#and all that taking in count how gay situation is. here.
jellyloveru · 1 year
i'm goinbg craze))))
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
treat you better II Ingrid Engen x Mapi León x Reader
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part 2 I masterlist I word count: 2451
a/n: hi, it's based off this request here, please enjoy. <3
warnings: toxic (ex-)partner, but with a happy ending.
You had been staring on your phone all evening, impatiently waiting to see your girlfriends number appear on the screen. But your phone stayed silent.
Subconsciously, you tapped on the photos icon on your home screen and started to scroll through pictures of you and her together.
Since you parted ways last summer when you moved to Barcelona and she joined Chelsea, you talked less and less. She said she was cool with it but you had the feeling that this lack of communication strained your relationship.
“Y/n?“, Ingrids voice disrupted your thoughts.
“Yes?“ You looked up, surprised about the fact that you were not the only one in the changing room after your late gym session.
The Norwegian sat down on the bench next to you: “Are you still waiting?“
You sighed and forced yourself to put your phone aside: “She promised to call me tonight…“
“You’ve been waiting for hours.“, Mapi reminded you from the other side of the room where she casually leaned against the lockers.
You remained silent. Somehow you felt very stupid in that situation.
Ingrid gently laid a hand on your knee. With slight concern in her voice, she asked: “Have you had dinner yet?“
“No…“, you admitted reluctantly.
With a smirk, Mapi folded her arms across her chest: “Let’s go get some then.“
“Wear something you love. We’ll pick you up later.“, Ingrid winked before taking her bag and leaving the changing room with her girlfriend.
You silently nodded to yourself. They really tricked you into having to go home instead of sitting on the hard bench for hours, waiting for that call.
You followed their instructions as soon as you returned to your apartment and slipped into lacy black top and your favourite suit. You were just in the process of doing your hair when the couple rang at your door.
“I’m ready.“, you called out to them while grabbing a black handbag and slipping on a pair of sneakers.
“Good, lets go.“, Mapi grinned as you joined them outside.
“You look stunning by the way.“, Ingrid complimented your outfit.
You beamed: “Thank you.“
“You both do.“, Mapi joined in, taking both you and Ingrid in.
“Ingrid and you always look so beautiful.“, you said. A lot of people on your team dressed well but you often found yourself in awe of what a gorgeous couple they were. And then you remembered something: “My girlfriend doesn’t like me in suits.“
Mapis smile turned immediately into a frown: “Why not?“
“She said it looks too gay.“, you relayed what your girlfriend had told you several times before.
You noticed Mapi and Ingrid sharing a concerned look.
“But…“, Ingrid began.
“What a weird thing to say!”, the Spanish defender commented outraged on both of their behalf’s.
Her Norwegian girlfriend nodded in silent agreement.
“It kind of is right?”, you bit your lip guiltily while you three took your seats at the table of the restaurant. It was way fancier than you expected. But just like the couple it had an elegant touch to it. The candlelight tinted your faces shine in a warm, soft glow.
“I only know that from people who don’t want other women to notice their girlfriends.”, Mapi admitted, sounding serious.
“Which is weird because no matter how you dress y/n, people will always notice you. You’re always gorgeous.”, the younger woman observed, looking deep into your eyes as she spoke.
These words coming from such a beautiful human herself made your cheeks turn pink. You were never happier for the dimly lit room, so it was hard to see the change of your face colour.
“Exactly, you’re our team Estrella for a reason.”, the heavily tattooed Spaniard reminded you of the nickname you had in your team.
A sad smile appeared on her lips, remembering how you changed since your girlfriend has stepped into your life. The Barcelona girls were all a bit worried as your spark has lessened over the time.
“Although you lost a bit of your light.”, Mapi sighed.
“I didn’t loose my light.”, you protested weakly. Unsure if you really trusted your own words in the situation.
“Y/n, you deserve better.”, Ingrid replied, taking your hand into hers to squeeze it empathetically.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m fine.”, you tried to assure them.
“Do you know what you want to order?”, the defender swiftly changed the topic to something more enjoyable.
When the meals arrived, you clapped excitedly into your hands:” This looks so delicious.”
“It’s the best, trust us.”, Mapi grinned.
“I do.”, you answered smiling. Everyone in your team knew that the two women didn’t only have great taste in clothes, but in food as well.
“As you should.”, the Scandinavian chirmed.
Looking around, soaking into the calm atmosphere of your surroundings, you declared:” This is really nice here.”
“It’s our favourite.”, the older woman confessed beaming.
“It’s perfect for dates..”, your heart sank once the sentence was out. Wishing your girlfriend was here in this moment even though you knew deep inside that it was almost more fun with your two teammates, less stressful for you. Their relaxedness rubbed a bit on to you and you felt a sense of calm.
“Yes, very romantic.”, Ingrid answered delighted.
“You two are so cute.”, you hummed.
Mapi exchanged a look with Ingrid before she leaned over the table and whispered: “Ingrid always is when she really likes someone…“
“She’s?“, you asked, not sure what the defender was hinting at.
“I guess thats true, yes.“, Ingrid admitted, slightly flustered. Her long fingers barely touching yours on the table.
You looked up at her: “Oh.“
“Wasn’t your girlfriend supposed to come tomorrow to spend your free weekend together? What did you plan for that?“, Mapi inquired suddenly. She studied your face for any change.
You shrugged nonchalantly as if you had not planned this for over a week now: “Oh, I thought I would show her Barcelona. And then we could have a little picnic down at the beach.“
“Oh my god. That’s so sweet.“, Ingrid squeed.
“I thought she would enjoy that. But she hasn’t confirmed yet that she would be able to make it.“ You tried to keep any disappointment out of your voice.
“If she can’t make it in time, we’d love to come and do it with you.“, Mapi smiled.
Ingrid confirmed with a nod: “Yes, we would.“
You could feel your heart flutter in your chest. “That’s so nice of you.“
“It’ll be a pleasure, y/n.“, Mapi said, reaching for your hand.
You had such a lovely evening with your teammates that when the call came the next morning, it felt like a shock. You knew what she was about to say before she even greeted you.
“Sorry, y/n. I can’t come… Emma said we need to do extra training on the weekend.“
“Oh… that’s okay. Next time maybe.“, you replied almost automatically.
You knew you should feel sad or disappointed about her cancellation but there was also a part of you that felt nothing but relief in this moment.
You immediately took your phone and messaged Mapi and Ingrid to come down to the beach later today if they were still down for it.
Weirdly, you found yourself less anxious and more excitement for the picnic with the two of them while you started packing everything.
You met Mapi and Ingrid in the late evening. A blanket and a few pillows were already spread out on the fine sand when they arrived. Freshly baked bread, cheese and ham as well as olives and grapes were piled high on plates.
“This is literally perfect.“, Ingrid marvelled at the sight.
Mapi sat down: “I agree, this is so nice.“
“We’ll see the sunset too.“, you added, pointing towards the horizon.
Ingrid popped a piece of cheese into her mouth and laid her head into you lap: “I hope you don’t mind too much that you have to spend the evening with us.“
Absentmindedly, you started to stroke her dark hair: “I mean I’m a bit sad that she couldn’t come but your company definitely makes it better.“
“Don’t worry, we can make sure you have a good time too.”, the Spanish defender promised.
“You already do a great job at that.”, you assured the couple. With a melancholic glance at the sea you added:” I just miss her and being touched, does that sound weird?”
“No, that makes perfect sense.”, the Norwegian told you while simultaneously exchanging a knowing look between her and her girlfriend.
Afterwards a pleasant silence descended upon you three, the only sound came from the waves crashing on the shore, until Mapi raised her voice.
“We’d treat you better.”
“What?”, you looked at her in surprise.
“You’re unhappy with her. She’s been ignoring you, she always wants to have the upper hand.. and we saw that she likes to leave her marks when you saw each other.”, Ingrid listed the reasons why you should break up with your girlfriend on her long, elegant fingers.
“And you two think you can treat me better?”, you nervously licked your lips, too afraid to look directly into their eyes, so you chose to watch at the water instead.
“No. We know we can treat you better.”, the tattooed woman corrected you in a serious tone. Her girlfriend nodded in quiet agreement.
“Which isn’t hard because I’m pretty sure she’s seeing someone else behind your back.”, Mapi continued, there was anger towards your lover swinging in her voice.
“The whole team thinks so.”, the Scandinavian cleared her throat. Every teammate thought that you deserved better than that.
You were startled by your own words coming out of your mouth next:” I suspected it, because I asked Millie if they had training on the weekend, she said no.”
The one thing you were sure was that your England teammate and co-captain would never lie to you.  Remembering the short call made you tear up all over again. Nothing hurt more when knowing that everyone knew someone was betraying you behind your back.
“I’m sorry, amor. But we don’t want to see you suffer any longer.”, empathetically Mapi laid an arm around you:
“I feel so stupid, girls.”, you confessed, trying to swipe away the tears streaming down your cheek.
“You’re not stupid.”, Ingrid pressed a kiss on to your hand before raising up to hug you from the other side.
“We all have been here.”, the defender told you.
“Really.”, she replied.
Suddenly you knew what to do, you didn’t knew where the bravery came from, but you were grateful for it as you announced: “ I’ll tell her that I’m done with her games, the only game I’m interested in is football.”
“That sounds reasonable.”, the Norwegian beamed at you proudly.
“It’s for the best.“, you said quietly, not sure if you were talking to them or to yourself.
Mapi flashed you an encouraging smile: “Yes, but you’ll always have us.“
“Right, you can count on us.“, Ingrid agreed.
“Thank you, girls.“
“You’re welcome.“
You slowly stood up from the blanket, pulling your phone out of your pocket and took a deep breath: “Excuse me. I think I’ll have to make a call.“
Ingrid nodded: “Go on.“
“See you in a minute.“ You forced yourself to a smile.
There was something in the way, they looked at you that gave you the confidence to walk a few steps closer to the water and dial you girlfriends phone number.
“Hi, y/n.“, she greeted you. She never sounded happy when you called, only annoyed as if you were always calling at the wrong time.
“Hey, I need to talk to you about something…“, you came straight to the point. Your heart pounded in your chest.
“Sure, but I need to leave soon so you better make it quick.“
In this moment, you knew you made the right decision. There was no fear or doubt, the words just came to you: “I can make it very quick. I want to break up.“
There was a moment of silence on her end and you briefly wondered if she had even heard you. Her voice was high-pitched and she was yelling when she finally replied: “What?! Are you kidding me? I’m the best thing you’ve ever had!“
You remained calm and composed: “You’ve been avoiding me for some time now. I think I deserve better.“
She laughed: “Oh please, you’re so pathetic, y/n.“
“You’re with someone else. I know that. It was pathetic that I believed you.“
“You’ll never find someone as good as me!“, your now ex-girlfriend spat.
Subconsciously, your gaze drifted back to the picnic blanket. You realized that Mapi and Ingrid were no longer sitting there.
Gentle fingers took the phone out of your hand. You looked up to see Mapi speaking into the phone: “Oh, don’t worry. She’s got someone better now. Someone who actually appreciates her.“
Your ex-girlfriend went quiet. “Good luck with that, y/n.“, she said, her voice icy cold before hanging up.
Ingrid stood in front of you, studying your face. You were confused but also relieved. It was finally over.
“Hey, come here. You did so well.“, you felt Ingrids arms wrap around your torso. You held out one arm as an invitation for Mapi to join the hug.
The Spanish defender pressed a kiss to your temple: “You deserve this.“
There was so much you wanted to tell them but you had no words for it. So you just stood there for the moment, grateful and safe in their embrace.
Immediately after the breakup, Mapi and Ingrid started to take you out to more dates. A few months later, you were officially in a relationship with both of them.
You could have never imagined yourself in a polyamorous relationship before but the two of them made it easy. It was probably one of the healthiest relationships you had ever been in. In contrast to your previous relationship, there was no mistrust and no jealousy.
Seeing your girlfriend on the pitch in your Champions League matches agains Chelsea surprisingly did not bother you at all. Especially not, once you knocked them out of the UWCL.
As soon as the final whistle blew, Mapi jogged towards you and kissed you excitedly: “You’ve been amazing, amor!“
“My girls! We won!“, Ingrid joined the two of you.
You turned towards her to give her a celebratory kiss as well.
You could feel your exes angry stares at you but could not care less. You just booked the ticket to the UWCL final with your amazing and supportive girlfriends, there was no space in your life for her anymore.
a/n: we always appreciate comments, likes and reblogs. <3
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malereadermaniac · 11 months
Toxic ~ Nate Jacobs x Male Reader
We all love a little toxic relationship with some dick who bullies you due to his own insecurity Top!Nate x Bottom!Reader word count: 1.6k Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI
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He bullied the shit out of you for being gay
Not regular bullying, but like psychological shit
Nate would make small comments about you to a crowd of people, making you uncomfortable for the rest of the night
Or when the two of you were left alone in a room he would call you a f@g when you try to make conversation
However late at night, your phone would be buzzing with notifications from him snapping you
But you were popular, so he couldn't harass you too much - especially once you became friends with Maddy
You were a regular at parties, so he'd see you there
Every time Nate got drunk, he'd catch his eyes on you more than he'd like
On your body, warm from the heat of everyone dancing and the alcohol in your system
It didn't help that like everyone else, you dressed like a model every time you left the house - but at parties that was tenfold
You wore virtually no clothes, pretty much forcing Nate's eyes to glue to your thighs, your waist, your ass as it peaked out from your shorts
He also liked how you kept your body hairless, just like Maddy
He would be repulsed if you didn't, so when you raise your arms as you dance, he notices your freshly shaved arms and armpits
After Maddy and Nate were finally broken up, more parties happened
And even though girls tried and succeed to get with Nate, he didn't care for them
They were hookups to him, he noticed them once they put themselves out in front of him
But you
Nate noticed you the second you walked into any party
Maybe it was because when you walked in, people rushed to you to say hi and kiss and hug
But he couldn't deny that when he arrived at any party, part of him was scanning the room for you
Nate fucking hated it
He couldn't even admit it to himself that he piqued an interest in you
He reminded himself that he wasn't gay, he wasn't a f@g he would say to himself
Nate was tipsy and couldn't take his eyes off of you
He would try to find things he hated about you, but he just thought of how hot you looked as you danced with your friends, guys all up on you after they've had a couple of drinks
He noticed you were heading to the bathroom, so after taking a quick shot of whatever he could find, he followed you
Once you got into the bathroom of whoever was hosting that night, Nate forced his way in and locked the door behind him
"What the fuck Nate!?" You shout, scared by the current situation
"Shut up.." Nate mumbles as he gets closer to you
His rough hand cups tour cheek
You look up at the muscular Jock, his eyes hazy looking into yours
Nate focused on your lips, then your eyes, then you lips again
His hand was warm on your cheek
He gave in finally and kissed you
It felt warm, definitely wet and definitely very passionate
Like Nate had been waiting a while to do this
A moan slipped out of your mouth into his as the two of you made out
Nate's other hand snaking around your waist
You can feel his muscles against your body as Nate moans into your mouth, his hand on your cheek feeling hot
Nate's tongue toyed with yours as you closed your eyes, his fingers tracing circles on your skin
You felt his hard-on poke you, Nate groaning into your mouth as he pushes his dick against yours
He picks you up, Nate's strong, huge arms holding you up from under your thighs, your arms around his neck as the two of you keep making-out
The sound of lips crashing against one another and muffled moans echo inside the bathroom
Nate grinds his hard dick up against your ass
You feel lightheaded and hot, breaking the kiss and gasping for air, resting your forehead on Nate's built shoulder
"Hey... Help me out here, (y/n)" Nate whispers breathlessly into your ear, making a point of grinding up against you
"Oh yeah? And how should I do that?" You reply, just as breathlessly
More kissing takes place as Nate let's you down from his arms
His hot tongue dancing around yours, Nate's rough, big hands rubbing all over your body
You get on your knees and Nate leans against the sink counter, his body looking godly as you look up at Nate with hooded eyes
He was big, you could feel it through his loose shorts
You remember little from that night, but you definitely remember the sounds that Nate made, he was convinced that was the best head of his life
The two of you became a regular thing, he would bully u less in exchange for late night hookups in his car
He would pull up to your house, text you to come outside and wouldn't say a word to you until he pulled up to your hookup spot
The drive over was always interesting, you'd always wear something Nate liked, you could see his dick hard in his pants and Nate would look over at every chance he got but he would stay silent
He would put your seat down and start kissing you, the windows steaming up as the two of you dry hump each other as you make out
He would start gently with you, but soon Nate would get too horny and fuck you senseless
It was never more than that, you didn't allow yourself to fall for Nate cause he bullied u and was a closeted cunt
He was a dick after the two of you fucked, he would let you both calm down and then tell you to dress back up
He'd drive you home and say "night" and that's all
But Nate was surely falling for you though, after sex he could pretend to fall asleep just to hold you
His big body on top of yours, your cum and his drying on yours and his stomach, sweat making you stick to his seat but tiredness allowing you to fall asleep with him
He liked how big he was compared to you, Nate would get up after you fall asleep and admire you
He hated himself for it, but in the moment he couldn't care less
You looked hot, covered in his spit and sweat and cum, looking peaceful and moonlit as you sleep
Nate eventually invested in baby wipes that he would keep in his car, wiping you down gently as you slept, dressing you up and driving you home, but once you wake up, Nate would continue with his silence and drop you home with a short "night"
But you'd notice... you were wearing his sweatshirt
His massive sweatshirt which smelt like him and felt warm against your skin...
Fuck. You like the cunt that bullied you relentlessly and that is very much closeted
But after that, the two of u became somewhat exclusive (only secretly) Nate really showed how toxic he gets
Cause nobody knew the two of you were a thing, girls would jump on him and he would do nothing about it
Maddy didn't dare talk to him, she was better than that, but other girls definitely tried to get with Nate
He never actually did anything with them, but Nate didn't care that you saw how they all flirted with him, and he really didn't care how that made you feel
Most nights would end in arguments over text on Nate's harem of girls that would flirt with him
He would always play innocent and call you crazy, but you'd never let him gaslight you, so most nights the two of you wouldn't be on talking terms
That is until he goes through the effort of posting an "I'm sorry" card through your letterbox
He won your little game every time he apologised, because you're always sure he means it, that is until he fucks up again the next day
One day you had enough, binned his letter and stopped talking to him
Nate was fuming, he spend 6 hours in the gym that day
You had 23 un-opened snaps and messages from him
It stressed him out you wouldn't talk to him - he did like you, he was also frustrated that you were withholding sex, but most of all he was terrified you would out him
He heard that you had a free house that day and turned up at your house, forcing hid way in when you opened the door - reminiscing of that first night
A lot of shouting ensued
But after that... a LOT of making out followed
You were sat on your bed, grinding against each other, you sat on Nate's lap as you made out for ages
Once Nate started begging to let him fuck you, you stripped down for him
At some point during the night, you though you had broken your bed, from the amount of creaking you two were causing
But the night ended well nonetheless
Nate made you watch as he blocked everyone of the girls that liked him
The two of you made out until you were too tired to keep going
Nate slept over for the first time, he felt comfortable
You body against his, sleeping on his huge chest
For the first time ever, Nate wasn't arguing with himself over his very homo actions
He just let himself feel you and enjoy you as he fell asleep
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
Could you maybe do possessive Amelia Shepherd with a strap on, where she gets jealous of someone talking to reader, drags reader to an oncall room and takes what’s hers. Xoxo
You're Mine
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Amelia Shepherd x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, NSFW, established relationship, sex, strap-on, dominance, some explicit language (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: A misogynistic new surgeon has all the women residents on their toes, and it seems the only way to beat out the boys for surgeries is by flirting. But your girlfriend, Amelia, does not like it. She takes it upon herself to remind you just who you belong to.
You sprinted through the halls of Grey-Sloan, rushing to answer a page to the neuro unit. You hoped against hope for a surgery–any surgery. Neuro wasn’t your specialty but, at this point, you’d take anything.
You’d spent the better half of the morning flirting and sucking up to Dr. Wooten–the cardiothoracic surgeon who was filling in for Teddy while she was on parental leave. You couldn’t stand him–none of the women could. He clearly favored the male residents, and was known to trade sexual favors for surgery. You weren’t interested in any sexual favors, but he didn’t know that. And flirting was harmless. He was an extraordinarily hairy man, and every time you got a glimpse of chest hair poking out the collar of his scrubs, you were reminded of how very, very gay you were.
Nevertheless, you’d turned on the charm as best you could, but it had all been for nothing. Despite kissing his ass all day, he’d once again pulled one of the male residents in for an emergency thoracotomy. This page to neuro was your last hope for a surgery before you hit too many hours and had to go home.
But when you reached the neuro floor, there didn’t seem to be any emergencies. No emergent situations. No one even to say, “Oh, Y/N! Good, you’re here.” You checked the page again to be sure you’d gotten the instructions right:
Neuro. NOW. Urgent. –AS
The AS was for Amelia Shepherd, Chief of Neurosurgery. She was also Amelia Shepherd, your girlfriend, but you both had a strict no-personal-stuff-on-pagers rule. If she’d paged you, it was for work. And if Amelia said it was urgent, it was urgent.
You poked around a few doorways, glanced in a few rooms, asked if anyone had seen her at the nurse’s station. You’d just been about to give up and at least watch Dr. Wooten’s surgery, when a hand shot out of a doorway and grabbed your scrubs.
“Ow!” you exclaimed, more out of surprise than injury, as Amelia jerked you into an on-call room and slammed you into the door, reaching behind you to lock it.
You didn’t even have time to question why you were there before her lips were on yours. She kissed you hard, so hard it almost hurt. And the force with which she held you there, hands on your waist–you knew you’d have bruises tomorrow.
“Amy,” you groaned, when she came up for air. “The pagers are for surgery, not sex!”
“That was before,” she said, yanking your pants down.
“Jesus Christ!” you exclaimed, blushing. “Before what!?”
Despite your confusion, you could already feel yourself getting aroused. It didn’t take much with Amelia. It never did.
“I saw you,” she said, accusingly, making you gasp as she ran her fingers through your folds. “Flirting with that cardio surgeon.”
“Wooten!?” you said, laughing a little, then wincing as Amelia sank her teeth into your pulse point. “Honey. He’s a pig. I’m just trying to get on a surgery.”
“I don’t like it when you fuck with other surgeons,” she seethed, kneading your breasts in her hands, a mixture of pain and pleasure.
“I’m not fucking with anyone but you,” you protested. Amelia heaved in front of you, her face a mixture of anger and jealousy and, beneath it all, fear.
“Prove it,” she said, pulling down her own pants to reveal a thick, purple strap-on.
You startled. “Did you wear a strap to work?!”
“No talking,” she said, turning you around and shoving you into the wall face-first. You whimpered as she traced the strap over your entrance, teasing you. “The only thing I want to hear from you is who you belong to.”
You rolled your eyes. Who knew Dr. Amelia Shepherd was so insecure? She shoved herself into you without warning and you gasped, squirming and trying to adjust to the feeling of her inside you. But Amelia didn’t give you any time. She started thrusting into you, her hips ramming into your ass again and again. It was just the right amount of painful to drive you over the edge and you felt yourself pushing back, eager to feel Amelia deeper and deeper inside of you.
“Who do you belong to?” Amelia asked, her voice rough with lust and effort.
“You,” you whined, reaching down to circle your clit with your fingers.
“That’s right,” she confirmed, grabbing onto your hips and pulling you toward her for more friction. “Who else makes you feel this good?”
You moaned. It was getting harder and harder to form coherent thoughts, let alone words. “Only you,” you whimpered.
Amelia could tell you were about to come, could hear your ragged breathing, feel the way you pressed into her harder and harder. She grabbed your hair and tugged and you cried out. “Amy, I’m gonna come!"
“You’re mine,” Amelia hissed, her breath hot in your ear as you tumbled over the edge, legs shaking, bracing yourself against the wall. “Say it.”
You covered your mouth with your hands in an effort to stifle your moans and whimpers; you were all too aware that the on-call rooms weren’t sound proof. You felt another stab of pleasure shoot through you as Amy tugged your hair once more, placing an open-mouthed kiss on your cheek. You heaved and shook, and she held you up, strong arms around your waist.
“I’m yours, Amy,” you heaved, wiping sweat from your forehead. “I’m only yours, you know that.”
You turned around to look at her, and you saw that she still looked scared, almost sad. You placed a hand on her cheek and leaned in to meet her eyes. “Amy. It’s only you for me, okay? You don’t need to worry.”
“You’re mine,” she whispered, leaning her forehead on your shoulder. It was halfway between a question and a statement.
“I’m yours,” you confirmed, running a hand through her hair, and she let out a shaky sigh. You chuckled a little as she melted into you. “Next time just say you’re jealous.”
She swatted at your arm, but beamed at you, leaning in for one more kiss.
“Sorry,” she said sheepishly, undoing the strap.
“Well, I’m certainly not.” You smirked, pulling your pants back up. You placed a kiss on the corner of Amelia’s mouth, grinning. “I gotta get back to my actual job. See you later, Dr. Shepherd. Thanks for the break.”
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sodamnradd · 3 days
“Don’t look,” murmured Theo, twirling a lock of Hermione’s hair around his finger. “But I think he’s jealous.”
“Who?” she whispered, desperately wanting to peek.
“Draco,” he said, caressing her cheek to keep her from checking. “He hasn’t stopped staring at you.”
“In sheer disgust? Draco despises me.”
At work yesterday, he’d insulted her penmanship. Again. Visiting her office for the third day in a row with her memo torn up in scraps, claiming her ‘barbaric handwriting’ was illegible.
“I don’t think so,” he said, leaning in close to make it seem like he was whispering sweet nothings into her ear. She plastered on a dreamy smile and looked up at him through mascara-coated lashes. “It’s a ruse, you know. Him and Astoria. They’re planning a public break up in a week or two. She’s secretly dating a Quidditch player—a half-blood.”
“The horror,” she replied with a feigned gasp. “Is that all you Slytherins do? Scheme and show off?”
“And fall in love with the wrong people,” he replied with a faraway look in his eyes, straightening when a shadow loomed over them. “Alright, mate?”
Malfoy stood at their table, tall and cross. “May I have a word, Granger?”
Theo nudged her ankle under the table and gave her a knowing grin. She shook her head, refusing to buy into his nonsense. Malfoy was probably here to insult her hair or tell her that pink made her look frumpy.
Before she could tell Malfoy to leave them alone, Theo kissed her cheek and told her not to take too long.
She was left with no choice but to follow Malfoy into the rose garden, away from the gossiping crowd. “What is it?” she demanded, prepared for his regular bullshit.
“I saw something earlier that you should know about.” The grave look on his face sparked her interest. “Look. I know I give you a hard time at work now and again—but I’ve come to… to care…” He paused and tried again. “I mean… I think you deserve… not that I…”
“Malfoy,” she said sharply.
He expelled a long breath, then blurted out, “Theo and Potter are fooling around behind your back. I saw them inside earlier.”
She was floored. And then she felt an odd rush of affection for the stormy man standing before her. It had obviously taken a lot to suck up his pride and tell her that. What had he said? Something about caring?
“I’m sorry, Granger.” He hugged her, smushing her face against his warm chest. “Don’t cry. He was probably afraid he’d get caught by his father and used you as a cover up. People do lousy things when they’re desperate. Take it from someone who knows.”
“I’m not crying,” she mumbled, nudging him back. Her heart was racing. “I know about him and Harry. We were faking it so Theo’s father would ease off him. Apparently, dating a Muggle-born witch is slightly less offensive than being gay."
He opened his mouth, then shut it. His cheeks were turning red. It was oddly sweet how he had nothing to say.
“I hear you and Astoria are pulling a similar stunt,” she said in an attempt to make him feel better.
He shrugged; voice strangled. “Family dynamics are fucked out here.”
“Theo says it’s because you all fall in love with the wrong people.” She looked meaningfully into his eyes.
He stared back. “I wouldn’t say ‘wrong’, just...” His gaze was so intense, she felt trapped in it. “…inconvenient.”
“Is that what I am?” she breathed, wondering if Theo was right. Maybe Malfoy wasn’t looking for ways to get under her skin just to be a prick. Maybe he was looking for excuses to get closer to her. “An inconvenience?”
He didn’t verbally respond, but she felt his gaze all over her. The heat emanating off him made her sweat.
She swallowed, overwhelmed. “How long until you and Astoria call it off?”
He tilted his head. “We’re waiting until the Ministry Gala.”
“Maybe Theo and I will split around that time, too,” she suggested, mentally counting down the days and hoping she wasn’t misreading the situation.
His eyelids grew heavy. He licked his lips.
She felt a little drunk with the way he was looking at her.
“Maybe,” she said, stepping closer to fix his tie. He shivered beneath her touch. “You can send me an office memo. Since my handwriting is so offensive.” She tipped her head back, whispering into his ear, “Thank you for telling me about what you saw.”
Hermione left him there speechless, smiling softly to herself as she walked away.
Twelve days later, an office memo nose-dived on her desk. She recognized Malfoy’s pristine handwriting, and considered if maybe hers was a bit messy in comparison.
Dinner tonight in Diagon Alley?
The pink memo bloomed into a rose. She lifted it to her nose, enchanted that it smelled like a real one. But more touched that he wanted to take her out publicly.
Pick me up at 7, she wrote, and let the office memo fly.
(847 words, prompt: fake dating for dramione month)
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asvterias · 1 year
𝖯𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝖡𝗈𝗒 (𝟥)
Part 1 | Part 2
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Warnings: Just Heartfelt Fluff
Pairings: (FWB) Jaime Reyes x (FWB) Black!Fem!Reader, Bestfriend!Milagro x Bestfriend!Reader
Summary: Being friends with benefits with Jamie is hard to keep undercover, in hopes of Milagro never finding out. The number #1 rule is to be strictly sexual and not explore romantic feelings for the other. What happens when that rule is broken?
Word Count: 2.0k+
Tag List: @n7cje @drqcrys @websterss @pxachy-tea @moralesszz @odiesdayoff @allthingsvicf @tinkerbelle05 @alienstardust @lemonyboy97 @alastorhazbin @writing-fanics @gay-dorito-dust @presidentbarbieirl @veronicarose20 @conicoroahre @sodacatz @chaotic-reblogger @horrorluver20 @zipporahsstuff @yutasol @littlekidsteve @illicee @everybody-hates-mills @hoshi4k @violettathewriter @mymanjaimereyes @vampire-grrl @666kpopfan @nutella-directioner-vampeete @ushygushysimp @borhapparker @tessamoreno @stitched-mouth @obrienslove @raebo0421 @loki-is-low-key @tacoreib @staraifos @avitute @dumbperson6 @idyllcy @luvly-writer @june-pop @madnesspea @chaoticbi-cheesecake @daltonshotgf @unreasonablysapphic @planetvenusworld
Author’s Note: What’s this??; not me publishing two parts in one day! Kinda got carried away with the fluffy ending but who cares?! :)
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Spanish Translations
“mi vida.” — “my life.”
“Cálllate, Milagro!” — “Shut up, Milagro!”
“Cálllate, hermano! No me ves teniendo sexo con tu mejor amigo, verdad?” — “You shut up, bro! You don’t see me having sex with your best friend, do you?”
“Uhh, muy grosera, hermana. Estoy parado aquí mismo.” — “Uhh, very rude, sis. I’m standing right here.”
“Bien, entonces no necesitas que me repita.” — “Good, then you don’t need me to repeat myself.”
“No te preocupes, cariño. Sabes que siempre serás mi chica número uno.” — “Don’t worry, babe. You know that you’ll always be my number one girl.”
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Everything seems to be picture perfect as you and Jaime viewed, all hot and bothered in each other’s arms. That was…until shit hit the fan for the both of you.
“Jaime! What the actual fuck are you doing?! And with my best friend?” That voice made your heart stop, instantly breaking out of your bubble. Thoughts of Milagro arriving back and catching you two in the act didn’t cross your mind.
You and Jaime looked at each other like deers caught in headlights as you both stumbled to cover yourselves up with your duvet.
How were you two gonna explain this to Milagro now?
“I’m scarred! For life, I’m permanently scarred.” She covers her eyes despite closing her eyes and leaving the room. Guess she needed double reassurance of security to unsee what she just saw. “(Y/N), where’s the bleach? I need two gallons of it for my eyes.”
“You’ll be fine!” Jaime brushes his sister off.
“Says you; you were the one getting it! Lock the door next time! I’m not ready to be an aunt just yet!” She shouts from the kitchen.
“Shut up, Milagro!” Jaime yells, annoyed at his sister. You got dressed in one of Jaime’s oversized hoodies and slipped into a pair of panties, preparing to leave and talk to Milagro.
“Cállate, hermano! No, me ves teniendo sexo con tu mejor amigo, verdad?”
Her statement causes you to softly giggle at their classical sibling tactics. “We have to go out there and talk to her.”
“No, we don’t,” He brings you in by the waist, tightening his grip so you can’t escape from his loving embrace, “She’s twenty years old, not ten and she’ll get over it.”
“She’s used to seeing me naked, not her older brother.” You defend the situation, your finger wiggling onto his chest. Jaime swiftly got dressed after hearing your concluding sentence.
“Wait, what?” His eyebrows furrowed together in shock and confusion, “When did my sister see you naked?”
“That’s a secret that I’ll take to my grave.” You leave the room.
“What? Why not (Y/N)?” Jaime begrudgingly jumps off the bed and follows after you.
The whole discussion with Milagro was awkward. Why wouldn’t it be awkward? She caught her brother and best friend having sex behind her back. The three of you awkwardly surrounded the small kitchen island, all remaining silent.
“When did this sneaky scandal begin?” That was her first question.
You answered, quickly calculating the time frame. “About two months ago.”
“Are you happy?” She cringes, even at her own words.
“It just happened, Milagro. He was the right guy at the right place and time.” You held her hand, “Please don’t be mad, Millie.”
“I’m not mad. Why would I be mad?”
Your perisan white cat Mimi jumps on the kitchen counter, and walks over to you, her fluffy tail high in the air and meows in your arms when you pick her up.
“So, are we good, Mil?” You nudge her. “All water under the bridge and shit!”
“Of course, we’re good, (Y/N).” Milagro assures you before gesturing over to her brother, “But out of all people, why my idiotic brother? You could do so much better.”
“Uhh, muy grosera, hermana. Estoy parado aquí mismo.”
“Bien, entonces no necesitas que me repita.”
Jaime began to argue until you interrupted him. “Guys, we’re getting off track here.”
“Were you guys drunk….when you two first slept with each other,” Your best friend grimaces in horror, shaking her head as she struggles to her words out. “Never mind, don’t answer that. Is this friends with benefits thing going anywhere?”
“I don’t feel comfortable discussing my sex life with my sister.”
“Well, you’re sleeping with my best friend so I’m required to know where this relationship is going.”
“That’s none of your business, that’s between me and (Y/N).” He finalizes. Mimi gestures over to Jaime, wanting to escape from your hands and into his. You scoff at her sudden switch-up, knowing that she was often clingy with you, barely paying attention to Jaime when he came over.
Mimi curls up into Jaime’s arm and he pets her.
“You know for friends with benefits, you two sure act like a couple.”
“What? Where did you get that idea from?”
“Oh come on, even Nana knew before you two idiots.” Milagro rolled her eyes, “She said; ‘There’s nothing like love at first sight, and your best friend and brother are no different to that infamous saying.’ She mimics her grandmother’s words.
“Wait, Is that why mami and papi were acting so weird with me whenever (Y/N) came to visit?”
“Everyone else knew except the two of you.” You stared at Jaime, unable to decipher his thoughts behind his eyes.
Was it true? Were you and Jaime so oblivious that neither of you noticed when other people started to discover the tension between you two? Did Jaime have feelings for you? If so, you were anxiously waiting for his reaction, hoping that you might have the possibility of becoming a couple.
Milagro’s voice broke you from your train of thought. “Don’t make no babies!” Those were her last words before the door slammed shut.
Dreaded silence lingered around the whole apartment as you thought of what to say.
Luckily, Jaime beat you to it and spoke first. “It was true...what I said earlier.” He hesitates.
Mimi jumps out of Jaime’s hold, and scurries off into the living room on a couch, wanting to escape from this current love confession.
“When you said that it was always me, not any other girl. That you’ll always choose me over any girl.” You clarify, recalling his words from doing extracurricular activities with him earlier.
“Yes, all of that is true. I do have feelings for you, (Y/N). I know we made a pact to remain strictly sexual and nothing beyond that but…I’m breaking it because I’m in love with you.”
“I feel the same way,” You whisper, leaning your foreheads together as you caress his face gently stroking his cheek with your thumb. A smile overtook his face, overjoyed at the reciprocated feelings.
You giggled at him when he picked you up, lifting your feet off the ground as you held him tightly. He spun you around, hearing your marvelous laughter erupt from your mouth, and stopped to give you a wholesome kiss.
“You’re free to back out now because there’s no going back anymore once I have you.”
“Oh no, pretty boy, I have no second thoughts, and neither should you. I’m in it for the long haul, all of you.”
A smirk appears on his face, “All of me?”
You quirk an eyebrow, immediately catching on to your unintentional seductive innuendo.
“Don’t push it.” You peck his lips.
“And you better not be holding out on my well-deserved kisses.” He quips, caressing your face as you gaze into his eyes. The boy puckered his lips, “Now I know that you can do better than that.”
You chuckle in amusement at his humor, sending him a thoughtful intimate kiss, as if you were pouring all of your love and affection into it. This time his lips are soft, melting onto your plump brown ones.
When you pull away from him, he gives you a dumbfounded expression, hazy from the powerful kiss.
“Oh yeah, I could certainly get used to this.” He nods, beaming when you pull him in for another kiss.
“Red’s definitely your color.” He says referring to your shade of lipstick as he disconnected your lips. Little does he know that he’s sharing the same faint lipstick on his mouth…and certain parts of his body. “I don’t know why you don’t wear it more often.”
“Because I’m working most of the time, Reyes.”
“Yeah, but when you’re off work, it’s a different story. You should absolutely wear red lipstick occasionally, you look even sexier in red.” You narrowed your eyes at him, urging him to elaborate, noticing his shyness replacing confidence. “Not that you need makeup to look sexier. I was just— meant to say that you do whatever you want to do.”
“Well, I do know that I look sexy in red, Jaime.” You tease him. “But I think that you prefer me with nothing at all. Just all natural, isn’t that right?” Although he grew used to your confidence, you still rendered him clueless and flustered at times.
Mimi brushes against your legs, making her presence known again, causing you to pull away from Jaime. Picking her up gently, she meowed in affection.
“You also have a stepdaughter now.” You held up Mimi excitedly, waving your medium-sized cat in front of your boyfriend.
He laughs as Mimi reaches out for Jaime. Your cat cuddles into his embrace and lounges her body all over him.
“Kiss-ass,” You mutter folding your arms, avoiding eye contact with either of them, hating that your boyfriend’s attention is already being stolen away by your cat, “Just so you know, I’m not fighting with my daughter over my boyfriend.”
With Mimi comfortably adjusted on his left arm, he stretches his other arm across your shoulder, pulling you into his side. You have to crane your neck just to look up at him because he is almost nearly 6 feet tall.
“No te preocupes, cariño. Sabes que siempre serás mi chica número uno.” He places a kiss on your temple, content when you snuggle into his body, wrapping your arms around his waist.
The cat cuddling Jaime screeches in betrayal, seemingly understanding the different language.
“Apparently, Mimi understands Spanish as well.” He jokes, looking down at the cat, whose eyes narrow down in annoyance and disappointment. Attempting to bring up Mimi’s mood, he scratches her head and kisses her on the head as well. The persian cat purrs lovingly in response as she rests her head on his chest.
You swoon over the wholesome interaction between your boyfriend and your dear cat.
“I love you, mi vida.” He kisses your cheek.
“I love you too, my pretty boy.”
Perhaps some rules were made to be broken, exploring the boundaries and the depth of the type of relationship. Either way, you finally had Jaime and you were never letting go of him. Hopefully, your new healthy relationship will transpire into a long-term relationship, full of mutual respect, admiration, and most importantly, communication. He was determined to make him the best boyfriend that you dated.
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likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2023. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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pearlofthesirens · 6 months
You're Mine- Valeria x Fem!Reader(wlw)
my first ever wlw fic!! i feel like valeria doesn't get much love in the fandom either but i'm ready to be gay for her.
summary: Valeria is not afraid to show you that she loves you, even if it means to drop her tough girl attitude outside your lovely household
pairing: Valeria Garza x Fem!Reader
warnings: she/her pronouns used, internalized homophobia, slight cursing
now playing: Sofia by Clairo
word count: 1208 words(one thousand two hundred and eight words)
"I-I cannot explain why I feel this way."
"It's supposed to be wrong but I cannot stop it."
"I think I'm in love with you, Val."
Love. It was such a strange word to her, yet she never got tired of hearing it. What did it mean anyway? Caring for someone? She cared for her men, her money, the drugs she smuggles into the country, and she definitely did care for the reputation she had in Las Almas. But did she love them? Did she love all this?
A simple answer would be no. Because in a singular word, El Sin Nombre could easily say that her love was that one person who would place gentle kisses on her face and help her relax after a long day of dealing with shit at her job. Her love was that one person who kept an extra rubber band around her wrist just in case she needed to tie her hair, which usually rested in a overgrown bob around her face. Her love was the one she came home to, the one scurrying around in the kitchen to cook her childhood favorite. It was you.
"Need you, mi amor."
"Come here, Val."
Valeria couldn't help but instantly melt in your arms, her tactical vest and gloves discarded messily on the living room floor. She knew she might have to hear her girlfriend nag at her for it, but your sweet voice was worth it.
"Your stuff."
"Later, cariño. Just give me some love right now, won't you?"
You let out a small huff, the look of disbelief on your face when Valeria laid her head on your lap, expectant of some physical affection. Nevertheless, your lips turned upwards and your fingers immediately hooked onto her hair, gently swiping through her black strands as she let out a sigh.
Valeria did not regret a single moment she was with you, ever since you two met in middle school. Best friends was what everyone would call you two, till she started to get pissed about guys hitting on you. Why should they? You're so innocent, they're probably trying to take advantage of it. Her protectiveness was so evident, everywhere you'd go she would be there to hold your hand and lead you.
You didn't understand the blooming feeling inside your chest until it started to hurt more than you could take. It couldn't be, right? The kind of feelings girls felt for boys, not girls. It was wrong, everyone said it was wrong. Then why did it happen to you? Were you supposed to feel guilty about it?
Valeria was more upfront about how she felt, declaring that she was a single and proud. Yet every time she saw your face smiling back at her, she could feel all the air kicked out of her lungs. Her heartstrings felt violently tugged at whenever you found a wild flower to tuck behind her ear. Or the times you would sit with your face close to hers, focusing on drawing her eyeliner perfectly as her eyes were fixed on your glossy lips. Feeling for your best friend was so cliche, how did she find herself in the same damn situation as those lame telenovelas?
Confessing to her was tougher than when you had to count money at the market for groceries, you were never good at math. Valeria would laugh and return you the change, coins clinging against each other after she sorted out the price of whatever trinket you wanted to buy, not without bargaining a little. Saw a little ring? Cannot be too much, a pretty girl like you deserves it. A small cat carved out of wood? You shouldn't pay, consider it as a gift from your best friend.
It wasn't until you were crying in her arms, tired of the world beating you down, that you realized how you much you had actually fallen for her. Yes, it was love indeed. Pure romantic love. Her arms around you, her gentle voice consoling you, everything she did just increased the urge you had to kiss her on that spot.
"It's okay, life gets shitty sometimes."
"Val, I-"
"No, it's okay. I'm happy to be there for you, you're my best friend after all-"
"No Valeria listen!"
She was surprised to see you raise your voice for the first time since you two met, you were never like this. There certainly must be something that had been bothering you for a long time.
"This will come off very weird to you and I don't even know why I'm feeling this. But it is happening and I don't know how to stop or handle this. It's just so hard."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm in love with you, Val. And not in the way I say that I love you when you're being friendly. I'm in love with you like I want to kiss you and pull you closer and tell you about my day"
"Hold on, wait what-?"
It was as if her heart had erupted like a volcano at your words. You loved her? Is that what you were feeling all this time? Those shy glances and making paper rings for her, did all of it mean this?
"I cannot explain why I feel this way but I do..and it hurts so bad to ignore it.."
Standing alone at the balcony of your house, you let the cool breeze mess up your freshly dried hair from the shower. Your smile grew wider when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, gently pulling you back to their owner. Valeria rested her chin on your shoulder, your cheek pressed against her head as you two stood with your back against her chest.
"Do you know how much I love you with your hair down like this, mi amor?"
"I don't think you've ever failed to let me know how much you love me, baby."
"Hmm good. You're mine."
"All yours, love."
"Munequita, you don't know how much I love you."
"I love you too, Val."
Her hands immediately spun you around to face her, one hand on your waist and the other behind your head. You let out a giggle, keeping your arms around her neck. Her brown eyes always softened for you, never once she had thought about treating you with anything but love. The strong hands made to hold a gun could also touch you like you were made of glass.
"Thank you for always being there for me."
It was Valeria's turn to giggle, smiling ear to ear as she lowered herself closer to you. Her thumb gently kneaded your waist, your warm breath hitting her lips.
"You know I'm here to stay, right? Wouldn't have done otherwise, cariño."
The last thing you saw was how her cheeks flushed a little before a pair of lips smashed against yours, earning a little yelp from you. She could feel you smiling in the kiss, not letting her tongue take control yet. Only Valeria knew that she couldn't stop even if she wanted to. She wanted to feel you, all of you, and your love. A single kiss wasn't enough, it was never going to be enough.
proofread ✓
pearly venus, 18:20 240330
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intothedysphoria · 6 days
Steve Harrington went missing on the 17th of August, 2023. All that was left was an unfinished manuscript of his dark gay romance novel. What most people didn’t know, however, was that he’d been sucked into his own laptop.
Waking up on the cold, slightly damp ground of a battlefield, Steve found a golden skinned, golden haired man lurking over him. A man Steve already knew was called Billy and had “the most magnificent penis in the land”, in his own words.
Well that answered the question of which character he was inhabiting. Kind of.
The main character Steve had written for this particular novel was based on the West Hollywood demon twinks that frequented Steve’s local gay bars. Samuel was somehow both tiny and had a fat ass and had no body hair in sight.
Steve’s father was an Algerian Sephardic Jew and Steve had inherited both his strong nose and body hair. Looking down at the skin tone of his hands, Steve was definitely still himself. So much for dream logic.
Billy did what he’d been written to do in the narrative and hoisted Steve’s body across his chest in a bridal carry. It was even more erotic than how Steve had written it and he decided to go along with the dream/ hallucination he was clearly having.
It was only when they’d gotten back to the hut Steve had written for him and Billy just dropped him like a hot stone because he was bleeding so heavily, Steve realised that this wasn’t just going to be his narrative. Here, Billy was a real person. Steve was going to have to take care of him.
Frantically patting down his pockets, Steve came out with lint, a five dollar bill, Dustin’s inhaler and some very mild pain medication for Steve’s back. None of those seemed particularly helpful.
Relying entirely on Heather Holloway’s first aid training from that summer of being a lifeguard and his grandmothers love of herbal remedies, Steve managed to find something to stop the bleeding, created a paste to hopefully prevent infection and shakily stitch him up.
Billy wasn’t dead by the end of it, which Steve counted as a win.
In the book, Billy was just a brooding celtic warrior who was a secret sweetheart and was very good at sex. Actually being in his world had given Billy significant extra depth.
He was quite vain, constantly preening over his hair and adored the sea. His favourite colour was a deep shade of blue, he was a very competent cook and his relationship with his family, particularly his dad had made him suspicious of just about anything that Steve did.
Still, he kept Steve in his hut, fellow villagers sometimes coming in and out with questioning looks at Steve, particularly Billy’s younger sister Max. Most of them asked if Steve was a Roman. Which made sense considering Steve had set the story in Roman era rural Scotland.
Steve was not a Roman, Billy always explained defensively, as if he was scared that they were going to take Steve away from him. There was something protective in Billy’s voice which made Steve feel safe and cared for.
Really, considering that Billy was very clearly his own man, there was no reason for the romance that had started in the story to develop. Billy had free will, he was complex and really had every reason not to turn into the the man who was willing to kill to keep Steve safe.
The flowers started regardless.
Small bunches of wildflowers placed beside his bed, not pristine but glowing with affection. It was how it had started for Samuel. Steve had thought it was really so romantic when he was writing it.
Now, he was concerned.
Steve was only half convinced he was living in a very long dream at this point. If demogorgons could exist, so could alternate universes. Even if they were alternate universes Steve had created himself.
In that case, Steve had a moral dilemma on his hands. He could either just take the situation at face value and enjoy being adored by a gorgeous warrior or he could fess up and tell Billy that he’d was essentially a piece of fiction.
After a night of worrying, Steve chose the latter.
Billy, quite understandably thought he’d gone mad after Steve wove him the tale of how exactly he’d came into existence.
Steve took a moment to enjoy the cuddle and the gentle fussing that Billy was giving him.
Then he mentioned Samuel and Billy went very quiet.
He had a vague memory of his old love interest. Of being a two dimensional romantic lead. Of being eye candy on a proposed book cover. But he preferred Steve.
Billy told him about how much he loved Steve’s laugh, the way his nose crinkled when he didn’t like something, the compassion he’d shown Billy day after day.
He loved being human as well. He loved feeling and fearing and loving and hating and every emotion he was given.
Steve had given that to him.
And that was when Steve knew he definitely wasn’t in a dream.
He did maintain the title of the most magnificent penis in all the land in Steve’s opinion. And the best kisser.
But hearing the words “I love you” was the best of all of it.
This is an (early by like a day) birthday present for @shieldofiron. Saf you are one of the most intelligent, funny, creative and kind people I have ever met, a truly amazing fandom best friend and I really hope you enjoy this.
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for-a-longlongtime · 8 months
JOIN US for the Triple Frontier 5th Anniversary Write-A-Thon!
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Hosted by @romanarose and @for-a-longlongtime
Hello everyone!
March 13th 2024 will be the 5 year anniversary of Triple Frontier, a movie that was underrated but very precious to us all. Whether Frankie Fridays rock your world, you're a Benny kinda-person, you've got a thing for Santi, or are counting everything all the time just like Will - there are so many of us.
Charlie Hunnam announced recently that there is potential for a sequel; he is trying to get it in production and has signed on as a producer. Do we want this? HELL. YEAH. Let's be real, we've probably all thought about how that would go. So @romanarose and I wanted to drum up a little extra excitement all over the place and spread some love for this movie that many of us have watched so many times! (Probably every week. I have no shame admitting this.)
Here's what's happening
It's super simple: create a fanfic of Triple Frontier, any way you like and with any characters you want. Most people will be inclined to write a story, but we always greatly welcome other artistic interpretations. We've listed some content rules below just to make sure it's fun and accessible for everybody, so please check it out. This is for both art and fanfiction. We encourage you to utilize Twitter or Instagram if you’d like to share either, and #triplefrontier or #triplefrontier2019 on any site you post on! Even if you don't plan to participate, please feel free to share this (or other) posts.
Please note you do NOT have to write a 'sequel' to TF; any fic with any Triple Frontier character will do, in pretty much any situation. A 500 word ficlet will be awesome, as will a 20K story, a painting or digital art be!
🏳‍🌈 We are highly encouraging LGBT themes and for you to think outside of x f!reader. 🏳‍🌈 
👉 If you are writing reader insert, we strongly encourage you to encompass a broad scope of readers if you aren't going to specify the demographic. 👈 (FYI, @idolatrybarbie made a great, important post about the need of inclusive reader inserts a couple of months ago.)
All fics that fall under the rules are encouraged, so if you write Santiago Garcia x afab!f!reader, that’s great! But we’d like to take this time to encourage gay/bi pairings, trans readers, gender neutral characters or readers, or even trans interpretations of the boys. Branch out!
🚨 When you post, PLEASE tag @triplefrontier-anniversary on Tumblr and we will reblog it there. We also may reblog onto our main. Please follow that page to see what other people are writing! In the tags, please tag it triple frontier write a thon, just to make everything easily found.
If you want to post art that Tumblr doesn’t allow things like nude art, link the content in a Tumblr post, like a Twitter link, and we’ll reblog that!
If you exclusively write on AO3 or Wattpad or other, you can either make a link on a Tumblr post and tag us. Or message @romanarose privately and they’ll get this set up for you so we can reblog.
Triple Frontier Write-A-Thon Rules
We will run from March 1st to March 14th. Fics and art posted before or after will not be counted - we're trying to keep things manageabel!
This is not a dark event, sorry! Some of us enjoy dark content but wanted to keep this particular event mostly non-dark. That being said, we will allow dub con in the context of mild alcohol use, power dynamics etc. Nothing cooercive, anything sexual should be done with consent. Mostly we are looking to avoid non-con/violence. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to reach out to us!
All participants must be 18+, although smut is not required
No incest, including Millercest. No underage content, no grooming, no - do we really need to list it all here? Again, this is not a dark fic thing.
We have the right to exclude any fic that makes us uncomfortable. It’s our event.
However, we will NOT be excluding people for personal biases, unless it encroaches on our boundaries. This event is to promote Triple Frontier, not about us.
LGBTQ+ characters and themes are highly encouraged, not required. Any fandom thrives when it's inclusive, so we want to explicitely welcome and encourage authors to be themselves and write what they want! Or perhaps even try something new, if so far you've only written P boys x f!reader/OFC.
Tom is allowed. We’re not gonna tell you not to include him if that’s what your little heart desires. However, we highly encourage that your work includes at least one of the usual four guys.
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(We don't know WHY you would want this but but FINE. If you must...)
We hope everyone has fun and that this will drum up some more Triple Frontier fics! It's just a fun little thing we want to do in order to celebrate all of you as authors, artists and the movie/characters that have made such an impact on many of us.
Once we start reblogging your entries at @triplefrontier-anniversary starting March 1st, remember to reblog and comment to support artists!
Please come to @romanarose or me with any questions!
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PS: Just to make sure there's no confusion - this write-a-thon is explicitely about the Triple Frontier characters, so there's no RPF.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
......you already know what....anyway dancer!reader and fuckshit established relationship. Reader has a full ride scholarship to a really popular and well know dance academy but doesn't tell fuckshit because they planned a party to reveal it. Also fuckshit is very supportive of readers dream but he's going through that phase where he feels that he has nothing going for himself....and then you know the crash happens and reader becomes paralyzed from his waist down (i was gonna do from their back down so he grateful lmao <33) and that's when reader and their parents tell the gang about his scholarship and fuckshit just feels horrible.....reader also doesn't want to see him....ilyy
♣️ I hate you. you know I know who you are.
FUCKSHIT ; selfish
summary ; you have a full ride scholarship to a dance academy, as gay as it may sound, you wanted to reveal it to your friends after the skate competition, but it didn't go so well
warnings ; language, car accident, mentions of alcohol, & drugs
genre ; angst
word count ; 1.4k
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Your mood had been ruined today. You wanted to tell your boyfriend and friends that you'd finally got a scholarship to Juilliard, a dance college, a full ride, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak about it. Stevie and Ruben got in a little fight, Ray wasn't talking to Fuckshit since he was wasted all day and embarrassed him. And you didn't want to talk to anyone now, you didn't want to make the situation any worse.
Fourthgrade sits behind Fuckshit, Ruben next to him, and Ray on the opposite end. Stevie sits in the middle console seat on your left, and Fuckshit in the driver's seat. You sit in the front passenger seat, staring out the window, hoping to God your depressed, drunk boyfriend wouldn't kill you all.
Fuckshit was going through a little phase where he felt like he had nothing going for him, feeling as if he were worthless. All he was living for was partying and drugs, apparently.
You'd been sober for a couple months now, learning that throwing your dreams away because you were mentally unstable wasn't a good idea. You cared about your future while Fuckshit didn't, which started some arguments and fights here and there. You were just worried about him in all honesty, and he'd get jealous that you talked to Ray about the future instead of with him. You needed someone to bounce back on and agree with you, not someone to just nod and half ass listen to you. He was supportive of you and your attempt to make dance your career, but sometimes he didn't know how to properly show it.
You'd been trying to help him find a place in the world, to give him a head start like what you had. You didn't even know what you were doing but you were making an attempt at least.
You imagine you were off at your new school, come two years' time, the new environment, the new people, being able to do the one thing you loved more than skating. It sounded like a dream. It still did, really. All that hard work finally amounted to something, something that you could make yourself out of. You fantasize about your career, yet you're snapped out of it, realizing that leaving everything and everyone you knew was going to be difficult and hurt, a lot.
But now, you listen to Ray, trying to convince Fuckshit to drop you all off at home. You roll your eyes, hearing him mumble something about how you guys weren't gonna ruin his mood.
You turn to the curly haired blonde, tiredness pulling your eyes down. "Dude, stop. Just take us home"
"No! Now you're ganging up on me too?"
"I'm not! Do whatever the fuck you want, dickhead. Just let me out" You speak, unbuckling your seatbelt.
"Let me out, right now!" You exclaim, pulling at the handle beside you, seeing the sidewalk right outside.
You hate this, you feel like your parents arguing, your friends acting as you, hiding in silence in the back.
"Pull over, please-"
Your eyes reflect bright headlights, blinding you as you swing your arm over to protect Stevie beside you. Your ears are defeaned by car horns and breaking glass.
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You awaken slowly, nurses standing over you, one rushing in food to place in front of you. You notice your face is all tingly, and your arms and hands are covered in bruises and scratches.
You talk to the ladies before they disperse and grant your friends entrance to the room, which smelt like clorox wipes, the lighting an eerie cool. The others had some cuts and bruises here and there, but Stevie's arm is covered by a cast, signed by the other four.
You almost gasp as you see him, "Holy shit, are you okay?"
He nods with a little smile, "Yeah, I'm good"
You blink a bit, looking up to Fuckshit who's unable to look back at you. You scan the others, their expressions somber.
"What? Did someone die or something?" You question them.
Ray looks at Fuckshit, slapping his shoulder to deem him responsible.
The blonde sighs before sitting down next you on the hospital bed, fitted with light blue sheets with a little white pattern. He fidgets with his fingers before looking back up at Ray, who raises a hand towards you and mouths something to him.
Fuckshit finally looks at you, biting the inside of his cheek. "Y'know that scholarship to Juilliard?"
"How do you know about that?" You quickly question, running a hand through your hair.
His gaze shifts down, "Your mom came in earlier and yelled at me"
"What's it have to do with my scholarship?"
"...You can't go anymore"
"Why not?" You ask, the inflection in your voice becoming more stern.
Fuckshit looks back up at the other boys, then back to you. "Uhm, you're paralyzed from the waist down. Doctors said you probably won't walk again"
Your eyes widen as you stare at him in silence, thinking this was some sort of prank to make you not as mad at him for the accident, you're unable to believe him. He watches as you try to move your legs to a criss-cross position, but they remain straight underneath the blue blanket covering you. You look back up at him, feeling an overwhelming sense of anger building in your chest.
"What the fuck?"
He's silent, staring down at his shoes. "I'm sorry"
"You're sorry? You're sorry? You're fucking kidding me! You are a fucking asshole! You selfish piece of shit, I fucking hate you!" You yell, your voice becoming louder and louder as you shout at him. "You fucking selfish asshole! You stole my dream from me, and you think 'I'm sorry' is gonna help you? You can't fix a broken body with a shit, half-assed apology. It's about time you learned that"
Ray holds Stevie a little close, seeing his uneasiness in the hospital and while you were screaming at Fuckshit.
After a moment, the blonde begins to fight back, and once he gets a sentence or two out of just degrading you and blaming you, Ray pulls him back. Fourthgrade hugs you, letting you cry into his shoulder while the two teens talk in the hallway. Ruben and Stevie sit on the other side of you, doing their best to try and comfort you.
"What the fuck? What the hell?" You quickly sputter, digging your fingers into Fourthgrade's arms to try and sense some sort of reality to make sure this wasn't some sick dream.
Eventually, you calmed down a bit, and the scrawny boy decides to cheer you up a bit, as you'd ask, with the little movie he'd been making the past couple of months. He inserted the VHS into the player under the TV, and watched your expression go from teary-eyed to a light smile.
Ray and Fuckshit walk back in, looking like the typical mother and child who just got scolded duo. Fuckshit stands awkwardly at your side, halfway hiding behind Fourthgrade in case you regain motion in your legs and tried to pounce on him.
Ray begins, watching Ruben replay the VHS on the TV for you. "Fuckshit has something to tell you" He glares over at the blonde, taking notice of Stevie turning the volume down some so you could converse.
You look up at him, unable to really hold eye contact for long.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got wasted and didn't want to listen to you, and I crossed a major line not letting you out the car and shit... I don't have an excuse for saying all that shit to you a minute ago, but it's not how I really feel, I was... I was just trying to win, I guess" He shrugs, pulling at the ends of his curls a bit. "I know you're never gonna forgive me for fuckin', I don't wanna say mutilate..., like, ruining your life, and that's fine. I just wanna see you happy and succeed and overcome this, and I'm so sorry for taking your dream away, and I am selfish for that-"
"Just get out" You mumble, quickly shutting him up. "Please" You look back down at your fidgeting fingers, resting in your lap. "I need to process shit, okay,? Fuck, I don't wanna worry about this right now"
He nods, stuffing his hands in his pockets before leaving with his head hung low.
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pitchsidestories · 5 months
eras of us (2) II Ona Batlle x Reader
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part 1 I masterlist I word count: 2662
a/n: the second and final part to eras of us with the promised happy ending, enjoy. <3
Barcelona had changed since Onas departure. Or at least it felt like it. She had been such an integral part of your daily life that you constantly found yourself longing for her presence in every situation. Every time you went to training, you were painfully reminded that you were without your best friend.
Time and time again, you tried to convince yourself that this was a decision that every football player would have to make at some point in their career. Still, you could not shake the weird mix of feelings that her transfer had created.
Of course, your team mates noticed that your mood had changed.
After a particular hard training in the Catalonian sun, Leila took you aside before you could disappear into the dressing room: “Ona… she misses you.“
You frowned at her, not sure where the conversation about Ona had come from. “Oh, sure. I think Ona seems very happy on the recent pictures she’s been posting.“, you replied and tried to push past Leila.
Mapi passed the two of you and gave you a wink: “Looks can be deceiving.“
“Listen to her. She’s got that tattooed.“, Leila grinned.
You rolled your eyes. As if anyone could miss the tattoo on Mapis throat.
“Yeah, I know what I’m talking about.“, Mapi laughed, stopping right next to you.
Shaking your head about your two team mates, you heaved a deep sigh: “But what am I supposed to do?“
A mischievous smirk appeared on Leilas face as she reached into the pocket of her warm-up jacket. She handed you a small envelope.
“No worries. Here is your ticket to Manchester and your return ticket to Barcelona.“
Speechless, you just stared at her and Mapi for a few seconds. How long had they planned that?
“You girls are insane!“, you finally exclaimed.
“No, we’re the best.“, Mapi corrected you.
“Thank you!“ You hugged both of them quickly, an inexplicable smile on your lips.
“Yeah, just remember to names us as team mates of the year.“, Leila joked.
You laughed: “I promise I will.“
“But now go before you miss your flight.“, Leila said, moving out of your way.
“Okay, got it. See you two soon!“, you called, hurrying into the dressing room to take a quick shower and race home to pack your suitcase.
“Good luck!“, Mapi shouted after you.
Smiling, Leila watched you disappear into the dressing room while wiping away an imaginary tear: “Our children grow up so fast.“
Alexia who had suddenly appeared next to Mapi, shook her head: “Leila, not all the gays in the team are your children.“
“It feels like they are.“
A few hours later you were at your best friend’s new home in England. Quickly you went up the stairs, feeling slightly breathless once you reached the right floor before you ringed the bell next to her surname plate.
Onas’s jaw dropped when she opened the door to her appartement in Manchester to see you standing there in flesh and bone:” Hello?”
“Oni, hi.”, you greeted her back, feeling your heart pound heavy against your chest at the familiar sight of her.
Still stunned she blinked: “You.”
“Yes, it’s me.”, you replied, running one hand through your hair, the other rested on the suitcase.
“What are you doing here?”, the defender furrowed her brows.
“I’m sorry how I reacted when you were saying you’d leave.”, you apologized, while looking guiltily down to your feet.
Hearing these words, Ona clenched her teeth:” It doesn’t matter.” But you could tell from her reaction that this was a lie.
“And Leila said you missed me.”, you added biting your lip as you spoke.
 “Maybe I did. You’re my best friend.”, she confessed. Lifting your head to face her again, you realized that the English weather made her look paler, but the freckles were still there.
Rather childish you responded: “Still? You seem pretty happy in Manchester now.”
Before answering your question, the United player showed you the old friendship bracelet you’ve made for her all those years ago and she was wearing even now although it did look old: “Still. And I’m happy here. The team and the coaches trust me.”
“That’s great. I’m glad they recognize your talent, you deserve it, Oni.”, you told her in an honest tone.
“Thank you. Uhm.. do you want to come in?”, Ona asked you, tousling shily through her bun.
“Sure.”, you nodded nervously while entering her appartement.
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting a visitor.”, she blushed as you were taking in the view.
“It’s fine. Really.”, you reassured her. Glancing at the framed pictures which were not hanging up, yet you pointed to them:” Do you want to hang up the pictures?”
“Actually, yes.”
Meanwhile you were holding the first photo in your hands, you couldn’t help but to smile at the young girls which were pictured, celebrating a team win:” I love this one.”
“Oh, me too.”, the defender admitted.
“We all look so small on it, well Aitana still is.”, you commented grinning.
Seeming relaxed, Ona showed you another picture: “Yes, we do but this one is my favourite.”
You knew the photo well, it was taken after your first game for the Barcelona senior team and you spotted your best friend in the stands and went in to hug her, this moment forever being captured by the photographer on the pitch for which you were both grateful:” Mine too, you paused for a second before continuing seriously, we share a lot of memories together, hopefully to many more.”
You could hardly explain to yourself how quickly the time had passed. One moment you spontaneously flew over to Manchester, the next you already found yourself in Australia at the tournament that you had anticipated for so long.
Playing in the World Cup was one thing, but you would never have dreamed of winning the trophy. It still felt surreal. You had just won the World Cup Final against England.You saw Ona walking towards you with a wide grin on her face.
“Ona, we won!“, you cheered.
She wrapped her arms around you: “We did.“
“I can’t believe it yet.“ You escaped her embrace and took in the atmosphere of the stadium and the celebration of your team mates.
Ona stood beside you. “It’s insane, right?“
The words hung between you for a few seconds as you watched on.
Ona shook her head suddenly, smiling to herself like she had just realized what had happened in the previous ninety minutes: “We’re World Champions.“
“Oh yes. Remember when…“, you started.
Aitana joined you, placing one arm around each of you and finished your sentence: “We pretended we won the World Cup? Yes.“ With smirk she added: “Do you still know the choreo?“
Onas face dropped: “You’re not going to do that at the actual World Cup!“
“Come on, Tana, we’ll do it.“, you said decisively, pulling the midfielder with you.
There was a small routine of dance moves that you had practiced when you had still played at La Masia together and the actual World Cup felt like millions of years away. Sometimes those dance moves would come out to celebrate a particularly special goal but mostly, they were reserved for exactly this moment.
“Coming!“, Aitana joined you while Ona just shook her head.
Olga elbowed the defender in the side, watching you and Aitana dance in synchrony: “Ona, what are they doing?“
“Being idiots.“, she laughed.
At the same time, Aitana managed to pull her phone from somewhere to capture the moment in a selfie.
“Come on, the photo isn’t complete without you!“, you called over to her.
Ona rolled her eyes with smile: “Ugh, fine. But only for one photo.“
“Perfect.“, Aitana commented as Ona appeared between the two of you.
“Did it turn out cute?“, Ona asked, leaning over to see her team mates phone screen.
“It did.“
The celebrations continued the whole night. There was the initial celebration at the pitch which was then moved to the dressing room and lastly to the hotel. You had no idea what time it was or how many drinks you had but you were clinking your glass with the other players and yelling over the sound of the music: “Cheers, everyone!“
“Cheers, children.“, Alexia laughed, taking her sip from her own drink. She seemed way too sober for your liking.
“Ale, others are the children now.“, you explained to her with the most seriousness you could muster.
Jenni took a shot, grimaced and then said: “You’re still our children.“
“Exactly, nothing will ever change that.“, Alexia said with a gently smile.
“That’s embarrassing.”, Onas’s cheeks turning redder than before.
You were sitting in her lap and hid your face in her chest:” Agreed.”
“What are you doing?”, your friend asked giggling.
“Hiding from embarrassment.”, you mumbled into her shirt.
“So cute.”, Jenni hummed, who didn’t stop looking at you two.
“Let us alone!”, Ona begged the older woman.
She shook her head decisively:” No.”
“Please.”, you tuned in.
Clearing her throat Alexia got up from her seat:” Jen, time to leave the young lovers alone.”
“Fine.”, Jenni responded with a groan but nonetheless listened to what the younger midfielder said.  
“Come on.”, the Barcelona player winked at the dark-haired woman.
For a moment you and your best friend watched them leaving, before you turned around to question her, wearing a mischievous smile on your lips:” What do we do now with them gone, Oni?”
“Celebrate?”, the defender replied grinning.
“Yes!”, you nodded excitedly.
“But you had enough to drink.”, she noted with a laugh.
“Rude!”, you protested.
“It’s true.”, Ona observed.
Smiling mildly at you Aitana came to help her argument:”It’s.”
“You two are no fun.”, you grumbled.
“I mean it’s a once in a lifetime thing.”, Ona remarked as she watched you joining the rest of players who were still dancing despite the exhausting final.
Amused Aitana was taking a seat next to the defender:” How does y/n still have the energy to dance though.”
“It’s the alcohol.”, she replied with an eyeroll.
“Definitely. Wanna bet she’s sleepy in like ten minutes?”, the midfielder asked smiling.
“Oh definitely.”, Ona nodded. She couldn’t keep her eyes off you. The soon to be Barcelona player was astonished at how effortlessly and elegant your dance moves despite your tipsiness.
Aitana’s prediction turned out to be true. With a little bit of help from Ona you reached the hotel room you two were sharing. Your eyes were already closed when your head hit the pillow:” I’m not tired yet.”
“Oh sure, I can tell. Good night, y/n.”, she chuckled.
“You too, love you.”, you replied about to fall asleep.
Suddenly Onas’s heart felt pounding hard against her chest when the defender pressed a kiss on your forehead:” I love you too.” She often told you how much she loved you but this time the words hit differently. It dawned on the player that she didn’t want you like a best friend. No the woman felt the urge to be your lover.
“Aitana, I fell in love with my best friend.”, Ona confessed to Aitana with a heavy air of meaning.
A small smile was forming on the midfielder’s lips: “I know.”
“What do you mean you know?”, she glanced at her confused.
“There were so many moments in the past.”, Aitana began.
Still shocked Ona interrupted her:” I only realized it during the world cup final.”       
“In that case you’re very late to the party.”, the friend answered, her face couldn’t hide her amusement.
Bewildered, Ona exclaimed: “Tana!“
The midfielder just shrugged casually: “It’s true.“
“Oh, is it?“, Ona raised an eyebrow at her.
“Ask Ale and Jenni… and Mapi… and Leila. You could literally ask anyone in the team.“, Aitana chuckled.
“It doesn’t matter anyway.“
Aitana eyed her team mate carefully: “It does matter.“
Ona shook her head with a deep sigh: “No, you don’t get it. She told Ale that she doesn’t fancy me and wouldn’t go for her best friend.“
“Wasn’t that forever ago?“, Aitana asked, seemingly unimpressed.
“It was after our training… I feel so stupid…“
“She didn’t have an easy time here when you were in Manchester, Ona.“
“It wasn’t easy for me either.“, the defender admitted.
Aitana looked at her thoughtfully: “Maybe it’s time to talk to each other.“
Ona was quite for a moment before she nodded: “You’re right. Y/n and I need to talk.“
“You should.“
She pulled her friend into a quick hug. “Goodbye, Tana.“
“Bye, Ona.“
Of course, you were paired with Ona to share a room at Barcelonas next away game. Something must have conspired against you. Or Alexia had a hand in this. Ona and you hadn’t exchanged a single word since Alexias intervention after training a few days ago.
Of course, the silence in the hotel room was obnoxious. But you had no interest in changing that.
Ona was the first one to give in, sitting on the bed on her side of the room: “Y/n, stop ignoring me, please.“
“Bold coming from the person who ran away.“, you retorted. You refused to even look at her and instead focused on putting away your clothes.
“I didn’t run away!“
Slowly, you turned to her: “Yes, you did. When Ale talked to me about us.“
You expected her to object but she just looked at you with pleading eyes: “Please, can you just listen to me?“
You sighed reluctantly: “Alright.“
“So?“, you prompted her impatiently as soon as she stopped talking.
You could tell that Ona struggled to get the words out but the suspense was almost killing you.
“I like you.“, she finally said.
“More than a best friend?“, you asked, surprised by how hoarse your voice sounded.
“Yes.“, Ona nodded.
You shook your head. Your gaze directed towards the ground, you whispered: “I don’t want to ruin our friendship.“
Ona had gotten up from the bed and bridged the gap between you two. Her hand gently found your cheek, forcing you to meet her eyes. She was so close, you could count the freckles on her face.
“Can it really ruin our friendship if we both want it?“, she asked quietly.
You slowly shook your head: “No, probably not…“
“I think we should try it.“
For the first time, your brain was silent. There was no counterargument you could think of. There was just your heart hammering in your chest.
“Agreed.“, you breathed.
And before you knew it, your lips were on your best friends. Ona hummed into the kiss, pushing harder against you and parting your lips with her tongue.
It knocked you off balance. You landed on your bed, Ona on top of you. You both giggled but refused to remove your lips from each others.
“Oh. My. God. Finally!“, Mapis voice called out, startling you.
“Mapi!“, you yelled at the exact same time, looking at your team mate who had just stumbled into your room.
She flashed you an innocent grin: “Sorry.“
“What do you want anyway?“, Ona asked, a slight hint of annoyance in her voice.
“Uhm… I was about to tell you that we’re starting to have dinner?“ There was no sign of remorse on Mapis face, just pure amazement at what she had just walked into.
“We’ll be there soon.“, Ona replied politely.
“Just give us a few more seconds.“, you added.
Mapi smirked: “You two know that Ale will sense it immediately?“
Ona nodded: “We do.“
“That’s why we need time to prepare ourselves for it.“, you joked.
“Okay, See you later.“ She disappeared through the door with a wink.
The two of you were alone again.
Ona bit her lip to hide a smile: “We don’t need time to prepare ourselves, we need time to make out. That’s what you meant right?“
“Yeah, I did.“, you admitted with a laugh.
Dinner could wait. Kissing all of your girlfriends freckles could definitely not.
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collegeheist · 1 year
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DEMO ( . . . ) || ro descriptions ||
You honestly can’t remember how you got here.
You and your three best friends are quickly becoming the most elusive robbers in Detroit, and you’re hardly out of your teens.
And now that the four of you are out of high school, you’ve had all the freedom you could ever dream of!
…That is, until the police get a little too close to your crimes for comfort. So, now all of you have to pack your bags and head off to college to avoid looking suspicious. Burglary would look awful on your record, after all.
Some habits, however, can’t be broken that easily. You still feel drawn to the shiny jewels behind the store windows, or the extremely expensive designer bags. All of them able to disappear with just a swipe of your hand.
If you had a chance to steal everything you’ve ever wanted, would you take it?
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Play as straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, monogamous, polyamorous, aromantic, or asexual.
Form a deep(er) platonic or romantic relationship with your three best friends! They’re all gender selectable between male and female, and can have different reactions to your decisions. There are 4 monogamous routes and 2 poly routes so far.
Experience college (for better or for worse) when you’re on the run from the law. Pick your classes and your roommate, and choose well! They’ll be with you for a while.
Rob some banks and choose your role! Do you go on the front lines and get your hands dirty? Or do you stand aside and assist from the back?
Try your hardest not to get caught by police. Or do. No judging here.
This game will be rated 15+ for drug usage (mentioned and implied), under and of age alcohol usage (mentioned and implied), strong language, and optional depictions of violence.
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J Scarlett is probably one of the most unapproachable people you know. With a permanent scowl on their face and an insult always raring to shoot, there’s no surprise that you are one of their only friends. J may seem insensitive at times, but they simply have a hard time letting their guard down, even around people they like.
Would you break down their walls?
A Al-Salih can best be described as carefree. Optimistic and caring, they’re always there to back everyone up in tough situations. A is reliable, and will go out of their way to make sure everyone is feeling alright. They know it’s wrong, but they wouldn’t even think twice about sacrifice themself for you.
How far could you take your relationship?
S Klein, despite never leaving their room, is somehow one of the most annoying friends of the bunch. Bastard is their middle name (not really), so they say. Their teasing and flirtatious remarks are seldom genuine, and their flighty and indecisive attitude leads to some regrettable moments. No one really knows who they are.
Could you become the one person they trust?
T Seniloli is a new member of the police department, and their lofty ambitions tend to blind their good judgement. To them, you and your group are their enemies, and they are hellbent on capturing you. They tend to wear their emotions on their sleeve. In fact, their delusions are kind of… funny. Maybe cute.
Are you the reason they lose sight of themselves?
current word count : 1k
371 notes · View notes
detectivestucks · 6 months
The Anbu Captain XIII
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader
Summery: Akio reevaluates his situation with you causing you and Kakashi to have an argument. Lord Hiruzen summons him giving him unexpected news.
Warnings: NSFW, biting, nipple play, anal play, butt plug, collar kink, unprotected penetration.
Word Count: 6.2k
Art Credit: @akirasukuna
Part 12 New here? Check out Part 1
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“Lord Third, I beg you! Kakashi is not suited for the Anbu anymore.” Gai bows before Hiruzen honoring him while he pleads for his best friend.
“Is that so?” The wise Hokage tips his head to the side while the end of his pipe rests between his lips.
“Please, he was so close to being pulled from the darkness.”
“Whatever do you mean, Gai?”
“Lord Hiruzen, surely you know. There is a young woman, he loves her but because of the darkness the Anbu must live in, he let her go. He needs her, Lord Third.” in dramatic fashion, Gai’s eyes leak tears over your lost relationship. When he heard, he was heartbroken.
“When exactly did this happen?”
“Five weeks ago, Sir”
Lord Hiruzen presses his lips together in a firm line. It was as he thought. “Thank you for your concern Gai.”
“But Lord Third!-”
Gai’s objection was cut off by a stern look from the old man before he faced defeat and turned to leave, fearing he had not done justice by his best friend and rival.
You sit in your office Monday morning, excited for the day and to see Akio after your magical date over the weekend. You felt at peace after all that misery. Finally, you could breathe and feel a semblance of normality. Only, Akio doesn’t make his morning trip to your office. It’s no matter. A bit strange but you don’t feel fazed. You decide to take an early lunch and run to the cafe down the street, buying two coffees. You hurry back to headquarters and this time knock on Akio’s open office door. 
“Hey babe!” 
The words felt strange on your lips but what else did you expect from a new relationship? Akio keeps his eyes trained down on his desk. You would’ve thought he was ignoring you except the rest of him froze when he heard your voice.
You walk towards his desk, setting the coffees down and grabbing his jaw, tilting his head up to face you. An audible gasp leaves your lips as you look upon his face. A swirling vortex of purple, yellow, and blue bruising covers his eyelids and the bridge of his nose, a tell tale sign it had been broken.
“Wh-what happened?!”
“What do you think happened?” He grumbled with spite in his voice. You were hurt and thrown off guard. The current mood between you was a far cry from where you left off this weekend.
“What do you mean?”
“When were you going to tell me that your ex boyfriend is Cold Blooded Kakashi?”
Your eyes widen in horror. No.
“Don’t call him that.” you whisper, still shell shocked by Kakashi’s actions but feeling the need to defend him nonetheless. So many emotions were flowing through you at this moment. Anger towards Kakashi for interfering with your happiness, excitement that he still cares, reassurance that the breakup was hard on him too, despair at the thought of him ruining your budding relationship. Then the sound of Akio’s voice pulls you out of your fog. 
“Answer me Y/N. When were you going to warn me that your ex is the most dangerous man in the village?”
You were surprised by the harshness of his voice. “I… I assumed you already knew” you admit sheepishly. 
“And you didn’t think that it was important to verify that I knew what I was getting into?!”
“What does that mean?!”
“It means a little warning would’ve been nice before I got jumped leaving your house!”
“How was I supposed to know he’d go and do this?! He broke up with me!” your voice starts to rise as you throw a small tantrum. “And forgive me for assuming you knew but I accidentally became a minor celebrity because of my relationship with him! I couldn’t step out of the house without being quizzed about being the Copy Ninja’s girlfriend! Seeing as we are colleagues and friends I assumed you were aware of the idle gossip surrounding my dating life. I mean come on! You only asked me out again because you heard from someone that I was single!”
You were mad. But truthfully, not at him. Though it sure felt like it at that moment. You huff frustrated at him. After a few heavy breaths fill the silence between you two, you lower your chin and ask him in a small whisper,
“So where does this leave us?”
Akio turns his head to the side, unable to look you in the eye. “I like you, a lot… but no relationship is worth compromising my safety. I’m sorry but I don’t want to continue seeing you.”
You feel the tears well in your lash line. You don’t even say a word before turning on your heel and leaving. 
The coffees are left forgotten on his desk as you rush back to the comfort of your office. Your face once more buried in the scrolls as tears drip off the tip of your nose in a vain attempt to distract yourself. Akio’s rejection stinging you, tearing open the fresh wound of your failed relationship with Kakashi. Alone once more…
You are at home cooking when you feel it. Eyes are watching you. You put down your knife and go write on a piece of paper. You pick it up and silently tape it to your window 
I know you’re watching me. If you have something to say come inside and talk
You go back to chopping when you see Kakashi skillfully crawl through the window.
“What do you want, Kakashi?” You try to say it coldly but it doesn’t quite come out right. The hurt in your voice is still very apparent. 
“You were disloyal.”
“Dis-disloyal?! Are you kidding me?! We’re not dating!” you feel the anger rip through you. Your well of emotions overflowing from the mix of disappointment, abandonment, anger, and hurt. “You left me! You broke up with me! There is no relationship to have loyalty towards!”
“You are forbidden from seeing any men.” 
He states it so matter of factly, it knocks you off your feet.
“I’m what?!” You ask incredulously. “If you care so much about me dating anyone else then why don’t you just admit that you want to be together?!” You feel the tears gather on your waterline for a second time today.
“I don’t want to get back together.” 
Liar. Why else would you care?
“So let me get this straight!” Your voice starts to escalate and you begin to shout at him, “You refuse to be with me but I’m not allowed to attempt to move on and be with anyone else?!”
Kakashi, stern with his answer, responds “Yes”
“So no matter what I do, I end up alone.” You huff, folding your arms and looking at the ceiling in one last vain attempt to try and hold back your tears. You lick your teeth, trying to gain your composure. “You went ahead and decided that I have to be alone. For the rest of my life, alone.” You can’t hold it back anymore, tears freely pour down your cheeks, your hands becoming animated as you speak. “You know what, Kakashi, I never asked for this. Any of it. All I did was trip in front of you! You’re the one who pursued me. You’re the one who followed me. You’re the one who spied on me!” 
His face was severe. Your eyes desperately searched it but you couldn’t see an ounce of remorse for his actions. He was colder than the day you met him. The man you loved nowhere in sight. He turned around and left you there, a weeping mess, even more broken than last time.
All traces of his presence were gone. Even his scent had vanished. It felt as fresh as the day he left you. You dropped the knife in your hand as you fell to the floor, pulling your knees into your chest as you drop your forehead down on them, crying into your lap. Tears spill from your cheeks onto your legs, soaking your sweatpants. Your shoulders bobbing up and down as you cried. Your arms self-soothingly hug around your legs.
“Are you okay Y/N?” You hear Pakkun’s deep voice suddenly by your ankle.
“No” you sniffle. “It’s like he never cared. Why did he make me think he ever cared?” Your voice broke at the end. More tears streaming down your face.
“Cause he does care. He’s lost everyone he’s ever loved. It’s easier to push people away than to risk losing one more person.”
You sniffle looking up at Pakkun.
He walks over, bunting his head against your side. You stretch out your hand to scratch behind his ear. His tail involuntarily wags. 
“You know, for a fearsome ninja hound, you sure seem to enjoy being domesticated.” you say in a broken voice.
“Lets keep that between you and me.” He says.
You let out a small giggle. Pakkun sits down next to you, sticking by your side. You felt a small amount of comfort having him next to you again. You really missed him.
Eventually you feel your puffy eyes grow tired and decide to get ready for bed. You put on shorts and a baggy shirt.
“You changed your pajamas.”
“It was too hard to sleep in my old pajamas after…you know.”
A whine left Pakkun before he jumped up on the bed. You slip between the sheets and turn on your side, curling up into a ball. Pakkun makes himself at home on your pillow up by your head. He curls up against your hair, his heat and rhythmic breathing lulling you to sleep. You loved him for checking in on you. You wished he had done it sooner but his timing couldn’t have been better.
Day breaks and you are off to work, letting Pakkun out of your home after breakfast just like old times. You bend down before parting ways and scratch his ears. 
“Thank you Pakkun, thank you for being there for me. Please don’t be a stranger.”
He gives you a smile, “I could never view you as a stranger, miss. I’ll see you around.”
Your heart feels empty as he disappears in a cloud of smoke. Was he summoned or did he just go back to the pack? You would never know.
However Pakkun appears in front of Kakashi as the symbols on the ground fade away where he had pressed his palm into the dirt. Immediately Kakashi catches a whiff of your scent.
“It seems your loyalty has changed”
“Kakashi, I know you still care for her. Drop the tough guy act.”
Kakashi glared daggers into Pakkun.
“She’s a nice girl, certainly my favorite human, and an excellent cook.” He says as he tauntingly saunters past Kakashi, “I lived with her for 6 months, under your instructions, and from everything I’ve seen, she loves you, even now.”
“Yet the minute I call it quits she goes back to Akio”
“Cause she’s heartbroken.”
“Cause she can’t be trusted.”
“Don’t be like that Kakashi. Don’t go back to how you were. You deserve to be happy. She makes you happy. Why fight your feelings?”
“Umm, excuse me Mr. Hatake,” a young genin appears before the man and his hound, bowing and red from interrupting the argument, “Lord Hokage has requested your presence, Sir.”
Kakashi purses his lips, “Thank you” he nods at the boy before turning his attention back on Pakkun, “We’ll finish this later.” 
He said it with venom, furious that his trusted friend and ally would choose you over him. But for now he had his duty to attend to. He dons his mask and launches over the rooftops, hastily making his way towards headquarters. 
“Lord Third, you wanted to see me Sir?” He says with a slight bow, sinking down to his knee.
“Yes, Kakashi. I’ve been doing some thinking.” Kakashi’s interest was piqued. Usually those words were followed by acts of war or an extremely dangerous mission. He would love the distraction of a deadly mission right now. Anything to keep his mind off of the memory of your crying face.
“How many years have you served in the Anbu so far?”
“About ten years.”
“Please remove your mask.” Kakashi obliges, his sharp eyes peering up at Lord Hiruzen as he continues. “Ten years you say? Perhaps I have asked too much of you.”
“You are to become a Jonin Leader.”
“Go exchange your uniform. You are dismissed.”
Kakashi finds himself at the quartermaster handing over his well worn but equally well kept uniform. The one he was issued as a child and slowly traded in as he grew into a man. The steely gray of his armor swapped out for a dark green vest. The same kind of vest worn by his classmates. 
He ran his fingers over the stitching, the feeling foreign to him. Slowly he started to realize the S rank missions would be replaced with D and C rank missions. He would be spending most of his days in the village, training kids, instead of visiting other lands. He had years before he would be away from the village on long missions with his team. He threaded his arms through the vest and allowed it to rest on his shoulders. He zipped up the front and lifted his face to stare at himself in the mirror. As his reflection gazed back at him, his mind began to clear. His thoughts snapped into place.
That evening you peel yourself off of the couch to head to the kitchen and make some tea when you hear a knock at your front door. You pivot towards it, reaching for the nob and twisting it open to reveal Kakashi filling the doorframe. He stares down at you, noting your red and puffy eyes. He felt his stomach twist seeing the evidence of how much he hurt you. Your jaw falls open while you stumble over your thoughts. You whisper to him,
“Wh-what are you wearing?” 
You scan up and down his body. He was dressed as a regular jonin, trading in his signature gray armor for a forest green vest. 
“May I come inside?”
You silently nod, stepping aside for him to move past you, eyes following him before turning to latch the door. 
“I’m making tea, you want some?”
He nods, “yes please.” 
You wait for the kettle to sing while standing in complete silence. Your mind runs wild. Once the kettle’s tune is heard, you pour the water into two clay mugs and turn towards the table to let the leaves steep while you take your seat. When you look up however you see a brown mole under Kakashi’s lip. Both cups clatter on the floor, their structure shattering, fractals dispersed throughout the kitchen. 
Kakashi jumped up to clean up your mess. “Y/N, I’m so sorry I scared you! Are you hurt?”
Luckily the boiling water missed you. You stoop down to clean up the mess but you are unable to tear your eyes away from his lips and chin. He is showing you his face…
He sees how robotic your movements are and stills his efforts. 
“Maybe we can finish picking this up later. “
You nod and walk over to the couch together, your eyes locked on him. You both take a seat on the couch together, bodies angled towards each other. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You silently stare at him but he can see the wheels turning in your head. 
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve never- I couldn’t-“ he stops and takes a soothing breath, “Lord Hiruzen summoned me and-“
Your face breaks. Tears leak out of your eyes followed by you crumbling in his arms, spiraling into a full on sob, cutting off the rest of his sentence. Your fists clutch his black sleeves. 
“Captain…” you choke between cries.
You already know what he’s about to say, he doesn’t need to finish. He pulls you into his lap, stroking your hair. He lifts your chin towards his face, pressing a firm kiss against your lips, saying everything that he can’t put into words with a purse of his soft mouth. He pulled you closer before he gently coos in your ear, 
“I won’t make you be alone anymore. I’m where I belong.” He kisses your cheek before leaning his forehead against yours, looking at you through his lashes, “I’m here Y/N…to stay.”
You look up at him with watery doe eyes, unsure of what to say. 
He scoops you up and carries you bridal style to your bed. He sets you down delicately, crawling on the bed to press feather light kisses on your neck. He takes his time, slowly and carefully placing each mark on your sensitive skin. Your eyes close and your breathing becomes shallow. He traces his fingers down your arm before intertwining his hand in yours. His other hand cradles the back of your head pulling you up into him. 
He kisses you meaningfully, there is so much said as he lightly sucks on your bottom lip. The love that he felt for you had never been more clear. You were his home. As he slipped his tongue to dance with your own, you let it be known that he is your home too. It was as if the world stopped spinning on its axis, everything went still around you. Time itself ceased in that moment as you reacquainted yourself with him. You pull your head back slightly, allowing the string of spit to stretch between your lips as you panted his favorite sentence. 
“I love you, Kakashi”
“I love you, Y/N. Now and always”
You pressed your foreheads together before smiling, allowing your breathing to sync. You brought your free hand up to the base of his head, fingers lightly playing with the short strands of hair on the back of his head while your thumb strokes Kakashi’s knuckle in your other hand. You take a moment, focusing on each other, feeling your rhythms align, soaking in the warmth of each other’s bodies before kakashi moves his hands, gliding them from your shoulders, down your ribs and curled his fingers under your shirt, gently tugging up the fabric, lifting your shirt over your head. 
You unzip and pull off his Jonin vest before sliding his black undershirt off his torso. He slowly and purposefully litters your chest and stomach with marks down to your waist band before he drags down both your underwear and sweatpants past your knees and off your ankles. His fingers push into the soles of your feet, gently massaging them before his mouth works its way back up the inside of your leg, kissing your inner thighs, tantalizingly sucking the skin just outside your heat.
He slowly makes his way over to your center, licking a stripe up your sex before focusing on your bundle of nerves. His tongue gently presses into your slit, hooking up towards the skin just below your clit. A soft moan spills from your lips, as you allow your eyes to flutter shut. He worships you, he adores you, his affection is expressed through his tongue. He takes his fingers and uses them to spread apart your lips, while his tongue dives in pushing deeper before hooking upwards again to suck at the skin at the front of your entrance. 
You feel your sensitivity increase and your legs slightly twitch. Your hands move to grab your breasts, kneading the fat with your fingers. His nose gently nudged your little nub as he pushed his tongue inside of you. The fingers he had wrapped around you sank in and groped you. Though his mouth was gentle, his passions started to show as his knuckles turned white from gripping you so tight. He licked up from between your folds and swirled his tongue around your clitoris, running it in a circle before closing his lips around it, and sucking gently. You arched your back and let out a light cry, feeling him stimulate you, seeing stars, as you tilt your head back into the pillow. The fingers that spread you open closed together and slip inside of you while his lips lock over your bundle of nerves. His two fingers drag in and out of you slowly. Pulling little moans out of your mouth while also pulling slick from your needy hole. His fingers worked inside of you, feeling how your squishy walls closed around him, attempting to push his digits deeper inside your cavern. 
Hand working in tandem with his mouth, Kakashi’s tongue flicked over your swollen bean. Your core tightened. You battled to keep your hips tilted up. Then your hands found their way into Kakashi’s hair, pushing him down as he feasted on your sweet spread. 
“Thank you Captain” you whisper, barely able to string the words together through the fog of your mind. He groans into your sex as you praise him, his hand bearing down on your flesh even harder. One of your hands leaves his mop to clutch at the pillow. You can feel your cream drip out of your slit from the magical motions of his fingers and pink muscle. Short breathy hah’s echo from your chest as you climaxed. 
Kakashi slid his fingers out of you and instead of feeding them to you, he stuck the digits in his mouth. His lips closed over the knuckle, eyes falling shut. He missed your taste. He believed he would never experience it again and now that he had you back, he cleared his mind to memorize it. Lapping up every note while he cleaned your mess off of his hand.
Your hands stretch up to his face, your fingers politely grabbing him to pull him down so you can kiss him and taste yourself on his lips. Kakashi acquiesces and leans down, he unties his pants as he lowers his shoulders. You push your chest up against his, needing to be close to him. Needing to share the same space as him. 
You feel his tip prod at your entrance. Your grip on him tightening when you do. Moans escape your mouth while you pull back from the kiss to breathe. Kakashi captures your lips right when he sinks into your slit. Your cream already forming a ring around his shaft as he buries himself inside of you. He stays still, feeling how your walls hug him as your kiss becomes sloppy, more needy, and heated. Kakashi pulls back and thrusts up with purposeful strokes. High pitched moans travel from your mouth into his with each movement of his hips. 
Remembering where you like it, he ran his tip into your spongy spot, the one that could only be reached by him deep inside of you. Your legs instinctually wrap around him, demanding him to do it again. His teeth catch your lip, tugging on it as he continues massaging just where you want him. Each stroke making you melt into the sheets. He pulls his head back, your lip slowly slipping from his bite, leaving it red and swollen. It was truly beautiful to look upon. 
“Does my good girl like that?”
“Yes, Captain” you breathe “Yes”
You rub the bottom of your foot along the back of his leg. Showing him affection and appreciation for how he pleasures you. Your eyes wander down to where your bodies connect, pupils dilating as you watch his v-line rock back and forth at your entrance. Your eyes pan up his body, watching the muscles adorning his stomach flex with each movement. Each rut inside of you, lightly pushing you up into the headboard of your bed. Though his pace was slow, it did the trick. 
This body worshiping session was far from his usual way with you but you knew what it was. It was his apology for pushing you away. It was him remembering how much he loved you. It was him reconnecting with you and asking you to let him stay. He is the love of your life and the flame lit inside your chest burns only for him. 
That thought makes you grip him tighter between your thighs. He feels the added pressure and it spurs him on just slightly. His pace quickening to a gentle gallop, watching your plush tits sway beneath his chest. Kakashi lowers his face to nip at your neck and lick a stripe up your jaw. 
An involuntary groan falls out of you and that’s when he punctuates each time he fully penetrates you up to the hilt. He pushes the bottom of your cervix up to your diaphragm with a sharp roll of his hips, knocking the wind out of you even at his slowed pace. 
Your eyes have a pleading look to them. You wanted him to help you finish. He kisses your forehead, assuring you that he would. His eyes intensely bore into yours, drinking up your pleasured expression as he pounded into you. Pausing slightly after each thrust to feel you constrict around him.
His dick twitched inside of you. The power of the emotions he felt for you in this moment pull him to the brink of orgasm. He sped up his pace ever so slightly to finish the job, your high hits at the exact same moment. His was extra intense as your spasming walls clamped down around his sensitive leaking tip. He almost pulled out of you because it was too much but he willed himself to stay inside. He needed to deposit his load into you. He needed you to be full of him, marked by him, claimed as his. 
“Keep it in” he whispers to you before you could finish sitting up. So instead you pull him back down. You roll to your side, staring up at him before tucking your head into his chest and tangling your legs with his. He holds you close, arms encircling  your body. “I will never let go of you again. I promise.”
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“On your hands and knees Mrs. Hatake.”
You turn around, facing your hickey-strewn neck away from your new husband. He had intentionally left his favorite canvas blank the weeks leading up to the ceremony so he could absolutely ruin you on your wedding night. 
He licks his lips, sucking the iron from them. Proud of his artwork. The wait was worth it. You looked so beautiful in your wedding attire but now, now you looked perfect.
Fingers trail down pinching the snowy fabric. He lifts the hem of your white kimono above your hips. Kakashi’s heart pounds when it is revealed that you wore his favorite gem during your vows. The blush colored jewel peaks out from between your cheeks, welcoming him to his new normal. A breathy' I love you' leaves his lips as he kneels on the bed behind you, hands running light circles over the soft skin of your ass. 
You feel him rub his hardened length against your dripping folds as you lower your torso to the bed, stretching your arms above your head, resting your ear on the mattress, ready for him to enter. 
It was only fitting for the pack’s alpha to take you from behind as your first marital act. He slips into you with no preparation necessary. You had been waiting for this moment, wondering how he was going to be with you on such a momentous occasion. The anticipation kept you up the night before. 
You were anxious and excited. All the planning and coordination kept you stressed for months even though it was a small event, per Kakashi’s wishes. However you’d go through all that stress again if it meant reliving this day. It was perfect. Everything about it was perfect. 
Pakkun made the most adorable little ring bearer, trotting up the aisle with a pillow tied around his neck. Normally he would never carry himself in such an undignified way but he could never say no to you. At the reception Gai stood up and gave the most hilarious and emotional speech, pulling both tears of joy and laughter from your eyes. You had to stop him when the sake got him all worked up over their rivalry and he swore he would find a woman more beautiful than you if he could not beat Kakahsi in a foot race then and there. At the end of your vows Kakashi’s hounds howled towards the evening sky, welcoming you into the pack. And now this…
He slowly glides in and out of you, rolling his hips as he fully lubricates his shaft. He pauses each time he is fully buried in you, savoring how you squeeze around him, butterflies erupting in your core each time. Kakashi pulls a breath between his teeth,
“Fuuuuck Y/N, I can’t wait to fuck this pussy everyday for the rest of our lives.”
Kakashi lulls his head back in bliss, closing his eyes, indulging in the languid pace of his strokes. Your soft mewls ring in his ears. He loves the sound. Your perfect voice tickling his ear drums. 
He allows his fingers to grip you more harshly, stabilizing you as he builds up speed. Your favorite titillation is when the anal plug rubs against Kakashi’s thrusting length stimulating your sensitive spot so well. Ever since your first date, it was your favorite way to be with him. The fullness of the feeling, like you were stuffed to the brim. It was a filthy sensation. You were a depraved woman, fiending for the touch that only Kakashi could give you.
You rock your hips back against him with your arms outstretched. The flesh of your behind jiggled with each collision of your hips. A satisfying visual for a man who just vowed to spend the rest of his life with you. 
The pace of his hips picked up into a rapid series of strokes. He was humping you like a rabid dog, completely consumed by lust. It was as if he was seeing red. The only thing real to him was the sensation of your walls wrapped around his shaft. Closing down on him even tighter with the helpful pressure of your plug. 
“F-fuck Captain. You t-treat me so good.”
“That’s a good girl. Keep taking me. Take everything I give you.”
“Ye-es, sir-ir-ir”
He was pounding so hard you could hardly speak. The weight on his balls slammed into your puffy clit, stimulating it and probing you towards orgasm. It was coming quicker than usual. The evening’s attire somewhat exhorts you. You were fully aware of your disheveled shiromuku and Kakashi’s black robe barely hanging on his shoulders. His glistening abdominals exposed to the night air, beads of sweat beginning to form and roll down towards where you connect. His tip pushed against your uterus threatening to breed you. 
“F-fuck!” you cry into the bed. 
With a particularly punctuated series of strokes you snap, toppling over into your first orgasm of the night.
You sit back on your heels, pulling your forearms under you for support as you twitch and heave through your orgasm. Kakashi stills and rubs soothing circles on your back. He kisses your neck, drawing attention to the skin behind your ear. Placing his gentle lips where it was most sensitive. He slowly traces his hand down your spine, gliding his fingertips over your rumpled up hem and grasps around the rim of your gem. He playfully tugs at the jewel as you protest. 
“Sorry dear but to make this marriage legitimate I’ll need to consummate all of your holes”
You laugh. How could you say no? His words spoken in his husky voice are intoxicating. Your eyes roll back as you let yourself relax, body prepared for him to remove your plug. You feel the painfully good stretch as he removes the bulb, leaving behind your gaping hole, ready for insertion. 
Your vision clouded as he sunk his head between your cheeks, his manhood stuffing you full and stretching you out. You felt him push up into a secret special spot that turned your vision white. 
“That’s it my love, cry out for me.”
“Oh my gods! Fu-fuuuuck!”
Kakashi lifted you by your shoulders so that he was stroking into your ass while you were standing on your knees. He undid the front of your kimono, letting it fall open and exposing your chest. His fingers eager to pinch your nipples. 
You reach your hands back, trying to push him off a little just so he wouldn’t go as deep but instead he overpowered you. Hands grabbing onto your mounds and pulling you into his chest. Forcing you to bounce off of his hips, with harsh, deep thrusts tunneling into your warm cavern. The more forceful his strokes, the harder his fingers bit down on your perky nubs, only rolling them when he switched up his pace to give you a moment of reprieve. Then he’d go back to pounding away, working you hard to break you in.
With one last greedy bruising grip of your tits, he pushes you back down onto all fours. He planted one foot while supporting the rest of his weight on his knee, anchoring himself, ready to hammer into you. You already knew what was about to come. You begin to chew on your lower lip as your eyebrows knit together in want. You feel your mouth water, drool threatening to spill out when he finally starts. 
You shriek. He was holding nothing back. He pounded away into your tight sphincter with reckless abandon. You grasp at the bedsheets looking for anything to support you as he throws his entire body weight behind his pelvis as it rails into your hole. You swear he is trying to break the bed. Your throat goes hoarse from your screams. Kakashi anchors you by your shoulders as your entire body shifts back and forth violently swaying from his pace. Soon only choked moans can spill out and you wouldn’t have it any other way. His heavy balls once again slapping into your swollen bean, intensifying the thrusts even more till you wail that you're gonna pee.
“Cum f’me, my love” he coos in your ear.
“Yes Captain!”
You unleash a spray all over the bed and between your thighs. Kakashi fucked you through it, animalistically driving into you. Sweat rolled down your temple from your hairline, the labors of the night wearing you down. 
Kakashi flipped you on your back, pulling out of your ass and pummeling back into your cunt. He quickly pumped into you, watching your eyes glaze over with lust as you stared up at him. His pupils blown wide, looking down on you, his adoring wife. The love of his life lay beneath him. Officially his...forever. 
He could not be happier. 
He watched as your tits rocked up and down with each stroke of his manhood, your nipples pink from his toying with them. He bent down to suckle at them while he crunched his abdominals, still stroking into you. You threw your hands into his hair, clutching at it till he raised his head. They then fell to his biceps. Your fucked out face painted with exhaustion.
You feel him twitching inside of you…finally, he was close. A mean smirk tugs on one side of his mouth and you know he’s coming for the grande finale. He brushes your bottom lip with this thumb before lowering his hand to grip around your neck. His other hand traced down your stomach to your clit where this thumb traced quick circles that matched the pace of his steadily racing hips. His toned abs twitched and flexed, his stokes losing their rhythm till at last he heavily groans, falling onto his hands, slowly milking himself with your walls. 
You quiver under him, holding onto him tightly. You feel his load seep out, fat globs of cum trickling down your taint and glossing over your puckered rear until you collapse, sprawled out on the bed, panting through your high. 
Kakashi gives you a deep kiss before stepping away. Your head cranes over to look at him rummage through your dresser drawer. He turns back to you clutching a familiar object.
You lift your head slightly so Kakashi can slip the leather around your neck, closing the fasten tight against it, while his fingers admire the heart shaped tag. 
Emotionally you had belonged to him for quite some time, but now, you belonged to him legally. He finds this thought erotic as he slips his finger through the small silver loop of your collar and he pulls your face up to his. The leather bites into the skin of your neck. He husks into the shell of your ear words that spike your veins with passion and make your eyes flutter closed with desire. 
“Ready my love? Cause I’m gonna fuck my wife till the sun comes up no matter how many times you beg me to stop.”
Author's Note: We made it! Thank you for joining me in this series. I hope the ending is everything your hearts desire :)
@decayedbong @aq520 @purplerose08 @kittyoverlordxx @narutoverse-write @aquatufana
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novelconcepts · 1 year
Watching my mom evolve over the years has been such a fun experience. For context, she's got nine kids (at least five of whom have turned out to be queer; at least four of those have turned out to be non-binary), and for most of my life, she was just your average Gen-X Irish-Italian Catholic mom. She didn't really do vocal homophobia or whatever, but she also clearly didn't know how to handle it when her firstborn interrupted a Red Wings game to announce, "I think I'm gay." (Spoiler alert: that was me at fifteen or sixteen. In retrospect, of course the Tomboy For Life who had never been remotely interested in boys but was ALWAYS talking about actresses/female friends at school a bit too much wound up being gay. And announcing it. During a hockey game. Of course.)
She also didn't really know how to handle that same kid starting to date in college, bringing a girl home, and so on. She did a bit better when the next kid came out as a lesbian, but when that kid came out as non-binary (shout-out to that sib for doing some of the heavy lifting first), it was a whole new deal. It clearly had never crossed her mind before, that this might come up. Gay? She was figuring out gay. Gender stuff? Whew. A shiny new Pokemon of a situation.
The changed pronouns have been a bit difficult for my mom. The new names still get jumbled. (In fairness, the old names got jumbled, too--it was always a laundry list of names before she got to yours, no matter what you went by, because there were just so goddamned MANY of us.) It gets harder when she's stressed, and sometimes she just seems not to be getting it. I know it frustrates my siblings deeply. It can grate on me, too. You just want people to understand out the gate, to take you at your word, to shift gears without a slip-up. You don't want the awkward conversations, the painful skips, the rough patches. It's tempting to just give up on people if they don't stick the landing immediately.
But if you look a bit deeper, there's such a soft mama bear energy to my mom. Such a stubborn determination to get it right where it really counts. My mother, who never once skipped Sunday mass as I was growing up, has left the church completely because "they don't treat my family well." My mother, who once told me not to bring a girl home because it might confuse the youngest children, bought Converse sneakers expressly for my wedding to a woman. And my mother, who had never known the word non-binary, who didn't seem aware of the trans umbrella at all before her kids started huddling beneath it, keeps leaping to tell me all about the shows she's watching lately. The ones where "there's a non-binary character, and it's so cool that people can see that now!" The ones where "and this one is non-binary, and they're so great, and maybe it'll teach the shitty politicians of the world that they're just people, you know?"
Sometimes you just have to give people a little space. Let them stumble occasionally. They're going to. They're going to trip up. My mom hurt my feelings so many times when I was young, said so many of the wrong things right on the heels of the right ones, confused and upset me because I couldn't understand why she just didn't get it. But here she is, almost sixty years old, and so gleeful to tell me about the power of queer representation on TV. She doesn't always get it right, but goddamn, does she love her kids, and goddamn, does she want the world to love people like her kids, too.
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smalltownrobin · 2 months
Guys I've figured out a totally simple way they could have fixed rovickie in s4 and it's to do with a deleted scene.
SO we are all aware of the teeny tiny insignificant plot Robin and Vickie (Vickie in particular) had in s4; Robin likes Vickie but she's nervous, sees Vickie has a bf, Vickie sees Robin and has an internal bi panic, Vickie dumps bf and has a little gay stare with Robin while making sandwiches, boom done. But what did Vickie having a boyfriend actually do for rovickie's plot?
Short answer: nothing. Literally nothing. Robin was sad, yeah, but she got over it SO quickly and just decided there was bigger shit to deal with, job done. Her crush having a bf didn't affect her state of mind or her reason to fight, it just made her sort her priorities a little (which, considering Vickie wasn't even mentioned after the start of episode 2, she already had her priorities sorted). It gave them a little awkward meeting at the relief centre, but ultimately it did nothing to actually get them together.
Now if you have not seen this yet, lemme show you an official unused dialogue between Robin and Vickie that would have taken place during 4x08 at war zone:
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I made this transcript from somebody's leaked audition tape for Vickie (which was posted in 2021 and included the pb&j scene word for word, so it's legit). It's not long, but oh it gives us a lot, SO much more than a longing jealous stare. Robin being an awkward disaster, beautiful. Vickie actually giving an explanation as to why she was even there and what her situation has been since the Vecna murders started, brilliant. And to top it all off? Vickie telling Robin to STAY SAFE. JUST BEFORE SHE GOES TO BATTLE VECNA IN THE UPSIDE DOWN.
Do you see DO YOU SEE how much better this is? They actually speak to each other, we get an insight into what's going on with Vickie herself, and it ends so tragically poetic with Vickie not even knowing what danger Robin was about to head into. This exchange could have given Robin a new reason to go into this battle, knowing how it's directly affecting the safety of someone she really cares about. Vickie also would have been able to fully take in Robin's post-upside down appearance, seeing her buying gasoline and weapons and being worried that this girl she probably perceives as so sweet and harmless (see the line "especially not you") is resorting to violence and maybe even suspecting she's more involved than she's letting her believe.
In the audition tape the pb&j scene stays exactly the same, so Vickie does still have a boyfriend here. But I don't think we need him at all (she doesn't need to go from dating a boy to a girl to count as bisexual, you know?). Their meeting at the relief centre could have been them silently and awkwardly feeling glad that each other is okay, Vickie could have rambled about the state of the town and her family's supposed overreaction to everything, they still could have had their cute peanut butter on peanut butter gay stare moment!!
This also could have lead well into s5, with Vickie coming to terms with her bisexuality and the fact SHE LIKES ROBIN, as well as her wanting to become more involved and help out and understand wtf is going on. All of this lack of build up could have been fixed with one little exchange THAT THEY WROTE THEMSELVES and just decided not to use.
And yeah I wish Vickie was still in the rest of the season more (I still firmly believe Vickie should have been at the library when Robin and Nancy showed up) or at least brought up every so often, but this 'what if' is already miles better than what we actually got.
Well here's to hoping s5 isn't just a painful repeat of this or else I might do something drastic.
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lorifragolina · 1 month
More than Roommates...?
Another entry for @harringrovesummerbingo!
It's a silly rom com and I tried to keep it short :) I hope you enjoy it!
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Title: More than Roommates...?
Square & Prompt: C1 "Laughter"
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2501
Major Tags: Friendly schemes, Enemies to Lovers
Steve and Billy are roommates, but they didn't start with the right foot... even if they became attracted to each other pretty soon. But both of them think that the other didn't swing the same way... Two smart friends and a good scheme are needed for making them move... or not?
Read it on AO3
“Robin, he’s not gay, it’s as plain as day”.
“I never see him with a girl”.
“It’s because he’s not… I mean, he doesn’t… he just goes casual”.
“Well you can just ask and remove any doubt”.
“Are you nuts? He’s my roommate, I can’t go and ask something like this”.
Robin snorted and shrugged. It was the third or fourth time they had a similar discussion, in a corner of the cafeteria in front of their morning coffees. Usually, Steve had some wet dream about his roommate and went to venting with her. 
“Well I’ll ask him then,” she said stubbornly, frankly fed up with the hesitation of her best friend.
“Don’t you dare! Do you have an idea of how much it has cost me to find that room? I can’t ruin things with him”.
“I know, Steve, do you forget we moved here together?”
“Yes but you are a brainiac and you have your room granted in the residence”.
Robin snorted again soundly. It hadn't been so easy as Steve was painting it,  for her, but she could understand his doubts. 
Moreover, Steve and his roommate had a rough start and now, almost at the end of their freshman year, things were smoother and it was better trying not to ruin them.
“So, did you have some action lately?”
Heather adjusted the camera and went nearer to the screen, smiling slyly.
Billy sighed. “Nothing at all… dead calm”, he moaned, shaking his head.
“Don’t tell me you're still after him,” she raised her eyes. “Why don’t you make a move yet?”
“Sweet Jesus, he’s not gay!” shrieked Billy, regretting immediately for raising his voice, even if he was in his room alone. “He’s not gay, I already told you”.
“You can’t say. Do you know how many people swing in both ways?”
“He’s not”.
“Did he ever bring a girl into his room?”
“Well Robin is always here, but…”
“But they’re having sex? No, they don’t, so?”
“Well, maybe they…”
“Why don’t you ask him out? What could happen? At least you’ll stop bothering me with that nonsense”.
Billy knew that Heather loved him madly and he didn’t take her words badly, but she didn’t live there and she had no real idea of the situation.
It was him who had to live with Steve, and he didn’t want to ruin the delicate situation they created lately.
They had bitter arguments at the start of the year;  Billy liked to blast his metal out loud and having large Skype call in the common space until late, while Steve loved cheesy pop music and he wanted to sleep in the middle of the night; Billy liked to exercise and go to the gym and take care of his appearance, occupying the bathroom for hours. Steve was equally vain, but ha was not a morning person, so he passed half of his mornings knocking frantically at the bathroom door, and when he was able to going in, he didn’t mind to use Billy’s hair and body product, driving him mad when he smelled the scent of his special hair mousse on Steve’s hair. 
One time Steve had run out of the bathroom yelling like mad because he found Billy’s body hair in his razor, starting an argument that lasted almost two weeks. As if that were not enough, they had argued also in class, bickering about some unimportant detail in the textbook and their feud had been the goss of the week. 
They kept being on each other's way in college orientation events and in the basketball matches, but after a really tense few months, they reasoned out as adults, then they apologized and the cohabitation had started to go better. 
The problem was, for Billy, that all the confront and bickering had made him fixating in Steve’s body language, his moves and gestures and to walk in the room when he was agitated, how he passed his hands in his hair or put his hand on his hips, and specially in how the little mole at the side of his mouth moved when he was arguing, distracting Billy and driving Steve really mad; he didn’t know that in those moment when Billy forgot how to blink, he was thinking of kissing that little mole and all the other moles in his face and licking his neck and biting him and…
“Billy? Are you here?” Steve knocked at the door before entering.
Billy was still on his Skype call.
“I have to go, Heater, I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said in a rush, closing the laptop.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you”.
“Don’t worry, I have already finished the call”.
“Ok… something important?”
“Oh no… family thing, you know, nothing important…”
Steve nodded, taking a glass of water and drinking near the sink with his hand on his hips, pensive. Billy had to gulp his agitation and smiled tensely.
“I was thinking to have a shower, do you want to use the bathroom?” He asked kindly, one of the things he learned to do to maintain their good relationship.
“Oh, no thanks, go ahead,” Steve smiled tensely too, washing a couple of dishes still in the sink since the morning. 
He was almost sure that he heard a feminine voice, he knew that Billy had a sister but it didn’t seem to him the same voice; Billy always closed his calls when he came in the room, because he didn’t want to argue anymore about bothering calls, but Steve suspected he called always the same girl, probably his distant girlfriend and for this he never bring any woman at home. Steve didn’t dare ask to maintain the balance between them and the peace they gained so difficulty.
He suffered for not knowing, anyway… he didn’t define himself as gay, he liked girls, but he also liked men very much, and Billy in particular was his type almost exactly, although they started hating each other; but he liked ripped, neat men, well trimmed, with an angelic nuisance and a nasty attitude; and Billy, with his Californian Barbie complexion, was almost near to perfection, making him struggle to stay formal near to him. Even if Billy still hadn’t picked up any girl at college, he had a crowd of female admirers and he seemed to enjoy it, so Steve knew he couldn’t have a possibility. Moreover, if he would come out with Billy, he could feel uncomfortable; he didn’t seem homophobe, but not everyone wanted to sleep with a non straight roommate. 
“Oh, shit,” groaned Steve, raising his eyes to the cafeteria door. 
“Oh, shit,” echoed Robin, for completely different reasons. 
Billy had just entered with a stunning brunette hanging at his arm, a beaming smile and gushing with happiness.
The girl was short but curvy, with pink hearted glasses and red lips, and a pair of mini shorts that showed her nicely shaped legs; the perfect Barbie complement for Billy, sighed Steve seeing his hopes shattered in the floor. 
Robin couldn’t also take her eyes off of the girl, definitely her type, even if she seemed she couldn't take her eyes off of Billy.
“Hey,” Billy waved at Steve, who he felt he wanted to die. He smiled and waved back. 
“Hello, I didn’t know you were here either… Heather just arrived by train to visit me”.
“Hello,” said the girl, lowering the glasses and raising her hand directly to Robin. “I’m Heather”.
“I’m Robin,” she answered, breathless. They looked at each other for a long, long moment, until Billy dared to speak again.
“And he’s Steve, my roommate”.
Heather smiled again, giving him her hand too. “Oh. I heard a lot about you”.
Steve blushed and Billy nudged her. “Stop it,” he hissed, then went to the bar to order the coffee.
“So, you’re studying here too?” Heather asked directly to Robin, who blushed, leaving Steve wide mouthed and speechless. They talked a little bit, ignoring Steve completely until Billy returned with the drinks. Robin got up to go to class reluctantly.
“Well I’m staying all weekend, I hope you can join us for dinner tonight,” Heather chirped with a soundly voice, and Robin nodded and went away, giggling. 
“So you’re the famous Steve,” she immediately turned to him, resting her face on her hand. “I thought you were taller”.
“Heather!” Hissed Billy.
Steve cleared his throat. “Will you… will you stay in our room?” His voice was oddly high pitched.
“Oh no, I booked a B&B here near the campus. I don’t want to bother you two big guys,” she giggled and they both blushed furiously. 
“But I hope you don’t mind if she stays a little in the room…” said Billy carefully. 
“Oh no, not at all”.
Heather smiled and they finished their drink, then she and Billy went away to visit the campus, leaving Steve sitting there, heartbroken.
“I don’t want to go to dinner with the lovebirds!” Said Steve later, outside Robin dorm. Robin pouted and looked at him with flames in her eyes. 
“Are you stupid?” She hissed. “I’ll go even if you don’t come”.
“If you like to be the third wheel…”
“God, you’re really stupid!” Robin crossed her arms and refused to talk again with him. 
When she reached them at the restaurant, Steve looked at her, really puzzled. He never saw her so dressed up before. She barely used makeup and combed her hair with a bobby pin to avoid hair in the eyes, but that night she was wearing a fancy jacket and pants and she curled her hair and painted her eyes and lips; she was really pretty, and when he looked the glance Heather gave to her, he finally understood why she called him stupid lately. 
Billy and Steve witnessed their shameless flirtation with wide eyes, unable to say anything and looking furtively at each other, utterly embarrassed. Steve was glad she definitely wasn’t his distant girlfriend, and Billy was glad that Robin was the platonic girlfriend of Steve, but they didn’t know how to break the ice to each other and bring the topic on the table. They kept talking about trivial things, some sport results and TV shows while their friends were talking intensely and ignoring them.
Steve and Billy didn’t notice that they exchanged each other's numbers, but when they left the restaurant, Heather announced that she wanted to go resting after the trip, but she would be free the rest of the weekend to do something fun with them.
Billy walked her to her hotel and Steve and Robin went away in the opposite direction.
“What the fuck was that?” Snapped Steve once they were a little far.
“All that thing, you were… flirting with her? You had just met her!”
Robin shrugged, looking at her mobile that had just buzzed. 
“Well she’s not his girlfriend. And he clearly hasn’t problems with queer people”.
Steve sighed. Well, there was a difference between having a lesbian friend and sleeping in the same room with someone who wanted to be in your pants.
“You couldn’t stay quiet, not for a little minute, could you?” Hissed Billy walking with her.
“You didn’t tell me she was gorgeous and lesbian, Billy. Is your gaydar broken?”
“I don’t… hey I don’t need to justify with you! I… I just didn’t realize”.
“Well it’s the perfect excuse to make a move with him, don’t you think? And you didn’t tell me he had that juicy ass, you little scoundrel”.
“Oh, please, stop! It’s a coincidence his friend is a lesbian. It doesn’t mean anything”
“Oh, it doesn't mean anything, Mr queer like a three dollar bill?”
“Stop this nonsense, I can do nothing with him. He’s straight and we are roommates, that’s all”.
Heather groaned and entered the hotel. She wrote to Robin immediately, chatting with her all night. 
“Is there some club to go dancing near there?” Asked Heather the next night, peeping a glimpse at Robin. 
“Well the Pink Flag is over there and they have good cocktails,” answered Robin immediately, waving at the end of the street. “You don’t have problems going to a queer bar, right, Steve?”
Steve blushed and nodded, of course he didn’t have problems, they went there very often, but he looked at Billy’s face, who blushed, lowered his face and nodded too. The girls joined the queue hand in hand and abandoned them behind. 
Billy tried to smile, worried, and saw the same expression on Steve's face. “Well at least they’re having a good time,” he sighed, while the girls were already chatting with the bouncer, who knew Robin, and obviously Steve. He accurately avoided confessing to Billy that he was a regular there, but he couldn't hide it for longer.
“Hey Steve, it’s been ages, I missed you! Oh, he is the guy Robin just told me about?”
“Hello… hello Alan…” answered nervously Steve, looking at his feet and running inside before the bouncer could say more embarrassing things. 
Robin and Heather were still inside, giggling at the dirty look he launched at them.
“How you dared!” He hissed to Robin. 
“Well you needed a nudge,” she giggled, disappearing on the dance floor with Heather.
Billy was looking at him, confused. “I’m not sure what had just happened outside… Do you come here often?”
Steve blushed. “Well, me and Robin, we… well, you know…”
“And what he said? You… talked about… me… with Robin?”
Steve gulped, looking away, feeling the tense in Billy’s words. 
“She thinks… well, she thinks I have… she thinks I have a little crush on you, that’s all. But don’t worry, I am not…”
“Oh shit,” Billy hit his forehead. “Don’t you see?” Steve looked at him, puzzled. “Don’t you see? They set a trap! It’s so clear!”
“A trap? But why? You don’t… don’t you…?”
Billy snickered, a little embarrassed too. “Well, well it’s possible that I… I mentioned to Heather that… I may like my roommate just a little bit”.
“Those filthy little bitches!” Snapped Steve, and Billy laughed, heartily, defusing the tension between them. Steve joined his laughter, looking in his eyes and staring at his swollen, juicy lips.
“I… I never heard you laughing…” he said, touching Billy’s arm with bashfulness. “I like it,” he smiled then, and Billy melted, looking at him with glossy, puppy eyes. 
He cupped Steve’s face and pecked him, kissing his smile, then Steve pecked him back, and they finally kissed, finally biting each other's lips, with a stupid happy look on their faces. 
“So what will we do now?” Whispered Billy, taking Steve’s hand. Steve looked at him with a mischievous smile. 
“Well, my roommate is cool, you can come in my room later,” he grinned, and Billy laughed again. “But meanwhile, those little schemers don’t deserve satisfaction”.
Billy nodded. “Agree. Let’s make them suffer a little more. But first, kiss me again”.
Steve laughed, and threw his arms around him, bursting in happiness.
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