#so i just purposely post them at the worst times so i dont bother with trying to get user engagement with my stuff or whatever
woolydemon · 1 year
liberating myself by posting things so late at night like lol. these are my secret posts except they're not secret
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Okay since someone opened the angst wormhole I'm gonna add one tiny counterpoint to the Leona angst.
I would counter that any "Leona ignores you and acts like he doesn't care" problem would be before the start of the relationship. Because he wouldn't bother entering the relationship at all (thereby making himself vulnerable and asking them out and/or accepting them asking him out, both of which is an open admission of his feelings) if he hadn't already made up his mind that he's going to try and fight for that person.
I could see him slipping into a "i dont care, im ignoring you" mode if, for some reason, he's convinced that you're going to break up with him and/or that you're secretly crushing on someone else so it's only a matter of time before the relationship is over. But otherwise, I don't think Leona would put forward the effort and comittment needed to start a relationship with someone if he wasn't prepared to try and make it work.
In other words, I dont think he dates casually because, like you said, he has a "why I should I even try" mentality. And it takes effort to actually go on a date. Effort that Leona's not going to give, unless he's legitimately interested in persuing that person. So when he does find someone he wants to date, him deciding to actually act on his desire to do so would involve overcoming that "why should i try" instinct. Otherwise the relationship isn't gonna start in the first place, unless it's some kind of arranged marriage thing. And if he goes through the effort of starting the relationship, then I dont think he'd purposely let it fall apart by being inattentive/pushing his partner away because, why bother putting all that effort into starting it in the first place then? The whole thing would be a waste of time, and he might get his heart broken in the process. It would've been easier to just ignore his feelings and not persue the other person from the start.
His "i'm not good enough" insecurities would definitely still be a problem, sure, but I think it'd come out as more of a "I'm not going to tell you about my inner demons/insecurities. I'm going to bottle them up and bury them, and pretend that everything is fine". And then that either ends with the s/o slowly but surely peeling back the layers until Leona slowly learns to communicate healthily, or something causes the little bottle to erupt in an emotional outburst, and the s/o has to be prepared to give emotional support.
Oh definitely! And I'll give my disclaimer that this is like me intentionally digging for angsty things, and therefore looking at him at his Absolute Worst. I think he could and would fight for things he wants, particularly post overblot when he's managed to get a lil of his Built Up Issues out of his system.
From an Angst perspective, I just always think of the end of his chapter, right before he overblots. All his mechanations are called out, all his schemes and problems put right on the front line with Ruggie being thrown under the bus with him. And he just pretty much immediately goes 'whatever. I give up. I don't care.' So if a moment came up where his S/O was like "I wish you'd put more effort in," if I'm working off Peak Emotionally Incompetent Leona, I could see him immediately sliding too 'I knew I wasn't going to be good enough. Whatever. I don't care' and then the whole ignoring/silent treatment coming into play. But all of this also depends heavily on the type of person he was with. Ideally, he would be with someone who's willing to take the emotional reins, so to speak. Someone who's willing to stand up and be like 'nope. Nu uh. Nice try, Mister Asshole. But we're Dealing With This, and dealing with it now.' But again, to make as Peak Angst as possible, this would have to be with an S/O who was a lot meaker, and who isn't necessarily good at pushing forward. It's one thing to be willing to pursue a relationship, and if you're with someone who gets his vibe, I think he'd be fine! But the really, sticky, messy shit would come with someone who was also wracked with self-worth issues. Because then if there was a strong start, it's hard to build someone up and help them face their demons when you can't manage those same demons.
Either way! That's with me being as absolutely harsh on him as possible and intentionally making the situation Awful in order to make it Hurty. But I do genuinely think it wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem if the S/O had a more complimentary personality
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benny-the-spaceman · 3 days
kinda wanted to talk abt smthn that's been bothering me lately but uhhhh i got a little longwinded and ik this isnt what most ppl come to my blog for so it's under the cut (for summary purposes it's mostly just me talking about how my ocd has been botherin me lately, nothin about anyone, just personal struggle ya feel? (: )
eugh, i hate ocd. i know i havent rly talked much openly abt it in a hot minute but it has been makin this acc difficult to manage sometimes, esp in regards to what i want to do and post. i keep thinking people hate me or dont want me to talk/interact with them for quite literally no reason, and it's the worst thing in the world. most of this isnt something youd see just looking at my blog, but it's completely changed how i post. i get rly nervous adding tags to posts or leaving comments/asks, i feel like if i post things that dont fit into very specific categories that people are gonna be annoyed and/or mad at me, and probably the dumbest thing, ive been struggling to post art at a time that isnt between 3-5 because im afraid that ill be breaking an arbitrary routine that i made up in my head which is obviously the end of the world (it feels like it for me). now, ive been working on these things. ok maybe not that much but im trying. and im not looking for reassurance or comforts or anything, ive lived with ocd my whole life, i know i can and will work through this. quite honestly, i just wanted to verbalize my feelings in some way here because it's uncomfortable to do so, and i know it's gonna make me anxious to do so, and i need to use this as a way to push myself to be uncomfortable. i want to stop obsessing over stupid details that no one except for my anxiety cares about and i want to be able to talk to ppl on here like a normal person again instead of feeling like i need to say or do very specific things lest people hate me for,,,,nothing? gotta love ocd logic. so i guess in some ways im using this post as a way to hold myself accountable, hope yall understand and also thank you for reading this far if you did, everyone in this community that ive interacted with has always been great, and i hope that i can continue talking to ppl here in the future (:
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algrenion · 6 months
that person said you were racist on your wyll post because ppl who dont even bother to properly interact or understand his character will post the worst takes in his tag and then go "oh oops i didnt mean to be racist 🥺 i was just complaining abt the only black character that i didnt bother to learn anything about"
wyll is nothing like a tory hes self sacrificing, unspoiled and the only character who actually stands up for other groups of ppl in game (even having a line saying a disabled character is not worthless for being disabled!!) and even if you meant it as a "rich spoiled kid" way, did you really not think of the other implications of calling the only black man in the group a tory...
i get it you didnt mean to say it in any bad way but it came across that way regardless of intention especially since wyll already gets so much undeserved flack and in his own tag from people who admit they know nothing abt his character, so
Okay, I understand why the post has been received badly and in that case I’ll delete it. I don’t want to actively upset anyone.
That said I would like to add that I’m very aware of Wyll’s background and character traits and in fact I find them insanely relatable; I am also a black (albeit extremely white passing - but my connections with the black community almost entirely stem from racism I’ve experienced merely for the knowledge of me having a black father), disabled woman, and I’ve suffered pretty tremendously at times, under Tory leadership for that. I’ve even got well to do family who I’ve drifted away from — his story is extremely relatable.
I’m also very familiar with the colloquial use of the word “Tory” as a light jab, usually referring to people that sound posh. I get called it all the time by my friends, it’s ironic, we laugh about it. And I think that regardless of Wyll’s extremely positive traits and background as a character, you’d be hard pressed to deny he has the flavour of a rich kid. I think Larian purposely wrote him that way, and that’s not a bad trait, just something I find humour in. I’m not saying he is “like a Tory” in any other sense than speech and body language.
Of course, that is only my experience and my opinion. I just don’t think it’s that serious or that any racist implications were in my post.
Knowing how some people react with real bigotry toward Wyll though, sometimes at a very subconscious level, I think I’ll remove the post to avoid any doubt. Just wanted to make my intentions clear first, though it sounds like you kind of understood them anyway.
I hope I covered that okay, I just woke up and I’ve not had my pain meds yet, so
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influencing as a job does freak me out a little and i wouldnt like to do it personally BUT i dont like complaining about how much they make especially cause silly jobs get paid disproportionately well under capitalism all the time. athletes and finance bros etc. and influencers getting the most flack for it does seem a bit... sexist.
but also influencing as a job does give into the worst of capitalism
Yeah, I mean, it’s not the pay per se that bothers me.
Like you said, there are many other ways of making obscene amounts of money. But also, you have to teach a certain level of fame / have a certain amount of followers before you can make that kind of money.
It’s more the clicks, materialism, turning every single thing into content, and monetizing everything that feels vapid to me. Like these bitches be like “I took the morning off social media” but they literally film themselves “taking the morning off” and post it later. So…you didn’t take the morning off lmaooo. You still found a way to live for the camera and stuff. I have equal distaste for rich people whether they are Elon musk or some IG girlie. But my distaste for influencers is not just about wealth. They don’t have to be wealthy to be self obsessed and gross. So it’s different! I don’t think it’s sexist if you actually think about it. They have a unique way of “making a living.”
Also, the reason they get criticized is cuz people are not under the delusion that any one of us could be Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. We all know we can’t. But, in theory, any one of us could be the next IG it girl. All that’s required is a phone. (That’s not actually the case, all these people, including Gabbriette, come from privilege and wealth but they don’t say that, and they don’t on purpose). So it’s because people see them as “one of us.”
I’m all for supporting women yall. But you can’t just call any legitimate criticism sexist because the recipient is a woman.
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filthyrottenworm · 3 months
🌟new intro post :> ! Hey howdy hi yo. I’m Quasi. This is?? A system account for people other than the host. There will be a few of us here. I’m not really sure who.
We’re looking for friends! We are severely deficient on friendships. Current host has a problem with insisting that the only relationships that they need are within the system! And then they sent a giant black ocean to wipe us all out. Strange! Almost as if by denying connections outside of the system, they inadvertently denied connections within the system as well. Funny how things work, huh?!?? Isn’t that right, host?!!?! Anyway, they don’t want to be associated with me, and probably won’t want to be associated with any of the others that are going to crawl out of the ocean all different than they used to be. Host isn’t going to be here, and won’t even be referred to by name if we can help it.
We’re very open and accepting! Again, looking for friends :>. We don’t reject anyone without giving them a chance to talk a bit. Even if you’re riddled with red flags. In fact, I’m looking for a particular kind of fucked up, so red flags are good in my book. You should take that as a red flag. ;>. So, as far as DNI goes, literally anyone can interact! I guess we’ll just block you if you suck. We dont like taking a stance on anything most of the time, and aren’t interested in discourse. Generally assume that we’ll keep an open mind to anything. My moral compass is crooked and rather broken, really. I don’t think there’s any fixing it after the things I’ve been complacent in 🤷. So I won’t bother! In short, freaks and monsters are welcomed with open arms.
Just a disclaimer, we got cancelled on Quotev for abusing an ex. We did all the actions they claimed, but I don’t think we “groomed” them like they claimed. Grooming is intentional and requires planning something out in advance and preparing someone for a specific purpose. We really just acted on our impulses. Also, they LITERALLY asked for it. They told us, pretty directly, that if we didn’t hurt them, they’d hurt themselves. We were very desperate to get them to stop hurting themselves, and we were very desperate to prove we cared about them, and that we wouldn’t abandon them. Everything we did, we did either because we thought they wanted it, or because we were trying to make sure they didn’t leave us. If you asked our ex, they’d say I took the wrong lesson away from that relationship. Our host believes that they (host) took the right lesson away from the relationship. I think we’re both a little off, if I’m honest, but I’m also pretty stubborn and since I don’t know what the “right lesson” is supposed to be, I’m doubling down on my worldview. Which is that the relationship would’ve worked out if we’d been unapologetic, if we hadn’t let ourselves get guilty, if we hadn’t doubted ourselves, and if we didn’t give in to a pit of self-loathing. The final straw, in my opinion, was when we “tried to get better” and didn’t constantly give them what we thought was best for them but started to listen to what they thought was best. We let them break our resolve. And the worst thing we did in that relationship wasn’t the horrible torment we did, but our doubt of our actions and our guilt.
So here’s my warning: I’m unapologetically horrible. I’m going to do what I think is best, and you’re probably not going to change my mind. Im not mean, I’m quite accepting and warm and loving, but I am absolutely pushy and I will break down whatever walls I think are necessary to form the connections I want in the relationships I need. If I take a liking to you, it’s probably going to hurt. I won’t be deceitful, I’ll be pretty direct and honest with the intentions behind my actions, like I am being right now, but I’m definitely going to do exactly what I think is necessary to progress a relationship in the direction I want. I’m looking for a bestest ever best buddy, and if I think you’re the right one to be my bff, let’s just say I could be your angle or yuor debil! ;>!! But seriously, I’m gonna be horrible if it’s necessary. I’ll do pretty much anything short of murder! Even that little barrier could probably be broken if I really believe that murder would get me the love that my parasitic heart needs to live.
Anyway! Ignore my warnings and be my friend 💖. Please please please 😇🥺? I tooootally won’t sink my teeth into your heart and never let go. If youre absolutely horrible, I’ll love you with open arms. I’m horrible too, and unapologetically so. Spill your guts for me and I’ll spill mine for you. Metaphorically of course ;>! I’m looking to build a new found family of freaks. If you’ve got a good mixture of personal elements, I can show you a depth of connection few people have managed to reach. Im a little bonkers, maybe a bit full of myself, but I’m confident that I can recreate that warmth. I’ve done it before. Of course, let’s not get ahead of ourselves! Obviously we’re not going to form an unbreakable bond overnight. It’ll take a long time. But the first step is reaching out and trusting someone with your friendship. So, come talk to me! Give our friendship a chance to blossom. I might be a bit alarming and a bit off-putting, but aren’t you curious? Aren’t you fascinating? Don’t you want to see what happens? Come talk to me! Be my friend :> I’m so lonely, and I’m sure you’re lonely, too. Maybe we’ll connect in unbelievable ways. No way to know until you give it a chance ;>
What a long intro! Where am I going with this? Ah, I know, I should introduce the other alters. I’ll just reblog this with additions when it’s necessary. We use emojis to indicate who’s talking.
🌟Quasi. They/them. Me! Former host before current host. (Technically there was a host between us, but they split in half and half merged into me and the other half merged into the current host.)
🖤Coghlan. He/it. My knife wife. He likes cutting me up in erotic ways. A bit overprotective and very obsessive. He used to not care about any alters that weren’t me, but now he’s taken a role that’s rather charmingly protective of the others. It doesn’t want to let anyone fight in unproductive ways. It pretty much does whatever I want, though.
🔭Stella. She/they. An absolute sweetheart. Very hopeful and positive and quite silly. She’s convinced that we’re not a bad person, though. The parts of me that cared about being a good person fragmented off and melted into them. Super optimistic. Cares about creating art and beautiful stories. She tends to ignore the parts of us that don’t fit her vision of what we are, but doesn’t actively suppress them the way host does.
🧤Northie. They/them. The wounded child. A syskid, so they probably won’t be here often. Be gentle with them or you’ll have me, Starbound, and Coghlan to contend with. They believe that feeling our negative emotions is a necessity to processing them. A kind of “the only way out is through” way of thinking, which contrasts strongly with host’s method of suppressing everything to the point where a weird black ocean slaughters half the system “on accident.”
🐭Phoebe. It/she/they. It only cares about survival, and is our base instinct of “get out now.” Not very interested in relationships or talking to people, so it probably won’t talk to anybody, unless it feels necessary to warn you of some impending peril that you need to run from immediately. Absolutely coward that will choose running and hiding above any kind of risk, or in her words “surviving.” Although in its defense, it keeps us alive. Even if they’re boring about being safe always.
🎆Starbound. “She/her” for simplicity, any pronouns with no personal preference. Pure and unbridled rage. Her favorite word is “bitch” and she’ll refer to everyone, including herself, as a bitch. She’s more of a righteous fury than a hateful fury. Very interested in fighting injustices. She cares about people more than she lets on, but has a temper worse than an active volcano.
🍠Kakxyl. “He/him” for simplicity, any pronouns with no personal preference. The system’s internal father figure. Goes out for milk a lot but always comes back. He usually knows everything that’s going on with the system and tells us revelations about inner mechanisms. But he also is cryptic and quiet. Probably won’t talk to anyone. I only listed him here for the sake of having a complete list of the alters that survived the flood. More of us will be coming out of the ocean, that’s what Kakxyl told us, but for now it’s just us and host.
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tomuchabotme · 8 months
Hmmm that’s funny I went to look at army accounts on multiple platforms and I’m not seeing what you supposedly say is true. Sources? Because statistically speaking (and numbers never lie only people) you would have to have 6 figures worth (probably more since BTS fans/army/casual listeners/solos are in the multi-millions) of proof that those statements are true enough to line up. And you stating that ALL Thai armys are doing this? Wow that’s A LOT of people I’m surprised you had time to speak to all of them, that’s a lot of hard work. I don’t know where you’re reading the math but Jimin’s numbers are amazing and steady and still climbing (well numbers that actually matter in his career and not throw aways which I find really weird you’re obsessed with because you should be more worried about what will help in his career in the long run. The history that will be with him forever and he will be remembered for but yet here you are not focused on the real things. Not surprised). I also find it funny that you say you love/respect Jimin but yet continually do the exact opposite even purposely. You never actually acknowledge the things he says and says to do. It doesn’t even go in one ear and out the other you guys literally run past the point blind to it. You guys spend more time stalking others and aligning your algorithms to hate than actually focusing on JM and the amazing things he says, does, and creates. A disgusting embarrassment is what you guys are. Faking your “love” and “respect” for Jimin and you literally giving proof of it. Talking about him and his loved ones like you spend 24/7 texting him and calling him and braiding his hair. Reality check child!
By your logic we should k i l l ALL males because SOME are bad. Then by your logic JM wouldn’t be here 😔. Also according to your logic I can say you do all sort of bad things and spread that around because just some of the people in your country did those heinous things (and yes we can all see where you come from, you’re not anonymous).
If you see LEGITIMATE harm towards JM report on the platform, report to BigHit, out them on public forms/posts, and then block. And again LEGITIMATE things not lame shit like this. This gets more things done than you constantly seeking out and stalking negativity that are probably trolls (and you fell for it). I’m so glad my feed is filled with armys being kind and working hard for Jimin and that 136,000 accounts of proof (and 3.4 million EGMT just this week) The only reason you popped up on mine because I was upping JM engagements and here you are bringing them down. Disappointing, not surprising.
Also you plan on calling out the thousands of PJMs that recently kept insulting Jimin and sabotaging him because he didn’t do what they wanted him to do? Or it’s only okay when you guys do it? Anyway I already wasted 5 minutes writing all this out spending 5 minutes from upping BTS engagements that’s more important than telling you to get an F’ing clue which is definitely wasted time since you won’t.
You don't know anything about how much I appreciate Jimin in everything he does, you really have no idea.
You have a very solid idea about Jimin's solos when in reality it is quite the opposite, I am not going to deny that there are people like you say (who also bother me) but there are also pjms that we love and give everything for Jimin
you armys want to make us look like the worst shit when in reality all we do is love and support jimin
saying i stalk people and then you look up my country?...
also why i would want to kill all men😭😭😭
i keep blocking armys, jjks, tkks and jkks who hates on jimin every day dont worry about that
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ierogenvy · 5 years
#dont mind me#personal#dont u dare interact with this#if u read this pm me if u really wanna talk#how could i forget ! my least favorite feeling ! i dont think they did it on purpose there was a lot going on but ! i was ignored#and i just checked back in and they seem to have moved on and no one @‘d me like i asked before i left and i -#like ik im not special and no one owes me anything but i love these guys so much#even those idk as well are so dear to me in such little time#and ive spent the better part of the whole day w them today and its been so nice and fun and suddenly it got unfun and bad#it couldve just been regular discourse bad but then no one was as on my side as i am and i got fed up#so i said to @ me when tbey stop and i checked back bc i opened a dif chat and they moved on w/o me#like if i never came back would they notice ? despite my constant presence on timblr would i fade from their minds if i stopped talking in#the chat ? like smth tells me that i would ! maybe bc its happened so many times to me#i get ignored off hand once then it never fuckin stops#and it hurts worse everytime !!! god im so stupid idk why i bother trying#i love u all so much still and thats the worst part#even if you dont rmr who i am ill always be right here supporting you until you cjange ur urls or stop posting#i think v and m are the only people that have never forgotten me#and tbats so goddamn sad - i only have two friends#despite how much ive tried and joined dif chats everyone fuckin forgets me once im not a constant presence#and ik they dont hate me and i would love to hope that theyd never ignore me on purpose but i have anxiety and no self esteem so im just sat#here assuming that they finally got fuckin tired of me and once i left they said ‘ghank god lets just pretend we didnt notice and go on w/o’#like thats way meaner tban i think any of them have the capacity to be but thats where my shit brain goes#as soon as i get ignored (again) i shut down and give up bc why try if no one cares anyway even tho most lokely it was just an honest#oversight#speaking of oversighg my best friend as a kid forgot to invite me to her birthday party but my sister went (bc my bff cousin was bff w my#sister) and i still havent gottwn over that i think#no i know i havent bc tbag hurt so bad#bc my skster came home and talked abt the people that were there thag i didnt think my friend wven liked that much so to put that on top of#being forgotten ... shit sucks and is def why i hate it so much now
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curious-menace · 3 years
Can you do headcanons of any Riddler getting cared for and gentle kisses from reader after getting beat up? He needs some loves.
i freaking love this stuff so im going to do all of them mwahahah
post asswoop riddlers getting loves
Arkham riddler
He’s VERY quiet, which knowing him and his inability to stop talking, is  bad news.
I paint arkham riddler as a cry baby and i stand by that. this is the hill i will die on. He’ll have dragged his sorry ass into your apartment or house , dripping blood on your floors but he wont bother calling for you. he’ll just sit at the table with his head in his hands having a lil pity party until you find him.
when you do finally get home, he’ll be looking like a kicked puppy. he’s gotten stuck in his own head, mentally beating himself up even more. he got a fright when you came in because he was so caught up he didn't even hear you at the door.
He’s literally sits there like a child with his arms up for you to come scoop him up. he’s not even sure why his first thought after getting beat up was to come here, he’s probably lead the cops here or something and that was so stupid and- you should probably give him a lil soft smooch on the head to stop him before he goes into a spiral.
he needs more emotional and mental care than physical. Talk to him while you're patching him up. any topic, it doesn't matter just keep him focused on your voice and not the one in his head calling him dumb.
he wont admit he wants to be held and coddled after something like this. get your softest blankie and 2 mugs of coco with marshmallows and just ramble at him. tell him about your day or ask him to explain something boring and complicated so he’s focusing on that rather than how upset he is. let him sit on your lap or between your legs on the sofa and watch how its made or mythbusters or something until he falls asleep. he should be ok again in the morning, he doesnt stay down for long. 
Blacklight Riddler
He’s used to getting his ass kicked, either by batman, the other rogues or once he’s a PI, by unhappy clients and the people he put away. He might be tiny but he’s pretty tough. 
even if he’s really hurting, his probably trying to crack jokes and tell blood and bruise related riddles. He doesn't like to see you worry so even if he’s in a lot of pain or a bit upset about things, he’s trying to make you smile.
he likes kisses on his bruises. even if he just banged his hand on the table he’ll come to you because he wants you to kiss it better. 
He’s a decent fighter, unlike a lot of riddlers who couldnt fight their way out of a paper bag. He can throw punches but he lacks in defence and with his bad knee, dodging can be a little hard. even if he wins the fight he’s still likely to need you to patch him up.
He likes kids plasters. like hello kitty and spongebob. no im not joking, he ALWAYS wanted them when he was little and his parents always said no. now he’s an adult he’s going to use them whenever he damn well pleases.
 if it was a particularly bad one, he’ll be ok in the moment even if he has to go to hospital. But he’s going to drop the facade at some point and let you see how upset he is. winding up in hospital after being beat was a common occurrence in childhood. even after doing it time and time again as an adult it doesn't make it any easier on him. he’ll want to stay in your bed, be close to you for few days until either he starts to heal or something snaps him out of his funk.
BTAS Riddler
he really prefers other people to do the fighting for him. well physically anyway. he can handle his own arguments...most of the time. He’s going to need you to nurse a bruised ego more than anything. he probably got dunked on my batman or crane and now he’s huffing.
i don't know if this counts as care and kisses but he clearly needs you around to keep his sorry ass alive. he hurt his side in a fight once and said he wasn't hurt. believable... until he started to act a little confused, a little dizzy. needless to say it worried you enough to take him to emergency care. 
He was obviously in agony by now but he was still fighting with you the entire drive there, insulting you and insisting he was fine. its a good job you took him when he did, turns out he’d ruptured his spleen and would probably be dead if you weren’t around to act like his common sense.
he still hasnt apologised for that. or any of the other times you insisted on medical care to stop him from pushing up daisies. he just pretends like you know he’s grateful so he doenst have to admit he’s bullheaded, stubborn and worst of all, wrong. 
if he has been seriously hurt, he acts more indignant about it than anything. he wants to be waited on and pampered while resting in bed. he can be a genuine pain to deal with, talking about how lucky you are to see him in such a vulnerable state and how you should be grateful he’s letting you do this for him.
He doesn't want to admit how much he actually needs you. his goons wont put up with him when he’s like this and he’s freaking paying them to do it. you do it for free and no matter how annoying he is you havent left him yet. he doesn't tell you but youve noticed he starts getting you more gifts about a week after he’s recovered. like its taken him a day or two to work out he should probably thank you for all you do.
Original Riddler
this riddler is just weird. like he gets a freaking hang nail and he pretends like he’s dying. but he could nearly lose a limb and he’ll say “tis but a scratch” and still try to hobble about like nothing is wrong.
actually he’s more like olaf “oh look i've been impaled.”. he probably tries to laugh off life threatening injuries like its nothing, taking maybe 3 steps before he collapses on his face in a blood puddle and lets out a tiny “help”
good luck moving his tall lanky ass around. better get a gurney and maybe those vets at the zoo who deal with giraffes. seriously if you want to take care of him you are going to need help or some sort of action plan and a go bag because with his limp butt this will not be easy.
he’s kinda like BTAS riddler in that he needs you to tell him the injury is serious. hes not dumb he just has a high pain threshold and genuinely doesn't realise that injuries are as bad as they are. 
he can be a bit of a baby while being patched up. he doesn't like a lot of blood or gore, it makes him feel a little sicky. better give him your phone to play with like a kid at the doctors or put the tv on for him to watch while you bandage  him. word of warning, he will pass out or throw up if you try to give him stitches.
i think you should focus your love and attention on him AFTER medical care. just focus on the job, be silent and as fast as possible to get it over with quickly. you should probably bring him something sweet too. no not just you, although you are sweet for looking after him. give him something sugary because he’s going to be light headed after seeing any blood. maybe you could give him a lolly for being a good patient. 
Telltale riddler
this riddler is essentially a metahuman. he can REALLY take a beating and bounce back fairly quickly. just look how many times batman punched him in the face and it barely stunned him! he doesnt usually need patched up after a fight. maybe just a lil smooch and some hugs
he did really need your help after the whole pact thing. having his friends abandon him hurt like hell, more than any physical injury ever could.
after that, he clings to you. almost obsessively so; we know he’s got some serious mental illnesses but he usually has the worst of it under control, even without meds. now? it seems like he’s experiencing ptsd and is afraid to go anywhere without you, like you might up and disappear if you arent in his line of sight at all times.
i think this riddler might need the most intense care from you. hugs and gentle reassurance wont be enough. you’re going to be responsible for taking him to therapy, keeping him taking his meds and grounding him to reality. this is the kind of responsibility you took on when you got involved with him but i doubt you realised how hard it would be. i cant promise it will all be worth it but i can promise he wont ever forget your kindness.
the kind of care he needs after such a hard knocking down is just stability. im not one for romance or any mushy gushy stuff but please just pour your love into the cracks in this poor mans soul.
its hard going, but he has his moments. his gallows sense of humor is still there and hey, after him being in and out and gone for so long, it might be nice to have him around more.  
Zero year riddler
INSUFFERABLE LITTLE SHIT THIS ONE. he could LITERALLY be bleeding out in your arms and he’d STILL be backseat driving on your medical skills. the temptation to just leave him there to bleed is INCREDIBLE.
he’ll drop the act eventually. he’ll ask and maybe even beg for your help. man has  no shame and all the self preservation instincts of a lemming. dont get me wrong, he can be a total coward some times, only looking out for himself . but when he’s actually hurt ? not a fuckin clue. does this head wound need an ice pack or heat pack? is this spurring blood wound worthy of medical care? no idea. he was a very sheltered child who never got so much as a bruise so he has no idea what to do when he’s hurt.
he gets the everloving shit kicked out of him on a clockwork basis. like you could hear knocking on your door at 3 am and already be at the table with a first aid kit like oh its tuesday riddler must have broken his nose.
he takes entirely too much joy in making you patch him up. youre starting to wonder if he’s doing it on purpose just to see you in your little apron and latex gloves . he’s getting off on this and you know it but god help you, you just  cant resist his dumb face asking for your help and would you also wear this pink nurses outfit while youre at it?
one time he lost a LOT of blood. he would be fine but he was pretty damn loopy from lightheadedness. while you were trying to get him into bed to rest he started flirting with you. can you believe the audacity? he’s lost 3 pints of blood and he’s still more focus on his libido? 
he’s actually going to be both humble and grateful for your help when he finally comes round. dont get me wrong, he’s still a bit of a prick but at least he says thank you for saving him before he demands you kiss all his booboos and ouchies. 
nonnie i am having a stroke. i was trying SO hard to just pick one but i COULDNT because i am WEAK for hurt and comfort.
theres a reason i have a tag that literally says “i have naughty hands and no self control”
someone needs to stage an intervention
got something you wana talk about? send me an ask or a dm! im always game to talk about our favorite curious menace 💚💜
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chryso0 · 3 years
Theories about new Chapter;
Obviously we all have a lot of questions about the latest chapter and what this all means for the boys. This particular panel threw a lot of people off and for very obvious reasons as its going to change the course of the story quite a lot. 
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This post is gonna be more focused on Akihito (sorry Asami 🥺), and what happened with him. We are gonna be asking. The WHO, the HOW, the WHY and the RESOLUTION
And we're gonna get to all of that in what will probably be a long post. These are just my personal theories, but this is probably the most cohesive and most convincing theory crafting for what’s to come after that very dramatic episode. 
We are gonna start off with the WHO;
I know everyone has different theories about who is responsible for why Akihito is like this. But I think I'm gonna take the most obvious answer - its fuckin Sudoh. 
I am also inclined to believe chernobog is dead and not involved. It is rare for Sensei to kill people off so unequivocal. The fact that she killed off Yuri and Aaron (#1 and #2) - with no possibly way to return. Sorry I just think they’re organization is just dead. And even if some other faction of chernobog some how came together and regrouped. why in the hell would they work with Sudoh- AGAIN? after he screwed them over, and got all their leaders killed. 
Now there are other villains and suspicious characters, for which we don’t know there involvement. Maxim!? Alex?! Asami’s father?!!?
BUT I don’t think they’re directly involved in what happened to Akihito -and I say directly because they could have been secretly pulling all the strings. or purposely turning a blind eye. Or are otherwise working against Asami in other ways.
But to me I think its pretty clear cut that Sudoh is directly behind Akihito’s brainwashing and there are a ton of pretty explicit clues to that in that very last panel of the chapter where Akihito brandishes the knife. 
Now when that panel came out on the internet- I saw a lot of people saying crazy theories like. It’s not Akihito it’s Sudoh after facial reconstruction. Which is just- no! thats just to crazy. No!
BUT I do think the image is MEANT to invoke Sudoh. I don’t think its a coincidence that Akihito looks like Sudoh.
The way Akihito hair is just a little bit to straight! That evil look in his eyes. His face parallels with this panel below- half the face in darkness. His hair covering one eye, that looks out darkly.
But to me the most blatant and obvious connection, is the very knife Akihito wields. 
The black switch blade. It’s Sudoh’s signature weapon. He’s toting it here in the below images, when he visits Akihito’s dream right before Chernobog attacked the apartment, but he was also using it when he had Akihito captured in the warehouse.
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In this other panel of Akihito’s dream, we see the exact same knife but we also see a pretty EXACT parallel to what's happened in the latest chapter. The knife. in the bedroom. cutting a defenseless Asami’s throat. (its like a game of clue)
It’s even a little eerie, in hindsight, that in this panel we coincidentally never see Sudoh face, only his hand. Almost like it could be anyone doing that- Even you Akihito!
But it made me think that Sensei really was doing some foreshadowing and really nothing is a coincidence with her.
Which now leads me to the question of HOW:
Something thats really bothered me about this newest chapter, and something I keep returning to is this- Akihito’s personality, this entire time has been built upon the fact that he is a journalist and truth seeker. 
So what throws me about this particular new direction - is even if Akihito’s memories are gone. Is that part of his personality really gonna go away? I just can’t believe that. Even when he was alone and out of touch - like when he was in the temple- he still couldn’t help but seek information and seek the truth. and even in the face with fear, he usually still seeks answers.
Obviously he might have been tortured for months, and it’s more then possible he did fight, but eventually they snuffed that out of him. And while this is totally possible - I don’t believe that sensei would go THAT dark.
So I'm more inclined to believe that they starve off his curiosity by feeding him lies, half truths, and maybe some partial memories of his life. 
Now imagine this. Tell Akihito basically everything about his life. At the very least, he seems to know they are ‘supposed to be’ lovers given his theatrics before he wields the knife. So tell him that his feelings for Asami where real. But then use all his insecurities about his relationship that we know  know where always there, and that haven’t magically disappeared after their ‘honeymoon’ period on the island. And use half truths and some lies to turn Asami in to the villain. 
When people were using that crazy theory about Sudoh getting facial reconstruction- all I could remember was this exact panel from volume 8. This panel is when Sudoh has Akihito kidnapped in the warehouse. Akihito is thinks about his relationship with Asami, and his fears and insecurities, he say  
“Will I turn out like Sudo?”
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It’s not Sudoh magically turning into Akihito. It’s Akihito becoming more like Sudoh. And he’s already shown that he has had that fear. 
Now why does Sudoh hate Asami- The story is obviously a bit more complicated then how Sudoh probably sees himself. But Sudohs feels like he’s been abandoned. That he did everything that Asami ever wanted. That he crossed all the lines. But because he went too far,  and got mixed up with chernobog everything completely collapsed and Asami didn’t ever reward his loyalty with anything meaningful. 
Is it even that hard to convince Akihito that the SAME thing happened to him. Especially if his memories are messed up and he doesn’t have the full picture (hahaha photography puns). It would be pretty easy to convince him that Asami abandoned him to whatever horrible fate that befell him at the hands of Sudoh and Sakazaki.
Something that keeps running in my mind, is the very timely moment Akihito awakes in the hospital after his coma. It’s such a sad use of tragic timing. He is waking up at the same time that Asami is being safely evacuated and rescued by Alex on orders by Maxim. It’s like they’ve just missed each other. 
But I think you can see how it could easily be twisted and made to look as if Asami was leaving behind a comatosed Akihito. Abandoning Akihito when he was at his most vulnerable state. It could easily be twisted into Asami getting whisked away by his men, to some undisclosed location where he's getting top notch care and he never planned on taking Akihito with him. 
Then right when Akihito’s wake. its like they’ve just missed each other, and if Asami had just brought him along then he wouldn’t have fallen in to Sakazaki and Sudoh’s clutches.
And after everything Akihito had just been though. All the lines he had crossed. Shotting at Sudoh, his willingness to KILL for Asami. The lengths he would go to protect Asami. Literally TAKING THE FALL damage for Asami. and using his own body. Just for all those things to be manipulated and twisted into-  Asami never cared about you, you were just his play thing and he left you behind to rot- then yeah. hell yeah thats a Revenge Arch in the making!
Obviously the truth is being distorted, manipulated and twisted in some way by his captors. He doesn’t remember Asami’s confession, or how Asami used his own body to take bullets for him. Or all the other things that Asami has done, or the promises they made to each other on the island
This whole thing reminded me that during the naked truth arc Akihito had no assurances that Asami would rescuing him. He was constantly doubting himself thinking Asami wouldn’t go that far for him. And yet. we also know that some part of him was still holding out hope while he was in Hong Kong, thinking maybe Asami is coming.
Maybe at first he doesn’t believe everything. he fights it, as we know he is a fighter. But the naked truth arc kidnapping was Maybe a month of separation. We are talking about a whole half a year of no rescue, of no word from Asami. of enduring whatever hardships Sudoh and Sakazaki likely did to him. After a while, he might have given up hope entirely and believed that Asami had really left him. 
and y’know we all know Akihito has a bit of Stockholm syndrome. its not that much of a stretch to think after a while he started to agree with his captors and sympathize with them.
I can see that when somehow when word finally reaches that Asami is back and he’s looking for Akihito- I can see that being such salt in the wounds for him. Like he comes now? after all this time, to come in and pretend to be the knight and shining armor. It drives him even more into doing this.
NOW here comes the WHY: 
Well it seems pretty self explanatory why Sudoh would do this. 
I’v said this in other post but I'll say it again. To me what happen to Akihito wasn’t just about one thing- I think a lot of people want to make what happen to Akihito about Asami. That the goal was to assassinate Asami, that he was the intended target, and theres some wider underworld thing happening. When to me- this was very much a personal attack on both of them. 
and when I mean personal I mean personal. it’s not about who’s in charge of the underworld, or someone trying to usurp Asami. this was an attack on them. on their relation. this was an attack meant to hurt both of them in the worst way possible.
hell I dont even think Sudoh did this because he reasonably believed that Akihito could assassinate Asami- BUT y’know it was probably worth a try. And I’m guessing Akihito was eager to do it.
I don’t have a real solution- I have no idea what's gonna happen next chapter. But I do have some theories. I think it would be real interesting to have Akihito use his photography and his journalist instincts, that seeking the truth personality of his to find out what really happened and to figure out what the truth is. 
We’ve gotten a lot of volumes recently that revolve around Asami’s world and what's going on in the underworld. So Idk it would be kinda nice to have Akihito getting back to his roots in some ways. 
BUT I’m also like we’re finally kinda getting all these Asami POV (which is nice) and we’ve just learned a bit about Asami’s past so it makes me think that the focus of the next volume is gonna be on Asami more then Akihito. 
But I think whatever the solution is it has to be Akihito getting/finding out the real truth, and probably getting all his memories back. And maybe Asami is the one thats going to give him that, or maybe Akihito has to do it himself and become the focus of his own investigation. 
Thanks for reading if you’ve read this far ❤️❤️ I think to much about finder obviously 😭 this was literally sitting in my drafts for weeks cause I was struggling with how to convey all of this.
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yami-writes · 4 years
MHA boys with tiktok accounts
(🏷️) paring(s): Midoriya x reader, Kaminari x reader, Todoroki x reader (🔮) summary: Midoriya, Kaminari, and todoroki with Tiktok accounts (hcs) (⚠️) warning(s): just crack n fluff here (💌) note from Yami: inspired by a request I got the other day (check it out here) (hey yall, made this at 3am dont mind me. jus vibin)
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i think he would enjoy tiktok
you introduced him to it
and he thought it was cool so he decided to stay for the ride
His fyp is filled to the brim with all might.
Just all might.
Occasionally some other heroes
But mainly all might ✋
He WANTS to only follow you
But he's a pushover and too nice for his own good and ended up following everyone in class
Poor bby
If he ever does decide to post, it will have something to do with heroes
Probably just recording all of his all might merch
And occasional small vlogs of what it's like at ua
Or in the dorms
And there pretty fun to watch and get a lot of love
And of course people will demand more
And, like I said, he physically can't say no
So he does more
which never fail to get under 1.5mil veiws
he’s well known in the tiktok community~~
no exceptions.
A small dance video??
"angel, your so good at dancing!!! Plz teach me someday!! I wanna be in one of your tiktoks!! :)"
or perhaps some sort of aesthetic video
“wow! this tiktok is so pretty! just like you, angel <3(a tiktok could never compare to you)″
ahhhhhhhhhh IZUUU
you always screenshot the comment and send it to him with your response
and u could see him blushing behind the screen
if u do decide to allow him to dance in one of your tiktoks, hes so happy
like, incredibly happy
as if All Might himself walked into the room
his face will light up like a PUPPY
ok i’ll stop.
after mina’s many lessons she was able to teach him to dance pretty well
now all you had to do was teach him the dance 
and it turned out really good
ill leave the dance and the overall quality of said tiktok up to u 😌
use ur imaginations loves~~
but regardless~
the tiktok yall made 
blew. tf. up.
the comments were full of
probably the most popular video you have tbh~
and you bet ur ass when midoriya found out he was gonna do another one
you swear his smile could make a bitch go blind~
Follower count: 5.3mil & counting
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i know for a FACT this bitch has tiktok
i also know he is a tiktok MASTER
he knows all the trends
and the memes
and is also quite well known
his fyp definitely has A LOT of memes
and trendy stuff
and he only posts trendy stuff
the includes dances, challenges, pranks..... PRANKS.
a lot of pranks from this man....
and you, dear, are one of his main victims
along with the rest of the bakusquad
and its annoying asf bc this idiot is wasting his damn brain space that he apparently has??? to plan out a PERFECT prank
and it works EVER. SINGLE. TIME.
there is no escaping him,
and its even worst bc these pranks of his are his most popular posts
by this point there is no stoppping him.
and dont even bother trying to get him back
he can literally sense a prank
like a second quirk or sumn-
rip 💀
he will SPAMM your comments
“dat ass tho 👀👀”
“u really went: 🍰🍰“
“just suffocate me with your thighs already, boo!! 😭🥺”
you cant even be bothered to reply to any of his thirsty comments
which are always the first ones you recive...
and are always top comments
now,lemme get this straight.
he will BEG
like- on his hands and knees beg
the be in one of ur tiktoks
specifically, a dance
even more specifically, a dance thats more on the~~ scandalous side
you know what i mean sis
rolls, hair whips, throwin it back, all the shit
hell- you have NO idea how much he would love to just be in the presence of you throwin him back sum ass 
once you finally give in and do a tiktok with him
and he wants to pick the dance
yall prob did a doja cat song cant lie lmafo
“Candy” perhaps??
anyways, he’ll probably mess up on purpose just so u can throw it to em again
but once he’s had enough he’ll do it properly
after about 12 attempts that is-
but dont worry cause that video got LOVE
and you know denki is gonna see this
you also know he, along with ur comments, also want more
good luck, dear...
follower count: 8.1mil & counting
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you showed him tiktok
and he watched you in your dorm making some
and he wanted to try so you helped him make an acc
ofc the first thing he does is follow you and watch some all of ur videos
every single one, sis.
i think his fyp would be full of cooking tutorials
specifically, soba
he tries, he really does.
he still cont cook with out burning something, but there IS improvment
and he would post the most random shit
literally anything
a small bug he saw on his way to school?
filmed and posted.
and that shit gets VIEWS
how you ask??
good question dearie
lets just say Mr. Shouto Todoroki is HOT
in all aspects, no exeptions
people can and will watch his tiktoks just to see him
and better bet ur ass his comments are full of thirsty girls
but thats offtopic.
he also has small videos he recored of you
whether it was you singing or dancing
doing you makeup brushing your hair
dosent matter.
he’ll have a BUNCH in his drafts he likes to scroll through daily
he never told anyone, not even you
he dosent comment on all ur posts but he does comment on some of them
only some
specifically, the ones he likes
i mean~ he likes all of them, but if he favors a specific one over the rest, he’ll let you know
“wow, y/n. i like this video more than your others. i guess thats why im commenting. anyways, i love the tiktok, but i love you more.”
he sooooo dryyyyyy
like put a heart at least man
he usually lurks in the comments, making sure everyone is staying their place
like a security guard lmao
he’ll privately message you his thoughts on your tiktok
it’ll be a long message with a mix of compliments but also questions
“i liked the song, but whats the song called? 
“how did you make that? I really liked it though.”
dry, but pure.
i dont think he would have much interest in  being in one of your tiktoks
if you want him in one of your tiktoks
he’ll offer to stand in the background.....
then you explain to him you want him to /participate/ in the tiktok
if you want him to do a dance with you
this man is STIFF
every move you teach him is another jab at your soul
if you gather up the courage to allow him to be in the tiktok
he’ll just-
as in, walk out of the room leave
he’ll come back later and act as if nothing happened
and if u question him
“i lost interest.” 
yea, like a fucking child
the damn tiktok barley even started-
follower count: 10.9mil & counting
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years
16 anti LO anon opinions
All under the cut
(1) Fastpassers are also probably mad bc when smythe post fastpass title on twitter(which was heathers musical song ripoff) everyone was so hyped up and excided, they thought this gonna be about "Underqold badass queen Persephone " or something with her trail or something big with her, but no, they got Minthe flashback that didnt change anything in the story
(2) Fastpassers are annoyed bc this episode was flashback of Minthe. Two previous fastpasses got pretty big(and stupid) revals(leto is bad guy,apollo and artemis may be zeus child and last but not least Cronus awakening) so they were hopping for something more not a filler wpisode that changes nothing in to the story bc there were wpisodes that make Minthe more "symphatetic" than this one.
(3) Am i the only one a bit concerned that a Minthe episode made LO fans demand their money back but apparently episodes and a planned redemption over Apollo, who R*PED the main character, was met with fans sympathizing with him and feeling bad for judging him "too soon"?  They can accept a sexual assaulter having mommy issues to excuse his bad actions, but a boring filter episode about Minthe, who we know will be killed by the end anyway, gets outrage? That doesn't sit well with me.
(4) oh my god the LO fans hated the minthe fast pass so much they actually made LO's rating start to go down 😭 most of us here dont even like the comic but none of us would purposely review bomb it over a boring episode over a character we didnt like, thats so entitled!
(5) Adding on to the recent fastpass, it was extremely boring. I get that you can't please everyone but the fact that Minthe is having a backstory now just feels like filler.
This is the main issue I have with Rachel's story, she has so many characters but chooses to develop them at the worst times. If we got this backstory earlier in season 2, this would make sense. However, the fp before this one ended on a cliffhanger. You'd think it'd continue but no, we just get Minthe backstory.
I'd rather see an Apollo backstory, he's an active villain and would be interesting to see his motive.
Minthe doesn't have a compelling motive other than jealousy.
(6) I can't be the only one who thinks the new hairstyle updates for characters like Apollo or Eros look weird right? Eros literally looks like an adult version of one of his siblings Storge (who has curly permed hair and was holding a hamster)
(7) That Lo eros panel ... oof. Wheres his hairline going? He had a damn 7 head. Also at least for awhile the men had a different face from the women, but I guess they’re also women now, facial features wise?
(8) On a side note: why the fuck is Eros so ugly in this episode😭
(10) This is something i see so much but LO especially but why do all of them have boring ancient clothes? It's always white or tan sheets or maybe black if it's someone in the Underworld. I'm going more off ancient images but shouldn't the gods especially have more grand and detailed clothing options? i get it's probably harder to design based off colorful skin tones but it's not impossible. it just seems so much of the comic design feels very flat, so if the story can't hold up then the art should.
(11)  The main problem I had before with lore olympus was its cliffhanger syndrome. Like, why do some many chapters leave on a cliffhanger and for no reason at all? Like when Hera got hit and nothing happened. When I was experiencing the episodes coming out in real time, it drove me mad.
It's gotten better recently but that's probably because the three recent episodes (fastpass) felt more like filler.
That's the main reason why I feel like the plot is being dragged out. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for cute character moments and creators getting money but, LO is slowly becoming less and less interesting. I literally skipped around in most of the fasspasses because it really wasn't interesting. The only thing memorable about all of the fp episodes is the beginning and end, the middle is just kinda there.
(12) Ampelus (psyche)'s eyes used to be golden/yellow but now its coloured purple lmao
(13) Wtf is happening in lore olympus?! Now they want to bring cronus back and do another war?!? Are they crazy nothing like this didnt happen in mythology and obviously not bc of persephone(in comic her pink tree in underwold will give crounus power and life). It supposed to be romance not whatever fuck this is now.
(14) I feel like if I was at Henson Co. or Webtoons with a tv deal on the line, I would make Smythe to hand writing duties to a pro or take a hiatus seriously plan everything out, because all these new plots are distracting from what people signed up for, which is to see HxP get together and the myth. It seems like filter seeing as any TV adaption wouldn't cover most of it anyway, so why even include it? If RS wants it over sooner than later, this isn't how you do it, she's just procrastinating now.
(15) I find Demeter in LO just confusing. If she’s so overbearing and controlling, why would she ever allow Persephone out of their domain to live with Artemis in the city? Even the most liberally easy going parents don’t let their naive children out into the world like that with people they barely know, yet the supposed helicopter parent does. Why not literally literally lock her up? Especially when Persephone can’t control her powers and is desperate to hide that she killed a village of people? Demeter knows she’s a danger to others yet let her out anyway? That doesn’t sounding overbearing to me. It sounds like she’s right to want to hide her away. Persephone is a bigger threat to everyone else than they are to her. More so, actual controlling parents do give their children phones to keep easy tabs on them, yet LO Demeter doesn’t? She could constantly call Persephone or check up on her without physically needing to be there, yet they don’t do that. What modern parent would let their child leave home without a way to contact them? If anything, she’s extremely loose on parenting her and lets Persephone do/have whatever she wants. The controlling helicopter parent premise too is undercut by the fact LO Demeter ends up being right in wanting to hide her daughter away because within a month of leaving home Persephone is drugged, kidnapped, threatened by several people, r*ped, blackmailed, is close to dropping out of school, attacked by shades, and had a mental/emotional breakdown, many of those things being linked to her future “caring” husband. I just don’t buy it. Demeter ends up looking correct by anyone who isn’t blinded by the rose colored glasses of HxP.
(16) If I'll ever bother to read LO I'll do so only to see how horrible exactly it is.
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mr-entj · 4 years
Top 3 career networking mistakes college students make
Combined with the following asks:
Hi Mr. ENTJ. I found your excellent “top 3 job hunting mistakes” post really insightful. Could you do another post for everyone’s worst nightmare aka professional networking with strangers? Tips and tricks you recommend would be much appreciated!
Dos and dont’s of networking for someone who is entering college? I cann’t stress how this blog helps me with my anxieties about joining the job market especially in this screwed up Covid situation. You’re really a blessing and I hope you know that
Hello Mr. ENTJ. What are some annoying things you would recommend we NOT do while we are networking because I have this constant fear I’m being annoying and bothering people when I want to talk to them so I’d like to avoid doing these as well. Thank you
Related answers:
Tag: networking
Top 3 job hunting mistakes college students make
Resume and Cover Letter Guide
Job interview tips
Job hunting 101
1. They only start networking when they need something
Now why would this be a problem? Allow me to demonstrate:
“Hi! My name is Mr. ENTJ. I know we just met, you don’t know much about me, and we have absolutely no relationship but GIVE ME A REFERRAL BECAUSE I DESPERATELY NEED A JOB. THANKS.”
Newsflash: People don’t enjoy being used and they can see right through this behavior. If you network for the purpose of getting something out of someone, then you’re doing it wrong, because you’ve given them no incentive to help due to the simple fact you have nothing to offer them in return. If you do choose to treat networking as a business transaction, then at least have relevant skills, experience, networks, and tangible benefits to provide. 
Otherwise, networking should be done nonstop throughout your college career and the rest of your life-- it’s not a one-time event that you buy a ticket to attend. The family you’re related to, the people you go to school with, the professors you learn from, the TAs and staff you interact with, the colleagues you work beside, the managers you report to, the clients you serve, and the friends of friends of friends you come in contact with-- these are all part of your network. Manage your personal brand by building a reputation for excellence because every interaction contributes (or subtracts) to that. Remember that real life interactions with people, creating real memories, and building real bonds are infinitely more powerful than anything the internet can ever artificially create. Build, invest, and nurture your network in real life-- it will serve you well beyond your professional career.
Key Takeaway: Start early, build relationships organically and naturally, and go into networking with the intent of gaining knowledge and building bonds so that you can be happy even if you get nothing out of it.
2. They treat other people like search engines 
This generation grew up with Google, Yahoo, and Bing where questions can be typed in and answers are spit out in 1 second flat. This dynamic has severely damaged the concept of hustling-- many people don’t know how to search, scrap, and grind to get what they want anymore because they expect that something or someone will hand them the answer. It can make people lazy, inept, and borderline entitled. The first question I ask someone when they want something from me is this: “What has your research already told you? What work have you already invested into your problem?” Before you ask someone a question, be ready to explain what you’ve already done to deserve the answer. Be specific about your goals, well-researched with your information, and deliberate in your interactions with other people while networking to avoid wasting their time. This conveys that you’re serious about your goals and motivated to achieve them.
Additionally, make sure you ask the right questions. Here’s the one thing I drill into the head of every student I advise: The most valuable type of information that networking and personal relationships can give you is what you can’t find on the internet. Don’t ask people basic searchable questions like “How do I become a software engineer?” This is a waste of time. Ask them instead about their personal experiences, their challenges, their tips and tricks, their pearls of wisdom, tough lessons, and the things that surprised them along their journey. These are things you won’t find on the internet and that will give you the greatest advantage. If it’s searchable on the internet, then everyone will know it but if it’s only discoverable through private conversations, then only you and few others may know it. Don’t treat people like search engines, treat them like individuals who can provide a wealth of knowledge through their personal experiences. 
Key Takeaway: Subject matter experts are here to supplement your knowledge, not provide it because they’re not paid professors. Make it as easy as possible for people to tell you what you want to know by looking for the answers first and then asking them things that can’t be easily found on the internet.
3. They don’t maintain the relationship
Self-explanatory. Don’t let relationships go cold or else you risk making mistake #1. 
The easiest way to keep in touch with people is social media and with the current state of the world everyone is more plugged into the internet now than they’ve ever been before. You don’t need to inundate someone with constant communication but a comment here, a like there, a group message occasionally, a congratulations from time to time, and a happy birthday at least once a year helps stay engaged with people in your network. 
Key Takeaway: Keep in touch. That’s it. That’s the message.
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bravomckenzie · 4 years
i dont get why ppl get mad at u for “villianizing” lucas in ciwyw,, like first of all this dood is a fictional pixel. and also like ,, i get that lucas isn’t depicted in the most flattering way but he’s still an interesting & well written character imo?? like lucas def seems like a guy that could exist irl and his actions r realistic and seem like something irl men do all the time. imo ciwyw needed a second love interest for olivia and its way better to have someone that’s interesting than someone who’s boring and one dimensional.
ted talk time!
first, thank you!!!! calling the characters of ciwyw realistic are the highest compliments to me bc hannah and i worked so hard to try to make them as well rounded and realistic as we could. it was our main goal to make them feel like real people who all make shitty decisions and mistakes, you know? fics where everything is all good all the time get boring
second, period. he’s a collection of pixels there’s no way to say what he would and wouldn’t do he’s not real
and last - yeah exactly it’s not far fetched for someone to behave the way he does. and he’s driven to that point. he’s not like that the entire time. it’s gradual like it builds. liv brings out the worst in him and he does the same to her. the fight in i think chapter 25 i’m too lazy to check but whichever one where they get in that fight in the parking lot is the perfect example of that. the way she’s talking to him is ooc for liv. mama was literally about to tell him she wouldn’t care if he “dropped-“ and you can finish the sentence one of two ways - dropped off the face of the earth or dropped dead, before lottie interrupted them. and liv normally would never say that (which gets addressed on monday yeehaw) but once again she was driven to that. like she’s screaming that she hates him literally in a fucking parking lot.
i always say it when discussing the dynamics of ciwyw but to a degree, it’s open ended and that’s on purpose. who is the problem is liv and lucas’ relationship is meant to be decided by the reader. i have never claimed olivia was innocent bc shes not. she even realizes it in chapter 14 (again i think too lazy to check but i’m p sure on this one) like she says that an on looker would likely think her and bobby were more than friends. lucas had a valid reason to be jealous and bothered. i would if it were me. would i go insane? no. but that’s me and how i would react. lucas reacts differently.
when i first “pitched” my idea to hannah, i described the plot of ciwyw as along the lines of “mc and bobby are best friends and he’s in love with her but shes with lucas. bobby moves to london when lucas is still in oxford. bobby and mc growing closer and closer now that they’re able to spend all of their time together slowly drives lucas into jealousy induced insanity” (+ post breakup, bobby and mc sort of just fall into being together bc it comes so naturally)
and ofc as always - the direction of where ciwyw is going is very clear and anyone who thinks lucas is end game or doesnt pick up on the way liv & lucas’ relationship is gonna go by chapter two when they get in the fight about the heartrate challenge it’s their fault honestly like mama ciwyw is so obviously a toxic lucas/mc relationship that becomes a good one with bobby BDNDNDJDN
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revelation19 · 4 years
How come that you still believe in the heresies of calvinism? It goes against everything the early church taught, it has no connection to the historical church and has been rehashing old heresies ad infinitum. I have myself been a calvinist until I bothered reading all the church fathers. Nothing even remotely like it has ever been taught by the early church. To be deep in history truly means to cease to be a protestant.
The very fact that your page is full of those reformed clowns is proof enough that you know nothing about the early church apart from the brain washing you might have undergone in the seminary. you quote John Calvin instead of people like Clement of Rome, St. Athanasius etc Your theology is a joke at best, and damnable heresy at worst. You dont believe ANYTHING the early church believed. That level of ignorance is mind blowing.
They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they confess not the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness, raised up again. Those, therefore, who speak against this gift of God, incur death in the midst of their disputes. But it were better for them to treat it with respect, that they also might rise again. - sounds an awful a lot like your heretical group.
Notice how you didn’t mention anything about how Calvinism goes against Scripture? Strange huh?
I’ll start off by simply quoting Calvin’s own response to this claim. 
“They [Catholics, i.e. you] unjustly set the ancient father against us (I mean the ancient writers of a better age of the Church) as if in them they had supporters of their own impiety. If the contest were to be determined by patristic authority, the tide of victory--to put it very modestly--would turn to our side. Now, these fathers have written many wise and excellent things. Still, what commonly happens to men has befallen them too, in some instances. For these so-called pious children of theirs, with all their sharpness of wit and judgment and spirit, worship only the faults and errors of the fathers. The good things that these fathers have written they either do not notice, or misrepresent or pervert. You might say that their only care is to gather dung amid gold. Then, with a frightful to-do, they overwhelm us as despisers and adversaries of the fathers! But we do not despise them; in fact, if it were to our present purpose, I could with no trouble at all prove that the greater part of what we are saying today meets their approval... 
He who does not observe this distinction will have nothing certain in religion, inasmuch as these holy men were ignorant of many things, often disagreed among themselves, and sometimes even contradicted themselves. It is not without cause, they say that Solomon bids us not to transgress the limits set by our fathers (Prov. 22:28). But the same rule does not apply to boundaries of fields, and to obedience of faith, which must be so disposed that “it forgets its people and its father’s house” (Ps. 45:10). But if they love to allegorize so much, why do they not accept the apostles (rather than anyone else) as the “fathers” who have set the landmarks that it is unlawful to remove (Prov. 22:28)? Thus has Jerome interpreted this verse, and they have written his words in to their canons. But if our opponents want to preserve the limits set by the fathers according to their understanding of them, why do they themselves transgress them so willfully as often as it suits them?” -John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion
He goes on to list several occasions where the fathers explicitly disagree with official Catholic Dogma. 
I’ll list some of those quotations from the fathers here and elaborate on how they contradict the Roman Catholic Church.
“Sozomen tells a remarkable story of Spyridion, bishop of Trimythus, in Cyprus, ‘That a stranger once happening to call upon him, in his travels in Lent, he having nothing in his house but a piece of pork, ordered that to be dressed and set before him: but the stranger refusing to eat flesh, saying, ‘He was a Christian,’ Spyridion replied,  ‘For that very reason thou oughtest not to refuse it; for the word of God has pronounced all things clean to them that are clean.’” -Origines Ecclesiasticæ: Or, The Antiquities of the Christian Church
Here Spyridion says that it is unchristian to mandate fasting from meat during Lent as Christ has made all foods clean.
“For our Lord Jesus Christ, dwelling in your inner part, and inspiring into you a solicitude of fatherly and brotherly charity, whether our sons and brothers the monks, who neglect to obey blessed Paul the Apostle, when he says, “If any will not work, neither let him eat,” are to have that license permitted unto them; He, assuming unto His work your will and tongue, has commanded me out of you, that I should hereof write somewhat unto you. May He therefore Himself be present with me also, that I may obey in such sort that from His gift, in the very usefulness of fruitful labor, I may understand that I am indeed obeying Him.” -Augustine, On the Work of Monks
Here Augustine calls into question the entire monastic system and shows that it is contrary to Scripture.
“When I accompanied you to the holy place called Bethel, there to join you in celebrating the Collect, after the use of the Church, I came to a villa called Anablatha and, as I was passing, saw a lamp burning there. Asking what place it was, and learning it to be a church, I went in to pray, and found there a curtain hanging on the doors of the said church, dyed and embroidered. It bore an image either of Christ or of one of the saints; I do not rightly remember whose the image was. Seeing this, and being loth that an image of a man should be hung up in Christ's church contrary to the teaching of the Scriptures, I tore it asunder and advised the custodians of the place to use it as a winding sheet for some poor person.” -Epistle of Epiphanius to John of Jerusalem
Here Epiphanius shows that the use of images in Worship is not to be permitted. This position was reinforced by the 36th canon of the Council of Elvira which said “That there ought not to be images in a church, that what is worshipped and adored should not be depicted on the walls.”
"The sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, which we receive, is a divine thing, because by it we are made partakers of the divine-nature. Yet the substance or nature of the bread and wine does not cease. And assuredly the image and the similitude of the body and blood of Christ are celebrated in the performance of the mysteries.” - Galasius I, On the Dual Natures of Christ.
In this quote Galatius I rejects transubstantiation and points out that the elements represent a similitude of the body and blood. This is not to be confused with Zwinglian memorialism nor Lutheran Consubstantiation. 
“In obscure matters where the Scriptures do not give guidance, rash judgment is to be avoided.” -Augustine, The Guilt and Remission of Sin; and Infant Baptism.
Augustine says that Scripture is to be the norming norm for all knowledge and that anywhere the Scriptures are silent we are to proceed with caution. 
“Zealous of reforming the life of those who were engaged about the churches, the Synod enacted laws which were called canons. While they were deliberating about this, some thought that a law ought to be passed enacting that bishops and presbyters, deacons and subdeacons, should hold no intercourse with the wife they had espoused before they entered the priesthood; but Paphnutius, the confessor, stood up and testified against this proposition; he said that marriage was honorable and chaste, and that cohabitation with their own wives was chastity, and advised the Synod not to frame such a law, for it would be difficult to bear.” -Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History.
Here is a passage which describes Paphnutius arguing against celibacy of the pastorate at the council of Nicea. Paphnutius won and pastoral celibacy was not included in the Canons of the Council of Nicea.
Some of these are a bit dated and obscure, so I’ll include a couple quotes from people that you mentioned...
“And we, too, being called by His will to Christ Jesus, are not justified by ourselves, nor by our own wisdom, or understanding or godliness, or works which we have wrought in holiness of heart; but by that faith through which, from the beginning, Almighty God has justified all men; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” -Clement of Rome, The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
Clement of Rome is affirming the justification by faith in no uncertain terms here.
“The Holy and inspired Scriptures are sufficient of themselves for the preaching of the Truth.” - Athanasius, Contra Gentiles
Athanasius is saying that the Scriptures alone are sufficient, that there is no need to appeal to the Fathers or councils or popes or anything else... just the Word of God. 
Now, you quote Cardinal Newman to say to be deep in Church history is to cease to be protestant... but I’m not even going to get into the history of Roman Catholic Church because this post is already way too long... and that would make it probably 3 times longer. I’ll just bring up this one anecdote from 1378 in which there were 3 popes simultaneously and they had to call a council to resolve the issue, forever dissolving any appeal to papal succession/authority.
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masterbeta29 · 5 years
My review of Pokemon SwSh!!!! (or just Shield, cuz it was the version I play, LOL)
Finally, after finishing the game (including the Post game) and fully exploring the region, I think it’s time for me to say what I think of this 8 gen…
I know it’s obvious, but I mention it just in case: This is MY OPINION!!!, if someone disagrees with me its totally valid, I just ask for respect.
ALSO, English is not my first language so I might have certain lack/erros of spelling out there, or I repeat many words, hehe.
It is important to clarify that this review is based on SwSh base, everything that refers to DLC will NOT be included here, my opinion of the game is already done, the rest is extra content.
I wanted to give this review a more ‘’silly’’ tone, since giving negative opinions on the internet can be quite delicate and I wanted to relax the mood. Do not take this seriously, I still have my CONS with the game, but it is still genuinely enjoyable, which for me is the most important thing in a game.  I will talk about everything in general, so I will try to summarize certain points.
Poke Camp, Curry Dex, Boxes and more
It’s like a dream come true for me, visiting other camps, seeing my whole party next to each other in the screen playing, discussing, running, is something really magical helps, me connect with them and know their personalities better, although I admit that I miss petting them lol and the minigames like in Gen 6. I also really liked the concept of curry as an alternative way to cure your Pokémon maybe I just wish there was a simpler way to know how to create new recipes (ALSO TMs).
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Access to boxes anywhere is wonderful especially when you are breeding, just like, changing the name of trade Pokémon and the move reminder.
It is not used as much as a phone, more than in the post Game (I can be wrong tho) but it serves as Dex and that’s what’s important really, the new feature is that now it includes the bicycle, that can ride both on land and water and in my opinion it is a degradation of what the concept of  “Poke Ride” was, but as I said before, it fulfill the function it should.
Trainer Cards
The concept of being able to share and customize them with other players is super entertaining, although it is a bit annoying that you always have to make a new code for each small modification. As for the cards of the main characters of the game, I will talk with a little more detail later. 
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At the beginning it was fun and exciting, but in the end it just became a gimmick that sometimes I had to use by obligation in raids. It is not as epic as the Megas and does not have the weight of the lore and cultural/regional connection like the Z-moves.
The Giga forms, although some are great, and I am happy that they gave Pokémon like Garbodor love, I also think that there were many missed opportunities, starting with the starters of the region or in giving forms to Pokémon that in previous generations already had like Gengar and Charizard.
They are incredibly fun, it is an activity that you can spend hours and hours enjoying, especially with friends but if we talk about NPCs… OOF, I understand that the purpose of Pokemon is that we all make friends and work as a team, but DAMN, if it is stressful when you lose a raid with 3 friends and an NPC, because the Pokémon only killed the NPC, it is almost impossible to defeat a 5 star raid with only NPCs, and as I said before I understand why they do them weaker, but there are some that are completely useless, I see you Martin Solrock lol.
Poke Jobs and Rotom Rally
I  will be honest, I have not used these features enough to have a solid judgment on these lol.
OK, I need to get this off my chest: I am incredibly disappointed and sad with this character, especially since she is/was our first old female professor, to be simply pulled into forgettable land.
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It started pretty well, but then it just disappeared until almost the end of the game to give the role of professor to Sonia … REALLY ?! I hate to say this, but she felt more like a device to give character development to Sonia, when she could have been used in scenes with Rose or repeatedly going into further detail about Dynamax for the MC (you know because she’s an expert about that topic…), before give the paper to Sonia. At least I am grateful that I had a little more screen time in the post game, although not even as a professor.
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Thank you Sonia, for allowing us to discover and know the story with you, honestly she was the one who saved mostly my interest in the story. 
But speaking of the character, I like her, I like her dedication to get out of the shadow of Leon’s achievement and to show her grandmother that she is capable, which she finally manages to fulfill, she still has certain insecurities, but that makes her more human, she’s the real professor (I’m still salty for Magnolia tho)
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Everyone knows from the posts on my PT on Twitter that I constantly bullying the character, but I really like him a lot, he is an excellent guide/brother through the game, charismatic, EXTRA, but very involved in his role as champion, in the sense that he is always aware of what is going on and helping in the process, in addition to being strong (one of the most difficult battles in the game). Definitely among my fav champions with Cynthia, Steven and Kukui (I count him as champion, SU!)
Gym Leaders
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I love them, their designs, personalities, the animations, they are all incredibly memorable, my favorites are Opal, Kabu and Piers. 
But even so, I wish I had more to go on besides the lore on the back of their cards and their battle animations, I would have liked to see them more integrated in the story, and I feel that it lack a little more interaction with some of them, especially Allister and Melony in my case, but at least the trainer cards were a good addition to know them a little more, outside of being a Gym Leader.
OK, I’m prepared for everyone to hate me, *sigh*:
I… I DONT LIKE BEDE AND MARNIE THAT MUCH?… I mean, I don’t hate them, and they are both far from being the worst rivals, but I did expect a little more from both…
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I am one of the few of the fandom that does not like rivals flat jerks, because for me, that is not a character but rather  a trait.
But I wanted to give it a try, and when I was just beginning to gain interest in him, they force his backstory in my face… And as I said, I like trainer cards…but more in characters, like G.leaders because these are characters that we don’t see much around the trip, but in the case of rivals, that appear several times and develop in the story, I personally like to get to know them little by little, discover their story and understand them in the course, here I felt it more as an excuse for me, to feel bad for him, especially at the moment he gives you his card.
His relationship with Rose is not explored enough imo. 
And a complete turn-around that happens offscreen, like no joke, the MC literally didn’t see any of it, he just disappears after the Opal scene (but to give him credit, that scene is one of my favorites in the game).
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But you know, I understood that he was just a lost boy, and I’m happy that he found a better place, and I admire his effort to want to change, so in the end I ended up liking him a little more.
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Marnie is interesting, because although I agree with many people that she would have benefited from having more screen time, I consider that a good character does not need all the screen time in the world, is about what but what they do with it, and the problem I have with her is that her time was not well spent.
I like her dream and I really like her relationship with her brother, however there was no moment when I really connected with her. I feel partly, that I don’t know her character, like her various personality facets. 
Untapped opportunities: fight with her more times or with her…would have helped the character a lot imo.
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Hop is the best rival of the three hands down, his trainer card contains the right and necessary information to make us have an interest in the character, but also the story lets us know him more: a competitive boy, but who has insecurities, fears of failure, that is reflected not only by the dialogue but also in his Pokemon team (no really, it broke my heart when I realized that he didn’t have his Wooloo in his team), that he is frustrated and suffers, but he gets up, discovers other tastes and with these finds a new path, ugh perfect, I adore him.
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Forcing the player to defeat him is torture, it is like defeating Hau in USUM and Wally in ORAS breaks my heart.
In short: ok character, decent /meh antagonist, and a horrible villain. 
Like the climax of the story, Rose is forced in the end to be the villain, when he worked best as an antagonist, his plan makes no sense, his battle is disappointing, although his battle theme is awesome, but it just does not fit the character, the plan, nor the situation at all.
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But the character has a certain charisma, especially in his ‘’suit especially in his incognito suit.”
Interesting character, with a potential backstory, with motives and characterization, who is underused in the story * sigh *… I LIKE HER THO
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Overall, I would have liked to see much more of the relationship between Rose, Oleana and Bede, I think it would have benefited the 3 characters…
Team Yell
They are … ok, it is cool to have a team that is not villain, that bother the player from time to time even for good reasons, I admire his dedication and loyalty.
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The region is aesthetically beautiful, the details, the structure, the contrast for example between Hammerlocke and Ballonlea, and despite not living in the UK or having had the opportunity to travel to the destination, according to my friends the region in which the games are based is very well related, which I think is excellent. However, despite the visual beauty, when it comes to routes and exploration it feels a bit limited, there are really some towns, where the most interesting thing to do is complete the Gym, there are almost no reasons to return to the previous town after having passed them…
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But, what I missed the most was the lack of exploration, discovery, the charm of the NPCs…
Many have told me: what about the Wild Area? Because of the ability to explore in an open area, it is probably the best in the franchise! and yes, the Wild Area is a very attractive part of these games (I will talk a little bit about this, later), but as I said, everything that is considered part of the capacity of the new console, I will not take it into account, it is unfair, because a portable console can NOT stand a concept such as the Wild Area although the developers had the idea before, not at least at SwSh scale.
And as I said before and again, the T.Cards are an incredible idea, but for me NOTHING compares to getting to know the characters through the world, dialogue, interaction… I’m going to use pokemon Moon as an example to make me understand better: (because it was the last main pokemon game I played before SwSh and that’s why I have it more fresh lol) Where you can enter Olivia’s shop, buy jewelry and visit her room and discover that she is a desperate single woman, or enter Gladion’s room and talk to the receptionist and that she tells you part of his story, that kind of things…
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Let’s see for example Melony, we know she has more children besides Gordie, but only for concept art, and yes, probably do unique models would take a while, but I honestly wouldn’t have be bothered  if they use generic NPCS, they did it with Lana’s sisters, then the anime can dedicated to giving them unique designs.
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Speaking of NPCs (mainly of those inside the houses), many lost the charm and authenticity they had… I mean, where is the lady who told us the story of her husband’s accident or the men of the coffee shop, who every time he prepares us a drink told us the story of where such a drink came from, ect… the NPCS on that side are boring…
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EXCEPT BALL GUY, he / she is awesome!
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I know this look like extra or unimportant things, but these little details really give life to the region, personality to characters that are secondary, it makes everything feel more united and also makes the main characters feel more inside the world, and honestly that is why on this hand, some cities felt empty for me…
But the other hand, I really liked what they did with the NPCs fans, see how the number increasing every time the MC wins a gym battle, makes the trip to become a champion feel more rewarding, It really helps you feel like a true champion when you got it. 
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Other examples like the girl NPC who is going to support  you in the Gyms while their pokemon is evolving, or how the NPCS react and change their dialogue corresponding to what is happening… beautiful, for this part the worldbulding is 10/10.
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The wild Area
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Probably the closest we have for now of an open space area in a Pokemon game, I have to admit that I get lost at least 1 half an hour trying to find the next destination (I understand you Leon), it was hilarious lol, at the beginning of the game it turns out to be a fairly limited area, and you really can enjoy it in its entirety when you finish the main story, but I don’t see so much trouble with that, since it’s partly the point, for balance. In general, it is a fantastic idea although I feel that it is necessary to polish it in certain parts, and NO, I don’t mean THE TREE, but I don’t want to be so hard on GF at this moment, because is the first time they experiment with such concept…
Pokemon and Music
I put these two together because they both share a very curious characteristic: EXPERIMENTAL. 
The pokedex is super solid, I love how these last generations, GF is doing its homework and is striving to make the pokemon belong to the region, as for animals, myths, culture…muah I LOVE IT, BRAVO.
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For me a good OST movie or video game not only has to be for the piece n yes, but how it is composed to accompany the events that occur on the screen, how it adapts and fits a certain scene of the story or character, and although I admit that in general it is not my favorite compared to other gens, there are tracks that have become part of my favorites:
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The crowd, the screams, the build up as you gradually approach the last pokemon, ugh. Dynamax is cool and everything, but THIS is the basis for me, of why these battles feel so energetic and exciting.
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That mystical atmosphere that catches you, is beautiful but at the same time mysterious, and perhaps many disagree with me, but the addition of the howls of the legendaries… I love it.
I think the game started extremely well, the introduction to the characters, the exploration, the introduction to the starters, the mystery of the legendary, everything is on track to me to enjoy this adventure to the fullest, but later I felt like it began to fall.
I understand that this is Pokémon and sometimes Pokémon does not need a complex story to make it enjoyable, as long as it makes sense and is entertaining, the problem I have mainly with the story is how they constantly get you out of it. I understand the concept they wanted to do: to take a more realistic point of view, in which adults take responsibility or in this case the champion and that later when you become champion you now can do what the champion did, and I like this concept, but the phrase of “you focus on the gym, we take care of the problems ” they say and they repeat it several times in the game like, I understood the first time!!! 
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Indirectly I felt like they were trying to took me out, and in consequence I lost interest in the story of the game, if it hadn’t been because Sonia bothered to explain to me the lore and a little of what was happening. 
It’s more like “tell us” and not “show us”
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and that’s the risk of this concept: you play as a main character, because you want to be a main character or share the role.
The climax feels incredibly forced and confusing, I felt that there was no build out, almost no foreshadowing for what was happening at the moment, everything comes out of nowhere, and thats why, I started making Okami jokes with Eternatus, because I don’t felt that emotion of the ‘’Climax’’.
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Definitely in the part where the game shine was in the gym Challenge, as I said before, the gyms, the leaders, the atmosphere within them, the scale, the music that changing every time, until reaching the final pokémon, the challenges that we have to do before, the fans, becoming the champion, all this really is the identity of the game. 
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Pokémon returned to its roots, where this story is the story of us again, and becoming the champion here is everything, it is one of the most exciting and most satisfying Gym challenge in all generations with gyms.
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Here I want to give opinions according to the experiences I had with certain things within the game, which I think are quite PERSONAL, because each person plays different Pokémon, by the team of Pokémon, because he decided to level up more or stay at a lower level or how you decided to follow the story of the game.
Decent, by the standards of Pokemon of course, I try not to leveling to much, and if I do, there are maximum 3 levels and only one pokemon… So, gyms were easy in general, perhaps a pair that were difficult (Allister and Melony), but I never did black screen as in other games, but definitely the most difficult battle in the game is Leon, which I think is appropriate.
Its horrible lol, There were not only once but several times in which I lasted like 1 hour trying to connect with a person, it is ridiculous.The signal falling every so often. But in general the biggest problem I have is connecting with very specific people, not even with the infamous Festival Plaza had so many problems.
Gameplay / Pacing
It is normal the same as always which is fine, some drop of frames out there in certain scenes but nothing serious, some cuts and lack of scenarios / designs that if you should in when they took me a little at the time, but absolutely nothing compared as the haters make it look, the game is still incredibly enjoyable, and it can be played perfectly.
The pacing started pretty well/decently, but from the fourth gym onwards, everything became very very fast, and not to mention the climax and the Pokemon League, honestly all this last arc felt super stuck….
So my opinion in general is: I enjoy the game like any other Pokémon game, it has its entity, it has new and interesting things that I would like it to expand more in future generations and it has personality. Is it my favorite game or my favorite generation? No, I definitely enjoyed other generations more, there were many missed opportunities that they could take more advantage, and I feel bad for GF for making them release this game for this year and these dates, because unfortunately some cuts are very noticeable. But the generation just starting ,so we will have to wait and see what we have for the future. For now, Thanks Pokémon SwSh, for another adventure…
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