#and I'm just like dying on the inside while saying: no. I drew every letter myself :')
lemonmangosorbet · 1 year
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Old man yaoi or old hag yuri, or both? Choose your flavour!
These will be holographic heart-shaped badges! Hopefully I’ll get them made in time for Sunnycon next month lol. Oh, and that isn’t a font - I drew every single letter myself :^) sdghjfgsj
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Dia means sun btw.
Lord Diavolo angst.
Maybe OOC LuLu, I just love soft, messy LuLu.
He regrets ever picking you for the exchange program. Because of you his life is ruined. He never planned to share Lucifer with anybody romantically.
Then one day he asked to talk. He confessed he was in love.
With you.
Diavolo cried himself to sleep that night. As he remembered his friends smiling face. Of course he congratulated him and gave him advice while Barbatos prepared a special blend of tea.
He always thought he'd have Lucifer body and soul forever.
He should have never let you come here. You have the brothers in shambles, bowing to your every command.
You have all of them wrapped around your little finger and you don't even realize it. Out of all seven you had to pick Lucifer.
He was always supposed to be his Lucifer. His fallen Morning Star with eyes that shone like fire. Skin as pale as snow, with hair as black and shiny as ink. His Lucifer only belonged to him in name only. He was so beautiful, he deserved better than to be your plaything. Lucifer deserved a Queen's status, he belonged on the throne working with Diavolo side by side.
You see this needed to be revised immediately, that's why he killed you. It was to easy really, wait until you got back to the human world, slip some poison into your water systems, and make sure his Lucy was busy with work all day and night.
Why don't I take your D.D.D Lucifer, it will just distract you. The faster you finish your work the faster you can talk to MC. I'm sure she misses you.
He had to be discrete, if lucifer found out all his love would vanish, so not even you could know your killer. He sent you letter often and texted you, played the nice guy, the supportive friend. Now you were far away in the Celestial realm, forbidden from dating the Morning Star based on your angel status. Of course secretly delivered by Barbatos to Micheal.
Then I gave him my brightest smile and shoved more paperwork into his arms, the arms that should be wrapped around him.
He saved Lilith, he gave him work, a place for him and his brothers to stay. Lucifer should be his, and now he will be, now that your out of the way. Watching from the Celestial realm as your boyfriend cries into his shoulder. His hair loose and his school uniform buttons undone, Diavolo could fell his heart beating.
You were gone, Lucifer was his once more.
The cost well the boys will get over it soon enough, they don't even know who killed you. After all you were a good friend to everyone, his tears were real.
He really would miss you, but you crossed the line when you took Lucifer from him. Maybe he'll come and visit you when Lucifer is wearing his ring. When its safe for his heart to never fell that way about you again.
Diavolo hugged his friend and soothed his heaving sobs.
You see Lucifer loves me , he doesn't hide anything from me. Look at him falling apart on my shoulder, the all mighty Morning Star, reduced to tears and a shadow of himself.
"Diavolo" he whispered
"Yes my Lovely?"
" Does Barb know who killed her?"
He sounded cool, and broken. He sounded like a man who just had his heart shattered.
"An unfortunate accident. Her poison garden had a broken pipe, the poison seeped into the ground into her drinking supply." He sounded mournful as he spoke.
" You know how found she was with her deadly garden Lucifer, that's why she got on with Satan so well, always hungry for information."
Lucifer chocked back a sob.
He told you your obsession would kill you one day, and now look at you. Stuck under his Father's thumb in the blinding white of his old home. At least he could rely on Simeon to keep you safe.
For the first time in his millennia old life Lucifer regretted his fall.
At his back Diavolo smiled, finally mine he thought, finally finally mine.
"This is where you live dearest?" he said. Looking at you in wonder. A small cottage greeted him with flowers blooming around metal gates. A green house in the backyard, filled to brimming with toxic and deadly plants.
he stared at you as you put on little green leather gloves and pointed at every plant, the poison it obtained and what it could do it a humans system. You showed him leaf patterns and squeezed a pokeberry and watched the seeds spill out, showing him the poison as red as blood inside.
"Isn't it wonderful" you asked. You gazed into his eyes, yours were filled with an almost child like wonder as you gazed around your garden. For once you had almost rivaled your boyfriend in Pride. He could practically see the peacock feathers sprouting from your back.
" I just want you to look upon the true irony of your current situation." She smiles as Lucifer plucks a Manchieel apple from the tree and bit down.
"I love you Lucifer" Then she looked up at me threw her long beautiful lashes. I felt the blush  creep up my cheeks as my hand rose to meet my chest.
"I love you to MC"
I kissed her then, her lips were full and warm and she was alive. We kissed by the dying sunset, I pulled her flush aganist my chest and she wrapped her arms around my neck.
I remember the feeling of utter happiness as I help her aganist me. It was like a tight spring loaded in my heart.
I love you MC, I will always love you.
Lucifer's tears slowly drew to a close as Diavolo hugger him closer. You were always so  reckless, always attracted to things that could kill you whether it be plants or your choice of boyfriend. You never had a sense of self preservation, its how you two originally gotten closer.
After he realized Mammon was a horrible human babysitter he slowly faded into the role. Then after your true heritae was revealed, he couldn't stop himself from falling in love with you.
Ha look where that got him. Youe dead and his heart is shattered on the ground.
Even after all those pacts you still went to Celestial, even though your a desecandt of the angel my Father wanted elimanited.
Maybe this is a new tourment from my Father after all, he took away Lilith, and now you.
My darling little MC.
Lucifer was sure his heart would never be put back together again.
He missed your warm touches. Your random notes on his mountains of paperwork, little encouragments and silly heart on sticky notes.
He saved them all.
You come in with snacks or drinks in the dead of night just to remind him to eat.
"How could you possibly love  a demon, I'm a failure. A fallen angel." He looked downcast.
You confessed your love fo rthe first time that night. Heart shapped pancakes, on his desk after a particularly long meeting. At the time his first thought was "Beel didn't see these, how odd."
" I love you in spite of that. Lucifer you work hard, you sacrificed your  freedom for your family. You work like a slave to because of it. Your so strong. You saved your brother from the dungeon, and bore the burden of greif all these years." YOu looked at him admiration and a touch of saddness.
"'I love you because no matter what you come to face, you better yourself with it." his pride swelled, he took in your flushed face, your sparkling eyes, and your soft hair. He loved you for so long. He pulled you close and kissed away your tears.
Then you fed each other pancakes.
He didn't do any work that night.
The brothers made you a memorial behdn the House of Lamentation. Filled to the brim with roses spelled healthy, and pictures upon pictures from your Devilgram account. Soft teddy bears and the controller you used most when playing with Levi, a tube of your lipstick you accidentally left behind.
Lucifer went their that night, he sat in frount of you and cried himself to sleep. It was almost like losing Lilith all over again.
You were the one to comfort him when you felt like this. When he lost the battle of the darkness inside his heart, but you were gone, and nobody else dared approach him. He felt your absence in the very core of his being, he missed your hands grazing his horns or preening his wings.
" Their like clouds! So fluffy!"
" They were made from clouds dearest" He smiled at you and pulled you onto his lap."
" I miss you MC, my dearest one." A few tears dropped onto your tombstone. He rested his head agaist your picture.
" Lucifer" a soft voice whispered, hiding in the shadows.
"Simeon" Lucifer looked up and saw his friend under the tree. He looked forlorn and...was that dread?
" We need to talk... I have  a message from....her"
Lucifer sat up and gracefully walkes towards him. His uniform is covered in mud and he was an indent from your memorial but, he still looked prideful. Even if he didn't feel anything at all.
Simeon looked at him in a pitiful manner.
" She loves you Lucifer, and it wasn't an accident. She said she saw Barbatos, and the cop who was investagating, he was a demon who tried to eat her once. When she was with Satan at the library.
She says he lended over and checked her pulse after she drank the water. He said he was sorry, on all accounts."
Lucifer couldn't speak, he was falling once more in a pit of rage and despair.
" Are you sure?" disbelief coated his voice as he looked upon his best friend and companion.
" She's a mess about it, Barb came over and-" Simeon shuddered. "She's being peppered with questions about everythibg from Micheal, she saw a few of her deceased pets and started crying, she won't leave them be" he chuckled slightly.
Lucifer felt a stab of betrayal, but he also felt a sense of purpose.
"Thank you Simeon" he said cooly, buttoning up his unofrm, tying his belt, fixing his medals."Give MC my love from now until the end of eternity." Lucifer walked cooly back to your memorial. He touched your smiling face and took out his D.D.D.
The Demon Brothers (6) New (7)
Lucifer- Family meeting in the dining room, Five minutes
He shut off his phone and walked back into the house.
" Your so strong Lucifer."
"Your so beautiful"
" You'll always be my angel."
" I love you, and I'll always love you."
Lucifer stared at his brothers' gathered in he dining hall. He tuned out their questions and held up his hand.
He stood up the chair moving soundlessely on the carpet.
He placed his hand over the R.A.D badge, then he ripped it off. The stitches popping and metals clanging on the table.
He threw it to the floor.
"Who here wants to start a rebellion."
Yay my first aganst! So who wins that's up to you! Comment please I love reading them.
This is my girlfriend's story and I wanted to post it here and she let me so go check it out on wattpad
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Another soulmates one! If whatever you write on your skin apears on your soulmate's, what would be the first thing the ROs would write to the MC? (...Don't know how that would work out for Jun though) (also, can I just say that I'm really anoyed at myself for having erased my keyboard's memory? now it keeps correcting every word in english that I write to one in portuguese :T )
Omg I’m done with the moving and I’ve unpacked!!! I’m ready for all these lovely asks!!
Also I get that anon, keyboard memory can be an ass. And english to portuguese can be not so fun, but omg are you portuguese?!!
Anyways, on to the ask!
Caiden would definitely write something cheesy yet awkward. Caiden is not good with communications, and they would only write to the MC if the MC hadn’t tried for a long time, Caiden is not an instigator after all. Either way, first words would be on your hand and just something simple as “Hi :)”. While it seems small and insignificant, Caiden is dying on the other side.
Jade wouldn’t engage unless it was proven to them that it was worth the shot. The witch finds these type of things a bit useless. So the first time would be somewhere convenient for Jade, like the inside of their arm. In very pretty letters it would be written “Nice to meet you. Please reply to discuss boundaries.” And then Jade would proceed to send MC a list of where not to write or draw.
Bo is an asshole no doubt. They would be scribbling dicks on their arms just for the funsies, and writing flirty compliments every chance they get. The first ever message was definitely on the cheek saying “Look at you hot stuff ;)” Which was a great thing to see first thing in the morning when you glanced at the mirror.
Tori similarly to Jade, wouldn’t engage much. But even so, Tori would make some sort of challenge out of this. The first time, it takes a while for you to actually spot it. It was at the heel of your foot saying “Sup?” and then another near the jaw (badly written mind you) saying “Haha” It went on for days like this, but you always managed to find them. It became some sort of fun game.
Jay is a sweetheart, and though it is hard to write on wood, Jay decides to draw instead. Grabbing paints here and there, you start to spot drawings of flowers and birds on your body. They’re very pretty and well drawn, but the first actual message was a “Hello!” on the back of your hand. Which was cute by the way they drew a heart next to it.
Jun can’t write anything on their skin, because they don’t have skin. But they can however trace some sort of patterns on their ‘surface’. They begin with smiley faces until it eventually becomes a “Hey, I don’t have skin” which took awhile for you to be even able to read since for you it becomes hives on your skin. But it made sense.
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