#and I have small hands qq
ugisfeelings · 9 months
in other news i've been exchanging long-form texts w/ this person i matched on a dating app and went on a coffee/museum date with earlier in the month and they r......... lowkey very pretty... i’m actually in shock how we're still talking and it's been nothing but extremely fun to look forward to their replies... it's sickening how a cr*sh starts like this send help NOW
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rin-fukuroi · 8 months
𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 [𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: Aventurine x dealer!fem!reader
Warnings: gambling, sexual tension.
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq I'm just starting my blog on Boosty, but I'll be glad if you support me with a subscription and read the full NSFW version of this work there. Soon there will be other works that will not be published on Tumblr.
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. VIVIZ — MANIAC
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You have long heard from other casino employees about a certain visitor, which comes here quite often, but you have never been lucky enough to meet him until today. The girls sighed languidly, referring to him as a handsome man, preparing to serve him the best drink, for which he would pay generously, and the men working in security only irritably noted that if he visited the institution today, they would only have more work. Then you didn't pay any attention to their words until one of the bar staff squealed with delight, energetically pointing at the blond man who entered the hall.
A dazzling smile, a light gait, but a sly look hidden behind gold glasses, gliding across the tables and the employees standing behind them before playfully sparkling violet-blue eyes rest on you. Your back straightens reflexively, and your fingers wrap around the back of your hand, and you nod in greeting when several men, led by a blond man, approach your poker table. You have been working in the field of gambling for several years, so you can easily notice expensive watches, chains and rings on his hands and a long earring in the ear of an elegant man in a hat, dressed in a black jacket with a fur collar, a turquoise shirt with a small but provocative neckline on the chest and white trousers with patent leather shoes. In total, all the clothes and trinkets of this person can be compared to the cost of your life. Winning will not matter to him, as losing will not greatly affect the quality of his life, which means he simply enjoys a sense of excitement and superiority, since, according to rumors, he plays very well.
— Oh? I haven't seen you before, — the blond man lowers his glasses on the bridge of his nose, smiling slyly at you as soon as you raise your head.
— I'm sorry, sir, today I'm serving you, because the dealer who is more familiar to you is ill, but I assure you, this will not affect the quality of the time spent in our institution in any way, — you kindly answer with a calm expression on your face, which causes the blonde to chuckle softly.
— How official! Relax, honey, — the man leans lower, slightly tilting his head to one side, carefully watching how the expression on your face changes to a more tense one. — It's a pity that… Oh, what was her name? — the blonde pulls away, thinking for a second, trying to remember the name of your colleague, but in the end only sighs briefly, spreading his hands. — It doesn't matter. You've been brought up to date, that we're going to need a separate room, haven't you?
— Yes, sir. Please follow me.
An unpleasant person. It was clear from afar that it was better to stay as far away from him as possible. These vibes of nauseating self-confidence and narcissism definitely don't bode well, but you still humbly do your duty, pulling on a smile and letting the guests into the VIP-room. Usually this room is rented by companies of influential people whose names are so well known to everyone that such guests don't even bother to introduce themselves, because you always know who they are, but these men… You're seeing them for the first time.
Anyway, a job is a job.
— Have a seat, dear guests. Would you like to see the bar menu?
Men in suits silently take their seats, and only an energetic blonde immediately responds to the sound of your voice, standing in front of the last empty chair.
— We'll order the same as usual,— the stranger says sweetly, spreading into a frighteningly sweet smile that sends chills down my spine.
— I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know…
— Oh, how could I forget! — the blond man clasps his hands in a gesture of apology. — Whiskey on the rocks.
His theatricality is a little annoying, but that's none of your business.
— As you wish, sir.
The female silhouette peeking out from behind the slightly open door and instantly disappearing after the blonde's words only made your task easier, allowing you not to even leave the room. It seems that this man is really very popular among girls, which, in principle, isn't surprising. A pretty face, a thick purse and a sugary voice, like a demeanor, are the pillars that support the classic image of a heartthrob in the eyes of any woman. It would be fascinating if you hadn't met such people before. This place is teeming with both men and women, sometimes even reasonably believing that the whole world belongs to them. Perhaps you would have bought into his charisma too, if you were as frivolous as a bar employee rushing into a room no more than five minutes after the order was placed.
— Thank you, dear. As always, you help out, otherwise my friends seem to be out of sorts today, — the blond man chuckles melodiously, looking at the other five guests. You can almost see in their stern looks the desire to strangle this talkative flatterer, and you can't help but chuckle to yourself.
— Anything for our beloved visitor! Have a nice game, — your friend blushes, smiling shyly before leaving the room, barely restraining a satisfied squeak.
You modestly clear your throat, drawing the attention of everyone at the table to yourself.
— Well, gentlemen, shall we begin?
You leave the button* in front of the blond man sitting first on your left hand. Early* is the most unfavorable position to start the game, but he should have known about it when he sat down here, or is it just an accident?
After the preflop*, while you were deftly shuffling the deck in your hands, someone had already started emptying their glass of whiskey, someone took out a pair of fragrant chocolate cigars. The blonde just watched carefully how skillfully you dealt the cards, not missing a single movement of your fingers. For a second, you even doubted that he didn't trust the new dealer, but every time you dared to look at him, his lips stretched into an even more sugary smile, and his eyes always found yours. Is he trying to get you into the same emotions as the silly waitresses? You wonder how soon he'll lose interest in your indifferent face?
The game went on quite calmly until three people remained at the table, including a smiling blond man.
— Ace of hearts, two of spades, jack of hearts, ten of clubs, two of hearts. The bets are made, you can open, — you say in a monotone voice, glancing at the cards on the table that turn over one by one.
«Street? Not bad…» — you stop looking at the blond's cards before you hear a thud on the table. After looking at the other hands it became clear that there is nothing on the table stronger than two pairs.
— Oh, don't get mad! We've just started, — the blond man raises his hands in an innocent gesture, chuckling softly, it seems, making the man opposite even angrier.
It seems that now you understand a little what the casino guards were so unhappy about, but the more games passed, the more sad the blonde's position became. The empty glasses were hastily replaced with newly filled ones with a new portion of whiskey, and the concentration of smoke in the small room became more and more suffocating, it seems, only exposing the undisguised glee of the men at the table, allowing themselves to mock the blonde, who was catastrophically unlucky today. A flush* against a royal flush, a pair against a square* and, in the end, his hand could only boast of the highest card*. What a disappointment.
— Here, order yourself one more whiskey, — one of the departing men casually tossed a couple of chips in front of the blond man sprawled on a chair, grinning hoarsely before staggering slightly out of the room after the other four, whose loud voices disappeared into the noise of the casino outside the door.
— Sure, — the man who remained at the table smiled gently at the departing acquaintance before taking a sip from his glass.
You wanted to say something, maybe even encourage him, but it's not your way to mind your own business, so you just silently gathered the cards from the table, about to ask the guest to leave the room, when suddenly he spoke first.
— That's not what you expected, is it? — you turn to the blond man, who is resting his head on his own palm. The same strange smile is still playing on his lips, even despite how much money he left at this institution today. He's really weird.
— I don't know what you mean. I don't know how you play, so I couldn't even try to predict the outcome of the game.
— Come on. You know how I play. That girl from the bar told you about me, didn't she?
— Even so, I'm not used to trust rumors, — you reply indifferently, carefully putting the cards back in the box.
— In that case, now you can conclude that I'm a lousy player? Oh, that would be unfortunate, because everyone has unlucky days.
— I don't think it's about luck, — you wanted to say that someone should just drink less and make less risky bets, but you restrained yourself, maintaining professionalism.
— Ho-oh? Then what is it? — the blond man perked up even more, waiting curiously for your answer.
— It is not appropriate for me to give advice to visitors, because my earnings, among other things, depend on them.
— That's how it is! So I was wrong when I decided that you weren't like the other girls looking at my wallet?
— It turns out that it is. But I'm looking at the wallets of every potentially profitable player for me, — you shrug your shoulders. — And now, if you'll excuse me, you should leave the room, since the game is over.
— How pragmatic, you remind me of someone I know, — the blond man, as if he hadn't heard your last words, gets up from his chair, coming closer. — So you don't believe in luck, huh?
The man leans slightly forward, looking into your eyes from under the half-lowered glasses on the bridge of his nose. The expensive sweet fragrance of the perfume instantly cuts into your nostrils, and you take a small step back.
— It's absurdly to rely only on luck in poker. That's all I wanted to say.
— Hm-m … — the blond man pretends to think. — You're right. Then what about roulette?
— Even roulette has its own patterns, but if we don't go into details, of course, this game revolves exclusively around chance.
— Great! Then can we play? — the man turns towards the roulette table, which has apparently not been used for a long time, in the corner of the room.
— I'm afraid my shift is already over… — you frown, even before you finish, he interrupts you.
— Oh, I was so catastrophically unlucky today that I just want to win back at least another game, otherwise I won't be able to sleep peacefully tonight… Are you really that heartless?
— You can use the services of a croupier and play roulette in the hall.
— It would be sad, because I already liked you, — the blonde smiles, looking into your eyes again.
— If you're trying to flirt with me like that, then I'm in a hurry to upset you — it won't work, — you reply irritably, about to leave, when suddenly a weak grip on your wrist stops you.
— I'm sad to hear that, but what if I make a bet?
You turn around, batting your eyelashes in puzzlement when you meet the sharp gaze of a man's violet-blue eyes.
— You can't play roulette without betting, what's the point of all this?
— Let's say… if my bet plays out, you owe me a kiss, what do you say?
You almost boil with anger, looking at this personification of self-confidence standing in front of you.
— I'm not going to play your games, let go of my hand.
The attempt to pull back your hand was unsuccessful, on the contrary, only forcing the blond to pull you closer.
— It seems that luck isn't on my side today, so if I lose, I'll just leave.
The desire to just slap him in the face is almost impossible to ignore, but you wouldn't be working here if you weren't a gambling person too. Your lips stretch into an arrogant smile as you approach the blond man's face, slightly squinting your eyes.
— In that case, on what number* will you put it on?
The blond man's eyebrows rise, after which a ringing laugh is heard in the room.
— I knew you could entertain me! — the man lets go of your hand, but does not take a step away from you before saying softly. — I'm betting on zero.
«He's crazy!»
You almost laughed at how crazy his bet turned out to be, but it sounds like he's already agreed to leave you alone, so you just smiled, silently retreating to the corner of the dimly lit room. The table has indeed not been used for a long time, having already become covered with a layer of dust, but you take a small ball, gently rolling it in your hand before turning towards the blond man who remains standing at the poker table. He doesn't seem to care at all that he's going to lose now, and the smile doesn't leave his face for a second. It will be all the sweeter to see how the expression on his face will change when he loses.
— Your bet is accepted, — you say loudly before spinning the roulette wheel by throwing a ball at it.
The man doesn't even look at the spinning roulette wheel, instead watching your eyes follow the ball as it slides across the sectors.
12, 35, 3, 26, and finally….
— It can't be… — you whisper, eyes wide open and just looking at how the ball stopped at zero.
— Ho-oh? What's is it? Judging by your reaction, did I win? — the blond man grins, slowly removing his hat from his head and leaving the hat on the edge of the poker table.
This can't be happening. Betting on numbers is always a huge risk, because the chance that the ball will stop at the chosen one is incredibly small. Was he… really just lucky?
You purse your lips, summoning all the self-control you have to turn to the man with an indifferent expression on your face.
— That's right, congratulations on winning, sir.
— M-m… it's not just a win, you remember the conditions, right? — the blond man says playfully, slowly walking towards you, until finally he towers over you, elegantly ripping the glasses off his face.
«This jerk has probably been rehearsing this for years…»
— I didn't have to accept such bets at all, — you mutter irritably.
— I understand your disappointment, but still, you accepted it. Be kind enough to hand me my prize, — you look into the extraordinarily beautiful eyes of a man, trying your best to deny how really attractive he looks without glasses and a hat.
— Ahem… okay. But can I at least get your name? I wouldn't want to kiss a complete stranger.
— Huh? So you don't know who I am? How cute, — the blond man squints, breaking into a smile. — You can call me Aventurine. And you… — the man hooks the badge on your chest with the tip of his finger. — Y/N.
Where have all your old composure gone? They probably got lost somewhere in the midst of this madness, which for some reason you signed up for, following your own excitement. Self-confidence is just as much your enemy as Aventurine, only in this case he is elated with victory, and you are trying to collect your thoughts in order to fulfill the conditions of the game he started.
— Excuse me… — you mumble awkwardly before pressing your lips to the man's cheek, leaving as quick a kiss as possible to hastily turn away, hiding the blush that has appeared on your face.
— Hey! And what was that? — Aventurine says in disappointment, touching the place of your kiss with the tips of his black-gloved fingers.
— You asked for a kiss, but didn't specify which one, — you try to sound confident, but still mentally berate yourself for not being able to look into his eyes right now.
— Oh… — the blond man sighs heavily, pulling away and approaching the roulette table. — I'm not satisfied with such a victory. Let's do it again.
— Huh?! — you cry out indignantly, looking at the back of the impudent man rolling the ball around the zero sector. — I shouldn't be here at all, and neither should you!
— I'm betting on zero again.
You freeze, raising an eyebrow when you turn to Aventurine.
— You're going to lose.
— Maybe, — the man shrugs, turning to face you and leaning on the edge of the table. — But if the bet plays out again, you'll give me a real long kiss.
— I'm not going to waste my time on this madness. The chances of hitting zero a second time are so small that it's easier for you to just leave this room right now, since it's simply impossible to play this bet.
— Let it be so. You don't lose anything if you're so sure of my defeat, do you? Besides, didn't you say that you don't give advice to the players?
It annoys you how logical his words sound. But what's even more annoying is that you really doubt it. It's just not possible. You have to show this arrogant idiot his place.
— Okay, — and here you go back to the roulette table again. — But if you lose, you will never return to this casino again.
Aventurine's purple eyes widen before flashing a gambling spark.
— And you know how to make the game more interesting, — the man grins, picking up the ball from the table, carefully leaving it in your hand. — I agree.
This will be the craziest bet anyone has ever made in the entire existence of this casino. And it only fuels your interest too. You spin the wheel in anticipation by throwing the ball. Your heart is pounding in your chest, as if your own life is at stake. It's been a long time since you've experienced such adrenaline, no matter how absurd what's happening, because it's worth it to win…
— Ha-ha! It seems that today is really my day, — Aventurine grins as the ball slowly rolls and stops at sector zero. Again. — The money I lost in poker was worth spending all my luck on such a tempting prize.
Impossible. He just did the impossible. What were the chances? The mind is so devastated by shock that you can't even approximate the probability, just silently looking at the green sector in amazement.
— You're not… cheating, are you? — you're almost whispering, without opening your eyes from the little ball.
— What cruel accusations! How, tell me, could I cheat at roulette? — the man clicks his tongue in frustration, slowly wrapping his arm around your waist before pulling your body towards his. — If these are just assumptions without any evidence, I think it's time to start awarding the second prize.
The lips open, releasing a soft sigh into the air. You feel the warmth emanating from his body, the smell that his nauseatingly expensive clothes exude, and you feel his measured breathing on the skin of your face when Aventurine bends down, almost touching his lips to yours and freezes.
— I'll make it easier for you this time, — the blond whispers, letting his warm breath caress the delicate skin of your lips.
— What do you mean?.. — the only thing you managed to say right before Aventurine's lips covered yours.
Long fingers dive into your hair, forcing you to tilt your head back, and he deepens the kiss, insistently making his way with his tongue through your lips, which are not too resisting. A soft moan dissolves in Aventurine's mouth, and your fingers desperately cling to the fabric of the shirt on the man's chest, but still you respond to the kiss, allowing your tongue to stick out a little further, slowly waltzing in tandem with his. The shock was instantly replaced by a mixture of embarrassment and a flutter in his chest. It seemed that this kiss lasted forever, so harmonious, gentle, but passionate, as if you have known each other for so long that Aventurine doesn't need much effort to make you melt in his hands, which you allow to touch your body.
Lips gasp for air as soon as Aventurine pulls away, looking at your flushed, relaxed face, which isn't touched by the former cold indifference with which you looked at him all evening.
It's a strange feeling. From the very beginning, when you saw this man, the only thought that you would never in your life become infatuated with just his presence somewhere nearby was ingrained in your head, now fighting for supremacy with the unwillingness that he would let you go. You shouldn't give in to this.
You gently press on Aventurine's chest, shuddering as soon as you feel his warm skin under your fingertips, noticing that you touched this very seductive neckline.
— Is that all? I have to go… — you say softly, trying to get out of Aventurine's hands, but he's not even going to let go of your waist or your cheek, to which his palm is still pressed.
— Really? Well, then I won't hold you back, — the blond man grins, still continuing to prevent your imaginary escape.
— Then let me go. I gave away your winnings and I don't owe you anything else.
— Yes, you did, — the man whispers, gently stroking your cheek with a thumb in a leather glove.
You look at each other without saying a word and freeze like statues. The muffled sounds of slot machines, clinking glasses and laughter come from the hall outside the door, breaking the silence that hangs between the two of you, but you can't hear anything else except your own rapid heartbeat throbbing in your ears. A strange warmth spreads in your chest, gradually sinking down, and a heavy weakness settles in your legs, which doesn't allow you to move from your place.
«What are you doing, Y/N?», — you ask yourself one last time before you swear unintelligibly under your breath, grabbing Aventurine's shirt in order to involve the man in the kiss again. Greedy, careless, but you needed it. The blonde's palm shamelessly moves to your buttocks, covered with black trousers, gently squeezing the elastic flesh, and your fingers slowly slip under the neckline in the shape of an inverted heart, caressing the heated skin of Aventurine's chest.
— W-wait… — you suddenly break off the kiss, breathing heavily and looking at the purple irises covered with long eyelashes.
— What's is it? I won't complain that the dealer is harassing me if you're worried about it, — Aventurine grins, forcing the expression on your face to change to the old irritation.
— This is wrong. I don't have to…
— I don't care about the rules, — the man tilts his head to one side, smiling playfully. — I'm betting on black.
— What? — you ask discouraged, watching the man's fingers hastily undoing the buttons of your white shirt.
— If I win, now you'll be my prize, — Aventurine winks at you before opening the cotton fabric on your chest, noticing you are wearing a black lace bra. — Tsk-tsk, how unlucky you are today. I won again.
✧ ✧ ✧
The button is a special chip marked "D", transmitted clockwise and identifying the dealer (in this case, the dealer is an employee of the casino, so the button only determines who will bet first).
The early position is the player's place at the poker table, located immediately behind the dealer.
Preflop is the initial stage of the poker game, which includes the distribution of cards and the first bets, including blinds.
A straight is a combination of a sequence of five cards.
A hand is a combination of two cards in the player's hands.
A flash combination of five cards of the same suit.
Royal flush is the strongest combination of cards from 10 to ace of the same suit.
A pair is a combination of two cards of the same value (for example, two aces).
A square is a combination of five cards of the same value (for example, four aces).
The highest card is the card of the highest value of all lying on the table.
In roulette, it is possible to bet on one color, on even and odd numbers, and so on, including you can bet on a specific number, which is quite risky due to the reduced chances that such a bet will play, but the winnings from it are multiplied by 35.
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nqmonarch · 8 months
Got back to college and immediately fell asleep for two hours. Then I woke up and ate. Pretty accurate representation of all I do tbh, I hope to write more this semester though!!! Ngl I feel kind of lonely at college now though but my fluffy little backboard thingy feels kind of like a hug. I want Jing Yuan to hug me qq (let's see how many times I say that).
Warning: Depressed reader, mentions of no longer wanting to exist
You leaned further into the broad slightly hard chest of your lover, hoping to bury yourself in it and never resurface. It rumbled beneath you and you raised your fist against it. "Don't move," You grumbled but Jing Yuan's small chuckles didn't stop.
You couldn't hold back your aggravated sigh and the urge to disappear was reignited. Your face flush against his chest, his silk shirt billowing around you and swallowing you whole. A hand rested on your back stroking it comfortingly and the other rested around your waist holding you closer. The fingers drifted up and down, resting at your neck momentarily if it was anyone else you probably would've felt threatened. Then they moved themselves to your arms, leaving you completely entrapped in his arms. Not that you minded.
It was nice. It felt warm. It smelled familiar too. Like home. If there was home, then this was it. You could travel universe from universe in search of purpose, in search of your family, in search of this feeling but somehow you found it here, out of all places. You reluctantly looked up, top of your head brushing against his jawline.
He smiled down at you, "Are you feeling better?" Jing Yuan's smile was slightly teasing, one side of it lifted above the other, but his voice held warmth. Your hands clutched onto the fabric of his shirt tighter, feeling the warmth of your own hands through it.
"No," You spoke rather stubbornly, not wanting to leave his arms. If you felt better, wouldn't that mean everything would be over? Every happy moment you experienced would inevitably have to end.
His legs bent a bit further upwards, remaining on either side of you, "Then tells me what plagues you, my love?" Jing Yuan's voice always held a seemingly carefree lilt, one that would lure you into telling your deepest sins or, perhaps a worse sin, believing he truly was carefree.
"Sometimes I want to disappear," You muttered truthfully, out of trust for him and you felt his grip tighten ever so slightly. "I want to hide away from it all," You admitted.
Jing Yuan looked down at you, smile no longer on his face as he rested his chin upon your head. It left your head completely obscured, his hair acting like a curtain, or maybe a blanket it was certainly as soft as one.
He was quiet for a moment, searching for the right words to say, the right words to reach you, "For now, you can hide. I'll keep you safe and hidden until you are ready. But, you must never disappear on me, alright?" There was a hidden layer of deep rooted insecurity in his words and you nodded.
"I wouldn't dream of it. How could I leave someone I hold so dear?"
The two of you remained in each others embraces quietly, only enjoying the feeling of each other. The feeling of home.
This wasn't what I planned to write but what comes out, comes out right? How many times can I write about Jing Yuan giving huggies? Infinite.
I wonder if I should make this a series haha
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since-im-already-here · 8 months
'Permit me to remind you'
Klahadore drabble
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(Image Source: https://woka.com.ar/?s=captain-kuro-by-@tsuyomaru-one-piece-pictures-one-piece-qq-3Go3Y0Ua)
Word Count: 2,005
The night began as the sun bid farewell to the sky and greeted the stars with familiarity, deeming it an appropriate time to get into bed with a nice warm drink and cosy pillows, which is exactly what you were doing for the young lady Kaya. Reaching for the scorching pot of tea, you pour her a small teacup and bring them over to the newly tucked in and settled Kaya as she reclines against her cushions.
“Klahadore is insistent that I ensure you drink your remedy, my lady. I hope the flavour has improved with the small amount of honey I've added. A little sweetness goes a long way,” you directed her, she nodded and gave a small apprehensive smile. Her illness was depicted in her pale face, hollowed eyes and the dryness of her mouth. You returned her smile before reaching behind your back and collecting a few of the sugar-coated treats you had managed to swipe from the kitchen without the staff noticing. With a sly smile, you offered them to her, 
“Speaking of sweetness, I stole some biscuits from the kitchen stash for you,” you gave her a small wink, offering a final hushed command of, “Don’t tell Klahadore.” 
Kaya begins to giggle at your comment, but immediately slips into a sinister and dry coughing fit, prompting you to reach behind her and pull her into a more upright position to clear her airway as she finishes her collection of raspy, dry breaths. You wince as she coughs into her hands, offering her your handkerchief you keep tucked within your sleeve to collect her illness parting from her lips within. 
“I don’t feel well enough to drink right now. I just want to sleep, please?” Kaya wheezes through her words. From hearing her shaken breath and dry wheeze, you decide that, just for tonight, she can skip her remedy. You place the tea and the biscuits back onto the tray you brought them in, ready to face the disapproving tone and glare of the chief of staff. The same chief of staff that you, two nights ago, shared in an interesting experience with. 
It seemed all it took for the both of you, was a bottle of sticky-sweet port wine shared in the afterhours of a particularly long day of tending to your duties as lady’s maid to the young Lady Kaya. Once the staff bid you both goodnight for the evening with a curt nod and a small, polite smile; a small glass of wine shared between two leaders of staff was followed by another. And then another.
As our memory drew into a small haze, you walked throughout the halls with the full tray clutched firmly in your hands. You were unable to recall the moment from when you had finished the last of the sweet wine to having your arms draped around the neck of your raven-haired coworker. 
Your lips pushing against each other, gasping for breaths as your limbs entangled in the wine cellar against the racking barrels as they syphoned the crimson liquid into the barrels below. This was not how you expected the night to progress; but the two of you had many moments you could’ve considered flirtatious leading into the evening’s event. 
Closing your eyes now; you could still feel his breath fan against your neck as you controlled your verbal gasps and whimpers against each other’s flesh as your bodies joined at the lips. You could still feel his hair falling onto your forehead as he drew away from your neck to gaze longingly into your eyes. The awkward feeling of his glasses inching down his nose and falling onto your face. You remember feeling his hand remove itself from your hips, your jaw falling slack as you witnessed him press his inner palm against his glasses to redraw them atop his nose, only to then force it way under your shirt to grasp your hip again - the warmth of his gloved hands welcome against your flesh.
You knew it was not becoming of a lady to join in entangling yourself with a gentleman in such a way, especially in a place as exposed as a wine cellar. This was not your first dalliance with a man, but it was your first with a colleague. 
Reopening your eyes, you attempt once more to rid your thoughts of their waves of memory, the warm feeling of anxiety and loss of control clawing their way from your chest to your jugular; discomfort clutching at your lips and souring the flavour. 
“We need to stop,” you whispered in between his bruising kisses atop your lips, “someone could hear. Someone could-.” Your words were syphoned into the mouth of your lover in a similar likeness to the barrels racking beside you.  
“Just a little more,” as he pressed his lips into your neck, tongue swirling at the pulse and feeling the elevation in your heartbeat. “Please, darling. Just-...” He trailed a flurry of exuberant oscillations of his smooth lips against your jaw to your cheek, “-Please.” 
He began losing himself in the feeling of your body wrapped around his, your arms around his shoulders and his own raking over your hips to grasp the flesh of your back in a desperate clawing motion to clutch you closer. Another kiss was shared in a long and drawn out caress, followed by another. Then another. The stagger and rapidity of his kisses did nothing to deter the intended silence being met in the air; your whimpers painting the atmosphere with their melodic serenade. 
“Klah-’’ you squeaked, another attempt to steer his passionate kiss to a halt being met with no reaction. This verbal warning didn’t seem to sway him in the slightest. It almost seemed like his name meant nothing to him in the heat of the moment. 
It wasn't until footsteps were heard that it broke him from continuing to chase the feeling of your lips against his own in exuberate moments. At the rise and fall of pattered footsteps against the cement floor, heels clicking and echoing within the chamber as they made their approach. The fear of being caught by his colleagues was all too much for both of you; yet you were still entangled within each other’s arms as stiff as the portraits painted above the cellar walls. As they retrieved a bottle of wine, they left the cellar with their heavy-laden footsteps trailing behind them in tow. 
You both breathed a small sigh of relief as the cellar door closed behind the unsuspecting coworker, your smile breaking against your lips as he turned back to face you again. His eyes softened when his gaze met with yours seeming to, just now, remember that you both were working. He leant forward to rest his forehead against your own, the glasses again falling from the top of his nose down to the tip and brushed against the tip of your nose. 
Lost within the spiral of your own thoughts, you start to wonder if it was just one night to him. Did it mean as little to him as he made it out to be? There was no whisper of a word or a murmur to inform you of anything other than the sort. No acknowledgement of the event even occurring the following day as you fell into the rhythm of working together in perfect synchrony. 
Continuing to the kitchen, you set down the full tray of hot blue tea and stolen biscuits against the sink to prepare disassembling the arrangement meant to be presented to the lady under your charge. At eyeing the sugary treats atop the porcelain tray, your anxiety begins to elevate with the rapidity of your heartbeat that you did, indeed, steal those biscuits to bring to Lady Kaya from the pantry. And you did, indeed, bring the full tray back down to the kitchen, knowing full well that Klahadore would be less than pleased that Kaya did not drink her remedy that night. 
Hearing the barely audible tap of soft shoes upon the kitchen floor causes you to briefly halt your disassembly of items, retracting your hand from the handle of the teapot you had begun to pour down the sink. Resetting it upon the tray, you rotated your neck to rid it of the small click within before narrowing your eyes and curling your lip. 
“Why is the tea here?” the smooth voice purred from behind you, “She needs to have her tea daily, Dear. And biscuits? You know better than-.” His voice halted as you thumped your palms first on the kitchen counter before turning to face him.
“Klahaore, I don’t know better. I know best,” you challenged him, your brows decreasing their position on your forehead, “A simple biscuit will not cause her harm, and we both know she needs something in stomach or she’ll feel sick from the tea as it hits it.” You stepped closer to him, raising your chin to glare into his eyes. His jaw slackened slightly, his breath hitching at your verbal challenge and the proximity you drew yourself within.
After several unspoken and silent moments pass between you, he clears his throat and readjusts his glasses with the heel of his palm. His mouth begins to open to begin another order towards you, only to halt at your next interruption.
“If that will be all, I shall take my leave for the night,” you rotated your shoulders, standing firm in your upright and formal posture and awaiting dismissal from your superior. Klahadore furrowed his brows, not truly understanding where this animosity and surliness had come from.
"See me in my office," he ordered, stepping closer to your body. You stepped back from his approach, unbreaking in your defiant expression nor the rigidity in your posture.
“My working hours begin between the time my lady rises in the morning, and concludes once she is settled for the night,” you quipped in return, “If I am to be required to attend a meeting with my superior, I will do so in the hours I am employed within.”
"I am giving you an order, darling. You will come to my office now," he informed you, his tone strong and low. He stepped towards you once more, which you followed by stepping back to keep yourself an arms length away.
"And I am saying I will not," you smirked in return. His eyes darkened, his jaw tensing behind his pursed lips. 
With that small smirk, you begin to push yourself past him, only for him to grab your wrist firmly and pull you against his torso. Your eyes fill with disdain as you glance up at him, though you imagine it isn't too threatening with your cheeks flushed with the contact he was providing to you. He holds you wordlessly, staring down into your eyes with a final warning-look. 
“Sir,” you spat, looking down to the position his hand was remaining circling your wrist within, before floating your gaze back up to his spectacles framing his dark eyes. He breaks from gripping your wrist and hovers his hand to the side of your face, almost brushing the heel of his palm against your cheek in a gentle caress. 
“We need to discuss what happened in the wine cellar,” he whispered in such a low and intimate purr of his voice, it prompted your cheeks to flush with further warmth than the initial contact of his grasp on your hand. You gulped back your collected saliva in your mouth, darting your gaze between his eyes.
“And what happened in the wine cellar, Klahadore?” you feigned your ignorance, recollecting the exact moment he was referring to but choosing to play coy with a smirk threatening to find residency back atop your lips. 
His lips ticked up to the left hand side of his lips as he stooped lower to your face, whispering gently in another purred tone.
“My darling, permit me to remind you.”
Apprehensive tag list @fanaticsnail @writingmysanity @sordidmusings
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
winter solstice happiness 🥟❄️
aside from their studios posting very close to each other, which is something we will now be monitoring lol. seriously. they just did it last 12/15 and now again? hahahahahaha! i like the idea tho that some are saying, how this is a reward for bxgs who are working hard for these damn weibo tickets! anyway, here are other things we have noticed from today.
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nothing serious, just good old clowning! ✌🏼
last time i talked about people knowing what songs wyb is listening to, so fans are saying it’s wyb’s qq music and those who are friends with his real account can view some of his songs & playlist. they said he is listening to the following tracks:
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interesting choices. cause isn’t wyb supposed to be into rock music lately? so why is he listening to this kind lately? we do know tho that xz prefers this type as well, so maybe wyb is playing this while he is with xz. 🤍
from the caption in ybo’s post “looking at everything”. this has actually been talked about before, but xz and xzs are fond of using the world everything/all things. so it’s 👀 when we saw it. of course the whole song and concept of wyb’s new single may be different and have more meaning as we get the lyrics and all that. but this one tiny thing is interesting.
there is also the bit in the preview that mentions loving the old & new. does this mean his “old” and “new” self since there has been changes in wyb’s life and who he is the public eye. some are comparing this to xz’s interview where he said there are 2 xiao zhans. again, this is a very early interpretation based on a small fraction of what we will have when we get the song but it’s fun to speculate 🤷🏻‍♀️
i’m personally curious tho why it’s moved to 12/29 when it has always been 12/30 release date? i guess we will have the answer at the right time.
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I also already mentioned this one, in C position is this b&w photo. We all know how WYB is fond of taking b&w photos lately so this is making me happy. Most likely not taken by WYB of course but the b&w that stands out in the middle is 🤍. He is also using the fan wyb gave him and then his phone where you can see that he is still using the card case. Maybe they used it as a break from all the professional photos in the grid but ofc our turtle brain is telling us otherwise.
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fans are also joking around cause xz’s photos show the left side of his face. which is his “good side”? sure. but why not the right? don’t you want us to compare it from this one???? 🤣🤣🤣
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ANYWAY, WE ARE SO LUCKY! BXGs have it real good. WYB’s new song on 12/29 and in between we might have some LOCH wrap content. Then for NYE, hopefully XZ will go to Dragon TV as rumored. WYB on the other hand will be with CCTV and then Hunan TV. It’s gonna be busy for us before the year ends! Let’s gooooo!!!!!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
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wanderer-six · 1 year
Strength and Softness
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AN:  my poor baby needs love and I think we all need love QQ pls enjoy ♥
Relationships: Wrecker x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and the others have reached your lowest low. The weight of all that has developed bears heavily on all of you, but on Wrecker, even more. You hope to reassure him with all the love you can give.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.1k
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It all happened so fast.
Just hours ago, you had been on Pabu. Just hours ago, you had been basking in the setting sun, feeling content in a way you hadn’t in months. You’d had your family—even Echo had returned. You’d had the promise of a future far from war.
Just hours ago, you’d had everything you’d ever wanted. And in an instant, it disappeared.
Though the Marauder’s engines struggled loudly against the vacuum of space, its hold had never fallen so quiet. Four of you remained now, and plenty waited to be said. But none of you could say a word—too mournful of the voices that could no longer respond.
Eventually, Hunter and Echo managed to speak to one another, distracting themselves with plans for what to do next. What little you could bring yourself to pay attention to sounded half-hearted at best. And while you wished you could help, something else nagged at your mind… that ‘something’ being the big, lovable clone whose typical exuberance was nowhere to be found.
Glancing toward the gunner’s chair, you saw the shadow of his hulking frame against the blue glow of hyperspace. He hadn’t budged from that spot since a short while after leaving Ord Mantell. In his hands, he clutched his Lula doll, his weary eyes glued to her. Every now and then, he’d raise the back of his hand to wipe his eyes.
Your chest ached. Though you all had much to grieve for, Wrecker’s big heart seemed to weigh heavier than all of yours combined. The poor thing felt so deeply, and while you loved that about him, you knew it had to make moments like this hurt even more than their already excruciating pain.
But while what you had all endured left you broken and bruised, you thanked the stars that you still had each other—and you would make sure he knew he still had you.
Quietly, you rose from your seat on the floor of the Marauder’s cockpit, walking to the back of the ship and ascending the small ladder into the gunner’s mount. With a gentle hand on Wrecker’s shoulder, you took a seat on his lap. He didn’t hesitate for a moment, his big arms draping around you like a protective blanket as they pulled you against his chest. Pained though he was, you could feel his heartbeat steady with you so close. He drew a long sigh; when you glanced up at him, you could see his eyes had pinched shut, brows furrowed as his trembling fingers raked through your hair.
With a sad smile, you whispered, “Hey, you.”
Despite his pain, he still managed to find a little smile to match yours, warming your heart.
“Hey, you…” he answered. His smile fell soon after, and his lips grazed the top of your head in a chaste kiss. “I’m… I’m sorry.”
“Oh, Wrecker…” you cooed, nuzzling your head as gently into your neck as you could without disturbing the brace he wore. You rested your hand on his cheek, heart aching when he leaned into your touch. “What are you sorry for, sweetheart?”
Wrecker thought for a moment, his sweet eyes looking out the Marauder’s rear window. Eventually, he sighed, shrugging a shoulder.
“I… I don’t know,” he murmured. “I guess ‘cause… I should be helping you three come up with a plan. I’m not doing anyone any good by just moping around.”
The way he stared at nothing, reluctant to meet your gaze, told you without words that he felt the need to apologize for more than just that. In his eyes, the loss of his siblings was his failure alone. He hadn’t been strong enough to save Tech aboard the railcar, and he hadn’t been strong enough to face the commandos who barged into Cid’s looking for Omega. Every step he took from then on would carry that weight on his shoulders. But you were not about to let him carry it alone.
“Wrecker, sweetheart,” you whispered. “Look at me… okay?”
Gently, your hand directed him to face you, and the sorriest eyes you’ve ever seen looked into yours. As soon as he met your gaze, more tears dampened his cheeks. You could hardly bear the sight, cooing his name again as you kissed away his tears.
“It wasn’t your fault,” you promised. “None of us could have done anything different. It’s not your fault, sweetheart…”
Wrecker’s frame trembled beneath you. His face burned red, and he pinched his nose with a frustrated pout.
“I… I could’ve done more,” he grumbled. Stray tears turned to crying once again, and he shook his head. “I could’ve held onto the railcar… I-I could’ve knocked out every one of those regs at Cid’s! I could’ve…”
You placed both hands on the sides of Wrecker’s face now, leaning your forehead against him and shushing him in a soothing tone. With a gentle kiss on Wrecker’s lips, his frustration with himself faded away. Shakily, he sat Lula in your lap, before clutching you soundly against him and weeping into your hair. You held him just as close, fingers trailing along his scalp as your stray tears spilled onto his plastoid armor.
“Wrecker… it’s okay, love,” you reassured him, dotting kiss after kiss along his jaw. “It wasn’t your fault. None of it was.”
He pulled away from you just slightly, if only to look at you again. As his glassy eyes looked you over, he drew a shaky breath. One of his hands sat on your cheek, before he met you in a deep, loving kiss. His lips quivered on yours, still weak from crying, but he had never been so intent to express his love for you. You, of course, were happy to show him your love right back.
When your lips broke from his, he sighed, his forehead coming to rest on yours again. Excepting the occasional hiccup brought on by his tears, his breathing had steadied considerably, and the tension he’d held in his shoulders had dissipated.
“I love you,” he breathed, closing his eyes softly. “I love you so much. I…” he swallowed hard, before whispering, “I’m glad you’re still here.”
Smiling softly, you bumped your nose against Wrecker’s affectionately.
“I love you more, handsome,” you hummed.
You lifted Lula off your lap, placing her into one of Wrecker’s hands. When he met you with upturned brows, you smiled sadly.
“We’ll get her back. I promise.”
Wrecker’s eyes softened on you. Though a few more stray tears escaped him, he nodded, filled with renewed confidence. Still, he didn’t let you go—not that you wanted him to. For now, he could hold you as long as he liked. If being in his arms was enough to shed the weight of his doubts, then in his arms you would remain.
“Yeah… we’ll get her back.”
You were glad he was still here, too. More than you could ever say.
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AN: MY BABY kfldhgkls he was so so sweet and sad and sweet in the last episode I just wanted to give him a big hug and love him to bits ahhhh TAKE CARE OF HIM WRECKER WIVES and thank you as always for reading!!✨✨
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
I think tumblr ate my ask TT so I hope it’s ok to send it again qq
At the Beach - How would Ren/[REDACTED] and the rest of the 14dwy cast react to MC telling them "If you find me pretty shells I will make a necklace out of them for you?"
I thought about this when I was making seashell necklaces for my friend and I after going to the beach
Ren "R-Really?!" He's immediately grabbing your hand and guiding you towards the shoreline. "How about I make you one as well? I know aaaaaaaall about your favourite shells, anyway. Let's see if we can find some!"
[REDACTED] "...Here," Before you have time to react, he's already shoving a shoddily made shell necklace into your hands, "I made this f'you while you weren't looking. Y'don't need to make me one though. Just seeing you happy is enough."
Violet "Oh? I'll make you one as well, then." She beams at you before heading in the direction of the rock-pools with a large bucket in hand, "Do you have a specific colour in mind?"
Elanor "That's so sweet! But you don't have to!" Nevertheless, she lets you guide her towards the shoreline — but not before placing a spare sunhat over your head. "Got to keep yourself protected from those pesky rays!"
Leon "What about this shell— Ah!" Suddenly, a small crab emerges from inside the shell and looks up at the two of you. Without missing a beat, Leon turns with the most serious expression on his face, "We have a son now, sunfish. This is a big responsibility."
Teo "Do whatever you want." Despite his harsh words, it barely took Teo 10 minutes before he gruffly asks you to teach him how to make shell jewellery as well. Unbeknownst to you, however, the shell jewellery he creates would soon become matching bracelets for you, Leon, and himself.
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sailorgreywolf-german · 6 months
Hi, just wanted to say, I love your writing!
Also a qq, are you taking prompts? I saw york reblogged this awesome prompt list with different categories. If you by any change are open for requests, 7 an 17 from angst section with roderich and gilbert. I just like to see Austria suffering
Austria groaned and put a hand to his side as he settled into a chair. His face was pale and his eyebrows were knit in an unmistakable grimace.
Prussia’s first instinct was to look for some sort of injury. He had not seen anything happen in battle recently, but in the carnage, it was possible that he had missed something. He looked closely at where Austria’s hand was on his side. There wasn’t any blood, at least not that he could see.
He had to ask, “Are you injured?”
As he waited for an answer, it struck him that the world sounded too quiet without the sound of guns ringing in the background. Prussia had becomes far more used to the sounds of the Eastern front in recent years. There was something uncanny in the silence.
He let his mind wander until Austria answered the question, “Not precisely.”
He shifted uncomfortably and took his hand away from his side. As Prussia expected, it came away clean. So, he had not been shot, and that was some relief. It did, however, leave Prussia at a loss for why he looked so pained.
Since he had no time to be coy, he said directly, “But you are in pain. I can see that.” Austria attempted to smirk, but it looked unconvincing with the strain on his face, “How perceptive of you.”
Prussia did not appreciate the cutting sarcasm in the slightest. He was trying to be helpful, and not say the words that came most directly to mind: You will be of no help on the battlefield like this. Even if you were not much help before.
He knew he would get nowhere being too sharp; he would just get the same sarcasm back. It was Austria’s way. He tried again, making a concerted effort to soften his edges, “Roderich, you can tell me-“
Austria cut him off, “It’s the empire. I can feel it straining at all the seams.” He balled up one hand until the knuckles turned white and let out a breath through his nose like he was bracing himself before he said, “There is so much conflict.”
Prussia could hear the way that he was speaking through clenched teeth. He tried to be comforting, though it was certainly not his strength, “I can give you something to dull the pain and get you on a train back to Vienna tomorrow. I don’t need the help here, and you should rest.”
He felt like he was coming across as perfectly practical, and he knew that on a military level he could do just as well without Austria. The personal level was considerably more complicated. He had enjoyed the close quarters together. He added, “You have my leave to go get some beauty rest. I’ll win this war and you’ll feel better.” He threw in a wink, “Let me do what I’m good at.”
Austria was slowly shaking his head as he slowly tilted his face up so that he could meet his eyes. He looked agonized and Prussia was puzzled at what he had said wrong. Austria sounded exasperated, “Gilbert, be realistic. Even you cannot win this war.”
Prussia raised an incredulous eyebrow at him, and spoke from pure wounded pride, “Have some faith in me.” Austria gave another shake of his head, “It’s not a matter of faith. It’s all too far gone. I do not feel like going back to Vienna to watch Karl fail.”
Prussia rolled his eyes, “Nonsense. You are in pain, and it is making you pessimistic.” He opened a small medic’s pack that he kept on his belt and pulled out a small bottle of pills. He poured a couple into his hand before pressing them firmly into Austria’s extended hand. He spoke with the authority of a field medic, “Take those.”
Austria wrinkled his nose at him like a child but did as he was told. Prussia decided that it must simply be that Austria was failing to understand the military situation, and he would feel less dour when he did.
He started his lecture as he tucked the bottle back into his medical bag, “It is not as bad as it was a year ago. Ivan has surrendered.”
He tried not to choke on the words or to remember how Russia had looked at Brest-Litovsk. So wan and pale.
He forced his train of thought back on track, “That leaves us only Romania and Italy on this side. You could take Feli on your own. And I can handle Vladimir easily. Then we turn West.”
Austria ran his hand over his side like he was trying to comfort an angry invisible wound, “I am sure that is what you tell Ludwig when you send him letters. And I do not blame you for softening the edges for him. He’s a boy still drunk on ideas of glory. But do not treat me like I am naïve.”
Prussia was about to argue with him again, but Austria put up a hand to stop him. Austria took the quiet as an opportunity to continue, “I can tell you what will happen: We will lose this war. And then-“ he swallowed hard like the next words were physically painful, “then I will die. You win, happy?”
Prussia could not believe what he had just heard, and said on instinct, “What? No, I am not happy.”
He had no idea what leap of logic had led Austria to the conclusion that he was in mortal danger. He had lost wars before and been completely fine. He was even more offended by the concept that he would be happy if loss had been fatal.
Austria leaned back in his chair and fixed Prussia with a stern gaze, “It does not surprise me that you have not thought about it. But it has not left my mind since the emperor’s death. I am nothing without the empire.”
Prussia scoffed, unimpressed with the idea that losing the empire was that detrimental. It was just Austria's ego talking. But Austria continued before he could speak, “Listen to me, for once. I have no kingdom without the Reich, nothing that I represent. If the crown fails, there will be no Crownlands. And I need not remind you what happened to Holy Rome when what he was dissolved in pieces. That is the fate that is waiting for me.”
No, Prussia did not need to reminder. He knew the secret he had kept for over a century about the boy he had found nearly dead during the Napoleonic wars. He could have said that he knew it was possible to survive a collapse, but then he would have to admit to the lie he told about Germany for years. He would have to admit that to the person who had carried profound guilt about Holy Rome's death. He decided against it. The middle of a war did not seem like the right moment to have a reasonable conversation about something so delicate.
Instead, he kneeled and took both of Austria’s hands in his own and said, “Even if we lose, I am not going to let anything happen to you. You can marry me and come live with Ludwig. I would do it because I love you.”
He reached up to stroke his hair, but Austria leaned away, “No, you don’t. You love yourself first and foremost. There was never room for me in that.”
He stood up, and winced at the sudden movement, but managed to right himself. He announced, tersely, “I am going to bed.”
Prussia watched him go and made a mental note to give him a half an hour to calm down and to let the pain medication take effect, and then he could try to join him in bed.
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anjuschiffer · 2 years
Repairing a Broken Hero (if you can even call me that...)
...hi? (Eve, I did the thing :D) and no I’m not dead, adulting has taken over my life QQ
Prompt: The hero finally snaps after losing everything they loved. They fall, sobbing into the villains arms. The villain is shocked, but understands the pain. They wrap gentle hands around the hero, combing a hand through their hair. Telling them that everything will be okay. The hero continues to sob and all the villain could do is repeat that phrase: “it’s okay.”
TAG: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan @vixen-uchiha @nathleigh @startouchedqueen1318
Being backed into a small parking space behind apartment buildings wasn’t something Victor saw himself ever being cornered into. 
The sound of wire zipping back to its place was all Mr.Freeze heard as he felt himself jerk forward, only for hissing to replace the noise filling his ears. 
Mr.Freeze hissed as he looked down at the tube that flailed about, the chlorofluorocarbon gasses leaking out of his suit. 
“Do you know how much that cost?” Mr.Freeze yelled, feeling his knuckles ache as he propped his gun back up to his enemy. “Thousands of dollars! All wasted because of you!”
Meanwhile, a girl simply smiled back, a craze filling her eyes as she remained crouched from the dumpster she was resting on. 
“You act as if that actually came out of your pocket when we both know it didn’t. And even if it did, I still wouldn’t have given a shit.” The heroine cladded in black and red sassed back, fiddling with what looked to be a blade in her hand. “You are my target and I did what I do best: neutralize.”
He watched as she twirled it once more before placing it back onto the belt she had on, the wire rope loosely dangling. 
“It was made out of steel.” Freeze seethed. “A small, thin girl like you shouldn’t be able to-“
He barely managed to speak another word, something quickly zooming past his face, hearing something creak towards his left, noticing the blade missing from her waist. 
While he only turned his head a bit, he couldn’t help but fully turn to look at the massive wedge missing from his glass helmet. Only a few millimeters of glass was left to stabilize the rest of it to prevent it from completely shattering.  “You little-!”  
He watched as a trashed television came his way, Freeze quickly dashing to the side to avoid it. 
“Come on Mr.Freeze! Don’t tell me that’s the best you’ve got, is it?”
That set him off and he hated that he gave her the pleasure of knowing it. After all, that stupid grin wouldn’t leave her damned face!
He began to shoot at the girl, watching as she jumped around the area, flipping herself off walls, ladders, cars, well…everything! 
He froze up incoming debris, trash bins, some plants that were out on the fire escapes and even some loose bricks the heroine found laying around. “Stay still!”
“Why should I? You’re the one who chose such a bulky weapon in the first place!” 
“You really are a huge pest!”
“I’m not the one who has a hard time aiming, now am I? Maybe try a little harder?” The heroine suggested, her grin growing wider as Mr.Freeze froze another car instead of her. “Ooo, how’d you miss me? I’m literally standing still right now! Hell, I’m standing two meters away from you! Shooting me shouldn’t be hard, you know.” She laughed as Freeze missed another beam, pulling herself up a fire escape.
“Stay still, you little bug!” He noticed her scrunch her nose at the name. 
“Please don’t ever call me that.” She warned, twirling a yo-yo about. What happened to the blade from earlier? “Only my friends get to call me ‘Bug.’ You only get to call me Red Beetle. And for the record, I stopped being a “little girl” years ago.”
“You are barely towering five feet and are as small as a bug. But don't worry, soon, you’ll be- argh!” Mr.Freeze fell to the floor, his helmet almost completely cracking upon his head hitting the floor, feeling his suit start to hiss thanks to the increase in temperature. 
He tried to get up, only to feel his legs bound up, noticing Red Beetle’s first weapon around them. “You arrogant chi-”
“Shut it.” Red Beetle growled, towering over him as she rewrapped her weapon. “You don’t know a single-!” Red Beetle let out a scream, Freeze grinning as he finally landed a beam on her, watching as frost began to form on her arm, the ice slowly crawling up to her shoulder.
He lowered his arms, grateful that he decided to modify his gauntlets into ice cannons.
“Not so cocky now, are we?” He shot another beam directly at her body, hearing Red Beetle screech louder, watching as she collapsed to the ground, watching as she tried her best to breathe. “Now, I suggest you stay down and- argh!”
Mr.Freeze didn’t expect Red Beetle to launch herself at him, feeling as she managed to rip one of his gauntlets off his suit. “Get off me!” Mr.Freeze yelled, throwing her off of him, watching Red Beetle collide with the wall, Mr.Freeze watching as she slid to the floor. 
He watched as she tried to prop herself up again, only for arms to give in. 
“All you heroes are the same.” He slowly made his way to her, noticing how blood was seeping from the corner of her mouth, but besides that, she looked fine. How was she still in almost pristine condition?
“Are we really?” Red Beetle croaked, finally finding the strength to sit up. “Are we really the same?” She asked him again, this time, looking straight at him as she did, her eyes boring at him, causing a shiver to run down Mr.Freeze’s spine.
Her dull eyes got ingrained into his mind, as if she saw things he has yet to see. Or maybe it was her drastic change in demeanor that was causing him to doubt his advantage?
She’s doing this to throw him off…he should know better than to let his guard down.
But her face…her eyes… she wasn’t smiling or grinning as she said it. She wasn’t brimming with confidence or arrogance as her other fellow heroes would sometimes hold when they told him those same words. 
The way she said those words…he couldn’t help but distinguish the hint of anger, disgust that lingered behind the question. 
It was as if she was testing him or rather, testing what that phrase meant to him…to her… 
“All of you heroes talk about justice and peace, blabbering how violence isn’t right and how it should never be the way to handle a problem and yet, here you are. Punching, kicking, destroying your surroundings, your beloved cities all in the name of justice. All of this violence to justify saving those you love and want to protect-“
He didn’t expect her to laugh, the girl going into a laughing fit with no end in sight only to be left dumbfounded when tears began to fall from her eyes. 
How they started to pool onto the floor as she hung her head. How her tiny frame kept shaking with each laugh she let out. 
“Protect? Me?” Her giggles began to cool down. “Doing all of this in the name of justice…” She suddenly stopped, as if she hadn’t just been laughing moments ago. She then snapped her head to look at him, contempt raging in her eyes as tears kept spilling from her red eyes. “I’m not doing this to protect anyone. Hell, today was my first day here in Gotham. I don’t know anyone here besides Batman. 
And even so, I only met him for an hour max. So I don’t really care about him to be completely honest. And don’t get me started on the Justice League. I’ve only known them for a few weeks.
So to have someone to protect?” She let out a scoff. “I have no one. The only reason I’m even here today was because they wanted me to prove myself to be worthy of being part of the Justice League. 
I never asked them to fight you. 
They made me fight you.
Can you imagine? Having to prove an international league of heroes that just recently came to being not long ago that I can be of some service to them? That I have to take one villain down today to get them to acknowledge the fact that I’m someone who wants to be on their side? To prove my worth?
Because apparently saving Paris from a domestic terrorist that has been manipulating people for seven years wasn’t enough. 
That seven years of having to balance my life and hero work was worthless to them. 
But can you really blame me for taking that long to unmask the villain?
When I was given this mantle, no one was there to help me. There was no Justice League to reach out to. 
I had to learn the ropes myself, I had to figure out how to unmask this villain by myself. 
I spent days learning how to code, how to hack, restore damaged video footage, assemble listening devices, nano tech…
Do you know of any teen that can hijack an entire company’s security in mere minutes? 
Of a teen that not only had to teach herself four different types of martial arts and then show her team the same thing because it turned about that she wasn’t the only one who was given this task in her city?
Of a teen who had to let go of her entire team to prevent endangering their lives?
Or what about a teen that not only remembers every face they’ve ever had to save, but also remembers the faces of the people they’ve had to bury because they were just a few centimeters away from saving them?
What about being able to suppress any emotion they’ve ever felt because even the slightest show of emotion can make you a possible pawn for your city’s villain?” She asked him, a scowl growing by the question.
Mr.Freeze didn’t know when he had lowered his weapon, his mind too fixated on the person in front of him. 
“And to top it all off, even after I showed them the aftermath of my battle with this villain, of the effects that are still lingering in Paris because of this asshole, one of the League members had the audacity to say my evidence wasn’t enough. That I had to do something else to prove myself simply because he couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that I can’t let magic -not even any magical evidence for that matter- to just linger around for some other asshole to abuse. 
Because how the fuck do you expect someone to not be attracted to magic? To leave it alone?
Was Hawkmoth not enough to prove to the world that magical artifacts -hell, magic itself- being lethal when in the wrong hands? Am I not evidence enough that even with a team of magic retainers, it is not enough to defeat a single person who knows more about magic than the heroes themselves?” She asked, gripping at chest, or at least tried to.
Was this all true? If so, the Justice League shouldn’t be putting down this girl for her efforts, and even if there wasn’t solid evidence about the Hawkmoth villain, then shouldn’t they at least investigate the situation themselves?
They have the modes and money to do so, so why don't they?
Mr.Freeze continued to watch the girl in front of him, watching as she was trying to bring herself back into reality. “Do you know how old I was when I was given this job?”
It took him a while to register those words, a few seconds more to realize this wasn’t a rhetorical question. 
“H-How old were you?”
“I wasn’t even 13 years old yet, a few months shy from it… do you want to know how old I am now?” She took his silence as a yes. “I recently turned 19.” A chuckle escaped her. “Just last week actually…I spent it by myself at the League’s dormitory…
Seven years…I spent seven years being a hero…
But I never asked to be a hero.” A scowl rose to her face again. “ I never asked to be burdened with such a duty. 
I didn’t ask to be robbed of my childhood. 
I never got to enjoy what we’re supposed to be some of the happiest years of my childhood…my life… 
Instead, my time was taken from making memories with my friends and spent taking care of someone else’s responsibilities. 
I was supposed to waste time at slumber parties, talking about boys, hanging out with my class on trips, studying for exams, planning my career, falling in love, spending time with my parents…”
Tears began to fall down her face again. “My parents…” A sob escaped her.
But that was it, and he knew. 
One sob was all it took after all. 
Soon, he saw how Red Beetle began to wail, screaming as she probably recalled her parents. 
He watched as she furiously scrubbed the tears that escaped her, watching as she screamed out for her parents. 
“Maman! Papa!” Screaming like a child who lost her parents in the supermarket.
But unlike that scenario, she will never unite with them ever again…
Just like him…
They’ll never reunite with the people who meant so much to them…their world…
He never dropped to his knees so quickly, Victor quickly bringing Red Beetle into a hug, feeling her freeze at his action, how quickly she silenced herself. 
“It’s okay.” He softly spoke, hearing a hiccup escape the girl. “It’s okay.” 
And that was enough to make her bring back down her barriers. Bring back up the sorrow she had been holding in for so long. 
He found himself astounded when Red Beetle reverted to her civilian identity, left with a teen in his arms, pouring her soul out as if her life depended on it. 
“It’s okay.” He found himself saying, rubbing circles on her back in hopes of soothing her. “It’s okay.”
But he knew it fell onto deaf ears. 
Red Beetle cried until she couldn’t, her sobs slowly coming to a soft hic, her head leaned onto his shoulder, her hand welded into his armor as if she feared he would leave her here on her own. 
In his arms, she looked nothing like the person he fought an hour ago…
Nothing like the hero he thought she was…
She was just a child…
A child forced to be an adult…a hero…
Heroes…is the Justice League truly worthy of that title?
“Red Beetle, are you feeling okay?” He softly asked her, not hearing a single indication of an answer from the girl. He pulled away from her ever so slightly, surprised that the heroine had fallen asleep. “Of course you would sleep after crying like that, but it’s alright.” He told her, lifting her up with ease, wondering if she was eating enough. “It’s okay now. I’ll make sure you’re safe until you wake up.”
And I’ll make sure they don’t force you to be a hero again. 
REPORT: Red-” The automated voice loud continued to say as the members of the Justice League continued to stare at the blaring red letters that engulfed the room in red light.
They couldn’t believe it…
She just reported to them just half an hour ago…
What happened to Red Beetle?
Where did she go?
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woogigi · 1 year
The Morning After
Yuqi wakes up after a night out in New Orleans for Shuhua's Bachelorette next to her enemy from high school - just to find out they're married.
Slight smut at the end
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Yuqi felt like someone had banged her head against a brick wall a few times. Not to mention her stomach. Oh God, her stomach felt like it was turning inside out. It was bright. Far too bright for her eyes and so she kept her eyes closed tight. Not wanting to face the consequences of last night. Not yet. She could feel she was naked. Judging by the cold she was currently feeling on the top half of her body that was no longer under the blanket. She would cover herself were it not for the fact that to cover herself would mean moving, and moving meant the possibility of throwing up.
Something she would absolutely not do.
Yuqi's shut eyes opened when she realised that the weight she was feeling on her side was an arm. And her back was warm from the body pressed against it. Yuqi groaned as her eyes met the light. It was way too bright. Eventually her eyes adjusted as she took in the view in front of her. She saw the white curtains first. Then the awfully nice bedding and room that she definitely couldn't afford. She looked down to see her chest covered in marks almost possesively trailing down. She could guess that the same marks would be found on her thighs.
Yuqi was about to look at the other body when the person moved closer to her with a groan. They must be waking up. Yuqi rubbed her eyes hoping to wake up a bit more and she felt something poke her eye. Upon further inspection Yuqi felt herself pale and really thought she'd throw up. There on her left hand - on her ring finger - were two small gold bands. One of them had a small diamond on top and she could've sworn it was real. Yuqi immediately checked the hand laying over her and heard her heart beat in her ears to see the same thing on the other women's hand.
Fuck, she was in so much trouble.
She tried to turn slightly to see who it was but once she did the other person shifted like they were waking up. Yuqi stayed still to wait and see what they would do.
"I know you're awake," the awfully familiar voice groaned.
Yuqi thought she'd have a heart attack and die on the spot. Her, a 23 year old, dies from shock after a drunken night of partying and finding she married someone. A someone whose voice was so familiar. A someone who she had run into last night and not wanted to see again. A someone who she had left in her pit of bad memories from high school behind and tried to never think about again. Yuqi couldn't believe it. She wouldn't.
Despite her body's protests Yuqi turned around. She nearly choked on her own spit when her enlarged eyes met a sharp stare. From the one and only Jeon Soyeon. Yuqi's arch enemy in high school. God, they always fought and Yuqi never understood why Soyeon was so mean to her. Always picking on her and calling her names after she came out. Yet, here they are. In a bed together. Clear evidence they had sex (if the lovebites and ache in her private parts were anything to go by). Wedding bands on their ring fingers. Minnie was going to have a field day when she finds out.
Yuqi was at a loss for words as she looked at Soyeon who had a growing smirk on her face.
"What's wrong, Yuqi-ya?" She asked eventually realizing Yuqi wasn't going to say anything.
Yuqi stayed silent as she lifted her hand with the ring on.
Soyeon nodded as if understanding, "God, you took forever to choose one - you said you had to find the right one - but it's perfect for you."
"We're married?" Yuqi croaked out as she still felt confused.
Soyeon remembered everything? Why couldn't Yuqi remember? Did Soyeon take advantage of her? Was this a prank?
Soyeon hummed, "the papers are in my bag," Soyeon suddenly looked closer at Yuqi, "do you not remember anything? At all?"
Yuqi shook her head and regretted it instantly. She let out a small moan at the pain and closed her eyes. Next thing she knew she felt fingers massaging her temples and relieving the pain slightly. She sighed contentedly as the pain lessened and the sudden dizzyness went away. Yuqi felt her heart beat a little faster when she felt lips press to her forehead.
"Shuhua found some sort of drink thing that you guys all downed. It had you doing pretty strange things but you seemed coherent after I got you to drink like five bottles waters and two black coffees. You seemed to have sobered up?" Soyeon said as she ran her fingers through Yuqi's hair.
Yuqi moved closer enjoying the comfort and tried to wrack her brain for memories. She remembered Shu boasting about a drink that was special to New Orleans. She remembers all of them having a bit. Yuqi tried to remember how she ran into Soyeon again. Suddenly an image of sitting at a bar with the woman appeared. She was slouching in the chair with her head resting in her hands. Soyeon was smiling at her. Not that teasing smile she always used on Yuqi. No, this one as sweet - soft even - and Yuqi remembers thinking how beautiful the woman was in the yellow lights from the hotel bar. Remembers thinking back to when she had been crushing on Soyeon until the woman started making her life hell.
"I remember bits from the bar but I need more time," Yuqi said feeling her eyes drift closed from Soyeon playing with her hair.
"It's alright love," soyeon spoke softly, "I can tell you what happened from there to help you remember maybe? I don't know what it was you drank later on but maybe it messed up your memories or something?"
Yuqi moved her head into Soyeon's neck as the womans hand guided her there so she could play with Yuqi's hair more comfortably. Yuqi doesn't understand why she doesn't feel more on edge about this. Like why is this so comfortable and why is Soyeon making her feel so at ease. Also she's calling her love? What happened last night?
"Please," Yuqi asked hoping to get back more memories.
Soyeon hummed in thought, "After you'd sobered up at the bar you dragged me with you to find Minnie and we saw her and Miyeon making out so we left them and found Shuhua dancing so we joined her."
"Wait? Minnie and Miyeon were making out,"  Yuqi asked confused but also happy for her friends.
The two were always dancing around each other and were too scared to admit their feelings.
Soyeon chuckled and it sent a pleasant shiver down Yuqi's spine at the sound, "you were excited when you saw them too. Even started shouting 'fucking finally' at them."
Yuqi groaned in embarrassment and Soyeon laughed a bit louder.
"That's embarrassing, did they notice me?"
"I don't think they would have noticed if a car crashed into the place right in front of them," Soyeon joked.
"What about Shuhua?" Yuqi asked.
"She just had fun and danced and then dragged all of us into the festival. She also got those drinks again but you refused when I was with you. Maybe you had some more later?" Soyeon suggested.
Yuqi really wishes she could remember the drink that seemed to be behind her memory loss. She would have asked more had it not been for the familiar ringtone. Yuqi nearly died when it went off and had to take a breath to calm her heart down. Soyeon giggled as she kissed Yuqi's forehead. Yuqi turned over and reached for it. At least in her state she had been coherent enough to put her phone on charge.
She answered it seeing who it was, "Minnie?"
"YAH!" Minnie shouted making Yuqi flinch and Soyeon giggle again as she moved closer to Yuqi her hands still around her, "Where the fuck have you been?! And is that a girl with you?!"
"Um, I don't even know," Yuqi sighed, "and yes. It's Soyeon."
"Soyeon?" Minnie asked before she must have realised who Yuqi meant, "As in Jeon Soyeon?! Your self proclaimed arch enemy from high school? You had sex with Jeon Soyeon?!"
Yuqi moved the phone from her ear not able to handle how loud Minnie was being. Soyeon seemed to find all this amusing as she kissed Yuqi's shoulder. Yuqi looked at her asking for silent help. Soyeon rolled her eyes at Yuqi before turning away and settling in on the other side of the bed. Yuqi glared at the traitor before returning to Minnie's loud laughing.
"It's hard to explain," Yuqi settled with as an explanation for now.
"Anyway, did Shuhua go back with you and your lover?" Minnie asked with a teasing lilt in her voice.
Yuqi sat up slowly and set her hand on Soyeon's shoulder, "Do you know where Shuhua is?"
Soyeon looked confused, "she left with Minnie and Miyeon after we had drinks with the elvis that officiated the wedding."
Yuqi did a double take and put her hand over the mic, "please tell me we didn't."
Soyeon chuckled and shrugged, "he was the only option but you made him take the wig off."
Yuqi wanted to just crawl in a hole and lie there indefinitely.
"Soyeon says we last saw her leaving with you two," Yuqi told the older.
Minnie seemed to be arguing with most likely Miyeon on the other line.
"Yuqi, we can't find her anywhere. We've been walking around the city for the last two hours trying to locate you two."
"What do you mean you can't find her?!" Yuqi almost yelled.
"Woogs, I'm worried. She hasn't been answering her phone and we cannot find her anywhere."
Yuqi sighed and pressed her hand to her forehead, "okay, where are you guys now?"
"That cafe we went to yesterday when we arrived."
"I'll meet you there just give me some time."
"Okay, just dont forget about our crisis while you go have morning sex with your lover," Minnie laughed before cutting the call knowing she'd otherwise get an earful.
Yuqi put her phone down and leaned her head a bit between her raised knees. Much like a sitting fetal position. Yuqi heard the covers move and then felt Soyeon's arms around her. The woman's chin resting on her shoulder.
"Shuhua's missing," Yuqi said.
"I guessed. Are you worried?"
"If something's happened to her Soojin will murder me. This trip was my idea."
"We'll get dressed and go look for her. Don't stress yourself out just yet. We can also get the police involved if we can't find her, okay?"
Yuqi nodded and turned slightly to the woman. Their eyes meeting as Yuqi asked what she was afraid to at first.
"What happened with us last night?"
Soyeon held Yuqi's stare and looked at her as if calculating what Yuqi meant, "I'm here with one of my artists. I met you first in that club were we fought. Later on it was in another club where you came up to me completely smashed. I took you to the bar and you were rambling about why I hated you in high school."
"Why did you?"
Soyeon smiled as she shook her head, "I didn't hate you Yuqi. I was jealous of you."
"What? Why?" Yuqi asked confused.
Soyeon placed her hand in Yuqi's chin and turned her head so Yuqi could face her more. Yuqi ended up turning more of her body to Soyeon. She hadn't even taken note of the fact that they were both naked and neither one of them covered themselves the whole time.
"You were able to be out and be accepted by everyone. If i did that then my parents would have kicked me out. I was just jealous of how happy you were. And you were so adorable when I teased you that I couldn't help myself."
Yuqi's looked at Soyeon with wide eyes in disbelief, "I had a huge crush on you but then you started being mean to me and I didn't know what to think."
Soyeon smirked as she kissed the corner of Yuqi's mouth and lingered there for a second. Yuqi wanted to turn her head just to know what her kiss feels like.
"I know. You told me last night," Soyeon smirked seeing Yuqi's eyes on her lips, "right after you kissed me."
Yuqi inmediately woke from her daze, "It was me? I kissed you first?"
Soyeon nodded and laughed softly, "yes, right in the the middle of the festival."
"I thought we were in the bar?" Yuqi asked trying to follow the events.
"I didn't say anything until I knew you were fully coherent. I didnt want you to forget, but it didn't seem to work out that way."
Yuqi nodded trying her best to search her brain for more. Maybe once she had eaten and had water in her system she would start to remember.
"I'm sorry I can't remember much," she apologised, "I can see us in the bar but that's about it right now."
Soyeon shook her head and put her hands on Yuqi's cheeks, "it's fine baby," Soyeon placed her forehead to Yuqi's while Yuqi tried not to gay panic at the endearment, "you probably just need some time. Let's get dressed and go find Shuhua then we can finish this discussion, okay?"
Yuqi nodded but before Soyeon got a chance to move away, the younger pressed their lips together. Soyeon was just being so good to her and Yuqi felt safe with her. She hadn't felt like that with any previous fling. Yuqi was also well aware that she wouldn't have married the older on a whim. She was way smarter than that.
She felt Soyeon smile against her lips making her heart leap, "Yuqi-ya," Soyeon whined softly as Yuqi continued to abuse her lips in between the words she was trying to get out, "we have to help find Shuhua."
Soyeon's words became more slurred as Yuqi's lips left hers and trailed down to her neck. She couldn't help herself as Soyeon's breathing grew heavier. Small whines leaving her throat as Yuqi left even more marks unable to stop herself. The sounds Soyeon was making far too beautiful.
Yuqi could see flashes from the night before.
Them in a similar position. Soyeons hair fanned out on the pillow. Her eyes shut as Yuqi's hands explored every part of her. How she moaned when Yuqi's tongue touched her, when her fingers made love to her. How Soyeon screamed as she came.
The memories drove Yuqi as she moved further down until the familiar taste touched her tongue and a scream ripped from Soyeon's lips.
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wolffyluna · 7 months
Homeland by RA Salvatore Liveblog
Help, I have fallen back into the Drizzt pit and can't get up.
Under a cut for child abuse and attempted sexual assault.
I'm copy-pasting this from discord. Ellipses differentiate liveblogs that were done at different times.
I'm rereading the first Drizzt novel. It was one of the book series I loved loved loved when I was young. I am simultaneously going:
oh my God, this world building. Your legal system cannot run on vibes, sir. The implied gender ratio is hilarious (drow nobles want lots of kids, but every son after the second is killed, so a family having four daughters and two sons is pretty normal. Oh, and it's implied that polyandry is a Status Symbol)
oof ow argh, man hands misery onto man! It deepens like a coastal shelf! 😭
I'm still at the beginning, but drizzt is being raised by his older sister, and she is heavily encouraged to physically abuse him. There's a point where she thinks "wow, what could this kid achieve if we weren't breaking his spirit. ... wait, that's a blasphemous thought, I should punish him for making me think that." And Drizzt is taught to believe that surface elves are the source of all of his problems, to the point that whenever he's whipped he "cries out for the death of a [surface elf]" These people all could have been fine if they lived in a reasonable society! 😭
The book is divided into parts, and at the beginning of each part there's a section of Drizzt monologing as if he's giving an interview
And in the one where he's talking about his childhood, he both talks about PTSD-flashbacks-in-so- many-words and also "presumably things happened before I was sixteen? I remember basically none of that though" which. Baby. Let me scoop you up into a hug even though you are a century(?) old dark elf who is presumably taller than me.
The only way the drow gender ratio doesn't fall flat is a) the implication that commoners don't do that, so maybe their gender ratios are less of a disaster and b) it looks like only the female heads of the family can take consorts/have children, so polyandry is a little more possible
Though this does, like, raise the question of "so, you are the daughter of a matron mother, and you fall pregnant. what do you do?"
It's legal for a drow house to attack another in secret. It is illegal to do it openly. The justification is that Lolth likes it that way (This is a logic that underpins a lot of the drow legal system) And it could be made sensible with just one small change: Every drow house wants to be able to attack another, but wants no other house to be able to attack them. So they created norms where you can't just attack people, if you did that the whole city would fall on you ...but if you can do it with plausible deniability...
I have now re-witnessed the beautiful, beautiful scene where a wizard panics* and casts fireball at his own feet
*he would say he was very tactical, I do not believe him
[Seriously, I have remembered this scene fondly for years. It's Such A Scene.]
Oh my God Masoj just encouraged someone to take the identity of someone he [the other guy] just killed. Masoj completely failed to mention that the dead guy was his brother.
His dad just tried and failed to kill him to try and maintain his innocence.
I have so many feelings about Zaknafein.
Just. The combination of "Zaknafein was a major role model to Drizzt and is a significant part of why Drizzt is good" and "Zaknafein is Not A Very Good Person." Man.
Lov Drizzt
He just nearly got murdered, but he doesn't care, because KITTY!
Drizzt is this xkcd comic
I remembered the sex pollen scene, but man did I not remember/parse how much it was a dub-to-non con sex pollen scene
Something that is also getting to me on this re-read: the amount that the men of the Do'Urden family 🐛 assist with their family members whipping them, or literally taking them as a sacrifice. Because resistance would only make it worse, and this way at least you have some control
There's a really telling passage where Briza is torturing Dinin for no real reason, and he's just like. okay. i'm not going to get in the way of this process. And he actively positions himself to make it easier.
Help, I'm combining my love of "what if popular but misapplied blorbo song, but correctly applied?" with the Legends of Drizzt series: Eat Your Young is a valid Malice/Zaknafein song
There is no capitalism, but there is a lot of zero sum resource fights, and a lot of the conflict between these chatacters is their children being used in those zero sum resource fights.
Zaknafein has a lot of conflict about whether it's better for his son to be eaten by drow society, or dead And there's a thing where both Zaknafein and Drizzt are/are meant to be sacrifices to Lolth, at Malice's hands
Skinning the children for a war drum Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young
And there's also the whole thing of-- Zaknafein and Malice's life is luxurious, but that's at a cost. There are no skeletons in the closet because they are displaying the skeletons openly as part of the decor
The Drizzt He destroyed his cage Yes YES The Drizzt is out
The thing about Homeland in particular is how it is simultaneously man hands on misery onto man, it deepens like a coastal shelf and how it is so much about it's opposite (it ascends like a volcano?) Drizzt could not be who is he is, could not be good, without Zaknafein.
But he's. Better than Zaknafein. Because of Zaknafein.
And there's the tragedy of the fact that if their roles were reversed, it would be Drizzt bring Zaknafein up into the light.
But. Well. Drizzt would still have to die down in the dark
...hmm.. I'm encountering a tempting bad idea: 50 books in a year is a doable challenge. There are 40 Drizzt books. Ergo, one could hypothetically read all the Drizzt books in one year.
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rin-fukuroi · 9 months
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 [𝐘𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐠]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: Yingxing x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, fluff, just a little angst, creampie.
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. 珂拉琪 Collage - 萬千花蕊慈母悲哀
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. (Liányī / Ripples)SynthV AI Stardust - 涟漪
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
This work was written under the strong impression of beautiful chinese music, which always reminds me exactly how Blade used to be. In fact, this is one of the few tender sketches of mine that I really love.
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art: @tiredceles_
— Yingxing, wait!
You giggle, barely managing to keep up with Yingxing pulling at your hand. His steps are slightly shaky, but he continues to walk confidently towards the forge, holding your hand and pulling you along. You can only see his broad back, but if you could see his face now, you might notice how his slightly clouded eyes sparkle and the corners of his lips are lifted in a slight smile.
The doors open with an unpleasant creak, and you almost stumble over the threshold, having to rush into a small outbuilding in the courtyard of your house. Yingxing lets go of your hand and rushes to rake through piles of metal and other accessories, the names of which you don't even know, in search of, obviously, something specific that he wanted to show you so badly.
— Why was there such a rush? You're always so fussy when you drink. I knew I should have gone with you. It would be easier if you just fell asleep like Jing Yuan, — you fake grumbling with displeasure, resting your fists on your hips. — What are you looking for?
— Look… I finished it this morning, — Yingxing turns around, holding an elegant sword in his palms. The thick blade shimmers with dark blue and burgundy shades, and the exquisite patterned handle glitters in the moonlight filtering through the window of the annex, as do the ashy strands of Yingxing, carelessly escaping from the pinned-up tuft of hair, falling on the black fabric of his cloak.
— Wow, — you tentatively hold out your hands, but immediately pull away. This blade seems unearthly, something special that you are not worthy to touch. You watch in fascination as Yingxing wraps his hands around the hilt, turning the sword in his hand. His lips are stretched in a soft smile, and purple eyes proudly look at the creation of his hands through heavy eyelids and long strands of bangs framing his elegant features.
— I think Jingliu will like it.
— Did you make such a beautiful blade to give away? I thought you were going to keep it.
— Huh? Why? — Yingxing is so cute when he turns his head, looking at you with a genuinely puzzled look that can't help but make you smile.
— Forget it. I just wanted to say that this is one of the most beautiful creations of the most skilled blacksmith in all of Lofu, — you put your palm on his hand holding the blade, lowering the weapon down before rising on tiptoe and leaving a gentle kiss on Yingxing's cheek. As soon as your lips approach the skin of his face, you can feel the faint smell of alcohol coming from Yingxing, mixed with his natural sweet aroma, which makes you linger at the level of his clouded eyes when his expression softens. You can't take your eyes off your lover, hearing the metal casually hitting the table as Yingxing puts down the sword, now moving her palm to your chin.
— Do you really think so? — his voice fades to a hoarse whisper.
— Of course. Are you questioning my objectivity because I'm your future wife?
— No, not at all. In fact, I always trust only your opinion, because it's the only one that matters to me.
You roll your eyes in mock annoyance before laughing softly, leaning in to touch his hand.
— Did I mention that you get too cute when you drink?
— Hmm, let me think… Will this be the third time tonight? Although before that you described me with a different epithet.
— So you're still able to count? This is very commendable.
— You hurt me with words like that. I can even forge another blade like this right now, if you wish.
— Mmm, I don't think that's what I want, — you smile softly, pressing your palm against Yingxing's cheek.
The silence is filled with the soft rustle of sakura leaves, falling and dancing in the evening wind. You feel the warm, so familiar and familiar breath of Yingxing on the skin of your face when his palms wrap around your cheeks, luring you into a kiss with a subtle taste of alcohol swirling on your tongues. And it was really the only thing that you always had, have and will need. It's so easy to feel the warmth of his skin on your own, run your fingers through his ashy soft hair, clinging to the clip that barely holds the curled curls before they scatter over his back and wide shoulders, feel the taste of his lips, press your chest against his and feel the vibrations of a rapid heartbeat synchronizing with yours.
Neither of you two notice how Yingxing's fingers cling to the light fabric of your hanfu*, how you hastily but carefully untangle button after button from the loops on his raincoat, impatiently touching the heated skin of his chest while big palms slide over your hips, gently lifting your petite figure off the floor, letting you wrap your legs around Yingxing's waist as he sweeps pieces of metal and tools off the table. You shudder and chuckle softly, without looking up from the kiss, when all the things from his desk collide with a dull crash with the wooden surface of the floor.
The gentle touch of calloused fingers on your chest, sneaking under hanfu, the soft sounds of heavy breathing when his lips leave yours only to gently press against your neck, the subtle vibrations of Yingxing's moans muffled by your skin, your fingers massaging the skin of his head, the warmth that spreads in your chest and settles somewhere in the lower abdomen, when his beard is pressed between your legs — all this is accompanied by bright moonlight illuminating the figures of two people lost in a moment that will be imprinted on Yingxing's mind for a long time even after decades. He can't stop admiring the fragility of your body, the pleasant floral scent emanating from your skin, the warmth of your breath blowing through his disheveled hair as you press him even closer to your neck, making him gasp, but keep sending that delicious shiver running down your spine whenever he gently nibbles and showers kisses your heated skin and presses his lips to the vein throbbing in time with your heart pounding in your chest.
Such moments always make the corners of your lips stretch into a soft smile before your consciousness clouds the pleasure in which you want to dissolve to the last, not missing the sound of hastily unbuttoning trousers, the flutter in your chest, the aching feeling in the bottom of your stomach and anticipation taking root in your veins when you feel the touch of hot, throbbing flesh between your legs.
It seemed that Yingxing's consciousness cleared up for just a moment from alcohol clouding his mind, only to be struck down at the same second by intoxication from the warmth enveloping his penis, slowly sinking into your pleasantly moist insides. The hot breath from the moan that escaped from his throat burns the skin of your neck as inch by inch of his hard flesh disappears inside you until his hips are pressed against yours. You can feel the swollen veins stretching along his length pulsating in your walls, so perfectly enveloping his cock. Yingxing raises his head, watching you look at him from under heavy eyelids and long eyelashes, hiding from him your gaze full of adoration and desire, on which his name is engraved. His long fingers catch the unruly strands that fall over your face, caress the skin of your cheek until his forehead presses against yours.
Every time he stays motionless inside the way he is now, you are torn apart by the desire to ask him to just stay like this for a little longer, and by an irresistible thirst to make him move. Yingxing exhales heavily from his lungs, just enjoying the way his cock fills your insides perfectly before his hips pull away to gently meet yours again, forcing you to squeeze around his hot organ every time he leaves your warm walls, not wanting to let go of him for a second.
— So beautiful… — Yingxing whispers in a velvety husky voice before his fingers squeeze your chin to lift your face for another kiss that takes your breath away.
— You say that every time, Yingxing, — you smile softly, breaking the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck.
— I can't help myself, I can't get used to the fact that I own such a beautiful woman like you.
— Is that what you're saying? — you force his lips to meet yours again, muffling the moan that originated in your chest from the slow, soft thrusts of his cock, repeatedly touching all the most sensitive places in your insides. — A beautiful woman can only belong to a beautiful man whom I have fallen in love with.
You whisper into his lips, feeling how Yingxing smiles after your words, wrapping his free hand around your waist to pull you closer to his body. His movements don't accelerate, but become more insistent and deep, causing the table under you to wobble, hitting the wood of the wall with a thud every time Yingxing's hips press against yours.
Strong fingers gently press into your arching back towards him, crumpling the thin fabric of the dress that casually falls from your shoulders. Every movement of Yingxing is so desperate, so neat and gentle, as if he imprints in his memory every sound that escapes from your lips, every sweet whisper of his name hiding in a kiss divided into two, every contraction of the muscles of your back and hips while you squeeze around his cock every time he enters pushing you to the limit, making you tremble in his arms.
You desperately cling to the fabric of his cloak, which is open on Yingxing's heaving chest, feeling the heat boil in your lower abdomen. His languid movements are like sweet agony, which gradually brings you to the edge, driving you crazy with the pleasure it causes your body, which wants to get more. The heels of your feet press harder into Yingxing's back every time his hips pull away to make his cock cut into your insides faster as the knot in your stomach begins to tighten. You gasp, pulling away from his lips and burying your face in the curve of his neck, when you feel Yingxing begin to move faster, feeling how much you squeeze around him. You're always so needy and so vulnerable when he gets you into a state where the only word that's spinning on your tongue is his name, and it's so contagious. As if following the call of your need for him, Yingxing feels the same pleasure that has spread through your veins.
You're more intoxicating than any alcohol. You are more beautiful than any blade that could be forged by the hands of a skilled blacksmith. You are worth any battles in which Yingxing sheds blood just to return home and see your smile again. And he doesn't have to say it out loud. You can feel the unspoken words of love and care oozing from every touch, from every sigh and moan, merging with the sound of rustling leaves outside the window.
You can feel them when you are both gripped by such a familiar, alluring feeling that neither of you is able or willing to resist. You want to taste him, to taste the taste of Yingxing's lips at the moment when the warm sticky liquid fills your insides, so you lift your head to engage him in a kiss that will tell him much more than any words randomly spinning in your head.
«I'm proud of you»
«I'm worried about you»
«I miss you»
«I love you»
These words are sweet, but tart to the taste, and Yingxing will accept each of them, spinning her tongue along with yours in a dance that only the moon will witness, illuminating with its cold light the deserted streets of Lofu and a small house in a corner of the ship, as if deliberately hidden from prying eyes.
— Do you want to take a bath together? — from the fog of pleasure that has overwhelmed your body and mind, you are pulled out by your native low voice, which reverberates with pleasant vibrations on your skin when Yingxing imprints a last kiss on your neck.
— Only if my future husband is able to carry me in his arms, — you giggle, carefully brushing away the unruly strands of silver bangs falling over his purple eyes.
Yingxing's lips stretch into a warm smile before he pulls away, gently lowering the hem of your dress, then hastily tidying himself up.
While you are correcting the smell of your hanfu, your gaze falls on the blade lying at the other end of the table. Its blade shimmers with a menacing red hue in the cold light illuminating the small room. For some reason, a sudden sadness and anxiety pierces you, and a vile metallic taste swirls on your tongue, but you wave away the surging unpleasant feelings, carefully lowering your feet to the cool wooden floor.
«This blade will cause a lot of pain and suffering one day» — you thought to yourself, before meeting Yingxing's tired but gentle gaze again, holding out his hand to you.
*Hanfu is a traditional Chinese outfit, in this case in the form of a dress.
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alineonfire · 8 months
COURSERA_Module III Week 3_Multiple regression and diagnostic_Part4
I perform a regression diagnostic to try to understand the cause of misspecification and ask for a qq-plot.  
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The figure shows that residuals generally follow a straight line (in red) but deviate at the lower and mostly at higher quantiles. We can conclude that the residuals don’t follow perfect normal distribution.  Consumption of marijuana and alcohol arer not enough to provide an stimation of the duration of sleep. There must be other explanatory variables to consider, to improve this model.
Then, I check the graph of simple plot of residuals :
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We see that the major part of the residuals falls within one standard deviation of the mean (between lines in green, -1/+1 standard deviation) or 2 standard deviation of the mean (-2/+2). However, a very large number of residues are above the absolute value of 2, which demonstrates a too high level of errors within my model. This confirms once again that the fit of my model with marijuana and alcohol consumption is poor and could be improved (with more explanatory variables)
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The plot ‘Residuals versus ALCOHOC’ (in the upper right hand corner) shows the residuals for each observation at different value of alcohol consumption. There is a form of tunnel (in yellow) in which we find the absolute values of the residues in an almost symmetrical way of the axis 0. The width of the tunnel tends to decrease for the highest consumption values of alcohol.
This is consistent with other aggression diagnostic plots such as the ‘partial regression plot ‘ which indicates that this model does not predict duration of sleep for either consumers of marijuana (H1GH51), or volunteers with alcohol habits (ALCOHOLC).
Finally, we can examine the leverage of the observations:
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This last graph confirms what we have already observed in the previous analysis. We have an important part of outliers, with residuals greater than 2 or less than -2 (in orange boxes), but the new information is that these outliers have small or close to zero leverage values, meaning that they do not have undue influence on the estimation of our model.  
Values in red circle have higher leverage, but they are not outliers, considering they are in the standard deviation -2/+2. There is no point which has a strong influence and which would be an outlier.
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datenanalystxyz · 10 months
regression-modeling-practice Course Week_3
Test a Multiple Regression Model
(Testen Sie ein multiples Regressionsmodell)
My Research:
My research question was to establish the relationship and possible causality between global pollution (co2 emissions levels) and breastcancer per 100.000 female among countries. The relationship was later extended to include internet use and female employe rate among all countries.
Sample and measure
The aim of this assignment is to analysis the association and model fit among the following variables from the Gapminder dataset.
Explanatory variables – internet use rate, female employe rate, , co2 emissions
Response - Breastcancer per 100th Women
all columns of interest centered...
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liniar regression anaylsis between values breastcancer100th and CO2emissions centered value:
R sguared is 8%
Pvalue is 0.001
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R sguared is 8%;
In fact, Co2 emissions explain only about 8% of the variability in breastcanserper100th.
So, there's clearly some error in estimating the response value with this model.
I added some other Values to my Modell
femaleemployrate and internetuserate are my new Values in my Modell
femaleemployrate has a P value0.88 >0.05
p value for femaleemployrate is not significant in this Modell
we can see that the R squared in 0.67
it means Co2 emissions + internetuserate together explain 67% of the variability in breastcanserper100th.
P value of internetuserrate is 0.001 and < 0.05
p value for internetuserate is significant in this Modell
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as next I have added internetuserate^2 in my Modell
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P value of quadratic term of internetuserate 0.08
.The quadratic term of internetuserate in our modell is not significant.
First Order scatter plot
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2 order scatterplot
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2 different modells to compare and Calculation Results
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Actually it was better to use linear model with internetuserate with R Value
But I have decided to use polinomial model for my further investigations to see the problems with this Modell
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The governing beta equation is breastcancerperr100th = 33,89 + 0.5363 internateusarate_c + 0.0032 internateusarate_c**2.
Results 8: Residual analysis
in QQ plot I can see the modell is not perfect fitting in first and last quartiles..
qq plot is not perfect normally distributed.
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Results 9: Standardized Residual analysis
in residuals plot we can see some outliers by -3.5 standardized Reziduals..
I used standardized plot residuals, this is transformed to have a mean of 0 and standard deviation (Std) of 1. Most residuals fall within 2 Std of the mean (-2to 2). A few have more than 2 Stds (below 3 ), and below -3. For a normal distribution, I expect that 95% of the values falls within 2 stds of the mean. About 8 values fall aside this range indicating the possibility of outliers. There is only 1 extreme outlier outside 3 Stds of the mean.
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----Results 10: contribution of specific explanatory values to the model fit
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The plot in the upper right hand corner shows the residuals for
each observation at different values of Internet use rate.
There , we can see that the absolute values of the residuals
are significantly larger at higher values of Internet use rate.
But get smaller, closer to zero, as Internet use rate decreases.
I think, it' s better to use in this case only the linear modell with internetuserate.
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Results 11: leverage plot analysis
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We've already identified some of these outliers in some of the other plots we've looked at, but this plot also tells us that these outliers have small or close to
zero leverage values, meaning that although they are outlying observations,
they don't have an undue influence on the estimation of the regression model.
On the other hand, we see that there are a few cases with higher average leverage.
This observation has a high leverage but is not an outlier.
(The leverage always takes on values between zero and one.)
The hypothesis test shows that there is association between some of the explanatory variables CO2emissions, internet use and the response variable Breastcancer100th. The model fit better for linear regression than quadratic polynomial regression. As of now there is not enough evidence to prove causality.
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polarishat · 2 years
Eclipse development tool black background
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These are mostly new ones, introduced in 2016.kandi ratings - Low support, No Bugs, No Vulnerabilities. only /:bye also works as a slash-colon shortcode. Implement wechat-emoji-parser with how-to, Q&A, fixes, code snippets.U+E427  = U+1F64C+1F3FB 🙌🏻: PERSON RAISING BOTH HANDS IN CELEBRATION.U+E41D  = U+1F64F+1F3FB 🙏🏻: PERSON WITH FOLDED HANDS.U+E415  = U+1F604 😄: SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND SMILING EYES.U+E412  = U+1F602 😂: FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY.U+E40C  = U+1F637 😷: FACE WITH MEDICAL MASK.U+E409  = U+1F61D 😝: FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE AND TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES.U+E30C  = U+1F37B 🍻: CLINKING BEER MUGS.Tapping on your profile picture will take you to your profile page. You use this of course to share your WeChat contact info with others. To find it go to Me and then tap the little QR code icon in the top left. U+E107  = U+1F631 😱: FACE SCREAMING IN FEAR You have a personal QR code for your account on WeChat.:cake /:bome /:shit /:moon /:sun /:hug /:strong :pig /:rose /:fade /:showlove /:heart /:break Some of the missing codes in between are actually used by WeChat, though. How to propose other additions or changes to Unicode ( required form, email address: docsubmit@)Īnimated variants how the PUA codes seem to use three-digit decimal numbers, although they are of course really hexadecimal.Unicode Technical Standard 51 “Unicode Emoji” ( beta).QQ International: How to Add and Manage Emoticons?.Rock on (sign of the horns) or ILY I love you hand sign Double click an item to copy to clipboard, then paste into your own document, chatting. Or, near top right of screen choose ‘marketplace’ and you will see more, or at very top right you will seet a settings icon, click. When in the chat screen, press the + button at the lower left hand corner and you can choose from wechat’s top picks. Hug (should be Person Hugging, not Hugging Face) It’s very easy to add more emoticons and gifs to wechat. Sun (= day, daylight, sunlight, sunshine) QQ seems to use a subset of these.Īctual Chinese usage of some emoticons differs from their intuitive looks to Westerners. The actual display on the app may be different based on the encoding used by that app.Classic mobile Tencent Wechat had 100 emoticons and other symbols, the desktop / web version added 5 more. The above table will show the emojis based on the browser you use. However, you can view the colorful emoji on your online chat window. Note, that some symbols may show like square boxes in browser. Stuffy or wealthy, Face with single glass However, they all miss an important point of explaining the meaning of those symbols.ĭistrust or skeptical or disapproval or disbelief faceįeverish, Heat stroke, Red-faced or sweating in heatīlue faced, Cold or freezing, Frostbite, Icicles, Chilledĭizzy face, Intoxicated, Tipsy, Uneven eyes, Wavy mouth Some desktop applications like Character Map in Windows and Character Viewer in Mac also includes thousands of other Unicode symbols in a single app. Every mobile and desktop application focuses on offering more emoji symbols within a small space. The biggest problem with choosing face emojis is to understand the correct meaning of the symbol. The popularity grown into such a level that now you have more than 150 face emoji symbols available under different category making the choice difficult. For example, typing :-) in most of the applications will convert it into a smiling face emoji symbol like ☺. In earlier days, people use emoticons or text emojis to type smileys. Though the latest Unicode emoji version has more than 1000 symbols many of us use only few emojis frequently. Unicode character encoding defines numerical code point for each emojis and introduces new emojis with every release. After signing up, you will have the chance to try all the features of our generator free for 14 days. All operating systems like Windows 10, macOS, iOS and Android have emoji keyboard or equivalent apps to quickly insert relevant symbols. You can see young people chatting in WhatsApp, WeChat and Messenger apps only using emojis. Emojis are there for 30 years and the smartphone apps make them easy to use for everyone of us.
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izanawrld · 2 years
darling <3
please feed me with some older brother tobio :(
爱你 ♡
Anything for you!
Ye ai <3
also the images are giving me a headache so have just one tobi pic
CW: incest, reader is 19 & tobio is 21, attachment issues on reader's side (cuz I'm attached to him QQ), dacryphilia kink, sorta fluff
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"Tobi-niiiiii, do you really have to go?" You whine, jutting your bottom lip out sulkily. You're sat on his bed in one of his (very large) olf high school sweaters.
"I can't stay away from school for too long, I'm joining my new team soon remember? I have to train more, baby." He looks at you, reassuringly and still makes his way over to you for a soft kiss on your lips.
You hold his neck, pulling him down onto the bed, on top of you. You smile softly as he kisses you back, hand finding its way to the small of your back.
He pulls away to look at you, the tears on your cheeks and your wet eyelashes bringing out your beauty more in his eyes. He slowly grinds himself on your thigh.
"You're so pretty when you cry, baby."
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