#and all have strong vibes built-in from the source material
The great thing about not having time to sit down and write is that you can brainstorm lots of story details in the spare moments of the day no matter where you are.
The bad thing about this strategy is that when you do have time to sit down and write, you have lots of well-developed story ideas competing for your attention, and you like them all best for different reasons, and there's no way to choose which one to write first.
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luxuryhomebuilders · 6 months
Revealing Potential: Advancing Communities for Home Builders in Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne
With a strong emphasis on ecologically friendly houses, the experienced home builders in Eastern Suburbs Melbourne team have designed an inexpensive solution to meet your unique lifestyle requirements. They provide a wide selection of project houses in addition to a collection of hundreds of unique designs. They can also design one-of-a-kind layouts to accommodate specific preferences, circumstances, and site needs.
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Why Are People Seeking for Expensive Homes These Days?
Residing in an opulent residence created by luxury contemporary home builders offers several benefits. In today's world, beauty and extravagance are not the only things that matter; they also serve vital purposes.
First of all, many people in Melbourne are driven to tear down and rebuild because they want to change their way of life. Therefore, engaging qualified luxury house designers and builders is essential whether creating a brand-new home or reconstructing an existing one from the ground up.
Owing to the growing need for practical and comfortable living spaces, these residences provide unparalleled ease, convenience, and elegance. These properties are built with the highest quality materials, state-of-the-art techniques, and superb craftsmanship for people looking to significantly improve their standard of living.
Customisation and Design Flexibility
Being able to customise every element of your house is one of the most alluring advantages of custom home construction. It requires designing the entire space and atmosphere to represent your personality, not just the furniture and paint colours you choose. You may pick any plan, design aesthetic, and material that suits your tastes and preferences when building a bespoke house.
Imagine entering a house that embodies your personality and sense of style. It's up to you whether you want a conventional style that exudes warmth or an open-concept plan for a more modern vibe. Building a custom house gives you the chance to design a residence that is unique and genuinely feels like yours.
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hathagroup · 2 years
12 Types of Eco-Friendly Houses
The environment would benefit significantly if everyone built eco-friendly features into their homes. Here are the top 12 eco-friendly house features you can use out of the many possibilities available.
With their completely self-sustaining systems and use of renewable energy, these houses push the boundaries of eco-friendliness. These houses use natural heating and are created entirely of recycled or natural materials.
All power is produced by small-scale windmills and solar panels, among other renewable energy sources. These buildings were specially created keeping in mind your needs and the demands of your area.
Rammed Earth
This home is made entirely of densely packed Earth, making it well-insulated, well-protected, and inexpensive. The fused Earth achieves the walls’ smooth rock design, giving them a contemporary, eco-friendly vibe.
Weather-resistant soil is used to construct these structures. Because the walls are between 19 and 24 inches – the inside is incredibly quiet, which adds to the home’s warmth and coziness.
Almost like an Ikea piece of furniture, but instead of fumbling with a screw that seems crucial but would never fit in that hole, you hired Ikea to make it for you this time. These “prefabricated” homes are constructed off-site and delivered to the land fully assembled. Because they are built in advance, and all measurements are precise, there is no waste created during the building. A prefabricated build reduces carbon emissions by up to 60% due to its central off-site location. A few green real estate projects in Bangalore have done this.
Zero Carbon
Homes built with zero carbon emissions emit no carbon at all. They deliver precisely what they promise regarding sustainability and eco-efficiency, so you leave no carbon imprint behind. Adding solar panels, insulation, and a water pump makes it possible for a surprising number of homes to become carbon-neutral.
They are outfitted with the most recent green technology and get all their energy from renewable sources. 
Earth-Sheltered Houses
These houses have all of their insulation provided by the Earth because they are built into the land’s side, typically a hill. The soil compaction creates a thick outer layer, making these homes exceedingly warm and quiet, comparable to caves.
To create the same insulating effect, you can stack Earth against the walls and around the building or even build underground. There is no need to worry about the ground freezing in the winter or drying up and cracking in the summer since three meters of Earth will be used.
AirTight Houses
These houses increase insulation with triple-glazed windows, intricately sealed walls and floors, and strong doors. You won’t need to turn on the heating frequently if there are no draughts in your living area because less heat is lost. Keeping the heat in reduces energy costs and protects the environment by consuming less energy.
Airtightness is accomplished using silicone, membrane, and tapes that prevent air from escaping. Professionals carry this out after they check for leaks. If you’re building one, you can still incorporate it into your new home’s design.
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Natural Light
Eco-friendly in dommasandra with the best light and ventilation? If you desire a house flooded with light, this is the home for you and seems more like a greenhouse than a typical terrace. This eco-home uses less central heating because of the south-facing windows and floor-to-ceiling glass walls that allow sunshine to warm the property organically.
Not only does it blur the distinction between inside and out, but purchasers and architects find its modernized, contemporary design to be quite appealing. In picturesque regions, it will provide you with a stunning panorama of impressive views and truly bring your garden to the very foot of your house.
Solar-Powered Climate Control
With its eco-friendly technology enabling you to wave goodbye to your traditional boiler and hello to solar-powered climate control and fresh air circulation, this is the ideal home to draw inspiration from. It regulates the temperature with solar panels on the roof and large windows. It includes winter and summer shadowing programs to optimize warmth in your home without making you sweat.
Living Wall
These walls improve your home’s insulation, decrease noise pollution, and offer your house a contemporary and intriguing look. Unlike ivy, these walls are constructed by attaching packets of dirt to the wall and frequently include a water supply system. They prevent erosion of your brickwork and let you have greenery without having to water and cut grass often.
These are often used in urban settings to absorb carbon dioxide and enhance the local air quality, like sustainable homes in varthur. Additionally, they do not re-emit the high temperatures like buildings do. Instead, they absorb heat from the outside caused by sun radiation or automobile emissions.
Green Roof
Although the initial expenditures to create a green roof are often higher than those of a conventional roof, numerous economic advantages might offset these costs. A green roof could raise house values and marketability, particularly in metropolitan locations with minimal green space, like Villas in Sarjapur.
A green roof also aids in reducing stormwater retention and discharge. Less green space and more impervious surfaces result from growing urbanization in towns and cities.
Heat Pumps
Heat pumps are machines that move thermal energy from one place to another using electricity. A heat pump water heater harnesses heat from its surroundings to heat the water instead of producing heat directly. This process involves “pumping” heat from one location to another.
Heat pumps have several benefits for your house. When electricity is only used to transform it, pumping the heat uses less electricity. The cycle can be reversed around so that the device operates as an air conditioner in the summer.
Rain Water Harvesting
Collecting rainwater is a relatively simple way to save water for your garden and green roof. One of the greatest ways to save water is to collect rainwater in cisterns and store it for later use rather than letting it run off into the environment.
Fast urbanization and population growth have led to a severe water deficit and a sinking water table. Since rainwater is a free resource, using it reduces the home’s water costs, and carbon impact and increases sustainability. A few green real estate projects in Bangalore have had success in this venture.
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brave-clarice · 3 years
“Clarice” Liveblog: Episodes 5 & 6
Since these are extraordinarily late, I tried to keep them more concise/focused than before. I’m sorry for how long it’s taken me to (almost) catch up. And to the handful of you who’ve enjoyed these and encouraged me to do them: thank you!
Episode 5, “Get Right With God”
the music at the beginning of this episode might just be in the maintenance guy’s headphones(!) but it was still a…Choice.
there’s something so tragic about watching Clarice be unable to use her legs… :’(
this whole scenario feels like a twisted parallel universe version of the end of Hannibal.
glad to see Ardelia finally has her priorities straight and is going to fight for her best friend! let’s forget her Episode 4 subplot ever happened.
good: the warrior finding a weapon even in the direst of circumstances!
bad: those damn moths are back. at least this time they might be drug-induced.
“she worked Bill alone” no, she didn’t. not really. (Hannibal: I’m right here.)
stop trying to make Likable Paul happen, it’s never going to happen!!!
I HATE the “Reesey” nickname, y’all. HATE. IT.
plus, we know that her dad called her “Baby”?
her father’s appearance doubles down on the end-of-Hannibal vibes...Not Sure If Want.
wow, Clarice is being literally tortured? thanks, I hate it!!!
really doubt that Clarice’s Pinto used to belong to her father (who drives a truck in the books??)... weird flex.
and how would she even have gotten it? her mother would either have driven that car into the ground out of necessity or else have sold it for the money the Starlings needed so desperately.
Pintos also weren’t super high-quality cars and were definitely not built to last ~20 years.
Clarice already being able to chat with her father whenever she needs to really undermines the therapy Hannibal will eventually give her, but…I guess they’ve already accepted they’ll never make it that far?
“you’re trying to get in my head” yeah, and she’s doing it, too–’cause she learned from the best!
“you get an answer, I get an answer, Felker.” she’s Hannibal’s girl all right.
this episode’s had flashes of brilliance before diving back into…whatever tf watching one of your favorite characters of all time being tortured is.
I really wanted Ardelia to say that no, but Clarice was like a sister to her.
it took FIVE episodes to get some lamb imagery, but we’ve been looking at moths for the entire season?!
oof, Clarice voicing her own insecurities about her childhood abandonment and using them to twist Felker’s arm...painful but smart.
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I would die 4 baby Clarice
after all that, Clarice is going to apologize to Ardelia about last week? this episode SUCKS.
Good: Clarice playing mind games with Felker like Hannibal did to her; Ardelia going to bat for her bestie, lamb flashbacks, baby Clarice, and HANNAH!
Bad: So much. Clarice being medically tortured multiple times, moth hallucinations, the several-years-premature (imo) Daddy-as-Guardian-Angel plot device, “Reesey”...did I mention Clarice getting repeatedly tortured?!
Ugly: Krendler backstory + making out with his wife. Ew.
Wow, this episode was a hot mess, and I kind of hated it. I loved Clarice’s really Hannibalesque approach to Felker, and I’m so thrilled that Hannah got mentioned at all (tho...did they need to be so heavy-handed with the helmet and gun and everything?) Also nice to see Ardelia behaving much more in-character. That said, it was sickening and imo totally unnecessary to further traumatize Clarice the way they did. To make her almost helpless.
Clarice, and by extension Rebecca Breeds (who is fantastic and deserves better), has been given very little range so far. She’s frequently been shown as miserable, afraid, desperate, traumatized, angry, resentful, but I also want to see her joyful, laughing, silly, relaxed...something else that will give her depth. Her life wasn’t miserable 24/7, 365. It was just unfulfilling. We got glimpses of this in the first two episodes. PLEASE bring it back!
And rn I’m questioning how Clarice’s career can possibly drag on for another six years after this. Her apparent PTSD is already interfering with her job performance as it is--this experience is only going to make it worse. Her “body count” in Hannibal was around five, iirc, and that was enough to slap her with the “Death Angel” moniker. In the show at least four people have died in close proximity to Clarice in the space of like...a week. How does she come back from that, even as the savior of Catherine Martin? It’s a PR nightmare for obth Clarice and the FBI.
They’ve also sort of forgotten that the Martins existed while continuing to flesh out Krendler’s (?!) character? It’s weird.
I almost don’t even want to watch Episode 6 after that. But here goes...
Episode 6, “How Does It Feel to Be So Beautiful?”
the freaking MOTHS again, I hate them!
frankly, yeah, Clarice should be on leave.
Clarice’s nondescript monochrome suits and constant ponytail are just so boring. in the book she’s described as never having to put effort into making her hair look good--so why is it always pulled back in this show?
I’m not sure it’s very in-character for Clarice, at this point in her career, to go over her boss’s head to get out of admin leave (one she really needs to take tbh) even for the sake of solving a case
lol what the actual hell @ AG Martin guilt-tripping Clarice, who was very recently tortured and almost died, for not calling Catherine back? Clarice is not Catherine’s therapist!
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THIS is what my Vogue-reading heroine with burgeoning great taste wears for a night out? so disappointing.
never in my life did I think I’d be sitting through Krendler’s personal drama in a show ABOUT CLARICE STARLING.
her costume sucks and her hairstyle’s from years in the future, but dang does Clarice look gorgeous.
and I love thinking of her getting a taste of the luxury she’ll enjoy with Hannibal. :)
you know what? I think I was actually fine with them forgetting that the Martins were in this show.
whyyy is Krendler being made so sympathetic?!
now Catherine Martin “loved to sew” just like Frederica Bimmel? hmm. (tbf, maybe this is in the novel, and I’ve just forgotten.)
her gift for Clarice is sweet, though.
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so beautiful, indeed
Christ on a cracker, that confrontation between the Martins was painful to watch (not a criticism). this show’s AG and her daughter are very much two of a kind in terms of emotional manipulation.
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I stan one (1) doofus
now either Catherine’s gaslighting Clarice...or Clarice’s trauma (over BILL! again with this!) is so pervasive that it’s twisted her memories. either way, I hate it.
so Krendler’s lawyer is dirty and that’s why he’ll (probably) turn against Clarice? but WHY? why can’t Krendler just suck?
Good: Clarice looking gorgeous, Ardelia continuing to fight for Clarice, female characters in positions of authority everywhere
Bad: Clarice’s underwhelming costumes, Clarice’s primary/worst trauma apparently STILL being Buffalo Bill & having Clarice break down crying again (and NOT over what happened last week, which would tbh make a lot more sense).
Sad: Shaan’s backstory about his wife, everything involving Catherine
Ugly: Krendler subplot. Ugh.
I just don’t know how I feel about this installment. Wish I cared more about the overarching conspiracy plot, but I’m really only here for Clarice and Ardelia. And while no show can stand on the shoulders of a single character, for a show about Clarice, there seems to be quite a bit of screentime devoted to her bosses, Martin and Krendler, and even to her team members. And all without Clarice herself getting much character development. They don’t seem to be exploring much of her character other than her traumatic backstories, and I’m no longer very hopeful that she’ll be much more fleshed out in the last four episodes, either. It’s a bummer. I really think Rebecca could shine like Jodie did if she were given a chance.
Most of the scenes with the Martins were visceral and felt so real that it was hard to watch. That said...the AG Martin/Catherine content all strikes me as being somewhat detached from the rest of the show, as if the writers are making it up as they go along with no real end goal in mind.
Man...these two were rough going. Very little humor or warmth and absolutely no joy. Of course the source material is dark, so a somewhat dark crime drama is to be expected, but I really think the show needs a slightly less intense, bleak and (dare I say it?) unpleasant episode. But they writers have really dug themselves into a hole by zeroing in on Clarice’s PTSD. And unlike in Hannibal, there’s no love interest with whom she (and by extension, the audience) can flee her misery and pain. 
I'm cautiously optimistic about the rest of the season. A lot of the ingredients are there, and despite my many criticisms, it’s been great to spend time with a character I love. Fingers crossed that they finish strong!
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ranmanjuu · 4 years
not a request but can you imagine oda forces trying to play smash against the anti-oda or they all play minecraft together
i’ll expose myself here. i have never ever played smash (although minecraft steve being announced is super pog) so i can’t tell ya that part bud. but i can with the blok game. (disclaimer that this request was made after i closed it yet my heart said No, you actually Want to do this so here i am. most probably will be short).
welcome folks, to SengokuSMP.
oda forces:
would be the one that steals your iron and shit. commits thefts willy nilly, and no one is exempt from this. if he needs it, he’ll get it with or without your consent.
would kill an iron golem for the few iron it gives
before he got his own base (cause i think he’d just spend most of his time mining and getting materials to protect himself) he’s probably just barge in the nearest bed and sleep in it, regardless of the owner.
his base would probably be built by hideyoshi or sumthn.
he prefers playing pvp more than just survival. since mc placed a kind of restriction for the end (and therefore blocking them from completing the game), he goes onto servers and practice his battles even in a block game.
1.9 axe-shield pvp. he’s tactical in knowing when to strike and block and to back down, and is immaculate with his crits.
probably spends the first few days around nobunaga to protect him. he always fights off the mobs near him even if nobunaga can handle himself.
always reminds people to sleep every night, so that the phantoms don’t come. even though a lot of the players prefer to just stay up.
built a base for nobunaga near his mine cause he needs A Place and not just mooch furnaces and beds from other people.
spawned iron golems for “protection” but nobunaga keeps killing them cause it just gets in the way
would be the one to make mines 4 blocks high so you don’t Bump your head thing, probably like 3 block width and even staircases. would also be the one to make a safety railing across any bridges he finds.
if an ally, he’d greet new players and give them some extra stuff so that they have Something to start off with
i feel like he’d be a pve player idk why
no one knows where he is most of the time. nor his base.
unless you see his nametag (which, most of the time, he’ll see yours first) it’s kinda hard to find him when he’s off and alone.
mf is the black market of the server. whatever potions, potion ingredients, or shit like that, he has. he probably owns like several wither skulls enough to summon a wither.
he would sneak around when mc is mining and just like. scare the shit out of them. the cave noises don’t help.
(the newest screenshot hasn’t been released yet but,) y’all know the warden? the new mob? cause it’s reliant on sounds, if anyone is ever in its proximity he’d throw like snowballs at them so that it goes after them. little shit.
bow skills?? perfect. even in a game his accuracy is spot on. you know those obstacles people make with like slime blocks and maybe mlg 360s? mf can do that
he probably knows enough redstone to make traps, too.
somehow knows what everyone has/doesn’t have.
prank ass bitch.
he probably has like a Source of tnts in his base or something. if anyone is moving out of their old base, he’ll either blow it up or burn it, whether they wanted to or not.
fuck it. he’ll do it even if you’re not moving.
probably doesn’t often sleep and would rather fight off the phantoms than anything.
he probably wants to defeat the dragon quick, cause it’s supposed to be the game’s ultimate goal. but because of the previous restrictions you put, he just goes off and fights other players (cough kenshin, nobunaga)
and when he does kill you, expect like half of your items to not be returned.
also one of the casual thieves in the server. he just doesn’t care that it Belongs to someone and just yoinks
also a pvp player, although i find him leaning more to 1.8 style. he will jitter click you out of existence.
has dogs because idk he gives off that vibe also they Attack.
does not log on much lol. he got on once and then Never Again. it’s only when you ask him that he begrudgingly does get in in his own contrarian way.
definitely goes wayy far out for more isolation cause he doesn’t want to get caught up with whatever shit masamune has.
the only major thing he did besides mining and everything was that he got a cat. and almost no one knows about it, other than you because:
“ieyasu has made the advancement [Best Friends Forever]!”
“mc: :OOOOO!!!!”
yeah, you never told anyone.
the longest time that he logged in at first was probably when he found out that cats sleep in beds and just. sat there as the night goes by in his bunker just watching and hearing it purr. he’s a bit irritated when the others tell him to sleep, but then see that the cat went and slept on him that secretly made his heart soft.
and then you insisted on going to his base which took a considerable amount of time, and even with his denying, you decide to decorate and expand his base! you also got to name the cat, but you never knew since you just said like “i’d name it [...]!” and later ieyasu found a name tag and actually did name it that.
he doesn’t run a lot i don’t feel. primarily because he was wonky with the controls from the start.
i feel like he’d have the brain to be a redstone engineer. he spends more time like, making those cool machines than anything (probably those that’d help out everyone like an automated farm, etc.)
thing is he forgot that he could die, so most of the time he’s just starve to death without even noticing it.
much like in real life, he always forgets to sleep. and that’s why phantoms are his number 2 in his cause of deaths.
doesn’t have an actual base. hideyoshi built a small one for him, but mitsunari kind of never uses it and just logs off on the spot. at this point it just became a part of the main buildings for everyone or something.
he doesn’t do an awful a lot of collecting and often asks others for some. and when he is given it, he goes “thank you ^^ <3″ and does like the happy-shift thing. it’s honestly too cute for it to be just pixels.
probably knows a lot about minecraft stuff too, it’s just that he never uses any of it.
he was so excited the first time you told him that he was invited to the smp of sengoku warlords! would probably frequent the most.
i think he’d just vibe really. not exactly going extremely into pve or pvp or redstone or building, he plays it at a very slow place and more like an animal crossing player would.
like, he builds a small farm and stuff. it isn’t as efficient as mitsunari’s, but it is what it is. also has an animal pen with loads of one animal category and he tends to let people use it with the exclusion of some (coughs masamune) as long as they breed them again or something.
and while he doesn’t go for the big projects, he is kind of a builder? he has the Aesthetic sense while building his house and stuff yk. would maybe lean into the cute, cottagecore stuff.
favorite food in game is probably cake! it takes more effort than most other foods and it just looks cute so he likes making them.
totally has shaders on.
is scared shitless of cave noises at times. you could play 11 near him and he’d just straight up panic and log off.
uesugi-takeda forces:
i find him to be maybe one of those builders that stick to large projects and stuff idk why
he does other things too, mainly pvp (he likes to just head over to nobunaga’s base and kill him sometimes. not that the man doesn’t accept the challenge). would probably also be more into 1.9 pvp because he’s a very calculative person in fighting. yes even in block game.
but the first thing he built once he’s set from collecting materials, was a “restaurant”. for what, you ask? why of course he takes you on a minecraft date. that was the top of his list the moment you even told him about the smp
once the others found out (which was not that long) he just started bragging. kenshin burnt down the building later on.
but he always escorts mc or some shit while spewing out his Lines in chat, sometimes doing the bow in game thing. in response, there are several barfs in chat, and a list of people coming to kill him.
mf likes to combat log on kenshin when he’s on a Killing Spree for the shits and giggles.
first time you told him about it, he was very happy to learn something about mc’s modern times, even if it’s a children’s game. unfortunately, he didn’t know what an ‘smp’ meant.
so when he logged on and saw that there were Other people, his smile turned into a deadly frown as he just began punching them to death. he only stopped when they ran off and you intervened.
he tried having you stick around longer when you were giving him a tutorial of how to play the game.
at first he only collected material to get stronger. and by that only sword because he sees no need in getting armor (he doesn’t die in battle irl, he can’t die in a simple game). but WRONG cause he got killed by shingen who, even though he had a stone axe, had iron armor while kenshin got nothing but an iron sword.
he doesn’t make a base (why do so many here don’t make bases istg). in fact, he doesn’t log on much.
at first, he only goes on if mc is on. it’s only when he sees that mc appreciates some of the work the others have put into things (like shingen’s builds, mitsunari’s redstone, etc.) is when kenshin tries to Do Things Too and kinda fail.
this man kinda has no aesthetic sense in the block game. but you give him a for effort.
1.8 pvper. he can definitely do 1.9, but more the former mostly cause his deadly anger makes him jitter click like crazy. often challenges others (consented or not) which mostly includes masamune and nobunaga, and he often surprise attacks shingen and sasuke.
honestly a normal player in survival.
he makes a decent house, has some pretty strong gear, and just helps around his allies a lot (mostly {try to} drag kenshin away from trouble, scold shingen for being too close to mc {though it’s a him problem ngl} and just being a messy caretaker).
i feel like he’d enjoy tekkit tbh. sasuke would probably introduce it to him and he’d just generally enjoy it.
but this is about the smp
he got lucky the first drowned he killed dropped a trident and it’s been his favorite weapon.
probably tried at one point to build kenshin a small base but he wouldn’t listen so like. shrugs.
he’s a bit iffy with playing alongside the enemies in the same server, but they are kind of divided into two. and mc did say it was just for fun and games and they didn’t want to see actual wars be dragged into this, so he just lets it go and has fun.
he looks forward to beating the enderdragon a lot, when the end is available.
oh Boy he’s having a field day. his adored sengoku warlords? playing minecraft, his childhood game??? absolute pog.
even though it was you who proposed the idea, the one who set up the server in the first place was sasuke, since he has more knowledge on that stuff.
since he got his bearings quicker than the rest from experience, and he was earlier to log on due to testing and stuff, he mostly helps you with building like the main hub, like the center place for everyone and generally things that involve helping the overall smp.
can mlg water bucket, through a lot of trial and error. he uses it mostly to make dramatic entrances where he drops from a hill and just not take damage.
^ speaking of Dramatic Entrances, he probably has a chest full of ender pearls for those specifically.
although he helps a lot with guiding everyone, at times, he pulls out the ol’ “sleep in the nether :)” suggestion just to troll
ngl he’d stick to his ninja thing and successfully make a redstone-wired door and has his banger secret base in it
the s in smp doesn’t exist to him.
he’s just a collector, really. one of his first priority isn’t even materials like stone, the moment he finds any kind of flowers he’ll pick it up. it’s only when yukimura and sasuke actually Give him shit does he start living a not broke life.
probably dies a lot to mobs and stuff
but like legit, this man spent a long time collecting all 13 discs and almost every flower (yes, even the biome only ones) because he wants to take it all in. nevermind the fact that he can just listen to the discs online and all.
he’s immaculate in his aesthetics. even with just wood he makes his base look really cool ngl. 
some parts of it are plastered with every painting there is in minecraft, or just item frames, or flowers in their pots. every decoration you can think of, lamps, campfires, even armor stands, he has them.
you gotta give him credit, it’s a lot of effort.
he often afks just to listen to the music even though, again, he could just listen to it online.
got into a bit of a spiel with ranmaru, since he unknowingly dyed a lot of his sheep (he did categorize it with color though). and so they made an agreement to just have every color sheep, and put them in different pens. so they just shared it now
he saw the cave updates and went silently bonkers because how pretty some look (like the lush caves? hello??)
he has like. 14+ texture packs and 4 different shaders ready at his settings.
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thedenimdentist · 4 years
Flame Panda: worth the hype?
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For those of you who are pretty invested in handmade, hand welted, MTM boots, Flame Panda needs no introduction. In fact, if you aren’t already familiar with this small boot making family out of a small village in China, then maybe you aren’t actually the boot enthusiast you believe yourself to be. lol just kidding. But really, for anyone interested in high quality, beautifully built boots, Flame Panda is a brand worth looking into. Their main source of advertising and business is through their instagram @flamepanda11, which is run by their Peng. They're still a relatively small family owned business, but they’re following is growing exponentially (and for good reason). 
I would go more into the background of their business and what they have to offer, but nothing I could write would compare to the information covered by Jake @almostvintagestyle on his blog: his review of his beautiful chunky monkey boots and an interview with Peng himself. So, if you’d like more background information on what Peng and Flame Panda have to offer, head over to his blog. Otherwise, on with the unboxing/review!
Ordering Process
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As with most boot brands out of Asia lately, Flame Panda boots can be ordered via DM through his Instagram @flamepanda11. Unfortunately, there is no website or catalog listing all the patterns, leathers, or customization options he has available. Luckily Peng is very helpful and open to discussion regarding your MTO boots. He takes an active role in creating you the best boots possible, giving constructive input and suggestions rather than just mindlessly giving you whatever you ask for. Peng knows his materials and abilities best, and has a solid grasp on how to combine the two to create a quality product that meets both yours and his satisfaction.
The following are the exact details I requested regarding these black boots:
Model: 6 inch boots
Last: 181 last
Upper leather: black Maryam horsebutt
Upper stitching: black
Hardware: 5 copper eyelets, 2 quick hooks, 1 eyelet
Toe design: brogued cap toe, unstructured
Welt construction: 270° 2 row stitchdown (beige)
Lining: kangaroo
Midsole: single leather midsole
Edge finish: natural edge
Sole: black Dr. Sole half sole/heel
Heel design: incline curved
For those of you who haven’t read my reviews before, my feet are stricken with large bunions on the pinky sides of my feet. As a result, picking shoe sizes have always been extremely difficult. (See my previous reviews for details). Below I’ve listed my sizes for all the other boot brands I own.
Thursdays - 10.5
Onderhoud - 45E
Benzein - 45E
Red Wing, Iron Ranger - 9.5EE
Truman Boot Company - 11EE
Viberg (1035 last) - 10.5
In trying to determine what size I would be in his boots, I sent Peng all the following images/information:
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As many helpful measurements I could think, with images of how I took those measurements.
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I also informed him that I wear this thick, memory foam orthotic in all my footwear.
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And lastly, I provided him with a photo and the dimensions of the removable insole of another pair of boots that fit perfectly (in this case, my Onderhoud derbies). I also took photo of how my orthotic relates to these insoles, as well as a photo with my ugly foot. (TMI? Possibly. But I’d rather provide too much information than not enough, and it definitely paid off.)
Now that I think about it, I don't even know what size Peng ended up making for me. Regardless, these boots ended up fitting perfectly. This goes to show that Peng really knows what he’s doing, and can size you appropriately if given enough information. 
Price & Shipping
For this particular boot in black Maryam horsebutt, Peng charged $685 USD including global shipping. I purchased these boots on 6/29/2020, and was quoted an unusually specific 95 day wait time. However, I didn't end up receiving these until 12/29/2020. While this is significantly longer than expected, Peng kept me up to date in his progress via Instagram DMs, so I never felt forgotten. (He told me that he and his family were moving locations during this time and production was running behind schedule. I didn’t mind, as I COVID was keeping me home majority of the time and didn’t have any reason to wear these boots anyway.) These days, I believe his wait time is closer to six months (which still really isn’t too bad for MTM boots).
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Securely packaged, with tape as no object.
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A box inside a box. A nice touch, actually. A lot of other boot companies simply ship the single boot box wrapped in butcher paper and tape, which often results in some minor box damage. In this case, the outer protective box took all the beating during transit, leaving the actual boot box in pristine condition. While this doesn’t have any affect on the quality of the boots themselves, it’s a good demonstration of the care and thought that Peng puts into all aspects of his products. He really holds himself to a higher standard, and I appreciate it.
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Another reason to love Peng. He typically includes a small gift with every boot order! In this case, this nice little wallet. 
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In addition to the complementary thinner, cheaper single boot bags that most boot companies provide, Peng also included a larger canvas drawstring boot bag with a screen printed logo.
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These boots came with three sets of laces. They were pre-laced with some standard width, flat, waxed cotton laces. Included in the box were two additional sets of laces: a pair of wider flat waxed cotton laces, and some round waxed cotton laces. 
360 Degree View
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Left boot:
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Right boot:
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The Leather
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The black Maryam horsebutt Peng used on these boots is absolutely gorgeous. The leather feels very substantial and hefty, and has a very nice sheen. The horsebutt also has a very subtle marbling and grain that shines through from certain angles. It’s a little difficult to capture in photos due to the deep black coloring of the leather, but you can take my word for it. These are incredible.
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From what I’ve seen, I believe Peng is one of the best in the business when it comes to hide selection and clicking. He is extremely picky when determining what portions of each hide he actually uses on his boots. For instance, here is an example of him picking apart a hide, circling all the imperfections that he plans on excluding during clicking for boots.
This critical eye for detail increases Peng’s overhead considerably, as a significant portion of his leather is filtered out as unusable and unfit for boots. While this does increase the cost of his boots relative to other smaller boot brands coming out of Asia, it is also a big reason why the leather on his boots consistently break in and age so well. I have yet to see a pair of Flame Panda boots that have any unsightly creasing or loose grain, and I’m sure my pair will be no exception.
The 181 Last
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Here’s a closer look at the tope shape of the 181 last. It’s got a nice almond toe shape without going overboard with pointy-ness. The outer sweep of the toe box has a more gradual, soft curve than the Onderhoud last, and even more so the Benzein Kujang last. It’s a clean and strong shape, with more of a sophisticated vibe than your typical work boot.
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Nice and clean outsole stitching by hand, with no overly wonky stitches.
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The Liner
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I chose to have this pair fully lined with a warm brown kangaroo leather. This makes the upper feel even more robust and structured (especially noticeable around the ankle/shaft of the boot), and gives them a bit more of a luxurious feel when on foot. (Also, note the half gusseted tongue. I highly prefer gusseted tongues over the standard floppy tongue. I specified during my order that I wanted a gusseted tongue, so I’m not 100% sure this tongue would come standard. Might be worth asking when/if you do order a pair for yourself.)
The Brogued Cap Toe
This is my first boot with a brogued cap toe. While I still think I prefer plain toes on my boots, I do like how this brogued cap looks here.
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270 Degree Stitchdown Construction
Peng is probably most known for his 360° storm + embedded eversion welt. However, it is on the chunkier side, and I felt it would take away from the clean, sleeker look of this boot. Thus, I opted for double row stitchdown construction, which I think turned out quite nicely.
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Peng’s welt stitching is very tight, parallel, and uniform, with a higher stitch count. Esthetically, I think it looks pretty similar to the 270° veldschoen stitching on my derbies from @renavgoodsco (seen at the 12 o’clock position below).
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12 o’clock: Renav 270° veldschoen
2 o’clock: Truman 270° stitchdown
4 o’clock: Ostmo boots 270° custom welt stitching
6 o’clock: Benzein 270° veldschoen
8 o’clock: Role Club 270° flat welt
10 o’clock: Onderhoud 270° veldschoen
Inclined Curved Heel
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If you haven’t been able to tell already, these are not the inclined curved heels (aka woodsman heels) that I had initially requested. While this is a pretty significant misstep on Peng’s end, I actually don’t mind too much. For low block heels, these appear to have been executed very cleanly, and it does complement the rest of the boot pattern quite nicely. If I had been dead set on having woodsman heels on these boots, I could see this being more of a dealbreaker. 
Upper Stitching
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Overall, the stitching on the upper is clean and tight, with a very uniform stitch count. There are a few spots where there are a few mis-stitches, which I will point out later. For now, here are a few macro shots to appreciate Peng’s stitch work.
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One area on the upper where the stitching isn’t exactly perfect is along the left cap toe. As you can see below, there is one spot in the broguing pattern where it gets a little too close to the double row of stitches, and the thread actually tore into the brogue hole. Functional issue? No. But just something small I noticed.
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A second spot that might be considered less than perfect is this stitching on the right boot, where the quarters meet the vamp. It looks like there may be an extra stitch in the vertical line extending beyond the horizontal stitch. This is seen on both the inside and outside quarters, and only on the right boot. (I included a pic of the stitching on the left boot a few photos back, where you can see the stitch lines come to a perfect T.) Again, this is being extremely nit-picky, and has no real bearing on the durability or quality of the boot itself.
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A third and possibly the (relatively) biggest stitching imperfection was this loose thread on the front corner of the inside right quarter. It appears as though the end of the thread came out of the stitch hole. I later trimmed the loose thread and singed it with a lighter to prevent it from progressing, but there is still an empty stitch hole in the leather where the thread once was.
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While we’re on the topic of imperfections, there is also a little bit of what appears to be black polish smeared along the brown welt of the right boot. Not a big issue, nor is it even a stitching or construction issue. Again, just thought I’d point it out to be thorough.
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On Foot
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First off, I would just like to praise Peng for absolutely nailing the fit of these boots. My feet are ugly and stupid, and sizing any footwear has always been a nightmare. However, using just the measurements and information I provided above (since getting measured in person was not an option), he still managed to build a perfectly fitting boot for my imperfectly shaped feet. I’ve worn them a few times now, and I’ve had zero pain whatsoever.
That being said, these boots are by far some of the stiffest boots I’ve ever worn—in a good way. I can tell these will require a good amount of wear to really break them in and have them relax and shape to my foot, but I’m looking forward to it. (Note, I’m in no way saying that this extended break in period will be at all painful; rather, just that it’ll take some time for the upper leather and sole to soften up.) These boots feel like tanks, and lacing these up make my feet feel invincible. I felt like Steph Curry wearing double ankle braces when I first tried walking in these, but the shafts are slowly starting to break in and roll with wear. The soles were also initially very rigid (like I was walking on planks of wood), but are beginning to flex more as I continue to wear these. Also note that I had these built on single leather midsoles! I can’t even imagine how stiff these would be if they had 1.5 or double layer midsoles (which are a quite popular request, from what I’ve seen on Peng’s Instagram).
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I know it’s still early, but I can confidently say that these Flame Panda boots are one of the highest quality boots in my collection. They are definitely the most robust, and despite a few minor finishing issues, the level of cleanliness and finishing by Peng and his family is unmatched by the majority of boot makers worldwide (at least from what I’ve seen on Instagram). Other than maybe Goto-San of White Kloud (@show_goto), Peng is one of the best at not only sourcing beautiful leathers, but clicking as well. I have yet to see a pair of his boots with any unsightly creasing or grain, which gives me the confidence to recommend him to anyone who may be interested in purchasing a pair of these, or any of his other boot patterns. 
I apologize if this has started to sound like a sponsored or endorsed advertisement, but I genuinely love these boots, and I believe Peng is a great dude who deserves the recognition he has been receiving lately. He is super generous and genuine, easy to talk to (albeit sometimes slow to respond, with the sheer volume of DMs he now receives), and is constantly striving to improve his materials and skills. And with a personality and passion like that, how could anyone not want to support him? These may have been my first pair of Flame Pandas, but they definitely aren't the last. (In fact, they’re already not. lol)
Anyway, hit me up via Instagram if you have any questions about Peng, Flame Panda, or anything else denim/boots related. Also, follow along over there to see how these stunning black Maryam horsebutt boots age with wear. I’m excited to see how they break in, and so should you. Ttfn!
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dolcetters · 4 years
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE; mun & muse - meme.
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TAGGED BY: @hyaciiintho​ ( ;-; AAA THANK!!! )
TAGGING (don’t feel obligated to do it!): @forsakenflora , @avadite , @yinseal , @inseparabilum , @reigningsniper , @tsume-awase​ , @canisfuria​ & YOU if you wanna!
FILL OUT & REPOST ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES  / NO / IDK (he’s fetishized a lot; thanks, i hate it)
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK (i’d lean more toward no)
Are they underrated?  YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE (stares into the abyss)
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL (true neutral, my boy)
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON? ♠ || i have an ongoing joke that “canon is a slab of meat that we slow-roast at 475 degrees and carve for the juicy bits” but at the same time it’s not a joke at all, i’m being perfectly serious. i’m definitely a lot less strict than when i started for writing canon characters way back yonder, but i also DO like to keep within an array of canon boundaries because i’m not writing for an OC in this instance, i’m writing for an established character. ...it also doesn’t help that my character’s handled differently in the 4 types of media he shows up in but. i grew up reading DC comics and writing for beast boy, so i’m kind of used to “multiple takes existing for singular character”. 
that being said, my take on dol is clearly canon divergent (since... he’s alive and my default verse takes place after the nest raid) but it pulls primarily from brotherhood/manga with a couple dashes of 2k3 series (since that’s the only media that gives us a length of time that he was in the labs). but given that i follow along with just about every scrap of information provided in the manga on this clown, i’d say i follow canon fairly strictly... but there ain’t a lot to go off of, so my reins are pretty loose no matter how you look at it. my city now.
SELL YOUR MUSE! AKA TRY TO LIST EVERYTHING, WHICH MAKES YOUR MUSE INTERESTING IN YOUR OPINION TO MAKE THEM SPICY FOR YOUR MUTUALS.   ♠ || (* ̄3 ̄)╭ well, hello, there. aware of dog? yes. this is he: dolcetto mcgrouchyboots, and he is not happy to be here at all. he is traumatized, sassy, wants to throw hands with teenagers, has no sense of self worth, and will absolutely use himself as a meat shield in order to protect any and everyone he cares about. he is spliced with: dog. his favorite weapon: sword. if you listen carefully, you might hear dog-song rising on the east wind as he approaches (don’t tell him axel taped a cassette player to his back). he comes from a found family of complete and utter morons with a lot of damage, they live in a partially underground bar, work as information brokers, and are all DEFINITELY fully functioning adult people. they say gay and trans rights. if you like angry boys with a sense of humor semi-on-par with griffin mcelroy, this is the boy for YOU!!! 
NOW THE OPPOSITE, LIST EVERYTHING WHY YOUR MUSE COULD NOT BE SO INTERESTING (EVEN IF YOU MAY NOT AGREE, WHAT DOES THE FANDOM PERHAPS THINK?).   ♠ ||  he’s only featured in a handful of episodes/chapters across all media, doesn’t have a significant amount of dialogue, and we only ever see him lose to the protagonist(s) despite that he seems more than capable of fighting anyone else. easy to brush off as a “aw he died and that’s sad but we didn’t really know him, moving on”. from what i’ve seen in my years, people are more interested in him being a cog in the machine of “greed is sad” and less interested in... HIM. which is fair, i guess, but hhhhhh
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   ♠ || i don’t know if i can pin-point any ONE thing, but i’ve always been drawn to characters with some sort of connection or bond with animals (example, once again, being beast boy from teen titans). i also have an IMMENSE weakness for the found-family dynamic. so when the devil’s nest appeared during my first watch through of brotherhood, i was pretty much... hooked. immediately. and devastated. immediately. as for what drew me to writing dol, specifically... probably his loyalty, his drive, the fact that he WOULDN’T FUCKING STAY DOWN no matter how many times someone knocked him flat on his face. i vibe with that. grew up very much in the mentality of “fall down 7 times, get up 8″. also, he had a sword... which always beats guns on coolness factor. and i loved his fire. ...and that he was a complete fucking idiot who’s really bad at kidnapping i mean HOLY SHIT THAT’S HOW YOU TRIED TO GET HIM TO COME WITH YOU, DOLCETTO, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING--
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING? ♠ ||  dol has always been a great source of ...venting for me? <xD ever since i started writing him, i’ve always found his muse--specifically--to be extremely cathartic and comforting. i dunno if it’s because he lets the more... jaded side of me come out, even when we’re both trying to be optimistic? 
because i’ve been in 2 emotionally abusive friendships. i definitely have some left over hurt, pent up anger that hasn’t been given closure, a hell of a lot of underlying bitterness that i never got the opportunity to confront those people, BUT i still try to be. y’know. welcoming, friendly, supportive, despite a voice in the back of my head being paranoid?? i think dol continues to give me outlets to expressing that. somehow. not that i use him as an excuse to do it, more so i have more opportunities to do it when i’m writing him as opposed to writing someone like beast boy, who’s usually more on board with keeping the peace than picking a fight. i’ve also invested SO MUCH TIME and ENERGY into his background and headcanons and things that i kind of can’t quit him now, nor do i want to.
... and aside from that i just want him to have a happy ending god, fucking damnit. 
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO ( or i certainly hope so )
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES  / NO
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO ( definitely have moments but eh! ) 
Are you a sensitive person?  YES  / NO ( kind of... varies. i’d say i’m more hyper aware)
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   ♠ || i definitely like to think i do when it comes to pre-established things in canon. but when it comes to what i’ve built on my own over my years of writing for dol (and the nest members as a whole), it’s kind of my sandbox and i’d appreciate you not stomp around in it. 
unless i need to be learned a thing, like... one of the nest members, vi, is a trans-woman. i’m a cis-woman and i try to do as much research as i can and educate myself, but if i ever fuck something up please tell me, i’m doing my best but i’m more than willing to listen. i want to grow.
DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS, WHICH HELP YOU EXPLORE YOUR CHARACTER?   ♠ || pretty sure everyone does! >xD but yeah! i FUCKING love it. especially since i’m writing for a minor character. =//o//= it shows people are interested in him despite his overall lack of content.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?   ♠ || i’d definitely be curious as to why but i doubt i’d be offended or take ... any personal harm from it--y’know? it’d be more of a “let me hear your perspective and maybe it’ll expand my own understanding, or i might not agree after the explanation and that’s cool”! 
an exception would be for an obviously shitty one that’s shitty for no reason, like... acTUALlY, he’s TOtaLLY hom///o///pho//bic, to which i’d be like “bitch, no, get away from me; no one in this bar is straight, die mad”.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?   ♠ || again, it’s cool! there’s not a lot of canon material so you can take his portrayal a variety of places. if we don’t jive, it’s pretty whatever. 
my one exception to this is probably people who, in the past, have told me i write him being “too mean”. which will never cease to confuse me. because even after al straight told dolcetto he was 14, dol was still like “I REALLY WANNA SMACK HIM but i’d just hurt my hand so you’re off the hook”, he’s angry like 85% of his dialogue in the manga... i’m just confused. where are you seeing the “uwu pupper~” persona. you can write it, that’s fine, i don’t care, just don’t get irritable when i don’t write him like a cute puppy. because here he is. suggesting we just kill izumi because she’s being troublesome. yeet. ...he’s an asshole.
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?   ♠ || whatever, just don’t be a dick or speak badly about me or him in my presence because, flawed as he is and while i won’t make excuses for him, i’ll stand up for him. go somewhere else, my dude. i, personally, don’t have the energy for your negativity. nor do i have the patience.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   ♠ ||  i’m more okay with people correcting my spelling (gently). because of the way i taught myself to read, i’d be FUCKED if auto-correct or spell-check didn’t exist. i also google correct spellings constantly. so spelling, yeah, i already know that i’m terrible at it so feel free to correct type-os or spelling mishaps, it ain’t no thang. 
grammar i’m a bit... pickier about. because sometimes i’ll purposely do a “grammatical error” because the punctuation or otherwise further drives the pacing or mood i’m trying to give my writing. i may not know ALL the rules but i break them from time to time... FOR THE ART.
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?   ♠ || i wanna say i am?? while i definitely do want to seriously explore and flesh out and grow dol as a muse and character, i’m “not above” goofing around, poking fun at him, or just being plain silly on the dash. RPing is escapism for me and i strive to keep my blog a peaceful safe haven on the dashboard, both for myself and my followers. 
i try to communicate to the best of my ability and despite my anxieties, and while i may not be able to follow or RP with EVERYONE (for obvious reasons) i’m open to interacting with ... pretty much anyone who throws me a bone. i’ll speak up if i’m not down for a plot or interested in a certain relationship or interaction, but i’m certainly not going to be rude or dismissive about it. i know what that feels like. i’d say yeah, though! i think i’m pretty chill. e-e you tell me.
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kangaracha · 4 years
1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13 :)
de1: of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of?
not counting my fics that aren’t zombies, if only we knew. I often feel like I lose the thread of my themes and stuff while writing my like longish stuff, but on this it all just sort of....came together and Worked. also I really challenged myself with the themes of this, and I’ve continued challenging myself with the themes of the sequel, and the chasm grows and I’m really happy I stuck to my guns with it because I think it came out really nicely.
also that one prompt I did for you where zed lowkey killed addison? yeah I’m pretty proud of myself for that. (but really, I turned that out in thirty minutes total, which is probably the fastest I’ve ever had something that feels so complete finished ever, and I was so happy with the twist and the clues I worked in there and it’s probably the only short thing I’ve ever written that doesn’t feel like the pacing is weird or rushed)
4: what are some themes you love writing about?
hmmmmmmmm. I think friendship is my like, go-to, I love building/exploring relationships between characters and generally I latch on to friendships over romantic relationships. death is always a good one, I enjoyed exploring that in if only. I don’t like coming of age or the ‘chosen one’ sort of plots, but I do like strong characters and taking them on a journey of discovery/leadership/growth into being a hero. My one true love is apocalypse stories, and all the things that come with them - the loss of hope, the losing or finding of humanity, the state of the world/humans, corruption, rebellion, the choice of whether to be good or bad, the ability to question if there is a point at which it isn’t worth it to live in a world like that anymore.........there are just endless, really deep and solemn themes to explore there and the added bonus of these twisted and sometimes unrecognisable worlds.
5: what inspires you to write?
in the day-to-day, music is a huge help in just...setting my mind to writing, getting in the right headspace, and it’s a great source of ideas sometimes too. I have a playlist for everything that takes more than a couple of days to write, so when I need to settle into the vibe of a piece or I want to spend some time thinking about what I’m doing with it, I’ll throw on the playlist and spend an hour or so like...sinking into it. 
otherwise, my fanfic ideas mostly come just from lines or things I see in the source material - identity came from that scene when they return from zombie containment, zed’s explanation of containment and eliza’s spiel. the beginning of if only came from your prompt fill but the rest of it sprouted entirely from the line ‘we die. we be nothing.’ and you will run and run and run came to me during eliza’s verse in ‘my year’. 
my favourite place to come up with fantastic scene ideas and/or plot twists is in the shower, or while driving. on my way to work is a particularly good time, because it’s just so early and my brain is still half-asleep and doesn’t care about plot holes.
8: is there a character you love writing for the most? the least? why?
well I mean, right now I am l i v i n g for that Wyatt-centric fic. he’s a character that’s calm and thoughtful and leaves a lot of room to fit in contemplations and explain plot elements and leave space between dialogue without it feeling out of character like it might for a character that is more hot-headed and faster-paced. I really like Eliza for similar reasons, even though she’s a much sharper character - where Wyatt is slower, a mediator who evaluates options, she is clever and cunning, still a character who is always thinking and who can be used in that way, but for a different sort of outcome (which I desperately hope to explore in run and run one day)
my least favourite is Willa; I took a pass at her in hunters (it’s do or die, to everyone who isn’t keeps xD), and while I really like writing her as a secondary character, I find it really hard to get into her brain while maintaining that ruthless, ruled-by-pride version of her that I’ve built up without accidentally softening her. I just find that she stands up a lot better when I am writing from another point of view looking at her, rather than trying to get inside her head, and the way that I’m going towards breaking her down in a current wip is the only way I’m really interested in doing it - I don’t think I’d ever be interested in writing anything like if only we knew with Willa as the focus.
9: a passage from a wip
this one is just mean because you know that the only wip I have enough to show you of is and the chasm grows, and you know that you’ve seen everything I want to show you and that I’ll want to show you something new because I like it when you yell at me xD
“I don’t need your help, Wyatt,” Wila insists, unaware of the way such a cold sentiment splinters his heart into a million pieces.
“You always need my help,” he replies, his voice rising and rising. “You asked for my help just a few days ago!”
“And then you went and caught a fever, walking around out in the rain!” Her words are hot and angry, but for the first time, it is not directed at him. “I haven’t needed you all week, Wyatt! And I don’t need you when you’re half dead!”
13: who are your favourite writers?
s h i t.
out of the zombies fandom, you and @fist-it-out, although I’ve tried to read all the stuff from you guys in the discord and everyone seems to have their own little niche (even my tumblr friends who aren’t in the discord have their own corner of the fandom, everyone is rocking it, I’m just over here trying to carve out my own piece of paradise). i have nothing to say to you and sarah because I tell you all the time that you’re amazing so I’m just gonna name everyone else I talk to on a regular basis.
@rainfallingfromthesky is honestly the mvp like if I’ve read anything of yours then I don’t remember but you’re a godsend for editing and you’re the only thing holding river cold together and you fix my words when I don’t know what to put there so you’re one of my favourite writers even if you’ve never given me anything to read.
@kokinu09 and @gayce-ventura over here in fluff city keeping the balance on the relevant fanfiction sites between my everyone dies nobody’s happy bullshit and y’know, actual good fic. I don’t get like, pms bugging me to read your stuff so I think I miss it sometimes or I’m like ‘oh I’ll sit down and read that later’ and then I’m busy for four days and that’s honestly pretty shit of me but I’m still reading and I still love your shit, I promise xD
@gogoseabrook i mean..............weather warning. that’s....that’s all.
I didn’t think you’d be writing shit like that brooke like I think I still have whiplash. you’re over here telling me I intimidate you and then you just quietly put the link to that in the discord. like........holy shit
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starwriterulia · 4 years
Introduction + Hero Bios
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This chapter is to help prevent confusion when the Kids are called by their hero names. An explanation of their powers has been included. Information related to the villains and another character are not included to prevent spoilers. There will be a chapter dedicated to these characters after the story. There may be a labelled chapter for smut. I am still debating this option. When I've decided, this statement will change.
I started this fic two months before GO生 era. I didn't have specific hair colours in mind for the boys then, but the vibes of GO生 matched perfectly, so now you can visualize things. (Praise be Hyunjin's long hair.) Secondly, I wasn't sure how to complete the climax of what is now the third chapter, during those two months. I dreaded the draft and might have touched it three times, just to peck at what I already had. Thanks to two moots on Twitter who let me write out a summary of the first chapter, what I had for the second chapter (I'll let you know what in the Villain Bios if you're curious, don't worry) and all the new stuff in their DMs. I copy-pasted what I had into my drafts, edited some of what came before then because the new material made everything way better, and went on from there.
Another moot gave me direction for chapter four after posting a voice-tweet about a nightmare she had during a nap. Prior to our conversation, it was going to be a rather eventless chapter, much like the first. A breath of fresh air for everyone. In part, this is still true. But part of me didn't want to be done with the villains, and what happened in that nightmare was just too good to not utilize. So another thanks to that person! And thank you, for choosing a longer fic rather than a bite-sized one.
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Bang Chan/Christopher: Double Knock
Power: manifests in his muscles, especially in his arms and legs. Is thought to be sourced from his thoughts and confidence in himself and his teammates. He has steel built into his armour to protect his knuckles, knees and in his footwear to protect his feet. He can throw a 45 kg. (100 lb.) object a distance of 500 meters. If he uses his power for longer than fifteen minutes, he becomes sore, especially in his arms, legs and back.
He has trouble sleeping while recovering and may only sleep for 3 hours in the first five days following a battle. His behaviour becomes noticeably more sensitive in the first three days, and he is known to cry from the pain. In addition, the vibration of his movements can set his guard off if he attacks something hard enough, and this can expose him to opponents.
Seo Changbin: Prince BPM
Power: manifests in a small scepter he can summon at will. Is thought to be garnered from his beauty, hence the title 'Prince'. It 'feeds' off his body's health. He must ensure that his body is well-fed and hydrated when using his power. He can use his power for ten minutes and then must rest. If he feels fatigue for eight minutes without rest, he will faint and be unconscious for ten minutes, or slightly longer, and wake up famished and thirsty.
The scepter emits ultra hot light from its crystal with a verbal command. Different commands determine the strength of the light. It has been noticed that rapping drastically increases the temperature of the beam. The temperature is comparable to that of a wildfire and is therefore unpredictable. The light can be strong enough to break through 200 meters (646 ft.) of ground. It can harm all living things but has no effect on non living things.
Hwang Hyunjin: Ghost
Power: manifests in a dan geum that he carries with him. He is able to control it mid-air when either of his hands are positioned as if he was holding it. A small white aura surrounds the knife when it is being used. His wrists and arms can get sore from overuse of his power. Can 'weld' the dan geum into his chest to unleash his full potential, in which he turns invisible for up to three minutes and leaves no scent or tracks.
He has a magic trail detectable by the Kids, police chief and supernatural beings. While invisible, he can run up to 30 kilometres (19 miles) per hour, and his touch becomes his dan geum. If he were to run his hand along an opponent's body, they would not feel Hyunjin's hand but would, of course, feel their new wound. He is prone to motion sickness regardless of whether he uses his powers. This especially comes into effect when becoming invisible more than 5 times within the span of fifteen minutes.  
Lee Yongbok/Felix: Felix
Power: manifests in cat-like nails that sprout from his fingertips, increased speed and acrobatic abilities. Naturally reacts to everything like a cat and frequently makes cat-like vocalizations. His nails are tough as diamonds and catch fire the faster and longer he is in motion. His freckles catch fire from extended periods of motion, and within a minute of his freckles catching fire, his entire body becomes enveloped in flames. His power creates an invisible shield so that he doesn't burn himself.
The fire is a constant temperature of 350°F (177°C) but can reach a temperature of 450°F (232°C) with concentration or adrenaline. He can remain aflame for two minutes without feeling heat from his powers. He can use the full extent of his powers for seven minutes, then loses his flame as if he has been blown out like a candle and will be unconscious for ten to fifteen minutes. He becomes thirsty after being aflame for longer than two minutes.
Kim Seungmin: Clover
Power: manifests in 1-20 purple telekinetic rings depending on the size and mass of the object he is interacting with and in organism tactioception information transferals. This means that when he touches something that is/was alive and uses his power, he will learn about:
•The species, if the organism is an animal
•How old it is/was, if the organism is a plant or
•The primary physical and emotional feelings the subject has/had, if the organism is a human
The first and second rules can connect to the third rule if the item of interest was enchanted or touched by someone with magical powers. He can only detect traces of magic if the person who enchanted or touched the object did so ten minutes within him interacting with the object. He gets an intense headache from using his power for longer than six minutes. A nosebleed is his body's warning that he must stop using his powers soon, or else he will faint and be unconscious for five minutes.
Park Jinyoung: (yes, this is the JYP.) Police Chief of Dawn City
Power: extrasensory perception (sixth sense). If he is within 100 meters (328 ft.) of a human or humanoid being that is using supernatural powers, he will feel vibrations in the air and be able to pinpoint where the user was located at the time. If he is overwhelmed by vibrations, he will have an extreme migraine and need to steady himself or sit down so that he doesn't fall. He is susceptible to blacking-out from exposure for up to eight minutes.
CHAPTER 1: A Fervid Greeting
CHAPTER 2: For Nothing
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mikkock · 5 years
Uhm??????? Unacceptable?? Please tell me more about your OCs in that last art? I demand it? I want a full report on my desk before morning? Cite your sources please?
Oh no,, you’re asking,,, about my own faves,,, sorry to everyone, but I guess im never going to shut up ever now. (i already don’t shut up ever, what have u done, im now going to speak so much that society will collapse AT LEAST)
But for real. I enjoy pretending I don’t have faves, I love all my kids the same, buT WE ALL KNO THAT’S A LIE, those two my fave bitches (they snatched that title from the last two faves, rip to them, and they also snatched, n I must really make that clear, the title of “the bitches with the most AUs from the previous previous faves. Their power.)
SO. Get ready for a ride, table of content: them, their respective character, their story, and the pLETHORA OF ALTERNATE STORIES I GAVE THEM because i must yell about all the versions of my kids i have (non-exhaustive cause its that serious bro, but ill take extra time for the universe depicted in that art just for u bby). (tbh if clamp is allowed to sprinkle their fave gays in all their universes so am i, except they aint secondary characters there, every story is just theirs. love that concept.)(itll be so long you’re getting a whole novel even if i have to post it in two posts)
So~ Em twos. Dari n Wei-wei as I call em, or Dumbass n Egg if you wanna get friendly.
They’re my proudest instance of “oops i made a squad of characters, and two of them just accidentally were so perfectly compatible and complementary oh no I guess they’re in love now.” And then they became my favourite. Cause I guess their potential was too much (jk its bc they hot)
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I spent ten minutes wondering which to introduce first cause dang son, I want to talk bout them both so much shefjgfdg
First, as I technically designed him first (like ten minutes before the other), my man weiwei. if u ever saw my art its impossible that you havent seen him at least once. cause i’m legit always drawing him. cause im in love bro.
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Demonstration : here are my computer scribbled weiweis of 2020 so far (with a few daris there n there they’re a package deal), that i could find, and they do not include all the paper sketches that i’m too lazy to take pics of. (i just been drawing him with so much hair these days that’s illegal, his brand is baldness)
But anyway, he’s CHEN Chia-Wei, he’s 21, he’s Taiwanese n I love him. Two very important facets of his character when you meet him: he doesn’t talk, and is absolutely, in every single dimension, built to make you fall head over heels for him.
He’s (in the “canon” storyline if i may call it that since it’s def not my most developed one but oh well) an art student, mostly paints but is also great at photography and videography (his vibe is busy hectic pieces with strong bold colours, lots of harsh edges, and very people focused).
Aside from that, he’s also super into fashion, and because he’s part of the rich boy squad (the “im broke so im giving half my characters wealth in compensation) he Can and Does exhibit some quite funky fits when he feels like it. (maybe a reason I draw him a lot, since my fave thing is pretty boys in weird ass clothes)(and then i also draw him in just casual shit cuz tittiful men in plain white tees you know. there’s just something about it.)
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Small compilation of outfits. ft me and my band handwriting roasting outfits that id also kill to own but ok u know.
He digs music. (i make playlists for my OCs and i gotta say, his is the best one, i spent so many hours researching it, “arranging” it etc n its still a work in progress but dude. she got many moods my fave part is when it suddenly turns into so many cheesy ballads also she’s enormous cause im as wordy in playlists as I am in writing.) listens to a lot, n also he can play piano n guitar. cause you know. heartthrobs got to win your heart with a song (and if he’s alone he can even mumble some songs, who knows maybe even sing em softly, definitly a sight to stumble on accidentally). Big main artists that have his vibes are Hello Nico, No Party for Cao Dong, n Circa Waves’s “what’s it like over there” album.
He does a lot of sports. He ain’t fit through magic, rip to him. He’s got a serious routine, and it’s a time he likes to use alone, cause nothing like running at the break of dawn, alone with your thoughts, which you can just easily forget through the exhaustion of a workout session afterwards.
he also eats. A lot. Food is just good, bro. (the canon story is def happening some place europe aka his biggest struggle is how expensive food is here. outrageous.)
He secretly loves super cheesy movies. the dramatic romcoms??? the cute shows that are just so cute and worriless?? anything involving soulmates??? yeh dude. he watches it, he reads it, he listens to it, and he may cry about it, but no one will know. That’s the one true guilty pleasure. (and he definitly has a collection of romance dvds, books n manhuas in his old room back at the family home. where no one can see it. perks of studying abroad. no one can see ur hoarding of material that clashes your image. “yes i watch edgy experimental things haha yes i love those smart people movies of course wow the philosophy…” and then immediatly goes to watch the trashiest predictable but oh so sweet dramas all night)
While he doesn’t speak (as in with the mouth) he can communicate in a bunch of language, due to having moved around quite a bit. On top of his native mandarin and hokkien, he’s fluent in English, so he can use those to write, and is also fluent in TSL, and pretty good in HKSL (and from that, other close-in-syntax sign languages). So he doesn’t have trouble getting around, but then he is also overall quiet in public (with close friends and over text though, that’s another story, that’s where he gets chattier, and also where you may get more of his true personality). Also, he can speak with his sister. That’s pretty cool bro.
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I was going to say he’s a very “hides his true colours under a shell” type of character but you know, for an egg character, that’s pretty ironic. We love poetic cinema.
He presents himself as a very laid back, chill detached dude, going with the flow and all that great stuff, and masterfully mixes just the right doses of mysterious, flirty and calm to just go around vibing. But ain’t that jUST THE MILLENIAL’S ILLNESS, those dANG KIDS, going around, gettin relationships but never intimacy 👏😢 (there’s more to it dont leave)
First of all, before you see the Drama, the Turmoil, the first thing you notice when you really do befriend him is that he’s c h i l d i s h, he gets sulky when things dont go following the plan, he gets whiny n jealous for not getting attention , he gets competitive over stupid challenges, and way too playful if you start teasing, and when he gets flustered too…you think you get cool stoic dude but actually you get a dude who’s reacting to things with way too much intensity, and boi i thought u were gon be mature what’s that why have you been pouting for three days over losing a bet come on- That’s mostly coming up when he interacts with his sister, but the closest you are to him to more of it you get to see.
He’s also an affectionate dude actually. Like physically. As in you’ll get spontaneous hugs. He’s come nap on your shoulder. That’s a perk of befriending him if you ask me.
Also he tries to look so cool, so tough haha. He’s actually a lil sensitiv boi. he gets fluffy, he gets flustered, he heart eyes. you turn around and he’s gazing at ya as if you were the whole universe. he gets a mini crisis for holding hands with his crush. ya know. he’s secretly a softie.
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Then in the “what he doesn’t show” (my fave part), where you stock all the anxieties, all the trauma… Obviously there’s a lot of anxiety here (selective muteness being a symptom of it, he hides the other ones very well) mostly fear of inadequacy, of abandonement and of loneliness. mmmmmmmaybe that’s why he was v reticent to continue pursuing that one guy he was into when he realised he was just a tad too into him oh no is that some,, like?? some lovey-love?? cant have that im afraid of gettin heartbroken bro. Aint that sad for a someone who’s one true goal is just findin someone to love and to be with forever, the struggles of yearnin for a soulmate when there’s nothing you fear more than getting attached to a person and letting them see you and your flaws.., delicious.
Now tho (because its so alone speaking about a character on their own and i just wanna get to the part where i can speak bout em together and how they bring out bits of each others ya kno, the good kush….), Dari…
He’s pretty, i must say, and got the funniest hair to draw, and comes from the most opposite background to weiwei’s.
Darian Andriev PARVANOV, also 21, comes from the remote Bulgarian countryside, but i still love him (this makes it sound as if i wouldnt normally love someone from the bulgarian countryside. its not what i meant. by default ud remind me of my son so you’d start being liked if u came from the bulgarian countryside) Now for the first instance of “wow, the complementarity”. The first thing i thought making Dari was that he looked too cool, and that he obviously was a dumbass, and mostly that he was physically unable to shut up. (o fuck he’s me)
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best picture i could find of him. He’s got the dilemma of “wow he looked so pretty n cool until he opened his mouth” 
He’s ALSO an art student (cause they were initially created for the purpose of filling the gap of “i have ocs in every field except the one i sorta know that’s so stupid”), painting major (def vibes differently than weiwei though, he’s doing those soft pretty landscapes n flowers, everything real pretty and peaceful, we got some impressionism nerd in here folks). 
He was/is a real country boy, farm family, he helped tend the fields, he worked in plantations for pocket money, he knows how to take care of cattle and chicken and goats and all the cool babies you can take care of, he can tell whether the soil is good or not, he can drive a tractor, and doesnt fear dirt.
but then also he’s kind of a neat freak, he hates getting paint on himself, so the duality of man, dirt ok but paint? disgostin. his spaces are real neat and spotless, he likes cleaning (its relaxing) and does it nearly too often.
his dumbassery comes from lack of common sense and impulsiveness, aside from that he’s actually what you’d call “mad smart”, dude had em good grades, he can memorise pages upon pages of the most trivial information, he has an accumulation of knowledge beyond limits, and is good at problem solving. so he can recite all the words of the F letter of the dictionnary, but would also put a curling iron in his mouth to see if it would curl his tongue. (side note, he does have a problem with heat n fire, most his “oopsie how i wound up hurting myself on acccident” story involve burning -that stove was just too tempting…)
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while he doesnt feel very attached to his home country, he does feel strongly for his family. he’d do anything for his mum (and actually does everything to make her proud already, that’s his one main goal), and he’s ready to sacrifice a lot for her (as in, spend years working non-stop a really uncomfortable job so his mother wouldnt have to pay a cent of his expenses even though she said she could by doing some sacrifices herself,and then being ready to come back as soon as needed if anything happened, and potentially drop his career and dream n go back to the farm life to provide for mama)(also he still does hold onto some parts of his home country’s traditions, and does sometimes feel homesick but more in a ‘i left the most beautiful landscapes n the city feels cramped and claustrophobic and i dont know people and i dont feel in the right place cuz im a forreigner with a thicc accent who doesnt master the language of this place and straight up have different body language communicators due to cultural difference oh lord i wanna be home where a nod means no and a head shake is yes i keep misunderstanding everything”)
if you want background noise he’s the perfect pal to call over, he’s just so chatty, he got hours and hours of non stop speech ready for you. you can shut him up once you’re done listening with the offering of food. works everytime.
he’s definitly not shy. neither in terms of talking to people, nor when it comes to making decisions. he’s quite bold, and rarely hesitates to go towards something he wants. he’s direct in his approach to most everything.
he likes partying. mostly the socialising part, talkin to people is just fun ya feel. and being in the crowd, doing whatever, pressure free? ya can dance n enjoy yourself, and people wont notice? yeah that’s nice. but doesnt do it super often cause broke bitches aint got the party time n budget. 
he likes arm. (just an excuse for me to drop this thing here cuz i like it)
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While he’s an overall bubbly looking character, with a cheery loud personnality, he does carry some youth trauma that has him more reticent to engage in happiness, he comes from what you could call “not the wokest background” and he may have fallen victim of it : he’s kind of a flashy noticeable character, both physically and in his personnality, and doesnt exactly matches the expectations of dudes in the area he comes from (delicate, emotional and sweet guy? that doesnt exist bro). He went through it, and it has definitly had some impact on his confidence in many aspects. But he’s 100% the type of guy to put on the fake happy front because if feeling bad is sad, making the people you care about sad for you too is Unacceptable Right??? relying on friends?? what???
But then what are we supposed to be doing with such charming characters huh,,, 
Make them fall in love obviously.
Their story obviously has to do with falling in love and workin a relationship cause if I dont write romance i literally die, but I make the center pivot of all of it communication, and barriers in communications. Most obvious being them coming from wildly different cultures, having different native languages, and also the ways you adapt to muteness (what i love most bout that part is even then they fucked up given the easiest quickest small body language things to communicate are head nods n then i managed to make one come from the one country that reverses those like iconic how do they even understand each other -through a lot of work and love bro) but also on more “introspective” points, how to say things that you are even afraid to think about, how to open up and share your burdens and trauma with someone, how to say words you’ve been convinced you weren’t allowed to, the inner turmoil of communication in short. And then also communication through art, and through alternative unusual ways. If i were snobbish i could call it something like “a thinkpieces on how humans overcome obstacles in communication, and adapt, all for the sake of pursuing love” but fact is its mostly boys being in love n learning how to speak, figuratively and also quite literally. And also its me having fun with making characters evolve from each other, be able to influence each other for the better, helping each other be more comfortable with themselves and express the true things of their personnality, and discover new aspects. I just wanna write intense and soulful love bro.
So in less concept and more facts, weiwei meets dari, dari being his puppy self just immediatly strikes a conversation and weiwei gets interested cause “oho nice pretty boy? very good. i want some of that”. they get closer because you cant fight off the Power of friendship (and also the power of “what your friend is bestie with my friend?? guess we hanging out”) and then friendship and interest turns into pining, held back by respective dread of what romance with the other would mean (as in “romance?? cant have that we cant feel” and “with him?? cant do that, convince yourself he’s just a friend immediatly what would the family think”) but eventually they do have to just crash into one another cause that’s just the gravitational pull bro, its physics bro. and from then on its all unlearning destructive behaviours, bettering oneself with the help of the other, and getting over trauma to finally live ur best life. and gettin fckin married bro they’re both cheeseballs theyll wanna wed
BUT MAKING EM FALL IN LOVE ONCE ISNT ENOUGH time to make 3894853 alternate universes about em.
Lets speak bout my fave of those for a hot second.
First of all, the one of the art that brought this ask, guess i could call it “Pretty Tribes” AU, bunch of tribes live and do their things, having nature and energy powers. Dari n Weiwei’s tribes are bros, the latter’s powers needing them to move around to get energy from different places, enabling them different abilities. So basically they get to hang at the other’s place while the regenerate energy from there, and in exchange they help them out with various tasks (dari’s tribe is a rly farmer oriented one, with plant magic, while weiwei’s got more poyvalent powers, and have very good healers notably, so it comes in handy). The two boys were born a few months apart in their respective tribes, so naturally, anything the two clans meet, they’re put together to play and all, and from that they became besties, and each time they meet, after the gaps of time separating the two groups, they feel more and more of a little something else~ story is themed round growing up, friendship between clans, their traditions and cultures, and pretty boys in pretty clothes in pretty landscapes interacting with nature.
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The superpower AU, i fuckin love it bro. Its an old one, made for other characters, but i just love it so much that i had to inject my faves in it. Its got a grimy ugly setting, bad government, propaganda, and fights between super-people (heavily mediatised for entertainment and reinforcing the idea that “look at these evil villains thank god us the good government protects you from them”), with a side of bad ethics in science. In all that, those two have the role of “those two young enemy warrior and villain, they were so powerful and fought so hard”, public figures, legendary and admired by both sides, everyone followed their fights, til one day they presumably died in one of their showdowns. (haha sike they actually found themselves talking for 5 seconds and realised they lived in a society, n built a plan to run away). The main characters get to find they’re alive because one of em had history with super-warrior-golden-boy and go to seek their help to overthrow the Big Bads. (stealing them from their nice gay cottage hermit life smh so rude)
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Mermaids. I like those. Sailor weiwei sees merman dari, they both save each other in different occasions, they grow fascinated with each other, they’re at sea, water romance. Amazing. AU made half cuz i just like water n fish. and shirtless sailors.
(i couldnt find art of it in five minutes so have a link to that lil animatic piece i made of it once)
Indie band AU, where i was listening to songs that vibe so well with those two in general n then my brain was like “what if they’re the ones playing”. They’re (along with the rest of the art squad) a nice little alternative rock band, doing their thing, then one of their songs blows up, and they get quite the attention, to the dismay of dari who wrote that song in a moment of “oh no im so in love with my bandmate but i cant tell him what if i ruin everything we have going on ill just have to love from afar and deal with that” and now has way too many people interested in who he wrote it about and theorising from his every move when performing it (a mix of music, secret crushes and social media) (ft a picture of neither of them but its the least ugly art i found of this AU cuz its old and instruments are the bane of my existence)(also kelana is so pretty i gotta flaunt her around)
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in kind of the same vibe, as in we’re in a music world overexposed to social media, i also integrated em to an AU i did for fun, “boyband AU” as its called aka idol based band system cuz you kno, i got a hobby, lets apply it. Band boy Dari and bodyguard Weiwei got a thing going on, but can’t really act on it in any way, because they’d just destroy the whole band if it ever came public. Featuring annoying bandmates, catchy pop songs and people making fanaccounts of that one hot Mr.Bodyguard cause dang he hot.
(all the art of this one so ugly im sorry)
SPY AU, one of my fave brand. They spies, they get assigned on the same mission, they work real nice with each other. spies hot. fights. strategy. i just like the concept. Gays taking down the worst traffics imaginable??? I love that song.(i actually have so much on this cause s p i e s are fuckin great)
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Fashion. U kNOW i have an AU for fashion. Supermodel and his private stylist, trying to maintain the line of professionalism. And failing to do so. Lets make out in unpractical designer clothes.
Have an highschool AU for a bunch of characters, injected them as “spinoff”, start chatting online being art buddies, fall in love without meeting (ft. all the iconics of internet friendship like knowing tiny details of their personnalities but not the fact that they have a sister or “waIT ur a GUY i thought u were a girl wow wild good news for my gay ass”)
n those are my faves as far as i remember, i got a fuckton of small other ones that arent fleshed out enough, or some that are more of a guilty pleasure universe, and some that are more like “projects that i can expend on as soon as i run out of daydream material” (like u kno those hospital drama shows with super innacurate medicine n shit like idk scrubs or whatever, yeh i want some of that but im keeping it for later)
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arecomicsevengood · 5 years
On Alan Moore’s SUPREME
It is an understatement to say we live in interesting times. These are chaotic times, and I hope we survive long enough to learn from them. I do not know how they will be remembered. I only know that I do not believe that hindsight is 20/20. Rather, nostalgia has distorting effects that render eras in caricature. I know this because while people often look at things and say “hey, remember the nineties?” with this quasi-ironic tone meant to pigeonhole things according to a handful of superficial traits, I actually feel like I do remember the nineties, and they were not that, but they were very far from where we are now.
I recently tracked down collections of Alan Moore’s run on Supreme via my local library. Supreme was a character created by Rob Liefeld at Image. Liefeld and Image are both prime examples of what people think of when they think of “1990s comics,” though their influence continues to this day, maybe stronger now than it ever was then. The backlash against this stuff that followed, which involved a great deal of nostalgia, that you see in things like Mark Waid and Alex Ross’ Kingdom Come, or Kurt Busiek’s Astro City, is, I would argue, way more definitive of the era, in that there was maybe a “square” or defensive reactionary tone that seems more out of step with the modern moment, maybe because they essentially “lost.” Moore’s Supreme is about comic book reboots, and comic book history. It’s pretty nostalgic, but it’s also one of the more optimistic Alan Moore comics: The reaction against the superficial Image work also included a rejection of the “grim and gritty” aspects of Moore’s eighties work.
These Supreme collections are out of print, which is weird. While new stories continue to be told set in this universe Rob Liefeld created, but I think it’s pretty widely acknowledged that Moore’s comics were the best things to come out of there, the stuff where the ideas make the most sense, where there’s material that can be expanded upon. I know Brandon Graham took material from Moore’s work for his Prophet run. The recent Warren Ellis/Tula Lotay Supreme: Blue Rose derives from concepts in Moore’s run. It’s vastly tonally different, aiming for some sort of slow-paced Solaris vibe of mystery, which Moore’s run explains in such a way that it feels like Ellis’ run would have less of a reason to exist were his source text widely available.
I read Moore’s first issue at the time of its release, and was not that into it. When I think of the comics I was into at the time, I understand why: Thinking of Mark Waid/Humberto Ramos series Impulse, or Christopher Priest and Mark Bright’s Quantum And Woody, the emotional connection I had with those books as a reader is basically impossible to imagine anyone having with Supreme. I don’t think Moore was interested in doing that: I think he was trying to crack “nineties comics” and was seeing a bunch of dumb garbage it was very easy to think mixing in some pastiches would improve.
Also, the character is basically just Superman, and while in some ways Supreme is “better” than, say, Scott McCloud’s Superman Adventures, in that a good deal of work and thought is being put into creating these riffs on the Superman concept, Rick Burchett’s art, drawing Bruce Timm designs, is more appealing than what Joe Bennett comes up with, though, so it’s kind of a wash. Chris Sprouse comes on board later, and when he’s drawing the book, it’s great. The book moves from being “kind of a slog even though it’s clever” to “actually pretty fun.” After working together on Supreme, Moore and Sprouse would launch Tom Strong together. That’s another comic I stopped reading early on because I wasn’t getting that much pleasure out of it. Both Supreme and Tom Strong have flashback sequences drawn by other artists (in Supreme, they’re usually handled by Rick Veitch) that are also meant to be reference some other genre or historical moment, fleshing out backstory but also demonstrating Moore’s cleverness, which is two-fold: it’s both the cleverness of a plotter, telling stories pithily, and the cleverness of a student of comics showing how much he knows, via jokey parody. This becomes tedious when baked into the structure of every issue of a comic, but it’s also how Supreme gets to have Rick Veitch pages, which are welcome when the stuff set in modern times is drawn by people whose work isn’t fun to look at. Still, it’s a superhero comic where the core of most issues is not a fight but an extended vaguely comedic riff.
Another person to continue on to Tom Strong is letterer Todd Klein, who does a great job here, enough so that, when late in the run there are issues he didn’t letter, they’re demonstrably worse and harder to read. Tom Strong does have a different colorist than Supreme though, and in some ways there are weaknesses even in Sprouse’s issues that can be laid on the coloring: It’s “nineties” in a true way, in that it’s tied to the computer coloring that was then state of the art. I am pretty sure I read the later issues of Tom Strong in collections a roommate owned, but I remember none of them. Most likely I will forget these issues of Supreme. The most impressive thing about Moore’s run is the long-term plotting, that the payoff to a year’s worth of stories is set up very early, and points that would pay off later are seeded throughout.
Still, in the mind of a kid, a year is a very long time. A developing brain pursues a lot of interests. There are very few comics I read every issue of for a year: To do that would cut into my ability to take chances on comics like, say, Alan Moore’s first issue of Supreme, when I’d never read any of the previous ones. Another reason I didn’t follow the title as a kid is this: By the time you get to the point where you have a preference for good superhero comics over bad ones, you’re also interested in non-superhero comics. The best stuff in the series are later Chris Sprouse drawn stories that work effectively as superhero comics, where multiple villains fight multiple heroes, and jokes are made steadily. This all follows up on groundwork laid earlier in the run.
These collections are not published by Image, but rather a book company called Checker I am pretty sure is no longer in business. The books at my library were not in great condition, and they’re not very well-designed. There’s an Alex Ross image on the front,  and Rob Liefeld on the back, alongside text that gives bios of Moore and Liefeld but says nothing about the Supreme comics the books contain. The interiors use Alex Ross drawings between issues, to cover for the original cover art being largely abysmal. I’m pretty sure Liefeld could reprint them at Image, although “this comic is drawn by a ton of different people, and quality varies” is not an appealing sales pitch. There were also other flashback stories, drawn by the likes of Melinda Gebbie and Kevin O’Neill, that ran in the original comics but aren’t in these collections, which I would hope a future reprint would restore. Around this time, Moore also did a run on Youngblood with Steve Skroce that was never collected, fondly remembered by some but also compromised by the fact that the last few pages currently extant, were drawn by a considerably worse artist.
What’s fun about these Supreme comics is that, for all the nostalgia for the past they contain, they’re still dense with ideas. It’s clear that what Moore appreciates about the old Superman comics he’s explicitly homaging is the imagination therein. He’s riffing, but extrapolating as well, these aren’t pure analogs. There are these science fiction or mythic elements all pressed together. I’m not saying there’s much that originates with Moore here, but in his bricolage things feel new, it’ll get your neurons firing. This is truly wild: the concept of the Supremacy, where all the alternate Supremes hang out, and its corresponding Daxia, where all the alternate reality versions of his nemesis hang out, both built in limbo, is surprisingly similar to plot points on the show Rick And Morty.
There are comics that are better than Moore’s Supreme, many more of them available now than there were twenty years ago. I read them, I write about them, and much of my championing of them stems from a preoccupation with storytelling. But there is a different kind of substance to these stories. It’s not “substance” in the sense of meaning, or emotional content. The substance is the sort of idea-space you swim in while reading fantasy or science fiction. I like to think that if you’re reading this you consider yourself a smart person, and that manifests itself as a certain snobbery in certain ways. Maybe you don’t read that sort of stuff as much as you did when you were a kid. As an adult, I’ve got other hang-ups. It is maybe a form of solipsism, though it stems from empathy, or a desire for it, obsessed over my own ability to relate to others. This is the stuff that makes up the content of “literary fiction” whereas I think of being a kid and trying to be imaginative or imagine possibilities beyond reality as essentially a spiritual quest. Reading this collection I could sense I wasn’t engaging it enough, even if only a portion of the pages were drawn well enough to make me want to engage it.
Moore is a spiritual person, obviously. You can listen to him talk about his work and artmaking and time and life and death and find a great deal of comfort. So much of his work is deeply reassuring and helpful, even though much of it is dark and more pessimistic than his Supreme run, and it’s often done through these genre pretexts. His work is much richer than what’s propped up by current trends, and it’s all informed by this grand history of literature, where what follows in Moore’s wake is frequently hollow because it doesn’t have this grounding in possibility and potential, but is instead premised on the observable. I’m making fun of Warren Ellis here, his obsession with science magazines and the idea of Moore’s run of Supreme as an observable phenomena after Moore made it exist.
It’s easy to view the way you engage this type of work as escapism, and there is truth to that, I think, when you’re an adult reader. I do think that when you’re younger, engaging with this stuff is more of a building a toolkit of ideas to engage with existence in a way that will stave off existential woe one encounters as they age. I frequently have this feeling that I am more tired than I used to be. My head is now subject to this feeling which is for all intents and purposes stupidity that maybe stems from trauma of having bad things happen to me (I have repeatedly been the victim of violent crime) and anxiety over things still to come. (Whether it be more crime or fascism or whatever, the complete collapse of the social fabric.)
There’s a feeling of being enervated I want to chase and have no idea how to, but it was genuinely present in my past. I know I can’t find it in nostalgia, in binge-reading old comics. That is 100% a trap and I know that the feeling I want is actually dependent on the absence of nostalgia, of being awake to there being possibilities in the future I can barely foresee. Moore’s run of Supreme taps into this energy, and he doesn’t think of it in a nostalgic way, the way he viewed 1963. He was engaging the moment, and finding the energy and collaborators that would propel him into the America’s Best Comics line, the sort of “better things” that might exist for a person in the near future that it is in the moment impossible to foresee. In all likelihood, the ability to manifest these things comes from a receptivity to potential that these comics evince.
Last week I turned 34, then the next day I found out my editor at The Comics Journal, Tim Hodler, was leaving it. I’m aware I need to leave Baltimore, get a new job, embark on a career path, enter into a new relationship, change everything about my life; all of these things both for their own sake but also to hopefully get the gears turning in my brain so I can write fiction again and feel that I am doing something.
When I read these book collections I was sort of wishing that like 2/3 of the pages were redrawn so that a book could exist which would have a reason to be read. Now I’m writing about it so I can remember I read it, and trying to explain why I’m doing so inevitably becomes about dissatisfaction with what is potentially giving way to something better, but I’m as overwhelmed by the facts of my own existence as Chris Sprouse would be at the fact that all the pages I would want him to redraw were already drawn by other people. Moore’s Supreme run can be reduced to these things that are essentially truisms: It’s “a moment in time,” “a transitional work.” This is true for so many things, but it is better to be these than the other thing that so much amounts to, a dead end.
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lxgatus · 5 years
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full name.   Wahisietel nicknames.   Wahi, ‘Ali’
height. 6′10 / 208cm or 6′5 in human form age. 10,000 years give or take zodiac. Mahjarrat don’t keep track of birthdates, but this boy basically screams Virgo tbh languages. Freneskaen, common tongue, Infernal (canon verse), English, Japanese and basic ASL (modern as of right now), Romanian / Transylvanian-variety Romanian (Castlevania verse). 
hair colour.   Mahjarrat are completely hairless. Chestnut brown with patches of grey in human form eye colour. Green.  skin tone. Pale. Tanned as a human body type. Mesomorph accent.  Sounds something similar to a weak British one dominant hand. Ambidextrous but favours his right. posture. Back straight with head tilted down slightly. Tends to shift his weight to the left side and arms are usually behind his back. As a human, he tends to slouch forward slightly and keep his hands in his pockets; tired with age. scars. Broken/torn spines on his back that no longer have movement to them, bite marks around his shoulders, neck and torso. Mahjarrat teeth are designed to mess with the body’s ability to heal so they appear ragged. Long, sweeping claw marks from below his navel to the base of his genitals and multiple faded cuts on the palms of his hands and soles of his feet. His finger/toe ‘beans’ are pretty beat up tbh.  tattoos. Mahjarrat are born with natural tattoo-like body markings. Red lines going down the length of his head and branching off on his back and torso. Lines are found everywhere except genitals and palms/soles.  most noticeable features. To humans, it’s probably his size. Tall and built like a professional strongman with a near-constant ‘resting bitch face’ makes him come off as frightening. To Mahjarrat, it's usually his face. Most Mahjarrat have a sharp and angular face but his features are a bit softer than normal and it raises eyebrows sometimes; especially when his little brother is around -- the younger looking far older, and being much taller than Wahisietel.  
place of birth.   Freneskae hometown.   Mahjarrat campsite? They didn’t have towns, just tribal camps.  birth weight / height. 20lbs 30 inches. Mahj babies are... huge.  manner of birth.   Natural first words. ‘Mah’ siblings. Sliske (half-brother, share the same mother) parents. Arzekyl  (father, deceased). His mother he refuses to name or even acknowledge tbh (deceased) parental involvement. Fathers generally don’t have much involvement so it’s the mother’s job to raise the child. Father taught him basic survival skills. Mother was a harsh and violent teacher that basically left him on his own until he was old enough to be sacrificed due to being a ‘broken / runt’ child with speech and magic delay. Only after he ‘proved’ that he was worthy of living by killing another chosen for potential sacrifice did his mother start to sort of give a shit. She was still abusive and violent, though. She wasn’t fond of either of her kids.
His father he holds no ill will against because it’s just their culture, but his mother he utterly despised. He physically dragged her to the ritual site himself, smiling as she was sent to the void. 
occupation. Scholar and historian. Ex-Legatus (general) in the Zarosian Empire  current residence. Nardah (canon verse), Earth (modern verse), Wallachia (Castlevania verse) close friends. Azzanadra. As of right now, no one else relationship status. Single financial status. Living paycheque to paycheque driver’s license. None. Doesn’t know how to drive criminal record.   Not technically. 
sexual orientation.   Grey-asexual / demi romantic orientation. Demiromantic preferred emotional role.   submissive | dominant | switch |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed libido. Below average. He can go hundreds of years without needing release, but if you get him aroused its hard for him to shake. turn on’s.  Considering that Mahjarrat culture is really aggressive, he melts easily to soft touch. Trailing fingertips/nails feather-light down his spine or head ridges. While he doesn’t like his neck touched, breathing on it works pretty well. People trying to be dominant he finds really cute and if you’re lucky he’s willing to have a bit of a power struggle. (If you try and dominate him he’ll be disobedient as hell until you can prove yourself, so that's fun) He’s really into biting and marking but for the most part any sort of delicate contact. turn off’s. Going straight for his neck, especially if dominance/submission hasn’t been established since the neck is a sign of submission to Mahj. Degrading and ordering him around.
love language.  For the most part, he’s not keen on touching people. But if you’re the target of his affection, he’ll actually become really physical. He’ll seek out interaction and get really handsy. While to people outside of the relationship, it may seem like general friendly behaviour, but to people who are familiar with him, even something as simple as fixing a button or brushing the hair from the person’s face is a huge sign of intimacy. His embraces are warm and all-consuming and his touch will soft and gentle; Mahjarrat are strong, but he’ll touch his S/O as though they’re made of priceless material. He’ll open up to them, not bottle up his emotions around them if he feels safe enough.
Also, he’ll do silly things like pull his S/O onto his lap if they’re within arm’s reach, or he’ll just sprawl across theirs like a giant cat. He’ll get in your space like an affectionate pet.
relationship tendencies. Mahjarrat do not fall in love easily. Their culture is all about not trusting others, so feelings of affection are strange and foreign to them.  They choose mates based on genetics, not aesthetics. Fighting over strong mates to bear strong offspring, feelings aren't involved. The stronger the individual, the higher the chance a Mahjarrat will want you. While he does experience attraction, he doesn’t quite understand what it is he’s feeling. It’s like ‘when I’m around you I get a weird feeling in my gut and I don’t like it. But when you’re not here there’s an emptiness and I think I’d rather deal with the uncomfortable weight. I hate it but please don’t leave me.’ If he has a type, he’s unaware of it. Though he does seem to find comfort in people who have similar experiences. 
character’s theme song. Going to War - Pagan Fury. (for some reason I get really strong Wahi vibes from this tbh) hobbies to pass the time. Reading, book-binding, ‘cooking’ (more like burning), people watching mental illnesses/disorders. None that he’s aware of. He does experience some signs of possibly PTSD, but he doesn’t have a formal diagnosis and good luck getting him to sit down and talk about it with someone. Had some developmental delay but that was never looked into either. Freneskae wasn’t exactly a great place for health and development. physical illnesses. None that he’s aware of.  left or right brained. Left fears. Being seen as useless/running out of his use, thunder self confidence level. Surprisingly low. He’s good at faking it, but his fear of being seen as useless overworks and stresses him.  vulnerabilities.  As mentioned above, his fear of being seen as useless is a huge source of his stress. Implying that his use has run out is quick to break him because he feels as though his very life is in danger. His need to prove himself will make him overwork to the point where his own health and energy suffers. A stressed and worried Wahi is a mistake-prone Wahi, which leads to more stress and it’s a constant cycle. It’s one of the few times you’ll ever see him actually break down. 
tagged by: I stole it. Tagging: @fiulnoapte @timidplum and whoever hasn’t done it
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sargenthouse · 5 years
Earth Premiere "The Mandrake's Hymn" & Interview / Guitar.com
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via guitar.com
Earth’s trajectory is not so much of an orbit as it is a deviation. For the past three decades, the only constant for the band headed by Dylan Carlson has been change – which is ironic for a group whose music relies heavily upon repetition.
Earth started out with ground-shaking seismic drone metal on 1993’s Earth 2, then took a left turn in 2005 into the arid West with the Morricone-inspired Hex; Or Printing In The Infernal Method. Almost a decade later, they ventured into meditative rock with Primitive And Deadly.
Now, the band have purged themselves of any embellishments, stripping instrumentation down to Carlson on guitar and bass and Adrienne Davies on drums and percussion. The upcoming record, Full Upon Her Burning Lips, is a lesson in austerity, and spotlights the duo’s sonic symbiosis.
Ahead of the release, we speak with Carlson about the record, his fascination with Telecaster pickups and his favourite collaborations thus far.
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Dylan Carlson (left) and Adrienne Davies of Earth
The new album sees Earth stripped down to the core duo of you and Adrienne Davies. Can you shed more light on this decision?
Well, I’ve been playing with Adrienne for almost 20 years now, and on previous albums, I’ve been fortunate enough to play with a lot of amazing players, but I really wanted this album to focus on the two main members at this point. Just because we really haven’t done that since, probably, Hex; Or Printing In The Infernal Method.
I also felt like live drums have always been a big part of what Earth does, but that has never come across as fully on record. You know, because when you’re recording a bunch of different instruments, you need to leave room for stuff, and I always felt like the drums didn’t show the full potential that Adrienne’s capable of.
And then also, I’ve always sort of been the guy that holds everything down with my guitar and let a lot of other instruments carry the melodic work – whether it’s cello or keys or stuff like that. So I sort of wanted it to just be the two of us showing off the best of our abilities.
The previous records, they’ve all been very lush sounding and I wanted this one to be very present and dry, and upfront. Using the 70s style, you know, where I was running two amps for the basics and hard panning guitars left and right – the kind of stuff that you just don’t really hear any more on record.
Can you tell us a little more about the title Full Upon Her Burning Lips?
I’m always trying to find titles that I feel are numinous and open to multiple interpretations. Many of them, I don’t necessarily see and people tell me about them later. Like someone recently asked if [the title] was about the moon because of the “full upon” bit – which I hadn’t thought of.
I feel like music is a sensual and sensuous experience, so I wanted a title that could evoke that. Originally, the cover idea I had for Primitive And Deadly was going to be much sexier than it turned out. I was sort of on a Scorpions jag at the time [laughs]. I think a lot of music now is missing that element. There’s so much music that’s hyper-male. To me, Metallica is a perfect example – nothing in their music or lyrics reflect the idea that there’s a feminine principle to the universe. So, I guess that’s where it came from.
You mentioned in a statement that you like the “limiting of materials to force oneself to employ even more creatively”. How did that reflect in terms of guitar tone for this album?
For this one I basically used a limited number of effects. I used my live rig, which was like a compressor, an overdrive, a Uni-Vibe and a delay. I mean I used one other overdrive for some cleaner textures and an auto wah on one track, but I pretty much tried to limit it to just the pedals that I use live.
I tried to get the most out of them. For example, I’ve used the Uni-Vibe for a long time, but I’ve always just used the vibrato setting. I never thought the chorus was very useful, and then on this album, I figured out a bunch of really cool sounds with that setting. So that was fun to use in a different way than I normally do.
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Image: Sean Stout
A lot of artists tend to compose instrumental music around tension and release. Is that an approach that you take as well?
I guess so, but I don’t know if it’s a conscious one. I feel like all songs should have some kind of arc – I call it a “narrative arc”. Although [with instrumental music] it’s very loose, as there’s obviously not any lyrics telling you what the story is. I sort of – in this very abstract sense – feel like songs and albums should still have a narrative arc. And I hope we convey that in the way that I put stuff together.
Again, it’s a sort of an abstract notion of a narrative, but you know, a song should start somewhere and then go somewhere, in some sort of rudimentary sense. I think that’s why, with instrumental music, the song titles become important. It’s the only way of conveying some kind of narrative with language.
I feel like music is a language in and of itself, and [communicates] in a different way. Music is simultaneously more immediate and more abstract in its meaning. With instrumental music, the audience is also participating in the creation of the meaning or the narrative or the imagery.
It’s not like songs with lyrics where it’s like “Oh my baby left me” or whatever. With instrumental music, it’s more challenging.
This album has a lot of minimalism and repetition. How do you make repetitions sound like progression to the listener?
With repetitive music especially, be it like the riff or the melody or whatever, it should be something that you want to hear again. So I think crafting really memorable riffs is key. They should be something that you want to hear again, and the riffs themselves should have some kind of arc to them as well – so that you’re getting mini arcs that build up to a bigger arc.
That’s one thing I’m constantly trying to do. When I come up with a riff it’s like “Oh, is this something like worth repeating?” There’s that thing that great riffs have where they make you want to hear them again. Whether they’re catchy or whatever, I feel like they should be strong enough – and interesting enough – that they bear repetition.
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Image: Holly Carlson
Folklore is a major theme of this album, as it is with much of your work. What draws you to it?
To me, with the music I make, I want it to be timeless and feel like it’s always been there. Folklore has stories and knowledge that have been around forever, transcending cultures. I also feel like, especially with rock music – for lack of a better term – and American music, are all originally from folk sources. You know, blues, jazz, country, rock ’n’ roll – the music is not “high culture”. It’s not like classical music in that it wasn’t created by rich people for other rich people.
It’s popular music from the people, embedded in the salt of the earth, and it’s the same with folklore. It’s interesting and it’s numinous. It’s got a quality of timelessness, like something that’s always been there and that goes along with what I try to do hopefully musically.
Has your gear changed much over the years?
Yeah, I would say so. When I first came back to guitar playing, I hadn’t had a guitar for at least four years. So when I came back to guitar in 2001 or 2002, I was really into gear and was always buying petals. I guess you could call it GAS. But along the way, I realised that it didn’t really matter what I played, it was going to be me like regardless. And so I got a lot less gear-obsessed.
I like gear obviously – I mean, I love guitar – and I’ve found things that allow me to translate what’s in my head better, but I don’t feel like they’re necessary. I’m going to sound like me regardless of what I’m given. I think a lot of people are always looking for that “magic box” or this amp or that amp. At the end of the day, it’s you, you know?
The gear I do get now, I get it because I like how it sounds – which is the most important thing – and then whether it’s functional and helps me with touring. Number one is the sound and number two is functionality and whether it makes my life easier. Those are sort of two of my guiding principles.
Right now I play my live rig which I’m very happy with because I discovered these Trace Elliot Elfs, 200-watt heads that weigh like a pound – I’ve got two of those. And then one has a 1×12 Dietz cab, which I love. The Jesus Lizard guys use them, and Buzz [Osborne] has one. I didn’t know about them before, I was just in Austin and I needed a cab. Yeah, it weighs a shit-tonne, but that’s the only downside to it. It’s got wheels, but it’s a little monster. Then for the other one, I have a 1×12 Mesa cab that’s semi-open.
And then I recorded the album with and did my solo tour with a Burman – it’s a British amp from the early 70s. They were a company out of Newcastle and they basically built these 100-watt power amps called the “Slaves” which ran for either KT66s or EL34s – mine’s got EL34s – and then they did various preamp modules. So they were kind of ahead of the curve, in a certain way.
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Image: Sean Stout
You’ve obviously played a lot of guitars over the years. Do you have any favourites?
Yeah, my favourite guitar is the one my wife Holly bought. It has an alder Strat body, and then we had our friend, this artist Jason Borders, carve and stain it. It has no finish. It’s got a Fender neck, the classic player one, with a 12-inch radius pau ferro fretboard, and then I’ve got a brass tremolo. I love brass, I’ve had brass on pretty much all of my guitars that I can. This guitar’s also got a brass bridge and a brass nut.
And then I’ve been running a DiMarzio Fast Track Tele bridge pickup, DiMarzio Cruiser in the middle position, and a DiMarzio Air Classic in the neck. I’m a big DiMarzio fanboy, as you can tell [laughs].
Oh, and this guitar has a little thing called the StratoBlaster which was made by Alembic. It’s a little boost switch – I have mine set for about plus 7- or 8dB, but you can go all the way to 14dB. That’s nice if you want a little bit of oomph.
I have a Tele, it was one of the Roadworn ones which I guess came out in the mid-2000s. That’s got a DiMarzio Tone Zone Tele bridge and a Seymour Duncan Little ‘59 in the neck.
In Europe, I have two guitars that live in a warehouse. I have an Epiphone SG. That one’s got a DiMarzio Tone Zone Tele bridge pickup and a Super Distortion in the neck. I was in a big Jerry Garcia phase then so I got a OBEL (or On-Board Effects Loop) on it, although I very rarely used it [laughs]. And the other’s an Epiphone Explorer that has a DiMarzio Super Distortion Tele bridge pickup. I basically put Tele Bridge pickups in all my guitars.
Some of my guitars have names. Like my favourite one – the Strat or Hollycaster – I call “The Fox”. Tele is “The Cat” and the SG is “The Goddess” because it has a big sticker of Tara Guanyin on it.
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Image: Sean Stout
Do you achieve noise through the amps?
I use a lot of gain. Well, maybe not a lot of gain but I push the amps with the compressor and overdrive. With the 200-watt headroom, you’re not going to make it break up, so the tone is really a combination of pickups, overdrive and my hands. It’s not the amp. Same with the Burman – it’s a 100-watt – so the headroom’s massive.
If I’m playing a smaller tube amp, like when I had a 50-watt Plexi for a while, I didn’t use overdrive. I just hit the front end hard with the compressor. That was still like, loud as fuck. Over the years, I’ve come to understand headroom and the fact that no one really needs anything more than 50 watts. Even that is overkill, really, for most venues. Back in Earth 2 days, when I didn’t know any better, and I was young and could lug a shit-tonne of gear, it was like, “Oh yeah, let’s have, all this ridiculous amount of equipment!”. Back then most soundmen didn’t even bother mic-ing us, you know? Now I understand to let the PA do the heavy lifting.
I understand we all grew up on the cool pictures of [Jimi] Hendrix in front of a wall of Marshalls. But there were no PAs and they were playing outdoors half the time. Of course, you need like 25 Marshalls or whatever! It was a different time, with a 100-watt head now you’re never going to get to that sweet spot at a volume that’s not going to kill people.
Let’s talk about collaborations for just a second. What would you say has been your best experience so far?
Well, I love working with Kevin [Martin, aka The Bug]. It’s a whole different world than the one I am used to inhabiting. So it’s very fun for me in that way because I just get to be the guitar player and be creative.
I also love Emma [Ruth Rundle]. I think she’s an amazing musician and a wonderful human being, so that was enjoyable. And with Maddy Prior, that was super because obviously I was really into English folk. Yeah, so getting to meet an OG [laughs] and she was a lovely, lovely woman and really easy to work with. She had written a song and asked me to play guitar on it and I got to just come in and do it.
They’re all incredibly talented and really lovely people, so they’ve all been a real pleasure to work with.
What was recording Concrete Desert like? Would you do something like that again?
Yeah, I’ve been talking to Kevin about it! [Concrete Desert] was our very first collaboration, and he basically sent me the tracks and I played guitar and sent them back. So we actually hadn’t even met in person at that point. I actually just ran into him in on the street in Krakow because we were both playing the same festival.
Then Ninja Tune wanted us to play this anniversary party in LA together, and he had this material and was like, “Hey, why don’t we do this again?” and we were actually in the studio together for a couple days. I mean, he’d already generated much of the material but then after I put my guitar on, he went back and changed it a bunch. He told me he got new ideas from the guitar parts and kinda tweaked it.
But yeah, hopefully the next time we work together we can do it with both of us in the studio, building stuff from the ground up. I don’t know when that’ll happen, but we definitely want to do something together again.
Are there any other guitarists you feel are pushing the instrument to the bleeding edge?
I think Oren Ambarchi is pretty amazing. There’s probably some guys I’m not aware of, but I know Oren and think he’s a pretty good dude. I’m a rock dude and like the fact that he still manages to inject rock into [his music] in some weird way, like with that album he did with the Ace Frehley cover, for example. I think he’s got a lot of swagger to it that others don’t have.
The Rig
Main Guitar: The Fox aka Hollycaster (see above for details)
Amp: Live – 2 x Trace Elliot ‘Elf’ heads (200w solid state) each with 1×12 cab (a Dietz and a Mesa). Recording – Early 70s Burman (100w power amp w/ EL-34s) and a pre-amp module and a DV Mark Micro 50 (50w solid state)
Effects: MXR Custom Comp, MXR Shin-juku Drive, Dunlop Uni-Vibe chorus/vibrato, Dunlop Echoplex Delay, Korg Pitchblack tuner (1st version)
Strings/Accessories: Dunlop Performance Plus Nickel .09-.42, Dunlop Primetone 3mm picks and various other Dunlop picks all around 2mm
Full Upon Her Burning Lips is out 24 May. More information at thronesanddominions.com.
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jemmabag · 2 years
Upgrade Your Professional Style with a New Work Bag
When it comes to work attire, functionality is essential. From choosing an office-appropriate outfit to finding stylish but comfortable shoes that keep your feet happy, it’s all about finding a balance in your 9-to-5 wardrobe. Often functionality and fashion don’t go together. While that may have been the case for work purses in the past, they have evolved. Today, you can easily find designer work bags capable of handling both your professional workload and personal style requirements.
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Carry It All Buying a designer work bag is an investment in your professional wardrobe, but it’s also a personal assistant or office companion to keep you organized throughout the day. A working professional needs a reliable womens work bag capable of handling their daily essentials. Look for clever storage solutions like a padded laptop sleeve, detachable key strap, and pockets for your phone, credit cards, lipstick, pen, and sunglasses. Whether you’re staying at the office or headed to a business lunch, you need a sophisticated work bag that prioritizes your professional vibe but also means business. Consider a womens laptop travel bag or satchel to help you contain and organize all your professional belongings and breeze through your workday. Keep It Comfortable A convertible backpack tote is a great way to carry your laptop and essentials without everything feeling bulky. The difference between luxury work bags and lesser-quality ones is in the details. Experience the comfort of durable, reinforced straps, making them much easier to carry on your arm in the office, and the luxury of bags made from the finest Italian materials. Some of the best materials to consider in work bags are sustainably produced, full grain Italian leather or ethically made, weather-resistant Italian nylon. The interior linings should allow for easy visibility of the contents and match up with the high workmanship standards of the bags, including the zippers and clasps. Chic Fashion Statement A luxury work bag provides chic style while offering unsurpassed durability and organization that cheaply made fashion pieces simply cannot compete with. The best brands are impeccably constructed to handle the wear and tear of a daily commute while still maintaining a stunning exterior that looks new long after its purchase. Whether it’s a casual Friday or a corporate meeting, you need a versatile work bag to complement your style flawlessly. Show Them Who’s Boss Are you struggling to find your keys in your current purse? Show them you have it all together by being the epitome of organization and professionalism. A striking work bag will highlight your strong business side as someone who makes smart and savvy choices. Demonstrate your vast business sensibility by demonstrating your ability to find a professional and stylish work bag that delivers all the assets in one sleek modern design. About JEMMA JEMMA creates work bags with designer style in mind for chic, modern women. Made with the highest workmanship standards, these thoughtfully designed work bags from JEMMA are unmatched in detail. Expect sustainably produced full grain Italian leather or water-resistant Italian nylon, plus comfortable, padded, and reinforced straps. Featuring easy-to-navigate interiors with a signature checkered lining and organizational pockets that keep all your work and personal essentials neat and accessible, you’ll be able to fit everything you need, from a laptop and phone to snacks, credit cards, and more. It's like having a fashionable personal assistant at your side. JEMMA creates luxurious designer work purses built to give you the organization you need to keep your work and personal life running smoothly. Elevate your professional style with a luxury work bag at https://jemmabag.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3zycXsN
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byooregard · 3 years
for the trope rating thing this is a free card to ramble about any trope you have strong feelings on because i love you
I love you too let me think of a trope I have strong feelings about that I haven't already talked about... I've already gone off about hanahaki aus so let's go with. .. soulmates. Yeah
So basically I'll give them a solid B-? They tend to be somewhat hit or miss, how good they are depends on the source material and also what sorta mood I'm in
Things I don't like about soulmate aus are 1) I'm aro and 2) on top of my general dislike of the idea of relationships being chosen for you, when it comes to fandoms that have source material with some level of themes about choosing your own family or choosing your own destiny, the idea of characters' relationships being decided from the start falls a bit flat
That said, I can absolutely appriciate the drama of a good soulmate au, especially when they way the soulmating manifests is tailored to what would be the most fun or interesting for the characters involved (there was this one shadowgast one where soulmates couldn't lie to eachother-- a lot of esseks early relationship with all of the m9 is built on lies), or even just an interesting concept.
What I'd really love to see is soulmate aus that look at the trope and subvert it in a way that vibes with the characters and their relationship? For example, a ship that's a lot about choosing your own destiny could have the characters having other soulmates outside of eachother and choosing eachother anyways. Or something like... I'm thinking of jester and fjord in Cr, how jester starts off with a big and dramatic and a little bit silly crush on fjord which she gets over a long time before they eventually do get together and jester's idea of romance has matured. You could have them be soulmates, but it isn't until jester realizes that soulmates don't automatically equal true love that they can actually have that relationship.
I know there's a lot of soulmate aus that try to fix the amatonormativeness of the concept by letting people have multiple soulmates or platonic soulmates, and I think that's a nice idea in theory? But my root problem with the trope is much less how frequently romance focused it is and much more again how much it takes away the agency of certain relationships? A whole lot of ships I like, I like in part because they got together against the odds, or because they weren't written in the stars
Uhh tdlr soulmate aus are very fun to read because the shenanigans they can cause but I do wish people looked more deeply at the concept itself more often and utilized it in ways that would strengthen the stories they're writing fanfic of
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architectnews · 3 years
Xiangyuxiangyuan Home Stay, Xiamen City
Xiangyuxiangyuan Home Stay, Xiamen City Hotel, Fujian Commercial Building, Chinese Architecture Photos
Xiangyuxiangyuan Home Stay in Xiamen City
10 Aug 2021
Design: Huang Zhiyong
Location: Dazhai Village, Xiamen, Fujian Province, South East China
Xiangyuxiangyuan Home Stay, Xiamen City
Southern Fujian, located on the southeast coast of China, is the beginning of the “Maritime Silk Road” in history, and has been an important maritime transportation hub since ancient times. Convenient geographical location is conducive to business exchanges with many surrounding regions and countries, so it has accumulated a strong economic foundation and is deeply influenced by foreign cultures. Accordingly, Southern Fujian culture is a mix of traditional Chinese farming culture and foreign cultural influences. This rich and diverse cultural connotation is also fully reflected in its architecture, with very distinctive regional characteristics.
The Xiangyuxiangyuan Home Stay project is located in Dazhai Village, Xiang’an District, Xiamen. Dazhai Village has a history of more than 800 years and sits adjacent to mountains and seas, on flat terrain. New LinkSo, it’s become the inheritance place of the traditional culture of southern Fujian and the gathering place of traditional houses. Nowadays, affected by globalization of the economy and the construction of modern cities and cultures, the traditional houses in Dazhai Village are disappearing day by day. In response, the question of how to use traditional old buildings as carriers for retaining the rural memories of Southern Fujian, while reactivating its quaint villages through the power of design, has become a topic of time and locality.
Xiangyu Xiangyuan B&B is composed of two parts, the old and the new. The old part is a traditional house with a century-old history that has been carefully transformed into the core space of the entire building. The new part is a contemporary architectural style composed of steel, glass, and brick. The new and old parts collide and blend, revealing the designer’s thoughts on the transformation of rural old buildings and the regeneration of abandoned resources.
These traditional buildings are a typical representative of traditional dwellings in Southern Fujian. The main structures of the buildings are mostly Chinese traditional wooden frames, with building facades made of red bricks and red tiles, and “Yingshan” style roofs (a traditional Chinese building type for roofs). Both ends of the roof curve slightly upward, using light and flexible “swallowtail” methods.
These original traditional buildings have collapsed to varying degrees. The collapsed part of building No. 1 is the first half of the building and the west side room of the atrium. The cornerstone on the west side is irregular. The designer uses a compromise design in the collapsed area. A simple geometric building was built at the collapsed place to form a fusion with traditional architecture. The simple and pure geometry endows the old building with enough support and also highlights the readability of the traditional building.
The collapsed location of building No. 2 is the hall and the front half of the kitchen. The original wooden roof frame is almost collapsed, and there is a nearly collapsed gate. The two side rooms in the middle have also collapsed. The designer directly used steel structures in the hall and the left room to support the original wooden structure. The facade adopts a large area of floor-to-ceiling windows to meet the light quality requirements of the indoor space. The traditional roof is in sharp contrast with the transparent glass, which gives the traditional house a lighter expression.
Building No. 3 is mainly constructed of strips and blocks of stone, so it is still very stable after a hundred years, revealing no particularly serious damage. It has been evaluated by professional organizations and meets the reliability requirements of current national standards, but it still needs to be reinforced to avoid future troubles. To address that issue, the designer adopted an inner steel structure method for partial treatment and repair. In terms of interior design, the designer draws upon a modern interpretation of traditional Chinese architectural materials at the core, and carries out the interior design of three century-old buildings from the three directions of wood, stone, and porcelain.
Wood, throughout the history of human construction, was a renewable material obtained from a wide range of sources. Wood is the most widely used material in the Xiangyu Xiangyuan B&B space for various presentations such as furniture, flooring, and installations. It reflects the strong plasticity and artistic sense of wood, and it reflects the designer’s sustainable design idea. As a natural construction material, stone has solid and natural characteristics. The overall space atmosphere of Xiangyu Xiangyuan B&B is highlighted through the redesign and application of stone. Porcelain is the most low-key material in the entire space, hidden within a modern form, expressing respect for the century-old buildings.
Whether it is architectural design or interior design, designers focus on traditional buildings, and modernize them through repairs and additions, and edit Southern Fujian traditional houses. Let residents and foreign tourists experience the agile changes brought about by the design concept infused with contemporary sustainability, and further understand the Southern Fujian culture.
Xiangyuxiangyuan Home Stay in Fujian, China – Building Information
Architects/designers: Huang Zhiyong Location: Dazhai Village, Xiamen, Fujian Province Client: Xiamen Xiangyu Group Corporation;Xiamen Xiangan Investment Group Co., Ltd Suppliers: Lehan Lighting: Lamps Seton Lighting: Lamps KSBYE: Wooden floor Design team: Lin Miao, Yang Jian, Wang Jiejie, Jiang Fangjun, Lin Yongfeng Area: 1200Square meter Budget: 20,000 USD Project completion date: 07/2019
About Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture, China Academy of Art Co., Ltd. The Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture, China Academy of Art Co., Ltd., was founded in 1984. The Institute has established an academic perspective and research vibe encompassing all-round nationalization, internationalization, and modernization by taking advantage of the China Academy of Art (CAA)’s strong talents and advantageous discipline groups. With the strong and rich academic background of CAA as a foundation, the academic goal of the first environmental art department in China is the mission, and “Relying on CAA & Serving the society” is the overall operation policy.
After years of efforts and development, the Institute has established 15 branches, 4 field branches, 3 centres, and 3 workshops and undertakes thousands of projects every year.
In the future, the Institute will continue to be honest and innovative, keeping its mission closely in mind. With the idea of “5-in-1, Integrated design” as the core, it will realize the integration and industrial extension of planning, architecture, landscape, interior, and public art. With the service tenet of “Fashionable concept, Perfect design, Sincere cooperation”, the Institute will move on solidly towards a higher goal by taking oriental art as the academic support and social innovation as its responsibility.
Photographer: AOGVISION;Kobe Photography Studio
Xiangyuxiangyuan Home Stay, Xiamen City Fujian images / information received 100821 from v2com newswire
Location: Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China
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The post Xiangyuxiangyuan Home Stay, Xiamen City appeared first on e-architect.
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