#and I'm looking at this practice final exam like. okay cool we've got a question on contour integrals
last exam of my undergrad career is shaping up to be long & annoying contour integral hell times
(granted the entire course has been long and annoying integral hell, so... I suppose that's fitting for the final? still doesn't make me want to do it any more)
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Jack Howl Bloom Birthday Personal Story: Part 2
"Happy Birthday"
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Deuce: 'Kay, moving on to the next question. Uhh, it is…
Deuce: "What is your best class?"
Jack: Unlike a certain someone, I study everything evenly so that there's no huge gap in my grades, but… I'd say my best class is probably Protection magic.
Jack: Being able to throw up magical barriers, or learning attacks specifically for defense is the definition of what a mage should be learning… It always gets me pumped up.
Deuce: Protection magic, huh. I do like how we get to do practical exercises from time to time.
Deuce: But when it comes to learning in the classroom… Guess it just doesn't make sense to me when they're just going on about theories in a class setting…
Jack: Hmm. I'm pretty okay with that level of theory-work. I do pretty good on my exams.
Jack: On the other hand, I got a ton to work on with the practical applications.
Jack: Whenever I gotta dish out different types of magic one after another, it's still anything but smooth. I still have a ton to work on.
Deuce: Dude, that's really cool of you to be able to say "I still have a ton to work on," so easily like that.
Deuce: During our club activities, too, you're always running until you're able to clear the set target time.
Jack: Obviously. And that task I wasn't able to do in my last class, I'll make sure that I perfect it for next time.
Deuce: Last class…? Aah, you're talking about how we had to try to hit the given target with a flame blast!
Jack: Yeah. The assignment itself seemed pretty easy, but it doesn't necessarily go as planned.
Jack: Just 'cause you fire off some magic haphazardly, it doesn't mean that you'll hit your target.
Jack: You have to stay calm and aim each shot carefully to increase your accuracy…
Jack: Even if I know what I have to do in my head, sometimes it just doesn't work out like I imagine it to. Magic and sports are kind of similar like that.
Jack: Eh, that's why I throw myself into my practice. It's the best feeling whenever you can surpass your previous abilities.
Deuce: I really do learn a lot when I'm with you, Jack…
Deuce: Listening to you like this, I finally understand why I wasn't able to hit my target.
Jack: Did… Did you even read your textbook? I was just repeating what I read there, didn't you realize that?
Deuce: Eh, really!? I didn't remember that at all.
Jack: I don't care what your grades are, y'know. But next year, when we'll be having bouts in our classes, you won't be able to win, at that rate.
Deuce: Ah, you're right, I remember some upperclassmen saying that later on, there'll be some bouts.
Jack: Yeah. We separate into offense and defense and spar using everything we've learned up until that moment… I'm really looking forward to it.
Jack: Apparently the result doesn't affect your grade, but if I'm gonna go for it, I want to win it.
Jack: I have to build the best foundation now, and show of the best results possible.
Deuce: Yeah! If I'm ever pitted against you, Jack, I'm definitely not going to lose!
Jack: Heh, that's what I want to say. Don't think I'll lose, though.
Jack: You better actually start studying, so that it's a worthwhile match.
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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shinyrockalaska · 4 years
December birthday party
I planned to post it on December 22 but i forgot... Either way, here's a fanfic in honour of Charlie and Rowan's birthdays that are in December.
Summery: Mc and the friends are throwing a birthday party for both Rowan and charlie
Word count: 1.8k
"Listen up, everybody! Charlie's birthday was last week and- I always forget the exact date, but- Rowan's birthday will be soon since it's close to Christmas! We've gotta get going!"
"With what exactly?" Asked Jae. He was always suspicious with whatever plans MC came up with.
"With the surprise party, of course!" They said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "We need to decide on a theme, place, time, the people we'll invite, who's in charge of the decorations and cake and snacks.. so pretty much, everything."
"We've still got like, almost a week to prepare everything.." Tonks complained. MC gathered all of them right before bed time and she wanted to go to sleep already.
"Anyone have any ideas for a theme?" MC continued.
"Toads!" Tulip yelled.
"Bowtruckles!" Barnaby chimed in.
"Fashion. It should definitely be about fashion." Andre added.
"Hmm.. cowboys..?" Talbott suggested.
MC did a face-palm and groaned, "no, no, no, you just proposed things you like. We need to think what Charlie and Rowan like!"
"Dragons and books, then," said Penny hesitantly.
"See, that's much better," MC agreed, "maybe dragons and trees? Or just.. fire?"
"It'll be lit!" Tonks snickered.
"Great! So who wants to be in charge of the decorations? It has to be fire themed!" MC continued
"I guess.. me? I'm already experienced, after the celestial ball.."
"I can help," Chiara and Liz said in unison.
"Perfect! Now let's decide on a time and place.. I think we can do it on the 22 of December.. any ideas for a place?"
"The Gryffindor common room," said Jae.
"The duelling club!" Diego added.
"The artefact room.." Ben tried to suggest.
"Seriously, guys! Don't propose places you like! How about the three broomsticks? Then Bill can come too, and we'll have butterbeers."
"Yes! And I can get more sweets from honeydukes," Tulip volunteered.
"Jae, I put you in charge of the cake," MC told him, and he tried to oppose, "why me? Can't Penny do it? Or literally anyone else?"
"After years of detention in the kitchen, I think you'll do great," they winked, remembering their adventure together, when they tried new recipes for Hagrid and Jae turned to be really good at cooking and baking, but made them promise not to tell.
"Fine," he murmured in respond.
"Can we go to sleep now?" Ben asked the question everyone wanted to ask.
"Not yet, we just have to decide on the most important thing.. how and who will keep Charlie and Rowan busy while we prepare everything, and then bring them to the three broomsticks?"
"You? You're the best at stalling, no offense," said Andre.
"I'll take that as a compliment.. alright, everyone knows what they're responsible for?"
"Yes.." they all groaned, wishing to go to sleep already.
"So don't forget.. we're meeting up in the three broomsticks in three days! I won't be there because I'll be with Rowan and Charlie so, Penny, I'm putting you in charge of making sure everything goes as planned, goodnight!"
There was a sound of tired whispers as they all walked back to their dormitories, aside from MC, who went straight to the owlery, to write and send a letter to Bill, asking if he could pass by for Rowan and Charlie's surprise party.
The next three days passed fast and strangely enough, uneventfully, except for that one time Ben almost exposed the plan.
Finally, the 22th of December has arrived, and at 4pm, when the rest of the group got together at the three broomsticks to prepare everything, MC walked with Rowan to meet Charlie at the library.
"You sure I'm the right study partner?" Charlie asked with honesty, "I'm not really good at studying.."
"Nonsense! You're my best friend, of course I'd rather study with you no matter what!"
"I thought I was your best friend?"
"You're THE best friend, Rowan. Everyone else is just my best friends, without THE.."
"Yeah, I'm not sure about that.."
"Anyway.. let's study!" MC shouted, causing Madam Pince to threaten to kick them out. Charlie still didn't felt like studying, he and Rowan exchanged looks, before Rowan spoke up, "But, we don't have any exams? Why would you want to study all of a sudden?"
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."
"Quoting Rowena Ravenclaw won't help you get away without an answer!"
MC stood up, with their hands still on the table, and said, "you know, I just realized I never saw the both of you at the quidditch field... isn't that weird?" MC smiled nervously.
"I watch all of yours and Charlie's and Andre's matchs, what are you talking about?" Rowan tilted their head, the way they always do when they're confused. Which happens frequently around MC.
"But I never saw you together! You have so much to talk about, I mean, Charlie's an expert in quidditch and you're an expert of trees.. don't you want to talk about it?"
"That's a strange topic to discuss.." Charlie mumbled, "and the quidditch field is taken for one of the teams practice right now.."
"But if you insist," Rowan continued, "we can go around and look for broomes.."
"Wha- no! We can't! Because.. I umm.. promised Ben I'll help with that thing uh-"
"We saw him leaving the castle on our way to the library," said Rowan, "he said he's going to buy a new quill."
"Uh, right. I forgot. Do you want to help me pack my bags then?"
"I thought you're staying in Hogwarts for Christmas like always?" Rowan smiled, and MC panicked, what if they somehow know about the party?
"It still shouldn't be messy, and you know how my side of the dorm looks like, hehe.."
"I'm sorry, what's happening?" Charlie had zoned out half of the conversation and was now confused.
"Just MC acting mysterious all over again.." Rowan stared at mc with a suspected look.
"Aren't they always, though?" He shrugged.
"You know me.. the mystery of Hogwarts," MC laughed nervously.
Rowan and Charlie again looked at each other and then at MC, who still giggled.
"Anyway, do you need help packing, Charlie?"
"No, It's fine, I already did! I'm really excited to go back home and see my parents and Ron and Ginny again, and of course Bill! And the best part is I'll get so many presents! Christmas presents and birthday present, what can be better than that?"
"Yeah it's so nice your birthdays are close to Christmas, isn't it?" MC said, finally stopping Rowan's suspicions. "It is!" Rowan cheered, "I get to celebrate both Christmas and my birthday at home in the tree farm with my family! I miss mum and dad and my brother of course! He suppose to go to Hogwarts next year, isn't it exciting??"
"You have a brother? How come you never mentioned it?" Charlie wondered if he somehow missed this piece of information about his friend.
"Yes, and you'll meet him next year, I hope!"
"With your brother, Penny's sister and my brothers we'll have so many younger siblings here next year!"
"It's going to be a challenge," MC snickered, "I mean, we can barley keep them out of trouble now.." They all laughed, because it was true.
"So what time is it?" MC asked when the laughs faded.
"4 and a half.. why? Are we in a hurry?" Rowan asked.
"No no, I just remembered I told Ben- I mean, Penny, I'll meet her at the three broomsticks at 5 so.. hehe.." they chuckled.
"Why don't we just go and wait for her there, huh?" Rowan smiled mischievously, and MC gulped nervously.
"Rowan, you're too smart for this world," they patted them on the back, "let's kill time with a game of gobstons instead, okay?"
"Fine," Rowan finally gave up on trying to discover what MC is hiding from them.
They all walked to the courtyard and played gobstons for a while, just laughing and smiling until their stomach ache.
"Is it 5 already?" MC asked after a while, right before Charlie's turn.
"5 and a half actually," said Rowan, and before they could say anything else MC shouted, "what?! It's been a hour already?!"
"Time does fly when you're having fun.." Charlie mumbled, while thinking what can be the right move.
"We have to go! Now!"
"At least let me finish my turn!" Charlie whined as MC dragged with him and Rowan.
"Why do we even have to come with you to your meeting with Penny?" Rowan asked when they were near honeydukes.
"Well you know.. because.. it's just.. you see-" MC stalled, trying to earn some time while they're getting closer to the pub, "just get inside, alright?"
Rowan glared at them with one last suspection look as Charlie entered the pub without a doubt.
The friend's usual spot at the three broomsticks was filled with people. Friends, to be accurate. There were two dozens glass of butterbeer on the table, with a diverse selection of coulorful candies. The celling was decorated with paper dragons, flying around, roaring quietly, surrounded by trees, and you could notice some tiny paper books flying around above with brooms on their side, as well.
Rowan looked as if they were about to faint and Charlie was too ecstatic to talk.
"Wha- it's so- I-" Rowan eyes were filled with tears of joy, they never thought they'd have so many caring friends who would want to throw a birthday party just for them.
"This is so cool!" Charlie shouted, "are those dragons?!" He looked at the celling with an excited look.
"Just wait until we get home for Christmas.. mum's going to cry and hug you so much," Bill laughed, "seventeen is the most important age!"
"You can do magic!"
"You can apparate!"
"You're practically an adult!"
Everyone laughed and cheered. Rowan and Charlie were so far from being like all the adults they knew. They didn't changed much from that sweet anxious behavior they had in their first years at Hogwarts.
Bill raised his glass of butterbeer, "to Charlie, the best brother and the greatest quidditch player and the most dragon-excited person we know!" He laughed.
"And to Rowan!" MC snatched the glass of butterbeer out of Bill's hand, and raised it as well, "the best friend anyone could ever have. The loyal, ambitious, kind and smartest person I know!"
"Whooooohoooo!" Tonks applaused and they all drank their butterbeers and started to chat with each other.
Maybe it was the butterbeer, or the heat inside the pub, or maybe it was the fact that all their friends were together with them in one place, just laughing and smiling, happy for their friend's birthdays.
Whatever it was, it made both Charlie and Rowan feel warm inside.
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