#hunched over my phone/computer
jewishbarbies · 1 year
I love how I can literally post about anything as much as I want and no one gives a shit but the second I answer “too many” asks in a row about ts then I’m “spending so much time and energy” and it’s “obsessive”. at least y’all are consistent, i guess.
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hawkeyedflame · 9 months
You were in cisnowflakes server or someone was using your exact name but considering whomst you reblog from everyone else is the same.
Lmfao again i have screen shots but keep on lying doofus.
i haven't used that server in like 2 years lol. your personal life must be really lacking if this is how you spend your time.
anyway, go ahead and post your screenshots, like i give a fuck. i never said anything in that server that i don't stand by still, and i certainly never harassed anyone. while you're doing that, maybe go outside and touch some grass. like, seriously. live your life outside in the real world like a normal person and you might realize that nobody gives a flying fuck about your internet temper tantrums.
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I slept funny and hurt my back Wednesday night and it still hurts SO MUCH 😭
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bbokicidal · 1 month
"Are you serious...?" - Angst! [Hyung Line SKZ]
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Notes : These are all obviously fictional situations, the red flags are just based off of habits we know they have (like Chan's need to be needed, Changbin being blunt/honest.) This post isn't me saying I think they have these red flags, it's just a fun angsty prompt I wrote down. If you don't like it, scroll and don't read.
If people like this - a maknae line will be written! If not, prolly not lol.
Warnings : Angst with no comfort, red flag behavior - some of these aren't even that bad or could be misunderstandings but still.
Maknae Line | "Good Luck, Babe." Part Two!! Here!
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BangChan - Brushing off/Having the wrong priorities
One time, it was him forgetting a dinner date - the next, he was staying at the studio late when he was supposed to be meeting your parents for the first time. You let it slide because ultimately you understood that his job took up a lot of his time, and honestly? It wasn't easy to forget about but he had a tendency to take care of you and make up with it by quick gestures before he left the apartment or when he came home; Soft back hugs, quick cuddles before he fell asleep, or kisses in passing. Lately, however, he's been slacking. He'd begun to shrug you off any time you'd touched his arm or hand, nudging you away while he typed on his laptop. He'd tip his head away from yours while laying in bed together or he'd sit further away on the dressing room sofa.
The tipping point was when he was getting ready to go on stage and was standing in wait for the others to be ready. There was still five minutes and Chris looked a bit jittery, so you figured a quick hug or kiss would help ease his nerves. However as soon as you approach and reach to touch his arms, he steps back and keeps his eyes trained on his phone. You reach again, hesitant, and his brow furrows as he maneuvers to the side to get away. "Don't touch me."
Your lips pop apart in surprise. "...Are you serious?"
He looks over, eyes briefly wandering your face before he reaches to fix his in-ear and walks away to the door, disappearing around the corner and leaving you standing there alone. Even the soft touch of Felix's hand on your back as he passed by was warmer than anything you'd felt from Chris in the last two months.
Lee Know - Keeping secrets / Prioritizing Privacy within himself
Minho had a very, very bad habit of not telling you things. In this instance; That he was leaving for tour in two days.
A world. fucking. tour. The only reason you didn't know about it was because you hadn't been out of your home in the last few weeks unless it was for a quick coffee at the cafe or to grab lunch with a friend. Work was heavy during this time of year and as someone who worked remotely, you often spent grueling hours in your office on your computer - hunched, tired, head pounding and back sore.
So you would think that when you entered your bedroom one evening after just finishing up sorting files in your office, you'd be happy to see your boyfriend already there. And you were for a moment, until you realized he was packing three rather large suitcases full of his clothes and necessities. He looks to you, then away, wordless.
"Are.. you.. moving out, or something?" You breathe in a laugh, eyes wandering over Minho as he folds a t-shirt and tucks it into his suitcase with the others.
"No. I have to bring all of my luggage to the company building tomorrow so they can have it at the airport when we leave for Australia."
"Australia?" Your brows quirk. "When -- Why --"
"Tour." He stops his movements to stare over at you, a hint of irritation evident on his face. "We're going on tour for six months."
"Six--" You breathe out, eyes widening. "Six months. And you didn't think to tell me?"
Minho moves to drop a pair of pants in his suitcase. "I would've told you if you could handle the news, maybe. Every time I mention leaving all you do is whine and pout about how long I'll be gone."
"I get upset, yes, what girlfriend wouldn't be upset that her boyfriend is leaving for a week or two? But six months, Minho, I --"
"Don't start." He all but huffs out the words, shutting you up immediately. Minho turns away to continue folding items of clothing on the shared bed and as you watch him do so, you stand and have to wonder if you want to be there when he returns home from the tour.
Changbin - Not knowing the difference between being rude and being blunt
He didn't seem to understand when to stop. Changbin had a tendency to be honest, sometimes to a fault, though you never seemed to complain about it because most of the time it wasn't a big deal. He called Jeongin out for saying the wrong word when singing, or blatantly threw people under the bus when a joke was taken too far.
And he was like that with you, too. He would be honest with you when you asked his opinion of something - was the shirt unflattering? Were you being too loud? Was your makeup bad today?
He'd lay it on you point blank. Yes, the shirt fit a little weird. Yes, you were being a bit loud in his ear. And yes, your eyeliner was going in two different directions. Criticism that was asked for. But when it wasn't asked for? Oh.
"What is your problem?" He bites as he follows you down the hallway to your bedroom. "We have ten minutes, just wear the damn dress and put your shoes on. We have to go."
Your huffs mix with stifled sobs as you rip open your dresser drawer and dig for other options, hands shaking and eyes teary. "You just told me the dress looks ugly, Changbin. I'm not wearing it out if you don't like it--!"
"What does it matter if i don't like it? It's your body, wear what you want!"
"You're my boyfriend!" You retaliate, frustrated. "I want to look nice for you and -- for the group, and I want you to like what I wear, obviously!"
Changbin lets his eyes roll before he turns out of the bedroom doorway and down the hall. You pause to watch him go, listening as he bites about how he doesn't have time for this and needs to leave for the group dinner. You stand in front of your dresser in shock as the door to your apartment slams shut, leaving you in silence and all on your own.
Hyunjin - Being too cocky / Making you feel inferior
It hadn't happened before now, and you weren't sure why it happened at all. But it did.
You'd approached to gently hold onto your boyfriend's arm as he talked to an older idol - someone he looked up to and had just done a collaboration video with. You'd only come up to tell him that the food was delivered and he could have dinner before his stage, but the look he gave you when he finally turned his head was .... wild.
No words were needed. The way his eyes directed to the side you stood at before falling as if looking you over and then immediately looking away; The way the smirk on his lips only widened and his tongue pushed at his canines as he redirected his gaze elsewhere. The soft scoff that left his lips. The way his arm slipped away from your hold in clear nuance that he didn't want you touching him.
It made you feel like less. Like he was pretending he didn't know you - Like he wanted you to bug off and disappear from his line of sight.
Hyunjin had a tendency to put on a confident, bold persona when he was on stage and at first you thought maybe that was why he was acting this way. It was lingering in his body from the dance video he'd just filmed with the other idol and eventually, it would wear off.
But as he turned from you and lifted a hand to fix his hair, he talks to the other as if you're not even there at all. And you have to wonder if it's a persona for the video, or a side of him you had just experienced for the first time. Now you could only hope it wouldn't happen again.
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Bone Deep
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AO3 Link -- MDNI -- TW: emotional hurt/comfort, make up sex
Your husband, John Price, has fallen into a pattern of behavior that seems to be moving him farther and farther away from you. But, you refuse to play second fiddle for long. 
You were drenched. It had been raining in such a way that made you think the Lord had gone back on his promise. Perhaps the rainbow had been painted just to placate you. Perhaps, you thought as you wrung out your hair on the porch, you would be drowned after all. 
It sure felt that way. Work had mounted up to the point of a fever-pitch. You had three projects due and one to revise. Not to mention, your husband had been home and yet almost fully invisible. 
John Price was back on something like leave, but he was never around. You saw evidence of his presence all over your floor and table and furniture. Socks, dirty plates, dead tablets, scraps of paper with Russian names scribbled on them... He was hunting Makarov in your kitchen and your hallway and your bathroom, and he was leaving that trail of breadcrumbs both literally and figuratively all over your house. 
You’d gone to bed alone for two nights in a row, and as you nearly tumbled over a pair of his sneakers in the foyer, caked in wet mud, you decided that it would not be three. 
“John?” You called out.
There was no reply, but a pale blue light shone under his office door. 
You popped open the latch and saw him hunched over the computer screen. 
“Hm?” He responded, but he didn’t turn around. 
“What?” He roared, spinning in his chair and glowering at you, shaming you for interrupting him.
“Okay,” you nodded, resigned. 
It would be a cold day in hell before you accepted that tone from anyone. You’d gone in there expecting to have a rational conversation, but your husband had raised his voice to you like you’d been a naughty dog. 
And you were absolutely not going to take that sort of treatment.
You made it to your bedroom in a quick three strides, pulling your overnight bag from under the bed. You shot your best friend, Cana, an SOS text. She lived two hours away, but you didn’t mind. You’d drive all night through the rain if it meant getting out of this prison that you used to call a home. 
Okay, maybe that was a little dramatic, but you had boundaries. Clear ones. And he knew he had crossed them. He just didn’t care. 
You started to pack as you fumed, tossing in a few days worth of clothes, your toiletry bag, the essentials. Then, the bedroom door clanged open, its handle slamming into the railing on the wall. 
“What’s this?” John waved a hand over your bag. 
“When I married you, I married a partner, not a ghost. The only reason I know you’re home is because you leave your fucking laundry for me to finish all over my floor. I’m not going to clean up after you like some maid. Then, you raise your tone at me, disrespecting me? No. When you’re ready to be my husband again, you know my number.”
He scoffed,
“All this bloody drama over some dirty socks?”
You stared at him in a way that told him just how serious you were. The silence between you stretched on for eons, expanding in all directions. You smiled, 
“You know it’s not the socks.”
The look in his eyes said: yes, I know it’s not the socks. But, his pride wouldn’t let him say the quiet part out loud. 
So, you left. 
Starting up the car was hard. Backing out of the driveway was harder. But, every mile you drove simply steeled your resolve. You knew his work was important, but you were important, too. You’d always be his wife, but you needed some space. 
You texted your boss when you made it to Cana’s house; you were taking a few days off. A night of tears and comforting hugs (and strong margaritas) passed, then a morning. Then, a night… and in the middle of it, you saw your phone light up. Despite the million other notifications you received every day, you knew it was him.
John: hey
You: hey
John: can i call
You: one sec
You sneaked out of bed, untangling yourself from Cana’s lanky arms, and lugged your phone out to the front porch. You were about to curl up on her big patio chair when you were stopped in your tracks at the sight of a big black truck idling in the driveway.
You sighed, standing there staring at your husband. He killed the engine and stepped down from the cab. As he approached you, looking up at you from the bottom of the stairs like a wide-eyed disciple, you noticed that his blue irises were ringed in pink, bloodshot and puffy. He hadn’t shaven, and he looked pale. 
But, even though you were still hurt, and even though he looked a little worse for wear, it was hard to ignore the carnal ache in your belly when you watched the muscles bulge and flex in his immense forearms as he crossed his arms in front of himself. The way his chest stretched out his black tee shirt, a tuft of fur peeking out of the crew neckline, the sleeves struggling to contain his round biceps. The way he chewed his full bottom lip when he had something important to say. It was enough to test your resolve.  
“Hey,” you said in a small voice, holding your arms around your body for comfort. 
Suddenly, those sharp eyes focused on you with rapt attention, and he stared right at you, speaking in a low, gravelly purr, trying to keep his voice down,
“I’ve been a proper arse.”
You tried to hold back a smirk. He continued,
“I took advantage of you. I’ve been hunting this fuckin’ bastard for so many years, and I’ve got him cornered. It’s all I can think about. Every night I think if only I was a little quicker, or maybe just bloody braver, I could stop him from killing more innocent people. I let him into our house. Into your life. And I shouldn’t have let my work come between us,” John’s expression softened, and he uncrossed his arms, hooking his thumb into his jeans pocket, “And I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly, still waiting for his next step. Being sorry was only part of it. 
“When you come home tomorrow, it’ll be different. I’m gonna pull my weight again. You have my word that I’ll only work when you work, and when you’re home,” he squared his shoulders, rocking his hips forward, nervous energy coursing through his body, “I’ll be home with you. I promise.”
You nodded, shifting your weight, staring down at your feet. Then, he called your attention with a caught breath and words that hurt you bone deep,
“You are coming home, right?”
You tried your honest best to fight the tears, but your body shuddered through a sob and you gasped in a sharp breath of air. He moved to hold you, to ascend the steps and repent, to be forgiven, but you held up your hand stopping him in his tracks,
“I won’t have you speaking to me like that, John. I won’t…” You thought about your words carefully, “I can’t be treated that way.”
“I understand, love. Believe me,” he chuckled, “I never want you to feel like that again.”
The way he rubbed his thumb across his sternum made your own chest hurt. He tried to approach you again, stepping up the wooden stairs, creaking under his weight, and he angled his chin up as if to kiss you. But, you stepped away, guarding your own heart for just a while longer. 
The hunger in his eyes followed you like smoke from a fire, warming you with its heat. 
“I’ll be home in the morning, John,” you said, turning to go back into the house. 
The next morning, as you packed, you thought about his promise. You hoped that you were heard. Truly heard and not just for a week of good behavior. You deserved to be respected, and you wouldn’t let your relationship with him become so one-sided again. 
When you pulled into your driveway, you expected to be greeted with the same dark, empty house. As you moved to pick your feet up over the usual mess of shoes, you discovered the foyer scrubbed to a high shine, and there was nothing to stumble upon. All the shoes were shoved into their little cubbies, and there wasn’t a dirty sock in sight. The living room was bright, clean, and John was standing in the middle of it, waiting for you. He took your bags, and scooped you up into a long, tight hug. 
You thought he might try to kiss you, but he didn’t. He just held you against him, breathing in and out, not letting go. Your face was buried deep in his chest, and you could smell his aftershave mixing with the strong scent of his cigars, and a slight musk that was all him. You wanted to feel his fur against your cheek. 
Suddenly, he grabbed your chin in his hand, making you face him, and he said in a dark, warm tone, 
“I’m gonna be the me that you need me to be. From now on. I swear it.”
You felt his soft lips touch yours, kissing you chastely, then deeper, chasing your taste, finding your tongue, licking along its length, savoring your mouth like a treat, cherishing every suck and nip and bite. 
“I missed you, John,” you admitted, feeling hot tears staining your cheeks, not realizing you were crying. 
He wiped them from your temples, smearing them into your skin, cradling your head in his hands so carefully as if you were made of glass. 
“I’ve been away. But, I swear, love. I swear, I’m back. I swear…”
His lips met your wet cheek and took your tears with them. 
“I swear…” 
He kissed your neck, holding your head in his huge paw.
“I swear…” 
You ran your hands over his neck, encircling him, tugging at his shirt, needing to feel his skin. He hooked his arms over his head and rucked the shirt off his back, tossing it on the couch. He pulled you into his lap as he sat down, sinking into the cushions, kissing you like you might disappear again. 
“I’m so sorry, love. Please forgive me,” John growled darkly, his deep voice rumbling between kisses. 
“Forgiven,” you said, forcing him to look at you.
Then, he put his forehead to yours and let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes and simply rubbing your back, trailing his hands over your hips, pulling you in closer to him. 
Tentatively, as if testing the waters of a deep well, you rocked your hips against him, seeing if you could get him to take the bait. If you had your husband back, you wanted to seal that promise with more than just a kiss. 
He groaned,
“Mm, I don’t deserve that.”
You repeated the motion, feeling the twitch of his fat cock inside of his jeans, and you narrowed your eyes at him,
“Sex isn’t a reward. It’s our connection, and I need to feel you. I need my captain back.”
He smiled, nuzzling your jaw, peppering your skin with little, chirping kisses, 
“Pretty girl… I missed you so much. What was I thinking?”
You shrugged, playing coy as you slipped off your leggings and set to undoing his buttons, opening the fly of his jeans to see the shock of dark hair and the swollen prize nestled in it, 
“I dunno. Maybe you just needed a reminder?”
As you teased him at your entrance, letting his head play in your wet folds, you began to sink down onto his shaft, spearing yourself onto his length, rocking back and forth with a tantalizing rhythm. 
“Mmngh,” he sighed, his eyes staring, transfixed on where your bodies reconnected. 
Finally, after some effort, his girth was fully sheathed within you, warmed and cradled by your soft heat. You began to lift yourself on your knees up and down, dragging all the way to his rosy head and then sliding all the way back down to those brown curls, enjoying the faces he was making against his will. 
However, he didn’t put up with your performance for long. Before you knew it, you were laying on the couch with your knees on your chest, taking every inch of his cock as deep as it would go. He had a gentle curve that, in this position, rubbed exactly where it needed to, pulling you along from one orgasm to the next like you were a kite, fully at his mercy and high as hell. 
Your mind swam with murky, unintelligible thoughts, and he fucked you harder and harder, pounding himself into you like a machine. Sometimes you forgot his strength… and his stamina. 
You whined a bit, your timbre changing from other-worldly pleasure to mild discomfort, and he picked up on it like a hound. He slowed, inspecting you, looking for the broken pieces. 
“You alright, missus?” He said, kissing you, thrusting shallowly now, checking in with you.
“Can we sit?”
John pulled you into his lap and continued his efforts, rocking himself back and forth, holding your body like a toy. Then, he snaked his hand between you, giving your clit something firm to rub against, and you felt the tingles begin to build inside of your belly, a coil tightening, a dam under pressure, a firework ready to burst. 
He was facing you, so you began to kiss him in a slow, supple way, letting your mouth fall open and your lips meet his with the lightest touch. John matched your energy, getting lost in your ritual, sending out the tip of his tongue to play and taste you again. 
He pulled away and licked his fingers before returning them to your folds,
“Mmf-fuck. You are so bloody good.”
“I want you to come in me, baby,” you confessed, resting your forehead on his, trying to catch your breath. 
You saw the surprise dance through his expression. 
“You sure?”
You knew it wasn’t something you allowed very often. You’d been off of your birth control for a few months, trying to give your body a break from the hormones. And even though you weren’t trying for a baby, that was always a dream that you shared. For John, it was the ultimate dream. 
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you nodded, kissing his smiling mouth.
“Oh, fuck me,” he growled darkly, gripping you around your waist, changing the angle to something wholly transcendent. How did he do it? How did he know where your body needed him to be? It was absurd. 
Everything was bright and glittering as you came around him, and you felt yourself squeezing his cock mercilessly, coming down his shaft in hot, thick coatings of creamy slick, unable to stop it from flooding out around him. 
He, too, was erupting. He gasped for air, grunting in loud, animalistic shouts, his whole face contorted into a pleasure-filled rage, pumping you full of his soft, warm cream, frothing it with his rough movements. 
Eventually, he flung his head back, holding you to him in a tight hug, his entire body moving and reacting without his input, fully on instinct. You held him back, clutching him against you like a lifeline.
You thought he would slip out of you once he was down from his high, but he didn’t. He simply held you to him, sweaty and desperate, letting himself soften inside of you. It was as if he didn’t want to leave. 
“Thank you, love,” he kissed you again, shuddering yet powerful. 
“It’s nice to have you home, John,” you smiled, letting his soft laughter warm your heart, basking in it like the sun. 
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ambers-archive · 24 days
got love struck ❤︎ ࿐ ۫ .˚ ✧ ˚ 
in which spencer wants your anniversary to be perfect, but everyday is perfect with you. word count: 2.1k cw: purple scarf cameo, idiots in love, fluff, happy ending, established relationship. (english isn't my first language, minimal proofread!) pt1 what if all i need is you (can be read as standalone)
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Spencer closed the tab on his computer, a frustrated scowl forming on his lips. For days, he’d been scouring the internet, spending sleepless nights hunched over his desk, searching for the perfect anniversary gift for you. It was your first year together, and everything had to be perfect.
But nothing felt right. Every idea he considered was quickly dismissed. He shut his eyes, trying to quiet his overthinking mind.
You two met at his favorite coffee place, he noticed you right away when he realized you stole his seat. 
You had yourself perched against the chair nuzzled against the rest of the wall. 
And after a week of ogling you across the room he finally got enough courage to start a conversation over a book you were reading. Then with shaky fingers and some mumbling he finally had the courage to ask you out, suggesting a tour of the city since you just moved.
Spencer knew his demanding work schedule wasn’t easy on you. You were so patient, understanding, and kind—perhaps too kind, he often thought. Canceled dinner dates, postponed trips, missed laughs, and missed love were all too common. Yet despite it all, you always met him with a reassuring smile.
“I know you’re busy saving lives,” You had told him once, as the two of you cuddled in bed after the third missed date in a row. He hadn’t had anything better to offer than a string of apologies, and he feared one day it wouldn't be enough.
“Hey pretty boy, what’s got you so upset?” Morgan asked, his voice pulling Spencer out of his thoughts.
Spencer took a moment to collect himself before turning to Morgan. “I’m trying to figure out a good anniversary gift for her.”
In a room full of profilers he didn’t think they’d be so keen on his social cues, but of course they noticed him constantly fidgeting and sneaking quick glances at his phone. 
Emily was the first to find out about you.
The teasing lasted months.
Penelope was rushing toward his desk with her tea in one hand and Morgan’s coffee in the other.
“You have to go all out!” Garcia exclaimed, barely containing her excitement. “Chocolates, flowers—oh, please tell me you’ve got the whole day planned!”
“Calm down, baby girl,” Morgan laughed, taking his coffee. “I’m sure our genius over here has something in mind.”
Spencer sighed. “I want to make it special since it’s our first anniversary, but I just don’t know what she’d like.”
“Well, what are her love languages?” Penelope asked, ready to unleash her vast knowledge of relationships.
“I think it’s quality time,” Spencer replied, a small smile playing on his lips as he thought about you. “She’s always engaged in our conversations, making strong eye contact, putting her phone away, asking questions. She also lingers after dates.”
He paused, recalling the moments you’d linger on your doorstep after he drove you home, the way you’d breathe him in after a kiss, your forehead resting against his. “She never seems in a rush to leave, like she values every moment we spend together.”
Morgan grinned, leaning back in his chair with a knowing look. “There you go, pretty boy. Think about what she loves, what makes her happy. That’s the key.”
Spencer nodded picked up his phone, scrolling through the list he’d made of all your favorite things.
He stopped on a picture of you smiling back at him from the screen, a photo he’d taken during one of your many picnics. Your hair had been flowing in the wind, your eyes crinkled with your smile as you explained the meaning behind one of your favorite songs. It was the same photo that graced both his phone and laptop backgrounds.
“She loves almost every kind of art,” he whispered, his heart swelling with affection. “Renaissance literature, realism paintings, classic books. And she’s really outdoorsy too.”  He whispered, his heart expanding, pumping. thump, thump- laced with love.
He thought about the countless picnic dates, the times you’d coaxed him out of bed for a run or a hike. His mind wandered to what you might be doing right now—your second class of the day had likely started, and he imagined you taking notes, doodling in the margins.
Penelope and Morgan exchanged amused glances, their lips quivering with smiles as they listened to Spencer’s lovesick ramblings.
“Looks like Reid’s got it bad,” Morgan whispered to Garcia, who stifled a giggle behind her hand.
“He really does,” she agreed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Spencer hadn’t seen you in two weeks, four days, twenty-three minutes, and fourteen seconds—far too long. He didn’t want to waste another moment as he approached your door, your favorite flowers in hand. Fortunately, he didn’t have to wait another second, as you opened the door before he could even knock.
Spencer’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of you. Every day, he found himself falling for you more and more. You gave him a shy smile, stepping out to wrap your arms around his taller frame. He hugged you back immediately, burying his head in the crook of your neck. When you finally pulled apart, he took a proper look at you, bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sunlight. In that moment, and in every other, you were the epitome of beauty—a vision that left him utterly mesmerized.
“These are for you,” Spencer said softly, offering you the peonies. He realized they paled in comparison to you, but nonetheless, he held them out.
“You never forget them, Spence,” you said, your voice equally soft. Spencer chuckled, half-offended that you’d think he ever could—eidetic memory or not.
“I’m glad you like them,” he replied, taking your hand as he led you to his car, opening the door for you. “I have the whole day planned.”
“Yeah?” Your head rises of its own accord against the car seat. 
"I really want it to be perfect." 
It’s already perfect because how much better can it get you thought? You're in his car, your favorite songs playing in the background and his hand never leaves your side. 
“It already is.” You say grazing your thumb over his knuckles. 
You finally reach the place away from everyone else. “There’s a trail nearby and a perfect place for a picnic.” Spencer whispers, slipping his hand into yours again. 
It fits so perfectly.
You smile, squeezing his hand “Lead the way.” 
In a field of daisies Spencer pulls out a blanket, carefully placing his gifts as he pats the spot next to him. You nestle against his taller frame, he smells like sandalwood, coffee, and home. 
“What are you thinking about?” You ask him, he smiles down at you playing with your hair absentmindedly. 
“You. Always you.” You get the familiar, but nevertheless oh-so welcome kick in your stomach every time he smiles at you. 
“What about you?” He asks in return, and you shrug, not able to convey all your emotions. 
“I'm thinking that I want my gifts.” You say slightly pouting.
With a shy smile, Spencer untangled himself from you and reached for the presents. He handed you a beautifully wrapped package and a small painting, both wrapped with care.
“I hope you like them,” he said, his voice tinged with nervousness.
Your eyes lit up as you unwrapped the gifts, revealing a limited edition of Sylvia Plath’s work—a book you’d mentioned offhandedly that you’d been searching for. Your gaze met his, overflowing with emotions you hadn’t known were possible. You always believed in love, but this? This was beyond anything you’d imagined. It made all the heartbreaks of the past worth it because they led you to him.
You abandoned the gifts, flinging yourself into his arms. He laughed, catching you as you both tumbled onto the grass. Spencer buried his face in the crook of your neck, holding you close.
“They’re perfect,” you whispered. “Thank you so much.”
Spencer’s cheeks flushed. “I’m glad you like them,” he replied, still holding you.
“How did you even find it?” you asked, marveling at the book.
“Brittney Johnson—remember the missing persons case we solved? Her dad’s a book collector. He was really grateful and said if we ever needed a favor, he’d be happy to help.”
You smiled, touched by his thoughtfulness. You’d spent so long building walls around yourself, convincing yourself you didn’t need a relationship. But with Spencer, those walls crumbled before you even had a chance to put them up.
“I also wrote you a card, my handwriting isn't the best, but I know you like words of affirmation” Spencer said, reaching into his bag. But before he could present it, dark clouds gathered overhead, and raindrops began to fall, dampening the ground.
“Seriously?” Spencer groaned, quickly sheltering you with his jacket. The chocolate and sandwiches were ruined, along with your clothes. The two of you hurried to the car, making sure the gifts were safe, and finally found shelter inside.
“I’m sorry our picnic was ruined, angel,” Spencer said, helping you fix your hair.
“It’s not ruined, Spence. We can have a night in, order some Chinese, and finish a new episode?” you suggested, trying to cheer him up.
“Yeah, sure,” he agreed, though he couldn’t hide his disappointment as he started the car.
𐙚 ✱ ❤︎ ࿐ ۫ .
Back at your apartment, the two of you hurried inside, drenched from the rain. You kicked off your shoes and quickly disappeared into your bedroom, returning with dry clothes for both of you. You handed Spencer his sweater, the one you’d “borrowed” long ago, and couldn’t help but smile as he accepted it.
“Hey, I was looking for this,” he said, pulling on the warm sweater.
“Sorry I stole it,” You replied, not the least bit apologetic.
He shook his head, following you to the kitchen, where you were setting up takeout containers on the counter. The sweater smells like you and he thinks he should let you keep it. It smells like cherries, winter warmth and like the love of his life.
“I love that you did. I feel closer to you whenever I wear it.”
You blushed, grateful he couldn’t see your flushed cheeks as you turned to grab plates. Spencer wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“This isn’t how I planned our anniversary,” he admitted, his voice soft. “I wanted everything to be perfect.”
You turned in his arms, cupping his cheek as you gazed into his warm eyes. “Spence, it was perfect. It’s not about the flowers or the gifts or the picnic. It’s about being with you.”
Before Spencer could respond, you gently stepped out of his embrace, suddenly remembering you still had his gift to give.
“I have a surprise for you,” you said with a smile, rummaging through the gift bag. You walked back to him, holding up a beautifully knitted purple scarf.
“My mom’s been teaching me how to knit, and this is the first thing I made. It’s for you. I know you get colds easily, and keeping your neck and chest warm can help reduce the shock of inhaling cold, dry air, which irritates your respiratory tract. I even stitched my name on the end, so a part of me is always with you.”
Spencer’s face lit up as he accepted the scarf, immediately noticing how it carried your familiar scent.
“This is so thoughtful,” he said, his eyes soft with appreciation. “I don’t think anyone’s ever been this concerned about my colds. Although, just so you know, wearing a scarf alone won’t prevent you from catching a cold. Colds are caused by viruses, usually spread through respiratory droplets or by touching contaminated surfaces.”
You smiled at his rambling, finding comfort in the way his mind worked—it was like a love language all its own. Chuckling softly, you wrapped the scarf around his neck, adjusting it just right.
“It’s the thought that counts, angel,” he said sincerely, his voice filled with warmth. “It’s already my favorite scarf.” He then brought your knuckles to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to them.
It's in the quiet, messy, beautifully imperfect moments like this, spencer thinks: where love is felt in every heartbeat, every glance, and every shared breath.
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thank you so much for reading <33
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kitten4sannie · 3 months
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pairing: boyfriend! hongjoong x fem! reader
genre: smut
summary: poor hongjoong always ends up fighting demons when he’s up too late in the studio. he has no choice but to facetime you in hopes that you’ll help solve his dilemma.
w.c: 1.5k
warnings: soft dom but slightly subby! hongjoong, sub with some dom tendencies! reader, phone/facetime sex, teasing, pet names, dirty talk, some instruction giving, tit play/sucking requested by joong (they match each other’s freak okay), mutual masturbation, brief breeding kink
a/n: oh captain my captain~~ oomfs let me know about this wonderful prompt and i simply couldn’t say no 😵‍💫💕 there’s something about a nasty facetime call between two people that are extremely desperate for each other that drives me insaneeeee GOD. enjoy lovelies <3
song rec: cyber sex by doja cat
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“Come on, let this be the one,” Hongjoong sighed to himself, listening intently to the track he was in the process of crafting. After hours and hours spent hunched over his monitor, something still wasn’t right. “Fuck, man…”
He rubbed the pads of his thumbs into the bridge of his nose once he removed his reading glasses, pinching it slightly. He glanced at the bottom of the monitor with his bloodshot eyes, noting that the clock had just struck 12, before looking down at his phone screen, tapping it gently, a breathtaking photo of you popping up and almost making him forget where he even was. He couldn’t believe he had to be away from you for so long, stuck inside his studio instead of being being stuck between your trembling thighs, wishing he could listen to the lovely sounds you produced for him rather than the artificial ones he made with his keyboard.
The longer he thought about what you were possibly doing in bed without him, the more he began to squirm in his plush computer chair, grabbing at the crotch of his baggy sweatpants. Maybe if he could just release some tension, he’d finally figure out how to finish the song. And maybe, just maybe, his baby wouldn’t be opposed to helping him out a bit. 
Hongjoong propped his phone up against his monitor and hit the call icon next to your name, biting into his chapped bottom lip, feeling more and more like a pervert the longer he listened to the dial tone drone on, figuring you were probably just trying to get a good night’s rest. And, here he was, trying to get his nut off. “Goddamn it,” he mumbled to himself, resting his head in his hand just as his phone made a familiar chirping sound. It was then that your sleepy voice rang out through the phone speaker.
“Hey, how’s my baby doing?” You smiled at the sight of your slightly disheveled boyfriend on your bright phone screen, kicking off your warm covers. “Are you making sick beats?” 
“The sickest,” Hongjoong replied softly, his lips curling up into a feline-like smile, his tired eyes sparkling at the sight of you. “I’m good now that I’m seeing your pretty face. I missed you today.” 
“I missed you too, Joongie.” You rolled onto your side in your regretfully empty bed, resting your phone against the edge of your pillow, one of your loose tank top straps sliding down your shoulder. “Still in the studio, huh?” You pouted at your boyfriend, batting your eyelashes. “Why aren’t you at home yet? In bed with me?” 
Hongjoong gulped, unconsciously wetting his lips with his tongue, trying not to fixate on the way your tits were squished together, your tank top barely concealing what was hidden underneath. “I wish I was in bed with you right now…so bad…I, actually, couldn’t stop thinking about you before I called. I couldn’t concentrate on my music.” 
You giggled softly, knowing him well enough to know why he was having a hard time keeping eye contact with you, pressing your tits together just a little more, watching your boyfriend’s mouth open slightly. “Oh, so it’s my fault you couldn’t concentrate, huh? Should I take responsibility, Joongie?” 
Hongjoong squeezed his ringed fingers into one of his thighs, biting back the groan he wanted to let out. His baby was always such a tease. It pained him that he couldn’t be there with you physically to tease you back in the way he wanted, knowing he would have you flushed, soaked, and begging for him to be inside you. For now, he would have to make the most of this late night facetime call. 
“You should, babygirl. You’re always so naughty for me when I’m home, always making me think dirty things when I’m in the studio. Just look at what you’ve done to me,” Hongjoong answered huskily, slowly leaning back against his computer chair, allowing you to see the way his stiff cock was pressing into the thin material of his joggers. He squeezed around the base of it, jerking himself off in an agonizingly slow manner, knowing it would drive you insane. “Mm, make it up to Joongie, yeah? Take your tits out.” 
As you obediently tugged your top down and allowed your tits to spill out, much to Hongjoong’s satisfaction, he tugged his leaking cock free from its confines, causing you to begin to drool almost as if on command, having to swallow it all down to keep it from spilling out, wishing your boyfriend was on the bed next to you so that his heavy cock could plug up your throat. For now, you would have to settle for watching him touch himself on your phone screen. “Now what, Joongie?” you asked, bringing your free hand up to your tits to grope and squeeze at them. 
“S-suck on them…” he requested perversely, a bead of sweat dripping along his temple. 
Propping your phone against one of your plushies, you brought both of your hands to the undersides of your tits, slowly bringing them up near your mouth. “Joongie’s a little pervert, huh? Wanting to watch his baby suck on her own tits like this….” 
“I-i am…wanna see you be naughty for me…” Hongjoong blushed heavily, pulling at the strings of his hoodie in an act to conceal himself, his dilated eyes still focused solely on you, his hand squeezed tight around the base of his cock, feeling it throb persistently. 
Humming, you brought one of them to your mouth, idly licking around and over your nipple until it hardened against your tongue, sucking it into your warm mouth and moaning, before giving your other tit the same treatment, occasionally looking up at your boyfriend with hazy, half-closed eyes, wishing your wetness was leaking out around his moving cock, instead of soaking into your panties. “Baby…stop for a second…” you whispered, squeezing your thighs together. 
“Yes, princess,” Hongjoong obeyed breathily, taking his hand off of his length and instead grabbing at his thigh, his stiff cock twitching upwards like it had a mind of its own, sticky pre-cum pooling from his tip and dripping down the side. It looked like he was going to bust at any given second. 
Licking your lips at Hongjoong’s pitiful state, you sat up on the bed and faced your phone, opening your slick covered thighs, pulling your panties to the side and spreading yourself open to show your boyfriend the way your pretty pink hole fluttered around nothing.  “Can you please fuck me? I’m so empty, I wanna cry…” 
“Oh my godddd, baby,” Hongjoong groaned, watching closely as you rubbed your fingers over your cunt, able to hear just how incredibly wet you were for him, eventually tugging his hood off of his head and running his fingers through his hair, gripping it for a second to keep himself from tweaking. “I wish I could fuck you dumb right now…You have no idea how bad I wanna fill you up…” 
“Guess I’ll have to get the job done myself until you get home, huh?” you sighed playfully, just as you easily slipped two fingers inside yourself up to the knuckles, adding a third because you could, before fucking them in and out of you, the obscenely wet sounds your cunt made each time sending Hongjoong into a deeper state of need. “J-joongie, please cum inside me…I need it…”
Letting out a whimper, Hongjoong resumed his desperate act of self pleasure, quickly collecting his abundant pre-cum to slick up his twitching cock each time his closed fist moved near the shiny, red tip. “Gonna cum, baby, gonna cum so hard for you…” 
Keeping your eyes locked on your boyfriend’s half-lidded ones, you quickened your pace, your fingers beginning to cramp, curling them up just enough to pound them into your g-spot, causing your gasps to turn into whiny moans, a few tears starting to spill from your eyes, similar to the arousal that was spilling out of your pulsing cunt. “I’m cumming, Joongie, fuck– Fill me up, please, please, please…!” 
Hongjoong threw himself back into his chair, emitting a few soundless moans, before he began to let out one long groan, desperately bucking up into his closed fist, until a stream of milky, white liquid shot out.  “Fuck, I’m gonna knock you up, princess….There’s so much…” he sighed out, tossing his head back, milking his aching cock with a shaky hand, a few beads of cum spilling out onto his skin. 
The both of you grew quiet as you came down from your highs, simply panting and trying to catch your breath, still gazing at one another through your phone screens. 
You picked up your phone and brought it closer to your face, batting your lashes at him once again, whispering, “You better finish up that song and get your ass home, Joong. As much as I love watching you make a mess of yourself, that wasn’t nearly enough for me.” 
After practically melting into his chair, Hongjoong sat up and nodded his head obediently, biting his lip at the implication that the both of you would be going at it all night. He pushed some of his sweaty hair back just to let it fall into his now narrowing eyes, making sure you were looking at him when he guaranteed, “I’ll be sure to ruin you later, princess. Wait up for me, yeah?”   
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Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
tags: @dazzlinglight @thefinerthingz3 @cosmiczen @choerryge @arusio @ethicalz @jinsonaz @kitty4hwa @purplechannie @jazzymoore @kodzukein @asjkdk @chanst1ddies @createyour0wnworld @roarmingi @simeonswhore @k0rean-big-mini0n @bls-luv-me @igotlockedout @fl0r4f4wn @miriamxsworld @woosmaid @kawaiikels @azcon @allofuswantgwinam @breezy-simp @eastleighsblog @singularity777 @san-realblkwife @kawennote09 @feuille-et-pain @slut4hwa @owjohny @hijeongguk @lilramennoodle @leo-seonghwa @staytinydegenerate @greenymar @8tinytings @baguette-atiny @lvnderhazes @knucklesdeepmingi @soobiverse @jeongwangjessmina @ja3hwa @actuallyalien @aggiebackstage @doom-fics @koalakoala8 @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna
© kitten4sannie, 2024.
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its-avalon-08 · 3 months
Can we have some hurt comfort with Lando Norris. Like Lando and her haven’t been spending a lot of time together and when he is free he’s spending all his time gaming or golfing and reader is feeling like he doesn’t love her anymore because of that.
But happy ending.
brick on my heart (ln4)
✦ pairing - lando norris x female!reader
✦ genre - angst, tears, fluffy ending
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Y/n sat perched on the edge of the sofa, a half-finished cup of tea growing cold in her hand. The television broadcasted a pre-race interview, Lando's face filling the screen. He was animated, talking strategy with a practiced ease that had become a trademark. But the excitement in his voice didn't translate to his eyes. They held a weariness, a hollowness that mirrored the growing emptiness in her own chest.
Across the room, Lando was hunched over his computer, fingers flying across the keyboard. The rhythmic click-clack was the only sound in the once-lively apartment, a stark contrast to the playful banter and movie nights that used to fill their evenings. Y/n had planned to surprise him with dinner - a gourmet pasta dish she'd spent the afternoon perfecting. Now, the aroma just mocked her, a forgotten promise of connection in the sea of Lando's single-minded focus.
A notification chimed on his phone. He glanced at it briefly, a fleeting smile tugging at his lips before he returned to the game. Y/n's stomach lurched. Was it a message from a teammate, a sponsor, or maybe even a fan? It certainly wasn't from her. The silence between them, once comfortable, now felt suffocating.
She rose silently, pushing the untouched pasta towards the back of the fridge. Lando didn't react, his eyes glued to the screen. Maybe a part of him registered her movement, but it didn't translate into a question, a "Hey, where are you going?"
Y/n retreated to the bedroom, the sting of unshed tears pricking her eyes. She picked up a book, the worn pages offering a refuge from the cold reality of their apartment. But even the fictional world couldn't hold her attention. The echo of Lando's laughter from a past game night played on a loop in her mind, a cruel reminder of what they'd lost.
Later that night, when Lando finally emerged from his gaming trance, he found Y/n curled up asleep on the bed, the untouched book lying on the floor beside her. Her peaceful slumber masked the storm brewing within. In the dim light, he didn't see the silent tears that stained her cheeks, the growing distance between them, or the love slowly withering in the absence of his attention.
The Monaco sun beat down on the bustling paddock as Y/n followed Lando, his pace brisk and focused. Conversation was a forgotten luxury, replaced by the rhythmic crunching of gravel beneath their feet. As they passed by the Red Bull garage, Daniel Ricciardo gave Y/n a bright smile and a cheery, "Hey there, sunshine!" but it fell flat. His usual banter felt forced, his eyes lingering on Lando's oblivious form.
The McLaren garage, once a haven of laughter and shared excitement, now felt cold and sterile. Mechanics scurried around, their greetings to Y/n polite but perfunctory. Lando disappeared into a briefing, leaving Y/n awkwardly adrift in the sea of racing paraphernalia. She found herself drawn to the relative quiet of a secluded balcony overlooking the track. Leasing her back against the railing, she allowed the weight of her unspoken words to crush her. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the image of the sleek cars below.
"Y/n?" A familiar voice startled her. Carlos Sainz, his usual smirk replaced by a worried frown, stood beside her. "Hey, what's wrong?"
Y/n choked back a sob, shaking her head mutely. Carlos, ever perceptive, understood. Without a word, he enveloped her in a warm hug, his strong arms a comforting presence against her shaking frame. The tears came then, hot and uncontrollable, soaking into the fabric of his shirt.
"Lando?" he asked gently, his voice barely a whisper.
She shook her head again, the effort to speak a betrayal. Carlos held her tighter, a silent promise of understanding hanging in the air. He wasn't just her brother's teammate; he had always been a confidante, a protector.
Exhausted from the weight of her unspoken pain, Y/n leaned sleepily against him. The rhythmic thrum of the engines below served as a lullaby, a distant echo to the storm raging within her. When Lando finally emerged from his meeting, searching for Y/n, he found her fast asleep on the couch as Carlos lay a blanket over her.
The sight hit him like a physical blow. The worry etched on Carlos' face, the vulnerability in Y/n's sleeping form, it was a stark reminder of his neglect. Shame burned in his chest, replacing the usual pre-race nervousness. The starting grid, once a symbol of his ambition, now seemed insignificant compared to the love he felt slipping through his fingers.
The checkered flag fell, signaling the end of the grueling Monaco race. Lando, his face flushed with exertion but a triumphant smile playing on his lips, emerged from his car. He scanned the crowd for Y/n, his heart sinking when he spotted her standing stiffly at the edge of the podium.
He jogged towards her, expecting a celebratory hug. Instead, she offered a weak smile and a forced, "Congratulations, Lando."
His smile faltered. "Hey, you okay?" He reached for her hand, but she subtly pulled away.
"Yeah," she mumbled, staring down at her feet. "Just... tired. I think I'll head back." She knew about the post-race party, the usual celebratory affair Lando relished. She didn't want to be a burden with her heavy heart.
Lando's stomach twisted. "You sure? I could—"
"No," she interrupted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Go celebrate. I'll see you later." She turned and started walking away, her steps heavy and defeated.
Lando watched her go, a knot of guilt tightening in his chest. This wasn't right. He needed to talk to her, to fix this. He glanced at his car, then back at Y/n's retreating figure. With a determined sigh, he changed his mind.
He caught up with Y/n outside the paddock, keys jingling in his hand. "Change of plans," he said, his voice firm. "You're coming home with me."
Y/n looked up, surprise flickering across her tear-filled eyes. Too tired to fight him, she simply nodded and climbed into the passenger seat. The silence on the drive home was thick, pressing down on them like a heavy fog.
Once inside the apartment, the silence shattered as Y/n finally broke. The dam holding back her emotions crumbled. "Lando," she choked out, her voice thick with unshed tears, "you don't love me anymore. It feels like there's nothing left in here," she clutched her chest, a gesture mirroring the hollowness she felt inside.
The raw pain in her voice hit Lando like a punch to the gut. He saw the hurt etched onto her face, the love he had taken for granted slowly fading away. Tears welled up in his own eyes.
"No, Y/n, that's not true!" he rushed out, his voice thick with emotion. "I love you more than anything. This season… it's been chaotic, it's swallowed me whole, and I… I was stupid. I didn't realize how much I was neglecting you, pushing you away. Y/n, listen to me. I know I've messed up, big time. But that's no excuse. The truth is, I've been so focused on winning, on proving myself, that I completely forgot what truly matters. And that's you."
He sank to his knees in front of her, his head bowed. "
Seeing you walk away after the race… it hit me like a ton of bricks. You looked so… empty. And the worst part? It's my fault. All this time I've been chasing trophies, podium finishes, while neglecting the biggest prize in my life – you."
"The late nights spent gaming, the hours practicing golf, the quick goodbyes for training… I never realized how much I was pushing you away. I took our love for granted, assumed you'd always be there."
"But you're not just a trophy girlfriend, Y/n. You're my teammate, my confidante, the person who makes me laugh even after the worst race. Seeing the hurt in your eyes… it tears me apart."
"Please, believe me when I say I love you. More than anything. I know my actions haven't shown it, but you're the sunshine in my day, the calm in my storm. I can't lose you. This season can wait, the sponsors can wait, the races can wait. But you? You're irreplaceable. Please, Y/n, believe me. I can't… I can't lose you."
Y/n, witnessing his genuine remorse, felt a flicker of hope rekindle in her chest. She knelt down, gently cupping his face in her hands. "I love you too, Lando," she whispered, her voice trembling. "But we need to fix this, together."
He looked up, his eyes searching hers. Relief and gratitude washed over him. "We will. I promise. No more neglecting you. No more letting the racing overshadow our lives." He took her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers. "We'll race together, laugh together, love together."
Y/n smiled, a single tear rolling down her cheek. This time, it wasn't a tear of sadness, but a promise of a new beginning, a love strong enough to weather any storm. In the quiet of their apartment, they held each other close, their tears mingling, a testament to a love that had been bruised but not broken, ready to face the future together.
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emjayewrites · 10 days
hey there, delilah • jude bellingham (6/8)
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SYNOPSIS: Real Madrid football star Jude Bellingham has had a big crush on Delilah "Lila" Hamilton, the younger sister of Formula 1 legend Lewis Hamilton, for a while. As their budding romance unfolds, will they be able to navigate the pressures of fame and family dynamics?
PAIRINGS: Jude Bellingham x Delilah "Lila" Hamilton (face claim Rayan Xasan)
WARNINGS: cursing, f1/football b.s., overly protective siblings, eventual smut (18+/minors dni)
TAGLIST: @dreamingjude @foreverisntenough @nichmeddar @hopefulromantic1 @lettersofgold @judesbabymamas @perfecttrashface @alika-4466 @cocobutterqwueen @leilaxaliel @ispywithmylileye @vile-harlot @bellinghaalands @certifiedlesbianbaddie @yeea-nah @empressdede @saturnville @pinkcatcus @shepgurl @neewrites @trentswrld @taytropicana
A/N: Please note that this is a work of fiction and some things may not sound "exactly correct" but bear with me to make this work. Also, this chapter is rather long! Let me know if you like to be removed/added to the taglist.
P.S.: I decided to make the series longer - 2 more chapters until the end!
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lilahamilton • posted on their story 12 hours ago
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story comments:
judebellingham: 🫶🏽
lewishamilton: 💕💕
fencer: lil sis!!! 💕💕
foreverjudebellingham: luv u lila!
tolami_benson: miss u babes!
jadevanderwall: baddie gurl!!
The Barcelona sun beat down on the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya as Lila and Lewis made their way into the paddock. The familiar buzz of pre-qualifying excitement filled the air, mingling with the scent of high-octane fuel and anticipation.
Lila was dressed in a chic yet practical outfit - a cropped Mercedes team shirt paired with high-waisted jeans and comfortable sneakers. Her VIP pass hung around her neck, a familiar weight after years of attending races.
As they entered, Lewis was immediately swarmed by fans and media. He was sporting an all-white Zegna outfit - a v-neck short-sleeve shirt and pants that somehow managed to look both casual and runway-ready. The cameras were in a frenzy, capturing every angle of the racing superstar.
Lila's phone buzzed with a message from Jude: "Tell your brother to save some style for the rest of us mere mortals. Oh, and good luck! P.S. Missing you loads. Maybe I should score a hat-trick to impress you?"
She chuckled, typing back a quick response as she made her way to the Mercedes garage. There, she found Bono, Lewis's race engineer, hunched over a computer screen.
"So, how's it looking?" she asked, peering over his shoulder at the sea of numbers and graphs.
Bono glanced up, a wry smile on his face. "About as good as your understanding of telemetry data, I'd reckon."
Lila laughed, appreciating the familiar banter. "That good, huh?"
Lewis finally entered the garage, running a hand through his hair. "God, it's a zoo out there," he said, but his smile betrayed his enjoyment of the attention.
"Speaking of attention," Lila began, a teasing lilt to her voice, "Jude says hello and good luck."
Lewis's expression softened slightly at the mention of Jude. "Yeah? Tell him thanks. And... tell him to keep treating my baby sister right."
Lila rolled her eyes affectionately. "Ease up. He's doing just fine."
Lewis nodded, a mix of protective instinct and grudging acceptance in his eyes. "I know, I know. He's... he's not bad, that Bellingham kid."
"High praise indeed," Lila teased, nudging her brother's arm.
Lewis chuckled, then his expression turned more serious. "Alright, enough about your love life. We've got a qualifying session to dominate. You sticking around for the whole thing?"
Lila nodded enthusiastically. "Wouldn't miss it for the world. Someone's got to be here to remind you not to get too cocky when you inevitably take pole."
"You're a mess," Lewis retorted with a grin. He turned to Bono, ready to dive into the pre-qualifying briefing.
As the garage buzzed with pre-session activity, Lila found a spot where she could observe without being in the way. She watched as Lewis transformed from her playful big brother into the focused, determined racer the world knew. It was a transformation she'd seen countless times, but it never failed to impress her.
The atmosphere in the garage shifted as the team prepared for the first qualifying session. Mechanics made last-minute adjustments to the car, while engineers pored over data screens. Lewis was in deep conversation with Bono, discussing strategy and track conditions.
Lila's attention was drawn to the screens showing the live feed from the pit lane. Other teams were beginning to roll out their cars, the competitive energy palpable even through the monitors. She felt a familiar thrill of excitement, the kind that only came from being at the heart of a Formula 1 race weekend.
As Lewis prepared to get into the car, he caught Lila's eye and gave her a quick wink. It was their pre-race ritual, a small gesture that said more than words ever could. Lila returned it with a thumbs up, silently wishing him luck.
"Lewis, you're clear for your out lap," Bono's voice crackled over the radio.
Lila held her breath as Lewis's car roared past, the familiar number 44 a blur of silver and teal. She couldn't help but smile as she heard the crowd cheer.
Between watching her brother's laps and listening to the team's radio chatter, Lila's attention was caught by an unfamiliar figure near the pit lane. A Black woman, nicely dressed and seemingly at ease in the chaotic environment, stood observing the proceedings.
Curious, Lila leaned towards Rosa, Lewis's communications personnel. "Hey, who's that woman over there? I don't think I've seen her before."
Rosa glanced in the direction Lila indicated, then quickly looked away. "Oh, um, you might want to ask your brother about that," she said, her tone careful.
Lila's eyebrows rose in surprise. This woman didn't seem like Lewis's usual type of fling. She carried herself with confidence and poise, appearing completely unfazed by the high-stakes environment.
As Lila pondered who this mystery woman could be, Lewis's voice came over the radio, "Box this lap, guys. Let's see where we stand."
The qualifying session progressed intensely, with Lewis pushing his car to the limit. Lila watched, her heart racing with every lap, as her brother fought for position on the starting grid.
"P3, Lewis. Good job," Bono's voice crackled over the radio as the final seconds of Q3 ticked away.
Lila let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. P3 wasn't pole, but it was a solid position for tomorrow's race. As Lewis brought the car back to the pits, she made her way towards the garage, eager to congratulate him.
The garage erupted in a flurry of activity as the car rolled in. Lewis climbed out, his face a mixture of satisfaction and determination. He pulled off his helmet, running a hand through his sweat-dampened hair.
"Nice work out there," Lila said, approaching him with a smile.
Lewis nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "Thanks, Li. We've got a good chance tomorrow."
Lila hesitated, then decided to broach the subject. "Hey, I saw this woman earlier. Near the pit lane. Never seen her before. She seemed... different."
Lewis's expression remained neutral, but Lila caught a flicker of something in his eyes. "Oh?" he said, his tone carefully casual as he walked out of the garage.
"Yeah," Lila pressed, following close behind him. "Is she... you know, a new fling or something?"
Lewis gave her a half-smirk, his response deliberately vague. "Not everything's about that, Li."
Lila narrowed her eyes, recognizing her brother's tell-tale signs of holding back. "Come on, Lewis. I know when you're not telling me everything."
Before Lewis could answer, Rosa approached. "Lewis, you've got media duties in twenty minutes. Might want to grab a quick shower first."
Lewis nodded, looking almost relieved at the interruption. "Right, thanks, Rosa." He turned back to Lila. "We'll talk later, yeah? I've got to get ready."
Lila wasn't ready to let it go. "Lewis, seriously. What's going on?"
Lewis shook his head, a mix of exasperation and amusement on his face. "It's not what you think, Li. Look, we'll talk later, I promise. I really need to get ready now."
With that, he headed inside his driver's room, closing the door behind him and leaving Lila standing there, curiosity unsatisfied.
As she made her way back to the garage, Lila's phone buzzed with another message from Jude. She smiled, momentarily distracted from the mystery of the unknown woman. Whatever was going on with Lewis, she'd find out eventually. For now, she had a boyfriend to catch up with.
Sometime later, Lila was seated at a desk in her hotel room, phone propped up in front of her as she FaceTimed Jude. Her face scrunched up in mild frustration as she recounted the earlier scene in the pit lane. "I'm telling you, there was this random woman just standing there, watching everything, and when I asked Lewis about it, he got all weird. Like, weird, Jude. He still hasn’t explained anything."
Jude, however, seemed less than captivated by Lila’s hyper-focus. He was laid back on his couch, his signature calm demeanor unbothered by her theorizing. "Babes, if Lew’s fucking someone new, that’s his business, not yours."
Lila’s eyes widened in disbelief. "Excuse me? Lewis was all up in our business when we first started dating. You know he gave you the third degree!"
Jude raised a hand in mock surrender, grinning. "Touché. But leave that man alone, Li. Maybe he’s trying to settle down, huh? Don’t you want nieces and nephews?"
Lila let out a sardonic laugh. "Nieces and nephews? Jude, he’s never settling down. At least not until he retires, and we both know that."
Jude shrugged, a nonchalant smile playing on his lips. "A man’s got needs."
Lila shot him a teasing look, eyebrow raised. "Oh, do they now? You sound like you’re speaking from personal experience, Judey Bear."
Jude laughed, his deep voice resonating through the phone. "That wasn’t what you were saying a few days ago when I had my head between your legs… What was it again? 'Ooh Jude, baby, yes, mmhmm Daddy'…"
Lila’s jaw dropped. "I did not call you Daddy! I would never call a man besides my actual father 'Daddy,'" she retorted, her voice laced with indignation.
Jude raised an eyebrow, giving her that look—the look that silently called her out on her bullshit. Lila rolled her eyes and laughed, putting the finishing touches on her makeup as they continued to chat. She had dinner plans with her brother and was using the conversation to distract herself from the lingering curiosity about the mysterious woman.
"Alright, how do I look?" Lila asked, angling her phone so Jude could see her in full view—her outfit a mix of casual chic, perfect for dinner but not overly dressed up.
Jude smiled appreciatively. "Beautiful, as always. Just remember, it’s your brother you’re having dinner with. Don’t need to look too good."
Lila laughed, blowing him a kiss through the screen before they said their goodbyes. With a final check in the mirror, she grabbed her bag and headed out the door, making her way to Lewis’s suite.
Once she reached Lewis’s room, she fished out the spare keycard he’d given her and let herself in. "Lew?" she called, her voice light as she glanced around. "We’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry up!"
Hearing nothing in response, Lila ventured further into the suite, her steps slowing as she reached the bedroom door. The faint sounds of movement and groans inside made her pause. "Lewis?" she called again, a bit louder this time. But as she pushed open the door, her breath caught in her throat.
There, in the low light of the room, was her brother, his tattooed bare-back sweaty as hell and clearly in the middle of… activities. The comforter covered most of their lower halves, but there was no mistaking what she had just walked into.
"Oh my fucking God! I’m gonna be scarred for life!" Lila yelped, quickly turning her back and covering her eyes.
"What the fuck, Li?" Lewis’s voice rang out, filled with shock as he quickly scrambled to cover himself. Moments later, Lila heard him getting up and fumbling for clothes. "Why didn’t you knock?" he demanded.
"I dunno, why didn’t you?!" Lila shot back, eyes still closed as she stood rigid in the hallway. "Remind me again how you barged into my flat unannounced?" she countered, opening her eyes to head back to the living room. She folded her arms as she heard Lewis’ footsteps approaching.
"That’s different," Lewis muttered, clearly flustered as he appeared in the living room, now dressed in a pair of sweatpants. He ran a hand through his braids, sighing. "Fuck, Li, I’m sorry you had to see that."
"Trust me, I’m sorry too," Lila quipped, still half in shock. "You’re paying for my therapy after this." Lewis couldn’t help the small smile that crept up his lips. "You’re laughing at my trauma," she accused.
"Li, trust me, I’ve caught Mumma Linda and Dad a few times. Look how I turned out."
"Oh my God, EW!" Lila shrieked, horrified, as she dramatically covered her ears. Just then, the woman—the woman—poked her head out from the hallway, a playful smirk on her face.
"Is it safe to come out yet?" she asked, making Lewis chuckle.
"Yeah, it’s safe," he said, giving the woman a small smile.
Lila squinted, eyeing the woman closely. "Wait… You were the woman at the pit lane today."
"Guilty," the woman, who was now dressed in one of Lewis' dress shirts, replied casually as she leaned against a couch with a confident ease. "I’m Amara, by the way."
Lila’s gaze flickered between her brother and Amara. "Amara who?" she asked, sensing there was more to this story.
Lewis sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Amara who’s… my friend, Li," he said, the word ‘friend’ sounding far too casual considering the circumstances.
Lila gave him a pointed look, folding her arms. "Be so fucking for real, Lewis. I just walked in on you two having sex. At least try to be honest."
Lewis’s eyebrows shot up in mild surprise at her bluntness. "Okay, fine. Amara and I have been seeing each other for a bit, since earlier this year. I asked her to come to the race weekend… and you know, to meet you."
"To meet me?" Lila echoed, her skepticism obvious.
"Yeah. That was supposed to be the plan at dinner," Amara chimed in, a sheepish smile on her face. "We kind of got… carried away."
Lila rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I noticed."
Lewis chuckled softly. "Look, I was gonna tell you about all this… at dinner. Just didn’t expect you to walk in on us before I could explain."
Lila sighed, feeling a mix of annoyance and amusement bubble up inside her. "Alright, fine. But I’m never letting you live this down."
"Fair enough," Lewis replied, grinning.
Lila looked between Lewis and Amara. "Well, what do we do now?" she asked with a slight edge in her voice. "By the time you two finish showering and getting ready, we’ll have missed the reservation."
Lewis offered her an apologetic smile. "Yeah… sorry, Peanut. I know you were looking forward to the restaurant," he said.
Lila gave him a bratty pout, feeling a genuine pang of disappointment. It wasn’t easy finding places that catered to both their picky diets—good vegan options for Lewis, non-vegan but still gourmet for her. Tonight's spot had checked all the boxes for once, and now it seemed like it wasn’t happening.
"Peanut?" Amara suddenly interjected, her face lighting up in a mix of surprise and amusement. "That's cute."
Lila immediately narrowed her eyes, her stance shifting slightly. "Just so we’re clear—you’re not allowed to call me that."
Amara raised her hands in mock surrender, the smile not leaving her face. "Okay, okay. Duly noted."
Lila straightened her shoulders, assessing Amara again. "You look familiar, though… beyond today, I mean. You do modeling?"
Amara nodded. "Yeah, I do."
Lila's lips pressed into a thin line. "Of course you do. One thing about Lewis is that he never strays too far from his habits."
"Not too much, okay?" Lewis cut in, giving his sister a light warning look. "Don't make me sound like an asshole."
Lila smirked. "Too hard not to," she scoffed, then paused as a lightbulb went off in her head. "Wait a minute… didn’t you model for SKIMS?"
Amara laughed softly. "A little while back, yeah."
"I knew you looked familiar." Lila's eyes sparkled with a mix of recognition and mischief. "You did that campaign with—"
"Jude," Amara finished, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, I did."
Lila’s pursed smile became slightly more forced, and her eyes sharpened. "Wow, Lewis. Our circle is so small."
Lewis chuckled, though he sensed the subtle tension creeping into the room. "Sure is."
"Jude’s very nice," Amara added casually, her tone light.
Lila shot her a glare that could slice through ice. Nice? She may have been one of many models in that campaign, but in Lila’s world, Amara still had to pass the 'sister test' before they could move to pleasantries about her boyfriend.
"Listen," Lewis said, sensing the tension thickening. He turned toward his sister, trying to keep the mood light. "I’ll order us something to make up for the missed reservation." Lila’s eyes flickered between him and Amara, and she let out a long sigh, her voice dripping with stubbornness. "Be nice, Peanut," Lewis warned gently as he locked eyes with her.
"Or else what?" Lila shot back, raising an eyebrow.
"No new car…" Lewis said simply, giving her a knowing smile before disappearing back into the bedroom.
Lila rolled her eyes, flopping into an armchair as Amara sat on the couch across from her, keeping a respectable distance but well within the line of fire. Lila studied her, taking in her posture, her attitude—so far, Amara seemed cool, confident, and unfazed. Not backing down, but not arrogant either. It was a trait Lila could admire… not that she’d ever admit it.
"So," Lila began, her voice measured but still carrying that hint of protective sister energy. "How old are you?"
"Twenty-eight," Amara replied, her tone steady, unbothered.
Lila raised an eyebrow. "Of course you are," she muttered, almost to herself. "My brother always did like pretty young things."
Amara heard it, of course, but she remained calm, her expression unreadable as she countered, "And what’s so bad about that?"
Lila gave a small smirk, leaning back in the chair. "Nothing bad, just… predictable."
Amara raised an eyebrow, challenging her subtly. "Maybe predictability’s not such a bad thing."
Lila wasn’t used to being challenged so directly by her brother’s… whatever Amara was. She narrowed her eyes. "So, what are your intentions with my brother?"
Amara held her gaze, not flinching. "Honestly? I like him. We’re having fun, seeing where things go. We respect each other’s boundaries."
Lila's mouth twitched in amusement. "Boundaries, huh? I’ve heard that before."
Just then, Lewis reappeared from the bedroom, having changed into a fresh T-shirt and joggers. "Alright, I ordered dinner. It’ll be here soon."
Amara stood up, brushing a hand over her clothes. "I should probably shower and get properly dressed," she said, shifting her gaze between Lewis and Lila. She paused for a moment, then added with a wry smile, "It was nice to finally meet you, Delilah."
Lila gave a curt nod, her expression cool but not hostile. "Likewise, I guess."
Once Amara disappeared into the bathroom, Lila turned her attention back to Lewis. "So," she started, her arms crossed again, "what exactly is this little… thing with Amara?"
Lewis sighed, sitting down across from her. "We’re having fun, Li. I don’t know, we’re seeing where it leads."
Lila gave him a pointed look. "And here I thought you weren’t getting serious with anyone until you retired."
Lewis shrugged, leaning back against the couch. "Yeah, I thought so too. But… Amara’s cool. She gets it. She respects my boundaries, and I respect hers."
Lila raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "So, you like her?"
Lewis smiled faintly. "Yeah, I do. She’s different. Keeps me on my toes."
Lila sighed, leaning forward, resting her chin on her hand. "Well, I guess we’ll see how this pans out."
Lewis chuckled softly. "Yeah, we will."
lilahamilton and 3 others - Barcelona
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liked by lewishamilton, judebellingham, and others
lilahamilton: nothing beats race weekend in spain 🏎️ 🇪🇸 tagged: puma, dissh, and visitspain
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judebellingham: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
comment liked by lilahamilton
⤷lilahamilton: babes 🥰
lewishamilton: ♥️♥️♥️
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nicolashamilton: let’s get this win next time 💪🏾
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nicolescherzinger: baby boo 🥰
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⤷lilahamilton: nicolescherzinger boo bear 🐻
jobebellingham: lilahamilton i see u big sis 🫶🏽
⤷lilahamilton: jobebellingham jobey! 🫶🏾
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Jude laid back on the lounge chair, his arms tucked behind his head as he gazed out at the horizon from the Weimarer Resort, enjoying the family day before the upcoming match against Slovakia. A week had passed since Lila's visit to Barcelona for Lewis's race, and the drama with his mysterious new fling, Amara. Honestly, Jude didn't care. As far as he was concerned, Lewis could do whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted—as long as it meant staying off his and Lila's backs for a while. It was also his 21st birthday today, and while he didn't feel drastically different, there was a sense of milestone about the day.
He glanced over at Lila, who was sprawled out next to him on her own chair, scrolling through her phone. "You still thinking about Lewis?" Jude asked lazily, his eyes half-closed.
Lila snorted softly, not looking up from her phone. "Barely. Still a bit salty that he couldn't even be honest with me from the start. But whatever, that's his problem now."
"Good," Jude said with a smirk. "Means he won't be in our business for a while. Let him be preoccupied with Amara, so I can get preoccupied with my girlfriend."
Lila rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. "You're ridiculous."
"Maybe," Jude grinned, pushing himself up into a sitting position. "Come on, we should meet up with Trent before heading into Erfurt."
They spent some time with Trent, sharing laughs and inside jokes. Trent couldn't resist teasing Jude about his lovesick behavior. "Man, you're proper gone for her, aren't you?" he laughed, nudging Jude.
Jude just shrugged, a smile playing on his lips. "Can you blame me?"
"Nope, anyways happy birthday, mate," Trent said as he pulled Jude into a hug.
"Thanks, bro. We're celebrating proper when I get back!" Jude told him.
As they were leaving, Lila insisted on driving to Erfurt for dinner with Jude's family. "I'll drive," she said, twirling the car keys around her finger.
Jude shook his head, grinning as he followed her. "Of course you will. It's not like I could if I wanted to."
"Still can't believe you don't know how to drive," Lila teased as they made their way to the car.
Jude shrugged casually. "What can I say? I've got people for that."
"Yeah, well, in this case, I'm your people," Lila quipped as she climbed into the driver's seat.
"And you can barely reach the pedals, short stuff," Jude teased as he settled into the passenger seat, his long legs stretched out in front of him. "I feel like you need a booster seat, darling."
Lila shot him a mock glare, starting the engine. "Keep talking, Bellingham, and I'll leave you at the curb."
Jude feigned hurt, pouting petulantly. "Even on my birthday?"
"Yep," she countered, popping the 'p'.
The drive to Erfurt was filled with their usual banter and laughter. As they neared the restaurant, Jude could sense Lila's nervousness. "You'll be fine," he reassured her. "Mum's been looking forward to this since the Champions League game."
"Really?" Lila asked, surprise evident in her voice.
"Yeah," Jude nodded. "After that match, she's been itching to see you again. Dunno why you're worried."
Arriving at the restaurant, Jude's family greeted them warmly. Denise hugged Jude tightly. "Happy birthday, love," she said, before enveloping Lila in a warm hug. "Lila! It's so good to see you again, love," she exclaimed warmly.
The table was set with a small pile of wrapped gifts at Jude's place. As they ate, Jude opened his presents - a new watch from his parents, designer sunglasses from Jobe, and a few other thoughtful gifts from extended family. Lila handed him a small, elegantly wrapped box last.
"It's not much," she said softly, "but I hope you like it."
Inside was a sleek, personalized leather wallet. Jude's initials were embossed on one corner, and when he opened it, he found a small photo of the two of them tucked into one of the pockets.
"Li, this is perfect," he said, leaning over to kiss her cheek.
Throughout dinner, the conversation was peppered with birthday wishes and reminiscences of Jude's childhood and he couldn't help but notice the way his mum kept engaging Lila in conversation, her eyes twinkling with approval.
"Jude talks about you all the time," Denise said at one point, her smile making Lila feel more at ease. "It's so nice to finally have you here with us again."
Lila glanced at Jude, who looked slightly embarrassed but happy nonetheless. "He does?"
"Oh yeah," Denise laughed. "Non-stop. It's like I already know you."
As they were finishing their main course, Lila excused herself to the bathroom. Once she was out of earshot, Denise leaned over to Jude and whispered, "She's a keeper, love. Don't let this one go."
Jude felt his cheeks warm slightly. "I know, Mum. I don't plan to."
Mark chimed in, "She's got a good head on her shoulders. And she clearly cares about you."
"Plus, she can actually drive," Jobe quipped, earning a playful swat from Denise.
When Lila returned, the lights dimmed. A group of waiters appeared, carrying a large cake adorned with 21 candles. Everyone sang "Happy Birthday," and Jude felt his cheeks warm as he blew out the candles. As they dug into the cake, Jude couldn't help but reflect on the fact that he could now legally drink in America, though it held little significance given his ability to do so for years in Europe.
"So, how does it feel to be 21?" Mark asked, grinning at his eldest.
Jude shrugged, smiling. "Honestly? Not much different. But I'm grateful to be here with all of you."
Denise turned to Lila, "So, tell me more about this Versace campaign. It must be exciting."
Lila's eyes lit up. "It really is. I'm still pinching myself, to be honest. We're working on some designs that blend classic Versace with more sustainable practices and of course some inspiration from Petite Soeur."
"That's wonderful," Mark said. "It's important to use your platform for good."
"And individuality too," Denise added. "I'm glad they let you be you."
Jobe leaned in, curiosity piqued. "So, do you get to keep all the clothes?"
Everyone laughed, and Lila shook her head. "Not all of them, but I do get some perks."
Jude couldn't help but marvel at how well Lila fit in with his family. She was laughing at his dad's terrible jokes, discussing football tactics with Jobe, and sharing fashion tips with his mum. He grinned, squeezing Lila's hand under the table. He had no intention of letting her go anytime soon. As he looked around the table, seeing Lila laughing with his family, Jude felt a warmth spread through his chest. For the first time in a while, he felt like everything was falling into place.
"Enjoying your birthday?" Lila asked, catching his expression.
"I am," Jude replied softly. "This is nice, isn't it?"
Lila's smile widened. "It really is. Your family is wonderful."
As they left the restaurant, Jude and Lila walked with his parents, continuing the easy conversation from inside. Denise looped her arm through Lila's, her voice warm as she spoke. "We should definitely do this again, love. Maybe next time dinner with everyone—your family too."
Jobe, ever the jokester, chimed in, grinning widely. "She's part of the family now, officially my sister! But let's be real, she's always been my sister."
Lila laughed, touched by the sentiment. "Aww, Jobe. You're sweet."
"Well, now Jude's gotta teach you Jamaican patois," Jobe added with a mischievous grin, earning a raised eyebrow from Lila.
Lila's eyes widened in amusement. "Wait a minute—Jude didn't tell me he spoke patois."
Denise wagged a finger at her eldest son. "You know I taught you better than that, Judey."
Lila's grin turned almost wicked. "Yeah, Judey. What's up with that?"
"Come off it, Li," Jude groaned, shaking his head. "I'll teach you. Don't worry, Mum. I'll get her in on some lessons."
Denise smiled approvingly before turning to Lila. "Did your father ever teach you any Grenadian creole?"
Lila shook her head. "Unfortunately, no. But we visit once a year, so I've picked up a few… bad phrases from my aunties and cousins."
Denise laughed. "Well, that's something at least. Maybe next time I can teach you how to make some rum cake."
Jude's face lit up instantly. "Ooh, Mum, please! Her rum cake is amazing."
"But we only have it on special occasions," Jobe added, then with a sly smile, "You and Jude should get married."
It was like a record-scratch moment—an awkward pause settling over the group.
Jude shot a wide-eyed look at his younger brother, "You're wildin', Jobe."
Mark pulled Jobe into a mock headlock, ruffling his hair. "I think you've had too many pints tonight, mate."
Denise cut in, giving her husband and younger son a warning look that instantly made them stop horsing around. "What Jobe meant to say," she clarified with a calm smile, "is that the cake is very special. It's a recipe mothers traditionally teach their daughters. Since I don't have any daughters of my own… I figure you're the closest I'll get to that."
Lila's eyes misted up at Denise's words. "Aw, Denise, I'd love that… wow, I was so scared of meeting you guys again. Thought I screwed up the first meeting a little bit."
"Why would you think that?" Denise asked, genuinely surprised.
Lila glanced at Jude, then back at Denise. "Well, the kiss at Wembley and—"
Denise waved it off, smiling kindly. "Oh honey, that little kiss didn't sway me. It takes more than a quick smooch for me to dislike someone."
"Well, that's a relief," Lila said, laughing softly.
Mark touched Denise's arm. "Honey, we should let the kids enjoy the rest of their night. And tuck Jobe in before he starts any more wild suggestions."
His father shot his mum a look, one that both Jude and Jobe knew all too well. The brothers pretended to gag, recognizing the familiar glances between their parents.
"Oh yuck, Dad…" Jobe muttered, while he walked over to Lila, wrapping her in a hug. "See you at the match, big sis." Jobe then dapped up Jude. "Bye, mutt," he quipped narrowly dodging a playful swing from his older brother before jogging off toward his parents’ car.
"Jobe! Not nice!" Denise called after him, shaking her head before turning to Lila and Jude. She gave them both warm hugs and kisses on the cheek. "Talk to you both later, okay?"
Mark followed suit, giving them both a hug before heading to the car. As Lila and Jude walked back to her car, Jude couldn't help but smirk at her. "You good after all that?" he asked, his hand resting on the small of her back.
"Yeah, that was… really nice," Lila replied softly, a smile playing on her lips.
They climbed into the car, Lila behind the wheel as usual, and she started the drive back to the resort. As the quiet night streets of Erfurt passed by, Jude leaned back in his seat, eyes on Lila as she focused on the road, a comfortable silence settled over them, broken only by the soft melodies of Snoh Aalegra filling the car. After a while, Jude ceased the quiet, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"So, about Jobe's joke about us getting married..."
Lila chuckled, keeping her eyes on the road. "He's quite the character, your brother."
"Yeah, he can be annoying sometimes," Jude admitted, "but I know you like him."
"I do," Lila nodded. "It's nice seeing you as a big brother. Makes me wish I wasn't the baby of the family."
"Really?" Jude asked, intrigued.
"Mhm. Nicolas is much more laid back than Lewis, and so are Nicola and Samantha. Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to be the older sibling."
Jude laughed softly. "Trust me, it's not always fun." He paused for a moment, then added, "Speaking of family... what do you think your dad will make of me?"
Lila shrugged. "Honestly? I've never brought a guy home before. But I think he'll like you, based on your character. Dad's less emotional than Lewis, more analytical."
"How so?" Jude pressed, curious.
"Well," Lila began, "he was a bit hard on Lewis and Nic as they grew up. But he's gotten better. Having a daughter kind of softened him, I think." She glanced at Jude. "What about your dad? Is he hard on you?"
Jude shook his head. "Nah, not really. I mean, you saw him tonight. He's pretty affectionate. He wanted us to do things for ourselves, not because he played semi-pro."
"That must have been interesting, growing up with a dad who played semi-professionally."
"It was," Jude agreed. "The only difficult part was... well, he was raising black sons in a crazy world, but he did his best, learned a lot along the way."
Lila nodded, understanding in her eyes. "That couldn't have been easy."
"It wasn't," Jude said softly. "But it made us who we are, you know?"
Jude’s words hung in the air between them as they arrived back at the Weimarer Resort, their conversation slowly fading into silence. They strolled through the hallways, the soft hum of the resort’s ambiance filling the space. Jude reached for his room key, opened the door, and let Lila walk in ahead of him before closing it behind them.
Before he could say anything, Lila practically pounced on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips against his in a heated kiss. Jude let out a low groan, caught off guard but certainly not protesting as he instinctively pulled her closer. Her sudden boldness made his pulse race.
"Lila," he murmured between kisses, his lips tingling from the intensity of her embrace.
She grinned wickedly, pushing him back toward the bed. "Lie down," she commanded, her voice husky, her eyes dark with desire.
Jude raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on his lips. "Yes, ma’am," he replied playfully, easing himself down onto the bed.
Lila climbed on top of him, her legs straddling his hips, and leaned down to kiss him again. Their mouths moved together in a rhythm that felt almost too natural, too easy. Jude’s hands roamed her body, tracing the curves of her waist, her thighs, making him ache with want. He could feel himself growing harder with every kiss, his body responding to the feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips.
Lila’s kisses moved from his lips down to his neck, her teeth grazing against his skin as she pressed soft, sensual kisses there. Jude moaned, his head falling back as her lips sent waves of pleasure through him. His hands found her hips, pulling her closer as the heat between them grew.
Suddenly, Lila pulled back, her bold demeanor faltering as a shy smile crept onto her face. The contrast between her initial assertiveness and her sudden hesitation didn’t go unnoticed by Jude.
"What’s wrong, Lila Bila?" Jude asked, his voice soft as he caressed her hips, trying to reassure her.
"I want us to do it tonight," she said, her voice tentative, almost uncertain. "Make love…"
Jude’s eyes widened at her words. "Oh…"
"Yeah…" Lila bit her lip nervously, her fingers playing with the collar of his shirt. "Do you want to?"
Jude studied her face for a moment, trying to read her expression. "Do you really want to do it, or do you think you have to because it’s my birthday?" he asked gently, his voice laced with concern.
Lila hesitated, her eyes dropping to the bed. "Both?" she said softly, though she didn’t sound entirely convinced. Letting out an exasperated breath, she looked at him with a mixture of frustration and vulnerability. "Don’t you want to? I mean, you can’t be satisfied with us only fooling around, can you?"
Jude kissed his teeth, almost dismissively. "We don’t 'fool around,' Lila," he said, making her blink in confusion. "Darling, that’s part of our intimacy, alright? We’re sharing something together, learning about each other."
"But how much can we learn?" Lila pressed, her brows furrowing. "Be honest with me, Jude. Are you completely satisfied with me?"
"Yes," he said without hesitation, his voice steady and sure.
"Even though we haven’t gone all the way yet?" she asked, her voice wavering slightly.
"Yes, Delilah," Jude said, using her full name to emphasize his sincerity. "I’m not running around with blue balls, you know? If you’re talking about having a release, we get plenty of that. I’m fine with what we’re doing."
Lila leaned in closer, her hands resting on his chest. "Even with me being a virgin?"
"Yes, Lila. Even with you being a virgin," Jude reassured her, his hand gently cupping her chin. "There’s no rush, babes. Why do you think there is?"
"Because," she huffed, clearly frustrated, "you’re so experienced and I’m not. All of my friends have done it already…"
"That doesn’t mean anything," Jude said, shaking his head. "We’re focused on us, okay? And when the time is right, I promise I’ll dick you down accordingly," he teased, flashing a grin. "But not tonight, Lila. You’re obviously not ready." Lila’s pleading puppy dog eyes bore into him, but Jude wasn’t falling for it. "Puppy face won’t work on Daddy right now," he said, causing her to let out an audible gasp.
"Jude!" she exclaimed, her face scrunching up cutely in mock outrage.
"What?" Jude said between laughter. "You do call me 'Daddy,' Li. Stop being in denial about it; there’s nothing wrong with a little kink." He winked at her for added effect. Lila wrapped her hands around his neck playfully, feigning menace. "Ooh, and a little stroke and choke?" he teased. Jude growled playfully, pulling her closer. "Look at you, making your way through the freak guide in record time."
"Jude, I swear to God, I’ll—"
"What?" Jude interrupted, leaning up slightly as he removed her hands from his neck. His lips brushed against hers again, teasingly. "What’re you gonna do, babes? Tell me."
Before she could answer, Jude flipped them over, making Lila yelp in surprise before giggling. He hovered over her, capturing her lips in a searing kiss, his hands roaming over her body as he deepened the kiss.
"Tell Daddy what you’re gonna do," he whispered against her lips, his voice a low growl.
He trailed kisses down her neck, his lips brushing her skin as he moved lower, his hands working to unbutton her top. With her help, he quickly unhooked her bra and stared down at her breasts, his eyes darkening with desire.
"You’re so fucking hot, babes," he murmured, his tongue swirling around her nipple as he sucked gently, then harder, drawing a gasp from Lila. She arched her back, pressing herself further into his mouth, her hands tangling in his curls as the heat between them intensified. Jude’s free hand massaged her other breast, his thumb brushing over her other nipple as he lavished attention on her, taking his time to savor the moment.
"You taste so good," he muttered between kisses, his voice thick with desire. He moved to her other breast, repeating the same slow, sensual strokes of his tongue, sucking and tugging gently with his teeth, making Lila moan softly, her body responding to every movement of his lips.
Jude could feel the tension building between them, her soft gasps urging him on. His kisses began to trail lower, down her stomach, making her shiver with anticipation. As he reached the waistband of her pants, Jude looked up at her, his eyes filled with a mischievous glint. "You ready for more, Lila Bila?"
Lila could only nod, her breath hitching as he slid her pants and underwear down in one smooth motion, tossing them aside. Without hesitation, Jude lowered himself between her legs, his hands spreading her thighs apart as he pressed a soft kiss against her inner thigh. He took his time, teasing her with light touches before his mouth finally found her center.
Lila gasped, her fingers curling into the bedsheets as Jude’s tongue flicked over her clit, sending jolts of pleasure coursing through her. His movements were slow and deliberate, alternating between gentle licks and firmer strokes, knowing exactly how to work her body. Lila’s breathing became more ragged, her hips moving of their own accord as Jude’s tongue continued its torturous rhythm.
"Oh, Jude," she moaned, her voice breaking as he sucked her clit into his mouth, his fingers joining in, slipping inside her and curling upward, making her cry out in pleasure.
He could feel her body trembling beneath him, her moans growing louder, more urgent, but just as she was nearing the edge, Jude pulled back, leaving her panting and wanting more. He smirked at the needy look on her face, loving the way she looked so undone beneath him.
"Jude," she breathed out, half-exasperated, half-pleading.
"Patience, babes," Jude murmured against her lips, his voice low and teasing as he kissed her again, letting her taste herself on his mouth. The sensation made Lila shiver, her body melting into his as the kiss deepened, soft moans escaping her.
Jude pulled back slightly, his hand trailing down her body, fingers brushing over her stomach and making her squirm beneath him. "Stay right there," he whispered, giving her a quick wink as he got up from the bed.
Lila watched him, her breath shallow, heart racing. She had no idea what he was planning, but the anticipation made her body thrum with excitement. She propped herself up on her elbows as Jude made his way to the closet, rummaging through it for a few moments before returning with something in his hand.
Her eyes widened when she saw the sleek, discreet-looking vibrator. She had mentioned wanting to try one out once or twice, but she never expected Jude to actually go out and get it for them.
"Surprise," he said, grinning as he held it up."Thought you might like to have a little extra fun tonight."
Lila’s cheeks flushed, her body tingling at the thought. "You really got one?"
"Of course," Jude replied smoothly, climbing back onto the bed. "You said you were curious, right? Figured it’d be fun for us both to play with." He kissed her neck, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Now lie back, baby. Let me take care of you."
Lila swallowed hard, excitement and nerves coursing through her. She lay back down as he instructed, her breath coming quicker as Jude settled between her thighs, pressing a soft kiss just above her hipbone.
When his lips finally went back to her center, his tongue flicked against her in rapid strokes.
"Yes, baby," Lila gasped.
Then, just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, he reached for the vibrator, turning it on with a low hum. Lila’s breath hitched, her body already hypersensitive from Jude’s attention.
He met her gaze, his eyes a darkened obsidian. "Ready, babes?"
Lila nodded, unable to form words.
Slowly, Jude pressed the vibrator against her, the sensation sending a shockwave of pleasure through her. She cried out, her hips bucking involuntarily as Jude continued to work her with both his mouth and the toy, the combination pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
"Fuck, Jude," she moaned, her hands moving to grip his hair as her entire body tightened. Jude didn’t let up, the vibrations and his tongue driving her wild until finally, the tension snapped, and she came hard, her body convulsing with the force of her release.
Jude stayed with her through it, drawing out every last wave of pleasure until she was panting, completely spent beneath him.
He pulled away slightly, turning off the vibrator and setting it aside before crawling back up to kiss her, his lips soft and tender against hers. Lila was still trembling, her body buzzing from the intensity of it all, but she kissed him back with all the energy she had left.
"That was…" Lila trailed off, her voice shaky as she caught her breath. "Incredible."
Jude smirked, clearly pleased with himself. "Glad you liked it."
"I more than liked it," she said, laughing softly as she touched his face. "You’re dangerous with that mouth of yours."
Jude chuckled, giving her a quick kiss before pulling her into his arms, his body warm and solid against hers. "Well, it’s not over yet, babe," he whispered in her ear, his voice full of mischief.
She raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you mean?"
Jude grinned, kissing the side of her neck. "Your turn."
Before she could respond, he pulled back, his hands moving to guide her down his body. Lila caught on quickly, her heart racing with excitement as her hands moving to undo his pants as she shot him a daring grin. Jude’s heart raced as she pulled his boxers down as well, freeing his erection.
Jude let out a low groan as she wrapped her hand around him, her fingers working him with slow, deliberate strokes. His head fell back against the pillows, his eyes closing as he gave himself over to the sensation.
"I love touching you," Lila said, her voice soft. Then, without another word, she lowered her mouth onto him, taking him in slowly at first, her tongue swirling around the tip before she began to bob her head, taking him deeper with each movement.
"Fuck, Lila," he muttered, his hand finding its way into her hair, guiding her rhythm as she sucked him off. Her mouth was warm and wet, and she was getting better at this, her movements confident and sure as she took him in with more intensity.
Every stroke of her tongue, every flick over the sensitive head, had Jude panting, his hips starting to buck slightly in response. The pressure was building fast, the sensation overwhelming as Lila’s mouth worked him to the edge.
"Shit," Jude groaned, his muscles tensing as he felt himself getting closer, her mouth pushing him right to the brink. "I’m about to—"
He didn’t have time to finish his sentence before he exploded, his release hitting hard as he came in her mouth. Lila didn’t flinch, though, taking all of him, swallowing eagerly as he moaned through his climax.
As the waves of pleasure finally subsided, Jude lay there, breathing hard, watching Lila as she wiped the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, a small, almost smug smile on her face.
"Damn," Jude breathed out, grinning as he propped himself up on his elbows. "You’ve really gotten good at swallowing, haven’t you?"
Lila laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. "Shut up, Jude."
He chuckled, pulling her back up to him and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "No, seriously. You’ve improved, Li. I’m proud of you," he teased, winking at her.
She swatted at his chest, but there was no mistaking the smile on her face as she curled up beside him, their laughter filling the room.
Jude pulled Lila close, his fingers lazily tracing patterns along her arm as they lay together in the afterglow of the moment. He glanced down at her, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he brushed a strand of hair from her face.
"You know, Li," he began, his voice low and sincere, "you mean a lot to me. This… tonight… it’s been the best birthday I’ve ever had. And not just because of, well, all this." He gestured vaguely between them, a playful grin on his face, "But because you’re here, with me."
Lila giggled softly, snuggling deeper into his side. "Jude, we didn’t even do much. I mean, we had cake, messed around a little..."
He laughed, his chest rumbling beneath her. "Yeah, but it’s more than that, Li. It’s not about doing something big or crazy. It’s about the fact that I got to ring in my 21st birthday with my family… and with you." He kissed the top of her head, his lips lingering against her hair for a moment. "That’s what makes it special."
Lila looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with affection. "You really mean that?"
"Absolutely," he said without hesitation, his hand gently cupping her cheek. "I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend it. You’re my girl, Lila. And having you by my side tonight? That’s everything."
She bit her lip, her cheeks flushing slightly at his words. "You’re really sappy tonight, Jude."
He laughed again, pulling her even closer. "Maybe a little. But you deserve it. Plus, it’s my birthday. I’m allowed to be as sappy as I want."
Lila giggled again, resting her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. "Okay, birthday boy. You win. I’m glad you’re happy. That’s all that matters."
"Happy doesn’t even begin to cover it," Jude murmured, his hand sliding up to stroke her hair gently. "This is perfect."
They lay there in comfortable silence for a moment, just enjoying each other’s presence, before Jude spoke again, his voice soft but filled with warmth.
"Thank you, Lila. For making this the best birthday ever."
She smiled against his chest, her heart swelling at his words. "Anytime, Jude."
lilahamilton and judebellingham
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lilahamilton: happy birthday to my favourite person in the world! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾 can't wait to celebrate more birthdays with you, my love! ♥️ tagged: judebellingham
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Lewis settled into the couch inside his hotel suite, a mix of frustration and acceptance lingering from his P4 finish at the Austrian Grand Prix. He knew he should be content with the points, but the competitor in him always yearned for the top spot.
As he turned on the England vs Slovakia game, Amara walked in with a tray of snacks. "Thought you might need these," she said, setting them down on the coffee table.
Thanks," Lewis smiled, appreciating her thoughtfulness. As the pre-game coverage began, he noticed Amara's slightly puzzled expression. "Not much of a football fan?"
"Not really. We don't follow it much in the States," she shook her head. "There's Jude, though," Amara pointed out as the camera panned to number 10 warming up on the pitch. "He's looking good out there."
Lewis nodded, feeling a surge of pride despite himself. "Yeah, he's doing well. Kid's got talent, I'll give him that."
The camera then swept across the stands, focusing on a familiar face. "And there's Lila," Lewis said, seeing his sister sitting with Jude's family.
The commentators' voices filled the room: "And there we see Jude Bellingham's girlfriend, Lila Hamilton, sitting with his family. For those who might not know, she's the sister of seven-time world champion Lewis Hamilton and has recently made waves as Versace's newest ambassador."
"Quite the power couple they're becoming," the other commentator added. "Young Bellingham's star is certainly on the rise, both on and off the pitch."
Lewis felt a mix of emotions hearing them talk about Lila and Jude. Pride in his sister's accomplishments, a touch of protectiveness, and a grudging respect for Jude's handling of the spotlight.
"They really are in the public eye, aren't they?" Amara mused, glancing at Lewis.
Lewis nodded, his eyes still on the screen. "Yeah, it comes with the territory. Lila's handling it well."
As the game kicked off, Lewis found himself fully invested, explaining plays to Amara and cheering for England. But part of his mind kept drifting to Lila, hoping she was handling the attention okay. He made a mental note to check in with her after the match.
"Lila's really sweet," Amara commented during a lull in the action. "I'm glad I got to meet her in Barcelona."
Lewis chuckled. "Yeah, she's alright. When she's not being a pain in my ass, that is."
Amara playfully swatted his arm. "Come on, she's not that bad."
"Nah, she's great," Lewis admitted, his tone softening. "Just don't tell her I said that. Can't have her getting a big head."
They continued watching, and Lewis found himself relaxing more. He wrapped an arm around Amara's shoulders, pulling her closer. The domesticity of the moment struck him - sitting on the couch, watching football, snacks within reach. It felt foreign yet comforting, a stark contrast to his usual fast-paced lifestyle.
He thought back to his conversation with Lila in Barcelona. He and Amara were still figuring things out, but there was no pressure. They were going with the flow, and Lewis found he quite enjoyed it.
"This is nice," he murmured, almost to himself.
Amara looked up at him, a soft smile on her face. "Yeah, it is. Though I have to say, your sister grilling me was quite the experience."
Lewis laughed. "She takes after me in that department. Sorry about that."
"Don't be," Amara replied. "It shows how much she cares about you. It's sweet."
As the game progressed, Lewis found himself equally invested in the match and the woman beside him. It had been a while since he'd allowed himself to simply enjoy moments like these. No racing, no public appearances, just... this.
The comfortable silence was broken by a sudden roar from the crowd on TV. Lewis's attention snapped back to the game, just in time to see Jude make a brilliant pass. He couldn't help but grin, both at the play and at the thought of how excited Lila must be in the stands.
Maybe, he thought, this was what it was all about - finding a balance between the adrenaline of his career and the simple joys of moments like these. As he settled in to watch the rest of the match with Amara, Lewis felt a sense of contentment wash over him. This, he decided, he could definitely get used to.
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lvlyghost · 1 year
The Things I Never Said: Part 3
Pairings: Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Summary: You're required for one last mission.
Word Count: 2.5k
Tw: aaaaaangst, hurt with a lot of comfort. injuries, mentions of blood, kissing and slightly suggestive but nothing too explicit. price has to make a hard choice:(poor grammar, bad english ofc💅🏻 foreshadowing to my price fic 'salvation' if you squint.
A/N: i'm not gonna lie, when i wrote the first part of this fic i was bored and never in a million years did it cross my mind y'all would like it this much. sorry if this isn't as good, this is the final part of it, although i plan to write little drabbles every now and then. this was such a nice ride 🩷✨ thx for the support; remember english isn't my first language, corrections are welcome 🤍🐸
Masterlist✨ Part 2
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Desk rotation wasn't fun, but it seemed to be the only suitable work for you considering your pregnancy, besides, it would allow Simon to keep an eye on you. At least he's sure you'd be safer in the military base than alone in your home.
Your only companion as you sit in the tech room is nothing more than a computer with two screens and Jimmy, the other tech guy who sits in the far corner across from you.
True to his word, Price had saved you and Simon a horrible martial court plus being discharged. Technically you're no longer a part of the 141 task force which is already upsetting to all of your team; instead working strictly under Price's command and assisting the different branches of the military. Meaning you're no longer subdued to Lieutenant Riley, therefore you're not his subordinate, at least not directly.
You respond to Price and only Price.
Nearing the end of your first trimester your swollen belly has started to show, the same you try to dissimulate by wearing bigger shirts than you would usually wear, but enough for Simon to notice when he'd place a big calloused hand on your stomach.
'It's... tiny.' He had stated, to which you laughed softly.
'Of course it is, your hand is massive!'
You shake your head, with a small smile on your lips as you remember that scene.
"Everything good?" You ask your companion.
"Mhm. You know you're the best for creating the security system right? Not a single breach or flaw. Couldn't ask for a better partner."
"Is that a chai?" Completely ignoring what he just said you point the white disposable cup next to him. He looks between you and his drink.
"Yeah? Didn't know you liked it, here... have it. I can get another." He assures you when you hesitate.
You thank him with glowing eyes and excitement. Cravings... you're embarrassed of the amount of food you've asked from Simon in the middle of the night. Sushi, pizza and even peaches just for the sake of the baby.
He's being the gentlest man on earth. Caring and supportive. Your phone buzzes as you're about to start to work. The screen lights up with a message from your Captain. Huffing you stand up, letting Jimmy know you'll be back in a few minutes, or so you thought.
You're not prepared for the hell unfolding inside John's office.
You're able to hear male voices from the other side of the hallway. You don't know why but your heart begins to race, knocking twice once you've reached the brown wooden door.
"Come in!" Price shouts from inside.
You open the door, greeted by John's hardened eyes and Simon's back as he hunches over the Captain's desk. Confused and much to your dismay there's a gigantic folder between the two men, your eyes fall on Ghost's trembling frame.
He is enraged.
Body buzzing in anger as the soft click of the door interrupts the silence that's fallen suddenly inside.
"You wanted to see me Sir?"
Price slowly stands, Simon doing the same, turning his head ever so slightly to watch you from over his shoulder.
"I need to talk to you, sweetheart." Price begins.
A deep breath exits Simon's chest.
"What is it?" You take a step closer to them, until you're standing next to him, crossing his arms over his chest he remains silent.
"We need you. For a mission." He states. "It's important, sergeant. I don't think anyone else would be able to pull this off." Your eyes dart back to your boyfriend. Staring daggers at his superior. "I'd never ask for this if I had to."
"Bloody hell Price, she's not fucking going!" He is seething.
The gut-wrenching feeling sets in your belly, tossing and turning with anxiety. Simon isn't taking this well and you don't want to see him like this, it breaks your heart.
"How important, Sir?" You ask.
Ghost snaps his head towards you. Jaw tightening, and calls your name ever so softly.
"Don't." He barks. "Don't fucking play the hero, kid." He warns you.
"I'm not trying to play the hero, Simon." You talk back. "I'm trying to figure out how to get this done. I might have someone else that could go in my place." Price sighs. "Can I do it from the base? Maybe I don't have to leave the compound."
"Reports say the files are heavily encrypted. It's the Russians, sergeant. We're not dealing with amateurs." He turns to Ghost emphasizing the last word. "You more than anyone should understand, Lieutenant."
"Not when you're bloody sending her to a suicide mission!"
"These are not my orders Simon! General Shepherd wants her! I tried to talk him out of it. I can't do much more, son." You swallow when Simon starts pacing around like a rabid dog, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Is there any way I can do it? She can guide me through it the whole time..." he's back, leaning closer to his Captain. "I know I...-"
"Unless you know how to code and decrypt systems to perfection it can't be, Ghost. I'm sorry."
"It would only slow down the mission, get you caught. And in danger..." you reasoned, mumbling and staring down to your feet. There's no one else. Not even Jimmy. The one you had in mind.
Simon's mouth snapped shut.
His eyes are helpless when he connects them with yours. The realization of what's about to happen sinking in his core, he tried. He really did.
One long stride and he's embracing you, so tightly you think you'll suffocate; you hug him back, head resting right over where his heart beats frantically against his ribcage.
"I'm coming with her." He snarls. "Not Kyle, not Johnny. And certainly not someone from fucking KorTac." He turns to glare at Price with a death stare. "It'll be me, no one else."
"John's devastated." You tell him. Your back pressing against his hard chest. The water in the bathtub is warm, and smells like lavender and sandalwood. After the catastrophic meeting a few hours ago, Simon was too outraged to remain at the base so he drove both of you back to the safety of his apartment. You rest your head on his left shoulder, enjoying the delicate touch of his hands on your lower belly. He hums, almost absentmindedly. He didn't want to think about Price, or the mission for all that matters. All he can think of is you. He sighs, closing his eyes he presses a kiss on your hair.
"Bloody fucking bald cunt." He spits. You snort at his comment. Shepherd was a complicated man, and hardly one you could negotiate with once he had his mind set on something or someone.
"When do we have to...-"
"Tomorrow." Your lips are pressed into a thin line. "I'll be there no matter what, right next to you, love." He reassures you. You were never one to hesitate during missions but now... releasing a shaky breath you turn your head to look at Simon.
"I'm scared..." Simon's body goes rigid. The hand on your stomach halting. "It's not even for me, you know?" Swallowing your free hand reaches down to find his own, lacing your fingers with him. A muscle becoming prominent in his jaw as he grits his teeth.
"Nothing will happen to you. Bloody count on it, yeah? First shite I deem dangerous I'm pulling us out of there, understand?" You nod.
"Promise me you won't get hurt." There's a moment of silence that becomes unbearable the longer it extends. "Simon..." his eyes are fixated on yours, shining with what you can only describe as worship. The faintest of smiles spreads across his features.
"Don't you worry about me, sweetheart. Not for one second." Breathing deeply you pull him down for a kiss. It's slow and tender; makes you forget about all the difficulties you face. Biting down his lip, Simon takes it as a sign to further deepen the kiss. Tongues finding each other in a fight for dominance. "Don't wanna think about what tomorrow holds. I have you here right now. That's all I need."
Your mind goes back to the moments you and Simon shared last night. It was so simple, so real.
That's how things were supposed to be.
Not heart wrenching, not stifling down a cry as you watch him get shot. A bullet that was aimed at you .Breaking in had been easy. Way too easy for your liking. But you thought that for once maybe a mission wouldn't be a pain in the ass. The hardest part was getting inside their systems; John was right. It was hellish even for you. It took more time than what you had anticipated. No one would've been able to pull it off.
"Whoever is behind this, they're good." You acknowledged as you type down the codes that will eventually get you in.
"Bloody brilliant you are, kid." Simon watches from the other side of the room, eyes scanning the hallway every now and then looking for any possible hostiles. You send him a coy smile.
"Keep looking at me like that and I'll get no work done."
"How am I supposed to look at you then?" He asks
You don't answer because the screen in front of you suddenly shifts from 'Access denied' to 'Access granted'.
"Got you." You whisper. Simon stands straight. You plug your USB and start downloading all the information as well as setting a virus so their system gets permanently damaged.
"What is it?" He gruffly asks when the files finished downloading on your own device. Clearing your throat you try to ignore the horrible pictures you just took a glimpse of.
"Just... insanity." Is all you can say. A loud metallic sound echoes in the room, you never get to see the person behind you. Ghost's eyes widen and he barks an order your ears don't register, static fills your eardrums. The gunfire starts but lasts mere seconds. Crimson blood splutters from Simon's body.
You stand up, knocking down the chair as you jump out and run where Simon's injured body kneels. You fall down grabbing him by the face. The pain you're feeling deep inside has never been worse.
"I'm fine." He hisses. "Just my fucking shoulder."
As if that would make you feel better.
"Let's get the hell out of here." Your lips quiver. You run back to retrieve the small USB drive.
The body of a man lays down, a pool of blood forms around him. He was hiding behind you the entire time. Had Simon been distracted the outcome could've been atrocious. Yo don't dwell on it.
"Come on, baby." You urge him, crouching down to help Simon as much as you can to get him standing. His weight is just too much for you, you think, when he finally raised to his feet.
"S'okay love. Don't... don't overwork yourself. I'm too heavy, don't wanna get you hurt because of me."
Tears form in the corner of you eyes at such selfless act.
"You're the one who got hurt because of me, Simon." You stammer.
"So what? Would fucking die for you." You shake your head but keep close to him. Pressing down the wound on his shoulder as you head towards the exit. "Evac point is ten minutes away. We should be fine." The gun that rests on your thigh feels heavier than it should.
You're lucky, you guess as you walk away from the god forsaken building.
Lucky that you have him by your side, even when his blood stains your fingers. He's there, you're there and you're making it out alive. Wounded or not, Simon would never let anything happen to you, that's how deep his love for you was.
He wasn't like his dad at all.
He was real, caring, something not much people knew. Not in their lifetime.
The amount of blood he was losing was inhumane. An injured shoulder couldn't cause someone to lose this much blood, you ponder. Your black shirt feels sticky and damp, you take a quick glance and hold back a sob. Another gunshot wound, one he didn't care enough to tell you about and you didn't notice, too scared to even think.
Far in the distance between two big threes a black truck awaits. Johnny's face dropping when he noticed Ghost's decaying form. He rushes in your direction, taking him off of you, carrying his weight. He gives you a concerned look.
"Johnny..." you choke up. "We have to save him, please."
It's been the worst 48 hours of your life since you landed. He got two surgeries done in order to remove the fragments from inside his body. You were exhausted, barely ate or slept. It almost felt criminal, selfish, when your eyes started to close and finally gave in.
Then the nightmares came.
Ones where he didn't make it back and instead you had to leave him behind and never got to meet his child.
A warm feeling spreads from your skin. A faint touch. Are you still dreaming? His face erupts in your subconscious mind and you cry again. He's fine.
When you slowly open up your eyes you're met with blue eyes and a raspy voice.
"Don't neglect yourself for me, kid." You're speechless, the searing pain in your heart eases. He knows you so well. Knows you haven't left his side. "Takes more than a bullet to keep me away from you." When you don't move nor speak he continues, clearing his throat. "Come here, sweet thing."
There's a new wave of tears that fall mercilessly down your cheeks. You carefully climb up next to Simon's good side.
"Don't you ever scare me like that!" you weep. Sobbing uncontrollably Simon hushes you. Murmuring words of comfort in your ear. The anesthesia is still making him feel dizzy but that doesn't stop him from kissing every part of your face. Your hair, your forehead, your cheek and finally your lips.
"Let's leave this place for a while. Go on vacation while we still can..." you beg.
Simon's lips twitch. He's smiling down at you.
"What do you have in mind doll?"
You breathe deeply.
"Greece. I always wanted to go to Greece."
There's moments in life when you doubt you'll get a happy ending. Being with Simon at first was pure coincidence, something that had evolved from deep admiration and respect, which then turned into something more. It turned out to sleepless nights at the common room with the task force. Longing stares during briefings. Looking after each other during missions.
The training sessions together. Lending his massive leather jacket because you were always reluctant to bring your own. That one night he couldn't resist it anymore and went to your dorm. How you felt under his touch, oh he was touch starved when it came to you. And when he learned he was going to be a father, that moment would be ingrained into his memory until his very last day.
"Greece it is."
It's a promise.
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@nijiru @illyanam1011
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celestial-grls · 1 month
Party 4 You - Paige Bueckers x fem!reader
summary: you decide to go out with the women's basketball team and a certain member has always confused you - before now word count: 2.9k a/n: fav concept ever is #partypaige...title inspired by the best Charli XCX song ever. please leave comments / reblog if you liked this ok mwah <33
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"It's my job that you come out with us tonight." A very out-of-breath KK Arnold informed you on the phone about her new job. 
"KK, did you just finish practice? Why are you out of breath?" You'd started an internship about two weeks ago, and when you agreed to take it, no one warned you that interning meant piling on a ton of work that no one else wanted to do. It'd felt awful to be holed up inside, spending nights hunched over a computer when everyone else was only getting their summer started. 
"Was just playing pick up with Paige and Ice," KK sighed, "So, did you make up your mind yet?" 
"Ugh, I don't know. There's a ton of stuff missing in some of these documents they want me to edit. I still haven't even thought about what I'd wear if I did go out tonight—" You rambled on, pacing around your desk before KK interrupted. 
"I already know you got something in that never-ending closet of yours. Does that mean you'll come out tonight?" An air of hope in KK's voice made you pause to consider it. 
You mindlessly wandered all the way to your closet while you were on the phone with KK. Maybe it was a sign that your brand-new skirt was hanging on the door handle, begging to be taken out for a spin. You told KK, "Okay, I'll be there. But please, promise we will keep it contained, nothing crazy?" 
KK let out a scream that made you rip the phone away from your ear before she started laughing and said, "Come by later to pregame! Bye, Pookie!" 
You laughed at her excitement, "Bye, KK!" 
The going-out section of your closet only served as a reminder of how crazy going out with some women's basketball team members can get. Between their boundless energy, how they seem to know everyone (including bartenders), and how they attract a crowd everywhere they go, there is no telling where the night can go once you join them. 
You met KK when you partnered up in your communications class and immediately found her hilarious. Plus, it didn't hurt that she always got you better seats than the student section during basketball games. You knew that going out tonight meant you were going to see Paige, so it was crucial to keep yourself in check. 
Paige and Ice took a water break while KK finished her phone call with you. 
"So Y/N's coming tonight?" Paige asked in confirmation. 
KK teased, "Why? So you can stare at her from a corner all night?" 
Ice added, "No, for real. Poor girl probably thinks you hate her." 
Paige interjects, "Alright, alright. We've talked to each other before. Y'all just don't wanna remember it." 
KK scoffs, "Girl, boo. Asking what her major is doesn't count. Especially because I already told you what it was before." 
They all gathered their things while Paige advocated for herself, "Y'all really have no faith in me, huh? Trust, it'll be a different story when I come by later." 
KK and Ice mumbled a combination of 'Yeah, sure' and 'Uh huh' before heading toward their building while Paige walked alone to hers. The truth was that she was a nervous wreck around you and always has been ever since KK and you became friends. 
It was one of those things that no one but Paige understood. She was her confident, relaxed self around her friends, in a stadium full of fans, even at events she would've never believed she'd find herself in. She got it in her head that maybe you didn't like her very much. Not because you were standoffish, you were actually the opposite. Paige never felt that you liked her enough to be around her alone. They were always in groups with their respective friends.
At first, none of her friends caught on to her little crush; she tried to keep it discreet. It was going well until you came over to watch movies and see them fight over the Xbox controller in a pair of striped sleep shorts and a UConn hoodie, and she officially became a goner. Sitting four feet away from you while you looked like that and periodically pushing your glasses up made her sweat from her palms and make her think up an excuse for leaving movie night early. 
Ice's apartment was filled with chatter, and Paige's pregame playlist came from the speakers. Everyone's shot glasses were haphazardly crowded on the table while some girls mixed drinks. 
You adjusted the bottle of Tito's in the crook of your arm before knocking on the door. When Ice answered the door, you could already tell you needed to catch up with everyone. She immediately wrapped you up in a hug and excitedly screamed, "We missed you, Pookie! And you came prepared." 
"I always do," You told her as she took the vodka from you so that you could adequately say hi to everyone. 
It was a natural relief to finally have a night out with friends, and any thoughts about work or deadlines didn't even cross my mind when I got to Ice's. 
KK must've been just as relieved to see you because she said, "Y/N, finally, someone who can make a mixed drink. I can't drink any of Paige's mid-ass drinks anymore." 
Paige looked offended and told her, "Call them mid, but they get it done." 
It's not like you received any formal mixologist training or bartending experience, but making drinks became your specialty whenever you went out. You got straight to work making KK her favorite drink and handing it to her. 
KK graciously sipped it and said it tasted "Perfect, as always." 
You turned around to see Paige standing empty-handed and decided to ask, "Want me to make you something?" 
Your pretenses were completely innocent, but how you softly smiled and batted your eyelashes made Paige's heart jump. Plus, she'd only heard five-star reviews about your drinks, so she couldn't refuse anyway. Once she gave you the okay, she was gearing up to ask you where you learned to make drinks like that until KK interjected, already half her drink downed. 
"Don't worry, Y/N. She's not picky."
You were done with the drink and ran to the fridge, your little heels clacking on the wooden floor, to grab the jar of maraschino cherries. When you topped off Paige's drink and handed it to her, you shrugged, "I have a feeling she'll like it." 
There it was again—your self-assuredness and complete ease in any situation made Paige feel weak and wobbly around you. The shiny red cherry on top, matching the shiny coat of lip gloss you were sporting, didn't make it any easier for her. 
She usually hates anything that tastes like alcohol, so whatever you made her was incredible. "This is fire. What is it?"
"A dirty Shirley. You like?" You stood looking up at her, hoping the drink could be a peace offering or a way to make Paige like you a little more. You never knew why she seemed more reserved or conscious around you, but you knew it always drove you crazy. 
"These are dangerous." Paige concluded with approval, and KK said, "Told you." 
After everyone was tipsy enough and you caught up with what some girls had been up to in the last couple of weeks, it was time to get into the Uber to start your night. Time collapsed into a whizz of final lip touch-ups, shuffling clumsy bodies into one car and waiting in anticipation to let loose. 
There was a corner of the bar with a karaoke machine that KK and Paige excitedly ran over to like it was a toy. Everyone downed the shots you bought and got ready to hear their performance. They did their best rendition of 'Kiss Me More' and sounded nothing like SZA or Doja Cat, but since everyone was tipsy, they danced anyway. Paige and KK looked right at home, singing with their arms wrapped around each other and sassily dancing whenever they caught Ice or Azzi filming them. 
When they finished, your little group applauded their effort, and Paige unexpectedly took her place next to you and Azzi. She looked a little smug, sipping the drink in her cup with her other hand resting in her pocket. 
Azzi piped up, "Tone deaf and singing Doja Cat is crazy." 
Paige scoffed, "Alright, Azzi, I don't remember asking." Azzi and Ice got up to sing next, and Paige shifted closer to you. 
Emboldened by the drinks, she nods at you and says, "I like this skirt on you." 
You feel it in your face first, flushing from having her eyes on you. You played it cool and told her, "Thank you, the skirt likes you, too." As you said it, you didn't exactly know what it meant, but it made sense in your drunk brain. 
She laughs and nervously twists the bracelet on her wrist. "So what'd you think of my singing?"
You pretend to think about it, "You ball better than you sing." 
Azzi and Ice are making an Usher song into a duo. You sip on your drink while taking a video of them that they'll definitely be humiliated by tomorrow. 
Paige looks at you and asks, "Oh, so you've noticed?" 
You don't know where this confidence came from. Usually, Paige avoids you whenever you're out. You figure it's because she's been drinking and having fun after an intense season. You're suspicious of it, but you like this version of her. "You know I come to games." 
"Haven't seen you in a minute, though. You been busy?" 
You repeat what she said right back to her, "Oh, so you've noticed?" 
Paige laughs, touching your arm and lingering near your elbow. "I'm being for real. What you been up to?" 
Her touch makes you feel dizzy, going straight to your distracted brain while you try to find an answer for her. "Got an internship, and they're already overworking me." Before Paige can respond, you shift closer to her to ask, "Can I ask you something, Paige?" 
She steadies her eyes on you and says, "Sure, what's on your mind?" 
You start, "I don't know…Normally, you don't talk to me much." You kept it lighthearted, teasingly asking, "Am I that scary?" 
Paige looks down at her sneakers, "Nah, not too scary." She added, "M'glad you came, though." 
You looked up at her as she wet her lips and said, "I'm glad I came, too." 
When Ice and Azzi finished singing, they were exhausted from exerting so much effort. You rounded everyone up and announced, "Everyone's gotta do a shot, I'm buying!" 
After another round of green tea shots, all hopes for a contained and calm night went out the window. Some girls broke off into different groups inside the bar as they ran into different acquaintances and friends. There was even more karaoke, only getting slightly sloppier and more tone-deaf with time. Sometime between you dancing behind the DJ table and your third drink, your exchange with Paige from earlier caught up to you. 
You couldn't even precisely identify what you were feeling at the moment. You thought Paige was indifferent toward you, or at least not keen on getting to know you beyond being KK's friend. But when you remembered the feeling of her fingers grazing your arm, you felt confused by it. Suddenly, an emotional wobbliness started to creep up on you, and your next instinct was telling you to duck outside for a minute. You handed your drink to Azzi and told her you needed some air and would be right back. 
It was cool enough outside to wrap your arms around yourself comfortably as you stood with your back against the wall. When you leaned your head back to close your eyes and take a breath, you tried to collect your thoughts. It was bouncing around a few things: deciding what to doordash later when you got home, mentally writing a small to-do list of internship work, and Paige. 
You thought about how her hands looked around the drink you made her at the pregame, her long legs in a pair of cargos you liked on her, how she sounded so sincere when she told you she was glad you came. It was a lot, and your brain would overheat if you didn't duck out when you did. You were so startled when all you heard was, "Hey," coming from somewhere on your left. 
It was just Paige, who currently had her hands on your shoulders after you almost jumped out of your skin at someone coming up to you. She apologized profusely before she said, "Wanted to see if you were good." 
Your eyes soften at this. You forget that you were concentrating so hard on your shoes that you were about to burn a hole in them. It was replaced by Paige's presence, comforted automatically by her taller frame blocking out the view of the street at night. 
You straightened up, adjusting the purse she was touching on your shoulder, and evening your voice enough to say, "I'm good; I just needed a second." 
Paige looked down and nodded, "Good, good. DJ booth looked empty without you dancing." 
You shook your head and laughed, "Been a minute since I could dance until my feet hurt." 
"You think you'll feel it tomorrow?" With how Paige looked at you, you thought she was much more sober than you probably were. 
You shrug, eyes feeling heavy as you lean into the wall, "Think we all will." 
Right as you say that, all the rest of your friends start shuffling out. They were clearly tired. You remember they all decided to play an entire pick-up game earlier and announced they were ready to call it a night. No one disagreed. All of you had fun, but it was time for the drunk food and pajamas part of the night. 
Paige urgently needed to spend more time with you. One of those game-time decisions seemed to come out of nowhere when she said, "Y/N and I should take a separate one since our buildings are close together and everything." 
Thankfully, all your friends were gone enough to not question it and felt safe in knowing it was best everyone went home in a group instead of alone this late. It sounded sensical to you, even though you hadn't remembered that you and Paige lived in neighboring apartment buildings. But then again, you haven't been anywhere but work or home, which felt like forever, so maybe you hadn't noticed. 
Something about being in this car in the backseat with Paige felt right. She spread out in the back while you crossed your leg, shifting your weight so the tip of your shoe would brush against her leg whenever the car stopped. 
It was a short ride from the last bar your friends hit to your apartment building. There were hardly any red lights, but you wished for at least one or two more. 
You turned to question Paige, "I didn't know you lived close to my building." 
She pressed her lips together, "KK didn't mention it?" 
You shook your head, more wide-eyed now that you sobered up.
Paige added, "I got a bigger place after the last semester ended." 
You nodded and teased, "Okay, big baller, I see you." 
Paige snickered and thanked the driver while you guys got out. She walked you into your building and even rode the elevator with you. When you asked what she had planned for the night, she mentioned some Advil and a big glass of water. When she asked you the same question, you told her about door-dashing some Taco Bell and taking your makeup off. 
She felt like you guys made it to your door too soon. You each stopped before it as you fished for your keys inside your purse. When you turned to tell her, "Thanks for walking with me. Text me when you get to your building."
Paige got that look again as if she was about to say something to you, the same one she made when you plopped the maraschino cherry into her pregame drink. She scratched the back of her neck, "S'no problem. And I will." 
You said, "Night, Paige." as you leaned against the door frame and kicked your heels off into a corner, shrinking in height and making Paige even taller than you for a moment. 
She paused to tell you, "Night, Y/N."
When you changed into your pajamas and got your cotton pads out to remove your makeup, your phone chimed with a text from Paige that read: Home. Remember to take that makeup off
You loved the message and wrote back: Doing it right now. Drink a glass of water for me!
You knew Paige had to go through group chats with all the girls in it to select your contact and text you personally since you guys had never texted each other before. It felt like too much to process in your state, and you thought it best to deal with it tomorrow. When you went to hang up your skirt, you ran your fingers over the fabric and silently thanked it for whatever magic it might've done for you tonight. 
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azucaradamente · 3 months
streamer!kenma x reader - secret relationship
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Synopsis. kenma, in the peak of his career neglected y/n, but dont worry! our pudding head knows exactly how to fix things!
wc. 2,9k words | genre. angst to fluff | cw/tags. streamer!kenma x reader, angst to fluff, post time skip, neglect.
important ! Please if the content was of ur enjoyment dont doubt following me, liking and sharing ;D! maybe i'll make this a little series of streamer!kenma and his girlfriend lives, i have nothing else to say so, enojey! !
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Kozume Kenma, or "kodzuken" to his online legion, had finally reached the apex of his streaming career. Years of relentless grinding had paid off, but success often comes with a price. Especially for a relationship... and a sometimes insecure girlfriend.
Y/N, once the undisputed star of Kenma's social media and life, felt a pang of loneliness. She was undeniably happy for her boyfriend, but ever since his rise to influencer status, things had changed. Gone were the days of their selfies plastered across his feeds. Now, his past posts, brimming with her face, were archived – a digital ghost town. Kenma, wary of online scrutiny, decided to keep their relationship private. While Y/N understood the logic, it gnawed at her. Five years together, built on trust and shared experiences, felt invisible to the world. Unknown to Kenma, sleepless nights plagued Y/N.
His phone buzzed incessantly, a constant barrage of love comments, fan messages professing love, and even DMs from other streamers seeking collaboration. Despite knowing Kenma's loyalty, a seed of doubt sprouted – a fear of being overshadowed by his online fame.
Today wasn't any different. Y/N woke to an empty space beside her, the familiar chill a stark contrast to Kenma's usual warmth. He was probably hunched over his computer again, another night sacrificed to the algorithm gods. A pang of sympathy stabbed at her. How could she blame him? Reaching the peak of streaming was his dream, and his excitement over the recent growth was infectious. All she wanted to do was support him, even if it meant sacrificing their mornings together.
Treading softly towards the studio, the faint glow of the monitor spilling into the hallway. Inside, Kenma was indeed sprawled on the worn couch, exhaustion etched on his face. She knelt beside him, her touch feather-light as she ran her fingers through his sleep-tousled hair.
"Ken… sweetheart," she whispered, her voice a gentle nudge. "Why didn't you join me in bed? Your back will hate you later."
Kenma stirred, a low groan escaping his lips. "Just… so tired, Y/N. Almost beat my viewer record last night." A hint of pride snuck into his voice despite the fatigue.
"Amazing, babe! That's fantastic news," Y/N beamed. "But sleep is important too. Come on, let's get you some proper rest. Breakfast is ready, I made your favorite – [insert Kenma's favorite food]."
His response was a mumbled curse, a stark contrast to his usual cheer. A frown tugged at Y/N's lips. Was he annoyed? She knew he was exhausted, but his reaction felt harsher than usual. Maybe she was overthinking it. Taking a deep breath, she nudged him again, this time a little more firmly.
"Up you get, sleepyhead. We can talk more after breakfast."
Moments later, Kenma shuffled out of the studio, a mix of exhaustion and… something else clouding his features. Y/N followed, her smile strained. Breakfast was ready, but the air between them felt thick, a potential storm brewing beneath the surface.
The breakfast was a tense affair. Kenma scrolled through his phone, barely picking at his food. The silence stretched, punctuated only by the clinking of his fork. Finally, Y/N decided to break the ice.
"Hey," she started cautiously, "I was thinking… we haven't really had any quality time together lately. Don't you think it would be nice to… maybe go somewhere tomorrow? Just the two of us?"
Before she could finish her suggestion, Kenma let out a heavy sigh. "Y/N, I can't tomorrow, or today for that matter. I'm swamped. There's this charity stream thing with some new, up-and-coming streamer. My manager practically forced me to do it."
A flicker of disappointment crossed Y/N's face, but she quickly plastered on a smile. "Oh, I see. No worries, I understand completely. You're busy, that's perfectly fine." Her voice held a hint of forced cheerfulness.
A beat of silence hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotions.
"Of course I understand," Y/N continued, her voice dropping to a low murmur. Maybe a little too low. "My name isn't Kozume 'Always Understanding' Y/N, after all."
Kenma finally looked up from his phone, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? What are you getting at?"
Y/N's carefully constructed smile faltered. A surge of frustration bubbled within her. "Maybe," she said, her voice tight, "you should consider what being 'Kozume Understanding' actually costs sometimes."
Kenma pushed back from the table, barely touching his breakfast. "Look, I appreciate you trying to be supportive, but I have a lot on my plate right now. I gotta get everything set up for today's stream." He mumbled something about needing more coffee and practically bolted out of the room.
Y/N sat alone at the table, the untouched food mocking her. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. Understanding was one thing, but feeling invisible was a whole other story. The air crackled with unspoken resentment, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.
A few hours had crawled by since the breakfast debacle. Y/N found herself folding warm laundry in the bedroom, the rhythmic whoosh of the dryer a monotonous lullaby. In an attempt to bridge the gap, she turned on the TV, pulling up Kenma's stream. He was just a few rooms away, physically close yet emotionally distant. Tuning in had always been a source of comfort, a way to connect even when they were apart.
But today, the comfort was replaced by a gnawing emptiness. The stream displayed two camera feeds: Kenma on one side, and a girl on the other. The unfamiliar face sent a jolt through Y/N. So, this was the "new streamer" Kenma mentioned. Y/N hadn't expected a girl.
They were playing Minecraft, a stark contrast to the usual high-octane games Kenma gravitated towards. The girl was chirping cheerfully, gathering flowers, while Kenma focused on mining deep underground. A humorless chuckle escaped Y/N's lips. How predictable.
Despite his focus, the chat box buzzed with activity. "Great duo!" "Shipping them so hard!" "You two should collab more often!" The girl, clearly enjoying the attention, punctuated her flower-picking with playful glances towards Kenma and flirtatious comments. He, on the other hand, seemed oblivious, a mix of annoyance and feigned disinterest etched on his features. He muttered a few sarcastic replies, clearly trying to deflect her advances.
But Y/N wasn't convinced. The way the girl preened, the way the chat reacted, it all felt… intrusive. A subtle shift began to gnaw at her. Maybe it wasn't just the lack of quality time that bothered her. Maybe it was the realization that this new reality, this world Kenma inhabited, wasn't one she felt comfortable sharing.
With a decisive click, Y/N shut off the TV. Enough boyfriend content for one day, she thought bitterly. Intellectually, she knew there was nothing wrong with Kenma collaborating with another streamer, especially a girl. Yet, a suffocating tightness constricted her chest.
It wasn't just the girl's undeniable beauty – the cascading hair, the infectious voice, the effortless charm that seemed to captivate the chat. It was the way the internet, that ever-hungry beast, latched onto the situation.
Four hours. That's all it took for the fandom to erupt. Fan art depicting them as a couple flooded Twitter. A dedicated hashtag, #KenmaAndQueen (Queen being the other streamer's username, no doubt), trended at an alarming rate. The internet worked in mysterious ways, Y/N thought, a humorless laugh escaping her lips.
Tears pricked at her eyes as she scrolled through clips people had already made of the stream. The girl's relentless flirting, the forced interactions designed to fuel speculation – it all felt like a cruel parody of their own relationship. Y/N couldn't hold back any longer. Fat tears streamed down her face, blurring the screen.
The last few months of loneliness and neglect had taken their toll. The trickle of tears transformed into a torrent, sobs wracking Y/N's body. The sound was probably louder than she'd intended, echoing through the house.
A few minutes later, Kenma appeared at the bedroom door, his face etched with concern. "Y/N? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Y/N's sobs intensified, her voice barely a whisper. "Kenma," she managed to choke out, "do you like Queen?"
Kenma's brow furrowed in confusion. "Queen? What do you mean?"
"The streamer you were with today," Y/N explained, her voice trembling. "Do you like her? Is she better than me? Prettier? Funnier?"
Her words hung in the air, heavy with insecurity. She felt like a shadow compared to Queen's radiant presence, her own worth diminishing with each passing moment.
Kenma's eyes widened in disbelief. "Y/N, what are you talking about? Queen is just a colleague. I don't like her in that way. And you're the most amazing, beautiful, and intelligent person I know. Don't ever compare yourself to anyone else."
He gently pulled her into a hug, his warmth radiating through her. "I love you, Y/N. More than words can say. You're the only one for me."
Y/N's tears subsided, replaced by a sense of relief. Kenma's words were like a balm to her wounded soul. She nuzzled into his embrace, feeling safe and loved.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice still laced with emotion. "I just felt so insecure watching you with her. The fans, the comments, the whole situation just got to me."
Kenma chuckled softly. "I understand, love. But you have nothing to worry about. You're my everything, and no one could ever replace you."
He held her tighter, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of her emotions. Y/N felt a surge of gratitude for this man who saw her for who she truly was, insecurities and all.
As they sat in silence, enveloped in each other's embrace, a sense of peace settled over Y/N. Kenma's words had not magically erased her insecurities, but they had offered a glimmer of hope, a reminder that their love was strong enough to weather any storm. An idea sparked in Kenma's eyes. He reached for Y/N's hand, his expression a mix of determination and nervousness. "Come on," he said gently, pulling her towards his streaming room.
Y/N's heart hammered against her ribs. She wasn't sure what Kenma was planning, but a sliver of hope flickered within her. They entered the room, the familiar hum of the computer the only sound. Kenma settled back into his gaming chair, gesturing for Y/N to stand beside him, just out of frame.
He took a deep breath and addressed the chat. "Hey everyone, sorry for the sudden break. Thanks to some attentive viewers, it seems you might have heard some… background noise." He glanced at Y/N, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Yep, those cries were from my amazing girlfriend here."
A collective gasp, presumably from Queen, erupted from the speakers. Y/N felt a wave of heat flush her cheeks. Kenma ignored it, his focus laser-sharp.
"The truth is," he continued, his voice low and sincere, "I haven't been the best boyfriend lately. I let my career take priority, neglecting the most important person in my life." Y/N's breath caught in her throat.
He reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "This is me, publicly apologizing. Y/N, I've been a jerk, and I want to change that." He squeezed her hand, his eyes locking with hers, conveying a wealth of emotions that transcended words.
A beat of silence hung in the air, thick with tension. Then, with a swift movement, Kenma pulled Y/N closer, framing her face in the camera's view. "This," he declared, his voice husky, "is the most amazing, supportive, and thankfully, understanding girlfriend a guy could ask for." He leaned in, his lips brushing hers in a tender kiss.
"Isn't she the prettiest?" Kenma murmured against her skin, a playful glint in his eyes. He pulled back slightly, cupping her face, his gaze holding hers. A blush bloomed across Y/N's cheeks, a mixture of relief, surprise, and a flicker of possessiveness aimed at the unseen Queen.
Kenma chuckled, the sound warm and genuine. "Alright everyone, enough mush for one day. We'll be back with the stream shortly, but for now, I have some serious apologizing to do." He winked at Y/N, a silent promise hanging in the air.
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spideyriki · 3 months
my love flowers for you
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pairings: bf!sunghoon x fem!reader
c. warnings: est. relationship, kissing, fluff, flower giving + lmk if i missed anything!
w. count: 1k+
a. note: something soft hehe, i used to part time at a flower shop and this is semi based on this lovely lady that was buying a bouquet for her boyfriend! when i asked her what was the occasion, she told me that she just really loves her boyfriend :((
it was late in the night and yet you were still hunched up over your desk, working late. this wasn't anything unusual, being the boss of a company this was unfortunately, your norm. though, these past few days, due to an upcoming event, you've been staying later than usual.
the sound of your phone vibrating snapped you out of your trance, your tired eyes finally leaving the blinding lights emitting off of your computer.
noticing the caller's contact, a small smile etched its way onto your face as you picked up the call.
"hi, baby", you spoke up gently.
sunghoon's whiny voice speaking, "y/n, when are you coming home?", the smile on your face widening as you could practically envision the pout on his face.
you let out a quiet laugh at the sound of your baby sulking, "i'll be home shortly, yeah? have you had dinner?", a few moments passed by as you continued to entertain your boyfriend's antics before finally bidding him off.
as you quickly resume what your were doing, you finally noted your work satisfactory and packed up your things to head home. stretching out your tight muscles after hours of your horrendous posture, you sleeve on your bag and make your way to the lift.
the elevator bell dings and you walk out, making your way to your car which was waiting for you upfront. however, the sound of your heels come to a halt as something catches your attention from the corner of your eye.
subconsciously, your feet carry you to the flower shop in your office lobby that was still open. the big bright colourful flowers, looked absolutely beautiful. though, one particular flower catches your attention. sunghoon's favourite.
"madam y/n, how may i help you?", the florist hurriedly coming to assist you.
your eyes scan through all the flowers again, the array was so full and you just needed all of them for sunghoon.
"could you wrap me up a bouquet with all the flowers please? whatever you deem looks best", you voice out.
the young girl makes quick work of assembling the bouquet. an array of pinks, reds and whites alongside hints of green and lilac, coming together to form an absolutely perfect arrangement. you recognised some of the flowers, not a huge flower geek but enough to get by, as long as sunghoon liked them.
not even 10 minutes later, the florist presents you with a beautiful large bouquet. the flowers wrapped in a sleek white paper, bringing out the vibrant flowers.
"thank you, darling. charge it to my tab, and get yourself something nice too", you slide a 100 dollar note into her hand before striding to your car, the large bouquet hauled in your arms.
after a short journey, you were finally home. as you walked through the door, you called out for sunghoon but you didn't get an answer. sliding off your shoes and making your way to the living room, the view of sunghoon sleeping on the sofa greets you, as a show plays in the background.
a warm feeling swells in your chest, the thought of your sleepy boyfriend trying to stay up for you fluttering your heart. you quietly crouch down infront of sunghoon, admiring your sweet boy and how peaceful he looks. slowly, one hand reaches up to run through sunghoon's hair as the other holds the bouquet as you begin to wake him.
"sunghoon", you soft voice quietly calls out to him, attempting to wake him but to no avail.
"baby", you try again louder, sunghoon's body finally stirring slightly. your fingers run through his hair once again, ridding the strands that have fallen over his eyes.
seconds later, sunghoon's eyes finally blink open, meeting yours. his sweet smile instantly brightens up the rather dark living room. the television being the only source of light.
before you get the chance to say anything, sunghoon's arms pull at your neck, his arms circling you as he tries to embrace you. due to you being crouched over, it's a little awkward but you still bring up your free hand as an attempt to hug sunghoon back, your lips pressed a quick kiss to his warm cheek. sunghoon releases you shortly to sit on the couch properly, making space for him to cuddle up to you.
as you stand up, only then does the bouquet come into his view. his big eyes look up at you curiously, as the flowers are presented to him.
"for you, baby.",
even in the darkened room, you noticed how sunghoon's cheeks dusted a pretty red, awfully similar to the shade of one of the flowers in his bouquet, as his fingers reach up to shyly accept the gift, an equally shy smile adorning his face.
"thank you, y/n. they're so beautiful.", sunghoon purrs.
his eyes scan over the bouquet, you notice every pleased twitch in his expression as he takes in the details of the arrangement, before he lets out a small gasp.
"y/n, red camellias!", his tone raising up an octave in pure joy, his little fangs coming into view as his smile widens.
he sets the flowers down gently before quickly pulling you down onto the couch next to him, climbing up on you. his legs straddling your lap, as his arms circle around you tightly.
"thank you", sunghoon whispers into your ear.
your hands travel to the small of his back, stroking him tenderly, happy to be in your lover's warm embrace after your long stressful day. a comfortable silence fills the room as sunghoon's head nuzzles into the crevice of your neck, your arms holding each other tightly.
"what's the occasion?", sunghoon breaks the silence.
"hm? just because",
a moment passes before sunghoon pulls away from your neck. his eyes gazing into yours beyond lovingly, an expression you can't quite decipher. despite the darkness of the room, his disheveled hair, the old worn out spiderman tshirt (which is actually yours) he's wearing, sunghoon still manages to take away your breath with just a simple look in his eyes.
his lips crash straight into yours, your eyes fluttering close as he kisses you, your hands rubbing soothing circles on his hipbones. so many lovely emotions pouring out from the both of you as your lips danced together in unison. nothing rushed, nothing intense, just a kiss of pure love and affection shared between two lovers.
you realised, you would do anything to find all the red camellias in the world for sunghoon.
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©spideyriki 🍉
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charmercharm3r · 1 year
Make Love, Not Porn
Masterlist, Story Masterlist
18+ content — minors, do not interact
wc: 6.7k
Synopsis: You crave a life of normalcy, he craves you. And he'd do anything to keep you, even if you're for the world to see.
warnings: smut, explicit sexual content, subby/service top!hyunjin, softdom!camgirl reader, dry humping, oral (m, f), piv, camming, consensual recording, can't immediately think of anything else, let me know if I missed something!
Past Broadcasts : Hi, My Name Is
Live : Sunday
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Hyunjin didn’t realize how much he liked being filmed, and photography in general. He seems to have picked up a knack for the hobby once the two of you started to get more comfortable. After the first night the two of you had sex, he began to be more conscious of all the recordable moments, from your puffy morning face to the cum dripping from the corner of your mouth.
You didn’t mind it at all, he was cute about it. Hyunjin had you send him the video you took together after you edited out the extra time at the end when the two of you had long forgotten about it. Never in a million years would he admit to anyone that he watches it more frequently than someone ever should watch their own amateur porn videos, for some reason it’s a comfort video of sorts. He likes hearing the way you laugh after the both of you cum, he likes seeing the way you handle him so carefully and how supple your skin looks because he knows it is.
Even though you’re still doing your streams, you still make time for him. Usually that time happens to be right after you’re done, Hyunjin on the bed watching as you pleasure yourself. The heat of his stare hasn’t dulled in the slightest. In fact, it’s brought your on-camera orgasms back. It’s all the more exhilarating knowing that none of your viewers can see his stupidly handsome face ogling you with a hand around his cock, hard only for you.
That routine had set itself in stone after a month went by, which is why you were comfortable when he asked if he could use your computer to look up a recipe to print.
“Why can’t you use your phone? It has bluetooth,” you suggested initially.
“Y’know the preview screen? I like to read it to make sure that all the information is on there. I can’t do that on my phone,” Hyunjin replied.
It made sense at the time, that’s why you agreed to let him use the computer in your showroom, the same one you use for your livestreams. Never in a million years did you think you’d catch him sitting in your chair with his pants around his ankles jerking off to the same video that sparked his interest in filming.
The first thing you checked was that the light near the computer camera was off and that he wasn’t accidentally live, a sigh of relief leaving your mouth seeing the light off. There was a fat grin across his face, sweaty and more than relaxed in your chair. On the monitor was the image of you on your knees just as he tensed up and from what you could tell, orgasmed. The look of surprise on your face as you caught him had him cumming into his palm, as if he wasn’t in your house, sitting in your chair, using your computer. It didn’t even seem like he cared that he got caught– spoiler, he really didn’t care.
Hyunjin was incomparably comfortable around you and in your little bubble. There wasn’t anything he didn’t think he could talk to you about. All of the little things and kinks he thought were strange, you accepted with open arms. Getting caught jacking off to a video of you giving him head was probably one of the least strange things on that small list.
You had gotten down on your knees again and sucked him through to a second orgasm, not an entirely uncommon occurrence now that he was a semi-permanent resident in your heart and apartment. He had hunched over you, one hand on the back of your head keeping you in place as you deepthroated his cock, the other, from what you could tell, slammed onto the desk above you and gripping onto it for dear life. It was your big pretty eyes and the small hum onto his cock that made him cum again, another one so hard that he didn’t notice his hand sliding across the desk roughly and hitting your keyboard, which then slammed into the mouse. Of course you couldn’t hear the sound of the cam site’s whooshing as the same video that played in the background was also being uploaded onto your page.
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Creatures of habit, the both of you were, sharing a shower and eating dinner together still wrapped in your bath robes with towels wrapping your sopping hair. Neither of you had checked your phone in maybe two hours when you finally realized there was an incessant pinging noise coming from your showroom. It had reminded Hyunjin that his phone was nearby and reached to check it before you finally stood to go find out what was happening.
“When did you post a new video?” He asked, shaking the towel into his hair. You shrugged without looking back, on to find the source of the annoying notifications.
Your computer was still on, red flag number one.
Red flag number two, your keyboard and mouse were askew all over your desk. Your first instinct was that someone broke into your apartment while you were showering and they were hacking your account– it does, afterall, have your bank account info so that the tips can go directly into it.
But as you sat down to look at what was going on, you would rather have been robbed. Mouth dropped and heart thumping out of your chest, replaying on your cam page was the video of you between Hyunjin’s knees and head bobbing up and down with his quiet moans echoing in the computer speakers.
Just as you realized what had happened, your partner in said video fumbled into the door way and held up his phone. You couldn’t see the screen from that far, but you knew exactly what he was referring to.
“I didn’t–”
“You wouldn’t–”
“I don’t know what happened–”
“When the fuck did it get uploaded?” Hyunjin strode by your side and leaned over your desk to check the timestamp. You watched his face and prepared for any kind of anger, readying for the worst, bracing for impact that he was going to fight to take the video down then grab his shit and hyperdrive right out of your life. Instead, his eyebrows relaxed and a kind of smug half smirk took over his expression. “Oh, my bad, hahaha.”
You raised a brow at him, nothing but dumbfounded. “What?”
“Well,” he rubbed the towel into his hair again. “You were under the desk, so you couldn’t really see.”
“You posted it when your dick was in my mouth?”
“Not on purpose!” Hyunjin wrapped his arms around your neck in a headlock to smother his cheek against yours. “I can’t really focus when your mouth is so warm, wet, sloppy, delicious–”
“Ew, I get it!” Giggling, he pecked your lips then gestured for you to stand up so he could take your seat, patting his thighs to sit in his lap. A light pout on your lips, you took the offer and slung an arm over his shoulder.
You didn’t want to admit it, but you were slightly embarrassed at how easy it was for you to get caught like this. Nothing has ever happened in all your time of camming that would have made you feel so exposed. It was a private moment that you assured him was for your eyes only. Embarrassed was a nice way of putting it, you were ashamed, guilty, remorseful even.
“I have to take it down,” you shook your head and reached for the mouse, but Hyunjin stopped you by intertwining your fingers together. “What? You didn’t agree to this. I promised it was just for us. I’m so sorry.” There was a lump in your throat, having to swallow it down while fighting the tears wanting to roll.
Hyunjin seemed unphased, maybe even… enjoying it? He was smiling into your shoulder. “Why are you making that face? I’m crying and you look like you just got away with murder.”
He took a second to respond, laughing softly into the bathrobe you wore. “Stop it! I need to take it down!” He fought you harder as you struggled in his grasp to even reach the mouse, arms slithering around and restricting you entirely with hardly any force as he was just that much stronger.
When you finally calmed down enough for him to lightly nose at your cheek again, you huffed. “I dunno, babe. Is it really so bad if we keep it up?”
You stopped fighting him back, “you wanna keep it up?” Hyunjin shrugged shyly.
“A little. Look, other people like it, too.” He reached around you to scroll through the comments.
Reading your comment section was usually a highlight that you saved for some down days. The ones under your video with him was even more ego-boosting than usual. There were keyboard smashes, people asking when they can have a turn with you cus he looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself, even legit offers in your inbox for higher level filming services. Hyunjin would scroll, point to one, and you’d giggle in his lap.
— sexy wuts his @?
— sounds so good with her mouth stuffed
— i want him?? i want her?? u guys need a third??
“Look at this one, ‘I’d pay for a silicone mold of sweetheart’s mouth.’”
Hyunjin grabbed your chin and made you twist to face him, opening your mouth to look inside as you wiggled your tongue. “Yup. Could definitely make money selling a pocket if it was shaped like this wonderful, glorious, gummy—“
“You’re disgusting! I don’t even think that’s possible.”
“Yeah, you’d swallow the molding, you’re too good at that.” 
The light smack you sent to his shoulder made him smile and cheekily kiss you. It was like he was starved for kisses with how intensely he moved, far from the truth as possible. Hand slipping to cup your cheek and the other slyly moving the robe to expose your thigh enough that it made you pull away and raise and eyebrow. “You really don’t wanna take the video down?”
Hyunjin scrunched his nose, “hell no. It kinda makes me wanna… Should I make my own account?”
Your face lit up, “really?” Another shrug. “I mean, you’ve already got a few fans and they’re asking for more. But babe, it could be a lot. Are you sure?”
“Maybe? I haven’t really thought about it. It wasn’t even an idea in my head until I saw the comments. But I do like taking videos and pictures. I’m not totally sure I could do the live stream stuff like you. Gotta leave you sooome business.”
“I don’t think you should jump right into it, maybe dip your toes in first before hopping in the deep end. Would you wanna try guesting on my stream first?”
“Like, actually be on your live?!”
You forgot how the two of you met in the first place, that he recognized you because he was a fan of your cams. Not for a second did you stop to think that it might’ve been weird because everything with him happened so naturally. Well, he did make it weird at first, and truly had you anxious to even go to the grocery store– but that was because you were too in your head about being recognized in the first place. When you actually spoke to him, you realized that’s just him and his awkward way of showing his emotions. You didn’t doubt for a second that even if he didn’t recognize you, he would’ve found a way to wriggle into your life at some point in time. Part of you mentally slapped yourself for not going to his coffee shop sooner.
“Why not? Then you don’t have to start alone,” you wriggled free to wrap an arm around his neck again. “For me, I contemplated it for months. I can’t remember when I started, it was so long ago–”
“I think it’s been, like, almost a year and a half.”
You lightly slapped the back of his neck, “don’t interrupt me, I’m trying to be sincere.” A peck on your cheek as an apology. “But it was scary at first. Remember what I said about intimacy  the first time I brought you back here?”
“You can speak now.”
“How could I forget? That’s permanent spank bank material. Stored in the mental vault for when you’re not with me.” Charming as ever.
You rolled your eyes. “It feels like that. Instead of one person watching, it’s a whole audience.” If the twitch beneath your thighs was anything to go by, you’d say the look on his face was a nearly identical giveaway. “The offer stands if you wan–”
“I want to.”
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After a long, detailed discussion, you finally agreed your next livestream would be the night, and you got him naked. Or— you finally let him get naked. Hyunjin was still in his underwear, but it was enough for him.
You moved things around so that the camera faced the bed, adjusting the tripod to a lower angle so that no faces could show. For this special occasion, you put on dainty white sheets that made the bed feel bigger on this end of the camera. Hyunjin adjusted the lighting for a warmer feeling, inviting. That alone made you want to skip the broadcast and fuck him right then and there.
Hyunjin was shaking in his skin with excitement. You told him to lay back and try to relax as you set everything up. Seeing you walking around in pretty little lingerie was getting him antsier as the seconds passed, wanting nothing more than to reach out, grab you, and kiss you silly.
He was leaning back on his palms and swinging his feet back and forth as you finished, last touch being turning the computer so if you wanted, you could watch yourselves. 
You were bent over and reading the comments of the people in the live stream waiting room, “live soon, hardcandysweetheart: sunday.” The stare burning holes into your ass made you giddy and smile.
“Everyone in the comments is confused since I don’t usually go live today,” you giggle, straightening up and facing the boy in your bed. He looked extra handsome, for some reason, more than usual. Maybe it was the hormones or the anticipation, probably your insatiable need to have him all the fucking time. Even if today didn’t go as planned and you don’t have sex, you’d be content with just laying beside him and getting to look at his pretty face. 
“I would be, too. Can I have a kiss now?”
“Impatient.” You gave him one anyway, slotted between his spread knees to lean down and plant a soft, velvety kiss to his lips. Hyunjin slid a beneath your butt to hold you close, the other gripped onto your hip restraining from doing more before the camera was finally turned on. He wanted to go further as his tongue licked at your bottom lip in asking for entrance, a whine emitting when you pulled away to deny the request. 
“You can always back out. At any time. You don’t have to say anything, just get up and leave.”
Hyunjin wasn’t listening to anything you were saying, you could tell by the glossy-eyed look he had as you brushed his hair from his face. His eagerness was contagious, you were on the verge of leaning in to kiss him again because of your own selfish needs, however the pinging of your computer’s five minute warning made you glance back before continuing.
“I’m serious, Hyune. We don’t have to do this. Tell me now and I’ll cancel the live.”
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” He teased, tugging you tighter.
“I do this for a living, I’m fine. I just don’t want you to regret any—“
Within a quick second, he pulled you to fall into his lap to be taken in with a deeper, hotter kiss that made you forget that there was a timer counting down his showcase. “Okay, I’ll shut up now.”
A minute and thirty seconds, you straightened yourself out and settled into a more comfortable position for the introduction. That was going to be the hardest part, explaining the video that was accidentally posted and now, this brand new guest that wasn’t even another streamer. Hyunjin was an unknown— either the reaction was going to be through the roof, or astronomically terrible.
Fourth five seconds, you anxiously changed positions again and had him scoot a little further back on the bed to sit between his legs. Instinctively Hyunjin leaned his chest onto your back, draping an arm around your waist. “Relax, we’ll be okay.”
3, 2, 1. hardcandysweetheart, you are now live!
“Hey there, did you see my little surprise?”
There was another twitch in his pants against your lower back, you silenced your own panting lungs, the small action more than enough to soothe the worries you had.
“I think you liked it, so much that I just had to invite him back for more.” Your body moved slightly to the side and made room for Hyunjin to wave. As he did, you leaned in to quietly place a reassuring kiss to his cheek, to which he returned happily. 
You could faintly make out the comments scrolling by faster than you could attempt to read. “You’re excited, huh? It’s been a while since there’s been someone I wanted to bring on. This one’s special.” His hand massaged into your side, acknowledging the passing words and his heart thumping harder.
Hyunjin almost forgot that you were livestreaming, more than immersed in your voice that he fell into some sort of trance, hearing but not listening, relying purely on what he could see and feel. And that was you. His gaze only on you, unable to look anywhere else as that spell had goosebumps raising along his skin when you did nothing but touch his thigh. 
“Look at that, I think he’s more than ready to go. Practically drooling, aren’t you, baby?”
“Mhm,” he nuzzled his nose into your cheek, trying to hold back from his usual affections so as not to give too much away so quickly, and finding it difficult.
“He’s very obedient,” your voice lowered an octave, reaching back to cup his cheek and trail a finger down his neck to his chest, a red line following the same path. “Like a pet. Just follows me around, wherever I go.” Hyunjin whimpered, just a little, but enough for the audio to pick it up. “Hey now, be good for our guest. No begging.”
He kissed your cheek again, an apology.
Turning your attention back to the comments, “so sorry, lovely. I wanna ask you how your day went, but someone is a little too enthusiastic to get started. I hope you don’t mind, I’m still training him. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes,” he responded softly.
“His voice is so pretty. I know you’ll enjoy tonight’s stream, maybe even as much as I do.”
Your legs spread, hooking them over his knees and leaning back into his hold. Hyunjin’s hands started roaming everywhere they could, emphasizing his neediness by digging his fingers into the insides of your thighs and pulling them that much wider. Automatically they trickled their way down to your center, gently running the pads of his fingers over the gusset of your underwear. Even you could tell, it was incredibly wet, the aroma of your arousal filling the room. 
Glancing at the monitor, his frame overshadowed yours by what seemed like miles. Hyunjin’s broad shoulders shielded your back and you couldn’t help but relax further into him.
Hardly even there, he pushed into your center, drawing a small gasp from your lips. The small circles he traced sparked the need to buck your hips up and into him.
His mistake for laughing, you slapped his hand away to stand and shove him back onto the bed. The view of your ass covered his face from showing, but if watchers could see, they’d see him teething at his lip to hold back a victorious smile, as if it was his plan all along to get you to bite back. Hyunjin raked his eyes up and down your body before putting his hands behind his head.
Another strike.
“You think you’re gonna get to sit there like a pillow princess? D’you really think I’m gonna do all the work?”
The smile faded faster than it came.
Climbing onto his lap and straddling his hips, the camera got the perfect shot of your soaked crotch and the underside of his raging boner twitching in his underpants even more when you slammed both your hands onto the bed on either side of his head. Hyunjin flinched, but he wasn’t scared. More like turned on beyond belief.
“Little pet,” one finger tipped up his chin to close his awestruck dropped jaw. He could feel the heat of your cunt radiating through the wet material, suffocating in it when your hips softly landed right on top of his cock. Even through both of your underwear, the feeling of you on him was enough to turn the tables and he rut up into you.
The nickname, the finger lightly scratching under his jaw, everything down to the intonation when you spoke to him made Hyunjin forget there was a camera on the both of you. Aside from the very obvious seriousness of the act of sex itself and every other time the two of you had been together, this moment felt intensely more intimate. He couldn’t quite put his finger on as to why that was. The concerns you voiced before echoed in the back of his mind, though there wasn’t a single doubt that he had in wanting to continue.
The small fact that you cared enough to keep asking and keep reassuring that he didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want, made his entire body heat up. Sure, the bar was on the floor. But it wasn’t just this one instance, you were persistent in making sure he was comfortable, and Hyunjin was grateful that the sentiment was returned in his efforts to help you learn about your own relationship needs outside of sex. Such a miniscule thing to be in love with, but it was his deal breaker. Call him a simp, but you had his balls tied in a heart shaped knot. 
You sat on top of him with an almost unimpressed look, letting him continue to hump against your warm cunt. Determination clouded the horniness as you tilted your head. The truth was that that alone felt remarkably good, keeping up the facade was one of the hardest things you had to do. To fight the impulse to moan, you steadied yourself and sat up straight, looking down at Hyunjin while his hands iron gripped onto your hips. The strength he held onto you almost was close to toppling you over.
Instead, you gave in just a little and sat fully. Hyunjin’s tongue poked out from the corner of his mouth, adjusting his knees and bumping you up to stabilize himself as the dragging of his covered cock slide against the wet friction of one another’s underwear. Sweat dripped down his temple and soaked his hairline, rolls of his hips took a full bodily effort. His abdomen moved in waves and gave you a preview of what it would look like when the underwear finally came off, delicious enough to rake your fingernails from his collarbone to his waistline, Hyunjin’s eyes rolling back as you did.
“Mmf– please, please,” he whimpered, becoming more erratic as the seconds passed. He dryly humped upwards so rough now that you were just about bouncing.
“Please what?” His hands slipped below the waistband of your panties and drug it half down your ass. “Use your words.”
“Fuck, need you.”
“Need me? Okay, pet.” 
With that, you abruptly stood up– not without a barrage of pleas and whines– and made room for him to hurriedly slide off the bed and kneel on the floor in front of you as you took his spot. If he had a tail, it’d be swinging back and forth.
You checked the camera’s view just in case, but it saw nothing but the back of his head, at the most. As he told you in earlier discussion, he was fine with that. The view of his back muscles made your mouth water that much more as it contrasted with the puppy dog look he was giving you now, waiting.
“So polite, baby.” You had barely moved to slide off your underwear when Hyunjin jumped at the chance, rushing it down your legs and tossing it to expose your dripping core.
If it was even possible, his eyes widened to the point of total blackness, determination now tainted with the lust that had driven him to this point in the first place. He’d never realized this side of him ever existed, this carnal desire and rapacious thirst to be suffocated in every aspect by a single person. He wanted to consume each bit of you down to the bone. Pick you apart just so he could thoroughly examine and ingrain every nerve and fiber that made you whole. This intense feeling, he never wanted it to end.
His hair was soft as you ran your fingers through it, playing with it for the viewers to see how good he was, waiting for permission like a true pet companion. Tongue running along his lips, he palmed at himself again and shifted uncomfortably in his spot.
“Go on. You wanted me, so have me.”
Spreading your legs wider, you didn’t have to work very hard to get him to dive into you head first. He was so overly excited that he moaned at the first taste of your pussy, dragging his tongue uncoordinatedly while shoving himself as close to you as possible.
As soon as his tongue touched your clit, you figured it was time to forgo worrying about how the stream looked and just let yourself fall into the feeling. Hooking your legs over his shoulders let Hyunjin sink his teeth further into you, or, more like his tongue slipping further down to prod at your hole and circle it before entering. Even if it couldn’t reach far in, the wiggling motion had your head falling back and moaning out. Voicing how pleased you were made Hyunjin reciprocate and mumble into your swollen cunt, vibrating every inch. 
Skin sensitive and needier than you wanted to let on, you were torn between satisfying yourself and putting him in his place.
But he was being good, the thought still crossed your mind no matter how well he was performing.
Being on live camera seemed to have sparked an even bigger submissive role Hyunjin wanted to fill, goading you into keeping a hand on the back of his head so that he had little room to breathe. As if he wanted to be put in his place.
Digging your heels into his back to secure him in place between your legs seemed to have given him the feeling he wanted– to be used.
Your hips canted into his mouth, not needing to chase his lips but wanting more of the suction, more of his tongue, more of the feeling. Like a freshly lit fire burning wildly in the center of your body and he was the dry wood and oxygen that kept it alive. Funny how that was when just looking at him takes your breath away.
Hyunjin wrapped his arms under your thighs to grip onto the tops of them, fingernails digging deeply into your skin to which you didn’t mind at all, the pain felt good with the pleasure. As you became louder, he did, too. His soft humming, lips suckling in your clit, tip of his tongue wiggling against it lightly as he did so, cumming was guaranteed as soon as he took your underwear off. And fuck, did it feel extra good.
Eye rolling, muscle tensing, vision blinding, chill inducing, voice numbing, leg twitchingly good.
You slouched over him as you came down, still partially aware of the green light blinking on your computer keeping you on camera. Hyunjin softly kissed your sensitive bundle of nerves to ease the comedown, mumbling what you think was praise when it should be you praising him for what was for sure his best round of head yet.
“I take it back,” you breathed out with a chuckle, and Hyunjin shot his head up to look at you with confusion. “I think I should put in some work for how amazing that just was.”
Hyunjin lopsidedly smirked, the view even cuter because your essence was smeared around his entire lower face.
“I’m so proud of you, baby. Maybe you don’t need as much training as I thought.”
You tapped his shoulder so he could scoot back and make room for you to stand. Hyunjin followed brief instructions to get onto the bed once more, laying down and ready for his underwear to finally come off. You rid yourself of the rest of your lingerie first, tossing the bra at him and laughing, just the littlest bit mocking when he brought it to his mouth to bite on. Stealing it away, you scolded, “nuh uh. I want them to hear you when I fuck you.”
“When you fuck me?”
The way you phrased it intimidated him a little, but also excited him. The prospect of getting fucked by you was something he’d never even thought would come out of your mouth let alone actually happen. He’d always thought that, traditionally, men should be the ones doing the fucking, that it was his job to cross that finishline with him putting in the effort. Hyunjin didn’t even know how this was a possibility, but he was more than ready for whatever you decided to do to him.
“Don’t worry, I’m saving the strap for another day. I don’t wanna scare you off so quickly.” All of that sentence and none of that sentence registered in his brain. “Do you trust me?”
“You know I do.”
Repressing the endeared smile on your face wasn’t an option. It was one of the rawest emotions you’d shown him yet, and being so open about it had Hyunjin’s heart doing somersaults into his belly, all of him fluttering on cloud nine. 
Your body covering his entire body including his face from the camera, you kneeled onto the bed between his legs and hovered over him to finally kiss him. Really kiss him, the way he’d been craving all night. The kind of kiss that murmured the words your lips didn’t know how to, unconditional and safe, hands so delicately open as he placed his entire heart into them.
Amidst his mind being blown with just a kiss, you snaked your hand into the waistline of his underwear and dryly– aside from all the leaking precum– stroked him until he whined to rid them. Condom placed on the edge of the bed for convenience, you were gentle in rolling it on, gentle in maneuvering to toss one leg over his hip, and gentle in taking his left leg into the crook of your arm.
All across the board, Hyunjin was confused. 
What in the hell kind of position was this? He had never seen you do this in any of your previous cams? Was there even a name for the pretzel he felt tied into? That’s an exaggeration, he’s just never been bent like this before. Now he gets how you must feel.
Your right thigh was locked under his to keep the position in something like a scissor looking kind. In his mind, it was odd, for sure. But he happily went with it because he knew you wouldn’t lead him anywhere he wouldn’t want to go.
One more soft, shared kiss, you scooted a bit higher up his body– straining his elevated leg a little because he didn’t think he needed to stretch beforehand– and settled directly over his aching cock. He hadn’t been properly touched since he’d gotten you completely naked and was in dire need of attention. Your hips dropped and he was sinking into you with nothing but slick and very much wanted entrance. Hyunjin felt strange, a wonderful and thrilling kind of strange that came from the new position and new atmosphere surrounding the both of you.
As you came to the hilt, he thought, “dear god, why didn’t you fuck me earlier?”
“Honestly, I didn’t think you would like it this much.”
His eyes widened to realize that he’d spoken his thoughts aloud. Hyunjin also didn’t realize how much time had passed since he had entered you and drool was dripping from the corner of his mouth. You didn’t seem bothered in the slightest.
How could you be? You had an earth shattering orgasm and now got to fuck the most amazing and understanding person you know. And get to repay the favor with an extraordinary orgasm for him? You must have died and gone to heaven.
“Oh god, please keep going.”
An excited smirk, you experimentally moved your hips back and slid yourself off his cock, sinking back onto it as if you were the one penetrating. Hyunjin’s eyes rolled back and he groaned loudly. Music to your ears, you sped up just a little so that the bed rocked.
On your end, this was the ideal position. Every slide up and down his cock rubbed the under and inner part of your clit just the right way that you felt it in your legs. Hyunjin reached out to hold onto you, but couldn’t find the strength to hold on for very long before reaching a hand up to steady himself against the headboard.
You wanted more, needed more. Slinging his leg over your shoulder gave you more room to move freely, fuck him harder, faster until all that could be heard was skin on skin and wetness drowning his cock with every thrust. He loved everything about it and was doing whatever he could to suppress the impending high. Hyunjin wanted to cum, but didn’t want the moment to end even more.
“S– stop, stop,” he stuttered and held a hand out towards where your bodies connected. You cowered back and pulled him out in fear that he had changed his mind. Every negative thought you’d previously had about the situation came flooding back. That was, until he panted out a dreamy sigh, “don’t wanna cum yet. But please, fuck me harder.”
Endearing in every sense of the word.
“Because you said please.”
To give him a second to recuperate, you gently laid his leg back down and kissed his cheek. Then he gave you the okay once again, and changed to lifting both his legs around your waist. Hyunjin anticipatingly chuckled when you guided his cock to point a little more downward as you let him fill you, leaning your weight onto your arms that planted beside his head and letting him wrap his arms beneath the underside of your shoulders.
The steady rolls of your hips was exhilarating, scratching the itch that you didn’t know needed to be scratched, so satisfying that he face palmed himself for not thinking of it earlier.
You rested yourself on top of him so you were chest to chest, selfishly being a bit lazy because you wanted to taste his pretty lips once more. You knew the view for the stream was more than enough, probably too personal for Hyunjin’s first time camming, however he didn’t seem to mind. The camera being on was probably what made his senses skyrocket.
What a funny little attention whore.
You caught your rolling hips turning into harder slams, stronger and stronger with every slap of skin to skin. Hyunjin tightened his legs around your torso and kissed you back sloppier, uncoordinated as his high approached. He used the momentum of your movements to rut up to meet your center in time. Who was fucking who now, neither of you could tell nor care. 
His unfiltered moans of euphoria were too cute to keep for yourself, pulling away from the kiss as he came nearer and nearer to the edge. By the time you’d felt the knot tightening in your belly, Hyunjin was summoning whatever self control he had left to not blow before you.
“‘M gonna cum, ‘m gonna cum,” you whispered, letting your forehead fall into the crook of his neck and bite onto the supple skin. Messy and carelessly you fully weighted slammed your hips onto his as your cunt fluttered with the overflowing pleasure, sealing both your fates when you stopped entirely and let the pulsing within you milk you both for whatever you could collectively release. Hyunjin’s coarse voice filled the air as he fought the urge to say your real name, settling for unintelligible fibs while he filled the condom to the point of bursting. You couldn’t stop the convulsing of your hips that shallowly made you both shudder in overstimulation.
A ringing in your ears and warmth of his arms tightening around your waist, you wanted to shut your eyes and fall asleep just like this. But there was the growing sound of tips pinging to replace the previous adulterous noises and bring you both back to reality.
You kissed his chest before sitting up and kissing his lips, as delicately as possibly pulling away and letting him relax into the bed. The shaking in your legs made it almost impossible to turn and face your body towards the camera once more.
“What’d you think? Wasn’t his voice just to die for? Always so sweet.” Your eyes glazed over the rapidly scrolling comment section, unable to focus long enough to truly read any of them. Hyunjin didn’t even move, probably worn down to the bone. “I think our guest enjoyed himself. I know I surely did, and I hope you did, too, lovely. Let me know what you think, should he join us again some time? Maybe it’s time to wash up. Take care, lovely. Until next time.” You waved your fingers, paused a second, and ended the live with the comments still rolling. Not in the right mind to read them, you put your computer to sleep and crawled into bed beside the dozing man.
Hyunjin fought to keep his eyes open, too exhausted for his own good. You looked him up and down to assess his state– condom still on so you helped take it off him, limbs bent and tired as you assisted in stretching them to lay flat. The last step was taking him into your actual bed. No way were you letting him sleep in this icky, sweaty bed.
“No shower yet, Hyune. Just bed. Can I help you up?” He hazily nodded and allowed you to drape his arm over your shoulder so you could guide him back to your bedroom.
As soon as you had him beneath the covers and his head hit the pillow, he softly mewled and reached his arms out for you to take your rightful place within them. Then, he was out like a light. 
Soft snores and his heartbeat were all you could hear. There was nothing else you deemed worth the effort to think other than, people are only temporary for as long as they choose to be.
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He couldn’t be more excited, the pleaser he is, Hyunjin was shaking in his skin as he watched the timer count down the seconds.
“Relax, baby. I’ll be right here if you need me,” you leaned back into your chair that sat out of sight of the camera, half naked as well to make it less nerve wracking. Phone in hand to monitor all of the comments of the people in the waiting room, this was a highly anticipated event in your extremely small circle. This was everything and anonymously nothing, but thrilling either way. “Have fun.”
Hyunjin weighed his options between the thirty seconds he had left and the need to get one more kiss. He chose the latter, skipping up to you and taking in your lips with unexaggerated passion. “For good luck.”
3, 2, 1. i.scream.sundae, you are now live!
“Oh, hello. Have we met before?”
A/N: unsure of the positions within the story? look here!
and that's it for this mini series! took me so fucking long to finish but ya know life happens. hope it was ehh maybe worth it. thank you for reading!
tags: @babebatter @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydraws @naturules @djeniryuu @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @dazzlingligth @alexis-reads-fics @0002linoskitten @chillichillicrabcrab23 @zerefdragn33l @straycrescent @binnies-donuts @soldierstangirl-blog @bakedlilgoonie @levanterlily @shelbyyy44 @yeetmehome @in2heartz @astroodledream @the-sweetest-rose @lilbugs-things @viviennenstan @staurdvst @alex--awesome--22 @imzenning @jeyelleohe @iadorethemskz @skyvastbunny @mamabymychem @katsukis1wife @woozarts @noellllslut @straykids5star @like-a-diamondinthesky @karivm
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Synopsis: Ghost has a fever but is too proud to admit it. You have your ways of convincing him to get some rest.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,031
It’s-a me, fluff!
I already wrote the conventional “reader gets sick; Ghost takes care of them” fic, so I wanted to explore the other way around, since I imagine Ghost becoming this giant baby when he’s sick.
To my American friends and whoever uses the Imperial system: 38°C = 100.4°F
Want more?
He’s been shivering since this morning, but he’s doing his best to disguise it, just like that face of his.
Whenever someone walks into your shared office, he shuffles around, pretending to be busy so no one notices his trembling body. Even when he speaks, his voice is deep and steady, yet there’s a hint of strain in it.
He appears lethargic. He usually sits up straight in his chair, never missing an opportunity to lecture you for hunching over. But not today. His broad shoulders are slumping forward, making him appear timid and small.
You observe him from behind your computer screen, trying to figure out what’s wrong with him—he’s patting his forehead again. Despite his black balaclava, which conceals most of his face, you can see sweat stains forming on the fabric.
“You can’t take your temperature by touching your masked face with your gloved hand, Lt.”
“I’m not taking my temperature,” he responds, “I’m thinking.”
“You’re not fooling anyone,” you say, leaning back in your chair. “You have a fever.”
His eyes narrow as he looks up from his papers. “For the eleventh time today; it’s not fever,” he snaps. “It’s hay fever.”
“Hay fever?” You furrow your eyebrows. “Since when does hay fever causes you to shake like a jackhammer?”
He remains silent, but you can see him wrapping his arms around himself in an attempt to physically stop the shivering. You decide to push his buttons a bit.
“It’s okay to admit that you’re not feeling well,” you say, trying to sound sympathetic. “We all get sick every now and then.”
“Speak for yourself,” he murmurs, “I haven’t been sick since I was five.”
Well, he certainly behaves like a five-year-old now. You roll your eyes at his childish behaviour.
“Would you please let me have a look?” You ask, “I promise I won’t tell anyone,” and stand up before he gets the chance to refuse.
He throws his head back and slaps the armrests of his chair with his palms. He’s too tired to oppose you. He follows you with his gaze as you reach for a square red bag with an embossed, matching cross from the cupboard.
“Why do you need the first-aid kit?” He asks.
“There’s a thermometer inside.” You explain and turn the key to lock the office door.
“Why are you locking the door?”
“For privacy,” you reply and gesture for him to unbutton his shirt.
Stunned by your inaudible request, he stares at you and pulls his shirt collar up as if trying to confirm your thoughts. You nod.
“Nope, no,” he shakes his head, “I’m not doing that.”
“Be thankful I’m not asking you to pull down your trousers and bend over like the medic would do.” You snarl.
“I don’t mind bending over,” he admits, shrugging. You tilt your head in response, pick up the phone from his desk, and begin calling the medic’s extension number.
“No, no, no, no, no,” he says, shooting up and slapping your phone-holding hand.
“Why are you so afraid of him anyway?” You ask, referring to the medic.
“He’s a fucking butcher, that guy,” he mutters and then starts complaining about how his “methods” would make for excellent interrogation techniques. Yet it’s clear that he’s trying to divert your focus from what he really needs to be doing.
“Hey”, you snap your fingers at him, and he stops. “Take your shirt off right now.” You command.
He swallows hard and pauses briefly, his fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. You keep an eye on him, watching how his hands shake as he tries to undo each button.
Finally, he unbuttons the shirt all the way, showing a peek of his toned chest and abs. He removes one arm from his sleeve to give you easy access to his armpit.
He pauses once again. You imagine his face should be flushed with embarrassment by now. You sense his discomfort and quickly avert your eyes, focusing on the red bag you’re holding. You approach him and pull the thermometer from the first-aid kit.
“All right, arm up, please,” you murmur softly, holding the thermometer near his armpit. He raises his arm slowly as you slide the thermometer under it, pressing it against his skin.
You can feel his body heat radiating off him; he definitely has a fever. He gets goosebumps, and his whole body shivers as you hold the thermometer there. You brush your other hand across his shoulder, signalling for him to remain still.
“Okay, hold it there for a minute,” you say, watching the thermometer’s countdown tick down. Ghost nods, squeezing the thermometer beneath his arm while you both wait for it to beep.
Finally, the timer goes off, and you remove the thermometer from under his arm.
“38°C,” you declare, “you have a fever.”
He pulls his shirt back on and buttons it up, pushing your hands away from him. There’s exhaustion in his eyes, and he’s slumping even more now that his mortality has been exposed.
“I haven’t been sick in decades,” he mumbles as he buttons his shirt back up, “it’s impossible.”
You return the first-aid kit to its original location and go back to his desk, opening one of his drawers. You shuffle through, but he ignores you and continues his rant.
“I fought terrorists, I took down the Russian mafia, for Christ’s sake,” he recalls, “I saved hostages, I carried wounded soldiers through the desert, and I came back stronger than ever.”
You find his spare balaclava in the drawer—his current one must be replaced since it’s damp and could worsen his symptoms.
“Congratulations, Lt. Riley, on being invincible on the battlefield,” you say, “but even heroes need a day off sometimes.”
“I’m not a hero, love,” he sneers. “I’m just better at looking after myself than others.”
“You’re better at hiding your problems than others,” you correct him and hand him the spare balaclava. You put your hand on his shoulder and squeeze it.
“Now go to your room and rest.” You order him, “I’ll pick up the medicine you need and bring you some tea.”
“So you’re taking care of me now?”
“Least I could do for you.” You whisper and smile.
He looks up at you, his eyes getting smaller and smaller from the drowsiness. For once, he doesn’t have a snarky comeback or a witty retort.
You give him a warm smile before heading to the door. “Please take the rest of the day off, sir,” you say. “You can’t save us all if you don’t take care of yourself first.”
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
— release
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Don’t mind me, just feeling self-indulgent today💕
Being Dynamight’s PR manager you were used to getting him out of trouble, it’s only fair he show you some appreciation.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, piss.
Word Count: 1.2k.
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“Spread your legs.”
“What?” A fierce heat flooded to your cheeks as you tried to ignore the throb between your thighs at such a blaze request.
Your fingers stilled against your keyboard as you looked up at your boss from across the room. City lights illuminated the empty office as you were the only two left on the floor, the last minute mission reports were almost complete and your body ached from hunching over your computer for so long.
Each time Dynamight faced a destruction of public property charge it always meant staying late, his PR team working overtime to try and arrange reparations. And as his PR manager it meant staying later than the rest of your employees, who were long gone. You’d expected the phone to stop ringing during office hours, but after just getting off the phone with another disgruntled civilian at past ten, you were proved wrong.
“You heard,” He stepped towards you as he carded a hand through his messy hair.
“I should be giving you orders right now, Dynamight,” You hissed, “Do you realise how many complaints I’ve had to address today because of you?”
“People always got shit to complain about,” He scoffed, “I got the guy, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but maybe you could do it without totalling a building next time?” You sneered.
“I thought you liked staying late in the office with me,” He grinned, walking around the edge of your desk, “You were pretty happy when I had you pressed against my window last month.”
Your heart raced at the memory, your breasts pressed against the cool glass as he pounded into you from behind. His agency was one of the tallest buildings in the city, but there was still a chance that someone could’ve seen you.
“I think you like when I do this shit.” He pressed.
“Oh yeah, I really love spending overtime being berated on the phone.” You rolled your eyes.
“Just hang up on those fuckers,” He shook his head, “They’re always the first to complain when shitty Deku’s not there in time.”
“Unless you’d missed it, my job is to get you out of shit,” You smiled, “Not to make it worse.”
“I thought your job was to do whatever I say.” Large palms pushed your computer chair back from the desk, spinning you to face him.
“My job is to keep you out of trouble,” You crossed your arms over your chest, “Which is why you seem to enjoy making it hard.”
“I think you’re the one that likes making me hard, sweetheart.” You rolled your eyes at his crass humour as his lips curled into a smug grin, “So spread your legs.”
Bakugou’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he watched the way your cute skirt rose further up your thighs as you obeyed, revealing your plain cotton panties to his debauched gaze.
“Good girl.” He growled. You were always so obedient, so easy. The way you were ready and willing to do anything for him at the blink of an eye.
But you needed this too, especially after the day you’d had. You deserved it, and Bakugou was more than willing to give it to you.
“Been thinkin’ about this all damn day,” He groaned, “I shoulda called you into my office earlier.”
“I really need to use the bathroom first, Katsuki.” You mumbled.
A request which fell upon deaf ears as Bakugou settled himself between your plush thighs, broad arms shouldering them further apart as he nuzzled your clothed crotch. Breathing in the scent of you as you involuntarily bucked your hips into his touch, your core throbbing with desire and need.
“So pretty,” He hums, ignoring your request as he places a chaste kiss on your sensitive clit through the fabric, grinning when your body jolts in response, “You been waiting for me all day?”
“Shit,” You whined, hands blindly reaching out for his messy mop of hair as he began to lap at your folds through the thin material. Watching it darken from a mixture of your slick and his spit as your pelvis began to tighten. Trying to chase the pleasure he was giving you and ignore the dull throb that pulsed inside you, desperate for relief, “Katsuki, I really have to pee first.”
You could coax him to the bathrooms, let him pound you over the sinks as he’d done so many times before after you’d given yourself the relief you were craving. Being sat autonomously at your desk for so many hours as you tried to repair the mess that Dynamight had created, you’d lost track of time and basic human needs. His warm hands smoothing along your inner thighs reminded you of just how desperately you needed to go.
If Bakugou heard your pleas, he chose to ignore them. Palming himself through his slacks as he lapped at your sensitive clit through your panties.
You were certain you wouldn’t be able to hang on for much longer, trying to close your thighs around his head in a feeble attempt to hold yourself back for a little longer— to stop yourself from humiliating yourself in front of your boss.
Bakugou’s fingers curled beneath the fabric as he pulled them down your thighs, leaving them settled around one of your ankles as he spread you apart with his thumbs.
“Kats,” You groaned, your cunt clenched from the throb in your pelvis, “Please.”
“Ain’t no one stopping you, sweetheart.” He rasped, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against your puffy clit.
The contact with your bare cunt had your hips jerking, throwing your head back against the headrest as you felt your pelvis throb. All conscious thoughts swirling from your mind as you finally allowed yourself to relax and succumb to the desire. The euphoria almost mind-numbing as a warm stream began to trickle from between your thighs.
“Oh fuck, baby. That’s it—” Bakugou groaned as he watched through half-lidded eyes. His cock throbbing beneath his slacks as he watched you relieve yourself in front of him, “So pretty.”
Bakugou smoothed his thumb along your slit, following the warm stream as your hole clenched around nothing from the contact. Embarrassment had your heart pounding in your chest as your eyes clenched shut, your hands gripping onto the arms of your chair as you tried to close your thighs.
“Don’t,” Bakugou snarled, slapping your cunt as the wet sound echoed around the empty Office. You gasped at the contact as your eyes snapped open, “Look at me.”
The painful throb was now replaced with white hot bliss that coursed through your veins as your eyes rolled back, your lips parted in a desperate whine as he pulled back to watch you with his intense crimson gaze.
“Oh fuck,” You bit down on your lower lip hard as you emptied your bladder, finally beginning to feel your body relax as the intense throb from your clit took over. Desperate for any kind of contact as you rolled your hips into Bakugou’s touch.
“You’re so perfect, you know that?” He hummed, his fingers brushing along your wet slit before pushing inside your tight core, stealing all the air from your lungs, “My dirty girl.”
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