#and a dark wood front door. mudroom bench seat
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Mudroom Mudroom (New York)
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shslsyoko · 2 years
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Boston Front Door
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cyndecreativity · 3 years
Zodiac Chronicles - Trouble in Tauri - Ch. 1
Trampled paths carved through a thin layer of snow in two opposite directions, converging on a small schoolhouse that rested by a stream. The wider path led between a pair of farms and into the village proper a few miles off. The smaller path consisted of only one set of very large tracks, boot prints of an unusual size, that led to the small stream and back to the door. Tristan eyed his large tracks as he closed the schoolhouse door and hoped the midday sun might melt the snow enough to obscure them.
Tristan backed away from the door and turned slowly, careful not to bump his horns on the doorframe or any of the other students. The villager children paid him no mind, hanging their heavy woolen coats, hats, and other cold weather gear on the hooks in the mudroom. Several of the girls even seemed happy to see each other, giggling and shrieking with glee, leaning to whisper conspiratorially as they headed to their seats.
The young ones, the calves, moved awkwardly, as calves do, and climbed onto the benches to hang their scarves and hats up. Some preferred to stuff their things into the bins below the benches. After the removal of their hats, one of the calves became surrounded. Tristan just barely made out their young pronunciations of shock and amazement at the nubs protruding from the center one’s scalp. It would be several years for the nubs to turn into anything even resembling horns, but with the arrival of the nubs, that calf become the coolest and most mature among the herd. He reflected on his brief moment of approval when his nubs arrived. And struggled to forget the subsequent frustration and terror from his peers as the nubs grew larger and longer than normal.
Struggling against the memory, Tristan frowned and dropped off his gear on his half of the mudroom. The boys of the class lingered to remove their gear. Ladies first, as the manners say, and the calves have little sense of propriety. Tristan gathered his materials for class, plus an ancient Herbology almanac.
“We didn’t think you’d make it today, Jorgus. Are you okay? What happened to your father?” Tristan’s ear perked up at the voice of one of the other boys.
“Doesn’t really concern you, does it, Seamus.” A thud as the Jorgus, a gangly bull with fresh horns in his brown hair, threw his bag down on the bench under his hook.
Tristan turned and watched Seamus, a sturdy young bull with black hair and a square jaw, furrow his brow. “I’d think it concerns all of us! The attacks have been happening more often, yeah? And with all our Dads-”
Jorgus growled and tilted his head, jerking his horns with agitation. “Seamus, just drop it, okay?”
Seamus shared a look with the other boys, Jorgus’s usual group, and nodded. “We’ll… catch up on the way home, then?” He did his best to sound optimistic.
Tristan watched the boys turn away one by one to leave Jorgus to finish. Mortimer, the youngest among them, his hair still almost white, received a light whack from one of the other boys. Jorgus turned to check on their departure and caught Tristan’s prying eye. He sneered and tilted his horns at him. Tristan started and jerked back to his own preparations.
Part of him wished he could walk home with those boys, to make a group of friends and… do whatever friends do together. He wished he could talk about the orchard with them, about the plants along the path, about their crops, and the state of their land. He wanted to make friends his own age. But he knew how he looked, how they all looked more like his younger siblings. Not just because of his incredible size, but the older Lunars, those that heard the voices, told him he had aged far too quickly, gaining a few years in a few months as a babe. Blessed by the Spirits, they called it. He called it a curse.
He took the last bench at the table in the back left of the large open schoolhouse. This area in the back typically held the eldest students, the ones closer to the front reserved for the younger calves, or most in danger academically. He held the bench in the back for years simply due to his size, too large to sit anywhere else in the room. He might block the view of the other students was the official reason, but mostly he took up a desk and a half on a good day.
Unbidden, he remembered vividly the pain in his chest the day the girl he typically sat next to, perhaps eleven at the time, had complained before class that he had crushed her hand when attempting to use his ink and bone splinter. He barely remembered swinging his arm out far enough to touch her. The teacher had simply calmed the girl down and offered him the bench in the back. As he moved, he watched the girl’s best friend eagerly move up to take his seat with no objections from the teacher. He sat in the middle of the bench and spread out comfortably over the two-desk wide table. He felt his size for the first time and tears stung at his eyes. He looked up as Miss Shaunessy moved to the blackboard and continued with class, though not without offering an apologetic smile. That remained his table for the following four years.
The aging Taurus woman, not old, but not as young as she used to be, walked down the center aisle of the classroom. Wrinkles threatened at the corners of her eyes, a few locks of silvery hair threaded into her hair buns under each horn. She assessed the youngest calves first and shot harsh glances to the gossiping girls as he walked by. At the head of the room once again, she smiled to the class and listed off her plans for lessons that day. Calves first, as their attention span dwindled as it grew toward lunch, then the higher education lessons for the older children.
As the drone of the teacher buzzed in the back of Tristan’s ears, his mind drifted to the work left in the orchard. Wasps had moved into a section of the trees that he would need to discourage from the area. An increasingly common occurrence, but nothing difficult. Fruits and flowers had been scattered under a few trees, easy enough to clean up and add to the compost bin. With the shorter days of the season, he pondered how much light he would have to work with. He opened his almanac and started to thumb absently through the pages, scanning the detailed diagrams as they passed. He paused on a page and studied the flora depicted. It had to be the flower that appeared at the edge of the grove a few days ago. He tugged a sheet of parchment out of his bundle and dipped his bone into the ink well on his desk to scribble the page number down.
At midday, the teacher encouraged them to take lunch outside, the sun shining brightly for long enough to raise the temperature a few degrees. Tristan hesitated in the mudroom as the others filed out with their bundles. When no chuckles or insults found their way to him, he peeked outside and found the ground moist with melted snow. He heaved a small sigh of relief, forced into a sharp exhale as Jorgus elbowed him out of the way. Tristan straightened up to allow the boy and his friends passage.
Tristan turned back to his things and caught sight of the Mayor’s daughter, Isolde, watching him. He furrowed his brow to her, a simple unspoken question. She stiffened, blushed, and turned back to her things to hastily throw her scarf over her head. It caught in her little female horns, the movement too fast or still not used to her horns’ length. The flush moved to her ears as she disentangled the knitted muffler to drape around her neck. He chuckled quietly, despite himself, as she hurried outside with her wrapped bundle of food. Tristan returned to his desk to eat his salad in peaceful loneliness.
Dismissal usually marked a feeling of relief among the students as they darted from their desks and gathered their things. Today, however, the girls from that morning gathered together to whisper again, pointing to Jorgus occasionally. Tristan slowly gathered his books and papers and lifted his inkwell to stopper it.
“I told you to drop it!” Jorgus’s voice filled the small building, startling and quieting the girls for a moment.
His friends, the group of boys around his age, shrunk away again. Tristan looked down to his desk, dotted with splatter from his inkwell, and pressed the stopper in. A bin under the bench in the mudroom held the spare cloths to clean spills with. He lifted his eyes back to the scene as the girls’ whispers grew again. Jorgus unceremoniously scooped up his things before Miss Shaunessy could approach him.
Seamus, Mortimer, Geremiah, and Brandon followed him to the mudroom. Tristan rounded the wall that separated his desk from the mudroom and crouched down to seek the box of throwaway cloth under the bench.
“Oh, and students! Please do not forget to travel in a herd as you head directly home.” A few of the students groaned. “I’m just telling you what I’ve been told, sweetings. They also emphasized not being out after dark. Winter has shorter periods of sun, which means you will have less time to dally. And there is always safety in numbers.” Miss Shaunessy sauntered the length of the classroom as she spoke to fix Jorgus with a particularly intense gaze. He sneered. She turned around and caught sight of Tristan. “Oh, Tristan, I noticed you weren’t paying very close attention during lectures today. Did you need help with anything I covered today?”
He shook his head. Miss Shaunessy noticed far more things than the previous teacher. He grabbed a cloth stained with spots of paint and ink and stood to shake the fabric to her with a hopefully gentle smile.
As he stretched to his full height, she leaned back slightly to keep her eyes on his, but she did not show any fear. She merely smiled back and patted his arm. She shifted out of his way and walked with him the few steps back to his desk. “You don’t have anyone to head home with, do you, dear?”
He shook his head. A silly question.
She nodded. “You do live alone on the other side of those woods… Would you like me to go ask for an escort for you?”
His brow furrowed.
An uneasy smile crossed her face, a mix between nervous amusement and worry. “No, I suppose you’re big enough to handle most things on your own. But you’re still just a boy, despite outward appearances. I just want to make sure you’re taken care of, is all.”
His breath hitched. He vowed to pay more attention to her lectures.
“You mean someone was attacked last night!?” A brown-haired girl with the smallest horns in the group lifted her fist to her chin, brow knit.
Evelynn, the blonde ringleader of the girls and owner of the largest horns, nodded as she made her way to the mudroom. “Isn’t it just awful? And the attacks are getting more frequent. That’s why they want us to walk in herds now.” She gestured to a pair of girls, both younger, as they scrambled for their things. “You heard that right, calves?”
The two girls, Flora and Aishling, chorused a “Yes, sissy!” and proceeded to haphazardly don their layers of clothing. The youngest children moved quickly, faster than their teenage counterparts, thanks to the small growths on their heads not yet formed into horns. Evelynn rolled her eyes and continued on to her hook to don her own set of weather gear. Miss Shaunessy smiled absently at the children and patted Tristan on the arm before wandering back toward her desk.
“But my father told me it was-“ Evelynn glanced at the group of boys across the mudroom and whispered loud enough for them to hear. “-Jorgus’s father that was attacked last night.”
The girls shared a gasp with varying reactions of surprise.
“You keep my name out of your dirty mouth, Evelynn!” Jorgus burst through his group of friends, finger pointed sharply at the ringleader of the gossipers.
Miss Shaunessy stopped in the middle of the building by the firepit. She shared a look with the mayor’s daughter Isolde still at her desk as she turned around. Tristan dropped the rag on his desk and moved into the mudroom. He had no intention of intervening, but his size intimidated most folk, forcing cool heads to arguments.
Evelynn swatted his hand away as she crossed her arms, big brown eyes glaring daggers into him. Her friends fanned out around her to cross their arms at Jorgus, though not all of them had their heart in it. One girl stayed behind, the brown-haired one, and glanced at Tristan.
Jorgus narrowed his dark eyes at Evelynn, his head tilted to brandish his longer and sharper horns at the girls. His friends, too surprised at his actions, took a few moments to step in beside their friend to brandish their horns, smaller than Jorgus’s but still as harmful if used properly.
Evelynn did not appear fazed, thought the tremble of her voice betrayed her. “My father told me that yours was injured last night while they were hunting. He said they had to take him to the doctor because his injuries were so severe.”
All the posturing broke. Whispers of “The Doctor?” moved through both groups, each losing their members to gossip, conjecture, and fear.
“He’s fine. He’ll be home by dinner tonight and tomorrow we’ll work on tilling the land.” Jorgus cracked his neck.
Evelynn’s lip curled. “Everyone knows that the no one comes back from seeing the Doctor.” She grinned, confident in her victory.
Jorgus tilted his head the other way. “Well my dad isn’t everyone else. The doctor told me himself that Pa would be back by tonight.”
Miss Shaunessy stepped slowly down the center aisle toward the two little herds of teens. She caught Tristan’s eye and nodded at him to step down. He lowered his shoulders and stepped back a bit, but remained ready in case Jorgus made the wrong decision.
Just as Miss Shaunessy entered the mudroom, the energy between the herds changed. Evelynn rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Young bulls and their posturing.” She grabbed her things and stormed out the door into the chilly winter air. “Come on, girls!”
Most of the girls shot hateful looks as they grabbed their things quickly to follow Evelynn. Maeve, the brown-haired one, moved slowly to grab her things and hesitated at the door. Jorgus relaxed slightly and straightened his head to glare at her. Maeve squeaked and disappeared through the door.
Jorgus growled and stalked back to his desk. His small herd of friends stayed in the entrance and moved to begin dressing in their jackets and scarves. Isolde hesitated, but returned to packing up her things. Miss Shaunessy heaved a small sigh and trotted down the center aisle back to her desk.
Tristan furrowed his brow. Only Miss Shaunessy, Jorgus, and Isolde remained in the schoolhouse building. He hoped, despite his own solitude, that Jorgus or Isolde had a group to walk home with. Especially if the monster sightings proved to be true. He hoped that Jorgus’s father recovered and that Evelynn’s gossip proved to be only that. But in the case that Tristan’s hope had no basis in reality, he knew the only tangible thing to do. He knew the only thing he wanted his whole life.
“Uh, hey, Jorgus.” Tristan lifted a large hand to wave awkwardly to the young man.
Jorgus jumped at Tristan’s low timbre and backed away, eyeing him up and down as he jammed a few scraps of paper in his bag. “What do you want, cullbait?”
Tristan’s brow furrowed despite being used to the insult. “I just… uh, wanted to tell you that… um, I’m sorry about your father. I know how… how difficult it is to-to worry about your father and, uh… I guess you’re the man of the house while he’s injured. A-and at least you still have your-your mother and your little siblings-“
Jorgus’s mouth lifted in disgust as Tristan rambled, his cheeks lifted to squeeze his eyes into a narrow, his brow furrowed. “What are you rambling about?” He thrust the last of his items into his satchel.
Tristan lifted a hand to the shaft of his horn to grip it and rub absently, a habit from when they had hurt growing in. “If… If you need any help-“
Jorgus spun on the larger boy. “Help!? From you?” He dropped his satchel on the desk. “I can’t believe you haven’t gotten it through that thick skull of yours that nobody even wants you here.” He scoffed. “We’d want your ‘help’ even less.”
Isolde tightened the leather strap on her stack of books and papers. “Jorgus-“
Jorgus shook his head and turned to her, poking a finger at her face. “No, not even from you. Mayor’s daughter, as if that excludes you from suffering like the rest of us. I heard your father is sick. From that plague. The one from before. That it’s coming back.” He looked back to Tristan. “I also heard it’s your fault. You and that foreigner father of yours. Your mother knew about it and cast a spell to protect your land, but nobody else’s. That’s why you’re safe. And we’re not.”
Tristan’s arms quivered. He shouldn’t have said anything. He should’ve just gone home, alone, like every night. He closed his eyes and gripped his horn tighter, his other arm lifted to cover his torso.
“And then you have the nerve! You continue living here, coming to this school, as if you have any right!” Jorgus tilted his head down to brandish his horns again. “You and your father should be driven out of town!”
A sharp pain on his arm startled Tristan. Blood blossomed on the arm over his torso.
“Tristan!” Miss Shuanessy bolted for the scrap fabric Tristan dropped onto his desk.
Jorgus, stunned, raised a hand to touch his horn. It came back red. He shook his head, he muttered something, and grabbed his satchel. Isolde hurried around the desks and stumbled as Jorgus pushed past her to run from the building.
“Come here, poor boy.” Miss Shaunessy pressed the fabric to Tristan’s arm. “That boy… He may be a handful but ever since his horns grew out the way they did…” She looked to Tristan’s face. “Don’t take it too personally. Like you said, he’s having a rough go of it. It was nice of you to try to connect with him and offer to help out.”
Isolde hovered by the edge of the row. Tristan looked to her, chest empty. He never should’ve tried. He knew what the town thought of him and his father. He knew better. Tears welled in his eyes and he pressed his hand to the cloth. Miss Shaunessy released him with the promise of salves or something, but Tristan had to get out. He had to go home.
He moved back to his desk and found Isolde holding his satchel, all packed and tied and ready. He barely registered the act, how she had moved so fast, and accepted his bag. He dropped the fabric and satchel to slip into his weather gear. A stray thought reminded him to be careful of the wound bleeding through his jacket as he only had the one. He growled. All because the town hated him. All because of a stupid rumor.
He grabbed his bag and ripped the door open. The sun had indeed melted all the snow outside, revealing moist and brittle grass. A few groups of kids lingered and chatted as they headed back toward the village. Jorgus’s little herd had waited for him, despite his protestations, and crowded him to point at his bloodied horn.
Tristan’s blood. He stomped down the short stairs. “All I wanted was to help, Jorgus Jones!”
Jorgus spun around at the voice. Terror pulled at his features at the massive bulk of Tristan charging toward him. He whipped back around and moved swiftly for the path that lead back to town.
Tristan growled. He wanted to stop him, to make him understand, to hold him responsible for injuring him. So many emotions threatened to split him open. “Everyone should be allowed to help each other! We’re a community! That’s what it means to be a community!” In his frustration, he looked to the rest of the students that have lingered to gawk.
A loud thud drew everyone’s attention. All eyes turned to Jorgus, groaning on the ground, a large root split through the soil at his feet. He writhed a bit and got to his hands and knees. A shrill chuckle can be heard from further up the path. Tristan caught Evelynn through the blur of his tears, hand in front of her mouth, as she laughed at the unfortunate bull. The rest of her group chuckled, one by one, with varying degrees of mirth. The laughter spread through the rest of the students, including Jorgus’s little herd. He grunted as he stood and bolted down the path, past Evelynn and her friends.
Tristan sniffed and continued to wipe his face, the cold winter air unpleasant on the slight moisture around his eyes. He slipped his satchel over his shoulder and checked the sleeve of his coat. A chill wind whipped past him and his hands hurt. He left his other accessories in the building. He turned around to head back inside and almost bowled over Isolde.
“Oh! Excuse me, Tristan.” She smiled brightly to him, in an uncomfortable way he could not place.
He barely nodded and attempted to move past her.
She gently placed a hand on his arm. He froze, eyes on the contact. He recognized her mitten, knitted by his father some winters ago and sold by the village seamstress Ciara. His brow furrowed. Her other mitten lifted to offer him his forgotten accessories; mittens similar to hers, a long scarf knitted by his father with a less intricate design, and a warm knitted cap that he tied around his horns. He muttered a thank you and dropped his sack on the ground to don the accessories.
She held his items as he donned them individually. “I agree with you, by the way.” He lifted his eyes to her. “We should be allowed to help each other, as a community. I think it’s just awful that we are so discriminatory to those that are sick and injured. Or who have been in the past.”
He nodded absently. Paranoia and fear shook his fingers. He looked up to the rest of the students, those that lingered, and found hateful glares. Isolde, the mayor’s daughter, held high regard among the town, high enough that even her father’s illness did not dull her priority among them. To find her speaking to him? He snatched his scarf and easily tossed it over his horns to drape from his shoulders.
Before she could continue, he hurriedly wandered away from her, down the path to the thick row of trees that separated his orchard from the school. He barely heard Isolde sputter after him, the crunch of dead plantlife under her boots with a few steps. He heard the whispers of the other students, however, and quickened his step. He should know better. And so should Isolde.
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Lullaby [70%]
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Read Equinox here and come back!
“Your tummy is soft,” Sakura commented. Her head rose and fell as Itachi let out a sigh. 
“Don’t rub it in. It’s all that late-night pizza and ice cream,” he groaned, crossing his arms behind his head. 
“Oh. I wasn’t making fun of you. I love it,” Sakura assured him. She patted his knee as they laughed.
She had balked at the idea of buying a mattress that came in a box, but she couldn’t deny that it was comfortable. And the pricey sheets that covered it didn’t hurt. The lavender-scented candles sitting on the nightstand had never actually been lit, but they smelled nice all the same.
“Your place is super-nice,” Sakura remarked, not for the first time. 
“Mm, it is,” he agreed. And then he stretched his arms high above his head.
“What’s the plan for tonight?” she asked.
“Well, you just told your shoes to go to hell when you walked in,” he began. But before she could protest, he added, “Which is where they should go. So I was thinking of a relaxing night in. I’ll make dinner. Maybe put on some Edith Piaf?” 
“How could I say no to Madame Piaf?” Sakura agreed.
As Itachi washed his hands and tied on his apron, Sakura wandered over to the record player. She took her time picking through the shelves while Itachi’s knife tapped away on the cutting board. Not that it was difficult, because Itachi was always so organized. All the artists were grouped together by genre and by last name. 
She placed the tip of the stylus on the record and the swell of violins and brass filled her ears. Hugging her arms around herself, Sakura hummed along to the lyrics. When she turned around, she saw that Itachi had set his knife down. He leaned his elbows on the counter, watching her instead. 
“Dance with me!”
“And what about dinner?” he replied, still letting her take his hand to pull him away from the counter. Laughing as he wrapped his arms around her, swaying back and forth in time to the sweeping melody.
“You feeling alright, Bunny?” 
“Other than feeling like a beached whale, I’m great,” Sakura replied, biting her straw between her teeth. 
“That’s why I keep telling you to work from home. You need to rest,” sighed Madara, patting the top of her head. His tail curled around her water bottle and pushed it closer to her hand. 
“She doesn’t listen to anyone. You know that.”
Madara started. He peered over Sakura’s shoulder in time to see the lump of blankets on the sofa stir. Silver hair peeked out past the dark blanket. Along with a haggard pair of eyes.
“What happened to you?” Madara wondered. 
Tobirama’s head flopped back down. He sighed.
“I’ve been having Braxton Hicks contractions. He’s been up all night losing sleep,” Sakura explained. She braced her hand on the desk and pulled herself out of her seat. 
“I knew John Braxton Hicks. He was a terrible poker player. His tells were so obvious,” Madara recalled, tapping his chin with his pointer finger. And then he turned back to Sakura, who raised her eyebrows at him.
“I know it’s in poor taste to ask, but the suspense is killing me. Whose is it?” he asked.
And while Madara was right that it was a rude question, she appreciated the directness of it. Unlike everyone else who gave awkward looks behind her back as they wondered. 
“We’ll know in the delivery room. Siren babies are weird, honestly,” Sakura sighed, rubbing her stomach as she thought. 
“Sometimes it’s a baby on the ultrasound. And then sometimes it’s just.... sound waves,” Tobirama agreed, lifting his head again. 
“Oh, I understand. Demon babies are born from literal hellfire. Takes decades for them to cool off and take a solid form,” Madara commented. And Sakura raised her eyebrows again, nodding. She always learned something new when talking to Madara.
They all looked up when Sakura’s phone chimed. At the same time, Tobirama’s buzzed. 
“What’s it say?” Tobirama asked as Sakura unlocked her phone. She tapped on the notification. 
“It’s Itachi. ‘Baby shoes’,” Sakura read out loud. And then she held up her phone so Madara could see. Itachi had sent along a photo of tiny designer sneakers. She gasped when she saw the price tag underneath.
“Tell him it’s pointless since the baby won’t walk for a while,” grumbled Tobirama. Before Sakura could type anything, their phones buzzed again. 
“Kiba sent the emoji of the monkey covering its eyes. Oh, wait. Kakashi just responded too. ‘If you stopped buying junk and invested it, the baby would be all set for college by now’.” 
Sighing, Tobirama finally pulled the blanket down to peer over at her. “Do you think it’s a vampire thing?” he asked her.
“No. I’m pretty sure it’s a him thing,” she replied. 
And then, in a very quiet voice, Madara commented: “I think they’re cute.”
A thunderstorm descended over Old Pines as summer approached. 
Sakura’s eyes opened as she listened to the rumble roll across the horizon. The wind swelled, billowing the curtains inward. It took a moment. But then, slowly, she heard the droplets begin to patter softly, then all at once against the roof. The cool air whispered against her neck and back. 
Her eyes opened as lightning illuminated the skies. Followed by another growl of thunder. 
“You were right,” Sakura said. 
“Told you. I can smell the rain,” Kiba bragged, tapping his nose. He rolled onto his back to stare up at her, his arm draped across her lap. “S’not gonna last long, though. It’s a little storm.”
“You must be tired. You did a lot today,” commented Sakura, pushing his hair off his forehead. 
Kiba began listing his accomplishments, counting off on his fingers as he went. “Finished installing the sink in the new bathroom, installed a bunch of lights. Uh, what else? Oh yeah. And I assembled the shelves and crib for the nursery.”
“You’re my hero,” Sakura declared, leaning over to press a kiss to his mouth. He grinned as lightning flashed bright, filling the window with blinding white light for a moment. Several seconds later, thunder rolled through again like a drumroll. 
“I feel like there’s still a million things to do. And somehow the list keeps getting longer,” he lamented. Sakura laughed. 
“Me too. But I feel like we’ll never actually be ready,” she pointed out. 
“Yeah. That’s what my mom says too,” he agreed. 
Sakura gasped when she felt a jolt in her abdomen. She grabbed Kiba’s hand to place it on her stomach. He became very quiet as he waited. And then he could feel the flutters.
Slowly, he rubbed his palm back and forth across her stomach, following the movements. 
“I’m really scared, Sakura.”
Her chin jerked up. Eyes widening. 
But Kiba’s gaze stayed on the swell of her stomach. He seemed to be deep in thought before he decided to speak again. “Like, what if I’m a bad dad? What if I screw this kid up because I say something dumb?”
“Hey,” she said. He lifted his head to look at her. She smiled. Hand cupping his cheek, she pulled him in for a kiss. 
“Everything’s gonna be alright. We’ve got our family, don’t we?” she assured him. Sighing, Kiba laid his head down on her stomach. 
“And, worst case scenario, we’ll ask your sister to do damage control,” Sakura then added. 
“That’s actually not a bad idea,” Kiba conceded, finally laughing again. 
When Kakashi walked in a few hours later, he was just in time to witness Kiba preparing to flip a pancake. Sakura sat at the kitchen counter, her hair knotted on top of her head. She glanced back when she felt Kakashi’s arm wrap around her waist. Her kissed her shoulder, then her mouth. 
“It’s almost 9. Why is Kiba making pancakes?” Kakashi wondered. 
“Why? Do you not want a pancake?” Sakura challenged. 
“I never said that. Do we have syrup?”
“Itachi brought over some from his business trip to Canada,” Kiba responded. And then he cheered as he flipped the pancake and caught it in the middle of the skillet. Sakura and Kakashi applauded together.
Kakashi kissed the top of Sakura’s head before he went off to grab plates and cutlery. 
“Smelled an outsider in the woods a couple hours ago,” Kakashi said, setting the plate down beside the stove. Kiba’s head perked up. Balancing the pancake on his spatula, he looked over his shoulder at Kakashi. 
“Along the river?” he asked.
“No. Further west. Past where I can reach,” answered Kakashi. 
“I’ll go out and take a look tonight. The Mayor asked me for a favor so I’d be in the woods anyway,” Kiba told him. He dropped the pancake onto the plate. Jiggled the pan to keep the other cakes from sticking and burning.
“Guys, be careful,” Sakura couldn’t help but fret. 
“No one knows these woods better than we do. It’ll be fine,” Kiba assured her, flashing a grin. But his smile faded as she continued to stare at him. He leaned his hip against the counter. He rubbed the back fo his neck. Beside him, Kakashi blew out a long sigh. Kiba glanced at him as he heard Kakashi scratch a hand through his hair.
“Kiba,” Kakashi said.
“Can you make a lot of noise and spook them east? I can help you flank him once he gets close enough to town,” Kakashi asked. Kiba thought for a long time, scowling. 
“I guess so,” he finally considered.
“It’ll be safer if we have each other’s backs. And that way Sakura won’t feel as stressed,” Kakashi added, looking Sakura’s way. She smiled, rubbing her stomach a little. 
After they finished the pancakes, Kakashi insisted on staying to do the dishes. Sakura walked with them to the door. Waddling, actually. 
“Bye, baby,” Kiba said, kneeling in front of Sakura to kiss her stomach. Sakura swatted him away, pulling her shirt back down. Getting to his feet, Kiba took her hands and grinned. 
“Bye, baby,” he then said, kissing her on the lips. Sakura laughed as she nudged him off the porch. 
“We’ll be careful,” Kakashi assured her, kissing her too. 
Sakura couldn’t help but feel nervous. Even after Kakashi’s parting words. She boiled water. And while the tea steeped, she wandered out of the kitchen, into the little mudroom Kiba had added onto the house. Perching on one of the benches, she stared out the window. Past the blackberry bush and the peach tree. Out into the darkness. Wondering. 
She woke up to Itachi, who had come home for the weekend. Suit rumpled and his stubble growing in. He rested his hand on her forearm, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Why’re you sleeping out here, Bunny?” he asked.
“Mm- what?” Sakura mumbled. She dragged her wrist across her eyes. The inside of her mouth felt dry. Her lower back hurt. But it had been hurting for the past several days, so it wasn’t anything new.
“Why’re you out here, Bunny? It’s late,” Itachi asked again. 
“Oh. Hi,” Sakura greeted him. “Kakashi and Kiba went to investigate something in the forest. I’m just worrying for no reason. It’s stupid. I know.”
“That’s not stupid,” Itachi answered. His hand slid down her arm, fingers linking with hers. 
“Go to bed, Bunny. I’ll wake you up when they get home,” he then told her. She sat up, wincing at how her body ached in all the weirdest places. Itachi helped her to her feet. 
“Sorry, Itachi,” Sakura said, looking up at him. His eyes widened. “I didn’t even ask you how your day was. That was selfish of me.” Because that was usually the first thing out of his mouth each time he saw her. 
‘How are you?’, ‘I missed you’, and ‘I’m glad I’m home now’- in that order.
A smile filled his face. His eyes glittering just a little as he pulled her against his chest. “Great. But we can catch up when you’re not half-asleep and I’m not half-starving.” 
Sakura pulled away. He followed her as she walked into the kitchen. She opened up the refrigerator door to stare at the contents within. She felt him hovering over her shoulder as he looked too. 
“There’s some peach cobbler Hana dropped off yesterday,” Sakura pointed out. Itachi wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He shook his head.
She tilted her head in time to see him wrinkle his nose. 
His eyes lit up. He reached out to grab one of the dark purple fruit. 
“I can wash it for you,” Sakura began to say. Itachi made a face as he held it out of reach instead. 
“You can help me by going to sleep,” he told her instead. As Sakura scowled, her pressed light little kisses to her mouth until it was smiling again. 
“Go,” he urged again. 
“Alright,” Sakura finally conceded. Hand on his cheek, she pulled him down for another kiss before she slipped out of his arms. She listened to the rush of water as he rinsed the plum off in the sink. She fell asleep to the sounds of Itachi humming as he washed his face in the bathroom. 
Tobirama drove into Old Pines early in the morning. He had planned to be back the night before. But Sakura had scolded him about not driving after drinking- even if it was only a couple beers with Madara. So he had crashed on the sofa in Itachi’s empty apartment. Relatively unworried since he knew that Sakura wouldn’t be alone, at least.
The drive in from the city wasn’t so bad this early in the morning. As he crossed the border, he felt the subtle shimmer of the magic curtain part. He took the turns that led to the familiar home at the end of a small road. 
“I’m home,” Tobirama announced as he opened the front door. The smell of fresh coffee washed over him. Itachi raised a hand in greeting as he turned away from the kitchen sink. 
‘Is Sakura sleeping?’ Tobirama mouthed. He mimed pillowing both his hands under his cheek. 
Itachi shook his head. And then he pointed in the direction of the backyard. 
Tobirama backtracked out of the house. He looped around the outside, walking into the yard instead. Familiar voices drifted over, paired with laughter. He was glad that a heightened sense of smell wasn’t one of his gifts when he finally saw the source of the commotion.
"There he is,” Kakashi announced. 
Sakura sat on the wooden steps of the porch, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. When she spotted him, she made an exasperated noise. Kakashi stood on the top step of the porch, in a wrinkled t-shirt and jeans instead of his usual uniform. He held a mug of coffee in one hand.
“Tobirama! Look at this mess,” she complained, pointing. 
Next to the blackberry bush lay a very large lump of.... something. A huge wolf lumbered out of the woods, fur looking stained and wet. It closed its teeth around the lump and rolled it over to reveal tusks and a flat snout. 
“Is that a pig?” Tobirama demanded. 
“A wild boar. They’re an invasive species,” Kakashi informed him. Tobirama came to a stop in front of Sakura. He sat down beside her. She spread her arms to let him get under the blanket too. Kakashi leaned over to pull the edge of the blanket over Tobirama’s shoulder before he stood up straight again.
“So the intruder in the woods was a boar?” Sakura questioned. 
“No. It was a were. Probably just separated from his pack. He looked pretty small,” Kakashi answered. And they all watched as the wolf bristled. He bared his teeth as he gave off a faint shimmer. The fur receded into his skin, his limbs twisting and shrinking until Kiba stood there, his hands on his hips. 
“We didn’t hurt him too bad. Just enough to scare him off,” Kiba added. Before Sakura could yell at him. She didn’t stop scowling.
“I still don’t get where the pig came from,” Sakura insisted. 
“Oh. We just ran into this. And wolf-brain was all ‘feed family’,” Kiba replied with an easy smile. 
Kakashi took a long slurp of his coffee before he said, “I tried to stop him.”
“I figured,” snorted Tobirama. 
“So.... what do we do with Wilbur?” Tobirama then wondered. Sakura swatted his arm. He smiled, not looking at her. 
They all turned at the sound of Itachi’s voice. His upper body stuck out of the back door. He held a cooking knife in one hand and a half-peeled apple in the other. 
“I called the Mayor. She told us to bring it down to the beach to roast it. Said the Akimichi’s are already down there digging a pit,” Itachi told them. 
“Oh, a pig roast. That’s not a bad idea. What kind of salad should I make?” Kakashi mused, rubbing his chin. 
“Ooh. The one with grapefruit and avocado,” Sakura suggested. 
“With sunflower seeds,” Tobirama agreed. 
“What should I do?” Kiba asked. 
All eyes returned to him. 
Kakashi let out a long, long sigh. “How about you put some pants on first, Wolfman?” 
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cadxmitchell · 6 years
Where: Mitchell Family home - Brookline, Massachusetts When: Roughly four and a half years ago Status: Closed - Self-Para
School is done for the day and while most of the kids board on the buses or pile themselves into cars, Cade makes straight for the exit on his skateboard. An ongoing tradition, he stops at the nearby gas station and says hello to Phillip and Lindsey, two clerks he’s become familiar with over the past year.  Like every time, Cade buys a giant fountain drink and a roll of Rolo chocolates. While he might have gotten his license just a few months back and he could have very easily borrowed his dad’s car this morning, that would have meant getting home right away. This time after school on the way home is sacred to Cade.
It’s the rush of the air, headphones in and music blaring as he coasts down the back streets to get home. Not the safest but that’s just become part of the excitement. At sixteen, Cade Mitchell is tall and lean. He usually adorns a smile that’s a mix of genuine sincerity and coy as if he knows something the rest of the world does not. Always more prominent when he’s in the back of the classroom, leaning back in his chair, and playfully yet politely cracking jokes in class. Cade’s always laughing and good-natured, hardly ever with ruffled features, and easy to get along with. Despite that, Cade is alone.
With no close friends at school, Cade spends a lot of time orbiting around everyone and everything. He’s content, doesn’t complain. Cade gets his social interaction from theatre, his dad, and Casey when they’re around. Sure, it feels like he’s missing something and sometimes the loneliness trips him up but Cade’s learn well enough by now that he’s okay. He’s always okay.
With a practiced lean, Cade coasts around the corner into the neighborhood, passing most of the houses without even a glance. He rolls up the length of the driveway to the side door before kicking up his board and into the mudroom of the house. Cade kicks off his shoes and shoves them into one of the cubbies, board going against the wall, and leather jacket along the bench seat. Somewhere in the house, Cade hears a commotion that sounds oddly similar to a crash. Curiosity getting the best of him, Cade goes to look for the source. “Dad? Please tell me you’re not knocking down walls again.” That’s how the mudroom came to be thanks to a HGTV obsession.
“What? No. Come up to the guest room,” John calls from the second floor. Thankfully Cade didn’t need to ask which guest bedroom considering the boxes in the hallway that blocked his bedroom door and the room across from him. Shifting through the boxes, Cade finds a spot to stand and leans up against the door frame. “Are you looking for something?” Cade asks as he stares at his dad standing in the middle of the somewhat empty room.
“Do girls like white furniture or dark wood?” John asks as he shifts a box down from a stack only to set it down off to the side. “White. Is there a particular reason you’re asking?” The pleading tone for an explanation catches his dad’s attention finally and he nods his head. “Right, yes, I’m sorry. I’m a little frazzled. Let’s get out of this mess and go to the kitchen.” John comes toward the door and waves Cade on as well.
They both make it to the kitchen and while Cade grabs a diet Dr. Pepper from the fridge, John goes for a small glass of red wine instead. He leans against the counter of the breakfast bar, Cade sitting on one of the stools in front of his dad with a questioning expression. “Do you remember a couple weeks ago when we were talking about Lisa?” John starts, taking a quick sip from his glass.
“Yeah, that night we went out to dinner. Did you change your mind?” Cade’s confusion is clear. As far as he knows, his dad is head over heels for the woman. “No, god no. I know some people might raise some... disagreements to the idea that I’m proposing so soon but I love her more every day and I can’t imagine not spending my life with her. I’m still figuring out how to ask her... I think she’ll say yes but, well it wouldn’t be good if she said no... we’ve occasionally discussed it but--”
“Dad, she’ll say yes whenever you do it,” Cade says confidently. While he hasn’t spent too much time with Lisa alone, he’s seen them together enough to know how much they love each other. “Right, yes. Anyway, my point in bringing this up is that while I asked if you would be opposed to Lisa being your step-mom, I realized the other day that I never brought up something very important and that’s Alanna, her daughter. You two haven’t met yet and I regret that but I don’t want to rush anything if Lisa or Alanna isn’t ready, but having a step-sister would be such a big change and it’s been the two of us for so--”
“I get a sister,” Cade says slowly, interrupting his dad once again. Sure, he knew about Alanna. She’d been mentioned a few times in the past six months or so. Stupidly, it never occurred to him during their last conversation that by his dad marrying Lisa, he’ll end up with a sister. “Look, I know it’s a big change, but you’re the best son I could have ever asked for and I know you’d be an amazing influence on her and help to make her comfortable. I just want.. you to be okay with it.”
Cade laughs hard enough to nearly send him falling off the stool. “Are you kidding, that’s fucking awesome! You know I’ve always wanted siblings and having Alanna around would be cool. Do you think she’ll like movies? Please tell me she likes being outside cause when we have the summer bonfires, she has to be out there roasting smores with us. She’s a freshmen too, right? I can see about introducing her to some people at school, good kids to make sure she doesn’t make friends with the wrong person. Mrs. Luinsky down the street will probably adore her, maybe she’ll give us those killer cookies and banana bread if she likes Alanna--”
“Cade, slow down and please remember to watch your language,” John interrupts this time with a laugh. “So you’re not going to have any problem if Alanna becomes your sister? If her and Lisa start living with us in the future.”
“The house is quiet and I love you dad, but our family is small and there’s always been something just... missing. Lisa and Alanna might be exactly what we need. Like I said, I’ve always wanted to be a big brother.” Cade’s calmer now but there’s still a visible excitement. “Am I at least gonna get to meet her soon enough?” It would make sense for them to meet sooner rather than later. “I’m talk to Lisa about it tonight. Think you can get an extra ticket to the play? Alanna might want to come with us to see you perform if you don’t annoy her out of this world.”
Rolling his eyes, Cade nods his head. “I can get another ticket. And I’m not annoying, I’m going to be the cool big brother who drives her around everywhere. Any fourteen year old would love that.”
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ericvick · 4 years
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In Braintree, traditional outside, visionary inside
$795,000 Style Cape Year built 1935 Square feet 1,912 Bedrooms 3 Baths 1 full, 1 half Sewer/water Public Taxes $5,729 (2020)
For this 85-year old Colonial in Braintree, the year that counts is 2019. That’s when interior designer Michelle Cortizo persuaded the owner to give her wide latitude as she reenvisioned rooms in this stately South Shore home.
The exterior retains a classic suburban color scheme: white. But Cortizo reached for an entirely different palette in the living room and kitchen, where the handmade subway tile backsplash is shades of green highlighted by emerald displayed in a herringbone pattern.
A curving concrete walkway passes underneath a mature oak tree before arriving at a covered front porch supported by a pair of columns. Stepping inside, you get your first glimpse of the design flair: a short hallway papered in dark gold birch trees with a charcoal background. Ahead is the central stairway, which has white balusters and risers, a dark handrail, and a newel post topped with a brass pineapple original to the house. Flooring here and throughout most of the house is planked white oak with an English chestnut stain.
Turning right takes one past a small windowed nook and then into the part of the house where Cortizo waved her designer’s wand. Although not an open floor plan, the arched wall between the kitchen and dining room is wide enough to make the two spaces nearly seamless.
To the left is the kitchen, with dark Vermont soapstone counters, an abundance of the green English-made tiles, and stainless-steel appliances. The stove is electric. A double stainless-steel sink sits underneath a window, and undermount lights line the upper maple cabinetry, which is stained a light gray. The flooring is planked hardwood, and the room is large enough to accommodate a circular table with seating for two. There are sconces flanking the window and a large lantern above the table.
Cortizo’s design won a 2019 Silver Prism Award in the kitchen renovation under $125,000 category from the Builders and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston and was featured in Globe Magazine.
In the adjacent formal dining room, Cortizo settled on another unexpected design element when she chose dark wallpaper highlighted with colorful fish by famed Italian artist Piero Fornasetti. The room has traditional raised-panel wainscot original to the house painted a light gray and a gold chandelier that resembles the honeycombs of a beehive.
Off the kitchen, there’s a second entrance with a rounded exterior door that serves as a mudroom with a bench and coat hooks. Another door leads to the unfinished basement, where the laundry is located.
Returning to the front of the house, there is a half bath underneath the stairwell with a white porcelain pedestal sink, wainscot painted a dark blue, and geometric wallpaper. Just beyond is an L-shaped sitting area/office with sliders that overlook the flat and fenced backyard. The corner lot totals 0.38 of an acre.
The far left side of the first floor features two connected sitting rooms. From the hallway, French doors open into the formal living room, which has a white wooden mantel for the working wood fireplace amid walls painted and papered a rich blue. A bow window offers a view of the backyard, and a second window adds more daylight. The fireplace is flanked by built-in shelving with a rounded top. A den/entertainment room flows out from the living room and shares the same rich blue color. It’s in the front of the house and has three windows.
The three bedrooms and the full bath are on the second floor. The spacious 196-square-foot owner bedroom is by itself on one side, and its gabled dormers create an almost Gothic feel. Four other windows keep the space bright.
The two other bedrooms are roughly equal in size, and each has a pair of windows. One has a built-in dresser common to Cape-style homes.
The full bathroom was updated in 2017 and has a black-and-white porcelain tile floor that ends with built-in storage next to a dormered window. White subway tiles line the shower — which sits behind clear-glass doors — as well as the wall above the single vanity, which is topped by marble and has a wood base painted black.
Meredith Kiep of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Warren Residential in Boston has the listing. As of press time, an offer with contingencies had been accepted for the property.
See more photos of the home below:
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drewebowden66 · 4 years
51 Benches That Catch the Eye
While considering crucial elements of interior design, benches are usually not in the first line. That’s something worth changing, since these convenient furniture pieces can be valuable assets, and not just in terms of essential function – to provide seating. Benches can offer precious hidden storage for small necessities, a handy place to put something down, or give your feet some well-deserved rest. Not to mention just how stylish they can be. Let’s have a look at this curated list and perhaps change the perception of benches together.
$130BUY IT Upholstered Tufted Storage Bench: This absolutely gorgeous silver bench with cabriole legs and crystal buttons is one of our top picks for a good reason. It presents a great mix of style and substance, in an elegant form that doesn’t scream” storage!” Whether you will use it to stow folded blankets for chilly afternoons or as additional seating when the house is full of guests, this classy piece will surely attract much attention.
$240BUY IT Entryway Storage Bench With Drawers: A touch of coastal rustics is featured on this contemporary storage bench. Three drawers with a shelf below secure a lot of space for keeping small essentials, while the rack is ideal for storing sneakers and shoes. With three featured baskets for storing magazines and daily necessities, this versatile bench can fit any room beautifully. The structure is a quality mix of solid and manufactured wood, easy to maintain.
$170BUY IT Elegant Transitional Tufted Storage Bench: The smooth, high-quality upholstery of this bench truly invites you to sit and melt. Its transitional design is suitable for a whole range of different room designs solutions. It will make a beautiful feature at the end of the bed, under the window of your living room, or even at a classy entryway. The base is solid wood, and under a tufted plush, there’s a foam stuffing to secure comfort. Its hidden storage compartment can host plenty of books, magazines, or toys.
$540BUY IT Modern Mid-Century Bench: This one is a real eye-candy for a living room or bedroom. It is so perfectly “here & now.” Still, with a distinctive ’70s vibe, it wouldn’t look out of place as the scenery in a disco party movie. With this mid-century bench style, you will certainly add some funky chic to the place. It sits low to the ground on four flared solid birch wood legs. Metal capped feet ensure stability with a touch of glam, while the foam-filled upholstery guarantees comfort.
$240BUY IT Industrial Shoe Storage Bench: This attractive, clean design is both simple and sophisticated. There is a lot of storage space featured here, in six storage cubbies, behind a sliding door, and on a smooth yet sturdy top. This is a convenient entry bench; however, its industrial look is elegant enough to fit a living room, and cool enough for a teenager’s room. Reclaimed Barnwood will easily find its place in any modern rustic interior, too.
$110BUY IT Contemporary Bench Seat: Here we have a perfect storage ottoman bench for every contemporary interior. This rectangular seat features a hinged mechanism for opening a top lid, concealing abundant storage space to stow away pillows, blankets, toys, or anything that comes to your mind. Stylish, precise lines offer versatility. In black leather, this ottoman bench can be a part of a very fashion-forward interior, while two rustic finishing options make the same design suitable even for a farmhouse.
$160BUY IT Elegant Upholstered Window Bench: This contemporary seat’s refined yet solid design offers a convenient spot to rest and enjoy the outside view. Placed by the front door, it will help you put your skinny boots on effortlessly. Or, you can place it in the bedroom to elevate its style. The frame with four flared legs is crafted from solid and manufactured wood to secure stability. The curved top is filled with foam, wrapped in linen upholstery, and secured with nailhead trim.
$220BUY IT Modern Farmhouse Style Bench: This farmhouse entryway bench features a twist to the farmhouse look. It keeps all the chic-cottage vibe while being fully fit for a modern city interior. Even better, its ample storage space with six cubbies can fit at least twelve pairs of shoes. An x-patterned sliding barn door can also hide some unsightly clutter. Not that we need that, of course, but it’s still good to have the door. A smooth, flat top can host a plant, as well as your bags, folders, umbrella, or anything that needs to be put down in order to put the coat on.
$380BUY IT Classy Modern Upholstered Bench: The transitional beauty is a guaranteed attention-grabber with its elegant yet fully comfortable design. Sophisticated lines offer a broad sitting area with a foam-padded, tufted seat. Finely sloping arms define the classy form of this long bench, ensuring comfort with a statement. Tapered wood legs feature foot caps for non-slipping reliability. Whether you place it in a bedroom, living room, or an entryway bench, it will accentuate and further define the style of every existing piece.
$216BUY IT Transitional Wooden Bench: An authentic statement piece for your entryway, this wooden bench bears a genuine touch of craftsmanship with scrolled armrests and a full-back lined with contemporary openwork trellis. If you’re looking for a way to add some style to your mudroom or foyer, this traditional wood bench is an excellent solution. It’s made of solid pine wood, featuring a classic finish and turned spade legs, which enhance the traditional appearance. Complete the look with a few pillows to secure maximum comfort along the line.
$550BUY IT Timeless Classic Tufted Bench: A classic with a modern dash, this elegant transitional piece is as versatile as it is beautiful. The long bench seat elevates the room aesthetic with its tufted finish and wingback silhouette. It’s foam-filled, wrapped in contemporary chenille upholstery, and buttoned up with diamond-tufted details. Nailhead trim, distressed details, and tapered wood legs emit chic antique vibes. This spacious bench can comfortably host up to three people, making a stylish alternative for a standard sofa.
$160BUY IT Charming Flip-Top Velvet Bench: This pretty bench upholstered in velvet is quite a lady. Classic at first look, chic contemporary at another. Each of the four color options offers a lot of charm, hiding a decent storage space under a sturdy flip-top. Metal legs and nailhead trim offer just enough reflection, reminiscent of the Hollywood glamorous mid-century years. Use it as an end of the bed bench, or as a statement piece in the living room.
$120BUY IT Frenchy Modern Bedroom Bench: Made in the USA, but with plenty of French charm, this bedroom bench would feel right at home in front of a fireplace during a chilly night. It’s easy to imagine it with a blanket off to the floor, a glass of wine and a book, and the fire in the background. Elegant resin cabriole legs are crafted of solid wood with a polished black finish. Rolled arms around the seat and geometric upholstery complete this alluring transitional piece.
$380BUY IT Superbly Classy Velvet Blue Bench: Statuesque and gorgeous, this bench is like a star nominated for Oscar, ready to give the speech. It’s beautifully crafted, with accented flared arms, two matching bolster pillows, hand tufts along with the seat, and matching decorative cord outlines. The upholstery is a blend engineered for long life, and framing is kiln-dried birch wood. This entryway bench would not be shy in a great hall, under bifurcated stairs. And yet, it will perfectly fit a nice, cozy living room too.
$300BUY IT Coastal Wooden Storage Bench: This contemporary white bench is a versatile addition to any abode. It offers abundant storage space for pillows, blankets, toys, board games, or anything you wish to de-clutter. Its strikingly simple style with a distressed white finish on the base and beadboard makes it an excellent piece for a coastal home. If you live in the city but dream of white shores, find a way to fit this bench into your existing interior. Complete the look with a few striped pillows, and get ready to spread the sails.
$194BUY IT Distressed Tufted Ottoman Bench: Are you feeling the distant call to saddle your horse and put on a Stetson Hat? Alternatively, you could also awake the Wild, Wild, West spirit with this rustic bench. Upholstered with a tufted top with distressed brown bonded leather and antique-looking nailhead trim, it brings authentic John Wayne vibes to your interior. Dark brown carved legs are handcrafted from solid wood and equipped with almost invisible casters for easy mobility.
$180BUY IT Wooden Shoe Storage Bench: A contemporary piece with a slightly rustic feel, this sturdy storage bench is made of real wood. Even better, it’s made of ecologically sourced, plantation-grown rubberwood turned to an eco-friendly renewable hardwood material for making furniture. Together with good quality, it offers impressive appeal, eight storage compartments, and a soft top to sit on. A reliable and durable construction can withstand a decent portion of weight without deteriorating in time.
$729BUY IT Amore Foyer Bench: Designed by Giò Colonna Romano and made of durable and lightweight polyethylene, this neat, modern bench presents the word “amore” in a flowing, bold cursive typeset. The convenient piece is easy to transport, structurally robust, and still quite comfortable to sit on. It’s bright red finish is reminiscent of the color of love, while also making this bench a strikingly modern feature, ideal for places bursting with youthful vibe, filled with life.
$306BUY IT Art Deco Velvet Bench Seat: Eclectic, transitional, and artistic as much as functional, this bench seat boasts an eye-catching Greek key base. This striking, golden metal base holds a seat upholstered in stain-resistant, luxuriously smooth velvet. It makes a glamourous statement in a living room and an unbeatable classy piano seat. Upscale allure and bold sophistication do not lack in functionality or comfort. Dense foam padding secures a comfortable seat, while the frame is equipped with foot pads to help protect flooring.
$595BUY IT Art-Deco Inspired Mid-Century Bench: A bench for extra seating with a mid-century twist is a wonderful addition to a living room but will work equally well in a bedroom or an office. Its modern birch wood frame features a smooth oak finish, providing a sleek base for a tufted bench seat in coldish woven taupe gray fabric. As a combination of premium quality materials with unique high-style design, this mid-century bench enhances all other room features, uplifting the interior to a new level.
$370BUY IT Carved Wooden Storage Bench: The ornate storage bench packs a lot of punch. It’s strikingly gorgeous front is carved of solid beige wood in a weathered gray wash finish. A rectangular silhouette stands firm on four turned bun feet, while the sides feature metal handles. Under a hinged top, there’s a convenient abundance of hidden storage space. This bench definitely emits some boho-chic vibe, but would easily find its place in a traditional or rustic environment. As a statement in a modern eclectic setting, it’s destined to bring some serious wow-effect.
$239BUY IT Checkered Modern Leather Bench: The unique design of this seat makes it suitable for just anywhere. It’s equally good as a lounge accent, dining bench, or a convenient seating feature in a kid’s room. This attractive bench seat can be used as a leg rest, children seat, or bed bottom bench, suitable for various home decoration styles. The durable frame is crafted of solid pine wood, sturdy enough to withstand a lot of weight. High-quality faux leather is eco-friendly, soft, and very comfortable even after prolonged use.
$100BUY IT Chic Furry White Bench: Soft and stylish, this little bench is so inviting that it doesn’t take “no” for an answer. Sleek but surprisingly sturdy golden legs provide a stable base for a luxuriously fluffy seat. The thick cushioning is irresistible as a place to sit or rest your feet. This glam accent piece provides enough function along with style for any room, looking equally great as a window bench or a boudoir asset.
$395BUY IT Classy Pink Velvet Bench: This pink lady makes a true statement piece that unmistakably attracts eyes and compliments. Sleek, elegant golden legs provide a stable base for two layers of pink comfort and style. The refined detailing makes this padded bench stand out in a crowd, while the cozy seat and plush velvet upholstery make it a really functional room asset. With its opulent and luxurious good-looks, this modern velvet bench is a simple but effective way to elevate any room and give it a designed vibe.
$150BUY IT Contemporary Padded Bench: This storage ottoman provides an abundance of valuable storage space for all small daily necessities like remotes, board games, magazines, chargers, or even toys. The elegant, tufted piece doesn’t just look good in your living room—but also holds all of those items that clutter around, yet you don’t really want to put them away. Its modern but refined design and neutral grey color can effortlessly fit a whole range of interiors.
$1497BUY IT DWR Originals Loveseat Dining Table Bench: A two-seater version of the classic Windsor Chair, named Originals Loveseat Bench, was designed by Lucian Ercolani in 1956. The initial design aimed to create a piece that can suit a variety of areas, from the entryway to the lounge setting. Still, from the beginning, it prevailed as an ideal dining room bench seat. The Loveseat Bench is handcrafted in wood, with the back rail steam-bent. What makes it even more remarkable: it’s completely free of metal or screws in its construction.
$125BUY IT Featherlight Industrial Bench: This super lightweight piece is ideal for small apartments and rooms with a need for practical seating solutions. The wireframe base doesn’t put visual weight to the room as an eye obstacle, and the whole structure is easy to push around. It can be also effortlessly moved out of the way if needed. This bench emits considerable urban charm, delivering a quick modern update to any room design.
$150BUY IT French Classic Wooden Bench: This refined seater makes an incredibly chic statement with its carved wood and vintage French elegance. It’s a beautiful seating accent for entryways, living rooms, and bedrooms, bearing extra style points as a vanity or piano seat. The weathered wooden frame is sturdy and reliable. The expertly carved solid base sits atop classic cabriole legs, with elegantly rolled armrests and nailhead trim. This upholstered bench grants a premium seating experience with a refined, chic profile.
$153BUY IT French Farmstyle Transitional Entryway Bench: The white brushed frame and legs of this elegant piece are made from sturdy rubberwood and topped with a thick, memory foam padding for exceptional comfort. Each leg features a carved floral pattern. The top is wrapped in a resilient, high-quality soft fabric. A neutral color palette allows its transitional design to seamlessly blend into many interior styles. This wooden bench is a great asset for just any room. For bonus style points, use it as a piano bench.
$998BUY IT Hanging Rattan Bench: One thing better than a comfy rattan bench is a swinging rattan bench. This natural beauty is inspired by a Scandinavian design from the 60s and reinvented as a scooped-seat bench for two. Stuff it with pillows to add ultra-cozy softness and personal touch of style in a mix of patterns and colors. Don’t worry about the weight; heavy-duty loop and rope ensure that everything remains super sturdy.
$305BUY IT Farmhouse Rustic Entryway Bench: This interesting design can fit a whole range of interior styles, from genuinely rustic to transitional. It’s made of solid and manufactured wood, with x-patterned sides and metal details. Alone, it’s a bit more on the rustic side as an entryway shoe storage bench. With the addition of three metal storage boxes, it turns to an industrial accent piece fit for a living room, dining room, or even a bathroom.
$132BUY IT Industrial Leather Bench: This modern, long bench emits strong masculine vibes. It’s quite a sizeable piece. However, due to the transparent, lightweight wireframe, it can offer much functionality without overwhelming the space. The style is completed with a brown leather buttoned, tufted top. You can use it as a dining bench or an entryway bench, but its ideal place would be as an end of bed bench in front of a sleek metal canopy frame.
$381BUY IT Large Entryway Bench: A mid-century style metal bench is an inspiring accent piece as well as a functional seater. It will comfortably host any extra guests in a living room or at the dining table. Use it if you need a convenient, fashionable statement in your office or a practical feature in the entryway. With chic simplicity and gold metal accents, this iconic design makes effortless addition to elevating various décors.
$267BUY IT Luxe Tufted Velvet Bench: This Chesterfield-style velvet bench features plenty of mid-century style in modern execution. It’s a striking accent for a living room or entryway, with its rolled armrests, deep button tufting, and delicate piping. As for functionality, dense foam padding offers a comfortable, supportive sitting place. The durable wooden frame with delicate-looking cabriole legs is surprisingly sturdy, able to hold a lot of weight. This transitional-classic tufted bench will make a stunning addition to any room in your home.
$99BUY IT Luxurious Furry Metal Bench: This bedroom bench is simple in form but exceptionally stylish in the presentation. Decorated with glamorous, soft faux fur, it’s calm and sophisticated but impossible to ignore. Four metal legs covered with a metallic luster are unexpectedly sturdy and reliable as much as refined. Use it as a lounge feature or a bedroom bench. As an eye-candy focal point, it will elevate the style of any room, bringing effortless grace to your interior design.
$9623BUY IT Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona Lounge Bench Seat: The Barcelona Couch was originally designed in 1930 by Mies van der Rohe, as an exemplary exercise of line and material, which helped define the modern vocabulary. This piece shares the same simple elegance as its iconic twin. During manufacturing process, 72 individual panels are cut, welted and tufted by hand, covered with leather and buttons produced from a single cowhide. Seventeen straps are stretched over a rubber webbing for cushion support. The legs are polished tubular stainless steel, while the platform is a Sapele Mahogany from Africa, finished with a clear protective lacquer.
$245BUY IT Modern Furry Bedroom Bench: This glam faux fur bench on a base with four acrylic legs boasts a contemporary style with functionality for any room’s decor. Its convenient, transparent design is ideal for elevating the look of small spaces while serving as a valuable extra seat, leg rest, or even an alternative for a coffee table. Polyester base construction offers a fragile, minimalistic appeal, still is sturdy enough to support a lot of weight for a long time.
$320BUY IT Small Kids Bench Seat: Nofred’s Mouse bench for kids is a whimsical seater for little ones. This playful bench is designed for small children, comes in several color options, and can be placed anywhere you—or your child likes. The Nofred’s Mouse wooden bench is made from painted oak veneer, characterized by rounded shapes and backrests in the shape of a mouse’s ears. It is a sleek design meant to be loved by kids while going easy on the parents’ eyes.
$220BUY IT Playful Velvet Bench With Pillows: This bench is a perfect fit with abreast aesthetics, a truly contemporary piece with a plethora of non-imposing style. Its youthful spirit can make a great accent in a minimalistic-oriented, modern interior. The simple, effective design features a thick base and square arms. Two round toss pillows make an effective patterned contrast while enhancing the comfort. Those can be easily removed if you aim for more straightforward simplicity. Sturdy, solid wooden legs ensure stability.
$101BUY IT Red Ottoman Bench: Another finely executed transition between classic and modern, this bench seat offers luxury and sophistication with its upholstered, buttoned form. It is covered in plush tufted fabric, securely buttoned, and filled with dense foam to secure comfort. The frame is the game here, with unique, crossed, espresso stained legs that create a fully modern twist. This ottoman bench will look great in a living room, in front of a fireplace, as a footstool, or even as a coffee table.
$1016BUY IT Sculptura Metal Garden Bench: Wrought-iron patio masterpiece of minimalistic design and craftsmanship, Sculptura makes a true icon of mid-century modern design. The Woodard Sculptura patio collection returns, handcrafted of woven wire, and available in a choice of colors and a standard or premium finishing. Advanced technology helps this outdoor bench withstand all kinds of weather conditions. Extraordinary attention in every detail makes it a wise investment, able to keep its value through the ages.
$898BUY IT Coastal Style Rattan Bench: This coastal gem is waiting for you to personalize its identity. Give your pillow collection a beach-y home on this breezy looking, über natural rattan bench. Ideal for a covered porch, it will feel at home as a part of any coastal, eclectic, or transitional interior focused on natural and organic. The base joints emit a slight tropical vibe, while the low back and tailored arms help keep the proportions light and harmonized.
$230BUY IT Simply Glamorous Velvet Bench: This elegant tufted piece offers a lot of glam in a simple package. The metal legs and base are thin and gold-plated, making a sleek, rectangular frame. It is a perfect base for buttoned, velvet upholstery, but it’s a bold color palette that provides a strikingly chic twist to this bench’s deceptive simplicity. This glitzy metal bench is available in black, blue, green, grey, and pink, and absolutely stunning in each version.
$745BUY IT Skagerak Cutter Wooden Bench: Cutter bench was firstly designed in 1999 by Niels Hvass, for the Planken Ud exhibition at Designmuseum Danmark. It was the first piece in later Skagerak’s Cutter collection. The clean-lined design of this wooden bench comprises a simple wooden frame, emphasizing slats connected by finger joints. It’s made of oak, and its continuous shape of the base is an homage to the Bauhaus movement and its use of metal tubes.
$739BUY IT Sleek and Modern Wooden Bench: A chic modern design of this padded bench is an eclectic mix of sophisticated materials and finishes for a simple yet urban appearance. Hand-craftsmanship such as rubbing and padding makes the finished look of this bench quite upscaled and delightful to the touch. The mixed wooden base is sturdy and durable, while padded fabric secures exceptional comfort. Sleek lines and minimalistic look complete the story, making a genuinely stand out modern piece.
$599BUY IT Sleek Metal Wooden Bench: The modern design artfully blends stainless steel tubing with mahogany varnished poplar wood slats to form this striking bench. It merges grate-inspired detail, mid-century design, and contemporary modern appeal. The cold metal profile is contrasted with sleek lines and organic feel of natural wood panel inlay. Initially designed as a dining room bench, it will make a striking feature in just any other room, from the foyer window to the bed’s bottom.
$36BUY IT Smart-Lift Ottoman Storage Bench: This little box comes in a range of vivid colors as a perfect functional addition to modern interiors, from the living room to the kid’s room. Its premium foam-padded top secures seating comfort and quick and easy access to hidden storage. The cover simply folds in flat and unfolds within seconds, swing-opening on either side, eliminating the necessity for getting up to acquire something from inside. A clean, modern design is easy to fit into any interior setting.
$260BUY IT Traditional Wooden Storage Bench: Made from solid wood, this bench offers abundant storage and a lot of space to sit, ideal for entryway, covered porch, or mudroom. The seat is a convenient flip-up, which uncovers a dual storage compartment below. The lid opening is equipped with safety hinges for added convenience. Design highlights are library framed square front panels and X back and side. Add some padded cushions to enhance comfort with a touch of personalized style.
$4040BUY IT Tuck 8001 Modern Window Bench: The Tuck 8001 Bench by Arteriors was created by designer Ray Booth as a handsome and streamlined piece. This bench is a beautiful blend of material, featuring bold metal, soft fabric, and wood’s natural texture. Clean lines still emit a modern flair, with the seat placed on openly composed steel leg supports. This sleek white bench is bringing a welcoming, spacious, and versatile seating option to spaces.
$190BUY IT Tufted Storage Bench: This simple, classic-looking bench provides an elegant hidden storage solution for your living room. It is perfect for putting away daily necessities or packing extra pillows and blankets after use during chilly winter evenings. The solid wooden body is covered in faux leather, with clean lines free of complicated details for a true contemporary appeal. The padded top provides comfortable extra seating for guests while enhancing the flair of any room at the same time.
$125BUY IT Upholstered Storage Bench With Pattern: A versatile, contemporary ottoman bench with just a hint of tradition, this seat can also serve as a footrest, tabletop, or storage unit. This charming piece is perfect for your living room, bedroom, or even as a chic accent for your home office. It boasts plenty of convenient storage space inside this upholstered look with soft pressure hinges. High-quality tailoring and durable fabrics make this bench an investment that lasts.
Recommended Reading:  51 Dining Benches To Transform and Elevate Your Kitchen Table 53 End-of-Bed Benches with Multipurpose Appeal 51 Entryway Benches For A Warm And Welcoming First Impression 51 Storage Benches to Streamline Your Seating and Storage
The post 51 Benches That Catch the Eye first appeared on Interior Design Ideas.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Best White Shelf With Hooks
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IKEA SALTRD, Mirror with shelf and hooks, white, , You can hang anything from coats to necklaces on the hooks, and the shelf has space for makeup and. 5 hooks included. Practical for hanging, e.g. kitchen utensils, mugs and pot holders. Different wall materials require different types of fasteners. Use fasteners. Shop for a spice rack, caddy, knife rack, s-hooks, rails, shelves and other . FINTORP condiment stand, white, black . FINTORP utensil holder, white, black. Stylish practical entryway with Ikea Tjusig coat racks PS 2014 stackable boxes . White bench with back and cube space on bottom of this page . makes everything visible so not tempted to leave in hall so dont forget it, lol Entryway Closet . Hooks and baskets look decorative, but still provide ample storage for your stuff. IKEA ALGOT, Wall upright, shelf and hook, The parts in the ALGOT series can be combined in many different ways and easily adapted to your needs and space. 21 thg 12, 2017 IKEAs Lack shelves are as useful as they are ubiquitous. . white kitchen butcher block open shelves vintage dansk kobenstyle subway tile Deco These kitchen and dining room chairs are so tempting to buy! love this idea for the paper toweling Diy Kitchen Accessories, Diy Hangers, Clothes Hangers. Find out how to glam up a Ikea grundtal rail with my super simple tutorial. . Mug hooks. Floating Shelves In Kitchen, White Floating Shelves, Floating Floor,. 29 thg 1, 2018 In 1987, Ikea hit Britain and changed its homes for ever. . side table, a blue plastic laundry bag, or a shaky shelving system. . pair of Klippan sofas frame a couple of Lack coffee tables on a white tufted rug) and understand that it can be tempting to turn away from news coverage. A row of coat-hooks 12 thg 4, 2018 If you live in a city, opting out of traffic jams and overcrowded trains for life in the bike lane is seriously tempting. More and more U.S. cities are.
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Shop Wayfair for the best white shelf with hooks. . and storing out-the-door essentials, while five curved metal double hooks accommodate all your jackets, hats,. Buy products related to wall hook shelf products and see what customers say about wall hook shelf products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on. Home Source Coat Hook Wall Mounted Unit White 2 Open Shelves 4 Robe Atmosphera 2 in 1: Wooden hooks shelf unit children Cloud shape Colour PINK. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. Such an . Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. Love this . Rustic Modern Piping Shelves Rustic Boys Bedrooms, Modern Boys Rooms, Big Boy Rooms, Mudrooms help organize your out-the-door essentials in a convenient spot. Add extra storage & display photo faves & decor with functional wall shelves. Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family. Shop for white wall shelf hooks online at Target. Free shipping & returns and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Wall shelf with hooks Multifunctional Wall Shelf Bookshelf Display Storage Rack With Coat Danya B. White Utility Shelf with Four Large Stainless Steel Hooks. Pottery Barns Kids features decorative wall shelves perfect for organizing a childs room. Find kids and baby . Hayden Pedestal Shelf, Ledge & Hook Rack. Results 1 12 of 17 We have a great range of shelves, bookcases, peg & hooks from top brands. Delivery is . mothercare lulworth clothing rail classic white.
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Shop Wayfair for the best white shelf with hooks. . purses in the master suite, hanging up jackets by the front door, or organizing your bathroom essentials. Rustic distressed white brings the farmhouse look to a traditional silhouette. Save the clutter and pull up a comfy bench seat with this storage hall tree. Hooks tidy. Amazon.com: UTEX 3 Tier Bathroom Shelf Wall Mounted with Towel Hooks, Bathroom Organizer Shelf Over The Toilet (White): Home & Kitchen. . Easy to install if you have a drill and are comfortable drilling holes/installing dry wall anchors. Welcome to the Bathroom Shelves Store, where youll find great prices on a wide . Outlet Shelf Charging Shelf with [Built-In Cable Management] [Assembled Hooks] . High Space Utilization for Smart Home Speakers Cell Phone etc White. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. . Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. . Rustic Modern Boys Room Reveal Create a cozy yet modern space for your boy using industrial lines and lots. Shop AllModern for modern and contemporary bathroom shelf with hooks to match your . a traditional design with a slatted front and molded trim all finished in white. . bamboo wood shelving and comfy cotton bath mats to complete the look. Products 1 24 of 227 Add decorative shelves to your living room or bathroom with this . Danya B.
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Utility Shelf with Pocket and Hanging Hooks in White. Products 1 24 of 97 Find bathroom shelves, shower shelves and more at . Danya B.
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Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf and Towel Bar in White. Add to Idea Board. Shop Target for Wall Shelves you will love at great low prices. . Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family . Shelf organizers are perfect for entryways bathrooms & kids rooms. Manhattan Comfort.
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CHILDRENS STORAGE SHELF with Hooks in White #dreamnursery @cuckoolandcom. IKEA ALGOT, Wall upright, shelf and hook, The parts in the ALGOT series can be combined in many different ways and easily adapted to your needs and space. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. Such an . Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. Because every gorgeous detail designed and styled by Kirsten Marie Interiors is basically my dream. Find great deals for Dream Wooden Coat Hanger Shelf Hanging 3 Hook Floral . Wooden Words Coat Hangers LOVE DREAM HOME Hooks Rack White. Atmosphera 2 in 1: Wooden hooks shelf unit children Cloud shape Colour PINK: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen . Sass & Belle Sweet Dreams Cloud Shelf (White). Sass & Belle Day Dreams Childrens Wall Hooks Rainbow/Cloud, Double Hook . Sweet Dreams Cloud Nursery Plaque Babys Room/Baby Sleeping (White). 5 hooks included; practical for hanging, e.g. kitchen utensils, mugs and pot holders. Different wall materials require different types of fixing devices. Use fixing. IKEA SALTRD, Mirror with shelf and hooks, white, , You can hang anything from coats to necklaces on the hooks, and the shelf has space for makeup and. Lets dream 6 Hooks Aluminum Wall Mounted Hanging Rack Towel Storage Sucker Shelf Bathroom Kitchen . by Lets dream . Packing: white box packing. 1.
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Results 1 24 of 465 AHDECOR Floating Shelves White, Ledge Wall Shelf, Super Ballucci Mail Holder and Coat Key Rack Wall Shelf with 3 Hooks, 24 x. Coat Rack with Shelf Entryway Organizer Towel Rack Key Hooks Wall Mounted Coat Solid white hand-painted rustic wood farmhouse shelf with black hooks. This Bel Air Coat Hooks with Storage from Alcott Hill is a beautiful and useful item to have. The top half has a shelf. Below it are three compartments. Below the. Online shopping for Shelf Brackets & Supports from a great selection at DIY & Tools Store. . Bulk Hardware BH03823 Curtain Rail Track Glide Hooks Gliders for Decorail Integra Track Pack of. More options available . Shelf support brackets with covers 120mm Invisible/Concealed Fixings White . Pass it on, trade it in, Find everything from wall cubbies to storage shelves in different styles and . Andrew White Floating Shelf (Set of 3) . Walker Floating Shelf, White Gloss. Display books, toys and more in the bedroom or playroom with kids shelves from . White Wooden Wall Art Clips, Set of 3 . White Cloud Wall Hook, Set of 3 kids. . at Kohls. Find great deals on Wall Hooks at Kohls today! . Black Espresso White. Regular . Belle Maison More Walking Paw Print 3-Hook Wall Decor. sale. NEW LOWER PRICE PRODUCTS UNDER $10 NEW . A small hallway with a white shoe cabinet and a seating bench with shelves for shoes . Throw in a few hooks and you just might manage to keep everyones stuff off the floor, too. . Smart phones and tablets are great, but you cant beat a cork message board for an. Cabinets, shelves and a workstation all in one place ensures youll never misplace another tool. . Use a slatwall panel and hanging bins or hooks to create a customized storage option. . This Gladiator Golf Caddy organizes your equipment so youre ready to hit the links at a . W Wire Garage Wall Storage System in White.
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Best Choice Products Wall Mounted Floating Shelf Collection Display Storage Organizer Decor Furniture w/ Geometric Intersecting Square Cubby Design . Products 1 40 of 79 Shop for Wall Mounted Shelves in Garage Shelves and Racks. . Heavy Duty Commercial Rack Shelf with Hooks Restaurant, Silver, 1 /. Danya B. White Utility Shelf with Four Large Stainless Steel Hooks Decmode 26 X 19 Inch Contemporary Three-Tier Wooden Wall Shelf With Double Hook. Free Shipping. Buy White Wall Shelf with Hooks 24W in. at Walmart.com. Products 1 40 of 3433 Product Image Floating Shelves Set of 3 with Modern U Shape and Durable Design by Adorn Home Essentials. Product TitleFloating. 7 Hooks Stainless Steel Door Wall Mounted Clothes Bags Coat Hook Rack. Price. $11.29 . Product Image. 27 in (686 mm) 6 Hook White/White Hook Rack. Products 1 40 of 32112 Shop for Hooks in Hardware. Buy products such as Command Small Wire Toggle Hooks, White, Organize without Tools, 14 Hooks,. Liberty Hardware 27 in. Galena Coat and Hook Rack with 4-Pilltop Hooks -. Product Variants Selector. Price. $23.67. List price $29.49. Save $5.82. Product Title. 24 Hanging Entryway Cubby Storage Shelf w/ Baskets and Hooks. Product Kingfisher Lanes Entryway Wall Cubby Shelf Coat Rack in White. Price 48 Rustic Modern Farmhouse Storage Bench with Shoe Shelf Gray Wash. Product. Overall Dimensions: 24W x 5.25D x 8H in. Wall-mounted shelf with 4 hooks; Durable MDF construction; Rich, dark espresso surface finish; Hanging hooks.
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Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. Love this . Rustic Floating Wood Shelves DIY tutorial These not only look awesome on the wall. Wall shelves for the kitchen, bathroom, reading nook, and beyond these storage . and slip the bottom cover into the tiny hooks that sit flush against the wall to . These square shelves capture attention with their thick and attractive frames, with . 51 Beautiful Living Rooms With Irresistible Modern Appeal Grey And White. Keep kids bedrooms, playrooms or nurseries neatly organized with this attractive Kids Ladder Wall Shelf with hooks. Keep floor space clear of clutter by utilizing. Buy products related to wall hook shelf products and see what customers say about wall hook shelf products on Amazon.com FREE . Kiera Grace Sydney Wall Shelf and Mail Holder with 3 Hooks, 24-Inch by 6-Inch, White Vintage Look Multicolored Wooden Wall Plaque with Metal Hooks/Shelf . Looks really nice. Buy products related to wall shelf hooks and see what customers say about wall shelf hooks on Amazon.com . Looks great and was exactly what I needed. Results 1 24 of 465 Online shopping from a great selection at Home & Kitchen Store. . AHDECOR Floating Shelves White, Ledge Wall Shelf, Super Sturdy, Easy to Install ( Ballucci Mail Holder and Coat Key Rack Wall Shelf with 3 Hooks, 24 x Whether youd like to display prized possessions or are looking for an. She hangs hats and her school medallion on the hooks and has framed photos and some collectibles on the shelf. It looks so nice and functions quite well. Shop Target for Wall Shelves you will love at great low prices. Free shipping & returns plus . functional wall shelves. Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family organized. Set of 2 Traditional Shelves White (15.75) Threshold
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. did you find what you were looking for? yes no. Shop our selection of Decorative Shelving & Accessories in the Decor Department at The Home . Decorative Hooks (31) . White Laminated Wood Shelf . Modifi Madison 1-Piece White Queen Bedroom Kit The solution may be as simple as looking up and taking advantage of your wall as a display space or storage.
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Hagen Rack Basket Wall Decor Crafted from the best grade iron and well-seasoned wood, this long-lasting sturdy artifact imparts an antiqued touch to your. furniture marvelous mickey entryway shelf mirror & chalkboard with hooks for foyer coat rack from white painted wood furniture including bench storage seat ikea. Cabrillo Wooden Hook Shelf Wall Mounted Coat Rack with Numbered Bins . an industrial chic metal shelf is paired with a sliding barn door of rustic white washed . A wonderful accoutrement to your farmhouse decor style, this piece works. 18 thg 10, 2018 shelf with coat hooks rack shelves hook storage wall mounted suffolk,wall mounted coat rack with hooks and shelf wooden shelves white,white. Stainless Steel Wall Mounted Storage Shelf / Utility Rack / Hook Hanger . 3 Hooks, 18.5-Inch by 7-Inch, Holds 2- 4 by 4-Inch and 1- 4 by 6-Inch Photo, White . Both the wood and the hooks are very sturdy material that looks wonderful and I. Buy products related to wall hook shelf products and see what customers say about wall hook shelf products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on. Buy HOMFA Bamboo Entryway Wall Shelf Hanging Shelf Coat Hook Rack Wall-Mounted with 5 Dual Metal Hooks for . EASY TO INSTALL AND CLEANThis wall-mounted coat rack is easy to install with the included . This shelf is gorgeous. Genenic Removable Hanging Coat Wall Mounted Coat Rack Hooks White. 31 thg 10, 2018 Marvelous White Wall Shelf Home Design White Wall Shelf Unit Ikea . bookshelves cube shelves,white wall shelf with coat hooks entryway. Wicker Storage Unit With 3 Baskets And Coat Hook Hangers. by Carousel . Home Source Coat Hook Wall Mounted Unit White 2 Open Shelves 4 Robe Hooks Bathroom Hallway. by Brown . Gorgeous shelf exactly as pictured. Sturdy and.
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Rustic reflections wood and metal shelf wall hook, rectangular Chinese fir wood shelf top with matte white finish, corrugated Chinese fir wood back board with. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. Such an easy to . Love this white wood turnbuckle shelf with silver turnbuckles. Such an easy way. Buy V-LIGHT VW161023W 4 Hook Wood Wall Shelf, White: Home & Kitchen Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Buy Danya B. White Utility Shelf with Four Large Stainless Steel Hooks: Utility . Soduku Rustic Kitchen Wood Wall Shelf, Spice Rack Shelf with Towel Bar Material Type, Laminated MDF, Pine Wood and Metal, Wood, Wood, MDF, Bamboo. Type: Shelving Unit. Wipes clean, easy to . Wooden Wall Mounted Shelf Storage Display Cabinet With Metal Hooks Bathroom UK. 19.99. Buy it now . 71410 Coat Hat Rack Shelf 5 Hooks with Shelf , white, wood, wall mounted. 29.99. Shop for wall shelves with hooks online at Target. Free shipping . Wooden Shelf with S Hooks Threshold
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. Wall Shelf with Hooks Gray Wash/White. Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family organized. Shelf organizers are . white. yellow. yellow. Type. floating shelves. floating shelves. bracket shelves. bracket shelves Set of 2 Traditional Shelves White (15.75) Threshold
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Real Wood Floating Shelf 24 Threshold
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. Display charming statuettes in your living room by choosing this Reed Wood Wall Shelf with Hooks. . Load Capacity Type II Duty Rating. (475). $1798 / . Halifax 7.7 x 11.2 x 11.2 zBoard Wall Cube Decorative Floating Shelf in Pearl White (2). Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products . Custom 80 inch Long Coat Rack, Handmade Wood Shelf with Hooks, White.
Buy Prepac 60 Hanging Entryway Shelf, White: Floating Shelves Amazon.com . WOLTU Floating Wall Shelf Coat Key Hook Rack for Entryway,23.62 Long, White, WS10whi-a Looks great and does the job in my laundry/mud room! Shop Wayfair for the best entryway shelf with hooks. Enjoy Free . Rustic distressed white brings the farmhouse look to a traditional silhouette. Save the clutter. This Entryway Shelf is one of those great items that complete your room decor by adding a good amount of elegant storage space. This lovely shelf looks. Mackenzie 60 Hanging Entryway 9 Hook Storage Shelf . This lovely shelf looks extremely classy and stylish and has got 3 storage cubes of good size . Bathroom shelf use old barn and fence wood with a light white wash to bring out the. Ollieroo Bamboo Wall Mounted Shelf , Coat Hooks Rack with 5 Alloy Hooks Length 24 (White). Sold & Shipped by OLLIEROO INC. See Details. Product. Shop for entryway shelf online at Target. Free shipping & returns . Wall Mounted Entryway Coat Rack Shelf & Hooks Reclaimed Wood Homestar Homestar. Lucy Shelf With Hooks $109. Lucy Shoe . Lucy Entry Collection, Shoe Bench $299 . Build Your Own Daily System Components Creamy White $12.50 $69. 21 thg 11, 2014 This modern shelf features 5 solid metal hooks that provide a perfect perch for coats, hats. . Floating Entryway Shelf and Coat Rack in White. Why waste your time looking for the keys? With the . Hooks and Hangers . A white hallway with white shoe cabinets on the wall combined with a hat/coat . Smart phones and tablets are great, but you cant beat a cork message board for an.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/best-white-shelf-with-hooks
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: Best White Shelf With Hooks
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IKEA SALTRD, Mirror with shelf and hooks, white, , You can hang anything from coats to necklaces on the hooks, and the shelf has space for makeup and. 5 hooks included. Practical for hanging, e.g. kitchen utensils, mugs and pot holders. Different wall materials require different types of fasteners. Use fasteners. Shop for a spice rack, caddy, knife rack, s-hooks, rails, shelves and other . FINTORP condiment stand, white, black . FINTORP utensil holder, white, black. Stylish practical entryway with Ikea Tjusig coat racks PS 2014 stackable boxes . White bench with back and cube space on bottom of this page . makes everything visible so not tempted to leave in hall so dont forget it, lol Entryway Closet . Hooks and baskets look decorative, but still provide ample storage for your stuff. IKEA ALGOT, Wall upright, shelf and hook, The parts in the ALGOT series can be combined in many different ways and easily adapted to your needs and space. 21 thg 12, 2017 IKEAs Lack shelves are as useful as they are ubiquitous. . white kitchen butcher block open shelves vintage dansk kobenstyle subway tile Deco These kitchen and dining room chairs are so tempting to buy! love this idea for the paper toweling Diy Kitchen Accessories, Diy Hangers, Clothes Hangers. Find out how to glam up a Ikea grundtal rail with my super simple tutorial. . Mug hooks. Floating Shelves In Kitchen, White Floating Shelves, Floating Floor,. 29 thg 1, 2018 In 1987, Ikea hit Britain and changed its homes for ever. . side table, a blue plastic laundry bag, or a shaky shelving system. . pair of Klippan sofas frame a couple of Lack coffee tables on a white tufted rug) and understand that it can be tempting to turn away from news coverage. A row of coat-hooks 12 thg 4, 2018 If you live in a city, opting out of traffic jams and overcrowded trains for life in the bike lane is seriously tempting. More and more U.S. cities are.
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Shop Wayfair for the best white shelf with hooks. . and storing out-the-door essentials, while five curved metal double hooks accommodate all your jackets, hats,. Buy products related to wall hook shelf products and see what customers say about wall hook shelf products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on. Home Source Coat Hook Wall Mounted Unit White 2 Open Shelves 4 Robe Atmosphera 2 in 1: Wooden hooks shelf unit children Cloud shape Colour PINK. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. Such an . Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. Love this . Rustic Modern Piping Shelves Rustic Boys Bedrooms, Modern Boys Rooms, Big Boy Rooms, Mudrooms help organize your out-the-door essentials in a convenient spot. Add extra storage & display photo faves & decor with functional wall shelves. Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family. Shop for white wall shelf hooks online at Target. Free shipping & returns and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Wall shelf with hooks Multifunctional Wall Shelf Bookshelf Display Storage Rack With Coat Danya B. White Utility Shelf with Four Large Stainless Steel Hooks. Pottery Barns Kids features decorative wall shelves perfect for organizing a childs room. Find kids and baby . Hayden Pedestal Shelf, Ledge & Hook Rack. Results 1 12 of 17 We have a great range of shelves, bookcases, peg & hooks from top brands. Delivery is . mothercare lulworth clothing rail classic white.
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Shop Wayfair for the best white shelf with hooks. . purses in the master suite, hanging up jackets by the front door, or organizing your bathroom essentials. Rustic distressed white brings the farmhouse look to a traditional silhouette. Save the clutter and pull up a comfy bench seat with this storage hall tree. Hooks tidy. Amazon.com: UTEX 3 Tier Bathroom Shelf Wall Mounted with Towel Hooks, Bathroom Organizer Shelf Over The Toilet (White): Home & Kitchen. . Easy to install if you have a drill and are comfortable drilling holes/installing dry wall anchors. Welcome to the Bathroom Shelves Store, where youll find great prices on a wide . Outlet Shelf Charging Shelf with [Built-In Cable Management] [Assembled Hooks] . High Space Utilization for Smart Home Speakers Cell Phone etc White. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. . Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. . Rustic Modern Boys Room Reveal Create a cozy yet modern space for your boy using industrial lines and lots. Shop AllModern for modern and contemporary bathroom shelf with hooks to match your . a traditional design with a slatted front and molded trim all finished in white. . bamboo wood shelving and comfy cotton bath mats to complete the look. Products 1 24 of 227 Add decorative shelves to your living room or bathroom with this . Danya B.
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Utility Shelf with Pocket and Hanging Hooks in White. Products 1 24 of 97 Find bathroom shelves, shower shelves and more at . Danya B.
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Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf and Towel Bar in White. Add to Idea Board. Shop Target for Wall Shelves you will love at great low prices. . Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family . Shelf organizers are perfect for entryways bathrooms & kids rooms. Manhattan Comfort.
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CHILDRENS STORAGE SHELF with Hooks in White #dreamnursery @cuckoolandcom. IKEA ALGOT, Wall upright, shelf and hook, The parts in the ALGOT series can be combined in many different ways and easily adapted to your needs and space. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. Such an . Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. Because every gorgeous detail designed and styled by Kirsten Marie Interiors is basically my dream. Find great deals for Dream Wooden Coat Hanger Shelf Hanging 3 Hook Floral . Wooden Words Coat Hangers LOVE DREAM HOME Hooks Rack White. Atmosphera 2 in 1: Wooden hooks shelf unit children Cloud shape Colour PINK: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen . Sass & Belle Sweet Dreams Cloud Shelf (White). Sass & Belle Day Dreams Childrens Wall Hooks Rainbow/Cloud, Double Hook . Sweet Dreams Cloud Nursery Plaque Babys Room/Baby Sleeping (White). 5 hooks included; practical for hanging, e.g. kitchen utensils, mugs and pot holders. Different wall materials require different types of fixing devices. Use fixing. IKEA SALTRD, Mirror with shelf and hooks, white, , You can hang anything from coats to necklaces on the hooks, and the shelf has space for makeup and. Lets dream 6 Hooks Aluminum Wall Mounted Hanging Rack Towel Storage Sucker Shelf Bathroom Kitchen . by Lets dream . Packing: white box packing. 1.
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Results 1 24 of 465 AHDECOR Floating Shelves White, Ledge Wall Shelf, Super Ballucci Mail Holder and Coat Key Rack Wall Shelf with 3 Hooks, 24 x. Coat Rack with Shelf Entryway Organizer Towel Rack Key Hooks Wall Mounted Coat Solid white hand-painted rustic wood farmhouse shelf with black hooks. This Bel Air Coat Hooks with Storage from Alcott Hill is a beautiful and useful item to have. The top half has a shelf. Below it are three compartments. Below the. Online shopping for Shelf Brackets & Supports from a great selection at DIY & Tools Store. . Bulk Hardware BH03823 Curtain Rail Track Glide Hooks Gliders for Decorail Integra Track Pack of. More options available . Shelf support brackets with covers 120mm Invisible/Concealed Fixings White . Pass it on, trade it in, Find everything from wall cubbies to storage shelves in different styles and . Andrew White Floating Shelf (Set of 3) . Walker Floating Shelf, White Gloss. Display books, toys and more in the bedroom or playroom with kids shelves from . White Wooden Wall Art Clips, Set of 3 . White Cloud Wall Hook, Set of 3 kids. . at Kohls. Find great deals on Wall Hooks at Kohls today! . Black Espresso White. Regular . Belle Maison More Walking Paw Print 3-Hook Wall Decor. sale. NEW LOWER PRICE PRODUCTS UNDER $10 NEW . A small hallway with a white shoe cabinet and a seating bench with shelves for shoes . Throw in a few hooks and you just might manage to keep everyones stuff off the floor, too. . Smart phones and tablets are great, but you cant beat a cork message board for an. Cabinets, shelves and a workstation all in one place ensures youll never misplace another tool. . Use a slatwall panel and hanging bins or hooks to create a customized storage option. . This Gladiator Golf Caddy organizes your equipment so youre ready to hit the links at a . W Wire Garage Wall Storage System in White.
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Best Choice Products Wall Mounted Floating Shelf Collection Display Storage Organizer Decor Furniture w/ Geometric Intersecting Square Cubby Design . Products 1 40 of 79 Shop for Wall Mounted Shelves in Garage Shelves and Racks. . Heavy Duty Commercial Rack Shelf with Hooks Restaurant, Silver, 1 /. Danya B. White Utility Shelf with Four Large Stainless Steel Hooks Decmode 26 X 19 Inch Contemporary Three-Tier Wooden Wall Shelf With Double Hook. Free Shipping. Buy White Wall Shelf with Hooks 24W in. at Walmart.com. Products 1 40 of 3433 Product Image Floating Shelves Set of 3 with Modern U Shape and Durable Design by Adorn Home Essentials. Product TitleFloating. 7 Hooks Stainless Steel Door Wall Mounted Clothes Bags Coat Hook Rack. Price. $11.29 . Product Image. 27 in (686 mm) 6 Hook White/White Hook Rack. Products 1 40 of 32112 Shop for Hooks in Hardware. Buy products such as Command Small Wire Toggle Hooks, White, Organize without Tools, 14 Hooks,. Liberty Hardware 27 in. Galena Coat and Hook Rack with 4-Pilltop Hooks -. Product Variants Selector. Price. $23.67. List price $29.49. Save $5.82. Product Title. 24 Hanging Entryway Cubby Storage Shelf w/ Baskets and Hooks. Product Kingfisher Lanes Entryway Wall Cubby Shelf Coat Rack in White. Price 48 Rustic Modern Farmhouse Storage Bench with Shoe Shelf Gray Wash. Product. Overall Dimensions: 24W x 5.25D x 8H in. Wall-mounted shelf with 4 hooks; Durable MDF construction; Rich, dark espresso surface finish; Hanging hooks.
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Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. Love this . Rustic Floating Wood Shelves DIY tutorial These not only look awesome on the wall. Wall shelves for the kitchen, bathroom, reading nook, and beyond these storage . and slip the bottom cover into the tiny hooks that sit flush against the wall to . These square shelves capture attention with their thick and attractive frames, with . 51 Beautiful Living Rooms With Irresistible Modern Appeal Grey And White. Keep kids bedrooms, playrooms or nurseries neatly organized with this attractive Kids Ladder Wall Shelf with hooks. Keep floor space clear of clutter by utilizing. Buy products related to wall hook shelf products and see what customers say about wall hook shelf products on Amazon.com FREE . Kiera Grace Sydney Wall Shelf and Mail Holder with 3 Hooks, 24-Inch by 6-Inch, White Vintage Look Multicolored Wooden Wall Plaque with Metal Hooks/Shelf . Looks really nice. Buy products related to wall shelf hooks and see what customers say about wall shelf hooks on Amazon.com . Looks great and was exactly what I needed. Results 1 24 of 465 Online shopping from a great selection at Home & Kitchen Store. . AHDECOR Floating Shelves White, Ledge Wall Shelf, Super Sturdy, Easy to Install ( Ballucci Mail Holder and Coat Key Rack Wall Shelf with 3 Hooks, 24 x Whether youd like to display prized possessions or are looking for an. She hangs hats and her school medallion on the hooks and has framed photos and some collectibles on the shelf. It looks so nice and functions quite well. Shop Target for Wall Shelves you will love at great low prices. Free shipping & returns plus . functional wall shelves. Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family organized. Set of 2 Traditional Shelves White (15.75) Threshold
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. did you find what you were looking for? yes no. Shop our selection of Decorative Shelving & Accessories in the Decor Department at The Home . Decorative Hooks (31) . White Laminated Wood Shelf . Modifi Madison 1-Piece White Queen Bedroom Kit The solution may be as simple as looking up and taking advantage of your wall as a display space or storage.
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Hagen Rack Basket Wall Decor Crafted from the best grade iron and well-seasoned wood, this long-lasting sturdy artifact imparts an antiqued touch to your. furniture marvelous mickey entryway shelf mirror & chalkboard with hooks for foyer coat rack from white painted wood furniture including bench storage seat ikea. Cabrillo Wooden Hook Shelf Wall Mounted Coat Rack with Numbered Bins . an industrial chic metal shelf is paired with a sliding barn door of rustic white washed . A wonderful accoutrement to your farmhouse decor style, this piece works. 18 thg 10, 2018 shelf with coat hooks rack shelves hook storage wall mounted suffolk,wall mounted coat rack with hooks and shelf wooden shelves white,white. Stainless Steel Wall Mounted Storage Shelf / Utility Rack / Hook Hanger . 3 Hooks, 18.5-Inch by 7-Inch, Holds 2- 4 by 4-Inch and 1- 4 by 6-Inch Photo, White . Both the wood and the hooks are very sturdy material that looks wonderful and I. Buy products related to wall hook shelf products and see what customers say about wall hook shelf products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on. Buy HOMFA Bamboo Entryway Wall Shelf Hanging Shelf Coat Hook Rack Wall-Mounted with 5 Dual Metal Hooks for . EASY TO INSTALL AND CLEANThis wall-mounted coat rack is easy to install with the included . This shelf is gorgeous. Genenic Removable Hanging Coat Wall Mounted Coat Rack Hooks White. 31 thg 10, 2018 Marvelous White Wall Shelf Home Design White Wall Shelf Unit Ikea . bookshelves cube shelves,white wall shelf with coat hooks entryway. Wicker Storage Unit With 3 Baskets And Coat Hook Hangers. by Carousel . Home Source Coat Hook Wall Mounted Unit White 2 Open Shelves 4 Robe Hooks Bathroom Hallway. by Brown . Gorgeous shelf exactly as pictured. Sturdy and.
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Rustic reflections wood and metal shelf wall hook, rectangular Chinese fir wood shelf top with matte white finish, corrugated Chinese fir wood back board with. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. Such an easy to . Love this white wood turnbuckle shelf with silver turnbuckles. Such an easy way. Buy V-LIGHT VW161023W 4 Hook Wood Wall Shelf, White: Home & Kitchen Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Buy Danya B. White Utility Shelf with Four Large Stainless Steel Hooks: Utility . Soduku Rustic Kitchen Wood Wall Shelf, Spice Rack Shelf with Towel Bar Material Type, Laminated MDF, Pine Wood and Metal, Wood, Wood, MDF, Bamboo. Type: Shelving Unit. Wipes clean, easy to . Wooden Wall Mounted Shelf Storage Display Cabinet With Metal Hooks Bathroom UK. 19.99. Buy it now . 71410 Coat Hat Rack Shelf 5 Hooks with Shelf , white, wood, wall mounted. 29.99. Shop for wall shelves with hooks online at Target. Free shipping . Wooden Shelf with S Hooks Threshold
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. Wall Shelf with Hooks Gray Wash/White. Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family organized. Shelf organizers are . white. yellow. yellow. Type. floating shelves. floating shelves. bracket shelves. bracket shelves Set of 2 Traditional Shelves White (15.75) Threshold
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Real Wood Floating Shelf 24 Threshold
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. Display charming statuettes in your living room by choosing this Reed Wood Wall Shelf with Hooks. . Load Capacity Type II Duty Rating. (475). $1798 / . Halifax 7.7 x 11.2 x 11.2 zBoard Wall Cube Decorative Floating Shelf in Pearl White (2). Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products . Custom 80 inch Long Coat Rack, Handmade Wood Shelf with Hooks, White.
Buy Prepac 60 Hanging Entryway Shelf, White: Floating Shelves Amazon.com . WOLTU Floating Wall Shelf Coat Key Hook Rack for Entryway,23.62 Long, White, WS10whi-a Looks great and does the job in my laundry/mud room! Shop Wayfair for the best entryway shelf with hooks. Enjoy Free . Rustic distressed white brings the farmhouse look to a traditional silhouette. Save the clutter. This Entryway Shelf is one of those great items that complete your room decor by adding a good amount of elegant storage space. This lovely shelf looks. Mackenzie 60 Hanging Entryway 9 Hook Storage Shelf . This lovely shelf looks extremely classy and stylish and has got 3 storage cubes of good size . Bathroom shelf use old barn and fence wood with a light white wash to bring out the. Ollieroo Bamboo Wall Mounted Shelf , Coat Hooks Rack with 5 Alloy Hooks Length 24 (White). Sold & Shipped by OLLIEROO INC. See Details. Product. Shop for entryway shelf online at Target. Free shipping & returns . Wall Mounted Entryway Coat Rack Shelf & Hooks Reclaimed Wood Homestar Homestar. Lucy Shelf With Hooks $109. Lucy Shoe . Lucy Entry Collection, Shoe Bench $299 . Build Your Own Daily System Components Creamy White $12.50 $69. 21 thg 11, 2014 This modern shelf features 5 solid metal hooks that provide a perfect perch for coats, hats. . Floating Entryway Shelf and Coat Rack in White. Why waste your time looking for the keys? With the . Hooks and Hangers . A white hallway with white shoe cabinets on the wall combined with a hat/coat . Smart phones and tablets are great, but you cant beat a cork message board for an.
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23 thg 10, 2018 Tell us what you want to experience at Roskilde Festival and enter the . the draw for 52 Full festival tickets to Roskilde Festival 2019 by signing up for our newsletter. . Betty Nansen Theatre and Roskilde Festival join forces when they . including Travis Scott, Scarlet Pleasure, indie favourite Julia Holter,. 30 thg 10, 2018 Full festival tickets (including free access to camping, all 8 days) . Betty Nansen Theatre and Roskilde Festival join forces when they . including Travis Scott, Scarlet Pleasure, indie favourite Julia Holter, . Roskilde Festival 2019 might seem far away, but we really want to see all of you again next year. Mark your calendars for April 4-13, 2019 and get ready for Rock Hills annual . Relive some of the wonderful memories of good times through this photo gallery. . The 2018 Come-See-Me Festival is in full swing and we hope youve been. Newcastles Live at the Foreshore is back at its picturesque ocean-side . Check out the lineup below! . with hits What About Me and Lift blasting out of the speakers at full force. . Newcastle Live is the Hunters premier online music, entertainment and lifestyle guide, a place devoted to all the great things happening in the. From Music to Food, Festival Finder offers the very best tickets for festivals across the . The official ticketmaster guide to 2019 festivals. SEE ALL FESTIVALS. TO BE AMONG THE FIRST TO GET UPDATES FROM FOREST HQ JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER! Submit. 2019 Lineup EF Radio Festival Maps FAQs Rules. General info. See you next year at an other edition of Free Festival! Attend the official Facebook event to receive all updates. Extensive information about buying tickets for Glastonbury Festival 2019 can be . General admission full weekend tickets (valid from Wednesday 26th June to . See Tickets is the only ticket agency permitted to sell tickets for Glastonbury Festival. . of tickets going on sale, in case your photo is no longer a good likeness. 16 Apr 18 Early Bird Tickets to our 30th Anniversary Celebration in 2019 are . Check out the amazing acts weve just added to the Bluesfest 2018 line up! is ready for your viewing pleasure and to top it all off, our Festival Director Peter Bluesfest joyride going in full swing, adding another array of superb artists to our. Wilderness Festival is the multi-award winning 4-day festival of live music, theatre, . Why do we build this citadel in the elysian fields of Cornbury once a year? . Take A Look: Behind The Scenes Films. . put on a spectacular project involving super-strength lasers and awe-inspiring sound. . All hail the Wilderness Choir.
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Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/kXfwPVTDrx8/best-white-shelf-with-hooks-1
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Best White Shelf With Hooks
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IKEA SALTRD, Mirror with shelf and hooks, white, , You can hang anything from coats to necklaces on the hooks, and the shelf has space for makeup and. 5 hooks included. Practical for hanging, e.g. kitchen utensils, mugs and pot holders. Different wall materials require different types of fasteners. Use fasteners. Shop for a spice rack, caddy, knife rack, s-hooks, rails, shelves and other . FINTORP condiment stand, white, black . FINTORP utensil holder, white, black. Stylish practical entryway with Ikea Tjusig coat racks PS 2014 stackable boxes . White bench with back and cube space on bottom of this page . makes everything visible so not tempted to leave in hall so dont forget it, lol Entryway Closet . Hooks and baskets look decorative, but still provide ample storage for your stuff. IKEA ALGOT, Wall upright, shelf and hook, The parts in the ALGOT series can be combined in many different ways and easily adapted to your needs and space. 21 thg 12, 2017 IKEAs Lack shelves are as useful as they are ubiquitous. . white kitchen butcher block open shelves vintage dansk kobenstyle subway tile Deco These kitchen and dining room chairs are so tempting to buy! love this idea for the paper toweling Diy Kitchen Accessories, Diy Hangers, Clothes Hangers. Find out how to glam up a Ikea grundtal rail with my super simple tutorial. . Mug hooks. Floating Shelves In Kitchen, White Floating Shelves, Floating Floor,. 29 thg 1, 2018 In 1987, Ikea hit Britain and changed its homes for ever. . side table, a blue plastic laundry bag, or a shaky shelving system. . pair of Klippan sofas frame a couple of Lack coffee tables on a white tufted rug) and understand that it can be tempting to turn away from news coverage. A row of coat-hooks 12 thg 4, 2018 If you live in a city, opting out of traffic jams and overcrowded trains for life in the bike lane is seriously tempting. More and more U.S. cities are.
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Shop Wayfair for the best white shelf with hooks. . and storing out-the-door essentials, while five curved metal double hooks accommodate all your jackets, hats,. Buy products related to wall hook shelf products and see what customers say about wall hook shelf products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on. Home Source Coat Hook Wall Mounted Unit White 2 Open Shelves 4 Robe Atmosphera 2 in 1: Wooden hooks shelf unit children Cloud shape Colour PINK. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. Such an . Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. Love this . Rustic Modern Piping Shelves Rustic Boys Bedrooms, Modern Boys Rooms, Big Boy Rooms, Mudrooms help organize your out-the-door essentials in a convenient spot. Add extra storage & display photo faves & decor with functional wall shelves. Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family. Shop for white wall shelf hooks online at Target. Free shipping & returns and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Wall shelf with hooks Multifunctional Wall Shelf Bookshelf Display Storage Rack With Coat Danya B. White Utility Shelf with Four Large Stainless Steel Hooks. Pottery Barns Kids features decorative wall shelves perfect for organizing a childs room. Find kids and baby . Hayden Pedestal Shelf, Ledge & Hook Rack. Results 1 12 of 17 We have a great range of shelves, bookcases, peg & hooks from top brands. Delivery is . mothercare lulworth clothing rail classic white.
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Shop Wayfair for the best white shelf with hooks. . purses in the master suite, hanging up jackets by the front door, or organizing your bathroom essentials. Rustic distressed white brings the farmhouse look to a traditional silhouette. Save the clutter and pull up a comfy bench seat with this storage hall tree. Hooks tidy. Amazon.com: UTEX 3 Tier Bathroom Shelf Wall Mounted with Towel Hooks, Bathroom Organizer Shelf Over The Toilet (White): Home & Kitchen. . Easy to install if you have a drill and are comfortable drilling holes/installing dry wall anchors. Welcome to the Bathroom Shelves Store, where youll find great prices on a wide . Outlet Shelf Charging Shelf with [Built-In Cable Management] [Assembled Hooks] . High Space Utilization for Smart Home Speakers Cell Phone etc White. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. . Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. . Rustic Modern Boys Room Reveal Create a cozy yet modern space for your boy using industrial lines and lots. Shop AllModern for modern and contemporary bathroom shelf with hooks to match your . a traditional design with a slatted front and molded trim all finished in white. . bamboo wood shelving and comfy cotton bath mats to complete the look. Products 1 24 of 227 Add decorative shelves to your living room or bathroom with this . Danya B.
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Utility Shelf with Pocket and Hanging Hooks in White. Products 1 24 of 97 Find bathroom shelves, shower shelves and more at . Danya B.
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Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf and Towel Bar in White. Add to Idea Board. Shop Target for Wall Shelves you will love at great low prices. . Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family . Shelf organizers are perfect for entryways bathrooms & kids rooms. Manhattan Comfort.
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CHILDRENS STORAGE SHELF with Hooks in White #dreamnursery @cuckoolandcom. IKEA ALGOT, Wall upright, shelf and hook, The parts in the ALGOT series can be combined in many different ways and easily adapted to your needs and space. Loving these DIY Turnbuckle Shelves with hooks as hangers. Such an . Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. Because every gorgeous detail designed and styled by Kirsten Marie Interiors is basically my dream. Find great deals for Dream Wooden Coat Hanger Shelf Hanging 3 Hook Floral . Wooden Words Coat Hangers LOVE DREAM HOME Hooks Rack White. Atmosphera 2 in 1: Wooden hooks shelf unit children Cloud shape Colour PINK: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen . Sass & Belle Sweet Dreams Cloud Shelf (White). Sass & Belle Day Dreams Childrens Wall Hooks Rainbow/Cloud, Double Hook . Sweet Dreams Cloud Nursery Plaque Babys Room/Baby Sleeping (White). 5 hooks included; practical for hanging, e.g. kitchen utensils, mugs and pot holders. Different wall materials require different types of fixing devices. Use fixing. IKEA SALTRD, Mirror with shelf and hooks, white, , You can hang anything from coats to necklaces on the hooks, and the shelf has space for makeup and. Lets dream 6 Hooks Aluminum Wall Mounted Hanging Rack Towel Storage Sucker Shelf Bathroom Kitchen . by Lets dream . Packing: white box packing. 1.
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Results 1 24 of 465 AHDECOR Floating Shelves White, Ledge Wall Shelf, Super Ballucci Mail Holder and Coat Key Rack Wall Shelf with 3 Hooks, 24 x. Coat Rack with Shelf Entryway Organizer Towel Rack Key Hooks Wall Mounted Coat Solid white hand-painted rustic wood farmhouse shelf with black hooks. This Bel Air Coat Hooks with Storage from Alcott Hill is a beautiful and useful item to have. The top half has a shelf. Below it are three compartments. Below the. Online shopping for Shelf Brackets & Supports from a great selection at DIY & Tools Store. . Bulk Hardware BH03823 Curtain Rail Track Glide Hooks Gliders for Decorail Integra Track Pack of. More options available . Shelf support brackets with covers 120mm Invisible/Concealed Fixings White . Pass it on, trade it in, Find everything from wall cubbies to storage shelves in different styles and . Andrew White Floating Shelf (Set of 3) . Walker Floating Shelf, White Gloss. Display books, toys and more in the bedroom or playroom with kids shelves from . White Wooden Wall Art Clips, Set of 3 . White Cloud Wall Hook, Set of 3 kids. . at Kohls. Find great deals on Wall Hooks at Kohls today! . Black Espresso White. Regular . Belle Maison More Walking Paw Print 3-Hook Wall Decor. sale. NEW LOWER PRICE PRODUCTS UNDER $10 NEW . A small hallway with a white shoe cabinet and a seating bench with shelves for shoes . Throw in a few hooks and you just might manage to keep everyones stuff off the floor, too. . Smart phones and tablets are great, but you cant beat a cork message board for an. Cabinets, shelves and a workstation all in one place ensures youll never misplace another tool. . Use a slatwall panel and hanging bins or hooks to create a customized storage option. . This Gladiator Golf Caddy organizes your equipment so youre ready to hit the links at a . W Wire Garage Wall Storage System in White.
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Best Choice Products Wall Mounted Floating Shelf Collection Display Storage Organizer Decor Furniture w/ Geometric Intersecting Square Cubby Design . Products 1 40 of 79 Shop for Wall Mounted Shelves in Garage Shelves and Racks. . Heavy Duty Commercial Rack Shelf with Hooks Restaurant, Silver, 1 /. Danya B. White Utility Shelf with Four Large Stainless Steel Hooks Decmode 26 X 19 Inch Contemporary Three-Tier Wooden Wall Shelf With Double Hook. Free Shipping. Buy White Wall Shelf with Hooks 24W in. at Walmart.com. Products 1 40 of 3433 Product Image Floating Shelves Set of 3 with Modern U Shape and Durable Design by Adorn Home Essentials. Product TitleFloating. 7 Hooks Stainless Steel Door Wall Mounted Clothes Bags Coat Hook Rack. Price. $11.29 . Product Image. 27 in (686 mm) 6 Hook White/White Hook Rack. Products 1 40 of 32112 Shop for Hooks in Hardware. Buy products such as Command Small Wire Toggle Hooks, White, Organize without Tools, 14 Hooks,. Liberty Hardware 27 in. Galena Coat and Hook Rack with 4-Pilltop Hooks -. Product Variants Selector. Price. $23.67. List price $29.49. Save $5.82. Product Title. 24 Hanging Entryway Cubby Storage Shelf w/ Baskets and Hooks. Product Kingfisher Lanes Entryway Wall Cubby Shelf Coat Rack in White. Price 48 Rustic Modern Farmhouse Storage Bench with Shoe Shelf Gray Wash. Product. Overall Dimensions: 24W x 5.25D x 8H in. Wall-mounted shelf with 4 hooks; Durable MDF construction; Rich, dark espresso surface finish; Hanging hooks.
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Easy to make white painted turnbuckle shelf bathroom decor. Love this . Rustic Floating Wood Shelves DIY tutorial These not only look awesome on the wall. Wall shelves for the kitchen, bathroom, reading nook, and beyond these storage . and slip the bottom cover into the tiny hooks that sit flush against the wall to . These square shelves capture attention with their thick and attractive frames, with . 51 Beautiful Living Rooms With Irresistible Modern Appeal Grey And White. Keep kids bedrooms, playrooms or nurseries neatly organized with this attractive Kids Ladder Wall Shelf with hooks. Keep floor space clear of clutter by utilizing. Buy products related to wall hook shelf products and see what customers say about wall hook shelf products on Amazon.com FREE . Kiera Grace Sydney Wall Shelf and Mail Holder with 3 Hooks, 24-Inch by 6-Inch, White Vintage Look Multicolored Wooden Wall Plaque with Metal Hooks/Shelf . Looks really nice. Buy products related to wall shelf hooks and see what customers say about wall shelf hooks on Amazon.com . Looks great and was exactly what I needed. Results 1 24 of 465 Online shopping from a great selection at Home & Kitchen Store. . AHDECOR Floating Shelves White, Ledge Wall Shelf, Super Sturdy, Easy to Install ( Ballucci Mail Holder and Coat Key Rack Wall Shelf with 3 Hooks, 24 x Whether youd like to display prized possessions or are looking for an. She hangs hats and her school medallion on the hooks and has framed photos and some collectibles on the shelf. It looks so nice and functions quite well. Shop Target for Wall Shelves you will love at great low prices. Free shipping & returns plus . functional wall shelves. Functional shelves have hooks, baskets, bins & more so you can keep your family organized. Set of 2 Traditional Shelves White (15.75) Threshold
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. did you find what you were looking for? yes no. Shop our selection of Decorative Shelving & Accessories in the Decor Department at The Home . Decorative Hooks (31) . White Laminated Wood Shelf . Modifi Madison 1-Piece White Queen Bedroom Kit The solution may be as simple as looking up and taking advantage of your wall as a display space or storage.
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dawnjeman · 5 years
Interior Design Ideas: Tailored Interiors
  Certain homes are made to be carefully admired and I feel this newly-built family home is one of them.
According to the interior designer, Traci Connell of Traci Connell Interiors, this project was completed for a tight-knit family in the heart of Dallas, TX. They desired a home  that looked lush and glamorous yet would be livable when their large, sports fanatic family came over to throw a watch party. The clients were looking for the perfect home to call their own and found this beautiful spec home that met all their needs. They then hired the designer to furnish the entire home from top to bottom.
Find a comfy seat, start pinning and dream away. These tailored interiors should leave you inspired for days!
  Interior Design Ideas: Tailored Interiors
In contrast to the couple’s previous Olde World red and gold embellished home in Frisco, Texas, the clients were searching for a light filled soft modern feel which they found in this high end spec home.
Rug: Delos Rugs – custom – Available through the designer. Other Entry Rugs: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Lighting: Visual Comfort – similar here & here.
Oh, this staircase just drops your jaw, right?! The staircase features custom metal balusters.
Console Table
Console table is Vanguard (Available Through the Designer) – Other Beautiful Console Tables: here, here, here & here.
Mirror: here.
Stools: Madegoods – Others: here, here & here.
Table Lamp: John Richard Lamp.
The foyer features hardwood flooring with a custom inlay design.
Chair: Madegoods
Dining Room
This dining room features a plaster ceiling with a show-stopper design! The design was designed by the builder and hand applied.
Dining Chairs: Hickory Chair Dining Chairs (Available through the designer) – Similar: Host Chairs & Side Chairs.
Credenza: Oly Studio Credenza (Available through the designer) – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Table Lamps: Codarus Lamps.
Mirror: Palecek
Rug: Available through the designer – Recommended Rugs: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Table
Dining table is Mod Shop Dining Table.
Artwork: John Richard Art
Glass Candle Holders: CB2
Living Room
The formal living room feels tailored and cozy at the same time. Notice the arched metal and glass French doors.
Chandelier: Visual Comfort Ralph Lauren Archer Extra Large Chandelier.
Fireplace is Limestone. Classic and timeless!
Color Scheme
The living room features an elegant color palette that is calm yet not sleepy. Love it!
Artwork: here & here – similar
Coffee Table
A leather coffee table with acrylic legs bring character to this space.
Coffee Table: Available through the designer: Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Paint Color
The grey paint color is Galveston Gray from Benjamin Moore .
Coffered Ceiling
The dimensional coffered ceiling was done with MDF and it’s also painted in Benjamin Moore AC-27 Galveston Gray.
This kitchen is full of inspiring ideas, from its light grey cabinets to the large black metal windows.
The paneled refrigerator (on right) features 4 freezer drawers. What a dream!
Kitchen Paint Color
The kitchen paint color is Benjamin Moore Harbor Grey AC-25.
Custom counter stools by Vanguard Furniture (available through the designer) – Other Options: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
The homeowner stores her vases in the shallow cabinets in front of the counterstools.
Hardwood Flooring: Wood floors are 7” white oak planks.
Kitchen Lighting
Pendants: Hudson Valley (discontinued) – Similar: here, here, here & here.
The countertop is Taj Mahal Quartzite, leathered.
The homeowner also loves that there are two dishwashers which were lifesavers when her extended family just visited.
Sink & Faucet: Rohl fireclay sink with polished nickel Waterstone faucet.
Kitchen Hood & Appliances
A custom-made stainless steel hood is placed in front of a black metal window.
Similar Kitchen Hood: here.
Kitchen Appliances: Subzero, Wolf and Miele.
Kitchen backsplash is handmade custom glazed tiles by Ann Sacks.
Lighting: Hudson Valley polished nickel sconces – similar here.
Kitchen Elements
Metal-frame windows let sunlight wash over ceiling beams with a bleached finish that echoes wide-plank floors. Pale gray cabinetry and sandy-hue dining chairs, carpet, and tile further the bordering-on-beachy mood.
Kitchen Runner: Washable cotton rug by Dash and Albert (not shown) –  Other Beautiful Runners: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Breakfast Nook
This welcoming and comfortable breakfast room opens to a spacious patio with fireplace.
Breakfast Table: Dove White Finish on Quartered White Oak Tarnished Nickel Finish on Metal Post Caps by Bernhardt – on sale!
Urchin Platters by Global Views.
Wooden Dough Bowl: here & here – similar.
Chandelier: Visual Comfort.
Dining Chairs & Rug
Dining Chairs: Rope Back dining chairs by Orient Express. Custom chair cushions in Stroheim Kiki Boucle DG, 05, Crypton Home.
Goldenrod yellow vases by Global Views.
Rug: Custom sized 9×11 Sisal area rug by Dalyn – similar here.
Family Room
“The shell of natural oak floors and beams combined with black metal windows was the perfect backdrop to begin the design process for the entire house of furnishings.” – Traci Connell
Ceiling beams are custom white oak with a bleached finish.
Sofa: Hickory Chair (Available through the designer).
Family Room
Traci and team introduced a myriad of textured finishes noting sun and sky represented through the yellow and navy color palette.
Accent Chair: Hickory Chair.
Accent Table (by chair): Global Views.
Table Lamps: Available through the designer – similar here.
Beautiful Side Tables: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Family room features a custom-made honed limestone mantle and a navy blue grasscloth wallpaper (similar here & here).
Coffee Table: Gabby Home.
Artwork is from Leftbank Art – similar here.
Chairs: Ambella Home Chairs.
Paint Color
The paint color is Snowbound by Sherwin Williams for the trim and Alabaster by Sherwin Williams for the walls.
A hallway with ivory walls (SW Alabaster) and White Oak hardwood flooring leads to the guest bedrooms and a games room.
Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Games Room
“Even though the homeowners are empty-nesters, their grown kids visit quite frequently to watch sports and celebrate special occasion and desired a maintenance free home.”
Tables: Arteriors Stacking Cocktail Tables
Wallpaper: Cole & Son 105/11049 CS Black and White (available through the designer) Others: here, here, here & here.
Charcoal grey and emerald works perfectly together. I love this color scheme.
Sectional: Vanguard (available through the designer) – similar here & here.
Eccentric Bedroom
The interior designer had fun creating unique guest rooms to match the personalities of the kids. This one has plenty of personality!
Lighting: Hudson Valley, Colchester Pendants.
Nightstands: Noir – Others: here & here.
Bed: Palecek Bed.
Artwork: Wendover Art
Stools: Global Views stools
Rug: Surya Rugs – similar here, here & here.
Coastal Vibes Bedroom
Bed: Palecek
Bedding: here – similar.
Stools: Palecek
Lighting: Anthropologie Lighting.
Rug: Surya Rug
Table Lamp: Arteriors Lamp – similar here.
Dresser: Noir
Artwork: Wendover Art
Blush & Lavender Bedroom
Bed: Bernhardt Bed.
Bedding: here – similar
Nightstands: Caracole.
Lamps: Elk Group Nightstand Lamps.
Rug: Surya Rugs.
Chandelier: Crystorama Coco Light Fixture.
Dresser & Mirror
Mirror: Madegoods Mirror – similar here
Dresser: Vanguard Dresser (available through the designer) – Others: here, here, here & here.
Bench: Bernhardt.
This gorgeous guest bathroom features a grey custom vanity and a metallic wallpaper.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs – similar.
Faucet: here – similar.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom is elegant, feminine and full of beautiful details.
Chandelier: Visual Comfort. Other Beautiful Chandeliers: here, here & here.
Rug: here & here – similar.
Master Bathroom
What a stunning master bathroom! Notice that the same Winter Frost from Emser tiles were used on the floor and as wainscoting. This is a new trend that is becoming strong.
The vanity top is Arabescato Vagli marble.
Rug: here – similar.
Home Office
This truly is a dream office! The space features custom built-ins, a built-in desk and a cheerful wallpaper. This one really deserves a pin!
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Chair: Hickory Chair Living Room Alexandra Chair (available through the designer).
Cabinet Paint Color
The cabinetry paint color is Snowbound by Sherwin Williams.
Hardware: Top Knobs Channing Pulls & Knobs with Backplate.
The mudroom cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore Harbor Gray.
  Many thanks to the interior designer for sharing all of the details above.
Interior Design: Traci Connell Interiors ( Instagram).
Builder: Danes Custom Homes.
Photography: Michael Hunter.
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Home Bunch’s Top 5: Cabinet Paint Colors.
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Top 5: Kitchen Island Design.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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I Bring The Silence
With the amount of perpetual sounds the modern world has brought to our lives, human beings can no longer handle the sound of  silence and I know why. The only time we ever hear complete silence is in sleep, and death.
I bring the silence.
The smell of the simmering bubbles of a fresh Pepsi tickled my nose. I fought back a sneeze.
"One more drink doctor," Big Jim asserted with a raised index finger.
Big Jim lived up to his name. He checked in just a biscuit under 400. A former farmhand who outlived his profession years ago, Big Jim carried the weight about as well as possible. I could tell his frame was over 6'5 even though I had not seen him stand. He looked like a former NFL offensive lineman you would see at some kind of depressing autograph session in a dusty convention center in Cleveland.
I thought about asking Big Jim if he was a former football player, especially since his dementia was so bad. Maybe he had the football-caused brain damage that is all the rage these days? But resisted. I'm old enough to know large people consistently hate being asked if they used to play sports.
So instead, I let Big Jim take a few more gulps of his last Pepsi and I daydreamed out the dirty window of his trailer home, staring at the light rain misting upon the white propane tank in his backyard.
I followed Big Jim's voice back to the kitchen table where he placed his elbow on the table and stuck his hand out in a way which made it look like he wanted to arm wrestle me, but I would not arm wrestle the once-powerful man. I would hook his arm to a plastic bag which hung next to my head via a needle and shoot fast-acting poison through his veins.
It never took long for the secret sauce I use to take action. Pretty soon I was alone again in Big Jim's trailer with just the sound of the sizzling soda lying in front of him on the table.
My patients' families were usually there to see them through and take over the dark festivities as soon as I administered my juice, but Big Jim's daughter was a no show. All I got was a note on his front door which said she got called into work and would be by after I left. Must be a hell of a place to work.
With my bag empty, I gathered my things, tipped my cap at the big man and headed to the door. Until I jumped at the sound of a phone ringing on the kitchen table. I looked over to the cell phone resting next to Big Jim and considered answering it for a second before turning away.
I was just about at the door when second sound paused me in my steps. A light meow followed up with a soft brush upon the leg of my trousers kept me inside. I looked down to see a creamy, orange tabby cat rubbing up against my calf.
For some reason the animals my patients left behind always seemed to hit me the hardest. I bent down to pet the cat. Checked the collar. His name was Steve. I gave Steve a few more pats before I stepped out the door with faint tears in my eyes. I'm not made of stone, I swear.
There was a time when I was controversial, but society swayed heavily in my favor the past two decades. There used to be debate about whether or not I should go to prison, whether or not I was a murderer, but now I had to turn down interviews because I no longer had the time or need for positive press as opposed to ducking reporters day in and day out. Never saw that coming.
The world was a different place and I was now allowed to help terminally ill people like Big Jim die comfortably in peace in their own homes and no longer had to fend off death threats and 20/20 hack jobs while doing it. Putting Big Jim to rest on a rainy Wednesday morning was just business as usual for me now.
Well, that's what I thought.
It was colder than hell in my house when I came home. A quick duck into my kitchen revealed I must have left the window open when I left hours ago and the cold winds of early-Spring whipped their way into the heart of my modest, one-bedroom home. I slammed the window shut and headed over to my computer in the living room to check in on work.
My email was empty, but my work landline was flashing red, announcing the presence of a voicemail. I hadn't had one of those in months.
I hit play on the recorder fully expecting some kind of auto-dialed message or telemarketer so I was shocked when the message began with a hideous cough. I cringed as the grating cough turned into an even more grotesque sound, that of furious vomiting. The sound rumbled on for a handful of seconds before it cut out and I scrambled to look at my call log and see who left the message.
The call came from the number I remember belonged to Big Jim.
I woke up at 3 a.m. in a sweat. This always happened when I drank. The whiskey made me hot with my old age and tickled my bladder in the night.
I downed an extra drink of Jim Beam with my late dinner to calm the nerves in my stomach the message from Big Jim's message left, but it backfired on me. My body having fully processed the liquor, I was now just wide awake, lying up in bed in the shallow dark coated in sweat.
My eyes scanned the cool darkness of the room before I got up out of bed and shuffled over to the bathroom. I quickly relieved myself, didn't flush the toilet out of a sudden childish fear of creating noise and tiptoed back to my bed like a deer sneaking back into the woods after drinking from a stream.
I tucked myself back under covers, comforted by a freshly-emptied bladder, but it would not last. The sound of a soft, steady beeping radiated from out in my living room. I took a deep breath and soaked in the sound, trying to figure out exactly what it was but couldn't.
I rushed up out of the bed as fast as I could and stomped towards the living room with my hands balled in fists just in case.
The last lingering effects of the whiskey and the further darkness of the living room caused almost temporarily blindness when I walked into the room, but I could still hear the beeping coming from the corner of the room. I staggered towards the corner with my arms waving out in front of me until my eyes finally adjusted.
The sound was coming from the heart monitor I used for work. I forgot to put it back in the closet after I returned from working with Big Jim. Or had I? I thought I remembered putting it in there. Regardless, the neon green of the device's LED screen glowed back at me in the night, reading a steady pulse.
"What the hell?"
There was no way the device should have been reading a pulse without being hooked up to a patient. I snatched  it up and felt something wet slap up against my naked stomach.
I grabbed the object and almost recoiled when I felt a fist-sized, hard, slippery object come into my grasp. I lifted it up and literally jumped up off the floor.
I was holding a beating heart. Hooked up to the heart monitor, it pumped steadily in my hand.
The morning couldn't come fast enough. I tried to sleep the rest of the night in the bench seat of my truck with the doors locked, but couldn’t sleep a wink.
I didn't even want to step back into my home, but there was one reason I had to. My beagle Jake was probably waking up in the mud room right about now and expecting breakfast.
I walked to the back of my house in the cold of the morning and unlocked the back door into the mudroom. I heard Jake frantically scratching at the door and barking before I even got the key in the lock.
"Alright, alright, alright."
The fat little beagle jumping into my arms as soon as I opened the door gave me some comfort for the first time in hours. I held him tight as he whined and squealed for a few moments.
"Alright, let's get you some food."
I pulled Jake off of me and headed over to his dish and giant bag of dog food. He sprinted over to the bowl as soon as he heard the dry dog food cascade down into the bowl. He started wolfing it down before I even finished pouring.
The event almost made me forget about the horror of the night before. Until I noticed a strange paw print stamped in mud next to Jake's foot. Smaller, rounder and more delicate than Jake's clumsy tramples, the print looked like it belonged to a cat.
The first print I saw was not alone. The little pitter patters of tiny paws led towards the door which went from the mud room and into the kitchen. The door was wide open. The paw prints left the mud room and trickled onto the linoleum of my kitchen floor.
I bit down upon my lip and followed the tracks into the kitchen and then back into the living room where I left the heart on the floor in the middle of the night.
The light of the early morning illuminated the living room and painted a better picture of the scene I left last night. The heart monitor was no longer beeping, but it was still there, resting on my couch. However, it was no longer connected to the heart, its cables dangled from the edge of the couch with no connection.
My eyes scanned the room for any signs of the heart, but saw none until I felt something brush up against my leg. I jumped and looked down to see Steve, the orange tabby cat from Big Jim's house looking up at me innocently with a face stained red with blood.
I calmed for a moment and pondered the blood on the cat's face. Eyes wide, the cat meowed up and me and my eyes traced the source of its mane of blood to right behind it where the heart from last night laid, mangled.
The drive to Big Jim's trailer usually took almost an hour, but I made it about 30 as I raced up and down the highways with reckless abandon. I needed to find out what the hell was going on or I was going to lose my mind, if I hadn't already.
I pulled up into Big Jim's gravel driveway and was surprised to see grey smoke pumping out of the chimney and soft light coming from the living room window. Someone was home.
I nervously stuffed my hands into my pockets after giving the door a hearty knock. I could hear the sounds of a daytime TV talk show reverberating from behind the front door.
I waited for a few nervous moments before a skeletal, middle-aged woman with bugged-out eyes whipped the door open.
"What the hell?" She yelled at me.
"Oh, uh, ah. I'm looking for Jim, Big Jim," I muttered.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Oh, uh, we may have actually talked before. I'm Floyd Barris. You're his daughter, right?"
The lady's eyes bugged out even more.
"No. We haven't seen Jim's daughter in almost ten years. I'm his wife."
"Oh, I didn't know he had a wife."
"Yeah, neither do most people," the woman snorted and pushed her left hand out in front of me, shaking her wedding band in my face. "But I got the papers to prove it."
"Oh, well, nevermind then."
"But you talked to his daughter?"
"Uh, I don't know."
"Well, God, I hope not. You know she tried to kill him a couple times. That's why we don't talk to her."
"Oh, no, I didn't know that."
"Well if you see her. Don't saw a fucking word about where we live. That woman is pure evil. Got it from her mama. Who aint me by the way. And if you see Jim. Tell him to get his ass back home. My trip ended early."
The woman slammed the door in my face before I could respond.
My entire body felt as if it was on fire. I made a grave mistake. I had never even talked about the job I did with Big Jim before I showed up and shot him up with my hot shot that day. I had only talked to his daughter, not even done my fucking research to see if she was trustworthy. Simply took her word that her father needed my services. He seemed amicable when I showed up that day. Then again, he seemed to be unclear about what we were doing. Maybe she gave him the wrong information?
The bottom line was, no matter what exactly happened, I was beyond fucked and that's not even considering what the hell happened to Big Jim, where he was, and what he had to do with the heart and the cat left in my house. I was so freaked out I could barely even breathe when I drove away from his trailer in the thick rain.
I couldn't go home but I needed to go somewhere to try and hide out and figure out my situation. I didn't have money for a motel room at the moment, not even a cheap one, but I knew a great place where I might be able to start putting some pieces back together.
My parents' former home sat on the shores of Sabine Lake right on the border of Texas and Louisiana at the end of a darkened country road. I would go there whenever I had enough money to take a few days off and whenever I needed to clear my head. No one else knew about the place except me and my brother Ray in North Dakota. It could be my safe haven.
Walking through the front door of the lakeside house instantly reminded me why I so rarely went there. Out of laziness and an inability to let go, Ray and I never changed a single thing about the house. It looked exactly the same as it did the day when my mother left for the old folks home a couple weeks after my father died almost 15 years ago. There were still condiments in the refrigerator from the 90s.
The place usually kind of gave me the creeps, but it felt much safer than my house right now. I would hide out for at least a few days until I could figure something out. The only thing I had planned so far was having my neighbor swing by and take care of Jake for a little while.
I sat down in my mom's old dusty living room on the uncomfortable, upholstered couch and lit a cigarette. I hadn't smoked in years, but the intensity of the situation was forcing me into old habits and I had already smoked a few today. I kicked back on the couch and stared out the little slats between window blinds which were letting in the last remnants of the dying light of the afternoon.
I sat there until the last of the light vanished and I was in complete darkness other than for the little red burning light of the end of my cigarette. I bathed in the warmth of the smoke which billowed back into my face and it made me want to drift off to sleep.
I killed my smoke and let the warm arms of sleep wrap me up as I drifted off to the chorus of the bullfrogs singing down by the lake.
I was awakened by a scalding light upon my face. I opened my eyes to see high beams streaking through the gaps in the blinds across the room.
I squinted for a few moments until they cut out and all was dark again.
There were a few seconds of peace before the sound of a heavy truck door slamming out the window shook me from the hangover of sleep. I jumped up to my feet and ran over to the window, stuck my eyes into the gaps in the blinds.
Sitting in the little driveway of the house, parked next to my 4Runner was a bulky pickup truck, a silver F-350. A silver F-350 I swore I had seen before and it took a few moments, but I remember where I saw it.
It was parked in front of the tool shed outside of Big Jim's house everytime I went there. I think I also may have seen it behind me on the highway during the drive, but thought nothing of it. The amount of silver F-350s in Texas is beyond comprehension.
The truck sat there silent and empty in the pale light of the distant streetlight. I cursed myself for not thinking Big Jim could have followed me from his place when I left if he was nearby.
I thought for a few seconds about how Big Jim possibly could have survived the shot I gave him. I had heard rumors of people who survived the shot and went on to live the rest of their life or needed a second one, but I thought they were just rumors.
Then a worse thought washed over me. What if he WAS dead?
But there was no more time for thinking about that, someone was rattling the door at the back of  the house.
I shuffled around just as I heard the sound of breaking glass come from the direction of the back door in the corner of the kithchen.
Shit, why was I the only person in Texas who didn't own a gun?
The breaking of the glass was followed by the sound of the door slamming open and I knew it was time to just face what was chasing me.
"Hey, what the fuck?" I screamed into the kitchen.
The steps which had been going through the kitchen stopped.
"How the fuck are you alive?"
It took a second, but a weathered, whispy voice answered back from the kitchen.
"You tried to kill me," the pained drawl of Big Jim trickled out of the kitchen. "I aint dead yet, motherfucker."
"I just did my job. It was your daughter who told me to do it."
"She said you were giving me new cancer treatment, she never said you were shooting me up with poison. You never even said what you were doing, just hooked me up to that god forsaken bag."
"Most clients don't like to talk about what happens. I just do it, unless they ask for something else."
Big Jim was saying all of this just outside of my line of sight. He had stopped in the kitchen pretty close to the door.
I couldn't handle talking to a faceless ghost any longer. I took a few steps towards the kitchen until I could see him.
I couldn't believe what I was looking at it when I saw it. Sitting in a motorized wheelchair was a green and purple, swollen blob of a human being I could barely recognize as Big Jim. This is what patients usually looked like a day or two after my final treatment, like some kind of hideous dead Jabba The Hutt – bruised, swollen, dying pussballs, but Big Jim appeared to be still alive and breathing.
"I look like hell, don't I?" Big Jim said with the hint of a laugh. "You should have finished me off doctor death boy. That was your mistake."
"I was just doing my job," I pleaded. "I just did what your daughter told me you wanted."
"My daughter, ha. Should have known not to trust her again. You too."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"Oh, it's okay."
Big Jim interrupted himself by spitting a horrible greenish, yellow loogie in my direction.
"I'm going out real soon anyway, I just don't like the way you work. You drive around fucking killing people, how do you do that and sleep at night?"
"It's not how you think it is."
"I don't give a shit. Like I told you, I'm already dead. I just want you to feel like shit for it before I go," Big Jim stammered with his purple eyes glued to me. "And I want you to know one more thing."
Big Jim pulled a large, silver pistol out of his pocket. I dove back out of his line of sight. He moved his wheelchair up and laid his eyes back upon me.
"Don't you fuckin worry. I won't shoot you if you don't move again doc. This thing here's for me. I just want you to know something. You know when you went into the station back there to pay for your gas?"
I did. I nodded with a horrible feeling developing in my gut.    
"You left your smokes on your dash while you went in and I turned the table on you. You know what arsenic does?"
I nodded.
"Well in case you don't, you're going to find out since you smoked those Camels boy. Oh boy you will, it's probably already started. Wonder why you're so tired?"
Big Jim started to laugh, my entire body burned. I fell to my feet and started to weep, felt the urge to vomit as I stared at the dirty carpet of the living room. Until I heard the eardrum-bursting sound of a gunshot erupt from the kitchen.
A quick look up revealed Big Jim finished my job himself, but I didn't even really care, concerned with my own ticking clock. I knew with the arsenic poisoning I didn't have much time.
I tried to move as quickly as I could to the front door to get to my car, but didn't make it.
I collapsed in the living room and started to drift back to sleep.
It's been almost a week since that night. I'm still alive, but don't know how much longer I have. I look a lot like Big Jim looked that night – blue, swollen, rotten – and all I can really do is lay in bed and drink water and pet Jake when he jumps up onto the bed.
I thought about going to the hospital for the arsenic poisoning, but I don't want to open up the can of worms that is my current situation. If I can't wrap up the Big Jim situation properly without involving the authorities, I may end up wishing I had just died, so I'm toughing this thing out on my own win or lose.
I'm in constant pain, constant discomfort, don't know how many minutes I might have left at any given time of the day and don't know exactly what I am going to do with my life if I make it through this.
Well, that's not entirely accurate. I know one thing I am going to do if I make it out of this alive...
Find a new line of work.
Originally published by Thought Catalog on www.ThoughtCatalog.com.
0 notes
endlessarchite · 7 years
House Crashing: A Rental-Ready Renovation
You guys remember our friends Carey and Jordan? We House Crashed them earlier in the year and their mudroom slays me every time I lay eyes on it. Well, we’ve crashed another one of their places – this time it’s a rental home that they recently renovated and furnished. So yes, more eye candy AND more budget friendly tips and ideas to steal for yourself.
rug / round baskets / hooks / rectangle baskets / door color: Poppy by Ben Moore
The rental is a sweet ranch home in the Richmond area that they’re using primarily as a long term furnished rental, but also as a short term Airbnb between renters. It’s full of furniture and accessories from a range of places and price ranges. There are thrift store pieces, HomeGoods finds (like the console table pictured below) and Target accessories (like the gold mirror) mixed in with some elevating pieces, like Restoration Hardware cabinet pulls to make their kitchen look top of the line.
Carey even hunted down a few budget-friendly pieces in some pretty random places – like the rug below that she bought at a steep discount from a local showhouse after the show ended (it’s this rug designed by Justina Blakeney for Loloi actually!). And the awesome marble coffee table and the sectional below are from CB2, but a friend of hers was moving so she bought them from her!
rug  / coffee table / sofa / gold mirror/ foyer light fixture
Some of the coolest things to look at are the before photos, just to see how much this house has changed – especially thanks to simple and inexpensive fixes, like PAINT! This is the same living room as the one above. I know. It’s crazy. The new wall color is Agreeable Gray by Sherwin Williams, which they also carried into the foyer for more of an open feeling.
Here’s a better shot of the foyer where Carey and Jordan repainted the red front door a moody black color (Caviar by Sherwin Williams) and got that cool sculptural pendant from Shades of Light. The little table and lamp are a HomeGoods finds and those cute framed prints over the table are from Etsy by a Richmond-based artist (here’s her shop).
rug / light / art / wall color: SW Agreeable Gray / door color: SW Caviar
And see that view into the freshened up kitchen above? Well, this used to be what you saw through that doorway. I KNOW!!! THEY ARE BASICALLY WIZARDS AND I WANT TO STEAL THEIR WANDS!!!
And now I’m going to really shock you. THOSE ARE THE SAME CABINETS! I repeat: THEY DIDN’T RIP OUT THE CABINETS. They just hired a local carpenter to make new inset doors for them and painted everything Extra White by Sherwin Williams. Can you even believe that?! I’m sorry for shouting at you BUT I CAN’T EVEN GET OVER HOW GOOD THIS LOOKS.
The cabinet hardware is from Restoration Hardware and the glass light over the sink is from Pottery Barn. Those choices, along with the classic subway tile backsplash and the new black granite countertops really updated the room (along with some new stainless appliances). They also laid hardwoods in here to connect to the ones that already existed in a lot of other areas of the house, which really helps with the flow and to keep things feeling open. They even squeezed in a small cafe table that seats four people, which adds some really nice function to the wall across from the sink.
Just gotta hit you with one more before, because I’m still trying to process this right along with you guys.
I MEAN. IT’S MAKING MY FACE CONTORT INTO A CRAZED JOKER SMILE. How cute is it to see those little shelves flanking the window go from old and rustic/country looking to sweet and clean-lined and modern?! The power of paint. Also, the power of removing the swirly header over the sink and switching out that big fluorescent light.
Here’s another kitchen shot from a different angle to show you how the table fits into the mix.
similar rug / similar table / chairs / cabinet hardware / art prints / light over sink
The table is from Target, but it’s no longer made, so here’s a similar one, and the chairs are from Target too, as is the rug (here’s the closest one I could find that they sell now). Carey joked that they must’ve paid someone’s salary at Target this year from all the shopping they’ve done there. Me too, Carey, me too.
Speaking of the rug, it’s actually an outdoor one, which is so smart for under a kitchen table – especially in a rental. Or if you have children who eat like small wild animals (isn’t that all of us, really?). The colorful art on the wall is from Lightbox print company, another local Richmond shop.
But let’s move on to another room transformation. This time it’s the dining room, which was drab and wallpapered and just pretty dingy looking.
Now it’s so fresh and extra crisp (extra crispy? or does that sound too much like a chicken strip?). I love that Carey and Jordan don’t shy away from bold colors (this is Indigo Batik by Sherwin Williams) but they keep them from feeling too overwhelming by tempering them with soothing white curtains from Ikea, that pretty white shade on the chandelier, and the light wood tones in the table and the sideboard, which was a HomeGoods find. The big mirror above the sideboard is also from HomeGoods, and it bounces a ton of extra light around the room, which is also a good tip if you have a dark room or if you use a deep color on the walls – a big mirror can be your friend.
rug / metal chairs / end chairs / table / lamps / chandelier / curtains
Beyond the dining room is a cute little brick-walled room that Carey and Jordan turned into a small office/reading space. The pink chair is such a fun non-neutral choice (you know I like pink…) and that little blue filing cabinet makes me grin like a weirdo at my computer screen. That faux fiddle leaf fig is one of the Target ones I love (WHY DON’T THEY SELL THEM ANYMORE?! WHYYYYYYYY?!). And yes, I’m pretty sure she put that stack of our books out because she knew we were coming over, but man do I love that they match the file cabinet ;)
desk / pink chair / desk chair / file cabinet / similar rug / similar copper table / blue wall: SW North Star
Onto the master bedroom. It was another spot that was looking extremely worn and in need of some love, along with some serious wallpaper removal.
Once again Carey and Jordan went for crisp white trim and bedding to contrast this rich and cozy wall color (Roycroft Pewter by Sherwin Williams). The rug and the bench at the foot of the bed (found at HomeGoods) add so much coziness, and the white pin-tuck bedding is from West Elm. The night stands are from Crate & Barrel, and the mercury-glass lamps, headboard and little black & white bolster pillow are all from Target.
headboard / white bedding / night stands / black & white pillow / rug / bench: HomeGoods
The bathrooms are all super crisp and classic, with really nice touches like lots of storage and pretty vintage-inspired tile on the floor. The rich wood vanity in the master bathroom (via their carpenter) is such a nice contrast to the white hex floor tiles. The Pottery Barn mirror and silver sconces elevate the entire room, while the colorful rug adds some pattern and warmth (here’s the most similar one I can find).
mirror / sconce / white hex floor tile / similar rug
Carey and I have a theme of buying the same things by accident, so we LOLed when we realized that we both bought this framed dots Target art (she hung it in this bathroom and ours hangs in our dining room). I’m also really into the gray hex floors in here (here’s something similar). And look at all of that storage space! This vanity (also through their carpenter) is approximately 558 times nicer than our own master bathroom, which still boasts two sea-shell-shaped sinks, conveniently separated by a wall (why??? WHY?!?!). The rug in here is a secondhand score from a local consignment place called Revival here in Richmond.
So I hope you guys liked the tour! And a huge thank you to Carey and Jordan for letting us poke around with our camera (and share the pics with the interwebz). If you’re a local and you’d like to renovate a house with them (they help a ton of homebuyers in the area buy older homes and bring them back to life) you can find them here on their reno website. And if you’re looking for a rental property around here, you can get their help on their rental site. Also, if you’re ever lucky enough to meet Carey around town, you have to befriend her because her gumbo is off the chain. Yes, I’m still using that term because I’m a cool suburban mom. But seriously, it’s delicious.
And to everyone who is requesting gift guides and a big ol’ holiday post of our house all decorated, both are on my to-do list, so I hope to be back soon with more holiday goodness! Until then, just try to work “off the chain” into as many sentences as possible. I promise you’ll feel too legit to quit each time.
Psst- If you’d like to check out Carey and Jordan’s House Crashing post from back in Feb, here’s that link for you again (sometimes scrolling back up to the top of the page can be exhausting). 
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post House Crashing: A Rental-Ready Renovation appeared first on Young House Love.
House Crashing: A Rental-Ready Renovation published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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masteringmelancholy · 7 years
House Crashing: A Rental-Ready Renovation
You guys remember our friends Carey and Jordan? We House Crashed them earlier in the year and their mudroom slays me every time I lay eyes on it. Well, we’ve crashed another one of their places – this time it’s a rental home that they recently renovated and furnished. So yes, more eye candy AND more budget friendly tips and ideas to steal for yourself.
rug / round baskets / hooks / rectangle baskets / door color: Poppy by Ben Moore
The rental is a sweet ranch home in the Richmond area that they’re using primarily as a long term furnished rental, but also as a short term Airbnb between renters. It’s full of furniture and accessories from a range of places and price ranges. There are thrift store pieces, HomeGoods finds (like the console table pictured below) and Target accessories (like the gold mirror) mixed in with some elevating pieces, like Restoration Hardware cabinet pulls to make their kitchen look top of the line.
Carey even hunted down a few budget-friendly pieces in some pretty random places – like the rug below that she bought at a steep discount from a local showhouse after the show ended (it’s this rug designed by Justina Blakeney for Loloi actually!). And the awesome marble coffee table and the sectional below are from CB2, but a friend of hers was moving so she bought them from her!
rug  / coffee table / sofa / gold mirror/ foyer light fixture
Some of the coolest things to look at are the before photos, just to see how much this house has changed – especially thanks to simple and inexpensive fixes, like PAINT! This is the same living room as the one above. I know. It’s crazy. The new wall color is Agreeable Gray by Sherwin Williams, which they also carried into the foyer for more of an open feeling.
Here’s a better shot of the foyer where Carey and Jordan repainted the red front door a moody black color (Caviar by Sherwin Williams) and got that cool sculptural pendant from Shades of Light. The little table and lamp are a HomeGoods finds and those cute framed prints over the table are from Etsy by a Richmond-based artist (here’s her shop).
rug / light / art / wall color: SW Agreeable Gray / door color: SW Caviar
And see that view into the freshened up kitchen above? Well, this used to be what you saw through that doorway. I KNOW!!! THEY ARE BASICALLY WIZARDS AND I WANT TO STEAL THEIR WANDS!!!
And now I’m going to really shock you. THOSE ARE THE SAME CABINETS! I repeat: THEY DIDN’T RIP OUT THE CABINETS. They just hired a local carpenter to make new inset doors for them and painted everything Extra White by Sherwin Williams. Can you even believe that?! I’m sorry for shouting at you BUT I CAN’T EVEN GET OVER HOW GOOD THIS LOOKS.
The cabinet hardware is from Restoration Hardware and the glass light over the sink is from Pottery Barn. Those choices, along with the classic subway tile backsplash and the new black granite countertops really updated the room (along with some new stainless appliances). They also laid hardwoods in here to connect to the ones that already existed in a lot of other areas of the house, which really helps with the flow and to keep things feeling open. They even squeezed in a small cafe table that seats four people, which adds some really nice function to the wall across from the sink.
Just gotta hit you with one more before, because I’m still trying to process this right along with you guys.
I MEAN. IT’S MAKING MY FACE CONTORT INTO A CRAZED JOKER SMILE. How cute is it to see those little shelves flanking the window go from old and rustic/country looking to sweet and clean-lined and modern?! The power of paint. Also, the power of removing the swirly header over the sink and switching out that big fluorescent light.
Here’s another kitchen shot from a different angle to show you how the table fits into the mix.
similar rug / similar table / chairs / cabinet hardware / art prints / light over sink
The table is from Target, but it’s no longer made, so here’s a similar one, and the chairs are from Target too, as is the rug (here’s the closest one I could find that they sell now). Carey joked that they must’ve paid someone’s salary at Target this year from all the shopping they’ve done there. Me too, Carey, me too.
Speaking of the rug, it’s actually an outdoor one, which is so smart for under a kitchen table – especially in a rental. Or if you have children who eat like small wild animals (isn’t that all of us, really?). The colorful art on the wall is from Lightbox print company, another local Richmond shop.
But let’s move on to another room transformation. This time it’s the dining room, which was drab and wallpapered and just pretty dingy looking.
Now it’s so fresh and extra crisp (extra crispy? or does that sound too much like a chicken strip?). I love that Carey and Jordan don’t shy away from bold colors (this is Indigo Batik by Sherwin Williams) but they keep them from feeling too overwhelming by tempering them with soothing white curtains from Ikea, that pretty white shade on the chandelier, and the light wood tones in the table and the sideboard, which was a HomeGoods find. The big mirror above the sideboard is also from HomeGoods, and it bounces a ton of extra light around the room, which is also a good tip if you have a dark room or if you use a deep color on the walls – a big mirror can be your friend.
rug / metal chairs / end chairs / table / lamps / chandelier / curtains
Beyond the dining room is a cute little brick-walled room that Carey and Jordan turned into a small office/reading space. The pink chair is such a fun non-neutral choice (you know I like pink…) and that little blue filing cabinet makes me grin like a weirdo at my computer screen. That faux fiddle leaf fig is one of the Target ones I love (WHY DON’T THEY SELL THEM ANYMORE?! WHYYYYYYYY?!). And yes, I’m pretty sure she put that stack of our books out because she knew we were coming over, but man do I love that they match the file cabinet ;)
desk / pink chair / desk chair / file cabinet / similar rug / similar copper table / blue wall: SW North Star
Onto the master bedroom. It was another spot that was looking extremely worn and in need of some love, along with some serious wallpaper removal.
Once again Carey and Jordan went for crisp white trim and bedding to contrast this rich and cozy wall color (Roycroft Pewter by Sherwin Williams). The rug and the bench at the foot of the bed (found at HomeGoods) add so much coziness, and the white pin-tuck bedding is from West Elm. The night stands are from Crate & Barrel, and the mercury-glass lamps, headboard and little black & white bolster pillow are all from Target.
headboard / white bedding / night stands / black & white pillow / rug / bench: HomeGoods
The bathrooms are all super crisp and classic, with really nice touches like lots of storage and pretty vintage-inspired tile on the floor. The rich wood vanity in the master bathroom (via their carpenter) is such a nice contrast to the white hex floor tiles. The Pottery Barn mirror and silver sconces elevate the entire room, while the colorful rug adds some pattern and warmth (here’s the most similar one I can find).
mirror / sconce / white hex floor tile / similar rug
Carey and I have a theme of buying the same things by accident, so we LOLed when we realized that we both bought this framed dots Target art (she hung it in this bathroom and ours hangs in our dining room). I’m also really into the gray hex floors in here (here’s something similar). And look at all of that storage space! This vanity (also through their carpenter) is approximately 558 times nicer than our own master bathroom, which still boasts two sea-shell-shaped sinks, conveniently separated by a wall (why??? WHY?!?!). The rug in here is a secondhand score from a local consignment place called Revival here in Richmond.
So I hope you guys liked the tour! And a huge thank you to Carey and Jordan for letting us poke around with our camera (and share the pics with the interwebz). If you’re a local and you’d like to renovate a house with them (they help a ton of homebuyers in the area buy older homes and bring them back to life) you can find them here on their reno website. And if you’re looking for a rental property around here, you can get their help on their rental site. Also, if you’re ever lucky enough to meet Carey around town, you have to befriend her because her gumbo is off the chain. Yes, I’m still using that term because I’m a cool suburban mom. But seriously, it’s delicious.
And to everyone who is requesting gift guides and a big ol’ holiday post of our house all decorated, both are on my to-do list, so I hope to be back soon with more holiday goodness! Until then, just try to work “off the chain” into as many sentences as possible. I promise you’ll feel too legit to quit each time.
Psst- If you’d like to check out Carey and Jordan’s House Crashing post from back in Feb, here’s that link for you again (sometimes scrolling back up to the top of the page can be exhausting). 
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post House Crashing: A Rental-Ready Renovation appeared first on Young House Love.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 http://ift.tt/2zZhBD5 via IFTTT
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jerseyisforlovers · 7 years
House Crashing: A Rental-Ready Renovation
You guys remember our friends Carey and Jordan? We House Crashed them earlier in the year and their mudroom slays me every time I lay eyes on it. Well, we’ve crashed another one of their places – this time it’s a rental home that they recently renovated and furnished. So yes, more eye candy AND more budget friendly tips and ideas to steal for yourself.
rug / round baskets / hooks / rectangle baskets / door color: Poppy by Ben Moore
The rental is a sweet ranch home in the Richmond area that they’re using primarily as a long term furnished rental, but also as a short term Airbnb between renters. It’s full of furniture and accessories from a range of places and price ranges. There are thrift store pieces, HomeGoods finds (like the console table pictured below) and Target accessories (like the gold mirror) mixed in with some elevating pieces, like Restoration Hardware cabinet pulls to make their kitchen look top of the line.
Carey even hunted down a few budget-friendly pieces in some pretty random places – like the rug below that she bought at a steep discount from a local showhouse after the show ended (it’s this rug designed by Justina Blakeney for Loloi actually!). And the awesome marble coffee table and the sectional below are from CB2, but a friend of hers was moving so she bought them from her!
rug  / coffee table / sofa / gold mirror/ foyer light fixture
Some of the coolest things to look at are the before photos, just to see how much this house has changed – especially thanks to simple and inexpensive fixes, like PAINT! This is the same living room as the one above. I know. It’s crazy. The new wall color is Agreeable Gray by Sherwin Williams, which they also carried into the foyer for more of an open feeling.
Here’s a better shot of the foyer where Carey and Jordan repainted the red front door a moody black color (Caviar by Sherwin Williams) and got that cool sculptural pendant from Shades of Light. The little table and lamp are a HomeGoods finds and those cute framed prints over the table are from Etsy by a Richmond-based artist (here’s her shop).
rug / light / art / wall color: SW Agreeable Gray / door color: SW Caviar
And see that view into the freshened up kitchen above? Well, this used to be what you saw through that doorway. I KNOW!!! THEY ARE BASICALLY WIZARDS AND I WANT TO STEAL THEIR WANDS!!!
And now I’m going to really shock you. THOSE ARE THE SAME CABINETS! I repeat: THEY DIDN’T RIP OUT THE CABINETS. They just hired a local carpenter to make new inset doors for them and painted everything Extra White by Sherwin Williams. Can you even believe that?! I’m sorry for shouting at you BUT I CAN’T EVEN GET OVER HOW GOOD THIS LOOKS.
The cabinet hardware is from Restoration Hardware and the glass light over the sink is from Pottery Barn. Those choices, along with the classic subway tile backsplash and the new black granite countertops really updated the room (along with some new stainless appliances). They also laid hardwoods in here to connect to the ones that already existed in a lot of other areas of the house, which really helps with the flow and to keep things feeling open. They even squeezed in a small cafe table that seats four people, which adds some really nice function to the wall across from the sink.
Just gotta hit you with one more before, because I’m still trying to process this right along with you guys.
I MEAN. IT’S MAKING MY FACE CONTORT INTO A CRAZED JOKER SMILE. How cute is it to see those little shelves flanking the window go from old and rustic/country looking to sweet and clean-lined and modern?! The power of paint. Also, the power of removing the swirly header over the sink and switching out that big fluorescent light.
Here’s another kitchen shot from a different angle to show you how the table fits into the mix.
similar rug / similar table / chairs / cabinet hardware / art prints / light over sink
The table is from Target, but it’s no longer made, so here’s a similar one, and the chairs are from Target too, as is the rug (here’s the closest one I could find that they sell now). Carey joked that they must’ve paid someone’s salary at Target this year from all the shopping they’ve done there. Me too, Carey, me too.
Speaking of the rug, it’s actually an outdoor one, which is so smart for under a kitchen table – especially in a rental. Or if you have children who eat like small wild animals (isn’t that all of us, really?). The colorful art on the wall is from Lightbox print company, another local Richmond shop.
But let’s move on to another room transformation. This time it’s the dining room, which was drab and wallpapered and just pretty dingy looking.
Now it’s so fresh and extra crisp (extra crispy? or does that sound too much like a chicken strip?). I love that Carey and Jordan don’t shy away from bold colors (this is Indigo Batik by Sherwin Williams) but they keep them from feeling too overwhelming by tempering them with soothing white curtains from Ikea, that pretty white shade on the chandelier, and the light wood tones in the table and the sideboard, which was a HomeGoods find. The big mirror above the sideboard is also from HomeGoods, and it bounces a ton of extra light around the room, which is also a good tip if you have a dark room or if you use a deep color on the walls – a big mirror can be your friend.
rug / metal chairs / end chairs / table / lamps / chandelier / curtains
Beyond the dining room is a cute little brick-walled room that Carey and Jordan turned into a small office/reading space. The pink chair is such a fun non-neutral choice (you know I like pink…) and that little blue filing cabinet makes me grin like a weirdo at my computer screen. That faux fiddle leaf fig is one of the Target ones I love (WHY DON’T THEY SELL THEM ANYMORE?! WHYYYYYYYY?!). And yes, I’m pretty sure she put that stack of our books out because she knew we were coming over, but man do I love that they match the file cabinet ;)
desk / pink chair / desk chair / file cabinet / similar rug / similar copper table / blue wall: SW North Star
Onto the master bedroom. It was another spot that was looking extremely worn and in need of some love, along with some serious wallpaper removal.
Once again Carey and Jordan went for crisp white trim and bedding to contrast this rich and cozy wall color (Roycroft Pewter by Sherwin Williams). The rug and the bench at the foot of the bed (found at HomeGoods) add so much coziness, and the white pin-tuck bedding is from West Elm. The night stands are from Crate & Barrel, and the mercury-glass lamps, headboard and little black & white bolster pillow are all from Target.
headboard / white bedding / night stands / black & white pillow / rug / bench: HomeGoods
The bathrooms are all super crisp and classic, with really nice touches like lots of storage and pretty vintage-inspired tile on the floor. The rich wood vanity in the master bathroom (via their carpenter) is such a nice contrast to the white hex floor tiles. The Pottery Barn mirror and silver sconces elevate the entire room, while the colorful rug adds some pattern and warmth (here’s the most similar one I can find).
mirror / sconce / white hex floor tile / similar rug
Carey and I have a theme of buying the same things by accident, so we LOLed when we realized that we both bought this framed dots Target art (she hung it in this bathroom and ours hangs in our dining room). I’m also really into the gray hex floors in here (here’s something similar). And look at all of that storage space! This vanity (also through their carpenter) is approximately 558 times nicer than our own master bathroom, which still boasts two sea-shell-shaped sinks, conveniently separated by a wall (why??? WHY?!?!). The rug in here is a secondhand score from a local consignment place called Revival here in Richmond.
So I hope you guys liked the tour! And a huge thank you to Carey and Jordan for letting us poke around with our camera (and share the pics with the interwebz). If you’re a local and you’d like to renovate a house with them (they help a ton of homebuyers in the area buy older homes and bring them back to life) you can find them here on their reno website. And if you’re looking for a rental property around here, you can get their help on their rental site. Also, if you’re ever lucky enough to meet Carey around town, you have to befriend her because her gumbo is off the chain. Yes, I’m still using that term because I’m a cool suburban mom. But seriously, it’s delicious.
And to everyone who is requesting gift guides and a big ol’ holiday post of our house all decorated, both are on my to-do list, so I hope to be back soon with more holiday goodness! Until then, just try to work “off the chain” into as many sentences as possible. I promise you’ll feel too legit to quit each time.
Psst- If you’d like to check out Carey and Jordan’s House Crashing post from back in Feb, here’s that link for you again (sometimes scrolling back up to the top of the page can be exhausting). 
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post House Crashing: A Rental-Ready Renovation appeared first on Young House Love.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 http://ift.tt/2zZhBD5 via IFTTT
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jayyd0ll · 7 years
House Crashing: A Rental-Ready Renovation
You guys remember our friends Carey and Jordan? We House Crashed them earlier in the year and their mudroom slays me every time I lay eyes on it. Well, we’ve crashed another one of their places – this time it’s a rental home that they recently renovated and furnished. So yes, more eye candy AND more budget friendly tips and ideas to steal for yourself.
rug / round baskets / hooks / rectangle baskets / door color: Poppy by Ben Moore
The rental is a sweet ranch home in the Richmond area that they’re using primarily as a long term furnished rental, but also as a short term Airbnb between renters. It’s full of furniture and accessories from a range of places and price ranges. There are thrift store pieces, HomeGoods finds (like the console table pictured below) and Target accessories (like the gold mirror) mixed in with some elevating pieces, like Restoration Hardware cabinet pulls to make their kitchen look top of the line.
Carey even hunted down a few budget-friendly pieces in some pretty random places – like the rug below that she bought at a steep discount from a local showhouse after the show ended (it’s this rug designed by Justina Blakeney for Loloi actually!). And the awesome marble coffee table and the sectional below are from CB2, but a friend of hers was moving so she bought them from her!
rug  / coffee table / sofa / gold mirror/ foyer light fixture
Some of the coolest things to look at are the before photos, just to see how much this house has changed – especially thanks to simple and inexpensive fixes, like PAINT! This is the same living room as the one above. I know. It’s crazy. The new wall color is Agreeable Gray by Sherwin Williams, which they also carried into the foyer for more of an open feeling.
Here’s a better shot of the foyer where Carey and Jordan repainted the red front door a moody black color (Caviar by Sherwin Williams) and got that cool sculptural pendant from Shades of Light. The little table and lamp are a HomeGoods finds and those cute framed prints over the table are from Etsy by a Richmond-based artist (here’s her shop).
rug / light / art / wall color: SW Agreeable Gray / door color: SW Caviar
And see that view into the freshened up kitchen above? Well, this used to be what you saw through that doorway. I KNOW!!! THEY ARE BASICALLY WIZARDS AND I WANT TO STEAL THEIR WANDS!!!
And now I’m going to really shock you. THOSE ARE THE SAME CABINETS! I repeat: THEY DIDN’T RIP OUT THE CABINETS. They just hired a local carpenter to make new inset doors for them and painted everything Extra White by Sherwin Williams. Can you even believe that?! I’m sorry for shouting at you BUT I CAN’T EVEN GET OVER HOW GOOD THIS LOOKS.
The cabinet hardware is from Restoration Hardware and the glass light over the sink is from Pottery Barn. Those choices, along with the classic subway tile backsplash and the new black granite countertops really updated the room (along with some new stainless appliances). They also laid hardwoods in here to connect to the ones that already existed in a lot of other areas of the house, which really helps with the flow and to keep things feeling open. They even squeezed in a small cafe table that seats four people, which adds some really nice function to the wall across from the sink.
Just gotta hit you with one more before, because I’m still trying to process this right along with you guys.
I MEAN. IT’S MAKING MY FACE CONTORT INTO A CRAZED JOKER SMILE. How cute is it to see those little shelves flanking the window go from old and rustic/country looking to sweet and clean-lined and modern?! The power of paint. Also, the power of removing the swirly header over the sink and switching out that big fluorescent light.
Here’s another kitchen shot from a different angle to show you how the table fits into the mix.
similar rug / similar table / chairs / cabinet hardware / art prints / light over sink
The table is from Target, but it’s no longer made, so here’s a similar one, and the chairs are from Target too, as is the rug (here’s the closest one I could find that they sell now). Carey joked that they must’ve paid someone’s salary at Target this year from all the shopping they’ve done there. Me too, Carey, me too.
Speaking of the rug, it’s actually an outdoor one, which is so smart for under a kitchen table – especially in a rental. Or if you have children who eat like small wild animals (isn’t that all of us, really?). The colorful art on the wall is from Lightbox print company, another local Richmond shop.
But let’s move on to another room transformation. This time it’s the dining room, which was drab and wallpapered and just pretty dingy looking.
Now it’s so fresh and extra crisp (extra crispy? or does that sound too much like a chicken strip?). I love that Carey and Jordan don’t shy away from bold colors (this is Indigo Batik by Sherwin Williams) but they keep them from feeling too overwhelming by tempering them with soothing white curtains from Ikea, that pretty white shade on the chandelier, and the light wood tones in the table and the sideboard, which was a HomeGoods find. The big mirror above the sideboard is also from HomeGoods, and it bounces a ton of extra light around the room, which is also a good tip if you have a dark room or if you use a deep color on the walls – a big mirror can be your friend.
rug / metal chairs / end chairs / table / lamps / chandelier / curtains
Beyond the dining room is a cute little brick-walled room that Carey and Jordan turned into a small office/reading space. The pink chair is such a fun non-neutral choice (you know I like pink…) and that little blue filing cabinet makes me grin like a weirdo at my computer screen. That faux fiddle leaf fig is one of the Target ones I love (WHY DON’T THEY SELL THEM ANYMORE?! WHYYYYYYYY?!). And yes, I’m pretty sure she put that stack of our books out because she knew we were coming over, but man do I love that they match the file cabinet ;)
desk / pink chair / desk chair / file cabinet / similar rug / similar copper table / blue wall: SW North Star
Onto the master bedroom. It was another spot that was looking extremely worn and in need of some love, along with some serious wallpaper removal.
Once again Carey and Jordan went for crisp white trim and bedding to contrast this rich and cozy wall color (Roycroft Pewter by Sherwin Williams). The rug and the bench at the foot of the bed (found at HomeGoods) add so much coziness, and the white pin-tuck bedding is from West Elm. The night stands are from Crate & Barrel, and the mercury-glass lamps, headboard and little black & white bolster pillow are all from Target.
headboard / white bedding / night stands / black & white pillow / rug / bench: HomeGoods
The bathrooms are all super crisp and classic, with really nice touches like lots of storage and pretty vintage-inspired tile on the floor. The rich wood vanity in the master bathroom (via their carpenter) is such a nice contrast to the white hex floor tiles. The Pottery Barn mirror and silver sconces elevate the entire room, while the colorful rug adds some pattern and warmth (here’s the most similar one I can find).
mirror / sconce / white hex floor tile / similar rug
Carey and I have a theme of buying the same things by accident, so we LOLed when we realized that we both bought this framed dots Target art (she hung it in this bathroom and ours hangs in our dining room). I’m also really into the gray hex floors in here (here’s something similar). And look at all of that storage space! This vanity (also through their carpenter) is approximately 558 times nicer than our own master bathroom, which still boasts two sea-shell-shaped sinks, conveniently separated by a wall (why??? WHY?!?!). The rug in here is a secondhand score from a local consignment place called Revival here in Richmond.
So I hope you guys liked the tour! And a huge thank you to Carey and Jordan for letting us poke around with our camera (and share the pics with the interwebz). If you’re a local and you’d like to renovate a house with them (they help a ton of homebuyers in the area buy older homes and bring them back to life) you can find them here on their reno website. And if you’re looking for a rental property around here, you can get their help on their rental site. Also, if you’re ever lucky enough to meet Carey around town, you have to befriend her because her gumbo is off the chain. Yes, I’m still using that term because I’m a cool suburban mom. But seriously, it’s delicious.
And to everyone who is requesting gift guides and a big ol’ holiday post of our house all decorated, both are on my to-do list, so I hope to be back soon with more holiday goodness! Until then, just try to work “off the chain” into as many sentences as possible. I promise you’ll feel too legit to quit each time.
Psst- If you’d like to check out Carey and Jordan’s House Crashing post from back in Feb, here’s that link for you again (sometimes scrolling back up to the top of the page can be exhausting). 
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post House Crashing: A Rental-Ready Renovation appeared first on Young House Love.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 http://ift.tt/2zZhBD5 via IFTTT
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