#and are about Razgriz
elevant39 · 5 months
Narrative in ACZ
So this time I want to talk about the narrative in ACZ and why I personaly love it. So what I love about ACZ (and the reason why it´s my favourite in the main line series) is how it kinda works like a legend or a fairy tale. What I mean by this is that there is not a single "correct/canon" version of the game. This is possible because the gameplay isn´t actually taking place durring Belkan war. What we are playing is what Brett Thompson´s documentary thinks happened in it. The problem is that he doesn´t really have all the details. The closes he can get to them is Pixy, since he actually knew Cipher more personally and was with him the longest time, the only other people being Eagle Eye and PJ and.... yeah... But even then it´s been 10 years so most Aces will not remember everything. All that remains it´s their emotions and memories about Cipher and the effect that he had on them by shoting them down.
Even Pixy himself isn't really that reliable (It´s funny because he is also partly a narrator of the game with Thompson). Not only did he knew Cipher only up to Stage of Apocalypse, but Cipher literally changed his life by preventing him from launching V2 (and causing all the suffering that he later witnessed on the ground Zero). Cipher in a way saved Pixy, by stoping him from something he could never come back from. So I wouldn't be surprised if Pixy´s view of Cipher probably isn't completely objective. And this ties to Cipher and the Ace system. Cipher isn´t really a character. He is a perfect vessel for player, he is like a rorschach test. He is what ever we want him to be. And this is thanks to the Ace system and how it allows the player to roleplay Cipher how ever the player wants. Do you believe Cipher was a total merc?; Do you think that the Razgriz route is the one for you?; Or do you want a mercenary that becomes a knight but after Pixy´s betrail falls back to his merc ways?; Or maybe you like a knight that becomes merc and after a lot of retrospective after Pixy´s betrayal becomes a soldier? All of these and infinite more are possible. Which is why I kinda hate when some people in the fandom insist that there must be canon route. Because having one defined route would kinda kill all of this. Sure people might still talk about them, but why waste your time on all of these non-canon routes? When merc is totally canon because of AC5? Why try to analyse your story in your own route when the only that matters is the canon one? So why I am bringing this up? Becuase this (infinite interpretation) combine with complete erasure of who or what Cipher did is what makes ACZ acts almost like a legend of fairy tale. Because the only way Cipher can live on is throw the stories of others like Pixy and other Aces. But since it´s been so long nobody will ever trully know how it all went down. Simular thigs happens with fairy tales and legends like Cinderella, there isn´t one true story. In some versions the fairy godmother doesn´t even exist and she got her dresses from hazel nuts. In others there were 3 nights with balls that Cinderella went to. Sometimes she has help from all sotrs of animals others it´s just pigeons. Sometimes her step mother locks her up, other she is given the task to separate peace from ashes perfectly. But still there are some constants, because these constancs are what make it a tale of Cinderella. And same could be said about the Belkan war. Cipher and Pixy will always win in B7R. They will liberate Directus and destroy Excalibur. Pixy will always leave for AWWNB. PJ will always buy flowers for his girlfriends. And Cipher will always fight Pixy in the end. But everything else? We simply don´t know and more importantly can´t know. And that is what is so beautiful to me. Because then the interpretetion of the story and Cipher can be anything you personally believe. And the story doesn´t force you to one interpretation of it. But it encourages you to think about the story and why your version is the one that you like specifically. So yeah this is why I love this game so much and why it´s my favourite in the series. Thanks for reading.
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Sometimes I think about how my mother has this drawing I made of Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War protagonist Blaze several years ago framed in our home
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theros · 1 year
deleted that rb actually bc it's just not worth it
i remember what being part of that community was like and no amount of outsiders telling them they're wrong/their role models were terrible people will get them to leave before they come to that realization on their own terms
i just hope they do sooner rather than later
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saturniandragon · 6 months
Friend: it's just a game about planes stop being dramatic ME: CUM HISTORIA MUTAT VALDE RAZGRIZ REVELAT IPSUM PRIMUM DAEMON CELESTUS EST
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three-strikes-of-void · 5 months
AC04 or AC5?
Oooh ok that’s a tough one. AC04 is absolutely iconic in its story, but the gameplay honestly bored me. But I do understand its position as like. THE Ace Combat game.
I really enjoyed 5, it was a blast to stream and the gameplay wasn’t bad, it was just long as hell. But the story was also amazing. And obviously with my whole void emo edgy thing I absolutely love the concept of the Razgriz.
I honestly think the two are basically on equal footing in my ranking? If you were to ask me which one I’d replay, I’d pick 5. But if you were to ask me which one I’d sooner write a fic about, I’d pick 4.
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harloqui · 8 months
Hi, would you be willing to link Blaze’s method? I’m new to this community and instead of trusting reposts I find on google I’d love a link from someone that knows the history.
Thank you in advance.
Sure, here you go: The Shifting Database: https://web.archive.org/web/20101106055924/http://sites.google.com/site/shiftingdata/shifting-guides/blaze-s-guide-to-shifting
Razgriz Therianthropy Academy: https://web.archive.org/web/20110810090612/http://sites.google.com/site/razgrizrta/lessons1 I will warn you however - Blaze admitted to lying about his methods and never shifted with them, so if you're looking to use them to actually physically shift you may be out of luck.
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iris-stellarite · 4 months
I have finished Ace Combat 4, 5, Zero, and 6. All are really amazing and you should definitely go play them, but here are my personal thoughts on them:
(Both Minor and Major spoilers ahead!)
Ace Combat 4 by far has the best story of all of them, specifically the B story with the kid and yellow 13 and the immaculately created still used to tell the story is just the cherry on top.
Ace Combat 5 has, in my opinion, the best storytelling of them if that makes sense. The story of Wardog/Ghosts of Razgriz is amazing and I loved how all of their characters grew over the course of the story.
Ace Combat Zero has the best characters without a doubt, Pixy is an amazing character that you grow to love, hate (in a good way), and then love again, PJ is a goofball and lovable and I actually cried when he died :(. Zero also has by far the (2nd, Archange in AC7 is hard to beat) best bossfight I have ever encountered, the final confrontation with Pixy is just a masterpiece in gameplay mechanics and character.
Ace Combat 6 isnt really the best of anything especially when compared to all the others, but it sorta makes up for it by having consistently decent in most aspects. It’s a really good game with a really good story and I wish I had more to say about it in this post but the holy trinity is just that good.
tl;dr they are all absolutely amazing games with great stories and characters on top of being fun as hell. Go play all of them.
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su-35bm-flanker-e · 6 months
Thinking about it, I haven't done the final AC5 mission in F-14As/F-14Ds
When I unlocked the Falken I just TLS'd the SOLG in under 10 seconds lmao
Maybe I'll do that soon. Lore accurate Razgriz Sq against Ofnir + Grabacr + SOLG
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Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War/Squadron Leader is a most anvilicious game that has a Broken Aesop so half baked that it comes across as borderline never hearing of an oven.
Nagase #69753 really do be complaining about war and death and murder and I'm like: ‘My Sister in the Razgriz, why are you in the OADF and shooting people?’
Still better than COD, (but so is getting yote off of a cliff, so it's not exactly as high a compliment as I was intending)
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mmorgnor · 2 years
Toy defense 2 pvp
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Toy defense 2 pvp how to#
Toy defense 2 pvp ps2#
The objective of this guide is to precisely classify whirlwind features, provide easy to follow templates on various builds & grade all ww weapons which will enable easy and accurate comparisons among their type.
Toy defense 2 pvp how to#
You bought the game & its your personal choice how to play it. It is not meant to be followed word by word. Whirlwind has always been my favourite skill, I was reluctant at frist with the due to the mana cost & low ed% & never even bothered to try it out,until the fatefullday I found bloodletter in the ruined temple….
Toy defense 2 pvp ps2#
Gradually I learnt the trade & it was just pure pleasure,the hack & slash always makes me come back, I enjoy talking & discussing about the game, PS2 seduces me once in a while with games like mgs,gt but the forum has managed to chain me to the game.To be honest,many a times I had the thought about giving up the guide project & going back to my consoles, besides there is pressure on my studies as I embark on advanced modules, but it was a promise & I had to keep it & I have no intention of leaving the game or forum anytime soon. I bought the game & built my first barb- 6 sword mastery,2 mace mastery, 4bash-10 double swing, I never got past hephasto. On to D2.I got hold of the demo in a p.c magazine & the barb class just took control over me completely. I took the warrior class & beat diablo after dying dozens of deaths to the butcher. I am a long time gaming addict,had the habbit since atari & all through subsequent systems, Diablo classic was the first game I played on my p.c so quite naturally its special *Took me a week to figure out(by accident) that you need to click on monsters to attack them*. This guide is intended to teach all those who need to know the basics, workings, choices, tricks & how amazingly complex yet simple & effective a whirlwind barb is.Ībout Razgriz/rikstaker : Real name Syed, management student. The cut in popularity of whirlwind after the release of 1.10 has less to do with changes with whirlwind itself but more to do with the boosting of all other combat skill with synergies & the death of the eth & mastery bugs which ww had capitalized on,it got by with low ar & less damage earlier. Some even go as far as to compare it with the three letter word which is quite accurate infact-‘The more you do it,the better you get at it”. Whirlwind as put by some in rpgforums is “something which many do wrong but few do right”. Its still manages to be the prime skill of barbs in terms of damage over time & barb’s only real means in general pvp. But whirlwind has steadily grown in complexity all through the patches. “ Whirlwind- ‘a fierce spinning attack that cuts your path through the legions of your enemies’ nerfed fiercely by Blizzard. Some things have gone, some changed & some made a comeback but the thirst for squeezing the max out of it always remains. Whirlwind has come a long way from the days of six emerald pikes to the shael shael eth cbs & now the botds. These are all the words one can think of that often get associated with the skill. Whirlwind- fun, passion, debate, misconceptions, nerfdom.
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saeriibon · 3 years
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im thinking about razgriz disease again
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theros · 1 year
2 and 42 for the otherkin asks
2. What was it like discovering you were otherkin?
Noooot fantastic lol. I've told this full story on twitter before, but I was actually introduced to otherkin through Razgriz Werepack circa 2009. Which, for anyone who doesn't know their reputation, Razgriz was like, THE p-shifter teenwolf werepack of the day. There were tons of others but Razgriz was the most popular and well known, and was an unholy cornucopia of misinformation and typical p-shifter cult nonsense, including spells to become a werewolf/vampire, asking other kids to bite you to "awaken" your latent were abilities, all that type of stuff.
I was on FurAffinity, and my old main character and fursona was a werecat. I did sort of see myself in her and project my feelings of nonhumanity through her, but I didn't know anything about therians or otherkin or any other kind of alterhumanity. I'd always felt weird and nonhuman, but I just thought this was a normal furry thing to feel and that's why I got into furry fandom in the first place.
Anyway I randomly got a DM from a Razgriz member asking if I was a "real" werecat, and since I thought they were roleplaying, I answered in-character. Eventually they realized what was going on and told me no, I was actually a werecat, I just didn't know it yet. They put me through this super ridiculous screening test and I scored an "impossibly" high result on it and they let me join the pack. I was with them for like six months before the "alphas" changed and decided to kick out everyone who they thought was an RPer or otherwise not really a werewolf. At the time, I thought I was demonkin as well as a were, so I got the boot because "demons aren't real".
Some time after that, while looking for a new pack to join, I ran across an 18+ only therian pack online. Their chatroom was open to all ages though, so I hopped in to talk to them and they pretty quickly explained to me that a lot of what I had learned with Razgriz was completely wrong. I was catkin, yes, and was correct about my lynx kintype (aside from the mistaken demon kin, my only known 'types at the time were lynx and snow leopard), but a lot of the other stuff I'd been told (like about AWTOK, which back then was also called The Institute among teenwolf packs) was super wrong. There was a sort of awkward re-examining period where I had to figure out who and what I was without the p-shifter and pack mindset, and realize that yes, I am otherkin, but that my point of view on it up to that point was way off.
42. Have you met anyone else with the same kintype(s) as you?
Oh yeah! Most of my 'types are fairly common. I think the only 'type I have yet to meet another of is kestrels!
With satyrs though, "same" is a little nebulous. I've met plenty of other general or folklore-specific satyrs, but never another one from either of my fictional sources (which are a stronger part of my satyr identity than the mythos one OTL)
Fictomeres are pretty hit or miss, but I've met a couple Prompto and Toothless twins around.
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officialtokyosan · 4 years
thinkin bout how the song zero, the vocals represent cipher and the guitar for pixy
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therazgrizaces · 2 years
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Tossing around an idea of writing a new story about the Razgriz before they were the Razgriz and their stories (and antics) during school. Even created a cover. What do y'all think? Should I go for it or no?
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15th anniversary of our madness!
Yes, you read that right. Today, April 13th 2021, marks the 15th anniversary of when I was crazy enough to bring out the idea of a crazy roundrobin crossover on the Moony Witcher Forum.
When on that day, April 13th 2006, I made a post with the general idea for Mai Dire Fine I never thought I would be starting a saga that would be still ongoing 15 years later.
But here we are, with me and Aelit still working on its latest sequel of sorts, The World without Authors. Compared to back then, our writing skills improved a lot (Mai Dire Fine was not a good story) and, while there’s always more we can still learn, we are proud of our improvement.
So, where are we? We published recently the 10th chapter of The World without Authors, which is currently around 69.000 words – we’re already closing in towards Blank Sprite‘s length (77.000) and that’s just part of the first arc, Scattered Shards. Adding in the previous stories, we’re past 320.000 already.
Even with The World without Authors‘s “all-stars” cast, we still only have a total of five characters from Mai Dire Fine, only three of which (Sergio, Nikki and Kathleen) were part of the main cast as the other two (Faith and Virgilia) were introduced towards the end… well, technically there’s a sixth character, the mysterious “Professor”, but his identity is spoilers as of now. I believe there might be enough hints between The World without Authors and my older behind the scenes post for you to be able to guess his identity already, but the reveal is meant to be a nasty surprise that will set up the second and third arcs, Venezia Immortale and The Dove and the Crow. Yes, we’re planning (well… sort of planning) that far!
But enough of that, let’s head to the celebration specials!
Unfortunately, the Q&A session was a complete failure. We didn’t receive any question by the deadline, but the mailbox is still open! Feel free to ask us anything, we’ll make a Q&A post as soon as the question come in, and we’ll keep it updated every time new questions arrive.
We still have a few more goodies, though. The first is a bit of an experiment on my part, I took one of my early PPC missions, A Very Awkward Exorcism, alongside a couple scenes from the interlude set chronologically just before it, Planes, Guns, Clones and other usual PPC Stuff, and gave them a complete makeover into a comic. Yes, I made what I believe might be the first full PPC mission in comic form! You can download it in PDF format (Trigger warning for rape, contains some partial nudity) here. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Another thing I made is a special anniversary illustration, in which our characters, and a few we borrowed, from all over our works enjoy some partying. With all the things happening due to the Unravel they deserve some off time, don’t  you think?
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Let’s start with the back row, left to right.
First one is Ai Minase, from Koikatu. She has the distinction of being the “adopted canon character” of The World Without Authors – while we have other canons working with Strike Dove, she’s the only one who became part of the main cast on a deep level. While Hayate Yagami, her crew, the Razgriz and Long Caster also work with my main cast, they’re more of external allies. Her dress looks a bit like a tablecloth, but that’s a canon-ish outfit of hers: while she never wears it in her route, it is in her character card in the slot that gets used during dates in normal gameplay.
Next to her we have Keiko Caterina Turbo, Sergio and Nikki’s daughter with her own PPC spinoff, Wings of Canon: Second Strike. She is also the only survivor of the Second Strike cast, having lost Shiro and Saki in the Unravel, and as such the role of representative of her series is all on her. She also doesn’t like skirts, at all, why do you ask?
Then we have Hajime Irene Turbo, Keiko’s half sister/alternate incarnation from the timeline in which Sergio got together with Ami instead. She’s an original The World without Authors character, but still related to characters from my previous works. Fun fact: Keiko and Hajome’s birthday, April 13, in indeed based on the day and month we began Mai Dire Fine. If we consider HQ Standard Time (the PPC’s timeline) to coincide with the real world, they turned two years old today.
Next is Hajime’s mother, Ami Tanegashima. Mentioned first in I don’t like luxury cars to pave her way for her posthumous role in Blank Sprite, we can consider her the representative of my Blank Sprite original characters here. She’s now stuck with the absurdity of not only having a daughter she never thought she could have, but also of said daughter being currently only four years younger than her. Considering Ami’s small frame, there will likely be plenty of times in which she’s mistaken for Hajime’s younger sister… also, now that she’s 20 years old and of drinking age in Japan, she discovered she actually likes alcohol. And can deal with it surprisingly well despite her light build (as opposed to Sergio and Nikki who both can’t hold their liquor)… yes, she had more than a few glasses here. Luckily, she doesn’t drink very often.
Toasting with her is Aya Kibokami, the “fragment” that split off Madoka Kaname at the end of Blank Sprite. As such, she’s here as a representative of canon characters of Blank Sprite. Due to a certain scene of Madoka Magica, in which Madoka expresses a desire to go out drinking with her mother (who really enjoys drinking) once old enough, there is fanon of her eventually developing the same taste for liquor. While we’ll likely never know if the canon Madoka would, Aya is the other heavy drinker of my cast and here is depicted finally having a toast (or two… or a few…) with Ami to celebrate the success of their “Save Sergio and Homura from their spirals of self-destruction by making them defeat Vera and save Madoka together” master plan.
And, of course, fussing over Aya’s excessive drinking we have Kuroko Tenshimi, AKA the “split fragment” of Homura Akemi retaining the memories of the Blank Sprite Incident. While her and Aya haven’t featured yet, they did make it to the Unraveled World. However, I don’t plan on making them part of the main cast yet (in fact, I’m planning to reduce the amount of characters we’re following as the cast is getting too big), and I’m actually considering having them star in their own The World without Authors spinoff, but nothing set in stone yet. Oh, and fun fact about them, they did already have a bit of starring of their own as they were the hosts of the Third PPC HQ Hunger Games. How Nutmeg TV managed to get hold of them for that will forever remain a mistery.
Next, a character very few of you are likely to be familiar with. Nina De Nobili, the title character of the Nina, the child of the Sixth Moon book series. Acting as a representative of the Mai Dire Fine canon characters here, she’s been chosen since, as I said in the past, we started Mai Dire Fine on her author’s forum, and even received encouragement from her to keep writing at one point… despite the fact we were basically butchering her work. However, everyone has to begin somewhere, and Moony Witcher (real name Roberta Rizzo) knew that, so I’m glad she didn’t shoot down our hopes – I might not be here now with a 300.000+ words saga under my belt otherwise. Nina is not planned to reappear in the Unraveled Worlds, as she’s from a series intended for children that wouldn’t mesh well with our current plots.
The little guy sitting over the counter doing karaoke is Conan Edogawa from Detective Conan (anyone insisting on calling the series Case Closed can leave now). He’s again a canon character featured in Mai Dire Fine, but there are plans to involve him and some other characters of his series in the third arc. Also, as you can guess by Nina’s reaction, he’s a terrible, terrible singer.
Leaning on the couch we have Hiro Shirogane, our Gundam pilot. He’s a fully original character created for The World without Authors whose original concept was made by Aelit, although I was the one developing his backstory and relationship with Miksa. I admit that for a while we weren’t too sure about what to do with him, but I hope his current subplot will be enjoyable.
And now, the front row. Leftmost is Hanami, Nikki’s alternate from Kathleen’s alternate timeline (and as such a The World without Authors original). She’s been adopted by the Kinomotos (as she’s also an alternate of Sakura) and is now living with them. Something that debuted in this illustration are the glasses: those are her timeline’s Sergio, and she doesn’t actually have a need for eyesight correction. She had the lenses replaced with fake ones, and wears them due to them being one of the few things she has left of him, though they’re also a good way to differentiate herself from her “sisters”.
Then we have Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura herself. If we go by name only, her first appearance in my works would be Mai Dire Fine, but that particular Sakura ended up becoming Nikki so it is safe to assume her first appearance was actually in the first mission of Wings of Canon, my main PPC spinoff, titled Don’t Forget The Canon, and she has been confirmed alive in the Unraveled World, in which she is now legally Nikki and Hanami’s younger sister. As in the comic I posted above, her hair is actually lighter than Nikki or Hanami’s as most CCS media have her with a light shade, but Nikki and Hanami both derive from the 1998 anime that had a darker brown as Sakura’s hair color.
Next to Sakura is Syaoran Li from the same series, who instead did appear as himself in Mai Dire Fine. He was badly OOC though, and if the The World without Authors incarnation of him does remember Sergio, things might a bit tense between them at first… though, hopefully, just until he gets explained that no, the “Sakura” Sergio was in love with was actualy Nikki and there’s no need to be jealous.
Then we get to Kathleen Leone. She is not the Mai Dire Fine incarnation of the character, but an alternate made for The World without Authors. Despite that, she started considering the main timeline Sergio as her own brother even before he had to kill her timeline’s, due to the latter’s descent into madness. We haven’t been able to give her much space until now, due to the action being mostly in the air, but that will change soon. I won’t spoiler anything, but Chapter 11 will be a big turning point in the story.
Of course, holding arms with her is Faith Leone, Everything I said about Kathleen applies about her too, as they’ve arrived in the Unraveled World together. We haven’t shown much on our plans to develop her so far, but trust us: we’re going to both fill in more of her bakcstory, and give her chances to shine soon.
Cutting the cake together we have Sergio Turbo and Nikki Cherryflower, both of which made their first appearances in Mai Dire Fine and appeared in all sequel works. For as much grief the Unraveled World is bringing them, it is arguable they’ve gained more than they have lost, as they’ve both got their families back thanks to it. Fun fact: their outfits are loosely based on the ones they wore during Chapter 7 of Blank Sprite.
Last but not least, Corolla. Introduced in Don’t Forget The Canon, she’s my most successful character. Defined by Aelit “Kathleen, but written well” way before we started working on The World without Authors, it isn’t a suprise they synergize so well together… much to Sergio and Nikki’s dismay. Here, is she more excited for the cake, or because they are cutting it together like it was a wedding cake? Probably both.
And that’s it, 15 years of writing, condensed in one image. We hope you’ll keep following us in the future!
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acecombatmutual · 4 years
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thinks about how cipher’s narrative can be compared to the demons of razgriz and cries
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