#and bianca was not his friend so he didn't care that she ran off to do something dangerous even though she had no training and then she died
happyk44 · 1 year
Nico’s love for Percy vs Percy’s guilt over Bianca
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raphael-angele · 4 months
If Hades raised Nico and Bianca Then Took Them to Camp Later-er Part 1
This will be a side series where I list down things that happened as Hades and the entire Underworld raises Bianca and Nico. Of course, Bianca does not die because I am in denial and I refuse anything bad that happens
Bianca's Violin
I've been having this headcanon for a while now that Bianca knows how to play the violin.
She was formerly taught how to play by Maria, before the Lotus Hotel. When she and Nico arrived in the Underworld, Bianca wasn't settling in very well so Hades got her a violin as a welcome present. It didn't exactly cheer her up but she felt a little bit more comfortable.
Here's the thing though, she brings that violin to Camp and she plays it as much as she can and all she knows how to play are songs and pieces from the 1900s. One of the pieces she's perfected is Los Toreadores, which if you don't know, is the famous FNAF soundtrack.
Everytime she plays this, other campers would panic where the sound was coming from. Bianca has no clue what they're talking about, growing up in the 30s and all that.
Bianca looks around the infirmary in search for a particular blonde boy with blue eyes that glowed like the sun itself. "Bianca!" she hears from one side of the room and she sees him walking towards her. Lee Fletcher, one of the few people that bothered to make friends with her and her brother when they first came to camp.
"Lee, hi." She greeted with a soft smile. "What brings you here?" Lee asks, looking her up and down to find any injuries. "I need some bandages. Four of them." Bianca answered. Lee looks at her, a little confused. "What do you need that many bandages for?" He asks. Bianca holds up her left hand, showing him her bloodied fingers. The blood had stained her entire palm and dripped from the tips of her fingers. "My fingers are bleeding." She says, unfazed by her injury.
"GODS!" Lee panicked, seeing her hand. He quickly took it into his and examined them carefully. It looked as if something had sliced the skin. "What in Hades happened?!" He asked, pulling her to an empty cot. He made her sit down as he pulled a chair from the side and sat down. Bianca was confused by Lee's worry. It wasn't like she was dying; it barely hurt.
"Will! Go get me the first aid kit, please." He ordered the boy passing by. He looked to be around Nico's age. Quickly, the boy, Will, set the sheets he was carrying and ran off to do what was asked of him. "What happened?! Why are your fingers bleeding?! Is this from archery practice?!" He asked. Will came back with a small red kit with a white cross on the front. He put it beside her and opened it.
Lee took some hydrogen peroxide and dabbed it on some cotton before carefully applying it on her fingers. "I was playing the violin. I didn't realize how hard I was playing until I saw how red the strings became." Bianca explained. "Who on Earth wouldn't notice their hand bleeding?!" He asked, still a little shock. "Apologies. I get distracted easily playing the violin" she says. Lee sighed, "Be careful. You'll never know, strings are really dangerous if you play too hard" Bianca rolled her eyes as he dabbed betadine on her fingers.
Will stared at her, as if examining her. "Hey, you're Nico's sister, right?" He asked. Bianca looked at him and smiled before saying yes. "Does Nico play the violin, too?" He asks. "Uh, no. No, he doesn't. He doesn't like the sound of the violin much either. He says it's too squeaky and annoying." She answered.
"Lee, can Bianca play the violin at the campfire?" Will asks, hoping his brother would agree. "Will, her fingers are hurt. I doubt she'll be able to play for the next few days." Lee explained, wrapping her fingers in a white bandage. The younger boy frowned. "Maybe next time, William." Bianca smiled, ruffling the younger's hair. He smiled back and nodded his head before going back to his other works.
"Okay," Lee exclaimed as he finished off with the bandages. "A few things. Sorry to say, but no violin for the next few days." She sighed. "Secondly, your archery training might be affected so take it easy a bit. Maybe ask for finger guards. I have some extras if you want. And I need you to come in some time after lunch so we can change the bandages." He said.
"How long do I have to wear these?" Bianca gestured to her bandages. "I reckon...no longer than a week" Lee replied, walking over to the nearby counter. "Don't worry. They didn't look too deep of a cut. But I recommend that you take it easy on archery practice and dagger training with Annabeth." He came back with a jar of lollipops. "Now, since you were a good patient, have a lollipop" he gave her a wide smile as he opened the lid. Awkward silence drifted.
"You're giving me a lollipop." Bianca deadpanned. "Yeah. We give all our patients lollipops." Lee continued to smile as Bianca continued to blankly stare at him. "I'm not a 5 year old, Lee."
"There's a grape flavored one" Lee informed her. Bianca quickly stuck her uninjured hand into the jar in search of the grape flavored treat she was promised. She pulled it out, along with two lollipops; one grape, the other lemon. "You mind if I take two? Nico's gonna ask where I got it and I don't want him to end up in the infirmary just to get a lollipop." She said. "Go ahead." Lee replied. She put the lollipops in her jacket pocket and stood up. "Alright. Thank you for helping me." She said, heading for the door.
"Anytime, corpse girl. See you at dinner!"
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Dark! Xavier Thorpe x reader: part 2
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Y/n sat with Xavier in every lesson, she did find it odd how he always had a seat available next to him but she was glad to have a friend than have to sit at the back and be lonely, lunch rolling round as she laughed at Xavier's jokes his hand moving to push her hair out her face as he looked at her smiling. He wanted to sketch her as she smiled at him, he hadn't sketched her without her purple eyes but they looked so beautiful with the bright sun reflecting in them. 
"Y/n! Xavier!" Enid shouted across the Quad as Y/n turned her attention taken away from him as she moved to the table where their friends sat, Enid and Ajax both too shy to talk to each other more than a few words Y/n sitting next to the bubbly werewolf as they asked her how her first day was going. Y/n telling them everything including Xavier as Ajax gave him a smirk when Y/n said they sat together and chatted for most of the lessons, the art he'd shown her and how she was actually enjoying the school. Enid telling Y/n all the gossip as Xavier tried not to get upset at no longer having all of Y/n's attention, he liked that she only spoke to him, sat with him and had all her attention on him. She liked his art and enjoyed when he made it come to life, she didn't care if Bianca glared at her because she was too busy playing with her floating pen. Enid started complaining about the plans for the year, her roommate hadn't been assigned yet so it seemed she would be on her own for the year Y/n smiling as she used her powers to make a rainbow appear, Enid's eyes sparkling as she glowed with happiness.
"You'll get a roomie eventually, if not you can always sleep with me if you get lonely." Y/n said shrugging as Xavier thought of about her, his mind going back to his dream but it was fuzzy now as he looked at Y/n, Enid squealing as she squeezed Y/n close thanking her and asking to have a sleepover that night. Y/n nodded whilst rolling her eyes and grinning at the boys as Enid ran off to tell Yoko, Y/n turning towards them as she leaned forward stealing some food from Xavier with a cheeky smile. 
"Is she always so happy?" Y/n said as she looked over at Enid, Yoko showing her teeth to the colourful girl as Enid went to hug her stopping when Yoko raised an eyebrow at her instead Enid laughing nodding and running back to the group landing next to Y/n and leaning into her.
"Yoko is going out for a late night bite with the other vampires so she was going to stay with them tonight anyway. This is going to be so much fun! We can paint our nails and do face masks, do you have snapchat?" Xavier stopped listening as Enid listed off all the fun things they could do, Ajax's face going into one of pure content as he leant on his hand watching Enid a small smile on his lips, Xavier looking the same at Y/n as she encouraged Enid. 
"You're gonna be up all night." Xavier said with a grin as Y/n winked at him before the bell went Enid rushing to get up her and Ajax walking off to class as Xavier stood waiting for Y/n as she collected her stuff and walked next to him.
"What class is next?" Y/n said trying to find her schedule as her eyes turned purple things flying about as she huffed realising she must have lost it as she put everything back, Xavier reaching into his pocket and handing her the schedule. Y/n's eyebrow raised as he scratched his neck.
"It fell out earlier and i forgot to give it to you, also it's english." Y/n looked at him for a minute before laughing as they walked, Xavier looking at her oddly as she pushed him gently.
"So we've had a class about carnivorous plants, studying the moon and stars, potion making and now we get english? You'd think it was a normal school." Y/n rolled her eyes as they arrived, Xavier glaring at someone until they moved letting him and Y/n sit together as Y/n gave him and odd look.
"Did you just get that poor guy to move?" Xavier went red as he began to stutter trying to hide that he had been doing it all day, Y/n getting out her notebook as she poked him with her pen.
"Don't stress so much, it's cute you want to sit with me." Xavier went to say something but the teacher interrupted, Y/n's eyes moving back to the front of the room as she nodded along taking notes. Xavier started his notes but soon started sketching Y/n at the bottom of his page, Y/n looking over as she nudged him his hand dropping to cover it as he smiled at her.
"Whatcha drawing?" Y/n said in a hushed voice as she kept flitting her eyes back to the teacher as they wrote down quotes, Xavier covering his drawing with his arm as he quickly sketched a sunflower moving his arm so she could see the flower making it bloom as Y/n grinned at him.
"How did you know sunflowers were my favourite?" Y/n whispered, Xavier looked at his drawing he had drawn it so fast he hadn't thought about it but to him it made sense, he knew her better than she thought he did and he felt proud of himself. 
"Lucky guess?" Xavier said, it wasn't even a lie although he hadn't guessed just instantly drawn it without thinking, he felt connected to her as she watched the flower bloom over and over with a wide smile on her face.
"Mr Thorpe, Miss L/N, are we interrupting you?" Y/n's eyes shot up as she realised how close they were, her head almost on his shoulder as Xavier looked down at her both turning to the teacher as they turned red Y/n shifting back to sit normally as she mumbled an apology. The teacher staring at them a moment longer before moving on as Xavier ripped his page passing Y/n the drawing of the sunflower as she smiled at it putting it in her notebook. Her hand smoothing over it as she wrote her notes Xavier watching her as he leaned on his elbow trying to not make it obvious as he enjoyed how she kept looking at the drawing, he wanted to paint her a thousand sunflowers just to see her smile at his work. 
Xavier fenced with Ajax as they waited for the class to start, Bianca trying to talk to him but his attention turned to Y/n as she walked in tying her hair up as she walked towards the three of them a friendly smile on her face as she looked at Bianca.
"Hiya, i'm Y/n." Y/n extended her hand towards her Bianca looking her up and down before turning to Xavier.
"Really?" Bianca looking back at Y/n before walking past her bumping her shoulder as Y/n looked at her confused then facing the boys as Xavier fidgeted looking down as Ajax snorted hitting Xavier in the arm.
"Come on loser." Ajax said pulling his helmet down as he got into place, Xavier giving Y/n a lopsided smile.
"Sorry about Bianca, she's...Bianca." Xavier moved away putting his helmet on with a smile as he got into position, Y/n watching him as he and Ajax started fighting, his confidence growing as he got the first point hoping to impress Y/n before she turned feeling someone poke her. Bianca on the end of the sword as she challenged her with a smirk, Y/n raising an eyebrow shrugging as she put on her helmet, Ajax stopping as he waved at Xavier both pulling up their helmets as they watched. Bianca stood on one side as Y/n leisurely moved cracking her neck.
"What rules?" Y/n said her tone playful as she flipped her sword catching it as she rolled it between her fingers like a baton as she grinned at her behind the mask, the teacher explaining normal rules as the two started to spar, Y/n letting Bianca get a hit on her. Bianca taunting her as Y/n pretended to be annoyed letting Bianca get another hit before throwing her helmet off in annoyance.
"Alright, one last round, no rules, no helmets, first blood?" Bianca smiled as she chucked off her helmet, Y/n turning around with a wink to Xavier as she got back into position letting Bianca think she was winning until the last moment, her sword clashing harshly against hers as she spun knocking her to the ground with a small trip up placing the blade against Bianca's neck as she nicked her cheek. Xavier's jaw dropping as Bianca glared at Y/n's wicked smile, a fake pout coming on her face.
"Really Bianca?" Mocking her as she moved the tip away reaching out her hand to help her, Bianca slapping her hand as Y/n held them up in mock surrender watching Bianca as she walked off her group glaring at Y/n before following her. Xavier coming up behind Y/n as he placed a hand on her shoulder with a smile, Y/n's face turning back into a smile as she poked Xavier's side making him poke her back as she moved to grab her helmet Xavier quickly looking up as she bent over trying not to be a perv but his eyes dropped back to her. Ajax poking him with the sword making Xavier jump and look away from Y/n as Ajax rolled his eyes, Y/n now moving to stand next to them as she placed the rubber tip back on her blade.
"So who wants to go next?" Y/n said with a grin as she looked between the boys, Ajax bowing out quickly leaving her with Xavier before the teacher came over.
"Y/n Principle Weems would like to see you." Y/n nodded waving bye to Xavier and Ajax as she went into the changing rooms. 
"Hello Miss L/N, i hope you are enjoying Nevermore so far." Y/n sat down placing her bag on the ground as she adjusted the long skirt looking at Principle Weems with a small smile.
"It's a good school, i'm enjoying it compared to my last one." Principle Weems grinned at Y/n as she leaned forward dropping her eyes to look over Y/n's file which was larger than most with multiple tabs.
"I was reading through your file and wanted to introduce myself personally, you are a gifted student but this is your 5th school in 3 years due to behavioural issues." Y/n sighed as she crossed her legs leaning back in the chair her eyes turning purple as she flipped the folder open to the last report sent in by her previous school.
"I don't have behavioural issues normie schools just so happen to enjoy bullying Outcasts which i don't enjoy. I promise i won't be a problem to you or the normies in the nearby town. I know this is a last resort for my mum since i gained my powers and you and i both know she was more than happy to ship me off so the chances of her taking me back are slim. I'm already making friends and fitting in, i plan to join the poecup club with Enid as one of her ladies graduated last year." Principle Weems lip curled as she looked at the report.
"Miss L/N dangled a boy in the air after he teased a younger boy from a different class, when asked to put him down she dropped him down spinning him at the last moment to land him safely but she showed no remorse." Principle Weems sat back in her chair waiting for Y/n to elaborate as she shrugged her shoulders twirling her finger with purple mist surrounding it.
"He pushed an outcast kid to the ground and called him an abomination, i asked him to apologise and he threatened me. I did everything they asked me to, apologised to him and no police report was done. Principle Weeks, i am not a bad student this is my last year and i'll be 18 in a few months. I hope we can look past my file." Principle Weeks stood up towering over Y/n as she stood up aswell, her red lips stretched into an annoyed smile as her eye twitched slightly, Y/n grinning at her as she picked up her bag.
"Have a good day Miss L/N, i hope i won't see you in my office often." Y/n nodded leaving with a small wave of the hand the door opening and closing behind her as Principle Weems sat back in her seat looking over the file before storing it with the other troublesome cases. Y/n walked through the halls the classes finished a few moments ago as she made her way to the dorms opening her door as she placed her bag down Enid already sat on her bed legs crossed texting away. Y/n raising her eyebrows as she looked at Enid who stood quickly with a wide smile pointing to her sleeping bag.
"Hey Y/n, hope you don't mind Yoko let me in." Y/n smiled sitting down on her bed and throwing her shoes off as she pulled her hair free and dropped backwards. Enid perching next to her as she bounced waiting for Y/n to talk to her, Y/n looking at her before huffing.
"I don't mind do whatever you want in here, what's the plan?" Enid squealed moving to her bag as she pulled out blankets and pillows aswell as her laptop placing them on the bed as Y/n moved to let her place them down.
"Ajax and Xavier invited us to Crackstone's crypt to hangout for a few hours then i thought we could come back and do all the fun stuff!" Y/n rolled over nodding as she groaned sitting up, Enid rushing around as she pulled out multiple outfits asking Y/n's opinions. 
Xavier sat in his room his pencils all spread out on the bed as he twirled one in his hand tapping it against the paper as he looked at the sunflower, the colours blended but he wanted it to he absolutely perfect as he looked at all the different scrunched drawings of sunflowers he'd started and decided they weren't good enough. His mind reeling as he looked through his book landing on the image of her pointing her sword at Bianca, her stance beautiful and captivated as he started drawing the person under her, his hand drawing without thinking as he drew himself under her sword. Running his hand over it as the drawing moved showing her pushing him to the ground and grinning at him, his mind running wild as it kept moving until she straddled him her lips grazing his as she mocked him, his hands running along her legs as he pulled her closer her lips about to drop onto his when his dorm room door opened Rowan walking in with a small wave to Xavier. The sketchbook slamming shut as he panicked waving back hiding the book under his pillow as he adjusted his position trying to hide how the drawing had made him feel as he pushed his hair back sighing deeply. He wanted to keep drawing her, watch how the scenes played out in his head, he wondered how far he could go in his drawings.
Y/n sat next to Enid on the balcony waiting for Ajax and Xavier, Y/n dressed in a dark blue wrap top and jeans with a denim jacket, Enid in a rainbow coloured jumper and skirt her hair nicely curled and nails repainted. Y/n had done some small make up on her with her magic, Y/n doing black eyeliner and blue eyeshadow making her eyes pop as the moon beamed down on them. A stone coming over the side as the two girls moved to look over seeing Ajax and Xavier smiling up at them as Y/n used her powers to float them down, their boots landing softly as Y/n smiled at everyone. 
"You guys ready?" Ajax asked as he looked at Enid, she looked so pretty he couldn't keep his eyes off her as Xavier walked beside Y/n the two others in front as they kept trying to talk only able to have small conversations before looking away awkwardly and interrupting the other. 
"Hey i drew this for you." Xavier handed Y/n a folded piece of paper, Y/n unfolding it to find a beautiful sunflower which looked vivid even under the shady moonlight as they walked, grinning at Xavier as she used her powers to move into the picture and pull it out holding it against her chest as Xavier grinned at her.
"Thank you, it's beautiful." Y/n smelt it, touching the petals before placing it back inside the picture his drawing returning to normal as she ran her hand over the colours feeling the pencil marks and how much effort he'd put into it.
"You're so talented, have you ever sold any?" Xavier felt his blood run cold as she kept touching the drawing loving how she could tell he had done it over and over, the subtle lines where he'd drawn different versions and the changing of colours as he wanted to capture the best lighting. 
"Sometimes, my dad wanted me to do him one for his shows so it would move when people came near but he kept saying it never looked right so now i only draw for my personal collection." Y/n folded the drawing placing it in her back pocket as she looped her arm with his leaning her head on his arm as they kept walking.
"Well your dad is wrong, your art is awesome and i would love to see your personal collection sometime." Xavier blushed happy for the dark lighting as they kept walking all four of them chatting as they arrived at the crypt. 
Wednesday Taglist:@celibacy-or-death @sarcastic-sourwolf @snips-501 @lilithskywalker @parkersmyth @hey-im-bored504 @1horrormoviewhore1 @peachycupotea @moonmaiden1996 @bebopsworld @betray-jaes@o-the-o-grim-o-reaper-o @ilovedeadguys @kaz-2y567 @darling-twh @90sgothik@thematicallythalia @cheezybread @arivh @kaz-2y567 @akinatrix @just-sana @manuosorioh@alohastitch0626 @snips-501 @lovesanimals0000 @trashmouthsahra @whatinthefreshhellisthis@elle4404 @pasta88love @sourbiscuit @sl-t4ym1r @whatinthefreshhellisthis @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @bringontheweirdworld @laneyspaulding19 @torirosalie @nushy @
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hadesthecoolone · 4 months
Idk if it's done before or not but what if Leo came to chb early, alongside Nico and Bianca and helped Percy and others? What would it change?
Alot of things my dear friends, alot of things.
So at age 8, Leo was manipulated into starting the fire his mother died in by Gaea, just like canon. His family didn't take him in so he got into foster care. that much is also the same, but the times of running away happens faster, so that when he is eleven, he has ran away from six foster homes.
Instead of getting him into any other foster homes or wilderness school, he was forced to go to Westover Hall to learn to behave and shit like that.
In there he meet Nico and Bianca (who also got out of Lutos hotel earlier so that Nico is eleven too and Bianca is thirteen) and becomes fast friends with them.
One year passes and then Percy and Annabeth and Grover and Thalia are there for the rescue. They had went to retrieve two powerfull children of possibly big three, and they got another weirdly powerfull demigod who was not from big three too.
The events of TTC goes as it does, except after seeing Nico worry for his sister, Leo tried to sneak in the quest just to protect Bianca, and he succeeded, resulting in Bianca in fact not dying and Leo being a part of the quest.
He helps a lot but isn't capable of saving Zoë(I'm sorry). When they got back to chb, Bianca takes Leo and Nico somewhere private to talk about how she’s not gonna see them for a long while, Nico gets angry and runs away and Leo, the good best friend he is, follows him.
Then in Battle Of The Labyrinth, Leo and Nico are together all of the time, and the nice part(for me) is that Nico's happy personality doesn't get ripped away from him, he just slowly gets more closed off towards those he doesn't trust, but he's the same cute baby Percy and others met at first when he's around those he loves(especially Leo).
So Leo is also big help in BOTL, and at the end, him and Nico have to get separated a bit since Leo stays in chb and Nico goes to the Underworld.
TLO follows Leo as he fights alongside Percy and Annabeth. There's nothing else.
Then we get to TLH. Hera somehow forcefully gets Leo into Wilderness school and he couldn’t escape or be in touch with the other demigods, six months before percy's disappearance.
He couldn't escape for Hera reasons, so he instead decided to go along with it while trying to find a way out.
Then he meets Piper and sine he had nothing better to do, they become friends and then there's the paart where Jason joins.
Idk why yet, but the mist memories don't affect Leo, So when he turns he literally has an almost panic attack as he sees a new guy seating next to Piper and Piper talking to him as if she knew him for a long time.
Also fun fact, the mist memories aren't of Jason and Piper getting together and instead it's Valgrace getting together and yet, only Piper remembers.
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camillemontespan · 7 months
the best mistake he never had [drake x camille AU] [part two]
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Bianca put down the phone and sighed. She heard footsteps behind her and turned to find Drake stepping into the kitchen.
From the anxiety on his face, it was clear that he had overheard everything she had said to Camille.
‘She had to know, sweetie,’ Bianca said softly. ‘She lives four hours away by plane. It's her grandma.’
Drake nodded. ‘I know..’
‘You might not even see Lily.’
Drake swallowed. ‘But what if I do? What do I say? Sorry I rejected her? Yeah, Dad of the Year Award coming right up..’
Bianca didn't know what to say. She hadn't understood Drake’s decision to stay out of Camille's life and reject their unborn child. From what she knew about Drake and Camille, they had always been friendly. They had gone to the same school. If anything, she had always felt like her son harboured a small crush on Camille Montespan.
Drake sat down at the kitchen table and put his head in his hands. He hoped he wouldn't see them. If he did, he knew the guilt would eat him up.
Lily had never been on a plane before. Obviously, she was very excited.
‘Can I meet the pilot?!’ she squealed after Camille told her that they were going to Texas to see Grandma.
Camille had booked the flights and spoke to Lily's school. Her teacher was happy to send through online learning so Lily could keep up to date with school work.
Now, a week later, they were sitting on their seats in the plane, ready for take off. Lily swung her legs with abandon, looking around her to watch her fellow passengers sorting their cabin luggage and getting settled.
Camille opened Lily's backpack and took out her colouring books and pens to keep her entertained for the journey. She had been nervous with how her daughter would cope with flying but it seemed like Lily didn't care. She was just excited to be in the SKY.
Camille thought about what awaited them in Texas. Her best friend, Maxwell, was picking up them up from the airport to drive them to Applewood, the small town where Camille had grown up and Gisele still lived. She and Maxwell had been best friends since high school.
‘Mommy, what's Maxwell like?’ Lily suddenly asked.
Camille blinked. Jesus, it's like the kid can read my mind.
She turned to focus on Lily and gave her a mischievous smile. ‘Okay. Imagine the most excitable, loveable golden retriever puppy.’
Lily giggled. ‘I am!’
‘Imagine that puppy is a human. That is what Maxwell’s like.’
Lily broke out into a grin. Satisfied with Camille's response, she snuggled up to her and waited for take off.
Camille swallowed, pushing down the anxiety in the pit of her stomach.
Maxwell let out a squeal and ran through the arrivals gate to greet them.
‘Aaaaah Little Blossom and Mini Blossom!’
He picked up Lily, throwing her into the air making her scream with giddiness. Pulling Camille into a bear hug, he held both of them for a moment.
When they broke apart, Maxwell gave Camille a smile. ‘Sorry, I got excited. It's just been five years since I've seen you. We've got so much to catch up on and that mainly means talking about this gorgeous little human!’ He jostled Lily up and down. She giggled and snuggled into him, quite pleased with the attention and compliments.
Camille felt more relaxed now. Lily seemed to like Maxwell and he was great with children, always trying to make everything feel exciting and new.
‘He is like a golden retriever!’ Lily said.
Maxwell raised his eyebrows. ‘A golden retriever?! You saying I have golden retriever energy?’
He gave Lily a wink to show he was teasing. Gesturing for Camille to follow, he picked up Lily's backpack and carried her through the airport.
Camille watched with a tug in her heart as the two of them as Maxwell chatted animatedly to her daughter.
She wondered if Lily should have a father figure in her life. Not Maxwell because he was like a brother. But a man who wanted to make Lily happy and make her life more rounded.
Camille sighed and lugged her suitcase along the tarmac.
No regrets. No regrets.
While Lily listened to music through her unicorn headphones, Maxwell told Camille all about Applewood as he drove.
‘My brother is the owner of a party planning business, I am not joking!’
‘Bertrand the Walking Sweater is the party planner?!’ Camille asked.
‘Yeah! Seems his talent for throwing Beaumont Bashes has turned into a career,’ Maxwell explained. ‘I’m the head of social media.’
Camille clapped her hands. ‘Oh my god, Maxwell, please invite us to a Beaumont Bash! Lily would love it!’
Maxwell grinned. ‘Hey, you guys are top of the guest list.’
There was a comfortable silence. Camille looked out of the window, watching the city turn into countryside. She felt like she was in a different world. Everything here felt slower.
‘So, I have to ask…’ Maxwell said hesitantly. ‘Does Lily know about Drake?’
Camille bit her lip. ‘No. I haven't told her anything about him. Does he still live in Applewood?’
Maxwell winced. ‘He does. Still working the ranch.’
Camille groaned. Walker Ranch belonged to Drake and his family. Gisele was their neighbour. Which meant Camille and Lily were bound to see him.
‘Crap..’ Camille muttered.
‘Look, we'll make sure you don't see him. He'll be busy with the horses anyway.’
Camille clenched her fists, digging her fingernails into the skin. ‘I don't know how to do this,’ she admitted. ‘If I see him, fine. But if he sees Lily…’
‘He’ll feel regret,’ Maxwell said, his voice determined. ‘He drinks every night at the bar. He doesn't look happy and I bet that's because he gave you and Lily up.’
‘Do you talk to him?’
Maxwell shook his head fiercely. ‘Fuck no,’ he murmured. ‘I don't give that asshole the time of day.’
Maxwell never spoke like this. He was always happy go lucky, a positive person. He never swore or said anything bad about anybody.
Maxwell looked into the mirror to check Lily. She was looking out the window, bobbing her head along to the music.
‘How anyone could reject you and that little girl doesn't make any sense to me,’ Maxwell said quietly.
Camille blinked back tears. Maxwell reached out to squeeze her hand and drove on in silence.
They arrived at Gisele's an hour later. Camille helped Lily out of the back seat as Maxwell took their luggage.
‘Welcome to Grandma’s, Little Lady!’ he said in an exaggerated Texas accent. Lily laughed and took his hand, letting him lead her towards the porch.
Camille could see Walker Ranch up the hill and tried her best to ignore it. She had more important things to deal with right now. She took out the house key and opened the door, dreading what was going to greet her.
Was Gisele bed bound? Would she look sick?
The smell of cookies assaulted her senses.
‘Grandma?’ she called.
‘Aaah ma petit chou!’ Gisele cried, rushing from the kitchen into the hallway where she pulled Camille in for a hug.
She felt like a baby bird. Camille could feel the bones through her clothes.
Gisele cast her attention to Lily who stood at the threshold moving from one foot to the other with excitement.
‘Ma petite fleur!’ Gisele cooed, crouching down to envelop Lily into a cuddle. ‘You’ve gotten so big!’
Maxwell stood there slightly awkwardly.
‘Come through, have a cup of tea!’ Gisele said. ‘You too, Maxwell. Thank you for picking my girls up for me.’
‘No problem at all, Mrs Montespan,’ Maxwell smiled.
He felt something brush his fingertips and looking down, he could see that Lily had hesitantly taken his hand. He gave her hand a squeeze, encouraging her. Lily beamed and led him through to the kitchen.
‘Grandma, you should be resting!’ Camille sighed. Trays of cookies rested on the kitchen table. Clearly, Gisele wanted to be a hostess even though she was the one in need of looking after.
‘Shh, stop complaining!’ Gisele scolded. ‘Treat yourselves.’
They all sat down together. Lily snuggled up to Camille on her lap and happily chewed on a cookie while Gisele acted like this was a happy occasion and something Camille shouldn't worry about.
The Walker Ranch stood high on the hill and had an incredible view over Applewood. In Drake's opinion, Walker Ranch was the best property in the town. It even had its own lake with a jetty.
Drake was tidying the porch for his mom. He didn't live at home anymore but he still spent most of his time there, working the farm and helping Bianca with chores. The apartment he had in town was small and bare, nothing like the cosy and welcoming atmosphere of the ranch.
He felt more himself when he was here working the land.
‘Mommy, I left George in the car!’
Drake jumped at the sound of a voice coming a short distance down the hill. He turned to look and his heart jumped in his chest.
A little girl was outside Gisele's house. She was impatiently jumping up and down on both feet. She was small with dark hair. That was all Drake could make out from high on the hill.
‘Alright, honey, I'm coming!’
Drake gripped the wooden fence, not caring that it dug into his skin.
She was outside now and walking to the car with the little girl close behind her.
Drake watched, unable to take his eyes off the two of them, as Camille opened the car door. The girl climbed into the car and pulled out a teddy bear, clasping it tightly to her chest.
Drake's daughter. That was his daughter.
She rushed back into the house. Drake watched Camille as she locked the car and followed his daughter back inside.
Suddenly, she turned and looked up. Right in the direction of Drake.
Drake's breath caught in his throat. Time seemed to stand still. His heart hammered in his chest as he couldn't tear his eyes off her.
She stood staring at him.
He didn't know what to do. Wave? Walk down the road to say hello to her? Oh fuck that, she would definitely slap him.
Drake decided to raise his hand awkwardly in a weird sort of wave. Best to be polite. Try and look friendly.
She stared at him for a moment longer then turned on her heel and walked back into Gisele’s house with her head held high.
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 5 months
You owe me at least three days of rest in the infirmary - Solangelo
Masterlist Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Pairing: Nico di Angelo x Will Solace Word count: 1320 Warning: none? Summary: The three says in the infirmary with some change.
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- Belonging to someone doesn't sound so bad 
when they belong to you as well -
The sun woke Nico up at 9 am. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and started to take in the surroundings. He wasn't used to this. Sure, he could come into the infirmary to check up on Hazel or Jason, or anyone else in their little friend group. But he wasn't used to being the one in the hospital bed. The feeling was new but kind of comforting. He was used to taking care of himself, not that he used to have any other choice. His mother was dead, thanks to Zeus, Bianca was gone too. And he didn't feel like he belonged anywhere, he never had. But now, after the war, after befriending the praetor of Rome, and after getting his great secret off of his chest he felt like he could actually find a home here. At Camp Half-Blood. 
A movement to his left made him turn his head and found the son of Apollo asleep on the bunk beside his. A small smile made its way to his lips and he found himself mesmerized by the soft features and the calmness that was on the boy's face. He shook his head at himself, what was he thinking? He barely knew the guy and here he was thinking about Will in ways he never had before. Nico had always thought of Will as the kind of person who's laidback and easygoing. After the battle against Gaia, Nico had figured the son of Apollo could be stubborn and aggravating too but now... Now he was just a gentle, kind boy who wanted everyone around him to be happy and healthy. The note on the bedside table caught his eye next and he reached over to pick it up, almost falling off the bed in the process. 
'Take a shower and change into some clean clothes. You can use the sweatpants and the hoodie that's on the table. /W.S'
Nico looked up from the paper and saw a pile of clothes on the table, just like Will had told him and he smiled. 
The shower was hot and calming, making him release some of the tension he's been keeping up with the last few days and he let his shoulders fall down. When the hot water hit his newly stitched up wounds it stung but Nico didn't really care. The feeling was refreshing and reminded him that he was actually still alive. When he got out he dried himself off with one of the soft towels that was stacked and folded carefully in the bookshelf. Then he slipped on the clothes Will had lent him. They were way too big, the sweatpants went over his feet and he had to pull at the lacing in the waist until the strings reached his knees to make them stay on his hips. The hoodie's sleeves went a good way over his hands and it reached halfway down his thighs. He didn't mind though, they were soft and comforting and they smelled like literal sunshine. 
When Nico walked back out to the beds Will was sitting with a small girl from champ Jupiter, bandaging her wrist in a white bandage. Nico smiled a faint smile and went back to his bed. There he threw away the floral printed shirt, much to his delight, and then he plopped down on the bed. The small girl Will had helped thanked him, promised to be careful from now on and then she ran out. Will smiled and looked after her when she ran and then he turned to Nico. 
"Feeling any better, Death boy?" he smirked and Nico sent him a death glare. Then he shrugged and fell down backwards on the mattress. 
"I guess, it's not like I thought I needed to be here at all anyways. That's your idea," he deadpanned. Will chucked at his reply and stood up from his chair. 
"You're not wrong, but you know what I mean," he smiled and walked over to Nico. The dark haired boy rolled his eyes at him but smiled softly. Will's ability to smile whenever is contagious, he thought and sat up to look at him. 
"I get it, Sunshine," Nico said with a crooked smile. "I don't feel like I'm half here & half disappearing anymore. And I'm so revealed to get rid of that horrid shirt," he gestured towards the floral shirt in the bin. Will laughed at that and pulled a hand through his blond locks.
"I thought it suited you. Especially since you and Hedge were matching," he laughed at the son Hades. Nico cringed at that and shook his head at the memory. 
"Don't even remind me. I looked for ages for another shirt but with no use, I had to use that one."
Will laughed and told Nico to wait there and went to get them something to eat. He came back a few minutes later from the dining pavilion with a big plate of fruit and some different kinds of hams and cheeses. Will placed it all on Nico's bed and sat down opposite of him. Nico immediately reached over and plucked a grape and popped it in his mouth. That used to be the guy's entire diet for a whole of a day back during the war. But not today, not when Will Solace sat in front of him. 
"So, what are we gonna talk about?" Will asked and put a piece of a watermelon between his teeth. Nico looked up from the tray of food and raised an eyebrow at him. 
"We need to talk?" he asked and when he said it he realized how dumb it sounded. Will burst out laughing and Nico couldn't help but chuckle a bit himself. 
"No we don't have to, if you don't want to," Will answered and took a grape himself. 
"No, no. It's fine. We can talk," Nico smiled a little. He wasn't really the one to talk, definitely not the one holding conversations with someone but with Will it felt right, it felt easier with Will. 
"You sure?" Will asked carefully. Nico smiled at his carefulness and nodded. "Well, ask anything you want, I figured you're not really comfortable to answer questions," Will smiled at the smaller boy who looked like he'd been shot with a paper plane in the the head by Leo. No one had ever talked to him the way Will did. Sometimes it was unbelievable how careless Will could be and sometimes, like now, he felt like Will was as careful with his words as if he was walking on glass and just a single step wrong could break the small trust he'd built up with the son of Hades. 
"Okay... What's your full name? I've heard some people call you William but I haven't quite figured if it's true or not," Nico wondered and Will chuckled at his choice of question. 
"Yeah, it's true. My name's William. William Andrew Solace, to be precise," the blond boy smiled at Nico and urged him to ask more questions. Maybe it wasn't the usual kind of conversation you usually had but Will was fine with that. As long as Nico was comfortable with what was happening, Will was happy. And Nico was more than happy about what the Son of Apollo was doing. Not only did he make Nico feel more comfortable around someone than he'd ever had for a very long time, he also built up a trust with the son of Hades. And the big walls Nico had built up for so long, so many years. Finally someone started to break them down. Stone by stone, it'd take a while but neither of them cared. They found what they'd been searching for for a long time. The question was just, how long would it last?
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dippydots · 2 years
First chapter of the next Mysfits' adventure :D
Robin tapped their fingers against their desk. He didn't like school too much. Sure, he liked math, Edmund was nice and Edith was cool, but he was frequently bullied. Especially by Bianca Sampton. Robin didn't like her very much. She'd make fun of him and his friends all the time, regardless of what they did to ignore or stop her. Anaïs had said that she only gets away with it because she's rich and her parents helped fund the school. They sighed. There was only two minutes left of school, and then it'd be a week off of school. "Psst. Rob." He looked to his left. It was Edmund. "Wanna come over to my house tomorrow?" he asked while smiling. Robin had been over at his house so much that it felt like he was hardly at his own. "I'll th-think about it," they replied. Edmund gave a thumbs up and went back to messing with his mechanical pencil. The bell rang, and the kids rejoiced, grabbing their bags and rushing out the door. Only Robin walked, as well as Edith. "Have a nice break you two," their teacher, Ms. Green, said. "You too," Robin said quickly while Edith only nodded. As they walked to the exit, Edith cleared her throat. "So what do you think-."
"Let me finish my sentence. Of Jack and Erik. It's been a year since, well, you know."
"They're cool, I guess." He was happy to be adopted by them, but deep down he missed his birth parents, he wanted nothing more than to see them again. He did care about them a lot, but it always felt like he didn't truly belong in their home. Edith hummed. "I always thought of them as weird, I mean, Uncle Jack's love for Sprite is not normal." He chuckled a little while Edith remained straight-faced. They arrived outside, where Edmund was waiting for them. "Did you think about it?" he asked, "You said you'd think about it." Edith rolled her eyes. "Teddy he doesn't always have to come over to our house, he needs to spend time away from us every now and then," she said with a frown. Edmund frowned defeatedly. A car horn honked. Edmund's dismal expression immediately lit up. "See ya later Robin!" he shouted as he ran over to his mom's car. Edith walked after him. "Take care." Robin waved good bye when suddenly a force wrapped their arms around him and pushed him to the ground. He looked over to see Anaïs. "Hi Robby!" she said with a big smile. "Ani you're hurting me," he said, sitting up. She giggled. "I can't wait to show you my art today! We made pumpkins!"
"Oh cool." She nodded. "I asked Mr. B if I could make mine pink, and he let me, and then everyone else started to ask if they could use different colors!" She continued to ramble on and on about her day, which Robin didn't mind. He enjoyed hearing what she had to say. Eventually, Jack's car pulled up. Robin and Anaïs got into the backseat, and she greeted Jack in the same fashion as she did with Robin. "How was school, kiddo?" he asked while patting her head. She sat in her car seat and went into detail of her whole day. Since he already heard the whole story, Robin stared out the window as they drove home.
Night time arrived sooner than later. Robin got dressed in his oversized pj's, it was a habit he picked up so he'd always be prepared for a transformation, full moon or no full moon. He was settled in bed with a book when there was a knock on the door. "Yeah?" he asked. The door opened to reveal Erik. "I haven't seen you all day, my little songbird," he said, sitting in the chair by Robin's desk. "Well, you have been busy with your latest musical."
"It's not really my musical, I'm just conducting the orchestra," he beamed. His smile faded however as he noticed Robin's unenthused expression. "Is something troubling you?" he asked. They shrugged. "It's the book I've been reading, Peter and Wendy, I don't get why anyone would turn down the idea of never growing up." Erik looked sad, and glanced to the side. "Well, I used to know someone who similarly thought that way for a long time. From what I understand, you'd miss out on a lot of things if you stayed a child forever. Not to mention that you'd miss the ones you love."
"Well, I guess," he sighed, "It's weird. I don't want to get older, but I don't want to stay here forever. I wish that I could be somewhere like that, like here!" They pointed at the book. Erik hummed in thought. "That would be cool I suppose, but Neverland is a fictional place. You could visit it in your dreams tonight," he smiled, pressing his forehead against theirs. "Good night dear."
"Night, Papi."
Robin couldn't sleep very well. He kept tossing and turning in bed. It felt hot in the room, maybe he could crack open the window for a bit. He put his glasses back on and carefully stepped towards the window, and he opened it. The cool, autumn air flowed through the room. He sighed with relief. He looked out at the night sky, at all the twinkling stars in the sky. Maybe he could make a few wishes. He closed his eyes. He wished to go somewhere where he could feel more comfortable, a place that felt fully like home. He opened his eyes, and turned to go back to bed. However, there was a dark shadow on the wall in front of them, one that was not their own. His body started to quiver with fear. He turned around, and his eyes widened. There was a figure standing on the windowsil. His heart started to pound in his chest. The figure, squatted and pulled up the window all the way, and slipped into the room. Robin took a step back. The figure was dressed in earthy greens and browns, and was a bit taller than him, but not like how an adult was taller, more like a middle schooler. The figure had pointed ears and cold looking eyes. The figure grinned and crossed his arms. "You were making a lot of wishes, ya know? Spare some for the rest of us," he laughed. Robin only stared in fear and confusion. "Wh-who are you?" He desperately wanted to run and get Jack and Erik but his body was frozen. "Who else would I be?" Robin studied the figure more carefully before glancing over at the Peter and Wendy book on his side table. No, no it couldn't be, could it?
Pan grinned. "Say, what's your name?" Robin hesitated before mumbling their name. "Nice to meet ya, Robin." He looked him up and down. "You're a big kid, you could be useful around camp." What. "Why don't you come with me, away from this dump? The boys will love you." Robin paused. "Could I br-bring my sister?" Pan wrinkled his nose. "Ew a sister? No, no way. Girls will ruin the vibe of the whole place." Robin glared. "Then I'm not coming with you!" Pan chuckled. "Who said you had a choice?"
Down the hall, Jack heard a scream coming from Robin's room. He immediately jumped out of bed, Erik following suit. He opened the door hastily, seeing only his empty room. The window was wide open. He rushed to it, searching for a sign for them. "Robin!" he shouted, jumping out the window and landing safely on the ground. He ran into the backyard, looking around for his son. Robin's screams could still be heard, but he was no where to be found. He rushed back inside, and went to grab his phone.
Meanwhile Anaïs, who had woken up to the sudden noise, entered Robin's room and looked out the window frantically for him. However something else caught her eye. High up in the sky, rushing towards the stars, were two dark figures. One was flying, the other was thrashing their arms around, crying for help.
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cheemken · 10 months
Some more villain au thoughts while I'm listening to Iris' Champion theme
Yknow imagine if she got that pissed at Hilda for taking Bianca away from her, that Iris actually used the Splicers to fuse Zekrom and Kyurem. Hilda took a lot of things from her now, it's only fair I get to take something from her too.
And ofc, Kyurem was the one in control while being fused, so it didn't listen to Hilda and Cheren's commands, it only listened to Iris. And Iris is there looking at Hilda w that grin on her face, B. Kyurem at her side, going on how if she won't give Bianca back to her, she'll kill her and Hilbert on the spot
Imagine Hilda almost taking that risk tho, maybe she can plan a quick distraction so they can safely get away from Iris and off the frigate. But Bianca walked past the twins, and Hilda grabbed her wrist, terrified, knowing too well what Bianca is abt to do. Her eyes were pleading her to not go, to just stay w her, they can find a way out of this. But they also know they can't. Iris was smart, she was strategic, she knows how to counter their attacks.
So Bianca gave her a sad smile, telling her to let go, she can handle it. Hilda let out a choked sob, finally letting go of her. Turning to Iris, her smile almost faltered, but she stood her ground, walking towards her, stopping midway as she opened her arms, waiting for Iris. Ofc, Iris was ecstatic, she ran to Bianca, wrapping her arms tight around her, lifting her off the ground as the spun around, Iris was so happy to have her queen back to her.
God the devotion in her eyes, Iris was so gentle w her, so soft, so caring. She leaned in kissing Bianca again. Bianca didn't like the taste of blood. She hated it. Hated it. She fucking hated it. But she endured. She has to. When Iris pulled away, she gave her a toothy grin, telling Bianca how happy she was to have her in her arms again. Seeing the blood on Bianca's lips, Iris apologized, taking off the gloves off her as she wiped the blood off Bianca's face. But the pkmn prof almost didn't care abt that, her hands were on Iris' shoulder, giving them a squeeze as she spoke.
"I'll.. I'll stay with you, just promise me this one thing, okay?"
Iris was so eager, ofc she was, Bianca will stay w her. "Anything for you."
"don't hurt our friends. Don't hurt anyone anymore, please, Iris."
Iris blanched for a sec, before her face morphed into anger. "They hurt us first, Bianca!"
"just ignore them!"
"I'm done ignoring them, I'm done being the only one getting hurt. Don't you see? I'm doing this for you, for Kyurem, for myself. We've been through hell and for what? For what, Bianca?!"
"Iris, please! Please just... Just let Hilbert and Hilda go, please. Do it for me.."
With a shaky breath, Bianca added, "release Zekrom too, Iris."
Iris held her closer, growling, "no."
"it's only fair. Hilda took a lot of things from me. It's only fair. It's only fair I get to take something of hers too." She was glaring at Hilda, crimson eyes flaring. To Hilda, she goes "leave. If you won't then I'll let your precious Zekrom watch as I let Kyurem kill you."
As much as Hilbert wanted to attack, he also knew it was risky, as Iris still had the Splicers. He looked at his twin, she was trembling. In rage? In fear? Both? He wasn't sure anymore, but they can't take any more risks. They've already risked too much. If this was Iris' way of showing mercy, so be it. Tugging Hilda's hand, he guided her towards Reshiram, leaving the frigate, watching as Bianca and Zekrom become much smaller and more distant the further away they were. Once they were reunited with the League and the other Champions, Hilda broke, sobbing her heart out. Feeling the hopelessness Iris once felt.
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thebonggirll · 2 years
chapter twelve
< previous: chapter eleven
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At the edge of the dump, they found an old tow truck. But the engine started, and it had a full tank of gas, so they decided to borrow it.
Thalia drove. She didn't seem as stunned as the rest of them.
"The skeletons are still out there," she reminded them, "We need to keep moving."
She navigated through the desert, under clear blue skies, the sand so bright it hurt to look at. Zoe sat up front with Thalia. Percy and Y/N, sat in the pickup bed with Grover in the middle, leaning against the tow wench. The air was cool and dry, but the nice weather just seemed like an insult after losing Bianca.
Percy's hand closed around the little figurine that had cost her life. He didn't know why Y/N was acting the way she is. He put her hand on her shoulder in support but she shook it off. It's like she was showing her anger on him instead of Thalia or Zoe.  Most importantly, he was worried about Nico. What was he even going to tell him?
Percy wanted to believe that Bianca was still alive somewhere. But he had a bad feeling that she was gone for good. "It should've been me," he said. "I should've gone into the giant."
"Don't say that!" Grover panicked. "It's bad enough Annabeth is gone, and now Bianca. Do you think I could stand it if…" He sniffled. "Do you think anybody else would be my best friend?"
"Ah, Grover…"
He wiped under his eyes with an oily cloth that left his face grimy, like he had on war paint. "I'm… I'm okay."
But he wasn't okay. Ever since the encounter in New Mexico—whatever had happened when that wild wind blew through—he seemed really fragile, even more emotional than usual.
The tow truck ran out of gas at the edge of a river canyon. That was just as well, because the road dead-ended.
Thalia got out and slammed the door. Immediately, one of the tires blew. "Great. What now?"
They scanned the horizon. There wasn't much to see. Desert in all directions, occasional clumps of barren mountains plopped here and there. The canyon was the only thing interesting. The river itself wasn't very big, maybe fifty yards across, green water with a few rapids, but it carved a huge scar out of the desert. The rock cliffs dropped away below them.
"There's a path," Grover said. "We could get to the river."
Percy tried to see what he was talking about, and finally noticed a tiny ledge winding down the cliff face. "That's a goat path," he said.
"So?" Grover asked.
"The rest of us aren't goats."
"We can make it," he said. "I think."
"No, I, uh, think we should go farther upstream."
Grover said, "But—"
"Come on," he said. "A walk won't hurt us."
Y/N noticed Percy glancing at Thalia. Her eyes lingered on him for a bit. This was just great. He definitely didn't care about the words she spouted out just moments ago. As a matter of fact, why would he, right? It wasn't directed at him. She looked away and started walking faster, away from the rest of them. They can bond over the distrust on her all they want. She's going to do whatever is required and leave their company forever.
They followed the river about half a mile before coming to an easier slope that led down to the water. On the shore was a canoe rental operation that was closed for the season, but Percy left a stack of golden drachmas on the counter and a note saying IOU three canoes.
"We need to go upstream," Zoe said. It was the first time they'd heard her speak since the junkyard, and she sounded like somebody with the flu. "The rapids are too swift."
"Leave that to me," he said. They put the canoes in the water.
Thalia pulled him aside as they were getting the oars. "Thanks for back there."
"Don't mention it."
"Can you really…" She nodded to the rapids. "You know."
"I think so. Usually, I'm good with water."
"Would you take Zoe?" she asked. "I think, ah, maybe you can talk to her."
"She's not going to like that," Percy said and looked at Y/N who looked at the water with a blank expression on her face, "Besides, I need to talk with Y/N too. What you said back there..."
"Please? I don't know if I can stand being in the same boat with her. She's… she's starting to worry me. And to be honest, I don't think Y/N wants to talk with you or anyone right now."
"And who's fault is that?" he asked.
Thalia sighed, "I was angry and sad. I didn't mean what I said."
"It's not me who you should be telling that," Percy glanced at Y/N, "I go with Zoe and you go with Y/N."
It was about the last thing Percy wanted to do, but he nodded. Thalia's shoulders relaxed. "I owe you one."
"One and a half," Thalia said, "Since I'm talking with Y/N too."
She turned and helped Grover get their canoe into the water and then turned to help Y/N who quietly took her help.
As it turned out, Percy didn't even need to control the currents. As soon as they got in the river, he looked over the edge of the boat and found a couple of naiads staring at him. They looked like regular teenage girls, the kind you'd see in any mall, except for the fact that they were underwater.
"Hey," he said.
They made a bubbling sound that may have been giggling. He wasn't sure.
"We're heading upstream," he told them, "Do you think you could—"
Before he could even finish, the naiads each chose a canoe and began pushing them up the river. They started so fast Grover fell into his canoe with his hooves sticking up in the air.
"Sorry," Thalia said. But Y/N was still silent. "Hey, I didn't mean what I said. I was just...hurt and angry."
"I could tell you a lot of things to you if I acted like you. About Luke. But I didn't. Just because you were hurt and angry doesn't mean it justifies all of your fucking actions," Y/N said in a stern voice.
The mention of Luke did rile her up a bit, but she decided to ignore it. She didn't want to make the situation worse. "Percy does...trust you."
"No you were absolutely right about him," Y/N said, "He doesn't trust me. There's no need to sugarcoat your words now. Just be yourself." She didn't feel the need to make herself feel better. It was the truth and she had to face it.
"No he does-"
"Thalia, I'm not saying this out of anger. He trusts me in stuffs that involves life and death situation. He knows being a child of Apollo I have certain qualities that is a guarantee to things he could trust. And then there are decisions that I don't have proof of. It's those that he still doesn't feel the need to trust. He does whatever he wants."
Thalia kept quiet for some time and said, "You...love him, don't you?"
Y/N chuckled, "I don't know. I just wish I didn't. It would make things much easier. I would actually stop caring."
"You know how he doesn't like Harris? Do you have any idea about why-"
"I know what you're trying to say but that's really not the case. He doesn't trust me when I've been to quests with him so many times. It's not that hard to accept as to why he doesn't like Harris. I drag the guy everywhere and Harris is the only person in the whole camp that actually believes in me. He doesn't mind. He even went out together with us even though he knew how Percy's going to behave in front of him."
"....Honestly you're completely omitting out the possibility of him being jealous and that's not like you."
"Oh I know that. I'm drawing a line between us. I don't want to think about it cause if I start hoping, it would only lead to disappointment," Y/N laughed, "So far, in the matters of my feelings, Percy has been nothing but a huge disappointment."
Thalia squeezed her waist as a sign of comfort. "You...are you trying to get rid of us? Like...from your life?"
"I guess so," Y/N whispered, "Just until all of this is over. I'm just gonna...stay away from whatever makes me feel hurt."
"You've just got Harris as your friend. Like...won't you feel lonely?" she asked, trying to make her take back her words in panic.
"Sometimes loneliness is way more comforting than people who would let you down over and over," Y/N said, "And I can make new friends."
"Apart from Grover, who I will only talk to if he's not with the rest of you. He's has always been sweet to me."
"Isn't Annabeth your best friend?" Thalia asked, "Why would you-"
"Do you even know what Annabeth did to me?" Y/N asked turning her head to look at Thalia, who just stared back at her in silence, "I can't tell you. It would sound like...I'm bitching about her out of jealousy."
The rest of the journey, both of them didn't speak. They didn't feel the need. It wasn't awkward anymore. Maybe Thalia should've told her about it.
Yes, she knew what Annabeth did.
Ahead of them the river was blocked. A dam the size of a football stadium stood in their path. This was as far as the naiads could take them.
"Hoover Dam," Thalia said. "It's huge."
They stood at the river's edge, looking up at a curve of concrete that loomed between the cliffs. People were walking along the top of the dam. They were so tiny they looked like fleas.
The naiads had left with a lot of grumbling. The canoes floated back downstream, swirling in the wake from the dam's discharge vents.
"Seven hundred feet tall," Percy said. "Built in the 1930s."
"Five million cubic acres of water," Thalia said.
Graver sighed. "Largest construction project in the United States."
Zoe stared at them, "How do you know all that?"
"Annabeth," Y/N said, "She liked architecture."
"She was nuts about monuments," Thalia said.
"Spouted facts all the time." Grover sniffled. "So annoying."
The others nodded. Zoe was still looking at them strangely. It seemed like cruel fate that they'd come to Hoover Dam, one of Annabeth's personal favorites, and she wasn't here to see it.
"We should go up there," Percy said. "For her sake. Just to say we've been."
"You are mad," Zoe decided. "But that's where the road is." She pointed to a huge parking garage next to the top of the dam. "And so, sightseeing it is."
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next: chapter thirteen >
book three: the titan’s curse
percy jackson x reader series
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Tags: @the-natureofme @sly-prince @kookiedesi @instabull @jumpingtrainsandflyingskies @idk-bye-no @your-typical-giggle @fjschl​ @imuziawi​ @iamparou​ @marshmallow12435​
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barbaracleboy · 3 years
Losing Your Wings
A slightly more angsty thing with that Princess Bugs AU I've drawn so much about. Not super heavy angst, just teens being unhappy.
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Elizant and Vanessa weren't great at starting conversations. They can take part in them well, but they rarely had enough to say for starting them to be an easy task; they'd usually leave those things to Layra or Bianca. Of course, neither was here yet (despite the scheduled time for this tea party having been an thirty-seven minutes ago) so the Ant and Wasp Princesses just sat, drank their tea, ate their cookies and would bring up small, useless details or topics that they'd only have a sentence or two to talk about. It was agonizing, frankly. After what seemed like an eternity they heard a knock at the door. Elizant shot out of her chair and ran to the door as fast as she could. It was hardly fitting of royalty but she didn't even remotely care. She just wanted to see her friend again, and what she was...
Elizant: A Termite Guard! Hello, how was-
The Guard moved out of the way to reveal a tiny, male Termite. He looked unimpressed with Elizant, but he also looked like he had some sort of business with her.
Elizant: Oh...it's just Hector...
Hector: Hello, Elizant.
The Prince walked into the Tea Room, his Guard following behind, to more properly greet Vanessa. Though he was wearing his stupid cape as always, Elizant had noticed his lack of wings. He was going to be a being a King soon..no doubt he felt this made him better than her.
Hector: Hello, Vanessa, nice to see you! I see you and...Elizant were having another tea party...[though "party" may be a strong word...]
Elizant: Say that out loud, why don't you!?
Termite Guard: Watch your mouth, you-
Hector: Uhp, hold it, Terrence...(To Vanessa) Why are things looking so slow, anyway?
Elizant: They were going just fine 'til you showed up, but if you must know we were waiting for Bianca and your girlfriend.
Vanessa: Speaking of which, where is Layra? We're used to her being fashionably early.
Hector:...Well, that's actually what I came to tell you two about. You know how the two of us recently lost our wings?
Elizant: Yeah. Thanks to that she missed last week entirely.
Hector: Well she is going to be missing many more weeks in the future, including today, and she wanted me to tell you she's likely not going to come to any future tea parties. She says she is deeply sorry.
Elizant: What!?
Vanessa: That's unfortunate. I presume she's going to be too busy to come?
Hector: Yes, not to mention that her change into a Queen will impact her ability to travel.
Elizant: We can still visit her, though, right???
Hector: I did start off by saying she'd be busy, you know. Even if you came to our palace, I doubt we'd have the time to partake in small talk.
Elizant: You probably wouldn't because you're pretentious, but I bet she'd have a ton to talk about. I bet she had a ton to talk about today, but you're just bitter.
Hector: Are you accusing me of lying about Layra's state???
Elizant: I'm saying you wouldn't let her come.
Terrence: Actually, the current Queen wouldn't let her come. As the Princess changes she will need to be taught about how she shall go about ruling, and she must be delicate in-
Elizant: Was I asking you!?
Terrence just glared at her. Elizant usually wasn't this bold with anybody but Hector, but she was feeling a whole lot of emotions right now and anger was one of the biggest ones. Her better judgement was somewhat clouded.
Hector: Easy there, Terrence. It's just Elizant.
Elizant: You say that like I can't chuck you through a wall with effort.
Terrence: If you touch the Prince I will be forced to act.
Hector: Yes, but until then you are to stand down.
Before the situation could escalate any further the group heard another knock at the door. Elizant walked up to it and opened, and was relieved to The Bee Princess behind it this time. Her relief wasn't quite clear, however.
Elizant: There you are, Bianca, where were you!?
Bianca: I am so very sorry, Elizant. My mother made me stay to learn of some of my future duties, and while she did allow me to come it was only after said teachings.
As Bianca went to greet Hector and Vanessa as well Elizant looked on in confustion.
Elizant: Future duties?
Hector: Well, of course, Elizant. We can't all be as carefree as you, Bianca also going to be a Queen in the near future.
Elizant: I. Wasn't. Asking. You.
Bianca: Please calm down, Elizant...Hector is correct. My Nuptial Flight is to be in but a month or two, and even before then I am going to need a lot of preparation.
Vanessa: Well, at least you could make it today, even if Layra couldn't.
Bianca: Oh no, what happened with Layra?
Elizant: Tiny Termite here wouldn't let her come.
Hector: Wha-I told you that she had responsibilities!
Elizant: Struck a nerve, short man?
Hector: Even if you did, I have better things to do than stand around and listen to you insult me! I just came to deliver Layra's message, so-
Bee Guard: Princess Bianca!
The Bee Guard knocked on the Tea Room door, and Bianca herself opened it.
Bianca: Is something wrong, Belle?
Bee Guard: The Queen, needs you, Princess. Apparently she had forgotten to inform you of some things.
Elizant: Are you joking!?
Bianca: Ohhhh...i-is she able to wait at all?
Bee Guard: It sounded like she wanted you as soon as possible...
Bianca: Mm...I am very sorry, friends, but it would appear that I already need to leave. Goodbye Vanessa, Hector, may you both be well!
Vanessa and Hector: Bye, Bianca!
Bianca: Goodbye to you too, Terrence, stay safe!
Terrence: I'll do what I can, Young Majesty.
Bianca gives Elizant a hug before giving her a goodbye as well.
Bianca: Farewell, Elizant. I wish you the very best in all your endeavors.
Elizant:...Can...can you PLEASE try and come earlier next week?
Bianca is silent for a moment, and she releases the hug on Elizant before answering, though her face makes it clear how unsure she is.
Bianca:...I will make my best effort. And if I do come I hope to bring some baked goods with me!
Hector: Ooh, that almost makes me want to come as well!
Bianca: I am glad for that Hector. One last time, goodbye everyone!
The others in the room say their goodbyes once more as Bianca and Belle leave for The Hive. Elizant is hardly even trying to hide how upset she is, tears of frustration coming so close to pouring out of her face.
Hector: I suppose now would be a good time to take my leave as well.
Elizant: If only you left earlier, maybe she'd have actually stayed!
Hector: Did you or did you not hear that her mother called for her?
Elizant: Yeah...well...y-y-you're a little jerk!
Hector: Whatever, I've got more important things to do. Bye, Vanessa.
Vanessa; Er, goodbye, Hector...
The Termite Prince and his Guard leave the room as Elizant slowly turns to and glares at Vanessa.
Vanessa: A-are you o-
Elizant: Why didn't you tell him off?
Vanessa: Wha-Hector?
Elizant: Yeah. He was talking crap to me the whole time and you just let him.
Vanessa: (Sighs)...Hector is a little twerp, but...h-he does kinda have a point.
Elizant: What!?
Vanessa: I'm having my Nuptial flight soon too, it's only a matter of time before you have yours and-
Elizant: I know that, but that doesn't make what he said okay. Why can't you just be a good friend and help me instead of joining everyone in beating me down!!!
The two Princesses just stare at each other for a moment, neither one saying a word. Eventually, Vanessa gives another sigh before standing up and heading for the door.
Vanessa: It...might be best if I just go.
Elizant: Wait, wait, Vanessa, I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped like that.
Vanessa: No, it's fine, Elizant, I get this whole thing was annoying. Besides, I don't really have anything to talk about, staying wouldn't really add much...
Vanessa opens the door, but stops so she can tell Elizant one last thing.
Vanessa:...You know, I don't like this either. I wish we could keep hanging out and having fun and all that. But...a lot of bugs are gonna be depending on me. And the feeling of letting all of them down will be way worse than the feeling of not being with you Bianca or Layra. Being a Queen is an important job, and we will need to do it. We can either mope about how hard it is, or we can try and suck it up and do our best...
Vanessa: I wish I could just mope, but I know that'd be wrong...I think you do too...Hopefully next we can have a better time, and like Bianca said, I wish you the very best in all your endeavors...
Vanessa leaves now, and Elizant is all alone. She stands for a moment, thinking about her situation. She thinks about how cute it was, that her whole friend group had wings. Wings were fun, even if you couldn't fly with them. They were a big part of you, and just the fact that some bugs could fly with them made them these symbols of freedom.
Elizant takes one of her own wings in her hands. She looks deeply at it, it's blue color and slight transparency. She likes her wings...but she is going to have to lose them one day. That's part of how Ants become Queens. She knows this, and has known it for a while...
Elizant: But...I'm not ready...
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camillemontespan · 5 years
fourth of july [AU. drake walker x mc]
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Got this idea in my head for an AU with Drake x Camille and thought I would share. This is a one off :) next chapter of This Heavy Crown will be published later this week.
@jovialyouthmusic @katedrakeohd @moonlightgem7 @drakesensworld @tacohead13 @pug-bitch @drakewalkerisreal @ritachacha @sirbeepsalot @be-still-my-aching-heart 
Fourth of July weekend. It was a holiday that gave Drake mixed feelings. He used to love celebrating it back when his dad was still alive and his sister, Savannah, was still around. They would sit out by the lake outside their ranch, his mom bringing them blankets to keep them warm, and Drake's dad would toast s’mores on an open fire. They would let off fireworks over the lake and Drake and Savannah would ooh and ahh as they watched the Catherine wheels fizz and the golden sparks rained down on Texas itself.
His best friend, Camille, and her grandmother would also be there. Drake's dad would show her how to make a s’more and she would snuggle up next to Drake, unable to stop smiling. At eight years old, they were inseparable.
Drake was 16 when he lost his dad. His sister left a few months after. 4th July never held the same magic since, but he would always make a point of going down to the river as the years went by, every 4th July, to toast his dad with a glass of whiskey.
Drake and Camille had met when she moved in with her grandmother next door. They had both been five years old. She was originally from New York but her parents had died, meaning she had to be adopted by her grandmother. She arrived at the ranch feeling out of place, so Drake's mother encouraged him to see if she wanted to play. For the whole day, Camille had been silent.
She joined his school a week after and it was on her first day when their friendship became cemented. The other kids immediately targeted her for ridiculous reasons. She wasn't from Texas so she was already a bit out of place. She had no parents. She was mixed race, which to a predominantly white school, was different. One boy, Jake, insulted her skin colour, asking if she was white or black. Drake, who had been standing nearby, punched him.
When he got home that day, Camille was waiting for him on the porch of the Walker ranch. His mom had made her a glass of lemonade to keep her hydrated in the sun while she waited patiently.  They became inseparable after that.
Camille left Texas when she graduated high school. She had been offered a place at NYU. Drake hadn't applied anywhere. The day she left, Camille kissed him gently, blushing when she pulled away. He watched as the taxi took her away to the airport and he felt a little lost. 
Drake's mother had heard that Camille was coming home for 4th July. 'Aaah my baby is coming home!'
Drake rolled his eyes. 'She's not your other daughter, mom.' Bianca chucked him under the chin. 'She is LIKE my other daughter. Oh, its been years, hasn't it!'
'Two years, mom,' Drake corrected her. 'She couldn't make it last year.' He blushed after he said this. It looked like he was keeping tabs on his former friend.
They were 25 now. Eight years had passed since Camille had left and any closeness they had was gone. Camille had tried to keep in touch with him but he didn't make an effort. He felt embarrassed that she had moved on to a new, exciting life while he stayed at the ranch. They had soon lost contact.
Later that week, a taxi drove up to Camille's grandmother's house. Drake spotted it when he was out in the barn. He had been grooming his horse, Lone Star.
He turned to look. There she was. The taxi driver was helping her take her luggage out of the taxi. She was dressed as Professional Camille. Tight purple dress with nude heels. Totally impractical for the ranch, Drake thought, despite what his tightening jeans were telling him. Last Drake heard, she was training to be a Paralegal at the prestigious New York firm, Pearl and Goldfinch. Again, he hadn't been keeping tabs on her.
She turned around and saw him. Giving him a shy smile, she walked towards him, taking extra care with her heels.
'Hey, Drake,' she greeted him.
'Hey Montespan.'
She opened her handbag and brought out an apple. Slowly, she brought it to Lone Star's mouth, offering the treat. Lone Star took a bite of the apple happily before reaching out to lick Camille’s fingers. 'Looks like someone's missed you,' Drake said. Camille winked at him. 'I was always her favourite.'
'How's life?' she asked him. He shrugged. 'The usual. Still working outside. You?'
'I'm a Paralegal now,' Camille said, smiling shyly again. She was never the type to boast of her successes, despite being a Grade A student.
'That's really cool, Montespan,' he told her. 'Thanks Drake.' She looked at him wistfully then turned back to the ranch. 'I should get inside and see grandma. You been looking after her, right?' she asked, raising an eyebrow. Drake chuckled. 'Always will, Camille.' 
She touched his arm as a goodbye and they both felt the electric shock. 
The following day, Drake was outside chopping wood. He was currently in the middle of a project; he was going to build himself a small house beside the ranch. While many of his friends had moved on from Texas and were making something of themselves, Drake had stayed behind. He had only left the ranch once in his life -  he had moved to Austin to gain some life experience. He had found himself an apartment, got a job as a bartender and even dated. Drake had loved living in Austin, until his mother called him in tears, saying she felt lonely and missed him and Savannah. She had been drunk and had told him the bottle of pills in the bathroom cupboard was starting to look real friendly. Drake quit his job then and there, packed up his belongings and moved back home. 
As he chopped the wood, he noticed a movement in the corner of his eye. Turning, he saw Camille was on her Porch, setting up a deckchair. She was wearing a red bikini top and denim shorts. Drake remembered the first time he had ever saw her in a bikini; they had been fourteen and Camille had grown breasts and curves, things Drake had never noticed before. He had averted his eyes, not wanting to be disrespectful, though it was the first time he had ever seen breasts up close. Breasts were awesome. 
Camille settled down on the deckchair, opening up a book and sipped on a glass of lemonade. She caught him looking and gave him a wave. Drake smirked and went back to his woodcutting. 
Twenty minutes went by and the heat was getting unbearable. Drake ran a hand through his hair and noticed that Camille was watching him. When he looked at her properly, she looked back to her book, trying to look serious. 
This charade went on for the next five minutes. Any time she thought he couldn’t see, she would watch him cut wood. Eventually, Drake decided enough was enough. If she wanted a show, he would give her a show. 
Casually, he pulled his white t-shirt off, exposing his broad shoulders and chest. He had been in good shape at school; his arms already had muscles when he was sixteen but the broadness hadn’t developed until he was in his early twenties. All the time outside cutting and carrying heavy things had shaped his body into that of a rugged man. 
Camille watched as he flung his t-shirt to the ground and continued to cut wood. Her eyes travelled down his chest and back to his broad shoulders. God, he was a man. All the guys she had dated in New York had been athletic but they were nothing compared to this specimen in front of her. Camille blushed, realising she was thinking of her old best friend in a sexual way. It was wrong, she should stop. She went back to her book but she couldn’t ignore the warmth spreading in her core. She bit her lip; she hadn’t had sex in months, that was it. Any guy could have stripped in front of her right now and she would have wanted him. Her eyes flicked back up to Drake now. Sweat glistened on his chest as he worked. Camille wished he was working her. 
With that sudden thought, Camille dropped her book. Drake smirked as he heard it hit the Porch. He knew she had been enjoying him. He watched discreetly as Camille got up off the chair, abandoning her book, and stormed into the house with her fists clenched. He frowned; she had looked angry but maybe that was just him being stupid. 
Camille went up to her bedroom. Her grandma was out having brunch with her friends so the house was empty. Good. She felt pent up now; frustrated; desperate. She paced her bedroom, trying to talk herself down. He used to be your best friend. You have known him since you were five. This is disgusting, he is like your brother. 
But then she thought of him taking his t-shirt off, chopping wood, doing outdoorsy, manly, rugged things. Before she could think about what she was doing, she lay down on her bed and her hand travelled down her shorts waistband, reaching down under her underwear, until she reached the spot she needed. 
Drake finished cutting wood and wandered back to his house. As he passed Camille’s house, he heard moaning. He stopped. Confused, he looked around but there was nobody there. He sighed and continued past the house, past Camille’s bedroom. 
The moaning got louder. He looked up at her window, which was halfway open. He turned red. That was Camille. It was definitely Camille. She was gasping loudly, panting, moaning. Drake then smiled, shaking his head. He knew his show had worked. 
That night, Drake made his way down to the lake for his usual routine for 4th July. He had a bottle of whiskey in his bag and a blanket. He lay the blanket down and settled himself on it, opening up the bottle of whiskey.
‘Cheers, Dad,’ he toasted the air, looking up at the sky. ‘Miss you.’
He took a sip and closed his eyes, enjoying the peace. 
‘Mind if I join?’
He jumped at the voice, before turning round to see Camille standing behind him. She was in a cosy sweater and her denim shorts. Drake was sad to see the bikini top was gone. ‘Sure,’ he said, motioning to the space beside him. She smiled and sat down, stretching her long legs out in front of her. ‘I brought a gift,’ she whispered with a glint in her eye. Drake chuckled. ‘That’s good of you. What did you bring?’
She produced the ingredients to make s’mores. Drake smiled. ‘Aww, Camille! We’ve not had s’mores in years!’
‘I know! I thought we could rectify this situation,’ she told him. ‘You want to get a fire going?’
Drake found some extra wood he had chopped earlier and began to set up the fire. Camille watched him, hugging her arms around herself. ‘You’re really good with wood,’ she said simply. Drake sniggered. 
‘Oh, I know you think I’m good with wood.’ 
‘Excuse me?’
He focused arranging the wood, not daring to look at her. With a smirk, he said, ‘I heard you earlier. In your room. The window was open.’
Camille’s mouth dropped open. ‘What?!’
Drake laughed. ‘Rookie mistake. Close your window next time.’
Camille covered her eyes with her hands in embarrassment then looked straight ahead at the lake. ‘I’m not embarrassed,’ she told him. ‘I am a woman who is confident with her sexuality. Yes, I touch myself. Who cares?’
‘If you wanted me to join you, you could’ve just asked,’ Drake said, holding in his laughter. Camille hit him gently on the arm. ‘Who says I was thinking about you?!’
‘Well.. weren’t you?’
Camille went silent. 
Drake grinned. ‘Called it!’
‘Whatever. I haven’t been laid in ages, okay? You chopping wood was just the inspiration I needed.’
Drake lit the fire with a match and settled back beside her. ‘Well, I’m flattered.’
Camille eyed him. ‘You knew what you were doing. You deliberately took your t-shirt off just to rattle me.’
Drake shook his head defiantly. ‘No idea what you’re talking about.’
‘It was such a show and you know it.’
Drake bit his lip, smiling into the fire. He could feel her skin next to his, warming up. ‘Fine. Maybe I wanted you to look.’
‘Certainly worked.’
‘So, you haven’t been laid in ages, huh?’ he ventured. Camille blushed. ‘Like, two months. Guys in New York are shit. They’re all players and they don’t give enough attention in bed. It’s all about them.’
Drake smirked. ‘Texan guys are the opposite.’
Camille raised an eyebrow at him. ‘Oh really?’
‘Just saying,’ he said, raising his hands up. ‘We’re givers. Must be the polite manners and good upbringing.’
Camille let out a laugh and nudged him. ‘You definitely have polite manners.’
They looked at each other for a long moment. Drake’s eyes roamed down her face, to her mouth. He gulped and looked away. 
Camille caught at his chin and gently pulled his face back to hers. ‘I’ve missed you,’ she murmured. He blushed and cast his eyes down. ‘I’ve missed you too.’ Their faces were now inches apart. 
She made the first move. Gently, her lips touched his. Drake’s heart leapt in his chest, but he didn’t push her away. His hands went round her back and pulled her in closer and she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Her hands reached for his shirt and started to unbutton it. Drake’s hands pulled up her sweater, exposing her bra which he unhooked with one hand in a swift motion.
‘Smooth, Walker,’ she murmured against his mouth, smiling. Drake chuckled and he pushed her down gently onto the blanket. He kissed her chest and stomach, moving down to her denim shorts which he unbuttoned. She pushed the shorts off and looked up at him, her eyes dark. Drake took her in. She was gorgeous. Why had he never seen this before?
His fingers pulled off her underwear and he kissed the inside of her thighs. ‘Drake!’ she yelped in surprise. Drake looked up. ‘Is this too much?’
‘No, I’m just surprised! Keep going, please.’ 
Drake smirked and his tongue darted out to find her secret spot. She rolled her head back and moaned as his tongue worked her, twirling, pushing, flicking. She felt tightly wound. Her fingers gripped his hair and he continued to whisper his dark magic against her and she cried out his name as he roamed deeper. 
She sat up suddenly and reached for his belt buckle. She unfastened him and he pulled his jeans and boxers off. 
‘I see what you mean,’ she whispered. ‘Texan boys are givers.’
‘I’m not done yet,’ he told her bluntly and her eyes widened. He pushed her back to the blanket and his hands found the space between her thighs. She was in complete ecstacy as he worked her. ‘Drake, I want you,’ she said. ‘Please.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘This doesn’t feel weird to you?’
‘No. Does it feel weird to you?’
Drake moved to cover her. ‘It feels so right.’
Camille grinned then, genuinely happy. She braced herself as she spotted how big he was and when he filled her, she gasped his name. He gently started to move against her, inhaling the scent of her hair and feeling the sweat on her skin. Her legs wrapped around his and they moved as one. The fire crackled beside them and the sun set, casting an orange and pink glow to the sky.  
Later, they sat together, sharing the blanket and ate s’mores. The fireworks began and they oohed and ahhed at the Catherine wheels. They talked about their lives so far and what the other had missed. They talked about Drake’s father and how much Camille missed Texas. It was nice. They were close again. 
The next evening, Camille brought her luggage down to the taxi. Her grandmother had given her a tight hug.  As she made her way to the taxi, Drake ran out of the house and caught her by the arm. 
She looked up at him and smiled. ‘Hey Walker.’
‘It was good to see you,’ he told her, blushing. She squeezed his hand. ‘You too, Drake. I’ll miss you.’
‘See you next year?’
‘Will we do what we did last night?’ she asked, her eyes sparkling. Drake laughed. ‘Of course. It’s our new tradition,’ he said.
She blushed this time and put her luggage in the back of the taxi. 
‘See you next year, then.’ 
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