly pounds and pounds of rock, dirt and soil collapsed in and closed the hole up.
My eyes widened and I looked up at Warren as he removed his hand from my mouth.
“Don’t get used to it.” And there was the stubborn, human-hating dragon once more.  But at least there is kindness buried somewhere deep in there.  Very deep.
The hours ticked by and right now the sun was going pink and purple and I knew from my years of being outside, the stars would soon be up.  With no other way out, Warren had fallen asleep around late afternoon and had been asleep since then, while I just sat there trying to think of a way to get out before those dragons came.
It was then I heard the sound of whimpering and moving soil.  I looked in front of me to see Warren tossing and turning in his sleep.  His face pained in fear as he was groaned and crying in his sleep.  Now knowing the entire truth of Warren’s past, he must either be reliving either the torture he had to endure in the ring, or relive nearly dying in the flash flood.
My mother instincts took over as I slowly approached Warren.  I silently crawled on my hands and knees so that I wouldn’t disrupt him and cause him to panic due to his PTSD.  Once I reached him, I cautiously reached out and stroked the tuff of his curly blonde hair and whispered.
“Shhh, shh. It’s okay Warren, relax. You’re no longer there, Deacon and Stephen saved you.” But he still didn’t stop grunting or crying.  I even saw tears falling down onto the ground wetting the soil.  Ohh the poor guy.  But then an idea suddenly came to my mind.
I know it’s childish but it helped Deacy every single time when he’d have nightmares as a dragonling.  I sighed softly and kept stroking his hair as I softly began to sing.
Look to the stars,
My darling baby boy.
Life is strange and vast
Filled with wonders and joy.
Face each new sun
With eyes clear and true
Unafraid of the unknown
Because I’ll face it all with you.
*Warren’s POV*
All I kept seeing was nothing but water.  I tried to break free but I couldn’t. My ears began ringing until they finally popped and I felt myself drowning.  That was until I heard a voice, it—was singing to me. Suddenly my dream faded and I opened my eyes to see Deacon’s mother hovering over me.
It was her that was singing so angelically. The only other person who sung like that to me was my mum.  Seeing her like this from the rays of setting sun gave her this motherly aura and now I began to understand why Deacon was so protective and caring for her.  Because she was caring for him.
By the end of the song, she softly smiled down at me and stroked the hair that had clung to me from my sweat.  Before I could say anything, she suddenly looked up and even with my nearly deaf ears I could still hear the sounds of dragon wings.
They’ve come.
“Listen to me; when they break those bars, I need you to fly as fast as you can back to the den.” She told me urgently.
“What?” I asked.
“Don’t turn back for anything. Once you get there give this to either Sam, Dean or Cas.” She handed me her dragon helmet and I said to her again.
“Hold on, what about you?”
“I’m gonna be your scapegoat.”
“Scapegoat? Are you joking?!”
“Look there’s no time, as soon as those bars are melted I’m gonna provoke one of them to send their tail down so I can crawl up and get out of here. Then once they’re gone, you get out of here.”
“You’re bloody insane you know that?”
“Been told that once or twice. But promise me, whatever you do. Do not tell this to Deacy. He can’t get involved. Stephen told me what he planned to do to him, I’ve known for over a week about this guy and refuse to allow him to hunt my son any longer.” It was then we heard the growls and snarls of the acid-spitters.
Suddenly one of them tried to break through the bars as it roared and snapped its jaws at the bars trying to bite through it. We both went up against the wall and that’s when she took out a knife and carefully aimed it at the dragon that was trying to bite through the bars.  When it lodged itself into its neck, it reared and cried in pain before glaring down at her.
“Yeah c’mon you ugly bastard. Show me your tail, give me the tail, give me the tail. C’mon, c’mon hit me. Hit me!” It first melted the bars with it’s acid which made the two of us jump as far against the wall as we could.  Once the bars melted away, a tail began to repeatedly poke downward trying to reach us.
A knife came out from underneath her wrist and she mouthed out for me to go as she roared and quickly stabbed the tail which sent her right up with the four acid-spitters.
*My POV*
Suddenly I was lifted up and I found myself surrounded by 4 of the acid-spitter dragons.  I tried to take my knife back but apparently I had dug it so far into the skin of the tail, it was practically embedded into it.  The four dragons snarled and glared at me as I chuckled nervously before quickly raising my free arm and tested out the paralyzing needles I had installed.
With just a click of my bottom wrist, I can eject out small needle-like mini-darts filled with paralyzing drugs enough to take down an elephant (curtesy of my ‘stealing’ days when I was younger and rummaged through some hunter equipment).  However the needles did little to nothing for these guys as the dragon who I was stuck to, suddenly whipped it’s tail sending me flying several yards away.
I rolled along the grassy ground as the 4 stalked towards me, baring their fangs and saliva dripping from their mouths.
“Time to go.” I muttered quickly as I took off running as fast as I could.  I could hear either the sound of thunderous footsteps or wings flying above me.  
I zig-zagged as best as I could to try and avoid them, acid was literally raining down from above me and I was about an inch from being disintegrated like the toons did in ‘Who framed Roger Rabbit.’
Suddenly one of the dragons slide in front of me blocking my path.  It reared itself up before slamming down trying to pin me down but thanks to my quick thinking I managed to roll underneath to get to it’s soft underbelly.  
Thank god I listened to Apophis when he said the best way to attack a dragon minus it’s wings or tail is to go for the soft underbelly, so taking activating my under knife once more I managed to slide and make a deep, long cut along it’s stomach which forced it to drop dead.
I continued racing on ahead trying to reach the trees that were just ahead of me.  Suddenly I felt something lightly pinch my neck.  At first I thought it was a bee sting or even a mosquito bite, that was until I suddenly felt my legs turn to jelly and I just collapsed right there on the ground.
Shit, I’ve been hit.
My vision was growing fuzzy within seconds and I could barely breathe.  I saw the three remaining dragons surround me and then my vision went black.
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katurrade · 6 years
Secrets and Sins 1
This is not your normal TRR story. This is a complete AU. A mobster AU. Hopefully you enjoy this, it’s slightly dark and twisted, but should be a fun ride. It’s also written in a reader format, not a MC format. (Y/N = Your Name) Enjoy! ...Also, I will be working on the final chapter(s) of Come Back to Me sometime this week. Hopefully. I just wanted to get this idea out there and see how everyone took it.
Description: You flee from an abusive situation and find yourself on the other side of the country, creating new friends and possibly finding new love. But will you be able to escape your past? To truly move on with your life? Or will everything come crashing down around you in the blink of an eye?
Word Count: 3,420 ish.
Pairing: Mobster!Liam x Reader.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Violence. Drinking. Curse words. Possible NSFW content in later chapters. Flashbacks of abusive behaviour, and moments of abuse. Possible triggering thoughts and feelings. Probably more warnings to come.
A/N: *throws canon out the damn window* YEEET.
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Y/N had arrived in New York just over a week ago, you had managed to find an apartment within a day. It wasn’t the nicest apartment in the world, the floors were damaged from previous tenants, the walls stained from cigarette smoke and the sun. The kitchen and bathroom were outdated and old, to say the least, but it was clean. Quiet. And best of all, it was all your own. It was nothing like the massive home you had left behind, the opulent furnishings and grand fixtures, but you didn’t want those things ever again. Not at the cost they came at.
You wanted small. Safe. Warm. Your own. You didn’t want to have to answer to another, have to fear being in your own home, have to pray every night that you’d make it through the next few hours, the next few days. No, this apartment to anyone else would be a hell hole, but to you it was perfect. It was your sanctuary, it would be your salvation.
You had jumped on it the second the manager showed it to you. The price was fair, and it was close to a bunch of shops, parks and clubs. Giving you many options to find work, and hopefully fast.
It was also a secure building, which was a priority for you. Security cameras, only two ways in and out. One in the front and one in the rear. The suite was located on the third floor and at the end of the hall. Giving you a full view of the hallway from the doors peep hole.
It had an elevator, which was also a huge plus. Walk ups were not your friend, especially when you finally managed to buy furniture for your place. That would have been hard to do on your own, lifting furniture up a bunch of stairs. Nuh uh. No thank you.
You hadn’t brought many things with you in your move from out of state, minus the clothes on your back, a medium sized suit case, a box with the few prize possessions, the stuff you were able to hang on to and a few random things you had picked up during your travels. Mainly just whatever you were able to take with you when you fled in the middle of the night.
Once you signed the rental agreement and received your keys, you unloaded your belongings into the suite. Setting up a makeshift bed with an air mattress, sleeping bag and a couple pillows. You had spent the remainder of the week hiding out in the apartment, waiting for the few remaining visible bruises to heal. Knowing the scars, both physical and mental, never would.
But you just needed to take the time to settle, to breathe. You had spent months of living in fear, you deserved a few days to yourself. Though the fear never truly left, you were smarter then that, but for now, you allowed yourself to forgot most of it. Just for a few days. There was no way he’d find you this quickly. If at all.
You finally decided to leave your place, it was time to get the ball rolling on finding a job and you needed to stock up on a few things. You check the peep hole, seeing the hall empty, you promptly exited the suite and locked the door. Deciding to wander around and get a lay of the land. Mainly to search for jobs, but also for future reference, should you need an escape route quickly. And quietly.
The season was just entering into fall, cold in the mornings, but warm in the afternoons. You had on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black leather bomber jacket with a grey hood. You pulled the hood up over your head as you exited the building. Attempting to conceal yourself just a little. You knew how far his reach could go. You’d be foolish to not keep that thought lingering in the back of your mind, at all times.
If you did let your guard down it could end badly. You could end up losing your life over it and that was not an option. You deserved better, you knew you did. It’s why you left when you did. Things had taken a dangerous turn a few months back and it took you a while to finally realize where your path in life was taking you. And that, that wasn’t where you wanted it to end up. That’s a lie, it didn’t take months to realize, it only took months to build up the courage to actually leave, to plan your escape and follow through with it.
If you were being honest with yourself, you knew from day one where this was all going to end up, you knew getting involved with a ‘man’ like him was foolish and stupid. But he seemed different in the beginning. You foolish girl, falling for a man like that, believing all the bullshit he fed you. You fell right into his trip, willingly. No, you knew full well not to get involved with him. Yet you still did.
But with that all said, you also knew that no matter how far you ran, you were never truly safe. Never truly secure. You would always have to watch over your shoulder. Always aware, waiting to be discovered. To be found. You hadn’t picked New York on a whim, no, you picked it for one very important reason. Liam Rhys. The King of New York.
You had never met him before, hadn’t even so much as seen him before, but you knew exactly who he was, you had heard all the stories. All the recounts of him and his dealings. And even though you feared him, feared him figuring out who you were. Or rather, who you used to be connected to, you knew that you’d be safer in New York. This was the one city he couldn’t follow you to. He wasn’t allowed to step foot in this state. Not without consequences. Not without blood shed.
As you came across a convenient store at the end of the block, you cleared your thoughts focusing them, once again, on the few things you needed, mainly food and a for sale sign for your car. You decided to check it out, pushing open the door with a jingle of the bells above it. You pulled the hood off your head and began wandering the aisles in search of the few things you needed.
Once you had found them all you headed up to the counter to pay. You were greeted by a sweet older man behind the till who smiled softly at you, as he began to ring your items into the till, to which you smiled back.
“You new in town?” He asked politely.
“Am I that obvious?” You responded with a chuckle.
“No, I just haven’t seen you before. I’d remember a face like yours.” he replied with a smirk. Normally, a line like that might have creeped you out, might have sent a chill down your spine, but there wasn’t anything malicious or nefarious in his tone. He meant it in a sweet, fatherly sort of way, you could tell. Which made you smile more.
Before you could respond a woman’s voice came through the store “Oh Xinghai, you’re going to scare the poor thing.” Startled you turned as she walked up behind the counter to lightly slap him on the arm. “Ignore my husband dear” she chuckled before turning her eyes to you, which widened instantly “Oh my, you are stunning,” to which she received an overly exaggerated eye roll from the gentleman beside her “I’m Lorelai Lee, and this old man,” she said with a smirk “is Xinghai Lee. We own this shop.”
You laughed at their banter “It’s a pleasure to meet you both, I’m Y/N. and to answer your earlier question, Mr. Lee, yes, I am new to town.”
“I knew it!” He glared lovingly at his wife “It’s a pleasure to meet you dear. What brings you to this neck of the woods?”
“Ah..” you paused, not really sure how to answer as the truth was not an option. That was for sure. “Just needed a change of pace, I guess.” you shrugged and smiled, though you knew it didn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Have you found work yet?” He asked rather excitedly.
“Mr. Lee!” Another smack to the arm from his wife “Leave to poor girl alone, i’m sure she doesn’t need you pestering her!”
You laughed again. “It’s alright Mrs. Lee. I actually haven’t, so if you have any ideas of places hiring I’m all ears. I’ve just been wandering around in search of ‘now hiring’ signs”
He smirked and glared at his wife for a moment, in a ‘I win’ sort of way, receiving an eye roll in response then he turned back to you “Well, our daughter works at The Gilded Apple, it’s a pub down the road, but they pay well and she loves working there. She was just saying the other day that they were looking to hire a new waitress, you should go down and speak to her. Her name is Hana, she is working tonight, tell her I sent you”
“That’s amazing, thank you so much Mr. Lee. I can’t tell you how much that helps!” You said sincerely “I’ll go down there right now.” You paid for your items, Mr. Lee told you the directions to the pub, you waved as you exited the store, receiving smiles and waves back from to older couple. Just as you left you saw Mrs. Lee promptly smack Mr. Lee on the arm once more, receiving a “Hey!” From him in response, which made you laugh.
You quickly made your way home, unloading your items into the fridge and cabinets before writing your info on the ‘for sale’ sign and then checked yourself over in the bathroom mirror. Deciding to stick to the outfit you were in as it was probably your best bet out of all your other clothes.
You headed out towards The Gilded Apple, stopping at your car to put the ‘for sale’ sign in the window. You needed to get rid of your car as quick as possible, he knew what you drove and it would just become a giant bullseye outside your suite. You hopped in the car and drove it down the street, away from your place.
You exited the car and headed towards the pub. It was only about 7 blocks from your place, which was perfect, it would only take you about 20 minutes to walk to work. And once you sold your car, walking would quickly become your main source of travel.
Now finding yourself standing outside the massive building, it was three floors tall and the whole building was painted black, minus the huge gold lettering informing you that you were at the right place. ‘The Gilded Apple’ curved in a half circle over a big, bright red apple. Even though it was late afternoon, the yellow and red lights outlining the apple and letters were already on. Giving an ‘open for business’ impression.
You took a deep breath before pushing open the giant mahogany door and entering the establishment. Hopefully, if all went well you’d be pushing this very door open many times in the future. As the door shut behind you, you paused to allow your eyes to readjust to the low lighting inside. Dim hanging lights illuminating each table and booth, plus a row of hanging lights over the bar on the right side wall. The walls and tables were all dark brown, with deep red leather booth seats and chairs. The bar at the side was black, with a full wall of booze behind it, on red shelves that were illuminated by red cord lighting, making all the bottles seem different shades of red and purple.
There were a few patrons sitting at various tables and booths, but the massive room was relatively empty, probably due to the time of day. You figured once the night hit, this place would probably be packed to the brim. Or at least you hoped it would be. You needed the tips.
You wandered over to the bar, finding a red head with her back to you, switching out bottles on the shelves with new ones. She turned to face you upon hearing your footsteps walking up to the bar.
She looked you over for a moment before a smirk broke out on her face “What can I get cha?” She asked with a pop of her gum that punctuated her question.
“Ah, I was just wondering if Hana was working?” You asked hesitantly.
She rolled her eyes before disappearing through a black door to the left of the bar. Emerging a few minutes later with a beautiful brunette bouncing out of the door behind her. They exchanged a few quick whispered words before the red head pointed at you, causing the brunette to stare at you for a moment before shrugging and giggling slightly. The red head looked unimpressed at best, then rolled her eyes once more before making her way back behind the bar.
The brunette wandered over to stand directly in front of you, with a giant smile on her face. Something about her demeanour though calmed your crazy nerves. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You really needed a job, your savings wouldn’t get you far, a few weeks at best.
“Hey, I’m Hana, you were asking about me?” She said sweetly.
“Yeah, I um, I’m Y/N.” you awkwardly stuck your hand out to shake hers, which she did eagerly with a giggle “This is probably kind of strange, but your father said you guys may be looking to hire a new waitress, and i’m new in town and kind of in need of a job..” you trailed off as she began to laugh, wildly. You should have known this wasn’t going to work, finding a job this quickly would have been far to easy, and if you knew anything it was that your life was anything but easy and things never worked out to benefit you. Usually the opposite, actually.
She quickly composed herself, upon seeing the downcast expression probably now obvious on your face, only chuckling a few more times before speaking “I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you, my father has a thing for putting his nose in everyones lives. But he is a sweet old man” she laughed again taking a step back to size you up “We are actually looking for a new waitress, and you look the part,” she started to blush once her eyes met yours again “come with me, i’ll introduce you to Max, he manages the pub.” before you could say a word she grabbed your hand a dragged you towards the door she had just come through.
You entered a bright hallway, with three doors and a set of stairs, she promptly turned and pulled you up the stairs. She was like the damn energizer bunny, you were struggling to keep up with her pace. Praying you didn’t face plant on the stairs. You both finally reached the top where there were a few more doors, she stopped in front of one, releasing your hand and knocked quickly. You heard a muffled “Come in” then she pushed the door open a crack and peered her head in “Max, you busy?”
“Ah. No. Nope” you heard a mans shaky response as well as papers shuffling around. He cleared his throat before saying more cheerfully “Come on in!”
She opened the door all the way, and ushered you in. “Max, this is Y/N. Y/N, Max. She wandered in looking for a job” she said then turned back to you with a smirk. You directed your attention towards the man behind the desk. He looked tall and slim, with messy dark hair and sweet eyes. Something about him seemed so friendly, so inviting. You walked towards his desk and extended out your hand to shake his.
“Hi, I heard from a friend that you guys were hiring” hearing Hana burst out laughing behind you again “That friend being my father, Max” she added between chuckles.
Max’ face lit up with a bright smile, then he reached for your hand to shake it eagerly “Well if Mr. Lee approves, who am I to say no?” He laughed then looked behind you “Thank you Hana, i’ll take it from here”
You turned to see her nod then she exited the room and shut the door. Upon hearing the click you turned back around “Please, sit” he gestured to the chair behind you. You both sat down.
“Did you bring a resume?” He asked.
“Ah, no.” You scratched the back of your neck “I ah, don’t exactly have one, but I can make one up quickly if you need?” You said awkwardly and far to quickly. “I just moved to town a week ago, haven’t have a chance to make one yet”
“Oh, new to town?” He asked, you nodded. “Where did you move from?”
Your eyes widened slightly, as your mouth became a little dry. Flashes of old memories played in your mind, ones you didn’t want to remember during the day as they always haunted your nights. You refused to allow them more then that. You shook your head, as if to banish the thoughts “The west coast” you abruptly said, gaining a raised brow in response.
“Cali? Washington? Oregan?” He asked and you nodded to all. This was not going well. Why would it matter where you came from? It honestly wasn’t any of his business, you didn’t want to tell him. You couldn’t risk telling anyone.
He stared at you for a moment, his smile faltering for just a second before he fixed it and spoke “It’s okay, you don’t have to say. I was just curious.” He shrugged “Any experiences working in a pub before?”
You were thankful he dropped it and changed the subject “Yeah, actually, I worked in a pub all through my college days”
He asked you a bunch of other questions, he was super easy to talk to. You both hit it off, instantly.
“You planning to stick around for a while?”
You nodded again “Yeah, if all goes well I hope to stay here indefinitely”
“Perfect, normally we need a resume before we can hire someone, but I have a good feeling about you...” he paused and leaned back a bit, as if nervous “You aren’t a crazy mass murderer....are you?”
You clenched your lips shut in a straight line trying to contain the laugh bubbling in you but failed miserably as it broke out between your lips “No, I don’t really have a stomach for blood” you responded and Max relaxed a bit and laughed as well. Once you both calmed down he stood and you followed suit. He reached his hand out “Okay, i’m going to take a chance on you, when can you start?”
You shook his hand “Thank you! I won’t let you down, and honestly, as soon as possible”
“That’s what I like to hear, come by tomorrow at 4 and we will get you all set up!”
You smiled and nodded “I’ll be here!” And with that you left and made your way back downstairs. Hana was standing behind the bar as you came through the door. “Hey! How’d it go?!” she said as she bounced over towards you, receiving a head shake and glare from the red head.
“I start tomorrow!” You said, a little more excitedly then you wanted, clearly Hana was rubbing off on you.
A screech came from the bouncy brunette before she jumped towards you and hugged you. Catching you completely off guard, you tensed and stood there as she bounced, awkwardly patting her back. “That’s wonderful news!!” She pulled away “You’re going to love it here! Make sure to wear comfy shoes. Oh! and all black!”
“Thank you, and please thank your dad for me. I owe him one”
She dismissed you with a hand “Pffft. Not going to happen. He doesn’t need anymore of an ego boost” she giggled “See you tomorrow!”
And with that you waved and left. Promptly pulling the hood back up over your head once you left the building. With a quick check in both directions, you shoved your hands in your pockets, lowered your head and made your way down the street back to your apartment. Thankful that every thing was working out so smoothly, but also nervous that eventually the other shoe would drop. So to speak. As you’re life never worked out in your favour, there was always something that came along and blew it all up. And it was only a matter of time before that happened again.
Chapter 2 HERE.
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patton-croc-agenda · 6 years
Coral and Crowns (Ch.2/4)
Anyway, it’s my pal @impatentpending‘s birthday today, so go leave nice things in her inbox and don’t tell her it was me. A special thanks as always to my beta reader @pattonistooprecious also!
Here come the boys. Oh, and I guess we figure out what happened to Patton.
Pairings: Royality, Implied Analogical
Warnings: None
Words: 5,708
Previous: Ch.1
Next: TBA
Read it on Ao3
A week. A week since their date, and a week since Roman had seen Patton. He sighed, tired, and ran a hand through his hair as he slowly sat down on the rock, dipping his feet in the cool water. Roman didn’t know what he’d done wrong. Maybe he had been too intense with their makeout session last time. Then again, it had been Patton who had initiated it, technically.
Maybe when Patton had mouthed “don’t” he had meant, “don’t just sit there you useless buffoon.” Or, maybe, just maybe, Patton was one of those people who told you one thing then expected you to do the opposite. Damnit, Roman thought only girls did that.
Then again, Patton wasn’t like that. He knew Patton...didn’t he? He put his face in his hands. At the start of the week, he couldn’t believe that Patton would ditch him. He stayed up all night just waiting. Waiting for Patton to show up, to explain. He never did.
Then, Roman had been angry. Angry at Patton for just leaving him, angry at himself for getting so worked up over what was probably nothing, angry at whatever was stopping Patton from coming to see him. Because, that had to be it, right? He plead that was all it was. He prayed it wasn’t because Patton hated Roman now.
At this point, Roman was just sad. Sad that he’d lost the best thing that had happened to him in years. Sad that he might never see him again. Sad that Patton didn’t lo-
“I think that’s him,” a voice hissed, quiet. Roman’s head snapped up and he looked around. No one else should be around at this time of day, it just wasn’t a thing that happened.
“Indubitably, he’s the only one out at this hour.” Roman scanned the beach again. He must be going insane.
“Shit, I think he heard us,” the first voice groaned.
“That’s alright, we were going to talk to him anyway,” the second said.
“Can’t we just drown him?”
“No, we need him.”
“Ugh, this feels so wrong.”
“Well, it is technically illegal, so your feelings would be correct,” Roman swept his gaze across the water, only to see two men who had definitely not been there about ten seconds ago.
“Um...hello?” Roman said, cautious. One of the men swam closer. He appeared to be wearing eyeshadow under his eyes, which was strange both as a fashion choice and for the fact it had yet to wash off. He scowled at Roman from behind purple tinted bangs as he fidgeted with the strap of a bag slung across his shoulder.. The second man swam forward, adjusting glasses that looked uncannily similar to Patton’s.
“Salutations, my name is Logan Meer, and this is my most favorable companion, Virgil Pike. Are we to assume you are Prince Roman?” Roman blinked, the names sounding familiar, but he couldn’t put his finger on why.
“Uh, Roman Prince, actually. It’s just my last name, not my title,” Virgil glared.
“Great, Patton couldn’t even pick actual fucking royalty,” he seethed. Logan gave him a funny look.
“Actually, considering what we are about to request of him, if he were truly royal this might cause even more drama then is already present.” Roman froze. Virgil had said Patton. That was where he’d heard the names from!
“You’re Patton’s friends!” He gasped, Virgil turned his attention back from Logan to Roman and huffed, folding his arms across his chest.
“Yeah, and you’re an asshole,” Virgil snapped. Roman threw his hands up.
“You don’t even know me!”
“Are you sure we can’t drown him,” Virgil asked Logan as he turned to him once more. Logan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“Roman. I am sure Patton has filled you in on...our situation...correct?”
“Uh. No?” Roman said, “He hasn’t said anything about his personal life, really.” Virgil scoffed, as if it were somehow Roman’s fault that Patton decided he was some mysterious anime character with a deep and strange past.
Logan, who had until that point been fairly expressionless, gave Virgil a panicked look. A sort of “shit I didn’t expect that answer what the fuck am I supposed to do with that” look that Roman swore he must’ve pulled at least twenty times across his lifetime; emphasis on ‘at least’
“Relax,” Virgil held up a hand to Logan, “I got it.” He swam forward, and Roman felt hands wrap around his ankles.
“What are yo-”
“Virgil, NO!” Roman barely heard the end of Logan’s shout before he was yanked underwater. He tumbled around under the waves, trying to regain a sense of up and down. Once he did, he began to swim up again when he saw something black and purple. It looked a lot like...a large fish tail.
Suddenly, the tail moved down, and attached to it was a grinning Virgil. Roman let out a shocked sound, which translated as bubbles underwater. It was then that Roman remembered that no matter how shocked he was about Virgil being a fucking merman his body still needed air. Honestly, so demanding.
Something wrapped under his arms, and he looked up to see Logan had grabbed him. He swam upward, pulling Roman with him. Roman gasped for air, scrabbling back up onto the rock.
“What in all of earth’s oceans were you thinking?” Logan snarled at Virgil. Roman wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating those sharp teeth or not. Virgil looked offended.
“I was just trying to show him! You think he’d believe it if we just told him?!”
“Better than pulling him underwater and shattering his sense of reality!”
“He fucking deserved it! Plus, I’m pissed and worried about Patton!”
“AND YOU THINK I’M NOT?!” Logan’s voice seemed to echo across the empty beach. He was breathing hard, and a tense silence filled the air. Roman had to cut it, though. He had to know.
“Why are you worried, what’s wrong with Patton?” Roman asked. Logan and Virgil shared a look before Logan hesitantly swam over, pulling himself up onto the rock. His tail was various shades of navy blue.
“Seven days ago,” Logan began, softly, “Prince Patton Coral of the North Atlantic Kingdom went missing.” Virgil pulled himself up next to Logan, pointedly not looking at Roman.
“Yes. Patton is the only heir to our king, which made his disappearance all the more worrisome. The good news is, we have located him,” Roman sat up straighter at that, and Logan threw him a weary look. “The bad news, The Sea Dragon Witch has him.”
“The Sea Dragon...Witch?”
“Correct. She is a powerful creature. She told the kingdom she had him, but made no demands of ransom for his return. See, she is a creature of chaos- and with Patton’s father being old and unwell, leaving him heirless would cause riots and war among the people on who should next lead our people.”
“Then why reveal she had him at all?” Roman asked.
Logan stared at his tail, “It amuses her. She wants us to come after her so she can slaughter us.” Roman swallowed nervously.
“How did-”
“How did she manage to kidnap Patton?” Roman winced, “Simple. Patton went to her in order to gain legs so he could go on a date with you. We assume afterwards she grabbed him when he was unaware.” Logan’s expression was unreadable, but Virgil hunched down. Roman felt guilt coil in his belly.
“What do you want me to do?” he whispered. Virgil finally looked at him again.
“You. You’re gonna help us save Patton.” He turned and reached inside the bag he was wearing, pulling out two small bottles and passing them to Roman.
“Drink these. One is a potion to help you breathe and speak underwater, and one is to stop the pressure from crushing you like a tin can.” Roman blinked, narrowing his eyes at Virgil.
“Did you make these?” he asked.
“Uh, yeah?”
“Why should I trust anything you give me? You attempted to drown me!”
“I wasn’t trying to drown you,” Virgil scoffed, “I mean, I wanted to, but it wasn’t my intent. Still, you’re just gonna have to trust me on this. We’ll need a lot of that if we’re going to help Patton.”
Virgil turned to Logan and hesitantly put a hand on his arm. Roman noted a slight blush as he said, “Uh. You alright? You’ve been in the sun for a while.” Logan nodded.
“Yes. The sun began to set about halfway through our discussion, and should be gone entirely within a few moments,” Logan briefly put his hand over Virgil’s, “However, I think I should get back underwater now, as I am getting a bit lightheaded. My kind was never really meant for seeing the shore. I will meet you two down below.” Logan slid into the water without a further word.
“What did he mean by his kind?” Roman asked. Virgil shot him a look.
“He’s a deep sea merman. S’why he’s got sharp teeth. They don’t do well in sunlight since they typically live at the bottom of the ocean. You can ask him about it if you get the chance, he loves to gush,” Virgil shrugged.
“Okay,” Roman breathed deeply, “Okay…” he muttered again. Virgil sighed in response.
“I’m gonna meet up with Lo. We won’t wait long. Make up your mind, asshole.” With that, Virgil dove in after his friend. Roman looked at the bottles and ran a hand through his hair, laughing a bit.
“This is...insane. This is actually fucking insane!” Roman said, standing up and pacing across the rock best he could. His brain was swirling, tumbling. Merfolk were real. Patton was a prince. Patton was a prince for merfolk who existed. Also, dragons and magic were real too?
Roman gripped his hair and took a deep breath. How could he do this? In the grand scheme of things, he’d only known Patton for a little over a month. Was he really going to risk his life for a man he hardly knew when he had a job he had to get to tomorrow? When he had rent due soon? When he had-
When he...had nothing. Patton had been the closest friend he’d had in a while, and now he was missing. His beautiful starfish. The man who puffed out his cheeks like a pufferfish when Roman had a rough day. The man who could eat an entire pizza within a minute. The man who tasted like sweet tea and the sea. The man who he lo-
“Screw it, I never liked my job anyway,” Roman cut off his own train of thought, picking up the first bottle and opening it. Without letting himself think about it, he downed the whole thing.
It tasted alarmingly like sea water and nothing else. Roman drank the second one. It tasted the same. Roman was about 99% sure he’d been jipped, but he guessed there was only one way to really know for sure. He took one last breath of air before he leapt into the water.
The second his head was submerged, Roman let his breath go. Then, he inhaled deeply. Trust, right? Water flooded into his systems, but oddly enough he felt some weird rushing around the sides of his neck, and the water didn’t seem to reach his lungs. Air did though. Roman touched the sides of his neck, half expecting to feel some kind of gills, but the skin was still smooth.
“Coming, pretty boy?” Roman turned to see Virgil further out in the water, arms folded. His tail swished, reminding Roman of an annoyed cat.
“Yeah, yeah,” Roman kicked after him. The pair had to swim downward a bit to meet up with Logan, who was sheltering under a dark overcropping of rock.
“Okay, question,” Roman said, causing the two mermen to look at him, “If you guys can do magic stuff, then why did Patton need to go to a Sea Dragon Witch for legs?” The pair shared a look, before Virgil sighed.
“Not all merfolk have magic,” he gestured to his tail, “with the exception of the royal family, merfolk with magical capabilities typically have a plain black or white tail with colorful stripes,” Virgil pointed in turn to the four bright purple stripes lining his tail.
“One stripe is the lowest level of magic, six is the highest. We typically have two to four. Only a merperson with six stripes would be able to pull that shit with Patton getting legs, and we only have one in our kingdom. And, before you ask, Patton did ask him. He turned him down, not expecting for Patton to take a more drastic measure.”
Virgil clearly didn’t feel like explaining any more, so Logan took over, pulling what looked like a book from Virgil’s bag and swimming over to Roman.
“The reason we acquire your assistance is this,” he handed Roman the book. It felt totally dry, which was freaky since they were completely submerged in the water. Roman opened it to the page Logan had bookmarked. It didn’t appear to be in English.
“Is this some...ancient merfolk language?” Roman breathed. Logan sighed.
“No, it is German,” Logan took the book back, looking at the page again, “And it tells the story of one of our first Queens, Margo Coral. She was engaged to a beautiful mermaid named Amara, but the night before their wedding, Amara was kidnapped from her personal chambers by the Sea Dragon Witch.
Despite all protests, Queen Margo went out after the beast. Regardless of her royal position, Margo was a talented swordswoman and blacksmith. She created her own sword, one so full of love and desperation that it had enough power to injure the Sea Dragon Witch so she and her fiance could escape,” Logan snapped the book closed in a flurry of bubbles.
“I still can’t believe we’re trusting a fucking fairytale,” Virgil hissed. Logan raised an eyebrow at him.
“Well, unless you can think of any other weapons that could possibly slay the Sea Dragon Witch with nearly impenetrable scales, then this is all we have,” he turned to Roman again.
“The sword was lost eons ago, but there’s a riddle hidden in the palace about how to find it. I, erm, Patton and I found it when we were young and exploring the castle:
‘To find the sword of power true
Reach out for one of deepest ocean blue.
To reach the sword you need
Acquire one of magical esteem.
To gain the sword of love
 Seek one from the world above.
And in order to begin your journey,
You must find the key
From the very bottom of the sea.’”
Roman frowned, and Virgil crossed his arms, leaning against the rock Logan had previously been sheltering behind.
“That’s still awfully vague. Which part of the bottom of the sea is it referring to?” Roman asked. Logan sighed and shook his head.
“I believe we narrowed it down to Mariana Trench, the deepest point in all of the oceans in the world. I do wish they said ‘bottom of the ocean’ and not ‘bottom of the sea’, however. It would have made things so much easier.”
“But then it wouldn’t rhyme,” Roman informed. Logan scowled, ignoring the comment.
“I inquired a few merfolk who lived there, and they informed me of a small cave guarded by a puzzle lock. I have yet to check it out, as we did not want to proceed before filling you in. We should swim there now, and you two will be required to wait as I swim down.” Roman made an offended noise.
“Virgil gave me a potion to resist pressure, why can’t we come?” Virgil actually laughed at that.
“Logan’s a deep sea merman, remember? Sunlight merfolk and twilight merfolk have pressure limits, but deep sea merfolk are built to live in the depths. The potion I gave you will keep you from being crushed at up to 3000 meters deep, but any further and you’re pretty much screwed.” Roman swallowed, not enjoying that imagery.
“Correct, now, we really should get moving. Even at top speed the journey will be roughly forty eight hours,” Roman felt ice in his veins at the thought of Patton having to spend even another minute in the clutches of a Sea Dragon Witch- much less two days, but he supposed it couldn't be helped.
 “Right,” Virgil nodded and before Roman could even blink, the pair were gone, leaving only two small streams of bubbles. Damn, maybe he had been hallucinating this entire time. That wouldn’t explain why he was breathing underwater, though.
Roman blinked, and the pair were back, both looking annoyed.
“Are you not coming?” Logan asked, irritated. Roman rubbed his eyes.
“I mean, I am, but I didn’t even see you guys go,” Logan snapped his fingers, a task Roman would have previously thought impossible underwater. Then again, merpeople were real and he was in lo- dating one; nothing was impossible anymore.
“Right, humans can not swim at the same speed as merfolk. Well, shit,” the last part was muttered, as if swearing were not a thing Logan was often granted. Virgil gave him a funny look, swimming over to Roman.
“Alright, Prince shithead, grab on,” Virgil shrugged his shoulders. Roman blinked.
“What?” he and Logan spoke at the same time. Virgil cringed.
“Just- hold onto my shoulders, alright? I’ve done this with Patton loads of times and so long as his…” Virgil aggressively gestured towards Roman’s legs, “...k’now, don’t get in the way, then I should only swim slightly slower than normal.”
“Okay,” Roman said, sighing. A strangled sound wrestled its way from Logan’s throat, and Roman and Virgil both looked at him curiously.
“Problem, Specs?” Roman asked. Logan’s face went pink, and his teeth were obviously grit as he replied.
“No that. That logically makes sense. However, I am also stronger than Virgil, perhaps I should carry Roman,” Virgil shot him an unimpressed look.
“You can carry him later, I don’t want him for the entire trip,” Virgil wrinkled his nose.
“Fine. Let us depart for real this time,” Logan turned away from Roman and Virgil in a way reminiscent of a pouty child. Roman wondered what was getting under his scales as he hesitantly put his hands on Virgil’s shoulders and let his legs float up a little in the water so they wouldn’t get in the way of Virgil’s tail.
“Alright. Off we go to solve a puzzle,” Virgil said.
“To find the sword,” Logan added.
“To save Patton,” Roman said, gripping Virgil’s shoulders harder as the two mermen shot off, taking Roman with them.
After what Roman had to assume was roughly eight hours of straight swimming, Roman decided that Logan was tolerable. Unlike Virgil, who seemed to grunt or hiss at everything he said like a goddamn cat, Logan would actually engage Roman in conversation.
“Watson is not a useless tool!” Roman seethed, arms tightening around Logan’s shoulders.
“Yes he is. He is nothing but a hindrance to Sherlock, and his feelings ruin everything.” Honestly, Roman wasn’t sure how Logan got his hands on any Sherlock media- something about merfolk using magic to keep books dry even underwater- but either way Logan was an idiot if he thought Watson was useless. Then again, Roman had only ever seen the show, and Logan had only ever read a few Sherlock Holmes novels.
“Well what about the time he-” Roman cut off as Logan swam straight into Virgil, who had stopped. Virgil reached his hand out and closed it in a fist, and when he pulled the fist towards himself a sword seemed to materialize from thin ai- water.
“What the fu-”
“Halt, who goes there?” Roman was surprised to see two merfolk swim towards them, both holding spears and looking more than a little pissed. Despite knowing merfolk were real now, Roman had for some reason not expected to see any on this trip; and judging from the tiny little “shit” Logan whispered, he hadn’t either. Roman felt Logan pry his hands from his shoulders. Virgil swam in front of Roman while Logan swam over to the newcomers.
“Greetings. I am Sir Logan Meer, Advisor to Prince Patton Coral of the North Atlantic Kingdom. This is my companion, Sir Virgil Pike, personal guard,” Virgil dipped his head, sticking his fist back out and causing the sword to vanish.
“Who is the third?” one of the merfolk, a mermaid with a bright red tail asked. Her hair was done up and Roman quietly admired her makeup while simultaneously wondering how she got makeup underwater. Logan glanced at Roman before returning his gaze to the two.
“A citizen from our kingdom- Roman Capistratus. He is traveling with us.” The second merperson narrowed his eyes. Roman noted an eel swimming circles around his head, occasionally burying its face in his short, dark hair. It was both scary and adorable in equal measures.
“I apologize, Sir Logan, but we are guards of the South Atlantic kingdom, and we were told to report any sightings of you. Surely you know you were ordered not to leave the palace?” Roman couldn’t see Logan’s face, but his tone of voice had an edge.
“King Emile did not need to spread the word far as the South Atlantic for me. I am merely his advisor.”
“He is simply worried after what happened with his son. Rumor has it that if the Prince is unable to be saved, he will name you heir,” the mermaid chimed in. Roman swore he could hear Logan grit his teeth.
“That will not be necessary, as we are on our way to save Patton now.” The guard Roman had dubbed ‘Eel Man’ in his head jerked to attention at that, eel swimming down to coil against his arm.
“That is a suicide mission. Sir Logan, I must insist I return you return home at once-” Roman felt something brush against his arm. Virgil leaned back and whispered in Roman’s ear.
“Trust me?”
Roman gave Virgil a disbelieving look. He’d already drank his seawater potions, how much more did this man need.
“Sure,” Roman whispered back, deciding to go along one more time. The thing that had brushed against Roman’s arm had been Virgil’s hand apparently, as his fingers tightened around his wrist. Virgil suddenly shot up in the water, swimming over the heads of the guards. Their gazes flicked up and they started back.
“Is that a human?!” Eel man asked, gripping his spear tighter. Fashion icon mermaid threw her spear at them, just barely missing Roman’s leg. Logan saw the opportunity and swam after them.
“Logan, they’re after you. I need you to swim down as far as you can until they stop following,” Virgil said. Logan shot him a look.
“Virgil I am not going to leave you,” his voice was fierce, and if it were anyone but Virgil Roman was sure they’d cave. Virgil just scowled.
“You’ll draw their attention temporarily. It will be the best for everyone,” he reasoned. Logan clearly still despised the idea, but he shot downward. The merperson and his eel shot down after Logan, but the mermaid kept after them. Roman felt Virgil’s nails dig into his wrist.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Virgil shot sideways, dragging Roman with him. Honestly, being yanked around like a ragdoll by a magical merman was not what Roman was expecting at all when he started dating Patton.
“Okay, you can do this Virgil. C’mon, c’mon,” Virgil muttered to himself, screwing his eyes shut. Roman didn’t know what he was trying to do until he suddenly vanished from view.
“Virgil?” Roman asked, He could still feel the nails digging into his wrist, and heard the quiet hiss to shut up, so he knew Virgil was still there. Must be more of his magic.
The mermaid swam around, looking confused and muttering a few curses before she slowly swam back, occasionally looking over her shoulder as if hoping to spot them.
The second she was fully from sight, Virgil appeared in Roman’s vision again. He looked even paler than normal, and his fingers were still an iron grip around Roman’s wrist. Roman realized with a start that Virgil was shaking.
“Hey, hey, she’s gone now. It’s alright,” Roman watched as Virgil opened his mouth, as if he wanted to speak, but couldn’t.
“Virgil, may I touch you?” Roman asked softly. Virgil managed a sharp nod, and Roman laid a hand on his shoulder, rubbing his thumb across the skin in soothing circles.
They stayed like that, just hovering in the middle of the ocean, until Virgil seemed to relax a little.
“Sorry,” Virgil grumbled. Roman offered him a nervous smile.
“Don’t apologize. Um, would you mind if I asked how you did that thing. With the sword?” Roman was curious, but also wanted to distract Virgil from whatever had caused such a reaction. It seemed to work, at least a little.
“Oh, it’s really simple magic. Patton taught me how to do it, actually.”
“Patton can do magic?” Roman could hardly mask his surprise. Who would’ve thought his boyfriend was not only smart, funny, talented, and beautiful- but also magic. Virgil chuckled a little.
“Yeah, everyone in the royal family can do a small amount of magic. They’re the only merfolk I can think of with any sort of magical ability that don’t have the traditional looking tail,” Virgil shimmied his fins for effect, causing Roman to snort.
“What does his tail look like? I never got to see it,” Roman asked, voice growing soft. Virgil looked at him with an expression Roman could only call calculating.
“It’s beautiful. Sky blue, with a large, frilly fin. He loves accessorizing it too. Usually with pearls or gold,” Virgil’s smile was fond. “If it were anyone but Patton, it would seem like a show of wealth and status, but nah. Patton just likes to look pretty.” Roman chuckled softly, his heart aching to see his lo- boyfriend again.
The two were silent again, stewing to themselves. Suddenly, Virgil perked his head up, and Roman looked to see Logan swimming towards them. He felt relief flood through him, and swam along with Virgil over to him. It was then Roman noticed there was a fish in Logan’s mouth- body pierced and bloody under his now stained fangs. Logan spit it out.
“There you two are. Sorry for the wait, after I lost the guard I decided to grab something for dinner. I think after all that we deserve a moment to simply relax.”
“Relax? We can’t relax! We need to save Patton,” Roman protested. Virgil and Logan shared a look.
“Roman…” Virgil began carefully, “you aren’t the one who’s been swimming almost non-stop for eight hours dragging something that weighs more than you.” Roman scowled and folded his arms, but didn’t put up any more of a fight. They were right, and it wasn’t as if he could continue on his own. Not just because he was much, much slower than the two, but also because the stupid riddle thing required both a deep sea merperson and and magic user. Neither of which Roman was.
“Okay, but I’m not eating that,” Roman gestured to the fish. Logan frowned.
“Have you chosen to be an herbivore?” Logan asked, grabbing Roman by the jaw suddenly and prying his teeth apart. “Because it appears you have the same teeth as twilight or sunlight merfolk, who are omnivores.”
“What? No, but that fish is raw and looks disgusting,” Roman scowled. Virgil snorted, picking up the fish.
“Seriously? How do you make it less ‘disgusting’ then?” Roman rolled his eyes.
“By cooking it, duh.” The two merfolk stared at him blankly, before Logan’s eyes lit up.
“Oh! Isn’t that when humans use “fire” to char their food to try and remove harmful bacteria?”
“Um. Yes?”
“Fascinating.” Logan said, “Sadly, we can not cook this, so unless you’d rather eat seaweed or algae, fish it is.” He took the fish and ripped into it with his fangs. Roman was seriously considering algae at that point as he handed it over to Virgil, who looked at Roman a second before turning away from him to eat. Apparently, merfolk could still feel self conscious. He handed the remaining chunk to Roman, who looked at it, then up at the mermen who stared expectantly. He sighed, screwing his eyes shut and biting down.
Virgil slowed to a stop next to Logan. Roman, who had maybe been half asleep, jolted awake when Virgil slapped him with his tail.
“We’re here,” Virgil said. Roman felt something akin to relief at that. After two straight days of travel with only four or five pitstops (apparently merfolk potions slowed digestive functions, which baffled Roman and embarrassed Virgil to talk about), they had finally reached Mariana Trench. Roman had obviously never seen it before, but it looked like a looming crack in the ocean floor. Logan adjusted his glasses and looked over at the two.
“I will be heading down. I do not know how long it will take to reach the bottom, nor how long it will take to solve the puzzle, so you must have patience.” The two nodded and Logan swam over to the trench, taking a moment to ready himself.
“Lo,” Virgil said. Logan turned, and Roman swore he saw whatever it was die on his tongue. “Nevermind. Just...just be careful.” Logan’s eyes softened.
“Of course.” He turned back to the trench and dove down into the depths.
Five minutes.
“Hey, Virge?”
“What?” he sounded bitter. Roman bit his lip, trying to decide how likely it would be for Virgil to punch his teeth out.
“So, I’ve been meaning to ask...are you and Logan dating?”
“WHAT? NO!” Virgil snapped, glaring at Roman as if he had asked if he had committed murder. Roman held up his hands in a peaceful gesture.
“Alright! Sorry for asking!”
“What gave you that idea anyway?” Virgil grumbled, hunching in on himself. Roman looked at him curiously.
“Uh, he seems to flip out whenever I even look at you? Also, whenever you take over carrying me, he tries to convince you not to,” Virgil's face went pink.
“That could be anything. He doesn’t like me like that.” Roman swam closer, Virgil swam back.
“But you like him?” His words were met with silence. Roman sighed, settling down on a rock and patting next to him. Virgil looked at him warily before swimming down and settling next to him.
“Virge. I know it may be hard to see, but I really think he likes you as well. He probably just doesn’t know how to show it. You should try and be bold! Ask him out, y’know?” Roman didn’t know what he was expecting, but for Virgil’s face to darken was not it. He glared at Roman and swam back again.
“You don’t know anything about him! About us!” Virgil hissed, “He doesn't like me. He’ll never like me, and even if he did I wouldn’t want to be his stupid rebound crush.” Virgil’s voice began to grow louder, as if he were spilling what he had kept locked away for a long time.
“I’M NOT A REPLACEMENT! I DESERVE TO BE LOVED TOO! I just-” Virgil’s voice cracked, and his body began to shake. Roman swam closer, slowly opening his arms. Virgil swam forward and buried himself in them. Roman enclosed him in an embrace and ran a hand through his hair, feeling the water around Virgil’s face grow slightly warm with his tears.
“Of course you aren’t, Virge,” Roman murmured, “I’m sorry I pushed you.”
“I just wish he loved me,” Virgil whispered. Roman hummed, staring at the trench as he rocked the sobbing merman comfortingly.
Roman stared at trench, wondering how long it had been. It felt like days to him, but it could have only been a few hours. Roman sighed, looking down at where Virgil had fallen asleep in his lap. After his slight meltdown, Virgil had gotten even more hostile for a short period of time before giving up and just letting Roman in.
Apparently, Logan had a crush on another merman who had recently gotten in a relationship- a fact Logan had confided in Virgil, so Virgil was afraid that even if Logan ended up returning his affections, it would be in an attempt to get over his original feelings. It was a sentiment Roman could certainly relate to on some level, as he had multiple boyfriends throughout his life. Roman sighed, running a soothing hand up and down Virgil’s back.
He considered also taking a nap, despite the fact some dangerous sea creature could come and kill them at any moment when something shot up out of the trench. Roman squawked, falling back and causing Virgil to jolt awake, summoning his sword and positioning himself in front of Roman (which made Roman feel slightly offended. He could take care of himself, thank you very much). The thing turned, eyes wild, and Roman finally recognized him.
“Logan!” Roman laughed in relief. Logan spotted them and swam over, something clenched in his fist. He suddenly flung his arms around Virgil’s shoulders, pulling him close.
“You’re alright,” he mumbled. Virgil looked frozen, turning to Roman for assistance. Roman just shrugged. Logan, apparently coming to his senses, pulled back, holding out his fist and opening it. An old looking key sat in his palm.
“I found the key, as well as our next location. It’s not too terribly far from here.” Virgil still looked to be going into shock, but Roman couldn’t help but let out a giddy laugh.
“We’re so close!” he said, “We’re so close to finding the stupid sword, and then we can finally save Patton!” Virgil managed to shake himself, and turned to Roman, a small smile growing on his lips.
“Damn right we are!” he turned to Logan. “Lead the way then, Lo,” Logan nodded, sharply.
“We are going to save our friend.” Roman grinned.
“Or we’ll die trying!”
General Writing Taglist:  @angeliclogan @pattons-constellations@amuthefunperson @tatergator27@honeycoloredcorduroy@1esor2 @that-royal-ravenclaw@sardonicsanders@iridescentroyalty @sheeparecutest @pathos-logical @virge-of-a-breakdown @doodlesxkiwi
Royality Royalty: @notveryglittery Coral and Crowns Taglist: @impatentpending  @why-things-go-boom @moralitytime @2sporky4you
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blackrosesfanfic · 6 years
Chapter 180
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"I'm not sure what's going on." I shrug.
"How can you not know about your own life, Christopher?" Cammie snaps.
I chuckle. Trey told me to leave her alone. I forgot. Just that fast I remember and move away from her. She rolls her eyes at me as I walk away. I don't even remember what we were talking about before she got upset. I don't need her conversation. There's plenty of people to talk to.
"Want to spike the punch?"
"With water I'm hoping." Sevyn snaps looking me up and down.
I look around the room. "Are you and Cammie programmed to have the same attitudes?"
"No. You aren't supposed to be drinking. You are at a family oriented event. Plus there are kids currently at the fountain drinking punch."
"Chill. It was a joke."
"A bad one."
I sigh and change the subject. "Shall we talk about how fucking dope this party is?"
She crosses her arms. "I mean shit. Who the fuck does Disney think they are revealing? I'm like damn. I know that ice waterfall is expensive as hell."
"You being a hater?" I say kissing her cheek.
"Girl." MiMi says walking up. "Like who the fuck is Caden?"
Amber spins around looking at MiMi. "Okay. I just said that."
"They got real fucking plants, animals, and shit."
"Maybe Cammie fucked Walt Disney and that's really his baby."
I scrunch up my face. "Maybe Caden was born premature and they feel like they need to give some encouragement."
They both look at me. MiMi speaks. "The one time we need you not to speak positive you fucking open your mouth. Bitch shut up."
"Clearly we hating." Amber says then they both walk away.
"Shit." I say out loud to myself.
I go sit down next to the oversized ugly monkey. A few seconds later Lane comes over to me. He punches the monkey then looks at me. I ignore him. He stares like I'm bothering the monkey or some shit. I turn and look at him.
"What, Bitch?" he says.
"Nigga." I laugh then push his chest.
He wipes his chest off. "No touch me. This you mama."
I look at him. "Huh?"
"This you mama." he pointing at the monkey.
"Nigga that's yo mama." I laugh.
Lane keeps a straight face. "Kiss yo mama, Chris."
"Oh this little boy got jokes." I say shaking my head.
"Chris, you see that tiger? I touch it."
I look away from him. "I ain't talking to you."
"Punk." he says. "You mama this orangutan."
"Orangutan? Nigga you can't even pronounce your daddy name right but you say orangutan."
He raises his eyebrows. "You look like you mama."
I put my head on my knees laughing. Oh shit. This bad ass little boy. I look at him. He is smiling at me devilishly. This nigga only 2 the fuck he mean I look like my mama? Damn, I should have recorded him. Nobody going to believe me.
"Lane, your mama wants you." Trey says coming up.
"Yo, your son fucking talks too good for 2."
Trey nods. "Yeah. What he say to you?"
"That the monkey my mama." I cut my eyes at Trey. He laughed too hard. "Then he repeated it saying my mama was the orangutan. That wasn't enough so he said I look like my mama."
"Shut the fuck up." Trey laughs holding his stomach. "Did he really?"
I shrug. "Why would I lie?"
Trey turns and walks away. "Cammie got him saying orangutan."
"He bad."
"Yeah." Trey nods walking through the tables to Cammie.
Amber comes up. "Hey, sexy."
"Me or my mama?" I say pointing to the monkey.
"What?" she laughs.
"That's what Lane says."
She laughs then sits on my lap. "Cammie says we need to stop fucking hating. There is a table with little bear shaped sandwiches and honey combs. You know like the real bee honeycomb. Cute fucking party. Want to find a bathroom and act like we Adam and Eve after they found out what sex was?"
"No?" she says standing up.
I stand up. "Yes."
She walks to the waterfall where MiMi was. MiMi pushes her away from her. They share a laugh then Amber comes back to me.
"MiMi wasn't down with watching."
"You did not ask her that."
Amber smiles walking away. "I swear I did. Follow me."
We walk pass an area with a mini bouncy house. King and Saint were the only ones playing on it. What the hell is Saint doing here? I look back behind me. I didn't see Kim or Kanye here.
"Oh my gosh."
"My bad." I say turning around.
We walk out into the hall. I grab her hugging her close to me. Getting mad cause she wants the dick and it's being delayed. I pull us back as she tries to walk forward. Get even more mad and heated. I beg you. She stops walking realizing I was winning. I let her go then walk forward into her. She spins around hitting me. I kiss her cheek hitting my lip.
"Oh good. Now you can't eat pussy for 24 hours."
I laugh. "Everyone think they funny today. Ain't shit funny."
"Right, Mr. CB." she says pulling me in another direction.
"You look sexy as hell in this dress."
"I'm not wearing anything under it." She smirks.
I start feeling on her for some. "Why not, my love?"
"Doesn't go with the outfit." she shrugs.
She dead ass serious and I'm hard ass fuck. I look around the bathroom. Cammie and Lane stop drying their hands at the same time and look at us. I smile.
"What the hell y'all doing in here?"
"They use the bathroom." Lane says throwing his paper towel away.
Cammie looks at him. "Thank you, Lane."
He giggles. "You welcome, Mommy."
"It's too crowded in here." Cammie says grabbing Lane's hand. "This is for one person. Nasty."
"You gonna touch the tiger, Mommy."
Cammie sucks her teeth. "Boy, no."
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Lane makes sure that he is the center of attention. In public he does it in a terrible way. He is demanding and cranky. At home he is wild and free. I can't deal with him and his mother. Luckily she is dealing with him. She is also dealing with her own attitude. We cut guest holding Caden short. He doesn't like going from arm to arm. Cammie says that it's the different smells. I think she is okay with nobody touching him.
"How much longer is this party?" Cammie says when I come near.
"You are the one with the schedule."
"I'm wondering why these people took the time out of their busy lives to come see my baby. What is so important about a baby? Is it just the chance to... Oh shit. Trey."
I lean down to her. "You okay, Jay?"
She smiles extra hard. It's Michelle Obama and Malia. "Hello."
"Glad I made it. This is nice."
"You just took this party to the next level." I say. "Meet Caden Elijah."
She smiles. "Awh, Lee, look at him? May I?"
Cammie stands up extra anxious. "Yes, go ahead."
"Handsome." she smiles while there are hundreds of cameras flashing and such. "Hello, Caden."
"He is cute." Malia says leaning into Michelle to see Caden.
I smile. "He being good for you. He has been mistreating everyone else. Nobody could hold him this long."
"He knows how to be a gentleman." Michelle says then look around. "Where is my buddy Lane?"
"He will not stop asking people to take him to the tiger. It's real." Cammie says pointing.
Malia turns and walks away. "No way."
"I prayed for this little guy during his hospital stay. I was thrilled to get the invitation to his reveal party. Such a cute idea. I want to hold him for hours. He is so adorable and well behaved." She gives him back to Cammie. "I know he is still new to the world. I won't hold him too long with my world germs."
"Thank you for coming." Cammie says.
I take Caden as Cammie hands him to me. He opens his eyes looking at me. In a way this party is too over the top. They have a $1000 blanket with me and the family on it. How did you get a blanket to cost so much? Must be imported or some shit. Too much. I rock Caden. He starts quivering his bottom lip. Oh Cammie better take him back. I put his pacifier in his mouth. He stares at me for a few seconds before he starts sucking it. Damn, I'm going to have two Lane's running around. The world is not ready.
"Look at these goodies." MiMi says with a washcloth.
"You carrying around shit in a washcloth?" I snap hitting her forehead.
She cuts her eyes at me then look at Caden. "Bitch, you better be glad."
"What is that?" Cammie asks.
"I was walking Forever My First Lady to the bathroom and I saw that they set up a table by the door with these."
She opens the washcloth out. There was candy in it, a piece of paper, a golden ticket, and a box. I grab the paper. It's a thank you note. The ticket was to a premiere of the Jungle Book Movie. I reach for the box but MiMi picks it up.
"It's mine so don't touch."
"What is it girl?" I snap.
She opens it. "It's mine."
I reach for it. She snaps the box closed and moves away. It was a beautiful locket with Caden's picture in it. I couldn't see if it was on a necklace or not. MiMi's ass wasn't letting me see the damn thing. Just so happen Natalie walks her happy ass pass me.
"Aye, come here. Get me one of those party things."
"The little storks with the baby?"
I nod. "If that's what it is."
"They are watching the table. You can only get one going out."
She shrugs. "We tried to get one. They were like are you coming back in? If so wait."
I look at MiMi. "You thief how did you get that?"
"She has one?" Natalie snaps. "Me and Teyana were trying to get one. Where is TeeTee?"
"You snitching." MiMi says grabbing her washcloth with the stuff in it.
"You camera ready?" CiCi asks walking up to us. "They want to give you a gift. Cammie you ready?"
Of course Cammie has an attitude. "We been on camera all day. What else is there to take a picture of? Like how many times you need a picture?"
"Jay, chill. We ready." I moving to her like I'm giving her Caden. "You need a quick reminder of your attitude?"
I kiss her. "Just kidding, Jay."
A guy that works with Cammie comes up. He nods his head at her smiling too fucking hard. Motherfucker. I'm about to act out now. The fuck wrong with this white man? They love marveling over our black women. I start to say something but he moves on. He stands to the side of me and turn to the crowd.
"What a lovely family, right? Thank you all for attending this very special moment. I like to give a special thanks on behalf of Disney to the Neverson family for allowing us all to be a part of their special moment. Also on the behalf of Disney I would like to present you with this gift. As well as the beautiful family blanket hanging up and the numerous stuffed animals around the room. I'm sure Lane would love that as he has been beating them up all day."
"No say my name." Lane whispers. "Daniel."
He hears Lane say his name and look back. "As you leave be sure to grab a party favor with a special gift from Disney. Thank you again and welcome to the Disney family, Caden Elijah."
"Daniel, don't say my brother."
"Lane, would you like to say something?" he asks Lane.
Lane comes from behind Cammie and take the mic. What? I look at Cammie. Lane doesn't do anything publicly. There is no way he is about to step in front of the crowd and talk about something. What got into him?
"Hey, tiger." Lane says.
"Lane say thank you." Cammie giggles.
Lane smiles. "Thank you, tiger."
I laugh. He only wants to talk to the tiger and ignore all the people looking at him. I take the mic away from him. This boy does stuff everyday that surprises me. Like him knowing Daniel's name when I didn't remember it. Daniel has not been here long enough to talk to Lane. Daniel sits a huge basket down on a table that someone brings up.
"Thank you all for everything. The support and gifts that you gave during the rough start of Caden's life. We want to see the same turn out this summer at the epic birthday party for Lane. Same effort Daniel." I say.
He smiles then starts clapping. Caden wasn't liking that at all. I put the mic down then try to calm him down. He does for a few seconds. Cammie takes him from me.
"I'm going to feed him okay?" she says then starts kissing him. "Mommy knows. Okay. I know."
"What do Mommy say?" Lane asks me tapping my leg.
I look at him. "Bruh, you so far down there. Mommy said she going to feed Caden. Lane, you get to take the monkey home."
"The orangutan." he says like I'm stupid.
He gets excited. "I go get it."
"Let me see that." I chuckle as he runs off. That thing is twice his height. "MiMi, you a bitch."
"Tremaine, you a fucking phoney ass wanna be Bryson Tiller."
Damn. I turn my back to her. She played the shit out of me. There's nothing I can call her ass to top that. I start looking though the basket. There were a few stuffed animals with Caden's name on them. There was also cookies, candy, and ribbons. It had a booklet of different premiere dates and showtimes that we could attend. I left up a bear. There's a cube with different pictures of Caden. Some of them were the pictures from the book that the doctor gave us. Others were of today. I take out another box that is about the same size as the photo box. I open it and get light headed. They about to make me cry in this bitch. A watch. No not just a watch. A fucking Mille Miglia. Fuck.
"You brought a watch?" Cammie says touching my arm. "Why are you looking at it like that?"
"I didn't buy this." I say staring at it.
She kisses my cheek. "You don't have a Mille like that."
I look at her. "How you know what it is?"
"Tremaine, I know all your dirty secrets. Who gave that to you?"
"Disney. In the box." I say closing it then opening it.
"And what does the mother of your child have?"
I make a face at her. "I did all the work."
"Shut up. Look through the thing."
I go back into the basket. There's another heavier box. I open it and smile. Cammie moves closer. I hand her the box then take Caden out of her arms. Inside the box is a gold elephant with two baby elephants at her feet. The mother was decorated with diamonds. I pick up the card.
"It says that it's handmade by some French name." I say.
"Look at this?" she says pulling something out of the basket. "How cute is this?"
I make a face at it. She giggles then hits me.
"Tremaine, it's a baby carrier and a baby bag for you."
"That looks like a bullet proof vest?"
She sits it beside the basket then take some candy out. "It's cute."
I kiss her lips. Her nasty ass pushing her candy into my mouth. I poke her side then take the candy out my mouth.
"Nasty ass."
"You only say that because we fully clothed. No nasty?"
I turn away from her. "Shut up, yo."
She touches my neck. "Eww."
"Jayla, leave me alone."
"All the way alone or a little bit alone? Like how much?"
I step away from her. "This much alone."
She laughs. "Okay, fine. Hey, over there."
I look back at her. She is talking to April. April waves at Cammie then keeps talking to some lady. I shake my head. They fake as shit. I don't know what I would do if they didn't get along majority of the time. I turn around walking up to Cammie and kissing her cheek. She puts her hands on my chest then push me away. I look down at Caden in my arms. He was blinking slow doing to sleep.
"Caden did good. Right?" I say to Cammie.
"5 seconds. You couldn't stay over there mad for 5 seconds?"
"It was more than that."
Cammie giggles. "Okay. Yes he did do good."
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Yin-Yang Chapter 23: RUN FOR IT!!!
Chase Young x Abused! Reader
(Y/n) collapsed on the bed just as the sun began to rise. She then notices a small ball of black energy forming on the nightstand before it disappears leaving a plate of food in its place. (Y/n) glares at the plate before rolling over. She was up all night, trying to escape. None of the 24 different tactics she tried would work. She didn’t even try to attempt teleporting because she knew that there wasn’t any kind of powerful energy that she could lock onto that wouldn’t end up making the situation worse. 
Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. ‘What if I pretend to give in and make a run for it when their backs are turned?’ She knew that she had to act fast if she was going to get back to Chase before the 24 hours were up. She quickly began searching for a pen and paper, when she found what she needed, she quickly wrote a note saying that she gave up. She then ate the food that was on the plate, placed the napkin over the empty plate and put the note on top before setting it back on the nightstand. All she could do now was wait, she only had 5 hours remaining until it had been a full day, each minute felt like an eternity. Finally, the plate disappeared, taking the note with it. She began pacing around the room until a sudden *CLICK* rang out through the room before the door slowly opened, revealing none other than King Yan himself. With a victorious grin on his face, King Yan stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. “So, you’ve finally come to your senses and decided to join me, huh? Come let us talk.” He says gesturing to the bed before sitting down and patting the spot next to him. (Y/n) took a deep breathe before taking a seat away from him. He then slid over to press himself up against her. She then attempted to move over but he had caught her by the waist to where she couldn’t move away. “Where are you going? I just want to get to know my little pet.” He whispered in her ear before licking his lips, making her skin crawl. She took another deep breathe before turning back to him with the most scared and sad look she could muster before giving a little sniffle and throwing herself against his chest, which caught him off guard. “I’m just so scared when I’m alone. P-p-please don’t leave me in here anymore.” She prayed that she was convincing enough. She then felt King Yan’s arms come around her in a hug, and then he kissed her on the head. (Y/n) didn’t know what he was doing until flashes of the past forced themselves forward. It wasn’t long until she realized that he was looking at her memories. 
“You poor little thing. No wonder you clung to Young. You were desperate to belong. Don’t you worry, I’ll give you a place to belong.” King Yan said after looking through her memories. The way he said it creeped (Y/n) out. ‘Yeah, you’ll give me the perfect chance to make a run for it and get back to Chase so that he can beat the-’ Her thoughts were interrupted by him picking her up princess style. “Come. We were just about to go wreak some more havoc. I want you to come with us so that you may witness the pure splendor of the dark powers that I, King Yan, possess.” He says as he walks out the door with (Y/n) still in his arms.
“Father? Why is SHE coming with us?” Wuya asks as she stares at (Y/n) like she’s trying burn a hole through her. “I don’t want her to be by herself anymore. I thought this would be the perfect way to show her the beauty behind my power and keep her from being alone. Plus I feel as though we need to keep her with us if we want to keep her from the Xiaolin. Now, let us be on our way, to show the world the power of King Yan.” He says before he surrounds the group with his black energy and teleports them to their destination. 
When (Y/n) opens her eyes, she finds a sign that reads “Welcome to Tusayan”. “Tusayan?” She asks in confusion. King Yan then sets her down as he explains, “Tusayan is a tourist town on the eastern part of the Grand Canyon. Wuya, I want you to keep an eye on her. If she needs anything, take care of it. Got it, Wuya? And don’t let her get hurt.” Wuya sighs in irritation, “Yes, father.” King Yan then turned around and began walking towards the town as black flames form with each step he took. ‘With us right next to the Grand Canyon, I’ll be able to lose them in no time.’ (Y/n) thought as she patiently waited. Wuya then stepped forward, getting excited to watch her father work. (Y/n) slowly stepped back until she was sure that nobody was watching then she turned around and bolted. Sliding down the side of the canyon, she hears a distant “Hey!” from Wuya and she knew that she had to get out of there and find a way back to the Xiaolin Temple. ‘Hold on Chase. I’m coming.’
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