#and I do love how this contrasts w the end of s5 where it seems like the only option is to kill dawn but buffy puts her foot down
anniemal2004 · 6 months
last post is exactly why I love buffy s6. love to see my no 1 girl broken and depressed and deeply disconnected from her closest friends and the world at large. I eat that shit up every time
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beaulesbian · 2 years
No bc Mike getting vecna'd is such a good idea if byler endgame is the goal. Like his regret/shame would be the fact that he can't say ily to his gf and the fact that he's in love w his best friend but repressing it. Then will could confess and this would remove some of that shame thus possibly saving him?? Cause people saying will gets cursed has me wondering what his regret would be (other than his love for Mike, which he seems to be relatively accepting of, whereas Mike (if he is in love w will) is repressing it much more and prob thinks it will hurt el whom he really cares about)
(this got a bit longer than i first wanted, but i have too many delusional theories 💖)
exactly, i see this more even as a great tool for their respective character developments than even for the ship itself, but ofc that would be best outcome if this all happened.
in my opinion if will gets vecna'd it would just be too similar to what hes already been through before, it would be unnecessary repeating. what we need is to see will have some connection to the upside down, that will help by the end to defeat vecna or whoever else in s5.
meanwhile it would be much more interesting to see this with mike. bc overall its a bit more difficult to see what hes really thinking, if we only see the surface level emotions.
first, he cares about all his friends beyond anything. and while will and el and max went through such trauma that was very visible, (and theyre still dealing with that, we still dont know much how mike is dealing with anything.
we only see how he changes depending on whos around him and how they interact together (dustin and lucas, eddie, will, el, his family - i feel he acts very different around each of them)
In season one his best friend went missing, was pressumed dead and had a funeral - mike thought, even for a while, he lost him permanently.
In that time el appeared and was helping find will, his friends suddenly think he likes her more than a friend (its whats normal, right? Ofc he should like her before he even knows himself...)
He fights with lucas about el in s1, and one of the things he said (i cant remember exactly now) is how he feels guilty they fought about it, "if only he could have said something more, something better, its my fault"
i think he said something similar in different situations during the first three seasons, and then in s4, when hes opening up to will about this, he tells him similar thing twice "if only i explained myself better, i should have said something more to el, do something better"
from that i get the feeling hes always trying to do not just the best he can, but whats expected of him. and when he finds he doesnt have the power to stop something, or physically cannot make himself say something thats probably not true, he blames himself afterwards.
S3 is such rollercoaster for him, hes with el but cant be with el bc hopper, and then cant say what he feels - or maybe he doesnt know whats hes supposed to feel. And then el and will are leaving. Two of his most important friends, and i think thats what made him all the more confused, bc what if he misses will more than el?
Why did the promise of will wanting only play d&d with mike made him smile so much, but then the kiss with el made him all the more confused?
theres two such contrasts in his personality, where one of his main beliefs is "friends dont lie" and he does as much as he can with honestly, but at the same time he pushes something inside him down and pretends it doesnt exist (his complicated feelings towards.. romance, lets say).
Back to the vecna theory - this is why i think if mike gets vecna'd it would add more perspective to his character and for us to see what all hes been going through in the past seasons.
Same as his feelings towards will, its been there building from s1.
It could be few flashbacks and memories telling the audience the scenes that already happened from mike's point of view, how he struggles at home,
how he regretted the words he said to will in s3 (its not my fault you dont like girls), bc it was more directed at himself than will, but he didnt realize that yet.
how finding eddie and playing in d&d club could mean hes slowly finding himself (and with d&d being like a connection will again, bc its something they both loved playing together).
And how all of this is so confusing, especially for their time in the 80s, and hes still trying his best, but slowly, more and more cant ignore that his heart wants something (someone) else than hes supposed to be with.
Its just all these things that will go either unnoticed and unmentioned in the series, which i think would be a shame, or it could be addressed in the way with vecna who would manipulate his fears and nightmares, and if others can save him (which im sure they would), he could start process it in a better way, more honest to himself as well to others. To accept himself, and by that also will's feelings (if he noticed those, which i dont think he did, i think will noticed mike's confused ones, if anything.)
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lemongogo · 6 years
i would have loved to see shiro and lance bonding and becoming better friends. not just for bi lance but also bc lance just admires him so much and it would have been so great to hear shiro, lance's hero, tell lance how proud he is of him and how much of an amazing paladin and pilot and guy lance is. i think it would help lance a lot with his insecurities. i would just really love to see more of their friendship, and for some time, after s5, i really thought we would but guess not
me too!! i think it would nicely contrast the first episode (season 1) in which lance hesitates to shake shiro’s hand, because before then he was almost like this “untouchable icon” you know? and to see them grow so much over the seasons and have a point during the series in which the two bond and shiro even lends lance a hand would be MOMENTOUS. it would show just how much the two have been able to work together as a pair and learn from each other but they dont do that? 
voltron seems to really lack when it comes to understanding and conveying character dynamics. in a recent interview, i believe lauren said something along the lines of hunk being the team’s “glue” which is like, cool and in the case of s7, true, but further went to mention that if the team weren’t bound together by circumstance they’d .... hate each other? ok hate is a strong word but she said they wouldn’t like each other? which i think is COMPLETE bullshit imo. the PURPOSE of a series is to bring unlikely characters together who walk out at the end better friends than they could’ve ever imagined. pidge and lance have bonded immensely, hunk and pidge have become best friends, voltron is like keith’s found family, allura is able to goof off with children her age and find support in characters like lance, hunk, and shiro. 
the point being, lm and jds don’t know their characters whatsoever. it makes NO sense to put this ragtag team of teens together and say that they wouldn’t like each other despite everything they’ve been through together. that’s just terrible to hear from a showrunner lol
but to get back to your point ME TOO.,,,,,,, i was so excited when i heard shiro would be helping lance w/ some things in s7 and like. super disappointed when they never followed through. i feel like ever since the kuron ordeal, there has never been closure following the rift created between lance and shiro. i mean, he (kuron) discredited lance MULTIPLE times and made him feel terrible. he even yelled @ lance during that one episode in season 4 i think it was. and. thats not okay. they should’ve patched that up by now. reinstated the fact that Shiro is back and Shiro values lance’s efforts (season 2 escape from beta traz??) despite what kuron might’ve done or said. like you mentioned, it would help with closing up lance’s insecurity arc as well. idk about yall but i feel like they just abandoned that storyline lol almost as if his return to earth “magically solved all of his problems”. like allura, bless her heart, helped him out a lot!! but you could still tell in season 6 that he was conflicted about what he could offer, both for the team and for himself
so lance’s insecurity is still unaddressed imo and shiro helping him out w/ that wouldve meant the world to me. and yeah, i think keaton’s quote about how “shiro sees himself in lance” sparked this flame within me where i craved some sort of platonic relationship between them that we seldom see :-(((
ANYWAYS i went on way longer than i intended to lmao im so sorry. but voltron if youre out there................................ stop being a coward and give lance and shiro proper bonding time blease
tl;dr i 100% agree and im incredibly sad that vld missed out on such a great opportunity. a shiro / lance support scene wouldve moved the plot along significantly imo
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lvtvr · 7 years
s4 thoughts under the cut
i have criticism and i have praise, but most importantly i have common fucking sense and i dont lose my mind if a kids cartoon doesnt go my way so dont worry about that palios
please read this post in a neutrally speculative tone because that’s my voice in my head as i’m typing it. also of course my opinion is just a star in the sky and your mileage, as always, may vary. warning its the Great Wall of Text
sweet stuff
most importantly its a great time to be a lotor stan. i love my boy my problematic trash fav i love him so much hes officially my favorite character now 1000000000% (it used to be lance, but he’s been dethroned for real now)
not only is he a fucking babe but whenever he appeared the plot was guaranteed to move forward so every time he came onscreen i got my two favorite things in one
listen im just not going to go overboard w this but lets just say i think about him and grin a lot what a fucking GREAT character he’s so MORALLY GREY so FUCKED UP so INTERESTING so sexy
matt holt is in fact a meme! good job fandom, well predicted. the allura heart eyes stuff was lame stock cartoon humor which imo added Nothing of value, but that aside he’s an angel boy and brilliant addition to the recurring cast and i love him
i thought the rain and the big no during the cemetery scene were kinda over the top cheesy but that episode was, overall, really great
okay but real talk that one dog looking captain has to be somebody’s fursona???????????? somewhere a furry is fucking thriving right now
fighting animations and space backgrounds were gorgeous, as always
i adore where they’re taking keith’s development!!! i had some pretty serious concerns post s2, but they’re taking him in exactly the direction i had hoped for
i feel like he’s honestly really happy with the blade, their style really suits him and i mean that both figuratively and literally *wink wonk*
he’s a loner, but he’s not alone. he’s in a position where he’s expected to function as an independent unit within a team, instead of being literally connected to the others in his squad; at this point in time that autonomy is what’s important for his development. he has both the insight to realize that and the empathy to be concerned that it might be selfish or wrong in the eyes of others
but his friends support him!!!!!!!! the group hug oh my god
his self sacrifice... i almost died that was just so. beautiful
im just really emo about keith
why does zarkon hate lotor SO much? i have a feeling it must be connected to the circumstances of his birth. SOMETHING is up and i can’t wait to find out WHAT
and what the fuck is going on with haggar
shes still the most aesthetic character in the show sjlgdjsdgjsg PURPLE WITCH PURPLE WITCH
LANCE AND ALLURA!!!! OMG IM CRYING honestly i am still rooting for no canonical romance but at this point i wouldnt even mind canon allurance, because the way they’re having lance mature and act around her is just... im still crying dont look at me
that said i think its beautiful how canon lance, in stark contrast to the awful character that is fanon lance, is a selfless and insightful boy who -- once he steps out of his theater-kid attention-seeking leo persona -- has a better grasp than perhaps anyone of the true dynamics of the team
he gave allura the speech that shitty lance stans want the rest of the team to give him. i can’t believe he single handedly screwed over all bad characterization. im so proud of him.
salty stuff
lance’s sweet moment at the end of ep6 aside, i’m still pretty bitter about the fact that we know virtually NOTHING about either lance or hunk. to some degree shiro is also still a mystery.
the reason it’s so frustrating is because to varying degrees, keith, pidge, and allura all have some sort of backstory and ongoing arcs
in comparison, hunk and lance have been kind of stuck in support roles for four seasons now. they are occasionally shown maturing, but im just lacking a foundation for what’s driving them?? besides lance’s insecurities, what do we really HAVE?
episode 4 was a waste of time that i hope the under-12 demographic enjoyed more than i did. the meta wasn’t on point like, for instance, the avatar theater episode. also, it treated hunk terribly. like, lampshading how horribly he’s treated as a fat comic-relief character isn’t funny when your writers are the ones giving him that treatment in the first place lol???
it was, how u say, a shitty filler that could have been dropped entirely without affecting a thing
the sailor scout poses were pretty okay tho
why would you create a setup for whatever is going on with shiro and then not so much as allude to it during an entire season? 
like, a forty-second scene implying some weird juju would have been enough, but completely dropping one of the plot threads for six consecutive eps makes for a pretty porous story-tapestry. im assuming they’ll pick it up again but this season is just... a gaping hole, dramaturgically speaking.
if i had written it i would be kicking my own ass for lack of continuity
seriously this makes me feel less bad about my first-draft mess of a fanfic because holy shit lol its a lot tighter than this was
lotor killing narti came literally out of nowhere, and im not saying this to defend him (she was my favorite general and im incredibly sad she’s gone?? im lowkey hoping haggar’s mojo will revive her tbh) -- but, again, we have some really weird writing decisions going on here
lotor was set up in season three as someone who values mercy and explicitly orders his people not to kill. like, im not trying to excuse what he did -- im just saying it seems like a contradiction, based on what we’ve been shown
why wouldnt he just incapacitate her or kill kova instead?? the nature of the psychic bond was never addressed enough to make killing her seem motivated, and his character was never built up as someone who would succumb to a random murderous impulse, so tl;dr I Don’t Get It
also we havent been given enough background on the team to be able to say for sure, but what i assumed was a tight-knit elite group with history seems to have actually been a ragtag group of neutral-aligned mercenaries, temporarily banded together for personal gain.
while i’m okay with a plot-driven show that doesn’t spell things out and leaves most things as implied subtext, i still feel like there is such a thing as being too subtle
like you can’t set up plot threads only to put them completely on pause to have some ships blow up, it will only frustrate the audience and make the action seem like a cover-up for the writers having no idea what the fuck is going on
its not hard!!! to just throw in allusions to things!!!! like we’re talking literally just tossing out HINTS so people remember that “oh yeah that thing existed at all” @ dreamworks please uh... do that?
the pattern seems to be that we get a mindblowing season followed by a mediocre season so time to hype s5!
so anyway those are my two cents ("its more like ten dollars char" yeah yeah i know!!!) and i’m very happy to discuss the events of this season, and for people to disagree with me (as long as its polite and... at least relatively motivated lol)
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