#coming out as an angel enjoyer. I love when a love interest love interest becomes possessed or brainwashed or in this case loses their soul
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anniemal2004 · 6 months
last post is exactly why I love buffy s6. love to see my no 1 girl broken and depressed and deeply disconnected from her closest friends and the world at large. I eat that shit up every time
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koogl001 · 2 years
Hello! Can I request alastor with an eldritch s/o that's more powerful than him. I love the creepy flare that you give your alastor fics but since he's naturally the more dominant type I sorta wanna see him react to someone who could probably rival lucifer.
One-Shots and Headcanons Masterlist
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When Alastor first arrived in Hell, he made it his point to start gathering territory as soon as possible, leaving a blood bath behind him
He was strong, stronger than any mortal soul you have ever seen, and that intrigued you immensely
Being one of the Overlords, you constantly seeked new challengers whom would be worthy of fighting and most of the times, you ended up being disappointed
To you, fighting was something you lived for
When Alastor finally arrived at the borders of your territory in search of his next victim, you were ecstatic to finally see just how powerful he truly was
Your battle was the most enjoyable one you had for centuries, but it wasn’t enough
The deer demon was new to Hell and therefore, new to his powers so he hasn’t quite reached his full potential yet, and you just couldn’t kill him before he did
No, you had to face him at his strongest, a battle to death
Taking Alastor down, you expressed immense interest in teaching him about his powers and helping him become stronger for the single purpose of crushing that power of his once he was ready in your eyes
Despite his pride not allowing him to accept your assistance, his interest in you kept him in your presence as you were the first being to ever bring him to his knees
He knew you held a high status down here and was ready to strip you of that status and take it as his own, crushing you under his shoe as he felt the overwhelming feeling of dominancy
That was his new goal, and he would see to it that it would be fulfilled, no matter how low he would have to stoop
He tried setting traps, using cheap tricks, surprise attacks, angel weapons, blackmailing and anything else he could think of, but you were always one step ahead of him
For once in his life, he wasn’t the one on the top and strangely, he didn’t mind as much as he thought he would
Your fights were enjoyable, you were quick on your feet and smart with your strategies
To him, you had it all
Smarts, power, status, and beauty
He decided it would be only fitting for you to become his once he overpowered you, but with each passing day he realised time and time again that there was no taking you down
So, he decided that if he couldn’t have the pleasure of defeating you physically, he would do so mentally
He was aware of the effect he had on women and some men, and knew just how to spin that to his advantage
He’d start subtly by complimenting your fighting style while you two sparred, engaging more in your conversations, being in your presence more often and of course, secretly watching your every move
You saw the change in him but didn’t pay it much attention as it was not indicating the possibility of a threat, until he started gathering information from you about what you liked and disliked
Now that was out of character for him, and you became slightly suspicious so whatever you told him, you always chose your words and the information you were giving up carefully
Hunting was something you shared an interest in, there was just something so appealing about stalking your unsuspecting pray and slaughtering it, feeling the power you had over it
The power to choose whether it shall live or die
Passionately discussing the topic for days, you soon grew emotionally closer, and for some strange reason, you no longer wished to kill him
Alastor’s plan was slowly coming into fruition, but what he hadn’t accounted for was the fact he was staring to have romantic feelings for you
You were the first woman that make him feel this way, and he wasn’t sure how to handle this
His instinct was to just take you and claim you as his, but with your power that would be impossible
He took to being with you 24/7
His overprotectiveness was starting to show as all it would take for Alastor to attack was for a man to simply look your way
In your eyes however, he was the one who needed protection
He was weaker than you and quite reckless at times, but it was a nice gesture from him
It reassured you that he truly cared about you not only because of your status and it made you want to return the gesture
You approached him and asked to form a contract with him, which took him by surprise of course
You had everything, so what could you possibly want?
You told him you wanted him, and you knew he wanted you
Green light emitted from Alastor as he extended his hand towards you
“I shall be yours till the end of time”
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winter-sol · 1 year
Spoilers for Lesson 11!
About Solomon, MC and their relationship with demons.
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There's this pretty interesting thing I noticed about Solomon's perspective compared to MC's when it comes to their vision towards demons.
Solomon made clear he sees demons and angels as creatures that underestimate humans and won't ever treat us as equals. I don't actually blame him for this, as he is not even wrong. We've seen them call us "mere humans" or belittle us for being humans in both games. So his approach to demons is mostly from a utilitarian and confrontational point of view.
He needs to prove humans can be equal or surprass them, and for that, he's willing to do anything. He's willing to use demons, become more powerful and defend humanity above anything else. He was even teaching MC his way of dealing with demons, as in "leveling the playing field" to face them because "When it comes down to it, that's what negotiating with demons is all about, really".
He then proceeds to talk about how he plans on changing that, and to almost manipulating us into making a promise about siding with humanity no matter what. That, in a place that probably binds us to said promise or something like that. It was... shady, but if anything I got even more intrigued about his intentions. (as a Solomon enjoyer, I'm living for how his character keeps getting more complex).
Then we have MC.
See, I'm really curious about how this game will deliver its promise about making choices matter because if there's an intereting branch in this game, it's probably about MC either siding with humanity/Solomon, or the demons they love so much.
No matter what we choose in L11, MC will end up handing out the grimoire out of their own will, and making a promise on either protecting them or letting them find joy. And I think that speaks loud about MC's vision on demons and how it's opposing to Solomon.
MC refuses to see demons as potential enemies, and their approach is not confrontational like Solomon's. It's from love and understanding.
MC was able to do something Solomon could never, and that is making a pact with the Seven Rulers of Hell, and actually gaining their trust for these powerful demons to be willing to obey them on their own will (even if, magically speaking, they are being forced). And the main difference is, MC didn't achieve it through becoming the most powerful sorcerer or taking advantage of them, like Solomon did with Asmo.
At the end of the day, the seven brothers chose to have a pact with MC, and keep choosing MC no matter what.
Solomon and MC have opposing views. They've been working as a team, but they will inevitably collide.
So, what will happen next? I'm waiting for next lesson! But for now I'd like to wonder.
I'm not sure if MC will have to deliberately choose to side with either party, since I believe MC wouldn't purposefully betray the demons because they're too important for them and already proved they're on their side. Also, I don't think MC would like to turn against Solomon, as they still trust him and need his guiding. But how long will it last?
I want to believe our choices regarding our relationship and trust in Solomon will affect the plot.
If MC is too passive and diplomatic, Solomon could end up having his way, whatever that is, since his intentions are one of the biggest mysteries of Nightbringer. I'm not necessarily trying to frame Solomon as a villain or antagonist, that still remains uncertain. But I think we can all agree he has a very important role, and that role is highly related to his ambiguous morals and actions.
If MC is too reckless, they might end up messing up with the timeline, their relationships and the demons themselves or even Solomon and humanity. (does anyone else want bad endings??)
I wonder if MC's trust in Solomon, and vice versa, will eventually break, or they'll find a way to work it out. He already seemed dissapointed at us handing out the grimoire instead of using it, as if we're already proving we don't have the same intentions he has regarding humanity and demons.
What kind of decisions should MC make in order to keep a balance between humans and demons without betraying either side?
Does MC actually care about balance, harmony and humanity's well being? Or will they only act based on their feelings, wherever that takes them?
I love Obey Me's MC, I think they hold great potential, but they've been relying on others' help a lot. It makes sense, since they've been just learning about this world and building their own way to grow and become more powerful. But I'd like to see them deciding and facing bigger consequences for their actions. And I'm dying to see how this plays out ;)
As always, I'm open to talk more about this :) Bai-bai.
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goiterinthegullet · 9 months
Tuco in "The Good the Bad and The Ugly" is honestly amazing
I've been watching TGTBTU (tuguttubutu) again recently and just thinking about how, unlike any other character in the movie, Tuco is the most human. I mean, Angel Eyes and Blondie are incredible, well-acted, compelling, aesthetically-grabbing, but you've got to admit they're rather alien, in a weird kind of way.
Angel Eyes is obviously evil to a classic standard, wanting nothing but to cause mayhem for extremely vague reasons related to general self-preservation and/or greed, and his reasons are much less important to the narrative as opposed to the threat he represents. Sure, he's got a bit of a past, but we never even learn his real name. He's an excellent villain, a perfect character in one of my favorite movies ever, but like Maleficent or Ursula or Scar, he's just that. A villain, and I love it, but it's definitely not "human", at least in an emotional sense.
And Blondie? Sure, its different obviously but his whole schtick is that he literally never tells us anything about him. We don't know his name, his heritage, his backstory, hardly anything. Anything we do know is just sorta vaguely picked up or known in a more personality way, like seeing how he responds to situations with complexity while never actually divulging anything more tangible.
But Tuco? Tuco? He's a creepy little criminal with a brother in the priesthood and two dead parents he hasn't seen for nine years. He used to have a wife somewhere, his eyes filled with tears upon hearing of his parents death. He's got more names than Blondie or Angel Eyes could ever hope to carry: Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez. He carries his name and his hastily-drawn sign of the cross everywhere he goes, gleefully cheats and steals and is genuinely a piece of sh/t, but also brags about how his brother is the "leader of the whole abbey!" after being thrown out by said brother who is also hurting. He's greedy and strange and a fantastic with a gun (prefers pistols to revolvers) and will sell anybody out for a nickel, and he's just so human.
Angel Eyes and Blondie don't try to not tell you anything about themselves. They're not interested in talking, albeit for different reasons, and would probably take it in stride if you did find anything out, but Tuco? Tuco is the only person who actually doesn't want you to know anything while simultaneously never being able to shut up. It's important to not use your own name in the brutal world they live in, a statement said by Tuco himself, and yet he's constantly speaking in a pseudo third-person, naming himself in a way that reveals how much he misses the life he left behind and even regrets the life he currently leads while also, and this is very important, totally vibing with his current life of debauchery and violence.
He's us. He's me. I think when watching movies, projecting onto characters is expected and even encouraged, but it's easy/enjoyable to see ourselves in those that are untouchable. Strange. Interesting. Vague enough to be Romantically projected upon I guess. But Tuco? He's got so much stuff to him it's spilling off the sides. He's pathetic, annoying, somehow worse than Angel Eyes, and that's how I am. That's how most people are. Sure, I've got a conscience, and I can say pretty proudly I'm leading a better life than Tuco over here, but like. Hurting, a little stupid, wanting to seem like Blondie or Angel Eyes (enigmatic, stoic), but coming off as overwhelmingly talkative and annoying instead, lashing out when accidentally becoming vulnerable, a walking contradiction, feeling my faults but never actually fixing them because, on some level, I haven't taken responsibility for my own actions? Tuco. We're Tuco.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
I've got a couple so here we go,
-What would happen if any of the other archangel's fell for what ever reason?
-do you think any robots have made any little robot towns in hell? Like robots settle down in one spot with like little stores?
-if V1 likes to stay clean does he jump into water like a bird bath? Does Gabriel do the same?
Sorry if it's a lot in one ask! And love your art!!
aaa no problem i love little sets of questions!! :]
if any of the other archangels fell, they would end up in a similar state to gabriel as they are all powerful enough to survive the death and rebirth process, while their particular sins would determine their appearance/punishment (though some things are universal, such as the loss of flight). i have considered what sin would cause their fall based on their characteristics, with michael in violence, uriel in heresy, and raphael in fraud. michael, had his fall succeeded, would have been left with a need to feed on blood ironically enough, to the point where he would almost be forced to live in the phlegethon as there are barely any sinners left to bleed (unlike v1, a fallen angel of violence is perfectly capable of consuming rancid blood). i also do like following through with the idea that he turns white, both because hakita was right about the red on white aesthetics, but also so he appears anemic and bloodless. uriel would be sort of like gabriel's opposite, suffering from a constant burning fever and would spontaneously combust at times, fires that would leave his skin forever scorched even after putting them out. worst part is that he has no fireproof books to read :( raphael is terribly weighed down and constantly suffering from fatigue, every step so heavy that traveling long distances becomes impossible and he is essentially rendered incapable of helping anyone. his clothes become heavily gilded, and what's interesting is that i actually. sort of came up with raphael's design during my reread of the divine comedy, with the inspiration coming a lot from the hypocrites of fraud SO his punishment is quite similar, with a bit of falsifiers mixed in just for the irony as a healer.
other two answers under here!!
god i would genuinely love little machine settlements, but i think of them as not being organized enough/having advanced enough ai to do so. additionally, there is too much desperation in their situation for building up a village of some kind BUT i do think machines can form bonds with one another and do so even with models other than their own. like i really love the idea of a mindflayer that has several streetcleaners following it around, sort of protecting each other and understanding each other's priorities. also very into a sentry and drone pair, where the drone has worked on being incredibly fast and incredibly annoying so it can distract an enemy until the sentry picks them off lol and and i feel like i DEFINITELY got this idea from someone else (maybe on here? twitter? idk!!!) but like maybe there are just. machines on the surface. machines that don't solely rely on blood and got some of the grid back online and just kind of vibe up there. like they do not look at hell, that's wild shit down there. and they definitely have little towns :]
v1 likes to be power washed lol like it wants to be BLASTED with a fire hose, but it will take any kind of pool/bath it can find! it really just likes the process of "having a wash" - it doesn't mind being covered in blood and guts and every other kind of gore (fun!!!) but splashing around and getting hosed off just never gets old for it. gabriel is definitely a lot less playful and sees bathing as a relaxation thing, but he does genuinely find v1's enjoyment of it incredibly amusing. it's just so happy!!! every time!!! when gabriel's actually taking a bath to get clean however, he is much more like a bird in many ways - he likes having a heavy mist/shower available as well as a pool, and v1 ALWAYS makes sure to be close by when he shakes off his wings. this becomes a bit more difficult when he's a fallen angel, his wings hurting too much to make proper care possible, but v1 joins in to help him clean up through taking the time to mist every feather and then help spread them to air dry. the bath itself is a welcome reprieve from his freezing cold body though, and gabe really enjoys soaking in scalding hot water as often as he can after falling (any temp is fine to v1, so it loves all the bath time they get!!!)
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venusskissed · 10 months
Spiritual Things I Adore Wholeheartedly
𝒜ᱹ ֢ 🦢̼ࣳ this is just a list of spiritual things I adore or find interesting and yet to see people talk about. Not to say no one talks about this, I just don’t see it as often! I am sure many of these things are very well known.~ 🫶🏻
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꒰ ৎ୭ ꒱ . . . the people you name a child after will heavily influence how they turn out later in life. for example if you were to name your daughter after princess diana they could most possibly grow up to be a very big hearted person, however it could also mean they will have hardships in their life which influence that.
꒰ ৎ୭ ꒱ . . . aside from angel numbers it's also important to note what animals you see around yourself most often. (in real life, tv, social media, cinematic pieces ect) most if not all animals have spiritual meanings associated with them. this isn’t that mindblowing, but I do find it interesting.
꒰ ৎ୭ ꒱ . . . ghosts are literally just chill. like yeah, I am willing to bet there are rude ones out there, but most of them are very chill. I had a ghost come up to me before just so she can show me her earring (that I assume she died with) because it looked almost identical to one I was looking at. so most of them are really just people who are just hanging around.
꒰ ৎ୭ ꒱ . . . also! demons cannot enter your body unless you allow them to or had become scum on earth. (as in actively take enjoyment in harming those unable to stand up to the injustice) you cannot be possessed, things cannot just enter your body. I see a lot of people be scared of this when spiritually experimenting and it makes me so disheartened to see them anxious about it.
꒰ ৎ୭ ꒱ . . . I am pretty sure a lot of people know this because of cultural reasons but as long as you aren’t scared of ghosts/demons they cannot harm you. as in cannot attack your body, drain your energy etc. this most likely isn’t true with many other entities but I do think it’s an useful piece of information.
꒰ ৎ୭ ꒱ . . . people usually freak out if a dead loved one communicates with them through dreams but like.. you can do that while you are awake too! you can go into their dream, dream the same thing as them or even write them dream letters. the possibilities are endless. it’s quite fun, especially if you love freaking people out for laughs.
꒰ ৎ୭ ꒱ . . . it’s also important to note that you can still be soulmates with someone even if you currently aren’t. think about a person you know is your soulmate.. wether or not you believe in reincarnation you have had lives without each other before, it’s the dedication to the bond you two share that made you two soulmates. I think it’s beautiful!
꒰ ৎ୭ ꒱ . . . most major religions (not saying all) share the same beliefs and values told in different ways, with small tiny twists to them. it would be fascinating to see what’s the things they all share in common aside from respect, kindness and morals.
for now, that’s all. thank you for your precious time, sweet little lamb. 🫶🏻
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 05/02/2024
Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier
Season 5 Featured on: Rips From Around The Way 7 (Hidden Track)
Ripped by DonnieTheGuy Visuals by moralem, Blookerstein, PsychLantern, Myeauxyoozi
Requested by crickep! (Discord)
Yknow, for as much as I like to go on and on about Season 2 being my favorite period of the channel's life - it may honestly just be due to my own personal investment being at its highest at that point. Its a herculean, damn near impossible task nowadays to actually try and critically evaluate a season of SiIvaGunner in retrospect, and most of what I go off of obviously just comes from my own experiences and memories. It goes to reason, then, that Season 5 is my least favorite season of the channel not necessarily due to any fault of its own, but just due to my own personal investment in the channel being rather low at the time. I say that, because with every rip I cover from the Season - now including Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier - I'm baffled as to why I'd ever consider the season anything less than peak.
When I have that discussion with other people (or just with the voices in my head), the reasons tend to primarily boil down to a lack of lore developments made during the year. Yet as I talked about way back in Knowledge of the Depths, even that feels like doing the Season a disservice, given just how enjoyable and, in a way, lore-crucial the audio dramas made during Season 4 Episode 2 and Season 5 wound up becoming. Which again makes me point toward my own lack of attentiveness toward the Season as the one to blame: because how else could I have missed out on how genuinely engaging and interesting the lore regarding Lady, Yankin', Masked Wolf and Astronaut in the Ocean was? And as the cherry on top - how could I have missed just how perfect of an ending to it all Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier wound up being?
I've dissected and talked about Masked Wolf before in Aquarium in the Ocean and Snow halocean, as the figment who best fits the role of a true anti-hero within SiIvaGunner - an agent of chaos whose rips only occasionally bother to actually sound good, yet one we wound up loving despite (or because of!) it all. Yet as Season 5 began to truly ramp up, his role seemed to change from agent of chaos to necessary evil - as the only remaining figment capable of stopping the reign of hell that Lady's "Yankover" was subjecting us all to. No doubt SiIva has had its contentious, long-lasting takeovers before (Harlem Shakeover and Totally Shaaking Out Right Now, anyone?), yet nothing truly compared to the neverending downpour of hellfire cast upon us by one particularly crass rapper singing about her genitalia. And for once, it seemed as if the SiIvaGunner team agreed - Lady became, for all intents and purposes, the actual villain of Season 5, with her figment form reimagined as a full-on demon in need of imprisonment. And small nuggets of lore were being handed out week by week (nuggets that I, again, unfortunately glazed over back in the day), Lady's defeat wound up happening at the hands of HoBART, everyone's favorite mixer from the King for Another Day Tournament. Yet to me, Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier still sits at the most pure, befitting end to her reign - a battle between the Season's fallen angel and its lawless demon, set to the tune of a game whose entire hype cycle practically enveloped Season 5 in its entirety.
Back in Satinpanties Symphony, I mused over how Friday Night Funkin became a mainstay feature on SiIvaGunner almost overnight, and how it feels as if the two projects share a lot of DNA that make them a perfect fit for one another, in how they handle the idea of legacy. What better game, then, could there be to depict the encounter between these two legends that defined the season, than with the game that defined the year - coincidentally, one entirely focused on duels between rappers. That's not to imply that Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier isn't an absolute banger on its own - the melodic core of Ugh, paired with the implementation of both Astronaut in the Ocean and Yankin's backings into the back-and-fourth, creates a fantastic re-imagining of the song that's both endlessly relistenable and incredibly charming with the custom visuals. Yet its the same point I made in Take You To The Desert - with all that context in mind of all that led up to this battle, the knowledge of how much the community suffered under the thumb of both rappers yet came to understand one for his harmless-if-strange tendencies yet came to loathe the other...Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier becomes something genuinely legendary. Paired with so many small flourishes added on top, such as the original track's "Ugh" sample being replaced with Masked Wolf's opening "Astro", the reference to Lady's attempted Thanksgiving resurrection ritual in Twerkey (seriously), down to Lady being positioned as the player character to truly sell home how dominant she was during her reign...It feels like yet another one of those, for lack of another word, Perfect, rips.
The cherry on top of it all though is, of course, the ending. Despite the seemingly even back-and-forth in the battle, Lady is suddenly dragged back into the pits of hell, as Masked Wolf leaves her with his parting words.
I believe in G-O-D, don't believe in T-H-O-T.
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might be some controversial takes about Hazbin/Helluva under the cut but honestly I really don't know what the popular consensus is about any of it. I'm gonna try to keep these short but here's a list of thoughts I have so far.
-I'm interested in where Hazbin could go. The concept of rehabilitation for sinners and how the meaning of rehabilitation could change, as well as the unbalanced power of heaven vs. hell and who are the true sinners is very interesting.
-I don't find myself laughing at the humor of any of these shows. It feels like the kind of humor that's only supposed to shock you with the vulgarity. Which is only really funny to a teenager, not the intended adult audience.
-the music is hit or miss, mostly miss. The Hazbin pilot songs I particularly did not enjoy.
-the animation and design are nice, tho I'm not really sure who to credit with that, as I have been made aware that Vivziepop tends to take "inspiration" from artists in an informal manner.
-really do not like the sound design. The noises are obnoxious, the volumes are all over the place and there have been times where I cannot hear what characters are saying.
-voice acting is pretty good. I understand that fans got very upset when a lot of the actors for Hazbin had to be recast with union members and tbh I'm not bothered by that. Support unions.
-im worried about what they're gonna do with Vaggie. She's starting out as the partner to the main character but she's also been established as the "PC" character who annoys the fan favorites Angel Dust and Alastor.
-I'm not at all interested in Alastor, he looks like a satire of the Vivziepop style.
-Angel Dust is interesting, and I'm not too bothered by seeing an openly and overtly queer character, even if it's not sanitized. I am a little concerned about how quickly his character depth was revealed long before the first season is even finished. Could Viv really not wait to talk about Angel Dust that much? What will be left to explore in the show?
-also like, we are getting a LOT of content for Hazbin including a spinoff already on its second season, tons of merch and lots of droplets of information that end up on the wiki BEFORE the first season of the show is even out and it doesn't feel right, like the crew is celebrating the success of the show before its even out. Weird stuff. Not sure if it's gonna bite them in the ass yet.
-the Helluva pilot was not enjoyable at all and I didn't actually start watching the show until the second season
(here comes the big one)
-I actually don't mind too much what's being done with Stolas. It makes sense that a person with very few friends and trapped in an arranged marriage with a cruel partner would make the decisions that he has, regardless of whether or not they are the right ones.
-What I am concerned with is if the story with Stolas was planned from the beginning, or if it was decided later on to recontextualize his character when they crew decided they liked Stolas more than as just a cutaway gag in the pilot.
-Moxxie and Millie are... okay. On one hand it's nice to see throughout everything Moxxie has been through, as well as literally being in Hell, he still retains his kindness, empathy and love for his wife. Millie is... okay, but I get the feeling that she exists to keep Moxxie from becoming the series punching bag, like as compensation. Or a way to inject some "wholesomeness" into our main characters. I keep hearing that a Millie episode is on the way, but I don't know what really to expect.
-as a furry/scalie who isn't into canine anthros, I'm not into Loona.
-I'm interested in seeing more of what the other rings of Hell look like, tho I fear that the Gluttony ring is going to be filled with fatphobic jokes.
-The action scenes are usually pretty cool, tho with the Vivziepop style it can be a bit eye-strain-y for me.
-vivziepop stans are scary. seeing them jump to her defense whenever she faces a major criticism is frustrating and it only incites a bigger wave of criticism. see this post if you want my extended thoughts about it.
-this series is being produced, written and released in a way I don't think I've ever seen so I'm gonna try to keep an open mind about it, but that does not mean I'm gonna enjoy it blindly NOR am I gonna nitpick it. I'm gonna keep up with it and maybe share more of my thoughts, tagged accordingly and under 'read more' lines.
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dellafloosh · 1 year
I have so many thoughts
Spoilers for Good Omens below the cut
Ok so… Christ what a season. I loved everything about that. If Season 3 doesn’t get made I will cry.
Let’s start off with the easy stuff. Michael Sheen and David Tennant have amazing chemistry and play their parts so perfectly.
Crowley was already my favourite character even before this season but he just gets better. Him arresting himself to go to heaven was just so enjoyable to watch, and heaven not “changing their passwords” makes sense when you take into account Crowley’s earlier comment about how if you’re in, they don’t care if you’re an outsider.
Aziraphale was just as charming as in S1 and the book, however I feel his out-of-style-ness was cranked to 11 which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense when he’s clearly very interested in people, but I take it as a stylistic choice by him, choosing that he simply likes talking with old-timey slang and quips.
Jim, short for Gabriel, was just so good. Every interaction he had with other characters was just delightful. He truly just had no idea what was going on and I loved it. One thing I did note was his purple eye thing, which happened at three times that I noticed. Twice in the bookshop and once during the Archangel meeting when he was getting fired. Not sure what it meant during the meeting but found it interesting.
Beelzebub was honestly probably the biggest improvement from S1. I’m not saying they were bad in S1, just not very present. But in Season 2, just amazing stuff. They’re starting to blur the line more, to a darker shade of grey instead of everything being black & white. The fly gifting was just so nice, similar to when Crowley made Jim a cup of hot chocolate which was such a small but huge thing for a demon to do!!
Beelzebriel is my second-favourite ship and it was on screen for like 5 minutes. I wish them all the luck.
Shax was definitely the antagonist of the season, but what was gonna happen with her was kinda predictable. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, just not that very interesting.
All the angels were quite good, definitely played their “Follow the rules” parts really well. Muriel seems nice, but if she sells even one book she will face the wrath of the Supreme Archangel.
The ending was………… heartbreaking. Aziraphale got the job as Supreme Archangel and, when asked to become an angel again and work beside him, Crowley rightfully declined.
Crowley left heaven for a reason, he was upset with the system and felt the need to take a stand. Why would he ever want to come back?
Aziraphale believes that he’ll be able to change the system if he gets to a high enough position, but Crowley knows that he and Aziraphale could get a life for themselves all alone, just like Beelzebriel. Away from the system, from Heaven and Hell and all the complications they brought them.
The thing is that both of them are correct in their own ways. Until we see how it goes it’s so hard to tell who is correct.
THE KISS my god the kiss I have so many thoughts.
First of all, Aziraphale’s reaction was so devastating. I want to cry. I did cry. But that was when they kissed, not after. Crowley’s whole big talk about it being just the two of them for millennia was so good and I just wish Aziraphale could choose the slightly selfish route and go with his husband.
And now that these genderqueer dragkings have kissed I want to talk about how fucking inclusive this series is.
Like in S1 there was inclusivity, with Pollution and Beelzebub and all the “not men” moments (very Janet of them both). But Season 2, Jesus Christ (or is that S3??!!). The main love focus is a wlw couple, there’s a genderqueer person dating a POC, so much gender everywhere, just so much taking away the heteronormativity without making a huge statement.
Making a huge statement can be good and is VERY often good. But the fact is that trans people and gays exist everywhere without it having to be the main focus of their identities, and seeing that portrayed in a series is just so great.
And there’s a DISABLED ANGEL I love them so much. They kinda replaced Michael as Michael replaced Gabriel, which I like and they fit the role really well.
Writing this has been the main focus of my day and I absolutely adore this series. For S3, I hope we get to see more of God and Satan, the two opposing poles on the Celestial compass, and getting to see Jesus would be really fun.
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seas-storyarchive · 6 months
Apples, Deers and Parental Fears - what if/au
Asher was always teased in Heaven - for his loving of animals with sharp teeth, creation of cats, messing with the "natural order". God let him be called names, always busy. Gabriel couldn't be there, because he had to pick up the slack from Lucifer's banishment. Without Lucifer, Heaven was bleak and didn't take Asher's spiraling health into consideration.
The other angels didn't like Asher. He was too dangerous. They filled God's ears with word of Asher's animals and actions. God was fearful and ashamed of his youngest, there was nothing they could do to fix his mental state. Time to send him away, for a while.
Lucifer felt something powerful break through the sky of Hell. Something frightening entered his realm. Time to go look.
Hmm... after a few hours of looking, there was nothing. Save for a small crater and crack in the sky he was repairing. Interesting. Frightening. He hoped that whatever landed down here died quickly.
Zestial and Carmilla had been on a walk, the former taking the latter out to help her get some fresh air.
"Well, this has been enjoyable, Zestial. I appreciate you bringing me out of my office to have a break."
"Any time, dear friend." Zestial said with a smile. Even though they were in a domestic partnership, they still called each other friend, because it worked for them. Don't fix what isn't broken, kids.
They felt a shockwave radiate throughout their very souls, and the ground, seeing there was a crater in the street.
Inside it was a.. baby? No, it was a toddler. His hair was blonde, deer ears stuck atop his head, and he had six wings - all of which were broken.
"Oh, oh poor baby." Carmilla went into the crater and picked him up, the boy snuggling into her chest in comfort.
"Heaven must have cast him out." Zestial said, appearing next to his partner, putting a hand on his head. "Poor boy." He looked to Carmilla, smiling. "I see that look-"
"The girls will be excited. They HAVE been asking for a sibling." Guess it was settled.
Zestial laughed as they got out of the crater. "Of course." He looked to the six broken wings. "What should we do about.."
"We set them in casts." Carmilla answered.
"Paba?" The tot looked at Zestial, tears in his eyes, his voice was soft from fear.
"Oh, no worries, my boy." Zestial wiped his eyes, smiling to give the boy comfort. "Papa and Mama will take care of you."
They raised the boy, naming him Alastor. Alastor had started to show violent tendencies. Perhaps that was how he got kicked out from Heaven? Tsk, shame upon them for not providing Alastor with proper care and enrichment and boundaries. Turned out? When they found him, he was about one hundred; but due to his grasp on things, he was essentially the mental age of a human toddler - his small size didn't help.
But, the two - and even their daughters - put in the work to help Alastor become a more stable individual. They gave him enrichment, boundaries (while respecting his own), cultivated his interests (yes, even the cannibalism, no question).. Looking at Alastor now, you'd never know from the outside.
The only outside mark of his arrival, was the monocle he wore on his right eye - it was unfocused, and Odette was the one to suggest the monocle after Alastor broke the fifth pair of glasses within a month. And it worked, Alastor liked it.
He was now tall, as tall as Zestial himself. A proper gentleman. A handsome man, in his own right. His blonde hair became as red as blood over time, a wonderful shade to match his eyes, his once pale skin becoming the color of brimstone and he lost his cheek dots - good, he no longer resembled that circus clown King Lucifer.
Cut to present.
Alastor was in the hotel, and God himself - in a robe, his head made of a wheel of gold with a ton of eyes - was there. Glaring at him and him alone.
"Asher, come!" God's words were not warm, bit blazing hot in outrage. "We have MUCH to discuss."
"What?!" Lucifer looked from Alastor to Gabriel. "There's no way this fucking freak is sweet little Ashy!"
"Oh no, he is." Gabe sounded tired. "Father and the others exiled him to Hell so that he could be more.. mentally stable."
"We had no resources up there at the time!" Gabriel looked ashamed, sounding like he was about to cry, "and-"
"Mother! Papa!" What was he supposed to do? His staff was broken, his room - his safe space - was gone, none of his boundaries were being respected, his abusers (Gabriel, while not doing anything to actively harm him, he did nothing to stop it) were standing in front of him and.. what would you do?
"What does-"
The door was spinning wildly, a green smoke filled the room, and Zestial walked in. With Carmilla and their daughters.
Carmilla rushed to her son first, holding his face in her hands, softly hushing him.
"Alastor! Whatever is.. oh." Zestial had instantly glared at God as he walked over to Alastor with his daughters. "This wretch."
"Who might you be?" God asked Zestial, glaring at him as the demon stood before his (not this wretched demon's) son. "What have you done to Asher?"
"Alastor! My name is Alastor!" Said deer was roaring, having a mental breakdown and his words devolving into a fit of noises.
Carmilla hummed softly, running her thumbs across his cheeks. "My precious boy."
"How .. old is he?" Angel asked, now worried about Alastor's mental health - he had a few cannibal friends from Cannibal Town who acted like that.
"He's roughly several hundred, I don't want to get into the exact age." Carmilla then kissed between Alastor's eyes, to soothe him, whispering to him, "easy, darling. You did NOTHING wrong."
Well, Angel's question was answered.
"Gabe." Lucifer looked to his twin. "What exactly happened?"
"He made dangerous animals and messed with the natural order," it was God who answered, "but it seems he has grown out of most of his.. ticks." He said that last word in.. disgust. "Now, Asher, come back home."
Alastor had an immediate reaction of making a distressed noise and shuffling away and then back to Carmilla in a set of confused, frightening motions before gripping onto her like a lifeline.
Angel stepped forwards, drawing his tommy gun - hearing two other gun hammers click, ah! Clara and Odette had one each too, sweet! - glaring.
"Yous ain't takin' him nowhere." Angel said, seeing Husk with Niffty on his shoulder step forwards too from the corner of his eye, glaring at God himself. "Yous nothin' more than an abus've father who can' take dhose ah his kids dhat are differen'. So go fuck ya'self up on that ninth cloud ah yours." Charlie and Vaggie stepped forwards too - God or not, he was Alastor's tormentor. This was a question of belief of their dream vs the experience of a friend.
"You low life-"
Zestial calmly tsk'd. "A true father wouldn't yell at the friends of his son who support him - especially when he is the grandfather to one of them. No wonder he was so quick to call me his Papa. He knows a Respectable Man when he sees one."
God looked to Zestial, his eyes glaring, "oh?"
"Carmilla, let us get our boy home. This hotel is no longer a safe place for him whilst it plays host to.. unsavory characters." Zestial said, opening his coat and revealing a way to apocket dimension that contained a bayou.
Alastor made a noise into his mother's shoulder before she helped him into the coat, curling on the grass within before Zestial closed him in for a while.
"He wants you to come with us." Carmilla said to Vaggie.
"Me? Why?" Vaggie asked, confused.
"Mother adopted you," Odette said as she and Clara hugged her - only to both put angel daggers to where Vaggie's wings touched her back, whispering, "play along." To Vaggie and everyone.
"Or don't." Clara offered, whispering as well, grinning. "Your choice." The two let go of Vaggie and hid their knives.
The angel turned to the others. "Charlie! I'll be going with my family today, if you don't mind postponing counting the books until tomorrow." Vaggie had begun in fear, before frowning and saying in a calm and even tone. "Family stuff, ya know?" Better to deal with Al and his mental state than deal with Adam and whatever the fuck was going on with him.
Charlie nodded. "Yeah. Just.. let him know we're here for him. For all of you."
"Oh! Give him this!" Niffty passed Odette a crown made of sticks and bugs.
Clara smiled, looking from the crown to the small cyclops. "How did you know he likes to wear dead roaches?"
"He does?" Niffty was excited. "I'll make him roach cufflinks too! The King of Roaches must look his best!"
Carmilla nodded with a smile. "We should put you in touch with his little dress making cannibal friend, see if we can't have a family outfit with bugs." Anything to help Alastor find comfort, after all.
"As.. interesting as that is." Lucifer cut in, looking nervous. "Is.. there anything we- I can do?" He.. had accepted he'd lost Asher- Alastor- as his brother. But, maybe they could start again, as friends.
"Fix his staff." Odette all but demanded, gesturing to the broken staff on the chair. "His safe space can't be made without it. The radio tower isn't enough." How he broke what she made for him? Didn't matter. Fix it or die, slowly and painfully.
"Will do." Lucifer said, giving a salute.
"Good." Odette nodded.
"You can't just-"
"Father." Gabriel was tired. He was upset. Asher.. wasn't Asher anymore. "Let him go. Asher is gone." A tear rolled down his cheek. "All.. all we can do now, is move forward in his memory, make sure no one on high suffers like we let him-"
"Gabriel! I.. I won't." God sounded desperate. He hated his youngest, back then. And wanted him back.
"It's over. Let.. Alastor have peace." Lucifer said, speaking the name his brother had chosen. He turned to Zestial. "Go. Now."
Zestial nodded, taking his family away in a cloud of green smoke.
"I tried! I gave him the Arctic! I gave him what the mortals call Florida! Two toy boxes! Let him keep his crocodiles and alligators! Cats!" God shook. "I.." He felt the foundations of Heaven shaking with his grief. And he.. he forced himself to accept this, for the sake of heaven, hell, his sons.. he looked to where Zestial and his family had stood before the man took them away. Lost, scared, sad, angry. And then he left.
Gabriel looked to Lucifer. "If.. if either of you need anything from us, call me and.." he hugged his twin with a sob before leaving.
The hotel was thick with tension after that. Lucifer had fixed Alastor's staff, putting it back on the chair where it had been sitting.
"So.." Angel looked at Husk.
"No, I didn't know." Husk said, making sure the bar was stocked with rye. "His fits? Yeah. But him being a son of God, no."
Everyone looked to Lucifer. Lucifer was quiet, looking at his hat.
"An apple.. this apple, and all that grew from it's seeds, was the first thing Alastor created." Lucifer sniffed, starting to cry.
"He'd been created for not even 24 hours, and got upset at Michael and I for fighting, so he took this apple and threw it at us- it bounced off of Michael and hit me afterwards.. I tried to give it back afterwards, but he said it was too sweet and gross and it fit me better. So I asked him for more- oh he was so excited. He made so many, yhe tastes were all unique, the shapes were immaculate, the colors - red ones were always his favorite.." the fallen angel started crying.
Everyone was quiet, watching. Oh, this was pitiful. But also sweet. Something to lean back on. That Lucifer had and shared.
At the Carmine residence.
Alastor had spent time in his safe space, and deemed it enough to eventually come out. Covered in grass and cat tails and dirt, smelling of outdoors despite being in his room.
"Don't touch him, Vaggie." Clara said gently, stopping her sister from going to Alastor. "Let him come to you."
It seemed Odette was his chosen sibling, he sat as close to her as he could without touching her. Odette smiled, having missed the smell of her brother's room and the comfort being around him gave. He was, by all counts, technically older. But these fits, they were a stunt to his growth - why Heaven had cast him out - and an embarrassment to the man. But, around his family? There was nothing to be ashamed of. Even the newest addition of Vaggie didn't deter him from being himself at home.
And Vaggie, found comfort in that. She had been skeptical, hated Alastor to his core. But now? She felt sympathy. And would protect him. Because that was what family does. They protect each other.
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bi-lullaby · 2 years
I love talking about SPN with you! Tough challenge if you're up for it: rank all 15 seasons from your personal favorite to least favorite, no ties allowed :) Have fun!
Oh dear. What a predicament you’ve put me in!
1. 1 (solid choice, me thinks. The vibes are Unparalleled. Introduced me to the LOML, Dean. Their early dynamics? Figuring out who they are, who the other is, who their family is? ugh. My heart. Also super interesting MootW episodes, charismatic, the cinematography deserves it’s own spot in the list, we feel like the Winchesters: operating from a shadowed world that’s interwoven with ours but also separate)
2. 2 (still the same vibes of the first but also angrier? there’s findings and secrets and an overachieving trama of trauma and family and grief and deep wounds from the past and revenge and worry. love it)
3. 4 (It makes me angry, sad, happy, hopeful, devastated, all of that at once and then more. I feel it’s one of the most fundamental stories to the plot of everything that comes later and it sets what came before against a solid background of the whole angels/demons/apocalypse/vessels/fate narrative, sets up a lot of the lore, it’s just genuinely good and enjoyable. Great television.)
4. 5 (The world is ending and we have no hope to stop it and yet we will? ugh. Also the reconnection of the boys. Fighting so hard for a goal that seems impossible and finding their way back tot he other. I feel this is when Cas becomes more friend than ally, which is lovely. The longing, the grief, the guilt, the horror, the hopeless and yet that doesn’t take away their fight in the end. Also In the End and Dark Side of The Moon are just. Spectacular. This one gets me every time)
5. 3 (so much angst. so much uncertainty. The unknowns. I feel this one isn’t higher only bc I watched already knowing the outcome or most of it in a way, bc I knew Dean would be alive and well for years to come bc I started when spn was further along, but for fans who watched on time? must have been a punch to the stomach).
6. 8 (I hadn’t realized how much I loved season 8 until today lol, lots of annoyances and grievances but still I enjoy and analyze it to death. I love love love Purgatory, the dynamics of the Purgatory Trio, BENNY, Kevin as a bigger character, the animosity between Sam and Dean (srsly, I think all the fics I have written mention/deal with this issue bc I’m just fascinated by both their headspaces in this and how it impacts them going forward. The trials are interesting although I felt they were a bit mishandled, and of course the many fallouts from it.)
7. 9 (same initial comment as season 8 tbh. I feel like early seasons dean is hanging on by a thread to the very end of his rope (trauma, pain, grief, etc etc) but he is hanging in there, ya know? And he wants to fight and he knows his whys. then as the years go on and the losses pile on and the pains and the more and more he’s backed into impossible corners he loses the will to hang on and I think this season is the one where we see in look at that rope and go “and why the fuck am I holding on to this?” and it’s painful and heartbreaking but also makes you cheer him on and wish for him to fet through this. I like the Bunker being a more established home base for them. I enjoy Abbadon and Metraton as antagonists although I do feel they ended up… Underwhelming? Underexplored? And Dean’s is one of my ‘favorite’ deaths the boys had. It’s so impactful and poignant.
8. 12 (I almost put it lower but alas, so many Dean/Dean-Mary dynamics moments I could not. Not the biggest fan of the BMoL but I see where they were going. I think bringing Mary back was a move that could have gone horribly wrong and in a sense I feel like it maybe wasn’t the most thematically consistent? but it allowed for fun explorations of many characters. Also, Regarding Dean is off the charts good.)
9. 6 (ohh the drama. the fallout. the would’ves should’ves could’ves. I have a love-hate relationship with soulless!sam that tends more towards love but overall a great one. I miss Lisa, there, I said it. I loved them together. I wanted them to remain that way. I loved seeing Dean be turned into a vamp, also.)
10. 10 (not much to say. I adore MoC and all about it, but I do wish some things were better handled/had more impact/were more thought out/better shown etc. Overall, great idea, not my favorite execution).
11. 11 (again, love parts, don’t love others so much. I will say, in my “dean lets go of his rope” analogy, this one is where I think he’s slowly starting to climb out of the hole he’s fallen into and see “his whys” more clearly again).
12. 7 (idk why people seem to hate 7 so much? I can’t say it’s supper impacting but it has it’s positives. And Bobby’s death! It’s so impactful, it’s genuinely a mark of splitting eras in my mind.)
13. 14. (Michael!Dean my dearest of dears. You were not here for long enough. Makes me angry and a little bitter but also great moments).
14. 13 (if you put a gun to my head I can’t recall season 13 specifically? felt like a “bridge” season ig, and I just… Don’t enjoy Jack. I know many people do, and you do you, absolutely! But he just felt like a shoehorned in deus ex machina wrapped in Cas’s more cute mannerisms and I just never connected with him or really enjoyed him as part of the family or the themes that followed his appearance).
15. (will never accept, will never like, will never enjoy, the ending is responsible for 97% of the hate for the whole season but tbh the forced “ohh look we’re meeetaaaa! it’s the lasssst sssseassssonnn” in your face level of annoyance didn’t make it all that great either. No but srsly don’t even get me started on the ending. I could spend an hour just incoherently babbling and crying and still not get my dislike across correctly).
This was quite tough, really. Thanks for the brain teaser, dearie!
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I already know this is going to be such a wild ask and I sincerely apologize but omg I’ve been a huge enjoyer of your blog and writing for awhile now (Thank you so much for posting all of your hard work!!🥺) and I just wanted to let you know that you are hands down the reason why I enjoy Suguru as much as I do! I never disliked him, I always thought he was interesting as a character and villain, not to mention v v pretty😳 but no matter what I could never find myself fully invested in him as a character by himself! In the past any interest I had was if it were an interaction between himself and Gojo but now????? After reading your writing??? I find myself getting mush brain anytime I think about Sugu, and it’s all because of how you write for him!!🥺
I’m no expert in writing or describing why certain things meld so well by any stretch of imagination, and I can’t even begin to coherently try to explain why your version of him works so well, I can just say that he feels so genuine and real! Even in his most twisted, wild, and angsty moments he is Suguru Geto, and I am experiencing this character as he was meant to be seen, read, and loved!
And ofc your writing lends itself wonderfully for everyone you write for! I found you first through your Gojo writing (All of which is still yummy and tasty and I always come back when I’m in need of comfort!🥺), but I will never forget reading your best friend! and Childhood friend! Sugu for the first time I was??? Floored from start to finish! To me at the very least, your writing is very tender but oh so unapologetic. The way you handle fluff and angst separately is impeccable, and when you bring them both together? Divine! I will rant and rave over all of your Gojo writing but there’s just SOMETHING in how the angst and quiet sweetness works so well for your Suguru that leaves me just?? So happy that I came to truly love and appreciate this character through your writing! I can feel how much you adore Sugu in everything you do and I am just??? So happy to love him as much as I do now!🥺
SPEAKING OF SUGU😳 I’ve read talk of a merman! AU and can I just say I am!!!! Fully on board😳 I cannot speak for everyone but when May/Summer comes around a button in my gnoggin gets pressed and suddenly all I can think about is Mermay and merfolk! There’s so much potential for the trope and the diverse ways in which characters can meet and learn about each other and themselves and so much else it’s just?? SO GOOD😳 It is curiosity and kindness at its core and I just!!! Go bonkers for that shit oml if you do decide to go through with writing for this Merman! idea please know it will slay so hard I fear we will never recover😌
(I wanted to talk about stsg with an aroace! reader as well but this ask is too long as is so all I will say is! That entire idea really hits close to home and it truly means a lot, it’s a very nice thought to think about and I enjoy seeing yours and others takes and ideas on the topic! <:))
I just want to apologize for letting this ask become such a behemoth, i knew i had a lot to say but I didn’t think it would be this much, i hope it doesn’t clog up your inbox or overwhelm you! ^^; but I hope it can at least meet you at a good time! I hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night, and please don’t feel pressured to respond if you’d rather not! <:)
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I CRIEDDDDDD I CRIED REAL TEARS YOU ARE SUCH A SWEETHEART???????? this ask made me SO happy pls never apologize for making it long….. i love long asks more than anything and this was just so heartfelt n kind ??? T—T have been feeling slightly burnt out lately so it rlly cheered me up!! tysm……… BUT AAAA we have sm to talk abt ….
FIRST OF ALLLLL ANON MY ANGEL??? i genuinely can’t express how overjoyed i am that i could convert u into a sugu stan LMAO like that’s??? the highest form of praise to me???? knowing my silly lil sugu fics could make u appreciate him as a character???? :’3 I’M SO HAPPY sugu nation could always use more followers….. we’re kind of a cult i think HE’S LOVELY ISN’T HE??? likeeee i love gojo just as much don’t get me wrong but i do also think sugu is the best jjk character. like. objectively. nothing beats him.
no but i really am so giddy that u enjoy my sugu fics!!! :’3 and the gojo fics too!!!! they’re my special little guys and i feel so lucky that i’m able to share my love for them w everyone else <33 and aaaaa …. anon i feel very overwhelmed rn BUT ONLY IN A GOOD WAY i’m just so touched by ur kind words!!! T—T knowing my sugu feels genuine and real to u means the world to me, i try my best to stay true to my own perception of his character while writing (whether it’s fluff or angst)… so i feel so relieved knowing it resonates w u :’3
To me at the very least, your writing is very tender but oh so unapologetic.
also…. anon……. you’re far too kind 😭😭😭 THIS IS SUCH A HEARTFELT COMPLIMENT IT MADE ME SWOON tysm …….. i think that i want my writing to feel tender above all else !!! so this is also so affirming to hear phdjdvz…….. ily. T_T
AND AND ANDDDD MER!SUGU!!!!! ohhh anon i’m so glad you’ve been enjoying my discussions abt him, i adore them sm !! 😭😭 it really feels like me and my anons have been building him up together and i’m so excited to write the fic and bring him to life!!! I HOPE IT WON’T DISAPPOINT i also love mermaids a whole bunch and i agree sm when u say the trope is just kindness at its core, the idea of a human and a mermaid loving each other when their worlds are so far apart… just. appreciating each other as individuals yk?? i’m planning to make that a very central theme of the fic, i’m not gonna spoil u but !! i have a lot of thoughts abt mer!sugu and people he might have met.. how they shaped the way he views humans and himself….. how much one little act of kindness can mean to a person. yeahhh that concept always makes me emotional i’m kinda tearing up…… u get it anon…………. T—T
ANDDDDDD AROACE!READER TOO………… i hope this isn’t too personal to ask but anon are u on the spectrum 👀👀👀 i’m assuming u are hehe, it’s always so heartwarming to talk to other aroace jjk fans!!!!! i think that especially in a fandom w so much smut it’s nice to be able to create a lil corner w/o it…… no hate towards smut obviously phsjdhd it’s just usually not to my taste so i’m very content to be running a sfw blog :33 and obv aroace!reader means a whole bunch to me, i’m so happy the concept is comforting to others too!! i firmly believe stsg would be great w an aroace!reader <333 (and i hc them both as being on the spectrum too)…. if u ever wanna talk abt them then feel free to send an ask in, i’d be more than happy to!!!!
but!!!! with all that being said!!!!! thank you so, so much for all your kind words 🥺🥺😥 this ask rlly did find me at the perfect time, you’re a sweetheart and i’m honoured that my fics can mean something to you <333 i’m hugging u tightly anon !! i hope you have a lovely day or night 🫂🫂 always remember that suguru geto loves u
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
(Re)Discovering A Strange New Spock: “The Enemy Within” (1x05)
Previous: The Naked Time
Next: Mudd’s Women
A meta anthology where I re-examine TOS, especially Spock, in light of the new information Discovery & Strange New Worlds has revealed about him to us.
Onto the Analysis!
The Shirtless Kirk Scene
Listen listen you guys, I try very, VERY hard to keep the shipping goggles off. I try not put any serious labels on Spock & Jim’s relationship when I do this specific type of meta but, come on! Something having strongly to do with attraction is going on here.
Generally, my criteria for whether a scene has queer subtext is this: If Spock or Jim had been a woman in this context, would straight people have been shipping it?
If Spock had been Janice in this scene for example, Kirk/Rand shippers would’ve been going nuts. If Jim had been a woman, framed as sex appeal like Kirk/Shatner is in this moment and Spock had walked in and reacted the Exact Same Way he does in this scene. “Traditional/Conventional” audiences would’ve been all over it. The “will they won’t they” of the century!
Spock reacts in a very specific way when he’s faced with attraction. This usually verbose man grapples for words and puts things simply. The second thing he does is try to get out of there as fast as possible. Absolute kill bill sirens “excuse me I have to go.”
We see it with SNW Spock, the way he reacts to Nurse Chapel, and to Captain Angel before they revealed their true identity. I think the reason that he’s the smoothest/most scripted around T’Pring is because he’s not in love with her. He doesn’t gets that type of nervous around her, where he does around other characters! There’s solid evidence here that Spock finds Jim attractive as more than just a friend in this and other scenes.
The Two Kirks Reveal
I find it interesting that Jim’s apparently “better” nature, super-ego!Kirk relies on Spock. As to deliberately point out that Spock brings out his “positive side” which Spock later describes as compassion, love, and tenderness.
That being said what I find extremely interesting is the absolutely urgent reaction Spock has the moment super-ego!Kirk suggests that they tell the crew the whole truth about the current situation. That makes me wonder about Pike more than anything.
“You’re the Captain of this ship, you haven’t the right to be vulnerable in the eyes of the crew. You can’t afford the luxury of being anything less than perfect.”
If Christopher Pike has a flaw it is that his work/life balance is a little too blurry at times. There is a line where friend ends and subordinate begins. He is still an extremely good captain, but like Kirk and all other Captains, his style isn’t without drawbacks. He’s very trusting, non-confrontational, a bit slow to act. His heart is too big for his own good. I can’t help but notice some similarities between the early stages super-ego!Kirk and a well-balanced Pike.
I get the distinct impression that flaw will become apparent to the crew, or at least to Spock, at some point in SNW. That Pike will err too much on the side of gentle and damage that relationship or even his relationship to the crew. Probably not in an irreparable way, but in a way that left an impression on Spock and his relationship with command.
This is more than either Spock or Jim’s emotional issues, although that is a part of it. Spock has obvious and immense respect for both Kirk and Pike, but knows the limitations of being honest and personable and how they can backfire. Something in this context I believe he learned from Chris, and not in an enjoyable way.
That being said, I think Spock takes it much too far on the opposite direction whenever he has the com, but that’s for another episode.
Spock’s Revelations on The Duality of Man
Spock is absolutely enamored by what he’s learning about humanity, and more significantly, about Kirk through these events. He is seeing Jim in a literal sense the way he has felt on the inside for his whole life.
His decision to assign moral alignments to emotions/traits for which there should be no moral alignment is extremely telling. Any of the traits he describes can be used for good and for evil. Love can be used to hurt, compassion can be given to the undeserving. There is nothing inherently evil in physical attraction, or about anger, but Spock sees it that way because those feelings have only ever brought him trouble.
He understands that all of the emotions are necessary, but believes it is through repression and shame that the “positive” traits control the “evil” ones. Something I thoroughly believe Sarek taught him, and is not at all a healthy way of controlling one’s emotions. Not even (hell, especially not) for a Vulcan, let alone a human hybrid of one.
Spock essentially sees himself as two people in his subconscious as we saw from his nightmare in Spock Amok. He regards his human half and his Vulcan half as two separate entities, “constantly at war with each other”. He considers his Humam half the id, and Vulcan half the super-ego, even though both species have both. What is holding him together is his intelligence, knowing he is Vulcan and Human.
But, the truth is in real life there is no “both”, he’s still operating in that “or” binary. “I am using my Vulcan half OR my Human half, my Vulcan half must control my Human half.” He is a singular entity and those traits cannot and should not be separated. He’s still trying to categorize aspects of his own soul, his ego is deeply misinformed. He has not accepted what he is in his heart, and it will take him a very long time to do so.
Spock & Bones Relationship Evolves
Spock and McCoy are starting to trust each other. Perhaps a side effect of having proved to themselves that they can work together under duress when Jim needs them in Charlie X.
McCoy concedes to the fact that he can’t get the full picture of whatever is wrong with Jim without Spock’s help. Bones sends Spock to assess Jim’s emotional state, knowing full well that Spock knows him in ways he might never. Instead of purely relying on his encounter with id!Kirk.
This is also the first time Bones admits to agreeing with Spock, and then they both later admit to agreeing with each other! They have found their roles in Jim’s life, although they disagree they’re starting to concede to the fact Jim needs both of them. Just like how Jim needs his other half when he’s split in two by the transporter.
Again, while Spock is right, Bones has a point that not being cautious could kill Jim. Spock, like needing to believe the Thasians were real, needs to believe that Jim can survive reconciling his split halves. If he can’t survive that, what does that mean for Spock and his “dual” nature?
In a continuation of many firsts, Spock is honest with McCoy. While I’m sure Bones knew from the medical records Spock is a hybrid, Spock confesses to his humanity out loud in front of McCoy without any sort of balking or condescension.
They’re beginning to understand each other, baby step by baby step.
The Final Confrontation
The initial reactions in this scene show us something significant about Jim’s feelings regarding Spock. Both his id and his super-ego halves trust him, his ego trusts Spock’s judgement, and his id trusts that Spock will protect him from danger. Even the crew seems to expect Spock to tell the two Kirks apart, under the impression one is an imposter.
Spock knows better than anyone that this is something Kirk has to do on his own. He may have his own opinions and struggles with his perceived opposite halves, but this is Kirk’s battle. Jim must come to his own conclusions, or perish in the inability to reconcile.
“You’ll have to hold onto him tight Captain” serves a double meaning. He must keep a tight reign, a discipline over his “evil” half, even though it has given up the fight. That half wants to live just as much as his “good” half does, it’s just terrified.
Jim has to survive this, not only because Spock cares for Kirk. But because he needs to see that two halves can survive becoming one for his own deeply personal reasons. He is deeply relieved when he is proven right, and Jim is finally safe from himself and whole again. “Thank you Mr. Spock, from both of us.”
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kyuuppi · 4 years
“You lie to your best friend/crush that you have an OnlyFans just to see their reaction”
Ft. Sugawara; Nishinoya; Tsukishima; Oikawa; Kenma
Pt. 2
A/N: My bias is so obvious here LOL
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↳ Sugawara
➣  You are over at his house, the two of you idly watching a sitcom while browsing your phones and chatting in between; it’s comfortable, as times with Sugawara usually are.
➣  Every time Suga leans in to show you a funny meme on his phone or throws his head back in laughter at a joke from the show, you find your heart skipping a beat.
➣  He is beautiful, basically an angel in your eyes, but he is also your best friend and you don’t think he has any interest in you like that. Not in the way you do. 
➣  That’s how you get the idea to test his feelings. 
➣  Being the troublemaker you are (how else would you and Suga get along so well?) you decide to shake things up by casually mentioning you’re interested in starting an OnlyFans and asking if he thinks its a good idea. 
➣  You expect either of two reactions: either he’ll be as supportive as usual, possibly advising you to be cautious with strangers online like the mother hen he is, proving he only sees you as a friend—or he’ll tell you not to, possible evidence that likes you.
➣  The response you receive is not quite what you were expecting...
➣  Once the words leave your lips his head immediately whips around in your direction, light brown eyes looking at you with a serious expression on his face, something you’d never really seen before. It makes you uncomfortable and you begin to regret all of your life decisions.
➣  Suddenly though, he is leaning into you, his arms coming up to trap you against the couch as you try to back away. Your eyes are as wide as saucers and face completely flushed as he continues to stare you down before speaking.
➣  “Even though I’m your best friend, I’m still a man, you know. You’re being awfully cruel right now.”
➣ You audibly gulp, suddenly feeling light-headed but he keeps speaking, close enough that you can feel his hot breath fan across your cheeks.
➣ “Asking me to watch the person I like show off in front of thousands of other men? Even I have my limits.”
➣ And that marks the day of you and Sugawara’s first kiss. ♡
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↳ Nishinoya
➣  Your best friend, Nishinoya Yuu, is notoriously unabashed with his affections. 
➣ The two of you have an interesting relationship—Noya has no qualms with expressing how pretty he thinks you are, borderline flirting with you at times, and you frequently return the favor. 
➣  But you don’t take any of it seriously, of course, regardless of how much you secretly wish it were real. Everyone at Karasuno knows about Noya’s undying dedication to the volleyball club manager, Shimizu Kiyoko, and he confesses his love to her at least twice a day. 
➣ Unbeknownst to you those professions became less and less frequent after he met you and now most of Karasuno thinks the two of you are basically dating
➣ The two of you are at the mall, a frequent hang out place where Noya can look at volleyball gear and you can browse manga at the bookstore, when you get the idea to prank your friend.
➣ “Hey, Noya? I’ve been thinking about finding a way to make more money but I don’t have time for a part-time job so I decided to make an OnlyFans—I already have a few subscribers.”
➣ Nishinoya nearly trips and falls flat on his face. You would have laughed if it weren’t for how he immediately grabs at your shoulders, staring at you with a mix of anger and fear. 
➣ “Absolutely not! No one should be allowed to see your beautiful body like that but me!”
➣ You immediately fluster at his loud declaration, acutely aware of how other customers in the mall are giving the two of your strange looks as they walk by. 
➣ “B-but Noya, we aren’t even dating—”
➣ “Then let’s start dating!” 
➣ And what are you gonna do? Say no?
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↳ Tsukishima
➣ Being friends with Tsukishima could be frustrating at times—a sentiment you and Yamaguchi frequently discuss when the blond isn’t around. 
➣ Tsukishima likes to think most things are beneath him and he’s too cool to find enjoyment in activities most other friends enjoy, ranging from mini golf to video games. The man seems content to waste his life away studying and listening to music if it weren’t for you and Yamaguchi forcing him out of his room. 
➣ Naturally, something like a prank war would be something Tsukishima would want no part of—not that that has ever stopped you. 
➣ Usually, your pranks are failures. Either Tsukishima easily figures out what you’re doing before it can happen or he doesn’t give you the satisfaction of a reaction, chastising you for wasting your time pulling pranks when you have a failing grade in mathematics you’ll later beg him to help you study for.
➣ He still helps you though, he’s whipped
➣ Your newest prank however, you feel exceptionally confident in. Not only is it simple to pull off, only relying on your acting kills, but it also might answer your curiosity on whether you have a chance in getting your dearest Tsukki to see you as more than just a friend.
➣ The day you decide to do it the three of you are hanging out in Tsukishima’s bedroom as usual, you working on the math homework Tsukishima forced you to study while he reads a book and Yamaguchi sits in the corner reading a book.
➣ You had already discussed your plans with Yama beforehand, to which his expression looked suspiciously devious, like he knew something you didn’t know, as he proclaimed his support. 
➣ You hear Tsukishima turning a page and decide to speak up. 
➣ “Hey, Tsukki, have you heard of OnlyFans?”
➣ You hold back a snicker as you see Tsukishima visibly tense, his eyes widening behind his glasses for a moment before he relaxes. From the corner of your eyes you can see Yamaguchi smirking behind his comic, watching the blond closely. 
➣ “...yeah, I’ve heard of it,” Tsukishima simply replies. 
➣ “I’ve been thinking about making more money but I don’t have time for a part-time job so my friend suggested it. She said I could make over ten thousand yen a month.”
➣ “I think only the really attractive ones make that much.”
➣ You gasp, thoroughly offended, and Yamaguchi looks mildly annoyed by his friend’s response, already opening his mouth to chastise him for being so mean—but before he can say anything, Tsukishima is speaking again, still looking down at the book in his lap. 
➣ “Don’t do it though.” 
➣ “Why not?” You pout, refusing to look up at him when you speak. 
➣ “...I don’t want the person I like to do those types of things.” 
➣ You nearly choke on your own saliva, head darting up to stare at him in disbelief. Yamaguchi, for some reason, only smiles softly, looking unsurprised by the admission. 
➣ “W-what? You...like me?”
➣ “Oi, shouldn’t you be studying? One more F and you’re gonna flunk out of the class, dummy.”
➣ You’re slightly disappointed by the change of subject but when you notice the soft pink on Tsukishima’s cheeks you can’t help but to smile the whole time you finish your homework.
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↳ Oikawa
➣ Oikawa is a busy guy.
➣ You were well aware of that before the two of you happened to be paired up for an assignment and got to know each other, eventually becoming close friends. 
➣ Between volleyball practices, tournaments, magazine interviews, and appeasing a passionate fan club, Oikawa rarely has time for himself, let alone another person. 
➣ Despite all of that, you could tell he always made sure to spend time with you, dedicating a few weekends a month to hanging out, just the two of you, and constantly texting you in the times the two of you couldn’t physically be together. 
➣ From an outsider’s perspective, it was almost like the two of you were dating. 
➣ But alas, you know the sad reality is that Oikawa is most certainly not your boyfriend and you have no idea if he has any interest in your like that…
➣ ...Which is why you decide to try to make him jealous one day to push him towards confessing his feelings, if they exist. 
➣ The two of you are at a café, sipping lattes and gossiping about other students when you bring it up. 
➣ “Y’know...I’ve been thinking of making an OnlyFans.”
➣ To your surprise, Oikawa’s eyes seem to light up, his lips curving into a smile of excitement. 
➣ “Wow, really? Maybe I should make one too!”
➣ Oikawa immediately pulls out his cell phone and the color drains from your face as you realize your plan has completely backfired. 
➣ “My fans are going to love this—hey do you think we can do a collab? The two of us in one pic would make us top creators for sure.”
➣ You can only nod numbly with a fake smile at Oikawa’s enthusiasm.
➣ Oh god, you’ve created a monster…
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↳ Kozume
➣ Unless you’re Kuroo, becoming friends with Kenma is a nearly impossible feat. Actually making him want to spend time with you alone, even more so. 
➣ But somehow, you managed to work your way into Kenma’s tightly knit social circle more like a two point line segment of him and Kuroo and your evenings after his volleyball practice are usually spent in one of your bedrooms, playing Splatoon and Animal Crossing until your Switches die or your parents force you to come home for dinner—whichever comes first. 
➣ You love spending time with Kenma, his quiet presence somehow making you feel comfortable—but over time those feelings of ease have shifted into something more akin to nervousness and excitement as you’ve come to develop a crush on the setter.
➣ Every moment with him, watching the small smiles tug at his lips when he wins a match or his cute, frustrated pout when he can’t figure out how to defeat a boss makes your heart flutter and it’s becoming more and more painful to idly sit by without expressing your feelings.
➣ A direct confession, especially to a boy with nearly 0 social skills, is scary, so you want to be sure your feelings are returned before you even attempt to share them. 
➣ Thus, you’ve decided to take Kuroo’s advice.
➣ “Push him into a corner. Kenma will only act when he thinks he has to.” 
➣ You take a deep breath to steel your nerves before you speak, eying him sneakily from behind your Switch. 
➣ “Gamer girls and boys are kind of trendy these days; I’m thinking about starting an OnlyFans to make money to buy more games.”
➣ The only visible response you receive is a slow blink as Kenma continues to play his game, fingers tapping furiously on the keys. 
➣ “Ah...I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
➣ “Why not?”
➣ There are a few moments of silence between you two, the room only filled with the SFX of your games as Kenma seems to finish his round. You recognize the victory music as Kenma pauses to finally raise his gaze to meet your own. 
➣ “It's your body so I can’t tell you what to do but...I would feel really jealous of all your subscribers.”
➣ And just like that, Kenma returns his attention to the video game, unpausing and starting a new match, blissfully unaware of you struggling to calm your racing heart and flushed cheeks. 
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xlbrh · 4 years
Genshin Impact - Small things they do to show their love
notes : so i’ve been trying to think of an idea for a long story to write for one of the characters, but i’ve been having a little bit of trouble :( if anyone has any suggestions i’d love to hear them! hopefully i’ll be able to come out with an introduction or something soon 
in the meantime i wrote this up, so i hope that you guys enjoy!
Genshin Masterlist
warnings : none
format : bulleted, headcanons. fluff
pairings : diluc, kaeya, childe, zhongli, xiao, albedo, aether x gn! reader
word count : 1426
everything under the cut-
during your nightly walks around mondstadt, he notices how chills can rack your body, especially when the wind blows
he’ll remove his jacket and drape it around your form, no matter how much you may protest
sometimes his arms will circle around your waist, drawing you towards him in an effort toto keep you warm until you get home
if you’ve been out adventuring close to the dawn winery, he’d invite you to the manor to share a meal or drink, whichever you’d like
whatever you desire, he’ll see to it that you receive it – most of the time he wouldn’t even ask you due to how well he can read you and your actions
when you try to refuse his offers, he’ll tell you ‘just let me look after you, my love’  
when you come to visit him in the angel’s share, he always has a seat ready just for you
he’ll keep a blanket and some books under the bar, since he knows how you like to curl up in the corner, engrossed in your reading
if you’d like he’ll come and sit with you for a short while, bringing a drink of your choice over while you tell each other about your day
kaeya is the kind of man to call you every pet name under the sun
whether it be sweetheart, darling, love etc. he loves to use these types of names for you frequently, as a form of affection
he loves your reactions to them, especially when your cheeks flare up and you turn away out of shyness – he finds it extremely endearing
he would offer to train you in swordsmanship, regardless of whether you can already wield a sword or not
he likes to not only see your strength grow, but also offer you a way to protect yourself since he cannot be with you at all times
kaeya takes pride in the training sessions you have, after all they give him another reason to spend even more time with you
he loves for you guys to have matching things, no matter how small they may be 
for example, he’ll buy you a bracelet to wear, one that matches with one on his own wrist as well
jokingly he once bought you an eyepatch to match his, but he finds it sweet but hilarious when you’ll wear it around him sometimes
since this man is a literal walking wallet, he has no problem with spoiling you with gifts
whether that be a necklace you’ve had your eye on, a new shirt because you ripped yours in battle, or a book he knows is the next in the series you enjoy
when asking him why he leaves you so many small gifts, his response is just ‘well, because i love you, of course!’
if you ever get hurt during a battle, he’ll be the first to help you
whether that be taking down the enemies if you haven’t already, or tending to the wounds you’ve received
he’d work with utmost caution, wrapping each wound gently and finishing them off with a kiss on top
when strolling the streets of liyue together, childe ensures that your body is connected to his one way or another at all times
whether that be intertwining your hands together, an arm loosely wrapped around your waist, or stopping to give you a brief peck on the forehead
he has no qualms in showing the public that you’re his – something he makes you well aware of
he knows you love when he tells you stories of his past and the history of liyue, and he enjoys telling you about them
he finds the childlike wonder in your eyes adorable as he tells you tales of adepti and archons alike
zhongli will try his best to make them as entertaining as possible for you – drawing you in with every word he uttered
he likes to play with your hair, and for you to do the same to him
if you have longer hair you can guarantee he’d be braiding and styling your hair in all different ways, adorning it with hairpins he’d purchase for you
if your hair is on the shorter side then he’d love to run his fingers through, stroking your hair and massaging your scalp until you fall asleep with your head against his chest
if there is anything in particular that you take a big interest in, zhongli will try his best to research around it – even though he probably has the knowledge anyways
he wants to be able to talk to you about things you’re interested in, as well as share in the enjoyment that you get from it
he would leave small notes to you when he can’t always be around you, sometimes with small facts he learned of
he would for sure watch over you if you ever go on a long adventure, no matter what other duties he may have to attend to
expect to see a good few hilichurl and treasure hoarder camps abandoned thanks to his interference
‘anything to ensure your safety’, he thinks
some nights, when his duties have been fulfilled early, he’ll try his hand at preparing a meal for you to share
of course nothing especially fancy! After all he doesn’t have to eat himself – its all for your enjoyment
if he struggles he’d probably reach out to verr goldet some help
just imagine him setting a small picnic up on the wangshu inn rooftop iM WEAK
once xiao finally becomes accustomed to physical contact, he’d make an effort to hold your hand a lot more often
lightly squeezing it or tracing shapes with his thumb every now and again
if you’re lucky he way even take his gloves off – just to feel that warmth from his hand can be very comforting indeed
you’re literally the only person he will listen to when he is engrossed in his experiments
as we know he tends to block out the rest of the world when he is deep in though
but as soon as he hears your voice of concern asking if he’ll take a break to eat, you wanna bet he’ll be leaving his office in an instant to join you for lunch
he does the exact same for you when you’re hard at work, so he appreciates the way you always look after him
when out looking for more specimens to analyse, he stumbles across his fair share of flowers
of course he knows which are your favourites – he knows everything about you, after all – so he’ll be sure to pick some to bring home to you
when giving them to you, he mentions ‘well, they reminded me of you, so i thought you’d like them’
if you ever get ill for some reason, albedo becomes your personal doctor
he’ll spend hours preparing serums and medicines for you to alleviate your pain – but will never let you out of his sight while doing so
he’ll ask noelle if she can fix up some food for you in the meantime, since at every free opportunity he’s sat at your bedside, hand in yours as he whispers words of comfort to you
aether is always ready to make you something to eat whenever you’d like!
he for sure has a small section of his brain dedicated to learning of recipes that he knows you enjoy, no matter how simple or complicated they may be
will make sure that you always have some lunch ready to take with you wherever you go, even if it means he had to wake up early and travel halfway across teyvat to bring it to you
he will bring you back numerous treasures from his travels
sometimes he’ll ask the locals in whichever area he’s in if they can craft the raw materials into something that you can treasure
there would be a shelf in your room specifically for aether’s gifts, where he’ll occasionally point to each one and tell you the story of how it made it’s way back to you
he makes sure to let you know how grateful he is to have you by his side
every time you do something for him, no matter how small it may be, he’ll thank you and let you know how much you mean to him
when on his travels he makes sure to write letters and send them home to you – just because he’s far away doesn’t mean he’s not still thinking about you
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