#and also watching live on my laptop when he won us open at 3am in the morning
mauraeyk · 5 months
domi retiring...
i saw it coming yet i'm sobbing right now, this man truly deserved better. i'm going to the generali open in july but only from wednesday on. i hope he's still in the tournament then, i really wanna see him play one last time.
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xxx-cat-xxx · 5 years
Peter Parker and Bruce Banner’s Guide on How To Make Iron Man Sleep
For @sallyidss. Happy Birthday, Sally! This is about 1% hurt and 99% comfort, or in other words, pure fluff and chicken soup. I hope you enjoy it and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Thanks to @whumphoarder for beta reading and to @maikkuax for the video game reference.
Peter wakes up to a dazzling amount of texts on Saturday morning. 
One is from Tony, sent at 3am, telling him that Bruce is sick and might not be able to help Peter with his biology project today as they had planned, but he is still welcome to drop by the tower.
Then there’s another one from Tony three hours later asking him whether he could pick up some soup while on the way; one from Bruce at 8am, telling him that Tony is sick too, but ‘he won’t admit it so just try to somehow get him to rest once you come over’; and then one more from Tony telling him to ignore whatever Bruce just told him.
Peter grins to himself while reading the texts - he can almost hear his favourite superhero couple bantering and fussing over each other. Then he gets up for breakfast with May and a shower before heading down to the corner grocery store. He gets soup (chicken for Tony and vegetable for Bruce), as well as some of the Fairtrade chocolate bars that Bruce buys for ideological reasons and Tony eats en masse because he’s got a secret sweet tooth. Peter stuffs the groceries into his school bag along with his laptop and makes his way to the tower. 
Tony definitely looks under the weather when he opens the door; pale and with a very clown-like red nose that is dripping constantly. 
“Hey kid, thanks for the delivery,” he jokes with a raspy voice. He takes the bag and mimics shutting the door in Peter’s face before smirking and opening it fully to let his unamused mentee in. 
“Very funny, Mr. Stark.” Peter removes his shoes and jacket and then stops, frowning. Through the hallway, he can see that the bed in the master bedroom has been demolished into what looks like a heap of firewood. “Uhm, what happened to your bed?”
“Well…” Tony interrupts himself to cough harshly into his elbow. “So, uh, we had a bit of an exciting night. Not in the fun way, unfortunately…” he trails off. “Anyway, Bruce went back to sleep after breakfast, but I thought we could head to the lab and start working on the chameleon fabric you suggested for your suit.” 
Peter is sure that working in the lab is the opposite of what Tony should be doing just now - his mentor looks even more tired than usual and the slightly glassy quality to his eyes suggests that he is running a fever - but Peter also knows that saying this out loud will only be counterproductive. 
“What if we watch a movie instead?” he suggests.
“I’m not watching a movie at eleven in the morning,” Tony protests. “We have the whole day in front of us - time to build, invent, change the world..." He flaps his hand. "All that jazz."
“Okay, okay…” Peter thinks for a second before an idea hits him. “But before we start with the suit, I do need your help with something else.”
“Now what?”
“So, Ned and I have this gaming commentary channel on YouTube where we livestream playing “The Witcher 3”? And it’s going pretty well, but Ned says he needs help developing his stage persona, you know, talking in a way that is interesting and keeps your audience engaged? So, he thought that you might give us some advice because you’ve got a ton of experience with speaking in public and all that?”
(It’s not entirely a lie - Ned and Peter have joked about getting Tony involved in order to increase their viewership, but he is pretty sure that Ned would be mortified upon hearing that Peter actually suggested it to the billionaire.)
“Wait, you and Ned are making videos of you killing virtual trolls while talking about it? And people actually watch that?”
“That’s...another way of putting it.”
“Sounds like a gigantic waste of time.” Tony scrunches up his nose. “Either I play the game myself, or I spend my downtime watching something interesting.” 
“Hey! Our last one has more than 3000 hits!” Peter defends.
“People have too much free time. Including you.” Tony points his finger at Peter before quickly covering his mouth to contain a sneeze. “But I suppose I can take a look if you really want me to…”
Peter grins. Stage one: complete.
They settle on the couch in the living room. Tony can’t suppress a small sigh when he leans against the cushions. He massages the bridge of his nose in a way that makes it clear to Peter he must be nursing a headache. 
“Hit me, kid,” he orders.
“Okay, but before we start, you need to know a few things...” Peter launches into a long-winded explanation of the game’s storyline with more than a few unnecessary details of the characters’ backgrounds. He pretends to concentrate on the screen where he walks Tony through different tutorials, but out of the corner of his eye he sees his mentor slowly sinking deeper and deeper into couch.
“...and then they bring Uma to the witcher school of Kaer Morhen,” Peter goes on as Tony tiredly attempts to follow along, his blinks growing longer and longer each time, “where Yennefer removes his curse and transforms him into Avallac'h...” 
When Peter can’t think of anything else to babble about, he starts playing their most recent video. Tony sits up a little straighter and rubs a hand over his face to concentrate. But at about the two minute mark, he stops the screen with a wave of his hand.
“So, not to be rude, but that was kind of painful, Tony declares. “You guys literally started with a 45 second explanation of why you prefer the old controller design to the new one. No wonder you’re putting people to sleep.”
Peter frowns a bit. “I mean, we weren’t that bad…” he defends. “And the new ones do kind of suck.”
“Sure, kid,” Tony huffs. He shifts position on the sofa with a sigh. “Alright, listen. It’s obvious that you two are knowledgeable about this game, but if you want to engage your audience, you’ve gotta try to establish your credentials in a way that’s still interesting and relatable. For instance, I once started a TED Talk by describing how I hacked NASA during an MIT frat party so that I could send a rocket to draw a dick over San Francisco. ”
Peter snorts at that admission. 
“See? Exactly,” Tony points out. “That’s the kind of reaction you want your audience to have - that’s called a hook, kid.” 
The longer they watch, the more Tony seems to be melting into the couch. His comments become less and less frequent, and at some point he leans his head back against the pillow, barely looking at the screen anymore. By the third video, Peter can see his mentor’s eyelids fluttering shut. 
He waits for a few minutes and then pauses the screen, just to see Tony’s eyes fly open again. “I’m listening!” he assures. 
“Yeah, I know.” Peter hides a smirk. “Just, uhm, relax a bit.”
“I see what you’re trying to do here, kid. I’m not stupid,” Tony protests nasally, stifling another sneeze, but he doesn’t make any move to get up from the couch. 
Peter starts the video again, knowing that the battle has been won. Five minutes later, Tony is asleep. 
Peter watches a few more videos on his own (now that he pays attention, he realises that most of Tony’s suggestions, despite being sarcastic, are actually in line with what the popular streamers do) before FRIDAY informs him that Bruce has woken up. 
He finds the scientist in the kitchen, making tea. 
“Hey Dr. Banner,” Peter greets. “How are you?”
“Hey Peter.” Bruce gives him a warm and slightly sleepy smile. His voice is a bit hoarse. “I’m fine. Is Tony asleep?”
“Yep,” Peter declares proudly. “Used my hypnotically soothing voice. And obscure video game lore."
Bruce heaves out a sigh. “Finally, thank god. I had, uhm… kind of an incident last night and I don’t think he slept at all after that.” 
Peter thinks back to the broken bed frame and chooses not to comment.
“Do you want some tea?” Bruce asks.
“No, thanks. I’m okay.”
Bruce takes out a box of cookies instead and hands a few to Peter. “So, what was this thing you wanted me to look at with you?”
“Oh, it’s just a bio project,” Peter says with a shrug. “But we can do it some other time, when you’re feeling better.”
“I’m okay...” Peter gives him a suspicious look and Bruce’s smile deepens. “No need for that - I’m not Tony, I would tell you if I wasn’t up for it. But I am actually feeling much better after sleeping and I wouldn’t mind some distraction.”
“Okay, well then...”
Peter likes Bruce a lot. It took him a while to get close to him because Bruce is not a person who easily lets people in, but now whenever Peter visits the tower, he looks forward to seeing the scientist almost as much as he does to seeing Tony. 
Tony is brilliant, energetic, and funny, and he constantly encourages Peter to think deeper, work harder, do better - to improve himself. Which is a fun challenge, but it can also be quite exhausting at times. Working with Bruce is the exact opposite. He makes Peter feel calm, slows him down when he overthinks, and makes it clear that mistakes are something that happen to everyone and nothing Peter should be too concerned about. While spending time with Tony is the equivalent of a rollercoaster ride, being with Bruce feels more like a calm day at the beach, and Peter has realised that he needs both from time to time. 
They move to Bruce’s study (since Bruce doesn’t allow food in his lab and they don’t actually need to do any experiments for Peter’s project) with Peter’s laptop, biscuits, and several bars of Fairtrade chocolate. 
Tony wakes up with the blurry images of a nightmare still on the rims of his consciousness. He feels cold, achy, and slightly out of breath. It takes him a few disoriented moments to realise that his face is mostly buried into a couch pillow, blocking his mouth and nose. He frees himself and sits up stiffly, wiping at his slightly damp cheeks. His nose is dripping annoyingly and he isn’t sure whether that’s only because of the cold. 
“FRIDAY?” he prompts nasally. 
“It is 1:17pm on Saturday afternoon. Dr. Banner and Mr. Parker are working in the study room. Everyone is safe and well, boss.” 
“Okay. Thanks, FRI.” Tony takes another few moments to ground himself before getting up from the sofa, rather unsteadily. His body seems to have tripled in weight and his head feels like an overfilled balloon that’s ready to burst. He kind of wants to fall back onto the couch and go to sleep again, but at the same time he definitely doesn’t want to revisit the dreams he just had. 
Instead, he ventures into the study where he finds his partner, who is sporting an adorable bedhead, together with his mentee enthusiastically modelling a DNA strand on a laptop screen.
“Coffee?” Tony asks hoarsely.
“Good afternoon to you too, Tony,” Bruce smirks and nods towards a pot sitting on the table. Tony pours himself a mug and downs it in one go, marvelling at how much better it makes his throat feel immediately. 
Feeling slightly more human and ready to deal with the actual world, he leans over Bruce’s shoulder and nuzzles his head against his partner’s ear. “How you feeling, green bean?”
“I’m much better. Sleeping helped a lot, actually.” Tony gives him a critical once-over and seems to accept that. “Peter is doing an impressive job with his project, by the way,” Bruce adds.
Peter blushes at the compliment. “It’s not me - Dr. Banner is helping me a lot!” 
“I’m really just sitting here and watching you work,” Bruce dismisses before addressing Tony again. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m”—Tony’s voice breaks in the middle of the sentence and he has to clear his throat before continuing—“I’m good.”
“Mm-hmm.” Bruce raises an eyebrow. “FRIDAY, what’s his temperature at?”
“100.2 degrees, Dr. Banner.”
“Thanks.” He turns to Tony, who is coughing again. There seems to be a brick stuck inside his chest and it feels like he can’t take a full breath at all. Bruce gives him a concerned look. “This sounds painful.”
“‘S okay,” Tony dismisses.
“Maybe you should try using the inhaler -”
“Stop mother-henning, Bruce,” he grumbles with a glance at Peter, who is very clearly trying to act as if he isn’t listening to every word, but the pain in Tony’s chest is suddenly replaced by a surge of warmth upon realising Bruce’s worry about him. The scientist seems to understand and just squeezes Tony’s hand before turning back to the screen.
Tony pours himself another cup of coffee and grabs a slice of toast as well as two of the chocolate bars before settling into the chair across from the two of them, munching away and watching them work. Seeing them together leaves him with an annoyingly sappy feeling. Bruce, usually rather shy, is much more self-confident around the kid and visibly happy about Peter’s genuine interest in everything scientific. He is also a much more patient teacher than Tony ever manages to be, which seems to be putting Peter at ease. 
After finishing his food, Tony debates moving to his own lab to get some actual work done, but he is so, so tired, and everything kind of hurts. Standing up seems like a lot of effort. So instead, he crosses his arms on the table and rests his head on top of them, closing his eyes for just a moment.
He listens to Peter and Bruce when their conversation shifts from Peter’s project, to May’s new vegan disaster recipe, to the idea of using Peter’s webs in order to create a hammock that can hold the Hulk. Tony smiles into his sleeves, imagining Hulk chilling at the beach between two palm trees, swinging to and fro, to and fro, to and...
“Hey.” Bruce rests his palms lightly on Tony’s shoulder.
He jerks upright. “Wasn’t asleep.”
“What, I would never think that,” Bruce says with a smirk. 
Tony rubs his tired eyes and then his aching forehead. “Where’s Peter?”
“He went to heat up the soup for all of us.”
“Hmm.” Tony grabs Bruce’s hands and presses them against his overly warm cheeks, enjoying the cooling feeling they provide.
“Did you have a nightmare earlier?” Bruce asks, his hand now moving up to cup Tony’s forehead. “You seemed kind of out of it.”
“Yeah,” Tony admits, leaning into the touch. “I don’t remember what it was about, though.”
Bruce hums and presses a light kiss to the top of Tony’s head. “Fever dreams are awful. But at least you didn’t break any furniture upon waking up.”
Tony, sensing the guilt below the light tone, only huffs. “I’d been wanting to get a new bed anyway for a while now. Did you know there are self-making ones now? And levitating mattresses? Or we could go for one of those free-swinging beds, to match Hulk’s upcoming hammock.” 
Bruce smiles and shakes his head. “A normal one would do, Tony. Or we could try something different. Did you know that sleeping on the ground is actually quite good for your back?”
Tony snorts. “Yeah, no. I’m a billionaire, Brucie, we’re not sleeping on the ground because our bed is broken. Levitating one it is.”
Peter comes back with the steaming soup, which does wonders for Tony’s raw throat. At Bruce’s advice, he takes some Advil that muffles his headache a little and remembers the times a few years ago when he would be sick with only JARVIS as his company, feeling a little chilled and very lucky. 
In the end, Tony does agree to watching TV, but mostly because Bruce admits to still not feeling up for anything more demanding (which Peter suspects is not entirely true, but he definitely won’t call him out). They let Peter pick, who of course goes for the newest Orville episode, and settle on the huge living room couch with a steaming mug of tea (Bruce), a packet of chocolate (Tony) and another helping of soup (Peter). 
Peter notices after a while that Bruce is gently massaging Tony’s head, playing with his hair. Tony seems to be sort of melting into the touch, his head leaning against Bruce’s shoulder, eyes almost closed. He looks old, but not frighteningly so - more in a serene way that makes Peter want to capture the moment on film. 
In the years he’s known him, Peter has rarely seen Tony anything but buzzing with energy, jumping to and fro between ideas and lab tables. The only person who is able to slow him down and occasionally get him to take a break without having to outright trick him into it seems to be Bruce. And as sorry as Peter is to see both of them sick, it’s also heartwarming to observe how they are taking care of each other. 
Peter knows that most people his age find the idea of spending a lazy movie Saturday with their family kind of boring, but something in him loves the idea of settling down like this. Maybe it’s the fact that it reminds him of how it used to be with Ben and May, or that the time he spends as Spider-Man is already adventurous enough, or the sheer thrill of seeing Iron Man and the Hulk’s alter ego in their pyjamas on the couch, nuzzled up against each other. 
But whatever it is, there’s nowhere else Peter would rather be.
If you liked this, make sure to check out @twentyghosts‘ beautiful fic Cold, Comfort with a similar setting that inspired me to write this one.
All my fics
Taglist: @toomuchtoread33  @yepokokfine
@badthingshappenbingo This is my fill for the ‘Common Cold’ square.
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lovingrue · 5 years
roommate adventures | tom holland
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summary: o/c Malena and tom are in desperate need for a roommate. hence the title. and these are just little snippets of their life and adventures.
warnings: sexual assault, language, and mentions of sex.
a/n: hey! i usually write on wattpad but that’s just been dead for the past few months so i’m coming to here! i usually don’t publish what i write but i thought what could be the harm in trying to put my writing out there? let’s see how this goes. if anyone feels uncomfortable or has any suggestions for future stories lmk! my inbox is always open!
She met him in 2017, when she was first touring the university and finding a place to live for the start of her life. She was accepted into seven different colleges, and she never expected to make her decision first trip.
Tom was needing of a roommate, so said person would be there when he isn't and make sure everything is fine. You know, and so he's not lonely while during breaks of filming.
Her second option was Georgia Institute of Tech, but thought that she wanted to go the opposite of her choices of life.
She didn't really know when she met Tom, or ran into him. It just sort of happened. They were both getting coffee, they had early mornings and just wanted their coffee so they could be on their way. Malena ordered it under her last name, Hollen. As Tom orders his under his last name.
But the thing that was different were the drinks. So when Tom took a drink from the Hot Almond Milk latte expecting it to be nice and creamy, he was met with hard and strong. And while Malena was full on expecting her lactose free coffee that she could enjoy and not have to rush to the bathroom after drinking, she was met with the sweet taste of cream.
Both of the kids' face grew immensely with disgust and they noticed it when looking to the cup names. Malena found him first, grabbing two other lids, "Holland?" Asking as he looked up, "Hollen.." He asked with question in his voice as she nodded. "That's me. Here's you, very filled with cream coffee. I don't understand how you could drink this. It's truly, something else" Her accent immediately made Tom intrigued. "And yours as well. Except I think i'll be tasting coffee beans for the rest of my life.." Joking while she popped off his lid and tossed it into the garbage can.
"You're that actor boy, right?" He let out a chuckle, "You could say that.. And you're?"
"Malena. A freshman at NYU.." His face lit up, "Did you just move here? You're accent is telling me you're not from around" He shown a bright smile while she chuckled, "You're right.. I'm from Bergen" The girl's skin was tanner than usual, she had tattoos covering her arms from her wrist to her shoulder and ear piercings in every place that there could be.
Her nose and septum were pierced. To Tom she was absolutely stunning.
"Wow, you're a long way from home", Malena nodded. "Needed to get away.. I'm sure you could understand" Answering while she drank the coffee like no big deal, "Do you know any places that are renting? I need to find a place asap and just honestly don't have the time.." Tom asked as she looked to him and squinted her eyes with wonder in the hazel color. 
"Uh- yeah! Actually, I just put in an application to Peter Cooper.. They're a little on the pricy side but they're amazing. The place is spacious and really open.. I could send you they're information if you'd like?" Tom pulled his phone from his pocket, "Yes! That would be amazing. Could I get your number?" He asked, holding his coffee in the crook of his arm.
"Aren't you worried i'm a crazed fan girl" Joking while he sighed. "Guess we'll find out later then, huh" She shared a smile before reading off her number to the famous actor.
And before the two strangers knew it, they were moving in together. Despite Malena's six year old pure black cat that had fallen in love with Tom, he had loved the place.
Tom didn't have anything against Davos, just that he was absolutely everywhere and followed you wherever you go. Deciding that Tom was a tree and climbed up his pant leg whenever he got the chance to. "I can put him in my room, you do know that.." Malena offered, standing at the island bar while Tom had stared at the cat climbing on his chest and trying to perch himself onto his shoulder.
"That wouldn't be fair, i'm just not used to having a cat.." Davos made small noises while he made muffins near tom's ear. "If you scratch me, it's game over.."
But the two soon had grown anxious around each other. It was either when Malena was trying to do school work, or Tom had a friend over to rehearse lines was when they really got annoyed.
Turns out Malena has this thing with crunching. She was suspended in the seventh grade for punching a boy who wouldn't quit smacking his gum. And Tom, when he was really into his show or book he was reading, wouldn't realize that he would be crunching loudly or chewing obnoxiously.
Malena has tried absolutely everything since she was in the third grade for this issue she has. Medication, therapy, even hypnotism. Nothing had seemed to help.
Tom realized this when the two were watching a movie, he felt someone staring at him he just didn't know if it was Davos or someone else.
He looked slowly over to the girl who was staring at him, pinching the inside of her hand. "You okay?"
"You chew loud" She brought up, "Sorry! You're fine! I didn't mean for that to sound so rude" She was quick to fix her tone of voice as Tom nodded. "No, don't be. I'm sorry, I didn't realize" He apologized and looked back to the movie with a worried look on his face. Wondering if he should be snacking anymore.
And then Tom realized that he hasn't seen the girl with out baggy clothing. She was always in a sweatshirt and loose fitting jeans, or leggings and a large long sleeved shirt. It confused him when he first realized. 
"Hey! I'm gonna go down and soak in the hot tub for a little.. Wanna join?" Malena looked up from her laptop, pulling the earbud from her ear, "Sorry?" Her lips tugged into a smile. "I'm gonna go down to the hot tub. Did you want to come with?" She breathed in heavy then looked to her laptop, "I have a couple more paragraphs to finish.." She made up an excuse as he pouted.
"Okay.. I'll let you know when i'm on my way back up" That was a rule. Always let each other know when they'll be back to the apartment. Doesn't matter if they're going down to retrieve a friend, or to get their food.. Always make sure the other person is in appropriate attire before barging in.
But, that wasn't the case this time. Tom was up early. Call time 3am. They said he'd be done around two or three, depending on what time he finished everything.
And since it was a Tuesday, he expected no one to be home once swinging open the apartment door.
Malena was home sick, incredibly sick. Her cramps had won and she had been throwing up absolutely nothing for the past hours since she was awake. She was crippled over in pain in nothing but basketball shorts and a sports bra. She had the chills but sweat was dripping off of her.
"You okay?" Tom asking immediately once seeing Malena holding onto the counter and bending over. "Yeah.." Breathing as if she was in labor. She squatted down and had held onto her stomach. "Holy shit.." Peter walked over to her. "Are you sick?"
She shook her head no then stood up. And Tom had to hold his breath. The girl was immensely muscular and curvy. He couldn't help but stare while she had drank water slowly. Her bottom was a good size, almost looked fake, and her torso held muscles he didn't even realize that she had.
"Stop" She sighed, making Tom look up to her. "Sorry" Speaking back. And then Harrison walked through the doors. "Jesus, does anyone ever knock" The man was also taken back from the girl who walked past him. Muttering things in Norwegian while leaving her bedroom door open and falling back down onto her bed.
"That was Malena?" Harrison spoke in a surprised whisper while Tom nodded and followed to her room. "Mal? Are you sure you're okay?" Tom soon realized once seeing the heating pad pressed as tight as it could go to her stomach and the medicine bottle on the night stand.
The girl nodded her head, extending her leg out and rolling onto her back. "Do you need anything?" She quickly sat up and swallowed hard. "No," Her face turned green and she breathed slow.
Throwing the pad off of her stomach and walking to the bathroom, shutting the door quickly while Tom had left before she had verbally told him to.
Then the time she had caught a girl sneaking from his room in the early hours of the morning. "Hello" She smiled soft while the brunette paused in her walk of shame to quickly look at the girl who had a smile. The unnamed brunette was never told of someone living with the man, just that it had been a drunken mistake.
"Do you want me to call you a cab?" Malena's laptop lit up her face as she pulled an earbud from her ear. Davos making muffins into her leg as the unnamed girl shook her head. "No- uh, are you and Tom.."
"We're roommates. Just roommates" She answered and the girl let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
Tom rushed from the hallway, seeing the two girls after hearing the girl he shared such private relations with talking to Malena. "I thought you were sleeping.." He was shocked and embarrassed, "I'm a college student, I never sleep" The unnamed brunette shared a laugh, as Tom urged her to leave.
"You're right" Answering while the actor had stood impatiently in his sweatpants and no shirt. "I should go," She glanced at Tom who smiled then nodded.
After leaving, Malena looked to him. "So you can bring girls back but I can't?" She gasped and Tom looked to her questionably. "Are you.."
"I'm open for anything really.. Sticking to one gender is boring”
Then there was the time where Tom had caught a girl leaving in the morning. A surprised look on his face while watching the girl leave when he was packing his lunch for the day. "Hello?" He spoke as the girl turned and looked at him. "Hey" Speaking before she had swung open the door and left the apartment.
Malena walked out, "see how easy that was? She didn't even sit and chat.", "Find those types of girls, Tommy boy"
The two were never jealous when it comes to sloppy hookups or one night stands, but when Malena hadn't been home for a couple nights and Tom had begun to be worried thinking he had done something, he brought it up.
"Where've you been? It's like we don't see each other anymore" He spoke as she walked through the front door. "Just with a friend.. You can always call me if you want me home or some company" She shared a worried look while he looked up to her messy mascara and half up half down pony tail.
She wore a muscle tee and baggy black ripped jeans, a leather jacket over her arms and purse hanging from her shoulder. "I think Davos has been missing you.." Malena smiles, looking over to the couch where her cat slept. "Well, i've missed you. Let's have a movie night tonight?" He lifted the sand which up to his mouth and took a bite.
"Z's gonna come over.. Tomorrow night?" Tom suggested, "I made plans with Irene.. Friday night?" He looked to her, "I have filming.."
"I'll cancel tomorrow with Irene, I wanna spend some time with you" She started to walk to the hallway, "You don't have to!"
"But I want to!"
⇒ Then the nights where they were alone were the best. They never shared any intimate interactions rather than a hug or a peck on the cheek, Malena was an incredibly closed person. She never liked sharing things about herself, or telling about her past. But when a couple of drinks had opened her up, Tom didn't know what emotions he should feel.
The coffee table was filled with empty beer bottles and snacks, it was the first day of summer for the now Sophomore and she was celebrating the new school year.
"When was the first time you drank?" Tom asked, "Freshman year of high school. You?" She squinted her eyes as he thought about it. "My eighteenth birthday"
"Oh so you were a good boy then" Tilting the neck of her drink to him while he rolled his eyes and sighed. "Didn't want to get caught, especially since I was in the public eye" Malena nodded, "When was your first kiss?" She asked.
"Sixteen" He told her, "You?"
"Freshman year" Speaking again while he begun to follow the pattern. "First bad grade.." Knowing she was a straight A student. "Freshman year"
"Did you have a good high school experience.."
"No" Answering while he pouted, "Why not?"
"Did you have a good high school experience?" Tom laughed, "I didn't go to high school" Laughing while Malena smiled. "When'd you loose your virginity" He asked, "I'm gonna let you guess"
"Freshman year" He answered as she rose her eyebrows and nodded her head. "Dude, you're such a good guesser" She said sarcastically while smiling as she took another drink. "When'd you loose your virginity?"
Tom acted like he was thinking about it, "And who was it with" She added, "Seventeen, and this girl named Millie. She went to my middle school and we always had a thing for each other. She's gorgeous, she still is. It was like a dream come true" She smiled from his experience.
"Who was yours with?" He asked, although she kept a smile on her face he saw the look in her eyes and went to speak. "You don't have to tell me.."
"His name was Mathias and I drank too much at a party which led me to," She tried to find the right words. As Tom had known what she was insinuating he stayed quiet. "Led to him.." She shook her head, "Getting a little to cocky and not asking for consent" She drank after speaking and Tom felt like he couldn't move. He didn’t know what to say, or if he should hug her or hold her.
"I'm sorry that happened to you" He said while Malena had shook her head. "No, no.. It happened ages ago"
"Why do you say that was his name. Is he not around anymore?" Tom asked, "There's a reason why my dads in prison" And then Tom's face had completely changed. "Was. As in past tense. As in his name was.."
"My dad hit him with a bat over the head and knocked his lights out" The girl spoke, "Oh my God" Tom rose his hand to his mouth, "I'm sorry" He spoke again, "I would've done it.. But my mom told him and he found him after practice followed him home and the inevitable happened.." She part way joked as Tom still stayed looking at her.
"I don't know what to say.." He responded truthfully, "When the whole entire school found out it was like all hell broke loose. They blamed me, and my family was targeted. My little brother couldn't go to practice anymore. My mom was fired from her job.. We moved countries.. I still talk to my dad, we send letters occasionally. I'm not disappointed in him though" She spoke, setting the empty beer bottle on the coffee table.
"He did what any father would have done" Tom added, "Exactly. So, I took up wrestling, and judo, and all that cause my little brother was getting bullied and the kids at the new school were horrible because we didn't know any english. I had to repeat freshman year and my little brother was held back twice.. After I graduated I joined the military and I felt a lot better about myself and knew the certain people that I could trust" Tom continued to be blow away from learning about her past. 
"I literally know nothing about you" He responded, "Well, now you know my whole life story" She joked. Standing up and catching herself before she would have toppled over. "You okay?" Asking as she let out a chuckle. "Yep" Popping the P sound while she went to the fridge for some water.
⇐ “That's another reason why I don't sleep with men. Some are the most kindest, gentlest, most amazing person. And others are absolutely horrible and forged in the gates of hell" Guzzling down water, "Which one am I" She shared a smile to him, "Tommy boy, you are the most kindest, gentlest, most amazing person I have ever met" 
Tom was now filming for Far From Home, and to say that he was excited was an understatement. He couldn't wait for Malena to see the finish product. Hell, she was the one person he could tell what was going to happen and she wouldn't tell a soul. "So, Iron Man dies?" Tom held his face still, jaw clenched and hands turning white from gripping hard on the pillow. "Okay, I didn't tell you, you figured it out" He was quick to say but was stopped once being smacked by a decorative pillow. "But i'm working with Jake Gyllenhaal, Mal i'm so exited. I've always wanted to work with him and I finally have the chance to!" Malena was very happy for him, she could admit.
But when he brought Jake to the apartment for the first time and caught the student off guard- she wanted to kill him.
She was chin-deep in homework and was an absolute wreck. Holding her head in her hands with piano music played through the apartment. She cried while throwing her pencil across the room, "I frickin’ hate this" Muttering to herself while falling onto her back side and leaning her chin up as far as it would go.
Letting out an inhuman noise before the door swung open. "Can you please do this for me" She asked before turning to look at the boy. "What is it?" Tom asked, having Jake shut the door behind him. Malena lifted her head and read over the question on her laptop, "Discuss the importance of modernity. Why is modernity important to sociologists?" She asked, grabbing an extra pencil she had to write down the answer she would get from the actor who walked by her.
She looked up at him, "I have absolutely no idea what modernity is" He responded while taking a seat on the couch. "It's literally being modern.." Jake answered, making Malena slowly turn to look at him. "Literally.." She responded, "So how is that important to sociologists and what is the importance in it?" Asking while holding her head in her hands staring at her friend.
"You always help me!" She argued, "Yeah with the stuff I understand! Mal, you're an honor student studying sociology.. This shit isn't for the normal brain to comprehend" Tom had slid off of the couch and sat next to her, grabbing her laptop to read what she had already said. "Okay, so continue with what you're saying here.." His finger dragged along the lines, reading what she said.
"The salient factors are the effects of industrialization, urbanization, and political democracy on formerly rural, autocratic societies. Then, "modernity" was a new term that identified change and progress through the contrast between the "modern" with the "traditional." By extension, the concept occupies Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim as well as Weber." He read aloud, "One theme that stands out in this account of social change and its effect on human experience is the development of a new sense of self, of subjectivity and individuality. This idea distinguishes the modern individual from the traditional one. In sum, the sociological concept of modernity has been highly influential for analyzing the differences between types of persons and societies for more than a century." Tom finished, "It sounds like you got it to me" Jake responded.
"It's not good enough though. I need more explanation into what the importance is"
"I think you have it" Tom responded, "You stress so much.. This explains absolutely everything that the question asked for in much more detail than it should be.." Tom looked to her as she shook her head. "God, I hate this so much. Why can't I just, never go to school"
"'Cos that would be no fun" He sat up from the couch and had sat back down next to Jake who smiled to the girl who looked tiredly towards the coffee table she was working on.
"Go take a bath or something. Calm yourself. We'll watch a movie when you're done" Malena nodded her head slowly, "Yeah, okay.." But she only stayed where she was, staring off with her eyes squinted and body slowly bobbing from side to side. "Are you okay?" Jake asked through a chuckle. Malena hummed, looking up to him with tired eyes and cheeks wet.
"Have you been crying?" Tom asked, while she pointed to the coffee table. "You would too if you had to do this" She pushed herself up and grabbed her phone and water. Slamming down her laptop and glancing to the boys. "I'll be back" Saluting herself off before she had turned on her heels and disappeared.
"That's Malena?" Jake whispered as if she was still listening. Tom nodded, "She’s adorable" He answered, making Tom smile and nod in response. "Are you guys.." He waved his hand in the air. "Roommates? Yes.. Nothing more. Maybe best friends.." Tom answered, looking to Jake with a small smile.
"Maybe best friends?"
"Close to being best friends"
"How long have you lived together?" He asked, folding his hands together as Tom answered quickly, "Seven months"
"Seven months? You guys are best friends no doubt about it"
The first time they were caught out and about together was when they desperately needed groceries. Both parties of the home were out of town for about a month, not thinking about what they were leaving in the fridge and the cupboards that would be absolutely disgusting and inedible once arriving back home.
Malena came with him back to Atlanta to spend some time with him and the cast, she didn’t think twice about saying no. She met his co-stars, family and friends and she absolutely loved it.
So they were at a store, two baskets and deciding on different loads of bread when Malena noticed three teen girls whispering a couple sections down. “Three girls, four o’ clock” Tom looked to her while reading the back of the bread bag.
“Really? Are they cute?” Malena leaned back, making eye contact while noticing a phone faced towards them. She contorted her face and looked back to him, “No, they’re toxic.. Hey! If you want a picture ask for one. Don’t take them with out consent.” Malena spoke towards the girls, making the three of them perk up.
“Are you guys dating?” She smiled, “What does it matter?”
Tom held his tongue from laughing, while Malena put the bread in the basket. "I think thats the one that we usually get" She said as Tom trusted her and put the bread back on the shelf. 
"Jesus Christ I honestly hate this generation of girls.. They literally don't know how to respect peoples privacy" 
It was until the next two years that the two had moved out and into separate homes. Malena and Tom were still living in New York, and they had constantly seen each other. It was rare if they didn’t see each other for more then three times a week. 
Tom was always over with Tessa to have sleep overs and Malena was always over to make her worlds famous cherry cobbler Tom would die for. 
The two were inseparable, and everyone knew it.
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TOMHOLLAND2013 My best friend, my roommate, the person who I can share anything with. Congratulations on finishing college. Shit was tough man, but we got through it. I’m so very proud of you Melly Belly 💛
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