#and all the comments were just 'not in my house LOL i drink a whole bottle every night!!!'
wewontbesleeping · 2 months
one of my biggest pet peeves is the people who will comment things like "leftover wine??? what's that????" on videos. girl we're not all alcoholics.
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btsmosphere · 27 days
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 7: Spark to Life
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: “We don't have time to argue” “No, we don't”
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 5.3k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing, weapons, dangerous driving
a/n: exciting notice! (maybe lol) the next chapter is pretty short, but it really was the best place to break up my chapters - so, as a result I will be posting it in the middle of this week! that's right, this coming week will bring two whole supercharged updates! first on Wednesday, and again on the regular Sunday😊see you then!!
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For some days, the occasional crackling voices from that speaker accompanied your life when the boys were away.
Of course, you relished the time they did spend at home. Even though they were busy training in most of their free time, and out late on missions, they would come and chat with you while they made breakfast, or came to rest and watch some tv.
To them, it probably appeared that nothing was different between you and Jungkook. Whenever they were home, he took the chance to train with them. You knew he missed them now they were out so much without him. Anyone would have noticed as much, given the way he hovered around the receiver, always staying up after you slipped quietly to bed.
But once the house emptied, the smiling Jimin, raucous laughter of Hope or the fond smiles of Yoongi would be replaced by the stony silence of Jungkook.
Somehow, you were growing used to it.
Either that, or you would be firing comments between each other, no longer sure if it counted as fighting or having a conversation. Anything to fill up the silence.
You trained more too, your powers’ strength returning slowly even in the course of a week. And since that night, a sort of ritual had begun at dinner. Of course, you would have chosen anyone else’s company over Jungkook’s, but you had to make do. You would cook something simple, ordering him to chop up ingredients at the very least while he complained (“if you’re just going to criticise me, do it yourself!”). To this, you would remind him that he wanted to eat the food, did he not?
If anything, it was a cathartic vengeance for the power he held in the training rooms.
But anytime the receiver blared into life, the two of you would fall quickly into silence, drinking in every word, even the shortest exchange, of the boys which were out who-knows-where.
Tonight was one of those times. The two of you were sitting across from each other as always, beginning to eat.
The radio sparking to life cut off your conversation. Jungkook put his chopsticks down completely, turning his attention towards it. It was Jimin’s voice.
“Did anyone else see that?”
“I did. Hold on, I’ll go check it out,” Hobi replied.
Then an order from Namjoon.
“Yoongi, go with him.”
You continued staring at the small device even while no more exchanges could be heard. That wasn’t the usual stuff they talked about. Normally, it was just routine things, checking up on each other and confirming what they had planned.
But it was probably nothing. It was presumably quite a feat that they hadn’t come across any sort of difficulty in all the missions so far, and this would prove to be a false alarm or easily dealt with. You had seen what the boys were capable of, after all – just Hobi and Yoongi by themselves could be lethal.
That didn’t stop you from hanging on expectantly, though.
At last, the silence was broken. But not by what you had hoped.
“Guys? What can you see?”
Namjoon’s question was met with no reply. You couldn’t tear your eyes from the small radio, breath captive in your lungs.
Then, a jarring noise leapt like lightning from the speaker, making both you and Jungkook flinch. High-pitched, grating feedback, it faded almost instantly, but the scar it had torn in the previously peaceful kitchen remained.
Frozen to your seat, your food was well and truly forgotten as you heard Jin chime in next.
“Guys, get out of there.”
Namjoon’s trust in his right-hand man was evident, no hint of question in his voice as he reverted orders.
“Code two, hide the target and evacuate-”
“Yeah, we might have a problem with that,” Jimin cut him off.
A loud boom was audible, despite the limits of the small receiver that reduced it to white noise. Once again, it cut off.
It was then you realised Jungkook was on his feet. He snatched the radio from its spot on the counter.
“Stay here,” he said, back already retreating.
A second later, you were dashing after him. Reaching his side, you both shoved shoes on.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Jungkook glared at you with absolute incredulity, frown etched in his face. He didn’t even leave time to stare you down, however, already pushing past you and all but running down the front stairs.
You followed just as fast.
“I’m coming with you. They’re in trouble.”
“Which is exactly why I’m telling you to stay here,” he spat over his shoulder.
His foot tapped restlessly as the large front door slid open. The moment he had enough space to pass through, he was marching into the expansive garage, with you hot on his heels.
“I can help,” you argued.
Jungkook wove between the cars and stopped by a motorcycle. Turning to you, his face was set, frame livid and glare fierce while he dug harshly in his pocket for the keys.
“We don’t have time to argue.”
His tone was firm, clearly infuriated.
Just then, another concerning explosion crackled through the radio, standing your hair on end.
Stepping forwards, you swung your leg over the back of the motorbike and stared challengingly up at him.
“No. We don’t.”
The sound he let out bordered on a growl, but the next moment he had situated himself on the front of the bike, and a roaring filled the air as it shuddered into life beneath you. Left with virtually no time to react as he pulled away, you were forced to cling to the man in front of you.
With your arms thrown around him, you felt him stiffen under your touch. But then he was urging the bike forwards, and not a second later wind collided with your face as you shot from the base and into the night. The rapidly increasing speed left you to shelter your face in the back of his neck.
The cacophony in your ears and the rush of air that tugged your hair behind you should have alerted you that Jungkook was disregarding basically all existing traffic laws.
But you couldn’t care less.
With the blur of city lights whizzing past you, all you could think of was the speed with which you could reach the boys. The streets were fairly empty, but cars were dotted here and there. Probably cut some up, judging by the blaring horns at one intersection.
Thundering onto a wider street streaked with neon, your eyes fell on a billboard. As you sped towards it, the picture cut to purple fire and rubble, a live news banner scrolling along the bottom.
Then it was gone again, Jungkook guiding the bike around the corner and through more city streets.
The images set your head spinning, all the more restless on the back of the bike the longer you were helpless to do anything but wait for Jungkook to get you there. How was he going to find them? You hadn’t even been told where they were going. They hadn’t bothered you with mission details ever since you and Jungkook had been stood down-
“Almost there!” Jungkook’s yell was barely audible over the wind.
“Wait, how can you-”
“They’re protecting something called the Razer. Their plan B was to stash this weapon in some underground parking lot. You head down there, I’ll help fight them off. Looks like they were ambushed.”
“How do you know all this?” you finally made yourself heard.
“I snuck into Namjoon’s office, okay? I saw the plans,” he called back. “When we get there… you might have to fry this thing. It can’t fall into their hands, better that we destroy it altogether.”
You had no time to muster a reply before the bike was swinging around a corner and skidding to a halt.
At the end of this street, the sky was lit up. Purple fire blazed, just like on the billboard, but this time it was real, licking into the sky from the wreckage of a building on the corner. Other beams of light flashed, shocks of red and luminous white smattering the fronts of the buildings.
You got no more than a glimpse of a few figures silhouetted against this backdrop before Jungkook pulled you down to shelter behind the bike.
A hand on your shoulder keeping you in place, he peered over the top of the bike before returning his gaze to you.
“The building that’s been destroyed, the Razer should be in there. You should be able to make a way through the rubble. You’ll know when you see it. Do you remember training the other day?”
Trying to take in his instructions, you nodded.
“Use as much force as you can to overload it, like we practised. Should fry the weapon’s circuits.”
“Okay,” you muttered, taking a glance over the bike again. The street was littered with people, but no one seemed to have noticed your arrival.
“Y/N, they don’t know about you,” Jungkook’s voice recaptured your attention. “I’ll join the fight. It’ll distract them and buy you some time, hopefully give the others a chance to turn the tide as well. Don’t use your powers until you have to.”
He stood then, preparing to move around the bike and head into the fray.
His step faltered before he could go further.
When he turned back, a ray of gold flickered in his eyes.
“And Y/N… be careful. This weapon… if it strikes you, it can strip you of your power.”
Your eyes were locked for a long moment, his words sending a bolt of cold fear straight to your heart.
He took a breath, but said nothing more. An instant later, he was gone, the intensity of his eyes now no more than a mirage, quickly vanishing in your memory.
There was no time to agonise over it. Nor was there time to reconcile the implications of this fight, your first mission – your priorities turned to the weapon that was now in the open far from safe hands.
A flash of gold split through the night, sparks reflected in the bike’s mirrors.
Sucking in a lungful of air, you shuffled around the front wheel, slowly leaning out. Another blinding burst of gold showed you the outline of Jungkook, golden light firing him into the air. Sparks flew as he collided, wrestling, with someone halfway up a building.
The next moment, their figures plummeted to the ground.
Jungkook was the one who stood up again, the other staying motionless.
However, you weren’t here to watch. There was no time to stick around here. By now, others had noticed the newcomer to the fight; figures advancing your way down the street prompted you to get moving.
Ducking slightly, you picked your moment and sprinted the short distance from the bike to the edge of the street, flattening yourself against brick before checking no one had seen you.
All that greeted you were warring lights and the blur of fighting, backlit by the ever-raging fire.
Confident in being unnoticed, you sparked to life again, taking off on light feet in the opposite direction to the fighting. You raced around the corner to the neighbouring road, which was totally devoid of Bolt’s minions.
Judging by the short glimpses you had garnered so far, you guessed the group that had ambushed your friends were decked out with Bolt’s stolen goods – and were out for more. But you had no real idea how many of them had powers or not.
Or, come to think of it, how many of them there were at all.
All that mattered, though, was that there weren’t enough to have found you yet. You had run the length of the street, slowing as you reached the corner where the ruined parking lot stood.
Pressing your back against the wall, you edged around to peer at the damage. The fire was brighter here, making you squint. A few shapes darted in and out of view on the other side of the flames, but this side was still deserted.
This had to be it. Somewhere among this destruction was the weapon which had caused so much trouble.
Sheltered from view by V’s vibrant flames, you approached as close as you dared until you stood right in front of the rubble. You clambered over a few smaller chunks of concrete before you decided to begin.
With one more look around for security, you breathed deeply and raised your hands, palms only a hair away from a large block that used to form part of a wall, but now lay at your feet.
Biting your tongue, you finally let your powers out.
Remembering Jungkook’s words, you focussed on broadening the scope of your power, letting as much flow from your fingertips as possible. Blue bloomed in front of your eyes. A second later, the boulder began to glow the same hue.
Gritting your teeth, you propelled even more of your power downwards. For a moment, the rock resisted, only growing brighter blue. Then all at once, it gave way with a splintering sound that was swallowed up by the roaring of the fire.
With the sudden caving, you stumbled forwards, supressing your powers hurriedly to hide any light that would give you away. Just before you could trip into the gap revealed by the destruction of the rubble, you caught yourself with a hand on the ruptured concrete edge.
The fire did little to light up the dark space that now gaped below you.
Crouching, you peered carefully around. After a moment, your eyes had adjusted enough to reveal a concrete staircase, shrouded in the debris from the collapsed wall.
You shifted closer until you could lower yourself over the edge. Holding onto the remains of the wall, you dropped down onto the stairway.
It was seriously dark down here. To continue, you had to summon a small ball of light. Blue hovered above your palm, helping you pick through the dust and bricks that littered the ground from the building’s collapse.
On the plus side, it was utterly empty. You were clearly the first one to break through to this part, so you pushed ahead, following the stairs down as per Jungkook’s instructions. The plan had been to hide it underground.
Further on, you found the base of the staircase drowned in another pile of rubble. A larger slab encroached, looming from where it had been dislodged from the ceiling, lowering the height of the space. You didn’t dare try to move that one, however, almost certain that it was keeping a larger amount of debris from filling this corridor entirely.
Ducking quickly under that, you shot through a couple of smaller pieces before you could see a way through.
Not wanting to shift more stone than you had to, you wriggled through the gap you had created. The other side was lit with a wavering yellow light, making the stairs’ shadow flicker. A few more steps led down before you finally found the end to the enclosed space.
A blank corridor led to a door which hung off its hinges. Pausing when you reached it, a bigger, equally blank space opened out in front of you.
Though a small part of the ceiling had caved in the opposite corner, a pile of rubble collected there, the intact state of the walls told you that you were finally below ground level. The space was wide, but heavy with the oppressive air of industrial parking towers, walls strewn with graffiti. Artificial lights flickered in the corner of your vision.
The lights quivered even more as a loud boom ricocheted through the space.
That confirmed you were heading in the right direction, at least. Taking off running, you skidded through the next doorway and were instantly greeted with chaos.
Purple flickered and danced along the opposite wall – although you weren’t sure there was a real wall there at all. In front of this barrier of his own making, V was silhouetted.
Before submerging yourself in the waves of heat the large fire was throwing off, you took a breath. You couldn’t make out any enemies in the gaps between the flames, the light too dim and distorted by the blaze, but V shot another burst of flame as you watched. Your eyes were too dazzled to see if it had hit someone.
“V!” you called, hurrying to his side.
He turned with a jolt, arms still raised. Stopping in your tracks at his abrupt movement, you watched his eyes cloud with recognition.
Slowly, he lowered his palms.
You filled in the blanks of his low, startled question easily. How did you get here?
“No one followed me, I promise,” you stepped closer, “we heard you on the radio. We need to destroy that weapon.”
Nodding, V shifted his eyes furtively around before they landed on the only intact door in the place.
“There- mmph!”
V raised an arm to point, but was suddenly thrown in that direction himself.
“V!” you cried, crouching to his side, but your eyes were scanning the flame.
Hissing, V rolled over, clutching at his side which had been struck with… something. It wasn’t the same thing that had hurt him last time, but you knew the weapons Bolt was using were anything but friendly.
“Go… destroy...” he urged you, though the following groan of pain made you hesitate.
Gulping, you looked helplessly between V, who was struggling back to his feet, and the doorway he had shown you. Just as he stumbled upright, both of your attention was snatched by a figure breaking through the flames.
They had an arm over their face, grimacing at the heat, but they lifted their weapon blindly anyway.
You dived to the floor, scurrying away from the round of bullets strewn about the space.
Before either of you could retaliate, a shot of gold pierced the purple veil, sending the attacker flying. As the shots ceased, you caught sight of a silhouette you recognised darting behind the column of fire.
“Go!” V shouted again.
Meeting his eyes, you steeled yourself with a breath. While you wanted to stay and help against those enemies trying to break through the fire to get to V, with Jungkook to contend with on the other side as well, they were surrounded.
Now it was up to you.
You had found yourself with your back against the very door you needed to go through. Spinning, you wrenched it open to be met with another descending staircase. The lights had gone out totally here, but there was no time to waste.
Plunging into the darkness with nothing but your own light to guide you, you felt the temperature drop. Your skin was clammy, sweat from the heat above now clinging icily to your face, but you weren’t hanging about.
Feet finally finding flat ground, you looked around urgently until you caught sight of a shape ahead.
It was a large box, black so it nearly blended in with the darkness. Scrabbling to get to the weapon within, you easily blasted aside the simple metal fastenings.
On opening it, bright light startled your eyes once more. A clear sphere filled with what looked like bolts of lightning formed the centre of the device. The surrounding parts containing it were white, clearly a prototype, and resembled a gun.
Already feeling your powers bubbling up, you didn’t hesitate to place your hands on the spherical centre. A tingle flew up your spine.
Refusing to let fear get to you now, even with the knowledge of what this thing could do, you continued to push until your powers spilled from your fingertips. Blue lightning skittered over the glass surface, caging the still writhing light within.
Glowing brighter and brighter as you expelled more power, you began to feel something. Like the time in training when Jungkook had connected your powers and you had felt his golden electricity – except this, this was cold.
The glass shattered between your hands, noise and light smothering your senses as you were thrown backwards.
Your back met concrete, your own gasps heavy in your ears.
The cold was still there.
Blinking rapidly, you grappled to hold onto your powers, keep them flowing. Squinting into the brightness surrounding you, you found a brilliant white light had sprung from the weapon’s casing, seemingly latched onto your own powers.
Fear jolted through you. The light, whatever its power, was pushing back, trying to devour your own.
You had been trained for this. But – and you would never repeat this – you longed for Jungkook in that moment. The safety of the training room, and the usual guarantee of coming out alive, had all fallen away.
It was just you. Alone.
But there was a fight raging above you, all for this thing. You had to do this: for Yoongi and Hobi who could be anywhere right now. Hurt, bleeding? For Jin and Namjoon, wanting to come out on top. Jimin, fighting for V who was penned into the parking lot defending you.
And for Jungkook.
You had been trained for this.
Adrenaline buzzing in your veins, you pushed yourself up from the floor, power swelling in your chest. Letting it out completely, it charged through your veins until it was spitting sparks in the air, jaws gnashing against the blazing white that threatened to devour it.
One foot forwards.
The white lightning squirmed, as if trying to shake you off. You never relented. Blue advanced steadily from your hands until it was all that could be seen.
Breaking point. You kept up the pressure, feeling the last bit of resistance from the weapon-
Upstairs, the fire V had lit was buffeted as if hit by a powerful gust of wind. Disturbed anew, blocks shifted in the rubble, pebbles raining to earth. The opponent Jungkook had been fighting was swept clean from their feet, his golden light harmlessly striking the wall behind the spot where they had just stood.
But as the enemy was forced to the floor, Jungkook’s attention was already elsewhere. Struggling to stay standing through the shockwave, he staggered back a few paces before he could turn towards the fire. The way you had gone.
The ground seemed to settle again, the blast leaving silence in its wake.
The first sound was his feet pounding on the floor. Striding right over the fighters lying on the ground, uncaring whether they were dead or alive, skirting around the fire they had been attempting to cross seconds ago.
None of Bolt’s pathetic followers attempted to stop Jungkook. They couldn’t deny the meaning of that explosion – the thing they were after was destroyed.
Normally, he might stay, try to stop them fleeing. As it was, he didn’t stand between them and their retreat, instead sprinting towards the source of the commotion.
V had kept his guard up, still eyeing the fire for movement with dark eyes. He caught Jungkook’s eyes as the younger stopped in front of him, eyes wide and panicked.
V turned.
Following his gaze, Jungkook found a doorway. Behind the open door was consuming darkness, still and silent.
You were in there.
His feet were moving again, steps turning to strides as he picked up speed, only to nearly trip over himself as he got closer.
You rushed up the stairway, catching yourself on the doorframe. Leaning against it, you panted for breath, but an exhilarated smile never left your features.
As your breathing calmed, you looked around into the car park. Eyes meeting Jungkook’s, you straightened up a little.
His mouth hung slightly agape. He had expected you to crawl from there bleeding, if the shockwave had been anything to go by. And for him to be the one that sent you down there-
“I did it!” you exclaimed.
Blinking rapidly, he clocked how long he must have been staring in shock.
Nodding, he hurriedly shuffled around in pretence of checking the area like V.
“Good. I almost didn’t think you were going to be any help.”
You had no time to decipher his comment before V cast a sharp gaze over the two of you. His usual silence had taken hold again, but Jungkook seemed to understand him.
“We need to move.”
Striding away purposefully, V left you two to scramble after him. Jungkook threw one more skittish glance at you, but quickly turned his eyes away to march after V.
The fire’s heat grew in intensity as you neared, smothering. V waved a hand and a gap opened up, the glaring purple giving way to pure darkness beyond. Hurrying through, you panted gratefully in the cool night air. Even among the rush of your battle downstairs, you felt a bit wobbly from the strain.
Leaving the fire blazing behind you without a care, your trio scaled the wreckage, this side of the building being the main victim of the destruction. The landslide of rubble sloped upwards, your path weaving between motionless figures, slumped in gaps between the debris.
V bent down to scoop up a gun, lifting it easily from a fallen opponent. Their hand fell uselessly back onto the rock.
Jungkook did the same, only he flung the weapons he collected back into the fire behind you. It spat as it guzzled them, but the sound grew fainter as you finally reached the street and hurried away over flat ground.
As the three of you sprinted through the night, the full extent of the battle was spread before you. Scattered around the burning building were pieces of wreckage, but you were sure they couldn’t have been flung that far if it wasn’t for human intervention in the destruction.
You were forced to leap over a large channel where the road had cracked, somehow.
Eerily still after the furore that had been raging only moments ago, your group’s footsteps rang loudly in your ears. Which is why the crunch that echoed through the wasteland stopped you in your tracks.
Whizzing around, you were instantly alert, feeling your powers stir.
But the air left your lungs, relieved by the blur of pink that was coming towards you.
Jimin tossed a mangled car to one side like it was nothing, only focussed on V. They collided, Jimin burying his head in V’s shoulder and desperately clutching him close.
It was only after pulling away that he registered your presence. His eyes flicked between you and Jungkook, a million questions forming in his eyes.
But he left them unsaid.
He started running again, hand clutched in V’s and leading him around the corner. Following, you drew further from the fiery glare in your wake. The shadows grew thicker, your path taking you off that road and further into the city maze.
Wailing met your ears, sirens announcing the likely arrival of authorities at the site of the fight – all too late to stop anything.
Though you were out of sight, you were only a few streets away. Enough to make you feel terribly exposed to the building clamour of sirens. A glance over your shoulder showed the distinct red and blue of emergency vehicles painting the dark sky.
Then you caught sight of something – someone – stepping forwards from the shadows.
Someone with silvery hair and eyes that glowed bright white.
You hadn’t really seen Yoongi use his powers. His eyes were truly striking, but he did little more than breathe and suddenly the world was plunged back into darkness. The colours disappeared from the sky, even the streetlights dying.
“Yoongi!” Jimin exclaimed, changing course to rush towards him, “you’re okay! What happened-?”
“We’re fine,” Yoongi spoke calmly, dazzling eyes scanning the road behind you, “just couldn’t get back- speaking of, where are we getting to now?”
As if summoned, a figure dropped from the now dark streetlamp. No one else could make a landing like that look so easy.
Yellow faded from Hope’s eyes as he faced you, grin splitting his face.
“Namjoon got to Jin alright, they’re on their way. Just saw them.”
Only the crunch of tyres gave away the car that swung around the corner. The headlights had been cut, whether by Yoongi or by Jin, driving, as a precaution. It blended with the shadows, sliding through them to stop smoothly in front of your group, assembled on the pavement.
It wasn’t until a door swung open and Namjoon stood from it that you remembered the fact you weren’t meant to be there.
This far, the adrenaline of the action had driven it from your mind. But the look Namjoon threw at you and Jungkook made reality come crashing back around you. Would he be angry? He was the one who had stood you down after all.
He breathed in evenly, gaze raking painstakingly over you…
“Get in.”
That was all he said, ducking back inside the car without another word.
As always, nothing could be read through his words. Sobered, you looked at the boys around you, waiting for them to pile into the car before you joined them.
Inside, you kept silent. Jimin and Tae were squished together in the back, Hope apparently cheerful beside them. By contrast, in the middle, Yoongi was staring intently out at the passing streets. His irises still glowed white, reflected in the darkened glass of the window. No trace of emergency lights, searchlights or even regular city lights found its way remotely near you.
This left you shoulder to shoulder with Jungkook, a frosty silence stretching between you.
With Yoongi doing his job so well, Jin guided the car silently back home. Namjoon’s calculating eyes scanned the lot of you through the rear mirror occasionally.
All you could do was try valiantly to ignore the firm press of Jungkook’s arm against yours. But it was impossible to drive him from your mind; in a way, this was familiar. His rigid frame, determinedly staring ahead. Anywhere but you.
Then why did it make you feel so small now?
You were well used to this kind of treatment from him, reciprocating it more often than not. So it was totally unfair how he could occupy your thoughts so relentlessly. All you had done was follow his orders. Rushed into battle together, yes. But you reminded yourself that he never wanted you there anyway. You were still just a hindrance to him.
Setting your jaw, you turned your gaze stoically out the window. A lone streetlight travelled past – you must be almost home if Yoongi felt it safe enough to let the light back in.
You had lost them well enough in the dark maze of the centre, and now you could throw them off your trail.
Through the reflections, you eyed the car packed with all of you. It felt right, with everyone there. Dimmed by the window glass, you saw Jimin’s arm slung around V’s shoulder, small smiles on everyone’s faces as he exchanged low jokes with Hobi.
Jin and Namjoon guided you home at the head of the vehicle. Namjoon’s glances were caring instead of cold, checking up on his fellow fighters.
This could have been different. Nerves remained about his decision, what your actions tonight would make him think. But you could rest knowing you had stepped in to help your new family, part of the reason you were all safely in this car now.
These events only bolstered what had been growing within you. These boys were your team.
Every single one.
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Thank you for reading!! Good news for those of you dying to hear what Namjoon will do now, remember the next chapter is going up on Wednesday 29th💜until then, let me know your thoughts down below🥰
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cod-sins · 11 months
could you write cod hcs for a female reader who's 5"9 and a bit chubby? thank you <33333
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.ೃ࿐ Format: Hcs
.ೃ࿐ Paring: König. Ghost.
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Female. Chubby.
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW. A bit too fluffy on Simon's part.
[A/N: FIRST FEMALE READER REQUEST LET'S GOOO! Also I'm 6'0-6'1 so to me anything under that is short LOL.]
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Oh my god he's so in love with you.
König may be a 6'10 killing machine who wouldn't hesitate to end a person's life but he's absolute putty in your hands. He treats you like goddess always spoiling you with whatever items you want.
He isn't all that into PDA, he'll hold your hand or maybe put an arm around you if he's feeling particularly antsy/jealous but at home he's a completely different person.
He loves to lay in bed with you, on his side while you just talk about your day. His eyelids would be low and there would be a soft smile on his face while you were talking. If you asked him if he was paying attention he would repeat back every single word you said—not missing a beat.
Thinks your chubbyness is cute. Thinks your whole body is cute to be honest.
König can sometimes get really cheesy and mushy over you but he refrains from taking action because he's scared he'll come off as overbearing.
He loves to softly tease you. Thanks to the hot weather he'll walk around the house shirtless flaunting his body and calling you out whenever you stare.
"And that's how Horangi and I were able to defeat an entire squadron without taking a single hit!" He says proudly while looking at you for a reaction. You however were to busy staring at his abs to notice.
"Maus." "Huh?" "My eyes are up here." He says with a dumb smirk on his face. He watches as you as shift positions—to flustered to look at him.
König closes the jar lids way too tight, he doesn't do it to be annoying he's just adamant on keeping his food fresh and preserved. It wouldn't be a problem until he's deployed and you can't open a jar of jelly to make a sandwich.
He also does this with things in the pantry/cabinet. König is still not use to living with a person who's shorter than him so you'll have to remind him to not put things on the tallest shelf.
He loves to pick you up and twirl you around.
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Ghost loves to loom over you. Even if you're doing mundane tasks such as washing the dishes or folding laundry, he'll lean on the wall or just stand right behind you watching. He notices every little detail in what you do.
He thinks the height difference between you two is cute. He loves when you wear his clothes because they're always too big and they manage to swallow you whole. He never comments on it he'll just stare at you admiring you.
His favorite dates with you are quiet ones. Like picnic dates on a sunny afternoon away from other people or driving to a diner that he really likes [they have those in the UK right?].
If you guys are watching TV together he'll nitpick everything the characters do. "He didn't even turn the safety off." "His gun still had bullets left why did he toss it away?" "If they were on the field they would be dead." Remind him that it's fake and he'll temporarily shut up.
One of his favorite memories of you was on a short weekend. It was right before he was deployed and he spent it with you, laying in bed, drinking and eating a bunch of takeout that you two ordered. You spent that night just holding him and playing with his hair, softly rocking back and forth while he had his head on your chest listening to your heartbeat.
Ghost fondly remembers every word you said to him even if you don't he still thinks about it when he's on the field or when it's early in the morning and you're still asleep.
Ghost loves the way his body engulfs you whenever you hug him. Sometimes he'll squeeze you just a little bit too tight to make sure you're real and not some beautiful illusion his mind made up.
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Being drunk and complaining how you think your bfGF is prettier than you (genshin men WOMEN x fem reader)
meow i love women <3
im so gay for genshin women lol
characters(SEPERATE): yae miko, beidou, lisa, mona, deyha, ninguang, rosaria, shenhe, yelan,
doing nilou, ganyu, jean, eula, keqing, ei(baal), kokomi, yoimiya next!!
be sure to comment if you want any other characters!!
i just fucking realized that rosaria is a nun, which means she is not allowed to date or have any sexual interaction uh my bad haha
Yae miko rather laughed at your pitiful state. As a shrine maiden, she is not allowed to drink, but rather seeing you intoxicated was rather enjoyable. "fufufu...what do we have here?" She laughed as you collapsed onto her, crying. "How are you so gorgeous?...what if-what if someone steals you from me? Do you even love me?" ...this was what came out of your mouth in a series of lisps and blabbering. "Oh? And what would make you think there is anyone else that could win me over? If you really want to be assured, I'll let you know that I dont just fall for anyone..." She smiled slyly at you. "R-REALLY?.." You looked up at her. "Yes darling, really." You ended up in a sobbing fit and cried yourself to sleep, waking up to puffy eyes and a teasing yae miko who wouldn't tell you what she was had happened last night...
Beidou, is a drinker all right. And so were you. Unfortunantly, the rather large difference between the two of you drinking was your rather awful alcohol tolerance. One or two drinks and you were saying your deepest darkest secrets. Which is why it usually ends up with you and beidou drinking alone. "Gosh..." You fangirled at your wife. "So hot, pretty, cool, smart, strong, hngg" You hit your head on the table as your hand which was supporting your head slipped. "OW!" You yelled in pain, crying to your wife. "Wifey it hurtttttttsss." You cried to beidou, and she just laughed. Which resulted in you staring at her in seriousness. "That laugh...."You suddenly gush, warmth rising to your cheeks. "That was so hot!" sparkles appeared in your eyes. "Do it again! Do it again!" You eagrly begged her to laugh again...and again...and again. How happy beidou was to have someone love her as much as you did.
Lisa, was actually the one to intoxicate you in her office after you gifted her multipole bottles of fruit wine, insisting that it would taste better if she drank it with you. However, rather than drinking it for herself, she took small sips while encouraging you to drink more. And you, somewhat of a people pleaser (or maybe just a lisa pleaser), drank until you couldn't tell how many fingers you had on your hand. "Lisaaaaaaa" you groaned, holding your head. "Yes cutie?" she smiled slyly, swirling the wine in her glass. "I envy you so much.." You laid your head on the office desk sighing. "You're so cute, gorgeous, and pretty...how is it even possible? And your voice is so soothing..." You blinked slowly, perhaps it was the alcohol (or lisa's voice), that made you tired. "Haha, are you a fan of me?" She gazed into your eyes smiling as her hand lifted your chin to look at her. "I think your cuter, isn't that right my little cutie?" You shied away from her embarrassed. "I was trying to complement you...not turn it around to me" You kissed her and giggled, "Hehe, you're my girlfriend! I'm so luckyyyhngggg" You blabbered, drifting off to sleep giggling.
As a rather wealthy person (or at least, richer than mona), you brought mona to your house for a little dinner date at home. You were quite nervous, even after months of dating, trying to impress her. Mona found it a bit cute, you've already stolen her heart, you still want to impress her? This 'cute' intention and nervousness made yourself drink the whole bottle of alcohol for a confidence boost. "Ah! [n-name] dear, you shouldn't drink so fast!" Mona stood up worriedly and rushed to your side. She held your arm as the alcohol started doing its job, and you started to loose balance. "Monaaaaaa I love you sooooooooo muchhh" You turned to her smiling drowsily, but unfortunately loosing your balance which caused you to topple over her on the floor. "[n-name]! Are you okay!?" she sat up, perhaps a bit embarrassed with a tint of pink dusting her face. You, arms wrapped around her neck and staring at her a bit too intently, spoke. "You're the prettiest astrologist-no the prettiest person ive ever met, how did i even get to date you?" You gushed at her. "P-pretty? Well of course I am!" She boasted, turning her head to face the wall to hide the redness of her face. "You're so cool...I wanna be just like you" You stayed like this for a while, sitting in her lap on the ground until you dozed off. "You're so silly [name], I love you for who you are..." She mumbled under her breath, staring at your sleeping figure on her lap.
An eremite and a scholar..dating? Yes, perhaps it was a bit unusual, but you were so in love with Deyha, sometimes you couldn't even look her in the eye. First meeting when you commissioned her to protect you in the runes, as you were a haravatat student. You asked her out, and rather very surprisingly, she said yes. And now it comes to this, having a date in a treehouse? The picnic blanket was spread on the wooden floor, and a candlelit dinner was set on the blanket. "[name]...you can't get drunk alright?" Worried for your safety, she set the bottle to the side, away from you. You were quite the infamous scholar at the akademiya known for your alcoholism, which made many other scholars shy away from you. Deyha paused for a moment, seemingly trying to process something, then picking up the bottle and shaking it, only to hear the airy inside of the bottle, without a single drop of wine. "[n-name]?" She went over to your side and looked at your face, in which turned out to be pink. She sighed. Truth to be told, you were trying to fix your alcoholism, which was (kind of?) working, you only got drunk every other week or so. It seems that the wine was too tempting to resist. You looked at Deyha and took her face in your hands. "Your makeup is superb pretty and gorgeous and cool and hot today." Deyha sat up straight, blushing. "I'm not wearing any makeup today [name].." Covering her face with her hand embarresed by your compliment. You snaked your hands around her waist and closed your eyes. "Mmmm...youre warm too..." You cuddled next to her as she laughed. "Of course, I'm your little heater." You smiled, breathing in her scent. "You smell good too..ehe" You took a deep breath and sighed.
The jade chamber was rebuilt, so you decided to have a mini party with only Ninguang. "I've brough some high-quality wine from mondstat for us to celebrate." She opened the bottle, the two of you a drink. Savoring the wine, she smiled at you gently. "Do you like it?" She asked you, waiting for your reply. "YES! Ahem, sorry i meant yes, i do like it." You blushed, flustered of your outburst. It was still hard to wrap your head around the fact that you were dating the ninguang. Perhaps it was the alcohol slowly taking effect, or maybe just the nerves, but you suddenly blurted out, "I think you're the nicest and prettiest lady in the entirety of teyvat! I-I'm really happy that you gave me a chance to date you considering our vast diferences..." You stuttered, fumbling with your hands. She let out a slight chuckle and stood up, walking in front of your chair to bend down to look at you. As here hands were on both of the arm rests, pining you to the chair, she spoke sternly, yet also in a loving tone. "It should be me who's the grateful one here, someone as cute and charming as you is hard to come by you know?" She teased you, showing her rather playful side than her work personality to you. After all, you were someone who truly loved ninguang for who she is and perhaps her no.1 fangirl and supporter.
As someone who was kept void of emotions, Shenhe was always learning new things about love and emotions when she was with you. She always felt calmer(less homicidal ykyk) near you, which was something quite new. And blushing and being embarrassed...was a bit confusing sometime. You invited her to your house for a drink or two, which caused shenhe to panic a bit and cloud retainer to have her little 'my baby's growing up!!' moment. Appearing at your front door step, you invited her in. "Oh! I bought this bottle of alcohol when i visited Snezhnaya, I've been really wanting to try it with you!" You smiled, which instantly caused shenhe to be a melting mess. "R-really...you wanted to try it with me?" "Yes!" You took two cups and poured some alcohol in each one. "Cheers!" You smiled as you downed the whole thing. "Ack-" You coughed, choking a bit on the alcohol. "Are you alright?" Shenhe asked worried about your wellbeing. "Yeah haha..and this alcohol seems to be wayyyy stronger than I thought it would be." You silently apologized to shenhe for the person you were about to become once drunk. Taking another shot (which actually was more like 5 shots in your cup), your face started turning red, and your words started to become more carefree and slurred. "Mmmphhh i really lov your eyes their soooo pretty...Just like you entirely ya know? Gosh how did i get someone as cute as you?..." You smiled at her, as she was a mush of shyness. "You're doing it again...saying these things that make me feel weird..." She mumbled, but you heard her. "Do you not like how it makes you feel?" You looked at her, tilting your head in curiosity. "N-no! I really like these um-compliments you give me." She covered her face. "Awww whats wrong?" You smiled, pouting. "Those expressions of yours...so...cute..." She fangirled internally at you. Tonight, shenhe will be receiving all the affection she deserves <3
"YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN" you yelled rushing to the front door of your rather luxurious home you shared with your wife. "Hello love, I'm back from work." You jumped onto her as she caught you. "You're such a child...I haven't even been gone for that long." You sniffled and sobbed. "Yes it was! You were gone for two days! I missed you so much!" You cried, and yelan took one smell to know you were drinking. She sighed and laughed "Drinking without me?" She said. "Im sorry...I just missed seeing your pretty face and your touch i thought the alcohol would help...It's-It's a weekend so its fine!" You tried defending yourself. "Well I'll say, I missed you lots too. I got you a little souvenir" But you were already fast asleep. Well at least she loves taking care of you at times like this, she found it pretty cute.
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cornie-heesan · 2 months
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STARING| Nakamoto Yuta x fem!reader
PROMPT| of creator!reader
DESCRIPTION| After the incident that happened at the house with Mark and Yuta, the Japanese man had been scarce around the house. Only coming home long enough to grab a fresh change of clothes. No more lingering stares, comments or slightly unsavory touches between Yuta and Mark’s girlfriend. Yuta has found himself a little play thing of his own that has been occupying his time.
WARNINGS| Dubious content my friends, perv!yuta, dom!yuta, sir kink, corruption kink, spitting, rough sex, unprotected sex [don’t, you’ll get pregnant and d*e], piv, spanking, fingering, oral [m and f recieving], AFAB body description, spanking, hair pulling, face sitting, choking, name calling [affectionate], if any of the previous statements bother you, or you don’t like it- don’t read it
A/N| I have no idea where this came from lol
A/N| Pt.2 I've been MIA because I moved 30 hours across the country and had to drive lmao, here's something even if it's not much ;)
NSFW UNDER THE CUT- read at your own discretion
Yuta had made himself scarce around the house after the incident a few weeks ago- not because he was ashamed- more, curious to venture out and do something exciting on his own- preferably with a partner. He spent long nights in the library studying, watching movies, hell even sleeping- when there was one night that he’d me you, Y/L/N Y/N. All frills, ribbons, pretty nails and a devious smile.
For a few days the two of you shared flirty smiles and heated gazes- then the next Yuta’s eyes follow you around the library where he hops he could get a little glimpse under the short little skirts you wear. He takes note of your favorite drink order, the way you cutely nibble on the end of your acrylic nails as you read through some texts.
One day he sees you leaning against a bookshelf thighs continuously rubbing together. He watches as your chest heaves, cheeks a wicked shade of red and little gasps leaving your plump lips. He didn’t think you were going to be sick- his head cocks slightly as he glances around the practically empty basement level of the library.
Eyes land on a man, sitting only a few meters away from you- baseball cap partially covering his hair, a phone propped against a water bottle and another phone with an app open, that the mystery guy is currently dragging his finger against. Yuta’s eyes widen slightly as he recognizes the app- it controls a wireless vibrator. A high pitched whine draws his attention back to you- teary eyes focused on his own.
Your hips are twitching, you try to keep the noises down but you can’t help it- a squeal leaves your lips as your eyes roll back and your lips take an O shape. Yuta can’t help but hungrily roam your body- he can see the flex of your lower belly as your orgasm surges through you. Thighs twitching, nails digging into the grain of the bookcase you learned on- and he definitely didn’t miss the trickle of slick running down your thighs.
He packs up his things quickly, retreating to the single use bathroom before he got transfixed on watching the afterglow overtake your body. He was as hard as a fucking brick in his loose fitting gym shorts- a small dark patch of pre stating where the head of his cock was settled. He makes quick work of locking the door and shoving his shorts down to his ankles before gripping his cock tightly.
A hiss slips past his bared teeth at the contact, whole heartedly wishing it was your warm pussy wrapped around him. Yuta didn’t care that he didn’t know your name, he didn’t need to when just the mere thought of you made his balls heavy and stomach clenching with need. Honestly your reminded him of his favorite only fans creator- cherrygirlxx
He can’t help the debauched groan that leaves his lips as he fumbles to pull his phone out of his bag opening the app and pulling your account up- where he sees a newly posted video on your account. A very familiar shade of green is behind you along with several bookcases as the little microphone you wore picks up the little whimpers and cries that leave you only captioned
‘Please, sir 🥺’
Yuta can’t help but speed up his hand. His favorite fucking creator goes to his school and has been sending him ‘fuck me’ eyes every day in the library for the last two weeks. He subconsciously matches your frequencies- fucking his fist along with the recorded whimpers leave your lips. Dirty words leaving your lips as you beg and plead for ‘sir’ to fuck you, to make you cum. It only eggs Yuta on, pushing him over the edge as cum leaks from his reddened tip, dripping around his fingers until his balls feel completely emptied.
Yuta avoids his normal area in the library for a few days, he couldn’t bring himself to look at you in real life without popping a chub like a prepubescent boy. After the fifth day he decides that he can’t keep himself from seeing your pretty face in person any longer- that and the fact that and some of the younger brothers had figured out where he’d been hiding the last couple of weeks.
He doesn’t say a word to you- until one day you sat pertly on the chair next to him, Shining lip gloss coating your lips, skirt barely gracing your thighs, that were partly covered in stocking with little pink bows that dug into the fat of your them. Yuta’s brain short circuits, almond shaped nails ghosting over the skin of his arm where his lock and chain tattoo sat.
“I hope this doesn’t mean you’re taken,” the pout of your glossy lips draws his attention away from your pink painted nails- he’s able to give you the most charming smile “No cherry girl, it doesn’t” you don’t shy away from his silent confession instead your eyes sparkle with mischief. Confidently you move closer to him, your breasts pushing against his arm, sticky lips ghosting his ear
“Would you be down to film some content with me?” Your breath causing tingles to shoot down Yuta’s spine but he tries to cover it up with a husky laugh “Do you always try this with guys around campus, princess?” He hums sliding his hand to rest lightly around your throat “No sir,” you sigh dreamily wishing he’d put just a little more delicious pressure around your throat.
“Who was the guy last week, hm?” His lips teasing along your jaw nipping at the skin “You know him,” you giggle sliding even closer to him- not like that was possible. Yuta thinks back to the man he saw with you last week- realizing on the way out he got a look at his face.
Ten Lee
How had he not recognized his frat brother? Better yet, how did Ten not notice that Yuta was sitting right there? The universe must be out for him at this point.
Your nails scrape along his thighs as he watches you sink down on to your knees staring up at him with those same fuck me eyes you had been giving him weeks ago.
“Can I please, please, please suck your cock sir?” Yuta couldn’t deny how pleasing you looked begging him to bring his cock out. The Japanese man smirk, subconsciously spreading his thighs wider
"Since you've been such a good girl, I don't see why not."
“Why are you guys always watching someone fuck in this god damn living room?” Johnny groans kicking his shoes off hearing the unmistakable sound of skin on skin slapping. First with the Mark bullshit and now Jaehyun, Haechan, Jeno, Jaemin, Ten and Yangyang have only fans pulled up on the tv.
“You know how Ten is friends with that creator ‘cherrygirlxx’? She has a man on her account now. He’s been trying to figure out why she hasn’t had him help with content lately.” Jaehyun explains like it’s some kind of research project “Ten, why are all your friends outside of this house into recording themselves?” John questions only to receive a shrug for an answer. Giving up Johnny just gives in and joins the watch party.
The videos change after the last one Ten helped with, using a wireless vibrator to get you off in the middle of the library. Next is a video of you was filled with that unmistakable ugly orange carpet in the basement of the library and the thighs of some mysterious man who’s cock you were currently choking on. Wonton whines leave your lips as drool trails down your chin as you happily swallow the guys cum with a smile on your face.
Next you were still in the library but now positioned on a table face down ass up, camera focused on your fucked out face with the lewd sounds of your pussy fill the air. The camera angle changes to your pussy being finger fucked by this man, gushes of slick leaving your body as you whither and moan for sir to let you cum.
“Jesus Christ what I would do to fuck that woman..” Haechan whines awkwardly moving his hips “Bro, ain’t no way she’s gonna let your pencil dick anywhere near her pussy.” Ten snorts “What? You hit it?” Jaehyun pipes up only to receive a smirk from the Thai man and no other answer. Ignoring his distracted brothers Jaemin swipes to the next video- where there was finally a change of scenery- albeit an outside scenery, a change none the less.
The guys pants shoved halfway down his thighs as his hand wraps around your hair arching your back as he fucks you against a tree that’s not too far from the frat house. It’s dim but the familiar shrill of music from a speaker. They sat analyzing the video trying to figure out if they could figure out who the guy was when the door opened to the front of the house.
Skin slapping and moans reach Yuta’s ears as he toes off his shoes pausing before remembering it’s not Mark because he’s got a late lecture today. His eyes find the TV where the familiar scene of his pelvis rhythmically slaps into the fat of your ass- begging him to fuck you harder on his cock. He doesn’t speak to the guys as he flops into an armchair scrolling through his phone.
The next video is the one you had only just posted a few minutes ago- you’re on your back, head dangling of the edge of an unmade bed. The man is only showed from the naval down- you have tear stained cheeks as you mindlessly babble about how good the cock inside you feels. If someone’s paying enough attention they can see the slight bulging movement of where his cock is hitting your insides.
“Wait a goddamn minute,” Yangyang speaks suddenly causing Jaemin to groan and pause the video “Doesn’t that tattoo look familiar to anyone!?” Yangyang shrieks pointing his finger aggressively to the tattooed hip “Bro, I was too busy watching her get fucked- not that guys dick?” Haechan whines before freezing finally noticing the bellybutton ring in the guys naval. Where has he seen that before?
Yuta ignores their comments on his tattoos- that is until Yangyang screamed smacking Haechan on the shoulders. They exchange eye contact before Haechan joins in on the screaming as the shake each others bodies aggressively “What the fuck are you two on?” Jaehyun grumbles peeling his eyes open to look at what they see “BUTTERFLY…TATTOO… BELLYBUTTON RING!!!!!” They scream in gasped breaths.
Yuta takes this as his sign to exit the room before everyone starts to realize they’ve been watching him I dick down the baddest [affectionate] only fans creator. Ten’s eyes catching the movement of Yuta slinking out of the room catching a quick glance of a familiar butterfly tattoo adorning his hip- a panicked scream leaves his mouth
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staytinyville · 9 months
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ATEEZ poly!ot8 x Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warning: there is some hardcore name calling on behalf of your parents (scarlet woman type names), your parents are major problems here
A/N BETA READ (@mariana-mmtz). Just know I am reading every single one of your comments and reblogs. Honestly shoutout to @laymegentlytorest for all your reblogs and comments. I love them so much. LOL. I love reading about all of your future predictions!
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You all had decided it would be best to go back home the same day. Now that you knew where the boys were camping in, it wouldn’t be much of a hassle. However, the issue with the whole ordeal was that the sun had begun to set as you began your journey back home. That didn’t keep the boys from wanting to get you home, though. Yunho explained to you that it was a good way to stay on your father’s good side. 
Nonetheless, you didn’t realize someone had already tainted that for you. 
As soon as your siblings saw Yeosang’s horse pulling up the driveway, they rushed outside to be the first to greet you. “(Y/N)!” Your sister called, and your youngest brother ran outside along with her. 
The 6-year-old clung to your legs, stuffing his face into your skirts. “What is it?” You asked worried. 
Your sister sighed deeply as she calmly walked closer to you. “Dad isn't in the best mood at the moment.” She pulled back your brother, moving to carry him on her hip. “I thought you weren't going to come back for another day.” She told you.
You took a glance at your house, then back to Yeosang. He looked at you worried, waiting for you to say something. “It’s fine, Yeo. You can go home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You told him. 
The man only looked at you skeptically, but ultimately decided to listen. He gave you a goodnight and a bow of his head to your sister. 
“What's wrong?” You asked your sister. You two slowly made your way into the house, stopping at the door.
“I tried to tell them it was probably nothing, but they wouldn't listen.” She shook her head.
“Listen to what?” As you walked in, you noticed your father sitting at the dining table with a beer in his hand. 
Your father was never a drinker, only socially. He was a bartender himself, so he knew better than anyone else what it was like to fall into alcoholism. With the way he was looking at you, you knew he started drinking to think about something grave.
“You're back early.” He called out to you. Your mother stopped washing the dishes, turning around to look at whom he had talked to. You gave your sister a look, telling her to take your brother upstairs. 
“Yeah,” You quietly spoke, walking closer. “Yeosang brought me home after Seonghwa said he could get back safely. Is something wrong?” You asked, looking over your father with crossed arms. 
Your mother sighed, going to answer you, but your father was quick to answer your question. “Why didn't you tell us you were seeing that deputy staying in the hotel?”
Your breath got caught in your throat, however, you only gave them a confused look. As far as you know, only a selected few people knew about how you were with Yunho that night. It was an excuse the boys came up with that day you were in jail. Where on earth did your parents possibly hear that?
“Because I'm not?” You frowned. “Where did you hear that?”
“Sheriff Hendricks came to see us earlier. He told us that on the night of those murders you were with the officer.” Your father’s jaw locked up, he looked at you with offense. “Is he the reason you stayed overnight instead of Seonghwa? Was it to be with that man?” He began to talk louder, which began to bother you.
“No, that's not it-” You shook your head.
“Then what is it (Y/N)!?” He stood from his chair. “Why do I have the sheriff coming to my door and accusing my daughter of being a street walker?”
You froze at his words. You gasped out and looked at him with an appalled expression. “A what?” You clenched your jaw. “You'd rather believe a man over your own daughter!?” You took a deep breath. 
“Yes, I'm seeing the deputy. What is the problem?” You agreed, hoping to get your parents to understand that you were not what the gossip was talking about.
“The problem is the entire town has seen you with other men. They said you were with two at one point!” Your father kept going.
You only seemed to grow angrier at the mention of your time-out with Wooyoung and Jongho. You always saw girls around other boys, and yet for some reason you were the one being singled out. “And!? I have friends, Dad. My life is more than just the hotel.” You told him.
“Yes, but these friends are grown men your age!” He stressed. 
“(Y/N), you're at that age where people are going to start assuming the worst of you because you aren't married yet. You have to be careful with how you act.” Your mother softly told you, moving towards you. 
What was the difference if you were 16 or 25? If anything it was worse for girls younger than you because who knew what hormonal teenage boys were doing with them. But no one wants to talk about that. They care too much about the unmarried woman in her 20’s being seen around town with more than one man at a time. It upset you to see that people really didn’t have their priorities straight.
“Ever since those coppers showed up all of a sudden I've seen you out and about with men. Not just one but multiple.” Your father returned to his seat. “This isn't like you. You would never be caught dead speaking to men like that.”
Your anger began to bubble up again. They didn’t know what the boys were truly like. Maybe you wouldn’t want to tell them they were criminals, but they were people who didn’t look down at you. They were the ones who told you for the first time they liked the attitude you had. They welcome you with open arms, even if it took a bit of time to gain their trust. 
Not only that, but they didn’t make you feel like you were a waste of space in the world. 
“Men like that?” You frowned. “Those men have treated me better than anyone ever has. They are the first real friends I've made because no one likes the way I act. They don't make me feel like I have to change.” Tears began to swell in your eyes. 
“They actually want to know me.” You spoke quietly. 
“Sweetie, they are men.” Your father shook his head. “They only want one thing. You really think that many men would be after you if they didn't have something in mind.”
You had never once thought of the boys in any way that wasn’t platonic. After your kiss with Mingi you started to see them differently, but never once had you thought about any of them doing those kinds of things to you. With what has transpired to you weeks ago, you knew that was going to be far from their minds. 
Wooyoung was a flirt and the boys started to get more comfortable with you to give compliments and call you sweet names, but they never pushed you to do anything with them. They were gentlemen who respected your space. They wouldn’t push you to do something you didn’t want. Even if there was still a lot you were missing about their stories, you knew them well enough to know they would never.
“I thought that was what you wanted?” You tried to stay at an even tone, not wanting to raise your voice at your father. “You told me to get on Yeosang's good side. Get him to marry me.”
“Yeosang isn't going to marry you if you're a pros-”
“(F/N)!” Your mother screamed before he got the chance to finish. 
You almost stumbled back from the sudden whiplash of emotions. Your anger seemed to fall from your shoulders as you looked at your father with a blank stare. The only thing you could feel crawling up your body was shame. Shame that your parents would ever think of you so lowly. The thought of knowing that they would rather listen to gossip they’d hear on the street than your own words. It made you disappointed.
“A what?” You whispered. “If I'm a what?”
“(Y/N)-” Your father sighed regretfully. 
“Say it!” You screamed at him. 
When he wouldn’t look you in the eyes, your lips began to tremble as your chest started to tighten. With a stomp of your foot, you whipped around to run out the house.
“(Y/N)!” Your parents rushed after you. “Get back here!”
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @detectivedoodle , @bangtanxberm , @a1i33a , @loveforred , @drunken-deitence , @0325tiny , @the-ghostest-with-the-mostest , @atinyreads , @atinytinaa , @lexiigom , @smilingtokki , @mismatchfluffysocks , @brain-empty-only-draken , @sousydive , @alex-tinyy , @h3arteyes4mingi , @onedumbho3 , @popcatx0 , @blue1amory , @mommahwa1117 , @stvrfir3 , @sunnyhokyu ,
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hearts4golbach · 5 months
The Night Shift.
chapter 3.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
The party was at 5, so I made sure to wake up at 3 to get ready. I dug through my closet, romaging around the very bottom drawer where I put the shit I don't wear anymore. I eventually found the dress I wore to homecoming my senior year. To say it was slutty would be an understatement. I was against wearing it at first, but why not go into the new year with a bang. Ew, I hate that. 'with a bang.' whatever. I slipped on the dress and it fit better than it used to.
I did my usual makeup, just adding eyeliner and darker lipstick to match the dress. I pulled out my phone and texted johnnie.
y/n: ready when you are
johnnie: alr, me and Jake should be on our way soon I think, idk
y/n: lol ok just lmk when you're here
johnnie: ofc :))
I slipped on the beat up converse I've been wearing since middle school and waited in the living room for them to get here. I was a little nervous for the party.
my phone dinged.
johnnie: herrrreeeeee
I read his message and ran out the front door.
Who I assumed was Jake sat in the front seat, while Johnnie leaned against the car facing me. "hey." I smiled.
his eyes grazed over my whole body. "you look really good."
"thank you." I smiled, tilting my head down towards him. he was wearing a pair of ripped, black skinny jeans with a white button up that he didn't tuck in. Something clicked in me, maybe because he was wearing something other than pajama pants, but I shoved that feeling down.
he smiled sweetly and opened the backdoor for me. I hopped in and was quickly followed by johnnie. "Damn, Johnnie, leaving me to sit in the back of my car with a pretty girl."
"shut the fuck up, fuck face." he rolled his eyes.
"sorry, we've never really met. I'm jake." He reached over the seat and stuck out his hand.
I shook it. "I'm y/n. it's really great to meet you. Johnnie has talked about you."
"yeah, talked shit." Johnnie joked.
"Johnnie has talked about you too." Jake replied nonchalantly. Johnnie's gaze quickly met Jake's. He gave him the death stare before returning to his phone.
"you've never been to a party?" Jake asked me, beginning to drive off of my street.
"yeah, my parents kind of kept me locked in a cage my whole life." I looked out the window, watching as snow began to fall to the ground. The bright white snow contrasted against the dark sky, making it extremely visible.
"you're going to have the night of your life." Jake said with a southern accent.
I turned to look at johnnie, who was still on his phone. I admired the way his dark makeup contrasted against his pale skin. ill admit, he was just as gorgeous as the snow. I smiled slightly to myself before responding to Jake, mimicking his accent. "Let's hope so, little missy."
johnnie looked up at me with a goofy smile on his face. he had a certain look in his eye that I couldn't quite read. my stomach errupted with butterflies. I was usually able to read anyone, it didn't matter if I knew them or not. Johnnie was different, and it was confusing.
Jake had turned up the radio and I looked back out the window, racking my brain for what that look was for. was it because I was being funny? was I getting along with Jake more than he liked? was he happy I was getting along with jake? I came up with every possible answer, but none made sense. whether positive or negative, why would he look at me like that?
we eventually arrived at the party, parking down the street from the house. "I'm going straight for the drinks." I commented. "I will never be the one to turn down free alcohol."
"I second that." Jake said, sticking up his pointer finger and pursing his lips.
loud music radiated from the house. it was still decorated for Christmas. lights were strung all over the house while the roof held a porcelain Santa and reindeer.
I grabbed Johnnie's arm. "Look! no one told me Santa was still in town!" I made a shocked face.
he began to jump up and down. "oh my god, Santa! Jake, it's my dad!" he said in a childlike voice.
"you're finally reunited!" Jake patted his back, making two rough slapping sounds.
we waited on the doorstep while Jake was talking to someone out on the yard. "it's nice seeing you not so stressed because of your job."
"I guess I do seem pretty stressed." I admitted. "but I do love my job."
"still, I've never seen you in something other than jeans and a t-shirt with an apron." he smiled.
"well, I've never seen you in anything other than pajama pants. you look very-" I paused, thinking of a not so obvious word to describe him. "good. sorry, I'm not the best with compliments."
"it's the thought that counts." he playfully nudged me.
"A for effort, I guess." I rolled my eyes at him.
"those shoes look like they've been through hell and back." he looked down before making eye contact with me again.
"I mean, technically they were. I wore them in middle school." I kicked a rock out from under my foot.
"I dropped out in middle school." he snickered as Jake walked up to us.
"Sorry, guys. the ladies love me."
"I'm sure they do, jake." I replied sarcastically.
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hischeapcigar · 1 year
You don't go to parties anymore
Modern Eddie Munson x ex reader
Summary: Eddie keeps looking for you in his parties
Word count: 1.9k 
Warning: angst, mentions of drugs, drunk eddie, curse words, small reference to smut (if you squint)
a/n: this was inspired by the song stuck in my head, “you don't go to parties” by 5sos and obviously i had to do something about it lol. Reblog and comments are appreciated <3 also comment if you want to be tagged in eddie one shots in future. Mwah 
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Another Friday night, another party. Like a routine, like a spiral. Eddie Munson, big doe eyes were hidden by the bags under his eyes. Hair messed up like he fought a monster. And his well known smile, that everybody was attracted to like a moth to light, was gone with the wind, gone with you. 
He doesn't remember when was the last time he slept through the night. He stays up, drinking, distracting him with different things, or parties on friday nights. 
Why did he keep throwing these parties every week? He wasn’t sure. But his eyes keep searching for that familiar pair of eyes, those pretty eyes, your eyes. 
It was 5 am Saturday morning, and Eddie's apartment was crowded with every person he knew, while he laid on the sofa, drunk. Sweaty bodies are dancing, people are still drinking in the corner while some are passed out on the floor in front of him. 
He eyes them carefully, everyone, there’s Nancy and Robin talking about something, Steve is drunk dancing with this blonde girl he can’t remember the name of. 
It's 5:00 a.m. clinging to my couch
And everyone I ever knew is standing in my house
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
“Eddie! It was my turn,” you whined as you reached out, snatching the joint from his lips. He chuckled as he watched you bring it to your lips, taking a deep breath. To say he adored you was an understatement. 
You both lied, on your backs, in his bed, taking turns smoking the joint. It was midnight and you had snuck out of your house to jump in Eddie’s car. Now you both were here, spread out on Eddie's bed, smoke surrounding you. 
He turned to face you and draped his arm lazily around you pulling you flush against him, 
“You’ve had enough, baby,” he whispers, gently taking the joint from your fingers and slightly getting up to smash the butt of the cigarette in the ashtray. 
“I can handle, eds” your voice was dreamy, low and distant. Your mind was in higher clouds, the ceiling was your window to the galaxy as you watched the shooting stars. 
He hummed, pressing his lips to your jaw. Eyes droopy, you both faced the ceiling, sides pressed to each other, hallucinating a whole new world until you passed out. 
I still think about the times we were heavy
Racehorse tripping on the dirt that you got on me
Vultures spinning up above for what's left of me
We go stupid every night, what a tragedy
Eddie’s mind started to darken with each passing minute, as every memory of you haunted his brain. He felt a pang in his heart, begging and praying to see you one more time. Just one more time. 
He looked at every corner of his house where he fucked you relentlessly, he looked at the balcony where you stood up all night to watch the sunrise  together, 
His lips started to tremble at the surge of memories, each one hitting him close to home. His mind was foggy, he was losing it. Like he always did everytime he let his mind wander to you, always back to you.
I'm still here in the darkness
Back where we started
You make me a heartless monster
I'm caught up in distractions
Fatal attractions
I'm starting to come undone
A part of him wanted to kick everyone out, he was tired, the voices in his mind too loud. He glanced, once again, at the bodies, hoping that you were there, hoping he overlooked your figure the first time. 
And now it's 5:00 a.m. clinging to my couch
And everyone I ever knew is standing in my house
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
His eyes zeroed at the girl, whose back resembles yours. He stood up abruptly, seeing stars immediately, he shook his head to focus. Stumbling, he made his way to her. A bottle of wine clutched in his hand tightly. 
He tapped her shoulder,
 I'll talk to y/n. I’ll make it okay, we’ll be fine, this is it. I’m sorry y/n, give me one more chance, give us one more chance.
She turned around, and his breath hitched in his throat at the sight of a random person. She wasn’t you. Of course you wouldn’t be here
He nodded and smiled, or tried to, before he raised his bottle to her. She politely shook her head ‘no’. 
A string of curses left his mouth as he shifted his weight and leaned on the wall on the side. The girl immediately shifted her attention from her friends to him. 
“Hey, are you doing well?” she asked, obviously interested
“Hmm” he nodded, bring the mouth of the bottle to his lips, taking a swig
“You know i, uh, recently broke up with the most beautiful girl ever,” he slurred
She looked taken aback, she didn’t expect this. Anything but this. 
“We, uh, were together for 5 years,” his pitch went high for the last part that he uttered
“I thought you were her, but you can never be her” he chuckled, shaking his head, gulping the wine. 
“Excuse me?” she was furious, 
“Yeah… y/n…y/n was the best part of my life” his bloodshot eyes were distant as if mentally he’s still in the memory
“She used to make me laugh on my worst days and-” his words fell short as he saw the woman had gone away.
He shook his head, he really was losing it
I got the last five years running out my mouth
Always stay too late, I should kick me out
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
“Watch your words, Munson” you threatened, your voice shook despite the efforts of keeping it strong
“I’m fucking done, y/n, i can’t do this, you want too much” his voice raised slightly
“Too much? Asking for your fucking time is ‘too much’? You elevated your pitch to match his
Another day, another argument, like a routine, like a spiral. y/n’s  big pretty eyes with tears swimming at the edge, dangerously close to falling. 
“I think it's time to put an end to this relationship,” eddie stated, devoid of any emotion
And there came all your tears, pouring on your cheeks as the words rang in your ears. 
You wanted to reach out to him, hold him, tell him you’ll make it through together, that this is just a rough patch. 
But you stood there still as you watched him walk out the door. 
He covered his ears with his hands as he headed for the balcony, running away from the bodies, from the loud music, from himself. His own last words to you haunting his mind, he wanted to scream to silence everything. 
He spotted Argyle and Jonathan being only physically here, their minds wandered off when they sniffed the powder. He walked up to them, seating himself beside them, reaching for the pills and crushing them on the table. 
Lost my limit 'cause I'm dumb and I'm passionate
Took my foot off of the break, it's not an accident
All my friends are up on Mars, we've been traveling
Another lonely night
“In time we’ll build a home for two” Eddie blurted out as you both hiked up the small hill.
“Eddie! You’re being-” your breaths were ragged 
“You can tell me i’m being corny, but it still won’t make me sorry,” he cut you off, grinning widely as he looked at you, nothing  but admiration in his eyes
“Don’t you think about our future?” he wondered  out loud,
“Of course, i do, all the time” you think about the nights where you think about two of you when you can't sleep 
“Yeah but i have a feeling you’ll have enough of my dramatic ass and leave me,” he teased
You glared at him. You both knew you hated whenever he brought up ‘you leaving him’ because you loved him too much to choose something else over him.
Ironic. How fucking ironic.
He glanced back at the crowd which had shrunken. He scanned the room from the balcony once more before he let the powder get a hold of his mind 
And now it's 5:00 a.m. clinging to my couch
And everyone I ever knew is standing in my house
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
The sun had started to rise, the sky displaying beautiful colors. He smiled at the scenery, remembering how you used to get lost in the beauty of it all. 
“y/n used to love it so much,” he revealed to the boys beside him, but they were too high to listen to him. That didn’t stop him, only encouraged him
They’re not listening, I'll pretend they are
 And so he did. He rambled on and on about you. Anything he could remember about your relation, he voiced it, good or bad. 
He kept talking and sniffing the powder. 
Then again
And once more
Until he blacks out. 
He doesn’t remember anything except the sky burning auburn, cocaine powder all over the table, your voice in head and then-
He opened his eyes, vision still blurry as he tried to get up. His hand  reaching on the other side of the bed, seeking your warmth, like a habit. He winced at the coldness that resided there.
He was in his room, in the same clothes as last night.
His head hurt so bad like someone banged his head against the wall. He tried to get out of the bed when he saw Steve entering the room with a glass of water in his hand. 
“You gotta pick yourself up buddy,” steve said
“I-” his voice was hoarse, mouth dry. 
Steve handed him the glass, which he gulped like a thirsty man in the desert. Steve took a seat beside him, legs dangling. 
“It was worse this time, eddie” steve tried to get his attention,
Eddie’s gaze was stuck at his door, 
Maybe you’d enter, laughing. Maybe you decided to return to him. Maybe just maybe he could have a second chance. Maybe this was all a bad dream,
Steve’s voice pulled him from his daydreams, 
 “your nose was bleeding, man, you gotta sober up, just try and get over her” 
In a beat, he replied, “i don't want to get over her, Steve” 
 Just the mention of you has him talking. Talking non stop about what you two were, what you two could have been
I got the last five years running out my mouth
Always stay too late, I should kick me out
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
His chatter was cut short when Steve’s phone rang, which he attended walking out the door.
Eddie was left alone with his thoughts. He turned and extended his hand to get a hold of his phone.
Once in his grip, he opened your chat, re-reading the countless texts he sent you. 
“Please come home” he sent one more, like every other day. 
Eddie put the phone away as he saw Steve approaching him with his phone extended to Eddie, “its y/n” 
Eddie couldn't believe his ears, or eyes or anything, he wasn't registering the situation. He scrambled on the bed, practically leaping out  to meet steve’s phone half way, as he practically snatch it and placed it on his ears,
“y/n?” his voice was shaky, his body was trembling 
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
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kanmom51 · 11 months
JK live 3/8/2023 10:26 pm or 22:26 KST
**This post was written by @dgtn. Little me added some of my own insight. As a whole this was a joint effort put together by the two of us.
A huge thank you to @dgtn for helping me with this.💜
And a shoutout to JK for taking a couple of days off to allow us some time to try and catch up, lol.
So let's just jump right into it.
JK came live to us on 3 August 2023.  With hindsight we know that he was performing at Suga's concert the next day and the busy schedule he was talking about included rehearsing for that most enjoyable performance.
When he first turns on the live all we get is a chair, curtains, and a stove top vent. Same angle as the previous live. You know, the one I personally feel there was someone in the apartment with him. Kinda feels like we were put in time out! (some ARMY deserves to be put in time out but I digress).   Also, lights dimmed, like he likes (which once again makes me think that in the previous live when he turned them way brighter it was for someone else's benefit).
We can hear him whistling and singing in the background and getting a drink with ice.  Then he talking to himself:
“I have to take medicine!  That’s right” – he is still not feeling well.
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“when do I clean my house? I’ll have to do a big cleanup”.   He’s been busy with other things, you know, conquering the world!  But of course domestic kookie places high priority on things being clean.
At around the 2 minute mark he finally comes into focus on the screen.  Typical cutie kookie, comes shuffling in wearing very cozy looking top (by one of his current fave brands, mihara Yasuhiro) with one of his signature beanies (which he takes off pretty quick after he realises, from the comments, that the beanie is same colour as the background and it looks like he has no hair - same effect as a green screen, lol).  He waves to the camera. Then he disappears again!!!!  Finally returns at around the 2 minute mark, sits down with his drink and says “hi”.
First words out of his mouth after greeting us: “I’m so tired”.  These 3 words set the tone for the whole live.  The man is exhausted!  Conquering the world requires a lot of energy.  Especially when it’s done in the span of about 10 days.  He looks absolutely toasted. Well, toasted and sick. Imagine having to do all this while sick. And suffering from insomnia to top it all off.
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He stares at the camera for a while, my guess is he at first is zoned out and starts reading comments that are popping up (to himself). 
“I’m sleepy”.
“I have to wash up.”  This is I think one of the things he absolutely hates doing at the end of the day.  I get it.  I will be honest, I have had many a day that I have said fuck it I’m so tired I’m going to bed with all my make up on, only to wake up in the morning looking like a raccoon.  I feel you JK.
Almost immediately he starts dealing with the usual stupid comments.  I don’t think the man could be any clearer when he says “Don’t call me Ian”   with a slight chuckle. You know the one he does when he’s really just over it but is still trying to be polite?  Hasn’t he said this before?  Like many times.  But of course there are those who refuse to believe that he might actually really not like being called Ian because they just keep on doing it.  It’s almost as if they care more about their needs and what they want to say then about how it makes JK feel……hmmmm.  Yeah, do we really have to ask ourselves that question?  Of course they care more about their own wants and needs.  If they actually cared about JK’s needs and wants we wouldn’t be getting the “Ian” comments, or the “speak English” comments, or the “touch your nose” or “why aren’t you acknowledging my comment?” and so on and so forth.
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Our ever polite JK flat out says don’t call me Ian and then it’s almost like an instant response to dial back the intensity with a little laugh.  But the message is still loud and clear.  He doesn’t like that name.
Then we get “Really” followed by him looking away from the camera in an uncomfortable way for a few moments.  Maybe he was wishing that all those stupid ass Ian comments would magically vanish.
And yet, once again ignoring his wishes later on in the live someone pulls the “Kor-Ian” joke.  Huh huh huh…
“I really want to sleep early today.  I guess I’ve been having insomnia lately.  I can’t fall asleep. I’m so sleepy, but I can’t sleep.  I can’t fall asleep.”  Our energizer bunny has never been good at falling asleep and I’m sure with his crazy schedule around the release of Seven it’s been even tougher.  Oh, and let’s not forget that when Jimin is not available that complicates things for him even more.  When you are used to sleeping with your partner next to you and then your schedule changes and doesn’t allow for that, it can be very difficult to sleep! Also, did anyone mention neuro divergent?
Next he reassures us that he ate dinner.  What are we, his parents?????  Long pause and drumming of the fingers on the table.  Seems like he is waiting for a good question to answer.  Doesn’t look like it’s going to happen so eventually he says  “I hung up lights in front”.  He’s taking charge of the conversation because he can’t count on us.
He starts talking about the TikTok Live.
How when he turned it on something weird kept popping up and can he turn it off (he’ll come back to this).
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The man is tired!  He’s going to finish his drink and go to bed. 
Then he starts looking around his apartment saying it’s such a mess and he needs to clean it and throw out all the useless things.  (around 5:00 min. mark). First off, never come to my house JK cause you’d be horrified and from what we’ve seen of his place there’s not much there to throw out so I’m not really sure what he’s talking about?  There is barely anything left (it’s almost as if he’s been slowly moving things out 😊).  Well, unless if he’s talking about all the old dorm furniture, including very possibly that TV that doesn’t seem to work properly, given that sooner rather than later there will be a brand new home to be moving into, and we’ll be doing that, I must assume, not with old dorm furniture.
Now back to Tik Tok “I can’t turn it off? Then don’t send it.  Why do you send that?  Don’t send it.  No!  I can just not do it” – sounds to me like he is talking about ARMY sending him gifts during his Tik Tok lives.  He’s asking ARMY not to do that anymore and wondering why it’s being done in the first place.  And him saying he can just not do it…does that mean no more Tik Tok lives if he continues to get gifts?  People, hear the man and stop sending him gifts!!!!! 
“Everyone! The cold didn’t die out, but it came back again.  So I went to the hospital yesterday.  Colds are so severe this time around.  It’s so annoying” (said twice).  When something is important enough, he’ll repeat it even over several lives if necessary (don’t call me Ian).  JK gets distracted by the refrigerator.  He says it’s loud whenever he does a live broadcast. 
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***Observation about JK.  The only one who can truly hold his attention is Jimin.  If Jimin is not there, you can guarantee he will be distracted; this includes his live.  He is easily distracted.  Well, unless JM is there, or on screen.***
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He’s asked if he is resting to which he replies: “I don’t have a few days to rest. I’m busy.”  (6:20 mark)  Back to ARMY assuming the parent role…when will people realize the man is 25 years old!
JK goes back to talking about his cold. Says he’s getting stressed.
Then says “yes don’t send that on tik tok.  Buy and eat something delicious.  I don’t know how much that is.  But don’t do it (shaking his head and hand at the screen). I shouldn’t do tik tok live.
Since then I think he turned off the gift option, so perhaps that will allow for more TikTok lives in the future?
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“I’m not in great condition. I just wanted to see you, so I came”.   
So, when he is not feeling well, he comes to ARMY to help him feel better.  We’ve heard that from him so many times, army are a source of comfort to him. 
He is being honest with us.  He makes a point in repeating this time and time again.  When he wants to drive in a message he tends to do that.  Tell us on repeat.  That he loves us.  That we are a source of comfort to him.  That he wants to be our friend.  That he’s not in touch with Tae.  That he has no use for his computer.  That he’s not gaming anymore.  That he’s not going to game ever again (yet to come).  Hammering in, repeating, sending a message.
And then he’s back to his house being a mess.  He says he should clean it when he has a day off as he is looking around in disappointment.  Again, don’t ever come to my house!  Also, can he not afford a cleaner?  Like seriously.
He says his house looks clean but it’s a storage room (ahm…yes?  The old dorm storage room I’d say).  It’s curious that he uses the words storage room to describe his apartment.  Why use that term? This is coming from someone who supposedly had a mattress laying in each room of his house in the past. What makes the apartment look like a storage room then? Like I said, could it be the dorm stuff being used/stored there? Yet another piece of the puzzle as to Brunnen being a temporary crash pad and not an actual HOME?
He says he has to take medicine but he’s too lazy.  Lazy is not a word I would ever use to describe JK.  Being neuro divergent myself (@dgtn), when I think of things I have to do, if it isn’t something I am excited about or want to do, it very quickly falls to the bottom of my to do list.  Sometimes even gets forgotten.
In between yawns he tells us that he went to the company today briefly because of his schedule.  And while he was there, he ate and he should’ve taken his medicine but he didn’t.  See here he says he forgot to.
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Now it’s time to watch tv but sadly the network isn’t working for him.
So the house is a mess and the network is shot.  He asks what is wrong with this house?  LTE isn’t working and neither is the internet!
Now he’s going to fiddle with the tv and see if he can magically make it work.  At one point he is actually side eyeing the tv.  Maybe I should try that next time too.  The TV is still not working and now he’s getting stressed (there’s that word again).  Next thing he’s off screen talking to something asking what is wrong with you.  When all else fails…..reboot.  Still nothing, and now he starts smacking the remote on his leg. (after 4 minutes of trying).  Around 6 minutes into trying almost everything he decides the tv doesn’t work after the last rain fall and he needs to get rid of it or something with a little giggle.
Now back to ARMY.  He says thank you to ARMY for worrying about him.  He starts laughing when someone says he should drink warm water instead of iced water. He proclaims that he will always choose iced.
And now he’s back to the tv again, saying it’s the house’s fault not the tv and he’s gonna try something else.
“I get pretty determined” ….. no kidding JK!  Now where have I seen him be determined before….let me think….oh yes….Jimin!
Finally, after about 11 minutes he decides it’s useless to keep trying.
Back to ARMY again.  Now he’s making a peace sign to show that he saw a comment and then starts making bubbles in his water.
He reads “can I see the lip spike?”  Doesn’t understand what that means.
***observation.  He really really wants to spend time with ARMY but is having a hard time finding comments worth responding too.  It’s all about the friendship.  Talking with us.  Having a meaningful conversation with us.  And when he doesn’t find that in the comments, he goes to tv and that’s not working either so back it is looking through comments.
Someone is asking for an air kiss (never gave one by the way).
Someone asked about his next shoot with CK to which he responds with “I don’t know”.  Cheeky JK then laughs and says “do you think I would tell you that?”  So there are limits to what JK will share with ARMY!  Good for him, start putting those boundaries in place!!!!!  “There are confidential things” – in other words I’m not going to tell you so back the fuck off!!!!
He reads that his voice makes someone sleepy to which he laughs and says it might be because he speaks so monotonously…. Ok JK, go ahead and sell yourself short.
He called out someone for asking him to infect them. To which he responds, “that is not okay”.  His polite way of saying That is seriously messed up.  Who says things like this! That may actually be the cringiest comment in this whole live.  People have zero boundaries. 
He wants to sing for us but he is not in great condition and he says he is sorry (always thinking of ARMY’s feelings).
“Bunny” he pauses with a little smirk after reading that.  My guess is he still likes his nickname.
What to do next since the tv isn’t working.  He wants to do something fun with ARMY and it’s pretty obvious he’s bored with all the stupid comments. 
He says the house is ridiculous cause nothing works … sounds like he might be used to being somewhere where everything does work…
He says he can’t fall asleep with us on this live because he needs to wash up.
Now we have JK personal trainer answering questions about diet and exercise. 
“I’m on a diet lately.  What’s the best exercise? Cardio is good for diets. But if…if you run to much it’s bad on your knees.  It could be too much.  There are cardio exercises that are less harsh on your knees.” He makes a rowing motion with his arms and says this is good.  My guess is he is talking about an elliptical machine.  “In the house, there’s the one where you grab on and the arms and legs go together, right?” Was this a slip of the tongue?  Which house? Whose house? Or did he mean the gym?  Yeah, not buying the last one, and we saw that he doesn’t have an elliptic at Brunnan.  I’m going with slip of the tongue.  Same slip of the tongue that RM had in their LA live back way when he was talking about the café they have next to their home.  All signs are pointing at a certain home of which we only got to see the gaming room and part of the lounge room…
Well, at least that was more interesting than the Ian jokes or the “infect me” comment… Also, maybe if I had JK as a personal trainer I’d actually be excited to go to the gym regularly.  Well, that after being totally ashamed of the state I’m in to start with…
“We’re family” comment.  He replies with a hmmm. And a small head shake.
Family, friends, all good. Just as long as it’s not bf or husband.  Oh, and not oppa either.  Yuck.
And back to the issue of the tv again.  It seems someone asked him why it doesn’t work.  He talks about being in the mountains so Wi-Fi doesn’t consistently work.  And he fought with the Wi-Fi ahead of time today because he knew he was going to be doing the live. (was this planned?  Knowing he’s in Brunnen alone and going live for army?)  He talks about turning over the house once (I’m thinking he means turning it over once and for all and being done with it) he says it’s too stressful and he can’t live this way.
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On to the Seven CD cover and the words overlapping.  He says it’s for real and on purpose.
Comments he’s reading:
I haven’t been working out much lately.
Even if I wanted to, he can’t listen to much music right now so what do I do?
He asks what does “air kiss” mean? Now we get flirty JK.  He says it’s not a hand kiss and asks if its’ this and shows a kiss. (around 29 minute mark).  Then he laughs and says “Do you like that.  Isn’t talking like this better?”   Naughty JK!!!
Now he’s wondering if an air kiss is in fact a whistle!  Then he finally figures it out!  A kiss with your hand to your mouth!  “That’s Jin’s signature!” (30 minute mark)
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“I can’t sing cause I have a sore throat” … all in English.  He actually says cause, but it’s translated as because.  I love how he very properly uses English slang by saying “cause” instead of “because”. 😊
Remember when I talked about the gaming and said “yet to come”?  Well here we are, once again with the computer.  He’s asked if he sold his computer as he had mentioned he was going to do on a previous live.  He’s not going to sell it, just get rid of it.  He doesn’t use it anymore, just uses a laptop for work.  He says he’s never going to play games. 
***observation…was that his way of telling us he does not game with Tae and/or the woogas anymore?????  First time he said he’s not using his computer anymore my thought was, well he’s gaming at JM’s.  But this here, it’s the second time he’s said he’s not playing games anymore, and this time it’s with an exclamation mark.  NEVER.  And do we remember what we said about him repeating messages he wants to get through?  Hammering them in.  Repeating them. Yep.  Interesting.
And today, after the premiere crap yesterday it is making even more sense. JK was invited to that premiere. JK did not show at the premiere. JK could have had a schedule that prevented him from going, that is true. Could have also 'missed' it intentionally. Not wanting to show up at the premiere. A choice made. Just like the choices made answering the Tae comments setting people straight or the choice to repeat he's not gaming anymore.
Topic of religion:
“I don’t have a religion.  They’re Christian on my dad’s side. And Buddhist on my mom’s side.  There was nothing like that since my time.  Nothing was forced either.  That’s why I have no religion.” 
“They’re Christian on my dad’s side.” – as in his dad family, but most likely not his dad.  He’d say his dad is Christian, not use that wording about his dad’s family. Same with his mom.  Parents simply must not be religious, hence the home not being religious either way.
*** Was this his way of debunking the bullshit rumors about him and Yubi?  I applaud you JK!!!
He tells people if they are hungry during the live broadcast to go ahead and eat!! 
***observation: Why are people constantly asking him for his permission to do things!!!! Maybe because he asks them if he can go to the loo as well?  Lol.
Now he’s talking about his jacket asking ARMY if they like it.  He says he’s been wearing it a lot lately and there is a long and short version of it.  He wore the short sleeve version when he did the dance challenge with Mingyu.  He goes on to say he should’ve bought several of them!
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Ok, so we know it’s a brand he’s been wearing lately.  JM as well.  We also know that JK has the tendency to buy multiples of things he likes.  Hint to bf to buy in multiples next time?  Lol.
Now the album:
He’s not sure when it’ll come out. (34:30 mark) He’s got to try something…. Curious!!!
Someone says they had a nice dream about him and his response: “really”.  That’s it, nothing else.  I felt like this was his way of acknowledging the comment and then dismissing it.  Again … Kinda cringey.
He’s asked about a new hobby, and he says he doesn’t have any but then he decides live broadcasts are his hobby. (around 35:00 minute mark)
***Observation.  He is SO damn tired at this point.  You can tell he is fading and needs to go to sleep.
His current favorite food is Perilla oil makguksu (buckwheat noodles).  They always turn out good for him! The colder the better! (36:00 mark)
He won first place again!  Thank you!  Our always gracious JK bows his head and says thank you twice.  And a third time 😊
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Now we get someone saying that they can’t understand his live because they don’t speak Korean.  (38:46 mark). Good lord, here we go again…His response in a nutshell…it’s hard for him to understand English so perhaps we can both study the languages and learn together.  “Let’s all study.  You should study Korean.  Our Korean, please study it.  It’s also tough for me.  How frustrated must I be as well? Try starting Korean!”
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***Observation:  This man is so done with all this speak English bullshit.  He is Korean!!  That is his native language.  He is learning English but would love for people to meet him halfway.  You know that mutual respect that he has been talking about more recently.  That respect that he is looking for from ARMY.
So now we’ve come to that point.  He wasn’t intending on doing the live for that long.
Sleeping for him is hard, he will close his eyes for about 4 hours and fidget the whole time.  He’s going to go wash up and if he wakes up, he’ll come back.  But don’t wait up for him!!!!
Well, I guess he fell asleep cause he did not come back live again that night 😊
Before I end this let's talk about the necklace a second here. It's dark and the video quality is not great to say the least, but he is wearing the necklace with the ring, and it does look like the same one he's wearing in his live the next night (or morning after next night, depending on your pov, lol). And although the chain seems to be different than JM's in Like crazy, that ring, it looks pretty identical. Anyway, something that will be discussed in next post about next live, which I have not yet gone to see, because I really need to brace myself for that 2.5 hr. live (silently crying inside).
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And to think that feeling this way JK went on stage the next day and performed with Yoongi. And to top it all he was so hard on himself for forgetting some of Burn it lyrics. I do hope that he is allowing himself some time to rest and heal at the moment. Probably not. But here's hoping.
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icysinner · 6 months
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡: you decide to throw a christmas party, but you realize that’s not as easy as you think.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: comedic dysfunction lol, mentions of alcohol
𝐧𝐲𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this was very fun to write i hope u enjoy xoxo
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 625
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it took you and connie three, almost four years of being together to decide to live together. by the second year of living in the house, there was a baby and a ring, so it was safe to say the both of you were comfortable. with the holiday season coming around, the third christmas you’d spend in this home, an idea came to mind to throw a christmas party. there wasn’t a reason it was a bad idea, it was your home, and there was nothing but space for it.
“i mean, if that’s what you wanna do.” connie said, a shrug following quickly afterwards. “that response feels like, no, don’t do it.” you replied, a puzzled look overtaking your face. “if you wanna throw a party, i’m down. i’m also more than happy if you don’t, though.” he said, making you shake your head at him. “i was only weary of doing things like that because kylie was so young, but she’s not a newborn anymore, i feel like there’s no reason why i can’t now.” connie nodded, “if you don’t think it won’t be too much work, do it.”
you spent the entire week before the party preparing, planning and buying things just for it. the day of the party finally came, and the decorating part was definitely not as easy as you thought it would be all by yourself. in times like this, you need a helping, creative hand, so definitely not connie.
wyd do u love me
what do u want
will u help me set up for party tn
can i carry kylie the whole time
be my guest she make my arm hurt
sasha was nothing short of a saving grace when it came to helping you decorate for this party, you needed ideas and a push to get them there, not a taller person to help you stick up balloons. (although, it was helpful when you needed it. thank you for your contribution, connie.) “i bought stuff to do a picture backdrop, we only have one empty wall in the whole house.” you said, standing in front of the empty white wall. “shots or no shots? are there any kids coming other than yours?” sasha asked as she filled glass jars with chocolate chips and marshmallows.
“yes, but that never stopped the drinks from going around any other time.” you said with a smile as you set out small red solo cups, “so, shots! i love that.” sasha said as she walked into your kitchen, “i know y’all got some tequila or something in here.” she said as she opened up a cabinet. “above the fridge.” you replied, pulling out one of the packages you bought for the party.
“it’s pretty in here, you did a good job, mama.” connie said as he pulled you into a side hug, planting a kiss on your forehead. “thank you, baby. it wouldn’t have been possible without you and your added height to get those balloons on the ceiling.” you said with a small smile. “i like the kid’s table, maybe kylie will finally watch gracie’s corner instead of scandal.” connie said, his comment making you laugh. “nah, she know ball, olivia pope is that girl.” you replied, getting the same laugh out of him.
“how many shots you plan on taking tonight?” connie asked as he looked at the ‘entry fee: one shot’ sign, along with the tower of multiple different kinds of alcohol. “as many as god allows.” you replied as you tied a bow around the shot tower. “i’mma remember you said that when you wake up wrapped in tinsel on the living room floor tomorrow morning.”
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beenjen · 4 days
I wrote a detailed, life update post a couple days ago. It disappeared into the ether, and I just haven’t had it in me to muster more, or really anything lol
I uninstalled, then reinstalled the app, and I know there are laptop purests, but like I tell my kids - you get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit.’ 🤘
We had a full weekend. The whole month of June has been a lot. It’s been full of socializing and events - and for the first time in a while, we have cultivated a few more social things that aren’t horrible, and the kids are getting to a better age for being in public (when do I cover reality here?) , and it’s not a nightmare o leave the house.
So; an open house to celebrate a new porch, with some low key, live, acoustic, temptress, lavishing her voice on us in the background, while my friend let our kids trample her back yard and playroom, with no judgment? Check. A pool party breakfast for pre-school friend, from Lilith’s daycare days? With moms, more concerned with kiddos, drinking water, and a casual couple connecting comments, than a fashion show, or striking a pose, was a fun interlude into a father’s day cookout. 
Then I last minute decided to invite my FIL, my dad, later my brother, then my local oldest nephew, and then my uncles, over for burgers, dogs, homemade ice cream and brownies.
During the party, a freak thunderstorm came up. From no where. This has actually happened a few times recently. Where we were supposed to have no inclement weather, and storm clouds rolled up and the bottom fell out, loud booming thunder, high winds, and it’s gone in 20 minutes. I remember these from my youth. It was followed in another 20 minutes by a wind sheer and lateral rain and continued winds for 10 ish minutes.
That last, brought a large top fork out of one of our trees on top of our neighbors garage. His tree then fell on our cable line, then another tree covered his drive way and the power was out for several hours.
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Not great pics, but this is the back. We sorted his drive, got the tree off the cable line which is sagging, and they will be out to sort later this week. And our neighbor called a tree company to come get the tree off his garage, and we have now contracted them to take several large, and concerning trees, out of our back yard. We’ve been putting it off and it’s past time. One is split, one is over Lilith’s bedroom, there is a dead one, and another is leaning > 40 degrees.
It’s going to cost a whack, but when I talked to my dad and told him what we were having to do, he told me to stay at home, and even though he left Father’s Day dinner without saying goodbye, his a$$ brought me the exact amount of cash to pay the tree guys. It’s not crippling, but where a couple of the trees are, they are high risk with sheds, fences, porches, etc, and it’s pricey.
It was really nice for my dad to show up like that. We’ll pay him back, but he didn’t want me getting the kids out with all the trees down all over the place and in our yard. It was a super supportive thing, and a parent thing that I’ve missed.
I had taken some time off this week to make the Juneteenth federal holiday be a super long weekend for me - a break from parenting and work. The kids though, want to stay home from any summer camp when I’m off, and with this tree surgeon business in the back, I don’t feel comfortable leaving. It’s 100 degrees out and it’s risky. I’ve been taking out cold drinks, trying to keep them hydrated and I can help if someone were to get hurt. Plus, the kids are loving it up.
C and I had a ‘secret’ day during the week planned - with the kids in summer camp and us both off. In true recent fashion, the tree guys are going to need a couple days to finish and it will be cramping our midweek honeymoon. Ffs y’all. It’s been hard for us to get time. We have had to get creative.
It was so great to have our annual time off for our anniversary, but frankly, it was a week and a half in with life, kids and all manner of stuff before we actually had time for ourselves. Then here we are again, having a special day, and we will have guys all in the yard cutting down trees. It’s laughable if not also frustrating as all heck. Chris mentioned getting a hotel room and I agreed as long as it has Room service. For Pete’s sake.
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> summer party with mom - watermelon massacre into the kitchen, and popcorn-gummy bear lunch.
> Father’s Day with my brother and oldest nephew and FIL.
Life. It’s a blessing. A surprise. Xx
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lushlovers · 1 year
do you have more Sam fics for us 😩
need you, S Hubbard
summary; you tend to get needy when there's alcohol in your system
warnings; very clean dirty talk lol, drinking and drunk reader duh, sam rejecting you a LOT, sam being flustered and adorable.
word count: 618
note; for you?? of course i have more sam!!! i envisioned a dress with a high slit, like this! but feel free to use your imagination. he's so awkward and cute i cry. very grateful for every single person who follows me and reads all my stuff, i love you all 501 of you very dearly <3.
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The two of you were quite opposite. Sam's always been more reserved and introverted while you are talkative with whoever you meet and almost completely extroverted. With his and his teammates' growing social status and relevancy, he's been forced to come out of his shell more than he ever thought imaginable. Very often you force him out of the house to go out to the bar with your hometown friends.
What Sam typically dislikes is having to be the designated driver whilst his gorgeous girlfriend practically throws herself at him. Your leg has been draped lazily across his thighs all evening, but the more you drank the more you were all over him. "C'mon Sammy, we can slip off to the bathroom, no one'll notice" you giggle, making his face turn an even deeper shade of red if that's even physically possible.
He can feel his face warming up more and more following every dirty little thing you whisper into his ear as you kiss along his neck and slightly stubbled jaw line. Now that he has to find a way to get your stumbling form from here to his car sitting outside, he's regretting letting you drag him out tonight. You're smirking up at him so mischievously he doesn't even know what to do or say, which leads to him struggling to form a sentence, "Maybe w-we should head home?"
Embarrassingly enough his voice cracks as he attempts to get his words out, "Mmm, yes please," your teeth sink into your bottom lip, still doing you best to seduce him. He stifles a laugh at the way you misunderstood his wording, "No, like, go home and get you in bed." Your brows raise at that, "NO! Like sleeping."
It takes him up most of twenty minutes to get you into the car, but when he does, he's quick to shut your door and get on the road as soon as possible. You flutter your lashes at him as he reaches across your body to buckle your seat belt, "Y'could help me out just a little," he mutters. Once more your minds in the gutter as you bite back a response, "I would love to," you whisper grabbing at his wrist and placing his hand high upon your thigh, close enough for his finger to brush against your lacy panties.
Sam's quick to snatch it away and does everything he can to keep from allowing your teasing touches throughout the whole car ride. Before he realizes it, he's pulled into the driveway, but you're no longer making your flirty comments, instead snoring to your hearts content in an alcohol fueled coma. Without you moving a muscle Sam scoops you up bridal style and carried you to the front door, he didn't think through unlocking the door which led to a bit more struggle before he gets you into bed.
He makes his way to the in suite to find a makeup wipe and something more comfortable than the dress you're sporting right now, when he does, he returns to find you attempting to get your dress unzipped. "What me to help," you glance up at him slightly and nod, all the drinks are suddenly hitting you and you realize how bad thing is going to feel tomorrow morning, after he assists you, he gives you one of his t-shirts to sleep in.
Once you're comfortable in bed, Sam decides to go and get himself ready for bed, this time when he returns, he shuts out the lights and finds you sprawled out onto both sides of the bed. He snorts at that as he tries to wiggle his way into bed beside you and pulls you into him.
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fadingdaggerr · 1 year
rose infusion - l.w.
pairing: (college) larissa weems x gn/fem!reader (reads more fem but no gendered terms/pronouns for r)
summary: larissa smoking weed for the first time with a “good friend” (and r practically foaming at the mouth over her the whole time)
warnings: marijuana use, smoking, shotgunning smoke for the plot, rolling tutorial, discussion of drug use, making out, references to drinking, friends to lovers <3
note: this was fun to write considering smoking is one of my very few talents /lh. i also based a lot of the background on stuff that’s i’ve done or seen when i lived on campus lol
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after probably breaking several traffic laws, i finally got to my destination. amir’s house was up the street a little ways, but i desperately had to change my clothes. putting my car in park, i fling my upper half into the backseat in search of the spare clothes i left there to change into. after a delightful struggle to remove my work uniform of khakis and a black button up, i finally got my jeans and long sleeve on. the black converse sneakers could stay, they were only part of the uniform that i had any say in.
opening the glove compartment to my right, i fish around until my hand knocks against a heavy piece of metal and a sandwich bag. grinder, check. weed, check. i look in my middle console, blindly moving the napkins and random plastic utensils until i find my prize, slowly raising it out like a claw machine. baby blue lighter, check. papers were the only thing missing.
i drive up the road, praying they remembered, then clapping to myself when they did, i see the spot in the driveway they left open for me. once in park again, i grabbed the grey, oversized zip up from my backseat, wrapping it tightly around me as i began to make my way to the house. finally making it to the door, i open to a sea of people. dancing, talking, yelling, oddly dangerous making out on top of the oven, beer cans littering the floor, and loud music blasting through the speakers. this was definitely an ‘amir and co. party,’ as it had been coined by himself, and himself only.
i find him by the makeshift pong table, a bookcase that has been brought face down, balancing on milk crates placed at each corner. incredibly stupid, but inventive, so i let this one slide.
“oi, you got papers?” i say loudly as i stand to his left, trying to be heard over the music.
he yelps, “you scared the shit out of me, you god damn ghoul,” he sinks a ball into a cup, followed by a happy fist bump to his partner, tomas.
“nice one. now, papers?”
“nah. go check out back i’m sure one of them has a pack of ‘em. if you can’t find any, sneak to my room and use one of my glass pieces. i don’t need you cranky at my party,” he smiles to me, before groaning at mikal when he lands a ball in a cup.
“you’re the best,” i say, turning and walking towards the back porch. i had opened at work, and been asked to stay later, and i wanted, no needed, was to sit and smoke in peace.
i get outside, and find my usual smoking buddies. i greeted them, gladly accepting a hit off of one of their pipes. after asking, more like begging” for only one or two papers, i was gifted five little sheets, and a couple spare filters dominic had prepared before the party.
“if i wasn’t gay, i’d so kiss you for this,” i joke.
“if we’re both gay, does it cancel out?” he jokes back, and we talk back and forth for a bit. i move to sit down to finally roll for myself, my very own joint. all i had been thinking about since leaving work.
i put some weed in the grinder, turning and turning the cover. grabbing one of the papers, i gently fold it in half to create a crease for the bud to sit. just as i reach for the grinder, the seat next to me dips down. i almost made a comment telling them to get lost, thinking it was amir coming to fiend off of me. every cell in my body thanked me for looking before i spoke.
when i looked to see who sat next to me, i’m greeted by the greatest sight for sore eyes the gods have ever created. larissa weems. ever since freshman year move in day when i first spoke to her in the hallway, she’s been the only thing on my mind. we had somehow been in the same english class every semester for the last three years, and i always had admired her from afar. she was always top of the class, peer reviews showed her masterful writing, and sitting close to her let me see her kindness up close.
we had become friends. most of first year we were just ‘school friends’ mostly, only sharing the one class each semester and sitting close to each other. second year the ongoing classes together became funny coincidences, now sitting directly next to her and coming in early to talk with her in the longue. this year, third year, andrea started crushing on tomas, so they both were becoming frequent guests of amir’s house, and larissa and i would just sit and talk the whole time.
i took her in, still not used to her outside of a school setting, or with her hair down for that matter. she had her long legs covered by light blue jeans, a fitted, white university t-shirt, and a golden necklace with a sun pendant. she finally looked back at me, realizing she had sat with someone.
“oh, hey,” she said shyly, eyes only looking in mine for a second, like she was checking to see if i was bothered by her presence. i was most definitely not.
“hey, larissa. i didn’t know you’d be here tonight, how are you?” i pray to every god that could hear me that i sounded normal.
“i’m good, i guess. and i’m here because andrea dragged me here. tomas asked her to come by and she ‘had to say yes’ because finds him ‘yummy in eight languages.’ her words, not mine,” she shakes her head at the thought. i fake gag muttering ‘straight people’ with a shiver, making her bark out a laugh.
“i definitely wouldn’t word it that way, not even if i was held at gun point, but tomas is a sweetheart. andrea’s in good hands, a little stupid, but good,” she laughs at this, tomas wasn’t known for being the brightest student, but he was the kindest kid out there.
“anyways…” wanting to get away from the topic of andrea and her conquests, i change the subject. “you decided to join us here in the smoking lounge. can’t say i’m not surprised, you never mentioned that you smoked,” i say lightheartedly.
“i don’t. well, i guess it’s more that i haven’t. this is the first year i haven’t lived in a dorm since before high school. never really got the chance,” she looks almost embarrassed by her confession.
“that’s totally fine. did you… did you want to? you can smoke with me, if you want. if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. i don’t want you to feel pressured into doing anything,” i make eye contact with her to try and prove my honesty, wanting her to know she’s not going to be judged.
“i want to… i just have a dumb question first,” she says in a small voice.
“no such thing as a dumb question, i’ll tell you anything you want to know,” i give her a assuring smile.
“is there a way… to make it, i don’t know. is there a way to make it not taste as gross as it smells?” she asks unsurely.
i think for a second. when we were in high school amir and i would take mint and lavender from his mom’s garden to lessen the smell. this wasn’t an option now, seeing as amir’s apartment was closer to growing blue cheese than mint, but mr. cho next door had a rose bush. i close up my grinder, and put the papers and baggie of weed under it, using it’s weight to secure them there. i stand up, offering my hand to larissa. she slowly reaches out, placing her warm hand in mine. her hand is so soft, and the weight of it in mine grounds me.
i pull her in the direction of the fence that lines the yard, stopping when i reach the hole that brings you to the other yard. i drop her hand, and get lower to slide through the opening, but before i can, she grabs my elbow.
“what in fresh hell do you think you’re doing?” she whisper yells at me, not letting go of my arm.
“getting something to help with the taste, you asked if there was a way. i’m getting the way,” i say, trying and failing to loosen her grip by shaking my arm.
“that is someone’s yard, you’re gonna be trespassing,” she said, making it clear that she was not coming with me.
“you’re worth it,” i say, and she goes to say something but i cut her off, “plus, i’m barely going into the yard, just to the side of the house to grab one little, tiny thing. he’s asleep i’m sure, he’s like a thousand years old and he only has a cat,” and with that, i drop down, finally losing her grip. i carefully go through the fence, trying not to get dirt on my clothes.
i look back, seeing larissa staring back at me. i wave to her, she lets out an breathy laugh before waving back. i run low and quick across the yard, coming up next to a rose bush. i stick my hand just a little, a few thorns digging into the top of my hand and wrist, but i pluck the head off of one rose. looking around, i make sure i’m in the clear, before grabbing swiss army knife from the pocket of my sweatshirt, detaching a perfect rose from the rest of the bush, closing and sliding the knife back in my pocket. i turn and head back to the fence, sliding under it. i pop back up into standing position, the head of the rose in my palm, the full one hidden by my sleeves.
“tada!” i say with a smile, “this should help a bit with the taste, and the smell.”
“you trespassed, on a man old man’s property, for a rose bud.”
“yes, now let’s go,” and with that, i begin making my way back to the porch. larissa follows after a second, walking by my side. she walks around the table, i follow her with my eyes as she moves to sit back down, a little shiver going up her spine as she does.
i grab and open the grinder, tearing up little pieces of the rose and adding it to the already grinded weed. ideally this would be dried rose, also ideally not from mr. cho’s yard, but the fact that i would be smoking with larissa made both of those facts mean nothing to me.
“i’m guessing you don’t know how to roll,” i state, looking larissa as she nervously plays with her hands, she shakes her head, confirming my assumptions. “that’s okay, i’ll show you. come here,” i motion her to come closer, and she immediately does, making me blush just as fast.
“you do it, i’ll talk you through. sound good?” i ask her, she nods, “okay, gently hold the paper in half the long way,” she does. “good, now reopen it, and put a filter in at the end,” i pass her a filter, my skin tingling at the short brush of our fingers. she lays the filter against the end closest to her left hand, “now, we just add the weed and rose, then the hard part.”
she looks at me desperately at the mention of ‘the hard part,’ i place my hand on her knee and caress the skin with my thumb, “nothing you can’t handle.” i don’t miss the blush that creeps up her neck, but i hope she missed mine.
i watch as she sprinkles the weed and rose mixture into the paper. long fingers grabbing small bundles of the plants, distributing it evenly. her rings make little noises as her hands move, and i can’t help but watch. she looks at me for confirmation each time before adding more, i only stop her by putting the cover back on the grinder.
“alright, now we roll it, get it all packed and into the right shape. it doesn’t have to be perfect, most of the time they look quite sad,” she giggles at the last bit, and my heart flutters, my smile growing.
i adjust her hands, showing her the motion to make, but when she gets frustrated and mutters something about “should be smart enough to figure it out,” i stop. i grab her hands, moving them manually, showing her the motion myself. she initially freezes, and my hands drop from hers with an apology ready on my lips, but she pulls them back with a ‘it’s okay, i’m just jumpy.’
my eyes go back to her hands, my own coming to help her again. she takes a deep breath, before focusing on the motion harder than before. after i see that she had gotten used to it, i moved away, watching the small smile on her face grow from pride.
“now, we seal it up. tuck, roll, lick, twist, done,” i say quickly, she chuckles warmly. “okay, for real this time. wrap this around the weed, start by the filter,” i start the tuck for her to show her, she quickly understands what to do next, beginning to finish rolling it up. she looks at me for the next direction.
“you have to lick it,” i say, barely being able to look her in the eyes, “ya know, to seal it.”
“is that really necessary?”
“what did you want a little water dish to dip your fingers in? that’s marijuana not a spring roll there, babe,” her eyes widen at the pet name, mine do too. i was not expecting myself to call her that either.
she looks at me before asking, “can you do it? i don’t want to mess it up.”
“you wouldn’t,” i say quickly, not liking how she talked down on herself twice now, “but i can do it, if you want,” she quickly passes her little creation to me, “this looks much better than the first joint i ever rolled, you should be very impressed.”
“i’ve had a pretty great teacher,” she says with a smile, but i’m frozen because her hands hadn’t left mine yet, both our hands cradling the almost finished joint.
with all my strength, i move my hands away from hers. i make eye contact with larissa, raise the joint to my mouth, poke my tongue out, and drag it alone the paper. her eyes are not subtle as they watch my tongue with intent, instead of my eyes. sealing it, i grab a twig off the ground to pack it down, then twist the end. i hold the joint by the filter and hold it up.
“our marijuana and rose mixture, m’lady,” i say with a smile that she matches instantly. i hold it out to her, offering the first hit, but she shakes her head.
“you first, it’s your stuff and you were patient enough to help me. plus you trespassed on someone’s lawn, lots of hard work,” she quips, making me laugh. i was not going to live down the rose bush, was i?
placing the joint between my lips, i look around for my lighter. it had just been on the table, i was sure of it. my head whips around a couple times before i hear a little click, click click.
larissa hold up the lighter, flame glowing. the orange hue lights up her face, her pale skin warmed by the fire. she was so close to me, faces only about a foot apart, knees touching as we faced each other on the couch. the shadows of her face and hands accentuated, her lipgloss shining, eyes reflecting the light. i knew in that moment that nothing more beautiful had ever existed.
she brought the flame to the twisted end of the joint, lighting it gently. no words between us, eyes on each other. i inhale for a few seconds, hoping to get it started as well as calm myself, before my hand rises to my lips to allow myself to exhale. i hold it out for her to grab, but she doesn’t move.
i lower my hand, “you don’t have to if you don’t want to, i’ll put it out if you want.”
“it’s not that, i just don’t want to make a fool of myself. you know, like cough my lungs out in front of you,” she looks at her lap the whole time, twisting her rings around her beautiful fingers. goosebumps grow on her arms as the wind picks up, the sun now past the horizon.
i sit up as i start talking, “you will not make a fool out of yourself,” i slip off my zip up, “everyone coughs when they smoke, if they make you feel bad about they’re idiots,” i hold out the sweatshirt for her, “and i most definitely will never think anything bad of you.”
she accepts the sweatshirt with a hesitant grasp, but once she puts her arm through one sleeve, she’s rushing to pull it fully on. she wraps it around her, i’m giddy at her in my clothing, but i try to remain calm.
“i mean, there is a way that might make you cough less. but it’s a little different and i’d be in your personal space,” i say, not wanting to pressure her or scare her away.
“what is it?” her eyes perk up, looking into mine.
“it’s called shotgunning. basically i’d take the hit, then exhale it into your mouth while you inhale, like passing it along. you can say no, i know it’s weird.”
“i wouldn’t mind you in my personal space,” she whispers, “i’ll try.”
i look at her quickly, making sure she’s serious, and she definitely was. i mumbled ‘okay’ before bringing myself closer to her. i stand on my knees, straddling one of her thighs. one hand on her shoulder, the other holding the joint. i slowly get closer, but she seems to be more impatient. her hands move to my waist, pulling me closer quickly. now fully straddling her, i decide to stay standing on me knees, my hand now around the back of her neck.
i bring her face closer to mine, she tilts her head back just in the slightest while her hands slide down to hold my thighs. i lean over her, moving my hand up to cup her face, stroking her jaw. i look into her eyes, asking permission once again, and she nods.
smoke fills my lungs and mouth, the joint resting between my lips, pulled away a couple seconds later. the smell of weed and a hint of rose surrounds us, but it’s nothing compared to her perfume. i raise my eyebrows while looking at her, letting her know to start inhaling.
i exhale slowly, my lips puckered so no smoke is wasted. smoke smoothly starts to flow my from mouth to hers, her hands grip was steady the entire time, my thumb never stopping the slow, circular motion against the bottom of her jaw. when all the smoke cleared my lungs, i watched her exhale a paler cloud. still perched over her lap, i take a hit from the joint again, this time for myself. i exhale slowly again, blowing the smoke up and away from her, not only to be polite but as to not cover her face.
her hand grabs my wrist, pulling it towards her mouth, this time taking a hit on her own. my eyes never leave her lips, watching as they wrap around the filter and how they leave a shiny print of her lips from her lipgloss. how the smoke leaves her mouth, swirling and dancing around her. her and i just look at each other for a minute before she squeezes my thigh and speaks up.
“i prefer your way,” she whispers, a tiny smile toying at her lips. my heart races.
“i think i do too,” i say back, though i wasn’t just thinking it, i’m fully in love with the idea. i never wanted her fo smoke another way ever again, always like this, me in her lap and her hands on me. i would be content living as her personal cigarette holder. taking another hit, i tap my thumb against her jaw, telling her to inhale once again.
by the time the joint is halfway down, she tells me she ‘believes it’s starting to kick in’ with a slightly more dopey smile, eyes now lightly tinted red. thighs beginning to tire from holding myself up on the cushions, i decide to sit down on her thighs. her stiffens, only for a moment, until her hands comfortingly rub my own thighs, before her hands slide up to my waist, pinching my side playfully.
she takes a hit herself again, choking on the smoke a bit when i bend away from her. i crawl off her lap, grabbing the rose i had plucked for her. i guarded the rose from her sight, i use my knife to remove the thorns so they wouldn’t hurt her.
“what is that you’ve got?” she asks through a giggle, trying to peek over my shoulder. her efforts unsuccessful as i practically fold myself in half to block her view.
“none of you business, now just sit there and look pretty,” i laugh, then wince as i jab my ring finger into a thorn. once the last thorn is removed, i look over my shoulder to look at her. her eyes are already on me, big, blue, and beautiful. “close your eyes,” she does so without hesitation.
i grab the joint from her hand, placing it in my lips, “okay, pretty. open,” i let smoke come out between my words. i had the rose held out to her, nervous smile on.
her eyes open, first focusing on my face then the rose. her smile grows instantly, eyes now flicking between the flower and i. i held it out a little more, urging her to take it.
she tentatively reaches out, hand grazing mine. her fingers wrap around the stem, eyes watering a little, “for me?” her voice was so small.
i nod, letting go of the flower so she can inspect it. her smile makes me heart race and stomach fill with butterflies, but the way she looks at the flower is what makes me weak. she looks at it like it’s precious, like i have gifted her the first rose to ever grow. her arms move around my shoulders within seconds.
“thank you,” she whispers into my ear, my arms wind around her waist, squeezing tightly. i mumble an ‘of course’ into her hair, i nuzzle my nose into her. when we part, she stays close to me. i roll another joint while she rests her head on my shoulder, her eyes watching my actions closely.
with the joint in my mouth, bringing the lighter up to the end. before the flame can reach, a pale hand swipes the lighter from my hand. she lights it in her own, lighting the joint for me. her eyes stay on mine as i inhale, hold, and exhale, still making the point to exhale away from her face. she stays facing me, an expectant look on her face.
with her face held in my hand again, i take another drag, exhaling slowly into her mouth again. she smiles, i smile back. the slider door opens, and larissa nearly jumps out of her skin, but doesn’t move from my side. andrea peeks her head out, grinning largely when she sees larissa. as she makes her way over, she grabs the joint from me, taking a hit, and puts it back between my fingers.
“okay, so on a scale of one to ten, how mad would you be if i stayed the night here?” andrea asks larissa, begging hands in front of her.
a sigh leaves larissa, “solid 8. you’re going to make me walk back to the apartment alone?”
andrea is practically pleading, larissa is irritated. i turn and see tomas in the window trying to see the outcome of this conversation. i shake my head at his antics. i take a long pull off the joint, breaking the ash off and putting it out, then cutting andrea off.
“alright! you have fun with tomas, just don’t use the bathroom in the hallway. boys live here,” they both look at me weird, “larissa, i’ll walk you home, if you want,” she smiles softly. andrea squeals loudly, running inside, no doubt to tomas.
“you don’t have to walk me home,” is all larissa says.
“i know i don’t have to, i want to. i would offer to drive you but,” i pointedly hold up the joint and take a drag, “so i will gladly be walk you home.”
— — — — — — —
the party had died down, the only people left were amir and his three roommates, some ‘too drunk to leave’ stragglers, larissa, andrea, and i. sitting on the couch inside, larissa’s head was resting on my shoulder, an arm wrapped lightly around mine. andrea and tomas slowly disappeared from the living room, larissa and i both chuckling at the clumsy duo sneaking away.
i lean my head onto hers, speaking into her hair, “want to head home?” the only response i receive in a gentle nod against my shoulder.
i begin to stand, saying my goodbyes, then give mikal and amir hugs. larissa finally stands, wobbly for a moment. she makes her way to stand by my side, polite goodbye and thank you’s sent to the guys. after grabbing my grinder and weed bag, i pick around the pockets of my sweatshirt, which was still on larissa. finally getting a hold of my keys, i pull her gently along to start the leave.
the air had gotten much colder during our time inside, my arms wrap around myself tightly. there was no way i was going to ask for my sweatshirt back, the view of her wearing it was enough to keep the cold from consuming me. always observant, larissa notices my shivering and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into her side. my own arm goes beneath the sweatshirt, hand now resting on her waist.
i pull the remainder of the joint from earlier, it’s a little bent but can still do the job. i hand larissa the lighter, and she takes the hint, lighting it for me as she had previously tonight. we pass the joint back and forth as we walk.
“thank you, for tonight,” she says when we’re about half way to her apartment, she’s gently playing with the rose between her fingers.
“of course. i wanted to make sure you got home safe. and you’re welcome over to smoke, or not, whenev- i mean if you want,” i say, hoping that she’ll take me up on my offer to at least hang out. i just needed her presence, she was too beautiful to lose.
“be careful with that offer, you may never get rid of me,” she chuckles, smile bright and eyes glowing. she was a star plucked from the heavens and placed here on earth, just for me.
“maybe that was the plan all along,” my voice is quiet, i’m stuck in a trance by her beauty.
we arrive at her building, climbing shaky stairs to her door. she opens the door, motioning for me to come inside with her, and i follow with no hesitation. she walks quickly down the hall, to what i assume is her room, before coming back out with a sweatshirt. with an amused smile, she hands me her own cream colored zip up to wear.
we sit crisscross on the couch facing each other, my arm resting on the back of the couch to hold my head up. larissa just sat up, playing with her hands in her lap as we spoke.
“why did you give me that rose?” she asks, her eyes back on my face.
i can only be honest with her, “because it’s pretty, and so are you. i didn’t really think much before cut it, just that i wanted to give you a flower.”
she presses her lips together to hide her smile, but the blush on she cheek betrays her. when she finally allowed herself to look at me, she whispers, “do you actually think i’m pretty, or are you just high?”
i’m taken back by the question, my heart cracking at her thinking i wouldn’t find her beautiful. i reach for her hands, leaning close to her, “i think you’re beautiful. i always do, sober included,” i tilt my head to catch her eyes that dropped to our hands, “i gave you the rose because i like you. like a lot, like so much that amir has banned me from talking about you when we’re in the car because it’s ‘too tempting to kick me out while moving’ in his words,” this both shock and amuses her, so i go on, “i was sober when i picked the rose for you, i wasn’t when i have it to you, but the rose was always for you, larissa.”
she looks me in the eye, probably in search of a lie, but she won’t find one and she didn’t. her hands tighten their grip on my own, “i really like you too, incredibly so. and not just because i’m high. i’ve liked you ever since freshman year in that intro writing seminar, you lived right down the hall and i never got the courage to just knock on the door.”
i have no words to offer her, only an awestruck stare. my heart was frantically beating in my chest, my hands frozen in hers. in a sudden rush, i throw myself at her, and wrap my arms around her shoulders, back on her lap after hours away. her strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me in further, her head burying in my neck. god, she was just so warm and she was so close, this was what heaven felt like, i’m sure.
her head picks up, now only an inch from my face, “can i kiss you?” her voice is so small, but the grip on my waist is confident. my arms slide from her shoulders, hand coming up to cup her jaw on both sides
“please,” and she does. her lips are so soft, gently dancing with my own. i pull her face in more, needing her closer, closer, closer. my hands slide into her hair, gently threading through soft tresses. her hands grasping my back, gripping my clothes. sliding down, her hands are on my ass, pulling my body in as much as she can. and i let her, and i’ll keep letting her. her tongue asks for entry, and i allow her in immediately, moaning into her mouth at the contact. the high from the marijuana mixing with the high of her touch was creating an addicting feeling, one i didn’t want to live without ever again.
she pulls away slightly, and i whine as i pull her in again. she gives in, laughter lightly vibrating in her chest. i pull away this time, breathing becoming necessary. i rest my forehead against hers, not daring to open my eyes so i can’t ruin this perfect moment. lips press against my cheek, gently moving up to my temple, before she’s back resting on the crook of my neck.
“stay,” she says into my neck, arms wrapping around me tightly. i definitely didn’t want to walk back to amir’s alone, and i most definitely didn’t want to leave her. i just hug her tighter, pressing kisses to her hair.
we stayed like this for a little while, wrapped in each other’s arms and mumbling to each other. i could feel her relaxing against me, likely ready to fall asleep, and i wasn’t far behind her. i pull away from our hug, holding her face in my hands. big blue eyes, soft from sleepiness were staring back at me, a barely-there smile on her lips.
“bed time?” i whisper, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“you have to stay with me,” her voice is like honey, eyes never leaving mine.
“i wouldn’t dream of leaving,” pressing a kiss to her lips, i move off her lap and stand in front of her with my hand out for her. she grabs my hand so gently, as if she’s afraid she’ll hurt me, and lacing our fingers together. she leads the way down to her room.
with the lamp turned on, i could see her room is impeccably clean, only mess is her unmade bed. she lets go of my hand to walk over to her dresser, and i walk around looking at the photos and decorations. a photo of her and a girl with long black hair stand out, arms wrapped around each other, wearing matching uniforms. ‘cute,’ i think to myself. a little rainbow flag rests amongst pencils and pens on a desk in the corner, a matching little lesbian flag with the makeup brushes in the cart next to the desk. these make me smile, knowing she’s proud of herself had my heart melting.
she taps my shoulder, presenting me with sweatpants and a t-shirt of hers when i turn around. we both move to stand on different sides of her bed, she turns away and i copy her. we get changed quickly, or at least i did, wanting to be able to have my eyes on her again. she throws an ‘okay?’ over her shoulder, which i only respond to my picking up my clothes and folding them neatly, moving to put them on top of her dresser. she busies her self with pulling back the comforters and sheets, fixing her many pillows.
settling into bed proves a little awkward at first, both of us laying side by side, not speaking, lamp still on. she moves first, turning the lamp off before settling back in, now on her side, facing me. opening my arms, i motion for her to move closer. she scoots into my side, head resting on my chest as my arm wraps around her at her shoulders, our legs wrap around each other.
“larissa?” i whisper out, she nods against my chest, “i really like you,” i say quietly, my free hand grabbing hers and playing with her fingers. i’m fully aware she can feel my heart beating quicker.
she squeezes my hand, “i really like you too.” she places a kiss to my clothed chest before resting her chin there. “can we get breakfast tomorrow?”
i laugh at her sudden change in conversation, “of course we can, we can go get my car and we’ll go wherever you want, and you can get whatever you like.”
“french toast from the diner on dawson street?” she bites her lip with a smile, and my own smile grows huge on my face. she’s so impossibly adorable, and i get to witness it.
“it’s a date,” i say, relishing in the excited look on her face. she stretches up and presses a long kiss to my lips, then a short one right after, then gets settled back on my chest.
once i hear her breathing even out, her grip on my shirt loosen, i finally allow myself to close my eyes. i thank my lucky stars for this moment. to be holding larissa, falling asleep in her bed, wearing her clothes. heaven has got nothing on this, nothing on her.
hope y’all like this one, i actually really loved writing this and how it turned out. all feedback is appreciated <3
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For the director’s commentary thingy :)
Also some stars just for you because I fucking love your fics 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Thank you so much for the ask! I hope this is interesting, you mentioned wanting to hear about 'The camera speaks the truth that I couldn't' so I'm just gonna ramble a bit about the before and after!
I love outsider POVs of relationships, you might notice I nearly always have some form of the other characters commenting on/noticing/walking in on my ships in my fics haha. So I loved the thought of seeing bokris through Damon's eyes a little. I also loved the potential for lots of sexual tension in the photoshoot set up. And Damon being an absolute menace with his Instagram flirting was so fun, and I also love him crushing on them and describing how hot they are separately. I especially loved the idea of them acting so coupl-y and having such tension that Damon thought they were dating, but they weren't. On that note, for some context on their dynamic before the shoot: when they say they've kissed 2.5 times before the shoot, I imagine those kisses as: the 'maybe it doesn't count' new year's eve kiss when Kris was about to turn 17, a drunk kiss when they were around 20 that I imagine happening maybe before they fell asleep when they crashed at the same house after a party, and when Bojan pulled Kris out to the smoking area of the gay club the first night with Damon. Basically all of them happened with the safety blanket of drink/the NYE excuse, and plausible deniability. I don't think they ever talked about any of them the next day. In some of my other fics Bojan in particular struggles with his sexuality, but I don't think this was an issue here, I think they just were so close as friends that they didn't want to mess that up and were afraid to go there, and felt more shame (although that's too strong a word) about the fact that it was eachother than the fact that they were both guys. They definitely knew they were close to each other in a different way than the rest of the band, and I think they leaned into that, allowed themselves to push those boundaries and indulge in the extra affection without actually facing it or being brave enough to talk about or name it. The rest of the band knew as well, that Bojan and Kris went together, that they were a package deal, that there was something deeper there. I think they teased them occasionally, but it had been going on for so long and was so normal and taken for granted that they almost stopped noticing it. It wasn't even a question that they would share hotel rooms, sit beside eachother, etc. But when Bojan kissed a girl at a club or Kris flirted with a waiter who gave him his number at lunch one day the whole band found it pretty jarring and uncomfortable. And I think the whole Bojere thing at Eurovision was actually quite stressful for everyone in the band, even though they're pretty sure Bojan never actually slept with him. After the photoshoot, between the first shoot and the coming out shoot, I imagine the timeline went something like this: Bojan and Kris went back to their apartment and locked themselves in the room for like three days to just fuck, constantly. I think after finally allowing themselves to go there after literal years of tension they felt they had a lot of time to make up for and also just couldn't keep their hands to themselves. The others were happy for them but also kind of disgusted, and grudgingly impressed by their stamina and the fact they weren't seeming to get bored of eachother any time soon. I imagine some sort of sex toy being delivered in pretty non discreet packaging and Jure throwing it at them with his hand covering his eyes lol. I think there was no slow transition to a relationship, once they finally admitted those feelings they were immediately boyfriends and didn't even think to label it until one of the band members asked them. I do think they probably kept it quiet from everyone except the band and Damon for a month or two though, and then told family and friends. When they were ready to come out publicly they immediately thought of Damon doing the shoot, and I think they also immediately had the discussion of a threesome and were both enthusiastic and it was almost an unspoken expectation they had anyway.
Thanks again and if anyone wants more info let me know! :) <3
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shinyun · 2 years
heaven | p.jm
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summary: unwanted celibacy has made you desperate. desperate measures call for desperate treasures- and you hit the jackpot.
warnings: crude language, smutty, reader gets harassed but it’s nothing major, not a lot if plot in this chapter.
mdni !! jimin x f!reader !! 3k wc
a/n: not proofread at all lol… and my first try at writing anything smutty (; hope u like it
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“Should I wear this out?” you asked Yoongi as he mindlessly kept a blank face on the phone. 
“I really, and I mean this in the most loving way possible, do not care. You look hot so go with it if you want to,” he replied and chuckled as you groaned out in frustration. 
There were several hours until Jin’s large party to celebrate his company’s new deal, yet you were already hastily throwing on different outfits for it; because tonight was an important night (regardless of Jin’s company). Tonight, you planned on breaking your temporary celibacy! After many months of your sexual desires not being fulfilled by the now barely functioning vibrator, you decided to finally get laid. Oh, how you desired to be filled with something warm, instead of a gummy phallic-shaped vibrating toy. Not that the vibrator itself wasn’t good, it just couldn’t fulfil the other parts of sexual intercourse.
“Yoongi, please help. The black cocktail one, or this one?”
“I see no difference.”
“You’re not even looking! Ugh!” 
“Look, I promised to help him decorate some stuff and help with the food. I need to go, but I’m sure you’ll look great tonight. Just don’t forget protection.”
“I’m clean though! And on the pill. You don’t need to father me, boy,” you retorted back at his parental comments. He was after all a few weeks older than you, but still! The audacity of the man acting like some kind of heavenly angel.
“Okay get HIV then. Or gonorrhoea. Your choice. Bye.” With that, he ended the facetime call and you were left to stare at your distraught face on the phone’s screen. 
That bitch…
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Eventually, you came to the conclusion to wear a white cocktail dress with golden accessories, including some platform boots that matched it. Not to be too ego-boosting of yourself but you did look HOT and for sure several guys would have you as a goal for the night. Basically, a whole university was invited (not in a literal sense, more like Jin has no idea what amount of people to invite is appropriate) and therefore your chances of getting dicked down were high. 
So with freshly shaved legs and smooth skin all over (including your pussy), you confidently walked towards Jin’s neighbourhood. His house was merely 2 blocks away luckily, so the chilly air of March didn’t bother you too much. A few cars drove past you while blasting loud music and you believed they were to attend the party as well. Perhaps you’d be joining one of them in their cars back to their place? No, you did not want to get too wishful. While you had a clear aim, you were not going to be desperate. You knew your worth!
The porch was filled with balloons (Jin had always been a fan of them) and people that were drinking, smiling, and dancing. You couldn’t quite see any familiar faces in the massive heap of people so you quietly walked past them into the familiar house. 
“Y/n-noona! My baby, you’re finally here~” a voice cooed behind you before engulfing you in a strong hug. You turned around to be met by a drunk Taehyung. He had never been good with alcohol, and he could definitely not hide who he was attracted to. Ignoring his obvious crush on you, you simply disregarded his flirty demeanour to answer him. 
“Hey Tae, do you know where Jin is?”
He shook his head and sniffed your collarbone. “I think he went with Namjoon your something, I don’t remember. Anyways, want to play beer pong with me?” Is this a frathouse party or what now? 
“Thanks, I’ll pass on that offer. See you soon though, Tae!” you responded and quickly waddled between the bodies towards the kitchen. As always the kitchen was quieter than the rest of the house, so with a defeated sigh, you sat down on one of the kitchen island’s chairs. 
Without a Jin in sight, another sigh escaped your mouth and suddenly your mood to party your ass off went away. It surely did not feel like a party for a business deal, but more like a teenager’s first one. Beer pong? You knew he liked to keep his picture of himself younger than the truthful physical age, yet this felt too much. 
“I see you’re not so impressed,” an unknown voice called from beside you. You turned to look at the man who began to take a seat next to you. He kept his gaze on the crowded room yet you could feel how he was aware of your every move. 
“Of what, if I may ask?”
“This party. Well, you sure are dressed prettily. You seem too luxurious for this party though. You wouldn’t want that dress to be stained though, would you?” he questioned while quirking an eyebrow at you. At the mention of looks, you decided to see how he himself actually looked.
“Big talk for someone wearing a fake Chanel shirt,” you retorted, but quickly regret it as you saw his smirk get wiped off his face. You really need to practice your flirting, it has been a while now…
“Look, just because I’m not showing myself out to everyone like a fucking slut doesn’t mean-”
“Okay that’s enough beer for you, Jackson, go home,” the angelic voice of Yoongi called to your help. He made a few of his friends direct “Jackson” away from you while you caught the breath you didn’t notice was stuck in your throat.
As Jackson was dragged away, you saw how his legs were barely able to walk. Hadn’t the party started an hour ago? How was he already so packed? 
“Sorry for that,” Yoongi voiced with concern evident in his whole face, eyebrows scrunched together while glaring at the drunk man puking outside of the kitchen window. “He’s a bitch when he’s drunk. Anyway, so you decided on white instead of black?” You lifted an eyebrow at him in confusion and he chuckled. “You have the memory of a dying fish. You said you wanted to wear the black dress, you didn’t even show this one,” he breathed against your ear while rolling the silk between his fingertips. 
“Should I have taken the black one?” you asked, but he shook his head.
“It looks good. Anyway, I’ll tell Jin you’re here. Bye, search for me later!” he said before scurrying off with a new can of beer high in his hand.
And with that, you were once again alone. Minutes and minutes passed with Jin briefly thanking you for coming (all while being dragged away by a girl whose dress was already half off) and a few drinks being drank. 
You were even ready to give up on your quest to find a dick to sit on for the night. Luckily, or unluckily, you caught sight of the most beautiful man (besides Yoongi) you’ve ever laid eyes on. He was sitting on a sofa with his legs slightly spread, tousled dyed hair, a hand with a glass of champagne, and a pair of siren eyes that could kill. Wetness immediately shot between your legs and you knew you wanted to talk to him. How had God blessed your eyes to be able to witness the man in his true form?
While deep in thought, you suddenly found yourself standing right in front of him. He had placed the glass on the table in front of him, all while staring back at you. 
“Can I help you, Y/n?” 
With the mention of your name, you widened your eyes. 
“How do you know my name?”
“Everyone does in this house, pretty. Of course, word has gotten around about the pretty girl in a white dress,” he replied while keeping his fierce eyes glued onto yours.
“Well, do you agree with them?” you kicked back, slowly sliding into the cushion beside him. 
“Oh, fuck yeah I do. I even began it. Thanks to Jin I found out your name. So, Y/n, tell me, will you keep sitting beside me, or could you do me a favour?”
“Depends on what the favour might be,” you quirked and smirked at how he got taken aback by your confidence. He could feel his hands becoming slippery, more than usual. Why were you suddenly making him so nervous? Though he did want to make you desperate and whiny. 
“Sit on my lap, please? he said, which sounded more like a demand than a request. Oh, he was making you all blushy with only a few words. Of course, you couldn’t help but oblige his demand, even though you definitely did not like it. Nope, not at all. You were stronger than that, stronger than becoming wet for a man you barely had talked to. Swinging your leg over his, you now had your breasts almost right in his face. Hopefully, he wouldn’t complain. 
“Done. Now, what’s your name, sir?”
“You don’t know? If we’ve come this far, why know it now?” he whispered between your hot breaths. If you inched forward, you were sure you could feel his plump lips. 
“Because I want to remember what name to scream tonight,” you replied while teasingly dragging your nails across the back of his neck. 
“Fuck, it’s Jimin,” he breathed out heavily before pulling you by the neck towards his lips. 
And when you called him a godsend, you were underestimating him to the fullest. He tilted his head to the right and you copied, soon becoming entangled with his lips and tongue. With a husky breath, he took a new grip on the back of your head and crashed his lips onto yours once again. You were sure he was ready to take you right there, right on the couch in front of everyone. 
With barely any breaks, you could feel your breath running out yet you couldn’t help but press yourself closer to him. Closer and closer, until your whole arms could reach behind his neck. He was the first one to break away, and when he did you caught a glimpse of his messy hair that had begun sprawling over the back of the couch. Fuck, did you mention he was a godsend?
“Please…” you whispered, voice breathy and sore. 
“Please what, princess?”
“Please ruin me.”
His hips bucked into you instantly along with his lips adorning yours. He was eager and rough, all of his moves calculated. He began to slowly grind you back and forth on him, his imprint touching your wet panties in the gap of your dress. The way his suit trousers had a seam right where you needed it the most did not help your desperate try of not looking like a desperate little girl wanting to jump on his dick (even if that was the truth). With each grind, your heartbeat quickened and he could feel your heat from you. His right hand was still holding onto the back of your neck, while the other one was slowly but steadily sliding south. He passed your thigh and squeezed at the inner part and you clenched. You clenched your legs and pussy around nothing, letting a quiet whimper escape you. 
“Shit, you’re going to be the one ruining me,” he said before hastily shoving you off of him. You were just about to exclaim a few crude words but you were unable to as he was dragging you towards the door. 
“Wait, I need to say bye to Jin-”
“We’ll explain tomorrow. I’m calling a taxi, just one second,” he replied as his hands were eagerly all over his own pockets in search of his phone. 
“I live two blocks away, let’s go to my place,” you whispered seductively into his ear, making sure to brush your lips against it.
You had never seen a face go to such utter happiness in such a short time. He nodded and quickly grabbed his jacket with one hand, with the other one still tightly holding yours. Soon enough you were out of the house and suddenly on the way to your flat, his fingers tangled with yours. The time you had spent at the party was unknown but you guessed at least a few hours as the night sky had replaced the sunset. While the silence was big, it wasn’t uncomfortable, and you did like his company. It felt safe. 
Just as you opened the door to the complex, you were pushed against the door with a slam. His hips found yours instantaneously and with a groan he moved his hips against you. 
“Fuck- what floor?” he breathed and backed towards the elevator, all while keeping his hands all over you and your hair. His lips were so warm and plump, like cushions with a devilish tongue in between. He had you wrapped around his finger when you told him floor 7, and he had you wrapped tightly around his waist as he closed the door to your apartment with his foot. While you did live in a nice area, he wasn’t too bothered to care about the looks of your apartment; not when you were making those sounds that were as heavenly as moans could be. 
With hurried steps the two of you landed on your bed in a mess, his clothes thrown off quickly while you did the same. Soon enough you were bare in your white matching set of bra and panties, and god- Jimin had to take a harsh breath to calm him down. 
“Clean?” he asked, and you chuckled before opening your phone and showing him your medical record of the newly taken tests. With all of them being negative, he showed you the same results on his phone. God, was he just made right out of the gates of heaven? 
“Good, because the only place you’ll be cumming on is inside of me,” you responded before shooing him further up your bed into a lying position, his upper half slightly higher by the support of your pillows. He looked like a Greek god, with his grey strands adorning the pillows like perfection. 
You straddled his lap but were now more conscious of his hard-on that was evident through his boxers. He looked up at you with pleading eyes, hands gripping your waist tightly before slowly plucking apart your bra from the back. 
“God, you looked great in that fucking dress but you look so hot right now,” he said while his hands travelled all over you; your face, breasts, hips, stomach, ass, thighs and calves, “safeword?” he continued with and god did you clench once again. 
“Red. Now please, destroy me. I want the annoying neighbours to remember your name for the rest of their lives,” you added before pushing away his hands from you. 
They immediately grasped the bedsheets as your mouth explored his, your tongues melting against each other. The saliva dropped between you but it only made you more eager, more turned on. 
“Fuck-” Jimin breathed warily as you sucked at a certain spot of his neck. Purple blossomed from the spot and you were sure he was pained; that was until you felt his boner grow even more from beneath you. His tip hit your clit right through the thin fabrics, sending jolting pleasures through your body. 
You slowly lifted yourself off of him before climbing backwards, eyes level with his boxers. He gave you an approving look from the pillows and god- just as you looked at his dick you could tell he was big. Veins protruded through the fabric and it only made you salvage on it. With steady and soft movements you dragged down his boxers, letting his whole member out in your hand. It felt heavy against you, and as you came forward to give it a kitten lick, it twitched. You looked up to see Jimin with his head thrown back, fingertips white from grasping at the bedsheets harshly. Who knew he was such a pillow princess? 
With a few more kitten licks, his chest began heaving up and down. You wanted to tease him, rile him up. It was a satisfaction to see how he dared to be vocal, even letting out a whimper as you dragged your tongue particularly slow over the slit on the tip. However, testing his patience today seemed to be the wrong choice (or right, depending on you). While he felt embarrassed to be whimpering like a little kid, he had never felt so turned on by being controlled. But everyone called him a control freak, and you were about to understand why. 
Before you knew it, your legs were thrown over his head, he was still lying down but now your pussy was hovering over his tongue. He was ready to dive in, to savour your juices, but you were hesitant. You didn’t want him to suffocate to death. 
“I assure you, if I die from suffocating between the legs of a woman like you, my ghost will be happily dancing above my casket. So sit,” he gripped his hands around your thighs, “the fuck down,” and pushed you onto his face. You were in for a ride. His tongue was long and could go deeper and deeper it seemed; as if he was truly a snake and it devoured you. 
“FUCK- Jimin,” you pleaded out in a moan, eyes rolling back and eyebrows knitting together. You couldn’t help but grind your hips forward, deeper and back, just to relieve the ache. It didn’t help as his nose touched your clit for each movement. 
He moaned in between your legs and shoved you harshly down even more. His hair was becoming sweaty and stuck to his forehead, so you pulled your fingers through it. The sound he let out was one of pure blissful ecstasy, and you couldn’t help but want to hear it once more. You repeated the movement in his hair and his tongue sped up, finding the good spots inside of you. 
With a shriek of his name, you began pushing yourself onto him and his tongue hit right where you needed it. 
“Jimin- oh my god, please- shit, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned out and he opened his eyes to watch as you came undone. With a smack of your ass with his left hand (that was surely going to create a mark), you let out a loud moan, one that topped all of the pornstars he had ever heard. It was rough and whiny, and he could feel your walls clenching around his tongue while your body trembled above him. 
He was sure he was in heaven because the way your body shook was just angelic in his eyes. 
“Fuck- think you can come again?” 
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This is a work of @shinyun and is not to be copied, translated or stolen. All credits go to the rightful owner and the characters of this story are completely fictional, they do not reflect any of the acts of real individuals. 
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hoochieblues · 4 months
tagged for a last line written by @aria-i-adagio (ty!) and... there has been very little writing. But, because 'tis the season, and because the second round eds will be continuing for another three million years until I get time to finish them, here's a whole ass excerpt from the Valentine's lottery chapter of The Fountain and the Nightjar (title? title!! ...title...?) which is one of the latest to get _FINAL-final(2)_FINALFINAL appended to the scriv subdoc heading. Yay!
My brain is fried today so I forget who's actively doing these rn, but tagging with love and no pressure @faux-fires, @dreadfutures and @highwayphantoms. If you would like to consider yourself tagged, please do so. :)
For context: I'm admitting it now... TFANT is basically Georgian noir. This chapter takes place in the story's equivalent of a smoky jazz club (lol), i.e. a molly house run by an old dandy and his toyboy abolitionist husband. A Valentine's lottery was basically like secret Santa, but for V-Day gifts and/or 'dates.' Also, if you need the historical primer, molly houses were the gay bars of their time (c.1700-1820-ish) but more 'lowkey local institution' than 'hot 'n' cruisey clubland.' Similarly, 'maiden names' were queer nicknames or alter egos, closer to C20th Polari/camp slang than, say, a femme persona associated exclusively with drag (or allied to gender identity). I pulled a lot from primary sources, so not only is much of the book based on real(ish) people's lives, I've also got a... uh. lot. of research material on C18th queer culture. It is interesting as all hell, so I have to cut myself off before I digress.
Behold, my protagonist, thrust into that most chilling of scenarios: a social event. Gasp.
The exchange of gifts began, Julius intoning the names and matching the lottery couples together. Sukey Hackabout, a heavy, round-cheeked man of about five and thirty, was Valentine to Kingston Sally, part-time barman at the Green Dragon Inn, who had a faint Jamaican accent and a sweetly gentle smile. He presented Sukey with a painted paper fan, to much delight, and ‘Cupid’ held up his arms in triumph at the evening’s first official kiss.
“There, now!” Julius cried, taking the hands of his next victims. “Who braves the little god’s barb, eh? Molly Irons, with arms like Vulcan—”
Molly, a thickset, well-muscled blacksmith, unsurprisingly a popular fixture of the house, looked a little embarrassed at the catcalls, but preened all the same.
“—and Miss Guzzle herself, Susie Crimson. Who has to wonder what a gift’s in store here, indeed!”
Susie was a slender, unassuming young man at first glance, fair-haired and freckled, but utterly notorious for a single-minded interest, and talent. Molly offered Susie a small gift wrapped in brown paper. She tore it open, revealing a neatly wrought pair of polished shoe buckles which, judging by the shy pride in Molly’s face, she’d made herself. Somewhere among the bawdy comments and whistles, Susie looked genuinely flattered, and they smiled at each other as Julius set them palm-to-palm.
“There, now, and who first feels love’s sting? The poet says ‘Love is a fiend, a fire, a heaven—’” Julius paused just long enough to glance over at Lippy with a wink. “—and a hell, / Where pleasure, pain, and sad repentance dwell.’ But what do we say? What do we say? Take the first, and damn the rest! Now, who’s next?”
The company’s laughter and applause spilled over into cheers. In the corner, Kit had wrapped his arms around Oliver’s waist and stood behind him, chin on his shoulder and soft words in his ear as they watched the festivities unfold. Ollie’s nerves appeared to be giving way to glassy-eyed wonder. Someone had brought out a fiddle and, as Julius continued with the lottery, the first drawn-out note of a folk song rang out in warning.
“Barnfield,” Lippy confided to Will, topping off both their glasses before apparently remembering it was the watered brandy they were drinking. He sneered at the decanter as he put it down, but took a sip anyway. “One of the great poets. Aside from the classics, of course.”
“Of course,” Will agreed dutifully. “I know how you cleave unto Ovid.”
“Oh, shove your claws back in, Miss Kitten. Naughty puss don’t get no cream.”
Will snorted into his glass. Such a prospect seemed distant enough anyway.
Lippy tilted his head. A question seemed to waver behind his eyes until he shook it off and touched Will’s sleeve. “Well, you’re here, at least. I confess, I’d rather hear you hissing than not hear you at all, my dear.”
Will dredged up a smile, but could find nothing to say. The brandy barely softened the taste of guilt. The fiddle sawed into his brain, and he wondered how soon he could slip away without seeming more of a churl than he already felt. Julius called the names of another set of Valentines—Sal Draper, who was here with his long-time love, Russian Mary, matched to an older man who went by Queen Hook—and Will eyed the door, intent on fixing his escape route before any dancing threatened to begin.
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