#and I was trynna figure out a good reason as to WHY he's so quiet in comparison to his wife
kyuponstories · 5 months
So I finally started the rough draft of OCB ep 1 again! :D It's already smoother and farther than I got the first time. Even thought of a couple headcanons (is it weird to have those for an OG wip? lol) that'll make the story pop out a bit. Like Akachi's grandfather speaking through sign language due to being hard of hearing, and then Akachi having a crush on Kiki. It'll make one of his goofy choices in a future episode make a lot more sense later lol.
0 notes
unprofessional-bard · 4 years
Cat and... Wolf?
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Request: hey! could you do a bigby wolf x shy but criminal reader? thank you!
+ shy criminal reader req anon here! i was thinking that the reader could be snooping around the office, trynna steal some High Profile folders and bigby is all 👀 gotcha now Bitch
Pairing: Bigby Wolf x Reader
Warnings: Nothing really- this piece is for reader's of all genders!
Summary: It's a game of cat and mouse, but between you and Bigby? It's the same, only he's no mouse.
Word Count: 1.750
Author's Note: The reader is ought to be a fable, so what better fable could there be for this scenario, if not an actual cat? I made the reader into Puss in Boots, I know that the author is Straparola and not the Grimms, but bare with me! It fits so well 😖 I hope you like this, anon! and let's pretend Bigby's office has a window...
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"Oh look, a cat!" Snow White kneels beside your original form, completely unsuspecting and scratches the back of your head. You headbutt her palm and purr loudly, trying to appear as normal as any other cat. "How'd you end up here...?"
"I thought stray animals weren't allowed in," Bigby comments, sensing something in your scent, but then immediately realises the mistake he's made, before Snow gets up and smirks back.
"Really? Do pigs count? Wolves?" She smiles and Bigby sighs loudly. "It's okay, it probably got in because of the cold."
It's a snowy, cold December evening. They leave chatting, but Bigby gives you a final look over his shoulder -over the sleeve of his coat- before they exit the apartment. You stay there for another few minutes for good measure and once they're out of sight, you start making your way up the stairs, to the floor where his office is.
You were being paid very well, for doing this - stealing the criminal file of the man who hired you. It was extra risky, sneaking into the sheriff's office; you could possibly get ripped apart because of this, or thrown down the Witching Well, but he was planning on paying you so well...
You hear just one person walking around the floor as you quietly trot towards Bigby's office and that someone turns out to be Flycatcher. Tsk, too easy, you smirk to yourself; stretch, yawn and meow.
"Huh?" Flycatcher turns around and notices you clawing at Bigby's door. "Hey there, little fellow. You wanna go in there?" You almost nod, then remember you're not supposed to understand him, so you meow loudly instead, then rub against his legs. "Uh, I don't think I should let you in..."
You're practically screaming at him at this point, clawing more and more at the door and jumping up toward the knob; it takes him a while, but your cries finally work their magic as he groans: "Okay, okay! Just don't take your piss in there, the sheriff will kill me if he finds out I let you in..."
You purr loudly and headbutt the sides of his calf as he twists open the lock to Bigby's office. This is going pretty smoothly, you think to yourself and as soon as he opens the door, you run into the dark, cigarette-smelling room. Flycatcher's saying some stuff to you, but you're too busy figuring out where the sheriff keeps all the files of the fables with criminal records, that you don't listen to a single word he says.
Once you're curled up on top of his desk, closing your eyes to "sleep", Flycatcher feels less guilty because you're just a harmless cat who wants to sleep in Bigby's office, what could go wrong?
You hear him leave, but still wait like that for another minute... for good measure. Once he enters the elevator and the floor goes quiet, you transform into your human form. You quickly light Bigby's table lamp and move in front of the sets of drawers to your right, but then turn around and notice you hadn't found a way out yet. That proves easy too, fortunately, a window on the other side of the wall- a big one. Your grin grows wider as you slide open the window and check the height for your drop: It's a long one, but the large trees in the park should allow you to land smoothly. You walk back and immediately begin digging through the messy pile of documents.
"Ugh, typical," You sigh quietly, annoyed at how unorganised Bigby was. No alphabetical order, no proper placement: Just files on top of others.
You and him had a brief history. It's not exactly romantic per se, not on your aspect anyway, you'd like to think. You liked playing around with him, he seemed to have a soft spot for you and, maybe -just maybe- you had one for him, but not as obvious and strong as his. You two followed entirely different lifestyles: You everything you did was somehow always against the law and, well, Bigby is the law. It would never work anyway...
Your brows furrow, Focus!
After a few minutes, you finally find the file and raise it up in triumph after closing the drawer. You want to take a peek, see what the man had done- his file was very thin, what could've he possibly done, that made him ask such a risky thing of you?
Just as you're debating, you suddenly hear urgent steps walk out of the elevator and immediately recognize them.
Ah, fuck...
You quickly hide the file into your coat and turn around right before he opens the door. A vague smirk appears on your lips and Bigby crosses his arms: "Should'a known that was you."
"Hi, sheriff," Your expression is calm and somewhat shy, if not a little mischievous.
"What are you doing here?" He growls by the doorway, not moving an inch from his place while you slowly make your way to the window.
"I wanted to see you," You lie, voice quiet, then bite on your bottom lip. He made you feel a little too nervous for your liking, for many reasons... and he knew every single one of them.
"You always were good at lying," He sighs in defeat, going soft at the sight of your reddening cheeks. It takes him a while to separate your emotions, whether you're actually nervous or not - why you're nervous, because of lying or because of him? Both?
You can't help but feel a little offended at his words and he sees that, which in turn makes him feel a little guilty. "Well," You say, tone giving away how you were feeling, but also giving away your urgency to get out of there: "I was about to leave anyway."
"What's the hurry?" It's his turn to smirk as he slowly rounds the table. You both make your way to the window and it's a little unsettling, but you fight to not give it away.
"I said I was here to see you," You reply quietly. "I saw you, now I'm leaving."
"Hm?" He's toying with you and you realise he might've, with very low possibility, caught you this time. You still had tricks under your sleeve, though.
"You're clearly not happy to see me, no point on waiting around-" You sit yourself on the edge of the window, but he suddenly steps in front of you, looking down into your eyes and crossing his arms again.
"Oh, I don't think so," He grins. "I didn't say I wasn't happy to see you..."
"You sure looked like it," You pout a little. Exaggerating your mimics sometimes worked with him. Sometimes.
"I-" He huffs. "It's been a long day, (Y/N)."
The way he says your name like that, softly, almost makes you purr. You offer a small smile: "It's good to see you, Bigby."
"You too," He gives you a meaningful look. You almost wanted to give yourself up, return the file and somehow 'go back to the old days', but your prize and Bigby now working for Snow put too many things at risk. If only it were as simple as that...
You had to get out of there, fast.
You look up to him with your signature smile, the one that made his heart melt when you first met: It's vague, the message behind it is unclear, but it's a sweet little gesture: "I heard Snow took over, how are you handling that?"
He lights a cigarette and you impatiently wait for his reply, formulating your plan to get out of there- an exit: "Can't say I enjoy it to the core... Used to be easier when-"
"When you played by your own rules?" You grin at him and after putting his cigarette on the edge of the ashtray, he walks back over to you.
"More or less," He scratches the back of his neck and stands to your left. "Look. Knowing you, there's always more to it than just I wanted to see you." His soft expression suddenly turns into one of worry: "Are you in trouble?"
"No, no," You reassure him. "Nothing of the sorts. Not yet, anyway..." You bite your lip again. "Well, I'm going to assume you were off to some place but I'm keeping you?"
He doesn't say anything, just sighs and you know you're right. He looks like he doesn't want you to leave, but he's also on alert. After your last encounter, he knows he can't give into you - he knows he shouldn't trust you and listen to Snow's warnings about how you're just a thief who's using him.
Most of it was true, but you still -after all your time with Bigby- cared about him. There were a lot of people who wanted to hurt the sheriff, even after he caught the Crooked Man and restored justice, somewhat; you made sure to stay away from those jobs - jobs that aimed to hurt Bigby, even in the slightest.
The disappearance of an unimportant, forgotten criminal record wasn't one of them, though.
"Call me sometime, sheriff," You get up to be on his level, boldly cupping his cheek and caressing it with your thumb. He seems enchanted- under your magic as he leans into your touch and slowly grabs your hand in his. After a moment of peace and quiet, when you hear the familiar footsteps of Snow White approaching, you lean in further and whisper: "Don't be a stranger."
You can't tell if it was him who leaned in or you, but you placed a shy, teasing kiss on his lips. You soon realise it doesn't matter who leaned in first, as he kisses you back with a little more yearning and urgency, his hands cupping the sides of your face.
Just then, you hear his door opening and you part immediately, his hands lingering in your hair. Snow probably- no, definitely saw you two share a kiss, but before she can say anything, you jump out of the window. Bigby's heart drops in panic, reaches to catch you, but soon realises you transformed to your normal form mid-air and sighs, a faint smile on his lips.
"Who was that? What's going on?" Snow inquires, hands on her hips, looking very displeased.
But Bigby's smile only grows as his fingertips trace his cheek, where you touched him seconds ago, then he finally replies: "An old friend."
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heyheydidjaknow · 4 years
I would’ve posted this earlier but, alas, I passed out early. This is a longer one, but tumblr got its act together so I can post it all in one part. You guys know where the other chapters are, and if you don’t, they’re at the end of the chapter. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go eat straight Nutella.
Chapter 10
“I’m thinking about getting some gloves.”
He looks over at you as he laces up his skates. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you nod, smiling slightly to yourself as you look your hands over, trying to imagine what they would look like. “Like, badass, fingerless gloves.”
He smiles. “Dude, those would look metal as fuck.”
“Totally, right?” Your smile widens. “With studs and shit.”
He gets to his feet, hopping onto the ice. “Hell yeah.” He drops a puck to assault as you go back to your backed-up coursework the best you can—your handwriting has gone to hell, but you are working with what you have.
You flinch at the crack of his stick, the cross of the T ending up underneath the letter somehow. A cheer from Casey tells you the rubber cylinder’s fate.
‘I swear I learned this.' You squint at the basic algebra, the pencil, crudely held in your fist, hovering over the packet. ‘Why can’t I do this?’
“How’s your pile coming along?” Another crack.
“It’s comin’.” You run your fingers through your hair. “Just… trynna remember how to do ne—… subtraction.” ‘Not debate. Negating is debate.’
He laughs. Another crack. “Man, that thing really fucked you over, huh?”
“Thoroughly.” You decide against continuing to torture yourself, having been at it for the past five hours—most of it in the library before Casey invited you to watch him practice some more— and set the large stack of homework back in your bag. “Are you actually making the shots?”
“Casey Jones doesn’t miss shots.” Another crack.
“Pardon me, oh almighty king of the ice.” You stand on your good leg, grabbing the side of the wall to watch as he went back to collect his pucks.
You two have managed to bond over a mutual respect/love of heavy metal and hockey and, seeing as you are staying out of the Hamatos’ hair for a while—not upon request, but out of courtesy—you have managed to spend a lot more time with him than you may have otherwise. Your school has not assigned Biology any big projects yet, so, until you are assigned it, you do not have anything other than your health to stress about.
“Pardon accepted.” You watch his form as he performs another slap shot.
“You…” you trail off, trying to remember what you were going to say.
You shrug. “Dunno.” You lean your head on your arms. “I’ll remember eventually.”
He drops the second puck. “Got any plans after this?”
You sigh. “Nope. Probably gonna head home and try not to cut my fingers making dinner again.”
He takes another shot. “Then let’s go out after this. You and me.”
You smile. “What, don’t have any plans either?”
“Nah.” He drops the third. “Dad doesn’t care if I’m home late anyway.”
“True, true.” You have decided against prying into his home life; it is not your place and does not concern you in the slightest. “Where do you wanna go?”
“Wanna catch a movie? Heard there was this new pizza place just a couple blocks down if you wanna try to sneak it in.”
You snicker. “In the box and all?”
“Yes.” He grins mischievously and hits this one off the walls. Some way, somehow, it still makes it into the goal. “I bet your sweatshirt is big enough to stick the box under.”
You stick your tongue out at him. “Not in the mood for burns on top of scars, Jones,” you reprimand him teasingly. “That just ain't it.”
“Then you can wear mine under that one and—”
“Your sweat-soaked hoodie you’ve been practicing in all day?” You cringe at the thought. “Over my dead body.”
“I mean…” he licks his teeth, smile widening, “it’s not exactly like you’re in the best—”
You laugh. “So not cool!”
He puts his hands up in defense, gliding over. “I mean, am I wrong, though?”
“That is completely besides the point, you ass.” You balance on your foot, crossing your arms. “Damn. Making fun of the girl with the broken leg.”
He leans against the wall. “Man, you were dying before the crash.”
You roll your eyes. “Alright, whatever, Jones.” You lean against your hand. “How’s Johanna,” you sing.
He presses his hand against your face, pushing you away. “Annie is doing fine.”
You grin, steadying yourself on the wall. “Do you feel her, Johanna?”
“I’m gonna tell her you call her that if you don’t quit it.”
“Do you think that walls can hide her? Even when you’re at her window?”
He pushed his arm all the way out. You hop back.
“Her name isn’t even Johanna.”
“But she is Johanna,” you whine in protest, not bothering to hide your mirth. “She has the hair, the voice, the disposition. She’s an ingénue and you know it.” You have been teasing him about this for a while now: the girl in question—Annabelle Halshaw, a year below you two—had caught his eye when he had heard through the grapevine that she was the lead singer in some indie band. When he had shown you a picture and told you the story, you insisted on calling her Johanna for her golden hair and soft, sweet singing voice he had proudly had you listen to.
“She’s not.”
You roll your eyes, sitting back down as you grab your bag. “Lie to yourself all you want,” you goad, “but deep down, you know in your heart that the truth,” you put a finger up, “is apparent.”
He hops off the ice, sitting next to you as he unlaces his skates. “Whatever.” He smirks. “How’s The Don?”
You avert your gaze. “I haven’t seen ‘im.”
“Boo.” He tied the laces together. “Some girlfriend you are,” he ribs.
You go red. “Not my boyfriend. Not even friends with benefits.”
“Yeah, sure.” He sets the skates into his bag. “That’s why you already know his family.”
“And why you’ve had him over to your place.”
“If you don’t cool your tits, I’m telling Lucy you’re crushing on her friend.”
“Don’t you dare!”
“What,” you simper, “think I won’t?”
He grabs his bag. “If you do, I’ll show her that video.”
You laugh, following him out of the rink. “You’re the worst.” You note how strange it is that he spent so little time on the ice as you two walk out, but you do not say anything about it.
“Hey, you’re the one throwing threats around.”
“Yeah,” you argue, “but my threat is clearly better.”
He rolls his eyes, pushing you again.
You two keep chatting on the way to the theatre about anything and everything, from new bands to upcoming games to the newest blockbuster horror movies. You are not personally on the hockey team, but, as his friend, it is your duty to care. Besides, you figure, it gives you something to look forward to.
The movie is fine. You convince him against sneaking an entire pizza in, you split a bucket of popcorn, and you give him shit for getting freaked out by the disembowelment scene. It is payback for him teasing you about crying during the last movie you two went to a couple of days ago.
You two stand at the streetlight.
“Dude, it’s like eight,” he groans. “It’s not even late.”
“True,” you agree. “Counterpoint: I still have another week’s worth of work to do by Friday on top of the homework I’ll have to do anyway, so unless you wanna help—”
“Forget I asked.” He pulls his hood up against the autumn wind. “Need me to walk you back?”
“Nah.” You shrug. “If someone mugs me, they’ll give me an excuse to not do my homework.”
“I’m already halfway there.”
He grins. “See ya tomorrow, Y/N.”
“See ya, Jones.” You wave as he runs off.
The walk home is quiet and considerably easier than it was a couple of weeks ago. Seeing as you now get queasy whenever you get into a car, you have been limited to taking the subway and walking, which, among other things, has contributed positively to your physical strength. You know that you should probably at least try to take the bus or a cab around town to build your tolerance up, but the last time you tried, you had almost tripped and fallen from how shaky your legs were getting out. Oddly enough, you note as you go through the door, you do not have a considerably larger fear of heights than you did before, or of fire, but cars were tripping you up, even though you were the one that crashed it. You feel thankful that, at least, you do not think your fear is crippling. At least, you reason, you can still get into the car.
You lock the door behind you, debating whether you feel like adding to the collection of cuts you now possess— they are self-inflicted, but not intentionally so; you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the fact that you physically cannot use your hands to cut things. You decide against it tonight, tossing your bag on the bed as you sprawl across it, admittedly exhausted. You allow yourself a couple of seconds with your eyes closed before you pull yourself up with a groan and get back to work.
A part of you wishes that you had the physical energy to stay out longer. You are always trying to find excuses not to sleep, and although the mountain of homework and readjusting your timelines for things you missed is certainly one way to keep yourself preoccupied, it is not exactly what you would consider fun. Then again, reliving your greatest traumas while you sleep is not exactly fun either.
You catch yourself peeling at the newly applied bandages on your fingers, fingernails catching under the crudely applied adhesives. Applying bandages properly requires more dexterity and patience than you currently possess, and you are hardly going to ask someone else for help with something as stupid as that. You have lasted this long without needing too much help. People can live by themselves. You will live, probably. Well? Not your concern.
‘I should eat something.’ Your eyes strain to focus on the piece of paper in front of you, your mind wandering aimlessly as you try to impress the actual importance of finishing this upon yourself, but you find that is an insurmountable feat.
You drop your bag off the side of the bed, reaching down and pulling your shoe off, leaning back into your pillows, the weight of the day practically immobilizing you. Fumbling hands switch the lamp off, bathing your room in momentary, blissful darkness before the gravity of your decision sets in.
“Alright, me,” you breathe to yourself. “What’s it gonna be today? My folks? Bradford? What’s his face? Hell,” you chuckle, “why not all three? I’m sadistic enough, I’m sure.”
You close your eyes. “Give me your worse,” you challenge as you slip into unconsciousness.
Two weeks.
He had kept his distance for about two weeks. It was not as if he did not care or was not morbidly curious what the crash had done to you—his glances through the curtains did not tell him much-- but, after some debate, he had figured you needed time to recuperate before you would want his company. Two weeks, he figured, would be enough time for you to get back on your feet or, at least, for you to start wanting company.
His excuse to see you had come in the form of his brother’s newfound prideful boasting. Feigning insult was as good an excuse as any to go see you; after all, he just so happened to be in the neighborhood anyway, and it was normal to pop in to see someone if you were already just a couple blocks down, right? Sneaking away was easy enough—they would not mind his absence—and he, after much prep work, knew exactly how and why he was going to say the things he would to get in your good favor. The plan, he knows, would have gone swimmingly.
His plans seem asinine when he hears you crying.
His brothers do not cry much. He does not, either; it was a habit that they had all thoroughly bullied themselves out of when they were much younger and, if they still did, he knew nothing of it. His master did not encourage this, per se, but talked, then, frequently about the importance of maintaining a more stoic disposition and not allowing emotions to cripple you in battle. Practically, Donatello was satisfied with that explanation, having not properly cried for more than a year now. To hear the sound again, especially coming from you, was novel.
Novel, too, is how you are crying. The sound is less of actual sobbing and more of you being strangled, quiet gasps for air escaping your lips as you shake on the bed, curled in on yourself and clutching at your chest as if whatever pain you are experiencing is centered and can be relieved by something between your collarbones. His eyes, for the first time, trace the lines on your skin, your sleeves riding up your arms to reveal them to him, tears racing down and along the gash in your face. Everything about the scene, from the soft gasping of panic to your position to the heavy scarring, is completely foreign to him, rivaled only by one or two particularly hard nights when he and his brother were much younger.
He slides in through the window, leaning onto the bed. His fingers flick your lamp back on as he grabs your shivering shoulder tightly, shaking you awake as he mumbles words of encouragement. He is not sure if his help will be appreciated, if snapping you out of it was even what he is supposed to do in this situation, but now is not the time to think of that. You are in pain. He can offer you this kindness. “Wake up,” he pleads, not thinking of how this would look until your eyes snap open to look at him.
Immediately, the reality of the situation sets in, and he scrambles off the bed. ‘Why did I think that would be a good idea?’ Panic. ‘You just walked into her room like a fucking creep. See, now she’s going to—’
He blinks, looking up at you from his place on the floor. “Huh?”
You clear your throat, wiping the tears from your eye with your sleeve quickly as you bring your knees to your chest, voice hoarse. “Sorry,” you repeat. “That you… I’m not sure what I’m apologizing for, but I know I should be apologizing.”
He is completely dumbfounded.
Your eyes glance to the open window. “I should probably start closing and locking my window, right?” You rub the back of your neck, voice clearing the longer you talk. “It didn’t occur to me since I’m so high up, but if you guys can get in, The Foot can too, right?”
‘Why is she apologizing?’
You push the hair out of your face. ‘You need something, right? I—uh—need to stop saying ‘right’ so much.” You shake your head to clear it. “’ Sup?”
He hears himself mumble some bullshit out about being in the neighborhood.
You sigh. “Sorry.” You close your eyes. “I’m usually up later; I’ve been so tired lately.”
‘Is she serious right now?’ He is completely lost. ‘She was just crying her eyes out in her sleep and now she’s apologizing? Did I miss something?’ You are smiling now, eyes still bloodshot, as if the whole thing is a figment of his imagination, still shivering where you sit.
He rises to his feet, kneeling in front of you on the bed. “What was it about?”
You blink, seemingly confused. “Huh?”
“Your nightmare,” he clarifies. “You were crying. What was it about?”
You avert eye contact. “Nothing too crazy,” you shrug. “Just about the crash. Nothing too exciting.” If possible, he thinks the bags under your eyes are worse than the last time you saw him.
He takes your hands loosely, turning them palms up to look, for the first time, at the patchwork quilt that is now your skin. “What happened in it?” He runs his thumb along the lines, keeping his voice low; he remembers how that used to help when Mikey used to have fits when they were younger. Leonardo and Raphael were never good at that; they took better to being more violently snapped out of their moods, but, then again, they never had this kind of breakdown; theirs were always more driven by loathing, self or otherwise.
You pause, still not looking him in the face as your muscles relax. He remembers, vividly, how he had done something similar when you two had first met, how much better, health-wise, you looked. ‘How long has it been since then? Three months? A little less?’
You take a deep breath. “Just… family shit,” you mumble, eyelids drooping as you trace his frame loosely. “Fire.”
Your gaze is piercing as you finally look at him properly. He feels something catch in his throat as you bow your head.
“It’s my fault, you know.” Your voice is so soft, barely a whisper. “That they’re dead, I mean.”
The air is a suffocating blanket that smothers you both.
“I never told you, did I?” Your focus does not shift as it might have a bit ago. It is locked solely and intensely on him, taking in every detail of his expression. “How I died? How they died? Why I died?”
Hesitantly, he shakes his head. He thinks it best to just be quiet and let you talk. He does not think he has ever heard anyone speak in quite the same tones, ever looked at him quite the same way you are.
You take another breath. “I wanted to try my hand at baking.” You force your eyes to stay focused on his. “I was—still am—not good about sleep. I always slept bad, and never at the right times. I used to take pills for it, to try to get myself back on track.”
He sees where this is going.
“I thought I could still stay up as late as I was used to.” You glance to the side, stealing yourself a second before focusing back on the boy in front of you. “I sat down in my room, turned on a movie. I set a timer. I fell asleep.” You swallow, hands shaking in his. “I can’t smell well, either. I must not have smelled the burning.” Your lips curl in a bitter smile. “Sure as fuck felt it, though, when I woke up.”
He lets you finish.
You try to blink the tears out of your eyes. “They were asleep,” Your voice rises ever so slightly. “I fell asleep at two something. I woke up when they started yelling.” You purse your lips, face reddening in shame as your nostrils flair. “They were trying to get someone out of bed when the roof caved in above them. My door got blocked.”
You feel yourself smile.
“So,” you strain not to cry, “that, Donatello, is why I’m here and why I’m dead, and why I really do deserve to burn again.” You laugh. “Hell, my body count is rivaling some serial killers, so that’s… that’s certainly something.”
He lets go of your hands, face blank.
You lean forward, placing your hands on your knees. “I don’t blame you,” You wipe a wayward tear out of your eyes, trying to swallow the frog in your throat. “Fuck, man, I’d think less of me, too, if it were me.” You nod towards the window. “I get it if you want to leave, but I thought you might want to know why—”
He stops you mid-sentence, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to him.
Your arms lay slack at your sides as you try to process what is happening.
He does not say a word.
You break.
You burry your face into him, tears welling in your eyes as you let out a strangled sob. You hold onto him tightly as you struggle to breathe, body shaking as you wrap your own arms around him the best you can. The sound roars in your ears like thunder, the deafening quiet of the apartment punctuated only by your own cries. He gently holds you there, resting his head on top of yours. Each sound you make sounds as though you are physically being choked by your guilt, and his chest feels as though it is being crushed by an invisible hand as he listens to your pain.
Neither of you knows how long you stay like that.
He considers telling you a story from a long time ago, about some training he and his brothers had back then, but thought better of it; he does not want to upset you any more than you already are, and being in good company with someone like him may not be exactly what you need right now. Granted, he does not know what you do need, but he knows listening to him talk about bashing brains would not help your sensibilities any.
Instead, he stays quiet.
You pull away after a while, wiping your face off again as you mumble out an apology.
“Don’t apologize.” He clears his throat. “It’s good to cry; it releases endorphins.”
You smile at that. “Well,” you giggle tearfully, “if it releases endorphins.”
He smiles back, face flushing. You look good, he thinks, even with your face all red. He knows that, scientifically, there is probably a reason, but he cannot think of it right now.
He stands up. “I’ll get—”
You grab his hand tightly.
He looks back at you.
“Can I ask a favor?”
He blinks. “Of course,” he agrees easily. “Anything.”
You glance off. “Promise not to take it weird?”
He feels his heart rate increase. “Y-yeah,” he nods.
He feels you pull him gently back on the bed. “Can you stay here tonight?”
His eyes widen as they flicker between the mattress and you. “What,” he clarifies breathlessly, “like sleep with you?”
You nod.
“In the same bed?”
You hesitate, nod again.
He clears his throat, face heating again. “Like, actually?”
“If it wasn’t actually, I wouldn’t ask, would I?” You grip his hand tightly. “I just really don’t want to be alone tonight.”
‘Oh.’ He mentally kicks himself. ‘She’s scared. Don’t make her uncomfortable.’
“It’s alright if you don’t—”
He is extremely quick to reassure you that he is more than happy—‘Bad choice of wording.’—to stay tonight until you fall asleep, but that he would not stay the whole night as to not worry his brothers.
You nod in agreement. “That’s fine.” You rub the back of your neck. “Not sure I would be good company when I wake up, anyway; I still have class.”
“Oh, right.” He nods in understanding, pushing himself further onto the bed. “Which side…?”
You shrug. “Which way do you face?”
“I usually lie on my stomach.”
“Then it doesn’t matter.” You slide your sweatshirt over your head after a bit of squirming around, tossing it onto the couch.
His face is now scarlet. “Okay then,” he mumbles, laying down on the side away from the window. ‘Is she going to—no, stop that.’
You look over at him, face down on the mattress. You can almost feel the heat coming off him. “Are you alright there, buddy?”
He nods.
You shrug, laying down under the blanket and curling into him, facing the window. “Mind getting the light?”
He reaches over, clicking it off.
You sigh in content, turning to face him, teetering on the edge of the mattress. “I’m not venomous,” you inform him teasingly. “I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: of the two of us, you should not be the one who’s a nervous wreck.”
“You dunno that.” His voice is muffled by the bed.
“You’re the strong one,” you argue.
“So?” He turns his head to look at you. “I’m the guy laying in the—I’m just gonna stop that sentence.”
“It’s only bad if it isn’t consensual.” You smile reassuringly. “I invited you to lay with me, right? So, unless I make you uneasy, then we’re all good.”
He breaks eye contact. “So,” he clarifies, “you don’t mind if I move closer to you?”
You shake your head.
He hesitantly slides himself further onto the bed. “Can I move closer than this?”
“You’ve already seen me bawl my eyes out. You’re doing me a service. Move as close or as far as you want.”
He moves to press his side against you. “Is this fine?”
You nod. “Look, how about this?” You rest your arm under your head. “If you do something I’m uncomfortable with, the safe word is pina colada.”
‘We already have a safe word?’ He was not sure if he is on cloud nine or just terrified of you.
You are very confused why he looks so warm. “Do you need me to turn the AC on?”
He shakes his head. “I’m good,” he assures you tightly. Slowly, he reached an arm out and over your waist, pulling you closer. You do not seem to resist in any way, wrapping your good leg around one of his to pull him closer.
‘Conscious touching.’ He glances down at you, trying to act cool. ‘Conscious, intentional touching. She smells so nice and she feels—okay, this is not going to work if you keep being a perv.’
“Thanks,” you mumble, humming softly. “I appreciate this more than you know.”
Cloud nine. Definitely on cloud nine.
“Every time.”
You giggle.
He blinks. “What?”
“Every time,” you note, already nodding off. “Like in that book.”
‘Which one?’ “They wrote it down for a reason, right?” The longer he spends like this, the smoother he feels.
“Totally.” You smile, closing your eyes. “Just know that this goes both ways, alright? If you ever need help like this, you know who to call.”
This is new. ‘Help like this? What, like crying?’ His eyebrows furrow as he tries to understand what you mean. ‘Or he means if I ever need company in my—what did I just say?’
You pick up on his confusion. “Emotional help, I mean.” Your fingers trace the indentations in his shell absentmindedly. “I mean, I know sometimes I didn’t want to go to my family about stuff. I dunno if you have that…” you trail off, realizing that you might be unintentionally bashing his brothers. You sincerely do not want to blow this.
“I mean,” he says after a bit, “I think I get what you’re talking about.” He sighs. “You mean stuff that they’d make fun of me for, right?”
You nod.
He feels his heart melt a little. “I’ll have to take you up on that.”
You forgot how safe he makes you feel. “Goodnight, Donnie,” you mumble sleepily.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
You pass out not long after that. If he has to estimate a general amount of time, he will clock it in at about five minutes. He does not move, however, until about thirty minutes before sunrise, too busy listening to the sound of your breathing and memorizing how exactly your body feels next to his. As he slips out of the window, early morning air waking him back up completely, he wonders if, someday, he could stay to see you wake up next to him. Not out of necessity, but just because you both wanted to stay like that for a while more.
‘I hope so. It’s a nice dream to have, anyhow.’
Table of Contents
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
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tu-mint · 4 years
“The Lemonade” Guy Pt. 1
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When Jade realizes her feelings for a certain schoolmate go beyond a friendship, she makes a tremendous effort to rid herself of it.
Song Inspo(s): Wicked Games - Kiana Lede; I Won’t Say I’m In Love - Hercules
International AU!
Word Count: 4k+
There was rarely ever something Jade tried to avoid other than the topic of Manu. The reactions that came upon his death were much too triggering to her anger, and she refused to allow that level of rage to overcome her again; thankfully this was not the case. Now while that was a relief, the actual issue being avoided proved to be almost as troubling, and the foreign girl did not realize the matter until recently.
UA High was bustling with noise and movement, people curious about the UA students from different parts of the world. Jade was blessed to have been shown secret entrances and passageways by Ren as to avoid news reporters. While it wasn’t anything she wasn’t unfamiliar with, the second year student knew uncomfortable and personal questions would turn up if given the chance, so she decided staying in the shadows would be safe for now. Stepping onto school grounds, Jade found Maeda, Kubo and Ren chatting with two students she could not recognize. One was a girl with long cyan hair and a bright expression, and the other a boy with his head turned away from the trio. Hm...maybe they're new kids? It was difficult to tell whether or not they were around the same age as her, but Jade concluded they were older looking at their height. The girl craned her neck to look over her shoulder then gasped loudly.
"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshisthisher?!" She sped towards the international student and stretched a hand outward, grinning widely. "Nejire Hado, third year here at the original UA! You must be Jade, I was just asking your friends about you, and I heard you were from Los Angeles! Tell me what it's like! Is the food really good? What about the school? Is it different from the UA here? Ooh, what about your father? Is it true about him being a Pro Hero? What's his quirk? Is it like yours? Wha--"
"Easy Hado, she just got here," Ren intervened with a light chuckle. "Well, she already introduced herself, so that leaves the guy hiding behind her, Tamaki Amajiki, also a third year student. He's a bit shy as you can see." Jade leaned on her side to find the indigo haired male from earlier, head hung low and arms crossed tightly. She gave a small smile when he peeked up from the locks curtaining his face, pleased when he gave a single nod.
"It's nice to meet you both," chirped the foreign girl with a bow to which Hado squealed.
"And she's respectful! Ah, such an intriguing new person to meet--oh! I have to introduce you to Mirio, you'll love him, most girls do. Now where is he--" She scampered away with Tamaki in tow, slipping into the sea of students and staff members. Jade watched on with a scowl on her face. Most girls do? What is she trynna say, that I'm gonna be part of some bandwagon? She felt a hand on her shoulder pulling her out of her thoughts.
"She didn't mean it like that," came Ren's voice again. "Hado has a very blunt and unconventional way of speech, don’t mind her."
"It's something she can work on considering she wants to pursue becoming a Pro Hero," Maeda interjected, her tone flat but firm. Jade hummed in agreement and looked amongst the other pupils. Upon seeing the many faces, her eyes became fixed on one that stood out.
In a large crowd of females stood a tall and bulky male, his smile gleaming and proud. He appeared to be speaking to them, a round of giggles following soon after whatever he’d said. There were a few international students Jade recognized taking pictures with him and handing him slips of paper, presumably with some kind of social contact on it. That must be who the girl was talking about seeing he has an entire--wait a minute! It wasn’t until he looked up that she realized why the male seemed familiar. That’s the guy who I ran into at the entrance! The one who gave me that stupid nickna--
Jade cursed inwardly as he advanced in her direction. She glanced at the entourage behind him, their faces surprised or annoyed, and it didn’t help that some of them were now moving closer too. Her feet were glued in place as the male stood before her, a cheeky grin evident on his face. Blonde hair, blue eyes, nice body...definitely the same guy from the first day.
”Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten my name already,” he chuckled, crossing his arms. Jade noted how the gesture made his already defined muscles tighten. An odd tension arose in her abdomen, but she quickly dismissed it and cleared her throat.
”Togata if I remember correctly.” The foreign girl bowed, remembering her manners. It was best to keep a respectful image considering the person before her was not only older, but one of the most skilled students attending the original UA. “It's good to s—“
”Togata, I need some help getting to my classes," a voice suddenly cut in. It came as a realization to Jade that a majority of the girls from earlier were now surrounding them. The person who had spoken was an international student herself, but she didn't look too pleased that all the attention was on someone else. Her hand crawled up Togata's arm in a suggestive manner before resting at his shoulder. "I'm not too familiar with UA Japan's complex," she continued, "so it would help a lot."
"Ooh wait, I think I need help too!" someone else from the crowd piped.
"I do as well!"
"Me too!"
Soon numerous hands were tugging at the tall male with pleads and demands of showing them around the school. Jade watched as Togata weakly smiled and tried to talk amongst the bunch with reason; it proved useless as they continued to grab at him from every direction. An unusual feeling rushed to her torso again, but something felt much different from earlier. In place was a strong stinging sensation, not enough to hurt but enough to generate irritation. What in the hell--
"Something wrong, Lofota?" Maeda's voice snapped Jade back into reality. Ren and Kubo were before her, curiosity etched on their features. From her peripheral line of vision she could see the bulky third year being dragged away with a familiar cyan and indigo haired duo following close behind.
"We saw Togata and his groupies approach you, but you looked as if you were ready to jump at one of them," Kubo remarked. "I personally don't mind, just give me a heads up next time so I can record it for memories." Maeda rolled her eyes at this.
Jade chuckled and shook her head. "It wasn't anything like that, guys, I think my mind was just occupied with something else. Let's try and get to class before news reporters start breaking through the gates." She walked alongside the trio and listened to them explain UA Japan's school system and the events that were set throughout the year. Despite her nonchalant attitude, the sting remained in Jade's stomach; she figured it would go away after some medication and rest.
It took a little over a month for the second year to realize that the peculiar feelings in her system were not an overnight situation. Jade took matters into her own hands and recorded when her stomach fell into any eccentric sensation, noting what, when and how much she ate and any possible patterns. When food appeared to be free of guilt, she tried looking at her sleep patterns and clothing for clues but was met with the same result. Her concern had caught Ren's attention when the medic pupil found her seated on a hospital bed speaking to Recovery Girl.
"Hon, I've ran multiple scans and checkups and found nothing," sighed the elder. "Your health is in great shape and according to your own data, it seems like you're doing just fine. Maybe try laying down, it seems this issue with your tummy is stressing you out." Jade complied wordlessly, but Ren could see that she was still in heavy thought. When Recovery Girl exited the office, she took a seat beside the bed and peered up. "Thinkin' real hard over there, aren't you?"
Jade turned on her side with a groan. "I just wanna figure out what the hell is wrong with me, it's starting to piss me off."
"What've you been doing?"
"School, hero training, eating, sleeping, the usual."
"Any foods you can think of that caused that pain?"
"No, but that's the weird part!" The foreign student sat up and pulled a leg to her chest. "This feeling I keep getting, it doesn't hurt. It just--it doesn't...I never had this before, but I'm not sure if that means I'm doing something wrong that's causing my body to react the way it does."
Ren arched her brows in search of an answer. "Can you maybe describe this 'feeling' by comparing it to something? Or perhaps using a metaphor? Just so I can understand this better."
"It...well, there's usually two kinds of reactions. At one point, my abdomen feels light but constricted, like it can't take anything in because everything is squeezed out. When that happens, I also feel my heart rate pick up, and my body feels overheated." The medic nodded and gestured to continue. "The second feeling is more like a stinging one, or like a burn--yeah, burning would be a more accurate comparison. When my stomach gets like that, I get really annoyed, but there's only so much I can do when the problem is internal. I tend to get more of the first reaction than I do the second, if that helps."
It was an interesting explanation given, and Ren understood why Recovery Girl struggled a bit providing help. She was quiet for a long time, but just as her friend was about to speak, she asked another question: "Does this ever happen around a specific time? Specific person? Maybe a certain group of people or things?"
Jade blinked before lying down again, her attention focused on the ceiling. Is there somebody or something always near me when this happens? She reeled through all the faces and names she'd ever interacted with, staff members, students, strangers, but no exact nouns came to mind that she could recall triggering this reaction. The foreign student shook her head.
"Huh, well...what's the earliest you recall first feeling these sensations?"
"I think the earliest I felt it was when I was talking to Togata and--" Almost immediately the rest of Jade's sentence died on her tongue. Ren quickly caught the abrupt end and tried to make understanding of what had just happened. The memory was clear as day in her mind, meeting Hado and Amajiki, Togata walking up to her with immaculate bulging muscles, the crowd of female students hauling him away and the indefinable feelings in her abdomen, it all began to click. However, looking over the details of that time, Jade realized that the sensations ultimately activated when she was around--
She whipped her head in surprise.
"Togata is the cause behind your odd abdominal feelings," Ren smiled, "which tells me this is definitely not a medical issue." She bit back a laugh at the disbelief on Jade's face. It seemed she understood what was being implied as she began shaking her head feverently.
"No no no and no, you better not say what I think you're about to say, Ishikawa."
"Aw, c'mon now Jade, you can't be upset at me! I was just trying to help you understand the cause of your stomach issues, looks like it was just butterflies the whole time."
The foreign student grimaced. "Ren, please don't."
"But it's actually cute! I personally think that you both--"
Jade sat in irritation until her friend ceased laughing, then hopped off the bed and brushed off her uniform. The medic pupil stood up immediately and pulled her into a hug, chuckling lightly. "Well, now that we found the root of the issue, what are you gonna do? Am I helping you plan a confession?"
"I'm gonna get rid of it.” Ren's snickering stopped. Jade's face and tone was enough to say she wasn't kidding.
"Heh, I uh...I don't think I heard you correctly?"
"Get rid of it. I'll just distance myself from Togata so that my mind can adjust it's thoughts towards him." She hurried after her friend down the hallway. Students buzzed around them, lively chatter and activity surrounding the pair.
"Wait a minute Jade, I'm not understanding how this is being helpful."
"Ren, the more time I am not near him or able to visibly see him, I'm more than a hundred percent sure that whatever these annoying feelings are will dissipate. When that happens, I can go back to being in the guy's presence without any weird aura surrounding me, but until then, I'm following a strict 'No Togata' routine."
The medic student scoffed in amusement. "Routine? Jade, that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard a UA student say. I say just let it happen and see where it goes from there. Who knows, maybe he possibly could return--"
"Ah--" Jade stopped and held a hand up. "I'm gonna stop you there for two reasons. One, the sole reason anyone should attend this school is to pursue some kind of a career, and this applies especially to me. I was sent here as a representative because UA Los Angeles trusts me to execute and display my skills as a potential Pro Hero, not to go messin' around with Japan's kids, let alone the top students. I have an entire city depending on me, Ren, I can't mess this up." She sighed and took in another breath. "Two, if anything, I am far from his type."
"His type? How can you even know that if you only ever said hi to the guy like, three times?"
"Context clues. If it isn't directly in front of you, look at everything around to find your answer."
Ren deadpanned. "And what exactly did you look at to find your answer?"
"Upbeat, lively girls," Jade replied as if it should've been an obvious answer. The pair entered the cafeteria which was more cramped than usual. Staff members were present, most likely by Nezu's word to have travelling students feel more welcomed. All Might stood among the teachers with a countless number of admirers already circled around him, all different years, sizes and appearances. A certain green haired boy appeared to be of his utmost interest as he practically shouted in the student's face. Ren chuckled at the sight, but she noticed her friend's attention was focused elsewhere.
Her gaze was closed in on a table swallowed by a swarm of students. Some were people from earlier that were practically throwing themselves at Togata, and it seemed no different as he sat at the center of the table enjoying his lunch. Hado was seated across from him, her expression as bright as ever, and beside them was a shaking Amajiki, his head rested against the structure’s surface. His nervous movements ceased, however, and Ren smiled seeing the cyan haired girl had slipped her hand into his, returning to her conversation with ease. Jade also noticed the subtle gesture, but she wouldn't help feeling a pang of annoyance at the audience surrounding the blonde boy. She didn't realize she was watching so intensely until his eyes crossed the room to meet hers. Crap! Immediately Jade looked away, unsure if she was more embarrassed about getting caught or feeling irked over a guy. You're here to represent your school, show your worth of an upcoming Pro Hero. Stop getting distracted! Distance! "Ren, let's get some lunch. I'm sure Tokoyami and the others are awaiting your presence."
"Our presence." Jade smiled as they strode across the cafeteria. The medic always made sure she felt included no matter what the situation was; it eased her thoughts greatly, which was something she needed.
Another month passed and Jade had almost become like a second Maeda, so intently focused during school hours and hero training. Even on off days, the international student went about her own activities, only ever seen for meals or rest. Her bond remained close with Ren, Maeda and Kubo in various ways, however, and she was present whenever a hangout commenced, so it seemed like everything was completely fine. Ren's teasing had become more discreet (much to Jade's relief) and she created a codename for the blonde third year.
"'The lemonade'?" Jade cringed. The two met up for a walk through town one day, and it seemed safe enough to discuss the matter since they weren't near school grounds.
"I think it's pretty subtle, and keeping the word 'the' in the codename would have people assuming we're actually talking about a beverage. Plus," the medic eyed her friend, "the guy is a tall glass of lemonade if I do say so myself, heh."
"Ren don't--"
"Lemonade sounds good right about now." She froze. It took everything in the foreign girl to not begin speed walking as soon as she heard the familiar upbeat voice behind her. From the look on her friend's face, Jade's assumption of Togata's presence was true. Unfortunately true. She slowly turned around, a faux smile in place until her eyes fell upon something hiding behind the male.
It was a little girl, she could tell that much, with long snowy locks spilling from behind Togata's calf. The child peeked up from her spot, red irises meeting Jade's indigo ones. The foreign girl was locked in place as she suddenly recalled her family. She thought of her parents' cooking and singing, her brothers' livelihood for sports, but she was especially reminded of her sister. Youngest and the only other girl in the line of siblings, they did a lot together. From shopping together to painting to singing to sightseeing, Jade realized how much she'd missed them. The exchange of words between Ren and Togata were a muffed noise as she crouched down, entrapped by the little stranger.
"I'm Jade, it's nice to meet you." The words slipped out like butter, and thankfully it didn't seem to frighten or discomfort the child. She looked up to the male for approval, then stepped forward and let his hand go. 
"My name is Eri, it's nice to meet you too," she squeaked with a bow. Jade was awestruck by her politeness and shifted onto her knees to bow in return. When they both straightened up, Eri bore a wide smile and returned to Togata's side.
"Gosh, Gemstone, thought you were ignoring me for a sec." Reality hit the foreign girl immediately when she met the blonde's gaze, and her stomach felt tight again. Damn it, not now! Calm down, breathe, breathe, don't overreact. She stumbled getting back on her feet and managed a sheepish expression.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" she apologized more aggressively than she meant to. "I was just so surprised seeing you with a kid, and she just--"
"Oh? Do you think I'm not good with kids?" He raised a brow. 
Crap, why does he have to look cute doing that. "I never said that," Jade rolled her eyes. "I was just surprised seeing you outside of your whole entourage, that's all." She cursed at her choice of words. Now I just sound like I'm hating on him.
"My entourage? Sounds like someone's a bit jealous."
"Ha! Boy, ain't nothin' to be jealous of." The second year held her ground as the bulky male challenged her with a smirk. Ren cleared her throat, acknowledging her presence and causing Jade to force herself back. She didn't realize how close she'd gotten to him during their small banter, but it was definitely closer than what she was comfortable with. "Ren, uh, I believe you were talking about something, yes?"
The medic peered over in amusement. "Yeah, I was talking about lemonade, which since you're here Togata with little Eri, I believe we can all get some together." Damn you, Ren!
Eri gasped before tugging on the male's sleeve. "Can we please, Mirio?"  The sight made Jade's heart swell, and she couldn't be upset if it was an adorable child asking to accompany them. He beamed down at her and nodded his head.
"Ladies, you may lead the way." During the walk to a mini cafe Ren knew of (thanks to Tokoyami), Jade observed how attentive and caring Togata was with Eri, playing games or cracking jokes that made her laugh. Citizens passing commented on their closeness in adoration, many praising the third year for looking after the child with such passion. Even when there were those who tried to flirt with him, the boy paid them no mind and brushed off their efforts. Jade didn't know him too well, but she knew it would be difficult to want to be away from the guy, especially after seeing this side of him, away from the crowds, away from the hero limelight. Togata truly was someone to admire. A familiar tightness returned to her torso, but for now, she was okay with it.
She was pleased being able spend time with Eri herself, learning more about her likes and hobbies. A lot of what the young girl enjoyed Jade discovered was also liked by her sister. "What's her name?" the child asked, munching on a pastry. The horn atop her head glimmered in the sun while she finished up coloring a drawing.
"Her name is Carolei," the international student smiled, "but my family and I just call her Lei."
Eri dropped her coloring utensil on the table and leaned forward. "Can I call her Lei, too?" Jade looked around as though someone was listening to their conversation, then nodded with a wink, much to the child’s delight. They giggled and chatted, forgetting about time and enjoying getting to know one another. The second year felt as though she wasn't in Japan, but back in America with the people she'd cared about and loved; it felt good to bathe in the comfort and reminisce of home. Someone had gripped the back of Jade’s chair; she turned assuming it was Ren until she was face to face with a broad chest and the strong aroma of musk. Her heartbeat boomed in her head and she slowly turned back to Eri, allowing her nerves to calm. Ren bit back a laugh, but a tug on Jade’s hand distracted her from making a slick comment.
"Jade," said Eri in a small voice, "I have to leave now, but...do you think we can hang out another time?"
A sudden idea popped into the second year's mind at the young girl’s request. With a kind smile, she squeezed Eri's hand reassuringly. "We'll have plenty more days to hang out, hon, just me and you."
"Ouch, and what about me, Gemstone?" Togata whined, a hand on his chest in offense.
"Ah, I'd rather not be attacked by your fangirls. Besides, you have Amajiki and Hado to hang out with, and I know you see Eri almost every day." Both parties waved goodbye before continuing on their own paths. Ren and Jade were in a comfortable silence until the medic let out a sigh.
"You literally just missed your opportunity."
"Girl, what? If anything, I'd say I just opened the door for an opportunity."
"Opportunity for what? You literally shut the guy down."
"With good reason," the foreign student argued. She wasn't rude in her response to the older boy, and it was honest! The last thing Jade needed was rumors tainting her name simply for the fact that she hung out with one of the big three alone, especially if they were of the opposite sex. "Anyways, back to the opportunity I was talking about. I think Eri can help me out with this."
Happy New Years everyone! Thought I would just drop by with this little piece since I have been lagging quite a bit lol, anywho, just a little bit of love for our favorite blonde boy since I don’t see too much on him. Be safe everyone! Like, comment & share!
OC Creds to: @gureii (Ren, Maeda, Kubo
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petertingle-yipyip · 5 years
Temptations - Kol Mikaelson
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//Requested:  Imagine w/Kol’s crazy ex shows up in NOLA while he and Davina are still together?she doesn’t want him to be happy with anyone but her and goes to great length to break up him and Davina and while trying to protect Davina and deny his still existing feelings for his ex Kol reveals that he is the same psychotic maniac that he always was.Davina overhears him and reader fighting and Kol saying that he never stopped loving her just as she never stopped loving him.Some [steamy] vampire sex in the end please.//
//Pairings: Kol x Davina, Kol x Reader. Warnings: Violence, cursing, blood, suggestive. Tag List: @akshi8278 @simonsaysyasss//
You had one soft spot. Eternity grew tedious without someone to share it with. You knew you could get him back, knew there was something special between you two. Nothing could get him out of your mind. Maybe it crazy. Maybe it was obsessive. But you loved him, with every fiber of your being. You had to get him back, by any means necessary.
After a brief stint in Florida, you decided to head back to New Orleans. It was you had last heard from the Mikaelsons and where you knew Kol would be with his latest girl, Davina Claire. You didn’t want to hurt Davina but you weren’t above hurting her. You knew you were capable of it, knowing you had done worse when you first flipped your switch.
While you wanted the best for him, you knew he wouldn’t really be truly himself with Davina. He wouldn’t be able to be truly happy with Davina. You were the only one who understood him, understood the fire that burned inside of him. You knew the best parts and the worst parts of him. You were the only one who could tame the monster inside him. No one else would make him as happy as you did, right?
You got your information from Marcel. He was hesitant to tell you anything, knowing just how wildly unpredictable and violent you could be. He told you that Davina was practically family and he wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt her. After promising a dozen times over that Davina wouldn’t die, that if anything she’d obtain surface wounds, he told you where you could most likely find her.
Promising Davina’s safety, it didn’t really bother you that much. After all, she wasn’t the reason you made the trip home. Despite it all, Marcel was a good friend to you. He always had been. Promising Davina’s survival was a courtesy to a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Hello, my dear. You must be Davina.” You said when you first met her leaving Rousseau’s.
“How do you know my name?” She asked carefully, turning towards the Mikaelson compound. “Who are you?”
“Oh, silly me.” You shook your head. “I’m one of Kol’s old friends. I heard he was in a new relationship. Heard his old one ended rather abruptly.”
“From what he told me, she was kind of psychotic.” Davina countered.
“Well, aren’t all vampires a little crazy?” You questioned.
“Kol isn’t like that.” She defended. “Not anymore at least.”
“Interesting.” You nodded, seeing Kol standing down the street. “Say, I have to go. Tell Kol Y/N is back in town and looking forward to seeing him soon.”
You disappeared into the crowd on the street, careful to not let Kol see you. You knew talking to Davina and asking her to deliver your message to Kol would get his attention. He probably wouldn’t let her go anywhere without him, but he wouldn’t tell her why. He wouldn’t tell her that he’s worried for her safety.
A few days later, you made your way through the Quarter. It was a nice day, plenty of people wandering around. You were walking through the shops when a hand grabbed your arm and pulled you down a nearby alley.
“Well well, didn’t think I’d be seeing you so soon.” You smiled at him.
“What are you doing here?” He replied tightly.
“Is that any way to greet the woman you love, Kol?” You teased.
“Y/N, we broke up years ago.”
“If something is meant to be, it comes back.”
“I know you talked to Davina…”
“Cute little thing, Davina is.” You nodded, walking slow circles around him. “Does she make you happy, my Love? Does she make you feel the same things I can?”
No response. HIs jaw was tightly clenched, his arms crossed sternly over his chest.
“I remember the temptations and the sensations when we were together. Temptation, trynna tell me I should. Sensation, got me thinking I would.” You added, leaning up to speak softly in his ear.
“Don’t judge me cause you said you loved me.” You chuckled, slowly running your fingers over his shoulders as you moved to stand in front of him.
“Leave us alone.” He finally said, his voice low. “I don’t want to see you again, Y/N. Stay away from me and stay away from Davina.”
Another week would pass until you would see Kol again. You had tried to run into Davina again, but she practically vanished. You sent boys to flirt with her, maybe even get her to cheat. You sent girls to Kol for the same reason. Neither attempts were successful. You paid a witch to give Davina nightmares, claiming her ancestors were ashamed of her for dating a vampire. That lasted three nights before she rid herself of them.
You entered the compound with the intent of talking to Klaus about his brother. Part of you hoped Davina was part of some rivalry against Klaus and maybe Klaus needed another hand. Instead, you ran into Kol in the front room.
“I thought I told you-” He tried to fight with you.
“I didn’t come for you, hot stuff.” You rolled your eyes. “But since you’re here…”
“What do you want?” He sighed in annoyance.
“Y/N, I’ve moved on. I’m happy. Why can’t you?”
You paused for a moment, wondering if maybe he really was happy.
“Is it true?” You settled on. “Is it true that you’ve changed?”
“Of course I’ve changed.”
“I meant-” You enunciated. “-have you changed? Have you learned to control yourself?”
He stopped, looking at you with eyes that widened. He let out a sigh and sat on the steps near the back of the room. “I never did learn how to keep it check… Never really cared to…” He said slowly.
You crossed the room to stand in front of him again. “She told me you’re not like the rest of us. Not crazy like I am.” You chuckled and he gave you a small smile.
“Around her, I guess I just don’t need to be.” He shrugged.
“I never hurt her, you know.” You added. “I came here for you. She doesn’t matter to me.”
“She matters to me.”
“So did I.”
“What do you want me to say?” He stood suddenly. “Hmm? Want me to say that I’d drop everything here for you?”
“You used to be willing to drop anything for me not that long ago!”
“That was years ago!”
“Tell me you don’t love me then.” You challenged. “Tell me that you can look at me, right now, and you feel absolutely nothing.”
He brought his gaze to your face, eye flicking to register your features. His eyes traced the angle of your jaw, the curve of your lips, before finally meeting your eyes. He swallowed hard, and it felt like your heart was going to fall out of your chest. It was like you could hear your heartbeat.
“I feel like a sinner, a little closer to Hell.” He managed in a choked voice. “Cause it burns when I’m with you.”
“Just say the word and I’m yours, baby.” You whispered and stepped closer to him. Your hand landed on his arm carefully.
“I never stopped loving you, Y/N.” He replied in the same quiet tone. “Every night I dream of you. Every day I hear your voice, I see your face in the crowd. When you came back, Y/N, I came alive again. I’ve never felt more myself than when I’m with you.”
“Tell me what you want.” You said lowly in his ear, your fingers dancing up his arm and over his shoulder, travelling until you found the back of his neck. “Give in to the temptation, baby.”
“I love you.” He breathed. That was all you needed to hear.
Within a moment, you had jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist. His hands immediately found their place under your thighs, gripping tight enough to bruise. You locked your ankles together, squeezing your legs a little tighter around him and drawing a groan from him. Both of your hands tangled into his hair as his lips met yours forcefully as he rolled his hips against you, causing a soft moan to fall from your lips.
Your lips moved in sync, dancing together as if no time had passed between you two. It was as if you had never been apart, never been with anyone else but him. No one knew your body like he did, no one knew what you wanted. Only Kol could ignite your body with a single touch.
His tongue swiped along your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You took his between your teeth lightly, slipping your tongue into his mouth instead. Your kisses soon became messier, a harsh clash of tongues and teeth and lips.
Your back met the wall within a few seconds, knocking a gasp out of you. Kol’s mouth travelled down, across your jaw and down to your throat. He nipped and sucked lightly, tracing his tongue over the gentle mark he left. He knew it would heal before you two were done, but that didn’t stop him. Especially when the sounds spilling from your lips were so encouraging.
His hands slid up your legs and up your stomach, pushing your shirt up and over your head. After he discarded yours, you worked on the buttons on his shirt, purposefully letting your knuckles graze his lean figure. His mouth had found a new place on your chest when he groaned against your skin, quickly ripping his own shirt off his arms.
“Someone’s excited, isn’t he?” You panted, nails digging into Kol’s shoulders.
“I love you, Y/N.” Was all he could say, his breath fanning against your chest.
“Show me.” You said between breaths, carefully placing your feet on the floor. You pushed him back by his chest and he whimpered at the loss of contact. You smirked flirtatiously before placing a kiss at the base of his throat. “Show me just how much you love me.”
“You’re gonna regret that.” He smirked, grabbing your hand and leading you to his room.
He locked the door behind him before tossing you onto the bed. A giggle left your lips when you landed on your back. Quickly, Kol undid his belt and kicked off his jeans. He crawled over you, bringing your wrists above your head and locking them to the headboard with his belt.
“No fun.” You pouted, your breath settling. “You never complained before.” He said with a chuckle. “Well, that was when I could touch you whenever I wanted.” “You’ll get your turn, Darling.” He mumbled against your neck, teeth grazing your skin. “Oh, bite me.” You complained, gasping as he left soft kisses down your throat. “As you wish.” He smiled, his teeth sunk into your shoulder gently and you felt a thin stream of blood slide down your arm. “Shit, I hate you.” You gasped, your back arching against him. He chuckled slightly as he slid down your body, kissing and gently nipping at the skin. He left a trail of bruises and marks that were already healing as he traveled to unbutton and remove your jeans. “You are so beautiful when you beg for me.” He said quietly, causing you to shiver. “I’m not begging yet, Baby.” You replied. “You will.” He winked. The night was long, full of passion and panting. Old feelings were revived, new feelings were explored. It was as if you and Kol were never apart, yet it was as if you two were meeting for the first time. Over and over you two brought each other to edge, pushing the other to ecstasy in any way you could. The next morning was when reality set in. Kol had a decision to make. You or Davina. The one thing neither of you knew was that Davina heard his confessions. She heard Kol admit he still loved you, that he never stopped loving you. She saw him kiss you, saw the way he looked at you. Davina knew what was going to happen next between her and Kol. But Kol, as he laid with your head on his chest as sleep found finally found you, didn't know what to do. He felt his heart was being pulled in two separate directions, two separate ends of the spectrum. And he had to choose between the girl he couldn't forget, the girl who made him feel alive, the girl who has owned his heart for over 500 years or the girl who was as sweet as could be, the girl who was so forgiving, the girl who made him think he could live without Y/N.
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doe-s-labyrinth · 5 years
Noche Estrellada
Noche Estrellada | Javier x F!Latino!Reader | Oneshot
This fic is all thanks to @curlyfriesworld - I hope you like it, and I’m sorry it took so long!
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, racial slur, smut
Word Count: 7,355
Note: You can avoid the smut - the beginning and end of it is marked by ‘#’.
I also apologize for any misuse of the Spanish language - I mostly used google translate so I’m sorry if it's butchered.
The sun rays shone down on your face, the curtains that framed your window blowing in the slight breeze. A soft, sleepy murmur left your lips as you were slowly awakened from your sleep. The soft playing of a guitar stirred you awake, your eyelids slowly opening before quickly closing again from the harsh light of the sun. A grunt of harmless malice left your lips as you sat up, stray hairs falling in your face as your arms moved to stretch.
Elegant fingers moved upwards to brush the stray hairs out of your face as you moved to stand, your nightgown that covered your body was wrinkled from your sleep. Your eyes moved to the window as you listened to the music - its sound was clearer now that you’d shaken some of the remnants of your slumber. The soft playing sounded familiar, but you couldn’t pinpoint its location as you peaked out from your window, gazing out at the many fields of the farm you lived on.
You figured it was one of the ranch hands on their break despite it being, at the very least 8am. The music calmed your morning as you moved to get ready - washing your face and brushing your dark hair back before finally dressing into something more appropriate than your nightgown.
“Hun, are you up?” You heard your mother’s voice call for you as you finished pulling on a pair of socks. You were quick to leave your room and walk down the stairs to greet her,
“Yes, mama.” You greeted her kindly. The American woman shot you a smile, her thin blonde hair was tied back in a messy bun as she worked over the stove, cooking breakfast.
“Ah - that smells divine, mi amor.” The voice of your father chimed as he walked into the kitchen,
“How’s the foal?” Your mother asked your father - one of the mares and given birth the night before, and your father had been busy taking care of the duo.
“He’s a fiery little stud.” The Spanish man chided, “reminds me of someone we know.” He teased as his gaze flicked to you for a second before ruffling your hair, taking his seat at the end of the table. “We had another visitor last night,” He started as your mother laid a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him. He thanked her with a kiss before beginning to dig into his breakfast.
“Oh really? Was it the salesman from before? You told him that we’re not selling the farm didn’t you?” Your mother asked as she put a plate down before you, you thanked her with a nod before eating a mouthful of the food. Your father shook his head as he chewed before answering her question,
“No no - it was the Escuella boy, Javier.” Your father chided as he ate his food. Your head instantly raised at his words - swallowing your barely chewed mouthful before listening in completely, “Asked if he could help out for a week or two.”
“I haven’t seen him in years.” Your mother’s voice held a tone surprise at the mention of the man, but you were eager to know more,
“Did you say yes?” Your words were rushed, catching your father off guard for a second as his gaze moved to you. You realized how eager you must have looked and pulled your excitement back in for a second, clearing your throat and straight in your seat.
“I couldn’t see why not,” Your father said after swallowing another mouthful of his breakfast, “He’s camped up in the barn right now.” You stood abruptly at his words, catching your parents attention as they stared at you with confused eyes.
“Excuse me for a minute, Mama, Papa.” You quickly apologized for your rudeness but quickly rushed out the door before they could say anything more.
Your actions even surprised you - but like your mother said, it had been years since you’d last seen the man you were currently accommodating. The sound of the guitar reached your ears once more as you headed towards the barn, passing and briefly greeting the farmhands as you walked by. Many of them watched after you, curious to see the cause of your hurry as you walked into the barn.
The music was much louder now and you could hear the man’s quiet humming from the floor above you. You tried peaking at him from where you stood, but he was hidden behind the many bales of hay. You bit your lip as you moved over to the ladder - your heartbeat was noticeably quicker as you climbed.
The Hispanic man slowly came into view as you climbed, his gaze was concentrated on his guitar as he played. He was comfortably leaned back against one of the hay bales, his legs crossed and a cigarette hanging from his lips. You admired him for a moment - your breath absently catching in your throat as you stared at your old friend.
He was older now - and life had definitely been kind with his looks. His slight stubble and the facial hair he’d let grow framed his lips - the smoke that silently raised from his cigar fit his aesthetic pleasingly. His sense of style hadn’t changed - his clothes giving him a sophisticated yet charming air, and the way his piercing brown eyes lit up when they met yours caused your heart to melt.
“Erizo?” His nickname for you caused a flurry of nostalgic memories to enter your mind. The cigarette fell from his lips in surprise, and his playing had immediately ceased. He stamped the lit end out quickly - and you had to stop the tears the brimming from falling at the sight of him.
“Javier,” Your voice was soft and gentle - a sheer contrast to your usual wildfire self. You made quick work of the rest of the steps as Javier raised to his feet, resting his guitar against the hay bales before turning back to you and engulfing you in a tight, friendly hug.
It only lasted a few seconds, but you hugged him back just as warmly, even his smell was nostalgic - and you could have sworn it was the same Javier you’d met almost eight years ago if it weren’t for the strong smell of smoke that mixed in with his usual spiced aroma.
“Erizo - you’ve grown so much.” His words were laced with fondness as he pulled back, his hands staying on your shoulders as he took a good look at you, “and my - you've become a real chica.” He seemed almost shocked, and if it were any other time then you would have playfully hit him and called him an idiot, but you were still starstruck that he was back.
“And you - if it weren’t for all those scars then I’d think you were a real pedazo.” You couldn’t help but joke, causing Javier to break out into a joyful smile,
“You haven’t changed a bit have you, amiga?” He teased, his arms crossing over his chest. You couldn’t help but shake your head in response, your hair moving with your gesture as a happy smile painted your lips. Silence captured the air for a moment, and the two of you stared at one another - it was more comfortable than awkward - until one of the ranch hands climbed up the ladder and ruined your little moment,
“Oh - uh,” Your eyes met Thomas’, missing the piercing look that Javier had shot the poor boy’s way, “I’m sorry Miss - I just had to grab a bale for the horses, I swear it, Miss Arias.” He reasoned quickly, a slight blush on his cheeks as he moved to throw one of the bales down to the ground floor,
“No worries, Thomas.” You forgave him kindly, your eyes flicking back to meet Javier’s who’s gaze instantly softened. “We should really get to... Yeah...” You didn’t want to get to work yet - you wanted to sit and chat with him all day - you both had a lot of catching up to do after all, and you couldn’t help but be curious about the scars that littered him.
“It's alright, Erizo.” He was understanding, agreeing that he should probably get to work too if your father was to let him stay. “I’ll see you soon, Chica.” He winked, causing your tanned cheeks to heat up slightly. You quickly turned away, offering your own quiet goodbye before moving to climb back down the ladder and get started with your day.
“So who is he, exactly?” You overheard one of the ranch hands talk from where you sat milking one of the cow’s. Your head raised in curiosity, peaking over the gate to see two men leaning on the fence of the horse’s field.
“I heard he was chased from Mexico.” One of them mused, another man walked over and chipped into their conversation, “Heard he was associatin’ with some bad people.”
“Isn’t he apart of the Van Der Linde gang? I swear I’ve seen his face plastered all over the West.” The newest member of their conversation said, his words muttered with an edge of dislike.
“Really? Is it safe to have him ‘ere?” The red-haired one spoke, “What if he’s here to scope out the place? Could be trynna steal from Mr. Arias.”
“He wouldn’t dare it - that man saved his life, he did.” A slightly chubbier, bearded American spat - “The boy was dying on the side of the road and Arias took ‘im in an’ he fixed ‘im up.”
Your spine relaxed and your hands rested in your lap as you eavesdropped on their conversation. You already knew that Javier wasn’t apart of the best of crowds - your father knew too, but he would trust Javier with his life. The two had a close friendship ever since that night eight years ago.
You remembered it like it was yesterday - your father had come home carrying the body of a dying Hispanic boy who was covered blood. It was during one of the worst storms of the century, and they were both soaking when your father had placed him on the couch and your mother had rushed to attend his wounds. Why your father had helped him that night you didn’t exactly know, but he’d said it was like a sign. Javier had stumbled out of the woods and landed face first on the street in front of your father - bloodied and beaten and on the verge of death itself.
Javier had recovered fairly quickly - but he stuck around for a while after the incident. He owed your father his life after all, and Javier had little means to apologize apart from working for him whenever he could. The two of you had become extremely close friends in the time you had spent together. You had to change his bandages after all, and with no one else to speak to apart from your parents and the ranch hands, it was nice to have a new person around.
He’d told your father that he’d been jumped by a gang - but you weren’t stupid. The way he’d struggled to come up with a reason was evidence enough, and your sure that your father didn’t believe him either, but he didn’t bother to question him.
Javier had told you the truth one night when the two of you were sharing stories in the barn. Your endless questioning had gotten him to spill his guts - and he’d told you in a way that you were sure was meant to make you scared of him.
“I travel with gangs. I murder people out of spite and steal from the weak. One of the rival gangs found my camp one night and jumped me. I should have been dead.” His cold gaze pierced your curious orbs. He was expecting you to be frightened - to run away and tell your father of the bad man you were keeping. But you stayed, sitting on your knees before him with wide, innocent eyes.
“You’re not all bad, Javier...” You said quietly, the boy before you envied your innocent bliss. His gaze softened on you, his head tilting to one side as his eyes that had seen so much bloodshed and loss gazed into your pure irises.
“We strive for good. We want to change the world for the better, but...” He started once he’d realized that he wouldn’t be able to scare you away that easily, “If we have to fight, we fight. If we have to run, we’ll run, if we must die, we’ll die, but...” he trailed off, his eyes moving to look at the full moon. The large open window of the barn’s second floor gave a pleasant view of the moon above the mountain treetops,
“We’ll always be free.”
His words had held so much sincerity and sentiment that they’d stayed with you ever since. You could never shake the look he held as the moon shined on his face - it had touched your heart, but also made you realize just how much you didn’t know about him - and how much you might never know about him.
But he’d suddenly left one night a few months after his arrival before you ever got the chance to know. There was no note or goodbye - just a pile of money left on the dining table and a missing horse the next morning. His departure had saddened you, but now he was back, and you were eager to get to know him all over again.
The men soon walked away, carrying on with their conversation as they left. But it had made you think - just what exactly had Javier gotten up to in the time you’d been apart? Eight years was a long time - but you couldn’t help but feel a part of you feel whole again with his presence in your life. He seemed exactly the same with the brief reunion you’d had - more mature maybe, but he was still the Javier you knew, right?
Your eyes caught sight of the glow of a campfire from your room that night. Peaking out from your window, you saw the many ranch hands sat around the open blaze - it must have been that time of week again. They usually had one night of relaxation where they all caught up with each other and let loose for a little while. You’d sometimes join them, and with the chance of Javier being amongst them, you quickly rushed out to join them.
Your mother watched you speed out with a few confused blinks as she processed your eager air. She’d never seen you so quick to join them around the fire, but she didn’t question it as she returned to reading her book.
You were quick to join the men, their loud chatter could be heard from up to a mile away, but you didn’t mind it. You spotted Javier laughing with another man from where he sat on an upturned box, smoke in his hand and a beer beside his feet.
His eyes instantly met yours as you neared, they softened slightly yet still held an air of question. You only offered him a friendly smile as you took a seat on the end of a log, Thomas sat beside you and greeted you quietly as you listened to their ongoing conversation,
“I swear to god it was the size of a boat!” One of the already drunk men boasted, “It had to be the legendary bear - I swear it!” He was adamant, his arms wide open to try and convince them of the bear’s size, “Look, he even did this to me!” A chubby finger pointed at the large scar that ran down his face. A few of the men made a few comments, ‘it couldn’t’ve been that big’, ‘how’d you get away?’, ‘liar.’ But the man just waved them off before taking a large swig of his beer.
Another man spoke up to tell his tale after the drunkard had finished. The new story was about how he’d ended up at the farm, running from some gang until your family had offered him work and a place to lay low for a while.
Javier’s gaze subtly flicked to you as you listened to the man’s tale. The flickering of the fire reflected in your orbs only caught his admiration as he really looked at you - you’d really grown into yourself in his absence, and you’d become just as beautiful as your mother with her spirit and your father’s flare.
Your eyes caught his after a few minutes, and he shot you his personal charming smile which you gladly returned with a kind one of your own. Both of your eyes lingered for a few moments, undisturbed until Thomas tapped your arm and asked you how your day had been.
But Javier’s gaze on you lingered for a few moments more.
“(y/n),” The familiar rough voice met your ears. You had to suppress the sigh from leaving your lips as you turned from where you stood, leaned against the fence. Your eyes strayed from the newborn foal to the burly American man who wasn’t much older than you.
“Good evening, Mr. Grace.” Your body was stiff as you faced him, your eyes meeting his - his green orbs squinted from the sunlight, his slight crow's feet showing. He was quite a bit taller than you with a large but muscular build, his sleeves rolled up to reveal his protruding biceps. Your eyes trailed his sharp jawline, up to his freshly cut hair that had been messed up after a day of work.
“How many times have I told you? Its just James.” His words had an edge of a command, contradicting the charmingly kind smile that lay on his thin lips. You swallowed thickly at his words, your back pressing against the fence as he took a step closer,
“How about we go to the theatre in Saint Denis together? I hear the magician is amazing.” James moved to lean against the fence beside you, your eyes followed him. You couldn’t lie - James was quite an attractive man who usually had no trouble with women, but his personality could be quite vile.
“Saint Denis is a five day trip from here, and you know I have to work.” Your excuses were valid - yet the click of his tongue made them feel weak. He leaned over you, his head tilting slightly, “Your game of hard to get is overdone, Princess.” His words were low and laced with an underlying threat.
Your teeth clenched, a frown appearing on your soft lips as your hand reached out, pushing him away as you stepped back, “Hard to get? I’m not interested, Mr. Grace.” You spat, eyebrows furrowed in disgust.
“Oh don’t lie to me.” He growled, face contorted to reveal his rising anger, “Its that new greaser isn’t it? I’ve heard about your past with him,” the slur felt like a stab in the heart, but James carried on, “it doesn’t matter if you’re used, hun. I’d still work you.” His true colors revealed themselves to be dark and murky.
You stared him down, lips slightly parted in utter disgust. A snide smile spread across his lips as he stared you down, your head shook and your jaw clenched, and before you knew it - you were slapping the larger man across the face.
Your hand stung and tears burned at your eyes as you turned away, walking quickly to get away from the vile brute. James stared after you for a moment, expression dark as his head to spit into the grass, muttering curses under his breath as he moved to return to his work.
The Hispanic man smirked from where he sat in his little nook in the barn, his eyes still following the man who had disgraced you. He sat, mind burning with possible ways to make the brute pay for his actions, his knife chipping away at a wood block in his hand.
“How are you doing today, Bonita?” Javier called out to you, making his way towards you from across the field. You couldn’t help but smile at his words, your eyebrows furrowing slightly despite the remnants of a blush on your cheeks.
“Another day, another chore.” You said, holding the bucket of feed in your arms slightly higher, “how are you, Javi?” Javier’s smile only grew at your use of a nickname. He reached out and took the bucket of feed from you, walking alongside you as you headed towards the chicken coop,
“Much better now that you’re awake, Chica.” His smooth words surprised you - yet your heart beat picked up at his flirt. You didn’t quite know how to respond as you approached the coop, taking the feed off of Javier and tossing it on the ground for the chickens to eat.
“You’re in a nice mood today,” You commented, but you weren’t complaining by any means as you put the bucket down and faced the man, “Estas enfermo?” you asked, reaching out to feel his forehead and make sure he was feeling well, but his hand caught yours and intertwined your fingers. He shot you a wink before speaking,
“If I say no, will you be the one to take care of me?” He teased, causing you to roll your eyes and remove your hand from his. He laughed at your actions, and the pleasant sound was like music to your ears as you watched him, your cheeks a sheer red against your tanned skin and a smile tugged its way at your lips.
“Javier, come help me with this, amigo!” The voice of your father boomed, Javier’s head flicked to meet the sight of him.
“I’ll see you soon, Chica.” Javier gave his short farewell, sending you a wink before he walked off to meet your father, leaving you standing next to the chicken coop with red cheeks and an erratic heartbeat.
Javier’s compliments and pet names carried on for the next few days, causing your heart to beat out of your chest with each sweet thing he said to you. He had truly dampened your usual wild flames with his endless flirting, and you would argue, but you loved every moment of it.
You wouldn’t deny that your feelings for Javier had often been more than friendship - you’d even thought that he’d felt the same for a brief time before his disappearance all those years ago. Yet you had no idea if he was just playing with you or if he was serious.
Your mind was filled with him as you stared out at the horses, sitting on the fence in thought with your legs swinging. Your eyes caught sight of James talking to two other men - pointing towards the cows and yelling at them for something or other. His head turned, and his eyes met yours for only a second - but that was all you needed to see the new addition to his looks.
Your breath caught and you couldn’t help but stare at the large cut along his face - it looks deep, and the stitches were obvious even from your distance. Your lips parted in shock as you stared - but James didn’t hold your gaze, quickly looking away as soon as he’d seen you. It was odd for him - he’d usually stare until it made you uncomfortable, but now he seemed quick to try and get away from even the sight of you. You knew it was bad - but your lips couldn’t help but slyly smirk at the damage he had suffered, karma had certainly caught up to the vile man.
“Bella Dama,” The Spanish words reached your ears, causing you to turn to the speaker with a soft smile. Javier met your kind eyes with infectious joy, causing your heart to race.
“Javier, how are you?” You asked, moving off the fence as he neared. You gazed up at the slim yet muscular man who looked as dashing as ever, adorned with his signature charming smile.
“Amazing, now that I’m with you.” Your eyes flickered away from his for a moment and your mind urged for your cheeks not to blush and reveal your feelings. “I’m about to go fishing actually, you should join me.” His gaze stayed on you as he waited for an answer, and suddenly you felt like a shy little school girl.
“Um - of course, Javier, I’d love to.” You were quick to reply as you smiled up at your old friend - the two of you had barely spent any time together since he’d come back, an evening together was honestly a dream.
He was quick to lead you to his horse, adamant that you rode on Boaz with him instead of taking your own girl for the ride. He helped you onto the back of his horse despite you not needing it, but you couldn’t deny his gentlemanly actions, and holding onto his waist as your rode was quite nice. You could smell his cologne mixed in with his natural scent as you rode, your cheeks blushing as you tried to admire your surroundings and take your mind off the other Spaniard you were currently clinging onto.
“It's a nice little spot - it's not too much further.” He assured you, Boaz’s gentle trotting had begun to lull you into a gentle sleep, but you quickly awoke to Javier’s words.
“It's beautiful up here.” You whispered, your voice quieter than intended, but Javier heard you all the same. He smiled to himself and agreed with you as you gazed out at the view. The two of you had been riding higher into the mountains - it was slightly colder up here, but the snow was still a good few hours of travel away. You couldn’t pull your eyes away from the clear view of New Hanover. Javier rode into a forested area, the trees became slightly thicker but opened up to reveal a beautifully hidden creek. The view was still amazing, and you didn’t want to look away, but you had to as Boaz came to a stop and Javier moved to get off. His arms reached up for you, and with a small laugh, you accepted his help.
He allowed Boaz to freely graze on the fresh grass as he led you to a nice spot on the creek, two fishing rods in his hands. “Beautiful,” He mused, you agreed wholeheartedly as you took one of the fishing rods from him, his gaze staying on you before flicking behind you, “The view is too.”
Your eyes rolled playfully at his comment, “Idiota.” You hushed, causing Javier to send you a side-eyed smirk. You moved away from him.
You placed some cheese on the end of your line as Javier cast his out, you followed suit, your head tilting slightly at the water.
“There’s some great smallmouth here,” Javier said, already catching a bite. Your lips pouted as your eyes watched him reel the bass in easily. You hadn’t even felt a tug on your line - but you barely knew what to do even when a fish caught on. You’d only been fishing once with your father, and that was a good ten years ago now.
“I’m no good at this.” You murmured, Javier’s eyes flicked over to you from where he stood,
“Is it your bait?” He asked, and you shook your head, your cheeks heating up in slight embarrassment.
“I don’t think so...” You trailed off - it wasn’t like you to admit defeat or ask for help, Javier knew this. Your gaze turned determined as you watched where your line lay in the water. You didn’t notice as Javier reeled his line in, placing his rod on the ground before walking up behind you. His back pressed against your chest caused your breath to catch. Your heart skipped a beat as his hands reached out and took yours, bringing the rod closer to your body.
“You should have said something.” You could hear the smirk in his voice as his larger hands moved yours, reeling in your line. You didn’t say anything, your eyes flicking focus on a tree before his hands left yours. He fished something out of his pocket, your hands suddenly feeling cold with the absence of his. He took hold of your line, putting the small body of a cricket onto your hook,
“Crickets?” You asked, your eyes meeting his for a brief moment until he returned to his place behind you,
“Their the best bait for the bass in this creek.” His wise words spoke into your ear, his warm breath hitting your earlobe caused you to shiver. A ghost of a smirk graced Javier’s lips as his hands found yours once more. His chest pressed against your back as he easily maneuvered your body as if you were a rag doll, and your mind went blank as he moved your arms, turning your waist slightly before hoisting the line into the creek. He’d been explaining his moves, telling you the trick to the trade, but his words had gone through one ear and out the other, your mind concentrating on nothing but how close the two of you were.
“And now we wait,” His eyes stayed on the line, his grip on your hands loosened and they absently dropped to your waist, “Keep your body still.” His voice was hushed, his dark eyes moving to your face. Your head turned slightly, slowly, your eyes meeting his. Your faces were close - extremely close, and you couldn’t help but glance down at his perfect lips, Javier’s eyes watched yours before doing the same. You could feel yourself slowly leaning in, Javier stayed still as your eyelids drooped, almost closed.
The line violently jerked, catching your attention - Javier quickly took action, his hands moving to yours once more as he helped you reel the fish in,
“Let him tire himself out,” He said, but you weren’t listening, your hands limp on the rod as he moved them. Your cheeks were a deep red as your mind played over the scene that had just happened. “Alright - now reel him in.” He said once the fish had stopped struggling, you followed his words in a fluster - embarrassment fuelling your actions.
“Nice catch!” Javier cheered as he helped you pull the fish out of the water, it was quite a large bass, causing the embarrassment you had felt to quickly disappear. A wide smile replaced the slight frown on your lips as you stared at the catch, pulling it onto the rock you were stood on. Javier moved away from you, unhooking the fish and holding it up, “Well done, Chica.” He smiled at you proudly,
“It was mostly you-” You started, but he shook his head, the smile staying on his lips as he gazed at you,
“But you’ll be a fishing champ in no time.” His supportive words warmed your heart, his eyes moved to the view behind you, and you followed his gaze to see the sun beginning its descent into the sky.
“We should set up camp, these will make a lovely dinner.”
You’d helped Javier set up camp, and he’d quickly built a fire. You’d sat together talking about the years you’d missed one another as you watched the setting sun. Javier had shown you how to get all the good meat off the bass you’d caught before cooking it over the open flames. It had actually tasted amazing after Javier added some spices onto the otherwise bland meal, and you couldn’t help but admire his knowledge of survival.
The fire still roared as you sat on your bedroll, gazing up at the stars that now plagued the sky in a beautiful array of colors. Your eyes moved to Javier who sat on his own bedroll beside you, his guitar in his arms as his fingers silently strummed at the different strings before moving up to tune them. You held his spare poncho closer to you - he’d insisted you wear it after he’d seen you shivering, and it was the most comforting thing you’d ever worn. It smelled of him, and you couldn’t help but hold it close as you watched him.
The cigarette burned at his lips as he inhaled the smoke, taking one last puff before flicking the stub away. His eyes flicked to you briefly as he strummed at the strings, and your heart practically melted at the sound of his voice,
Besame mucho
Como si fuera ésta noche
La última vez.”
His eyes stayed on his guitar as he sang, briefly flickering up to see your face. You couldn’t help but smile, your heart felt like it was exploding for this man.
“Besame, besame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después.”
You had to wipe at the tears brimming your eyelids as he sang - his voice was so beautiful, and you couldn’t help but giggle at the way he spoke the lyrics, slightly exaggerated but still sincere. He sang perfectly until about halfway through the song when he couldn’t help but giggle, the goofy smile on his lips only caused yours to widen.
His hands stopped playing and his head raised, his eyes moving to meet yours. The goofy smile stayed, and his eyes moved to the ground briefly. He felt slightly embarrassed - or vulnerable, he wasn’t quite sure, but he had practically placed his feelings on a silver platter for you to do as you wished with.
“Javier-” You started but didn’t quite know what to say. Your heart was so touched - fluttering to a point that it almost hurt. Your chest swelled and your lips smiled the widest they ever had before. His eyes met yours once more, admiring how the flames of the fire flickered in their reflection. Your hand reached out and took one of his, holding onto his loosely as his other moved to put the guitar on the floor.
His lips formed a thin line as his eyes gazed into yours in a searching manner, his hand squeezed yours as he sucked in his lips for a second,
“I understand if you don’t feel the same-” He started, his eyes didn’t meet yours until you shook your head,
“No, Javier- I-” You didn’t know how to explain it, so before your thoughts could talk you out of it, you leaned forward, cupping cheek with your free hand and pulled him to meet your lips. Neither of you moved for a second, and your heart stopped beating for just a moment until he got over his shock and started to kiss you back. The kiss was slow and gentle - his hand squeezed yours before he released it and moved closer.
You broke the kiss, Javier leaning in slightly, immediately missing the feeling. You caught your breath, your heart practically exploding in your chest as your eyes locked once more. Your parted lips formed a smile as you gazed at him, and his eyes looked just as lovesick in the light of the fire.
“Mi amor,” Javier whispered, moving off his bedroll and onto yours. You watched his movements as his head blocked out the moon. He looked like a painting amongst the stars as you innocently blinked up at the man who held your heart,
He didn’t have to finish his sentence before you silently nodding, words of sincerity and pure love leaving your lips - a silent promise that you could never break,
“I’m yours.”
Javier didn’t need any more convincing, he leaned down to your level, your eyes flickering to his lips once more as he returned your words,
“And I’m forever yours, mi mundo.”
His lips met yours in another gentle kiss, under the bright stars of that gorgeous night.
Your legs parted and made room for him as he crawled over you, leaning you down onto your bedroll. Your head hit your makeshift pillow - a folded pair of pants. Javier’s tongue slipped past your lips, grazing yours as you moved into his touch. Your thighs tightened around him as his tongue played with yours, his hands finding yours. His fingers interlocked with your own as he moved them above your head, pinning them to the bed.
His skilled tongue played with your own, causing you to moan into his mouth, a small smirk tugged at his lips, but he didn’t let it ruin the fun. His pants unintentionally ground against you from both your movements, causing your legs to wrap around him tighter. Javier noticed and couldn’t help but push his hips against yours, causing you to squeak in delight.
His smiling was getting out of hand - so he instead moved his lips to place butterfly kisses in a trail leading down your jawline and to your neck where he stopped and kissed slightly harder at the skin,
“Javi-” The nickname left your lips in a gasp and you could feel his lips twitch on your neck, his hands gripped at your wrists and his hips moved against yours even harder. Another gasp left your lips at the feeling of his hardness - you could feel him even through his pants. His own breath was slightly labored against you, only heightening the pleasure that coursed through you.
He attacked your neck with kisses, finding the most sensitive skin based on your breathless moans and nipping at it, repeatedly sucking at the skin and marking you as his. His hips ground harder against your growing wetness.
He pulled away suddenly, leaving you to groan in frustration at the sudden stop of pleasure. He stared down at you with loving eyes, yet a slight seriousness invaded his otherwise lust filled air,
“Are you sure about this, Chica?” He asked, “It's not too quick?” his voice was husky and filled with concern despite his want for you. Your heart yearned for him - he wanted this to be special for you, he didn’t want to rush you or make you feel like you had to go through with it for him.
Your head slowly shook as you sat up, your eyes gazing up at him from where he sat on his knees.
“I’m more than sure, Javier.” You spoke his name so softly, it caused his heart to yell for you. Your hands tugged at his poncho and you pulled him down on top of you once more, your lips meeting his in a much more passionate kiss.
Javier, now completely sure of your desires, moved quickly to unbutton your clothes. Your own hands tugged at his poncho and shirt, and he was more than eager to help you removed them. You gasped at the sight of his shirtless torso - scars littered his tan skin, but you didn’t care one bit as you pulled him to you once more and met him with another lust-filled kiss. Your hands explored his body as he undressed you, his own hands moving up your now naked stomach and up to your plump breasts.
His mouth left yours, littering kisses down your body until he reached the middle of your chest, his eyes flicking to yours briefly as his fingers started to play with your nipples. You gasped as you felt his warm mouth surrounding your left nub, his tongue sparing no time in playing with your hardened skin, causing your legs to squeeze around him and your lips to let out a flurry of gasps.
He treated the other one slightly rougher, gently grazing his teeth over your nipple before leaving a multitude of love bites all over your chest.
He kissed down your abdomen slowly, teasing your impatience before he reached your clothed legs. He wasted no time in taking your pants off, revealing your womanhood. He gazed at you with hunger, his hands hooked under your thighs as he dragged your body closer to his, lifting your knees to rest on his shoulders.
You had no time to think before his lips were kissing at your entrance, his tongue swirling over your slit before focusing on your clit. The bud of nerves sent a wave of pleasure through you, and you had to lay your head back against the bedroll to keep yourself grounded as his skilled tongue pleasured you. He flicked over your bud, swirling his tongue around it before ravaging it with a flurry of movement, causing you to squirm, gasp and moan in his grip. On the verge of your orgasm, he stopped, causing a groan of frustration to leave your lips, your legs squeezing at him, urging him to continue.
Javier shook his head in amusement, “Soon, amor.” he whispered, placing you back down on the bedroll before he moved to take his pants off. Your head raised to see him, and you gasped at the size of his member. It was longer than you had expected - not that you had really thought about it much, and his girth was just right. You mouth salivated at the sight of him, and your holes screamed with want.
Javier smirked down at you, quite cocky now that he was in possession of the thing you wanted - but he wouldn’t tease you - not today when you were both on the brink of losing it. All you wanted was to feel him inside of you - and he wanted nothing more than the two of you two to be connected - mind, bodies, and souls.
His hands hooked around your thighs once more, pulling you closer to his hardened length. Your eyes moved to his as he moved to lean over you once more. Your legs raised to loosely wrap around him, your torso raised, supported by your elbows against the bedroll. One of his hands placed itself on the bedroll, his other moving to the small of your back, his eyes never leaving yours as you both delved into the movement.
His member pressed against your entrance, and your hand raised up, holding his head as you brought him to you, your lips kissing his softly just as he pushed into you. His length parted your lips with ease - easily pushing into you with the amount he’d worked you up before. Your teeth bit at his lip as you let out a gasp of a moan, Javier grunted as your walls tightened around him.
He pushed the entirety of his length in before beginning a short rhythm - drawing out every moment of your time together. Your fingers moved through his hair, tightening your hold on it as he pushed further into you, his hips meeting yours in an experienced thrust. Your lips parted in pleasure as he moved into you, his own lips moving to kiss at your neck once more, going over the sensitive love bites he’d left.
Once you were used to his size, he lay you down and began to move his hips quicker, his mouth kissing at your chest as you moaned, your hands tugging at his hair. Your hips bucked to meet his thrusts and you could feel the heat building in your stomach - the body heat between you warding off the cold night air as the passion rose.
Javier grunted your name, quiet, audible moans leaving his lips compared to yours that filled the night air. His thrusting staggered and the heat built until neither of you could take it anymore. Your hold on him tightened and you hugged his body close as you came, his own climax meeting yours as he let his seed fill your insides, the twitching of his member only sending your senses into overdrive.
You gasped for your breath as the passion died down, Javier’s lips still softly kissing at your skin. Your fingers in his hair loosened their grip, a loving smile adorning your features as his head raised and his eyes met yours. He returned your love as he leaned closer, his lips meeting yours in another soft kiss.
“Te amo,” the words left his lips before he could stop himself, but in the heated moment, you felt just the same,
“Te amo.”
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itsonlymewithyou · 7 years
He touched me, not just my body but also my soul.🔥( Part-2)
Dhruv and I were alone in my room. We were just talking casually taking selfies and stuff. I changed my one piece and had put one a high waist jeans and a stripped t-shirt. Was just lying on the bed, he was looking at me with a teasing look and said "you had to complete your challenge" and that challenge was actually that I will be topless in front of him which I actually agreed to in a play sort of thing, wasn't much serious. I started acting as if I was really gonna remove it, hoping that he would stop me in the midway but that asshole didn't stop me but kept watching with wide eyes. But for some reason, I felt very safe around him so I removed my t-shirt. He kept staring me, tracing his eyes up and down, I started feeling awkward and try to cover myself he held my arms and removed them from obstructing him while he was checking me out. "you are so beautiful, kriti" he said and started kissing me. I kissed him back, we were near the wall. He pressed me against the wall and we continued kissing. Just then we heard my mom outside. We quickly stopped, I put on my t-shirt, went back to the bed like nothing happened. But mom didn't enter the room. He kept looking at me like I was the only girl he has ever seen. "I love you" I said, "I love you too" he replied. After a pause, to break the silence, I said "you turned me on so bad" in naughty tone. "how do I know that you are turned on?" he asked. "I am all wet" I replied, "Prove it, I wanna feel how wet you are" he said. We locked the door. He took off my t-shirt. I asked him if I could take off his, he didn't reply at first but agreed when I asked again. W were both topless. We were kissing with me pressed against the wall. He pinned my hands on the top and kissed me everywhere, starting from my neck to my belly. Once he let go of my hands, I brought them down and started touching him. He again pinned them up and returned to my lips but this time his kisses were somewhat rough, and I liked how he was taking control. He bit on my lip, my neck, collar bone. I wasn't wearing a bra but a tube, which slipped down later. He rubbed my breasts, kissed them and started sucking them. He turned me around with my back facing him, started kissing neck. He moved his hands down and pinched my nipples further down on the beginning of my jeans, "can I?" he asked and I whispered "yes"..he started undoing the buttons of my pants but it came to me that I didn't want my pants off, and I stopped him. He moved his hands up and kissed me again. Things were slowly heating up. This time he slid his hand in my jeans and I let him. He moved his fingers in my panties and started rubbing me. I was so wet. We were kissing while he was rubbing me and it was intense. But honestly, I was feeling guilty during it. And then again we heard mom outside and stopped. We put on our T-shirts, he hugged me from behind maybe trynna tell me how good it was. He again kissed my lips but I couldn't kiss him back, I moved behind. I was filled with guilt. Was feeling like a slut for what I did. I stepped back from him. He was trying to figure out from my expressions. I couldn't look him in the eyes. He made me sit on the bed and knelt down in front of me "whats wrong kriti? You are shivering..why arent you looking at me? Say something, whats wrong" but I had nothing to say, just stayed quiet. He kept calling my name out, asking me what happened. All I could manage to say was "unlock the door please" He stood up and did and I stood up went to get my books from the cupboard, told him that we need to leave for I had a tuition. I had my eyes down all the time. "why are you not looking at me kriti?" he kept asking. He moved towards me, I took a step back. He tried to hug me but I shrugged his hands away. "kriti..did I do something wrong? Please look at me. Please." I could hear the sadness in his voice, I hated that. But I was feeling like a slut. I couldn't look into his eyes after being such a whore. I was scared, scared of what levels I had fallen to. Thinking what he would think of me, what would people think of me because what I thought of myself wasn't good.
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