#and been active-ish on tumblr since ... idk 2015 maybe?
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Aw, cute.
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straycalamities · 1 year
no for real the onceler fandom when i was a huge part of it (2015/2016) was so fuckin toxic half the people left bc everyone was praising one or two blogs and acting like everyone else was dirt. it was super discouraging and i ran about 3 blogs and the only interactions i ever got was from people starting drama :(
im not sure what the askblog scene looks like today but im HOPING and PRAYING its better
eughh im sorry that sounds like absolute hell...i barely dipped my toes in because i was recovering from Stuff (stuff that took me to this year to get over enough to even make another personal blog) so i wasnt Too up-to-date with what was going on in the fandom from 2015 tooo 2019?ish? even if i popped in on entre's blog time to time, but i've heard stuff from others and friends
i think the askblog scene is A LOT more chill these days. a lot more lax and there's sooo much just...Less of everything that it makes things easier to like take in stride at least to me compared to 2012-2014 days where everything was so intense, extreme, and constant
there's still the like ghosts of the same issues that've been present since day one but its like...on a MUCH lesser scale. i honestly think it's pretty good all things considered :) the only thing that makes it rly hard for me compared to past eras is how split the fandom is uhhh app/site-wise (like its very much spread across tiktok, tumblr, twitter, discord, maybe more...idk) and so it feels like im missing out if i dont keep up everywhere LMAO and each location comes with its own issues either population-wise or site/app-wise
i miss how centralized it used to be to tumblr u_u and obviously having more content to look at back in the day, i got very spoiled on it so when i peruse the fandom content its like a lot less to look at but thats honestly GOOD FOR ME BC I HAVE NO TIME NOW LMAOOOO but its just like strange bc im like woah i dont have to scroll for an hour on entres dash anymore to catch up
well i do, but that's bc i have no time to check it on work days and so it piles up for when i do sit and take the time. cant imagine the hell i'd be in if it was 2012-era activity
ppl who had full-time jobs in the fandom in 2012 damn...i salute you.
unfortunately with a fandom as niche as this, it kinda cooks up the same issues over and over again and it makes me wish there was some sort of disclaimer that popped up as soon as you wanted to join the fandom to give you a rundown on how the culture is, who the people are, what the past drama was (so dont bring it up again), and all that LMFAO like a onceler fandom 101 that was just beamed into your device when you were like hmm what if i joined the onceler fandom LMAO
i kinda wanna do something like that specifically for askblogs? like a dos and donts. or "things i wish i knew when i started an askblog" type of thing but alas..no time. bc i see other mods go through the same obstacles/difficulties i went through and learned to either change my thinking on, or something else to either help me get past it/over it or at least cope better and id wanna pass that on if the fandoms gonna keep getting revived every two or so years and then cave in on itself from the same rehashed drama/problems it always has :sob emoji:
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spnfanficpond · 3 years
Pond Diving - thoughtslikeamindfield
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Welcome to today’s Pond Diving Spotlight! We hope that you enjoy this little insight to our members and perhaps even find some useful tips for your own writing. Happy reading!
Want to volunteer, send us an ask! We’re looking forward to learning more about all of you! Not sure what PD is, you can learn more here.
“Don’t Be Koi About It” - All About You
Name: MJ
Age: 49
Location: Aspen, Colorado, USA
URL: @thoughtslikeaminefield
Why did you choose your URL: I’m a diehard Foo Fighters fan. When I came back to Tumblr after a 4yr hiatus, Foo’s album Concrete and Gold had just come out, and the first single was “The Sky Is A Neighborhood” with the verse:
Thoughts like a minefield I'm a ticking bomb Maybe you should watch your step Don't get lost
What inspired you to become a writer: I love telling stories, both verbally and written. What’s kept me motivated is connecting with people through shared experiences, making people laugh, and making life-long friends as a result of those connections.
How long have you been writing: I’ve been writing since I was 8- or 9-years-old!
What do you do when you are not writing i.e. Job/Hobbies etc? I sell mortgages for a living, laugh and enjoy life with my husband, hike with my dogs, talk smack with my friends and family. I recently hosted a group of fandom friends here in the Rocky Mountains in a big house, where we did all of the above at one point or another, and it was such a joy.
How long have you been in the SPN Fandom? It feels like I’ve been here forever. I was reading Dean/Faith Lehane fic back in 2008 and I’ve been laughing at memes on Tumblr since as long as I’ve been on Tumblr (this is my fourth blog), but I didn’t start actively watching the show until 2015 (-ish?). I truly joined SPN fandom when I started writing SPN fic in the spring of 2018, so a little over 3yrs.
Are you in any other fandoms and do you write for them? Yes! I was active in The X-Files fandom for years via forums, chat rooms, and geocites (it was the 90s and early aughts, after all lol), but never wrote for it; Buffy and Angel in the same manner as well as LiveJournal and wrote a little; I was active in Twilight fandom for a few years and wrote fic there, once sitting on a Twific panel at SDCC; I’ve been peripherally active in several of Norman Reedus’ fandoms and written for him and his roles; and currently, I’m active in SPN, The Boys, anything Jensen does, Ted Lasso (I have fic ideas), MCU and other Marvel media, Star Wars and all things associated (especially Din Djarin’s tiny green bebe Grogu), Lucifer, anything Keanu Reeves does, and super fucking excited for my boy Pattinson in The Batman.
Do you do any writing outside of fanfiction? If so, tell us about it? I am working on a sort of fictionalized memoir based on my family and my relationships throughout my life. My sister and I have a lot of stories to tell, so we’ve been piecing together a concept for the past couple of years!
Favorite published author: Carrie Fisher
Have you ever read a book that made an impact on your life? Which one and why?: Several. I will say, however, that neither Postcards from the Edge nor Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher ever leave my bedside.
Carrie had such a gift with words and expression. She struggled with mental illness, loss, and addiction; she was a soul sister.
Favorite genre of fanfic (smut, angst, fluff, crack, rpf, etc): I’ll read just about any genre, but I seem to gravitate toward explicit content, both to read and write.
Favorite piece of your own writing: This is Sophie’s Choice, so I’ll just go with something easy, fun, and sexy -- Plus One (for which I am currently working on a sequel!)
Most underrated fic you have written: Cactus - Dean Winchester x Meg Masters x Castiel
Idk if it’s underrated, but I don’t think a lot of people have seen it, and I don’t write Destiel very often!
Story of yours that you’d most like to see turned into a movie/tv show:
Run Me Like A River - AU Dean Winchester x AU Jessica Jones
Summary: AU wherein Jessica Jones is super-powered by gov’t experiments to create elite soldiers, the Winchesters are military officers in humanity’s War Against Evil, and they have all gone AWOL from their assigned roles. Dean and Jess embark in a relationship that ends abruptly and explosively until Dean calls her for help on a very personal case.
Warnings: explicit, this is not your mother’s dean winchester, major character death, unhealthy relationship dynamics, bondage, rough-sex, biting, bruising, blood, anal sex, ptsd
Favorite Tumblr Writer(s): @inkiestdawn @itmighthavebeenintentional @lastactiontricia @littlegreenplasticsoldier @mrswhozeewhatsis @rockhoochie @stusbunker @there-must-be-a-lock @wayward-and-worn
Favorite Fic from another writer: Heard, Seen, Believed by @stusbunker -- yes, I beta’d this fic, but I beta’d it because it was amazing. This is easily one of my Top 5 Favorite SPN fics ever. It’s sooooo sexy and relatable and UGH.
Favorite character to write: Dean Winchester
Favorite Pairing to write: I have a very soft spot for Megstiel.
Least favorite character to write (and why): I don’t write anyone I don’t thoroughly enjoy writing!
Do you have anyone you consider a mentor? Hmm, Idk about mentor, but I probably wouldn’t be writing fic and I certainly wouldn’t be sharing it without having @icemankazansky @mskathywriteswords and @cracksinthewalls in my life who have each supported and encouraged me through the years in ways that have been absolutely essential to my confidence and competence.
Do you have any aspirations involving your writing? Some day, I want to be able to tell My Story, if I can ever figure out what that is. lolllll
How many work-in-progress stories do you have: Oh, lord, a dozen? Maybe more.
What are you currently working on? The final installment for a 3-part FWB to lovers Dean x female reader AU, some Soldier Boy fuckery, and I’m trying to work up the gumption to get back to my Sam x female reader AU series. I also have a ton of AWESOME prompts from tumblr friends and from Bingos and Challenges that are just waiting for me to not be such a disaster.
“Pond Diving” - All About The Writing
What/who has had the biggest influence on your writing? Style-wise -- songwriters like Jim Morrison, Stevie Nicks, Sarah McLachlan, Dave Grohl, Trent Reznor, and Josh Homme; content-wise -- the feelings and experiences of my life like love, loss, heartbreak, lust, and trauma.
Best writing advice you've been given: Just get the words down; you can edit it later!
Biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your writing: When I jump the gun and think I know where I’m headed but then hit a roadblock and have gotten too far ahead to figure out how to back up!
What aspects of writing do you find difficult when you write fanfiction? Series. I have shit patience so I post too soon sometimes and the next thing I know I’ve hit a wall and the damn thing is stalled.
Is there anything you want to write but are afraid to (and why)? There are things I want to write but haven’t figured out yet, but I’m not really afraid of writing anything.
What inspires/motivates you to write? Human connection, reader feedback, my friends.
How do you deal with self doubt? Go back and re-read things I’ve written that I remember loving and the feedback from readers that touched my heart. I talk to my friends, too.
How do you deal with writer's block? Walk it off, make graphics, ask for insight, read something fresh and different.
Do you plan/outline your story before you start? I try to and I want to get better at this, especially for series’, but I don’t do it enough!
Do you have any weird writing habits? Idk how weird it is per se, but my usual habits include making playlists and graphics and talking out my ass about anything and everything related to the concepts or themes. I’m all about the vibes and aesthetics.
Have you ever received hateful comments on your fic and how do you deal with it? Not really. I had a woman several years ago harass me for being “irresponsible” with the main characters because they had sex without contraception and it was a one-weekend stand, but I just listened to and talked it out with her.
Conversely: what’s been some of your favorite feedback on your fanfic? Most recently I received an incredibly in depth and thoughtful observation on one of my darker and more personal fics that was so spot on that it made me cry. But I can’t not mention my long-time beta here since she is my beta because of her consistently detailed and thoughtful feedback for more than 10 years. She’s been with me ever since.
If you could give one piece of advice to a new and/or struggling writer, what would it be? Surround yourself with people you trust and respect and who feel the same about you so that you are able to be vulnerable, try new things and fail, and grow.
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taketheringtolohac · 3 years
sdglkjasfk it's been a minute since anyone's asked you about the tumblr miles au but i really want to know your thoughts on how maya and miles find out they've been friends for years online
YEAH so as I've said before I think they became friends like around 2014/2015 ish and they just got REALLY close REALLY fast because what else are you gonna do when you're lonely and on the internet and someone has vaguely good opinions and you find them tolerable (from Miles POV, Maya just can tell that he's lonely based on how he responds to all his asks and the way he carries himself online and can just TELL he's never interacted with a regular person in his life and she feels like she can save him because she has her own issues and fixer complex) and they just... start talking to each other mostly about steel samurai but they become like real actual friends in the process.
Then over his trip to Europe during JFA she really helps him a lot through what he's going through and just. Forces him to confront a lot of his issues and also like actively tries to make him be a better person and calling a lot of the shit he does out like idk over kik or something. She also helps him come to terms with the fact that he's gay during this time by just making him examine how he thinks about his favorite gay ship and also like how he reacts to asks calling him gay and just all his other behaviors (will powers fancam) and he's like oh my god. I am gay. Then she starts calling attention to how he talks about this one guy he met and she keeps trying to hint at like maybe you like this guy like for real and Miles is like blatantly ignoring her on this because he doesn't want to think about it so she doesn't really see success on this front until maybe like partway through T&T when suddenly Miles is like oh god I'm in love with him.
Then he say's something that's pretty much something Nick has said exactly to her and she has this moment of deja vu where she just has to take a moment and think. And then she examines the evidence. And she starts thinking about how he had described this guy, and all his charming personality traits, and how he calls him foolish sometimes but it's incredibly endearing and oh my god its Nick. This guy is in love with Nick and she starts thinking about HOW he talks to her and his personality and has the SECOND realization which is OH MY GOD MY BEST FRIEND ON THE INTERNET IS MILES FUCKING EDGEWORTH and she's just stunned. She's paralyzed with this and she just. She doesn't know what to do. But she's not positive that it's him because ok maybe she's just projecting onto the situation and seeing her best friend irl in her best friend online's world. So she keeps it quiet but she tries to try and fish for as much information as possible and also tries to like... hint at her identity a lot more and he is just. She seems to be getting NO results from it but shes ALMOST CERTAIN its him but she doesnt want to be WRONG because that would be EMBARASSING and what if he never talked to her again that would be awful so she just kind of... sits on her hands for awhile.
Then after 3-5 happens and Miles has done all the frankly very gay stuff he did he starts to talk about it more and Maya, who is now just tired of everything and very recently traumatized yet again is talking to her friend online and he says something that's like... weirdly similar to what just happened like he tries not to talk about work that much but like... he mentioned flying out to meet him because he got worried and wow he's in love with this guy and Maya in her hospital room is like internally screaming because THAT SURE IS PROOF THAT THATS MILES FUCKING EDGEWORTH and she starts. Scheming to meet him in person. He mentioned that he was in LA again and she was like "this is finally my time to strike" and she's like haha hey I'm in LA this weekend visiting some friends you wanna meet up? And of course Miles is like oh my god my best friend wants to meet me holy shit ok I need to make myself as presentable as possible but also oh no what if they expose me for everything I've said but Maya is a good person she'd never do that and he like doesn't get back to her for three hours because he's pacing his room and figuring out what the most logical solution to this is and eventually he's like no this is what we talked about a lot and what my therapist has been saying where I'm overthinking it and she's a dear friend. Ok I'll meet up with her. And they plan to meet at some cafe in LA that weekend.
When Miles gets to the cafe he's nervous. He doesn't think that he's EVER been that nervous about anything which was saying a lot. He looks around and he PANICS because he SEES MAYA FEY THERE AND OH MY GOD SHES GONNA EXPOSE HIM AND FIND OUT ABOUT HIS SECRET TUMBLR AND THINK HES GOING ON A DATE WITH SOME WOMAN because he HASNT figured out it's her because of course he hasn't and then Maya waves him over and he is pretending like she doesn't exist and she realizes this so she LOUDLY screams his screenname out and he turns around and looks like a deer in headlights and she goes up to him and is like Miles we've been friends on tumblr for YEARS surprise! Holy fuck are you in love with Nick? And they just. They talk and are like wow I can't believe that I knew who you were and it's fun! Maya sends a picture to Nick thats captioned like "with my #bestie!" and Phoenix is just SO confused.
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coxinyoface · 6 years
i usually don’t do this but it’s 4am, i’m cramping/anemic/generally in pain and out of it, i’m procrastinating, and it’s been like. probably 2 years since the last time i did one of these? so why not since i have new followers after my acpc obsession! (the reason why not is... i write too much, sorry. a couple others have tagged me recently with similar questions and i stopped myself but hey i’ll let it go this time and try to be social)
i’m not sure who else to tag. i see the top three ppl i recognize often in my notifications lately are @lonelylittlewarlock @betumbledpolaritis @lavender-aquarius so how ‘bout you guys? feel free to ignore if you’re not up for it tho
Get to know me tag! got tagged by @sundaycrossing and @lilcasshole
Nickname: on this account most people just call me CIYF and that’s fine. i haven’t had a proper nickname in a long time and i try to keep this acc separate because. coxinyoface is not the best name to reference offline or with work/art stuff lmao. 
Gender: nonbinary. they/them preferred.
Starsign: taurus.
Height: 5���3″/1.6m-ish? i’m short and fat and friendshaped i like to think.
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw or hufflepuff. when i was little i’d insist ravenclaw bc i’m a nerd who tried to persuade themselves they like school, but i’m likely hufflepuff bc i try too hard n am painfully stupidly loyal. idk. hp house discourse frustrates me.
Favorite animal: this changes frequently bc birds but today... potoo. potoos are often my favorite bc they could be my fuckin fursona and i relate deeply.
Favorite color: grey. stormy grey i think.
Current favorite song: зын зын by jokeasses. i found this through a random video of someone dancing in nosferatu drag to it months ago (thanks internet) and it’s still stuck. i keep switching between looping this, boogie by brockhampton, or yellow ferrari by mystery skulls. i can loop the same song for 10+ hours at a time. i do this bc i can have up to 5 songs stuck in my head at the same time and this somewhat cures that. it’s bad.
Ways to get creative: well. listening to music until my brain melts is one way. it’s easy to get creative but difficult to be productive, so i’d say just. trying to really really enjoy an activity, whether it’s reading, watching, or playing something, and trying to hold onto that feeling when i work on something. and then 4am binges of researching random shit that i can use to inspire myself later.
What do you do when you’re home alone: i’m either on tumblr, watching youtube, reading fanfic, or working on work art or art prints. acpc became a thing bc of lack of sleep and bird cult aesthetic n distraction. i’m currently stuck in a fic cycle of interest, it switches a lot. current fandom is HP (again) but i’ve gone into fic hell for naruto, opm, mcu, fucking anything that makes me hate myself. but then, i’ve also been reading a lot of bnha and some of that shit is actually so healthy and wholesome i cried. i want to get back into anime.
Average hours of sleep: hooo boy. it used to be 2 hours, consecutively, with maybe 4 total a day, while in college. i’m trying to fix that and i think i’m getting 3 hours consecutively and 5-6 total? i was doing great at some point last year and was somehow getting 5 consecutive hours up to 8 but. well. sleep’s a bitch and i have sleep paralysis and insomnia. today i managed to sleep maybe 5 consecutive and 15 total holy shit because i dreamed i had a heart attack and was dying and believed it (bc sleep paralysis)! in reality it was anemia fuckin me up today thanks google  
Cats or dogs?: cats. sorry dogs, i love you but you have too much energy. besides i feel like cat people are dogs and dog people are cats, and i’ve worked very hard to earn my cats love so i’m loyal now lmao
Numbers of blankets you sleep with: i’m going to say pillows instead, because i live in a warm area and blankets are the mortal enemy. so--four. one to make sure i don’t smash into the wall, one for my head that i will never use as i slowly rotate like a flailing turtle on its back, one for my legs to make sure i don’t kick, and one to hug so i don’t punch.
Dream job: honestly my standards are so damn low i’d probably do any digital illustration/graphic design art job that (1)pays decently for my area where (2)the clients weren’t from hell and (3)i could work from home. like. i used to have specifics like ~concept art~ and shit but i had a good couple of work months (before some very bad ones) where one really good nonprofit client made me realize i genuinely don’t give a fuck what i do so long as it genuinely helps someone/somepeople and also helps me exist.
Dream trip: i. don’t actually want to travel much. tbh, i did japan, korea, and the philippines in one week somehow, and it killed my interest in traveling due to over-planning. if i could go back in time and do it again, maybe i’d spend more time chilling in japan? i just want lipton milk tea in those lil cartons. why can’t they make those here. and omurice. and katsu. and... ok i’d travel to japan again just for food fuck it.
Sexuality: It’s Complicated but for simplification, grey ace. i say aro-ace but go back and forth using that label because it’s useful but i can’t tell if i’m aro or just too anxious to function bc i feel like i’m somehow tricking people if they like me, and have no idea what i find attractive in the weird range of people i’ve been attracted to or to what degree i am attracted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tbh, QPRs seem way more appealing to me because i’m just that kinda grey gay. none of this matters unless i maintain a healthier lifestyle that isn’t a hot mess or somehow get the fuck over myself tho. idk one day i’ll be more socially active again.
When did you make this account?: shit, like... 6 years ago i think? oof. a lot changes over six years. if i wasn’t lazy i’d make a new shitpost account so i could pretend to forget what an ass i was but i can’t even separate most of my interests by blog.
Number of followers: 3,050, around. it hovers back and forth due to i assume bots and ppl getting very confused. those of u here for youtubes, thanks for sticking around all these years and i’m sorry; those of u here for acpc, i’m sorry and hope you enjoy me being really mad abt acpc. i have no idea how accurate follower count really is, though; apparently my highest activity was back in 2015 and i had less than 2k then i think? fuck if i understand tumblr
anyway if you’ve somehow read through all of that thanks for listening to the ramblings of a madman hopped up on pain at 6am you’re a champ and this random online stranger loves you and wishes you a good day
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