explodingcarr0t · 1 month
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Assault marine Xiao Long of the Lamenters
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rainbow-zebra-art · 4 months
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Last month I wanted to draw something warm and peaceful. And I'm happy I did! @explodingcarr0t suggested a wonderful juxtaposition idea of Raven chilling in a flower field. Even bandits need some moments of rest! So why not lie down on the grass, while nobody's looking? But it seems that the butterfly hovering over her head reminds her of someone... 🦋
You can get access to my exclusive RWBY illustrations by either subscribing to certain tiers on Boosty (it's just like on Patreon), or by purchasing a specific post: Sketch version Finished version
Consider subscribing to get a chance for your idea to be chosen for my monthly drawings 😉
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dragynkeep · 4 years
How do you make the edits look so much like the show? I know you take screen caps of characters, but how do you draw the change of clothes and hair? It looks really good.
i learnt from luke because he was doing this longer than i was but also ; just a lot of practice! knowing anatomy & having some artistic abilities, knowing how hair / fabric works helps when having to make adjustments with rwby’s character models because goddamn, some of them are janky as fuck.
references too !
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Pinehead Headcanon: Oscar Leaves...Because of Ruby
explodingcarr0t asked
“I I have a feeling Oscar might spill the beans when hanging with Ironwood. ”
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Hey there Carrot! Here’s the thing with that idea. While I believe it’s a possibility, I don’t think it will happen.
As I said in this RWBY Musing post right here, what I’m mostly anticipating is Oscar threatening to spill the truth if Ruby didn’t, even going so far as to imply that he would use the Relic of Knowledge against Ruby to do so in a similar fashion to what Ruby did with Oz last season.
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This moment will possibly play as part of a major fight that Oscar and Ruby have which will then result in Oscar leaving the group, possibly to stay with Ironwood until the launch day of Amity Tower and the kingdom broadcast (which I’m assuming may take place the same night as the Watch Party at Atlas Academy for the results of the local elections with Robyn Hill against Jacques Schnee).
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I based this headcanon of Oscar leaving the group because of Ruby on the Little Prince. In the Little Prince story, the Prince ultimately left his planet when he grew tired of his Rose never reciprocating his feelings despite all that he did for her. And by the time the Rose realized her true feelings for the prince, he had already left. 
So I figured a similar scenario like this could potentially happen for the Rosebuds with Oscar, unhappy with Ruby insisting that the truth be kept from Ironwood and their Atlesian allies, eventually leaves the team. Despite all the chances that Oscar gave Ruby to finally come clean to the General, Ruby never did and it even grew to the point that Ruby was even lying to Oscar which made things worse between them.
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I also figured a moment like this would lead into Ruby revealing to Oscar that she’s still distrustful of Ozpin which Oscar takes for her being distrustful of him as well. 
After all, Ozpin is part of Oscar. He is the other half of the Man with Two Souls and unfortunately for Ruby, she can’t trust only half of Oscar.
So from Oscar’s perspective, not trusting Oz also means not trusting him (especially when you consider how Oscar views the Merge).
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If Oscar were to eventually disappear or die or cease to be himself anymore, does this mean that Ruby (and by extension, the whole hero team) would immediately stop trusting Oscar all together due to his connection with Oz or is it that they all never truly trusted him to begin with? Thus bringing to mind, an accusation Jaune spat in Oscar’s face at the Cotta-Arc residence back in V6.
“…How much longer can we even trust him? How do we even know it’s really him? What if we’ve talking to that liar this whole time?”
Since trust has been noted to be a theme for this season, I have a feeling it’s going to play more into Oscar’s side of things as he begins to question how much his teammates actually do trust him.
Thus my idea for Oscar leaving the team again; this time seemingly for good to join Ironwood’s ranks since in Oscar’s mind, at least Ironwood fully trusts him. Both the side of him that’s still Oscar and the part of him that’s Oz—granted that it’s due in part to Ironwood not knowing the full truth but I digress.
Anyways Oscar leaves because of Ruby and similar to her Rose counterpart in the Little Prince, Ruby is distraught since her continuous deceit brought Oscar to this point. 
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Just as how the Rose didn’t realize her true feelings for the Prince until he left her, let’s say Ruby didn’t realize how much she valued Oscar’s trust in her and how much she did trust him until he leaves again because of her this time.
And what would also be interesting if is if Oscar gives the Relic of Knowledge back to Ruby when he leaves. Remember, Ironwood returned the lamp to Ruby as a token of trust between the two fractions.
What if...and this is a BIG IF...at some point, Ruby becomes a little paranoid about Oscar possibly outing the group to Ironwood. 
Even though she entrusted him with the Relic while the group were in Atlas, let’s say...at some point, Ruby starts to mimic Oz’s fidgety behaviour at the start of V6; going so far as to think that Oscar might even use the Relic against her in the same way she used it on Oz. She even has nightmares about it.
This essentially leads Ruby to act out just like Oz did with her. She starts urging Oscar to give her back the Relic and her sudden change makes Oscar very suspicious of her behaviour which only worsens Ruby’s clear unease.
Let’s say...long story short, this is what sparks Ruby and Oscar to have a big quarrel. Ruby is still adamant on not telling the truth and she grows to the point of becoming even distrustful of Oscar, giving his ties to Oz and his growing chumminess with Ironwood. 
She and Oscar argue back and forth on their differing opinions on trust and keeping secrets from people who were supposed to be their allies and the like. In the end, it all leads into Ruby exploding on Oscar, revealing her distrust in Oscar by extension of Oz and her concern that he might ‘betray’ the team due to his connections with Oz---an accusation that hurts Oscar deeply. Even deeper that what happened in Argus.
And just like Argus, Oscar storms off leaving a tearful Ruby out in the cold with nothing but a heavy heart and guilty look on her face. Like picture a future episode of V7 ending on this tense beat. 
Fast forward some time later...
Imagine…JNR_RWBY return back to their dorms off the high of yet another successful mission with the Ace Ops and the plan was to have Oscar join them to celebrate only to find his dorm room quarters empty with all of his belongings cleared out.
There’s also a note left on his old bed with only two words on the paper. “I’m sorry.”
Immediately, Ruby becomes uneasy since, let’s say, Oscar departed after  their big fight that I described. As Ruby spiralled into a void of nervousness, she is called room to her dorm by another character---Yang---where Ruby discovers the Relic of Knowledge perched on her bed. Oscar had left it with her. 
Despite everything she had said to him. Despite how much she had hurt him, Ruby got back she wanted from him. The Relic was back in her hands again along with the truth hidden inside. But now Oscar was gone again and all Ruby could do is feel worse than crap with the realization of what she had caused hitting her harder than an avalanche of bricks. 
This could’ve been a cool scenario to have play out. I mean, I doubt it’ll happen. But it could’ve been cool as a future twist.
I don’t want Oscar to spill the beans. Personally I think the truth should come from Ruby since she was the one who lied.
And I would like to believe that if placed in Oscar’s hands (which seems to be the case since he’s the one that has the Relic and may possibly spend the most time with the General), Oscar wouldn’t tattle on Ruby. He may be many things but he ain’t no snitch. At least, he wouldn’t do that to Ruby. C’mon! 
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If this is a matter of trust then I would like to firmly stand by the belief that Oscar trusts in Ruby wholeheartedly—even if/when she might not trust him and that will kind of be the kicker that I’m going for. 
I want Oscar to be the reason why the truth comes out, yes but at the same time, I don’t want a complete rehash of V6CH2 except with the roles reverse.
I don’t want Oscar to summon Jinn before Ironwood and his Inner Circle and out the group. We all thought it was horrible what the group did to Ozpin. 
So why have Oscar do the same to the group? To Ruby of all people since they’re in this mess because of her, unfortunately?
Why would Oscar put Ruby through the same ordeal that she put Oz through?  For karma? To give her a taste of her own medicine? For Oz?
This is what I think will be Oscar’s heartache for this season. Watching the person he probably trusts the most take the same path as his other half and being concerned of the consequences that could come from them if she doesn’t right it of her own accord. 
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Personally, as a Pinehead, I don’t think Oscar will actually do something like this. I can seem him threatening to do it as a last resort but he won’t go through with it.
Hence my theory for Oscar to leave the group to join Ironwood while returning the Relic of Knowledge to Ruby. I’d like to think that even if he’s brought to this, Oscar would still have a faith in the team. He’d still have faith in Ruby. It’d be like how it was for Iroh with Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender.
In spite of his fears that his nephew might’ve lost his way, Iroh still held out for Zuko hence his tears of relief and joy when he did make the right choice. So I figured something like this could potentially happen with Oscar and Ruby in a way. 
Even if things got tense, Ruby would eventually make the right call and she would tell the truth from her mouth, might even use Jinn to further emphasize her point.
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Even if she might not be fully sure if her actions are just, I have a feeling Ruby will come to her senses in the end and she will make the right call. Telling the truth. And Oscar will be her catalyst to that. Possibly. 
In an interview prior to V7, there was a point made by one of the CRWBY Writers—I believe it was Miles—that implied something along the lines of our heroes realizing that the people they believe could be trusted aren’t all what they cracked them up to be and that the ones they once saw as underhanded, weren’t as untrustworthy after all.
I’m paraphrasing, of course. But this definitely ties into the group’s overall trust in Oscar and essentially Oz. There is no doubt that this experience that they are going through being placed in Ozpin’s shoes, forced to think like him and make decisions that mimic actions he has made in the past—particularly Ruby since she is the appointed leader in all of this. 
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No doubt that the group will eventually come to see that they misunderstood Oz and from this, it will lead to a reconciliation between everyone and the old Wizard. And it will all be done through Oscar’s aid and guidance.
I’ve always pegged Oscar as the key to the heroes reconciling with Oz and I still believe in that. Even more so now given the way things are shaping up for V7. 
It’d be very interesting moving forward into the season. Particularly for Ruby and Oscar together.
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It definitely is looking like the main conflict with deceiving their Atlesian allies will be seen more through their eyes. 
I mean we’ll definitely get the other characters’ insight as well (I definitely want to hear what the JNR trio think of all this since we’ve only heard RWBY’s thus far). 
But for the most part, I think Ruby and Oscar will be our voices for this issue since the narrative focuses on them when highlighting this subplot. 
Like everything the group is thinking may be projected through them and for the first time since these two met each other, we might actually get to see them clash on their respective ideologies. More so than they did in the original Dojo Scene.
In spite of Oscar being Ozpin’s successor, I’m expecting Ruby to become more and more like Oz was as the season goes on and it’s noticed by Oscar who will then be there to remind Ruby of herself since he’ll become more like her going forward—if that makes sense.
Ruby will become like Oz and Oscar will become like Ruby.
I also have a feeling that trust is going to be synonymous with love when it comes to the Rosebuds and the development of their relationship. Trust in love, right?
Like I’ve said before, trust is the key to opening the heart and it is only with the heart that one can see rightly what essentially is invisible to the eye: love.
I’d like to believe that, as our two youngest members, trust and love go hand in hand for Ruby and Oscar. At least, that’s my impression.
It wouldn’t even surprise me if we get a future moment where Oscar and Ruby both say that they trust each other and it’s so emotionally-driven that downright sounds like a love confession in some way. Then again, that’s my take on it.
So to reiterate, I don’t think Oscar is going to spill the beans to Ironwood. Hell nah!
 I neither want him to or expect him to. I expect Oscar to do what he believes is the right thing and right now, him ratting out Ruby wouldn’t really be the right thing. Sure it’ll get the truth but at a price.
The right thing, in my honest opinion, would be for Oscar to get Ruby to just tell the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. No more lies and half truths, that was the deal. 
Since she’s the one who told the lies in the first place, the truth has to come from her. I will not accept anyone else coming forward with the truth. I don’t mind if everyone chimes in to flesh out the whole thing but this move has to be instigated by Ruby. Because again, she put them in this position and she had to pull them out of it as their leader. 
So I’m expecting Oscar mostly trying to convince Ruby to come forward and I’d like to think that he would be part of the reason that Ruby eventually comes clean.
Not because he forces it out of her (via Jinn) but he makes her finally see the wrong in her actions in some way and in the end, Ruby makes the call to do the right thing.
I want to trust in these two. I want to believe that they’ll both do the right thing and help each other to achieve it. That’s this squiggle meister’s stance on this matter.
Hope this answers you Carrot. 
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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owletarc · 5 years
Bumblby shippers, literally counting the amount of times Blake and Yang look at each other. Yet when Blake and Sun do it, it’s just us grasping. Two people can look at each other without it being romantic. Then again, RT is ONLY subtle with bumblby. /s
rt who again, literally had their first lesbian be rainbow coloured and have a name that means rainbow, their wlw couple be sappho and the terra cotta shards her poetry was found on and scarlet ‘ my voice and mannerisms are a literal gay stereotype to a t ’ david existin’ ass over there, totally decided to be subtle with the bees.
of course they did sksksksks.
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honeyby · 5 years
explodingcarr0t replied to your post “Y’ALL!!!!!! Assuming that the gold in Gambol Shroud is from Yang’s arm...”
Japanese (I believe) tradition of repairing pottery with golden tree sap to help beautify the piece despite it being broken.
Or...it could be both (or at least have kintsugi as inspiration since it’s clearly not actually golden tree sap). We don’t know exactly where the yellow is coming from and it being part of Yang’s arm (which we know does get an upgrade) is a very real possibility and would mirror how Jaune upgraded his sword with metal from Pyrrha’s weapons. Clearly you don’t see it that way and I’m wondering why the hell someone who’s so anti-bees would decide to jump on a clearly bee-positive post anyway but like...let people have fun in their speculation. It won’t kill you if people interpret something as being related to bumbleby.
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swan2swan · 5 years
explodingcarr0t replied to your post: Blake and Yang are gonna Bang in Jacques Schnee’s...
Why is he homophobic?
Because he’s Jacques Schnee
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bad-rwbyaus · 5 years
Pyrrha is actually bald and her hair is part of her tiara.
pyrrha when she didnt have the tiara at first
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kob131 · 5 years
Well this guys been running ramphant. Time to correct that.
At this point, I don’t even think CRWBY knows.
World of Remnant: Auras are passive
Volume 5: “You forgot to activate your aura.”
Volume 3 and WoR: Semblances can be used with no aura.
Volume 5 and Volume 6: Semblance stops once aura is out.
Volume 1-3: No effect when aura breaks
Volume 4: Effect when aura breaks
Volume 5 and Volume 6: Effect when aura breaks OR is damaged
Volume 1: ‘Why didn’t you active your Aura Jaune?’
Volume 5: “Activating your aura becomes like breathing.’
Ass for the rest...
That’s like saying glass should have broken because it was cracked. 
So we’re just gonna ignore how the card directly correlates with how Blake talked about Adam in Volume 5?
Or is this you admitting that you’re just a whiny bitch?
Go right ahead. I’ll just be here, using your memes to mock you. Keep going, village idiot.
Yeah and you fuckers said that about Pyrrha, Yang’s PTSD, Raven, Jaune, Weiss’ racism and so on. After awhile you just become that one guy raving about the end of the world on the street corner.
Except that guy has the excuse of drugs and depression. You’re just a salty bitch.
Hm, if RT are incompetent at writing and they’re able to call out your bullshit: what does that make you?
Roman was a one off who wasn’t suppose to be important.
Cinder killed Pyrrha and directly caused the Fall Of Beacon/
And Adam...do I even need to say anything?
Whose your weed dealer?
Oh you mean the guy who abused her, her sister, her brother, her mother, hundreds of innocent Fanaus and an entire country?
And the girl who showed regret, made up for her mistakes and turned around morally?
Hm, maybe if you weren’t so delusional you could see this.
You know, you sound more and more like a strawman each day.
And yet there’s barely any RWBY Rule 34 of Adam.
So it should still be shit in your eyes.
Can’t retcon what never existed.
Also: Didn’t know Illa advocated for racial supremecy.
Not a hot take but gotta pander I guess.
And yet Blake and Yang are wrong for doing something that in numerous states is legal.
Oh wait sorry, I forgot the ‘RT bad so must be wrong’ logic. Silly me.
Except they’ve already tried that with Adam. He hunted them down.
But hey, self defense what dat?
Hey did you hear about that post that said you stab people?
I mean, we could see that it’s made by anonymous person towards a controversial figure with contradictory information-
Oh sorry, you don’t want that right.
You mean the consistently well remembered team leader?
Well if you give proof that wasn’t tweets or Tumblr posts-
Oh you don’t have any proof period.
You heard it here, the show only been going for five weeks.
Yeah except you’ll call any representation ‘pandering;’ because you yourself are pandering to the anti-SJW crowd.
So it’s like a KKK member criticizing a BLM radical: you’re both political hacks.
You mean like Sale-No, powers from the Gods...
CInde-No, empowered by Salem...
ROma-accomplished only what Cinder did...
Neo-Accomplished nothing...
Ada-Was entirely supported by Sieena and everything immediately feel apart after the killed her...
Welp, ExplodingCarr0t is high as balls 24/7. pass it on.
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kaedeichinose · 6 years
explodingcarr0t replied to your post: Why do you think you're owed representation by...
Representation isn’t really needed and half of the time is just thrown in for bonus points.
live up to your name sake and explode
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jo3mm · 6 years
explodingcarr0t replied to your post: learning how to use sketchbook- i like how natural...
Do you use pressure sensitive brush or just one small sized brush?
i use a pressure sensitve brush!
all the brushes i use have pressure sensitivity regarding pen size and densities
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explodingcarr0t · 6 months
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If anyone wants to use them, I made pngs of Weiss' basic glyph
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rainbow-zebra-art · 1 year
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Flat color commission for @explodingcarr0t! Featuring his OC Daisy-08, a huge humanoid robot that defends human colonies in space from hostile aliens 🦾
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Hey, My Pinehead Friends...
I just had an idea, when I saw some art of the Oscar Pine Protection Squad made by @lythecreatorart and @squadrongal, something came into my mind!
I was thinking that if there’s something we see in RWBY that involves Oscar being in trouble, we go into our battle mode I’d like to call: COMBAT GEAR MODE!
My fellow OPPS members and Pinehead Girls:
Our favorite little rose, Ruby Rose
@che1sea-xiao-long (me)
Let’s all use our artistic skills to make our combat gear modes to be prepared if something happens to our little farm boy, whether or not you use an Avatar Creator on a website or draw, use your lovely talents to make your combat gear mode. I already made mines:
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So, let me see yours and we’ll all come as one, Pineheads UNITE!
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owletarc · 5 years
Not even three episodes in and I already dislike the Volume purely because of the fans.
oof that’s a mood, but fr; don’t let the fans acting like muppets suck your enjoyment of the volume. it has had some Really good moments in it and that’s what i’m clinging to like a life raft lmao.
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kob131 · 5 years
you said to explodingcarr0t that some fans tried to make a RWBY reboot but it failed. I was curious to what the RWBY reboot was called, because I don't remember anyone in the fandom mentioning it
Reboot, rewrite-
I classify it as the same thing.
It’s called RE:RWBY. Made by a Tumblr user of the same name here. Wrote about 10 chapters then stopped. Apparently because ‘the show is so fundamentally broken that I’d have to write it from the ground up’.
Really I think it was because the author couldn’t describe the vibrant world of RWBY, made nonsensical changes (like trying to write out Jaune as Ruby’s foil), their dialogue was boring and clunky, they couldn’t keep their story straight (Weiss goes from not hating the white fang to wanting to kill them in the same chapter) and a bunch of other bullshit. Supported by the fact that they haven’t made one ounce of progress so it’s all just abandoned.
Not even the first time this has happened. Unicorn Of War tried to make a ‘canon friendly’ Volume 5 rewrite and what we got was the first six episodes chopped up and stripped of all build up to be shoved into three episodes (completely ruining the atmosphere and build up that the canon Volume 5 had), gave us a Raven backstory that wasn’t needed so wasted time in an already tight space, tried to portray Ozpin as an morally grey mastermind (despite that CONTRADICTING his Volume 6 reveal which Thomas knew about) and tried to portray Raven as a reasonable figure (not, you know, a self centered bitch).
These Rewrite NEVER work. Because RWBY’s flaws aren't these huge issues, they’re just small issues that bigger problems later on. To illustrate what I mean: think of the inner workings of a show as a mathematic equation. If you forget to carry the one, the whole thing goes off course. But instead of correcting that simple mistake, rewriters and rebooters would instead go through a bunch of other steps and thus get a massively different end result.
And no, them being ‘AUs’ or whatever doesn’t excuse them rewriting characters, themes and events to suit themselves. We don't accept any other time this happens, I have no reason to make an exception.
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