#and coming back to the armorer and saying. i dont care. I Am A Mandalorian
oflgtfol · 2 years
also yknow what im kinda iffy about the bathing in living waters thing as a means of redemption (for reasons that belong to their own post, if i ever figure out how to word it), but the fact that there even is redemption offered despite how strict the helmet rule is, is like. well proof actually that it's not very strict
and the fact is that prior to The Purge, the mines would not have been so hard to access. literally if the city is inhabited, if the surface is not glassed, if there is no debris and shit in the way, then it should by all means just be a walk and a skip down some stairs and there you've arrived to the living waters. it all around seems like a very easy method of redemption which just blows the whole "unforgiving cult!!!" thing out of the water because, like, well it seems very forgiving actually
#brot posts#mando posting#mando spoilers#which is... kinda part of why i find it iffy#as a writing choice i mean . like i dont think im a fan of the worldbuilding theyre doing here#i'll try to sum up my feelings on it:#SO much weight was placed on not breaking this one sacred rule#and then you can just like. say hey i broke it. but i'm redeemed now because i jsut did this one simple action#and hell even though din had a harder time of it than he should have if this werepre-purge it still was resolved in a single fucking episod#it just feels so cheap . writing-wise. to offer this fundamental shakeup of the protagonist's worldview and identity#and then just. resolve it. so quickly. and so easily#all he did was have to take a lil bath like okay .#wheres the deep inner soul searching wheres the debate of the meaning of life and ego and self identity#naw just dump yourself in some water and you're all good 👍#like. fucking okay then#like its an ACTION not an actual re-evaluation of your faith and the role you play in it after breaking The Sacred Rule#which i feel like if you Break The Sacred Rule it requires more of an indepth soul searching kind of resolution#ideally i would want din to be redeemed not by any single concrete action#but by him finding confidence in himself again after all that#and coming back to the armorer and saying. i dont care. I Am A Mandalorian#and she stares at him and is like. there we go. that's the answer. you're redeemed. you are indeed a mandalorian 👍#like the answer is inside yourself or whatever the fuck just anything more than THAT#sorry see this is what i mean by it needs to be its own post i tried to sum it up but here i am like 20 tags deep#and this still doesnt cover everything i find annoying about it#anyway but WHATEVER! i think having such an easy solution kinda cheapens the weight of it#but well how are you going to fucking say theyre unforgiving + harsh + so so cruel cult :pleadingeyes: when the solution is actually so eas#and once again any thing that makes it seem crueler is because we're lookign at this Post-Purge. everything got fucked by the purge
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solusmandalor · 2 years
The armored suit absorbs the impact of his prey's insistent shots and while he can feel welts already forming from taking bullets from such a close range, Din follows, stalking behind with all the grace and patience of a wolf sure in his victory.
“Look,” the mark says, when he notices that he'd wasted his bullets on the Beskar steel. “Maybe we can come to an understanding, Mando.” A pathetic attempt at bribery.
Din lets him think he’s won his attention anyway. “How much do they pay you? I will double, no, triple the amount!”
Din clenches his jaw against the disgust that burns at the back of his throat. “What do you say, Mando? I mean, come on... I am sure you've got a heart left for-”
“I’ve also got a gun,” he interrupts and before his target can cobble some pathetic excuse together or draw a knife on him, the Mandalorian is pointing the barrel of his weapon at the man’s face and saying: “No.” The mark struggles against him. They all do.
Din takes him in cold and leaves him dying in the middle of Boba’s garage, lifeless eyes staring up at the very owner and mob boss that had hired him. Din leaves. Unsullied, unbroken.
He’s vaguely aware of being handed a bag on his way out and is sent home much richer than before, but it’s a vague memory, swept away by the adrenaline still pounding through his veins. The ride back home on his bike is lost to him, and by the time his boots hit the ground once more he's twitchy and wound up. Din had hoped the fight would have exhausted him more, taken more from him so he wouldn't return this way, but the mark was easy— easier than he expected. It leaves him restless, itching to do something as he ascends the steps of his home and slips inside the little apartment, helmet pulled off.
“He’s not asleep yet?” Din wonders as he enters the living room area, only to see his son still wide awake watching yet another frog documentary with his occasional babysitter Kuill. “He wouldn't go to bed. Insisted on waiting for you, no matter what”, the older man explains. He had offered to look after the child for Din once in a while, even though Din had never actually told him about his rather dubious night job, Kuill seemed to know more than he let on, and much less cared about details.
With a slow shake of his head, Din sighs as he places his helmet on a nearby table. “Kid, we talked about this.”
It’s only when Din’s armor is shining in the light reflected from the TV screen that the little boy finally pries his eyes off it and squeals at the sight of him.
Grogu is scurrying to climb down off the edge of the couch, little legs carrying him as fast as they can toward Din, a toothy grin on his face. The Mandalorian drops to his knees, ignoring the way the tiles bite at his joints as Grogu crashes into his chest, babbling and cooing and little hands grabbing at his shoulders. Din laughs softly, near dizzy with relief, and he lifts Grogu a bit higher, letting the child tenderly frame his face in his small hands.
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“Even frogs need their sleep”, he reminds the toddler with a nudge of his head, referencing the documentary still running in the background of their scarcely decorated living room. The child pouts at him. “But I missed you”, he signs, fingers letting go of Din’s cheeks to gesture with his hands how much he'd really missed his father.
“I…”, Din starts and swallows down a sudden lump in his throat, voice tight with emotion. “I am here now, Grogu.”
Behind them, Kuill stands up and makes his way to the door, grunting a swift goodbye. “I'll go see myself out.”
“Wait”, Din calls and poins to the little bag in the corner he's brought with him from his hunt. “Please. Take some.” But the elderly man just shakes his head, scoffing at Din’s insistence. “Dont be ridiculous.”
Din could argue more. It would probably be polite to argue some more – this kind man, took care of his precious child after all. But Grogu’s started yawning adorably in that way that takes up half his face, and Kuill huffs and gestures Din to leave it be. “Both of you could use some sleep. Good night, Djarin.”
A simple word of gratitude is all what Din manages to say when his mysterious neighbour leaves.
Grogu takes a while to go to sleep – crawling all over Din, saying Dididididi and pawing at his face, probably telling him all about what he and Kuill have been getting up to while he was away. Sometimes Grogu doesn’t know the signs and it’s at these times where he just continously babbles and talks and Din can’t do much more than listen and nod with a proud smile.
Frankly, Din doesn’t understand a word of it, but he appreciates the enthusiasm all the same. It makes something melt inside him, to lie there in the dark with the small warm weight of his kid curled up in the crook of his arm, snoozing deeply.
He drops off eventually, flat on his back, still in most of his armor, and sleeps better than he has in months.
Hours later, long after he had dimly registered the sound of the TV running, Din wakes up fully to the pattering sound of Grogu’s feet on the hardwood floor.
“Daddy?” he hears the kid say.
Din opens his eyes, but his kid is not in his eyesight. His back, though, aches like he’s slept on a rock. “Grogu,” he says, addressing the wall more than his son, “Unless you are bleeding, or something is on fire- “
“Sun up,” Grogu insists. The sun, indeed, is high up enough so that their room is lit up by the walls. He moves his head and sighs, one arm over his eyes whereas Grogu keeps saying “Sun up! Sun up!” over and over again.
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He’s jumping up and down, chanting, poking at Din’s face, the frog plushie in his other hand. Din would like to get some sleep, but Grogu insists, “Wake up,” delivering another jab to his cheek and really, there’s no denying his son in the long run.
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certifiedskywalker · 4 years
I Can’t Say - Din Djarin
Anonymous said: A story were The reader and mando has feelings for one another but they dont know it. (i love your stories!)
Anonymous said: hellooo, can you do one with mando, where him & y/n got into a huge fight and he said something hurtful to her then he tries to spoil her by buying lots of flowers or things from the market ? Thank you
I decided to combine these two requests! I hope that’s alright!
AN: Also, take it easy on me. I haven’t written fanfiction in a hot minute so I might be a tad rusty!
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“Don’t do that. Don’t turn away and leave me without an explanation.” With one fluid movement, Din was on his feet, facing you, looming over you. Under the light of the Razor Crest his beskar armor gleamed. Any brighter and you would have been blinded by his presence. Din was discombobulating enough already.
One moment you and the Mandalorian could be still, content even, but a moment later you were ready to fight one another. A hopeful part of your heart told you that he only argued with you, your ideas, because he cares. He doesn’t want you to get hurt due to a faulty plan you made. Yet, your mind told your otherwise. Your plan was sound. Why was he fighting you?
“He can’t be left alone.” Din pointed behind you and you turned. Squat, green, but smiling, the Child cooed. His little arms reached for you and you knelt down to scoop him up.
“Then we all go,” you pressed. “Might do him some good to see the outside world.”
“People are still after him, after us.” You glared at the helmeted man before you. “All the more reason we should go to town together. We’re vulnerable when we’re separated, more at risk. We could-”
“Din, that’s not-” The Mandalorian walked past you, sauntering over to the weapons hold. “Listen to me, for the Maker’s sake!”
He was already preparing his pulse rifle, loading charges, and, still, ignoring you. With a huff, you set the Child back on the ground and made your way over to Din. He was still gathering his weapons. For a Mandalorian, an errand into town met amassing an arsenal. You leaned against the wall and watched him.
“Safety in numbers. The Mandalorians believe in that, yes?”
“And we paid the price,” he replied coldly, his gloved hands never stalling in their movement. You frowned and bit your tongue. Back in the catacombs, the sewers...the helmets of Din’s fallen brethren. A metal clang brought you back to the present.
When you looked back at Din, the visor of the helmet was fixed on you. So many times you had studied the helmet trying to get an idea of what the man beneath looked like. In the moment, there was no studying necessary. You could feel his frown, his pain, his anger. You wanted to reach out but your own anger held you back.
“Din, this is ridiculous,” you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“But safe, and that’s all that matters.” 
He slung the pulse rifle over his shoulder and walked towards the exit. You followed after him, arms still crossed to keep yourself together. Any give and you’d slip into your feelings; the feelings towards Din you had been pushing down since you met the Mandalorian. How infuriating it was watching him leave as if you were nothing more than a burden to protect.
“I’m safe with you,” you fired back. Din turned and you caught yourself. “He’s safe with you. We’re safe together.” Din lingered, visor fixed on you. For a second you thought you got through to him, that maybe he would see your reason.
Then, a moment later, Din slammed his hand into a switch and the Razor Crest’s ramp began to the lower with a hiss. 
“You’ll only get in my way.”
His words stung. Not like venom but like an old burn still healing. The sting that bring about a small gasp of pain, of surprise that it the hurt remains at all. 
“I’ll be back after sun down,” he said, already walking out on the only partially lowered ramp. You moved to stand in the loading bay, watching him go. When he was a few paces away, you hit the same switch and the ramp began to rise. 
As it did, tears welled up in your eyes and slipped suddenly over your cheeks. Angrily, you wiped at your eyes and turned your back on the last rays of light shining through the barely-open ramp. When your visioned cleared, you sighed shakily and looked at your feet.
“Hey there,” you said to the Child who, eager to see what was wrong, was pulling at your pants leg. You leaned down and picked the creature up. “Sorry about that. Being an adult...it’s stupid. You’re lucky you’re young for so long.”
The Child cooed, tiny, three-fingered hands, brushing against your face. Concern filled his big dark eyes and you felt a pang of guilt. 
“I hope he stays safe too,” you whispered. You held the Child close and made your way to Din’s bed. What was once his bed, anyway. Since you started working together, before the Child, he had surrendered it to you mostly. Back then, you had joked about sharing it.
It was a cramped space, barely enough room for two but it could work. Back then, something might have happened. Now, you were glad nothing did, that Din play into your bit. You imagine it would have made watching him go out alone all the more difficult to bear. It was already hard enough; especially because he thought you would just be in his way.
You woke with a jolt. Years of working as a bounty hunter had made you a light sleeper. Blasterfire, speeder engines, and the hydrologic hissing of a lowering ramp would wake you. With the mystery and parties involved with the Child, you were more sensitive to sound than ever. Part of you wondered if you even slept.
However, the Child, was a heavy sleeper. This made it easy to slip out of bed without waking the little creature. Eventually, the hissing of the ramp lowering stops and you, in a defensive stance, step over to peer out. In the dark, you could make out the familiar gait of Din and the glint of the beskar under the moon. As he grows closer you make out a hempen bag that hangs off of his shoulder. 
“Get everything?” The words are cold when they leave your mouth. You flinch at your own tone but stand firm. As much as you long to melt into the routine and comfort of before, Din’s words still rang in your head; still hurt your heart. 
Din didn’t respond, not right away at least. He walked up the ramp, boots clanging softly against the metal. You expected him to walk right past you, still sour from the argument earlier in the day. Much to your surprise, he stopped in front of you. 
Due to his spot on the ramp, he stood a bit shorter than you. When he lifted his head to meet your eyes, the hamlet tilted up enough for you to catch a glimpse of the tanned skin along his neck. The sight sent a bolt of excitement through you, a feeling that numbed your scarred feelings. You forced your gaze to focus back on his visor.
After a quiet moment, Din moved and reached his free hand into the bag. You watched him carefully. Before you could ask what he was looking for, Din pulled back. Between his gloved fingers there was a brightly colored flower. 
“I can’t say I’m sorry because I said the truth,” he said softly. “I am sorry that I didn’t say it better.” He held out the flower to you.
Slowly, you pulled it from his pinched fingers. “What do you mean?”
“You wouldn’t have been in my way. My worry for you would have been in my way. I have lost everything and I...I don’t want to loose you too.”
Sincerity; you can hear it through the slight static distortion of the helmet. It scares you for a moment. Din was not one to let his guard down, let alone this easily. You clutch the flower tightly, the scent coming from within the blue petals wafting up to your nose. With your free hand you reach out and press your palm to his helmet. 
“I don’t want to loose you either but keeping me away, not letting me help, feels worse. I love playing babysitter for the kid but not all the time.”
“I know.” Silence fell over to the two of you for a long moment. Nothing more needed to be said. There was an understanding now, even if you wanted something more. 
You let your hand fall from the side of his helmet. Before you could pull it completely away, you felt a combination of smooth leather and rough mesh grasp it. Din’s gloved hand held your wrist. When you met the eyeline of the visor, Din slipped his fingers between yours. 
“I can’t say everything I want to...because of the worry.” You give his hand a gentle squeeze and nod. 
“There will be time for that. We’re safe together, we stay alive together.” Din nodded and, like before when you could feel his frown, you knew that he was smiling beneath the beskar.
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Galaxy Guide to Loving Girls! Pregancy Tips and info
Listen herwildWell helloo there to all my wonderful fangirls! Today we are going to talk aabout something so special and magic that it makes our bellies fill up with butterflies!
Pregancy! There are tons of different species of girls out there. SO every pregancy has some differences. But we have come here to bring you what we think, are the hottest tips depending on the specie of your girl!
If you are dating a Buff and battle hardened mandalorian, you might want ot invest on some chains. This girls are ferocious! Which mean that in the early days they might be running around in full ocmbat armor trying to take down armies of soldiers while having morning sickness! So you want to sith with them and explain that they have a little baby inside them, and they cant fight as before anymore. Take out all the weapons you are hidding and let your girl burn some of that war cravings around the house. Remember that your girl will het a bit more stubborn that usual. Have a lot of patience with them. 
Now for our girls with a loving and sexy Twileak or togruta girlfriend, you might want to learn a couple of massages routines. Lekkus become extra sensitive with pregnancy and so, they make headaches much more frequent. Take a look around the house and take away anything that makes anoying noises. Using creams on the lekkus will also help a lot. And just a FYI in case you dont know it. If the lekkus of a twileak become more sensitive, its in every sense of the way. So we careful when rubbing your girlfriend lekkus. It might get too sensitive for them! On the other side it might be just want you want to do when alone at night.
Their green skin is one of the prettiest of the galaxy and you know who am i talking about! Mirialans as well as humans have some usual pregnancy cravings and symptons. But theres something they get a bit more than others. Whateve you do. No matter what. You dont wnat to threaten a pregnant mirialan. They will jump at you with a knife and gut you like a Nerf. Mirialans hormones are all about the fight or fight insting! And thats no typo girls, This sexy gals will rip appart anyone who threaten their babies or partners.
If you have manage to land a chiss girlfriend, let me say something first. You are a leyend! Chiss girls are amongst the more shy and introverted girls around. The chiss society its a bit less chaotic that the rest of the galaxy. But that changes when they have a little baby in the way! Chiss girls might get a mood swing like no other! And this is no little one. They can go from a shy library girl that enjoys silence, to a cvrazy party girl that wants to jump and bounce around the place! Its amazing! Mostly this is a fun little change form ost but you still want to keep an eye on them. Some get too wild and might need some help to clam down. Their mood will go back to normal after giving birth
Listen here. Cravings are the worst part about a pregnancy for most. Its weird to want something that you cant find or even know what is. For those dating a sith girl, or pregnant by one, you might have a really bad time. That is if you dont read this magazine! Because we have ask around and we know what cravings sith girls and pregnant by sith girls will want. Read closely if you or your partner are force sensitive. So. Sith purebloods have a...weird type of craving when pregnant. It comes back to the original diet on their home world before going to space. They require a type of slurry made out of....blood. Now that might sound a bit off but let me assure you that no matter the specie is totally safe. You can even mix it up! Just be sure to get the right ingredients. And for those still asking .It is blood and some other things
We talked about how mandalorians have a hard time getting of the war mood when pregnant. How mirialans will go to war if you even dare threating their child But we come now to a type of girl that will have the opposite reaction. Nautolans get a bit shy when pregnant. Some even get paranoid. They will run away if they feel in danger or even if they get scared, Some get a bit emotional when under pressure and just cry a lot. More than usual if comparing with humanlike pregnancies. So you want to put a really brave face for your girl, always be around her and make sure there are no sudden noises and movements when she is around. 
Zabrak girls. Theres nothign wrong about their pregnancies. They seem to have one of the easiest ones around. They dont get to many cravings. Headaches actually go down as they get ready to have a crying baby. They dont get aggressive. So you might be asking. Whats the problem then? Well girls. It takes two to make a baby. And i said the zabraks have it easy. The hard part is for you! Zabrak get a interesting mood swing during pregnancy. They dont cry. They dont get angry. They get horny! And thats not a pun! Zabrak girls will not be able to keep their hands of you! And specially you. Your pregnant grilfriend might as well chain you to the bed because most of the time, that will be were she needs you. With the hyper libido increase, also comes a ton more of energy. So froget about cleaning or cooking. As long as you can stay awake withthem in bed your girl is going to be a one woman army! With the same sexual needs may i add
Last but not least important we have the best cuddlers in the galaxy. Cathar girls are adorable and no one will ever say otherwise. Pregnancy for them comes with the opposite fenomenon that zabrak. This girl will have such a boost in their cuteness, sexyness, or whatever made you liek them during pregnancy, that it will be YOU who literally wont be able to keep their hands of them! We have taken testimonies about girls feeling their cathar girls get either a sexier voice, a lust inducent smell, a fur so soft that it actually arouse you and even times when their eyes just make you want to undress! Its sounds crazy but trust me girls. Its 100% REAL. So if you are putting a bun in a cathar oven you might want to plan ahead
And with that comes the end of this new issue for the Galaxy Guide to loving girls about pregnancies! We hope you enjoy the issue today and we will be taking any request you have. Follow us for more fun tips about girls, stories, ideas and even fanfictions! If you have any type of idea or request, feel free to send it right away! 
A special thank you to @jedimasterbailey for her information about Mirialan girls
@swtor-legacy-sitcom for the Sith Blood Slurry Recipe.
@classie-cassy for the info on mandalorian girls
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