#and as for Tara and Chad: I'm not sure she likes him as much as he likes her
autism-swagger · 1 year
Why are people saying that Tara and Chad are the best Scream couple since Gale and Dewey. That's a very bold claim. Also don't kill me for this but I'd argue that Gale and Dewey aren't all that great of a couple to begin with
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dumbslvtforethan · 4 months
✁ THE DINER. ethan landry
inspired by "THE DINER" by billie eilish.
warnings: stalking, obssesion, posessive, no smut just plot343 words
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𐙚 mdni!! ↓↓ 𐙚༘⋆ೀೀ
"DONT BE AFRAID OF ME, IM WHAT YOU NEED." That was the note slipped under your dorm door. You assumed it was from your so-called stalker, as your friends would tell you whenever they saw the notes he left. At first, they were things like, "I know we're meant to be" or "You're starring in my dreams." You leaned down to pick up the note when your roommate, Mindy, stopped you."No, Y/N, enough. Seriously, this stalker stuff is getting creepy.""Oh, don't call whoever this is a stalker. Look, it's nothing."Mindy picked up the note and read it. "Don't be afraid of me?? Is that what you call nothing? For me, this is sounding a bit Ghostface-like." She looked at you with judging eyes. "Come on, we're going to be late for class."You grabbed her arm, leaving your dorm. In front of Mindy, you pretended to brush it off. You knew she'd freak out, but in reality, you were also scared, terrified.
"So, how's stalker boy?" Tara asked while you two were walking to the lunch table."Tara, I'm starting to get scared," you said, stopping in your tracks."Trust me, it's nothing. Plus, think about it, someone is obsessed with you.""Yeah, you're probably right." You both sat down with the rest of the group."Hey guys," Chad said, smiling."Hey, where is Mindy?" you asked. She was the only one missing."Oh, she forgot her pen or something. She'll be back in a bit," Anika said. That was technically true, but Mindy was actually looking for more notes or letters from your stalker. An envelope was attached to the fridge, marked "From: Stalker Boy." Mindy yanked it from the fridge and tore it open.In the meantime, you were sitting next to Ethan. You two were never really close; you'd only talk because of Econ."Are you okay?" he asked, putting his hand on your shaking leg."Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." You smiled sweetly, turning to face him, and he smiled back."Hey, I'm back," Mindy said, eyeing you. You stood up from the table and went to talk to her."Stalker boy wrote you a letter.""Wait, a real handwritten letter?"Mindy nodded. "Well, that's... weird.""Finally, you came to your senses. Anyways, I destroyed it.""Mindy! That could've been evidence.""Yeah, no, I don't think 'you could be my wife' is evidence." You both chuckled.Ethan was watching from the table, reading your lips. Knowing you knew about his letter just made him more aroused.
Later, you got ready to go to a random Halloween frat party someone was hosting. Maybe you should've worn an outfit that showed less skin because the number of guys hitting on you was obscene. Some were gentle, talking about your future together, while others were more aggressive, kissing you without permission. You needed to catch some air.You stepped outside, sitting on one of the steps of the doorway. "Hey, can I sit here?" Steve asked. He was from Econ, and you always thought he was cute."Yeah, sure.""So, are you enjoying the party?""Not really, actually. Guys keep hitting on me. I want someone who wants me for me, not just for my body," you blurted out."I guess I feel the same way." You both stared at each other. You leaned in and kissed him without much thinking."Oh my God, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." You put your hand over your mouth and got up."Wait," he ran over. "I liked it." He smiled and kissed you again. "Do you need a ride home?" You nodded, smiling. You couldn't believe you just kissed the boy you liked and now he was taking you home. You both walked over to his car, and he opened the door for you.What you couldn't see was Ethan watching. He tilted his head slowly, observing. He pulled his phone from his pocket and took a picture of you two, gripping his beer bottle, chugging one more time before throwing it on the ground when you both took off. He put on his helmet and rode his motorcycle to the diner.
He sat down at his usual place and wrote you another letter, more aggressive and explicit than the last one. He didn't even care if you'd be scared. You were his, and he was yours, at least that's what he thought.
You came back home exhausted. Mindy wasn't home; she texted you saying she was sleeping at Anika's. You entered your bedroom, set your purse on your bed.Sitting in the bathtub, you let the warm water envelop you, trying to wash away the anxiety that clung to you. The steam rose around you, and for a moment, you could almost forget about the notes and the unease they brought. After a while, you drained the tub and slipped into your softest pajamas, feeling a bit more at ease.As you walked back into your room, you noticed the clock on your nightstand blinking 11:45 PM. You sat on the edge of your bed, brushing your still-damp hair. Your phone buzzed with a text from Mindy."Are you okay? Did you get home safe?""Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired," you replied, setting your phone down.You tried to distract yourself by scrolling through social media, but your thoughts kept drifting back to the stalker and the unnerving notes. You considered telling the campus security, but part of you felt it would be dismissed as a prank or overreaction. Besides, you didn't have any solid evidence, thanks to Mindy's well-meaning destruction of the latest letter.After a while, your eyelids grew heavy. You turned off your phone and snuggled under your blankets, hoping sleep would come quickly. But as you lay there in the dark, every creak of the dorm, every rustle of the wind outside, seemed magnified. You couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you.
Meanwhile, at the diner, Ethan was finishing his letter. He wrote with a fervor, his handwriting becoming more erratic as he poured his obsessive thoughts onto the paper. The letter was filled with declarations of love, veiled threats, and vivid descriptions of his fantasies about you. He folded it carefully, placing it in an envelope with your name on it. As the night stretched on, you finally drifted off into a restless sleep, unaware of the shadowy figure lurking outside your window, watching. Ethan stood there for a moment, his breath fogging up the glass as he stared at you. He slipped the new letter under your door before disappearing into the night.You woke up in the middle of the night with a headache, feeling slightly more rested but still uneasy.
The memory of the kiss with Steve brought a small smile to your face, but it was quickly overshadowed by the sight of another envelope lying on the floor inside your door. Your heart sank as you saw another paper "310-807-3956" it was your phone number. you picked it up, the familiar handwriting sending chills down your spine.You tore it open, dreading what you'd find. The words were more intense, more disturbing than before. "i could change your life, you could be my wife" it read. "please dont call the cops, they'll make me stop, and i just wanna talk". "No one else can have you. I'll make sure of it." The explicit nature of the letter made your skin crawl. Suddenly, your phone rang. The caller ID displayed "Unknown Number." You hesitated for a moment before answering, your heart pounding in your chest. "Hello?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly. "Hey gorgeous, did you get my letter?" The voice on the other end was eerily calm, almost familiar. "Stop calling me, please," you pleaded, trying to keep your voice steady. "I memorized your number, now I call you when I please," he continued, ignoring your plea. "I tried to end it all, but now I'm back up on my feet. I saw you in the car with someone else and couldn't sleep. If something happens to him, you can bet that it was me." The call ended abruptly, leaving you in stunned silence. The phone slipped from your hand, clattering to the floor.
what the fuck.
part two?
@jchampionsgf on tumblr
a/n: heard the diner and decided to make history
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jxckchxmpi0n · 9 months
Prompt Angst “fuck I didn’t mean that” Ethan or Jack whichever is fine. Y/n finds him dming other girls or following other girls and they get into an argument
Let me just say I love getting these prompts and seeing the different stories you guys make behind them!!!!
On the Other Side
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Ethan Landry x Reader |m.list
Summary: Ethan has been texting someone from his econ class behind your back, you shortly find out after he lets you borrow his phone. It then leads to a fight and a broken heart.
warning: arguring, angst, cursing, cheating,
word count: 1.5k
did not proofread.
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It's been about six months since you started dating Ethan, and everything was great. From the dates to the sex, and to the little moments. It was great! but you couldn't understand why he became so distant; it started off small. First, it was the random bailing on you when it was date night, and that never happened. So, you didn't think much of it. but then bailing once turned into four times, it was four weeks he had bailed on you.
After the fourth time, you started to keep an eye on him, with how he was acting towards you, first, it was the cold shoulder, then it was the random nonstop love towards you, and finally, anytime you were with the group and went to hold his hand or rest on him, slowly but surely, he would push you off. It broke you, you felt like you were losing him.
Everyone was at Mindy and Anika's apartment; it was movie night with the entire group. everyone but Ethan, no one knew where he was and they assumed you knew, so when you showed up alone you just said he was at a study group and would show up later. That satisfied everyone enough to move on. About an hour in with dinner and drinking Ethan walked through the front door.
"Hey, hi, so sorry I'm late class ran later than expected" Chad, Tara, and Sam didn't pay much attention to what he had said but you and Mindy had caught that he said class.
Ethan gave everyone hugs and shook Chad and Danny's hands. Once he reached you, he saw your eyebrows furrowed, leaning down he kissed the top of your head. "what's wrong?" he backed up a little but was still hovering above you as you sat on the bar stool.
"You said class, I thought your class gets out at four, it's seven you said you had study group. That's what you told me "He chuckled lightly and shook his head. lightly his hand soothed over your arm.
"No, y/n you must have heard me wrong. I was in class, maybe you've had too much to drink" he took the wine glass out of your hand. Everyone was deep in conversation, Mindy on the other hand was listening to yours.
"No Ethan, you told me study group. Are you lying?" your voice rose towards the end causing the others to now turn to you both. "And I've had barely anything to drink because I didn't know where you were, so I was worried" Ethan stepped back rolling his eyes, his hand ran over his face. frustration was written all over it.
"You guys, okay?" Chad spoke up leaning forward in his chair. The tension in the room was thick everyone could see that.
"Not here y/n" Ethan's voice was low and threating.
You pushed him off of you, "No. No Ethan I'm done. You've been lying to me for weeks and I'm just done" You grabbed your bag and keys and stormed out of the apartment.
Ethan stood there for a second pinching his nose, anger filling his body at how embarrassing it was for you to make a scene like that. "Lying for weeks? Ethan, what is y/n talking about?" Tara's voice broke the silence.
"Um I don't know she's been acting really weird recently" Ethan grabbed his hoodie and backpack, waving his arms as he came up with excuses. Running through the front door it slammed behind him, everyone sat there confused. Their thoughts leading them into places that were bad.
"I hope whatever is happening isn't bad" Mindy sadly sat next to Anika with her food and drink.
Ethan was a few feet behind you, out of breath from running to catch up and from calling your name. "y/n please would you just stop for a minute!" He grabbed your arm pulling you back.
"No Ethan I'm done with the lies! And don't you even think about lying to me right now! I saw the texts between you and that girl from your econ class!" you voice rose as your spoke, all the emotions that have been building up for weeks finally spilling out.
"y/n please not here" he waved his arms around making you take in the environment. You were in Mindy's apartment lobby, some bystanders side-eying you as they grabbed their mail. "Can I at least take you back to my apartment, so we have privacy?" His voice was soft it seemed like he really cared for a second.
"Fine but don't think I'm going to stay for long." you rolled your eyes as you looked at him. This feeling in your gut started to form, you knew that this wasn't going to end well.
Ethan and you walked to the car in silence, no words, no music, nothing. it was dead.
Arriving at his apartment, you both were still quiet walking in. You sat at the dining room table while he went straight to the fridge and pulled out a drink. He stood behind you at the counter, just looking at you and thinking about how he fucked this all up.
You were facing the other way thinking about why he would do such a thing.
"y/n listen-" he was toying with the button on his jacket as he spoke, but he was cut off by the sound of your chair scrapping on the floor.
"Why?" you turned your body to him, your eyes flooding with tears.
"y/n please don't cry" he ran to you, on his knees looking up at you. "Look- I-" his voice breaking as he spoke. He was crying.
"Don't make an excuse Ethan. I can't handle them anymore" You rolled your eyes pushing his hands off of your legs. He stood up, looking down at you, and something about his eyes changed.
"Okay well then what the fuck do you want me to say! huh? I'm sorry, please forgive me?!" he was angry. What could he possibly be mad about he was the one cheating on you.
"I don't know maybe explain to me why you let things go on for so long! Why stay with me if you were messing around with other women!" you were both shouting and throwing your hands around.
"Oh, please like I'm the bad guy here what about the asshole from your class? Huh? What about him? Don't think I didn't notice how you flirt with him all the time!" he felt his entire body become tense as the agreement kept going.
"I never flirted with him! He was the one who did all of that! And unlike you I was loyal! Because I loved you!" tears were streaming down your face as you yelled at him. That feeling in your gut finally snapped, and the emotions started to pour out. "I put everything into this relationship, and you never put in a cent. I love you so much. And yet you run around with different women behind my back- but- why? why do it?"
His hand was resting on his hip as the other one pinched his nose. you stood not even a foot away from him, broken and confused, your arms holding yourself in a way of comfort.
"Because y/n being with you is suffocating!!" his voice was rough and stern. His eyes were emotionless for a split second but realizing what he had said his eyes softened. Looking at you he realized he fucked up.
Seeing the way your mouth twitched into a frown, the way your body jumped at his words. The sound of your feet scrapping on the floor as you stepped back. "Fuck-" he rubbed his face with both of his hands, "-fuck- I- I didn't mean that" He took a step towards you reaching for your hands.
Shaking your head, the tears flooded down your cheeks even more. "No. Don't fucking touch me!" you pushed him away. wiping the tears away you turned grabbing your purse. "I'm done, I'm done with you and all of this. I don't want to see you again. And I mean it Ethan."
"y/n no, please can't we fix this, I'll be better please" he ran after you to the door. Stumbling over his words, he knew nothing who convince you to stay, but he still wanted to try.
"No, I mean it. I gave you so many chances, I waited for you to come clean, and you never did. Like I said I loved you, you can't fix anything" You stood there in the doorway, you saw his eyes becoming red as he refused to let the tears out.
Your heart was beating so fast, burning at the rush of anger and sadness. Once you leave there's no coming back. You shook your head at Ethan, a sob escaped your lips as you said goodbye. The door clicked behind you, leaving Ethan standing there alone. Tears now finally rolled down his cheeks, and as he looked at the door, he questioned everything he had done.
He stood there regretting his words, and his actions. All he wanted was for you to come back.
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zoe-is-amazingg · 1 year
Why can't you stop? Part 1 NSFW
Sociopath!Ethan Landry X Innocent reader
W/C - 1.0K
Summary - You've started to notice some recent changes in Ethans behavior towards you and he can't help but watch you from afar.
Warnings - Kissing, stalking, kind of pervy Ethan, almost bimbo Y/N and Female masturbation.
A/N - First part of the new series!!! if any of yall are looking for the last part of my other ethan series, that is coming soon.
*next part
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Ethan Landry, he's a guy that your friends with, you'd like to say that he's almost your best friend. But he would just say that your just friends.
He's sitting there, on his seat in the library, his head in his econ books. "Hey Ethan?" You smile at him. He looks up a little and then smiles back. "Hey, what's up?"
Ethan closes his books and smiles. "Can you help me with this bit?" You ask him. He grabs the book softly and gets a highlighter and starts to highlight important parts on the text your professor gave you both.
"This should help you; I think this is all the really important things." He hums, he slides the book back over to you and you read all the things he highlighted, and they actually helped you.
~Time skip~
It was two months after you both at the library and the whole group is at Tara's and something seems off about Ethan, he seems cold and distracted, like something was bothering him and he couldn't let it go.
"Eth?" You ask him with a soft voice. "Are you ok?" He swiftly moves his head to take a look at you and nods his head. You seem confused and want to get into this some more.
He seems quiet and you have no idea why or what's wrong. "Ethan, are you sure? You've been so quiet today and you seem all uncomfy, if anything is wrong, please tell me. I really want to know if you-"
You get cut off by him grabbing your chin and making you face him as he's looming over you on the couch. "Stop it. Ok? Stop this innocent act, I know about your mind and how dirty it is. I just know you touch yourself under the covers of your bed at night." He whispers.
You actually had no idea what he's talking about, but the way his face was almost inches from touching yours, you wanted to kiss him. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." You stutter lightly, you eyes fixated on his lips and your mind fixated on how you wanted to press yours against his.
"Yes, yes you do. You touch yourself, when no one else can see, don't you?" He asks in a rough whisper, his dark brown eyes bearing into yours. You shake your head, and he lets go of your chin and sits back down at his spot. "Search it up tonight, when you get home."
Tara comes in, drunk out of her mind and you smile a little at the woman now spread out on the couch. "How much did she have to drink?" You ask Chad.
"Not that much, I think she just took some molly." Chad explains and you don't want to ask what molly is, so you grab your stuff and say your goodbyes to everyone, even Ethan, who seems a little touchier after the interaction you had with him before almost mere moments ago.
"Where are you going?" Tara asks you, with a slight slur in her voice. You chuckle a little at the drunkenness on the couch and you explain to her you're going home.
"I'm going home, I'm pretty tired and I have econ almost first thing in the morning." You explain, you then walk out the door and leave. As you get to your apartment and Ethan is waiting at your door, you get confused. "H-How? I left before you."
"I know a short cut," He starts. He's playing with a knife in his hands, this didn't seem good to you. Your eyes flash between the knife and his eyes, really confused on what was happening. "Oh," He chuckles. "Don't worry, this is just a little toy thing."
He places the knife in his pocket, and he steps closer to you and cups your chin to force you to look at his eyes and nowhere else. "What are you going to do to me?" You ask him, your voice coming out terrified and in a whisper.
Ethan groans a little. "Don't say that." He orders, his eyes becoming darker. You nod your head a little and he presses his lips against yours, his kiss filled with lust and desire for more.
He grasps your waist and pulls his body closer to yours, the way your lips move together was heaven and it stopped as his phone rang. He pushes you away and then grabs his phone out of his other pocket, saying nothing as he left.
You walk into your house, lightly brushing your fingers against your lips as you placed your keys down. Ethan Landry just kissed you. But what happened before the kiss, why he was holding a knife, was terrifying for you to think enough of. You brain then remembers what he told you before, you grab your computer out and open the lid, opening the google search engine.
You search up 'women touching herself'. God, why were you doing this? You couldn't, but as soon as you hit enter, your eyes go wide. This is what Ethan thinks you do at night? Well, he was wrong, not even close, usually you would just watch something, fall asleep on the couch and wake up in your bed.
And now that you think about it, how did you get to your bed?
As you click on a video, your curiosity taking over you, you can't help but just lower a hand down through your shorts and panties to the place where the woman on your screen also had their hands.
You start to follow their hand movements and move your fingers in a circular movement, shit, this felt good to you. And why did you hate it?
This felt so wrong, but so right at the same time, the feeling was slowly becoming overwhelming as you kept moving your fingers. You let out a whispered moan and your body started shaking. As you watch the video intently, you slowly came from an orgasm, moaning a little bit louder this time.
You slowly pull your fingers away from the spot of pleasure and realize what you have just done to yourself.
🎯 @idky5 and @nowitsmissing
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behidethetrees · 1 year
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IN WHICH… You’re ethans dream girl!
Pairing: Ethan landry x Fem! Reader
Contents: non-gf! Ethan, Reader is bffs with Tara and Anika <3, Chad is definitely Ethan’s biggest hypeman, This is set in the 2000s!!
THIS IS A REUPLOAD!!! my blog got deleted so I have to re-upload all my fics :( but nonetheless enjoy!!
Ethan has had his eye on you for a while.
Since junior year of high school when you asked him for the algebra notes, he's been completely infatuated with you. He had daydreamed about you and everything he would do for you once you became his.
He was so sure you two would tie the knot soon that he started to plan your future together. He dreamed about having a big house with two cats, a good-paying job so he can spoil you, maybe even kids. But he couldn't have any of that if he hadn't talked to you yet.
he decided to take matters into his own hands, He was going to talk to you. He thought of all the different ways he would approach you But every time he tried, Once he got close enough to you, he would always back down because of how nervous you made him.
Ethan felt as if you were getting farther from him Until one day when you asked for the notes again…
"I- uhm, can tutor you if you want." Ethan blurts out
"tutor me? You think I'm stupid?" you said in that sickly sweet voice of yours which, at that moment, didn't feel all too sweet.
"NO!, oh God uhm-no that's not what I meant. I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that, It's just uh we have a test soon so I didn't know if-" Ethan started to ramble. He had fantasized about you for too long to let you slip away. He wasn't going to let it happen.
"I'm just fucking with you, here's my number." you laugh as you tear a piece of paper from your notebook and grab Ethan's pen from his hand.
Ethan was sure he was seeing hearts around his vision. Ethan had made YOU laugh, Ethan's heart was pumping out of his chest. As you handed him the paper, smiled, and thanked him he had to force himself not to kiss you right then and there.
Every tutor session ended with you two just talking and getting to know each other. Ethan studied you. he memorized what you liked, didn't like, your favorite foods, the shows you liked, everything you told him he would remember.
As you two became closer, Ethan became more and more devoted to you. You two went shopping? He’d carry your bags. Out for food? He’d pay. Simply walking towards a door? He’d hold the door open for you. You had started to consider Ethan a best friend and that made Ethan's stomach hurt with excitement.
When you introduced Ethan to the group, of course, Chad took a quick liking in him, So much so they're now roommates at Blackmore. Ethan would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous of Chad at first. How close you guys were, how comfortable, How much trust you put in him, Everybody loved Chad and his personality, Chad had a higher chance of being with you than Him Ethan thought, and something about that made Ethan's jaw clench harder every time, But he would never admit this.
When you got that text from Ethan, Tara grabbed your pink flip phone and freaked out.
“Oh my god! y/n you HAVE to accept this!” Tara yelled as she grabbed your shoulders and shook you.
“Why this restaurant though? Why does he want to go that far out for food?” You said with too much obliviousness that it hurt everyone in the room.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Anika started “ He likes you! He's taking you to a fancy dinner to tell you, There's no other reason why he would want you to go that far out for a hamburger!”
“I don't think he does though, I think he likes that girl in our econ class” You said, The thought of that makes your heart hurt. You had liked ethan for awhile, He was so kind and attentive, If you asked him for help, He would be there in a heartbeat. He treated you with so much respect and gentleness you knew no one else could give you like he did.
“Jill? Are you kidding? You're so blind.” Tara says “Well he looks at her sometimes-” You start getting defensive.
“She sits in front of him Y/N. I promise you he doesn't like her, if he does he's an idiot!” Tara yells.
Anika agrees with a loud yeah!
“Whatever but I still don't think he likes me, we're just friends.” In your gut, you knew that was a lie but you kept telling yourself it wasn't.
“He has heart eyes every time he looks at you y/n. He's definitely in love with you.” Anika said, Tara laughs.
The whole afternoon Tara and Anika helped you get ready and pick out what to wear. You all decided on a y/f/c colored dress with some dark shoes. Tara straighten your hair and Anika did your nails and picked out your perfume.
“He's gonna be more in love with you than he already is!” Tara says, You laugh as Tara and Anika hug you.
Ethan was sitting in the booth of a fancy restaurant that was quite the drive from Blackmore. Chad had finally convinced Ethan to ask you out and when you agreed, Chad's plan was finally in motion. Ethan smelled like Chad's cologne and was dressed in expensive clothes Chad had brought him, a baby blue collared shirt with grey dress pants. Ethan's curls were somehow curlier and out of his face, he looked like a ‘million bucks’ according to Chad.
As you walk in you noticed a group of three sitting to the left of the entrance, All dressed in black, sunglasses, and their hair covering their faces, One of them looked like Anika, You almost laughed. What you didn't notice was Ethan's eyes going wide as he saw you walk in. How his blood started rushing and his heart was about to explode.
“Hey y/n!’ Ethan awkwardly gets up from his seat, He puts his hands on your waist to pull you into a hug.
“Hey Ethan.” you say as you lean into his touch, placing your arms around his neck. It was a short but an effective hug. You too, were now nervous.
As Ethan lets go, You exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding.
You sat across from Ethan and looked at the menu, but Ethan didn't. Ethan was looking at you. Admiring you. How focused you were, how your eyebrows moved up a bit if you saw something that looked good, how you played with your silver ring, taking it off and putting it back on your finger.
“ I think I want to try this, Ethan are you looking?” you ask as you move the menu to show Ethan, “ Are you okay?” You noticed Ethan was just staring down.
“I uhm, need to tell you something.” Ethan says softly. Was he really about to do this?
“Oh okay” Ethan saw you fidget with your ring again, He knew you were just as nervous as he was.
Ethan looked down at his hand to remember what to say- oh crap, Ethan's black ink was smudged from washing his hands. Ethan cursed himself in his head for being so dumb. Ethan breathed in deeply, trying not to panic. What was he supposed to say now?
Ethan picked up his head but avoided making eye contact with you, But you on the other hand were looking right into his hazel eyes that still somehow shined even in the dimed lights.
“I don't know if this is weird because we're friends and I don't want to make you uncomfortable,” Ethan starts, He knew this wasn't the best way to start but he didn't know what else to say. “If you don't feel the same that's okay, And if you don't want to be friends after this thats fine too-” Ethan is stalling.
“Ethan what are you saying?” You knew what was coming but you wanted to hear him say it.
“Its nothing bad! I just uhm, like you.” Ethan mumbles while scratching his face.
“What?” You heard him, You just wanted him to say it again.
“ I like you y/n, I've liked you for so long it's making me crazy.” Ethan's mouth begins to move faster than his brain. “ I've loved you ever since I've known you and- and I've tried to show you, The best days of my life revolve around you, it's always been you.” Ethan doesn't notice that you get up and start to walk to his side of the booth.
“ I’d do anything you want, I already do everything you want and I'm sorry if this is weird but your all I want-” You grab Ethan's hand from his lap as you sit next to him, Now he notices.
“Ethan how could i not like you? Youre like, the best person ive ever met.” You make sure he looks you in your eyes so he knows you really mean it.
“ You have so much kindness and patience and i admire that so much, You make me feel loved.” You say as you lean in to kiss him. Ethan was caught off guard but slowly he grabs your hips as you place your hand on the side of his arm. It was a long passionate kiss filled with years of yearning and love for each other.
As you began to pull away you see the same 3 weird people from the other table in front of you.
“Tara?!” It was Tara, Anika, and Chad dressed up, Anika Was recording.
“Is it official?” Tara asks with excitement. You and Ethan looked at each other before smiling and turning to the others and nodding.
Immediately Tara grabs you out of the booth and hugs you so tight you felt like you couldn't breathe, Anika also joining in. Chad and Ethan do their handshake they’ve practice for over a year, this time they perfected it.
“Dinner is on me!” Chad yells.
A/N; Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!
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sage-green-matcha · 1 year
can you please do “there’s only one bed” trope with Ethan Landry and it’s pure fluff but reader and Ethan are just “friends”, pretty please and thank you 🩷🤗
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“You know me, better show me that you could say it to my face. 'Cause you know we're the same, there's worse things I can take” - beabadoobee
Content includes: fluff!! Sweet Ethan!
A/n: thank you smm for the request! I hope u love it!
"Damn Y/n, is your bag really that heavy?" Sam watched as your shoulder sunk to one side, the heavy bag pulling you down. "Yea you're struggling, do you really need all of that?" Tara chuckled.
"Okay well first of all, Yes. I do need all of this. Also yes, it's really heavy" you mumbled, kicking the bag in front of your legs as you walked. "Hey, woah! You're gonna snap yourself in half" Ethan lifted the bag off your shoulders, sliding it easily into his. "Thanks..." Chad smirked as you looked up at Ethan.
Everyone knew you two had a thing for each other, which is exactly why they made a plan. A very thought-out one, but not very original. "It's working!" Mindy mumbled with a big smile. "It hasn't even started" Chad looked back at the two of you with a smirk.
Ethan had confirmed he was crushing on you, accidentally slipping it out when he was tipsy. For days he begged Chad not to tell anyone. But the whole group already knew. That was just confirmation. "You sure this is gonna work?" Tara walked by his side. "I know this is gonna work"
"Okay! Pair up with your hotel room buddies" Everyone ran to one another, it seemed like you and Ethan were sick with how fast they paired off, avoiding the two of you. "Well uh, guess we'll be good roommates right?" You nodded, your heart beating like crazy. You didn't wanna room with him, you couldn't. Being next to him made you all giddy so staying in the same room with him? You could never.
"Okay, good!” Mindy smiled, walking up to the front desk. "We have a reservation.." You blacked out as she talked, nerves filling your body. This could go so wrong. Or so good. Or it could be the most mediocre thing that you're overthinking about. But you also knew that nothing that included Ethan was mediocre.
"Here's the room keys" she handed them out, everyone slumped as they walked over to the elevators. "I'm so tired" you mumbled, everyone, shaking their heads. "You slept the whole ride, Ethan's shoulder suffered from your fat head" "Mindy, shut up!" You glared at her.
You all got to your floor, everyone spreading out to find their rooms. "What number is it?" You stood on your tiptoes, holding onto Ethan's arm. "306" you furrowed your eyebrows. "Huh...that's separated from everybody else" he just shrugged, pulling up your bag while he looked around. "Looks like It's on the other side of the hall" 
You eventually found the room, swiping the key onto the door lock. You searched for the light, your eyes widening when you saw the bed. "Uh...are we sure this is the right room?" He plopped your bag down, looking around the room. "Well..? The key worked"
You ended up dragging Mindy and Ethan to the front desk, making her ask for a different room. "Sorry kids, that's the only one available at the moment. We're packed for the next couple of nights" You wanted to die. "Tara, please! You know damn well you're gonna sleep in the same bed as Chad. Just trade rooms please?" She shook her head, hiding her smile. "No, I'm not sleeping with a drunk ass Chad" you groaned, covering your eyes.
You asked everyone. They all said no. "You guys are so rude" you mumbled, walking back to your room in defeat. "So...what did they say?" Ethan prayed that they all said no. As much as this was uncomfortable for him he was kinda happy about it.
"They said no" You slipped off your shoes, sitting on the bed next to him. "I can just sleep on the chair…it’s fine! Really!” You shook your head. "It's whatever, we'll figure it out" You knew it was wrong, that you didn't wanna figure it out. Your heart bounced around inside of you, nervous for the night. It could be normal, one of you on the couch and the other on the bed. But maybe, somehow you two could end up together on the same bed.
After a long afternoon of chatter and laughter in Tara and Chad's room, you headed back to yours. You were too tired to even care about the bed, completely forgetting about it till you opened the door.
"What are we gonna do about the bed?" Ethan mumbled, wiping his eyes. "It's okay, we can share" "Are you sure? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable. I can just sleep on the chair..." you took a glance at the red chair in the corner of the room. "It's okay Ethan, trust me. That chair is way too small for you" his face got hot as he saw your smile, watching you grab your pajamas before walking into the bathroom.
A swarm of butterflies flew around in your belly, making your face heat up. You didn't wanna get too excited. You wouldn't even be facing him anyways. He was just a friend and nothing more, this was just a friend thing! You tried to convince yourself but you couldn't get that feeling out of your stomach. You felt creepy. He definitely didn’t feel the same way, but you decided to let your delusions take over for a bit.
As you walked out of the bathroom Ethan was already laying in bed. He cuddled up to one of the pillows, his face smushed against the fabric. He looked so cute.
“Is it okay if I keep one of the lamps on…?” “Uhm, yea it’s okay” You peeled back the white bed sheets, adding your favorite throw on top. The room was dark besides the lamp and the moonlight that peaked in through the blinds. The smell of cleaning products filled your nose as the sound of a fan played in the background.
You were glad Ethan let you keep the light on. You could never sleep with it being pitch black, it gave you the heebie-jeebies. You positioned yourself, trying to get comfortable as you faced away from Ethan. You tried your best to get comfortable but you couldn’t, turning around to face Ethan’s back.
Ethan quickly caught onto this, also feeling the same amount of discomfort you were in. “This bed isn’t very comfortable, is it?” His voice was low and raspy, facing you with a small smile. “Uh uh” your hair rubbed against the sheets, the small sound filling your ears.
You scanned his face as he stared back at you, noticing details that you never got to see before. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, small marks all over his skin. “You have really nice eyelashes” It just fell out of your mouth, but you meant it. “I- oh. Thank you” You noticed how his cheeks filled up in a pinky hue, gaining you some confidence.
You could go on and on about his face. How full his lips were, the pretty color of his skin. But you didn’t wanna creep him out, keeping it to yourself. “I like your lips…” you held back a smile, covering the bottom of your face with the blanket. “Thank you” your laughs were whispered, Ethan, noticing how flustered you were getting.
You felt yourself move back as he brought his hand up to your face, realizing how weird it probably was. “Sorry, sorry. I don’t know what l was doing” You chewed on your lip as he brought his hand down, pulling the side of your face closer to his. “It’s okay” your whisper was unstable. Your nervousness escaped your body through your voice.
You watched as his eyes scanned your face. From your lips to your eyes, an unorganized pattern of movements that slightly confused you. You could tell he was nervous, his hand getting warmer with each second that it was on your skin. His face was inches away, feeling his soft breath on your face.
You had begun to grow impatient, lips seconds away from touching. The anticipation made you go insane, only paying attention to the way his heart was beating with your hand on his chest.
As crazy as it seemed his was probably pounding harder than yours, lips on lips. “Don’t be a tease E” Your lips brushed against his, the feeling of warmth and satisfaction filling every pore in your body.
Your face grew hot, Ethan pulling you in as he became addicted to your taste. Your lips were soft and cushiony, perfectly fitting onto his. Breaths and words were jumbled as you two got even closer, Ethan’s hands finding their way to your hips.
All you could feel was fire. It was like a giant firework was exploding in your stomach. Your hands ran through his soft curls, noses touching as you pulled away for air. His face was so red. Making you giggle with a hand on his cheek.
“You look so cute when you blush…” you combed your hand through his hair, pushing it all back as he admired you. He pulled you closer, hugging your body tightly into his. “Better?” “Way better”
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 7 months
Flames - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader- Part 2
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Summary: You have your friends to help you through your pregnancy as Ethan gets the help he needs.
Part 1, Part 3
Contains: Fluff, Angst, Mentions of pregnancy
A/N: HI! I'm currently in the process of trying to update all my fics to include what's in the fic because I'M AN IDIOT and completely forgot about that😅
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When you found out Ethan had something to do with what was happening a few weeks before, you were devastated. The kind, sweet Ethan that you first met when you were thirteen and went to visit Dewey and Gale in New York. You tried to have a long-distance relationship with Ethan until you met Amber in your sophomore year. Then you realized that you needed to be with someone that could physically be there with you, and you were wanting to explore your sexuality. Ethan was sad about it, but he understood. When you reached back out to him after everything happened with Amber, you’d learned that he’d lost his brother around the same time. You leaned on each other to grieve your losses, and you started to get your feelings back.
Your mom was so close to Gale, and after everything happened to Dewey, she flew out to New York for a while because Gale took it really hard. That’s when Gale suggested that you going to college there and getting out of Woodsboro might be good for you. You and Tara both decided to apply to the same school, keeping your fingers crossed that you’d both get in. Mindy and Chad did the same, and after a few months, you all got your acceptance emails on the same day.
Ethan was so excited when you told him you got into the same school as him. He was hoping the two of you had a chance to pick up where you’d left off years before. But then his dad came up with a plan. Ethan felt sick as he listened to his dad talk about you being one of the targets.
“I won’t be a part of this if you want to hurt her,” Ethan said, as his dad eyed him curiously. “I know her, okay? I really care about her.”
“You can’t be serious…you want us to spare a girl that had something to do with Richie dying?” Wayne questioned, “How do you know her?”
“It doesn’t matter how I know her, you aren’t going to hurt her,” Ethan had a scowl on his face, “And, Amber stabbed her first. She didn’t hurt him.”
“Fuck it, she can live…but everyone else dies.”
Ethan nodded at his dad’s words, “She doesn’t know you or Quinn, so this could work.”
Ethan spent days trying to hack into the university’s computer system after he realized that was a way to get close to Chad. Once he was in and was able to select him as his roommate, he started to search for ways Quinn could help. He talked to you about your plans and where you were going to stay. When you mentioned that you were moving in with Tara and Sam, and were hoping to find a fourth roommate, he knew that he needed to make sure Quinn got that extra room.
Wayne made it clear to both of his kids that they were to act like they didn’t know each other, and that Quinn was to be the only one to interact with their dad. Ethan started to get nervous when you got close to Quinn, but she felt like she could get close to you, because you weren’t going to die. Plus, she really grew to like you. When she found out you were pregnant, she couldn’t tell Ethan. She knew that he would probably back out of the plan, and it would ruin everything they’d been working towards.
When you left, Ethan was rethinking everything. All he wanted was to be with you, and when you went back to Woodsboro, he thought about hopping on a plane and leaving his dad and Quinn to do all the work. He knew he couldn’t, because they’d come to find him, and you wouldn’t be safe.
As Ethan and Quinn snuck into the abandoned theater that night, she knew his head wasn’t in it.
“Ethan, pay attention! We don’t have much time,” she whispered, observing Tara, Chad and Sam explore around the theater from the balcony.
“I don’t think I can do this,” he sighed, pulling the mask off.
“What the fuck are you doing?” she asked, “You’re going to ruin everything!”
“I have to stop this,” he said, standing up.
That’s when Quinn pulled the knife out, stabbing him a few times. His eyes were wide in pain and shock, not thinking his own sister could do this to him. He started to groan when she put her hand over his mouth to muffle him, not wanting anyone else to hear him.
“I’m really starting to understand why Richie was dad’s favorite son,” she said, as Ethan lost consciousness.
Quinn and Wayne tried to finish the job that night, ultimately losing their lives as they attempted to kill the Carpenter sisters. When the detectives discovered Ethan’s body in the balcony, he was immediately considered a suspect, because he was wearing the robe and the mask was on the floor beside him. He miraculously had a faint pulse and was able to be saved.
As you kept up with your friends and what was going on with Chad, Tara started to bring up Ethan.
Tara: I just wanted to let you know that Ethan’s going to be okay. He’s going to be getting the help he needs. I don’t know if you wanted an update, but I thought you would because of the circumstances.
You: Have you heard why he was a part of it? I haven’t seen anything new about it.
The details surrounding the situation were kept quiet. They wanted to verify all the information before it was released to the public.
Tara: I asked about it…and I don’t know if you want to know.
You: I need to know…I’m literally pregnant with his child.
Tara: Have you told your mom yet?
You: Yes, already had my first appointment. Everything’s looking good so far.
You: Quit trying to change the subject
Tara: Alright…Quinn was Ethan’s sister, and detective Bailey was his dad.
Your heart was pounding as you read the message. You started to feel like you didn’t know Ethan at all. He’d mentioned his dad a couple times, but you’d never met him. And he definitely never brought up having a sister, even when you were younger before all of this started.
Tara: They did it for Richie. He was Ethan’s brother.
You: What the fuck?
You started to sob as you held your tummy. As much as you wished the condom hadn’t broke that night, you still loved the tiny little person that was growing inside of you. You knew you’d do whatever you needed to, to make sure they’d always be safe.
The months passed quickly, your belly getting bigger by the week. Your friends flew back to Woodsboro for your baby shower, and decided to stay until after you had the baby. Yeah, you had your family, but you were so thankful to have your best friends by your side, too. Your parents decided to convert the large office they had into a nursery, which you were so thankful for.
“I’m happy you aren’t doing the stereotypical ‘everything must be pink’ thing,” Mindy said, as you walked through the baby section of the store with her and Chad. “What color are you thinking for the walls?”
“I think I want gray, but a light gray. I am going to have a little bit of pink in the room, and I think it’ll go well together,” you said, holding one of your hands against your belly as you felt your baby girl kick.
“Is this the crib you want?” Chad said, attempting to lift the heavy box. You nodded as Mindy helped him grab the other end and put it on the large cart.
“Please be careful. I know you’ve been going to physical therapy for months, but I don’t want you to hurt yourself,” you said to Chad, his face still wincing from the weight of the box. He still had some muscle damage that he was hoping could be fixed.
Chad was especially helpful. He built the crib, painted the room, assembled the changing table. Tara and Mindy took you shopping for baby clothes and all the little things you’d need for the tiny new person when they made their way into the world.
“Everything is so tiny,” Tara said, as she helped you fold the freshly washed baby clothes.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be a mom soon,” you smiled, adding a stack of clothes to a basket.
“I know we don’t really talk about Ethan, but do you think you’re ever going to tell him?” she asked, looking over at you.
“I thought about it, but I’m going to keep her safe. I don’t want him to know,” you sighed, “I know he’s getting help, but I can’t put her in danger.”
“It makes sense. She’s got all of us, anyway. You won’t ever have to worry about doing this alone,” she smiled, “We might be transferring back here.”
“What?!” you squealed, before you started to think. “You guys can’t do that…you’re about to start your second year.”
“Yeah, but the core five has to stick together,” she said, as Chad’s head popped into the room.
“I just hung the shelves and the pictures you wanted on the walls. Wanna come check it out?” he asked, a huge smile on his face.
You walked into the room and immediately started to tear up. You noticed that Chad had finished everything, from the fitted sheet on the crib mattress and the white fluffy rug on the floor, to the light pink curtains that looked great with the light gray walls.
“Chad…thank you,” you cried, as he pulled you into a hug. “These pregnancy hormones will be the death of me,” you laughed.
“You’re welcome. Now everything is ready for the little lady,” he said, as Tara walked in with the basket of folded clothes.
“Almost, we just need to put these away,” she said, walking over to the dresser.
Not even a week later, when you went with Mindy to make sure the car seat was correctly installed, your water broke.
“Oh fuck,” she said, your eyes wide as you looked over to the older gentleman that had just finished looking at the car seat. “Uh, I think we need to go.”
“Well, the car seat is good to go. Just in the nick of time too, it seems,” he chuckled, looking down at the wet spot on the ground. “Don’t worry about that, go have that baby.”
He was nice enough to bring a towel out for you to sit on as you made the trip down the street to the hospital.
“Shouldn’t you, I don’t know, be screaming in pain right now?” she asked, as you rolled your eyes.
“The contractions still feel the same way they have all day,” you sighed, as Mindy drove about ten over the speed limit in the residential area. “Slow down.”
“Slow down? You’ve been having contractions all day and didn’t think to tell someone?” she asked, her voice raised as she panicked.
“I’ve been tracking them on the app. They aren’t close enough yet. Now that my water broke, I think we should get to the hospital, though,” you said, so nonchalantly that Mindy was confused.
“Are you nervous?” she asked, as you started to laugh.
“Yeah, but I don’t really need to show it when you’re freaking out enough for the both of us.”
The truth is, part of you wished Ethan was there with you. You couldn’t help but hate him a little, his shitty decisions leading to you doing everything without him.
When you made it to the hospital, and Mindy called your parents and friends, everything moved quick. Mindy opted to be in the waiting room, as Tara and Chad stayed with you until Chad started to get a little squeamish.
“Okay, uh, I think I need to get out of here,” he said, feeling dizzy.
“It’s fine,” you groaned, before looking at Tara. “You can’t leave though.”
“I’m not going anywhere, you’ve got this,” she encouraged you as you started to push.
It only took twenty more minutes for your baby girl to make it into the world. When the nurse asked you what her name would be, Tara perked up, dying to know what you’d decided. You didn’t want to tell anyone the name you’d picked out until she was born, but you were also nervous about everyone’s last name reactions.
“Um, River Judith Landry,” you said, Tara’s eyes going wide.
“Your last name isn’t Landry,” the nurse said, as she wrote it on the whiteboard in the room.
“It’s her dad’s last name,” you said, “He couldn’t be here.”
You wanted to avoid the awkward conversation. How do you explain to someone that your child’s father was in a psychiatric hospital for plotting to kill your friends? You knew you didn’t want him to be around your daughter, but you also didn’t feel right just pretending that he didn’t exist.
As the nurse walked out, Tara looked over to you, “Landry?”
“Yeah, hopefully she doesn’t hate me someday for giving her that last name,” you said, looking down at the tiny human in your arms. “I guess we could always change it one day if she does.”
“Maybe one day when he’s better, things will be different,” she smiled, looking down at your daughter.
You’d been home from the hospital for a few weeks. Your friends all got the transfer to the local college, even though you begged them to go back to New York and live their lives. They made the trip back to get their stuff, so you’d been doing almost everything on your own while your parents were at work.
As you shushed your daughter who’d just woken up from a nap, you heard a knock on the door. You walked over to it, your eyes not leaving her. You gently bounced her in your arms as you opened the door, instantly filled with fear the second you saw who was standing there.
“Ethan?” you said, your voice shaking. “What are you doing here?”
He had a million things he wanted to say to you before he made it to the door, but when he saw you standing there with a baby, his brain stopped working.
“I think you should go,” you said, starting to close the door.
“Wait,” he said, “is that baby yours?”
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whorergal · 1 year
summary: you and ethan form a plan but in order for it to work, you need to make it look believable…
warnings: scream vi spoilers, language (cussing), blood, gore. follows the plot loosely. happy ending, i promise.
pairings: ethan landry x fem!reader
authors note: here's the final part! i just wanted to say thank you for all the likes and reblogs!! it's honestly so sweet of everyone and it means a lot to me! i have a bunch of ideas for ethan so look out for more imagines and hopefully a masterlist for easier navigation (i'm still new to this lol) :-) i love u all so much
❗️: u can find part one here and part two here <3
To say that you were surprised when finding out about Ethan and his relation to Richie Kirsch would be an understatement. He had been someone that you had hated and even vented to Ethan about when you two first met. It just seemed very ironic. Although Ethan did love his brother, he knew the things he did weren't right once he realized how much shit he put you through.
The late night calls because of your nightmares, the flashbacks you would get whenever someone touched you too roughly, having to avoid the scars on your body because it brought you back to Woodsboro; it opened his eyes.
You weren't entirely shocked to find out Quinn was the other Ghostface that attacked you. She always had some unsaid vendetta against you and you realized now it was just because of your history. What did shock you was to find out Detective Bailey was the mastermind behind it all—not only that, but he was also Ethan and Quinn's father.
He showed up the moment you and Ethan met your friends outside their apartment. Mindy had stolen you from Ethan, leaving him alone with Chad, who was asking him questions to confirm his whereabouts. Luckily, you made sure to practice what to say with him on the train ride there. It seemed your excuses sufficed because Chad nodded, apologizing for thinking the worst.
While on your trip to the run-down theater, Chad had taken Mindy, thanking you for lifting her mood (you three had always been close since you were kids). You walked in the back alongside Ethan, holding his hand to calm your nerves which ended up in you receiving a look from Bailey. You don't think he knew you noticed but ever since you found out about him, you had been unintentionally tense around him.
The memorabilia that had been collected scared the hell out of you. It increased your worries despite knowing everything would end up being okay.
Tara seemed to notice how your breathing began to increase and stepped closer to you. "Hey, you okay?"
You looked at her, faking a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just going to get some air."
The group all watched you leave. Chad was going to follow after you but Tara stopped him when they saw that Ethan had already been on your trail. She smirked at him.
"You owe me five bucks," Tara informed him.
"Shut up," Chad replied, shaking his head.
No one found you two suspicious. If anything, your sudden relationship seemed to throw them off your tracks.
Everyone left the theater, finding you two on the steps, you tiredly laying in his arms. Tara smiled at you two, gesturing for you to follow. When you got up, Mindy reclaimed you as her own again, pulling you away from Ethan as she needed your comfort. You talked with her the whole walk to fill her mind with distractions.
They all needed somewhere to recoup and to come up with a reliable plan. You offered your apartment, knowing theirs was most likely still a crime scene. Yours hadn't been messed up in the sense that there was no broken doors and bloody messes all over the floor. Mindy actually agreed, saying she wanted to sit in Anika's room alone for a little bit.
"Don't mind the mess," you joked once entering. Your books were scattered about the place. "And the…blood," you muttered when you saw some it trailing where you had dragged yourself across the kitchen.
None of them cared much, getting right into what to do next. You ended up leaving to your room because your stitches were hurting like hell and you didn't want to cause any alarm to them about it.
You sat there, alone for a few minutes until you heard a quiet knock on the door. Honestly, you were expecting Tara, or maybe Chad because he kept eyeing you frequently, but Ethan peeked his head inside and you sighed of relief. He gave you his awkward smile and entered slowly, shutting the door softly behind him.
"Hey, are you feeling okay?" he asked, walking over to take a seat on your bed beside you.
You nodded, holding back a wince at the movement he caused which made you flex your muscles. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Nothing I'm not used to."
"Your stitches," he realized aloud, leaning closer. "Shit, I forgot. Do they hurt?"
"Sort of," you responded, gripping your stomach as if it would make the pain go away.
"Is there anything I can do?" He looked at you softly, as if his eye contact could harm you.
You forced a smile. "Distract me, please."
"Well, I, uh," he stuttered. "I came up with a plan."
"A plan?" You questioned, confused.
"Yeah. I talked to my dad while at the theater and I found out the last steps he and Quinn will be taking," Ethan informed you which wasn't exactly the distraction you wanted but nevertheless, it was useful. "He doesn't know about you, or about us so I have him convinced that the reason I saved you was because I wanted to kill you myself."
You widened your eyes. "Oh."
"Obviously, I'm not going to—"
"I know, E."
He nodded before continuing. "Quinn's going to get Gale next. Then she'll be heading for us. I'm not too sure what she wants to do but I know it'll involve someone in the group in order to keep them all from going to the theater. My guess will be Mindy. When that happens, she'll go for you next so you have to stick with me."
"Go for me next?" you repeated for more clarification.
"I told my dad that I wanted you there for act three. Quinn will knock you out, take you to the theater, dress you up in a robe and frame you as a Ghostface." He paused, scanning your expressions. It wasn't a bad idea, actually, other than the fact that you'll be framed as a psychotic murderer.
"Okay, so I just have to pretend that I don't know?" you questioned, wanting to make sure.
"Yes, exactly," he answered. "They're under the impression that I'm going to kill you so they'll tell Sam and Tara you're the Ghostface to throw them off and when the reveals happen, you'll be given to me."
You nod slowly, taking a second to let all the information sink in before worrying aloud. "What if they don't? What if Quinn ends up hurting me again?"
"I won't let anything happen to you," he declared, grabbing your face in his hands. "She knows better now."
Your eyes softened as you nod again for the last time. Then you fell forward into his arms, just wanting to be held. He did as told, being careful with your injury, and just played with your hair which made you smile.
"You know, when I said distraction, that wasn't really what I meant," you mumbled into his chest.
He furrowed his brows. "What did you—" then he stopped himself when he realized. "Oh."
You laughed until it turned into a wince. He pulled you apart from him to make sure you were okay. You nodded silently, diving right back into his arms again. It gave you comfort.
You and Ethan stayed close to each other the entire time you were with the group. He didn't want you to be without him, afraid losing you for one second would mean he would lose you forever. His hand was interlocked with yours or settled on top of your thigh—whatever physical touch he could get from you. You even ended up falling asleep on his shoulder inside the van with Kirby, Chad and Mindy.
Then when you guys detected the call was coming from Gale's apartment, kudos to Quinn, that was where you all headed to next. It was where you learned that Gale had actually survived her fatal attack which you wanted to snicker at because Quinn failed again but you held it back to not look weird.
Sam had created a plan with Kirby and Bailey to head to the theater in order to lure Ghostface and lock him in. Apparently that was Bailey's idea which made sense seeing as he was one of the Ghostface's. So you all headed to the train station in order to get a lift to the rundown area.
Someone had ended up shoving you away from the group, elbowing you right in the stomach. You had to pause, grunting in pain until you looked up and couldn't find anyone. You forced yourself to suck up the pain and roughly shove everyone out of your way which helped you catch sight of Ethan's worried expression, searching the crowd presumably for you.
He found you almost immediately, adjusting his backpack and running straight to you.
"I'm sorry," he apologized when he got to you.
"It wasn't your fault," you reassured him.
You two finally reached the train right when it began to ride away from you. You groaned, knowing everyone had caught it together but then you saw Mindy ahead, doing the same thing as you.
"Mindy!" you hollered, causing her to turn and let out a sigh of relief to find out she wasn't alone.
"Thank god," she muttered. But then she saw Ethan and pulled you away from him protectively. "Get your Ghostface ass away from us, Ghostface."
Ethan gave her an offended look, watching as she created a safe distance from him. He kept looking at you two, making sure you were okay but Mindy would gesture for him to stop with arm movements. It caused him to roll his eyes.
When you entered the next train, you tried to convince Mindy to stick close to him in order to eliminate one of you from being attacked. She didn't listen but knew better than to force you to stay with her so she told you to "go to your boyfriend". You scoffed playfully at her childish behavior, finding her stubbornness amusing.
You had to squeeze through people to reach where he stood in the middle. When he saw you, his expression softened as he went forward to help you. Thankfully, there was a seat open right by where he stood so you sat there, mindlessly staring around as the train shook you.
The lights kept flickering and it gave you immense amount of anxiety. Ethan's eyes seemed to be fixed on Mindy, as if making sure she was okay as well. It must have meant Quinn was nearby seeing as she was targeting Mindy next.
Once the train finally came to a stop, Ethan turned to you and helped you up since your wounds were hurting more than usual. You instantly looked for Mindy but couldn't find her, sending you into a panic. You let go of Ethan, pushing people out of the way until you saw her lumped figure against the back of the train, a large stab wound in her gut.
Ethan and you both let out a jumble of curses while helping her up, leading her out of the train while calling for help.
You three were escorted to the nearest hospital where she went under immediate surgery and you even got yourself checked. Your stitches had reopened—which explained why they hurt so much—so they sewed them back together and even wrapped it up which made it feel a lot more secure.
The doctor released you, letting you return to where Mindy's room was. When you reached her floor, it was strangely quiet. Ethan had left you earlier, saying he needed to find Quinn, which you didn't pay much mind to as you assumed it was so he didn't look suspicious.
You scrolled through your phone, having not received any texts from Tara or the rest of the group that wasn't with you which made you nervous. They were probably busy setting up the theater but you couldn't help but assume the worst. In the midst of your distraction, you found yourself stepping into an unknown liquid which caused you to look from your phone to the floor.
It was blood.
Your mind immediately went to Mindy, but before you were able to worry about her, you were smacked across the head which sent you falling to the hard floor. Your vision started to become black when you swore you heard Ethan's voice.
"Ssh. It's okay, I got you."
- -
You awoke by the sound of excessive footsteps happening all around you. The bright lighting in the room caused your head to throb, making you squint your eyes until you felt well enough to open them all the way. You immediately recognized the room and knew you were inside the theater. You had no idea where Ethan was or what the hell was going on but you were positive that answer would come soon.
Slowly, you started to get up from your position, propping yourself up on your elbows. You looked around but your eyes couldn't help focusing on the black robe covering your entire body. Even though Ethan had informed you about this beforehand, you still felt yourself starting to panic.
What if he changed his mind? What if this was the plan all along; make you think he was on your side just to easily lure you into this trap. No, no, Ethan wouldn't do that.
"Look who's awake," the familiar voice that belonged to Detective Bailey spoke.
You searched around the room until his figure came into view, wearing an evil smirk. "What the hell is going on?"
"You don't get it, do you?" Actually you did. "You know the plan. You know why we're here; to stop Ghostface. It was pretty easy to convince Sam that Kirby was mentally unfit and had taken the mantle in her own hands for the best friend she lost…but she couldn't do it alone. That's where you come in."
"What are you talking about?" Your voice was groggy. Your mind was still fuzzy from the hit you received so his voice didn't really sound as close as it was to you. "Are you saying that Kirby's Ghostface?"
"Well, to Sam and Tara she'll be," he told you. Then he crouched to reach your level. "And you'll be to."
"Kirby needed someone to do the dirty work for her while she couldn't." He shrugged, his voice becoming more and more angered as he continued talking. "Don't worry, you won't be the only one. My own accomplices will take the fall with you until the time is right. But we have to fuck with Sam somehow. We have to make her feel betrayal to throw us off her radar for the best reveal. Make her feel what she's made us feel for the past year."
"You're Ghostface?" you questioned. Your fogged up mind was really helping you play the part of confused.
He nodded. "And so are you."
You looked at him in disgust. "What the fuck?"
"It has to be this way, Y/N," he tutted in sarcastic sadness. It pissed you off. "You were the easiest pawn in this game. Your betrayal will weaken them the most. It's the perfect fucking idea!"
"Fuck you!" you yelled, kicking him straight in the face.
You were able to throw him back. Your uneasy state didn't help you much in your favor because as you lifted yourself up, your knees gave out. The mix of pain coming from your wounds plus your throbbing head made you nauseous that you didn't even completely register the feeling of Bailey gripping you by the hair until the cold touch of his gun was placed against your temple.
Unable to move in general, you froze.
"Unless you want your brains splattered across this wall, I'd suggest you follow my orders," he threatened. You winced at the rough shake he gave your head in order to emphasize his words. You immediately surrendered to which he noticed and nodded at. "Good."
He let go of your hair forcefully, it caused you to fall forward, catching yourself. You heard shuffling coming from behind you but when you turned to look, his back was the only thing you could make out. "What are you doing?"
"You need this to complete your costume," he responded, walking back over to you. He was enthusiastically holding a mask in the air. "This is Mickey Altieri's mask. I thought he would fit you well, you know, once I paint you to be this psycho who wanted to kill your friends for fun."
You glared at him. "They'll never believe you."
"Oh, I think they just might." He nodded, forcing the mask over your face which you tried to fight against. Then, there were gunshots heard which made you flinch and Bailey chuckle. "It's showtime."
He forced you on your feet by your robe, holding you tightly in his grip as he dragged you out of the room. You had no strength so he was basically holding your entire weight as you struggled to find balance. With your lack of stability, there wasn't much you could do and also because you felt his gun poking your back as if to keep you in your place.
"Get away from the girls!" Bailey announced his presence, pulling you along with him like a rag doll. "It's over, Kirby! I got you and your partner!"
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Kirby questioned in utter disbelief and you didn't blame her.
"Cut the bullshit!" Bailey hollered. "I saw this one helping you out to stage your attack!"
"What?!" Kirby's voice rose an octave.
"Who is this, Kirby? Huh?" he asked, referring to you as he shook you in his grip.
"I have no idea, okay?! It's not me!"
"Well, I'll just have to see for myself—" he was muttering to himself, using the hand that held his gun to rip the mask off your face. "Oh my god…"
"Y/N?" Sam looked at you in betrayal.
"What the fuck," Tara whispered, backing away from you.
"Stop! It's not me!" you yelled, squirming but he readjusted his grip. "It's not Kirby either! He's lying!"
"Y/N Y/L/N?" Bailey questioned. "How could you? Where the hell are the others?!"
"You're insane!" you yelled at him. You redirected your attention to them, finding it hard to breathe. "I'm not Ghostface! He is! He knocked me out and forced me into this costume! Please, you have to believe me!"
"Did you and Y/N kill Quinn?" Bailey asked in anger, his question targeted at Kirby. "Did you two kill my daughter?!" He shook you, looking at you when he finished his question.
"Jesus Christ!" Kirby let out.
"We didn't do anything!" you answered, feeling your voice beginning to give out. "You know that, you asshole!"
"Whatever he's been saying to you, don't listen to him! Y/N and I are innocent!" Kirby defended you both. "He's probably Ghostface."
"Why would he kill his own daughter?" Sam couldn't help but question, glancing back and forth between you and Kirby.
"Because he's a psycho!" you answered loudly.
"It doesn't make any sense—"
Kirby's voice overpowered Tara's concern as you saw her eyes go wide and gun straighten. "Behind you!"
You heard loud footsteps rushing toward you from behind but everything went silent the moment Bailey shot his gun, landing two bullets in Kirby's stomach. She fell to the ground, causing you to gasp. You let out another shriek when you felt a pair of strong arms grab you from behind, restricting you from movement as they dragged you along with them to stand beside Bailey.
It was Ethan.
"Great job," Bailey complimented. "Both of you."
"What the fuck?" Sam breathed out in confusion until she saw your frightened figure still being held. You saw guilt flash across her face for not trusting you.
"Let her go!" Tara screamed, heading for you but Sam had to hold her back.
It caused Bailey to chuckle. "Oh, you should've seen the look on your faces. To think your only friend would betray you but she's actually innocent; just ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Fuck you!" You let out.
Ethan covered your mouth with his gloved hand and you instinctively relaxed in his grip but forced yourself to fight him in order to make it look believable. You assumed he wanted to make sure your words wouldn't end up pissing Bailey off so he didn't do anything rash to you.
You were fading in and out of reality. You weren't paying attention until Bailey nudged Ethan to take off his mask.
He pulled it off with a smile on his face.
You looked up from where he had you, your mouth dropping into a fake gasp. "E-Ethan?"
"Hi, baby," he whispered in your ear. "Mindy was right. It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean, all I had to do to meet you guys was to room with a conceited, condescending asshole, literally named Chad. Fuck, it felt good to kill him!" His tone made you flinch; he sounded really insane. Then he rose his mask in the air. "This was your grandmother's Sam; Nancy Loomis. Really runs in the fucking family, doesn't it? And speaking of family…my names not Ethan Landry. Isn't it, dad?"
Tara looked lost. "Dad?"
"Had to keep it secret. I mean, I had to get close to you guys somehow," Ethan stated, leaning his cheek to be against yours. He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek which would've made you blush in any other circumstance. "Had to have Y/N for myself."
"You're psychotic," you told him.
Catching him off guard, you managed to shove his arms away from you. Tara and Sam were prepared to pull you away but he gathered you rather easily as you didn't make it much of a battle to. You just needed to look like you weren't comfortable with being in this position.
What startled you was the feeling of his blade being placed against your throat. "Not so fast," he whispered.
You gulped. Now you were really afraid.
"Let her go, you asshole!" Tara shouted.
Ethan pulled the knife away and rose it at her which absentmindedly made her flinch. "Oh, come on. Y/N doesn't mind this. Don't you, baby?"
"Fuck you," you breathed out.
"So vulgar that mouth of yours." His attention was purely on you as his knife was placed back against your throat.
Tara watched in disbelief, shaking her head.
"Ethan was the one who came up with this plan," Bailey said proudly, squeezing his son's shoulder. "He knew how easy it would be to make Y/N fall for him. It kept him from looking suspicious because nobody suspects the caring boyfriend."
They both began to chuckle together. You rolled your eyes at them. It caused Ethan to dig the knife deeper into your skin, on the verge of slicing you.
"Wait," Sam interrupted them. "If it's you two, then that just leaves…"
While they all gawked in betrayal at Quinn's reveal, Ethan leaned his lips close to your hair to cover his words. "You okay?"
You glanced at him and you could see the apologetic look in his eyes for the position he had you in. You nodded very slightly before trying to squirm out of his grip again.
"Hey, roomies. You didn't see that one coming, did you?"
"Yeah, because you died!"
"Kind of didn't." Quinn tilted her head. "I had to get off the suspect list. Stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy in the train, take Y/N because Ethan couldn't do it himself!"
Ethan rolled his eyes.
"It's funny, isn't it," Quinn continued. "Poor Y/N. She was just trying to help her friends which only led her straight into the trap. Come on, how fucking stupid can you be?!"
"Let her go," Sam stated sternly. "She has nothing to do with this!"
"She has everything to do with this!" Quinn yelled back, walking over to where Ethan still held you. She traced the tip of her knife along your stomach which caused you to shiver as she pressed into your stitches. "She's a killer, just like you, Sam. That's why it'll be easy to frame you both."
"What?" Tara questioned.
"Oh." Quinn jumped from her spot. "You didn't really think we'd take the blame for it. It'll all fall onto Sam, the villain of Woodsboro. She couldn't get enough so she just had to go on another killing spree and she couldn't do it all alone! She needed someone to help her."
"Y/N's not a killer," Sam stated matter-of-factly, watching in disbelief. "Neither am I. We're not killers."
"Oh, shut up!" Quinn snapped.
Bailey walked forward, pulling out a mask from his jacket and raising it for her to see. "You're a killer just like your father."
"No, I'm not!" Sam yelled.
"Yes, you are, you motherfucker! You killed our brother!"
Tara furrowed her brows. "You said your brother died in a car accident?"
"No, no, no, you sweet dumb thing," Ethan jumped into the conversation. "He died in Woodsboro at the hands of your bitch sister with the help of Y/N, here."
Sam's face fell in realization. "You're Richie's family."
"Now she's finally getting it." Ethan smirked.
He gripped your robe, tugging you carelessly to follow him as he and Quinn ventured around the seats in order to get behind Sam and Tara, significantly trapping them. It caused the two to tense and you as well. You weren't sure what was going to happen next.
"Y/N didn't kill him," Sam declared in annoyance. "I'm the one who slit his throat; I'm the one who watched him bleed to death as he cried like a fucking baby."
"Shut your whore fucking mouth!" Quinn lashed out, walking forward to push Sam, catching her off guard.
"Hands off, Quinn!" Bailey demanded loudly which seemed to set his psychotic daughter in place. "Before we get into that, we have something else that needs to be done first." It seemed all their attention fell on you. "Ethan, why don't you go take care of Y/N. Plant her body just where we discussed."
"No!" Tara yelled, attempting to head toward you but was stopped by Quinn, who stepped in front of her with her knife.
Sam pushed Quinn, causing an uproar as they tried to fight her but Bailey put their actions to a pause by facing the gun to their faces. They both shuddered and stopped fighting, having to watch you be dragged away.
"Go, Ethan," Bailey instructed.
"No, no, no," you heard Tara cry out until he pushed you inside the room and the door was shut, silencing all sound.
"God," Ethan groaned, dropping the act, even dropping his knife in the process as he rushed towards you, grabbing your face in his hands as he checked for any injuries. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay? They didn't touch you, right? I didn't mean anything I said; I promise. I hate this so much—"
"Ethan," you interrupted his rambling. "Hey, it's okay. I'm fine, I promise. I've been through worse."
Not wasting another second, he leaned down to pull you into a passionate kiss. Several emotions were coursing through you but once feeling his lips on yours, you felt yourself relax as if you two weren't on the verge of being potentially murdered by his fucked up family.
He couldn't pull away, afraid if he did, he would lose you so you had to be the one to do it—even if it hurt you to. "What's the next step?" you asked him.
"Faking your death," he told you casually. It almost made you want to laugh. "They're too indulged with Sam and Tara to pay attention to us. Besides, they can't hear much but I have to make this look quick."
You nodded, listening as he was about to get into what he wanted you to do next but the sound of footsteps caused you both to go rigid. When you looked past his shoulder, you felt relieved when you saw Kirby, miraculously still standing despite the amount of injuries she had endured, with her gun aimed at Ethan.
"Let her go," she instructed him.
"Kirby, wait," you interrupted, pushing him behind you so now her gun was facing you. "He's innocent."
"What? But I heard him. He killed Chad—"
"I didn't. I didn't hit any major arteries," Ethan defended himself.
"What are you talking about?" Kirby questioned.
"Ethan was Ghostface but he had to be in order to keep me safe so I offered to help him kill Bailey and Quinn for saving my life," you explained very vaguely, your words slurring together. "Please, you have to believe me. He would've done something to me by now if he wasn't."
Kirby took a second to process your words before she began to slowly drop her aim. "Okay. Okay, I believe you."
"Good," you thanked her, turning to Ethan. "What's next?"
"Down the hallway will lead you into the room where the back entrance is located. The plan for them is to make Sam understand what she's done before attempting to kill them both," he told you and Kirby, who had approached you two to watch your backs for any unwanted guests who would pop out. "Our backs will be facing you two and which gives you both the opportunity to get either of them because they won't see you coming."
"Okay." You nodded. "You got that, Kirby?"
"One step ahead of you," she responded.
"And this is for you." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a large hunting knife. "For your protection."
You chuckled breathlessly, taking it from him as you looked up from the knife to him. "We got it from here," you assured him. "Go before they find you suspicious."
Ethan nodded, preparing to leave until he paused, leaning down to pull you back in for another kiss. You sighed into his lips, wanting nothing but to kiss him all day and not have to face the reality that lied outside the room.
"Wrap it up, lovebirds," Kirby said in impatience.
Ethan pulled away, his cheeks flushed red. "Be safe," he demanded more than said.
"You too," you told him, smiling.
He squeezed your hand, as if reassuring you, before he let you go and headed towards the door. He grabbed his knife, taking a second before finally leaving the room.
"Let's go, kid," Kirby demanded, already walking away which gave you no choice but to follow.
She took lead as she was the one with the gun, securing the place before gesturing for you to follow.
While stopped at a corner, her peeking past the wall to make sure it was clear, you couldn't help but question aloud to distract you from your thoughts. "How are you still alive?"
Kirby turned and gave you a look, as if saying 'right now really isn't the time'. You sucked in a breath and nodded, letting her go back to what she was doing.
When you both made it to the room Ethan was talking about, you found Chad propped up against a counter. He looked dazed, on the verge of passing out—or dying. You immediately ran to him, crouching to his level.
"Chad, hey? Can you hear me?" you asked stupidly, grabbing his face.
"…Y-Y/N?" His voice was quiet and weak.
"Yeah, it's me," you answered. "I need you to hold on just a little bit longer, okay? It's almost over with."
"I'm trying," he hissed through his teeth.
"Y/N, when should we make our move?" Kirby asked, making you look to see her peering through the window.
You rubbed Chad's arm reassuringly before getting up to look through the other one right beside her. You could see a video of Richie when he was younger playing on the projector, causing you to scoff.
Kirby glanced at you and back at the scene. "That's the fucker who got you guys last year, isn't it?"
You nodded, feeling angry. All the pent up emotions you forced yourself to swallow over the past year were resurfacing. "Let's get them now."
She nodded, opening the door very quietly. You put your finger to your lips, gesturing for her to stay silent as you crawled forward to the memorabilia. Kirby whispered a bundle of words but you didn't listen as you discreetly reached up at one of the cases, opening it and stealing the knife that was being displayed.
You had no idea who it belonged to previously but you needed to get it just in case Tara or Sam needed one.
When you crawled back to Kirby, she had a surprised mixed with disbelief look on her face. "What the hell?"
"I had to get one for Sam and Tara," you responded.
"Just get behind me," she instructed, which you followed because she was someone you didn't want to piss off.
Kirby took a moment of contemplation, preparing herself before she leaped out, shooting perfectly at Bailey. She had two shots in his stomach but was stopped from continuing as Quinn tackled her to the floor.
You jumped out from your spot, stabbing her straight in the back and throwing her off Kirby.
"Y/N?" Tara questioned, running toward you.
You gasped in surprise when you felt her body being thrown on you, her arms wrapping around your waist. You had pry her arms off of you. "Here, give this to Sam," you said, handing her the knife. "Kill that motherfucker."
"I thought Ethan killed you," she said sadly, tears in her eyes.
Before you could respond, you fell forward into Tara's arms as Quinn stabbed you in the middle of your back. She pulled it out and was prepared to land another one until Ethan shoved her back to the ground, keeping her in place by shoving his knife straight into her chest. At this, Tara looked extremely confused, helping you gain your balance.
You glanced behind your shoulder to see what she was looking at and groaned as you straightened your posture to help yourself stand. "He's on our side," you let out before you pushed her toward Sam. "Just go help Sam—hurry! I'll take care of Quinn."
Tara nodded, making sure you were okay before running back to where Sam was struggling to keep Bailey down.
You turned to help Kirby up from the floor. She dusted herself off and grabbed her gun. "Thanks."
Then you two hovered over Quinn, who was gasping for air as Ethan twisted the knife, causing her to gasp. He pulled it out, blood flying to coat his face as she winced loudly.
Kirby rose her gun, aiming it at her forehead but you stopped her before she could pull the trigger. "Wait."
"What?" Kirby asked, confused.
You didn't answer, leaning down instead to hover above her face as she struggled to move, let alone speak. Blood was spewing out of her mouth as she tried to say something, probably an insult of some kind.
You straddled her waist, gripping her hair as you brought her face close to yours. "Ready to die just like your brother?"
Quinn's eyes widened but she wasn't able to do much as your knife sliced her throat, causing blood to run out. You stood up, returning back to your spot between Ethan and Kirby, watching as she took her last breath. Her eyes fell motionless, staring at the ceiling.
You turned your head to look at Ethan. "You okay?"
Ethan glanced at you, nodding. "Yeah. She was always a terrible sister, anyway."
His response made you smile. Kirby watched the two of you with a smile of her own. "You two did good."
"So did you," you complimented.
She ruffled your hair, earning a smile from you.
A gunshot caused you three to jump, turning around, prepared to attack but became aware that it was from Sam. Tara had the knife in her hand, covered in Bailey's blood as Sam was the cause of the bullet between his eyes.
When you approached them, Sam flinched at the sound of footsteps and rose the gun.
"Hey, it's just us!" Kirby hollered.
Sam nodded until she furrowed her brows, turning her aim at Ethan. He widened his eyes in fear, raising his hands.
"No, wait!" you shouted, jumping in front of him like you had done with Kirby previously. "He's with us."
"What?" Sam questioned.
"It's true," Kirby confirmed, taking a spot next to you in order to shield him as well. "He was the one who told us what to do in order to save you guys."
"But your dad and sister—"
"Are insane," Ethan finished her sentence. "I wanted nothing to do with this. The only reason I helped was because they threatened to kill Y/N," he explained to them, making you reach to hold his hand to comfort him. "I'm sorry for what I've caused and not being able to stop them before we got to this point. I'm really sorry."
"Sorry won't bring back the people we lost," Sam told him.
"I know." He nodded sadly.
"Sam." Tara brought her hand up to force her sister's arm down, making her lower her aim. "He helped us and he saved Y/N. He could've just let us die."
"We don't have time for this," Kirby groaned in annoyance, sticking her gun back into her holster. "You have to get to Chad. I'll call for help."
"Chad?" Tara questioned.
Kirby nodded, leading her into the room where he was situated. She left you, Sam and Ethan alone for any further conversation that needed to be made as she went to go help Tara and call the police.
Sam sighed, dropping the gun. "I can't forgive you, Ethan but I'm sure as time goes by, I can find a way to. You mean a lot to Y/N and she means a lot to me. So, if she's able to trust you and then I am too," she told him, giving a brief smile until she turned serious. "But if you do anything to hurt her, I won't hesitate to—"
"Got it," he interrupted, nodding sternly.
"Good," Sam responded. "I'm glad you two are safe."
"I'm glad you are too," you told her sadly, walking forward to give her hug. "Don't believe anything they said, Sam. You aren't like your father."
"I know, Y/N/N," she whispered, caressing your head.
You heard soft chatter coming from outside the theater room, catching your attention. "It must be the police."
"Let's go," Sam told you both.
You nodded, letting her walk first as you grabbed Ethan's hand in yours. Before you two continued, you paused, turning to face him with a sad expression. "Are you sure you're okay?"
Ethan smiled, genuinely smiled, looking down from where you held his hand back into your eyes. "I will be because I got you and I couldn't be more thankful."
You grinned. As long as I got you.
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
mad woman — ethan landry (part four)
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word count: 3,001
based on: mad woman by taylor swift
pairing: gf!ethan landry x gf!fem!reader
summary: the kirsch family and y/n set the details for the attack, and ethan does not agree with y/n’s suggestion.
author's note: this is my longest chapter yet... and my personal favourite. hope you enjoy it! thanks for all the love this series is receiving, it warms my heart <3.
previous part ; next part
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MINDY TEXTED THE GROUP TO MEET HER AT THE PARK. They all knew what the meeting was about—the horror fanatic was about to revise the rules with them and possibly share her own list of suspects. Y/N sat next to Ethan after sending him a cheeky smile. The girl’s presence made him felt a bit nervous after the almost kiss of the previous night.
"Okay nerds, listen up” Mindy started “As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time".
The girl started explaining the rules of a continuing franchise, and then proceeded to expose the suspects.
“… That means it's not just the friend group, any of us could go at any time. Especially Sam and Tara".
"Wait. Any of us?" asked Ethan. "Does- Am I in the friend group?".
"Well, you are here right now, aren’t you?” Y/N said.
"Am I, like, one of the targets?" he asked her, and she nodded. "Am I gonna die a virgin?".
Y/N looked at him with wide eyes and mouth partially open. Was that part of the innocent act or was he really a virgin? No way, right? He was too hot. "First, was that information needed? Second, no. Don't you know the rules? If you don't lose your virginity, you're safe".
"I feel like a proud mother" Mindy said, acting as if she was cleaning her tears. "Now, onto our current suspects... Ethan, the shy, dorky guy who nobody suspects because he's so shy and dorky".
"Okay, wait. Why am I on the suspect list? Because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?" he said, moving his arms frenetically.
"Roommate lotteries can be junked. You could have fixed it to get next to us" argued Mindy. Ethan rolled his eyes. Then Mindy looked at Y/N “Y/N”.
“Wait, really?” she asked, acting surprised.
“Look, I’m sorry but you are Amber’s sister. You have a solid motive” Mindy said pursing her lips. A part of her felt bad for accusing her friend, because she really loved her and she didn’t think she was really capable of murder. But at the same time she couldn’t help but distrust her a little.
Seeing Y/N’s crestfallen expression, Sam decided to intervene “Mindy, no. That doesn’t mean anything. I am Billy’s daughter and I’m no murderer”.
“Yes, exactly. Leave her out of this” Tara agreed. Y/N sent the sisters a fake grateful look.
“I’m just exposing the possibilities. I’m almost sure she isn’t the killer” Mindy said.
“It’s okay, Minds. I get where you are coming from” she smiled sadly. Ethan was impressed by her acting abilities.
The horror expert continue throwing accusations at Quinn and even at her own girlfriend.
"Wait, wait, wait. What about you guys?" Ethan asked, pointing at the original members.
"I mean, I think it's pretty safe to rule out the four of us who went through this last year in Woodsboro" Mindy said.
"Agreed" said Chad.
"Um, not agreed. What if the trauma you all went through caused one or five more of you to snap?" Quinn exposed her view.
"Yeah, or the fame you got from the killings made you thirsty for more" continued Ethan. “I mean some of the online theories about Sam are a bit…”
“Don’t you fucking dare” Tara cut him off harshly. Y/N clenched her jaw at the tone the girl gave him.
“I mean, let’s face it. If we are suspects then you are all suspects” Anika said.
“And let’s stop this conversation right here before the tension becomes too much” Y/N said, standing up. “I have maths” she groaned.
“Let’s go. I have it too” Ethan said, grabbing her bag.
“What a gentleman” she laughed. The group exchanged glances, as if they were silently asking the other if they were seeing the same thing.
“There is no way Ethan can pull Y/N off” Mindy said, watching them have a conversation as they walk away.
“Minds, are you kidding me? They have been eye-fucking each other since yesterday” Chad said.
“I think he is good for her” Tara said.
“And I think she’s too god for him” Mindy answered.
“Don’t be like that” Tara told her “She looks happier since they started talking, didn’t you notice?”.
“Well, she better not get too attached because he has killer printed all over his forehead” Mindy said.
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THE KIRSCH FAMILY AND Y/N REUNITED AT THE OFFICER’S HOUSE. The second attack was taking place that night, and they were setting the details.
“I should be there. I’m not on the top of their list, but if I’m not with them tonight, they won’t trust me anymore” Y/N suggested.
“But if you survive with no wound at all, it will also be suspicious” Ethan said.
“Then, I will have to get stabbed or slashed” Y/N shrugged.
“Are you hearing yourself?” Ethan asked in disbelief.
Y/N was touched by his concern, but it was not time for softness “I’m not telling you to stab me in the heart, Ethan. Just hurt me in some safe place, like shoulder or a slash in the stomach”.
“Are you sure? He’ll be on the run. It’s dangerous” Bailey told her.
“I’m sure” she nodded. Ethan sighed, not liking the idea at all, especially since he would be the one hurting her. “Eth, stop it. I’ll be fine” she assured him.
“We are doing this for Richie and Amber, there is no time for hesitation or feelings, Ethan. You better not mess it up” his father told him.
Now, Y/N was really glad Bailey let her join the plan, but she wanted to screamed at him every time he treated his son that way. She hated when he underestimated Ethan.
“Hey, look at me” Y/N told him as they were walking to her apartment. Quinn was a few feet away from them, wanting to give the two teenagers some space. “Don’t listen to him, okay? You are going to do well. I trust you”.
“It’s not about what he said, Y/N/N. I don’t want to hurt you” he frowned. She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off “I know, I know you are okay with that and it’s the most convenient thing, but still, I am the one who has to do it, okay? And I can’t help feeling guilty, because hurting you it’s the last thing I want to do”.
Y/N caressed his cheeks softly, looking at him with pure adoration “I don’t know if it’s too soon to say something like this or what, but you became my safe place, Ethan. Ever since Amber died, I haven’t been able to feel anything but emptiness and loneliness. And then you came and absolutely changed everything. So, if I suggested you hurting me it’s because I trust you doing it, okay? But I understand your point. I’m sorry if I didn’t take your feelings into consideration. You don’t have to do it, I’ll find another way to maintain their trust”.
Ethan though about it and then sighed in defeat. “No… I know how important this plan is for you, and if you think hurting you is necessary, I’ll do it. I just want to apologize in advance”.
Y/N smiled and hugged him, her arms tight around his neck while he hugged her by the waist, pushing her against him. After a couple of seconds, they stepped back and pressed their foreheads together.
“What’s taking you so lo-“ Quinn stopped at the sight of their closeness “Fuck, I have the worst timings” she scoffed.
Ethan and Y/N laughed. There was still time for them to kiss, now they had much more important things to do. Besides, having a first kiss in the middle of the stinky and crowded streets of New York, was everything but romantic.
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MINDY AND Y/N WERE SETTING THE TABLE AS TARA AND CHAD TALKED IN THE KITCHEN. Anika was watching TV on the living room and Quinn was in her room with her new guy. Poor man, he has no idea what was coming to him, and neither did the rest of the group.
“Didn’t you have Econ with Ethan today?” Mindy asked.
“Yeah, but I’m not really in the mood for that stupid class when there is a murderer on the loose” she answered, and Mindy nodded in understanding “And he offered to take notes for me, so I took the chance”.
“Of course he did” she scoffed, making Y/N look at her confused “Oh, come on, no one is that sweet and gentlemanly. It’s all an act!”.
“Mindy, come on. Stop it” Y/N sighed. “He really is sweet, and kind and funny. I like being around him. Please stop making him uncomfortable”.
Mindy put her hand on the girl’s shoulder “Y/N/N, you are way too oblivious and innocent when it comes to these types of things. That’s why I’m here, to open your eyes! There is something wrong with Ethan”.
“Minds, please drop it. I trust him, okay? And until we have solid proof Ethan is the killer, you should stop treat him as such. It’s not fair” she told her.
Mindy put her arms up in surrender “Fine. I’ll stop bugging your boyfriend”.
“He’s not my boyfriend” she blushed.
“Not yet. And if you are waiting for him to make a move you are going to get tired. I’m sorry, but that boy is a coward. He’ll never have the guts to do it” Mindy shrugged.
Y/N had to dig her nails tightly into the palm of her hand, because the impulse that came over her to grab the knife that was laying on the table and plunge it into Mindy’s throat was almost uncontrollable. The way she talked about Ethan infuriated her, and she didn’t know how much longer she would be able to tolerate it. She internally begged Ethan to finally get rid of her tonight.
"Guys!" Anika's voice was heard from the living room, pulling Y/N out of her thoughts "What the hell?".
The group gathered around the TV to hear the news. The reporter was informing that Sam’s therapist had been killed, and she was the prime suspect. They also showed the video of Sam fighting the random girl on the street the night of the party. The video was out of context, making her seem like a violent person. And they even brought up the theory that she was behind the Woodsboro killings of the past year.
Sam turned the TV off and went to sit on the table. Y/N watched the scene in front of her—Sam crying, while the rest of the group tried to comfort her—and serotonin went through her veins. She loved seeing them suffer, being scared, and the night wasn’t even over. The worse was yet to come.
As if on cue, weird noises started coming from Quinn’s room, indicating show was about to start. They all made fun of it, thinking it was just the roommate and her hookup. But then, the laughter came to a stop when the six phones sounded at the same time. They opened their text to find a photo of Quinn, with Ghostface behind her, stabbing her. The group stood up in a heartbeat, walking towards Quinn's door.
"Run" said Mindy just a second before the door busted open. Quinn's body was thrown at them, landing above Anika and making her fall to the ground. Ghostface stood on the door. "Oh, fuck" the person behind the mask slashed Mindy on the arm. Thanks, Ethan! Y/N internally yelled.
"Step back!" screamed Anika, hitting him. Ghostface grabbed her from the throat, pinning her to the ground, suffocating her.
"Why are our knives missing?" Y/N yelled at Sam. Of course she knew why they were missing, she hid them. Sam took the knives holder and ran towards Ghostface, who had his knife inside Anika’s stomach, and hit his head with it.
“Grab Anika, I’ll hold him back for a bit!” Y/N said to Sam. The older Carpenter took Anika and started to lead her towards the room, Y/N gave Ethan a subtle nod, indicating him it was time to be cut. The boy slashed her stomach, and she let out a curse before following Sam to Quinn’s room.
"Mindy, bathroom door. Hurry" Sam whispered. Mindy ran to the door, closing it just in time. Ghostface kept hitting the door, trying to enter the room. Sam pushed the piece of furniture in front of the door.
"Sam!" Danny screamed from the building in front of them.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" she told him when he grabbed a ladder and put it as some kind of bridge that connected the two buildings.
"You have to climb one at a time" Danny said.
"You three first" said Sam.
"No, you go" Mindy told her. "I'll hold the door, you two go first and then Anika".
"Go, Y/N/N" Sam ordered her.
Y/N didn't want to discuss it. Her stomach was in pain and she already wanted the persecution to be over, so she climbed the ladder and couldn't help looking down. "Oh my god" she felt the bile coming up her throat. Her vision started to get blurry. I did not sign up for this, she internally cursed.
"Don't look down! Keep going, you have to hurry up" Danny told her.
Y/N took a deep breath and tightened her grip on the metal stairs. She had to do it as slow as possible without being too obvious. She arrived to the other side, hoping it gave Ethan time to at least manage to kill one of them.
Sam went next, and then Mindy. Once her girlfriend was safe, Anika started climbing the ladder. Expressions of panic were seen on her friend's faces. Ghostface entered the room, and was standing behind Anika. Ethan began to shake the metal ladder up and down, while the rest of the group screamed in fear. Anika was starting to lose balance.
"Anika give me your hand" yelled Y/N and Sam. They extended their arms, Anika's finger tips brushed against theirs but it wasn't enough. With one last shook, Anika fell down to her death. Her face impacted against a container, and her body laid lifeless on the floor.
Y/N hugged Mindy as she cried on her shoulder. The girl looked at Ethan, trying not to smile. She knew he could do it, and he did not disappoint. Ethan, on the other hand, couldn’t stop looking at Y/N’s stomach. He may have gone too hard on her, the cut was very large and her clothes were soaked in blood. Not bearing to see the wound he inflicted on her, he left the room.
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JUST AS THEY IMAGINED, THE GROUP’S THOUGHTS ABOUT ETHAN WEREN’T VERY POSITIVE. The little trust they had on him evaporated, and now he was their prime suspect. Y/N received glares too, not because they suspected her, but because she still defended Ethan.
“His alibi’s checked out, guys. He has his Econ notes. It was just a coincidence” Y/N stood up for him.
“Y/N/N don’t be stupid” Mindy told her.
Y/N sighed “I’m not! Look, let’s just… keep an eye on him. If when the next attack happens he’s not there, I’ll believe it”
Mindy shrugged “Suit yourself”.
“Gale found something” Sam informed them.
Y/N groaned “I just want to shower and change clothes” she said tired, resting her head on Mindy’s shoulder.
“Um, you can go to our apartment” Ethan suggested.
“Alone? No, thanks” she declined the offer.
“I can go with you” the curly-haired boy said.
“Yeah, right. As if” Mindy intervened.
“Minds, I really need it” Y/N said.
“Are you sure, Y/N/N?” Tara asked her. She didn’t trust Ethan either.
“We can send a cop to the apartment, if that makes you feel safer” Bailey suggested.
“Yeah, that would be great. Thank you” the girl replied.
Tara sighed “Fine. Call us, okay? And take your phone off silent mode”.
“Will do. See you later, be careful” she hugged the group before going with Ethan.
As soon as they arrived to the apartment, Y/N took a shower and put on a shirt and joggers from Ethan. When she exited the bathroom, she found the boy sitting on the edge of his bed, waiting for her.
His guilty eyes met hers, and she spoke before he could start apologizing “Don’t you dare, Eth. I’m fine”.
“Can I see?” Ethan asked softly. She raised the shirt a bit, showing him the scar. He traced it softly with his fingers. “I’m so sorry, Y/N/N”.
She kneeled between his legs, making them be on the same height “Eth, please stop it. It’s fine, it didn’t even hurt that much”.
“I can tell you’re lying, I can read you perfectly” he said.
“Well, okay. It did hurt, but it wasn’t like unbearable. I promise. Maybe you can kiss it better?” she joked. “Or maybe I can distract you so you stop thinking about it”.
“Both” he said breathlessly.
“I like your idea” she whispered. Her uneven breaths against his mouth made his heart skip a beat. And then everything stopped when her lips collided with his. He stopped thinking, and instead he focused on the way she was making him feel. The blood rushing throughout his whole body, making him feel warm, and the sudden urge to memorize her body with his hand, to feel every inch of her delicate skin, the feeling that he never wanted that moment to be over.
And Y/N just couldn’t get enough of him. His electric touch in every inch of her skin, from cheeks to her hips, and the way his lips danced with hers so harmoniously drove her insane. The void she once felt disappeared for a moment, and now the only thing she could feel was him—his breaths, his lips, his body, the beats of his heart, his longing. Their longing. She wanted that moment to be tattooed on her mind for eternity.
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Request: Drunk Sam Carpenter that gets all soppy over her girlfriend and how pretty she is.
Whether it be head-cannons or a one shot, it's up to you, but I would love if you included some Spanish in it considering her and Tara are supposedly Latina's.
I loved how you wrote for Quinn so I know it'll be good.
Thank you so much for your kind words, I would love to write for Sam, and I'm so glad somebody else picked up on the possibility of her and Tara being Latina and I am so excited to share this fic.
Reader is mentioned to have blue eyes and be an animator. But feel free to change it in your minds however you want.
Also disclaimer, I used google translate for the translations so sorry if they're wrong.
Never Too Drunk To Know I Love You
Sam Carpenter x Female Reader
Word Count: 2651.
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Both of you had decided against going to the Halloween party with the rest of the group, especially since Ghostface had come back, and you and some of the others had spent the last few weeks persuading Sam that Tara didn't need her older sister being her bodyguard all the time and didn't want to waste it by going with them.
Fortunately for Tara, Sam had a session with her counsellor and you needed to catch up on work for the project you were working on.
Although, somewhere through working on a new character, you had the inspired idea of having a date night with Sam once she came back from her session. Which she agreed would do you both some good since you never really got any alone time unless Sam went to yours (which was a rare occurrence since you basically lived with Sam and the others).
So you two pondered on what to do for a little while, until you decided on watching a movie. However, the two of you had ended up making out with Avengers Endgame playing in the background, neither of you really caring, since you were lucky if you were able to kiss with people around without Tara fake gagging in the background.
Which is how you'd ended up waking up in Sam's bed as you usually do, but instead of her waking you up by planting kisses all over your face to make sure she saw you before she went to work, you were woken up by the sound of your phone ringing. Once you'd sat up to pick up your phone, you noticed a note under it with Sam's handwriting on it, deciding to pick it up and read it.
'Gone to pick up some of the guys from the party.
Be back soon. Love you -Sam xxx'
"Hello?" You said, answering the call as you finished reading the note.
"Y/N, hey it's Tara. We need you to come pick us up." She asked on the other end of the phone.
"Wasn't Sam picking you up?" You questioned, thinking of what could've happened.
"Yeah she was, but now she's puking her guts up outside and I don't know," Tara said.
"Well is she okay? What happened?" You asked, slightly panicked, before putting your phone on speaker and placing it on the bed as you got up to but some trousers and socks on.
"I think so. She was late coming to get us, so I was gonna go hook up with this guy that was flirting with me, even though Mindy and Quinn and that said he was an asshole, but frankly I didn't care, and I don't know I think I fell and Chad punched the guy and then Sam appeared from nowhere and they were arguing and she tasered him, and then we all went outside and me and her were arguing and she was all like, 'if you want to go get shitfaced and hook up with a douchebag then be my guest' and then she just keeled over and started vomiting everywhere." She stated.
"Okay, we'll talk about it later. How late was she?" You said, zipping up the zipper on your trousers, before starting to make your way around the apartment to find your keys, shoes and jacket.
"I don't remember exactly, I mean most of tonight has been a blur of lights and alcohol and shouting. We were all chilling out on the couch and got bored so I texted her to come get us, and she replied saying that she's on her way, then I didn't see her for like half hour or so until she appeared out of nowhere." She answered.
"Okay, I'm on my way now. I'll be with you in like 10/15 minutes. Is everyone else okay and accounted for?" You asked, slipping your shoes on.
"Uh, yeah, Mindy and Anika went home about 10 minutes ago. But apart from them Ethan and Chad are trying to help Sam, Quinn's got her dad on standby and I'm calling you" She said.
"Okay, are you all good? You said earlier you fell." You reproached, chucking your jacket on and putting your keys in your pocket.
"I think so, I mean my head hurts and I feel a bit sick, but that could just be early onset hangover or from the music. Apart from that just scared." Tara said, trying to laugh it off.
"Okay, don't be scared I'm literally on my way now, I'll bring a bowl for you and Sam, and I'll check you both out when I get there." You stated, turning the all lights off except the hall one.
"Okay, that's a little reassuring." She stated.
"Okay, I'm coming now," You said, locking the front door, "Be there in 10." You added.
"Okay, see you then," Tara answered, "Bye."
"Bye." You said.
While driving to go get them you kept trying to call Sam, her phone going to voicemail each time.
"Come on baby, pick up your phone." You mumbled to yourself, pressing the call button on her contact.
"Hey it's Sam, sorry I can't get to the phone, if your a friend, family or my girlfriend, let me know what you wanna tell me. If not feel free to leave your name and number after the beep and I'll see what I can do for you, bye BEEP."
"Son of a bitch, come on. Sam" You swore to yourself, running your fingers through your hair as you stopped at a red light.
Her phones probably dead, you thought to yourself and the light turned green again and you continued driving.
About 5 minutes later, you arrived outside the frat house where the party was taking place, to see a group of 3/4 girls shouting at Sam and the others.
"HEY! YEAH YOU MOTHER FUCKERS, HOW BOUT YOU LEAVE MY GIRL AND HER FRIENDS ALONE BEFORE YOU BECOME TOP OF MY KILL LIST!" You shouted at them, as you got out the car as they retreated down one of the many busy streets of New York. "YEAH YOU BETTER RUN, YOU BITCHES, BEFORE A REVITALISE YOUR FACES!" You added, before turning around to the group.
"Everyone okay?" You asked, walking over to Quinn and Ethan who were sat next to Tara on the steps of the house, handing her a bowl and rubbing her back a bit, before walking back over to Sam, who was leaned against the wall outside, and crouching next to her and Chad.
"Yeah we're all good, just some assholes trying to start shit with Sam." Tara answered.
"You should've been here a few minutes ago," Ethan stated, "The blonde one chucked a drink over Sam, Chad and Quinn were about to beat the shit out of them." He added.
"Not exactly beat the shit out of them on my part, but I was gonna speak some very choice words to them." Quinn stated.
"Well that explains why she reeks of booze, but thank you," You said. "Both of you." You added, turning to Chad.
"Right here's what's gonna happen," You spoke, "Chad, I need you to go to the trunk and pull one of the seats in the back up for Ethan, since he's the smallest., then help him into the back and get yourself in the middle seat to help me with Tara."
"Yes ma'am." Chad replied as Ethan followed, before you threw the car keys at him.
"Quinn, I need you to stay with Sam and make sure she's okay while I sort Tara out." You said.
"Got it." She answered, walking toward the two of you.
"I'll be right back." You stated to Sam.
"Ya shouldn't say that." Sam slurred, pointing at you.
"Yeah, I know, I'll be careful. Promise." You replied, blowing a kiss to her before walking over to Tara.
"How you feeling?" You asked her.
"Like shit." She answered, slurring a little bit.
"Yeah, that's to be expected," You said. "Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?" You questioned, putting up 8 fingers.
"Mhmmmm, 8." She answered.
"Good, how about now." You said, putting up 3.
"Oh easy 3," She stated , "Man I wish my college tests were this simple."
"Okay one more, how many now." You asked, putting up 2 fingers on each hand."
"4, 2 on each hand." Tara answered.
"Good job, you'll be fine. But make sure you drink lots of water when we get back and have some pain killers." You stated.
"Okay." She replied.
"Can you get up?" You asked.
"Yep," She said, standing up with ease, stumbling slightly.
"Yeah okay, be careful," You replied, putting your right arm under hers, "Let's get you in the car." You added, leading her around the back of the car and opening the door, getting her strapped in on the left side of Chad, before shutting the door and walking back over to Sam.
"How are we getting on?" You questioned.
"Allllll gooddddd." Sam slurred, putting her thumbs up.
"She's fine," Quinn stated, "I mean she's stopped throwing up as much." The red head added.
"Okay," You replied, "Let's get you in the car." You said to Sam.
"Mkayy." Sam answered.
"C'mon then you." You said, slipping your arm around her, getting her to stand up, "Can you get the door for me?" You asked Quinn.
"Yeah got it." She said, walking over to open the car door facing the pavement.
"Alguna vez te he dicho lo hermosos que son tus ojos?" (Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?) Sam stated in Spanish.
"Babe, I love you, I have no idea what you're saying." You replied to her.
"Tus ojos me recuerdan al océano, y son más hermosas que cualquier cosa que haya visto." (Your eyes remind me of the ocean, and are more beautiful than anything I've seen.) Sam added.
"Seriously Sam, I have no idea what the fuck you're saying." You laughed off.
"I fucking love you, you little shit." Sam slurred.
"Now that I understood, come on babe, let's get you in the car so we can go home." You said, walking to the car and getting into her into the car before shutting the door.
You got into the driver's seat, with Quinn sat next to you, and were about to start driving before you felt someone tug on your jacket. It was Sam trying to find your hand since it had disappeared in your sleeve. You pulled it out of it and let her do what she was doing. Once she'd found your hand, she held onto it as you started driving to your apartment, your heart melted slightly over how you'd never really seen this side of her, and secretly hoped you'd get to see it more often, without having her puke her guts up first.
You drove back to the apartment and made sure everyone got in safely, and got Tara into bed with a big glass of water and Chad to make sure she was okay, then gave Ethan a couple of pillows and a blanket along with some clothes Chad had lended him so he could sleep on the couch. After that, you helped Sam wash the alcohol smell off of her and get changed so Quinn could sort herself out and Sam could lay in bed for a bit and try to sleep.
After sorting everyone out, you went to the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice, before Quinn came out of her room and the two of you started talking.
"Sorry to put this all on you," You apologised to her, "I would've asked Tara but she's asleep so I'm just trying to understand what happened so everything can be sorted tomorrow"
"It's okay," She chuckled, "I think it's a blur for all of us. I saw Sam come into the party on the other end of the house when I went to find non-alcoholic drinks for us while we were waiting, and I gave her a nod which she acknowledged. Then I went to back to the group and she wasn't there so I thought I saw someone else, then Tara went off with this guy while the rest of us were trying to talk sense into her and then once Chad had punched the guy me, Mindy and Anika were making sure Tara was okay, and then we heard the man groan and we turned round and saw Sam standing over him with her taser in hand, so we put two and two together, and then everything else happened that Tara told you about." The red head explained.
"So basically everything that happened, except where she was is included in the story, and then she starts vomiting out of nowhere." You said.
"Pretty much." Quinn stated.
"Okay, I'm gonna see if Sam's awake, see what she remembers, if she doesn't remember a lot then I'll ask her tomorrow. You get to sleep too." You replied.
"Yeah that's a good idea," The girl said, yawning, "Night Y/N." She added, turning to go to her room.
You put your cup in the sink and turned the lights out in the kitchen and walked over to yours and Sam's room. Upon entry, you saw Sam sat up in bed with the lamp on, scrolling on her phone.
"You should be asleep." You said to her.
"Mhmmm, couldn't sleep without you, plus the video of you having a go at those girls is going around everywhere." Sam replied, showing you her phone.
"Yeah, I don't care. I told my lawyer about it and she's on it, so it's all good," You answered, "Wanna tell me what happened?" You asked her.
"I went to go get them, and then walked in and was roped into playing beer pong and then next thing I know, its 5 games later and I see Chad punch that guy and I go over and see Tara at the bottom of the stairs, so I put the pieces together and tasered the bastard." She explained.
"So you've probably got alcohol poisoning?" You stated.
"Yep." She said, "But hey, at least I don't smell like booze anymore." She added.
"That is true." You agreed. "You okay, apart from the vomiting thing?" You added.
"Uh pretty crappy actually. I just, I can't help but want to look out for Tara and protect her when I think she needs it, but it just sucks when she can't see that and gets angry for me doing that and not letting her live her life. I don't know it just sucks her not being able to trust me, or maybe it's me. Maybe I need to let her make her own mistakes and come to me for help rather then me jumping in to save her all the time." Sam stated.
"Well it's up to you to judge that. Sometimes you need to intervein to save her, sometimes it's just your gut saying you do." You advised.
"If I were you, I would wait to talk to her about it tomorrow. Make sure she's okay, make your point even if she interrupts, however if she does then take note of what she's saying, and then let her make her point. If you do that and discuss how you both feel and how you felt, you should be fine." You added.
"Thanks," Sam said, "I needed that." She added.
"Anytime." You replied, slipping into bed next to her.
"I love you," She slurred, kissing you deeply.
"Your drunk, but I love you too." You answered.
"I'm never too drunk to know I love you." She stated.
"Night darling." You said to her, kissing her forehead and wrapping a hand around her waist.
"Night babe." Sam replied, reaching up and turning the lamp off before settling down and falling asleep in your arms, just as you'd done earlier that night.
This was a long one but I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it, let me know what other things you would like me to write, and yeah feel free to request for the characters on my pinned post.
See you in the next one.
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No ghostface. Mindy invites reader and the whole group to spend the weekend at their family’s cabin in the woods. No mansion cabin, something small. That means your ex, Chad, is also going to be there. Him and Tara spend a lot of time together so you assume they’re a thing and Chad knows that you have a new boyfriend, but you broke up with him a few days before the trip (said another girl’s name in bed or something equally shitty) and Mindy insisted you come so you wouldn’t be sad in your dorm
Request: all weekend. You can’t sleep on the first night so you get up and end up alone with Chad in the kitchen and…things happen
Two longer requests in the same week? Am I back? (I'm trying to get through the requests I got in January first, be patient with me!)
Warnings: 18+, mention of cheating, p + v, public sex (kinda but not really)
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‘’Out of the way! I really need to pee!’’ Mindy shouted, keys in hands and making a run for the door. 
You chuckled at her antics. A part of you was questioning if she actually had to pee or if it was a trick to get away from unloading the car.
Chad unlocked the trunk and you ducked under his arm to grab your bags. 
The cabin was nothing fancy like you see in movies. Just a regular family cabin — small and cozy. Mindy said their grandpa built it in the 70s, which explained the retro ambiance. Everything was mismatched, yet went perfectly together. 
To avoid any bickering, the sleeping arrangements had been settled before arriving. The cabin had two bedrooms — one of them had two single beds — and a pull-out couch. Mindy and Anika were taking the master bedroom, you and Tara the twins' old bedroom, and Chad got the short stick and had to share the pull-out with Ethan. They were roommates, so it wasn’t weird. 
It was already late afternoon when you got to the cabin, so you didn’t have much time for anything other than unpacking before getting started on dinner. 
‘’Where’s Chad?’’ Ethan asked, not seeing him in the kitchen. 
Mindy, who was chopping potatoes, rolled her eyes. ‘’Probably hiding to get away from helping make dinner. He always does it at home. He mysteriously disappears, then ‘surprise’ he’s back when all the chores are finished.’’ 
‘’You’re wrong, babe,’’ Anika chimed in, correcting her girlfriend. ‘’He left to get some wood with Tara.’’ 
Of course he went with Tara. 
After dinner, you went to your room to change into pajamas. While looking through your bags, you realized that Jason’s bracelet broke and had fallen from your wrist, mirroring the state of your relationship. In a few weeks, you would have found it funny, but for now it only brought tears to your eyes. 
Fuck. You promised yourself you wouldn’t cry on this trip.
As if she knew, Mindy popped in the doorway. ‘’What’s taking you so long, we’re— Are you crying?’’
You wiped your face, erasing all traces of incriminating tears. ‘’No.’’ 
‘’Liar.’’ She sat beside you on the bed and pulled you in a hug, knowing all about Jason. ‘’Stop thinking about him and come watch a movie with us. Uncle Randy had the best collection of VHS tapes,’’ Mindy said, trying to get your mind off him. ‘’I’m sure we can find one where the cheating asshole gets his head chopped.’’ 
A small smile drew on your lips. You couldn’t ask for a better best friend. 
You turned over and tried to fall asleep for the fifth time, but it was pointless. All you could think about was Jason and that girl from Phi Iota Mu. Pushing the quilt to the end of the bed, you got up and walked as quietly as you could into the kitchen, trying to not wake anyone.
‘’Can’t sleep either?’’ someone whispered. 
Startled, you cursed under your breath. ‘’Are you trying to kill me?’’
Chad laughed. ‘’Can’t handle a little jumpscare?’’ He was leaning against the counter and snacking on the home-made cookies Anika had brought. ‘’Want one?’’ 
You accepted the cookie, breaking off a piece but not eating it yet. ‘’Why are you awake?’’ 
‘’Ethan moves a lot when he sleeps,’’ Chad explained, scrunching his face in annoyance. ‘’He kicked my back three times with his knee and elbowed me in the face. I don’t know how I’m gonna put up with him all weekend.’’
You glanced at the couch where Ethan shifted underneath the blanket like a sleeping restless child. ‘’Why didn’t you ask to share with Tara?’’
A frown creased your midnight partner’s face. ‘’Why would I want to share a bed with Tara?’’ 
You shrugged, avoiding eye contact as you continued to eat your cookie. ‘’I don’t know. You’ve been spending a lot of time with her. I assumed that—’’ 
Chad sighed, interrupting and correcting. ‘’There’s nothing between me and Tara,’’ he said, his eyes on you like he was making a promise. ‘’It’s not like that. We’ve been friends since we were kids — she’s like family.’’ 
You nodded, continuing eating your cookie in silence in the dim light of the overhead stove light. 
Minutes passed, neither you or Chad talking. Surprisingly, your mind didn’t drift where it shouldn’t. It was peaceful. 
Until the silence was broken.
‘’I didn’t want to ask while the others were there, but I know something is clouding your mind. We’ve dated long enough for me to know your body language. I’m probably not the person you’d choose to confide in, but if you want to talk, I’m here.’’ Chad’s gaze softened as he looked at you, making sure you knew that he meant it. 
When you think of a person to pour your heart to, your ex boyfriend is not the first one in line, but the ache within pushed the words past your lips. ‘’You were right about Jason.’’ 
Then, tears started flowing.
It didn't take long for Chad to understand. 
Without saying a word, he stepped in and pulled you into a hug. It’s been months since he held you like that, yet your bodies still molded perfectly together. You rested your head on his chest, letting the tears flow freely as they wetted his shirt. 
‘’I should have listened to you,’’ you cried into his chest, guilt and regret filling you although you weren’t the one who cheated.
You thought Chad’s warning about his teammate’s antics was him being jealous, that he had said this so you wouldn't get with someone else. Maybe a part was, but Jason had a reputation for cheating on his girlfriends. He bragged about his hookups in the locker rooms and at practice all the time.  
Chad loosened his hold and lifted your chin, using his thumb to wipe your tears. ‘’Next time I see him, I’ll—’’
‘’Please don’t,’’ you said, teary eyes looking up at him. ‘’It’s gonna draw attention to the situation and I don’t want to become a campus gossip. I just…want to forget him.’’ 
Although he really wanted to punch right now, he respected your wish. Nothing was said about not giving him a nasty glare at practice on Monday, though. 
‘’I can help you with that.’’ Seconds after the words were out, Chad’s eyes widened when he realized how it sounded. ‘’Shit, not— I mean watching movies or going for a walk, not…sex.’’ 
You could see the embarrassment on his face, truly not meaning to say that. 
What if you were interested in this method? What is it that they say again? The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. 
You wouldn’t get with a stranger — Tinder hookups were always disastrous. But Chad didn't sound like a bad idea. He was caring and generous in bed, you always loved how tall he was and how he would manhandle you. He also had a very nice body. 
‘’What if that’s what I want?’’ You moved your hand up his chest, your eyes catching Chad’s. 
‘’A-are you sure?’’ he asked. He would never take advantage of your vulnerability to satisfy his dick. 
You nodded, reached the back of his neck to pull him down to your level. ‘’I’ve never been more sure of something.’’ You ended your sentence with his kiss, bringing his lips over yours.
The next minutes were a mess of kissing and fumbling with clothes while trying to be as quiet as possible. It wasn’t easy when Chad’s thick fingers were pushing in and out of you at a toe-curling pace, but the walls of the cabin were thin and Ethan was still sleeping on the pull-out couch…literally a few feet away. 
He bit back a groan when you squeezed his fingers, your arousal covering them as you gripped and mouthed at his shoulder, trying to muffle any sounds. Being quiet during sex was never something you mastered. 
‘’I almost forgot how tight you feel,’’ Chad hissed, replacing his fingers with his cock and slowly filling you up.
You crushed your lips together again, your hands exploring his arms, his neck, his back, his shoulders as he began to move his hips, drawing gradually out of you and inching smoothly back in over and again. It was a frustrating pace — and felt more like making love than casual sex —, but fuck it felt good. 
Chad truly was a good lay. 
Soon enough your legs began to ache from the height difference, but he gripped your thighs to hoist you up. You wrapped them around his waist and the slight change caused Chad’s cock to hit deeper, eliciting a moan from you which you prayed no one heard. 
Once Chad came with a choked noise of pleasure, he set you down on the counter and you stood there for a moment, catching your breaths. 
‘’What’s the asshole’s name again?’’ 
You giggled against Chad’s chest, feeling your mixed cum leak from your pussy and onto the counter. ‘’I don’t know… Felix?’’ you said, mistaking Jason’s name on purpose. 
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach @wilmalovegood @loupiotesworld  @wenvierismycomfort @t-candy  @s-al-em  @darylscvmdumpster  @tommysaxes  @adaydreamaway08 @johannelis2302nely @aqshua @lynbubble @luiise @planetkt @vampyrgoff @adrluvh @mymultiveres  @miqi-16 @not-liah  @lovenats01 @doestalker @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336  @arinexeisnotworking @halforangecuts @l3ndryz  @ilovelandry  @your-platonic-gay-lover @danniackerman  @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam  @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam @zoeynicolas @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @pumkinnroses @cruzgrecia @sunnysunny133696 @aesthetixhoe  @gizmodecaprio
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff  @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity
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lilbitdepressed27 · 9 months
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Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader Part 2 to The Walking Dead AU
Warnings: mentions of torture but doesn’t go into detail
WC: 3.1k
Authors Note: wasn’t too sure how to end this one. For the anon who requested it. Not proof read but hope y’all enjoy it :) happy holidays!! :D
Shooting up awake, breathing heavily as you frantically looked around the room. Your heart beating fast in your ear drums. The darkness of the room was almost too much, the faint moon light that shined through the curtains was the only source of light. Casting shadows that you could have sworn were in the form of a human or a walker lurking around.
A gentle hand cupping your cheek was what snapped you out of the terror you had been feeling. "Come back to me baby. You're safe here with me." Her voice spoke softly. Like you were a scared deer, ready to bolt at any sudden movement.
"...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Your voice came out more shaky than you had hoped. You had been back with your family for less than a week now. But what haunted you was what happened to you outside of these walls. You had always ignored or buried it deep down in your mind, seeing as you never really had a moment of rest on the days you were alone. But now that you were safe and back with your loved ones, the horrors you had to face had resurfaced. All the death you saw, all the people you couldn’t save.
"It's okay. Talk to me, Y/nn."
"I will. I'm just-not right now Tara. Soon I promise." You just weren't ready. The person you had become in the last year was someone you had to be but it didn't change the fact that part of you was, ashamed.
"Okay. Come on. Let's get some sleep." Tara had stayed glued to your side since you had arrived. She couldn't get enough. She had stay by your side. Afraid that she'd wake up from her dream and you would still be gone. To have you laying under her, your warm arms wrapped around her body in a loving embrace once again. It was everything she wished for.
Since you had returned, not only has she been taking care of you. But so have your parents. Everyone had been so relieved and happy to see you alive. Chad, Ethan and Wes had cried the first time they saw you. She had seen how you also teared up. But what had caused her to question what you could have possibly gone through was seeing all the scars littering your body. She had offered to change the bandages, it's when she saw them so clearly.
She just hoped that you'd talk to her. When you were ready.
"Okay sweetheart. You sure, I know you're still healing."
Your dad spoke. You smiled in his direction. You truly had missed him, he had been your partner in crime back at home. "Yea dad. Trust me this ain't nothing. Can barely feel them." Okay that had been a small lie. Your shoulder still ached from time to time. But it wasn't that bad. Same thing with the wound on your stomach. You still really couldn't lift anything heavy.
"Okay just be careful. Now we have to do some repairs on the wall. You remember your wielding classes right?" John had looked at his daughter, it was like she become a shell of who she once was. Especially when he first saw her. He wanted to know who she went through. But he had asked once and was shut down. He didn't want to push her.
"Of course. I was passing that class with flying colors. Now come on old man. I want to be done so I can go see my girl as soon as I can."
As days went on he had seen how his daughter was slowly becoming the girl he once knew. Maybe not quite the same but slowly. And that was progress enough.
Sidney watched as you spoke to Tara. She still couldn't believe that after everything you were back with them. The tears she cried from the relief she felt had almost been enough to fill a pool. Just like her husband, she had also noticed the changes in her daughter. From being on edge to still being jumpy when someone tapped you from behind. She had noticed how Tara always spoke before touching you. Especially when coming up from behind you.
She couldn't imagine what you went through by yourself. She didn't want to imagine. She knew how cruel people were. She didn't want to picture what her little girl had gone through. What you had gone through, when she wasn't there to protect you.
The smile that was one your face in that very moment as you looked down at Tara. It was just like before. Even after a year apart the looks shared between the two were still the same. If anything stronger than before.
She couldn't help a smile of her own. She was going to be there when you were ready to talk.
The boys and girls stood in a small open field playing with Peter. You smiled as you watched Peter pulling on a rope that Chad was holding.
"Hey Y/nn, how are you doing?"
You looked away from the scene in front of you, to see Sam standing there. A young man standing a few feet away from her. "Hi Sammy, I'm doing okay. Wounds don't hurt as much anymore."
"That's good to hear. Oh this is Danny. He's my boyfriend. I didn't get to introduce him to you earlier."
You looked behind her the man, Danny offered a smile and his hand for you to shake. You looked back at Sam, she had a small smile directed at him and then back at you. Sam had always been like an older sister to you. she was protective of her family which included you. You were the same with her.
"Nice to meet you Danny." You shook his hand. "I uh also want to thank you, Tara said it was you who left that bag next to the boulder, and that it was also you who saved my life." You faintly remember Sam and Danny being trying to help you. "Both of you. Thank you." Tara had told you how they allowed people in to the town. How they watched them before approaching them.
"Hey, we were thankful to be there when we were."
You gave him a nod in thanks. Although now you were kept wondering. How long had he been watching you? Did he see the days you spent looking at the gun. See when you'd load the gun and raise the gun to your temple. Did he see you struggle?
The town was busy doing a small gathering in the middle of the town. There was a small part and area where everyone was at. You were sat in a log next to the camp fire a beer in your hand. Tara been sitting next to you but had gotten up when Gale called her over. She had kissed your cheek with the promise to get back to you as soon as she could.
Now you sat with Peter at your feet. He had been munching on a dog bone Ethan gave to him. You had felt so relaxed in that moment. So calm. Peter stood from when he was sitting at the sound of Ethan calling him. A small smile making it's way as Peter looked back at you. With a nod the dog ran off to Ethan. Who was happy to give Peter a steak.
The moment of peace didn't last.
A hand roughly grabbing your shoulder, you couldn't explain how you felt in that very moment. You were no longer there, safely sitting down next to a bonfire. No you were now back in the woods. Alone. The fear that gripped your heart had your hands shaking. You barely registered how you pulled on the arm, that trapped your shoulder. Throwing the person over your shoulder. Your fists unloading the guy, who did fight back. But was quickly overpowered.
You're vision cleared, you quickly blinked trying to focus on who exactly you were punching. Your shaky fist had stopped mid punch. Your eyes locking with Frankie's eye. The other eye being too swollen to open. You were quick to get up looking around at the attention that was now on you. They all looked at you with fear and uncertainty.
Feeling all the eyes on you was becoming so overwhelming making you feel like some type of animal. You didn't even realize someone was holding your waist until you pushed them off as you ran away.
You had found yourself outside the walls. Not far from the town as you calmed your racing heart. The guilt starting to over wash the fear you felt a few minutes ago. Now you were stuck with the feeling of dread. You didn't know what was going to happen when you got back to the town. Were the people going to be angry. Demand your dad (who was the leader), to show some kind discipline. What if they forced him to kick you out of the town?
"Y/n!? Babe!?"
"I'm over here." You called out, you had been sitting next to a pond. Her arms were wrapped around you in a matter of seconds.
"Don't ever run off like that again. You hear me. Especially coming out here at night by yourself." Tara wanted nothing more than to punch Frankie's teeth in for what he did. She had moved fast to get back to you when she heard the yelling. And then hearing your dad yelling your name. She tried to get to you but you had pushed your dad off you and ran away. Mindy said how Frankie had tried to get your attention but you hadn't heard or cared to give him attention. Well Frankie hadn't liked that and reacted poorly.
She tried to get to you, but she had lost you in the crowd. The first place she had looked was your room at your house. But you weren't there. Then she checked her room. But again, you weren't there. She had everyone looking for you. The more minutes with out finding you, the more she grew distressed. When Dewey said the front gate guard saw you running out the front gate she had moved fast. Grabbing her gun and a flashlight before she as out the gate as well. Hearing the shouts behind her.
Her heart hammering in her chest as she followed the fresh foot steps. "Y/n?" She had called out. Her gun had been in a tight grip, she didn't want to be caught surprised if a walker showed up. The flashlight shined in the dark night.
"Come on baby. Where are you?" She murmured to herself. The light going down to the foot prints. She continued to follow them, light shinning to check her surroundings.
"Y/n?! Babe?!" The foot prints had disappeared. She flashed the light all around the floor. Hoping to see the prints. But there was none. The dirt was a lot drier leaving no traces of shoes. She felt herself panic. Horrifying thoughts filled her mind. Tears quickly filling eyes.
"I'm over here." The relief washing over in waves once hearing your voice. Moving quickly to embrace you in a hug. Before pulling away to look you over. Making sure you weren't harmed
"Don't ever run off like that again. You hear me. Especially coming out here at night by yourself." She cupped your cheeks to make you look at her. Taking in how guilty you looked. A frown on your lips as you tried to look away. "Hey, it's not your fault. Everyone saw how Frankie was the aggressor. Plus he's a jackass. You literally did everyone a favor by putting him in his place." When you failed to look at her. She cupped your cheeks. Her fingers softly creasing the smooth skin.
"Look at me. No one is angry, they're all worried." Her heart breaking at the sight of your tear filled eyes. The guilt in your eyes shinning through. "Come on. Let's get back." Her hands dropping to take yours in hers. Thanking god when you didn't put up a fight.
"Tara...I think I'm ready to talk about what I went through when I was alone." You finally found your voice a little into the walk back to the town. You had been thinking about it and even though a part of you was ashamed. You knew your parents, Tara and your friends would like to know. But first you’d start with Tara.
"Hey, when ever you're ready. I'm here. And I'll never judge you. Never. Cause all I care about is that you're here, with me."
Her hands taking your hands in hers. The love in her eyes never wavering as she looked up at you. The same look she'd always have just reserved for you. It was a look you adored. Feeling her lightly kiss your lips, her way of showing you that she was being truthful.
"God Y/n. Don't ever run off like that." Your mom wrapping you in a tight hug along with your father. Tara had brought straight to the front gate where your parents and friends had been waiting.
"I'm sorry, I-I panicked. I didn't mean to hurt him, well a little bit I guess. If I'm being honest. But I still had no right to-Stop, everyone said that Frankie was saying things that were out of line. And he had no right to lay his hands on you. That boy has been nothing but trouble since he's got here." Your father interrupted, leaving you no room to argue. He then lead you and the rest back to the house. Tara was quick to follow, wanting to stay by your side.
Peter had also moved in a fast pace to be by your side. Looking up at you in way that made you feel like he was scolding you in his mind.
"Sorry buddy."
It wasn't long till you were in the room you sat in on the edge of the bed. Everyone had left once they all had checked up on you. Tara was in the bathroom getting changed. She had been hesitant to leave you alone but with the promise that you'd still be there she went to get showered.
"Hey, you okay?"
You looked up to see Tara freshly showered. Her hair still wet as she walked into the room, holding a towel as she dried her hair.
"I had to kill a little boy. His name was Carl and he was only twelve. He was part of the old group I was with. Back in a farm. The farm had been over run by walkers. There were so many. They tried to escape but it was no use. I saw his mother get surrounded by walkers. He saw his mother die right in front of him. She was pregnant. I had to drag him away. We were able to escape to a nearby highway. We stayed there for awhile hoping anyone from the group escaped. But the longer we waited, Carl got more paler." Your eyes filled with tears. Remembering how scared the little boy had been.
"He got bit. He cried for his mother and his father. He begged me not to let him turn into a monster. He was only twelve. Twelve and I killed him." Tears streamed down your face as you took out the picture of the family of three. Handing it to Tara.
"He didn't want to be forgotten. So he gave me the picture." You looked down at your hands. "And I know what you're going to say. That it wasn't my fault, I was with him through the whole thing. How the fuck didn't I notice when he got bit. He called me his best friend, he trusted me and I let him down. He's dead because of me Tara."
Tara didn't know what to say. The guilt you carried was a lot more bigger than she had thought. Even with this she felt like you were still holding back everything else you went through. She couldn't help her own tears, moving to wrap her arms around you as you cried.
"I don't know the kid but if he trusted you and called you his best friend. I know he wouldn't want you to be blaming yourself." Hugging you closer, wanting you to know that she was there for you. "Doing what did was showing him mercy. By shooting you made sure he didn't turn into a monster. Would you have preferred letting him turn and for him to roam around as a Walker?"
"Of course not-Then stop blaming yourself. Shit happens Y/n. Him getting bit was not your fault."
You pulled away from her embrace to take out another picture. Handing it over to her for her to see.
"That's Peter's old family. There was a little girl there. But she had been dead for while. She died of starvation. There was an older girl in the kitchen but she was dead as well. Far longer than the little girl was. She was the nanny. Uh her parents had been away, they tried to get back to her but they didn't make it."
"Baby-Maybe she could have made it you know. If someone had just gotten to her sooner. She could have lived. After the house I was on the road with Peter for a while. That was until I got captured by some cannibals."
Her eyes widen as she looked at you, "Yea, that wasn't fun. They tried to, they tortured first. Trying to break me, I guess. Peter hadn't been taken by them which was good cause they would have killed him on the spot. I still don't know how I managed to escape." You let out a shaky breath remembering all the harm those assholes did.
"Hey, you're not there anymore. You're here, with me. With your parents. Your friends. What you went through, I'm sorry. No one should go through that. Come on. Lay with me. You need rest.” Tara moved to bring you down with her when she noticed how tired you were. Getting comfortable as you laid on her chest.
Tara would do what ever she could for you. She wanted nothing more than to help you. Wanting you stop blaming yourself for what happened. She’d help, in any way she could.
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jxckchxmpi0n · 7 months
can you please do "I'm not moving, your lap is comfortable" with ethan? btw i love your writing and i love love love ethan landry 😍
AHHH thank you so much!! That means a lot to me- I also love Ethan Landry such a cutie pie <3
In Your Arms
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Ethan Landry x fem Reader | m.list
summary: You and Ethan are hanging out. He's playing games as you get an idea.
warning: none. All fluff
word count: 1.0k
Did not proofread.
This is super short. I'm so sorry! But I do hope you like it ♡ (those on Instagram voted for this one to be posted tonight)
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You and Ethan were in his room chilling, Tara and Chad were having a date night, which let you have the apartment to yourselves. All your homework was done, and you had nothing better to do, so while Ethan was playing some game, you scrolled on your phone.
As the time passed, you then came across this account where this girl annoys the hell out of her boyfriend, but in one video, she just crawled in his lap as he played games, and she just sat there.
So, this idea popped into your head. What would Ethan do if you did that? Getting up from the bed, you stretched for a moment, then pulled your shirt down. It was one of Ethans,and it was always your favorite one to wear. It ended mid thigh for you, which Ethan never complained about.
As you walked over to the side of Ethan, you placed your hand on his shoulder so he knew you were there. "Hey baby! How are you doing?" His voice was soft and raspy he was getting tired but you knew he'd be on for another few hours.
"It's good." You were short in your answer as you were distracted with his game. He hummed for a second, "fuck this fucking level" you felt his body tense under your hand. "I'll be done here soon, I promise." he turned his head to you, then kissed the inside of your arm.
"No, it's okay. There's no rush," You raised your hand and brushed a few curls out of his face. He looked at you, questioning if you were sure. A soft smile took control of your lips as you thought about your plan.
Not saying anything, he still looked at you. You turned to him more and then picked your leg, swinging it over his leg. "Baby what, what are you doing?" He grabs your hips to support your body. As you sat down, you moved a little, which gained a soft groan for him.
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, and your legs hung on both sides of his body. One of his hands rubbed your back while the other rubbed your leg. He was confused and worried for a moment, thinking something had happened.
"I just want to sit with you," your voice muffled as your face was tucked into his neck, "you can keep playing." You kissed his jaw and then moved again to get more comfortable.
"Are you sure? I feel like something is up?" His hand making small circles on your back.
"I'm sure," your breath brushed against his neck, causing goosebumps. Leaning down, he kissed the top of your head. He then got closer to the desk and slowly let go of you so he could continue to play.
As time passed, you began to get tired. Ethan had played more than four rounds at this point, at some point he'd take some breaks to rub your leg, give you soft kisses, and whisper how beautiful you looked, or how much he loved you.
Your heart beating faster after every comment, but at some point, he got tired of playing and realized he just wanted to cuddle with you. "How you doing, baby?" You heard him turn off his PC but didn't move one muscle, your body and mind already half asleep.
"Mmmhh," no words could be formed, your response only sending vibrations through his neck. He felt himself chuckle at you. He was madly in love.
"Here, come on, let's move to the bed," his hand laid on your leg as his other ran through your hair softly.
"No," your voice was heavy and raspy. You couldn't help the soft smile on your face as you opened your eyes and saw him looking down at you.
"No? How come?" He moved his hips up for a second to adjust himself, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist to pull you closer. Brushing what few pieces of hair that were in your face, out, and softly kissed your jaw.
"Because I say so. I'm not moving. Your lap is comfortable. " Your arms tighten around his neck. He could feel you lightly dragging your fingers through his hair. He can slowly feel his body getting tired. He didn't answer right away because he had a point. Having you sit in his lap was the most comfortable thing ever.
"Baby, as much as I want to stay here with you, though, my this chair isn't built for cuddling," his voice was barely above a whisper, he looked down again and realized you were fully asleep. Your eyelids moving like you're dreaming, your hands had dropped from his hair resting on his shoulders.
"God, you're so beautiful." he kissed your cheek and jawline once more, and then, in a slow motion, he pushed himself backward in the chair. With one hand around your waist and the other supporting your leg, he grounded his feet and stood up.
Losing his balance for a moment, he found his footing, standing still for just a moment to make sure the sudden movement didn't wake you up. Your eyes were still shut close, taking slow, deep breaths.
He walked over to your side of the bed, hoping to lay you down. As he was about to lay you down, your grasp on him tightened, "it's okay. I'm just laying you in bed. " As if you understood him, you let go of his neck, then crawled your ways into the covers.
Ethan tucked you in, then walked to his side, turning off the last bit of lights off. He crawled into bed with you. Your eyes opening and closing as you come in and out of sleep.
He throws his arm up so you can crawl into his arms, your head laying on his chest. The soft feeling of his heartbeat echoed in your ear. Sleep soon to take him with you, but not before it's too late, he leaned down again, kissing your head.
"Goodnight, my love." Within a few seconds, his eyes were closed along with yours. The warmth of your body with his was everything he needed. Your body felt perfect next to his.
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Hey babe can u pls make Ethan (or Jack) x older reader? (I am 3 years older than him ☠️☠️) drink water n always try to sleep 8 hours ❤️
perfect opportunity to set a rule. i won't be writing for any real people. but I'm happy to write a little fluff piece for ethan! (i’m also two years older, little 2002 baby) also thank you for the love❤️❤️
reader is gender-neutral.
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WC: 826
warnings: cursing
“you’re fucking with us.”
“no, i’m not.”
the table got silent and then, “nah. no way you have a partner. especially an older partner.” chad planted his foot down. he knew ethan wanted a bit of respect in the friend group, but this was a huge fib.
ethan rolled his eyes, “when you say older it makes it seem like i’m dating a widower. they're just three years older. they work at the school library.” hoping that might give some type of autonomy for them to rack their brains about.
“dude, that doesn’t give us a single clue about them. we don’t study at the library twenty-four-seven like you.” tara pointed out.
“also most of us have easier classes,” mindy with her sarcasm. anika chided her girlfriend before asking ethan her own question, “how long have you been dating?”
ethan got a bit shy, head turning as he scratched his ear. “about three, almost four months.”
“oh, shit. ethan i didn’t know you had that much game.” chad cheered as he clapped ethan’s shoulder. ethan’s face showed confusion, “just three minutes ago you didn’t even believe i had a partner. now you're saying i have game?”
chad shrugged, “eh. still gotta meet this wonderful person that swept little ethan landry off his feet before i one hundred percent believe you.”
“i’m sure they are a lovely person,” anika tried to uplift ethan from the backhanded comments. “maybe we could meet them. if they're up for that?”
ethan smiled at his friend as he nodded his head. “i’ll- i’ll ask them. but they’ve mentioned before wanting to meet everyone.”
tara shimmed her shoulders and awes, “so you talk about us? hope it’s all good stuff.” fist to her cheek as she smiles.
“yeah- yeah. always- always good things.” ethan messed with the pages of his textbook. his homework was forgotten once you became the topic of discussion.
“you two have sex yet?” mindy outright asked. everyone exclaimed loudly, chad was also curious. tara and anika argued with the twins' childish antics.
“you don’t have to answer that ethan.” tara reminded him. she swatted chad’s shoulder. the boy exaggerated the pain the five-foot girl caused to his muscled shoulder.
ethan didn’t even have a chance to stutter out any comment. there was a yell of his name and everyone turned their heads towards the noise. and when ethan turned a smile lit up his face and he jumped from his seat. his head of bouncing curls and jacket pushed by the wind as his converse-clad feet carried him halfway across the campus grounds to your open arms.
your arms over his shoulders and his around your waist. he lifted your feet off the ground, face tucked into his neck, and gave your bodies a twirl, once then twice before stopping in place. you leaned back, hands sliding from behind and cupping his cheeks as he held your hips.
“hi, pretty boy.” a kiss to his waiting lips. he hummed at the touch before you pulled away.
“hi, baby.” another peck between lips. “i’ve missed you.”
a light chuckle, “i saw you this morning.” a hand pushing curls around.
he gave your hips a squeeze, “well now you're making it sound like a bad thing. can’t i miss my favorite person?”
the corner of your mouth quirked up. something over ethan’s shoulder caught your attention and it brought a tilt to your head. from the corner of your eye, you could see ethan’s brows furrow in the middle.
you nicked your chin, “there is a group of people behind you just watching us like starving hawks.” right hand left ethan’s features and gave a timid wave to the little group. they all turned away except for a guy who waved back enthusiastically before a girl hit his shoulder.
ethan turned his body, one arm holding you to his side as the other pushed hair from his forehead. he sighed, “those starving hawks are my friends. who happen to believe you don’t exist.”
looking away from his friends and attention turned to his side profile. your eyes detailed the shape of his nose and the point of his cupids bow along with the speckled freckles. 
“well,” arm around his waist hugged him tight, “why don’t i introduce myself? hope they're not disappointed i'm not a unicorn.”
you pulled away from ethan, arm running along his back before catching his hand and tugging him behind you. a look over your shoulder and the flush to ethan’s chubby cheeks, it just made you fall even deeper into the tight grasp that was wrapped around your heart.
your so lucky ethan landry walked into your life on that random wednesday.
feet stopping at the head of the table, ethan behind your shoulder with hands still held. a beaming smile parted your lips while giving a gentle wave to the four pairs of watchful eyes.
“hi, i’m y/n l/n, ethan’s partner.”
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vioartemis · 1 year
Admiring from afar
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: Just me trying a new concept, you'll have to read to know what it is 👀 a/n: I'm not dead, just had a strong writers block (which is still here), here's a little thing :)) Warnings: light angst (?) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
You were not supposed to meet, not supposed to ever talk to each other, let alone falling in love with each other. But here you were, seeing each other in secret, deeply in love.
You knew it was wrong. You knew you shouldn't feel that way, that it wasn't 'normal'. That's what everyone would say if they knew.
But you couldn't help it; she was so perfect.
Before meeting her, you had seen her a few times with her sister and her friends, and were already simping for her. She was so pretty, with her cute freckles and her big brown eyes...
You wanted to meet her, get to know her, give her a hug, knowing what she went through. You were tired of admiring from afar.
For a long time, you thought it wasn't possible; the barrier between you was too difficult to bypass.
Until one day you found something. Something that might work.
You were determined to try and succeed.
The first times you tried, you failed miserably. Something always ruined everything. After a couple of fail, you started to think you would never be able to actually meet her.
You decided to try one more time, just one more.
And this time, it worked. You were so nervous when her gaze met yours. And also a bit confused.
But the moment was magical. Like a dream.
You were getting along so well; way better than what you imagined. You had a lot in common, the same humor, and felt really comfortable with each other.
You both agreed you needed to meet again, as often as possible; You were already addicted to each other.
It had been months since you met now, or at least that's what it felt like. You couldn't wait for the night to come so you could see her again. She had become your world, your light.
You wished you could tell your friends and family about her; about how happy she made you. But they wouldn't understand. None of them would.
As soon as you saw her, she was running into your arms, before her soft lips met yours.
"I missed you so much..." she whispered once she had pulled away
"I missed you too... I'm sorry I couldn't make it last night..."
She shook her head at your apology.
"It's okay, don't apologize. We have plenty of time now"
She took your hand with one of these smiles that made you melt, and pulled you towards a blanket on the floor.
"I thought a picnic would be romantic... What do you think?"
"I love it, Tara. Thank you"
You didn't really know if you thanked her for the picnic, or just for being here, with you, and for all that she did for you.
After a while of eating, cuddling, and enjoying each other's company, you said:
"I want to stay here forever, with you..."
"Me too, Y/n... me too... But we both know we can't..."
"I know, I... I'm just... ... What if you find someone else...? Someone with who you can be all the time, someone that you wouldn't be forced to keep a secret, someone-"
"Hey hey...! Stop, please. I don't want anyone else, okay?"
"... what about Chad?"
She frowned, confused by your question.
"Chad? I don't care about him, you know it baby..."
You don't say anything to that, not sure you should tell her.
"Y/n, are you saying that Chad and I...?"
You looked away and nodded slightly, your stomach twisting at the thought.
She grabbed your face and made you look at her.
"It won't happen. Not after meeting you. You're the only one for me, I couldn't dream of someone better. You're perfect, you understand me, I understand you... We're meant to be, Y/n... I'm convinced we are"
"Even if we're from different worlds...?"
She nodded.
"Even if we are from different worlds"
She pulled you in for a soft, yet passionate kiss, whispering sweet nothings to you after pulling away.
Both of your watches suddenly rang, letting you know it's time to say goodbye.
"I don't want to go back, Tara..."
"Me neither, but we have to..."
She kissed you one more time.
"If you miss me, you know what to do... I'll do it too, because I always miss you" she chuckled slightly, trying to lighten up your mood
You cracked a little smile at her comment.
"I love you" you whispered in her ear as you hugged her, closing your eyes
"I love you too"
When you opened your eyes, your room was lightened by some sunrays filtering through your curtains.
You stayed still for a few minutes, laying in your bed, reviewing your meeting with Tara in your head. You couldn't hold back a few tears that rolled down your cheeks.
You already missed her...
You sat up on your bed and lifted your pillow to grab the sheet of paper hidden under it. You looked at it, reading the few lines written on it, before putting it in the drawer of your bedside table.
You would need it tonight too.
You took a moment to think about everything, about how you met Tara in the first place, especially.
The excitement when you saw her, the confusion as you noticed you were not where you were supposed to be, the shock as you understood what happened...
It did not go as you expected, that's for sure.
I mean... How could you have imagined that she would shift for you too?
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theebubblegumbitch · 1 year
i have been thirsting, extremely dehydrated beyond repair for the past three days now bc of Chad Meeks Martin. i beg of you, i need more content, he’s just.. so pretty.
hi hi so if it’s not too much to ask, perhaps could i request a fic where the reader is more so friends with Tara and Mindy since she’s a bit more shy and they invite reader over for the movie night and that’s when she meets Chad?? and he’s being his usual beautiful and charming self and she’s just overwhelmed and flustered
xtra brownie points if they give off bratz doll gf x himbo jock bf pls 🥺🫶🏽💞 i love your fics, your writing is inspiring tbh ahsjwjd
Girl's Night Interruptions~
Chad Meeks Martin x fem!reader
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Request: ahhhhh you’re a GENIUS bunny!! I love this idea!! also i’m so happy to hear that my writing inspires you! ngl that almost made me cry- anyway I hope you love it gorg <333
Synopsis: At first you were reluctant, but when your two closest (and only) friends Tara and Mindy convince you to come to a movie night, you realize sometimes meeting new people is a good thing…
Warnings: none really since this is basically just fluff, use of profanity, Chad being an absolute himbo, reader being a flustered mess!
Series: Pt.1 , Pt.2
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You weren't really sure why you agreed to this. You had told Mindy and Tara time and time again that you didn't really like the idea of parties, or gatherings, or anything of the such. It's not that you were super anti-social, you just- had problems starting conversation is all. Which is why the only friends you had made all of freshman year were Mindy and Tara, who were really good at easing you out of your tiny little comfort zone. Today that came in the form of convincing you to join them for a movie night. They promised it would be super chill and fun, the perfect girl's night to end the year off! So of course, you accepted.
You were now all about halfway through the first movie on the list, Legally Blonde, which was one of your favorites. All three of you quickly ran out of popcorn to share, prompting Mindy to get up to refill the bowl. "I'll be right back guys, pause it please!" Mindy had called out on her way to the kitchen. You were now left with just Tara, who quickly filled the silence by asking you questions. "Soooo how's your college love life been going so far? Had any steamy hookups?" She asked with a laugh as she nudged your arm. You felt your face get warm quick. "Cmon Tara, you know I don't like talking about that stuff." You said casually, not really mad at her for asking. "I know, I know, I was just curious." Just as Tara said that you heard Mindy walking back into the living room, and it sounded like she was talking to someone. "NO Chad, I already told you it's a girl's night. That means you can't join." Mindy had now taken her place sitting next to Tara again, leaving who you assumed was Chad standing in front of the couch.
Did Mindy have a brother? You didn't remember her ever mentioning him. "Cmon please, you know I'm not gonna bother y'all I just wanna watch the movie!" He was looking directly at Mindy as he gestured to the still paused TV, his request being promptly ignored. "You want to watch Legally Blonde? Really Chad?" Tara was questioning him, not fully believing his motive for joining the three of you. "Yes okay? It's one of my favorites I have like half of it memorized." Mindy scoffed at that, but from the look on her and Chad's faces you could tell it was probably true. "It's still a no Chad." He didn't seem to like that answer, continuing to practically plead Mindy to join in. "Ya know what fuck this, I'm watching it." And just like that he plopped down on the couch, right next to you. It was a fairly small couch and even just the three of you had barely any wiggle room, but with the addition of Chad you were definitely squeezed together. Chad didn't seem to mind though, quickly settling in and draping his arm over the back of the couch. Mindy, feeling defeated, grabbed the remote with a sigh as she accepted the crashing of girl's night.
"Fine, I guess you're staying..." She rolled her eyes at him, and he only grinned back. "Thanks, sis!" It was only now that he realized he was sitting next to a completely random girl as he raised his eyebrows at you. "OH I'm sorry, have we met before?" He asked, hoping the answer was no so he didn't have to be embarrassed. "Oh right, no you haven't. Chad this is our friend Y/N; Y/N, this is my idiot brother Chad!" Mindy quickly answered Chad's question, being sure to emphasize the word idiot. "Well thank you Mindy for that, charming- introduction, but I was asking Y/N, not you." He gestured to you as he said your name, now making direct eye contact with you. He was probably waiting for you to say something, considering you had been silent thus far. "O-oh yea I'm Y/N and uh Mindy never mentioned she had a brother." You stuttered out, hoping you didn't offend him in the process.
"Oh she didn't huh? Well now you know!" He said as he shot Mindy a glare and then you a grin. "Anyway it's lovely to meet you, and don't listen to Mindy about me being dumb okay? What I lack in brains, I make up for with Hobbs and Shaw here." Chad flexed each of his arms as he said that, and you now realized how attractive he was. Your felt your face get warm again, now hyper aware of how close the two of you were sitting. "Ah yes classic Chad, flex your muscles within the first five minutes of meeting a girl." Tara had said snarkily, perhaps hoping to annoy him into leaving the three of you be. "Hey they're my greatest accomplishment okay! Plus I'm sure she doesn't mind, do you?" Oh you definitely didn't mind. "N-No it's fine I don't mind." You were sure your voice sounded shaky as hell as you spoke. The longer this gorgeous man was next to you, the more flustered you got. So much for a peaceful girl's night...
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Some time had passed as the four of you watched the movie in what was mostly silence, besides the occasional comment Chad had made on Elle Woods being a "girlboss" and Mindy having something snide to say in return. Their dynamic made you glad you were an only child. You had now reached the scene where Elle Woods figured out that it was actually the daughter who had killed her dad. You loved this scene, and you had the monologue memorized since you were a little girl. You quickly went to match Elle word for word. You didn't even notice that Chad had gotten excited about the scene too. "...at the risk of deactivating the amonium thyglocilate!" You had both said, or rather yelled it, at the TV in perfect unison. You saw Mindy and Tara's heads snap to the both of you in shock. "I guess he really does like the movie..." Tara said as she grabbed another handful of popcorn. "I told you it's one of my favorites!" Chad said before turning his eyes back to the screen. The shared moment between you two made you feel more at ease, so you went to agree with him.
"Yea it's mine too." You were still pretty soft spoken, but at least you had found some more confidence. You had also found hunger. "Hey Tara, can you pass me the popcorn." She swiftly handed it to you and you set in your lap, going to grab a handful. Just as your hand reached the inside of the bowl, you felt Chad's hand bump against yours as he also went to grab popcorn. It was brief, but his hands were so pretty and soft that you felt like you would remember those two seconds for the rest of your life. You were basically gawking down at the popcorn bowl now, hand still in it. "Oh, sorry." Chad said, muffled through his mouthful of popcorn. God he was so cute."Oh it's fine, don't worry about it." You said as quickly as possible, avoiding looking directly at him. He only shrugged as his attention went back to the movie. It was only silent for maybe ten minutes before Chad spoke again.
"Okay it is literally so hot in here. Is the AC broken or something?" Chad asked as he looked towards Mindy. "Yea it stopped working like two days ago, I have to call and have it fixed." Mindy replied, still not taking her eyes off of the movie. "Well it's like unbearable, I don't know how y'all are wearing jeans." He gestured towards you and Tara as he said that. You didn't realize it was hot, you probably thought it was just him. But to be fair you were wearing your favorite bell bottoms and your thin pink tank-top with a black star in the middle. So it wasn't a very warm outfit to begin with. While you were busy reflecting on your clothing choices Chad had found time to stand up in front of the couch. And now he was taking his shirt off...
You thought you were going to pass out. "Cmon seriously Chad! Do you have to find every excuse to take your shirt off?" Mindy yelled out at him. "What I'm hot okay! Leave me be." He sure was hot. Way too hot... You almost wished it was just you and him so- "Hey! You okay there? You were kinda staring off." Chad said as he waved his hands in front of your face. Oh shit. You were staring, and everyone had definitely noticed now... "Oh my god Y/N! Were you staring at Chad's abs?" Tara asked in an almost squeely voice. You wanted the ground to swallow you, mainly because she was right. "What no! I was staring at the movie!"
You rushed to defend yourself, hoping it was believable enough of an excuse. Chad wasn't buying it though. "It's okay if you were I totally get it, I would stare at me too." You were definitely blushing now. Mindy once again rolled her eyes at Chad's comment, causing them to exchange another death glare, which gave you time to change the topic. "Anyway, we should probably keep watching the movie." Chad jumped a little as you said that, realizing he was missing it and going to sit back down next to you. You now realized what Chad meant by it being hot. You only hoped you weren't sweating from the intense shared proximity.
The rest of the movie went well, although there was one moment where Chad went to adjust next to you, spreading his legs open just a little wider so that he was touching yours. You swore you almost passed out. Finally the credits rolled and Chad stood up to start clapping, it was kinda cute. "Wooooo great movie! Gets better every time!" Chad yelled as he turned to face the three of you. "Yea whatever Chad, you done bothering us now?" Mindy asked as she also stood up with now once again empty popcorn bowl in hand. "Yes in fact I am, I will leave you ladies to the rest of your girl's night." Chad said as he grabbed his shirt off of the coffee table. He went to walk back to his room before stopping to lock eyes with you. "And hopefully I'll see you again later Y/N." He said with a wink that hopefully Mindy and Tara didn't catch.
Oh yeah. You would definitely be seeing him again.
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A/N: ahhhhhhh I love this one so much! i hope i did the prompt justice even though i struggled with the Bratz vibes thing. also i feel like i could totally turn this into a series if y'all wanted, just say the word! Happy reading my gorgeous babes!
-With love, Miss Grace<33
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