#and I have every right to hate her antisemitic racist fucking ass
jewishbarbies · 1 year
I love how I can literally post about anything as much as I want and no one gives a shit but the second I answer “too many” asks in a row about ts then I’m “spending so much time and energy” and it’s “obsessive”. at least y’all are consistent, i guess.
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fdelopera · 4 months
So I was googling Gal Gadot because I was curios if she is in anything upcoming or what not, turns out she just had a baby, mazal tov to her and her family.
and there was a tik tok about her and one of the comments was something like didn't go where I expected so I thought oh maybe this is something positive about her
it was not, it really wasn't. and it is just so upsetting because I then when and looked at when this comedian did this set bc the tiktok was clip of this set and it was from april 2024 so it is after Oct 7th.
and I found the full and the full clip is even worse. and like I need to share this because it is so gross and antisemitic.
I do hope you will forgive me for sharing this disgusting antisemitic screed.
But I just need to not feel crazy and alone in finding this revolting.
WOWWW! This video is a little microcosm of modern day Jew-hate.
So get this! This little whiny ass bitch from Australia, who benefitted from growing up in Australia, is turning around and taking the GUILT he feels for having benefitted from living in an ACTUAL racist country that ACTUALLY genocided their indigenous population — and he's dumping that GUILT he feels onto Jews.
This whiny ass bitch actually has the fucking AUDACITY to call Jews the "Master Race."
This little BITCH has the fucking gall to call the Jews of Israel "white colonizers."
This just proves that he is slandering an entire country without even looking at pictures of the people of that country. Because nearly 70% of the Jews in Israel are from MENA countries. Jews are not white, but most of the Jews in Israel are not even "white passing."
This dude grew up on STOLEN LAND in Australia, and yet he's accusing the indigenous Jewish population of Israel, who came to Israel as refugees when they were ethnically cleansed by Muslims in MENA countries -- he's accusing these Middle Eastern Jews of being "white colonizers."
But I know what this dude is up to. He let his mask slip halfway through his set.
He said: "Australia is a fictional country."
This dude is a Muslim of Bangladeshi descent, who was born in Saudi Arabia, and he grew up living between Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Australia.
But from the age of 13 on, he lived in the suburbs of Melbourne, and that's where he grew up. He's an Australian.
And this little shit feels GUILTY about that.
And so what does he do with that guilt? Does he lay the blame on white people in Australia? Oh, no. That would be WAY too risky. He would be putting himself in danger there.
No. He does what every whiny bitch from Hadrian to Hitler has done.
He blames the Jews.
He LIES and calls the Jews the "Master Race."
He LIES and says that Jews are responsible for every societal evil.
All because he feels guilty for benefitting from growing up in the Melbourne suburbs. All because he feels guilty for growing up in the "fictional country" of Australia.
And that's not even touching on the question: Why does Bangladesh have a Muslim majority population?? Bangladesh is a country that used to be part of India, whose indigenous population are Hindu.
This dude didn't even TOUCH on Arab Muslim conquest and colonization in India, and in Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries.
I see right through him. I see what he's doing.
And I see through all of you bigots who use the rhetoric that this dude used in his set.
You whiny bitches need to OWN your guilt. You need to OWN your shame.
If you grew up in Australia, the US, Canada, or anywhere else that genocided your indigenous populations, you need to sit and process that.
Stop using Jews as your fucking trash can for your guilt, you disgusting bigots.
We Jews are NOT your scapegoats.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs JK Rowling
So let’s talk about JK Rowling for a minute. Yes, I know that you’re probably sick of hearing about it for one reason or another. I get it. I just ... have a distinct need to vent here. So I’m sorry for bringing it up again, whatever side of this argument you’re on. Just ... come on. Hogwarts Legacy comes out on my fucking birthday. The only thing that’s saving my birthday at this point, given the mess the internet’s going to be Friday over this, is sushi dinner and a little Legend of Vox Machina watch party.
The summary basically goes as follows: JK Rowling is a TERF and a horrible human being, and she underlines that fact every time she opens her virtual mouth, and now Hogwarts Legacy is coming out and it’s been an internet slap-fight ever since. The reactions I’ve seen so far have been as follows:
“I’m buying multiple copies to own the libs!”
“I’m buying a copy but I’m donating twice as much to trans organisations so it’s fine, right?”
“It doesn’t really deprive her of that much money anyway given how rich she is, so a boycott is pointless.”
“I’ll just pirate it and you should too!” (bonus points for talking about the cracker who’s making it a point to crack Denuvo over this, and that’s about the one good thing coming out of it because Denuvo is bullshit)
And then there’s me. I’m trying not to ascribe hateful intent to anyone who wants to buy Hogwarts Legacy. I really am. The only reason I can manage it is - and I’m sorry to put it this way but there’s literally no other way I can phrase it - US news is basically the centre of the media universe and a lot of people only hear the very basics about how JK Rowling is a TERF and a horrible human being. You combine that with nostalgia goggles and it’s a recipe for what I can only really call quasi-deliberate cognitive dissonance in people with the best of intentions. Sorry for doing this; I just need to pull this apart.
We’ll start with the nostalgia goggles. I mean, I was a ... sort of a fan when I was younger. Looking back on it, I can see why “more or less average kid from a household that treats them unfairly is suddenly elevated to popularity, wealth, a stable emotional support network and ADVENTURE!” had appeal. Thing is, looking at it with a more critical eye? It was racist as fuck. Not that much better on the sexism. Not any better on the antisemitism either. Apologetic of slavery (”No it’s okay because they like being slaves!” my entire oversized ass). Don’t even get me started about the “lycanthropy as AIDS” thing that she actually admitted to, and literally highlighting how she killed her gays when she stated that Dumbledore was gay after the last books were already out instead of actually showing any of that in the text. On top of all that, I can’t say with any honesty that it was even that well-written. While I don’t think a lot of people are forgetting that book 7 epilogue any time soon, the rest of it ... just ... doesn’t hold up to me. The wizarding houses that sold a few billion pieces of merchandise were just an excuse to legitimise bullying within the text. Her portrayal of Snape had her confusing “doomed love” with “incel”. Dumbledore was sold as a benevolent sage but came across to me as a fucking maniac and a horrible educator. Most of all, half of this series was held together with plot glue, communication fail, and having a non-omniscient, highly distractable POV character throughout. I have things to say about the pacing, particularly as regards the introduction of the Horcruxes and the Remus / Tonks relationship (which, given the “bad man spreading this AIDS-analog to people deliberately” the still somehow existing view of AIDS as “a bad gay’s disease”, and Remus’ bond with Sirius, feels like an attempt to “de-gay” Remus somehow, but all that did was code him bi and she killed him anyway, apparently to tug on heartstrings in a really clumsy-ass way, so eh). But we’ve got colourful houses coded by desirable personality traits (EXCEPT SLYTHERIN, like cunning and ambition are somehow inherently evil) and Quidditch and Every-Flavour Beans, so that’s fine, right? Egh. Sorry; I was never one to hang onto the nostalgia goggles for very long. I love poking the Jenga Tower of Logic too much.
(Also, frankly, if she’d taken Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them and turned them into a Steve Irwin-type nature series instead of the racist imperialist pile of garbage that series turned into, she’d have been a lot better off. Though I’m not sure I like her rooting around in the cultural heritages of others because she handles this shit like a moose handles a Ming vase.)
Of course, Hogwarts Legacy is a different kettle of fish. It’s not in the modern era or anything so it can’t be that problematic, right? It’s set in ... *checks* 1890. So the height of British imperialism. Oooooooh yeah that’s going to be a Thing, isn’t it. Let’s see ... Super Special Student thrown into Hogwarts in their fifth year, Possessed of Ancient Secret Magic ... Chosen One. Got it. Wikipedia won’t even go into the full plot but what I seem to recall is “Evil (and Jewish-coded) Goblins Attempt Wizard Genocide”. So that’s nice. And its lead designer is ... Troy Leavitt, Gamergate supporter and creation of such videos as “In Defense of Cultural Appropriation”. Which, given Rowling’s history with same, is on brand. So how about we not go too far into the “But SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPERS!” argument? This man does not need support; he needs a good swift kick in the balls.
So, back onto Rowling, because I really can’t talk about the game much as it’s not technically out yet. Yes, TERF and horrible human being, but there are examples of this that go beyond the shit she spouts on Twitter. As far as the TERF shit goes, here’s an example: a little while ago, the devolved Scottish Parliament wrote a law - only applicable to the Scots, incidentally - that said that people age 16 and up should be able to decide what gender to put on their identity documents. It’s called the Gender Recognition Act. Now, the UK government at Westminster didn’t like this at all, and - in a move they’re not actually supposed to make - blocked Scottish Parliament from being able to enact that law within its own borders. This kicked the Scottish devolution movement (already pretty heavy because of the end results of Brexit) into even higher gear, because fuck the English government wanting to uphold their terfitude so much that they’d dictate what Scotland can do in its own borders. Rowling is on the English government’s side here, and is very against Scottish devolution. The money she has doesn’t only go to that LGB Alliance that leaves out the T so very deliberately; it also goes to blocking Scotland’s attempt to unstaple itself from this hellscape, just because she agrees with blocking the rights of people to choose whether an M or F goes on their official documentation instead of basing it on their assigned gender at birth.
And then there’s her most recent book, written under her (ironically male) pseudonym. Yes, it’s a TERF manifesto with chapters, but it’s more than just “Evil Mass Murderer Hides Behind Woke Transgender Propaganda To Gain Access To Women’s Bathrooms And Murder Them”. That book also includes a “poor influencer accused of being ableist being murdered by disabled people because they consider said influencer too ableist to be condoned” plot. Fibromyalgia is mentioned (dude, I have fibro and even if I wasn’t a decent human being, I hurt too much to be able to actively murder someone). Also autism, which is pretty telling when you consider that she also says that “poor confused autistic girls are being forced into gender conversion because they’re too autistic to understand what they’re doing”.
If you honestly want to own anything with this woman’s name attached, that’s fine. That’s your prerogative. I am probably going to judge you, though. It’s not the money, or at least not just the money - it’s the platform this is giving her, and the validation. Even piracy says “I don’t care about your behaviour because you’re giving me what I want”. Not even need; want. I don’t get why anyone wants it, but people are allowed to have different tastes, so that’s a whatever-thing. But I live in the country where her voice has the most influence on things that aren’t entertainment. She is defended by so many of the wealthy and powerful because she thinks the same way they do. And the more she’s lauded for anything she does, the more they’ll point to her as something good about this country. She is not a good thing about this country, and no amount of flying broomsticks and jelly beans that taste like earwax can change that, in my mind.
(Also, I’ve seen some of the preview pictures - the game looks like hot garbage anyway.)
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daenerysoftarth · 1 month
"If you only listen to marginalized people who completely agree with and validate your preconceived beliefs about their community and never ever challenge you about anything you say, do, or believe, then you are not actually an ally."
Do NOT reblog that fucking post and in the same breath get mad that Jews have a movement for their own self-determination and right to return to the Levant that predates the modern govt you're mad at. Do not reblog that fucking post and then refuse to listen to Jews defining their own community's terms, and say weird ass shit about Israelis, or say they should have "learned from the Holocaust" (are you gonna watch to make sure Palestinians learn from Gaza too or are horrible acts of cruelty only meant to be lessons when they're happening to Jews?) Do not reblog that fucking post and then refuse to address the antisemitism inherent to protesting for Palestine in front of Holocaust memorials, showings of Fiddler on the Roof, and Jewish community centers. Do not reblog that post and then refuse to look into the antisemitism you're surrounded with or rid your movement of it. Do not reblog that fucking post, you performative loser.
Oh and support for Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, etc. directly gets innocent Palestinian, Lebanese, Yemeni and others killed. They are not good for the people they govern and if you think they're at all representative of those people then you're horrifically racist against Arabs. Remember last year when we all hated the Iranian govt for what they did to Zhina Amini? Are you really going to cheer for that govt's ideology when it's in a different spot and opposed to the (((Zionist))) one? Are you seriously going to demand we endorse or ignore what Hezbollah did to those Druze children, or what Hamas has done to both Israeli and Palestinian people? That's repugnant. You're disgusting.
Most people in the Levant, Israeli and Palestinian alike, want peace. That peace is not going to be possible if you keep cheering on Hamas or getting mad at Jews for not celebrating the brutal murder of their community members.
You are not an ally to Jews or Palestinians and this world would be safer for both groups if you and your vile bullshit weren't in it.
remember when those american soldiers tortured men at abu ghraib and the whole world moved on. i remember seeing that at an art exhibit when i was a kid. this was around the same time that my mom, a state employee, was trapped in an abusive relationship bc her government job didnt pay enough to support me on her own. simultaneously, she worked at the poorest school in our state, in a historically black neighborhood. underfunded, crumbling ceilings, my mom found a bat in her classroom once, stuff like that. ya know how it goes. i remember attending a lot of her mandatory teacher meetings--because she couldnt afford child care--where they would brainstorm ways to best support students who were homeless or living in group homes or with abusive parents. i remember one time the figure came up as an estimated 11,000 kids in our district alone were homeless.
budget cuts to education continue. budget cuts to transportation and social security and housing and healthcare continue. each and every time i see this happening to my communities, my friends, my mentors, my family.... and the justification given was always. "but our troops." protecting our freedom and what not. its okay if we invest more in guns than in school meal programs because of the ominous threat... out there. yes, things are bad here, but imagine how much worse they can be!! so hand over one more penny if you'd please
so imagine my confusion when i get a little bit older and i realize that, well actually it's not about peace at all. considering we're the ones that keep starting shit. how it's not about freedom or democracy--otherwise why did we do that in chile?--but just about cold hard cash. and material resources. and how that those who sell their souls and bodies take those pennies we had stored away for their own little versions of paradise. for thee but not for me
and culturally GOD to mention 9/11 was tantamount to bringing up necrophilia as far as killing the vibe went. god forbid you didn't perform a spontaneous pledge on the spot if september thee 11th was mentioned. but that homeless man on the corner is nothing more than an inconvenience.
the even more shocking thing is that ALL of that is a fraction of the pain and suffering and utter grief that palestinians endure at this hour in our world. there is a quote somewhere, which i cant recall rn, that basically said you know apartheid when you see it. you feel apartheid when you see it. i remember feeling that as a child driving from where we lived with my grandparents in white suburbia to the school my mom worked at, on the wrong side of the tracks (never a city where that saying has been more literal than louisville). i remember that feeling in 2014 when i saw a video of israeli citizens sitting on a cliffside in their recliners and cheering as they watched gaza get bombed during the 2014 israel gaza war. i remember that same feeling when seeing those pictures of us military soldiers torturing men in abu ghraib, with smiles on their faces.
no one has the right to apartheid. no one has the right to the spoils of empire. no one has the right to drain our communities of resources for their own selfish fucking ends. the same beast that robs my neighbors of peace and plenty is the same that terrorizes their homelands. fuck the us military. free palestine.
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kelvintimeline · 5 years
 okay, so, during the movie, i spent hafl the time compiling rants in my brain about eveyrthing wrong with it and then emailed myself every point so i would not forget what made me mad
this is one of the most passively racist and sexist movies i have seen in a while it was just... completely devoid of any meaningful women or people of color (or... women of color) for so much of the film? and those who were present got shafted a lot. like... literally all of the women except for nebula existed to tell a man’s story.
which brings me to the point that we NEED to talk about the theme of family in this movie--it’s constantly brought up. clint misses his family, tony now has a family (because just dating someone isnt’ a family? this is a very nuclear famiyl oriented understanding of family), gamora and nebula are family, natasha never knew her family but the avengers are her family
and tha’s the crux of it--natasha calls the avengers her family, steve calls avengers family, but that’s not good enough to save her
when natasha and clint are on the cliff, clint makes a great point about why he should die--he’s become a terrible person (he spends half the movie just killing “evil people” who are all people of color, see: talking about how racist this movie is--literally “ronin” clint is better at a samurai sword than a japanese man and now speaks japanese?? why?? it felt like a bad martial arts parody movie--like those racist movies ppl would make about white men slaughtering samurais just not GOOD) and natasha has finally erased the red in her ledger by doing good. natasha dies anyways (literally forces him to kill her) because she’s stopped being useful to her “family” and his family is an actual family.
which brings me to--steve and natasha explicitly talk about two things--how they are family and how it is important to move on.
moving on is a CENTRAL part of this movie--the time travel works in large part so everyone can move on from their losses. thor moves on from his mother’s death, tony gets closure with his father, clint gets what should have been a last moment seeing his happy family, etc. steve gets to see peggy.
steve does not move on. steve LITERALLY HAS MULTIPLE LINES ABOUT HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO MOVE ON AND STEVE DOES NOT MOVE ON. steve tells a gay man mourning his dead husband while trying to date someone new that moving on is important and steve still goes back in time to stay with peggy.
what’s worse, steve goes back in time and tells bucky to wait for hima nd not do anything stupd KNOWING HE MIGHT NOT MAKE IT BACK BECAUSE HES CHOOSING TO LIVE OUT HIS ENTIRE LIFE IN TEH PAST.
what’s EVEN WORSE THAN THAT--literally right the fuck after bucky and sam gets dusted he’s alreayd thinking about peggy? he never once mentions sam/bucky besides a quick mention of bucky being alive to trick past steve.
more fucked up shit around sam/bucky/steve--sam offers to go back with him but bucky doesn’t?? when old man steve returns, bucky doens’t even try to talk to him? despite being the one to notice him? steve doesn’t stand with bucky and sam at tony’s funeral why?
steve and bucky and sam and so many otehres are FAMILY but not enough family to make steve stay
steve aint worthy
steve apparently DID STAY IN THIS FUCKING TIMELINE? since he didn’t return via the pym particles or wahtever he literally aged into the present AND LET EVERY BAD THING HAPPEN YOu DON’T DO THAT TO PEOPLE YOU LOVE HE LET HYDRA AND TEH WINTER SOLDIER PROGRAM HAPPEN??
unless i don’t udnerstand the time travel--> separate unierse thing which is possible BECAUSE ITS’ FUCKING STUPID
if the universe splits into a different universe when the stones are removed--this would be an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT TIMELINE WHEN THANOS DESTROYED THE STONES which means when tehy returned hte stones, they actually would’ve reverted back to the timeline before he destroyed the stones-an infinite loop
why couldn’t they snap tehir dead back to life?
where did thanos’ army come from?
when his army disappeared why didn’t gamora disappear too?
did they think i would forget that they could de-age people? scott was turned young again--why can’t they make steve young agian, lmao
why didn’t steve take every single vial of particles he could get? like he only took a couple ie as many as were necessary for the plot
how did thanos/gamora/nebula travel on only one vial? why werne’t other ppl sharing vials then??
why was okoye gone all film? like the answer is misogynoir but like... seriosuly why?
also they still fucked up the timelines?? the timelines are changed AFTER they removed the stones nad yet they did shit to fuck up the timelines trying to get the stones--which means every dumb ass thing they did to get eth stones remains in the timeline. unless steve returns the stones to BEFORE they actually took the stones, in whcih? that makes no sense?
nebula’s “network” connection between her prsent and past self made no sense either
thor literally made valkyrie (who hadn’t been with the asgardians from many years) queen so that they could write her out of his movies as he’s not a member of GOTG
ltos of girl power moments actually worked like that--every time a woman did something cool, it was to harm her in some way. valkyrie is “queen” so she’s no longer relevant to thor’s plot
the moment where all of the girls (besides the dead ones :) ) teamed up just had them get beaten down in teh end? like it was for nothing? that’s not... girl power. also, they wouldn’t even be able to fit all of the important men into one screen so it’s just embarrassing
talking about weird shit about women--EVEYR woman EVER in the series comes back but they don’t even mention sharon, the girl steve was dating, at all, like even confirm if she was dusted or not, beacuse they know that makes steggy look bad
literally even JANE got new moments but sharon couldn’t come up
talking about jane--making thor hung up on her is fucking weird he has a girlfriend? who he treats like shit, tbf. thor’s character was an extended fat joke. he liteally says he isn’t fit to be king and that he was just pretending aftter getting a speech from his mother saying that isn’t true. ragnarok thor was killed off in the worst way. also his mother literally existing just to be like... an emotional spport woman was misgoynistic as fuck lmao
like thor’s cahracter WHOMST?
also, like, the hail hdyra moment was the nastiness shit i’ve seen in a long fucking time?? including antisemitism in your movie just ot reference a comic book run that was panned by both people who hate antisemitism and also antisemitic fanboys who like good writing (like it just wasn’t written well) is just... antisemitic. it was a reference for anti semitism’s sake
the moments they choose to get this shit was also so fuckign arbitrary? you couldn’t retrieve half these stones at like... normal times? also how did they know where to find them in the shield vaults or like where to find the pym particles
the writing in this movie was just ‘what is most convenient for moving the plot along/fanservice/humanizing tony’
talking about humanizing tony did pepper give birth like the sceond after the snap? their child is so old for a five year time skip like... i guess since tony didn’t lose anyone in the snap besides peter it didn’t affect how horny he was
also the peter/tony stuff was so oevrblown???????? THEY WEREN’T CLOSE?? TONY TREATED HIM LIKE SHIT FOR 80% OF HOMECOMING??
its so nice and convenient that ned got snapped too--all of peter’s friends get snapped so no one is 22 and out of high school (also i refuse to watch far from home because i feel like old man steve dying is just gonna be a fly by comment)
talking about the snap--the list of names in the graveyard made sense but it felt like a war/actual genocide memorial and it felt... cheap and gross and also why teh fuck was it placed in that random part of town?
ALSO LIKE?? wanda and clint talk and they make it seem like vision and natasha’s death are equally bad the mcu rly does just ahte women
also the women all get make overs?? why is natasha dying her hair in the middle of the end of the world
why did tony get a funeral but natasha doesn’t?
the guardians having a funny moment with thor instead of discussing gamora felt........ bad
there were two steves in the main universe how the fuck does that make sense?????? how does that not affect the timeline also what happened to peggy’s husbAND?
there are other things wrong with it but this is all i wrote down in my emails to myself. there were a lot of individual moemnts that pissed me off but then something else would happen to piss me off and i would forget what i was mad about before that
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WHY does the android app gotta suck so much, when i click the faq link it just like refreshes the page,,,, this happens with all links in bios on the andoird app :[
NNNN lovin this broke ass app.
I’mma go ahead and paste the FAQ just under the cut, hopefully you should be able to read it now :’))
(FAQ is written by Mod Joker)
“Are requests open?”
We get this ask a lot. And while I don’t mind answering, it does get a lilll annoying sometimes since we’re essentially repeating ourselves constantly. Before you ask, please check our ask box! It will ALWAYS give our request status!
From now on if we receive requests when they’re closed, we’re going to delete the message entirely. You’re free to ask again when they’re open, but we need breaks!
“Can allistic/neurotypical people follow?”
Yes! So long as you’re respectful of stimming and understand it’s not an aesthetic or something to make fun of.
“It says there’s two mods, but I only really see Mod Joker post.”
There is! But Mod Boo is rather, well, shy. We both are, tbh. I’ve just gotten used to talking a lot on this blog. And to tell ya the truth I invited her to mod this with me because she considered making a blog but wasn’t sure how she’d do it, and was worried she’d be too awkward/quiet. But she actually tends to see your messages a lot! She just tends to let me handle things. But if you ever wanna talk to her, just say the message is specifically for her and I’m sure she’ll get back to you. She’s very friendly and tbh one of the best people to talk to!!
“How do you make gifs?”
I use the same method stimmybby uses! His tutorial’s right here!
“How do you make banners?”
I use photoshop and for backgrounds (depending on what type of background), I use paint tool SAI. I made a tutorial on how I do it here!
“Can we use your banners for posts that aren’t stim related?”
Absolutely! So long as credit is given and you’re not in our dni, then use it as you like! Discourse posts, art, vent posts, promo posts, whatever floats your boat!
“Can I use your gif/s?”
As long as there’s credit to us for the gif/s and you don’t apply to our dni, you’re free to!
“How can I credit you?”
There’s a few ways! Such as
- Including the credit in the post and/or under the cut (this is the best way people can access the original post and see the credit!
- Include the credit in the post’s captions
- Include the credit in the tags
- Include a link in the post to another post that has the credits in it
- Saying you got the gif/s from us in the post
“What are bad/wrong ways to ”“credit”“ you?”
- Saying “I don’t own these gifs”
- Saying “credit to the original owner(s)/gifmaker(s)
- Straight up not saying you took these gifs from people/including in no credits
- Claiming the gif/s are yours/you made them
If I see any of these I WILL publicly call you out on it and you WILL be blocked immediately thereafter. That block will not be lifted.
“What does REG mean?”
Reactionary Exclusionary Gatekeeper. Meaning people who try to exclude certain queer people from queer spaces. Such a biphobes, transphobes, aphobes, panphobes, and so on.
“What does TERF mean?”
Trans/Transgender Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Meaning radfems who are transphobic and are violent towards trans people (especially trans women).
“What does SWERF mean?”
Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist. They’re radfems who try to exclude sex worker from their feminism and often treat women attracted to men as less worthy.
“What’s the ADT community?”
ADT stands for “Actually Dysphoric Trans/Transgender” and was created by transmedicalists/truscum to break off from the trans community. It’s an insult to the trans community, an insult to the creator of the transgender pride flag (it’s removed the white that was there for people who ID as non-binary/outside the gender binary), and is there purely to start drama and create rifts in a community that’s already got enough enemies for simply existing in a transphobic world
“He/Him lesbians don’t exist/they’re transphobic towards trans men”
As a trans man who doesn’t think the world revolves around me and who understands that what lesbians decide to do it literally none of my goddamn business: get the fuck over yourself you whiny pissbaby
“What do you mean by people in the true crime community?”
People who sexualize, romanticize, excuse, and/or support serial killers and their actions/crimes. This doesn’t include people who are INTERESTED in the topic of crimes, serial killers, etc but acknowledging how these people are disgusting and their actions are unforgivable.
“Why are you anti-cgl?”
Cause we hate pedophiles and are decent human beings.
“You’re bigoted to kinksters just like homophobes are bigoted to gay people!”
I hate to break it to ya bud but I’m proudly kinkphobic and you’re a giant homophobe!!
“I’m a SFW cgl(re)/littlespace blog so I’m following/interacting uwu”
No the fuck you aren’t!! You’re a kink blog, there’s no such thing as a “sfw kink” even if you’re remaining two braincells are too busy fighting over the last pacifier to tell you some fuckin common sense. Your ass is getting blocked and I’ll also be using your blog to take a look at the people you interact and block them too just for safe measure! Eat a cactus, fuck nugget
“You hate lesbians if you hate TERFs”
You owe every lesbian an apology for assuming they’re all mysogynistic, LGBT+phobic pieces of horseshit like you are. Eat a dick.
“aces/aros aren’t LGBT uwu”
Wow… that’s so wrong Alexa play Fuck You by Lily Allen
“Me/Someone I know/(insert user/s) has been blocked. Why?”
There can be a number of reasons why you’re blocked, and I’m not afraid to block people as I want this place comfortable and safe for the mods and followers. So there’s several reasons as to why.
- You apply to our DNI (see BYF)
- You’re a (insert harmless children’s cartoon) critical blog (I tend to block those due to them saying LGBT+phobic things)
- You get into kin drama
- You’re an ace discourse, pan discourse, bi discourse, and/or overall REG discourse blog (this does not mean I block inherently block discourse blogs! I block the shitty ones)
- You’re a spam/porn/etc bot (if I’ve gotten this wrong, lemme know! I tend to block shady and empty blogs for this reason unless their desc/url/etc says it’s empty/weird for a reason)
- You’re a blog that frequently posts/centers around one or more of my triggers
- You’re an aesthetic blog (though I tend to soft block for them. But this is NOT an aesthetic blog and stimmy is NOT an aesthetic)
- You’re an “anyone can interact” stim blog
- You’re a stim blog that steals/doesn’t credit the gifs they use
- I feel you and I are going to argue and I’m just saving us the trouble of future unpleasant encounter/s
- You’ve been shitty to my friends or just been shitty to people in general and I’ve noticed it
HOWEVER I’ve made slip ups in the past! If you feel you don’t apply to any of these, you can contact me through my main and ask why. Sometimes I don’t always remember why I blocked somebody (sadly there’s a lot of shitheads on this site I’ve needed to block) or I’ve confused one blog for another person’s blog. Or maybe the person was more chill than I thought. Please contact me yourself rather than ask somebody else to do it though so I can get all the details! Even if I don’t lift the block, I won’t report you for block evading or anything.
“You used to be kidheart friendly and now you’re not, why’s that?”
Sadly, Raven (the creator of Kidhearts) has proven to be a bully sympathizer and feels it’s okay to compare agere to kinks/cgl and sides with regressionuncensored. She condones bullying/harassment/the sexualization of minors and I am not nor will ever be okay with that.
“But Raven sai-”
I don’t care what she says. She made it abundantly clear that she supports regressionuncensored and I don’t care that it came back to bite her in the ass. Bullies deserve no support, no sympathy, no nothing. And if you side with her than don’t come near this blog. This is agere safe and I will not allow people who support sexualizing it to interact. Kidhearts WILL be blocked on the spot, no questions asked.
“I’ve left a community on the dni list, can I follow/interact?”
“Why are you anti-(insert thing on blacklist here)?”
Camp Camp: It’s racist + antisemitic
Dragon Maid: It’s pedophilic
Killing Stalking: It’s homophobic, ableist, sexist, perpetuates rape culture, and fetishizes abuse
Your Lie in April: It romanticizes child abuse and it literally starts off with a gross pedo joke when we meet the love interest in episode one
Split: It’s ableist
Hetalia: It’s antisemitic
Harry Potter/J.K. Rowling’s works: Actually there’s nothing inherently bad about the story. I just don’t like it. HOWEVER: I can’t stand J.K. Rowling as she’s a TERF/overall LGBT+phobe, and racist. So none of her creations will be featured here.
Sonic Boom: Nothing inherently problematic. I just can’t stand the show because it just fuckin sucks
13 Reasons Why: It romanticizes suicide and the creators refused to listen to actual mental health experts and have made the show potentially dangerous to anyone who even slightly deals with suicidal thoughts/urges
Detroit Become Human: It’s racist + antisemitic
Voltron: Legendary Defender: It queerbaits/it’s LGBT+phobic
“REG is a transphobic term”
I, Mod Joker, am trans. Try again.
“A-specs aren’t LG-”
*buzzer sound* wrong. So sad for you
“You’re not LGBT+ because you DARED disagree with me because you actually acknowledged that tumblr didn’t credit the community sweaty uwu”
We get this shit because a lot of you assume I’m ace or at the very least a-spec. And… Ya couldn’t be far from it. I’m a pan, genderfluid trans man. Even with all your gatekeeper (sorry, BULLSHIT) logic; I’d still be attracted to multiple genders and not be cis. I’m p queer. So no matter which way you slice it, I’m part of LGBT+. Die mad about it.
“You’re comparing aphobes to TERFs and SWERFs you fucking transphobe!”
Wow I didn’t realize setting boundaries meant that I viewed y'all in the EXACT same light. I’m so glad I have the lovely aphobes that have told my friends that they should kill themselves to set me straight.
Asking people not to interact doesn’t inherently mean I think they’re the EXACT same thing.
“Mod Joker is a gif-thief and reposts people’s content without properly crediting them!”
I have made this entire post explaining that’s wrong. Idrc if the post is too lengthy for you. Don’t talk shit if you don’t even have all the details.
Additionally, if you send me somethin about this in a negative light I’m IP blocking you. One strike and you’re out. If you want to believe people with false info and false accusations then that’s your baggage. Not mine.
HOWEVER if I’ve accidentally mis-credited, forgot to/messed up on crediting a person for their gif/video, or so on let me know! I’ll make mistakes, but I never do it intentionally.
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theratprince · 7 years
the other day i was talking to this customer who is an 89-year-old jewish woman who lives in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods within the city limits. she was saying how she hasn’t encountered any antisemitism in our town, and i mentioned how last year there was a bit of controversy because one of the bars here refused to kick out some neonazis. and she said that she agreed that they shouldn’t be kicked out and that it was their right to be there at that bar.
and i... okay. obviously she does not advocate for the entire jewish community and obviously i cannot tell her how to feel nor do i really get a say about how any jewish person should feel about neonazis being allowed service at some bar. and i guess it just really surprised me because i run with so many radical leftist folks so when half-assed liberalism smacks me upside the head i have to do a reality check.
and it’s still really bothering me because i never know what to say to folks and i don’t like walking away from the conversation without being able to express that treating racists like garbage isn’t the same as censorship. it’s not the job of poc to try to reform racists from their violent ideology. and it’s like... these people aren’t just making a speech. they’re... literally being hateful, and its a kind of hate that is still killing people, and pretending it’s not happening is just going to make it worse. literally if public school did anything right, it was making me sit through a holocaust unit in every one of my subjects, and as much as i complained at the time i never realized that it would become a threat just some years later. and in every single unit we had to hear that poem about being a bystander in the face of oppression which i guess nobody fuckin learned from
i guess at this point everyone is scared of getting killed. and, like, realistically no i’m not afraid of getting killed. i am super privileged and i don’t actually live my daily life terrified that someone is going to murder me for being a trans man or a little filipino. (maybe gay... uhh) but even so, i can exercise basic human decency, and i am capable of feeling empathy for people whose experiences don’t exactly reflect mine. and when people who don’t have the same shit i’ve had access to tell me that they’re scared for their lives? like, at what point are we supposed to believe?
if one black child is killed by a policeman, and that policeman is not brought to justice -- then that is the call for outrage. we don’t wait until there are five dead children, or even twenty. so why is it that the numbers are stacking up and people are still sitting on their hands and spouting “blue lives matter” like the state actually did anything for them? why do we dismiss this problem like everyone’s conspiring to, what, not want to see anymore innocent people die? why are we not holding anyone accountable? why are we saying “all lives matter” and “there is no race” and acting like we know what it’s like to be black?
it’s the same for anyone that’s not cis or white or male or straight or able-bodied or christian or rich and i’m god damn sick of hearing people “denouncing labels” when all i’m doing is fucking venting. and no, i probably shouldn’t have said anything to a customer about my “wildly radical politics” but it’s like? why shouldn’t people be angry? how many people have to die before you get angry? even if you’re not angry, can you just fucking shut the fuck up and educate yourself instead of acting like you know what it’s like?
like!! i don’t understand the israel/palestine conflict well enough to form an opinion or talk about it so i take a fucking seat!!
0 notes
lupus-spiritus · 8 years
1 - 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 11 - 13 - 14 - 16 - 20 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 35 - 36 - 39 - 40 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 63 - 65 - 83 - 94 . Sorry there is so many!! >/ / /
1. You woke up naked to the last person you texted, what would you say?“I hope to fuck you didn’t just get your first lesbian experience last night.”
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?I will never ever talk to them ever again even if my life depended on it. Fuck that.
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?I mean, it depends? If they’re into weed, no. Anything harder and, um, yeah I’d care a lot.
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?The girl I was with for 2.5 years.
7. What does your last received text say?It’s an audio recording of my friend playing her violin.
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?Didn’t count and don’t care.
11. What do you drink in the morning?Water, cranberry juice, ensure, or very rarely coffee.
13. Do you think relationships are hard?They’re only hard if you make them hard. They take a lot of communication and it won’t work if both people don’t want it/aren’t willing to work at it/don’t have their heart in it.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?I wouldn’t have given certain people more chances than they realistically to deserved.
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Sunny, no question. I like warmth.
20. Does anyone like you?Not that I know of.
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?Not really? Trump.
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?I have two and want many more.
25. In the past week have you cried?I almost cried last night because one of the dance pieces performed was so moving.
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?Depends on the person and where we are in our lives. Flings are fun if both people are on the same page but relationships are great with the right person.
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?Simple in some ways, complicated in others.
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?My best friends know almost everything about me. There was one girl who used to know absolutely everything but I’ve changed since we parted so no longer.
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?I don’t like answering these questions right now because 1) I don’t want to reveal anything that could identify her in any way, 2) I’m trying really hard not to let myself remain attached as most of the time I feel like my feelings are really fucking stupid, 3) she’s out of my league.
44. Does anyone disgust you?No one person in particular, really. Anyone who is discriminatory/racist/homophobic/transphobic/biphobic/lesbophobic/antisemitic/thinks reverse racism is a thing/antifeminist/misogynistic/ableist/etc.
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?There’s really only one person I would consider but I’d have to get to know her more personally. Anyone else I would have to talk to for a bit first, see if we click, if any feelings develop. Which, if I’m being honest, isn’t very likely because of how attached I am to this girl (even though there’s no basis, lol).
46. Are you in a good mood right now?I’m not in a bad mood? I’m a bit of a space cadet right now. I’m excited for the midnight release for a game I’ve been waiting forever for tomorrow night. Otherwise I’m kind of tired.
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?Not really??
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?Um, not that I can really think of?
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?Not even a little bit.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?Yeah. 90% of the time it bit me in the ass.
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?Yepp. I’m in that situation right now too. She’ll probably never know.
56. Do you like to cuddle?With my s.o., yes. I’m a bit of a cuddle slut.
57. Are you shy?In some ways, yeah. Very.
58. Do you get along with girls?Most of my best friends are girls so I’d say so, haha. I really get along with anyone if they’re good people/we have similar interests/they can make me laugh. Doesn’t matter what their gender is.
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?For part of it, at least. I don’t really remember when it ended.
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?My cats do something cute every day.
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?It’s actually pretty even right now. But for the longest time it was my dad.
94. Are you single or in a relationship?I’m single but crushing hard.
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