#and all the other qualities that come with business sense. loyalty to allies. manipulation > lying. having a reputation to uphold
rosykims · 1 year
me pleading with astarion through the deluge of his act 1 disapproval like please i swear bro viera is evil yeah yeah i know shes super chill to everyone she encounters and is honest to a fault but. no, lissten, jsust listen hang on. shes LAWFUL evil man it still counts !!!! i know shes loyal and selfless to her allies and refuses to harm animals or children and will actively intervene on children's behalf BRO STOTP LAUGHIGN PLEASE I SWEAR and and um i know she respects ur autonomy nd doesnt let u ascend and has done literall.y all of the good options so by game mechanics shes indistinguishable to a hero character bbt. but i swear bro. bro i sw. where are you going
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rockygirl99 · 5 years
Star war oc
|(Don’t be cocky. It’s unbecoming, on you. I can pull it off.)|
Full Name:
Layla Luna organa solo
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation:
Straight and has a boyfriend (in the future they get married)
v Lieutenant  
v Adviser
v Poe-princess, doll, Ms Darmoron
v Han-beaches, sweet pea, darling
v Fin, Rey- Ms solo, Lay,
Force Sensitivity or Not?
yes, she never showed signs of being force sensitive or being able used it when she was young. She tried to become a Jedi, but she never able to properly use them force. She was able to use it but not fully.
But when she was a little girl. She was able to feel people emotion and able to understand them and tell when people were lying. She was also able to see and feel the spirit of her grandfather and able to talk to her. She likes to talk to him about what on her mind and asked for his advice. And when she grows up this grow stronger and stayed with her.
she couldn’t complete her training since it got destroyed and everyone was killed by Kylo Ren.  She didn’t have a light gold but when her, Han, Finn and ray went to Mas, she found a lightsabre and it was calling to her. It was a gold one.  And the fours inside of her open and she was able to use it. She knew that there was a bigger story to this, but she didn’t know what. The force was now open to her and it was big. She was able to finish her training and become a powerful Jedi.
Evil, good, neutral, or both?
Good, both of her parents fought against the dark side has since torn her family apart and cost her nearly everything. She wanted to be like her parents. Even if she wasn't forced sensitivity as a child but she had a connection to the light and want to do good.
v Commander of the rebellion
v piolet
v Jedi
. She didn’t have a light gold but when her, Han, Finn and ray went to Mas, she found a lightsabre and it was calling to her. It was a gold one. She knew there was a bigger story about this and she was determined to find out.
Her dad gave her the guns, it was when they wear going on a mission, they both knew by the fours, he was not coming home so he gave her those guns he made for her. They have L.Solo on them. This was a goodbye present.
    Powers and skills:
Power of the Force: As the daughter of the skywalker, she was immensely powerful and had an amazingly a strong connection to the Force, then thought in ever showed because it was waiting the right moment to show if self and when she was ready. She was still able to use it but fully or only in an emergency.
But she can feel people emotion and understand them and tell when people are lying. She got this power when she was born and was able to do this since she can remember and for the rest of life will. She also can see her grandfather spirit and talk to him. Became a mentor to her and help her through her life.
She tried to be a Jedi with Luke but couldn’t properly use the fours.  But once it opens to her because she was now ready. She is able to use into her full abilities.  She is stronger than any Force-user currently alive; his force powers rivalled that of Luke, even though she doesn’t know this. From her training with Luke in the past she able to control this, and when she and Rey go and see Luke bring him back to the rebellion, she can complete her training and became a true Jedi.
Master at pattern recognition and analysis - in other words, she picks up on patterns that others do not notice.
Force Push: she utilized Force Push to send his opponents flying through the air, causing them serious injury or temporarily incapacitating them/knocked them unconscious. But she can only do this, but she is in immediately in danger.
Force Pull: she utilized Force Pull to pull his opponents or objects towards him.
Mind Trick: she utilized Mind Trick to control the minds of other sentient beings, however, it did not work on individuals who have very strong wills.
Force Vision: she utilized Force Vision to have visions of the past, the present, and the future. However, like all Force-users, his visions were not always clear or sometimes had visions even when he was not utilizing this power at will.
Force Sense: Rey utilizes Force sense to sense another sentient being's emotions, the future, ripples in the Force caused by momentous or traumatic events, or impending danger and the presence of the dark side. 
Expert of deception/Manipulator: Despite ultimately having a moral compass, Lena can be very receptive to the point where people - for better or worse - would prevalently assume that she knows or intends less than what the well-rounded and accomplished Lena actually does.
Master at pattern recognition and analysis - in other words, she picks up on patterns that others do not notice.
Stealth/Infiltration/Escape artist: Sara is highly capable of entering and leaving buildings without being seen, regardless of their security.
Gifted Intellect: She possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. Romanoff also possesses a vast knowledge of human anatomy, displayed by her often-using joint locks and hitting enemies in the weakest parts of their bodies; for example, the crotch, stomach, armpits, and the head.
She loves to fly, ever since she was a little girl, she loves the idea to try. [Lana Fitz1] She begs her father to teach her, so when she was eight he thought her. They bonded over this and she got close with her dad from this. And when she was eleven she was able to fly like an expert, she was even better than adults. And when she was an adult she was the best in the galaxy.  She is always trying to get better at it and is known to be one of the best piolets in the galaxy, most people say she even better than Poe Dameron. But she always says he is a lot better. She flies ships like nobody’s business but she gets that from both sides of her family.
Transporting: she knows how to use all kinds of ships, it does matter what it is. She can fly it. But her dad gave her a special X-wing, that she loves. She always used it and it’s her main ship.
|(Oh, no! no! No! I want to hear all about your stupid plan!)|
Skin Color(s): tan
Hair: she has light brown hair.
Hairstyles:  she usually has in natural. On missions, she has her hair in a ponytail. But for special events, she has in half up and half down.
Eyes: browns eyes that look like her mother eyes but have a hint of the mischief like her father.
Unique Feature(s): she has a few tattoos. She got her first one when she was 25 years old. Each one has a special meaning for her.  She has a should tattoos that was four birds. This represents her family that she loves but when Ben went to the dark side. She decided to make one of the birds have a broken wing to show Ben.  
She has two on her wrist on each side. One of them reminds her to always have hope. Something she is always told to have by her family. Sometimes she forgets it, but she always wants to have and treasure.
The one on her other wrist represents Poe a very important person in her life. And her side shows the rebellion that she loves, her work, the thing she protects and wanted to show in secret. Her last one is on her calf and it represents herself and her love too music, which is very important in her life.
Layla is a very brave, independent, and street-smart woman who is more than capable of taking care of herself.  She is a perfect mix of both her mother and father. But she also herself. People always say that she reminds them of her parents when they were young.  
She often uses dry humour and sarcasm to distract and distance herself from situations and people that make her uncomfortable, or simply to lighten the mood during, particularly stressful situations just like her father. People always say she is like him at those moments.  Still, regardless of how protective she is of herself, she often sees the best in other people, such as with her brother. She has been shown capable of holding her own in most situations.  she always wants to do the right thing and make the world a better place.  However, she is not above withholding crucial information from known allies if it meant to move off any plans she starts but has, thus far, done in good conscience. In addition, she is quite intelligent and insightful like her mother, going along with the determination and in the imposing disposition of her name (not to mention the extensive contacts and replete resources at their disposal), these qualities make her an invaluable ally for those who has her solid loyalty and, at the same time, a very dangerous individual to anyone who would dare count her as an enemy, or underestimate what she is capable of.
she will become is a very strict person in meeting or planning a mission, criticizing the bad behaviour and habits of the other members of the rebellion, causing most of them to apologize, fearing that they might invoke her wrath. And if you don’t you will she will become show her fire, wit and spunk, and put them in their place, you take absolutely zero shit from anyone and will defend your friends and family, with a heartbeat. You got this from your mum and dad, which both did this when they were younger. She will call out her friends if they are doing something reckless, cross the line or plan stupid but she will do it a lot calmer and nicer but if they keep doing it or don’t listen then you will pull out your fire and make sure they get your point. You always know if you were up to something good or bad.
she can be carefree when off-duty, such as when bonding with the members of her team following a successful mission. She is usually a person with a bright and sunny character. She is attentive and soothes with her warmth of heart, the loneliness of the people. She shows a great deal of concern and strong attachment to her companions.  This shows that she is also a very caring and friendly person, as she does everything in her capabilities to ensure their safety; but when she realizes that she is incapable of it, her bonds are replaced by her anxiousness. It has been noted many times by many people, that "her smile is warm, and I could be happy forever about it.". Ever since she was at a young age everyone told her to smile with a smile that "is a rival to the sun". As she grows up, she carries this on. She has demonstrated that she hates being lied to and finding out that someone she cares about has lied to her is one of the worst sins a person can commit in her eyes.  
o   Kind-heart
o   Fearless
o   Adventurous
o   Have faith in others
o   Courageous
·       Dwells on bad times
·       Impulsive
·       Inpatient
·       Restless
·       Short-tempered
She is the daughter of Leia and Han Solo. she loves her family, even though sometimes she felt she favour her brother. When she was little, she creates a bond with her father by flying. She was never close to her brother, but she still loves him. She always had a connection with the force, even though she couldn’t really use it. She able to feel people emotion, able to understand them and tell when people were lying. She was also able to see and feel the spirit of her grandfather and able to talk to her. She likes to talk to him about what on her mind and asked for his advice. He became a mentor to her.
When she was 15 she was sent with her brother to the Jedi temple to become a Jedi. She didn’t really want to but want to make her mum and dad proud. When she was there she didn’t have many friends and felt lonely. She was very popular, and people talk to her but only because of her name so many people hated her because of that.  She was very good in some area but couldn’t use to force proudly or fully. But her grandfather spirit helps her used the force and taught her. Luke was there for her and help her but favour her brother.
But she did have one friend, they ever told each other names but they create a bond, that could be broken. He was a training to be a pilot near there. (it was a camp). He gave her a bracelet that was promised to always find her.
But one day her brother went to the dark side and killed everyone. He tried to convict her to join him, but she said No and never will, so he stabs her and felt her die. She almost died but the force kept her alive until the rebellion came to save her. She closes herself off after that and throws herself into her work.
she travels the world and helps people. She creates a name for herself. She did use the force in these missions but only if she had too because she couldn’t really use it. The main reason that her name got big because she was helping a village, but they need more supplies, so she decides to go the first order and steal some of the supplies.  And she did it without getting caught.
She is the one person that steal from them without getting caught or killed, that how the news spread that they were a Jedi helping people, but it would never show itself and do it in disappear as soon it came. They called it their spirit walker. The reason why she didn’t get caught was that her grandfather gave her a necklace that protects her and makes sure the first order doesn’t find her. It erased anyone mind if they see her, but only if she doesn’t want to be seen or notice. That way she never got caught the necklace would make sure she is safe, and no one would find her.
But most importantly it helps her know who she can trust and not to trust. The necklace would grow for a different thing. (blue for someone you can trust, red for untrusty, yellow for when she is happy, light blue for when she is sad, dark purple for when she is scared, green for love of her family, violet for love of her friends, black for the dark side, white for peace or relax, pink is for love or romance and so much more).
He told her that this is very important for her future and it would help her in life and that she should never take it off. She trusts him, so she never did.
One day, her mum contacted her for a special mission. About finding a special look and she agrees, after a lot of searching and dipping she went to the place she thought it was, but she bumped into someone. He almost ruined the mission because he was attracting attention and some stormtuber saw them and thought they were trouble, so they ran. He got injured and even though he almost ruined your mission, that necklace was growly blue, so she knew she could trust him.
He tried to lie to you about why he was out, but you could tell when you were lying. He finally told you that he wasn’t supposed to be out, but he heard about the mission and wanted to find out it and help. You admired that and told him so, but he couldn’t help you, that the general only spent you and it was too dangers. After a lot of agreeing he finally agrees to go back to the base but only if after you finish it you would tell him, and you agree. And like when you were a child you still didn’t tell each other names. Both of you felt a connection and that night you two talk and laugh.
But after that, he had two leave and go back to the base. You two said your goodbye and before he left he said, “you know, I am going to find you, so you can tell me about this mission” and wink. And for the first time, your necklace would grow a pink.
You were surprised because it never glows that colour and you told him, you didn’t know what it meant. Little did neither of you know that was the start your happy ending, the thing you both would fight for and your first love that you will love forever. With a final goodbye and a kiss on the cheek, he got in his ship and left but when he left you said, “you will always find me, but force doesn’t let me see him again”.  
After that you continued your mission. You did find the book and learned about the chosen one that your grandfather was chosen to destroy the empire and the force has chosen someone to destroy the first order and start a new world with the help with a starship. you were able to escape but you didn’t know what to do, this book was too dangers for the rebellion or the first order to have. But you didn’t finish reading what you started, it said that two people from the same family will fight and the light one will win in the end, but blood will be spirit.
And all it said about the future. You decide to write down what it said and burned the book so no-one will know about it. It was too dangers. You went back to the rebellion base and went with your mother. She was happy to see but wanted to know what happened you told her everything and showed her what it said and what you did. She thought you did the right thing and you two decide to keep this a secret. And she convicted you two join the Rebellion. After a lot of thought, you said yes and became a commander and her adviser. your job was that you were a pilot for mission, in the meantime to teach new recruits, and help with your mum with anything she needs.  
Soon learn that the man that almost ruined your mission, was there. Your mother introduced both of you even though both of you already meant. You two decide to keep it a secret because he wasn’t supposed to be out. You didn’t tell him all about your mission and he did respect that, but you tell him a little about it. You two became friend’s quickie and soon best friends. You still went on a mission as the spirit walker, somewhere in secret, somewhere from your mother, if it was a dangerous one, Poe would come with you. even though you couldn’t tell him all the mission, you always told him a little bit.
You again made a name for yourself in the base and is one of the most about in the base for much different reason. Because you’re a Leia and Han daughter, you get a lot of attention just from that, alone. You work very closely with your mother, so people asked a lot of question. She very admired form the base because of her pilot skills, and her intelligence, especially with battle plans. You also got a lot of attention because you were a commander, but you didn’t have to up the ranks.
But You became the hope for a lot of people, They all can tell that you really cared about the retaliation and fiercely loyal and protective friend. she is willing to go down fighting for her friends, regardless of how futile it might seem. you became the hope for some people Because she always knew what to say to get everyone to believe in winning, before every mission you would do a small pep talk. Almost everyone thought you would become the new generally if something happened to Leia. You and Leia deceived to keep it a secret that you were the spirit walker and only close people knew who you really were and are.
And the force helps someone if they are rude, question your help or closed the line with you or to anyone you cared for she will become is a very strict person, criticizing the bad behaviour and habits of the other guild members, causing most of them to apologize, fearing that they might invoke her wrath. And if you don’t you will she will become show her fire, wit and spunk, and put them in their place, you take absolutely zero shit from anyone and will defend your friends and family, with a heartbeat. You got this from your mum and dad, which both did this when they were younger.  you always know if you were up to something good or bad.
But you had a problem even though you were admired and there were people generally kind to you or just respected you. but there were still people would still be wanting to talk to you because of your name and people tried to charm you for different reason, some just because you were attractive and just want to have a hook up, some want to go up the ranks and some because of admiration but there were only a few who wanted to get to know you for you. You still had some people that were your friends that really cared for you, and it didn’t really border you, but sometimes it did, and you would think about it a lot. But your friends and family help you through it.
of the force awakens and the last Jedi.  
(Mother/creator)- you were always close with her and you loved her. she was always there for you. You are being the biggest emotional crutch for her especially in hard times and giving her hope and strength. After the temple got destroyed and she asked could she leave and travel the galaxy, she understands why and said she could but write to her daily and came visit which she did. But one day she found out about a book with had a legend that shows the future, which could have changed everything, she only trusts her daughter with it. After the mission, she asked her to join the rebellion and became a Commander and her adviser.
And after a lot of convicting she said yes, her always asking you for your opinion about decisions she must make and really relying on your judgement. She always asking you for your opinion about decisions she must make and really relying on your judgement Especially when it comes to new people. She always makes sure that you know that you can also always talk to her when something wrong and you’re important to him. She always felt an urge to protect you even though she known are strong and know how to handle yourself.  
She always looks after you and makes sure you are safe. she is being able to comprehend that you want to be alone when you feel like it and telling people to back off when they annoy you or want to urge you to something you don’t want to. 
(Father/creator)- you weren’t very close with your dad but that change because you always wanted to fly. And you finally confused him to teach you how to fly. You two created a boned of this. Sometimes you would call him Popes and it would make him smile.  He always protects you from any harm and encoring you to the right thing. He asked you advised all the time about everything, and really take what you said to heart.  He is always getting you stuff he thought you might like making you laugh and he get embarrassed by how much he knows you. but when we went away you missed him.
You tried to contact him, but it didn’t work. So, after year, you meet him on the falcon. There were so many emotions, so you did the first thing that came to your minded, you hit him. After a lot of agreeing, you told him everything how you felt and that him leaving broke you. and you are still receiving only a few people in the galaxy see the real her. He was shocked but for a time saw him how much him leaving broke you.  He told you that he was truly sorry and that he was so proud of you. You two had a big heart to heart. And that day you two talk about life and had a good laugh.
You felt like you had your father back. You that was short last because when you two were doing a dangers mission, you both felt that he wasn’t coming home. On that moment on the fly con you two said your goodbye, he told you that he was truly sorry, he was so proud of you, that this wasn’t your fault. But to live your life, enjoy it and have an epic adventure. That you are going to rule the world. You told him that you love him, and you forgive him and that you will. On that day he gave you two guns he made for you for a goodbye gift and it has L.solo on it.
(brother)- You were never really close to your brother. You were always in your brother shadow. You loved him but weren’t that closed with him. And once he loved you too, saw you as his little sister that he wanted to protect. but when he went to the dark side because he saw the power in you even if you didn’t see it yourself. He wanted you to rule by his side, but you said no, and you never will. Then you two started to fight because it didn’t join in you were against him and you need to die. he was determined to kill you and he almost did.  He stabbed you and left you to die. He thought he killed you that night. but the fours kept you alive until the rebellion came to save you. her brother despises her and pretends she doesn’t exist because she is the living reminder of that “weakness” in him because he fears that you are more powerful than him.
Until he found out that there was a Map too Luke Skywalker and he need to find it. When we went to the place he found, her and Poe. He was shocked and took you and Poe.
Once you were you were in your cell and wake, he started to ask you question about how you survived. And a little bit in him still cared about you. He saw how much you grow to a beautiful strong woman and she was still strong with the force. Once you didn’t answer, you tried to read your mind, you tried to fight him. He saw that you still didn’t know about the power in you, you cared about the piolet but most important the book. But before he could read more, he heard a voice in his ear, a voice that was projecting you and he admired because once of his darkness, Anakin Skywalker.
“let her go Boy!” it said, it scared him and realised you could talk to him, he yelled at you about how and about the book, he wanted that book because he knew if he got it, he could destroy the rebellion and he was trying to talk to him for years. You made him bad because you said he never will and never tell him where it was or what was inside it.  He tried to torture you, but you were too powerful than him and push him back. So, he decides to try something new, he took you to Poe and torture him and said if you told him to wear it was he would stop. And you told him where it was. But once you escape he wanted to get you back to answer and the book. He feared you because you knew about the book and read it. And you would be more powerful than him and destroyed him.
When she was 16, she started to train to be a Jedi by Luke but couldn’t properly use the fours. She was the best student in political strategy, galactic law, the science and language. She wrote everything she learned in a notebook, so she never forgets.  But she couldn’t use the fours properly, so she wasn’t able to do half of the training. She was trained by Master Luke. But he always favours her brother inside of her, so he spends more time with him than her. Because of this felt alone. But her grandfather spirit has been watching her and helping her with the force. She was always able to see him and talk to him.  
She could use the force but not fully. He helped her and his spirit is in her protecting her, guiding her, he saw all the power in her, and saw her pure heart, even if she didn’t see it herself. When she felt like she was going to give up, he could encourage her not too. He always says that even though she could use the fours fully, she has the heart of a Jedi and ever give up on that. He became a mentor to her. Luke was three for her and help her but still favour her brother.
After the temple got destroyed, she never got to finish her training. She gave up on being a Jedi because of what happened, but she did a little hope. she would make sure that all the knowledge she learned wouldn’t fade, and parasitic it in secrets.
(political strategy, galactic law, the science and language.) and with the help with her grandfather, she was able to be kept able to use the force (even though she couldn’t use it fully). but when the force open to her, she wanted to finish her training and became Jedi.
So, when she and Rey went to find Luke and bring him home, she got him to finish her training. Over a few days, he taught her, to use a lightsabre, control, and the ways in the force and techniques (force jump, telekinesis, force pull, push, force persuasion) and its three application. She writes everything she learned over those days in a notebook, so she never forgets like she did before. Before he did, he told about how proud he was of her and that she was finished with her training and now she was a true Jedi, like he saw in her.
Love Interest:
Your love life was very strange. You never really had a boyfriend, you lose some much in your life that you were afraid of the idea of love. You meet Poe when you were teenagers (you were 17 and he was 21). You were running away from you bully’s, he and BB-8 founded you and bandage you up. And for that day on, you three would meet up. But you never told each other’s names but neither of your minds that, you both like that you didn’t have to pretend to be something else because of a name. but once the temple got destroyed.   You close yourself off and throw yourself in work. You would travel the plants in your ship and do-little mission to help people.
One day Your mum contacted you to do a secret mission that only you she trusts with. And you agree after a lot of thought. When you were on that mission you bumped into Poe. They didn’t recognise each other because they were both now adults and didn’t know each other names.  He wasn’t supposed to be out. He almost ruined your mission, he got injured when both of you were running away from storm tuber.
Your sticker him up for some reason they both contact to each other, something was pulling to each other. Little did you know that once you both made a promise to always find each other and they did. That night you both talk tonight away and laugh forgetting about the world. But he had to leave, and you had to get back on the mission.
A few months later you went to the rebellion to see your mother and you saw Poe. Your mother wanted you to say and became a commander. And after a lot of thinking, you said yes. She introduced you to two even though you two already meet. You two became best friend overnight Poe develops a crush on you. But you were still afraid of the idea of love, you lose some many people, and you were afraid the idea of lose him.
But little did you know he already made a promise to himself to steal your heart and make you his. Before when you were young you had a big crush on him but you still do a little, but you were afraid to love him.  
One day, after you two were reunited after you both thought each other died, but you found a bracelet he made for you. and he realised who you were, he showed you the drawing he did of it. When he made it. And you realised too. That when you both had your first kiss.  
| (if you guys don’t come back alive, I’m going to be really pissed)|
  Pleace don't copy my idea, I spent awhole mouth working on this idea and making it. It was a lot of hard work.
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scriptflorist · 6 years
Zhu'ad, Nonstandard Hero and Confounded Part-God
I figured I’d toss my current favorite into the inbox for consideration. The setting is pretty heavily high fantasy so I’m not sure if that may be a problem. Thank you for opening your inbox, and for all the effort you put into helping others so much!
Name: Zhu'adulawt Nop’ etmet
Nickname: Zhu'ad, Jahad
Alternate identity: Consort to the Reborn God, The Rage of Joy
Birthday: Equivalent would be March 31st.
Zodiac: Aries Sun, Aries Moon
Birthplace: Enian’s Peak, a city similar in climate to Sao Paulo, Brazil. The people are rather different however, as the majority of the populace are a mixture of devils, demons, and mortals.
Dwelling place: On the road.
How do they live: She travels with several companions, including a man she considers to be her brother, and her husband. She regularly keeps last watch over the camp, wakes the others just before dawn, and works through her morning exercises. Once they’ve hit the road she keeps an eye out for trouble while entertaining conversation though she’s not the most inclined to participate until they stop for the midday heat. Over the break she’ll work through her forms and help any of the others with tasks while talking. After starting off again she repeats her behavior of morning travels before relaxing for the evening. She’s much more chatty over the evening responsibilities and last meal though she always carves out time to do maintenance checks over her weapons, armor, and bags.
Appearance: When in the field she wears mostly full plate that covers her entirely, and it can take her sometime to be comfortable enough to wear what she considers standard clothes. She has little patience for anything she considers baggy, skirts and dresses as a rule are right out,  too much fabric, loose or otherwise, bogs down her movement.
She tries to keep some of her home’s fabric wraps on hand as she much prefers them to what the rest of the continent considers a “shirt.” The wrap winds around her neck, shoulders, ribs, and breasts, leaving her midriff bear as well as her arms. She prefers her wraps to be light in color if she cannot get a pure white as well as her pants as she likes the contrast with her darker skin. She wears old calf-high boots that are a worn brown.
Her hair is rather long and kept pulled back in a high, single dutch braid. It is red, though leans towards a dark amber rather than a pure red. Her stubbed horns are a bright amber at the tip and darken rapidly to a near maroon at the base.
Zhu'ad is sandy-brown with warm red undertones to her skin. Her eyes are heavily angled, the inner corner obviously lower then the outer. Her pupils are a starburst shape and her inner iris is yellow while the outer transitions to bright amber. Her nose is broad from bridge to nostrils and is rather strong, also, slightly crooked. She has wide lips though her bottom is heavier than her top. Her chin, and chin cleft, are rather prominent as she has a diamond face, but the fact that she keeps it jut forward may have something to do with it.
She is muscular and confidently carries countless scars. To an untrained eye she’s obviously some kind of fighter, but to a trained one she may as well scream that she’s a weapons-master. The callouses on her hands reveals that she primarily uses a large blade and that she’s ambidextrous with it rather than favoring one arm.
She is not particular to jewelry as its a hindrance to her in her line of work, however, once she is married she wears the black color around her neck with pride.
What’s in their bag/pockets: A bedroll, flint, hemp rope, a few crumpled sheaves of loose parchment, quill, ink pot, sealing wax, water whetstone, oil whetstone, pipe, tobacco, and journal.
Species: She is ¾ths human, ¼th demon (succubus specifically).
Features of the species: While her mother (½) and grandmother (full) carry many of the physical traits of their people Zhu'ad does not. The only suggestions that she’s not fully human are her starburst pupils and stubby horns.
Some of the abilities that carried over are her excellent sight in the dark and her ability to “smell” magic.
Name of parents: Ni'ini Nop’ etmet (Mother) and Umuhd Pasal (Father)
Name of siblings: Only child.
Others next of kin: Ma'rali Nop’ etmet (Grandmother)
Not-in-blood-but-in-bond-family: Aris of Stonebridge
Family history: Zhu'ad grew up well cared for, loved, and not understood in the least. Their people are rather matriarchal, so while Zhu'ad cares for her father he really had little to do with her rearing and she sees him fondly, though distantly.
Both her mother and grandmother tried very hard to understand Zhu'ad but she may as well have been a raccoon among cats. Similar enough, in a way, but clearly not belonging. Charming, even-tempered, and manipulative, the family trade is trade, both in goods and political favors. Zhu'ad, from an early age, showed little to negative aptitude in most of the qualities necessary to participate in the family business. Instead she showed great aptitude in several physical skills and when allowed to practice these improved in her other studies.
Desperate to support Zhu'ad her family found her the best mentors in several martial arts while making it clear they expected her to listen to her other tutors as well. As Zhu'ad grew up it became clear that most conversation between her and her family were a simple script of polite but shallow questions and answers. They loved her, but not one of them could understand her drives, interests, or desires.
This led to Zhu'ad growing into a well educated, but ill-tempered and depressed young woman. She had no career outside of serving as her Grandmother’s sword-arm, she had no friends as she found she disliked the majority of the populace around her, and little to drive her. Life was difficult and becoming unbearable until her Grandmother ordered her to join an ally, Aris of Stonebridge, on his quest.
Favourite colour: Emerald green, though it changes to the pale blue of her husband’s eyes, not that she ever says that aloud.
Favourite animal: Striped Hyena, White-backed Vulture, and Honey Badger
Favourite book: Exile’s Honor by Mercedes Lackey, Astro City: Confession by Busiek, Anderson, & Ross
Favourite film/show/series: Gran Torino, Babylon 5, Hard Candy, Rush Hour
Favourite genre: Action, Comedy
Favourite food: Candied Yam, Spiced Pork Tenderloin
Favourite place to be: Out somewhere in the unmapped wilderness, whether plains or hills or the side of some mountain, preferably at night with the stars glittering above, a small fire crackling a little ways away, and her husband laying next to her as they make up constellations.
Personality: To any outside observer Zhu'ad appears brash, prideful, and has a mean streak. She bears no shame about being demon-born and in many ways wields her heritage like a weapon against those who would try to shame her for it. She shows no hesitancy in going after people’s literal and metaphorical weaknesses, and holds those with physical prowess in a more obvious esteem.
Behind the crafted facade Zhu'ad is intensely private of her true feelings and relationships. She does not make connections to others easily or lightly, but when she does it’s to a fault. Her loyalty and affection run deep, deeper than even she truly understands. Due to her abrasive nature she has rarely had a chance to have her true feelings returned, but once among Aris and his traveling companions she finds her feeling mirrored.
She has a wicked sense of humor, willing to laugh at others misfortunes though she is rather prickly about her own in the short term. Since joining the group she has become much more self-aware of her own flaws and hang ups, as well as developed a willingness to laugh at herself.
She tends to leap-and-think simultaneously, leading to her realizing something was a bad idea only as she is doing it. She is rather resilient to most things, however she finds herself quailing when it comes to personal emotionally intimate and charged situations which she finds herself more oft in once with the group. It unnerves her, even after a few years, how willing the people around her are to be truthful and earnest about their feelings.
Her first language, for all her knowledge of them, is violence. She finds touch, painful or not, to be the most honest way of communicating, and so will find herself at odds with people in ways she doesn’t entirely understand. To outsiders she can be abrupt and startling, her choices seemingly bizarre and impulsive, but when asked she can almost always produce a chain of logic, that while odd, holds together under scrutiny.
She knows 6 primary languages and many of their dialects. She never thought it odd she could pick up languages so easily though her tutors and family were stunned. She still makes a habit of learning dialects and languages after she joins Aris on his quest as it’s come in handy more than anyone thought it would. 
Zhu'ad has a quirk others have noticed, but that she’s blind to herself. Knowing so many languages allows her an extended vocabulary into words that don’t approximate across languages. When there is an idea she’s trying to express she will use the most accurate word she knows for the idea, whether or not it’s from the language she is speaking at the time.
She mostly trained her physical gifts in her youth, but she had a fondness for hassling her tutors and getting them to teach her about history, theories of magic, geography, and languages, though not always in the order they meant to.
She has absolute pitch though has no inclination to music or singing (much to the lament of her family).
She has always had a near perfect sense of balance.
She finds, after joining the group, that she enjoys sketching the various places, people, and things she sees on her journeys. She also starts writing what amounts to cultural crash courses on the various places they go. At first this is just for herself as she finds it hard to keep track but begins making copies to give to important people.
At first Zhu'ad found the idea of worship and religion distasteful. She thought little of the Titans and considered organized religion a joke, and  still does, but she’s found, through her travels, a small kernel of faith in the Elder Gods who ask for nothing, and keep the world turning.
Her story/character-arc sees her change from stereotypical hot-headed, asshole warrior, to a weapons-master unflinchingly willing to die to save her world. Her husband is a reborn Titan that is slowly awakening to his abilities. As time passes and he grows in power, because of their connection she too gains a portion of divinity that sees her become not-quite-a-god, but definitely no longer a mortal.
(PS I hope I did all that right, and I’m really sorry this got so long. Oi.)
Hey rmene!
Thank you too for your submission! Now let’s see what we can find.  The section misc relates both to what you wrote in your own misc section and what I couldn’t put into any other category. You didn’t write a lot about her husband and marriage, so that was a bit more guesswork, but I figured you might have some use for a few relationship-themed plants. So I made you a small section for that, hope you will find it useful!
Consort to the Reborn God / The Rage of Joy
celandine – joys to come, future joy
crab-apple blossom – ill-tempered
jasmine (cape) – transport of joy
sorrel (wood) – joy
st. john’s worth – animosity, superstition
whin – anger
Enian’s Peak, a city similar in climate to Sao Paulo, Brazil
The national flower of Brazil is Tecoma chrysostricha.
Given it’s not actually Brazil in your story, some sources also name Cattleya labiata and Wikipedia names Handroathus albus as the national flower.
On the road
traveller’s joy – traveller’s joy, safety, rest
Based on how she lives
canary grass – perseverance
violet (dame) – watchfulness
watcher by the wayside – never despair
flax (dried) – utility
glycine – your friendship is pleasing and agreeable to me
heath – solitude
Based on the fact that there’s quite some red in her description
camilla (red) – unpretending excellence, you’re a flame in my heart
fraxinella – fire
hyacinth (red) – playful joy
iris (flaming) – flame
iris (German) – flame, ardour
mulberry (red) – wisdom
pyrus japonica – (the) faerie’s fire,
red valerian – readiness
salvia (red) – energy
Based on what’s inside her bag/pockets
hemp – fate
Based on family history
acanthus – the fine arts, artifice,  the arts (also fits her ability to pick up languages quickly)
bellflower (chimney) – aspiring
bougainvillaea – passion
cherry – good education, education
cherry (cornelian) – durability, duration
goldenrod – (careful) encouragement, precaution, be cautious
hollyhock (white) – female ambition
imbricata – uprightness, sentiments of honour
mistletoe – I surmount all difficulties/obstacles, I climb to greatness, I will rise above all, parasitic
oak (white) – independence
rue (wild) – morals, manners
sloe – difficulty, austerity
Striped Hyena
Have roots in folk magic, for example in Pakistan and Afghanistan striped hyena hair is used as a charm against sickness or for love magic.
angelica – inspiration, magic
circaea – spell
enchanter’s nightshade – spell, witchcraft, sorcery, fascination
fern – magic, sincerity, fascination, confidence, shelter
garlic – get well, ward of evil and illness, courage
holly herb – enchantment
iceland moss – health
witch (hazel) – a spell
Based on her personality
alstroemeria – devotion
ash mountain – with me you are safe, prudence
austurtium – splendour
balsam (red) – touch me not, impatient resolve(s)
bay (wreath) – reward of merit
berberry – sharpness/sourness of temper, sharpness, sourness, petulance
borage – bluntness, rudeness
columbine (purple) – resolved to win
copihue – there is no unalloyed good
coriander – hidden worth/merit, concealed merit
daisy – loyal love, I’ll never tell, purity, beauty, innocence
gillflower (mahon) – promptness
gorse – cheerfulness in adversity, endearing affection
lantana – rigour, sharpness
lavender – devotion, love, distrust, mistrust, acknowledgement
osier – frankness
sorrel (wild) – wit ill-timed
xeranthemum ��� cheerfulness under adversity
auricula – painting
cedar of Lebanon – incorruptible
cilanthus – worldliness, self-seeking
coronilla – success to you, success crown your wishes
daphne – glory, immortality
gardenia – refinement
hawkweed – quick-sightedness
honeysuckle (coral) – the colour of my fate
laurel (mountain) – ambition
lint – I feel my obligations
liquorice – I declare against you
marianthus – hope for better days
marigold (cape) – presage
marigold (prophetic) – prediction
mercury – goodness
oak leaves – bravery
penstemon azureus – high-bred
rosebud (stripped of thorns) – I fear no longer I hope
volkameria – may you be happy
willow (French) – bravery and humanity
Husband related
clover (white) – think of me
diosma – your simple elegance charms me
furze – love for all seasons/occasions
gladiolus – you pierce my heart, generosity, I’m sincere, flower of the gladiators
heliotrope – devotion, I love you, devoted attachment, intoxicated with pleasure, I turn to thee, infatuation, faithfulness
milk vetch – your presence softens my pains
persicaria – restoration
primrose (Chinese) – lasting love
rose (bridal) – happy love
spindle tree – your charms are engraven on my heart
- Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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badsithnocookie · 7 years
Unification (1/?)
Alright, Illte. You can do this. Breathe.
Returning to Iokath wasn't her choice, truthfully; all Eirn wanted to do was sink back into obscurity, sidle on out of the spotlight that other people kept thrusting her into and let some other fool take on the galaxy and all its problems. Her hand kept being forced, though; dragged by those same other people, and the rest of her was too attached to her hand to do anything permanent about it.
'I told you, I'm no assassin! I've come to deliver a message from the Republic-!'
On any other day, in any other place, the Republic not-assassin's qualities (her voice, her accent more specifically - it, and the sharp contrast it took to the content of her words) would have made her its focus, but Eirn's attention was all on the other not-assassin (at least, she'd never known him as one - though she remembered, at that thought, the times he'd disappeared on missions of his own and come back, weeks later, with a spring in his step and another tale that he would refuse to tell any but the poorly encrypted personal logs that made their way to Baras).
He was older, of course; not by much, but noticeably so - his hair a little thinner, a little more uniformly black in a way that spoke not of youth but dye and denial. He was thinner; again, not by much, but his uniform hung a little less snugly - more room about the neck, a few millimetres at the most but very definitely there. His eyes, which half refused to look at her, were just as blue; his rank bars had altered, his ribbons changed, but it was very definitely-
When she spoke, she felt her voice crack; wonder if she had, and wish, simultaneously, that she hadn't. All of the attention in the room, it felt, snapped to her - not just that she knew the not-assassin, but knew him intimately enough to call him by name (by given name, under these circumstances)-
He looked at her, for a moment - at her, as opposed to everything but her, and then glanced away again (imperceptibly, almost, but he did so; his focus back on whatever was behind her, his aura far more ordered than she remembered it being and infinitely more impenetrable, at least in her current state).
'My lord.'
And that was all he had to say; all he said, greeting her in the politest and most distant way possible. That hadn't sunk in yet, though - that he'd afforded her the barest of civility, that he wasn't even paying her attention, that-
'I- what are- you doing here?' she blurted out - not the most coherent or poetic of greetings, herself, but it cut right to the point and that- well, that had always been the closest thing she'd ever managed to a strength.
His posture did not relax for a moment, though - his attention, while on her for only the briefest of split seconds, soon returned to whatever was occupying the space behind her. 'I am here representing the Empire, my lord. Empress Acina sends her best wishes, and desires to speak regarding an alliance-'
I will find you, he'd said, even if it kills me.
That had been what she'd been the most afraid of; that he (that what remained of him) was out there, somewhere, in some unmarked, unknown grave, that she had failed him one final time, that she might not ever even know what happened, in the end.
But no, here he was. Alive, and looking right past her, and all he cared about was business.
Acina, back on Dromund Kaas, had been Acina - and had not been, and Eirn hadn't been sure what to make of the Sith Empress other than to remember the lust that the older Sith had once had (for power, for her) and the disconcertion that even then Eirn had felt knot itself at the base of her spine. Acina-now was different to the Acina-of-before; she wore heavy armour, not soft robes, and the Force pulsed through her in a way that had begun to rot her body from the inside out. Her skin was still smooth, her hair still shone, but her eyes glowed that same yellow-orange that always looked so sickeningly unnatural in humans (and it was unnatural, for all the Sith - the human Sith, the Sith orthodoxy - claimed otherwise) and her breath, when she spoke, came out in cold puffs that only smelt of death and treachery.
How do you walk away from such power, Wrath?
But that was why Eirn had vetoed the idea of allying with the Sith - to Lana's irritation, and Theron's bemused relief. None of the Zakuulans had understood the fuss and none of the Jedi had complained, and even many of the Sith who called Odessen home had not been sorry to learn that the Empire had failed to court the Alliance's command structure.
'You were once the Emperor's Wrath. The strongest of our number. Join me, and you could be that once again.' It was a practised speech - and one that, once, might have even worked.
You could serve me again, Wrath. You could kneel, and beg to be allowed to kneel. Now, though, Eirn couldn't help but snarl at that thought, even as the ice-cold knot in her stomach made her regret the morning's attempt at a solid breakfast.
And then there was Malavai, of course - ramrod straight, ever at attention and entirely avoidant of it settling on her. Acina, Eirn realised, wasn't simply courting her again - hadn't made excuses for them to be alone, hadn't sent flowers or tried to bribe her with technology and weaponry, but had sent - had tried to send - Malavai, who-
(hadn't even bothered to try and contact her; hadn't sent so much of a hint of any further message, after that one desperate plea into the void)
-and that ice-cold knot thawed as it was overpowered with anger that Acina would (so brazenly attempt to manipulate her; that Malavai would go along with it, that either of them might ever think she would ever crawl back to Dromund Kaas, after all they had done to her)-
'Commander Malcom,' Eirn heard herself say - her voice wavered, and she hated that waver more than anything, if only because of the judgements she immediately became afraid of, 'Tell your people here to expect me. We can discuss the details once I'm there.'
'Pathetic,' Acina muttered - derision escaping out from between her teeth, an insult spat by lips that moments before had only said such honeyed words. Sith honeys, though, were invariably laced with poison, and Eirn no longer felt she had the constitution to enjoy them. 'Major,' the Empress added, 'You have your orders-'
-and she was gone, and Quinn had made his empty apology before Eirn could even grasp her saber.
When the dust cleared, Malavai - Quinn - was gone, of course; Eirn expected nothing else, and wondered how it was that she still managed to be disappointed. His loyalty to the Empire had always been unshakeable; she'd known even when she had some passing dedication to it of her own that, forced to choose between her and it, she wouldn't have liked anything he had to say. That didn't stop it hurting, though; to know that after they had shared so much, he loved that monstrosity more than he had ever loved her. That he'd graduated from Baras's lackey, to the Wrath's, to the Empress's - and that he would, at that, sooner be the Empire's lackey than any kind of master of his own fate. Acina had never seemed the type to send him flowers, though Eirn knew that had never stopped Sith before - and indeed, Sith were more likely than others to make such gifts out of cynicism rather than any genuine desire. Still, she wouldn't even have needed to - what had it been he'd once said, that had driven her so mad? Service is its own reward. Service, she'd tried to explain to him, doesn't pay bills or put food on tables. Service cannot set you free.
'Hey. You alright?' Theron Shan - the son of a Jedi, a spy for the once-enemy, someone who Eirn had once found incredibly easy to hate - and he was more concerned than her once-husband. There was some unpleasant irony here, but Eirn knew if she dwelled on it she'd end up hurting someone she'd regret - or worse, crying.
'I'll be fine.' Not that this was a lie that ever got easier to tell - not that anyone who knew her had ever begun to believe it, but Shan apparently had the sense to let it go, for now.
'We need to rendez-vous with the Republic,' Eirn added - a strange collection of words, even now, and she frowned a little distantly at the way they fit. 'The Empire won't waste any time in hitting them.'
Lana was looking at her like this-was-her-fault, though, and Eirn just glowered in return. If there was anyone to blame here, it was Acina - and, not for the first time, Eirn did not regret refusing the Empire's generous offer of allegiance in the slightest. The Empire did not enter into agreements of equals, not if it could avoid it, and Eirn knew Sith enough to know that while Acina might not ever technically betray the Alliance, she would put her own interests far above even mutual ones - even the Empire's ones.
'Captain Dorne. I need you and your personnel to hold this location. Lord Beniko will be here to assist you.' Eirn might not have wanted war, but it was, all the same, what she got; war, and the Republic. This was an idea that was going to take a lot of getting used to, and not for the first time, she wished that there was someone here who she could actually lean on; someone here that she could actually trust.
'I expect,' she added, quietly - only loud enough that Lana could hear it, as she passed the other Sith, 'Captain Dorne and her people to remain unharmed. The Republic are, for now, allies. Are we clear?'
Lana's thin-lipped glare hardened ever further, at that, and for a moment, Eirn wondered if the other Sith wasn't about to start something that they'd both regret.
'I am capable of being professional, Lord Illte,' Lana replied - her use of Eirn's oldest title a deliberately displeased one, an eternal - for want of any other word - protest at Eirn's refusal to be the Alliance's figurehead. Lana was insulted, too - at the threat, at the implication she was anything but professional, but Eirn found it impossible to not see the way that Force had rotted Lana's body, too.
'Good,' Eirn replied - her own tone just as clipped, just as irritated. 'See that you are.'
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