#he’s getting into the visions legends rn
padawansuggest · 7 months
In the time travel fic where Jango and Obi and Ani go back in time, next chapter is either gonna be another interludes anthology to further Plo’s storyline, and even a bit of weird ass backstory for some things as well as checking up on other clones; or, it will be a chapter of Jango babysitting Boba and Obi-Wan in their Little Keldabe embassy building, specifically where he’s in the nursery with a feverish Obi who’s desperately trying to remove his teeth while Boba fights with another toddler over blocks.
Anyways. This gem came to mind:
Boba: *fighting over toys with another toddler*
Jango: Boba, baby boy, I know it isn’t a big term in your lexicon, but maybe, just possibly, try ‘sharing’???
Boba: *sits down in horror and betrayal*
Other tot: *throws block at Jango and walks away*
Obi: *in the corner trying to get six teeth removed while having feverish visions of a dark Sith in the galaxy, gives a ten minute vision recounting to Jango entirely in Dai Bendu, which he unfortunately understands through his much heightened midichlorians*
Jango: …I don’t know that language but I do feel a fear in my soul now, thanks. I guess I’ll ask Buir if he’s got any hunters up for the job.
Obi: *goes back to trying to pry out teeth*
Boba: *bored, wanders off to cause chaos*
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formula-fun · 2 months
in the pacrim au, if lestappen do get a jeager, what are the vibes?? like in my imagination it's big and sleek and fast and red and has some cuntyass name, but what's your vision??
also i desperately need to know how all the other people in the shatterdome think of these two idiots doing everything to one up each other while being so obviously compatible but denying violently
my goddddddd i dont know how much is considered a spoiler but i want to talk about it SO bad so under the cut--
so they do eventually get a jaeger but it takes a LONG time. im literally gonna spoil the whole fic rn. charles works for the science division for a long time developing the Mark VI project, and the one they end up getting is the first Mark VI, but it's technically a Mark VI package applied to the jaeger that Max already had with Daniel. It's really old by that point but it has one of the highest kill counts in the entire program and got upgrades throughout the years so it's still very very good. Once charles becomes his copilot they give it a new paintjob and some new weapons and stuff, and the drift interface is completely different so it kind of feels like three people drifting together rather than two people drifting with a big robot. I haven't given it a name yet and idk if it gets a new one? it feels like it should. It was called Rogue Blue originally but they tend to just refer to it as Rogue, and Max calls it Rocky. in terms of build it's very similar to Striker Eureka
and sdfjkdsjkfd the lore about them in the shatterdome is soooo shrouded in mystery. Charles is already kind of an enigma so his friendship....? rivalry...?? with max is just the stuff of legends. They can both speak french and dutch fluently because of the phantom drift situation, and there are SO many rumors about it. like did they grow up together??? did they learn each others native languages so they could insult each other better??? we just dont know. Daniel feels like he knows Charles very well because he's been drifting with max for years, but charles does not know daniel AT ALL so the dynamic is bizarre to watch. Charles has this little troupe of rookies that are helping with the Mark VI project and they're all soooo confused about why max is in the lab all the time. the lab building isn't even connected to the Shatterdome, it's a separate old ass 50's bunker. how did max even find it and why is he in their boss' office arguing about whether a kaiju looks more like a fish or a bear??? does he not have better things to do???
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professionalfixator · 6 months
I've had a divine vision.
If you stanned __ during 45, you now stan ___ in 46
Dee, Venus ("is she kind of a mean person? sure. still a queen tho", oddly aggressive with other fans on social media, will excuse anything she does)
Austin, Hunter ("himbo sweetheart pls win this for us", also love bromances)
Jake, Ben ("they're so skeojajslks BABYGIRL")
Katurah, Soda ("she can do no wrong in my eyes", will defend their girl against all the people hating on her for really lame reasons)
Julie, Maria ("mother is mothering", really want a middle aged female winner, strongly believe this is their time!!)
Drew, Tevin ("is he a little mean? yes. it's iconic tho & we all know he's actually a sweetheart deep down", will defend him against any and all haters, also love bromances)
Emily, Kenzie ("people can change, guys!", love a good underdog success story)
Bruce, Liz ("everyone hates them, but not me!" wants them to win just to clown on everybody, not sure if they acc believe it or not)
Kendra, Moriah ("she's so silly i love her", love her quirkiness & free spirit, desperately hoping she'll go far in the game)
Kellie, Jem ("BRING HER BACK!", mourning their strong and strategic winner pick gone too soon, not having a good time rn)
Kaleb, Q (love dominating threats with solid social games, also deeply afraid of their giant targets getting them voted out)
Sifu, Randen (had such high hopes, unfortunately things did not go well, also got criminally underutilized in the edit)
J.Maya, Jess ("they did my girl so dirty :(", loved them for their chaotic and fun personalities, were personally offended by the low-key bullying they received from the other female players)
Brando, Charlie ("my nerdy son who i have such high hopes for", really hoping for the best this time around, find their hyperspecific interests in things endearing)
Sean, Bhanu (not sure how to explain this one)
Sabiyah, Tiffany (a whole queen with a shit ton of strategic potential, has to put up with the constant madness from her chaos loser tribe)
Brandon, Tim (really like underrated side characters?)
Hannah, Jelinsky ("they are legends in my eyes", love the messiness, embrace the chaos)
if you think i'm wrong...🤷🏻‍♀️
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nintendont2502 · 18 days
thinking about heirstuck again and im making it everyones problem (more thoughts + image transcripts under the cut:)
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[Image ID: a series of discord messages from discord user 'new nintendont ds(i). the messages read:
okay actually im gonna rant abt it in here for a while youve been arned *warned okay so its like. u got two kingdoms yeah. derse and prospit we all know this this is like the most basic generic homestuck fantasy au you can get each kingdom has the same succession structure where there are two thrones - the king and the queen. the rulers of the kingdom are chosen from the royal family, who for the most part just live as normal people in the kingdom (they dont even have the royal names), although most of them do know that they have royal blood (it means basically nothing, though) the only way for someone to ascend to the throne is to display magic, which usually happens in their teenage years - legends dictate that only the royal family is blessed with the capability for magic and only those deemed worthy of the crown will ever 'earn' that magic and display it, at which time theyre taken off to the castle to become heirs both kingdoms do the same thing where they have the two thrones - one male, and one female. this means the king and queen arent married (since theyre. yk. related), and anyone they do marry won't have a royal title. theyre just kinda there yk each throne also has its own traditional last name that the ruler and heir to the throne take - in derse, all kings or male heirs are striders, and all queens or female heirs are lalondes, while in prospit all males are egberts all females are harleys derses a little different when it comes to heirs - traditionally, once theyre found, theyre hidden away from te public all together until its time for them to take the throne. thats mostly bc derse has an unfortunate habit of uh. killing their heirs! theyve mostly calmed down now (mostly) but old traditions die hard yk derses honestly the most chill rn compared to prospit so im gonna start with them bc prospit just has. so fucking much going on
so you got the king and queen - dirk strider and roxy lalonde, prince of heart and rogue of void (classpects function differently here in that theyre only loosely tied to the royals powers, and are instead more a ceremonial title (and in derses case an old holdover from when they had to keep the heirs identities secret) and can represent how the people feel about their rulers, or can even contain veiled hints about their futures thanks to some seer bullshit im still workshopping it) - dirk is prince of heart because hes. yk. the prince of their hearts. the old king seemed very attatched to him even if they never met and that kinda rubbed off on the people. roxys title is more mysterious and no ones really sure what it means (including her), but its probably finee right the old king and queen were actually their respective parents! which is cool until you realise they both presented their powers fairly young and so had to be completely hidden away from them (even before that, their contact with their parents was limited bc of the whole secrecy safety of themand the throne thing yk). so that sucks. l bozo the old royals actually both died on the same exact day as the prospitian royals which only made tensions worse (oh yeah theyre at war. did i mention that. theyre at war the entire time) and then you got the heirs! rose lalonde, heir to the dersite throne - she manifested her powers through a vision that predicted an attack on the kingdom, whcih is also how she earned her title. shes heir apparent to the dersite throne and then theres dave. dave… doesnt actually have any powers? despite constant brutal training from his father (who was lowkey upset he never got called up to the throne), he's never manifested any magical abilites, and really shouldnt be here at all. he only went with rose to the castle because hes basically her unofficial guard (and also he just wanted to get away from his dad), and rose 'conveniently' happened to have another vision while at the castle of dave totally manfiesting powers eventually. did dirk and roxy believe that? probably not! but fuck if they were just going to turn the kids away yk - especially after rose vaguely implied that if dave left she was going with him. dave is the heir presumptive to the dersite throne, and the knight of time, referencing both his status as rose's guard and a (maybe slightly cruel) reference to how theyre waiting for his supposed powers to manifest and then prospit. sure is a place theyre a fucking mess dude
okay so old king and queen. you got king egbert who was… nice but kinda just there yk. no one really cared too much either way about him and then queen crocker! she was adopted when she was a baby, and so never knew that she was part of the royal bloodline - when she manifested her powers and took the throne, she refused to give up her last name, claiming it was an important part of her. this was… divisive, but she was a pretty good queen! people really liked her eventually, and her work in attempting to defuse the war was admirable. when she and king egbert died (on the same day and time as those filthy dersite royals, in a meeting she helmed to call for a ceasefire), the kigndom damn near rioted and marched on prospit themselves. the heirs to the throne really liked her too! shed spend hours telling them stories and having private training meetings with jane to fully prepare her for taking the throne - almost as if shed known what would happen speaking of jane and jake - wow theyre fucking messes! jane did the same thing as the former queen, and took the name Jane Crocker, instead of the traditional Jane Harley, to honour her. this was just as divisive, but with the kigndoms on the brink of allout war, the people didnt really have much time to focus on that. and if jane seemed to act… differently once she took the throne, well - that was probably just the stresses of ruling, right? especially at such an intense time. shes probably fine :) yk who isnt fine? jake! because of course he fucking isnt when he took the throne and became king jake egbert, page of hope, he was seen as the. well. hope that the kingdom needed at such a dark time - surely he would be the one to lead the kingdom away from war and into the light, right? …right? haha nope. instead one day he just completely disappeared, and rumour has it hes leading a cult on the outskirts between the two kingdoms, recruiting people from both - although if you ask the prospitian royals, theyd completely deny that (and if you ask jake, hed also deny that, and then ask if you want to join his totally-not-a-cult) great job guys and then the heirs are just. theyre going through it man jade harley, witch of space, heir apparent to the prospitian throne is. shes fine. shes so so so fine, and shes not at all worried about jane and jake and john, and not at all terrified that the kingdom is veering ever closer to war and she cant do anything ot stop it. shes great! shes fantastic and then john is. he sure is! heir of breath, heir ascending to the prospititian throne - any day now, he'll have to ascend and become John Egbert, king of prospit and he just. he really doesnt want to do that. hell, half the time he isnt even in the castle itself - he has no goddamn clue why, but something about it just feels wrong (spoiler alert - its gender. that girl is trans as hell). anyway hey remember the og queen crocker. man she was cool. crazy how her heirs kinda respectively lost it after she died (along with every other ruling noble in both kingdoms at t he exact same time). man that sucks. too bad shes not around! …yeah shes the condesce disguise time baybeeee
her whole thing was trying to drive the human kingdoms to war with each other so alternia could take them both out and trigger the reckoning, which is absolutely a great decision for everyone involved probably. she spent years manipulating the poeple of both kigndoms to think she was totally helping while secretly actually driving them closer and closer to war, and priming her heirs to both kinda go crazy and be shit rulers (jake was fed story after story of some great god for his hope to cling to, which made himc ompletely abandon ship to try and resurrect it, and jane was just raised to think exactly like condy and hten given an enchanted crown just in case. sucks to suck). killing the other nobles and faking her own death was basically the fuse that set everything off and everything continues to get worse! so whats jake doing with his silly little cult that absolutely wont have serious repercussions later on? trying to raise a dead god, of course! he spent years hearing stories about this powerful 'Lord English', who could only be summoned by a powerful figure of light oly known as 'Doc Scratch' - once LE was summoned, he would cleanse the world of darkness with his pure and cleansing light which totally isnt ominous at all nooo jake took on the name Jake English in honour of his god, and his followers keep calling him Doc Scratch or just Scratch, which he at first told them to stop doing bc smth smth sacriliege but eventually he kinda got into it - maybe he could be the Scratch that brings light to the kingdoms! he was meant to be the hope that saves them, after all - maybe he could end the war!! pro tip: never tell a hope guy about an all powerful god he will hyperfixate on it and lose his mind a lil so derses missing a heir, prospits missing a king and their queen is making… questionable decisions, and theyre both on the brink of war and being lead by a bunch of teenagers (oh yeah the royals are like. 19. and the heirs are 16) surely things cant get worse!!!! and then dirkjake happens
tfw some mysterious charismatic (hot as hell) guy that kinda sorta looks like the missing king but youre too distracted by his everything else shows up, tells you about all these issues youre facing that he really shouldnt know about, and then tells you he has the solution (and also hes hot and youre gay and aaa-) it takes a while, but eventually dirk (desperate to live up to his father and fix everything, and also gay as hell and talking to a cute guy), agrees to help the cult worshippers - and he has the highest honour! he gets to become the human host for their all powerful lord until they can fully channel him onto this plane of existence! isnt that incredible!!! so now derses also missing a king and theres a rogue god in a royals body running around that absoultely doesnt have the best intentions lets be real 'dirk' resurfaces for long enough to try and kill roxy (since the royals are the only one who can stop LE smth smth prophecy bullshit) so she fortifies the castle, tells the heirs to stay the fuck there and not leave, and then completely dips (rogue of void baybee shes going rogue to try and fix everything), and janes acting more and more off, and now four 16 year olds are effectively in charge of two kingdoms at the brink of war man that sucks"
discord user new nintendont ds(i) replies to a message from discord user The DPetter that says 'you love creating chaos' with 'i do !', before continuing their unhinged rant:
"anyway while all this is going on alternia is like. surpirsingly chill? probably because condys gone lets be real
like yeah they still have the caste structure, but its not as rigidly enforced right. the empress is gone, but since she isnt officially declared dead her heir (feferi) cant ascend to the throne, and so alternia is just kinda left drifting leaderless for. a while. eventually the enforced intercaste violence and culling and hatred slowly fades away - sure its still there, but its far less intense yk this is where karkat grows up, and weirdly kinda. hes not thriving yk but he doesnt have to wake up thinking hes gonna die. when his mutation eventually gets revealed, he gets a lot of shit for it, and some people treat him like shit (he gets ignored at stores or midlly attacked fairly freeuqently), but theyre past the point of just. killing on sight. yeah sure hes a freak with weird blood but thats not their business yk. theyre not just gonna kill him on the street for it. this is all tolerable and surviveable and fine - until condy randomly comes back one day! and suddenly everythings in full force - the caste structure is just as violently enforced as it once was, if not more so as the kingdom prepares for war, and now everyone knows about karkat being a mutant. so he just. leaves. hauls ass out of there before they can catch him, and heads to derse - either of the human kingdoms were probably his best bet, and condy knows the least about and has the least control over derse so. off he goes. he runs into dave and they have some davekat bullshit (alternias magical structure is different in that everyone has abilites because theyre trained to harness whatever latent magic they have - everyone except karkat, who doesnt have shit! he blames his mutation. everyone else blames his mutation. either of htose on their own would be a death sentence but with both hes fucked).
so yeah you got yaoi with the two powerless freaks bonding and also dave trying to hide a civilian from an enemy kingdom in the castle while its locked down, you got fucked up yaoi with dirkjake (tfw your boyfriend is also hosting your god youve been worshipping for years). you got yaoi eventually with rosemary because im love htem. you got trans june harley my fucking beloved. you got jane eventually getting over her brainwashing and kicking condys ass. you got three kingdoms about to kill each other and the complete wildcard of a rogue god also trying to kill everyone. no ones having a good time rn oh yeah also alternias big on the child soldier thing every troll is raised to be a potential soldier which is why they all have training for powers and titles that determine their role in society vs the human kingdoms which only allow the few selected royals to have magic (i think most humans could have magic if they were trained for it from birth oevr generations just like the trolls were (although culling non magical trolls definitely helps)) and then the themes etc etc hang on im gonna steal these from the doc 'not being able to live up to your percieved role/what you 'should' be - dirk looks up to the former king and tries his best to emulate him, dave is meant to be (and wants to be) heir to the derse throne but just cant do it, john is becoming (and really doesnt want to be) the king of prospit, karkat not manifesting powers like hes supposed to, jane not following the prospitian naming tradition like shes supposed to - hell even the kingdoms themselves cant live up to waht theyre supposed to be god idk theres something there. i just. a world where everyone is literally assigned a title describing what theyre supposed to be, and a theme of rejecting identities/assumptions imposed on you or failing to live up to those identites,,,, im too tired for this shit but its gonna haunt me for a while i think' thanks past me theres a big thing with the false dichotomy between the kingdoms too -theyre each more like w hat the other tries to pretned they are yk derse is all secrecy and backstabbing and logic but they allow a false heir simply because they dont want to seperate family and they all stay together even though they really shouldnt. prospit is warmth and openness and kindness but the royals barely talk to each other, and theyre all so blinded and divided by their own shit (and/or leaving to start cults) that most of them have no clue what the others hve going on anyway i think thats everything jesus christ its been 50 minutes"
the screenshots under the cut are from the same user in a different sever, now with the username 'technicalGraphicist [TG]', who says:
"i have a lot of thoughts abt the alternians actually!! theyre almost the complete opposites of the human kingdoms when it comes to classpects - im still trying to figure out how exactly they work, but while for the human royals your title is changed/created to suit who you are, for alternians your title is what you are - its given to you when you reach a certain age, and it dictates your role in society (obviously theres some grey areas there when it comes to how your caste interacts with your role - a bronzeblood is never going to be heir yk. its probably just a coincidence that the more important roles always go to the highbloods haha yeah definitely) im still trying to figure out how exactly alternian society is structured/how some of the roles work but very roughly its like: feferi - witch of life. official heir to the alternian throne, even if her title doesnt reflect that (fuschia overrules title - maybe theyre some controversy with her not having the correct title? hm. condy isnt a heir either shes a thief,, does she steal the throne? does anyone even remember the old queen? does this even matter?) eridan - prince. second in command (or would be, if feferi was queen, or kinda is since she kinda is?). imagining theres a. idk how to describe this without comparing it to aus' political structure - you got the queen (condy/feferi) and then the prime minister (eridan) that actually runs the place? smth smth that roles there for when the queen is off doing military shit or whatever equius - heir. second in command to the second in command. if eridan died hed be the prince. not sure which would be worse gamzee - bard. hes just. hes the court jester. he probably has some other role in how he ties into court functioning but im too tired to think about it rn yk vriska - thief. assigned criminal at birth /j intersting to think abt roles like this being government assigned and enforced, though - if the alternian military system was in full swing, i think shed probably be a spy for alternia (thief of light - stealing knowledge yk. not entirely sure how aspects tie into the titles but they definitely do) terezi - seer. seers are probably the most diverse when it comes to how their aspect impacts their class - like seers of heart are definitely the ppl to give classpect titles out yk. terezi again would probably be a spy role? or interrogating prisoners for information or smth yk. non militarised alternia terezis just chilling fucking around with vriska rn
kanaya - sylph. i dont. i dont actually know what a sylph is. google says its an imaginary spirit of the air whcih really doesnt help. smth smth the information division? similar to vrisrezi rk (actually kind works for a general structure - highbloods are court/command, midbloods are information and lowbloods are soldiers/physical work. hm) nepeta - rogue. same as vriska! definitely a lower tier though,, she probably just steals stuff instead of infiltrates for information. catburglar,,,,, karkat - knight. fancy title for soldier. kinda mirrors canon karkats thing with being obsessed with being a good soldier for the empress. lmao thats not gonna save you bud youre doubleculled (mutant and no powers). sollux - mage. rare exception to the 'lowbloods are gruntwork' rule. either in the nerdy information gathering section or its similar to canon where powerful psiionics are living batteries/weapons ( i dont think theyd have the tech to battery them so hes probably like. magic battery? hmmm. torn on this guy actually (fits the duality hteme. god i hate him)). potentially leaves after akrkat does when he realises that hes just gonna get batteried after alternia goes all military again tavros - page. serves knight. lesser soldier? would work under any knights (implies karkat actually had a decent role in the military which is interesting) aradia - maid. works in the castle. arafef friendship is real and true and amazing and equius continues to be weird to her."
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katkafe · 2 years
because i am the biggest dumbest nerd when it comes to the addams family: ive made a crappy list of why wednesday is everything i hoped for and more and why it is absolutely fucking perfect. spoilers.
im not entirely sure on how to start slow with this one so im getting right fucking into it. enjoy reading the disaster of my thoughts on this masterpiece:
AMAZING CASTING. jenna is incredible as wednesday, catherine and luiz are the perfect morticia and gomez, i adored seeing christina ricci KICKING ASS. gwendoline christie was amazing as weems, fred armisen as fester???? lost my shit he was so perfect. i don’t think there was a single cast member i wasn’t amazed with.
no genuinely i loved all of the nevermore students
fell in love w enid so fast omg i was rooting for her so hard her arc was so awesome (her and ajax are so cute too)
rip rowan you would’ve loved wenclair
THING!!!: its not the addams family without thing, and its especially not the addams family if thing isn’t being a little shit stirrer the whole time. perfect beautiful i love him A++ 
THE WEDNESDAY/PUGSLEY DYNAMIC WAS SO ON POINT they literally have the actual best sibling dynamic
i now know that you have not lived until you’ve seen wednesday addams stuck in a love triangle. she is not a character that you would expect to have a romantic interest but now in my mind she’s just beautifully a-spec and probably demiromantic. yes obviously i love xavier.
don’t get mad at me but i don’t ship her w enid that much?? at least not romantically but hey i would not complain if we had a polycule or qpr!!!
also it was genuinely so cute to see wednesday making friends like. why was i sobbing so much when she hugged enid. holy fuck.
i am referring to both her actual dancing and ofc “they couldn’t even spring for real pigs blood. its only paint.” so real.
cant even stop myself from mentioning that jenna ortega looks very hot covered in blood which happens a lot in this series. like almost every episode. jesus fucking christ i am so in love with her.
i am a huge edgar allen poe nerd so i fucking adored every little reference to his works. also the idea that he was an outcast is so real to me.
speaking of outcasts: ngl definitely could’ve come up with a better name, “outcasts” just made it sound weirdly like some awkward teen high school drama but you get used to it
wednesday’s visions were so cool??? i loved the whole goody addams thing their interactions were really cool and god i just was not expecting that at all.
ok tbh it was really weird that her name was goody, since “goody” is the puritan equivalent of “mrs.” (its short for goodwife) so idk why they did that but ok i’m still here for it
honestly in general they do a really good job of keeping you guessing. i was suspicious about almost every single character throughout the whole series. 
in retrospect i should’ve known tyler was gonna be an asshole from the start cause. i mean. his name is tyler. no offense to my tylers, but be real when have you ever seen a tv show character named tyler that wasn’t a douche. i’ll wait.
i’ve typed tyler too many times and it no longer looks like a real name
episodes are nice and long but i obviously wish the series was longer, but it was super bingable and i’m probably gonna rewatch it 3 million times until the next season inevitably comes out.
not to be dorky but i loved how every episode title was a pun w the word “woe” 
i have really horrible media literacy in the sense that i overthink EVERYTHING so to me like almost everything in that was beautifully executed symbolism and maybe it was but when i say i lost my shit when i noticed wednesday stand on enid’s side of the room and fsr thats the only example i can think of rn BUT STILL
overall 5 stars 10/10 show i cant wait for more i love the plot i love the characters i love the cast i will be recommending it to everyone ik and more
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comebackali · 1 year
🔥 + those new star wars shows
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i feel like it's not an unpopular opinion that disney star wars is like, bad, and we're very over saturated with sw content rn. but let's go one by one for disney era sw shows, yeah?
rebels (2014-2018): okay i love rebels. nuthin to say here. it's not perfect but overall, a good fun time. good fun characters. love it.
forces of destiny (2017-2018): meh. the animation is meh, but i liked most of the padme ones, and i liked the ones where the girls from different franchises interact, like leia and sabine and jyn. i like the concept, but overall was underwhelmed. but for what it was it's fine.
resistance (2018-2020): i don't really have an opinion on resistance. i watched a few episodes when it first came out but it didn't really pull me in. so i'm neutral on it, but it's sequel era so auto hate i guess. but not really. it's fine.
galaxy of adventures (2018-2020): best animation in star wars. oh and it's narrated by dante basco? incredible. love it.
the mandalorian (2019-present): hate. i liked the first season cuz i liked baby yoda (he's cute!), and i liked pedro pascal becoming daddy™, but then season 2 was just bad. the best part was them getting temuera morrison back as boba fett, but we all know how that turned out. and season 3 was simply intolerable. even characters i used to sort of like i now hate with a firey passion. like bo katan?? hate her. why is she so young?? and here's the real unpopular opinion, i HATE baby yoda. like he's not even cute to me anymore i literally just hate him with the passion of a thousand firey suns. i think it's the combo of over saturation plus the absolute STUPIDNESS that was his "arc" in the book of boba fett, but kill that little green old man with fiiiiiire 🔥🔥🔥. i didn't even care about the order 66 stuff with him, it was just so stupid. the best part was my boy kelleran beq. but i do respect the hell out of pedro pascal for being like, the highest paid voice actor in hollywood. like he's barely in the suit anymore but literally get that bread 🤑🤑🤑
jedi temple challenge (2020): i cannot belieeeeeeeeeve that when i look up "star wars shows" wikipedia has every fucking show listed EXCEPT jedi temple challenge. THE AUDACITY. THE DISRESPECT. jedi temple challenge is a star wars game show based on game shows like "legends of the hidden temple" from back in the day, and it's an absolute delight. AND it brought ahmed best (jar jar binks) back into star wars. and he did such a good job and you can tell he had such a fun time doing it. kelleran beq my absolute BELOVED. y'all think you love him but none of you love him like i do. also SAM WITWER??! frank oz?? zakai "the dark side is a little bitch" you absolute fucking legend? incredible, no notes. i wish there were a thousand seasons.
the bad batch (2021-present): hate. #unwhitewashthebadbatch. also, it's boring. i just don't care.
visions (2021-present): best thing that's happened to star wars in 20 years. love forever ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
the book of boba fett (2021-2022): HATE. IT'S JUST SOOOOOOOO BAD. HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO MY BOY????? temuera morrison deserved sooooooooooo much better. and don't even TALK to me about what they've done to my son, luke jskywalker. fake luke skywalker. jake skywalker. terrible. hate hate hate.
obi wan kenobi (2022): my beloved. has done nothing wrong in their life, i know this and i love them. (except for what they've done to my boy the grand inquisitor. and fifth brother. but we don't talk about that.) genuinely so surprised that it was as good as it was, seeing the state of star wars live action before it. but i've never been so grateful that dave felony does not care about obi wan as a character, and therefore does not feel the need to rub his greedy little hands all over him. deborah chow did such a good job protecting the integrity of the characters imo. i would have been happier if it was just sad man alone in the desert, hallucinating anakin and house hunting with force ghost qui gon, but i've since gotten over that. i loved baby leia and the organas. also i don't think this is an unpopular opinion but KATHLEEN KENNEDY IS A LITTLE BITCH FOR CANCELLING S2 BUT GREENLIGHTING A REY MOVIE THAT NO ONE WANTS. ESPECIALLY when ewan/hayden/jimmy were all on board. she's number one on my hit list tbh. but if that was all we had it was enough. better to die a hero than live long enough to see yourself become a villain, and all that.
andor (2022-present): rogue one is the best thing that star wars has ever done imo, and andor is andor: a rogue one story, so it's great. but i fucking hate polldark cereal man. he's so fucking annoying. every time he is on screen i am throwing things at my tv. i don't even know his name, sibil, maybe? anyway, he's fucking stupid. taking away valuable screen time from my beloveds and for what? and he's just so boring. he's not even an interesting fascist like dedra (who i really only like because of the actress's incredible performance in "under the banner of heaven"). but anyway he's the worst. unpopular opinion is that mon mothma is sooo valid for selling her daughter to satan for one corn chip. go off queen.
tales of the jedi (2022-present): stupid. you can't even have continuity in your own canon? get it together dave, christ alive. i wanted to like it but, meh. i did like the rex, ahsoka, anakin one, because it's peak anakinnuttery and he's literally so insane i love it.
young jedi adventures (2023-present): adorable. you're killing it babies. high republic is fun. all the gold drip is fun. and the little riyo chuchi pantoran with the purple lightsaber is adorable. the eps are whatever, but it's literally made for 3 year olds, so it's great.
ahsoka (2023): it's so terrible i can't even speak. my expectations were low but man they wow'd me with how bad it was. first bitchy thing: ewan's new wife as hera was even more terrible than i was expecting. i can't think of a single thing i liked, except sabine a little, but that is for lesbian reasons and i cannot be held accountable for that. the rampant love for shin is soooooooo transparent. like i don't even dislike her, i like her just fine, but come on. and cgi hayden?? are you kidding me?? he looked SOOOOOOOO terrible are y'all for real?? i knew it was gonna be bad but damn. biggest takeaway was that whoever was in charge of the sound editing should be SHOT. it was so bad and sooooooo distracting. it took me right out.
huh. i guess overall i don't hate as many as i thought. but still, the ones i hate i really hate, and waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many. i'd sell them all to satan (except kenobi) for one corn chip.
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eight go rush thoughts
me, trying to make sense of the rush duel timeline: wtf is this shit
long post and spoiler(duh) warning
okay. first of all, the creator is otes.
ik this is very obvious, but think about it. the creator could be the gr counterpart/ancestor of otes. they have the same voice obviously but that doesn't help us distinguish the difference. otes' theme(the resting place of the king of duels or something idk) plays during the creator scene we all know from ep 51- something that doesn't happen with the counterparts of gr. imma keep explaining this later.
(edit: found the otes theme)
second, making sense of the time travel shenanigans.
obviously, yuuga leaves with otes into the hyperspace at ep 92 of sevens, going back in time(supposedly, otes survives). somehow, otes arrives much earlier than yuuga, becomes ZA CREATOR, and creates the velgearians, starting the war. yuuga then arrives and gets captured by zwijo, who already knows of the karutamata stuff. he then establishes rush duels with the help of yuuna and asaka and works at goha company. this all happens about 2 years before the main story of gr starts.
third, rush duels will disappear at the end of gr.
assuming that the rush duel robot came into the atmosphere roughly unharmed, it's either on the moon rn or somehow stored somewhere by yuuga to power the rush duels happening during gr. so, when yuuga inevitably leaves the time of gr and takes the rush duel robot with him, rush duels will disappear- like the sevens ending, not including the part where yuuga comes back to the sevens time period. if yuuga builds another robot, though, that's a different story.
fourth, also tying into the second one, is gr connecting into sevens stuff.
hypothetically, there once was an 'old gr'- one that led to sevens as it was supposed to, one without aliens and rush duels. once yuuga and otes took off into hyperspace and were sent back in time to old gr, they changed it to the gr we have today. if yuuga and otes were taken out of the equation, then there would be no aliens and no rush duels and the cast of gr(sans the aliens, obviously) would progress their lives normally like non-anime characters.
fifth, yuudias might permadie or tempdie at the end of gr.
everyone knows the legend of the sevens- and its unnamed gr counterpart. instead of the king of duels, the prophecy mentions becoming a 'light for the universe'. this hints at yuudias pulling a yuuga and sacrificing himself to beat whoever the final antagonist is. because bridge era prophecies are shown to eventually be true(see: legend of the sevens, sevens ep 92) and the fact the two legends are very similar and likely to both be created by otes, yuudias' fate is probably going to be similar to yuuga's at the end of sevens.
sixth, ygo 9.
ygo 9 might be what would happen in the future of new gr, as old gr was already eradicated by the time travelers from sevens. solid vision and rush duels were created before they were supposed to be, and will cause major mishaps in the timeline- unless they do the thing. since it is highly likely that they will do a rush duel trilogy, the protag might be the descendant of a sevens character, if the bloodlines weren't disrupted too hard by the time travel shenanigans.
seventh, the thing.
the yuugotes theory. yes, you heard me right. the yuugotes theory. where they murder yuuga's personality and create a stable timeloop somehow with yuuga becoming the next otes. the procedure is unclear, but it likely includes yuuga going back in time(via another hyperspace. he might've researched 'em or something) when he's an adult(after old otes dies somehow. maybe in the fight with yuudias. can't have two otes running around the timeline) and trying to fix otes' mistakes by doing it himself, but ultimately failing and unwittingly continuing the long loop of the rush duel continuation. this also explains why otes has a strong sense of foresight- as he already knows what's going to happen. i found some proof for this actually)
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these images and this tweet by the translator of entamesubs (here: https://twitter.com/octomaidly/status/1455019365351440390) very much foreshadow this. while it definitely seems like a red herring, there wasn't like nine characters that went "oh, otes must be a time-travelled yuuga!" like the goha yuuga situation.
eighth, the legend of the sevens and the book of sevens
we all know how the legend goes- "on the night of a large and hardly recognizable full moon, a duelist will carve an unknown path and become the king of duels." and also the gr version- "on the night of a large and hardly recognizable celestial body of earth, a warrior shall carve open an unknown path with rush duels and become a light for the universe." and i'm pretty sure the book of sevens goes something like this: a young sorcerer with the power of the sevens gets sent by a wise old man to seek out the other six with the same power. the story ends with "the young sorcerer... shed tears as he destroyed the moon." and was almost true in the final duel against otes- if yuuga hadn't played the trap card perfect sevens. this might play a role in gr as it didn't happen in sevens. the beginning part happened, yuuga leaving behind his friends happened- just not the destroying of the moon.
(also, when rewatching ep 91-92 of sevens, i found something- how tf did yuuga ✨(sevens) magic(ally)✨ change from his spacesuit to his normal clothes after the infamous road scene- i mean, it makes sense for that scene and that scene only, but not for afterward. also, yuuga didn't attack otes yet before going into the hyperspace- sure, it's implied, but not shown. additionally, yuuga's friends probably didn't see his win against otes)
don't think about all this too much- don't get a headache like me :)
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
So, rn I'm making zhongchi and teucer in the sims and I was wanting to make sure I was spelling teucers name right so I googled his name and found this piece of Greek myth from Wikipedia
TLDR wiki article: Teucer was a great archer and with his brother Ajax fought in the Trojan War. He tried to shoot Hector but Apollo stopped it and being mad at Teucer's success, Hector flung a rock at Teucer which made him stop using a bow and instead use a spear. He was also in the Trojan horse. Legends relate the foundation of the city of Galicia to him, wfounded the city of Salamis, and married Eune.
Another part of his story that worries me is Ajaxs su!cide, I feel like somethings gonna happen to childe and im worried
And the idea of Teucer growing up is also very... interesting to me, would he join the fatui? Would he get a vision?
I hope the story of this guy plays more into Teucers story, theres so much potential to his character that I hope they build on
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If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
Oh I‘d love to add a literary reference! Sadly can’t recall any rn though, and as it turns out, "I fear no man - but that thing - it scares me“ did not in fact, as I previously assumed, stem from MacBeth before being turned into a Team Fortress 2 meme, but rather originated from said game. Could’ve sworn I read how MacBeth said it in reference to the knife scene though…
Given that most other literary pieces I liked either don’t have scenes I’d know how to translate into a different setting with the characters I like or aren’t very referenceable to begin with, and with other media most of it already exists in the form of Super Smash Bros Brawl and/or Ultimate, and while I have ideas for it I doubt me talking about Etrian Odyssey for the millionth time is very interesting, AND my nr. 1 fave being Luigi Mario of all characters… that leaves us with…
No, wait, actually, what would a crossover with MacBeth look like…You could make it so the mc isn’t in the role of MacBeth, but watching it unfold?
OR - another idea. I don’t try to make this work with main fave Luig- but with Link Legend of Zelda :3 Becaaaause there just so happens to be a canonical royalty-murderer turned self-proclaimed king in that series :] And while he doesn’t have a wife, he does have two very bloodthirsty moms who he probably got his murder tendencies from to some degree.
So, this is probs gonna be vastly ooc, but-
our three fatebound souls all get smacked with a prophecy by the three Goddesses that made the Triforce (maybe via prophetic dream. If Zelda and Link both canonically get them why not Ganondorf too),
GDorf decides nows a great time for King Rhoam to roam the way for him, does just that, and instead of a mental breakdown over floating knifes he gets angry over a vision with a master sword, because GD just isn’t a character to get breakdowns like that unless it’s a 3rd act breakdown mayyyybe?
decides *screw that* and goes full tyrant like in the second half of ocarina do time, either orders his giant bird to kidnap blonde kids again or Yiga to just kill Link and Zelda,
shortly afterwards Link hears Zelda is missing, decides to kick Dorfs ass, on his way gets joined by a super mysterious Shiekah called Shiek (Nintendo is not very creative with names ngl),
on their way they defeat the moms, find the sword in the forest that’s known for shifting around and parted itself so it could be found, and make friends from all the other…kingdoms? Counties Regions? They have their own royalty and rulers but still somehow belong to Hyrule?? Hyrule is the Britain of fantasy countries…
Anyways, war - but it looks like Ganondorfs too powerful, as always
plottwist, Sheik is no man borne from a woman, but was Zelda all along. Promptly shoots him with holy light arrows so he can be sealed away
Epic 1v1 battle
He dies
Happily ever after until the next cycle of reincarnation!
…this is really the best I’ve got. Not much (aside from the ridiculous length). Sorry.
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omegawizardposting · 2 years
OC Shipping ask night: (ok I'm not set on the name rn but for now we will call him) Drake! He is a lawyer, works as a defense attorney primarily in criminal cases and has a firm with his brother and his sister-in-law. He comes from a very wealthy and powerful family, but also literally powerful because they have magic. Drake and his triplet brothers have a unique manifestation, they're all seers in a sense. Drake sees relationships between people, he describes seeing it as looking at threads that tie people together. This ability has left him rather jaded about relationships in general because he sees so often that the threads between two people are often very uneven in quality. It's only worse because he can't see the threads that connect to him, so he doesn't have a way to know for sure how people feel about him the way he can see it between others. (This is in a sharp contrast to his brother Judas who can see people's souls and what kind of person they are, he is much more relaxed around others because no one can really get the drop on him).
Since his seeing ability gets a bit overwhelming, he wears an eye patch with his family's crest on it (a gilded lotus).
Drake usually prefers to spend his free time by himself, when he does hang out with others it's usually with members of his family because he's like 99% sure they like him, y'know? He enjoys reading speculative fiction, and he got introduced to city builder games by one of his cousins and he enjoys those from time to time.
When it comes to world views, like most of his family he's got a firm 'stance that those in power should serve the people, and he's pretty liberal with the metaphorical guillotine. He does realize the irony of having these sorts of views while being stupid rich himself; he believes he's doing his part by acting as a public defender and doing pro-bono services more than paid services.
*grabs you* *shakes you violently* Listen. Listen. I also have a seer whose specialty is the threads that bind people.
Eunice is a concubus. Their people are not known for their great magical prowess, but Eunice is an interesting case. Their past is a mystery, though it is assumed that they were once a victim of the slave trade due to their cropped horns. All anyone knows is that, at some point, they went into voluntary exile to hone their abilities.
It is through this isolation that they have been able to become a truly formidable seer. However, because they are so rarely seen, they have also become a legend, a bedtime story concubus parents tell their children to encourage them to chase their dreams. Very few know that they are, in fact, real.
On occasion, when a particularly catastrophic vision comes to them, Eunice will abandon their meditation to speak with Lucifer, King of Demons. They have helped their people avoid many a calamity in this way, but their Sight is not perfect. The future, they will tell you, is always changing. All they can do is glimpse what may happen, and determine which outcomes are most likely.
Perhaps during one such excursion, they feel a pull toward the realm above, and follow a peculiar thread straight to a certain lawyer.
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rikilouvre · 2 years
first snow
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summary : you and your first love, seungmin, meeting in the first snow of the year.
notes : not proofread yet! _____ is reader's name.
a/n : based on legend of the blue sea episode 5, watching it rn, i had to, plus i really gotta stop impulsively writing short prompts and start working on my tropes 😭 also they're college students ! a reblog will be very much appreciated.
+ saw my inbox with 4 questions, someone requested for another ending of one of my stories, and i have unfinished prompts and fics. i haven't done anything, i'm sorry! schoolwork's been making me busy and idk which part to start with.
theme song : 24 to 25, beautiful life (goblin ost)
"meet me at the park once the first snow of the year starts..."
his words whirled around your head over and over, staring out the window and inspecting for any signs of snow from the sky at all. the colorful twinkling lights hanged on the big christmas tree in your living room shone in your peripheral vision. the smell of that nostalgic cookies inside a red round tin container filled the air. you even had tiny crumbs on the sides of your mouth and on your sweater from the cookies you ate earlier, how adorable.
2 days ago, you and seungmin met up at a local cafe for a mini-reunion after not being able to bond because of rough academic schedules.
"i want to tell you something important once that day comes."
you couldn't even focus on drinking the cup of warm chocolate you're holding 'cause everything now makes you think of him. you couldn't help but ask yourself, "what does he want to tell me?" you swirl around the little warm chocolate residue inside the mug.
you always knew he was the only one you'd like in this town — he is a gentleman, he knows his priorities, he knows how to work around the house, he's independent, not to mention very handsome and talented — he is everything you could describe the perfect man everybody longs to be with. and you're hella proud that you're very close to him now.
but the thought of him nonchalantly intertwining his fingers with yours during your casual walks, when he stares at you when you're not looking, when he shows great concern when you encounter simple manageable problems like getting the cookie jar placed on the high cabinet — all these things he do for you that he mindlessly thought you wouldn't notice, turns out you do.
and everytime you think about it, a wave of chills rush throughout your whole body as your heartbeat skips a beat — all the things you thought you couldn't feel and think of. yet, you're here, red blushy cheeks but a serious face — ever trying your best to not let your intense feelings for him dominate the way you think and act. you didn't let yourself be in the feels since, who knows? who knows what he's going to say on the first snow of 24? he could tell you that he has a girlfriend and he might be excited to introduce her to you. it was therefore the right choice for you not to conclude everything on behalf of him.
and there, a snowflake gently swaying down to the ground.
you almost jumped to your seat in excitement when you saw it, heart progressively racing when you've come to the realization that this is the day. your toes starting to feel cold from excitement and nervousness, you try to stand up with your knees shaking with the anticipation the meet-up brought you.
you picked the best winter clothes you found in your closet and changed before bursting out of your bedroom to frantically think of what you need to bring with you. pepper spray? your money? mint candy- yo.. but you thought to yourself that you only bring your mint candy when you're trying to impress someone.. are you trying to impress someone? wow, there we have it. you finally admit to yourself that you're expecting something from seungmin. so what are you expecting? hmm, you actually didn't know. just the thought that meeting someone on the first winter is special. you abruptly stopped in your tracks.
"let's meet there at 5 if snow starts before that time. i'll message you if it's gonna be later than that. don't bring anyone, okay?"
you remembered his words again, 5PM. you checked your phone to know the time, 16:50. should you go? should you wait at your house and go to the meeting place at exactly 5? you didn't know what to do. you wanted everything to lay out so perfectly that one mistake can make you so frustrated and useless. you even forgot messaging apps exist. "ha!" you exclaimed as you excitedly texted him. are you there? i'm about to go out. you hit the send button to see his icon type in less than a minute. i'm here, been here since this afternoon. come. he replied.
you felt your ears turn red as you jump and squeal, quietly, ofcourse. i mean, who would want to see someone jump and squeal like a crazy girl inlove?
you started walking out to the meeting place after you were totally ready for both the meetup and everything that's about to be unraveled — good or bad.
"i'll be sitting on this specific bench infront of the cafe and i'm gonna wait for you. don't forget, alright?"
and there you were, beaming to yourself. you never even thought his words would make you fluster like this. you caught yourself in the act before someone else saw you when they were passing by. michin girl. you held on to your phone by your chest like you're hugging it, somehow waiting for a 'vibrate' 'cause damn you needed someone to calm your nerves down. you atleast need seungmin, to affirm you that nothing's gonna go bad today.
your heart beats ever so fast and deeply, just by seeing him sit on the bench.
"but, is that really him?" you thought to yourself, making sure it really is seungmin before approaching the figure. but before you could even take 3 steps forward, the man on the bench stood up and slowly turned around — startling you. the tall man turning slowly started to reveal himself, and as he turned around to face you, you started to feel your knees weak and suddenly couldn't carry your own bodyweight anymore. "_____, you came." seungmin said, smiling.
you couldn't process in your mind by how he dresses so simple yet brings so much charisma. or is it just in your head? is it just you? wow, you were questioning everything at this point. you were amazed too, by how a man can turn your whole world upside down — atleast it felt like it. the snow falling around him and everywhere just makes everything 10x better.
you didn't even realize you were standing infront of him, doing nothing but either stare at him or zone out. and he was just standing there, looking at you with visible anticipation, which made you feel relief in a way you can't explain. he finally broke the silence and said, "uh, i wanted to meet you here, to.. tell you something." occasionally rubbing his palms together and forcing out a chuckle — he seemed nervous. and you totally were as well. you chuckled nervously, "min, don't be like that. it's scaring me as well." you jokingly said, slightly slapping his arm. this time, he lets out a real chuckle — a lighthearted laugh that seemingly came from happiness, "don't worry about it, though-" he slightly leans down and pats the bench, "-you can sit first before i tell you." eye contact. face down looking up he gazed at you all of a sudden, a second feeling like minutes. you were trembling and it's not because of the weather, too. snap. you came back to your senses, "okay." you responded — a giddy tone very much present in your voice. you walked around the bench to sit beside him.
was all you heard minutes before he says anything, he clearly looks like he's thinking of how to say it. say what, by the way? now that you're thinking of it, all the fear came back to your body. "remember when we were little kids?" his voice making you immediately turn your head to him that was staring at the snow infront of you earlier. "mhm? which part?" curiosity distracts your fear of what he's about to say. "when i used to pick flowers for you? those little red flowers our neighbor used to plant and we would eat the sweet thingies inside them together? or maybe sometimes form cute tiaras and bracelets?" seungmin said, all in one go, in one breath. you stayed silent. "i wanna do everything all over again, _____." the last sentence made you visibly confused, brows furrowed from what he meant. no, you weren't actually confused. you were anticipated to the fact that he could mean so many things by what he just said. so, "seungmin, i don't want to presume onto anything so you gotta be specif-"
"i like you."
all he did was stare at whatever's infront of him — the snow, the children skiing, the pine trees, the sun, anything but you who's just 2 inches beside him. while you, your gut dropped. you were speechless, you were astounded, you were blushing, you were panicking, you were celebrating, you were thinking of everything in your mind. he finally looked at you to say, "but hey, it's okay if i don't get any answer. i just wanted to tell y-" you wrapped your arms around his neck and rested them on his shoulders, you laid your cheek on his shoulder, to which everything you just did made him jump a little. "so, uhm, what does this mean, _____?"
"it means i've been waiting for this moment for a little too long now."
you peeked at his face to see him crazy red, his ears as well. seungmin was smiling so much it looked like it hurts. he then let out a relatively high-pitched giggle, "_____, please stop joking around. i'm serious." his statement made you lift your head up his shoulder and pull away, you grabbed the sides of his shoulders tight to make him face you, "well kim seungmin, i am not joking. do you think i'm joking?" your tone in an exaggerated one. he, once again, giggled. "no! it's just- i never really- never expected- i- you like me too?" he pointed at himself, raising his tone and brows to go along with your exaggeration. you rolled your eyes, "what do you think, hmm?" you pursed your lips. "i think- _____, you're hard to read." he laughed again, his ears now look like tomatoes placed on the sides of his head, and his head is also a tomato. you wrapped your arms around his torso this time, placing one side of your head to his chest to hear his heartbeat, "what do you think now?" you smiled. you could feel his heartbeat go doog doog doog very fastly, "i, think, yes." he hesitantly places his arms on your back, and rests his chin on top of your head.
"i like you too, kim seungmin."
you pulled away to cup his cheeks with your small hands, beaming at him purely. he looks at you in adoration before looking away, "wow, never thought we'd come to this, _____." the day ended in pure bliss, mutual understanding, and a very well-celebrated christmas eve.
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anthemxix · 3 years
I'm playing through skyward sword rn and realized this dude has litteraly zero hesitation when it comes to diving off cliffs and such, like he grew up doing it to get around skyloft so to him its just completely normal to dive headfirst off cliffs to get somewhere. Imagine how the other heros reacted the first time Sky just throws himself off a cliff like it's nothing lol
lol, you're so right! the boys' first time on skyloft, sky just yeets himself over the edge~
most of them: O_O !?!?!?
wind and wild: :D !!! -start to get out their deku leaf and paraglider, respectively-
twilight: -smacks both of their hands- i can't believe i have to say this, but no one else will be jumping off the floating sky island!
time: -clamps his hands on sky's shoulders- sky. please don't ever do that again.
legend: at least give us some warning first.
time: no, no. look at me, sky. never. never. do that again. you just shaved a decade off my life.
(but sky keeps doing it, of course. he can't help it. time just accepts it with the weariest of sighs, gaining new grey hair every time.)
- - -
ehhhh, i also used this as an excuse to write a liddol sky & wars drabble. hope you enjoy~ :3
Warriors stands squarely in the middle of the tiny floating landmass, peering dubiously at the clouds far below. "I take it this is your Hyrule, then?"
Balancing on his toes, Sky shades his eyes as he searches for something in the distance. He teeters right on the edge of the island. Warriors refrains from grabbing his sailcloth and dragging him further inland. (Not that there’s much "inland" to speak of. He could cross this puny hunk of rock in three strides, tops.)
Sky breaks into a grin and points to the silhouette of another floating island. "Skyloft is right over there!"
"Great. So what's the plan for getting there, exactly?"
Even though Sky's responding laugh is an airy, jubilant sound with no hint of mischief, it unnerves Warriors.
He suddenly has a terrible feeling about what's to come.
"With my loftwing, of course!"
"Your…pet bird?"
Everyone on Skyloft has a feathered companion gifted to them by the goddess Hylia herself, according to Sky, but Warriors fails to see how that connects to their present situation.
"He’s more than just a pet!" Sky grabs Warriors' hand. "I can't wait for you to meet him! Let’s go!"
"Go wh—?"
But the Captain's question is cut off as Sky hurls himself over the precipice and, with unanticipated strength, yanks Warriors along with him.
They fall. Warriors' stomach swoops, detached from gravity. He opens his mouth (maybe to say What the hell, Sky? or maybe to scream. He's not sure.), but his voice catches in his throat like a fly in a skulltula's web. Over the rush of wind assailing his ears, he hears Sky unleash a shrill, sharp whistle, and glances over to see his friend looking positively euphoric.
That does nothing to allay his anxiety.
Then, without warning, a blur of bright red overtakes Warriors' vision, and he collides with something hard. Before he can register what's happening, Sky draws him up into a sitting position and yells, "Hold on to me!"
The instruction is unnecessary. Warriors has already firmly vised his arms around Sky's waist, and he has absolutely no intention of letting go any time soon.
Dazed, he gazes down at red feathers, at giant flapping wings, at a gangly neck and a massive, blunt bill, and oh my gods. This is Sky's loftwing. Sky's pet is a gargantuan monster bird, and they are riding it like a horse.
The loftwing flies much more swiftly than Warriors expects of such a large creature, and he closes his eyes to avoid becoming nauseated from the cream-colored clouds zooming by at high speed. Admittedly, he also wants to avoid looking down. He's never had trouble with heights before, but he's also never rocketed through the literal stratosphere before, either, so he thinks his fear here is justified.
By far, though, the scariest thing about this experience is Sky. Sky is laughing. Laughing like he's having the time of his life.
That laugh will never sound sweet and spirited to Warriors again. Oh, no. That is the laugh of a lunatic.
"Okay, get ready to jump!" Sky calls.
But once again, his question goes unfinished as Warriors is dragged off the back of the monstrous bird. He braces himself for the unsettling sensation of weightlessness, but it doesn't come. Instead, he promptly crashes into the ground, as graceless as a fledgling on its first venture from the nest.
"Oh! Sorry, Captain!" Sky says cheerily as he pulls Warriors to his feet. Heart hammering, Warriors sways, appreciative of Sky's steadying grip on his elbow as he tries to catch his breath. "Wasn't that amazing? I've missed flying so much!"
Blinking away the beginnings of vertigo, Warriors opens his eyes to see the loftwing is already a streak in the distance, a vibrant brushstroke of red paint against a colorless sky. And Sky, of course, is still grinning like a maniac.
"Amazing," Warriors huffs, raking a hand through his wind-tousled hair. "Sure. That's one word for it."
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shotorozu · 4 years
heyyy, i was wondering if you could do hcs of what it’s like to get 🍃 high 🍃 with shinsou, mina and jirou (separately) as their gf or s/o. like, if they’re really talkative or quiet. if they just chill and have high thoughts or play games or smthn. or if they get handsy w their gf or s/o 👀
you can totally ignore this if ur not comfortable with writing abt w33d tho :)
🍃🍃 with their s/o
character(s) : shinsou hitoshi, ashido mina, jirou kyouka (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used (but afab reader) quirk not mentioned
warning(s) : drug use, a lil handsy but no precise descriptions
headcanon type : mildly spicy (x reader)
note(s) : aaa i never really wrote about weed before so if i get stuff wrong, cut me some slack 😔
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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shinsou hitoshi
he doesn’t change a lot when he gets high
i wouldn’t say he’s overly talkative, but he’s not completely silent either. it’s almost like high shinsou is a slightly modified shinsou
but one things for sure, he does get hyper sensitive of his surroundings, and sound (and also touch, but that’s for you to find out tbh)
like,, his vision will slightly become clearer?? everything around him just suddenly looks a lot different to him
it’s really chill with him— almost to the point he’d fall asleep
but 🍃 with you is such a different story
when he’s alone, he prefers to play video games while he’s high on 🍃— the experience is just so much better to him.
but he ditches all of that once you’re in the picture— shinsou will chuckle as he watches you take a hit, dilated eyes zeroing in on you
i don’t think that he’ll even care if you’ll blow the smoke in his face 🗿 because right now, he’s focused
chair? we don’t know what that is— because he’s immediately pulling you onto his lap. he wants you close
please play with his hair, like,, rn. do it. he’ll groan because like i’ve said— his senses are HEIGHTENED.
the chances of him becoming handsy with you also increase— by a lot. sometimes, he doesn’t even know where the neediness came from
one hand will stay on your hip, and the other hand will move under your shirt, and he’ll just feel the skin there
“stay still,” he’ll say— more like command really, his hand only moving higher, and higher, and higher
shinsou will even start playing with the buttons of your pants, the string of your sweatpants— or just whatever your bottom’s made out of
but at the end of the day, it’s really up to you if you want to take things further, the outcome will always be satisfying.
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ashido mina
mina’s definitely a loud person when she’s high
giggles a lot too
sensible isn’t in this girl’s vocabulary anymore, because she looks ZOOTED as hell
asks a lot of questions— like a lot of questions. if a question pops up in her head, she’ll just say it
it doesn’t make sense most of the time
also the type of person that’d do their makeup while high, and it either turns out really good— or really bad
one time, she used lipstick as foundation, and mascara as her lipstick 💀 it was funny when you found her the next day
speaking of which— she gets so touchy when you smoke 🍃 with her, and her comments will start to get bolder (but its not in a weird way)
“mina, i was just asking for another joint” 🗿
she’ll always be your hype woman—
but wow, she’s also somewhat a tease when she’s high??
don’t ask her to pass you a joint 🗿 she’ll pass it to you with it in between her teeth— and she’ll only let you have it, if you take it by the lips too
loves using your thighs as earmuffs— and she doesn’t really care if you have thick thighs or not. just,, thighs as ear muffs!
sucks on your skin— sometimes it’s done playfully, sometimes it has,,, other intentions
also, mina’s body temperature gets SO much hotter, to the point that she’ll try to remove her shirt (that is, until you stopped her)
on a much more innocent note, one out of three times— mina will initiate slow dancing with you when you guys get high
with a hand on your waist, and another’s holding your hand— she’ll slow dance with you
but the song in the background is probably roman holiday so 💀 it’s not very romantic WEIWJSM
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jirou kyouka
mood swings
jirou’s a mix of shinsou and mina.
she won’t be terribly loud, but she won’t be stoic. she seems quite normal at first glance but the blush on her cheeks is a dead giveaway
she’ll be that person that’ll be sad while listening to sad music, and happy while listening to upbeat music
jirou, while listening to pluto projector : 😔
jirou, listening to likey— which was the next song on her playlist : 💃💃‼️‼️
will probably try to rap while high, but it really never works 🗿
jirou looks so gone when she’s high, i swear— the room kind of swings every 6 minutes when she’s high
and she’ll be like :000 what the hell is happening
when she’s 🍃 with you, she’ll try to keep herself under control (which kind of fails) because someone has to have an idea of what’s happening here.
but she’s so relaxed with you, so she can’t help but let loose around you.
out of all of the characters i’ve mentioned, she’ll be the only one that slightly has a sense of what she’s doing
when it comes to being touchy anyway.
she’ll have a tendency of becoming touchy, i’m talking about hands under your shirt, and her face buried in the crook of your neck
but she’ll snap out of it when she realizes that her hands are roaming
“woah woah, im high rn.” she’ll comment, also while her hands continue to roam around your body— so she’s not making much of an effort to stop herself
her voice also becomes really raspy when she’s high so— she uses that to her advantage, and sweet talks you
“thanks for being here, Y/N.” she’ll whisper, not long before she starts muttering the first song that she thinks of <3
it’s sweet but please, when she sobers up— she’d be so embarrassed of herself 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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I have several ideas about how I would have written Starclan’s function in warriors and I MUST write them down I must express them. I have two different ideas, one in which I maintain the canon fact that Starclan cats can fade/be killed, and another in which I do away with the fading thing.
First, a few things I would want for Starclan regardless of whether or not the spirits can fade: 
- All cats, regardless of the age they die at, are given a full warrior name. Kits or apprentices who die early are either named by their leaders at their vigil and carry that name to Starclan, or they’re named by Starclan spirits. 
- After a leader dies, the -star suffix is removed and they return to using their warrior suffix as a Starclan spirit. Perhaps the -star suffix is given up right at the moment of death, or the -star suffix is given up after the leader ceremony of the succeeding leader to indicate an official transfer of leadership.
- The point behind everyone having a warrior name in Starclan as opposed to any of the “determined by status” suffixes (kit/apprentice/leader) is to further express that all cats are equal in Starclan. There aren’t any clan borders in Starclan’s hunting grounds, and neither should there be different ranks.
No Fading Starclan:
- Cats in No Fading Starclan are given otherworldly wisdom upon entering Starclan, regardless of the age of the cat. All of Starclan shares the same knowledge of the past/present/future.
- However, this knowledge takes a form such that Starclan aren’t able to express it to the living in clear and understandable ways, which is why they speak in riddles when delivering prophecies. Like Starclan is trying to translate some kind of language of the universe into meows and at most it does like a google translate quality.
- Individual Starclan cats each have a limited amount of spiritual/magical energy which they can use to interact with the living world. The longer the clans all exist, the more manpower Starclan has, which explains why their abilities from arc 1 to arc 4 grow from “clouding over the moon during gatherings” to “entering the living realm to fight a ghost battle.” 
- Similarly, the Dark Forest spirits have their own kind of energy that grows the more cats they have in their realm. However, as a punishment for their sins, they don’t get their godly wisdom, and their ability to reach out to the living is a little foggy. They ARE, however, able to latch on to cats who have negative energy surrounding them, and will try to bring troubled souls into their ranks prior to their deaths so they can gain more energy when those cats DO die.
- In this AU, spirits can’t be killed, so the Starclan/Dark Forest battle ghost casualties (Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, Spottedleaf) will not have died. Instead, the buildup to the battle is the Dark Forest attempting to take power from Starclan by reaching out en masse to the troubled living cats with the end goal of “replacing” or at least being on par with Starclan in terms of power, in order to maybe fight their way into the good afterlife or continue reeking havoc as revenge on Starclan/the living. The battle itself is then the Dark Forest’s attempt to overthrow Starclan and gain control over the living clans to ensure they stay in power. Ivypool’s role of convincing her fellow Dark Forest trainees to fight for their clans/Starclan instead then takes away the power the Dark Forest had built up for itself, and having this rejection of the Dark Forest’s influence become a part of the clan’s history/culture keeps the Dark Forest from rising back up. Not to mention, the Dark Forest having used to much energy to manifest and do battle will have left them drained, especially after their defeat, and even if Dark Forest cats have the ability to replenish their individual powers somehow, it would take a long time to do it.
- Spottedleaf continues to exist, as previously mentioned, but as a general rule in every single one of my AUs she and Firestar aren’t romantically interested in one another at all. The only interest Spottedleaf would ever have had in Firestar was because the “Fire Alone Will Save Our Clan” prophecy was Her prophecy, she was the one to interpret it, and she felt responsible to see it through even after her death. When Firestar dies in the battle, Spottedleaf feels that her role in that prophecy is finally through and she just does regular Starclan cat things like climbing starry trees and eating ghost mice.
- In the case of the great battle, spirits who have manifested on the physical plane I think should still have the ability to kill the living, so the deaths in the great battle still happen just for the sake of being consistent with who’s alive in what arc.
- Also regarding the great battle, perhaps Tigerstar’s spirit can kill Firestar’s mortal form, gloat about it, but then Firestar’s spirit rises up and with his Starclan Spirit Powers he takes Tigerstar down. I just think that would have been cool.
Fading Starclan:
- In Fading Starclan, there are actually two levels of Starclan, but the living clans only KNOW about one. The living clans know Lower Starclan, the Starclan made up of recently dead/not-faded spirits who impart the prophecies onto the living. Lower Starclan are Also recipients of the prophecies they then translate to the clans, but they don’t fully understand them and believe these premonitions to be coming from some essence of the universe. 
- In fact, the prophecies are first foretold by Upper Starclan, which is made up of the energies of the faded spirits. Upper Starclan spirits, since they’re faded, lack the identities they had in life and are more accurately interpreted as a hivemind. Like a God with a million faces. Upper Starclan are the ones who block the moon with clouds, control the weather, and do stuff like set fires in the living world to impart prophecy.
- Lower Starclan functions more like a transitional spiritual plane. It’s a place for the spirits to rest from their mortal lives, and then eventually shed their previous personalities and ascend. Lower Starclan being given the prophecies first to then give to the living gives the living cats more reason to listen, because these messages are coming from spirits who are still personable and likely cats who the living interpreters knew and respected in life.
- The Dark Forest is a place to hide away the spirits of cats who would impede on the goals of Upper Starclan. They eventually fade away too and are permitted into Upper Starclan because they’re no longer a threat without their mortal memories/personalities getting in the way of their roles as God(s). 
- The Tribe of Endless Hunting’s spirits also fade away into Upper Starclan because the two groups have the same origin. Like Endless Hunting and Lower Starclan manifested because of the split in the groups and Upper Starclan just said “Okay We can work with this”
- True Reincarnations only occur when an Upper Starclan spirit returns to a mortal form. Jay’s Wing, Lion’s Roar, and Dove’s Wing’s spirits had all faded into Upper Starclan but were reborn as new mortals in order to fulfill the Power of Three Prophecy. This also explains why they have “the power of the stars”, they were part of the Cat God Collective prior. Cinderpelt/Cinderheart was a “reincarnation” that was NOT sanctioned by Upper Starclan, which is why Cinderpelt and Cinderheart have separate souls. 
- The reason the Power of Three thing happened was because Upper Starclan saw their Dark Forest Timeout corner spirits being naughty and worried that those spirits weren’t as out of the way and not hurting their goals as previously presumed. The battle was orchestrated to reinstate faith in Starclan and have some of the more troublesome Dark Forest Spirits fade so they would stop causing trouble. Technically, Tigerstar, Brokenstar, and Hawkfrost are all part of Upper Starclan after the great battle, but none of them have those identities anymore, or at the very least, those identities are not “in use.”
- The only spirits that can walk in Both Upper and Lower Starclan are legendary/historical figures like the clan founders and probably other significant cats who have legends made of their life experiences. 
- Goosefeather, by some mistake or intention(?) was granted a mental connection to Upper Starclan instead of just Lower Starclan like other medicine cats, which is why his visions were so intense and so far into the future, and just the sheer number of them. He could see Lower Starclan spirits as well like Beetail because I guess if you can connect to Upper Starclan than Lower Starclan is just a side effect. 
- Spiresight and Shadowsight might also have this connection to Upper Starclan? Idk I can’t decide. Shadowsight did as a kit at least, but perhaps Upper Starclan decided to chill after seeing how poorly Goosefeather’s connection turned out for him.
- Upper Starclan’s concept otherwise is very vague. Their goals seem to be to ensure the continuation of the clans, which ensures their growth and power, but power for what reason? idk what to do with that
Since the Broken Code arc isn’t complete at this time I’m not sure what direction I wanna take for either Fading or Not Fading Starclan to explain Starclan’s disappearance or Ashfur’s ability to mess with other spirits... perhaps in the Fading version, Ashfur is the one Lower Starclan cat to discover Upper Starclan and figures out how to tap into his full spiritual ability before shedding his mortal personality and uses this to cause chaos. idk what to say for Not Fading rn tho
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neo-shitty · 2 years
toffeeeeee, i saw the book ask game and!! i had to shdjdk. sorry if there's too many, you can answer however many you like ;-;
17, 25, 28, 42, 50, 55, 60, 63, 80, 94 and 135 !! (´-﹏-`;) hehe <3
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me when i saw how many numbers this ask had !! thank you so much ivy, i hope my recs deliver somehow ;n; (also this had me thinking harder than i did on an essay i just submitted HJSHA I LOVE IT)
book recs ask game!
#17 - a book with a yellow cover
men without women by haruki murakami, a short story collection about men with no bitches /j,, the stories aren't correlated to one another and i had no major takeaway but i enjoyed 1 story out of the 7 which was the independent organ (bc i related to the guy and it got pretty sad, i like that shit). this feels like a compilation of murakami's random thoughts, literal ideas out of nowhere and inherently hard to find any deeper meaning into it but maybe that's just my lack of analytical skill.
#25 - a book by your favourite author
unfortunately, i no longer have a favorite author but the last one i acknowledged was marie lu so... legend. prolly her most popular work but not my favorite. her writing has the ability to single-handedly bring me out of reading slumps and i think i read almost every book she wrote. got a few world-building, plot-twisting techniques from her too!!
#28 - a book you wish you could read as a beginner again
mentioned a thousand times atp, looking for alaska :'D by john green :'D the money i'd give just to reread that for the first time bc i have paragraphs of it memorized now HJSHA i think this sparked my love for angsty things
#42 - a book that made you want to scream by the time you got to the end
i had a different book for this at first until i remember this one read that was so bad i wanted to forget about it. never let this go by kazuo ishiguro. YES, the story had a serious topic in its undertone but i just couldn't appreciate it anymore with how much of a drag everything else was. it reads like one of those tiktok series vids that are like 'follow for part 2'. BITCH!! JUST GET ON WITH IT!! the number of times this book goes (not a spoiler, just a bad example) "i'll tell you why i burned the house down but first let me tell you about my friend's boyfriend" LIKE I CARE ABT THAT RN??? god just thinking abt it is making my blood boil
#50 - a book that made you cry a LOT
THERE IS ONLY ONE!!! HOUSE OF HADES BY RICK RIORDAN. i know, kinda hard to get to and i'm not even sure if this would make you cry. it had me bawling tho, tear-blurred vision as i waded to the last page. it was that bad. if you're looking for a tear-jerker that i know made others cry, a little life by hanya yanagihara.
#55 - a book with a satisfying ending
again, for me, it's a little life. there was something about how i finished that book that left me feeling relieved. not only bc it was one chonky ass book but bc i barely read things where the ending i want is the ending i actually get.
#60 - a book that you think about at 3am
things have gotten worse since we last spoke by eddie larocca. told in e-mail correspondence between two women, they have a 50 shades of grey-esque arrangement but it gets from 0 to 1000 so quick. i'm gonna step aside and let my review speak for itself.
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#63 - a book that actually made you laugh out loud
the blood of olympus by rick riordan, last book of the hoo series. sorry my tearjerker and biggest laugh are from the same middle-grade series. adult fiction doesn't draw much emotions from me (except maybe frustration), they just leave me mortified.
#80 - a book that reminds you of a loved one
norwegian wood by haruki murakami. a close friend recommended this to me and because he said the book mirrored his life, it's forever tied with him now. while the story in itself didn't appeal to me that much, i had fun pointing out which parts of the book and his life overlapped.
#94 - a book about grieving
on earth we're briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong. while the book doesn't explicitly state that it's about grieving, it reads like it is. it's almost as if the main character is grieving for a life he cannot have and mourning for people who are still alive.
#135 - recommend any book you like!
i think i recommended this before when i mentioned your writing reads like a murakami book HAHA after dark !!
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One locked lesson
Mammon, Luke & MC are visiting Diavolo’s hotel. Mammon talks about wanting to book a suite and have a party, Luke says he doesn’t like the devildom opening businesses in the human world cause he’s scared they’ll take it over completely. Barbatos says that Diavolo is only interested in coexisting in peace & if he’s gonna snitch to Michael he should tell him their actual intentions. Luke says he’s not a tattletale Mammon vehemently disagrees with that. Barbatos reveals that Diavolo & Levi have started staying up till dawn gaming together (I’m so happy they’re friends!). Mammon said he never knew that Levi previously had issues against Diavolo. When Luke asks where Diavolo is Barbatos tells him he’s out on a date with Lucifer. Mammon asks about Barbatos’ choice of human clothes and MC says he looks really good in it. He says the look he was going for is ‘tea leaf importer’. In a private lounge Barbatos serves them fairy ring tea which surprises Mammon & Luke. In the Devildom on rare occasions small sparkling golden flowers grow in a ring rather than the more usual mushrooms, and the teas is supposed to smell like those flowers. He says despite what the ring is made of there’s a legend they form when fairies dance in a circle. Luke says the tea smells and tastes amazing and MC asks if fairies are real. Barbatos says fairies in the human world are supposedly extinct and us humans are really fucking up the ecosystem huh
Mammon seems really disappointed by that and when MC asks why he says that treasure can be found near fairies, leprechauns are also related to fairies btw. Barbatos says there’s still a chance there are fairies somewhere in the human realm – there are rumours about fairy rings made of flowers in the human realm which can only be caused by fairies whereas mushroom fairy rings have a scientific explanation. And that there are rumours that those flowers can be used to make a rare sweet. Obviously Mammon & Luke are excited about finding fairies for their own reasons (AND is this gonna be a Mammon & Luke lesson!??? I desperately need that) and MC says lol good luck with that anyway byeeeee~ Mammon & Luke immediately strongarm MC into coming along. Barbatos tells them to bring some flowers back and he’ll make tea for them out of it. Luke & Mammon briefly argue about whether they’re after sweets or money, and Luke wonders where they might even start looking. Mammon suggests going to a library to find out what they can and Luke is surprised Mammon suggested that to which Mammon gets annoyed.
Mammon suggests splitting up to be more efficient and Luke is surprised ‘efficient’ is part of Mammon’s vocabulary. MC can go with either of the boys. With Luke; they find books about angels and demons, including a picture of Michael but nothing about fairies. Luke says the picture doesn’t capture how amazing Michael really is. MC can say A.) that Luke seems to really love Michael. He says everyone loves Michael before remembering the brothers and saying they’re the only ones who don’t (no offense but everything I hear about Michael has made me highly suspicious of him too – I’ll get into that later). B.) MC asks how Michael’s been doing lately and Luke says the way they worded it made it sound like they know him personally. But he says it’s understandable that they’re curious when Michael’s the greatest angel to exist (how can you say that when Simeon is literally raising you!?). He says Michael is till sad about what happened with the brothers and seems to regret it and that though their portraits are no longer in the Celestial palace you can find Michael standing and staring at the empty spot looking lost time and time again – that though he doesn’t say it, he misses them (I’LL GET INTO IT). Luke says that the brothers are happy in their new home and have forgotten the celestial realm and Michael and that after meeting them Luke acknowledges that they have a FEW good qualities but whenever he remembers Michael standing under that empty spot and how the brothers don’t even stop to think about how Michael feels or to look at things from Michael’s perspective he gets pissed off (do…do you think Luke knows about Lilith…..I – I highly doubt it because the circumstances behind her death and everything we’ve seen and heard about the celestial realm so far makes me feel like the brothers were completely justified to leave it all behind). With Mammon; He finds a book about Angels, Demons, Fairies and their worlds – though it’s mostly about angels and angel!Lucifer. Mammon asks where the part about him is and MC says they’d love to hear about his time as an angel. He says he was really talented and that Lucifer recommended him to be a Cherubim (so the others as angels said that angel!Mammon could do anything he set his mind to and we’ve seen that despite what his brothers say Mammon actually has a pretty vast array of skills and can really step up and be the responsible big brother when it’s needed so am I the only one who feels like Mammon’s that ‘gifted’ kid in highschool who got burnt out and then said fuck it and decided to stop trying? And now everyone looks at him shakes their head and asks wtf happened to him? Solmare gave me a blank canvas of a character to project on to and instead I go and choose Mammon :))) I’m in pain). Michael & Raphael treated Mammon like he was a problem child but Lucifer saw his potential (GIVE ME THEIR BACKSTORY!). MC can ask A.) If he was sad to leave the Celestial Realm. He looks surprised and then thoughtful and distant and says he never thought about it. He says dwelling on the past isn’t his thing but if he had to pick he’d say he didn’t miss it. But he doesn’t hate it and or like he never wants to go back and that he doesn’t hold a grudge (okay so usually during a Mammon centric lesson I write this after I finish the whole lesson instead of one by one after each chapter like I usually do and I’m gonna tell you things happen that show that he might’ve been unconsciously lying about the grudge thing). He says he doesn’t know how his brothers feel and that they maybe less happy with the celestial realm than he is (calling back to the grudge thing we know Mammon tends to bottle things up emotionally, specially when it’s things that hurt him, we also know that right after they fell Mammon was the one who took care of everyone so I think it’s very likely while the others had their emotional fallout about Falling and Lilith and being Demons and Satan’s birth Mammon just never got the chance as he was taking care of their well being and I have this whole fic floating in my head about it let’s see if I put it into words). He says even if they wanted to it’s not like they could go back )  B.) If he loved Lucifer back then. Mammon goes Loved!? LOVED!? -ED!? PAST TENSE!? I still love him and fjeodkkfnak BABY! (love that angel!Mammon refused to admit he loved Lucifer while demon!Mammon was like fuck yeah I love him what’dya think!?). Mammon then blushes and then tells MC not to tell Lucifer cause he’ll get a ‘I knew it’ look and grin like he was self-satisfied. Given how happy Lucifer became the last two times Mammon admitted to caring about him and how in the recent lessons Lucifer said he didn’t think his brothers love him I really want them to tell Lucifer. In the end they don’t find anything. Mammon wants to quit. Luke doesn’t want to, he wants to see Michael’s face when he eats one of the Legendary sweets. Mammon gets annoyed saying that Luke’s always going on about Michael and asking if he’s worth it (NO GRUDGE HMMMMMM?!) Luke gets really pissed in return. Mammon laughs and tells him to cool down and that despite being a demon he’s being honest and asks why a ‘goody-two shoes angel’ so pissed (no grudge huh? I mean it’s miniscule rn but everything’s way too complicated for Mammon to be just over it). Solomon interrupts them and tells them to stop shouting. Okay so first off starting from S2 Michael’s being brought up a LOT and I’m pretty sure MC spoke with as well and nearly met him and he said he’ll have to meet them on a later day. S3’s going into depth about the Celestial Realm and Michael’s getting way more mentions and they’ve started bringing up Raphael as well and at this point I’m 100% sure they’re gonna actually introduce them as new characters? Maybe by the end of the season? And I’d love this cause I need new dynamics and to learn more about the brothers’ past and the celestial realm but it also sucks cause I have such a clear vision of what they look like and ik solmare’s gonna destroy that. ANYWAY I don’t think they’ll introduce “bad guys” to the story given that this is a dating sim at the end of the day and Michael & Raphael will probably wanna bang MC too but with what they’ve given so far the Celestial Realm and the higher up angels seem very morally dubious? We know that Michael as an angel gave out punishments that were worse than Lucifer as a demon – Mammon saying he still shakes when remembering them thousands of years later. We know they were against mixing with humans and demons – enough that they were willing to kill off an angel for healing a human. We know they supported the war with the demons and were not actively looking for a peaceful end to it unlike Diavolo (to the point that even Lucifer one of the highest angel in ranking was surprised by the notion of peace). We know their rules were much more strict than that of the Devildom and Raphael acted as somewhat of an enforcer and he considered human parties immoral. We know they highly looked down on the demons and considered them pure evil & below them despite not really knowing anything about them. And sure all of these facts are things that happened when the brothers were still in the celestial realm and I bet they’ve changed after thousands of years and are more open minded, but have they changed enough? The way ‘Michael’ spoke to MC when he called the brothers wicked despite not really knowing what they are like as demons, despite the fact that ‘wicked’ doesn’t cover what the brothers are at all and that there are probably humans who are worse people than them, that he thought MC would be wicked too just because the brothers liked them, the fact that Luke still had these beliefs that all demons were evil and terrible despite having never met a demon, which were the same beliefs angel!Lucifer had when he met Diavolo thousands of years later, the fact the angels still have a very strict idea of what exactly an angel should be like and enforced those ideas on the brothers during the angel event to the point that after they were back to normal they all freaked out. All makes the angels seem highly…..um? questionable. Also luke said Michael missed the brother, but does Michael actually miss them or does he miss the perfect angel versions of them? We know in the celestial realm the brothers had to repress a lot of their urges, likes and even small parts of their inherent personalities to be accepted/to not be threatened to be kicked out (ex: Mammon supressing his pranks/more playful/mischievous side in the celestial realm vs being comfortable enough to fully express that side despite Lucifer’s punishments in the devildom) to the point that they had a secret room they’d escape to just so they could skip work/hang out/relax, we know angels still see demons as evil beings and probably don’t still accept them despite the peace, we know that Michael’s view of the brothers as ‘perfect angels’ completely strips them of any identifiable characteristics even if you were to compare them to what they were like when they were really angels. So when luke says Michael misses them I feel like he doesn’t miss them he misses them as these perfect angel versions of themselves that never really existed. If this season is about getting MC’s stars will next season be about getting Michael and Raphael to accept the brothers for how they truly are? More interdimensional therapy sessions? Does this make sense? Talk to me
Solomon says he doesn’t know what happened to the fairies but that they’d have more luck finding them if they went out and looked deep in places free from human influence than looking for info in a human library. Mammon says Solomon should change his name to the “not so wise” & Solomon says it’s not like he came up with his nickname in the first place. Luke has the idea to ask Crowe for help. When Mammon asks Levi about his falling out with Crowe Levi says though they aren’t friends anymore he’s still useful. MC asks crowe where they can find fairies and they find out about rumours near Lake Io Lanthe. Though they can only get there and back within a day with a private jet. Mammon says it’s not like they can use their own wings to fly in the human world either and I’M!!!!!!? would Mammon have had to carry MC? Have they seen the brothers flying in the devildom? Has anyone carried them and flown? In the end they decide on an overnight train ride. Levi says the “kids” should probably first get permission from the “adults.” MC who’s a fully independent grown adult doesn’t need permission.
Simeon happily agrees as long as they can find someone to cover Luke’s shifts in the café. Luke asks MC which of the brothers they should ask, there are 6 options and for each the 3 of them imagine the scenario that would take place. 1.) Levi; Simeon getting steadily more and more irritated while Levi tries to win a game instead of working till black-purple smoke is rising out from Simeon even as he smiles sweetly and calls Levi. 2.) Lucifer; looking deeply disappointed with crossed arms says “So, are you going to tell me your order or not? Hurry up. I don’t have all day. I have (list of café related chores) French chocolate cake with hot cocoa? Are you insane? Who in their right mind would pair chocolate cake with hot chocolate?” why is this so funny!?? 3.) Satan; Fully serious “Simeon, table two wants an earl grey. And a pretty kitty special to go with it.” Simeon, “WTF is a pretty kitty special!?” The pretty kitty special is paw shaped pancakes and Simeon thinks they’re cute. In this universe no customers or Levis are harmed. 4.) Asmo; Asmo starts almost instantly hitting on the customer. “You know I don’t usually do this but how about I sit down with you for tea?” Luke says while bright red, “ABSOLUTELY NOT! He’ll turn the Angel’s Halo into a different sort of place.” And umm Luke buddy what exactly were you thinking of here… 5.) Beel; Simeon: Hey have you seen the BLTs? Beel: *actively munching away* No. Can’t find them? Want me to help? Simeon: …Nevermind 6.) Belphie; Orders food for himself from Simeon during a lull in the customers and takes a nap before Simeon even gives it to him. In the end they decide on Satan.
They find Satan at the pizza place watching his tab with a serious expression, Luke wonders if he’s learning new things about the human world (languages, the economy, etc) Mammon says that’s the face he makes when he watches cat videos. When Mammon tries calling him he pretends he doesn’t know them until Mammon’s yelling his name and he can no longer ignore them (Wonder how humans feel about some buy yelling ‘SATAN’ in the middle of a diner). Satan immediately refuses to work at the café cause he’s busy (watching cat videos) until MC lies through their teeth and says that Simeon wants to turn the café into a cat café. Luke jumps on board instantly and starts supporting MC’s claims further adding that as a cat lover they need Satan’s advice and that working part time at the café will give him a better understanding to how the business is normally run. He then agrees to help. (Luke none of that lying seems really angelic…). At the café Satan immediately goes “okay, so… let’s talk cats”. And Simeon’s like????????
At home Lucifer’s still not back from his date & they tell others about their plans for the trip. Asmo says if he had a choice he’d like to meet Narcissus… Mammon tries to play off the fact that he’s nervous about asking permission from Lucifer and Belphie tells them to watch out for Banshees – a type of fairy - when they get there (I first heard about banshees as a little kid and they freaked the shit outta me, gave me way more anxiety than I already had). Satan says there are lots of types of fairies including those that make you fall in love. Mammon is way more interested in them than in Banshees – Asmo tells him he’s being a pervert. Lucifer arrives after dinner and they follow him to his room. Lucifer says a quiet lake might give Mammon the chance for some self-reflection and personal growth (pretty sure Lucifer needs that too ngl) and it’ll give Lucifer some peace and quiet but also who the fuck’s gonna pay for you huh!? Mammon tries to play the “my favourite older brother” card. Lucifer disagrees and they decide to gamble on it – if Mammon wins he gets to go and if Lucifer wins Mammon gets bathroom cleaning duty for a week. Lucifer says Mammon’ll just cheat so MC volunteers to play and Mammon gets really happy that they’d do that for him, saying he feels like crying. Lucifer agrees except if they lose BOTH of them get bathroom duty. MC has to guess if the card Lucifer draws is odd or even. Even’s correct and they get to go without a fuss. If they pick even they lose.
If they lose the next chapter starts with Mammon crying in MC’s room about MC and Luke being allowed to go and not him and how with MC gone bathroom duty is all his, MC says they’ll do anything to get him to forgive them and he blushes and asks them to stay with him till he allows them to leave and that means they’re gonna be at it all night…. ALL RIGHT ANYWAY Luke then texts them saying he’s impressed that they managed to convince Lucifer to let Mammon go and that Lucifer had actually sent Luke three tickets for “Mammon’s journey of Personal Growth” and Lucifer’s such a good dad sometimes I can’t deal with this BS. Mammon immediately runs off to thank Lucifer and you can then hear lucifer screaming at Mammon to get out and stop hugging him cause he’s in the shower and I love them both so much I NEED them being soft to each other more and the only reason Mammon ended up being the avatar of greed is cause Lucifer probably spoilt him rotten growing up *cough*Lucifer’s B’day Present To Him*cough*. If they win the next chapter starts in Mammon’s room where he’s asking crowe, who’s apparently been borrowed from Levi, how much money he could make selling fairy ring flowers, he then asks MC to ask crowe something too. They can ask crowe about tomorrow’s weather or tease Mammon by either asking crowe how to control Mammon or asking if they’re compatible with Mammon. Mammon blushes but Crowe says they’re fairly compatible and if they can control Mammon’s self-destructive tendencies and how he puts money before everything they may last – mammon says all of that is wrong (I mean we have seen that he actually puts MC before money and material goods quite a few times so yeah…). He says they already know how well they work together better than anyone in all the 3 worlds and they don’t need anyone to tell them that and MC kisses him. Mammon blushes and says “yeah ik Luke’s gonna be with us but let’s try and get our own room to share cause this is the one chance to get time alone away from the others so we can have all kinds of fun. Though we can still have plenty of fun rn” and then he calls them closer and the screen fades to black :) It later opens to screams being heard from inside the house somewhere.
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