#and NOW im a weirdo asshole irrational illogical spoiled lazy entitled child for managing to force the behavior that they used to want
anaalnathrakhs · 26 days
wait, 8 years old kid, you can be alone all day but we'll drive all the mandatory stuff ourselves! wait, 12 years old kid, you're too independant! wait, 14 years old kid, come sit with us instead! wait, 17 years old kid, i'll take the car and pick you up 800 meters away from home! wait, 18 years old kid, don't you know how difficult and hard and painful it was for us when you didn't do activities you don't like with us, back then!
wait, 18 years old kid, i don't understand why you're not more independant if you want it so badly, after all it's normal at your age!
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