#and also a seminar i'm still not in so i gotta talk to the prof bc if i don't get that it's two more modules next semester
gojonanami · 7 months
Hello Sabina!! Greetings to you!! I heard there's an election for Professor Geto"s admirer"s community? I hope it's still open! I'm sorry for the delayed application, you know how much I respect him, it's just that I had exams past few weeks!! If they are open, I'd like to apply to be the representative! I hope the following skills and traits suffice (if there is any other particular need, please let me know! I've only included things about myself which I suppose would fulfill the criteria!) --
•I'm the "🤩 kid" of any group. I can create the hype. That is my personality. My energy is contagious, I can help in making sure the mood of our community is never too gloomy. 😌 My only weakness being going without prof. geto for too long.
•I've won several debate competitions throughout my academic career, scored a whooping out of out on every English project assigned to me and not only that - I manage to impress the teacher genuinely (you know what that amused eyes and pleasant smile looks like, don't you? 😌). Which means I know how to use words to sell a idea and convince people to be on my side - something that's expected of the representative. We gotta grow out our smol little cult afterall too <3
•My friends trust me with impromptu speeches (after, let's say, any seminar), I'm their go to. I'm a confident public speaker, and a natural at it. I can represent our propaganda opinions. And shut down anyone who shames us for being simps, even though we are :D
•I'm a Math + computer sciences major, which means I can bring kids from other majors and make this as big help them realise the beauty of his gorgeous face this amazing subject called ethics. :D
•I have helped kids carry out shenanigans in past, I'm good at being partner in crime and keeping a secret. The club can stay a secret from Prof. Geto himself if that's the need. I can bring that assurance if I'm given a position of power.
•I can bake top class chocolate cake, which shall do to keep people entertained and their taste buds fulfilled. Besides that, I can sing, dance and be the group clown. :D
•I'm confronting, don't avoid conflict. Can play devil's advocate, which means I'm also skilled at hurting people with sharp words if it comes to that. (Prof. Gojo being my personal inspiration and daily mentor at it, yes physics is one of my subjects too) and is really needed. As I said, I'm good at debates, I as a representative I will stand in front as a shielding barrier, talk on behalf of us and protect our community if anyone dares threaten it. Hmph.
•I'll keep reminding everyone to stay hydrated.
•I'm good at planning (given I've been studying maths and computer sciences majority of my life ; my brain is just wired to build algorithms to get desired output) so I can also help the president plan our meetings in a way it best accommodates everyone's schedules.
•I'm also a social butterfly and am more inclined on the "likes and enjoys social interactions" side, so I can update the members with essential information if they miss out on any club meetings.
•I'm a diplomatic person in nature, I can also help resolve and minor (or major for that case) issues among club members.
>>> Honestly, I'd take pride in calling myself the representative - that tag is a flattering one for me to hold and have. But if you and the other members decide I'm better suited for any other position I'm more than willing to take it up!!
Thank you for your time and consideration!! Looking forward to the election results!! If I'm given the power and position of a representative I promise to work hard and fulfill my duties for the same. 😌🤝🏻
🤩 anon
Dearest 🤩 anon,
no need for apologies — your studies come first, as we as a community and prof geto believe. you have several incredibly useful skills and I believe you would make a wonderful representative! I would love to appoint you as such.
speaking of which, I’ll set the deadline for these elections for when part 3 comes out (2/23 at 8 PM EST)! so if anyone wishes to apply, this is the time :)
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onelostseagull · 5 years
i’m starting to see why so many students quit communication studies, i would bet money many of them also had english studies and went which narrow minded fuck made these schedules, my options are to be at the same place physically like twice a week or push modules into later semesters and effectively spend more semesters doing the same shit b.a.s with other combinations do in three years. or idk, miss some shit and fucking wing the exams ? no thank youu :))
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