#and also somehow becomes percy weasley's mentor
impishtubist · 5 months
saturday snippet
Ty for the tag, @soloorganaas 😘
The doorbell rang. Sirius’s hand twitched towards his wand holster, a habit he likely never would be able to break himself of--and frankly, didn’t want to.  He cast a charm as he approached the door to show him the identity of his visitor, and his eyes widened in surprise.  “Percy,” he said as he pulled open the door. He then caught sight of the man over Percy’s shoulder. “And--Mr. Wood, is it?” “Just Oliver, please.” Oliver Wood inclined his head. “A pleasure to meet you, Lord Black.” “Sirius,” Sirius said, stepping aside to let them in. “I apologize for the state of the house, I wasn’t expecting visitors…and, well, I’ve got a six-year-old.”
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shitakimooshrooms · 8 months
since I’m feeling like talking about Percy Weasley, here are some of my headcanons about his year/friends.
- There had originally been more kids in the year but most of them were muggle born or half bloods who grew up in the muggle world
- all the half blood and muggle born kids left part way through the first year aside from Oliver Wood and Penelope Clearwater, as well as the muggle born Audrey Westwind
- some more on Audrey; yes she is supposed to be the same Audrey that Percy canonically marries. Since we don’t know her maiden name I decided on Westwind to keep with the ‘w’ name. I made her a muggle born because the fandom wiki puts her as a muggle so she’s a muggle born witch.
- Percy befriend Audrey, Oliver, Penelope, and Marcus on the train to hogwarts as they all shared a compartment on the train.
- I am deciding that Marcus is indeed a pure blood for this though I don’t know if the Flints are part of the pristine 28. If not then we will say that a few generations ago his (however many) great grandparents who were both from pure blood families realized they wouldn’t be getting inheritance so created a new family and have still been intermarrying but now is a new one. Idk though.
- When they get to hogwarts they all get sorted into different houses(Marcus in slytherin, Penelope in ravenclaw, Audrey in hufflepuff, and Percy and Oliver in gryffindor)
- after all the muggle borns and half bloods drop out Dumbledore decided that the five of them can go to any of the common rooms to hang out so that they have friends their age
- in their second year Oliver, Marcus, and Audrey join their respective quidditch teams
- Audrey made the hufflepuff team as a beater and during her first game which was against gryffindor which was also Oliver’s first game, she somehow managed to hit him with the bludger within the first 2 minutes.(this is a canon thing to happen to Oliver)
- Oliver is out for a full week and the whole group spends all their free time in the hospital wing with him
- during this time is also when the rests of the group meets Percy’s older brothers Bill and Charlie who come to check on Oliver and also make sure Percy is ok
- Bill then graduated
- charlie still sorta floats with the group and sometimes tags along to make sure Percy is ok
- Audrey befriends a first year hufflepuff by the name of Cedric and he starts tagging along with the group
- In their third year Penelope befriends a first year ravenclaw named Cho
- During this time they also have a camaraderie with two gryffindor first years who just so happen to be Percy’s younger brothers Fred and George Weasley
- in their fourth year any camaraderie that Marcus and Audrey had with the twins was gone due to immense rivalry on the quidditch pitch. While the twins now have an immense hatred for those two, they are have a more friendly rivalry with Cho and Cedric
- the twins pranked the whole group quite a lot
- charlie then graduated
- in their fifth year they meet Ron, Percy’s youngest brother, as well as Harry Potter.
- they each (minus Oliver) become prefects of their respective houses as they are the only options (yes I have decided Marcus is also a prefect for plot reasons)
- Percy has the same kind of light camaraderie with Harry as his friends had with the twins.
- Oliver becomes a mentor to Harry, while Audrey, Cedric and Marcus become rivals. Harry doesn’t meet Penelope that year. Though he does meet Cho and starts to have a very obvious crush on her
now at this point the story can split in one of three ways, so I’m taking the polyamorous route right now but under maybe eventually there will be the more canon route as well as the route where Percy and Oliver get together
- Percy and Penelope start flirting with each other, which kinda throws off the group
- After a slight confrontation between Oliver and Percy the two realize that they like each other, which gets more complicated when Marcus reveals to Oliver that he likes him
- Audrey also makes a love confession to Penelope and after the five of them have a sit down and talk about their feelings they all realize that they like the idea of being in a romantic relationship with everyone in the group, so they secretly become polyamorous
- in public Percy and Penelope are dating as they really are the most showy and romantic out of the group and also are the ones who can truly be seen as a romantic couple through those affections.
- obviously the whole philosophers stone thing happens but that doesn’t really affect any of them. Did I put Percy and Audrey getting together a little early? Maybe. But they aren’t really fully public yet and just seen as most definitely flirting.
- In their sixth year they meet Percy’s little sister Ginny. Part way through the year she starts acting weird and everyone in their group is worried for her.
- Cedric becomes a prefect for hufflepuff
- almost immediately after Penelope and Percy become a public couple, Cho and Cedric corner the group and basically tell them they know they are polyamorous and they want in.
- its a little awkward with Cho Chang being 2 years younger, but they don’t want her to be left out and she and Cedric are publicly dating by that point so they let her in.
- She and Cedric aren’t really the most involved with the rest of them but they enjoy the group and didn’t want to be left out.
- when the chamber of secrets is open they walk in pairs (minus Marcus who walks with the his fellow prefect the year below him)(Oliver gets away with walking with Percy due to him being Percy’s roommate. Somehow that’s allowed.) (if it wasn’t obvious I made them all prefects so Audrey and Cedric could ‘patrol’ together) (also same thing with Cho as with Oliver, so she and Penelope ‘patrol’ together)
- Marcus, Audrey, Cho, Cedric, and Oliver all get really upset when quidditch gets canceled that year.
- in their seventh year shit gets Sirius. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and the whole school is on edge.
- Cho becomes a prefect for Ravenclaw
- Cho, Marcus, Cedric, Audrey, and Oliver are all way too happy when quidditch isn’t cancelled that year.
- The only real change was that Percy became Head Boy, while Penelope and Audrey became Head Girls
- oh and also they each have to go to therapy after Ron reveals that Scabbers was actually an illegal animagus. So much therapy.
- after they graduate, Percy works for the ministry, Penelope works at St. Mungo’s, Oliver plays for Puddlemere United, Marcus plays for the Kenmare Kestrels, and Audrey plays for the Montrose Magpies
- the whole group ended up going to the Quidditch World Cup (qwc) in 1994
- At the qwc, they met Bulgarian quidditch star Viktor Krum. They immediately befriend him and after the dark mark was released, he spent time with the group and ended up joining the polycule.
- Cedric and Viktor both become triwizard champions and Percy someone convinces the ministry to allow him to be part of the committee or whatever ran the tri wizard tournament.
- Percy befriends all the champions and helps Fleur get in contact with Bill
- at the Yule ball Cedric takes Cho, Viktor takes Fleur because they actually have a good healthy friendship in this and we don't need to involve weird age gaps, the golden trio go together as friends(and since Harry needs to dance with someone he dances with Ron), and then Penny goes with Percy.
- Cedric DOESN’T die because he actually knows how to apparate because look at this group, you think they don’t all know how to apparate? Anyways Voldy does still come back because Harry got nicked before getting ahold of the cup.
- Cho, Cedric, and Viktor all also become pro quidditch players. Cho joins the Chudley Cannons, Cedric joins the Kenmare Kestrels, and Viktor continues playing for whatever the Bulgaria team is called.
- After that I honestly have no clue as I never actually read the books after that. Maybe post war Percy and Audrey have Molly II and Lucy, but Audrey, Oliver, Cho, Viktor, Cedric, and Marcus continue their careers. Cho and Cedric also have a boy named something like Reggy(short for Reginald). Idk everyone lives/nobody dies and we have the daughters and son being raised by their 5 dads and 3 moms. I honestly don’t know how to end this.
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disorganizedkitten · 2 years
An Incomplete Active Fics List
People in the Magpie discord started doing this and then I was like 'I wanna too!' so I did. But I have... probably touching a hundred fanfic wips now. So! An incomplete list of my current wips feat. the ones I care the most about or are on ao3. Assume all MLB fics are included but they're not here.
Hyacinth/The Road To Ruin “WBWL” twin au where the butterfly effect leads to Harry mistakenly being labeled Voldemort’s child, instead of the Potters’, and somehow has a better relationship with his brother for it.
THHMR That one miraculous AU that I have an visceral, physical reaction to but goshdangit it’s been five years I will finish it
Not (Our Parents’) Children The really big WBWL Necromancer Harry fic that spans over three generations, has *so many ghosts*, Fay’s an inferius, and Harry publicly ‘kills’ his brother when being the BWL is too much, then spirits him away to iceland with Juliette Black to live in peace while Harry finishes with Voldemort. There is so much going on at any given moment. Regulus Black is the sanest adult. Voldemort’s kids cause problems. They also solve them. One is dead and thus the ghostly narrator.
 Seven Months Away Barty and Regulus get to interpret the prophecy in ‘91. Barty also gets to stop Regulus from committing treason - only against the Dark Lord. Treason against the ministry is fine.
Hold Your Bloody Head Up High MHA blood quirk Izuku feat. Izuku pretending to be the 9th holder of OFA
Consequences of War Crimes May Include: No one in the first war was Innocent or Right and somehow this becomes Neville and Delphi Lestrange’s problem.
Dark Magic For Dummies Fay Dunbar may or may not be a Malfoy by birth, but honestly she can figure that out after she’s become the first person to gain a mastery in soul magic, flanked by Harry ‘please let me not be the main character’ Potter and Neville ‘the only person smart Gryffindors respect’ Longbottom/Lestrange.
Conspiracy of Errors The Potters look at the BWL insanity and choose instead to fake James and Harry’s deaths. Lily then remarries; James’ new identity, naturally. The lies end up convalescing until the twins think Lily’s a death eater.
A week in a day Theo and Harry get stuck in a time loop, with no explanation as to why they are the ones included.
Keep Me In Balance Chaos Avatar Zuko feat. Azula being obsessed with her big brother
Ghost King, Demon Prince/Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead DPDC au where Damian helps Danny fake his death
Not Every Open Wound Is Simply Healed By Time / The Hands Of Fate/Slipped to Place Me Wrong Obscurial wbwl au. Will is having a bad time. Harry is having a worse time. Leo is doing his best. Florine is just bloodthirsty.
Garden snakes BWL Neville, feat. Harry and Nev bonding over both herbology and parseltongue
Win Come Late The last Gryffindor Triwizard Champion returns as a ghost to help guide Harry through it. Myrtle joins in because *how dare you* have a ghost friend without her.
The Myrtle Tree Moaning Myrtle from the point of her death to when she makes peace with it, 50-70 years later.
The Tomyrtle fic Tom Riddle doesn’t kill Myrtle Warren - he tries to recruit her, to show off the basilisk, only to be met with a near-obscurial, suicidal third year. He decides to personally ensure she lives long enough to be happy again.
Charlie’s Demons Parselmouth Charlie au feat. Percy taking over the ministry, Voldemort being a creep, Harry having a parselmouth mentor, and the Weasley kids all pretending they’re Not Dark while mistakenly believing they are The Only One
There is Magic In every Living Thing Slytherin Harry shenanigans
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