#and based on the clips I've seen from the remake
Weird post, but I was watching vinesauce's robocop stream, which led me to watch some clips of the ED-209s from the Robocop remake, which reminded me of Israel's bullshit, which led me to read the comments of said clips and of course it was mainly people cooming over the sight of big robots killing brown people
And I bet if u made a movie where these big bois stomped around American cities/towns killing white people, audiences would be upset
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hinasho · 1 month
I'll tell you what people's problem with The Crow 2024 is — I'm a longtime fan by the way, I own the comics, I watched all the movies, so on.
The Crow 1994 managed to get the soul of the source material (comics). The Crow is a story about overcoming grief and acceptance of death — the author wrote Eric's story during his darkest periods of grief after his girlfriend was killed. So the story of Eric and Shelley have meaning, they are meaningful characters to a lot of people. Brandon's movie, while with some differences from the original story, still carried the same themes beautifully and the tragedy that happened during the filming made people (me included) turn protective over the memory of The Crow and it’s meaning.
There were three other movies after The Crow 1994 but they never dared to touch on Eric's character, instead they created new ones like Ashe Corven, Jimmy Cuervo and Alex Corvis. And those movies suck, don’t get me wrong, but people don’t have a problem with them because they didn't touch on Brandon's Lee legacy and di their best to stay on theme — grief and acceptance. They are their own thing, and that's that.
So did the comics. Eric story is the first main one, but no one took him and tried to continue it, he's pretty much untouchable, he has his beginning and his end. Instead, they created new Crows for their stories: Joshua, Iris Shaw, Mark Leung...There's a long list of existing Crows with their own stories.
The problem with 2024 The Crow is mostly that they called it a remake and took Eric's names to a character that doesn’t even resembles the original Eric — and I'm not saying in physical appearance, I'm saying his essence because the original Eric is a killer of bad guys, but he's also pretty charismatic; he loved life, he was gentle with the little girl Sarah he was friends with, he was kind, he was thoughtful, he even jokes around! Which, to many people, Bill's Eric does not resembles even a little bit of Eric's other than his name and neither does his story matches the themes and soul behind The Crow franchise.
The main gripe The Crow community has with the 2024 version is them taking Eric's and Shelley story, then changing it so much and losing it's soul when the easiest thing to avoid all this controversy and review bombing would've been just be like "Hey, we're making a new Crow movie, but we have created our own original protagonists for it!" just like people have been doing for years, because that's what 2024 Shelley and Eric feel like to people — original characters who just happen to share the names of the OG's.
Anyway, I watched the 2024 version and while Bill did a phenomenal job as always with what he was given and he looks so damn good, the story just...Didn't get me at all. There's not one bit of The Crow essence in there for me.
Hello, thank you for sharing your thoughts! 💞 I finally watched The Crow 1994 and City of Angels today (still need to watch Salvation & Wicked Prayer) so fortunately I now have a bit more context.
The problem with 2024 The Crow is mostly that they called it a remake
So to begin my breakdown: The 2024 isn't a remake of the 1994 movie. This seems to be a widespread misconception. But in all of the clips and trailers Lionsgate has released, they clarify that it's a "modern re-imagining of the original graphic novel". The movie never claims to be a remake of the 1994 film.
Now a fair debate could be how closely tied (or not) the '24 movie is to the graphic novel, which the two are remarkably different, but based on the reviews and comments I've seen, fans seem more inclined to keep comparing it to the 1994 adaptation despite Lionsgate never claiming they were trying to remake that specific film.
So basically, comparisons between '94 Eric and '24 Eric don't really hold up as valid criticisms in my opinion, because the director had no intention of adapting the '24 film from the '94 movie in the first place.
the original Eric is a killer of bad guys, but he's also pretty charismatic; he loved life, he was gentle with the little girl Sarah he was friends with, he was kind, he was thoughtful, he even jokes around! Which, to many people, Bill's Eric does not resembles even a little bit
'24 Eric is still a killer of killers. He only kills those that attack him first or had something to do with his and Shelly's deaths. He never kills needlessly.
In regards to him loving life, 2024 Eric does in droves! He actively hates having to kill so many people and takes no enjoyment out of it. The opera scene, while fantastic, wasn't a fun moment for him. Since her death, you can tangibly feel that all he wants to do is get back to his simple life with Shelly. He loves her and he loves the life they had.
As for him being charismatic, I can see your point there. In the graphic novels (from summaries I've read), GN Eric does have a morbid sense of humor and at times played around with his kills before finishing the job. His relationship with Sherri was brief but sweet and he gets a cute cat!! He continues to form relationships even after Shelly's death because of his charisma and kindness.
From a writing perspective, I believe all of these moments are intended to humanize Eric given the GN begins with him as The Crow pretty much immediately. We are introduced to him already in the throes of his grief and seeking vengeance.
In contrast, the '24 film paces the transition MUCH slower with the first act being about how Shelly and Eric meet, and the growth of their romance. I believe Director Rupert Sanders used those scenes to humanize the characters instead, which he accomplishes as both Eric and Shelly feel like they're just normal people dealt a shitty hand who only want to live their lives together. You can see the love they shared and how pure it was.
Basically, the core of the characters remain the same, just told in different ways throughout the story. In the graphic novel, James O'Barr humanizes Eric & adds levity in the midst of the carnage, while Rupert Sanders adds it before the carnage. Despite the timeline differences, both succeed in showing that Eric isn't a mindless murdering machine, and is just a regular guy who's been driven to the point of madness.
(It still would've been a nice touch for '24 Eric to adopt a cat for Shelly in the movie though.)
Bill's Eric does not resembles even a little bit of Eric's other than his name and neither does his story matches the themes and soul behind The Crow franchise.
From my understanding, the main themes behind the franchise are grief, the difficulty to move past it, and divine justice.
All three Erics suffer from visions of Shelly, who's memory plays on a feedback loop as they go about their spree. Something both the '94 and '24 films don't do, however, is touch on GN Eric's self harm tendencies. Which isn't a criticism! I'm merely discussing the different ways they show Eric's state of mourning.
The inability to move on is also still prevalent in the '24 movie. It's an active choice Eric makes when Kronos gives him the option to get his life back, and instead Eric submerges deeper and signs away his soul. He steps into it with his eyes wide open knowing he's damning himself forever.
Meanwhile in the graphic novel, Eric is already submerged. He is already a walking corpse, the embodiment of a heart so broken the only way to put himself back together is to weaponize the shards of his loss. I believe this is who '24 Eric develops into after the second act when he signs away his soul.
In the first act, he is human. In the second act, he is transitioning, and in the third act, he has truly become The Crow. Too deep in grief to escape it. The main difference between the '24 version and the GN version is that we see '24 Eric's journey to reach that final stage. It's the difference between character-focused narratives vs parable-like storytelling. Neither is inherently better than the other, just different.
And when it comes to divine justice, hmmm.....
In the GN, Eric and Shelly are killed and brutalized due to a completely random act of evil. The gang that killed them and assaulted Shelly had zero connections to the couple and were just some cruel, awful randos off the street. Based on what I've read, Eric nearly kills all of them without difficulty. Most of his hardship comes from his own bouts of depression and misery.
(By the way, by having the villains all be mediocre average goons, and majority of Eric's troubles be psychological, the GN focuses more on the danger of all-consuming grief, highly likely because of the trauma James O'Barr was experiencing when he wrote it. Meanwhile both the '94 and '24 films have Eric struggle a lot more during his fight scenes, elevating the danger of his physical opponents. But this is a tangent, back to what I was talking about!)
By all of them being average goons, the story gets across that: yes normal everyday people can and are capable of atrocious acts of evil, and yes they deserve to face the brunt of their crimes and divine punishment.
However in both the '94 and '24 movies, Eric and Shelly's deaths are not random and are planned crimes to silence Shelly. And both come up with a "big bad" for Eric to face off against. In the '94 movie, it was Top Dollar, a criminal kingpin, and in the '24 movie it's Vincent Roeg, a rich executive who's also a crimelord.
BUT what the '24 film does differently is that Roeg is also a supernatural being himself, who's made a pact with the devil to trade innocent souls for immortality.
This is probably the only area in which I agree with OG fans on that a central theme was changed. Because by making the main antagonist "unnatural", it's no longer about everyday, normal people committing horrible evils. It's about a supernatural entity on par with The Crow.
I think Rupert Sanders wanted to focus more on the supernatural aspect of The Crow universe. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing and definitely made for a fun movie, but I do agree with OG fans that the "grounded" nature of casual human cruelty was lost in that regard.
By implementing this change, the weight of Eric's vengeance is also changed. Because now it's no longer just personal. As the character of Kronos says in the movie, they need Eric to kill Roeg because he and all the deaths he's caused are unnatural and they essentially need Eric to tip the scales back into balance. While Eric's primary motive is still about doing right by Shelly, there's now an element of saving the world from an unnaturally superpowered tyrant, rather than the everyday cruelties of man.
So in this aspect, I do agree that a core theme was changed between the graphic novel and the 2024 movie. This still doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad story, just that Rupert Sanders had different intentions.
Because this still connects to the previous theme, the inability to move on and cope with death. Except now it's portrayed in the antagonist as well. His power is completely about his refusal to accept his own mortality. However, this does, like I said, detract from the normality of evil theme. So it's basically a gain and a loss 😅
(Plus, as I was writing this, I thought about how Eric's motivation is changed as well. In the '24 movie, Eric's goal is still to do right by Shelly, but it's to save her. Because if he succeeds, Shelly will be resurrected. This adds a noble spin to his killing spree, whereas the GN and the '94 film are solely about overwhelming rage at the loss of a loved one. There is no resurrecting Shelly. It's about enacting divine justice against their killers before traveling to the afterlife together. They're already dead and there's nothing GN Eric can do to change that, unlike 2024 Eric.
On the flip side, while this "nobler" take may feel like a negative change, I think it's countered by the fact that Eric succeeds in saving her, but is still dissatisfied because he's unable to actually be with her. GN and '94 Eric were able to find peace and reunite with their loves. '24 Eric only gets about 5 minutes before she's resurrected and he's stuck in purgatory forever.
At the end of the '24 film, both Eric and Shelly are dissatisfied as they can no longer be together. It's a bittersweet ending that feels more bitter than sweet. So while there is a "nobler" cause behind Eric's actions, the tone of the story is still very grim.
This is also why I believe the way the 2024 movie ended was with the intentions of a sequel where Eric does achieve his own peace. But that's a different conversation!)
...the easiest thing to avoid all this controversy and review bombing would've been just be like "Hey, we're making a new Crow movie, but we have created our own original protagonists for it!" just like people have been doing for years, because that's what 2024 Shelley and Eric feel like to people — original characters who just happen to share the names of the OG's.
Sure! I don't disagree. Well, I don't really think anything deserves to be review bombed unless it's content that's actively harmful. But I don't disagree with the original protagonists angle. Changing the names couldn't have hurt.
That said though, and I say this as gently as I can, Eric's character existed before '94 Eric and does not need to end with the '94 movie. I think it'd be one thing if the 1994 movie created the story of The Crow and that was the first iteration of Eric's character. But... it's not.
Multiple re-imaginings and adaptations of books / comics have been around since forever. The show Smallville and Man of Steel both adapt Superman in wildly different ways. Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew has had five different adaptations, and yet no one shits on 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) or Deliver Us From Eva (2003) for being modern re-imaginings. Awhile ago, me and my friend were discussing our favorite adaptations of the Little Women novel. Her favorite is the 1994 film while my favorite is the 2022 modern Kdrama!
I bring up all of these examples to say that there is REALLY nothing wrong with doing modern re-imaginings of older works, and tweaking characters and plotlines to reflect the changed style of the story and time period.
What's most important is that the heart of the story is kept. At the end of the day, The Crow is about an innocent man who enacts divine justice against he and his lover's murderers, while struggling to cope with her loss. Based on the graphic novel and what I've seen of the 1994 movie and the City of Angels sequel, the world of The Crow says that life can be fair and that no matter how high, or low, or cruel, or spineless, someone is, that karma is a bitch and it IS possible for them to reap what they sow.
I truly think the 2024 adaptation captured that feeling, even if it may look different than what people might be used to or expected.
Instead of being upset about how unexpected it is, try going in with an open mind and seeing the story Rupert, Bill, and FKA Twigs wanted to tell. I've read and seen a few interviews by now, and these three were genuinely passionate about the characters & story, and you can feel that in the movie.
And even if you still have no interest, the other parts of the franchise you do enjoy aren't going anywhere. The 2024 adaptation doesn't effect them in any capacity. The stories you love still exist and the new addition can't harm or take them away from you.
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bamboopanda27 · 8 months
I might be in the minority here, but I gotta say, it's kind of disappointing to see so many negative reactions towards Silent Hill 2 Remake. I get that Konami doesn't exactly have the best track record with how they've handled the series in recent years. I understand that people have reservations about Bloober Team's involvement and why that is. I know that the original Silent Hill 2 is a very beloved game. And of course, people are entitled to their own opinions.
However, I feel like I see way too much of people just absolutely hating on something online these days, rather than waiting for it to come out and giving it a fair chance. I've lost track of all the times people have completely rallied against a game, show, movie, etc. based off just a few scenes or bits of dialogue. It takes more than that to truly experience and judge media for yourself.
In the case of Silent Hill 2 Remake, I've also already seen numerous rants about things like James having too much expression in certain scenes and being able to block/guard against attacks. I saw that first point floating around online after the teaser trailer released and that was literally the only information to go on. Now, people are complaining about how the combat looks. I feel like people are forgetting or neglecting that Silent Hill has never really had smooth combat. It's always been clunky and awkward to some extent. In my opinion, combat has consistently been the worst part of each Silent Hill game I've played. Story, characters, and atmosphere have been the much stronger parts for me. If anything, it looks like the combat in SH2R will still be an improvement from the original. Just from the brief clips shown in the gameplay trailer, it already appears to be much smoother and more modernized without being too action oriented.
Another thing that bothers me is the trailer even discloses the game is still in development. This isn't a finished product yet, and it's very possible the combat will be more polished once it's done. It could also have been changed quite a bit by then. I think people need to actually wait for the finished game to come out, then experience it for themselves. Like I said before, there's too much of bashing things without ever giving them a fair chance and instead assuming that they'll be terrible, awful, trash, and a myriad of other negative descriptors from the very beginning.
Maybe the game will turn out to be bad and I'll end up feeling disappointed by it. For now though, I'd rather give it the benefit of the doubt and believe it has the potential to be good. I'd rather wait to play the game myself and form my overall opinion on it then.
All this to say I'm frustrated by how quickly and easily people completely dismiss things without giving them a proper chance first. And specifically, it's frustrating to see how much of that type of sentiment has been directed towards Silent Hill 2 Remake, a game that's still in development and doesn't even have a release date yet. At this point, it honestly feels like some people are nitpicking every bit of information or footage that comes out and finding everything "wrong" with it that they possibly can.
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eyeforabargain · 1 year
how do you feel about the new live action remake? a lot of people are saying melissa and halle are better than original you and ariel and people are starting to forget about the animated
//I had Ursula answer a question about Melissa in character a few posts back, so I'm gonna answer this one with my own opinion, and then I'm not touching this movie ever again.
I personally gave up on Disney live action remakes a while ago. Up through the 2019 Lion King, I tried to watch them all so that I could "keep up" and have an "informed opinion" with which to critique them. However, I realized after Aladdin and The Lion King were so demoralizingly bad that I was basically force feeding myself content that brought me no joy and just made me feel bad inside. It wasn't healthy, it wasn't worth my time or money, and tbh I know enough to have an informed opinion about any Disney live action remake without engaging with it.
So all that to say that I have not watched the live action Little Mermaid and I will not be watching it either. I've heard bad to mediocre things about it from trusted people I know who have seen it. From the clips I've seen on YouTube and my TikTok fyp, Melissa McCarthy BUTCHERED Ursula and Halle Bailey seems like she's just there for exposure to launch her singing career rather than actually being a decent actress with any investment in the character. The things they kept in the remake sound like they were done shoddily compared to the original, and the things they added (like the siren voice thing and the Awkwafina Scuttle song) were bad ideas from the word GO.
And that's the thing about these live action remakes - they're always every single time a mediocre retelling of a much better animated movie that rips off the older film while also simultaneously being shady and taking shots at the originals based on dumb internet nitpicks people had. That's all of them, and from everything I've seen and heard, that was this movie too. I know people wanted this one to be better and different because it had diverse casting and good representation. However, I think people went to bat for it for understandable political reasons without waiting to see the quality of the film and now that it's out and it's doing the exact same mediocre shit that the other live action remakes did, everyone is trying to bend over backwards to create a narrative about it being the huge success and big moment for representation that they thought it would be based on the casting. But there's only so much mileage that has before the recency bias fades away, and quite frankly, even if "representation" is the only end goal, we deserve better representation than this.
So I don't think this movie is ever going to replace the original or that people are going to forget about the original. It's just brand new right now and Disney's pouring millions into marketing this movie right now, but ultimately we know the fate of this movie because we've seen the fate of 2015 Cinderella, 2017 Beauty and the Beast, 2019 Aladdin, 2019 The Lion King, 2020 Mulan, and so on - they have their moment, they fade out in a few months, people forget about them, and Disney goes right back to promoting the animated line up. This one might hold on a BIT longer because it makes Disney look better in the Representation Matters department, but tbh I don't think it'll last for much longer either.
Jodi Benson IS Ariel. Pat Carroll IS Ursula. They originated those roles, and nothing will ever take that away. Halle and Melissa are just their sloppy seconds, unfortunately. And at the end of the day, I'm a firm believer in Walt Disney's ethos of "quality will win out." This soulless cash grab of a movie won't be the last one standing no matter how much money Disney throws at it.
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viscountessevie · 1 year
queen charlotte’s first meeting scene is as rip off from magnificent century kösem. i hope this will become bigger news when show starts
Just wanna put this disclaimer out before anyone starts reading under the cut: Despite this ask & post and my own feelings about the show, it has been really heartwarming to see BIPOC fans delight in this show and my fandom friends gushing to me about this :D That is something no one can take away from them and I'm very glad they enjoyed it!
[This is also my first and last post on QC so my overall thoughts on the show and everything surrounding it will be there at the end!]
Hello again yall!! I actually started writing this a month ago when I was in Bali with my fam but could never find a good pic comparing George and Julian lmaooo so I gave up on it for a while. Also I've been hella busy at work but I'm back for a bit!
Heya anon! I'm not sure if I blogged about it but the moment the first teaser of their meet cute dropped, every one who has seen Turkish drama kicked up a fuss on Twitter. As they should!!
This is the original clip in question:
Alot of people did talk about it at the time - especially on Twitter and Reddit and I know a few of my mutuals on here talked about it briefly.
The ripping off was not a great start to the QC promo on top of "Love cures racism". All my friends have given their input on the "realistic" aspect of the show, I agree with their points and don't have much to add on tbh so I'll link the posts here:
Tbh yall can just go through Triv’s QC tag
Honorable Post Mentions: 
On top of this rip off meet cute; I picked this ask cos ever since the first few promo stills dropped my friends and I - particularly Zaira, Triv and Belle - noticed another rip off from our childhoods.
Can yall guess what it is?
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Yall he's SO Julian coded please - I love him (this is me saying before the show aired and I won't be watching but the vibes are thereee)
Then the video of QC and LD came out recently (a month ago when I wrote this reply hahah):
Down to the dresses, it's giving:
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Shoutout to @hptriviachamp for pointing it out lmao
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Sidebar: while I'm not interested in QC's premise, I do love how well India and Arsema are playing their chars (from what I've seen so far) and I WOULD LOVE to see a version of Barbie's Princess and Pauper with these two!! Speaking of them, look at their chemistry in this pic!!
Also me seeing the end of the vid:
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All in all to say the Kosem copying was bad and it should be called out but the Barbie references are all in good fun!
Since this is the main ask I've gotten about the show, I'm also going to put my main thoughts here and I don't think I'll be answering any follow up asks because every take has kind of been said and done. I really don't have much to add on since I'm not ever going to watch the show either.
Outside of the show, I adoree that India and Arsema are getting their flowers and the couple is being promoted how they should be! It's all well deserved. A small part of me does feel sad because if this is the PR team going all out, where was all this fanfare for S2, Jimone and Kathony?
However, based on what I've been told:
- I'm glad the chemistry between QC and George was good and everyone enjoyed their romance
- Who on the team hates LD?? Because COME ON martial rape AND giving her a not-hot older man IN VIOLET'S DAD OF ALL PEOPLE?? They did her so dirty. Idc if Lord Ledger gave her the first orgasm of her life, I see that man and no thank you. My girl deserved someone as hot as Adolphus!
- These two things is a HUGE reason why I can't watch the show cos of my triggers: I hate hate how gratuitous they were with the torture porn - both with LD's scenes with her husband (FOURRRR MARTIAL RAPE SCENES THAT'S LAUGHED OFF AS A GAG???) and George getting waterboarded for his mental illness. As someone who experienced SA and has a mental illness, these are very sore subjects for me so no thank you QC, but I will not be tuning in.
Anyway to close this out, congrats to the cast for doing a great job and whoever enjoyed the show, I'm glad you did! Those who read this and agree with me, just know you aren't alone in your critiques of the show. As long as you're being respectful and mindful of the language used, your criticism and enjoyment of the show are both valid!
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livingwithhorrors · 2 months
The Crow 2024, different, but I'm excited...
I was shocked like many seeing the choice in tattoos for Eric in the new upcoming Crow. Memories of the horrible Jerard Joker coming to mind instantly, but in the moment I decided I wouldn't judge it yet and wait to see how things would go upon seeing footage. When I saw the trailer I knew then I would most likely enjoy the movie and not care largely about the tattoos.
Where as the Joker in Suicide Squad used his to be annoying try to look modern and intimidating, I haven't seen that so far from the Crow. Even more so with the new clip that was released. In fact the tattoos I thought probably have reasons and story and reminded me of the game Murdered Soul Suspect. They're skimmed over quickly in that game, but each has a story and meaning to the character's past. Likely, as we see both the main characters in some sort of facility and interactions with shady people, Eric's tattoos have meanings. Memories that perhaps will help him remember his life along the way and why and what he is fighting for.
I've seen people upset in general about the look being far from the original movie's, but I'd like to point out several things why this isn't the worst thing or a breaker.
We could never truly do a remake of the exact movie from '94 justice nor should we try. This movie looks like it based on the characters, but quite different as well. Even more so then when they did a TV series which pretty much did copy the movie but turned it in to an at least PG to PG-13 rating for TV.
This also isn't the first time the make up and clothing has been changed in a large degree, though it was done for a different Crow.
In The Crow Salvation we don't have the black leather or make up. We have at most a dark coat and scares that look like the crow make up. The actor also doesn't look like your typical crow either, he's more nerdy looking.
Each Crow has looked different, even comic wise.
The Crow 1994:
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The Crow City of Angels 1996:
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The Crow Salvation 2000:
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The Crow Wicked Prayer 2005:
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The Crow Stairway to Heaven TV Series 98-99:
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The Crow 2024:
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0 notes
servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #135
Who is your most loved person? Mom and Girt, just in different ways.
Have you ever been bullied? I'm really fucking grateful I wasn't.
Who makes you the happiest? Girt.
What is the most heroic thing you’ve ever done? Uhhhhh... this is bad, I don't know lmfao
What calms you down when you’re upset? What works best for me these days is Girt hugging me really tight.
Have you been betrayed in the past? How? Maybe, idr.
Who do you miss the most? My dog that passed away, Teddy.
What’s one sweet/candy you miss from your childhood? Is this item something you can still buy or has it been discontinued? BABY BOTTLE POPS those bitches were GREAT. I know I've seen them in a gas station before not too many years ago, but idk if they're still around. I just know they're nowhere near as big as when I was a kid.
Do you have a favourite celebrity chef? No.
Do you prefer diamonds or pearls? I honestly find diamonds like, incomparably prettier. Yes, pearls are pretty, but diamonds are stunning.
Is there anything coming out soon (books, albums, movies, video games) that you’re looking forward to? The entire Rammstein fanbase is aware a "Making Of" video is coming sometime soon-ish for the "Dicke Titten" mv which is wildly beloved for how fucking endearingly stupid it is but the sneakpeak clips were shared in like, I wanna say February & by now everyone is ready to corner them with pitchforks lmao who knows when that'll be here, + there's also something being made with things filmed in Mexico but I'm pretty sure the details aren't public. OH AND ALSO the remake for Silent Hill 2 should be out this year and I physically cannot fucking wait. Oh my god wait another thing, like two days ago Markiplier finally namedropped the legit movie he's been working on (Iron Lung, based off a super fuckin cool indie horror game) so that's super exciting, I think I remember him saying it should be out by maybe like the end of the year.
How do you go about finding books/movies/music to read/watch/listen to? Uh... I don't really search for new books, I'm just sticking with WoF right now, I'll only be interested in a movie that I just like happen to see a trailer for, music is mostly YouTube recommendations...
What’s a band/musician you were really into for a while but who you don’t care about or hardly listen to anymore? "Don't care about" doesn't really fit this, but I think the closest to this general description is Metallica. I got into them right after Ozzy, and for most of my life since then I considered them my second-favorite band, and I still love A LOT of their music, but I just barely listen anymore; I haven't listened to any of their new album (I do plan to, I just haven't yet), and I didn't really explore their last one much either. The last one I cared much about was Death Magnetic, and that released in... holy motherfucking shit 2008 are you KIDDING NO GODDAMN WAY
What is something someone recommended to you that you disliked/hated? Ummmm I know Girt's shown me songs I wasn't into, but I don't think anything I had that strong a reaction to.
Do you find it difficult to keep up with online friendships? Generally, no; they're easier for me.
Has there ever been a person you regret ever being friends with? Totally, 100% honest, Sara. We tried friendship so many times since we were around 8 and 10 years old, and it never ended well. We just don't mix.
Do you think you have a good understanding on love? Yes.
What do you want to do on your honeymoon? I wanna go to Alaska but I know Girt doesn't lol, he HATES the cold. Props for ultimately being like "yeah we can" I'm guessing because of how exciting the idea is to me, but a honeymoon destination should be a mutual agreement so I'm not dragging him there. I'm thinking maybe Italy, going to Venice would especially be a fucking dream, plus Rome is in the country too.
What do you think of your parent(s)? I am fully convinced I have the best mother in the world. She's absolutely not perfect, but she is a legend of a mom. My dad always could've been a better father, and I think I'm always going to feel some hurt over how he left my family, but he tries.
If your best friend confessed that they can see the future, you would…? I would be extremely fucking concerned and try very very hard to get him to get in touch with a psychiatrist, but seeing as I can't even get this man to agree to going for a yearly physical THAT HIS INSURANCE FULLY COVERS, I am VERY doubtful he'd go for mental health, and if that was the case, I'd turn to his mom and sister.
What’s your least favorite pizza topping? Mushrooms.
What’s your dream pet? The absolute top of the list is probably a high-expression sunset morph ball python, but they are ABSURDLY expensive, like that is absolutely never happening unless they become much more common. More obtainable is a Grammastola pulchra/Brazilian Black tarantula, as well as an Ephebopus murinus/skeleton leg tarantula, I adore both of those. Also one that will very likely never happen because of their rarity in the hobby (and price tag) is a Sonoran coachwhip, famous for their ability to be a gorgeous pink, but I'm very particular in wanting a black fade on it, lol. Odds are very high that you have probably seen this exact snake before, a lot of people unfamiliar with snakes immediately assume it's fake so they've done their rounds online. Fun fact the potential of seeing this exact snake in the wild is a major reason I want to visit Arizona, haha.
Most unattractive male name, in your opinion? To be totally honest there are a lot of male names I really don't like, like Edwin/Erwin/Edward (apparently I just have a vendetta against names that sound like this lmao), Bob, and even Donald, which no, he doesn't know & I don't plan on telling him lmfao this poor guy I hate his real name AND his nickname help
Is your pet dog male or female? She's a female.
Have you or would you try shark meat? No to both.
Do you know anyone that’s pescatarian? Not personally, but a WoW streamer/content creator I sometimes watch is, she's the only person I know of.
Do you think the government has a cure for cancer, but is hiding it from public? At the BARE minimum, they refuse to delve into potential solutions. Cancer and keeping it at bay RAKES in money. I mean honestly, throughout my WHOLE life I've read articles or just heard news about how "it looks like this is capable of curing it," and what happens next? Nothing, you never hear about it ever again.
Do people normally describe you as sexy? God no. The only one who ever does is sometimes my boyfriend and I can't even believe him lmfao
Was your ex born in America? They all were unless you count Juan, who I dated less than a day. He's from Mexico and is now back there.
Has your best friend ever made you cry? He's never meant to, but yes.
Do you still talk to the person you liked six months ago? Yeah, we're still dating.
Has anyone ever talked you into doing something you didn’t want to do? Yes.
Are you smiling in your Facebook profile picture? Yes.
Be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you? Or are they actually not worthy of your affections? I don't deserve him, is more like it.
List 5 things that have been on your mind most recently. Job situation, my physical health, wanting to move out/in together with Girt, being excited to get my tattoo finished next month, and photography stuff.
Would you ever wear black lipstick? Do you know anyone who does? In the incredibly rare occasion I have lipstick on, it's black.
If you wear eye shadow, do you put on a dark colour or a light? And if you wear mascara, what colour is it? Still black lol, but again I barely ever, ever wear makeup.
Do you combine your socks and underwear in the same drawer? Yeah, seems like most people do.
Does the last person you kissed live within walking distance? No, he lives around 30 minutes away by car.
Is there someone you could hang out with all the time, without ever getting bored of them? Yeah, Girt.
Do you know a girl named Beth? Tell me about her. I know an older woman named Beth; she's the mother of who was once my little sister's best friend, but they moved away when Nicole and Lauren were maaaybe pre-teens. She's actually dealing with the recent loss of her son because of drugs, something that's so mind-boggling to me because I remember this boy as a little, innocent kid. Addiction just doesn't discriminate.
Do you think the last person you kissed has ever lied to you? I suppose it's possible over something small, but I don't think so. We put a lot of focus on honesty in our relationship.
Have you ever been hit on by somebody way too old for you? As a teenager, yes.
First kink tried? Not sharing, crossing a boundary for me.
First time doing oral? I was somewhere around 17, maybe 16.
Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them? No to either, I am very glad no partner I've ever had has felt the need to do that.
How much teasing do you like? Both people I've been sexual with have called me one and I treat others how I wanna be treated u kno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are you okay with name-calling in bed? I don't know tbh, not something I have experience with but honestly for someone with my self-esteem and whatnot it's probably better that I never find out.
How often do you do unprotected sex? I am unwilling to ever do that unless we've made the confident decision that we want to have a kid.
Do you like wearing/seeing people in lingerie? I don't wear and never have worn it but bitch lingerie is ALWAYS hot what the fuck homie
How many other people know your bra size? hunny I don't even know my bra size 😭
Do you have any friends you’d sleep with? No.
Does the person you like have any flaws? Of course he does, everybody does. They're non-deal breaker flaws I've chosen to accept.
Has anyone ever given you a ring? Why? Jason did for one of our anniversaries, I think either the second or third. It wasn't a promise or engagement ring, just a pretty ring. I remember the gem broke off pretty quickly and this man was so mad lmao, I actually kept the frame of the ring (I lost the jewel) for a very, very long time, I'm talking 'til like maybe this past year, but I eventually didn't even want it as a memory anymore.
Creation theory, evolution or the Big Bang theory? Well I mean the last two generally go hand-in-hand, but I do have to admit I'm not totally sold on the "everything exploded from condensed nothingness" theory, but I 100% believe in the evolution of life forms. I'm completely uncertain of what I think the very origin of the universe is, especially when you consider I don't believe in a god, either. I don't necessarily refute the BBT either though, I tend to trust scientists with weighty degrees that actually study this shit for a living.
What was your last serious conversation about? Well, I found out last night Girt's last remaining grandparent/his mom's mom has cancer, and she's absolutely too weak for chemotherapy, so. I was talking to him about tagging along the next time he goes to see her. I just kinda randomly thought about her (I already knew she wasn't well) and realized it'd be nice to meet her before she, y'know.
Have you ever been into a real cave? No, but this is a MAJOR adventure goal!!!! Girt recently learned that I wanna do this and his reaction was priceless, the "YOU ARE ALLOWED IN THE MOUTH OF A CAVE PEOPLE LITERALLY DIE THERE BLAH BLAH BLAH" was so immediate, too bad bitch I'm goin spelunking
Have you ever posted mean comments on YouTube? I know I did once as a kid lmfao help this child or smush her like a bug idc
Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): Uh probably the first Silent Hill. It took SO much reading and lore videos to understand lmao. I really do hope they remake the OG game one day, like don't get me wrong, I ADORE it, but so much could be improved ((((DAHLIA'S VOICE ACTING)))), including with just making the story easier to understand without actually changing the story (I'd be pissed and so would the entire horror game fanbase).
Who was the last person to play with your hair? Are they cute? Girt, yeah he mad cute
Who was the last person close to you that died? Did you cry? Jason's mom, and I cried for days on end after Mom told me. She's the only human person that I've lost to death that was truly a painful loss for me, like it was personal. All other people I've known who have died I either very, very barely knew or in my maternal grandmother's case, hated.
Do you know anyone who uses medical marijuana? I mean I might, but if they do, they're sadly having to do it illegally because even medical usage is illegal in NC. Piece of shit state <33333
Do you know anyone who’s died in childbirth? Thank god I don't, this is such a heartbreaking topic to me. I was actually worrying about my friend Bethany who just gave birth while dealing with a severe case of the flu; it looks like things got a bit scary, but thank all the stars in the fucking sky she's home safe with her family now. She was so heartbroken because her daughter was brought home before she was able to come with.
Do you agree with the “they’re just being kids” excuse? This WILDLY depends, like I hope that's obvious. Kids playing make-believe and making a mess in the mud outside? That's "just being kids," but things like picking on others and such absolutely is not.
Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen? No. My mom has cryptically commented that she "knows" a lot of things which is terrifying lmao but idk what exactly.
What’s the worst name your mom has ever called you? I'm not at all sure, I don't really think she's ever called me a bad name...
What’s your stance on spooning? I like it because it makes me feel safe and loved, I am That Bitch hunched over dying when Girt rolls away lmao, not in like a genuinely offended way or anything though, he sleeps way better facing away with more space.
Do you currently want a new computer? Nah, mine's fine.
How would your parents react if you got a tattoo? Neither would care; they both are aware of how much I love tattoos and plan to get dozens more. I seem to remember my dad being caught off-guard/seeming a bit nervous when I told him I got a tattoo the first time, though.
Who is your truest friend? Girt. He's honestly the greatest friend I've ever had, as far as being a genuine friend goes.
Who is your oldest friend? Sam, he's gotta be near 40 now.
How long have you known them? Uhhhh I can't remember the exact year, but I know Jason and I were still together when we "met" (we've been WoW buddies for a very long time, used to play all day somedays voice chatting together). I'm gonna guess like... *around* 2013-2014? I'd really like to meet him and his wife one day, he's always treated me like his little sister and honestly it was interactions with him that helped me get through 2016. At least I had someone to talk to/stay preoccupied with. If I'm not mistaken his wife's actually pretty big on the makeup side of TikTok now, which is great for her because she's never been able to work because of health reasons.
Where are they right now? Uh, they live in New Jersey. I'm assuming he's home because my b.net app says he's playing Call of Duty right now.
Have you ever dated a friend of one of your siblings? Omg no, that'd be weird. Girt actually (very vaguely) knew Ashley before he knew me, but they were never friends beforehand.
Have you ever dated someone who had a child? No, and I'd prefer not to.
What has been your biggest failure in life? Not loving, respecting, and taking care of myself properly, honestly.
Do you trust yourself? lol no, I change my mind too much for that shit
Would you ever consider getting an abortion, under any circumstances? Yes, I would get an abortion in any case where I didn't want a child.
What was the last bug you killed? An ant in the house. I generally try to avoid killing bugs, but ants in the house are not okay.
Do you prefer profile pictures by yourself of with someone else? You know, I think I've always used ones where it's just me.
Has a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents ever gotten mad at you? Why? Probably at some point with either Jason or Sara.
What is the funniest thing a child has ever said to you. Omg idk if this is THE funniest, but it's the most recent really funny one that I remember: my 8-year-old niece Aubree literally going, "Why do you need a boyfriend at your age?!" when Girt was with me at their house, like GIRL your mother is TWO years older than me with three children & I am a grown-ass woman 😭 I love that girl to death.
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kittyrinn-aiko · 2 years
Just so we are clear... everyone is panning this dumpster fire.
When I first heard there would be a Scooby Doo remake featuring Velma, I thought this would be great. OK, they race-swapped her, that's not an issue. The trouble is that this steaming pile of excrement has absolutely nothing to do with the original. Everything I've seen so far in clips and reviews suggests that aside from a couple familiar characters they have abandoned all the source material this is allegedly based on and filled it full of inside jokes that are mean-spirited jabs at just about everyone. This isn't woke as some have called it, it's a mockery. The only way they could make it worse is by adding Scrappy. Cartoon Network's lampooning of Scoobydoo was funny. This is just sad.
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digisims2 · 2 years
I'm going through my projects folder and deleting old things I no longer need or forgot what it was all about and I'm finding some really weird things and thought I'd share some with everyone. :D
This is going to be long post with bunch of pictures so I'll put the rest under the read more. Oh um, warning possible bodyhorror / trypophobia right under the cut!
For starters self, what the hell is this?
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I wish I had any idea. Clearly it's an eye mask with... a lot of eyes. For what reason? I don't know. I have no recollection of creating this thing but apparently I did so back in October 2019. Maybe it was going to be a Halloween gift? That's like the only sensible idea I have. I think the texture for it is kind of really pretty though:
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It just stares at you, unblinking, forever disappointed. Unthreateningly it was just called "facemask" so I had no idea what awaited when I clicked on it. This was not what I expected it to be.
Moving on, what the hell is this and why have I made it?
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Also fresh from 2019. Judging by the textures it's a "conversion" of some Sims 4 makeup but I have no idea why it exist. I can't think of a single reason why I'd want this sort of eyeshadow in my game. To the trash it goes.
Then I found these simple eyes:
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I don't think I ever finished them, from 2020. Apparently they were supposed to be kinda like this anime/game character since his picture was pasted in the texture:
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Yeah I don't know either + the reference image is damn near useless, you can barely even see the eyes so A+ job me! Anyway these eyes aren't anything special so I'm deleting them too now.
Then I found these eyes, they're titled as "newdefaulteye" so clearly I had big plans for them.
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Apparently I've exported them somewhere since the .psd in the folder has all the colors. These are from February 2021. I think they're actually quite pretty so I'm confused about why I haven't shared them. Here's a closeup of a better color so you can see the details on the texture:
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Seriously, it is nice isn't it? Why did I not finish and share these? I will never know. Maybe I'll slap them on a normal shaded sclera though, I know you don't appreciate my animation friendly one :P and then I'll remake and actually upload them.
Messily made pulled up version of.... I think Trapping's mesh?
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This one I actually remember, I had seen plenty of such tops for Sims 3 and 4 and just thought "Hm, wonder if I could do something like that using an existing Sims 2 top?" and then did it. It clips like hell in game but I still have it and its recolors since nobody still has made (a better) such top for Sims 2. Wink wink nudge nudge at anyone with actual meshing skills.
Another unshared eye:
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She looks as dead inside as I feel at work. Not going to finish these either since I don't like them so off to the bin with them.
Another eye set:
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These were sort of version one for the July2022 eyes I did share. I wasn't happy with these so the version which I shared was born. Now I almost like these more than those so maybe I'll go back to them and try again?
Then I guess I tried painting eyebrows at some point last December?
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Pretty sure the idea was to mirror it once I'd be happy with it but then I ended up never being happy with it. I'm still not happy with it and too grumpy to try again, to the trash bin.
Some animation friendly eyes I gave up after finishing the base texture:
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And that's it. So many things I've just dropped and never finished. Maybe some of them drew a chuckle out of you or something.
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nolabballgirl · 4 years
Hello😊 can you share your opinion on this season of skam fr so far pls? ive seen so many diff post reporting on how good it is and ofc I've seen the "wow skam fr is druck" ones, which piqued my interest. My background: I think OG is mostly incredible, ive enjoyed some seasons of eskam and Druck (I'm undecided about the current season). But ive never watched a full season of skam fr bc I didn't enjoy writing and tone, tho I did like some of the acting...Might watch skamfr based on your opinion
Hi, Anon! Thanks for your ask! Anon, your watching tastes are close to my own, so hope this is helpful. Anyway, you have to keep in mind that at the end of the day, Skam France is still Skam France 😄 It’s true that there is a new writing team this season, but they have already made serious missteps and writing choices that make me question how much has really changed, especially in relation to POC characters and redemption arcs.
Now we are about to start episode 5, so this is only based on 4 episodes so far. Let’s break this down a little more.
What Skam France has done well this season so far:
Pacing and number of clips - we have had clips almost every day and usually multiple clips per day. and it’s been a decent mix of fluff and more serious clips. episodes have all been above 20 min so far with the last episode approaching 30 min.
Using more Parisian sets/locations - i do feel like the city itself is playing a bigger role in the season compared to most, if not all, of the previous seasons, and there are some very pretty shooting locations.
Cute kids! - la mif members jo and bilal have super cute lil sweet angel siblings. 😇 i do hope we get more scenes showcasing these cuties!
Max’s official gender change - while i’m annoyed that this is almost exclusively being shown through social media, it’s still such an important storyline to cover. and hopefully helps guide others watching who need help navigating this system!
Avoiding tiff being transphobic (so far!) - max is clearly the main love interest for tiff this season, and it looks like we might avoid the tiff being transphobic storyline.
Finally, lucie and flavie (tiff and lola) make some nice acting choices.
What Skam France has NOT done well this season so far:
The underlying premise of tiff as main - at the end of the day, the main is still a conventionally attractive, thin, cis, white straight girl who was a horrible bully to last season’s main, lola. given skam france’s historically bad representation choices, especially of POC/Muslim characters, the fact that the new writers loved this character so much to make her the main when so many other choices existed says a lot.
No apology from tiff to lola - earlier this season we had lola call out tiff for her bullying, and other characters have mentioned it to tiff as well, and yet we have had no acknowledgment by tiff that what she did to lola was wrong or even show any personal responsibility for it. rather, when confronted by lola, tiff pointed to her own problems, and referenced her pregnancy. cue all the la mif members, including MAYA!, coddling tiff and subsequently tiff and lola becoming besties. talk about poor writing choices! for an analogy, imagine if the druck s7 main was constantin who all of a sudden became besties with ava after telling her some sob story about his life. it’s just hard to sympathize with a main who has made no effort in earning her redemption arc and righting her wrongs, and we are almost halfway through the season.
Treatment of black characters - the depiction of the two main black characters this season, aurélien and judith, has been horrible. they are often shown in dark, confined spaces (like bathrooms) with dramatic/menacing music overlayed over the scene. and as for conduct, aurélien has not only ghosted tiff but also physically pushes her in a scene. judith is also shown as an antagonist to tiff and confronts her in one bathroom scene that could be straight out of a horror film (the music! yikes!)
Sidelining of other MOC characters - the other MOC characters this season, bilal and redouane, are currently acting out the trope of POC characters being part of the comic relief for a season. there is a rumor that bilal may be the s8 main, but we’ll have to see.
And one last point - honestly, a lot of people just watch skam for the cute ships, and there is always a ton of angst and criticism whenever a skam remake separates or breaks up a ship. given that there are a fair number of scenes with tiff/max and it’s all cute and low drama, i think that has fed into the commentary surrounding this season too, so there you go.
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
So here’s the thing, i actually like the artstyle of the sinnoh remakes and am hype for brilliant diamond since diamond is my fav gen 4 game ((yes really)) but at the same time i might be biased because i still think a lot of gamecube games look good y’know? ((You will never convince me that mario sunshine and star fox assault look bad))
I personally don't like the artstyle but I want to stress this isn't an issue with the artstyle it's the fact the graphical quality is bad for the current generation we are in. It's one thing to look back on older games and say "they look good" because even if you don't think that you're only comparing them to graphics of that time you're subconsciously doing that. Mario Sunshine looks great for it's time and even looked better than some meh graphics from the wii era but anyone who tries to argue that the graphical quality of Sunshine is somehow better than say Breath of the Wild they'd be wrong.
Let's Go was a 2018 Switch game that has better lighting, textures and model quality than what we've seen from the Sinnoh Remakes so far and they are going to be late 2021 Switch games. That is not OK. That is a sign that these remakes are either not getting a lot of budget (Pokémon is literally the most profitable franchise in the world, they can afford to give a decent budget to both the Sinnoh Remakes and Legends, Legends also being made isn't an excuse) OR they clearly just didn't care.
Like I showed the Links Awakening remake which also had the chibi artstyle and its lighting and textures looked great so it's not the artstyle that's the problem (although I am annoyed that the first region that really went for scope, the first region that really tried to use the DS' 3D capabilities even when it was still a sprite based game gets a remake that's so flat, like that's annoying and that's a fault of the artstyle but that's not the primary issue) it's the fact that the game just clearly doesn't look like it got nearly enough time/effort/money spent on it and thats sad.
I'm happy you're excited, good for you, but I'm still gonna keep taking about the fact these games look worse than a 2018 game by the same fucking franchise.
But as I said if they remove HMs and give us the Legendary events that are no longer available in base Gen 4 I'll play the games and probably enjoy them. But still gonna point out the graphics are built one a grid when I've since seen clips proving the players don't move on a grid anymore so there's no need for the jagged cliff edges anymore 🤦🏻‍♀️. It's like they can't tell the difference between nostalgia (going back to Sinnoh itself is nostalgic, crappy graphics isn't) and just laziness.
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