#and I'm sitting here like a dumbass thinking  'oh damn I might be in love'
greateggcult · 2 years
Usually I have the feeing that people would / do unanimously hate me on some level but I feel like If I ever properly encounter Wilbur Soot we could hit it off pretty well. I don’t know were this confidence is coming from. like “oh yeah that unique fellow would get a good kick out of what I have going on”.
I’m the loosely defined girl in a floral sundress, drawing snarling canines in my phone books, and singing silly songs to pass time. I could tell him why some old graves have bells and about the beauty of fungal growth on wood or the iridescence of a dragonfly’s wings, the excessive lifelessness of tall buildings in cities and the few plants that grown unasked in the cracks of the pavement below. Like I could use big words and see recognition instead of tv static, or I could show him a cool bug that I’ve spotted and It would not be weird or disturbing to know the scientific words for the insect’s anatomy and niche.
exploring abandoned buildings I could point out historical details about the architecture and how faulty wiring might be the cause of certain cases of “ghosts” and how if people actually wanted to potentially find evidence what kinds of things could be implemented to help eliminate false positives.
or argue if cheesecake is correctly classified.
I wonder if he would be just as starry eyed, or if my natural brain chemicals are just messing with me again. Could this be another Whale 52, or does somebody simply need to remove the mirror from my cage?
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Night Moves 1
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, stealing, crime, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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Many might complain for the short attention span of the male kind, but you can't agree. In your experience, their lack of focus is a blessing, a profit even. You just need to show them something shiny and let them trip over themselves. So far, that's worked for you.
You giggle, certain to push your chest out just so as your latest mark tells a lame joke. He's kind of cute behind the frameless glasses and questionable choice in facial hair. Easy, is how you'd describe him best.
He reaches across the bar to slide the drink he bought for you closer. You wink at him and pick it up, pouting just so before sipping from the brim.
He watches your lip, hypnotised by your act, by you. You touch the front of his button-up shirt, ignoring the sweat stains under the arms. He nervous and jittery like a puppy. You put your drink down and lean closer on your stool.
"So, IT, sounds interesting. I'm no good with tech," you call over the music, running your hand up and down his lapel. "Do you do house calls?"
"Well, um, I work in an office, I don't... install," he stutters as you play with his top button, flicking it undone and giving an 'oops' expression. He doesn't fix it as you sit back and take another drink. "But if you need something done, I could probably, er, help.”
"Oh yeah, you're so sweet," you dab your mouth with your knuckles daintily, your third drink of the night hitting just right. "How has someone not snatched you up?"
"Uh," he chuckles and looks around, "really?"
"Sure, honey," you touch his collar again, "you're a cutie."
He turns red, a shade to match his garish satin shirt. You're not sure who suggested that but you've seen worse. You drain your glass and fan yourself in the heat of the club.
"Oh, no," you say dramatically, "Jamie, I gotta hit the ladies..."
"Uh, yeah, that's fine, but er, it's Jake, whatever, I'll be here," he grins.
"Amazing," you snatch up your clutch, "I'll be right back, kay, baby."
You pull him close as you hover on the edge of the stool and plant one right on his lips. He's too stunned to react as he lets you kiss him sloppily. You let your hand wander down and snake it around him. You squeeze his ass and purr before popping your mouth off his and dragging your hand away.
"Don't go flirting with other sluts," you hop down off the stool and strut away, sure to swing your hips to distract from the plastic against your palm.
You bring your hand up as you turn down the hall towards the bathroom and admire the golden lettering of his credit card. The dumbass didn't even bother to put it back in his wallet after buying you a cocktail. You roll your eyes and tuck it away in your purse.
You enter the bathroom and check your reflection. You daintily touch your lashes to fix them as two drunken girls argue over the next sink. Twins, huh? Don't see that every day.
Time for a new mission. You hike your tits up and turn to check out your ass. You're not vain but you work hard to maintain your figure. It's part of your work, you have to keep everything in tiptop shape.
You head back out, swaying to the music as you blend back into the crowd. You stop to dance on a few guys, sizing them up as you toy with them. There's only so much BO you can put up with, even if they have a black card.
As you scope out the room, your eye is caught by two watching eyes. Bold and blue and alluring. Attraction is less than intrinsic with these things but damn if this man isn't stunning. You smile at him, tilting your head coyly as you look away.
When you look back, he's still staring. You bite your lip and push away from the guy trying to hump your ass. Animals. Actually, animals have survival instincts, these idiots are all too hammered to smell a fire.
You weave through the crowd as you keep your sights on the man in-- Gucci. Ooo, big spender. The jacket is sleek and cut perfectly to his form. He's fucking hot. You wouldn't mind doing more than fishing in his pockets.
You near, a bit shy as you twist your hands together, leaning on one heel. You bat your lashes as he angles his jaw, "hey."
"Um, hope I'm not stepping on someone else's territory," you grip your clutch tight, "I mean, you're too cute to be here alone."
"I could say the same," he counters, his eyes flicking up and down your body. "Thirsty?"
"I'm a bit parched," you answer.
"After you," he waves towards the bar.
You glance over and see Jamie or whatever looking for you. You smile and smush your lips together, smearing the gloss around.
"Actually, the bar upstairs has better drinks. Doesn't cheap out on the liquor."
"Lead the way," he shrugs.
You push your shoulders up so your chest bounces just a little and you turn on your stilleto. You pass between the bodies as he stays close behind, his shadow looming in the flashing lights. You head upstairs, certain that he's getting a good view of your ass, he might even be able to tell that you have no panties on.
You get to the next floor and head to the bar. The burly blond recognise you and gives a smile as he approaches. The handsome stranger rests his hand on your lower back as he leans over the bar top. "Scotch, and whatever the lady likes."
You order another gin and tonic with lime. You turn to the man as you wait for your drink, his hand dragging to your hip and lingering there. You admire the way his shirt clings to his broad chest.
"You from the city or visiting?" You ask.
"I'm in and out," he says evasively, "do I get a name, beautiful?"
"Roxy," you offer your alias, "and you, sexy?"
"Nick," he answers and he reaches in his jacket pocket and pulls out his wallet. He swipes his card as the bartender holds out the machine.
"Nick, I like that," you preen as he hands you your drink.
"Wanna sit down?" He asks.
You shrug and let him take you to a booth in the corner. You slide in close to him and set your drink down. He casually sips and stretches his arm over your shoulders. Okay, he means business. Maybe it's worth the long con.
"You come here a lot?" He asks as he leans in.
"When I'm bored. Unfortunately, I don't find much fun," you touch his thigh as you shift to face him, "maybe you can change that."
"Maybe," he rubs your shoulder as he draws you even closer, "you're walking around this place with your ass out... I might just have to put it to use."
You brush along his jaw and tilt your head to kiss him. You pull him into a deep embrace, running your hand up and down his chest as you moan into his mouth. He melts into you and you catch yourself doing the same.
Your hand wanders subtly across his jacket. You could probably get his wallet out right there, he has one of those ridiculously slim ones made of metal. Just a little���
His hand fists around yours as his lips part and he curls his arm tight around the back of your neck. You squeak, caught, and he presses his wet lips to your temple. You fucked up, you should've waited, you should've enjoyed that genuine bit of tension a little longer.
“Not so fast, sweetheart,” he growls.
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cosmicck · 2 years
Mikey x Male reader
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Last week.
You had gotten your braces on because of your over/under-bite it needed to be better, it wasn't bad you just needed to get them before it got worse.
You told and remind mikey over, and over, and over, and over again each time each week up until now.
And he still forgot ofcourse that's just how Mikey is.
And today was your first day, Draken had gone with you to drop you off and then pick you up once you were finished.
"Hey, you ok??" You nod but as well making a neatrul hand movement.
"Sore huh??" You nod once again.
"Alright Mikeys waiting for you hop on." You get on Draknes bike and head to Tomans base.
"You think he forgot??" Draken asked.
You tap his shoulder signalling as a yes.
"Well...that's just Mikey have hope for him at least." He says in which you roll your eyes.
You pull up to Tomans base and see Mikey sitting down on the steps with a boring look on his face with Takemichi next to him with the same face.
He turns due to the noise and once he sees you he instantly runs up to you and hugs the life outta you.
"Your finally here! I missed you so much! Where have you been?? I was so worried-"
You tired to listen, but the sorenss in your mouth was getting worse, but the dentist told you not to touch it and that the pain will ease soon enough.
And thinking of that made you sigh and roll your eyes, while also channeling your attention back to Mikey who had a worried look on his face.
"Something wrong??" He says you shake your head but then you got the urge to pee, since you couldn't speak or else your mouth would be in pain you just went.
"Eh? Takemichi...why did he...ignore me??"
"Mikey, today was the day he got his-"
"Oh whatever I'm sure it's fine! Imma go get some dorayaki! Oh and maybe M/n will want some too!"
"Wait Mikey I- gosh he won't listen to me anyway." Takemichi sighs getting up off the steps.
You come back out of the bathroom looking for Mikey noticing him in front of you.
He smiles up at you and you give him a little wave.
"Hey you want some dorayaki??" He asked taking out two packs of dorayki.
You werent really that hungry and your doctor said yogurt was kinda all you could eat for like a week, you shook your head giving mikey a kiss on the cheek and walking away.
You might think this was a loving gesture but Mikey thought otherwise, not because you didn't take the snack but because he expected a kiss on the lips.
He nagged, and nagged, and nagged, everyone tried to tell him you had gotten you braces but he just didn't listen so you know what?
He poked your cheek for your attention.
A little to hard.
"AH! FUCK!" You scream holding the side of your cheek alerting everyone else.
"Baby, w-what did I do?? Are you ok??" Mikey said going to see if you got a briuse he couldn't see.
You started to tears up because of the pain.
"No jackass! I got my braces today!" Messaging your cheek trying to ease the pain.
Mikeys face is just dumbfounded.
Until he finally realises.
"Oh....oh shit! Baby wait I'm sorry! Forgive me please!" He pleads making everyone around you guys snicker.
"Damn..." you curse under your breath holding your cheek walking away.
"Wait baby please!"
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lizajane2 · 1 year
Outer Banks 2x06
And all of a sudden people treat him like he's their best fucking friend. Like they didn't just believe he killed the Sherriff less than 12 hours ago.
"All that work for nothing."
Uh it actually worked just busted the wrong guy out.
Aww Topper made her breakfast in bed... I need that in my life. Breakfast in bed. Not a Topper. And a red flag went off when he offered her the phone.
Ward is really taking JJ's advice of "Deny, deny, deny," to a whole new level. He's practically drowning in the river. He should be arrested for fabricating and accessory.
"You know what they say about being in a hole? Best thing you can do is stop digging." Mic drop.
"Someone had to save your girlfriend." And right back around to being an asshole. Low blow, Topper.
I can't believe Sarah just... Girl, that ain't just your boyfriend. That's your husband, hubby, mate, partner in life and death. All that. I felt like she didn't wanna tell Topper cause she still has some unresolved feelings for him. Not saying she's not in love with him just still cares about him deeply and didn't face that. She just jumped to the next guy.
Kie's a great gal, she is but her change in emotions really give me whiplash. Damn.
"Did I raise you to back down from a fight boy? Now, I didn't think about it before. I admit that. But now... now? I'm interested."
Hey, Anna! Mike! Maybe you might wanna learn how to be supportive parents. Mr. Heyward can be your teacher.
You're gonna sit here and tell me no one noticed a man getting out of a trunk? I know they have cameras in a carwash now.
"Yeah, I can handle it. I don't really need you, so..."
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Me when I first found out about Pope being a descendent of Tanny:
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I honeslty should've seen it coming.
"I put him through enough already..." Yeah, which is why you should've been honest not hide the fact that you married John B.
"And Pope's giving me the silent treatment for not being in love with him," I'm sorry what? if the roles were reversed you bet your ass a teenage girl would be doing the exact same thing. I think you can be a little compassionate Kie. Dude's been in love with you for a year and you expect him to go on and pretend everything is fine and dandy?
Ward telling Rose, I won't choose between my kids... tells Sarah the same thing but chooses Rafe instead. I'm also going back to the fact that he said, "Rafe knows you're my favorite."
Everyone really underestimates JJ. He's pretty fucking smart for being a complete dumbass 90% of the time.
People who love Rafe, I get the appeal, but I always come back to the way he talked about nature. How everything is always killing in order to survive and he's not wrong but it's the smirk, his tone that tells me he finds some kind of peace in it...
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"Oh, boy. Ward Cameron." You know that judge didn't even sound surprised.
"You think I wanna miss this." Ooof not one of your best moments, JB. Not cool. I think he could've at least kept that comment to himself.
Okay maybe it's just cause me I don't have a dad, never grew up with one but Ward tried to kill John B twice, murdered his dad and Peterkin, those two mercs, and Gavin. He framed John B for murder, and she expects him to feel compassion in that moment?
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ihateoc · 4 months
Honey Whiskey
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(word count: 3,361) (crackfic i wrote for valentines day. not at all canon)
Valentines Day. A day Shadow had grown accustomed to staining himself with blood while others went on their happy little dates. Somehow, he wished he was on a job right now. Bennett had left for a date a little while ago, leaving Shadow all alone in the apartment. 
After spending some time sulking, he eventually broke out a bottle of whiskey and had already downed half of it while watching a cheesy romance movie. Deep down, he craved physical and emotional connection. Not that he'd ever admit that. He was already drunk when the doorknob turned. 
The door swings open as Ren bursts into the room, clad in a black dress, heels and lipstick, a stark contrast from her usual casual attire. She seems surprised when she notices him, "Hey, Shadow. Is Bennett here?" 
Upon hearing Ren's voice, Shadow looks up, his eyes partially unfocused from the alcohol. He blinks a few times before he speaks, his words coming out more slurred than he intends, "Hey doll face, Bennett's out on a date or something." 
Holy hell, she looks amazing. But he needs to keep it together. Now isn't the time to be drunk and sappy. 
"Oh, I see..." She begins, glancing at the open bottle of liquor on the table, "Are you drunk?" 
He gives a nonchalant shrug, trying hard to maintain eye contact with her and not let his gaze drop lower, "What can I say, princess? It's Valentines Day after all. The great celebration of love or some shit like that." 
"So, you're brooding?" She wonders, but before he can defend himself, she sits down beside him, taking his glass full of whiskey from his hand and taking a drink, "Let me join you then." 
Shadow freezes for a second at her proximity, the smell of her perfume making him dizzy. 
"Ah! Princess wants to join my little pity party, huh?" He flashes her an amused grin but there's a hint of nervousness in his eyes. 
"Yeah," She remarks after taking another swig of his drink, "Got stood up." 
He lets out a low whistle as he leans back into the couch, "Damn, that's rough, sweetheart. His loss though." 
Stood up? Who in their right mind would stand a beautiful woman like her up? He'd give anything just for the slimmest chance of a date with her. Wait, is that pathetic?  
"Yeah, can't say I'm surprised. I was really only going on the date as a favor in the first damn place," She complains as she points to the drink, "This is fucking disgusting by the way." 
Shadow lets out a soft chuckle before retrieving the bottle and taking a hearty gulp, "Tell me about it. Just like life, huh? Disgusting but we still swallow it down." 
"You're not wrong but..." She drawls out slowly, swirling the liquid in the glass as she looks down at it contemplating, "We don't have to swallow it down. Why not spit it back in life's face?" 
A small smirk tugs at Shadow's lips as he watches Ren, his voice filled with amused admiration, "That's my princess. Spitting in the face of adversity. Now that sounds more fun than my brooding." 
"Mhm, but let's brood together for the night," She muses as she slumps back against the couch, "What's the movie about?" 
Shadow looks over at the scene playing on the screen, a couple locked in a passionate kiss under the rain. "Ah, some cheesy love story," He rolls his eyes dramatically but doesn't make any move to change it, "A guy is trying to win over this woman who can't be less interested in him. Ridiculous shit." 
 "What an idiot. You think he'd learn by now," Ren responds before taking another swig of her drink. 
Shadow can't help but bark out a sardonic laugh at her comment, "Yeah, what kind of dumbass wouldn't take the hint, right?" He swiftly steals his glass back from her and takes another gulp. The heat in his throat does nothing to ward off the chill creeping down his spine. 
She might as well have just punched him in the fucking face. It seems like she has no idea just how close that hit home for him. Goddamn ironic that they're watching this now of all times.  
"But his determination is sweet, I'll admit," She adds, her eyes glued to the television screen. 
Shadow's heart skips a beat at her words, "Is that so?" He asks, trying to hide the hope in his voice, "Well then... I guess idiots like him have some chance after all." 
Ren and Shadow continue drinking and watching rom-com's until they finally run out of whiskey. Admittedly, both of them probably should have quit drinking a while ago. 
"Damn, that bottle didn't last," She grumbles, her words slurred as she holds up the empty bottle, "Got any more?" 
He chuckles, sinking back into the couch as he looks over at her, "Sorry, princess. That was the last bottle." 
His mind was fuzzy and his thoughts were all jumbled but one thing remained clear, how intoxicatingly beautiful Ren looked to him right now. He felt completely sober when it came to noticing every small detail about her. 
"I think I've got a bottle of vodka at my place. I could run and grab it real quick," She comments as she moves to stand up, faltering slightly. 
Shadow hastily reaches out to steady her, his hand landing on her waist a little more firmly than he had intended, "Whoa there, doll. You can barely stand up straight," He thinks for a moment before shrugging, "A walk might do us some good though." 
Absolutely bad idea. But damn, he'd follow this woman to hell and back. 
"Yeah, yeah, a walk would be nice, but first..." She kicks off her heels, leaving her barefoot, "That's better. Okay, let's head next door." 
He can't help but chuckle at her antics as he stands up to follow her, swaying gingerly on his feet before catching himself, "Hold on a sec, princess," Shadow says as he moves to put an arm on her waist for support, unsure whether he was doing so for her or himself at this point. 
A laugh escapes her lips as they stumble out the door and into the hallway together, "God, we're both messes, aren't we?" 
"Absolute train wrecks, doll," Shadow agrees with a chuckle, tightening his grip on her waist. 
The warm feeling flowing through him had less to do with the alcohol and more about how close Ren was right now. She just felt... right in his arms. This was crazy to him. Absurd. But he wouldn't have it any other way. 
Once they reach Ren's apartment, she fumbles with her keys before eventually unlocking the door. She leads him into the kitchen where she pulls a half full bottle of vodka out of the freezer.  
Shadow looks around the apartment, a slight grimace settling on his face at the memory of how he'd once torn this place apart when she was his target. Though he'd visited her place a few times more recently, he always found himself feeling guilty. 
Shaking his head, he tries to dismiss these unwanted thoughts, opting to try and lighten the mood instead, "Ah, good ol' vodka. Makes everything better, doesn't it?" 
She pours two shot glasses full of the clear liquid, some of it overflowing and splashing out onto the counter before she hands him one, "Probably shouldn't be drinking this with all the whiskey we had but whatever, fuck it," She spouts out, using one of his own signature phrases. She holds the glass up in a toast, "To uhhh..." 
Shadow raises his drink to Ren's, a smirk on his face as he finishes her sentence, "To being reckless and absolute train wrecks." 
She chuckles at his toast as they both down the vodka without any hesitation, setting their glasses back down on the counter and prompting Shadow to refill them. This woman could easily be the end of him. But what a glorious end that would be. 
"You know..." Ren begins after a moment of silence, her words slurred, "I was surprised you didn't bring me flowers or something." 
Shadow blinks, taken aback by her words. He scratches his head awkwardly before mustering a reply, "Oh well... Didn't think you'd appreciate that kind of shit, princess," He tries to keep his voice steady despite the mix of emotions swirling inside him, mixing with the alcohol in his system. 
"You should've said so earlier," He adds, "I would have stolen an entire flower shop for ya." 
She chuckles, hopping up to sit on the edge of the counter, "Mhm," She drawls out slowly, "I like flowers and cheesy shit just as much as the next person." 
Upon hearing this, the dark-haired man's eyes widen a fraction before he quickly masks it with his usual smug expression. He shakes his head casually and laughs, "I'll keep that in mind for the future then... Flowers and cheesy shit." 
Ren's face is unusually soft as she giggles, her lipstick smeared on her face, "And I know you like cheesy shit too, even though you try to hide it," She points out with a drunken smirk as she swings her legs from where she sits. 
Shadow raises an eyebrow, trying to feign innocence, "I have no idea what you're talking about." 
He laughs, a warm and genuine sound that fills the room as he passes her a shot glass. She has him figured out pretty well. And he's not sure whether he should be worried or impressed. 
"You're a bad liar. I dunno how you were such a good mercenary but such a bad liar," She remarks while snorting out a laugh. 
Shadow shrugs nonchalantly, "I guess when it comes to you, Renny... All my skills fly out the window," His tone is teasing as raises his shot glass for a toast again. 
She clinks her glass against his before swallowing it in one swift gulp, "God... Disgusting," She complains before her gaze falls back on him, "You don't seem much different when drunk, you know?" 
After downing his own shot and placing the glass back on the counter, he laughs, "Well, that's disappointing, ain't it? You think I'd be more fun." 
His blurred vision meets hers for a moment, an uncharacteristic gentleness in his maroon eyes. God, she was beautiful. Even when complaining about him. 
"Mhm, very," Ren agrees with a chuckle while reaching out to ruffle his dark hair. 
He raises an eyebrow, chuckling lightly without making an attempt to pull away from her touch, "Hey now, doll, I just got it to look this good," He mutters with a mock pout on his face. 
She crosses her arms petulantly, mumbling, "But it looks good messy." 
He can't help but laugh, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Well, if princess says so..." He messes up his hair even more and grins proudly. 
"Hey Shadow," She begins, her tone more serious, "Can I ask you something kind of personal?" 
His confident smirk fades slightly as he looks at Ren, a glimmer of concern in his eyes, "You know you can ask me anything, princess. Fire away." 
"Do you ever..." Her words die in her throat, quietly asking, "Do you ever think about all of the time you lost?" 
Shadow feels a lump form in his throat at her abrupt question. A moment of uncomfortable silence hangs between them before a sigh escapes his lips, "All the time," He admits, his voice low and heavy with emotions he rarely let show. 
He looks away from Ren as if trying to hide the pain reflected in his maroon eyes. Of course he did? Who wouldn't? But admitting that out loud... Maybe it was a side effect of the alcohol but it struck him like a physical blow. 
She feels a wave of guilt wash over her when she takes note of his reaction, reaching out for him while stammering out, 'H-hey, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad." 
He shakes his head, forcing a weak smile onto his face, "It's alright, Renny. You have nothing to apologize for." 
The dark-haired man appreciates her concern but he doesn't want her feeling guilty over something that isn't her fault. He knows she didn't mean anything by it. But goddamn if it didn't hurt. 
"Hey, c'mere," She slurs as she motions with her hands for him to come closer. 
Shadow takes a step towards her, the liquid courage in his system making him a little too eager, "Alright, alright, I'm here," He stands between her legs, looking up at her with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. 
Ren abruptly embraces him, wrapping her arms around him while burying her face in the crook of his neck. She mutters out a muffled, "I'm sorry," Her breath hot against his skin. 
Freezing momentarily, he looks similar to a deer in the headlights from her sudden affectionate gesture. After a moment, he wraps his own arms around her, soothing her while tenderly stroking her back, "There's nothing to be sorry about, princess." 
She tightens her grip on him as if she was afraid he would slip away at any moment. Silence wraps around them before the hushed sound of her sniffling can be heard.  
Is she crying?? 
His heart clenches at the sound, "Hey, princess," He says comfortingly, trying to keep his voice calm despite feeling utterly panicked, "It's okay... Whatever you're upset about, we can figure it out together." 
He tries to be comforting but he has no idea how to handle a crying woman. This was certainly new territory for him. What did he say about following Ren to hell earlier? This is a whole new kind of torture. But damn if he won't be there for her. 
"It's just..." She utters out drunkenly through tears, "It's not fair what you went through." 
Shadow feels a strange warmth spread in his chest. No one has ever cried for him before.  
"It's... It's okay, doll," He comforts her, lightly patting her back, "I wouldn't have met you if I hadn't gone through that." 
Ren pulls back from the embrace, her arms loosely draped over his shoulders. Her mascara is running down her tear-stained cheeks as her grey eyes bore directly into his, "I just-" She doesn't finish her sentence, leaning in to drunkenly kiss him.  
Shadow is dumbstruck when Ren suddenly presses her lips against his. But any thoughts or objections he may have had are drowned out as he loses himself in her. She tastes of alcohol but that's not the reason he finds her lips so intoxicating.  
He kisses her back with an equal amount of intensity, hands restlessly wandering to hold onto her waist while keeping them pressed together. God, he had been waiting for this moment. But not like this. 
As much as he craves more of her mesmerizing taste, Shadow halts Ren before she can kiss him again. He can't do this. Not when they're both so drunk, "Ren," He starts while placing a hand in front of her lips, "You're drunk... We shouldn't..." 
Goddamn self-control, but he refuses to take advantage of a drunken Ren. 
"O-oh, I'm sorry," She looks away, avoiding his gaze intently and he's not sure whether her cheeks are flushed from the alcohol or the heat of the moment. 
Shadow quickly shakes his head, reaching out to cup her face gently, "No, no, don't apologize, princess. You've got nothing to be sorry for. Let's get you to bed, alright?" He offers her a reassuring smile before he slowly pulls away, already longing for their closeness again. 
She nods as she hops off of the counter, stumbling forward into his arms, clearly not in a state to walk on her own. With a faint grunt, he scoops Ren up in his arms, her body pleasantly warm against his chest. 
"Alright, Renny," He murmurs as he navigates through the apartment to her bedroom, "Let's get ya tucked in." 
She leans her head against his chest, her eyes shut tightly. Seeing this delicate, vulnerable side of Ren stirs a confusing mix of emotions within Shadow. It's disconcerting to see her like this but at the same time… He can't ignore how good it feels to hold her, though he wishes it was under better circumstances.  
Carefully, he sets her down on the bed and pulls up the covers over her. 
Before he can turn to leave, she reaches out to tug on the sleeve of his hoodie, "Shadow," His name tumbles from her lips softly, affectionately even. It's a stark contrast from the first time she had called him by that name all those years ago when they first met. 
"Could you... stay with me until I fall asleep?" 
Something in his heart gives way. There was no way he could refuse her anything. 
"Of course," He replies with a thoughtful grin, sitting himself on the edge of her bed, "I'm not going anywhere." 
Ren shifts to lay on her side, peering up at him as she speaks sincerely, "You mean a lot to me, Shadow. Don't forget that. I believe in you." 
Shadow swallows hard upon hearing the honesty in her tone. He reaches out to gently brush away a loose strand of hair from her face, speechless for a moment before managing to stammer out, "Thank you, princess. That means... more than you know." 
He gives her hand a delicate squeeze, the reassurance that he's here for her shining clear in his eyes. She believes in him? Nobody has ever said that before. He feels touched and overwhelmed by her heartfelt admission, an indescribable warmth enveloping him. 
When she finally drifts off, Shadow watches Ren's tranquil figure, her face softened by the peaceful oblivion of sleep. He gently traces his fingers along hers before he finally gets up from the bed. 
Shadow leaves a small care package of Tylenol and a bottle of water on her bedside table, hoping it'll ease whatever hangover awaits her in the morning. 
"Goodnight, killer," He whispers quietly, taking one last lingering gaze at her sleeping form before exiting her apartment silently. 
As he steps into his own abode next door, a bittersweet smile graces his lips as he mutters to himself, "What a night." 
Bennett, who had returned from his date a little while ago, turns from where he sits on the couch to face Shadow. He furrows his brow curiously, "Where were you at?" 
The dark-haired man scratches the back of his head, smirking impishly as he answers cryptically, "I was just... helping Ren." 
Bennett might be her brother but it's up to Ren whether she wants him to know about tonight or not. Besides, Bennett probably wouldn't even believe him if he told him. 
"Oh, but I thought she had a date. Did she get back early?" Bennett prods him. 
"Guess her date didn't go as planned," Shadow shrugs, deciding to leave it at that. 
The asshole that stood her up is lucky Shadow has no idea who they are. A strange sense of protectiveness and anger bubbles up within him but he also feels a weird sense of relief knowing he could spend the night with her instead. 
Feeling an odd bittersweet feeling in his stomach from the events of the evening, Shadows bids Bennett goodnight and heads to his room. As he eases himself on his bed, he lets out a heavy sigh. The taste of that one stolen kiss still lingers on his lips and the memory makes him yearn for more. 
He lays back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as a whirlwind of thoughts claw into him. Please remember... or maybe it’s better if she doesn't.  
Despite the mixture of concerns and uncertainties swirling in his mind, Shadow couldn't help but admit that tonight was amazing. He had managed to forget about everything else and just enjoy Ren's company, something he'd never thought would happen.  
What a fucking night. This was without a shadow of a doubt the best Valentine's Day he's ever had. 
0 notes
knowlessman · 1 year
bnha ep 10-13 I think. oh yeah, the big boss guy, that's what was up. handface. professor facepalm.
(watching OP) author really said "I am going to make a character that is the most hateable little shit. I'm gonna make sure nothing about either him or his design is likeable. gonna put him in a fucking diaper." -- stg the most mid anime op I have ever seen this many times
League of Villains? not Every Villain Is Lemons?
greninja to the rescue! …did you really have to save him tho? -- see, not having to listen to mineta in english is like, idk, a third of the battle
they want to kill him because he is batman, yes
oh, he didn't even teleport them far, just to random parts of the dome 'XD
the name does stick : ]
stop giving this guy lines, why does he have lines now
'XD it cuts to three of the villains in the water while Deku's talking and you have two normal-ass-looking people and a fucking Cenobite
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k thanks for sharing, worst character
oh stop being generous, froppy, you were always the only way anybody was gonna get off that boat and you know it
"episode 11: game over." well that's cheery. also I saw spy kids 3 recently, dang is that not a good movie but it isn't, like, not fun. they say "game over" so many fucking times tho, I did not remember that and was not prepared for it. fun guessing-game at the end tho where characters keep showing up to fight and only the ones that absolutely shouldn't be here get to have shots of them actually fighting. I wanna see danny trejo punch a giant robot goddammit. -- ahem. anyway. anime.
…so, todoroki. cool guy. how is a guy this cool in the same show as mineta, anyway?
'XD who is this silly goof? "audio girl used Aimed Kick! dumbass learned Volt Tackle!" -- jiro and kaminari. got it. also Quiet Metal Gear's quirk doesn't even benefit from her boobs being out, she literally just shat an entire rubber tarp out of her back, which was covered -- momo, right. also creators please just stop writing teenagers and then Doing This Shit, wtf
"when he overuses his quirk, his brain short-circuits" well that's a problem; he didn't look like he had much dumber to get
nooooo, not hat-n'-clogs D:
six-arm guy's secret ability: really good hugs
bakugo's learning to pretend he's got anything other than violence in his head when somebody calls him on it ("I'm gonna beat up that portal guy! not because he stood in front of me, but because if he's gone, the enemy can't escape"), and I guess that's character development?
he fuckin said the spy kids 3 thing. is that gonna be a thing here, too, have I been bamboozled
also yay for emergency exit makin his exit in an emergency, gotta love it
and now the other guy said it. maybe it's just this episode tho, they've said episode titles a few times
-- "'game over?' what are they planning?" to put sylvester stallone in a giant robot, by the sound of it
im sorry how long has this disaster dome had a bouncy castle in it
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walk faster dude you're gonna go poof any second
"we got a Continue" maybe facepalm is just all arcade lingo and that's his deal. maybe his villain origin is that he tilted a pinball table too hard
gotta be at least one or two heroes here who do illusions, right? could be all might isn't even here.
walks right past Thirteen "sorry, Aizawa"
Kirishima. got it. the guy who reminds me of a certain danganronpa character whose name I also forget is Kirishima
o_o dang, this one-punch villain reject goes harder than I expected -- oh nvm lol he's just a freaky-looking namekian
"the joker is the good guy actually" -- "he's already figured me out?" elle woods what, like it's hard?
aye, the shonen way. all the chips, right now, they'll either come back later or they won't but that's a problem for a future that won't exist if the present isn't saved. -- I thought he was gonna blast mojo piccolo to bits, but instead he just blasted off again
…oh damn, I got confused and thought this was ep 13. welp. was figuring on finishing the season this sitting, so here goes
every time this opening starts and it shows deku in the school uniform I think I'm looking at yu yu hakusho or mob psycho or something, and I've never even watched those
jiro asking a libertarian with a hostage why he doesn't have a job, like that's a good idea
not missing the fact that we're seeing a villain stimming btw : / -- "these casuals are wrecking me, all might OP, plz nerf!"
"it might be the case that I can't move right now, you warthog-faced buffoon" (geddit, might)
holy shit it's mccrassidy overwatch how in fuckaroo did they get the rights to him
there's that spy kids 3 nonsense again
probably ain't much more dangerous than a villain who learns from his defeats and doesn't take it out on his underlings. wassit called, the Evil Mastermind List? that.
CAT PERSON. …the bell is a little much tho
deku: literally exists bakugo: "and I took that personally"
ayup. next season next time. maybe with less of a break between, but fucked if I ever know when I'm gonna do what. : |
0 notes
strxwberrylemonxde · 3 years
Clothes Shopping w/ Their Girlfriend
Featuring: Deku, Bakugou, Todoroki, Kaminari, and Tamaki
Genre: Fluff
Warning: None
Word Count: 1.52k
A/N - Ahh, I haven't posted in a hot second but I'm back! School has been kicking my ass so I wanted to make something pretty short and simple. I hope you guys enjoy <3
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Deku is one of the best boyfriends to go shopping with
He will sit patiently outside the dressing room as you try on the new outfits you picked out and will tell you how amazing you look in all of them
He is the CEO of turning bright red whenever you would come out with something new, asking “What do you think?” because to him you are absolutely breathtaking in everything you wear
Oh goodness, but if you asked him to help zip up a dress or shirt he might just pass away
He would look anywhere else but at you while he’s helping you and will turn into a whole stuttering mess
If you can’t decide which outfit to buy, I wouldn’t suggest asking him because he will go on a whole rant about how all of them look so good on you and how you should get both
And if you don’t have the money for both he will whip out his wallet so fast 😭
Such a sweet boy
He will offer to carry your shopping bags for you, even if it's just one
Mans does not want to have you carry everything
If you are browsing in a section he will look around and help you pick out something you might like
“Baby look, this one might suit you!”
He might not know a lot about clothing but he’s had enough experience with his mom to know how to shop for women
Wait I can just imagine young Deku roaming around the mall with his mom and his tiny little hands are clutching her shirt 🥺
Askjs anyways, Deku is a helpful king and loves shopping with you
The look you give him whenever he helps you pick out something you like is one of the things he lives for
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Grumpy and slightly feral
He secretly likes shopping with you but he’s not about to tell you that
So you can only imagine his reaction to you when you ask if he wanted to go shopping with you for new clothes
Exhibit A:
“Tch why would I wanna do something stupid like that?”
“C’mon Katsu, I know you like shopping with me, I can see it in your eyes~”
He caves right after
He will start grumbling every time you drag him to a new store saying something along the lines of: “Can’t you just stick to one store??”
Out of all of them, I feel like Bakugou has the best taste in fashion
He knows what you look best in, what colors suit your skin tone, what style fits your body type and aesthetic, and what types of stores have the best quality
He’s like a fashion guru who hates his job 💀
“Baby, which color should I get?”
He will mumble under his breath “That one, it’ll look better with your eye and skin color” while shoving his hands in his pockets
Like Deku, he’ll carry your shopping backs but he won’t offer, he’ll just take them from you
If he sees someone eyeing you in the store he will make damn sure they know to back off, so he’ll subtly put his arm around your shoulder or help you pick out more outfits and shower you in compliments while doing so while also eyeing the person
His competitive side will show even when you guys are shopping 😭
He might be on the tsundere side of things, but I think he’d still make a great shopping partner
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Out of everyone here, Shoto has very little knowledge on how to shop
But that doesn’t mean he won’t try and help you out
You would ask him to go shopping with you and he wouldn’t be able to understand why you would need his assistance
But being the sweet boy he is, of course he’s going to come with you
He would absolutely follow you like a lost puppy
Like you would go into a section and he would be in awe of all the different styles they offer
I feel like at one point he’ll just find a place to sit and will just watch you look around
He’s never really shopped with his mother or Fuyumi before, so this is kind of a new experience for him
If you start picking and choosing outfits from the rack, he will politely ask to carry them for you so you could pick out more things
“Can I carry these for you? I don’t want you to drop anything.”
He absolutely adores everything you pick but he doesn’t know how to tell you that
When you come out of the dressing room and ask him what he thinks, he will give you the most monotone response
“It looks nice”
But trust me, he thinks you look stunning, he just doesn’t know how to express it
And before you even have the chance to take out your money to pay, he’s already putting in his father’s card
And before you could even protest and tell him that you could pay for your own things, he’s already holding the receipt and telling the cashier to have a nice day 💀
“Sho I could’ve paid for my own stuff”
“I know, but I like the little smile you make”
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This boy
Right here
Is a menace
You cannot bring him anywhere without getting kicked out
So whenever you begrudgingly ask him to come with you to the mall, he has the most childish grin on his face because he knows he’s about to start something 💀
If you needed new shoes, you better believe Denki is gonna be somewhere nearby trying on some stilettos just to see if he could walk in them
He tried on a pair of red high heels once with Sero and Mina and he got them all kicked out because he fell and knocked over a big pile of shoes
He genuinely does not understand why women would want to wear high heels
But he finds them astronomically entertaining
If you’re shopping for clothes, this boy will wander into the bra section and proceed to try them on right in the middle of the store
Like he will take them off the hanger and just slip it on over his shirt, but of course, he’s not gonna clasp it together because he doesn’t know how 😭
“Look babe!! Do you think this color compliments my skin tone??”
You and the store employee helping you: 😃🧍‍♂️
I would not trust Denki with my bags because he would end up getting distracted and place them down to go look at what caught his attention
In my mind, he has golden retriever energy, but oh boy, if you let him out of your sight for one second, you best believe he is going to disappear until he randomly shows up again with an ice cream cone, three shopping bags, and a random fake ear piercing from a cheap jewelry store
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Baby was so nervous when you asked him to the mall with you
Although I feel like he doesn’t really like malls that much, he’s another one that gives the best fashion advice
So when you ask him which color would suit you best, he’ll silently point to the one he thinks you’d look best in
He will stay as close to you as humanly possible in stores, especially when they’re crowded, so you wouldn’t have to worry about losing him
If a store employee were to come up and ask if you need any assistance, he will avoid all eye contact and hide behind you, even if he’s taller than you
Such a sweet boy 🥺
Like Todoroki, I feel like if you were to ask how something looked on you, he wouldn’t know how to communicate his feelings
He would probably turn bright red and look away, stammering a bit as he tries to tell you how beautiful you look
You know how to read him pretty well, so you’d kiss him on the cheek as a thank you and his face would just flush so hard
Despite his anxiety, I feel like Tamaki would sneak away while you were in the dressing room to buy you something
While you were browsing around, he found something small that caught his eye and wanted to buy it for you as a little gift
Swallowing his fears, he would go back out and look for the item and pay for it himself just for you 🥰
He would have a whole inner monologue with himself about it too as he’s walking up to the cash register
“Okay Tamaki, you can do this, remember what Mirio taught you. This is for her!”
It didn’t go as smoothly as he’d hoped, but he acquired the goods and was ready to see that bright smile of yours
Tamaki was willing to tackle his fears to see you happy
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unohanadaydreams · 3 years
As the name suggests, I'm always thirsty for the Big Guy 😉 I wonder how Kenpachi would react if Ikkaku found a piece of your lingerie in the barracks, but no one knew about your relationship?
The idea of Kenpachi being viewed as sus for fucking a 4th member fuels me so ofc. This got out of hand but I fully blame the energy IkkaYumi brings to anything ever and not myself. Thank you for understanding.
Features: smut (18+) at the mid-point, IkkaYumi being real <3 for the majority of it, and sub!Kenpachi (☆ω☆), also idk maybe some minor angst but like made Seggsy.
Kenpachi Zaraki x f!reader (and IkkaYumi...mostly them tbh.)
Ikkaku slapped the door open with loudest ‘OI’ he could muster. The paper of the door ripped somewhere along the way as it slid open, the wooden frame wobbling as he stepped into the room.
Despite the noise, Yumichika’s hand stayed steadfast as he finished smudging eye shadow on his outer lid. Another ‘OI’ sounded, but no hand shook him or foot kicked at him while Yumichika held a brush to his eye.
Glacial, he finished blending the color until he was satisfied--rinsed the brush--set it to dry. Through the mirror in front of him, Yumichika looked to Ikkaku’s reflection only after admiring his own.
The lacy scrap of undies in Ikkaku’s hand lifted Yumichika’s brow.
“I thought you hated when I wore those,” he said with a sniff, turning to get a better look.
Ikkaku rubbed at his bald head, “yah think that because I do.”
Yumichika gestured for the undies and Ikkaku threw them. “And yet?”
“Yet, I found ‘em anyway!” Ikkaku fell into a wide squat, his hands fisting into the fabric of his uniform over his knees. “In the captain’s office.”
They stared at one another, both settling deeper into their feelings.
“Ikkaku, you must be joking,” Yumichika said, holding the undies against his arm. “This color makes me look positively jaundiced.”
“You think captain gives a shit about color theory?”
Yumichika threw the lacy bit of bullshit at Ikkaku’s face. Smiling when they landed on his dumb, shiny head. “He won’t even let me do his hair, Ikkaku. Your delusion is exhausting me.”
“Yes, Ikkaku. Then, they’re not mine. And they’re someone else’s.”
Ikkaku pulled the undies from his head, squinting at them. “Huh.”
Rising with a flourish, Yumichika let the sleeves of his robe billow behind him as he went for the cabinet to rummage for sake. Possibly a new boyfriend.
He came back after a few gulps, offering Ikkaku the bottle only after giving him a sound kick to the head that sent the man flopping to the side.
“Hey!” Ikkaku steadied himself with one hand and rubbed where he’d been kicked with the other...undies still in hand. “Ya can’t blame me. No one else around here would wear that shit.”
Yumichika gave a flat look. Took another gulp of sake. Sighed heavily as he sank to Ikkaku’s level.
“Which means they belong to someone who would,” Yumichika offered along with the sake. “Someone from a different division.”
“Must be serious,” Ikkaku said, sake dribbling down his chin. “Never found anything in his office...ever.”
Yumichika kissed at the trail of sake and took the bottle back once he’d settled into Ikkaku’s lap. “That means whoever it is will be back. And now we know what to look for.”
Ikkaku grunted, shoving his tongue in Yumichika’s mouth before the man in his lap could swallow his sake, not pulling away until he’d swiped as much alcohol with his tongue as he could.
“That shit ain’t good enough for you, anyway.”
“I know,” Yumichika said softly, tone at odds with him rising to stand, heading for the door.
“O--” A raised hand stalled Ikkaku from pointing to his tightened hamaka.
“Fix my door first, dumbass.”
Ikkaku lowered from his tip-toes, a man afflicted. “No way.”
“I told you,” Yumichika said in a hiss. “Not just from 4th division, but a pencil pusher.”
You looked like the kind who’d scramble to bring an 11th division soldier any impossible request they bullied you for. The quintessential mouse every self-respecting soldier was inclined to paw at.
“Don’t look so fucking smug, Yumi,” Ikkaku grumbled, peeling off the wall and pulling Yumichika back towards the training grounds by the back of the puffed-up peacock’s uniform, right at the lower back. Yumichika had just gotten his fifth pay-back punch in when they hit the gate that separated captain’s estate from training ground.
Theirs might have been the only captain so enamored with battle that he’d moved his quarters as close as the captain general would allow. If it weren’t for the bullshit ‘housing codes and regulations’, Ikkaku was sure the house would’ve been on top of the large rectangle of packed dirt that served as the largest training ground in the entire division. 
Once they’d hopped the low wall, more meant to keep Zaraki’s house away from the grounds than to keep his underlings on the grounds away from him, Yumichika fell on the nearest bench to fix his uniform.
“Well now what?” Ikkaku rubbed at his side, knowing he was going to need to stretch soon or the tight knot Yumichika had punched into his side or even a night drowned in sake wouldn’t numb it when he collapsed in his futon.
Yumichika didn’t look up from retying his stiff, decorative obi but his face softened, “Now that we’ve been successfully nosy? I was thinking that new, chic sushi bar near the 1st. The one where all the wait-staff look just as yummy.”
“No I, mean--yeah, we’re definitely going,” Ikkaku said, his previous thought tripping over the vision of pretty smiles from androgynous beauties. “But, what do we do about the captain?”
“Well, I’m not going to say anything, but I also have tact. And grace,” Yumichika shrugged, fluffing the bow of obi.
Ikkaku kicked dirt and tensed forward at the shoulders, like he planned to lunge and attack. “I ain’t no fucking snitch and you know it. Don’tcha?”
Sliding forward, Yumichika massaged at Ikkaku’s tense shoulders, rolling his eyes. “I wasn’t saying you would. Just that you’re tactless. And might on accident--which makes you an idiot, not a snitch.”
“Damn right,” Ikkaku grunted, anything but Yumichika’s agreement sliding off his bald head like water. “Wouldn’t snitch for anything. But what if someone else finds out? Like a captain or something. We can’t kill one of them and--”
“Oh, stop worrying about it,” Yumichika said, interrupting and pulling at Ikkaku’s arm--he was hungry, both for refined food and beauties. “No one who wants to live will chance Kenpachi asking for a fight. Or that Captain Unohana; she seems vicious in a way more of our men should be. Such grace.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right,” Ikkaku nodded, letting himself be dragged off for sushi, sake, and sublime wait-staff. Still, there was morale to think about. No hardened warrior of the rukongai wanted to hear their fearless leader had a weakness for...the weak.
There had to be something more to it but Ikkaku wasn’t going to dig more into his captain’s business. He was more than happy to put the shovel down and follow Yumichika, even as the truth sat uncomfortably at the base of his skull.
You were weak in all the ways shinigami measured such things--swordsmanship, spiritual pressure, and kido were subjects you studied more than you practiced, let alone pulled off. But you had enough power to pass school and be sorted into the 4th division ranks, where you excelled.
An aptitude for medical procedure, surgery, and technology was what garnered you not just safety, but respect among your peers.
As for the other divisions? Well, you had some friends in 12th who fully understood your position.
Kenpachi Zaraki? Certainly wasn’t someone who could relate to you.
But, that was fine.
You preferred your men muzzled, anyway.
“Too bad, Cap--tain,” you breathed, stretching his title with your tongue playfully. “I was hoping they’d find out everything.”
Pulling yourself up, one fist over the other, by the leather leash tied taunt around Kenpachi’s neck, you delighted in seeing the muscles there strain to accommodate your weight and the need for breath at the same time.
You pressed your lips against his ear after admiring the rough line of his mouth being forcibly split open by a ball gang, pretty, pink, and yours. “Can’t you go faster?”
His answering grunt was followed by his body pressing into yours quick enough turn your teasing into moans. That’s what you liked most about Kenpachi; he was always striving to be better and exceeding expectation.
it would be effortless for him to put his hands on you without permission or rip out the ball gag, but he didn’t. Even when you met in a grimy bar close to the 11th, too drunk to realize who’s thigh you were toying with, his attention to what you wanted was surprising.
You panted, toes curling as he hit that lovely spot only he ever had, “H-hands on hips.”
So eager, he kneaded from the tops of your thighs to your hips like dough, obviously glad to be rewarded. You were eager too--for the angle. Your hips tilted upward gave him more depth and your fingers tightened on his leash.
There was no need to command for more, because he was giving you his all. And he kept going until your scattered breathing paired with the tight heat he was pounding into you snapped all at once, so intense that your eyes watered.
While you basked in the trembling after shocks, catching your breath, Kenpachi went still.
Until you said, “Sit on floor.”
The bed creaked and rose as he left it, leaving you to collect yourself in peace. When you rose to sit, he was kneeling on the floor, his cock hard and bobbing above his thighs.
You walked to him slow, nails scratching through his rough, black hair as you circled behind him. “Such good work,” you praised, “Just like always.”
Trailing down to the buckle, your fingers made quick of his ball gag, parting it from his teeth gently, and tossing it on the bed.
“What do you want me to reward you with, Kenpachi?” You asked him, only once you’d come to face him, your hand urging his jaw up, his eyes on yours.
“To get off,” he said, shameless.
You hummed, “then do it.”
Frowning, Kenpachi leaned his face into your touch. “I want you to.....please.”
The word ‘please’ was said slow, his eyes leaving yours several times before he said it. You wondered how many people Kenpachi Zaraki had ever asked, for anything. Let alone, with manners.
You kissed his nose, finding the almost demure behavior cute, “Then I will. Lay down.”
He did, his arms behind his head, like he napping under a tree instead of waiting for your hands to give his weeping cock relief.
You took your time, teasing him with sensation by spitting into your hand and giving him light rubs, again and again until his hips lifted off the ground.
The lacy bit of pink undies that stretched tight over his thighs, were yours too. And you peeled them off, throwing them toward the ball gag as his breathing grew heavy in the air.
Perhaps you deserved less teasing, but you couldn’t resist dragging out the fun a touch more, one hand fondling his tightening balls while the other scratched lightly at his inner thighs.
His breathing was catching on groans and audible ‘ah’s that had you biting your lip. Thigh’s clenching, you finally began circling the tip of his cock. Soon, you were giving him his first pump, slick hand trailing his length from tip to base in smooth, steady motions.
Straddling his thighs, you took advantage of the position and put both your hands to work, gripping him harder but keeping the same pace.
“Look how hard you are,” you cooed, hands pausing as your thumb circled the slit topping the bulbous head of his cock. “Do you want to cum for me?”
His, “yes,” was immediately pushed from his heaving chest. You hummed, so tempted to climb on top of him fully. But, that would be a kind of weakness you didn’t allow yourself.
Kenpachi’s lone eye struggled to stay open as you lowered your lips to kiss the tip of him. You rose back up and licked them as he watched, his pre-cum salty as it settled on your tongue.
You couldn’t call him unraveling under your firm, fast touch seeing him at his weakest. But, you were certain it was a kind of vulnerable he seldom experienced. Even his arms had come from behind his head, his fingers flexing around air while he struggled to keep them away from you. His hips began bucking with such strength that you were forced to tighten your thighs around his to keep your place.
Desperate, is what he was. For you to give him what he worked for.
And, you did.
His cock pulsed as you wrung his orgasm out, thick ropes of cum falling over his sweaty stomach and dripping down your hands. His moan was loud, deep, and reverberated through out the room like a cry of victory.
You kept stroking him until he was completely spent, until he made a sound almost like a whine.
“I need--”
He sat up, setting you on the floor before padding to the bathroom, and coming back with a damp cloth. “Here.”
“Thank you,” you said, keeping your eyes on your hands as you willed yourself to calm down. His orgasm had made you want him again, badly. But you had things to do. He had things to do.
What you had with Kenpachi was strange and tenuous. And your smug confidence drained a bit as you cleaned yourself and him, until you were almost unsure.
What now? You’d never even seen his house before this. Always in more public places, where you parted almost immediately after playing with him.
“You want these back,” he asked, lifting the ball gag and undies in one hand while pulling back the blankets on the bed with the other. The leash was already on the bedside table, his neck angrily red still.
If you took them, you wondered if it was all over. “No, you should. They’re easy enough to clean.”
“...You sure?”
You nodded, not so attached to a couple cheap props that you’d be wounded if something happened to them. “They’re all yours.”
Shrugging after a moment of silence, he gestured with his head to the bed, “unless you wanna take a shower first.”
“I’m fine for now,” you responded, climbing under the blanket, more confused than obedient. “Are you tired?”
“Enough to sleep.”
The bed dipped from his bulk, forcing you closer. He tossed an arm around you, so you could get comfortable against his side. You lay your head on his chest, eyes still open, listening to him breathe.
At first, you’d thought maybe it was all a joke. That Kenpachi Zaraki was trying to trap you into....something, like those men who feigned nice before using all their muscle to force you to bend as they wanted. To teach you a lesson for trying to dominate him.
You didn’t delude yourself into thinking you had real, tangible power of him or any man you’d toyed with, after all. Just something momentary, like a brief understanding.
But you felt less cautious as your eyes drooped shut and your thoughts circled around his intentions. He always approached you and asked, vague and gruff, ‘here good?’ And you’d find a closet or office or twisty alley that would do.
This time, you asked him. And he took you to his bedroom, compliant as ever, waiting for you to sprinkle nice words in his ear, for you to give him pleasure for being his best.
Drifting off to the rise and fall of his chest, you wondered if things like that meant so much to him.
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Welcome, Father...
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"Tell us, demon scum." The male agent grabbed the light from the female agent, shoving it in his face, "Who do you work for? Satan?"
"How did you get to our world from the afterlife?"
"Why are youse killing humans?"
"When did you show up here?"
The damned agents finally stoped passing the lights about, giving him a moment to adjust to the situation.
"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there, bitch." He snapped at the humans, "First of all, we just woke up from a very nasty shock and I'm still feeling fuckin' woozy, so I'm gonna request you fetch us some coffee before we get into this. I mean, everyone gets coffees in shitty movies with scenes like this, am I right? I want something iced, bitch." Looking over his shoulder, he asked his employee, "Mox?"
Raising his nose, Moxxie began, "I'll have a Neopolitan cappuccino, more cappu than cino, make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk, the beans won't have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup they always put "Foxy" or "Roxy", I hate that."
"If you can't handle that, I'll have a Venti traditional Misto. Please use soy milk with two blond shots Affogato and Ristretto. I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom. Then, add the coffee after, then-"
"Enough!" The male agent snapped, "We aren't getting youse coffee!"
"Wow, I was getting massive douche chills just there, Mox." He told him proudly, "Congrats!"
"If we have to, we are willing to resort to torture methods to get answers out of you nasty hell beasts!" The female agent failed to sound threatening.
"When you say "tortured", do you mean physical or psychological?" Moxxie asked in his typical know-it-all tone, "Physical seems counterproductive; we would likely tell you anything if it meant an end to the pain, and you have no way of knowing what was true." He spouted at the humans.
"Or we might like it too much." He but in, "And then you got a whole new thing to deal with."
The male agent leaned down, raising a bore "What do you mean by that?"
"Oh, you're stupid, huh? I can work with stupid. Daddy Likey Dummy!" Blitzø taunted the agent.
"Good one sir, Daddy likey-" Moxxie sputtered, squirming in his chair.
"You better stop laughin' at us." The female agent threatened.
"Yeah! You're the ones at our mercy!" The male agent yelled at him, grabbing his collar
"It's hard to resist, I'm really sorry. I mean, considering your approach thus far, you've had us tied up here for what, hours?" Mox cut in, "And you haven’t even had us confirm what exactly we are!" Moxxie mocked the agents like the nerd he was.
"What are you?" The female agent asked, a curious tone coming to the females voice.
"I'm a Virgo." Moxxie told her, smugness dripping from his voice.
Both Imps burst into laughter, the agents only getting more frustrated.
Just as the male agent was gonna snap at them, the door to the room suddenly swung open.
An unnatural amount 9f light poured into the room, blinding them all for a brief moment. Once there eyes adjust, they found a silhouette standing in the doorway.
They were dressed in black, looking up a distinct shine came from his eyes, the figure wearing glasses.
Walking into the room, the figure spoke, "The question isn't what they are? The question is why there here?" He spoke cryptically.
Stepping closer the male agent came to meet the stranger halfway, "Who da Hell ah' you and how'd you get in here?" The male agent demanded.
Raising his gaze the stranger wore a smile.
The agent noticeably reacted. Stumbling back "F-f-f-father Cain... W-what are you's doin here?" He sputtered.
This 'father' just smile at him, "My associates informed me you acquired two new specimens." He looked at him, "I've come to process them." He spoke menacingly.
Father cain looked over the agents shoulder, gazing at him and Moxxie. "Excellent job My child. I always knew my faith was well placed." The father told the agent, patting his shoulder.
The agent seemed taken aback, "Th-thank you Sir." He spoke, a lone tear sliding down his cheek.
"Father Cain?" The female agent asked, walking up to 'father' Cain. "Last I heard you were down at some beach on Spring break."
Smiling at the pair, father cain raised a finger, "Ive no time for such hedonistic pleasures. Not while the Lords work is to be done" He said happily.
"Now" He began cheerfully "I need a table if I am to do my work." He spoke firmly, raising a medium sized doctors bag, that seemed to appear from nowhere.
The male agent snapped to attention, quickly running about before rushing into the back room.
Walking forwards, Father Cain removed his glasses, staring down at him. "My, my, my, they certainly did a good job. Quite a pair of specimens you have here." He spoke to himself.
Raising a brow, Blitzø wore a little grin. "Oh yeah? You should see my junk, now thats a specimen." He spoke in his usual cocky tone.
'Father' Cain just smiled, slowly walking around to Moxxie inspecting him as well. "And unharmed, very impressive." The 'Father' told the female agent.
A moment later, the male agent returned, awkwardly dragging in a large wooden table. Dropping it down, he gave a few deep puffs, "There ya go 'Fatha', will this do?"
'Father' Cain smiled told him, gratefully telling him "That will do perfectly, thank you my child."
Walking over, the 'Father' placed his bag down before opening it and pulling out a myriad of odd and strange objects.
There was a series of shiny items and tools. Although a small wooden case caught his attention, the Imp couldn't help but think it didn't belong.
"Hey, uh, you guys seem pretty chummy and we'd hate to be a third wheel, so we'd be happy to leave you to it." He cut in smugly, hoping to get a rise from one of them.
And that he did, the male agent trying to snap at him, only to be tempered by this 'Father' Cain
Calming down, the male agent asked, "What did you mean, when you came in Sit. That it's not "What they are, it's why there here?'"
Smiling, Father Cain patted his shoulder, "I'm glad you caught that, I always knew you were sharp."
He smoke warmly, "I said that because, simply put. I know what they are. They are Imps." He said it simply.
That actually surprised him, even Moxxie reacted, releasing the slightest gasp.
Looking over the father just had a eerie smile, clearly happy with there reaction.
Both agents looked confused, "Imps?" They asked each other.
The father released a deep sigh, "Yes, Imps. Imps are the very lowest of the low in hell, as well as the lowest of the Hellbornes, or Hellspawn, I can never seem to remember which is the proper term."
Walking over, Father Cain placed a finger under his chin, raising his head to meet his gaze. "Your responsible for the death of a two hundred and sixty three humans." He told him coldly.
"Yeah, but I wanna know is why?" The female agent asked, "If they were just killing humans for shits and giggles, why not just kill wherever and whenever?" She asked.
Nodding his head, "Because..." Father Cain stood up, "They do serve a higher demon, but not Satan."
Standing up, the 'Father' walked to his bag, pulling a yellow folder out. "They've killed hundreds, and the only thing that connects them...? Death."
There was another pause, before he spoke again, "But not there deaths. Each person they've killed has had someone directly related to there lives die in the past decade."
Walking over to the Imps, the 'Father' showed them a series of pictures. Blitzø recognised them... they were targets they'd killed.
"There not killing them for a demon lord, there killing them for other human souls. I imagine with a the ability to travel to the human world, you've turned revenge into a buisness." He said simply, tossing the pictures to the side.
Crouching down, the 'Father' stared at him coldly before asking "Who's book did you use to get here, Demon?"
Blitzø stared back at him, the Imp doing his best to keep calm. But he could tell this human was clearly more dangerous than the other two idiot 'demon hunters'.
Standing up, 'Father' Cain told the other agents coldly, "Leave us. Remove any cameras. I dont want any sort of witness."
"What?" The female agent asked aghast, "We caught these 'Imps' there our score and we'll be interrogating them." She snapped at the 'Father', only for the the father to calmly stare at her.
Before he could speak, the male agent grabbed her by the wrist, dragging her out of the room he spoke hastily "P-please forgive her, Sir. She doesn't fully understand the importance of your work."
The female agent put a fight, but was quickly pulled out of the room, slamming it behind him.
Now with just the three of them, 'Father' Cain removed his glasses before placing them on the table.
Stretching his neck, he removed the white collar piece at the front of his shirt, placing it in his coat pocket.
"Now" he began coldly "shall we begin the fun?"
Turning around, Blitzø decided now was a good time to speak up. "Fun, aye? What kinda fun we talkin. Shots, blow, maybe a good old fashioned threesome?" He asked, hoping to get under this 'Father' Cain's skin.
He was surprised, however, when the 'Father' just laughed, glancing over his shoulder at him.
"Your tricks won't work on me demon. I'm used to your tricks by now." He spoke happily, grabbing a small gun like object. Placing that down, he inspected a series of bottles.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Blitzø spoke up. "You clearly know more us then those dumbass agent dickwads did, so... what's your game?" He asked, trying to be serious.
The human stopped for a moment, looking over his shoulder, he spoke up, "I know much about you. For instance, your the other Imps boss, hence he calls you Sir." He spoke coyly, still inspecting the myriad of items he'd brought.
"I also know you've killed people on three different continants, although I wonder how many you came up to kill specifically and how many were collateral." He spoke again.
Turning around he held a small bottle, walking forwards he leaned over Blitzø "I also know you can only get to the living world if your a succubus, a demon lord, or... you have a Grimoire."
Blitzø chuckled, "What is that some kinda fish?" He asked, trying to play dumb.
The 'Father' chuckled, shaking his head, "Besides how do you know I'm not a succubus, I can hold my own in the sack." He spoke smugly.
The 'Father' stared at him, an eerie smile crossing his lips.
"You want to know how i know what you are?" He asked coldly, cold eyes sending a shiver down his spine and not in the good way.
Before he could ask what I was, the father reach forwards, ripping a hole in his pants leg. "What the fuck?!" He yelled at him, "These are my good pants!"
Not minding him, the 'Father' removed a second bottle. "This" He showed him a small blue bottle, "Is poisen to Succubus." He said simply, opening the bottle and revealing an eye dropper, dropping two little droplets on his leg.
Nothing happened, the cool liquid sliding down and observing into his pant leg. Putting the bottle away He showed the original brown bottle, "This... is for Imps." He said simply.
Opening the bottle, it revealed another eye drop, holding it over his thigh, he dropped a single drop on his leg.
This time his whole body reacted, he pulled against his bindings as he released a blood curdling screech.
It felt like someone was jamming a molten hot poker into his thigh. It went on for minutes, the Imp whining in pain. "What the fuck do you want you sick fuck?!" Blitzø yelled at him.
A small smile crossed the 'Father's' lips before he stood up and told him "I want to show you something."
Walking over to the table, he grabbed that wooden case before bringing it over to the Imps.
Crouching down besides the both of them, he told the both of them "These are my most prized possessions." He spoke warmly, running his hand across the wooden case.
"What'cha got there? Ya dildo collection?" He tried to sound smug, though the Imp was still writhing in pain.
He heard moxxie tried to laugh, but it died in his throat, the smaller Imp still terrified by his boss's earlier reaction.
Opening the case, he revealed several colourful arrow heads, each one varying in size, shape and colour.
It took a long time, the imp looking over the arrow heads before he realised, 'Those aren't arrow heads... there demon tails.'
"Fuck..." Blitzø gasped, he heard Moxxie sputter out a similar cuss, just as scared behind him.
The 'Father' on the other hand, seemed quite proud, gently trailing his fingers across the tail heads.
"These are my life's work" He spoke calmly, "I've dedicated my life to hunting demons like you." He trailed his fingers across the tails, "Most of these are from Succubus. They can come and go from my world to yours the easiest, so most of the demons we find are Succubus."
He pointed to two crimson tail tips, "But these two... these two are special."
Leaning in, he spoke gently "These two... are from Imps." The revelation seemed to bring bile into the back of Blitzøs throat.
"Jesus..." moxxie said shakily, turning his head and throwing up.
Blitzø took a deep breath, doing his best not to throw up. Looking back at the human he found him holding up a tail head.
"This one" he told him, twirling it between his fingers, "I got at a little beach city. The city getting my attention after a giant demonic fish had popped up. Sound familiar." He asked with a smirk.
"Unfortunately most of them had used there demonic charm to escaped the police before I arrived... key word being, 'most'." He told him, turning his attention back on the tail head.
"I got this one from a succubus. She hid herself as a chubby little black woman. She played dumb, just like you, and much like you she was cocky and ignorant." Placing the tail tip into the container, he said coldly, "But now..."
He left the question open, clearly trying get in there heads. The problem being... it was working.
Standing up the human didn't speak for several long moments, before he placed the case on Blitzøs lap, gently telling him "Hold this"
Blitzø's whole body froze up, a deep sickness growing in his stomach as he felt the cool wooden case on his lap.
The human walked over to the mirror Blitzø only just noticed. The human stared at it for a long moment, the silence in the room becoming palpable.
Until the silence was dashed when the 'Father' smashed his arm through the mirror, before throwing his body back smashing the male agent through the mirror and slamming him into the wall.
Looking at his slumped form, 'Father Cain turned back to the now broken mirror, finding the terrified female agent standing there.
Releasing a deep sigh, the 'father' began climbing in through the now broken double sided mirror.
"It was your doing, wasn't it?" He asked, "I said I needed no witnesses, but you always did hold him back. What a waste of potential." The 'Father' told her, before grabbing her and dragging her through the window.
Bringing her to her knees, he grasped the sides of her head.
The woman desperately clawing at his arms. The female agent releasing a desperate cry for mercy as he began crushing her head.
Blood began trailing from her eyes and nose, crying out until her head splattered between his hands, sending a splatter of bone and brain matter across his face.
Dropping her now destroyed head, he realised it, the now sludge like head hit the ground with a wet splat.
Before the 'Father' flicked his hands, looked back at the Imps, "What the fuck are you?!" Blitzø yelled at him.
The human only smiled, walking over, he gently grabbed the wooden case before walking back over and placing it on the table.
Walking over to the now collapsed male agent, he placed his foot on the side of his head. "I... am alpha and Omega." He said coldly, staring him right in the eyes before crushing the other agents head beneath his foot.
Walking back to the table, he grabbed a red cloth, wiping his face before placing on his glasses he turned to the two Imps.
"Oh Satan... Oh, Satan please, please help me" Moxxie begged, clearly losing his shit. "Please just let me see Millie one last time, I don't want to die."
Before Blitzø could snap at his limp dick employee for showing weakness, the roof began to rumble, bit suddenly gave way, Millie falling through carrying a battle axe.
"MILLIE!!!" Moxxie practically cried, tears of joy beading in his eyes.
"MOX!" Millie cried back, rushing over and getting them out of ther bindings.
Just after that Loona broke through the door, Blitzø taking a moment to tell her how proud he was to see her in the field.
Now all free and together they turned to the 'Father', finding him still very much cool and collected, the sight sending a bone chilling shiver down his spine.
"Just in time" The human spoke, seemingly happy at the outcome "Its so good to see a family reunited."
"Now I imagine one of you have my Grimoire?" He asked inspecting his fingers. "Give it to me and I'll let you leave."
Now it was Blitzøs turn to chuckle, "Nah, I don't think so." He spoke cockily, reaching into his emergency pack for a gun.
The 'Father' just chuckled again, standing up straight he snapped his finger. And like it were choreographed, dozens of suit wearing humans burst into the room.
"Gentlemen!" He addressed them "These demonic scum have killed your commanders. And they shall do it again and again and again, until you send them back to hell." He told them, stepping into the back room.
The fight after that was one of the best Blitzø had ever had, although it would have been even better if he didn't have this injured leg.
Regardless, the whole thing was so bad ass and everyone was working together so well. He even got to see his Loony kick some ass.
Firing a missle, from his over sized launcher, he cleared what was left of the agents.
He'd though that was it, there weren't anybody left to stop them.
He was wrong.
The lights to switch to red, an alarm start blaring through the facility.
They all made for the door, only for a series of doors to slam in there face, locking them in the room.
His Loony tried desperately to read the book, but couldn't see anything in the crimson light that filled the room
It was then he heard a slow clapping, all of them turning to find the 'Father' giving them a condescending clap.
"Well done, Hellspawn, Well done. You've killed all the witnesses, depleted your ammunition and now I know you can't read the Grimoire in crimson light. Well done."
Standing before them, even outnumbered and unharmed, the 'Father' seemed to hold total control of the situation.
Before he could think of something any, all the air seemed to such out of the room, demonic whispers filling the room like shadows.
"You dare threaten my Impish little plaything~" the whispers spoke.
He knew this voice, but like his friends and family, he chose not to speak, too caught up in the moment.
Screens flew off the wall, avian footprints trailed across the floor. The bodies of the dead agents rose to there feet, eyes black as they began the intricate process of drawing some demonic symbol from there own blood.
Stepping back the 'Fther' looked about, before smiling, "Finally" He whispered, pulling out a flask and began chugging it.
Shadows seemed to slither like a million black snakes crawled across the floor, disappearing at the 'Fathers' feet.
There was a long pause before the human bent over and violently projectile vomited, throwing up what seemed like gallons of black liquid from his mouth.
The vomiting stopped, the human standing back up.
The back liquid slowly pulled itself to gathering, slowly morphing into a figure.
The black tar slowly formed into feathers, limbs and fingers, a set of crimson eyes appearing in the black goo.
The figure appeared to be Stolas. But this was not the elegant demon lord of hell.
This being was a wretched, wounded animal, covered in filth.
The 'Father' just wiped his mouth, that cold gaze returning to his eyes. Stepping forwards he grabbed Stolas by the filthy collar, staring him down.
The owl demon was a sputtering mess, coughing up black liquids as he tried to breathproperly.
The owl looked up at him.
And for the very first time in wjat was likely a millennia of existence, Stolas looked Terrified.
Not scared.
Grabbing at the arms of the human, the Prince of Hell sputtered out, "W-what are you?"
The human stopped, looking down at the owl, leaning down and whispered, "I am the beginning... and i am the end..."
The owl just stared up at him in horror, the humans hand coming to wrap around his throat, the demon feebly attempting to break free from his grasp.
There was a long moment where the only sound in the room was the prince's pitiful wheezing, frail little cries coming from the owl as the life was squeezed out of him.
The sounds were seemingly corked by a wet smack ringing out.
Blitzø had taken one of the agents weapons, a large knife and had impaled the 'Human' through the lower stomach.
There was a long moment of silence, before the 'human' slowly turned to look at him with that same cold gaze.
Without releasing Stolas, he pulled his arm back and smacked Blitzø, sending him sliding back to his friends.
Reaching down, he grabbed the knife, yanking it out of his back without hesitation.
Nothing came from his wound, and when pulling the knife out, no blood stained it's blade.
With knife in hand, he released the owl, letting his pathetic form hit the ground, the owl desperately gasping for breath.
Leaning down, you grasped Stolas' wrist, the owl releasing a pathetic little gasp of pain, followed by a frail little whimper as the 'Human' slid the blade across his wrist.
But what came next left them all shocked.
Bringing his wrist to his mouth, he pressed his mouth down before greedily suckling the foul blood straight from his veins.
He drank down the demons fowl blood, not making a sound cept the muscles of his throat contracting to push the fowl liquid down his throat.
The demons black blood flowed down his throat. Every demon in the room just watched, to shocked to think and to fearful to do anything as you had your way with the Prince.
After a few minutes of the 'Father' drinking the demons blood, he finally released the demons wrist. The owl quickly clutching his wrist to his chest as he desperately clawing to get away from the 'human'.
The 'Father' stood there, panting as a demons black blood stained his lips.
When he finally opened his eyes, they held a Unholy glint to them.
Wiping his lips he walked forwards, calmly packing what few items had survived the fighting into his bag before Putting on his glasses and placing the small white band into his shirt collar.
Walking past the now cowering demon Prince, he leaned over and pressed one of the buttons on the dashboard, instantly the lights returned to normal.
Stepping before the group they awaited some sort of attack, or threat, what they got instead was a single phrase "Excuse me."
He said it so simply, each hellborne took a moment to make sure they'd heard correctly.
Each of them just stared for a moment before Millie spoke up, "What?"
The human raised a brow, lowering his glasses he asked again, this time his voice cold, threateningly cold, "Excuse me."
The demons awkwardly stepped to the side, giving him a clear path to walk.
Walking past them he gave them a slight nod, "Thank you."
The demons were all in shock, silently watching the 'human' walk away from them.
"That's it?" Blitzø asked before he could stop himself, quickly slamming his hands to his mouth.
The 'Father' stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder, he smiled, "Kill you later." He told them playfully, lowering his glasses and giving them a wink.
He walked away, the eerie sound of his shoes on cold tile floors permanently burned into there memory.
Hey Hey, I hope you enjoyed. I really wanted to try something a bit different. I had the idea for this in my head since episode 6 came out and I just really like the idea of an unknown entity showing up with either motive or intentions clear to anyone.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, I really wanna start writing more of my own original ideas, so expect more content in the future. Bye Bye.
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bestruction · 3 years
Making out with with them
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- Armin Arlert
He was really shy at the beginning of the relationship. You weren't his first girl, but he doesn't learn too much about how to touch another person because 1. He was too scared to initiate anything. He was always thinking things like "what if she doesn't like?", "what if she doesn't want to?", "what if I being too desperate?" , "what if I end up offending her?"
• The truth is that he's just insecure about what to do
• The first time you two got alone in his shared apartment with his best friend it was cute
• And then the second was cute
• And the third
• You didn't want to force yourself on him eighter, but you were starting to feel like he didn't want to touch you as much you wanted to do the same with him
• And how to resolve this situation? Conversation. Did I heard amen?
• This time, he came to your house, and when he heard you said "We need to talk, Armin" he thought it was the end of you two 😂
• So when you open your mouth to say "Are you not into...you know...physical contact? It's okay if you're not. I just want to know" he was relieved.
• He tells you about everything he kept in his mind and now it's your time to feel relieved
• It'd be okay if he didn't like it, but you really wanna feel the blond boy in front of you
• You two talked about what each one likes and where to put the hands and Armin makes mental notes about EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE OF YOURS
• When the conversation it's over you simply say to him
"Do you wanna test now?"
"Yeah, practice it's the most important part of learning"
• You sit with him on the sofa and it doesn't take too long for Armin to cup your face with his hands. He brings your face to him and kisses you softly.
• Almost like he's afraid to break you
• His lips are sweet and tastes like coffee probably because he drinks it too much. Let me tell you something: Even if you hate coffee with all your heart, soul, and rationality you'll enjoy Armin's lips
• The way his tongue dances inside your month keeps you too busy  to think of anything other than him
• His hands go up and down on your arms, showing you that he's there, anxious to touch you more
• And as I said before, so do you
• When he sees how receptive you are to him his confidence will grow up more and because of that he's gonna put one of his hand on your chin and the other on your waist
• He doesn't know how seductive he can be, how much seeing him so willing to give and receive pleasure makes you squeeze your thighs
• Kiss Armin is charming
• It's like it makes you hungry for him and his touch
• And motivated by that you lean your body towards his, making him lie on the sofa
• He squeezes your thighs around his waist and breaks the kiss leaving you ❓❔
"Are we not going too fast?"
"Do you wanna stop? It's ok-"
"No, it's not me. I mean, are you okay with this?" He says squeezing your thighs again
• You smile thinking about how sweet he is and kiss him again
"What do you think?"
• He blushes! Not hard, but you're melting again for him
• With time he'll learn your sweet spots and you how just a kiss on his neck leaves him on fire
• He's not the type of guy who leaves you with hickeys. It's just not his thing, but he may leave one or two (sometimes three) in places that only you can see and always says "sorry" with puppy blue eyes for you
• Don't trust him! Puppies can be manipulative!
• But if you leave some on him he doesn't care too much, but Eren is going to annoying you two so damn much
"Stop perverting my boy!"
"Don't leave Armin with her alone. She might do something with him!"
• Just slap him. It'll be okay
• With time, you're gonna notice that make out with Armin can be soft. You two can lie down on the bed, sofa, or even on the floor and feel each other while talking about something that makes you laugh
• Or you two can kiss and get all handy and 🧚‍♀️horny 🧚‍♀️
• And in times like this he will end up with one hand inside his shorts
• Do you like to see him blush? Wait until you hear him moan
• In conclusion, he's very respectful and kind. He's always paying attention to your reactions and analyzing you to make things the more satisfying as possible for both of you
Now go there and marry him 🧍‍♀️
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- Eren Jaeger 
• Just like with Armin, you were not his first girl, but you were the first one that makes him feels so connected
• And that's why he wants to make you feel this intensity. I said before that intensity would be his word and this extended to other spheres of his life
• Which includes you
• Eren is like a whirlwind of feelings
• And when he sees you smiling for him all whirlwind comes to your direction
• When you two started to date he was always leaving innocents kisses on you
• On your check, on your ear, on your forehead
• Time flies away and these innocents kisses are not pure anymore. They gained a very specific direction, your lips
• And be ready because this boy is gonna leave you a mess no matter where you two are
• Eren's kiss is breathtaking just like him and it doesn't take too long to figure out
• Make out sessions with Eren always leaves you with an "I want more" stuck in your throat and he knows it
• This little shit will even use it against you
• He'll notice how you melt on his hands when his kisses become more demanding, more urgent. He'll watch how you instantly search for his lips when he leaves yours
• And of course tease you for it since he's a very verbal boy good luck
"Someone is edger, huh?"
"Shut up, Eren"
"Is that what you really want me to do?" He says almost kissing you again and when you close your eyes he's gonna whisper against your mouth " It's not what it looks like"
• He usually goes to your house to watch a random movie with you  No one of you pays attention, but who cares? 
• he always sneaks up on you. One time you are really watching the movie and then ... What was the movie again? What movie? The only thing you can think is in the boy on top of you making your head feel dizzy
• Drunk by the way he kisses your lips, the way his tongue explore your mouth and his hands travel to your body
• Touching your thighs and then putting your legs around his waist to make the sensation grow up even more between both. He wants to make you feel him all over your body
• Eren is hungry for you and when he goes home, leaving you alone on your bed thinking about how your shirt smells his perfume now you'll be for him too
• Make out sessions with Eren can easily scale up to something else and by that, I mean dry humping
• If you two are lying down on the bed and he's kissing you slowly to torture you he'll grind his hips against yours
• Just a demonstration of how he wants to fuck you nice and slow after
• He'll watch you arch your back to search for more friction
• When he's feeling extra provocative (a routine) he's gonna use one of his hands to make small circles on your clit without taking off your underwear while he kisses your neck
• Speaking on your neck, one word: hickeys. Hope you like them because he loves to mark you
• That means he bites you too. Bites to annoy you, to tease you, to get you horny, bites you because why not?
• And when you complain to him later he's just going to say:
"It's not my fault, baby. I never can get enough of you"
• And I'm not defending him, but he means it. Sometimes he's just looking at you and his dick is already hard
• It's like just one of his heads can function properly by your side and we know which one it's
• Once, you two were at his apartment. You were on top of him this time and kissing each other with the same passion of always while he was grabbing your ass under your dress. You started to rub yourself against his boner and after hear Eren moan your name that's all you could think about -
• Until Zeke put his head in the room searching for something and finding you two like little rabbits. He could stay quiet and leave since you were too focused to notice his presence. Did he do it? Of course not
"Remember what dad says Eren. Use condoms"
• You jumped on your boyfriend's lap and turn your head to see his older brother with an expression like 😏😏😏
"Zeke, get off here!"
"Hello," he said to you and you almost died of embarrassment "I was just searching for my charger. Lock the door next time, dumbass"
• You were about to leave his lap when he grabs your hips once more asking you
"Where are you going?"
"that was a bucket of cold water"
"Oh, yeah? So I just have to make you hot again" And with that said he was already leaving sloppy kisses on your neck again
"Eren, the door! Lock the door"
• In conclusion, make out with Eren is intense just like himself. He might tease and annoy you, but it's exactly this relaxed and confident presence that makes him a perfect partner to laugh with if something goes wrong. He's great at building an atmosphere comfortable enough to talk about what you like, what he likes.
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cryptiql · 3 years
untitled god song
pairing: bakugou/m!reader (trans reader in mind you can see it if you squint but can also be read as cis)
words: 2k
warnings: themes of religious trauma, homophobia, mentions of blood, the author projecting their mommy issues
a/n: this is purely self indulgent, don't mind me 😩✋ (written in first person)
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i wish i had known him before the pain started. perhaps it is a fools dream to think that his presence would have solved anything, and it is likely that he might blown me sky high at the time, if given the chance, but i often ponder his place in my narrative. he is nothing less than a king—nay, a god—and what else am i to be except his humble servant, adoring him in the only way i've been taught?
i would bruise my knees as i kneel for him, and should he turn me away, i shall be lost and without purpose. but he does not, and instead, he snorts out a laugh and pulls me to my feet, roughly squeezing my cheeks together with a shit-eating grin. he'll tell me a joke i've heard a thousand times, and yet i laugh with him anyways, the pads of my fingers idly tapping the pulse on his wrists.
"dumbass, at least take me out to dinner first."
i never thought i'd ache to hear such a demeaning nickname, but it's like birdsong to my ears, and i long for the myriad of butterflies it provokes.
i would heed his every word like a faithful disciple, and—if i knew he would not use this power for the wrong reasons—carry it out without question. he'll roll his eyes at the notion, far too prideful at the idea of being praised, and card hands through my hair, gripping softly. "right. and if i told you to go to bed before five in the morning, would you listen?"
my smiles are genuine, as they all are with him.
"no." i wish my mother had been more open-minded; more loving to those she claimed were goners. maybe then, i could still call her my mother, and not a snarled version of her first name steeped in vinegar. maybe she could have met him, and maybe she would have keeled over in the process, but that is how we put it "killing two birds with one stone".
he was a fallen angel if ever i saw one—emblazoned in smog and ravenous inferno, the pieces of child-like innocence turning to ash. something happened to him when he was a kid, just as all gifted children, and oh, what a fool i was to let my gaze dawdle on his gorgeous form. but i will never regret it—no, not ever—for there is no such feeling that can compare to his eyes on mine, burning with a mind-fogging intensity.
it was instantaneous, the moment my thoughts turned on me with malicious intent, her voice ringing out like a gunshot.
you'll never be him.
his hand slots with mine perfectly; deliciously warm and comforting in a way i haven't felt in years; and hauls me up, the flecks of dirt and rubble from the road clinging to my jeans.
"watch it, pretty boy. i won't always be here to save you, y'know."
my heart batters against my ribs like a caged bird, screeching and wailing to be set free, and i wonder in a haze if i've died. judgement day must have come early, i think, not realizing that it was spoken aloud until the blonde quirks a brow inquisitively. he does not speak on the matter, but continues on his merry way, leaving my helpless; hopelessly enamored; and praying that we will meet again.
no, i could never be him. but i am like him. he has a sureness in his walk and fervor in the way he talks that is only recognizable when i look in the mirror. and we do meet again. it is a shame, however, that i must burden him with the weight of my past. i remember too often the troubles of my youth, even when all has passed into fleeting memories that haunt me as ghosts do to an abandoned house. yet, i still live in this house, and the ghosts are here to keep me company.
i remember the church, first and foremost; nestled between the barren country road and the outback; a beacon of hope to all those who stood in its doors. the luster of freshly polished wood still sits in my mind, accompanied by the echoing remnants of dulcet tones and multicolored bands of light, glaring from the stained glass windows and dancing across the musty carpet floor. the doddering pews were just as uncomfortable as the poorly padded chairs squatting in the front row, but every sunday, they were filled to the brim with hungry worshippers. they sang praise as though they were starved, but i was too young to understand for what. i am older now, and i still don't understand. all i know is that despite its reputation, the church was a cursed place, and i should never set foot in it again lest i go mad. i remember the creaking stairs which lead downstairs, and the winding halls that reeked of torment where shadows loomed. the paint was corroding and foul, and my conscious always loitered too long on the merlot stain on the ceiling; its origin unknown, but nevertheless urging my stomach to twist with nausea.
i remember the feeling of tall grass grazing my ankles; itching horribly from the old moth-eaten socks i was forced to wear. it had become second nature—running and hiding from my problems, from the church, from her. i shall never know a greater animosity than the likes that my mother encouraged, although unintentionally, with her pressuring views and sickeningly sweet smile. it's fake, and i would know, because ours are the same.
we are too similar, and i am sickened by the fact. will i become the wretched woman she is? will i fail to be the father i've dreamt of being? it is an easy thing to fall prey to haunting questions, and it serves as brain rot for every moment of silence that leaves me clawing at my skin, trying to reap the memory of her touch. then i began to think—about nothing and everything—and it does not stop. i will be kind; unforgivingly so, and without biased judgement; like my mother never was, and i'll make her hate me for it. i will grow in leaps and bounds, not for her sake or for god's, but for mine, as it always should have been. i will drink and curse with reckless abandon and kiss who i damn well please, because in no life does she have have the power to make me something i'm not. why should i feel sorry when the tears she wept were forged by my own blood; by the childhood memories locked away to rot in my subconscious? yes, she has suffered too, but it is through clenched teeth and raw-bitten lips that i must confess this, for her suffering was born in me and grew from a seedling into a thorned flower, nourished by her hatred and mine. she'll tell me the lie of all mothers before her: that she knows best, and i'll never know joy that is not from my savior's gracious hands.
one day, when she lies not with words but in silence, under worm-filled earth and withering pastures, i'll tell her that she was right. i'll tell her, with his hand in mine, that my savior arrived with hellfire in his eyes and fury unrelenting. his tongue holds venom that would make the devil blush, but he tastes of a sinful sweetness that i've drowned in more times than i care to count.
mother you should know, my god is like no other. he has a broad chest and muscles, i attest, that are sculpted like fine marble and smooth to the test.
my god is a man who loves other men, unashamedly; in all that is true; and kisses me like real people do. and i know it sounds silly, and a bit cliché, and he'd surely make a mockery of me if ever he heard, but i love him. i love him as passionately as you she does lord above, and it is a crime in itself how much i crave him, so yes, i will burn for this—not because my mother said so or by the ancient script that foretells it, but because i promise it. i promise to let neither hell or high water deter me from that which gives me life, and i'll do so with a ring.
"you hear that mom?" i'll whisper in the dead of night, his body flushed against mine in the most delightful way; his fingers curled into my nightshirt, pulling me closer as listless mumbles fall from his parted lips. he is dead to the world amid his dream ridden stupor, but still leans into my touch when i smooth back the wild tufts of hair to kiss his forehead.
"i'm gonna marry him." part of me wishes she didn't live on the other side of the planet, just so i could rub it in her face, but i won't give her the satisfaction of seeing me again. i won't let her think she's won, because i know, and katsuki knows, that he and i are one in the same.
i do not know who i should thank for my stubbornness, be it my mother or my father, so i will thank the pain they both caused me, for it made me stronger than they ever could. no, i did not become a better person, because the scars have yet to heal from how deep they cut, and the smell of blood still lingers, and i am angrier than i once was, but i cherish my wounds. the stench of my agony has long since been subdued, and i have learned to swallow the sickness it evokes. and yes, this anger is unhealthy and i've chosen not to purge it from my mind like the weed it is, but how lucky am i to have found one whose malice rivals my own?
the tales of his glory have littered my notebooks in smudged ink. you would hate him, is scrawled messily on the last page, but i only feel giddy with excitement. you would hate him for his spite and his unapologetic behavior, and that is why he's perfect. he's everything you hate about this world, but everything i love.
so when she gets to heaven and asks the angels "why?", they'll tell her it was him who made the devil cry. him, who held me like she should have—could have, if she hadn't terrified me—and who chased the nightmarish visions of her from my weary mind with his callous palms and soft-spoken reassurances. i wish i had known him when we were young; when things were not so simple and i needed a hand to hold; but i suppose we'll have to settle for faded photographs and stories told through the bitter aroma of alcohol. that's more than enough, i muse to myself, legs hooked over his as i rest my head on his shoulder, keening softly at the gentle scrape of his nails on my scalp. his arms wind around my waist as he mutters something along the lines of "i love you", his lips curling into a smile, illuminated by the televisions glow.
so when they ask of my religion, i will think of only him. i will recall the way he looks at me, the sound of my name on his tongue, the feeling of his lips trailing between the valley of my breast; featherlight, cautious and unfitting for a man of his nature. i've written songs of praise, all dedicated to him, and if only he knew, oh how smug he would be. but i love him, i love him, i love him. and when he spins me around like a marionette, it is with overwhelming pride and joy that i tell him this, and with rose hued cheeks and bashful grumbles, he tells me the same. so mother, wherever you are, i hope you know i've found my god.
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lovelytarou · 3 years
cuddles and warm hands
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pairing: bakugo katsuki x reader
genre: fluff
tags: cuddling, bakugo being a tease to the reader pining??? lots of feels
a/n: i did this fic while also adding this bit of prompt:
“vi. neck kisses. fluttering down necks to the collar bone. dusting over the breastbone and staying there.” from this post <33 // wrote this at 3am so no beta
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the air is crisp and cold tonight. bakugou can't help but murmur the godforsaken christmas song playing in the shop he passed by while on patrol. the damn thing got stuck in his head while he passed it. he recognized it as one of the songs that you were playing that morning.
it reminded him of the way you swayed your hips to the music, your sweet voice humming to the tune as you continued about your business in the comfort of your home.
he loved it when you are so engrossed in your own little world that he gets to just admire you from afar and see you being in your nature.
the heat in his cheeks make him lower his head to avoid the looks of other people, it's definitely not from the cold anymore.
all of a sudden, his phone buzzes with a new notification. he fished it from one of its safety compartment and your name immediately lights up his phone and his eyes.
Dumbass 💓
Katsuki, when will you be home?
judging from your message, you're being needy once again and he immediately knows what type of needy it is. it didn't follow another text from you so it means you weren't that desperate enough, and it could be for another reason.
Boom Boy 💥
not for another hour, why?
a few minutes passed before you responded. he scoffed at your little, “i miss you” and pocketed his phone. of course he misses you already, especially at this extremely cold climate that just bites on his skin and not pleasant at all while wearing his usual hero costume. he just had to wear this one today, doesn't he?
with one last patrol over the city, katsuki hurried to the agency and went home. he knows his baby is waiting for him and he can't wait to be wrapped in your arms as well to take all of worries away.
the moment katsuki arrived at your door, not even a second that his fingertip touched the doorknob did you opened it and grabbed him by his arm and inside he go.
“someone's especially needy today,” he chuckled, stroking your head that's buried deep in his chest. he swore you might melt in him and the two of you would be merged together forever.
“mmm, i missed you so much, katsuki.” you responded, voice muffled on his shirt.
“yeah, yeah. i missed you, too.” he mumbled, rubbing your back. “let me get out of this shit then we can continue this, alright?”
lifting up your chin, you looked into vermilliom eyes and nodded your head with a pout. bakugou smirked and leaned in to peck your lips. when you start to follow his lips for more, he pulled his head back and shook his head in disagreement.
“y/n, go to our room and wait for me there. can you do that? i promise i'll give you what you want, baby.” he commanded, his voice dropping low. he knows when he uses that tone with you it turns you into putty, and he's right.
with a soft whimper on your mouth, you nodded your head and obeyed his words.
sighing, he immediately went to the bathroom and took off his hero gear, stripping down his clothes before jumping inside the shower.
the warm water soothed his skin a lot, his sore muscles throbbing a little from the strain he put on them when he fought criminals and villains a while ago and over the course of the week. he lathered himself with soap and rubbed off the dirt and grime that stuck to his skin. he shampooed his hair and massaged it, imagining it was your soft and careful fingers doing it.
damn it, he should have asked you to join him in the shower. but he knows he's not up for any funny business right now should the moment presented itself while you're in there with him.
after rinsing himself and he's sure that he's completely - a hundred percent, germ-free - clean, he wrapped a towel around his lower half and proceeded to make his way to your shared bedroom.
he sees you sitting on the edge like a sweetheart. his heart swelled when your eyes light up the moment he walked into the room. your eyes roamed down his torso for a bit, making him snigger smugly. you rolled your eyes in return and turned your head away from him, crossing your arms.
“oh? are you mad at me?” katsuki raised his eyebrows in amusement as he ruffled through his drawers for clothes. he puts them on in front of you, all the while keeping an eye contact with you.
he's having the moment of his life and you're literally about to die because of all the blood that rushed to your cheeks because god, he's so gorgeous and why isn't he giving you love and affection already?
“no, i'm not.” yeah, you are. but it's petty kind of mad, than an actual i'm-pissed-off-at-you-and-not-gonna-talk-to-you mad.
huffing, katsuki finally lessend the distance between the two of you and you almost melted at the fact that his warmth is literally radiating off of him and all you want to do right now is be engulfed by him.
“so...somebody said they missed me,” his hand went to your head and he brought you close to his stomach as he stood over you while you remain seated on the edge of the bed. you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face even deeper into his toned stomach.
“yeah, i just wanted to cuddle you and i miss kissing you.” you usually weren't this needy but lately, while waiting for katsuki, you can't help but feel cold and yearn for his touch and lips against yours. you missed his warmth during the cold nights he couldn't sleep next to you because of his hero work. you missed the freezing mornings where the only source of warmth is the coffee in your hands and the sun peaking through the curtains, telling you that another day has passed.
“i know, baby. i'm sorry i'm not here often to give you enough attention.” he soothed, kissing the top of your head while rubbing circles on your back.
he pulls away, clutching you towards him. you followed suit and he laid on the bed with you on top of him. he admired you on one of his hoodies, looking so angelic and needy, and longing for him.
he never felt so loved and complete.
he slotted his hands against yours, the others tracing hearts and i love you's on the exposed skin on your waist. you're looking up at him like he hung the stars and breathed life into your lungs. at this point, maybe he did. you don't think you can even breathe properly on the days he's gone, and once he's there it's like everything has life again. and everything is alive, all is brighter, lovelier and you couldn't be happier to be with someone like him.
bringing your joined hands towards his lips, he littered small kisses from your fingers down to your wrists to your pulse, pausing there and gazing at you with so much love, you swear you could explode.
laughing gleefully, you nuzzled the space between his neck and shoulders.
“i love you so much,” you uttered it without thinking, without so much of a doubt that it took his breath away. for you to say those three words so carelessly to him, of all people still baffles him after all this time.
kissing the back of your hand, he felt his cheeks burn once more, eyes filling with unshed tears. turning his head to you, he ghosted his lips on your temple, “i love you more, dumbass”
leaning up on your forearms, your own lips landed on his exposed neck, showering kisses upon kisses on every skin your lips can touch and that your eyes can see. you traveled lower to his collarbones and placed kisses there as well, until you reached his breastbone. placing your final kiss, you brought yourself back down on top of him and leaned your ear on his chest. his heart beat is your most favorite sound. the in sync tune of both your hearts created a beautiful melody that all the angels and sirens will sing for all eternity.
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First of all, I want to tell you that you're absolutely amazing and that I love everything you write!! Okay about my request I was thinking about Harry's younger sister x Draco!! I had this idea in my head for days and I'm dying to read something like that! Maybe a no Voldy AU where H and D still have their 'rivalry' and then D falls for his sister ofc. They have a secret relationship and to add a little bit of ✨spice✨ Harry finds them in a ... compromising situation... AND WHEN JAMES FINDS OUT
First off: I absolutely LOVE THIS CONCEPT. I haven’t even begun this request yet and I’m already thinking of James dialogue. Second off: You guys are all so sweet omfg I might actually cry. 
Note: This ended up A LOT LONGER than I anticipated. Hope you guys like it.
Harry. That was your damn brother alright. He was older than you by one YEAR. And my God did that point come up ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME. It definitely didn’t help when it came to the fact that Harry became a seeker in his first year, making him the golden child of Gryffindor. You were honestly kind of thankful you were a Hufflepuff because sharing a common room with your brother would’ve actually made you murder someone. You were a little bit of a loner though, only keeping close to your friend Cedric. Lily told you that she was a little bit of a loner too growing up and then she met your dad James. Here’s the thing though: At least she didn’t have to grow up being overshadowed by an older brother. You didn’t hate your brother. You just hated the environment around your brother. As in: You hated that everyone seemed to focus solely on your brother. To be honest, Harry hated it too. You were talented in so many things and Harry could recognize his achievements overshadowed yours. You kind of lucked out on the big brother front though: At least you weren’t related to an asshole. Harry did care about you and supported you. Sometimes (especially during Quidditch season, when he usually became a bigger spectacle) he’d hide out in the Hufflepuff common room. But he usually refrained from doing that. Because that increased the possibility in running into Draco Malfoy. Harry made this fun little nickname for him. “The Crown Prince of Douchebag, long may he reign” Harry would always say making you laugh. Your dad didn’t seem too keen on Lucius Malfoy either. Your mother though, wasn’t vocal on disliking anyone in the Malfoy family. Lily always did have a way of seeing the best in people. Even your strange professor Snape. Your Uncle Sirius seemed ready to kick Draco’s ass anytime Harry complained about him. The thing you always noticed when talking about Draco though is that no one ever called him “Draco.” it was always “Malfoy” 
You never had any interactions with the boy until your third year. Hermione insisted you study for the upcoming exams. You almost didn’t but when you passed the library her voice kept sounding off in your head and you sighed before walking in. You sat at a table, noticing the place was beginning to fill up with students, all of them most likely prepping for the same exams you were. You were reading intently before you heard someone clear their throat. The silver blonde hair immediately made you recognize the boy. “Can I help you Draco?” You asked. He showed a small reaction to hearing his first name being used rather than his last. “Can I sit here? The other tables are full.” He asked. You nodded and he sat down. You didn’t say anything to him for a good long while, even though you could feel him staring. You finally looked up “Can I help you Draco?” You asked. There it was again. His name. “Aren’t you one of the Potters’?” He asked. You frowned. “My legacy is not determined by my brothers, if you’re going to refer to me you will do it by my name.” You said sternly making him surprised. Not only did you call him by his first name but you showed zero fear in speaking with him. Interesting indeed. “...No offense but... What is your name?” He asked. You started to understand why Harry had such a strong disliking for this guy. “Y/n. My name is Y/n.” You said sharply. He opened his mouth but someone sitting next to you made him go completely silent. “Hey Cedric.” You said. “Hey. Do you have your potions notes with you?” He asked. You pulled out your notes and you went back to reading. Draco didn’t get up for a while. Not until after you left. 
From that point on he began to notice you more. Were you always in three of his classes? You definitely showed an aptitude for taking care of magical creatures after seeing you in Hagrid’s course and witnessing the way Fang was with you. You never seemed to pay anyone else any mind though. You always kept to yourself, very rarely interacting with other students. Sure, Draco would see Cedric near you. But you didn’t really interact with anyone else. Fred and George would make themselves present near you, usually to check on you and see how you were doing. That let Draco know that you did have people active in your life. He noticed your presence was very rare in quidditch though, usually only when Hufflepuff played. But if that was against Gryffindor then you’d be absent then too. Draco was smart. He knew exactly why you never showed up. Harry God damn Potter. You never went because of your brother. Sure, yes: You made it clear by being seen with Harry that you cared about your brother. But you actually didn’t participate in any activities around a lot of people when it came to your brother. Cedric? Sure. He noticed you present for Cedric winning a Quidditch match and celebrating. Harry? No. You weren’t there. Harry didn’t seemed bothered by this set up though. Draco was curious. He HAD to know why. 
Another opportunity came when Draco’s dumbass walked right up to Buckbeak. Of course Buckbeak nearly attacked him but you intervened, forcing the creature to look at you. “BUCKBEAK.EYES ON ME NOW!” You shouted. The creature merely glanced at you before getting ready to attack. You snapped your fingers though and he finally cut his attention to you. You blocked any view of Draco from Buckbeak, calming it down. Draco was mesmerized by your ability. Course the dumbass did actually fall and scrape his arm. “Christ you’re an idiot.” You sighed helping him to his feet. Draco frowned. “Sorry. That thing almost attacks me and I’m the idiot?” Draco asked. “You’re the jackass that ran up to a creature you knew next to nothing about, that is also in a foreign environment might I add, and expected it to act the way you wanted. Yes Draco. I’d say by this point you’re the village idiot.” You said making Harry snort. James. That was ALL James and if your dad could see you right now he’d be pissing himself of laughter. “Come on.” You sighed walking. “Where the hell do you think you’re taking me?” Draco asked. “You scraped your arm you git. I’m walking you there. Come. on.” You said sternly. Draco grumbled the entire time walking. “I swear I’m beginning to really understand my brother when it comes to you.” You sighed. “Excuse me?” Draco asked. “Surprised my brother talks about you?” You asked. “No I’m surprised you actually mentioned your brother with how little you choose to interact with him.” Draco said. You stopped walking, glaring at Draco. “I don’t know what you think you know Draco, but that’s not true.” You snapped. “Really? Because from where I’m standing you barely interact with him and you got offended by association!” Draco pointed out. “Do you have any idea what it is like to have to live in your sibling’s shadow Draco!? I don’t interact with him here because everything I do here is compared to what he can do.” You snapped, clearly very pissed with Draco. “Actually I do know what that’s like, but it’s not a sibling” he admitted. “Who, pray tell, do you live in the shadow of?” You asked, clearly annoyed. “My father.” he said with a sigh. Oh. Oh shit that actually was a reliable answer. “Yeah. It doesn’t feel great does it asshole?” You asked sharply. “No. Which is why I can’t seem to hate you.” Draco said making you halt again. “...What?” You asked. “You always call me by my first name. Never the last. At first I figured you did it because you liked to annoy the shit out of me. Now I think you do it because you know what it’s like to live behind a strong name defined by someone else.” Draco explained. You hated that the explanation made sense. Why couldn’t he be an idiot? It’s so much easier to hate an idiot. You walked into the medical wing and bandaged him yourself. You were used to having to do this to Harry after quidditch games that backfired. 
Draco watched you carefully. “I don’t hate you.” You muttered. “Hmm?” Draco asked. “I don’t hate you. And that pisses me off. Because I want to hate you.” You muttered. “I’d love to hate you too, but that doesn’t seem like it’s in the cards.” Draco shared your sentiment, making you crack a smile. That smile was so... pretty. “you’re good now.” You sighed, finishing the bandage. “You’re good at this.” He said looking at your handiwork. “Harry injures himself all the time. You should’ve seen mum when when he broke his arm playing quidditch. She looked ready to kill someone.” You chuckled. You and Draco exchanged a look. One of mutual understanding. You held out your hand. “I vote that we become friends.” You said. He rose a brow looking at you and then your hand. “...Call me paranoid because of Fred and George. But if this is a prank I will hex you.” he said. You snorted. “I’m not one for pranks.” You shrugged. Draco shook your hand and you smiled. “See you around.” You said walking away, saluting him as you did. You made him chuckle at that. 
The Hogsmeade trip finally approached and you were excited. Sirius was meeting up with you and Harry along with Remus and Peter. You ran into the three broomsticks with a smile. “Uncle Moony!” You said excitedly, hugging him. He chuckled and hugged you back. “Hi Songbird, goodness you’re growing!” He said. Draco was sitting in a booth, reading when he noticed you. “No hugs for me. I’m hurt, saddened. Shocked.” Sirius said dramatically making you snort and hug him. You hugged Peter too and sat down with Harry. You and Remus were close, along with Peter. Don’t get me wrong. Sirius and you were close. But not as close as Remus. “How’s school going?” Remus asked. “Meh. Boring. I swear if Granger tells me to study one more time I might actually fight her.” You groaned making Peter laugh. “You have James’ spark I’ll give you that.” Peter said. “Make any new friends?” Remus asked making Draco listen. “Uhhh... Just one.” You said. “Well, come on now who is it?” Sirius asked. “I’m not saying anything in front of you or Harry.” You said with a laugh. Remus leaned in so you could whisper. You told him and Remus rose a brow. “Come on Moony who is it, I’m dyin’ here.” Sirius said. “I’ve been sworn to secrecy. Can’t say.” Remus said, doing the “Scout’s honor” salute. “Even I don’t know this one.. Oh God it’s not Moaning Myrtle is it?” Harry whined. “No! Harry I have standards.” You said making the table laugh. “Is it someone I know?” Harry asked. “Not saying.” You said simply. “Uncle Moony at least drop a hint.” Harry said. “Nope.” He said, taking a long sip of butterbeer. You and Remus exchanged knowing glances and smiled. He handed you a book and you chuckled. “Thanks Uncle Moony.” You said, him hugging you. “I should go, Cedric is waiting.” You said. “Have fun Songbird.” Peter said making you chuckle. “Thanks Uncle Wormtail.” You said walking towards the exit. You noticed Draco looking at you and you gave him a smile. He felt.. Warm seeing that. You walked outside seeing Cedric with Cho. “Best not interrupt them.” You mumbled. You weren’t bothered being on your own, you actually didn’t mind it. But someone caught up to you making you jump. “Gah! Jesus Draco, say something before just sprinting next to me.” You gasped. “Sorry.” He laughed. “Who were those men in there?” He asked. “My uncles.” You said walking. “Why’d they call you Songbird?” Draco asked. “Were you eavesdropping?” You asked. “No, I just happened to notice it on your way out.” He lied. “Hmm. According to Uncle Remus I can sing. So they just call me songbird because of that.” You shrugged. “Ah... Were you talking about me earlier?” He asked. You stopped. “You were totally eavesdropping, you little shit!” You said. “Little shi-- I’m older than you!” Draco said making you laugh. “How’s Captain Pain in the ass?” You suggested. “God no!” Draco said making you laugh harder. Draco noticed that smug little smirk and decided to throw a snowball at you. “Oh you little--” You threw one at him making him laugh before you threw another one. You two fought on for a while until you tired yourselves out. But that smile just... God Draco’s heart seemed to hammer against his chest when he saw it.
You and Draco were a little on the secretive side of your friendship. Not because he was ashamed to have you as a friend. God no. But your brother was now watching you like a fucking hawk to see who this “New friend” was. Thank God he took after James and was completely clueless to who you spent time with. Well. Until Cedric answered that burning question. “Who do you think she hangs out with?” Harry asked Ron. “I dunno. I don’t really see her much.” Ron shrugged. “Draco.” Cedric answered. “Hmm?” Harry asked turning to Cedric. “She’s been hanging around Draco, last I saw.” Cedric answered making Hermione drop her spoon, Ron nearly choke, Fred and George both exchanging looks of “OH. SHIT.” Harry’s eye seemed to twitch at hearing this and it soon became obvious why Harry didn’t know. Harry got up, walking to the Hufflepuff common room and finding you reading on the couch. “Malfoy!?” Harry asked. You looked up confused. “What now?” You asked expecting to hear about some argument the two boys had. “You’ve been making friends. With Malfoy!?” Harry asked. Shit. “Uhh... No?” You lied. Harry shot you a glare. “Okay fine! But in my defense, I want to hate him. But once you get to know the guy he’s not that bad!” You said. “Christ, Y/n.” Harry said. “You’re lucky I won’t tell mom!” He sighed. “She already knows Harry.” You said. “So you told everyone but me?” He asked. “Do you see the way you’re reacting right now!? Excuse me if I wanted to AVOID this!” You snapped. “Malfoy--” “His name is Draco! For God’s sake Harry just GET TO KNOW HIM!” You snapped. Harry had never seen you this aggravated with him. “Fine! Fine. If it means that much to you I’ll try.” Harry said.
Instead Harry avoided that kid like the plague. Draco laid off the snide comments and snarky remarks because he knew you’d yell at him later if he said anything unwarranted. Harry didn’t want to run into the guy because he didn’t want to have to be nice. Quite frankly, Harry didn’t want anything to do with him. When the summer approached you were not hearing the end of this “Malfoy? Really?” thing. Remus and Peter was your escape and you were grateful for that. Honestly it reminded them of Snape and Lily. Except less dramatic. Hopefully. “I just don’t get it. Harry doesn’t even try with Draco.” You sighed, throwing a ball and catching it as you laid on the couch. “He gets it from James.” Peter said. “This is all just... It sucks y’know?” You said, unaware that Harry was listening from the kitchen. “I finally make a friend and my brother hates him.” You sighed. “All that matters is your opinion of Draco Songbird. Harry might come around eventually.” Remus assured. You smiled at your uncle. “Mum teach you to be this insightful?” You asked. “Life taught me that... And yes Lily did too.” Remus chuckled. 
Lily didn’t have a problem with the friendship. James was of course worried because his baby girl was making friends now with mainly guys. Oh God he was not ready for this year. You rode with Draco on the train. When he saw you he nearly died internally. Your hair was longer, you were taller... Oh God this was a crush wasn’t it!? NO. NO NO NO NO NO-- “Draco? Are you alright, you seemed spaced out.” You asked. “Hmm? Oh I’m fine.” he said. FUCK. FUCKING-- FUUUUUUUUU-- “I heard from dad there’s something weird going on this year.” You said pondering. “Oh. You mean the tournament.” He said. “How did you know?” you asked. “Father works with the ministry division that works with the school.” Draco answered. “Ohhh.” you nodded. Sure enough the boy was right. The cup was introduced. The rules were a little bit odd but you met all the requirements to participate. Sooooo... Why the fuck not? You signed a parchment, stuck it in the cup and it was accepted. Your mindset was “Well plenty of more qualified students are signing up, I’ll be fine.” Well... There was a problem. The Goblet of Fire goes off at random, not by who’s more qualified. So your name DID get chosen making Harry and Draco both FLIP THEIR SHIT. Both boys were well aware of how brutal this competition could be. News got back to Lily and James and they were equally panicked. 
Cedric however had FULL confidence you could do this. He trained you, making sure you were physically and mentally prepared for everything. It felt weird being the only third year in the room but you didn’t have a problem with it. Harry was practically begging you to drop the competition. “Harry! For God’s sake, just SHUT UP!” You finally snapped. He blinked, as did a few students hearing this. “I watch you play quidditch and you get hurt all the time, you do not hear me throwing a bitch fit over this! The only thing I need right now is your support!” You snapped. Harry didn’t argue either. Draco was supportive over you being in this but he was definitely nervous. “And you’re sure... This is what you want?” Draco asked. “I’m sure.” You nodded as you geared up for the first trial. “Okay... I’ll be in the stands... If you need me just... say something.” He said. You nodded giving him a small smile. 
You thought everyone was being a bit ridiculous... Until you found out the first trial. “Oh no.” You muttered watching Krum run for dear life across the field. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned. “Dad!” You breathed before hugging him. Lily, Remus, Peter and Sirius all stood there. “Alright. You’ve got this Darling don’t worry!” James said, eyes twitching as he was clearly worrying. Draco ran in. “Draco?” You asked. “Which dragon did you draw?” Draco asked. “Uhm. The Hungarian Ridgeback.” You said. “...Shit.” Draco muttered. “Guys. I’m fine. Really.” You assured. Why in the hell were you so confident. Draco looked into your eyes and you felt your heart pound. Lily noticed the look and rose a brow. “Promise me you’ll play this safe.” Draco said. “Draco--” “Promise me. Please.” He said, looking at you and putting a hand on your shoulder. His feelings towards you were quite obvious to everyone... Except James. “I promise.” You said softly. “Y/n. You’re up.” Viktor said. You held Draco’s hand for a second before cracking your knuckles. You walked out, the arena being loud as hell. How in the world did Viktor deal with this for a living. Harry ran into the tent, noticing his family watching as well... And Draco. You seemed to be completely calm, despite having seen Krum nearly roasted. The Dragon thrashed against it’s chains and Lily swallowed her anxiety. You did something strange. You... Sat down. “What the fuck is she doing!?” James screeched. “Hi.” You said to the dragon. It roared in your face, blowing your braid so it was off your shoulder. You maintained eye contact with it though. How in the hell were you calm-- You didn’t even flinch when this thing roared at you. You stood up, the dragon retreating back before you held out your hand. It snarled making Remus uneasy, but you kept the same calm expression. It sniffed you, before you lightly pressed your hand to it’s snout and smiled. “see. I’m not so bad.” You said softly. Everyone was wide eyed. “I need the egg.” You said looking at the golden egg. It let out a huff but you kept eye contact as you grabbed the egg. It tried to follow but you halted the creature with your hand. “Stay.” You said softly. It did. You walked back out of the arena leaving everyone shocked. Did a fourth year just... TAME A FUCKING DRAGON?
You walked back to the tent and Lily hugged you, “You did so well-- Oh honey!” She said. “Well done Y/n!” Sirius laughed, clapping his hand onto your back. “I’m proud of you.” Harry said as he roughed up your hair, making you laugh and swat his hand away. You looked at Draco and he said nothing, pulling you into a hug. You dropped the egg, hugging him back. James nearly went “PROTECTIVE DAD MODE” On this kid’s ass but Sirius halted him along with Lily halting Harry. “When were you going to tell me you could tame dragons?” Draco laughed making you smile. You pulled away and chuckled. “I just remembered Hagrid rambling on about dragons and I went with what he told me” You admitted. Draco shook his head with a laugh and cleared his throat after noticing all of your family staring at him. “Uh... Hi?” He waved. “Uncle Moony, this is the friend.” You said. Remus smiled and held out his hand, Draco shaking it. “Pleasure.” Remus said. James’ eye was still twitching as Draco sat with you through the rest of the trial. Harry was too. Like father, like son. “Can I punch a kid? Is that illegal?” James whispered to Lily. “Yes James it is. It’s called assaulting a minor. And he seems perfectly fine.” Lily hushed him. James pouted and Harry kept watching you two. 
The next few days were spent trying to figure out what the fuck the egg actually was supposed to do. “What the hell is this even for?” Draco asked, looking at it as it sat on the coffee table in the Hufflepuff common room. “Have you opened it?” Harry asked. “Yes. It screams.” You said. “Charming.” Hermione said sarcastically. “It makes me want to drown the damn.... Wait a minute!” You gasped. “What?” Draco asked. “What if I put it underwater to quiet the noise?” you asked. “Why would you want to do that?” Ron asked. “It clearly makes noise for a reason dipshit.” Fred said, smacking Ron upside the head, understanding your logic. You sprinted off to the baths, doing just that. You listened to it’s riddle, coming back up for air and raising a brow. “Come seek us where our voices sound, We cannot sing above the ground ,And while you're searching, ponder this: We've taken what you'll sorely miss, An hour long you'll have to look, And to recover what we took. But past an hour - the prospect's black Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.” it sang. “What the absolute fuck does that mean?” you pondered aloud. You walked back to the common room, hair still wet. “Any ideas?” George asked. “Well I was right. It gave me a riddle.” You muttered pondering. “Where our voices... sound-- Are there any mermaids on campus?” You asked. “...What?” Fred asked. “In the lake, I think.” Hermione answered. “That’s where the next trial is.” You said, snapping your fingers. “Damn that was quick!” George laughed. “Sure you’re not a lost Ravenclaw?” Fred asked. You sat next to Draco and chuckled. Your eyes were gorgeous when the fire from the fireplace reflected off of them. “I should get some rest. Tell Dad about the competition.” You yawned, leaving. Draco got up. “Sit.” Harry said as everyone else cleared out. Draco frowned. “I’m not going to just--” “I need to talk to you, sit.” Harry said. He finally sighed, sitting down. “I know you like my sister.” Harry said. “...What--” “Don’t play dumb, even my dad can see that you do.” Harry said. Draco looked at Harry. “Let me guess: You don’t want me anywhere near her right?” Draco asked. “Preferably: Yes. But Y/n likes having you around so I will say this...” Harry leaned forward, his eyes piercing through Draco. “If you hurt my sister I will kill you. Am I understood?” Harry snapped. “....Okay.” Draco nodded. “You can go.” He sighed, turning back to the fire. Draco got up and stopped for a moment. “I would never hurt her Potter. She means too much to me to ever do that.” Draco said before leaving. 
The next trial of course had to be on a day where it was FUCKING COLD. Your family all stood outside with everyone else. You looked around noticing Draco’s absence. “Where’s Draco?” you asked. “Mcgonagall asked him to come with her this morning. Haven’t seen him since.” Goyle answered. “Hermione isn’t here either.” Ron noticed. You frowned, remembering the riddle. “Oh no.” You said. “What?” Sirius asked. “I think I know what this trial is.” You said looking at the lake. You pulled your hair back and Cedric handed you something. “You’ve got this.” He said. You cracked a smile, looking at the item. It was going to help you breathe underwater. You took it, waiting for the sound off. It finally rang out and you dived in, swimming through the murky water. You had an hour. You used your wand to provide light, swimming through the lake before you finally found it. They seriously chained students to the bottom of a lake? What the fuck was this competition? You unlocked the chains, gripping Draco’s arm before swimming back. Viktor popped out of the water first, Hermione with him. You popped out, water dripping from you. Draco shivered from the cold water and chuckled. “When Mcgonagall said I was needed for your trial, this is not what I expected.” He said, making you laugh. Fleur came back empty handed. “I couldn’t... She- she’s still down there!” She wailed. You frowned looking at the clock and then the lake. You knew who was Fleur’s challenge was. And that was a child. You shoved off your towel and jumped back in, making everyone run back to the edge. 
“What happened!?” Lily asked Draco. “I don’t know-- She just jumped back in!” He gaped. The clock’s loud ticks did not make the waiting any less anxiety wracking. Remus was staring intently, Sirius gearing up to jump in after you before you finally reemerged with Gabrielle. Draco helped you out and you pulled your hair tie off, your hair falling to your shoulders. Fleur hugged you, thanking you for saving her sister. “My kids are awesome.” James said hugging you and Harry both. You shivered and Draco lifted his arm as to say “Get under here” You did, panting out of breath. The last three minutes of you being in the water were you having to hold your breath because the item wore off. “I’m proud of you Y/n...” Draco said, making you look at him with a smile. His eyes wandered to your lips and you both seemed to be looking at each other. That’s finally when James grasped the situation. Oh no. OH HELL NO. “Lily. That boy likes Y/n doesn’t he?” James asked. “It took you this long?”
You were quickly becoming aware of that damn school dance, as many students were asking others to go with each other in front of you. You were a sappy romantic, sure. But if you saw one more kid with a fucking ukulele or guitar you were prepared to kick someone’s ass. You sat in the dance class, loathing every moment of being there. You definitely had James’ left feet, because you could NOT dance. “Choose your partners.” She instructed. You sighed and Draco extended his hand. “I can’t dance so if I step on you, this is your fault.” You said making Draco laugh. You stood with your hand on Draco’s shoulder and his around your waist. Your face was probably pink from the feel of things. “You can move closer Y/n, I don’t bite.” He teased. You blushed, moving slightly closer and he walked you through it. “How do you know how to do this?” You asked curiously. “My family throws parties where we have to dance. It’s terrible.” He explained. “Sounds like its something out of Pride and Prejudice.” you said. “Hmm?” he asked. “Muggle book that goes over old English customs.” You shrugged. “Ah.” He nodded. “So the Yule ball is coming up.” Draco said, clearing his throat. “Yep. I’m aware.” You muttered. “Not excited?” He asked. “No I am but I’m beginning to despise the ukulele and guitar after this week.” You admitted making him chuckle. “The younger students have... Gotten creative.” He nodded. “Alright Grandpa, calm down.” You teased making him roll his eyes. “I was wondering.” Draco started before twirling you. You did, your back against his chest. “Would you like to go with me?” He asked in your ear. Thank Merlin’s grey ass beard that your face was turned away from Draco. “Y-yeah... S-sure.” You stuttered out. He twirled you back around and you were so red that if you weren’t moving right now, he would’ve thought you were dying.
You went back to the common room, pacing. Do you talk to your mom? No. She’d tell dad and then you’d have to deal with a potential murder. Who could you trust? Then an idea hit you. Next week was Hogsmeade. Remus! Well and Sirius. You loved Remus to death but he did not have that much experience in this area like Sirius did. So you wrote to them and of course they agreed to meet up with you. You went to the Three Broomsticks, sitting at the table as the two men sat down. “What’s wrong Songbird?” Remus asked. “W-well.” You sighed. “Oh... Do you need a pad?” Sirius asked. “What!? No!” You said. “Thank God. I am not ready for that conversation.” Sirius said. Remus smacked Sirius with a book, turning back to you. “What’s going on?” Remus asked. “I... I’ve been asked to go to the Yule ball.” You admitted. Sirius gaped with a smile. “who’s the lucky guuyyyy-- Or girl, I don’t judge.” Sirius asked. “Draco.” You answered. “Ohhhh.” Sirius nodded. “I don’t know what I’m doing guys. I’m freaking out here.” you whined. “Calm down. So he asked you?” Remus asked. “Yeah.” you nodded. “Well then what’s the problem?” Sirius asked. “What do I even say!? OR DO!?” You asked, panic clearly in your eyes. “Shit. Uhhhhhh. Well, the best advice I can give is don’t use too much tongue--” Remus, again slammed his book against Sirius’ head. “Keep doing what you’re doing now and go with the flow. You don’t want interactions with him to seem forced.” Remus said. “Thanks... And.. I hate that I’m asking this but what if he does kiss me?” You asked. Remus sighed and looked at Sirius. “I’m scared of that damn book.” Sirius said looking at Remus’ hand which was resting on top of the book. “Look. The best thing I can tell you is this: If he does kiss you, just go with the flow like Remus says. Unless you don’t want him to kiss you. Then you kick him in the dick and run.” Sirius said. “No hit for that last comment?” You asked Remus. “He’s right.” Remus nodded. 
So there you were. The night of the Yule. Christ could you stop shaking!? You asked Cedric to walk you down the stairs because you had like, zero confidence walking by yourself in heels. “I am going to kill you Draco.” Harry muttered. “I am just taking your sister to a dance Potter, I’m not Fred here and being a playboy.” Draco said. “Hey-- wait no. No that’s fair.” Fred nodded before you walked down. Draco’s eyes went huge, lips parting as he saw you. “Thanks Cedric.” You said. “Anytime. Have fun!” Cedric said walking off with Cho. Harry’s eye twitched and George dragged him off, leaving you with Draco. “Shall we?” You asked nervously. Draco nodded and you took his arm, walking and standing ready with the other champions. “You look beautiful Y/n.” Draco said making you smile. “You’re not so bad yourself Draco.” You chuckled. You’ve been hanging out with Sirius for WAY too long. The doors opened and your grip tightened. “You’ve got this Y/n.” He said in your ear. “Not if you keep whispering in my ear I don’t.” You muttered. “Hmm?” “Nothing!” You lied. You two did that ridiculous dance, you dreading every second of it. But the music finally slowed down and you sighed with relief. You and Draco swayed to the music and you smiled. “Hectic year.” You said. “I bet it has been for you. Though, being held hostage by mermaids didn’t exactly make my year normal.” He replied making you chuckle. “I think it’s been a good year for us though.” He added. “What do you mean?” You asked. “We’ve gotten a lot closer, haven’t we?” He said. “Y-yeah.” You nodded. Form proper words Y/n, Christ. “And... I’d like us to be.. Closer if that’s alright with you?” He said. Fuck. Words can’t even form now. “Y/n?” He asked. “Like.. Dating?” You asked. “Only if you want to.” He nodded. Where was the holy spirit of Sirius’ dating life now!? “I’d like that.” You said with a small smile. His lips seemed to hover over yours, you now being able to feel his breath. You could feel Harry drilling holes into Draco with his eyes. “Uhm... Should I be concerned that Fred is holding back Harry?” Draco noticed. “Very.” You nodded. “Uhm... Wanna get out of here?” He asked. “Yep.” You nodded. 
The two of you walked around campus, the winter air hitting you hard. You shivered and Draco took off his jacket wrapping it around you. You smiled and he slid his hand into yours. “So your parents seem nice.” Draco said as you walked. “Wellll... To be honest dad is more of a jackass. Harry takes after him.” You said, earning a laugh from Draco. “And your mother?” He asked. “Calm. But definitely murders people in her mind.” You answered. He laughed again. “What about you?” You asked. “Hmm.” He pondered. “My mother is very... Patient. She’s nice.” He said. “And your father?” You asked. “Stern. But I know he loves me. If that makes sense.” He answered. “It does.” You nodded. Draco smiled at you and brushed a hair from the side of your face. You smiled at him and he slipped his fingers under your chin, kissing you. Soft. His lips were soft...
“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” You heard. “Fuck.” You sighed followed by rapid footsteps. “I AM GOING TO KILL--” you clothesline Harry as he sprinted towards Draco. “Wow.” Draco gaped. “I have uncles.” you shrugged. “Give this a rest Harry. This is just sad.” You sighed, helping him up. Harry’s nose started bleeding and Draco sighed. “I’ll take him to the medical wing.” Draco said. “Your jacket--” “Keep it. I’ll get it from you later.” he said with a smile. “I am so kicking your ass.” Harry grumbled, holding his nose. Draco walked the idiot down the hall and you turned to go back to the Hufflepuff common room before feeling someone tap you. You turned and Draco kissed you again smiling against your lips before finally dragging your dumbass brother away. 
“You did not just kiss my sister in front of me, you fucking prick.” Harry said holding his nose. “Hey, I’m not the one who got clotheslined by her.” Draco reminded. “I didn’t expect her to do that.” Harry winced. “Yeah trust me, neither did I.” Draco snorted. “I wasn’t lying Draco. You hurt her--” “I’m not going to Harry, I swear.” Draco said. Madame Pomfrey rose a brow. “Did you two fight again?” She asked. “No, this was my sister.” Harry said, removing his hand. She winced at the sight. “Tell your sister she did a good job.” She said before Draco walked away. “Promise me that you’re not going to break her heart.” Harry said making him stop. “What?” Draco asked. “Promise me you’re not going to break her heart.” Harry repeated. “Harry. I swear it. Do you want me to make a blood pact or something?” Draco asked. “...Is that an option?” Harry asked making Draco roll his eyes and walk away. 
The last trial finally approached. You were kind of anxious about it too. Draco however was confident you had the damn thing in the bag. “You tamed a Dragon Y/n. Whatever this next trial is, you’ve got it in the bag.” Draco said. James finally came with the rest of the family. “You ready?” Sirius asked. “Hell no.” You breathed. Viktor walked over, along with Fleur. You let out a shaking breath.. “We just wanted to say... What ever happens... Good luck.” Viktor said. “T-thanks.” You said. “Champions, approach the start!” The announcer yelled. You sucked in a breath and walked forward. You halted and turned back around, kissed Draco before leaving the Viktor and Fleur. Remus, Sirius and Peter hid smiles but Lily, again was having to hold back her idiot husband and son from killing the poor kid. “JUST ONE PUNCH--” “I’M WITH YOU HARRY!” James screeched.
The challenge began and you booked it, sprinting as fast as humanly possible through the maze. Find that damn cup. You took so many twists and turns, stopping for a brief moment to try to figure out where you were. Then you noticed that the maze was pulling you to the wall. “OH FUCK NO” was the only thing Viktor heard before rapid footsteps and you booking it as the maze walls were closing. You sprinted, Viktor right next to you as you ran. He went left you went right. Ironically, right was the right way considering you found the cup. You sprinted and gripped its handle before you seemed to float. 
Your body hit the ground hard and you coughed. “God I’m so feeling that in the morning.” You groaned before getting up. You brushed yourself off unaware to the crowd that was about to scream in celebration of your victory. Well, until you heard “THAT’S MY NIECE MOTHERFUCKERS!” Followed by “SIRIUS!” and a loud smack. You gaped and looked at the cup and then the crowd as they all screamed in victory, Dumbledore holding your hand high before your family sprinted out. “I knew you could do it!” Draco said with a smile you hugging him as the crowd cheered. You panted, looking at Draco as your arms were around him and he kissed you. James didn’t even care by this point because damn it: You did it! Holy shit! You let go of Draco and he smiled before Sirius lifted you onto his shoulders. “THAT’S MY GIRL! WOOOOOOOOHHH” Sirius screamed making you laugh. 
You all celebrated that night, sitting in the Great Hall with the cup. “So what are you doing with the victory money?” Sirius asked. You pondered. “Hmm... Hey, Fred, George?” You called. “Hmm?” Fred asked. “How’s business?” you asked, confusing the group more as you spoke. Did... you not hear the question orrr- “It’s going good, we’re beginning to need more room for the equipment though.” George answered. “Great.” You smacked the check down. “Buy a building.” Was all you said before getting up. The two boys looked at each other and then you. “Are you serious right now?!” Fred asked. “I don’t need it. Take it.” You said walking away. Lily snorted and James nearly pissed himself laughing. “She’s definitely James’ kid.” Peter laughed. Remus noticed one thing no one else did. Draco left with you. He smiled to himself and laughed at a joke one of the kids made. 
You stood in the library looking at the genres. Of course your way of celebrating would be to read. You read a few passages before feeling arms wrap around your waist. You smiled, turning in Draco’s arms to face the boy. “Hi.” You said with a smile. “Hi.” He said. You smiled as he kissed you, sinking into his arms. “I really am proud of you, by the way.” He said after pulling away for air. You chuckled. You kissed his nose and he chuckled, kissing your forehead. “AAaanndd Got ya.” Sirius said making you sigh. “Padfoot. Five more minutes.” You whined. “I believe that is how long it took to conceive your brother.” Sirius said making you gag. “Okay! Moment ruined, I’m leaving.” You said walking away. “Works every time.” Sirius said. Draco smiled, watching you jump on Remus’ back. “She really is something isn’t she?” Sirius said, a hand on Draco’s shoulder. He smiled to himself as you laughed at your dad nearly screaming at the bloody baron popping out of the wall. 
“She really is”
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I think I’m in love | knj.
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Summary: Your new internship sucked ass. It was fun, but exhausting at the same time. It also didn’t help that uni was also stressing you out. Amidst all this pressure and stress, perhaps a midnight walk on the Han River with your crush Kim Namjoon is what you needed all along. A/N: so I saw this namjoon picture circulating around stan twitter and my 3am sleep deprived ass decided to write a Drabble. 1 hour and 2k words later, here we are.
Words: 2k (maybe more idk I didn’t count)
Warnings: grammar issues, 4am writing
Song rec: I think I’m in love (kat dahlia)
“You’ve never been to the Han River at night?” Screams of outrage filled the silent room as you shook your head.
“I’ve never had the need to,” You frowned, feeling a little lost. “Plus it’s not like my parents would have let me.”
“Have you ever heard of something called sneaking out?” Jimin continued berating you and you couldn’t help but feel a little upset.
“Look, I know it may seem like Jimin-hyung is overreacting, but he’s not.” Jungkook clarified and made you feel even worse. “Han River is amazing at night.” The 3 boys nodded as if it were a common fact.
“You guys aren’t making this any better, y’know.” You frowned yet again.
They continued describing how mesmerising the river looked at night and you could do nothing but frown and continue doing your work.
Unbeknownst to you, Kim Namjoon kept sneaking glances at you from where he was seated. He wasn’t even trying to be subtle and that got on Yoongi’s nerves.
“Just ask them out, for fucks sake.” Yoongi massaged his eyes as Seokjin and Hoseok tried not to laugh.
“What do you mean?” Namjoon pretended to not know what Yoongi’s words meant and noted down a few more points for his assignment.
“Please tell me Namjoon did not just ask that,” Yoongi took a deep breath before proceeding, “Look, we all know that you have the most obvious crush on (Y/N) so just go and confess ok?”
It was true. Ever since you’d moved into the flat right opposite to his, Namjoon’s been talking about you non-stop.
But he continued to pretend like he didn’t hear Yoongi.
Seokjin and Hoseok, who were tired of their constant bickering and Namjoon’s denial, decided to take matters into their own hands.
“Yoongi’s right Joon,” Seokjin shared a mischievous glance with Hoseok before continuing, “If you don’t do anything, we will.” He declared, standing up and making his way to where you were sitting with Hoseok following in suit.
Namjoon started panicking even more when Yoongi decided to join Jin and Hobi as well, because he knew; oh he knew that they would not hold back. So he quickly ran after them and tried to convince them to back out.
“Guys, come on!” He begged, “I promise I will ask them out one day, but please please don’t do anything now,” It was too late now. Taehyung had spotted the lot of them walking up to your table.
“(Y/N), look!” You winced as Jungkook elbowed you harshly.
“What, dumbass--”  Kim Namjoon was standing in front of you.
For a moment, you felt your entire surroundings become a blur and you could only see Kim Namjoon in all his 6ft glory. And as soon as it came, it was gone because you had to remind yourself that people were watching.
“Jin-hyung! What’s up?” Jungkook hits the other man’s arm in greeting.
“Stop hitting me, punk,” They started doing their own thing again, forcing Hoseok to take over.
“We heard you guys talk something about rivers and we were bored so we decided to join lmao,” Hoseok dragged one of the chairs from a nearby table and slumped.
“Damn, I didn’t realise we were that loud,” Tae rubbed his neck sheepishly.
“It was necessary though! I mean it's not everyday we come to know that our best friend never visited the Han River at night,” All eyes were on you after Jimin’s statement.
“Wait (Y/N) really?” You nodded reluctantly. “I lived pretty far away plus I had strict parents so…” You hoped they would drop the topic here, and were extremely thankful when they did.
“Well, I'm sure you’ll have plenty more opportunities to visit. So don’t worry!” Seokjin cheered you up a little.
Your phone started ringing from nowhere and apparently your boss wanted you to collect some files to write a report on from the main office so you quickly informed your friends and bade them farewell.
Collecting the files wasn't the hard part. The hard part was walking home with no one except your thoughts to keep you company. You thought about what your friends said about the Han river and decided to make a trip if you were done with your work.
It sucked to admit it, but they were probably right. The Han River must be really mesmerising for them to talk about it so much and you found yourself suddenly envious of the rest of them.
Night strolls weren’t an option in your old neighbourhood; and though the new one wasn’t bad, you were busy with both uni and your internship. I mean being able to read your fanfics itself was a luxury and these hoes expected you to take a leisure stroll? Keep dreaming luv <3
You said all that to say, but you were still thinking about going there tonight. It seemed like immense fun and plus, it would be your first midnight stroll. You just hoped, with all your might, that you would be able to finish the work as soon as possible.
Lo and behold! 3 cups of coffee later, you were done!
To celebrate, you blasted some music on the speakers and danced along to the lyrics, bopping your head along to the beats.
Namjoon looked at your dancing form through his window. You seemed like you were having a lot of fun, he concluded, an amused  grin now apparent on his face. Judging by the way you seemed to have fun, Namjoon concluded that you must've been done with the work you mentioned you had.
Namjoon did not know the practicality of this, but he had a very random idea to take you on a riverside date. And you know what? He was going to do it. Fuck Yoongi, he’s going to prove it to the rest of them that he, indeed, could ask you out.
And so he took out a random book and wrote a message on it, Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me style.
He did not know where this sudden confidence came from, but he took a small pebble from his rock collection and chucked it across to make sure it hit your window (yes, he was careful not to break it) and waited for your response.
You, on the other hand, were confused. Your mini-dance session was interrupted by a clink! Against your window and you went to check for the source of the sound; only to be met with Kim Namjoon’s waving form.
You panicked internally, not knowing what to do in front of the man you obviously had a thing for. And you were even more confused when he held up a paper with something on it.
“Do you want to go on a riverside walk with me?” It read.
Apparently, you could not form words so that’s fun =D. Instead, you chose to stand there like 🧍🏽and just nod in response. Namjoon gave you a beautiful dimpled smile with a thumbs up before closing the curtains to his window and switching his lights off.
It was only now that you were hit with the epiphany that you were going on what was essentially a midnight date with the Kim Namjoon and boy, oh boy, you were most certainly NOT prepared for it.
Rushing to your closet, you threw on your most comfortable pair of outerwear (and of course made sure you looked presentable) before chewing like 5 breath mints and grabbing your scarf (and your apartment keys) to go and meet Namjoon.
“Hey,” He smiled.
“Hey,” You replied, still breathless.
“Ready to go?” Namjoon asked and you nodded in response. You noticed that he hid something in his bag but made no comment and instead fell into a steady pace beside him.
The walk to the river was not awkward at all, thanks to Namjoon’s ability to radiate comfort. Which was a blessing cause otherwise you would definitely have embarrassed yourself by now.
You didn't even realise that you’d reached your destination until you noticed the numerous cars and lights.
“Woah.” You had no words for the sight in front of you.
“It's beautiful, isn't it?” Namjoon chuckled and sighed, “I love coming here. It never gets old.” He stares off into the distance.
You get it now. The way the bridge lit up, the view, the vibe, everything. It was enthralling. And the fact that it was Namjoon who was with you made this 1000 times better.
You were so absorbed with admiring the view in front of you that your dumbass didn't notice Namjoon staring at you. There was just something so absolutely adorable and endearing in the way your eyes lit up and seemed to sparkle at the sight in front of the both of you.
“Namjoon, look!” You grab the sleeve of his hoodie, “Purple lights!” He quickly snaps a picture of not only the scenery in front of him, but also you. You who were so excited to see this view at midnight for the first time.
You spent a bit more time admiring the view, goofing off, and taking pictures before finally deciding that it was time for the both of you to head back. As upset as you were, you took comfort in knowing that you could visit this place more often hereon.
The conversation on the walk back home was one that you would never forget.
“No way… Here I was thinking that alpha and beta were just limited to greek alphabet and math,” The look of horror on Namjoon’s face when you explained omegaverse was something that you desperately wanted a picture of, and regretted not taking one.
“It’s a thing that definitely exists, and though I may not be a fan of it; I think a lot of people are into that kind of thing.”
“Interesting,” He comments, pausing. “Say, would the title ‘My Alpha mate’ qualify as omegaverse?” His sudden question caught you off guard.
“I think so… Why do you ask?”
“I think… I think Yoongi-hyung is into omegaverse.” Even though you did not mean to, you burst out in laughter. Yoongi being into reading stories centering around dom alpha mating rituals was something you never needed to know but were glad you did.
You continued explaining the various fanfiction tropes to the other male, especially your favourite ones.
“Oh, I once remember reading this amazing Zuko, Sokka and Suki fic somewhere and I genuinely think that it should be nominated for the Nobel prize,” Namjoon looked at you affectionately while you rambled about the plot of the story.
“And at the end--” You paused, looking behind you and caught Namjoon standing with a camera in his hands.
“Sorry, you just looked so beautiful, I had to take a picture.” You were sure you looked like the capillaries in your face burst.
There were a lot of things Namjoon was proud about, and making you blush that hard was definitely on his top 5.
“L-let’s go, dork.” You try your best to brush it off but KIM NAMJOON JUST COMPLIMENTED YOU STFU OK YOU WERE ALLOWED TO CRY.
Anyways, y’all reached your apartment complex sooner than the both of you wanted, and honestly? Neither of you wanted the other to go.
“So,” “Actually--” You both begin at the same time. Flustered, you gestured to Namjoon to go ahead with what he wanted to say and assured him that what you wanted to say wasn’t of any major importance.
“I actually bought something for you,” He took a small bag out of his backpack and handed it to you. “It’s a collection of poems and short stories that i wrote for-for you,” He flushed and avoided making eye-contact with you.
“Namjoon, I--”
“You don’t need to read it, but I just wanted to give them to you because… because I really like you.” It was your turn to blush (again).
“Of course I will read it, you idiot. I’m literally in love with you, what makes you think I won't?” Namjoon widened his eyes and proceeded to smile bashfully, pulling you into a tight hug.
“You have no idea how happy I am right now,” He admits, swaying you around in his arms. You nuzzle deeper into his warm embrace and whisper--
“Thank you for everything, Joonie.”
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burningupp-replies · 3 years
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You were nervous. Of course you saw your friends all the time, and you were particularly excited to see Suki (let's face it who wouldn't be) and everyone had picked 3 kickass movies to watch - and yet, the thing you were focusing on most? Some emo boy with a scar.
Even thinking of him that way felt so wrong. First of all, he deserved to be recognized as a person, and a sweet one at that. Second, his scar was not a defining feature. Maybe at first glance, yes, but for some reason his scar seemed... Endearing. It suited him, in a weird way.
But also, yes; you definitely had some type of feelings towards your coworker. That was definitely the reason for your nerves, as much as you hated to admit it. And Sokka's constant "subtle hints" (read: blatant matchmaking) were making your nerves ramp up even more.
At 7:15 you started freaking out - everyone was there except for him. Did he change his mind? Did he decide that you weren't worth his time? Did his girlfriend-which-he-probably-had convince him to go out on a date instead?
You were going to throw up.
"I am pathetic," you told Suki, who snorted in response.
"Yeah, pretty much." when you groaned at your friend's general unhelpfulness, she sighed and turned her full attention on you. "He has never been here before, right?"
"Uh huh. He's probably stuck looking for parking or lost or something. Stop worrying, y/n, he will be here and he will enjoy himself."
With that, Suki turned her full attention to her dumbass of a boyfriend, and you got up to go into the kitchen for a soda. Once you got one, you were headed back to the living room when the doorbell rang. Your blood turned to ice in your veins, and you suddenly forgot how to breathe.
In that moment, you felt as stupid as ever. He was just some dumb guy who just so happened to capture your attention a little. So what? People had stupid crushes all the time - sometimes it went somewhere, sometimes it didn't. You put on your big girl panties, and went to answer the door.
Only to be struck dumb once more.
He was wearing gray sweatpants and a fitted dark red sweater. He was holding a grocery bag and a takeaway tray with a bunch of cups from the JD. He looked good, mouthwateringly so.
"Hi, y/n," he greeted.
You blinked once before scolding yourself mentally. He's a freaking person, y/n, say something!
"Hi, Zuzu!"
Nailed it.
You grinned widely and stepped aside, allowing him into yours and Sokka's apartment.
"Sorry I'm late, parking was... Difficult," he smiled, and you looked at him apologetically.
"I should have warned you. And it's fine, you're here now, so we can get started! The others are in the living room."
You guided Zuko into the living room, where greetings and hugs were shared throughout the group. He gave everyone a cup of tea - apparently Iroh had a soft spot for the gaang.
"I have some drinks and snacks with me, mind if I go into the kitchen and borrow a bowl and a glass?" he asked politely after a while.
"No problem," Sokka piped up. "y/n can show you." He then proceeded to wink very animatedly at you, and you could feel your cheeks heating up.
"That I can," you agreed with an eye roll at your roommate. "Sorry about that idiot," you sighed once you and Zuko were in the kitchen.
"No worries," he smiled as he dug around in his grocery bag. "I've known him since high school; trust me when I say I know him."
You laughed a bit at that, handing him a bowl which he accepted without a pause. It gave you a weird feeling of domesticity, and you pushed down the butterflies that were battling their way out. Instead of swooning, you grabbed a glass and poured one of his drinks for him, while he put the other ones he brought into the fridge. You couldn't help but smile to yourself.
"Alright, movie time!" you said, clapping your hands together before leading him out of the room.
In the living room, everyone were spread out everywhere. Katara and Aang were sharing a love seat, Sokka and Suki were taking up a whole-ass couch and Toph was sitting on the floor, leaving Zuko and you the other love seat as your only option. The small one, might you add. You glowered at everyone, but they all just smirked back (except for Toph, who was oblivious).
"Oh," Zuko murmured, his cheeks tinged a light pink that might just be your new favorite color.
"It's fine," you started, "I can sit on the floor."
"No, you don't have to - there's enough room for both of us," Zuko protested, and you smiled, unsure.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable," you mumbled, your cheeks heating up again.
"Oh my god, just share the damn seat. I want to listen to a movie," Toph groaned. Yep, definitely blushing now.
Everyone laughed, and you glared at them as you and Zuko sat down on the couch. Sokka started the movie - Aladdin, the remake from 2019.
"That was a good movie," Aang praised happily as the movie ended.
"It was alright," Zuko agreed as everyone began to stretch. "So, what happens now?"
You gazed at him, not that you had much choice since your brain hadn't been able to focus on anything but him throughout the entire movie. Somewhere in the middle of the movie, you had repositioned to stretch out your legs. You hadn't thought about where you put them, though, and had ended up with them partially over his lap. You started to pull away immediately, but Zuko had just grabbed your legs like it was the most natural thing in the world and draped them over his lap. Needless to say, Sokka had been smirking. Bastard.
"Now we take a fifteen minute break, talk some shit, get some drinks, go to the bathroom, and then we watch another movie. Frozen is up next, right?" Suki answered, to which you ripped your eyes away from Zuko to nod.
Zuko looked over at you and smiled, saying, "I think I'm good here."
You practically died.
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TEAMWORK | part 5
A/N: Since you guys asked me to, I wrote out the whole movie night! Hope you guys enjoy it, even though my writing is kinda shit lol. This is also the last one I will post before Christmas, HOWEVER I am from Sweden, so I celebrate with family and stuff the 24th, so I will probably have the next part up on the 25th (don't quote me on that tho). I really hope you guys enjoy it! Lmk if you want to be on the taglist :) love youuuuuuu <3
@theblueslytherin @bakugouswh0r3 @slutforsalvatore @charlenasaxen
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Part 1!  Part 2
Bakugou slumps angrily on the couch in the common space of his shared apartment.
Although if it were up to him he would have had his own apartment.
Especially with the way Kirishima brought his girlfriend over to sit on the love seat in the small living room being all...touchy feely. It was enough to make him gag.
Kirishima had begged him to sign the lease with him and so Bakugou begrudgingly agreed.
But he didn't expect a third party to be living here.
And no it was the cute pink haired woman who sat giggling beneath his sculpted arm.
It was you.  
You who bursts through the doors, practically running into the living room as you slip off your shoes.
"I need someone's help during the undergrad agency summer break." You pant as you look around the room. Eyes first flying to Kirishima before landing on the growling Ash blonde, "It'd be half work half vacation for a couple of weeks. Please."
You sound desperate causing Bakugou's stomach to churn. While it caused Kirishima to panic. In the year or so the three of you had shared an apartment you had never asked for help.
Not even with the dishes after your turn to cook. Glittering rubies dance across your form while scarlet burn holes into your skin.
"When? Which month?" Kirishima asks, pulling Mina closer to his muscular form.
"This upcoming month. So next week." Desperation is in your face again, "It's just a simple job I would pay…"
"I wish I could but Ashido and I are going abroad for our final summer internship before we are stand alone pros." Kirishima watches your face become crestfallen. You look to Bakugou desperately who avoids your puppy eyed gaze purposefully.
"Could you get Denki to do it?" Kirishima prompts. You chew your lip as you try to picture it.
"He isn't a good fit for the job. I need...someone a little more serious." Pacing as you think, going down the list of your classmates that might be free. Each step becoming more anxiety fueled, Kirishima's eyebrows knit upwards before his gaze lands on his friend.
"Bakugou, you got the summer off as a reward didn't you?" The ash blonde cuts his "friend" a harsh glare.
"Oi so what if I did?" All venom as he makes eye contact, instantly regretting it as he watches hope bloom on your face. His heart pangs as his stomach twists. He let's out an angry growl, "I'm not helping any fucking extras."
He stands, headed to barricade himself in his room for the rest of the evening. Between you and the fucking love birds he was more than ready to tear out his soft locks.
Your heart pounded in your chest now that Kirishima had mentioned it, Bakugou could potentially be perfect for the job. And you didn't have much time. The two of you would need to leave this weekend.
Desperate times called for desperate measures.
"Please Bakugou! I'll make that super spicy ramen you love!" Your voice is higher than normal and whiny. Something the two men are unused to. Sinking your knees into the soft carpet in front of him. Your hands raised above your head as you speak.
"Please please please. I'll make the ramen anytime you want it for the next YEAR! 330 in the morning. 4 in the afternoon. 8pm! Please Bakugou Katsuki please!" You clap your hands, clasping them tightly together trying to hold onto what little dignity you had left. Groveling to a man you hardly knew and tolerated because Kirishima asked you to. Broken pride lodges like a lump in your throat, burning your eyes with unshed tears.
Katsuki blinks slowly, It was the first time you had used his first name.
And to be honest he hadn't ever imagined you to beg for anything.
He grabs onto your wrists yanking you to your feet.
"No one wants to see you on your knees, Brat." He snarls, yanking you hard enough you lose your footing as you're pulled into his godly chest. He watches you look up at him through long lashes. Your voice carrying in his head long after you've stopped speaking. Plush lips pointed in a forever pout.
"Please Katsuki."
He suppresses a shudder, grip tightening as he holds your forearms.
"I'll do it. Now shut up." He snarls, giving you a small shove.
Most people would feel embarrassed or hell even a little shameful. But you were not most people.
Bakugou hears you jumping for joy as he slams his door shut. Wondering what the hell he agreed too.
He finds himself still wondering what he's said yes to as he stands in the train station staring at the map of the stops.
The town you named as your stop was in the middle of fucking no where. Where the hell were you two going?
Was this where you murdered him like you always promised?
"Katsuki! There you are!" Of course it's you who's shouting across the damn station, and if you didn't already attract enough attention with your easy on the eyes looks.
His own eyes watch your thick frame, powerful legs pushing you forward to him while your backpack among other things jiggle as you run, "You didn't get your ticket yet did you?"
He produces the slip as his eyes are finally drown downward towards the large duffle bag overstuffed with what looks like toys and souvenirs.
"Fucking Bakugou!" You snarl, "I was gonna buy your ticket."
He slides his digits against the smooth grey paper to reveal another ticket.
"Had I waited for your dumbass we wouldn't have made it there." You follow his eyes to the board to see your stop was SOLD OUT.
"What's with all that shit?" Again you mirror his gaze to your giant bag.
"Presents." You snarl, pushing him toward the platform as the grainy voice overhead announces boarding.
Bakugou shoves his small black bag into an overhead compartment, motioning with his broad hands for yours. You pass him your obnoxiously large bag that he growls over as he shoves it in, slamming the door shut.
He takes your book bag from your shoulders roughly before carefully placing it between his foot and the metal wall. You offer him a small smile before anxiety and anger begins to dance beneath your skin. The train becoming more and more crowded as people board. The last thing you wanted was your ass accidentally pressed against some perverts hardon each time the train jerked this way or that. You really should have asked Bakugou to help you get here early. If you had maybe you could have at least grabbed a seat. You just keep reminding yourself that after three stops the train would practically be empty.
But it was becoming a difficult mantra as more men pressed themselves against you as they piled onto the train. One or two ghosting their hands over your defined denim clad cheek.  You bite your tongue counting down from ten knowing full well that causing a scene would only make things more difficult for you.  
A suck of teeth is heard before you're being harshly pulled off balance just for your back to be pressed into the cool metal wall of the train. You're about to throw a punch when you realize it is Bakugou who has you pinned in the corner of the car. One strong hand pressed above your shoulder to keep from crashing into you as the train moves while the other holds tight to the bar overhead, shielding you from wander eyes but most importantly wandering hands.
Your heart thumps in your chest as you're caged in, all the while harsh scarlet eyes look down at you in a sneer.
"You should have left earlier Baka." He growls as his eyes cut to the corner of the window to stare at anything but you.  
A blush creeps into your cheeks as silence washes over the car. You take deep breaths to calm yourself only to be smothered in a heavy and almost charred sugary scent. A smile ghosts your lips as it reminds you of late summer nights and fireworks at festivals.
Over the next hour you steal glances up at the hot head who looks more than displeased as his scarlet eyes bore holes into the passing cityscape that slowly turns into a suburb just outside of the city limits. As you said the bodies on the train have thinned significantly as Bakugou pulls away, pointing to the first open seat he can see.
You gladly take it, nestling beside a kind old man who gives you a knowing look. Somehow it makes you blush more.
Bakugou wasn't going to take the news well as to why you really begged him on this adventure.
But what he didn't know didn't hurt him. He was already fitting the job description although he had his own way of doing it. His eyes cut to your bag by his foot to make sure it is still there before they cut to you.  
They linger over the old man questioning with his gaze if you're being bothered. You give a small shake of your head no before he sighs out. Taking with it some of the tension in his body as he pulls his phone from his pocket, his other arm still holding onto the bar. His muscles and bare skin peeking out from beneath the sleeve of his skull tee. Flexing with each pull of the train.
Heat floods your cheeks when you realize you are staring, you fish for your own phone to distract yourself as time seems to creep by.
Before long the older gentleman's stop has come, he ruffles the paper as if to fold it but uses the sound and ink as cover.
"You should just tell him." He gives you a wink before he folds the news neatly, tucking it beneath his arm as he slowly steps out of the training. Stopping just to give you a wink.
"Uuuugghh." Your heart sinks into your stomach before Bakugou finally takes a seat beside you.
"You sure that geezer didn't give you any trouble?" You nod as he scoots further away as the train empties until it is just the two of you.  
"What exactly am I fucking doing anyway?"
Fuckity fuck.
He wasn't supposed to ask yet.
You had hoped he wouldn't ask at all! That he would have kept his gaze sharp, arms crossed and mouth shut.
But here he sat, close enough you could smell his sugary scent once more.
"Don't get mad."
"Oh here we fucking go." His forearms threaten to pop as he holds your gaze head on.
"It's not really a job. I'm still going to pay you but…we're going to my hometown to see my family. So many people are going to be there I just didn't want to go alone. I haven't been in well over a year or so due to hero training and schooling. It's my grandmother's 95th birthday and well I…"
He watches sadness creep over your features, pulling your lips southward. He sighs out, letting go of the popping sensation that pricks at his skin.
"Oi, just means you owe me more than a years worth of ramen." His voice is gruff but it doesn't match his scarlet eyes. The train stops as two woman and the six kids between them get ready to board.
Thankfully you spot them before they spot you.
You lean close to Bakugou whispering almost too quickly for him to hear.
"From this point on. Just follow my lead."
You stand, a smile wide across your face as the kids yell, "Jushi-saaaan!!!"
Bakugou holds his breath and counts for a moment, realizing much too late that there's no turning back now.  
Conversation is light between the two of you as the kids play on their switches. Laughing loudly before more and more people pile on.
But this time they aren't strangers, no each time they are a new relative. Scarlet eyes narrow as the begin to wonder just HOW big your family was.
The train stops but the adventure doesn't as the large family loads onto a small bus ride that last another hour.
The sun begins to set as bus finally stops just outside a large estate and much older estate.
"No fucking way." He mutters to himself as he grabs for your bags, keeping his grumbling to himself as he climbs towards the estate.
"I can take one of those Katsuki. I don't mind."
"Dumbass I need it since you took away a month of training from me." He growls, pushing past you as he rises to the top.
Once there an elderly woman greets the two of you, he eyes roaming over Bakugou with a dull but interested look before passing back to you.  
"Separate rooms of course. Set your things down, Mei will take them. For now Sobo wants to see the two of you."
You bow, stomping on Bakugou's foot until he follows suit. Glaring at you the entire time.
Still he follows you around the large estate until you come across an open tatami door. Before you can sink down to your knees your grandmother calls for you.
"Come in dear! Don't be shy." She smiles delightfully watching the ash blonde with deft eyes.  Bakugou wouldn't have guess your grandmother was 95 if you hadn't told him. She sits stick straight in an old. iromuji kimono with bright eyes.
You sink to your knees and he mirrors your actions. Curiosity softening his burning ember eyes.
"How have you been my sweet mago?" She smiles wide enough that even her eyes seem to smile, reminding Bakugou if you.
Guess the apple never really does fall far from the tree.
"I'm well. I'm almost done with my pro hero internship. Then I can freelance and do work as I please." You smile, going on about your life as you catch up with your grandmother.
"Well I've got something for you as promised." She leans forward passing you a black kimono with cranes stitched in silver and golden thread. A small shrill shriek leaves your body as you hug onto her tightly pulling the fabric away from you to see.
"It's gorgeous grams!"
"A gorgeous piece for a gorgeous woman." Her smile is directed towards the ashen blonde "So Bakugou was it?"
He gives a nod, his body fully relaxed as he tries his hardest to be respectful desire his wanting to scream what the hell he needed to waste a full day's journey to the middle of no where for.
"We've heard so much about you! A pro hero with a powerful quirk." Bakugou smirks over the compliment, "You look strong. Good my mago needs it. She and this family do not do well with pushovers. She needs someone with a strong will. Since you are her fiance I have a few questions."
"Fian…" He shoots a glare towards you to which you return tenfold, he glances towards your grandmother. He grinds his teeth in temporary defeat.
"I need to know you can take care of her. My granddaughter is independent, almost to a fault. She comes from a long line of stubbornness and strong willed women. She needs to be supported without being overshadowed. She will need to be offered help because she will never ask and you will need to watch her closely as she will show two emotions. Determined and composed anger to get the task done and happiness should you be lucky. But the real question is." Grandmother leans in close holding Bakugou's darkening gaze, "Would you die for my granddaughter?"
His brows furrow from such an old fashioned question, your grandmother's eyes begin to narrow, gaze unwavering as she stares into crimson pools for the answer.
"I'll ask a final time. Would you die for my granddaughter?" Bakugou holds her gaze and answers without thought or hesitation.
Speaking an unspoken truth he hadn't realized was there.
"Yes." His voice is gruff and serious, even causing you to be taken aback.
All the while your grandmother's eyes cloud with what you think is suspicion before a giant smile plasters onto her face.
"He's going to fit right in." The old rotary phone in her study begins to ring, "I'll see you two tonight for dinner."
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