#and also posts that would be weird to rb bc they required so much context
woolydemon · 1 year
liberating myself by posting things so late at night like lol. these are my secret posts except they're not secret
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gankoukan · 1 month
Hello! I'm curious about the 24/7 aspect of your relationship. This might be a silly or weird question, but do you like. Still do fun stuff with your partner? Like, watching movies and sending eachother memes and stuff. Is there constantly an element of power imbalance during this time? Also, how have things changed between you two since you first agreed to a 24/7 contract? Please answer as much or as little as you feel comfortable with, including not answering at all. Please have a good evening!
so i am very sleepy rn but wanted to answer this bc it was a genuinely nice and well worded question. i may rb with more info in the morning :)
first off, not silly at all! ik a lot of people have similar questions and i am very happy to respond (within my comfort zone obviously). 24/7 is kind of strange from an outside point of view, bc so few people do it, so it makes sense
we still do fun stuff! we watch movies, send eachbother funny posts, play games, etc. but it’s always with the context that i am his little brother. or for other parts, different relationships, but still the same dom and sub relationship. he can do what he wants to me (within limits we have discussed!) whenever, and he does tell me what to do, but we still have a lot of fun. sometimes he plays toys with me :) and i enjoy being annoying to him in a bratty way, it’s a kind of fun that is hard to get outside of this!
to add a little context to why 24/7 is right for me: i have found in past relationships that i am a bit uncomfortable with switching in the dom/sub sense or of “turning off” the dynamic, bc on a personal level, i desire a level of… consistentcy? that can’t be attained without it. no shade to anyone who likes that!! just not for me- i am both into domming and subbing, but i would be uncomfortable doing both with the same person. similarily, idk if i would be truly fulfilled in a relationship where the d/s is not always a factor. which somewhat lead me here tbh! my big brother and i have the same power imbalance always, just in different forms, which makes my need for consistency/stability very happy
our relationship kind of evolves with who we are at the time, but honestly, being 24/7 just makes it way better for me. absolutely nothing but positive changes. it requires a lot of trust and work, but there’s nothing more fulfilling to me than being his ngl. we’ve also moved in together and have figured out how to navigate that, and living together makes a lot of stuff easier, including this. it’s very hard to have 24/7 online… not that it’s impossible, we did it! but it isn’t the same thing.
feel free to ask any more questions! i am not shy about this at all and i am very happy to share. & thanks for being so nice & respectful in asking, it made me happy. sniles :)
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meruz · 4 years
some asks - sorry some of these are kind of old. I only get around to answering stuff once in a blue moon.
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I do not! Nothing against it but I just don’t personally enjoy the process so I don’t use it in my personal work. Too much transforming and filtering.. too little actual drawing. I have however used it for professional work and sometimes I will sketch things individually and collage them together to make it easier for me to work depending on the scale. But yeah, no photobashing normally.
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Thank you! (post in reference) I didn’t use any perspective grids for that drawing but occasionally for bigger pieces that require a stronger adherence to perspective I’ll use the Perspective Tools extension by Sergey Kritsky which is ABSOULTELY worth the price here on gumroad if you’re a photoshop-user - makes grids very easy to set up. You can actually see some of the grids in my process work if you’re looking for it lol
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I used to be such a square abt it like “bluh perspective is just a bunch of lines i dont need a tool to do it for me like a DUMB BABY. I can just draw the grids myself and itll be good enough!!! :\” dont be like that LOL, I started using perspective tools for work last year and ported it over to my personal work so damn fast its like one of the best artistic decisions ive made. If you can make less work for yourself, PLEASE make less work for yourself.
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I don’t remember what post this is but I’m like 90% its these brushes because these are like all the brushes I use LOL
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hi yes thank you i LOVE grookey.
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Thank you! They’re the best family!! KAROL IS MY FAVE........
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you’re SO welcome. I recently watched Last Evolution Kizuna and [spoiler] WILLIS WAS IN ONE (1) SHOT...  [/spoiler] so whoever was in my comments section telling me toei would never bring willis back, I think you owe me like $20
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Yep! My Instagram, Twitter... I don’t have a patreon because I’m too lazy to set up tiers but I have a ko-fi if you want to drop a lil tip in my metaphorical buskers hat
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You’re probably done by the game by now given how old this ask is but I’m flattered my art got you to play!! And I’m glad you love Akechi though I’m curious to know if your feelings on him have changed since sending this LOL. His latter act character stuff is one of those things that can really turn an opinion one way or another.
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Thank you! Though I want to preface this by saying I don’t take requests but you can always contact me for commissions at [email protected].
I will probably draw naruto again because like every 4 years of my life I go through a naruto phase. I have drawn dangan ronpa before many many years ago and I gotta say the only time I will ever draw it again will be if I’m commissioned to lol...Nothing against it personally, it’s just not really my thing. Kiritetsu+Colossus.... I would but honestly I don’t even know what I’d draw, I feel like I covered it with that one drawing. But if you’ve got an idea... you can always commission me!!! And I’d be happy to.
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Uhhhh they’re good! I like them! Yusuke’s character arc is maybe like my favorite or second favorite in the game and I love Ryuji first and foremost for max mittlemans voice acting and secondly because he is just so...so much better than P4 Yosuke who I truly could not stand.
I’m not big on Mishima but I think he’s an incredibly well written depiction of like. that dude in class who you didn’t really mean to talk to but ended up talking to and now its a little weird. I really like that event where you run into shinya while hanging out with mishima and shinyas like “whos this your friend” and ren is like “no, king, hes no one” LOL this is mostly because I just really like shinya. 
ships.... I like yusuke/ryuji a lot, just aesthetically and personality wise its an interesting dynamic. I like ryuji/ann bc theyre good friends. I like ann/yusuke if I close my eyes to all the early plot stuff and just pretend theyre like.....fujiko and goemon from lupin III LMAO. ryuji/makoto? kinda woke?? I mean I feel lesbian makoto deep in my bones but also their showtime opened my eyes a lil. I think they could bond over action movies. mishima/protag is kind of fun in like a sad pathetic way.. I’m a little interested in mishima/JOKER actually bc i like identity porn plotlines lol.
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YEP GO AHEAD I’ve been getting a lot of messages like this lately so I want to lay it out here and I’ll probably copy paste it into a FAQ later lol.
8Tracks and Spotify Playlists: Go ahead! please credit me either meruz.tumblr.com twitter@automeru or ig@automeruz -  AND SEND ME THE PLAYLIST this is not a requirement really but I would love to listen to it.
Twitter/Tumblr Layouts/Headers: Good by me! but again PLEASE credit me somewhere VISIBLE on the layout. If it’s a twitter header/icon credit my twitter @automeru and if its tumblr credit my tumblr @meruz​
Phone BGs, Desktop Wallpapers: definitely ok!! Any personal and non-commercial use of this nature, I’m cool with. If you ask me, I may even send you a hi-res version of the file but you have to promise to not scam me and sell it lol...
Instagram Reposts: A lot of artists would say no but I’m gonna say go ahead as long as you credit and tag me in the post, again my ig is @automeruz - if you don’t, and I find it, I will bug you about it in the comments and possibly even report you. Nothing personal, its just standard procedure.
Twitter/Tumblr Re-posts: Don’t?? Just RT or RB it from me?? whats wrong with you? I will report this.
Other site re-posts: I’ll probably say yes but again please credit and for this one PLEASE ask me first. It’s nothing personal really, I just want to know where my work shows up.
Video edits/fancams/comic dubs: Yes! Absolutely go ahead! And please send me a link I especially love to see this stuff!!
I also reserve all rights have you take it down if I do not agree with the usage or context, especially association with politics on the webpage/app/etc. 
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Thank you!!!!!!!! ;-; These are all so nice.. tucks them into a little pocket near my heart. I love drawing and I will keep trying my best to make art...! Hope you guys can look forward to it...!
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