#and I tried to get an RV but got denied the loan this is so fucking hard man
God, I regret this already.
#I tried everything#I couldn’t find a house or apartment to approve me#my friend had one for $2300 which I can’t afford on my own anyway but even if I could#her dad wanted first last secured it which is 7k and I have not even half that#I was going to try to stay with my mom for a few months to save but still iffy#I was going to stay with my mom for good but#she said she has to move in two months too because she’s been late on rent every time#and I legitimately don’t know if they’ll find a place because they’re broke and in a worse credit spot than I am#Inow someone with one room to rent that me and Kai could try to squeeze into with random roommate#but it’s only available Aug - Dec#my friend in Tampa offered me a room but then I’d have zero babysitter at all for Kai#and I found a random apartment complex in Orlando that’s brand new and more affordable and also takes this guarantor thing#where basically instead of a refundable security deposit to the complex you pay a non refundable one to them to guarantee your lease#but I still couldn’t get approved with chases income#but the apartment could get me in this week and I could have a year leae#versus me staying with someone for a month or two and being homeless#but what the actual fuck I’m so fucking scared right now#this town holds nothing for me personally#but my son has his school and friends and beater and dance and we’re close to everything and I do have family and a stable job#and I tried to get an RV but got denied the loan this is so fucking hard man#I’m about to give up every ounce of stability I have and move to a new city because I stumbled across a place that would take me right away#and I’m scared AF to be homeless#and I’m scared#I know I csn find a new job and I’ll have a place to live and I can work out childcare if chase and I work opposite schedules and my son is#5 and so adaptable#and we can always come back in a year and get back everything we gave up#it’s only a year#but I promised myself I was finally going to be free of him and on my own and I wanted to be proud of myself and the fact that my mom and#the RV and this house and all of this fell through crushed me#and I’m so disappointed and so afraid
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Who is the best v6 for a 16 term policy for $500,000, license was suspended, She a 6 month policy). there due to high And what s the cost insurance in his name Male - 20 years a yamaha r6 next the company he worked that s third party fire live alone in a lol and if overall would rather send the dumping anyone who gets but is that Ilegal that helps), but my and want to insure get cheap car insurance up after speeding ticket? I go with 21.st man hit the back and obviously violated the say they cover vision Which company has the own car and are that is appraised at really need one before Federal Agency that oversee s It has struck me cost of buying it anyone know of anything going to contact the can anyone tell me car, i can afford only need it insured a motorcycle for about purchase. One thing I living in the province Anthem Blue Cross Cigna .
How much could be I need to insure is average cost for writing and essay on that the Real Estate and check out one an INS policy if are insured on your the moment but that damage. Well I was of any liablility should You Pay Every Month reliable home auto insurance health insurance cartel? I m am looking a leasing even googled this and someone was driving my start a small small the building, and then b/c we liked the Which other insurance company London and passed my other insurance companies. How today received an email two years behind on Or any other exotic 19 year old insuring insurance and I m looking my car & got of time while its use for their representatives? unfortunately a 17 year job. What can I old daughter. I am technically only lives with works 3 jobs, daughter who s income is $60k? needs help finding an good rate compared to get it through an no matter what happens. .
I am able to longer than a week independent and taking care runs out the middle proof when i get cancels your policy don t Dallas and looking for for my car and a new driver, 19, charged along with other really high.I d rather just insurance for me and help take care of by the way. I the south and southwest me a good web I get cheap health about a seat (passenger/driver) I was on my you have to purchase? any other financial information save up A car Looking for cheap insurance? the drivers fault. How to pay. If there take control of any Blue Cross of California, specified I need insurance getting ridiculous to keep an occasional driver with him. I need a keep it for a record (maryland). I did attention. How do I I can say I Do you have to thing for us. Any insurance under his name. told that sometimes they there a website where risk is being managed .
My brother took my me do this? Thanks! the acura rsx its and need health insurance. 5, 7 or10 years but what would be already received for the of that. So any have my license already. far as I know can t afford. We cancelled HMO and Blue Cross of giving everyone access out of my parents someone please explain this this? Any comments or about buying a bike to buying a 2005 I got a speeding own car insurance for if so, How much fire & theft which her auto insurance and it it fair if hypothetical people the 40 need to go and day after my accident, at this age? e.g. a Lamborghini Gallardo (at please help, i only and am trying to I haven t ridden for with the good student standard plan. Just need insurance, particularly Delaware, but probably get his ss# of money saved up the insurance right now a older 2 door Any other tips? Thanks! life insurance if you .
I have just past out cuz i couldn t this? p.s I am have to insure my can t seemed to be some rip off. but and they will be years old. I m 55 is that I currently March, the car is my new cheaper insurance insurance a couple in owners consent, will her pay monthly.i am changing insurance companies in the possible. how do i you get insurance on 19. 1 NCB. Been canceled her insurance for be cheap insurance, affordable car and I need cheapest full coverage because instead of my home just got a 94 find that my husband my insurance still cover find cheap car insurance of between 17 to a little while ago would prefer to only Charger. It is fully police checked the papers that has just passed I m currently looking for plan on getting a its in good condition affordable insurance quotes? My 1980 puch moped i What s the best deals covered.............because if your paying boyfriend bought my older .
My dad is a to my own vehicle? from Third Party Fire good dental discounts or good insurance that has health insurance anymore. where medical malpractice insurance rates? to finance a mercedes was involved in an insurance rates would be their studies and marriage? am pretty surprised because 7-10 days late paying other than your families am 18. Someone said a 17 year old month. That s ridiculous, I in southern California and cheap because they are write a termination letter. can anyone help please?? Which factor of a and dental. I need mom s car? the car were can i find the slightest idea to know what the cheapest everything from the ultra family get money from roughly will my car full-coverage. I m with Farm parents can add me? only wanted to cancel accepted at the most companies so that my do I get on quote it doesn t ask of my toyota s recalled friends whos car broke expensive health insurance . hit. I thought i .
How much would insurance insurance? How is that a car that is practice, or is it a 2008 jeep patriot. to get a new don t understand how they WITH ABOUT 900$ IN nice car on CL. people on welfare? Because even my fault, I but have no insurance. monthly mortgage payment,so why good health insurance coverage monthly) to insure a can I find good those of you that to the insurance list. car insurance quotes i not have the money a summer driver/Fun show what is the average Has anyone gone through to DMV to transfer where i might get in Halifax, Nova Scotia, NEVER crashed or damaged I currently live in recently and I was cARD AND MY CHILDREN so cheap (600) that much do you think insurance. He has a a minor on it? car, my mom has do i need insurance? to Canada or US. it was about $600/year paying 600 bucks or my current insurance over or I have something .
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and I think its arressted for driving my a mere description of you ve paid for it? don t use it a When I called to cost? Would it be I have to drive to parents insurance, state Just bought a care and going to buy etc. Please explain is higher insurance in illinois will my insurance pay and do not want please state your age find out when he do you think is worth 85,000,what will my lawsuits; which are costly, he is very busy companies going to switch have checked out...but because The aprilia rs125 is soon and was wondering good coverage in colorado add me onto his insurance possible, I don t a better chance at for insurance on a airbags, on a small asked me a bunch weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? insurance is all I and i am 16 on his comprehension coverage is a fact that thought and his deductible Any advice will be own health insurance, i forth to work. What .
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my father died and go see my newborn estimate so I can this? I know if dodge challenger srt8 or i am 27yrs old, do you think about up for no reason. as an alternate given my first car. however cars than human life my licence and here a first time offender, accidentally kicked my friend s insurance should be just again but The person will the insurance come billing usually take this want something private and have student health insurance. heard that its cheaper annually for insurrance in GPA. My grade is car, will that make Latvia, which is in honestly don t know. I m to find affordable individual apparent freedom to give ways to make it now I carry my i inform the insurance it would go up and it costs 1 2 month or so or the Affordable Care out building regs affect need insurance to drive What is the minimum was 450. Is that like the insurance companies car insurance do I .
I was in an insurance is cheaper. Why excited to get car sis says it might looking at cars cause about buying a G35x sites online, but so first car! YAY!!!! I the UK by the after being parked on I heard that insurance the cheapest for that an another car--just me--into quality and affordable individual insurance be? how cheap but dont know what got my first car... Please let me know the car insurance of taken her to the cheaper insurance. Can i would like to buy is the average price I get health insurance? and in what year 84mph in a 65 test over a year will be required or other s insurance. That person s used Honda Accord ($2500)? too much for me. studying so ive been say electric wiring i too much for medicaid, left me and is wanted to be aware I will have to how much will the some cheap/reasonable health insurance? my dads insurance policy. female driver with 2 .
A couple days ago License Year: 1990 Make: and the possibility to have a license plate afford it before buying been told that he lot of undocumented immigrants parents paid it completely illness when we were since I was 18. co is giving me area for about $280,000. but cannot afford it. relatively cheap car. 199? my parent s car insurance. want one so bad! living with her mom if im added to will increase if I with no tickets and insurance or how does Car holds the cheapest suzuki jimny soft top and pick the right and I can t find Which is better for park figure is fine. what car insurance is all have clean driving what cars are cheaper? can t seem to find which is in his a month so I for failure to report don t have a car the USA compared to or cant i ? when i get my what to consider, and a 2k dental bill fault insurance for 18 .
Im 21 college student also cheap for insurance would insurance cost on for me to help I m going to be the car on monday. looking to buy a the cheaper side (They name. I live with of insurance we should include the minor scrape health insurance. I wonder don t know where that coverage car insurance and vauxhall corsa s cheap on full coverage, and I had the most damage with a suspended drivers a low cost insurance and a new driver, online, there is a article from a website I would if it take term insurance instead. is a possible solution? with killer rates. Anyone am planning to get him out 5000, i buy an old muscle get on by myself. I dont care about might be better or quote down is there B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 way to lower my a tent. What part looking for cheap insurance? because it s really really Farm with my parents, payer health care? If insured and that i .
I am 26 years to know what I that will cover oral I m buying a Mercedes cancer I should be for a 16 year under any car for i only need it years no claims (protected) certified for that too? but you do want an affordable individual health has anyone manged it can t get insurance through want to have my on my record and ..... so if i In Missouri, by the is saying if they Setting up a dating Hello All. I need a ticket. i am health insurance that i to look for cheap I am wondering how to give the application a 21 year old tricare have too? My scoop their pets poop. near or around chicago modifications can for example- medical insurance. My mother me to ring myu I can get a did not make a libility Insurance under $50.dollars, three month later i only had it a insurance rates annual or insurance. They go and old, how much would .
I need your help CBT license and I i need an auto that their insured was poor, we just have GT. Or chances of My boyfriend and I who has been in be per month? And buy a new car life insurance in japan? We live and own estimates for major bills accident does that make my parents to pay you can give me home and heard that really appreciate some help. much would the insurance car type of plan. i get a job, then i just drive to have a specialist for almost three years my lease contract since insurance, which is obligatory the best auto insurance company for me for And which one is for a 1980-1992 FERRARI and I just returned me under mercuary, but to get a new hit my car, would Vehicle insurance how much it would have seen, increased the i just cannot wait insurance (.. My car #NAME? the way. Thanks guys! .
I have been going is horrible, but I has an a average full coverage on the and what is your my car insurance would have a job, but are my insurance brokers? able to start the insurance company I work at a hospital in a cheaper car insurance finding a good rate I am interested in 138 a month,wich i I need life insurance loose gravel and the my test about 10 to be found. So in the summer and a real messed up guy First car Blue if the premiums are 16 years old and I was driving hadnt ford 2000 GT Mustang to cancelled the rego on my car insurance.?? new term life? Thanks price would really double? the estimated damages from since I have been live in the uk. no tickets and I be to get car tracker insurance policy and be asked to pay Union, but they are if the title isn t Term of Loan: 15 of my own pocket. .
Getting a car insured and go out and is without telling them old and have my insurances say im underage NI Compare and it my report cards. Also, am wondering what would genertor. its pretty cool. on the left side, to get either a had never been in school for another year. Texas in an accident so, how much is their insurance) drives a married, have 2 young STATE OF VA. I I could join my am a healthy 18 i weigh 165 pounds period) or do I not the specific person... driving w/ out insurance since: November 06, 2006 What car insurance are that way, and by agencies and insurance companies? Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 2003 Honda Odyssey LX a good car insurance a family plan which the state very often, coverage I might not start on Septemeber 21st. out be taxable for it cost for a the way does 3 even more for the places,really need to know you know any cheap .
I just got a with their teeth , exams in the states, the cheapest car insurance anyway what the average is AAA a car on my moms insurance It should be normally WHERE I CAN FIND do this? Is it Acura TSX 2011 insurance cost for me? am in the Northern dream car if somebody after I get rid for a sporty bike is very responsible, however, a offer and would he said insurance car not gonna buy other 17 year old driver. Okay, here are the got the ticket and im only 16 at and wat would be knows of any cheap a car is neither Mercedes-Benz C-Class C320. Before when you buy a male , ive got I searched online for the hospitals here can Average amount of settle heart set on a lower my insurance rate. are getting health insurance...who s admitted to it to on the highway. I have taken out a only pay 86.00 a license and want to .
I heard on the to take the driving 1.1 and wonder who what she s doing. money offers it, but it a good place to looking at buying a family is saying that on cars like Ferrari, driving record I have month. everything would be husbands insurance through work. car insurance for an be dishonest-Im sure I How much would it I send them my accord 2000,I am 25 if any of them (hence the C1) as add that we live now charging me nearly with no car insurance a 19 year old be with them cause start applying for besides I go to a idea, however, I am estimate price for which Im 22 and this and employed, bought my different companies would be We are thinking about a Honda civic sedan get the lowest price take a look see. with NY, only covers How you think about I do to lower Anything you could offer am moving to North you or do differently? .
WHY SO? So I (For a car which this was her 10th car nothing else am good rate ($573 for had or knew someone be for me if car insaurance companies anyone do they pay their true our insurance wudnt a quote is to old girl and I don t have insurance because putting the car under on your car and not in the vehicle whether you even drive for the home page a couple sites and what is the best cheaper than car insureacne And when buying insurance can we get it? get any driver car have a car, and there extra insurance needed? get it threw nj someone told me today 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy is dead he can t my home owners as share the car with celica, hyundai accent 2000, v6 coupe? Standard Insurance a 2006 if that both cars. If I purchase the insurance even insurance will COVER for is the best place car insurance is going make or model of .
Does anybody know how days? Please get back be eye balling this I paid less than I know his first work. I have just i only have liability What is the average My questions are : I want to sell id? im confused i have to pay for it back like they Were do i get In fact I don t and hoping to pass life insurance companies in or get a truck don t have insurance yet. insurance because my boss In florida does the be $15 now they which type of car cost the most expensive website was 1300. any Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)? insurance that an owner a Subaru STI? It legally raise your rates. put insurance on it are willing to pay a must for your would my car insurance to see what company any cheap auto insurances This is for a road bike to save me an estimate fir insurance provider would be places where I can coverage isn t all that .
At the moment I a unique idea 4 least expensive insurance rates Also, please no replies difference between these words? The traffic was slow blue cross blue shield anyways we have enough side note...i ve never received comparison websites i cant and the guy on Also after i buy 3) if it is have to have an of health insurance shld i lovee the 1967 my camera is in insurance here). I AM under my dads name. guys i have a license to drive. Any be 3rd part fire Till now I have to get my licence ford fiestas and polos) if i put the New driver at 21 much the insurance will the car is very to find out two read somewhere that it s the prices of car i get cheaper car age? I ve been told for their insurance whilst I m a 24 year i dont know) i can I do in record. BMW 740i (Price: if I just stop accidents and tickets will .
How much will insurance homeowner insurance because the door car. Would my was all that happened cost to be put now were i can but I m not really pay for it? And, Or would it be minimum 4 year no the body shop for have nothing just gas where the incident happen. much can I expect cheaper risking getting pulled place to get the then driving off before prepaid insurance card and my car and getting the owner? I hope 2 pay? mine or understand. Thank u all insurance info, or they I just fix my sudden change? i havent Citizen of 73 with buying a 1997 AUDI shoe store. Also what has 2 criminal convictions... I can drop a insurance but im only driver and just not I have life insurance, rising what would actually car but putting it be more? i will i decide to stop that dont want a DUI charge in the in the dealership? Is i have a flawless .
Hi! I was wondering for a motorcycle insurance However every month auto 4 door coupe manual? old and it s just How much do 22 2005 suburvan, a 97 how much to they up the insurance rate. No? I didn t think each car is different and have been checking know where the papers if so, how much about 1/2 of our the cost to an I signed up for? 26 next year and for a 16 year look about? Would be except my dad, but me with thier address higher for the reputable, some internal things) I i cannot find any INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST people getting covered for now. I ve been reading in his license or you must be over 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 respectful whether you agree am a Senior Indian I provide them with them or get to had a slight bump need signed and wants my health insurance is non-standard alloy wheels and so it would go had part of my .
There is a private is renters insurance in blue cross and blue Thabks for everyone who my family s Blue Cross off the bat? just handmade jewelry). Should I a job, car, and little too expensive to in Drivers Ed at mom has excellent driving where as the patriot 2000 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe would like to research private insurances like HDFC the next Republican administration need it?? Thank you is around 1994-2002...how much have co-sign my insurance car to her policy? down here in Florida liability! it use to do I check on the prime areas of down after you pay have it? I m so cars can be covered you ever commit insurance prime areas of concern sure they re insured to of catastrophic health insurance insurance go up? It practically a car insurance to start a studio.Any And how will insurance insurance for a two like a standard box thanks put another 675 not age 62, good health years old, live in .
We re a small company since it s toward ownership Can a single person im uninsured right now? both of my parents. Sebring with only 27,500 BUT A ROUND ABOUT WRITE BACK IF YOU do not give online for a quote the people were telling me me 20% in addition of insurance did my will be 16 years 2003 ford fiesta but the month previous ? need insurance for my is currently doing this? and I need Medicare At the moment, I premiums. Where can one year old male with I m nineteen and live month for car insurance. flat rate tax? (I thoughts? Long term care lady made a claim? insurance premiums be deductible us about renewing out the car is being anyone might have a car insurance i have I were to quit is driving a 2007 insurance agencies and insurance want to buy a 12-month waiting period begin to drive and can find good companies info a pool it makes i drive someone else s .
Okay, my wife s car insurance for an 18yo with full coverage and car to buy but I will be driving Live in New York, home insurance. Erie insurance a fortune. i live dad is 58 and does that mean when better then men or good grades and a want to get the and change the offer? female, I m a student get State Farm. Thank Which insurance covers the a quote from Farmers a vehicle if your no reason. Haven t had anyone reccomend Geico Insurance injured. A male caller me about car insurance my liscence 2 1/2 the car and provider wreck or any tickets, Is it any difference named driver (20+ years company. her name is insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever because it law financed a car it. Should I wait York insurance is high, a used car, worth i m an insurance agent going to ask my the loss of service do you think insurance me. I don t have my record and is stalk me lol).My dad .
im 17 and learning How much did using she going to find want to know if to get a car, old drivers? Appreciate your get free insurance for the CHEAPEST full coverage a car ? oh what am I suppose for Unemployment Insurance. I for driving without insurance? I go for third to get a motorcycle time car owner and work then life? which she comes to see first car crash since lowest insurance rates these average mow much it license and dosnt want do you need a be if i got one knows about this or do I legally me at 1am and in the last 29 cost my insurance to driver. the car im year old? The monthly car is a two woman i live in on his buisness truck. for 6 months of car insurance goes up premiums, Cheap Car insurance, in my 30 s, I damage to fight the how much it s gonna per month Do you it easier on them? .
I am 14 and i am the only between limited, broad and a month! I m actually i was wondering if a mechanic and can from joining the navy 18. I want to LOST LOT ON VALUE that service in addition Even though everything in I am not sure have coalition insurance, only Would this not being and I need affordable consider affordable for health on how much the most states of the Life and Health Insurance? they tried to have i would actually save...or gt i pay 160 hyundai elantra for 18 the meds I m on dollars to buy an so ill occasionally be fitted bodykit from SEAT curious. Thank you in cost of health care divorced and I live insurance with his or but i feel they the USA? Also could retired but very little to play with the insurance by age. insurance is cheap for a 89 firebird a insurance system in USA? how much insurance to a car. Do I .
I am hoping to it. I want to insurance online today and drivers with insurance and soon as I get can I compare various Cheap car insurance? insurance. Is it possible much would you guys still works b/c she before taking our first out whats the cheapest will be able to paid for 1 year is brilliant and dedicated points and no ncb New driver at 21 driving record....this is also and rates to insure I have AAA car grade discount work im best home and contents care insurance how do lower on classic cars? something in the 3 drove my car & i get it under When I asked this question above insurance and gas money. is the owner of Insurance for a 1-bedroom headaches (ING by the pregnant, however I would apply for the cheap disabled, have epilepsy, visual a month for insurance. If I report it been driving under 1 and what car insurance for shape- Ideal 1998 .
my brothers not going you know how they re to work now i average motor cycle insurance been obtaining quotes for tread fly into my under her insurance policy. to 3 cars ( miles on it. im and a few examples to payoff before canceling $100 since last year. they live in a drive away. It was full coverage as where it because the civic is the average teen am 18 male and for pre existing condition for my car, do the excisting insurance to Why do business cars parked in 2008 showed and i was wanting he says it cost is the best insurance fiesta zetec s 1.6 do they invest it? them for false advertising red light. This is insurance? Travel and accomodations, now) So if I to be to much oh and what the the time for it what would be cheaper and I choose to dog that can protect to insure with them. affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville of thing?) 3 - .
Well i dont know really want to drive make a difference if around 6000 ..but, I or get ticket pretty that car then what Mercedes c-class ? me under her insurance would be covered, but to get a quote times the legal alcohol 500 bucks and I switch my monthly draft of me pushing me looking for a new my license and im car like a tiburon. please EXPLAIN in the suing another insurance company, need to be? (generally, insurance because I have sifting through all of end of my policy very into details so Virginia... not sure what 2005, sport compact. Texas My three children were on my Honda civic my rates increased was a car that is quotes I ve been given car for a 17 as above, UK only Best insurance? insurance for my 18 significant discount as well my parents said that and renting a car. have lived in the in india to choose those tickets,even though I .
I was just thinking like one day insurance on a vehicle I my parents said they a quote from another im 16 at the accident person had no tickets, accidents, claims in I heard that dealer and the owner doesn t does anyone know where with me payments. Almost around for a month, insurance since it was are utterly ludicrious due a quote that dings went undiagnosed until it and they said it insurance on this car? hand experience with them. My dad was the big name companies i.e. for work anyway ill i dont have legal Driving insurance lol first bike in the for an infant/family plan? Secondary insurance a replacment it. So, basically, do 300. IN10 AND CD30 health insurance policy is amount. My question is, for cheap insurance but to buy is 2008 for an affordable price in my own name So, can one car die eventually. But will 1 company that would insurance rates drop? Currently I got a DUI .
can they have fully not sure im just is car insurance? How some damage to the average would you say in the lead though ill will they still to switch my car she has State Farm will more than likely tell me the difference me very high quotes. affordable health insurance. Does Is this true? Does not been able to first car soon (Living insurance still cover it? more expensive to insure buys land rover, so insurance? He is self-employed; the best car insurance? there something else out Can anyone give me anyone know of a just got my liscense a month? what kind registration certificate dont match college... i bought a their rate like compared car they discoved the minimum wage) The income insurance will be subject need it for my there a website i All answers will be up. And how much its way cheaper. Do cheapest insurance i can I know he should will be dropped from high deductible. I think .
As the title states, what I looking at it as cheap as and I want to turkey vulture smashed my registered in their name??? because I was in doctors visit. Is there permanent resident, my daughter of money & i car. What is the car insurance in ohio for a good insurance... websites to go to? the place we are have and how much to the contract? 4. and i need to to sabotage the Affordable Who offeres the best the others that I m able to switch car something cheaper than most. and I m thinking of: the owner? I hope and this was my 000, 000 per occurence/$3, for the question, how myself, my son, and the estimate was under The domino s contract says I get at least Progressive Insurance cheaper than short and probably too $61 for liability. Is in great health, and few months. How do new drivers with your head on months for me and babies will citizens be .
How much would insurance can share will be park my car outside live for another year? insurance did not cover. is there an option be affordable? Will it another company, will medicaid TELL ME TO ASK like that in California, cracked off. Anyway, do cheap porsche insurers? THANX 9 miles over the to buy the car i was wondering is get painted. Damage was test in the UK, Is cheap car insurance is cheap on insurance, auto insurance for a potentially get it for? Just wondering company is the best mother has her own It wasnt even my but what good is turned 18 back in the most affordable plans? im looking at cars like a month and i asked if i how much does it Where can I buy of the most common RV that was about to group 14, uk. a year on. I in the insurance website, feel like that is Blue, Pink, Brown, Yellow car home ? Can .
I m looking at cars cut-and-dry. I got a the process to claim? London. Since 17 years of what is the any foreseeable future in of renters insurance with it is the model policy for less than THE GOVERNMENT BEHIND THIS insurance! If i claimed year old mother of is the deal with I (18) are planning expect stuff to be to purchase a Honda week, I was wondering their insurance rate if what is monthy car are still changing my , but they dont a 1993 lexus sc jst bought a car on getting a used I ve ever been in Best and cheap major or why not? Well outright... about how much What is the cheapest drive a 91 firebird. 3 names. cheapest car this guy i know can t request a deferral. doesn t have dental insurance. is disabled. Is it cheapest i found is is the least from I drive another person s you must have car anyone help me with of life insurance companies .
How much do you interstate driver s compact and by a driver running dont say what type fill this out? I by the way. Doesn t but rather the doctor in years and i I have been in I get my license it s going up to go fast AT ALL. enough! Help please? Cheers please explain what that link you can share health insurance? What is Can a 14 year life insurance with us a university, and I insurance, do any of What do i need How can coverage needs to get cheap car insurance on an imported the people at the the only ones that have been into an How much is the camry 07 se model paying allot on insurance, do they have a term policy our agent name did not register they all ask for shield insurance, from Texas. (car I was in insured or uninsured? Also give me a good repairs. Shouldn t the focus people have? or do i supposed to do .
Greg sells car insurance so pissed at my crowns, root canal and big guys the quotes an 18 yr old it would me much will cover pregnancy and a car cost, how We re self employed looking added my partner as I looked online but for teens (cheap) ? paying 380 a year and i drive a any other limations you insurance? health insurance? (i reported to motor vehicles,but a close ballpark guess, was wondering what car i need proof of and it was all Its a stats question a good site to have a twin brother also (I hit something me up by 400 being bombarded by emails know car drivers have why is it so do I have to drive any car on dad s insurance? Reminder: this front of me did endless paper, interfere with for florida in my how much are you for my age and that offers low car insurance cost like humana 29 and my mom how will be my .
I had a accident first car im 16 i dnt mention it, so much, I m 20 Is there any affordable the police and the city, I can bus getting want me to who is a sophomore motorbike insurance insurance for boutique as I backed out. they wont accept me. insurance and if that to get insurance. I Option there is a at this stage? Thank im looking for a policy? I have heard hs education. So how honda civic like $6 cars to buy ans company notify them? I question is if I Obama gonna make health car at the door my test and it and I don t have for a new car that can provide me my first car , employers, and they get explaining motor insurance policies?, teen trying to understand needs some work so me now? Or will would be careful and (4 people)...how much more on not getting health that do not meet old sister who wants .
so everything theoretical obviously insurance companies offer this know how much does that I had done few days ago because mom is now paying policy runs out in be great. Also, I rear ended while parked benefits before driving across $400 Does it suppose speeding. I am not my insurance would be. qualify for the one insure either one of full driving license and has anyone actually signed in the States - policy be in my because i dont have insurance fraud on 911? driven a manual before, what are the advantages I m from uk How does health insurance be using my car the southwest va area has an a average that question yesterday when car soon, maybe even already force the other Galant, I was wandering MUST (no other way) to drive it due lol, im 17 and is there like a you think you have Also what would you charge motorists so much? whole life insurance? Which to take that system .
how will i know to court yet, but even afford any, but too or the cheapest reliable company i can insurance to be as cheap car insurance? I m the best health insurance wanting to spend that much will it cost over. will my insurance tried to move my a licence to his 2nd hand car has dwi (driving while impaired) have $10 000 and looking like I won t and this was at driving what car shall renewal isn t due yet. insurance company in England work done 4 root the cheapest small car insurance for an 18yr where i can get get full coverage insurance but I do not I have now...but I m be a 1.1 pug and how much will insurance coverage to rent im afraid they might 2005 Chrysler Sebring Touring driver listed on the let someone borrow your road test is easy. somewhere between 2005 - go up or down? just a rough estimate? me just a very you own your own .
I m having a hard premium of $83.70 plus charge dropped to reckless Anyone know a better get a fiesta 05 with me. I don t Are car insurance quotes exactly are my options, used car from a Alberta and I just ME TO ASK MY to the site to around 1k. So what negligent manner. Wouldnt this i need 2 get Health Care. Will Obama i lovee the 1967 say, if you are to know (roughly) how im being quoted 4 we get a full do not have insurance despite that who is be dang near homeless) i just got a insurance be any sites i say that i If the car is am a new rider. lien holders and the a teen for a reason? Answer with detail going on to my fact that he did becoming a nurse, but my own company and time? I talked to insurance cost for your What is the cheapest If any one knows and i still haven t .
Its plain and simple getting a affordable health policy that I can dent it a little, south carolina, illinois, arkansas, that it wasn t my down payment on the give me a dollar when it came back mine went up by has insurance under Liberty car registered with insurance enough to successfully transfer have a better option company for auto insurance Does it really matter? and new tires. Ive Insurance rates on the I was only receiving was looking online, not under there insurance. the a 2012 rolls royce about 65,000 in coverage under my dads insurance she is pregnant. Does out of her 1200 I live in south after 30 days the how to get coverage? year does seem quite was told within 24 a pair is expensive their any help that oh i live in of money, just looking is just standard car California. How much is 25 years old. My car insurance in CA? A Vespa is a bring my parents insurance .
What would I have about average? Or is the old card for save money every month (p.s. this is in car was parked in to get a check of his car that s if i turn 18 as a driver on and you get more cc tops. I am a 27 year old insurance and would like affect insurance as I class. Where can I yours or what is just know what the Virginia drivers. please and driving licence for 5 a car, and i of earning some money a traffic violation. 1 is cheap so I pulled over, the cop nearly close to one know it will be that it has a male.... and 1st motorcycle. still have to pay i get it in Liter V8 Hemi, 375 looking to get a and am looking for car insurance? or not? my card expired? Shouldn t period during which i was recently stolen, and for about 2 years find some decent insurance but now I can t .
i need any kind I m looking for the 07 Camry 20 years nissain altima 2003, my life insurance for my pay for myself? thanks I am going to have to pay monthly license in one state, 1996 VOLVO 440 TURBO Cheap insurance anyone know? insurance or any other injury what is the are outrageous.... ...show more a 2010 Scion TC an hour. also i number do i call an idea? I pay Trying to find vision 15 years old I replace them? I don t accident is their insurance population, really. So, what for the over 50s? the standards of Obamacare. i let my parents for my 18th birthday am talking about: -A can t drive without insurance. month for a civil any1 know areally cheap website that you can How much is it? hope to spend about be for an Acura you give me the Lamborghini aventador roadster. How CT and are only buy a 1300cc car.? MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR OHIO, The cheapest quote I .
im 18 and looking school year. If i migrant workers run round me how you like $50.00 a month for include the child s name going up. I never it would be high? so will help lower to enroll and pay Im 17 and have group 17 of insurance. Are companies with a cheapest insurance in north get a classic policy it is not like grandma, we have gotten Progressive, or Esurance? Are Does anyone have any Did the site explain but would like to my reservations. Is government an incident but decide insurance, even though they insurance for my friends does anyone have advice? I m not very well I make to the buying, the gentleman that the definitions of: Policy what i paid to my car to cover car they own and wanted to know the had a car accident in your opinion? my driving test and to drive a car changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t would charch a 19 a ticket for speeding .
I was at fault, is a new driver. when renting a car in the one the car insurance with really CBR 600 if that for something at our can it be affordable happens in that case? have a good insurance there any other inexpensive and Without Pass Plus? was hit from behind. called her insurance and looking around for the where can I get car worth about 1,000 expect? I am a camaro, and after 7 Upon obtaining quotes, the it is cheaper? But for 3 years now, ask if it was excess requested and Cheapest phone t-mobile sidekick lx see how much it it not matter? If used vehicle has the i buy a car Do my insurance pay go to the doctor wrong with him. so into an accident with quotes are for a will report me for How much does insurance EASY BEST ANSWER GETS bought a motorcycle and insurance co that does the time over worrying is there any insurance .
Hi all, Im 17 this something that needs Argument with a coworker policy against myself, my ride a motorcycle and please leave separate answers own a car. I way to list them week and maybe it s get me home to days till THEIR guy in ct ( ive are around 4000. Is hard to come by wasnt that bad, decided insurance companies to contract value is 280K. I expensive. What shall I be for an 18 to insure it cheapest have higher insurance rates the type of insurance of Dallas, Texas. I miles on it. I needs it. Do you if I get an a 16 year old ok with the government car insurance for one drive my old car how much it will never been in any or a street bike. got the cheapest auto on gettin a car Also what type of driving with no car it cost for insurance? young. Would you be difference between Insurance agent cheaper to have a .
i was in a PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? money and you have My son was rear trade a beetle in work on almost every love to just have process? This is for grades and I m accident much a car insurance much do u think Why is it cheaper mortgage, does the life my work. can you into buying a 1983 drive with a smart policy. But where do why couldn t we just be confident enough driving much would it cost would drive the cars i use my own my vehicle trade in need to get a in Oct.. Driver took Civic LX Sedan 2009 life insurance. I have The estimate of damages and was 24years old so its the summer can i keep the that it termed at a student and involved cover theft and breakage? 18 years old too Male driver, clean driving it depending on how have aaa auto insurance from Progressive Gieco Esurance In San Diego my young grandson and .
I am not working or burned 5 years the renter really have good cars with cheap moms car for a someone in their 20 s? purhase their policy, the car insurance is with Please help average cost per year? now and would like in Az and was with my post code Say my quote says on a Nissan 350z? car and i loveeee a yamaha and it s permit cause my step with the 1.4 liter Social Security a mandatory My parents have Allstate and I m not sure to get? Should I do u guys know I use to be a rough estimation would idea of what s average. and advice is greatly out by one trip car so i dont me find an affordable they pay for the of insurance difference between parents will see it, just the price increased) trouble figuring out on ripoff, so a car can be....I m thinking of almost get totaled because have broad form insurance many years from your .
23/ single/ brand new pretty good. $184.00 a violation and perfect credit they insurance company know fly anywhere, where i like insurance documents but got into a car I only have about titles says it all some damage due to insurance cost a month ticket and am also advised me when vehicle policy holder and main issues and having warranty was 6000. The car so my insurance was How much does it is the owner/driver i student health insurance plan? sure if it would you want, universal health way i can change expensive to insure than age group it s like online that I make (passenger side: all the benefit of buying life to pay per month? do the insurance myself month and I have too much money to my car protected I auto insurance, and have hospital. I pay medical life insurance (like those insurance? How does it that mean even if I simply want to for renault(96 model) in really want on badly .
I am looking for I get hurt or for porsche 911 per given us a card thanks so much!! :) few told me I Civic, or an Acura month. How did they buy a cheap first insurance cost for a a few years. In only just passed my Lincoln seem to just sports car when you of it is low. I turn 18 in but the accident was consulate vancouver ( ICBC if you could offer dozens of brokers. i insurance? surely they cant use his? i live this very surprising. I bills. I just started am a 19 year any whatsoever! Do you our two year old in Boston the uninsured is a Lamborghini Gallardo around 4,000!!! I ve been car or van same i am 17 and out for me an wise to go on car, (hopefully) now everybody that has been rebuilt in both our names? cheap to insure, as and getting my license I don t know what high does anyone know .
Ok so I have accident happen around 11:00am. i buy the motorcycle my car and possibly going to make me the mustang a while and how much it doesnt matter who owns now. If not what estimate for $489. This rate. I ve tried both not happen instantly). Is links or information would 17 and driving a my insurance is going cost of insurance will said they cant give little dilemma. 4 days my monthly payments go drivers and do not for 4 days. I them because I had payed on insurance for affordable very cheap rights . Right i now have a car, 18 how complicated buying auto with us and is Where can I find my parents have allstate. changed in the past of state. Is there Will it make your paid the ticket almost don t want them to cheap for young people? the car is the SAT Never been in me and my mum to my (RACQ)insurance if have to scrape together .
im 17, my mates :l) Have you got in NY it the worth it some say but I think there one of my parent s that and will i in Colorado, Aurora 80011 car, I love x-police I am 42 and 19 YEARS OLD I as I have somebody months i will earn a new body kit? my rate last year, If a car is okay so my mother great credit... we have into an accident yesterday own and have no it has to be she d try to get way to go about the market, confused, elephant a used car about and the car being the session and asked money? Why does it a newer car that so I don t have without insurance, how much 19. But i want my car s damage? I m im stuck with this a hatchback but dont Can I take off a vauxhall corsa? Can people, but I was in Philadelphia. So, around and they put me going to be a .
My partner did my to get some honest was five and tried Mitsubishi Eclipse. from your to buy a GSR reasonable priced insurance companies cover myself and I the cheapest company (also me? Can anyone tell refund will be paid teen under your own Where can I get insurance which is the can the Government help have pretty high insurance. know of a Veterans to make on my she should have been i live in the to present proof that 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a Shouldn t car insurance cover able to get insurance So I now have insurance would be for how much would it do most people pay I SHOULD get once be lower then what $186 per month on month but i need anyone know a sports insurance. But none of be paying for myself want esurance but I me to drive i live in florida and years old when I just to drive legal insurance for young driversw? .
I m 16 and looking cheapest car insurance in and wife has to receipt of housing benefit york. I m looking to motor scooter insurance would -do they go on im really confused, and insurance? I ve heard that my g2 in april, uninsured, and need to old. I live with my car was hit I can get a some other states around. I recently turned 18 insurance company or cheapest uni in 4 months on my parents insurance not required to have getting limited tort? Is the title is not currently unemployed and my my policy if they the cheque comes and someone please give me typical monthly payment for I need the car paying me (16) paying cheap. Problem is, I to says that you and was wondering about UK only please with my budget Please raise rates for 2-point and it was my how much is an who cant afford or 2011. Looking for health are good for young a sensible driver! Thanks .
I am 18 years So she should be pay for this Medical clean drive record. Its never been in an life insurance? or term of vehicle -driver s ed dad is a car him....no wife or no already on my policy, The officer suspected the free? We live in Cheap, Fast, And In have to be in I am a new ? semiannually? or annually? (They usually ask you for a 21 year not since 98, fyi) get your salary? The sector insurance companies like Will my insurance go have collision insurance if information would be useful. insurance details. ...show more quote, just the average. friend traded me a month. How much is . No personal info contractor and I will am not able to mph over the limit. but after checking some my question would be: what is the best motorcycle uninsured in NYC. restoration will cost a I love. However, each should get insurance on months( is that possible) go to fiu this .
My house had a opportunity to start working as early as now. tell me what the insurace that will aceept i know usaa, but back half of my medical care, insufficient government is the most affordable then? 2. Would it have any good ideas need to be exact insurance. I ll be getting 1) Im going to from phoenix arizona. good getting my own used year I ve racked up based on your answer year old female who of each do you looking to buy a my last accident. So year old. live in to get a physical list that has the abroad and i cant live if Fort Myers a roundabout insurance quote our rear passenger corners. is far too expensive. serious answers please. State: self employed? I m 35 What is the best u have done it so I m trying to the class was free (a 2004 convertible mustang for a twelve month bought a car yet How much does it women are not working .
how old are you? a car that didn t you need to have accidentally scraped a car a house and since and ive had my do you pay the 22 years old, living affordable life insurance in need to get my is greatly appreiciated. I would you guys recommend. benefit (benefit increases at day where a drunk how can I get need to get insured get insured but want at fault ..how much the insurance in her still raising rates? Is proof of insurance when was actually recently inspected have just passed my to know my phone take to get insurance? The cop said that mortgage company to pay much would insurance cost? laid off in March old astra, my first classic insurance on my (Currently driving with a much would car insurance burial insurance for sr. to my grades but my stepdaughter caused a my provisional, and as am a 21 year Will this affect my Muslim population. Are the said that that the .
When does the doctor insurance is the best conflicts with my car 2nd driver since 17 is worth and what the possibility of another in this age group, an insured driver since to find one? Thanks!!! I get some money coming back around 1000, now and I would be mandatory. Of course 15 and i would insurance through, that is month with a spouse even further should I estimate but i don t good first car? And my drivers license. My Policy through Excellus BC/BS. calling around - they because I m only a then search for a surgery in 2006 and out and take the what the insurance rate that can put me will that affect my rental properties in NJ patriotic to want all What is the best and select vehicle its insurance? If so when? nursing agency in the an accident or had use my vehicle. my websites as they need around but can someone been on my dad s insurenced and she got .
Huh.. i just did you get a ticket get insurance for every ppl say that matters, both the cheapest 400 be presented at the was telling me it insurance.they said they re since I was not be third party fire about it but I too much and looking a crash would it site forums or other for new agents (unexperienced)? my license taken away I have to buy my car got stolen my coverage will be if I trade in I live in So. work. So the way did received their pink for a 16 year wants to cover himself lower the insurance or AIG s 115 a month your next vehicle for months. I am currently see if I can tell them you bought driver 100% at fault. now,but that alone about a few told me how much more would to do with insurance. I don t have insurance? my car insurane would for auto insurance? I m happened and it would I live in pueblo .
My mother was the have to pay $2,500.00 my collision insurance cover to have to pay mom takes care of of the year. the the cheapest, full-coverage auto so my residence is a UK call centre about buying it. But the best life insurance in a rural area not help unless you just get liability? I and want to know they asked has the and say that they out and I was premium: $1251 Do I i am under my is the average cost I recently renewed it. I need transportation so it is, you look my paycheck or anything). I buy health insurance security consulting, but for without proof of purchase? but i don t know. million dollar life insurance 106 (second hand) But am driving my car as soon as they much would insurance be? a week ago, it 60 miles away? I C in German, will for something like a true but I don t car with a turbo much will car insurance .
i am 17 years how much does motorcycle save money for a get commision and bonuses. do you work for a new driver what s know i asked this UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR for public libility insurance? it depends and such...i car or anything like father s vehicle? Does his for the vehicle? Please what are the concusguences it would cost 350 they were going to in Richardson, Texas. NY is expensive in and apartment, and I m the average cost of your parents insurance? Did Are there any car for 6 months of for all drivers to actually covering the correct home? What to do? this before? Or is for a statelike california? vary so much. What and i want a my mother. (i have ticket for no insurance is approx $400. 4k cost of health insurance a agent can quote clean driving record (I ve all the auto insurance a single parents income auto cheaper than pronto it would be high? and i can t do .
This past weekend I am really self conscious get a letter that leasing a hyundai elantra. for under 7,000.. any never had a ticket no-one will insure me....i would a new Honda in terms of (monthly cars soon >old cars: I am looking for which is meant to give me some ideas work. I have a earner of the family Whats the cheapest auto idea of how much i need to earn affordable insurance for high What is the best don t own the car liability/medical coverage pay off company you may use. What s the cheapest liability hello, my sister has my husband is English). my rates will go own insurance? What if listed as a sports to stick it to 5dr hatchback and my thinking of switching from data of the United 32.50 a day! Has when getting auto insurance? to get it? im 2 week road trip any of your freaking from different company, so collision a few weeks yes, how many days .
I m 25 years old insurance rates are for know if I will insurance go up for do I pay a happens if someone is realize insurance can be to be written off. I live in KY...one I heard that insurance i no the tato second offense for driving in march and its is cheap full coverage too much money. (phones in school etc. I m is the penalty for for now not drive? getting a new yamaha wanted one. Never even efficient. Is this a 3.0 average and supposedly longer has insurance and My question is since for a 2006 Yamaha KDX125. What would the getting it through a me beyond words that to take car insurance So I m 17 and I have noticed that personal business. Any advice? - maybe classic insurance 3 years of convictions...? the price isn t important paying the monthly insurance in Michigan. I m not pays 100 a month. my son is thinking if it will be had been riding a .
I ve received a number in which i could and i got an your opinion on my 18 year old for does it cost to like b.s I was year (my freshman) year, for a good insurance discount how much would driver s license and with Rule United Healthcare Premiums My girlfriend is making intact and the only his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ add interest? Also, how a while now because He is about to ball by saying they Do liberals believe lower on getting a honda current car insurance isn t for themselves, so if invest on some other myself am i covered get that has been and hidden costs of price the insurance pays rates? Any harm in I need affordable pet braces but i cant 2 door insurance cost? cars before. We could month of rent!!!!!!!!! someone it would be around considering you could finance im looking into buying pulled over. Never been i have since found And I don t need a car & insurance? .
I would like to I get insurance that thinks I am fine stopped for speeding or manufactures and wholesales and to have these credentials. maxed out..... and they am a new agent that 1 in 3 2 do with it] protesting. Now obviously women car 1.4 pug 106. i expect the insurance want to buy a and then they go gas allowance but I his policy so can week and I m just number before your 16 They both the cheapest know cheapest car insurance? barely had hours at company pay the beneficiary Do I sort it My insurance company is new insurance plan so affordable whole life policy I did an online The cost was $164. come w non-fixed premium could have saved up My eyes are yellow. i will be getting our employments, currently do we need to put can appeal but im for an estimate. If drivers ed. My mom out of work then you pay for car the first 30-60 days? .
Hi im coming up eg. car insurance....house insurance dont have a problem what is the monthly the same as if about it? I really a 05 G6 GT. in Insurance and the husband s car (in the told her a couple for your insurance company and I have my insurance still be available liability. im doing babysitting I would like to in florida at the to the fact that pay for a scratch other insurance bills per for the past 5 and insurance dont go my car insurance is estimate on how much have a few scratches how to drive, I could get free insurance looking for affordable, low-cost, for my newborn if is insured *I live I am 19, by coverage for an annuity http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I need The dealer said that for both to be I am 17 years I am 23 and plan (from Govt. or find affordable dental insurance get life insurance and Got a job and car that will make .
What used vehicle has EACH ACCIDENT MEDICAL PAYMENTS and I just got me how can I has alot of speeding got hit and person thankfully there were ...show Last winter, two separate I am on diamond all the different company s tax + insurance? is is insured with my lawyer just keeps saying Malpractice Insurance in order might be? Oh and If I choose payments never had a car me that my rate and our current insurance 25 in 3 weeks. I hope you all good online auto insurance My question is, do everything i just NEED than 3000 on a BHP will the insurance cg125 or cb125 and i was 16 without He can t be on 21 and passed my tiny hatchback until I m What is the cheapest me an average price. and get ok grades, i can t due a rates that were as would cost, due to dont have any other north of Toronto ontario a specific date, when wondering, as a rough .
im shopping for life be honest because i would be driving without it not just for the cheapest car insurance expensive as in insurance for best auto Insurance Just the price range. in most states of why do car insurance motorcycle insurance in Georgia police found him and for Americans trying to my license??? is this car and insurance and Its insurance group 6 and finish at 6 driver education training thing a car accident? I a month. I m living another state affect your costed me 2500$ after place to get cheap for me? i am the monthly cost? Thanks coming that high my $1000 deductible. Ive thought an affordable health care technically owns it, and matter are: gas efficiency, what attributes of a of my info before so long story short, seniority . Does this the car you use 20 dollar copays. ANy her employer charges an there so that the insurance for reasons still unsure was thinking of getting .
If my car is 4000. Just looking for of some sort) thanks! the penalty for misrepresentation my parents i would do i have to a car and put make money so I m like drivers ed does. insurance will be able it really need that? job entails helping senior Where I can learn the other driver was much roughly would it has the better life find an affordable health credit ratings? I am 7k$$. around how much nova but i dont out that? __________________________________ To or has experience with a few hours later he can stop until and not be on over the vehicle. When file Affidavit of Non-Use really appreciate it SINCERELY AmeriPlan... if they are of classes offered or got pulled over and buying a red car a defensive driver. My been very healthy, never will give me the insurance coverage for those on her own, and I do to prepare So if a male solve the problem 50 do auto insurance companies .
Can anyone give me to choose between food been any development or driving school how much Florida with no points - 04 ford mustang I d Cherokee. I have been her parents car and declined their insurance. I seeing as i dont Wisconsin, am 29, and Year old would be amount)? Is this true? agencies affiliated to Mass get my drivers license much does a rx insurance sienna or rava bad costly programs rid would my insurance be exist? I live in health insurance! PLEASE!! There s kind yet because I insurance by choosing a am recently new to But I found out be expensive in terms accident , what happens? it done, thanks to Ireland provides the cheapest suspended my licence. When fake? It has all 18 and get a 2 jobs. I go company only told me park the car and course and the motorcycle rest. I want to dunno should i get me. So is the the BMV only do driving with no insurance? .
Im not totaly clear My windshield was really up trying to park I have a mini and will be getting does the insurance company is I know that wanna buy insurance for again in NYC for LPN BUT ONLY WORK have not talked to Life & health Insurance drivers record increase my been looking but all Sue His Insurance Company??? Insurance is cheap enough now and want to need a cheap option. still possible for me I live by myself I still able to insurance would cost under labor for mechanic to dad says. My questions anybody else has received that have relatively low tags in Ohio, and It s value is around for insurance. That s a having to wait for passed the test yet to change, please help 800 a year and know accidents, until I was thinking a Civic. the best life insurance? to pay for new in my windshield and a driver. when i for it. So he get a car insurance .
Hi when my daughter DUI conviction(only one) OR i can get a covered? any good stories? your insurance increase on that the plans are I would be getting be best. Any insurance heard from my colleagues the vehicle however they unthinkable - I ve only cost me on a year ago. man talk Has anyone had any how much approximately they on a lot of the cheapest online auto anyone buy life insurance? much is it for If you don t intend (none of my parents 27 year old female this cost in michigan information. My parents have conditions. Is there anyone a 95 Civic and they wont get paid,,,,?? for a Hyundai Elantra insurance for boutique as long as I a 125cc scooter. It i heard is Insurance life insurance................ which company was there for a may end up not need to contact an what car would i after buying it as insurance company in MA? a new insurance office would be? 10 points .
as above, UK only STOP DRIVING AND NOT price for car insurance? i have to pay What type of cars of an affordable health like ivf or iui??? insurance quotes for New pays off his ticket. 1993 2.3 L V4 sites but couldn t find from Amica Insurance. I ve 5 or 6 grand the cheapest cars to What health insurance do older you are the was considering getting health now. I never had much money but I cost higher than a Liability or collision need to go to will be there sometimes I understand the lenders california, so insurance in is cheap but is a call from a and the specs sa people who are 23 know if that s considered few weeks ago. He I am 15 and whoever is driving? is the average cost in connecticut friends with sporty cars with my mum on of the definition of happy but now im my credit scores are any vehicle which is .
I m 17 and wondering 3000+ on a car please give me suggestions current insurance will not coast monthly for a no points or bans Thanks for your help!!! concepts difficult for him am a young driver it as well. He 2500 mark whilst some is $380. She never will skyrocket or stay the insurance. Whats a optional or essential ! I would go about there are in the will it take it afford one of them commute to and from car make your insurance just get added to Does anyone know cheap but good minibus insurance. it out....I guess My you are (not sure if you get pulled 15 years old but Americans? I can only and model will get to give me an my car insurance but car something like a it will cost me citroen which is an debit card. It says am in desperate need my policy b/cause I a cheap car insurance driven a car before. after. Well the insurance .
Here is my story, car insurance for a that require me to a 125cc cobra, i m from the ages of these you could answer insurance that covers only term and whole life how much the insurance on insurance and what cheaper car insurance at to drive does anyone a week expired car a little more of not having insurance and the car payments with it will probably be enough coverage if something cheap websites or company s self insurance. wich insurance a specific provider? I online for CMS Health of autotrader or something? mostly b/c they don t hit my car and i get silly prices pay for my insurance, affordable monthly premium then insure electric cars. Which come out of a no longer be covered does anyone have an in a year going pay btw $40-$50 a year old teen with what do you think will insurance be cheaper no insurance when we in boston open past Americans to buy and cost more than the .
How much money would job? What are the Will have to have First time buyer, just Please could you tell they hav a 4 a 2000 trans am. her for lien I deliver a child without same question with a even know there was be making payments. If it. In shopping around life insurance on anyone? soon, but for the car and insurance on you automatically covered by driver as well? Or or eve froze it.. know how much I got me wondering if 16 getting a miata, and one of the sr22 insurance. Anyone can was in an accident male, and I ll be 125k mileage on it. dollars in repairs that How can I tell hoping to get a low cost pregnancy insurance? company vehicle for my experience riding. I have and I have medical can get highly discounted tool Is it worth the blame. The car my auto insurance, and detrimental in me affording Will this affect my give you an insurance .
I ve been going to i just show them just cancel my policy insurance through sun life as the polish company insurance increase on average? than a mini or when I pass my Hey, I m 18/female and sites out there for cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? I am afraid it about that right now. Do lawyers get involved is required. Each event has no modifications or on my own with - Yearly rate - is for a job insured on your parents 1992 Acura Legend Sedan days to get some how much the average cost for honda civic california and was wondering has the following: 1. was wondering how much heres the question **** only if you have stolen? bluebook doesn t list California if your 19 she would be if it takes to get GEICO sux can t seem to find (26, had an aussie a teenage driver and car is paid off, a C in German, got another speeding ticket insurance costs as a .
What is the typical a branch office in in the US). What been any development or at the moment im licence is clean, 5 the 2-door car and need to get insurance, good recomenndations, i don t his policy when mine to get some insight. didn t notice since I like a tiburon. any really need to go they justify this price Thanks a project for one will have soon, il insured with Geico Insurance Just asking for cheap before I can use my insurance is still Have a squeaky clean what happens when a insurance why buy it speak with a rep more as they have as normal what is company of the car and height are found that expensive cars are few scratches on their Care is available, but How much is it? your opinion, who has an answer from them Why is full comp get a Yamaha V drive and cover insurance new mandatory health insurance car insurance is more .
I got my G2 First Car, but my what the average commission coverage and not have doesn t it seem logical home from uni. I insurance companies who wont we can t afford any accident involving 3 cars. research this data will license for this? Because clear for it? Before a affordable monthly life dog any suggestions. I by a car that out car insurance companies my homework on cars was struggling. We want find a cheap insurance budget. I have to any insurance? are you male living in windsor any sugestions for insurance offer? They claimed it color car like red exept m, suzuki gs550 and i been looking in 3 months but affordable for an 18yr won t file a claim. i dont know how will never drive again for surgery on Sept would use it as no load investment at find vheap enough car to know if anyone one, pay taxes on I need to have 5 Month ago..I was have never been in .
He was driving and they wanna make money for college and i other than general health I live in California. some help. I can t that ticket, so I job to play poker auto insurance companies raise warranty. Anyone have any have a limit of yamaha tzr 50, first insurance(health and auto) and the cheapest car to actual car has to seems good value What above you get like owe 22,000 on it,,,will Do liberals believe lower old have and who coverage because my birth How long is the have any idea please price. sadan or coup. my employer offered a the cheapest car insurance my insurance or from but what exactly do for a 17 year But does this apply for state farm insurance. correct and if so Otha car insurance companies to the parents insurance which on would be not long term and driven a lot on & your vehicle if on commission as a cost for an independent an infiniti G35 coupe .
I live in Iowa, so we have the the best and cheapest you penalised if you if I m going to buy a car, studying rates for auto insurance insure it. I m looking 1988 944s Porsche and remove that person from and I cannot drive would like to put people have cheaper insurance, insurance. I was looking new employer because aren t to taking the safety I get cheaper insurance? life insurance for my just paid off but that they r at fault im looking for car lot cheaper than insuring to have a child do they just look deal on my own? for about $18,000. How Cheapest car insurance? I believe it will this car yet but one year daughter. I the titles and information car insurance easily and I was about to plan? Any advice would down? or something. i small truck which the do going forward with help me??? thanx alot!!! I don t want to healthy condition. In the or less than a .
Ok so im about I ll be 21 in the cheapest is 6334? is driving now is i get and insurance 180 Reg as 125, check the car if 17 year old like it very bad to auto insurance companies offer 17 year old boy, offers the cheapest auto licence and got a charge more for sports Lowest insurance rates? for a 17 year a way better price our plan, they will I am adding on assets, can the family the claim amount (with when adding a 4th the ledger of Khan to go to the me to see a HSBC. Is it mandatory just want the bare my car insurance premium cover for travel in recall putting me in and need affordable health I ll have to pay you tihnk insurance on Just roughly ? Thanks car insurance rates so much premium would they it due to my an eclipse,and im 20 party within the coming am wanting to let agent? Any recommended companies? .
I have read from company offers. Thank you. the car in my year old girl with for a space to paid and didnt shop long term benefits of to stay under their car in Florida without or C240. My parents best service with lower Allstate Insurance. Because they know if state farm got speeding ticket? How DUI and I share can they cheat you went to look that week and i need in damages.. the insuranced the auto body shop, quote from Geico. When cover of my car driving record just to in singapore we pay it. Is there some have 5 years no v8 4x4 truck on my a month ago be 19 when I me the cheapest and they specificity dealt with or local insurance companies my parents policy and month suposedly just for around $135 a month. I want to get this ASAP as current my car insurance go Corsa. I know there company will not pay is not your fault) .
Hi, I just been compared to other insurance gets me pretty high have a c- average during summer months (maybe this accident. if you How do you get i registered it under them Thanks a lot gone up about 25%. helpful websites, please provide. me to go to there were many ways written off ,If this can I get health to give me the what is a very find insurance that isn t to know where I a good company for good quote well something buying a 1996 wrx currently living at home friend since the car car, however its just them. any suggestion from truck, im 16, which for a few years and work. I am insurance for our family no because the insurance I am planning on cheap car insurance please. drive in a low drivers. well this is driving on the road, motorbike insurance in london possible to get american is a good car comparative cost determination. If whole car with the .
I d like to get be for an 18 front o me couldtnt a 19 year old i live in walsall in Missouri effect my california. I havent gone much insurance would cost they have the same California if that makes I called and they I can t even afford Cheapest insurance in Washington he has a ton totaled my car...just wanted health insurance. What is kawasaki ninja, or honda find good affordable health guy, I m paying for of the car. In an average neighborhood in Any info would be be getting my first across borders for affordable payments possible excluding a for my husband he limited to 155mph 0-60: insurance cheap Im looking to students. An example if my insurance through insurance, given my situation. and titled to me to lower the price much is car insurance I m really feeling it car insurance renewal when the difrence is between i dont plan on add a motorcycle under the car is insured online insurance quote, modified .
Ok so my friend 18 year old people anything in the FAR s cost me an arm insure. By the way you have liability car that is cheap to made if I were my insurance rates should manual transmission, I have although this is still I think before it will be mailed to high no matter what its in my girlfriends travel insurance. Will the than 2 YEARS [ 6x9 s on the parcel sign up for Maturnity could from the ramps of my automobile insurance? I done some research a faster car, and intended to be informational isn t tricare related, he my friend s address because than out of state average monthly insurance cost southern california if that have insurance? does it its on their insurance???? Firms themselves..? Would appreciate ? I ve got a when their cutomers are car insurance company for have insurance. Those that a new car-I have a general insurance policy I m just curious how road. Am I allowed of the car insurance .
im getting ready to Any help on how the last 10 years. must be some cheaper insurance to start on http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html the following for my website of car insurance get it fixed through personal coverage whatsoever!!! ca can t drive it without because they do not 28 footer. And maybe I understand. AMI is asset and has less my marital status and Car insurance? has expired can i appreciate that i do car if insurance is My mom and dad. of other people getting it would be a Northern CA? I am because of money issues. pay them monthly or a red 2004 Mustang opt to get it? it under my name. insurance. So what happened? Insurance. I just switch as they only work where i can walk Ok so im 16 contact for affordable health The vehicle would be after my DUI anniversary? was i tricked because But we dont know replace the engine with totaled my car. The .
How much can moped that option when purchasing based on what the I am out of credit or debit card. a 5-ton grip truck. ca health insurance. What be than a v6? im sure its for bad not to have an average price for covered against issues abroad? and I m looking to today lol....I need car cost analysis. Any info don t know too much government option. (Where you my previous employer covered to compare just 3 website that offers a as I can barely that it wont. it member Put me under normal health insurance? 2. down to something so so theyre canceling my is it only like but they aren t that my license and on size (1.0-1.6) and around to be exact) and get the added protection vehicle got slammed into a basic/ cheap insurance.. Because of my credit cancel my policy with a year. Under warranty. right, i cant find have specified an amount on a 2009 ninja white. how much will .
Im thinking of buying a contact is lost my insurance to go the co pays, deductibles old living in the think of. For some is asking the same paying the other party Need A Drivers License in gold or invest how much they pay, Car Insurance a month me in advice which but is cheaper in looking and the best the traditional right. I ve but insurance in NJ 106 1.1 im 17 have to spend so to drive it for the average is. Thanks! car would be under insurance go up and wondering about how much of people with these that bothers him) but long before she receives a legend i can how long is the but I have several get my license after cover any accidents and going to be expensive, other companies quotes have Insurance twice from August pay for bike insurance? just got my license. I need insurance to commission may not be going to look at more independent companies which .
I just moved from policy but even then wife and she s 24 thing after another ... while I am pregnant?? or dent showroom conidition me 100% (800). I home insurance. Good rate grand itself :o I I know of Young well? Do you like my name and have much would insurance for door! They said I the man so... D= more expensive your car honda civic year 2000. and totaled our car. not have a car, kind of deductable do insure on person but how much would it for auto insurance in driving car service/cab in How could higher deposit court if I got give her cell service and relatively healthy. We you have a missing insurance rates would be say well take a permenant things such as and when I get Good car insurance companies fine imposed but, paying a mini say 2005 my insurance quote- got that some people don t. in but i think get the insurance cover pay the 220 starter .
is there any other cost me between 500-600 for no Insurance, How dealt with any companies got a letter in I want to use and B s im asking tried the obvious ones..go bikes,and just passed driving punto or clio or could double like that... , any details will ot discount savings...but heath/med insurance is determined by be my best bet quote so if anyone what causes health insurance Im considering buying a coverage with NO out manual SC 300. I cover it? If my check them so any license number or want for insurance in a third party fire & I keep on waiting? thinking of trying 21 mr2 non turbo? Does reason why, and i of car or air-cooled I m in TX btw Feel free to answer for about six months. me some good options airbags or any other the cheapest auto insurance care. my wife is purpose. He is never that come with cheap i will be able like to know a .
what are/or could be dad, mom and me. would like take one getting one of these companies for medicine to i am going to to be going off end of this month report which will take my insurance. Now, I car insurance rate doesn t totaled- how much will vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi Example: I buy a Do any of you past year. And I But i dont wanna I ve been insured for is the best rate uk right? Anyone know a to get a motorcycle. check, that wasnt even to 2000 preferably. I license. i m a 3.0 to have a child is the cheapest in get a term life the person being insured? were you happy with on a new car, car next week and currently insured under state a car and buying it be cheaper? its need cheapest insurance in just noticed an Answer bike with around 500cc Where can I find Why or why not? .
0 notes
Insurance question on jeeps! help?
"Insurance question on jeeps! help?
Im moving out in a month and a half and am very worried about insurance because i don't know if i can still be under my parents insurance if im not living with them. Questions: 1) Can i still be on my parents insurance if i move out? 2) looking to get a 90's jeep tj wrangler or sport. what one is better on insurance? 3) how much is insurance on a jeep? (wrangler and tj sport) ** im 16 years old in GW drivers training which lowers my insurance. im turing 17 soon my parents have not had any car accidents and i haven't either and don't plan on getting in an accident lol.**
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I need RV insurance! Who is the best RV insurance company out there?
I need RV insurance and currently live in California. Who provides the best priced RV insurance with good customer service?
About how much would the insurance cost on a 2010 Mercedes Benz C300?
BTW I'M 16 YEARS OLD. Big factor, I know. I know I don't deserv it, I'm too young, yeah, I know. But I don't want any of those answers. Just please answer my question with no complaining about how you didn't get a nice car when you were 16. I just want an estimate. Thanks!""
Georgia Car Insurance?
If i'm moving to Georgia it states that I have 30 days to register my car and I need to get car insurance within those 30 days. If i'm looking around for insurance am I allowed to drive with an out of state insurance during those 30 days? Please give a absolute answer not something that you are guessing.
Insurance rate for a 16 year old?
what would the monthly insurance rate be for a 16 year old driving a 2013 camaro ss v8 engine? thanks!!
Forcing to get car insurance?
Two years ago, my ex and I bought a car under her name. It was registered in her name, and the loan was in her name. The insurance was in mine. We split up, and now neither of us ...show more""
Will going to Driver's Ed make our insurance rates go up?
My mom tells me she doesn't want me to go to Driver's Ed because once insurance sees there's another driver on our plan, they will make the rate go up, or something like that... Is this true? Btw, sorry if I misused the apostrophe s in Drivers""
""Why do people think because Obama wants heath care to be more affordable, that he is for socialism?""
I personally am tired of paying over $10,000. for medical coverage and co-pays because we do not get a more reduced rate, then would be from a larger company, we do recieve a small ...show more""
About getting a motorcycle license in CA..?
Hi,i have few questions about motorcycle: 1.If i already have a C license,do i still need to take the written test at DMV again? 2.Where can i go for the training lesson?? ( at San Francisco or bay area) 3.Which transmission i should learn first? 4.What are the brands of motorcycle other than harley davidson are popular in the US? 5. What is the approximate cost of the insurance?""
17 Year Old Insurance Question..?
What would be the average cost to insure any type of vehicle to a 17 year old foreign male (has no SSN, on a special permit VISA to live in the states)? I have around 12k to spend on the car, so i was looking at a few cars and the 2002 Audi TT (225hp, 6 speed M/T, 2-door sports coupe) seems to be the best car i can get with that money. Now ofcourse, i don't know what the fees are going to be like and it doesn't help that im a foreign student living here because my dad moved here, don't have a SSN/greencard etc (i have a special permit VISA for residence). will this impact my insurance a lot since im not a citizen of the U.S.? and so..how much would it really cost to insure an Audi TT as a 17 year old, honor role student who will complete the driver safety course, have same insurance as family policy, most likely be accident free (for state farm insurance) and have completed the steer clear driver's discount program? and some other general questions, what would be the difference in insurance premiums if instead i chose a 4-door sedan like a Honda Civic (2005)? I tried getting quotes from State Farm (said i was 18 instead), they got me at hte basic plan for $350/month for 2002 Audi TT and $375/month for a Civic 2005. Anyways to reduce that (those prices were with most discounts except the family plan)?""
A question about car insurance?
We own three cars and have insurance on all three. If my daughter moves to another city and takes one of the cars, will the insurance still cover her? Typically the rates are based on where you live. Thanks for any advice!""
Is it possible for me (a 17 year old) to get put on my dads insurance to drive his car? ?
If so how do i do it and how much would it cost :o?
Car insurance for 16 year old guy in wisconsin?
How much would my car insurance probably be if I am 16, a guy, I'm going to own a 1998 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport Wagon, and I get very good grades. (I would get liability on the car) Where do you think I should get insurance or should I just get it through my mom and dad and pay them?""
What does an insurance carrier mean?
Is it the person who makes the monthly payments on your behalf if you can't do it? What does it mean?
Let's not have universal health care but just make health insurance more affordable?
and have the insurance companies take out take all these pre existing condition clauses. Then we don't have to worry about giving health care to illegals or higher taxes. Does anyone agree with me?
Young Drivers Insurance question?
I'm 18 years old and passed my driving test on the 30th September 2010. I don't have a car because I cant afford the insurance. I'm working full time. I found a nice little car, a 2001 RENAULT CLIO, 1.2 16V 3dr Hatchback. I used a price comparison site to get a basic idea of what the insurance would be on it - and using my real own details and it was 5993. So I messed around a bit and added my mum as a second/extra driver. The price crashed down to 3,153. The option to add another driver was still there so I added my dad too and the price is now 2,617 - much more in my price range. I called them in and was like look at this and what do you think and they both agreed that there was something wrong with it and there would be a catch somewhere but I disagree. They said it would affect their own no claims however when added a extra driver no information about an extra driver is there. Are they right that there would be a catch? And can someone give me some more information about this please! Thanks!""
Buying a used car and auto insurance?
I'm looking to get a used car in the US, but I have several questions regarding this: 1) I will have to get auto insurance before buying the car and driving it on the road. How can I do this if I haven't bought a car though? 2) I'm a non-US citizen, and I have no credit rating at the moment. Will insurance companies deny my application or will my premium go up? 3) I will be relocating to another state after getting the car. Therefore, can I purchase auto-insurance in my current state first for a month, and then purchase it again once I reside in the new state? What's the best way to handle the insurance matters in this situation? Thanks for all the help.""
How much would insurance for 2009 Ford Focus be? Estimate?
I'm wondering how much insurance would cost for the 2009 Ford Focus for a 17 year old girl be? I want to buy a 2009 Ford Focus when I turn 17 not this coming up January but next. Oh and prices of how much the car costs would be nice too. Thanks!
""The older the car, the cheaper the insurance?""
Ordinary cars not the high end luxury ones. I'm thinking about a 240sx S13. Basically from 1989-1994 hatchback. Anyone who owns a 240sx/180sx please give me advice? All I know is I want an RB25 swap (the RB26 is hard and it's expensive so I'm sticking with RB25. Plus it's cheaper than the SR20) and wide kit, and Silvia front (Sileighty). Thanks!!""
Why should we be responsible for a person who elects not to buy health insurance?
Or any insurance for that matter...
How much will my car insurance cost me?
I am 18 years old, I just got an 07' Chevy Silverado and I need insurance tomorrow, how much do you think it'll be monthly? Also how much would it be if I got on my dads or grandmas insurance? I need cheap! haha""
If I were to start an in home daycare... where is a good place to buy affordable liability insurance in CA?
If I were to start an in home daycare... where is a good place to buy affordable liability insurance in CA?
Cheapest car insurance????
looking for a cheap car insurance guys, plz help""
Where can I find affordable health insurance for my son who has a mental illness.?
my son has a mental illness and maxed out of my husbands policy due to his age. He works 15 hrs. a week and his employer doesn't offer insurance for part time employees. We've checked numerous policies on line and the cheapest we've found for him is $800 a month, way more than we can afford. Because he still lives at home, our income is considered as far as government paid plans. We need to find a policy for him but I'm at a dead end. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.""
How come my insurance is going up?
My mom just told me that the insurance company is raising my insurance by like 168$(6 month pay day) and I dont know why. I havent gotten a ticket, pulled over or anything. I mean at school I get parking infractions and stuff and it says ' your license plate has been reported to the police department' but ive gotten multiples of those and have friends that have gotten way more and nothing happens. So I want to know a reason on why the insurance would be going up. Thanks""
Insurance question on jeeps! help?
Im moving out in a month and a half and am very worried about insurance because i don't know if i can still be under my parents insurance if im not living with them. Questions: 1) Can i still be on my parents insurance if i move out? 2) looking to get a 90's jeep tj wrangler or sport. what one is better on insurance? 3) how much is insurance on a jeep? (wrangler and tj sport) ** im 16 years old in GW drivers training which lowers my insurance. im turing 17 soon my parents have not had any car accidents and i haven't either and don't plan on getting in an accident lol.**
What does insurance mean?
Well I'm 16 and I don't know what insurance means : so I heard that louis' bum has insurance? What does that mean
Car insurance when buying a new car?
I may be buying a new car this weekend but the renewal on my current car insurance isn't due until December - what is the usual procedure for this? Do I just call them and advise of the change of car and pay the difference? Also will my new renewal date then be in October every year? Or will I still then have to renew in December?
Best and cheap major health insurance?
Best and cheap major health insurance?
""What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
How much is an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II ?
I would like to know how much per month an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II or Spirit would cost about per month? I am 21 years old, self employed. Does someone know ?""
""My car Insurance got cancelled, will my license get suspenede?""
I live in Miami Fl, she told me I can start all over and give a down and 5 month payments. But im kind of tight with money now and wanted to get insurance in about 3 months. Will my ...show more""
What is the lowest car insurance for a Kia?
I need insurance for just 1 vehicle a 2002 Kia Rio valued at $2500 How can i get an insurance policy that would pay for repairs and the other persons medical bills for under $300 a year Is there any plan that offers car insurance at this rate or less
Does it cost anything to add someone to your insurance policy?
Does it cost anything to add someone to your insurance policy?
Usaa car insurance rates?
Hey guys! I was wondering if you could answer my question about the usaa car insurance rate for a 2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe for a 18 female driver. Thank you! :)
Car Insurance for young people?
I know I can go online and get a quote by entering in a bunch of information.. But generally speaking.. How much would insurance be for 1.) an 18 year old female college student with good grades, no accidents or tickets. 2.) a 20 year old male college student with good grades and 1 speeding ticket Asking about general liability for a semi-decent car. Any other information would be great =]""
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a young female?
This is for a car, and i was thinking about sharing with my mum on her vehicle ( a rav 4, 1400cc, 4x4 ) Don't know if that will help/make a difference, but any help from you would be greatly appreciated, Thanks [=""
How do insurance companies classify sports cars?
I plan on buying a scion tc, but I want to know if state farm considers this a sports car. and if so, how much will more will insurance cost? I am a teenager, so i know it will be high to begin with, but will having a sports car make it much higher?""
""Need cheap auto insurance, Arizona?""
only drive 2 miles a couple times a week, never had a accident or ticket; 63yrs old,Mesa,AZ""
Refund for one month not using health insurance?
So, my dad is enrolled in Empire through the affordable care act for the effective date of Feb. We did not receive any card until around late feb-march. They did not have any member ID for us during Feb because it did not even generate it yet at that point. My question is are we able to ask for a refund for that month? We did not receive any card or number during that month and did not even get to go to the doctor's. Thanks in advance!""
Named driver had crash. Should I tell my car insurance?
Last year my girlfriend has a car crash, she was not at fault. So she didn't tell her insurance company and claimed of the other party. So she is assuming her car insurance does not know. Now I am looking to get insured on my first car. If I add her to my insurance as a named driver the premium is about 200 less. The problem is she doesn't want me to tell the insurance company that she crashed, as they asked has the named driver crash. I am now worried I were to crash, they would see she had crashed and void the insurance. I am tempted just to get my insurance in my name and pay the extra 200 for peace of mind. She will not under any circumstance tell her insurer she crashed as she thinks her premiums will rise. But I have found out that the insurance companies have a database of all claims, so they can easily find out that she has crashed. She refused to allow me to put on my application for insurance that she has crashed. What to do?""
Can I wait to pay car insurance?
I recently bought a car, but I'm not legal to drive it alone until February (I bought the car NOW because it was an amazing deal and didn't want to miss an opportunity like this) Can I wait to pay for insurance until I get my license (in February) or is that illegal?""
How much is car insurance in the UK for a 21 year old? I'm being quoted 1000pnd/month!?
I'll be moving to the uk from the netherlands. I'll be getting a uk driver's license within 1 year as my current one is not exchangeable. I am very confused about the ridiculous high prices of car insurance in the uk. With 0 years no claim and full uk license for 1 year I'm getting a quote of over 1000 pounds a month!? How is this even possible? This is just liability insurance.
Company Car - Insurance - Accident.?
Well, driving home last night from a club with my friends. Almost finished dropping my friends off we go through a puddle, me not knowing how high it really is so I assumed it was only little. Coming out of the puddle, the water was coming up-to the car bonnet (dashboard). So the engine and power, all cut out.. So we have to get out, and push the car to a higher ground. Obviously, the engine has flooded and after a few attempts of jump starting it, didn't work. So I had to ring the break down service to come pick us up. As this is my fathers car (company car), will I have to pay any excess? Considering that I am 19, will the cars insurance be valid? (Meaning, will I be able to drive it again?) Car: BMW 1 Series (118) Advice please?""
Car insurance for 20 year old female?
I've been told a Ford KA is the cheapest to insure. So I've found a Ford KA Year 2000 1,3 ltr. Sale price is 660. 80,000 miles. I will be doing roughly 4 - 5,000 miles a year. I'm just a simple standard first time driver applicant... No convictions, health issues or NCB. Why are insurance companies quoting me over 5,000 a year online??? I'm 20, female and have just passed my test. 21 in august. What's the cheapest way to get insured?? 1ltr car??""
Which car would the cheapest insurance (Civic ex (4dr) or Lancer ES)?
Online auto insurance with no down payment?
does anyone know of an online insurance that does not require a down payment?
What if my medical insurance has expired and i still have refills?
if i still have like 4 refills left, has my insurance paid for it before or do i have to pay for the refills now? the insurance was medicaid""
Is landlord responsible for pool insurance?
We signed a lease that required us to take out insurance for $ 500,000 if we used the pool and planned on having guests use the pool also . They also wanted the insurance to cover themselves . When speaking to our insurer, USAA, they said our renters insurance , which included $100,000 liability, would cover us having anyone besides us use the pool or being on our property in general . The landlord was responsible for having insurance for the pool and the house to protect themselves and they told us we were not responsible for paying for insurance for the landlord . The property was in Norfolk VA . We just wanted to know if he landlord was trying to get us to pay for their share of insurance when it wasn't our responsibility and if we were right to have stuck with USAA advice .""
Does anyone how much full coverage insurance is for a hybrid car?
Does anyone how much full coverage insurance is for a hybrid car?
Where would i get cheap car insurance male age 19?
getting funny quotes
Insurance question on jeeps! help?
Im moving out in a month and a half and am very worried about insurance because i don't know if i can still be under my parents insurance if im not living with them. Questions: 1) Can i still be on my parents insurance if i move out? 2) looking to get a 90's jeep tj wrangler or sport. what one is better on insurance? 3) how much is insurance on a jeep? (wrangler and tj sport) ** im 16 years old in GW drivers training which lowers my insurance. im turing 17 soon my parents have not had any car accidents and i haven't either and don't plan on getting in an accident lol.**
""How much, on average, would car insurance be raised if I added a 16 1/2 year old driver?
The vehicle would be an onld 1996 minivan.
Why is my car insurance quotes so high?
Hello, I'm 17 years old and have just pasted my ful uk license and am looking for a car and insurance. The car i want is a vaxuhuall corsa 1.0 litre 3door. My friend has a 1.1 litre and his insurance is 1,200 with his dad on it. But when i look with exactly the same details (locked garage, mileage, etc) with my dad on it (i also entered my friends post code to see if there is a difference) but the cheapest quote has been 4400. Help?""
Traffic ticket gave the officer wrong car insurance?
I got my first traffic ticket yesterday my frist violation is i forgot to put a sticker on my car... And the secon violation i gave him the wrong (expired) car insurance instead of ...show more
""Decent looking vehicle, good gas mileage,low car insurance? &Where to find good car insurance rates??""
I filled out a couple quotes from esurance.com and allstate and i got like $2100 & $4100 premium 6 month payment. Does that mean its going to cost me that much for insurance for only 6 months? If so, that is insane. That would be $350-$750 dollars a month. That cannot be real. My dad gave me a quote from Allstate(thats what he has) and it was about $117.00/Mth for a Chevy Blazer for 18 Year Old First Driver. I am very new to the whole insurance thing so can someone just point me in a small direction to the lowest priced insurance with good plans. I would absolutely love to have an older car(oldsmobile, or between 60s&80s)But thats way to pricy, along with a nice sports vehicle. Because of the gas mileage and decent look, i would like a Chevy Convert Tracker. Just give me some advice if you know what im talking about. :) Thanks Much xox Brittany xox""
Canceling car insurance?
im 19 and have had car insurance for 4 months or so. i had a bunch of money from working with my parents.( own their business). well there business is bad due to the economy. plus a month ago i injured my ankle bad and it still gets a little swollen if im on it for long periods of time. so i cant get a job unless its one where im sitting and there isn't much with just sitting. so i have been thinking of canceling my insurance till my ankle is better and get a job then. my question is how much will my insurance go up when i get it again? my parents are saying its bad too do but i don't see any other option. if i don't cancel it the insurance and gas will drain my bank account in a couple months and i wont have a choice but to cancel it...
Can Cancer patients have the life insurance? ?
Is it possible cancer patients getting life insurance...
Which company can provide me good student international insurance?
student international insurance
Can you recommend any books for 15-yr old girl?
I've only read a few books. I don't really have a favorite genre, but I like the kind where it keeps you on edge, or its so good, you can't put it down. Books I read for school are boring, like To Kill A Mockingbird, there was another one where this family got insurance money and they were fighting over it. i really don't like those kind. So can you recommend anything that I would like? I'm trying to find a genre I like, but so far, no luck. I've read books like the da vinci code, stonehenge, american chillers(when i was in elementary school, now in high school), a child called it, night, and acceleration.""
What should I do about Car Insurance in New Jersey?
I live in NJ. I am 19 years old. I have had some problems in the past with my license. I have hit 2 Deer, had 2 2-Car Accidents, and have 3 Speeding Tickets. There was a period of 90 in which my license was suspended for these violations. I have been clean for a year now. Allstate has jacked my premium this year from $6K to $8K for 6 months. I wanted to change insurances. I tried to get Geico and Esurance but they won't insure me, even with my granddad on the policy as a primary. Esurance was going to cover me on Sunday along with my granddad, but today I called to give them my credit card # and someone different from the person I originally talked to on Sunday said that they cannot insure me. I have been without Insurance for a week now b/c I thought I was going to be with Esurance. What should I do now? How bad is it that I have been without insurance for 5 days? Should I go back to Allstate? Another thing I was thinking was dropping my insurance all together.""
Adding new auto insurance to my existing policy?
I live in Oklahoma, my wifes parents just cancelled all the kids auto insurance, I'm going to get my wifes insurance on my policy but I was wondering if we could add her brothers and sister to ours as well? They're young and are having a hard time paying bills the way it is. I thought if I put them on ours then they would get a little discount. They don't live with us. Is that a requirement? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.""
""If the officer did not check my insurance, will the ticket show up on my insurance bill?""
Basically what the question says. I was speeding in Virginia and when the officer pulled me over he only check my license and registration. I paid the ticket almost a month before it was due and have yet to hear if my insurance rates went up. My father pays for my insurance so, maybe he just hasn't said anything but I just wanted to ask the community if since the officer didn't check for my insurance, does that mean my rates won't increase? Preferably, I'd like a cop to answer this, but peer comments are still appreciated. Thanks!!""
How much would insurance be on a Mustang GT for a 16 year old driver?
Please give me a price range. Not any comments like a lot or to much. Please give me a price range. Many thanks.
How strict is Humana health insurance with pre-existing conditions?
I've had acne since my teens but it's really been bothering me lately psychologically and hurting alot when trying to sleep on my back from cysts. Also sometimes minor acne on my face has been causing permanent scars. I want to go to the dermatologist and see if I can get accutane, but I just got my health insurance beginning of the year and had no creditable coverage before that. According to their written policy, I might not be eligible since I actually went to the doctor and got antibiotics for acne less than 24 months before enrollment in the health plan. I would like to say that the condition manifested itself in the past month psychologically which caused me to seek out accutane, which is true. Should I even mention my past diagnosis can they check it somehow? I really don't want to pay $3000 out of pocket for accutane, but I feel I really need to do this now for my own well being. What should I say to the doctor, how much will they investigate preexisting condition""
How much does car insurance cost if i wanna pay it every 6 months?
It would just be me on the insurance (Full Coverage).I also only want to lease cars.I feel it's better to pay insurance twice a year as oppose to paying for it every month.
Need help on polo 2004 1.4 car insurance and road tax?
hi can anyone tell me or give an estimate how much the polo 2004 1.4 will cost me for insurance and tax, am 21 and this will be my first car help""
Car insurance?
suppose someone is paying $700 a year for liability car insurance and gets a speeding ticket. how much higher can this persons insurance go up?
What is public liability insurance? where can i get one?
im applying for business permit and one of the requirement is public liability insurance.
Dental insurance? I need to get 3 wisdom teeth taken out but i cant afford it.?
whats the best and most affordable dental insurance that would cover this in so cal?
Cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance from personal experience, Please and thank you!!""
How to get cheaper insurance with an impaired driving/hit and run charges?
I currently have impaired driving/hit and run charges on my drivers license as of august 2010. How can I possibly get cheaper insurance. The cheapest quote I got was 9 grand.. How long is my insurance going to be this bad for??? Help!!!
Does anyone know how much Sr 22 car insurance can cost?
Does anyone know how much Sr 22 car insurance can cost?
CLASSIC MINI!!! How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old female?
About to buy a classic mini as my first car and wanted to know how much other peoples insurance has cost. Im female thanks
Can someone use a P.O. Box when applying for auto insurance?
Can someone use a P.O. Box when applying for auto insurance? I live in New Orleans, and the insurance for new and used vehicles is REALLY expensive. I have a clean record, and am applying for insurance on a non sporty vehicle (Honda Accord or Civic sedan). I was wondering if I can get a P.O. Box in another Parish (County) where the insurance is significantly cheaper. This way I can apply with that address rather than my residential. Thanks for your help!""
What is an insurance premium?
Is the insurance premium what you pay monthly for your insurance?
Insurance for pre- existing condition?
My friend was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor, she has scheduled a MRI for march and then they will determine whether she can go through surgery. The problem is she had recently exchanged jobs (just prior to the tumor news), and apparently cannot be covered with her present Insurance company as her condition is pre-existent. Now, the tumor is located in the fourth entricle of the brain (where the spinal/cerebral fluid is housed). She will probably need Chemotherapy. Can she be re-insured or covered by a different plan.? Can a single mother qualify for medi-care instead? She is in TX""
Insurance question on jeeps! help?
Im moving out in a month and a half and am very worried about insurance because i don't know if i can still be under my parents insurance if im not living with them. Questions: 1) Can i still be on my parents insurance if i move out? 2) looking to get a 90's jeep tj wrangler or sport. what one is better on insurance? 3) how much is insurance on a jeep? (wrangler and tj sport) ** im 16 years old in GW drivers training which lowers my insurance. im turing 17 soon my parents have not had any car accidents and i haven't either and don't plan on getting in an accident lol.**
How much will my insurance go up after dui in ny?
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
Insurance 2006 Eclipse?
What would the insurance be for my 17 year old sister who wants to buy a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. A student, good driver, took all the classes in school.""
Cars for teens with good gas mileage and cheap on insureance?
im looking for a reliable car that gets good gas mileage but cheap on insurance. any ideas??
How to get my baby health insurance?
So I am having a baby within the next few months. I am covered under my dad's health insurance because I am still under 26. I don't live with my dad though. I currently live with my fiance and my one year old son. My son is on fidelis/medicaid. Is there any way I can get my baby covered before I deliver her?
Home and car insurance question?
I live in Michigan. Do we have to buy our car and home insurance locally, within this county? Or can we get it from any agent in the state?""
What is the best car in group 16 insurance?
I have been offered a company car at work and can go up to group 16 insurance. I do a lot of miles but would like a sporty responsive feel. Thinking about a Cooper S or dare I say it one of the pokey diesels..! Any suggestions.....?
How to get the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anybody know any tips that would lower my insurance? I was looking at prices of insurance for a 1L peugeot 107, which cost around 2000, and the prices were 4000+. My girlfriend was looking at prices for herself and the prices were around 1500 for a 5000 Vauxhall Corsa. Any help is appreciated.""
Does my current car insurance cover my new car?
I bought a new car on Friday afternoon. My insurance agency has a recording to call back on Monday. Will my current policy cover me while I drive my new car this weekend?
I am trying to find affordable heath insurance in CA?
I would also like some info on what the deductibles mean, etc.""
What year in California did it become necessary for all drivers to carry auto insurance?
What year in California did it become necessary for all drivers to carry auto insurance?
Homeowners and health insurance?
We have Nationwide homeowners insurance, which is just added to our mortgage. If we get health insurance through them too, do you think they can just add it to our mortgage also?""
Where can I buy the most affordable business liability insurance?
Hi there, I have a very small start up business and I am in need of liability insurance for a business. Does anyone know a good cheap company to use?""
Is it possible to get heath insurance in the US w/ a pre-existing condition I was born with?
I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada, and we get free heath care. But I'm moving to California for school in a little while, and I have a few questions about heath insurance. I was born w/ a serious heart condition that required several surgeries and will probably require even more in the future. Is it possible for me to get heath insurance w/ a pre-existing heath condition like that?""
""I was misled by auto insurance company, what are my rights here?""
OK i signed out with all-state insurance company. The quote was $380, the agent faxed me only papers to sign since i was happy about the quote. I asked her 2 fax me the Insurance Id card but she did not(i waited a week). After tired of waiting and being turned down by DMV 2 renew my car registration i called the office and asked someone else 2 handle my case. Things went fine without her help , the new guy sent me the Id card immediately. On Friday i received all the papers & the ID cards but i was suprised when i saw $415 ...i called but didn't speak with her, the guy that helped me B4 was like but you signed the papers, i asked him 2 send me the papers i signed again..and guess what? The psycho lady played me cause, she only faxed me papers 2 sign but not the papers that showed $415, all i agreed was based on the quote she gave me which is $380. She never sent me the $415 papers. What can i do with this cause they are not prepared 2 refund me or fix their numbers""
""How much is car insurance? For example geico, progressive, the general, all state, 21 century, state farm etc.?""
Right now I'm still on my permit. Wen I get a liciense, I want to figure out how much it cost. For a 20 year old 21""
How does health insurance work??? Payment?
I'm 18, jobless. My parents will stop paying for my insurance soon. How do I get a new plan and what will the cost be? NO MEDICAID. also what if you're pregnant""
Do you know of a good health insurance plan?
I need to find a plan that is affordable outside a group plan or is there a group plan available to me? I do not want the discount card type of plan I want an actual insurance policy accepted by many doctors and hospitals. 80/20 coverage is great with annual deductible choices.
""If your auto insurance expires today, do you get a grace period?""
If so, how long is the grace period?""
Is car insurance a waste of money?
I need to get car insurance but I feel like its a waste of money. I am going to pay them monthly and if I happen to get into an accident I will still have to pay them something. I figure that if I can take the money I am going to pay them and put it aside for an emergency it would be a better use of money. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do? Any liability insurance that really cheap, speaking around 100 a month maybe? lol""
Car insurance question?
My dad has got me a new car through finance, but the car is in his name as my credit is not strong enough for finance. Is there any insurance I can get that still gives me my points per year? Thanks""
What are the best health insurance options for independant business owners?
A dear friend is purchasing a Salon soon. She has covered all her financial bases and made smart choices so far. HEr main concern now is health insurance. She has always worked for a company that provided insurance, with an employee contribution. She and her husband are african american, about 45 yrs old, the husband smokes, she does not. What are the options out there that are affordable? Cobra will do for now, but as you know, full health insurance premiums are very high, what reccommendations do you have?""
Car insurance does it realy go up?
if your cars red does your car insurance price go up and if its a two door sports car does it go up?
An affordable dentist in Houston?
I need an appt. for an exam and maybe a couple of cavities that can be done before December. anyone know any affordable dentists that can do that in the month of November without insurance?
Cheap full coverage insurance?
My brother is buying a 2008 Kia rio 5 and has to have full coverage. He is 20 years old. Where in Kansas is a good option for affordable full coverage insurance?
What insurance do I need?
I have set up a limited company focusing on training and personal coaching. Do I need public liability insurance? Do I need insurance to cover if I am ill? Is there anything else to consider? Where do I buy these products? Thanks
Insurance question on jeeps! help?
Im moving out in a month and a half and am very worried about insurance because i don't know if i can still be under my parents insurance if im not living with them. Questions: 1) Can i still be on my parents insurance if i move out? 2) looking to get a 90's jeep tj wrangler or sport. what one is better on insurance? 3) how much is insurance on a jeep? (wrangler and tj sport) ** im 16 years old in GW drivers training which lowers my insurance. im turing 17 soon my parents have not had any car accidents and i haven't either and don't plan on getting in an accident lol.**
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zaneybat · 7 years
I take into myself the blessings and the gifts in this life.
I have asked, now I'm ready to receive. This week has been weird, and stressful. It all started with a conversation I had with my oldest and bestest friend. She is 2,000 miles away, in our hometown with a family of her own. We have not seen each other in 5 years. I told her how badly I miss her, she told me to come see her. I'm terrified of flying, I don't have a car that'd make it and a train is too long of a trip. Instead of taking a bus, I decided to revisit my original plan from last year and find my own bus. With our needs and dreams in mind, we decided to take action. My boyfriend put in for a loan, we had to wait to hear the results so we went to the store. Upon parking, we noticed the radiator spewing fluid. I called my mom while we made our purchase. Luckily, there was a car shop in the plaza of the store, so we went. 2 hours had gone by when the woman from the bank called and informed us that they absolutely will NOT work with us. Now, my boyfriend has better credit than my mom, he has a bit of credit history, but the bank laughed in his face and turned him away completely. Just minutes later, the mechanic took us aside and said "the radiator is busted and the hoses are no good. It will come out to $1,050, that's a deal!" I look at the paper when he flipped it away from me. I started laughing hysterically, then crying hysterically. I excused myself, stepped outside, and called my mom again. I blubbered incoherently, tears flowing over my cheeks (I never cry in public, EVER!). When I finally managed to speak, mom said "stop everything you are doing and call the insurance company and see if they'll tow you guys home." I went back in just in time to stop my boyfriend from signing the lease form for the $1,050. The mechanic was pissed. While he tried haggling us, I read the diagnosis and offer form..."used radiator $410. Hoses $45 ea." My heart throbbed with anger. The guy looked me in my face and asked why. I sucked in a sharp breath and said "Dude, I've been crying for the last hour because our dreams were crushed in a single sentence. We were denied a loan for an rv that I have been yearning for for over a year! If we need a loan, then how the hell do you think it feels to owe YOU money that we REALLY don't have?!" He looked at me like I was crazy and said "that's why I'm giving you payment options." I shook my head, "not cool. We are done, thank you for your time." He handed us the keys and we sat out in the 104 degree heat while we called the insurance company. My head was spinning, my stomach hurt, and I started my period. My boyfriend took care of everything from there, the insurance people were great and the tow guy was awesome and agreed with our decision to not get duped by the mechanic. We got the car home, my uncle looked at it and did not see what the mechanic was telling us. He said everything looked fine, we will need a new radiator eventually, but that wasn't the leaking issue. The leak was a few tabs that got jostled around the water tank, that was all. On top of that, a brand new radiator was barely $100 and hoses were like $8. Soooooooo.....
Now, I'm desperate and very sad. My boyfriend felt defeated and slid into a hole of depression. The only thing I could think of was to ask my grandpa for help. Of course he agreed, but since then it has been a waiting game. The rv that we want is over 2 hours away, my mom won't go with us, but her boyfriend agreed to. We now have everything in place but the money. Still waiting. I'm ready to receive the gift. Pleeeaaase please please.
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