#and by that I mean he’s just found out what happened at screechers reach and he’s got a new Sith to aim for
padawansuggest · 7 months
In the time travel fic where Jango and Obi and Ani go back in time, next chapter is either gonna be another interludes anthology to further Plo’s storyline, and even a bit of weird ass backstory for some things as well as checking up on other clones; or, it will be a chapter of Jango babysitting Boba and Obi-Wan in their Little Keldabe embassy building, specifically where he’s in the nursery with a feverish Obi who’s desperately trying to remove his teeth while Boba fights with another toddler over blocks.
Anyways. This gem came to mind:
Boba: *fighting over toys with another toddler*
Jango: Boba, baby boy, I know it isn’t a big term in your lexicon, but maybe, just possibly, try ‘sharing’???
Boba: *sits down in horror and betrayal*
Other tot: *throws block at Jango and walks away*
Obi: *in the corner trying to get six teeth removed while having feverish visions of a dark Sith in the galaxy, gives a ten minute vision recounting to Jango entirely in Dai Bendu, which he unfortunately understands through his much heightened midichlorians*
Jango: …I don’t know that language but I do feel a fear in my soul now, thanks. I guess I’ll ask Buir if he’s got any hunters up for the job.
Obi: *goes back to trying to pry out teeth*
Boba: *bored, wanders off to cause chaos*
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Is Immortality the Ultimate Gift?
Part 2
Summary: Reuniting...
Warning: angst, mention of blood
Arthur’s night: 🎃👻😈 Happy Halloween! 🎃👻😈 This mini series, is an AU of Ewan McGregor’s character in the Tales of the Cyrpt, episode Cold War. It was the first thing, I ever saw Ewan in. And I’ve been a fan ever since.
“Little Lambkin?” You heard the voice, it was still deep with soft raspiness.
The screecher came bouncing over with her large cocktail. “Ford?” She looked between the two of you.
You were truly at a loss for words, your eyes moved over his features. It was him, but how could it be. How had the two of you never crossed paths. Aylwin, it was simple. He used him, then disposed of him. It was a miracle he survived.
In that first year, you had been a ravenous beast. He had been there to rein you in and show you the life in the shadows. You swallowed hard, remembering what it had been like.
Moving closer, you felt his cold fingers on your face. You couldn’t stop yourself from flinching. How long had you missed his touch?
“I probably shouldn’t have done that.” He withdrew his fingers.
If you could cry, you would have started. Last time you cried was when the ocean took, Aylwin. You didn’t love him but you cared. After a few centuries together, it happened.
“Yeah, you stupid wanker. Why are you touching her?” She screeched, her eyes were aflame with irritation as she glanced at you.
You breathed, resisting the urge to snap her neck
You swallowed, “Go,” You looked at him and reluctantly her. “In the alleyway there is a warm meal you can enjoy. We can talk at my table.”
“What makes you think I want your scraps?” She took a sip of the obscenely large cocktail.
You turned towards her. “Isn’t that why you came in here?” You spat out.
“I’ll go and eat. Come on, Cammy. It’s been awhile.” He hung his head.
“Fine.” She said through her teeth.
Life ceased to bother you. Seeing, what humanity had gone through entertained and saddened you. As many strides forward they made they also had taken so many steps back.
Seeing, Thomas knocked you. You managed to get back to your table. You motioned to the barman.
“Yes?” He came over with an eagerness in his step. You had given him very good business. He surely wanted to keep you happy.
You held up your glass. “I’ll have another of mine, and for the gentlemen...”
“That punk?”
Your eyes met his, he took a step back. “I’m sorry, is he a friend of yours?”He was immediately contrite.
“One from a very long time ago.” You looked down at your glass.
He pressed his lips together. “Be careful. Her and him are quite the annoyance in these parts. For you, I won’t make a big deal.”
You smiled, it was forced. You didn’t like what he said. “Thank you. But for my I mean for the gentlemen, whatever he wants I will pay for. As for her, she can pay for her own drinks.”
He cracked a small smile. “Very good.” He walked away then.
You finished the drink. Thomas, walked in you noticed, he made haste for the men’s room. His smell was distinctly different than hers. Not much better, but different.
She came a short time later. She grabbed her cocktail and then coming over, she sat across you. Opening, your purse you pulled out a handkerchief.
You noticed a red smudge on her cheek. “There’s a little on your face.”
“Oh!” She took it.
“On your cheek.” You gestured.
She wiped it and handed it back.
You held up a hand. “Keep it.”
“Thank you.” She tucked it into her cleavage. “So what are you doll-face? I didn’t see any marks on him.” She cut to the chase.
Thomas, came back and sat near you. His arm resting on the back of the soft booth, he faced both of you. Seeing, the flush of life in his otherwise porcelain pallor was pleasing.
She sipped at her drink. “I just asked her what she is Ford.”
He looked at you. “I have my suspicions.”
The barman came over then. “Thank you.” You said as he placed the drink beside you.
When the barman spoke to Thomas, it gave you a chance to look him over. “Is there something you would like?”
“Two fingers of Johnny Walker if you have it.”
You noticed something hanging from his throat. If it had been anyone or anything else you would have gotten up, for him you stayed.
“Sure, thank you.”
“You still have a good taste.”
“Somethings don’t change.”
Once, seeing the that man was out of earshot you answered.
“I’m a vampire.”
His lips curled in a way that made you ignore what he was around his throat and reminded you of the past.
“I had a feeling he did that to you.” He sneered. He looked at the barman. “Thank you.” He took a sip.
“Anything else?” The barman looked at all of you.
You shook your head.
She wiggled in her seat. “I thought so when I saw the kid all dazed and shit.”
Your irritation was growing the more she screeched. “He made you a ghoul.” It wasn’t a question, just a sad statement.
“He drained me for you.”
She snickered, clapping. “I love hearing these kind of stories.”
You shot her a look, thankfully she shut up. “He told me, you died.”
Thomas, threw his head back and a bark of laughter came from him. His throat, you noticed looked especially delicious. The laughter, had an edge you were not familiar with.
“There were times when I wish he had.” His eyes gleamed. You noticed, she made an overly dramatic sad pout on her face when he said that. “Instead, he poisoned what was left. He told me, my blood killed you.” He took a sip.
“To our deaths!” The screecher held up her large glass.
You slid her a look.
“Cammy.” His face tightened.
“Fine.” She finished her drink. “I came here to dance. You two,” Making a dismissive gesture with her hand, she slipped of her chair. “Talk. I’m going to dance.”
She swished over to the jukebox. You soon found out, her taste in music was as bad as her taste in clothes.
“Did he help or do anything else?” He never seemed to leave your side for long. You could not even imagine what he had gone through. Maybe it was easier as a ghoul.
Looking over, you were grateful she was in the other half of the bar. Finally, you moved closer to him; in doing so, you brushed against his hand. It felt warmer.
“Once, the change was complete, he told me a few things, I needed to know. And that was the sum of it.” He took a big pull on the whisky. Vaguely, you wondered if the liquor still effected him. It only effected you if it was in the blood stream when you fed. “And you?”
“We didn’t part ways till, the Titanic went down.”
His eyes grew. “Seriously?”
You nodded, taking a sip. “I didn’t know what else to do. He took care of everything.” You wished you could read his expression or had the ability to read his mind. Though you heard, ghouls were incredibly simple. Nothing except basic needs and wants, so most likely nothing was there now. Maybe that was a blessing. “He trained me and told me everything.” You pressed your lips together. “Well, apparently not everything.”
“Did you marry him? Do vampires do that kind of thing?” His lip curled before taking a sip.
His words stung, they had never stung. “No, you were my husband.” You finished your drink.
“Lambkin, that was a very long time ago.” His fingers, drifted along his glass.
“Yes, though when you have nothing to fear, time no longer exists. My only fear was the sun. After sometime, I decided not to walk out into it.”
“Because it had been your blood that kept me alive.”
“He told you?”
“Yes, it was during that when you supposedly died.”
“I see.”
“So I never let anyone else enter my heart,” You paused, remembering Thomas. “Well, except Thomas. He was my wolf companion, I named him after you. He was a lot like you.” You smiled with real emotions, for the first time in quite a while. You were used to plastering one on.
He smiled. “How is that?”
“His fur,” You couldn’t stop yourself. You moved even closer to him. “Was as black as your hair. A night without stars.”
Saying that brought the sweet throb of pain. It was something, you had once told him. Reaching out, you let your fingers graze his inky strands. Your fingertips moved fast, he surely felt them but they were not slow enough for anyone to realize you moved.
“And his eyes were blue like yours.” This time you allowed your fingers to graze from his temple to his cheek. It was almost too much. It was a sweet agony.
Turning, you had to look away from him. All of this was so much. Memories, from before had softened you. Now all of this was ripping you apart.
His hand reached out to your hand that rested in your lap, he squeezed it. It was warm from feeding.
You looked down at your hands. “I need to know Thomas.” You looked back at him.
“Besides the bullet, is that a pair of vampire fangs around your throat?”
He withdrew his hand, his fingers reached up and he tugged on the leather cord. You watched him look away.
Looking back at you, his eyes had darkened. “Yes, he had tried to kill me. That is why the bullet.”
That made you feel a little better but it still prickled you with fear. “Excuse me for a moment?”
“Of course.”
Going outside, the breeze felt good. You had to see the ally, it was awash with blood. Oddly, seeing what was left of the kid made you feel better.
His smell, lingered you could not tell if it was from what he had done a few feet from you or when you touched him.
You felt two hands on your shoulders. “So was my stench too much for you or was it that I killed a vampire?” His voice a whisper.
You closed your eyes, gently you put your hands over his. “No.”
Turning, to face him the wind whipped your hair into your face.
When he touched you this time you didn’t flinch.
@mac-n-cheesie @shantellorraine @fandomgirl800 @vcat55 @pooshnulooshnu @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching
@greybeardthetotallylegalpirate (wasn’t sure!) if you don’t want to be...pm me!
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selenelavellan · 8 years
Oooo or if you want something kinda angsty you could do abom!felasel meeting Cirimeni again in the reincarnation au?
(I just noticed there was an Or in this message. If you sent me another prompt, I didn’t get it, sorry! Feel free to send it again.) This got a bit sidetracked and it isn’t particularly angsty because it’s more like Felasel right after he re-meets Cirimeni. Here we go!
Reincarnation AU
Uthvir, Thenvunin, and Dirthamen (mentioned) belong to @feynites
Cirimeni and Melarue (mentioned) belong to @justanartsysideblog
Felasel leaves the encounter with aphone number, the bill, and a promise for a second date.
But it isn’t Cirimeni that he callswhen he gets back to his apartment.
“Hello?” Greets his mother.
“I found Cirimeni.” He blurts. Hemeant to ease into it, to give her time to sit down or to at leastensure she was in a location where she could discuss this sort ofthing safely, but it’s too much for him to hold back right now. He’s gone and gotten overwhelmed again.
Felasel goes through some of his breathing exercises while he waits for a response. He can hear the shuffling of papers,the familiar sounds of a person switching rooms and after thetelltale noise of a door clicking shut, she finally gives him back an“Okay.”
Felasel lets out a sigh as he plopsinto his recliner “That’s it? Centuries of motherly wisdom andyou’re giving me an ‘okay’?”
Selene just hums “What happened?”
Felasels hand drags down his face as herecounts the incident; literally bumping into her on the street onhis way to the office, breaking down into tears in the arms of awoman to whom he is a complete stranger. Subsequently being invitedto sit with her and Fenris over coffee.
“I told her I loved her,” hegroans.
“That was quick. How did sherespond?”
He blinks, and sits up straight at therealization that “She was fine with it. She blushed and stammeredand gave me her number.”
“Try not to propose on the seconddate.”
“Mama,” Felasel stresses“Could you take this seriously?”
“I am. The first time I found yourfather I took him home to live with me, same day. Uthvir gaveThenvunin diamonds and gold. Well, technicallyScreecher did from what I understand, but with Uthvir theymay have just been trying to downplay how invested they’d gotten whenthey were telling me about it, you know how they can get-”
“What do I do?”
“What do you want to do?”
Felasel scowls “I hate when you dothat.”
His mother lets out a heavy sigh and issilent for a moment before speaking. “Felasel, you’re a smart kid.Brilliant, really. You knew what you wanted to do before you asked mefor my opinion. It’s why you called me, instead of Uthvir, who wouldhave warned you to keep a distance and play it slow, or Melarue, whowould ask if it was even a path you wanted to take again andthen give you the same warnings regardless of your answer. You wantto be with her again. You want her to love you again. There’s noshame in that.”
“She can speak now. She said my name out loud and I almost lost it again.” Felasel mutters.
“People can change, in a lot ofways,” his mother agrees. “Don’t try to force things. What’sfamiliar for you is still new for her. It’ll take some adjusting, anda lot of patience. You can always reach me, if you’d like, or if youneed.”
Felasel contemplates the matter andleans back in his recliner again, staring up at the ceiling fan “Howmany times have you been through this?”
“Too many. This is the third of yourfathers lives I’ll be sharing with him.”
“…Does it get easier?”
“Depends on which variables you’reconsidering,” She evades.
Felasel knows what it means when shewon’t give him a straight answer and it makes his chest tighten.
“You should come visit,” Seleneoffers, as a change of subject.
“Maybe one day,” Felasel skirts.He’s been putting it off, he knows. Avoiding a confrontation with hisfather who won’t remember him. Not a situation he’s eager to gethimself into. A blow too large to his Pride, perhaps.
“We could come visit you, if you’dprefer. I could come help you with any troubles that may arise.”
Felasel snorts “Sure, I’m sure thatwon’t send her into a panic. 'Hello Cirimeni, this is my mother wholooks my age, and my father who is younger than I am because he’sbeen reincarnated. Speaking of which, did you know you were too?’.She would, rightfully, run the other way.”
“You sound like I did,” his motherlaughs. “Just don’t avoid her, ok?”
“I’m just going to lose her again,”Felasel argues.
“Yes,” Selene agrees. Not reallythe answer Felasel was hoping for, but he listens as she continues“One day she is going to die, and you will be left without heragain. And it will hurt, and the loss will feel worse than it did thefirst time, but it will heal. And when it does, you will still have your memories,and your love, and you will be thankful for the time you spenttogether. We have been given plenty of time to be alone, Felly. Cherish thecompany while you can.”
Felasel lets out a breath he hadn’tnoticed he’d been holding. She’s right. Of course she’s right, but heneeded to hear it anyways.
“Thank you, Mama.”
“Anytime, Felasel. Feel free to calljust to catch up, too. My phone’s always on for you.”
“Yes Mama,” Felasel agrees with aneye roll. Some things never change, he supposes. They say theirgoodbyes, and Felasel clicks off the line, and scrolls to Cirimenisnumber.
Hey. Hetexts her. 
And then he waits.
Patience. He can do patience.
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