#and Bruce keeps the ashes of Jason's suit in a necklace or ring or something
rubydubydoo122 · 3 months
Ok, so I know how a really popular idea (I can't remember if it's canon or not-- might be recent canon) is that Bruce had to take Jason out of his Robin suit, but my personal headcanon was that there was barely anything left of the suit.
But uh... we know he went out in flames. He jumped towards the bomb to try to save Sheila. What if there was nothing left of his suit. like anything distinguishable about the Robin suit was burned up.
In most of the iconic DITF comic cover arts, there's barely a cape left, he only has one shoe, his shirt and glove are tattered-- and like this was the 80s. this was before the nitty gritty broody Dark Comic book style became popular.
If the comic was redone today, I think there would only be threads left on Jason, and he's be burned beyond recognition
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