#and not constantly hiding the troubles it can cause me often
anaalnathrakhs · 4 months
wait, 8 years old kid, you can be alone all day but we'll drive all the mandatory stuff ourselves! wait, 12 years old kid, you're too independant! wait, 14 years old kid, come sit with us instead! wait, 17 years old kid, i'll take the car and pick you up 800 meters away from home! wait, 18 years old kid, don't you know how difficult and hard and painful it was for us when you didn't do activities you don't like with us, back then!
wait, 18 years old kid, i don't understand why you're not more independant if you want it so badly, after all it's normal at your age!
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v-anrouge · 2 months
Verryyy long ranting under this about vil and how this fandom treats him for absolutely no reason pls excuse any mistakes and feel free to correct me with any accidental misinfo i passed <3
Mentions of racism, fatphobia, eating disorders, elitism & ableism and also SPOILERS for Vil's character story (eng only)
Ever since this game started getting super famous in tiktok and twitter it seems that people just love to butcher literally every character in Twst and sometimes it's genuinely baffling how wrong some of the takes are, it really does make me wonder if some people just don't read the story and just skip every character who isn't their fave, and if they really do that, what makes them think they know enough about the rest of the cast to post in the character's main tag the most rancid read on a character, often accompanied by some accusations of literal crimes of bigotry that really should be taken more seriously instead of being terms thrown around.
I'm gonna be talking about Vil specifically but characters like Leona, Jamil, Sebek and a few others have it exceptionally bad as well (especially Leo and Jamil who's haters can even be quite racist)
I've been playing for a very long time (in eng) i remember being there to watch the Heartslabyul final release and the release of Savanaclaw's chapter and through these years ive seen the most horrific takes on Vil's characters, ranging from the accusations of racism (which have been debunked again and again especially by JP players) to accusations of supporting eds, fatphobia, elitism and ableism. The funny thing is that even with a very quick read of any of Vil's story you'll find out there is no support for any of such claims. They like to use the incident with Epel's accent when for years JP players have pointed out how this was strictly an error of localization since they couldn't find a situation similar to the one that is portrayed in the original game to put in eng twst, they went with the one we have where Vil asks Epel to "hide his accent" (he really doesn't he was talking about the way Epel is rude and disrespectful which would definitely end with him being beat up and then expelled bringing a bad fame to Pomefiore and also making Vil look bad for not properly guiding his dorm students) which is a terrible choice but alas it seems people prefer to ignore facts to stick with their claim that Vil is some sort of monster when this man is literally a teen. He's 18 years old and has to constantly look out for his image in and out of school since he grew up in front of the cameras.
Vil's character is all about beauty and self care and self acceptance yet for some people this seems to translate to "starve yourself if you don't want to be a disgusting fat pig" which is very weird to say the least considering all mentions Vil makes about diets he is talking about keeping a balanced diet to nurture your body and even has a voice line pointing out the importance of eating. Vil himself may be coded to have an ED in his overblot and Lab vignette but he has never and would never encourage one, he literally goes out of his way to annoy students to take care of themselves what makes anyone think he'd encourage them anyways? It's such a weird thing to assume of a character.
A lot of people seem to think that Vil is also the "beauty standart" king which doesn't even make sense considering vil is a gnc man, he already doesn't follow beauty standards and would definitely be against it, Vil's vision of beauty for himself may be twisted due to his traumas and troubles yet his vision of beauty for others is always exclusively on the person being their best version, this includes dressing how they want to and feel comfortable in, using whatever makeup they want (or just not using it at all) etc.
The way Vil speaks is often misunderstood as he tends to be strict and can be read as mean (I've already shared my theory on what may have caused this behavior here before so i won't be getting into too many details) but Vil is a famous and respected housewarden because if you actually stop and think about his advice the end result is always an effort to make the person's desires come true. (a good example is how Vil made Epel clean the windows and although Epel was displeased with the hard labor in the end he notices how the task may help with muscle growth and gets happy)
Vil's way of caring for others is often misunderstood and obviously that's understandable, not everybody may get his "rougher" way of handling advice, but also it's a bit weird how people react to it when in game all of the characters seem to be okay with it, Pomefiore has a lot of students and if they considered Vil to be a bad leader he would've been voted out a long time ago, no? And if i remember correctly wasn't it said in game they had very few transfers? (as in characters moving out of Pomefiore and into other dorms) That wouldn't make sense if Vil was really the cruel leader some people make him out to be. The truth is Vil is a nice caring person and his students recognize that which is why he is respected all across the school and not simply on his dorm (because ive seen people say Vil has brainwashed the Pomefiore students into thinking he is a good housewarden 💀)
Vil surely has issues he needs to work through, after all this game is literally about that, dealing with troubled teenagers and their internal struggles and the importance of asking for help (omg friendship is magic...) but Vil is also a teenager, and he is one of the characters that show the most desire to get better, immediately showing regret and apologizing to Yuu and his classmates for the danger he put them in, that is because Vil genuinely does care for them.
Another accusation people make is ableism, i remember seeing many posts saying Vil wouldn't respect disabled people and/or mentally ill people which is 1- extremely fucking rude to say? 2- absolutely wrong. Again just a quick read on Vil's character will tell you everything you need to know about how he'd feel about disabled people, he'd treat them like everyone else, and would adjust his handling accordingly to their needs, i really don't get where this claim comes from but it's quite ironic because a lot of Vil haters tend to be ableist themselves by claiming that Vil is a bad person mentioning traits that are often caused by mental illness and the effect of traumas, failing to analyze how their treatment of a character that displays common mental illness symptoms may affect people in real life who displays the same symptoms, and often being ableist themselves by judging these actions irredeemable and inherently evil/heartless, once again dehumanizing people with mental illness in real life who deal with the same symptoms.
Another common thing is the constant invalidation of Vil's trauma. A lot of people seem to read book 5 with their eyes closed and take away from the story that the reason Vil "got pissy and almost killed a guy" (wording of a terrible post i saw a few days ago<333) is because he's a "spoiled brat who couldn't handle getting the paper he wanted in a movie boo hoo" which is kind of funny with how terribly wrong it is, i really don't know what your thought process has to be to get his backstory this wrong but sure, let's start; The start of Vil's problems with being cast as a villain starts from when he was very very young, he was just a child when after being cast as a villain for a movie he was almost beat up by a group of boys for being an "evil guy" and by his reaction it wouldn't be impossible that this wasn't his first time dealing with that kind of thing. Vil also tells jack (who scared away the group) that he had trained so he would be able to deal with them on his own which again, could be a hint that this wasn't that uncommon in his life. In Vil's overblot dialogue is all we really need to know to debunk this claim.
What Vil wanted wasn't just to be a hero in a movie, he wanted to be seen, to be heard and cherished, he wanted to be more than a pretty prop they could put on the front to get attention only to be taken out of stage when he was no longer necessary in the next scene, do you get it? He wanted to be able to see his hard work pay off, to see his efforts of years being rewarded, to for once not be exchangeable for someone more favorable. Vil wanted to feel like all his pain was worth it in the end because finally he could shine in the stage, being himself instead of just another persona to attract people. In his overblot it's shown clearer than ever that Vil does not have a stable view of his own image unlike what he has trained himself to show, even calling himself ugly and begging them to not look at him. I don't think Vil is used to be being vulnerable, which would explain why he was so freaked out when the overblot happened, and why he cried when his beauty (the one thing about himself that was always recognized by others and therefore the thing he'd always been the most desperate to nurture) was taken away by aging in book 6 (note; the fact Vil sacrificed it for his classmates also just debunks the people saying he only cares for himself, if he did he wouldn't be who he is.)
I said i wouldn't give my thoughts again but i will, just briefly, i believe an easy explanation to Vil's behavior (the tough love he gives and his strictness) might be because of the industries he grew up in, we can't know for sure how similar twst's version of the movie and modeling industry is when compared to the real life one but considering the way Vil is, my guess it's that it's pretty similar, especially in the regard of their treatment towards children, in Vil's overblot he hears two staff members talking about how he'd never be able to pull off a relatable role because he is too perfect, and sure those may not look like insults, but to Vil who's only dream his entire life was to be seen in good light, those words stuck to him so deeply they'd come back to him during his overblot. (note; i have not seen a jp translation of the overblot scenes so i don't know if they also suffered from localization issues, if anyone has a link to one i could see id really like to see what the staff said to Vil)
The general point of Vil's overblot was how his efforts and hard work were always overlooked and ignored in favor of someone else, this happens with quite a lot of characters and happens as well with another overblot (Leona, who happens to be quite similar to Vil in many ways) and although i don't expect anyone to read it and think of analysing it more deeply even with a shallow vision of his overblot it's still incredibly insensitive to call it a "non-problem" especially considering the fact this is Vil's ENTIRE life, he's been working hard and failing for years again and again and that does get to you. I remember when i posted my first rant on Vil quite a lot of people who reported to be skilled at something (say for example music or dancing) as a child that any failures absolutely destroyed you inside, and that people who haven't passed through the same tend to call them dramatic and say they're overreacting to situations that can be classified as trauma depending on how much it mentally impacted said child. (and in Vil's case it's clear it had a massive one, after all he wouldn't have overblotted if he didn't have issues that had been bottled up until they finally exploded)
Mentioning Leona again, he and Vil share the same sentiment of anguish for being discarded and having their hard work be thrown away, the difference in them is the way they reacted to it, while Leona ended up not seeing any value in attempting to do anything because he assumes the outcome is always going to be the same, Vil overworks himself and forces himself to do things he might hate clinging to the hope that this time it'll work out.
Since we're talking about trauma ill already answer some things that may or may not come with this post (because in my first one i got this response a lot) "Vil's a fictional character it doesn't matter" and sure if you think like that cool, personally, when im talking about a fictional character that tackles real life traumas and issues, i talk about it as if referring to a real person because the character has been written with one (or multiple) in mind.
Twst may have issues but the character writing is undeniably about real life traumas and experiences, and the characters are quite accurate and good representation of the issues they tackle, so when you invalidate them, you are by result invalidating real life issues. Of course this won't stop anyone and i know that a few people will probably scoff at this and brush it off as being too sensitive but personally if you wouldn't dare invalidate say for example Riddle's traumas because you know it's a representation of mommy issues, which is a very real problem, to not go against your own morals you should also respect the issues of all the other characters, even if you personally think some are more "serious" than the other.
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seasirengirl · 6 months
Good morning, a request please from Percy x reader (siblings, not romance) How does Percy react if he discovers that he has a younger twin?His sister was stolen as a baby and grew up in Camp Half-Blood,What will Sally do when she sees her daughter again after so long?
saludos desde la cabaña 3 🐬🐙
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pairing: percy jackson x platonic!poseidon!reader
a/n: i absolutely love this request, i hope it’s something you actually enjoy. 🤍
wc: 1.6k
the lord of the sky has made many mistakes in his godly immortal life, especially one of them always stood out. the name of the mistake was
thalia grace.
after the second world war, the oath of not having demigod children has been made and has not been broken for decades, the children were terribly powerful and caused trouble to the universe multiple times, so not having them was the only solution to cause less destruction and war.
zeus was the first to break the oath, for which he received quite the backlash from his elder brothers, hades and poseidon. meaning that his demigod child (which he didn’t have much care for) was constantly in danger by the two major gods.
but turns out that poseidon was next, when he met a woman who changed him for the better, breaking the oath didn’t seem to be much of a problem for him.
but there wasn’t one demigod child.
there was two.
twins, a girl and a boy, which caused much more problems than one could have.
the king of olympus didn’t take this lightly, he decided to get his revenge by doing the worst, separating the twins, but poseidon insisted on keeping the younger twin alive, but the punishment was to sally jackson, the woman poseidon fell in love with.
sally never got to know her daughter, it was told that she didn’t make it, only her son did.
but she was very much alive and safe, in camp half-blood.
when percy turned 12, the monsters started appearing more often, which meant that it was time for him to finally visit the place that sally has tried to keep him from, camp half-blood.
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there weren’t many greek demigod children who didn’t have a childhood or some sort of time outside camp half-blood, but you were a special coincidence.
you were basically born and raised in camp half-blood, without a clue on who any of your parents were.
when you got to the age where you could understand such a devastating story, chiron told you that your mother died in childbirth and your father was unknown to everyone.
the guilt you carried was not something an ordinary 12 year old girl should’ve experienced, but like the brave girl you were, you sucked it up, not wanting to show a single sign of weakness to the ares kids who have despised you for quite a while.
percy jackson always wondered what life would be like if his twin sister had survived, if he had someone who was experiencing the same thing as him, life would’ve been so much easier for him.
poseidon, lord of the sea, the earthshaker, the mighty major god has never experienced such guilt in his life. some might say gods are absent of any emotion, but being alive for such a long time has made it much easier to hide their emotions well.
but seeing his little girl silently cry in the hermes cabin every night has broken his heart.
but everything changed the night that sally, percy and grover were driving to long island.
“wait so, my dad is like, one of those guys you told me about? like a greek god?” percy asked curiously, still not believing it.
neither sally or grover answered anymore.
“uh, i don’t think i’m supposed to say this because a certain god might zap me to death, but i have something big to confess.” grover randomly blurted out.
“today can not get crazier, so go ahead.” percy answered, still freaked out about how much has happened that day.
“so percy had a twin sister, right?”
“uh, how do you know that?” percy asked.
“she’s alive, i think.” grover said, trying to form sentences so the bomb he just dropped on the mother and son wouldn’t sound as crazy.
sally stopped the car, grover and percy hit their heads to the backseat.
“excuse me?!” sally yelled out.
“her name is y/n, the only thing chiron actually told me about her is that her last name is jackson and she’s 12 years old, she has been at camp like since birth, i think. ms jackson, keep driving, please.” grover explained, casually.
shock was written on sally jackson’s face, she decided not to say anything, maybe this girl was a coincidence, her baby girl couldn’t be alive, she was gone, but a spark of hope was planted in sally’s heart, her dreams of not losing her daughter were somewhat possible again.
that was before she got turned into dust in the hands of the minotaur.
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percy woke up into a random room with a lot of beds in it, the room had the aura of the sun, somehow, everything was decorated in warm tones, except for the comforting light blue sheets on every bed, a girl was standing in the doorway, staring at him.
she had the same black hair as him, her sea green eyes were focused on his, she looked like him.
she slowly walked up to him.
suddenly every memory flashed all at once, greek gods, long island, grover being half-a-donkey, the minotaur, his mother.
oh, and his sister being apparently alive.
“hey, i’m y/n.” you said softly, in a comforting voice, instantly calming him down.
“where am i?” percy asked, confused.
“camp half-blood’s infirmary, wait, did your satyr fill you in on this place?” you asked, slightly worried that you’d scare him away.
“the whole olympian god thing? kind of, yeah.” percy responded, it still felt like a fever dream, and the fact that he was talking to his twin sister for the first time in his entire life didn’t make it easier.
“i’m sorry about your mom, by the way.” you looked at him with genuine support in your eyes.
“our mom.” percy corrected.
“what do you mean?”
“i’m your brother, percy jackson.” percy said, extending his hand for you to shake, he felt bad to drop this all on you, but you had to find out from him, not from anyone else.
“that-, that’s not possible, i don’t have a brother, i don’t have a family, no one.” you were in denial, after 12 years, without a sign of family, this was gonna happen? it wasn’t possible.
“i’m sorry you had to find out this way, but you had to know somehow, grover told me about you being alone for all these years, it isn’t fair to you.” percy flashed a smile to you, but your sweet reunion was interrupted by chiron, camp half-blood’s activities director and your best friend, annabeth chase.
“good morning, percy, i see you’ve met your sister.” chiron said, in a casual voice, as if this whole thing wasn’t the craziest thing you’ve heard in your entire crazy life.
“mr brunner, what? you’re a horse.” right. percy was new here, he had no clue, you remembered that right now.
“a centaur, my boy, you can call me chiron.” he corrected, not feeling offended at all. “now, i think you two should sit down for this.”
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a few days have passed, you and percy have gotten claimed at the same time after bullying clarisse and her brothers just like she had tried to bully you two in capture the flag. it was slightly sad that percy had gotten claimed within the first week of being here, but you had to wait your whole life.
it all fell into pieces, poseidon was your father and now you were going on a quest, because apparently you and your brother stole the most powerful weapon in the universe.
maybe zeus should’ve hid it better? besides, you were never known to be sneaky.
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after the most exhausting summer of your 12 years of life, you were going home.
you never had a place to call home, aside from camp half-blood, you didn’t have your mother waiting for you to come back from summer camp, but now you do.
your mother, sally jackson, saved herself from the underworld, she was probably just as amazing as percy and your father, (who you finally spoke to, by the way) described her to be.
it was never in your nature to be mad at someone for long, so you quickly understood your father’s reasonings on why you were cast out of your family, even though the beginning of your life wasn’t great, percy promised to make it better in the future, with a welcoming family and no smelly gabe. (he was quite jealous that you never got to experience life with smelly gabe.)
“are you sure she’ll like me? what if she thinks i’m too weird to be her daughter, i mean… dad called her a queen.” you ask for the millionth time, feeling doubtful as you waited by thalia’s tree.
everyone knew thalia grace’s story, the brave hero who sacrificed herself for her friends, who still protected every demigod even if she was dead, even though some didn’t admit it, everyone aspired to be what thalia was, a true hero.
maybe our definition of heroes were a completely different thing, but thalia still was someone to remember.
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there she was, your mother, the woman who gave birth to you, standing with the sweetest smile you’ve ever seen.
you couldn’t help but tear up and by the looks of it, she couldn’t either.
“my baby.” she said softly as she pulled you into a tight hug, like if she let go, you’d get lost again.
“hey mom.” you whispered.
“uh, guys, i’m here too.” you laughed, a genuine, happy laugh escaped your mouth.
you were ready for this. a new life, even with all those dangerous quests coming up, you knew you’d be way more powerful with your family, a loving mother and the most amazing (annoying) brother you could ask for.
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kumimi3 · 3 months
Hello can you do a big beal x child reader it’s kinda like the workers version but big Beal version of it
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₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ big deal !
♡‧₊˚ table of contents : sinu han, jake kim, samuel seo - fem!reader, reader is implied to be 12 yrs old, fluff, platonic | inbox request: this is short nd simple, thank u for makin’ me write this, da idea is cute muah muah !
Gentlemen at heart, and total romantics. They’re definitely the reason why you’re so sweet and kind growing up
With how well-raised you were, people often ask you who were your parents until they go pale once your finger points over to the group of delinquents wearings suits while looking so smug
You were theirs
Not in a possessive way, not in a “That noodle cup is mine” type of way, you were theirs as much as they were to you
You were theirs to provide for, to take care of, to love for 
At first, you were like a school project for big deal,  they thought it would be cool to babysit a 12 year old girl, back then it was all just for funsies
Now, after all their hardwork at raising you, they never want to let you go, you are big deal’s angel after all
₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ sinu han !
Treats you like his daughter despite himself being young, he gives fatherly vibes honestly. He’s so soft with you, he would always kneel down to your height because he doesn’t want your neck being cramped.
Has always given you trinkets whenever you would meet, he’s also the one who taught you many virtues and lessons because he wants you to grow up as a well-raised and compassionate person
Sinu’s heart melted when you once hid inside his long black coat, giggling at how cool it was to see so many praises written on the inside of his coat
His softest smile would always appear for you, he likes the fact he’s vulnerable around you because it’s been so long of him constantly putting up a wall
He wants you to have high standards, for all the years he’s been your father figure, he gave you the utmost special treatment
Why settle for less when you have already experienced more, right?
One time, you called him “dad” as an accident in front of the whole crew, and before you could apologize, you grew silent when you saw the tears falling down his eyes
The whole crew was shocked, until they could only smile warmly when Sinu stood up to hug you
“Yeah… I’m your dad.”
₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ jake kim !
teasing jerk, but a big teddy bear nonetheless. The moment he sees you, he’s quick to run up to you and begin pestering you
Would always carry you on his back or on his shoulders, uses the excuse that you’re too short to see anything so he’s doing you a favor, but he just wants to see you smile and hug him 
Let’s you get away with anything, when Sinu was around he was your partner in crime at hiding any evidence of your troublemaking, but when he became the crew head, you were like a criminal on the streets, causing trouble here and there
Playfights with him are always constant! 
With all the adults surrounding you, Jake was your closest brother figure, always engaging in your childishness of playing games and watching cartoons 
Both of you would always joke around, but he’s the one you talk to when it comes to serious topics, he isn’t all shy in telling you about the reality if this world, but he would always follow it up with a promise
”As harsh as the world may be, ya don’t have to worry, cuz you got me! Now don’t look so sad, you’re gonna look ugly when you grow up—Ouch!”
Jake would purposely say you are his “shorty little sister” to anyone who asks, despite the fact you two aren’t blood related
₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ samuel seo !
The type of big brother to insult you(affectionately) but kills anyone who does the same
You have made him attached to you to the point he stole you away from big deal to stay with him instead, saying he’ll provide for you and buy whatever toys and dresses you want, just so you can stay
The type of brother to whisper you jokes while remaining stoic, looking all calm and collected while you try to stop laughing in a serious situation
He’s a wreck to himself but he would never let you sway down the wrong path like him, he knew you came from a gangster kind of life, but he is still strict
He’d let you see a gang fight after school(courtesy of Eugene, he finds you cute actually), but he would never let you hold a cigarette 
For most nights, he’d let his “strict big brother” go and let you hang out with him at a small bar, he even finds it amusing when you insist on getting him a beer that he likes
Either way, once you begin falling asleep, he’d pat your head before settling down to your eyes, acting as a blindfold to hide you from the bustling lights of the district(he carried u home dont worry)
“I can’t believe I brought you here with me, now I got to take care of ya, like a child… What are you, my baby sister? Tch, guess I can’t complain.”
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rosquinn · 4 months
Very very disorganized X thoughts
Based on mostly voicelines
His incoming lines make me think a lot, honestly
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X is a liar, as it's stated several times in-game. He hides in his Goldberg machines and creates his own reality for fun, and quite possibly to feel safe from the external world. All of his confidence shows in times where he knows he has the full control of the situation ("Haha... I got you! I won't let you go, unless you agree to join my experiment!"). He likes to push people into his own world, but he's also dependent on them; he needs people to show them his machines, no matter how much he tries to satisfy his own desires with his creations, if there's nobody to test them on or show them to, what's the point?
"Try my new inventions... Ah! I had never prepared for a plan B in your absence..."
"Can I borrow you tonight? I really need your help for my new machine... please?"
"It's so nice to meet you! I've been waiting for so long!"
So, despite the confident and self sufficient facade he likes to put on, X is constantly referencing and asking for the attention of those around him ("Please live up to my expectations, colleagues!" "Ah, I seem to have grown a bit taller recently. Can you tell?"). If he ever takes an "imposing" role, it's when he's 100% sure he has enough power to enforce it, and he does want to have that power and confidence permanently and don't depend on other people and the external world anymore ("The day I've waited for has finally come. Welcome to my world."; Bottom of Insight line).
He reaffirms everyone likes him although of his eyes, something that caused a lot of rejection from people his age ("My eyes.. a little scary, aren't they? Kids new to the orphanage were a little afraid of them, but in the end everyone likes me."), and possibly the adults in charge of them themselves. He's dealt with a lot of rejection and mistreatment since he was a kid, and he looks for validation constantly, hiding under fake confidence and acting rebellious and chaotic on purpose to reaffirm said facade. He references his orphanage quite often in his voicelines, only when he's talking to Vertin, a friend he presumably can trust.
Going back to his Incoming voicelines, the first one really sticks out. They're both completely different reactions to the same threat, and one if them is most likely an act. My point is: considering X's facade mostly consists on appearing capable of anything, in control and smarter and more powerful than other people I don't know why he'd pretend to be scared.
Given how he talks about the orphanage, being a place where kids weren't even fed enough, didn't have winter clothes, weren't even allowed to exit the building, how much he liked to cause trouble, even trying to scape once, and how orphanages were in that period of time, it's highly possible kids faced physical violence from the adults in charge of them. Imo, the first line is genuine. He's recognized a threat, he knows he lacks enough power to face it, and he's scared of getting hurt. The second one is just another attempt at looking like he's in control of the situation. As I've said before, these lines are specially interesting to me because he is in battle, where he isn't in perfect control of everything, that's not his world completely and he can't drag people into it like he does at Laplace, so it makes perfect sense that he drops the facade for a moment facing a real threat.
Maybe this was all really obvious but whatever. I like him a lot
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
can you do a fic where kiriko, tracer and sombra get a call (or somehow getting informed) that the reader is in the hospital after a pretty serious accident?
ℍ𝕠𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕍𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕥:
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Words: 474
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She tries really hard to hide her reaction when she gets the call, barely able to as she’s rushing out to see you.
Tries to stay calm during her visit but fails, constantly asking about you. Making sure you’re safe and comfortable.
Everytime she comes for a visit she will get you a gift until you return home.
“アコヤ!” Kirikos shouting was directed at the fox yipping at her feet, seemingly excited about your return. Managing to manoeuvre around her to gently sit you on the couch.
“Stay here, I’ll go get you some actual food.” Swiftly leaving the room, Akoya took this chance to get some long wanted attention from you. Landing on your lap before yipping at you, calling for pets.
Which you gave, causing her to get comfortable on your legs. So focused on her you miss Kiriko in the doorway, who was melting at the scene.
アコヤ - Akoya
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She panics, so others have to try hold her back so she doesn’t rush over to you, likely finding a worse site.
When she finds out what happens she’ll start crying, but that won’t stop her from joking around with you.
Obviously upset when she has to leave, always promising to return the next day.
Everyday felt the same, hearing the same voices and repeating your new routine. That was until the rushing of footsteps arrived, getting closer until they reached your door to pause.
The faint and muffled voice of one of your main nurses was heard. After she was done the door slowly opened, with a certain someone peeking her head in. Over at your side in an instant.
“You’re finally awake, I’ve been waiting forever!” She dragged out the sentence for effect, and that's something she did pretty often. “And here I thought you would be waiting for me, guess not.”
Even as she spoke her actions said otherwise, cuddling close as possible to you. Her hands never left yours.
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She was already on her way when you got into trouble, but unable to arrive in time.
Due to being with Talon and a criminal she can’t visit you like normal. So she arrives after hours, and is now able to visit for longer.
During this time she makes sure you have anything you need or want.
The nurses had finally finished their questioning, tests and whatever else. And you don’t think most of them know how, surprisingly tiring that all is. So you were just ready for bed and sleep.
Of course at the hospital there was always something to keep you up. Right now it was the blinding purple flash from your side. Hearing and feeling someone get comfortable on your bed before looking over.
“Amor despierto?” Her hand reached over to cup your cheek.
“With this I might.” Pulling her hand away.
“Rest up, I’ll be right here~”
Amor despierto? - Awake/Awaken love?
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toastofthetrashfire · 8 months
Color in DFF: Part 2
Okay so here I have a post where I run down some of the way DFF is using color in the past (at least for ep 5-6). But there's even more to unpack in episodes 1-4. I'll have to return to color when more episodes are out cause I'm sure there'll be more clarity and layers to add. But for now let's jump to the present!
Shout out again to @slayerkitty for brainstorming with me!
In part 1 I came to this conclusion:
There are basically 3 groups of colors.
Blue=the friend group, conformity, those trying to harm or coerce others
Red=Non, poverty, outsiders and those with stigma
Yellow=A third category, not in lock step with the group, outliers
So what about the present?!
There's a lot going on with color:
-It show's the character's flaws and desires
-It signals romantic pairing(s)
-It conveys group dynamics and insider/outsider status
On top of that we have people changing colors and exchanging them
Importantly in the present we start getting more than just the strict primary colors groups. Our group is less in sync and now that they've had time to grow up and be apart there's less conformity and cohesion, more fracture. We could argue that more of their own colors are able to come out rather than be subsumed in just blue (though a few characters definitely stick to blue still).
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Let's start at the beginning. For a number of these boys their color represents their worse traits and fatal flaws:
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Por is in a pale green. This clearly represents his VERY deep relationship with nature (sorry not sorry). It also can represent rebirth which means he isn't dead yet.
Okay, joking aside, green can can represent greed and jealousy. Certainly things relevant to Por who both has it all and still constantly wants and needs more (especially affection from his father) and is willing to take credit from Non to get it. This greed obviously contributed to the way everything spiraled in the past.
Green can also indicate sickness, nausea, and disgust. Por often expresses disgust towards Non, wiping his hand off after touching him. We even get him and Top reacting with disgust in the opening scenes when Fluke is puking.
On one more note, there are cultures that would group green and blue in as the same color so perhaps we can still see him as not so separate from the group as we might think.
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Tee and Top are still in blue. These two are dedicated to hiding the truth and protecting themselves. Blue can also indicate loyalty and trust as well as confidence. Tee clearly has an issue with loyalty in both the past and the present. He's quick to throw his friends under the bus but does so while hiding this to still fit in. In the present he struggles with whether to abandon White or protect him. Top on the other hand is over confident, constantly wanting fame and attention.
Tee in particular is interesting because of his tie die shirts. They always mix blue with another color, just like he mixed blue with red in the past. Now it's a pink. Perhaps this means his money troubles have lessened or that he mentally feels less of an outsider or weirdo than when he added red in the past. Or perhaps it shows his strained loyalty to White, containing a color other than blue but not quite orange.
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This is certainly the case in a later episode when he changes his t-shirt to blue and orange. I'll mention this later but White is introduced in orange. So Tee's colors show his dedication to the group, his continued attempts to hide secrets that harm people, and his battle between running or staying to protect White.
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While Tee switches to orange and blue, Top switches to yellow and white. He makes the switch before he goes off with Tan and returns to kill Por. The yellow is a stark change. Unlike Tee who retains his blue, Top loses it completely. He's in yellow, marking him as an outlier. Is he possessed? Drugged? In any case he is operating without any affinity to the group at this point.
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We don't know much about Tan yet, but he's also in blue. He starts in a blue button up and then switches to darker blue with gray underneath. This is a bit odd since he's the most vocal about pushing the old group to reveal what happened in the past. Yet he isn't wearing orange (Phi and White), red (Non), or yellow (outlier). In fact, unlike our other characters he doesn't mix in other colors or change his color at all. It feels very sterile, as if he is operating under different rules. So either he is just part of the group and likely fodder, working with Phi, or up to his own plan. Regardless I think at this point he is probably hiding his color, or rather the show is hiding his color from us for a later reveal of some kind.
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Fluke is in purple. It's a balanced mix of blue and red, marking the way he acts as a bystander. He is in the group but not necessarily at the center of it. It also represents ambition, which Fluke clearly has in spades. So much so that as he tries to protect his ambitions, he makes things so much worse.
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Interestingly, when Fluke changes clothes he still chooses purple, but his collar has a stripe of red. This of course is what he wears as he starts to crack, ultimately confronting Tee about what happened to Non. The blood on Fluke's hand adds more red.
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Jin is in pink and a dark blue or grey. He later switches to a dark blue shirt. So part of him is still attached to the group (blue) but he also operates in a faded pink. Pink can represent love and compassion. We know that Jin acts as the kind one of the group generally. Interestingly this is quite a faded pink, perhaps representing how Jin, despite being kind (or at least having a kind exterior) is quite jaded. He's lost his rose-tinted glasses and they've become a washed out pink.
He no longer is in yellow. Does this mean at some point he failed to push back on the group in an important way? Why is he still with the group and wearing blue/gray colors? Does the fact he's wearing pink, a faded red mean he's still dedicated to Non?
Clown theory: Non was in pink in the preview for episode 7, so does this mark Jin as a romantic pairing with Phi? Does it mean Non died and possessed Jin's body (🤡)?
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Phi and White both have orange to start with. They're odd ones out. Interestingly, Phi also has on a denim shirt, making him outwardly seem to match Tee and Top, but the orange shows his true colors. This is very fitting given we know he's up to something (most likely revenge) and not genuinely trying to be a part of the group.
Orange is also partway between red and yellow. If we go by the past, Phi has had something going on with both Non (red) and Jin (yellow, past). Interestingly in this opening shot Phi's backpack moves from blue (his disguised allegiance to the group) to orange (his outsider status) and red (his allegiance to Non). But he is also next to Jin whose pink could be seen as a version of red.
White has orange but like Phi he has blue as well. Does this mean that White is aligned with Phi or is it just a way to signal that White is also a newbie to the group? If so why is Tan not in orange too? Is White Non's brother?
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Both Phi and White remove their orange as things progress. Interestingly they both keep the same touches of blue but change to neutral white/light gray tones. They're blending in now, either by force of the situation or in order to hide their intentions. But compared to Tan, we at least see them operating in other colors first.
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One last thing of note here. Phi wraps his outer shirt around Jin to brace his shoulder. This completely removes the blue from Phi and gives it to Jin. Is this a color exchange? But blue isn't Phi's color, so does is this an act of protection or is Phi marking Jin as a target?
And what does it mean that Phi is now purely in white--an absence of color? Or is white his color? If so, then what about White?
We've gone from 3 primary colors in the past to a mix of colors in the present. On top of that we have white too, an interesting contrast? pairing? with the black of the mask costume.
Okay this has been equally as much analysis as questions. I'm excited to revisit this when we have even more episodes and information to see what the patterns are here!
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marcskywalker · 1 year
merthur au/prompts I can't stop thinking about (@ fic writers)
arthur being magic positive and hiding it from merlin. I spoke more about it here and @neupulman wrote this amazing fic based on it but omg this idea lives in my head RENT FUCKING FREE and I'd love as many fics written on it as possible
merlin being cursed (or wtv) and temporarily loses his magic. He grows insanely controlling of arthur cause he feels like he can no longer protect arthur from danger if he doesn't have magic and is constantly trying is order him around. no, you're not allowed to go there, no you can't say that, no you're not allowed to accept food from him. and arthur is just ?????? tf is wrong with my best friend?? but doesn't read much into it because it's merlin and merlin's always been a little weird and bossy. merlin keeps getting into so much more trouble (cause again, his usual way of staying out of trouble is magic) so arthur's put in position to protect him more often and both of them are ???????? "why THE FUCK ARE you putting yourself in danger for me??" and "WHY ARE YOU getting into so much trouble??" until they figure out that "oh you're in love with me and can't bare to see any harm come to me" and "oh you have magic and someone already hurt you by taking it away"
Arthur meeting Merlin's family for the first time and being accepted. Idk how clear I can make this but I hate Arthur's family and how is he is treated by them (except you ygraine, you're dead and lovely) so ya someone give that boy loving affirmations
One of them is brainwashed/mind controlled/possessed and beats the shit out of the other person who refuses to fight back. I LOVE this trope. It slaps all the time. Look at destiel. Look at stucky. ALL THE TIME
another au that I've spoke about before AND I'LL SPEAK ABOUT IT AGAIN: I took that scene where Arthur says "I'll give up my crown just see her smile again" or something like that about morgana, and ran with it. There is only so many assassination attempts a brother can go through before he wilts and does another to have his sister back. In Arthur's case: he willingly hands over the throne for a chance at having a chance at his pesty, loving, older sister (I AM A YOUNGER BROTHER ARTHUR TRUTHER) look at him with something other than endless hate. what I Love about this prompt is that it could go so so many different ways. @mobycotton was lovely enough to write this amazing fic for me that I LOVED. In my head, Arthur is really shaken up by another one of Morgana's attempts at killing him. He doesn't know what's saved him and at this point he wishes whatever it is would stop. He goes down a spiral thinking of his family; the mother that he killed, the father that he let down, the uncle he betrayed and the sister he never deserved. What good could he be for Camelot when he wasn't even good enough for his flesh and blood. So he announces his truce; gives it over to morgana and leaves Camelot and everyone he knows behind. The knights and merlin have to eventually hunt him down and convince him otherwise (and he meets random people along the way who are stans of King Arthur just like me and he gets some sort of self esteem back)
Protective BAMF merlin. Basically merlin overhears someone talking shit about his prince and starts a fist fight. Arthur finds out
Mid s1 merthur where Arthur knows he's in love with Merlin and he shoves it DEEP inside, sticks to pining after his manservant like the pathetic (lovingly) puppy he is. All Merlin knows is that, for whatever reason, he would rather eat his own feet than let anything happen to Arthur. Which is why when brave, stupid arthur walks towards a stranger light source in the forest; he follows without hesitation, only to see...... arthur and himself snogging against a tree? Basically a pining, repressed prince Arthur and Merlin I don't know what this weird feeling in my tummy when I see him is Emrys accidentally walks through a portal into an alternatively universe where they know how to communicate well and have been disgustingly in love. The four of them have to work together to get Arthur and Merlin back where they belong.
Merlin makes a deal with his king cenred: for protection of his village, he will infiltrate Camelot's castle and bring them down. He just wishes someone had told him that prince charming of Camelot would make him fall in love with his pouty lips and gooey eyes. I don't know if yáll have noticed this but Arthur pouts A LOT. I can't take him seriously smh
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thefanciestborrower · 1 month
Okok, I know you have your own headcannons an stuff- but like- for the ninja boi's I have a few headcannons if you dont mind me sharing:
Headcannons related to the entire hecking chapter worth of a story I wrote lol:
Cole is absolutely terrified of the dark but won't tell anyone. This means that the only ninja who can eat him without him flipping out is Zane. This is cause, in my personal headcannon, Zane absolutely has glowing insides.
Jay constantly talks big game about eating Cole, but when he finally gets the chance to eat Cole, he ends up almost choking. Now Cole brings it up almost any chance he gets.
Cole has climbed up the kitchen counters multiple times to get to some dessert. Since Cole is about as tall as a hand is long, he normally fills up completely on dessert. He does this often at the worst times, such as before dinner or before a mission. This has gotten so bad that Zane has started hiding any dessert he makes in various places he knows Cole can't see them.
Just kinda general headcannons, not story related:
When any one of the ninjas are too hot in the summer, but they still want to be outside, they practically beg to eat Zane. Like give him the puppy eyes and everything. I think the only ones who can normally convince him though is Cole and Lloyd.
Jay used to playfully shock anyone he didn't ask to be eaten by, but he had to stop when he accidentally shocked Zane with too much electricity (this was after he had tried to pick a fight with Cole in the kitchen). All I have to say is poor Zane. He worked so hard on that spaghetti sauce.
Lloyd, as a kid, would often get in trouble, and as a punishment, get put in "time out," aka eaten. This was always a hassle since he liked to kick and make the one who ate him sick. Zane is the only ninja without a gag reflex and pain receptors, so for a while, he was the only one who would be up to the task.
On that note, once, when Lloyd was younger, he tried to sneak out. He then was then promptly stopped by Sensei Wu, who then woke up Zane to give him a "time out."
And ya! Heres some headcannons for ya 👍
Idk if all of em made sense, so let me know if I need to re-explain anything :)
OH my gosh these are all AMAZING!! Going insane rn
Cole being scared of the dark is something I’ve never really thought about but oh my goodness it’s perfect?? Like idk how to explain it but that just feels right you know? I ALSO think that Zane glows inside so nice to see we’re on the same wavelength there lmao. Like, why not give him some pretty glowy insides you know?
The image of Jay trying to choke down Cole is HYSTERICAL to me like come on buddy what do you think was gonna happen?? There’s no way that would have ended well for him and he deserves to get teased for it 
There’s honestly no way Cole WOULDN’T stuff himself stupid with dessert if shrunk and given the chance okay like that’s absolutely correct and Zane would be the person to hide everything from him. Just put it in the fridge he can’t get in there lmao
Zane is like a nice cool ice cube who doesn’t melt and keeps your core feeling cool of COURSE they’d wanna eat him in the summer! I would too! I would also probably only let Cole and Lloyd eat me lmao cause look, they’re just the teeniest tiniest bit more responsible than the others. Kai, Jay, and Nya are forces of chaos that cannot be contained. Rip Zane…..he didn’t deserve his spaghetti sauce to be exploded. Jay does deserve to zap people though he’s an absolute menace like that and look if you try and eat him without permission then you’re just asking for it at that point. 
YOU ALSO have the ‘little Lloyd getting ate for time out purposes’ headcanon oh my goodness!! Look look the kid was an absolutely feral gremlin okay sometimes you just gotta contain him, and because he BITES then Zane is the only one who can really tolerate that sort of chaos. I like to think Zane has some soundproofing qualities to his internal storage/stomach compartment lmao, so when he gets given Lloyd in the middle of the night he can just tune out the enraged shrieking and complaining. At least until Lloyd tires himself out and finally goes to sleep 
These are all SO GOOD WAAAA if you have any more I’d love to see them lol. That goes for anyone btw give me your headcanons I wanna see!! 
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Random C.o.D Headcanons✦
(Random Headcanons that I have no where else to put. Also because I can't properly wrITE WORTH SHIT, UGH)
✧Price can swing dance. And very well, mind you. ✧Johnny’s dad gripes at him for not drinking whiskey. “Bout the only Scotsman who won’t drink scotch! ‘hat’s like an Irish man not drinking Guinness!” He’ll say. But Johnny handles liquor really well. He could down three tequila sunrises without a single waver. ✧Gaz used to do ballet as a kid, gymnastics in secondary school. He’s less flexible now because he doesn’t stretch like he used to, but he could probably still manage the splits. ✧PRICE LIKES OLD WESTERNS AND COUNTRY MUSIC. TRY TO TELL ME OTHERWISE, I DARE YE- ✧Ghost’s autistic hyperfixations consist of; Birds, the chemical affects of drugs(of any kind) on the body, the process of decomposition, bones/skeletons, and how different cultures view Death. (Ex; Grin Reaper, Cu Sith, Thanatos, etc.)
✧Gaz is the one that has the most vast music taste, but admittedly he’s got a bit of a favorite spot for what I call “ass shaking music”. Things like Doja Cat to T-Pain, ya know?
✧Johnny whole heartedly believes in ghosts, and while he likes horror, he’s most scared by paranormal ones.
✧Ghost’s go to snack is apples. He is so obsessed with apples he can differentiate each kind with one bite.
✧Price hates being called Johnathan, the only one allowed to call him that is Laswell. And she only uses it to scold him. Like a mom. ✧Alejandro owns a cowboy hat. He bought Rudy a matching one, but he assumes Rodolfo got rid of it since he never wears it. It’s not true. Rudy is just really worried he’ll ruin it, so he keeps it pristine in his closet. He’ll even ensure it doesn’t collect dust. ✧König has a fear of horses. He had a Celtic mythology phase, read a spooky story with a Kelpie in it, and now they scare him. ✧Horangi used to have a gold tooth, and at one point his gambling debt got so high, he pulled it out and sold it. Also Horangi has bad teeth, lots of fillings & cavities. ✧Diabetes runs in Gaz’ family, so he constantly watches his sugar intake. But it’s really hard because he loves sweets. ✧09 Ghost is a trans man. This isn’t a Headcanon, it’s just true.
✧Johnny has oddly soft hands. He doesn’t do anything to them, and objectively, he should have tons of callouses. And yet? Nah, super smooth.
✧Gaz runs warm and prefers warm weather, Price runs warm and prefers cold, Johnny runs cold and prefers warm weather, Ghost runs cold and prefers cold weather. ✧Ghost hates being spooned cause he’s usually bigger, and the feeling of a body against his back, even if warm and alive? Reminds him too much of the feeling of a deadman pressing on his spine. He’d prefer to be the big spoon if he has to cuddle like that.
✧Rudy owns playboys & playgirl magazines. He just hides them SUPER well, because he’s kinda ashamed. He thinks people owning porn is fine, but his mother visits often and she’s a bit of a snoop. ✧Piggy backing off the last one, that’s also why Rudy is so sneaky. He wasn’t necessarily a super bad kid, and his parents weren’t necessarily unbearable. But he often got roped into trouble by others, and his parents were a bit strict, so he got good at sneaking. ✧Valeria & Alejandro are exes, and while there are many reasons they broke up? One was Valeria realizing she’s hella sapphic.
✧Valeria has a collection of naked women paintings. Like, super expensive ones? No one questions her because she’s a cartel queen, they think she just likes art. And she does. But she also is hella biased towards pretty painted ladies.
✧Gaz definitely has at least one crazy ex. Like “I’ll stalk your number, call your mom, and make a scene in public even if we broke up three years ago” crazy. ✧König was a pot smoking metalhead in high school, I will not elaborate. ✧Ghost tends to be clean shaven because the sensory feeling of stubble is uncomfortable, especially under his mask. But he likes facial hair on other people. ✧Farah is on the aroace spectrum. She’s not completely closed off to romance or sex, but like…it’s very very rare for her to experience those kinds of attractions. (Personally I think Alex is her exception, but I’m biased) ✧SPEAKING OF ALEX, man owns a cane. He decorates it, he also decorates his leg. With stickers. Some of them are kiddy/girly cause his niece gave him them. Do not question the Pinkie Pie on his prosthetic, reminds him of what he needs to come home for.
✧Nik & Price definitely have sucked each other’s dicks at least once. Look, besties bestie however they please. Also, c’mon. They’re military men.
✧Johnny somehow manages to miss something someone is telling him when they’re right by his ear. Yet! He’ll catch a random comment from across the room.
✧Also. Johnny is afraid of dogs. But he also likes dogs. It’s a very hard thing to deal with when he wants to pet what gives him heart palpitations.
✧König doesn’t talk to his mother at all. He occasionally talks to his father, but not much. But his grandma?? Every day. He will won’t miss a single day of contact.
✧Gaz writes poems or short stories sometimes as a coping mechanism. But he hides it cause he's embarassed. ✧Johnny had a full out punk phase in high school. He had spikes on a denim jacket, he had an anarchy pin on his rucksack. Full out. And though he didn't get caught, he probably did some teenage delinquent shit like graffiti. Thankfully, the more destructive stuff is more out of his system...mostly anyway. ✧Price didn't have a full hippie phase when he was younger, but he did have friends in that circle, so he picked up one or two things. ✧Ghost didn't have any aesthetic specifically growing up, but he thought Trad Goths were super cool to look at and he definitely got a lil inspiration from them in his everyday life. ✧Gaz also didn't have a particular aesthetic he fell into, but for some reason he was picked up by a group of scene kids in middle school. If you go through his oldest music playlist, EDM is in there a suspicious amount. ✧König is allergic to bees, so, anytime they're around he'll freak the fuck out and sprint away. If it weren't for the fact he had a reason to fear them, it'd look really silly. ✧Soap has ADHD, Ghost is autistic, Laswell has OCD, Rudy has AuDHD, and König is autistic.
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oscconfessions · 6 months
a question for the mods, what are comicy and confessiony’s personality and dynamic? i wanna be as accurate as possible in my fic
omg omg ok ok.
confessiony is like, really quiet in both voice (they're literally mute) and action. a real passive sort that likes to stay out of trouble. socially anxious but often too tired to be affected by it, causing them to just be avoidant and come off as judgemental and rude to strangers and stuff. they are an introvert and only keeping a small circle of close friends. not much of an initiator, bad at expressing things, and kind of a pushover. cares a lot but doesn't know how to share any of it.
comicy is quite different. she's loud, she's energetic, she talks a lot, she has little filter or regard for societal standards, and she is always trying to be funny. She isn't very good at reading people, and accidentally oversteps or misreads the room often. He's the kind of guy to not notice when nobody likes him because he doesn't pick up on those subtle social cues.
together they can both let down their defenses. confessiony is bolder around comicy and less likely to hide their emotions, and comicy is softer (when she needs to be) and more genuine around confessiony. they both work hard to make sure they can actually understand each other and communicate well. the result of this is that they understand each other better than anyone else. since confessiony is mute, comicy usually asks questions that can be answered with yes/no or simple body language. she's also constantly looking out to make sure confessiony's happy and comfortable, as comicy is far bolder and would be the only one with a spine enough to terminate an uncomfortable situation. (unless it's just the two of them, then confessiony can hold their own well)
they often bond over the stuff they like, like books! another ask asked how they met, and they met at the library, if that helps.
damn you got me rambling. this was not proofread and im not a writer of romance and the likes so it may not be good -🫒
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maxphilippa · 6 months
max having thoughts about lucy and how the fandom treated her. this also goes alongside with the way people treated rex
just generally it comes iffy to me how people downgrade lucy's character to her stereotype and don't understand that tlm is based around deconstructing said stereotypes and that people are much more complex than you think and trying to put them on a black or white perspective completely misses the point
and how they either don't recognize that her behaviours towards emmet weren't the best, or they do but completely take it only to the extreme
this also applies to rex's character although leaning more on the second one, since he is the antagonist per say
what troubles me the most i think is that i think that both rex and lucy are really good at deconstructing the stereotypes/main ideas they're based on and people demonizing or not focussing on it sucks ass.
like with lucy they genuinely do forget the implications of her genuinely being happy pre-wyldstyle until everything went down and how the guilt is eating her alive since something she created with so much love caused so much pain at the same time. like the reason as to why she's like that for almost all of the two movies is because the pain and guilt is still there with her and it fucking sucks. it gets worse on the second movie because she does genuinely think that they're on danger and meanwhile she genuinely wants to protect emmet, she also forgot that they're a team and that proper communication is the key. that's why her arc goes around growth and opening her heart again. she took the wyldstyle persona so she wouldn't be hurt again anymore, and possibly so people don't view her as weak.
so that's why her losing her hair dye means so much to her actually growing. she can't keep hiding herself any longer and she has to accept that hey, maybe, she has to be more versatile on her point of view. that things can still change. just like emmet said. she genuinely cares about her friends and didn't take the best decisions because of that but that is okay ultimately. she is not perfect but like that's the thing. she doesn't have to be. the second movie allowed her to grow and to heal.
which is also a parallel with rex.
but we do know already that people constantly treat rex as a monster just for having terrible mental health and shitty copying mechanisms when like. depression does that to you. being isolated does that to you. thinking that your friends left you behind does that to you. and like that is super messed up actually. people more than often don't get that the reasons as to why rex got to that extreme was because he genuinely didn't want emmet to be hurt the same way he was on the past. he cares about emmet. he is so hurt by seeing lucy but he doesn't hate her. he is a mess of emotions and thoughts and the way people demonized his struggles with mental health is genuinely fucked up.
because. yeah. rex DID shitty stuff. but he had very fair reasons. he was badly hurt and left behind. he thought that his friends left him just like that. he thought that they never cared. hell, his whole persona is an copying mechanism because he didn't want to be hurt again.
he was emmet once. and people forget that always. he is not abusive nor is he a terrible person nor is he completely innocent he's hurt and tired and angry and sad and misses his friends. and lucy isn't cold hearted or uncaring or one dimensional,hell, even if we go by the hints of her band, you can even argue that she's going through survivor's guilt.
what i'm saying is that the tlm fandom doesn't understand that mental health can be awful and shitty and that it won't get better unless said people who are going through it have a support system or are trying themselves and that struggling and making bad decisions, especially with good intentions, doesn't make you a bad person.
hell the whole theme of the movie is about CHANGE and GROWTH. rex and lucy ALSO had those. but anyway what do i know i barely remember anything of the movies as of now but as someone who kind of is going through the same thing. having a character portrayed as abusive for having terrible mental health and making bad choices that DID HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS MIND YOU is terrible and i genuinely hope people get that at one point. like hell rex didn't even. fucking want to hurt emmet. sure he lied but that's because he thought it was for the best. same goes for lucy.
tldr: shut up about your twink (benny) and actually start focussing on rex and lucy on the proper way
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@absurdthirst's Kinktober 2023 Prompts
day 15: Boot Worship, Spanking/Flogging/Whipping/Caning, Lactation/Breastfeeding
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| PAIRING(s): Joel x fem!reader | RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 1.6k | CONTENT: bratty sub typa dynamic, cleaning kink, foot fetish, light boot worship, degradation, two horny simps at the end of the day | SYNOPSIS: Joel wont give you what you want, and you can't help yourself from mouthing off about it. He reminds you that sometimes we don't always get what we want.
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“No,” Joel answers plainly.
Your eyes snap up to his face. “But, Joel, I won’t eve–”
“Damn right you won’t ‘cause I’m tellin’ you NO,” he snips.
You pout for a moment as your entire mood deflates. It wasn’t fair. He was teasing you, you just knew it, and it wasn’t FAIR.
“Been spoilin’ you too much. Got you confused about who runs this show,” he chides with narrowed eyes.
You bite the inside of your cheek from running off at the mouth and getting yourself into more trouble. You petulantly flick at the laces of his work boots and glare at the knot in the center that’s keeping you from what you want.
“You really such a slut for my fuckin’ feet that you’re gonna sit there ‘n pout about it?” he baits. “Sittin’ on the fuckin’ floor tryna get my goddamn boots off so you can fuckin’ suck my toes ‘n shit? Sometimes you really lower the bar yourself, honey.”
He snorts, derisive and mocking. You hide the rub of your thighs together at his condescending tone. 
As if he didn’t love how desperate you were for him, so obsessed with everything about him that no part of his body lacked the capacity to get you worked up. 
As if he wasn’t delighted to figure out you had a thing for his feet before you’d even registered it. 
As if he didn’t constantly mock you for it all the while bringing it up as often as possible. 
As if he didn’t get turned on watching you writhe all over the floor while you touched yourself and slobbered all over his toes as you shoved them into your mouth and sucked.
“You’re being mean,” you mumble at the floor.
He tuts and lifts your chin to look at him. “If you weren’t such a desperate slut, I wouldn’t be so mean.” He grins down at you, nasty with the hint of a challenge.
You huff and stand up, not considering the sensible option to just take it in stride. “FINE,” you snap. “I’ll just go be fucking desperate and pathetic by myself then if you’re going to hold out on me like a fucking prude.”
The moment you said it, you knew you’d gone too far. You knew you’d be paying a heavy price for that one. A swell of anxious arousal pools between your thighs.
“Prude, huh?” he laughs, a dangerous lilt to it. “Alright, I want you stripped and on all fours by the time I get upstairs.”
He glowers at the giddy smirk you unsuccessfully hide. You turn and spin on your heel and bound up the stairs. You swear you hear him laugh something light and a little annoyed. You yank away your clothing in a rush and practically slam onto the floor. You wait for what feels like forever until Joel finally slowly ascends the stairs. Each creak of the steps builds want and anticipation in you. Your mind runs wild with all the possibilities of repercussions for making such a bold statement – a mistruth – about Joel’s sexual inclinations.
Your face drops when you see from the top of your eye line that he still has those goddamn work boots on. Your gaze flickers up to his, already waiting with an insulting smirk. “Bathroom.” It’s the only command you get, so you scramble into the ensuite and wait again. Joel follows behind you, slow and lazy as if he has all the time in the world.
He drops to the tub siding and lets his knees bow out. “Take ‘em off.” 
You aren’t sure what exactly he is expecting you to remove with such a vague statement, but the answer materializes when he wiggles a boot back and forth. 
“Let’s go.”
You take care to unknot each lace. You take even more care to conceal your excitement at finally getting to what you want. Except when you go to peel off his socks—
“Nuh uh. I got those. You just worry ‘bout those boots.”
Your mind is screaming and cursing as you watch him remove his own socks, the soft arches of his feet resting just above the cool tile. They’re so strong and sturdy, a foundation to the man you call yours. You want to worship him from the bottom and work your way up, adoring and lavishing praise on each and every inch of his body.
Joel clears his throat and draws your attention back up. His expression is softer, like he knows where your mind ran off to. A heat graces your cheeks, but you don’t have long to consider it when he motions for you to drop his boots in the tub. “Go on now. You know where I keep my cleanin’ stuff.”
You shiver at the cold air of the bathroom nipping at your bare body as you shuffle through the cabinet under the sink. You remove the small container of simple cleaner Joel uses every once in a while when he gets something really nasty on his boots like bits of Infected slapping down after a headshot or heavy sap from a tree or decades old who knows what in the possible patrol posts on survey expeditions. You sink down to your knees in front of the tub and get to work. 
“Wanna get ‘em nice and clean for what I got planned, so I suggest you do a good job.” 
You make sure to brush away every crevice and notch, going back to some places more than once to ensure it would be up to Joel’s standards. “I’m done,” you say softly, not quite meeting his eye.
He makes a contemplative noise and leans over your knelt form, hands braced on either side of you against the tub, and scans over the shoes. “Alright. Not too bad. Bring ‘em out and towel ‘em off. Meet me at the end of the bed with ‘em when you’re done.”
You hurry to finish the next task, eager to know what was next and if there was any chance you’d be able to maybe just touch his foot for a moment. His mocking tone was already sounding off in your mind, making heat gather between your thighs. You carefully handle the pair of cleaned boots and offer them to him.
Your breath catches when you see him already stroking himself, hard and fat in his fist. “C’mere.” He motions to the floor between his spread legs. “Get you a front row seat, baby.”
You settle where he’d indicated he wanted you and stare with a watery mouth at all his glory just out of reach. “Like what you see?” Your eyes flash up to meet his. You nod meekly. His soft smile turns into something nastier. “Well, that makes one of us.”
“Joel, I’m sorry I sai–”
He holds up the hand he isn’t working himself with. “Quiet.” 
You pin your lips together and shoot him a pitiful, remorseful look. Wasn’t anybody allowed to have a bad day anymore? Couldn’t he just write it off, just this once?
“I ain’t happy when you’re so fuckin’ bold to be sayin’ shit like what you did downstairs.” He pauses to shove two fingers into your mouth. You open as wide as he needs you to. “That’s more like it,” he mutters under his breath.
You absentmindedly suck on his fingers, eyes glued to where he works himself faster and firmer.
“You want this cock, huh?” he taunts.
You nod emphatically, hoping and wishing he takes pity on your lack of judgment from earlier.
“Too fuckin’ bad,” he snaps. You openly pout at his acidic demeanor. “And you’d better straighten up that fuckin’ attitude real quick if you wanna get any damn thing tonight.”
You renew your effort of sucking on his fingers and hold eye contact. He seems appeased with the turnaround and groans. “Yeah, there you go. Could be usin’ your mouth for somethin’ useful instead’uh runnin’ it like you wanna do all the damn time.”
You can’t hide the impish smile that pulls at the corners of your mouth, and Joel can’t do much to hide his own playfully annoyed smirk.
“You lay down right next to those shiny boots, baby,” he grunts, sounding closer than ever to release.
You scurry down beside the boots and watch as Joel lathers his cock in the slimy spit he’d fingered from the back of your throat. His hand moves with an easy slip now, and you watch mesmerized as he grips himself with sharp focus. He crouches onto his knees, panting heavy with his cock just above your head and the boots. With a loud groan he empties himself all over your face and the freshly cleaned shoes. You have half a mind to open your mouth as wide as it’ll go.
“Fuck yeah, just like that,” he groans. “Fuckin’ thirsty slut.”
He finishes after what feels like forever, and you can only imagine how much more of his spend would’ve been all over your face and chest and hair if you hadn’t caught it in your waiting mouth. You glance over at the boots. They’re completely wrecked, spurts of cum dripping from some of the laces and onto the leather.
“Gimme your mouth,” he grunts, cupping the back of your head with his large palm. You open immediately, moaning at the heavy taste of him on your tongue. “Clean me up, baby. Clean this cock, and then you’re gonna lick those fuckin’ boots clean.”
You whimper.
“Get ‘em real good and clean, because once you’re done you’re gonna ride ‘em and cum as many times as I tell you to.”
You know better than to rush. It was going to be a long night.
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sarahopm · 12 days
Hey! Just a fanfiction that I started to write on Toji Fushiguro! I'm posting it here and on Wattpad!
𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚 | 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 [Chapter 8]
Weeks have gone by since Toji's confinement. The clan has settled into a new normal life, with everyone carrying out their duties without Toji's presence.
Life in the clan feels... different. Almost calmer now that he's not around stirring up trouble.
Helia finds herself hoping more and more that Toji will remain in his cell forever. Without his constant troublesome presence, herself and the other maids didn't have to deal with his unwanted advances or arrogant behavior.
But every time she thinks about Toji, she's reminded of the nasty scars on her back. The scars stand out in sharp contrast to her smooth skin, a testament to the cruelty Helia suffered.
Although they are no longer a constant source of pain, they're still a reminder of the past. The sight of them every time she looks in the mirror serves as a vivid memory of Toji's viciousness and the price she paid because of him.
Her mind often replays the memory of the whipping she received, and every time, she feels a pang of discomfort shoots through her back. It's not something she'll easily forget.
Right now, Helia is going about her maid duties, and she can't help but overhear two other maids chattering nearby. They're discussing Toji, and the piece of conversation she catches piques her interest.
"I heard that he's going to be freed today."
Helia immediately freezes, her ears perking up at the maid's words. The word 'freed' echoes in her head, and worry starts to build in her stomach.
If he's being released today, does it mean he's going to come after her for what she did? Does he know that she's the one who got him locked up?
She approaches the two maids, her steps quick and a little frantic. They notice Helia coming over, and their conversation trails off as she arrives.
"Excuse me." Helia says, her voice a bit shaky. "I couldn't help but overhear you talking about Toji... Is it true that he's being released today?"
The two maids exchange a wary look, clearly a bit taken aback by her question. One of them, a tall slender woman, nods slowly.
"Yes." She responds, her voice quieter than before. "There's a rumor going around that the head of the clan has decided to release him today..."
Her heart sinks at the maid's confirmation. Toji is being released. She can feel fear building up inside her, making her hands tremble slightly.
The other maid, a shorter woman with a kind face, sees her reaction and tries to reassure her.
"Don't worry too much. I'm sure he won't cause too much trouble once he's out. He must have learned his lesson."
Helia smiles and nods, she tries her best to hide the fear she's feeling. She reassures herself, maybe Toji didn't even know that she was the one behind his confinement. Or maybe he has really changed after weeks of being locked up.
However, she can't help but have doubts. She remembers vividly the look in Toji's eyes when he was taken away and she has seen Toji's true colors. She can only imagine how ruthless and vengeful he can be.
It's hard to believe that he'll simply forget and move on after being locked up for so long.
The rest of the day passes in a sort of anxious blur. Helia goes about her duties, but her mind is constantly preoccupied with thoughts of Toji and his imminent release.
Every sound and every movement startle her, her senses on high alert, waiting for the moment when he might appear.
She's currently in the library, diligently cleaning the dusty shelves and organizing the countless books.
The room is quiet, the only sound is the soft shuffle of paper and the occasional rustle of her skirt as she moves from one shelf to another.
She hears the soft creak of the library door opening behind her. She tenses, thinking that it might be Toji, but soon relaxes after realizing that Toji had probably never stepped inside a library in his whole life and would probably never think about doing it.
She assumes that it must be an elder. So, she doesn't look up, and just continues cleaning and organizing the books.
But the footsteps that follow are not the familiar, slow, dignified ones she would expect from an elder.
The footsteps, swift and almost stealthy, get closer and closer to Helia. There's something about them that sets her instinct on edge. She continues to clean the shelves, but she doesn't let her guard down just in case.
She can feel it in the air, the tension, the ominous presence approaching.
The footsteps finally stop, and silence falls in the library. The air is thick with tension, and the only sound is the quickening beat of her heart in her ears.
A cold, familiar voice suddenly rings out from behind her, its tone sharp and mocking.
"I see someone's been working hard." The voice says, the footsteps coming closer until they're right behind her.
When Helia spins around, she's faced with Toji staring down at her, a smirk on his face. His shoulders are relaxed, and he looks almost the same as he did before he was locked up, he might have lost weight, but he looks as arrogant as always.
"You look surprised to see me." He says, his voice dripping with his usual mix of mockery and condescension.
The only word that managed to escape from her lips was in a very pathetic tone.
Helia is desperately trying to calm herself thinking that he might not be here to hurt her, that he might be a different man than before his imprisonment.
His smirk widens as he looks at her up and down, his gaze sharp and cold. No, he's definitely the same.
"Sir?" He repeats, his voice almost amused. "You're being surprisingly polite now that I'm out."
His cold eyes watch her closely, studying her every reaction. He takes a step closer, his smirk turning almost predatory.
"You seem a bit nervous." He observes, a note of sarcasm in his voice. "Don't tell me you were one of the people who got me locked up, were you?"
Helia's heart just stops beating. He knew. He knew that she was behind his confinement. And he was having fun making her scared. She swallows hard and tries to defend herself with the most composed tone she can manage.
"Of course not sir!"
He doesn't look convinced, his gaze never leaving her face. He takes another step closer, his hand coming up to grip her shoulder. She's wondering why does he always have to grab people when he talks to them?
"Don't lie to me." He says, his voice low and dangerous. "Were you involved in this?"
She doesn't answer not finding anything good enough to prove her innocence. She usually lies without any problem but right now her mind seems to have troubles working correctly.
"I can tell you're lying, you know." He says, his voice softer now, a hint of mockery in his tone. "You're not good at hiding it. I know you were involved."
She takes a deep breath, she was indeed involved in his imprisonment, but she only did it because he had deserved it.
He was awful to everyone, he hurt maids, and he got her whipped. And if he hadn't decided to become a better person than before after being locked up then he was just a big idiot.
She shouldn't be the one ashamed for what she did. She can't let her anger being pushed away by her fear. She looks straight into his eyes, giving him back his angry glare.
He raises his eyebrows before smirking as he sees her trying to hold her ground.
"Are you trying to be brave now?" He says, his voice almost a whisper. "You think you're safe because I just got out of confinement?"
Her fear was slowly starting to be shadowed by her anger. She shouldn't be afraid, he should be the one afraid to go back into a cell. Had he learned nothing during his imprisonment? She speaks in a cold tone that surprises her.
"You cannot hurt me because if you do, you'll go back to your cell!"
He's as surprised as Helia by her words, he didn't think that she would stand up to him, very few people dared to speak to him on that tone. She might have picked his curiosity.
He leans in even closer, his grip on her shoulder tightening, but this time she doesn't wince.
"You're awfully confident." He says, his voice a mocking drawl.
Helia had enough of his supposedly superior attitude. He was just out, after weeks of imprisonment for bad behavior, and he was still the same arrogant asshole as before.
"If you haven't learned your lesson then maybe the elders should put you back into that cell!"
He smirks, but not his usual amused smirk. This smirk had irritation in it. She could see the muscles of his jaw tensing. She wishes she could just erase that stupid smirk off his face and make him shut up for good.
"You think you can use the elders as a shield? Maybe I should remind you exactly who you're talking to."
He raises his hand, ready to strike Helia, a look of cold anger in his eyes. She feels a rush of adrenaline through her veins.
And before he has the time to do anything, Helia slaps him way harder than she had planned. He stumbles back, his eyes wide with surprise.
She freezes, she must have lost her mind.
The sound of the slap echoes through the library, and for a moment, both of them are stunned, shocked at what just happened.
She doesn't know what has gotten to her, she had just slapped the heir of the clan. She had just slapped Toji.
He regains his posture, his hand going to his red cheek, his eyes narrowing as they lock back onto Helia. His expression is a mix of anger and disbelief. He clearly did not expect her to do that and neither did she.
"You...fucking bitch!" He almost yells out.
She was already in very big troubles, so, done for done, Helia shouts back at him.
"You had no right to attack me! If I hadn't stop you, you would have hit me! And if you ever try that again, I will not hesitate to tell your father about it!"
His surprise turns to a burning anger at her shouted words. He takes a step closer, his eyes darkening as he towers over her.
"You think you can threaten me like that?" He snaps. "Do you really think my father will care what you have to say? I'm his son, you're just a stupid maid!"
She might have lost her mind, but her anger at him is too great to stop her. She's like possessed by an unknown rage as she continues, on the same angry tone.
"I don't think you understand that you are definitely going back to that cell, if you ever harm me or any other maid again!"
He scoffs, his eyes burning with anger.
"You think you can hold that over my head forever?" he says, his voice a low growl.
She doesn't answer, but she holds his gaze, not willing to let him think that he's scaring her. But if she's honest, without the adrenaline of her anger, she would have been frightened.
He holds her look, his eyes boring into hers. There's a battle going on inside of him, a struggle between his temper and his common sense.
He's clearly not used to being threatened like this, but he also knows that she has a point. His shoulders relax a bit, and he takes a step back, his hand letting go of her shoulder.
His expression is a mixture of anger and respect at her courage to stand her ground. He glares at her for a moment, clearly not happy about the situation he's found himself in.
But he keeps his distance, his hands clenching into fists at his sides.
"You've got guts, I'll give you that." He mutters, his voice low and gravelly. "But I'm not forgetting this. I always get what I want in the end. And I will get my payback, one way or another."
Helia was about to answer when she hears the door of the library open. Toji freezes at the sight of an elder entering the library.
Toji steps back even more, his body tense, clearly not wanting to draw the elder's attention.
But it's too late, the elder glances between Helia and Toji, his eyes flicking between the two of them, taking in the scene.
The old man takes a step closer, his voice cool and authoritative.
"Is there a problem here?"
The elder looks from Helia to Toji again, his eyes narrowing as he waits for one of them to speak. But before Helia can open her mouth, Toji replies, his voice neutral and polite.
"No, sir, there's no problem here."
She turns to give him an angry look. His eyes lock on Helia's for a moment, his voice dropping low so only she can hear him.
"Don't think this is over." He whispers, his voice quiet and dangerous. "You've made an enemy, you know that?"
And with that, he strides nonchalantly out of the library, leaving her with the elder who asks her if she alright. She reassures him, by saying that everything is fine.
She manages to hold steady, her expression betraying none of the fear or anxiety she feels inside.
Once the elder leaves her to her duties, she gathers her cleaning supplies and makes her way out of the library, her footsteps quick and her body tense.
Helia makes her way down the hall, her anger boiling. She's pissed off that Toji thinks he can still intimidate her, that he can still make her feel small and weak. It's like he hasn't learned anything from being locked up.
But from their last interaction, he did seem to hold back a little, as if he was actually scared of going back to that cell. Maybe she could use that fear to stop him from harming her.
But she knows that Toji is a dangerous, unpredictable person and that he could still cause her trouble in other ways than physically hurting her.
At night, she makes her way to Naobito's office, her mind still running over the events of the day.
She's a bit nervous about making a report, since she hasn't been able to in a while. As she reaches his door, she takes a deep breath, and knocks.
After a moment, Naobito's voice calls out from within the room.
She enters and bows politely. He glances up, his eyes scanning over her briefly before he gestures for her to approach.
"Ah, there you are. I was wondering when I'd see you. Take a seat."
He leans back in his chair, his gaze fixed on her, his expression unreadable. For a moment, he's silent, studying her, before he speaks.
"I suppose you're here to make your report?"
"Yes sir. I saw Toji today, you must have let him out of confinement."
He nods, a slight smirk appearing on his face.
"Correct." He says, his voice cool and controlled. "I did release him from confinement. He has served his time, and there is no further need to keep him imprisoned."
Even though Helia thinks that Toji could need a little more time in this cell, she doesn't say a word.
His gaze flicks over her again, his eyes searching her face for any signs of harm or distress.
"Did Toji give you any trouble when you saw him?" He asks, his voice still cool but with a hint of something more beneath it.
"Well... He was about to do something harmful, but he stopped, probably because he didn't want to be locked up again."
She's very careful not to mention the fact that he hadn't hurt her only because she had slapped him. She's still wondering what crossed her mind at that moment to think that it would be a good idea to slap him.
"I see. So, he remembers his place." He says, a note of satisfaction in his tone. "Good. That's good. I can tell you that he wouldn't want to go back into confinement, that's for sure."
She doesn't know what Naobito put Toji through during those weeks, but she hopes that it had been very unpleasant for the young man.
Naobito leans forward in his chair, his eyes still fixed on her.
"Is there anything else you think I should know?"
"No sir, that's all."
She thinks it's better to keep to herself the slap incident. He nods, his gaze still unreadable.
"Very well then." He says, leaning back in his chair once more. "You may leave now."
She bows and as she leaves his office, she can feel his eyes on her the entire time, his gaze boring into the back of her head. The air in the hallway feels tense, and she's glad to be out of there.
On the way back to the maid compound, her thoughts keep returning to her interaction with Toji.
She remembers the anger and defiance in his eyes, the arrogance in his voice, and the way he seemed so sure of himself.
The memory of the slap still feels fresh in her mind. She shakes her head to erase those thoughts. She still couldn't believe she had done such a thing, but a small smile still appears on her face.
When she enters the compound, she's still wondering what Toji might do to get his revenge on her.
She knows he won't resort to physical violence again, but she also knows that he's cunning and resourceful enough to find other ways to make her life difficult.
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maslin-a · 8 months
Shigaraki Tomura/Reader
hints of depression
dark content
I don't know how to make notes, yes sorry
in general there will be rape and bullying and very sad topics
not for persons under 18
I don't speak English, so I use a translator yeah sorry about that
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Breathing heavily, you ran forward, sometimes looking back. Every time the silhouette from behind disappeared from view, you stopped and nervously looked around. Your strength was already leaving you, and each such action gave you a chance for a break. Fear enveloped my entire body. I wanted to cry and scream from resentment and injustice. Stumbling, you cursed the day when Dabi came over to “just chat about this and that,” and you still agreed. Who knew that this would end up causing such a reaction from the head of the League of Villains?
You first met him about six months ago. Sitting under an abandoned bridge in some forest, you looked at your feet. There was no longer any strength for any hysterics or banal tears. Everything was going wrong and I simply didn’t have enough strength.
Bend your knees and sigh. You were thinking about how to end your suffering. You are weak. Always been like this. And you understood this. All the people around you constantly told you this. You recalled out loud all the words that your loved ones said to you.
- I think they are right...
You winced. For a second it seemed to you that a homeless person or some kind of crazy person was standing in front of you, but having a better look at the person standing opposite, you realized that he was an ordinary guy, or rather, not quite ordinary: there was some kind of plastic hand on his face, he was dressed very simply, but it’s clear that it’s dirty—both the clothes and the guy himself looked shabby, but you can’t say he’s homeless.
- Who are you? — you asked him in a whisper.
The guy looked at you silently. It was difficult to notice, but the guy looked at you appraisingly.
“It’s a quirk,” the guy said briefly.
- What? - You are perplexed.
— What quirk? — The guy seems to have already started to boil.
- *your ability*
- Not bad... Very good... - the guy fell silent again, lost in his thoughts.
You didn't dare say a word.
— You want to die, right? — the guy suddenly asked.
— Something like that... It’s better this way than to suffer all your life and...
- So yes or no? I don't care what happened there.
- Yes..
- Wonderful. Since you still have no meaning to live, I will give you this meaning. If you work for me, I will need you.
— I guess I have no choice?..
- Well, I can help you end your miserable life, or give it meaning.
- Then I agree.
After that you started working for him. A little later, or rather in the not-so-distant future, you found out his name and Tomura’s approximate age. Working for Shigaraki turned out to be very difficult: for any offense or disobedience you were severely punished, so severely that sometimes there was no living space left on you. Shigaraki's favorite torture was hide and seek. The guy would choose some abandoned building and give you some time to hide. Most often it was 4 seconds, sometimes, when he was in a fairly high mood, he would give 5 seconds. When he found you, he gave you another 2 seconds to run away from him, and then it was more like catching up.
And now you were running away from him. And the situation that caused everything to happen is completely unimaginable. For the first time in a long time, you met with the entire League. Before this, you only knew Kurogiri. You were given special attention by Dabi, a strange guy who kept trying to “get close” to you. Understanding perfectly well what awaits you, if you let him get even a millimeter closer to you, you will get in trouble, you tried to stay away from him. Shigaraki never took his eyes off of you when Dabi was around. Giving up, you supported the conversation about medicine and later regretted it. Slamming his hands loudly on the table, Tomura came up to you and, taking you by the elbow, led you somewhere.
According to Shigaraki, today you had to pay for your behavior. It was not difficult to guess what awaited you.
It began to rain suddenly. And so, from accumulated emotions and fear, my legs began to tremble treacherously. You slipped and fell. It was painful, offensive, I wanted to scream and cry. You no longer had enough strength to do anything, but you stubbornly tried to get up. As a result, having accepted your inevitable fate, you turned over on your back and began to wait for the guy. A little time passed when he was already standing next to you. Taking your hand, Tomura forced you to stand, and when you were already standing on your own two feet, he pressed you against the wall. Cold, wet and dirty, you did not resist at all. Shigaraki did not stand on ceremony: he forcefully sat you on his knees, unzipped his fly, and began tapping his dick on your face. Already knowing what awaited you, you obediently opened your mouth, while closing your eyes. Tomura grinned.
- You're acting like a whore! So she just opened her filthy mouth to take my dick...
Shigaraki put his penis in your mouth and, moving his hand to your neck, squeezed with force, sticking out his little finger so as not to kill the girl ahead of time. You whimpered but shook your head in agreement.
- Come on, work your dirty mouth to please the one you are obliged to please! — Tomura pressed down on your head with force.
No matter how much experience you had, it was very difficult to take it. You began to move your head, swallowing the cock to satisfy Shigaraki. It was unbearably painful and disgusting. When you couldn’t bear it anymore, you started scratching him.
Slap in the face. Tomura grabbed you and pulled you to your feet. Pressed against the wall again, you tried to make as little noise as possible. At this time, Shigaraki had already torn his underwear and entered sharply. The pain was unbearable. Even more unpleasant than when he pounded into the throat. Shigaraki began to move quickly and jerkily. You wanted to scream from the pain spreading through your body, but you understood that this would only get worse.
- Hurt? You deserve this pain. You should feel everything that I felt when you chatted with this garbage. — Shigaraki grabbed your face and brought you closer to him. - Pathetic whore!
It's disgusting and offensive. You understood that you were really pathetic, but you couldn’t do anything about it, and even if you tried, you would make it worse, especially since you already tried and got it badly. There was only one thing that bothered you: everything he said. Is he... Jealous of you? He was jealous of you and Dabi. If he’s jealous, it means... He loves... A smile appeared on your face. Noticing that you were smiling, Tomura was taken aback.
- Why are you smiling?! You must feel disgusting and unpleasant! You must hate me!
“You’re in a lot of pain right now too...” you said barely audibly. - If the fact that it hurts me makes you feel better, then fine, I’ll endure it all...
- What?!
Tomura tossed you aside. Pulling on his clothes, he came up to you writhing on the ground and, sitting on top, grabbed you by the neck and began screaming.
- Why are you smiling?! Stop it! You must beg me for mercy! You should cry and scream, not smile! Stop it! — the guy stopped shouting and continued absolutely calmly. “I’ll wipe that stupid smile off your face forever!”
Tomura moved his hand towards your face. When the fingers were almost touching you, you whispered just two words
- Love you…
The last two words, and the body began to turn into ashes. Tomura watched with absolute incomprehension as your body turned to dust. When he realized what had happened, the guy began to shake his head to the sides and scream.
- No no no no no! You shouldn't have died like that! Why did you say that?! Do you want me to suffer even after your death?! I hate you! I hate it! I hate your stupid eyes! I hate your stupid hair! I hate your stupid smile! I hate you!
A sharp stream of wind lifted what once was you into the air, and the ashes scattered across the sky. Tomura rose to his feet and wanted to run after the ashes, but stopped. There is still something left of you on your hands. Raising his hands up, the guy let go of the ashes, which were immediately picked up by a stream of wind, and they scattered across the sky.
- I hate you! - Tomura whispered, smiling sadly.
Shigaraki turned around and went back. You'll have to explain where and why you disappeared... And you'll also have to look for new people for the League... Kurogiri will have more work... Toga will pester you with questions... And Dabi will make jokes and sarcastic remarks as usual...
And also loneliness...
He will be lonely again...
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acacia-may · 6 months
Could I have 13 for the ask game please?
Thank you so much, Greta! 💐 I'd love to answer this question from the writing excerpt ask game for you. Apologies in advance for the ramblings 😅
13. A excerpt of my writing that helped me understand a character better
(Warnings: Discussions of childhood trauma and abuse. Black Clover spoilers)
I write a lot of character studies, but the scene that immediately came to mind when I saw your ask was the flashback sequence I wrote in "Breaking the Cycle" depicting the first time that Langris presented with and ever used his magic.
This whole story was actually written because a friend of mine irl had been asking me some genuine questions about why/how I thought Langris was abused. Emotional and psychological abuse is often extremely subtle, and we spend so little time in Langris's POV in the canon that there is some reading the lines that must be done on the part of the reader/watcher to really see and understand that he's also a victim of House Vaude, just in a different way than Finral. Writing that story and especially that flashback scene was kind of my attempt at showing what I think it was like for Langris to grow up in that very toxic environment.
While he didn't suffer the same kind of abuse as Finral, he suffered in his own way. I think that depriving a child of unconditional love (whether that be by flat-out rejecting them like Finral or making them "earn" love like Langris) is one of the most horrible things a parent can do to their child--it causes lasting problems that stick with someone long into adulthood, like an empty space in their heart that they'll constantly be trying to fill. Finral tries to fill it with flirting/validation from romantic relationships and Langris tries to fill it with achievements, but it's a similar wound for both of them.
It was very painful but really interesting to try to get into Langris' head and really see House Vaude from his eyes. I think it gave me a much deeper understanding of his character and everything that he had gone through.
This is a very long portion of that flashback sequence, but I had trouble cutting it down beyond this. I've put it under the cut because of the warnings for heavy subject matter, childhood trauma and abuse, and spoilers for Black Clover
“The Noble House of Vaude has produced the premiere spatial mages of the Clover Kingdom for centuries,” their father continued, towering over Finral intimidatingly and glaring at him with a look that lingered ominously like a heavy, dark cloud before a thunderstorm. Langris swallowed hard and something twisted in his stomach. “This worthless excuse for magic is an embarrassment to this family.” 
Turning away abruptly with a sharp wince, Langris shut his eyes. He swallowed hard as he felt his mother’s hand on his shoulder. When he turned to look at her, her face said what it always did: you have to do better. He knew this—had known it ever since Finral had presented with a magic power that only brought their parents shame, frustration, and disappointment—the only problem was he didn’t know if he could. He stayed awake at night hiding under the covers and trying to make the type of portals that his parents wanted but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t use magic of any kind. He wasn’t sure which would be worse: having magic like Finral’s or having no magic at all. He didn’t want to find out.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…” Finral apologized again. His shoulders were trembling as his wavering voice grew softer, smaller. Langris’ hands began to shake as he watched the tears well up in his brother’s eyes. “I…I just don’t want to hurt anybody…”
“Useless coward! You’re a disgrace to this House,” bellowed their father. He huffed. “The humiliation—one son with such worthless magic and another who hasn’t shown any ability at all…” Feeling his father’s attention falling on him, Langris shuddered and recoiled. His insides were twisting, and he was torn between desperately wanting to run away and hide and being unable to move.
“Langris is still very young,” intervened his mother. “I’m sure he’ll present with a very powerful magic any day now.” Langris stared down at the ground under the weight of his mother’s tightened grip and pointed stare which warned louder than any words: you had better.
Langris’ toes curled up tightly in his shoes. He felt like he was going to be sick.
Finral turned to look at him with teary eyes, but he tried to smile at him slightly. “Let me try again…” he said wiping his eyes and taking a step nearer to Langris, stepping in between him and their parents, before trying to make another portal. It shined and shimmered in front of him before flickering and disintegrating. Langris had always thought it was remarkable that his brother could make something like that, when all Langris could ever do was stare at his empty hands desperately willing the appearance of portals that never came. Their parents, however, were always unimpressed.
“Pathetic,” scoffed their mother.
Their father frowned irately before shaking his head. “They’re getting even worse. Utterly worthless. You don’t deserve to call yourself a Vaude.”
Finral hunched over—seemingly curling into himself, and his eyes welled with tears again as he choked out a barely audible apology. “I’m sorry…”
“You incompetent good-for-nothing!” Their father glared at him. “And now you’re crying?” he scoffed in incredulous disdain at the tears that streamed down Finral’s cheeks. “As if it isn’t your fault that you’re wielding such ineffectual magic, you blubbering idiot.”
Finral sniffled and tried to wipe his eyes apologizing profusely, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry…I’m trying…I just can’t—” Whack. Langris flinched at the horrible slapping sound of his father’s hand striking Finral’s face and his brother’s painful whimpering.
“I told you to stop your whining and excuses!” their father thundered. Langris clinched his trembling hands into fists. His chest felt tight and heavy. Stop it. Make it stop. He desperately pleaded internally to someone…anyone…as tears poured down Finral’s face and he frantically and hopelessly tried to wipe them away as their father raised his hand again.
Langris’ heart beat faster and faster and his stomach warped and coiled into knots—a weight building up inside him too heavy for him to bear. His knees buckled, and he un-clinched his fists. Stop it. Stop! St…
Crash. Boom. Thud. A bright burst of blue collided with the nearby gazebo sending pieces of wooden debris flying. The world seemed to stop as the roof caved in and the structure collapsed on itself.
“Woah…” whispered Finral with wide eyes, but their parents were stunned into silence. Tears prickled in Langris’s eyes, and his heart was pounding so rapidly he was sure it was going to beat out of his chest. His whole body trembled as his father turned towards him, and he shut his eyes tightly flinching in anticipation of his father’s rage.
“That is spatial magic worthy of House Vaude,” said his father. His head reeling, Langris opened one eye in blinking disbelief.
“What wonderful power, Langris!” his mother exclaimed placing a hand on his head.
Langris blinked at them. Was this it? Was this the magic his parents so desperately wanted—the magic that somehow he possessed? It almost seemed too good to be true.
“I…the gazebo…” Langris began quietly and apologetically still completely bewildered by his parents’ reaction.
“We’ll have the servants clean it up,” answered his father dismissively before he turned his attention away from Langris to his brother. “Finral,” he began, and Finral looked up almost hopeful but his face fell immediately as his father said, “You would do well to wield your magic like Langris. You wouldn’t want the shame of being shown up by your younger brother again, would you?”
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