#and Sunah has me feeling sad
fincholeander · 8 months
Hi there
I was kinda confuse so i wanted to ask arent lhh and kdj both one person?(i read side storys) so why people even ship them?? ...i cant find out about why thay like this ship i just feel bad every time see it on Twitter or etc ...
Im not hater ..uh well it wiard but still...
Oh yes, hello. Thank you for asking in advance, I guess this is a common question. As someone who ships Lee Hakhyun and Kim Dokja, allow me to state my opinion. There will be a lot of side story spoilers. In my opinion, Lee Hakhyun and Kim Dokja are not the same person. The truth is that Lee Hakhyun is a fragment of Kim Dokja reincarnated, this is true. But that doesn't mean he is Kim Dokja. As in the end of season 1, there was a line saying that the fragments of Kim Dokja are no longer Kim Dokja, they are separate people living their own lives. If Lee Hakhyun is Kim Dokja just because he was the fragment of Kim Dokja, then all the other readers in this story are also Kim Dokja. If KillerKing and Yerin are both Kim Dokja, why are they brother and sister? If uncle Dansu and Jiyoon are both Kim Dokja, why are they father and daughter? Reader Go Jangwon likes reader Koo Sunah, while they are both readers - fragments of Kim Dokja. Isn't that mean Kim Dokja loves Kim Dokja? I think Lee Hakhyun and the reader's struggle in the side story, is to show that the readers are not Kim Dokja, even though they are reborn from Kim Dokja's fragments. Now they have their own lives, they don't have to live in the shadow of someone else, they don't have to sacrifice themselves so that a more perfect version of themselves can survive. The readers and the Kim Dokja we know, they are separate existences. Lee Hakhyun also has the life of Lee Hakhyun. He is 33 years old. He has a father, a mother, an editor who cares for him, readers who like the work he writes, he lives the life of Lee Hakhyun, not Kim Dokja. Regarding the reason why I ship Lee Hakhyun and Kim Dokja, perhaps one of the main reasons is because I believe that they are two different people, with different experiences, different personalities. And secondly, I find them cute. If you have read the side story then you must have seen, how Lee Hakhyun said he wanted to curl up next to Kim Dokja in ep 4, how Lee Hakhyun said he would be fine as long as Kim Dokja continued reading his story. How in ep 12(7) Kim Dokja told Lee Hakhyun “this is your story”. And how Kim Dokja told Lee Hakhyun “Hakhyun-ah, tell me a happy story this time.” You can see, they are two completely different people, with their own loneliness and efforts to take care of and understand each other. In the side story, Kim Dokja is also watching Lee Hakhyun's story, and he felt sad everytime Lee Hakhyun was hurted mentally or physically. Kim Dokja is a reader, and Lee Hakhyun is a writer. In essence, they are already extremely different. Anyway, this is my own feeling when reading the story. I guess everyone has a different perspective when reading, so it's okay. But I hope you can understand what I want to convey. Thank you for reading. I hope you also enjoy the side story. (This is an artwork I made before the side story cover was out, so LHH's hairstyle is webtoon CIH's hairstyle, but anyway, this is one of the conversations between them that I adore the most. Lee Hakhyun was so worried while Kim Dokja just chilling there telling Hakhyun to do whatever he wants, I think they are really precious together.)
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lee-hakhyun · 11 months
kim dokja answers lee hakhyun's question.
can anyone dream when they want to?
he's the oldest dream, the world's most omniscient yet powerless god.
...how many years has kim dokja been here, dreaming? is this still the kim dokja we know?
lhh tells kdj that he doesn't have to handle this. that was why hsy wrote this novel, to have everyone dream, to free him from this eternity. so why..?
「But I'm the only one watching this 'world' right now.」 「Do you think it's better for this world to disappear?」
in the star stream, stories that no one read disappear. if kim dokja wasn't watching this 41st regression, it would disappear. is it right for a world where the tragedy was predetermined to never begin in the first place?
lee hakhyun starts to say that this is still a real world, and if the world is about to end, with more saddess than joy- kim dokja cuts him off, asking if it's better without it.
lee hakhyun can't answer. even if the end is a tragedy, the sadness and joy will still exist. someone would find their own happiness in the destruction.
but someone has died because of this story. jung jaewoo, jung moonho, lee hakhyun can't forget their faces.
「But someone might have lived because of this story.」
people have died due to this story, but others have survived.
like kim dokja. if this story was not created, he wouldn't have survived. there are many kinds of stories. is a sad story bad, and a happy story good? is a story of destruction meaningless? is this world, a tragedy from the start, better off not existing?
tragedy isn't just the star stream's story. even in a world without scenarios, people suffered, starved, killed each other. people still died. is this universe really different from the star stream?
we're all in ruin. life and death are just stories in between. lee hakhyun understands that, but he can't accept it. he's afraid of death, he doesn't like being sad, he's afraid of people disappearing, so he wants to run away. all stories end. unlike him, kim dokja has accepted this. happy or sad, this world was just a story. he read, and he's reading. for an unimaginable amount of years. is this still the kim dokja we know?
he asks. are you still the reader he knows. he doesn't know if he wants kim dokja to lie. to say he's still the protagonist of this story, that he'll solve this somehow. that they'll see the end of the scenarios together.
he responds, "if that's what you think."
he doesn't take that well :(. lhh is nauseous. kim dokja, clearly standing in the snowfield, looked blurry to him. he asks why he's here. why the readers came here.
kim dokja doesn't answer. for some reason or another, he can't answer. there's something wrong with this snowfield. here, it feels like a fairy tale. they conversed like it was a fairy tale. in metaphors, and symbols. this snow garden was a metaphor for 'between the lines'. nothing is written down, but everything is in between. this kim dokja isn't really him. he's the 'oldest dream', scattered throughout the universe. so he must be meeting lhh through expedient. and then he says the most cryptic bs god DAMN it kdj you're making this really hard for me
「We are the ones that make the story, but at the same time, the story writes us. The answer you want, you'll know when you complete your story.」 「What was the asnwer you found? You already read 'WOS'.」 「I read it, and I never finished it.」
all stories are already written and being written at the same time. lee hakhyun has his reponse, now.
kim dokja's question. if stories of destruction are meaningless. he doesn't know the answer yet. but he knows one thing. at least for this world, he'll prevent the destruction. he remembers the readers. dansu ahjussi, kyung sein, killer king and literaturegirl, ye hyunwoo, koo sunah, kim kyungsik.
he will see the end of this world. he remembers jung heewon, who lost her father, and yoo joonghyuk, who suffered a terrible regression.
even if this results in even more changes to this worldline, he will struggle to the end, somehow. maybe his choice will lead to a bigger tragedy for the universe. maybe people will blame him for this. and maybe they're right.
but he's not the 'oldest dream'. he can't dream about such a wide universe.
all lee hakhyun sees is the world in front of him. people who read his story, and are living his story. a little happiness before the ruin.
「Cheon Inho.」 Kim Dokja said. 「No, Hakhyun-ah.」 In spite of myself, I looked up. There was Kim Dokja. The Kim Dokja I knew. Someone who loves stories more than anyone else was talking to me. 「Whatever it may be, tell me a happy story this time.」
he leaves the snow garden. waking up, he notices some changes. the star stream has noticed his existence. ☐☐ is subject to probability restrictions now. some features have been locked until he's qualified.
his 'loss' has been recorded on the 'final wall'.
two so far.
the final wall acknowledges his contribution, and his exclusive skill evolves.
...he will get additional benefits the more 'loss' he collects.
and, his new story has been created.
[The story 'Recorder of Things That Will Disappear' has been born.]
the end of this universe has already been determined. nevertheless, this story has just begun, and lee hakhyun has sentences to write. so he will write.
after all, he still loves this story.
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Prompt: story idea for a story where (insert au here i have no ideas hfgkjdgh) versions of the side are all fighting some evil force. because evil. idk man im bullshitting my way through school AND this ask lmao. basically someone gets hurt/captured and someone else trades themself to get them back and then everyone else has to go safe them :0 /nf ofc just an idea :D - anon
you did say any fandom and I really missed this one :)
Read on Ao3
Warnings: canon typical violence, hostage situation, implied/referenced domestic abuse
Pairings: gahan, same ambiguity as the canon
Word Count: 5506
    The weight of the blade pressed against his throat makes it difficult to breathe. 
  The hand in his hair is cruelly soft, carding fingers through in a mocking imitation of a comforting act as a voice laughs in his ear. 
  “Oh, don’t pout,” Sunah purrs, lifting the knife a little higher, “you’re getting what you wanted. Look at how much attention you’re getting right now, isn’t this nice?”
  A soft coo as a whine gasps out of his mouth. 
  “Aww, look at you, you’re so needy.” She cards her fingers through Gaon’s hair again. “How do they put up with you?”
  At least it’s not Elijah, he thinks frantically, at least it’s not Elijah. 
  “You look so sad,” she says in a childish voice, “are they not treating you well?”
  In a sudden movement, the knife momentarily shifts as she straddles Gaon’s lap. Gaon tenses, a new kind of fear flickering across his face. Sunah seizes it, the curve of her posture speaking volumes about how much the power she holds thrills her. 
  “Do you want to be treated well,” she asks in a voice that makes his skin crawl, “is that why you’re being a good little dog?”
  Gaon’s breathing hitches. He bites his gag and doesn’t move. 
  “Ah, ah, ah,” Sunah says, tapping his nose, “don’t bark at me. Bad dogs get put down.”
  “We’re ready.”
  Sunah’s expression falls a bit, disappointed at having her game ruined, but she gets up and turns as Gaon sees a camera being wheeled toward them. His eyes widen. 
  They’re going to…film him?
  “Young Master,” Sunah says, smiling—yes, apparently they’re filming this and sending it to Yohan, this is going to end well— “how good of you to join us.”
  They must have started recording. The knife is at his throat again. He can feel it as he tries to breathe, tries to stay strong for the camera. Sunah presses the knife deeper, deeper, until Gaon finally moves his head to try and alleviate it and Sunah tsks. 
  “He’s quite skittish,” she remarks, hand traveling down to trace patterns onto the bare skin of Gaon’s throat, “I can see why you like watching him.”
  Don’t let them see you sweat. 
  His fist tightens. 
  Sunah’s hand is still moving, down toward the open collar of Gaon’s shirt. The camera can see probably see him fighting not to move, the threat of the knife keeping him still. 
  “You know what I want, Young Master.” The knife digs a little more into his neck. “I want you to play with me, not these dogs.”
  He feels the moment a trickle of blood drips down to his collar. 
  “Didn’t you kill one of your father’s hunting hounds?”
  The camera stops recording—had he ever seen it turn on?—and wheels away as Sunah pulls away the knife and wipes it off. Gaon watches as she chuckles and beckons to a few men standing off in the shadows. She looks at him one more time, the way most people look at a spider before they put it in someone else’s bed, and leaves him as their shadows close over him. 
    Not many things can rattle Kang Yohan, but a phone call from a crying Elijah does the trick. 
  He can’t make out most of it through the sobs—which isn’t helping at all—but the few things he can catch have him running for the car. 
  Attempted kidnapping. Kim Gaon. Hostage. Jung Sunah. 
  K’s voice comes over the phone next. Elijah and Judge Kim were out to run an errand with his cop friend, Yoon Soohyun. Judge Kim had stepped out for a moment to pick up something, leaving the two of them in the car. According to Elijah, a group of thugs had come to try and take her, but Judge Kim and the cop had fought them off. 
  His grip on the phone tightens when he hears that Judge Kim traded himself to make sure the cop could get Elijah home safely. 
  “Where are you now?”
  “At the mansion. Elijah and the cop are both still here. She’s working to calm Elijah down.”
  Yohan snorts. Good luck to her. 
  “And Judge Kim?”
  “Unknown, Chief.”
  “Find him,” he barks, already speeding down the road, “find him now.”
    Soohyun-unnie isn’t as good a cook as Gaon, but she says he taught her how to make simple things and the street toast sandwiches are pretty good. 
  Could do with less sugar next time. 
  “I can never get the balance right,” Soohyun-unnie sighs, leaning on her hand as she eats her own sandwich, “Gaon-ah always yells at me. I’m never trying to make his ramen recipe again.”
  “What happened?”
  “Oh, I didn’t mix the egg in right or something like that and he made me wait outside with his plants.”
  “Why does he have so many plants?”
  She shrugs. “He likes to take care of them. He’s very good at it. We all enjoy the things we’re good at, I suppose.”
  Elijah does enjoy her computers. And winning. 
  “Do you want another?”
  She shakes her head, putting her plate down in the sink and letting Soohyun-unnie give her a hot mug. “We need to find him, unnie.”
  “I know.” She looks over to where K is lingering in the background, on the phone to someone. Probably unnie’s boss. “I’m sure he’ll tell us if he finds anything.”
  “No! We should be doing something! We were there, we saw them, can’t we go find them?”
  “Did you see a car? A plate number?”
  “No, but I know their faces, I saw them—they were wearing dark clothes and carried baseball bats and—“
  “Describe their faces.”
  Elijah scowls. “You were there too, unnie, what are you talking about?”
  “But did you see them?” Soohyun-unnie looks at her and raises an eyebrow. “Can you tell me exactly what they looked like? What build were they, did one of them walk with a limp, how tall were they?”
  Elijah opens her mouth to tell her exactly what she saw, but she falters. Unnie just watches her, drinking her own tea. 
  This is stupid. She was there, she should be able to say what she saw. They were outside a convenience store, she could name the address, what car is Soohyun-unnie’s, they could—
  “The cameras,” she blurts out, “the—the store had cameras. We can look at the footage! We’ll be able to see where they went!”
  “I’d have to check the systems—“
  “No, I’ll do it, it’ll be faster.” 
  Unnie just sighs and puts down her cup. “For the record, I did not hear that, and I will not be in the room while you magically come across the footage.”
  Elijah pays her no more attention, wheeling as quickly as she can to her room and setting her fingers flying across the keyboard. She hears muffled conversation and loud footsteps—her uncle must be home—and types in the things she needs, eyes trained on the screen. 
  Then she stops. 
  An email. 
  From an unknown address. 
  Frowning, she runs her scans on it—no malware or viruses detected—and hesitantly opens it. The body of the email is empty, no signature, no greeting, no text of any kind, and only one attachment. 
  Her cursor moves over and she runs the scan again. 
  Nothing. It’s just a video. 
  She clicks it. 
  And screams.
    Yohan is in Elijah’s room before the scream ends, bursting through ready to defend his niece from whatever must be attacking her, only to freeze. 
  Kim Gaon is on her computer screen, tied to a chair, gagged, with Jung Sunah holding a knife to his throat. 
  “Young master. How good of you to join us.”
  Footsteps as the others rush in behind him. He hears the cop gasp Gaon’s name. He watches her hand trail over the skin of Gaon’s throat, down to his chest, claiming and filthy and repulsive. 
  He knows what that touch feels like and for a moment, he’s seized by an unmistakable urge to cut her hands off. He savors it as Gaon flinches away and she chuckles. 
  “You know what I want, Young Master, I want you to play with me. Not these dogs.”
  Distantly, he hears K mutter to the cop about knowing where this building is, who to call. 
  “Didn’t you kill one of your father’s hunting hounds?”
  The video goes black, the sight of Gaon’s eyes still lingering on the empty screen. He sees his own face in the reflection and takes a deep breath. 
  “Find him,” Elijah’s voice says, smacking his arm, “find him and bring him home.”
    K has never enjoyed cleaning up the messes that he and Kang Yohan so often leave behind. 
  He likes it even less when it involves the rescue of a hostage. 
  The small broken body they find in a warehouse is no exception. Judge Kim is still tied to a chair, ankles and wrists mangled from thrashing against the restraints. His hair is matted and clumps are sticking up, coated in something dark. He’s breathing shallowly and something…something is making it hard. 
  K makes quick work of the bindings, carefully manipulating the slack limbs until they’re free. He can see the evidence of his torment just in the way his fingers have lost circulation. On his other side, Yohan’s jaw is tight as he checks for a pulse. 
  “Is he good to move?”
  A sharp nod and K begins to take off his coat. He wraps it around Judge Kim’s bruised and battered form and helps get him into Yohan’s arms. Without a word, they know that the doctor will need to be called as soon as possible. 
  The drive to the mansion is tense, quiet, none willing to break the silence. Every so often, a stuttering breath will draw their attention and Yohan will carefully shift Judge Kim so he can breathe easily. 
  They manage to get him into the bathroom, laying him down with a towel to support his head. Despite rescuing him from the explosion, Judge Kim looks breakable there and K decides he never wants to see it again. He glances over to see a similar conclusion forming on Yohan’s face. 
  “Call the doctor,” he hears himself saying, “I’ll see what I can figure out.”
  Yohan nods sharply—the only way he’s been able to, apparently—and sweeps out of the room. K takes a deep breath and slowly pulls away the fabric of the coat. 
  He remembers something someone had said, an eon ago.
  Dead people don’t look like people, they look like things. 
  Here, now, lying on the tile, Judge Kim almost looks like a thing. 
  K swallows and gets to work, pulling away the last of the fabric, making sure Judge Kim can still breathe. He winces as his hand brushes something wet and it comes away red. He turns his head carefully to the side and breathes a sigh of relief when he sees it’s just a patch of his hair, dragged through a small puddle of water from under the sink. He takes another breath and turns his attention to the mess of his clothes.
  As soon as he begins to tug at her buttons, Judge Kim mumbles. 
  “It’s okay, Judge Kim,” he says, “the doctor just needs to—ah!”
  He’s cut off when he flails suddenly, striking out at him with a strength that catches him off-guard. He muffles a curse and quickly reaches out. 
  “Relax,” he tries, catching hold of him before he can hurt himself, “Judge Kim, you’re safe, it’s okay, calm down—“
  “No—no, no, stop, please—“
  “You’re safe, Judge Kim, you’re not there,” he tries again, “stop, you’re going to hurt yourself—“
  “Let me go—you—you—you said if I was good you wouldn’t, I didn’t do anything,” Judge Kim sobs, “please, please—“
  “It’s me, it’s me, Judge Kim,” he tries desperately, “wake up, it’s okay—“
  “Hyung, please!”
  K freezes. Judge Kim is looking at him but his eyes are glazed over. He stares through him without seeing him and whatever—whoever he’s seeing isn’t good. This is bad. This is really bad. 
  “…Judge Kim—“
  “I’ll be good,” comes the broken voice, “I won’t fight this time, I promise—I’ll—I can be good, I can be good.”
  K can only let go of his wrists, watching in a stupor as he goes limp, trembling on the cold floor. 
  “Please,” he sobs again, “what—what did I do wrong? I didn’t mean to, I—I didn’t mean to, please—please—“
  Heart in his throat, K watches in a horrified numb state as Judge Kim slowly lapses back into sleep, body exhausted. He swallows with difficulty, moving back. His head still rings with the pleas. 
  He is not too proud to admit that he underestimated Judge Kim. But he never imagines he would be hiding something like this. What else is he hiding?
  Footsteps approaching and he swallows again as Yohan walks into the room. 
  “The doctor will be here shortly,” he hears, “how is he?”
  “Hurt,” K says unhelpfully, “really hurt.”
  Yohan raises an eyebrow. “Perhaps we should strive for a more detailed report next time,” he says lightly, reaching for Judge Kim’s clothes. 
  In a flash, K catches his wrist and pulls him back. 
  “Don’t,” he says firmly, ignoring the look of surprise, “don’t touch him.”
  He knows that Yohan can tell something’s happened—he can count on one hand the times he’s grabbed him like that—but he just nods. K lets go, feeling Yohan settle into place beside him. He can feel Yohan ask the question wordlessly, wanting to know what’s rattled K so badly that not only has he not done his job, he’s prevented Yohan from doing it as well. 
  He tries to find words. 
  He tries. 
  He tries to put into words how it felt to have Judge Kim suddenly surge to life underneath his grip, terrified of someone he couldn’t see. 
  He tries to put into words how it hurt to hold him still, keep him restrained, when it looked and felt like nothing more than adding to whatever torment they’d put him through. 
  He tries to put into words the way his heart damned near stopped as Judge Kim cried out for someone to stop. Someone he couldn’t see, someone who wasn’t there, someone who had left a mark so deep into Judge Kim’s mind that now, after everything that’s happened tonight, it is there that he found himself. 
  He tries. He can’t. 
  Yohan doesn’t say a word beside him. He doesn’t need to. He’s never needed to ask a question twice, K knows, not of him. Once K knows he wants something, he’ll get it one way or another. 
  Only this time, K doesn’t know how to give it to him. 
  He could describe what happened, make it cold and impersonal the way they both know how, but that would only turn Judge Kim into a thing. 
  He could ask Yohan knows any of Judge Kim’s former hyungs, but the word seizes his tongue and refuses to roll off of it, rendering him speechless. 
  He could say he doesn’t want to tell him. 
  Even as he thinks it, he has to hold back a scoff. 
  Something like that would never work. 
  Some hysterical part of him says that he should let Yohan find out for himself. Let him be the one to see Judge Kim writhe and beg and plead for mercy from a demon so vast it seems to swallow him whole. Let him try and keep him from hurting himself only to feel like he’s the one who did this to him, the ones they can and can’t see. Let him be stunned, struck with equal curiosity and terror that the sweet judge that never fails to make Elijah smile could hide something like this. 
  Part of him wonders if Yohan would be better at it. Would know what to do, how to hold him so he doesn’t hurt himself as he struggles in the grip. How to speak softly yet firmly enough to pull him out of the demon’s hold. Maybe he would glance over at K as if to say ‘this is what you were so worried about?’ He thinks he could be relieved by it. 
  Part of him thinks that Yohan would freeze. That he would hear the sobs that choke out of Judge Kim’s throat and be stunned stiff by them, unable to reconcile the gentle smiles with the war-torn pleas. That he would never again be able to look at him without seeing his terrified face, the way his gaze rent him asunder, and wonder if that’s how he saw him too. 
  K wouldn’t wish that on anyone. 
  So they sit there and they wait, as they did in the car, for the doctor to arrive. 
  He knows as soon as the doctor asks them to leave that Yohan is still expecting an answer. In a rare burst of defiance, he turns away from the closing door and marches off. Not to leave—he’s not that brave—but enough to put distance between him and that room. 
  If Judge Kim wakes up again while the doctor is conducting his examination, K doesn’t want to be anywhere near earshot. He’s not sure he can hear it a second time. 
  He stalks to the kitchen and blindly opens a cabinet, groping for a glass. He shoves it under the tap, uncaring that water splashes onto his hand as he fills it up. It’s cold. It’s wet. That’s all he needs it to be. 
  He drains half of it in one gulp, panting, then the other half. It rushes down his throat and with it goes the remnants of the word. 
  He doesn’t understand. He can stay the name of the woman who murdered his family. He can say the names of the men and women who would happily watch the nation burn just to fatten their own pockets. He’s said the word ‘hyung’ before. 
  Never before did it cling to the inside of his mouth with such revulsion. 
  He doesn’t need to turn around to know Yohan’s followed him. The man has a presence, something Judge Kim had remarked on early in their relationship. He’s tangible, almost, as if you become attuned to him and his whereabouts as he moves. 
  He can feel it now, over his shoulder, leaning against the door to the kitchen, waiting. Probably wondering the same thing K is: what happened in the few moments that he was away, what possibly could have caused such an extreme reaction?
  The water doesn’t give him any answers. 
  He swallows the vestiges of the revulsion and turns, keeping his head bowed. 
  “I can find them,” he says instead,” they shouldn’t be difficult to track. That area has enough security cameras that the coverage should have caught some of it.”
  Yohan hums, pushing off the wall. “It would also help to look at the video they left us too, wouldn’t it?”
  “Considering you pointed it out, it would only make sense for you to include it.”
  They stand there for a moment, still. Silence seems to cling to the pair of them tonight. 
  “I doubt it will get done if you just stand there,” comes the tease, “or are you waiting to be dismissed?”
  The first question, he’s sure, one of many. And he could leave now, deal with the smug smile of being caught off-guard, and find the bastards he can punish for hurting Judge Kim, but no. No, he can’t leave. Not yet. Something keeps him rooted to the floor, stuck, even as Yohan tilts his head. 
  “I should wait,” he settles on eventually, “to hear what the doctor says.”
  There. A partial truth. He’s gotten good at those. 
  Just not as good as the man in front of him. 
  “I can send you an update when I get it,” Yohan says, taking a step closer, “and I’m sure Judge Kim would be grateful if you were already looking for the people that hurt him when he wakes up.”
  K swallows, still looking at the ground. Yohan keeps coming closer. 
  “You seem quite concerned,” he says, “over Judge Kim. Are you worried about his security? Do you think someone is going to try and come here to finish the job?”
  Well, he wasn’t. 
  “You never displayed nearly this much worry for Judge Kim before.”
  Oh. That’s what he thinks this is. 
  It’s not an irrational conclusion to jump to, considering what this must look like from the outside. And it’s true, K and Judge Kim had gotten off to a rocky start, but they’ve warmed up to each other now. 
  “Should I worry,” Yohan says, a smirk audible, “that if it comes down to choosing between him and me, I won’t be the person you save?”
  If this were a normal conversation, K would snap back. Say that how could he be, when Yohan would always save Judge Kim? Say that after his reaction when the bomb went off in the office, he’s in no position to talk about surprising amounts of concern. 
  But this isn’t a normal conversation, something Yohan picks up on when K doesn’t react to the teasing at all. 
  “He’ll be okay,” he says, a little warmth injected into his voice now, “they just wanted to send a message, not kill him.”
  K just nods. 
  Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Yohan pause, narrowing his eyes and looking at K. He lets him look, not that he could stop him, and hopes against all hope that he won’t ask. 
  He knows when Yohan takes another step closer that his hopes will wither as soon as the other man opens his mouth. 
  “Something happened,” Yohan says, not a question but a fact, “when I called the doctor. You looked like you’d seen a ghost when I came back.”
  He reaches out to tip K’s chin up. 
  “You still do.”
  And there it is, the tiny bit of concern that makes it through the remains of Yohan’s mask. He lets K go but stays close, waiting for K to explain. He should, it isn’t good to keep something like this inside him, it’s already eating him up. 
  But even speaking it about it feels like a betrayal. 
  K feels like crying. 
  Yohan must see because he reaches up, a hand on K’s shoulder now. His touch feels warm and part of him cringes away from it. Judge Kim is still upstairs, reeling from whatever demons have haunted him for who knows how long, and K is the one being comforted. And yet he can’t bring himself to pull away. 
  “What happened,” Yohan asks, impossibly soft for the two of them, “what happened?”
  K shakes his head. “I can’t.”
  “You can tell me,” Yohan assures, “I’ll fix it, whatever it is, we can fix it.”
  “I can’t,” K repeats, “I—it’s not mine to tell.”
  Yohan’s eyes widen. He can practically see the man trying to put the pieces together in his head, of why K is so shaken by what happened tonight and why he’s refused to tell Yohan. The hand on his shoulder never tenses, never hurts, but there’s something else there now. 
  “I’m sorry I ran,” he mumbles when the revulsion gives way to shame over his tongue, “I just…I couldn’t hear it again.”
  Yohan shakes his head; the apology isn’t needed. K watches his expression flicker. His curiosity isn’t sated, not by a long shot, but he won’t press K for anything else right now. 
  K loves him a little bit, just for that. 
  “Did the doctor say how long it would be? Or take?”
  Yohan shakes his head. “It shouldn’t be much longer, though.”
  He glances up. 
  “Do you want to check?”
  K swallows and squares his shoulders. “Let’s go.”
  “You can wait here if you want.”
  K shakes his head. If Judge Kim can carry that much hidden behind kind words and sweet smiles, he can bear this while he’s in pain. 
  Luckily, it is quiet when they return to the hall outside the room. Yohan folds his arms as they wait, K pulling out his phone to distract himself by looking for whatever goons hurt Judge Kim. They can’t touch Jung Sunah, not yet, but they can get rid of her pawns. After a moment, he feels Yohan’s gaze on him. 
  He glances up. Yohan doesn’t look away but meets him steadily. The glimmer of concern still hasn’t left. 
  Maybe this, this one look into just how much they don’t know about Judge Kim will be enough to make them consider changing that. 
  Even if K can never hear him say the word ‘please’ again. 
    It’s not as severe this time, the doctor had said, he’ll need a few days to recover from the bruising, but he shouldn’t need any bed rest. 
  See, Yohan thinks as he stares down at the prone body, you should be fine. Now wake up so I can scold you. 
  But Judge Kim, obstinate and disobedient Judge Kim, does not move. 
  Wake up. Wake up now. You need to wake up. Elijah needs to scold you too. So does your little cop friend. You need to wake up and stop avoiding us. 
  Nothing. Not even a twitch. 
  Elijah has been in here too. She’s asleep now—at least she should be, the cop had promised to try and get her to sleep. The cop is still here too, downstairs working with Lawyer Ko on how to pin this on Jung Sunah somehow. He should be down there too, figuring out why she made such a risky move by sending him the video with her in it, what she’s playing at, what she’s hoping for. Or out with K, hunting. 
  But instead he’s here. On the bed, again, waiting for Kim Gaon to wake up. 
  You didn’t need to have another injury to stay here. Elijah would be so upset if she found out that’s why you did it. She already told me to bring you home, do you think she would let me let you leave? 
  When did you get so close to my niece, Kim Gaon? I never told you to do that. And now she bothers me about eating and sleeping properly. She never used to do that. She bothers K about it too. 
  I didn’t tell you to get close to K either. 
  K…K had come back just long enough to see Gaon settled into the bed before disappearing again. The haunted look on his face still hasn’t left as far as he knows.
  What did you do? What happened in the two minutes I was not in the room? You’ve been keeping secrets from me, Kim Gaon, I don’t like that. When you wake up, you need to tell me everything. You should do that now. Wake up so I can scold you for keeping secrets from me. 
  The door swings open behind him and he doesn’t have to look to know it’s Elijah. “You should be asleep.”
  “I was. I woke up.”
  “Go back to sleep.”
  She doesn’t listen—not that he expected her to—and wheels over to stare at Gaon. She’s been crying. She reaches out to touch his hand. 
  “Wake up,” she orders, giving it a little shake, “you need to wake up now.”
  Nothing happens for her either. He should send her back to bed, make her sleep, but he doesn’t. 
  What have you done to us, Kim Gaon?
  He doesn’t know how long they sit there, long enough that Lawyer Ko comes up to tell him he’s leaving, that the cop comes up to see him too, that K comes back. 
  It is very, very late when Kim Gaon finally stirs. 
  Elijah shrieks his name and he winces, trying to sit up only for the cop to bark out an order to stay still, you big dummy, you’re hurt!
  “I know,” he mumbles, “kind of hard not to notice that.”
  “You’re an idiot,” Elijah declares, “you’re stupid.”
  “Yah, I just woke up! Are both of you teaming up on me?”
  “Yes,” they say at the same time and he rolls his eyes. 
  “You’re okay,” he says softly, reaching out for Elijah, “that’s good.”
  “You’re not allowed to get hurt,” she says, even as her hand trembles, covering his, “you have to come home and stay here where it’s safe.”
  Yohan can see Gaon’s breathing hitch when she calls the mansion home and the cop quickly puts her hands on Elijah’s shoulders. 
  “We should let him rest,” she says, “he needs to heal so we can yell at him properly.”
  “Make him stay,” Elijah calls as she wheels out, looking over her shoulder, “he needs to stay.”
  “Where exactly am I going to go?” Gaon grumbles as the door closes. 
  When neither of them says anything, he looks up. 
  “Is something wrong?”
  He hears K withdrawing discreetly. He’s going to have to ask what happened eventually, no one gets to keep secrets about Judge Kim from him anymore, but for now he focuses on the stupid man lying in the bed in front of him. 
  “You cannot afford to be reckless,” he says, watching Gaon’s expression darken, “what were you thinking?”
  “They were going to take Elijah.” His jaw sets. “I couldn’t let that happen.”
  “Why didn’t you call for help, then?”
  “What would you have done? You were miles away, so was K, no one else was around. If I hadn’t done anything—“
  “If you had gotten in the car and driven away—“
  “Then they could’ve reached in and gotten her!” Gaon glares up at him. “I was keeping her safe, Soohyun-ah did the right thing, she drove off with Elijah so they couldn’t get her—“
  “But they got you.”
  Rage flares and he stands up. “So you cannot afford to be so careless with your own life!”
  “What, so I should’ve just let them take Elijah?” He struggles to sit up more and Yohan just pushes him back down. “I should’ve let them take her?”
  “You’re missing the point.”
  “I don’t think I am. You’re angry at me for getting hurt but I got hurt so Elijah wouldn’t. Isn’t that what you want? You want Elijah to be safe! She is safe!”
  “But you were not!”
  They both stop, breathing hard. Gaon just scowls harder, pushing against his hand. His skin is warm and slightly damp under his palm, heart thudding against his ribs. 
  “So what,” he repeats, quieter now but no less enraged, “so what? Do you just want to have your Left Associate Judge look all pretty and be set dressing for you? Huh? Is that it? So it won’t look too empty?”
  Oh, this stubborn, fierce, beautiful boy…
  “My face is fine, Chief Kang,” Gaon borderline snarls, “they’ll put makeup on me and the collar of my robes is high enough to cover the cut. I’ve had worse than this. I’ll be fine for court.”
  He’s still panting, still straining against the hand on his chest. But he’s tiring, anger only giving him a short burst of energy as his arms begin to tremble from the weight of him. Yohan slips his other arm under his back to catch him when his left elbow buckles, lowering him back to the bed with his arm still there. The imprint of the mark left from the explosion is still there, just barely. 
  Like this, he’s closer now, able to feel Gaon’s chest heaving against his side as well as his hand. He’s bruised, painted awful shades of green and yellow and purple. None of which are good colors for him. His eyes drift upward to the crimson scratch on his throat. 
  His hand moves, tracing upwards, until he can reach for it. Gaon tenses and he looks at his face, seeing apprehension as he carefully touches the mark. 
  “They hurt you,” he says, voice lowered too, “she hurt you.”
  The roll of Gaon’s throat works against his hand. 
  “No one gets to hurt you. No one gets to touch you. Do you understand?”
  Gaon’s jaw wobbles but he nods. 
  “Say it. Say you understand. No one touches you. No one hurts you.”
  “No one touches me,” his boy repeats, “no one hurts me. I understand.”
  You will pay for this, Jung Sunah, he promises as he traces the mark again, you will suffer for it. 
"You called me 'hyung.'"
Gaon's eyes widen. There's a faint ringing in his ears and he stares at K. Thank god Yohan left for work hours ago. "I..."
K glances at the door, making sure Elijah isn't going to come in. "I didn't tell him."
"Thank you."
"But you should tell him soon."
He bristles. "And why should I?"
"Because would you rather he finds out about it first, or Jung Sunah?"
When he doesn't say anything for a few more moments, K sighs. "Can he still hurt you?"
Gaon's silence is pointed.
"A name."
"Then give it to Kang Yohan." K's eyes bore into his. "You know what he'll do."
Gaon can't be sure who he's talking about, and he's not sure it makes that much of a difference.
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sunlightnmoonshine · 3 years
In the end (pt. 1)
It feels a little surreal that the show is over and I will no longer have anything to look forward to because the devil judge set such a high bar in terms of writing and character exploration that I will always hold dear to my heart. Given that its actually done, I found myself drowning in the realisation that we will never see these characters again and how I feel about where the show left them off. So this is me coming to terms with it:
1. Min Jung Ho - Snake lol. Something I admired about the writing was how they didn't try to make him all out some evil piece of shit but rather someone that had a very strong misguided belief off some strange frustrations against Yohan who was changing the legal system more radically but effectively. Which he could not come to terms with. In the end he villanised Yohan and ignored the actual problems that persisted and inevitably contributed to the problem all in a sense of self righteousness, ah sorry, hypocrisy is the better word. The show leaves him looking oh so pathetic, he can't even raise his head to meet Gaon, the boy he betrayed severely and he'll rot for the rest of his life going down in history as a hypocrite who did nothing to actually fix the system he claimed he would be the arm of justice for. Its a fitting end.
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2. Heo Joong Se: Clown. The show really said he's a spoilt, stubborn arrogant joke until the end. Down to the way he insulted everyone but specifically insulted women. The way all he did in that court room was scream his head off without an ounce of remorse somehow still deluded by the fact that he's doing this for the country? But knowing fully well he's a businessman through and through and that was all he will be. I can not stress how phenomenal it is that it is Jung Sun Ah that shoots him dead. Its clear he's had it coming from her hand ever since she tried to suffocate him during the massage but it's just how randomly she does it. She's sick of him, she's aware she's going to be targeted, she's aware he's done too much behind her back and never once respected her and its in the midst of one of his screaming fits particularly screaming "I am the King" that the bullet goes through and there's silence. Perfection.
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3. The rest of the clowns of the SRF : idle bystanders that turned an eye away from inherent evil and repeatedly benefitted off of their actions without an ounce of remorse yet again. But hilarious nevertheless because they really became jesters on that stage in a desperate fit to live, threw themselves away to get out a door. It's noteworthy that they spent most of their time trying to stop the other from leaving instead of quietly watching and just getting out. None of them of are capable of that, they only know to take from others. Crumbling under the systematic stage they built? Poignant. I don't really care what anyone says they deserved to die point in tow with HJS who saw human life as so unworthy of it wasn't their own. There's a reason why human trafficking is considered one of the worst of crimes, human experimentation falls closely next to it. All because they were poorer than them. Guess their greed really out did them. Tried to put on a show in a court house which was anyway all just a staged facade and ultimately they died on that stage with their masks out for everyone to see. For their people to see them throw each other away to live. If they were going to throw each other away - their own kind- what wouldn't they do to the lower class? Oof the show gave them what they deserved- humiliation.
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4. Jung Sunah - I still struggle to come to terms with how she's gone and how painful everything about her was until the last minute. It's clear Sunah has been breaking for a few episodes now. She's so close to the top and she's realised how truly alone she is and she's realised Yohan will never want her the way she wants him to. She's realised every person she used to get to where she was, ended up being wasted stepping stones because she doesn't have what she wants all the way at the top and never will. The way the show has her quietly go to the experimentation centre and weep over the girl she saw herself in but someone she initially turned away from because she's not part of her bigger plan. The child she left to fall prey to the people Sunah has inevitably helped secure positions in her attempt to secure her own position. The way the show focuses on how the child has been repeatedly pierced with needles something Sunah hates the most and how she realises this is also her fault. She probably thought hey I'll get to the top and do things my way but as Yohan pointed out, ruling over trash isn't it, it'll never be worth it and she's essentially walking with a target on her back and she'll never be free because the weight of her sins will catch up to her and the rich will always be after her because she's not the same as them. She would be living on the edge forever. And she knows this.
Something I found very interesting was how she wasnt roped in on the crimes of the Dream House Project. Yohan only highlighted her crime as having killed K and Soohyun and its the frustration she feels in that moment that really gets me. It's also why I think she could never get out of the show because she killed innocent people which is highlighted repeatedly and at the time never showed remorse for it. BUT I love how the show somehow saves her from humiliation, until the end they paint her with regality and power because that is who Sunah is. Frankly she could have walked right out of the door while they were throwing a fit and Yohan would have let her because that was the terms of the game but he'd have come after her at some point and even if he didn't Gaon most certainly would have.
But it's the way the show brought it all back to how she feels about Yohan since he's the other half of what she's always wanted, the way she's happy he's alive, how she goes and stands in front of him and she's got her hand on the trigger of the gun while Yohan on the button of detonator. I believe, if Sunah had shot him Yohan would have detonated the bomb and died with them and I also believe deep down Sunah knew Yohan would somehow get out of this even if she didn't shoot him, so she really gave him the chance to get out and back to Elijah. I am not sure if Sunah couldn't shoot Yohan or if she didn't want to, and I lean towards the latter because she really liked him, it might have been ill placed desire but if things were different if she hadn't sided with the SRF in hopes of getting to the top she and Yohan might have worked things out and they would both be healing. If she only hadn't killed the innocent people to make a point... But at the end of it Sunah took her fate into her hands and I appreciate that the show gave her the agency over it, to decide not to shoot Yohan because she's finally letting go ( I stand by this but if Yohan had died Sunah would have lost - she never wanted him to die), because she won't do what the rest of the SRF scum want of her and because she's fine with going on her own terms.
That doesn't mean it didn't hurt though... I cry thinking about it because the show tried really hard to show how unfair everything was to Sunah and how if circumstances had been different, if the world had cared a bit more how she might have turned out differently. Her final moments the flashback to the one act of kindness she had needed in her life, the way Yohan really must have sparkled in her eyes, and how much she valued that moment all the way to her death because no matter what, in his own loneliness and difficulty he was kind to her. Jeez it hurts.
Ideally I'd have wanted her to live but I don't know how that would have worked out. At the end of it not all villains are evil. Some are products of the ills of the system that left them alone and let them become monsters but behind a monster there can also be a victim.
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thequillandscreen · 3 years
Translation of relevant portions of Writer Moon Yooseok’s interview because we get more confirmation of lawful husbands!!!! Source
▲ How do you feel now that “The Devil Judge” has wrapped up? Please say something to the viewers who’ve given the show a lot of love.
I’m sad that I can no longer see the performances of these great actors every weekend. I was watching it in viewer mode. The show as first conceived as a 20-episode series, so I’m a bit regretful that I couldn’t discuss the story more carefully and see the actors' performances some more. Thank you very much to the viewers who supported and joined us.
▲ There were many characters who seemed to occupy reversed gender roles. Was there any special reason for that? When creating characters, I completely ignored gender. I don't know if gender has a big meaning except in certain contexts, such as the sexual violence that Jeong Sunah suffered from Seo Jeonghak. Cha Kyunghee was just an powerful person with a lot of ambition, and Yoon Soohyun was just a detective who wanted to protect her first love. Both are familiar characters that are often played by men in Korean dramas. Conversely, the role of Kim Gaon is often given to female characters. Characters locked in conventional gender roles are obvious and uninteresting, but I think the bias that all women should be subjective and men can be flat is also contrived. All humans are individual.
▲ While writing 'Devil Judge', was there a scene that you put a lot of effort or worried over? This was Soohyun’s death scene at the end of episode 13. Yohan has Isaac, and Gaon has Soohyun. They are the only people who gave them unconditional love and helped them hold onto their lives. The script initally had a scene where Isaac tried to take his own life, in the belief that his father wouldn’t abuse Yohan if he was gone. While thinking about how to express such unconditional almost religious (divine) love, I wrote a scene where a dying Soohyun, looked at Gaon's forehead wound and, "Are you okay? You’re bleeding." From this tragic death toward to the end of episode 15, when it is revealed that everything was Sunah’s cruel plan, the play runs towards catastrophe. Like a Greek tragedy, where the incomprehensible gods dictate a cruel fate. 
It's not a very prominent scene, but I also remember the scene at the start of episode 12 where K, who follows Yohan like a shadow, tells Gaon his innermost thoughts for the first time, saying that if Gaon stays with Yohan, he will eventually lose everything. Actually, I wrote this scene while thinking about the movie 'Let Me In'. When writing that scene, the image of Hakan, the middle-aged man who lives with Eli, a lonely vampire, and meets a tragic end, and Oskar, a boy who bears the same fate, comes to mind.
[This is the summary of the movie and oh wow, it seriously confirms that Gaon, K and Yohan were in a love triangle]
▲ I am curious about how to interpret the ending of 'Devil Judge'. Kang Yohan escaped from the Supreme Court through the escape route he prepared in advance and went to Switzerland with Elijah, and he boldly appeared at the Judicial Reform Hearing to see if Gaon was doing well. This wasn’t in Gaon’s imagination, but there are viewers who misunderstand that. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that Yohan is doing well with Elijah, and we will see him again soon with Gaon. The world doesn't change that easily
▲ Did you monitor audience reactions? If so, please tell us a comment that stuck with you
I mainly monitored overseas reactions, and it was interesting because there were a lot of reactions from people from different countries claiming that the show was talking about their own country, and I was once again afraid of what direction the world is going in now.
[Friends, I wonder if he saw all our lawful husbands tag  😂😂]
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b612sunsets · 3 years
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That’s right, Yohan from episode 9! Let’s be clowns (or not so much anymore) on Tumblr with another one of my self-indulgent TDJ/Gahan posts hehe. And as Sunah from episode 9 has said:
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Indeed. Am I the only one feeling the anticipated pain of the end of the series? It's getting closer and closer and I'm already sad and suffering. Why do good things have to end? What am I going to do with my life then? I don’t remember what my days were like before the lawful husbands and lawful family. *sigh* Okay, back to being positive and talk about episode 10.
Gaon entering the room looking at Yohan while doing that tongue thing would be a good starting point?
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We have Yohan and his duality of being an adorable and hot dilf at the same time by just existing, in this case he had just made a tower of cards. Gaon finds out that’s the only thing Yohan uses cards for because he never played any card games with people. Can you hear my heart breaking? Gaon blurts out that Yohan could play with his family or friends. Things get awkward and their faces are really funny but apart from the main reason for the awkwardness (Yohan not having a family besides Elijah that probably doesn’t want to play with him, nor friends outside of work and vengeance related things), Gaon was including himself. That’s how it felt to me when watching this.
“You have me. We are a family now, we can play together. Haven’t we eaten together when you used to do it alone too?” And with Yohan’s dumbfounded face, Gaon thinks it better “We’re married but you’re not ready to call us a family? Okay, what about friend?” and Yohan is not impressed so Gaon is like “Am I a joke to you? Forget it”:
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Awe, Gaon just wants Yohan to acknowledge their relationship. But I feel sorry for Yohan too, it’s not easy for him to talk about his feelings and be openly honest about them yet. It would mean he has something to lose and protect, he likes to pretend he doesn’t has such a thing even when we already know what he thinks and feels through his actions and the way he looks at Gaon and Elijah. Gaon respects his time and space:
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Therefore Yohan doesn’t hang out with anyone to do things like playing cards.  Can you guys read what’s in Gaon’s face after Yohan says that? Don’t worry if you can’t, I’ll do it for you:
“What have we been doing all this time at home and during work ever since we met? We literally do this everyday and more than with anyone else. You wouldn’t hang out with me this much if you didn’t like to hang out with people. I must have taken care of so many plants that I became one and I wasn’t aware.”:
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Gaon changes the subject to what I assume was the thing he wanted to talk about before seeing the tower of cards. He wanted to thank Yohan for helping him with his parents and the fraud situation. But Yohan dismisses it because for his hubby he would do that and more in a heartbeat, no need to thank him:
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Who do you guys think will be at the top of “the building” Yohan and Gaon have to reach and destroy? When they were talking about it, my head automatically thought of Sunah. And by the end of the episode the chances of being her are higher than ever. Which is a bit obvious, we all know she is Yohan’s true nemesis. It’s in the drama's description lol.
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Was it the nanny, Elijah or Gaon that taught the AI secretary that Gaon was one of the owners of the house? Does it learn from the environment and listened to the Nanny calling Gaon as young master? Maybe some interaction between Gahan and it came to that assumption or something like that? It’s so amusing to me and to Yohan too. Gaon is also pleased. “If you’re not going to acknowledge our marriage, at least this very smart secretary will”:
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Yohan asking for Gaon’s input on what their next trial should be before deciding to do exactly what he’s told. He’s whipped! Doing whatever his spouse tells him to do (when asked) and thinking it’s better that way. How things change. I mean, the staring and wanting to see if the other is approving their decisions and words is happening since episode 1, but don’t talk about it in front of them, they might get shy:
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Jinju back at it again, suspecting Yohan and trying to see him in a bad light but Gaon’s protective mode enters the chat, changing the subject to something that would favor them instead (what Gaon was waiting to talk about):
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Gaon’s little chuckle and smile when Yohan finishes his train of thought for him in here (they complete each other’s sentence hehe) was so endearing. This entire scene was one of my favs of this episode bc domestic and smiley gahan communicating through heart eyes (sometimes eye f*cking) is so heartwarming. The proud, fondness, lawful family, power couple (fighting together for justice while looking hot af and protecting each other) and jealousy moments are my weakness too:
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Yohan showed Gaon he knew Soohyun better than him lol and he was right. Later Gaon received a call that Soohyun planned to go after Juk Chang on her own. Can someone tell Yohan he’s not subtle at all with his bedroom eyes and that pose. Jfc, is he trying to convince Gaon or seduce him? But then again, maybe seducing Gaon is part of convincing him:
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Speaking of lawful family, we had a sweet and badass moment of Elijah showing her skills and offering help to dad Gaon. I want more of the lawful family working together to get criminals and making them pay for messing with innocents and disturbing their little bubble of love:
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Gaon is so proud and thankful of how lucky he is to have this beautiful smart girl as their daughter, he’s a total dad bragging about his child:
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While Elijah is laughing at her clueless ahjussi of a dad and his bestie (Elijah's new friend). I feel so proud too! She’s such an actress inside the drama and for the drama, little genius that we love and must protect at all costs <3:
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Of course dad Yohan wouldn’t be out of their family bonding time (he might not play cards but games like this one he plays well). He must have followed his hubby to the location just to make sure he wouldn’t get hurt and when Gaon’s about to get hit by the thugs, he makes his dramatic entrance or it wouldn’t be Yohan. He’s like “you f*ckers tried to hurt my angel of a niece/daughter and now dare to touch my man? Talk about begging for a beating”:
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Back to the moment Yohan appeared, “Wow, I think I just fell in love all over again”:
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Soohyun surprised by Kang Yohan’s presence and disliking it, nothing new. Gaon telling her in other words to basically mind her own business on getting Juk Chang bc him and his bf will deal with the rest, nothing new:
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Cue to lawful power couple. We were well served like in episode 9. That’s the good content we want to see. No, scratch that! Just walking next to each other is content I’d pay to watch for hours, they manage to make it look just as good! Gaon was waiting outside the office to see if Yohan received the okay for Juk Chang’s trial which of course he did:
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Yohan watched Gaon leave with a smile on his face but it’s not like he had to go in the opposite direction and did a double take with a smitten smile like a lovestruck fool in a romance kdrama-
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WTF??? Geez.
Juk Chang tries to be a smartass and out the lawful husbands to the media. See the double meaning? Hehe:
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Too bad he’s talking with one of the Lawful Avengers. Lawyer Ko is like “Sucks to be you” and “I’m about to destroy this man whole career” with the help of Gaon and Yohan:
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I was joking about Gaon telling Soohyun to mind her own business like a protective bf would do when she shows her dislike for Yohan. Well, the joke is on me because he does defend Yohan, talking in his favor wistfully and lovingly when she voices out her worries and jealousy of their relationship and I LIVE FOR THAT SH*T. Side note: Soohyun really annoys me when she’s like that. She even called Elijah weird, aren’t they friends? I know it was in an affectionate way if they’re friends but uhh. Elijah is someone she likes according to Gaon and that they both have in common now, it doesn’t make sense to include her when Soohyun is complaining. Anyway, it might just be my clouded judgment bc I’m fed up with her character when it comes to this one sided-love for Gaon and unfair view of Yohan haha. I'm protective of the lawful family as well.
If she said anything negative about Yohan before, Gaon would agree or stay silent and now he’s all “You don’t know him like I do. You haven’t seen him at his best and worse, in his most vulnerable moments and when he gets bigger and stronger to protect what he has left. He needs affection and deserves happiness. I can understand some of his pain, but I got to have a family, good memories and friends like you. He didn’t.” Which Gaon has been working on providing that to Yohan too. If they’re weird, Gaon says he’s weird like them. He includes himself when talking about Yohan and Elijah. They’re a family of weirdos together. I’m not crying, you’re crying:
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I have to include Jinju iconic moment during the trial. She swore and used Juk Chang words back at him lmao. I just wish she always stayed like that, a good judge without being influenced by Sunah’s bad ways and the greed for public attention. She could influence Sunah to be a better person instead and become her friend or more hehe:
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Before getting to the last Gahan moments, I’ll talk about Sunah. She’s a funny woman, ins’t she? She’s the one that fooled Yohan first when they were still kids and did it again as adults. And when Yohan is living his life doing his own things, protecting his people or making Sunah pay back for what she does to him, he can’t? She’s the only one allowed or she will kill him? Talk about unfairness.
We can’t forget her own horrible experience, no one deserves to go through what she did and she is only trying to protect herself in this twisted world but there’s things she can’t justify and that we can’t defend her. She’s a total psycho (like most villains) and I’m afraid for Yohan’s safety. I think the next few episodes will be a lot worse in terms of angst and my anxiety has to deal with it. Hopefully there will be more domestic and fluff moments in between to make us relax a bit:
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Director: how many fondness, savage partners and feeling proud moments per episode do you want?
Writer and Gahan shippers: yes.
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The result: Jug Chang was done for. Never be on the receiving end of the lawful husbands wrath and judgment. When alone you won't want them as enemies, but together they are unstoppable and you won't want to be their target.
Married couple watching something together at home and being domestic but it’s Gahan version.“I thought you said Netflix and Chill?” “No, I said Youtube and Kill”:
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Yohan teaches Gaon another lesson (Sunah is one of the monsters that is out to get them, right after Yohan’s words). Everyone has an evil side but not all of us has a need to use it or wants to. Some would prefer to die than letting that side come out, others are just waiting an opportunity or excuse like Yohan said, to let it out. It all comes down to your morals and what you stand for. Your ideals. That’s what TDJ is all about. What does it mean to be evil and good? When is it okay to be evil and when it’s not okay to always be good? The lines get blurred, depending on the people and situation, your view, response and acceptance of certain things can change and be influenced:
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To conclude in a soft mood, here’s Yohan pretending to bring down the tower of cards to make Gaon smile and feeling accomplished when he succeeds:
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just-fucking-peachy · 3 years
Just ruminations on Devil Judge since it's the finale week and I have... thoughts. Warning, because this got LONG:
a. The way it's going, Gaon has nobody left (and I'm not counting Min Jung Ho) and neither has Yohan, except Elijah. So in the end, who's going to be with Elijah? I'm guessing the most predictable end would be Yohan dead and Gaon as Elijah's caretaker but, though I do think he would be a better caretaker than Yohan, it would be sad. Much as I think Yohan isn't the most... ethical judge, he's definitely suffered in his life. It would be nice to have an ending where he didn't have to.
b. Re: Gaon, I don't see an ending where he's left to take care of Elijah as a happy ending. He's lost so many people in the course of his story, his parents, Soohyun etc. His relationship with the Kang family had its upsides and downsides: he found a new family but at the same time, his morals are constantly at loggerheads with Yohan's. If at the end of it, if he loses the Kang family, it would be sad.
c. I do think we've reached a moral crisis jn the story, at least in terms of Gaon and Yohan. Which I expected but not this late (and also not this many times, lol). Gaon isn't going to be corrupted any further, that's clear (so this is not a Will Graham from Hannibal situation, or at least there is no longer the episodes left for it to be a Will Graham situation). So it's one of two things: either Yohan begins to see his POV or they will end the series on opposite sides. (Which again, is not what I want. I would like if they reconcile, because if not each other there is NOBODY left.)
d. If they DO end on opposite sides, it would be convenient for Sunah but also... it kinda shelves her as a primary antagonist doesn't it? In which case, she should have been dealt with already,.if the primary crisis was going to be a faceoff btw Yohan and Gaon. And I don't see Yohan joining Sunah, not after the little stunt she pulled with K and Elijah. My take (and hope!) is the 15th episode is the complete split of Yohan and Gaon, leading up to Sunah's statement ("You're completely alone now.") and the last episode is that one of them, hopefully Gaon, finds a way to reach the other in their darkest moment and face off against Sunah together. Fingers crossed and nobody dies in the end?
e. I wish Gaon knew about K dying and Yohan bring shot. :/
f. I would like to believe that all the family bonding moments were leading up to something - either the humanisation of Yohan or the corruption of Gaon. The corruption of Gaon only happened partway; understandably because Yohan crossed the line in the last episode. But I don't want the humanisation of Yohan to be futile, or a sort of redemption equals death kind of way. Let the man have a nice meal with his family at the end :/
g. After K's last words to Gaon, I've taken a relook at his relationship with Yohan. Undoubtedly K was loyal to Yohan, till the end and as predicted by him, he did come to a lonely end. K understands, probably better than Yohan, the real loneliness and danger of the path they are on. And he recognises the real danger of being swallowed up by Yohan's rage and complete desire for revenge. Which put his words towards Yohan about Gaon in perspective: was it really necessary to involve Gaon? Is it not another person they're damning? There might have been a hint of competition btw him and Gaon but K knew the consequences and the lengths Yohan could go to. I do think that, with this death, snapped the last link holding back Yohan's unhinged-ness.
h. Speaking of Yohan's unhinged-ness, I really believe that Gaon choosing to speak out is as much about saving Yohan from himself as is about his own horrified conscience. This is clear enough from their conversation at the mansion where Gaon says that with this, Yohan goes down a path there is no coming back from. I will actually make a note which I've long thought about: despite the long history of conflict they've had, Gaon has never actually contradicted Yohan IN COURT. Even when Jin Joo was pushing back against this decision, Gaon said nothing - not until they're back home and he asks Yohan if he really means to go through with this.
Of course people have brought up the stabbing incident in the preview. My thoughts are: either Sunah says something to Gaon (truthful or otherwise) or Gaon finds something out. Either way, Gaon stabbing Yohan is a big deal - and it's a clear break from the thing Yohan told him before ("never attack me. Never.") And ties in with what Yohan tells him in the preview ("You'll regret this forever.") So the incident that sets him off has to be something huge, something that he feels is a massive betrayal of his trust. He may think Yohan is going down a horrible road but he doesn't think Yohan has, as of yet, done anything truly criminal. This is evident in how he defends Yohan to his professor. But what if he finds out, or is led to believe, that Yohan did do something like that? Either connected to the church fire or to Soohyun? If it's a manipulation by Sunah, there is space to reconcile (and I hope so!) If not and there is in fact something that Yohan has done, I guess there will be no space to reconcile and in which case Yohan will properly be a villain (but again, weird since girlboss Sunah is right there?) I hope the latter is not true, because frankly both the boys have suffered enough goddamit.
Whew, that was a lot more than I thought it would be. I have a LOT of feelings about this show, lol. What do you guys think? Would love to hear your thoughts.
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anocturnaluniverse · 3 years
I really want to write about my opinion about the last episode of TDJ, but I'm too exhausted to do it right now because of work and flu. So, I'm gonna write about my mom's opinion and rant instead 😅
She still complained until the end of the series, especially about how the writers wrote the female characters and some plot hole (according to her). She still annoyed by Gaon too, but finally accepted him and his character.
Of course, she's crazy about Yohan and Sunah, praising them because they such complex characters and how fit both of them in dystopian universe.
One thing that I strongly agree with her that we want Elijah's screen time more. She was hoping that Elijah would do some hacker shit to help Yohan and Gaon, but alas, a woman only can dream about it (my mom is so pissed about this 😄)
We spent about half an hour talking and ranting about alternative ending or plot for TDJ (though for me it's perfect as it is). I can't ask for more. I only want lawful family to be happy and healthy (I always emphasized this a lot, lol)
We too, agreed that TDJ is a romantic drama covered with action, crime, and thriller theme 😆 One thing, that I thought was amazing is my mom almost can predict anything that would happen in every episode. I swear her intuition is so strong.
In the end, I should thank her because my mom is the one that introduce me to TDJ. Me, a girl who never interested in any K-Drama before, finally try to watch TDJ because my mom said it such a great drama. And she's right about it. Two months of mixed and rollercoaster emotions that I feel about TDJ, and I love it every second.
I'm sad that The Devil Judge has ended, but I'm so happy that because of it I can express myself here and meet people who share the same interest. As you can see, I'm not a native English speaker, but because of TDJ, I encourage myself to write more in English. It's like killing two birds with one stone 😄
First, I can practice my writing. Second, I met amazing people in this fandom. I really hope we won't stop posting content and talking about this amazing drama ❤❤❤
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kakenaku · 4 years
What are your top 5 kdramas?
Hmm I’m gonna assume you mean top 5 for 2019 (otherwise I’d die from the stress of choosing overall). In no particular order:
Catch the Ghost (starring Kim Seonho and Moon Geunyoung)
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Starring my favourite male lead character of the year (possibly of all time…actually wait no let me sit on that thought) and Moon Geunyoung’s best role to date, this show was actual gold. Apart from the quite obvious plot holes and how frustrating Mari was for like 90% of the show, the leads easily had the best chemistry I’ve seen in a while. The acting was top-notch, the visuals were…incredible and just everything about the casting was fantastic. Weirdly if the plot was more refined I feel like it would lose its likeability, it suited the outrageous story.
Psychopath Diary (starring Yoon Siyoon, Jung Insun and Park Sunghoon)
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Currently still airing, this is seriously such an amazing drama (watch it please guys) and the casting for the leads is so perfect. The sheer ridiculousness of the whole situation and the dark comedy is such a well constructed mix. I’ve said this before but if I was a scriptwriter I’d be slapping myself for not coming up with this storyline. Although the last 2 episodes could change how I feel about the show, I doubt it’ll change how incredible it is. Also I don’t make the rules or anything but Park Sunghoon should exclusively play antagonists because he suits it so well. What this drama taught me is that Yoon Siyoon has consolidated his place as the king of comedy.
SKY Castle (starring Uhm Jungah, Kim Seohyung and Yoon Seah)
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I feel like this drama is an acquired taste (more suited to Korean viewers honestly) so I wasn’t so sure about starting it at all. However after I saw the first episode I was completely sold and ended up binging like 9 episodes in one day. It’s more focused on the adult cast than the teens because let’s be honest the adults were pulling all the strings and making all the problems. The whole ‘rich people problems’ aspect might put some viewers off but seriously it’s such a gripping watch. This really shot Kim Seohyung into the spotlight due to her insane portrayal of the ‘villain’ Coach Kim Juyeong and it’s so worth watching just for her performance (alongside with all the kids).
Children of Nobody (starring Kim Sunah, Lee Yikyung and Cha Hakyeon)
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I’m not sure if anyone really watched this but it was one of the most memorable dramas of the year for me. Even after I had finished it I was thinking about it for MONTHS. Fluffy romance lovers beware because this has none of that (although the chemistry between the whole cast is brilliant…not in a romantic way). I always expect Kim Sunah to do an amazing job, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well Lee Yikyung pulled off a more serious role, as well as Hakyeon doing a fantastic job despite having zero experience in the genre. Essentially it was a whole rollercoaster of emotions and each episode is so upsetting to watch (also don’t expect happiness and ribbons because this ain’t that type of show) but it really opens your eyes to the reality of child protection services.
He is Psychometric (starring Park Jinyoung, Shin Yeeun and Kim Kwon)
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I was super conflicted about which would make my top 5, but this has a special place in my 2019 heart (yes I reset every year). Jinyoung seriously impressed me with this because for reference I had only seen him in minor roles and Dream Knight *shudders* so this was like an oscar level performance in comparison lmao. It starts off reasonably light in comparison to the latter half of the show but don’t be fooled because the chaos that unfolds is just…wow. Even though I was kind of disappointed with the ending (ok maybe I was really sad) it’s still one of my favourite of the year.
The Last Empress (starring Jang Nara, Choi Jinhyuk and Shin Sungrok)
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Makjang central, makjang galore, makjang makjang everywhere. This is such a guilty pleasure, there’s no way I wouldn’t include it lmao. I was so hooked on this show I feel like I’ve recommended it to just about every living being I’ve encountered.
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amryshabi-blog · 7 years
He was An Atheist ❗️ .. . . . . For any (Christian,atheist,Buddhist,Jew,Hindu) who accepts Islam, all his/her previous sins will be forgiven. Moreover, God will change their sins into good deeds.This is amazing:Allah says: "Except those who repent and believe(in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Quran 25:68-70] . . . . ●Have you ever searched for information about islam with objectivity ? Have you ever endeavored to know the truth... . ●The sad people in the world are so many .. but in Islam you move from happiness to happiness … by mentioning Allah and loving him. . ●Don't ask about the reason for your sadness and you are away from your Creator , and you don't Know why you here in this life. . ●Asked yourself one day the reason....Why you believe in what you believe in ? . ●Have you ever thought about The reason for which you chose the religion.....♡♡♡ . ●Do U feel like U are lost? Come here search look find. U will see the lighting truth, its in Islam♡♡♡. Let the sun of Islam shine in your heart. . ●Islam is the Religion of Truth which has all the answers consistent with both logic and human nature.♡♡♡ . ●Islam is the religion of ease not of hardships. It is the religion of justice, brotherhood, love and integrity.♡♡♡ . ●no religion has been recognized as a source of miracles and facts,Except Islam..!!♡♡♡ . ●Islam is the only religion that calls for believing in all the prophets with no discrimination between them.♡♡♡ . ●Islam is the last divine religion. The Holy Quran is the last book sent down by Almighty Allah. ♡♡♡ . ●Islam makes complete sense you just have to have to be unbiased and open minded to understand true Islam...♡♡♡ . ●ISLAM IS NOT A NEW RELIGION, ISLAM IS THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY.♡♡♡ . ●Islam rejects certain individuals or nations being favored because of their wealth,power or race, but they are favored on basis of faith and piety.. . ●Would a wise man keep himself a victim for those who spread wrong information spreading wrong ideas about Islam?Islam is a religion of mercy that does not permit terrorism. . religion is a way of life.. Islam is God's true religion.. others are man-made false religions.. . The Holy Quran: ●one copy. ●Unchanged. ●No contradictions. ●Error free. ●Scientifically accurate. ●Historically correct. ●Poetically beautiful. . The Holy Qur’an is indeed a miracle in many aspects, some of which are described here below: A) The Exclusive eloquence of the Qur’an. B) The Inimitable Quality of the Qur’an. C) The Scientific Miracle of the Qur’an. . . . Islam make our life be better with Al-Qur'an and Sunah Rasulullah Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) We should realize that Islam give a better life for us. Islam actually give more explanatioan about all of thing that happen in this world. Islam is peace, Islam is love,but there are many person who can't understant about Islam . If you know about Islam deeply you can realize that Islam will bring you to the right way. . . . Allah says in the Holy Quran: "Is he who was dead (without Faith by ignorance and disbelief) and We gave him life (by knowledge and Faith) and set for him a light (of Belief) whereby he can walk amongst men, like him who is in the darkness (of disbelief, polytheism and hypocrisy) from which he can never come out? Thus it is made fair-seeming to the disbelievers that which they used to do". Quran (6:122) . Allah says in the Holy Quran: "This is a Book (Quran) which We have revealed unto you (O Muhammad SAW) in order that you might lead mankind out of darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light (of belief in the Oneness of Allah and Islamic Monotheism) by their Lord's Leave to the Path of the All-Mighty, the Owner of all Praise. -Holy Quran chapter 14 verse 1 💡💡💡 . . Guidance to the truth is in the hand of Allah alone and no human being has any share in that, as Allah said to His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, you (O Muhammad) guide not whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He knows best those who are the guided.” [al-Qasas 28:56] . Allah says in the Holy Quran:"And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam". Quran(6:125). . "The Religion before Allah is Islam(submission to His Will)." Quran (3:19) . "And whoever desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers". Quran(3:85) . "This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion". Quran(5:3) . "Allah has chosen for you the (true) religion, then die not except in the Faith of Islam (as Muslims - Islamic Monotheism)." Quran (2:132) . . . the duty of Muslims to establish the proof of Islam to the people so that truth can be made clear from falsehood. After that, whoever wishes to accept Islam may do so and whoever wishes to continue upon unbelief may do so. No one should be threatened or harmed in any way if he does not wish to accept Islam.May Allah guide you to the truth and grant u happiness in your life.🌹 . . . I hope you all become a Muslim،You will feel happy when you pray to God (Allah),And it will turn all your sins into good deeds. Allah says in the Quran (O you who believe, keep your duty to Allah, as it ought to be kept, and die not unless you are Muslims.[Quran 3:102] . With best wishes to you all to find the truth🌼 If you accept Islam : you will enter a new life , Will forgive all your sins previous , You will know the meaning of happiness Lift your hands to the sky and say now ... my God, make me see the truth ... make me know the right way. . . . you come to the religion of truth not on your own except if you ask for it and god guides those he wills, pray to god the creator with sincerity ask him to guide you in your heart and in your mind to the religion of truth and make you pleased with it, and you will find if you are SINCERE in your pursuit of truth that the religion of truth enters your heart .. I hope you will find peace in your heart. and remember to keep an open mind and set aside your pre-conceived notions, misconceptions and stereotypes about Islam  and remember that we should not consider some muslim, christian or Jew's wrongdoing as a tool to judge the religion. research and take a critical look and judge with your mind. "Seek the truth & the truth shall free you" peace
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b612sunsets · 3 years
Hi! I really like your posts on TDJ! I was wondering if you had any thoughts on what the other characters (ie Jinjoo, Soohyun, Elijah, Sun Ah, etc) think about Yohan and Gaon's relationship. Thank you!!!
Hii :3 and thank YOU! Yes, I do have some thoughts on it but a lot of them will change in later episodes and we can't be too sure. I'll do the ones you mentioned + Jungho and K.
Jinju -> Gahan:
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In the first few episodes, it seems that Gaon and Yohan don't get along well or like each other that much in front of her, specially Gaon. While Jinju herself is a fan and tries to mediate between them when the tension is high for the sake of their team. She believes they should talk, ask for help and trust each other in everything because they're in this together as work colleagues but slowly her opinions about Yohan and consequently Gaon changes when they both start to keep her out of their business and encounters. So right now she must see them as strangers who left her out and are on the same side, they represent a threat to her new ambitions and beliefs. A vision that has been and will be encouraged by Sunah.
Soohyun -> Gahan:
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Soohyun was very cautious and believed in the public opinion: besides Gaon being wary of Yohan, he is a powerful judge adored by the people, they shouldn't mess with him or doubt him. But after witnessing Yohan's other side when destroying the yellow car, she sees him in another light and get suspicious of him like Gaon. The difference is: she's determined that Yohan is the bad guy no matter what and that what everyone else says about Yohan is the truth even without proof but if it's Yohan saying it, they should be careful. Even when it does seem like Yohan has a good reason and could be innocent of what they're suspecting him, she thinks his ways of seeking justice are wrong and he's still bad.
In episode 8, when she questions Gaon for just stopping by at his own house but staying at Yohan's all the time, Gaon barely looks at her as he answers with an almost fond smile that he has someone to take care in there (Elijah and Yohan) and we can see Soohyun feeling troubled by that response. Gaon hasn't be telling her everything for a while now (ever since the hospital) and it seems that Gaon is having a change of heart with Yohan while keeping her out of it, so according to that and the tvN character description, she will continue to investigate Yohan and want to find out his secrets. She won't like their close relationship and the strange deaths that will appear around them. She's worried that Yohan could have brainwashed Gaon and is a bad influence to him. Which is kinda true but depends on your point of view, Yohan has been pretty straightforward with Gaon about his intentions and Gaon already had this thing inside him, Yohan just brought it back and out of him.
Elijah -> Gahan:
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She sass the hell out of them, sees them both as annoying and hates Gaon for resembling her father at first but then is slowly won over by Gaon's charm and motherly ways. She starts seeing him as a friend she never had and then even a family member when she worries/gets sad that he's not home and promotes him to ahjussi status like Yohan. Gahan is the bridge between Elijah and Yohan and Elijah and Gaon. Elijah is the same thing for them (the nanny included). I'd say she sees them as a parental figure but that's just my biased opinion :P Who knows? What I'm sure is that she thinks of Gahan as her only family left.
Sunah -> Gahan:
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She's been watching them since that donation party thing and could see how smitten Yohan is with Gaon, going as far as acting like his chaperone and showing Gaon his true intentions, the ugly truth behind their corrupt world. She doesn't waste time on using that information to get to Yohan and poison Gaon's already wary mind about him. Later, she does it again when trying to make it seem that Yohan was the one that hurt Soohyun so Gaon would lash out and be against Yohan. Gaon must be another one of her precious chess pieces for this whole game. She won't hesitate in using Gaon to get to Yohan and vice-versa. Gahan is the weakness and strength point of each other as well as a crucial opening to whoever wants to take them down and Sunah sees them as such.
Jungho -> Gahan:
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The reason for Gaon's suspicions in the first place. Jungho put Gaon against Yohan without a chance of thinking it over or meeting him with a clear mind. He wanted Gaon to be Yohan's Judas. Gaon investigates and gets closer to Yohan, his mind set on betraying Yohan in the end but then he falters and gets confused about what he's learning and seeing for himself. To the point it becomes painful and troublesome to think about choosing sides and betraying Yohan. Jungho keeps pressuring him to make a choice and in that conversation at Gaon's house when they're sitting on the ground around the table with Soohyun, Jungho is already aware of Gaon's behavior and words but still firm that Gaon has to do what he is told (give everything he has found out about Yohan) and continue to betray Yohan.
And then Gaon does make a decision but to Jungho's surprise, he didn't choose him. After everything Jungho did to discipline Gaon and give him that job, Gaon ended up being Jungho's Judas and not Yohan's. So that's what Jungho must think. I have a feeling he knew from early on that there was a big chance of this happening because of the person Gaon was in the past. But he was willing to risk it anyway and that was the result.
K -> Gahan:
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As Gaon is investigating Yohan and thinking he was "oh so subtle and smart", K was investigating Gaon before that and tracking his steps to see how much he would uncover about Yohan. K has a strong respect and loyalty for Yohan from what we have seen so far. Maybe Yohan is like a father figure to K after he lost his father (Yohan is helping him with it) and the closest thing to a best friend Yohan ever had. It seems to me that Gaon was just another job and problem in the way for K, but when he saw Yohan going as far as almost killing a man for hurting Gaon and letting Gaon get away alive with things others never would, if they had done it with Yohan, he reacts kinda like Soohyun. K questions Yohan like Soohyun did. "Then why are you doing this?" "I don't know. He related to me so much that I was a bit flustered. I've never experienced it before" after Yohan saying that, all distracted with a little smile, we can we see K's troubled and thoughtful face. It's when he realizes Yohan is also getting confused by Gaon and their closeness. Yohan wants to do anything he can to make Gaon work on their side so he doesn't have to hurt or kill Gaon.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
In conclusion, as we can see, all of them think of Gahan as some kind of threat, bad duo and their enemies that are stronger and dangerous together and quickly became close partners, be it friendly partners or more ;) haha as for K and Elijah, it's like "you're annoying but you became my second dad figure and made my other dad figure more bearable to be around and now I love you" and "you suck at this, but you're making my best friend more soft and happy, so I can accept your flaws and now your spot in our team".
I hope you liked it!
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