#and Gloria has had to hear about it often oof
chibishortdeath · 10 months
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Heyyyy, remember Billy Danasty, well I got around to drawing another OC. Her name is Gloria Tzuentes. She’s not a descendant of Drolta, but she is distantly related to her through other extended family members. All her life she’s been outcast and bullied because of some of her family members’ poor history with the law. She has a lot of trouble trusting people. When they first meet, she and Billy do not get along, she initially thinks he’s a coward and a jerk. Billy thinks she’s a huge hypocrite and careless. As the story progresses tho, they both realize they’ve been putting up fronts for similar reasons and have a lot more in common than they thought.
Her sprite is supposed to be a similar color palette as Sypha, just with that darker bluish to stand in for black. It was really difficult trying to get her blazer right, and I still kinda think the sprite makes it look like a hoodie, but yeah d(TwT ). The color looks really crushed and messed up cause for some reason instagram did that to it lol.
Also! Billy Danasty with his hair down! :3 Yeah anyway, she’s cool, I gotta think more about other characters and plot points and stuff for this cause it’s been fun making Castlevania OCs tbh.
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singerorpheus · 4 months
im just gna word vomit everything i saw:
- i had madeline charlemagne as eurydice and beth hinton lever as a fate! beth had a string of bells as her instrument!
- i kept being drawn to bella as a fate shes so so mean and nasty im obsessed with her
- nothing changes is too fast and i stand by that!!!
- the cut lines for the women i will always mourn but theres also something so powerful about the looks eurydice and persephone and even hermes shoot each other like the silence is so so loud
- doubt comes in orpheus hitting his chest, i literally heard with my own two ears donal shushing the fates as they go where is she, he kisses his little necklace thing before starting
- the notebook during chant i literally just has la la la la la written on it thats my poet who will change the world btw
- zachery hades is so fucking yassified i feel like no one mentioned that his chant ii walk is so cunty
- the use of the red at the back of his outfit is used so cleanly and effectively its almost diabolical how good that combination of blocking and costuming is
- i literallt cannot believe i saw donal orpheus sing if its true live like in real life like oh my god
- buy your tickets at the right side!! orpheus does run up next to the crowd to climb some metal scaffolding(?) to run up to eurydice after flowers, but in the defense of the left side -- eurydice stands there pretty often and so does hermes so you get full melanie all the time which is a dream and also holy shit you can just see orpheus in front of you for doubt comes in as he starts panicking
- god they really make donal run and sing and he does it full body
- wow melanie really gives her all the entire time shes on stage the silent moments she has with eurydice especially after hey little songbird is like oh my god
- also i wanted the lights to swing over my head so so bad
- god the lighting tony win is so fucking deserved its so fucking CRAZY how full body the experience of the lights are
- during our lady of the underground gloria reached out and touched someones bald head in the front row shes so fucking funny
- also i just kept hearing from the people around about how good gloria is once the show is done and theyre so right
- absolutely no notes for madeline she was absolutely great (i could literally see her shake during chant i and hey little songbird) she sang "orpheus" before she went back down after doubt comes in which was a big OOF for me
- the parallel between eurydice learning the dance from the workers during livin it up on top and her learning the moves during why we build the wall omg
- when orpheus makes the little newspaper flower it has a little stalk in the middle of it unlike broadway
- during olotu, when persephone introduces the keyboardist he does the little pierre "no i am enjoying myself at home this evening" fist pump
- gloria's single tear post chant ii is fucking killer.
- also hades does a little funny shimmy during lover's desire like i wonder if every hades and persephone has a slightly different dance? bc i dont rmb some of those moves
- when hermes sings "and that is how it ends" orpheus just collapses.... my poor beloved poet!!
- orpheus reacts to the lamp above the exit before he leaves
- i guess i also didn't really realise how hurt orpheus is by the time doubt comes in happens orpheus as a little stumble by the time he starts epic iii and hes so so greviously hurt by then already
- this orpheus doesn't have the Classic red tied bandana it's more like just a piece of non-patterned red cloth around his neck. he wear a necklace (which i will emphasise so much i so desperately want to know what it is -- the stage is so fucking high i couldn't get a clear view of it) which had two pendants of things that i couldn't see and a black (iron?) ring on his middle finger if im not wrong
-the red carnation that appears doesn't have leaves or a stem unlike the broadway version that ive seen its just petals that appear in orpheus' and hades' hands
-if ure a west end enthusiast like i am u would already know but hermes has a pocket watch now that she checks periodically and its a big reoccurring thing
-when persephone leaves for up top in act 1 zachary hades is like slouched iirc -- i think zachary plays up the business man aspect of hades and also hades' underlying sadness whereas i think other hadeses have more anger within them with some sadness popping up periodically
-orpheus during epic iii when the workers start singing with him had a little smile/relief before he went back to being in Extreme Pain
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missn11 · 4 years
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Can't have a drink in peace without your newly embraced Ventrue daughter screaming at you...
So While I was filling out the OC Biography Meme on Tumblr missn11.tumblr.com/tagged/Glor…, it got me thinking about Gloria's first meeting with her Father, Enric Guerra, after she gets embraced and arrives at Downtown. And oof these two have an ex-strained relationship, mostly caused by how Enric just seemingly dropped out of Gloria's life once she turned 18 and how he more often or not had her mother do the most of the emotional labor in the relationship, which of course led to their divorce.
The reason however for Enric dropping out of his daughter's life wasn't him being a deadbeat dad but rather due to the fact he had been embraced as a Brujah by an fellow Vietnam vet and activist who recognized that Enric had a strong passion for wanting change in the system and was also getting restless in his more quieter life as a father and hustler and didn't want this strong spark of his to die out. To explain his sudden leaving of Gloria's life, Enric had to make the excuse that he was joining a world relief organisation, needless to say that it has given Gloria some abandonment and father issues.
Now this first meeting with her father at the Last Round wasn't the first time Gloria had met him as a full grown adult, a few years earlier, Enric had spotted his daughter at a exclusive BDSM style party (that was also a front for a Kindred feeding ground) and tried to intervene, thinking that she had been dominated or presenced into coming. (cause there's no way his baby girl would ever go to a party like this... 🙄 )  Well let's say that their reunion just didn't go so great... (Gloria was super pissed since her father blustering in, had cost her a client and how dare he suddenly decide to show up in her life after like 8 years of no contact!)
Gloria meeting up with her father, Enric, couldn't have come at a worst time, she had been working as a Dominatrix for hire before her client decided to embrace out of the blue, (She doesn't know yet that LaCroix is her real sire.) forced into a secret vampire society and doing the dirty work of pretty much everyone and now had been getting unnecessarily insulted for the crime of being forced into working for LaCroix. It's no wonder she's ready to give Enric a verbal beat down, of course Nines quickly holds her back in case this turns into a all out brawl, considering both father and daughter are throwing harsh barbs at each other! XD (Lol Enric can be a real jerk at times)
Enric is less than pleased that his 'ball buster' daughter (she takes after her mother quite a lot, including her height XD) has been turned into a Ventrue and really regrets in not giving into his urge to embrace her as his childe that night three years ago. You can probably guess how well Gloria takes to hearing that, since it would mean her father would be making a life changing choice for her without her consent and especially since she doesn't hate the idea of being a Ventrue at all. She also thinks it would've been a disaster if she were a Brujah, considering that she had a real anger problem ever since he left her life. 
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dragon-moms · 7 years
Entry 115 - Gloria
Today I got stopped from a prison break.
“I can’t find her,” Dagger said.
I’d woken up early and done all the preparations I could think of. I’d packed up what I felt I’d need. I’d stretched. I’d run through my old drills in my head. I’d prepared to send goodbye letters to Clementine and Maude and set a similar one for Flare on my desk. I was deciding whether or not to leave the one for Reliquary. She, or rather, the Queen, was technically who I was committing treason against. She might not want to hear it.
But all that emotional debate was cut short by Dagger appearing.
“What do you mean?” I said.
“I can’t find Philly,” ey said. “I’ve been searching as much as I can. I’m exhausted. But I can’t find her.”
“That’s ridiculous. There’s only so many places that would be guarded enough to hold her,” I said. “We went over them.”
“I’ve been through all of them three times, trust me,” ey said, sighing. “I don’t know, maybe I am as useless as I always thought…”
“No, it’s not that,” I said, thinking. “You’ve done a lot, Dagger. Thank you. But something must have happened. Maybe I can ask an aide somehow that wouldn’t seem too suspicious and they could look into it…”
“That doesn’t seem likely…” Dagger said. “There’s nothing not suspicious about wanting to know her exact location.”
“Yeah… but I mean, maybe it doesn’t matter if I’m suspicious as long as I act right after. I mean, everyone is going to know I’m a traitor real fast anyway,” I said.
“I guess…” Dagger said. Eir body got angular for a moment as ey remembered something. I had almost gotten used to the way eir body flowed and changed based on what they were doing after being around em for so many days, but it still freaked me out when it caught me off-guard. “Oh! Right. Merry and Myrmidon said Flare talked to them. I was supposed to tell you that too.”
That stopped me completely. “What?”
“They talked about Philly and Flare said he was going to go talk to her, or something like that,” Dagger said. “There was also something about weird magic and an adjudicator… I don’t know. I’m tired.”
“Flare must have actually done it. That’s why they moved her. Fuck,” I said, running a claw over my spines. “Okay, okay, we have to talk to Flare right now, let’s go,” I said, throwing my bag on my back and pulling the door open.
I crashed into Flare, who was at the door.
“Oof! Hey!” Flare said, backing up.
I stared at him. “How are you here?” I asked.
“Progress lead me,” he said, tapping the thing on his head like that meant something. “Well, I mean, not here specifically? But I wanted to talk to you, Mommy, so…”
I pulled him inside and shut the door.
“He hurts to be near,” Dagger, who had smartly disappeared, whispered at me. “Like, really hurts. I feel like I’m tearing apart. I’m leaving.”
I couldn’t blame em, but I wished ey wouldn’t.
“Hey, you were writing me a letter? Wow!” Flare said, picking up my letter to him off the desk and looking at it.
I snatched it out of his claws. “Not the time, terror. Look, I need to know, did you talk to the human royal?”
“Oh, yeah, of course!” He said. “Her name is Philly, by the way. Did you know that?”
“Yes. Yes, I for sure did,” I said. “Were you allowed to do that?”
“Oh, not really,” Flare said. “I mean, Progress wanted me to, so that’s reason enough. But I’ve had a lot of people yelling at me about it. Do you know why it was a big deal? She was nice to talk to, real polite and stuff.”
“It’s because you’re the enemy and she’s a prisoner, terror,” I said. “And now they’ve moved her somewhere else.”
“Oh…” Flare said, thinking. “Well, at least she’s not alone! I gave her Burns 2!”
“Burns 2… you know, the little doll that was like Burns?” he said, shocked that I didn’t remember the stuffed toy he’d made me buy him until that very moment. “I figured then she’d have company. She seemed lonely.”
“How are we going to find her if they moved her completely out of the prisons?” I said, thinking out loud.
“We? Are you looking for her?” Flare asked.
I looked to him. “Flare, do you like Philly?” I asked.
“Sure! I mean, she’s like… she’s like this big nerd, right, but that’s okay, you have to follow your own path and improve yourself your own way. That’s what Progress teaches.”
“How about Merry and Myrmidon? You talked to them, right?” I asked.
“Yeah, I did!” Flare said. “How did you know?”
“I know a lot of stuff, terror. I’m your Mom.” I said. Hadn’t tried that one in years.
“Oh, of course,” Flare said, like that was a sensible thing for me to say. “They seem nice too! Though Barry’s friend keeps looking away from me all the time.”
I nodded. “ Now this is serious, Flare. Did any of them tell you about how Philly was abused by her human mother? Your Queen?” I asked.
“I think I remember that…” Flare said, thinking. “But I still don’t think that can be right, you know? She’s not like that...”
“I think your Queen is like that, terror. Maybe she’s nice to everyone else, but I know she’s done wrong by Philly. I don’t think she should have to go back to live with her,” I said, trying to be as diplomatic with my words as possible.
“Well, okay, maybe,” Flare said. “But I have to stop this prophecy, so I at least have to…”
I really did not have anything to lose, so I did not stop. “You need her to go home to stop a terrorist group, right?”
“Yeah, the White Dragon,” Flare said.
“What if there was another White Dragon?” I said, and hurried to pull the map Ivana had made for me out of my bag. “Your friend, Miss Nobody, tells me there used to be actual White Dragons, and they lived here.”
“Ivana told you that?” he said, confused.
“Yeah. This is her writing, isn’t it? And you trust her, right?”
“I think she’s trying very hard to be better,” Flare said. “I think that’s all Progress can ask for.”
“Right…” I said, a bit surprised by that response. He always seemed more focused when he talked about his weird god. Maybe it really was a good influence on him, somehow.
“So I’ll keep giving her chances, yeah,” he said, smiling. “So she says a White Dragon lives here?”
“Maybe,” I said. “But this means your little prophecy or whatever, there’s another way to resolve it. We just have to make this White Dragon rise, and not your terrorist group. Then your Queen won’t have a problem not getting Philly back, right?”
Flare was clearly thinking about this. He had one claw to the thing on his head. I felt like I had lost him. Finally, though, he looked up to me.
“So, Mommy, you want to break everyone out of here and go on a quest to find a different White Dragon? To make your Queen and my Queen happy? That’s what you’re saying?”
“...yes,” I said. “I want to break my friends out of jail and save Philly from going back to human lands.”
Flare grinned. “That sounds so fun. And so much better than what I was doing. And I am so good at quests, Mommy! Just you wait and see. Way better than being an ambassador, I bet. I’m starting to think that’s not what I should be doing… Progress has been telling me I need to do things, and stuff like that. Talking isn’t often doing things.”
“...you’re going to help me,” I said, not really believing that all this worked.
“Sure! I mean, there are problems… a new Queen is going to rise either way, right? But we can deal with that, probably,” Flare said.
“Miss Nobody said the White dragons had a Queen,” I said. “Maybe that’s who is going to show up.”
“Oh, hey, yeah! That’d be great! Okay, sure!” Flare said. “That means I’ll have met three Queens! That’s a lot of Queens for one person to meet.”
“I guess so,” I said, “but I’m not sure that’s a competition anyone is really working at.”
“But it sounds impressive, right?” Flare said.
“Yeah, it does.”
“Anyway, let’s go do a prison break!” Flare said, heading for the door.
“Wait, terror, we don’t even know where we’re going,” I said, moving after him.
“I’m sure Progress will guide us. That’s Progress’ whole thing! And normally when I’m on a quest I just sort of go and things work out,” he said, heading outside. “So we’ll find her.”
“...great,” I said.
I followed Flare down two random passageways before he just stopped.
“What now?” I asked.
“I’m doing this too early,” he said. He put a claw to the thing on his head. “Yeah, too early…”
I gave him a look.
“The Voice of Progress says I need to talk to the Queen, uh, your Queen, I mean, but if we do this right now, I won’t get to,” Flare said. “Because she’s meeting with aides over breakfast to get ready for her morning meeting with the Council.”
I thought about it. It was about that time. That was probably accurate. “Why do you need to talk to the Queen?”
“I dunno!” Flare said, smiling. “But I probably should. So let’s do this tomorrow, okay?”
“Tomorrow?” I was tasting a bit of acid. “This isn’t a game, terror. If your god or whatever can help my friends, we need to do it as soon as possible.”
I could almost hear something. A buzzing, maybe. Or some sort of music. And as I did, Flare put a claw on my shoulder. “Mommy, recently, you promised you’d trust me, right?”
“...right,” I said.
“I know I’m not super reliable or anything, and I know you don’t believe in Progress, and that’s okay. Well, I mean, I’d like you to, but I’m okay with it if not. But I know what I have to do. I can feel it. And if you care for Merry, Myrmidon, Dagger, and Philly, please, give me today, Mommy. Wait until tomorrow morning. It’ll work out better that way. I know it will.”
I stared at him. He just smiled back.
“...how did you know about Dagger?” I asked.
“I don’t,” he said. “Progress just told me to say that. Who’s Dagger?”
I looked at him for another moment, and then sighed. “You’ll meet em later. Don’t worry about it for now.”
“Okay,” Flare said.
“And I guess I need to go get ready for a meeting I wasn’t planning on attending,” I said, turning around.
“So you’ll wait?” he asked.
“Sure, terror. But just one more day. That’s it.”
“Okay!” Flare said. “I’ll be ready!”
It was hard to concentrate on the day after that build up to nothing.
But tomorrow.
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