#pyrrha deserved better oh my god
uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
this is me when I think about nora
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this is also me when I think about… every redhead in this show not named roman
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lunatriense · 6 months
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juanarc-thethird · 6 months
After Pyrrha along with Blake and Yang save Jaune from Glynda... do they ask for a reward from him? One that will make all three of them very happy.
In Glynda's office, said owner of the place is found knocked out on the floor. While three girls are standing thinking what to do.
Yang: What if we leave her lying on her couch? Maybe she thinks it was all a dream?
Blake: I don't think that will work, but it's better than nothing.
Pyrrha: So it's decided, we'll leave her confined to her couch and hope she doesn't scold us later.
The three girls nod
Jaune: *Behind the desk* Can I come out now?
Pyrrha: *Smiles* Of course, it's safe now.
Jaune: *Stands up* Wow, that was close. Well, if you'll excuse me, the gym is calling me.
He begins to walk towards the exit until he is stopped by the collar of his shirt grabbed by Yang.
Yang: Where do you think you're going lover boy?
Jaune: To the gym?
Yang: Oh no, we deserve a reward for saving you.
Jaune: My thanks are not enough?
Blake: What "thank you"? You never gave them to us. Also, that's not enough.
She says while looking at him with her predatory gaze.
Jaune: *Nervous* Like a massage?
Pyrrha: Oh you're going to massage something, that's for sure.
She says between a somewhat dangerous smile.
Jaune: Is it something family friendly?
They don't respond and just smile.
Jaune: Oh boy...
Back to Jaune's room
Yang: *Naked, supporting herself on the desk* Oh fucK!~💕 Yes! Destroy that pussy! God!~💕 Go you're going to split in two!!
Jaune slides his fingers through her hair and pulls them towards him.
Yang: Oh FUck YeS!!!~💕 Pull my hair!!💕
Pyrrha: I thought that she doesn't like her hair being touched, much less pulled.
Blake: Yeah, but Jaune is the exception.
Jaune: *Grabbing her hips with his free hand* Oh fuck!
Yang: What's the matter big boy? To much pussy to handle?~💕
Jaune: I-I'm about to cum!
Yang: *giggles* Do it! Cum for me! I want to feel your hot cum inside me!
Jaune: Oh Fuck!~💕
He shoots his hips into Yang, thrusting his member deep inside her.
Yang: OH FUCK!!~~~💕 I'M CUMMING!!!💕💕💕
Jaune's balls can be seen moving with each load of cum. Yang's legs shake from the intensity of her orgasm. If it weren't for Jaune still holding her firmly in his hands, she would have already fallen to the floor.
Yang: *Look up to see his face* I wove you~💕
Jaune: *Kiss her deeply*
Blake: Ok, now is my turn~💕
Blake is on the bed on all fours, her hips in the air while her chest touches the ground.
Blake: Come on big guy, fuck me like the bitch I AM!!!!💕
Jaune, without thinking twice, shoved his cock into Blake's ass. All the way until he could touch her ass with his pelvis.
Blake: Oh, my God!~💕 You're raping my ass!~💕 Master is raping my ass!!!~💕
Yang: Oh boy, she got into one of her own role plays.
Jaune continues to fuck her deep, grabbing each cheek of her ass and spreading her open. She could feel his heavy balls hitting her pussy with every thrust.
Blake: Please Master, have mercy on me!~💕 You are destroying my ass!!💕
Jaune: Shut up! Your ass is mine!
*SMACK!* He spanks her.
Blake: UGH!~💕 Forgive me Master! Please cum inside me as my apology!💕
Jaune: I don't need your permission!! FUck!~
Jaune throws his body at her, impaling her deeply with his big cock. Shooting his cum, filling her whole.
Blake: Yes master!💕 Pump all your semen inside me!💕 I can feel my belly getting full!!~~~💕💕
She screams as she squirts hard, leaving everything soaked beneath her.
Pyrrha: My turn~💕
Jaune has Pyrrha in Mating press position on the floor mat. Her legs are resting on top of his arms in the air, while her pussy is ravaged by his huge cock.
Blake: I knew she was a screamer, but this is too much.
Yang: But it's hot~
Jaune uses all his strength and weight to fuck her hard and dirty. Years of training with her did bear fruit, and Pyrrha is indeed grateful for his hard work.
Jaune: Pyrrha, be quiet, you're being too loud!
He kisses her with passion and increases the intensity of his hips. Pyrrha can't think straight anymore, she can only think about his cock. Her mind is a mess, she can only moan and kiss Jaune.
Blake: Oh, Jaune is already about to cum.
Yang: How do you know?
Blake: He clenches his ass when he cums.
Jaune: *does exactly that* Mnmn!~💕
Pyrrha: MMHHH!!~💕
Blake: See
Yang: Wow
Jaune's balls throb with every load of cum. Little by little you can see how the semen begins to come out of Pyrrha. Leaving small puddle of semen under her.
Blake: He is already at his limit.
Yang: Do we let him rest?
The two girls look at each other
Blake/Yang: Nah~
Jaune is lying on his bed while the three girls share his meat between their mouths.
Jaune: *Begging* Girls please, I can't take it anymore. I'm dry.
Pyrrha: *Slurp!* Nop~💕
Blake: *Lick* Never~💕
Yang: *Kiss* You wish~💕
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One person in the group has been writing smutty fics about the rest of the gang who is it and whose more upset about how they are written than anything else?
Blake: Hello Team- What's going on?
Ruby: Well, Blake ... This is an Intervention.
Blake: For what? The fish sticks? 'Cause I can stop any time i want!
Ruby: What? No. This is about the Smut Fics we found.
Blake: What?
Yang: There's nothing to be ashamed of. We all have desire we want to explore through fiction, we just ask that you don't include us.
Blake: I have NO clue what you're talking about.
Weiss: Really? Even the one where I'm the bicycle between everyone?
Blake: Yeah, no, I legitimately don't know what you mean.
Ruby: Blake, We're just asking that you be honest with us.
Jaune: Yeah, Pyrrha was nearly in tears when she found out.
Pyrrha: *Sniffles*
Jaune: Plus you make me this "Giga-Chad Harem King" where I get with anyone and everyone! I don't like it. I'm not like that. I mean! You even Wrote me with My own Sisters!
Nora: You Vile Cur!
Ren: *Tranquility* Nora, Jaune, We're here to have a discussion.
Blake: I never wrote Smut about you guys! Do you think I'm so dumb as to Use your real names!
Blake: ...
Blake: In the event I did Write Smut about you guys!
Ruby: Look, Blake, We'll leave you to Talk to Pyrrha alone, since what you've done has affected her the most. RPF is the lowest form of fiction anyway.
*RW_YJN_R Leave, Pyrrha and Blake sit alone in the room*
Pyrrha: *Sniffles* Blake ...
Blake: I swear I never-
Pyrrha: Thank you!
Blake: What?
Pyrrha: Thank you for taking the fall for this!
Blake: ... What?
Pyrrha: I mean, do you know how irritated Jaune was when he learned he was written as the Lovely hunk he is? How could anyone resist him!
Blake: You're blaming ME for this!
Pyrrha: I mean ... Yes. Yes I am. Of course I'll need to find a better place to hide my writings, But No one would ever~believe that Me, Pure, Sweet, Innocent Pyrrha Nikos, the poor girl on the pedestal, could ever think about people in that way! My reputation would Crumble! everyone would lose respect for me!
Pyrrha: But no one knows You. Besides, you're an open pervert. No one would doubt you would do this.
Blake: ... You're evil.
Pyrrha: All is fair in love and War~ If only Jaune could Realize He oh-so deserves ALL the love in the world!
Blake: Is that your plan? To Convince Jaune to have a harem?
Pyrrha: And isn't it the perfect plan? Once everyone loves him the way I do, then He'll never hate himself again~
Blake: *Horrified*You're MAD! Depraved! A Foul-Minded harlot!
Pyrrha: And who would ever believe you about that~ One day All will bow to Jaune and I~ You're Reigning Champions of love and lust~
Pyrrha: Jaune Simply needs to learn his proper place!
Pyrrha: AS do you and the rest of our underlings~ Ehehehe~
Blake: You'll never get away with it! This is Madness! Insanity!
Pyrrha: Of course it is~ Why do you think it's called falling madly in love~ *Giggle~*
Blake: ... Oh my God, you're really trying this.
Pyrrha: Of Course I am. *Opens Door, Wiping tears* Blake, I'm so glad we could reach an Understanding!
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verydeadaten · 1 year
Yang: Ugh, Port's class was so boring.
Blake: If he goes on another tangent, I'll pull my ears out.
Ruby: I kinda like his stories. I wonder If I'll be able to tell stories like that when I'm older.
Weiss: Of course a child like you would like his tangents. You're so easily entertained.
Ruby: Hey!
Pyrrha: Um, excuse me.
Yang: Hey P-Money! What's up?
Pyrrha: I need to talk to Weiss... In private.
Yang: *looking at Weiss* Really?
Ruby: But we were gonna have BFFAF time after this!
Weiss: No we weren't. Where would you like to talk Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: There's an empty room.
Weiss: Lead the way!
As Weiss and Pyrrha walk away, Weiss looks back to both, seeing Yang and Blake both holding a thumbs up. After a bit of walking, they enter the empty classroom, with Pyrrha shutting the door behind them.
Weiss: So, what did you want to talk to me about?
Pyrrha: ...I need you...
Weiss: *thinking* Oh my gods. It's happening. IT'S HAPPENING!!!
Weiss: Pyrrha Nikos, the most beautiful (besides me), perfect (besides me), and strongest person in the whole world finally noticed me!
Pyrrha: I need you to....
Weiss: It was only a matter of time before she lost interest in that oaf, Arc. I knew it was only a passing fancy. How could anyone as wonderful as her? She deserves someone better, smarter, stronger.
Pyrrha: To t-teach...
Weiss: We'll get married in Argus, and I'll have Winter be my maid of honor. I'll make sure Father and Whitley aren't invited, and especially that ignorant fool, Arc, and my dolt of a leader, Ruby. It'll be perfect, and-
Weiss: E-e-e-excuse me?!
Pyrrha: I need you to teach me how to sing! You're the only singer I personally know, so please teach me!
Weiss: *utterly flabberghasted* WHY?
Pyrrha: Well...
Two weeks earlier...
Team JNPR where relaxing in their dorm after class. Pyrrha was reading a book. Ren was taking a nap, with Nora lying on his chest. Jaune was playing his guitar. He stopped suddenly, and looked up at his team.
Jaune: You guys wanna start a band?
Nora: *immediatly bolting up from Ren's chest* Can I play drums?
Jaune: Sure.
Nora: YES.
Ren: *woken up from his nap* What's happening?
Nora: Jaune wants us to start a band.
Ren: Oh. I guess I'll play bass then.
Jaune: You play bass?
Ren: No. But I know Nora's going to play drums. And you're going to play guitar. I'm alright with playing bass. It's dark, like my soul.
Nora: But Renny, you have the brightest soul out of all of us!
Ren: *smiles*
Jaune: Are you sure you want to play bass?
Ren: It's fine. I'm a quick learner, and I'm good with my fingers. *goes back to napping*
Jaune: Hmm, alright. What a bout you Pyrrha? Do you want to join the band?
Pyrrha: Y-Yes! Of course.
Jaune: What do you want to play?
Pyrrha: Um, I really don't know. I don't play any instruments.
Jaune: Really? Have you ever tried to play something? Try to get into music as a passing fancy?
Pyrrha: No. I was always so busy with training and studying, I never even thought of making music. My grandma played harp and flute, but she died when I was really little. She was the only really musical person I knew.
Jaune: Hmmm... I guess you can sing.
Pyrrha: W-W-W-WHAT?
Jaune: Yeah. I mean, your voice is already so beautiful.
Pyrrha: You think my voice is beautiful?
Jaune: Pyrrha, your voice is what the sunrise sounds like.
Pyrrha: Oh gods, he's so sweet! He looks so excited about this, I have to do it. I HAVE TO PROTECT THAT SMILE!
Pyrrha: *grinning* Alright Jaune, I'll sing for our band.
Jaune: YES! You're the best Pyr. I know this is going to be great. Lets have our first band practice next week, after we get the instruments, of course.
Pyrrha: Okay.
Ren: ZZZZzzzz...
Back to the present...
Pyrrha; And then next week we rehearsed, and I was terrible! I tried to sing White Dog but I just couldn't!
Pyrrha: *on the verge of tears* Ren and Nora where looking at me weird, and Jaune had this really fake smile on his face! He said " I think you did a pretty good job Pyrrha." I know he was lying to make me feel better.
Pyrrha: *sobbing* I couldn't protect that smile. I don't deserve him. He deserves a partner who can sing Banned In D.V. by Rad Brains without ripping out their vocal cords. Please Weiss, I'm begging you. I need to redeem myself in his eyes. Please. I'll even pay for the lessons, please. I need this. I've seen him writing songs, and they're so beautiful, and he wants ME to sing them. You have to understand.
Weiss: *sighs the deepest sigh humanly possible*
Weiss: *realizing that she'll never get any pyrussy* I'll teach you how to sing.
Pyrrha: Thank you, thank you so much. I could never thank you enough, thank you.
Weiss: *completely dead on the inside* It's fine.
Pyrrha: *crying tears of joy* Really Weiss. You don't know how important this is for me. You have my deepest thanks.
Weiss: *smiling through the pain* That's what friends are for!
Colored words works on desktop know. Praise the lord. Here are the songs Pyrrha talks about btw.
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howlingday · 3 months
Huntress Talk
Pyrrha: (Tying up outlaw) Okay, I have a question for you; if you were the god of your own religion, what would your body and your blood be made of?
Weiss: Hm... My body... My body... My body would be made of marshmallow rice treats and my blood would be... mocha frappe.
Pyrrha: (Loads outlaw) Oh, that's good...
Pyrrha: Well, if he wanted to, he would.
Weiss: (Sighs) I know.
Pyrrha: No, you don't. He always treats you like fucking horseshit. (Outlaw escapes)
Weiss: He's not that bad.
Pyrrha: Weiss, you may not know this, but you are a wonderful person. You are stunning and beautiful, but you deserve more than that and you should be treated better than just as somebody's arm candy. You're also talented, smart, and hard-working.
Pyrrha: (Shoots, Blows outlaw's leg off) Anyone you spend time with should be lucky to have you and they should be willing to put the time and effort into supporting your dreams just as much as you support theirs. You should love the person you are when you're with somebody else, and if he's bringing you down like that, then you need to fucking dump his ass!
Pyrrha: (Dropping off outlaw) I think, deep down, the reason I'm bad at time management is because I can't count.
Weiss: Really?
Pyrrha: It's not that I'm bad at math, but I do fucking hate math and watching numbers change makes me aware of how much time has passed and it scares the literal shit out of me.
Weiss: I get that. Math is a language and if you don't use it, you lose it, and if you lose it, you don't understand what's going on around you, and misunderstanding things can literally kill your career or your finances or your life or anything else you care about.
Pyrrha: (Watches outlaw get dragged away) Well, this was fun.
Weiss: (Watches outlaw shoved to gallows) I agree. Let's do it again sometime.
Pyrrha: Good-bye~!
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
RWBY pretty much destroyed whatever relationship they had with Jaune at this, Weiss and Yang's responses were just damn, no words. Ruby's response was truly heartbreaking, honestly wanna see more of that aftermath after all that was said
The Aftermath of the Return
Ruby: Hey, Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Hmph!
Ruby: Uhh… Hi, Nora!
Nora: Hmph!
Ruby: Hi… Ren…?
Ren: …
Ruby: Hey, Jaune…?
Jaune: …
Ruby: Oh no…
Yang: Okay… Uhh… That was weird…
Blake: Weird? Weird how?
Yang: They’re usually more cheerful when we talk with them.
Weiss: Why are they giving us the cold shoulder?
Ruby: Maybe it’s because we all were a bunch of jerks to, Jaune! And, we keep saying, Jeanne is the better, Jaune!
Yang: Really?
Blake: But, she is better?
Weiss: Oh, that makes sense…
Yang: But, Jeanne is way better than, Jaune will ever be.
Weiss: Agreed, she was perfection embodied~!
Blake: And, her smile~! Ahhh~!
Yang: I swear I heard angels singing~!
Ruby: Look: We can all debate how much better, Jeanne was compared to, Jaune. And, I love to do it.
Yang: I would talk about her glorious hair~!
Blake: Her smile~!
Weiss: Everything about her was perfect~!
Ruby: Agreed, but can we stop comparing the two, their completely different people! It’s not fair to compare, perfection to an absolute mess of a human being!
Yang: Okay, we can do that.
Weiss: What is there to even compete about?
Blake: Naww, Jaune sucks.
RWBY: Agreed!
Ruby: Wait… This isn’t what I meant!
Nora: I want to break their jaws, and legs…
Ren: I often try, and prevent, Nora from going psychotic on people, but she’ll have to beat me to them this time.
Pyrrha: I would break, Yang’s arms, after that I would break, Ruby’s leg. Shove, Weiss’s head threw a wall, and burn all of, Blake’s trashy porn books.
Ren: Sounds like you’re going easy on, Blake there.
Pyrrha: Did I mention I would get them all signed by the author, and then burn them?
Nora: Ohh! Nice!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Gods I wish I had you guys in my life ages ago… It would have been so, so much easier on me. Bar, my sister, and her wife, I thought no one liked me…
Pyrrha: Which sister?
Jaune: Her name is, Saphron. She lives in, Argus, and her wife, Terra, and my nephew, Adrian.
Pyrrha: Argus? I grew up there, we can all go together for a vacation! We can meet your sister, and her family, and we can meet my mom too!
Jaune: That… That sounds like a fantastic idea. I would love to do that. I could use a vacation from this place anyway. More so from the people here really…
Nora: Oh! I would love to meet your sister!
Ren: I’m very curious to meet your mother too, Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: So we’re all in agreement, Team JNPR is taking a vacation to, Argus!
Nora: Whoo! Argus vacation!
Ruby: Argus vacation?
Yang: Sounds fun!
Blake: I could use a vacation.
Weiss: I can get us a great place to stay at, just let me know when we’re going, and I can book us all a place!
Pyrrha: …
Nora: …
Ren: …
Jaune: …
Pyrrha: Team JNPR is taking a team vacation; While you can go to, Argus whenever you want, You are not coming with us…
Ruby: But, why?
Nora: Because we fucking hate you!
Yang: Whoa, language?!
Nora: Seriously; what are you three years old?
Ren: Especially, Weiss. You’re a bitch.
Weiss: Excuse me?!
Blake: What did we do to deserve this?
Pyrrha: …
Ruby: Blake?! Blake are you okay?!
Yang: What the hell, Pyrrha?!
Weiss: Why did you do that?!
Pyrrha: Take a guess you motherfuckers…
Ruby: Pyrrha?!
Glynda: W-What’s going on here?!
Pyrrha: Just protecting my team, Miss Goodwitch.
Glynda: And, what are your protecting them from that requires such excessive use of force?
Pyrrha: A bunch of assholes, Ma’am.
Glynda: I see… Report to detention this afternoon. We’ll discuss your behaviour in then.
Pyrrha: Very well, Ma’am.
Glynda: Good. Don’t be late.
Jaune: Thanks, Pyrrha. I appreciate it.
Pyrrha: Think nothing of it. I’m willing to do anything for my team. Just as you would.
Jaune: Still, thank you, Pyrrha.
Nora: I get to throw the next punch.
Ren: Flip you for it?
Nora: Deal!
I’m gonna let you all know here, Jaune’s team, still likes him; they really love, and support him. They just started to hate Team RWBY, their male counterparts, and male Pyrrha.
Other, Nora, and Rin they’re neutral on since they don’t know much about her.
Jeanne herself, well their all on the fence about her.
Anyway. Enjoy what is yet to come!
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kinaesthetiqueer · 30 days
🥭 🍈 🍒
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
Angst - blender go brrrrr
Fluff - but what if everything was okay
Smut - Eh.
Crack - I cannot do crack anymore.
Actually I can expand this.
Hurt/Comfort - skin my knee and kiss it better
Whump - woodchipper go brrrr
Slice of Life - soft and quiet moments
Processing - heyyyy wtf just happened?
Romantic Pining - but what if...
Romantic Goop - we are SO in love
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Oh. Oh gods.
What haven't I talked about for Nora? What keeps showing up in fics?
Her emotional and tactical intelligence. Her will and drive to survive against all odds. Her ironclad sense of justice. Her unflinching love for her friends and family. Her goofy sense of humor. The way her genuine spirit encourages those around her to be better. Her ability to read the room and read it well.
Her tendency to hold everyone else up to the point where if she no longer has anyone else to support she will stand up and fall over figuratively and self-destruct literally. Her tendency to deflect and hold her feelings in when she knows them.
Nora is just such a fantastic character. Holding out hope that I might one day be able to have a nendoroid of her...
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
'you're the light of my life but you are so fucking hard on yourself' + 'you're literally perfect and i will never deserve you' [fareeha/angela]
sun + moon (+ stars) [fareeha/angela(/satya); yang/blake(/weiss)]
'mutually dreaming about kissing each other with tongue' + 'i'm going to lock you two in a barrel, i swear to gods' [yang/blake + weiss; pyrrha/jaune + nora; nora/weiss + ren]
off-the-walls hyper & the only person who can successfully tell them no [nora & jaune and/or ren]
'absolutely unhinged' + 'holds them back unless it'll be funny' [nora & pyrrha and/or ren]
unstoppable force + immovable object [nora/weiss]
had forgotten about this. send me a fruit?
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pixelcesspool · 11 months
Thoughts on Nona
Nona is a precious goblin just like Harrow and deserves to be protected at all costs.
and yet they failed.
Nona is autistic I claim her for the community and you can't do anything about it.
The sense of whimsy and wonder I get from her is something I think we all still wish we had. It gives you such a whiplash from the previous two books that I will admit. In the first few chapters it was a bit difficult to push through. However it is handsomely rewarded.
"Life is too short and love is too long"
I cried, I sobbed. I'll miss them so much but Paul is cool.
Crown is a simp for her sister and I don't think anyone can do anything about that.
Judith...UM RIP. I never liked you. Crown just wants a mommy to replace her sister.
Pyrrha you're fantastic never change.
Ianthe you stupid fucking over confident bitch I love you.
Gideon endures further horrors and still in death! "Why doesn't it feel good!"
Jod you sad pathetic absent father bitch baby. I love you. unfortunately you're a war criminal and possibly the worst one the universe has ever seen.
The group of kids deserve better and especially Hot Sauce you bad bitch in the making.
Noodle Bark Bark Bark Bark
Harrow glad to have you back I've missed you!
Angel what is your deal? I need to know.
Alecto its so funny that all I can see when I imagine you is Margot Robbie because of the Barbie Movie and you think you look horribly ugly. Please for the love of god talk like you're from the King James Bible the entirety of your book I need it.
Pash I have a crush on you please don't die.
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Ok let's start reading the next chapter then. It promises to be a fun one.
Cytherea with the steel chair - (was my official prediction)
4th skull.
Uhh huh, so Augustine is getting everyone drunk, for starters. Does that include Harrow?
Ianthe’s First House robes were somewhere on the floor, and her elbows were on the tablecloth, and her cheeks were pink, which gave her a spurious loveliness.
Harrow, thinking Ianthe is pretty? She must be at least a little bit drunk, then.
He had more than once shared a glance with you that you were very afraid was solidarity. You weren’t sure. You were drinking water. You were drinking a great deal of water.
Okay good, avoiding a hangover at least. Ortus the First seems to be faring better than his siblings, his stoicness unbroken.
“And to our cavaliers,” said the Saint of Joy, quite suddenly, after everyone had drunk. Augustine raised his glass again. “I’ll drink to that. To cavaliers—we didn’t deserve ’em … and they didn’t deserve us, as I always say. To Alfred—Cristabel—Pyrrha—Loveday—Naberius—to them all.”
Noticing that, of course, Harrow's cavalier is not mentioned at all.
“It was before you were born, Harrowhark.” (“Long before you were born,” added Mercy owlishly, “because you are three years old.”)
Harrow keeps getting younger in Mercy's estimation, lol. Is she about to become a neonate? (Don't answer that.)
“An absolute bombshell,” said God. He looked deeply into Augustine’s eyes, took another slug of wine, and then said in graveyard tones: “Though maybe not quite such a bombshell as your mother.” It destroyed some cavern of your reverence to watch Augustine punch the Prince Undying on the arm, and to watch the Prince Undying gamely cuff him back. Part of your brain temporarily calcified into atheism.
Hahahahaha, this is fun. I love this.
“I don’t hate Cristabel,” he said lowly. “Dear, I barely hate you.” [...] Wild eyed, tumultuous, unbalanced, Mercy leaned in and kissed him.
Ohhhhh, things are getting spicy here.
I did have a feeling that these two had some kind of history - a bad breakup, perhaps, and probably (definitely) lots of hatesex. Lol.
You looked over your shoulder as she opened the door—God had just picked up the Saint of Joy bodily and sat her at the edge of the table, and the Saint of Patience had his mouth at God’s neck, which was horrible—
Oh my god, Augustine's idea of distracting God was to have a divine threesome. Lmao good for him.
Go kill the saint of duty, kids.
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superiorsturgeon · 7 months
Me, having to listen to someone speak about Cinder's "unparalleled talent" in combat and how she's the best villain on the show and she deserved all of her victories and her loses were all not her fault or plot mandated: "uh huh, sure. Say, what are you smoking again?"
Me, having to listen to the same person extole Ozpin as having done nothing wrong, Pyrrha is responsible for her own death and Qrow, Ozpin, Goodwitch, and Ironwood shouldnt give it another thought, and there was no problem with how she was given her information and any knowledge gaps in what was told to her were irrelevant, she knew enough: ".........oh, you're one of those"
Me, listening to how someone describes beating Ozpin that one time is supposed to be a sign that Cinder should always be invincible, Salem gettig beat up by Hazel doesnt count because she sucks, all of the other Maidens not having Plot Armor is totally valid, saying Jaune, Ren, and Nora should have died: "whelp, time to drop this discord server"
Hoo boy, I don’t normally do deep essays about my favorite shows, but here goes…
The first and third points you make speak for themselves, anon, and I’m assuming you’re responding to people who like Cinder too much and think she’s more badass than she really is.
The second point is one that I wrestle with. After growing up and realizing how much about the world was kept from me and my peers as kids (either to protect us or to influence us), I have a pretty negative reaction towards authorities that insist on keeping major secrets from people doing the work/fighting. If I were in Jaune’s position, finding out that Pyrrha had been set up for a major risk without being given all the information, I’d probably want to beat Ozpin senseless, too.
However, I think it’s actually good writing that things go the way they did! Sure, Arkos is easily my favorite ship and my shipper brain instantly tries to find ways for things to turn out better for Pyrrha! But in service of the whole plot, it’s great drama to have a secret leader fighting for humanity who has been betrayed before and now can’t bring himself to trust anyone, creating tension after it leads to people dying. Ozpin himself has said that he made more mistakes than anyone alive, and we didn’t understand what he meant at the time, but by god we get to learn and it’s not pretty. You also see something similar with Ironwood and the Atlas military, where the authority figure decides that only they know what needs to be done, even if it leads to people being hurt, and it ultimately costs Ironwood everything (if it’s not clear, I’m not a member of the “Ironwood did nothing wrong” crowd)
It’s difficult for me to reconcile what the “correct” course of action is regarding secrets (which also makes for a much better dramatic story). Ozpin has some justification in not revealing everything to everyone because there were obviously betrayals or people who went rogue and made things worse (Lionheart and Ironwood). However, people like Jaune, Raven, and Hazel are also justified in feeling betrayed or lied to while their loved ones are being killed in a fight that they were kept from understanding.
The closest thing to a big moral statement that I can find in RWBY is that when people decide not to trust and push people away, it ends in tragedy (See: Pyrrha, Summer, Ironwood, etc). Even when it’s for the best reasons, the strongest heroes fail when they fight alone, and they succeed when they trust each other and fight together. (Plugging another of my favorite shows: “Mandalorians are stronger together.”) I’ve seen comparisons between Jaune and Hazel, where one chose to burn the world down and the other got up and kept fighting for the world to be safe, and I like the conclusion they made: the difference is that Jaune remained with his friends and trusted them while Hazel turned away from everything. I wouldn’t want to guess if there’s a planned resolution for the show, but if there is then I would think that Ozpin/Raven/other characters learning to trust again would play a big part.
Tl;dr It’s good dramatic writing for there to be a struggle between keeping things secret and trusting others, even though it led to two of my favorite ships being sunk (Arkos/Fairgame). Hopefully we see more people learning to trust each other and it saves the world.
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
Only Hunters: WhiteSnow Donates a very large some to Valiant Vale for a *ahem, cough cough* private show *not like she likes him and his shows or anything.*
Weiss stared blankly at her inbox, though she had sent ValiantVale a private message she had yet to receive a response. She knew of course that perhaps she was asking too much, he had been a new creator after all. She often worried with his sheepish nature, that perhaps she was coming off as too intimidating. But... when she'd seen the snippet of his shirtless form... she had nearly fallen in love.
Something that many may not have known about her, mostly because she kept it underwraps was that she liked muscles. Now! She didn't like all muscles... there were people like Sun who worked out for the sake of showing off. She could tell how superflous those were.
Yang was a lot closer to her preferred and Pyrrha was even closer. But when she saw Valiant's? Those had... those had been something else! She could tell they had been created not through normal means, but the kind that she'd seen in workers. Whoever he was he must have done some actual outside work over the years.
And... and oh god. "Crap I'm getting wet..."
Weiss wasn't sure she'd be able to properly keep her cool anymore. She considered sending him another message.
Her eyes quickly darted to her inbox, a new notification! Opening the page she came across a response.
"Hello. Thank you for the last donation and uhm, the private message. However, I'm not sure that I"m comfortable showing it all just yet."
'Showing it all?' It hit her!
Quickly she responded, "Oh no I'm sorry! I uhm... I meant if I could get a more private showing of... of your upper body, not your face of course!" She respected his privacy.
Jaune stared at the response he got, his face burning really brightly. He felt almost obligated, as WhiteSnow had donated so much to him, and he had been able to get a higher quality camera and webcam.
Was all he sent back.
A few more messages, and they decided, that now would be a good idea.
Weiss couldn't believe her luck. He even said that he'd send her the recording so she could have it personally!
The camera came on and there he was, or at least his lower half! What's more was that he was sweating, dripping glistening clear droplets of bountiful harvest!
She had to fan herself, otherwise she wsa bound to overheat.
Her fingers quickly typed, "Oh my! I hadn't realized you'd be sweeting."
His distorted voice came through, "Sorry! I uhm, I was helping a friend with setting up their personal room." He had actually helped Ren with moving in some new equipment, though he didn't know what it was.
"No no! It's fine it's fine!" She made sure he knew she appreciated it. "I really like it... a lot."
It wasn't like Weiss to be so brazen, but... she couldn't help herself!
The show started, his hands were flimsy but he began to do as she asked, flexing, and posing for her. Her chest began to beat fast in her heart.
"Oh my, you must get quite a few advances."
To her surprise he only gave her a soft, yet saddened chuckle, "Hah oh no uhm... not really? There's one friend I'm really close to but... I don't know... I'm just nervous? I uh, I messed up with another before, though we're better now just... just I'm not sure I'm ready for that. And it's not like anyone would be interested in me."
Her brows furrowed as she furiously typed away, "No way! Anyone would be happy to have someone like you. I can't believe anyone would turn you down!"
"I deserved it honestly. I was a bit pestering when she said no and what not. Besides she wasn't interested in me, there was someone else that caught her eye."
Weiss rolled her eyes, "Tch, she didn't know what she lost then! I bet she was just walking with a stick up her butt." Again weiss normally didn't type like this, but she was admittedly very jealous.
"Now hold on." He cut in, "We may have had our disagreements but we're friends now, at least I'd like to think. Most of it was my fault, she's honestly a very sweet girl. Though she's had a bit of trouble adjusting. I know she's going to do well in life as well, she really didn't need me pestering her. And if she's happy then I am, you know?"
Her heart swooned a little, especially with how genuine he was about it. "You're right, I apologize."
She felt he nodded behind the camera, "Of course!"
"Thank you for the session~ I really enjoyed it.♥"
"Oh uhm yes no problem! Thank you so much for the support!"
The video feed ended and she turned towards her inbox, a new download was ready for her. She swallowed, "Well I'm going to enjoy this... though... having him talk about his friend was kind of nice. Maybe I can get him to talk about them more in the future~"
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rachetmath · 3 years
Lancaster vs Rosegarden
Oscar: Jaune!
Jaune: Oh hi Oscar.
Oscar: You think you better than me?!
Jaune: Wait what?
Oscar: You think just because you're tall, muscler, an awsome semblance, and cool armor that'll make Ruby yours. Well too bad buddy, she's mine.
Jaune: I'm sorry, my mind is wondering where are you going with this.
Oscar: Ruby is mine. She will be mind.
Jaune: Okay. But what does this have to with me.
Oscar: I'm not an idiot Jaune. I see everything.
Jaune: What are you-?
Oscar: The train.
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Ruby’s scroll.
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I know what you're thinking and trust me she will soon know that chocolate is better than vanilla.
Jaune: Look Oscar-
Oscar: I'm the goat here. I've gone through shit. I do more for this group than anyone.
Jaune: Okay. Noted. Now Oscar just hear me-
Oscar: I'm better than you in every way.
Jaune: Okay but-
Oscar: I'm-
Jaune pimps’ slaps Oscar across his face. The hand was so strong it almost threw Oscar off. However, once Oscar recovered a little, Jaune slaps him again, knocking the drool off him.
Oscar: Ow!
Jaune: You good? A-are you done? Can I finish?
Oscar: Yeah.
Jaune: Thank you. Now let me tell you something um Pyrrha is dead.
Oscar: Okay, so what? What does she... oh.
Jaune: Yeah, she was reckless, she didn't think and she burdens everything on herself. Does Ruby not do that herself?
Oscar: Um..
Jaune: Okay then shut up. If you like Ruby that much then tell her. This has nothing to do with me. We are not even like that. We're just friends.
Oscar: *feels bad*
Jaune: The only girl I seem to have a relationship with is Yang. And it's not even a romantic one, its playful and sisterly. I mean have you seen her with Blake.
Oscar: True. Wait what about Nora?
Jaune: ... ... ...
Oscar: ... ... ...
Jaune: Teammate. A bit of a sister. Nothing less. Nothing more.
Oscar: Wow. That's low.
Jaune: Now, you are better than me but guess what that ain't much. Like what have you done? What sacrifices have you made? What are your reasons?
Oscar: Um I told James the truth about Salem. I saved everyone at Heaven. I helped in the battle with Cordovan. I saved everyone from Salem.
Jaune: Okay. Ironwood shot you. Cordovan was insane and did not deserve to live or have a job after her recklessness. Plus, Ruby stopped her. You were on a plane. And Ozpin helped more than you in Heaven. And if Hazel didn't buy you any time you would have died. In fact, Hazel is the reason you’re alive.
Me: And the reason your journey started.
Oscar: Well I persuaded him to join the good side.
Jaune: Really, how so?
Oscar: By telling him how to use the lamp. Then he freed me and made me do it myself.
Jaune: So, Hazel just let you go because he didn't believe you?
Oscar: Yep.
Jaune: So, if Hazel called Jinn's name and she appeared, what would have happened then? Like would Hazel have freed you then? Or would he had killed you and just let that be the end?
Oscar: ...
Jaune: So Hazel just showed you pity or you guilt tripped him into helping.
Oscar: I helped with James.
Jaune: Who we jumped.
Oscar: The evacuation.
Jaune: The worse plan we ever made.
Oscar: Oh man.
Jaune: Now, I need to say this, STOP being random. Like first you suck for some reason then you start being cool. Like what the hell?! Oscar, I don't know why I should be wasting my time trying to help you, let alone worry about you if you're somehow going to prove how irrelevant that is. Like I could've been helping Mantle instead of helping you. I could've been trying to talk to James instead of helping you. But no, you're my friend so of course I'll help you.
Oscar: But I'm your partner.
Jaune: No. No you are not. I'm the healer. I'm everybody’s partner.
Me: Basically the brother or the father of the group. No, wait a minute, maybe the mother? Still.
Jaune: Now, for your reason. Why are you here? What is your personal goal?
Oscar: To finish this. This fight with Salem needs to stop. I need to stop the cycle of reincarnation.
Me: Bra, that has nothing to do with you reincarnating. Ozma's mission. Remember?
Oscar: Oh.
Jaune: Basically, until the gods show up and we pass, you have no choices here so... you're here because Ozpin and I fucked up. Mostly me.
Oscar: Oh my brothers.
Jaune: Yeah. Now, listen. Ruby has been going through it. Ask her out. Trust me, you'll be making her day. Believe me. Please, enjoy what little life you might have left because in all honesty you barely have one. Considering your just a mini version of everything I was supposed to be.
Oscar: I'm sorry what?
Jaune: Later. *leaves*
Oscar: Um RatchetMath.
Me: What?
Oscar: Do you hate me?
Me: Yes and no.
Oscar: Why?!
Me: Oscar, I’m not going to lie but in all honesty you should not exist.
Oscar: …
Me: Like I’m not going to cap. You’re just Jaune but with everything else.
Oscar: How?
Me: How? Bra, let me tell you something, have you ever notice how you and Jaune are similar? Like coming into a field with no experience whatsoever. You were getting bullied by others. You were in need a pip talk.
Oscar: But I’m black.
Me: Bra, I’m light skin and I don’t even care for you. I’m fine with black representation but I prefer Ilia over you.
Oscar: What why?
Me: Bra Ilia is black. From a poor neighborhood. Her parents worked in low paying jobs. Her parents are dead. She literally went and lived in Atlas, so she has more awareness of what’s going on there. Plus, team RWBY has one faunus and team JNPR doesn’t. Especially if the said faunus is rich and has some nobility.
Oscar: Shit.
Me: And to be honest Jaune looked like Ozpin. He even looked like Ozma. Other than that if Jaune was Ozpin reincarnation then everything would be some levels the same. Hazel hates Ozpin so will Jaune because what Ozpin has done so far. He sees Ozpin’s life and he would have been even more furious cause none the events needed to happen if Ozpin- no Ozma wasn’t trying to get laid like many so-called heroes. He gets out-casted like he was back at Beacon except Pyrrha’s gone. See where I’m going with this?
Oscar: Yeah.
Me: So, in all honesty Oscar you are just black Jaune Arc. You are just a mere shadow of Jaune’s character. Hint to why I like you. And you know what it’s our fault because we didn’t want Jaune to overshadow Ruby. Even though the sad truth is everyone overshadows Ruby. Plus, our writers refuse to give him a purpose or a character.  
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sixx02 · 3 years
Jaune Arc was currently incredibly absolutely totally embarrassed.  He could only watch in shock and horror as his mother was currently gushing over his perfect, wonderful, amazing, splendid, stunning, fantastic friend.  Quite possibly his best friend if he was being honest.  Of course Lie and Nora were his best friends too!  But they were family.  Pyrrha though?  She was something else.  She brought forth a side of him he could never really understand.  Sure he sometimes felt inferior but honestly that wasn’t really a her thing, and he swore he was getting better at it.  Even if he did feel like he was lagging behind all of his family.  
Right he was getting off topic, anyways, as he said horror absolute and utter horror.  His mother was currently grilling Pyrrha for all the details of their current lives.  “Oh my goodness!  You’re absolutely gorgeous!”  He watched as Pyrrha’s alabaster skin tinged pink as his mother picked her up pulling the younger girl into a grizzly like hug.  Jaune felt so many emotions in his chest, one of them had been a surprisingly large amount of sudden relief.  Good his mother liked her, that… that was important he felt.  But then there were so many more emotions!  He hadn’t expected any of this, and even with Pyrrha’s arrival he couldn’t help but eye Oscar.  The poor boy, his heart hurt just thinking of what he must have gone through.
Just like with Nora and Lie, he felt an overwhelming amount of brotherly feelings.  Just thinking that there was another child who lost their family, ‘I need to be stronger’.  He couldn’t help but think to himself, think that he had to help anyone he could.  Snapping out of his daze he watched as his mother was practically strangling Pyrrha.  “Uhm ma.”  There was no answer as she continued to hug the young girl, “Ma!”  He practically shouted at her, causing her to snap out of her child like glee.  
“Oh woopsie!  I’m sorry dearie, I just adore children.”  Understatement of the century, Jaune thought to himself as he heard the footsteps of his other sisters off in the distance.  “Well then, why don’t you all introduce her to me?”  Jaune took center, he didn’t want to give Nora the chance to embarrass him.  He could see the mischievous glee, though he knew that she only had his best interest in heart.  But… but he didn’t want her to do anything till he was sure that he himself felt that way about Pyrrha.  
“Uhm, she’s Pyrrha, Pyrrha Nikos.  She goes to school with us.”  He took a step next to her, one that he knew his mother noticed.  “She’s also our best friend.”  
“She’s Jaune’s bestest friend though.”  Nora said in a matter of factly kind of way.  He knew she didn’t mean any harm, but he saw the way his mother’s eyes shined.  “Oh oh!”  Nora suddenly pounced on Pyrrha, “But she’s my battle sister!”  Jaune eyed his sister and his… his crush yeah.  He could see the curves of her lips tilt upwards.  He loved Nora, she really did know how to bring out the brightest of the room.  
When Nora let Pyrrha go, his mother made a humming sound.  As Lie took his place near them she couldn’t help but smile.  “I’m glad you all are doing well.”  She took a breath, “I assume that you’re here to spend the night?”  
Pyrrha nodded meekly, “Yes ma’am, Jaune invited me over.”  It was obvious his friend worried about making a good impression.  But when she said his name, Jaune just knew that his mother was going to look at him.  And look at him she did.
“Oh, did he really now?”  The smile on her face told him everything he needed to know.  And, well, he nodded.  When her smile shifted to a warmer one he felt his heart calm down.  “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you deary.”  
“Thank you.”  Pyrrha gave his mother a nice bow.  
Once everything had finished, Jaune didn’t miss the looks he was getting from his other sisters who were peaking around the corners.  It was painfully obvious to everyone else, even if he didn’t quite get it yet.  No, he was just fooling himself, Pyrrha was amazing and well… his heart beat rapidly whenever they were close.  
“Why don’t you all go up stairs and enjoy yourselves?”  Nora who was practically bouncing up and down on her heels turned towards Oscar.
“Would you like to join us Oscar?”  Her brilliant smile was nearly blinding, and as her older brother Jaune didn’t feel like he was being biased whatsoever.  The young boy seemed hesitant, but Nora just had a way with kids.  She approached him slowly and smiled warmly, allowing him to let his guard down.  “We’d love to get to know you more.”  
Jaune could see how much she saw her and Lie in him.  Jaune only nodded approvingly, he would also like to get to know their newest little brother.  Though, as they were about to head up, he felt his mother’s hand touch his shoulder.  “Uhm, you guys can go ahead, I’ll catch up.”  Nora and Lie got the hint, heading up first followed by Oscar who decided to join them after all.  
Pyrrha on the other hand watched him worriedly, he simply gave her a warm smile.  Once she seemed satisfied she followed after the trio, dragging her bag alongside her.  Though he didn’t miss the few times that she glanced back at him.  
“Ahem.”  His mother cleared her throat, this was the signal for everyone else to vacate the room.  Which they did, no one crossed their mother.  Jaune turned towards her, their eyes met and he felt a warmth travel across him.  “She is a very pretty girl.”  
He nearly gasped for air, but he knew that this was where the conversation was going to head to.  Still… it didn’t stop him from being anxious, “She… she is.”  He felt his heart thump loudly, his ears beating like drums.  His pulse grew fast as he continued to keep his eyes deadlocked with his mothers.  
“Do you like her?”  And there it was, the question he was dreading.  He just… he wasn’t sure.  He… he wasn’t good at these kinds of things.  Especially with someone as amazing as Pyrrha.  He didn’t deserve… no that wasn’t the right word.  That was… it was stupid thinking right?  At least that’s what he tried to tell himself.  He felt inferior.  Not just to her mind you, but to everyone.  Memories of his past… no Pyrrha wasn’t like her.  She wasn’t like Flanna, she could never be like her. 
“I… I’m not…”  He heard the tapping of her foot on the wooden floor.  She wasn’t going to take half truths.  “I don’t know… I’m just… mom…”  His lip quivered and his throat grew dry.  He just, he did, he did like Pyrrha.  But he wasn’t… he couldn’t, would she even be happy with him?  He knew, he really did that it didn’t matter if he was worthy or not.  That was stupid thinking!  It was stupid thinking, and he was an idiot.  “I… would she even…”  
He stiffened as she pressed her palm against his shoulder.  Her hand tightened around him, “Oh sweetie.  You’re amazing, and I’m not saying that just cause you’re my son.”  His gaze drifted downwards as he shifted awkwardly.  “Honey, I’ve never met anyone who puts half the effort you do into improving yourself.  If you make a mistake you try to correct it, I know… that things hadn’t been easy for you.  Especially with… that incident.  But darling.”  She pulled him into a tight hug.  “You’ll never know if you don’t try to ask.”  
She was right, she really was.  “If you don’t ask, you could miss out on something amazing.  And if you do, and it doesn’t work out?  You could always remain friends.  I know it’s scary, gods know that I panicked when asking out your father.”  
His head snapped back to her, his eyebrow cocking slightly.  “Yes I was the one to ask him, bloody hell, he would never have summed up the courage to ask me.”  A mirthful chuckle escaped her lips as she continued to hold him close.  “Sweetie, I think you’ll be fine.  I’m a good judge of character, and I can see that she’s different.”  
Jaune felt his breath hitch in his chest as he wrapped his arms around his mothers back, his fingers dug into her clothing as he held her tightly.  He was scared, he really was.  But… but Pyrrha wouldn’t mock him, she wouldn’t toy with his feelings.  He… he didn’t need to be worthy of anything other than her own affection.  And if she didn’t see him that way, then it was simply not meant to be.  
He turned his head down one more time and nodded, “Okay.”  Looking back at his mom he felt her hold him close once more.  
“Good luck son.”  Her warm and motherly voice filled him with confidence.  He knew it was odd to get dating advice from his mother, but she has had a long marriage as well as a ton of kids.  If his parents’ relationship was still going well then she must have known something.  
Every step he made up to their shared room was daunting, each step felt closer to his execution.  He could practically feel his heart throbbing in his chest.  Finally he reached the door, his legs locked in place as he felt his breathing become heavy.  He could feel his palms grow sweaty, he couldn’t do this.  He just couldn't. There was no way this would wo-  
His entire world fell to a halt as the door opened before he could even knock.  “Oh hello!”  Pyrrha was in front of him with her hair untied, he’d only ever seen it in a ponytail.  He felt his heart stop and his breathing stilled.  Apparently she noticed the shift in his disposition, “Jaune, are you alright?”  
“Oh uhm!”  He felt the words caught at the edge of his lips.  His tongue twisted as he tried to gather his courage.  Then he caught Nora out of the corner of his eye.  She was smiling brightly, her thumbs lifted up as if to encourage him.  Lie was doing something similar, a soft smile on his face while Oscar sat there confused.  
“Yes Jaune?”  The way she tilted her head slightly to the right sent little jolts of joy to his heart.  Oh gosh, he really was going to do this!  He needed to calm himself down, but even as his heart pounded loudly in the middle of his chest, thumping over and over.  He still couldn’t help but feel a sense of joy and excitement.
“Can I uhm. Ouch!”  He bit his tongue slightly.  
“Are you okay?!”  The panic in his voice was oddly endearing.  Placing his hand in front of him he nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine… I’m sorry I just… can we talk alone?”  The following silence was agonizing, the way she examined hima s if trying to get a beat on what he was asking.  
Finally she nodded.  
He heard a loud whoop coming from the room as she closed the door behind him.  He needed a good place to ask, taking a slow step he made his way towards the guest room.  The soft thumps of Pyrrha’s steps behind him sent powerful jolts through his mind.  His panic was reaching an all time high as his blood pulsed and beat rapidly in his veins.  He was terrified, but there was now ay that he wasn’t going to do this.  He had to resolve himself, he couldn’t chicken out now.  
Finally they reached the room, opening it so she could go in first he made sure no one was following him.  Thankfully after a few seconds of inspection he didn’t see any of his siblings.  Taking one last deep breath before entering after her, he closed the door.  
“Yes Jaune?”  Oh gosh, she was just so amazing.  Even a simple question caused his heart to thump wildly.  
“Pyrrha, we’ve been friends for a few months now, and uhm… you’re… you’re honestly amazing.”  
“Oh!”  Even he could catch the blush off of her porcelain like skin.  His own face grew warm as he tried to calm himself.
“Right, uhm… Pyrrha I…”  Oh god he was getting tongue tied, he felt his eyes flutter as his pulse grew out of control.  He was starting to shake and break out into a cold sweat.  He couldn’t… he couldn’t…
“Jaune?”  He felt a hand wrap around his, his eyes drew upwards catching her gorgeous emeralds.  “Jaune, I’m… I’m not sure what’s going on.”  He didn’t believe that, “But… but… no matter what.  I’m here for you okay?”  Her grip around his hand tightened.  
Right he didn’t need to worry.  “Pyrrha I like you.”  He hadn’t meant for it to come out so… so naturally?  But it had, there was no doubt in his mind that he felt for her, or what he felt for her. “I like you a lot, not in the same way I like Nora or Lie…  I… I really like you.”  
He expected an awkward silence, what he got was him suddenly being pulled into a tight and bone crunching hug.  Air left his lungs as she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him close.   “Sniff~”  There was a soft sniffle coming from her as she pressed her head into the crick of his neck.  
“Py-Pyrrha?”   Had he done something wrong?!
“I was so worried!”  Her grip tightened around him as she tightened them closer.  “I was so worried you didn’t feel the same.”  
“O...oh!”  OH!  She… she felt the same… she felt the same!  He didn’t, he couldn’t… he wasn’t able to think.  Instead he did all he could think of, his own arms reached around her back pulling her close to one another.  The two of them held one another close for a near 30 minutes, neither wanting to part.  He had placed his own head against hers, delight and joy filled his heart.  And for the first time for as long as he could remember, he felt quite alright.  No, he was better than alright.  He was absolutely happy, ecstatic, joyous even!  
“I’m so happy…”
He wasn’t sure which one of them said it, but it didn’t matter.  Everything felt… it felt like everything would be alright.
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coweggomelet · 3 years
volume 5
im so sad please do funny things
i know what’s coming though so
i’ll be crying while i laugh
- i love how qrow walks he looks like he has back problems
- oooo pretty waterfall
- ruby gushing over weapons is my favorite thing
- ahahaaaa frozen background gays that’s representation babey
- oh shit he just wanted to finish the job and go home 😢
- wait are all the academy headmasters characters from the wizard of oz? like ironwood is the tin man, lionheart is the cowardly lion, oz is...oz. who’s the headmaster of shade? the scarecrow? dorothy? i am 100% sure that people have already connected these dots but that just occurred to me
- oh ilia you poor little lesbian
- ahahahaaaa qrow “i did it!”
-uggghh the new intro i need my babies to be back together
- ew watts don’t smile with your teeth like that it’s creepy
- oh yeah cinder can talk now! gimme that fun ominous banter-y dialogue pleeeaase
- floating islands babeeeyyy
- ooooh i love this pilot! he’s so nice and funny and he works well with weiss. so sad he dies in a couple minutes
- adam you are such an asshole siena was SO COOL
- AAAHHHHH he’s got dad reading glasses!! i love ghira
- i would DIE i would lay down my little life for oscar and ruby the BABIES
- fuck yeah yang!! you stand up to her!!
- awww hugs
- of course you’re more scared than you've ever been, oscar, you are a CHILD who worked on a farm!! it’s okay to be scared!! it’s okay to have to adjust!!
- uh oh ilia doesn’t wanna kill blake i smell a gay
- hehehe awkward backpedal
- ooohhh man the kid... fuck, all those people are just... gone. and we can guess what happened to them, it’s pretty obvious but we’re never told exactly what happened and it’s so sad and scary
- awkward tea time with mom
- ugh raven shut up you SUUUCK
- they all love each other SO MUCH this is ILLEGAL
- yesssss arm wrestleeee
- ooooo the ticking clock is so ominous
- she’s gonna come back, yang, don't worry
- weiss i love youuuu you’ve grown so much i’m so proud!!
- oh ilia you poor thing
- oh boyyyy here we gooooo!! the fake out of the century!!
- mercury. shut up. you’re a good fighter and people underestimate you. but. you’re a kid. and there’s some real big players now. no one’s afraid of you. you’re not that scary.
- god this plan is so goddamn smart. raven wears her helmet. vernal keeps her eyes closed the whole time. so fucking clever. jesus. also?? vernal’s subtle showmanship?? amazing. great detail
- aang??!!?
- i really wanna know how oz hid the vault at beacon. there’s gotta be something about it other than he’s just old and powerful, there’s gotta be some shenanigans there
- god i love this theme it’s so good. casey really just gives it her all every time and i’m so grateful to her
- oh boy the fuckin lobby here we go
- siblings amirite
- boys and girls? really cinder? let’s be more inclusive please
- surprise y’all they’re murder teens sorry you had to find out this way
- fuck i forgot how much jaune’s lil speech hurts. he’s still just so sad and he’s breaking down a little cause he’s so good and can’t understand why or how someone could be so bad. god i love my lil sweet boy he’s breaking my heart
- qrow i think the time has passed for everybody to be cool. cinder’s already talking smack. there’s no going back buddy
- “who are you again?” CINDER ILL STAB YOU. but also… good— good line. absolutely devastating
- emerald’s like “gotta protect my mommy girlfriend”
- shut UP mercury
- siblings amirite part 2
- ooooohhhhh this muuuussiiiicccc
- ope there’s an aura break oh FUCK weiss gets stabbed in this episode doesn’t she and JAUNEY BOY DISCOVERS HIS SEMBLANCE i love him
- AHAHAHAAAA fuck her uuuuppp ruby
- ohhhhh shit here it comes oh god oh no
- god with pyrrha’s spear too. cinder’s really got a taste for dramatics doesn’t she
- oh god and the spear dissolving like pyrrha did i CANT
- when i say i LOST MY SHIT i said no fuckin way they kill weiss right now NO FUCKIN WAY and my friend had the AUDACITY to say “just watch”???? RUDE
- oooohh GET HIM oscar
- ohhh the tree of knowledge! i just got that
- there’s the grimm elastigirl arm
- again i lost my shit
- the amount of times i lost my shit and my friend had to tell me to be quiet was… a Lot
- oh hazel. can’t wait for your Growth
- uh oh hazel is disheveled that means he’s unhinged
- oh FUCK yeah blake you’ve LEARNED i’m so proud of all my babieeesss
- WEISS what a power stance!
- THE LOOK they’re so GAY
- ooooo i love this fight it’s maiden vs maiden babey
- poor vernal. she spent the last moment of her life helping a woman who probably manipulated her and used her, and she helped her try to kill someone who didn’t even end up dying. vernal deserved better
- oooo get him blake
- ooof the shoulder check. raven she fuckin nailed you on the head and did not hold back and knew EXACTLY what to say and you did EXACTLY what she said you were gonna do— run away. she is SO MUCH better than you and you will never recognize that and that is so heartbreaking
- uh oh the clicky orb thing. you’re gonna die lionheart
- oh emerald my baby. she relied on cinder so much, was so dependent on her, that she was powerful enough to make that in like 8 brains at once. that’s grief babey
- it took them. TWO WHOLE VOLUMES. to all get back together. this is illegal. and also i’m crying
- this is not ALLOWED they can’t look at each other like that my heart can’t take it
- awww qrow’s default really is just taking care of kids. good guy
- i’m always so exhausted at the end of a volume
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vecnawrites · 4 years
A Sister’s Temptation, Chapter 1
Knight Jaune Arc is in desperate need of solace, so goes to the local church for confession. Sister Pyrrha of the Sisters of Beacon has always felt for the blonde knight, can she resist temptation?
(Posted on AO3 (same name as here) with art from Owl_pie!
Knight Jaune Arc made his way into the church, heart heavy with worry and anxiety. Even though all of his training made him one of the most skilled knights in the village of Ansel, he still worried about the Grimm. They never made things easy. Fortunately there had been no losses in several weeks.
But the last...had been saddening. An elderly woman, one in her seventies. While everyone said he should feel no guilt, having been helping the neighboring town when the attack happened, he still felt like it was his fault for not being there, like he could have done something…
That’s why he was going to the church. He knew confessing and getting advice from the priest or the sisters would help. It always did.
Inside the church, Sister Pyrrha Nikos’ eyes brightened as she saw her favorite blonde enter the church. She had always held a flame for him since they had been children, but unfortunately, never had the courage to confess before she had been asked to join the sisterhood. But the feelings remained, and indeed, only became even stronger as the years passed and he grew into the strong knight she knew he could be.
Oh, she knew it was wrong to lust, so wrong, and pleaded to God for forgiveness nightly as she committed the sin of masturbation, her fingers running through her folds as she instead imagined her strong knight’s fingers, tongue and even cock exploring her sacred garden, spreading her slick wetness around, moaning into a pillow as she brought herself to shameful completion, imagining herself wrapped in his arms as she drifted off to sleep.
“Careful, sister,” she heard a voice distantly chastise her, and turned to see Sisters Sustrai and Politan looking at her in amusement. “Get any thirstier and we’ll have to pour holy water on you.” Pyrrha flushed, but knew that the two wouldn’t inform Mother Superior Goodwitch and get her into trouble. After all, both Emerald and Neo had been taken in from the streets, both having been stealing and selling their own bodies in order to survive. “But it looks like your man wants to confess...you’d better hurry, otherwise Schnee or Rose will get him!”
Leaving her giggling sisters behind (curse their traitorous mindsets), Pyrrha hurried up, concern filling her breast as she saw the tired, almost haunted look on the face of the man she loved. But she smiled sweetly at him, hoping to ease his heart a bit. “Hello, Knight Arc,” her heart twisted in bitter sourness at being forced to address the one she loved in such a manner, but there were too many people around.
Despite the heaviness of his heart, Jaune couldn’t help but smile as Sister Nikos, one of his oldest friends, come up to him, although he would admit it did sting to hear his formal title come out of her mouth. “Hello, Sister Nikos...is Father Ozpin or Mother Superior Goodwitch in?” his heart sank as she shook her head.
“No, I’m sorry, but they’re on pilgrimage to the neighboring towns, performing weddings and last rites...perhaps there is something I can help you with?” Pyrrha asked, hoping that her love would allow her to sooth his worries.
“I...I wished to confess to one of them, but I don’t wish to bother you with my troubles…” Jaune began, only to blink several times as Pyrrha grabbed his right hand in both of hers, looking at him intensely, her emerald eyes staring into his cerulean.
“There’s no need for that line of thought, Knight Arc! Please, follow me. I will gladly take your confession and ease your burdens.” Pyrrha began to gently lead her oldest friend along the path to the confessional, trying desperately to ignore the rapid fluttering in her breast.
Jaune himself, was fighting the heat that wanted to rise within his cheeks. He knew that it was wrong to lust, especially after a sister of all things, but he couldn’t help himself. He had known most of these sisters since they were all small children, but Pyrrha...Pyrrha was special. She was his first real crush, and he had hoped to court her...but she and most of his and her female friends in their age group had been chosen to join the “Sisters Of Beacon”.
Unbidden, his eyes drifted down, pants tightening as the nun’s robe Pyrrha wore was rather...flattering, to say the least, clinging tightly to her full backside, the round swells of her rear jiggling lightly as she walked.
His pants began to strain as he watched, making him tear his eyes away in a panic, his blue eyes darting back and forth, praying that no one caught that. He could not be seen lusting after a sister! He groaned mentally. That was another sin to confess, and to the woman he was showing lust to, to boot!
Coming up to the confessional booth, Pyrrha turned and smiled sweetly at Jaune. “Here we are, Knight Arc. Please enter.” she tilted her head as she saw the flush on his face, wondering what that was from, before entering and closing the door behind her.
The small stall surrounded her, the must of pine and incense filling her nose, the only two fixtures a small latticed ‘window’ (more for aesthetic than anything) and a circular hole to allow the confessor and the priest or sister to communicate easier. Hearing the shuffling and muffled clanks of Jaune’s armor as he sat down, Pyrrha placed her hand on her breast and tried to calm her rapidly pounding heart. “Speak, and tell me of your sorrows.” she said, placing her hand on the wall and imagining what the man she loved looked like on the other side, his downcast eyes, his pinched brow, the twitching muscle next to his mouth. Her heart ached at the thought.
Jaune swallowed, lacing his hands together as he imagined Pyrrha sitting down on the bench, looking so much more beautiful than any nun should, the robe she wore tight around her body, stretching around her bust and her bottom, those full lips...he shook his head forcefully to get those images out of his head, but to his dismay, he was fully hard, his erect shaft pressing against the inside of his pants, tenting them outwards. He would have to stay in here until it softened.
Hearing Pyrrha’s words, he jerked in place, fumbling through his thoughts. “I...forgive me, Sister, for I have sinned.” he began with the traditional confessional greeting. And god, had he just sinned not moments ago. But he would start with the problem he had initially come for help with: dealing with the guilt.
“I...I feel guilt over the last Grimm attack. I know people say I shouldn’t-” he heard a soft sigh from next to him. “And they are right...you shouldn’t.”
Pyrrha placed her hand on the wall again, desperately wishing that it was her love’s face, but she would make do with her words for now. “Miss Calavera lived a very long, very happy life. It is true what happened was tragic, but I was there to give her last rites. She told me that she had lived a very long life, and wasn’t afraid. She was happy that it was her, rather than one of the children, and that she would get to see her own family once more. Please, June, do not feel guilt over not being here...Maria wouldn’t want you to.” Pyrrha desperately wished to reach out and hold Jaune's hand, but the blasted wood prevented her.
Jaune sighed softly, feeling his spirit lift as he heard of Maria Calavera's final words. His lips tweaked upwards. "T-thank you, Sister Nikos...I...I guess that's all I needed to truly hear."
But that relief was ruined by the second part of the confession he would have to make...that he had lusted after her. He hoped that she wouldn't think him a filthy deviant and never want to speak to him again.
Pyrrha smiled, happy that she had eased her loved one's heart. "I'm so glad I was able to help you...is there anything else you need to confess?"
Jaune grit his teeth. This was it. "I am dealing with problems concerning...lust." he hated the fact that he practically growled the last word, but god, his cock ached! "Particularly when I am desiring someone I truly shouldn't."
Pyrrha gasped, bringing her hand up to her mouth. Jaune was listing after someone? Who? The shock retreated to reveal a nasty pang of pain and the burn of jealousy, but she tempered it and forced it down. Jaune needed her. "When did you first notice these feelings?" her voice was soft, as though making sure she didn't scare a frightened animal. Her tone also served to cover her own feelings.
"I...I think these feelings have always been there...but I only noticed them very recently...and only acknowledged them today."
Jaune squeezed his eyes shut and grit his teeth. This was it. "I have been lusting after you, Pyrrha." there. He said it.
Pyrrha's eyes were wide, her mouth open in a silent 'o'...her thighs rubbing together from the sudden influx of heat between her thighs from this knowledge. She roughly swallowed. This might be the chance to actually get what she fantasized about...
Before she could speak, Jaune continued, his voice becoming more panicked. "I know it's wrong, so wrong, you're a Sister, and I shouldn't dare-"
"Jaune." Pyrrha spoke firmly, knowing that she had to take control of the situation, before it got too out of hand.
The knight cringed at the firm tone, but stopped speaking, knowing she deserved to say her piece. "You are correct, this lust is a problem…" he winced more, "So we are going to take steps to mitigate it." he blinked. What did Pyrrha mean?
Taking a deep breath as she rubbed her core through her thick robe and panties, Pyrrha licked her lips and said, "I want you to open your pants, and show me the effects the lust I have stirred within you caused."
Jaune's eyes bulged as he heard Pyrrha's  words. "B-but Sis-sister!" he stuttered. He shivered as he heard a firm noise.
"I have caused lust within you and forced you to sin, Jaune. It is therefore my duty to fix it. Open your pants."
Swallowing, Jaune rose to his feet and turned, unbuckling his belt and loosening his trousers. Lowering them a bit, his erect shaft sprung out, and despite himself and the situation, he groaned in relief. His cock was angry, his balls heavy and hanging beneath.
"I heard that, Jaune! It's getting worse, place yourself through the hole so I can help cleanse you of your pent up lust!"
Jaune swallowed, and taking a deep breath, moved towards the hole and slowly slipped his cock through it.
Pyrrha watched with bated breath as Jaune’s shaft entered her side of the confessional, her heart pounding hard and her breathing getting fast and shallow as it moved further and further in, the thick pillar of flesh arching slightly upwards, the veins prominent, the head an angry dark red. It was bigger than she had imagined in her head, and she slipped off of the bench, kneeling before it, her nose twitching as she smelled his powerful, enticing scent, a rich musk that filled the small area. Placing her left hand on the wall next to the hole, Pyrrha gently reached out and grasped the thick flesh.
Both gasped in unison.
Jaune fought not to buck his hips against the wall and alert anyone outside, biting her lip and grunting as Sister-as Pyrrha’s ever-so-soft hand cupped his erection, her slim fingers curling around his swollen flesh, his fingers rolling and curling against his palms, making fists against the thin wood. “Sister, please forgive me…” he gasped, eyes rolling back in his head.
Pyrrha, on the other hand, could feel herself soaking her undergarments as she gently held the hot, almost burning, flesh in her palm. She felt a rapid beat against her hand, his heartbeat, she realized, slowly beginning to stroke it. A soft, but throaty groan met her, making her smile.
“Don’t worry, young knight...you just need to trust me...I’ll get all of that pent up lust out of you, I promise.” Pyrrha smiled softly, her cheeks flushed and eyes hooded. She began to stroke gently in earnest, watching in amazement as clear fluid began to bead at the tip and weep, her palm catching it and making the glide of her hand smoother.
She knew what it was. Precum, Jaune was aroused by her actions and responding. How did she know this? The resident reformed thieves/prostitutes, of course. They had given her far more information than she had ever wanted to know, but in this moment, she found herself grateful for the knowledge.
She stroked him further, with more energy, her own breathing and the heat between her thighs growing as Jaune’s moans grew louder and longer in intensity. “Pyrrha...oh, God, Pyrrha…” she squirmed as Jaune’s voice, the voice of the man she loved, said her name with such passion.
“That’s it, Jaune…” she gently encouraged as she rubbed his flesh, “Let it all out...cleanse yourself of your lust.” she murmured. ‘Not for me, though, never for me…’ she never wanted Jaune to stop desiring her, even if she was a Sister. Recalling more of Emerald and Neo’s talks, she knew that Jaune would cum, and it would be messy, especially depending on how long it had been since he had ‘gotten off’, and it would have to go somewhere.
Blushing brightly, Pyrrha took her free hand off of the wall and reached to her waist, brining her top up slowly, exposing the smooth expanse of her belly and with a forceful tug, her large breasts, her nipples already stiff as she bared her upper half to the small room. She liked to imagine Jaune could see them, his eyes looking at her body in lust and awe.
As she placed her hand back on the wood, she continued to stoke Jaune, she recalled one final tidbit of ‘advice’ from Emerald and Neo: that men loved it when lips and tongue were involved, but that it usually tasted horrible. She looked down, nervously licking her lips, before leaning her head down…
Jaune rested his forehead against the confessional wall, taking deep breaths to keep himself from breaking too early. On some level, even though he knew that this was only meant to be of help for his lust, he couldn’t keep himself from trying to impress Pyrrha with his stamina, even though, like her, he had never done anything like this before.
He closed his eyes and imagined Pyrrha kneeling before him, gently holding his cock, looking up at him with those beautiful green eyes-his balls churned, wanting to release everything they had backed up within them, but he couldn’t do that. That would cover Pyrrha in his cum, and she would be ruined when the other sisters either recognized what it was on her, or got too inquisitive and asked-his eyes snapped open and nearly popped out of their sockets as something warm and wet touched the head of his cock.
Pyrrha smiled as her tongue moved away from the head of his shaft. 'That wasn't bad at all!' she realized. It didn't taste bitter, or any of the other unpleasant things that Emerald and Neo had described. In fact it was rather...sweet?
She licked his head again, getting that same taste, as well as that same intense gasp from Jaune. God, she squirmed in place, this was so sinful, but she couldn't stop!
She began to kiss and lick the leaking tip as she pumped the pale flesh, the moans and whimpers she received music to her ears.
Jaune wanted to hold out, he truly did, but this felt too good! He scrambled, he needed to at least warn Pyrrha. "Pyrrha, I'm...oh, God...cumming!" he gasped, his world going blank as pleasure threatened to overwhelm him. “A-AAHHH~!”
Hearing Jaune's desperate warning, Pyrrha straightened and began to stroke Jaune's shaft fiercely, aiming the tip for her bare breasts.
She shivered as the flesh within her palm throbbed mightily, before spitting out stream after stream of hot, thick, sticky fluid onto the swells of her bosom. Even then, some hit her face, coating her cheeks and dripping down her chin as well.
Her core throbbed with want beneath her skirt, the air around her legs hot and humid, the perfume of her own desire becoming noticeable in her booth. “Aahh…” she could hear Jaune’s relieved gasping through the thin wood, making her smile. “All sins are forgiven…” she murmured.
Finally as the spurts of fluid lessened and became mere trickles, Pyrrha leaned forwards again, gently licking away the excess, kissing the head as the shaft of flesh began to soften.
She smiled. "The first stage of treatment is complete." she said happily, carefully pulling down her top and shivering slightly as the 'cum' (as Emerald and Neo called it) smeared across her breasts. She then used her fingers to wipe her cheeks and chin off and after a moments thought, licked them clean, smiling at the fact that he did taste sweet, far better than she envisioned.
Feeling his cock finally softening, Jaune's mouth dropped, not only as he fully registered what just happened, but Pyrrha's words. "F-First stage?" he whispered, slowly pulling his cock back and tucking it into his pants.
Pyrrha smiled. "Of course! With lust as powerful as yours, you can't expect one treatment to cure it! From now on, whenever you feel lust, I want you to think of me, and at your soonest convenience, come and find me for another confession. I will happily do my duty as a Sister to help cleanse you of your sins."
Jaune and Pyrrha walked to the front of the Church in comfortable silence, Jaune taking furtive glances at his oldest friend, the girl he had come to love.
Smiling at her love as he stood at the door, Pyrrha waved lightly as he smiled at her before leaving through the door with a lighter heart.
Pyrrha smiled softly, glad that she had helped the man she loved...but for now she turned, feeling her soaking wet undergarments shift against her core. For now, she needed to go and help herself.
"Ahh!" Pyrrha moaned into her pillow as she lay naked, chest first onto it, her rear in the air as her fingers rubbed and delved into her wet, sticky core, her viscous essence coating her slim digits as she brought herself to the height of pleasure. "Yes! Jaune, please! EEK!" Pyrrha trembled as she reached the crescendo of pleasure, her naked body going limp on her bed, hand still cupping her core.
As she relaxed, a wicked thought entered her mind. She was helping Jaune relieve his lust, shouldn't he be kind enough to do the same for her? It wouldn't do for a sister to fall to temptation, after all…
A sultry smile formed on her lips and her hand began to twitch against her core again. That was a wonderful idea...one she would bring up when Jaune came for his next 'treatment'...
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