#and I don't want to spoil anyone
chlo-le-mouton · 4 months
I finally got to play (not for long i like to savour games) but it's SO GOOD! Definitely my favorite adaptation of Tove's work so far!
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cosmichorrorlesbians · 5 months
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The scariest movie I have ever seen.
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willfulabyss · 20 days
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familyabolisher · 1 year
i really don't get people who get mad about other people's "overreading" or "overanalysis" in a text that they themselves enjoy; like, the idea that taking a piece seriously is effectively just giving it more credit than you think it's due seems like a very weird way to think about something you claim to respect
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stormdragon23 · 9 months
Me: I'm just gonna write a couple of ideas I have for Shadow Monarch!Park Kyung-hye Also me: *fills a notebook page in less than half an hour* Ah- I'm on my third page now
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lightninginapuddle · 6 months
I keep thinking that Our Flag Means Death is really similar to The Good Place in some of its core messages. People can change and improve, especially when met with love and support. No one is beyond rehabilitation. I guess it's comforting to be reminded of this.
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epicfirestormer · 2 months
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I'm so incredibly Normal about these two games.
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shattered-earth · 11 months
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My TOTK Master Sword Pins came in! This is my first time trying double layered pins, the petals have some real DEPTH to them from the layers. It looks more like they are really fluttering away into the background. The two layers also gives the pin a very premium/sturdy/heavy feeling i didn't expect but in hindsight is obvious LOL
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Comes with a custom backing card too, the pin itself is 3" long so perfect to hold and "swing" around lol
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luminnea · 1 year
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started playing pokemon sv and wow
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mr-mistyeyed · 2 months
ok listen can we like.. agree that everyone who heard clancy early (through a leak or through the event) has to tag their posts with #clancy spoilers if they talk about the album in any way..
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yohankang · 11 months
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My delayed discharge, I think I'm ready now.
D.P. 2 (2023)
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lepurcinus · 8 months
I'm going to find it highly insulting that in most (if not all) Watership Down adaptations they leave out the rabbit folklore part so much. They always adapt one or two stories and the others never appear or are told in a super abbreviated almost lost form.
I don't know about you, but I think that was one of the things that got me hooked on WD the most when I first read it. To me it was so amazing and clever the idea of creating an animal version of our myths based on their perception of the world, it was like a way to get me into a more into a mindset so different from my own.
Not only that, they detract from THEIR IMPORTANCE. The stories are meant to function as a "middle ground" a moment of relaxation and fun where the angst of the moment is set aside, not only for the author but for the rabbits themselves, as a connection. But beyond being a simple relaxation, the stories HAVE A WEIGHT on our characters. The story of El-ahrairah's blessing and the story of the black rabbit gave our protagonists the strength and will to go on and be like El-ahrairah, the story of the lettuce reminded us of the importance of cunning and trickery as part of the rabbit's life, the story of the trial gave weight to the role of Kehaar and the mouse, the story of Rowsby Woof gave Fiver the vision of the dog, even the half-told story of the fox in the water was important to make the female rabbits feel good during the siege of Efrafa.
Seriously, one of the things I loved most about WD was that whole role of culture and myth (something I personally have always been fascinated by) seen even in non-human animals. It's so sad how little weight people give them, they really deserve to someday be represented in all their glory.
In the movie we only had the animation of the prologue (simply beautiful that yes, of my favorite animated sequences of all) and a half-worked idea of the King's Lettuce ("cut the tone" my eggs, Rosen).
The '99 series was the only one that more or less gave them more weight even adding one or two new ones. It's appreciated, but I still felt them very empty and the black rabbit one was never realized (despite there being plans for a chapter dedicated to that, heck).
Of course the miniseries doesn't differ that much from the movie, just the prologue part. But at least it was kind of nice to have at least parts of other stories told occasionally (I would have loved to hear that version of the black rabbit story in full).
(I would even go so far as to say that other WD inspired xf stories have failed to reach this "height" either. Either because those stories are always left very briefly aside or the story is so fanciful that they just don't matter/impact in the same way).
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khihi · 4 months
i reckon Everybody's Waiting is gonna be a marmite song for most of us, so just want to remind everyone to try not to take anyone else's opinion on it too personally 🩷 you can disagree with someone over their thoughts on a song without it being a problem, and i promise there will be loads of people with the same or similar opinion to you!!
don't be afraid to talk about your own feelings on it, whatever they are, but don't dunk on others for having different feelings – and if you feel like you can't discuss it without it hurting you somehow then look after your mental health and stay away from those discussions 🩷
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mayonnaisetoffees · 2 years
The why don't you let the cat/lettuce run your country jokes are funny don't get me wrong but they do ignore the most frustrating part of this:
We have no say!! They aren't calling a general election!! Unless you're a member of the Conservative party you have absolutely Zero say in the matter at all!!
So reminder that if you have any kind of election coming up, any chance to vote, be it the US midterms or a presidential vote or local council elections or whatever, PLEASE go and vote. Have your say.
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
hi, just got home from watching the marvels and NO SPOILERS but whoever says they don't like this movie HATES fun…and women. i don't make the rules 🤷
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colorfullyminded · 2 months
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