#and about a silly little guy and the serious investigator that is so so in love with him
fog-kid · 8 months
ah yes, it's the very tired, cynical man with an obsession for investigating and caffeine that has some weird paranormal connection with knowledge, and his partner, the lovable, silly little guy who supports him through every war crime and pushes aside his own problems in order to help him and others.
yes, of course, the cynical guy who considers himself a monster and values trust above anything else. and the charismatic, lovable guy who has so many issues he ignores, so much rage he never lets out, and who somehow wins over said trust because, really, how could he not after everything they went through?
the very oblivious cynical guy who doesn't notice the obvious crush the charismatic guy has on him, and that, after a very rocky start, falls head over heels for him and never looks back.
yes, the couple that goes through so much shit and have eachtohers back through it all, that no matter what nightmarish scenario they're stuck in, they are together and will fight for it to stay that way.
so. is this about guapoduo/spiderbit or jonmartin. you decide
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
I LOVE MATCHMAKING AN ALREADY TOGETHER COUPLE it’s soooo cute, especially when it’s kids… they just want their silly oblivious adult to be happy (they don’t know he already is). Kon getting to see Tim mentoring a bunch of kids. Reminiscing about their yj days. Tim shocking them by just how many heroes he’s familiar with who respect him. CUTE!!!
YEAH!!! bc like, tim is just by nature an intensely private guy. he hasnt mentioned that hes happily married bc why would he. it isnt relevant hes just here to train these guys in nonpowered combat and gadgetry and such and to mentor them on missions at their skill level, etc. his personal life is on a need to know basis by default. (incidentally, he's also a great listener because he's such a steel trap. he's got like 5 different angles on whatever teenage drama is going on in their lives. he will not be intervening unless as a last resort. why would he.) he's very personable and good with them (yeah he's awkward yeah he puts his foot in his mouth now and then yeah he goes how do you do fellow kids. but like. hes a people person and they love him) but he just doesnt really talk about himself much.
and YEAH kon loves to see it <3 i also really love to think about kon mentoring a lil baby telekinetic in how to use and exercise their powers. hes teaching them to crochet and then knit and slowly expanding the number of moving pieces they can control at once. some of tim's kids are at least a little jealous because supernova is soooo cool but also like theyre Fiercely defensive of tim. thats THEIR scrungly but hypercompetent weird guy. HES REALLY COOL TOO OKAY. ignore that he just said "get pwned" after defeating 4 of them at once at a spar. he didnt say that. they dont know what you mean.
but YEAH overall its just cute :> good vibes. a romcom but like theyre already married. the comedy is the kids discovering that they are in fact already married. they confront tim one day like tim. we KNOW you have a crush on mr. kon-el!!! and tim's like. completely flabbergasted. you think i What??? and theyre like. WE CAN TELL, TIM. YOURE NOT SLICK. and tim just stares at them for a minute
and then he calls kon over (just says "hey, kon, can you c'mere for a second?" and supernova just shows up?!?! like hes just listening for tim's voice calling for him all the time????!?!?) and goes "okay. can you guys please repeat your conclusions to kon for me?"
and theyre like. tim are you asking us to tell him you have a crush on him for you. thats kind of pathetic tim we're seventeen
and kon's just like. wait. wait wait wait. turns to tim with a 1000 megawatt grin. SUNSHINE... YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON ME? AWWWW.
tim: yeah i mean i think it's slightly more serious than that, given that i, oh, i don't know, married you two years ago? kon: AWW.... hehe!!! the kids: YOU WHAT?!?!?!?!? tim: now! i know for a fact i've told you all to do your due diligence on research, background checking, and investigation before jumping to conclusions, so this makes for a great case study and a fantastic learning opportunity--
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ghostofaboy · 3 months
Inter-Agency Cooperation
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Summary: Jack runs into another agent on a mission and figures out a new way for them both to get what they want.
Pairing: Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels/Javier Peña Rating: Explicit. Serious over 18s only | Word Count: 2633
Warnings: Frottage, anal sex, public sex, Jack is his own warning
Note: This as not been beta read so I apologize for any mistakes. This is a fic with gay/bi characters. Please make sure you've read the warnings. Header by @beskarandblasters
Of all the places Jack thought he'd find himself today, a dive bar in the middle of butt fuck nowhere watching a cage fight wasn't even on his list. Silly, really, considering all the strange places his Statesman missions took him. All around him, large drunken men in plaid shirts jeered and shouted at the two half naked men in the cage. The entire bar stank of stale beer and sweat, which made Jack long for the heady woody smells of the Statesman barrel room, but he couldn't argue with the view.
In the cage, a massive slapdash metal structure that dominated the center of the rundown establishment, were two young men. Neither could have been older than twenty-five, both striped to the waist in just their jeans, and both covered in blood and sweat. It was the most homoerotic shit Jack had ever seen in such a painfully hetero bar. He had to stifle a laugh whenever he thought about it.
Taking another sip of his shitty beer, Jack glanced over to his mark, only to find him in the exact same spot since the last time he checked. Fast asleep in a corner booth, drooling into his thick, bushy beard. Another quick look around the bar confirmed that no one else was paying either of them any attention; except for one man.
Sat at a table, set off to the corner with a view of Jack, his mark and the cage, was a broody looking motherfucker. Sporting a well-worn leather jacket, a mustache similar to his own and a casual air that oozed practiced confidence, the other man had definitely made him. Everything about this guy said agent, the only question was what kind.
Jack's money was on CIA considering the dealings his sleepy mark was into, but FBI was also a possibility. There was only one way to find out, and considering Jack didn't feel like competing with another agent for the mark, working together was the better option for them both. Eying the other man, Jack could see he was also nursing what passed for beer in this shithole. There was his opening.
Sliding off his barstool, Jack glanced over at the two young men now slumping against each other, gasping for breath, the sweat rolling off them. Swaggering over to the stranger's table, Jack was met with a single raised eyebrow and a tilt of the head.
"Evenin'." Jack tipped his hat, before leaning down slightly closer to the other man. "Enjoyin' the entertainment?"
"Not my usual kind of thing." The other man smirked and Jack could just pick out the hints of a Texan accent. "But when in Rome or whatever."
"I agree." Jack gave a chuckle. "Almost makes up for the terrible beer. Do you mind if I join you?" Jack gestured to the free chair next to the stranger.
The other man didn't respond beyond a small nod, but his eyes watched Jack intently as he slid into the seat. 
“I don’t know about you,” Jack leaned in conspiratorially, “but I usually prefer somethin’ a little stronger. Now, I’m a whiskey man myself. How about you?”
“I’m a cut the bullshit kinda man.” The stranger sat up a little straighter, locking eyes with Jack with a steadiness that could only come from years of experience in the field. “So, why don’t you do us both a favor and tell me who you are and what you want.”
“To the point, I respect that.” Jack nodded. “All right. I’m Agent Jack Daniels, and I’m here keepin’ an eye on that fella over there. Reckon you know who I mean, seein’ as you’ve also got eyes on him. I need him alive as part of an investigation, and I get the feelin’ you do too.”
“You CIA?”
“No.” Jack carefully pulled his fake DIA badge from his jacket, flashing it under the table at the stranger. “You?”
“DEA.” The stranger mimicked Jack, carefully and covertly showing his badge. “Javier Peña. Our guy has links to a new player in the narcotics trade.”
“Indeed he does.” Jack nodded again, glancing around to make sure no one was watching or listening to them. “Amongst other things. Peña, huh? Weren’t you part of the team that took down Escobar?”
Javier shifted in his seat. “That was a long time ago. So what do you want to do? I’m here tonight to see who he meets up with.”
“He ain’t meetin’ up with anyone tonight. He was meant to, but I’ve already made sure that ain’t happenin’.” Jack leaned back in his chair, his eyes drifting over to the cage fighters who were rolling around on the floor trading punches. “The dumb fuck’ll stay here, so I was gonna wait until the mornin’ and tail him back to wherever he’s holed up. You’re welcome to join me.”
Jack watched as Javier’s sharp eyes assessed him thoroughly. Jack could feel those dark eyes taking in every detail of him and knew that on some level Javier wasn’t buying his story. But was it enough for him to leave?
“Fine.” Javier scowled, taking a swig of beer, pulling a face at the taste. “I guess we just wait then.”
“At least there’s a show.” Jack gestured to the cage, scooting his chair back slightly so he was parallel to Javier at the table. “Who’s your money on? The fuckin’ twink blond or the other one?”
“At least that one can grow facial hair.” Javier let out a harsh laugh as he watched the two fighters. 
The crowd was getting impatient now, roaring and booing for the two young men to hurry up and finish. The blond responded by lunging at the darker haired man, who stepped back to avoid the attack. Grabbing hold of each other by the jeans, the two men fell to the floor of the cage again, tussling back and forth, much to the pleasure of the crowd. 
A loud whoop came from one section of the gathered men and as Jack craned his neck to look he could see that the blond had managed to pull down the other man’s jeans, exposing his ass. As the fighters rolled, grabbed and tugged at each other, the jeans worked their way further down until the man’s cock and balls were free. By this point, he was pinned under the blond, who had straddled his back, causing the other man’s legs to kick wildly. The result was a fantastic view of his asshole bared for the crowd, with his heavy dick and balls swinging back and forth. 
Much of the crowd was cheering now, clearly enjoying what they were seeing, as the blond fighter rolled the other man onto his back, yanking his jeans completely off victoriously. Now stark naked, bruised and bloodied, the other fighter slowly climbed to his feet before quickly barrelling into the blond. 
Jack could feel his cock stirring as he watched the younger fighter’s naked body in front of him. He wasn’t alone, and Jack could spot more than a few tented pants in the audience. The blond was grabbing the other fighter’s ass and pulling his cheeks open, giving everyone a good view of a tight puckered hole, and Jack could feel his cheeks heating up as he stared. Pulling his eyes away to grab his hip flask from his belt, Jack’s eye flickered over to Javier. 
The other man was leaning back casually in his chair, giving the impression to anyone that he was completely disinterested in what he was watching. Taking a mouthful of whiskey, Jack let his eyes drift lower, his curiosity getting the better of him, and to Jack’s delight he could see the very obvious outline of an erection in those ridiculously tight jeans.
Holding his flask out to Javier, Jack couldn’t stop himself smirking as the other man jumped slightly, dropping the veneer of coolness for a moment, before taking the flask. Letting his eyes drop back down to the bulge in Javier’s jeans, Jack made sure to let the other man catch him looking as the flask was returned to him. 
“Good show, am I right?” Jack’s voice was a husky whisper as he leaned over to Javier. 
“Uh, sure.” Javier’s cheeks flushed slightly as he glanced around, looking everywhere in the bar except at the two young men glistening with sweat as the naked fighter ripped open the blond’s jeans as he swung him against the cage. His body clattering against the metal, his long cock squashed against the bars.
Jack waiting patiently until Javier’s eyes returned to him before gesturing discreetly at his hard on. “Wanna fuck?”
Crashing around the back of the bar, lips clumsily found lips as teeth clashed and hands roamed. Slamming Jack up against the wall of the building, Javier’s mouth forcefully met his as the two men grunted and moaned in the cold night.
Venturing his hands lower, Jack cupped Javier’s erection through the denim, making the other man buck into his palm as he forced his tongue past Jack’s lips. It had been a long time since Jack had been with someone so aggressively dominant, and it was going straight to his cock, which strained against its confines.
Tugging open Javier’s fly, Jack reached inside, stroking the hard length, feeling it twitch in his hand as Javier’s finger’s tangled into Jack’s hair under his hat. Freeing his own cock, Jack pulled Javier in closer, bringing their erections together, as he began to steadily pump them with his hands. 
Javier moaned into Jack’s mouth an incomprehensible stream of English and Spanish as he trapped Jack against the wall, pinning him with his body as he rolled his hips in time with Jack’s strokes. But it wasn’t enough. Jack needed more. There was something about this grumpy DEA agent that was filling his head with the most obscene thoughts, and damn it if Jack wasn’t going to try and fulfil some of them.
Pulling his head back slightly to break the frantic kiss, Jack nuzzled against Javier’s jaw as the other man growled and ground against him.
“You wanna fuck me?” Jack panted into Javier’s ear, stopping his hand and pulling it away from their cocks. “I got lube and condoms.”
“Yes.” Was the simple, growled response as Javier took a step back, glancing around as Jack fished a condom out of his jacket.
As Javier busied himself putting it on, Jack quickly unbuckled his belt, pulling his jeans and underwear down to his knees. Reaching behind him, Jack pushed a finger into his ass, hissing at the coldness of the lube, before adding a second finger. Satisfied at the lubrication, Jack handed the tube to Javier, who applied a couple of drops before returning it.
Turning round, Jack steadied himself on the wall with his forearms, planting his feet as far apart as he could and bend over slightly to give Javier access to his ass. He could feel a hand on his bare hip and the tip of Javier’s cock lining up with his entrance before, slowly, Javier began to enter Jack. 
Jack let his head drop down as he bit back a moan as Javier’s thick length steady began to fill him. Inch by inch, Javier sank into Jack's hot waiting hole, both hands now gripping Jack's hips as his cock disappeared into Jack's body. Then, once he was buried to the hilt, Javier paused. Jack could hear him muttering and breathing heavily behind him as Jack adjusted to the size.
"You good?" Javier eventually whispered, one hand idly stroking Jack's exposed skin.
"I'm good." Jack hissed back, his arousal fogging his head. "Gimme all you got."
Jack heard a soft chuckled before Javier began to move. Pulling almost completely out slowly, before suddenly slamming back into Jack's waiting ass. Jack bit back a yelp as Javier began to set a rough, unrelenting pace. Each thrust pounding into Jack, rocking him forward until his cheek was barely touching the cold stone of the building. Javier's hips snapped against him as the obscene sound of flesh against flesh filled the night air. 
But it still wasn't enough. Jack was sure at this pace Javier wasn't going to last long, and given their extremely public locale that might be for the best. But Jack needed more. Arching his back, Jack tilted his hips slightly and sure enough the next time Javier plunged into him a jolt of electricity coursed through Jack. That's what he needed.
Javier seemed to quickly pick up on what Jack wanted, grabbing his hip with one hand and his hair with another to keep Jack in the right position. Then, like a jackhammer, Javier began to brutally fuck Jack. 
Jack's skin prickled with heat as the tension building in him threatened to explode. All he could do was get out shaking moans, and Javier huffed and panted behind him. The pace was becoming more erratic now, with each strike of Javier's hips against his ass, Jack could feel the other man's grip on his control slipping. The hands holding him dug their fingers in deep as Javier's tempo faltered. 
Between his legs, Jack's cock swung with every thrust, adding to the tantalizing anticipation as he got closer and closer to the edge. Then with a grunt and a hard snap of his hips forward, Jack felt Javier come. For a few seconds, he stilled, as Jack felt the cock inside him twitching through its release. Then, without warning, Javier began to pounding into Jack again.
The hand on his hip moved, reaching under to gently pump Jack's cock in time with Javier's thrusts. That was enough.
Like falling off a cliff, Jack came, spilling himself onto the dirt as his trembled in Javier's grip. Shockwaves of ecstasy rocked him as Javier continued to roll his hips, hitting that sweet spot, making Jack's knees buckle.
Jack would have been content to rest there against the wall of the bar, Javier's cock still buried in him, as he allowed the high of his orgasm to ebb away for a little longer. But just as his head began to clear of static, he felt Javier tense behind him, then quickly pull his softening length from Jack's now gaping hole.
"Fuck." Javier hissed. "Someone's coming."
"Dammit." Jack muttered, his words slurring together as he fought to pull his jeans up. 
Voices drifted through the cold night air and Jack watched warily as two men stumbled their way towards a truck, laughing heartily as a third more sober looking friend brought up the rear. Turning back to Javier, who was in the process of disposing of the condom, Jack smirked.
"We're good. You wanna head back inside, or are you up for a second round somewhere a little more private?"
"Fuck." Javier chuckled, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and after offering them to Jack, brought one to his lips and lit it. "Tempting. Very tempting, actually. But we have work to do."
"Ah, that dumb fuck'll still be asleep for a few hours yet." Jack waved a hand, but following as Javier started to make his way back round to the front door of the bar. "How about we wait till this place clears out some, then have round two in the men's room?"
Blowing out a puff of smoke, Javier stopped at the door, looking around thoughtfully. There were only a handful of patrons still in the bar now. As predicted, their mark was still sound asleep where they had left him. The fight was over, with the two young men now redressed and counting their winnings at a table in the corner. Leaning against the doorway, Javier turned back to Jack with a smirk.
"You wanna fuck me this time?"
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the-ghost-bracket · 10 months
Sissel propaganda:
"He's a funny little guy with amnesia! He does tricks! Other than that I can't say much because spoilers, but yeah, I love this guy!"
"He spends the entire game thinking he's a human, but finds out at the end that he was a cat the whole time and is fine with it"
"Good kitty."
"He can't read. He doesn't know what science is. He doesn't even know what water pressure is. He only has one night to find out both why he was killed and his lost memories while preventing others from dying and becoming ghosts. Also like. Don't look him up for pics cause some of it is spoilers orz"
"No because if I share any details about the game it WILL spoil parts of the plot I swear. Play the game completely blind"
"hes silly and cool and ghost trick is cool"
"He’s a ghost and can do the tricks anymore I say would be spoilers."
"He's complicated. He has identity issues. His earliest memory for most of the game is seeing his own corpse ass-up. He can time travel. He has a master's degree from the Rube Goldberg university of mischief. He can barely be discussed or Googled without tripping over major spoilers. He doesn't know what science is. He's stylish and he's my little meow meow. He even can't read"
"I can't go into detail without spoiling the game but ogh. OUGH. He's doing his best... Oh my god he's doing his best...!!! Achievements include: being at the VERY least 50% responsible for the formation of a wonderful found family (a lot of credit also has to go to Missile the dog who is the undisputed best character of all time but that's a story for another day)"
"Play Ghost Trick.You Play AS a Ghost. This Ghost is trying to find himself. You get to do all Kind of Ghost shenanigans. He cant read and doesnt know science. Reverses the death of other People multible times."
"Amnesiac ghost who decided to investigate his murder and became a Rube Goldberg machine."
"The whole game revolves around him being an amnesiac ghost and performing ""ghost tricks"" so that he can find out about his past and why he was killed. If he wasn't a ghost, there would be no story and no game. Also if you don't know who he is but want to know more, go into the game blind and avoid spoilers!! I'm serious I genuinely wish I could forget everything about this game so that I could experience it for the first time again. It used to be a DS only game but it's been re-released on Switch, and it's also available on Steam"
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ravioliet · 7 months
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more Odd Squad oc posting! here are my main silly guys :D
character lore under the read more because i just know i'm gonna go on a whole ramble and don't want to make the post super long
so both of these guys are from precinct 73559 (which is the precinct we made for our ocs), Oriole is the creature room director and Orion is of course the branch manager. both of them are relatively new to the precinct, having been transferred there together just before Okiku stated working there (Okiku is @/dragonroar87's agent character btw! i consider her a main character which is why i'm using her as a reference for the timeline lol), and they are also quite close and consider each other as best friends (hence the bracelets) because before Orion was promoted and they were transferred the two of them were actually partners in the investigation department! although most agents in 73559 don't know this so they're just left to wonder why Oriole is always hanging around their manager's office and why she calls him Orion instead of Mr. O
personality-wise the two of them are pretty much opposites of each other and they definitely fit the whole 'silly partner and serious partner' pattern that canon kinda has, with Oriole being the more energetic and silly one and Orion being the more quiet and serious one, although their personalities and energy kinda rub off on each other when they're together.
Orion himself is like that introverted person who keeps taking leadership positions for some reason even though he doesn't particularly like public speaking or anything like that, because someone has to do it. he is actually a good leader though even though he doesn't realize it a lot of the time (he has a pretty bad case of imposter syndrome), and he cares about his agents a lot. he also happens to be a pretty big nerd which Oriole teases him about. he's also been through some pretty traumatic stuff and is a pretty anxious person as well, but he doesn't talk about any of that usually (i'll go into detail about it later but for now i'll just say that Oriole was not his first partner. do with that information what you will)
Oriole on the other hand is just a silly little guy full of joyous whimsy. she is very eager to learn things and to solve problems, but she has some chaotic tendencies and when she isn't causing problems on purpose she tends to cause them on accident instead, and she always manages to fix them in the end but that doesn't stop her from getting into trouble. she ended up transferring to the creature department after Orion was promoted because during the series of events leading up to that she was noticed for her talent in dealing with creatures, so in a way she and Orion were kinda promoted at the same time and i love that for them tbh. she enjoys her job very much, but she also still kinda multiclasses in investigation sometimes to help with cases and basically serves as an unofficial third partner to Okiku and Oceane a lot of the time. she has a few creatures that she calls her companion creatures that she's trained and she likes to bring them with her on cases and send out at villains like they're pokemon, the main one being a size-changing feathered snake/serpent dragon creature that she named Updog (she LOVES using the updog joke on people btw) and due to their shrinking ability Updog hangs out in one of her pockets usually. a few of her other creature names include names such as Mister President (so she can say things like "Mister President get off of the table!" or "the President ate my paperwork sorry"), Gazebo, and Periscope
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sunflowersolace · 2 months
i feel like we as a fandom tend to either over uwuify klapollo or over stoicify them and this is by no means a real character analysis or genuine conversation because it is 4am for me and i’m not very good at articulating myself i don’t actually care that much i’m in fandom spaces i’m used to mischaracterising bullshit but
why does it seem to be the only options are “apollo is an actual child and klavier is sexy and suave” or “apollo doesn’t experience emotions and klavier is a cringefail babygirl”. like genuinely can they not both be people.
i feel like a lot of the infantilisng apollo stuff is partially the usual fandom short man = yaoi bottom shit but i’m not gonna sit here and pretend it isn’t also bc of the transmasc apollo headcanon. like it can’t be a coincidence that the most infantilised grown man in the game is also the one that’s most widely headcanoned as ftm. like it feels like a lot of it is your typical uwu short trans uke baby x big strong suave tall hot cis seme and i’m used to that but man it sucks to see people making weird shit about Flustered Virgin apollo getting his first ever kiss from Playboy klavier and. y’all know he’s 25 right? not 15?
there’s also the other side of things where people make klavier into this cringefail babygirl boyfailure who’s hopelessly in love with apollo and spends every waking moment thinking about apollo and can’t do anything without relating it to apollo and apollo just fucking does not like him. and that’s almost worse because at least the first kind of mischaracterisation still feels like a ship. why are we pretending apollo doesn’t care about klavier. he doesn’t like his boy band music but it’s not personal. he still likes klavier.
and then there’s the ones who take one half of the mischaracterising and applies it to both characters. apollo is an uwu baby and klavier is a soyboy and they can’t spend a second apart because they’re so in love. OR they’re both robots who might as well not even be dating with how little they speak to each other.
y’all know you can make them act normal, right? they can be in love with each other and silly about it and also be serious characters? apollo is a dork ass who cracks jokes and is bitchy but he’s also a genuinely smart guy like he’s a lawyer he’s a politician he’s helping rebuild a whole country’s legal system from the ground up and he’s still a bitch and a loser. klavier is ALSO a bitch and a loser and a smart guy. he’s kind, but he’s not a wimp. he’s bitchy but he’s not insufferable. he’s passionate about music and law and everything he talks about. and he says corny shit and openly flirts with apollo but he’s also a damn good prosecutor and id argue he’s the only one who actually understands his job without the defense having to Fix Him tm. and they can both love each other and be all these things.
for a lot of y’all there’s only two options: klavier has trauma (excruciating) (all encompassing) or klavier is silly :3. and like. he can do both. you can acknowledge his trauma and also acknowledge he’s a dumbass who air guitars during court. human beings are multifaceted and fictional characters should reflect that. you gotta make the people you’re writing feel like people yes even the japanese visual novel people.
back to the living each other thing. klavier can openly flirt with apollo and also actually like him. apollo can ignore klavier’s first flirts and still actually like him. maybe he doesn’t wanna get it with the brother of his murderous boss while investigating a crime scene i think that’s reasonable of him. but he also clearly likes and cares about klavier as a person (“i have to pull the darkness out of him” or whatever he says) so just because he didn’t immediately throw himself at klavier the second he hit him with the never felt this way with a man doesn’t mean he’s annoyed by klavier’s flirting it just means it wasn’t the right time. apollo can hate the gavineers shitty music and still love the man who sung it. he can think klavier’s office is ugly and still love him. i don’t love every single thing about the people i love but i still love them. if my qpp made a dog shit song i hated i would tell him bc he and i understand each other.
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mezmer · 1 month
Are there any solid studies on how kratom affects the body?? Everything online either hails it as the safest miracle substance or an evil opiate demon no inbetween.
Great question. I'm aware of this fact, and it has made my life more complicated and stupid than it needs to be. Massive post about kratom. Pls read whole thing so you can share this knowledge with others/use it to your benefit @lovecomesdown
Personally, no, I don't see solid studies very often, but I have peeped a few. Tbh, I'm not a big study guy anyway. I've spent hours and hours engaging in the community, talking to lifelong drinkers and drinking it myself. Here is an excerpt written by a researcher that I think sums up the scientific perspective (or lack thereof) perfectly: 'A growing number of studies, mainly of cross-sectional nature, describe the widespread use of kratom by individuals to self-treat pain, psychiatric symptoms, and substance use disorders (SUD) outside a controlled clinical setting. Preclinical evidence suggests kratom is effective as an analgesic agent and might decrease the self-administration of other drugs. A randomized controlled trial has further supported kratom’s therapeutic value as an analgesic. Investigations in nonclinical samples of long-term kratom users also indicate its therapeutic benefit in managing SUD symptoms (e.g., craving) and long-term or acute symptoms (e.g., withdrawal) for alcohol, opioids, and other illicit drugs. However, episodes of kratom-related intoxications have also been reported, often due to the adulteration and the contamination of kratom products mainly sold online or mixed toxicities when consumed outside clinical and traditional settings.'
I know you said you're interested in studies, and I just don't see them often. As for the latter portion of your message, I can give you some context. I think of myself and most other kratom advocates as having a nuanced perspective because we all want this plant to get to those who need it most, and that is that.
So for me? First of all, I will tell you that kratom is several times safer than opiates. It doesn't send me into a stupor or affect my cognition. Kratom has never caused me to nod off or feel high. I am able to enjoy my life free from the shackles of chronic pain. If I drank all day long, I might feel a little silly in the evening, but it is nothing like weed or alcohol. That is my little anecdote.
Here is another fact I will tell you, that I know to be true without a shadow of doubt. You cannot die from using kratom alone. It might turn you into the equivalent of a pothead or smoker who can't go anywhere without drinking some kratom first, but you will not die. It's a plant, and untreated, it doesn't appear to cause any serious health problems. I have seen studies that looked at liver levels of decade+ long users that show the liver is largely unaffected by Extreme kratom use. I can pull that up for you if you're curious. And more importantly, you cannot die from a kratom overdose. It is Physically Impossible. If you drink even just 10-15 grams of kratom powder, you will vomit it up and feel like crap for a few hours. Kratom can indeed make you nauseous. The LD50 of kratom (meaning you get a 50% chance of dying) turns out to be 50+ kilograms all at once. (one kilo of kratom lasts me over a month as a daily drinker for context) This is impossible. It is like trying to overdose smoking weed. Just isn't going to happen.
Furthermore, I've sat in on an American Kratom Association meeting and they stated that they'd looked at every single autopsy report 'involving kratom'. All of the toxicology reports had other substances, revealing kratom only to be a minimal commodity. There is no recorded death from only consuming kratom, regardless of what retarted shit you might see on the internet.
So why is kratom banned in a few states and countries? I couldn't fucking tell you, lol. It's probably just the same reason minors can't buy cigarettes and alcohol, and why you need a license to buy weed in some states, or places weed is illegal, etc. It got banned because it is HABIT FORMING. Regulators and advocates alike are too lazy or broke to put forward the effort into getting studies out that will make kratom officially medically viable on paper. Honestly, I am okay with that. I have my vendors and I can purchase it as needed. I don't think I would enjoy being prescribed kratom ...
Don't buy kratom from smoke shops, and always go with trustworthy vendors. Since kratom is literally not regulated by the state, there are a few shitty vendors who add things such as tianeptine (which still probably won't kill you) and other gross shit.i actually think this is quite uncommon, considering you can just Google safe kratom vendors and find them. That said, I have drank some rank ass cheap kratom, but it never made me feel high or anything other than kind of shitty. But still, don't do that. Buy from reputable vendors such as Wildcraft herb company (my number one, my great friends), WestKoast botanicals, or DowntoEarth botanicals. They lab test and will talk to you about where they source their leaf from directly. This is more than you'll get out of most food companies you probably buy snacks from, anyhow. Good luck asking your milk company what city they keep their cows in for that batch, or asking nestle to send a lab report of their cookies or whatever shit. Kratom vendors can be very wonderful people
I am a recovered fentanyl addict and I know in my heart that kratom is safer for each and every addict and chronic pain patient. It can't hurt to try it if you fit these descriptions.
That said, if you are not a chronic pain patient or a hardcore opiate addict, I wouldn't recommend trying it because there is a fair chance you'll find yourself dependent on kratom. It's very easy to do actually! Kratom does dance around in your opioid receptors. Kratom is so interesting in the way that it does this, though. Unless you get a really strong batch or take way too much, you aren't going to nod off, which is the prime characteristic of opiate use. You also don't feel that wave of cumshot ecstasy for hours like you would with an opiate. If you've tried kratom, I needn't explain, then. Not much to explain otherwise because it really isn't that intense of a feeling. It's like if Tylenol were actually good; it's like if you could take medications that actually treat chronic pain and be a responsible parent at the same time.
I'm apart of kratom communities outside of tumblr, I am friends with kratom vendors and bigtime advocates. I communicate with members of the American Kratom Association, and I am even in a facebook group for mothers who had consumed or are consuming kratom during pregnancy. If you want more info on that, I can tell you everything, but I don't see any need to include it here. Long story short, kratom is very unlikely to harm a child who is exposed to it in utero. Ideally, if you are a recovering addict who wants to stay clean using kratom while pregnant, you'd want to not buy the sketchiest shit possible, lol.
If you take a LOT, babies exposed to kratom in utero get WD symptoms, because people can too. That is why Kratom is habit forming. It can cause some discomfort when trying to come off of it. Quitting kratom is like quitting cigs no matter what "r/quittingkratom" tells you. As I said, unless you think kratom fits your needs as an addict or a chronic pain sufferer, or perhaps somebody with severe anxiety even (kratom does help that), I would not dip your toes in the water because kratom's benefits wouldn't be what you are looking for.
Hmm... I can't think of much else. I hope this post helped you and you can ask me any questions you want
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cuubism · 1 year
oh silly rabbit au my beloved! what do hobs colleagues think about morpheus in this au?
i let this ask go unanswered too long sorry 😬😂
to be honest we didn't quite hash this out (@magnusbae) other than that one time that someone reported hob to the university because they thought dream was a student, then there was a whole investigation during which they discovered dream wasn't a student and then everyone was just more confused than before
i think hob's colleagues have probably never seen him in a long-term serious relationship before. flings, sure, but nothing serious, i almost think long-term relationships were sparse for hob in general due to his immortality, especially after eleanor, and then even more so after dream didn't come to their 1989 meeting. hard to commit to another relationship when you're spending half your time building and then waiting in a pub for that one guy who stood you up to come back XD
so hob's colleagues go from seeing hob chronically single to hob suddenly in a very intense relationship with a weird younger (?) goth guy who none of them have ever seen before, and they are... a little concerned for his mental state 😂 you know it's possible it was his colleagues who (unintentionally) started the rumor that dream was hob's sugar baby or something because they just could not conceive of what was going on there. but morpheus is younger (they think) and doesn't have a job (that they can see) and is very pretty so....
i can foresee a lot of touchy conversations wherein hob's colleagues and friends try to gently stage an intervention to figure out what is going on here, only for hob to just be like oh yeah we're in love :) and offering only vague answers to things. 'when did you meet?' 'oh ages ago.' 'what's his job?' 'he's an... artist.' 'how old is he?' '....uh....'
just when his colleagues start to feel a little better and get to the point of like 'well hob's an adult he can make his own choices', then they meet morpheus personally. and it's all downhill from there 😂
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resizura · 4 months
hi, i am putting this on anonymous because i am shy. what are some themes you would like/wish the remakes to expand on?
I'm answering this late I am very sorry
SO this is a lot for me to think about and hopefully i can keep it concise because I tend to ramble
Put under a 'Read More' because this will be super long
To start, I think that I just wish Capcom wouldn't be so lukewarm with its themes. This is probably the biggest problem because (to me, at least) it can't focus on what it wants to tell the audiences.
They are obviously trying to make the series way more "serious" and yet they completely tone down its foundational messages. Sure some of that has to do with the more actiony tone it took after RE4, but let's just back up to the original trilogy.
RE1, RE2, and RE3 were essentially a three-part and yet self contained story that followed a small cast of police officers (save claire and carlos) during the zombie apocalypse. An apocalypse that was caused by corporate greed and the need to capitalize and profit off of scientific research for militarization purposes. While a little silly and outlandish in the final product, the three games (especially 2, IMO) have great storytelling and execution of its themes. Umbrella and Raccoon City Police are corrupt, and there are terrible ethics surrounding BOWs.
Now compare that to the remakes. Now, RE1make is my favorite remake because it kept the original feel and look to the game, kept the story relatively the same, and improved on it in terms of voice lines, graphics, and gameplay. The only major change is adding Lisa Trevor, who I think is a great addition because we get to follow the Trevor family through the game and get a look at how Umbrella exploited them and made them into monsters, a personal touch on something hard for us to comprehend.
RE2make and RE3make on the other hand.... well now we have around 20 extra years of Resident Evil to influence these and if you're familiar with my blog, you'll know that story wise, I do not like these games (especially RE2make). These games changed so much of the original story to make them more "realistic" and in the process, sort of lost the plot. Too many times in the modern remakes, things happen that hint to something from the original games but overall? It's not there.
As an example, I want to go over specifically how the police chief Brian Irons is portrayed. In the original game, the player learns little bits about him through files. We know he's dangerous, violent, and has been taking bribes from Umbrella. The bribes are to help him have control over the city. He was highly influential in the Spencer Mansion cover up, where his main role was shutting down STARS so they wouldn't be able to investigate the incident. He worked directly with William and Annette Birkin and took bribes to prevent police from investigating the sewers so their lab work was undisturbed. In RE2, we see him spiraling because "Umbrella destroyed his beautiful town." He traps and kills police officers and innocent civilians, basically rants to Claire about how power hungry he is and he is the one who gets to choose who lives and dies in his police station. Basically, we see point blank that Irons is egotistical and wants nothing more than to keep that power for himself. A corrupt police chief who shows how money and power twist a person for the worse.
In RE2make, he is reduced to just a sick man who physically beats up the young female characters and just wants to torture people. While the bribes are still (briefly) mentioned in this game most of Irons' character is now "Look at how sick this guy is! Isn't he scary? Wow! He's so scary isn't he?" There's nothing about his need and desire for power and control over his city and police station (hell, he leaves the police station 3 seconds after he's introduced!). Sure, you could argue it's implied, but this is a perfect example of Capcom not really committing to something it strongly depicted in the past.
Looking at RE4 Remake, a similar issue occurs! The original game was vehemently anti-American. The file "Our Mission" is the most explicit you can get. Yet the remake tiptoes around it and honestly ends up more patriotic! Leon's role as a government agent is glorified, Ashley wants to be an agent, Krauser gets told off by Leon for not trusting the American government, and the lack of Saddler appearances all contribute to this! Death Island and Infinite Darkness had similar problems of Capcom calling out the American government but then backtracking at the last second. I want them to just stick to a theme for once! Not alluding to one or tiptoeing around it. Say it!
Next on the list is one that I've stated before but the actual ethics and humanity that organizations like Umbrella toy with. A lot of the BOWs feel just like monsters you fight when a lot of them were real people with their lives taken from them. This is also why I liked Lisa Trevor from the first game's remake since she was a human experimented on and we got taken through her and her parent's journeys. OG William Birkin and Remake William Birkin are also perfect examples of this. In the original game you feel like you're fighting Birkin, but in the remake it just feels like a depersonalized monster.
Similarly, I do wish some of the themes were done more tastefully, such as the whole eugenics stuff with Spencer and the Wesker projects. I don't think it should be completely scrapped but I feel like you can't just throw that into your games and barely talk about what it means lmao
This is not really a theme but better perspectives on the female characters. This is purely a personal opinion but I think horror with female protagonists is way cooler than ones with male protagonists, and weirdly enough I think this shift happened when RE4 came out. Jill and Claire were more fleshed out and important characters than Leon and Chris when the OG trilogy came out, but now their roles have been greatly reduced to practically nothing. And why was RE6, a game where a creepy man cloned Ada Wong more about Leon, Chris, and Jake than it was about Ada herself? Also, I wish we could've had either of RE7 or RE8 actually have Mia be the protagonist instead of Ethan because I think either of those games from her perspective would be super cool to experience.
Now that I think about this, I blame this purely on the action shift because even for the male characters, I greatly prefer OG2 Leon, OG2/CVX Chris, CVX Steve than OG4 Leon, OG5 Chris, and DSC Steve (although Remake Carlos is definitely above OG3 Carlos). I want to learn more about Jill, and Claire, and Ada, and Rebecca, and Mia, and pretty much most of the female characters, and I'm so sick of seeing the male characters who are only there because they're cool action heroes.
I wish RE focused more on small communities and small isolated things. I think RE is too big now. Like starting out in a small suburban town affected by murders and experimentation and now like we've gone to multiple parts of the globe and now there's a mold baby with mold superpowers in the future and that mold is actually what started everything (totally not retconned)?? Like let's dial it back.
For the last thing I'll mention is that I wish the remakes focused on the themes of horror rather than just the aesthetics of it. Like yeah, the games are a bit darker and scarier, but they're still more action games now. I loved RE7 because of this, because the Bakers were a good horrific family both in the looks and what they represented!
I think all in all I have a lot of wishes for the franchise and I know it's completely unrealistic to wish about them and sorry for bombarding everyone with this huge wall of text! I have a lot to say lmao
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surely-galena · 3 months
Ask meme for...Kimberly Garner, Vincent Kim and/or Zangr Stewart please!
(Good luck with your presentation! You got this 🥳)
Hi exhausted-impact!!
These are GREAT choices, I feel like I would have more to say if I wasn't so tired but here goes anyway:
Kimberly Garner
First impression: I honestly don't remember much, but one thing that stood out was probably that Artem got his eyes from her! I love finding the resemblances of the NXX team members to their biological family.
What I think now: I like her! Although she's not a perfect mother by any means, I like that she's very casual with Artem. She definitely loves him and wants the best for him, even if she wasn't able to be with him as much as he might have wanted when he was young.
Favorite moment: I'll be honest here, canon and stuff I've read in fic kind of blend together when it comes to Kimberly, but one thing I remember from the game is from the 2023 LNY call. It's where Artem is like, "my mom told me off for not bringing you over for dinner :((" and although it's off screen, it's a fun little interaction. (Non-canon wise, I've written a fic where Kimberly comes over to Artem's place to celebrate his birthday, only to get stuffed into a Trojan horse type thing with the other NXX members to surprise him. Along a similar vein, there's a fic called once more around the sun (i revolve around you) by @samsspambox where Kimberly tries her best to be present for Artem's birthdays after Neil tells her off.)
Vincent Kim
First impression: oh Marius has an assistant! He seems young! Why is he wearing gloves? (<- probably my primary thoughts upon seeing Vincent)
What I think now: I think he's super underrated and underutilized!!! I think there is so much more to Vincent than just being Marius' PA, but the main story almost never goes into these things. I mean, you'd have to be a pretty special person if Marius is going to trust you with research or work for the NXX Investigation Team. I also feel like canon maintains this professional barrier between Marius and Vincent when I think that they should actually be friends outside of work. Because the trust is there, and also because Vincent has canonically walked into Marius trying to flirt with MC. So Vincent has seen things that other people in Marius' life probably wouldn't get to.
Favorite moment: When we learn that Vincent is actually into romance media. It's such a delightful detail to know because it means he's a normal guy, too!!
Zangr Stewart
First impression: ohh fourth wall break guy!!! :D he's so silly. surely he's a one-off guy and won't return later. (also in the Lost Gold event, I was one of those guilty of assuming the picture of Zangr from behind was just Artem. Their hairstyles are very similar from the back.)
What I think now: I'm so glad you asked about him because I love Zangr's character so much, I'm truly delighted every time he appears in an event. Ever since he showed up in Skadi, every time he's not in a major event, I'm a little disappointed he's not going to join in the hilarity.
Favorite moment: My favorite funny moment(s) is probably in the Skadi event when the game mechanic has you approach Zangr to debate him multiple times, because the idea of MC marching up to Zangr nearly every day during her time at Skadi is such a funny idea to me. No matter what, Zangr's not going to get rid of her, and she's not going to stop bumping into him, either. (Slight tangent to this is how I actually don't mind the idea of MC/Zangr as a ship, but with the caveat that it has to be only under very specific circumstances. Otherwise they're like hilarious nuisances that keep running into each other. "Oh no, it's the protagonist debate lady :|" "OHO, it's ZANGR once again >:D"). My favorite serious moment is probably during the Blizzardous Threads of Red event when Zangr has crucial information, but only reveals it when MC goes along with his line of reasoning instead of her usual "because of truth and justice" answer. I think it goes to show that conceptually, MC and Zangr have opposing mindsets and as stubborn as they are, neither of them are willing to give up their point of view for another reason. Which is completely fair, of course, but also incredibly fascinating to me.
Thank you for the ask!! And thank you for the well wishes, the presentation went wonderfully <3
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Not very a happy family meeting
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Kaeya x Gn Reader.
Please Read the note before you read the fiction.
A/n: This is just a headcanon. We still don't know if Pierro is Kaeya's blood related father. But the possibility is 80% . The other 20% can be anything.
So you can Imagine his father as Pierro or you can also imagine by your own imagination.
And also this is kinda angsty because it's like meeting his father who abandoned him since he was little.
But all are just my imaginations so don't claim them as real.
Being in monstadt, enjoying your daily life with Kaeya each day and each moment that you two spent together is like in heaven.
Your life was perfect like this. You love the way the things they are.
Because Kaeya just having his normal life with you.
He told you about his past and his origin and you understand him completely.
He is all that you need and you are all that he needs. And you two always got each other.
One day knights including Kaeya got a task to investigate Storm Terror Lair because of abyss order. Of course, you are also one of them so you have to go with the knights too.
In the morning you and Kaeya pack up some things that you might need and meet the group of Knights who have to go with you at the front gate of Monstadt.
There were about 10 junior Knights. Including you and Kaeya there were 12 Knights in total.
'' Morning Captain and Y/N ''
The knights greeted you with bright smiles.
" Morning " You replied with smile and Kaeya also smile and nod at the junior knights.
When the team was ready you and the team started the trip to Storm Terror Lair.
When you and the team finally arrived, each set up camps for shelter because you guys had to stay there for days not knowing how long this task will take.
And the team dismissed and started investigating the area.
You and Kaeya together went around to find any traces of abyss order.
'' Kaeya...''
He raised his brow as the sign of he is listening.
'' Why the abyss order keep doing these?''
'' Because they want revenge..''
Kaeya replied calmily. Looking at you softly.
'' Anything more you would like to know? But I'm afraid I might not know to give you answers.''
You nod. '' It's ok. That's it. ''
Actually you wanted to know why Abyss order had serious hate on the Archons. You learned about the Khaenri'ah disaster but there are still things missing to know about.
You still don't fully know about it.
" Okey dove. Becareful in these areas and please don't go alone. Stay beside me as possible as you can cause they can harm you if you are alone. ''
You nod and smiled at him in response. The night time arrived as you two look around for traces but found nothing yet.
All of you and the team came back to the camp and start a camp fire.
All sat down together and having the meal while keeping company.
'' We found not even a single sight of Abyss here''
" Strange. Why there is no traces of Abyss here. ''
One of the junior Knight said and the other replied.
'' Maybe they got the news of us coming here so they leaved so fast?''
'' Don't be silly. How would they know?''
The knights having chit chats while Kaeya seems like in a deep thought.
You asked '' Is everything alright?''
Kaeya got back into reality when he heard your voice. ''Ah..Yes I'm just thinking this situation is strange too. How they know that we will come here'' He whispered the last part. '' If I don't report them''
'' Maybe they are spying us in someway'' You said.
'' I suppose '' Kaeya replied and then again he was completely lost in thought again.
After a while each knight went to their own tent to take a rest and sleep.
You go into the shared tent with Kaeya but he was still at the outside thinking.
You thought you need gave him alone time so you didn't disturb him from his thoughts. You lied on the mattress and tried to fell asleep.
But even after hours later you can't sleep and Kaeya was still out there.
Not so long, You heard someone calling Kaeya's name.
'' Kaeya Alberich ''
You took peek at outside and found the tall man in white hair. Tanned skin and covered his right face with half mask.
Other junior knights were asleep and they were not aware of this strange man's appearance.
'' Huh...F-father?'' Kaeya replied.
You gasped. So this man was the one who abandoned Kaeya long time ago just to sent him as a spy.
'' Why are you with these sinners? You should be reporting the abyss about the gods. Remember you do not belong here. You belong to the Abyss.
You are our last hope. ''
Kaeya was silent not knowing how to explain when he confront his father.
'' I- I can't... ''
He just said these few words.
His father still remain calm looking down at him.
'' Why is that? Give answers''
Kaeya was completely silent this time. He don't want his father to know about you.
'' Remember Kaeya. The reason I sent you was just for you to give us answers. And I trusted you could do this. Don't disappoint me.''
You were listening to all the conversation between them care fully but you never knew how Kaeya's father found you.
'' Who is that listening to our conversation?'' He asked.
Kaeya was shocked. '' No body''
His father said '' I see why Kaeya. Listen...''
Kaeya keep his face in annoyed expression.
'' You know you can't be attached to someone who is your enemy yet you did''
'' She/He is not my enemy!'' Kaeya's voice is a bit raised.
'' I'm afraid now that she/he had seen me I'll have to get rid of her/him one day''
Kaeya was shocked and got up and said '' Dare to touch her/him and I don't care if you are my father or not ''
You stayed in silent not knowing what to say.
His father sigh '' Kaeya... You really are protecting the people who believe in gods. The gods that destroyed our home. That killed many helpless lives hum?''
Kaeya remain silent but he was frowned.
'' If she/he is that important to you then I won't stop but our purpose to conquer the nations and the gods will always be carried on ''
And then he disappeared. Kaeya came straight to you and hugged you close.
'' Don't worry Y/N. I won't let anyone touch you. Not even my father. I'll fight anyone who tried to harm you no matter who they are.''
You patted his back knowing how much stress he will have right now.
And also you learned why abyss order had so much hate on the Archons.
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7ban-sama · 10 months
please give me your opinion on all the tsukasas / yashiros / amanes from the different aus aidairo makes ….. (feel free to just pick one character though if you want skdjfvns)
Forgive me if I forget anything egregious-!! There's so many AUs, I'll do my best to browse through them, but AidaIro are industrious... I might miss something. u.u
You will be getting my opinion on all 3 of them per AU though. It's fun to consider the OT3... :3 Subsequently, I think I'll be skipping anything where we don't see all 3 (like ah, that standalone idol Hanako from earlier on.) Just to streamline things. Here we gooo!
🔍Phantom Thief 💎
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I'm including this one out of fairness sake... but I will be real. I do not really think much about it, nor really care about any of their designs here. Unfortunately, idc about, detectives, criminal investigation, that sort of intrigue. Whether it's serious or funnay-sillay, I can't say it's very interesting to me. The most aesthetically pleasing one here is just Hanako, with hims fancy crane fabric and mask etc... (Kind of cheating though, bc he's just in his gakuran otherwise.) I know Aida-sensei really had fun drawing this guy whorishly covered in jewels. Tsukasa being a little boy-lad, funny. Nene-chan in some sherlock cosplay dress, bad. My eyes glaze over.
It's amusing to see their roles be stripped down to like, Nene INVESTIGATING Hanako's CRIMES, and Tsukasa being an INFORMANT, giving her TIPS because he knows Hanako's IDENTITY. That's what's happening in the manga, yes. It's so crude, in this way, I have to laugh.
🦇Ghost Hotel🩸
For this AU, I really love going over the interview of the people coordinating it, because you get to hear reports of AidaIro-sensei being very enthused about the theming of the cafe. They decided the theme, menu item names, and explained aspects of the world to the staff. It's very cute to me lol, it feels like they were having so much fun. The first cafe they did was more 'typical', with the characters as waiters/waitresses serving you. I think GH is a clever concept, finding a way to transport you into a whole other world, and also still justify that you are 'going' to an 'establishment', and going to be eating there lol. You still get the delight of experiencing the characters be 'staff', even — just in a more creative and stimulating way. An evil hotel manager is a lot more fun than just being your waiter-!!! Etc.
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Seeing Amane as an evil vampire, it's almost like seeing a frog on a lilypad. Suddenly it's like we're putting a pin on the whooole look, the Halloween cat vibe, black and gold eye'd scraggly shota. B'caped, villainous, but so cavalier. The villain of a point and click adventure game. His ah, many rows of buttons are a lil silly, but overall I like his 'fit. It's like Amane was always meant to be this... Running some sort of honeypot to ensnare innocent, poor wanderers, and seeming to do it simply for the love of the game. Glib, while watching you lose your memories and become brainwashed.
This Amane is INCREDIBLY FUNNY and an INCREDIBLY DIRECT representation.. In a way that just makes me feel like I'm gonna barf. Like every layer of it lol, the, I'm never going to let you leave❤ Mmhh I love to consume beautiful women (so what does it say I sucked my brother dry?) Anyways I will take your life tonight. Ehh, the fact that he doesn't seem guilty or troubled at all by what he did.. Well, it's maybe been so-? Many years-?? And he's become so established, he's just at a point of-?? A-acceptance? Enjoyment? With what he did... does-??? He's decorating Tsukasa's grave playfully, I dunno...
Also the, fact that Amane is a vampire, means you have to, basically conclude that killing Tsukasa was... pleasurous... in the way that eating a delicious meal would be... It's a biological urge. And also killing Nene, again, will be, pleasurous. Hm... What does this mean for their situations in canon... Aha hahahahaha hahaha
So yeah overall I like this guy a lot. I think I would have a lot of fun RP'ing this one.
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As for Nene here, I'm not really big on her starting look... It's liiike, not doing it for me, a bit too. Fancee lady. Victorian flavor etc. which just isn't my bag... She doesn't look awful or anything; I like her lil parasol. That being said...
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... this nightgown is wonderful. I love her hair adornments too. A sleepy little lady, bride material. Thank you Amane for, assaulting her like this, I agree with your decision. I've envisioned her becoming a ghostie just like Tsukasa, as a result...
She's at her sweetest here, too, just innocently letting Amane in without thinking too hard about it. I like that she thinks over her day, and smiles, noting that she had fun, despite the strangeness. (Despite the scariness...) It's very Nene-chan of her. I think she'll take to her fate graciously, as she is always destined to... I see a lot of potential in her. ❤
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Now, the original victim, in HIS frilly nightgown, ready for beddy-bye. Isn't he sweet... He's actually my favorite out of this AU, out of the three. Far too precious, it really hurts me. I like to think that, in the past, when Amane was a newly-formed vampire, he was a lot more self-hating and afraid to feed, prone to starving himself. (Closer to emotional profile of the more troubled Amane in canon.) Despite this, Tsukasa was always gracious and encouraging, permissive. In true Tsukasa fashion, he was so encouraging and loving that Amane one day couldn't stop. That was that. His ah, nubby right hand is also a remnant of that interaction (as much as the pillows and blanket...) Bit clean off.
So much time has passed and they've been bound to one another like this. Tsukasa is found lingering outside of room 87 / Nene runs into him instead when trying to seek the Manager / Amane's key is definitely to room 87, just blurred... They must share a space and interact. I feel like after 'work', once everything's quieted down, Amane must simply retire to his special ghostie boy at the end of the day. And does god knows what.
It's quite scary that not everyone can see Tsukasa... yabai. I always feel like Tsukasa's existence gets buried and obfuscated by Amane's actions... Isolated, locked away. *frantically gestures at the Antares speech also* Much to be concerned about. It's eerie, then, that Nene is one of the few that can see him. And ah, of course, again Tsukasa is simply willing to aid and guide Nene through this. I like when he's this counter-force... A rogue agent, someone who'll answer questions if you just asked. He'll help you.
My overall feeling for the AU is, I like how ship is here! It's fun! Whereas Phantom Thief feels crude with how 1:1 it is, I think GH is more like, a gd riot, while still managing to be sexy too. I'm simple, I like vampirism, I like the direct correlation of Amane predating on Tsukasa and Nene. Makes me feel endless concern whenever I look over the details. Much in store for the canon.
🎭Hanako of the Opera🌹
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IDK what it is about me, but I can admit, I struggle to parse this event. It's not easy for me to follow everything that happens... Perhaps just the nature of it being one of those 'game' type events, with randomized elements, and also it being a story with present 'roles' being inserted. It's limited in ways, ,,
Okay but, as always, it's funny what is conveyed in a couple details. Amane is looking so crazy during scenes, maniac. Tsukasa ?? kitty cat?? Lurking about??? Enigmatic. The twins matching rings (which, in the original story, are given to Christine to represent her loyalty to the phantom) — OK. Matching jewelry symbolizing twins devotion to one another, check ✅ And all three of them have roses? Wonderful, something threading Tsukasa and Nene-chan, as Amane gives both his girlies roses. Overlapping romance check✅ (This ship is always too much lol...)
Rating the looks: Nene is lovely 💕 Shining star of the opera. The boys are more *noncommital hand gesture* but I like the fanfare of the cape, and I do. *sigh* I do think the half mask is cool, I've always thought it was cool. Fsr I vibe 'split' face situations (even specifically having sonas with large white face markings...) so yeah I'm into it. I wonder if? They are-? Both disfigured under there-?? Mysteries.
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I distinctly like the shawl Nene is wearing here. Kiss kiss. (... I also just really love this image lol, this is so funny of AidaIro-sensei... to explain the delays within the narrative like this...) wait why am I just realizing in this image Amane has like. A laced up boot up to his calf. That's not what the twins are wearing in their character profiles ? Wait why does it look like he's only wearing 1? What? hm okay. Anyways I love this image
🐉Kamome Monster Nursery🍭
This is one of those really wild AUs... Though I feel like it's iconic, perhaps just as an example of how Iro-sensei can invent unpredictable worlds. Overall I really like their Halloween AUs; both Aida and Iro love Halloween, and since JSHK overall is so ~spookeh ghosts~ it kisses well with Halloween mischief.
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The twins. Let's evaluate them both at once!!
This is one of those Amane's that's more on the 'subdued' side, along with being more academically inclined. To me, it feels like there are a couple 'sliders' that move around in relation to one another. If Amane is more studious, he's lessss... ostentatious, with his look and personality. He's too busy looking at clipboards and taking notes. In this way I think he's a loser with no game (lol) but at least he has Tsukasa with him to keep him on his toes. Tsukasa meanwhile seems to be having lots of fun here! I like that he's the more capable one, I feel like that's a consistent truth, deep down... That Tsukasa is actually smarter and more talented, overall. He's just so 'odd' that people don't notice... ww
I like the thickness of Amane's turtleneck, and I like that Tsukasa's in shorts and has such thick purple socks. So fun!! I also like how 'blue' the shades of purple on his outfit are, I really love the dark purp and black stripes on his top. His stripes make him match Amane's turtleneck's ribbing. Harmonious. Tsukasa's stethoscope feels horny to me though, in a way that makes me, mad-? (I don't trust AidaIro and their thing with hearts.) Aside from that, lab coats are whatever, not my thing. They're not super fun to draw but I can forgive it. (I have drawn these goons.)
They're kind of enigmatic to me, in that I wonder how they wound up here, doing this specifically...? But the world is so odd lol, I think it's odd how the class of 'monster' feels like they-? Don't... have rights-?? They're raised and studied, not treated like people-?? As a result, I feel like the twins kinda have broken lizard brains in this world, regarding monsters as specimens purely, and not forming deep attachments... They are engrossed in their research. Tsukasa is playful as a person, and good with raising monsters, but doesn't bat an eye as they get shoveled along through the system. This place perhaps outright facilitates that kind of detachment, so they're a perpetual motion machine doing this. So ultimately they only care about one another...
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Small detail, but the drawing looks like Tsukasa's art to me! Aida-sensei bothers to be consistent with characters having a 'style', so ah, I think the point is it 'looks' like a little kid made it, but it's actually a gift from Tsukasa.. We don't see them interact much, but I like to think they must collude throughout the day, and then after the workday is over they retire together. They have matching seals too which means-? Some-? Thing-? Critical about their connection to one another...?? So they have to be entangled...
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But we need a Nene-chan to come into their life and shake things up-!! Hahaha. I'm glad she has the ability to burn this whole place to the ground herself... A creature with a lot of potential!
As a lolicon I'm SIMPLE, and I love to see LITTLE GIRL. Lil girl, baby girl, baby baby baby. Soo freakin' cute, ugh, acting like a little feral beasty... and that we can just put her in a thick collar. Whatttt?? Sexy... Are there really no limits here? I get to watch Nene-chan be bitey and demanding?? Ourghh
Also, the fact that she's being raised by Tsukasa and taking after him, while dressed up in 'his' color... Sick & twisted. Showing me Tsukasa playing with Nene and giving her whatever she wants and them going on rampages together??? Sick & twisted-!! The fact that she has a little red heart earring on her, corresponding her to Amane, SICK & TWISTED!!! It's worrisome you know, because Nene is Amane's bespoke love interest across every world... They HAVE to collude-? He has to be interested in her, he has to. Find her attractive...?? Inevitably!? At that point, it's suspicious to me that monsters also develop faster than humans. Hmm, so she will be sexually mature soon enough. (Lol, Renesmee swag?)
You can't just show me Nene being Tsukasa-like, resembling Tsukasa, acting like Tsukasa, and Amane's just also in the room. Dragon loli all dressed up and collared, and being hand-reared by the brother of her love interest. DON'T YOU THINK ABOUT WHERE THIS TERMINATES-?? I sure do. *sucks in drool*
The set pieces make me pretty horny. I think I am a bit weak to esoteric research labs and, like dehumanizing situations for sapient(?) beings. Nonhuman behaviors, hand rearing, the aesthetic of daycare and baby toys etc... fun, I like it. I like to explore the space.
🏫Teen School Drama🪄
This AU is like. Lol where are we-? This boarding school and the overall aesthetic is giving a kind of Western-slay. Ahh I've been transported back to Angelland lol. There's a photo on AidaIro's twi tter featuring a Harry Potter mug (the Marauder's Map lolll) so ah, this combined with some of their other work gives me the impression they like... That sort of Vibe, ~wizarding school in London~... regardless of whether or not that's the actual setting, I just think it's worth noting. The particular stink going on.
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This Amane... he makes me laugh. Who is this-? Little nerd? An even more subdued, sciency-aligned Amane than the guy in Monster Nursery.
He's so stripped down feeling, and his palette has mysteriously become black/blue/gold, instead of black/red/gold. Why's that... The way no one could have guessed he was that little blue apple. Like— obviously people would sooner guess the ghost cookie or devil cake, etc. Even the fanciful king, thing, Teru was, because like. You would think Amane is devilish or has some sort of imposing presence... so it's the funniest reveal he's like, a quiet nerd who tinkers with RC cars and drones... I would even say fandom at large is more apt to see canon living-Amane as more shy than I personally would, but this still came as a shock for many. This little meep. (Octavius rex i guess, since Nene is barking up this tree.)
It's pretty novel though... to be able to think of an Amane that is this hobbled with social interactions. I like to imagine he struggles with making eye contact. A guy of few words... not practiced with having conversations. If you read his mind, he would be slowly disassembling and reassembling devices. *staring at nothing, waiting for class to end so he can go back to his dorm and do this*
But as much as he amuses me, he also frustrates me... How to word this. I find it suspicious that this Amane can command Tsukasa to manifest to him, without even a word, just sending a drone at him — and Tsukasa would drop everything to do so. Okay, so you have this very powerful wizard at your beck and call... and Tsukasa is typically quite obsessed with Amane, so. Hmm. Just simmer on that. And then you have fact that Nene is, putting herself out there, being CUTE about it, and he's like. Mnnn. Please don't. You'll draw attention to me... thinking moreso about the social discomfort, not like, Nene's gesture.
... to ME, he feels kind of, 'stuck in his comfort zone'...? I'd say it's pretty generous to see him as 'just shy'; if I think about Amane across worlds, I'd guess this one is probably just as asocial and disconnected from valuing people as individuals... He's always had Tsukasa, there, reliably, and has never had a reason to do anything besides funnel into his interests. Eh, it's kinda like if Amane could just blithely read about constellations AND just have Tsukasa by his side, super OP, catering to his whims. And then if later down the line, Nene was pursuing him on her own terms, so he didn't have to lift a finger or put the moves on her... This is all insane to me... kslkfksdg.... I suppose this Amane feels like a LESSON in, how COMPLACENT he can BE... It is possible for him to be this withdrawn, this uhh, stubborn, this placid. Not oozing anyyyy charisma, it's crazy, lmfaofdj hgdks I really think if you dated this one, he'd absolutely suck. Negative one thousand points, bad boyfriend material.
(As an Amane kinnie it's like, watching myself be kind of insufferable like a spoiled child LOLL where is your GAME man... lol but you're still gonna get it i guess...)
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Now... this girl. I want to fuck this Yashiro so very badly. She exists to torment me. Hruu.
The look is lovely. Her blue knit top, her red jacket, short plaid skirt, tall socks. The absolute territory...! Since she's usually so shy about her legs, and covers them up, it's amazing to see her showing some thigh. Ehh... scandalous. And then pretty twin tails, decorated in hearts, makes me feel weak. I really like twin tails...💔 Her witch outfit isn't appealing to me, but I don't mind rly, since her base look is soo good. I don't imagine she has to get fully decked out all the time anyways.
Her status as both a cheerleader and a witch intrigues me... Such a confident girl! I wonder if having magic abilities helps her feel more capable? It's incredible to me she just, attempts to talk to Amane regularly. That she would be like heehee❤ I'll cheer for you~... She doesn't feel so uncertain about whether or not he'll be interested in her-?? Even though he's quiet and avoidant of attention. So fascinating... With the right tools at her disposable, perhaps Nene can do anything.
Hmm, I often like to envision her... getting in over her head, with the whole witch thing... Onene inflating her head a bit! The 'downside' to that gained confidence. It's easy to imagine that Nene wouldn't be above using magic to gain favor in the pursuit of love... If Nene would swallow a mermaid's scale out of desperation for a relationship... I think being a witch capable of spells would provide unfathomable temptations for her. Along with Amane being a challenge to court, I ah, feel like the situation is rife for Nene to create, schemes, plans, to bag him. With the confidence that she could definitely succeed... and that he would be none the wiser, about it. There could even be an angle of, feeling like she's doing him a favor by being forward, he's just so shy, I bet he's never had a girl like him before ❤ I'll take care of it all!!
Which is funny, because I think this is exactly the way Hanako thinks of his 'flirting' (sekuhara) in canon. This AU flips things around, but in a way that I enjoy. ^^ I like that Iro-sensei is capable of scrambling the main cast around, but still keeping things so interesting! Allowing me to witness the girlish version of simping and the wear down method lol...
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Now... Wizard Tsukasa-!!! The catalyst of the event!! The capable, full-fledged magic user... He's enchanting💜 In his nice white sweater, and untucked undershirt... Would love to see him put on that hat. Sigh
I love seeing a Tsukasa so capable. I like to think he's a prodigy, and no one on campus who uses magic could hold a candle to him. The great and powerful TsuTsu!! Bare with me for this flight of fancy, but in settings where the twins are in a 'normal' setting (going to school and all), I still like to factor in Amane's heart condition. I like to believe he was still born with it, though technology is advanced enough that he was able to be saved through surgeries at a young age. That being said, it leaves him with a weak constitution, still being the sickly twin. I like to think that Tsukasa's nature of fetching Amane gifts to his bedside persists, and he's by Amane's side constantly, helping with little things. For magic to exist in this world... I feel like, of course, Tsukasa would pursue it to be able to service Amane even better. It's in his nature... when granted power, access to grant wishes, he simply wants to use it for Amane. So, the reason he gets so good at it all is for Amane 💜 It's what sets him apart from others.
... haha, okay, personal delusions aside, I think Tsukasa exudes a sort of... pleasant serenity here. I like the music notes in his text, like he's humming or speaking melodically. Fun, playful boy... Someone who speaks with hearts❤ Similarly to Nene, I think being able to wield magic gives him a bit of a confidence 'boost', so he's less self-conscious than some younger versions of him (that feel clumsy or like a burden...) Comfortable with his position in life currently. He's by Amane's side, after all! Hum humm, might as well have fun then, ne? There's no harm in it~
Argh, you know, it's an AU where things are atypical/shuffled around, so I think Tsukasa looming over Nene and taunting her is closer to something 'unusual' and unexpected (he's not purposefully ominous in canon ww) ... but like, it's sexy to see here, heurr. I feel a little messed with, when I have to consider TsuNene like this... It's as if I'm being baited lol. But I LIKE IT so oh well. As much as I think about Nene getting up to shennanigans behind Amane's back, I like to think of her having to deal with Tsukasa, who can observe and thwart her with ease. He doesn't do it mean spiritedly or anything, but I feel like sometimes he is watching her like...~ It would be fun to meddle. Just a tiny bit... <3 Able to give Nene a run for her money. The fact that Amane likes her is interesting to him <3 and maybe there's a little bit of flirting on Tsukasa's end too... <3 Ahee...
The fact that Tsukasa is able to intercept Aoi and Nene's combined efforts to stop him, and, that Amane then interrupts — and Tsukasa just goes ohp, ok, Amane needs me! Bye! & drops everything... feels like it says so much about the ah, flow of 'power' here. Despite Amane being The Mundane and despite Tsukasa being OP magic user... Tsukasa still defers to Amane-!! Ugh it creates this visual in my mind, where Nene's POV is one where Tsukasa might as well be Amane's big pet tiger curled around him. Lounging, languid, but... intimidating...
I like this AU overall lol. It just makes me horny very effectively. At least I feel like I'm not alone, because fujoshi are distinctly distressed about this AU and the implications of. Amane like, sending a drone to get Tsukasa, with the? Head of the? Rabbit costume he is horny about now? It literally feels like he's just ordering Tsukasa to come help him out with this, problem. Like why are they about to have weird sex through this conduit. Yamete kudasai...
Nyways final note is, I think Amane can eventually tempted by poon, between the forces of Tsukasa and Nene both, and then he will start to metamorphasize into a nastier guy, thinking about suck fuck fuck fuck suck suck & fuck. Which is good for him. He will be healed.
📞Kamome Valentine Company💘
This AU came out of nowhere and really sucker-punched us for Valentine's day... One swift sock to the gut. I barely survived February because of this all. My god. Where to even start.
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At first glance from the twitter icon, you don't get much of an impression of this Amane. I was mostly surprised to see that he had angel wings, as so far, it's usually been the inverse (other illusts having Amane be a devil while Tsu is holy aligned...) However, once the event started rolling out proper, I felt my gut sink as we got a better look at this guy. Promising that he can polish your love and make it shine... That lidded gaze, the look of an Amane that is trying to WORK YOU OVER... I could not BEGIN to trust this creep, ueeuahhh!! Makes my skin crawl. He actually is a devil. (Avvy's proposed he might actually be identical Tsukasa, and it's just an illusion he has going on... good possibilities.)
Alright but what's this looooook??? The metal... collar? The corset-!? The boots, the one glove... All this fetish gear, why are you looking like this! Running this shop with your brother! Ackkk! Oh and of course, to top it all off, you and Tsukasa both have matching jewelry, as some, expression of your commitment to one another… While you endlessly make bets and squabble for fun, in this warehouse full of jewels... It's really yabai that they have some sort of, hearts in cages, while their power itself is the ability to make love into jewelry. Their hearts look different from what's present in the cages, so I feel like whatever extraction process was done was different...
It's extrapolating a lot, but eh while I'm here, I might as well say — I like to think of the twins as having once been human. Some... dirty raggamuffin orphan boys... And one day, they effectively tapped into a kind of magic, some sort of dark ritual, etc. that effectively cursed them into their current forms... It was an act of commitment, equivalent to canon's shinjuu, and they've been bound eternally since. The end product is they've really become cursed beings who cannot, think or love properly. Avvy's described them as having a sort of emptiness to them, and I agree. It feels like they're locked in their obsession... Ermm, and much like how, it feels like the canon circumstance is one where, the twins can't help but want to reenact the shinjuu — Amane just wants to kill Tsukasa / Tsukasa just wants to be killed by Amane — again and again... I feel like once the twins get on a tear, they're kind of endlessly looping their desires, and they almost can't conceive of anything beyond what they are doing. Just slamming the button that says MORE. Do it AGAIN.
Obsessed with turning love into jewelry endlessly... obsessed with playing with each other... so it goes... sigh
(also I hate that he's likely evoking Eros... Ughh, god of sex and love, urghhhh... I'm gonna hurl... *has had a sona named Eros since I was 14* Whatever.)
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It is time to have much pity in my heart for this Nene... She's a VICTIM of this establishment... one of MANY. They have cages lining the walls of what they do to girls like her. So scary... Excessive! Diabolical!!
I do wish we had more time to spend with her. I hope somehow she makes her way back here, through some thread of fate... I don't want to believe she'll be gone for too long... *worried for her* At least, she's technically unburdened from her last circumstance...
This is again not ah, the sort of look I personally would choose for her — too 'mature' feeling? A type of formal clothing I'm not especially into. That being said, I like the hair framing her face mostly emphasized as the rest is pulled back. (Still, not into the braid it's in...) She's pretty in some close ups... Not bad looking, just not my favorite look for her. This is a nicer hat than GH girlie tho. I'll kiss her still~ chu...
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Mmmh, once again, out of the three, I'm most bewitched by the Tsukasa of this set. First getting a glimpse of him in the header, brutal for me. Horns! Devil wings!! Pppuuushed back hair, white frilly top, shorts, baby blue socks... Girlie on the phone? *0 brains* call girl... *even less brains* Phone sex. Sex with this one. Sex between work. *stops having a stroke* anyways.
To me, pragmatically speaking, the idea of my unrequited love being destroyed and forgotten about is the most appealing. I trust Tsukasa's proposal more... well, I at least feel as though he's being more honest. Assuming that Tsukasa had a different path laid out for Nene, I would trust it more than what Amane did.
I kinda waffle back and forth on it though, because Avvy's brought up a good point, that perhaps both the twins functionally do the exact same thing — part of their game might just be about whose proposal wins? In that case, ugh, twins-!! I guess you shouldn't trust either of them lol. That might just be the reality of this world. =.=
Yk. Despite the twins having such an intertwined existence, and surely doing this sort of thing all the time... I like how Tsukasa, at the end of this all, is staring quietly with small mouth big eyes, as he feeds Amane. That's the sort of expression I often read as Tsukasa being... overwhelmed, or kind of subdued, his mouth practically disappears. It's like he's really focusing on Amane's mouth eating the chocolate. I must see. His hind brain is tingling, due to what Amane is...? Insinuating? With his comment? But it's Tsukasa, so I think he also can't fully grasp what is being said. I'll do something for you later? Okay, Amane. ⬅ It's aspects like this that really mess me up though. Because a world like this is like, urgh, ugh, ok, the twins are? Definitely fucking? Or inbound, about to fuck, maybe fucking all day, or like, on the precipice. Perfect 50/50 split, what is the reality. Fucking today for the first time on Valentine's day? Suck your fingers while you feed me c hocolate. Ahh... *you lose me in the mist*
🐈‍Bakeneko Ryokan♨️
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Our most recent cafe event to date, and honestly, what feels like the most luxurious one. It feels embarrassing to say (since it just came out) but this is my favorite AU of them all, currently-!!! It's far too decadent in every way... Just look at this map!! Eh, ahh! I wanna go here so badly! Ehhh! Everything feels luscious and beautiful...! It's crazy Aida-sensei made this... This feels so involved and over the top... Meanwhile, I'm enraptured by Iro-sensei's description of things, like how it feels to approach this place.
"The air outside is cool and fresh. A deep fog enshrouds this place… The only light you can see is coming from the Ryokan." (Translation by DBS Scans!)
I'm just like UGH, atmosphere!! Makes me want to immerse into this world so badly! Traveling up the mountain side, as the fog encloses around me... A light in the distance, my only hope... Again, I really admire the integration of ah, an entire narrative alongside the theme of, cafe, food establishment, being served by the characters, etc... Transported to another world while you come here to eat. And again there is an element of danger to your visit here. A place you won't likely be returning from... Will you get eaten, or will you get turned into a bakeneko yourself-!? Such a fun set up omg
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Hmm, another Amane that looks like a too-pleased maniac... why am I not surprised. :I It's so devious he is a nekomata amidst bakeneko... it's like ah, Amane is decidedly the more evil and dangerous version of this yokai — almost to make sure there's no misconstruing that you shouldn't trust him ww. I think it also conveys that he is perhaps more powerful than we can observe, hiding a slew of abilities... maybe even a more extravagant beast form, larger than his typical kitty cat body. No way to know... (typical for Amane though... he won't let us know...)
But much like his vampire self, being a naughty kitty really suits him. If there was anyone destined to be a shitty tom cat, it's just, Amane... He's just got that sort of nature, don't he. Patrolling his territory, pissing on your things. Rubbing his scent glands on you. Because you are his. Enjoying that silvervine... Meanwhile, the texture of his hair and ears make me feel like he must be a very scruffy feeling black kitty, if you saw him up close. Hmm, it's just a very compatible charisma... the Halloween cat swag once more.
Always fun when Amane is in yukata. :3 Get all silked out... and I like his black tabi socks, they are cool. They further obfuscate slivers of skin, making him feel very clothed, toe to tip. The cut in his high collar, so that his bell comes out, is very crazy looking. I'm into it. Also like the extra gold band and bell on the tail, and the teal ribbon with it... The red and white rope on his zori, and for the keys slipped in his yukata, are the same as Tsukasa's shimenawa obi he is wearing. A little something connecting them here. I have to assume the keys he's keeping are to Tsukasa's room directly. Ugh, lock you up. I get it I get it... *exhausted, threadbare*
As for this Amane's nature, it's kinda fascinating... because, I feel like having been Tsukasa's pet kitty means, he kind of, couldn't have the same sort of problems he typically does when they are human brothers... It's just? Hard to imagine that he struggles in quite the same way. Wasn't he living a simple life once, getting chin scratches... He would surely just purr and rub up against Tsukasa... and then, why would that change, after their escape from the circus? Just so easy to imagine the twins are very, pet pet rub rub, nuzzle purrrrr purr mrr... The way their life has gone, there's also no pressure of 'the future', in the sense of some impending career or pressure from parents. They are freed from such things. Maybe he still wouldn't be the best at uhh, verbally comforting you lol, but I think he would be openly affectionate. Oozing out, condescending sounding, but very much enamored. Kitty lurvvve...
Another thing: I've seen JP fans theorize that Amane chose to emulate his human form after Tsukasa's, which I totally love the thought of. He's so distressed in that shot of them running away... I like to think he was less capable with magicks once, so it took a lot to finally congeal his human form — so it comes to him in the moment of adrenaline, saving Tsukasa from the fire. But it's cute to choose to match... I want to think that's how it went. :3
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Mmm oooh I was soooooo looking forward to seeing more of this Nene, after the few glimpses of her from promotional art (and the original shikishi...) She seemed so, gormless, empty shiny gaze. Yet lovely and pleasant, happy kitty. I'm so happy the more we've seen of her. Her yukata is gorgeousss.... Love the petal-y frills at the end, the pink inner fabric, the long embellished sleeves and tassles! Light blue/green, pink, red! Yes yes yes!! Colors that totally suit her! Mmm she would be so nice to touch... I prefer how her hair is done up here btw, no braid, just tied up! I disprefer the tightness of a braid. A small bun like this is nicer to think about playing with, pulling loose. *Amane voice* I ah, also like that she has little bells in her hair, and they feel like they thread her design with the twins' ostentatious big bells... It's a nice touch. A little something.
She really lives up to her name... She really is Pretty-chan! Ackkh.... by the way, I'm still dying every day over the name PRETTY-CHAN!!! It's that thing, that rule almost, where Nene is considered beautiful when she is nonhuman... Becoming this fanciful, large breed of cat, long fluffy fur, and her seafoam green tipped tail!! It makes so much sense she was once a beloved house pet.
Though, true to form, a platonic guardian cannot mean much to the romance-focused Nene... Off into the mountains she goes! Searching for guys to fawn over her... Only to! Wind up with this shitty, scruffy mans harassing her! Such is her destiny...
I like that she does dances :) fun, I would love to watch. Shake that tail around for me, girl... Ahh. She's so fun. I guess I understand actually why Amane can't resist sekuhara... With such a nice girlie walking around, it really makes you want to nip her heels and chase her around lol
With the release of this story card, I've been kind of arrested though... Learning that even Pretty-chan is like, slobbering over the idea of eating a human... A-ah, okay, and Amane is stoking her? Playing along? Even though he's harboring his human brother-!? Whyyy... 😭 I do n't understand... What do you mean there's a world where Nene could desire to eat Tsukasa-!?!??Fg h gg./h. fhg... why is she also i nsan e... help... I still feel like I'm falling out of my body. I 've literally always wanted to explore Nene being 'crazy' but now that I have the chance it's like sits on my hands . This is too much. The potential here... I shudder violently thinking about it. I'm in a dream I can't escape...
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*biiig sigh* Glorious images of Tsukasa-chan in this AU... Much color and splendor... No shoes of any kind, because he's probably mostly indoors! The long decorative sleeves tucked away, because he's gotta be ready to scrub the floor. Little miss mittens. Nya. Even if you're not really a bakeneko, you've got all the charm of a kitty, don't you? Rolling around while your 'brother' dangles a cat tail above you...
I feel like this Tsukasa lives quite a fun life. Padding about, RPing as kitty, meeting nice girlies who talk to him and might find him novel and cute. Hiding in closets, getting dragged about by his tyrant master. Random naps, lazing in hot spring water, enjoying the food here... Considering where his life started — as some unwanted child performing labor for a circus... This is probably more than he could've ever dreamed of. Life is good and life is fun!
I have to assume the details of his disguise were by Amane. I feel like if it were up to Tsukasa, he'd just match identically with Amane... it's probably Amane who is like 'no, you're not a nekomata... and actually, you could never even become one, ever, you'd be some kinked tail little thing'. Fetishistic perception of Tsukasa. The fact that Tsukasa could complain about his ears and tail is like, so funny to me, it makes it feel like it really is mostly for Amane's sake... He's the one trying to keep you his tasty little secret, shhh. I have to assume it's also Amane who wanted the reciprocation of giving Tsukasa a collar, since he's earing the one from when he was Tsukasa's pet in the past. Ugh, I swear it just represents that they own one another, mutual feelings...
So much going on here... and I have to accept this is just another world where Tsukasa is some tasty morsel. There is a biological urge to consume him. Again. Because it just feels so good and he is so delicious. Thanks I guess, iro... *i am frowning*
!! Bonus section for AUs featured in stand alone illustrations !!
🐹Hamster Owners🐭
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Attached to one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE VOLUMES, is this baby. It's such a simple image, isn't it? But this is one of those things where I feel like, Ah. This was made for me, specifically... I love rodents... I love this style of little ferals, where they still have human heads — little sphinxes! Nene-chan hamster!! Tsukasa as some sort of little, mousey-wousy!! Incredible-!!!! The way Tsukasa is helplessly licking the outside of the water... he no understand. Ack... and then this young Amane!! 8 yo boy!! Peak boy!! In his shorts and with bandage booboos... clutching hamster cage bedding! Nrghhh! Pet owner Amane... yes, he's the 'owner' in the situation, and they're the pets. Ra urhghg!!! It's all so 'simple' but it's for me to adore!! It looks amazing!!!! It's feeding me endlessly, as a standalone image... (I've drawn too much porn of this AU... LOL)
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Haha, these feel like some random sketches Aida-sense did one day, just for fun. Maybe without much of a 'world' behind them... but they still give me pause! The Yugi's fancy rich lad quality coming out... Perhaps they are home schooled. While Nene is a servant to their household-!! God it's a good age gap here, she is very onee-san. The despicable charm of Amane splitting a donut with Nene and going shh, secret... Maybe it's unprofessional and not the sort of thing your parents would like, maybe you'd get in trouble for interrupting her from sweeping. But must do it still... Hehe. And Nene of course is like, oooh, okayyy~ Going along with...
Unforch at these ages, it's too easy to imagine Nene being like lol, handsome lil guy lol, teeheee, maybe he has a lil crush on me, so cute. Far too seamlessly going to make jokes like, ahh, well mayb e when you're older❤... Ohh, Amane-kun, how charming... I'll wait for you❤... (A particle of Nene's brain: but it would be nice if he grew up all handsome and I got to go from being a maid to a mistress of the house... swag...) All of this will get out of hand quickly. It's like a, give a mouse a cookie problem, you fuel this crush/concept, you will make Amane sick and entitled. He will like incel rage about it almost. I don't want to wait over a decade... I want my slaw
I'm tunnel vision ofc, would love to see Tsukasa tugging on Nene's dress as well. He's here too, he will have a crush too. Onene-san should have a lot on her plate.
❄️Kamome Skating School⛸
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Splendid... incredible... marvelous... This image blessed my crops, as they say. In one fell swoop, it introduced me so many things. Simply, a world where the twins are alive, and together, and we're watching them about to skate together? (It's usually more ambiguous, where they overlap...) B-bandaged boy-!? Bandaged Amane-?!? Even just aesthetically, that's crazy, he's such a specific boy that is featured in highly specific contexts... but wait, so is living Tsukasa! He's really a rare sight! Double rarity! And then Tsukasa is, looking, amazing, with skates on his hands, I want to see him SKATE LIKE THIS!! I think he could do it.
And then, you just have Amane dazzled by this increble Nene... The super capable Nene, look at her! Amazing!! Show stopping! I'd love for her to be super good at skating, distinctly... Ah, again, a Nene confident enough to show her bare legs ;; I love when this is the case... Rare girlies... Ugh and I'm like, actually very attracted to figure skating and the kind of attire that goes with it, so I feel very very very very serviced. We really just barrelled into this AU and RP'd it excessively the month we got this illust... good times✨
🎶Idol Cup🎤
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Much delight had here. To reiterate, I'm a simple idol otaku. I mostly like female idols but I'm into the general concept enough to be allured by the twins as a duo. They look amazing ww, it feels like Amane stans Tsukasa so hard here...
In the past, I was mostly keyed in on Tsukasa being mic'd up, but I realize Amane is as well, and they must be singing together. Duets... that's almost too much for me. I like to think the twins have 'the same voice' in reality, like how they work in the anime, just for ah. Some sort of eerie, unusual element to them. I wonder how much that would make their singing fascinating to hear... Would they blend seamlessly? The same voice, twice, harmonizing, echoing... IMO the twins are very talented and good at dancing/singing, but they can't win #1 because they are too creepy and incest vibes. It's like hmm it almost feels too scandalous, trashy. If only you two would gyrate less... but the women in the crowd ARE screaming.
Meanwhile: Nene back there makes me wanna cry, little cupcake. Littel cake topper wife. Help-!! !!! I want to talk to her backstage and invite her into our room lol, like come to our studio. Let me watch you sing and harmonize with Tsukasa... Really, I'd love to abduct her for a 3way routine, let's all have matching black and purple 'fits. And then I'll fuck you after the show just like I do my brother. Yaaaaaaa the crowd is going wild back there... Mmmm doesn't it just feel so good.
OK that's all I got in me. Enjoy
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mintys-musings · 1 year
i need more of ur anzu x idol rambles PLZ theyre so good if i cld inject it to my brain i wld do so /pos
*cracks knuckles* how much time do we have? I could do this all damn day t b h.
okay here's a random thing i love about anzu- not entirely related to this but still: EVERYONE KNOWS CANONICALLY HOW DAMN THIRSTY SHE IS TO SEE GUYS WHO ARE BARELY CLOTHED WITH MUSCLES. slight spoilers for madara's fs1 story will be in the tags so tread lightly if you wanna experience that yourself. just- she has a clear type in men. at least as far as physicality goes.
This is gonna get long so im putting it under cut- im doing this right before i go to bed bc my brain will not rest until i get this out of my system
Okay. I know which ships I'll end up rambling about on my own. So lemme highlight ones that i may not talk about as much but love still. idk if u wanted to hear horny rambles or not so im just throwing in first time stuff as flavour.
MAKOTO AND ANZU ARE THE CUTEST. EPIC GAMER LOSER BF AND GIRLBOSS/GIRLFAIL GF COMBO. idk if it makes sense but they're like. hs sweethearts that never actually got together in hs and only realized it later when they reconnect or something that they're so totally in love. also he's just so damn goofy it balances out her more serious side that took over after her failed rebellion attempt at kimisaki. like he'd start calling her his favourite trouble maker if he heard that story. OOOOUUU MAYBE HE'D EVEN START CALLING HER ANGIE AND SHE NEARLY CRIES BC NO ONE CALLS HER THAT ANYMORE BESIDES HER BROTHER. idk they're sweet.
the first time they do it together, they're both so awkward that it's funny but they're so comfy with each other that it isn't a problem. in my mind, mako tries to lead at first but when it gets too hot and heavy, anzu takes charge. they seem like the most realistic couple out there with the least amount of angst~
okay now to talk about Makoto's gaming buddy with her instead HFDSF. i feel like this anzu ship is a lil underrated. i personally love it. he has canonically given in to her like 🥺 face. they're relationship is basically jun teasing her and anzu pouting until he feels bad and it's cute. moon and sun vibe. also. jun is in eden/eve. he has money he's not spendin on himself. he may not give the most lavish gifts or even the most gifts in terms of anzu ships, but he does buy her little trinkets and stuff. more often than not though he's just paying for her meals. even with gatekeeper cash and the anzu fund made in the graduation story, he's not letting her spend a cent if she doesn't have to. if questioned he'd just be like "Haaah? Ain't it rude to make the lady pay?" but in reality he just wants to spoil her. the entirety of trickstar is gonna start questioning her though if they notice they're getting close. And i bet ibara is going to investigate why half of eve is meddling with the competition's producer.
their first time is spontaneous. they never talked before hand about it or whatever. it probably was them destressing from a hard day at work. PERSONALLY- i think they did it in the ES gym~ and god anzu was so scared theyd get caught. BOTH of them know Ibara goes down to the gym after work but luckily a meeting ran long or something because by the time they were done and dressed, they could just pass it off as training when ibara walked in.
okay this is definitely a rare one- but a ship ive grown fond of the more i thought about it. meru and anzu are both work oriented, but still a little silly deep down. so when they relax and get to know each other, they find the others presence so calming. he admires her for her work ethic and she does the same. god im pulling out the first idol story interactions with this one as well- he let his guard down near completely when they first meet. and he says something like "like attracts like" or something like they're kindred spirits and that he's fallen for her. that last part was probs just his attempt at joking fanservice, but he is aware that he could easily pull anyone he wants to. for anzu to just talk normally with him, he thinks it's refreshing and honestly- being in a unit like crazyb, he would want someone calm like her to be around.
here's the big catch though: meru would never risk kaname's idol image by dating ANYONE. let alone the person known as "everyones producer." so this ship is BUILT for "at arms length" pining/"we'll never know what could've been" angst
their first time is the most planned out of all three of these ships. not on anzu's side, but himerus. meru is really meticulous with his image and he respects anzu. so if he's going to do something with her, he's going to do it right and make sure they have the most privacy possible. it's def something that happens after a VERY romantic date. possibly an anniversary. he gets incredibly intimate. maybe he'd even start talking in first person. this is, after all, not a performance for anyone. he just wants to share this moment with anzu. that being said they go on for a long ass time because meru has stamina and anzu can get insatiable if teased long enough.
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Ok so I promised to talk about my sci fi stuff. It's now six in the morning again* but I feel far less tired than yesterday so I'm gonna dare to write it down this time.
It's not really a concrete story, its more just a loose collection of characters, worldbuilding and unconnected fun story beats.
There will be absolutely no structure to this. Just ramble.
So for a little context, this has been brewing slowly for years but I really started to gather up all those ideas after I finished watching Killjoys (Bounty Hunters in Space) and craved more space adventure in my head. Theres also a lot of Firefly (Western, but in space), The Expanse (Uhhh a bunch of stuff, in space), Battletech (Mech Mercenaries, in space) and my dads loosely RIFTS based sci fi role playing world in there.
Now first thing first you might notice that all those things above involve lots of guns which is maybe the biggest step away I am taking in that there is exactly one (1) gun involved in the entirety of this whole thing. Also the images in my head are a lot brighter and less gritty than most of those series. Like it's a genuinely good world. Because it's a thing I'm thinking about to relax.
So let's meet the crew! Because of course this space adventure revolves around a colourful bunch of people who travel the vastness of space together.
Most importantly theres the Pilot. He's afraid of sleeping when they're flying because if he isn't awake then whos steering. Even though theyre in space, where it's basically impossible to hit anything unless you want to, flying consist of pointing the ship in the right direction and waiting and any correction would need to happen way faster than a human could make them anyways.
Which is kind of a problem when travel times between planets range between a few days for inner system distances to easily over a month of want to get from one side of the system to the other. Interstellar travel involves specialized jump ships so travelling the lightyears between stars actually ends up taking much less time than getting from the edge of the suns gravity well to anything remotely worth visiting.
He accounts for about half of the crews caffeine consumption and sometimes his sleep deprivation leads to some hijinks (like when he goes hunting the space spiders in the vents). The ship is his own, he has won it in an advertisement lottery for a video game which is why there is a giant wizard painted on it which he really wants to remove but is not allowed to. Everybody else loves the wizard.
Next up is the one person in the group who has an actual job. This is not a wild thing because most people don't have a serious job and don't have to have one to get by, but he definitely has one. It's the mechanic. Big beefy guy, and not just muscle beef and also he has a big metal arm because of course he has. He's a mechanic and he runs powertools off of the arm. His job is that he works at the local museum of transport and restores old trains. Like back when they still ran on diesel old old. can you imagine!
He is the main reason for them flying off planet because other places ask him to come over to repair a thing for them, so Pilot flies him over, their other friends come with because it's like a roadtrip and that's kind of their thing and the remaining seats are chartered out which always makes for interesting company.
He enjoys his work very much but his hobby hobby is building model planes.
Next up the Detective, who is absolutely not just straight up Miller from The Expanse. He got unfrozen from cryosleep and lives in a totally different story from the others. He is constantly fidgeting because he doesn't have a gun anymore so he doesn't know what to do with hands. He is brooding all the time but it just looks silly because he has to do it in the very comfy and nice places his friends hang out in. But every now and then they get to go on some kind of investigation, a treasure hunt or something genuinely dangerous happens and he is fully in his element.
The one time a gun is relevant is when one of their adventures brings them to a wildlife reserve and he gets to have a tranquilizer rifle. He wants to be sad because that's all he has ever known but his friends are way too good at being friends. He is in a constant war over the gravistat (thermostat but for gravity) because back in his day spaceships didn't have artificial gravity yet.
Fourth guy I have yet is the Charmer. He's a linguistics student. His whole deal is that on every adventure he falls in love with someone and it never works out for some weird reason but he always stays friends with them. He knows people everywhere. He can not flirt for the life of him. He's like what if an 18CHA Bard only ever rolled nat 1s.
Their favourite place to hang out earthside is a Pub (Public Charging Station). Thats a place with wireless charging things at the tables for peoples cybernetics. Just so happens that the one they frequent also has a liquor license. The house specialty drink is "Battery Juice". A glowing green spiked lemonade. Of course you can also get it "discharged".
I hope enjoyed this little insight into one of the fandom unrelated worlds in my head and have a tremendously joyful day!
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pikkish · 2 years
Jupiter Hell headcanons. Giv.
Headcanons? Plural? HECK YEAH DON'T MIND IF I DO
^^^also putting the cinematic trailer here bc its good and more people should watch it (and then go buy the game and play it for hours and give it a good review)
anyway yes I have lots of headcanons about this game and since I'm basically the only one posting about it here on tumblr there's no one to contradict me on them. also a lot of them parallel and/or contrast with Doom headcanons, since JH is largely inspired by Doom.
For starters, the CRI isn't inherently evil like the UAC. I mean, they definitely have problems, what with the Callisto mines being run primarily by prisoner labor, and the primary funder of the CRI being the us military so their main focus is war weapons, so they're just as twisted as any major government funded war profiteering company, but they're not actively going "hee hoo lets sacrifice our own employees in cult rituals to Hell for ~SCIENCE!~" They just went "Woah whats this funny pentagram thing buried in the heart of Europa? WOAH ITS A PORTAL TO IO!! SICK WE CAN INSTANTANEOUSLY TRAVEL BETWEEN MOONS hey wait there's another one here on Io YOOOOOO IS THIS A SPACE STATION INSIDE JUPITER??? WE SHOULD TOTALLY INVESTIGATE THIS!" And then it turned out it was a portal to Hell and they accidentally started the demonic invasion. Tough luck, guys.
As for the protagonist, JupeGuy, or Mark Taggart, as is his default name for each run, I like to think that for all his flippant, snarky comments throughout the game, he's actually a relatively sane, levelheaded character, especially compared to Doomguy. This is mostly inspired by the fact that, once you get to the Dante Station levels, he stops with all the silly snarky voicelines and gets a lot more serious and solemn in reacting to things, but there are a few other points that work well with the headcanon. He uses cover when fighting, he can actually pick up a medkit and store it in his backpack for later use instead of either using it immediately or leaving it behind, he can modify and repair weapons and armor, he can gather intel on what's ahead and plan which route he wants to take based on that intel, and he doesn't just go charging at the final boss screaming ferally (unless you're playing a melee build.) He's like Doomguy's smarter, more wary cousin!
He 100% did go to The Pit on Europa, and he did pet Rexio, and now he has a funny puppy that's like five feet taller than him and will maul anything that looks at him mean. Let the man have his pet hellhound.
Also speaking of pets, solely because Doomguy has Daisy, I headcanon JupeGuy also likes small, flluffy animals, though he tends more toward birds, specifically budgies. He had a little green budgie with a yellow head named Spinach.
Ok, just one more headcanon, though this one takes a bit of explaining: there's a secret level in JH called Purgatory, and it is... punishing, both to survive, and just to get to.
First, in order to get to it, you very much have to know what you're doing. First, you have to go to a specific branch on Callisto, which is the first moon you're on. If you miss it, you're out of luck. on each floor you have to close a portal within a pretty short time limit, which usually means tanking damage from all the enemies between it and you, and again, this is early-game, so you're relatively low level and don't exactly have the stats to be tanking like that. Then, you have to close two of these portals, minimum, when at maximum, there only are three portals, and sometimes, there are only two to begin with, depending on where the branch entrance is.
So if you manage to do that, you'll be given the "Demonic Attunment" status, which... well! It's entire description is just "Unknown," so it doesn't really give you a whole lot to go on! But, if you can make it to the branch special level and successfully fight off a handful of archreavers- essentially JH's equivalent of Barons of Hell- then so long as you have a high enough rank of Demonic Attunement, you can hit a handful of pillars in the right order (an upside down star, of course) to open the portal to Purgatory, which doesn't sound so difficult in theory, but those pillars are the only cover you get from the archreavers in the entire arena, and if you accidentally bump one out of order while seeking shelter from the archreavers, then you're out of luck, you can't open the portal.
BUT, if you do get everything right, and you go through the portal, congratulations! you have a whole new set of problems to worry about! For one thing, Purgatory is jam packed with late game enemies, and you're still using early game gear, maybe with a few buffs if the loot in the Callisto Anomaly was good. For another, Purgatory is a liminal space, and going up and then right does not take you to the same place as if you go right and then up, so it's very easy to get lost. And the final icing on the cake? You gain the "Catharsis" status, the description for which reads, "You've witnessed the Purgatory. Some wounds will never heal, and you're less motivated to learn from new experiences."
How does that translate to game mechanics? the "less motivated to learn" means you permanently get 20% less experience for killing enemies, so you level a lot slower, and "some wounds never heal" means that every time you go through one of the teleporters to the next room, you permanently lose a few points off your maximum health.
So what's the reward for going to Purgatory aside from the challenge of it, fighting the secret boss battle, and unlocking the second, harder hardest mode? Well, see, Jupiter Hell is a roguelike game, so all of the loot and weapons you get are randomized. But if you know the route- and I do mean really know the route, because again, going right and up is not the same as up then right, and the health loss applies when backtracking, too- you can get your pick of any of the unique weapons in the game, of which, in a non-purgatory run that goes to all three possible special levels, you are normally only guaranteed to get one unique, and a random one that may not work at all with your build. But in Purgatory, if you can survive there and back, you can get any of them that you want.
Now, the unique weapons are great and all, but if you know what you're doing, you can beat the game without one. So what's an even more powerful weapon, or perhaps, a more powerful defense against Hell itself, that which does its utmost to rip all the joy and hope and love out of you? What could possibly let you knowingly stand against and fight Hell itself like that?
Here's where the actual headcanon starts, because my answer is apathy.
Or, the achievement of catharsis.
Knowing that you're going to bleed forever, knowing that your achievements don't actually amount to all that much, knowing that you are going to go to Hell, choosing to go to Hell, and being okay with that. Being at peace with that. Because how can you truly be affected by misery and suffering if you have already made peace with your situation?
So I think that JupeGuy figured out pretty quickly that he was fighting demons and realized he wouldn't be going home, but to Hell instead. I don't know how he knew to get to Purgatory, since, like I said, it isn't readily apparent, but you pretty much need to know what you're doing in order to get there, so it was a conscious decision on his part. He chose to go there, chose to take up the burden of eternal pain, chose to lose the joy of learning new things, the excitement of life, he chose the horrible apathy of catharsis, all so that he could fight Hell itself and stop the invasion.
And I just think that's a terrible, awful, and incredibly interesting concept, of catharsis first being a bad thing, a painful thing, that only by knowingly, willingly choosing to bear that pain forever can one gain some meager benefit.
as a last note, here is the background music for Purgatory. I think it is absolutely terrifying and also sometimes I will listen to it on repeat and think about JupeGuy.
(I had to record this myself by sitting in the level and taking a video then converting that video to mp3, because no one's put the ost up on youtube, I don't know if/where you can officially download it, and apparently JH uses a weird filetype that I could not for the life of me find a tutorial on how to rip the soundfiles for. So idk if that's its actual name or what.)
#pikspeak#jupiter hell#thank u for asking me about jh i love it so much it is such a good game#i think you in particular would actually really like it. it feel very very much like classic doom to me#albeit with more stat management and reading and such#but it actually plays so SO fast for a turn based game#and has only marginally more lore than classic doom does#the vast majority of which is entirely just flavor text#which means there is SO much room for making up your own stuff lol#ive actually been thinking about a JHxModern Doom crossover au for a while now#in which doomguy and jupeguy are brothers and end up fending off their respective hell invasions at roughly the same time#and then things get funny while dg is in argent dnur and later when jupeguy gets back to earth#im sure ill talk about that sooner or later if people wanna hear it#also it was made by a small dev team and theyre still actively updating it even a year after launch#like the full game is definitely there but the devs are still adding the stuff from like#kickstarter goals that werent initially reached in the original kickstart#and i hopped on the discord a while back and everyone there is so nice#i was actually able to reach/beat the purgatory boss bc of tips they gave me#and they have a channel for posting your death/victory logs and#even though most of the ones people put there are like their super hardcore victories#both times ive put my little medium difficulty victories in there people have congratulated me#also i see the lead dev in the discord all the time especially in the bug report channel and the design suggestion channel#helping people troubleshoot and talking with them about their ideas for the game#basically what im saying is that its a super awesome game AND the devs seem super cool too#you should definitely play it. and let me know what you think of it if you do!!#we could yell at each other about ANOTHER silly stupid space marine...!
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charles-edwin · 1 year
Triage eps 4-5 notes:
Everything with Professor Sakda and his evil gopher minion makes my blood boil. You are doctors it is your sworn duty to take care of people, your patients rely on you and put their lives in your hands, they are completely at your mercy and to take advantage of that in such a way is horrifying.
Little evil gopher is also really bad at killing a comatose guy. Oh wow, I just cannot believe that Varit had his life saved with MEDICINE given to him by a DOCTOR in this HOSPITAL whose job it is to KEEP HIM ALIVE. Who could have possibly seen this outcome coming.
Can’t believe Tin’s finding time to investigate a medical conspiracy on top of everything else.
Art is a bit silly and intense but no one can say that he isn’t a solid dude. He’s halfway to buzzed and he gets a random phone call from the doctor he only met yesterday, and when he gets asked to make sure Tol doesn’t get drunk he’s just like “I’m on it!” and preforms remarkably well.
Oh nooooooo, Tin’s so much more sad and affected by Tol’s death now on top of feeling responsible for Art being involved. Jinta believes in you, Tin! You WILL get it right!
All of Tin’s friends are so concerned about him not taking care of himself and trying to get him to sleep without knowing he’s doing an endurance challenge assigned to him by the universe.
Some people get nauseous or start seeing spiders when sleep deprived, Tin falls out of the timeline and sees the spirit of his dead not-boyfriend.
Ascended!Tol: Please take care of my heart
Tin, falling in love: Wow, that's so romantic to say 🥰
Ascended!Tol: No, Doctor there is literally something medically wrong with my heart and we really should check on that next loop
Tin’s timeloop schedule is so fully booked up it’s tiring me out. Would love it if he could take a cycle just to nap and play with Zebra.
Gah, Tin and Varit's scene made me tear up, just taking the moment to sit together and talk so gently to calm Varit down and listening and being there for him. I love Tin so much 💜 (but oh boy not Tin going "I can fix him" about Tol's delinquent behavior 🤣)
This loop’s Tol is just getting fully hit with very capable and pretty doctor swooping in out of nowhere to save his and his friends lives in the most caring and reassuring way, and he is very visibly affected by it.
Every episode it gets funnier just how badly Sing is handling his feelings for Gap. Gap at least is only outwardly denying it and seems to have largely accepted his unfortunate crush. Sing on the other hand both cannot talk to him normally nor can he tolerate Gap talking with anyone else. Toi could barely stay in the room with such a trainwreck.
Okay but what about Seunam? This shopping date is very cute but you can’t just show the little kitty getting brutalized in the previous loop and then ignore it in this one without giving me a reason it didn’t happen again!
Evil Gopher back at it again with making me hate his guts extorting and blackmailing Mai with her mother’s treatment. And yeesh, Mai’s dealing with a lot.
Hey, it’s the magic love clock tower! Was wondering when this beauty would show up.
yeah 😭😭😭 this show has some Real dark turns and unfortunately we can’t say things like that don’t happen in real life because they do 😭😭😭
right? WILD lmao
art is a good friend!!!!
oh love, get ready for tol’s death affecting tin because it happens a lot 😭😭😭😭 but yeah, jinta believes in him and so do we!!!
TIN HAS THE BEST OF FRIENDS!!! and maybe that’s where his superpowers come from aldkskkdsk
ohhhhh keep that scene of tol appearing to tin in ep 4 on your mind!!! *wink wink*
LMAOOOO yeah, ghost tol was Very serious but tin is already falling aldkskkdskkdks
nobody can convince me that tin didn’t hit the fuck it in certain loops and just went hang out with his cat and watch some movies akdjskdk IT’S TOO STRESSFUL
tin is such a good guy. he can fix tol, trust me 🤣🤣🤣
tol’s not god’s strongest soldier as he believes to be. pretty doctors WILL affect him 🤣🤣🤣
SINGGAP MY BELOVEDS ALDKAKDKSKDK sing is incredibly funny like. bestie tries to hide how whipped he is but WE SEE YOU
lmaooo true but don’t worry. the kitten will be okay!!!!
yeah 😭😭😭😭 poor mai!!! girl goes through so much!!
THE MAGIC LOVE CLOCK TOWER aldkskdkskdk yes, it is very important and very precious to us ❤️💙
happy watching!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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