#and shes lawful in the business sense. she wears her evil work uniform but when shes off the clock shes off the clock !!!
rosykims · 1 year
me pleading with astarion through the deluge of his act 1 disapproval like please i swear bro viera is evil yeah yeah i know shes super chill to everyone she encounters and is honest to a fault but. no, lissten, jsust listen hang on. shes LAWFUL evil man it still counts !!!! i know shes loyal and selfless to her allies and refuses to harm animals or children and will actively intervene on children's behalf BRO STOTP LAUGHIGN PLEASE I SWEAR and and um i know she respects ur autonomy nd doesnt let u ascend and has done literall.y all of the good options so by game mechanics shes indistinguishable to a hero character bbt. but i swear bro. bro i sw. where are you going
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
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Now that it’s Tuesday, a new Myth has been introduced to your inbox and soon, your blog! Give a salute to Myth, the Former Ultimate Police Officer!
As a child, Myth has always had a strong moral compass and an even stronger sense of justice. With the push of her father, who happened to be in law enforcement, Myth studied hard and eventually graduated from the same academy that her father graduated in. Because of her age, gender, and the fact that her father graduated the academy with mere luck, many people at the academy doubted her skills. However, this is fueled Myth’s desire to succeed and prove them wrong. And that she ended up doing, for she wounded up apprehending criminal after criminal, and eventually attended Hope’s Peak as the Ultimate Police Officer. Even as a Former Ultimate, she still has a strong sense of justice and seeks to guide the Ultimate and Jr. Ultimate students towards the path of proper morality, and away from the path of criminal intent.
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Lifeguard
Having grown up around water as well as having a desire to be viewed as a hero amongst people, Wyre decided to become a lifeguard. Despite Wyre‘s rough and tough, delinquent-esque personality, Myth and Wyre are great friends. Myth met Wyre when she was little and she accidentally slipped and fell into the pool. Wyre ended up saving Myth and the two have been friends ever since, quickly bonding over their desire to assist and help others. Myth regularly disciplines Wyre just in case Wyre gets a bit too rowdy.
Outfit: A white tank top with ripped sleeves and a Red Cross on the front, the same whistle that Myth has, red and white swim shorts, tan sandals, regularly wet and droopy hair, swimming goggles on top of their head.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Toymaker
With a secret soft spot for children and an elaborate style of dress and speech, Scar is well-known for her dark and creepy, yet adorable toys. Although she is mostly known for her porcelain dolls in gothic lolita dresses, she is also known for her creepy-cute plush animals and hand puppets/marionettes. Despite trying her best to keep up the whole “Dark Overlord of the Amusement Realm” charade, Myth knows that she has a lot more in common with Scar at first glance. The two girls formed a kinship over their love of children, but not without Myth being christened “Blinding Overlord of the Judgement Realm”. 
Outfit: A black and purple gothic Lolita dress with a black top hat, two bat hairclips on each side of her bangs, a pink and white eyepatch on her left eye, purple lipstick, purple gloves, black and purple stockings, black heeled boots, a pink and white coin purse. 
Fusion Anon, Ultimate Seamster
Having been raised by the Former Ultimate Beautician herself, Fusion Anon knows all there is to know about fashion and clothes. Fusion’s kind-hearted and paternal nature has made him a massive hit amongst the clients at the boutique run by both him and his mother. Despite Myth not really wearing much apart from her uniform, she can tell that Fusion puts his heart and soul into sewing and mending clothes. Fusion also had Myth model for a couple of his newer fashion lines, and needless to say, Myth was thinking of wearing them to the next formal event. 
Outfit: A blue and brown sweater vest over a white dress shirt and a red bowtie,   the same pants, socks and shoes from his original design, a black and brown top hat resting on top of his massive afro, bandage wrapped hands, glasses from original design.
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Street Artist
Having been born and raised on the streets, Fusion II has taken to tagging buildings and trees with spray paint and adopted a sarcastic and flippant demeanor to go along with that. Fusion II was eventually nicknamed “Rainbow Rapids” by her neighborhood, for both her colorful and radiant artwork and the rapid speeds that she completes said artwork in. Myth and Fusion II have quite the beef going on, which is understandable, given their talents and backgrounds. Fusion II had bad experiences with cops and thus tries to steer far away from Myth at all costs, and Myth is intent on reforming Fusion II, no matter what it takes. Just how long could this cat-and-mouse game go, and who will come out on top.  
Outfit: A grey hoodie splattered with different colors, black gloves, a black facemask so she doesn‘t inhale the paint fumes, a black belt with spray cans, black tights with a rainbow gradient stripe on each end, white sneakers. 
Just Anon, Ultimate Intellectual Prodigy
Having been born with high learning capabilities and a massive IQ for his age, Janon wounded up acing aptitude test after aptitude test. Unfortunately, Janon’s natural intellect made him see no point in putting actual effort into anything because he knows that he would just ace it anyways, and as such, he is very lazy and apathetic to just about everything and everyone. Janon and Myth have a mutual dislike of each other. Janon hates Myth for her goody two-shoes, stick-in-the-mud personality and Myth hates Janon for his freeloading and vulgar attitude. Similar to Fusion II, Myth is desperate to reform Janon and spark that flame of interest inside his icy-cold heart.
Outfit: Basically what he wears underneath his original outfit.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Chess Player
Having garnered infamy for her eccentric fashion sense and loud and dramatic personality, Sparkle, or as she calls herself, “SPARKLE, THE SPECTACULAR STRATEGIST!” fancies herself as a regal army leader and the chess pieces as her loyal soldiers, even in the middle of tournaments. Despite that, Sparkle remains an intelligent and analytical prodigy, managing to dominate tournament after tournament with her strategic expertise. Myth may be confused by Sparkle’s flair for the dramatics, but she can’t help but appreciate Sparkle’s intelligence and strategic mindset. 
Outfit: A black and white knight costume with a checker-board patterned cape and a prop sword, her hair in a side plait, glasses from original design.
Egg Anon, Former Ultimate Scout, and Wet Sock Anon, Former Ultimate Security Guard
When Myth heard that the founder of the first non-binary scout troop and a masterful security guard would be attending the Kibo-Con with her, she was ready for morally upright individuals, much like herself. What she wasn’t expected were evil twins that dispense only the pinnacle of cursed thoughts. Despite this, according to testimony by others, they are more morally upright then their cursed drivel would suggest, so Myth can’t hate them. Wet Sock may or may not have growing feelings for the adorable police officer, but they know that Myth is a cop and wouldn’t have time for romance. 
Egg’s Outfit: A tan scout outfit with a green sash filled to the brim with merit badges, glasses from original design.
Wet Sock’s Outfit: Black T-shirt, black headphones, black jeans, black loafers, dark sunglasses.
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Private Investigator
With a calm and pensive attitude, Curious is the prodigal scion of a family of influential detectives. Even at the age of 12, Curious has wowed their clients day after day with their deductive skills and ability to bring the true culprit to justice. Because Curious’s parents and Myth’s father sometimes collaborate together as business partners, Myth actually knows Curious and they regularly work on criminal cases together. Myth and Curious both get along very well for their similar talents and justice seeking personalities, despite the age gap between the two.
Outfit: Their original outfit, but with the addition of a dark brown trench coat and lighter brown gloves.
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Grave Digger
Because Nerd has to dig holes for the graves as precisely as possible, as well as having to look at dead bodies all the time, Nerd is cynical, high-strung and prone to exploding at unwitting individuals. Ever since Myth established dominance at the Kibo-Con, Nerd fell head-over-heels with this diminutive, yet dominant, police officer. But unfortunately, Myth is too put off by Nerd’s vulgar nature and short temper and too overworked to pursue a relationship with him. 
Outfit: His original outfit, except with brown gloves and boots, as well as a black tie with a skull design.
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Tutor
Despite Eldritch‘s skittishness, Eldritch is really good at both leading a group and assisting others in their schoolwork. Eldritch originally started tutoring as a way to secure a scholarship to a prestigious university. While Myth likes Eldritch‘s mental fortitude, his social and psychical fortitude definitely needs work in Myth’s book. Myth regularly gives Eldritch confidence lessons that she learned in her police academy, in order to help Eldritch become more assertive and more trusting of others.
Outfit: A patchy brown jacket, a black turtleneck, blue jeans, black loafers, longer hair in a ponytail, fake glasses to look smarter.
Dream Anon, Ultimate Ghost Hunter
As the producer and star of the show “NRG Code”, Dream’s charisma, childlike energy and parkour stunts are more remembered by her fans than her actual incompetence at her job. Despite not finding a single ghost in her entire TV career, Dream is determined to find one at all costs. While Myth thinks that ghosts are just a bunch of supernatural bullhooey, Dream’s energy and hyperactivity are almost impossible to ignore. Dream actually took Myth along with her on a couple of ghost-hunts, so Myth can “arrest the criminal-ghosts”.
Outfit: A black puffy vest with a scary design on the back over an oversized purple sweater with black stripes on the sleeves, dark blue jeans shorts, knee-high black socks, white and red tennis shoes. Has a ghost vacuum strapped to her back.
Iris Anon, Jr. Ultimate Competitive Eater
After trouncing many foes in multiple eating competitions, as well as breaking the world record for most mini-blueberry pancakes eaten in under a minute, Iris has also garnered fame for her mukbang channel “The Human Black Hole”. Even though Iris is adorable, Myth can’t help but feel concerned for Iris‘s health, considering how much Iris can eat in one sitting. Iris, being a massive fan of true crime, loves following around Myth and Curious and accompanying them in investigations. Although both Myth and Curious are wondering, where do the calories even go?
Outfit: A blue and yellow letterman’s jacket over a black shirt, glasses from original design, red bandana around her neck, gold medals from her eating competitions, light blue jean shorts, knee-high black socks, white sneakers, a blue baseball cap with a star on it, hair worn in two low buns.
Purple Anon, Ultimate Freelance Artist
Known under the internet pseudonym of “ultravioletprose”, Purple is renowned on the internet for her elaborate and complex digital art of whatever the commissioner wants her to draw. Unfortunately, although Purple is as cordial and polite in real life as she is on the internet, she is also avoidant of others unless a screen is separating them. Myth isn‘t much of an arts and crafts person, but even she can tell that Purple’s digital art are purely and simply masterpieces. 
Outfit: A black hoodie hood-up with purple stripes on the sleeves, a black skirt, black and purple striped stockings and black Mary Janes.
This series will be focused on this headstrong cop as she tries her best to interact with others, while reforming a couple of misunderstood delinquents at the same time. 
As usual, Myth still has her glasses and undyed hair. Myth‘s brown hair goes down to her shoulders and curl up at the ends. She also has two star hairclips parting some of her bangs apart. On her head, concealing an ahoge, is a black and pink police cap. Myth wears the black uniform of her police academy, with a pink polo shirt underneath and white gloves. Around her neck is a grey whistle that she got from Wyre before being sent off to the police academy. Clipped to her belt is a black gun in a brown holster and grey metal handcuffs. 
In contrast to the laidback and flirty attitude of Romantic!Myth, PoliceOfficer!Myth is headstrong, hardworking, and has no time for romance to interfere with her fight for justice. PoliceOfficer!Myth is outspoken, determined, and definitely no pushover. PoliceOfficer!Myth uses her position as a police officer in order to protect the civilians of her hometown. But also she found herself working with children and juveniles, acting as a counselor and redirecting them towards the path of morality, which is why PoliceOfficer!Myth is so intent on reforming StreetArtist!FusionII and ChildProdigy!Janon. PoliceOfficer!Myth gets along the most with people of similar professions, such as PrivateInvestigator!Curious. 
——————————————————- What do you think of PoliceOfficer!Myth? I’d love to hear everyone’s opinions on this AU!
-Fusion Anon
Interesting! My grandpa used to be a police officer, I think
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vgckwb · 5 years
ML: Are They Worthy? Chapter 64: Faith and Understanding!/Deputizer
The next day, Roger was pouring over his notes at his desk. He was looking through the Hawk Moth case, and looking through previous victims, and the notes he took yesterday. He picked up one piece of people, and then another, and another. He then smiled, like he figured out something.
He told his quad his plan, and his squad looked concerned. “What’s the matter?”
“Are you sure about this?” one of them asked.
Roger sighed. “I know. It’s risky, but I have confidence. Besides, I’m not arresting him. I just want to ask some questions.”
“But sir, if you’re wrong about this, who knows what he’ll do to you,” another officer said.
“Yeah, he’s not the most welcoming person” another officer chimed in.
“Oh, so you don’t think I can do it? Is that it?!” Roger asked.
“No sir, it’s just…” another officer said.
“Well, I’m not a Lieutenant for nothing!” Roger said. “I’ve been on the force for 15 years! I know a thing or two about talking to potential suspects. OK?!” He stormed off to his car.
He arrived at his destination. He got out, and hesitated about ringing the doorbell. “Calm down Roger. It’s going to be fine.” He pressed the doorbell, and out popped the camera from the Agreste manor security system.
“What do you want, Lieutenant?” Gabriel said. “I’m a very busy man.”
“I understand sir” Roger said. “I just have a couple of questions for you.”
“Alright, but make them quick” Gabriel said.
“Uh, I was hoping I could come inside” Roger said. “It’s kind of important.”
The camera just stared at Roger. “Alright” Gabriel said. He opened the gate, and Roger walked in.
Roger sat down in Gabriel’s office. Gabriel sat across from him. “What ever you have to say, say it” Gabriel said.
Roger took in a breath to calm his nerves. “Well, sir, I was going over my notes on the Hawk Moth case, and I have some questions to ask you.” Gabriel became curious. Roger took out his notebook. “According to the interview I did yesterday with your son, he explained that he had no idea why he wasn’t akumatized. I was looking through all the information we had, and it didn’t add up either. Then I had a thought.” Roger grew more serious in tone. “Mr. Agreste, could it be that you are somehow working with Hawk Moth and have reached a deal where he doesn’t akumatize your son.”
Gabriel turned sour. “Is this a joke?” he said. He stood up. “Not only did you think my SON was working with Hawk Moth, but now I AM too?! What kind of officer of the law are you?!”
“Hawk Moth has been known to blackmail people, sir” Roger said, also standing up. “With all due respect, he could be blackmailing you.”
“Do you have any evidence?” Gabriel asked.
Roger faltered somewhat. “Well, no, but-”
“Then I suggest you leave” Gabriel said. “I don’t need your baseless accusations cluttering my house.”
“Sir, I’ll have you know I am a Lieutenant!” Roger said. “I am an experienced police officer, with a vast knowledge of criminal cases!’
“What you are is the mayor’s lap dog!” Gabriel threw back. “You wouldn’t have your position if it wasn’t for him! And you won’t by this time tomorrow, if I have anything to say about it! I’ve been restraining myself, but honestly, your worthlessness has driven me to this emotional state! Now LEAVE!”
Roger had never been threatened like that before. Between this, and the lack of confidence from his officers, he was questioning his merits as a police officer. He sadly turned around, and walked out of the office, out of the manor, and back to his car.
Gabriel then flashed an evil grin. “Sir?” Nathalie said. Gabriel walked away from the couch. “Sir?” Nathalie continued. He walked toward his portrait of Emilie, and pressed down on the buttons. “No!” Nathalie yelled.
“YES!” Gabriel said. “Couldn’t you feel it? He was carrying so much emotional baggage. He’s perfect for re-akumitization!”
“Sir, this is a bad idea” Nathalie said. “What if he catches you? What if he finds out you ARE Hawk Moth? What if Ladybug and Cat Noir somehow find out?! What then?!”
Gabriel sighed. “I know it’s not ideal,” he began, “but I can make it work. I can manipulate it so if it works, and I get Ladybug and Cat Noir’s miraculous, I’ll get my wish. If it doesn’t work, Roger doesn’t think I’m a suspect anymore. We win either way.” Nathalie continued to stare him down. “Look, it IS a bit rash, but you heard Adrien yesterday. He’s growing used to the idea of his mother not being here anymore. I need to do something before Emilie becomes nothing but a faded memory to him.”
Nathalie finally relented. “Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Gabriel smiled. The two walked into the elevator and went off.
Meanwhile, Roger was driving around the city. He looked around. He saw everyone living their lives and he thought to himself I protect all of these people. This badge and uniform prove it. It doesn’t matter if my officers don’t have confidence in me, or if some people don’t like me, I can count on the respect of others.
He stopped at a stop light. He looked and saw a kid playing on a tree. Suddenly, the kid was falling off. Roger quickly set his emergency lights and ran out. But before he could go over and help, Ladybug swung over and save him. “There you go.”
Cat Noir quickly joined her. “Remember to play it safe from now on, OK?” he said. We wouldn’t want to see you getting hurt.
“Of course Cat Noir” the kid said. “Thanks Ladybug! You’re the best!”
Roger just stood there frozen. Of course, since Ladybug and Cat Noir came on the scene, people have admired them a lot. And who could blame them. They were real life superheroes. They had the ability to do things that Roger could only dream of.
He couldn’t be them. He couldn’t be a good leader who inspired his officers with his confidence. He couldn’t stare down a potential suspect without cowering to him because he threatened to call the mayor. What good am I?
“Oh my” Hawk Moth said. “It’s gotten more severe since I last left him. Fly away, little akuma, and evilize this broken man!”
The akum flew to his whistle, and Hawk Moth began talking to him. “Hello, sir,” he said.
“Hawk Moth!” Roger said. “No! I’m not going to let you do this to me again!”
“Of course not” Hawk Moth said. “You’re an officer of the law. Yet, I feel like you don’t think of yourself as the hero you are. So, I’ll make you a deal. If you bring me Ladybug, and Cat Noir’s miraculous, I will let you arrest me.”
Roger was shocked by this. This was a means to arrest Paris’s most wanted. It’s right there on a silver plate. He couldn’t just pass it up. But at the same time, he’s become a villain again, and he didn’t want that. He couldn’t do that again. It was all too much for Roger. “So, do we have a deal?” Hawk Moth asked.
Roger struggled some more, but eventually he gave him. “Good” Hawk Moth said. “Rogercop! You know what I want, and you know how to get it! What are you waiting for?!”
“Affirmative, Hawk Moth!” Rogercop said. He took aim and fired his handcuff ray at the little boy, confusing him, Ladybug, and Cat Noir.
The heroes looked at him and exclaimed “Rogercop?!”
“You are arrested for reckless endangerment” Rogercop said. “I sentence you to sitting down.” He blew his whistle, and the kid sat down.
Ladybug and Cat Noir readied their weapons. “At least we know where the akuma is!” Cat Noir said.
“Let’s make this quick!” Ladybug replied. The two charged at him. Rogercop blocked every attack with his sheer sturdiness, and attempted to fire his handcuff ray at the heroes, but they dodged it.
Hawk Moth smiled in his lair. “Perhaps the Lieutenant could use some assistance.”
Nathalie stood there for a second, sighed, and then aid “Fine.” She walked out.
Vlad was out walking about, when he spotted Mayura overhead. “Mayura!” he said. He hid and transformed. “Beyyo! Fangs Sharpen!” He chased after Mayura.
Ladybug leapt to attack Rogercop, but he grabbed her and threw her at Cat Noir. Mayura landed on a nearby roof, plucked a feather, fused her energy with it, and blew it off to fuse with Rogercop’s whistle. “Hello Rogercop. Mayura’s the name, and I can sense you feel alone. Like the whole world has left you behind. If you permit me, I will create you an ally who will respect you, and create more allies for you. What do you say?”
“Affirmative Mayura!” Rogercop said.
“Excellent” Mayura said. A blue-lack aura formed next to Rogercop. Once it dissolves, a lanky robot with a security camera for a head, wearing a police uniform appeared. “This is your new associate: Deputizer!”
Ladybug and Cat Noir got up, shocked at this new development. “Laybug! Cat Noir! Hand over your miraculous! I will be Paris’s righter of wrongs from now on!”
“Come from a villain, I doubt that” Cat Noir chided.
“Whatever Hawk Moth is promising you, it won’t make you a hero!” Ladybug said.
“Really? Because he is allowing me to arrest him once I deliver your miraculous to him!” Rogercop said. Cat Noir and Ladybug were further shocked. “That’s correct. You two haven’t come close to finding any details about him, and Hawk Moth is giving himself up to me. I guess that proves who is superior! Ha ha ha!”
“Can’t you see Hawk Moth is lying to you?” Ladybug said.
“Yeah! That’s just an empty promise!” Cat Noir said.
“You can believe that if you must” Rogercop said. “But in the end, you will hand over your miraculous!”
“Don’t count on it!” Cat Noir said.
“Deputizer! Activate your protocol!” Rogercop ordered. Deputizer saluted Rogercop, scanned the area, found someone, and hit them with a beam that came out of its lens. The person in question turned into their own version of Rogercop. Ladybug and Cat Noir gasped. “Soon, Paris will be nothing but criminals and cops. Hand over your miraculous now before we have to force you!”
“Never!” Ladybug shouted.
“Very well” Rogercop said. “Deputizer! Let’s go!” Rogercop stepped into his car.
Deputizer followed. Cat Nour tried to stop them, but Deputizer noticed this and knocked Cat Noir off of his feet. Ladybug caught him, and Rogercop and Deputizer drove off.
Mayura smiled. Maybe this will work out after all. She then heard something from behind her and raised her fan to defend herself. Judgement Wolf was there, sword drawn, but being blocked by Mayura. “So, you’ve come back.”
“Ready for round 2?” Judgement Wolf said. The two began dueling.
Ladybug and Cat Noir spied this. “Should we stop them?” Cat Noir asked.
“No. Let him be” Ladybug answered. “He’s doing his job. He’ll come when he’s ready. Right now, we need to focus on Rogercop and Deputizer!” Ladybug leapt into action.
“Of course” Cat Noir said, following behind Ladybug.
Rogercop drove around with Deputizer. Rogercop would arrest “bad” citizens and Deputizer would deputize “good” citizens. And in turn, those deputies would arrest more “bad” citizens.
Ladybug and Cat Noir landed and saw the chaos ensuing. “This is horrible” Ladybug said.
“We’re gonna need help, and fast!” Cat Noir said.
“You called?” said Rena Rouge from behind. The two original heroes turned around to see her and Carapace.
“I’m here too, ya know?” said Honey Bee, appearing on the scene.
Ladybug smiled. “Let’s go!” The team went into the streets, and one by one by one, they started fighting deputies. They were kind of hard to fight, since they had similar abilities to Rogercop himself. Despite this, they didn’t use their abilities, because they knew they had to save them for Rogercop himself. After taking out a handful, the heroes were growing tired quick.
“Ladybug!” Rogercop said, standing next to Deuptizer. “For every deputy you defeat, another one will take its place! I suggest you give up before I have to force you!”
“What makes you so sure that you can even FIND Hawk Moth to arrest him?” Ladybug asked.
“That’s easy. I will just arrest his associate, Gabriel Agreste. Then he will have to come forward once I’ve taken your miraculous.” The heroes were concerned.
“How do you know Gabriel Agreste is an associate of Hawk Moths?” Cat Noir asked.
“I interviewed him this morning” Rogercop said. “I suspected he made a deal where he would help Hawk Moth, and Hawk Moth would not akumatize his son, Adrien. He kept dodging my questions and yelled at me. Now we’ll see who has the last laugh. Ha ha ha!”
The heroes were even further shook. Rogercop and Deuputizer took off. “Well, at least we know what set him off” Carapace said.
“Yeah, he’s pretty good at that” Cat Noir said.
“Do you really think…?” Rena Rouge asked.
“I don’t want to…” Cat Noir said.
“Well, Rogercop is right about one thing” Honey Bee said. “That robot thing will continue to put more people under his will so long as we give him a chance! We need to stop Rogercop!”
Ladybug smiled. “You’re right Honey Bee. Lucky Charm!” A pen appeared.
“I know your Lucky Charm is usually mundane, but how are we supposed to defeat an army with a pen?” Honey Bee asked.
Ladybug gripped the pen. “We don’t!” Ladybug said. “Keep track of Rogercop! I’ve got to get help!” Ladybug left. The other heroes nodded and ran off.
After another clash of fan and blade, Mayura and Judgement Wolf slid back. Mayura grinned. “Hm. My work here is done!” She turned around and started running away.
“Get back here!” Judgement Wolf called.
After a few minutes of running, Mayura looked back to see that Judgement was still on her tail. She blew some dust in the air, blinding Judgement Wolf long enough to take her leave. Judgement Wolf leapt to another building. “Where’d she go?!”
Mayura was hiding and observing this. She giggled to herself. She had escaped Judgement Wolf once again. “What a fool.”
“Reveal Claw!” she heard. She turned to see Judgement Wolf right next to her. “Reveal your true form!” The Reveal Claw hit Mayura, knocking her to the ground, forcing Duusu out of the miraculous, and revealing Nathalie. The two of them both looked sickly. Nathalie coughed.
“Mayura? MAYURA! SPEAK TO ME!” Hawk Moth demanded. “GAH!”
Judgement Wolf was confused, but picked up the peacock miraculous. “Normally, I would keep your kwami to watch,” he said, “but according to Hawk Moth, it’s broken.” Nathalie groaned. “Don’t worry. I’ll have it fixed. Then I’ll test you to see if you’re worthy. And if you are, you might just get it back.”
“How?” Nathalie groaned. “How did you do this?”
“Hm. I’ll at least grant you that” Judgement Wolf said.
We flashback to when Judgement Wolf first started chasing Mayura. He pulled out his communicator and called Rena Rouge. Rena answered “Hello?”
“Good. You’re active” he said. “Meet me at my position.” He hung up.
Rena met him soon after. She ran alongside him. “What’s up?” she asked.
“I need you to make an illusion of me” Judgement Wolf said. “Have them follow Mayura, and when she attempts to make her escape, I’ll follow her then. Stay behind. We don’t want her suspecting anything.”
Rena nodded. She blew on her flute, and then called “Mirage!” She unleashed her illusion, and another Judgement Wolf was running to chase Mayura.
“Thanks” Judgement Wolf said. He went off to hide.
“And you know the rest” Judgement Wolf said, back in the present.
“Does she know?” Nathalie asked.
Judgement Wolf looked around. “I don’t see her, no.” He looked at the struggling Nathalie. “I suggest you make a run for it.” Nathalie was then deputized right in front of him. “Or that could happen.”
“What’d I miss?” Rena said, joining him.
“Rena Rouge! Judgement Wolf. Hand over your miraculous!” Rogercop said. “Or prepare to be arrested or deputized!” Rogercop and Deputizer began shooting their beams. Rena and Judgement Wolf started dodging. Deputy Nathalie also started shooting her beams. A few more deputies showed up and started unleashing their attacks.
Rena and Judgement Wolf met up again. “This isn’t good” Rena said.
Their miraculous started beeping. “And it’s about to get a lot worse” Judgement Wolf said.
As a beam was about to hit them, Cat Noir came in and deflected it. Carapace and Honey Bee came in and defeated more deputies. “We’ve got you covered. Now hide!” Cat Noir said. The two nodded and hid.
Marinette burst into Master Fu’s. “Master! I believe my miraculous sent me here! We need help.”
Master Fu nodded. He opened the miracle box. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng, pick an ally you can trust to fight alongside you on this mission. Choose wisely; such powers are meant to serve the greater good. Once the mission is over you will retrieve the Miraculous from them.”
Marinette looked over the box. We don’t need to over complicate things. We just need one thing that can change the tide of war. Wait! I know! She grabbed the dog miraculous. “Thanks Master!” She said, running out.
While Cat Noir, Carapace, and Honey Bee were defeating deputies, Cat Noir looked around. “Oh, we lost Rogercop again!”
“Well let’s find him, dude!” Carapace said. He fended off some more deputies.
Rogercop broke into his home, where Sabrina was busy making lunch. She looked at Rogercop. “Dad?”
“You were always such a good little girl” Rogercop said. “I will have Deputizer here deputize you. So you can help me on my quest to defeat Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Hawk Moth!” Deputizer aimed his lens at Sabrina and fired. Before it could get to Sabrina, Ladybug came in through the window, grabbed her, and left.
“Ladybug!” Rogercop said. “You will be arrested for kidnapping my daughter!”
Once they were far enough away and hidden, Ladybug said “OK, we’re safe now.”
“Thanks Ladybug” Sabrina said. “But, what were you doing here?”
Ladybug gently smiled. “We need some help, and I think you’re just the girl to help us.” She held out a box. “Sabrina Raincomprix. Here is the miraculous of the dog, which grants you the power of support. You will use it for the greater good. Once the mission is complete, you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?”
Sabrina looked at the box with wonder. She then nodded and took the box. Once she opened it, Barkk appeared. “So Ladybug decided to give me to you?” she said. Sabrina nodded. “Oh this is SO GREAT! She gave Sabrina a hug. “I’m going to like you, I can already tell!” She let go. “Now just say ‘Barkk! Paws Up!’”
“Barkk! Paws Up!” Sabrina said. She transformed into a hero with an orange bodysuit with a white collarbone area and white forearms and back of the calves, dog ears, a belt, and a tail. Attached to the belt was a pair of nunchucks. “Cool!” she said.
“Listen” Ladybug said. “There’s something about the dog miraculous you need to know. It gives you the power to boost the powers of someone else. BUT if you use it on yourself, you will pass out for a little while and damage yourself. Do you understand?” Sabrina’s hero form nodded. “Great” said Ladybug. “Now, what should we call you?”
She thought about it for a moment. She then had an idea. “You can call me Chienne Reaction!”
Ladybug smiled. “Alright. Let’s go!” the two leap in the air to group up with everyone else.
Soon, the seven heroes met up with each other. “Sorry, but we lost Rogercop” Cat Noir said.
“Don’t worry about that” Ladybug said. “He’s after us just as much as we’re after him.”
“Who’s the new girl?” Carapace asked.
“I’m Chienne Reaction!” she said.
“Very good, very good” Cat Noir said. Ladybug rolled her eyes.
“So, what are we doing?” Honey Bee asked.
“Ladybug!” Rogercop said, his army behind him. The heroes peered out from their hiding spot. “I’m giving you one last chance! Surrender!”
The heroes hid once again. “OK! Here’s the plan!” Ladybug said. “Chienne Reaction! Power up Honey Bee!”
“Seriously?” Honey Bee said. “Wouldn’t it be better if you got powered up?”
Ladybug shook her head. “My power is to create stuff. If I create more stuff, it’ll become more complicated than it needs to. Your power to subjugate people is more direct. We need you to slow down as many of the deputies as possible. Then we can get to Rogercop and Deputizer!” Honey Bee looked concerned. “Hey” Ladybug said, putting her hand on her shoulder. “You’ve got this.”
Honey Bee smiled. “Alright, let’s do this!” she said.
“Do you got this?” Ladybug asked Chienne Reaction.
“Of course” she said. She started twirling her nunchucks around generating energy. Once enough had gathered, she unleashed the power by hitting Honey Bee and shouting “Kiss of Luck!”
Once the energy hit Honey Bee, it flowed through her. “Cool!” she said.
“Alright, now let’s go!” Ladybug said.
Ladybug and the rest of the heroes peered out from the shadows. “Ladybug! Are you here to surrender?” Rogercop said.
“I will never surrender!” Ladybug said.
“Very well!” Rogercop said. He aimed his lasers at Ladybug and the other heroes dodged and began attacking the deputies. “There are too many, Ladybug! We have you surrounded!”
“Well WE have a secret weapon!” Ladybug shouted. “Honey Bee!”
“Venom!” Honey Bee shouted, but instead of the usual pulsating top, and legion of bees appears and start stinging the deputies.
“This is just like when Chloe was akumatized as Queen Wasp” Cat Noir remarked.
“Yeah, but now it’s being used for good!” Ladybug said. “Let’s finish this!”
“You forget Ladybug. Queen Wasp had a weakness!” Hawk Moth said. He then began instructing Rogercop. “Rogercop! Head for the Seine! The bees won’t follow you in the water!”
“Affirmative Hawk Moth!” Rogercop said. He started booking it toward the Seine.
“After him!” Ladybug called. She, Chienne Reaction, Honey Bee, and Judgement Wolf managed to follow Rogercop. However, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Carapace were blocked by Deputizer.
Ladybug looked back. “Don’t worry! We can handle this!” Cat Noir called out. Ladybug nodded.
Cat Noir cracked his knuckles. “You ready?”
“Of course” Rena said.
“I was born ready!” Carapace said. Deputizer aimed at Carapace and fired, but Carapace dodged it. Rena smacked it with her flute, cause its head to spin. They stopped it, and readjusted. Deputizer attacked Rena, but she dodged. He began firing his beam, but Rena kept outpacing it.
Deputizer looked around and saw that none of the deputies were moving It felt backed into a corner. It looked around trying to spot someone, anyone, that it could turn. And then it did. It spotted a family. It readied its beam and fired a large blast at them.
“Shell-ter!” Carapace called, shielding the family, and deflecting the beam to the sky. Deputizer grew furious. They stopped their beam, and ran over to the family, jumping on top of the Shell-ter. They aimed at the family in midair and fired again, but before it could hit them, Cat Noir got in the way and called out “Cataclysm!” Cat Noir jumped and his Cataclysm met the beam and it began disintegrating the beam. The Cataclysm eventually reached the lens itself, and Cat Noir landed on top of Deputizer. Deputizer motioned weakly and faded from existence. Cat Noir breathed heavily.
“Good job” Carapace said.
“Way to go” Rena said.
“Yeah” Cat Noir, halfheartedly.
“What’s the matter dude?” Carapace asked.
“It’s just… I didn’t want to have to do that” Cat Noir said.
Rena put her hand on his shoulder. “It’ll be OK.”
Cat Noir smiled. “Yeah.”
Meanwhile, Ladybug, Chienne Reaction, Honey Bee, and Judgement Wolf were following Rogercop, subduing any deputies they found on their way. They eventually caught up with him and spotted him turning a police boat into his own submarine, and get into it. The sub submerged, and a hologram projected Rogercop’s face. “Your bees can’t get to me!”
“He’s right! What are we going to do?!” Honey Bee said.
Ladybug used her power. “Lucky Charm! A wok?”  She looked around and saw the Seine, the submarine, a bunch of stuff on the sides of the Seine, a bridge, her friends, and the wok. “OK. Got it. Hey Rogercop! It’s true that the bees can’t get you! But you also can’t get us!”
“Think again, Ladybug!” Rogercop shouted. The submarine came up just enough for a small blaster to start blasting at the heroes. Ladybug used the wok to deflect the blasts to the different things on the edge of the Seine. The heroes began their chase, and the submarine took off.
“Judgement Wolf! Chienne Reaction! Create a ramp out of what I’m knocking into the Seine!” The two nodded and began working on restructuring the debris falling into the Seine as a ramp. Ladybug continued to redirect the beams. Soon, the ramp was complete, and the submarine flew up into the air. Ladybug threw the wok at the submarine with great power, tipping it over. It landed on the bridge, knocking Rogercop out of it. Before he hit the ground, a swarm of bees had already immobilized him.
The three other heroes me up on the bridge as Rogercop landed in front of Honey Bee. Ladybug picked up the whistle and destroyed it. The akuma and amok flew out. “No more evildoing for the both of you! Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye bye you two! Miraculous Ladybug!” She threw the wok up in the air and the magic ladybugs fixed everything!
Roger came back to himself. “What happened?” he said.
“Pound it!” said the four heroes.
Hawk Moth got an alert on his phone. He checked it and it was two messages, both from Nathalie. “Judgement Wolf knows who I am and has the peacock miraculous.” “Told you so.”
Hawk Moth sighed. “You might think you’re that much closer to stopping me, but I have a new deputy of my own that I’m bringing into the mix! Let’s fix as much of this mess as we can and begin planning for the future.” He left his lair.
Roger got up. Chienne Reaction sprinted over to him and said “Are you alright da-uh-sir?”
“Yeah. I should be fine” Roger said, dusting himself off.
“You don’t look so fine” Ladybug said. “Did something happen?”
“Well, I thought I had a break in the Hawk Moth case” Roger said. “So, I went to interrogate them. They got angry with me, and degraded me.”
“That’s awful” Ladybug said.
Roger sighed. “Earlier that morning, my officers lacked faith in me. And then to top it all off, you and Cat Noir saved that boy from falling before I could even get there. I thought to myself, ``If no one believes in me, or needs me, why am I still here?’”
Chienne Reaction hugged Roger. “You’re still needed,” she said. Roger was surprised.
Ladybug giggled. “Sorry about my new partner’s upfront approach. She does the the miraculous of support though. But it is true. People rely on you every day. Sure, we heroes help. But we can’t be everywhere at once. The police are there to help whenever they can, and as a leader among them, you are very important.”
“Yeah, some might say you’re the beating heart of the city” Honey Bee said, trying to play it cool.
“And I’m sure your officers just want what’s best for you” Judgement Wolf added.
Roger smiled. “Thanks.” I needed that” he said.
Chienne Reaction’s miraculous started to beep. “We should go,” she said.
“I assume you’ve got a handle on things?” Ladybug said. Roger nodded. “Great! Bug out!” she saluted Roger, and the four heroes left.
Roger got a phone call. He answered and said “Hello?”
“Hello, Lieutenant Raincomprix” said Gabriel on the other end.
Roger was panicked. “Mr. Agreste I-”
“I’ve called to apologize,” he said. “I acted rude and belligerent. I am sorry.”
Roger smiled. “That’s alright Mr. Agreste. Anyone would be upset if they were accused of being an associate of Paris’s number one public enemy.”
“Still, you were just doing your job” Gabriel continued. “I shouldn’t have lashed out at you. I saw on the ladyblog that you had gotten akumatized yet again. I’m terribly sorry.”
“It’s OK” Roger said. “We all have off days, you know?”
“Of course. Take care” Gabriel said. He hung up.
Nathalie, who had returned at that point stared him down. “Well, I don’t think he suspects you of anything,” she said. “But we still have a problem.”
“I’m aware” Gabriel said. “It’s only a matter of time before Judgement Wolf figures me out. But by then, I believe our little protege will have taken my place.”
“You’re not worried he’s going to tell Ladybug?” Nathalie said.
“Not really” Gabriel said. “He’s interested in seeing if I’m worthy. I don’t think he’d do anything to disrupt his test.”
Once the four heroes were secluded, Ladybug said “OK. I’m going to need the miraculous back.”
“Wait, in front of me?” Honey Bee said.
“Yeah, shouldn't she leave?” Judgement Wolf asked.
“It’s OK Chloe” Chienne Reaction said. “Barkk! Paws down!” She transformed back into Sabrina.
“Sabrina?!” Honey Bee said.
“Hi” Sabrina replied, waving.
Honey Bee hugged her. “Thank you” she said.
“Well, this is both shocking and yet not surprising” Judgement Wolf said.
“So, now what?” Sabrina said.
Ladybug smiled. “You should probably get back to what you were doing.”
“Got it. Thanks Ladybug! See you for my test, Judgement Wolf!” She ran off. “Oh. She came back. “I almost forgot. Here you go.” She took off the miraculous and gave it to Ladybug.
“And don’t worry” Barkk said. “I have complete confidence in you.”
Ladybug glared at Judgement Wolf. “What? No snarky remark?”
“I mean, she’s the kwami of support. I’d be surprised if she didn’t give off encouraging words” Judgement Wold responded.
“Fair enough” Ladybug said. She took the miraculous back.
“Thanks again!” Sabrina said.
“So, how long do these powers last?” Honey bee asked.
“Until you de-transform” Ladybug informed her.
“I see” Honey Bee said. She smiled. “The old me would have probably tried to stay a hero forever. But now, I know I’m a hero in or out of costume. Seeya!” She left.
Ladybug was about to leave, but Judgement Wolf stopped her. “Before you go, I have something else for you,” he said, holding up the peacock miraculous.
Ladybug was in shock. He tossed it to her. “Thanks…” she said. “I can’t believe it! So wait, you know who Mayura is, right?”
“Yea, but I’m not telling you yet” Judgement Wolf replied.
“Wha?” Ladybug said. “Oh, because you want to test her as well?”
“Bingo!” Judgement Wolf said.
Ladybug smiled. “I hope you at least understand her better,” she said. She left.
“So do I” Judgement Wolf said. He left as well.
Marinette burst into Master Fu’s place. “Master! I have great news!” Master Fu and the other were confused. She held up the peacock miraculous and the room lit up.
“How did you manage to do it?” Master Fu asked.
“Actually, Judgement Wolf did it,” Marinette said.
“So, do you know who she is?” Master Fu asked.
“No. Only Judgement Wolf knows” Marinette answered.
Everyone became confused again. “Why did you force it out of him?” Master Fu said.
“Because, as you said, a doubt’s greatest weakness is confidence” Marinette said. “If Hawk Moth and Mayura are as bad as we think they are, then there’s no reason to believe they’ll pass Judgement Wolf’s test. So we just have to wait for his conclusions, and we’ll know.”
“She’s got you there” said a voice unfamiliar to Marinette. Two kwamis Marinette had never seen before popped out of the woodwork. One was golden and looked like a scorpion, and the other was purple and looked like a spider. The scorpion kwami continued “It’s that kind of wisdom that makes her an excellent Ladybug.”
“I agree” said the spider kwami.
“Um, who are you?” Marinette asked.
Tikki’s face glowed. “It’s been so long!” she went up and hugged them both. “Marinette. These are Arakk and Scorpii.”
“I am the kwami of locks” said Arakk.
“And I am the kwami of keys” Scorpii said. “It’ a pleasure to meet you, Ladybug.”
“Oh. Nice to meet you” Marinette said.
“Anyone who can make Tikki as happy as you do is OK in my book” Arakk said.
“Thanks, but how can you tell?” Marinette asked.
“It’s a kwami thing” Arakk said.
“Marinette. Let me take the peacock miraculous” Master Fu said. Marinette gave it to him, along with the dog miraculous. He looked over the miraculous. “Oh my. It’s worse than I thought. Once Judgement Wolf is through testing whoever you gave the dog miraculous to, have him stop by. I need to ask him something. We’re probably going to be up all night trying to fix this thing.”
Marinette bowed. “Thanks Master.” She left.
“Are you ready?” Master Fu asked. Marianne, Hao-yu, and Corina all nodded. “Then let’s get started.”
Once Marinette was far enough away, she gave Adrien a call. “Hey Adrien. Are you, Alya, and Nino alright?”
“Yeah” Adrien said. “We’re fine. Great job saving the day as always.”
“You alright?” Marinette asked. “You don’t sound like yourself.”
“Oh” Adrien said. “Well,” he sighed, “I had the cataclysm that sentimonster. I feel really bad.”
“Do you want to meet up?” Marinette said. “You know, to talk about this?”
Adrien smiled. “Sure” he said. “Place des Vosges?’
“Sure” Marinette said. “I’ll see you in a few.” She hung up and walked over.
One she got there, she saw her boyfriend sitting on a bench. “Adrien” she said, sitting next to him.
Adrien smiled. He looked at Marinette and blushed. He then sighed. “Marinette, I feel conflicted.”
“How so?” Marinette asked.
Adrien held up his hand and looked at his ring. “When I fully understood my powers, I promised never to use them on a living being. And yet, I had to. I had to use it on a sentimonster to protect a family from becoming deputized. I know it’s created, and the sentimonsters go away when you purify them, but it still feels bad.”
Marinette put her hand on his shoulder. “You did the right thing,” she said. “It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.” She sighed. “One of the best things about knowing you’re Cat Noir is that whenever I feel like I’m uneasy about my decision making, you’re always there to tell me that I’m doing good. That’s just the kind of person you are.”
“But, what if I have to use it on a person? Like Hawk Moth?” Adrien asked. “What will I do then?”
Marinette leaned on him. “I’m sure you’ll know what to do when the time comes,” she said. “You always do.” Adrien smiled. He leaned in for a kiss, and she held his cheek and kissed him.
Later, Roger was out walking the streets on patrol. He got a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Amber, holding an ice cream cone. “Um, Lieutenant Roger?” she said. “You’ve been very helpful to me since I got here. So I wanted to give you this as a thanks.” She held up the ice cream cone.
Roger smiled. “Well, how can I say no to this?” he said. He took a bite and spit it out in disgust.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Amber said.
“No no, it’s alright,” Roger said. “It’s the thought that counts. Where did you get this?”
“...Sheri’s Sweet Shop?” Amber said.
“Well, you are new here” he said. “So I’ll forgive you for not knowing that that place isn’t great.”
“Oh,” said Amber. “Well, where can I get great ice cream for someone?”
Roger smiled. He checked the time. “I have a few more minutes on my shift, and then I can show you.”
“Sounds great,” she said.
Once Roger was done, he checked his phone, and instructed Amber. “Follow me.” The two walked to Andre’s. “This little cart has the best ice cream in Paris.”
Amber took it in. She giggled. The two walked up. “One each please.”
“Coming right up” Andre said. “For you ma’am, a real treat. Sherbet on blueberry to make it extra sweet. And Lieutenant, I have just the thing for you. Blackberry and vanilla, with some fudge so you won’t feel so blue.”
Amber and Roger looked at each other and took a bite. “Mmmmmmmm! This is amazing!”
“I know!” Roger said. “Andre is amazing!” The two sat down next to each other and continued eating.
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