#and a television. interior brick walls
kittycatfailcat · 2 years
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Enclosed (Atlanta)
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tonksnymphdora · 2 years
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Bridgeport Living Room
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theamazingtutorials · 2 years
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Open in San Francisco
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cest-vogue · 2 years
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Beach Style Living Room in New York
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rinaedin · 2 years
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Family Room - Contemporary Family Room
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singlesablog · 1 year
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“Magic” (1980) Olivia Newton-John MCA Records (Written by John Farrar) Highest U.S. Billboard Chart Position – No. 1
ONJ, queen of the echo, absolutely stole my heart the 4 weeks this was No. 1 on the top 40 charts for all of August, but I am sure it went on long after, because I vividly remember running home from 9th grade to wait by our giant television stereo console—6 feet long, in walnut—to hear it hauntingly waft over FM radio one more time and once again fuel my dreams.  The strings, the guitars, the little bit of ELO-like synthetic thing happening with the voices behind her, and yes, an echo on her voice to make Phil Spector weep, it was and is one of the greatest singles ever.  For certain it was one of the gayest.
The big push behind the Xanadu soundtrack was that one half of the LP was Olivia (and I know now her genius producer and songwriter John Farrar) and the other half a then riding-high ELO (Electric Light Orchestra).  Now ELO will show up here again; in the mid-70s the band produced Beatle-esque pop songs I adored, but at this stage I felt the singles were starting to verge on bombast (“All Over The World”, “I’m Alive”,  and “Xanadu”—which is possibly even more camp than the movie, and a famous flop—were the hit singles by ELO).  I also felt that the gorgeous things on her side of the record were rather sneered at as Top 40 pap, even though if you were to turn on any 80s station today it would be clear that the lasting hit from the soundtrack is “Magic”, and that you would be very hard pressed to hear “All Over The World” ever in your life again.   But no one is prepared to admit that, even though neither artists where ever considered cool, then or today.
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The Pan Pacific Auditorium, built in L.A. in 1935 and used as an exterior for the motion picture Xanadu (1980).
I actually loved the movie, and ran home eagerly right after to make paintings inspired by the Los Angeles/Art Deco fantasia it presented, plus Olivia’s hair and clothes, which were peak that year.  All of the songs on Side ONJ (the album, which I am looking at, actually says ELO side and ONJ side!) were the really dreamy ones, and included two underrated ballads, “Suddenly”, her duet with Cliff Richard (Billboard No. 20) and “Suspended in Time”, another pyramid of echo.  But none of them could touch the hem of “Magic”, where the planets aligned so rare, and there were promises in the air, and she’d bring all your dreams alive…. for you.  
Well, me.  Especially me.
“Magic” 1980’s third biggest seller, was right behind Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in The Wall” and behind the no. 1 of the year, Blondie’s “Call Me”, the theme song to the motion picture American Gigolo, starring Richard Gere, written by Giorgio Moroder with lyrics by Deborah Harry (based on her impressions of the movie).  Gigolo, a film about a straight hustler in Armani clothes who works for a gay pimp, is one of the true style representations for the L.A. of 1979/80 (a feast for the eyes in terms of fashion and West Coast interior design), signaling both the extreme 70s feel of the movie, alongside the more Euro-centric eye toward the clothes and modernism that would define the first half of the 1980s that lie ahead.  It would be a Los Angeles/Art Deco fantasia of a very different and darker attitude.
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As a further aside, Gere’s hustler character in the film was named "Julian", which was soon to be borrowed for the drug dealing character Julian in Bret Easton Ellis’ classic dystopian novel Less Than Zero (1983), leading to a vision of L.A. even darker still.
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zebee-nyx · 10 months
CalmWriMo Day 27
Half of my sleep felt more like half awake tv static than blank screen [as it should be] last night. So brain=hemorrhaging braincells this eve. ('>v<) Anywho, wasn't a busy day at work today and I managed to get some good progress on the things today. Which among the things is today's blurb! Which came out pretty well, if I do say so myself. And I do say so! (>v<) [y'see that? there it goes... my last braincell lol]
2 Hour Writing Goal: ✅
Blurb: [see below]
Self Care:
Food: ✅
Hydration: ❌ [whoops, forgot the translucent life sustaining fluid exists (0^0) was a bit too zoned]
Sleep: ❌
Reading: ✅
Blurb: Housing / Architecture
Rarely scattered across the Undercity. They are usually single or two story brick buildings that were once homes or businesses before the Great Collapse. Now they exist as relics of the past buried under the unregulated construction of the Undercity. Usually found in back alleys as oddities and landmarks. Some of them still have windows, although whether or not they were shattered varies.
Undercity Prefab Apartments
There are two primary types of prefabricated apartments in the Undercity. The first takes it's metabolist inspiration to the greatest extreme with modular capsule rooms. Each capsule is a simple empty box roughly 8ft by 12ft in size. These are the most common, being brought in with aircranes and installed onto, well basically anywhere that it won't immediately collapse. While they all have the same basic set up, the use of space varies greatly between occupants. The second type is somewhat larger with two rooms, a mixed living area and a private bathroom. These are manufactured in several parts that can easily be transported either by a aircrane or truck to site before being assembled on location. The basic interiors are more diverse with optional bed inlets and built in vending machines among other things. They also have a few different layouts that honestly just shifts where the bathroom divides the other spaces. While water isn't necessarily a rarity, decent working plumbing often is. As such about half of these apartment bathrooms in service work more as storage closets than anything else. Due to the chaotic nature of the Undercity it isn't uncommon for walls to be cut open across several apartments to better serve the needs of small local businesses, bunkhouses, or anything else people decide to build. Also it isn't uncommon for completely random structures to be made between prefabricated buildings out of whatever scrap happens to be available. Random pipes and cables running along the walls or roofs of hallways leading towards more in-structure apartments is normal. Rooms along alleys or streets usually get their utilities directly through the wall.
Midcity Apartments
Like the Undercity most of the Midcity's apartments, at least above the first few stories, are prefabricated. However, in the Midcity they usually are larger and have a more comfortable living spaces and at least one distinct bedroom. Typically the basic utilities are better maintained allowing more access to operational bathrooms, kitchens, and stationary entertainment such as televisions. Apartments in the Midcity are often built atop old retrofitted buildings that are mostly street level shops, restaurants, or other businesses.
Uppercity Luxury Apartments
The luxury apartments of the Uppercity is about what one would expect. Spacious interiors high above the rest of the city with staff or security at the simple press of a button. Usually there is one wall that has a dedicated wide screen that can simulate a curated view of the city, nature environments, or even play video media within smaller windows. Unlike nearly anywhere else in the city apartments in the Uppercity have real wooden floors. It also isn't rare for there to be a potted plant or small garden in the apartment to truly express the tenant's wealth. Amenities such as a spa, pool, and gym are usually only a brief elevator ride away. While some are equipped with kitchens for those who prefer to cook for themselves or have a personal chef, most apartments are simply equipped with an advanced vending machine that can be programmed to prepare most meals. Beyond that the only limits is the tenant's desires and space available. The result is often limited to clean modern looking spaces, however the more eccentric individuals tend to have truly unique homes. Somewhat ironically the exteriors of the majority of these buildings contrast greatly with the interiors as they often appear as little more than massive minimally featured blocks. That is aside from prime street level viewing space of these skyscrapers which are of course covered with the colorful glowing lights of advertising and art.
[Technically there is also nomad buildings, but basically just glorified rvs made literal "mobile" homes. Which may end up time’s blurb if I don’t think of anything else... Also junkyards architecture which is, well, basically garbage slapped together into shacks. ('^.^) So, uh... Anyways and always, hope that you had a lovely day, peace (ZvZ)v]
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lastconcourse · 2 years
Deluxe Demonic January
An unstageable stage play for objects and words
Regiondirect→ View from stage center:
A lower-middleclass living room: Interior from the 1990s, decaying. The walls are white with brown wood trim, the dining table is in a niche standing on a tile floor at middle. There are three windows, two with shuttered plastic Venetian blinds at stage middle (behind and above the table) and one at right, over the sink, that lets the readers see out onto fresh snow falling on a wet wooden deck. It is January, the funniest month of the year. Right, a television is emanating sounds of interesting news reports from the living room. A fireplace is at left. There are no Christmas decorations.
(Fireplace hearth, fireplace logs, firepokers, vacuum cleaner, dinner table, framed family portraits, Venetian blinds, kitchen sink, microwave, stove, pans and pots, closet door, bowls, silverware, plates,)
Stage left to right:
The hook of a gantry crane lifts a cauldron of hot chicken soup off of the stove and moves it through the foundry-kitchen over to a table where three white ceramic bowls eagerly open and close their lids like shells of clams. The heavy greasy chains holding up the cauldron begin to lower with a sound of an engine humming up in the darkness where there is no ceiling. The ceramiclams receive the hot soup.
Once the bowls are full the cauldron lifts up again and starts to slide back into the kitchen, but then something bizarre happens: A standing lamp invades the cauldron’s space suddenly, rudely, and the gantry tries to avoid a collision: it’s too late. The lamp is steadfast standing where it shouldn’t be and the cauldron crashes into it spilling hot soup on the kitchen floor; so hot the tiles melt: and the greasy chains tangle on the lamp and the lamp refuses to move, and the cauldronchains are wrapping around it and the soup is spilling and burning through the floor like acid and the floor tiles retreat away by sections, like slime mold. The gantry curses the lamp. And the lamp shade is soup stained. Dumped soup floods. Sound of the cauldron dropped. Backsplash of chicken fluid. The cabinets have a panic attack. The cabinets are sure that they are dying now→in any moment their feelings and terrors will end, and they will stop thinking. Gross spilled soup deluge eats away and sets fire to floor, walls, and drains out around the fireplace bricks. The bowlclams are unconcerned.
Lamp tumbles over like a tree that is felled. A comet made of stacked together credit cards is going through space with a tail of paper receipts trailing, it enters from stage left to stage right on a long orbit, then impacts the burning floor, flinging millions of plastic cards and paper strips outward, which settle in the burning slime mold and combust: as brimstone in the lava: Hell is this kitchen room scene this January.
FallenLamp: I only wanted to light your world. I only wanted to show you the way.
Cauldron: You ruined their dinner.
A train of seven shopping carts enters on a railroad coming from stage right: The first cart is full of billiard balls, and a trapdoor opens right in the cage of the cart spilling out the billiard balls which go rolling like boulders, crashing into the burntframe exposed-acid-eaten wounds in drywall faces of remaining kitchen walls. A pair of hands wearing gardening gloves crashes through the windows above the eating table, they snatch the ceramic bowls full of soup then whisk them out of the room.
Billiard balls roll into molten tiles and crack apart from the heat: Multicolor dust in the conflagration, the remainders of the balls melt into the heated slurry of receiptink and cardjuice. The running colors from all the melted plastics together, combined with the burnt-back floor tiles, resembles condiments swirling on a burger patty. This swirl of melt runs down the incline of the kitchen floor and pools in a metal mold at lower stage right. It cools and dries there, the mold is a skull-shaped mold: All the melted plastic dries as a skull. This skull is red, yellow, blue, white, and black. This makes the first skull.
Billiard Balls Credit Cards Paper Receipts Floor Tiles
Bulliard Bealls Cradit Carlds Papor Reeceipts Floongr Tipes
Bullid Beadls Crawdit Carlps Panorse Reeceith Floonguer Tip E
Skbull Bhead Crjaw Calp Panose Reeith Flonguer Lip Ea
Skull head rjaw scalp anose Teeith Tlonguer Lips Ear
Skull Head Jaw Scalp Nose Teeth Tongue Lips Ears
Regiondirect: At Stage Left:
A sentient wheelbarrow with an architect’s lamp neck wielding an electrified knife rolls in from the living room and stabs into a cabinet door. The door ignites. Tires splash the chicken soup: All the cabinet doors open and bang closed and open and bang closed and open and bang closed and open and bang closed like a video of a poltergeist attack.
Regiondirect: Bulldozers made out of frozen soap and water→
Wet fabric from the lampshade is shoveled into a cooking tray by a small bulldozer and with some receipts + credit cards dropped on top for good measure, the tray is loaded into the oven and baked. Once all the plastic and fabric has been burnt to a crisp it is taken out+crushed up, mixed with glue and poured into two long molds along with some metal bolts, nuts, and washers. This fabripaperlastic +metal concoction dries in the molds: The molds are both arm shaped. All the metal settles into the middle of the mix: mid|fabric on bottom → slurry on top. And when it dries, it becomes two polymer human arms: This is the first pair of arms.
Lampshade Fabric Paper Receipts Credit Cards Bolts Nuts Washers Glue
Lompshaude Fabrice Paperm Roceipts Credist Cerd Boclets Nouts Walshers Gluers
Lomphauder Fabricep F Papearm wRoceists Crederves Bousclets Endouts Walmsher Gliers
Lompulder Fabicep Fe Porpearm wroceist Rederves Mousclets Tendouts Walm Glingers
Loumlder FaBicep Fem Porearm Wroeist Nederves Musclets Tendouns pWalm Flingers
Sloumlder aBicep Femu Forearm Wreist Nerves Muscles p Tendons palm fingers
Shoumlder Bicep Femur Forearm Wrist Nerves Muscles Tendons palm Fingers
Shoulder Bicep Femur Forearm Wrist Nerves Muscles Tendons Palm Fingers
The first pair of arms is transported in a boxcar on an oval railroad track that crosses from stage middle to stage left.
The arms are dropped in the doorway to the living room.
From the fire: The kitchen wall collapses and the backdrop is now a moving picture projection of an overflowing mailbox having more and more junk mail jammed in.
Wood flakes off doors drenched in mud,→ mud tire-flung,
into Third of Seven metal cart that
Rolls in a chain: ‘Cross where does dishwater drain,
Bubbled soap plus limpid soup spilled up ↑
broken-in cabinetwood: Fireplace speech:
FireplaceHearth: I wanted to give my family a place to put heirlooms and childhood photos
Instead I sit here, my heart unlit,
watching the house that holds me be consumed by fire.
DinnerTable: And I meant to host celebrations, and meant to give mother a place to eat beside father and children,
Instead the meals are taken from my surface by fights,
and I rot wet in a puddle of ruined dinner.
Lamp: and Lamps are meant to light the pages of books, instead; here I drown in ridiculous soup.
DinnerTable: Damn you to hell, anybody who stands in the way of a parent having nightly dinners with their own children. Damn the late hours, and the deluge of junkmail and infesting trash!
KitchenStove: Come on dude, it wasn’t that severe.
KitchenSink: He’s always this melodramatic. Yawn.
KitchenToaster: That’s what he calls ‘real problems?’ Hah!
The shoppingcart train pulls up on the track section parallel to the felled+shadeless lamp, and the third shoppingcart opens up a door: a metal monorail track unfolds downward the side of the cart and a chainsaw descends it: then a bone-duplicator slides down after it. The pole of the lamp is sawed in two and the duplicator clones both the pieces (the duplicator uses the intelligence of light sensitive bacteria inside a tank to scan an object.) Now the four pieces of metal post are turned into bones for humanoid legs. A hinged panel lifts off of the floor, there’s a dim tungsten light on in the dark space under. Two blocky mechanical limbs come out. One ends with a bucket of plaster on a carrier, the other has a trowel and a bundle of metal straps. First arm coats the posts then the second wraps the straps→On the quickly drying loose wet. And this makes the first pair of legs. An offroad forklift with a red metal birdhouse for a chassis+lawnmower wheels drives in and lifts the legs onto a vehicle on a separate train track which sends them fast over burning carpet into the living room. The legs stand up and angrily kick over the television. Now the screen breaks. So mad, not being the center of attention. Five big reflective, Crystalline panes, snowed over and behind with shattered glass dust; piled on the black plastic and reflecting throughout with ceiling light; like a microcosm landfill of oil and ice, are placed on a rail cart→launched out of the living room, sky high to the far upward corner of the kitchen; exploding against the corner, dropping in the fire: Melting on the wood.
Kick→Widescreen Television
Kick→ pWidescreen Televasion
kicle Piledscreen→Televassiron
Kile PileSheen Televass→wiron
Pile Pile Shaeern Telegass Wireon→
Pile Sharn Teeglass→Wireson
Pile Shards→Glass Wires on
Pile of glass shards + wires
(Regioneditor note: Bone-Duplicator; a leathercoated steel box with a fifteen-fold nested circuit of twenty thousand monorail tracks with small army-green robot arms on carts driving around→and injecting→fluid metal and hot glue onto a projected hologram of an image that has been photographed using light sensitive bacteria who have assembled on a matrix and secreted orange ink to project an image negative after the flash was flashed.)
Lamp Pole Metal Straps Plaster
Lhamp Poele Metalve Sotraps Plastoer
Lhiamp Poeel M’cetalve Sootrap Plastoes
thiamp kn’Poeel M’ectalve footra Plastoes
thihp ‘knoeel M’ecalve footr asToes
Thighp Kneel M’calve Foot sToes→
Thigh Knee Calve Foot Toes
SpilledSoup: Sgilrlloguloulioulllfssgllrroggloglloouogluguogloil
KitchenTiles: I have been burnt, drowned, and shoveled in that order. Never again will I be kitchen tiles.
The skull, arms, and legs, all wiggle on the floor a moment, like magnets spun by an unseen attracting force, then they drag towards each other and coalesce into a body, and the body begins to rise.
SpilledSoup: oiloulluuglopgriloglgrlggllsscchhffmmooiillllsslcch
And the body starts walking
The mailbox is blown over by record storm winds, then the millions of pieces of junk mail blow down the neighborhood road into all of the green pristine front yards of all the houses and are skyward swept into a massive whip tornado of white envelopes and spilled coupons.
And the body sits in a horseless carriage shaped like a skull. Sitting in the mind. A camera sees the nightmare unfold.
All of the kitchen set rotates 180 hilarious degrees on a carousel. On the backside of the stage is a a microfilm screen showing a dark blue tinted picture of a suburban house/front porch and door + an obituary underneath + a hospital bed. A tape recorder plays an apology then is violently jerked off the stage by a cane.
The word “Dinner” Turns into a six wheeled carriage with a pneumatic limb on the end:
The two n’s duplicate → that makes four n’s → the n’s are bent and stretch into O-hoop shapes, these are rims
the lowercase-e’s enter the centers of the O-shapes and turn into spokes,
so that makes four O-e Hoop/spoke wheels
the lowercase-i turns on its side and makes a base chassis/frame, the D goes on top of it as a canopy
then the lowercase-r grows joints in three places→ that is Shoulder;Elbow;Wrist
S-E-W lets the r-limb bend like a human arm:
n=wheels e=spokes i=chassis d=canopy r=arm
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ultraheydudemestuff · 25 days
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Mueller Electric Company Building (Mueller Lofts Apartments)
1587 E. 31st St.
Cleveland, OH
The Mueller Electric Company Building is located at 1587 East 31st Street in Cleveland, Ohio. The two-story Commercial-style building was designed by The George S. Rider Co. The central section was originally erected in 1922, and consisted of steel post-and-beam and red brick building. It was 63 feet deep and 94 feet long (five bays wide). A 1925 addition added a second story to the one-story manufacturing space at the rear and to the south. A one-story addition was added to the north side of the building in 1936. A second story was added to the rear and a three-car garage against the south addition in 1946. A wrap-around one-story addition was added in 1956, and a story added to this in 1962. Another two-story addition was made to the north end in 1964, and second stories to the 1956 and 1962 southern portions in 1972. A final two-story addition was made to the north end in 1976. The interior space reflects an open industrial plan, with painted masonry walls and exposed structure.
Ralph S. Mueller invented the alligator clip, a spring-loaded metal clip with jaws resembling alligator's mouth and teeth. As markets for electricity expanded in the 1930s so did the applications for use of alligator clips, beginning with telephone line testing, then automobile starters; ham radio operation; jumper cables; televisions; toys; household appliances; grounding to drain static from auto tank trucks; airplanes; during surgeries using anesthetic; military ships to avoid magnetic mine detection; electric fences; space satellites and more. The assembly department was run by 48 women who could assemble over 85,000 clips per day. Today, the alligator clip is an indispensable and commonly used device in the testing and repair of electronics and charging of batteries and electronics.
The 1922 Mueller Electric Building was one of the last neighborhood-scale factories. The Mueller Electric company manufactured the iconic “Alligator Clip” that is still used in jumper cables and electronics worldwide. The simple and ingenious alligator clip became a success with broad application, built on the rise of electric power, Cleveland as a manufacturing center, and the talents of Ralph S. Mueller, known as the “Skipper of the Clipper.” In 2011, long after its heyday from 1950s to the 1970s, the company was sold to the Desco Corporation in Akron, Ohio where it continued to operate as the Mueller Electric Company. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on February 23, 2016. Mueller Lofts is the historic restoration of the 1922 Mueller Electric Building from an electric parts factory into 51 modern apartments with character of every size in the heart of Cleveland's AsiaTown.
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fgdfsay · 2 months
The Versatility and Benefits of ABS Plastic Sheets: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction to ABS Plastic Sheets:
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) plastic sheets have become a staple in various industries due to their exceptional properties and versatility. These sheets are renowned for their durability, impact resistance, and ease of fabrication, making them ideal for a wide range of applications. This comprehensive guide delves into the characteristics, benefits, and diverse uses of ABS plastic sheets, showcasing why they are a preferred material in numerous fields.
What is ABS Plastic?
ABS is a thermoplastic polymer composed of three monomers: acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene. Each component contributes specific properties to the final material:
Acrylonitrile provides chemical resistance and heat stability.
Butadiene adds toughness and impact resistance.
Styrene offers rigidity and ease of processing.
The combination of these monomers results in a material that is not only strong and durable but also lightweight and easily moldable, making ABS plastic sheets an excellent choice for many applications.
Key Properties of ABS Plastic Sheets
1. Durability:
ABS plastic sheets 4x8 are highly durable, with excellent impact resistance. This makes them suitable for applications where the material needs to withstand rough handling or potential collisions.
2. Ease of Fabrication:
ABS sheets can be easily cut, machined, drilled, and thermoformed. This versatility in fabrication allows for the creation of complex shapes and structures without compromising the material's integrity.
3. Chemical Resistance:
The presence of acrylonitrile in ABS provides good resistance to various chemicals, making it suitable for applications that involve exposure to corrosive substances.
4. Thermal Stability:
ABS can maintain its properties over a wide temperature range, making it suitable for both high and low-temperature environments. It has a glass transition temperature of approximately 105°C (221°F).
5. Aesthetic Appeal:
ABS plastic sheets are available in a variety of colors and finishes. They can be produced with a high gloss, matte, or textured surface, allowing for aesthetic customization in end products.
6. Cost-Effectiveness:
Compared to other engineering plastics, ABS is relatively inexpensive, offering a cost-effective solution for a wide range of applications.
Applications of ABS Plastic Sheets
Due to their advantageous properties, ABS plastic sheets are used in various industries. Here are some notable applications:
1. Automotive Industry:
4 x 8 ABS sheets are extensively used in the automotive sector for manufacturing dashboards, interior trim components, and exterior parts like mirror housings and grilles. The material's impact resistance and aesthetic flexibility make it ideal for these applications.
2. Consumer Electronics:
ABS is a popular choice for the casings of electronic devices, such as computers, printers, and televisions. Its durability protects the delicate internal components, while its ease of molding allows for sleek and attractive designs.
3. Building and Construction:
In the construction industry, ABS sheets are used for applications such as wall panels, piping, and sanitary ware. Their resistance to chemicals and moisture makes them suitable for harsh environments.
4. Medical Devices:
ABS is used in the medical field for making equipment housings, trays, and handles. Its ability to be sterilized and its resistance to various chemicals are significant advantages in this sector.
5. 3D Printing:
ABS plastic is one of the most commonly used materials in 3D printing due to its strength and flexibility. It allows for the creation of durable prototypes and end-use products.
6. Toys and Recreational Products:
The toy industry relies heavily on ABS plastic for products like LEGO bricks. The material's safety, durability, and ease of coloring are crucial for these applications.
Benefits of Using ABS Plastic Sheets
1. Enhanced Safety:
The impact resistance of ABS sheets reduces the risk of damage and injury, making them a safer choice for applications that require high durability.
2. Design Flexibility:
ABS sheets can be easily manipulated into various shapes and sizes, offering designers the freedom to create innovative and functional products.
3. Long Lifespan:
The robust nature of ABS ensures that products made from this material have a long service life, even under challenging conditions.
4. Environmental Resistance:
ABS plastic is resistant to water, chemicals, and other environmental factors, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
5. Cost Savings:
The relatively low cost of ABS plastic sheets compared to other materials allows for significant cost savings in manufacturing and production.
6. Ease of Maintenance:
Products made from ABS are easy to clean and maintain, which is an important consideration in sectors like healthcare and consumer electronics.
ABS plastic sheets have proven to be an invaluable material across a wide range of industries due to their unique combination of properties. Their durability, impact resistance, and versatility in fabrication make them an ideal choice for applications from automotive parts to consumer electronics and beyond. As industries continue to innovate and demand high-performance materials, ABS plastic sheets will undoubtedly remain a crucial component in the development of durable, cost-effective, and aesthetically pleasing products.
Understanding the versatility and benefits of ABS sheet manufacture and designers to make informed decisions, leveraging the material's strengths to enhance product quality and performance. Whether in everyday household items or complex industrial applications, ABS plastic sheets offer reliability and efficiency, cementing their place as a fundamental material in modern manufacturing.
1. What are the primary characteristics of ABS plastic sheets?
ABS plastic sheets are known for their durability, impact resistance, and ease of fabrication. They possess a unique combination of properties due to the blend of acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene:
Durability: ABS sheets are highly durable and can withstand significant impact without cracking or breaking.
Fabrication Ease: They are easy to cut, machine, drill, and thermoform, making them versatile for various applications.
Chemical Resistance: ABS is resistant to many chemicals, making it suitable for environments where exposure to corrosive substances is likely.
Thermal Stability: ABS can maintain its properties across a wide temperature range, which is beneficial for both high and low-temperature applications.
Aesthetic Flexibility: Available in a variety of colors and finishes, ABS sheets can be customized to meet aesthetic requirements.
2. What are the common applications of ABS plastic sheets?
ABS plastic sheets are used in a variety of industries due to their advantageous properties:
Automotive Industry: Used for dashboards, interior trim, and exterior parts like mirror housings and grilles.
Consumer Electronics: Utilized for the casings of electronic devices, such as computers, printers, and televisions.
Building and Construction: Applied in wall panels, piping, and sanitary ware due to their resistance to chemicals and moisture.
Medical Devices: Used for equipment housings, trays, and handles, thanks to their sterilizability and chemical resistance.
3D Printing: Preferred material for creating durable prototypes and end-use products.
Toys and Recreational Products: Commonly used in toys like LEGO bricks due to their safety, durability, and ease of coloring.
3. How do ABS plastic sheets compare to other types of plastic?
ABS plastic sheets offer a balance of properties that make them highly versatile:
Versatility: They combine durability, impact resistance, and ease of fabrication, which is not always the case with other plastics.
Cost-Effectiveness: ABS is relatively inexpensive compared to other engineering plastics, providing a cost-effective solution for many applications.
Aesthetic Options: The ability to produce ABS in various colors and finishes sets it apart from some other plastics that may have limited customization options.
Chemical and Thermal Resistance: ABS offers good chemical and thermal resistance, making it suitable for diverse environments, which is a significant advantage over some other plastics.
4. Are ABS plastic sheets environmentally friendly?
ABS plastic is a thermoplastic, which means it can be recycled. However, its environmental impact depends on how it is used and disposed of:
Recyclability: ABS can be recycled, reducing its environmental footprint compared to non-recyclable materials.
Lifecycle: Products made from ABS have a long lifespan, which can contribute to reduced waste over time.
Disposal: Proper disposal and recycling of ABS products are crucial to minimizing environmental impact. When not recycled, ABS can contribute to plastic waste issues.
5. What are the limitations of ABS plastic sheets?
While ABS plastic sheets offer many benefits, they also have some limitations:
UV Sensitivity: ABS is susceptible to degradation when exposed to UV light for prolonged periods, which can limit its use in outdoor applications without UV stabilizers.
Flammability: ABS is flammable and may require flame retardants for certain applications to enhance its fire resistance.
Chemical Resistance: Although resistant to many chemicals, ABS can be attacked by certain solvents and oils, which should be considered in chemical-heavy environments.
Environmental Concerns: Like many plastics, ABS can contribute to environmental pollution if not properly managed and recycled.
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becoration · 6 months
Ideas for original living room wall decoration.
Post has been published on becoration
Ideas for original living room wall decoration.
The living room is one of the main rooms in a house. It is where the members of the household gather, but also family and friends. So, how about we give you some ideas for original living room wall decor?
We know that living rooms have at least two walls if they are open concept, three if they are semi-open, and four if they are closed. But what to do with those walls beyond filling them with paintings or furniture? Here are some interesting ideas for you. Take note.
Paint an accent wall
Let’s start with a resource that interior designers use a lot. It’s about painting only one of the walls with a color different from the rest to make it stand out. It is one of the original living room wall decor ideas we propose because the result is quite striking.
For example, imagine you have a living room that you want to paint in a light yellow tone. However, one of the walls, especially the most important one, instead of that muted tone, you can use a stronger yellow. It will stand out, yes, but the result is very good.
A little trick to know if it will combine well or not is to choose one or two shades above the main color of the other walls.
Of course, you’re not going to paint them all in that tone, just one, which will be where the most attention is paid (the area where the television, fireplace, etc., are).
Use vinyls
Instead of paintings, it is increasingly common to use vinyls to decorate walls. Specifically for original living room wall decor, it is best to use large vinyls, as long as the wall is, of course. But with one, in the center, you can give complete decoration to that area.
Another option is to use smaller vinyls, as if you were creating a small scene with them that complements each other.
Mural shelving
Another idea that we have for original living room wall decor is to use shelving. But be careful, not a normal one, but one with a different design. For example, a round shelf where the shelves are slightly curved, with enough inclination so they don’t look straight, and play a little with the angles. In addition, intricate doors could be added with a design so that, when closed, it looks like a motif that matches the colors of the objects stored inside.
And when opened, those doors can decorate the same wall with that floral or patterned design.
While we mentioned earlier that one way to decorate an original living room wall was to paint it a different color, now we go a step further, and that is to use wallpaper to make it stand out even more.
You can opt for more traditional wallpaper decorations or for other slightly more original ones, such as using paper that mimics wood slats, stone, brick…
A mirror
One of the common accessories in homes is mirrors, although not so much in living rooms. However, when they are small, placing a mirror as part of the original living room wall decor can be a good choice because the sunlight will shine on the glass and visually make it appear larger than it actually is.
In fact, it is one of the tricks of interior designers to achieve more spaciousness and it is something that can be used in living rooms, hallways, bathrooms, bedrooms…
Specifically, we suggest you install a vertical garden. In addition to having something green in your living room, you will also enjoy taking care of living beings.
Before you discard it, be aware that vertical gardens do not have to be difficult to care for, or install. And much less, if done right, it will not cause the house to be affected by dampness or mold. You just have to research how to install it properly to avoid those problems.
Another option in case you don’t want a vertical garden is to place some shelves and put pots all over the wall so that you create an ecosystem inside your living room. However, in this case, while it can be on the main wall, it looks much better if you do it on a secondary one because this way you avoid the attention always going to this point and you have it more as a resource, not as the main focus. But it can be interesting as part of the original living room wall decor, even combining the rest of the walls with touches of plants.
As you can see, there are many options for original living room wall decor. Would you dare to try any of them? Can you think of another way to make the living room stand out? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.
Source: MiMub in Spanish
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clemeence · 1 year
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Beach Style Living Room - Living Room Interior design for a medium-sized coastal living room with white walls, a brick fireplace, a standard fireplace, and a wall-mounted television.
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homeimgs · 1 year
Barn House in Australia: A Stunning Contemporary Barn Inspired Home
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This home in Sydney, Australia, has been designed for a young family that wanted a home that would be robust and persevere the wear of everyday life.
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The design of the home, which is located on a triangular shaped lot, was a collaboration between the home owner, the design team from Clayton Orszaczky, and the builder, Robert Plumb Project.
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From the street, the house may appear dark because of its color but it is surprisingly bright and open on the inside. The interior is like the exact contrast of the exterior. What you can see here is a comfy looking chair with an ottoman. On the wall is a wooden shelf that has blue colors in it.
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Using a palette of recycled brick, brass, internal timber lining boards, solid timber, and rough sawn tactile cladding reminiscent of shou sugi ban, the home has a contemporary and warm feeling to it.
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The clients ideas originated from photos of the simple timber hipped roof structures seen in the landscape of Greenland and evolved to absorb influences from traditional Japanese timber architecture and the iconic forms of barn architecture. Read Also: Hupomone Ranch: A Beautiful Contemporary Barn House in California
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Inside the home, the interiors have been designed by Romaine Alwill of Alwill Interiors. The living area, dining and kitchen all share the same space that’s open to the backyard. A built in fireplace and television make for a cozy living room, and when it gets too sunny, curtains can be drawn to provide shade.
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As with many Australian homes, indoor/outdoor living is often included in the design, and in this home they have achieved this by having a sliding doors next to the dining table that open directly to the landscaped backyard, designed by William Dangar and Associates. There’s also a BBQ area for cooking outside.
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There’s also an area for working, that’s large enough for two people to work side by side.
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In the kitchen, the island has exposed storage and an overhang makes it possible for people to sit at while helping with food prep.
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Upstairs, there’s a lounge area where you can see the barn influence, with exposed beams, a pitched roof and skylights.
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The home owner also wanted barn doors on exposed tracks, brass fixtures, and textured surfaces, which you can see have been included in these next photos.
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In the bathroom, white walls and ceilings make the brass accents and black cabinetry stand out. A skylight provides plenty of natural light to the space.
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In the second bathroom the color palette is the same as the first bathroom, and a bath has been added to the space.
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Custom built-in cabinetry makes the most of the space, and a small desk is perfect for homework.
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Back outside, here’s a view of the side of the home where you can see that the windows are surrounded by timber shadow rails and screens, and the fence is a combination of wood and bricks to match the home.
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On the other side of the home is the garage, surrounded by recycled brick. Who would think that a contemporary barn can actually look this beautiful? This is indeed an amazing project by Clayton Orszaczky who managed to come up with a gorgeous home with a contemporary barn style. You can see that everything in the house is well arranged and it used furniture and decors that fit to the desires of the client. You can also see that it has a nice outdoor surrounding and it would really be good to look at it while inside the house through glass windows. Aside from that, it also used various materials from wood, glass, to bricks. Such a nice home, right? Read the full article
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violetdiary · 1 year
Enclosed - Beach Style Living Room
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Interior design for a medium-sized coastal living room with white walls, a brick fireplace, a standard fireplace, and a wall-mounted television.
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pinersongs · 2 years
Moca adapter setup
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MoCA adapters aren’t compatible with all types of home networks. There’s one other reason you might want to use a mesh router instead. For example, in the large ranch home we mentioned earlier, it could cover a lot of square footage. That said, there are some situations where a mesh network can work just fine. They’re considerably less useful when you’re in a house with a bunch of obstacles. When they’re used in large, open commercial spaces, there aren’t a whole lot of things in the way. There’s going to be latency, whether you’re on a mesh network or a standard one.Īnother reason mesh systems aren’t always ideal is that they’re still subject to obstacles like walls. You’ll still be dealing with the same fundamental issue as any other WiFi router: the nature of the signal itself. In that case, a mesh WiFi router isn’t going to help you. However, there are a couple of reasons that mesh routers aren’t always the best solution for residential purposes.įor one thing, you may be a gamer, or may have other needs that require low latency. This is a particularly popular solution for offices and other commercial spaces. By using multiple overlapping units, the mesh router extends your range significantly. A mesh network consists of two or more router units that serve as part of the same network. This makes them fast enough for all of your streaming needs.Ī mesh WiFi system is an alternative way of expanding your network’s range. And new MoCA 2.5 technology allows for speeds as high as 2.5Gbps. This means you can get a high-quality, wired signal just about anywhere in your home. More importantly, you can do this without interfering with your TV’s existing signal.
If you have a wall jack with a TV in your bedroom or office, you can convert it into an internet cable. MoCA technology, on the other hand, allows you to transmit data over your home’s existing coaxial cables. Meanwhile, if there were existing cables for your cable television, they couldn’t be used for the same purpose. For instance, if your WiFi issues were caused by a stone wall, you’d have to drill through the wall. But this could involve complex - and expensive - installation.
To be fair, you’ve always had the ability to install a coax extension cable or switch in your home. It’s able to do this because it uses a wired connection, which is more reliable by its very nature. MoCA is designed to provide lower latency than WiFi, and to get around wireless range limitations. By establishing a single standard, manufacturers ensure that all MoCA hardware will be compatible. Like many connection standards, this alliance is a group of tech companies who have come together in mutual self-interest. MoCA is short for Multimedia over Coax Alliance. Between players of similar skill, that delay can make a big difference. If you have a latency of 15ms, you’re literally 15 milliseconds behind all of your opponents. But it’s a serious problem for online gaming. This isn’t typically an issue for streaming apps, since the buffer compensates for any slight delay. High latency, on the other hand, can cause trouble for apps that rely on a consistent, stable signal. The lower the latency, the more reliable the signal. Latency is the delay between a packet arriving at your router and when it arrives at your device, and vice-versa. Even with a good router and a high-speed internet plan, your streaming devices can end up struggling.Īnother WiFi-related issue is latency. These can quickly degrade a WiFi signal, especially if the signal needs to penetrate more than one wall. For instance, many homes have interior brick or masonry walls. But not everyone’s home has that type of design. Modern routers are well-engineered enough to cover your typical suburban wood frame house. In many homes, range isn’t going to be a concern. There are two separate issues to deal with here: range and latency. MoCA is a relatively new technology designed to compensate for the weaknesses of a WiFi network. But first, we’ll talk about MoCA technology, and why it’s worth considering. We’ll talk about how they work, and how well they’re constructed. Which one is the best? To find out, we’re going to have to take a closer look. This is a similar adapter, but with a compact form factor. Last but not least, we’ll examine the Hitron HT-EM4. Then again, it’s significantly more affordable. This is another ultra-fast adapter, but lacks the Actiontek’s on-board security features. This adapter offers ultra-fast 2.5Gbps speeds, as well as advanced security features. To begin with, we’ll review the Actiontec ECB6250. Today, we’ll be looking at three of the best MoCA 2.5 network adapters for Ethernet over coax.
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Designers Design for Themselves, 1980
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