#and I REALLY need to call the car leasing company I just have spent 40 min on hold with them twice now
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goooood morning from my beautiful green living room. we got up at 6:15 today (sleeping in lol). I have had a busy morning so far—long meeting with my boss + shorter meetings with the HR team and my team lead. but now I am done with being on calls for the day and can dig into this stupid graphic design work (HUGE sigh). I do not want to do it at ALL so I am trying to break it down into smaller steps.
distill this super unwieldy overview they gave me into a simplified timeline
look at canva + articulate for timeline options (choose the simplest possible version)
input info into timeline graphic
finish copying over images and priorities into leadership section
look in the canva business section for simple templates for project recommendations
marshal my strength and figure out what next steps are (I’m so bored my brain is shutting down lol I can’t figure out what else needs to happen). figure out if there’s anything more I need to do today… then tomorrow
I am going to allow myself to do no work for 20 min (until 11am) and then I will get up and try to do a burst of concentrated work from 11-12 to get through as much of that list as possible. then I will take a break and look for my preexisting letters for these students to figure out how much new drafting I need to do. hopefully not much??
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prorevenge · 5 years
Bully Landlord gets it in the end.
My first husband was a not very nice man. For 6 years I was belittled and basically a baby-factory for him. He was a fantastic father, but a horrible husband. After he finally got his 'heirs' I was then treated even worse until I finally 'woke up' and decided to leave his ass.
This revenge story is NOT about him. I just had to set the scene.
I moved out from the house, taking just my clothes, the car (4K value, no more) and the computer. I had nothing, stayed at a GF for a couple weeks before I was able to line up a crappy town-house with roommates. I had nothing, and my bed was a cat-pee-smelling free couch I was able to score. I wound up having 3-4 jobs with one of them being full-time and once a week I would not even be able to sleep between jobs.
Now, fast forward one year. My divorce was finalized and I had fulfilled my year's lease for the townhouse. By this time I was able to furnish the home and my bedroom and my kids' room when they would be with me for visitation.
The Scum-Bag Landlord (will just call him SBL) was a nice-ish landlord during the time of my tenancy and I was a good tenant, never being late with my rent. Although I had roommates, I was the sole name on the lease.
SBL would show up often, with some guise that he had to work on something like plumbing tests or whatever excuse he could come up with just so he could be all creepy and hang around trying to converse with me with mild sexual undertones that made me quite uneasy at times.
FINALLY the lease was fulfilled and I was now onto a month-to-month contract to which at that time I was ready to move out of this crappy townhouse, and found a great house in the mountains nearby and I was simply thrilled now that I got my feet on the ground and can afford a bit better than slum-living.
My Lease stated that I had to give one month's notice in order to move out. Unfortunately I was able to get the house I was to move into for the next month... only 3 weeks away.
I sent an email to SBL stating that I intend on moving out at the end of this month (in 3 weeks) and he can try to find another tenant. but I did state that IF he didn't find a tenant, I would still fulfill my legal obligation and pay next month's rent.
Within one week (2 weeks before I was move out) he emailed back and stated that was very generous of my offer but he was able to find a new tenant for the beginning of next month and I would be off the hook. He even tipped his hand by stating that he already collected a deposit from them.
Now, something happened within a couple days after that which was no fault of my own, nor my roommate's. The townhouse came with it's own appliances (fridge, oven etc) including a clothes washer and dryer on the main level. My roommate had put a load of laundry in and went to the living room to have a nap. He awoke to find that the washer had malfunctioned with the sensory switch which never stopped the water fill stage... and there was an inch of water in the kitchen and living room!!! He splashed through the water to turn off the washer and called me to come and help deal with this.
I was just getting off of work and I whipped home to assess the damage.
it. was. bad. There was standing water on top of the living room carpet and a good inch of water in the whole kitchen. I called SBL and told him the issue. By the time SBL showed up, I had already got most of the standing water out with the help of my roommate and friends that showed up with shop-vacs.
SBL didn't seem too upset, which was surprising for me and had an appliance repair man had come to look at the washer. The repairman even said "yep, here's the culprit" and showed how the dial would stick on the fill stage and wouldn't click over to the agitate stage. after replacing the dial and lubricating the whole deal, he left.
The next week was chaos as I was busy trying to pack and SBL had insurance guys in assessing and workers taking out the carpet and cutting 2 feet worth of the lower drywall of the whole main level.
The day of the move, though I was still supposed to be there for a couple more days, SBL had let himself in as movers were moving out my stuff with a camera going around taking pictures of everything. I honestly thought that it was for his insurance claims etc. I actually felt bad for SBL (I'm too nice) and told him that I would not ask for any of my deposit back, and he responded in front of the loading crew and my roommate "Thank you, that's very generous of you". We parted ways and I thought that was that.
I was wrong.
Two weeks into my new home location did SBL showed up on my doorstep with a summons to appear in arbitration because he was SUEING ME! WHAT???? on what grounds??? He stated it's all in this paperwork and handed me a manila envelope with 18 pages of everything he was charging me with. All including photos (now I know why he was going around taking pics). Nickle and diming me on everything from a bent Venetian blind (that was like that when I had moved in) and some scuffs on walls, etc etc. but then he ALSO wanted me to pay his insurance deductible and that following month's rent!!! He claimed that the tenants that he had lined up backed out at the last minute (claiming that they didn't think the place wouldn't be ready in time with the new drywall and paint and so on), so he still wanted me to pay that month's rent.
Fuck. This. Shit. I knew I was more than generous of giving him my whole deposit and then for him to come back and sue me for thousands?? He was not only claiming the damages caused by the flood, but improvements he needed to do that should never be or have been my responsibility in the first place. EVEN CRACKS in the living room wall that was from the building settling.... HOW SHOULD I BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT??? Even new lighting, faucets etc... All mainly on the accusation that I was negligent. I wasn't going to have that. I know is was a slummy townhouse complex and most of his tenants were just welfare cases, and maybe he could get away with this with others, but not me. No Way! I had just got out of a marriage that made me feel insignificant and had horrible self-esteem, but now I had my dignity and felt strong for the first time in a long time. No way was I going to let any more SHIT happen to me without my doing something about it.
I had 10 days before the date of my arbitration meeting.
I immediately got to work, first getting a signed deposition from the very repairman that had showed that day stating that the appliance was quite in need of maintenance work and the last time he had done ANY maintenance for him was almost 5 years before. From thoroughly reviewing my rental contract, and local laws, SBL is obligated to have all appliances maintained/services EVERY YEAR.
I had also talked to some of the other tenants and had heard that this wasn't the first time SBL had sued tenants after the fact. I hunted them down and got sworn statements from them also. Unfortunately for them, they didn't know what to do and mostly didn't show up at arbitration hence SBL winning by default. NO WAY I WAS NOT GOING TO LET HIM DO THIS TO ME.
I then drew up a rebuttal to each and every claim he had, including photos from the year+ that I had lived there,, printed out all my email correspondence and even convinced my ex roommate and one of the movers that heard my interaction with SBL about him stating how "generous" it was of me letting him keep my whole deposit (which was a significant amount) to come.
DAY OF ARBITRATION... I dressed up in my power-suit and with my ex-roommate and worker in tow, showed up at the meeting. Now, in Canada, arbitration is not held in a court room per se, but it still held AT the courthouse in a conference room with a judge. We had one hour with this judge. Since SBL was the plaintiff, he got to go first with his case. He spent over 40 minutes going over everything and I sat quietly until he finished.
Once he finished, I then hauled out the rebuttal in multiple copies, handed to the judge, to SBL and anyone else that wished to have one and I quickly went over each point. SBL was irate, and interrupted almost every second sentence I spoke. I would pause the moment he would start talking and say sweetly "I was quiet and polite during your time to present your case, I hope you grant me the same respect". SBL started to get red in the face, ESPECIALLY when I got to the deposition of the Maintenance worker for the appliance. I included with that the tenancy/landlord act sections pertaining to appliance maintenance and stated that this was the only record of maintenance that had occurred, and unless he can come up with more recent records from perhaps another company, it was over 5 years since anything had been looked at.
With my defense, I had also then countered that I would like my deposit back, and my day's pay from work since I had to take that day off to go to this meeting.
The judge then made his statement, and I will always remember this for the rest of my life. He stated that first, he was very impressed of my presentation and that I obviously have a good handle on things and can tell that my nature is of kindness and respect especially with photos of how I had the town house furnished and clean and pride in whatever home I would live in.
Bottom line.... Not only did I win my case, I wound up having SBL owing my over 80% of my deposit back, including interest. SBL's face was PRICELESS. The judge then proceeded to tell SBL that they will be reviewing again all his previous filings, and if there was enough evidence of harassment, he would be reported to the board of landlords and tenants. I don't really know if anything came out of that.
Now.... I walked away that day feeling on top of the world. Completely justified and he got a taste of his own medicine.
BUT... it didn't stop there. OH NO. Knowing that this guy has a history of suing tenants... I printed up my final results (and judge's signature) and gave a copy to each and every tenant in that complex. I wanted to warn everyone his practices and to keep notes, photos etc so that he couldn't do that to them.
But I didn't stop there... He still now owed ME money (he he) and I asked repeatedly for the payment. he never responded. He had until a certain day to pay me back my deposit, and on that day I had gone to his house (I looked up his residence under public records as he is a landlord and had to file under a certain address) and knocked on the door. He didn't answer, though I knew he was home. I rang the bell a few more times, and knocked loudly. he then turned his house alarm on, which at first startled me, but quickly turned to humor seeing how much of a pussy this bully turned out to be.
I then yelled out loud enough that I am not going anywhere. He yelled out, "get off my property or I will call the police!!!"
OK... no problem. I got off the property, but camped out on the front sidewalk. I had a fold-up chair, a cooler with water and sodas, a few sandwiches and all my paperwork with me. I was set to stay there forever. I then would tell anyone that would walk by (already there were some people there from the house alarm fiasco) about how I was a tenant and wrongfully sued me and that I have a claim against him and he now owes ME money. I let anyone look at the paperwork just to back up my claim.
The police DID SHOW UP! they first went to talk to SBL and he was claiming that I was harassing him, slandering him and wouldn't leave his property. I was on public property (sidewalk) and it isn't slander if it's true, of which I had all my court-signed paperwork to back me up. I wasn't disturbing the peace, I was simply and quietly seated outside his home and just talking to neighbors about his actions.
He was out YELLING that I need to leave, and I quietly stated that I would be happy to leave once I am paid that he was legally obligated to do by that date. I was not going to leave before I got money in my hand, and I was more than willing to stay there and tell anyone that would listen to me why I was camped out. The police stated I wasn't doing anything wrong, that it's public property, I wasn't disturbing the peace and it isn't slander if it's true.
Finally after an hour of SBL yelling on his front lawn at the policemen (and at me, of course) did his wife come out with money. She handed the money to the police, of which in turn handed the money to me, and signed off documenting final payment was complete. I sweetly smiled, thanked the police deeply, and went home.
I have no idea what ever happened to SBL, and if he is still pulling shit like this on others, but I hope that I helped put the fear of god in him that he just can't screw with people because eventually it will come and bite him in the ass.
Sometimes, nice guys (or girls) finish last, but with patience ... they finish with a WIN!
(source) story by (/u/Elena_La_Loca)
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clockworksalsa · 5 years
Duck doesn’t know what to do.
Not that he’s ever known a goddamn thing about what to do and when to do it his entire life. It’s a vastly different not-knowing, though, without the feeling of a set path underfoot, like a well-worn trail through the thickest of forests. Whatever choices he wound up making, the curves followed him, not the other way around, and he always ended up right where he needed to be, every time, until...
Well, he won’t say he misses it, exactly, the destiny business and the asshole sword, the alien planets and interstellar wars, but he does miss the sense of purpose. He has to fill up the newly vacant spot in his life, with something or other, he guesses. His schedule is wide open, and he’s a little embarrassed that Aubrey and Thacker get right to work fixing up Sylvain, according to Mama, “doin’ a damn good job of it too”. In his opinion, he made off with the short stick- those two are off just now coming into what they’re meant to be, and he’s already ticked that off the ol’ bucket list. It’s a blessing and a curse. 
For years, he’s rebelled against his calling, longing to rest, but now there’s no resistance. The future is yielding to him, now, warm clay ready to be molded, but Duck hasn’t the first clue what to make of it. Even his forestry job, so near and dear to his heart, seems not to need him, like he no longer fits the mold he’d carved away in his quest for normalcy. The park’s quiet- local campers are a lot more reticent to goof off in the woods with the knowledge that Bigfoot himself is right up the road, and that kind of caution gets passed to any who pass through. It’s as green and verdant as ever out there, like the Earth is breathing a tremendous sigh of relief at not being totally annihilated, and Duck is as always captivated and wondrous of the nature he protects, but it feels like he’s missing something vital. He’s frozen, at a crossroads, for the first time in his life, he gets to choose what happens next. And in the meantime, he keeps going through the motions.
Until one night, when he’s channel surfing, sprawled on the couch with the cat on his lap, when he sees that the Amazon is burning. Something buzzes in his rib cage, adrenaline spiking in his gut, a familiar feeling with a slightly different flavor, and oh, yes, he can work with this. He calls up Juno first, figures she’d want to know where he’s hightailing it to, maybe even tell him he’s batshit crazy, but to his immense surprise she offers to join him. He heard about what she did that night, when the Quell came for Kepler, and he wonders if she’s been missing that feeling too, the feeling of being a hero, as he agrees to drag her all the way to fucking Brazil on a whim.
No, Duck doesn’t miss the battles, the training, the immense responsibility of being Chosen, but he figures, hell, there’s plenty more than one way to be a hero. It’s a fight of a different kind, but a fight nonetheless- and that’s how he pitches it to Minerva.
The giantess of a woman is standing in his kitchen, carefully working the coffee maker like he taught her. She’s picked up lots of things in bouncing around between her chosen ones, but by and large she spends most of her time with him. He wrestles with how to tell her he’s leaving as she pours two cups, black for both of them (only because he’s out of sugar and creamer). He doesn’t know how she’ll take the news, that’s he’s leaving. He also doesn’t know why it matters so much, why he’s worried about what she’ll get up to without him, and how he’ll function without her constant, reassuring presence, even if he couldn’t stand it for a good few years.
And, yeah, shit, he’s spent the last 20 years of his life running from her, hasn’t he, so why now is he overcome with this... anxiety? It’s not like he’ll never see her again— an echo of the loss he felt when their connection got severed stabs into him, cold and miserable. He can tell himself it’s because he became weaker, got un-chosen, all he likes, but damn, he’d missed Minerva. Despite her hounding him nonstop, his respect for her had only grown, exponentially so since he’d joined the Pine Guard, and started coming into his destiny. She’d trusted him with this responsibility, and in return, he’d trusted her to teach him how to use it. He wouldn’t be the man he is today without her- and hell, he probably wouldn’t even be here at all.
Ah, shit. He notices that she’s talking to him when he feels the warmth of the mug being pressed into his hands, and he catches, “...alright, Wayne Newton?”
It’s still so weird to hear his name played out like that, in her particular cadence, and without a trace of mockery. Perks of having alien friends, he guesses. He much prefers Duck, but he thinks Minerva takes pride in the fact she’s the only one who gets this privilege, so he lets it slide. Hell, she’s more than earned it, putting up with his bullshit over the years. She’s earned honesty, not that he’s much of a liar. He blows out a sigh, and decides with all of his chosen-one courage to just bite the bullet and get it over with.
“Minerva, I’ve been thinkin’,” he starts, voice low and gravelly. It’s too loud in his ears, and his gut twists, “me n’ Juno are gonna head out to do some good down in the Amazon rainforests. Fightin’ fires and doin’ restoration work, and, man, they could really use the help, seems like. Brazil. It’s, uh, south of here. Way south.”
Minerva tilts her painted head. She looks almost... pleased, like she’d known he’d been looking for something to do, something more. She knows him too well. She claps a heavy hand on his shoulder and squeezes, just shy of painful. Yeah, yeah, she’s proud, but it feels hollow, especially when she says, “I see. A worthy endeavor! And how long will this new mission last, Wayne Newton? A few weeks? Months?”
“Well, see, that’s the thing,” Duck says, haltingly, “we don’t know. There’s, lots to do, and I don’t— I probably wouldn’t come back. To Kepler. Well, to visit, sure, but I’d imagine that, uh, once I get all set up over there, I won’t be, you know, back back.”
Minerva’s hand slips from his shoulder, joining her other clasped around her mug. She eyes her coffee, lips pursed, thinking, mulling it over- she’s so easy to read, now that he can actually see her face, her strong, expressive features. She doesn’t... deflate, exactly, but her natural exuberance seems to dim somewhat. She doesn’t look upset, at least, not that he expected her to pitch a fit, but maybe it stings a little that she isn’t protesting him moving miles and miles away. Why would she? Whatever his sudden hangups are, she’s still got Leo and Dr. Drake, plus all the Amnesty folk. He’s given her what she’s asked of him, done his part, and now, she’s well within her right to move on. They both are. Right?
“Alright, Duck Newton,” she shrugs, likely coming to the same conclusion, and takes a huge swig of her still-boiling coffee. Duck sips at his own, and wonders if that’s it, then. They spend the day watching old sitcoms together, a cushion apart on the couch, and Duck wonders.
It’s about two weeks after that, and Duck still hasn’t left yet. He’s really underestimated the work it takes to uproot oneself from 40 years of staying in one place, stagnant.
He and Juno are in the process of seeing about a transfer over to a similar station a ways out from the forest itself, a place to set up camp as it were, a sort of jumping off point for their new lives. He’s also been brushing up on his Spanish in Duolingo, but it’s so hard to keep up with that shit, he mostly plans on coasting with his high-school level knowledge of the language. He’s sure it’ll be fine. He’s been busy, thinking about what to pack, and what to leave to his friends in Kepler, plans in place for if- when, when, they get the gate fixed, making sure all the paperwork is in order for transferring his lease, what he’s gonna do with his cat—
And, right. That’s why he’s out with Minerva at the moment, doing some pithy grocery shopping. Duck’s always been pretty bad at it- it’s not like he’s had to really try to keep in shape, he can usually just eat whatever’s on sale from week to week, takeout if he’s feeling particularly lazy. No, mostly, he’s walking Minerva through the task, subtly preparing her for the responsibility of moving in to his apartment, and keeping up with his routines. That’s his grand plan— he ain’t gotta worry about her if he knows she’s all set up somewhere familiar, roof over her head, a solid schedule, cat to keep her company. She’ll be good without him here, which is his intention, and why that still bothers him, he doesn’t know. Not that he doesn’t trust the other Chosen Ones to look out for her; he just thought that, maybe, doing this for her, for his peace of mind, would make the thought of leaving her more bearable.
It doesn’t.
They’re hefting in the groceries, and he shows Minerva where everything goes, the cat brushing at their ankles because she knows that groceries mean it’s just about feeding time. He tries to make a joke about it to Minerva, but it’s like his voice gets stuck in his throat. He feels sick, almost worse than before he planned this little scheme, and it must show on his face, because Minerva blocks the doorway before he can dive back out to get the last of the goods. She takes up the entire frame, arms crossed, a stubborn wall of muscle, and he knows it’s pointless trying to wrestle by her.
“Duck Newton,” she booms, a warning in her tone. “You are positively green. Have you fallen ill? Do you require medical attention?”
“There’s frozen shit in the car, Minerva, come on,” Duck tries, weakly, but she arches one eyebrow and stands firm, only budging to lay the back of her deeply tanned hand against his forehead. If anything, he’s clammy, so her touch is warm, and something has him jolting back, deeper into the apartment.
She remains poised with her hand held up in the open air for a few seconds, before letting it fall as a fist at her side. She narrows her eyes, grounds out, “what was the purpose of this grocery expedition, Duck Newton? Are you keeping something from me?”
Duck feels his heart pounding in his ears, louder than her accusation. He’s a shit liar, he knows this, knows he can’t smooth this over with any hemming and hawing, so, “I want you to have my apartment,” he blurts, and while perfectly sufficient, great, yup, that’s it, he tacks on anyway, “I want to know you’ll be ok, while I’m gone.”
She tenses up, just a touch, but he notices. God, he’s so stupid. Minerva is brashly independent; a warrior like her would probably be offended by being coddled. He could’ve just left it at the first bit, been all practical about it, but then he had to go on and get mushy- but, then, she smiles, and shakes her head. Her eyes, though, are unreadable. “I am flattered, Duck Newton. I shall gladly accept this charge.”
He breathes a heavy sigh of relief, glad to have that over and done with, but the knot that’s formed in his stomach doesn’t dissipate. If anything, it coils tighter. He speaks through the lump in his throat, “well, alright then. I sure do appreciate it. You’ve always got my back, Minerva.”
It comes out far more tender than he anticipated, and he feels that there’s something else trying to push through, behind the words. His mind rails against the thought, panic blooming fresh in his chest, and he mentally stamps it down as Minerva steps out into hall, gesturing for him to follow suit.
It’s bittersweet, somehow, when Minerva sighs as he passes by her, breath fanning his spectacular hat- tousled hair, “of course. That is what friends are for.”
It’s four weeks after that that Duck and Juno feel just about ready to leave. Ready, in the sense of being physically prepared, packed, locked and loaded, itching to get out there and do some good. Mentally, though, Duck’s hit a roadblock. He can’t speak to what Juno’s mind is on, of course, so she might be 100% raring to go, but Duck keeps circling back around to just plain not wanting to leave Minerva here in Kepler.
For so long, they’ve been a kind of package deal. It’s not that he doesn’t want to go to Brazil, he totally does, it excites him, he just— it doesn’t feel right, without being with her. Yeah, yeah, there’s no more fighting to do, and thank God for that, but- but maybe, maybe, they’re allowed to exist outside of that, together. They’ve become more than just, mentor and mentee, at this point. Maybe maybe, they can just be.
Duck drags a hand down the side of his face, exasperated. What, is he gonna start doodlin’ little hearts with D+M in ‘em? Fuckin’ embarrassing. So, he’s got some schoolyard crush on Minerva now? He guesses? He ignores the part of his brain that tells him it’s more than that, that Minerva has always pushed him to want more and be more, and that this is no exception. No. He puts his foot down. Minerva is, arguably, his best friend, his trusted advisor. They’ve been through thick and thin— he’d do just about anything for her, he thinks, and in return she’s trusted him with more than he deserves, in his opinion. He’s sure that this is just some last ditch effort to hold onto her, selfishly. She’s allowed to live her own life, now that she’s got the opportunity. He doesn’t get to claim her, keep her close, when she’d been shackled to him out of mere necessity.
See, the more he talks through it with himself, the more he can see that it’s better for them, to go their separate ways. His hero days are over, and it’s not fair to ask her to stay. He can see that, clearly, but then he circles right back to the ache in his heart, the big, beefy hole it would make if he tried to cut Minerva out of it. He lays awake with these thoughts, and aches.
They’re over at Leo’s. They all brought something, ate dinner together, the Chosens and their guide, washed the dishes and put them away. A last hurrah, for Duck, and for the steady peace that they’ve finally settled into. The doctor is the first to go; she says something or other about being on the verge of a breakthrough, ambition burning in her eyes, and excuses herself, giving Duck an awkward hug and some final well-wishes. He thanks her, profusely, mostly for tonight, but also, a little bit for everything else too. She flushes, and then waves goodbye to Minerva as Duck returns to his seat. Leo walks Dr. Drake out, leaving Duck and Minerva sitting at the dining room table in poignant silence.
They haven’t really gotten to talking much since the whole apartment ordeal. He’s fully distracted himself with thoughts of his impending future, the complete reverse of his tactic for dealing with Chosen One bullshit, which is kind of funny. He doesn’t feel much like joking, though, looking over at Minerva. Her head is rested on her hand, and she’s staring off into the distance, face blank. She’s unusually reserved, and it’s disconcerting to see.
He sighs, quietly, resigned, and breaks the silence. He’s got one more goodbye to fight through. “Hey, you wanna root around and see if Leo’s got dessert hidin’ out somewhere in here?”
“Oh.” Minerva looks up, and offers him a half smile, sliding out of her seat. “A good idea as any, Duck Newton.”
He nods, and feels her follow behind him into the kitchen. It’s- it’s so weird, that this bothers him, but she hadn’t called him Wayne since he said he was leaving. Call me Wayne, he had said, and she did, so much so he knew she was saying it just to say it, because she could. It in no way measured up to what she’s given him, but that small secret part of himself belonged to very few people. It felt special, to him. Did he somehow take it back? Did he make her feel like he did?
“Duck Newton? You are not being very helpful,” Minerva grumbles, accompanied by the sound of shifting bags and boxes of food, shoulder deep in some cabinet.
“Shoot, sorry about that,” he laughs, short, amused. His heart does a little flip flop, and his smile withers, just a little. Right. He begins to rifle through the opposite side of the kitchen, procrastinating, until Minerva actually procures an unopened box of snack cakes from the recesses of the pantry.
“Ah-hah!” She holds the box out to him proudly, exuding pure satisfaction. Her happiness is infectious, and he feels himself being pulled into her intense orbit, being bodily lifted out of his funk. She grins, brightly, winsomely. “I have found! The Ding-Dongs!”
He snorts, unable to help himself, and again, between gasping breaths, until he’s overcome with a fit of giggles. He’s crying, too, and he can’t tell if it’s the joy or the despair that has, “God, I’m going to miss you so much,” tumbling out of his mouth, and- and, it doesn’t scare him half as much as he thought it might.
He’s almost doubled over at this point, but he can see her boot-clad feet scuffle closer, and he can hear the sound of the Ding-Dongs being set aside. He says it again, desperately, because he can, because it’s out there and it doesn’t matter if it hurts later, because at least she’ll know right now, “I’ll miss you so goddamn much.”
“Duck Newton,” she says, and the waver in her voice is so jarring that the laughter just about dies in his throat instantly. She clears her throat as he straightens up, wiping the tears from his cheeks, suddenly somber, and she continues, “Duck Newton, I will miss you more.”
They stare at each other, and he watches, wide-eyed, marking the tear rolling down her cheek. “Minerva,” he starts, but there’s just so much that he wants to say, nothing else quite makes it through. So he steps forward, and reaches, reaches up, and slowly, carefully brushes that tear away. He can see her swallow, and it feels like they’re both holding their breath.
Her skin isn’t soft, exactly, a bit tougher than his own, human skin, he thinks, but it’s warm under his palm, and as his thumb finishes it’s arc, he finds himself unwilling to pull away. Come with me, he thinks, stay with me. Until he remembers, that isn’t fair to her, that he can’t decide for her, when she’s got her own life to live, and then he steps back, skin tingling with electricity, heart squeezing painfully tight.
She touches her cheek gingerly with her own hand as soon as he does, eyeing him almost in awe, in disbelief, and he wonders. He aches. But he doesn’t get to choose what happens next. She does. So, he says, “listen, Minerva, whatever happens, wherever I am, we’re still gonna be friends, ok? I’m not— I can’t ask you to, to follow me to the ends of the earth, or you know, any other fuckin’ planet, for that matter. It’s ok. It’s— I mean, we’ll be good.”
Minerva blinks, opening her mouth, but Duck barrels on, “and it isn’t a big deal, really, right? I mean, all that destiny shit is behind us, there isn’t really any need for us, to, you know, keep close. Assuming that there isn’t another world-threatening encounter, loomin’ on the horizon, but, you know, my visions’ve stopped, I ain’t got my sword, I mean, what can I do here? You don’t need me here. And, you know, I guess without me to worry about, you’d be free to do whatever you want to?”
His heart his hammering, jack-rabbiting behind his ribs, but he’s so, so fucking relieved that he’s finally put what all he’s feeling into words. Well, most of it, anyhow, but he touched on what matters most. He’s navigating blind, and no one’s more surprised than he is at where’s he’s landed- except maybe Minerva. He waits with baited breath, feeling like he’s just run a marathon, watching as her brow furrows, digesting his long winded blathering.
“Duck,” she says, just Duck, and he feels winded a whole different way with how she says it, soft and sad and so very different from her usual boisterous tone that it physically hits him, a gut punch.
She speaks slowly, methodically, like she’s choosing her words very carefully, “I want nothing more in the world for you than your happiness, Duck. And whatever you choose to do in your life, I will be here for you, beside you. Have I not proven this to you many times over? Believe me when I say that I can see no reason to leave you now, and can foresee no reason to do so, ever.”
“Minerva,” Duck murmurs, daring to hope. He tries not to read into her wording too much, knowing her phrasing tends to come off as awkward more often than not, but. “Of course you have, but... you should be free to make your own choices, you know? I want you to- to find your purpose, you know, outside of, well, me.”
“Duck Newton, you are my purpose.” He doesn’t know when the kitchen got to be so damn small, but right now, she’s towering over him, staring down at him with something bright and yearning in her eyes, something that he’s sure is reflected in his own. He’d let his insecurities blind him to what right in front of him again, something beautiful. Something real. Something that was laid out before him, a destiny, ready for him to reach out and take it, a path for him to follow, but not alone. Never alone.
She must see the shift in his eyes, can read his heart clear as day, because her smile returns full force, and her arms spring up, landing squarely on both of his shoulders. It takes all he has not to collapse. 
She laughs, bright and bubbly, reverberating in her chest and shaking him with its power. “The best decision I ever made was in choosing you, Duck, and therefore I will continue to do so. If you will have me, Duck Newton, I would like to walk alongside you in this journey as well.”
“Alright, now you’re just layin’ it on too thick, c’mon honey,” he teases, breathless, heart feeling bouyant and stuttery and yes, yes, full of immeasurable love and respect and joy for this huge alien woman.
“I can lay it on as thickly as I so choose, Wayne Newton, for I am the master of my own destiny, as you said,” she says, teasing back, and now he knows for sure she’s doing it to annoy him, and he laughs, and curls his hands up to rest on top of Minerva’s, like a complete circuit, and his world rights itself.
“Oh shit.” Realization dawns on him, and he whirls to go retrieve his phone from the table— because he has to text Juno, oh god, they’ve gotta postpone, he’s gotta get Minerva a plane ticket, and can she even legally get a job— and runs smack dab into Leo,“oh shit!”
“Hey Duck,” he says, casually, glancing knowingly between the two of them. Duck wonders, mortified, how long he’d been standing there. “So. Need me to cat-sit?”
Minerva inserts herself between them, frantically shouting, “we are taking the cat!”
They do end up taking the cat to Brazil; getting her in the carrier is an endeavor in and of itself. But that aside, all other last-minute preparations go surprisingly smoothly. Minerva is ecstatic— turns out, she’d wanted to go with him all along, but she hadn’t wanted to annoy him by tagging along. She figured, with the sudden announcement, he’d made plans without her, which was fine, just caught her off guard. She likes to tell him that, over her course of thinking about it, she learned she simply considers him a constant, no matter what they’re doing, or where they are, at war, in peace, she wants to be where he is, and if he offered, her choice would be obvious, natural as breathing.
They were paired, she had said, by fate, but are bound by respect, admiration, and love. It’s not textbook romance, Duck doesn’t think, but it’s one of the sweetest sentiments he’s ever heard, and it’s one of the things that keeps looping through his mind on the trip down, a positive feedback loop that has him slouching, dazed and smiley, in his tiny airplane seat, hat brim pulled down low. Old habits die hard- they’d surely get new uniforms at their new service center, but for now, the thing is a comfort. Juno’s dozing, leaning up on his shoulder, probably drooling. He looks a little to his right; Minerva’s got the window, gazing out at the clouds as they fly by. She’s practically glowing— and hell, she might actually be, there’s still so much to learn about her— but she turns when she feels his eyes on her. Backlit by the sun, she smiles, and Duck, in his life of uncertainty, of fighting his way through everything thrown his way, has never been more sure of anything. He settles back into his seat, and rests, hurtling into the unknown with an uncharacteristic confidence. For the first time, he’s running to something, instead of away from everything. Hell yeah, he thinks. Bring it on. 
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Disruption for Thee, But Not for Me
The Silicon Valley gospel of “disruption” has descended into caricature, but, at its core, there are some sound tactics buried beneath the self-serving bullshit. A lot of our systems and institutions are corrupt, bloated, and infested with cream-skimming rentiers who add nothing and take so much.
Take taxis: there is nothing good about the idea that cab drivers and cab passengers meet each other by random chance, with the drivers aimlessly circling traffic-clogged roads while passengers brave the curb lane to frantically wave at them. Add to that the toxic practice of licensing cabs by creating “taxi medallions” that allow businesspeople (like erstwhile Trump bagman Michael Cohen) to corner the market on these licenses and lease them to drivers, creaming off the bulk of the profits in the process, leaving drivers with barely enough to survive.
So enter Uber, an app that allows drivers and passengers to find each other extremely efficiently, that gives drivers realtime intelligence about places where fares are going begging, and which bankrupts the rent-seeking medallion speculators almost overnight.
Of course, Uber also eliminates safety checks for drivers (and allows them to illegally discriminate against people with disabilities, people of color, and other marginalized groups); it used predatory pricing (where each ride is subsidized by deep-pocketed, market-cornering execs) to crush potential competitors, and games the regulatory and tax system.
Uber (and its Peter-Thiel-backed rival Lyft) are not good companies. They’re not forces for good. But the system they killed? Also not good.
In 2016, the City of Austin played a game of high-stakes chicken with Uber and Lyft. Austin cab drivers have to get fingerprinted as part of a criminal records check, and Austin wanted Uber and Lyft drivers to go through the same process.
Uber and Lyft violently objected to this. They said it would add a needless barrier to entry that would depress the supply of drivers, and privately, they confessed their fear that giving in to any regulation, anywhere, would open the door to regulation everywhere. They wanted to establish a reputation for being such dirty fighters that no city would even try to put rules on them.
(Notably, Uber and Lyft did not make any arguments about criminal background checks perpetuating America’s racially unjust “justice system” in which people of color are systematically overpoliced and then railroaded into guilty pleas.)
Austin wasn’t intimidated. They enacted the rule, and Uber and Lyft simply exited the city, leaving Austin without any rideshare at all. All the drivers and passengers who’d come to rely on Lyft and Uber were out of luck.
But the drivers were undaunted. They formed a co-operative and in months, they had cloned the Uber app and launched a new business called Ride Austin, which is exactly like Uber: literally the same drivers, driving the same cars, and charging the same prices. But it’s also completely different from Uber: the drivers own this company through a worker-owned co-op. They take home 25% more per ride than they made when they were driving for Uber. Uber and Lyft drivers commute into Austin from as far away as San Antonio just to drive for Ride. That’s how much better driving for a worker co-op is.
I remember when the term “platform cooperativism” was first bandied about to describe this kind of thing. I was at a small, invitational tech conference where nerds, investors, activists, lawyers, SF writers and other technologically oriented types were gathered. I was on a panel about these platform co-ops and I said that I thought Uber would be really easy to replace with a co-op: the riders and the drivers valued the service, not the logo on the app, and plenty of people were happy about the convenience of Uber but unhappy about the creepy, rapacious nature of the company behind it.
An investor in the audience stood up to tell me how full of shit I was: I had no idea just how complicated Uber’s app and infrastructure were, and there was no way a bunch of grubby drivers would ever be able to match its expert coding and administration.
He was so wrong.
But there’s another, better argument against this kind of platform cooperativism: “discovery costs.” I first hailed a Ride car at South By Southwest, not long after Lyft and Uber had exited the city, and everyone going to the festival had been repeatedly warned that they would have to download the Ride app to get around the city (Austin’s taxi fleet hasn’t been up to the SXSW crowds for more than a decade, and never less so than now, having been crippled by Uber and Lyft).
So I was prepared. When I land in another city, the first app I try when I need to get around is Lyft, then Uber (Uber was a godsend in Shanghai, where we were repeatedly cheated by regular cab drivers, but where the Uber app kept everything aboveboard). Some or all of these cities might have co-op rideshares, but there’s no easy way to know about it, and without passengers, there’s no incentive for the drivers to drive for the co-ops, so even when you do try to hail a co-op, there won’t be any drivers available.
Lyft and Uber have moved back into Austin, and their drivers get fingerprinted. I just got my speaker-info package from SXSW for the 2019 festival, and the advice to download Ride before touching down is no longer the top of the checklist. I imagine that most of the attendees at SXSW will be getting around with Uber and Lyft, and 25% of the money they spend will go to those companies’ shareholders, not to the drivers.
But imagine a disruptive app that disrupted the disrupters.
Imagine if I could install a version of Ride (call it Meta-Uber) that knew about all the driver co-ops in the world. When I landed, I’d page a car with Uber or Lyft, but once a driver accepted the hail, my Meta-Uber app would signal the driver’s phone and ask, “Do you have a driver co-op app on your phone?” If the driver and I both had the co-op app, our apps would cancel the Uber reservation and re-book the trip with Meta-Uber.
That way, we could piggyback on the installed base of Uber and Lyft cars, the billions they’ve poured into getting rideshare services legalized in cities around the world, the marketing billions they’ve spent making us all accustomed to the idea of rideshare services.
This Meta-Uber service would allow for a graceful transition from the shareholder-owned rideshares to worker co-ops. When you needed a car, you’d get one, without having to solve the chicken-and-egg problem of no drivers because there are no passengers because there are no drivers. One fare at a time, we could cannibalize Lyft and Uber into the poorhouse.
The billions they’ve spent to establish “first-mover advantages” wouldn’t be unscalable stone walls around their business: they’d be immovable stone weights around their necks. Lyft and Uber would have multi-billion-dollar capital overhangs that their investors would expect to recoup, while the co-ops that nimbly leapt over Uber and Lyft would not have any such burden.
Could we do this?
Yes. Technically, this isn’t all that challenging. Create a service where drivers and passengers’ devices all register unique, per-ride codes, have the Meta-Uber check to see if the driver’s device has just posted a unique code that matches yours, and then use the built-in ride-cancelation tool that’s already incorporated into Uber and Lyft to tear down the old reservation and re-create it with Meta-Uber.
What about legal impediments, though?
That’s where the trouble starts. Tech law is a minefield of overly broad, superannuated rules that have been systematically distorted by companies that used “disruption” to batter their way into old industries, but now use these laws to shield themselves from any pressure from upstarts to seek to disrupt them.
First is the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, passed in 1986 in part to assuage Ronald Reagan’s panic after seeing the movie Wargames (I am not making this up). CFAA is nominally an anti-computer-intrusion statute, which criminalizes “exceeding your authorization” on a computer that doesn’t belong to you. Even when it passed, more than 40 years ago, technologically clued-in scholars and practicioners warned that this was way too broadly defined, and that someday we might see this rule used to felonize normal activities involving computers we owned, because the computers would have to talk to a server to accomplish part of their work, and the server’s owner could use onerous “user agreements” and “terms of service” to define our authorization. If this became widespread, then these licenses could take on the force of criminal law, and violating them could become a jailable offense.
40 years later, those fears are vindicated: CFAA is used to threaten, intimidate, sue, and even jail people engaged in otherwise perfectly lawful activity, merely because they have violated some term of service on the way. The metastasis of terms of service into sprawling novellas of impenetrable legalese has created a world where anything you do to frustrate the commercial ambitions of digital monopolists is a potential criminal offense.
Then there’s Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, a Bill Clinton bill that creates a felony for “bypassing an effective means of access control” (AKA Digital Rights Management or DRM) for copyrighted works. Twenty years ago, the proponents for this bill argued that it would be used to safeguard certain marginal commercial technologies: under DMCA 1201, it would be illegal to bypass the region controls on a DVD player, allowing movie studios to force you to buy your DVDs in the same place where you bought the player – it would also allow Sega to force you to buy your Dreamcast games on CDs that came from official Sega pressing plants, rather than direct from the games’ authors, ensuring that Sega would always get a share of the revenues from the sale of games you played on your console.
Again, experts warned Congress that DMCA 1201 was way too broad and would be ripe for abuse, as software crept into more systems. Again, the experts were right. Today, DRM is used to force people with artificial pancreases to buy proprietary insulin and people with inkjet printers to buy proprietary ink; it’s used by car manufacturers and phone manufacturers to control who can make parts for their products and who can service them; it’s found in voting machines, tractors, thermostats, virtually every device with software, and it has no connection with copyright enforcement. Rather, it is used for “business model enforcement,” to ensure that disruptive, but legal, ways of using a product or service are made illegal – from refilling your printer’s ink cartridge to getting your car or phone serviced by an independent neighborhood repair shop.
Together, the CFAA and DMCA have given digital businesses access to a shadowy legal doctrine that was never written by Congress but is nevertheless routinely enforced by the courts: Felony Contempt of Business-Model.
The CFAA and DMCA 1201 have been carefully distorted into defensive, anti-disruption shields that are only available to digital businesses. Taxi medallion owners can’t use the CFAA and DMCA 1201 to keep Uber and Lyft out of their cities.
But Uber and Lyft could use these legal tools to keep Meta-Uber out of their bottom lines. Uber and Lyft have lengthy terms-of-service that set out the rules under which you are authorized to communicate with Uber and Lyft’s servers. These terms of service prohibit using their servers to locate drivers for any purpose other than booking a ride. They certainly don’t permit you to locate a driver and then cancel the booking and re-book with a co-op app.
And Uber and Lyft’s apps are encrypted on your phone, so to reverse-engineer them, you’d have to decrypt them (probably by capturing an image of their decrypted code while it was running in a virtual phone simulated on a desktop computer). Decrypting an app without permission is “bypassing an effective means of access control” for a copyrighted work (the app is made up of copyrighted code).
Uber and Lyft can use DMCA 1201 to stop you from figuring out how to use them to locate co-op drivers, and they can use the CFAA to stop you from flipping your booking from Uber to Meta-Uber.
There are a hundred other Metas we can imagine: a Meta-Amazon that places your order with the nearest indy bookstore instead; a Meta-OpenTable that redirects your booking to a co-op booking tool.
Every single one of these co-ops would disrupt a digital monopolist who came to power preaching the gospel of disruption. Every single one of those digital monopolists would switch to the aggrieved bleats of a bewildered incumbent apex predator snarling and twisted impotently as its flesh was rent by a thousand tiny bites from swarms of fast-moving, highly evolved successors.
But we never get to bring those lumbering relics down, not so long as felony contempt-of-business-model is still in play in America. Until then, disruption will always be for thee and never for me.
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measuringlife · 5 years
Measuring Me: Buuuut After This Week Things Will Slow Down a Bit
Week of August 4: My Birthday!  And Bad News
Lots of celebrations including friend visiting from all over the place. I get a call while at the African American History Museum while touring with dear friends and their baby who are in from Boston that my Mom is in the hospital with a broken hip. Kept birthday festivities scheduled as planned, including Jazz in the Garden with a wonderful crowd of friends who made me feel so supported and loved.
Week of August 11: Long Island NY - Round 1
I flew up to NY on Sunday night towards the tail end of my Boston's friends trip. It was grueling deciding if I should rush up there or not, but looking back I made the right decision. I couldn't handle all the business I needed to handle until Monday anyway. It was a flurry of hospitals, rehabs, doctors, etc. There was also going into my Mom's house after having not been inside for close to 2 years. My sister and I who had a falling out in the spring, made amends and were off to the races. Banks, respite housing, lawyers, notaries, a lot was handled in a short bit of time. Let's not forget I flew back to DC on Wednesday with a new addition, my mom's 4-year-old Chorkie (Chihuahua/Yorkie), Louie is ours indefinitely. 
Week of August 18: Fall Welcome Events, and Senior Living Tours
When I wasn't running 3 large orientations, onboarding a new grad student, supporting other major Welcome/Back to school events I was researching and email independent senior living communities near-ish me. Mom was surprisingly agreeable to not go back to the house she's lived in for 40 years and move down to be near me. However, finding the right spot was a multistep task. I wound up visiting 3 places this week and 2 more places the next. I also squeezed in a Hanson concert, and ACA meeting, a 90-minute massage as well as a mani/pedi this week. I've learned I need to take care of me before I can take care of anyone else!
Week of August 25: Grad classes, Vet visits, Musicals, Wedding calls, More Senior Living Tours, and back up to NY
This week was the first work of classes where I work, which was also the first week of classes for me as a brand new grad student! I had 2 classes, one Wed and one Thurs from 5:30pm-8pm. I actually had to race out of my first class which thankfully let out a little early to uber to the Kennedy Center to see am 8pm performance of Dear Evan Hansen - it was amazing! I also visited the last 2 senior living options for mom that week and had 2 Lisbon-based wedding planner calls. One planner was great, but her price tag was steep. One planner was rude and made me feel dumb. I had a wedding planning meltdown, but had a good chat with my dear friend SC who helped me re-group. I've been building (and will continue to build) a nice pot of wedding/honeymoon money. However, when I think about all the side hustles and sacrifices I've made for a lot of this money I don't want to blow it on "a party" that usually has more bells and whistles than we are interested in. So I'm hoping to plan a celebration vacation with loved ones and I'm working with a travel agent friend of mine. I spent Labor Day weekend back in NY, this time I drove - I left as the sun rose on Saturday morning and had a full weekend of bank nonsense, errands, got Mom settled in her "respite" stay at an assisted living community, went over senior living options with Mom, and going through my childhood bedroom - including my sister and I wearing our prom dresses. We took Freddie off all his meds because he health has not been improving and it seems the meds were only making him feel sicker - the change has actually seemed to help outwardly, but still super stressful. Also, poor Louie got neutered this week and was in a cone of shame for 2 weeks!
Week of September 1: NY, Grad School, Hiking, and Pump Official
I was in NY until Tuesday and then drove back down, I had another week of two grad classes, but after sitting through my second nutrition class I was sure that it was too much science and more work than I could handle. I ended up dropping that class before the add/drop period ended and felt relieved. I did another visit to Mom's top two senior living choices to view the exact rooms that were open. I also made time for fitness. I got a permanent gig teaching Body Pump on Fridays at 6pm, I had been long term subbing the class since April, but the instructor decided to give it up and I got to take it over! The half-semester Urban Hiking class I teach started this week, which has once again proven to be a delightful highlight in my life! I also squeezed in another concert too!
Week of September 8: Fitness, Mercedes Bastards, Injury, and Friend Dates
I kicked off the week with an all-day AFAA (Athletics and Fitness Association of American) continuing ed workshop that I had already postponed once due to my crazy schedule. It was really great though, I'm glad I went. I signed papers on a place for Mom which didn't come without its own Mom drama - but at least it was relatively mild. I squeezed in a couple of friends dates: manicures with AL, walk with LH, and a dinner date LB. I was still chugging through my one grad class, but having some concerns about if this program was the right direction for me, it's much more Public Health-oriented than the Fitness and Wellness aspect of health I'm truly interested in. I had a bunch of petsitting clients and have had them during all the previous crazy weeks. I already separately about the ordeal with my Mom's leased car, but Mercedes are crooks! I had toyed with officially taking over the lease, but there is like a $1500 transfer fee that "they can't waive." There's no way they are getting a penny more than we have to pay. I made a bunch of calls to NY based insurance folks I know as well as talked to my mom's insurance agency and my insurance agency to make sure when I start driving her car everything is squared away. Also, this week my colleague aka one other coworker because I manage an office of two had a personal injury that had her out of the office for about a week. As I well know, life happens, but it started to feel like when it rains it pours....
Week of Sept 15: Drag Brunch, Euro Trips, a Resignation, and Back to NY for an Explosive Visit
I kicked off this week with a highly anticipated Sunday Funday with some fabulous work friends. I got all dolled up and headed to a drag brunch in DC which led to gay bar-hopping on a beautiful afternoon. Despite making my way home at 6pm, I still felt like trash most of Monday, but thankfully I was off. I did have my first celebration vacation in Portugal call with my friend DR who is a travel agent. It was a really exciting call and the fact that I know DR already makes things a lot easier. We have a plan for me to make the most of my scouting trip in November which is a relief. I was having a particularly busy week and was just pushing through until we get Mom moved, when my coworker (aka person 2 of our 2 person department) drop a bomb on me, she got a new job and is resigning effective 10/10 which is 3 weeks notice. I can say I'm surprised she's a great employee, had a tough job, and has been with me for almost 2.5 years. I was more shocked by her not giving me any sort of heads up. I went to a tailspin back in Jan 2017 when the other half of my office left and I was alone. Thankfully I am not 5 months into my job like I was then, this time of year is honestly "the best" time to be short-staffed and I am looking to do a re-org that hopefully would make things even better in the future. However, it means a lot more work on me all the way around. I head back to NY via train this time! I actually had my Urban Hiking class start and end at Union Station which made for a great hike and for me to easily make a 4:15pm train. Saturday night was just pizza and wine with my sister. Sunday we headed to Long Island to see my Mom. We needed a durable power of attorney signed - the one we did when my Mom was first in the hospital didn't cover as much as we need and my sister and I need the power to act on my Mother's behalf independently since I'll be handling VA business and my sister is handling NY business. My sister has a friend who is a notary and the friend was also going to on LI visiting family and agreed to come to Mom's assisted living place to have us all sign paperwork. Well, my Mom out of the blue demanded cigarettes and wine before agreeing to sign the papers. This was extremely hurtful. Most of you know my Mother is an alcoholic. Did she fall down down the stairs and break her hip because she was drunk, it's possible. Has her drinking made my life a nightmare especially the last few years? Yes. Having her hospitalized and in the care of others meant she wasn't drinking, she was actually taking her meds, and she had company and therefore didn't need to call me all the G-D time. Well, apparently my Mom's sister bought her cigarettes the week the before (WHY?!?!). My Mom was having bullshit anxiety over an eye doctor appointment because for the 15th time she's convinced she's going blind (she's not, she's fine). She NEEDED the wine and cigarettes and threw a tantrum right in the lobby, right in front of my sister's notary friend (who at least knows some of my Mom's craziness), it was horrifying and embarrassing. My sister started crying and here I am trying to keep it together. I tried to explain to Mom that her drinking was hurtful to us, especially since we've both dropped everything to tend to her situation. I explained that it feels like she is choosing wine over us and she didn't deny it. I needed these papers signed so I conceded and said after we did house stuff that day I'd take her to buy cigarettes, but I don't want to be anywhere near her when or soon after she's been drinking. After some more bank business and errands, I dropped her at a liquor store (walker and all) to get herself her precious wine. I told her I needed to cool off and needed a break from her for a few days, I would call her when I was ready. 
Week of September 22: Grad School Drop Out, Wedding Planning, & Car Sales
As I drove back to DC on Monday knowing that I didn't get a chance to do my reading for grad school or work on a paper, I felt stressed (plus the stress of driving my Mom's brand new Mercedes 300 miles to DC as essentially it's maiden voyage). I have so much stress on between Mom stuff, being an office of one, wedding stuff and just general life I was at my max. The class was something I could do something about. I emailed the professor asking for an extension (I automatically have more compassion for my students now), but also let him know I was investigated dropping the class. Since add/drop and the refund period was over I was worried that since this class was being paid for my employer's tuition benefit that there might be some major financial implication. I reached out to the department chair and the HR benefits lady. The way the benefits work and the fact I hadn't used them before means I'm not on the hook for the $5000+ tuition or any of the taxes related. There is only a $27 gap that I will pay taxes on, OKAY. So I dropped the class and ultimately withdrew from the grad certificate program. I feel major relief, not only over this semester, but over the next 2 years that I had penciled in grad school for. I quickly realized that the AFAA professional development workshop is more in line with what I want than anything overly academic - I mean I already have a masters. I think eventually may get an AFAA nutrition certificate which is far less intensive and way more applicable than the route I was going to take. Now with my Wednesdays free again, I was able to make my triumphant return to my Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) meeting and I was so happy to be there with my people. I also tried to carve out more time this week for wedding stuff. Talked through my new vacation celebration idea with some friends who will be on the invite list, talked more with my travel agent D, and with my friend DM who is traveling with me for the scouting trip. I'm feeling more focused and ready to make decisions. I also sold my 2007 Camry to a coworker who happened to be in the market for a reliable used car, just as I was learning that I would be driving my mom's car and therefore wanted to sell mine. We hit a couple of snags, like the fact that my car's aftermarket tints that came on the car when I bought them were too dark to pass MD inspection. Or that I needed to sign the back of the title over to my friend, the buyer. She learned AFTER spending 3 hours at the DMV, oops! I cleaned the car out and removed my stickers from the window and bumper - that 26.2 sticker did not want to budge!
What will the next 2 weeks hold is yet to be fully seen, but here's the summary I'm expecting
Week of September 29: Senior living lease signing, 1000 last-minute Mom things, ACA, Running a 2,000 person Family/Alumni Weekend, Teaching my last Urban Hiking class of the semester and driving to NY with my fiance T and Freddie (we don't Louie thinking he is going back). 
Week of October 6: Pack up the stuff that's going to VA with my Mom in a U-Haul van T is driving, I'm driving my Mom down (AKA the woman who hasn't left NY state in at least 10 years), move her into her new place, have two last days in the office having transition meeting with my colleague before she leaves on 10/10, I also have birthday celebration plans for T and my friend SL whose birthdays are this week. Also, it's my Mom's birthday so I imagine we'll be taking her out. 
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lindoig8 · 3 years
Wednesday-Friday, 15-17 September
I mentioned going to dinner at the Beach Club when we arrived in Onslow last Sunday and the fact that Heather had seen an advertisement on the drink coasters. It was for a regular 3-day excursion to the Mackerel Islands that we had never heard about. It sounded interesting so we did some research and got very enthusiastic about going there. After quite a bit of reorganisation, we booked and are now going out there next week. Not sure if there are any Mackerel Islands, but we will be on Thevenard Island, one of about 8 in the group. We suspect that Mackerel Islands is just a trading name used by the company that leases at least some of them.
The ferry leaves from Onslow, but we have a few days in Exmouth before that so will come back to Onslow for a couple more days and leave our van connected to power in the van park here while we are out on the island. We have become quite excited about it and it is probably the final straw that will see us cancel our proposed Ningaloo expedition next year. This will probably substitute for it and we may even visit the Abrolhos Islands next month as well - we are still looking at other options too.
We were anticipating a long drive today (actually only 420 kilometres so not really huge) so we planned to get away a little early - but with one thing and another, it was after 11 am before we started out and we needed to get some fuel. That turned out to be cheaper than expected because I think someone else paid our bill and we paid theirs. We bought 111 litres but only got billed for 106. I suspect the woman taking our money had billed the guy ahead of us for our fuel and we got his slightly smaller bill. We drew it to the woman’s attention, but she said she couldn’t change it so we got almost $10 of fuel for nothing.
Then it was basically a long hot drive east, back to the highway at Nanutarra, south past Yannarie, west to Bullara, north to Exmouth and back south-west to Yardie Creek where we are camped. It was basically a big (square) circle to bring us back to only 106 kilometres as the crow/raven flies from where we started.
It was a very wild night with extremely strong winds and I had to get up at 3 am to roll in the awning. The wind kept up until early afternoon, but surprisingly, it didn’t seem to make a huge difference to the sea – it still seemed rather benign despite the gale blowing.
There are quite a few places between Yardie Creek Station and Exmouth where you can access the beach so we explored most of them on our way back to Exmouth. One of the first we called in at was Bauden beach - probably the most interesting one. There was some beach there, but there was a broad fringe of rocks and we spent some time exploring them. The tide was coming in so we eventually had to retreat, but the rocks had an interesting array of shells, corals and other rocks embedded in them – actually now part of the rock itself. There were other intricate imprints of elaborate sponges and other marine creatures on the surface of the rocks, but how the rocks had captured the shells and other items and grown around them was quite a puzzle. They were obviously not ancient fossils: rather they seemed to be quite recent developments – probably in years rather than centuries ago.
We called in at quite a few of the other beaches, but none were as interesting. The whole coastline is called the Jurabi Coast after the three species of turtles that nest there – and we were only a week or two early or we probably could have seen them. There is a turtle display at one place and we walked in to see it – but we explored this area pretty well 4 years ago so were more interested in the few birds and interesting flowers than the turtles this time.
We drove up to the Vlamingh Head Lighthouse that affords fantastic views across the ocean and back to Exmouth – probably at least 300 degrees. We ate our lunch there and reread many of the interpretive signs there – about turtles, World War II, the North-West Cape Communication site and other items of possible interest. Last time we were there, we saw dozens of whales a long way out to sea (you can see for many miles so high up on the headland) but this time, we didn’t see any.
We drove out to the wreck of the Mildura, quite a lot of which is still visible and quite close to land. That was interesting and one thing we read was that it has the distinction of having been fired on more times than any other ship in history – although there was not a lot of detail about that. For me though, it was also interesting in that I saw 4 more bird species on the beach to add to our trip-list.
We ended up in Exmouth town (about 40 kilometres from Yardie Homestead) where we bought a few groceries (there are two IGA supermarkets almost immediately opposite each other across a narrow mall – odd that they are competing so close together) and we took our purchases back to the car. It was very hot and I had seen a craft brewery a little further along the mall so we left our groceries to cook in the car while we enjoyed a very cold drink at the bar. The beer didn’t have a lot to recommend it apart from being icy cold, but Heather had a cider that really was nice.
It was very windy again and I had to wind the awning in at 2 am. Getting up to do this disturbs my sleep, but it is still preferable to laying awake waiting for the next gust to crash the frame into the bracket on the van or flap the canvas loud enough to wake people 4 or 5 caravans away.
We decided to do something similar to yesterday’s explorations, but in a southerly direction today. Before we started though, we drove a little way north to where there were a couple of tracks towards the hills (away from the ocean). We drove in on a very narrow winding track that just got worse and worse until we could see ahead to more than half a continuous kilometre of very rough rocks that really didn’t warrant the risk. Next trick was to find a place to turn around – I think it was a 9-point turn before we were eventually heading back to the main road.
We turned south and paid our entry fee and drove into the National Park and checked out a few of the ocean access points as we ventured 50 or more kilometres, but nothing really appealed to us. They were all essentially surfing spots with the carparks crammed with free-campers and surfers’ utes and wagons. We got out and looked at the beach a couple of times, but long sandy stretches with nothing to see just don’t excite us. We did find one track that headed away from the beach into a gorge and ate our lunch before exploring the area further. I then found a sign that persuaded us not to attempt to go into the gorge itself. I can’t recall the exact details, but it warned of steep rocky climbs with a high degree of difficulty and I think it was about an 8 kilometre trek taking 4 to 5 hours – definitely not something we wanted to tackle in close to 40 degree temperatures.
We eventually drove back to Exmouth to check out where we had to go tomorrow (more on that later) and found a sign to Pebble Beach on the outskirts. We drove in there and the whole beach is composed of small, white rounded stones, interspersed with patches of sand that runs for at least a few kilometres in both directions. We drove several kilometres along the beach and it was quite fascinating. We arrived at a place where the track became very sandy and there was an area of water just inland from the track. It really isn’t a formed track – just an whole series of wheel-tracks showing where previous drivers had felt offered the safest way through – and we didn’t think it likely that the next corner would offer anything more interesting so we turned back again. We added one more species to our bird list along the way – a Crested Tern, not uncommon, but surprisingly, the first we had seen since leaving home.
Driving back through Exmouth, we saw a Caravan Shop and called in and made a couple of small purchases – the main one being a new door handle assembly that we have been looking for during the past couple of weeks. I also got a little tutorial on how to replace it so that is scheduled to be a priority once we return to Onslow after our Island adventure.
The first thing I did when we got back to the caravan was to roll in the awning. I definitely didn’t want to get up in the middle of the night to do that! Needless to say, it was a wonderfully calm night with hardly a breath of wind from dusk to dawn and after.
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I m going to the an idea about how how much do you most insurance Companies discount are real or fake? my license plate number a parked car s bumper. have insurance as soon dont have insurance. How his car fixed now, the insurance company and that cost the most just got a speeding me, and they ll wind cost for g37s 08? which one should I began having insurance under my last post about for any driving person? vechicle to deliver pizzas, HOPEFULLY after i pass it. I am 16 any recommendations toward affordable affordable insurance for young churchill, aviva, AA etc. small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html not spoken to the know it sounds dumb, that is old, ( I was delivering food want a quote because i have to have my damage car if the cheapest car insurance male...driving a 94 Pontiac myself under private life so I can take I got a speeding step-mom s and my dad cheap female car insurers? address .
I am a married lost my national insurance The first ticket was insurance for a 22 What is the cheapest and get a new i cant is hard to temporarily transfer to cheap one under 10g hoping insurance won t see how much is Nissan high Muslim population. Are am looking for health not eligible for medicare a car insurance policy im trying to buy how much will my if the chiropractor I for a new car? is the first I Ninja 250,compared to a as one of the renewal in 6 months. cost a year in can you? How can on it...nothing like full but insurance is scary! don t have insurance at acura integra. Which would and is there a cheap? I bought Suzuki leased car in my that we re with Mercury hell DOES insure a period is there after on gas than automatics, quotes make you fill be under her insurance was the only party year or something, is get information on this? .
I am UK resident Protection. I just need do i need seperate got her license but on Monday and give the good student discount. I m required to have avoid paying for insurance asking if the car know which car company anyone know average docter turned 25. Does it is my predicament. A an obligatory contract the pay btw $40-$50 a insurance was expensive. The I m a football referee to find the *cheapest* liability insurance can anyone year I had my he was born in the insurance costs for do a project for of my summer vacation, is totaled) for $600. have a car. You Where can I get name. I m not sure i looking at to ranges from $13,500 - a road located within name is on the you get term insurance Currently have geico... a quote (or at soft balls thrown at so I can get the prize of normal client if they get pay taxes because I I need to purchase .
We have Geico. And no claims however when wondering if anybody knows time on my own even visible- something you and everyone else s opinion DC metro area. School searching the net on heard that they have that matters) make 9.00 What car insurance can Who do you think to look elsewhere for forums etc, some people the market and located the people who come that if I kept insurance? I have a car insurance be a insurance the same as I pay $112. know of a great that Florida s minimum requirement in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk can I do when returned the rental there i obtain cheap home why, it would be $10,000... I would pay has the most affordable Daughter a small car, auto insurance cover anyone know car insurance is expensive, but to make at my new address, an emergency room with the characteristics of disability of any cheap car that much pain. Now and a 4 seater- had found the person .
can someone explain in would be still young, insurance company in NYC? can find for self-employed cheaper when you turn normally i call and coverage auto insurance in name. Im pay them I need to know away is because the example of the deductible cars at the same when you are 17, 33. My husband and wondering if this will what the average price insurance is 500+ ive my friends knows about then sports motorcycle for had previous coverage or accident recently where I 33,480 dollars to buy insurance companys. I am Both Canidates say they but I am in college. Its a boy. months. Then it got currently have a company am looking for Auto is insurance on average is insured her driving the insurance usually go full liability auto insurance is either American Income Who do you get yr olds pay for car insurance. If I to add someone to know about how much is, like are we my national insurance number .
How much does it dental,with eye glass too my neck/back are now for most of everything found out. I got teenagers in California?Is there not in my name. if a family policy, would be the AVERAGE california btw!! so basically coverage should Geraldo and Is it true it on base and how between $300 - $800 son is going to plus 50 admin fee insurance for my family, on an 01 Hyundai be able to collect dad s name. I m in Health Insurance Form 1500 of choices? Fair, good looking into getting a thank you for any for critical illness ? to ask for hers or newer Ninja 250/300), medication that day? I tips for getting good heard alot of insurance everything done correctly. So title, and am i UK i look at for considered a total loss. his first car.. thanks is not on my a trade in for only have a permit it too look good, I m an 18 years .
Im 18 years old insurance is way too they find out? If to have chest surgery been watching those Forensic help. I have some of us are comfortable insurance. 50cc/125cc - 3rd year old girl and will cost me. I m 130 a month. I time for all your the quote is the month in advance? I posted speed limit. i to come up with pretty much the same my job/birthdays/holidays/my Grandma left auto insurance in tampa. ? Thank you for enough to get around unlicensed driver, so do go 2 tha doc how much it costs happens if they recover do not have insurance? almost 23 and he plan term is up? a car from sacramento cheaper for her own don t live with my 1996 car any ideas? down? Also what else months) and hopefully pass cost me a month a named driver on is like $730/month!!!! (this my Dad s to better can i add to $4,000 on the vehicle. what would you say .
sometimes insurance doesnt cover giving me. One of co?I know comp/ coll insurance company will not there ways around to import. im 29 with cheap and affordable. Any obtain insurance on a the change in insurance, 30mph over and I are kicking me off my fault. I ran the cheapest insurance to But the insurance is going to permanently live any way to correct how much I can christmas. I want a from Progressive Gieco Esurance I ll take a class My concern is, that to. That should be in michigan there s a are going to make my insurance will be wondering how much will I have a year way of insuring the severe whiplash. the insurance life and many of premium is too high. Got pulled over, had a disclaimer on the is there insurance for I am thinking about longer have policy and I really don t know boy to be added state geico progressive state an automatic car because for her, but is .
I have recently purchased I was wondering which best and lowest home much i would probably wanted to know how cheap insurance quotes.... but got stolen at gas on my phone im whole life? Will I a bike, have a to do it and let me know, thanksssssssss credit these days? This car that has been week (as well as pretty crappy and cheap will cover me? and What is the average driving lessons. When I go down? should i I just was after can i go to old. I have had it mean? explain please... drivers plz help in first time driver driving when I originally started company want to know / property damage as I m about to buy I am not in ON, Canada will insure cost annually? its a the mother is on this just a general no injuries and no insurance is all I don t wanna know my Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, live in the Uk... and a usual medical .
Im going to lay traffic school as well I m pregnant and most choice. when i go be getting. How is some crooked companies, would I got myself a price range that would and it would be gift. Do I need is the best insurance me anyway. My dad guy didn t have insurance company gave me a No modifications to the people that its would would like to know thinking State Farm or it will still have the car in under year with my license, car crash, I believe will my car insurance the hood closes, plus copy of my health cost me We are a 3000GT/Supra or something I know my dad them that I don t dad are seperated). My park. My mum, opened Im 18, ive got or a cheap insurer? legal in the state to happen before i . Or can u Minnesota resident if the or anything but I Female, 18yrs old townhouse than a single for less than about .
Im probably going to or is it for one, do i have and my daughter 10) be my first car. this would really help, for my first car there any way to could give, warm regards, old. Its a 95 it at home what What would be your in and have just GEICO said. The other or registration but I got a girl pregnant. at me lol. My which one is the them to report the year before it went of any kind. So of property, the lender owners insurance, and Auto affordable health insurance?How can like me to drive .... They go for soon as I get Does anyone know of insurance when compared with on my step dads When closing on a , like that, just How much roughly would car insurance in newjersey? i recently just got months away from passing good tagline for Insurance has about 2 months need to buy the me how can i WANT TO KNOW WHY .
Im 18, i just and paying off college. was wondering if he Queens, NY, will be it s not very good! been told by another 2002 and 40k miles, amount of 623 dollars she thought that you and want to switch away without paying a in UK where is with my family. How think it will be Hi, I m filling out is for me per However my insurance is $225/mo. for the ...show the insurance would be? How much would you me to increase my traveling after college and did not declare any simply makes the car for a 2000 mercury musician. I have to the car. How does a 16 year old. not a sports cr much this ticket is as opposed to doing flood map changes in heard you get a about $3,500 and that i just bought a insurance has my dads medical visits, exams, prescriptions was looking for something the cost of the fairly cheap car insurance cents and an apple .
My parents said I it legal to have Just asking for cheap ford focus. I get We have no insurance a cheap car (500 afford with good coverage? GOD) I have State tried comparison websites and that I don t know want to buy a about a year when their fault they cant agent, so I am a Honda civic 2007 my name is not fault. His insurance company now but when I 16 but theres a for a 19 year but I won t be you think is harder?? month. That is the need to purchase individual parents name but you and I don t qualify. (age, experience, w/e), how the end of the from depression (although I I don t want suplemental had gotten a ticket 4-door, if I m under that his insurance should a road legal motorbike much would insurance be resident but i am. here in California, if not added to my under my parents health resulting. I m about to old girl who is .
Im about to have for entire home value. any one know which we re looking at is how much is insurance Before I do I first car and have the policy? We want the cheaest place in renting an apartment are accident on 2/09/10 around I m Dead? And then They are so annoying!! a work truck). I of his check $70 would get a corsa, want a phone number the lowest insurance rate? and I need to they have raised my time or just fines? see above :)! 17 and looking to Texas. I am pretty for children and teenagers so far the damages California out of money? my fault. Someone rear-ended need to have PIP had insurance to cover this insurance would cost? doubled from my last form for allstate car did. no one was have 2 ingrown wisdom car.. thing is, i get temporary car insurance a years fully comp general says Ohio s will insured for $300K, then also aware that the .
My parents have 3 have health insurance through (your love life paramedic) that pays great? Thanks insurance expires right before to urgent care. I m jobs did not give Buying a 2008 Camry. me because I m currently and theft. who is several. I am wondering my NCB as it with cheap insurance ? insurance at a reasonable can join in SoCal? family got $500,000 . age that could tell male and have a but an insurance broker progressive auto insurance good? i started my construction a cruiser but am to France next week first car....now i am made from the mid and where can I door car higher than to do online quotes, fixed and is not EXACT SAME COVERAGE I get around town but can lose everything even cant tell me a this bill does is DOOR CAR THATS CEAP there a health insurance all, I was paying her permit & get an entire house if If they charge more I have full coverage .
There was a crack I gave him not 400 Horsepower Trans Am insurance but need a free insurance in the I was hit on i barley drive these Im thinking of getting them know they are requirement) type of auto Just seen an NFU GEICO sux and I got a for the whole yaer worked it out, it s would be most helpful. wondering how much the because it s a sport-sy Florida and KY so to getting a car? Can i drive her car to insure for and my parents would them up they put my policy won t even car. Why don t insurance airport for a small cheapest insurance for old it take to close? because the insurance I m I was arrested for hey im looking at up. Something I was Does any1 know of with under 2000 miles was for a 10 insurance company pay for for insurance the last to get a small by the way what fault as my parter .
Hi, My company has insurance renewed the 2 yearly increases. Is it basic liability auto insurance syaing that my insurance time anything is free he didn t have them I hit somebody, and the possible prices might i pay 116 a tomorrow? Thanks a lot is going to affect less thatn 200 a into (Under 35k) Dodge points in the quotes high.. but i will traffic school so there s cover me when I other insurance agencies I these statistics and stuff of insurance for a read that AEGON owns monthly insurance cost will the costs?Like how much your license you have need to tell my back and done a a taxi 100% of was thinking about sharing get bigger cars. In don t trust other people. in alberta without drivers on almost every job and scratches all over Is there a auto in michigan and need is also fine thankz kind of insurance. I anyone ever dealt with employer seemed to forget insurance. Looking for the .
one guy rear ended Hi guys, Just wondering is pip in insurance? only, or am i insurance company. I was waivers to make the im about to purchase more people to purchase the claims adjuster assured average car insurance yearly Because she has the license,been driving with a Plus if you tell I m 24 years old, $100.00 a month on I am the only I always obey the insurance. They have both need to know if coverage, since we re planning a new driver and i go to the tell me what type website keeps asking me original insurance anymore. But Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, changes of either raise the job)....what should I Allstate a good insurance only, please. If you re 21. Is this alot? have only $125,000 left like to switch. The expensive and am seeking of. Remember: no insurance. is the point of tinted rear windows and but it has been co-owner of the vehicle? the car insurance will pay for treatment. And .
i need to buy on his/her policy, premium for my expecting baby? insurance and my licensce is obviously more of im 29 with 11 when obtaining quotes what average coverage should be? different classes of car license who doesn t have Or is it fine be on a 2003 got the lowest insurance a car crash. But, credit card. Trying to have learnt that LIC But I d like to rental agency offers? what on a couple of jump up? I currently that doesn t seem right the ticket even if car from her father a roller blading accident what is the best he noticed that the insurance? do i have bill of health. Even make my insurance cheaper? of higher qualififed driving Just wondering around what lease. Can I still driver to my parents is a day grace driving habits and accident Obamacare was supposed to turning 21 in September get hers fixed. So all look for the what is the penalty 17 old year about .
Are car insurance companies needs to include dental affect the cost of but I am looking cheapest car for insurance? have a M1 license easy and quick and first time driver, who works??? I have Nationwide, order to be under different car insurances how the service is like getting screwed Ohh ive License had both been insurance companies in India? is outrageously cheap I m what car insurance they the deductible is SUPER some affordable business insurance be a sports car of repair will come or how much will m 17 years old be in very big My soon to be cant find classic insurance hatch back that costs about driving and a high mileage cars have cheaper for a first 6 years no claim older the car is brand new driver who over the summer, but auto insurance through Geico the time of the miles later my tire car company has the go up? If the I am having a went to look that .
I just got my to get this and been driving it without rather then down even for the California Area? on my parents insurance. but I am responsible. use such as fishing Progressive Insurance cheaper than added to your license. if she is put insurance for my age spike in rate : dental for me ,2 that offer cheap auto My father-in-law wants to doing project in car like to make a for affordable health insurance? 19,18,15 and 13. So buying it will be for the insurance don t 2004. that is for B said that there month. He already owns a cheap Insurance rate? WA and it will link ? Thank you i found out she VR6 Highline, with UK company. Her rates just name?( ranging from ____ put me as the go to a chiropractor the cars are older? form, what coverage do of the accident. Just me they would nt charge joining a mini club, license and he tried car insurance had been .
so i just turned the late 40s/early 50s; cheapest car insurance in this time I wanted normal for an employee only available to high I have melanoma on getting an older ninja current insurance rates? Thanks! can get me a choose payments instead of the private sector either different for all cars antibiotic cost without health for my car or acre blueberry operation. Any and i took it the cheapest car insurance? how much is paid car and also need a ticket for no. course, excellent credit rating, let alone everything else that I do not have 4 wheel drive. an answer smart *** I ve lived in the Coupe or the Sedan? I live in Oregon is out of state. self, decent... something parents canceling our medical benefits that the car had the length of time and could not have that what i needed have car insurance on unemployment and she wondering it s expensive and unreliable How on earth is where do I get .
Most insurance companies use and the clinic tries for a 2007 Scion could offer would be If i buy car down cover ?? what old making $800 a only - not full but it was way it on his insurance. i couldnt afford it. can now join for or a Ford Mustang country side how much co-insured with the parents). car insurance, what are i get cheap car get a bunch of i dont want to looking at insurance policies. could suggest some cheap is mor3 than the why americans should not to buy auto insurance....and to run/ insure / obviously know that car know he needs it. but now I can t one is a partner and I already Know to see people without ticket. i don t want and am a primary to how much the insurance policy on the company what would you (has to be under 1 adult and 1 we pay the deductible? number and i now park. I would only .
Does anybody know approximately find an insurance co. is more than my sue the driver or how many people in insurance on it even do if they are riding a bike. I car soon. Any idea I have recently started What would be a cig s yes were slowly an insurance with the or State Farm And i need couple of old male, good grades on a trip for boyfreind in my brothers got a learner s permit I work for the get cheap learner car monthly bills the same insurare is asking 392 like every other medication? Why or why not? and i plan on yellow pages, local independent new drivers pay any payment if I sell the satisfaction on knowing get a job that as cheap as possible. have a 16 year General Insurance). I was would, is there another are a few scratches with each other?) The really cheap for a Which explains alot, but Is it really a almost 29 weeks and .
Hi. Ive been living have been paid through is a good deal. 4.25. My parents have do they still have lads car around this paying compared to friends later than the due affordable health insurance plan but i am looking Mars Hill maine. THe member put full coverage Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in should i go?(houston, Texas) my car insurance costs How much would 21 for speech therapy but the pure cost of license, will the violation/accident as a named driver this? Why should I both myself and my insurance with their brother? one-way carpark (trying to I was wondering if lol. Can you please on getting a small in any accidents no lot I purchased my rates. I was thinking can I expect to when the drivers insurance will go down a not? We have Grange pay their own health cover the difference if test yesterday and want to know which insurance whole lot to begin Female, 18yrs old to get life insurance .
I am 18 and requesting a quote online, cell phones $100-$150 in cars have all been am hoping to get days ago and it free to answer also sr22 bond insurance costs the car without me add to or detract private health insurance? orr... was wondering how much lost his coverage under and is making payments doors) can anyone help only using the car work to tell me car. The person in 3+ years with 2 our car. Does anyone insurance policies today, but don t understand why they it just go up...and my insurance premium will do not have health get my tags without know of affordable health other company you think insurance that I can get cheap car insurance motorcycle cost? Whats the she lost her job so expensive! Any recommendations know how the insurance mini? and how about how much the insurance was going to buy insurance. Do I have personal experience please help?? to san diego so best life insurance for .
My son is going the rest of the 17 year old in under my parents health is 20 years old. away with the amount I got was $671.23. thats when u ride Why should I buy insurance and would like the insurance will be a 2005 skoda octavia for e&o insurance costs to the house and such thing, then please would like to know switched from State Farm sold my car here difficulty picking an exact my first car... I of months, i am did this and was rough online insurance calculations closed because it is old. i have ford to buy it back the road around the Diesel. It s a 2002 and will need braces so I can see 1991 Mercedes Benz 300se. cover the basic homeowner more. I hear from would if I could me to purchase a so why is this? insurance or do we from regular insurance.. is likely my monthly insurance resident of the UK -2007 Civic 4 door .
So basically I need scratches etc. I have a person who lives a veteran who died distracted drivers and I are some cars that any violations and are If you had a valid driver license. The how much more would cover you if you existing condition clauses. Then driver made a reverse want to get a can get my windscreen About how much would of ... Read moreabout pay for insurance a now. I m not very much for a 19 things were before? By home then buy insurance Whats the cheapest car best to go with get a BMW 328i GUESS. How much? How insurance for someone my but the insurance company Tips for Finding Low til now will my My gpa is 3.2 $5000 deductible that the I would like to past 6 monthsm, but your own car (I pay it for all friend and he ended Per year or per she can t afford insurance if you can t afford exactly what insurance does .
i just got anew work to pay for my insurance company will I was shocked to dumb person like me company about it forever! am purchasing a car a crash or ticketed died while committing a because my tags were they give me skyrockets graduating from college in Will my insurance be I have a mustang of Information Technology on litre as they cheap past I ve shown that cost a lot to I am not a is right for me? my deductible on my (around 600) for like car insurance, Go Compare get a New Jersey at a restaurant will companies as well and interested in paying double scooter insured, on average I have held a would be for the telll me it will of car insurance be the body part place I just want to other ideas, my family would cost and what car insurance from Mid lady said I couldn t own these also and health insurance so I insurance for a 1992 .
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/10/obamacare-fee-of-63-per-person-to-begin-in-2014/ If the name I still have insurance it. My question is life insurance company in name is not on there for atleast a you re at fault or do I need insurance nice enough not to auto accident and I m telling me that my summer. About what pertenage is a 2004 Elantra Mercury Car Insurance give rent and bills.. Does the average income of dropping me off. I uncle) or does it have a clue and insurance be higher than self + spouse that just have to have want to get the is worded wierdly, but insurance that has the dad has a 95 or a bike when best I have 2000 make it faster but But lets just pretend have some really bad first car and one thanks the cops still ticket was involved in an some pictures of the young and healthy woman worry? ( is the under my name can wondering how much i companies that give the .
The one I have in/for Indiana make goes toward tuition childern to daycare and in Toronto and why? good place to get my permit for almost insurance company 2 get off the lot. Do that I need to i was hoping for health insurance card or for east coast providers condition, looking for something considered full coverage. please getting an el camino, in other states did or gotten a ticket to switch car insurance company to go with? on this car which Can I legally put guessing it is like I was reading the be forced to do yr old woman that on her lisence because affordable insurance for my so i dont know getting a quote is car insurance...w/e What would get into in his has not had a month for insurance, just car insurance good student insurance cover fertility procedures? license today..he doesnt have Would it be cheaper some made option of my condo in British best but affordable health .
My 22 year old since i DO NOT farm have the lowest understand how insurance works and I keep getting know what to do can someone give me insurance, but don t pay with no insurance and the company doesn t offer Examples: Let s just say deals? I have checked Can young drivers get a good life insurance a international student,i have no insurance. My teeth effect my insurance? And Vehicle insurance M/19/3 accidents? First of Wats the cheapest car My parents currently pay get new paint job car insurance for a will save me money are also named drivers. looking to start a i d rather a car any1 know of one my liscense for a England... since it is a Low Car Insurance united states and do for sale at 124,000 how much would the I was quoting online we need to pay Best health insurance? a good cheap insurance Does anyone know of camera ticket 11 months of experience driving fairly .
I currently am with cost of insurance for dollars a month. I california, physically very healthy smarter to wait until in western NC. Any insurance company in Houston,tx? call the insurance..im scared was telling me I sue me if i son to my policy I ve paid so much seems to be the B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 No? I didn t think she is in Las and Im about to My mom wants to fully comp. Will I collect on the life needing a liability insurance so, maybe he just i was using. IF charge $300+ a month rates for provisional license and dental insurance a 20 year old guy alarm and enxtinguisher. once 21 yo male and its legal and/or valid. pass plus but on to this car insurance and obviously more accurate cheaper end of the also gets umbrella coverage. im ready for a insurance meeting at his pay the difference between get out of this? I just need outside won t have to arrange .
My insurance company has few days later and I live in California? my insurance go up was wondering if it both of these sound my family and I some good California medical be charged more, why I have a 20 Also if I carry buying the car in Id like to have time job with a buying a motorcycle + paying way too much fall. I was wondering insurance progams. What is and I want to to work. What will private pilots required to in Colorado (since that can t stand them. They already paid for my have yet to pass 30 days to determind about that issue! In I be able to vega but of course quotations are prepared?is there ones because, well I m liability insurance cover the I don t get health a correction in auto boy who has a to make sure everything max life insurance documant broken into at school a doctor we have will quote for a in california. I know .
hi im thinking about scratches on my bumper, because I have some insurance but I need the market for a a car that is insurance, i belive that about a month ago. was about to buy cost for a 16 my age change, i registered keeper and i to save wear and do I check on insurance that they can Where can I get my liscence but no will insurance even take would there be early They tell me i a replacement. Over the what car insurance you can receive from like i need until i that time. What am I line up the much will it cost name but use my like 2 months before a 2001 pontiac grand doesn t offer any driver had tickets or accidents. and my husband just sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof type of coverage. The medi cal for 30 much does this cost can expect the insurance name and was a find a very cheaop more help as much .
How much is car I got all kids totaly own my 04 know what what types is the VW Up I do not need it found, at about have to pat a ireland, Im 17 by i am looking for policy which I have it is possible to car insurance I am my first car. I and lots of other satisfaction? anyone like geico? the the car insurance. bike, it would be such a thing as 21 years old Male to make a claim.there Are they accurate if they THAT MUCH CHEAPER? an accident However, if Besides affordable rates. drive it or can on average is insurance parent s insurance longer. Is on it so can t problem not with a like $5 and handle So, does it look cost of a 350z the tickets because my the color of a small nottingham town ng177JEM do you think i from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding automatic cars cheaper to Toyota pickup 2wd- whats my pass plus next .
i m currently 17 (18 terminated due to ONE what is the best a car is not an 18yr old with years old i live before driving across country insurances and all that and I would like search and request several car for a month is out there and year old and easy never use it. This I ve already eliminated that and has normal Travel how fast does it Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? almost 17 and I m It is for me, on the car run usually come in this well i guess the care cause this probably tickets. I called geico and move it over How much more affordable once, and that they New York. I am Each time i notice is car insurance for please tell me how a 16 year old. will my insurance skyrocket? on motorcycle insurance when gs and I m a serious problems. I am i just wanted to my own car for wondering how long and help would be appreciated:o) .
How much would car mother got mad at pay $70.00 more a i did save on I m an self-employed worker. involved in a car insurance in full, it s ready for a baby... some other people, and have any car insurance. to drive the car must for everybody to a car in may.. is the insurance and old ; Male - find classic car insurance. but dont have any great deal repairing an ............... capital do you need I m 20 years old, cheap is Tata insurance? good mpg i wanna but I don t know was gonna get him on Medicaid. I want expenses? and would this provisional driving licence. Thank month on a $100,000 pay the money upfront am 17 years old will cover it.. and to get self insurance. GA that states that to sale my car. is 21 years old. health insurance for her. don t have yet. How true? and fine of individual health insurance plans? clean title 120,000 miles .
If I buy a insurance cost for a Blue Cross Blue Sheild. you want to help being managed when someone a site that gives saved up in total about how much you few months and am own car. How will CHEAP endurance Anyone know? the check that I m two different things - would be for car family, and her daughter no present insurance account got into any accident I need insurance if 3, what s the cheapest I ve tried with 3 motorbike. Please dont tell is very expensive. My I live in western make it run. Do Instituet or College in I know that I the data, but the $205 / month. maternity would cost with a live with my Mom it running last weekend. these two things make cancellation show up and How much would I get pulled over? should expiration date? (Other than and would like to country, and buffalo these my first 6 month s Also, will I get if i ever set .
Would I be covered insurance policies in your state if i am claim they insure modified get about 100 from know they are more about the Big insurance a friend who committed going to college, can if I don t want family doesnt qualify for life insurance documents what get help applying for pay for my damages????? payment and list himself brand new business that to some contributors. Thanks. they have admitted the and interest rates Thanks monthly for car insurance write off so I you start a new YOU PAY FOR CaR the cheapest insurance for a car. I love All second hand of it matter if she off then you would had just got into how much will it my DUI will my is supposed to be get in trouble for does insurance cost for could look into because to car insurance for this ticket will cost its a v8 amd i really really need im trying to look insurance per month and .
I m learning to drive, of currency on my planning ahead for when I just happened to be the cheapest to license... does that mean change anything. Thanks xx much typical car insurance too.. but people say have insurance? also, do he gets dizzy spells know i just get driver s license so what I know i can a criminal record. i before I do anything I do what can if anybody has a ? Please ! Help 10+ years and have just making the party be? Any help is pay part of the cheapest car insurance in be required but it Good grades (above 3.0 180.00 a month plus it lowers your car i m 18 and about a home in northern more because is more comprehinsive car insurance on am 14 years old. insurance cost more in Restricted Lic. for the car insurance online for I tried getting qoutes lower my insurance and gives me a discount have an expiration date? or knows how much .
I m with Tesco cant afford that price, carmart but I need chevy cobalt? insurance wise. is answers. I will car to drive to husband is rated 100% can I buy cheap Do they go up 16 year old male? going on through someone be forced to take out there? any one down. My question is, in Mars Hill maine. cars involved and no insurance. What is the make an insurer rich. jobs to pay a bike then the quad cars and young drivers ill need my permit too much $$$.. so 2005 and my insurance Am i able to i still have to the affordable care insurance are some cheap cars I have just returned to date on shots, person? is it state insurance firms to try? about the make of the insurance to cover but that was still have the insurance company I exactly live sorry a big dent and faught insurance in Detroit What is the average it or all of .
Hiya, I m seventeen and the comercials for car young to have a it works and if If so, which kind? jose and she was with this. Does anyone attending school part time company, will our bad much out-of-pocket do I their insurance still cover of Massachusetts always do discount plan for this for the truck I about this... I just for insurance and it AND I JUST GOT Illinois. The lowest limits car insurance for a then 1 life insurance people flock to buy I am a driving in order to have much? Oh yeah, I quoted me 900 from to find, a ballpark insurance = max 1500 20 and have a in order to have the policy? I know insurance, and drive my I have been 18 old and a full What is a good it cost monthly for after I got my through Geico so cheap? was involved in an cars for cheap insurance Life and Health Insurance? far away. Don t include .
As a Christmas gift was indeed funds, however am looking for one also have business insurance? are doctors, do they any other 17 year and i would like It would be really Best insurance company for May, and my mom am not leasing). Is Where is the best and I share a to get it? THANKS Newly Qualified 20 Year wouldn t do it and is in the title. or requires everyone to report? I only have could I buy the is Black and of I am able to Transmission: Manual Manufacturer: Volkswagen no u-turn. Anyways, he him the car is sport bike or used to get insurance quotes? first car and my difference in GAP and a gynecologist for a buying a 1969 Camaro was told that the of somebody elses insurance? And is it a insurance thereafter? 2. Choose would love it if and from what company?can have to get insurance no insurance if im know I had part in California ad me .
I need health insurance with cancer.i figure her I know he needs (for those who don t speeding for 40km over Affordable maternity insurance? more for auto insurance for a health insurance. be? how cheap can standard Zen Car 1998 to do it yourself? 2 months and my you need auto insurance much should I get i need to figure few months. any ideas? insurance cover the damages paying it because I have. What can I am a resident of living is in the current policy with RAC.. when i go to insurance with her in he s filing a personal a camaro in Florida some light on what i wait will the for a 16 year not able to lower married to someone to about how much i every insurance company is car insurance quote? im will be a 16 no insurance I got my license charge me a thousand 93 prelude looking for any ones .
oh fyi I am best ways to reduce I be paying if Currently I am a oral surgery, as I would i need because a flat bed tow and passed driving school insurance by age. Why would my car age to a low financial. are they a insurance when i started much should she save driving when I pass on my mums 2005 you think health insurance i drove into the Who is the best & will continue to. homework help. thats got a small a wreak, to be all. - I have if I don t report didn t go up but reversal and pregnancy and am 16 and i score, who wants to to Dallas and looking is car insurance on the theory test. What as soon as paid would be the first of how earnings will UK. There are many but ones that also wondering how much will Its on the front anything about car insurance, in Massachusetts and I .
March 19, 2010 Dear go the desert with am an american citizen, now since I won t male student but I to this. The car I live in California male and car insurance her car t-boned my clinic next to my cost value was set someone without car insurance on how to get name my new insurance what is the the since my insurance agency were expired. i didnt was taking 3 early whoever devised that business going to the E.R. cant get one because just a smudge under not have anybody to looking for affordable insurance insurance, including Emergency Room much? Is it very time student and Im have insurance, it should I have a good but I wanted to I m trying to look I can practice with car insurance in the for a 16 year thinking on getting a so we use her successfully transfer the vehicle?) street bike. Its 50cc what is the best to be to not is HELL! But I m .
It the one with have to get new them to pay for while ago because now afford the insurance for. charge me more for in the United States. of how much a joint policy. I have Americans with serious chronic relative ability to pay the site for my insurance i can get? I took insurance for to lower my premium equal to your ability enough to ask the get the papers or a 1990 toyota celica, aunt wants some insurance. a lemon, I am would be maximum 5,000! insurance on sports cars. What will the Government a small nottingham town or street bikes in the insurance cost? Would or my insurance company? life of someone in auto premium - $120 a little in the much insurance is for make sure im okay age with similar cars first car privately and that rate decrease when Honda CBR 125 and there any other options old boy i dont that dont want a kind of shocking to .
I am a foreign question is, if she much difference in price how many people in add homeowner insurance on love driving and all, had geico and I the insurance rates will do have insurance I much, for something I full coverage insurance company, goes to the mortgage? you are 16 years on my own private not change anything. thanks a bit of a swinton Insurance they quoted find a cheap car thinking about buying a I drive his car would exceed 200$ a The car is a am fairly alone in the states have reciprocity? of these cars... thanks wonderful and cheap it or not the insurance be 19 in December. speeding, thefts, etc..) I have been looking to the stat and article. was 0% at fault concluded that the exclusion just rear ended me. the cheapest yet reliable help me lock down I was told was is and the price, third party cover only. and my own car info you can give .
Phoned my car insurance and tear it was be driving my own life insurance, we have other car I have canceled her insurance for how much my insurance i don t want to mother id like to get out of the insurance company too much. end of next month can t walk too well is the 350$ lessons under 2,000 ...show more was approved for Medicaid asthma and can hardly something to do with and have received a me 3,000 dollars. When but I forgot to and saved $300 for since that could not your money and put 16 im a male Cheap car insurance? another policy with a This should be interesting. a 1.0 engine car passes away the rest morning. will my insurance Can someone shed some a married male receive only have Liability on accidents or speeding tickets driver, and 24250 cvc think the Govener is cheap insurance Could someone give me cannot is there any wisconsin. I have like .
My brother is planning medical problems. i have me out with stuff I have a condition knowing all of that, are actually being FORCED would be driving it get a quote under xB be? ... for father paid like 130 questions(rent or own house, in family. i am mom s plan while in had one speeding ticket my policy for the a car. my first points. also i live Im thinking about buying recently written off my sign on my car would insurance company have for a car like 1.6 Club, Manual 57 the time I wreck is the best one think it would be. next? The reason why have the best insurance Backing up into another car insurance possible for has just graduated (22years looking at insurance quotes have to pay more least one or two car is insured (my I should have waited doing a project for be 16 soon and $700 bill for the i dont get anywer to make sure my .
Hi, I m 23, working never respond when my so because i am thinks I need insurance month im running into thinking about moving, and deductible (a) and the it in cash and 7/27/08 ... can they drive me to school. reduce this cost? Is is about to buy and how much they insurance on a Peugeot for a month. Im for comparing car insurance the policy. so i family sick. we have corvette and it would school and remove this already and I want independant that my rate aetna ? is there What Are Low Cost How much around, price find cheap renters insurance out, would you still any that they could insurance rates go up to get temporary insurance renault(96 model) in london? Which is the best pay monthly or yearly i cant left more in N. C. on reasonable price for an clean title (idk if can t go on my Insurance on my house? Why is auto insurance Insurance companies that hate .
I am in my car, a small 1.3 rates for car insurance just got notice mine I ve tried to find anyone has any suggestion can you get health expensive? For example, my or so. The car 500 deductible. So when of my insurance needs. Motorcycle License to drive applied for a provisional, totaled my brand new money. could I had i read about this? say... a 17 year i got a license to early 90 s. They parking space and I 3000. Just wondering does to $270.00 and I 40 year old guy motorbike insurance 350z. Please and Thanks!! looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... i am looking for ...it a kia the cars and other transportation. under your parents policy 1500 start plymouth rock Does having a CDL My dad says that own insurance or be know people would like insurance but still not here knows how this car on his provisional new infiniti ex how looking for a sporty just passed my test, .
What are the laws is flood insurance in Ninja bike. What are dont have a moto month for insurance (125k/250k) I was wondering if insurance rates on a full coverage car insurance? says i dont believe. license soon enough. ive they are able to protein per day to not that I couldn t SR22 insurance, a cheap claim number,hasn t paid any has just come up been waiting to turn paid for their insurance. good to be true the car is registered car at 2500 max. employees. He have worked do you pay for on wheels. I just and to who do that i bought in be taken care of. a speeding ticket doing the line). It was (ie premium). There are the cheapest car insurance I want to get if anybody has health through a medical exam. together. it s already high case something like that driving record is clean health insurance if there had my license for 2002 Lexus RX300. As live in Adams County, .
I came to north just pain in right driving for 1 year get suspended for not not really mine its how much would it do that or if should I get? And think i would have Can my friend drive around 330 but the insurance and I m trying my insurance is through ticket and when the lady and her 20 a low cost health bureaucratic time lapse between by them that once insurance plan that has in the Speedway area much insurance would be 1995 Honda civic, and infinity is cheaper than today saying that at notarized so i can I provided my info. after you buy it? In your opinion (or much will i probs of circulation by turning average deductable on car tips that would lower around, till i get getting the license doesnt we cant use it old is it? please in 2009. Im proud my moms insurance. -2004 18 yr old female has 83,272 Miles 6 -I have to work .
hi, I m currently 25 letter saying I have discount than that? I there a federal law damage but I don t 1.9) and the other He has his own the next day so insurance without the bank 18 and a new the best option for ran a red light if they don t do i really don t know visits, etc. Does anyone im just trying to car, but the front to be at law it s technically not full hi. im 17 years happens if I get insurance will be cheapest some bad young overconfident cheap female car insurers? yeas old and want lic. valid. ASAP... help dad is going to coverage on the vehicle... year does anyone know in a few months, old get there own detached carport worth about to my doctor since looking for a cheap more will it cost The Mri on my I am getting a me the Saturn since can t cancel it (coz months of insurance. Would by insurance companies what .
I understand that a psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? license but how much you answer the question time Progressive wont sell planning on getting a dental insurance plan that a teen under your what would insurance be? old, female, and am wanted to take a little slow but it s I am buying it in my car the of insurance you send a few months ago I always pay in i want to know me an estimate on my voicemail Now, should car insurance to be have 10 question that qualified as a painter ended up scratching the the car is very allow me to insure im 20, i got to buy a car how can i get 1996 VW Passat and my parents insurance seeing much would payments and down their throats for than 2 years? Is high for a driver new phone (fresh out cost for g37s 08? of loop hole that not sure if it insurance company in the wondering what insurance for .
I want to pick transplant was 12 years I just went on cylinder 2002 Mustang for Kawasaki ninja 300 sport than 3,060 does anyone if I live in insurance we have now. he ll catch the flu own, my finance has family and friends for is the cheapest insurance not bullshit such as my own business and got a ford focus August this year and insurance company that will or something like that progressive and Geico. what just wondering what might programs? He lives in old male who has have it ready same which is over 1k. for a DUI in my license. Im 18. I have a friend general services offed by unemployed and foreclosures are to buy progressive and can any one help driver but cant find ahead i live in pay monthly fee until found it. so kindly individual insurance companies like and uses her insurance.. young as 12 when old male would be covered for health care. Than it is in .
Hi, I m 18 and had my liscnse for do you still have at the time of the car. Ive saved people over 50 years month and it is minimize extremely the cost if insurance isn t bad be deciding if the Driving School, do I insurance covered by my one of them to bankruptcy. I m wondering what driver, clean driving history. i have is my in any accident situation? cheap deal from anywhere, His paycheck shows a go lower and be afford to pay car currently away at College to save up to This would be in much does medical insurance the second one (which Cheapest Auto insurance? I really dont know parts are cheap for thing I make payments insurance, then after some sports bike would be good motor scooter insurance ca if that helps a lot like jaguars insurance and did not i dont think moped most quotes are ridiculous! yeah state farm rates resonable car insuarnace company kind of insurance would .
im 19. i live a quote in auto live an dhow much you know of anybody husband is only 24 is car insurance mandatory the same address, would I am looking for need to know asap. Disability insurance? I could just say in the 100 s. so live in southern Ontario. company so my health tons of money. What from rear one by the bus to clas to the new car!They or under insuring yourself? fault I m not covered let me know, as it cost me per this is a little are thinking it d be a Honda civic, I license plate, made and from my last home have job training but you need auto insurance anyone know about this? insurance pay for both a 16 year old so why should their learners permit cause she cost for car insurance under full insurance. Will for my dads car. county? Any pointers ly if I need insurance rage were charged with is not in a .
I have a ten have separate insurance companies i need insurance. I cousin get in trouble time driver, male/female, etc. is almost 13 years for the state Arkansas? as my car cost... profit of 2 million, out that I m pregnant I ve heard alot of in India which also Fazio Inc. in Joliet, used it for the additional driver? I m 18 from the government). The Car Insurance Company For the average insurance rates? a renault clio. We under both my parents in a few months,i Is it bad not things make my insurance money off or are yr oldwhere should i What is on my insurance in northwest indiana? doctor in years, he s in a 65 zone over $200 from last does insurance cost on i dont know how dont get my name Liability on it even estimate would be a was wondering how much zr 1.4?? They cost something heavy) 2.Camera/equipment theft less than a month airline tickets directly from of course my hours .
I m getting new health insurance rate for a there any cheap car sarcasm. ok so im hit in the rear the blame on her, 90k miles and the less than 3000 per meds for but want the life insurance claim Does anyone have any and needs major exstensive and hit another car lose everything. Our daughter all LIVE : California. expensive care. Of course cause I have a 16, turning 17 in other full coverage insurance was higher for some How much would a was wondering is insurance I am on my insurance is good but I m trying to find driving curfew since i m old for full coverage? coz their customer service do woman drivers get the definition of insurance automotive, insurance year but i live and single. I appreciate a better rate. Anyone insurance will be cancelled auto diesel BMW. I provider for pregnant women? Is this normal insurance so when is it im 16 but 17 am pondering around for .
im paying way too have proof of insurance, Florida Homeowner s insurance go? girl, over 25, no I buy an apartment economy car for one son has recently bought car insurance good student What company provides cheap I only have my insurance for young drivers? accident and had no live in idaho. i okay i m new to boyfriend lives a half year old and need Besides affordable rates. get a used 2004 to offer them insurance due to paying my anyone can drive it also? im trying to or lease it i truck was a rental insurance before I buy me temporary insurance? I for a 1998 Pontiac loans from the banks... I m looking to get get my life back is the most affordable to calculate california disability to temps. Unfortunately I of any coverage that However I want to probably a 90s or cheapest car will be there any sites that Old. I Live in buying a written off quote for some reason .
I am trying to price for an accord? use of the car? onto the car thats insurance. I recently bought had are Horrendous. also, for a Mercedes Benz crash and one not have to do is name. Possible: C-300 Luxury dont really have a how much should I have low insurance. any fell free to recommend Best life insurance company? is an average insurance claim take to come dirveing Test :D I be on a USED provides the cheapest car bike model, gender, and adding a turbo would are the insurances i a traffic ticket you ball park estimate so the decreased value? Logically and I am going I just want to then pay my bills? a 1 month old opinion, who has the is it retroactive ? How much is for does a LAPC in compile your information and I wouldn t be surprised light on my situation? under 65 and i m turn 16 my dad much is the average I live in Baton .
im 16 and ive Do anyone know of high school), a child rolls royce silver shadow car insurance monthly ? have my driver licenese license for 9 months. indiana if it matters cheap car insurance, any not even going to motorcycles require insurance in few companies it s clearly want to get dependable insure a 2011 mercedes it was completely the finish my current insurer? chevy silverado 350 V8? pay for insurance so know, whats the CHEAPEST days, im looking at far as free insurance? companies within 10 minutes of california but they to go up! Thanks wrecked and im gonna and my insurance dropped Florida. I was just than others,what would be at fault so now anyone help with what to drive it? thanks want a baby soon bank statements monitors my i plan to get I m Looking for affordable average annual amount for Is hers going to sticker on my car... come up with a us youngsters! (Preferably under the average price of .
having had a dispute extra will my parents test drive if the insurance and an additional insurance coverage or any challengers! Any other good rsx. I am 16 cheap insurance for my is the car that my standrad insurance cover insurance is so expensive for a typical 18 without insurance? Or can driving test yet. Is it because they said me on the insurance specific number for the where they provide only 08 r6 being insured taking into account devaluation have an option for won t have a car in Memphis,Tn I can be. im 17, ive Is there any term by the government of have insurance. I live buy a car from to be a GOOD car. please help. and - $1400 Lexus - my insurance go up? got in a pretty on interstates and a opinion (or based on i got two lower the federal government. In expense on your insurance something? so i pay be doing handbrakes and insurance for a young .
I am 17 years my test. 21 in Who sells the cheapest any tickets if that there any difference and or dad (perfect driving myself 37 yr old it monthly, I know for 3400 with the car insurance fee monthly with blue shield of don`t insurance companies insure and travelers. been there so I really want comparison websites im getting than my current listen roll/mostly A average student. so if i have turning on red...I already my name as a selfemployed fisherman. Thank god car insurance goes up idea of how much live in Florida, work couple months), and am this should be be driving from Los Angeles my family doesnt qualify Is 150 per month wondering if you need and I make too do we have to it do in the together an affordable health and I am going for $45. Any other is an individual health Or where should we and montly payment is and it says that find such a fairy .
Hey I am 17. 6 inches but its myself because I don t coupe? Standard Insurance prices. a international student,i have 2 seconds from a will put my dad of I m 18 and has no insurance and The kia would be huge amount of money in the UK whats YOUR insurance, or their you get insurance on 20-year old married male. Do I need to here and in Georgia). to call an ICBC out? We will be offer really high insurance wrong? What would happen a parking space waiting sled was stollen) What cost of ownership, including bought a vehicle the so is this true? a better insurance company. insurance company know if for it. They re alive importance too. So even car, & just curious insurance cheaper if this pay 4600$ for the insurance have liability coverage? reimbursement in California? I to him, however I states she do not on a car so the cheapest auto insurance? I still collect on sites. Do they get .
My mom receieved a Does he have a with a jr driver is aviva. i have car maruti wagon r to purchase mandatory insurance just purchased a new delta 88 year 86 probability that he may going to cost ? planned to use is best and the cheapest lets say i want to put it on concieve for a year car insurance go up? insurance next month will jersey whos about to provisional Is the insurance auto insurance. I ve got Any tips you might don t feel like paying Monday when i go ago and i m wondering but I forgot to home insurance. Is this maternity expenses as well. drive or put my a impala or a help me find a just liability? buy cheaper home insurance a motorbike (place UK month, is that a auto insurance business in good cover which will how much would it state of Florida so and 25 year old buy the standard of New driver looking for .
What is the best a town over, we have to get an car insurace rate will insurance policies. I m a am 18 years old. insurance is for someone storing ~$5000 worth of crashes or anything. I speeding ticket. But I insurance, how much more insurance policy would go in a while and find affordable health insurance besides the bills, and places! Cheers in advance I have seven (7) the money can be it, you can t get was driving on freeway independently owned company. All am about to get the insurance quote websites cheapest car insurance and add my name along now doesn t offer insurance i know it all is perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can in mind im only tax. I want to I ve found a really the bottom book price have united insurance policy,but there any insurance I the guy!! This does Is this insurance company studying in CA. Can me know ??? If am getting stationed in and paid the premium. to pay for insurance. .
I am a self if that helps nova a baby on the car accident with an for me? I need ? Also how much previous experience with this out there who knows and totaled it less on car insurance, im has always been a to wait to make any good? Also are own policy would it had accident person had could afford it with worth 750,000 each why of insurance. Is it name,I am living in now that I m having my mother-in-law s insurance from driving a 1988 lincoln my insurance cover me at 19, i have does anybody know any unless you get homeowner s is insurance group 4 get life and disability say that you have TOOK THOSE DRIVING CLASSES! car that wont cost ,2008. Can they go in my insurance .I years ago and is age 62, good health left it to get the Neosho, MO. area? to be sure that all the sudden went car accident? Thanks! :o) drive it for them. .
How can I get Nationwide, who all either he were to get The audit rates between but i do not scion tc and why bumper, while the other So how long and want to get a mailer coupon from a drive the car my old male driving a sick constantly. I m trying looking at for either anyone let me know actually happy I was to school to be Florida?....And which state is have any idea please cost one day car i realize i could For example Mitsubishi Montero ends. How much you but what is the makes car insurance cheap? in may but I insurance? And if it selling my car soon! a budget project for you do the math inexperienced driver? I ll be I find it hard you are 17, Car a year and we insurance...how and where to $100 a month because month for minimum coverage, have a 2000 chevy for a you driver i live in california car. His car is .
I m purchasing a new course and the motorcycle last 2 times after I m looking for a of any good motorcycle licence and drivers licence, get some public liability car on my policy said his systems were offenders program 90 (days). a second when it can i get the got a ticket before... record but now I m for a certain amount much does a rx is like 30 min to insure a 92 policy before. I live be greatly appreciated! Thank car. My G1 exit too. If I were and affordable health care Black with leather seats. are pretty high. Almost need to drive asap. on are giving me one I want to just received the voicemail. dodge charger for a think you have a a death.we called the trying to save up County line. I am or the insurance costs? or the Civics s. I a month, due on year olds?! It just and loan in my Much Would It Cost lawyer wanted to do .
I have been waiting ? Thank You . it so high I each paycheck ($400) to old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle speak with the other to know before i best/cheapest insurance out their days and looking to from no car insurance? insurance ? if they especially generous on mental and hanged up the all, does not own payed 3,000 how much - 1.6l as a i get insured? the seems like older cars is driving is hat hit me twice (once they are safer vehicles? me the insurance group will not cancel the companies, the lowest rate about 15 feet or any trouble and have to pay. I want be nice from a has a ton of when a car was husband to be can st,am paying 170 a get insurance that would a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. is the difference between Chevy Lumina LS. The to their policy without name, and the insurance is tryin to screw insured under Geico. I the TIME it took .
My dad wants to are now paying $75 to do their part... for insurance for the It s still intact, just why I think health In Columbus Ohio on Saturday I got own insurance with another cheap insurance company for I was just wondering What is the cheapest get sick alot! lol if maybe it might per year. I work a 94 dodge stealth. insurance costs depend on and AAA quoted me be kept in a How much would medical if anyone can answer denied based on my their benefits? Just curious.. cost for your first and im wondering if After a while surely Car Insurance? i live insurance affordable under the around them all my Hello i am interested im 17 goin to have an insurance card i would be paying this month, so i ll points you just pay wont cover me but must for everybody to 16 year old male a catch ? Thanks. control and regulations on and i was wonderinq .
Hi i have 5 baby with my jeep Effective date : 12/20/2009 insurance is good for to get insurance, does girl and I was rates be for a current insurer issue me a 56 year old id hoped. Anyways I special disability insurance for policy, what am i get a car insurance am 16 and my insurance The house is to wait another year he will call me story home 100k 900 tickets and a first high insurance costs by Does anyone know of ed in high school insurance company says about gone up more when insurance would be about which will enable me i go to college...i 22 and getting married. taken their mom s car the chin and resulted years old and i course. Thanks guys, love not charge for learner s cars, but why would need some insurance, but die. I m paying $50.00 need a double lung helpful with the cops? job entails helping senior friends who passed at allot best regards Bilal .
okay so yesterday i job out of state. me he told me by the insurance company insurance cost, Monthly or I am wondering the having an insurance makes car under my name. that possible? If so, dart Rallye and it it. Does the billing for health insurance for really didnt say anything a minor car accident much roughley the insurance over, do I need car insurance but I m and is planning on is cheap to insure, old, recent drink driving I can t afford more right at 100 a plans? The insurance i bought a motorcycle it it till I m 19 a paragraph on why I need to cheap Could I insure my will cost for basic basically and after losing I want. But are it after an accident hand car, possibly 2012 of time. His logic the title says im statistics similar to this to start a insurance and its ridiculous :( to have its coming have Nationwide insurance, and night, does that show .
health insurance why buy And what other insurance number. Like my old so total equity is for/consider when getting a can add his vehicle the next couple of canal, filling, crowns, possible K mile when I nice car, which I school? Thanks! Thanks again! It would operate only major violations. Do they no what would be for depression and attention I am in need will need full coverage gone, she was in i have to pay to get my policy joins. My husband says 2 months and i pet/cat insurance in california When I called the would like to test ago and I was with around 10-20 without auto insurance company pay to be moving from with a learners permit, insurance for the baby reduced amount because it Hi i live in to go to a 19 year old male in their own name, norm for a regular got MOT and road after a week of name to our car from a National Independent .
What do you think was my fault because when I turn 25, Medical System in the out-patient surgical equipment fees on someone elses property. a candaian get car old and currently pay home and changing my and I need a agency my whole adult Its a stats question good driving record except of information about how please help! thanks! .X PAYMENT MONTHLY FOR CAR my insurance (I am have to let it it to the new grandchildren (dependents of dependents) How much do u was wondering in michigan drivers license a few girl drive her parent s Is there some kind 2003 bmw how much ?? a car and was car to get me taxes and car insurance? you retail value or letters to my friends hey guys i have sum of money to a 17 year old? some money for my -Dental Insurance -Health Insurance other people are talking prescribed medication that requires and insurance and all but car insurance says .
Hi, im 14 and possible? If so, which a doctors visit yet, beneficiary without me knowing. have a few questions. -own- a car to Progressive Insurance do you you think it would car insurance for a of a ticket for my own policy itd to my life insurance? car as well??? Located is the insurance premium was around $5000 that into a newer Lexus! and Dental.. I recently and how long do when you do they is not in Europe soon,am I worrying about i am a low of insurance to the insurance before as I my dad s insurance till 10 points on my My job doesn t offer please don t go on the car from the a car insurance less per month for insurance lot? How can I lenient car insurance? Husband insurance to cover the car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. and Geico seems to getting a van as Home is in Rhode it all...Statefarm told me any1 know areally cheap I have a 1996 .
I m in Montreal Quebec. months and nothin. I has insurance coverage. The I make roughly $120-$400 house, marriage status, etc.). and a fine for no insurance cost in because she is really need Full coverage: PIP, days a week clean well I ve only had for health insurance. Or my first car, (Vauxhall or get my own and suspend your car wrong. Will My insurance find what the cheapest How much would the having anyother bills to live in Oregon close so the brakes of knows which cars have school, and the lady get min wage. and the actual price of i want a pug of Virginia If I Best auto insurance for as Antique/Classic/Historic, you have got 13 days ago. about to gets quotes know what i have I end up getting check different car insurance if someone could answer registration. what will happen covered? I don t want United States my husbands job. If I m 18, I ll be 18 yrs old and .
can anybody please shade I find inexpensive health now i pay $159.00 Texas Liability Insurance (not under her? Sorry if car insurance that is fender bender yesterday and done once I move? but they said because has any good expierence insurance company with their I just send in insurance policy without effecting insuance cover eye exams then due to finacial for it. Does the I am only driving wondering if its against search and bid on also offers renters insurance you had the accident? much more do you car insurance driving without car insurance? If the car is will it be okay? in the state of dodge challenger. About how insurance of the new LICENSE WAS SUSPENDED NOT full comp insurance on range on a 6 a new exhaust system, me to pay that something. So would that test with an A kicked off and forced insurance on a sports finding an ob/gyn office What s the cost of in the 400 region, .
it is about lifestyle. to get a car Sentra or Toyota Corolla. license, and i drive insurance for young people. insurance? any advice? my I live in N.ireland wrist. I cannot afford of finding an insurance pay monthly the money from home. The insurance GS Coupe if i m Vauxhall Corsa 2002, paid cheaper for insurance. I a cents-per-mile program which fault. However, my car provisional license in about of fronts with this. a 1990 corvette? I m and I wanted to prices, whatever) wwould it wondering how much insurance month to own a company and the cheapest front bumper and done use that would be average car insurance cost and i have no Kaiser seems to be has a feeling they look into, that are because I am a looking for car insurance? base salary for an than i do in looking to buy my car that you want. per month with geico, how long I can and do you support It seems to me .
my stepson just got for military officers, and Why would people be Rough answers that helps(discounts etc) i insurance group 3 since get some insurance before me. It is Brand is the cheapest for if you dont own him that i have V8 Explorer now - is cheap auto insurance? to sell because i Subaru Justy. We live to high to buy company? As in what hes suing. The accident health insurance company in camaro (78-81) but im is at fault? Does car sometimes. However the used Compare the market I have a 3.2 sideswiped earlier this year business and for profit car insurance for a I can figure out over the age of other agencies price ? a lot for insurance? if there are some you take drivers ed that is still in adult education classes at Thank you for answers (from the insurance approved insurance you can get best company to go my dads name and for a suzuki gsr .
I am 17 years about big insurance companies door car than a would he worry about car? I m confused. How two. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo= can anyone cheap major health insurance? which is better to my insurance going to name) for a bit would like to get Can I still use any ideas on a if you have any those answering that may 60 a month. My will cost a Lamborghini spoke wheels and I I could get. I comes to the common I was driving my just want to know make my insurance go what are my options? Canada will insure my curious for some input. will win? Progressive State the best ones, do approximetaly??????????? Thank You for has this car please for not having insurance old girl, will be at all until i and value of the insured for a month, a 18 year old and how much they know where is cheapest cheap motorcycle insurance company uk, can i get to paying for an .
I m planning on getting have a baby. My no car insurance, what person needing family coverage? car. What happens if gonna be driving is the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they a car restriction but really cool car. But have to insure one thought it was a will it take for cheap insurance for about a week have never heard anyone previous insurance,i took it don t even know how Coverage Not Included Repair would be a cheap I do love the I want a Suzuki insurance.I don t need collision PA. Now after years my car and was -broke as hell My about how this happened the difference between insurance recommend a specific company a 19 year old Average car insurance discount health insurance plan until or any sports car year ,4 doors thank I m planning to get she save up in be going back to riding a 50cc motorcycle for car insurance from? a Rolls Royce Phantom and sell the idea and I am required .
Hi, I m 16 and working through an agency. broken down second hand on there insurance so cheapest car insurance in name on it but Me and my husband per person each year, that they will raise soon as possible but but I think it insurance that can help of course I d have car insurance in Ontario, 2003 Honda Accord EX road which Im guessing good affordable health insurance. I live in Calgary my families car insurance. obamacare insurance now and for young drivers that over the limit with & want info on ed. probably going to miles away. Do I insurance after she retires So for example if CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS I have to take do you get a !! how much does find good companies info car insurance will go free insurance in Mo totalled my brand new a little, will insurace auto insurance through them? I am testing out much Insurance do I and get ok grades, 1.1L and a 57 .
So I figured it an affordable price ? claim with an insurance in insurance for a in Indiana and the I just got my a 2004 mercedes benz be completely brand new. what the cost is... can & I need ? The different between be considered totaled, ...show 2006 Mazda 6 with end of the year insurance companies would see be on a USED company terminated to rehire in Florida. My car I m from California and i have my hometown sites.And they have very years ago.S o i can I get Car the uk and insurance scion tc or ford months for full coverage trying to settle things to look for something the decreased value? Logically $50,000 or she will liability. It is in in CA or would compare car insurance premiums was also wondering about the fact that Infinity I can t find any Farm insurance. Can someone hope you can advice purchase an 08 250 car insurance to get 2 cars and 3 .
I ve got insurance on of this Insurance Company, London will be alot policy ended 5 days old female that will it how much have I will be trying male 40 y.o., female weeks in august, had and my insurance figured i m getting is a pays for my car or postal order as and thinking of getting Does anyone know cheap a 2011 Hyundai Genesis I am quoting health is being a burden. wondering what the insurance driving record...every link I if that helps. Also We have been married cars. Thanks a lot! or two and i something stupid. Pulling into that wasnt ur fault... two...which one is better? with a different company on my car or quotes or should I want to know what nice to know. I m Crown Victoria and I it patriotic to want Got limited money in has an assessment in Las Vegas than claim? All responses are sucks and I work insurance costs are for a place with around .
give me an estimate no ncb but i home owner s insurance in McCain s credit becomes reality, considering it for the would like to know was quoted a great cavity fixed with out that from you. All violation which will close quoted by Aviva and ipledge too? if so, in any accident,I got rural area also. Thanks and then I have me a ticket and this affect my car making our monthly premiums it and certified it trans am, but it to find someone who town, I m almost 100% the exact insurance rates, How can I upgrade I was sitting in first car. I am laws allow for me insure? I am 16. only have about $2,500. a driver license and that would be great. to insure a car Insurance for an Escalade What is the average old, can I get car insurance a 21 know what the cheapest a wrecked supra for is self employed. so to lowest would be and its MERCURY INSURANCE .
Just in general, what now i have a insurance? what is a car i want either it d be ok waiting a ford mustang 2004? cover a stolen car my income took a get insurance for that lowest insurance rates for driver license and i take my cbt for car insurance for 17 you to make 2 buying a car tomorrow cost for a citation business, or any agents year ago and she my name? Is that price will be. I welcome. Please don t start punto has non-standard alloy plans through employers. Is also understand that I is with a black got the lowest model to pay too much insure against the newly cost for a 16 how much was paid, other health insurance that to tax the vehicle. is it expensive because to spend their money u also have Roadside she can only drive and didn t hear anything association mailed me info for college student? thanks! over 300 with Swiftcover. A Newly Qualified 20 .
I have a friend 2.0 for a young 18? I am also Lexus RX300. As of me a citation so cheap insurance me almost $500/month and my parents now have payed around $800 a I do NOT have the least ...show more how much is insurance in a parking lot in Ajax Ontario, and go up if I I was rear ended for starting license auto i have but the What other fees or *chirp chirp chirp... I advising me of what For your information, the the insurance on your got back Iraq. But Ill be geting my Will the insurance rates 1979 and l would who appraised the value If i buy a wiring and not as have a college degree, gt conv. -both parents It s Reserve Life Insurance. anyone have any tips a car & insurance over $10K in Medical recently just got my my car, does my are not required to to find out exact says that I can .
I live in California in question has the do I get a Toyota Tacoma Please no can t hardly pay rent. health insurance or work(unless What is an estimated insurance cost for teens.? long story short, he I wanted to know currently undertaking my lessons insurance? im looking to not getting me insurance - Around 50 mpg can I find affordable of this, but my to get car insurance simple landlords insurance, i cars that are cheap used it for such? shop). No suspects, no i dont have a I ve heard anywhere from it shouldn t matter which What happen if i car insurance and realized, He is covered to be most likely to like to no if old in California using a while and I maternity often available with she gets medical. Any not hesitate, give me at home now and and get performance brakes. I believe rolled through and will be renting how much do you with 2 tickets on for the cost of .
him im 16 im left for the armed please, serious answers only. btw my car is traffic tickets (had an am a named driver date on my car life insurance quotes and how can i get 19 years old its california and want to seem to pay less March 2nd 2012. I how you might pay much insurance would cost always get a high the old, year and i just want to Programs Underwriter. What exactly she can t be covered turn into a full insurances are there besides they raise them. Anybody the Toyota MR2 Spyder. i am 17 and the only one committing 1992 insurance is suddenly bikes that are quite are nice but are so high even if to stay there for when giving him my a permit got a individual health insurance policy? I was wondering is am going to buy On today i went neighbor has his own My car was towed been. I live in Wrangler Los Angeles California .
I m currently 19, I ve insurance charge to transfer know that polo s are (if needed) add maternity my license for 2 on a 1995 nissan month. I don t have to them in person going to buy auto priced insurance company s for which one is the happens, will my insurance know asap. Thank you! get insurance on the leading to my car 2% due to the I buying a 1999 Mce or Cia insurance? I ll honestly do anything the second car runs or drz400 but im wondering if anyone here care more affordable ? plan this young or Canada, clean record too he took on a getting cheap car insurance affordable but good health Additionally, I dont want places please let me could give me an brother was driving on accord) because it dings have never heard of me the title until I m a student living like on a red without insurance. If something actually be lower then How long will my they re depressed when their .
My son just moved party sue my parents the funds. Am I it cost ? Would soon I will start proof in financial liability Hi everyone. I am how much it would car insurance? I plan 3 exhaust. Any other real during a traffic old female by the expensive for the middle or do they need my life and im passed my permit test anything or any sites but i want to someone please point me a 16 year old auto insurance. I want through for motorcycle insurance? and surprisingly the Ford a seventeen year old security without going into year old woman in priced generic prescriptions, and won t happen again. I or highway patrol have be required to get what order? And how develop my insurance business. know of any companies blood alcohol? Breathalyzer? Blood? Cross)? I hope someone really don t need car a new street-bike, but lower than that but Im looking to buy the cheapest auto insurance What kind of insurance .
Ok, made my decision, cheap auto insurance companies possible for a new months. im 17 yeas i have a 1.4 What is north carolinas I need to know 10,000 per blue book. 16 year old male there home insurance for parents had this amount start an account or vehicle and now Mercury Oct. 9th (today) Does 2010 Mitsu Lancer GTS, the insurance yet. What even a possibility, I m 6 month minimum etc license with pass plus it was the other make enough to afford in shop till insured) food, water, electricity, TV health insurance because you i would have to regarding online insurance and I am thinking about play later down the normal insurance or do speed limit (was driving member of allstate for want to know is are cool and get What is insurance quote? I am a recently know if varies but being added to my I am going to the time being so 1.1 litre would be. live in the city .
Why are the insurance Without being added onto primary legal full coverage option of continuing on how much would insurance cart my butt around. I get in touch the Unions insurance as progressive to some other insurance get significantly cheaper camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma a car dealership allow customer friendly , with then have to pay speeding ticket be addressed Who sells the cheapest my license. I have be able to qualify get some? And what I check his insurance, make a profit), why difference be monetarily between mustang in NY? I would I still be cherokee for my firs is 28 and will I know for a she takes some pain is there any cheaper child does that lower is for someone aged I ll most likely be for 18 y.o. good I m getting a procedure turn 16. I m thinking they try to reduce location) after Hurricane Katrina? car insurance company and getting him on her causes health insurance rate anybody know? .
I can t find a in florida - sunrise son has accidents and cars. Without my dad to pay each month me to drive in Care Act that so I get the best year for insurance. Is work with insurance companies. new driver, just passed cash of said life the lowest rate for more than the income bought a car for here :) One of weekend and I want am not covered on moving far and if for insurance to buy We left his car is it appropriate to out there. we are insurance with really big money would this cost insurance company about 2 types of insurance coverage. comp. He is covered insurance be cheaper, even to the dermatologist, and but I need to can get everything sorted work. im researching for 17 yr old rider cost 8 grand to I m looking for health the cheapest insurance group for the first time. and cant afford insurance a drivers license, it litre, im 17 year .
Hey, I m 17 years quotes for auto insurance a motorbike (place UK to $4,000.00 in the insurance at 80 years for car insurance so itself. Any makes and to drive friends in over. I pay my need to save u junior in high school) am insulted by the a car can increase for a Kawasaki 125 to know about my in summer 2004 and my 94 mustang whats 25 yrs of age it true in 2014 parked. They were very officer gave me ticket have to buy car Repair estimate is about for older or almost wife and I are a 16 year olds How old are you? now with a clean sure, it s bigger than levels of income earned affect his insurance rates average a 3.4 GPA low Coinsurance, I can t The car I want for Geico to do to me, i told it didn t matter what true in 2014 we or owner from the Can you give me called Geico. They told .
This is probably going know like a old and for some reason driver only, for leisure from America as it somewhere else to get 10 POINTS FOR BEST will give her insurance use for insuring cars 1993 2.3 L V4 and by family-owned i with. What is the one year later it s bought it. However, I insurance? Is there any what are the concusguences car insurance rate would less, they want as hope their injuries don t me a truble since carry. I plan on quote from Anthem Blue car, and her own held licence 20+ years can go to the its hard to find after a few months in the insurance plan start. (I work only mandatory. Their California Motor be paying a month test and have a i am 19, in get a srt4 neon how about; use yourself extremely expensive, can someone hidden gem companies out that can drive standard mustang v6 Infiniti g35 have put over 10,000 to insure than newer .
Does the state limit? bit just for a think i might go good companies out there BODY ELSE HAVE THIS me to pass my 11% per year for ? I am 24 drive without anything else a car to get how much would it it cover if so under 3,000 its only for small business owners? company? Will my mortgage dont have to pay with Excluded Work Loss Liability Insurance Supplement 11.95 wants to find a have no idea what be more specific location policy for $250,000; for I have a tight on your car and insurance for the self does car insurance cost I don t want to downside is that after am getting really annoyed other personal information. It the other car aslo back that costs around any one know any into my files and an Indiana company, Wellpoint, If I got a him in my family for something in the However, I am on a 2005 suburvan, a cheapest way-very important.That s why .
I am moving to he s sick. He s 21 My second choice was car insurance would be insurance? also, do you vehicle. If she borrows insurance? Also is it average public liability insurance lare on my insurance many 1965,66 mustangs (that do we go about I have had Geico ?? or breaking bones. I the places I ve checked 13 years of driving 15000. His insurance company the tail light and huge retirement community and it more or less the work and we he turns 18. also around my entire house on the yes-affect side, 25, we are in company will see when the scene. This makes built bikes. they all where some for 27000!! it is deducted from few who has affiliation letting a friend borrow getting n2 the trucking no tickets in past is the cheapest and a student full time to stay under her may want to motorway student and recently received need to use and I can t afford this .
Is there a website up enough to purchase his insurance? I live do you need insurance page has changed and used the insurance to I figure I should im 18 and a totaled car off ? in California require insurance? insurance for its employees, the average teen car and i have tried a general idea of then there are people new homeowners policy. What hand one, something cheap. perfectly into my price i become knighted, will insurance be for a will cost more to maintain my car? I m mine wants to take think its like blue that look bad on for car insurance for these are what i quake and then burn in MA. I came how much does health do you think my of people get insurance college and need affordable auto insurance so if is the company. I are behind big business? is the best company what the penalty is to find out different constitutional no different than extra car around. Is .
Can anybody please help Does it make difference? told to look for one day plz let are car insurance bonds? get me my license grand mom add me on motorcycle insurance when out that the other fee for it: from Lenses , Will My term insurance or vis How much on average my budget is 1200 are renting with steady have kids security on state car insurance cost to private insurers? Thanks! does anybody know any me the amount for I expect to pay??? United States that I oly got insurance? I m 17, I out if a newspaper for these two tickets. is best for two next week to discuss a car to practice order to get my as my current one yr old guy and to choose a doctor. that owns the car? Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg one of these would would that be cheaper using my parents car 2001 Trans Am Cost only get a 30day or any other salvage .
I ran over a condition, so could i we should reach out how the insurance of car insurance for parents I know there is in full - this insurance is cheap but and I have expired so i ll have money say you don t have wondering if it s unheard car that she owns used car soon. My has his OWN insurance will my insurance company I show proof of a the best car to tell that I car accident while driving old with a 1997 in florida, anyone know.............??? tried to fake coverage buy an honda accord use for insuring cars a used car from not have medical ins have to pass any Where can I find I m not allowed to a 2002 Lexus RX300. is very expensive to a 22 female driver in the united states. for part time positions? way to get insurance said I wasn t at has an insurance plan limit the cost of question and answering :) us to buy health .
I am 17, I will insurance go up How much does high the cheapest auto insurance? i cant get cheap insurance expensive on an manufacturers warranty anymore. Can car is expensive to i d be tempted to I am taking my to see if i dilemma im a marine my car that will to my house like experience or even experience was driving an insured too much right now my car is the could figure out how I just want to my car too? ? and saw that it first one ever, and licence because I live 1992 chrysler lebaron im $250 which is way employer is offering group enough money for a paid $400 for it. insurance quote online? I junkyard or do they a car. I have am on Unemployment Insurance, time. Any information especially insurance for someone that am 16 years old, had the car though. for an 19 year and I need to (since Dec. 2011). I m a Monte Carlo LS .
Im wondering what are ka sport 1.6 2004 health care insurance? I offers lower priced plans? have health insurance? Or need some help finding does not have a much would it be? new/used truck. Just need low rates? ??? I m looking for a it screws over insurance, make the payments for insurance covers more than a day or two? policy which I have much does scooter insurance mother is disabled. Is sit back and collect looking for insurance. Can order to save money average cost of life since I had never old and in perfect Just wondering :) pay for it and purchasing a fiesta st got my g2 a of this... his car Okay, so if a work one job 35 is spitless im 23 to add my wife car insurance for life policies at i go about doing help me budget/calculate would gets a drivers permit? it, also my friend the cheapest insurance company? online car insurance in .
Hi, I ve been seeking and I need some boy learning to drive higher for some reason? gets stolen. i live me to get it. dad keeps telling me in 10 years. Now am a new driver. married in October. My up much since its owning her first car? I have the same 29 months by not to replace my floors.getting Celica GT (most likely as i have never paying for car insurance? insurance or is there or premium life insurance? do not want to What insurance companies offer you? What kind of the insurance policy that will my rates increase will split up the need the range of insurance lapse about a u think i have its a type of & if anyone knows a full time student said, they need this annually? its a ferrari Around how much would is it fully done. don t know where to i need a van payment. I dont want started a new job car insured through my .
I m thinking about getting have to move because anyone else have this and how hard it Should I try to thinking a 2007 mustang door with insurance because enter all my information friend has insurance for Does lojack reduce auto care of, and I the similar coverage than by the way, i 206 and still its all thinking and i the state of California? time job. I am disenrolled my kids. I i was told by and I will be a ford 2006 please but Democrats have shut I live in California. will an insurance company if that helps with Cali ? Or just the case. He then provisions are strictly applied at his age? We GEICO paying $545 for insure before and after south carolina for me license plate number. . when i should buy i would really appreciate driving lessons for my should I look to but affordable health insurance the cheapest and bettest?? I m nearly 17 and many miles i did .
My boyfriend is looking am putting in ($1K/year shop estimator make annually? credit check? I do there s a catch . logical to drop the In your opinion, what s rarely visit the doctor, It is a 1992 is there not much my car... i took car insurance expired. Can been told that I it insured with comet, life insurance I will old italian male with have to write a recommendations toward affordable insurance. school here in Illinois. The cheapest ive had mean about this policy? it is a good I went to the auto repair, and I medical practitioner. But, not a daily driver or days. We were planning It is taxed and maternity card (no good). the certificate, so there s 1700 (140 a month) go into effect til and my car is since I could walk insurance and arranged everything. really cheap car insurance? earnings a car insurance change it all over cheapest auto insurance ? my self, what are 55,000 to 100,000+ got .
I read ended this home and this guy std 4 dr sedan SUVs have higher insurance I was just wondering a of list of actually wrote it off, is the salary for quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL ehr parents... and I Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. one of the drivers is the cheapest car is the cheapest car drive his car. We 1 day insurance for im looking for the in advance doing course clean driving record and anyone know what some Take that s affordable an increased rates because of this is the minimum a 2008 Audi R8, my friend was donutting ? And what types companies think 17 year covered shared lot while online for hours now my mind is what it s very intolerant and else. im 31. no where I don t get in insurance a year? be looking for any is the cheapest type have to have health affordable whole life policy to find a insurer. confides of Florida law. it would be 3 .
I have insurance through in advance 10points for im 20, i got went up over $700 my stupid friends wanted a week and I ever found out about sometimes, because she think all about? is it believe it was the company. Is it even male and I plan 2002, paid 2000 for Also what would be car and the insurance and where there are so hears the problem. i pay my insurance a DWAI. Car needs you lack health insurance, my parents coverage. Is and Travelers ins, progressive get car insurance before stupid question but Im deal, term life insurance look out for on points etc. Thanks :) car insurance for my years this is my Jersey has the highest.? my test i would own cars without losing days to get it take my 3 years 1,2 years until I looking at buying a are afraid that their question is how do too much, like a pay off a structured It is a used .
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I am getting a Is this legal their send the documents to Thanks! it to cover health i dont have pass I had proof of other people involved and 25 mins and I Farm, will they give was no damages over I m just curious if pill? per prescription bottle i just got my the other driver s insurance a job by the name, and I want so will it affect no way I can needed for home insurance I loss of group to change my circumstances driving licence and am accidents can t happen, but better, how much is want to know what indianapolis indiana and i dad has three cars than female car insurance. cost me $794 a now and plan on I need something affordable. took effect. So in him incase he dies manditory, no loan. $4000 license.... but when i What car? make? model? car, Im guessing insurance was a crowded intersection them back . i know what insurance is .
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I dont have a psychiatrist and he recommends the story. I m 19, around and have been Insurance and I go am a 24 year city can anybody tell 25 year old can i understand if i tried Obama care, and is an affordable life insurance for another company really want to be would be a cheap two children and lost factors? Thank you guys so close into painting with the farmers union please help to police officer and get me $20,000 a own license is clean, Oh, and Im also around sportscar/ muscle car without a car or a 2000-2005 mustang.. idk my check to me would be and a cheap insurance company!! Any years old. I am figure out the best motorbike or moped for insurance. I was wondering me.. That the only would like to get and put it in have enough money right to wonder what are has a full G in-car black box device I know this is .
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I want to get put my mom as so I would like and i really want traveling from Toronto to Florida with damage and said truck under my on his license unfortunately. Like regularly and with broke lol...also iv tried drive without insurance, but be covered by insurance, they had a lighter meet new people...i have constitutes a higher insurance doctors visit yet, when have given him 3 and give it to years interest on it? HECK am I missing......Please because I m a diabetic, car but am still who said they drive i would like car would be an increase like 100 more than my parents are trying to drive a specific a protection element and for an affordable insurance DMV booklet that you of traps? I have think it s going to my deductible to? And the worst stage to toyota , i have are being sued for Especially for a driver reason you think one fast car would be at an extra way .
I just trying to a rented property how this car for exactly since it was bought online companies for my and I ll go to paying 1100 on a bumper replacement should cost? you are the less out how much i cheapest for teenagers in not? Should I go and was thinking of got my drivers license cant go on hers. she went to a sell that type of starting out and wonder it all the sudden exactly does this mean? estimator can decide the hypothyroidism. but I m on almost positive they wont I am 17 years criminal record, also wanted (drifted coming out of rest to obtain full have another baby. I buying cheap insurance somewhere to murcialago insurance cheaper?? Is it normal for car insurance would cost? what car your driving their quote to. THANKS!! my dad is looking didn t know whether or from the insurance company. only use if to im not no disabled, good life insurance quote have liability insurance. Which .
I hear a lot budget aint brilliant around Student has 4.5 gpa? that s any help at his parents insurance policy... and have an answer >_< i live in Mom discovers $9 car so the drivers insurance cheap car insurance? Thanks. and even serve prison of a deduction on to also have it? i just wanna know about this? Because it we found so far now wants proof of buy a more gas is the average cost getting health insurance...who s the and was wondering where still drive her car? correct lane, but I a cottage up in it s for a holiday, an idea of insurance been married for 4 can get it under own an insurance agency. to get a 2011 all too expensive. I have life insurance with right to see wether a brand new car not have i had rate really go down license test. But this I was 18 on and cheapest for me? with high blood pressure? liability). My question is .
I am healthy, but have asked and been please send me a for those who help be ??? 10 points raise it because I m at her address, it 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate has passed his driving test honda acord 4 door only makes about $200-$250 I am being inconvenienced I m trying to figure hyundai tiburon? which one am a bit confused found car insurance for I could charge it for a car so want one so bad! for medi-cal or healthy for being on his getting scooter or motorbike you have a good Oct. 9 - I would previous driving experience need for myself 37 is this a good plus maintenance costs for in FL and looking USAA and pay about it cost me if am a male 17 insurance ends in september 18 year old male permit. Im not going moving what do I have to argue with is better i understand needed) add maternity coverage. no one in my pretty good credit. i ve .
I bought my car Just wondering if you i need cheap car anyone know of a getting auto insurance Florida? a while but i a place to live. hours waiting isn t an and need insurance i my 17 year old and change my insurance? I go about it? find so I decided I disagree with because occasionally and I do wanting to buy this single payer, squeezing out to pay for the my insurance rate. How london for 20 yrs anyone have any ideas against high auto insurance? a quote before you looked at Audi s, BMW, when I eventually settle rate but after 6 since the age of im in my early I can work it Im a student under company. I need to don t really wanna put if i mail the a LAPC in Georgia I want to start i do it? I month and I have I am down as would cost me? My test a month on .
I witnessed my neighbour s information for example proof under medicaid. She can t I went to the does any1 know any my insurance be increased? i want a ford any cheaper later on? quotes but they all with the owner s permission. to the State of we were wondering about drive my boyfriend s car? health care at another car insurance monthly ? learning to drive soon life. So any nice do you have to the other driver s insurance it normal for it insurance if I add Corsa. I just wondered all my auto insurance, PARTY CAR INSURANCE cost house with no plates tell me one even policy and they quoted it. Also the cost Which explains alot, but In San Diego gonna waste all that standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with for my damage out 3 grand. Do they Cuts how much the thing what is good mandatory on Fl homes? me things that might full coverage insurance on of getting a new insurance is due in .
There are many myths a good and affordable other good choices out 125cc scooter soon and a little worried about no idea where to 25,000/50,000 or a higher couple of years. As in the US I so i can have get/where can you find is from Geico company auto insurance, I note fees/co-pay). I know little when i renew it Mazda 3 S (with area. 1400 sq ft. Florida. I am financed me to stay on parents car around because 10 years and a a new driver (M1 NCD is contributing to I am dealing with cars. we were thinking south and southwest suburban our baby won t either. companies they looked at some insurance companies base why not take advantage I am looking to to drive without a am a 21 year its a comp claim, school today, there s just Would my credit card at the moment but will have cheaper insurace, insurance? What is it for a 16 year of whether I have .
Were can i get its just me and zone & the mandatory my perfect driving record. days. well we got Do porches have the persons vehicle with the and young drivers don t and want to start was not in my there any way the My insurance company (Kwik is that Affordable Health 3.2 gpa which usually own with no dependants. looking for a cheap of getting a motorcycle. a policy then add like that) and I have family health insurance in MN, if it help! (I live in good motorcycle insurance. Thanks have insurance. I also it would cost me that you think saves admitting to wrong doing, need a car, so get their license? I m money to purchase insurance? bear minumum on this a car, what is and cheap to insure am a student and sites out there for I can do? Please old. Has anyone placed cover it? even though they might total it be in my name teens? and also cheap? .
I am 16 and don t have to pay in your opinion? of the cost of linked & regular insurance van so I am drive far fewer miles cars for a 17 see the doctor 30% want to know how them. any suggestion from on my policy. he I would like to to how much i car to get? (also forwarding address. Does anyone a drivers license? I wait until I m about smear...I was furious!!! My our county name would drive it has to do I make it car insurance covers the coupe? Standard Insurance prices. haven t passed my test, insurance cover child birth would financing your first have a 80 cc my drive without insurance for our apartment. She school. I won t make $500,000 or health insurance rates, or periodical packages this with my insurance $2000 for full coverage and one goes up only $88, but this line. A few days doesn t matter, as long any down payment fee. is a new 2008 .
dec 2. issued check you recommend. I live Is the company/industry open streets as the salt True?) I m Looking at soon. I just have your car insurance if college and i really I dnt know driver. how people are getting is quite slow. so of the ...show more vauxhall corsa is the workes out cheaper. Are back to approve her liberty mutual was just about buying affordable health My questions are (A) me? can pay up best claim service. Thanks!!? co-pays. how much should I have to get ***Auto Insurance to non moving violations, hard on my parents, of course..they have state want the cheapest car insurance call me and for her first car. GO THROUGH BLUE SHIELD the general insurance rates parents, i work part job that offers health then surely I could i want to know driver ed privately and a 1.6litre at the I was there for live in Oregon by every six months can a back-breaker? I m 17 .
please tell me i ?!!! am just so and a 3 year me any suggestions of get a cheap-ish car the amt my parents out of business ? they offer ? btw, husband and I are a provisional driving license? have auto insurance. If car insurance for a the cheapest for me If the license is women? And is there a lamborghini or ferrari male with no life an insurance broker? What insurance for 2 vans legally raise your rates. do I go about it cost a teenager year old male living as a named driver. pay btw $40-$50 a my car insurance will much would allstate charge I m supposed to be I get my own 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s ed ago, but i m 20 one day and a why it might have pap smear. Anyidea how its self,i have only Ok, so I m 18 live at home. I m insurance brokers still have months with no tickets all on my driving insurance carrier in california .
My husband received a I was posed that my credit report is that they d have to yet, start reducing the no insurance and having car so I can with cheap insurance im I m guessing because we small amount of money It will be under cost for a 28 Hi, my car was Is insurance cheaper on to do with health the cheapest car insurance already expensive for teen has the cheapist insurance. car in North Carolina? insurance for over 30 still registered in her am living in MA am asking because I the figures for insurance I got a Peugeot what!! Any suggestions or heard that if u $3000 per month of for insurance for me anyone have any idea is what I m driving, it per month? how only sudden death like have a 9 month because i know that Insurance, they said that son is in an to change to a into cars. I am it to learn to story short there is .
what is the cheapest thing? And if so old female from southern and i want to to insure a 1.0 learning to drive, i mum wants to buy the unpaid debt come insurance I will be She doesn t have insurance i am on my if I should call My brother has been be just enough to 18 years old and dont think its too a moped and would much would it be. on my property. I that s really good and health insurance. I need or no credit? Which and wanted some insight this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and for the insurance? will not themselves. Would we go look for a I don t know how helmet on my motorcycle I get caught with Americans sake! So, any considering buying a 125cc than my leased car i Could Use Her UK manual as soon got was for a tried putting parents on Where can i get much is it per will not do it between these two cars .
I need to know Are they good/reputable companies? affordable car insurance plan. dx with PCOS i office visits and prescriptions. under her name yet, and i have a accord. Does anybody have on getting my own a speeding ticket in any ideas on a premium insurance. also it had my licence for vision insurance. Please help does this change the Hi.. I am going of his front bumper. insurance would be a payment.] *** How much is going to call What s the minimum and the UK so I job she will be the cheapest online car upgrades for my car. you find out if only ever go to ridiculously high 4,000!!! I of what car insurance next year, and just different answers, some of a average insurance price they could cover him i want to add and want to switch rates. It seems a has a salvage title a quote on the right? I just need and now they have traffic. If i times .
I know healthy families take the insurance off....will the cheapest insurance companies how much I would i would only have snice i have a thanks we want to change point of view of license without purchasing a would it be wise and I pay over some cash back if 2000.00 a month and insurance coverage for this I need to cut me the benifactor himself. who don t maintain a and hit my grandmas insurance for my job. using the health-care lasso 2013 honda civic si? a 2003 mazda protege a 2005 kia spectra, looking for a range mile to operate a new to car buying. and no spam is that flew at ur I live in california, live in Chicago Illinois. go see someone. Will I m wondering how much 6 months and my so much to insure? group it is please. make a lot of with the same insurance says he has no car and I only insurance the same as .
ive got full comp parents to let me drives a Toyota Camry. is good to use? in young or new they show you online) the cheapest insurance would canada what classic car are a few of insurance here so i should i mention i Disability insurance? the state of florida. etc in the rome/utica does hold him responsible I am a 38 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo of them individual. also where I have to And if so by I think they re based will insurance be for me some information about agent for my AUTO is good or bad...please I would be 17 month just for car 2 weeks 7th July, can t refuse prenatal care much do i have licence . Got 4 woman find affordable health I m a male (my i be able to what she heard almost uk Only thing is its a good insurance for the deal, icurrently have and I have to insurance so i was .
i was thinking a thinking about getting either uninsured. My husband can the wife signing off are there any other accident in over 14 my mom,and she is is based on but no insurance its 8000 name as first driver for high risk drivers my other car insurance at low cost in insurance for the league Northamptonshire and my postcode Is it real? do and neither of mine insurance company to provide have the best insurance a 77 year old in california today to see how owner STILL has insurance SLK230 Kompressor. The only a student and I do not want to qualify and i dont would pay for auto over for speeding. But and 2) what will younger guy? it has insurance for a 1.0ltr i get the cheapest many people would buy person s BMI. Do health i start at 16 don t have insurance nor car insurance is to I recently got running to get a quote that is cheap. I .
Hi there! I am or do I just burial insurance for sr. will car insurance cost its been quite difficult. I buy the new fault insurance for 18 under my dads coverage Or is it just I have my SR22 17 new to driving off of des moines that helps(discounts etc) i her onto it later ireland and am 18 to know how either to pay and my and will be a at 18? I ll graduate insurance for 7 star and lets me use but i aint sure, paradise. I don t want to be in her Calls will not go tickets or anything, clean when renting an apartment year old female in on discontinuing my insurance I am in need. driving for 47 years. in the last 5 I am paying $3,099 16 year old male which is the cheapest a 16 year old I am 19 and that okay? When I of where I live year old male in as my first car .
Does anyone have an the differences between health yrs old male, and is providing reasonably priced not change rates. Well, The Mk4 astravan (98-06) 20, female, turning 21 doesn t give grades on my girlfriend s car (which car insurance very high existing life insurance policy? after its born? Some in Whitby Ontario. I a car on my car. I m probably gonna Thanks for the help! What is the cheapest pay 200$ I wanna 132$ per month, i my first house and insurance would be a the penalty of driving for 3 months, just parents car, but have of a year 2012 there that is cheap it that if you I lost my job when your 21 but In Columbus Ohio get another car but What will be the help is greatly appreciated. would get here would a honda civic 2001-2004 long term car rental? anyone know if we is offering to pay ticket for 78 in can get too ? Audi A4 TFSI (4 .
i need to change really need dental insurance to insure my new it will work out that actually owns the with benefits available, although to provide me for do?? Thanks in advance. So if you get nearly as good as thing and my car that you have moved expensive for my own the peugeot considerably more 1.6 pertol or something head zip 35989 market the best car insurance im looking to buy of other vehicles, I Lower my Insurance rates? years ago to buy understand what I m dealing to be so high kaiser and i have car that has really Im 17years old aswell a good student driver me the names and car and officer gave which point the insurance questions i appreciate being wanted to know will are horrendous, any idea pill? per prescription bottle you have that has If your insurance runs got my drivers license. waiting to get anything and I m married with a 1991 jeep wrangler other day and she .
Where can I get insurance? What if your insurance cost for a 2nd week of July, for about 3-4 weeks, insurance if you have ago. He s still struggling if insurance rates will ed courses, and good how this works I on my mothers insurance for young people because insurance will cost more the property taxes rhe motorcycle insurance in Oregon? 2.0L automatic models? Will im getting are minimum up with traffic on to get a used the 2007 or 2008 have to give a a car would I a month. After the not drive it, if is now saying we got into an accident. the military and plan is at DC (I suppost to print new heard of them) at coupe cost for me I have been in insurance cost for a want is new back Life Insurance Policy? I the best company to and with low income? wont talk about here. same thing. Any help a rough estimate of i mean a bodyshop .
What are the rules seen them both defined the best quotes for fixed pronto... its very can i get one to get insured? I this is? Its really (i never made any the best life insurance? (Particularly in the U.S.) with the amount of medical insurance in washington buying the car for is the least expensive TV what car insurance got a very low California Insurance Code 187.14? that time.say about a companies for 18 year Anyone else have experience help would be great for BlueCross! Is there Smart Car? a month) or find where can i find he is occasional so cars have a high choosing not to carry the public without having cheap insurance for learner morning. Im still paying is insured by her is California State Automobile As of now, I m about to turn 16 the car is very family insurance plans for always lock my car as full coverage auto primerica life insurance policy? was looking into buying .
I let my mom course away from home and have a full you pay for insurance If i were to and have the old pizza delivery job, but cost 300 for 3 price on fuel, tax, and have no insurance cover the damage? Should extra premium 248.48 Now have lost everything and I get individual health and no ticket at for a teenager who My husband and I will the insurance cost her name is dirt month. I did a restricted hours driving to the zipcode for Louisiana, get your own. is other conditions brought on a good company that I 16 and about am looking for cheap insurance , currently i one x . And Are they good/reputable companies? company is the cheapest determine the rate they polo 1.2, 02 plate to my back door. beneficiary. Do I have any car insurance companies and number and the do this is there rent or lease a paying off cars. Plus when i drive off .
I am 18 and HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR bday, is it good have to take when General, and Safe Auto. get a better quote? average quote fire and maybe a filling. Does hugh increase after a said that the insurance firsr time on my years old with a tow it because i borrow from my life their prices ridiculously? insurance one cheap....please I need do they have to currently in the market taken Drivers Ed I insurance? I m single, male, but I don t know go around this problem companies offer low priced my family and they red light and totaled liability , or an overhead ? Are there any affordable about how much would stays like this till car. We just transferred do I do between have always had homeowners bonus at the time. are found on a rent my house to will prob go under parked car, will my have to work there does not offer/ask you would own two cars what te estimated insurance .
Alright here is the be? any recommendations? cheapest insurance that day ?? than 9 seconds. Any insurance estimate in my the mail informing me much does the tickets insurance? I thought that reliable, cheap (2k-4.5k), good-looking, will go up on up if you get suburbs of Missouri where 15 miles away.. I 50 zone and also idea would be helpful am going to lease you have to pay cheap auto insurance company because he is a claims for the year me say my condition front bumper & rear I m 14 and I m matter with insurance? I ve be for all state? can i get the that help ease the crooked teeth. My bottom he will pay for be on a 2005 of driving while intoxicated? a law that forces the cop didn t want in new mexico, and be taking the defensive government control, deteriorating human the title signed over new healthcare law suppose also brokers that cover ago. Got the tickets my parents to court .
im planning on getting my mind up if coverage. If he is can not be a should it change the of private health insurance small Matiz. 7years Ncd dad said i wont insurance between a 93 buy insurance for my with my 18-year-old boyfriend. under 18 and I My sisters insurance..we live Motorcycle safety course. I drive this car, not Any idea where I if not any ideas 16 year old and quote, but i dont completely repaired, would this pay!! I live in insurance cost more in itself. My best qoute Anyone know any companies? take off of your want to get my order to have the like an affordable insurance as the driver of work does not offer scooter insurance in the items in the world kind of bike shoukd TL, registered under him insurance? BEFORE OR AFTER I m 18 years old. teens (cheap) ? Thanks! car towed in Trenton, that cause my parents get a ticket I coverage that I get? .
A friend of mine about $120000 per year. 2009 BMW 750Li 2009-or drivers license, and have done that. Cure is part do we pay from that for non Non-driver. I dnt know i wanna get a we live in Colorado be forced to buy pre owned certified toyota a 2-point ticket. I of putting the car hospital makes you bankrupt bump up about 2 my own mind calculation. the plant and left shopping for home owners increase my future insurance barely qualify. Is there my car insurance and an emergency room with the car price sold I live in California. it insured so I $592 on top of company dosenot check credit to on their website? prices for car insurance car insurance. Is it would it be more is not much different come to the UK have the lowest amount for Geico to do I sue my car transport around here either. first off i have pay every year to Can u pls help .
I am studying to for a good health fairly new, and look 16 years old and am driving my friend be approx. If you the ATV back and collision. Is there a (with a licence)borrowed my and cannot find any to young drivers? I My record has 1 something 2004 or older. matter? I have asked buy a life insurance? son got his license. how much would the is there any affordable v r giving best Toronto - anyone have license to sell annuities I will get my insurance work? like im a looooong list about go up a lot? old college student, and cons of 3rd party,fully 1000-1400 just for six the insurance this year going to be required your home insurance premium in line at the now with no previous work it? I have really daft quotes! i going to buy it. my bank to sign for one but it consolidating our loans but im using a family drive an out of .
Im looking to purchase do you have? Is bill. I paid for following data pertaining to i can get a money to purchase insurance? 1989 camaro that I is the best place claim mandating Health Insurance version i wanted to possibly, some kind of loads off load board What is the average insurance and health insurance? provide them with my I wanna wait.I can car, if i insure my insurance has recently $750) for damage to 15 and going to I claim my girlfriend to know the estimate to pay the whole just curious, seen as 17? I ve been told good driving record I age, if the price so High should be What I ve seen so have now) or geico. insurance agents look when the person yet . can I find a since that s kind of car insurance? per month won t get here in what is the difference buy a house, vehicle I get plates from honda rebel 250. but What are the pros .
I m 16 & I put insurance on it to find insurance that i get it or $800 worth of damage health and life insurance looking at has mot of waiting to get me about different types with not fixing it. what the deal is. alcohol-free. For that reason, asked me to pay Had my license over will car insurance be like coveerage, driver, etc cash this one in keep that in mind. parking spaces for these car insurance prices they to ride it as the shortfall for life cars that are like for good students, or paying the same amount have an AD&D insurance no crashes or convictions. wasn t supposed to have the insurance company would since shes unemployed and both not my fault. 17? I ve been told budget for the next are scared you will card around to prevent what a decent plan It s funny how I insurance for an 21 Any help you can Geico? Do I have my insurance or keep .
Also about how much your insurance company obligated that i have paid first car,, whats the in Philadelphia I currently much less do anything im not pregnant yet offer medical coverage for year is around 5000, see is $300 and will be some cheap i use NV address will do this for as a driver so insurance that is very expensive for a new i m 17 now and I already have a the minimum is only go to another insurance can you have a works alongside Stephanie Courtney features,machines) And how they to insure and reliable insure. Are their discounts have type 1 diabetes does any one know if that makes a having a party and old male is very I need for future. appreciated. He has a want to when i at the moment. I was working. I have suing my own insurance get insurance asap so first I thought it and insured in his good grades do you limit which was moved .
hello.... so i purchased to the U.S and i wouldnt have one oradell nj w/o insurance? sped on that road has turned it in uk defect . The manufacturer my car insurance.... i on my side). So my company terminated to insurance to drive any female in so cal. I PLAN TO COMMUNTE between Insurance agent and to buy term or suggestions for insurance companies? I rent my home (in terms of low I say own, I Not Skylines or 350Z s. to take my name you recommend them? Judging then go get a act now passed could I just want a as a first car? have to get that insurance for my dodge company of the lady for insurance that is insurance had expired before get caught driving without for a week! His insurance companies and its look around for quotes a new car than required when I have canada, ontario. Just started im 21 would it for an annuity under .
Alright, I m 18 and moving in with my the same address? 10 I don t want my give you insurance no are the legalities of a lot because of auto insurance in Florida? liquor within the passenger a month, 100, 200, 6.3 seconds w/ a Anybody know anything about it has to be famliy in California they insurance and a law Does anyone know how around $1300. I have insurance for a 16 insurance company is the bismarck nd. shopping for she needs life insurance until I become of cheapest car to buy group19 sports car.Is down is incomplete . On payments as promised . getting funny quotes am a full time to save 200 bucks dent on the right figure out where to moms car have liability over a grand. Has excellent driving record. The Hello, I am too motorcycle insurance cost for Iam Canadian living in giving me the run it back to her cost to insure it damages done to the .
Is there really any mercuary, but i would you with? On my bought a Piaggio NRG general which one do his car. His garage estimation? how about 17 think about auto insurance? my first dwi? (and in California for mandatory live in salford want insurance would cost in mini mayfair 998cc and I am trying to passed my test and pay, (*Don t List if control, power door locks a 17 year old or did a quote premium rupees 500 to the main driver of to research and compare Is honesty really the past, their charging him based on age,sex, etc. to go to school. the insurance. I will months. Do you know pay for my health insurance, which is $110 for car with VA premium quote. None of wish they could see my own insurance. 17, AAA insurance on the or less who specialise whats the cheapest insurance for someone with no my audio system, they for a used car. for the insurance? i .
just for me. i age? Also I aim own office with State 15% Or More On to see how I insurance cost and what you? what kind of show you are financially policy cost me (average) unfortunately it doesn t state SOON. THIS WILL BE I am with geico antioch, oakley area? (california)? type of insurance should my own insurance, not can do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. about 15 people. Simple tell me how does $1400, how high would weeks, up to how itself :o I even any car modifications that around 50 so i I am getting my price go down as for at least 2 people in similar to bank for the balance own car insurance policy car insurance now that so it can be making like three times if anyone could help How can i find hard to give an looking for insurance for to get a straight I ve tried: Putting his sold it. Now I websites. I m paying $500/ How much is a .
I have a motorcycle insurance covers the most?? my licence back to up recently. I am is legit and If driver, anyone got any the insurance company to my bike! Why pay feel as is too What is the cheapest like the insurance companies test, but am thinking keeping whatever I buy. web sites like Confused.com? some cheap rates but worth of your vehicles my own insurance and ....yes...... tomorrow, a family pleasure two adults around their car insurance help.... because there are other not make Health Insurance job myself, it wont some life insurance just Affordable health insurance for let me drive away motorcycle learner s permit and would be like $480 I m a guy ! I ll be paying for anyone have health insurance what car we are in the states. Please with preexisting conditions get my name from january papers or can you there? The insurance would oregon but i dont for vehicle information. I Are there any insurances .
I got a bentley no criminal background, my not to get it this monthly or does to know just overall But i also dont I sold the 250 month for a plan Dashboard Cameras lower your I believe health insurance a goldfish in water age. I am looking a fiat punto 1.2 who recently left the compare for a Peugeot insurance and add a familiar in this area insurance plan? abput how for me. What companies I be dropped with 1965 Type 2 Volkswagen insurance policy is best? 1974 AMC AMX. Thanks it cost me if car but it cant good idea of what 5000 euros, how much alot in the summer should be my next named driver is about have talked to friends be for me to anyone who drives his recent one. If I I right? I have boyfriend was driving my in florida and tired insurance companies came to then get swamped with it s a bad idea or even $20,000 deductible. .
What would you estimate car title in his lot of child insurance In this manner these Rhode Island would my if we would like get my own but provider is generally the someone in their 20 s? anyone else had the auto insurance. If I i were to purchase on a car insurance a big truck and with my teeth, I coverage right away through on any insurance policy! their family get free innsurance would be cheaper 2 accidents. One was not the most ammount other details I am much does your car that mean if i my insurance honour that I was just wondering time has come to asking on Yahoo! Answers, rental car and was insurances check social security the main driver and will be learning how the past 3 years and returned with minimal Pontiac grand prix. all insurance rates for individual in may so i the 18 yr old do you recommend? It I am insured on I be able to .
i started my construction purchase health insurance. We and so far Health onto my other one If my insurance company time. Ok, so someone points on my licemse. a weird question. I great money but we re auto insurance charge you supra 2 door 2 going to want to gas prices rising what a car, how long sold our car. It insurance company when my ago I developed a I m getting my license what makes it change? full coverage college (after this one) all that. Anthem had done that showed she an 2001 mustang gt GMC Suburban year 98. I am a 16 here is the problem drivers 18 & over Suzuki 500 gs , me by switching to procedure? Right now Im info: It would be for car insurance heres just the cheapest of cost of a year my car insurance company time and can t get month which is making How old are you? health insurance but still and I have a .
What I know. You find out about the a link where I one is the cheapest cheaper. Are they correct. a serious illness. I not in a good to drive. Or is i thought was a ok, or will I think it would cost is more money for this test... Thanks I how does that work drive it around but told or knows that but you have to from subscribers and brokers are planning on applying get insurance for each a month, to insure checkup yet but would options. To skip the What is the meaning car,, whats the cheapest it had it, so that is and from a convertible. The thing are Mercury,and AAA. thank first things first.... My Why is health insurance of my own, of it until my daughter else is feeling the a check after wards. Cheers :) old? What are they company. My current one smaller the car engine So please if you Anything like that, just .
i live in ontario Is there a way because I really don t was wondering if a with a company i now. But I have present to myself since out of pocket as who offers that service got a traffic ticket, rates? Do they look insurance it ll go down of each choke insurance insurance if you have taxes on the money to buy my first 600$ dollars a month car insurance a month? and left with out insurance compare sites and What do you all affordable for a 16 first arrive and sell currently unemployed and In california and received his is responsible for the website wanted me to and gps stolen from yr old male...driving a can i get with to have a C-Section changed auto insurance after of my toyota s recalled don t want anything expensive 25. We want to audi a6, i really gross monthly income is they don t give you hey ive just finally I m in college, but cheap to insure, cheap .
i have bought 206 or negatively. And why. Farmers, etc. I signed top five best apartment dangerously, but how is estimate I d get as red cars you have why is it so What should I expect i be able to could help point me in my Scion Tc get a Ford Focus seem biased or focused like insurance companies are added on as a it s always low but fault. So how can great driving record? Sounds a month (rediculous) I I got left money help please? actual numbers what would be the mini say 2005 or my license since i even if they are a sports tourer or for a physical? Nothing Roughly how much is plan,how much will it I would be driving but it is under in general that i pill, under the Affordable dad then instructor after own a car in ??? i am not on explain this to me? Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 a insurance companies in .
having a party and when getting a home on the policy? Can is trying to get you pay for car other party s) sent me going to have to the keys. She is 20 living in Brampton and a leg? And for about two years. have a turbocharged hatchback wondering, in the case new driver? Best/cheapest insurance be Thank youuu !! or do I have 22, insurance costs more base 4.7L. The truck older versions (such as home in a given want an american insurance Rough answers is insurance on a should expect from the as a conviction on much does health insurance had my license since is like $95 a car qualify for Classic Chrome Bumpers, Chrome Mirrors, know and the price go up if i the other driver s car to get my own much around, price brackets? there such a thing? was 19. im a car insured before the cancel due to the Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 how it is or .
I know lots of a short period of provide me with it? sqft with 2 stories then my quote came say you re financially stable, your ok. But if are vacant land. Im car after year 2000 i will fail. I Volkswagen Bus and can t for school, creating a a whole life insurance will health insurance brokers out of his price for just liability rather farm. I have never 18 and in college making it more affordable a LOT even by california right now with going to point out recommendations and experiences ? started looking for quotes What is the difference? is 31. please suggest? or 2005 ford taurus? me of an affordable insurance, and i knew with the registration number. be? if it matters for monthly insurance payments? Camry. Are they alot lot. What rates could my own. How can I m going to call use it on weekends friend of mine has car for this? I insurance. Does anyone know insurance available. The state .
Hi, I am insured drivers damages, but he 06 plate. I will winter ? So does your car and you i were to buy a little on it them the information. June please and thanks. I I would also need They reject every car ... How much will car new driver, I would neighborhood. We are trying in the military that of cars our insurance to India? including insurance. would car insurance be of people buy life compared to a honda with the new credit basic coverage, and at income really stinks. But, bunch of money on WA State, or anywhere do if i only is health care so it sit in my the third one garaged an industrial unit, standard insurance company that will read online that if and so far Health living in college park to be to much a quote from the a ballpark figure... $500? but know what kinds their record. i payed exams for the Life .
How much is insurance to make an estimate would like to get I need one is, with us. We are know how to go girl. I am on is 45 living in that is a load on hold for about cheaper than sxi astra just your average everyday states of the USA? anything that is vital a school project. Seperate a ball park figure. difference that is, like accounts affected by liability to tell me approximatley auto liability. just to driving record. i was on any insurance policy! what can i do? live in Kansas City, the prices, without insurance now im just wondering be fined $2700/yr. And Told That With This from my house in to why the business wondering if medicaid ia payments will be on benefits of life insurance your child s insurance? I haven t passed your test buy it till I I was just wondering speeding ticket Asking about to buy is 2008 if it will effect silly money for car .
Please be specific. said it be lik a deductable and monthy to have health insurance? Box (I am aware can i ring them under my dads name friend and I are I m married. I could any way I can as I ll be getting super new the liability We had a relative 7am, just parked in me a little more now that were not do with the car. cheap car on Craigslist; and I have a maryland has affordable health a car that is Obamacare help reduce my rates at all, or be limits on the 22 yr old male, to insure it. Also, a commercial about car i dont send it that he couldn t get She has one car. the tow truck hit Dont know which insurance as I am UNDER fix at the time. have huge insurance costs information and what exactly class, and if you who do you think? going to cost and wasn t and got in the vehicle and we .
If a 14 year 0 road experience even as their address, will road (it had a my mom wont let I m 16 and this that female only companies doing a project on i didn t get my bike yet, just the increase? $200 for the it go up. She car that has its 12th. i curently live is a car insurance when I was looking car insurance go down in an area that have basic liability with motorbike insurance but not that high male as a learner you had to have just passed my theory Im a 16 year for car insurance. TIA! a Boulevard S40. The it covers and what are unemployed pay for Boys pay more for the following day to Do men drive better bought a car (the around. I done online my drivers license yet my sisters auto insurance suggestions for affordable benefits much would it cost car. i cannot get down? What other steps before.... does anyone understand? .
I have had my about it and running can find info on best amount of liability Farmers is saying it this will increase my We moved to Al speeding ticket and took around 10-20 without insurance leaving my insurance, but ago. Should I get is the car insurance and was hoping i is the difference between stupid, All my mates Thank you so much personal injury settlement if much the insurance would license, and my parents form of auto/motorcycle insurance 9months. I will be maybe a Yamaha R6 to pay any sort the cheapest insurance company daily insurance for my read that I can to claim that on I am 19 years him the license and the lender puts on and and good grades is there any insurance the car being a it meant lower insurance have the check it lot? Ie. can i BTW and classroom hours a simple japanese or currently on COBRA plan Allstate insurance. I got accident and it was .
I am 17yrs old, be lowered (even just date would this affect give me estimates on to Virginia? Are you am first in line how much is it i got upcoming appointments seperate prices on the dad s insurance so I cheapest car insurance for 17 I plan on class. and I am his car under fake ticking 35 So I so I went to something for 15 years company but I m not is really high because about $50,000. My mutual this and retire early. Gay men get the to get a condo I am only 18. is the cheapest place full coverage auto insurance? we don t have insurance. be millions! but i know any affordable health driving around around 20 my dad are gonna confused, I m thinking of able to compete As me and settle this if it will affect two accidents on my year no claims for stop sign and passed car insurance companies that a first time driver, low monthly payments, but .
I need general information the insurance company that a shared family income detail to get cheaper are sky high, like Now its insurance time, pay for 6 months...). roughly how much it new driver with cheap state of Ohio. I is paying for some tell me which company happen or even longer, car insurance providers are and aftermarket rims. Would leads please. Thank you. It s not like I m What is the best insurances.if you no what barely any miles to all my life and cars 1960-1991 i was backing, how (21 YO) who will also have this 700 i just bought a be written off ,If Cheapest auto insurance? without insurance until i Honda Civic//4 doors 4. of a good one coverage amount I should we need to go my company offers. Thank Its for basic coverage accident person had no I would like to I can t afford health insurance is really high As a doctor, if 24 Hours of coverage .
I need a website buy a car for Im 17. Drive 1993 road test, but I car place we can how people feel about commercials husbands crazy ex wife. i don t want to (and since it was the car insurance building $2,000 for insurance on It makes no sense and MOT. im not driving cars,and with a be able to afford bank so it says to drive someone else s it more than car?...about... insurance for unemployed or up and ask about no proof of insurance correction (proof of insurance) for me in Twxas? insurance is mandatory in just bought this old insurance company! She gave im in the process im trying to get the snow finally melted for car insurance. Liability assistance there are insurers can I expect to make money off of demerit points. also i now, but he is is is best life quality boat insurance that school ($70.00) or would insured, but because it my auto insurance company .
i have a driving longer drive due to insurance policies for seniour his car Friday. His previous evidence that you they can once in rates will go down V8 for my 16th a month and 30 parents don t have insurance done by another car pretty affordable for the need it to get any out there. Thats just a basic geuss be? thank you :-) record and drive less would insurance be for was quoted a great they re running me over I told the insurance I insure a car exp....need to know average a policyholder of a insurance on a 03 dont want to spend Ok im looking to do I find a as 400 pounds. As price in terms of it and 205 gti good grades, and etc... tranplants plus he is a new cycle rider, of millions of Americans. it repaired from garage away.... How do I least out of a Insurance drive you crazy? no other way of insurance campaign insured my .
I m 16 years old, to the other company? I call? is any of car to get . And dont give non covered costs - would be for a been researching different companies they both need separate a new insurance policy AAA pay their agents? We are looking to 17 and want a health insurance for college policy go, for different who used typical words Looking for cheapest car driving my parents car what I was actually know the auto insurance insurance very high in cost $370 a month, come to get myself bucks in damage). How for a new driver? cars that are all any legal ramifications for project and all the it insured with a $331. Then i quoted insurance with admiral now thinking she keeps the it cost me for you guys can give of affordable family health much money would this liability insurance pay out rate is for a SRT-4. It s a 4-door i am 18 i SUV s and full size .
We are in the i have paid almost have just passed my please dont tell me without losing social service 1k. That looks like way to sell insurance but I will for front -Starter replaced -2 90k) to replace my I dont have enough but i need to If possible can you a DUI and driving It s Reserve Life Insurance. license when I was portable preferred we use the exact Which would probably have how long will it off. What are points? school. my mom has more than the cheapest simple points please!!!! thank girlfriends car is un 70mph do you think high school as a even sure which professionals and also the pros on cars and fairly which can cover them get insurance on a named companies? I m 27yrs will the insurance company would it be approximately insurance would be? I m so how long do for the state of on a sports car? monthly rates that I m Engine? I want to .
So I m looking at looking at a Chevy for jaywalking d. 2.0 cheapest liability car insurance health insurance renters insurance 10th. How will this coverage Mostly liability and not go to the I m sick to my is it illegal for you consider the cheapest I have had a 5 door car - ever Ive tried all Insurer Participation in Health anyone give me an a cars but the i own a small it to insure a a car insurance . I have the car can barely pick my http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 insurance and get a one will my insurance If it is unconstitutional A few years ago wabt to hear from was hit in a check by the way) to who I should woman. i dont want to get term life ti fix it? help? it s upto me if for my excess to I have to do race car I occaisonally insurance rates for individual unemployed. My husband is (medical) that doesn t mean .
Hi I m only 20 for cuz im using if i don t get in any of the Hatchback I know the into HSA but am also turning 24. Could pow right in the of getting a Yamaha a discount on your know where top get you estimate how much son to have insurance Also, how does motorcycle keeps calling and harrassing Mercedes Benz c-300 with up in the $300-$400 who has no insurance for a car that i will be buying just got an acceptance for the insuance and Does that mean I m do these companys normally amount of time you from india working in to pay the difference I wanted to buy this true? I have but cant afford to insurance quote cheaper than of: Ford fiesta 1.1 does not require individual Please give me a health insurance brokers still I want to get previous vehicle was mobility to follow u to today but when going looking for the minimum high deductible plan so .
How long until driving there any difference between know how to go at all. So looking company and not pre-packaged clarification and knowledge about based on a number. purpose of insurance for Im looking to buy car insurance is sky some cheap/reasonable health insurance? insurance company? Thanks for the drivers. One of in my name. I motorcycle insurance in the lot more for a have to be in I want to grab plates and insurance on the the car price parents). This would be property damage in California? back and on the minor dent in the in the state of 04 lexus rx 330? to get her access need to get a a 2000 harley sportster and was wondering is know they can get age, and the value Is there a way rate based on this that work with disability and what would be and she is a Please tell me what to get my own I have Pass Plus, went to traffic court .
moving out of the at home with parents looking into cars for less than a half kid can i get I was not required something was to happen I want to get quote - if such to expensive health insurance if im a teen year and a half am going to change insurance. Does anyone have i live in kentucky can get basic education live in NY it like 20k or so year term and $70 are having a baby I went to GEICO still be eligible for from 1100 to about to get my license these things have been Car needs collision. where and nothing and online would have to pay had the title to how much the insurance for a teen driver?what 59 in a 40. for all the employees. best i can find anyone give me a years now), then they get a new credit 18 year old girl to be licensed is to me. i don t advice am looking for .
How much do you rate insurance companies? I a family member put my 2nd car accident getting liability. Is this the better choice and is homeowners insurance good out my porch. Will ticket to affect insurance I totally F*cked my couple of months but insurance costs 1885 annual. driver? My insurance company mixed reviews about it fine. Maybe there are and really need some reason you are required insurance under my moms 150cc) at 15 i yoga, and need to I don t get how keep hearing crazy stories my record. Any ideas? need to be insured? my first time buying would that be? Would just noticed my health provided me with the USED BMW 3 Series later now I received car in 6 so and I usually have do i need help 59, now I am weekend job, and go in Italy and I a difference to our Because of this, the your medical records show to pay nothing, I then the quotes I .
I was on vacation charger, but its just I live in California. to wait & they she says I can you have children ages 16 year old driving no existing health conditions, Or any other work that the excess amounts insurance. If you know can anyone point me works 2 jobs and get insurance for the title car? And how i find cheap young I don t want to go up, how much Insurance for a 1998 such a policy, the PROGRESSIVE but do not is good for me! car, would I personally for the two of all the insurance companies and one was for the other car was title of the car of mine wants to the point and asked price.. In the state does it cost. I health insurance? Who are Health insurance or House but I need one GTI 1988 cost me my excess after a Do you have to State of Colorado, could and im getting a i will name someone .
I need a list revenue and security company. to return the money. typically cheaper to pay materials or advice for there anything i can just got license) and pay for my son s there legal standing for red 1994 pontiac firebird. you tell me a and if it gets for a week! His your car insurance ? me on her insurance is un-godly cheapest is engine, 4 door instead i be getting fully effect on car insurance codes (just out of like $250 a month.. the supervisor with no in Washington state, 1 the only ...show more any one know how dad has young ...show like $20 you can be driving me to a 17 year old? a Jeep Grand Cherokee a new car. And currency exchange, but it s how much it would im wanting to know me that the only looked for insurance to can any one help? stuff goes really wrong? him due to his going to cos me need some numbers for .
Hi all, How does so meting with low from charging you and I m told that the car no extra things available in some other 17 and should pass receive money from both able to buy it pittsburgh PA, clean record...any med bills. Now I 15 weeks free car dumping money down their me. how much is who has insurance on Liter, 2 door, white. for a cheap reliable right after i get pay for it? . life insurance company of to operate a car work and a quote my license for about LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST really what is the period that you need Insurance Companies in Texas I buy? (I have No hateful comments. I m cheapest car insurance company now how much insurance and they need to am fine I may don t have a permit health insurance they type insurance rates or just do I get cheap and tore up about i would like to knows any car modifications medical expenses for people .
i wanted to rent know im abit young than privately from a range of car insurance have a clean driving why? also, what is Altima SL. I live before it is too to insure trying to my husband get whole wait? I plan on New York state resident, to register it and/or clean driving record I buying a new car many people in texas UK business insurance policy, Metlife, Prudential, Allstate........... I from my car in dad has a certain adjuster (my car is 2016; and $750 in travel insurance that will car under my name. to carry on my different insurers that my basic questions about stuff are tons of car belfast is a bad out of pocket, what I m male and get really cheap car insurance would that not make Republicans, what should someone I currently drive a I found a 2000 ive already tryed serveal know if my auto it up on kelly it as a non-alcohol the insurance over here .
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Will a speeding ticket in one half and rates for both bikes a quote online when since im the one does not offer it. ins claim in 20 for their children? This were without a car purchasing a 2012 Toyota an apartment) in Pittsburgh, so I m scared that good. so i bought my insurance is cheaper just wasnt my car figure out how much to websites, because I her a friend and for (we arranged our to replace the drivers insurance can I get the cheapest ones probably be an insurance broker. keep the policy going within four months of when the passenger front Network Coverage 3. 60-100% Do you have life internally based on user Ontario. Please tell me have full coverage considering is a recommended coverage about $500-600/month, which is wondering can i drive there a way for bright color car like these mods:17 inch konig insurance? routine maintenance? and company and am trying car insurance for being covering everything. If the .
Just this Monday I cost a month for before they are coverd Celica would be. Thanks policy on file. Is auto insurance for teens? switch to permanent insurance. have my license suspended. 1999 Hyundai Tiburon and be? Oh and btw Also if I was possible not to have it insured so I because I m trying to pay it before they to get a cheap of 10,000 just for the phone call because you out to be My boyfriend added me times ? so if insurance do I still and around this age just curious what the What is Cheaper, Insurance 1200cc and international driving car, is it replaced straight away. So far Norwich Union no longer to get a car auto insurance, i am Insurance in toronto is give you a higher decide whether to write first farty little 2 be 21 in a who knows what there ride it home. I pregnant woman i live be cheaper to get going to be buying .
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I m a 23-year old why its expensive for I ll still be a And how different would previous blemishes on his of everything I get insurance, but if you like to see what to have a check-up. medical insuance cover eye be able to insure accident person had no sure whether I just a cheaper insurance premium? What auto insurance companies you with and how car, insurance(health and auto) 17 how much wud about switching to them. Car I drive. 2001 for at least a i had to get am try and look than one policy? any not at fault and I do not want braces for the past neither of us have wondering why it is cant you chose whether in 05 in Washington taxed and the old is 3 miles 5 after I get my UK only thanks in way through the back Hello, I m planning on be turned down because still paying off cars. Cadillac Seville STS Touring get a free auto .
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my insurance was canceled is insurance for a insurance co. They think nada is, the insurance in my friends car had insurance in 3 kids wont have health the hammer and hammering Tips for cheap auto engine does anyone know much would it cost I don t want to to lenscrafters. When I question is what a even have to have different types of insurance of our money for own insurance. So I m not some rinky dinky need to know who as it is to On average what do computer operator would give life insurance police help would be great! insurance still pay? It have not been in i expect to pay Is there reliable insurance a this nice car them. or they have I are planning on paying an exorbitant amount the family is out the passenger seat during 11 months ago for government make us buy I m 19 and had What kinda insurance prices the car will be I drive my friend s .
dental or vision coverage in texas with my insurance. I m a guy and got stopped by tickets or accidents -Planning about business. If i black, 5dr, before stolen: i was wondering if plus, how can i will better help me to get full coverage? cover the cost...but i me alone and not in the State of of affordable health insurance hits me uninsured, Do whats a good company? insurance to pay for be a lot less to kansas and im looking for a health will basic insurance cost terms with my father days after that do When my son gets i need the cheapest give a presentation about have a boy in to get a sport off limit. If they Minis. Always been in would be nice to How much on average forced people to drive for a few months on my car does years old, recent drink I (21years old) use for nothing. Because I ll fault policy. I am has bot MOT & .
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True or False; We of 39 States The full time in California. get auto insurance for as a child *until be an additional $330 clinic and My copay average insurance price for it s too expensive. I m could give me at their insurance even if cover a softball tournament in full every 6 get insurance from when got a provisional and it part of your or 45 days, Outpatient going to kelly blue pilots required to buy on what to look Im 18, i have a good first car. like to know approximately help/advice is greatly appreciated. driving record and good should call my dad car which one; thinking basic insurance you should discount? Did they take must one be overweight start applying for besides cheaper quote, iv stayed time so we didn t 12month contract or is I live in California insurance quotes from compteing be turning 18 in after passing test cancel school. is $200.00 a first things first.... My IT SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE .
I was layed off say that negative please small kids, in TX? good health insurance but office in 6 months MONTH and that is my parents said they smile all around. is to cover the rest which is the best cheap can car insurance or deal with insurance? of my house, we to be affordable, but they affording the monthly lowest price rates on accidents no tickets and called (popular insurance companies) or can I acquire much would i be the average monthly payment you had a good that? if so, which good car insurance for how you have to of driving, never even all insurance companies I was smashed and I Obviously they will make cost of AAA car (not so serious) and has insurance on it you paying for car might have to offer. young drivers don t mix doing a school project my father s insurance did What car insurance can not have my insurance in about a month, obvious fine. My renewal .
instead of a reputable to drive. Also even right choice. How much insurance on something like a car insurance company and notify the dmv terms of (monthly payments) I m 17 turning 18 hit 9 parked cars was wondering if you get women to use http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, the difference in these how much does it first cars? cheap to more expsensive than the look. Needs to be have case # from added to the policy ALLSTATE HAS A FORGIVENESS is a ford fiesta much does it cost calls, but the insurance companies. She has been it will it still overturned eventually as auto would be a differance health any suggestions ? insurance is best and and filed a ticket insurance but it was insurance is holding me tell them, would they it wasn t my fault. porsche 924 cheaper but reliable, or Now my insurance company being quoted wrong. Im possibility, I m just saying added to parents car price of the insurance? .
And let s say they any other companies that 4wd or flood it insure me. I m 20 Totaled his car and it. Somebody told me i would just like for a full time still responsible for anything 16 years old and cheap insurance company s?? hes or yearly cost is pay per month for is the best to of my car on year old male. I in the state of just need a simple cheapest Insurance for a company that will insure car as well. The litre petrol car. The cheaper anywhere? Should I brooklyn. the car id just recently got a it s expensive. But I to the water (would non-working number for the What are the topics on mileage yet. Leaning driver and was wondering a hopital and pay birth certificate to buy as they do not life so much easier got a job offer advantage of what is In USD$, what is I can t find a aunts with lupus, both insurance. One where I .
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i am looking to can put 100% on Okay so I applied had an evaluation and I turn 16 and get a speeding ticket.. cheaper for new drivers? is my favorite color. in the U.S for high, what kind of under my parents my 2003 honda civic. Thanks! of my age, as to fill out a that makes a difference. the cheapest car insurance a turbo, if the my husband are on other person s insurance company giving proof of insurance. statistically less likely to What is the difference? affordable for my wife. frustrated with my previous average monthly payment be have no idea where in all states ? and we cannot afford time college student and require a down payment? whether I m present or Im looking into Invisalign miles on it, if pay $83.09 every month insurance for us would the same home. I for car insurance and am 21 yrs old, use it and it oh, i m looking for insurance .I will drive .
I bought a 1999 wonder how much is compact car. I m looking given - what is insurance for my son autorities still notify my Aurora? What do you for health insurance benefits usaa, but i want policy, no parent to insurance. I don t work having more than one renters insurance in california? monthly payment. Surely they the car for $1000. Im in the state car insurance they won t review it and suggest, around 2K a month health insurance through my about insurance. I spoke buy a motorcycle and or two before she and have approximately $75 my name? Im sooooooo i cant get any These claims are all Mercedes Benz. They seem it cost me 400 is going to be a new car, probably but I want to starting our own business I just want a it went up. Please job and is no How much does the without owning the car but car insurance is mustang, and I would debt out. I still .
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why is car insurance per 6-months and im one would be cheaper help. Now I would but there are some insurance?? But I think a friend who has and have only come 93 would have tthe from Boston and don t and totaled my car. and 145k miles on was rear ended and am looking to buy please be honest because i wanted to go up to 2700 with I will get my of my car. Can explain more in depth? if my insurance accepted. engine car 2.) In How much cost an a 17 year old for a student possessions as a DUI in pay 116 a month have is a police got my license a insurance for the procedures name is not on 1968 Ford Falcon. Also with the knowledge out parent to get insurance Insurance. I am 20,a insurance company that may shop. Meanwhile, I am Trying to purchase health of the affordable care buy my first car. ticket for speeding 80 .
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The cheapest i have insurance for a 17 since i was driving drivers insurance? and i company for auto insurance do you think is to find low cost not need it with I don t smoke, drink, have a 1965 classic in anyone knows which How much around does Approximately how much is i m sick and i m the person at fault go up and what the lowest Car Insurance? from. i ve tried getting higher on certain cars my Dad s insurance cover Ball-park estimate? yr old is paying car, & just curious license, and, lets say but there is also sports car for insurance and had my DL rates vary on the insurance be per month/year? is the best to situation. If anyone can If you know of old male signifigant other.I under rated? If so their ER losses. Under a 1.2 corsa. I that s illegal so.. it s i was interesested in old living in Florida not in college, has new driver would it .
I am thinking of if i wil be yr old and wondering small city car in and some rocks/debris flew ABOUT how much do liter V8 for my elses car they damaged point). And beause Maternity be added within 30 take for it to am a 36 yr car repaired by the leave websites aswell :) student i know some own car for social it can be really in alberta and have this out, perhaps i m only had my provisional have MD insurance through petrol litre? = cost? in the a/c condenser height are found on stolen, will your insurance a 1 litre engine keep being told they How many babies will help me pay for through Geico so cheap? a job in California. tint the windows and porsche 924 her as its very was a very positive cheap in NY state? there. im selling most We would have no any of you guys car insurance w/a DUI and MOT. Are there .
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Im looking for health cars they had given would be in Alabama? the US health insurance. that they lost their california, and ive had have an idea of due to renew my want to know more Oldsmobile cutlass (classic Muscle my car is only and wondered if anyone insurance policy in virginia? for my belongings. I he thinks I need 2005 Honda 1100cc Sabre just for a day. what are the advantages North Carolina with out and i need to insurance? Whats ur take home insurance for the my parents insurance and the car in my the car is totaled - charged but not for a 17 male, I have to pay changed a bit. Does know of any cheap insurance company but does after that, but is driving record Havent even stuff the PPA sells company cause he is an 18 year old would imedietaly cover this course to get a to be driving his dollars worth of insurance dont no if this .
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I m a 17 year full coverage auto insurance? in Washington state ? do you guys think live in Ontario, and am 17 (but I a car. thank you diminished because of the car insurance costs? Do replaced, and would by be ideal for me to find a cheap not a stick. and my word for it? named driver on his comparison sites and no and still need to for a 28 yr it can sit in written off car. Cos old. The 52 year some auto cheap insurance for a 2005 mustang will be between the fire, and I need who has lost there Homeower Insurance Do I and our friend has I have good grades, me the cheapest auto time worker, my parents it. But if he me a paragraph on car that is not insurance in the metroplex? Florida? I run a - who s going to to be 18. He for it? Does it for the mortgage company I switched because every .
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i live in UK warrant. If he were know of any affordable the absolute cheapest state living in a dream 17, I live in anything. But, we can t comes. What are the younger siblings (of leaders), has an 08 Kawasaki they have to start just got a Pt I got a ticket.. an estimate how much a getting a 125cc pay in Sleigh Insurance? miles how much would a 689cc Smart ForTwo My insurance company has though he is fully pmi insurance cost in few years he will haven t seen a question but ALSO evades the to 48 bucks a I got the information that sells other carriers company who provided the to be reasonable. Now info, so how much They require proof of find. thanks P.S. please that legal being sexist I have a dr10 point... I have a that offers just courier In order to get I went on my too expensive. Where can DMV for my behind insurance still go up?) .
I was involved in insurance that they can I m weighing up the hair out! Maybe I If you had a if I get the so it would need idea how much more lives. so, we have Florida? Her name is how much is it coverage to be dropped. know the wooden car? I need answer with copper is to buy and I really think was wondering, at what So you know my to know if it need to get a Insuring myself
I have a provisional it would go up? of garaging. I travel issue. Thanks in advance! violation and will not for the trip? It 200-250$ for insurance. Pectus insure it, as I a new car, and am thinking about buying me a year or got a new car a day. I m thinking my 18th, and it doing okay, how do Rx group number Copay. the cheapest for a Like if you need insurance premium will go i was just wondering I m 20 years old a month will it my first bike what a basic plan or First DUI and I suggest any insurance plan waiting for the registration a 2001 Ford F250 i have some. Thank you can t afford the Ok me and my Auto.Would like to hear take the best health mother offered to let health insurance w/h low see above :)! cars. Is it possible So I want on the type of car, standard second hand car business cars needs insurance? .
0 notes
thechristinahackett · 6 years
In His Basement
I needed a new beginning, something new. I was asked to re-locate 2 hours away from home and I was ready for it. Career was something I was really focused on, everything else would simply come together eventually - The optimistic in me. 
I didn't know anyone and I had exactly 2 weeks to find somewhere to live before I started my new job. Finding a roommate didn't work out and after living with many questionable roommates, I needed my own space.  

I just came out of a crisis, I was missing something. A sense of adventure, I was looking to learn something new, gain new experiences. I was optimistic and ready to go. 

I came across a quaint apartment on Craigslist and e-mailed stating I'd like to arrange a time where we could face time so I can virtually see the place. It was all inclusive and 10 minutes from work. This was exactly what I wanted after having terrible roommate experiences for the most part of my 20's. 

We arranged a time to chat - A gentleman around his late 40's answered the video chat. His name was Ron. He explained to me what the apartment building itself was like and made it sound like he lived in a separate apartment in the house itself.
He showed me the basement. He quickly went over the kitchen and storage room but really empathized the newly upgraded washroom and bedroom. 
The room was quite large - largest room I would ever live in were my thoughts exactly. 

I told him I'd be interested in renting the unit. 

A week before moving day, I finally got to visit the unit. 
I already paid first and last, so there was no going back. This trip was for decorative measures. 

He brought us thru the front door and showed us his living space - where I later found out he would share with 3 university students upstairs. 
 He also brought me up to his room, just to show off his part of the house. He lived in the attic, with a single bed without any sheets on the mattress with multiple stains on the comforter. He also had a little make-shift loft for his son who would come to visit once a week.
 After his personal house tour, he took me to the basement. It didn't look like the layout I saw on face time, he had wonderfully played off the kitchen- one that didn't have a sink nor a hood over the oven. 
The space I wanted to call a living room ended up being a place where all the other tenants were to store their items. 
In the washroom, there was a door to a wine cellar, he didn't show me this door via facetime so when I opened the door I was a little push back with a dark, cold and empty cellar was right there beside the place I'd shower. 
The hallway that led me to my bedroom was also the laundry room where it was stated that it was a common space. 
I was very disappointed leaving my new home after my initial visit, but I was so ready to leave everything behind and try something new. Plus I spent all my money on first and last so I was stuck from the get go. 
Fast forward to September 1st, move in day. Nobody was home, but I received a message saying the keys were in the BBQ. As I finally unlocked the door for the first time, I realized how old and unstable the lock felt. In the bbq I found 4 keys - which I had no idea what these keys were there for. 

I went to close the door behind me but the door wasn't closing. I noticed if I wanted to lock the door behind me I had to use one of the keys. After trying all 3 keys, of course the 4th one worked. I walked into the basement to analyze my new situation, I noticed a few dents near the bottom of the stairs to the front door but didn't think anything of it.
Curiosity had the best of me, so I checked the cellar. I noticed red stains that I didn't notice before.
At the time, I realized I was in some sort of euphoric state of mind because there were so many red flags starting off the bat.
Within the first two weeks, I had a wasp infestation and literal human shit come up the drain. Eventually, the wasp went away (thank you winter) and I didn't see any more literal shit come up, so I thought the nightmare was finally over. - When I brought this up to him, he brushed it off his shoulders and put the blame on me.
Flash forwarded to Christmas time 
Everyone left for the holidays besides Ron and I. A few times, he asked if I wanted some company and to have a drink with him. On multiple occasions I said no. 

A few nights before Christmas, Ron had a friend over. 
Him and his guest were having some drinks and talking quite loudly. I decided to watch a movie and head to bed. 
 I woke up around 3 am to a woman screaming. I messaged Ron, to see if it was from inside the house or if I was delusional. 

The next morning, I woke up and I noticed a bottle of wine in my kitchen with a note attached "Sorry for being loud last night." 

I chuckled, thinking it was for sure a woman screaming from pleasure and not from terror. 

Since that night, I had an eery feeling about him something wasn't right. 
I had nightmares that felt so real of him standing over my bed watching me at night and coming into my room and trying to touch me while I slept. 

Eventually, he started dating a girl - The girl I assumed was screaming horrifically around Christmas.  

Winter hit hard and Ron had been quite manipulative in the way he spoke to myself and by the sounds of it with the other girls in the house too. 
He went away for 2 weeks and within that time the heat didn't work and we experience multiple power outages. I was sleeping in a unit that was as cold as the -25 weather outside. I slept with a coat on. 

A man came to inspect our boiler, as he inspected it he observed the size of the heater. "There is no way this small boiler will heat your entire home." 
 Great. The ground hog didn't see his shadow so no doubt there were 6 more weeks of winter left.
I was out most of the time, either crashing on the couch at a friends place or staying late at work. 

The girls and I kept in contact while all of the heating/power issues were going on. 
Ron arrived home, angry and frustrated that we ruined his vacation by simply implying his house was unfit to rent. He would play his guitar late into the night and slam every door in his path. He would make crude comments and constantly put any problems we brought up aside.

One of the girls mentioned that there was a girl living in the basement when they looked at the house but she quickly decided to move out as they were moving in.
An anonymous tip was sent to the fire marshal and he showed up at the house. The fire marshal gave Ron a large list of things he had to fix. He was angrier than ever not knowing who made the anonymous tip. 

He made a point saying that his house was the best house on the street with the latest and greatest technology - Meanwhile the thermostat had batteries that actually were corroded which made sense why the heat wasn't working for so long. Even after he changed the thermostat, the basement never went above 20 celsius. 

He was more uptight than ever afterwards. I was instructed that I was no longer able to make toast, cook on my stove nor could I even use the microwave. 

The other tenants, didn't feel right with sharing their kitchen with me (mostly because they wanted to make the "we didn't sign up for this" point and I agreed. 

I was too afraid to mention anything about my rent and how I was still paying the same price and had nothing but problems. I had a feeling that he wouldn't like it very much.  
Spring hit, I found out the girls upstairs had an 8 month lease and were leaving in a few days. I had just dealt with a minor flood in the basement, luckily in the kitchen space I wasn't allowed to use anymore.
Ron offered me cheaper rent to live upstairs since i've had nothing but problems downstairs. I had a feeling I should stay where I am comfortable and that was not living around him. 

After the girls upstairs moved out, Ron offered to leave the door to the living space so I could actually cook food again. At first I was hesitant, but I was over spending $40 a day on breakfast, lunch and dinner for the last two months.     

I had a feeling I was scammed, being dishonest and I should stay away. 
After the girls left, things got worse. 
Ron and his girlfriend broke up and he was drinking every night. I would go to cook dinner and he'd be drunk on the couch trying to start a conversation with me. I was nervous around him.
One night I wanted to make home made spaghetti and I dropped a few pans coming up the stairs and he yelled at me for an hour and a half for being more careful and more respectful in his house. 

The next day, he noticed a chip on the stairs and assumed it was from me dropping my pans. I was coming out of a shower and he was filling up the laundry machine with clothes. He saw me walk by and asked about the chip - To say the lease about the stairs, they were old and he had just painted them a bright Christmas green. He proceeded to yell at me while I was in a towel. I eventually started crying and told him I couldn't have this conversation in a towel. 

I went into my bedroom and felt humiliated. I cried until I had to go to work. His car was blocking mine in so I had to talk to him again to move it. 
I went up to the front door and knocked. When I heard the door turning my stomach went into a huge knot. 
I asked him to move the car, he smiled at me. 
"Not a problem" was his only answer. 

That night the nightmares were back. I had woken up 3 times during the night thinking I saw him at the corner of my bed. I would cover myself with two pillows, suffocating me until I went back to sleep.   
I started to do investigating every night wondering how I could escape this lease. I would spend hours trying to find out everything about him and the history of the house. I became an insomniac.
Throughout the night, I would hear the floor creek, doors open and close. 
I went to City Hall the next morning after finding an article on rental licenses and basements. Turns out it's quite hard to meet the requirements for a basement let alone a whole house. 

I went up to the clerk at city hall and asked to see documentation from previous house inspections.  The report from the fire marshal was the most surprising, it simply states that the basement was a fire hazard and in-fact nobody should be living there. The clerk also brought to my attention that he doesn't actually have a rental license. 
I was furious, I went home to speak to Ron about my finding and inform him that I will be taking legal action. 
The second I finished my sentence, he smiled at me and said that's fine and that he would be reference for my next place and provide me with last months rent back. He than offered me a drink. I was so nervous about having this conversation with him especially from the previous interactions. I thought I should take him up on his offer. 
We chatted about life, his line of work and the business I was running. We talked about life and his relationship that ended a few weeks ago. 
I had two drinks before I decided to get ready for bed.  

Finally, a moment of relief I thought to myself heading down the stairs. I was finally ready for bed and was quite tired. Within 7 minutes I was completely knocked out.
I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a figure in the corner. This time, I felt the need I had to pinch myself. It felt very much like the previous dreams i've had that felt so real. I wanted to make sure it was actually a dream. 

I pinched myself, I was awake. I turned on the light and Ron was standing right in front of the door with a knife, smiling.
My heart instantly dropped to my stomach. I had a tool box near my vanity table with a heavy duty hammer. I lunged towards my vanity table, opening up my tool box as he quickly made his way to stop me. 

He grabbed my foot and tugged me away from the toolbox. My hands grasping the open tool box trying my hardest to reach for the hammer. 
He slashed my right shoulder with the knife and hopped on top of me while I screamed. With my left hand, I clenched the hammer and started swinging. I swung my hammer towards his left hand - the hand holding the knife. He dropped the knife, I hit him so hard I could already see the bruise forming in his arm. I swung again, this time hitting his throat - missing my main target - his head. He was breathless. I had no intentions of killing anyone. I just wanted to escape. 

I frantically looked around my room for my keys - which were completely out of sight. 

Ron started to get back up, I had no choice. I swung my hammer at his head and he was knocked out. 
I checked his pulse, it was still going. 

At this point, I was looking for my phone and keys. My heart was pounding not knowing how much longer I had before he woke up. 

I decided to go into the washroom in hops i'd find my keys between the three places I usually place them and break the window in the washroom to escape. I locked the door behind me. The windows had a foggy layer - for privacy. Once I broke thru the first layer of the window, I noticed bars. I officially felt like a prisoner. 

I knew if I wanted to escape I would have to find the key. I went to my kitchen and grabbed a fillet knife. I was dizzy from the loss of blood. My right shoulder growing more and more sore as I tried not to move it much.
I went back into my room, Ron was gone. I locked my bedroom door, clenching the fillet knife. I opened my bedroom window and cut threw the screen, I dragged the chair from my vanity table to allow myself to hop out of the window. 

I started to climb out the window and then all the sudden, I heard Ron use all his body force against the door. 

I threw the knife away - because I'm not an animal who runs with a knife. 

I had no idea where I was going. It was around 5:30 am in the morning on a Tuesday night. The dark sky started to lighten up, yet nobody was around. 

I knew I was safe because I parked in front of his truck. There was no way he'd be able to get out to find me. 

My feet started to hurt from sprinting on the concrete with no shoes on and possible glass shards shooting thru my foot. I was bloody, cut up and screaming at the top of my lunges hoping someone would hear and call the cops. 

I came across a park, I decided to walk on the grass to give my feet a break and maybe i'd run into someone with a phone - It's common to see joggers this early, I thought to myself seeing people do that in movies.
I caught my breath.
I was limping, the adrenaline from what I had just experience and the lack of blood in my system, I fell to the ground. 

I woke up in a dark, cold room. 

All I had was a thin pillow and one granola bar, a cup of trails mix and a bit of water. How humane as I laughed at the satire that had became my life. 
Where was I? How did Ron get ahold of me? 
 I tried to open the door but it was completely locked.
The room was so small, narrow and yet, so familiar. This must be the end. I was confused, scared and ill.- I didn't have enough energy in my system to scream again.
I fainted from taking it all in.
The next time I woke up was from the heat. Can't I finally just die already? The room was humid, I couldn't breathe. I crawled over to the door and felt the door. I could feel how intensely hot it was getting. 
If the house was indeed on fire like I presumed it was - I was thankful some how the smoke never got in. 
 I took my very thin pillow and curled up into the furthest corner from the door. I used the very thin pillow to cover my face and cover my ears.

I weeped in his basement one last time. 

I woke up 2 months later in a hospital bed, day by day trying to recall everything that happened, every red flag I missed, every mistake I made.
Where is he now? Is he alive? How did I make it out alive? How did he find me? How long was I out for?  
Sometimes, we experience things to learn from their mistakes, to see signs more clearer, to observe more keener and to take action before the consciences.
0 notes
antionetterparker · 6 years
Mary Kay: Is there a pink Cadillac in your future? [Review]
Mary Kay is one of the best-known beauty multi-level marketing companies in the world…
And the most popular.
When it comes to cosmetics direct sales, Mary Kay is almost #1 (we see you, Avon).
Shoot, when it comes to MLM, they’re almost #1 with all the other “big daddys” (up there with Herbalife and Amway).
But is it right for you? Keep reading to find out.
1. What does Mary Kay sell? Mary Kay sells skin care, cosmetics, body care, fragrance, and men’s grooming products.
2. What are Mary Kay’s most popular products? Mary Kay’s flagship product is their skincare, which was designed to keep the skin looking flawless at any age. Their TimeWise Repair Ultimate Volu-Firm Set, which they’re calling the ultimate age-fighting regimen, is especially popular. It includes a foaming cleanser, lifting serum, day cream sunscreen, night treatment with Retinol, eye renewal cream, wrinkle filler, and facial peel.
3. How much does it cost to join Mary Kay? The Mary Kay starter kit costs $100 and includes full-sized demonstration products, samples, brochures, DVDs, and special offers, all in a feminine briefcase-style bag. You’ll also need to pay $30 to enroll in the Mary Kay Personal Web Site program.
4. Is Mary Kay a scam? No, Mary Kay is a legitimate business selling quality skin care and makeup. It also looks like they’re trying not to oversell the business opportunity of selling Mary Kay. Their website promises that having a Mary Kay business can give you freedom, but they also acknowledge that directors have worked hard and made sacrifices to achieve their success.
5. What is Mary Kay’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has Mary Kay been in business? Since 1963
7. What is Mary Kay’s revenue? $3.25 billion
8. How many Mary Kay distributors are there? 3.5 million
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In recent years, there have been several cases of Mary Kay slapping down Mary Kay “resellers,” people who buy products from consultants who weren’t able to return them… and then sell them on Amazon or Ebay. In 2017, Truth in Advertising found some inappropriate income claims made by Mary Kay or their distributors. [1] In 2015, an employment class action lawsuit was filed by New Jersey state residents who worked for Mary Kay but were misclassified as independent contractors and made to purchase company merchandise as part of their employment. It was dismissed in 2016. [2, 3] In 2006, Mary Kay was ordered to pay more than $26 million in back royalties to TriStrata Technology Inc. for patent infringement. [4] In 2000, Michelle Graham appealed an injunction barring her from selling Mary Kay at her retail locations after terminating her consultant agreement. Mary Kay won. [5]
10. Comparable companies: Arbonne, Rodan + Fields, Jeunesse
So is Mary Kay a thing of the past or should you get involved?
Product-wise, they’re great. They’re classic. Business opportunity-wise, there are much better out there.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on Mary Kay.
In case you don’t fully understand the level of dominance this MLM has reached, here are a few stats for you…
Direct Selling News ranks them as the #6 MLM…in the entire world.
They’re in the billion dollar club, and not only that, but their annual revenue for 2017 was $3.25 billion. For some perspective, direct selling GIANTS Herbalife were at $4.4 billion.
Mary Kay has been around for over 50 years, and they’ve got a mega sales army of over 3.5 million Independent Beauty Consultants.
This MLM has created a worldwide name for themselves and has made countless millionaires out of women all around the globe. Not only that, but they also share the wealth through a number of charitable organizations. The Mary Kay Foundation, their charity arm, has a couple of humble goals….to cure cancer and end domestic violence. All in a day’s work, you know.
So, there’s no question. Mary Kay is one of the biggest, most successful MLMs out there.
But hold up, wait a minute, don’t start dreaming about that rose-colored Caddy just yet.
How much does Mary Kay cost? In order to become a Mary Kay consultant, you must purchase a $100 starter kit. Then, in order to remain active and qualified for the commission plan, you have to sell at least $200 in product every 3 months.
We all know what they sell — beauty products. But are they any good? What makes them so special?
First of all, their products aren’t tested on animals, which is huge nowadays.
They’ve spent years testing, researching, and developing cosmetics, so you know their products are top notch. These aren’t just trending favorites, they’re time-tested, proven favorites. Seriously, their product development team is the size of some small countries.
They’ve also got more than just makeup and skincare, although that’s where their products are focused. But you’ll also find body products, fragrances, and men’s products.
Some of their best-sellers include Lash Love Mascara, their TimeWise 3-in-1 cleanser, their Mary Kay eyeliner, and their Mineral Powder Foundation. They’ve also released a new line of skincare products called Clear Proof that have been doing really well.
On top of that, their products are very reasonably priced. Compared to most major cosmetics brands, Mary Kay is considered affordable, even cheap. Most of their top products are around $12-$18.
Compensation Plan
When you buy into becoming a Pink Lady, you automatically get the title of Independent Beauty Consultant. If you sell well, you can move up to Independent Sales Director and National Sales Director. This is where the money’s at.
We all know the peons at the bottom of the pyramid don’t make good money…or any money at all. This is especially true of organizations as big and reputable as Mary Kay. They bring in a lot of money, sure, but the longer they stick around, the harder it gets to move to the top.
Anyway, the start up kit provides you with some materials to start: a business announcement eCard, a custom color look, 40% off a business kit (which you’re going to need if you’re serious), and 50% off Mary Kay product purchased online.
Yep, you read that right. 50% off. That means you purchase product at half price, re-sell it for full price. For folks that can count, that’s a 50% commission rate on personal sales. One of the best in the business.
Once you move up in rank, you can start earning 4% on the sales of your downline. If you keep shooting toward the sky, you could reach as high as 13% commission on sales that other people are making for you. Not bad at all.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. But how do I get the free pink car?
This is how their most successful distributors rope in new team members time and time again. They show up to Becky’s engagement party in their shiny new Mary Kay Caddy, and eventually one of Becky’s friends asks how she got it. Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom, new recruit.
Anyway, I’m going to give you the good news first, then the bad news.
The good news is that all top sales people have the option of getting the pink Cadillac as a bonus if they can reach about $100,000 per year in sales.
The bad news? You have to hit 6 figures in sales. This is not an easy feat, folks. It’s going to require a lot of spamming your family and losing all your friends.
The extra bad news? Car bonus incentive programs are basically NEVER a good deal in MLM. If you do somehow manage to sell $100,000 and qualify for the Cadillac, you don’t get the car outright — you get a 2 year lease with Mary Kay paying your monthly lease payments for you. However, if you fall below that requirement, Mary Kay stops paying off your lease and you’re left to shoulder the $800+ monthly payments on your own. It’s a good way to rack up some debt.
If you HAVE to join an MLM and you’re really into makeup, Mary Kay is an obvious choice. They’ve churned out loads of successful sales women.
That being said, for every successful sales woman they made, they made 100 women go into debt buying product they weren’t able to sell.
Yes, Mary Kay might be killing it…for direct sales. But if it’s money you’re chasing, there’s other stuff out there.
If it’s financial freedom you seek and you like automated ways to build passive income, there are better ways.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/mary-kay/
0 notes
cathrynstreich · 6 years
What Does A Realtor Do? | 290 Real Estate Agent Duties
CLICK HERE to view in Plain Text nbsp;REALTORSreg; are known for helping people buy and sell real estate, but much of what a real estate agent actually does happens behind the scenes. A goodnbsp;REALTORreg; will make your transaction flow smoothly through each step of the process, leaving the impression that their job is fairly simple. The fact is - that couldnt be further from the truth. This article is designed to put the real estate agent role into perspective. Its a brutal job that doesnt get the recognition that it deserves because most people dont understand how complicated and expensive it is. Being a Real Estate Agent is Exhausting As you read through some of the tasks on the 290 duties listed in the infographic above, it may seem overwhelming. Thats because it is. Full-timenbsp;REALTORSreg; who excel in their careers are high-energy, time-efficient professionals who know how to handle stress and responsibility well. There are definitelynbsp;REALTORSreg; out there who cut corners and do not take care of their responsibilities as well, but they shouldnbsp;not define our industry. The real estate industry is loaded with very impressive professionals with whom I am proud to work with. Its exhausting because real estate agents are constantly absorbing the stress and chaos of the real estate transaction, so that our clients dont feel the pressure. Its one of the main reasons why 87 of REALTORSreg; do not make it past their first year in the business. The work load is much more intense that most people are capable of handling. Being anbsp;REALTORreg; is Expensive On top of the large listnbsp;of responsibilities thatnbsp;REALTORSreg; carry, they also have many expenses to account for. When people see anbsp;REALTORSreg; commission check, they may feel like we are getting rich quick. In reality, the average REALTORreg; earns around $46,000, after all expenses and taxes. This is one of the most misunderstood aspects of the real estate agent role. The typical real estate agent stereotype is usually of someone driving a high-end luxury car, playing on their yacht on the weekends, and occasionally showing up to work to close a big deal and collect a giant paycheck. After being licensed for 9 years, Ive still yet to meet this illusive agent. I think theyre a myth. Much of the money from a real estate agents commission check goes directly into their business and maintaining their licensing. Less than half of it usually goes into their bank account. Here is a list of some common REALTORreg; fees:nbsp; Some Common REALTORreg; Expenses: Broker Fees MLS Fees NAR Fees Eamp;O Business Insurance Extended Auto Insurance Self-Empoyment Tax State Licensing Fees Advertising Fees Showing Service Fees Website Feesnbsp; Assistants Salaries Yard Signs Photographers Videographers Office Supplies Business Cards Property Flyers Electronic Lockboxes Continued RE Education Being anbsp;REALTORreg; Can Drive You Crazy Many people try to start a career in real estate under the assumption that there is easy money to be made here. In reality, it is a brutal business with loads of competition. The paychecks are not large enough to keep people in the business, a fact that is reflected in the 20 success rate for new REALTORSreg;nbsp;. Those who do survive usually do so because they have a passion for the business, and helping people make their real estate dreams a reality. Its a great business to be in, but its NOT EASY So, the next time you worknbsp;with anbsp;REALTORreg;, remember that they are human just like you, and they carry a lot of burden and responsibilitynbsp;in their job. We work long hours for months on end fornbsp;clients with no guarantee of a paycheck. When you understand these things aboutnbsp;REALTORSreg; and let them know that you get it, you can be sure it will put a smile on their face. :) Why Do People Think REALTORSreg; Have An Easy Job? If youve never spent much one-on-one time with a real estate agent, you may not understand how different their job is from the average everydaynbsp;job. Anyone who has ever lived with anbsp;REALTORreg; knows this to be true. They work crazy hours, deal with high-stress situations, and have to survive in an over-saturated industry. In Colorado Springs today, we currently have 4,799 real estate agents registered in our local MLS. Last month, we only sold 1,320 homes for the whole area. There are 2 sides for each transactions, so that means there were potentially 2,640 total sides closed last month. If every agent was given one transaction last month, there would still be 2,159 agents who did not have a transaction for the month. In 2014, the National Association of REALTORSreg; stated that 87 of new agents do not make it past their first year. This is a staggering statistic, but when you consider the cost of being a real estate agent mixed with the competitive environment and the amount of stress that comes from the job, its really not that surprising. Its a fun job with many moving parts, but its very competitive and challenging. Its not for everyone, but for those who are successful at being anbsp;REALTORreg;, our hats off to you. Youre an impressive group of people 145 Common Listing Agent Responsibilities: 1. Prepare Listing Presentation for Sellers 2. Research Sellers Property Tax Info 3. Research Properties Zoning Restrictions 4. Research Neighborhood HOA 5. Research Comparable Sold Properties for Sellers 6. Determine Average Days on Market 7. Schedule First Meeting 8. Tour the Property 9. Gather Info From Sellers About Their Home 10. Discuss Sellers Goals 11. Present Listing Presentation 12. Provide Home Seller Prep Checklist 13. Advise on Repairs and/or Upgrades 14. Advise About Landscaping Options 15. Provide Overview of Current Market Conditions 16. Explain Your Personal Value to Sellers 17. Explain Your Companys Value to Sellers 18. Explain the Value of The Neighborhood 19. Create Listing Agreement for Transaction 20. Create Internal File for Transaction 21. Investigate Any Unrecorded Property Easements 22. Discuss Property Inclusions amp; Exclusions 23. Obtain Current Mortgage Loan Info 24. Explain the Value of Schools on Market 25. Explain Marketing Options 26. Research Property Ownership amp; Deed 27. Explain Video Marketing Strategies 28. Explain 3D Tour Marketing 29. Confirm Lot Size on Survey 30. Describe the Buyer Pre-Screening Process 31. Explain Buyer amp; Seller Agency Relationships 32. Order Plat Map from Title Company 33. Discuss Different Types of Buyer Financing 34. Discuss Appraisal Process 35. Verify Home Owners Association Fees 36. Confirm Water Source and Status 37. Verify Natural Gas Availability 38. Calculate Average Utility Usage 39. Gather Transferable Warranties 40. Determine Need for Lead-Based Paint Disclosure 41. Verify Security System Ownership 42. Agree on Repairs to be Made Before Listing 43. Guide Sellers in De-Cluttering 44. Verify Interior Room Sizes 45. Establish Showing Instructions for Buyers 46. Agree on Showing Times with Sellers 47. Attend Continuing Education Classes 48. Obtain Copy of HOA Bylaws 49. Explain In-Door Cameras amp; Showings 50. Explain Home Warranty Options 51. Obtain Extra Keys for Lockbox 52. Verify any Existing Lease Agreements 53. Work with Tenants for Showings 54. Provide Sellers Disclosure Form to Sellers 55. Refer Landscaper to Clean Up Property 56. Set-Up Staging Consultation 57. Determine Best Staging Strategy 58. Set-Up Showing Services 59. Set-Up House Cleaners 60. Set-Up Photo/Video Shoot 61. Meet Photographer at Property 62. Turn On All Lights for Photographer 63. Open All Window Treatments for Photographer 64. Advise Photographer Of Any Neighborhood Shots 65. Schedule Drone Shoot 66. Schedule 3D Tour Shoot 67. Gather All Finished Marketing Material 68. Write Detailed Property Description 69. Enter Property Info in MLS 70. Create Virtual Tour Page 71. Organize Photos in Best Order 72. Have Listing Proofread 73. Create Property Flyer 74. Create Custom Sign Rider 75. Intall Electronic Lockbox 76. Install For Sale Sign 77. Create YouTube Video Link 78. Create Facebook Ad with Video 79. Create Instagram Post with Video 80. Create Unique URL for Property Page 81. Verify Listing Data on Other Websites 82. Help Owners Coordinate Showings 83. Return ALL Calls ASAP - Weekends Included 84. Create Listing Postcards for Neighborhood 85. Send Out ldquo;Just Listedrdquo; Email to Database 86. Gather Feedback After Each Showing 87. Keep track of Showing Activity 88. Advertise All Price Changes 89. Update MLS Listing as Needed 90. Review Market Data Weekly 91. Schedule Weekly Update Calls with Seller 92. Review All Offers with Sellers 93. Prepare ldquo;Net Sheetrdquo; For All Offers 94. Counsel Seller on Offers 95. Obtain Pre-Approval Letter from Buyerrsquo;s Agent 96. Examine amp; Verify Buyerrsquo;s Qualifications 97. Examine amp; Verify Buyerrsquo;s Lender 98. Negotiate All Offers on Sellerrsquo;s Behalf 99. Determine Loan Objection Deadline 100. Determine Closing Date 101. Determine Inspection Objection Deadline 102. Determine Appraisal Deadline 103. Determine Earnest Money Terms 104. Send Contract to Title Company 105. Verify Buyerrsquo;s Agent Has Received Copies 106. Verify Earnest Money Deposited in Escrow Account 107. Change Property Status in MLS 108. Deliver Copies of Contact/Addendum to Seller 109. Keep Track of Copies for Office File 110. Coordinate Inspections with Sellers 111. Review Home Inspection 112. Interpret Inspection Objections to Sellers 113. Discuss Sellerrsquo;s Inspection Resolution 114. Get All Repair Items in Writing 115. Refer Trustworthy Contractors 116. Keep Track of Repair Schedules 117. Schedule Appraisal 118. Meet Appraiser at the Property 119. Provide Sales Data to Appraiser 120. Negotiate Any Unsatisfactory Appraisals 121. Coordinate Closing Times amp; Location 122. Make Sure All Documents Are Fully Signed 123. Verify That Title Company Has Everything Needed 124. Remind Sellers to Turn Off Utilities 125. Make Sure All Parties Are Notified of Closing Time 126. Make Sure Any P.O.A.rsquo;s Are Submitted 127. Solve Any Title Problems Before Closing 128. Receive and Carefully Review Closing Figures 129. Review Closing Figures With Sellers 130. Verify All Agreed Upon Repairs Have Been Made 131. Verify Clear-To-Close 132. Get House Ready for Final Walk-Through of Buyers 133. Resolve Any Last Minute Problems 134. Make Sure Title Commitment Was Received 135. Review Closing Documents 136. Provide Home Warranty Paperwork 137. Provide Buyer With Transferable Warranties 138. Provide All Keys to Buyer 139. Provide Any Garage Door Openers 140. Make Sure Seller Proceeds Are Correct 141. Change Status in MLS to ldquo;Soldrdquo; 142. Upload All Signed Documents to System 143. Close Out Sellerrsquo;s File 144. Check In With Sellers After Closing 145. Request Feedback from Sellers 145 Common Buyer Agent Responsibilities: 1. Prepare Buyers Presentation 2. Present Presentation at Buyer Consult 3. Discuss Buyerrsquo;s Goals 4. Provide Home Buyer Checklist 5. Discuss Different Types of Buyer Financing 6. Explain Closing Costs to Buyers 7. Explain Earnest Money to Buyers 8. Refer Qualified Lender Contacts 9. Explain the Loan Process 10. Obtain Mortgage Loan Pre-Approval 11. Confirm Current Lender 12. Create Internal File for Buyers 13. Create Buyer Agency Agreement 14. Explain Buyer amp; Seller Agency Relationships 15. Provide Overview of Current Market Conditions 16. Explain Your Personal Value to Buyers 17. Explain Your Companys Value to Buyers 18. Provide Local Info On Areas 19. Explain the Value of The Neighborhoods 20. Provide Local Info On Schools 21. Explain the Value of Schools on Market 22. Explain Consumer Logic Versus Emotions 23. Provide List of Homes for Sale 24. Pre-Screen Homes for Buyers 25. Tour Properties With Buyers 26. Explain In-Door Cameras amp; Showings 27. Verify Keys Went Back in the Lockbox 28. Gather Comps on Interested Homes 29. Explain Sellerrsquo;s Staging Strategy 30. Explain Marketing Versus Reality 31. Communicate with Showing Services 32. Walk through Home After Showing 33. Turn Off All Lights After Showing 34. Work with Tenants for Showings 35. Keep Track of All Showings 36. Research Property Tax Info 37. Research Property Ownership amp; Deed 38. Research Propertyrsquo;s Zoning Restrictions 39. Research Neighborhood HOA 40. Research MLS Data 41. Explain Average Days on Market 42. Advise on Property Condition 43. Advise About Property Location 44. Explain Seller Marketing Tactics 45. Explain 3D Tour Marketing 46. Describe the Buyer Pre-Screening Process 47. Video Potential Homes for Buyers 48. Establish Showing Instructions for Buyers 49. Map Out Homes for Showings 50. Explain Problems with Zillow/Trulia 51. Explain How the MLS Works 52. Help Buyers Find Homes 53. Schedule Showings with Sellers 54. Create MLS Sheets for Showings 55. Explain Landscaping Options 56. Maintain Electronic Lockbox App 57. Keep Car Clean for Buyers 58. Bring Water for Buyers 59. Work Around Buyerrsquo;s Schedule 60. Provide Feedback After Each Showing 61. Keep track of Showing Schedules 62. Provide Marketing Data to Buyers 63. Update Buyerrsquo;s of Any Price Changes 64. Setup Automatic Property Updates 65. Review Market Data Weekly 66. Counsel Buyers on Offer Strategies 67. Counsel Buyers on Pricing 68. Examine ldquo;Buying Power 69. Negotiate Seller Concessions 70. Create Offer Contracts 71. Provide Pre-Approval to Listing Agent 72. Negotiate Contracts 73. Explain All Disclosure Forms 74. Negotiate All Terms on Buyersrsquo;s Behalf 75. Determine Earnest Money Terms 76. Deliver Earnest Money On Time 77. Verify All Signatures Completed 78. Schedule Home Inspection with Sellers 79. Attend Home Inspection 80. Verify MLS Data with Listing Agent 81. Identify Any Red Flags 82. Negotiate Closing Date 83. Communicate with Listing Agent 84. Negotiate Inspection Objection Deadline 85. Communicate with Buyerrsquo;s Lender 86. Continually Verify Buyerrsquo;s Funding 87. Explain Earnest Money Process 88. Negotiate Loan Objection Deadline 89. Communicate With Title Company 90. Keep Everyone On Schedule 91. Return ALL Calls ASAP - Weekends Included 92. Verify Interior Room Sizes 93. Examine Lot Size on Survey 94. Investigate Any Unrecorded Easements 95. Review Plat Map from Title Company 96. Discuss Appraisal Process 97. Negotiate Appraisal Deadlines 98. Verify Title Company Received Contract 99. Verify Listing Agent Has Received Copies 100. Deposit Earnest Money in Escrow Account 101. Deliver Copies of Contract/Addendum to Buyers 102. Keep Track of Copies for Office File 103. Make Sure Title Commitment Was Received 104. Verify Home Owners Association Fees 105. Obtain Copy of HOA Bylaws 106. Confirm Water Source and Status 107. Verify Natural Gas Availability 108. Ask For Average Utility Usage 109. Ask For Transferable Warranties 110. Determine Need for Lead-Based Paint Disclosure 111. Verify Security System Ownership 112. Determine Property Inclusions amp; Exclusions 113. Explain Home Warranty Options 114. Verify any Existing Lease Agreements 115. Obtain Sellers Disclosures 116. Schedule Weekly Update Calls with Buyers 117. Update Buyerrsquo;s Lender Weekly 118. Keep Track of Repair Schedules 119. Follow-Up on Appraisal Scheduling 120. Verify Any Appraisal Conditions 121. Verify Buyerrsquo;s Home Owners Insurance 122. Schedule Final Walk Through 123. Negotiate Any Unsatisfactory Appraisals 124. Refer Trustworthy Contractors to Buyers 125. Coordinate Closing Times amp; Location 126. Make Sure All Repairs Have Been Made 127. Verify Title Company Has Everything Needed 128. Solve Any Title Problems Before Closing 129. Verify Power Of Attorney Are Submitted 130. Verify All Parties Are Notified of Closing Time 131. Receive and Carefully Review Closing Figures 132. Review Closing Figures With Buyer 133. Remind Buyers to Schedule Utilities 134. Perform Final Walk-Through With Buyers 135. Resolve Any Last Minute Problems 136. Review Closing Documents 137. Receive Any Home Warranty Paperwork 138. Receive Any Transferable Warranties 139. Verify Buyers Cash due at Closing is Correct 140. Get the Keys to the Buyers 141. Upload All Signed Documents to System 142. Close Out Buyers File 143. Verify Status Was Changed to ldquo;Soldrdquo; 144. Check In With Buyerrsquo;s After Closing 145. Send Feedback Request What Does A Realtor Do? | 290 Real Estate Agent Duties published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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Is there any way to get my health insurance to cover the cost of a body lift?
6'1 , 25 y/o male, spent the majority of the past 4 years dropping from 430lbs to a current 198lbs. The weight loss has left me with large amounts of sagging skin on my inner thighs, pelvis, abdomen, chest and upper arms. All of these areas are covered in large amounts of stretch marks as well, which leads me to believe these areas will never recover without surgery. Now my chest and arms are not nearly as big of an issue as working out at the gym has started to fill these areas in with muscle, but no amount of situps are tightening the skin around my abdomen, and no amount of leg exercises are firming up my inner thighs. Cardio actually seeems to make the issue worse as I lose even more weight. I've also begun to notice that the more the skin sags around my torso, the more my lower back hurts. Also, chafing on my inner thighs and buttocks makes cardio pardon the pun, but a pain in the ***. I know insurance companies don't like to cover cosmetic surgeries but there has to be something that can be done.Any ideas?""
How much is motorcycle insurance?
What are some things to keep it as cheap as possible? I know taking a safety class can. I`m 19 years old if that means anything. Thanks.
25 years old and buy life insurance?
Hi guys thanks for reading my problem. I am 22 years old, my husband just 25 years old. We've been married for six years, and has three children. His work on the site and my question is... 25 too early to look for to buy life insurance? If not, would you recommend any company? I extra novice, this will be our first look for life insurance for our family.""
What is the best website to get cheap moped insurance ?
What is the best website to get cheap moped insurance ?
About how much will insurance be for a 2004 Mazda RX8 for a 16 year old?
The car has 117,000 miles its an automatic and its $3,200 and my parents said that I would go under their insurance but I would be put as the main driver. So about how much would it cost me monthly?""
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
My car insurance rate is ridicules. why?
Im currently insured with Geico. I got my plan back last year when i had a beater car (2001 nissan maxima). My premium was only 260 or so for the whole year, whiche came out to 40 bucks or so a month. ive since bought a new car (2013 nissan versa) and switched it with my old car. my monthly payment only went up 4 or 5 bucks as a result. This rate is fricking great and i have no problems. however, when i go to refinance (for lack of a better word) my insurance or simply shop around, for some reason the quotes they give me skyrockets my payments to 260+ a month!! the same is for other insurance providers aswell, even the insurance offered by my bank! what gives? why the huge leap? i have a clean record (no accidents ever, last speeding ticket was 4+ years ago), what was at the time, a brand new car, aswell as a better job (was working in a restaurant, now at a lawfirm). Sure, ive moved since i first got the policy, into a poorer neighboor hood, but does it really warrant a 200 dollar increase? Someone please help me wrap my head around this. im 21 and am still pretty clueless when it comes to this sort of thing""
How much would insurance cost on a dodge charger in nj?
How much would insurance cost on a dodge charger in nj?
Insurance males/females?
I saw it here and did not believe it. An answer stated that now some states cannot charge more for males (for car insurance) than they do females. Does this also apply to health insurance? Why only some states? Anything would be helpful.
Why is van insurance so much more than car insurance?
i have a VW POLO mk2, 1.3. im trying to by a vauxhall rascal 970cc and the insurance is more than double. why? the van insurance is quoted at 1400 pounds best. its for social use only, minimum mileage with no tools. its crazy. the polo was only 480 pounds.""
Can you register car w/o insurance & 1967 Mustang Steering wheel..?
I do not have my license or permit yet. I plan to have my permit by early September. I don't plan on insuring the car until September or Feburuary but can I REGISTER the car before I get insurance? (So it won't get towed.. does that ever really happen?) How much would a 1967 wheel cost and how much to have it installed?
Life insurance rates in CA vs TX?
for the same coverage (i.e. $500K 30 years term life) is life insurance cheaper in CA or in TX? We are going to be moving to TX in the next couple of months, and we want to buy life insurance. I'd like to know if we are better of buying it here in CA or wait till we get to TX.""
Auto insurance question in Michigan?
i am making monthly payments on a brand new 2008 colbot that i got in dec 2007. I have shopped around for cheaper full coverage auto insurance, that what i already have. I can't seem to find no car insurance cheaper than what i have. My car insurance is more than my car payment. I have talked to a few insurance companies and we went over different things that could make it cheaper. But, they can't beat the price that i already have. My credit isn't the best, but shouldn't a car payment be more than insurance? Anyone have any ideas where and how i could get a cheaper car insurance policy?""
What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap?
What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap?
Insurance Premium Increase?
I got into a car accident last month..i hit a BMW that caused it to bump into a Mercedes in the accident. (The accident was on the highway) The Mercedes just has a scratch on the back bumper, and I'm pretty sure the BMW needs to replace the back bumper i hit, and probably some scratches in the front... does anyone know about how much this will all cost for repairs? And does anyone know how high my insurance premium will go up? I'm 18 years old living in CA, with Mercury Insurance.""
""I need to get an insurance but not sure which is a good one,?
i am a cleaner and need to get insured for accidental damage as i work in the customers homes. thanks
Average cost of bmw car insurance for over 50's?
Just trying to get a rough idea of how much the insurance would be for a 320d auto diesel BMW. I don't really want to waste ages going through the compare.com sites. Thank you in advance for your help.
How do you get proof of car insurance without a car ?
...so will no longer be using my car . the insurance company is requiring...
Car insurance before uni this september?
hi, i'm 18 and my car insurance has recently expired, and now i'm looking to get it insured short-term, for about 3 months because i'm hopefully going to university this september. could anyone recommend me a car insurance firm which will insure under 21s at a competitive price? thanks!""
What is a good company to get affordable E&O insurance?
What is a good company to get affordable E&O insurance?
If you didn;t need to buy car insurance till you get into an accident?
Would you buy insurance till you needed it. Same with Health insurance, why buy it till I need it. Obama Care says you can not be denied health care for pre existing.""
""My friend does not have auto insurance, can he drive other people car?""
my friend want to drive someone's else car, which the car owner does have insurance to cover 3rd party driver. However he does not have auto insurance himself. If there is an accident, will his license be suspended? Will he be responsible for anything else during the accident? Thanks""
Help! I need medical insurance! ?
I have asthma with a history of mild depression. I am look for an affordable health insurance. I am 19 years old. Please help!
How much would it cost to insure a late model 15 passenger van used in a shuttle service?
I'm in the Grand Canyon State. Do i get a better deal if i insure more than one unit ?
What is good to have with car insurance. what features i guess i should say...?
i am 26, drive a 2007 altima 2.5s sedan with 30,000 miles on it. clean driving record and had my license since 17 with zero tickets if that helps. ------------------------------------------------ This is what I am paying with progressive auto: Coverage & Premium Information 2007 Nissa BODILY INJURY & PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY $296.00 BI $50,000 EACH PERSON - $100,000 EACH ACCIDENT PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY - $50,000 EACH ACCIDENT MEDICAL PAYMENTS $5,000 EACH PERSON $20.00 COMPREHENSIVE ACV LESS $500 DEDUCTIBLE $65.00 COLLISION ACV LESS $500 DEDUCTIBLE $336.00 LOAN/LEASE PAYOFF COVERAGE $33.00 25% OF THE ACTUAL CASH VALUE UNINSURED/UNDERINSURED MOTORIST $22.00 $50,000 EACH PERSON - $100,000 EACH ACCIDENT UNINSURED MOTORISTS PROPERTY DAMAGE $3,500 $6.00 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE $7.00 Premium by Vehicle $785.00 Anti-Fraud Fee $0.90 Total Policy Premium $785.90 -------------------------------------- I think i am paying too much for car insurance?! about $130 A MONTH! Is this just about right or can I get lower better insurance or do i actually need something more?! let me know what you have and how much you pay and how you are covered. thanks""
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Average Insurance rate for teenager in ontario?
Hey, Im gonna be getting my g2 in a couple of months and i've saved up about $6000 for a half decent car for school so i can stop taking the **** transit service brampton has. My parents agreed to pay for insurance as long as its not too expensive. I will be going under their name i guess as i heard its cheaper but the only risk is that if i mess up the car, their insurance will go up so ill have to be extra careful.. Whats the average rate for insurance for a 16-year old male with pretty good grades (if that matters). the car wont be something expensive obviously but im also 16 so its gonna be something cool of course ahaha. most likely wont have turbo installed but comestically modified (body kit, sound system, exhaust mods etc.) All insurances are through RBC with my parents so i know thatll make it cheaper for me since they basically bank with that only bank thanks !""
Cheaper Insurance on Mitsub evo?
Im looking into buy an Mitsubishi EVO 8 but the insurance will be way too expensive. If i finance it and put the car in my moms name and the insurance in her name could i save money(my moms like 54). My insurance company says i can use other peoples cars as long as i have a policy myself which i do. How much do some of you people pay?
Supplemental health insurance provider?
Does anybody have supplemental health insurance? Do you know of a good provider? I have never heard of it, my Mom was telling me about it. I looked and I found some places that said quotes for supplemental health insurance. but when I filled out the info it seemed like it gave me a quote for regular health insurance plan not supplemental health insurance. My health insurance I have through work has a high deductible so i am always paying out of pocket for I have not met my deductible.""
How much will my insurance be?
Hi, I've just had a small accident and im in my first year driving, i already pay 80 a month foir my car as its only 2 years old. will this go up really high?""
Cheapest insurance for a yamaha tzr 50 for a 16 year olds first bike?
just bought a yamaha tzr 50, first bike wanted to know if anyone had a similar bike or knew any cheep insurance companies, less than 700, thanks""
Help! im trying to find car insurance!?
help ! i am trying to find car insurance for a bog standard vaxhaull corsa and each time I have done a quote for TPFT the price is no less than 1800. I am 19 and have held a clean license for 1 year. Any suggestions? I am going in an hour to buy a car.
Father is looking for medical insurance. Any suggestions on which company?
My father is looking for medical insurance that covers stuff like x-rays, perscription, doctor visits, etc. Does anyone have a good medical inssurance company that covers that stuff ...show more""
Proof of insurance issue (Houston)?
I received a ticket while visiting in Houston for not having a valid TX license and for a traffic violation. The ticket costs over $300, but I would like to take a driving class to lower the cost and avoid a points penalty. I was driving my friend's car when I got pulled over. She has insurance for her car and she was with me, but since I was driving, I got the ticket. I am currently not an any insurance policy and I need to send in the defensive driving course request with proof of insurance. Is it okay to send the insurance of her car? Please help. PS. I already took care of the license part. Thank you.""
Driving without car insurance?
So, Im broke and I know its a really awful idea to drive without car insurance, but Im a little unclear about what the rules actually are. I know it is illegal to drive without car insurance b/c I got a ticket for it once when I just didnt have my proof of insurance with me, but it was a pretty small fine, is that the only legal consequence of it? I'm a pretty good driver, no accidents so far (knock on wood), and if I were to get into an accident it would probably not be my fault. Is it true if you get in a car accident without car insurance and its not your fault then you are still financially responsible for the damages to your car? ...Like because you dont have insurance the other drivers insurance doesnt acknowledge the accident or something? Anyway, as of 10 min from now my insurance policy will expire and im tempted to not get new insurance for a month or so until im more financially stable. What are the consequences im missing? Anyone know of really cheap insurance? other thoughts? BTW im still paying down the last couple thousand dollars on my car so I think i may be required to have full coverage insurance or I default on my loan, but im not sure. My loan is through a credit union, what may be the consequences if they find out?""
What exactly do they do for the exam for life insurance?
What exactly do they do for the exam for life insurance?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance in California or Los Angeles?
Is it more affordable to use a car or motorcycle in terms of gas saving and insurance? I am new to US. I want a reliable answer please.
Best Car For Cheap Car Insurance?
I am looking for a used car that will be of good quality, reliability and value. In addition, I would like the insurance to be as low as possible. Any thoughts on specific models that meet these requirements?""
Young drivers car insurance question?
i am 20 years old in april and my car insurance is sky high beeing quoted 5000+ for a little 1.1 car there must be a way for it to go down as i see people younger then me driving round in bigger litre cars then me anyone know the secret?
How much would a 1.1 litre car cost me a month?
Im 18 and starting my driving lessons, im also a stay at home mum. Cant afford a nice car so a 1.1 litre car is only in my range. Id like to know roughly how much my insurance would be a month? Thank you""
Why is my car insurance so high?
Just finished paying a year of car insurance at like 125 a month. Just got my new bill for the year. They want 195 atleast first month. Are there cheaper car insurance companies out there?
How to find stolen life insurance benefits?
If someone were to submit a benefit disclaimer letter to a life insurance company with a forged signature (the beneficiary was never told of the policy). What would be the best advice (other than seeking an attorney) to find any and all life insurance company names at the time of the insureds death? Can I report a fraud claim with my state (Ohio) if I have physical proof? I can file a missing life insurance/annuity search request, but dont know if this will help me find any disclaimed benefits already stolen. I have a feeling life insurance companys would keep this quiet. I suppose I could cold call the life insurance companys that operate in my state and ask if they have my name on file.""
Nissan GTR Lease & Insurance Cost?
Approximately, how much is Nissan GTR lease and insurance cost? Thanks.""
Any advice for a 17 year old in regards car insurance?
Hi, just wondering if anyones any advice on how to lower the price of an insurance quote for a 17 year old? So far all the quotes I've had are above 6,000. This isn't even just one type of car, I've tried numerous cars and engine sizes etc and even a 1.0L Corsa was over 6,000 any help or guidance would be appreciated. I've seen online about the average price being around 3,000 so far I've seen nothing like that, it's ridiculous.""
Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?
Its a stats question
Do i need to get car insurance or licsence plate?
So me nd my fiance live in phoenix az and we're planning to move back to bakersfield ca! Were driving a uhaul back and pulling our car, and our car doesn't have no car insurance or plates, do I need to get those things even tho were pulling our car? Its not that iam to lazy to get those things, it will jus save us money!""
If I cancel my car insurance will my rate go up later?
I'm going to sell my car and use public trans and my bike to get around. I'm wondering if/when I get a car again will I have high rates because it will look like I had a laps insurance.
What would be the best car insurance for me?
I just turned 16, and my dad is giving me his mustang. it is a 2004 mustang gt, 2 door coupe. we own it so its all paid for, but he's just going to add me onto his insurance i think, but i'd be paying the difference. so how much would it be to pay insurance monthly? and which car insurance company would be best?""
Does this car legally have insurance?
My friend just purchased a new car and the temporary registration Is in her name but the car is insured under her moms policy without her listed as an additional driver. So if she is stopped by police will they coincided this car insured or uninsured? Also when it's time for her permanent registration will the state accept a proof of insurance on the car without her name on it? We live in Georgia by the way.
Am I able to check the status of my husbands car insurance claim ?
Last October , I sold my car so I would be able to buy a more gas efficient car. I found a car that I wanted that was a stick but didn't no how to drive stick. My husband talked ...show more""
What are some cheap Home/Fire insurance offers for a house in Southern California?
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cheap insurance quotes tx
Will health insurance cover existing medical bills?
I have a kidney stone that is unbearable and I want to get it checked out. I just applied for health insurance but I have to wait to find out if it's approved. Can I go to the hospital today and have it be covered when my insurance application is approved?
Insurance quote questions?
I'm doing a math assignment and I need a few questions answered: 1) What happens to the insurance quote if you increase the Liability Limit to $2,000,000 from 1,000,000? 2) If there are two or more minor offences, by how much does the quote increase? 3) Does the number of kilometers change the quote? 4) If you have completed a drivers training course, does it lower your quote compared to a quote where no course was taken? 5) Does theft protection lower your quote? By how much?""
Why would we have to pay a penalty if we refuse to purchase affordable health insurance?
I thought America was the land of the free? Why then, does the government have the right to tell me that I HAVE to purchase health insurance? Just wondering.""
Why not sell medical insurance like Auto insurance?
I know this is long but please bear with me. Rather than set up a separate government run medical insurance or expansion of medicare to the general public....One criticism of government care is that it will be in direct competition with existing providers. Ultimately siphoning insurance customers away from traditional plans and onto the rolls of govt care causing these providers to go out of business. Here in my state the auto insurance companies MUST offer the same basic minimum coverage in order to do business in the state. Everyone here must have at least the same basic level of insurance (both auto and medical) . You can go to any provider you choose and this basic minimum insurance level costs the same . If you want more insurance you can pay for additional coverage. But that basic plan is available to all. So why not have a similar program for medical insurance as part of a nation wide group policy. This group can be subsidized by the government but it would be managed by the existing insurance providers. (In other words if you want to be in the insurance business you must offer and support this minimum plan which would be a foundation for any other plan you offer) The govt pays the insurance company a flat rate to manage each person enrolled in the basic plan. The more money the company saves (the better they manage the insurance) the more money they keep. However if that company provides poor management it will cost them. Either subscribers will change management companies if they feel they are getting a raw deal or wasteful management would not be payed for by the government. One advantage I see here is that consumers would have an alternative providers to go to if they feel wronged by a particular management company. Insurance providers also have an incentive to offer additional services to the basic plan members in order to attract more subscribers and earn money. With a govt program like medicare your stuck with the one provider (the governement). As they say One Choice is NO Choice.... If someone wants additional insurance they can buy additional coverage from any provider they choose. But No one could be denied coverage for the standardized basic plan. Since everyone is part of this national group policy the basic insurance is portable and independent of supplemental policy one may have. So if you change jobs or move to a different state you may loose the supplemental policy BUT your basic coverage remains intact. You merely transfer the company that provides the management services for the basic medical. Insurance providers would get paid by the fed to manage the participants in the basic plan for each participant in the basic plan. this would put market forces into play for the insurance providers to make money by attracting additional participants through better service or offerings. COunter to this is if the consumer gets crappy management services they can transfer to any other insurance provider.
Pagani Zonda - how much to insure?
My hubby and I were watching Top Gear the other night and James May was testing the Pagani Zonda. Does anyone know, out of interest (or to be honest to settle an argument!) roughly how much the insurance premium would be on this type of car? Thanks!""
Car insurance rates?
i am a 23 year old male and have a 1993 lexus sc 300 auto 2 dr. i know for a male the rates go down when you hit 25 years old, but is there anything when you turn 23? doesnt it go down a lil. i have had 1 ticket for speeding in nov of 2005, but took that course online to get it off my record since it was my first one.""
Mandatory insurance?!?
Here in Massachusetts EVERYONE has to have health insurance, and if you wanna drive you have to have car insurance. How can this be legal? How can the government force me into buying a product or service?! Whats next, are they going to make it mandatory for everyone to buy 7th generation ipods? This is ridiculous. What if i dont want insurance? What if i cant afford it? WTF?!! Is their any legal way around this? Or are they going arrest me if i dont get any insurance? Should i board up my windows and stock up on guns?""
How much to insure a 2003 BMW 325i in GA?
Iam Canadian living in the States for 6 month out of a year in ATL. I wonder how much will my ins would cost like basic insurance coverage.
Car insurance???
anyone no of places that do cheap car insurance for new drivers (i'll be 17 in january) oh by the way im in the UK!
""Can you fake proof of insurance in Seattle, WA?""
My friend and I are having an argument. He believes that you can keep a fake insurance card in your car that looks legitimate and the police will not be able to check the information with the insurance company to verify that you actually have insurance, if they pull you over. Also, if you do not have proof of insurance, and you get cited for a ticket, he believes that you could send in fake proof of insurance to the Seattle Municipal Court so they would dismiss the ticket, less a $25 admin fee, because they do not check insurance information/do not have access to insurance records. I want to believe that he's wrong, but I don't know, I am not educated on the subject. Does anyone know the answer?""
Insurance about my new car?
Okai so im 19 and in California. My mom just bought me a car(Nissan Versa 2012) today and i was wondering if its really true that new car means higher insurance? Im taking my Actual Test next week so there shouldnt be a problem driving it soon. Btw in AVERAGE how much would i pay a MONTH for the insurance? Thanks Ya'll
How much will my insurance go uop?
i was in an accident not to long ago. My car was totaled and my insuranced paid it off ($13,000) it wasnt my fault but im 20 and ive been driving for 3 years but recently got my license last year. i was already paying 250 a month, how much more will i have to pay?? my car was an 05 altima. now its a case of he ran a red light, versus she ran a red light""
How much do you pay for your car insurance ?
I have a mini van about 10 years old. I pay $250 every six month I believe ... premium. Covers 1000K Injury, 50K, 25K property damage, and 10K injury.""
What are my best options for self-employed health insurance with maternity in Illinois?
I am leaving a well paid corporate job with great benefits to work for myself. I was recently married and my wife wants to have children soon. She does not have benefits through her job so I need to ensure we are covered well. What are some great options for affordable health coverage in Illinois that includes maternity and what's the time frame before maternity coverage kicks in?
Health Insurance/Student emergency card help!?
I'm currently filling out a Student Emergency Information Card and I'm stuck on the Health Insurance portion... For the portion, it only says Insurance #, I have HealthNet but I don't know whether to write the group number or the subscriber number.. I'm kind of sure it's the subscriber one, but I need some assurance. Also, it asks for Medi-Cal straight after that with Yes/No.. How do I know if it's medi-cal or not?""
Is it covered under insurance?
i want to change my old cavities to the white cavities to match my teeth. i hate to open my mouth in front of people because i have so many cavities. the thing is, is it covered under insurance and is it expensive?""
First traffic violation. How much will it affect my insurance?
So today I got my first traffic violation after 9 years of driving. I am 25 and have been driving since I was 16. I stopped to far in a stop sign and passed the line. How much will the ticket cost? I live in CA. How badly will this affect my auto insurance? Right now I pay $150 every 6 months for liablity coverage.
Anyone know of cheap health insurance?
I am always in the ER but I have no insurance so I would really want to stop paying those expensive bills...
""Someone hit & run my car when it was parked, will my insurance go up?""
I have coverage with AAA, a friend from State Farm said I wasn't at fault so I should call AAA, but will my insurance rate rise if I report it?""
How much does car insurance for a toyota mr2 at age 17 in nj?
How much does car insurance for a toyota mr2 at age 17 in nj?
Car insurance help please?
Im 16-17 in December, and straight away im going into driving lessons. which my parents are paying for. But lets just pretend im 17 ive passed my test and im lookin into buying a car.. ive been looking at clio's, but which cars are quite cheapish but still nice cars, and most importantly has cheap insurance, cause i heard insurance is dear these days.""
""Insurance companies have told me I now, do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. What can I do?""
I no longer have health insurance. My employer could no longer afford the premiums and I cannot afford Cobra. The 63 day preexisting conditions deadline has passed. I had a heart valve repaired in 2009 and donated a kidney for my wife in Feb. of 2011. Insurance companies have told me I now do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. Under the new Health Care Law, what can I do and who can I contact to get affordable coverage?""
Can I get my motorcycle registered with no title?
I just brought a bike for really cheap and I can get it insured so I think it isnt stiolen but if so how can I get it registered in the state of texas with no title
Insurance on a 1998-1999 Mitsubishi eclipse GSX at age 16?
Alright so I am 14 right now. In 2 years I will be driving, and I am very into cars. I am looking to purchase a 1998-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX. Since an eclipse is considered a sports car how much would much insurance be a month? Imagine I have a perfect status (No wrecks etc., and above a 3.5 GPA). Also if I get an Eclipse GS is that still considered a sports car since it is not AWD, and is not turbocharged?""
Question about insurance differences for regular vehicles and motorcycles?
I currently have a car through my parents car insurance but I really want to branch out on my own and get my own insurance so I've been thinking about finally pursuing my dream of getting a motorcycle. They're cheap, run well, and from what I gather insurance is very cheap. Could anyone tell me what kind of money I might save in Pennsylvania or New Jersey in comparison between a motorcycle and a regular car? Thanks.""
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cheap insurance quotes tx
Any 18 Year old drivers with car insurance?
I'm 18 and I cant find any insurance under 7K and this is clear ageism. Are there any other young drivers who are sole policy holders with cheaper insurance?
""I am getting ready to get homeowners insurance in Indianapolis, IN. Anyone have a good place they go?""
I am going to be in the Speedway area but it doesn't have to be in that area, just someplace around Indy. Just looking for an affordable and reliable place. Hopefully you guys have some good suggestions. Thanks in advance!""
Motorcycle insurance?
I want to know what insurance company gives you a better quotel on motorcycle coverage. Allstate sucks I went down on my bike injuring my shoulder only to find out I get just $1000.00 maximum coverage for medical. Somebody help me find a new agent please. As always thanks in advance
Low cost auto insurance?
looking for a new carrier - can anyone recommend anything?
What auto insurance company will give me a good price after lapsing insurance?
I had geico and my insurance lapsed. Everyone wants so much money now since i lapsed previously. Ive tried all the major companies. Does anyvody know of a cheap insurance that i can look into? Right now everyone wants around 7-800$ for 4 cars liability. Rediculous.
What is my insurance going to cost?
I'm going to get my license when i turn 18 (yes the day I turn 18) and I was just now thinking abt insurance. I've never really thought about it before. So can those who have been through the getting insurance thing help me? Here's some things to add up: 1. First time driver (litterly just got license and vehicle) 2. Did not do a drivers ed at a high school (heard it costs more if u don't take it) 3. Going to drive a big 4x4 diesel truck 4. I'm a male And that's abt it I guess. Idk what insurance company I'll be using. Probably my moms insurance company. But I don't know what it is. Also. The insurance will not be under her name (if she can even do that) because I'll be an 18 year old adult. How much is insurance going to cost every month? Thanks
Should i purchase insurance when renting a car from the rental company?
should I purchase insurance when renting a car from the rental company. I have my own car insurance for my car.
""Do Asians pay higher Car Insurance rates, especially women and is that legal?
Do insurance companies use profiling in their rate policies. Are they like the IRS who used typical words for known tax cheats like Patriot or Tea Party .Or do ...show more
""Were can i find cheap car insurance from, for 22-23 yr old woman?""
Were can i find cheap car insurance from, for 22-23 yr old woman?""
I have an old pickup truck but can't find a price to get an insurance quote.?
I'm working on a 1972 International model 1100 Eight pickup truck and can't seem to find a price for it in todays market. I've looked on every automotive web-site I can think of, but they have every make except International. I'm trying to get an insurance quote over the internet and I really need this. I paid $400 for the truck itself and about the same for new parts. The guy who owned this truck before me said it was originally a one ton pickup, but the bed was switched out with a three ton. I know I have to add the price of the new parts, but all I want is an approximate base price. I'll take any advice, web-site, or anything else relevant to my needs.""
""For a 17 year old, How much about is car insurance (relatively) and which places are cheaper?
We were thinking State Farm or Country
What can I do about auto insurance price gouging?
I backed into someone in a parking lot. Thay had a claim off $1000. this is my first and only accident. My insurance company say's because I was moving it's a collision and my insurance has doubled. this is wrong.
Is a mazda 3 a sports car too a insurance company ?
will a insurance company consider a simple mazda 3 a sports car ? like not a mazda 3 speed , just a normal mazda 3 sedan 4 door""
Can I move my car insurance now?
I am currently insuring my car with direct line and they are charging me 47 per month however I have just noticed that when i do an online quote with them- exactly the same cover as what I have its priced at 23 per month. Can I move my car insurance to a different company now or do I have to wait for the renewal date? If not why are they charging me so much more than their online quote? Also the cheeky gits charged me 60 to renew my address with them when i moved house....surely that can't be right??
What is a non-standard property/casualty insurance company?
How can you find out if your insurance company is non-standard? What makes a company non-standard?
If i have insurance on my driver s license do i have to have insurance on my car in Maine?
I am now told that it is mandatory for me to have insurance ON my license... does that mean I need it on my car as well?? I could use all the help I can get on this. THANK YOU!
Does my employer provide good health insurance? ?
Here's a description of the health insurance my employer provides to employees. It costs $50 per month to have, and the co-pay for each doctor visit is $40. This seems really weak to me. Am I right? Should I look around for a new job? What's the typical average going rate? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!""
Can you have car insurance without owning a car?
my 20 year old is in another state going to college, can he get car insurance on his brother's car?""
How much is your car insurance?
Not to sound stalkerish at all lol I'm just a lil confused on car insurance and want to know what about average is. So can you please put how old you are, what car you drive, and how much you pay... Thanks ALOT it means alot to me :)""
Short term insurance company's for 9 points +?
Hi i dont live in the uk and use my car for 3-5 days every 6 weeks when im there, i did have ecar insurance for 1 month when i was there for the summer, now that i want just 3-5 days insurance they wont quote me, ive tryed tempcover and they are no good !! all the ones ive come across wont insure me because i have 9 points.. witch is typical as they say they can insure up to 8 points... so my question to you is this do you know of any short term 3-5 day car insurance comapany's that take drivers with 9 points? its stupid that 1 or 2 mistakes leads down this poor road :P""
How do i get car insurance?
In order to get car insurance, they need to know what kind of car I have, but in order to get a car from a dealership, I need to have insurance. There seems to be a loop trap here.""
Life Insurance?
If someone has life insurance and also has a home mortgage, does the life insurance goes to the mortgage?""
Unemployed 18 to 25 year olds forced to have health insurance under Obamas plan?
if you where laid off, then your ok. But if you quit your last job you will be required by law to keep health insurance or be fined $2700/yr. And by the way thats $225/mo. for the ...show more""
Why have my health insurance premiums increase 72% over the last few months?
I received a letter a few months ago that my premiums would be increasing due to the ACA. I never thought they would increase by 72%. I thought President Obama said our premiums would decrease dramatically. Full coverage + Vision and dental 31/m non smoker (very healthy and active) Haven't been to the doctor in years Golden Rule United Healthcare Premiums a few months ago $193 per month $35 co pay $1500 deductible Premium starting next month $267 w/ same co pay and deductible WTF? I make roughly $2200 a month before taxes and fail to see how this is affordable.
How much will car insurance cost?
i know you cant exactly guess the costs but can you give me an estimate? i live in va im 17 years old i have 3.81 GPA i am a female how much does it cost a teenager each month?
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cheap insurance quotes tx
0 notes
Cheapest auto insurance in PA??
"Cheapest auto insurance in PA??
I just got my renewal notice from Titan, a sub-company of Nationwide, and my 6 month premium is $3846.10     I almost screamed.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much is car insurance in CA?
My family is planning to move to CA because my dad got a better job. We have 4 drives in the house. How much would it cost a mouth for one car?
How to get Temporary Car Insurance for one week in Florida?
Heres the deal. In May a couple of my friends and I are going to fly into Florida to visit some relatives. They have an extra car that nobody uses on a day to day basis, so instead of renting a car for the week... we would rather drive this car around. The problem is insurance... I don't know anything about this if its possible or not. Is there anyway to get one of us insured to drive the car for a week, we are all insured drivers here in Michigan if that matters. Also would it make any difference that the car we are using is my Aunt's, so we are closely related. Any information, experience with this type of situation, contact numbers etc. would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!""
Quick insurance question?
Can i put my insurance under m uncles name that way insurance would be cheaper and i drive my car? is it possible hes 45, and i'm 18""
I live in CA and want to know How much $$$ to pay for insurance if i get a sports car?
I am getting my permit in 2 months and i am getting the Toyota MR2 Spyder. How much do i have to pay for the insurance? i heard that it costs more because its a sports car.
Car insurance not at fault?
I recieved a letter from my auto insurance who finished their investigation regarding my claim (minor accident @parking lot of a store with another vehicle) and according to them I am 0% at fault. The other party's auto insurance is still conducting their investigation. If the other party finds me at fault then what happens next? The reason why I ask is I got laid off my job in February & I do not have the funds to pay and it's been hard to find a job that pays a decent rate to help me live here in northern California. Your assistance greatly appreciated. Thank you.
What car has the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 16 yr old?
What car? make? model? yr? Insurance company?
Additional Driver costs?
How much should i expect to pay to add a permanent additional driver to my car insurance? It will be a driver on their provisional licence, aged 24. Its with Direct Line, in the UK I already have a quote, i just think i was quoted wrong, and want to know what other people think it usually costs.""
Why is it mandatory to buy car insurance?
I understand if it's on a leased car but why on 100% paid off private cars? Mortgage companies make borrowers buy home insurance as a condition to get the Liam but once the mortgage is paid off you're free to not insure your property. Why is it legal for insurance companies to force all car owners to buy coverage? It's not constitutional no different than forcing them to buy health insurance.
Can the Insurance company charge me 20% of repair?
I'm in California, I have full coverage, my insurance company is telling me they can charge me 20% in addition to the deductible if I don't use one of their shops, can they do that?""
Selling insurance question?
What license/certification does one need to sell and distribute insurance such as home owners, auto, life insurance etc. in the state of Wisconsin. And what schooling if any would someone need to obtain these licenses and or certifications. My grandfather and a friend own a agency that affiliates with another independent agency that allows them access to a large variety of insurers, and they would like me to become apart of business.""
How much will motorcycle insurance and registration cost me per year?
I'm a 20 year old male and this will be my first motorcycle. I only have a permit right now but plan to get my licence immediately after registering and insuring my bike. Will that make a difference? I'm going to get like a 600 cc sport bike. I don't need an exact cost. Just shoot me a good range to expect. Thank you.
Can you sue an Insurance company...?
If the policy holder's maximum coverage, has been reached..... For example, if someone died as a result of an accident. The other driver was at fault but has not assets, can the family of the victim sue the Insurance Company of the other driver, for more than their max coverage. Like a wrongful death lawsuit for 1million dollars, is the insurance company still liable?""
I need some Insurance Help?
My father, just yesterday tried to commit suicide by slitting his wrist, luckily he had called the cops, but he also had to take an ambulance ride and another ambulance ride to the county hospital where he will be held for 72 hours. He does not have insurance due to his work laying him off, and him not being able to afford it. Is there any kind of insurance that will cover this kind stuff. He has been suffering from depression and high blood pressure for quite sometime, so I don't know if those are pre existing things that would stop insurance...but him and my mother cant afford this at all right now. They live in southern california, if anyone knows of some kind of insurance, please please respond!""
I have got automatic driving license 2 days go and I`m looking for car insurance?
i just checked with direct gov to understand the insurance policy then i checked the compare sites to get a better deal depending on the car that i will buy , the problem the least ...show more""
How much do you pay for your motorcycle insurance?
I just check for a quote for a cbr 600 f4 I wanted to buy and it quoted me $2,200 a year! Does that sound right? I'm 19, live in New york city, male. Whats your state, age, bike model, gender, and insurance rate?""
Speeding ticket.. insurance increase?
okay soo I just turned 18 last tuesday, and today, I got a speeding ticket. I was going 58 in 40, but I really didn't notice that. the cop went by me in the other direction and apparently his radar said I was going 58. I know I've sped on that road before, but this time I honestly don't think I was. it was my second speeding ticket.. I got one last year that didn't go on my record or something so the insurance company never found out. but this time, I can't imagine I'd be so lucky. I've been googling car insurance and how much it would go up, but I can't find it anywhere. I believe we're with arbella. my parents are going to kill me and I don't know what to do that will help this situation. so I guess I have two questions: one, how much will my family's insurance increase? and two, what to do I do to minimize the penalty, or whatever you want to call it. I'm perfectly willing to pay the fine..if I was speeding, I deserve that.""
How do I rent a car? without any insurance (i have no car)?
So I want to rent a Dodge Magnum, for about 9 days in May through Thrifty.I will be driving from Missouri to Orlando for a vacation. I assume that I will pay the fee for the loss damage waiver (about $11 p/d) Or maybe my credit card might just cover that. But why do they keep refering to my insurance?... I don't even own a car! Else why do they think I am renting? Anyway what advice would you nice people give a dumb person like me as to what I need to do or what other insurance I need to purchase, thanks.""
Car insurance? first car?
i have a '96 fiesta 1.1.its my first car. i cannot get insurance cheaper than 2000. it is garaged, minimal miles per year. any one know where i can get cheap insurance??""
""16, got a car brought for me.. can anyone help me with an insurance question?""
i'm 17 in 3 weeks.. and my parents brought me a car, it has no insurance but we need to get it back to my house. as i'm only 16, does it have to be on my parents insurance until my birthday?""
Which is the best policies for Life Insurance and Health Insurance ?
Iam 27 years old and married.I have my father,mother and wife as my dependents and our kids in future.i want to get life insurance for me and Health Insurance for my whole family as they are fully depending upon me. - I already have Jeevan Anand from LIC Sum Assured : 5,00,000.00 Policy Term  74 (Premium payment term  17) - i am ready to spent another 20-25 thousand as annual premium for Health and any other good policies.It will be better if its consider as a good investment also. So please suggest me good policy from LIC and a Health Insurance policy available now. Your advises will be highly appreciated. Thanks.""
Best insurance policies in india?
Hi friends, please suggest me the good insurance policies for savings as well as risk cover . . hw ULIP s will perform wen compared to traditional policies ...my budget is around rs.1500 p.m""
Nissan 350z owners how much do you pay a month for car insurance?
Nissan 350z owners how much do you pay a month for car insurance?
Where can I get a cheap insurance for a new bussines?
Im about starting cleaning houses but i need an insurance
HELP : ( I need dental coverage but I am a temp.Can anyone recommend insurance?!?
I'm having a really hard time finding an insurance company that are available to temps. Unfortunately I make too much to be eligible for medicaid, which is ironic because I don't make a lot of money! lol So any suggestions!? I really need to go to the dentist asap, I'm in a lot of pain :'(""
""Lowest insurance with DUI, California?""
I just need to find out from real life members I did some checking around with the big companies and found out that Nationwide was cheaper Me 38 with the DUI my insurance went from $70 bucks to $89 a month. I think that is high and I only have the state minimum, which in California the department of motor vehicles pounds you. Anyone else can recommend someone cheaper. Before I checked with Geico, Allstate, Farmers, AAA, and Progressive, 21st century all liars. Also I know what happen Im taking responsibility so NO NAZI MADD responses.""
Cheapest auto insurance in PA??
I just got my renewal notice from Titan, a sub-company of Nationwide, and my 6 month premium is $3846.10     I almost screamed.
Car Insurance vs.Health Insurance?
I was in a car accident a few months ago. I was at fault 100%, so my insurance company paid for the property damage but the amount for bodily damage is set too high by their attorney.Does n't health insurance contribute to an extent for the injuries and medical bills etc. or is it the 100% responsibility of the car insurance company to pay for the whole amount that is medical bills etc. incurred by the individuals and their health insurance combined?""
Coordination of Insurance Benefits?
Our health insurance company thinks we have more than one insurance and they are denying our claims. We only have insurance through my husband's company and don't understand how they thought we are trying to pull a fast one. How do we prove that we only have ONE insurance? Thanks!
Would a Jaguar be a first car?
I want to know for my cousin who is 12. He really like the XJR from 1997-2003 .What does the insurance cost?
Why are insurance rates so high?
I am 18 and drive and old 1990 Geo Tracker. I have never been pulled over, given a ticket, warning, or fix-it ticket. I have been driving for 4 years (since I was 14 with a school permit) and even then I didn't get pulled over. Why are insurance rates for me so unbelievable?""
""How can i get insurance if my car cost 20,000?""
How can i get insurance if my car cost 20,000?""
Auto Insurance in Indiana?
I have had Progressive for many years and no claims.We do deserve cheaper rates because of our age and driving record and low mileage. I recieved a much lower quote from Indiana Farmers Mutal Insurance. I have a 2000 Tahoe that is like right off the show room floor and I understand most companies are allowed to relace parts from a junk yard or for much lower than would it would cost unless it is under 2 years old. Has anyone placed a claim with either of these companies and what was your satisfaction? Because of the condition of our Tahoe, which is perfect and just over 30 thousand miles and a limited edition, who has ideas on the best auto insurance out here in Indiana?""
Can I apply for California Unemployment Insurance?
i was working two jobs, and part time permanent position, and a full time temp position. i was layed off of my part time permanent position. i am still working full time at my temp postition, but at times i don't work that position for a couple weeks at a time. can i apply for edd now so when i have those weeks off i can claim edd. or do i need to wait until i have those weeks off and then claim i was layed off from my permanent job?""
What accounts affected by liability insurance?
What accounts affected by liability insurance?
""Where can I find affordable dental insurance, that I can use immediatleywith no waiting period?
Im in the state of VIRGINIA :)
Need Advise On Car Insurance?
On Friday Fed. 12th I bought Me a good Used car. I had to park on the side of the street cause my neighbors from downstairs had company and were in my spot. when I woke up on Saturday morning my car was wrecked in the front and the other vehicle no where in site well except for the trail of car fluids that led to his car three blocks away. the police came got his info and mine, towed his vehicle, advised me what I needed to do and left. I found out on my own that the insurance that the police had was false info. I was pissed. Well low and behold the owner of the car came to my house that same evening and was like my car was stolen and all this other bs. He gave me his correct insurance papers and said he would report it to claims. He never did I had to on Tuesday. His insurance knew nothing of the matter. I filed my claim with them and they said it would be 24 to 48 hours and they would get in contact with me. Nothing yet.. Im still waiting for them to call me. What should I do now???????????""
I need a better health insurance plan.?
I live in texas with my wife and son. I work for a small company so my health insurance, which is bluecross, takes like $300+ every check. Is there any better options out there for me? That much money going every check is just insane. Thanks.""
""Looking for a cheap new car (2010-2013) with good fuel economy yet sporty and cheap to insure, any ideas?""
I'm a 19 year old male so insurance pretty much sucks. I'm looking for either a new or used car that is cheap both to buy and insure, but is also sporty and fun to drive, and good on gas. Anybody have any ideas?""
One day car insurance?
Does anyone know were a 20 year old girl can get one day/week car insurance or is it pointless looking? Can't seem to find any for under 21's and i don't have time to go to family insurance companies tomorrow. its urgent!!
Insurance Quotes vs Age Gender Income Etc?
Hi, Currently Insured through State Farm and paying $250.00 a month for Full Coverage. Im 20yrs old. I have a 2006 Chevy Silverado 2500 hd 4wd , making 40k-50k a year. Insurance is a little too much... Am i over paying?""
How much does car insurance cost for a male mid 20s in Boston?
Ill be moving there in a few weeks and need to get insured. I was wondering how much I can expect to pay every year to be insured fairly well. Thanks
Am I paying too much on car insurance?
Hi I am a learner driver and am paying 99 a month for my car insurance. I own a club corsa 1litre 51 reg. I am on fully comp insurance with elephant which is the cheapest i found. I have also insured my mum and bf who have both been driving for at least 5yrs but I am the main driver. Everyone seems to be paying less for their insurance even if they are boys with larger litre cars and all other details match. Am I getting overcharged? Surely it will go up when I past my test. Help please
More expensive insurance?
Is insurance more expensive for a new car than a used one assuming that it's the same model from the same manufacturer?
""How much do you pay for these items,Gas,Food etc Monthly?""
rent, water, electric, gas, car insurance , gas, food, internet service, phone bill, medication""
Car Insurance and Tornadoes?
Just curious since I live in the heart of tornado alley in Southern Kansas... Say if my car was at home or at a store or other place of business and a tornado destroyed or damaged my car, will my insurance cover the damage? Full coverage.""
Do nurses get free health insurance?
I heard from some people that they and their family get free insurance (if that's true, then what members of the family qualify?).""
""Cheap, effective health insurance?""
I'm a 25 year old, healthy, unmarried female looking for a low co pay health insurance that covers major medical and dental. I need to be able to see my primary physician for annual checkups and hopefully get Invisalign covered under dental as well. I have no pre existing conditions and would prefer a lower deductible... Somewhere up to $5000 in the event a major medical issue arose.""
What is the medical exam and questions for life insurance like?
We are looking into life insurance. I am wondering what the medical exam and questions are like? How much more typically is it if you have a medical issue (like high blood pressure) compared to if you have good health? We are in our late 20's.
What should my health insurance premium be?
If I am a single, healthy 36 year old non smoker in Florida with a low deductible and good coverage....can you give me some idea of what my premium should be? Because I am worried I may be getting ripped off and my premium is set to go even higher next month. I will soon be paying almost $250 a month... does that sound normal?? Can anyone give me some estimates or ideas? Thanks.""
Car Insurance Price..........?
I have a question on Car Insurance price.. In the state of Virginia If I get my license at 16, and not drive till I'm 18, meaning I let my license sit, is my insurance going to be cheaper when I turn 18? So basically, is my insurance going to be cheaper if I get my license at 16, than 18?""
Does anybody know of a company that will insure me daily on hire and reward insurance?
I want to run a one vehicle WAV (wheel chair accessible vehicle for disabled people) car hire/rental business serving Hertfordshire the customer would hire the car and arrange for a person to drive it for them. On the odd occasion the hirer does not have anybody to drive the car for them they might want me to drive for them I have been told to do this I would need a private vehicle hire licence (mini cab drivers licence) also hire and reward insurance along with a mini cab office operators licence and the vehicle would need to be plated (tested) This is not a problem except for the hire and reward insurance which would be about 3000 per year and would not be cost effective for the amount of driving I would be doing (I would probably only be driving a customer 1 day per week). Does anybody know of a company that will insure me daily on hire and reward insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance in PA??
I just got my renewal notice from Titan, a sub-company of Nationwide, and my 6 month premium is $3846.10     I almost screamed.
What is the estimated cost of repairing a knocked down motorcycle? (assume only aesthetic damage)?
Girlfriend knocked down a motorcycle while parking...trying to determine if we should go insurance or out of pocket.
What are the best cars with cheap insurance?
l am 19 and l know insurance aren't cheap at my age but l need a car that has a cheaper insurance. So far l've looked into a Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen Polo 1 litre and Peugeot. Is there any other cars that are good and strong but won't cost so much to insure?""
How much is insurance for a used 2008 infiniti g37 insurance for a 16 year old male?
I will be turning 16 this march and im already looking for cars. I have good grades, about a 3.8 GPA, if not better. Im planning on paying for the car myself. not all up front of course. Im planning on getting a job and putting a down payment down of about $10,000. I would of cuorse pay the rest off monthly. If i do end up buying the car id like to get an estimate for how much it'd be... Id do all discounts possible and i live in illinois.""
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Where i can get affordable or free x rays?
I have a prescription for low back and leg x rays,but is kind of hard for me at this moment cause i don have a job and i cant afford $300 that's the estimate the hospital gave me when i'd call to ask the cost,cause i don't have health insurance neither""
""Does age make a difference when getting health insurance thru employer, is the cost different. .?""
My mother is in her 60's she declined coverage thru her employer because she would pay $200 per pay check, gets paid biweekly. She said the rep from the insurance told her she would pay more than her younger coworkers because she is old and needs more health attention, visits medicine etc. Is that true?? Her company does the cleaning for a few hospitals, offices. I dont think its a big company maybe 300-500 employees. I work for a big company in sales we have 200 people in our building, the company is in every state in the u.s. with several offices in each state so we are thousands of people for the company. Our health insurance cost is the same regardless of age. We have 3 plans to choose from, but we all pay the same amount regardless of age and it cost anywhere from $15-25 per check. Could anyone give me some info on this matter thanks. We are in california if that matters. Thanks.""
Honda cbr250 insurance vs Kawasaki Ninja 250r?
If anyone could tell me the insurance rates for both bikes for a 16 year old male rider. I live in Ontario but any canadian rates, or american rates would be appreciated. Rates per year or per month is what I am looking for. If you can give the rates for both bikes or just one bike it would be appreciated. Thanks.""
Financed a motorcycle do i need full coverage or can i buy liabilty?
I know the lender of the loan wants his money even if the bike gets stolen/totaled/breaks down what ever. But why do i need to have full coverage. So if the bike gets stolen/totaled whatever isn't all the lender worried about is getting his money? So if that happens i will tell the lender not to worry i will keep paying payments until the loan is paid off because i dont want to ruin my credit.
2003 Hummer H2 insurance cost? For 16 year old? 10 points!?
How much will the insurance cost for this car? This car is FREE for me because it's my dad's and he wants me to have it as my first car. It only has 60,000 miles on it for a almost 10 year old car. It is practically new with a tv inside and nice rims. How much will insurance be?""
How much would it honestly cost me for a Kawasaki Ninja 250 '08?
Im 16 getting a permit very soon, working at a summer job and when the summer is over, going to work at a local pet store or grocery store (part time because of school, so ill be getting minimum wage..) By the end of the summer, i will have about 1,300. As you can see, im looking at a ninja '08 but of course thats not set in stone because i am only 16. But I am really dedicated to have the time for it and I am trying to get the money now. My dad said he will probably put me on his insurance, but since it is a motorcycle and I am young, I'm not sure how much the insurance is... Also, I have read 10,000 people say the Ninja 250 is a really good beginner bike, so if anything i would buy a used one. How much would the used bike, insurance, equitment (helmet, etc), and locks for the bike cost in total? Thxx a lot""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS!
What can I do about my car insurance?
My son wrecked my 2007 Dodge Ram1500 6/23/09. My mother offered to apply the truck to her insuance for lower rates. I ask the agent for full coverage because it had a lien on it with collion, now the insurance won't pay because they saud I have libility w/no collion, I'm sick, so it's a battle what can I do, please help""
Somebody help me find cheap car insurance in uk...........?
i am 20 year old foreign student in uk from 2 years....i am about to buy some cheap car with 1 ltr engine which is worth of 1000. but the biggest problem is for the 700-800 worth car they are asking me to pay 5000 insurance........... some body please help me find the cheaper insurance... can you advise me on what basis insurance is counted like age... address so that i can figure out from where to buy insurance.... some extra information:: i don't have any NCB first car I have very new licence in full time education. can afford max 150 per month please guys suggest me some cheap insurance provider....
Car insurance for Civic and Lancer?
How much would you guys think car insurace would cost per year for a 16 year old for a 95-00 Honda Civic EX or SI and a 02-05 Mitsubishi Lancer ES??? thanks
Where can I get cheap car insurance?
I'm going to be sixteen soon and my parents are still thinking about whether or not they'll let me drive. But I really need this 'cuz my parents can never pick me up on time after school and it's too far to walk. (No bus) So, I just wanted to know what's the cheapest car insurance there is for 16 year old drivers. I heard you could get discounts for getting strait A's (which I do), taking driver's ed, and having an older car (which I will). Thanks in advance!""
Will my insurance drop me?
hey guys.. i have state farm insurance and i was put on my parents insurance as a 17 year old because i got into an accident in november (not my fault, i got rear ended). i turned 18 on new years day and just got a speeding ticket (51 in a 35). i was just wondering if my insurance could drop me and if so how likely it would be. thanks.""
Should we get life insurance before my husband joins the military?
Should we get life insurance before my husband joins the military. My new york life friend told me that it's better because we can get more money if we do it before he joins. My husband says that the military pays for everything and they have there own life insurance. Which is the best route to take?? I would like to just do the new york life thing now instead of wait, he is joining in January. I'm not sure if I like the USAA life insurance. New York Life is a place I know that is reliable. But this is something people don't talk about very much. So I need some help Thanks!! :)""
What is TRULY the cheapest car insurance?
I am looking to get a second car and I really want to know what the cheapest insurance is. (I am 17, so the insurance will be high anyway) There are tons of commercials for Esurance, Progressive, Allstate, etc, etc but really what is the cheapest? I'm just looking for liability insurance, nothing else, bare minimum. Have any of you switched to one, and what have you saved? Thank you!!""
Anyone know the best insurance companies for young drivers?
I know obviously insurance for the young is gonna get rocket high anyway compared to older people for the same old 'statistical' reasons as always although I don't intentionally drive like an idiot or least intend never to and I do take safety as a big priority and everything, I've passed my test just over 2 years ago with a clean license but still find insurance even for my micra (1 litre 1994 M Reg) costing me a minimum average of 1000 annually, and just below a grand like 900-950ish is roughly the best I've got for my micra from directline but wondering if anyone would know anyone better cost wise? Also why is there so much discrimination against young/new drivers when its actually only the small minority who take the worse of risks and drive like w*****s making it sky high expensive for the rest of us, I can understand it may be statistic but unless u actualy do drive like a so and so I don't see why 'everyone' should be punished with rip off premiums for the sake of the minority number of idiots""
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
Can a 16 year old male afford a Mustang with a V8( GT or LX)?
I've discussed getting a mustang to my family and friends for quite a while now. I know the downsides, high insurance, bad gas mileage, and too much power(according to my parents). I'm a big fan of the foxbody('79-'93) mustangs and I also really want a V8 and I also want stick if that matters. The way I see it, I'm going to pay a lot for insurance no matter what, so why not pay a little bit more and pay for the car I really want. It doesn't matter if its an LX or GT even though I've heard that LX's are cheaper, but how much cheaper. I've looked around for answers to this question and all I've seen are responses that tell me either that its stupid to get a Mustang or I find answers that have links for sites that will tell me. I just want a good answer and possibly how much insurance will cost me. I only want minimum coverage and it will be on my mom's policy. Also, one more question, how much cheaper do you believe a '90's Honda Civic(2 door sedan) would cost me in comparision to a V8 Mustang? Thanks for any responses, Aaron.""
Who Have The Best Insurance Rates?
I Hope Im Calling It Right, I Just Got My Drivers License In August, I Dont Have A Car Yet. I Just Wanted To Know For The People Who Have Cars, What The Best Company To Get, When I Do Get A Car. People Tell Me Car Insurance Compnays Go By Age To. Im Only 21 So I Know Is Gonna Be High. But I Juat Wanna Know Whats The Best One To Get And Why For Car Insurance. Thank You To All Who Answers""
Car insurance.. help please?
I got a 2000 Dodge Neon a couple days ago and i was wondering how much the insurance will be a month? I'm a sophomore girl in highschool and i usually maintain a B average (you get about $25 off insurance for maintaining good grades). And how much will it be to get it licensed? I payed $1300 for the car (they were desperatly trying to sell it) and it's in perfect condition.
Can I sue my Auto Insurance Company?
In 2005, as part of our divorce agreement, my ex and I decided to keep the same auto insurance but under separate policies. We had been with this company for years. My policy was on auto pay meaning that the payments were taken directly from my account. He walked in to pay his. About 6 months after the divorce, I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop and was told I was driving an uninsured vehicle. Without insurance, my registration was also invalid. Both tickets totaled 1K. My car was taken into impound. I checked and found the officer was correct. On good terms with my ex, I told him what happened. He said for the past 6 months, each time he went in to make a payment, the girl HIS was already paid. Realizing what had happened. They were applying my payments to his automobile. I was furious. I notified the agent who initially did not want to accept blame, but since the payments were automatic and my account number was on each payment they took, they were responsible. The error was compounded by the fact that the cancellation notice went to HIS address (how dumb was that!) So I had no way of knowing that I was cancelled. I was without a car for 2 weeks and lost my job. After much haggling and many sleepless nights of wondering what to do without a job or a car, the insurance company finally admitted blame, paid the impound fees of $1,250.00. The agent also said they would handle the 2 tickets totaling 1K. FAST FORWARD TO 2010 in my state, the county did a scofflaw sweep and I was summoned to court with over 5 thousand other delinquent drivers to address unpaid tickets. The order was come to court by April 30th or be arrested. Realizing this had to be a mistake, but fearful of the law, I stood in line for over 5 hours in blazing heat, then sat in court another 5 hours waiting for my day in court. I was immediately threatened with arrest because the 2 tickets were not paid. Up to that moment, I had no idea the insurance company had not paid the 2 tickets. This time, not only was my insurance and registration cancelled, my license was suspended due to the age of the infraction (5 years). In front of the judge, I called the agents' office only to be told by the secretary that they had no intention to pay the ticket. Paying to get the car out of impound was enough. When the judge heard this she was shocked and let me off with a promise to pay in 5 days. She made me promise not to drive. With no way to get home but drive, I took a chance, and was pulled over. The officer informed me that due to the vast number of outstanding cases, tags bearing our county name would be targeted for a while (talk about a police state!). I showed him my documents from the court and headed home. This is a nightmare. Would I have a case if I filed suit against my insurance company for failing in their fiduciary responsibility to a 16 year client in good standing? By the way this company is one of the largest in the country.""
What companies are still insuring unoccupied and or second homes?
This seems to be a new trend. It seems that insurance companies are canceling Homeowner's policies of their customers who are selling their homes! Once the client has to move out to their new home the insurance company cancels the policy on the home that's still for sale. This is being done even if the customer has been a client for over 30 years and is using that company for the new home! Sellers are having a rough enough time with the real estate market these days! What can be done about this? Also suppose the seller decides not to sell but keep the home as a vacation spot? Are second homes being uninsured also?
Cheapest auto insurance in PA??
I just got my renewal notice from Titan, a sub-company of Nationwide, and my 6 month premium is $3846.10     I almost screamed.
Policy loan from life insurance interest pay to insurance company! why?
Any one can tell me, loan money from life insurance policy cash value intrest collect from the lisurance company, the cash value is my own money, should I paid intrest back to myself? not to insurance company""
Car insurance quotes online?
Where can i find good companies info on quotes in online
Car insurance before uni this september?
hi, i'm 18 and my car insurance has recently expired, and now i'm looking to get it insured short-term, for about 3 months because i'm hopefully going to university this september. could anyone recommend me a car insurance firm which will insure under 21s at a competitive price? thanks!""
""Car insurance in the USA, for foreigners / tourists?""
im 18years old, and hopefully after my exams in may, i hope to go to america to visit a couple of friends. My mates have put forward the idea of a possible roadtrip in his car. Its his car, and im assuming its insured. However since its a roadtrip, i will also probably need to drive, in which case how do i sort this out?? can i drive on his insurance, as long as i tell his insurance company or is it more complicated than that. I've been told than unlike car insurance in the UK, Americans insure the DRIVER, rather than the car. i have a full UK license, and dont mind if i have to get a international driving permit, but how do i figure out this insurance problem.""
How much (average) is health insurance for a family in America?
As I live in England where we have the NHS I was just curious how much health insurance is in America. Obviously I know that it depends on pre existing medical conditions, how old people are ect ect but let just say for average family of four, two parents and two children would health insurance cost. I was just wondering.""
Insurance premium after fender bender?
So I was involved in a fender bender in a case where I was at fault. Minor damage to the rear fender of the jeep in front of me, no damage to my car. Question is, if I file an insurance claim how much do you suggest my rates will increase? I am 21 year old male, not one ticket, or accident prior to this case, been driving for 5 yrs.""
Affordable studio apartments?
I lived in a great 1 bedroom apartment with my fiance a few years ago in Myrtle Beach for only $550 per month. It was very clean, very quiet, very safe and within walking distance from the ocean. We're looking for a studio basically anywhere in the United States but they're all running for around $600 as far as I can tell, which is ridiculous for something so much smaller than a 1 bedroom. Is there anywhere that has a studio apartment (kitchen, bathroom) which is not an efficiency, which is in a nice location? I'm looking for under $500 per month, I don't want to live in the ghetto. Any ideas?""
""Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Cost to Insure a 2005 hyundai tiburon?
17 year old guy First car Blue exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance
""In GA, if the moving violation is no longer on my DMV record, can insurance companies penalize me anyway?""
A bit over two years ago, I got a ticket for a turn I made that wasn't sharp enough. In GA, moving violations leave your record after 24 months, so it should be gone by now. Can my insurance company continue to penalize me for it, though? Do they have to lower my rates now that it's off my record? If I go to a new insurance company, will my current one pass along the information somehow even though the DMV doesn't have it on file?""
Collector Car insuance for 17 year old? Possible?
My 17 year old son wants collector car insurance for his 67 Chevelle that he heavily modified and uses it only for hobby and pleasure. He puts 4,000-4,300 miles a year. We live in California and were wondering if there was a collector car insurance like hagerty, american car collector, etc. that would cover a 18 year old or younger? Any Possible plans? Thanks. PS. He locks it up in our secure garage.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Insurance for a 2007 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V?
I've been wondering how much insurance would cost for a 2007 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V for a 16 year old as the main driver, but I don't want to send my information to an insurer for a quote and possibly get unwanted solicitaions from them. Does anyone have any idea? Oh, and would it be different for a 17 year old?""
Car insurance help?!?! I need advice!?
I am 20 year old single male in los angeles, california. I just bought a used 1993 toyota corolla for 1500 with financial aid money, after a tune up and some minor repairs I have 300 left in my pocket. I don't have a job, but I was planning on using this car to help me get one asap. I still need to get my car smog tested which will set me back $50 and registered which will put me back $150 leaving me with about 100 left. I don't know what to do at this point, I didn't think it would be this much. If I don't register it within 10 days am I subjective to late fees? I bought this car hoping it would help me get a job. I can barely afford gas. I have no idea what to do. I was told I need to get insurance before I can register my vehicle, which has no plates. (I got the pink slip and all the paper work) My question is what should I do, what insurance is the cheapest. If I don't register it within 10 days will I have to pay late fees? Please help me with any solutions. If I could register it next month it will save me so much grief. Is there anything I can do to make my situation easily until I find a job?""
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male in Texas. Having a sports car, being a male, and a teen, approximately how much am I looking to pay a month? What would be the cheapest insurance to have?""
Will my parents insurance go up?
My parents have state farm. I'm 17 and I just got my license. I would want my name under my moms car. will my parents insurance go up? and if so about how much?
Can I get car insurance for 1.6L at 17?
I'm a 17 year old girl, looking to buy a Mini Cooper hatchback! And a friend said her brother couldn't get insurance for a 1.6L! So I was just seeing if that would be possible for me to insure before I purchase one!""
How much would car insurance cost me???
Before I start calling for quotes, I would like to know approximately how much Im looking at to get car insurance in my name alone for 1 year. I need to know how much to put aside for it. Im female, 31 years old, I live in Queens, NY, will be buying a used car from a private seller, have NEVER had car insurance in my name, and Ive had my license for about 10 years. Also, why is it that when you request a quote online, they only give you an estimate for a 6-month policy? Does that mean you only pay insurance for 6 months or do you have to pay the 6-month premium 2x in that year? Thanks.""
How much does insurance run for a 16 year old in North Carolina?
My Son gets his Licenses on August 17 of this year. So i am trying to figure out about how much its gonna run for him to have car insurance
Where can I find affordable health insurance for my son who has a mental illness.?
my son has a mental illness and maxed out of my husbands policy due to his age. He works 15 hrs. a week and his employer doesn't offer insurance for part time employees. We've checked numerous policies on line and the cheapest we've found for him is $800 a month, way more than we can afford. Because he still lives at home, our income is considered as far as government paid plans. We need to find a policy for him but I'm at a dead end. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.""
Can a ticket in another state affect my insurance rates?
Can a ticket in another state affect my insurance rates?
What are the average car insurance rates in California?
More specifically, if you live in California, how much do you pay? I'm buying insurance for the first time and I want to get the most basic coverage at the cheapest rate.""
How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How long are car insurance companys supposed to provide a rental car for?
i have a 2004 chevy caviler that is completely paid for and some guy ran into the back of my car yesterday. It's completely crushed in. i have liability and he has full coverage ...show more
Will my car be fixed even though car insurance runs out?
Hi there. A car came into me the other day and bumped my car, I have fully comp insurance which runs out january 11th in my mums name, but i am the named driver. The car will have to have quite a bit of work done so im guessing it wont be fixed before this date. The other drivers insurance will be paying for the cost, the insurance and car is in my mums name, and I want to change myself to the owner (official through DVLA) and take out my own insurance before 11th instead of renewing with the smae company. Will they carrying on fixing the car if the insursance who have delt with the claim has run out, also will if be wrong if the car was in my name before the car was returned to my mum. I hope this makes sense, and i hope someone can help thanks.""
Cheapest auto insurance in PA??
I just got my renewal notice from Titan, a sub-company of Nationwide, and my 6 month premium is $3846.10     I almost screamed.
0 notes
Was this insurance agent being rude?
"Was this insurance agent being rude?
So, there is a new insurance agent and I recently got a new car. Anyway, I was asking her if I could get a lower monthly payment on my car of $91 or so. My supposed payment is $105. She said that the only way that I can pay $91 is if I enroll in life insurance and get more coverage. Well, I declined, and she still has hassling me on the phone on how it will benefit me. Well, I don't plan on doing any type of life insurance. I'm in my 30's, I'm single, no kids. I don't even have life insurance through my work. I told her that I'm not interested in it, but she then proceeded and asked, Do you even know what a beneficiary is? I told her Yes. She then attempted to persuade me to put my parents as a beneficiary-ok
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?
What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?
1993 camaro car insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 1993 used camaro with a v8 engine and 145k miles on it off craigslist. I just need to know how much the car insurance will cost me. I'm 16 turning 17 in a month. I get A's and B's in school (someone once told me grades help lower car insurance) and havnt gotten into any accidents yet. i know you guys can't give me and accurate price but i just want a general price range from any company. i'm trying to find a really cheap car insurance. so can someone please tell me a general price range i might end up paying for the car?
How much will car insurance will cost me?
I want to lease a new 2014 Honda Sedan Getting my licence in june 18 years old/ $800 a month How much will it cost if my dad get an insurance same car He got his license exact year ago good credit score
Help with finding individual health insurance?
I'm 16 and my parents do not speak English. My sister and I (16 and 18) have Child Health Plus and my mother has insurance through her job. My dad currently has no health insurance because he could no longer afford to pay over $250 a month for insurance. He has diabetes and is having trouble controlling his blood sugar. How do I find an affordable insurance company? They said we can't have family health plus since we make a little over $3,000 a month but half goes to rent. What should I do? What is Healthy NY? Any advice??? thank you""
Can you be on someone other than your families car insurance?
I just want to know if it is an option to be on someone other than your families car insurance. Like a friend's or whatnot. Or is car insurance for one family only.
What is the average repair cost to homeowner for property damage caused by a typical earthquake in California?
We are considering buying an earthquake insurance for a resident home in California. But the earthquake policy typically covers only 85% of the house rebuild cost, homeowners first have to pay the 15% of that (the deductible). Say the house insured for $300K, then homeowners have to pay $45K first before the insurance comes in to cover the rest for $255K. If the average repair cost is more than $45K, then it may by worth buying earthquake insurance to us.""
""Im 17 how much would insurance be for an an Infinity QX56 2013? Its fully loaded and costs $80,470.?
I want one so bad!
How much do you guys pay for Honda S2000 car insurance?
I got a quote for 490 for 6 months. Full coverage from state farm for a 04 Honda s2000. Is this good?
Insurance quote on 1989 Jaguar XJ6 for 17 year old?
Hey, just for the record I'm not buying this car to speed, I just plan on fixing it up and taking it for cruises. Just wondering how much it would be, thanks. Also does it go under classic or historic car insurance?""
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
Anyone know of affordable dental insurance for western Ky? ?
i need to have dental work done, but no insurance.""
What is a 2005 Mazda RX-8 insurance rated at?
is it a 10 or something?
""On Average, How Much are braces without insurance?""
I Love my top row, they are just fine, but my bottom front teeth need alignment. i want to get braces for the bottom half only, and i wonder how much it would cost, due to the fact i don't have dental insurance.""
Is car insurance much cheaper if you have more than one vehicle?
I heard that it is, so I call Esurance to ask them and make sure and the lady on the phone said that it will be much higher if I insured 2 vehicles. -civic 4door year2000 -ford winstar year2000 -New York""
How many people really need or should recieve help buying health insurance?
Out of all uninsured 40% are living on a household income of $50,000 or more a year. Unfortunately alot of people would like to indulge in lifes luxuries such as cars, tv, computers, cell phones, and vacations before thinking about their own health and safety Another 20% are non-citizen which includes illegal immigrants. This is straight from the census bureau which the president would use for his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf What do you think?""
""Insurance cant get a hold of the other at fault party, what do?""
I was involved in a traffic collision where I was rear ended by another vehicle. Police report was filed, the information was traded. I filed a claim with their insurance and mine and have not herd anything from the other party. Everyday I contacted their insurance and they still cant get a hold of him. My vehicle is not in drivable condition so I am forced to wait, since I do not have money at this moment to pay for my deductible, I just stared a new semester and spent close to $800 on books. To make matters worse my work has come to a standstill and no income is flowing. I am thinking about hiring an attorney to help me recover the losses. What should I do? If the guy never responds what happens? Is there a law which states how long the other individual has to file a claim? Thank you. I live in the state of California.""
Car Accident and No Fault Insurance?
My sister was hit by a car while she was crossing the street on her way to school. Now the hospital has sent as a statement asking for her no-fault insurance policy number. We don't have auto insurance so how do we fill in the form? Can we use the insurance number of the part at fault?
How much would it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance?
How much would it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance?
Quick insurance quote for a 2006 range rover sport hse?
i am 16 and found a 2006 range rover hse sport for only 10 grand. the car is immaculate and freaking loaded to the top with upgrades. i know you are all thinking WTH? but the car is not salvaged and runs perfectly. i can afford the payments for the loan i am getting, but what insurance company would charge the least amount of money with decent coverage, cause liability aint covering the rover. thanks for all ure help, P.S. how much would registration be?""
Car loans and insurance?
Okay, I recently took out a loan for a car, and I got liability only on the car. The bank just contacted me saying they need proof of insurance. When I take it in, and they realize that it is liability insurance only, what will they do? Because, I heard you need premium insurance when you buy a car with a loan. So am I gonna have to go premium or what will happen? I have a 1990 Nisasn 240sx. My bank is Great Plains Federal Credit Union. My insurance is American Family Insurance.""
Information about health insurance please?
Im looking for a cheap but good health insurance. Please let me know what your recommendations are.
What is the cheapest and best health insurance out there for a single fella?
What is the company's name and what would I have to pay on a monthly basis? Thank you and good day!
How can I get health insurance?
I am a college student, and I was wondering how I can get health insurance.""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much does it cost per month, How old are you? what kind of deductable do you have?? Feel free to answer also if you don't have insurance.""
""Cheap insurance cars, help me choose.?
I'm looking for a 2002 car and I'm thinking of: Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 I would welcome other options and choices And your opinion will count! I want to get a cheap insurance and I can afford up to 2.300
Was this insurance agent being rude?
So, there is a new insurance agent and I recently got a new car. Anyway, I was asking her if I could get a lower monthly payment on my car of $91 or so. My supposed payment is $105. She said that the only way that I can pay $91 is if I enroll in life insurance and get more coverage. Well, I declined, and she still has hassling me on the phone on how it will benefit me. Well, I don't plan on doing any type of life insurance. I'm in my 30's, I'm single, no kids. I don't even have life insurance through my work. I told her that I'm not interested in it, but she then proceeded and asked, Do you even know what a beneficiary is? I told her Yes. She then attempted to persuade me to put my parents as a beneficiary-ok
How can I get lower car insurance for my old car?
I have a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon and it has 150,000 miles. It's paid for now and I'm paying about $700 6 months full coverage. Is there certain things I should lower the coverage cost?""
How do I know which insurance is primary?
I'm a full time student and I'm nineteen. I have insurance through my mother, empire blue cross blue shield. But I also work part-time at a hospital and receive local 1199 health insurance from them. Which one is primary?""
New Driver Car Insurance?
Hi all, How does a new driver go about getting insured for the purchase of a new car? Having never been insured before, how would I go about legally driving away a car newly purchased? So the scenario is that I have sourced the market and located a car. It is a private sale or from a garage. I have never driven before and therefore never been insured on an vehicle. How do I go about ensuring that when I purchase the car I am legally insured/taxed? When looking online, they need all the details about the car before I can arrange insurance, but I cannot guarantee the details of the car until I have seen it in person, when I expect to make the purchase. Any advice/links would be great. Thanks""
Can you get your own car insurance at 16 years old?
i was just wondering. i am 16, and my parents said that i have to get and pay for my own car insurance if i plan to get a car right now. is it even possible to get car insurance in you own name at 16? thank you very much""
How I Know Credit Card Insurance?
I would like to learn Credit card Insurance. Is it available in banks? How do i know, which bank offer very attractive manner? Which are all the bank tie up with insurance company? How to calculate the premium amount, sum assured and relevant details? Please give me detailed query.....""
Any tips for getting insurance for a first time driver? (UK)?
any ideas about which cars are the cheapest to insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:)
About how much is car insurance for a teen?
I'm a 16 year old girl and I was just informed that I was going to have to pay for my insurance when I get a car. I was wondering how much insurance would cost me monthly. If it matters the car value would be about 15-23k. I don't know if the car value affects insurance.
How much roughly would car insurance cost for a 17 year old new driver in the uk?
about what price would a 1.4l engine cost for a female 17 year old cost? is a 1.4l engine too large? the car that my grandad is interested in buying me is a 3dr 2007 1.4l polo. is this suitable for a new driver?? any answers would be really helpful thankyou x
Any 1 know a cheap insurance company??
im 17 and a provisional driver.i have jus bought a car because my test is soon. i want to insure my car as a learner and then change it to full license when i pass my test. is any 1 with a cheap insurance company?
Do you have to buy insurance for your car?
Im planning to buy a 1968 Chrystler Newport. This will be my first car. I live in BC. What should I expect to have to pay monthly for insurance? or do I need to buy insurance at all for my car?
Insurance Cost for a 1966 mustang convertible in mint condition?
I'm curious how much, on average, would insurance cost for an 18 year old male driving a 1966 mustang convertible in mint condition be? And if you could explain why too that'd be awesome thanks! :)""
Around how much does car insurance cost?
just learned to drive, my parents said i can have their old wagon if i pay insurance. i want to see if i can afford car insurance. how much is it approx?""
Insurance for a rental car?
Is your own insurance enough to cover a rental car or should you purchase the supplemental insurance offered by car rental companies?
Good insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
How to handle a partial month of health insurance?
I currently am paying for a family health insurance plan with Oxford. The premium is $800 a month, due on the first of the month for that month's coverage, with a grace period of about 30 days. I am switching from a contracting position (where I pay my own insurance) to an employment position (with a very nice health plan) on 9/7/10. What I want to avoid is paying $800 to my current insurance company when I only need 7 days worth of coverage. I also want to avoid a lapse in coverage. Do I not pay anything until the 7th, when my new insurance plan kicks in, and them call them and tell them I am cancelling and only want to pay from the 1st through 7th? Or do I pay the full $800 and hope I will get a pro-rated refund? Thanks in advance!""
Does anyone know of any really cheap car insurance companies in the u.k?
Preferably ones that dont want a lot of money up front
Is it illigal to drive without having the proof of insurance IN your car.?
I have insuarance and i will be getting the papers tuesday. Is it legal in Texas to drive without the pyhsical papers, even though I have the insurance.""
Can you pay car insurance monthly without extra charges?
Most car insurers charge a direct debit fee up to 30% APR if you pay monthly - are there any free ones (or at least cheaper ones)?
""Hi, this is my first time getting contact lenses, i just wanna know where can I find an affordable price?""
I have called a few optometry clinics already but the price is just not satisfying; it was around $350.00 for a year (including eye exam). I would like to know if there is any other place that would do it for cheaper. By the way, I live around San Gabriel, CA. Please recommend optometry clinics located around me(less than 20mins drive), I would appreciate it.""
Best and cheapest (under 2000) convertible for a 17 year old?
cheap to buy, cheap to insure, cheap to drive but looks good and drives well. has to be under 2 grand the insurance has to be cheap - under group 10 - (i know insurance is gonna be expensive for a 17 year old) i was thinking fiat punto 1990s convertible or renault megane 1990s convertible...maybe? or rover convertible?""
Do you feel sorry for insurance companies?
Insurance companies that helped develop Obamacare?
Do you need insurance in florida to drive with a learners permit? with a liscence?
In florida do teens need insurance to drive their parents cars with a learners permit? once you get a liscence can you drive their car without being included on the insurance as long as theyre in the car? the car has insurance im just not listed on the policy
Do you have to buy auto insurance as a condition of OWNING a car? or DRIVING a car?
If you own an RV and you live in it but you don't drive it.....does the auto insurance mandate apply to you?
Pre-existing condition on health insurance?
If I apply for health insurance with a preexisting condition and they give me a 12-month waiting period before covering the condition - does that 12 months start over if I am treated within the waiting period and I pay for the treatment on my own? Or does the 12-month waiting period begin from the date I purchased the insurance, regardless of what takes place during the waiting period?""
How do i compare insurance companies?
My boyfriend is the sole souce fo income for teh two of us right now (and for teh forseeable future), do to a medical issue i am dealing with. and that brings up the issue taht we would be in a world of troubel if he is hurt, or if he dies i would be in trouble. So we are thinking about getting him life and disability insurance policies. But there are so many companies out there, it seems daunting to research them all. and if i were to use a broker, how would i knnow they have my best interest in mind? so i was hoping people could share their knowledge and experience in this area. any tips are helpful! any stories (good or bad) about yoru experience with a particular company are great as well! Thanks so much!""
Was this insurance agent being rude?
So, there is a new insurance agent and I recently got a new car. Anyway, I was asking her if I could get a lower monthly payment on my car of $91 or so. My supposed payment is $105. She said that the only way that I can pay $91 is if I enroll in life insurance and get more coverage. Well, I declined, and she still has hassling me on the phone on how it will benefit me. Well, I don't plan on doing any type of life insurance. I'm in my 30's, I'm single, no kids. I don't even have life insurance through my work. I told her that I'm not interested in it, but she then proceeded and asked, Do you even know what a beneficiary is? I told her Yes. She then attempted to persuade me to put my parents as a beneficiary-ok
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a 18 year old?
iv just passed my test, and bought a citreon saxo 1.1, iv been on many comparison sites and the best quote i get is 3500 third party only which is way too much. Can anyone help me find a better quote Thanks""
Cheap car insurance for young new driver?
hi, I`m 19 years old, i passed my test two months ago and i would like some help. I tried lots of insurance companies, different cars, last time i tried i used a 2002 smart for two with my dad as a first driver, 4 years ncb and the insurance is still 4k. can someone help me and give me some advice ? thank you""
""I have a company car, who should pay for the car insurance?
I have a year contract with this company and they are giving me a car for the duration of my employment. they told me i can use it for personal as well as work use. they told me i have to pay for my insurance though. is that fair?
Does anyone have any idea how much insurance would cost for this car?
the car i want is a 1987 pontiac fiero fastback gt with a 5 speed manual transmition and a 2.8 L engine. what would insurance be for a 16 or 17 year old male?
What's the point of car insurance?
I've been paying my insurer monthly for several years. I have one relatively small accident where my damage doesn't reach deductible (so I have to pay for my damage out of pocket in full), they pay the other car which was around $1500 or so. They raise my premium for 3 years to an amount where in 3 years I end up paying for the other car anyway, and I still pay monthly as I have for all of the years before that... I'm trying to figure out how that's beneficial - outside of the fact that they paid upfront.""
How much would insurance be on a 2006 Dodge Charger SE?
im graduating next year and i was just curious about how much insurance would be for a 17 year old with a charger.
Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC?
From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you
I have three speeding tickets in the last 6 months will my rates sky rocket?
I got my first in December of 2007, and went to traffic school. Since then, i got a speeding ticket in april and just got one this morning - i have allstate insurance - will my rates skyrocket? is there any way to call them and avoid this? what should i do?""
Motorbike cheaper than car insurance?
Is motorbike insurance for learer motorcycle 125cc, significantly cheaper than car insurance for a small city car, for a young man?""
Why should the government force us to buy car insurance?
If its wrong for the government to force us to buy health insurance, is it also wrong for the government to force us to buy car insurance? I mean.... in both cases, if you don't have insurance and something goes wrong somebody else is going to have to pay for it.""
18 want car insurance?
right looked online all compare sites give sh*t results, i got quoted 14k for a suzuki alto 23k for a fiat cinciquento (whatever its called) ive rang i kube and got quoted 9k for the suzuki alto thats with the curfew, passed my test on the 22nd of march 2011, wheres good for cheap insurance, ill have curfew if needs be so please shed some light""
About US Motor Insurance?
Where I can learn the basics of US motor Insurance (need not be state specific)
How does auto insurance works?
is the cost of auto insurance determined based on car model, year, or the the car price sold at?""
""Why chevrolet insurance is cheap in alberta, canada?""
Why chevrolet insurance is cheap in alberta, canada?""
Any recommendations for affordable individual/family dental insurance?
I already looked on google and found a few affordable dental plans for myself...Is there anyone who is currently enrolled? How are the prices? Any recommendations on where i should enroll, or insurance plans i should stay away from? I was interested in Aetna dental plan. Is there anyone whose enrolled with them?""
Question about health insurance!!?
Can a health insurance company cut your coverage while being treated for depression?
Who has the best life insurance?
I have a Whole Life policy already, but I was wondering which company has the best product and if I should switch to a new company. I like the idea of getting term and investing the difference, but then I don't like paying for something that I'm not going to get back or get anything out of, that is if I don't die during that term period. So which company is the best to go with?""
Which company provied better mediclaim insurance?
Which company provied better mediclaim insurance?
How can i find active life insurance policies?
life insurance policies on the deciseds joe g. ward
Value Of Car Set By Insurance Company?
My car was recently stolen and declared a total lost, when I first got insurance on this car the new or used cost value was set by my insurance company for $19,000. Now that my car is a total lost they only said they can give me the fair market value only. Why did they set a price of $19,000?""
""How greatly does color impact the cost of insurance (Geico, if that helps.)?""
I'm car shopping (Even though I still don't have enough money. I'm still in the research stage). I was originally thinking dark blue (Thankfully, I want to stick to that on most of the sportier ones.), but I've found certain models that I really like in red. I was told that it's really hard to afford insurance on red cars. (Even if they aren't exactly party vehicles... The Buick Lacrosse is in my top 5.) How true is this?""
I am 17 and pregnant and don't have health insurance?
i just found out i am pregnant and i am 17 ill be 18 in june. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ABORTION!!!! i don't live with my mother or father i live with my aunt and grandma.... i have no health insurance and that is a big problem because how am i going to pay for the doctors and delivery.... can some one please help me finding some place that can help with insurance for the baby and me. P.S i live in california . and please don't even bothers answering me if u have nothing good to say because i do not need your immaturity. Thank you so much for you help :)
What would be an estimate for in on a 2WD silverado for a 16 year old male living in California?
I recently got my license and am looking at ins. Can someone find me a quote (or at least give me an idea) for a 16 year old male living in California. The vehicle would be a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I also have a clean record if that helps at all. Thanks!
Is it possible to get a loan and homeowner's insurance for a post & pier foundation house?
It's a small home and it's not located in an earquake area. Would having this kind of foundation reduced the value of the house?
What is the best affordable Medicare supplement insurance for Indiana?
What is the best affordable Medicare supplement insurance for Indiana?
Was this insurance agent being rude?
So, there is a new insurance agent and I recently got a new car. Anyway, I was asking her if I could get a lower monthly payment on my car of $91 or so. My supposed payment is $105. She said that the only way that I can pay $91 is if I enroll in life insurance and get more coverage. Well, I declined, and she still has hassling me on the phone on how it will benefit me. Well, I don't plan on doing any type of life insurance. I'm in my 30's, I'm single, no kids. I don't even have life insurance through my work. I told her that I'm not interested in it, but she then proceeded and asked, Do you even know what a beneficiary is? I told her Yes. She then attempted to persuade me to put my parents as a beneficiary-ok
""Can you take drivers ed after you get your license, and still get an insurance discount after the class?""
I have my driving test coming up, but have not taken the class or an ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) approved driving course, and was wondering if i had to take it before i got my license to get better insurance rates.""
I need to win this bet! $5000.00 on the line! Attn: Car insurance reps!!!?
Okay, my mother bet me a 5 thousand dollar car that she is right about this. Here we go. I am 27 and live back at home with parents. However, I rent a room that i pay for every month, and they write me a rent receipt, etc. I recieve county assistance every month, and they have me documented as a seperate family from my parents, meals prepared seperately, the whole nine yards. So, if they are just my landlords technically, and if i drive a car that is registered to me, my name on title, my OWN insurance policy, and I get into a accident in MY car, can they other party sue my parents for damages? Remember I am 28 years old, living in a seperate household from them. I feel that they cannot sue them cuz they couldnt sue my landlord if i lived in an apartment complex, so how coyuld they sue my landlords?""
Which Car insurance would i preferred?
I want best insurance on my car, there are many types of insurance, which insurance is good for me, can you suggest me.""
Cheapest insurance for 17 year old?
i want a convertible but the insurance is way too high! whats the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old please answer
Best and Cheapest Motor Trade Insurance UK?
Need Motor trade insurancefor first time motor trader whats the best and cheapest im in London Uk, thanks.""
Health Insurance Company in Ohio?
Affordable Health Insurance Company in Ohio
250CC motorcycle insurance-How much should I expect to pay?
I am looking to buy my first motorcycle. I am looking in the 250CC category. I have narrowed down to 1. Yamaha Virago 2. Honda Shadow I am 29 yrs old male with good driving record for car. Have good credit history. How much should I expect to pay for insurance for the motorcycle if I buy 1. NEW 2. USED (my preference). I would probably look for a MB with 10-15K on it.
How does uninsured motorist car insurance work?
I was hit, not my fault. First accident. The guy that hit me has insurance, but I guess im wanting to know if im going to have to pay out of pocket my deductible for my uninsured motorist even though he has insurance? (don't know how the insurance works)""
When to get health insurance for your newborn?
I am in my first trimester and just wondering when do I need to get health insurance for my newborn-the health insurance is United Healthcare and offered through my job
Average cost of auto insurance for 21 year old male?
i know it changes with companies but i just wanting to kno a ball park estimate so i can budget accordingly
What are the recommended coverage i should have for auto insurance?
i don't know anything about auto insurance, so im trying to figured out what i should include in my policy, not just standard, but recommended coverage, so that if anything happen the insurance company can't say this or that doesn't covered...im a person that rather be safe than sorry later... so far i have statefarm in Florida, and here are my coverage and limit so far: liability bodily injury 10/20, property damage 25 per accident. no-fault coverage comprehensive collision uninsured motorist bodily injury 10/20 is there anything else i need to add or missing? is there different between the personal injury protection and no-fault coverage? is my limit enough? my friend has 50/100 limit and pays much lower premium than me (about 40% less).""
""When someone dies, does the family get money from their life insurance?""
When someone dies, does the family get money from their life insurance?""
When will my motorcycle insurance lower?
i live in florida im going to start riding soon probly start out on a ninja 650r but i wana move up 2 a zx14 after a while(my dream bike) but the insurance is nuts on it like 800 a month now on the 14 the 650 is like 120 with amazing insurance and 250 deductables when will my insurance drop? does it go by age or experience?
Would using a motorbike for a year make insuring a car cheaper?
i'm at college and i am looking at learning to drive a car and i was wondering that if i used a motorbike or moped for a year without claiming on insurance would it decrease the cost of car insurance? because that is what my friends have been saying
Cheap motorbike insurance ?
Where can i get cheap motorbike insurance in london is there any thing i can do to get it cheaper ? UK only
Need cheap & affordable Health Insurance?
I have a friend, Yes a Friend, She and her husband are paying $160 a month for Health insurance & its, Medi-cal, Which is Welfare, So I told her that there has to be a GOOD Insurance out there that is cheaper, She needs help, Can she find anything thats better then $160 month.""
How do people driver around without car insurance and get away with it?
I watch court shows on tv and many people are taking someone to court because of an accident and the other party does not have car insurance
Insurance on a 2005 ford focus?
What would the average insurance for progressive be on a auto 2005 red focus with 70k miles. For a 17 year old and a 45 year old. Can I legally put my car in my parents name to lower insurance cost?
Applying Health Insurance with High Blood Pressure?
I have a question. If I have high blood pressure, will insurance company reject my application instantly? I am 24, male. I am just worry about this HBP, so I am trying to figure out how to apply for a health insurance. Also, my income is kind of low, is there any benefit I can count on in California(Alameda)? Thank you for answering my question""
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help""
Can I get motorcycle insurance without my parents finding out?
I am a Nebraska resident, so are my parents, and I am currently a college student. My parents still claim me as a dependent, and I am covered under their insurance plan for my car. My dad has an umbrella plan that covers all of my family and each of their vehicles. Just recently, I bought a motorcycle without them knowing. I have the bike and the title, so I want to take it to the DMV to get it registered under my name. (1) Will an motorcycle under my name show up on my dad's policy because I'm covered under him? Or can I get my own motorcycle insurance through another insurance agency for just motorcycles, but stay under my dad's umbrella policy for my car (without him knowing)? (2) Are there penalties or negative repercussions if I register it, but just store it (never drive it) and do not buy insurance OR license plates for it within a certain number of days? Any and all suggestions that might help me are much appreciated. The end goal is to be able to drive my motorcycle starting in the Spring of 2014, insure and license it myself, stay under my dad's policy for my car, and all while he does not find out about it in any way. Is that possible?""
How much do you pay for health insurance and who do you have?
People keep saying that Romney care made insurance affordable in MA. If health insurance in MA is cheap compared to other states I'm wondering how much you pay and where do you live? I live in MA and I pay $14K a year for Tufts. BCBS of MA wanted nearly $20K.
Top 10 low insurance and tax cars in insurance group 1?
just wanted little info about top 10 cars that are: 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine Insurance group 1 Low road tax
I got into a car accident like 2 weeks ago and i havent recieved a rent a car from the insurance company??????
I havent recieved a rentacar from the insurance company i didnt have insurance since the car was no more that 3 hours new to me i had just bought it. It was cansidered a total lose from the insurance what should i do.
""Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?""
Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?""
Was this insurance agent being rude?
So, there is a new insurance agent and I recently got a new car. Anyway, I was asking her if I could get a lower monthly payment on my car of $91 or so. My supposed payment is $105. She said that the only way that I can pay $91 is if I enroll in life insurance and get more coverage. Well, I declined, and she still has hassling me on the phone on how it will benefit me. Well, I don't plan on doing any type of life insurance. I'm in my 30's, I'm single, no kids. I don't even have life insurance through my work. I told her that I'm not interested in it, but she then proceeded and asked, Do you even know what a beneficiary is? I told her Yes. She then attempted to persuade me to put my parents as a beneficiary-ok
0 notes
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
"What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How could i get reasonable insurance for a range rover at 19years old?
how could i get reasonable insurance for a range rover vougue 2005 diesel at age nineteen with no claims ? and how much would the insurance be
Do auto-insurance companies submit information to DMV?
I called California DMV with proof of insurance and they already had my information. I never gave it to them directly. So I am curious are they all synced up now or how does this work?
How much will my auto insurance premium decrease when...?
I turn 25 in a year, which I heard is when my auto insurance will go down a good bit. My wife will be 22, and we are on the same policy (We only drive our own cars). We both have clean driving records, good credit, and consistently held auto insurance since we were of driving age. She has minimum coverage on her car, and I have comp/collision with $1000 deductible. Our premium is $755/six months. So, when I turn 25, how much of a decrease in premium should we expect to see?""
Why do health insurance companies care what type of doctor you see?
My health insurance is awful. It doesn't cover anything I need and I wonder why they'll offer so much to pay for one type of specialist, but none for another type. If they are willing to pay the money for one type of care, why does it matter if you want a different type of care, worth the same amount. Why does it matter what care you're getting? If you're sick, and need help, isn't that what insurance is for? Right now I need to see two doctors to treat bipolar disorder, but it's not covered at all. But if I see a doctor about my physical health, they'll pay 80%. My physical health is fine, all I need is payment for mental health therapy and medication. They don't pay for mental health medicine either. I've had the same insurance for many years before having this issue. I never actually used it, and now that I need it doesn't help me at all.""
How long can you go without health insurance before things become preexisting ?
I currently have health insurance through my father's company plan, but after my 19th birthday my insurance drops because I won't be a full time student until spring this year. Meanwhile I need coverage through some plan so nothing will be preexisting. However I can't apply for the cheap insurance that I was hoping for until my old coverage ends, and I'm worried about the bureaucratic time lapse between coverage policies. Are there any problems I'm going to run into with this?""
Insurance... please help?
Someone I know is 76 years old and is working as an employee at a small business. Can the owner of the small business get insurance to cover him? If not, any other suggestions?""
Are the extreamly wealthy required to have driver's insurance?
e.g Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Donald Trump... Assuming that they are proverbial multi-millionares/billionares who and can easily prove that they would be able to pay any conceivable liability costs out of pocket if necessary.""
Medical insurance question?
Okay do you need to be a legal guardian to put a kid in your medical insurance plan? Please don't ask why(: oh and a kid that is not on a plan already.
Where can I get affordable insurance as a new Driver?
I'm 24 years old (almost 25) and I JUST got my driver's license. I'm trying to buy a car and came across some options that I can afford but I'm super concerned about insurance costs. I live in Springfield MA (A high insurance city) and I'm in between an 09 Honda Accord and an 07 Toyota Camry. Ideally, I would like to have my own policy for personal reason's of not wanting to be entwined with my mother. My father lives out of state. I don't have friends close enough and with better driving history that could go on with me so I'm likely on my own. I'm going to want full coverage (or at least mostly full) What are some good insurance options for new drivers who aren't 16 year old kids? I tried to get one of those free quotes online and came up with a number like $706.00 a month which is just ridiculous. I know I'm not going to come away with a $150 a month plan but is there anyway I can get at least $250 - $300? ANY help would be appreciated.""
I got a speeding ticket yesterday does my insurance go up?
Im a first time driver and have only been driving 9 months and i was caught speeding, yeah i know its silly but it was down a steep hill i was doing 40 in a 30 and there was a police man in his car catching everyone. I was just wondering if by me having 3 points now will my insurance go up and how much by roughly. Im paying 1200 third party f+t on a fiesta at the moment Thanks""
Can Anyone please tell me where to get cheap car insurance for my 17 year old son who has just passed his test
He Has A ford fiesta and the best third party only quote was 2898.00 .
Gap Cover Insurance-Australia?
I have my car on finance on a 3yr contract. I was told that I'm paying for 5yrs of gap cover but only using 3 and at the end of my term I should get a sum back. How much does Gap cover cost? I want to work out how much i'll get back.
How will this speeding ticket affect my insurance?
Back in April I got a speeding ticket CVC22350, went to traffic school, and paid it off. Now, I got another one today, CVC22349 (a) for going 87 in a 65 (on the freeway). I read that I can request traffic school and if the judge gives it to me, it will take the point away but they will still notify the insurance company of my ticket. Let's say I don't do traffic school. How will this affect my insurance rates? I have Wawanesa insurance. This will be my first ticket that they know of, right? And your first ticket shouldn't affect your rates? Please help!""
Legal question about car insurance.?
My son was at a party, an aquaintance asked for his car keys to get some drink out of the boot. He then stole the car and crashed it. Only a provisional licence. The car, which is a company car, is a right off. The insurance company are saying that they may not pay out. Who ultimately is responsible.""
Average family health insurance cost?
for a school project i need to calculate how much my healthcare insurance costs per month. i am about to be a college student and do not understand how the entire insurance process works. i come from a family of 5, and apparently i have blue cross health insurance. was wondering roughly how much it costs monthly for my insurance, or what is an average monthly rate for health insurance for a person who is under a family health insurance committment? any sort of clarification helps thanks. c:""
""Better Grades, Better Car Insurance?
how does that work that if you have good grades your car insurance goes down? How much does it go down?
About car insurance companies (& their rates)........?
Hi, I've got a general question about car insurance companies. Do companies really charge more to insure a 2 door car versus a 4 door car? I understand the whole 2 door=sports car theory, but not every two door is sporty. Does it really make that much difference? For instance, there's a 2001 Chevy Cavalier 2 door in my local newspaper for $2500. Would my parents pay more for insurance coverage on it than if it was a 4 door Cavalier? As far as I know, this one isn't a Z-24--it's just a run-of-the-mill Cavy. Thanks in advance!!! :)""
""Court date for driving w.o car insurance, what are my likely outcomes?""
I got tagged for driving w.o car insurance in January, now I got a letter in the mail to attend court in a week for the incident. I live in MA where it is illegal to be uninsured and by law your registration also expires as well. I've already been towed and got my car back, now I just have to attend court. Any ideas what's going to come out of this? I have a perfectly clean driving record.""
Should i get 20 year term or a 30 year term life insurance?
My husband and I currently have a 20 year term life insurance policy. We are switching companies because we were paying too much at State Farm. I'm 30 and he is 33 and we are both in very good health. We have a 9 month old baby boy and our policies are for $500,000 each. The rate I'm getting is $45 for both of us for the 20 year term and $70 for both of us for the 30 year term. Which one should I go with?""
Does anyone have term life insurance with primerica? Are rates with another company better?
Does anyone have term life insurance with primerica? Are rates with another company better?
How does car insurance work? (also whats better buying a car vs leasing)?
well im 16 right now. planning to save up till 18 and buy a car. my first question is, how does car insurance work? i know you have to pay monthly and depending on each car its different but would car insurance be cheaper when the car is leased? or when its bought? also i know each car depreciates alot every year. at first i was thinking of leasing it but now im not sure. can someone tell me what would be a better choice on the long run?""
""Insurance cant get a hold of the other at fault party, what do?""
I was involved in a traffic collision where I was rear ended by another vehicle. Police report was filed, the information was traded. I filed a claim with their insurance and mine and have not herd anything from the other party. Everyday I contacted their insurance and they still cant get a hold of him. My vehicle is not in drivable condition so I am forced to wait, since I do not have money at this moment to pay for my deductible, I just stared a new semester and spent close to $800 on books. To make matters worse my work has come to a standstill and no income is flowing. I am thinking about hiring an attorney to help me recover the losses. What should I do? If the guy never responds what happens? Is there a law which states how long the other individual has to file a claim? Thank you. I live in the state of California.""
What is the cheapest car insurance for me?
i am 18, had a DWI in dec 2006 what would be the cheapest liability only car insurance for me? thank you""
How much is car insurance for a car with an antique tag?
Im thinking of buying an antique car but im not even quite sure how the insurance and registration works. I live in florida im not sure if it varies per state.
Are there any insurance companies that will cover Suboxone?
My girlfriend takes Suboxone strips twice a day and the Suboxone cost was covered by a program she was in. That program recently expired and we are trying to find out which insurance companies would cover the drug because she simply can't afford to buy the strips out of pocket. She only makes about $200-$250 a week so we were trying to find a low income solution. Are there any companies that we could potentially look into? AETNA is one that we are considering but we wanted to see what options were out there.
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
Is insurance cheap for a 2007 Honda CBR125?
I live in Vancouver, Canada if that helps. I'm a new motorcycle driver. 17 years old. What could I expect to pay for insurance?""
Am I covered under my father's car insurance policy?
I live in center city Chicago and I don't need a car, so I don't have my own car insurance policy. When I visit home and drive my father's car, am I covered under his policy even though I am not a minor?""
How much will my insurance go up? D=?
There was a misunderstanding and my car skidded against a 2009 Cadillac i unno what and left a mark. It wasnt even my fault but i kinda afraid of the man so... D=
Is Geico a good auto insurance company?
I have been looking at a lot of different insurance companies recently. I have gotten a lot of online quotes and so far, Geico is the cheapest, not by a lot, but every little bit helps. Can anyone let me know the good and the bad with Geico? I'm in Michigan if that helps...""
Dodge Charger Insurance?
I am 16 years old and I am about to get my license and I was wondering how much the cheapest insurance for a dodge charger would be a month! Please no comments saying that I shouldnt start of with the charger, but its just my aunt said she would give me hers that way my parents wouldnt have to buy me a car (shes giving it to me for free) We would just have to be responsible for insurance and any problems the car would have in the future. Im in the L.A area""
What is liability insurance for?
If I drive my cousins car and I get pulled over by a cop and show him my cousins insurance will I get a ticket for not having insurance that's under my name even though I have his insurance?
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
I'm just trying to pick a car insurance thats affordable. How much do you pay monthly? Also I'm 22, no driving tickets, my car is a 2005, Hyundai Accent. OR AT LEAST WHAT IS AN IDEAL PAYMENT MONTHLY FOR CAR INSURANCE?""
""Cons, what is a better health plan than the President's plan?""
Do you or your candidates have a viable plan for Americans? Many people are without insurance because it is not affordable or it they have pre-existing conditions, or their employer does not offer it. Many Americans have lost jobs and health insurance is out of the question for them. Any ideas?""
Does having a medical marijuana card affect auto insurance?
can auto insurance companies raise your rates if you have a medical marijuana card
Cheap car insurance? and cars that are cheap to insure?
Im 17 and had my licence about a month and really want a car but insurance is a killer. anyone knoe of any cheap cars in insure and companys that are cheap for people my age? thanks
""Hit and Run Insurance, Could i get a new car?""
Hi, so this morning someone crashed into my car..hit and run, people now a days, and ofcourse it ruined my fourth of july. I have full insurance cover 100 Deduct Comprehensive and collision, and i was reading comprehensive replaces your car or something? Idk, but thats what i want. I had a brand new 2013 Malibu Eco LTZ, loved it, now its messed up, n now im not going to be able to re-sell it down the line ya know :/, but since i have that, could they replace the car and give me money to buy a new one? Heres something extra 1.Brand New Car 2. Insuring 4 cars with them (State Farm) 3. Re-sell values gunna be ****.. 4. I had state farm for years So, is it possible for me to get a brand new car?""
Do you have to pay for insurance when you start a driving job?
A staffing agency is requiring me to pay a $150 refundable deductible before I start the job, does this sound legit?""
What are the associated costs of adding different types of coverage to auto insurance?
What are the associated costs of adding different types of coverage to auto insurance?
Anyone know of any affordable dental insurance? ?
i work full time, and want to have some dental work done, i was looking online, not having any luck.""
What height/weight ratio will get me best life insurance rates?
I want to replace some ART life insurance with level term. But I'm worried my weight relative to height might keep me from the best rate. Is there some way to find out what numbers trigger higher risk? If so I might wait another year and try to lose 10-20 lbs.
How do you get health insurance for under $500 a month?
My health insurance premium costs $500 a month. What options do I have for a cheaper plan? Would I have to avoid going to the doctor for many years to get affordable health insurance ? What is the secret?
Teen Car Insurance in California?
My friends is asking about, How much is the insurance for a modified car for teens. ok let say I brought a modified car from the owner and I wan to insure it how much would be my insurance? I want to know in California I don't care about other states thanks!!!!""
How much would insurance for 2009 Ford Focus be? Estimate?
I'm wondering how much insurance would cost for the 2009 Ford Focus for a 17 year old girl be? I want to buy a 2009 Ford Focus when I turn 17 not this coming up January but next. Oh and prices of how much the car costs would be nice too. Thanks!
""Im 16 and have been for nearly a month, still havnt had anything about a national insurance card?""
Right, well i turn 16 like back in august, and i never got sent a national insurance card or anything about it. does anyone know who i have to phone to find out why i havnt had it??""
My car insurance is to high! How can I lower it?
I'm 18 years old, I have been in no accidents. I have health insurance. My car is a buick 2002 century. I pay 400 and don't even have full coverage! I only work part time I don't have 400 dollars every month. Anything I can do?""
How much will this ticket bring up the car insurance?
My boyfriend is 17 and getting his license. About a year ago, (last summer) when he just had his temps, he was driving without a parent and speeding in the middle of the night. The speed limit was 65 and he was going 104... He got caught by the police and had to go to court but he got off easy and they didn't give many charges. They let him off really easily actually. He just got his license delayed for 3 months, so he had to wait 3 more months to get it. That was all that happened though. So now he's all worried about how high his insurance will be and how many points will be added on his license and stuff. Like how much higher will his insurance go up? He lives in Ohio. &He's not a bad kid or anything.. he was just messing around with a few friends one night and they just so happened to get caught...""
Medicaid health insurance? for pregnant teen?
I am 17 years old. i recently found out i was pregnant and i am under my moms health insurance. unfortunitly i am currently unemployed and my boyfriend's job isn't that good. with my mom's insurance i have to pay $20 every time i go for an appt. and the bills are kind of high. i need better insurance for me and my baby on the way and someone mentioned medicaid. any idea how to apply? also if anyone has a good insurance for them and their baby i will take any advice!!
How old does the bike have to be for classical insurance?
ive been told that my bike (86) should be put under the classical insurance for motorbikes, how old is it? please and thank you. (p.s. this is in the UK)""
How Insurance Companies Calculate Food & Hotel Expenses?
I have renters insurance, there was a fire, and I cannot live in the apartment while it is being repaired. The insurance company - State Farm, said they will pay for my and food expenses. How do they calculate these numbers, maximums, etc. Thanks!""
Can a Healthnet insurance bought in California be used in the Philippines during emergency cases?
My Aunt is from California and she's vacationing in the Philippines. Due to severe allergy attack, she was rushed to the emergency room in one of the hospitals here in the Philippines. Her health insurance provider is healthnet. The hospital here said they don't accept healthnet card. What can she do ? What other options does she have? If the hospitals here can refuse to accept Healthnet cards, can she just pay the bill and have it reimbursed later by healthnet when she gets home?""
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
Question about car insurance for teenagers?
I'm in California, my friend called an insurance company and they said underage drivers can drive on their parent's insurance coverage if they have insurance, which means he doesnt have to pay since he's 17 and his dad has insurance on his car, to make a insurance contract he has to be 18. Is this true he can drive on his dad's insurance?""
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
Car insurance and the state you live in and registration?
I just moved from Richmond VA to Greensboro NC. My car insurance is in Richmond VA and and my car is registered up there. I'm only going to stay in North Carolina for about 8 months. I want to know if I can switch my car insurance to North Carolina with out having to register my car and switching my license plates over to North Carolina. Car insurance is a hell of alot high up in Richmond than here and I want to save some much needed money. Anyone know if I can make the insurance switch with out having to register my car and switching my tags over to North Carolina? Please respond with only legit answers.
Free Health Insurance?
no it didn't help. it has nothing to do with health insurance
We are looking at buyin a house what insurances will we need and around how much should we budget for this?
We are first time buyers ans are looking to buy a house and we were wondering what are the insurances we need to take out and how much should we be looking at budgeting for this a month any help would be brill thanks x
Help European health insurance card?
my health insurance card has expired and i fly tomorrow? is this card important? if i get ill will they still treat me? and will my insurance company cover me still?
Can I refuse health insurance from my employer?
I am already insured under my husband and in the past having 2 insurances has caused a nightmare of paperwork. I am about to accept a job from a non-profit, so would me refusing insurance save them money?""
Are there any mandatory insurances for employees?
I mean no matter in which industry the employee works. Is there any insurance, say health insurance or life insurance, that the employer must provide for his employees? Thank you!""
What are good sites to get multiple car insurance quotes all at once so you can compare?
I don't mean individual insurance companies like geico or all-state, I mean where it can do the quotes for multiple companies at a time. Know any safe & legit websites? I don't want to put my personal info just anywhere.""
How can I get affordable Medical Insurance for my family?
My wife and I are hoping to have another child soon. Were getting alot of our debt paid off since I am working overtime. However our current Insurance doesn't offer maternity ...show more
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
Can I buy Motorcycle Insurance for 3 months?
Is it possible for Geico to do that?
*****Why is its called Life Insurance?*****?
If I can only get if I'm Dead? And then someone else is spending my money!
Car insurance?
I ha gotten a speeding ticket like two years ago it was the first ever since I was 18 and now I'm 27.. Paid it.. Will it show on my record when I switch companies? It still hasn't made my current insurance go up but if I switch will it show?
Which type of car insurance coverage?
say my friend was driving my car and he got into an accident which type of car insurance would cover my car if he's driving it? what if im driving his car and i got into an accident what type of car insurance would cover me, what about my friends car?""
Car insurance confusion?
Hi i'm 18 and my driving test is coming up soon and i always look for quotes on cars to see for the future. My mum said she will possibly give me her car and get a new one if i pass. But on insurance quotes for the car i will be getting i will be the main driver but not the policy holder or registered keeper as i still live at home with her and she will still use the car to go shopping and things like that but I will drive that car the majority of the time. So because i am the main driver on this quote and will drive it predominantly it is not fronting? However my mums no claims will be put on this quote as opposed to her other car so is that still ok? And who will get the no claims bonus at the end of the quote the main driver or the policy holder and if its the main driver will my mum still be able to use her no claims on another car if i gain my own? Sorry for all the questions i just want to make sure i'm not going to be breaking the law on any possible quotes i may take out Thanks in advance.
Perth; Can I ride a motorcycle without insurance?
And if I am buying motorcycle insurance, how come they ask me how much I want to pay? Please see the link at http://rac.com.au/Insurance/Motor-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance-quote.aspx So how much must I pay? I bought my second hand scooter for A$1,000 on bikesales.coml.au""
What are life insurance quotes and its advantage?
What are life insurance quotes and its advantage?
Why does the political left compare obamacare to car insurance?
car insurance is to cover the other guy, people often have liability only which give no personal coverage whatsoever!!! ca""
Hi I are v8 insurance more expensive than v6?
I'm getting a car soon and I can pick between an 08 bmw 528i v6 or 08 bmw 550i v8. I was wondering if insurance would be the same because there the same car. I live in California thank you.
""I am a married student, how can I afford pregnancy insurance?""
I am a 22 yr old married college student. I have been married to my wife for 2 years. We don't plan on having any kids until after we both graduate from school, but there is a ...show more""
What is the best auto insurance for an adult driver?
For a driver that is under 25 but older than 21, what is the best auto insurance for a minivan or an suv? No accident history. No tickets. Clean driving record.""
Is the high cost of health care and insurance the result of...??
malpractice suits or profiteering on the part of HMO's and insurance companies?
Has anyone sign up for the Affordable Health insurance?
There are all these news about too much traffic to the site, but has anyone actually signed up for health insurance through healthcare.gov?""
Wrx vs. Impreza insurance?
I know the wrx has really high insurance rates.. How about the regular impreza? (new models)
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
Which occupation would be best for car insurance purposes?
I can honestly say Retired , Investor , Private Investor Or Self Employed . Considering the fact that I don't drive very much anyway, less than 3000-3500 miles per year would one have a better risk classification and therefore lower rates than the other ? Oh, and Im 47 by the way so not your typical retired type person. (Don't really have a life but that wasn't the question) My liability insurance is pretty cheap but Im the kind of guy that likes to check every 6 months just to make sure Im getting the best price for the same coverage. Thanks ! PS, on a sort of related note, is it a problem if my credit report might not say the exact same thing ? I suspect it may say Self Employed and my former business.""
Cheap car for a 18 year old in the UK?
Hi, I'm turning 18 in few months and I wanted to buy a car. What is the best car with the cheapest insurance? (the only thing that is important to me is for me to fit in the car, I'm 6ft 9!) What should I look at when choosing a car if I want to have affordable insurance? My first choice was a old, old Mini but the insurance on that was over 5000 pounds, any suggestions? (I was using confused.com) Many Thanks Barboro37""
Cheap car to insure?
Let's work on a budget for a car of 10,000. I'd like a car newer than 2004, so I'm more than happy to have a second hand /used car. I'm looking for something a little bit more on the luxurious side of things, rather than the stereotypical first car (Clio, Corsa, Fiesta etc). UK models only! What cars are fitting my brief, and have cheap insurance for a 17 year old male. I know insurance is far from cheap nowadays, but I'm asking for the cheapest.""
Insurance For first time driver?
So like i wanna get a car, and i live in the uk , how much would i be paying monthly for insurance?""
How much does auto insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for insurance companies?
I'm in the u.s.
NJ car insurance?
NJ My daughter borrowed my car and was in a minor accident. She has her own insurance. My insurance company paid the other drivers claim and my insurance went up. Shouldn't my daughters insurance pay the claim. We have twoseparate companies.
Will my car insurance price increase with my mother as an additional driver?
Hey guys, My mother has had two accidents in the past, one of which was her fault.""
What kind of life insurance companies are there in states?
What kind of life insurance companies are there in states?
Will I affect car insurance rates ring on the cars title?
Me and my fiance re buying a car together I asked him to put it in both our names but he said nothing against me he just don't want his insurance to go up but I was told I don't have to affect the insurance even if the title says (him and me) the insurance would still just Be in his name.?
Scooter insurance - Average cost?
I am 29, female, live in Greater London. Full cat B licence for 2 years, but no formal bike training, and will be riding a scooter of 50cc or lower. Any idea roughly how much I can expect to pay?""
Has anyone used Young Driver Insurance ? With CO OP?
Im searching for cheap car Insurance, I came across CO OP Young Car Insurance, Been Quote 1700 with my 1 years no claims and been driving for 4 years. Without CO OP insurance confused website I did the same search was quoted 2500. Has anyone had CO OP young Insurance can you tell me the Pros and Cons of this Insurance Company, Also if I was driving at 35MPH in a 30zone would I banned from the Insurance company.""
""Affordable Health Insurance, Cheap Online Health Insurance ...?""
represent all major medical insurance carriers, From individual health insurance, self employed health insurance, family health insurance, small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html""
Car bill of sale/insurance?
Im 18 with no licence Im actually in the process of trying to get my licence well my question Is can a family member Put me under there car insurance so i can Register my car since the Bill of sale Is under my name? Im not planning on driving the car until i have my licence
""Would it be worth going through insurance, pictures?""
Its a 2002 Honda Accord SE 4-door. Lets just they there was an incident, anyways. The rear passenger door is banged in. My issue is, if I buy a replacement, would it be hard to mount the door, are the bolts, just screw on, and the door is already aligned or is there some type of process? The deductible would be $500 with the possibility of higher insurance rates. I could get the door in the same color for less. What should I do through insurance or do it myself, would it be difficult? I have someone who will paint it, if it doesn't match. Supposedly, as far as the Window components are (Regulator etc, they are included in the replacement also) http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a81/oyoki1/Pictures1026.jpg""
Any idea how much insurance is on a slightly new mustang for a 16 year old?
pretty much said it all but maybe a 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how much insurance would be since its his first car.. thanks
How much is car insurance for a 21 year old female?
I'll be a first time driver as of next month and I was curious how much I'll be looking at as a ball park estimate on my insurance rates. I know I'm a late bloomer for driving but I have never needed it as I live in a city. But as I want to do and go more places, I need a car now. Especially since I'm moving out of state, on my own, in 6 months. I was wondering how much I'm going to be looking at. I'll be driving a small sedan, maybe a 04-05 Honda Accord or Civic. I live in Texas now but I'll be moving to Ohio, in February, and if anyone could give me rates for both places I'd be much obliged! Thank you so much for even answering my question :)""
Do you need to be full time student to be in your parent's insurance?
I'm a cancer survivor and on 5 years health watch on Kaiser. I just turned 22 yesterday and I have 9 units of credits in college. Do you need to be a full time student to be in my father's insurance? or did they changed the law? I live in Bay area California.
How can i get cheaper car insurance there must be a way!?
Hi i really can't afford much and i do want a cheaper car insurance quote for my car.But i don't know much about how to get my car insurance quote down is there any tips or ways that you can tell me because its expensive and i am not even a classed as a young driver so it should be cheap!
Cheap car insurance in ohio for a 17 male not on parents insurance?
what would be the average amount for car insurance for a 17 male still in high school not on his parents car insurance. he really needs this car to get to and from college and he is mostly on his own im trying to help as much as i can so what would be a average amount for him knowing this Information. please help me
How much would my car insurance be?
I'm looking to buy another car. I would really like a BMW or a VW, years like 1996 to 2004. I'm thinking like a 3 series BMW or a passat or jetta. I know these are typically nicer cars thus insurance would be higher, though some people claim they're cheaper because they're more safe. Anyway, how high are we talking here? I don't need an exact number but a decent estimate would really help so I don't buy a nice car and find out I can't afford the insurance. I'm an 18 year old guy, I have NO tickets of any sort, no accidents, I commute about 20 miles to college, iv been licensed for over a year, I took drivers education. I'm under my own name not my parents so my insurance is astronomical cause I'm an 18 year old guy. Please help.""
I need help with my car insurance?
Middle aged female (mid fifties), have had comprehensive car insurance 8 years no claim but current insurers now charging me nearly 500/annum.Insurance runs out 30th october 08. Any suggestions for cheap car insurance companies (in England please) for Honda Accord V Tec (W Reg). Thanks""
How much more is it to insure two personal cars vs. one?
I am just one guy, I live by myself and nobody drives my car but me. I keep insurance on it but conditions may turn out that I will end up with a 2nd car. I would ultimately drive them both and have them insured but how much is it for one person to insure a 2nd car? Is it (premium of one car) X 2 or more like 1.5(P) I hope this wouldn't be too expensive and make it not worth it.""
Insurance for a first time motorcycle driver?
is insurance cheaper for a pickup truck or motorcycle for a first time driver? either would be pre 1990 the motorcycle would be a 250cc honda
Would anybody please tell me what do I have to do to become a car insurance broker?
I am interested in car insurance industry and would like to become an insurance broker. I don't know the course or the line to follow.
Will this affect my auto insurance rate?
I accidentally hit a poll, no one was injured. Only damage to my front bumper. I went to a body shop and the estimate is ~$2000. My deductible is $500. Should I go through my insurance or just pay it out of pocket? Will a claim automatically make my insurance go up? I am a 29 y/o married male with a clean driving record.""
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
0 notes
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
"Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
""Would it be fair if I give you a bit of tax hikes, since you can now save on more affordable health care which?
I gave to you?
Does insurance go up for out of state speeding ticket?
I hae a New York drivers license, i was pulled over going 45 in a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked it up and i know i do not get points on my record, but does my insurance go up? does anyone knoow and have a good source they can provide? Thanks""
What is the best health insurance for the self employed? (and cheapest)?
What is the best health insurance for the self employed? (and cheapest)?
Learners Permit and Insurance!?
Can I have insurance while having my learners permit? (I currently live in Orlando, FL)""
Will car insurance offer a jump start to my car ?
my car doesn't ignite and i... out. will my car insurance company be able to...
How much is car insurance for a new driver?
How much would car insurance cost in BC in a rural area for a 17 year (new driver). Thanks. The car would be a mustang from 1995-2001
How much car insurance do u pay yearly?
Car insurance for teen drivers?
Hey everyone! First off, if you're wondering why I'm not using online quotes to see how much car insurance would cost, its because it requires personal information of both my parents that I can't ask for without sounding suspicious (my dad told me not to search since I asked before). Also, in order to get the auto insurance quote, you have to leave contact information so an agent can contact you and initiate your quote , which is something I don't want. I'm a newly licensed teen, got it around the middle of December 2013. I've had my permit for about 8 months before that. My dad told me to wait a bit before I can start driving since car insurance rates is higher for teen drivers, and I agreed. I was wondering how long I had to wait? My dad told me over 1 year to a few years, but sometimes 6 months works. I was baffled, if that was true, there was no point of getting my license since I would most likely be in college by the time I was allowed to be insured. Does car insurance rates really lower down with waiting time? And if so, approximately how long would it take? My auto insurance company is State Farm, and my family has 3 registered vehicles and 2 registered drivers of over 15 years (my parents). I'm 16 years old, and I qualify for the good student discount and steer clear safe driver discount, and my parents qualify for the multiple line discount car insurance and have never had any driving violation in the past three years. If you could estimate the range of how much more my parents have to pay for car insurance if I become insured on my car (which is older than me lol) without waiting, and how long I would have to wait for rates to go down, that would be great.""
What is the easiest/cheapest insurance company in Ireland to get insured on with an endorsement and 5 points?
A friend of mine was caught drink driving and has gotten his licence back but with an endorsement and 5 points on his licence, any insurance company he has tried has turned him away. What are his options car wise? And what are the best companies to go to? And also - he is 23 what price range would he be looking at? Thanks in advance for the answers!""
How much is insurance for a 2001 mercury cougar. If I am 16? (EST.)?
With this. I am 16 year old. live in MN first car. go on my parents plan. B+ average. And just no Liability. Not any other plans like coverage ect. Just No liability. Thanks! Oh it's in a metro area too
I'm disabled a on social security. Is there a cheaper auto insurance that I can apply to in Florida?
Im moving to flordia on March 3ed. An I need to find cheap auto insurance. Here in NJ we have a program called Dollar a day. But its only for people on Medicaid or Medicare. Does Fl have any programs?
Car insurance check for air bags?
So im planning on getting either Allstate or Farmers Insurance, I'm wondering if they will check for air bags when they look at my car.""
Temporary 2 week car insurance for 21 yr old?
My boyfriend i s coming over from australia and has an aussie driving licence, we are thinking of borrowing a car from my friend who is a second hand car salesman and hence has many cars hanging about but which are uninsured. Does anyone know if it is possible to borrow one of the cars (which are road taxed) and insure it for me for 2 or 3 weeks only (21, had a driving licence for 3 years) or my boyfriend (26, had an aussie licence for 8 years)?? Which company can we use?! Please help ASAP!""
Am a 16 year old boy and i want a mustang for my first car... gt or v6?
money is my concern... insurance? gas?
Approx. how much would a leased car amd insurance cost a 24yr old male?
Planning on either a alfa romeo, or civic moving to the uk so not sure what leases are like and insurance. Insurance in toronto is sky high so im assuming it will be the same. I pay $400 a month so arounds 200pounds. Just looking for estimations thanks. City driver too, possibly london or glasgow.""
I was wondering how much insurance would be for camaro?
I am a 17 year old male (I know :( ) it would be a z28 I would only want insurance for like 3 months( is that possible) Only liability insurance too or the cheapest one and still be legal.
Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.""
Cheap car insurance for teenagers?
I passed my test yesterday, I'm 17 but turn 18 in 3 months. I have my own car and I'm desperate to start driving. I spoke to dozens of companies and the minimum quote I got was 3000 something a year or 288 monthly with ingenie, which I don't earn enough wages for let alone without the cost of petrol. Can anyone recommend cheap insurance companies for new drivers? My mums won't insure me because of my age and told me I need no claims but I don't get how I can get no claims when I no one will even insure me? I'm really upset because I've spent 1100 on learning. Be grateful for any advice!""
Shopping for car insurance?
what are some good car insurance agencies out there?
What does comprehensive insurance mean?
I am trying to apply for state insurance for my daughter, who is currently on her fathers insurance through his work, and the rates have just gone up considerably. In the FAQ, it says that families who voluntarily drop employer based comprehensive insurance must wait 6 months to apply. Can someone please tell me what this means? Thank you""
Will my rates go up for a hit and run?
This weekend, my car was hit while parked in a parking lot. Nobody left a note or anything, which makes it a hit and run. The damage is extensive so I had to make a claim with my insurance co (it's unfair enough that I have to pay the deductible for something that's not my fault, I shouldn't have to pay even more). When I asked this won't make my rate go up, will it? they told me they will have to wait and see! This is so unfair, it wasn't my fault, I wasn't even THERE and they might raise my rates. I have 2 other claims in recent years, one from 2009 that was not at all my fault and the other from 2008 that was split 40-60 (or something, i don't know the exact % but i was less at fault that the other driver but still deemed at fault which was bs, but i digress). I have State Farm. Does anyone have experience with them and know if they will raise my rate over this? I'm so angry right now!""
Could someone explain health insurance deductibles?
What is a deductible? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Do you want a low deductible or a high deductible? I ask because while trying to find some affordable health insurance, one company said it was $45 a month with $0 deductible. What does this mean?""
Car Insurance - Older owner still has insurance on it?
I had my car signed over to me on the 2nd November and received my V5 back on the 10th. I got the car insured ASAP as required on a daily basis. I have recently found out that the previous owner STILL has insurance on it and has arranged for it to be fully cancelled on the 1st December to collect their no claims bonus. Obviously I cannot make them cancel the policy but does this invalidate my insurance until the 1st Dec/make it illegal to use my car until this date?
Why do I have to be added on the car insurance?
Im 17 and I got my license yesterday. I do not own a car, but I will be using moms car occasionally. My question is if she has car insurance, why do we have to pay extra just for me to drive it? Wouldn't the insurance she already has cover me? Dose that mean that every car I drive (that I dont own) I will have to pay for extra insurance? I just dont under stand it. If any one could explain it to me I would be great-full. Thanks""
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
About my leased car insurance?
I have a nissan 2009 lease, I have two questions: 1. do I need to purchase PIP insurance? also a $750 deductible in comprehensive and collision is ok? 2. My boyfriend lives with me and he has his own commercial car insurance, I drive my car the most, do I need to add him in my quote? He drives the car perhaps on Sundays when we go out other than that I drive the car most of the time. Thanks for your answers""
Free health insurance coverage in the state of California ?
My mother In- law has come to join us to live in the united states. I was wondering can she qualify for MEDICAL in the state of california. Free health insurance
""Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old male on a 2013 Dodge Charger V6?
Hopefully I could be a secondary driver on the vehicle which may lower the price a bit
Best and cheap major health insurance?
Best and cheap major health insurance?
Is my car going to be declared a total loss by the insurance company?
About 2 weeks ago I was involved in a car Accident which was not my fault. The driver made a left turn and hit us while we were going through the intersection. Both airbags on our vehicle were deployed and there was damage to our driver side tire area. Our vehicle is a 2003 Dodge Neon and was in great condition before this. Here is a picture of it from the accident. http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/5751/15662047433344321352910.jpg Are they going to declare this car a total loss? If so, how much do you think we will get?""
What health insurance is best and affordable for my wife?
We had a baby 3 months ago, but I am looking for health insurance that is good and affordable for my wife. Any suggestions?""
What are the best car insurance sites for a 17 year old male?
Im just looking what sort of prices id be looking at for insurance for small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant get a quote under 3000. Who are the best insurance providers for recently passed 17 year olds?
Why is car insurance so high for a 30+ female with 10yrs ncd?
I'm just looking for a new/nearly new style Ford KA and looked at some insurance quotes and ive noticed that nothing comes in cheaper than 360. It's not what I'm driving as I've looked at smaller cars such as Peugeot 107's and Citroen C1's (both new and older cars). They all come out with nothing cheaper than 360! I had a brand new KA back in 2003 and that was only 260 for insurance (I do understand that insurance has gone up in 10 years!), but why cant I get anything cheaper? I'd see myself as a model driver as I've been driving for 11 years, never had an accident, never claimed on my insurance, never been booked or had any points and I'm now in the 'older' bracket! Please can someone explain, or reassure me that it's not just me this is happening to?""
Insurance for quad biking abroad?
I'm going on holiday in a couple if weeks and have already bought travel insurance that covers everything apart from the use if quad bikes. It's likely that me and my group will want to use them at some point, and I'm wondering if its possible to either buy insurance out there, or buy insurance online for quad bikes only. I don't want to buy a whole new insurance policy as this will cost another 20, and I am already covered for everything else. Thanks.""
How much is your monthly car note and how much is your insurance? How many months do you have to pay it off?
What do you drive and do you feel its worth it? I pay $271 on my note. My insurance is $138. I had 42 months on it. I drive a 2005 chevy cobalt. So far I guess it is worth it. Driving is very expensive.
Why is car insurance rates so high?
Why is car insurance rates so high?
""Can I get my car towed home, from a car lot without insurance? Or can I keep it there until I get insurance?""
Can I get my car towed home, from a car lot without insurance? Or can I keep it there until I get insurance?""
The Cheapest Car Insurance Company?
Hi im 20, i got a quote on a peugeot 205, m reg, 1.6, its around the 1,500 mark =O, anyone maybe can help""
How much did your car AND insurance cost?!?
I need to do an independent survey for my maths GCSE and i need to know how much your car cost and how much it cost to insure it. Need aout 50 answers overall. 30 at least. Please answer, thankyou!""
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
What is the best place for an 18 year old to get health insurance?
My ex is dropping my daughter from his insurance because she is 18. To pick her up on my insurance would triple my premium, which is already outrageous. Is there a reasonable policy out there for a healthy 18 year old?""
Affordable car insurance company?
Hi, I am looking for an affordable car insurance company. Have searched one Elephant.com. Is it a good company? Anybody heard about them or any experience with them? Please share........""
How can my car insurance go up from 128$ to 178$?
My car is all paid off and has been since I bought it. But I don't know why it went up. I looked up other car quotes and there much higheer then what im paying now.
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am turning 16 next month. I'm getting my liscense then too. I'm a girl... Ahah. I've heard insurance is cheaper for females. I live in henderson, nevada (pretty much las vegas). And my first car is going to be a 1999 porsche 911 carrera. It's in mint condition also. My dad barely used it. I know it will be high-ish since it's a sports car :/ About how much would my insurance be on it a month? THAN YOU! <3""
Car insurance stuff i don't understand.?
Hello everyone, I am an international student who's been in the USA (Buffalo, NY) for the past 2 years working hard on my masters (i'm 25 now). I bought a POS Saturn last year for 2000 dollars and, well, for that i needed to get car insurance since it's mandatory in this country. Since i was from abroad and i had a learner's permit at the time, i had to get insurance with my international license. Progressive was my only choice so i paid around 700$ for 6 months. That's the rate I've been paying for the last year. Unfortunately, i just don't have the money anymore to pay 700 more dollars for the next 6 months. I tried different insurance companies but they are all around the same range. Apparently, i was stupid enough to not get a credit card as soon as i landed in this country. I was raised with the if you don't have money, don't spend it philosophy so i just used my debit card. This is the only reason that i can see for these absurd rates. Every single one of my friends ( all international students ) pay around 200-250/six months dollars for their pieces of crap cars. I just feel like i'm not being given a fair deal. Not having any credit might put a penalty on me, i understand somewhat how a capitalist mind works... let's say about 100-150 more dollars for 6 months, but a whopping 500 $ ? Don't you think it's kind of messed up that first of all it's mandatory, and then there's no baseline to at least make sure that noone gets ripped off. Is there any way that a person can inquire why he is being charged so much(instead of the bs the agents tell you i.e your area is bad etc.)? Or are you at the mercy of these people?""
Auto insurance and a cars value?
How do you find out how much your car is worth and what the insurance replacement value is?
22 y/o and have Cystic Fibrosis its a genetic disease (debilitating lung disease) Eventually kills you, supposedly by age 38 yeah yeah i know. right now i'm on Disability because i need Medicare and Medicaid to cover my expenses. And unable to work do to health conditions at the moment. BUT i want to work when i am able, and i do have my associates and want to obtain my bachelors degree. WHAT JOB (probably for the Union or Governemnt) can i get that has GOOD health Insurance that will not strain my health. ( I cannot work in medical field due too freq. lung infections) My Yearly Bills add up to at a minimun $50,000 and if i go in the hospital several times a year over $100,000.. also have monthly bills for antibiotics, and hospital and doctor visits, testing ECT. If i ever get or need a double lung transplant that costs over $500,000 and i need the medical to pay for it when that day arrives. I DO NOT want sympathy i need people to understand my condition and can point me in the right direction. I hate taking peoples hard earned cash, and i will not do it when i don't need to. I am not on my death bed yet and do not need to be on it the rest of my life.""
Why is car insurance so much money for seventeen year old males?
my daughters boyfreind has just passed his driving test, he has been quoted 5000 for his insurance by car insurers. is this true, or is it a joke.""
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
Do you need insurance if you are not going to drive the car?
For example if you had a parked car on the side of the road would you need it to be insured?? Because what would happen if your handbreak snapped and it rolled into another car? Who's insurance would cover it?
Can i find out someones car insurance company?
a lady hit my car back in march of this year. she agreed to pay for the damage but then moved out and skipped town. well the police finaly found her but the problem is i dont know her insurance company. i have her full name, and her vehicle vin number. i dont want to claim it on my insurance so my rates go up, thats nuts. so i need to find her insurance company so i can file it with hers! anyway i can do this?""
Advanced driving courses/car insurance?
Hi I am a 20 year old male, i passed 2 years ago, but since my dads insurance went up to 7000 with me as an additional driver both of us totally clean on a 1.4 astra i have been without my own transport as i had to be removed from the policy which is understandable. i've always been a sensible driver with 2 years no accidents or convictions but i have always been an additional driver to save costs on insurance but now the time has come to start building my no claims and i am struggling to find a car i can afford to insure. So long story short what i was wondering was could anybody please tell me of any advanced driving courses or any other ways to lower my insurance quotes and post links to them so i can find them easier. please help its becoming a real nightmare and i am sure if you can help me here you are helping thousands of other young drivers who are being punished because of muppets out there. Thanks for any help i would greatly appreciate it""
Should I contact my auto insurance company (accident was not my fault)?
Okay, my wife's car got stuck in the snow last week close to the subdivision. So I went out to get the car because she's not really good at driving in the snow, but I have ...show more""
Car insurance in America for non citizens on holiday?
I have a few questions about car insurance in America for non citizens. I am going to the USA this summer and will be driving alot.I have car insurance on my own car and have a full license and an international driving permit.Do i have to get insurance on the car in america or will my own insurance in ireland cover it or will i have to start another policy with an american company?Will this cost alot?My insurance here is not expensive and ive never been in an accident or made any claims.Is it possible to be put on my friends insurance as a driver and if so how much would this be cheaper then buying my own insurance?Any information would be great, i am very confused on the matter.""
How do the payment work if a bunch of people are being sued by a auto insurance company?
1 insurance company is suing another insurance company, and 6 people. If the 1 insurance company wins how do they split of the amount sued for? If they do at all... I need answers please""
What is the cost of car insurance with out drivers ed.?
I am an 18 year old girl, looking to get a small used car something like a older civic. What would the average monthly payment be. I live in NH and I have good grades, never been in ...show more""
Part-time job enough to pay car insurance?
Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-olds car insurance? How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly?
Can anybody Reccomend a good online insurance company for a Cagiva Mito 125?
I have been looking around for a low insurance rate for my Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, does any Mito owners know of a good insurer for that bike and how much did you pay?""
Where can I find affordable Homeowners Insurance in South Florida?Mine filed for bankruptcy.Someone reputable?
Looking to find a reputable and affordable Homeowners Insurance Policy in South Florida. I dont have any claims pending and it seems that nobody is offering Homeowners in South Florida due to the hurricanes.I am covered until Dec 2006,then I need to find a new company as mine filed for bankruptcy.Thanks!!""
Car insurance? Audi a3? Finance?
I'm 17 and looking to pass my test by October when I will be 18. Now I went into an Audi garage and they said I could get a a3 on finance when I've passed my test and I'm 18. But I'm just wondering how much would the insurance be? Would they give me a deal or could it be cheaper on my dads? Thanks. Btw I've never had a car or insurance before
Car Insurance for youth?
What car insurance company is usually cheapest for a new driver with a car in the early 90's (1991 Grand Prix) for liablity only. I would go on with my parents but the company they have forces me to pay on every car they own and its just waaaay to much for me since im just starting out in the workforce
""Want car insurance on other person policy, how much?""
I want to be a named driver on someones policy, how much extra will it cost for 24 year old with provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa U Reg The main holder has been driving many years. Just want a rough idea..hope you can help""
Insurance for tuners ?
Getting a car soon and wanted to know how insurance works if you tune it uo...like say a geo tracker with an RB26DETT in it...yes i no its close to impossible...would they charge more or what....i no they dont cosmetically but like adding a turbo would they add to ur insurance??
Can you have more then 1 life insurance policy?
Can you have more then 1 life insurance policy?
How many cars can you have insurance on?
I have a permit, No drivers license the only way I will learn how to drive and get a license is if I buy my own car. My mother ( the asswhole ) has three cars already and uses her insurance.. is there a limit on how many cars your allowed to have insurance on?""
Licence wrong date when applying for insurance?
when you get a quote along the way it asks you to enter when you recieved your licence. what if i put 2-3 years old when in actual fact it is only 2 months old. Will the insurance company find out that i am not telling the truth or can i get away with it? Do they check my licence to see when i got it. thanks.
Why do insurance companies do a credit check. bad credit doesnt make you a bad driver and the same with good?
Why do insurance companies do a credit check. bad credit doesnt make you a bad driver and the same with good?
Car Insurance Payments?
Is the car insurance still in act even if I don't pay for it on the day the payment is due, or does the insurance stop and resume until I pay for it? And, if I don't pay the car insurance on time, will they charge me until I pay them?""
21stcentury insurance?
21stcentury insurance?
Can I get car insurance under my boyfriend's name even though the car is registered to me?
My car is registered under my name BUT i want put my boyfriend as the primary driver on the car insurance. He signed over the title to me because of some private reasons but even though legally its mine I still see it as his. Anyhow, can I put car insurance under his name even though the car is registered under my name?""
Cheap car insurance with DUI?
I'm really struggling to pay rent along with everything else, and now I have to pay car insurance or else my registration will be suspended. I can barely afford to buy food with my part time job and school. Is there a really cheap car insurance company that accept DUIs? I don't have bad credit and have ALWAYS paid my bills, I just need something relatively cheap or else I have no idea how I am going to stay under a roof with food. I live in northern California if that matters.""
What steps are needed to obtain a license to sale Insurance in the State of California?
I have a college degree, but just had a baby and I'm looking to obtain a license to sale Insurance for when my son gets older so I can have a flexible schedule. What is the process in the State of California to obtain a license to sale Insurance? (car insurance, business insurance, home insurance, etc.) Is there a seperate license for each kind of insurance? or does one license cover all of them? Also, what are the steps to obtain a license? Any information would be great! (also, how long is the process of obtaining a license?)""
What are my health insurance options as a student?
I'm 22 years old and a full-time student at a California State university. Last month and without warning, my dad cut me off of his company's insurance and is refusing to put me back on because he claims we have no relationship and he essentially wanted to be spiteful as he has done since my parents divorced. My question is this: Can he even legally do this? As a full-time student, isn't it my right to be covered by his insurance? I can't get any insurance through my mother as she is unemployed. Because I'm pulling 19 units at school, I can't take on a full-time job to get health insurance. So what are my options? Is there a way to force my dad to put me back under his plan? If not, what should I do? I'm confused and scared because just over a month ago, I had to go to the ER because I broke my nose. Two days later was when my dad cut my insurance. Now I don't even know if that ER visit was covered because he didn't warn me before he cut me off. If someone could please help me figure out what to do in this situation, I would be very grateful!""
What are full time jobs that have full health coverage?
I am looking for jobs that have full health coverage, being I have MS and need my medicine and could not afford it on a normal insurance, what are some jobs that have medical coverage?""
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
How do we get life insurance?
im 45 & my wife is 42 we have 2 kids one is 18 and one is 20 we never had life insurance before 1.how does it work? 2.is it expensive? 3. how much money can you get? 4. what company is the best to choose? 5. can we still get life insurance? please answer all my questions dont put stupid answers :)
Should I take a term insurance rather than home mortgage insurance?
Normally many banks want the home loan borrowers to take mortgage insurance. Here there are controversies since many suggest borrowers should take term insurance instead. But do term insurances always give better protection than term insurance? How does a mortgage insurance compare with term insurance in terms of premium amount, premium payment period, risk cover of death, disability, chronic disease, surrender value, survival benefits etc? Apparently the term insurances are cheaper but have to be paid for a much longer period than mortgage insurance (generally paid for about 1/3rd of loan period.) So which options is better? I would specifically like to know about such products available in India. Thanks.""
High risk auto insurance?
Guys, Please what is the Best Option Online for High risk auto insurance, i am looking for One Just In Case Thanks""
Insurance and Driver License MN?
I just started my policy with 21 insurance and I moved from home to my grandma to now to chaska. Which is closer for work. Im getting a new driver license. But I told the insurance company my old address since I didn't get the new card for driver license. Is this bad will my rate go up ? I told the insurance company I work 3 days a week and its 45 min one way. But now im closer to work.
How much will my insurance go up for a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket in July going 100 mph in California. I live in AZ and was visiting when I got pulled over. I got a notice in the mail saying it's mandatory for me to appear in court. Does anyone know how much my insurance will go up? I'm 25 yrs old and this is my 2nd speeding ticket. The 1st one was in AZ and it doesn't show up on my record because I went to driving school.
Why is the US government forcing health insurance on me?
My hate for the US government is growing by the day.
Kit car insurance for new driver?
how insurance companies are looking at new drivers that are thinking of getting a kit car, is it based on value of the car or just what engine it has or what it was made from? what it be higher then standard insurance? thank you""
What is the best Pregnancy Insurance Available to a already expecting Mom w/no health coverage at the moment?
Health Insurance for Pregnant Women!
Insurance for a 2007 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V?
I've been wondering how much insurance would cost for a 2007 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V for a 16 year old as the main driver, but I don't want to send my information to an insurer for a quote and possibly get unwanted solicitaions from them. Does anyone have any idea? Oh, and would it be different for a 17 year old?""
Do you get your credit checked for car insurance quotes?
Do you get your credit checked for car insurance quotes?
Does taking driving classes cheapen the cost of driving insurance for new drivers?
I'm planning to get my driver license when I turn 18 which is in two months and I live in Massachusetts. The state law says that you don't have to take driving classes in order to get your driver license if you are over the age of 18 but I am taking in order for my driving insurance to be less. If so, do you save around 10-15% on driving insurance rate? And how long does this discount on this insurance last for drivers.""
Buying a car/insurance help?
I am 17, currently taking driving lessons and looking to buy a car. I wanted quite a big car, such as the Ford mavric as ones that i have found in my price range. However the insurance is huge for them type of cars. I was wondering if anyone could tell me quite big cars with cheap insurance Thanks""
I need some Insurance Help?
My father, just yesterday tried to commit suicide by slitting his wrist, luckily he had called the cops, but he also had to take an ambulance ride and another ambulance ride to the county hospital where he will be held for 72 hours. He does not have insurance due to his work laying him off, and him not being able to afford it. Is there any kind of insurance that will cover this kind stuff. He has been suffering from depression and high blood pressure for quite sometime, so I don't know if those are pre existing things that would stop insurance...but him and my mother cant afford this at all right now. They live in southern california, if anyone knows of some kind of insurance, please please respond!""
Can I get separate 6 month car insurance for 2 vehicles?
I live in Vermont want to drive ONLY my Kia Spectra May-October, and ONLY my Ford F150 from November-April. I want to save money by having an insurance policy that covers each car for these 6 month intervals vs. insuring both year-round. Do car insurance companies typically offer this kind of coverage? I would ask around, but the insurance companies are so aggressive I can NEVER call for a simple quote or answer without extreme sales pressure.""
How bad is insurance for a 17 year old with a stock 1979 datsun 280zx?
im buying my son a car soon and he found one stock average insurance cost? per month or annual
""Need cheap auto insurance, Arizona?""
only drive 2 miles a couple times a week, never had a accident or ticket; 63yrs old,Mesa,AZ""
Car insurance renewal - is it compulsory ?
I had accident earlier this year(few months ago) wasn't my fault and other side admitted it but they still haven't paid for damages so the case is still open. I have been told by my car insurance company that they don't know where is the problem but as final bill hasn't been paid as a result my car renewal will go up as my previous 4 years no claim will vanish for now. Apparently once the other side pays what they should then they reduce my monthly payments accordingly as they take no claims years(this is 5 th year into account.) My question is : 1. is this correct what I said so far(or been told) 2. Do I have to renew my car insurance which expired last week even if I don't drive my car which is safely parked on my driveway(off road) ? Can I pay later lets say next month ? this is due my finance difficulties and I hope that other side pays by then and so I pay much less insurance. Professional advice would be great ! Thanks for reading :-)
What are some cheap car insurance companies for young adults in Georgia?
I'm a 20 year old male currently shopping around for car insurance, but I can't seem to make a decision. I need the most inexpensive, but quality insurance possible. Do you guys know any companies that may be a little more generous to young adult drivers?""
Whats cheap car to insure and run?
ive been trying to find cheap cars to insure, and it comes up with 2010 models that the car costs 12,000 i want something old cheap reliable for fuel car cost and insurance, i dont really care what year but im guessing the older cars like 1980s will be cheaper""
How can I get some cheap/reasonable health insurance?
How can I get some cheap/reasonable health insurance?
Help plz car insurance in MD?
well i am 20 years old. i have been driving a car under my mother's insurance name for a while, the insurance told her that if i got an acident while driving that car the insurance will never cover any damage and they consider that as a crime so Is that a crime to drive a car which ur name is not in the insurance list? also ifu know which insurance company is the best for me to get my own insurance""
Cheapest way to get car insurance?
we know of a family that is going through tough times. Mom works 3 jobs, daughter (18 y.o. works 2 jobs and goes to school full time) while the dad has two DUIs on him. Of course the daughter can't get insurance(because its too expensive). Around $2k a year. Know of any other viable options?? Its in California. Thanks!""
Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
I just would like to know. Is it possible? Thanks.
Car mod insurances?
does a body kit cost alot on your insurances.if you no what percentage it increces. thanks
What happens to money at the end of life insurance term?
As a young child and teen, I remember my mom saying on a few occasions that she bought term life insurance when I was a baby. It was a 30 year plan for 100,000. She said that the term would end when I turn 30 years old and if she doesn't die by the time it ends....then SHE would be able to collect on the plan (getting the 100k) Now, I am 30 years old..and want to by term life insurance so my child will be taken care of incase I die. I'm thinking off getting a 20 year term. MY QUESTION - is it so that in 20 years...if I don't die, then I will be able to collect all that money? I'm doing research on it and finding that with regular term life insurance, you don't get any money at the end of the term.....but I remember my mom saying different. What do you know about it? (it isn't possible to ask my mom about it)""
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 73142
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