#and also the landlord let us submit rent late on multiple occasions
mashkaroom · 2 years
okiee, thinking abt this bc of this tweet: i and my family have been on the whole very lucky with our housing situations BUT discrimination against single mothers, despite being illegal, is SO prevalent even in progressive areas with comparatively progressive tenant protections (Boston area in my case). When my parents divorced, my mother could not move out of the house despite desperately wanting to because literally no one would show her places. She claimed this was due to a law that didn’t allow landlords to evict single mothers. I have literally not been able to find a single trace of such a policy, so whoever she got this from I assume must have either being lying, or else this is a widespread misconception that people use as justification for discrimination despite no such actual protections being in place. But also literally this past year when we were moving, with my brother and i both legal adults, people LITERALLY just stopped responding when she said the lease would be “3, me and my two children”. Should be noted that my father had no such issues. And this was before even asking for income, so this isn’t even a question of income difference. I was talking about how the search for a new house was a dialect tour of russian boston, but this was literally because like 70% of the people willing to show us their houses were either russian landlords or russian real estate agents, bc they saw a fellow russian instead of a single mother. All this to say, community support is so important, but it should NOT be necessary for basic fucking necessities!
#i think that's what this tweet is about? not 100% sure#don't rb probably just want to kind of get this out there! how fucking bizarre is that!#i really can't understate how lucky we've been with our landlords and housing#the previous house we lived in#though very poorly maintained#had the benefit of being unheard-of cheap for the area#rent was raised pretty much with inflation and not at all during covid#and also the landlord let us submit rent late on multiple occasions#and when they asked us to move out they gave us at-will tenancy for an additional severl months past the expiration of the lease#moreover we had at least one at times multiple people not on the lease living there for most of the time#and landlords did not say anything#they were chinese immigrants and i think this had everything to do with it#the house we lived in before that was also extremely cheap and this was because the landlord was russian and rented it to us at#(or even below??) mortgage rate as an act of solidarity#so the fact that moving would have been tremendously difficult ended up being fine. but we are by far by far the exception#also worth noting that we were on a waiting list for affordable housing pretty much since my parents' divorce#so like 2010-ish?#and the one list we got off of (over a period of 10 years!!!) ended up being i think like $50 less than what we were paying for that house#but for like 2/3 of the space#all this to say 'just move' 'just apply for affordable housing' is frequently neither an option nor a solution!#this is also why i don't like the 'kill all landlords' thing#i know it's not serious and everything but nevertheless#also there's obviously a huge difference between 2nd-home owner and 'owns 1000s of units' landlord#BUT that kind of thinking really shifts the blame away from the systemic and onto the individual#is frank the landlord who made it possible for us to live as we did my enemy? no!#but the fact that your quality of life depends entirely on one guy whose only thing is he owns property not being an asshole#shouldn't even be a possibility!#i just think in general how much we've been insulated from systemically-induced disaster by individual generosity#like once our car broke down and my mother's rich friend just gave her her old one#but i remember my mother had a full breakdown about it and i didn't really get it at the time
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