kamenrideryeets · 2 years
You realize that Surge has just... lost her motivation?
She was screaming about destroying the world when she first got the Dynamo Cage, but at this point she's just being casual about fueling her power addiction. She doesn’t mention being “superior” to Sonic. She doesn’t mention Starline. Because it doesn’t matter to her anymore.
Her and Kit just hollowly stare at each other before confronting Sonic and Tails, in an utterly emotionally broken state. 
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Look at them. They don't even want this. Any of this. They don't care about it at all.
Ian has literally said his view on this is that Surge can't let go of her hate, because it is literally her only identity. If she stands down in front of Sonic, if she gives up fighting him, she is an empty shell with no meaning and no purpose. And the same goes for Kit leaving Surge’s side. He is literally nothing without her.
At this point, their only motivation is spite. They just don't want Sonic to win.
And walking away, letting go, trying to find a new life, responding to what's happened to them in literally any healthy way, is what Sonic told them to do, ergo, it counts as Sonic winning.
After issue 56, regardless of Surge’s mental state, regardless of the fate of the Dynamo Cage, regardless of the status of the duo’s relationship, whichever way all this unfolds, I AM NOT GOING TO BE OKAY.
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birdiewolf · 2 years
I can’t take Faruzan seriously at all. Every time I look at her all I can think of is that one moment in snapcube’s sonic riders fan dub where hatsune Miku showed up with a gun and Chase complete loses his shit and yells ‘HATSUNE MIKU IS THAT YOU HAVE YOU COME TO PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY’ and Ryan voicing hatsune Miku just goes ‘you’re gonna have to beg a lot harder than that motherfucker😒😒’
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mikak haru weed
Why are you like this.
also for people who think it's bad to joke about weed, know that my depictions of them are quite always them as adults, as thats what I see them as. (my brain sees hopes peak as a more college type place, somehow. maybe a 9th grade to college type thing)
Mikako's weed experience but it's me directly taking from the sonic fandubs
CW for guns.
Mikako didn't feel so good. Why were all her limbs slack. Why couldn't she move her eyes, why couldn't she move her mouth? Was this an eternal dialouge?
She couldn't see the end of the horizon.
long cyan-ish hair came into view. IS THAT HATSUNE MIKU?!?!?!
"You're going to have to beg a little harder than that, motherfucker." Hatsune Miku said, wielding a shotgun.
"What will you, give me?" Hatsune Miku asked, lowering the shotgun to the other's head.
"I will give you the satisfaction of snuffing out another life. Please-" Mikako whispered, tears beginning to dampen her eyes.
"Mmmmmaybe. Not sure if that's enough." Hatsune Miku hummed, still aiming at Mikako's head.
"Hey, what's going on over here, pals? Is that fucking Hatsune Miku?.... Are you asking for death from Hatsune Miku?" Haruhiko said, walking over with eyes just as red and dry.
"Yup!" Hatsune Miku said, smiling.
Haruhiko took a minute to process this. "ME NEXT! ME NEXT! ME NEXT!"
Hatsune Miku hummed as she turned the barrel of the gun to Haruhiko. "mmmmmmmmMMaybe."
"Certainly, you feel this horrible, diminished, existence, too, Haruhiko. I can't be the only one who feels they are less than whole. Please." Mikako said, turning her head weakly.
"What can you offer me?" the Vocaloid asked Haruhiko, ignoring Mikako.
"I... feel like a ragdoll... being manipulated." Haruhiko said, slightly drowsy.
"Fuck, can't imagine." Hatsune Miku said, sarcastically.
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quincywillows · 2 years
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THE FLATMATES AU 📦 An AMBITION universe created by Maggie and Ellie ( @jadenigel )
Sure, a performing arts high school sounds like a wild ride... but for anyone who has been to university -- any university -- they know that college is a rollercoaster all its own. That is the magic, misery, and mischief that attending Adams University will inevitably bring, no singing, dancing, or performing hallucinations required. And as anyone who has survived a housing situation knows, nothing can make or break your life experience more than who you get stuck living with for any stretch of time... put more simply, who your roommates might be (or your FLATMATES, as the kiwis and Brits say across the pond).
The rule of thumb is true as ever for Jade Beamon and Riley Matthews, both unassuming gals who find themselves sharing space with an interesting collection of characters (and their equally colorful cast of friends). All seven residents of suite 314 have their work cut out for them, facing challenges and adventures that range from coursework to chores-work to connections platonic or romantic... that is, if they can make it through the semester first!
To my dear pal Ellie: though it wasn’t my initial plan to make a gift for you as well this SS, I am so pleased I got the chance to! You mentioned on your list at the very bottom that you were open to “AU,” and I figured what better way to meet that suggestion than by bringing back a beloved AU we created together that is just begging to be resurrected... while sharing some fun music along the way! I love you so much friend, please enjoy this sonic journey through the world of FLATMATES... and perhaps it’ll give us the inspiration to jump back in come 2022! 💖🎀
Below, meet the seven residents of suite 314 by exploring a handful of the music you might hear when passing by their room... and bop along to the full Flatmates Aesthetic here! ✨
Jade Beamon ( 314, Room 1A ) 🎶 || Jade is the everyman who takes us into the world of suite 314, and suffice to say she is just trying to keep her head above water. Getting into the competitive and creative-intensive design program at Adams University was no easy feat, and she is determined not to mess it up. Still, she doesn’t want to entirely miss out on the social scene of her new school and even her new flat... even if she doesn’t totally get the vibes of some of her new flatmates. Do we need to have friends over every single day (Dylan)? On the flip side, isn’t it kind of rude to never come out of your room (Charlie)? And where the hell even is her own roommate, Maya Hart, who never seems to be around? Then there’s Nigel, the cute acting major who lives just across the suite... but no, no, Jade can’t get distracted. Friendship is just fine. Who has time for crushes, anyway...
Riley Matthews ( 314, Room 2A ) 🎶 || For Riley, university is going to be her fresh start. She wasn’t very popular in high school -- okay, she wasn’t popular at all -- but nobody knows her here at Adams, and she’s determined to spread her wings and blossom into the social butterfly she knows she can be. If that means that she has to be the one bringing everyone together, so be it... though might be easier said than done, since her flat is a bizarre amalgamation of personalities. Trying to win over her own roommate, Isadora, might be a challenge, since they seem blunt and busy and maybe far cooler than her... and she has to avoid getting spooked and sidetracked by Isa’s good friend, LJ, who is equal parts intimidating and unbelievably attractive.
Isadora De La Cruz ( 314, Room 2B ) 🎶 || Whatever socializing suitemate bullshit Riley and Dylan keep peddling, Isa doesn’t have time for it. They’ve got things to do, films to storyboard, stages to manage, and wasting any precious time trying to “bond” as a flat just seems like a waste of time considering a third of them seem to never be around, and the rest of them are so different, Isa doesn’t see how they could come together. Bonding with Riley seems hard enough, since she’s sweet and optimistic and had to have been the most popular girl in school wherever she came from. So what if part of it is that Isa has never been very good at making friends... whatever. They don’t care. It’s fine.
Dylan Orlando ( 314, Room 3A ) 🎶 || How the hell does Dylan Orlando already have friends? Seriously, he’s barely been here six hours, and already he’s bringing around new friends (some dudes named Dave and Nate -- loud dudes, Isa and Jade care to note) while the rest of the flat is still unpacking. He seems nice enough, social and friendly and keen to talk any time. About anything. But no one can seem to figure out what he’s studying -- even himself. And what’s the point of trying to be his friend when he clearly already has plenty to spare? Surely, he’s not worried about getting left behind... although Jade better watch out, because Dylan does appear to be strangely not busy and hanging around any time her new friend from design Asher comes around to study...
Nigel Chey ( 314, Room 3B ) 🎶 || If there’s one thing Nigel might have in common with Isa, it’s that he, too, is determined to focus on academics. He got into the prestigious acting program, and that’s his dream, so he isn’t going to let anything affect his chances to get everything out of the school he can. He has to be especially careful, since he’s on scholarship, and one misstep might send everything crumbling down... that makes rooming with Dylan Orlando tricky, because it’s nearly impossible to study lines and dig into plays when all his roommate wants to do is talk. He’s nice, and everything, but how is Nigel supposed to get anything done? Guess he’ll just go seek refuge in Jade’s room... she always lets him hang in there, she’s a good study partner, and Maya is never around anyway... he’s certainly not just ending up in there with her for any other reason...
Charlie Gardner ( 314, Room 4 ) 🎶 || If you saw Charlie, no you didn’t. Some of the flatmate friends don’t even believe he exists. It was no mistake that Charlie ended up with the single room -- it was a strategic survival instinct, because it gives him the perfect place to study and the best place to hide. It’s not that he doesn’t want to make friends, especially considering college is the first place he’s planning not to hide his sexuality, but how does anyone socialize and not make a complete embarrassment of themselves? I mean, he’s an education major. What’s he supposed to talk about? Lesson plans? No one wants to casually talk about English literature. And it’s a miracle if Charlie can even speak at all half the time, let alone when everyone else in his suite seems to be perfectly sociable and talkative and have it all under control. Who needs his input anyway... and God forbid they bring friends over, or even worse, cute friends, like Nigel’s new friend Zay... no, no, it’s better to hunker down and hide. No one probably even notices he’s gone.
Maya Hart ( 314, Room 1B ) 🎶 || Everyone’s all “where the hell is Maya?” As if it’s some big crime to not be lazing around the suite all day long. Sorry, Maya’s got places to be! People to see! She’s got big dreams, and she’s not wasting her scholarship-given spot in the music program. So if you don’t see her around, well, that’s your problem. She doesn’t have time to explain -- sorry, got a spot booked in the uni recording studio! Much love, muah, see you in three weeks! Maybe!
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
💖 first time reader click here 💖
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Venom + reader = symbiote. More canon typical violence and mentioned cannibalism (Venom eats bad guys). Some angst at the end - reader really went behind the Avengers' backs, huh? But it's gonna be okay.
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Is this how babies feel in the uterus? The darkness was nearly impenetrable but at the same time comforting and warm. It wasn't dry and it wasn't wet; it just was. I was floating in weightless space, subtly feeling the echos of a battle, hearing the sounds of struggle as if I was underwater.
"MORSEL, I WILL CONSUME THESE HUMANS. IT MIGHT FEEL SLIGHTLY UNPLEASANT." Venom's voice seemed to reverb in my skull, bringing my awareness to us. We. We are Venom.
"Don't eat Cabre, he's been possessed. Put him out if you can, but don't hurt yourself. I have very little information about this demon thing," I said - well, I thought, hoping Venom would hear me. A possessed enhanced mutant person was bad but a possessed carnivorous symbiote was nightmare fuel. I also didn't want Venom to hurt themselves; the sonic gun looked painful enough already.
I felt rather than heard the agreement coming from Venom; for a brief moment, the three of us were Venom as the symbiote entered Cabre's body to alter his chemicals. The sensation was foreign, unpleasant, and I shuddered at the violation. The sense of comfort that came once Venom returned fully to me was inexplicable. I began to understand why Eddie didn't want to part with Venom; the symbiote's continued presence felt quite comforting.
Very similar to how I felt when I sat with Tony, him inside of me, for hours, with our bodies joined and minds working in quiet agreement.
I gasped inwardly, doing my best to distract myself from the crunching and wet noises that managed to break Venom's barrier. "Would you rather I barf inside of you?" I snarked, giving into the urge to roll my eyes. Not the time to be picky-choosy, Chtulhu.
"YOU DO NOT WANT TO WASTE PRECIOUS ENERGY RIGHT NOW. WE STILL HAVE A LOT TO CONSUME AND I WILL NEED TO REPAIR EDDIE." The symbiote announced patiently, a sense of deep longing beginning to seep into our bond at the mention of my uncle's name.
The points Venom raised were valid and I was as eager to be Just Me as Venom craved to reunite with Eddie; I receded, racking my brain for something to focus on to be able to ignore the cannibalistic experience and not "waste precious energy". "I have a subdermal tracker installed, tap it three times to activate it if you need backup," Belatedly, I remembered about my cyborg experiment.
Venom appeared to contemplate it. "NOT NOW. THIS BATTLE IS NOT VERY HARD." They finally concluded as a particularly piercing scream echoed in my ears. "YOUR MATES WILL BE ANGRY IF THEY FIND OUT. WE CAN MAKE SURE THEY DO NOT FIND OUT."
As surprised as I was at the extended courtesy, I had to face myself and my lies sooner or later anyways. "We'll tell them anyways. I'll take the blame, you play dumb together with Eddie. Consider it a trade," If I could, I would be rubbing my face right now. "I took you out to an all-you-can-eat human buffet, you took me out to take care of a problem. We're even."
Venom snorted as I felt the random crunching and squelching noises slowly begin to quiet down. "FUNNY MORSEL," I assumed it was a compliment as the feelings that leaked through the bond were actually quite fond. "THE OTHER MORSELS SHOULD BE GRATEFUL. WE WILL BRING POSSESSED HUMAN TO THEIR DOORSTEP. WE DID THE JOB FOR THEM." However, it was obvious the kind feelings didn't quite extend to SHIELD or the Avengers. I struggled to comprehend how Venom planned to take all three of us to the tower anyway, with both Cabre and Eddie being out of commission and me currently being, well, Venom.
I needn't have worried, however. There was a slight pressure on one of my shoulders followed by a brief, ten-minute strange sensation of flying, the added weightlessness making me drowsy in the darkness of Venom's fluid body. As soon as it stopped I heard voices that seemed faintly familiar - names that I recognized, but not quite sure from where.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The yelling reached my ears through the layers of symbiote, making me cringe. Tony's piercing shriek of shock hurt.
"Could you please not be so loud, it fuckin' hurts," I moaned without a thought, hastily shutting up when the voice that spoke my words roared.
"Pri... Princess?" I heard glass shatter; focusing my eyes was hard and the field of view was funky to say the least; I towered over Tony's shaking form by at least good few feet. Subconsciously, I felt the need to taste the air - my engineer boyfriend recoiled at the same time I realized I had stuck out my-Venom's-our tongue, feeling the familiar salt and musk as if I just straight up licked Tony from head to toe.
"Believe me, this is just as weird for me," I spoke, trying to control my and Venom's combined limbs. Deeply inside my brain, I swear I felt the symbiote's snickering. "Venom, can you unattach yourself from me? Please?" I begged, absolutely hating Tony's expression of fear and confusion.
"WE HAVE TO DIGEST FIRST," The symbiote replied unapologetically but took control over the limbs, carelessly dropping Cabre at Tony's feet. "YOUR MERCENARY. SAME-DAY DELIVERY, NO RETURNS," We grinned together. I had felt Venom rummaging my brain for an appropriate joke and supplied it myself. The adrenaline rush arrived late, something I suspect was Venom's handiwork, and I basked in the sudden influx of joy and exhilaration.
Tony slowly slid down the wall, landing ungracefully on his ass, staring straight up with unblinking eyes. "Friday, please assemble the Avengers. And make Bruce bring me booze, please," I've never heard Tony this dejected.
I, on the other hand, was feeling really strange. Joyful one moment and confused the next, I let Venom handle most of the business as my mind faded in and out of focus, limbs growing heavy with each breath that I took. Or I didn't? Panic set in when I realized I couldn't breathe, couldn't inhale.
"CALM DOWN, MORSEL. I AM SUPPLYING YOU WITH THE OXYGEN," Venom's voice interrupted my panic attack as I once again was deposited in the calm, comfortable darkness. "SHE IS FINE. SYMBIOSIS CAN BE STRESSFUL FOR FIRST TIME HOSTS. I WILL GLADLY RETURN TO EDDIE AS SOON AS THE CHEMICALS IN OUR SYSTEM ALLOW ME TO SAFELY WITHDRAW." I heard more voices and I assume Venom calming down the newly arrived Avengers. My mind was still murky, like when Venom dulled it on purpose when they were eating people. Eating people. "I SUGGEST YOU PREPARE A WASTE BIN. MORSEL WILL MOST LIKELY FEEL SICK."
Oh boy, did I feel sick! As soon as Venom retracted back into my skin, I hurled, Steve catching the most of it by pushing a large bucket right in my face whilst Bruce gently rubbed my back. I avoided looking at the contents even though I consciously knew that there wasn't much more than water and bile, having previously felt first-hand exactly how Venom digested their food.
"I'm a dumbass, please put me out of my misery," The words were spoken seriously. Physically, I felt the best I've ever had: aches and pains I had gotten used disappeared and my body felt invigorated. Mentally, however, I felt drained, confused and so, so alone in my skin. As if my brain itched. Someone was talking and I heard none of it.
"Shh, come here, come here," Eddie's voice was drowsy as his arms wrapped around me, scratching that lonely itch in my brain. I grasped at him, hiding my face in his chest, missing most of what was being said. "Yeah, it's not exactly painful, more like... You feel not whole for a few hours after you separate. Not the best feeling, especially if the separation was forced," His voice bore the same pain I seemed to be experiencing at the moment. So alone in my skin.
Another large palm landed on my back as I sighed in contentment. "I'll take her. Do you guys need something?" Bruce's voice reached my ears, my brain finally agreeing to recognise human speech.
"A shower and some chocolate would be great, thank you," Eddie's voice receded further and further away as I freely, finally fell into Bruce's embrace.
"I warned you, Tony," Natasha spoke softly, coming over to brush my hair out of my face. I opened my eyes to see most of the team wearing identical looks of astonishment and worry, their eyes focused on me. Natasha was the only one who had respect clearly written on her face. "C'mon, let's go sit down so you can tell us what happened."
I avoided their eyes, fitfully clutching Bruce's arm as all of us sat down on the couch in a pile of superheroes. I guess I could be counted as one too, after the stunt I'd pulled. The mercenary was nowhere to be seen; Bucky's shirt bore bloodstains so I assumed he took the man to the underground levels where he and Natasha kept a few cells for off-the-record interrogations.
"So?" Tony's voice was hard; he avoided my face, too.
"Planned a plan. Executed the plan. It mostly worked, except the merc was possessed, too. He took out Eddie, I volunteered as a host. We ate the croonies," I stuttered slightly, fighting with myself to call the things by their names without having to throw up. "Grabbed the merc, grabbed Eddie and went home." I stared straight ahead, only partially aware of Bruce's disappointed sigh behind me.
"And it never crossed your mind that you shouldn't be doing this? All this hiding, this lying?" Tony asked, finally settling his hard stare on me. "There are professionals already working on this. It's not your job." His words were harsh but truthful.
Only this truth didn't sit well with me. I'd been monitored for years; there were too many secrets kept from me, too many what-ifs hung over my head. It was made worse by the uncertainty: did Tony know? Did Natasha know? Who else was hiding the fact that there had been a target on my back all along?
"Isn't it?" Anger began to creep in. I shrugged off Bruce's arm. "Isn't it my job to know your little organisation has been onto my ass for years? Isn't it my job to know I would have ended up in that position anyways, considering the fact that at least one hostile mutant gang wanted me to help them take over the world?" I stood up, interlocking my hands behind my back to conceal the shaking fingers. "Isn't it may fucking job to make sure that someone does something about the fact that my family is going crazy from helplessness?" I finished, looking directly at Tony. I hated seeing him recoil but some things needed to be said. "If you expected me to sit and do nothing while this bullshit is happening, you do not know me. At all."
"Years?" Barton interrupted in confusion. "I didn't even know you existed until Peter brought you over."
"Yes, Bird, years," I began to pace in agitation. "Apparently, many people think I'm much smarter than I am. I'm sure Cabre will be happy to tell you all about it," I sneered, stopping in front of the window to look at the dim, sleeping city. "Everybody seems to know about me more than I know about myself. I'm sick and I'm tired of people telling me what to do."
The silence behind me was telling. Maybe they really didn't know or maybe they just didn't really care. I wasn't naïve, I didn't expect gratitude for doing what I did but understanding would have been nice. Paradoxically, Venom's attitude was the most humane out of the whole gang. I hated being disappointed in people but ultimately, their safety and happiness was much more important than my feelings. They gave me a family - even if it was for a brief moment - and I owed them for it.
"Princess," Stephen's voice returned me back to reality. "We do not blame you. At least, I do not. We just want to know why didn't you trust us to help you," He pleaded quietly.
"It's not that I don't trust you. It's the fact you still consider me a child, some wilting flower. And perhaps, sometimes I act carefree," I inspected their reflection in the darkness of the glass pane. "But the truth is, I do not forget and I rarely forgive. And I definitely do not appreciate some random motherfucker messing around with people that I love," As soon as those words left my mouth, the heaviness from my shoulders disappeared. "And I don't regret it. I will burn down everything and everyone if I have even the slightest chance to protect what's mine."
A sharp intake of breath, someone choking on a sob. I closed my eyes, not ready to see the disappointed faces of my family - in moments like these, their heroic nature on stark display, I realized how much I did not fit amongst the do-gooders. The work I did was forever going to be the ungrateful kind; that much I've known forever but it didn't make facing that fact any less hard.
Soft, feminine hand landed on my shoulder as Natasha's perfume invaded my personal space. "I'm proud of you," The spy said quietly, wrapping the arm around my shoulders. "You did everything we couldn't do. That's a big deal if you ask me."
"And just like that, we're supposed to be okay with... This?" Steve's voice sounded exhausted.
"Yes," Bucky replied darkly. "If it was me in that place, you would have done the same. Oh wait," His tone turned sarcastic. "You did do the same. So, shut up, punk. We're lucky bastards if we have a person like that on our side."
I expected tears but none came. I felt nothing but relief, painful, as if I had spent weeks and weeks cramped up in a small space, unable to freely move and breathe.
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie @mikariell95 @gladiosamicitias @warrior1-19 @toomanyrobins @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming
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pcyheartgirlx · 6 years
In The Bleak Midwinter - [CH 1]
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Genre ;; Angst/Smut/Fluff/Romance
Pairing ;; Chanyeol x Reader x Seokjin
Word Count ;; 10.5k
Summary ;; “We’re all whores, we just sell different parts of ourselves.”
You own a multi-billion dollar company, servicing the biggest names in kpop, in more ways than one. Under the name “Starlight Catering”, you, your best friends, Damon and Maya, and your hundreds of workers provide stress relief for idols.
You have partially retired, not because you didn’t want to, but because Chanyeol was your muse. He was all that you had time for and all you needed. Until Jin came along.
So what happens when you mix fire and ice?
You get smoke and all the lines are blurred.
A/N ;;  Now we’re getting started ;) This one is a Jin chapter. Don’t worry, Chanyeol is coming next and boy. I had fun writing this. Enjoy <3
The sound of your heels clicking on the floor flooded the hallways of your apartment complex. Soon after, the sound of your keys jingling out of your blazer pocket accompanied the rhymatic strides of your heels as you approached your apartment door. Suddenly, your other senses started to alert as you smelled something burning. It was coming from your home. You picked up the pace in your walk and fumbled with the keys at your door as you barged into the house. You dropped your leather briefcase and made a beeline to the kitchen where the odor of burning meat was seeping from.
    On the stove were charred pieces of what could have been bacon, and directly adjacent to it was your best friend and business partner, Damon Daniels, slumped on the stool. He was hunched over the white marble island with his right arm stretched out and his left tucked under his head. Your first instinct is to grab the pan, discard the wasted bacon (it killed you deep down inside to waste such good food), throw the pan in the sink and possibly kill Damon somewhere in between that.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Damon?!” you screamed as you turned the water on letting the pan cool down. This barely even startled the sleeping man as he just groaned, slowly peeling himself off the marble. You started for the window to pry them open to let all the smoke out. “It looks like Snoop Dogg had a fucking cyph in here; you could have burned the whole fucking building down.”
“I’m sorry (Y/N), jeez you don't have to be so goddamn one eyed about it,” he mumbled as he rubbed the residual sleep from his eyes. “Not all of us have the pleasure of being Miranda Preistly, walking around being a boss bitch.”
He watched you walk over to him with your hands on your hips and a glare that shot right past him. Damon was rarely affected by any of your nagging at this point. It’s been 15 years of friendship. He was immune. “Don’t give me that fucking look, okay? Some of us are still working class citizens.”
    You rolled your eyes and him and propped yourself on one of the two vacant stools that were right next to him, playfully nudging his shoulder.
“C’mon, don’t be like that. I still work too,” you put your head on his shoulder, hoping that some skinship would soften him up even though it never did. He simply just brushed you off and sighed to himself. He folded his arms and let his head sink down on top of them. “Long night?” you asked. Frustration coating the sigh that escaped his lips.
“No,” he huffed. “It’s just that Sehun and Jongdae were so reckless tonight. I mean, yeah, I got paid double and holy shit they just felt so amazing. I swear they are unstretchable,” he cocked his eyebrow and finally faced you. “Not to mention they are addicted to this dick.”
“Okay, so what’s the problem?”
“It’s these new girls and guys we got! They’re so needy.” He propped himself up and put his hands in an awkward t-rex position, as if to demonstrate some kind of condescending motion. “Oh Damon, he got cum on my dress. Oh Damon, the hotel is too trashy. I didn’t have time to refresh. Oh Damon, which enema should I use? Oh Damon this, Damon that. You know, I thought prostitutes were going to be lower maintenance than the pretentious bitches I used to work with in the fashion district back home, but fuck was I wrong.”
“First of all Damon, they’re escorts. Not prostitutes. And don’t say that about our babies. They work hard!” You tried to hold in a small chuckle but failed. Damon hated when you laughed at his misery. Good thing he didn’t notice. He groaned and once again, plopped his upper body on the counter.
“If it looks like a duck--”
“Alright fine!” he said throwing his arms in the air and then crossing them. “You know I love them, and I’m so grateful that the business has expanded beyond just us three, but it’s stressful. We have the three biggest record labels in Korea to cover.” You adjusted your pencil skirt and looked at him with empathy.
“I know, Damon, I know,” you started. “But we’re blowing the fuck up, us three. A bunch of ratchets from New York City, in this million dollar estate with hundred of workers and hundreds of clients.” You jumped off the stool and walked over to the counter. From the stainless steel fridge you pulled out a bottle of champagne and then grabbed three glasses, placing them on the counter. “Speaking of us three, where the fuck is Maya? I have really great news.”
“Honey~, I’m fuckin’ home!” yelled a voice thickly coated in a distinguished English accent. The door slammed and familiar sound of clicking heels echoed through the hallway, but these strides were different from yours. They were lighter, with a touch of grace. And there she was. Maya glided through the kitchen towards you and Damon. Her 5’2” stature seemed to have shrunk as she was almost slouching. She leaned on the island for support. “Ello, bitches. What’s all this mess on the fuckin’ table? You realize it’s only one o’clock in the fuckin’ afternoon and you lot are already hitting the booze.”
“Well, shit, hi to you too, you horrid bitch,” you shot at her playfully. She just smiled and mirrored Damon’s earlier posture, sitting on a stool letting her upper body collapse on the white marble, creating a beautiful aesthetic against her olive skin.
“And where were you?” Damon asked with curiosity.
“You were wearing that last night, Maya.” You shot back with the quickness. Your eyes widened as you awaited her response.
“Relax, I didn’t spend the night,” she said, putting her hands up in defense. “I was over at The SM building with Xiumin, then The JYP building with Jackson. Then I had to wait for my bloody twit of an uncle to call me about those legal documents, because naturally the time difference.” Her eyelashes resembled those of a fluttering butterfly as she blinked multiple times as if to stay conscious. “I was waiting in this coffee shop since six this fuckin’ morning, which by the way, was absolutely adorable. Anyway, if I came home, I would have passed out and slept until next Sunday.”
A wave of relief washed over you. Part of the conditions of working as a escort was to never spend the night at a clients house. For discretion, of course. Paparazzis were worse than sesaengs, now a days. They were always camping close by in the early mornings to capture a walk of shame, so they may boost their own credibility while destroying others.
“Great,” you said flatly. You walked over to them changing your expression into one of excitement and glee. Your two friends on the other hand were clearly running on empty. “Now I can get to the good news!” You started to pour champagne into their glasses.
“Oh for fuck’s sake (Y/N), I’m not going to be drinking a drop of that watered down fizzy piss,” Maya hissed. “Also, why the fuck does it smells like a bloody scorched hog in this house?”
Damon busted out cackling and shoved Maya playfully. She muttered something under her breath before adjusting the straps on her lavender dress.
“Okay, okay, okay, enough guys. Listen for real, please?” It seemed like begging got both of their attention.
“Starlight Catering just got booked for the KBS Gayo Festival after party! Our girls, our boys, and us. We are going to make a fucking fortune.” Damon let out a flat “yay” while Maya scoffed on about fake industry parties with fake agendas. “C’mon guys I worked really hard to book this, especially on such short notice.” It was visible that you were bothered by their lack of enthusiasm.
They both awed in unison and rushed over to you to embrace you in a hug.
“We’re so sorry, Eomma,” Damon said in a baby voice.
“Really, we are so happy to be working our genitals to oblivion,” Maya chimed in soon after.
“You guys are dicks.”
“Yep, but you love us,” Maya said as she placed a peck on your cheek. She grabbed her glass and smiled sweetly at you. This odd display of affection to others was completely normal in this household. Suddenly, you feel a fierce vibration in your blazer pocket that startles all three of you.
“Look at this bitch, keeping a vibrator in her pocket during business meetings,” Damon chortled.
“Honestly (Y/N), have you no shame?” Maya added, high fiving damon while both of them cackled and doubled over. Only they found their jokes to be funny.
“Guys, hush!” you studied the number on the screen. It was one you didn’t recognize. “This could be a potential client, so shut the fuck up!” The continued to giggle to themselves, silently.
“Starlight Catering. This is (Y/N). Can I help you?”
“Uh..Hi, how are you Ms. (Y/N)?” a voice deep as the ocean and as smooth as the finest swiss chocolate echoed into your ear.
“Oh, I’m fine, thank you. May I ask who’s calling?” Usually you would have snapped at this voice for not identifying themselves immediately but their voice was so sonically pleasing and you were so very tired that you just let it slide.
“Oh yes, I’m sorry. My name is Kim Namjoon. I’m the leader of a group called BTS. We are signed to BigHit Entertainment.”
This was it. The final music label conglomerate was in your hands. It was time to turn the charm on. You repositioned yourself and stood up straight. Your voice rose an octave in a well met attempt in landing this deal. “Of course! I’ve heard very good things about you and your boys, Mr. Kim.”
“Oh thank you, Ms. (Y/N). I’m very grateful to hear that. I also have heard equally good things about your company.” You could hear him almost fumble with his words. It reminded you of every other first call you've gotten.
“Well,” you said smiling coyly, “I’m glad I’ve upheld my reputation.” You look over to your two friends who were peering at you in anticipation. You mouthed the words “BangTan Soenyodan” to them. To say the least, they almost lost their shit.
“So, what can I do for you, Mr. Kim? I’m guessing you need some services provided for your boys.” You heard a nervous chuckle coming from the other end of the phone.
“Actually, it’s just for one of us at the moment,” his voice lowered a bit. “You see, our Yoongi has been rather stressed lately. Well, all of us have, but he seems to be carrying the grunt of it.”
“Tsk. Aw poor dear. I’m sorry to hear that,” you purred.
“Yes well, I was hoping that maybe you could possibly assist him with...stress relief.”
You immideiatly shot a glance at Maya. If she wasn’t losing her shit now, she was going to by the end of this phone call.
“Understood, Mr. Kim. I know just the perfect person for him! Man or woman?” Please say woman, you thought. This was basically Maya’s dream come true.
“With all due respect,” he said, still keeping that smoothness to his voice. “You may not have heard me correctly. As I said, I was hoping you could assist him with his troubles.”
“Me?” you said, completely taken aback. “Surely you can understand that I cannot. I am after all, the CEO and those kinds of demands--”
“Listen (Y/N),” the softness was replaced by a stern and sharp treble. Oddly enough, you kind of liked the bite. “We are both business people. I just want to ensure that everything goes smoothly and I know that with you being the CEO of a respected establishment and with us being the only company you haven’t added to your impressive list, you will make sure that this goes the way it should.”
Suddenly, you heard glass shattering. Realizing it was a figment of your imagination, you silently sighed to yourself and without the slightest change in your tone, you said “I understand completely. What time would you like me to be there?”
“Tonight, soon after 23:30,” he continued. “I will text you the details shortly, Ms. (Y/N).”
“I’ll mark you down for 23:30 then,” you were extremely annoyed. “Oh, and Mr. Kim, this does go without saying, discretion is a necessity. I trust that you can maintain that on your part.”
“Absolutely. It’s been a pleasure, Ms. (Y/N). I’ll see you tonight.”
“Likewise, Mr. Kim. I look forward to working with you.” After hanging up, you violently stuffed the phone in your pocket and started pacing back and forth.
“This man really got me fucked up,” you were almost yelling at yourself.
“Oh shit,” Damon said, “The NY ratchet is coming out.”
“What happened, Love?” Maya asked desperately. You made your way over to the island, putting your hands on the counter and hanging your head low. Clearly stressed, you decided to rip it off like a bandaid and just tell her.
“Listen Maya,” you said in a low tone. “Don’t be mad at me please.”
“What?” Her deep brown eyes were watching you intently.
“Promise me first that--”
“Oh for the love of god, out with it!”
“Okay,” you looked at her. “That was Namjoon. He said he wanted me specifically to go over there and perform a service.”
“Right, so why would she be mad about that?” Damon retorted.
“Well,” you folded your arms, cocked your head back before looking at her and just outright telling her. “It’s for Yoongi.”
“Oh damn (Y/N), you a real foul bitch,” Damon chuckled.
“Um, were you guys not in the same room as me when I was talking to him? Clearly I tried to avoid it but fuck, it’s BigHit and maybe I can talk to him about you going over next ti-”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking serious?” she stopped suddenly. “You know what? You enjoy your little night with the man I’ve fantasized about for years. How do you think I fucked the Johns back in the day without my wild imagination? But no! You go right ahead and when you get home, I’m gonna slit your fuckin’ throat and take over this whole damn business!” Maya turned on her heels and stomped all the way back to her room. “I’m not fucking playing with you either, hoe.” The sound of the door slamming sounded like the firing of a pistol in an empty alley. The echo bouncing off the walls and into the ear drums of the two that were left in the kitchen.
“Well that went well, don’t you think?” you said cheerfully looking over at Damon, a shred of guilt in your voice. Damon just shrugged.
“You know she’ll get over it. Maybe not for a few days but hey, she’ll be fine. She’s not mad at you...well she is, but it’s petty as fuck. You, just need to land this fucking client and get her that ‘next time’ you promised because I don’t think she was kidding about slitting your throat,” he laughed.
You groaned and buried your face into Damon’s arm when you heard your text tone go off.
“You better get that because you need to get this shit over with now. When the gay guy is not down for drama, you know the tea ain’t worth it.”
As you walk into the building, you can’t help but let your thoughts run wild. You weren’t even thinking about Maya’s graphic temper tantrum. It wasn’t that you weren’t concerned but you knew that it’ll all blow over. It was just that mobster mentality that was embedded into her DNA. It was your performance that you were worried about. BTS was no stranger to you. You loved them to the point where you already had an idea of what their personalities were like. It was the same reason as to why you weren't surprised when Namjoon exhibited some coldness in your conversation.
Anyway, back to the thought at hand. It had been awhile since you accepted a new client. Not because you didn’t want to, but mostly because of the success that was brought to you over the few past years. Moving away from your home in New York and giving up the business you had there, to start a new, but similar business in Korea was no easy task. But you did it. You fucking did it. Even in this moment in your life where you were under the impression that you had all the major labels under your feet, there was the last one. All the time you spent whoring yourself to individuals who were clearly beneath you, just so you could buy enough groceries for you and your best friends in this new country, is finally paying off. Your business was booming under the guise of a legitimate business. Granted, that was all thanks to Maya and her own family connection to the underground gangs in Southern Birmingham, but fuck. You didn’t need to fuck until you felt raw and used. You didn’t need to drown your own demons out with angel dust. You didn’t need any of that shit anymore. Things had finally changed. You only offered your personal services to Chanyeol from EXO and…well, that was it really.
As quickly as these thoughts raced into your mind, they were gone. You hadn’t realized that you had reached your destination. You double checked the number of the apartment in the text and let yourself in. The second door on the right.
You approached the door, but before you entered, you pressed your ear closely against it. It was quiet. Namjoon did mention that Yoongi would be sleeping, so you quietly made your way inside. The room was pitch black and the only light that was visible was the light of a game console that allowed you to see the outline of the furniture in the room. You scanned the room until you found his bed. Yoongi was laying on his side, peacefully sleeping. You almost didn’t want to wake him up. Although you couldn’t see what he looked like, you imagined his facial expressions to be soft and tranquil.
Quietly, you kicked off your heels as you approached the bed. Still trying to keep a silent demeanor about you, you pulled the covers over you and laid on your side so you were facing his backside. The warmth of his body almost caught you in a trance. It had been a while since you laid next to someone who wasn’t trying to fuck you. Even though it wasn’t going to stay that way, you enjoyed it for a moment.
But back to business.
You inched closer to him, pressing your body against him. You wrapped your arms around him and your glossed lips made their way next to his ear.
“Oppa,” you whispered. “It’s time to wake up,” you purred.
No answer. No reaction.
“Oppa,” you repeated. “Wake up, I wanna play.” You felt him shift in his sleep but nothing other than that. At that moment, you decided to try a different approach.
“Oh, Oppa, I know you wanna play. Namjoon-ah told me everything.” Your hands started to travel from his surprisingly broad shoulders to his chest. They coasted down his defined abdomen. You stopped right at the waistband of his boxers. “I wanna make you feel good, and take your stress away, ” you cooed.
You didn’t want to waste anymore time. His cock was hard and you could feel it through the cotton fabric. Gingerly, you grasped his clothed member and started rubbing him, creating hot friction in your palms and in his crotch. Finally, a small moan escaped his lips and you felt his body quiver against yours. You pressed against him, closing any space between you so he could feel your breasts on his back.
“I know you need it, Oppa. Let me take care of you.”    At that moment, you decided to get straight to it. You slid your hands under his boxers and wrapped your fingers around his shaft.
“Don’t be shy,” you breathed into his neck as you started to pump slowly, leaving a trail of small kisses along his neck back up to his ear. You circled the tip of his member, letting his precum coat your fingers glazing it around the rest of his head. As you teased him, he exhaled in pleasure and shivered again as you brought your lips to his ear lobe and nibbled them for a second before you said, “Because I’m not.”
It happened before you could even blink. Within seconds, he moved feverishly and you find yourself pinned underneath him. At this moment, you knew he was completely awake. The darkness in the room still made it difficult for you to see him but you could feel his gaze because you knew that look from a mile away. He was ready to devour you.
You felt him coming closer to you, closing the space between you once again so you threw your head back, allowing him to feast upon your flesh. You knew Yoongi was an animal, and that he would bite and tear at the skin on your neck and chest. But he did the exact opposite.
His lips, which felt full and plush, were like snowflakes falling on your warm skin. With every collision, they were so tender and delicate, melting onto you, one not mirroring the other. He let his lips travel everywhere, to your neck, to your chest, and all of the spaces in between. He peppered kisses on your breasts, along your jaw, and onto your chin until they met yours. You met his steady pace with the fast and animalistic desire that you thought he loved so much. But he stopped you by cupping your chin and pulling away. It didn’t take long for him to meet your lips again. It was then that you realized he didn’t want to devour you. He wanted to feel you. Every single part of you. Fully and completely understanding that aspect, you kissed him back gently. He groaned against your lips and moved  his hand away from your jaw. He ran his hands down your arms, up your sides and stopping at your chest. Yoongi placed his hands over your clothed breast, squeezing them and rubbing them to his enjoyment. He pulled away from your lips and started trailing kisses down your jaw and neck once again, stopping at your breast. His hands pulled all the fabric back, trailing his tongue from the space between your breast until he was finally swirling his tongue around your nipple. Without leaving your other breast unattended, he stuffed his hand under the fabric, running his thumb along your nipple, squeezing it softly. This sensation caused you to let a soft moan escape from your lips.
“Yoongi oppa,” you breathed. “You weren’t what I was expecting.”
Suddenly, he stopped. You couldn't see his movements but you could feel him reaching over to the nightstand next to the both of you. As much as you wanted to see his face, you knew the minute he turned that lamp on, guilt was going to wash over you. Except..
“Maybe it’s because I’m not Yoongi.”
You didn’t know whether to scream or slap him. At the same time you were completely frozen. Never in your life did you imagine that you would be in the same room as Seokjin, much less having him hovering on top of you, eyeing you like he wanted to taste every inch of you.
“I’m so sorry,” your voice was trembling. “But I think I should leave,” you murmured, trying to keep your composure as you looked him in the eye.  
“No!” He pleaded and his eyes widened. “I mean,” he tried to adjust his tone. “Please...you’re so much more beautiful than what I thought you would be and…” he closed his eyes and sighed. “I haven’t fucked in such a long time.”
You studied his features in the soft light.
I can’t believe I didn’t realize it sooner, you thought. His skin had a sheer glow to it that made him look ethereal. His lips were parted slightly, pink and swollen. They glistened in the light, resembling a ripened juicy fruit that you wanted to bite into. Resistance clearly wasn’t an option today.
You looked up at him with your (e/c) orbs, your demeanor changing instantly. “I came to play didn’t I?” you hummed and bit your lip.
It was like a fire ignited inside of you both. He grabbed the hem of your dress and brought it over you. You didn’t even notice him pulling your panties down. Hell, you didn't even notice him taking his clothes off. You felt the burning sensation growing in your lower abdomen.
He crawled on top of you, you spread your legs apart, allowing him the space. You were expecting him to insert himself inside of you but instead, ran his fingers up and down your womanhood. He began making circles with his thumb on your clit, maneuvering his fingers the same way you had just done to him.
“You shouldn’t play with oppa like that, baby girl,” he growled as he got closer to you. Jin removed his hand from your clit and brought it up to your mouth. “Oppa doesn’t like games,” his breath tickled your face as he inserted his digit into your mouth, tasting your own juices. This only made you wetter, and he noticed. He pulled his finger out and the suction like pop your mouth mad put him over the edge. He kissed you deeply and ran his hands all over you one last time. Jin propped himself between your legs, grabbing his cock and lead it against your slit. He looked up at you and in that moment, time stopped. Jin was a fucking tease. All you could think was, who gave him the fucking right? The tip of his cock rested in your entrance for a while. You whined and thrusted your hips up towards him, wanting to engulf him. Instead, he pushed your hips down. Leaning his upper body down so that he’s only inches away from your face, he flashes you a devious smile.
“Fuck me, Jin.”
His erection invaded you without warning. You couldn’t control the loud moan that escaped your lips. He swiftly brought his hand up to your mouth and hushed you, reminding you not to wake the other members. But you couldn’t control yourself. What was happening to you? Meaningless sex was your forte. It didn’t phase you. But Jin was different. Every minute felt like an hour. It’s because his thrusts weren’t fast and hungry. They were slow and desperate, with rhythm that was like a ballad. He wanted to feel the walls of your womanhood engulfing him, imprisoning him in with pure desire. But it was you that was being imprisoned. You were locked beneath him, unable to make a sound while he pumped inside you, hitting your spot with every thrust. You were so close and he knew it.
“Ahhhh jagiya…” he moaned as he threw his head back. “Come for Oppa, jagi. Come for me.” Finally he removed his hand from your mouth and placed both of them on your breasts for balance. His paced quicked and you felt his cock throbbing inside you.
“Hyung!” a booming voice called out from the opposite side of the door. “Jin hyung, get the fuck out here!” You recognized the voice. It was Yoongi. Jin groaned but never stopped. Your hips were perfectly in sync as you were both reaching your climax.
“I...ahhh...busy Yoongi. Please...give me a minute,” his whole body began to quiver. You reached up and grabbed at his broad shoulders, letting small soft moans escape your lips.
“Fuck! Hyung! Get out here or I’m gonna come in!”
“I’m coming!” Jin called out as he pumped faster and faster. He wasn’t lying. The fire in your abdomen was burning and your walls suctioned his throbbing member with each and every thrust. A wave of euphoria ran throughout your body as you came all over him and the sheets. He let out a low grunt as he emptied his load inside you, slowing his pace.
“Hyung, I swear to god--”
“I came! I-I mean, I’m coming! Relax!” Jin said as he collapsed next to you. He didn’t rest long before he got up, searching for the clothes that you both had ripped off each other. Quickly he passed you a towel, your dress and panties before he dressed himself. He bolted for the door but stopped and turned to you. He looked at you for a second, laying there naked trying to catch your breath. He quickly made his way towards you, cupped your face in his hands and kissed you deeply. When he pulled away, he looked into your eyes. His face looked different than it did before. He glowed brighter, smiled wider. It was entrancing. As quickly as the moment came, it went. Yoongi started pounding at door, hollering all kinds of swear words. He ripped away from your glance after swearing to himself and ran for the door, disappearing behind it.
You propped yourself up to clean yourself as quickly as possible. Grabbing your dress, you made to the door, carefully listening to the words being said. You didn’t want to come out just yet. A) you definitely fucked up and that’s not something you usually did. B) how fucking embarrassing.
But being in the business that you were in, cleaning up messes is something you were accustomed to.
“Why is she in your room?” Yoongi said coldly. Jin sighed. You could hear him pacing back and forth.
“I...I don’t know.,” Jin stuttered.
“You don’t know?” Jins footsteps became still. “So you’re saying she just appeared in your room?”
“I was sleeping Yoongi-ah. She thought I was you!”
“So you just fuck her?!”
“Aish. I’m a man too! She thought I was you and she was touching me, it felt sooo good—“
“You know what Seokjin, fuck you”
“Yah! Who do you think you’re talking to like that? I’m your Hyung—“
“I don’t give a fuck if you’re my—“
“HEY! What the fuck are you yelling like this while she’s still here?” That sultry deep voice could be from no one other than Namjoon you thought to yourself. The time to intervene was now. You quickly threw your dress on, patting your hair down to try to look like you weren’t just getting plowed. At the end of the day, you were a CEO of a company.
“Excuse me Namjoon. We need to talk. Now.” You hissed at him as you walked out. He looked up at you standing in between the two men with a slightly panicked expression. He wasn’t alone. Behind him was a Jungkook who stood there in shock.
“How?” Was the only think Namjoon could say. You couldn’t tell if he was mad or confused. Probably both.
“Second door on the right?” You said as you flashed your phone at him. He stood there for a minute and realized his mistake.
“You two fuckin relax for a second while I fix this.” Namjoon walked toward you and brought you down the hall into what seemed to appear to be his room.
“Why did you fuck Jin? Are you fuckin crazy? What kind of unprofessio—“
“Okay, no. Stop right there because what you’re not going to do, is blame me for all this shit!” You were hoping this would give you time to make this not your fault. But he wasn’t buying it.
“You. Fucked Jin,” he said making an air diagram as if you were stupid. His arrogance was showing. As much as you wanted to put him in his place, you decided against it because he was right. You fucked Jin.
“Well, it’s not my fault you guys don’t empty your balls into some pussy every now and again!” Namjoon was taken aback by how blunt your statement was. But there was a glint in his eyes, it was guilt. I got him, you thought.
“It’s not easy, okay. We don’t have time to go out and meet people and when we do—“
“Look, I know,” you inched closer him. “I don’t need the whole story because I’ve heard it a thousand and one times. That being said, I can call  my co-owner to make up for this. Free of charge.”
“No,” he put his hand up to cut you off and lowered his eyes at you. “I’ll pay. And I’ll pay triple the agreed amount.”
“Triple?” You said with an impressed look on your face. Crossing your arms, you looked up into his eyes and you spotted it once again. The look. He wasn’t like Yoongi or Jin. Namjoon was a business person. He used intelect to maneuver in this world as opposed to his emotions. You had almost met your match. You had to ask, “Why triple?”
He bit hip lip and put a hand on your cheek, “Because, I wanna hear you scream under me too.” There it was.
You smiled genuinely at him, giving him the sweetest look before biting your lip. It was obvious he couldn’t resist you. Moving in closer to him, he goes in to kiss you but at the last second you dodge his lips, bringing a hand behind his head to pull him in closer so you’re by his ear.
“Too bad I don’t fuck the leaders,” you hissed. You pulled away from him and observed him. Not only was he confused but also a tad bit frustrated.
“That’s a shame,” his gaze fixated on you.
You shrugged and pulled out your phone, his eyes studying your every move still. What you really wanted to say is that he was a douche bag for trying to get you alone while his members were out there at each other’s throats but you knew when to pick your battles. Ultimately, you knew Namjoon was a good guy, but something was going to happen in this dorm. One by one, they would give into their burning lust and you had to be there when they did. This is how your business expanded. Namjoon was a businessman, but you were better than that. You were a businesswoman.
“If you don’t mind, Joonie,” you put a hand on his shoulder. “I believe you should tell Yoongi the new plan and I’ll be in here, making my phone call.” Namjoon laughed a bit before he turned and started to walk away.
“You’re definitely something else, (Y/N).” was the final thing he said before he left.
Crisis fucking averted, you thought and mentally pat yourself on the back. You pulled out your phone and immediately dialed Maya. No answer. You tried one more time. Still no answer. The third time is always the charm...or not. You could only think of one other person.
“Hey bitch, how was Suga’s suga?” You could already see that cocky smile plastered on his face.
“Damon, first of all, fuck you. Second, where’s Maya?” You tried to stay as hushed as you could. You could almost feel Damon shrug through the phone.
“She’s sleeping? Maybe? I don’t know,” he said flatly.
“Well go find out for, fucks sake! I need her here, now.”
“Need her where? And yes, she is sleeping in her room.”
“At the BigHit dorms.”
“Why?” His curiosity was piqued.
“Damon please just wake her up and bring her here.” You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
“You did something, didn’t you? Oh, you fucked upppp! See, I knew your guilt was gonna get the best of you. Unless you did it on purpose because if you did, you a real bitch. But I doubt you—“
“Just for once, please, Damon can you just do what I ask you without the extra commentary?” You were almost at your breaking point. Had the sex not been phenomenal, you would’ve lost it.
“Just for once please,” Damon mocked you and laughed.
“I’m serious!” you snapped before lowering your voice. “I fucked up, like really fucked up. Namjoon texted me the wrong info and I ended up in Jin’s room instead.” You massaged your temples before continuing. “These boys haven’t had a good piece of ass in a while and he practically begged me to give it up to him. Yoongi was so pissed.”
“You dead-ass?” Damon continued to laughed at your expense. Putting two and two together he figured out the new plan. “Alright fine. I’ll bring her in a few. Bye.” As soon as you heard the phone hang up, you found a wall to lean on. Those thoughts started swimming in your mind again. Thoughts you kept buried deep in the back of your mind.
Back to business.
You sat on one of the chairs, opposite to the couch. You felt seven pairs of eyes boring into you as you scrolled through your phone, patiently waiting for Maya to arrive. You weren’t sure if their gaze was due to curiosity or lust, or both. You were just happy that this situation was taken care of.
“So are you really a gang affiliated prostitute from New York City?” Jimin asked breaking the silence, causing you to look up. His six other members’ faces dropped in unison. They all looked at him. Hobi whispered something like ‘oh my god” but you just laughed.
“Jimin, right?” He nodded at you. “Yes, I am.”
Jimin smiles a bit before Hoseok spoke. “You didn’t have to answer that, you know?”
“I know,” assuring him politely. “But what do I gain from denial?” You peered over at Namjoon, who you were sure told Jimin that cute little anecdote. Namjoon had his arm draped over  the armrest of the couch, his index finger caressing his bottom lip. He looked at you with that look again. “My story, is a story of success, so I’m not ashamed,” you smiled.
You studied their faces. Yoongi looked impatient. His eyebrows furrowed as if he was stuck in a deep, troubling thought. Next to him, Hoseok was dumbfounded by the situation they had gotten themselves into. Jimin sat there almost eloquently. His features were so soft and almost pure, looking around as if to find an opportunity to ask another invasive question.
Taehyung and Jungkook were the most uninterested out of the group. Exhaustion took over their faces as they sat there stealing glances from each other. And then there was Jin. Oddly standing out to you, his dark locks were tousled over his forehead and the white shirt he wore hung loosely around his neck. You studied his features as if you were trying to memorize them. His neck was long and slender, with enough surface area for you to let your mouth roam. You started thinking about how it would feel like to be on top of him, holding onto his broad shoulders while you were grinding against him.
“Do you like what you do?” Jimin’s voice shook you out of your thought. You looked at his face. His inquisitiveness seemed to shock his other members.
“Jimin, that’s rude!” Taehyung retaliated.
“Yeah,” Jungkook said. “You don’t ask those kind of things.” The curious boy put his hands up to say something, but the leader interjected.
“No more questions, Jiminie,” Namjoon snapped.
“It’s fine, guys. Really, I don’t mind.” Trying to diffuse the situation, you looked over at Jimin and smiled sweetly.
“(Y/N), I don’t think it’s very appropriate for him to be asking you these—“
“I appreciate the sentiment, but if he wants to know, he should at least hear it from the source itself,” you tilted your head, lowering your gaze at Namjoon. “As a business person, you can respect those facts, right?” You heard a chuckling coming from the other men. Namjoon shot them a glare as a result.
Jimin spoke again. “I’m not trying to be disrespectful at all, (Y/N). It’s just...well I’ve never met..uh...s-someone like you,” with that, Hoseok nudged his chest and shook his head at him.
“That’s real tactful,” Hoseok said sarcastically. You could tell Jimin was trying really hard to find the right words without saying what he really wanted to say.
Why do you fuck for money?
“Honestly, a lot of people have asked me that question,” you assured. “My answer is kind always the same too.” You stopped, mostly for dramatic effect. “Do you like sex, Jimin?” He was taken aback by your question.
“Well...yes,” he said, nervousness coating his words.
“Okay…and do you like music?” You leaned forward and your eyes locked with his, awaiting his answer.
“Of course,” Jimin replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
“So, you could say music is an expression of your passion, yes?” Your (e/c) eyes never left his and you slightly cocked your head. You often used this tactic during business meetings with new clients. It almost forces them to believe that you actually care about what their saying, when in reality their answers were being quickly analyzed and guiding you towards success. In this case though, you were genuinely intrigued.
“Well that’s what music is! At least for me, it’s a personal expression of passion and love,” Jimin added. You nodded your head in agreement and continued.
“I completely agree!” He smiled at your confirmation. “But, if you think about it, that’s what sex is as well. Which is why we like it so much; your body craves it.”
“They’re a bit unrelated don’t you think?” Yoongi interjected. His voice almost surprised you considering this is the first time you heard it. Previously, he had been screaming, and living with Damon and Maya, you learned how to tune it out. He had been quiet since then.
“Yes, you could say that,” you replied. “But the factor stays the same. Passion drives you to create something. It brings embodiment to that passion, so you can share it.”
“That’s a very vague justification,” Yoongi said bluntly. In just a few minutes of meeting him, almost everything he did reminded you of Maya. This is fucking rich, you thought. They’re made for each other. You ignored his comment just as you would Maya’s.
“Your dorm is lovely, by the way. And I’d like to add that you guys have become a force to be reckoned with,” you looked at each one of them. “Singers, songwriters, producers, dancers. Your passion takes many forms and when you convey it, you not only touch the heart of millions but you make an unbelievable amount of money. I believe that’s admirable.”
“Thanks, (Y/N). I’m glad you see that in us,” Taehyung said cutely. Jungkook nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, we appreciate those words,” Hoseok added, finally breaking silence and shooting you his well-known toothy smile. “But I’m curious now,” he chuckled a bit. “Where are you going with this?”
“My achievements are not as monumental, but I live in a similar dorm with my business partners, as you do. I wear the same designer clothes and I’m blessed with the thought of financial security. All because I sell...my passion to others who enjoy what I do. Just as BTS sells their musical talent, correct?” you pushed your (h/c) hair out of your face so they could see you clearly. “In the end, we’re all whores...we just sell different parts of ourselves.”
It was quiet for a moment. Your words were a thick glaze on their minds like syrup, spreading and descending into the confines of their own thoughts. The only one that kept their eyes on you, though, was Jin. You locked eyes with him and you saw something that you hadn’t seen before. While the other boys expressed some enlightenment, Jin conveyed something else. You’d seen his smile before in pictures, on TV, but in person it crippled you. Those same lips that left you undone underneath them, curled into a smile that sent violent chills up your spine filling you with a familiar warmth. Before you could admire it more, the silence was broken once again.
“Have you ever killed anyone?” Jimin piped up again. He said it swift but clearly, as if it took him all the confidence he could muster. Your eyes darted to him. This fuckin guy is adorable you thought. The other boys scolded him in unison and you couldn’t help but laugh. The bond that they had was just as beautiful as they made it seem.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Namjoon jumped at the sound and made his way to the foyer. You looked over to Yoongi and watched him change before your very eyes. His hands travels from his thighs to his kneecaps slowly, then back up. He parted his lips and let out a composed but deep sigh. He’s nervous, you thought. He noticed your gaze and looked away just as quickly. You smiled to yourself.
Maya’s light strides matching Namjoon’s echoed in your ear. You looked up and saw the brightest smile on her face. A complete 180 from this morning.
“Ello, love,” Maya bubbled, her voice filled the room like a beam of light. She made it a point to run over to you, breasts bouncing out of her top. She bent over to give you a peck on the cheek toward Yoongi’s directions, her skirt barely going past her bottom. You couldn’t help but look in his direction. A wide eyed Yoongi had his hands clasped over his mouth. His left knee started to bounce up and down lightly as if trying to control his nerves. You giggled to yourself as you caught Hoseok also catching a peak. Before you could get a word in, Maya found a way to thoroughly embarrass you.
“Well aren’t you sporting the properly fucked look,” she teased, flashing you a devious smile. Jin croaked at her words after all, she indirectly called him out. You stood up quickly and put your hands on her shoulders.
“Don’t be coy now, we all know what happened,” Maya chuckled.
“And heard,” Jungkook added.
“Why don’t you meet Yoongi, Maya?” You quickly interrupted, motioning your hand behind Maya. Yoongi darted up and wiped the sweat from his hands on his side. Maya eyed him up and down and smiled.
“Nice to meet you, Yoongi,” she purred. He licked his lips at her while he walked over to her.
“Come with me,” his voice was low, almost like a growl. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the second door on the left. You couldn’t help by chuckle to yourself, replaying Maya’s wide eyed gaze as she was being whisked away to his lair. Everyone watched for a second, stunned at Yoongi’s impatience.
“Anyway,” Taehyung chimed as he stood up and yawned, rubbing his eyes in an adorable fashion. Afterwards, he turned to you and smiled. “It was nice meeting you, (Y/N). Thank you for being so kind.”
“Yes thank you so much,” Jimin added. His face gleamed with admiration. “I’m sorry if my questions were to invasive.”
“Don’t be sorry, Jimin-ah. It’s quite alright,” you assured.
“Yea, It’s pretty late, guys. We should all be heading to bed. We have schedules tomorrow,” Hoseok said as he as well got up. The other men agreed in unison except one.
“I think I’ll stay up and do some work,” Namjoon stated. Shit, you thought. I can’t be alone with him.
“Jin,” you called out to him as he was starting for his room. “May I speak with you privately?”
He cocked his head but grinned at you and nodded. “Of course,” He said motioning you to his room. You darted behind him, trying to avoid Namjoon’s gaze as he lingered on the couch.
When you walked into Jin’s room, you were fascinated by the details you weren’t able to see earlier. His Super Mario collectibles brought you a wonderful sense of nostalgia. The papers scattered on his desk indicated he was still in school and you admired them. Sometimes, you wish you would have gone back. How things could have been different.
“What did you wanna talk to me about?” Jin’s soft voice brought you back to reality. You looked at him and bit your lip.
“Well,” You started, twiddling your fingers nervously. “I wanted to apologize.” A confused look was plastered on Jin’s face.
“What are you apologizing for?” He said as he walked a little closer to you. Your stomach was in knots and you didn’t know why.
“I didn’t mean to wake you and then...I touched you without permission,” you shook your head and looked down. “It was really embarrassing.”
You heard him chuckle softly. It tickled your very core. “(Y/N), I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it,” Your body became tense as he continued to walk over to you and put his hands on your shoulders. “Water under the bridge. I’m happy it happened. Because you have no idea how bad I needed that and You…” he smiled wide and put a hand on your cheek. “You were amazing. I’m lucky it happened with such a beautiful girl.” He ran his thumb over your cheek softly. “Are you feeling less embarrassed?”
“No,” You giggled back. “But your attempt is cute.” You smiled at him studying his features again. You could get lost in his angelic aura all day. But you had another point to address.
“There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about,” You said softly. Jin just raised his eyebrows at you, listening attentively. All of a sudden, faint high pitched moans and low growls muffled through the walls followed by the violent taps of a bed rocking back and forth. You and Jin laughed a bit, he scratched the back of his head.
“Wow, did we sound like that?” He chuckled nervously. You just smiled and bit your lip.
“No I don’t think so,” you admitted. He gave you a puzzled look. “Yoongi sounds like he fucks like an animal. You fuck with your heart,” your statement caused Jin’s cheeks to stain slightly pink.
“I believe I fucked you with my dick,” he joked, laughing at himself. Although it wasn’t funny, you smiled anyway. He looked the best in this moment, laughing breathlessly.
“You know what I meant, Seokjin,” you retorted, getting lost in his smile some more.
“What else did you want to talk to me about?”
You wanted to ask him if he wanted to see you again. A thought that confused you greatly because you weren’t like this. Men begged you for your time, you never had to ask. Keeping that in mind, you decided against it.
“Oh to be honest, it slipped my mind,” you lied. “I guess your humor distracted me, huh?” Jin sighed in approval.
“You know, you’re not the first to tell me that,” he boasted playfully as he put his hands on his hips. “I’ve been told I’m a quite the comedian.”
“I don’t doubt it,” you giggled. “You probably bring so much joy to the people around you.”
“I just like making people smile,” he admitted. “Which by the way, yours is very beautiful. I hope I’m allowed to say that.” You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. Keep it together (Y/N), you thought to yourself.
“Thank you,” you said sweetly, as you twirled your hair with your fingers.
“I have a question as well,” he said as he walked over to his bed and took a seat.
“Shoot,” You replied as you watched intently. He slid his body backwards until his broad back was leaning against the head of his bed. His body slid over, creating a space next to him.
“Can we finish?”
Your face contorted as you were taken aback. Can we finish? You thought.
“Well I was under the impression we had, dear,” you shot another sweet smile at him trying to hide your confusion, even though he saw it.
“I mean we finished having sex but,” he tapped the bed next to him and grinned. “We didn’t cuddle.” He said softly.
Cuddling? That’s what he wants? You thought. You never cuddled with anyone. I mean, you did momentarily after a long session of being devoured in the throws of passion but you never just outright cuddled with anyone.
“Plus I don’t feel I got my money’s worth,” he cocked his head. “I mean we were on a time frame. I know Namjoon paid for an hour and a half and I only got a half.” His face pouted a bit. You couldn’t help but smile widely and look down nervously. A sudden thought popped into your head. Maybe you never cuddled with anyone because no one asked you. Did you even want to?
“Fine,” You said surrendering. You walked over to him and plopped your body next to him. Inching closer so you can feel his side against the front of yours. With an arm draped over his stomach, and his arm collapsing on your shoulders, you looked up at him and finished. “But on one condition.”
He raised his eyebrows at you but pulled you in closer to him, taking his free arm so it could meet with his other one and lock you in an embrace, his eyes never leaving yours.
“And what’s that?” He asked. What you really wanted to to do was sleep in his arms. To bury your face into his chest and wrap your legs around his like you were starting to do so now. That warm feeling was coming back, except this one wasn’t in your abdomen. It was in your chest. His scent permeated into your nostrils and you almost forgot to speak. You looked around the room to find a distraction. Right across from you, was his Wii console.
“My condition is that we play MarioKart,” you exclaimed, pointing at the system. Jin’s face didn’t change. Eyebrows still raised with a serene look of joy plastered on him. That look fit his elegant features so well. He exhaled sharply before speaking.
“Mwooo Jinjja? Mario Kart?” He inched closer to your face, letting his forehead rest on yours before continuing. “Fine, but I’m not going to just let you win.” You let your hand travel up to his neck, cupping it in your palm before letting out a wide smile.
“I don’t need you to let me win. I can kick your ass all by myself,” you stated confidently. With that he closed the space between your lips. Your lips collided, exuberating such tenderness and sweetness like honey coating your lips. He parted your lips by running the tip of his tongue along your bottom lip. Right as you anticipated this kiss to convert to something more racy, he pulled away.
“We’ll see about that.”
The time passed rather quickly. The two of you played a few rounds intently. He was better than you thought and you were thanking yourself for not betting anything on this game like you usually would. You were sitting between his legs, so that you could see the tv screen while still cuddling like he asked. His long arms still embracing yours, holding his controller in your lap. The back of your head was resting on his chest; pressing your controller against your own chest, trying your hardest not to lose.
“No!” You exclaimed as you watch Princess Peach coast off the road and into the starry abyss. “This is sabotage!” you groaned in frustration. “I told you I was bad at Rainbow Road.” Even though your eyes were fixated on the screen, you could feel Jin’s chest bouncing up and down against your head. He was laughing at you for what seemed the millionth time.
“A true masternim can conquer all stages,” he said in between laughs. “Just admit that you suck, Baby girl.” You playfully bit his arm and he winced exaggeratedly.
“Ahhh!” He screamed lightly. “This is a foul. I get a penalty.” He dropped his controller in your lap and embraced you closer to him. Your heart skipped a beat causing you to laugh as well.
“I didn’t even bite you that hard,” you crooked your neck back so the crown of your head leaned against and you could get a better look at him. “Don’t be a baby,” you teased. He raised his eyebrows and his mouth hung open. Just as he was about to say something, there was a knock at the door.
“Come on out, lovey,” Maya’s voice was muffled on the other side of it. “It’s about time we go home.” You sighed then pouted at Jin.
“Guess I’m going to have to kick your ass another day,” you teased as you pulled away from his embrace, getting up from the bed and stretching a bit. Jin remained dumbfounded on the bed.
“But I was winning!” He exclaimed, soon following your example by getting up himself. You smiled at him and stuck your tongue out. He just pursed his lips at you and watched you walk to the door.
“Ready?” You said opening the door as you were greeting but a delighted Maya. Yoongi leaning against the wall behind her.
“If you are anyway,” she piped up craning her neck to look behind you. “But if you’re busy—“
“We were just hanging out, Maya. Quit it,” you said shooting her down. You felt Jin creep up behind you. “Let’s go, Nagaja!” Maya nodded at your words not before shooting Jin a mischievous look then back at you. You rolled your eyes as you followed her, the two men trailing behind her.
“Bye Yoongi,” she purred softly and she took his hand in hers and toyed with it. He bit his lip and squeezed her hand before she let go. You turned to Jin who had his hands stuffed in his pocket.
“Call me anytime. I really enjoyed my time with you today,” you said as you placed a kiss on his cheek and inched closer to his eyes. “All of it.” You cooed. You felt his body shiver under you.
“Me too,” He exhaled. “Take care of yourself in the meantime.” He added.
You nodded at him and smiled, walking away with Maya at your side. You both felt the men watching you leave, their eyes glued to your behinds as they closed the door to their apartment. You two linked arms and delightfully made your way toward the elevator.
“Oh my dearest sister,” Maya said breaking the silence. “I’m so very lucky to have you in my life.” She pulled you in closer and rested her head on your shoulder.
“Dearest sister? What happened to ‘I’m going to slit your throat and take over your company’,” you scoffed as you push the down button, calling the elevator to you both. Maya gasped and clutching your arm tightly.
“What a horrid thing to say! I couldn’t imagine anyone saying that to an angel like you,” she nuzzled her face into your arm and you rolled your eyes.
“You’re a real fuckin’ piece of work, you know that?” You declared, annoyance laced in your words. You heard a small throaty chuckle coming from the smaller woman. The elevator dinged and you both entered but as you entered, you noticed something different about her.
“Wait a minute,” you studied the fabric around her neck. “You didn’t come in with that scarf.” She looked down and smiled a nervous laugh at you. “Take it off Maya! You know we can take things like that from them!” She stomped her foot and whined.
“But it’s Yoongi’s! It smells like Yoongi!” She continued to whine but you just shook your head.
“No, let’s go give it to me, I’ll give it back to you at the house,” you extended your hand out and motioned for her to take it off. She stomped her feet again and pouted. I swear she acts like a goddamn child, you thought to yourself as you watched her take it off. That’s when you noticed. She had purple welts all over her neck, chest and even traveling down to her breasts. You gasped and changed your tune.
“You fuckin’ whore, keep it on!” You panicked and threw the scarf back around her. She looked down and smiled.
“That’s what I thought,” she said as a matter of factly before adjusting the scarf again.
“And how the fuck are you supposed to work looking like that?” You exclaimed. Maya just sucked her teeth and put her hands on her hips.
“I’m allowed to take a few days off aren’t I?” Her voice was shrill, echoing off the walls of the elevator and into your ear. The elevator dinged again and both of you made your way into the lobby. “Plus it’s not like I’m missing much anyway,” she added. You just rolled your eyes at her and continued to walk through the lobby with her and out the door.
The crisp cold air bit at both you and Maya’s exposed skin. Even though you two were accustomed to being severely underdressed in this mid-December weather, you both scurried across the street where Damon’s car was parked. He was slumped in the driver's seat, sleeping as usual. You and Maya taped on the glass to wake him.
“Come on, you cum dumpster! Let us in,” you exclaimed. He rubbed his eyes and unlocked the car. Both of you plopped yourselves inside, Maya in the front seat and you in the back.
“It’s about fucking time,” he snapped. “I thought I was going to die here.” Maya shoved him playfully.
“You’re lucky I even came back,” she teased. “That was the best dick I’ve ever had.”
“Better than Yixi—wait a minute,” Damon stopped abruptly and pulled her scarf back. “Jesus fucking Christ, Maya. Did you fuck or did he try eating you?” You let out a loud laugh as Damon examined Yoongi’s artworks. Suddenly, your phone purred slightly in your hand as you received a new text. Ignoring your friend’s dialogue, you opened your phone and examined the text. Your fingers dashed across the screen and you smiled deviously.
“Alright let’s get the fuck home,” Maya sighed.
“Actually,” you leaned in closer as Damon started the car. “Can you drop me off at the EXO dorm?”
The two of your friends let out a nasally “ayyyy”, looking at each other before turning to you.
“Someone is working a double today. What a dedicated little peach,” Maya chimed. Damon laughed and added to her commentary.
“And she had the nerve to call ME a cum dumpster.” You rolled your eyes and slumped back, ignoring their comments.
“Damon, just fuckin’ drive!”
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More Hunger Games
The Bloodbath
Ruby Rose stabs Aunt Gigi while her back is turned.
Day 1
Peridot attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.
Sonic poisons Tuanonna15's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.
Night 1
Kirigiri begs for Green Diamond to kill her. She reluctantly obliges, killing Kirigiri.
Day 2
Naegi, Yang Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long get into a fight. Yang Xiao Long triumphantly kills them both.
Ultimate dies from thirst.
Blake Belladonna strangles Pearl with a rope.
Night 2
Tuanonna15 unknowingly eats toxic berries.
Day 3
No deaths occurred.
Night 3
Ruby Rose dies of dysentery.
Day 4
No deaths occurred.
Night 4
No deaths occurred.
Day 5
Karlie, Jaune Arc, and Blake Belladonna get into a fight. Jaune Arc triumphantly kills them both.
Night 5
Yang Xiao Long stabs Torchfire with a tree branch.
Shalimar severely injures Cinder Fall and leaves her to die.
Day 6
No deaths occurred.
Night 6
No deaths occurred.
Day 7
Jaune Arc accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
Shalimar sets an explosive off, killing Green Diamond, and Nutso.
Night 7
No deaths occurred.
The Feast
Kazuto Kirigaya severely injures TheRWBYUmberon and leaves her to die.
Shalimar and Lapis Lazuli track down and kill Libra Orion.
Day 8
Yang Xiao Long severely injures Shalimar, but puts her out of her misery.
Night 8
No deaths occurred.
Day 9
Yang Xiao Long forces Lapis Lazuli to kill Asuna Yuuki or Kazuto Kirigaya. She refuses to kill, so Yang Xiao Long kills her instead.
Night 9
No deaths occurred.
Day 10
Yang Xiao Long decapitates Kazuto Kirigaya with a sword.
Asuna Yuuki dies from an infection.
4 notes · View notes
that-writer-girl5 · 7 years
A Letter to Rose {Part Five}
{4/21/13 - 4/30/13}
“About that. What’s with that?” He looked at me as though I had two heads. I hadn’t exactly forgotten what I was here for, but I loved the look on his face when he didn’t know who I was and it wasn’t time for me to tell him. It didn’t matter what his face looked like. The reaction was always the same.
“Okay, then, Ms. Song, if it will give way to spoilers, then why say question provoking things?”
“I do love a mystery. Don’t you, Ms. Tyler?” I looked at her and she pursed her lips, showing a lack of amusement with me. “Okay, Okay. I suppose it won’t hurt anything. Considering.
"Doctor, I am your wife, as Ms. Tyler here pointed out to you. Not yet though, but some day.”
“Uh huh and how do I know this?”
“You saw the letter, didn’t you? Why would you write something that wasn’t true?”
“Anyone could have written that letter. Even you.”
“After, what is it, ten incarnations, your handwriting never changed. You know you wrote it, and I know you wrote it. Plus, I have a security blanket of information as proof,” I stared at him for a second, waiting for the revelation to take hold. “Care for me to elaborate, Sweetie?”
His eyes grew wide as he realized what I meant. The fact that I knew his true name. “The answer to the question he’s been asked a million times before, ‘Doctor Who?’”
“Don’t, River. Just don’t.”
“Oh, it’s River now, is it? We’re on a first name basis, are we?”
“I believe I got your point. Just don’t.”
“Okay, okay. So, this is Rose Tyler. Nice to meet you. Sorry about the little mix-up here. I’m just here to fix things.”
Rose appeared to be speechless, but managed to squeak out, “What does she mean? She knows your name? You’ve known me for a lot longer than you’ve known her, and even I don’t know that bit of information.”
“Rose, in her timeline, I’ve known her a lot longer and I can’t tell anyone my name unless we’re married. I haven’t told anyone. I haven’t even told her yet.”
“Don’t take it personally, dear. Great things are to come for you.” Of course, I was talking about the years to come in her timeline. It was to be many years before she would reap the benefits of the great things she had to come. There would be a loss, a regeneration, years of building and research, a discovery, another loss and then a lifetime of happiness. I felt sorry for her, in this moment, in particular, because even though she did have a great life ahead of her, she would suffer great misery and pain before that would happen.
“Yeah? And what might that be?”
“Thought you’d say that. Is she for real, Doctor? I mean,” turning to me, “what are you doing here?”
“I told you. I’m here to fix things. The TARDIS, the precious girl, called me to fix what you’ve done,” I said and pointed at the Doctor.
Rose looked at the Doctor again. “The future me,” he explained.
“See, the next you, wrote a letter to Rose here. One of many as Rose discovered in her nightstand drawer. He sent, what was it, four letters to you?” She nodded in the affirmative. “He always placed them in the nightstand drawer after writing them, under Rose’s diary-”
“You have a diary?”
“It was a gift from Mum the Christmas before I met you.”
“May I finish?” I continued without waiting for an answer. “Under Rose’s diary and the TARDIS was tired of seeing you so sad and lonely,” I said gesturing to the Doctor. “Lonely mind you, and you’re married to me.”
“I am sorry about that. So very sorry. I don’t mean to hurt you.”
“It’s not the you now, and I understand how he feels. I’ve grown accustomed to dealing with it. Anyway, the TARDIS sent those letters through a rip in time in Rose’s room. It’s quite small and mendable with a sway of the sonic.” I pulled out my home-made sonic and showed them. “So, apparently, after my Doctor, the other one, wrote the last letter, he sent me a message wanting to see me. I thought it was just one of his normal get-togethers and it was, until I got there and noticed I was given coordinates to Rose’s room. I saw him peering into the drawer, and when he heard me there, he looked up and all he could say was, 'What have I done?’ I asked him what he meant and he explained that he had been writing you letters over the past several months and after he wrote the last one, he put it under the diary as he had done on several occasions. He made his way to the Console Room. While he was waiting, the TARDIS told him that she sent you the letters because you needed to know that he loved you, even after all this time.
"He got angry that she did that, because you know, paradoxes and all, and begged her to fix it. According to him, he went back to your room, the letters were gone, and that’s when he contacted me. He asked me what he should do, and I told him not to worry, that I’d fix it, because we can’t have him running into you, can we?”
“So, you love me, Doctor?” Rose said with a wide smile. He didn’t respond, but instead he looked at me.
“How will you fix this, River?”
“I have a little trick. I’ve met every face you’ve ever had thus far. Even this one, but not yet to you, I’m afraid. The reason you don’t remember is because of this.” I held up a spray-nozzle vial. “This is Mnemosine Recall-Wipe Vapour, and it will make you forget all of this.”
“Doctor, I don’t want to forget that you will love me. That’s the worst possible thing to forget,” Rose said, as tears welled up in her eyes.
“Rose,” I said, as I walked to her, smiled and took her hand, “there will come a time when he will tell you and it will be the perfect time. It will be a time that is right for both of you. Remember those great times I mentioned? That’s one of them. Trust me. If there is one thing that is worth waiting for, it’s for the Doctor to tell you he loves you. I’m still waiting for my time.”
“Can I have a minute with the Doctor, before-” she asked, nodding to the vial in my hand.
“Of course.”
I pulled him into my room and shut the door. By now, I knew we were miles away from the library, but I wanted to be sure she didn’t have supersonic hearing or something.
“Doctor, you know the letter I showed you?”
“Well, you say in there that you love her. She’s not me, but you love her. She’s still waiting for her time. You are married and she is still waiting. Should she see the letter so that she knows? I know how it feels to love someone and not ever hear it back.”
“You have to say it first to hear it back.”
I smirked at him and continued, “Should I give it to her?”
“I know what you’re saying, but Rose, you heard her. She said it’s worth waiting and if he hasn’t said it yet, it’s probably because he doesn’t think she needs to hear it, that she already knows.”
“Not everything can be said with actions, Doctor. Us mere humans like words too.”
“I may not know her, but if there is anything about the woman I do know, it’s that she is not just a mere human and neither are you. I don’t think we should do anything. Just let it be and he will tell her when the time is right.”
It felt as though his words were explaining away the reason he hadn’t told me yet. He was waiting for the right time. The time River talked about. If there was anything I was sure off, River was right. Those words were worth waiting for.
Of course I loved her. I loved her from the moment I saw the compassion and love she showed for everything and everyone she met. She was mesmerized by all of this. She hadn’t grown bored of this life. The running, missing her Mum, of me. She was my Rose and always would be and that was confirmed in that future letter.
No matter what I was up to, what I looked like, who I was married to, she was still my Rose and I still loved her, even if I couldn’t tell her and even if we were about to forget all of what had happened today, in just a matter of 58 minutes and 10 seconds.
I looked at her and wondered if I should tell her, but decided against it. Why would the perfect time be when we were about to forget it.
I knew neither of us wanted to forget this day, but we both knew we had to. For no other reason than to keep things in order. If we both knew today that we loved each other, how would that alter the future? If the heart-wrenching truth a couple feels when two people are in love was enough to send the world off-kilter and create paradoxes beyond belief, then the love between the Doctor and Rose Tyler was meant to do much more than that. It was meant to be fantastic and brilliant and it would be, one day, but not now.
My mouth turned into a little smirk and I think Rose noticed because hers did too. It was as if we were thinking the same thing. There was no way to tell.
“I’ll race ya there.”
“You’re on, Rose Tyler.”
“One, two, three.”
“Run!” We both said at the same time.
Rose and the Doctor came back into the library about an hour later. I had been sitting on one of the many couches reading about the planet Clom.
Rose was out of breath and in hysterical laughter, her face red with exhaustion. The Doctor was laughing right along with her. “Have fun, you too?”
“Oh, yeah, we raced from my room all the way back,” Rose said.
“I won,” he said. “I didn’t have to stop every ten minutes to catch my breath.” He puffed out his chest and patted it with both of his hands, to point out that having two hearts helped with that sort of thing.
I rolled my eyes as I always did when the Doctor went on one of his superiority rants about being a Time Lord with two hearts. “I’m going to explain what is going to happen, okay?”
“Okay,” they both said.
“First, you two sit down on the couch. You may choose to sit on your own because you will end up lying down and I’m not too keen on having to move one of you to the other couch.” They both made their way to their own couch, facing each other, as I expected. “Then I will spray this in your general direction. You will pass out for a little bit, wake up and not remember why you are here or how you got here. I will do my best to remedy this by giving you a book and making you think you just fell asleep. I won���t be here when you wake up. Rose, the letters?” Rose handed me the letters, and I brought them to the burning candle on the coffee table near the couches. The paper began to curl and then turn black and fell off. I brought the remaining white sheet to the nearest bin and threw it in to let it finish burning.
“Are we understood?”
They both nodded. I walked up to Rose first, looked her in the eye and said to her, “Remember, if nothing else, you can remember that great things are to come. That doesn’t spoil anything. It’s just the truth. Hold on to that and take good care of him.”
“I will.” I sprayed her face, and she instantly fell off to sleep.
“And you, Doctor. You remember to take care of her. We will meet again, soon.” I sprayed his face, and as he nodded off, I whispered in his ear, “Goodbye, Sweetie.”
I made my way to the section of books that hadn’t been written yet. I chose “Summer Falls” by Amelia Williams. I knew now that Rose wouldn’t know that name, and I thought she would quite enjoy the subject matter. I opened it to chapter two and put it in her hands.
For the Doctor, I chose the book I was reading about Clom. He did like to catch up on his history of any and all planets.
I walked the hour to Rose’s room and opened her drawer to make sure nothing else was in there except for her diary. When I was satisfied with my lack of findings, I walked over the chest of drawers and moved them slightly out of the way. I saw the rip in question, took out my sonic and closed it. I replaced the drawers, took another look around the room and smiled, saying out loud, “See you soon, friend.”
I pushed a few buttons on my Vortex Manipulator, setting my coordinates to the TARDIS Console Room, several years after this one and felt myself being pulled to another time and place.
Before River left, I told her I’d be waiting for her in the Console Room. I knew she’d get the job done. Any job ever given to her, she got done, whether it was to kill me or to save me, giving up her remaining regenerations.
I heard the familiar crack of the Vortex Manipulator entering the room and I ran to her.
Before I could say anything, she said, “Hello, Sweetie. Job’s done. I’ve sorted it.”
“Brilliant. Now…”
Cutting off my sentence, “You know I never miss getting a job done, don’t you?” She said with a wink.
I blushed, because it was true. “Yes, well, yes. True, true. Now that that’s all sorted, what do you say for a trip to old Paris? A little dining and a walk under the stars?”
“Sounds great, my love.”
He set the coordinates on the TARDIS to Paris, France, The Café Terrace. He explained to me this was one of the places he took my mother, Amy, on their visit to France. That was also the trip in which my mother and the Doctor met Vincent van Gogh, who, in my opinion, was the greatest artist of all time.
His eyes lit up when he talked about past companions and it always made me happy, obviously, to hear stories he would tell about my mother and father, whether I had heard them before or not.
After we finished dinner, we took a walk down the streets of Paris. It was romantic. It gave me the feeling I had always when I was with the Doctor. This feeling always was the sole cause of my love for him intensifying and just served to make me an even happier married woman.
“Doctor, I’ve a question.” His look invited me to continue. “Why was it that you never told Rose how you felt? She deserved to know.”
“Oh, but River, my darling. He did tell her. He told her at the perfect time,” he said, echoing what I told Rose right before my departure. “He told her when it was right. He was starting a new life with her. It was a life I couldn’t give her, that meta-crisis version of me, of course. That’s why I wrote the letters, really. It was an apology and a hope that she did accept him for who he was and is, which is me. Don’t get me wrong. I do and always will love Rose, but he can love her in a way that I can’t. I told her that no one could ever be her, comparing the two of you, and that’s true. You are River Song and you’re brilliant. No one could ever be you and no one could ever be her. I wasn’t lying about that. Besides, I had other plans for my life,” he nodded to me, then went back talking to the air in front of him. “I didn’t know it yet, but I did.
"I can rest now though. I can’t speak to him or her, but I know she’s happy. I can sense it, River. I can sense it now. I couldn’t before though. I was blocked to that reality because I was afraid of what it meant. I was afraid it meant I was letting her go forever. Not just her, but him. The other me. I know now, though. I know what I did was right. He is part human and she is human. He can be that for her and I could never be.” He shifted his body to face me.
“See you and I. We’re different. You understand all this stuff. The time travel and the wibbly-wobbly and the things and stuff. You get it. You and I will always be okay. You are a Child of the TARDIS, after all. See, she needed more, but you and I. We get each other and that’s why I love you. You get me.”
I smiled. Daft idiot didn’t even realize that he had just told me he loved me for the first time. I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug and kissed him. “I love you too, Sweetie.” This was my perfect time and it was definitely worth the wait.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who.
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