#and adam LITERALLY only got interesting to me in v6. the season he showed last minute in and FUCKING DIED
uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
this is me when I think about nora
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this is also me when I think about… every redhead in this show not named roman
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kob131 · 4 years
Get out of my tag then.
So Blake’s repeatedly trying to push Sun Wukong away wasn’t because she was scared of being a burden/hurting the people she loved due to years of abuse Adam put her through…but because she wasn’t interested in him romantically.
... No, she did it because she was scared of what was going on and Sun kept confronting her while pushing him away. The show was...really blatant about this, I don’t even know where you could have gotten this aside from Bumbleby shippers.
So Sun is just “a friend” now, and despite this Blake leaves him off with a kiss, and it’s REALLY hard to play that off as just a platonic friendly gesture. I would say even impossible. 
He was always a friend. They never got together nor did they get with anyone else.  And emphasizing that he did this not because of selfish reasons but because he’s a pure hearted but kind of silly guy. Sun’s honestly got my respect there.
Now that Sun is out of the picture Blake can spend the next two seasons making goo-goo eyes at Yang, who’s now mysteriously forgotten about the emotional anguish Blake put her through by leaving without any explanation. Abandonment issues? What are those? Yang exists purely to be Blake’s arm candy!
You know, instead of taking the bait here, I’m going to explain why choosing this interpretation is a self fulfilling prophecy.
By choosing to see all of this in a Bumbleby lense, you are accepting the premise of the shippers. Instead of denying the premise and pointing out how the narrative connected these two without romance, you choose to see it the way the shippers do time and time again. It makes it so no matter what the writers do, they cannot see a different way. You are railroading them into this decision. You are making it so the end result on your end will not change so why not profit from it.
If Bumbleby happens: it’s your fault.
Speaking of Yang, remember there was a whole episode where Weiss and Yang were the first two members of Team RWBY to reunite because the writers realized they “don’t have many canon interactions?” So they tearfully hug each other, comfort one another, and then…it’s never brought up again. Hope you enjoyed those frames, Freezerburn shippers, now you can make gifs for your AMVs!
*types in Freezerburn and Bumbleby into Celtic’s search function*
Yeah that makes sense. If you did care, you’d be bitching about how Blake and Ruby don’t have any canonical interactions aside from their literal first time. Not more Freezerburn and making it about shipping.
The way Clover totally wasn’t flirting with Qrow throughout V6 only to be gruesomely killed by Tyrian. Subtext? What subtext? Silly fujo, those are just your shipping goggles lying to you. It’s totally normal for one heterosexual man to wink at another heterosexual man while playfully saying “Lucky you,” as heterosexual male friends are wont to do. We have a lot of gay side characters who aren’t dead so this is totally fine!
I have literally flirted with my bisexual best friend just to be a troll. I can totally believe that.
Speaking of “killing off the love interest for shock value” the wasted potential that was Pyrrha Nikos. Her character arc never felt finished to me, and letting her live but be crippled from the torn Achilles tendon would’ve forced her out of the role of The Invincible Girl, she’d have had to confront her last moments with Jaune and would now have a personal vendetta against Cinder (for leaving her permanently handicapped) and possibly Ozpin (for offering her the role of Fall Maiden knowing she wouldn’t refuse). But what do I know? Clearly it was far better that she serve as a lesson to us viewers that People Die When They Are Killed.
So...Jaune. You want to make her Jaune. Just more depressing than her dying. ... What are you trying to accomplish again?
Anyway I know this is going to get me crucified by the RWBY stans-
Stop with your damn victim complex. No one cares. Compare this to the post arguing against a critic of RWBY before this one and you’ll see how little I feel about this.
You wanna choose to be miserable? Fine. You wanna choose to live in an echo chamber? Fine. You have no one to blame but yourself for it.
I’ll just do the 4chan and laugh at you.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
So, Squiggles :) What do you think of the newest episode?
Hey Mizu. I’m not sure if you’re asking me for an overall review of theepisode or one that’s more in depth which potentially goes into more spoiler territory. Just to be safe, I’m going to do it both ways. I’ll give my generalspoiler-free thoughts on the episode before I go into the specifics of somethings I liked and didn’t like about the episode. But undercut for obvious spoilers.Cool?
Overall, chapter 3 was another solid episode. Similar to how V6 started off, CRWBY Writers really aren’t giving any room for downtime with these episodes as we’re immediately chucked into the meat of the episode— the mission with the Aces. I figured we would have at least gotten to seeing our heroes settling into Atlas and adjusting to their new surroundings before the big mission but…NOPE! Mission time! So I’ll at least give you that bit about the episode since it was highlighted in the synopsis for this episode.
Overall, I enjoyed CH3. It was cool and it showed everyone in action. However there were some specific things that stood out to me that I wanted to give my opinion undercut.
[Spoilers Ahead! Nuff Said!]
First off, the brief conversation between Ruby and Oscar. With theway how the episode chucked us straight into the mission, ya girl was worriedthat Oscar wasn’t even going to be in this episode since his absence from themission has been highlighted since as early as the V7 Trailer. But thankfully,the little barn prince shared one scene with Ruby.
Turns out we were all right about Oscar confronting Ruby about her stunt in Ironwood’s office. It was a little shorter than I expected but… then again, it wasn’t the key focus of the episode so I gave it a pass.Still it is noteworthy that Ruby entrusted the Relic of Knowledge back to Oscar. This is interesting to me since it brings to light a point of concern I made in my very last theory post from this week. With Oscar now having the Relic back in his possession, I wonder if history will repeat itself with the roles reversed. 
Could this moment from the episode be a possible foreshadow to Oscar using the Relic to out Ruby in a similar fashion to how she used the Relic on Oz last season?
Could Oscar simply just threaten Ruby with the Relic leading to the two having a big fight or…could Oscar potentially end up using Jinn to show Ironwood the truth behind Ruby’s back? 
All of these are possibilities now to add to the table of events brought to you by this small exchange. It’s quite fascinating really. I don’t want Oscar to come tothis point. But for now, it’s definitely a probability with the Relic in his hands.
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The Ace Ops were all very, very cool in this episode. I loved their comradery with each other. I especially wanted to point out Vine and Elm’s dynamic. While I’m still unsure if they’re a legit couple, I did like how the chapter paired them off to work with JNR while Bunny Bites—Harriet and Marrow—worked with RWBY. 
Clover was also placed to work with Qrow and might I say this—I’m strangely fighting the urge to ship Qrow and Clover now. 
There is a moment in this episode where Qrow explains his semblance to Clover only for Clover to confirm what us RWBY theorists predicted. His semblance is good fortune which is excellent. 
Clover complements Qrow in a good way. Not to mention that look Qrow gives Clover after he told him his semblance while the camera literally lingers on him for a couple of frames made me wonder.
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I couldn’t help but feel as it this moment sparked Qrow potentially being infatuated with Clover or…it could just simply be a respectable man-crush. Y’know a bromance. Nothing really gay about. Not that there’s anything wrong with Qrow being gay (technically bisexual). For all we know, Qrow just loves Clover…in the very heterosexual way. If you caught the reference then y’know what I’m talking about.
Anyways as I was saying about Elm and Vine, this episode definitely highlighted their strong teamwork. These two complement each other so well and the way they bounce off of one another really shines in their pair dynamic. Love it and love these two. This is, however, the least I can say for our favourite little Flower Power pair. This unfortunately which brings to light one of the things I didn’t like so much about the episode.
Wilted Flower Power: 
Ren’s sudden change in attitude with Nora—what the f***?  I mean he isn’tbeing cold or rude to her. He just feels oddly closed off from her this episodewhich leaves me, as the viewer, asking the obvious question: Where is this coming from?
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Sure we caught a glimpse of it in the first episode when Ren suddenly took off in battle while Nora sulked in the background. And while I was correct in this development in their rapport returning in a later episode; regardless, where isRen’s sudden mood change with Nora coming from?
It’s not to say that it’s been built up since V6? I mean I got the feeling that the Writers might introduce some tension between Ren and Nora given that we’re supposed to be learning more about her. But this still doesn’t give any rationale to this behaviour. If the Writers plan to have Ren and Nora break up temporarily due to Ren acting differently with Nora only to have them learn a lesson through observing Elm and Vine and come back stronger than ever as both a couple and a team partnership then…. that’s fine. Ijust wished they had done a better job at introducing this ‘issue’ inthe Flower Power teamwork if you know what I mean. Cause it feels very out of the blue; at least in my opinion.
I just didn’t enjoy seeing Nora being her usual self with Ren only for him to reply in a way that feels so uncharacteristic for him. Yes, Ren has shown exasperation at times with Nora but it’s never been to a level where he comes off annoyed with her. In spite of Nora’s big animated personality, that might tire some people, Ren has always been very patient with Nora often finding her behaviour amusing which was a big reason why I fell in love with shipping Renora. 
In spite of their different personalities, the two have always complimented each other and worked well together. Having Ren be like this with her…I’m sorry. If this is how the Writers are going to do things with Renora then I’m already disliking the execution of it. It’s not terrible. Just seems a little forced to me.
Dem Bees: 
Another thing that occurred for this episode that I sadly did not care for was the moment between Yang and Blake in this episode where Yang complimented Blake’s new hairstyle.
Some context for the scene: Blake notices Yang staring at her from afar. Yang reacts awkwardly and says, “Sorry. Not used to the new hair yet.”
Blake then asks, while blushing, “Is it bad?” only for Yang to respond many times “No” while fumbling over her words.
This moment. Y’see this moment right here, folks. Do you know what this immediately reminded me of?
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It’s like the Legend of Korra Book 4, after Korra reunited with Mako and Asami. In that series, Asami and Korra shared a moment where Asami noticed that Korra had cut her hair and our Avatar blushed at this acknowledgement.
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It is literally the same energy. While admittedly an adorable exchange, as I said, I didn’t care for it. As a matter of fact, this moment confirmed my biggest concern for the development of the Bumblebee pair going forward. I was hoping the Writers would’ve taken the time to show these two’s friendship growing a bit more before introducing the potential of romance. Some fans complained about the blatant pandering in favour of actually showing Yang and Blake bettering their friendship last season and it seems like the Writers are adamant on continuing this trend.
Who would’ve expected the CRWBY Writers to take a page from Bryke—the two creative minds who practically created the first most shoehorned LGBT couple I’ve ever seen in an animated series while having the chops to puppet it around as ‘good representation’. While Bryke was praised for what they did with Korrasami since Korrasami was said to be the first LGBT couple in an animated series targeted at children, I didn’t buy into it and didn’t think Bryke deserved their praise at all since Korrasami, in my opinion, was weakly written from the start.  
As you can probably tell, this squiggle meister didn’t buy into the Korrasami romance. Not because it was LBGT (as I’ve said before—I have no issue with that at all) but purely because the showrunners didn’t develop the relationship between these two lead girls in a way that felt natural. 
Rather than watching a beautiful friendship that grew into a sweet romance over the course of the series runtime, culminating in the birth of a great couple by the show’s finale, instead I watched two characters who were barely friends for two full seasons since they were involved in a ridiculous love triangle only to suddenly become quick besties in the third season. Fast  forward 5 years for the show’s final season and now these two girls are in love with each other with their love not being apparent until the final shot of the very last episode. Good shit, right?
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Korrasami felt so forced to me in the end which was made even more apparent by the finale. It seems like Bumblebee will be heading in the same direction as Korrasami. 
I’m probably digging my own grave here by even talking about the Bees since it’s practically blasphemy now given all the discourse still surrounding this pair and I can only imagine how it is now after today’s episode. But still wanted to give my views on that moment given what it reminded me of.
 Marrow’s Semblance: 
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Getting back on track with things I liked from this episode—Marrow’s semblance man. As I said on Twitter, I really loved the take on Marrow’s unique skill. It’s perfect. He’s a wolf Faunus with a semblance that causes others to listen to his every command. A trained dog treating his opponents to be subservient to him. That is freaking neat as hell. Forget all the other Ace Ops, Marrow’s semblance is the most interesting to me.
What I’m curious about is what the extent of Marrow’s powers are? Does it only work on the Creatures of Grimm since they’re technically mindless monsters acting mostly on instinct or…can it work on people too?
Can Marrow use his semblance to get make another person obey his command? That’s what I want to know. I’m guessing that there is a limit to Marrow’s powers since, we see him using his semblance on the Sentinels earlier in the episode who were probably young Grimm given how easily the group took them down.
However I’m surprised Marrow didn’t use his power on the Geist Grimm. Clover did mention that the Geist they were targeting was an older Grimm. So I figured Marrow’s power wouldn’t work on it even if he tried.
Either way, this episode just made Marrow ten times cooler to me now. The Good Boy continues to impress and he’s definitely the one that stood out to me the most from the Aces.
No Run Forrest, Run: 
Whelp, if you saw the episode, y’know what this point means. Forrest, the dreadlocked Robyn supporter we met last episode died by the end of this episode. He was killed off by Tyrian so…RIP Forrest. 
I feel so sorry for MurderofBirds since in his last Livestream Discussion on YouTube, he said he was hoping to see more of Forrest.
But in spite of his short time in the story, Forrest’s murder did help me to realize something about Tyrian’s tactics. Since last episode, it was shown by the end that Tyrian has been killing certain people in Mantle. However I couldn’t quite put my finger on a possible pattern in Tyrian’s targets. Now I think I have an idea. I think Tyrian might be targeting Robyn Hill supporters specifically.
On orders from Watts, I think the Scorpion Fauns might be singling out those folks from Mantle who were known to be heavily involved in rallying support for Robyn as another means of turning votes away fromher. 
After all, if the supporters of Robyn are suddenly being found murdered thenit could force the People of Mantle from rallying behind Robyn and tank her chances of winning against Jacques. 
Now this is just a theory for now. Either way, it’s very, very interesting how the audience receives more and more pieces to the plot with Watts and Tyrian as the episodes go back and it’s only been three chapters.
Very interesting indeed and I’m looking forward to seeing what the next episode drops.
And yeah, those my thoughts on the episode. I hope I answered you well enough Mizu. Thank you for your question.
And as an added point, I pray that my honest thoughts on the Bumblebee scene from this episode didn’t upset or worst offend anyone. My opinion is NOT meant to insult the RWBY ship or anyone who likes it. It’s just my opinion. 
If you love the Bees and you were absolutely over the moon with that little scene from this episode, then that’s perfectly fine, fam. Just don’t mind me with where I stand on this pairing  and how the show continues to portray the development of their ‘potential romance’.
And please refrain from leaving any disrespectful comments in my post just for sharing my opinion. As I’ll say again, I mean no disrespect and will not tolerate any thrown at me.  With that said, that’s all folks! 
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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wheatbeats · 5 years
I ended up rewatching all of RWBY Volume 3 tonight (sort of by accident honestly) and, as someone who hasn’t rewatched any earlier volumes since Volume 3 finished, here are some assorted thoughts:
I remember a lot of us feeling cautious about the team switching over to Maya for Volume 4 and beyond, but looking back at Volume 3, probably the best that Poser could do, I think it was the right call. The character models, the expressive animation, the BACKGROUNDS, are all so much better now than they used to be. The look of Poser has its charm but I think overall we’re far better off with Maya.
Putting aside the inherent issues of making the only committed revolutionary fighter in the series an abusive murderous ex, the major thorn of Adam’s characterization remains his first interaction with Cinder in episode 7. The rest is decently well laid; from Blake telling the team about how someone close to her changed, to Adam’s reaction to Blake leaving during the events of the Black Trailer (also in episode 7). It’s not pretty or polished but it fits well enough, except for that one scene. It kind of shoots his whole arc in the foot. Also Adam’s voice actor has done a much better job with his nasty, creepy dialogue than he ever has with his noble freedom fighter dialogue and I think that deserves recognition.
Speaking of which as a whole episode 7 is really good the structure and pacing feels really unique for a RWBY episode. I don’t think they made another quite like it until The Lost Fable in S6.
This whole season is really good at moving its camera, and I’m tempted to lay that credit with Monty Oum. There are lots of interesting shots of characters’ legs (that sounds weird but both Cinder and Ironwood have great shots of a room framed between their feet from behind), and I still love how when Qrow is first introduced at the Crow Bar the camera wobbles drunkenly with him when he stands up. It adds a level of engagement that the animation quality might have otherwise robbed.
Speaking of Qrow, this volume is his introduction and it struck me how, even though he’s always been a bit of an immature bastard, in V3 he still very much feels like an adult, and Team RWBY very much feel like children. I’m used to V6 Qrow, who whines like a baby and is generally useless. The dynamic has shifted so much and I think that’s genuinely intentional so good job, CRWBY.
This is a bit of a nitpick but why is Ironwood the one to tell Yang that she’s disqualified after she blasts Mercury’s knee? That’d be like if I cheated at a high school track meet and Obama shows up to kick me out; Ironwood is a head of state from a different country and the headmaster of NEITHER of the schools involved in the fight. Why is he here?
It’s sort of odd watching this season lay groundwork for worldbuilding that’s already been retconned away. Ozpin’s gang leading Pyrrha through the vault for the first time really make it seem like the Maidens are the be-all end-all of magical power in the land, and that their little troupe was made solely to protect them. Now Maidens are just a small cog in the machine, shoved to the back burner in recent episodes in favor of the relics. I know that RWBY’s worldbuilding has almost always been “go off of what we told you last and forget everything before that”, but it feels oddly disconnected to see the ghost of the original plan peeking through in the earlier volumes.
Also it’s really odd seeing Ozpin on screen I kind of forgot that he used to have a body that isn’t Oscar.
There’s a bit of heartache seeing Pyrrha again, once my favorite character. Her journey in this season might still be the best season-long arc RWBY ever told, and while I still yearn for the reality where she lives and we get to see the fallout of everything she went through, her sacrifice in the finale is still one of the most genuine emotional moments in this entire series and I’ll always applaud that.
In connection to Pyrrha’s arc, this season has the Perfect amount of Jaune used in the best possible way, and I wish he could always be like this. Jaune in V3 is kinda funny, pretty brave, and very sweet and heartfelt. He and Pyrrha talking alone in episode 8 is still one of my favorite moments of the whole show. Jaune is at his best when he’s a loving and supportive friend, not a hero or a leading man, and I hope the series is finally starting to understand that.
As a whole the entire Battle of Beacon is really fucking impressive. For one thing, it’s LONG, about 45 minutes of one big conflict, and it balances the bits and pieces between Ruby vs. Torchwick, Ozpin and Pyrrha vs. Cinder, and Blake vs. Adam really well. The editing is top notch and the score is incredible, and there are some amazing moments of choreography (Ruby vs. Neo and Torchwick is still one of my favorite fights in the series). The whole thing manages to stay pretty breathless and exciting all the way through and I hope that RoosterTeeth can craft another finale this thrilling for Volume 7 and/or something later.
The end of Heroes and Monsters is harrowing, to put it simply. Seeing Pyrrha screaming in pain in the aura transfer machine, Amber being shot suddenly without warning, Blake getting stabbed, and Yang losing an arm all in quick succession is a huge fucking gut punch, made all the harsher by the music choice (that... music box style music they put on haunts my dreams, damn you Alex Abraham and Jeff Williams). 
It’s sort of refreshing to see Ruby Rose herself in such a central role this season. They got better at putting her in focus in V6 but she’s still sharing the spotlight with a solid 10-12 other major characters. In V3 Ruby spends a lot of time alone, doing important things for the plot. I kind of miss that.
Also, Ruby collapsing into tears and then numb shock when she sees Penny die? Excellent content, it breaks my heart, I wish we could see important emotional moments and reactions like that from Ruby all the time.
Torchwick is fucking incredible and I’m so salty he’s gone. He still has maybe the best vocal performance in the entire series and his monologue right before his death is my pick for the best ever string of dialogue from a series that’s historically had problems writing it. I really hope they pull a Hannibal Choi from Pacific Rim and bring him back later, if only to see how hilariously outclassed he is by the newer, bad-er villains. Normally that sort of thing would bug me from a narrative perspective but I love Torchwick so much that I’m literally begging for him to return. Please RT hear my prayer.
When it Falls is the best OP song and Divide is the best ED song of the series and you absolutely CAN fight me on this maybe I can finally put my music degree to use
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
Another reason I think that Rosegarden will be canon is becaude of that moment in Volume five when Ruby gets knocked out and they have the camera zoom in on Oscar’s face. Like they could have the camera zoom in on literally anyone be it yang or Jaune but no Oscar. It was also so romantically framed as well. Thinking of that gives me hope again for this ship.
Aye. I think that was the moment thatconfirmed to many fellow Rosegardeners that Oscar obviously cares a lot for Ruby. You don’t thwack an old manfor being responsible for your friend’s unconsciousness if she wasn’t very special to you in someway.
Oh! Do you know what Oscar’s outburst at Lionheartreminded me of? It’s the same kind of energy when Yang found Adam attackingBlake and charged in to save her. Interesting.
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I’ve even seen folks parallel Oscar clockingLeo and running to Ruby’s side to the moment from V6C1 where Ruby noticed Oscar struggling with hisfight against the lone Manticore and helps him out by hurling one that Weissknocked out of the air right into the one Oscar was fighting. {*}
I thought it was super sweet how Ruby looked out forOscar during that fight. I’m glad that they carried over that bit of protectiveness that Ruby has towards that was developed since V5. Since his introductionlast season, Ruby is always seen looking out for Oscar and I liked that itcontinued a bit into V6 even though the story hasn’t focused much on them asyet.
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One of my favourite memorable RoseGarden momentis from last season---what I called the ‘WaifuMoment’ when Ruby came down to the dojo to let Oscarknow that dinner was almost ready while he was off training. I thought that wasso cute. It was such a wife like thing to do---y’know like how cliché sitcom housewives would come down to their husband’s workplace tobring them food or come down to their husband’s garage or workshop to let themknow that dinner is almost ready.
When have we ever seen Ruby Rose be a waifu to anyone?Never, by my recollection. Yet she was a waifu to Oscar and I gush every time Irewatch it. Such a little rosewaifu.
As V6 enters its second half I hope we can get another Waifu Ruby moment. If notWaifu Ruby then perhaps HusbandoOscar---Oscar being a lilhusband to Ruby.
I dunno. What’s cliché sitcom husband thing to do? Hmm…Iknow. Sitcom husbands tend to be the Mr. Fix-It in their families. Maybe therewill be a moment where Ruby clumsily breaks something, prompting Oscar to bethe man to fix it for her. Or…maybe we can get the two bickering like an oldmarried couple. That could be adorable. Oh! Y’know what? Let’s make it better.
As of V6, there’s a baby in the mix,right? Well technically a toddler since Adrian looks to be about 1, I think. Wehave yet to see the Rosebuds interacting with Baby Adrien Cotta-Arc as yet. Ijust want a moment where maybe Ruby is playing with Adrian but she getsinterrupted to do something else. Maybe she’s preparing Adrian’s bottle andneeds to step away in order to get it. So in the meantime, Ruby hands BabyAdrian over to Oscar who just freezes in place. By the time Ruby returns withthe bottle, she finds Oscar in the same position as she’d left him, awkwardly holdingAdrian at a distance like he was a piece of sharp glass that could puncture himat any moment, even though Adrian is being all cute and trying to pinch Oscar’sface because he takes a liking to the farm boy’s freckles.
Instead of scolding Oscar for his awkwardness,Ruby giggles and helps the farm boy out. She shows Oscar how to properly holdthe baby by adjusting Adrian in his arms so that Oscar is actually cradlingAdrian instead of holding him away. This way Adrian could look up at Oscar’sface and ogle his freckles in happy baby awe as he laughs at Oscar all adorabletrying to pokey poke his cheeks. Though he isn’t as fond at his cheeks beingpoked, for Adrian, Oscar didn’t mind and he actually relaxes a bit with thebaby. Noticing this, Ruby then asks Oscar if he wants to feed Adrian.
Of course, Oscar is sheepish; implying thatthe only baby anything he’s fed in his life is a baby goat back when the PineFamily Goat had kids back on the farm. Ruby assures him that feeding Adrian ispretty much the same thing. So Ruby helps Oscar to feed Adrian his bottle andthe two share a little tender moment where they both smile happily at the babybefore absentmindedly looking up at the each other.
This is then cut short as Oscar immediately looks awayblushing. A moment like this would probably never happen in RWBY but…it’s cuteto imagine it.
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Bonus if…either Saphron or Terra walked in on the Rosebuds with Adrian and makea comment about the look Oscar is giving Ruby reminding them about how she usedto feel around their wife then they first met.
Ooh! Do you what would be wonderful! Remember thatmoment from V6C3 where Salem and Ozma the Second are in their livingroom looking at their daughters playing when their youngest daughter comes upto them with her Toto doll and Ozma and Salem just smile down at their babygirl before smiling at each other contentedly.
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Yooo! What if…we got somethinglike that with Ruby and Oscar where the two are playing with Adrian in the livingroom on the floor and he crawls over to the two of them, offering his toy---maybeit’s a truck this time to either signalling that he wants to play?
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Oscar chuckles as he takes the truck andsends it wheeling away with Adrian crawling after it. As they watched Adrian goafter his toy, Ruby and Oscar both smile simultaneously at the young baby beforeinstinctively turning and smiling at each other, only to catch themselves andlook away blushing.
I would love it if something like thathappens. But for now, I can only dream. Really hoping that the next 7 chaptersof the volume become more Oscar-worthy. The story shifting to focus more on Oscar might spell some potential Rosebudmoments and I just can’t wait to see them if possible.
 ~LittleMissSquiggles (2018)
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
I’m honestly, very disappointed with this volume. There are so many things that could’ve been better. Some major plot holes as well like how did Adam not cleave through Yangs arm when he did it before? Why didn’t Maria go with the other passengers? Why did Ruby miss the cliff? Why does Yang’s arm have three scratches if Adam uses one blade? I waiting to see how they plan on finishing the mech fight, the Adam fight, AND introduce/finish a kaiju-ish grimm fight all in two 25 minute episodes.
…Well,that is your opinion Carrot and asalways, I respect it.
If I have to debatewith my own opinion of this season, I’d actually have to disagree with you. Forme, V6 has been one of the most enjoyable volumes I’ve appreciated since the start ofthe new, I guess era of RWBY ever since the CRWBY switched from Poseranimation to the new Maya engine in V4. It’s practically my favourite season of the wholeMistral Arc but this is just me personally. While I have my own fair share of disappointments from the season, like the lack of furtherdevelopment with Oscar’s character in terms of the audience learning more abouthim and his past, overall I’ve enjoyed this season a lot. Definitely a lot morethan V4 and V5.
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WhatI like about V6 is that there hasn’t been a single episode where I felt thestory got dull. Even when the pacing slowed down, it always picked things backup and kept the story going. It kept me hooked and I liked that a lot.
Asfor your listed plot holes? Well let me see if I can answer some of them.
How did Adamnot cleave through Yang’s arm when he did it before? Hmm well my best answerto that is because last time Yang charged in blindly at Adam leaving herselfwide open for him to take out his arm with one slash. I noticed this timeduring her rematch fight, Yang learned her lesson and she was more on guard. Italso seems like she learnt from her training sessions with Tai Yang. There was oneparticular moment where she charged in at Adam before going around him at thelast minute, just like her daddy taught her. A nice call back to V4.
Why didn’tMaria go with the other passengers? Well you got me there fam. I actually don’t know how toanswer this. When I first saw Maria look back in C1, I figured it was because she already knewthat Ruby was a Silver Eyed Warrior like herself. Like maybe all Silver Eyes, young and old have thisweird sixthsense we’re they’re able to sensewhen another of their kind is nearby. I figured Maria’s reasoning for not goingwith the other passengers was because she sensed another like herself; even ifit was weak due to her blindness. But…as we saw, Maria didn’t realize Ruby wasa Silver Eyes til C6.  Who knows? Maybeshe did realize something interesting about Ruby but didn’t focus on it untilthe time was right?
Sometimespeople just end up exactly where they need to be. Sometimeslife tosses you into a scenario where you’re able to meet people who willultimately change your life for the better and make you into the person you’redestined to become. I know this is hard to believe since RWBY is a story writtenby people but the real life principle still applies. Maria was put on that sameArgus Limited and avoided evacuation because she was destined tomeet Ruby Rose. If destiny calls it, it’ll put you we’re you’re supposed to be.No further explanation needed than just that.
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Why did Rubymiss the cliff? Thisanswer I actually got from @tomecko. Ruby missed the cliff because her aura hadbeen depleted after taking damage from Cordo’s canon so by the time she usedher semblance she didn’t have enough juice to make the full zip and ended upmissing her mark and falling. To me that makes enough sense. Plus story wise,they needed Ruby to end up cliff hanged on the side of the cliffto a) give Cordo a target to shoot at and b) give Oscar and incentive to getMaria to break cover and drive the airship in order to try and help Ruby.
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Why does Yang’sarm have three scratches if Adam uses one blade? Well since Blakementioned Adam’s semblance being similar to Yang’s, I’d like to think that oneslash from Adam’s blade possible equals the force of more than one blowdepending on a) Adam’s own aura levels and b) how much energy he charges up. Soeven though we saw him slash once, the force of his slash was probably threetimes that or more. And the reason we got three slashes is because that’s asmuch damage Aang’s mech arm absorbed before any real damage could startappearing.
Forall we know Adam could have attacked Yang with force the strength of 100 butYang only wound up with three slashes based on the durabilityof her mechanical arm and the strength of Atlesian tech. Remember backin V4,I believe Tai Yang told Yang that General Ironwood sent her that mechanical armpersonally so I’d like to think that what they made Yang is no cheap piece ofmetal. The fact that Adam slashed at Yang and the only thing she got out of itwas three scratches just proves how strong the arm is.
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Notsure if these responses actually help justify anything for you Carrot but I did my best. If I’m being honest myself, I don’treally consider these lingering questions plot holes becausefor me (and again this is only my opinion. Take it with a grain of salt fam) theseare questions that I don’t necessarily need answered in the show because theydon’t really affect the plot or my overall enjoyment of the season.
Asfor your last point, well I’m curious to see how the CRWBY handle that as wellbut I actually have confidence that they’ll pull it off. Up until this point Ihave had no real issue with any of the pacing in the episodes for this season.Everything has been moving pretty smoothly like a well-oiled machine, at leastfor me.
IfI had to guess, both the mecha fight and Adam fight will probably concludeofficially in C12 leaving the Kaiju battleas the only thing to focus on in C13. From the V6 C12 teasertoday, we can already see that Ruby is going to finish off Cordo by destroyingthe canon on her mechazord.
Theissue with this is that as soon as Cordo’s mecha goes offline, Argus will be leftmore or less defenceless from the Kaiju Grimm. According to what Jaune saidin C11, the mechazord was built to combat titan Grimm in deeper waters and itwouldn’t surprise me if General Ironwood only permitted one mechazord to the Atlesian Military branch stationed in Argussince its one small city with no real major threats that would require morethan one mecha fighter. Right now, Cordo just probably wasted the city’s one defenceon taking out her anger on an old huntress she has a grudge against along withsome huntsmen who were only trying to get to Atlas after she blanked them twice.
Notto mention that the Kaiju Grimm probably wouldn’t have been disturbed from itsdepths if it weren’t for all the commotion Cordo caused to the citizens in her barrage.Hate to say this but Cordo caused this attack on Argus and now, as of C12, Rubyis going to destroy the one weaponized part on the one weapon Argus has todefend itself from any major threats.
Good showCordo.
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Butyeah, going back to what I saying before, I have faith the CRWBY Writers canpull off what they’ve set up for the V6 finale. The only thing I’m unsure aboutanymore is Oscar’sconfrontation with Ozpin.
Iknow the Ozpinheads have been anticipating their favourite Wizard of Light returning but at this point…I’m starting to wonderif we’re actually going to see Oz for the finale. If anything, I wouldn’t besurprised if we got mostly Oscar fighting on his own for the finale while Ozpinmight not show up at all. I know they made a Maya engine model for him as usedin the opening but unless Oz shows up randomly to Oscar in some after creditscene teaser for V7 then I’m not sure where the CRWBY will bring him in withoutit seeming too shoehorned in.
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How are theygoing to fit in Ozpin’s return? At this point, I’m starting to think Ozpin mightnot be back for the finale. I could be completely wrong but this is myassumption. Having Oscar suddenly deep dive into his mind to get Ozpin during aKaiju battle might seem a little out of place at this point.
IfI’m being completely honest, I actually don’t want Ozpin to come back. Don’tget me wrong, I likeOzpin and I do want him to return atsome point however at this point in V6, I don’t think he’ll be back. At least not for thisvolume. They had many opportunities throughout the season where theycould have had Oz return but instead that wasn’t the priority and I reallydoubt they’d just have it randomly happenfor the finale episode. Again I could be very much wrong about this.
Evenif Oz miraculously showed up or Oscar gets to see him, I still feel like Ozpin’s isolation is way more serious than fans might think. This isthe first time in the history of RWBY where Oz basically quit.
It’snot just about Ozpin choosing to separate himself from his team. It’s alsoabout him literally giving up. Ozpin. Professor Ozpin. Headmaster ofBeacon. The man who has always maintained some sense of optimism andbelief in humanity, gave up. Oz technically shut himself away. Ozpin pulled aRaven Branwen. To me that’s too much a serious issue to just be resolved in the last episode of theseason without much real build up.
Onething I’ve found interesting is that every key fight we’ve gotten this seasonwith the whole team contributing has had Oscar in control. Even the Manticore and Sphinxfirst battle of the season had Oscar fighting on his own.
SoI’d hope this is continued for the finale. I actually want the V6 finale tojust have Oscarfighting without Ozpin. Have Oscar unlocking the might of theOz-cane and using it to his advantage without Ozpin’s intervention. Even if Ozmiraculously shows up, I hope it’s Oscar still in control when it’s time for him to fight.Not Ozpin.
Ifigured part of the main moral of V6 was to expose Ozpin of his true coloursand past while also creating an avenue for Oscar to regain his sense ofidentity and build him up as his own person, finding his own footing in theteam while learning to stand on his own in spite of what is expected to come ofhim in the long run. Oscar has been doing swimmingly on his own without Ozpin.
“…The willowdoesn’t need to learn to stand…”
Despitewhat the V6 opening alluded to, Oscar has been learning to stand on his ownfeet and I’ve been enjoying his integration into the group outside of Ozpin. Icould’ve used moreinsight into his backstory with his family. Still waiting on thatbut I’m assuming we’ll get to see Oscar’s full past once we delve deep into hismind because that’s where we’re going to find Ozpin eventually.
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WhenOscar met the group back in Mistral, my one complaint is that it felt likeOscar was being isolated from the others---not really being allowed to form hisown bonds with the group outside of Ozpin and really make his own place amongstthe heroes. This volume changed that. 
We’re actually seeing Oscar shine in thisseason and I hope it continues that way for the finale. So I hope the Ozpinheads don’tget mad at me for saying this but…I don’t expect Oz to be back. Not now. Not yet. 
Besides Iwouldn’t want his return to be just tossed back in at the last minute likethat. I actually would love for the whole Oz isolation to be pushed into the Atlas Arc where it can be focused on more in depth and be properlyresolved. Not to mention that it will give us more seasons to get to know Oscarbetter. As a Pinehead,I’ll be happy with that but then again, this is only my opinion and what I’dlike to see. As I said twice before, I could be totally wrong in my assumptions. Only the CRWBY knows what’s in store going forward and I’m eagerto see what they got.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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