#and George is just as ready to murder as fox is
Something Wicked Quotes: Out of Context
Note: MCs are Gwendolyn (previously named Ava, Alice, and Faith) and Beau, who are love interests
“Well, I never expected you to be perfect. You already have the blonde hair and the pretty face, an amazing personality would have been too much.”
“After all, I doubt there is another one like me.”
“You know you get all my lore, right?”
“He's like a puppy dog. A puppy dog that reads Shakespeare and probably has great abs.”
“Oh, your Uncle is still breathing, don't worry, that damn fool won't be going anywhere soon.”
“Either you got greedy or you got sloppy. I don't know which is worse.”
“If you have another nightmare, remind yourself that I will murder for you. And I will always find you.”
“Friends don’t shield each other like this.”
“I love you. I was ready to get cut in half because I love you.”
“I know you, Gwen. You’re my little sister and I know you better than most.”
“The raven leads a solitary path, but the fox will follow it always.”
“I felt your ribs break under my hands and I never want to feel that again.”
“I have ten minutes to raise my daughter who I didn’t think I would see live past eighteen. What do I say, Gwendolyn? What do I say?”
“Just...Please George….. Don't go where I can't follow. Not again.”
“My Gwendolyn, you are the stars. He promised me stars and he gave me one.”
“Only death may pay for life.”
Don’t go where I can’t follow?????
it started out so nice and turned angsty
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
I had a really dumb 1 am idea but I honestly love it a lot. So. Here goes the jumble I wrote rails before I dropped back into a delusional coma.
After fox kills palps, they're technically the new sith lord cause palps unknowingly actually sorta trained Fox because of abuse and mind things which made Fox stronger yadiyadiya, anyway. Fox has overtaken Palps, which means they're heir to the sith. Which through various legal jumble means they're also the one to inherit all of palps stuff. His estates, his accounts aka money, all his belongings. Queue to the first thing Fox does with all their newly inherited money is buy a fucking peacock, name it George and train it to attack people.
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The Time Traveling Cabinet
So! Time travel AUs are fun. But what if, instead of sending back Tommy and Wilbur, we try something new for a change?
Concept: Time Travel AU, but the people getting sent back in time are the New L’Manberg Butcher Army.
Ranboo, Fundy, Quackity, and Tubbo are all scattered into the past on December 16th, and it only gets More from there.
- Somehow, the New L’Manberg cabinet are all sent into the past at different points of the events of December 16th.
- Ranboo is sent back during the fight in front of Technoblade’s house.
- Fundy is sent back once Punz starts attacking the execution.
- Quackity is sent back a millisecond before Techno’s pickaxe hits his face.
- And Tubbo is sent back right after seeing the pillar and thinking that Tommy is dead.
- Ranboo gets sent back to about a week before Tommy joined.
- He is, understandably, confused.  But he mostly just vibes, leaving cryptic messages, building stuff, and exploring. It's nice to get a break from executions and warring and the messy life in the present day.
- He befriends Tommy again, and they burn down George's house again. This time, Dream barely cares. He doesn't need a reason to hurt Tommy yet.  
- Ranboo also gets to meet his best friend and future husband again!
- Tubbo's a lot less guarded, more willing to speak his mind, doesn't have firework scars on his face and arms. Tommy's still a gremlin, but he's a gremlin with dreams and schemes.  Ranboo doesn't know what to think about this.
- He doesn't get involved in the L'Manberg Revolution or any of the big conflicts, saying something about "preserving the timeline".
- He can’t change anything important anyway. According to the message anonymously whispered to him in chat every time he was stopped from changing something, multiverse creation is disabled until the arrival of all parties.
- Ranboo doesn't feel that bad about it. He isn't in the mood to create paradoxes, and there's nothing during the revolutionary time that he'd really change.
- Except.
- Didn’t Eret do some kind of betrayal thing?
- Ranboo can't recall what they did. Probably just switched sides, and people got mad about it, as people attached to sides often do.
- Then, on August 2nd, he hears explosions.  Against his better judgment, Ranboo sneaks over to L'Manberg to see if Tubbo and Tommy are okay.
- They aren’t.
- Yep, the country has been blown up, and to make things worse Eret leads the L'Manbergians into a death trap that takes more canon lives than anything else in SMP history.  Ranboo's legitimately horrified.
- He sticks around for the peace era and helps rebuild, maybe works at the embassy a little. Mr. Boo is not allowed to be a L'Manberg citizen due to being American, but he remains on good terms with the country.
- Basically, Ranboo learns the true history of this "just a drug van" country, and what it actually stands for.
- He's ready to wait it out until December, so he can get back to the present day with no complications.  One problem: He isn't alone anymore.
- Fundy arrives to the Pet War confused as can be.
- He's pretty sure he's dreaming. That's the only explanation for him being in one of the worst times of his life again and Ranboo being there too for some reason.
- So, he tries to stop some of the pet murder, to varying success. He can't kill Sapnap during the duel or save Fungi, but he can save some of the chickens and Leonard the enderman and such.
- Leonard is his emotional support monster. He’s going to need one.
- Next, Fundy finds and yells at a bewildered Wilbur.
- Wilbur isn't allowed to hear the whole rant, but he does get 1) He screwed up as a father, 2) He's probably dead?? This does not help his paranoia and self-loathing.
- Fundy also gets to chat with his younger self, who according to one Ghostbur Soot was 14 at the time of the election? I don’t know, fox/phoenix/trickster demigod aging is weird.
- The conversation goes along the lines of:
“Do they ever start taking us seriously?”
“...Yes. Definitely. Sure.”
- Finally, Fundy tells a heap of lies about what he's like in the future to look cool.
- He’s generally is a fan of this situation because time traveling from the future means one thing: Attention. And it has been a while since he's gotten any of that.
- (Ranboo tries to stop him from messing with the past. He's only sometimes successful, and gets roped into Coconut 2020)
- In summary, Fundy clings to his moment in the spotlight, tries and fails to get closure with his dad, and gets to observe the unraveling ball of angst and issues that was his teenage self.
- Quackity is sent back to the day of the election.
- He has to see his naive younger self screw up history and plan a spring wedding with Schlatt. It's awful.
- After trying and failing to assassinate the drunken dictator during his speech, and getting the memo about not being able to change the past in big ways, Q runs over to spawn to wait for Wilbur.
- Wilbur shows up after dying to Punz, and Quackity helps him get to Pogtopia for the first time. 
- There, Quackity chats with him and Tommy. He explains as much as he knows (which isn't much), and offers to join the rebellion.
- Wilbur doesn't trust him for five seconds. Honestly, Q's still wearing the Butcher Army uniform. He’s covered in blood!
- So, Quackity is sent out into the night in an offhand "don't call us, we'll call you" way. On the way out, he tries and fails to murder Technoblade. He's got a hit list, and he's going to complete it.
- Meanwhile, Past Quackity does not get along with Future Quackity at all.
- Past Quackity was a neutral good idealist. Future Quackity is a machiavellian, chaotic neutral guy with a murder list. They despise each other.
-Quackity tries to settle things with Schlatt. Not sure how well it works, but he does try.
- He also maps out complex strategies for how to change the future once all members have arrived. He's got Plans.
- Ranboo is very opposed to these Plans. Fundy is mostly onboard with these plans.
-Finally, Quackity desperately hopes that the last member of the party will arrive before the festival. Maybe, just maybe, he can do something to stop the execution.
-Unfortunately, the festival arrives, and Past Tubbo gives his speech, and Technoblade is given the order.
-The execution goes according to plan.
-Then, in the wreckage of the Red Festival, a figure appears.
- Tubbo has been having an awful day.
- First, he fails to execute Technoblade. Then, he finds out that he killed his best friend Tommy is gone. And now he’s standing smack-dab in the middle of the worst thing that ever happened to him?
- It’s all way too much. Tubbo runs away.
- Tubbo disappears for a solid week before finally accepting that he isn't just imagining all of this as a weird stage of grief.
- He then returns to Pogtopia in a suitably dramatic moment.
- Despite the fact that they're all in the past, Tubbo's probably going to end up as the character who gets the most focus. He's having the most Emotions about all of this.
- He's got to deal with his coping mechanisms (Ignore and Avoid) being taken away because he's back in the place he tries to forget.
- On top of that, he has to deal with the fact that he feels guilty about Tommy's death, but can't even process that because Tommy's technically still alive in the past (and in the future, but Tubbo doesn't know that).
- And he has to deal with seeing Wilbur again, and figuring out why Wilbur made him president.
-He’s going to go through a lot.
Character Motives
- Ranboo: Preserving the timeline so they can get home vs. Wanting to keep his friends safe and caring about L'Manberg now.
- Fundy: Fixing things for his past self, and getting closure with his dad.
- Quackity: Completing his hit list and completely changing the timeline. And punching Schlatt in the face.
- Tubbo: Dealing with the various emotional turmoils listed above, getting Tommy and his past self to run away from it all.
- Past Tommy: Finding out what the actual fuck is going on, and protecting the Tubbos (Tubbi?). Also, he wants to know what happened to upset Future Tubbo so much. (His regular Pogtopia motives are also there).
- Past Fundy: Measuring up to how great his future self said their life was.
- Past Quackity: Not becoming his future self at any cost.
- Past Tubbo: Regular Pogtopia motivations, but now he has both Tommy and Ranboo to worry about.
- Past Wilbur: Wilbur already believed that he had a scripted role, and was always going to end up the villain. Well, now he has confirmation of just that. Awesome!
He actually goes through with it. He actually blows it up. He doesn't know if he's proud, disgusted, terrified, or what, but he knows that it's not up to him to go against fate.
And if fate demands a grand finale and a little trinitrotoluene on the side? He can do that.
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dreamteamspace · 4 years
MCYT subway au Part 3 because I’m a sucker for attention and the 2 ppl who made part 1 and 2 noticed me
Holiday Shift
- Everybody who works on the holiday gets double. Those that can’t work have to put their name on a list. Lowest entries and those that don’t enter need to work the shift. It’s Phil’s idea don’t ask
- George is the first to put his name there but Sapnap skribbles it out and makes sure everybody else gets their name in first. It’s his punishment for leaving Dream and him alone for rush hour when Karl was sick. Dream wasn’t all that mad but Sapnap Will Not let that shit slide
- Tommy gladly takes the oppertunity to not have to spend the entire day awkwardly hugging relatives and being told to keep their elbows off the table. Convinces Tubbo to join them, supposedly for the Money
- Dream: “So Karl did you put your name on the list yet?” Karl: “What list??”
- Shift staffing: George, Tubbo, Tommy and Karl
- George becomes the reluctant babysitter of what feels like three kids
- “Karl stop WASTING the bread we NEED THAT.”
- Tommy is told to go pull what they need for monday out of the freezer. Tubbo offers to come with him and holds his hand the entire time. They’re best friends your honor. Tommy promises Tubbo to make it up to him
- George does about 60% of the work on a four person shift. Swears to murder Sapnap on sight. Probably slaps a pastry in his face later
Promotion pt. 4: Taking Over
- Tommy begs Techno to join in support of Wilbur. Techno reluctantly agrees because he can’t really say no to Tommy and because he doesn’t really want to become manager anyway (too much paperwork and he’s fixating on the origins of vedgetables) 
- Tommy now adds #WilburForManager to his pogway stickers. Wilbur is also reluctantly Growing Soft in face of Tommy’s undying support
- Nobody knows why, but Quackity has the unspoken ability to make Schlatt give him sick leave or remove him from shift?? All Quackity has to do is point to his phone and give Schlatt a smug Look.
- Ppl are suspicious but really Quackity just has a video of Schlatt kissing a baby kitten in the face and talking to it in a high pitched soft voice
- Wilbur needs to visit extended family and leaves for 2 weeks. The day before he leaves is surprisingly light-hearted and Wilbur admits that Schlatt isn’t the worst manager imaginable. He lets them waste things sometimes and has yet to give anybody a cut for not showing up to a shift
- Dream can’t openly go against Schlatt, silently wishing he’d just put the milk in The Right Spot before his shift. But no. It never is. It’s always somewhere else. Always.
- Schlatt continues to place things in slightly different places than they belong and following his whim more than the rules. One time he didn’t order the dark chocolate cakes they sell because “Who likes those anyway”
- Phil is there more often to make sure Wilbur’s work is covered. The war continues to rage in stolen glares and misplaced ingredients.
- Bad and Skeppy are slowly genuinely growing concerned, watching the whole thing go down like a movie.
Promotion pt. 5: Adopted On Sight
- Schlatt tells Tubbo he’s doing great One Time because he literally saved Schlatt’s ass from being fired for the whole cakes thing by biking it to the nearest store that sells them and getting some
- Tubbo will now follow Schlatt around to ask him how he’s doing, if he did everything right, if he needs any help, how his morning went so far
- Schlatt does Not Know how to handle Tubbo and suddenly wishes for Wilbur to just Come Back and Take His Kid. Tubbo wishes him a good morning and good night every single day. How is he supposed to keep up his tough old man appearance like this
- Tommy is still on Wilbur’s side and purposefully makes Schlatt’s life just a little more difficult. Small pranks. Stickers on the cakes, wasting them. Writing #TommySupremacy on the sandwhich wraps with markers while nobody is looking. Taking 4 chairs to the back to stack them on top of eachother and stand on them to reach the ceiling. Being the teenager he is.
- Tubbo think it’s funny and that’s the main thing keeping him going really
- Schlatt confronts Tommy but with no results. He turns to Phil to ask him what to do and Phil is like, you don’t do anything. That’s just Tommy for you. Usually Wilbur keeps him occupied with the Dreamon hunting and now he has too much free time
- Quackity is using the blackmail more and more. Does he even work here anymore? When was the last time anybody saw him apart from looting the expired sodas? He’s the only one who can order avocados on a spanish site online that don’t cost their weight in gold
- But as it tends to be with good friends, Schlatt knows the amount of blackmail he has is enough to fill everybody’s need for drama here for the rest of the year. Also he can’t say no to Quackity
- Fundy recieves yet another apology card from Wilbur from Ireland, a whole postcard with a picture attached and a little doodle of a fox. He finally caves and forgives him, now refusing to do Schlatt’s work anymore.
- Dream is Popping Off. Nobody can stop him from working once he starts. He’s 2 months ahead on Literally Everything. Somebody help him
Promotion pt. 6: The Finale I promise
- Wilbur returns! Schlatt is THIS close to throwing in the towel
- Tubbo says he wants another sleepover, wanting to de-escalate the whole manager war. Tommy has to stay true to his promise in the freezer and they convince Wilbur together. Techno was on board before they even asked
- Unbeknowedst to them, the Dream Team + Karl wanted to stay in that night as well to sabotage Schlatt
- Both groups stare at eachother in confusion at first
-They combine their resources to figure out a way to sabotage Schlatt. Dream is growing increasingly quiet and unsure while Tommy stares at The Adults with dissapointment. Tubbo tries to get a word in about how Schlatt isn’t That Bad but they all yell over him. “The milk, Tubbo! Why can’t he put the milk back like a normal person!”
- Eventually Tommy pulls out his bravery and tells everyone to Shut Up
- Everyone stares at eachother
-Tommy: “How come you guys yelling over bullying somebody out of their work sounds less mature than when my literal nephews are screaming at eachother over 10 year old pokemon cards??“
- The adults stare at eachother even harder
- Dream shyly clears his throat. “From an outsider perspective, you know, uh, I should probably be fired for plotting against a fellow manager-“
- Wilbur finally finds his tongue. “Maybe this wasn’t the most... mature idea.”
- Everybody carefully agrees to apologize to schlatt and never speak of this again. Tommy has unknowingly gotten a lot more pranking rights
- They spend the rest of the night organizing the storage, hunting Dreamon, Dream telling them about that one time he ate a living frog, and taking turns playing some free racing game on Karl’s switch
- Lots of laughter, return to their shifts the next day
- They wait for Schlatt to come in to work and pull him to the back. Only Bad and Skeppy are already allowed inside while they keep the doors locked for anybody else
- Dream issues a formal apology to him and tells him everything, and Wilbur jockingly mentions they were really close to pouring food coloring into his rubber gloves as they try to laugh it off
- Schlatt stares at them
- “You know what? I quit. I don’t want to be the manager anymore. I feel like the dad of lord knows how many kids. Phil is some kind of angel. Wilbur please adopt Tubbo and Tommy again, as long as our store isn’t on fire I’m never going to complain about them ever again. Dream you might wanna phone Quackity.”
- After a good, short era of peace within the establishment, the Drama Bois are getting bored and latching onto new things
- The bets on whether Skeppy and Bad are a couple or not are getting ever higher, especially as they’ve started letting them behind the counter. They figured out pretty quickly that they’re officially not together, but that just makes the betting all the more exciting. Do they like eachother? Are they hiding it? Are they just really good friends? Are they THAT oblivious or just really good at covering it up??
- Bad especially becomes good friends with Dream, George and Sapnap, and yet they’re all just as split as everyone else on whether he likes Skeppy or not
- Bad pretends to be but is in fact not oblivious to this at all
- Dream especially will often tell them they’re being VERY close to eachother or how cute they are next to eachother, revelling in teasing his friend, especially as Bad will sometimes start to get flustered while Skeppy manages to somehow stay 100% cool
- One day when a middle aged white woman is extremely unhappy with her order she starts talking down on George about being uneducated, and too clumsy for being useful at all, and how they should fire him. George asks her if he should just get the manager and she gladly agrees, only for Dream to swoop out of a back room, a good head taller than her, and sternly tell her if she can’t treat employees like human beings then he will ban her from the establishment immedietly. The woman stutters, takes her order and leaves, cursing something as she goes.
- Bad and Skeppy were sitting at a table nearby quietly the entire time, and Bad has this a-little-too-wide smile on his face.
- Dream murmurs something about having to go, but the seeds are planted. The idea has bloomed. Bad is ready to get his teasing revenge.
- Just as they’re closing, George puts away the milk that Dream left on the counter, telling Dream that he’s putting it away. Bad: “Wow George, that’s so thoughtful of you!” George: “???”
- Dream, softly telling George he can go home earlier and he’ll take the rest of the shift so George can catch up on sleep: “It’s okay, just go. I’ve got this.”
- Bad, just as George left, slurping his milkshake innocently while Wilbur and Sapnap are in earshot: “Awww, Dream! That was SO nice of you!”
- Dream, knowing exactly what this is for: “I’m just... nice to my friends!“
- Bad: “Really?! How many times do you let Sapnap go home earlier?” Sapnap: “You let George go earlier AGAIN?” Wilbur, having waited his entire life for someone to finally notice this: “George is getting so much favored treatment, Dream. But you’re really just good friends, right?“
- If looks could kill they’d all be dead at that point. Especially Bad, who continues slurping his milkshake as the chaos unfolds and Dream knows there’s no escape
@labbyyyyy @karlljacobs
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Dream SMP Recap (December 27/2020) - End of Week
Today on the Dream SMP: 
War Crimes, a tense confrontation, cat maids, Festival decorations, Mr. Beast joining the server, analogies about peaches and contracts to transfer the ownership of one’s bones to Tubbo.
Overall...just a normal day on the server, really!
As usual, a summary of the week’s total events is at the end of the post.
DISC UPDATE: Dream supposedly has the real “Cat” after being given it by Skeppy. ---
- HBomb gives Tubbo his Christmas gift: some mending books
- H and Tubbo play Hide and Seek With Murderous Tendencies
- Techno logs on and gets Tommy a turtle shell helmet and a disc as a gift. He took the materials from Ranboo’s gift too.
- Tommy logs on at his house. Tommy and Techno get back to Techno’s house and Tommy play’s Techno’s “Wait” disc. They sing it together. Tommy also shows Techno his “Pigstep” DMCA weapon. The ultimate power.
- They plan to sneak into New L’manburg to get to their wolves. They get spotted by Ranboo while coming through the portal.
- Tommy and Techno return to Tommy’s house and Tommy gets spotted by Connor while hiding in de walls. They engage in a homeownership dispute. They threaten Connor’s eyes with a fork and trap him in a box.
- They decide to kidnap Connor and hold him for ransom. They escort him back to Little Penis Land and get spotted by Ranboo again.
- Tommy continues to use advanced interrogation techniques on Connor (torture) while Techno goes off to speak with Ranboo. Techno tells Ranboo to go speak to Tubbo about getting his items back, or Connor will die. Ranboo points out that Connor isn’t a citizen, but after some more talk Ranboo agrees to go get Tubbo.
- They try to waterboard Connor while they wait, but it doesn’t work since Connor starts to self-actualize and come to terms with his mortality.
- They argue over who is better at torturing. Connor says that all of this is taking a psychological toll on him and that both of them are equally horrible people.
- Tommy threatens to drop an anvil on Connor���s head. Ranboo arrives and says that Tubbo is ready to meet them. Tommy doesn’t feel like he’s ready. They bring Connor along, having broken his spirit. Eret is also there.
- Tubbo is shocked that Tommy would side with Techno. Tommy is shocked that Tubbo would try and execute Techno. 
- They do the trade and let Connor be free. He immediately dies to a spider.
- Techno tries to convince Tommy that Tubbo isn’t actually Tommy’s best friend. That Tubbo is actually a bad guy, that he’s not looking out for Tommy’s best interests.
- They return to the Nether portal and Dream is standing right there, looking at them.
- Dream tells Tommy that Skeppy gave him “Cat.” Techno says that Dream won’t be getting Tommy today, as he steps between them. Dream mentions the favor that he has yet to call in, but says he won’t be redeeming it today.
- Tommy tells Dream to go fuck himself and they return through the portal. Tommy even jumps into lava to show how it doesn’t affect him anymore.
- Tommy refuses Techno’s rocket launcher, as that’s the crossbow that killed Tubbo. He goes off on his own to listen to “Wait” as he watches the sun set over the Arctic.
- Fundy has come up with an idea for an epic firework show, the most explosive and amazing firework show ever. He wants to complete his mob grinder for gunpowder, so that he can create those explosives for the Festival in preparation for killing Dream.
- Fundy goes to the Mooshroom Biome and tries to convince Phil that he’s brilliant and that his plan for a grinder will work. Phil explains why Fundy is wrong by showing him a better example in his Hardcore World.
- Wheelza Minecraft.
- Dream and Mr. Beast mysteriously log on, Mr. Beast in Spectator Mode. 
- Fundy whispers to Dream that he wants to talk but Dream doesn’t respond.
- Ranboo works on games in New L’manburg for the Festival.
- HBomb becomes Fundy’s maid again for an hour due to Ranboo redeeming his prize from L’Cast. 
Ranboo: “It’s not torture, it’s content...forced content.”
- Tubbo gives his incredibly cursed speech about peaches to Fundy and gains contractual ownership over Fundy’s skeleton. The removal will take place Thursday morning.
Fuzzy and smooth, but never to be confused with hairy, of course. The surface of a peach.
Ranboo: “And remember! You can’t spell ‘fraud’ without ‘fun!’”
- HBomb helps Fundy move his fox. Mr. Beast and Dream log off.
- The fox falls off a cliff in the Nether and dies. Fundy is heartbroken.
- The two of them attempt to move Fundy’s cats to his home in Dry Waters. Fundy begs Phil for help in chat but Phil can do nothing to save him.
- Mr. Beast logs on again.
- They make it to Dry Waters with all the cats intact.
- H questions Fundy about why he has a picture of George’s lips. Fundy explains that he wants to kiss them but H says he thinks the true reason is something else. Fundy leads him to the Mooshroom Biome and tries to get him to help with the mob grinder.
- Tubbo and Ranboo call Fundy again to show him a song. 
- In order to keep Tubbo and Ranboo in the call to save him from HBomb, Fundy starts telling them a wild and very canon story about the SMP about dinosaurs, Dream being muscular, and many other things.
- As the time runs out on HBomb’s timer, Fundy and H look at what they’ve accomplished and Fundy stabs H in the back with his sword, killing him and ending it.
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Upcoming Events:
- The reveal of Pandora’s Vault at some point
- The L’manburg Festival will be held on Tuesday the 29th
- Mr. Beast’s event
12/21: Bad and Ant check on their Crimson experiments
12/22: Phil’s escape, attack mob in the Holy Land
12/23: Tubbo’s birthday, Tommy makes a path, experiments on the Crimson continue
12/24: Wilbur’s Christmas karaoke
12/25: Tommy and Tubbo chill non-canon stream
12/26: Lani’s visit, Tales From the SMP Pilot: “The Town That Never Was”
12/27: Connor’s kidnapping, Tommy and Dream’s confrontation, HBomb becomes Fundy’s cat maid again
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smelted-applejuice · 4 years
Peace Treaty, 02
(IMPORTANT) this fanfic was made before Fundy and KSI made their disgusting jokes, but I said it on my Quotev account; I want to go on with this book because I’ve had this planned for weeks, Fundy in this book is NOT AT ALL streamer Fundy but Dream SMP Fundy. I won’t write for him after this fanfic is over. Pairing(s): Fundy x Reader, Sapnap x Reader Pronouns: she/her Pre-picked: LAST NAME, FATHER'S NAME Pervious part , Next part
When [YourName] woke up, she freaked out not remembering anything before her passing out. She was still dressed properly, so she changed, and returned downstairs. Fundy and Wilbur were speaking to Sapnap and [YourName] froze in her place. “[YourName]?” Fundy asked, making everyone’s attention go toward her, [YourName] glared at Fundy who nervously chuckled. “Someone should’ve left a note or something saying Sapnap was here still!” [YourName] said flustering, she was in a nightgown and it embarrassed her to the extreme. Sapnap laughed and shook his head, “Sorry, you’re gonna have to get used to it eventually. I’m staying for the week, after George gets here we’ll be able to get married by next week. Sounds great, right?” he explained walking over and taking [YourName]’s hands into his own. [YourName] glanced over to Fundy who looked away sadly, but she nodded, “Yes, it sounds wonderful..” she replied sadly looking down. Sapnap softly placed her thumb under [YourName]’s chin and gently pushed her head up, “Are you okay?” he whispered softly. [YourName] didn’t like the heat on her cheeks, but she nodded, “Just feeling nervous” she smiled letting go of his other hand, “I’m going to eat and return to bed.” she said walking to the kitchen. Sapnap nodded and returned to the conversation, Fundy would follow after [YourName] though, he was sucking as much alone time with her as he could. He watched as she shuffled around the kitchen, warming up leftovers over the stove, “How’re you really feeling?” Fundy asked, making the poor girl jump. She laughed softly and shook her head, “I’m so tired, I’m scared, I’m going to miss you..” she admitted looking down at her food inside the pan. She quickly moved it over to the plate and looked up toward her boyfriend. He frowned, “It hurts to watch you interact with him,” he says “I know..” she said in the same tone. [YourName] made her way over and hugged Fundy tightly, he placed a hand in her hair. Fundy gently tugged at [YourName]’s roots, placing a hand around her, and hugged her. His ears pressed against his head and his tail relaxed a slight twitch now and then, “It’ll be okay..” Fundy lied, closing his eyes. He pressed a kiss onto her hair, letting her separate and eat her dinner in peace, he just watched carefully, taking in each detail. He took note of her little shift as she admired the kitchen she grew up with as she ate her stew, the way her hair moved as she moved around. Fundy gently placed his arm on his shoulder, “I’ll be up there tonight.” he whispered making her nod. [YourName] placed her dishes away and returned to her room. She laid there staring at her ceiling, she closed her eyes and felt tears form. She’s grown up in L’manberg, never lived outside of it, and never planned to. She expected to live here for the rest of her life, have children, and grow old right in this exact place- but instead, she’s being forced out of the house for the sake of this exact country she thought she’d grow up in. She sat up and threw her pillow on the ground violently just in time for her door to open. [YourName] stood on her knees glancing over quickly, Fundy had taken his jacket off and dressed for the night. They just stared at each other, [YourName] melting right then and there as she let her tears fall. Fundy made his way over, taking his place after shutting the door on her bed and offering his arms. [YourName] fell into his arms, sobbing, she buried her head into his shoulder. She let it all out, letting everything finally set and settle into her heart. She admits many things, her fear of losing Fundy in this mess, how she wanted to be with him forever, and beyond that. She didn’t want any of this and it was clear as day right now. All Fundy could do was hold [YourName] and listen, she had listened to him when he was upset about this- it was his turn to comfort his lover. He ran his fingers through [YourName]’s hair and coaxed her into sleep. He felt bad, he didn’t say anything throughout her whole break down- but it was the fact he sat there with her until she fell asleep that matter, he hoped so at least. “I love you, [YourName]” he whispered to her gently, placing her into her bed properly, he debated on staying but chose not to. He placed a final kiss on her lips, taking in her scent once more, rubbing his forehead against her neck before taking his shirt off and dropping it on her, and leaving. She is his, whether Sapnap knows it or not.  George had come into town that week, Dream and him deciding to stay in the same hotel Sapnap had decided to live in. With George, Gregory, Wilbur, and Dream- the wedding should be prepped and ready by next week. Sapnap was excited while [YourName] just smiled and nodded when asked if she was happy, everyone knew it must be awkward being placed into such a situation and Sapnap was being an absolute saint for showing his excitement for both himself and [YourName]. [YourName] sat on the floor with Wilbur at her house, Sapnap, George, and Dream talking next to them. Gregory came down with a brown torn up box and set it on the floor, Wilbur and [YourName] along with Dream, Geroge, and Sapnap all glanced over when Gregory stood up with pride. He dug through the box before offering something to [YourName], Wilbur’s eyes grew wide, “What’s.. this?” [YourName] asked curiously. “These were your mother’s, she wore them to our wedding,” Gregory explained with a smile to his daughter, she shook her head. The glovers were pretty and well kept up with for the amount of time they had spent in their location locked away from daylight. They were fingerless gloves, mesh ribbons at the end to tie around the wrist of their user, they were lace with pearls, rhinestones, and flower designs lining around the top of the hands. [YourName] shook her head again, “No offense Sapnap, but mother would’ve murdered you the second you told us about this marriage.” she confessed scooting them toward her father “She would not want me to wear these.” she said. Sapnap shrugged, no offense was taken. Gregory was offended though “No, you’re wearing these, honor your mother- please.” he begged, Wilbur stepped in “Let [YourName] have one thing for herself.” he told his friend. Gregory sighed, “Fine, alright.” he said tucking them away gently back in their spot. [YourName] focused on what she needed to focus on, the following morning she left and ordered her dress for the wedding. The rest of the day she sat there, not allowed to see Fundy until her wedding day as Wilbur placed him in charge of fixing up the altar and reception area speck and span with a few others like Tommy and Tubbo. [YourName] leaned against Sapnap and fell asleep listening to all the males talk about what colors should be. She didn’t care, she wanted this over, face her demons, marry them, and live with them. Sapnap glanced over to [YourName], noticing she was asleep he softly smiled. He quieted Dream and Geroge and softly asked for a blanket to place around [YourName], “She doesn’t seem happy..” George admitted taking his seat again. “Obviously she isn’t, she’s being forced out of her home and to a stranger.” Sapnap explained with a serious face, “At least you’re aware of how she feels.” Dream said, throwing his hands up and leaning back into his chair. “Doesn’t it feel... Wrong? Like you’re taking a girl away from her home, marrying her as a treaty, for all we know she had her life planned out with her secret lover!” George said joking at the end. Sapnap closed his eyes, shaking his head, “I feel horrible, but I like her.” he said as he wrapped an arm around her sleeping form protectively. Dream and Geroge glanced over to each other, both choosing to drop the subject. ‘Must’ve hit a sensitive spot.’ Dream though watching Sapnap freak out over [YourName], Dream wasn’t stupid- he watched Fundy and [YourName] interact. He walked into the kitchen the other night and watched the way Fundy comforted her, kissed her hair, stood there with her, he had to do something about it. He wanted Sapnap to remain happy and that was because of their friendship, no way was he going to let some random fox hybrid get in the way of this. The following week, it was wedding time. [YourName] stood in front of her mirror, friends had left the room and let her collect her thoughts. Her arms were itchy from the material that was used to create the see-through effect, but so were her corset and skirt which was covered in lace, glitter, jewels, beads, and flower designs. She had to admit, she felt pretty in this dress and preferred to feel pretty and sad on this big day than ugly and sad. Her hair was done nicely, with no loose strands or messy ends, and on top of her head was leaf design Rhinestone headpiece, the wires connected each stone to the next, which added to the mystical feeling she had felt when she looked at herself. Behind her were her boots that she had to lace up, the heels were tinier than she was used to, but she had practiced with them all week. There was a knock on her dressing room door, “Come in” she replied looking over. She expected her father, but instead, it was Fundy. “Hello,” He greeted, his ears perked up and tail wagged with excitement. He missed her dearly and if this was going to be their last moments together he was going to make it work. [YourName] brightened up, “Fundy!” she greeted rushing over bringing him into a hug which he returned. He squeezed her, kissing all over her face. [YourName] giggled nuzzling her nose against his making little squeak noises to be admitted from his mouth. “Gosh, I’m going to miss this,” she said softly pressing her forehead against his. Fundy shook his head, “I’m going to get you out of this marriage, even if it means having to kill later on down the line.” he explained making sure his point was proven. “Let’s not bubble down to murder, maybe there’ll be a new way of peace and I’ll be let go, and then we can live out our lives together within L’manberg,” she said giggling once more hugging him closely. He gently bent down and rubbed his face and head against her neck, [YourName] had no idea what he was doing, but she took it like a champ. “Well then” she chuckled, Fundy flustered but shook it off, “There’s a gift I need to give you personally before you leave, okay? You can’t lose it.” Fundy said seriously, pulling away from [YourName]. She nodded, making a mental note in her head for that, “Alright, I love you, please… be careful.” Fundy said, taking his leave. [YourName] laced her boots up and would meet up with her father in front of the doors of the aisle. She held onto her father’s arm, the bridesmaids and groomsmen along with the flower and ring boys had gone down already and it was her turn. She clung to her father’s arm and stuck a fake smile on as they passed church pews filled with close family friends and friends of Sapnap’s. Gregory let go of his daughter after pressing a kiss to her forehead and returning to his seat in the front row, Wilbur smiled between Sapnap and [YourName]. He proceeded to get both [YourName] and Geroge to say vows, [YourName] held her flower batch close with a soft smile at the faint smell of Fundy on her. She looked at Sapnap making him smile, “If there to be any objections, speak now.” Wilbur said loud and clear. [YourName] hoped someone would say something, that someone would stand up and whisk her away, but she knew better than to hope. She glanced at the crowd, especially at Fundy, but he didn’t act. Wilbur hummed, “Tommy, Tubbo, the rings please.” he asked, making the teenagers squirm and push each other to give [YourName] and Sapnap the rings making the room fill up with laughter. Dream carefully stepped up, removing [YourName]’s engagement necklace and placed it inside a provided glass box, and carried it away, letting the ring vows carry on. Sapnap looked into [YourName]’s eyes with a soft smile “Let this ring be a symbol of my promises to you and a reminder of my devotion to you, [YourName]. I am honored to call you my wife.” he spoke placing the ring onto her finger. “I will wear it. Whenever I look at it, I will remember this day and the vows we’ve made.” [YourName] spoke before she picked up Sapnap’s ring and carefully did the same thing as he had done, “Because this ring is perfectly symmetrical, it signifies our true love. As I place it on your finger, I give you all I am and hope to be” she said looking up at the male. “Because this ring has no end or beginning, it signifies the continuation of true love. I give you all that I am and ever hope to be.” Sapnap replied softly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. “You may now kiss the bride!” Wilbur said, shutting the book loudly, smiling toward [YourName] and Sapnap. The two hadn’t kissed once since they met, Sapnap had kissed [YourName]’s knuckles countless of times but this was different. [YourName] and Sapnap leaned in, placing their lips upon each other. [YourName]’s arms wrapped around Sapnap’s neck while Sapnap placed his hands against her waist. “Congratulations, [YourName] and Sapnap, you are now wedded and now proceed with the reception!” Wilbur said after the two pulled away, despite the hatred [YourName] knew she needed to feel, she quite enjoyed that kiss with Sapnap, and from the smile on her husband’s face-- he enjoyed it too. [YourName] and Sapnap led friends and family to the reception area, taking a seat at the sweetheart table after the food was served. “[YourName]?” An unknown voice spoke, [YourName] glanced around until she noticed a male in a black and red cloak, he had brown hair, his skin was covered in black spots and he wore glasses. “That’s me.” [YourName] said innocently, Sapnap too busy trying to prevent an argument between Geroge and Dream to notice, “I’m Bad, Sapnap’s father, it’s lovely to meet you!” he said with a smile offering his hand. [YourName] took it and shook it, “A shame I never got to meet you before this, but I uh.. I hope to see you around more.” [YourName] said nervously. Sapnap glanced over and smiled, busting into conversation with his father, easily placing Bad’s attention onto himself and not his new wife. Soon, Sapnap and [YourName] were in the middle of the spotlight and softly danced to a disc Tommy had carefully picked out with Wilbur and Fundy, they gently swayed between steps. [YourName]’s hand was placed on Sapnap’s shoulder while the other was being held out, while Sapnap’s hand was placed upon her waist and held [YourName]’s hand out guiding her with each step. The two couldn’t help but smile when they messed up now and then. After their first dance Gregory and [YourName] had the father-daughter dance, which was even more emotional than the first dance. The disc that played was the same one [YourName]’s mother had danced with her father to. [YourName] was soon able to sit back down, which she proceeded to do. At the end of the wedding, [YourName] met up with Fundy where he gave her a final wedding gift. She couldn’t open it until later when Sapnap left their new home and it was just her. [YourName] placed one final kiss against Fundy’s cheek and soon rushed over to Sapnap where they were seen off to spend a few weeks away from Dream SMP and L’manberg. [YourName] hoped nothing bad would happen within these next two weeks. 
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taramaclaywasaterf · 3 years
Just walked out to grab iced tea from the fridge and saw my dad sitting slackjawed on the couch watching Fox like he does every night, and was just in time to hear fucking Tucker Carlson literally compare wearing MASKS to A MAN FLASHING HIS PENIS IN PUBLIC. I wish I was joking. Like. I’m actually fucking nauseous.
I usually bite my tongue nowadays when it comes to the shit I overhear from Fox, but even my dad knew this shit was so bad that he paused the TV, knowing I wouldn’t be able to let that comment slide without saying anything.
So I just flat out said “how the hell do you watch him?”
And he said “because nearly everything he says is spot on.”
So I said “are you joking? Did you just hear him? He literally just compared wearing a mask that prevents the spread of an airborne virus to a man flashing his dick in public.”
My dad just fucking rolled his eyes and did that awful grunt/huff thing that men do when they’re angry, and he said “I don’t want to talk about him.”
I was just like “seriously?”
And this man- this grown ass fucking 60 year old man- PLUGS HIS FINGERS IN HIS FUCKING EARS LIKE A GODDAMN CHILD THROWING A TEMPER TANTRUM and screams “I just told you I don’t want to talk about him!”
I was just like “Jesus fucking christ” and walked away, because I’m just so fucking tired of this shit.
Like...I can’t fucking deal with it anymore. I don’t understand how anyone can watch Fox in general, but especially Tucker, and especially after his full blown mask-off racist segment where he quite literally openly spewed nazi shit, and the way he acted after the Chauvin trial. Like, my dad literally records this piece of shit’s “news” show every single night so he never misses it, even though he KNOWS it’s not even fucking news, and that Tucker literally went into court and flat out admitted no one with a brain would ever agree with or believe a word out of his mouth.
I’m so fucking tired and it’s infuriating and depressing and exhausting watching my own father spiral downward more and more into this evil black hole. I thought he was beginning to see how awful all this stuff was after the capital insurrection, but he had like a day of hope then just dug his heels in even deeper. He never used to be like this before Trump. Yeah, he was conservative, and yeah, we’d get into some pretty brutal fights over politics before all this, some that even lead to him kicking me out of the house even when I was a teenager...but now, it’s like he’s a completely different person. He’s just angry all the time. All he does is watch Fox and scroll on his stupid fucking racist Facebook groups and post memes about how dumb AOC is and talk about how wonderful and special and super duper talented Trump is and how Biden is the devil.
I can’t fucking deal with this shit anymore. And I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything. I’ve tried talking to him. I’ve begged him. I’ve showed him practically every piece of evidence proving that Fox is nothing but a propaganda machine that he’s willingly letting control him, that Trump was a horrific president and an embarrassment to the country and destroyed countless lives. I’ve shown him that the capital wasn’t raided by ~antifa~ and that BLM protests are overwhelmingly peaceful until police brutality turn them violent. I’ve shown him proof time and time again that the election wasn’t fucking stolen, that Trump lost because the country fucking hates him. I’ve showed him interviews by experts, articles by historians, firsthand witness accounts, everything you can possibly imagine from every unbiased, trustworthy source you can think of, all disproving every single one of his stupid fucking right ring lies. But it doesn’t change his mind. None of it. Nothing fucking matters. He doesn’t care. Trump still won. George Floyd still died of an overdose. Covid is still “not that bad.” Hilary and Obama are still apart of some ~cabal.~ Climate change is still a hoax. Biden is still a Chinese puppet, and he’s ready to step down any day now so that Harris can take over to fulfill some sort of super evil master plan.... It’s like he would believe the ocean is made of the blood of murdered children and that the existence of Canada is a hoax if fucking Tucker Carlson told him so. And I can’t fucking deal with it anymore, because it’s infuriating trying to talk to someone who exists in an entirely separate reality that they’ve concocted where everything is some grand conspiracy. I’m just so fucking tired.
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back-and-totheleft · 3 years
"Hollywood rabble rouser"
Late one night in the summer of 2008, I found what turned out to be a stockbroker’s iPhone in the back of a NYC taxi. Turning it on in order to contact the owner, I noticed that amongst the stock watch apps and currency converters was an icon of Gordon Gekko, the corrupt market raider immortalized by Michael Douglas in Wall Street, Oliver Stone’s 1987 tale of insider trading and corporate excess. Intrigued, I hit Gekko’s pixilated face (it felt good) and a website flashed up with an entire transcription of his infamous “Greed is good” speech — one of Hollywood’s most iconic parables to the pursuit of unrestrained greed. Whoever owned the phone found those words as important as checking Facebook or texting his girlfriend. Gekko was his hero, his daily inspiration.
Watching back Wall Street a few weeks later as news of the Lehman Brothers collapse and global recession spread, it struck me that a whole generation of financiers must have grown up, like Charlie Sheen’s character Bud Fox, yearning to be Gekko. He was the business equivalent of a rapper wanting to become Tony Montana, another Stone creation. And some of these brokers, as we’ve all since discovered, were willing to trade money that didn’t exist in pursuit of pin stripe suits, corner offices, penthouses, boats, women, and stacks of cash. Perhaps the perks made the 22-year prison stretch Gekko received at the end of the film seem like a viable risk. Or they deliberately chose to ignore his downfall.
Inspired by financial fiends like Bernie Madoff, Stone decided to spring Gekko out of prison for Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps. Set in 2008, he is a reformed character that tries, and fails, to warn business leaders of the impending credit crunch. Many fans are understandably nervous about Douglas reprising his Oscar winning role, especially since his hair gel and brick phone have long been put into storage. Stone, who only agreed to direct the film because he felt that current financial climate lent itself to a sequel, understandably feels that it’s time for bankers to grow up. As the director of Natural Born Killers, JFK and Platoon he’s used to Marmite reactions. But, after giving Dubya an easy ride in W, will Gordon 2.0 be one step too far? Is the world ready for goody Gekko two shoes? Or will traders across Wall Street be deleting their “Greed is good” iPhone bookmarks forever? As they say on the stock market floor, let the bull charge.
Tim Noakes: When you were 18 your father got you to work on a financial exchange in France. Was that your inspiration for Wall Street?
Oliver Stone: No, it was a great summer job actually, because it was very exotic. My father was always into the stock market, into numbers. He loved that world in New York and I grew up on the fringes of it but I wasn’t particularly attuned to it. So it was a chance to see it first hand but I didn’t do very well as a trader. In those days you’d run from the phone booth in the back to the floor. It was cocoa and sugar. It was violent and busy. They used to elbow each other to get into the inner circle, like matadors. It was a real crush. I elbowed my way through it and got up to be assistant buyer, which was very complicated because you had to make the orders for everything right. You couldn’t screw up. A lot of money’s involved. So then I thought I should be one of the cocoa buyers. I was a little too ambitious for my own good.
Your father died before you made Wall Street. What do you think he would have made of it?
I think he would have appreciated that I had done a business movie. We always talked about it. He loved movies and he took me to them. We discussed them afterwards, which was an invaluable experience, and he would say that there weren’t many business movies. And there weren’t. There was not a specific genre. Hollywood was not into the business movie concept. It’s hard. I can understand why. It’s all financial talk, it’s not interesting to most people and it lacks those human emotions. Money is an interesting subject, however, for America. That’s why I addressed it in 1987. I thought, ‘Americans love money’, and what lengths they will go to get it is what that movie is about. Especially coming off Platoon, which is a different kind of movie. I was trying to prove that I could do something domestic with ‘Wall Street’.
The original was very much of its era.
It was the era of “Greed is good” and Reagan. With Wall Street 2, I’m obviously more mature, I’ve done more films, I have more confidence, I hope. I’m trying something a little bit deeper in the relationship field. There’s no Darryl Hannah in the movie. There’s a real English girl this time (Carey Mulligan). She anchors strongly the emotions of the film, because she is damaged. She’s the daughter of Gordon Gekko, if you can imagine what that can be like.
Michael Douglas once said that your style of directing is like taking people into the trenches. What did he mean by that?
He makes it sound like I dress him up in uniform and have a military hierarchy. Every single actor that I’ve worked with, and there’s obviously dozens now, you’d have to talk to every single one of them to get their perception. I would say some would disagree. Maybe Michael, because he hasn’t been in the military, would regard it as a military experience. I didn’t think of it that way. I think of a movie as an organisation that has to work at a very fluid pace involving a large amount of people who have to move quickly over a landscape. Call that what you will. It could be an adventure party or a military organisation. It’s really a satellite business. You form, you group, you rehearse, you shoot, you separate. It’s very nomadic. In that chemistry you bring together so many conflicting types of people who have different kinds of egos. It’s quite a mix. At the end of the day, if you look back at the — what is it? 19, 20 films — that I’ve directed, it’s just a mix of styles. Sometimes it really works with people. It clicks. I think Michael did great work on both films, so I’m very pleased with his result. My style might not have been good for him, but it works for other people. Some people, like Shia LaBeouf and Josh Brolin, were digging it. They loved the way I worked because it was intense and to the point and relatively fast.
Do you see yourself as a hard taskmaster or a disciplinarian?
No, I’m not a disciplinarian. I’m disciplined with myself and I think I try to lead by example not by imposition of my will. I try to lead by example. That’s just to say that people know that I’m trying to get this thing done. My approach is that we’re all in this together. The idea is king. We all serve that king. It is not a democracy, it is a constitutional monarchy, so to speak, with strong legislative power in the House of Lords. No, but the idea is king. I repeat that. Not the director. The idea. I serve the idea.
How do you balance the logistics with trying to create a piece of art?
Oh boy, if I didn’t tell you I wasn’t humbled so many times, you would not believe it. It’s a very humbling experience to make a movie, because you’re at the mercy of the elements. Of the winds and the weather as well as conditions that can go wrong — disease, sickness, bad tempers. All sorts of stuff can happen. Given that nature, to pull off a movie is extremely difficult. The editing room is another humiliation. All your mistakes are thrown back in your face. No matter how many good choices you make, and making a movie involves thousands of choices, you’re constantly having to question yourself again. I find it a very difficult position. I don’t think I enjoy it. I think I’m more experienced at it but I don’t think I completely enjoy it. I think sometimes it’s so painful you want to scream bloody murder and run somewhere.
What’s the cut-off point? How do you stop?
How do you stop? A famous director once said that every film is abandoned, never finished.
So you just let it go?
Some people won’t but I do let it go. I’m not looking for perfection. I don’t believe in it. I believe that a film is many things to many people and it changes over time. I think you have to feel good about it and about what you did. It hangs together and it’s going to be a story that can move an audience. It’s so difficult to pull off quickly. It takes time.
The world’s moved on since Wall Street. Were you apprehensive about creating a sequel to such a well-loved film?
Apprehensions? No. I’d have had more apprehensions if I’d had to do it in 1990, I think. Twenty-three years is a long time to call it a sequel. I think of it more as a bookend.
Don’t you think that’s laying you open for even more criticism? Look at what George Lucas did with Star Wars..
We’re not going back into that period. The beauty of this thing is that there’s a new period upon us, which is quite different, technically. It’s a different kind of Wall Street. The landscape has changed. It’s no longer 1987. It’s really a computer game now. The money has accelerated at a square root that is beyond belief from millions to billions. Hedge funds invest 30–40 billion dollars. Even to have one billion dollars is an enormous amount of money. When you hear these guys say, “Oh, it’s just a billion dollar hedge fund” it’s unbelievable arrogance. The heights are dizzying, and the losses are dizzying. It’s just unbelievable what happened. By all accounts it was a near-fatal heart-attack.
Were you planning on revisiting Wall Street is the crisis hadn’t happened?
No, that was the catalyst for it. It wasn’t the only reason. It was a wonderful idea for a script, that Gekko would be a different type of person. That he would start from the outside. He didn’t have power or connections anymore. Time had passed. He was dated.
Is Michael Douglas in danger of becoming a pastiche of what made Gordon Gekko good?
I feared that. That’s why we approached it in a wholly different way. Michael is playing it twenty-two years older, he’s coming out of prison. Michael has changed in that interim. He was a charming rogue, certainly, in the Eighties. You saw a lot of that in his subsequent performances. You saw a lot of Gekko in later films, so I think it was smart to move away from that pastiche, as you call it, because it would have been boring after a while. There are flashes of the old Gekko, which I love, but it’s not like the charming reptile, so to speak. It’s a different man now. I’m not saying that he’s a wholly reformed figure looking for a martyrhood, but what’s interesting about him is what he’s going to do, and how he’s going to play the game to get back. He has suffered extensively in prison, his family has fallen apart, his oldest son has committed suicide. It’s very tough on him.
How did you persuade Michael to get back on board?
Frankly, I didn’t convince anybody. I passed on the script in 2006. It wasn’t important for me to make it. I felt, what was the need to make this movie if it was going to glorify the pigs on Wall Street? They were really making money and it was ugly. There was a spate of books too like The Wolf of Wall Street, which was a big hit and they are going to make a movie out of that. There was kind of a surfeit and there was sickliness to it all. I got turned off by it. I passed, and I moved on with my life, and I did W and World Trade Centre and stuff like that. Then there was this crash and the crash changed the equation I think, I hope.
Do you think the original message of Wall Street failed because young traders ended up idolising Gordon Gekko?
That’s a very good question. Frankly, I wondered at times. The original Wall Street came about because of my experiences on Scarface. I was living in New York and I was hanging out with the dealers and the mob. That whole scene in Miami was a very shocking thing in 1982–3. Wall Street, was like Scarface north. I was suddenly seeing people my age, in their twenties, making millions of dollars, so easily, so quickly. Moving inordinate amounts of money. Also, snorting and drinking. The partying scene had really kicked in big time in the 80s. It was all new to me, so that’s how that was born. Then it went to excess. But I was very clear that Gekko was the antagonist in the movie, but as you say a lot of young people caught on to him. I do think, and perhaps I’m retrograde, that although he was not feted at the time the anchor of the movie is Charlie Sheen.
But no-one wanted to be Bud Fox.
Well that’s the movies. They want to be heroes. They want to make money. I did meet a lot of people in their 40s that said, “When I saw your movie I was studying this-or-that at this-or-that school, I was going to do history or medicine or law but then I saw the movie and I moved to Wall Street for that reason.” The the kicker was that some of them were multi-millionaires, one of them was a billionaire, and they had moved to Wall Street because of the movie. I said, “Oh boy, I wish I had a royalty on that.” These guys are really rich.
I find that quite worrying.
I gave birth to some rich people. But some of them did good. Some of them created something. That was the whole point of the original. Not to shit on Wall Street but to basically say, ‘Look, this is an engine of capitalism’. This can work. My father always felt that Wall Street was a good thing. It creates companies, it finances new companies, creates research and development, and it does. It still does, by the way, it’s not forgotten but it’s been buried in the greater picture of making bigger profits and more greed, but it’s still there. Wall Street is a good thing. It was a good thing and it can be a good thing.
Throughout your career critics have said you shouldn’t glamourise the people you put on the big screen. Do you like to provoke that reaction?
No, I like to make bigger-than-life characters but ‘World Trade Centre’ is about two very ordinary men who were real heroes. On Bush I guess you could say I supped with the devil and brought out all the reasons I thought why people voted for the guy. There is this fundamental thing which Americans like in him, and I was trying to root that out and how he became President.
You were criticised for making Bush too likeable.
You can fault that, but he was re-elected. I didn’t like him. I was very clear — I empathised. Empathy means I walked in his shoes, or tried to. As opposed to sympathised. I don’t agree with anything he said. Anything. I think he was a disaster. It was a nightmare eight years.
Do you think you were too soft?
No. I wish I’d done it a year earlier and it would have been more timely. He was out of favour when it came out, because of the economy, but frankly the movie was about the national security state which concerned me more.
Why are you drawn to these anti-heroes?
They don’t do me any good. Nixon, too.
I see a lot of similarities between Tony Montana and Gordon Gekko. In Scarface, Tony says “You need people like me to point the finger at and say, ‘That’s the bad guy’”. Do you think film critics see you in that light?
I think you’re right. I think film critics have me as a punch ball. It’s an easy target, I guess. I’ve been misidentified with the characters, but I think over time you see that there’s a whole assortment of different characters. But I agree, I think that’s true and I think that’s hurt me. It’s hurt my career as well as some of the political statements I’ve made and positions I’ve taken in documentaries I’ve made. They’ve hurt me too and they’ve given me a profile that’s not necessarily me, it’s just a profile. Absolutely.
There’s been huge furor recently that you’re reported to be attempting to humanise Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong.
I think it’s out of context. I did use the word ‘scapegoat’ and I think that was an unfortunate word, but frankly it’s a very interesting history that we’re putting together. We’re using the facts that we have, that are known but have been forgotten. There’s no question that Hitler had a big hand up the ladder. He didn’t come out of nowhere. He is a Frankenstein, he is a monster and I have no sympathy for him, but he was created by a Dr Frankenstein. That Dr Frankenstein is a very interesting mixture and you have to study cause and effect to understand history, otherwise you don’t learn anything from it. It’s my fault because I’m interested in the world, and I’m willing to go out there. I’m not trying to provoke, I’m trying to look for the truth. I’m trying to shine a light. For Christ’s sake, I feel like we’ve become so politically correct that you can’t do shit anymore. You’re not supposed to turn around.
Do you feel like you sometimes exploit sensitive subjects too much? More than some people can take?
Well, that’s why I like the English. They’re much more out there and they’re willing to explore subjects that the Americans are not. Having been to war, having seen the devastation America visited onto Vietnam, I cannot just be another typical American and live in isolation. My taxes are going as we speak to blowing up people in Afghanistan. I don’t feel good about that.
Back to Wall Street. Gekko says “Every dream has its price”, what’s the biggest price you’ve paid to get to where you are?
I’d have to talk to my psychotherapist, who I haven’t seen in ages. I suppose the price is that you do have long absences from home and normal quotidian values, at times. Your children grow up and you have to readapt to the fact that you haven’t been the attentive father. That’s a big issue, but I have been as attentive as I can be in taking care of them. Still, there’s gaps there. Divorces have happened. Those things.
I see Wall Street as epitomising the ruthlessness of the Eighties. During that era did you find yourself being a slave to the success that you had earned?
Yeah, I suppose everybody can become a mental slave to the need to produce. Remember, I was on a roll in the sense that I had to get financing for very complicated movies. I felt like I had a mission. To get JFK made in that era was very tough, still. You need heat. To make that movie after The Doors you need to keep rolling. In a sense I worked very fast, and hard, but I knew that I could get things done. Nixon was sort of the end of the line. I was making movies all those years. Platoon was impossible to get made. So was Salvador. Every single fucking one. ‘The Doors’. They were always problems. There were always tremendous issues. You asked what the price is? The price was to keep going fast, before they change their mind. The idea was ‘Wrap it up, get another one done’. These are tough subject matters. With ‘Nixon’ I’d done eleven or ten, I was exhausted. Frankly, I needed to take a break.
What kept you moving on? Obviously the pressures that you’re talking about manifested in different ways. You had your drug problems earlier on, but how did it manifest when the financing started to crumble down? Did you resort to those kind of vices?
I think there’s other factors. There was a lot of living. A lot of pain. Children. Divorces. This and that. But I think I have been very successful. I got movies made that wouldn’t have been done in the normal radar. They were not on the scope.
In Wall Street 2 Shia LeBeouf says, “No matter how much money you make, you’ll never be rich”. With all your success, do you empathise with that sentiment?
Of course I do. I don’t think money is the solution to happiness. Life is complicated, but certainly money can have the opposite effect. It can make you unsatisfied with life, and make life harder for you. There are two effects of it. One is that it leaves you unsatisfied, you always want more, as we see from these billionaires. Two, it leaves you falsely content and over-satisfied.
And you’re not either?
I don’t feel that way, no. I feel like I’m one trade away from disaster.
The new film is called Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps. What gets you off to sleep?
What gets me off to sleep? Sonata. Medication. I’m just joking. The best solution for sleep is having lived a full day and tried hard to live life fully. That makes you feel the reward of sleep.
-Tim Noakes, "The Hollywood rabble rouser sets his sights on a new generation of Wall Street wolves," Medium, Mar 3 2010 [x]
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cherry-thegenz · 4 years
MCYT prompts
list of my personal prompts so far : ) (some i’ve written for, will make a list of all the mcyt fics ive made maybe), will put written under ones i’ve written lol
Insane Skeppy (TW: torture)
 “Skeppy tortures Bad because he just needs someone to torture and I can't find the word for that
Anyways it'll be a longer oneshot so I hope someone does it”
Dolphin King (Karlnap)   Karl needs a dolphin to quickly make it through the ocean. But first, he needs to ask the Dolphin King to borrow one.
Drunken Pranks
 Sapnap, ever the insane idiot, decided it’d be a good idea to prank Dream. George, also an idiot, decided it’d be good to join him. Thus starting a prank war between all of them. (make them get drunk)
Nobody hurts Gogy (GeorgeNap | platonic or romantic)
somebody hurts gogy. sapnap gets very protective Fluff ;D [based off when sapnap said ‘nobody hurts gogy’ hahahahahahaha]
Don’t Mess W Niki 
basically bamf niki these are the notes i wrote  frick im supposed to sleep but was suddenly struck w this idea from animatic aka where wilbur n tommys citizenship is yeeted?? and its all angst and i love it butimagine that but while they're gone niki just gets so mad at schlatt and just like goes full on badass mode gets full netherite armor and stuff for like tommy n wilbur spends hours getting materials for themand when they come back she's handing them tools and weapons and she's got techno on her side and she's just ready to throw hands with schlatt, has tnt prepared, etc, shes just super prepared to murder schlatt and we get to see her sniping people with a bow
Atlantic Empire
techno is king of a weird kingdom. He’s known as the blood god, so good at pvp even the Dream SMP kingdom can’t touch him.
His kingdom is just so weird though.
He’s had at least three wars that had no violence at all- literally just about which kingdom could get more potatoes farmed
His subjects all bully him, hes fine with it, and they’re actually all adore him anyways. 
All of his citizens are strangely sarcastic (him even more so)
He’s allies with pogtopia, hates manburg
Neutral with the dream smp
“blood for the blood god” 
“Subscribe to technoblade”
“Technoblade never dies”
Its a small kingdom but most of the residents are so good at pvp or speed building or even bedwars/skywars in general that they’re all really powerful
His kingdom is normally p quiet actually
When it snows, it snows
Also ngl, all of their kingdom are BULLIES
Also they’re super competitive but have no hard feelings
Much anxiety (a lot of them chill in their homes or w one friend group but they all know each other)
Winner of antarctic empire bedwars championship go against technoblade and theyre just like “wow i win and all i have to do is speedbridge faster than a pig easy win, i’ll be the new ruler”
Its actually a really good match and in the end the winner gets to be Head Knight or sum, techno wins tho
  Scars (any ship, platonic/romantic)
“what? Shocked by my scars?”
“What are you gonna say? They’re a sign of how I survived? Because I know that, I wish I never did-“
“I haven’t even said anything, and you’re already making assumptions.”
“I think they make you look imperfect. They make you look like you actually faced hardships. Like your life wasn’t perfect. It’s comforting, in a way.”
Don’t Hurt The Children [Gods AU]
Don’t Hurt The Children
Prompt: essentially, there are gods on the smp.
Dream - demigod (of war)
George - mortal
Sapnap - demigod (of fire)
Niki - goddess (of friendship and revenge)
Eret - god (of betrayal and loyalty, because they lie hand in hand)
Techno - demigod (of victory & blood - his godly mother is actually p calm n knows when to use these so) 
Phil - god (of family and wisdom)
Wilbur - demigod (of violence)
Tommy - demigod /doesnt know it/ (of music, camaraderie - music discs lol -)
Tubbo - demigod (of nature)
Fundy- hybrid fox
eret is a God who lives in the Dream SMP, dream is a demigod of course, Techno also demigod, Phil + Niki other gods
wilbur goes Insane, hurts tommy - and eret, phil, and niki all decide hes d e a d
Respawn AU
respawn au but ppl get to choose when to perma-die or if they want to leave the server, they get as much time to choose as wanted
Wilbur traps tommy ? in a room w just a bed, wilbur goes to explode l’manburg but techno exposes him (jschlatt is good in this one), n wilbur is caught
Tommy dies from starvation in the game just as wilbur is caught and they all panic They have no clue where tommy is but wilbur (who is bad but not that bad that he’d let tommy die over n over from starving) shows them where he is and his bed spawnpoint
But tommy isnt there and they panic because
It shows when somebody dies
Doesnt show when they permadeath
Does show when they Leave the Game
So they all panic but actually tommy’s just in the respawn menu, tired of everything and disassociating. He snaps out of it because of techno :)
Coconut 2020 Win AU
what if fundy and niki initially won the election and became presidents..
me imagining reactions
fundy n niki: celebrating, happy etc
jschlatt (bc i love making him a good guy): sighs, shakes their hands tho and says congrats etc
wilbur on the other hand: betrayed, accusing, trying to take tommy and leave - tommy refuses 
Citizenship to Run 
Jschlatt wins but then Wilbur laughs and is like “lol thought u were joking bc only citizens of L’manburg can run, and ur only a guest” and that’s basically what happens
if you want to use one of these prompts, go ahead!! if it says written under it, that means i’ve written it on my ao3 Cherry_TheGenZ and it’d be cool if you could just mention me <3 
i will also be writing this so just mention my tumblr !! give me CLOUT 
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I'm gonna do it. I'll take all the history asks for 500, Alex!
OKAy. I may have to reblog and do an add-on, because I will almost certainly go over the 250 paragraph limit. ALSO NICE JEOPARDY REFERNCE. Okay, ready? Go.
1: Historical role model?
We could all stand to be more like Julie D'Aubigny.
2: Favorite underrated historical figure?
See above.
3: Funniest historical kerfuffle?
In 1774 Boston's Committee of Safety (John and Samuel Adams as well as Joseph Warren and PaulRevere were on it) was made up almost entirely of patriots, except for one man: Daniel Leonard. They couldn't decide anything important with him around so they would have a fake meeting and then be like OKAY IT'S AUGUST WE'RE HOT AND TIRED, LET'S GO HOME, and then after he'd left they'd lock themselves in a room and have their REAL, TREASONOUS MEETING. Reading about this is objectively one of the funniest things I have ever heard. It's literally the beack house episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine where they have a fake party for Captain Holt.
4: Favorite conspiracy theory revolving around history?
Whatever the fuck the real story of the X FIles was (I've watched the whole thing multiple times and I still don't know what exactly what the point was. DOn't get me wrong I love it. It just makes no sense.)
5: Favorite political scandal to examine?
The XYZ Affair because I was there for it all and it's...a lot
6: Opinion on the presidential assassinations and their impact on America?
I answered this in depth last time I got that question and you can read my response here.
7: Which time period would you like to live in?
Either take me back to the revolution or put me in Victorian England (BARRING MEDICAL NONSENSE AND SOCIAL BARRIERS)
6 (again?!): Favorite historical fiction book?
See the assassination link!
8: Favorite tv show based on historical events, but not really faithful to real life?
Top choices are Outlander, TURN: Washington's Spies, Black Sails, and Ripper Street.
9: Favorite musical based on history?
*sarcasm* Definitely NOT Hamilton whaaaaaaat why would you even assume that?! Ahem. Also Les Mis is cool I guess.
10: Favorite movie based on history?
Wonder Woman!!!
11: Favorite biography?
The Swamp Fox by John Oller
12: If you could prevent one tragedy, which would you choose?
The Trump Administration.
13: Fun fact?
MLK and Anne Frank were born in the same year.
14: Favorite female monarch?
Cleopatra or Mary Queen of Scots.
15: Favorite war leader?
I'm biased but George Washington.
16: Favorite controversial leader?
Winston Churchill
17: Favorite feminist pioneer?
J U L I E D ' A U B I G N Y. Also Mary Read and ANne Bonney my queer pirate gals
18: Which president, in your opinion, was the best speaker?
No contest, Abraham Lincoln.
19: If you would travel back in time and kill anyone, who would it be?
Listen I’m not a fan of these questions when people are like “I’d kill Hitler” etc. bc butterfly effect, BUT The British officer who shot John Laurens can CATCH THESE MF HANDS
20: Opinion on each of the founding fathers?
Oh boy. This is an interesting question at this point in time because I am currently grappling with the fact that the people I worked with did not really believe in equality for all, and the system we built was designed to reflect this. However, it is a system that I believed in and put my everything towards so I have many conflicted feelings toward it rn. Anyway here's the low-down on the major ones. GEORGE WASHINGTON: Good guy, needed to loosen up and not be a slaveholder. JOHN ADAMS: old stinky man. Called me mushroom excrement once. Put him back in the swamp from whence he came. THOMAS JEFFERSON: Rapist. Slaveholder. Really stuffy. Founded an entire political party for People Who Don't Like Hamilton. Fuck him foreverrrr. JAMES MADISON: Friendly with me but betrayed me when Jefferson came back from France. 2/10, cute but do not trust him with your secrets or coffee order. JAMES MONROE: A teenager during the war and I barely ever saw him after that but he was fine ig. ALEXANDER HAMILTON: that me! Made mistakes but all around a cool(tm) guy. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: fresh funky and really funny. Cooler than you'd expect an old man with gout to be.
21: Which leader do you think would make the best spouse?
No leaders are good spouses bc superiority complex.
22: Most pointless war in your opinion?
All. But King Phillip's War was especially whack.
23: John Wilkes Booth - crazy or crazy with a cause?
I mean of course he had a cause, but it was a bad one and having a cause doesn't make him less crazy. He was...really yikes.
24: Why do you think Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK and did he act alone?
Most certainly did not act alone. But I feel based on timeline of events and maps of the area that either he was paid off either by our own government or the Soviets, or one of the two set him up as a patsy. Then Jack Ruby was paid to cover up the tracks.
25: Opinion on assassinations of leaders in general?
Same as killing anyone else, I guess, murder is bad, and I don't think that's really the route that should be taken to remove dangerous parties from power. But in some cases it may be the only way of removing them, and, well, that is what it is.
26: Do you think we're going to repeat history because we haven't learned from it?
Always. It is constantly happening. There is nothing new.
27: Have you ever been teased for being a history nerd?
hahahahahahahahaha yeah. Ever since first grade.
28: Which historical figure do you think has been subject to the most fictionalization and elevated to a godlike status nowadays?
Due to the musical, Alexander Hamilton (me.) People need to realize that I wasn't perfect but also not evil. Just human.
29: Rant about your favorite topic?
See the other part of my Lincoln Assassination rant here
30: Favorite kids/teens history books?
The Dear America series and the Liberty's Kids novelizations are WHERE ITS AT.
31: How was your interest in history started?
I don't even know exactly when or how anymore. My mom's a book nerd and an archaeology/anthropology major, so I grew up in a house chock full of books, including history books. I've loved it ever since I could read, honestly.
32: Do you know a history professor?
I do not!
33: How did your favorite history teacher structure their class?
I was homeschooled so it was my mom. She made sure we covered every period, but other than that just let me pick out what interested me and what I wanted to read and explore. She read a ton of big historical books right alongside me and we'd discuss as we read. We still do this!
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Clara Lou Sheridan (February 21, 1915 – January 21, 1967), known professionally as Ann Sheridan, was an American actress and singer. She worked regularly from 1934 until her death, first in film and later in television. Notable roles include San Quentin (1937) with Pat O'Brien and Humphrey Bogart, Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) with James Cagney and Bogart, They Drive by Night (1940) with George Raft and Bogart, The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942) with Monty Woolley, Kings Row (1942) with Ronald Reagan, Nora Prentiss (1947), and I Was a Male War Bride (1949) with Cary Grant.
Born in Denton, Texas, on February 21, 1915, Clara Lou Sheridan was the daughter of G.W. Sheridan and Lula Stewart Warren Sheridan. According to Sheridan, her father was a great-great-nephew of Civil War Union general Philip Sheridan. She had a sister, Pauline.
She was active in dramatics at Denton High School and at North Texas State Teachers College. She also sang with the college's stage band.
In 1932, she was a student at North Texas State Teachers College when her sister sent a photograph of her to Paramount Pictures. She subsequently entered and won a beauty contest, with part of her prize being a bit part in a Paramount film, The Search for Beauty. She left college to pursue a career in Hollywood.
After making her film debut in 1934, at 19, in Search for Beauty, she played uncredited bit parts in Paramount films for the next two years, starting at $75 a week (equivalent to $1,400 in 2019).
She can be glimpsed in Bolero (1934), Come On Marines! (1934) (billed as "Clara Lou Sheridan"), Murder at the Vanities (1934), Shoot the Works (1934), Kiss and Make-Up (1934), The Notorious Sophie Lang (1934), College Rhythm (1934) (directed by Norman Taurog whom Sheridan admired), Ladies Should Listen (1934), You Belong to Me (1934), Wagon Wheels (1934), The Lemon Drop Kid (1934), Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1934), Ready for Love (1934), Limehouse Blues (1934), and One Hour Late (1934).
Sheridan worked with Paramount's drama coach Nina Mouise and performed plays on the lot with fellow contractees, including The Milky Way and The Pursuit of Happiness. When she did The Milky Way, she played a character called Ann and the Paramount front office decided to change her name to "Ann".
Sheridan had a part in Behold My Wife! (1934), which she got at the behest of director Mitchell Leisen, who was a friend. She had two good scenes, one in which her character had to commit suicide. Sheridan attributed Paramount's keeping her for two years to this role.
She followed it with Enter Madame (1935), Home on the Range (1935), and Rumba (1935).
Sheridan's first lead came in Car 99 (1935) with Fred MacMurray. She was in Rocky Mountain Mystery (1935), a Randolph Scott Western. "No acting, it was just playing the lead, that's all", she later said.
She then appeared in Mississippi (1935) with Bing Crosby and W. C. Fields, The Glass Key (1935) with George Raft, and (having one line) The Crusades (1935) with Loretta Young. Paramount lent her out to Talisman, a small production company, to makeThe Red Blood of Courage (1935) with Kermit Maynard. After this, Paramount declined to take up her option.
Sheridan did one film at Universal, Fighting Youth (1935), and then signed a contract with Warner Bros. in 1936.
Sheridan's career prospects began to improve. Her early films for Warner Bros. included Sing Me a Love Song (1936); Black Legion (1937) with Humphrey Bogart; The Great O'Malley (1937) with Pat O'Brien and Bogart, her first real break; San Quentin (1937), with O'Brien and Bogart, singing for the first time in a film; and Wine, Women and Horses (1937) with Barton MacLane.
Sheridan moved into B picture leads: The Footloose Heiress (1937); Alcatraz Island (1937) with John Litel; and She Loved a Fireman (1937) with Dick Foran for director John Farrow. She was a lead in The Patient in Room 18 (1937) and its sequel Mystery House (1938). Sheridan was in Little Miss Thoroughbred (1938) with Litel for Farrow and supported Dick Powell in Cowboy from Brooklyn (1938).
Universal borrowed her for a support role in Letter of Introduction (1938) at the behest of director John M. Stahl. For Farrow, she was in Broadway Musketeers (1938), a remake of Three on a Match (1932).
Sheridan's notices in Letter of Introduction impressed Warner Bros. executives. "Oomph" was described as "a certain indefinable something that commands male interest." and she began to get roles in A pictures, starting with Angels with Dirty Faces (1938), wherein she played James Cagney's love interest; Bogart, O'Brien and the Dead End Kids had supporting roles. The film was a big hit and critically acclaimed.
Sheridan was reunited with the Dead End Kids in They Made Me a Criminal (1938) starring John Garfield. She was third-billed in the Western Dodge City (1939), playing a saloon owner opposite Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. The film was another notable success.
In March 1939, Warner Bros. announced Sheridan had been voted by a committee of 25 men as the actress with the most "oomph" in America.
She received as many as 250 marriage proposals from fans in a single week. Tagged "The Oomph Girl"—a sobriquet which she reportedly loathed —Sheridan was a popular pin-up girl in the early 1940s. (On the other hand, a February 25, 1940, news story distributed by the Associated Press reported that Sheridan no longer "bemoaned the 'oomph' tag." She continued, "But I'm sorry now. I know if it hadn't been for 'oomph' I'd probably still be in the chorus.")
Sheridan co-starred with Dick Powell in Naughty but Nice (1939) and played a wacky heiress in Winter Carnival (1939).
She was top billed in Indianapolis Speedway (1939) with O'Brien and Angels Wash Their Faces (1939) with O'Brien, the Dead End Kids and Ronald Reagan. Castle on the Hudson (1940) put her opposite Garfield and O'Brien.
Sheridan's first real starring vehicle was It All Came True (1940), a musical comedy co starring Bogart and Jeffrey Lynn. She introduced the song "Angel in Disguise".
Sheridan and Cagney were reunited in Torrid Zone (1940) with O'Brien in support. She was with George Raft, Bogart and Ida Lupino in They Drive by Night (1940), a trucking melodrama. Sheridan was back with Cagney for City for Conquest (1941) and then made Honeymoon for Three (1941), a comedy with George Brent.
Sheridan did two lighter films: Navy Blues (1941), a musical comedy, and The Man Who Came to Dinner (1941), wherein she played a character modeled on Gertrude Lawrence. She then made Kings Row (1942), in which she received top billing playing opposite Ronald Reagan, Robert Cummings, and Betty Field. It was a huge success and one of Sheridan's most memorable films.
Sheridan and Reagan were reunited for Juke Girl (1942). She was in the war film Wings for the Eagle (1942) and made a comedy with Jack Benny, George Washington Slept Here (1943). She played a Norwegian resistance fighter in Edge of Darkness (1943) with Errol Flynn and was one of the many Warners stars who had cameos in Thank Your Lucky Stars (1943).
She was the heroine of a novel, Ann Sheridan and the Sign of the Sphinx, written by Kathryn Heisenfelt and published by Whitman Publishing Company in 1943. While the heroine of the story was identified as a famous actress, the stories were entirely fictitious. The story was probably written for a young teenaged audience and is reminiscent of the adventures of Nancy Drew. It is part of a series known as "Whitman Authorized Editions", 16 books published between 1941 and 1947 that always featured a film actress as heroine.
Sheridan was given the lead in the musical Shine On, Harvest Moon (1944), playing Nora Bayes, opposite Dennis Morgan. She was in a comedy The Doughgirls (1944).
Sheridan was absent from screens for over a year, touring with the USO to perform in front of the troops as far afield as China. She returned in One More Tomorrow (1946) with Morgan. She had an excellent role in the noir Nora Prentiss (1947), which was a hit. It was followed by The Unfaithful (1948), a popular remake of The Letter, and Silver River (1948), a Western melodrama with Errol Flynn.
Leo McCarey borrowed her to support Gary Cooper in Good Sam (1948). She was meant to star in Flamingo Road. She then left Warner Bros., saying: "I wasn't at all satisfied with the scripts they offered me."
Her role in I Was a Male War Bride (1949), directed by Howard Hawks and co-starring Cary Grant, was another success. In 1950, she appeared on the ABC musical television series Stop the Music.
She made Stella (1950), a comedy with Victor Mature at Fox.
In April 1949, she announced she wanted to produce Second Lady, a film based on a story by Eleanor Griffin. She was going to make Carriage Entrance at RKO. They fired her and Sheridan sued for $250,000.
Sheridan made Woman on the Run (1950), a noir, which she did produce. She wanted to make a film called Her Secret Diary.
Woman on the Run was distributed by Universal, and Sheridan signed a contract with that studio. While there, she made Steel Town (1952), Just Across the Street (1952), and Take Me to Town (1953), a comedy directed by Douglas Sirk.
Sheridan supported Glenn Ford in Appointment in Honduras (1953), directed by Jacques Tourneur. She appeared opposite Steve Cochran in Come Next Spring (1956) and was one of several stars in MGM's The Opposite Sex (1956). Her last film, The Woman and the Hunter, was shot in Africa.
She went to New York to appear in a Broadway show, but it did not make it to Broadway.
She did stage tours of Kind Sir (1958) and Odd Man In (1959), and The Time of Your Life at the Brussels World Fair in 1958. In all three shows, she acted with Scott McKay, whom she later married.
In 1962, she played the lead in "The Mavis Grant Story" on the Western series Wagon Train.
In the mid-1960s, Sheridan appeared on the NBC soap opera Another World.
Her final work was a TV series of her own, a comedy Western entitled Pistols 'n' Petticoats, which was filmed during the year before her death and was broadcast on CBS on Saturday nights. The 19th episode of the series, "Beware the Hangman", aired, as scheduled, on the same day that she died.
For her contributions to the motion picture industry, Ann Sheridan has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 7024 Hollywood Boulevard.
Sheridan married actor Edward Norris August 16, 1936, in Ensenada, Mexico. They separated a year later and divorced in 1939. On January 5, 1942, she married fellow Warner Bros. star George Brent, who co-starred with her in Honeymoon for Three (1941). They divorced exactly one year later. Following her divorce from Brent, she had a long-term relationship with publicist Steve Hannagan, that lasted until his death in 1953. Hannagan's estate bequeathed Miss Sheridan $218,399 ($2.1 million in current dollars). On June 5, 1966, she married actor Scott McKay, who was with her when she died, six months later.
In 1966, Sheridan began starring in a new television series, a Western-themed comedy called Pistols 'n' Petticoats. She became ill during the filming and died of gastroesophageal cancer with massive liver metastases at age 51 on January 21, 1967, in Los Angeles. She was cremated and her ashes were stored at the Chapel of the Pines Crematory in Los Angeles until they were interred in a niche in the Chapel Columbarium at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery in 2005.
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nodynasty4us · 4 years
Just a few excerpts from the long profile by Tim Alberta:
Since last fall, I’ve spent nearly six hours talking with Haley on-the-record. I’ve also spoken with nearly 70 people who know her: friends, associates, donors, staffers, former colleagues. From those conversations, two things are clear. First, Nikki Haley is going to run for president in 2024. Second, she doesn’t know which Nikki Haley will be on the ballot. Will it be the Haley who has proven so adaptive and so canny that she might accommodate herself to the dark realities of a Trump-dominated party? Will it be the Haley who is combative and confrontational and had a history of giving no quarter to xenophobes? Or will it be the Haley who refuses to choose between these characters, believing she can be everything to everyone? ...
She is still trying to have it both ways. To argue that Trump only spent two months pummeling our institutional norms—instead of four years—is to refuse admitting any culpability for the party, and the country, going off the rails. But to state that millions of people followed him into a dead-end of social and political violence is to acknowledge that something is very wrong—something that was wrong before January 6, and something that was wrong before 2016.
At the heart of this contradiction is a showdown between who she wants to be and who she thinks she needs to be. Nikki Haley’s fundamental conflict is not with Donald Trump. It’s with Nikki Haley. ... In a sense, Haley was shaped not by any particular cause or dogma, but by the disrespect she encountered inside the GOP caucus [of the South Carolina legislature]. Rejected by her colleagues, Haley stopped listening to conventional wisdom and started rebeling against the Republican leadership. “I don’t need to be that person that everyone likes,” she remembers thinking. “I don’t need to be that person that gets along with everybody.” ... She came to be loathed by many of her fellow Republicans for not being a team player; for going rogue on certain votes and procedures that made them look slimy or stupid to her benefit. But it was their exclusion of her in the first place that set Haley down this path of torturing the establishment, of tapping into the sentiments of the Tea Party... ... Haley had once been nicknamed “Mark Sanford in a dress.” But around this time, a modified phrase became popular in Columbia: “Bill Clinton in a skirt.” This wasn’t meant solely as an insult. In addition to her vengeful streak, and her slippery side, everyone could see Haley’s immense political gifts. “In my lifetime in politics, the only person I’ve seen that I can compare her to is Bill Clinton,” says Senator Tom Davis, who was Sanford’s chief of staff as governor. “She has that same charisma, that same pulse on people, that same force of personality.” Mick Mulvaney, the future White House chief of staff who served with Haley in the statehouse, and had his share of run-ins with her over the years, told me Haley perfected the “Clinton model” of icing perceived enemies. “She may be the most ambitious person I’ve ever met. And that’s okay,” Mulvaney said. “I’m just surprised she’s felt it necessary to burn bridges with so many people for no apparent reason.” ... Lee Bright, a longtime archconservative in the statehouse... added, “The fact is, she doesn’t have a core. Adapting to the electorate is what keeps you around in politics, and she’s done it more effectively than anyone I’ve ever seen. She went from being an enemy of the establishment to being the face of the establishment.” ... To the cynic, watching Haley’s national reputation soar in the summer of 2015, it was proof of her cunning: She had manipulated a tragedy for political gain. “She never had a problem with the flag, but all of a sudden after the shooting, she has some reminiscence of being a child and being mistreated?” Bright grumbled. “It’s all political with her.”
The truth was just the opposite. After years of casting about, searching for her identity and her purpose in a party that was antagonistic to people like her, Haley had found it. Republicans were overdue for a reckoning on race, and she was ready to arrange it. ... In the 72 hours before South Carolina’s primary, Haley helped Rubio put on a rock concert across the state. The two of them were joined at events by Tim Scott, who had also endorsed Rubio. Here was the future of Republicanism—an Indian-American governor, a Black senator, a Cuban-American presidential candidate—joining forces to fight back against a frontrunner who was race-baiting and hate-mongering his way to the party’s nomination for president. Haley took this mission especially personally. “I wanted somebody,” she declared when endorsing Rubio, “that was going to go and show my parents that the best decision they ever made was coming to America.” ... Despite being 230 miles from the White House, she made no secret of her opinion that Trump’s government was being run into the ground by incompetent egomaniacs. Haley would sneak into Washington unannounced and find an audience with the president, over the objections of people like John Kelly and Rex Tillerson, pleading a case separate from theirs. She would backchannel with foreign governments—and with U.S. officials—in a manner that made her appear the de facto secretary of state, which caused Tillerson to vent on more than a few occasions about “that bitch.” ... She has never had personal relationships with Fox’s stars the way other Republicans do. When Tucker Carlson went after Haley last summer—responding to her empathetic remarks about George Floyd’s murder by declaring, “What Nikki Haley does best is moral blackmail”—the entire 2024 field took notice. Carlson has clearly taken a disliking to Haley. What happens if he, or Sean Hannity, or some combination of these and other right-wing voices, make it their mission to take her down? ... Hoping for a hint, I asked Haley on January 12: Does she still consider Trump a friend?
“Friend,” she answered, “is a loose term.”
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gffa · 5 years
I’ve just seen the TCW Season 7 and I’m already pissed at that girl who accused the Jedi of starting the Clone Wars. Who does she think she is?
I KNOW THAT FEELING, but it’s entirely fitting with the state of the galaxy at this point, that they blame the Jedi as part of the problem, rather than understanding who they actually are and how little say they actually had.This is why Star Wars: Propaganda is one of my favorite books, that it’s such a great in-universe look at the bigger picture of everything that happened and it shows so much of how the Jedi’s PR problem shaped so much of what happened.In the lead-up to the Clone Wars:          “The Core Worlders became more enamored with the fleeting distractions of fame and fashion, transitory fascinations with sophistication that left little room for messages of faith or tradition that the Jedi exemplified. The lack of representation in the galactic mindshare undoubtedly fixed their future, as dark forces were on the rise that would poison the public sentiment toward the Jedi in the decades to come.”  (Star Wars: Propaganda | by Pablo Hidalgo)The beginning of the Clone Wars:         “Dooku had a commanding voice that demanded attention. He also had the authority inherited from his previous role, a former Jedi Master of the Order. Once again, the Jedi Order’s eschewing of the galactic spotlight allowed another to reshape the image of the Jedi, and for nearly a decade, the most famous Jedi in the galaxy was one who advocated for the dissolution of the Republic.”  (Star Wars: Propaganda | by Pablo Hidalgo)        “It was Chancellor Palpatine himself who recommended that images such as this poster not be used to bolster wartime support for the Republic, citing sympathy toward the Jedi discomfort. Very few examples exist of government-approved imagery that showcased the Jedi Knights in their capacity as military leaders.”  (Star Wars: Propaganda | by Pablo Hidalgo)       “The ancient eight-spoked sigil of the Republic found new application on freshly minted Republic war machinery as well as on snapping flags and military banners. These were the soldiers risking all for the sanctity of the Republic and the cherished freedoms of democracy—so went the stirring messages, ballads, and holographic short subjects. Absent from these portrayals was any lingering focus on the Jedi Order.”  (Star Wars: Propaganda | by Pablo Hidalgo)        “At the start of the Clone Wars, the Jedi were largely kept out of Republic propaganda, with the clone troopers becoming the face of patriotism during the conflict. This was the preference of the Order, which eschewed imagery of heroism or the romanticization of warfare.”(Star Wars: Propaganda | by Pablo Hidalgo)When saying why the Jedi weren’t enough and the Republic should vote for creating a galaxy-wide miliary, the Republic’s propaganda laid the seeds of “don’t trust the Jedi”:         “Rather than detail the inevitable horrors of impending war, its singular lightsaber and well-chosen words instead demonstrate how undefended the Republic was. In crafting this message of vulnerability, the Commission for a Safe and Secure Republic (a nonprofit think tank based on Level 5121, Coruscant) also unwittingly seeded a secondary story that would grow during the Clone Wars—that no salvation lay in the direction of the Jedi Knights.”(Star Wars: Propaganda | by Pablo Hidalgo)Showing just how little choice the Jedi actually had:        “In the blink of an eye, it seemed, the galaxy was embroiled in a full-scale galactic war. The Separatist Alliance congealed into the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a coalition of loosely aligned worlds united for war. It pooled its resources to purchase huge quantities of battle droids, creating a ready-to-deploy army. The Republic mobilized its newly activated clone forces and hurriedly brevetted the Knights of the Jedi Order into military commanders.”(Star Wars: Propaganda | by Pablo Hidalgo)         “A lot of people say, ‘What good is a lightsaber against a tank?’ The Jedi weren’t meant to fight wars. That’s the big issue in the prequels. They got drafted into service, which is exactly what Palpatine wanted.”  (George Lucas)         “Absent from this hero-making were the Jedi Knights. Citizens who witnessed the Jedi in action were understandably in awe of their abilities, but it was the clone trooper who was the public face of the war effort. The mystic Jedi remained forever inscrutable to the Republic citizenry at large. To the Separatists, they were branded as hypocrites (thanks to firsthand criticism by Count Dooku). That they could so callously brandish a clone army—“slaves bred for war,” as Separatist propaganda proclaimed—did not speak well to their character, though few among the Separatists knew that the Jedi were given no choice in the matter.”(Star Wars: Propaganda | by Pablo Hidalgo)When pointing out uhhh the Jedi aren’t actually like that, it was once again that other people shaped their image for them:         “After three long years of conflict, which included military strikes that reached the heart of the Core Worlds, public opinion soured on the war. More and more citizens saw the conflict as fruitless and demanded a negotiated settlement. It was during the height of this discontent that Chancellor Palpatine shocked the galaxy by exposing the Jedi Order as traitors. Despite some muted protests in the Senate, Palpatine easily spread this claim by reminding the galaxy that Dooku, the Republic’s greatest threat in a thousand years, was a former Jedi.“ (Star Wars: Propaganda | by Pablo Hidalgo)And the part that sums everything up the best of all:        “Anti-Jedi sentiment was more a product of their cultural absence rather than a refutation of anything substantive. Separatist worlds that had experienced lawlessness attributed that to Jedi neglect, a failure of policing. Indeed, the war itself was a failure of the peacekeepers. To these disaffected worlds, the Jedi were just one more symptom of an inattentive Core World. They imagined the Jedi to be cultural elites, or in the case of this piece, a zealous sect of warmongers.        “Had the Jedi made more of an effort to engage in the populace, such deadly misunderstandings could have been avoided.”(Star Wars: Propaganda | by Pablo Hidalgo)This book is the best example of showing how things got to where they were and it’s a really good example of showing why the Jedi chose the paths they did–for one thing, they were drafted into the war, both in-world and out-of-world sources have said so.  We’ve seen them try to object to things like, THEY DID NOT WANT TO SEND ANAKIN TO TATOOINE, PALPATINE MADE THEM, they did not want to let Anakin hang around Palpatine, but had no evidence to object with and so Palpatine shut them down, they did not want to put Anakin on a Council he wasn’t ready for, but Palpatine made them, Mace wanted leniency for Boba Fett, but the Judiciary Branch ignored his plea, when Dooku was a Jedi, he talked to the Senate to ask for help for Outer Rim planets, they told him him that he was stepping out of line to address them this way, to stop trying to influence them (an implication of “don’t you dare use your weird and scary mind powers on us, you weirdo Jedi!”, I think) AND how they eschewed getting deeper into the propaganda because it romanticized war, as well as they believed their traditions and faith would speak for itself, BUT that allowed over and over and over again to have OTHERS shape the Jedi’s image.By the time they would have realize it was a problem, so many of them were already dead and they had thirty tire fires to put out and they were exhausted and still had more to do and nobody really wanted to listen.The above shows an incredibly consistent pattern of the Jedi were drafted into this war, they weren’t given a choice about the clones, their image was spun by people who had an incredibly vested interest in painting them as the bad guys for their own manipulations, and they eschewed public imagery because they didn’t want to become known as warriors, they didn’t want to romanticize this war.So when the people of the GFFA are like, “Yeah, the Jedi are just part of the Core World Elites!  They never come down here with us lowly folks!” that’s playing into the propaganda that was spun about them (look how it also conveniently ignores how many “lowly” worlds they’re visiting and working with), it’s playing into what Palpatine was selling, what the Separatists were selling, and ignoring what the Jedi were actually doing and saying, what they actually had feasible options for.When people accuse the Jedi of starting the wars, it’s supposed to be contrasted against the audience knowing the truth–that Palpatine started that war, but that we know he was a master of propaganda and manipulative lies.  That girl accusing them of starting the war isn’t meant as truth, the idea that the Jedi were Core World Elites isn’t meant as truth, it’s meant as part of the political landscape that they weren’t prepared to navigate (because they’re not meant to be politicians!), but that people painted them that way because Palpatine wanted to make sure they were to blame for everything wrong in the galaxy so that when he murdered their children and burned their home, people would just stand by and watch.That girl saying it was the fault of the Jedi is a huge part of the story, how the galaxy believed the lies about them.  She’s wrong, but she was fed a steady diet of GFFA FOX News and we know exactly what’s going to happen because of it.
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d2kvirus · 4 years
Dickheads of the Month: September 2020
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of September 2020 to make sure that they are never forgotten.
Remember how proven liar Boris Johnson said he had a world-beating oven-ready Britait deal, which was also the basis of his election slogan campaign of “Get Britait done” and the lack of support for the deal is the reason he sacked 21 of his own MPs?  Just asking, because he tore the whole thing up and said it was unworkable - which also led to Brandon Lewis saying in Parliament, so it is now forever enshrined in the Hansard, that De Pfeffel merely broke international law “in a very specific and limited way” - you know, sort of like how the Manson Family broke the law in a very specific and limited way
The bold vision of a new BBC shared by Tim Davie was revealed when he threatened comedy shows with the axe if they kept making jokes about Britait, the Tory Party or Donald Trump on his first day on the job, because as we all know the best form of comedy comes from punching down rather than up, which is why Little Britain definitely hasn’t aged appallingly
Master of decorum Donald Trump couldn’t even wait a few short hours after Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death before he started rallying the foot soldiers about cramming somebody more fitting with what he wanted into the Supreme Court
Mayor of Amity Island governor of Florida Ron DeSantis continued his bid to be recognised for having the worst response to the Covid pandemic in the congress of having the worst possible response to the Covid pandemic by deciding that, actually, the state of Florida needs to lessen its Covid restrictions at a time when cases of Covid have begun to rise alarmingly in the state
It’s no surprise that proven liar Boris Johnson lied in Parliament by referring to Serco’s failing test & trace app as “NHS Test & Trace” - however the biggest issue is that the BBC had been using the exact same phrase for at least two weeks before that
Nobody was surprised to hear smirking cretin Priti Patel personally using the term “activist lawyers” that the Home Office (headed by P. Patel) had previously used to dehumanise and demean people upholding those pesky immigration laws that the Tory Party really don’t like getting in the way
Tax dodging orange goblin Donald Trump was asked a simple question: Do you think that white supremacists are a problem?  We are still waiting for an answer to that question...
Okay, so now the Conservative Party are cracking down on people breaking lockdown, with threats of a £10,000 fine - rather than circling the wagons around them and throwing out one cock and bull excuse after another like they did when Dominic Cummings broke lockdown to nip off to Durham after testing positive for Covid on what just so happened to be his wife’s birthday
You know that Matt Hancock is good at his job when, having been sent out in front of the cameras to defend The Tory Party appointing ex-Australian PM and all-around arsehole Tony Abbott as a trade advisor in spite his history of misogynistic, homophobic and “Let’s kill the elderly so we can survive Covid” comments the best he could do was say he was a good negotiator...which promptly led to all manner of comments about Harold Shipman being a good GP and Fred West laying one hell of a patio 
According to Jacob Rees Mogg the public having a legitimate complaint about it being damn near impossible to have a Covid test is nothing more than “endless carping” and not, say, legitimate criticism of a woefully underprepared government trying to coast by on the bare minimum who have the gall to try and blame the public for their long list of catestrophic fuckups
It was no surprise to hear proven liar Boris Johnson hand-wringing about “the freedom of the press” after Extinction Rebellion finally realised that being annoying idiots is far more likely to gain support if you’re being annoying idiots with a purpose - just as it was no surprise to hear that proven liar Boris Johnson had no opinion whatsoever of Tim Davie telling BBC newsreaders to fall in line with the corporation (read: Tory) line or they’d be sacked
Once again there was a chance for Keir Starmer to show that his talk of being “true Opposition” is more than a soundbite and, once again, he wimped out on it when ordering Labour MPs to abstain from voting on the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill for fear of being accused of being “anti-British” by voting for a bill created to stop prosecution of British troops for using torture instead of voting against it - and then sacking Nadia Whittome, Beth Winter, and Olivia Blake from their junior ministerial positions when they were three of the 18 Labour MPs who voted against it
It clearly never occurred to Marsha Blackburn when she was browbeating people about the Constitution of the US never being rewritten that the Constitution of the US has been rewritten several times already.  There’s a reason they’re called “Amendments” and not “Footnotes” you know...
Smirking cretin Priti Patel proudly stated that, if she saw her neighbours, she’d gladly call the police due to them breaking the law.  This was around 14 hours after she’d voted to break international law in the Commons, or a few short years after she broke ministerial code by nipping over to Israel to have undisclosed meetings with israeli officials, which begs the question about whether her neighbours are just as willing, doesn’t it?
Judging by Alan Sugar tweeting out conspiracy theories about Covid being created in a Wuhan lab, I think it's safe to say that no Apprentice game show host is capable of not acting like a complete arse on Twitter.  Luckily for the UK, Sugar isn’t Prime Minister - he’s merely a member of the House of Lords...
It’s been a while since WWE acted like totalitarian dicks to the wrestlers employed independently contracted to them but they managed to find one by telling every single one of their employees independent contractors that they could no longer use Twitch or Cameo as it was decided this was being “detrimental” to the company...you know, the bunch of carnies who sign billion dollar deals with our journalist-murdering, woman-oppressing, Yemeni-slaughtering, 9/11-planning “allies” Saudi Arabia, don’t have any for of healthcare for their employees independent contractors, continued a pay per view even though one of their employees independent contractors died due to a stunt going wrong that was linked to the company cheaping out on a safety harness, and apparently not knowing that the term “independent contractor” doesn’t mean the company can sign them to five year deals but sack them at any point - and then prevent them from working anywhere else for 90 days
We had confirmation of Alison Pearson possessing a terrifying combination of pig ignorance and outright sociopathy when she began a Telegraph article with the following: “My son has Covid-19.  Good.”
Sour grapes from Lisa Nandy over people forgetting she was in the Labour leadership race judging by how she apparently didn’t listen to a party pledge to tax corporations and instead spout off a bunch of nonsensical gibberish that sounded uncannily like Britain First rhetoric under the belief that sounding like Britain First is guaranteed to win back working class Northern voters
Litigious TERF JK Rowling revealed her latest book is about a man who murders people while dressed as a woman, which definitely hasn’t drawn any form of comment whatsoever...
You would like to believe that reports of Limestone Games not only effectively stealing the game Aeon Must Die! from the actual dev team who were forced out of the company by a culture of abuse and harassment by a shady cabal who took over the studio would have eld to the game’s release being postponed, especially after it emerged that assets used in the game’s trailer were infringing on various copyrights - but instead Focus Home Entertainment responded by twiddling their thumbs and doing nothing
I’m sure there’s no connection between Alan Sugar demanding people go back to work as if the number of Covid cases has been rising to an alarming degree and how Alan Sugar is bemoaning that his commercial property portfolio is not making him “enough” money due to people staying at home.  None whatsoever...
The fact that those moron parents in California started a wildfire after setting off fireworks for their baby’s gender reveal party that led to over 20,000 people having to evacuate their homes is dickheaded enough - but the fact that it’s not the first case of this happening, as a similar incident happened in Arizona back in 2018, makes them look even more dickheaded
If you want to say you put Britain before anything else, like Andrea Jenkyns did in her latest Twitter tsunami of childishness and spite, it doesn't look good when you say you're pro-Trump before pre-De Pfeffel as it defeats your own argument almost as fast as being Andrea Jenkyns - or, you know, failing to spell the word “British” correctly when accusing people of being anti-British
It would have been wise if West Ham announced that manager David Moyes and two players had tested positive for Covid before their match with Hull - not after the match had kicked off, leading to Moyes legging it out of the stadium
Whatever it is in the mind of DeAnna Lorraine that snapped and had her babbling insane nonsense that The Masked Singer is part of a covert plot to have people wearing masks probably can’t be repaired, and appears to have also caused her to accuse anyone who thinks she does sound insane of being acolytes of George Soros
Professional victim Laurence Fox somehow believed that posting a chat log of a conversation between himself and Rebecca Front and then howling about being “cancelled” - and then a few hours later had to very publicly backtrack, no doubt because his agent had several dozen words with him
I have no idea why David Cameron convinced himself that showing himself helping out in the Chipping Norton food bank was a good idea, considering he’s the reason why food banks exist in the first place
How nice of Manchester Metropolitan University to tell the students who were confined to accomodation so unable to go out and buy food, who were paying £9000 tuition fees for face-to-face tutoring that was done via Zoom that makes such good value of the hundreds of pounds of rent they have to pay per month when they could have had those same lectures from home, that they’re not allowed to protest about this situation and had to take any signs posted on their windows critical of the government down immediately
In normal circumstances Mason Greenwood and Phil Foden sneaking girls into the England team hotel would look pretty stupid, especially in Foden’s case considering the odds of his live-in girlfriend not finding out about this are practically nil, but during a global pandemic it looked so incredibly boneheaded it’s lucky they play for the Manchester clubs otherwise the front pages would be calling them ignorant traitors or some such bullshit
Nothing sums up Premier League referees quite like them clearly not understanding the current definition of the handball rule, but rather than actually look it up they make it up as they go alone leading to more penalties being awarded for handball in the first four rounds of Premier League fixtures than in entire seasons - not helped by Premier League referees also operating VAR, where they seem to have a policy of “If you ignore my cock up, I’ll ignore yours”
And finally, inventing yet another terror atrocity, is Donald Trump and his batshit insane proclamations about cans of soup being a much bigger threat to American lives than, say, and AR-15.  But then again, it’s not like his support base has a habit of throwing cans of soup at crowds of people
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gigi-sinclair · 5 years
So @arcticelves is having a birthday today, and we have to celebrate! Thank you so much for all you’ve done for The Terror fandom, and for inspiring me personally. I started this a long time ago, based those images from The Transformers: The Last Knight and any picture of Matthew McNulty in period dress ever. It never went anywhere, and it’s definitely not complete, but here, for you: “For Honour and For Glory.” 
Edward notices the horse, a lovely chestnut mare, before he notices its rider.
His brother knights would laugh to know it. George would laugh, in any case. “No wonder your bed is always empty,” Edward can hear him saying. “When you'd rather stare at a pretty horse than a handsome man.” John would shift awkwardly in place, and try to ignore them.
George would be right about one thing, though. This stranger is handsome. His hair is thick and black, his beard just as dark. He wears burnished armour and a fox fur collar that draws even Edward's gaze, as disinterested as he is in fashion. Most remarkable are the man's eyes. They're a piercing light blue Edward can't recall ever seeing before.
“Sir Edward? Sir George? Sir John?” The man asks, as he brings his horse to a staggering halt before them.
George stands up. “Indeed.”
The man casts his beautiful eyes about. Edward feels at once self-conscious. Their camp is rustic, nothing more than three small tents and a cooking pot over the fire, but they are simple men, with simple needs. They made that decision long ago.
“I come from the court of Lord Crozier,” the man says. Edward knows of it. From what he's heard, that place is the opposite of simple. The man dismounts, stumbling a little as he puts his foot on the ground. Edward resists the urge to offer him a hand. “We are in need of help.”
“You are in need of mercenaries,” Edward assumes. It is their occupation, after all. The three of them are known for it, and they are good at it.
Crozier's man turns to look at him. “We are in need of you,” he replies, his gaze meeting Edward's. He holds it until Edward has to look away, his throat suddenly dry and palms suddenly damp. He lets George go through the pleasantries of telling the man where to tie his horse, of inviting him to sit by the fire, of offering him a slice of boiled boar meat from the pot. Edward concentrates on calming his hammering heart.
“We are besieged by a beast,” their visitor says, once they're all seated. He calls himself Thomas. He doesn't give a surname, nor does he call himself “sir” or “lord”, although he is dressed as a knight or a nobleman.
“A beast?” John repeats. “What type of beast?”
“Some believe it to be a bear, but it's unlike any bear I've ever seen. It's stealthier. Stronger. It brushes off our spears and arrows as if they were nothing. It was under the control of a warlock, it seems, but now the warlock is dead, and the creature has turned rogue.” 
Edward exchanges a glance with George. Clearly, it does not go unnoticed. Thomas draws himself up. “I am aware of how this sounds, gentlemen, but I promise you, we are being terrorized. The creature stalks us. There have been times we could not leave the castle for weeks on end.” With a dart of a quick pink tongue, Thomas wets his lips. Edward pretends not to have noticed. “The beast killed Lord Franklin.”
“Lord Franklin?” George blinks.
“You knew him?” 
“We did.” George looks at John, then at Edward. “We have done work for him in the past.” Edward never cared overmuch for the man. Sanctimonious was the word that best described him, but his gold was as good as anybody's.
“Lady Jane Franklin controls his lands, for the moment,” Thomas says. “With the support of Franklin's favourite, Sir James. But it is not a stable position. Our lands abut theirs, thus any instability in the region affects us as much as them. We cannot properly defend our lands while the beast is at large.”
“Well, you certainly make a very interesting proposition.” George smiles kindly. “I think my brother knights and I...”
“You say 'our lands',” Edward breaks in.
A flush comes to Thomas' face. “In, in, in the sense that we are all devoted to our lord...”
“You are Crozier's heir.” Edward is not as sure of it as he sounds, but when Thomas' blush deepens, he knows he's right. He heard rumours of it, that the childless Crozier took a beloved servant as an adopted son. Obviously, this man is he.
“Crozier sent his own heir out unaccompanied?” John frowns. “When the roads are fraught with far more dangers than a large bear?”
“I left my guards in the village,” Thomas says. “I thought if I approached you humbly, you might be more inclined to offer your assistance. Please. We will be deeply grateful if you can help us. I will be deeply grateful.” Again, Thomas' gaze catches Edward's and holds it. Am I so obvious? Edward wonders. He looks away.
“Why don't you go back to the village, my lord?” George suggests.
“Thomas,” Thomas interrupts.
“Thomas,” George repeats. “The inn is reputable. We will find you there when we've got an answer for you. We shan't keep you waiting long, sir.”
“If that is your wish.” Thomas pushes his hair back from his face. “Thank you for your consideration, gentlemen.” Edward determinedly does not watch as Thomas returns to his horse. It takes him a couple of tries before he can hoist himself into the saddle, and another minute of pulling at the reins before the mare heeds him and leaves the patch of grass she had been happily munching.
“It's madness,” John says, the moment Thomas is gone. “The man is mad. We're not hunters.”
“That's exactly what we are,” Edward points out.
John huffs. “You take my meaning. We do not chase bears, no matter their size or strength.”
“What if it isn't just a bear?” George asks. “Thomas said there was a warlock involved.”
“No,” is John’s immediate reply. “God does not grant us warlocks. Or witches, or demon bears, or anything else.”
“God does grant us lovely men, though, doesn't he, Edward?” George beams at him. “I tell you, if I hadn't pledged my heart to my lady, I might even look twice at that one myself.”
“Stop it!” John stands up abruptly, nearly knocking over the pot. George reaches out to steady it with a hand. “Stop it at once. Both of you. We're not entertaining this idea a moment longer.”
“All right, all right.” George holds up his hands in surrender. “But let me ask you this, John. How long has it been since we were last paid?” Too long. “And how much might we charge Crozier to dispatch something that has been harassing him so badly?” A good deal.
“I'm not too proud to go after a bear instead of a horde of armed men for once,” Edward decides. It might even make for a nice change of pace.
“There we have it, then. Two against one, John.” George shrugs. “Nothing you can say to that.”
From John's pursed lips and creased forehead, it seems like there is a great deal he could say, but he keeps his mouth shut.
“I'll deliver the news.” Edward ignores the resultant smirk from George. There's nothing to smirk about. It's simply his duty, as the de facto leader of the group. “You two break camp and join us in town.”
“Yes, sir,” George grins, heading for the tents even as John scowls on.  
The village inn might be reputable enough, but it isn't what one would call luxurious. Thomas and two men, in bright red coats that would be visible a mile away to any highway bandit seeking wealthy quarry, sit in a dark corner of the musty room, mugs of ale before them. Thomas looks up when Edward approaches.
“We will leave at once,” Edward says, by way of greeting. He tried out several on the way over; that was the best he could come up with. “If we ride hard, we should make it to Beechey Island before we have to stop for the night.”
A bright smile lights Thomas' face. Lovely, George had called him. Edward thinks stunning might be more apt. “Why not ride through?” Thomas says. “The sooner we get back, the better.”
“Not even we travel the woods in the dark if we can help it.”
“We did it on the way here.”
“Then you were fools.” Edward stares at the two guards. They conspicuously don't look back. “And damned fortunate you weren't murdered. We stop at Beechey.” His voice is firm. Thomas seems of a mind to argue further, but he apparently thinks better of it.
“Thank you very much. Sir...John?”
“Sir Edward. I can't tell you how grateful I am.” The fractiousness in Thomas' expression changes into something else. His gaze dips down, then raises back up to Edward's face. Edward can feel himself flushing, glad that the room is dark enough to hide it.
“You don't need to be grateful, just pay us on time,” Edward snaps, more roughly than he intended. Whatever Thomas’ expression belied, it disappears, and Thomas goes briskly to his feet.
“Of course. You needn't worry about that. Get the horses ready, men. We leave as soon as Sir Edward gives us the word.” Thomas' guards go. Thomas hangs back. Edward should say something to him, he knows, but his mind is distressingly blank.
“Thank you,” Thomas repeats. Then, he too is gone, headed for the lone sliver of sunlight that marks the front door.
I'm going to regret this, Edward thinks, but even as the words form in his mind, he knows he wouldn't retract his decision for anything.
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garlicpeaches · 4 years
🛑I know you’ve heard a lot of what I have to say by now but just let me rant!🛑
Racists really wanna sit and JUSTIFY, CONDONE AND EVEN PARTICIPATE IN THE MURDER OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY. This all “started” bc of a man with an allegedly counterfeit $20 bill who bought a $5 pack of cigarettes. But let’s me honest for a minute. We all know that’s not the real reason. Let’s begin.
The Cop that detained George Floyd knelt on this mans neck for nearly NINE (9) MINUTES! With that amount of force to a persons Jugular or Carotid Artery for that amount of time anyone with a normal functioning heart will lose consciousness. If they are as unlucky as George Floyd they could even lose their life. Regardless if they had a pre-existing condition. The NYPD has used neck restraint for some years now and of 200 cases logged in 2019, 44 of the victims of this police brutality lost consciousness. And that’s probably not the exact numbers bc COPS ARE OFTEN CAUGHT LYING TO COVER UP THEIR MISTAKES! I’ve seen it so much. Even before all this started.
When you hear us say “BLM” you aren’t hearing us say “Black Lives Are More Important Than Everyone Else”. Of course that isn’t the case. And how some people hear that is BEYOND me. What we are saying is that Black People have been systematically profiled, attacked, imprisoned, enslaved, hung, b*rned al*ve, and straight up m*rdered in cold blood for TOO LONG. It’s time we, as a nation, make the active decision to destroy the R*cists and Fasc*st that have gone crazy with power and wrath against people with Melanin in their skin. MY SKIN DOES NOT DEFINE ME. BUT YOU CAN BET YOUR SWEET ASS IM PROUD OF MY BROWN SKIN. I might be “Mixed” but I am still very much black and no one can erase that from me. I grew up around a family that was taught from a young age that black is bad. I grew up hating the black part of my life bc I was told that black people were criminals and thugs and druggies. But I grew out of that. I grew to love myself, my skin, and the black community as a whole. That’s why black lives matter. And why, even though my children are only a “1/4 black”, I will raise my babies to be just as proud of the color in their skin as their mommy is of hers.
This is not Black People vs White People. This is not reverse racism. That’s not a real thing but don’t get me started on that rn. Hell, this isnt about the President anymore at this point, though he is a contributing factor.
Also, last thing, I promise. Can we as a nation come to the realization that FOX NEWS is not a reliable source for honest news?
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